
rhpot1991tgm4883_laptop: ping00:28
Egghead2in 8.04, cant seem to get backend channel change script to work, i can run it from bash prompt (and all works), but wount run from myth, any ideas?01:19
szakulecare you using an IR blaster or a serial connection?01:21
Egghead2ir blaster, receiver and blaster, on pvr-150 card01:21
szakulecdid you re-run the setup?01:22
Egghead2yup a few times, even tried freash install, all :(01:23
tgm4883_laptoprhpot1991, pong01:23
szakuleceven on a fresh install it doesn't work?01:23
Egghead2well no01:23
tgm4883_laptopEgghead2, permission problem?01:23
Egghead2tgm no01:23
Egghead2from bash i run irsend and the channels will change, but it (the script ) will not run from myth01:24
Egghead2it like it never gets called01:24
tgm4883_laptopwhat if you run the script from the command line?01:24
Egghead2i run "/usr/bin/dish1.pl 1 2 2"01:25
Egghead2and itll change channels01:25
tgm4883_laptopare you changing to channel 122?01:25
Egghead2oops i ment, i run "/usr/bin/dish1.pl 122"01:25
tgm4883_laptopah ok01:25
tgm4883_laptopthat changes channels but wont from mythtv01:26
tgm4883_laptopwhats the backend log say about it?01:26
Egghead2not much, well to me, sez it calls lirc and then closes it01:26
Egghead2no error01:27
tgm4883_laptopwhats the output of01:27
tgm4883_laptopls -l /usr/bin/dish1.pl01:27
Egghead2-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1612 2008-05-27 19:10 /usr/bin/dish1.pl01:27
Egghead2i also call that script in the input section of backend setuo01:28
tgm4883_laptopwhat command did you put in mythtv-setup for it to call the script?01:28
tgm4883_laptopyou put the full path?01:28
Egghead2no quotes :)01:29
tgm4883_laptoplooks right to me01:29
Egghead2i know, im running out of hair lol01:29
tgm4883_laptoptry changing the owner to mythtv:mythtv01:29
Egghead2of the script?01:29
tgm4883_laptopheres my directv script01:29
tgm4883_laptop-rwx------ 1 mythtv mythtv 20897 2008-03-06 17:47 directv.pl01:29
Egghead2hmmm, i made the file as root, maybe try remaking file as myth1?01:30
tgm4883_laptopno you shouldn't need to remake the file01:31
Egghead2itll run from myth1 bash01:31
tgm4883_laptopsudo chown mythtv:mythtv /usr/bin/dish1.pl01:31
Egghead2cool ill try it01:31
tgm4883_laptoppastebin your backend.log01:33
Egghead2also tried -rwx------ 1 mythtv mythtv 1612 2008-05-27 19:10 /usr/bin/dish1.pl01:34
Egghead2ok brb01:34
tgm4883_laptopEgghead2, where do you get your channel data from?01:38
tgm4883_laptopand where do you live?01:39
Egghead2florida, usa01:39
Egghead2and thru the defaul, i forget the name of the chnnl service01:39
tgm4883_laptopschedules direct?01:40
Egghead2yup thats it01:40
tgm4883_laptop2 things you need to check01:40
tgm4883_laptopfirst, go to mythweb01:40
tgm4883_laptopthen go to listing01:40
Egghead2ok, ill have to install it01:40
Egghead2i dont think it is01:40
tgm4883_laptopEgghead2, it should be by default01:41
tgm4883_laptopon your backend01:41
Egghead2ok, @ listing01:41
tgm4883_laptopmake sure you have a channel 122 in there01:41
tgm4883_laptopalso, how is your dish box hooked up to your pc?01:42
Egghead2its there, sez sci fi, but then next to it no data01:42
Egghead2thru the svideo01:42
tgm4883_laptopdo all your channels have no data or just that one?01:43
GeraldNunnAnyone have any luck configuring an HP media center remote with mythbuntu?01:43
tgm4883_laptopEgghead2, yes?01:43
Egghead2tgm, yes01:43
Egghead2all chnls have no data nect to them01:43
Egghead2just chnnl number and name01:44
tgm4883_laptopEgghead2, ok01:44
tgm4883_laptopEgghead2, have you run mythfilldatabase?01:44
Egghead2no i havent01:44
tgm4883_laptoptry running that01:44
GeraldNunnWhen I run lsusb I see a Hewlett-Packard device but nothing else that looks like a remote, shouldn't the remote show up as a Philips?01:45
tgm4883_laptoponce thats done try testing it again01:45
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, do you have a link to the remote?01:45
