linuxmademecrazy | usser, yeah, it's for extracting installshield cabs. I need to install my wireless network card drivers =/ | 00:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk Gotta love our bots | 00:00 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: Look under System > Admin/Prefs > Upgrade Manager or something like that, open it up and see if gives you an option to upgrade your 5.10. | 00:00 |
fde | Irreducibilis: No idea... I haven't touched Windows in 10 years... try #windows | 00:00 |
linuxmademecrazy | james__, huh? T_T | 00:00 |
bobbyd | linuxmademecrazy: you can also use cabextract under wine | 00:00 |
marcosani | BCM?? | 00:00 |
furythor | howto start Wolf et with console ? | 00:00 |
krim | hanth1: 1.6.0 OpenJDK | 00:00 |
Irreducibilis | fde: I was just there, and nobody was helping me, so I came here... | 00:00 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, Thanks hon.....want to marry me? LOL | 00:00 |
james__ | linuxmademecrazy, nevermind | 00:00 |
usser | linuxmademecrazy, its in the repos do sudo apt-get install unshield | 00:00 |
linuxmademecrazy | bobbyd, I don't know anything about wine yet, I can't even get internet on unbuntu yet. =/ | 00:01 |
fde | Irreducibilis: This is NOT for Winblows support. | 00:01 |
linuxmademecrazy | usser, thanks ^_^ | 00:01 |
mcirce_ | anyone heard of wine doors | 00:01 |
Irreducibilis | fde: Well unfortunately their support sucks, so where am I supposed to go... | 00:01 |
fde | Irreducibilis: Call Microsoft or something, idc | 00:01 |
marcosani | Please help | 00:01 |
furythor | no, windows has been semi-officially named as "winpain" for pain to maintain it even it says it is problem free... | 00:01 |
linuxmademecrazy | usser, I've been confused about it, been switching between hard drives, and didn't want to go back with flawed information | 00:01 |
lw0x15 | powertool08, hmm seems to work now ;] hopefully it wont stop working | 00:01 |
lw0x15 | lol | 00:01 |
mcirce_ | wine app, still version 0.1. any good? | 00:02 |
furythor | I rather stop using computers than return to torment my self with windows. | 00:02 |
ramiel77 | in ubuntu 8.04 i am using an icon them that worked in in 7.10 but now the folder icons don't work | 00:02 |
Irreducibilis | fde: I believe that Putty runs on linux as well, which is what I have originally trying to get help for, so I can forward ports... | 00:02 |
powertool08 | lw0x15: great! i don't think it will stop | 00:02 |
usser | linuxmademecrazy, u paid for it, get support from microsoft they have some 800 numbers u can call | 00:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | furythor | 00:02 |
ubottu | furythor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 00:02 |
hanth1 | krim: AH that could be a problem :) Freecol might not be satisfied with that even if you do get it to accept the different path (with the symlink) | 00:02 |
=== tale_ is now known as tale_afk | ||
lw0x15 | powertool08, thanks =] | 00:02 |
fde | Irreducibilis: You're asking the wrong place... please stop else I'll need to have an op remove you. | 00:02 |
powertool08 | lw0x15: no problem | 00:02 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, LMAO it says my system is up to date!! ROFLMAO | 00:03 |
=== funkamel1on is now known as RoadKill | ||
marcosani | Hello.... anyone helps me??? | 00:03 |
jinho | jjlee: thanks a lot man, system's back up and running again | 00:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk move up to at least feisty or gutsy | 00:03 |
Irreducibilis | fde: Unfortunately, it is this kind of unhelpfulness that is turning me away from wanting to use linux, and I can assure you I was thinking of doing so, but... If this is the answers I get when I want help, I might as well just stay where I am. Good day to you. | 00:03 |
ramiel77 | marcosani, what's your problem? | 00:04 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: You know you have so many upgrades to go through if it is only 5.10, unless you have alot of software/customization that you've done, maybe you should just fresh install 8.04. | 00:04 |
peternix | how do I unmagnify gnome? | 00:04 |
krim | hanth1: I'll try to install sun-java after I've made some food then. Thanks for the help! | 00:04 |
peternix | I am zoomed way too far in | 00:04 |
AlsMe | just say it.. don't ask "can you help me" | 00:04 |
* usser with an attitude | 00:04 | |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, Can I d/load it? | 00:04 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, It's a blank system I can do wot I like to! | 00:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | peternix Hold the win / super key and roll the wheel | 00:05 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, U didn't mention my marriage proposal! lol | 00:05 |
peternix | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 00:05 |
peternix | that did it | 00:05 |
