
owhnijaba: How is the hosting for the survey coming along?00:53
owhkirkland: I didn't see any further replies to our lsb list submission. There was one initial response to which I responded: http://lists.debian.org/debian-lsb/2008/05/maillist.html#0000000:57
kirklandowh: hmm, that's disappointing01:28
kirklandowh: remind me...  do we have a debian bug filed?01:28
owhkirkland: Well, there are the two bugs that were there in the beginning, but they seem to have languished. Lemmie look for the numbers.01:29
owhkirkland: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=291148 and http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=20801001:32
uvirtbot`Debian bug 291148 in debian-policy "status action for init.d scripts" [Wishlist,Open]01:32
uvirtbot`Debian bug 208010 in debian-policy "Require init.d scripts comply with LSB" [Wishlist,Open]01:33
kirklandowh: hmm, i think that bug should be against lsb-base01:33
kirklandrather than debian policy01:33
kirklandowh: I'm going to open a new bug, and reference that one01:33
owhkirkland: No, the discussion went right off the rails - in my opinion - and became a discussion about policy.01:33
owhkirkland: A bit like it did here :)01:34
kirklandowh: what's your "no" in reference to?01:34
kirklandowh: "No" it should not be against lsb-base01:34
owhkirkland: Ah, I see your confusion :)01:34
owhkirkland: Yes, there should be a bug against lsb-base, but it was already that initially, it was changed to a policy bug.01:34
kirklandowh: ugh01:35
owhSee what I mean?01:36
owhOr did I misunderstand what happened?01:36
kirklandowh: okay, well, here's what I'm going to do....01:38
kirklandowh: I'm going to open a new bug against lsb-base in debian01:38
kirklandowh: attach our patch01:39
kirklandreference the policy bug for history01:39
owhBoth of the bugs I showed you?01:39
owhAs in, reference both?01:40
owhWould it not be simpler to reference our LP bug with its attachments?01:40
owhOr is that not a done thing?01:40
owhkirkland: FYI, ours is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/at/+bug/20316901:42
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 203169 in samba ""status" function for init scripts" [Wishlist,Confirmed]01:42
* owh had it open in a window :)01:42
owhkirkland: Hmm, wonder why it shows as a samba bug - perhaps because that's the only one Confirmed.01:43
ScottKPolicy is the right place to end in Debian, but in Debian the Policy describes the facts on the ground, it doesn't generally lead them.01:54
owhSorry, ScottK, I don't understand what you mean.01:55
ScottKNo one will write it in the official policy until after there is a significant body of packages doing it.01:56
ScottKPolicy reflects the established consensus.  It describes the current situation, not some future ideal.01:56
owhScottK: So, are you saying that kirkland and I will need to approach every single package maintainer and ask them to implement this before we get any traction?01:58
kirklandowh: I think we need to get our 10-line patch accepted into lsb-base FIRST01:58
owhkirkland: I agree.01:58
kirklandowh: once that's there, we send our 3-4 line patches to a few dozen core service's init scripts01:59
kirklandowh: and perhaps other people will patch others01:59
kirklandowh: considering there hasn't been any movement on our patch to the debian-lsb list, i think we should file a bug (with patch) against lsb-base01:59
owhkirkland: So, the lsb-base package maintainer hasn't responded, neither has the lsb-list, what's next?01:59
kirklandowh: a bug against lsb-base with patch02:00
owhkirkland: The pessimistic side of me suspects that it will be marked as a dupe and shifted to policy, but I agree with your process.02:00
kirklandowh: perhaps02:00
ScottKowh: Not all, but I think kirkland's got it about right.02:00
kirklandowh: but here we're dealing with real and practical code, and not a policy document02:01
kirklandScottK: cool, thanks for the validation, i was wondering what advice you might have02:01
owhYes, and that is different from the two bugs so far.02:01
ScottKI'd also check and see if any of the lsb-base maintainers are active in Ubuntu and if so approach them directly.02:02
owhNow that is a top idea.02:02
ScottKThis might be a good release goal for Lenny +1.02:02
kirklandowh: i thought you emailed the maintainer directly as a first step?02:02
owhkirkland: I did and received no reply.02:03
owhkirkland: Twice.02:03
kirklandowh: right, then you/we emailed the debian-lsb mailing list02:03
ScottKIs there a single maintainer or are there several (including uploaders - those are co-maintainers).02:03
* ScottK runs off.02:03
owhkirkland: Yes.02:03
* owh wonders if ScottK is talking about real running or virtual running :)02:04
owhkirkland: Let me have a squiz at the changelog. Perhaps we can get some ideas from there.02:04
kirklandowh: okay02:04
kirklandowh: ScottK: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15201/02:05
kirklandattaching the patch02:06
owhkirkland: In the gutsy changelog I have there are lots of ubuntu people, Lamont Jones, Tollef Fog Heen, Michael Vogt, SJR, Matthias Klose. In Debian there are Christian Perrier, Chris Lawrence. I emailed Chris Lawrence and he features most in the Changelog.02:07
owhkirkland: That bug report looks good to me. When you've submitted it, I think we should add it to LP. Perhaps it should also contain a link to our LP bug.02:09
kirklandowh: definitely02:09
kirklandowh: I've submitted it, it takes 15 minutes or so to hit the system02:10
owhAs in, it should link both ways.02:10
kirklandowh: yes, absolutely02:10
owhI mean, there's no point on doing this kind of stuff in isolation :)02:10
kirklandowh: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=48328502:18
uvirtbot`Debian bug 483285 in lsb-base "lsb-base: lsb status_of_proc() function" [Wishlist,Open]02:18
owhI'll add it to ours02:19
owhkirkland: Do you think I should also add the other Debian bug to our bug?02:19
kirklandowh: i'm doing it now02:20
emgentheya people02:20
owhkirkland: I'll stop typing then :)02:20
kirklandowh: updated https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/debian/+source/lsb/+bug/20316902:20
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 203169 in samba ""status" function for init scripts" [Wishlist,Confirmed]02:20
owhemgent: Salutations. What is your challenge today?02:20
ajmitchgood day02:21
emgentowh: ?02:21
owhkirkland: Do you think we should also add the other Debian bug: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=20801002:21
emgenthi ajmitch :)02:21
uvirtbot`Debian bug 208010 in debian-policy "Require init.d scripts comply with LSB" [Wishlist,Open]02:21
kirklandowh: hmm, perhaps02:22
kirklandowh: but the debian-policy bugs aren't nearly as pertinent02:22
owhemgent: Well, when a new (new to me) person turns up and greets the room, I try to be helpful :)02:22
owhkirkland: No, but it shows that we mean business :)02:22
owhAs in, we've done our homework as best we can.02:23
kirklandowh: sure02:23
kirklandowh: you can add it then, if you want02:23
emgentowh: gh02:23
ajmitchowh: great, so you can help me with any problems I may have? :)02:23
emgentkirkland: some news from upstream and debian peope to cron ?02:23
owhajmitch: No, I know you - you're on your own :)02:24
kirklandemgent: i haven't seen anything, sadly :-(02:24
emgentargh :-\02:24
emgentok we will wait :P02:24
owhajmitch: Ask and perhaps yea shall receive.02:24
kirklandemgent: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=48228402:25
