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abogani | tjaalton: Are you around? May i disturb you for a minute? | 09:33 |
tjaalton | abogani: shoot | 09:34 |
abogani | tjaalton: Do you have a suggestions about last comment of the Bug #197130? | 09:35 |
tjaalton | abogani: not really, seems that -new is buggy (surprise!) | 09:36 |
tjaalton | maybe test the upstream beta version to see if it's any better | 09:36 |
abogani | tjaalton: I'm very bored by closed video drivers.... | 09:37 |
tjaalton | abogani: join the club :) | 09:38 |
abogani | tjaalton: i'm not very interested to join that. :-) | 09:38 |
tjaalton | abogani: can't blame you.. | 09:39 |
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abogani | tseliot: Do you have a minute for me? | 09:47 |
tseliot | abogani: sure | 09:51 |
abogani | tseliot: Do you have a suggestions about last comment of the Bug #197130? | 09:52 |
tseliot | abogani: let me have a look at it | 09:54 |
abogani | tjaalton: No problem. It isn't urgent :-) | 09:55 |
tseliot | abogani: I haven't experienced problems with -rt and the nvidia-new driver. I can install the -rt kernel again and see if I have problems | 09:58 |
tseliot | I'll let you know | 10:00 |
abogani | tseliot: Please no. I don't waste your time. :-) | 10:00 |
tseliot | abogani: I'm the new maintainer of the nvidia driver for Intrepid (together with tjaalton) therefore I will have to deal with it sooner or later ;) | 10:04 |
abogani | tseliot: I already know it ;) a lot of discussion about it in this channel. | 10:07 |
abogani | tjaalton: I hope that tjaalton is happy too :) | 10:07 |
* tseliot boots into the -rt kernel | 10:09 | |
abogani | tjaalton: Just curious, Except you and tseliot are there other nvidia driver maintainer? | 10:10 |
tseliot | abogani: :~$ uname -r | 10:15 |
tseliot | 2.6.24-17-rt | 10:15 |
tseliot | alberto@alberto-desktop:~$ dmesg | grep NVIDIA | 10:15 |
tseliot | [ 53.003447] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel. | 10:15 |
tseliot | [ 56.135592] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module 169.12 Thu Feb 14 17:53:07 PST 2008 | 10:15 |
tseliot | in other words the driver works well here | 10:16 |
tseliot | abogani: can you try the latest release of envyng-core from proposed and see if it solves the problem? | 10:16 |
abogani | tseliot: Ok. I'll try it asap. | 10:17 |
abogani | tseliot, tjaalton: Thanks you very much! | 10:17 |
tseliot | abogani: thanks for reporting ;) | 10:17 |
rtg__ | BenC: are you thinking you might upload the Hardy -security kernel today? | 13:56 |
BenC | rtg__: I passed all the uploads to kees...I figured he would do the actual upload | 13:58 |
BenC | I was actually thinking about a linux/linux-ports upload today :) | 13:58 |
rtg__ | BenC: ok, didn't know that. I wonder if he was on vacation yesterday? | 13:58 |
rtg__ | BenC: I want the -security kernel uploaded so I can get the next -proposed kernel out of my hair. the new LRM with broadcom is dependent on it. | 13:59 |
BenC | rtg__: last I heard, the security uploads were supposed to be done yesterday | 14:03 |
rtg__ | BenC: just checked, its still -17.31 | 14:08 |
zul | kees was sick yesterday | 14:13 |
guijemont | tjaalton: hi! (are you here?) | 14:29 |
guijemont | I've seen at some point you were trying to have nvidia's proprietary driver working with xen | 14:29 |
guijemont | is that still something you want to do? | 14:30 |
guijemont | because I have a patch for that, posted on the relevant bug | 14:30 |
guijemont | #216854 | 14:30 |
BenC | guijemont: I'm sure the xen folks are interested :) | 14:31 |
guijemont | well, the reason why I am mentioning it here, is because there is a bug for linux-restricted-modules regarding that | 14:32 |
guijemont | and seeing the package source, and changelog, there's obviously been an attempt to do that | 14:33 |
guijemont | and the patch is a patch to be applied on nvidia's kernel module | 14:34 |
guijemont | not on xen or on the kernel itself | 14:34 |
tjaalton | guijemont: yes, there's a patch which didn't help much.. failed to build IIRC | 14:35 |
guijemont | yeah, that's what I've seen in your changelog entry | 14:36 |
rtg__ | tjaalton: I'm working on incorporating the new Broadcom driver into LRM. I'll probably upload it against the -17 kernel sometime today. OK with you? | 14:37 |
tjaalton | rtg__: sure, I don't have anything for LRM at the moment | 14:38 |