babolat | Is there a way in Ubuntu to determine which video driver I need to download without having to take out the card and look at the model number? | 00:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 00:05 |
marcosani | please help with wireless... bcm if is still here... | 00:05 |
Lynet | Chiselh_uk: If you intend to go through all the upgrades, the step-for-step for each step can be found here: | 00:05 |
usser | babolat, they only thing u need to know is the brand generally | 00:05 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: Yes, just go to, and then go the download page. And about your marriage proposal, first of all, are you a woman? :D | 00:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | babolat envyng works on many ati and nvidia cards | 00:06 |
hanth1 | krim: No problem. I'll get some sleep. | 00:06 |
usser | babolat, the exact model # rarely matters | 00:06 |
hendri1 | does someone knows somekind of good manual for ubuntu beginners | 00:06 |
hendri1 | ?? | 00:06 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, ALL woman steve!! | 00:06 |
babolat | Jack_Sparrow: usser: X Window has been crashing since after some update. I don't know how to start fising it. | 00:06 |
babolat | *fixing | 00:06 |
=== Vauge is now known as New2Nix | ||
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, Although I spent almost 10 yrs as a computer widow 'n have yet to have the divorce come thru!! lol | 00:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | !tutorial | 00:06 |
ubottu | A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at | 00:06 |
naruto | hiyaaa | 00:07 |
* Chiselh_uk just noticed xchat is in her systray!! Cool!! :) | 00:07 | |
naruto | me to | 00:07 |
BCM43 | marcosani: i am still here | 00:07 |
babolat | Jack_Sparrow: what does envy do? | 00:07 |
naruto | just downloaded this thing | 00:07 |
usser | babolat, first off find out what card u have on the terminal do lspci | grep Display | 00:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | babolat HAve you changed any repos or added software manually etc..? Just trying to figure out where it went wrong | 00:07 |
naruto | does any one here have gos linux | 00:07 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, Is Hardy safe 2 install now? :) | 00:07 |
naruto | ???? | 00:08 |
babolat | no, Jack_Sparrow | 00:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | babolat tries to get the right driver installed fr you | 00:08 |
BCM43 | !hi | naruto | 00:08 |
ubottu | naruto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 00:08 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: What do you mean safe? I'm using it. | 00:08 |
marcosani | hello | 00:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk Still some growing pains which is why I suggested staying back one release | 00:08 |
babolat | usser: what's lspci | grep Display supposed to do? it did nothing for me | 00:08 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, One of my ubuntu friends said it was wiser to wait than to change over my gutsy system...just in case! :( | 00:09 |
marcosani | Thanks BCM Can u tell me why my wireless disapper after a while that i dont touch my laptop? | 00:09 |
naruto | ... | 00:09 |
BCM43 | Chiselh_uk: at this point, it might be | 00:09 |
naruto | yawnnn | 00:09 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, thanks Jack! | 00:09 |
BCM43 | marcosani: it works for a bit? | 00:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk np | 00:09 |
Chiselh_uk | And u BCM43 ! | 00:09 |
marcosani | yes... it works when i use the laptop but when i leave it alone after a while just go | 00:10 |
usser | babolat, supposed to list your graphics card, try just lspci and look for something like Display, graphics etc... | 00:10 |
Chiselh_uk | Hey, this beats asking the ex for help!! I'll marry u ALL! LOL | 00:10 |
babolat | usser: Jack_Sparrow: my litany here --> | 00:10 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: I agree with Jack_Sparrow completely--if you have gutsy, stick with it for now, but on your 5.10 breezy laptop, you really should upgrade it. You can try Hardy or stick with Gutsy--your decision. | 00:10 |
babolat | ok, usser | 00:10 |
BCM43 | marcosani: i have no idea what would do that | 00:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk You can always dual boot gutsy and hardy | 00:10 |
Phenix | Would anyone know how I would remove FNFX from my system? I was trying to get my FN keys to work, and now I got some unknown error showing. I just want it gone. I am a full noob at this | 00:10 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, Now there's no reason why I can't use Hardy on my laptop, which doesn't contain precious data! | 00:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | babolat I dont have the time needed to walk you through that.. someone will be able to help | 00:11 |
chomafin | Phenix: you should be able to do "sudo apt-get remove fnfx" to remove it | 00:11 |
