
smallfoot-check out the most awesomeness mockup for colored themes in ubuntu http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/317/coloredthemeyz9.png and if you like that, then vote for it http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9190/18:47
* thorwil waves to nand 20:27
* nand waves back20:27
nandstill no luck :(20:27
thorwilwonder what they are doing all day20:28
nandWell, there was the UDS, it is a valid excuse :)20:28
thorwilnand: got anything out of the UDS for brainstorm/yourself?20:28
nandconsidering brainstorm, the main wanted thing is an easy way for dev to cherry pick the "feasible" ideas20:29
* nand is still thinking on how to do it20:29
nandand basically it was agreed that feedback to brainstorm is important20:30
nandand we'll try to make ubuntu devs more involved in brainstorm, e.g. via the blog20:30
nandthorwil: btw, any hint on the status of http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/384/ ?20:31
nandI'd like to put some kind of update on this one, or better, ask kwwii to put some comments here20:32
thorwilnand: i don't think you should put out a bait like "Get your artwork on 10 million desktops"20:33
thorwilthat wouldn't be fair20:34
nandthorwil: I'm not responsible for the idea content :) But AFAIK, this was discussed and more or less agreed, right?20:34
nand(the deviant art competition part)20:34
nandsee attached blueprint20:35
thorwilnand: if it was discussed, i didn't follow it :/20:35
_MMA_There's no reason it couldn't happen. Just needs someone to manage it. With the knowledge it won't be default.20:35
thorwil_MMA_ last statement is _very_ important20:36
thorwiloh, blueprint contains: "The winner will be decided by Mark Shuttleworth in August"20:37
nandthe fact is, I don't know if this has really started, or not20:38
_MMA_thorwil: Just because the blueprint says it, doesnt make it official. Anyone can write one.20:39
thorwil_MMA_: i know. it stands and falls with Mark's involvment20:40
_MMA_thorwil: I would wadger Mark only cares about default and space willing, Ken can put in the winner.20:40
* _MMA_ notices the .tar.lzma archives are unknown and are missing a icon. kwwii: We should get that fixed.20:46
cody-somervilleHeya art folks! :)22:09
cody-somervilleCan someone please create some launchpad branding for the Ubuntu News team?22:09
_MMA_cody-somerville: Talk to thorwil tomorrow.22:19
_MMA_He's good with things like this.22:19
smallfoot-http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9190/ <-- check out cool idea22:19
kwwii_MMA_: still around?23:28
_MMA_kwwii: Kinda. Makin' burgers.23:29
Cimismallfoot-, please, stop it23:37
_MMA_Cimi: Be nice. He's done nothing wrong.23:38
smallfoot-its art-related idea kinda23:38
Cimi_MMA_, spamming since 5 hours23:39
_MMA_It's spammy but not off-topic.23:39
Cimismallfoot-, we already read 4 times23:39
Cimiand I agree with you, and I like your colors23:39
Cimibut please stop spamming23:39
Cimignome 2.26 will support color schemes23:40
Cimisomething selectable trough a combobox etc etc23:40
kwwii_MMA_: ein guten appetit23:40
kwwiienjoy your meal23:40
_MMA_kwwii: PM if needed.23:40
kwwiiCimi: it seems like something decent has come out of the email, eh?23:41
Cimikwwii, if this will become code well23:41
Cimiotherwise words are totally useless23:41
smallfoot-Cimi, awesome, but when is 2.26 come?23:41
Cimismallfoot-, march 200923:41
kwwiiCimi: I think it just might happen...I am putting in a theme with the current svn snapshot asap23:42
smallfoot-is long time23:42
Cimismallfoot-, we are currently working on muuuuch better things that you will enjoy much more than your (positive) idea23:43
kwwiiCimi: we should probably talk about how to handle bug reports soon :-)23:43
Cimikwwii, as I said23:43
Cimimy idea is not to provide it as the default theme23:43
Cimibut installing23:43
smallfoot-Cimi, oh cool, like what?23:43
Cimismallfoot-, you'll know when something will be out from our hats23:44
* Cimi hatttrick ;)23:44
kwwiiCimi: I think it is so early that we can try it out23:46
Cimikwwii, what do you mean?23:46
kwwiido things go horribly wrong if it doesn't work?23:46
kwwiiincluding a the murrine snapshot23:47
Cimikwwii, if neil/mirco will wrote a working patch for the systemtray23:47
Cimiwe won't have many issues23:48
Cimimainly broken applications are abiword/gnumeric (can be easily fixed)23:48
kwwiifor now the panel's are still opaque anyway23:48
Cimimaybe (dont know) openoffice23:48
kwwiiright, people can report bugs23:48
kwwiinot many people are running intrepid yet23:48
Cimithe problem is that from times to times23:48
kwwiiOOo seems to work find23:49
Cimideveloper did assume RGB as default23:49
Cimimaking things that are not compatible23:49
kwwiiexecpt the page background seems to be the input box color23:49
kwwiiit will come up23:49
Cimifor example23:49
kwwiiand we will see how we can fix it23:49
Cimiabiword is incorrectly using a cairo function to clear the background23:49
kwwiibut if we don't try now we will never get further23:49
Cimithis means that if you have a RGBA colormap23:50
Cimithe abiword window (page) will become totally transparent (cleared)23:50
Cimisame thing is happening for gnumeric23:50
Cimibtw all we need to do is to patch 1-2 lines of code23:51
Cimiusing cairo_source instead clear23:51
kwwiiso we will have to patch apps that have a problem with gtk-wide transparency23:51
Ciminot just us23:51
Cimiit is a bug of the applications23:52
Cimithey wrote bad code23:52
kwwiiCimi: btw, I will probably be bugging you about gtkrc stuff...is there any info on the current options?23:52
Cimithere's a xml23:52
kwwiiI looked through the stuff on the web and it seemed outdated23:52
Cimiand the gradient_stops are deprecated23:53
kwwiierm, so how does that effect gradient drawing?23:53
Cimiif you want (for example) a metal look23:54
Cimijust add23:54
Cimigradients = { 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8)23:54
Cimicould work23:54
Cimi> 1 means bright23:55
Cimi<1 dark23:55
Cimifrom top to bottom23:55
kwwiiright, but I have to understand what each thing does and how it does it23:55
kwwiior at least which values are possible so that I can test it out until I get it23:55
Cimiyou should ask me23:55
kwwiihehe, that was exactly my point23:56
Cimikwwii, they are explained in that xml23:56
_MMA_Documentation is good also. ;)23:56
* kwwii looks 23:56
kwwiiwow, that is pretty definitve23:57
Cimithat xml sucks23:57
Cimishould be updated23:58
Cimibut I think all options are in23:58
kwwiiit allows 4 gradient stops, if I read it correctly23:58
Cimithat is deprecated23:58
Cimiin favour of23:59
kwwiiso there are no stops allowed?23:59
Cimithe sintax is different23:59
kwwiior it is done directly in the gtk xml23:59
Cimilet me check the code23:59
Cimikwwii, that xml is not used in the theme23:59
Cimiis used for documentation23:59
kwwiinahhh...don't worry about it now23:59
kwwiiI'll ask once i have a real problem23:59
kwwiilet we play with it first23:59

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