uvirtbot`Debian bug 482284 in cron "crontab -e should use /usr/bin/sensible-editor" [Normal,Open]02:25
emgentyep i saw02:25
ajmitchowh: well I don't have any ubuntu server problems today02:25
emgentit`s in lp tracker02:25
owhajmitch: Well then you'll just have to take your chances :)02:25
* lamont still has mixed feelings about the sanity of init.d status options02:26
owhkirkland: Hmm, LP doesn't like two bugs for a distro about the same thing with a different ID.02:26
kirklandowh: okay, then leave as the one with the patch to lsb-base02:27
owhlamont: I recall you making a comment about set -e in the code, indicating that echo $? returned nada. If I recall that report from you correctly, can you elaborate because I don't understand it.02:27
kirklandlamont: what are your objections?02:27
kirklandowh: that was slangasek02:27
owhkirkland: Yeah, it won't take two debian-policy things.02:28
owhkirkland: Hmm, my memory is fading, I'm getting old :|02:28
kirklandowh: review the comments to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lsb/+bug/20316902:28
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 203169 in lsb ""status" function for init scripts" [Wishlist,In progress]02:28
owhkirkland: I was just reading and noted it - my screen is on a satellite link and it was still refreshing.02:28
owhkirkland: lamont commented that it needs a full spec and perhaps should be in the start-stop daemon.02:29
kirklandlamont: owh: the functionality that is needed is described in the lsb spec itself02:30
owhkirkland: I agree.02:30
owhkirkland: To be fair, we're just providing step 1 of that, not even the full implementation, but at least the structure to hang the rest off.02:31
kirklandlamont: owh: and I'm not clear on how this would work in the start-stop-daemon...  this is a 3rd party evaluation of whether or not a service is running02:31
kirklandowh: what do you know of that we're missing?02:32
lamontowh: if the script is running with 'set -e' active, then any non-zero return results in the immediate exiting of the script... (see any of the various posix-like shell manpages...)02:32
owhlamont: Even in a function call?02:32
lamontthe status of -e is inherited, yes.02:32
owhkirkland: Well we're only providing the infrastructure for the LSB spec. We don't provide the actual return codes for all the codes that are specified.02:33
kirklandowh: right02:33
lamontrather, I expect that the function would immediately exit with the non-zero status02:34
owhlamont: Hold on, that makes no sense to me, we're not talking about an exit with a return code, we're talking about a function return.02:34
owhlamont http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12710633/lsb.status.debdiff02:34
owhThat's the lsb patch we're talking about.02:34
lamont-mix 790 : sh02:35
lamont-mix \! : foo() { false; echo bar; }02:35
lamont-mix \! : set -e02:35
lamont-mix \! : foo02:35
lamont-mix 791 :02:35
owhlamont: So, you're saying that the pidofproc $daemon >/dev/null will terminate and never get to the next line?02:36
lamontso, if the calling script is running with set -e (as is recommended for init.d scripts), and the daemon is not running, then you'll get nothing but effectively "pidofproc $daemon >/dev/null; return 1"02:36
lamontand this is why god invented if statements02:36
owhIf that is the case then, the rest of the lsb code is also borked.02:36
lamontgiven my experience with the folks who tout lsb initscriptage, I find that completely unsurprising02:38
* lamont had the privilege of fixing a whole bunch of lsb-ized initscripts in the hoary timeframe02:38
kirklandand that's the most annoying part about this whole experience02:38
kirklandwe're not touting lsb02:39
kirklandi don't have any particular love for it02:39
lamontkirkland: I never said you were02:39
owhSo, why are we doing this thing?02:39
kirklandi simply want to be able to determine if and when most any daemon is running or not02:40
owhI mean, I realise that it's needed, but its also borked.02:40
lamontthe lsb code just most-reminds me of something written by first-year CS students and debugged into existance: it generally works02:40
owhlamont: It seems that our code has the set -e issue, but the pidofproc() function has the same issue.02:40
kirklandthe place that makes the most sense to put this functionality is in /lib/lsb/init-functions, as that is inherited by almost any init script02:40
owhHmm, so perhaps we need to "fix" pidofproc as well :(02:41
lamontfixing lsb stuff would be a major step forward for lsb, I believe02:41
lamontkirkland: and yes, in ithe init-functions makes lots of sense02:41
lamontof course, since that's sourced by everyone and his brother, making it slow would also get you attention from the "I can shave .37 seconds off the boot process" people02:41
owhSo, lamont, is what kirkland and I are attempting just really the thin end of the wedge in your opinion, or are we just wasting our resources?02:42
lamontI recognize the value of being able to see if a daemon is running.  and putting it into lsb/init-functions makes the most sense to me, given the push both in ubuntu and debian towards lsb-ized init scripts02:43
lamonthrm... make that "I recognize that many people see value in being able to"...02:43
owhStop making jokes like that, my stomach hurts.02:44
lamontat the same time, I'm not sure of the overall value to the security of the internet in having my grandmother be able to think she's doing a good job of administering a public-facing server02:44
kirklandpidofproc is a function that is provided by /lib/lsb/init-functions, and is used in various places02:44
owhkirkland: But if what lamont showed us is true, then it is also borked, unless I can't read the code properly.02:44
kirklandowh: test your patches02:45
kirklandowh: apply the init-functions patch02:45
owhkirkland: Specifically, this: /bin/pidof -o %PPID $1    status="$?"02:46
lamontowh: pidofproc needs a "if" in front of the /bin/pidof call, with the appropriate other changes, if it's to survive a -e script02:46
kirklandowh: then patch apache02:46
owhlamont: Are you talking about the same bit of code as I am?02:46
owhlamont: That's a relief :)02:46
lamontjust search for =.*\$\?02:46
owhThere's more :)02:47
lamonter, =.*\$?02:47
lamontI like the "... || status=$?02:47
lamontnice construct02:47
lamontsee killproc()02:47
lamontthat's a clean and fixed version of how to set status=$?02:48
kirklandlamont: yes, that's concise02:48
owhlamont: Which version of the code are you looking at, I'm looking at a gutsy one that is to hand.02:49
c1|freakyis there any way to use a program as IDE on windows, and to work on files on a linux server? like u could do with the fish protocol? the only thing I need is a good IDE for windows which supports makefile projects (like eclips eg.) and I need a way to work on my files remotely in real time - does anyone know of a solution for that? maybe something like a webdrive but, i don't want to and can't02:49
c1|freakyuse webdav.02:49
c1|freakyany idea?02:49
owhc1|freaky: Samba02:49
kirklandc1|freaky: samba02:49
c1|freakyit's not in my LAN02:49
c1|freakyi don't want to use a VPN02:50
owhc1|freaky: Set up an SSH tunnel.02:50
c1|freakyssh tunnel for what?02:50
owhc1|freaky: To tunnel ftp mount for example.02:50
kirklandor sshfs02:50
c1|freakythere sadly seems to be no support for fish02:50
owhc1|freaky: Where?02:50
c1|freakycan i mount ssh fs on a windows machine?02:50
c1|freakyin windows02:51
kirklanddunno, haven't used windows in 8 years02:51