babolat | usser: | 00:11 |
marcosani | Just to let u know, I have a broadcom card 4312 with proprietary drivers... | 00:11 |
Steve-cal | Jack_Sparrow: That's exactly what I did--I had enough HD space that I put Hardy on another partition and made sure it wasn't going to completely break my system first. | 00:11 |
marcosani | does it change anything? | 00:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk get the live just to make sure it works with your hardware.. | 00:11 |
Phenix | Thank you, I will try | 00:11 |
sp26 | hi all, I use drpython (an example), and when I open a file, i have to minimize the app to see the file in the editor. should it be compiz? | 00:11 |
timofeji | Sorry, but why fonts in my gnome-terminal so ugly ? :( | 00:12 |
BCM43 | marcosani: did you install anything to get them to work? | 00:12 |
revilodraw | im in the livecd, how do i mount my sda1 to get access to my files | 00:12 |
hendri1 | A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept. | 00:12 |
babolat | usser: it's this -->VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] (rev a1) | 00:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !pm | marcosani | 00:12 |
ubottu | marcosani: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 00:12 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: How old is the laptop? Does it have at least 256 MB of RAM? Make sure it can handle Hardy if you want to install it... | 00:12 |
BCM43 | marcosani: might work, might not, worth a try "sudo apt-get remove --purge b43-fwcutter; sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter " | 00:12 |
marcosani | when i first installed ubuntu they come out themselves as restricted drivers, i just said yes# | 00:12 |
julien_c | timofeji: you can change it, right click in the window, edit current profile, then change the font in the first tab | 00:12 |
I440r | ok im confused. what is the name of the application in the top taskbar that allows you to select a network to connect to from available networks | 00:13 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, I'm gonna go for Gutsy 'n d/load the live CD of Hardy 'n see how it performs! | 00:13 |
I440r | is that a gnome thing or a ubuntu thing | 00:13 |
marcosani | ok, i got the point guys...sporry | 00:13 |
Chiselh_uk | It's an old Compaq E500 | 00:13 |
revilodraw | im in the livecd, how do i mount my sda1 to get access to my files? | 00:13 |
I440r | because the only network thing i have in gnome in gentoo is a "you are connected to this network" not a "you can connect to these" application | 00:13 |
I440r | i.e. its informational only | 00:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | revilodraw Which live cd? | 00:13 |
I440r | which is dumb | 00:13 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: Sounds like a good plan... Do you need wireless on it? Because that's one of the biggest bugaboos of ubuntu. | 00:14 |
revilodraw | Jack_Sparrow: edgy | 00:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | I440r What distro are you running | 00:14 |
chomafin | Does anyone know of a good/cheap SATA card? I'm looking for a card that is either PCI or PCI-e, has atleast 2, maybe 4, internal ports. Right now I'm looking at "MASSCOOL PCI-e 4 port SATA2 (SIL3132 Chip) Model XWT-PCIE10" from Newegg. | 00:14 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, I believe the Belkin dongle is supported, am I right? | 00:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | revilodraw sudo fdisk -l Last letter is L | 00:14 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, Don't NEED wireless as such, but would like it! | 00:14 |
I440r | right now im in gentoo using gnome. i was asking if the network thing in unbuntu is specific to ubuntu | 00:14 |
kushal1 | Hello, I am on Ubuntu 8.04 on Wubi on a Toshiba Satellite M55-S135. I am making the iso of a home DVD with about 200 short clips using Devede. I have already added about 60 files one at a time but my hand is starting to hurt. It is also really boring. Is there a way for me to add a bunch of mpg files on to the devede list like a batch or drag and drop? please let me know. thanks (please... | 00:15 |
kushal1 | ...answer) shift click and control click do not work . Can I work out of this problem using scripting? How? | 00:15 |
usser | babolat, right so it is, nvidia... make sure u have the latest nvidia binary driver sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new | 00:15 |
I440r | ubuntu has "network control". gentoo has "network informational" | 00:15 |
revilodraw | Jack_Sparrow: ok.. i thought it was mnt /dev/sda1 or somethng? | 00:15 |
timofeji | julien_c, thnx, but my config of hinting in system don't work with terminal | 00:15 |
=== \0 is now known as UdontKnow | ||
usser | babolat, make sure it is selected in xorg.conf cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nvidia should give an output | 00:15 |