Egghead2ok will do, thanks tgm01:45
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, your remote won't show up in lsusb, only your ir receiver will01:46
GeraldNunnIt's the remote that comes out of the box with HP computers, Vista shows it as a ehome remote01:47
GeraldNunnHere is a picture if it helps http://www.trustedreviews.com/images/article/inline/3932-remote.jpg01:47
GeraldNunnWhen I run irw I get the message 'Connection Refused' which I think implies the device is not there. I've configured mythbuntu for the newer philips remote01:48
GeraldNunnAlso I'm running mythbuntu 8.0.401:50
GeraldNunnOK, I hink I understand lsusb now, te IR rceiver is from Fomosa02:02
GeraldNunnBus 004 Device 004: ID 147a:e018 Formosa Industrial Computing, Inc.02:02
GeraldNunnQuestion though still is why isn't it working?02:02
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, it would seem that the receiver needs different modules02:03
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, what verson of lirc do you have installed?02:06
GeraldNunnlircd 0.8.3pre102:08
tgm4883_laptopI think I found the problem02:08
tgm4883_laptoplet me see if I can get some verification02:09
tgm4883_laptophow savvy are you in linux?02:09
GeraldNunnThanks, I appreciate the help02:09
GeraldNunnNot that savy but I am technical, my day job is developing in Java and j2ee02:10
tgm4883_laptopwould you have a problem with compiling the lirc from source?02:11
GeraldNunnNope, already had to compile and install the realtek network drivers for the 8168 card to fx a problem with it02:11
tgm4883_laptoplet me give you a link to what I think is the problem02:11
tgm4883_laptopbasically the ir receiver isn't recognized as needing the mceusb2 module02:12
tgm4883_laptopnot until lirc 0.8.3~pre302:12
GeraldNunnD'oh, I'm two e versions too early. Thanks or the tip, I'll give it a go02:13
tgm4883_laptopI usually try to stay away from compiling from source, but I'm not seeing any other way02:13
GeraldNunnI've found instructions on it previously so I'll gve it a go, thanks for the help02:15
tgm4883_laptopnp, good luck02:16
Egghead2tgm, mythfilldatabase finished, still doesnt change chnnels, also mythweb list errors out with:02:17
Egghead2Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/tv/includes/objects/Program.php on line 29102:17
Egghead2tgm, i found the problem, user-head-gap, i set the "preset tuner to channel" box to 122, i guess this should be left blank02:34
Egghead2tgm, but thanks foryour help02:35
cal_how do i tell if i am getting a signal from my cable box through firewire? dmesg reports getting a GUID, but i have no video on mythtv using the firewire input02:40
MythbuntuGuest41I was goofing around and managed to get the application bar stuck at the top of the screen.  I cannot find how to get rid of it....03:00
MythbuntuGuest41I didn't have "display mythtv in a window"03:07
tgm4883_laptopMythbuntuGuest41, you need to go into the screen setup wizard in the frontend and reset it to defaults03:24
tgm4883_laptopthat is most likely what happened03:24
tgm4883_laptopIIRC, there is a bug about it03:24
MythbuntuGuest41that  did it, thanks03:28
GeraldNunntgm4883_laptop: Thanks for the earlier assistance with my remote, however I compiled 0.8.3 of lirc (it was just released) and still no joy03:37
tgm4883_laptopno irw joy?03:37
tgm4883_laptoptry modprobing mceusb203:38
GeraldNunnIf I run 'modprobe mceusb2' I get no module mceusb2 found03:39
tgm4883_laptopsorry, lirc_mceusb203:40
GeraldNunnWeird, with 'modprobe lirc_mceusb2' it doesn't show anything, shouldn't it fail or show the module?03:41
GeraldNunnAlso, in /etc/init.d I have just a lirc script here, shouldn't lircd be here instead?03:42
tgm4883_laptopI don't believe so03:43
tgm4883_laptoptry irw now03:43
GeraldNunnOK, I just see people refering to running /etc/init.d/lircd restart instead of lirc03:43