owhc1|freaky: Run a virtual machine or a cygwin.02:51
c1|freakyno i dont want that02:51
kirklandc1|freaky: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html?cx=003883529982892832976%3Aly2fmeg302s&cof=FORID%3A9&q=sshfs+windows&sa=Search02:51
owhc1|freaky: Or boot from a Live CD :)02:51
c1|freakyive got ubuntu installed (with gnome) on my desktop pc02:51
c1|freakybut i want to be able to code in windows too02:52
c1|freakyand in both operating systems at the same place and i dont want to format my other partition to fat3202:52
c1|freakyi could use SVN02:52
c1|freakybut i dont have a simple method to manage svn repos02:52
lamontand besides, svn sucks02:53
owhc1|freaky: Eclipse comes with one built in :)02:53
owhlamont: There is that :)02:53
c1|freakyowh: with what built in?02:53
lamonter, I mean, svn fails to work well for anything more than a single-developer02:53
c1|freakywhy should it fail its made for that02:54
lamontc1|freaky: it creates branches fast (so what).  merges of any complex source project in svn are a multi-day (maybe just several hour) nightmare, since it doesn't actually track patchsets02:55
lamontthe current generation of version control systems (bzr, git, hg) all track branchsets, and therefore give you fast merges (which is what we do care about)02:55
owhlamont: I'm looking at the hardy version of init-functions, I cannot see what you showed us as the nice construct.02:55
kirklandowh: line 12902:56
kirkland            /sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop --signal "$sig" --pidfile "$pidfile" --quiet $name_param || status="$?"02:56
kirkland(and friends)02:56
lamontand above that is "status=0", to complete the assignments02:56
kirklandright, as lamont says02:56
owhHmm, while I believe you both, I must be going blind.02:57
c1|freakyi gotta find a good solution for me and other people. the best thing would be direct remove access but webdav fails to support https on win vista02:57
c1|freaky*remote not remove02:57
lamontapparently hg (aka mercurial) provides some pretty good windoze support02:58
* lamont has never used hg though.02:58
c1|freakyi guess the only and one solution is using linux then?02:59
linuxmademecrazyhello people!03:00
linuxmademecrazy._. again03:00
owhkirkland: Line 129 is: if [ -z "$sig" ]; then03:00
c1|freakywell thank you for the help03:00
* owh feels very dumb.03:00
lamontc1|freaky: hg has a windows client (possibly a server), and provides a UI on both platforms03:00
kirklandowh: you're looking at /lib/lsb/init-functions ?03:01
owhkirkland: Yup.03:01
c1|freakylamont: yes but trac doesn't support it. is there any software like trac for hg?03:01
kirklandowh: grep "|| status" /lib/lsb/init-functions03:01
owhkirkland: Did it change between the final beta and current?03:01
lamontowh: lsb-base 3.2-4ubuntu103:01
lamontc1|freaky: bugzilla comes to mind...03:02
lamontor what does trac do?03:02
owhlamont: Ah ha. Different version :(03:02
lamontowh: welcome to hardy... :-)03:02
c1|freakylamont: example for trac: http://scm.code-1.de03:02
owhlamont: Nah, the VM I launched is running hardy, final rc, no updates since.03:02
lamontowh: I hope that VM isn't doing anything with SSL then... .:(03:03
* owh wasn't expecting any updates in lsb given the flack we got for even thinking about asking to add our function :)03:03
lamontc1|freaky: ah - wiki+bug tracking...03:03
lamontwith an almost content free description, FTW!03:04
owhlamont: No, it's a machine on my laptop, just to test bits, it's not connected to anything, provides no services, is not in production in any way.03:04
c1|freakylamont: yes, a scm and it only supports subversion and bzr with a plugin03:04
owhBut I'm not going to download 135Mb to update it as it's now asking me :(03:04
lamontc1|freaky: sounds like an interesting challenge then... windows tends to not be well supported in opensource stuff, simply because the bulk of opensource people don't use windows, so there's little motiviation to deal with it03:05
owhlamont, kirkland, given the set -e comments, I'll download the latest lsb source and make some patches.03:05
kirklandowh: sounds good03:06
* owh has to go visit a client, so I'll be doing this tonight at the earliest.03:06
c1|freakylamont: yea ... i could use subversion ... but if it's true that subversion isn't good when working in teams that sucks03:06
owhlamont: Thanks for taking the time to explain, appreciated.03:06
ajmitchowh: pub lunch with a client? ;)03:06
owhajmitch: I wish :(03:06
lamontowh: latest lsb source is definitely where you want to base your changes, and it doesn't help that there's a kernel update in hardy-updates...03:06
owhajmitch: Apart from that, it's 10 am around here :)03:06
linuxmademecrazyanyone in here familiar with accessing a non-encrypted shared network?03:07
lamontowh: glad to help03:07
c1|freakyits 4 AM here03:07
ajmitchowh: ah, you're a bit further west, I take it03:07
lamontlinuxmademecrazy: depends on what you mean by "shared network"03:07
owhajmitch: Further west than me gets wet fast.03:07
lamontI mean, we all plug our machines into something that exactly matches your description, but I doubt that's what you mean,..03:07
kirklandowh: okay, yeah, fixup pidofproc03:07
lamontwhat exactly is the question?03:07
kirklandowh: i'd say you should patch that separately03:07
kirklandowh: open a LP and a Debian bug, link them together03:08
linuxmademecrazylamont, Umm, the network authentication is "shared". It's a shared network key. I have a lame motorola router that has been setup in a pretty unique way =/.03:08
kirklandas lamont said, that should be fixed regardless of whether or not they take our status_of_proc() function03:08
owhkirkland: Yeah, I'll give the whole thing the once over. Make our patch separate and make a bug/fix/patch for ubuntu and debian on the issues raised by lamont.03:08
lamontowh: and remember: don't call the muppets. :-)03:09
linuxmademecrazylamont, the network authentication is "shared" and the data encryption is "disabled" and I have to provide it with a network key and an associated key index number.03:09
* owh is not familiar with that reference :)03:09
* lamont waits for linuxmademecrazy to describe the underlying authentication mechanism03:09
linuxmademecrazylamont, this is the windows properties panel http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/3467/47452358cn6.jpg03:09
lamontowh: don't worry.03:09
owhlamont: I suspect it has some rubberneck connotations though :)03:10
lamontlinuxmademecrazy: ah.  802.11-ish network03:10
linuxmademecrazylamont, I'm kinda, not that smart when it comes to linux, my strong suite is php T_T03:10
linuxmademecrazylamont, you're familiar with it?!?! =D03:10
lamontfamiliar with 802.11.  nfc what windows means with what they've said on the control panel though03:10
ajmitchlinuxmademecrazy: mentioning that it's a wireless network is relatively important :)03:11
lamontlinuxmademecrazy: I expect that it's some incarnation of WPA or WEP03:11
linuxmademecrazyajmitch, you might be right.... xD03:11
owhLater all.03:12
lamontlinuxmademecrazy: so the question you want to be asking is "how do I configure linux to talk to a wireless network in a manner that windows describes as 'shared authentication, data encryption disabled'?"03:12
kirklandyeah, i'm calling it a night too03:12
lamontand I don't know what the answer to that question is03:12
lamontg'night kirkland/owh03:12
linuxmademecrazylamont, yeah, pretty much.03:12
lamontlinuxmademecrazy: to make your life more challenging, people who know linux well tend to not know windows well, and vice versa03:13