I440r | im not asking for gentoo help in here lol | 00:15 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, I'm at the Ubuntu site 'n cannot see where I choose to d/load Guts or Hardy! *sigh* | 00:15 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: Belkin USB you mean? You would have to check to see whether its chipset to see how well its chipset is supported. | 00:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | revilodraw sudo mkdir /media/revsdrive | 00:16 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, I think so yes! | 00:16 |
Miesco | Where does gnome store the icons? | 00:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | revilodraw sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/revsdrive | 00:16 |
Chiselh_uk | Although I have a mate who has a Belkin pcmcia card he was gonna let me try! | 00:16 |
mneptok | I440r: the app name is "nm-applet" and it is provided as a GNOME component by RedHat developers | 00:16 |
marcosani | BCM43, i did it.. and now? | 00:16 |
usser | babolat, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 00:17 |
I440r | hmm | 00:17 |
revilodraw | Jack_Sparrow: will u marry me? lol thanks | 00:17 |
usser | Miesco, all over the place, look in /usr/share/pixmaps /usr/share/icons | 00:17 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, I guess you're nocturnal then, so I have 2 sit here until I'm done or I won't see u alive 'n online until nightfall tmr! lol | 00:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | revilodraw You are not my type :) | 00:17 |
trait | does anyone know how to get the standart kernel from hardy? with no added modules | 00:18 |
I440r | aha. why the heck its not part of the meta package install for gnome in gentoo is beyond me. its WAY better than the simple "this is where you are" applet i have right now | 00:18 |
I440r | thanks :) | 00:18 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, I wouldn't trust revilodraw to be fem!! Not unless that's how u like 'em! lol | 00:18 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: I think just about any wireless card works in Ubuntu with enough feneggling--just takes work. | 00:18 |
usser | trait, compile a vanilla kernel from | 00:18 |
Nic | why doesn't vlc work on the latest ubuntu? | 00:18 |
marcosani | BCM??? | 00:18 |
mneptok | I440r: because Gento is ... "operationally challenged." | 00:18 |
mneptok | +o | 00:18 |
I440r | only in SOME ways :) | 00:18 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, I'll just have 2 abduct u then!! lol | 00:18 |
I440r | gentoo is one of those "we do these things not because they are easy..." distros :) | 00:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 00:19 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 00:19 |
mneptok | I440r: in every way that matters. but that's a discussion for another lifetime, as my free time is too valuable for distro pee-matches or compiling everything i want to run. ;) | 00:19 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: Are you in the UK like your nick suggests? Where I'm at it's only 4:20, not nighttime. | 00:19 |
* Chiselh_uk makes a speech....Did you know there is a company in Sunderland called Gentoo Housing!! | 00:19 | |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk dis you find the diff releases? | 00:19 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, No! I'm sitting waiting for Steve-cal to say 'n he hasn't! | 00:20 |
Jaikkuli | | 00:20 |
Jaikkuli | help with this pleae | 00:20 |
Chiselh_uk | Looks like I'll be a Mormon 'n have more than one hubby! lol | 00:20 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: For Hardy, just go to | 00:20 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, Looks like I'll be a Mormon 'n have more than one hubby! lol | 00:20 |
I440r | mneptok i run gentoo on my machines but i run ubuntu on work machines. both have their ++ and otherwise :) | 00:20 |
I440r | im not a fanatic either way | 00:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk Let me look.. | 00:20 |
trait | usser -> query? | 00:21 |
Jaikkuli | someone please help with this | 00:21 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: do you know how to use a terminal? | 00:21 |
Jaikkuli | yes | 00:21 |
Jaikkuli | well | 00:21 |
nzvip | Why can only one program play sound at a time? | 00:21 |
Jaikkuli | i mean.. yes.. but i am no expert | 00:21 |
nzvip | This isn't the 90's, people! | 00:21 |
Nith | open it up, go "cd ~/../" | 00:21 |
nzvip | I am sure I am not the first to whine about this. | 00:22 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, I have a GREAT idea, I open a port, you get on my laptop 'n when I arise tmr it's all installed 'n sorted. lol | 00:22 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: then do "ls -l" and check beside your username, to see if the owning username matches | 00:22 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: so does the username match? | 00:23 |