tgm4883_laptopthose people are crazy ;)03:44
GeraldNunnStill get 'Connection Refused'03:44
tgm4883_laptoprestart lirc, then try irw, i'm going to look something up03:44
GeraldNunnLooking at the system/modules/lirc I see everything dated today03:44
GeraldNunnWhen I restart, it says 'FAIL' for stopping but OK for restart. Also irw just drops me back to the command line on the first try and then says 'Connection Refused' on the second try03:46
tgm4883_laptoptry this03:47
tgm4883_laptopsudo /etc/init.d/lirc stop03:47
tgm4883_laptoprun this03:48
tgm4883_laptopsudo /usr/sbin/lircd -n03:48
tgm4883_laptophopefully you should get some errors03:48
GeraldNunnThe stop still returns a [fail], the -n command hangs the prompt, should I break out of it?03:49
tgm4883_laptopdoesn't respond with anything?03:50
tgm4883_laptopopen another terminal03:50
tgm4883_laptopand try irw03:50
GeraldNunnSorry yes it does, I get lircd-0.8.3pre1[23065]: lircd(userspace) ready03:50
GeraldNunnWhoops, isn't that the wrong version03:50
tgm4883_laptopit would appear so03:50
GeraldNunnWhen I run irw in another terminal I get this and then it breaks out03:51
GeraldNunnlircd-0.8.3pre1[23065]: accepted new client on /dev/lircd03:51
GeraldNunnlircd-0.8.3pre1[23065]: could not open /dev/lirc03:51
GeraldNunnlircd-0.8.3pre1[23065]: default_init(): No such device03:51
GeraldNunnlircd-0.8.3pre1[23065]: caught signal03:51
tgm4883_laptopi'm thinking that we need the new version of lirc to load03:52
tgm4883_laptopthen it will work Hopefully03:53
GeraldNunnOK, how do I do that?03:53
tgm4883_laptopirw seems to be crashing because it doesn't know you have a ir receiver03:53
tgm4883_laptopwhat does apt-get remove lirc try to uninstall?03:53
GeraldNunnroot@linux-media-pc:~# apt-get remove lirc03:55
GeraldNunnReading package lists... Done03:55
GeraldNunnBuilding dependency tree03:55
GeraldNunnReading state information... Done03:55
GeraldNunnThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:03:55
GeraldNunn  menu libnfsidmap2 python-notify gdebi smbfs libvncserver0 libevent103:55
GeraldNunn  gdebi-core jockey-common setserial librpcsecgss3 expect localechooser-data03:55
GeraldNunn  tcl8.4 libdebconfclient0 jockey-gtk libgssglue1 portmap nfs-common03:55
GeraldNunnUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.03:55
GeraldNunnThe following packages will be REMOVED:03:55
GeraldNunn  lirc mythbuntu-common mythbuntu-control-centre mythbuntu-desktop03:55
GeraldNunn  mythbuntu-lirc-generator03:55
GeraldNunn0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 5 to remove and 59 not upgraded.03:55
GeraldNunnAfter this operation, 3191kB disk space will be freed.03:55
GeraldNunnI'm not sure I should remove lirc if strips out all that other stuff, what do you think?03:56
GeraldNunnOr I suppose I could remove it and then add the non lirc packages back in03:57
GeraldNunnBTW, I just started setting this up so if we hose it and I start from scratch no big deal03:57
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, sec, i'm discussing with another dev03:57
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, post the output of 'ls /dev/lirc*'04:02
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, alright04:05
tgm4883_laptoplets go ahead and remove lirc04:05
tgm4883_laptopdo it this way04:05
GeraldNunnHere is what I get for the ls command04:06
GeraldNunn/dev/lirc  /dev/lircd  /dev/lircm04:06
tgm4883_laptopsudo apt-get remove --purge lirc04:06
tgm4883_laptopthen we can add in the other stuff it removes later04:06
tgm4883_laptopbut lets do that first04:06
tgm4883_laptopare you doing this via ssh?04:06
GeraldNunnNope, I'm on the machine. Using the default terminal mythbuntu has in xfce04:07
GeraldNunnGot an error trying to remove lirc04:07
GeraldNunndpkg - warning: while removing lirc, directory `/etc/lirc' not empty so not removed.04:07
GeraldNunnSorry, warning, I guess I can ignore it04:08