linuxmademecrazylamont, ah, makes sense, I've never ever used linux before today, but I figure I should start learning, because I want to know how professional server management is done, and windows sucks when it comes to serving up some data.03:14
linuxmademecrazylamont, having no internet on my ubuntu installation makes it a lot more challenging.03:15
lamontheh.  yeah03:15
linuxmademecrazyI've pretty much spent all day going through all the settings in the wireless network configuration GUI03:16
linuxmademecrazyThe biggest problem I keep running into, is that the GUI doesn't want the associated index key that is used in association with the network key.03:17
linuxmademecrazySo, I figure my solution would have to deal with the terminal/console03:17
linuxmademecrazywhich, I have no idea about the available commands.03:18
lamontlinuxmademecrazy: google can sometimes be your friend... dunno03:23
linuxmademecrazylamont, I love google, but linux documentation is very messy, and cluttered, compared to what I'm used to dealing with. I think I might have come up with one possible solution, but I don't want to switch back to my other harddrive until I have 2 or 3 possible solutions, becuase I hate wasting time for switching. This would be soooooo much easier with a second computer xD03:25
lamontlinuxmademecrazy: or even vmware installed on the windows box with linux running inside that03:26
linuxmademecrazyonce I get this all working and I start figuring out linux, I'm going to start documenting this crap <_<03:26
* lamont tries to decide if he really just said that...03:26
linuxmademecrazyI can't just VMware my wireless card =/03:27
lamontlinux needs more people who are willing to write docs03:27
* lamont waits for bind9 to finish building so that he can figure out if his current challenge is trivial, or a royal pita03:29
linuxmademecrazyFirst thing I'll be doing is writing a TUTORIAL on how to start off, from scratch, setting up a fully operational apache2 web server with php5, and RoR, networking (both wireless and lan) installation will be included.03:29
linuxmademecrazyAfter that, I'm scratching down all the terminal syntax and comands in a similar documentation style that php.net has.03:30
linuxmademecrazyWell, time for the moment of truth, I'll be back =D03:31
m1rhello , dhcp3-server dont start after reboot, how to fix this corect way ?03:33
lamontm1r: depends on what the error is behind  "dont start" ...03:45
lamontwhat does /var/log/daemon.log have to say on the subject?03:46
uvirtbot`New bug: #235378 in samba (main) "hardy samba critically slow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23537803:46
m1rlarmont , one sec03:49
m1rlamont: it is working fine after i start it manually , dont see nothing strange on daemon.log03:51
lamontm1r: meh.  /var/log/syslog03:53
lamontsorry about that03:53
m1rok, sec03:53
m1rlamont:  this one is strange line : May 28 04:20:40 m1r0-desktop dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/wlan2 for sub-path wlan2.dbus.get.domain_name03:55
lamontyeah, but it's also not dhcpd03:55
lamontthat's dbus having a small fit03:55
lamontsigh.  so much for my challenge being trivial.03:56
lamontm1r: that'd be "not your issue"03:57
m1rlamont , yes i check further, long list in syslog :)03:57
lamontm1r: so anything from dhcpd?03:58
m1rdont see :/03:58
m1ronly for wlan2 address reciving03:58
m1rlamont: i think that it isnt enabled to start at all03:59
m1rlamont: where can i check for dhcp3-server being run on start ?04:00
linuxmademecrazyWell, that was a fail04:01
lamontm1r: oh.  when you said "run it manually" you didn't mean "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start" ?04:02
lamontsee /etc/default/dhcp3-server as well - that says what interfaces to listen on, for starters...04:03
m1rlamont:  i can start it normaly with start command, but it dont start at boot , if i managed to explain good04:03
m1rlamont:  it is set to eth0 in default/dhcp3-server04:03
lamontok.  what does ls /etc/*.d/*dhcp3-server say?04:03
lamontshould be a K file in rc1.d, and S files in rc[2-5].d04:04
lamontif the links are there, then I suspect that it's trying to start before eth0 exists... if the links aren't there, then that's the issue04:04
m1rok one min to check04:05
m1rit says /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server - INTERFACES="eth0"04:06
m1rrc1.d have K20dhcp3-server file04:07
m1rshould i check S files also ?04:08
m1rfrom 2-5 ?04:08
m1r2 also have @K file04:08
m1rall have dhcp3-server info04:09
m1rlamont: how u mean :  then I suspect that it's trying to start before eth0 exists...04:10
lamontdoes rc2.d have S40dhcp3-server?04:10
m1rlamont: seems that it dosent04:11
m1rlamont: only K@...04:12
lamontinteresting.. I expect that "mv /etc/rc2.d/K40dhcp3-server /etc/rc2.d/S40dhcp3-server" will make the problem go away, at least until maybe the next time you upgrade dhcp3-server04:13
lamontas to how/why it got that way, no clue04:13
m1rlamont: i was instsalling EBOX , so maybe that is problem04:14
m1rlamont: i turned dhcp server OFF on ebox and maybe it deleted it04:14
lamontactually, it changed it from start to kill for runlevel 204:15
lamontwhich is to say, "don't start dhcp3-server for runlevel 2, kthx"04:15
lamonthence the behavior you're seeing04:15
lamontm1r: runlevel 2 is the default, you see...04:16
lamontand K files get told 'stop' and S files get told 'start' upon intering runlevel N, based on /etc/rcN.d/04:17
m1rsounds little messy but i think i got the point :) tnx for this tip lamont04:17
lamontm1r: man update-rc.d - the right way to fix it is burried in there _somewhere_, I expect04:18
m1rlamont: so , i am not sure should i edit it manually or try through ebox interface04:19
lamontwell, if you do it manually, there's a chance that some future dist-upgrade will undo it...  not sure04:20
* lamont has never used ebox, nor does he plan to use it.04:20
m1rlamont: yes i see, i will try first over ebox, then if it dont work i do manual add to rc2.d just for temp fix. tnx for help m8, really appriacte it04:23
lamontnp.  have fun04:24
m1ryes you too , tnx m8 :)04:24
m1ri go reboot to test04:31
m1rlamont: it's fixed, tnx04:35
m1rthe dirty way :P04:35
Christianhi ?05:50
Christianiam searching a ubuntu-server05:51
Christianfor my pc its a old cpu05:51
Christianintel pentium mmx at 233 mhz, 32 ram05:51
m1rChristian: that might be a bit low even for server05:51
m1rChristian: but it could run i think05:52
lamontChristian: I have a PII/233 with 192MB of RAM acting as a print server05:52
m1rlamont, that is powerfull machine :D loads of ram05:53
lamontamazingly, it hasn't actually used any swap05:53
lamontm1r: it's acting as a CAT5<->USB adapter. :)05:53
m1rwhat little gadgets can do ;)05:54
lamontChristian: with 32MB, you may find that you have too little RAM05:55
m1rlowest i installed was 350mhz 128 ram if i recall05:56
Christiani have a hd05:56
Christianand have installed hardy heron05:56
Christianthe hd dont runs in the pc05:56
Christianold "says download a kernel apropiated for u pc05:57
lamontwhich kernel is on the hd?05:57
Christiani dont now05:57
Christianthe version05:58
lamont-generic _should_ work (that's what I'm running) on my PII/23305:58
Christianhardy heron.05:58
lamontI wonder if maybe you have a 64-bit kernel instead of the (necessary) 32-bit?05:58
Christianits alredy intalle05:58
m1rChristian: did u install 32bit version ?05:59
m1ri recall got similar error when try run 64bit on 32bit system06:00