chomafin | Does anyone know of a good/cheap SATA card? I'm looking for a card that is either PCI or PCI-e, has atleast 2, maybe 4, internal ports. Right now I'm looking at "MASSCOOL PCI-e 4 port SATA2 (SIL3132 Chip) Model XWT-PCIE10" from Newegg. | 00:23 |
Jaikkuli | Nith: | 00:23 |
Jaikkuli | drwxrwxrwx 53 jai jai 4096 2008-05-28 02:21 jai | 00:23 |
Jaikkuli | drwx------ 2 root root 16384 2008-05-23 03:23 lost+found | 00:23 |
Jaikkuli | the username is jai.. so yes | 00:23 |
I440r | ok nm-applet is not the right one. thats network monitor | 00:23 |
LimCore | hi | 00:23 |
Steve-cal | nzvip: Try setting all your programs to use ALSA, and also select ALSA under System > Admin/Prefs > Sound | 00:23 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: what about "df" (plz use pastebin) | 00:23 |
m13 | dhcp3-server not starting on boot , how can one fix that ? | 00:23 |
* Chiselh_uk stares blankly into space, fighting back sleep....waiting for Jack_Sparrow to say where 2 go! | 00:23 | |
I440r | it does not give me the ability to select from a list of networks to connect to, its NOTHING but information | 00:24 |
I440r | not control | 00:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | chomafin Just make sure you can return it if it does not work with linux | 00:24 |
I440r | how do i get the control | 00:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk One more minute.. | 00:24 |
nzvip | Steve-cal: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open audio device for playback. Device is being used by another application. | 00:24 |
yojesus | i got awn recently can i put it on the top instead of the bottom? | 00:24 |
Sithe | Im getting an error starting to start ubuntu saying: Failed to execute resume script | 00:24 |
Jaikkuli | Nith: | 00:24 |
* Chiselh_uk thinks between Jack_Sparrow and Steve-cal someone should bring her brekkie in bed!! :D | 00:25 | |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk did you try | 00:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk Wearing nothing but my cowboy hat.... | 00:25 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: actually you gave me the answer already, I just looked past it sorry | 00:25 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: do "sudo chmod 644 /home/joi" | 00:26 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, now that sounds like an offer I wouldn't refuse!!! :) | 00:26 |
yojesus | i just got awn is their anyway to put on the top instead of the bottom | 00:26 |
alan_m | ok jack and chiselh you forgetting this is a family room? :P | 00:26 |
Steve-cal | Chiselh_uk: and just out of wild curiosity, how old are you? | 00:26 |
Jaikkuli | Nith: it said nothing after doing it.. i assume it worked? | 00:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry for the ot... | 00:26 |
Rosendahl | I use a Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 4.1.3002 x86/MMX/SSE2 with a 1.4 Mesa 7.0.3-rc2 driver version ... but it doesnt seem to want to use 3d accelleration ... is the card just too crappy or do I need to update driver or something ? | 00:26 |
evilbug | can anyone direct me to a good web coding website? (i mainly need to find how to code a media player with playlist) | 00:26 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: to check, do another "ls -l" and it should display different permissions | 00:26 |
I440r | can someone tell me the name of the applet in ubuntu (gnome) that allows you to control your network connections? | 00:27 |
Jaikkuli | Nith: how did this happen? it never said it before? | 00:27 |
mar77i | unbelievable... hey, I need help setting up an offline environment | 00:27 |
Scunizi | yojesus: check out System/Preferances/Awn Manager | 00:27 |
Chiselh_uk | Steve-cal, I'm a very young looking 39, just think of all the experience!! :) | 00:27 |
usser | Rosendahl, what does glxinfo | grep direct say? | 00:27 |
I440r | right click, select network, click on connect. | 00:27 |
I440r | do not have that applet here | 00:27 |
Jaikkuli | Nith: yes they are slightly different now | 00:27 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: it means that you (or someone/some program) changed the permissions to 777 | 00:27 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, *mwah* worked! | 00:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk Your just my type... | 00:27 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: try again, it should work now | 00:27 |
matija | I just installed Kubuntu KDE4 remix on my laptop. I cant find any of the settings. I event cant turn off system sounds. Is this normal and do I have to install some tools or I'm doing something wrong. | 00:27 |
Jaikkuli | Nith: i will log out and log in again :) | 00:27 |
I440r | all i got is a crappy applet to display information about the interface your connected with... no way to control said connection | 00:28 |