tgm4883_laptopthat probably because we already compiled lirc04:08
GeraldNunnBTW also it tried to stop lirc when removing it and failed04:08
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, try stopping lirc then04:09
tgm4883_laptopctrl c out of it from the terminal04:09
GeraldNunnMaybe I am an idiot but what do you mean ctrl c out of it from the terminal, I'm not running a process in the terminal. The apt-get remove finished, just had those messages04:10
tgm4883_laptopwe started it in a terminal via /usr/sbin/lircd -n04:10
tgm4883_laptopotherwise try sudo /etc/init.d/lirc stop04:11
GeraldNunnSorry, that stopped when I ran irw, I pasted the output rom that above04:11
tgm4883_laptopah ok04:11
tgm4883_laptopwe are also going to need to forcibly remove everything from /etc/lirc04:12
tgm4883_laptopthen recompile04:12
tgm4883_laptopthis is one of those instances where we need to run04:12
GeraldNunnOK, /etc/lirc deleted and removed04:13
tgm4883_laptoprm -rf /etc/lirc04:13
tgm4883_laptopthe whole thing is gone?04:13
GeraldNunnThere was only one file in it, hardware.conf.something, looked like a backup. Maybe it was write protected?04:13
tgm4883_laptoplets do a sudo apt-get remove --purge lirc one more time04:14
tgm4883_laptopjust to be sure it's gone04:14
tgm4883_laptoptrying to work from a clean slate04:14
GeraldNunnLooks fine, here is the result04:14
GeraldNunnReading package lists... Done04:14
GeraldNunnBuilding dependency tree04:14
GeraldNunnReading state information... Done04:14
GeraldNunnPackage lirc is not installed, so not removed04:14
GeraldNunnThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:04:14
GeraldNunn  menu libnfsidmap2 python-notify gdebi smbfs libvncserver0 libevent104:14
GeraldNunn  gdebi-core jockey-common setserial librpcsecgss3 expect localechooser-data04:14
GeraldNunn  tcl8.4 libdebconfclient0 jockey-gtk libgssglue1 portmap nfs-common04:14
GeraldNunnUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.04:14
GeraldNunn0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 59 not upgraded.04:14
tgm4883_laptoplooks good, lets recompile it now04:15
GeraldNunnOK, when I compiled I ran '../setup.sh' followed by 'make' and 'make install'. In the setup I pick the USB remote and the new Philips remote o get the mceusb2 driver. Anything else I need to do?04:16
tgm4883_laptopI think that should be it04:16
GeraldNunnDoing it now...04:17
GeraldNunnOK all done04:17
tgm4883_laptoplets try modprobing lirc_mceusb2 again04:18
GeraldNunnDo I need to start it first?04:18
tgm4883_laptopdepmod lirc_mceusb204:19
tgm4883_laptopthen modprobe lirc_mceusb204:19
tgm4883_laptopyea start it04:19
tgm4883_laptopthen we can try irw04:19
tgm4883_laptopand hopefully I haven't failed you04:19
GeraldNunnroot@linux-media-pc:/usr/src/lirc-0.8.3# depmod lirc_mceusb204:19
GeraldNunnWARNING: Can't read module lirc_mceusb2: No such file or directory04:19
GeraldNunnroot@linux-media-pc:/usr/src/lirc-0.8.3# modprobe lirc_mceusb204:20
GeraldNunnFATAL: Module lirc_mceusb2 not found.04:20
GeraldNunnSeems like there is still a problem, maybe I'm missing something when compiling?04:20
GeraldNunnBTW, when I run the setup.sh, I am doing the save and run configuration option which should set things up for the make command right?04:21
tgm4883_laptop2 questions04:22
tgm4883_laptopfirst, why are you logged on as root04:22
tgm4883_laptopsecondly, is your root account actually root04:23
GeraldNunnI'm lazy, instead of typing sudo all the time I just switched to root using sudo -s temporarily04:23
tgm4883_laptopI lied, 3rd question.  try04:23
tgm4883_laptopsudo modprobe lirc_mceusb204:23
GeraldNunnroot@linux-media-pc:/usr/src/lirc-0.8.3# sudo modprobe lirc_mceusb204:23
GeraldNunnFATAL: Module lirc_mceusb2 not found.04:23
GeraldNunnAnd you could be right that root is not actually root, let me try recompiling again04:24
GeraldNunnNo difference, depmod still fails04:26