m1rChristian: u got cdrom on that machine ?06:01
m1ru installed from that cdrom or on other pc then insterted HDD ?06:02
Christianin other pc06:02
Christianthe hd its from the other pc, i install in other pc06:02
Christiansorry for my english its very bad xD iam from mexico..06:03
m1ri can only sugest u try install again on that PII from its cdrom06:03
Christianbut the bios06:03
Christianand dont work's06:04
m1rheh :)06:04
Christiani can't boot from the old pc06:04
m1rbroken bios ? or just cant boot ?06:04
Christiani cant boot06:05
Christiani enter in the boot system and i changue the boot sequence CDRom, C:\, A:\,06:06
Christiansave changues06:06
Christianwhen the pc starts06:07
m1rand it wont accept cd-rom for boot ?06:07
Christianthe bios send this error06:07
Christiancmos cheksum failed - loading deafult <06:07
Christianand starts withh C:\06:08
Christianand not with a cdrom06:08
m1rthat sound like battery problem to me06:08
m1rbattery non-functional >> cmos cheksum failed - loading deafult06:09
Christiani changued06:09
Christianand tested the battery06:09
Christianand works06:09
m1ris ok now ?06:09
Christiansays the same error06:10
m1rwhat motherboard u have ?06:11
Christianasus vx9706:12
m1rnot that i recomend , but u could try upgrade bios06:13
m1rChristian: does that pc save any settings u change in bios ?06:13
Christianbut when i reboot06:14
Christianthe settings reset06:14
m1rthey lost ?06:14
Christianto deafult06:14
Christianthe baterry its good06:14
m1ryes, imo is battery problem06:14
Christianthe bios06:14
Christianthe battery its new06:14
Christianand have charge06:14
m1rChristian: http://www.pcguide.com/ts/x/comp/mbsys/biosReappeared-c.html06:15
twbI'm trying to build a hardy/i386 (i.e. partial) mirror using debmirror, but I can't work out where debmirror gets the HTTP *directory* from.07:12
twbAh, -r07:13
m11hi itn07:18
m11whats the problem ?07:18
itnhad someone start pm spamming me a bunch of trash, lol07:18
m11freenode mafia yea me too07:19
m11use /ignore name07:19
itnah cool07:19
itnI have raid1, 750GB07:19
itnhardware raid07:19
itnthis server is for the database07:19
itndoes ubuntu usually do a boot partition?07:19
itnon gentoo I did 52MB /boot, 10GB /, 2GB /tmp and rest for /var07:20
m11if u chose auto it'll make swap and /07:20
itnyea I don't want swap07:20
m11then u need manually config every partition07:20
itnk, so is % all I can do?07:21
m11for boot set 100 to 200mb07:21
itndang, that much?07:21
itngentoo /boot used like 32MB - you sure I really need that much?07:21
twbWhy don't you want swap?  If you have 750GB, there's plenty of room for a swap partition.07:21
twbitn: Ubuntu kernels and ramdisks are large.07:21
m1150mb should be enough , but...07:21
m11i always make minimum 10007:22
itntwb: well, according to mysql if I need swap I either don't have enough RAM or I've misconfigured the server.. also read swap can create some other probs07:22
itnhm, how large is large?07:22
twbitn: MySQL developers are insane, though07:22
itnoh, are they? lol07:22
twbIf you don't have swap, and you run out of memory, the kernel will start force-killing the most memory-hungry processes07:23
twbThis is Extremely Not Good if those processes are important services07:23
m11with 750gb disk 2gb swap shouldnt hurt07:23
itnI realize that.. just have to properly configured everything07:23
itnotherwise I loose a couple gigs of space07:24
m11itn , always better to leave room to breathe for system07:24
itnthe servers goes up to 32G/ram and I'm starting with 4G07:24
twbIt means that with the default ulimits, a user's fork bomb can destroy your mysql database07:24
itnnot a multiuser system07:24
twbWell, I won't try to convince you further.07:24
itnheh k07:25
twbBecause I don't care enough about you, see.07:25
uvirtbot`New bug: #235401 in postfix (main) "Please sync postfix 2.5.2-0 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23540107:25
m11itn always better to leave room for system to breathe07:25
itnwell, the manual partitioner isn't excepting MB07:25
itnonly %07:25
twbAre you using parted?07:26
twbUse the "units mb" command07:26
twbOh, you answered yes to something else.07:26
itnyour spelling correction =)07:26
itnI'm in the gui, guessing I should get into the cli07:27
twbYou cannot do RAID with the LiveCD's installer07:27
itnit is hardware raid07:27
m11itn , i hope u didnt download livecd :D07:27
itnI downloaded the only thing that it showed available07:28
itnI picked server edition / amd64 and that was it07:28
twbThere are three CDs: the desktop (live), alternate (d-i) and server (d-i) CDs07:28
twbHmm, server edition USED to be a command-line CD07:28
twbThat is, no live component07:28
m11still it twb :)07:28
twbitn: so if you are in a GUI, you clearly aren't using the server install CD07:29
itnstart with gui, if you hits esc you can go to boot:07:29
itnno I am07:29
twbIf you say so.07:29
itnat text mode now07:29
twbAt 4:30pm I can't be bothered arguing.07:29
itnI have ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso07:30
m11ok great07:30
m11it should work with 200Mb as setup for boot ?07:30
twbI normally give 256MB for /boot, which is plenty.07:30
m11more then enough07:30
twbNote that unless you're doing software raid, there's not a lot of point making /boot a separate partition07:31
itnsomeone else told me that07:31
twbBTW, LVM is a very good idea.07:31
m11logical volume manager07:31
itnwhat I figured07:31
itnnever used one though07:31
twbIt allows you to free your service (say, scalix), make a snapshot partition (only takes a few seconds), then unfreeze the service.  Then you can backup from the snapshot partition and get a coherent database dump without having to stop service for the two-hour backup period.07:32
itnthx for your help btw07:32
itnoh wow, very nice07:32
twbit also allows you to change partition sizes, and move partitions between disks, easily.07:32
twbIncidentally, if by "hardware raid" you mean "fake raid", don't use it.07:32
itnwell, I have a raid adapter07:33
twbfake raid is the hardware raid you get on raid cards that cost $10 instead of $30007:33
twbIt's not really hardware raid07:33
itnhm, I'm not sure then07:33
itnit is LSI SAS 5/iR adapter07:33
twbitn: how much did it cost?07:33
itnum, a bit more than $1007:34
itnlet me find my dell paperwork07:34
twbIf it cost hundreds of dollars, it's probably real raid07:34
twbIf it costs tens of dollars, it's probably fake raid07:34
itnit doesn't list cost, but I know I spent hundreds more to get it.. just says SATA/SAS controller07:35
itnand at boot I can go into raid manager.. using integrated mirroring raid107:36
itnwell hey, I don't want to take up your time.. thanks for helping me out though, appreciate it!07:37
itnby the way, this installer does stink.. hitting enter at boot: brought me right back into it..07:38
itnI'm out, have a good one!07:38
harrisonywould this be the best place to ask a ubuntu server question (about setting iup a mail server)08:44
hadsIt would seem to be.08:45
harrisonyok ive been following this guide http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix and ive followed all the steps but i cant seem to login through imap (with squirrelmail or telnet localhost imap), what logs should i be looking at first08:46
_ruben/var/log/mail.log should be a decent start for mail related log messages :)08:50
harrisonyblank file, woo08:51
_rubenjikes .. mine are filled with messages08:52
harrisonyi think i might of accedently deleted the logs for mail in my anger late late last night and then i recrated them with touch, yeah that was at 3 am :)08:54