I440r | useless | 00:28 |
powertool08 | when installing a program from source i get a bunch of DEBUG lines during make, are these errors I should be concerned about or simply verbose info? | 00:28 |
mok_ | hello! can anybody help me with my Snort setup? I installed it with BASE and I'm not seeing any traffic show up | 00:28 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, so where on this damp island would I find you? :) | 00:28 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: I'll be here | 00:28 |
Steve-cal | matiji: Try #kubuntu-kde4 | 00:28 |
Chiselh_uk | Jack_Sparrow, Now, do I want to d/load or open with it's an .iso file! | 00:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chiselh_uk dl | 00:29 |
mar77i | I've now downloaded and burned two hardy-dvds, one tests 11 files corrupt, the other one from the torrent 5. What's wrong with these isos? | 00:29 |
Telarian02 | Hello, If I just typed sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop, I would be disconnected from chat server correct? | 00:29 |
Seeker` | mar77i: have you checked the md5sum of the iso? Also, are they cheap DVDs? | 00:29 |
Steve-cal | mar77i: Check them with "md5sum" and make sure their md5 hashes agree with what the download site says they should be. | 00:29 |
Sithe | Im getting an error starting to start ubuntu saying: Failed to execute resume script | 00:30 |
mar77i | Seeker, the md5sums there are on are quite definately wrong. I've loaded the isos on 4 protocols now | 00:30 |
powertool08 | when installing a program from source i get a bunch of DEBUG lines during make, are these errors I should be concerned about or simply verbose info? | 00:30 |
=== peja is now known as peja_ | ||
ringer | can anyone suggest a good video editing program? | 00:31 |
Seeker` | mar77i: how have you tried downloading them? | 00:31 |
Scunizi | ringer: lives.. check out | 00:31 |
peja_ | hi | 00:31 |
Nith | hi | 00:31 |
Sithe | Im getting an error starting to start ubuntu saying: Failed to execute resume script | 00:31 |
=== mok_ is now known as Mawk | ||
=== Mawk is now known as Mook | ||
Seeker` | Sithe: Please stop repeating your question so often | 00:31 |
Scunizi | !repeat | Sithe | 00:31 |
ubottu | Sithe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 00:31 |
ringer | Scunizi: okay ill check it out thanks! | 00:31 |
ryanryan | does anyone know how to get "Shared Key" WEP working under ubuntu's wireless network manager? (as opposed to "open system" WEP) | 00:31 |
emma | powertool08: I believe that is fairly common at least in my limited experience | 00:31 |
yojesus | ive downloaded some icons and i learned that i had to download tango to change them into those icons and im really lost how do i install them | 00:32 |
usser | ringer, try cinelerra | 00:32 |
Scunizi | ringer: np.. there are several around.. unfortunatly I haven't run across one that will allow a mix of video and still pics | 00:32 |
mar77i | Seeker: I've used Firefox http, free download manager for windows, opera http and bittorrent/opera. | 00:32 |
emma | powertool08: Commonly when I install from source you can see 'debug errors' in the verbose feedback, and yet the application runs as would be expected. | 00:32 |
ringer | usser: cinelerra? is that the correct spelling? | 00:32 |
powertool08 | emma, ok thanks | 00:32 |
webdev4407 | i just installed ubuntu 8.04 lts-followed installation and when rebooting I am not able to select ubuntu. It is listed but the down arrow does not allowme to choose ubuntu. i am running windows xp. any help woud be appreciated. | 00:32 |
ripps | after trying to get tv-output to work, my entire setup has gone to hell. Fglrx no longer, works and doing a fresh install tells me that an error happens in | 00:32 |
Scunizi | ringer: cinerella.. it's complicated. | 00:33 |
Seeker` | and you did the md5sum on the iso? and you are sure you are checking against the correct one on the site? | 00:33 |
yojesus | how do i install icons that i recently got | 00:33 |
usser | ringer, yes i believe so that or two l's :) | 00:33 |
revilodra1 | im in edgy livecd with my hdd mounted, and i want to copy some files to my external hdd, but it wont give me read write permissions? | 00:33 |
Seeker` | I find it hard to believe that the md5sums match on any of them mar77i, especailly as bittorrent has error checking built in | 00:33 |
ripps | after trying to get tv-output to work, my entire setup has gone to hell. Fglrx no longer, works and doing a fresh install tells me that an error happens in DKMS. Wacom has suddenly stopped working. Reverting to previous versions of xorg.conf do nothing. | 00:33 |
[1]ElBArto | hey | 00:34 |
ringer | usser: you said that cinerella is complicated to use? | 00:34 |
Scunizi | ringer: no I did.. it's not for the faint of heart or smaller systems.. needs a little horsepower | 00:35 |
[1]ElBArto | this might be possible but is there anybody here who switched from ubuntu from xp and no longer need and use there xp cd key | 00:35 |