rtg__ | tjaalton: cool, just wanted to make I wasn't stepping on toes. | 14:38 |
rtg__ | tjaalton: all the more reason to get LRM under source code control. | 14:38 |
tjaalton | rtg__: heh, stomp as much as you like :) | 14:39 |
tjaalton | indeed | 14:39 |
tjaalton | btw, any news on bug 212485? | 14:59 |
tjaalton | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/212485 | 15:00 |
tjaalton | happens pretty frequently here, but we've switched back to nfs3 for now, since .24 seems to make our netapp unhappy (don't know if this bug has anything to do with it..) | 15:01 |
rtg__ | BenC, tjaalton: package question, I can't seem to get LRM to use the new orig.tar.gz when building the source package. The new orig.tar.gz is linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-, the changelog version is 'linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( hardy-proposed; urgency=low'. I can package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24_2.6.24.12-17.36 just fine. | 16:39 |
rtg__ | tjaalton, BenC: never mind. I spotted a '-' where there should be an '_'. | 16:40 |
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Ng | is it possible to build LUM just for one flavour? (specifically, generic) | 17:59 |
Ng | for reasons of extreme hilarity, I am building LUM with s/alsa 1.0.16/alsa nightly snapshot/ \o/ | 18:01 |
Ng | but I'm guessing that a full build is going to take some time | 18:01 |
laga | i think it's possible, but i don't remember the specifics | 18:01 |
blueyed | rtg__: what do you think about merging http://git.openvz.org/?p=ubuntu-hardy-openvz;a=summary ? - It contains the a whole bunch of bugfix patches from the OpenVZ guys.. but then the upstream linux kernel tree also contains a lot of fixes, but does not get merged "as is".. | 19:34 |
rtg__ | blueyed: I'll do whatever you guys want, as long as you've tested the patch set and it works for you. just send pull requests on the kernel team mailing list. | 19:35 |
blueyed | rtg__: sounds too easy.. :D - at least I've asked about the CFS config before many times.. ;) | 19:36 |
blueyed | yes, it works for me. I'll file a bug for it. | 19:36 |
rtg__ | blueyed: send an email to the kernel team mailing list as well. i get buried by bug reports and I may not see the LP status change. | 19:37 |
Tophat | what is the latest hardy git resp? | 20:12 |
rtg__ | Tophat: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMaintenance | 20:17 |
Tophat | what git command would i use to update my codewithout having to redownload all of it?] | 20:22 |
emgent | heya people | 20:36 |
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LaserJock | where's the best place to report or look for a report of a regression in the 2.6.24-17 Hardy kernel? | 20:59 |
LaserJock | ah, I think I found the right report | 21:03 |
LaserJock | bug ##227029 | 21:03 |
LaserJock | anybody about how could direct me to some debugging procedures? | 21:05 |
munckfish | try looking through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 21:06 |
munckfish | plus generally google for articles on debugging the linux kernel | 21:07 |
LaserJock | yikes, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend looks rather scary | 21:09 |
* lamont notes that the laptop gets extremely pissy when you hibernate 2.6.24-16 and then resume 2.6.24-17 :-) | 21:47 | |
akv | I just tried the 2.6.25 kernel from https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive, but it fails when loading wireless drivers - http://lnxbx.dk/~akv/temp/2.6.25.txt | 22:41 |
soren | lamont: I would have assumed the resume code rejected the hibernation image? | 22:45 |
lamont | soren: dunno... it was pretty annoyed | 22:58 |
soren | lamont: I'm not surprised :) | 22:58 |
soren | lamont: I thought that the very first thing it did was to check some ID string or something. | 22:59 |
lamont | soren: and wifely one was remote with it, so there was lots of uh, attempts before I got my hands on it, and hard power-cycled it and booted the old kernel long enough to reboot into the new | 22:59 |
soren | lamont: Maybe its PRNG wasn't seeded properly, so it reused the one from the -16 kernel... | 22:59 |
lamont | soren: what's the pid of the kernel?? :-D | 22:59 |
soren | iz sekrit. | 23:00 |
lamont | lolz | 23:00 |
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