GeraldNunngerald@linux-media-pc:/usr/src/lirc-0.8.3$ sudo depmod lirc_mceusb204:26
GeraldNunnWARNING: Can't read module lirc_mceusb2: No such file or directory04:26
tgm4883_laptopyea I noticed that too04:26
tgm4883_laptopsudo rmmod lirc_mceusb204:26
GeraldNunnJust went right back to command prompt on that one04:27
GeraldNunnroot@linux-media-pc:/usr/src/lirc-0.8.3# sudo rmmod lirc_mceusb204:27
tgm4883_laptopI think* that is a good thing04:27
tgm4883_laptopnow modprobe it04:28
GeraldNunngerald@linux-media-pc:/usr/src/lirc-0.8.3$ sudo modprobe lirc_mceusb204:28
GeraldNunnFATAL: Module lirc_mceusb2 not found.04:28
GeraldNunnI could try the apt-get remove again, when you do this should the module be removed from /sys/modules?04:32
tgm4883_laptopwell the apt-get remove should only remove things installed by apt04:32
tgm4883_laptopwhich since we are compiling it isn't there anymore04:32
GeraldNunnOh, ok04:33
tgm4883_laptopjust for fun, lets try rebooting04:33
GeraldNunnOK, back in a second04:33
GeraldNunntgm4883_laptop: Well maybe rebooting wasn't a great idea, I lost the network driver and nvidia driver. I assume this because of the things that got uninstalled when we removed those other packages04:41
GeraldNunnShould I run depmod now?04:41
GeraldNunnI still get the no file or directory error04:44
GeraldNunnHey tgm4883_laptop, not sure if you saw my earlier message but my system got a little hosed with the reboot as I lost network and video04:47
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, what we removed shouldn't have had any effect on that04:48
GeraldNunnI'm surprised too, there used to be this Hardware Driver applet in the System folder that showed my network driver and realtek network driver. It's gone now along with those items04:49
GeraldNunnSorry, actually the 'Hardware Driver' applet is there but it's not showing my other drivers anymore. Anyways, I'll have to call it a night.04:51
GeraldNunnIf you have an in with the04:51
tgm4883_laptopGeraldNunn, i'll ask around.  See whats up with that and find out if lirc is going to be backported04:52
GeraldNunnDamn keyboard, I was going to suggest that if you have an in with the MythBuntu developers maybe you could get them to make lirc 0.83 available in the package manager since it was released in early May04:52
tgm4883_laptopheh, i'll see what i can do ;)04:52
GeraldNunnThanks again for the help, I learned tons which is useful in of itself. Have a good night04:52
=== Penfold_ is now known as Penfold
Bob24hello all12:40
Bob24could someone please tell me how i can setup a remote to work on Mythbuntu?12:41
Bob24anyone please12:42
Bob24its not working correctly12:42
Bob24whats the best setting for generic brands12:42
Bob24like Twinhan12:43
Bob24hello anyone here12:59
Bob24hello anyone here13:12
darthanubisSorry, failed to fetch http://localhost:6544/xml. why?15:50
sabhaindarthanubis, when do you get that error?15:56
darthanubisoften, no rhyme or reason15:57
darthanubisjust in my email15:57
sabhainin your email?  from the mythserver?15:57
darthanubisit sends an email to root15:57
darthanubisor my user15:57
darthanubisthis is the master backend15:59
sabhaincheck that out .. are you running the latest version of everything?16:00
darthanubisI'm going o take a look at the script now16:02
darthanubisadd --host=$HOST to this /usr/bin/mythtv-status --email $EMAIL $EMAIL_ARGS?16:03
darthanubisand there is no remote host16:05
darthanubismaybe I need to run mythtv-setup and clear the remote host option?16:06
Bregniranybody tried to compile the latest v4l-dvb drivers with 8.04?20:04
BregnirI'm having trouble getting the saa7134-alsa module to compile20:06
sardiskanI have an error on my mythbox...I set some movies to transcode...and I get this error in the status window22:50
sardiskanexit status 255, job status was "errored"22:50

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