Telarian02 | I am seeing some aberrant network behavior, I am under the assumption that "sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop" should shut down all of my interfaces yet it does not, am I missing something specific to Ubuntu that would change this? | 00:35 |
powertool08 | emma: where do you save your source programs? do you delete the .tar.gz file afterwards? | 00:35 |
Rabbitbunny | Anybody have any tips for how to keep X out of failsafe, or how to get a log when it is in failsafe? | 00:35 |
ringer | Scunizi: okay, wrong person lol. maybe go with lives. but it doesnt want to install...cant install mpegtools or something | 00:35 |
revilodra1 | im in edgy livecd with my hdd mounted, and i want to copy some files to my external hdd, but it wont give me read write permissions? | 00:36 |
emma | powertool08: I usually keep that in case I want to install it in the future after a fresh install. | 00:36 |
harpreet | my sending mail does not work , incoming mail server works, outgoing is smtp and written well in evolution still doesnt work? | 00:36 |
powertool08 | emma: so where do you extract it to? | 00:36 |
harpreet | ola | 00:36 |
harpreet | como este | 00:36 |
[1]ElBArto | is it worth a shot | 00:36 |
yojesus | i got an emerald theme how do i use it | 00:36 |
Scunizi | ringer: ah.. hang on I"ll referance my notes | 00:36 |
harpreet | my sending mail does not work , incoming mail server works, outgoing is smtp and written well in evolution still doesnt work | 00:36 |
webdev4407 | just installed ubuntu using the "install inside windows" method-it installed but when rebooting it does not let me choose ubuntu. ne1 have any fix. | 00:36 |
emma | powertool08: Personally I just save everything in my home folder. I usually extract right in my home folder. The ./configure script should put everything important where it needs to be. | 00:37 |
usser | ringer, i never said that | 00:37 |
Hoenikker | still no firefox 3.0 rc1? | 00:37 |
chev_chelios | norc for ff... | 00:37 |
rconan | webdev4407, yeah... stop using the gayboat method and install it properlu | 00:37 |
ringer | usser: sorry i had you confused with Scunizi | 00:37 |
=== JuRcK is now known as Ubuntu_tucker | ||
=== Ubuntu_tucker is now known as Ubuntu_F_ucker | ||
rconan | Hoenikker, there is a teating repo which has it in | 00:37 |
Hoenikker | rconan, how do i get on that? | 00:37 |
mar77i | Seeker: I thought so too | 00:38 |
harpreet | my sending mail does not work , incoming mail server works, outgoing is smtp and written well in evolution still doesnt work | 00:38 |
rconan | Hoenikker, can't remember | 00:38 |
=== Ubuntu_F_ucker is now known as Ubuntu_Users_F_U | ||
Seeker` | mar77i: you're sure the md5s dont match? | 00:38 |
mar77i | *are* they correct? | 00:38 |
webdev4407 | rconan thanks for your comment but looking for objectvie solutions - i have run linux and still do on many other sys probablly longer then you been alive | 00:38 |
Hoenikker | ok, got it :) | 00:38 |
=== Ubuntu_Users_F_U is now known as Ubuntu_F_U_C_K_E | ||
mar77i | they don't match. | 00:38 |
Seeker` | mar77i: have you done a md5sum check? | 00:38 |
rconan | webdev4407, sorry... didn't realise which channel this was in. didn't mean to say that | 00:38 |
harpreet | abuse | Ubuntu_Users_F_U | 00:38 |
webdev4407 | i just need some assis to test ubuntu because i don't have a pare test box | 00:38 |
Seeker` | harpreet: it has already been dealt with | 00:39 |
powertool08 | emma: so if you were to decide to switch distros, i assume /home has its own partition, you overwrite / with the new distro files, mount /home and it alls works again? or do you have to reinstall all the programs from source again? | 00:39 |
mar77i | tried several programs for w32, still different results... | 00:39 |
Hoenikker | it's on deb hardy main | 00:39 |
webdev4407 | rconan no problem apology accepted | 00:40 |
Seeker` | mar77i: I dont know what to suggest then | 00:40 |
Chiselh_uk | Hey guys, I'm running Hardy on my pc and cannot tell you the trouble I have with Kopete and Firefox crashing! Reminiscent of a Windoze pc sometimes! | 00:40 |
ringer | Scunizi: my exact error is : Cannot install 'mjpegtools' | 00:40 |
harpreet | Jack_Sparrow; why do people like that abuser (Ubuntu_F), come? | 00:40 |
yojesus | i need to know whtas emerald and how to use it | 00:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | harpreet Preschool is out of session | 00:40 |
Rabbitbunny | Anybody have any tips for how to keep X out of failsafe, or how to get a log when it is in failsafe? | 00:40 |
Jaikkuli | Nith did you give me some really bad advice or? | 00:40 |
emma | powertool08: Yes one can make a home partition. I have set one up. And then, when you wish to install the latest version of Ubuntu, you can do a manual install and only reformat the root. This leaves most of your personal settings intact. You do reinstall applications but the config files for those apps were all saved in your home folder. | 00:41 |