_rubenprobably created them with faulty permissions08:54
_rubensyslog.adm are proper user.group08:54
_ruben640 for chmod08:55
harrisonyi think i created them with root :P08:55
hadsYes, don't do that :)08:55
harrisonyso i should first run - sudo chown syslog.adm:syslog.adm /var/log/mail*09:05
harrisonyoh wait, my bad syslog:adm09:09
_rubencorrect, and a sudo chmod 640 /var/log/mail*09:17
RockHoundhi everyone ... is there a away to skip the creation of the initial user on servers?09:39
RockHoundduring installation I mean09:39
_rubenwhy would you want to do that? and using expert mode, i think you can09:40
RockHound_ruben: because I have all my users in ldap and creating a user sysadmin and then later changing his unixid to something below 1000 is always a hassle ...09:41
RockHoundwill try with expert mode ... thx09:41
harrisonyhmmm, i changed the owner and perms of the files and still blank09:54
harrisony(did some stopping and starting of courier and postfix)09:55
AnRkeyhow can i get dovecot to allow outlook express clients to create folders in the inbox of an IMAP account?10:09
_rubenharrisony: restart sysklogd as well10:13
Metatronhey, i just got a 8.04 server install, did a sudo aptitude installx-window-system-core, but X wont start, what am i missing?12:10
_rubenx on server .. yuck12:11
Metatronlol yeah besides that, it should work right?12:12
_ruben(and i wouldnt know the answer, never bothered to try it)12:12
Metatronid did complain alot12:12
Metatronit that is12:12
_rubeninstalling some base x libs and use remote x is as close as x will come my servers12:13
Metatronall right, maybe ill rethink strategy12:13
Metatronwhat i wanted was a base line system without all the stuff, to add my own lightweight wm and fm to, a doc on ubuntu help site suggested starting wiht server install, perhaps it meant a diffrent type of server12:15
_rubenwell .. installing ubuntu server sure is an easy way of installing a pretty minimal base system, which could be used as a base for a desktop as well12:17
DeepsMetatron: google for ubuntu mini iso, that'll do you a minimal install12:25
DeepsMetatron: netinstall too mind12:25
DeepsMetatron: or look for the jeos iso and try that, thats also quite small12:26
Metatronthis one is not the best to start from?  ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso12:26
Metatronjuice seemed too minimal12:26
Deepshow so?12:27
Deepsit's a base linux system with little extra crud added on top that you dont want or need, and anything that you do want you can apt-get as usual12:27
Metatronjust wondering why installing x-windows-system-core went so badly12:27
_rubenjeos might not have enough drivers to actually work on real hardware12:27
Deepsso replace the kernel12:28
Deepsapt-get install linux-image-686, voila12:28
Deepsanyway, i cant help you with matters relating to X, #ubuntu probably has more people with more X experience12:29
Deepsat a guess, you probably want to install xorg12:31
Deepswhich'll intall all required dependancies for running x12:32
Deeps!show xorg12:33
ubottuFactoid show xorg not found12:33
Deeps!info xorg12:33
ubottuxorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.3+10ubuntu10 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB12:33
Metatroni tried x-window-system-core, that used to do it back when i tried this with version 6.something12:33
Metatronim thinking this 8.04 is diffrent beast12:35
Metatronx is maybe perm disabled12:36
Metatronsemi perm anywah12:36
Metatronfrom an about page ---By design, Ubuntu Server Edition does not include an X server12:36
Metatronmaybe i need to rethink quite a bit12:37
Deepsindeed, it doesn't install any packages relating to X, never has12:37
Metatroni was able to get x on there with old version...hmm  anway thanks ill go web spelunking awhile12:37
Deepsubuntu desktop, ubuntu server, kubuntu, they're all based on the same ubuntu base, the installer simply pick a different task at install time12:38
Deepsone task generally doesn't disable another task from functioning12:38
Deepshave you tried installing xorg instead?12:38
=== klaf is now known as afk_away
Metatronnot specificaly, about 40 hits with x.org in name, thought the x-window core would grab dependecny, looking now at what its called in reporsitory12:40
Metatronhave to physicaly move to other machine, im back and forth12:40
Deeps!info xorg | Metatron12:41
ubottumetatron: xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.3+10ubuntu10 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB12:41
Deepsoh, and12:42
Deeps!info openssh-server | Metatron12:43
ubottumetatron: openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2 (hardy), package size 248 kB, installed size 660 kB12:43
Deepseasier than moving12:43
Metatronx-window-system-core already put it in12:43
Deeps"apt-get install xorg"12:44
Deepsgood luck!12:44
sparkyyhello everyone14:18
sparkyyI have a question if someone can help me.  Its not Ubuntu specific but I figured someone might know14:20
The_Kernelwell, shoot14:21
RockHoundbeat me to it14:21
sparkyyI am looking for some stats on DNS servers.  Does anyone know of stats on who uses what.  I.e. isc Bind marketshare etc.  Like what Netcraft does for webservers14:22
sparkyyI think its safe to assume FOSS is up to around 40-50% of all of it but I can't find any mildly scientific studies that point to that14:22
RockHoundsparkyy: can't help with that, sorry ... but let me know if you find something ;)14:23
sparkyyRockHound, I will.  I am quite good at this Internet thing. LOL but haven't found anything yet14:24
spiekeyhow could i fix this error? could not create pid file /var/run/ez-ipupdate/foo.pid (Bad file descriptor), exiting14:26
sparkyyRockHound, I did!  http://www.isc.org/ops/ds/reports/2008-01/dist-servsoft.php14:27
RockHoundspiekey: check if the directory /var/run/ez-ipupdate is available14:28
sparkyyhow the F#$% is MS a top DNS server!?  Wth!?14:28
RockHoundsparkyy: thx14:28
sparkyyOk, gotta keep writing. Later yall14:28
RockHoundI would like to keep a file on two systems in sync (dhcpd config with failover) ... cfengine is just a bit over the top, I guess ... is there a "smaller" solution to this task?14:35
_rubenwe (the company i work) at are using a custom made cvs based script .. all configs are stored in a cvs tree, and each server checks out its own portion of files, and symlinks them in place14:36
RockHound_ruben: this does not happen automagically though ... of course I can run rsync, but I would like it to copy the changes and restart the dhcpd process once I make a chance to the file ... which if I think about it, is a bad move14:37
_rubenyou dont want too much automation indeed14:37
_rubenwe sync with cvs every 10mins .. but reload dns/fw/mail services by hand14:37
lamontsparkyy: if you deliver a nameserver as part of every (M$) desktop, then your numbers go up... of course, if you have a vulnerability in said nameserver...... :-(14:39
sparkyylamont, they are really good at vulnerabilities and have a proven track record of success with .....suking14:40
Tophatcan someone please assist me in setting ubuntu up as a NAS-server, in a windows 2003 server environment?  im wanting to backup my server with users documents on them and other important fun stuff that i can't afford to loose.14:41
sparkyybut so does ISC.14:41
* Surfer48 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks)14:42
=== Surfer48 changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: -=[ www.WHAK.com ]=- Make Free/Fun Graphics Online At http://www.ImageGenerator.org =)
RockHoundspam in IRC? thats my first14:43
Tophat....what has the world come too?14:43
Tophathe just spammed the motd.14:43
sparkyyI want to click on all of those juicy links and get some FREE crap I didn't want anyhow14:43
sparkyyTophat, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba14:44
sparkyyTophat, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat14:44
=== Tophat changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support || For general (not servehir specific) support visit #ubuntu || Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved || Guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html || http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html || Be patient. Don't ask to ask, just ask. || server guide: http://tinyurl.com/65jzxw || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam
=== soren changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not servehir specific) support visit #ubuntu | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | Be patient. Don't ask to ask, just ask. | server guide: http://tinyurl.com/65jzxw | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam
=== klaf is now known as afk_away
Tophathahah good shit soren14:45
Tophatthanks sparkyy14:45
=== afk_away is now known as klaf
=== RockHound is now known as RockHound_
=== bamed|away is now known as bamed
majikinshello - I'm trying to find a how-to on openafs server with kerberos15:12
majikinscan anyone point me in the right direction pls?15:12
zulgoogle.com perhaps?15:15
majikinstried that15:15
majikinsmaybe I'm searching wrong15:15
majikinslots of articals on universities and stuff using this but there does not seem to be any how-to's15:16
majikinsand openafs.org is not reachable15:16
majikinshas anyone implemented openafs on Heron?15:19
majikinshi - has anyone implemented openafs with kerberos?15:42
mccuneHi, should /etc/hostname contain my fully qualified domain name, or just the host part of the fqdn?  hostname -f doesn't return the fqdn, like I expect it to and I'm trying to sort out why.16:19
=== klaf is now known as afk_away
Ap4ch3lol.. noc dude rebooted server (ubuntu, exim mx) without speaking to anyone, now all hell has broken loose... thing probably only had pr0n spam on it anyway! :D17:13
infinitymccune: If you have some (any) way to append a domain name to your hostname, /etc/hostname should only contain the host part.17:36
infinitymccune: For example:17:36
infinityadconrad@loki:~$ head -n 1 /etc/resolv.conf17:36
infinitydomain 0c3.net17:36
infinityadconrad@loki:~$ cat /etc/hostname17:36
infinityadconrad@loki:~$ hostname -f17:36
infinitymccune: If you don't have domain/search directives, an FQDN in /etc/hosts will do the trick too.17:37
fbondHi, when I install a kernel upgrade on my server via aptitude, update-grub doesn't get run automatically anymore.  I recently upgraded to hardy.  Any ideas?17:42
fbondI see that update-grub is now run by a "trigger", rather than via the postinst script.17:42
fbondOught I be doing something special to kick the trigger?17:43
mccuneinfinity: Hrm.  I have the following.  echo ftp > /etc/hostname, "domain asp.ntst.com" in resolv.conf and       ftp ftp.asp.ntst.com in hosts.  I ran sudo /etc/init.d/hostname.sh and "hostname -f" still returns ftp, not ftp.asp.ntst.com18:14
mccuneinfinity: Ah, I swapped positions in /etc/hosts, and hostname -f now runs as expected.  So "       ftp.asp.ntst.com ftp" in /etc/hosts does the trick for me.18:18
infinitymccune: Yeah, FQDN always comes first in hosts.18:23
mccuneinfinity: I was following the convention for localhost localhost.localdomain, which threw me off.18:24
infinityadconrad@cthulhu:~$ tail -n 2 /etc/kernel-img.conf18:24
infinitypostinst_hook = update-grub18:24
infinitypostrm_hook   = update-grub18:24
infinitymccune: That's just as incorrect.  If you actually want localhost.localdomain to resolve to anything useful, those need to be swapped too.18:24
fbondinfinity: I have no kernel-img.conf.  I can create it, of course, but I'm wondering if the current behavior that I'm seeing is intended?18:25
infinityfbond: It should have been created by the linux-image-$ver-foo postinst, I believe.18:28
fbondinfinity: I don't have it on my workstation, either...18:29
osmosisare there docs for setting up software raid 5 on ubuntu ?18:29
infinityfbond: Hrm, it might be the installer that creates the initial kernel-img.conf, actually.18:33
infinityfbond: Not positive on that, but it looks like the bit in the kernel postinst that would do it will always be a no-op.18:33
infinityfbond: It's definitely the installer that writes the grub bits anyway, since the kernel postinst doesn't have that logic.18:35
infinityfbond: So, the million dollar question is "did you install without the aid of an installer?"18:35
infinityfbond: (For instance, my server was debootstrapped by hand, and I had to create kernel-img.conf myself(18:35
fbondinfinity: Well, I don't remember for my server, I may have done some things manually through an upgrade.  However, my workstation was a different story (I think).  I could be misremembering any of this.  I can't say I'm not very intrusive when it comes to APT.18:37
fbondBoth of my machines got to hardy via upgrades, though.  Is it possible that the upgrade doesn't create kernel-img.conf like it should?18:37
infinityfbond: We've been creating kernel-img.conf in our installers (d-i or ubiquity) since the dawn of time, I believe.18:38
infinityThe only way to not have one would be to either (A) install without an installer, or (B) delete it after installation.18:38
infinityI can't be 100% sure on that, but I'm fairly certain.18:38
fbondHm.  Neither of those sounds right.18:38
infinityI supopse a plausible 3rd option is "install eons ago, say, a woody or earlier system, then upgrade for years, through Debian and Ubuntu releases until today".18:39
fbondNope, definitely not that old.18:40
infinityNot sure what else to say...18:40
fbondIndeed.  I've no idea.  And I'm missing it on two machines.18:40
infinityWe've been using grub as the default bootloader in Ubuntu since we first released, and if kernel-img.conf isn't there, update-grub would never have worked.18:40
fbondinfinity: Okay, I believe it.  It must be my fault, somehow.18:41
fbondJust not sure how.18:41
fbondOh, I do use the netinstall installer...18:41
fbondIn fact both of these machines were installed this way.18:41
infinityI'm not certain it's your fault, but I'm not entirely sure how to track down how it could be our fault either, unless you (A) knew you had the file at some point and (B) could pinpoint when it went away.18:41
fbondBut I'm pretty sure that update-grub used to run at the right times on both of these machines.18:42
infinityNetinstall might not run grub-installer.  It's retty lightweight.  Almost as lightweight as just debootstrapping to a chroot.18:42
fbondI would've noticed, otherwise.18:42
infinityAgain, though, can't be positive on any of this.  I'm not an installer expert, per se.18:42
fbondHm.  Interesting.18:42
fbondI'm convinced that I never had kernel-img.conf.18:42
infinityYou may have never noticed or cared if your menu.lst had an entry at one point for vmlinuz.18:42
fbondBut I'm also convinced that update-grub used to run on these machines, despite this missing config file.18:42
infinitySince that would always "Just Work", without ever running update-grub.18:43
infinity But if the symlinks went away, or menu.lst lost the symlink entries, you need update-grub to catch new kernel versions.18:43
infinity(And I believe recent versions of update-grub now skip symlinks to avoid duplicate entries)18:43
infinityAnd THAT may be your bug.18:43
infinityYo umay have never had the post-hook in kernel-img.conf, but an upgraded grub (which runs update-grub in its own postinst) might have blatted out the symlink entries, leaving you with only versioned boot choices.  And then a new kernel wouldn't get caught, cause nothing's running update-grub on new kernel installs.18:44
infinityDoes *that* sound plausible? :)18:44
infinityIf so, that might be a real upgrade bug.18:45
infinityIf older shipped versions used to assume the symlink entry would "just work".18:45
fbondIs it possible that the default values for /etc/kernel-img.conf (the values that I'd get if I didn't have such a config file) would be update-grub for posthook, prehook, and that those defaults changed with hardy?18:45
infinityWe might need some clever upgrade logic in... Some random package (perhaps grub itself) to check if menu.lst has a symlink entry, and if so, write out a kernel-img.conf before running update-grub and killing the symlink choice.18:46
infinityNo, we've never run update-grub from the kernel postinst without having a kernel-img.conf18:46
infinityThat would blow up horribly on systems without grub (say, all the LILO installations out there, especially back when LILO was the only way to boot certain RAID setups)18:47
stefgI have a hardy samba server running ebox as webmin replacement. The funny thing is: WinXP clients connect just fine, but /my/ Desktop (which is hardy as well) can't even browse the shares on the server, let alone access them :( so my desktop-machine can browse other peoples shares on their XP boxes but not he hardy server. Any clue givers what'S going on ?18:47
infinityAnyhow, I'm supposed to be in bed, sick, not prattling on on IRC..18:47
* stefg suspects some authentication problems18:48
=== brocebeats is now known as brocebesleepn
zulinfinity: any reason why we dont ship a pear.conf?19:01
=== brocebesleepn is now known as brocebeats
Assidis it me or is ubuntuforums down?19:23
stickystyleAssid: just you.19:25
Assidits ridiculously slow19:25
stickystylePerhaps do a traceroute, as its zipping along just fine for me.19:26
Assidyeha just started working19:26
Assid2 other people saying it was slow at that time19:26
Assidmust be crazy loads19:26
* stickystyle shurg19:26
Assidyou guys ever installed openvz on a ubuntu host ?19:28
uvirtbot`New bug: #226512 in php5 (main) "php-pear's default system-configuration-file directive is non-existent" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22651219:36
zulmathiaz: ping what do you think about samba 4 in universe?19:38
mathiazAssid: some people are doing it - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVZ19:44
mathiazzul: well - samba 4 is still alpha code19:45
mathiazzul: it's not even in debian19:45
mathiazzul: so as of now, I don't see the point of uploading it to universe19:45
zulmathiaz: I know the debian guys are packaging it right now so when they are happy with it we could think about it later19:46
Assidim thinking of running a ubuntu server next19:46
Assidwith this19:46
mathiazzul: right - there is a samba4 branch in debian svn repository19:47
mathiazzul: I don't know when the package will be uploaded19:47
mathiazzul: it will probably uploaded to experimental19:47
zulmathiaz: true19:47
Koonzul: if you follow Dan Shearer thoughts, samba v3+backports will be ready before v4 does (for purposes of AD functionality)19:54
zulthen maybe 3.2 then19:56
mathiazdendrobates-: could you modify this blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kerberize-main-clients ?20:08
mathiazdendrobates-: and make me the drafter so that I can modify it20:08
Tophatwhat is the latest git resp?20:09
* Tophat is embarassed for asking the wrong room :(20:12
Tophatsorry , im still in the days of cvs ><20:13
Tophatthanks mate20:14
dendrobates-mathiaz: done20:23
mathiazdendrobates-: hum - it was actually https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kerberize-main-servers..20:26
osmosisare there docs for setting up software raid 5 on ubuntu ?20:34
zuldendrobates-: yay picutres :)20:34
emgentheya people20:36
Assidwhy are some sites just stupidly slow today20:36
majikinshello I'm trying to find instructions for installing openafs with kerberos on heron20:53
majikinshas anyone done this?20:53
=== Tophat is now known as Tophat_offwork
majikinshas anyone setup openafs with kerberos?21:05
Nickemajikins: You mean an afs server? (versus just setting up openafs-client?)21:11
bdmurraykirkland: ping21:12
kirklandbdmurray: yo21:12
bdmurrayDid you get your gear back?21:12
majikinsNicke: yes21:12
kirklandbdmurray: nope :-/21:12
Nickemajikins: okey, then I don't know :/21:13
bdmurraygah, that sucks21:13
bdmurraykirkland: I'm looking at the doc search and noticed there irclogs aren't listed as being searchable but are21:13
kirklandbdmurray: yeah, i'm bummed about losing the pictures21:13
kirklandbdmurray: interesting, what's the url for the irc logs?21:14
bdmurrayoh, maybe they aren't weighted?21:14
majikinsbugger - lots of recommendations on the net but no straightforward howto21:14
kirklandbdmurray: my search actually searches everything in the world that google knows about, but gives preference to about 20 or so ubuntu-related sites21:15
bdmurrayright, but no preference is given to irclogs.ubuntu.com ?21:15
kirklandbdmurray: i'll add it ;-)21:16
bdmurraycool, thanks21:16
* faulkes- looks at the clock21:20
faulkes-meeting today?21:20
Koonfaulkes-: in 40 min.21:21
faulkes-just trying to see how long I can outlast the urge to pour myself a martini21:22
KoonI could use a Martini too :)21:22
m13i tried using this tutorial for internet sharing http://raldztech.blogspot.com/2005/12/how-to-share-internet-connection-in.html and i lost conection to internet completly. any tips how to fix this ?21:30
AlexC_hey all21:30
nealmcbserver team meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 2 minutes....21:57
m13nealmcb: can publics join ?21:58
zulm13: its open to the public yes..22:00
=== ScottK-uds is now known as ScottK2
ScottK2Good day all.22:29
emgenthi ScottK2 :)22:30
owhFYI, meeting is currently in #ubuntu-meeting.22:31
ScottK2owh: Thanks.22:31
mathiazkees: could you stop by #ubuntu-meeting ?22:40
mathiazkees: we're talking about limesurvey and audit22:40
keesmathiaz: sure, one moment22:41
=== m13 is now known as m1r
mathiazowh: what is your timezone ?23:07
owhUTC +823:08
mathiazowh: ok - thanks23:08
sommerScottK2: any opinion on Bug #234927 ?23:08
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 234927 in php5 "delay php script execution on cli" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23492723:08
owhzul: So, what was with the DCS elation?23:09
mathiazkees: what's the website you use to figure out meeting times ?23:10
nijabamathiaz: timeanddate.com23:10
owhMeeting Planner <http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html>23:11
owhBetter still: The Advanced Meeting Planner <http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/advmeeting.html>23:12
mathiazdendrobates-: could you set me as the drafter for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kerberize-main-servers ?23:37
m1rwhat is with 8139 realtek complaining to use 8139too driver on server boot ? i have 2 of those cards in server23:38

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