harpreet | Jack_sparrow what does that mean? | 00:41 |
Scunizi | ringer: kdenlive (kde app and somewhat unstable).. avidemux... devede...dvdauthor.. vlc (wiki's on how to use this for dvd creation) | 00:41 |
harpreet | my sending mail does not work , incoming mail server works, outgoing is smtp and written well in evolution still doesnt work | 00:41 |
yojesus | whats emerald and how do i use it | 00:41 |
Seeker` | harpreet: he means that some people are very immature, and have nothing better to do | 00:41 |
ringer | Scunizi: are those my alternatives to lives? | 00:41 |
akahige | can anyone tell me how to change the sound output from speakers to my usb headphones (on hardy)? | 00:41 |
ripps | after trying to get tv-output to work, my entire setup has gone to hell. Fglrx no longer, works and doing a fresh install tells me that an error happens in DKMS. Reverting to previous versions of xorg.conf do nothing. | 00:41 |
Jaikkuli | Nith now i am really screwed.. it wont even log in.. complaining about permissions | 00:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | harpreet ot.. not important | 00:41 |
Scunizi | ringer: yes.. there's probably more but I found these in Synaptic by searching for "video" | 00:42 |
mok_ | hello! | 00:42 |
ringer | Scunizi: okay thanks, ill try some of these | 00:42 |
Scunizi | ringer: good luck | 00:42 |
=== Traveler4 is now known as SPAM | ||
=== SPAM is now known as SPAMMER | ||
Seeker` | Jack_Sparrow: ^ | 00:43 |
SPAMMER | - Upload photo to fake magazine cover templates | 00:43 |
SPAMMER | - Funny sites, days of fun | 00:43 |
SPAMMER | - Play with webcam online (games, take pics, effects) | 00:43 |
SPAMMER | - Random Insults/Anon Email | 00:43 |
skaflem | Cool links you got there, SPAMMER | 00:43 |
Jaikkuli | someone please help.. i got some advice from Nith about a prompt i was getting on log in, and now i cannot even log in at all | 00:43 |
harpreet | Any ones knows , Seeker, Jack_Sparrow: my sending mail does not work , incoming mail server works, outgoing is smtp and written well in evolution still doesnt work ? | 00:43 |
bascule | mv bascule /dev/bed | 00:43 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: what advice did he give? | 00:43 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: And do you get an error message? | 00:44 |
ringer | Scunizi: maybe you also know why when i put in my dvd it doesnt want to play? | 00:44 |
navk2005 | ubuntu does not recognize my external usb hard drive | 00:44 |
navk2005 | how to make it recognize? | 00:44 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` yes.. it is a .xsession-error | 00:44 |
ringer | Scunizi: it is a homemade dvd that works on my desktop computer running xp | 00:44 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: what did the other person tell you to do? | 00:44 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker`cannot create .gnome2 directory, permission denied.. along with all my personal directories | 00:44 |
Seeker` | ok | 00:45 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` it involved changing my permissions | 00:45 |
Chuggst3r | Hi everyone, any idea when I run update-manager in terminal, I keep getting this line? "current dist not found in meta-release file" | 00:45 |
Seeker` | can you open a terminal? | 00:45 |
Scunizi | ringer: sorry I don't have the answer to that one. | 00:45 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` from where? | 00:45 |
ringer | Scunizi: okay thanks for your help | 00:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chuggst3r What does your source list look like | 00:45 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: Anywhere on the machine? | 00:45 |
powertool08 | emma: two more questions, do you save it to /home or /home/user and what do you think about svn? | 00:46 |
Chuggst3r | Jack_Sparrow: Did you want me to paste it in? I've added a few repos for getting various programs, but I haven't changed any. | 00:46 |
Jaikkuli | well.. keep in mind i cannot log in on that account, and it should be the only user on the computer | 00:46 |
harpreet | my sending mail does not work , incoming mail server works, outgoing is smtp and written well in evolution still doesnt work ? | 00:46 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker`so how else can i possibly get access to terminal? | 00:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chuggst3r It is probably the added ones messing you up | 00:46 |
UatecB | hi there | 00:47 |
Threatrix | I was wondering what the best way to backup my ubuntu install is so I can repartition my harddrive? | 00:47 |
UatecB | how can i tell what kind of network card i have? | 00:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chuggst3r ay or may not work.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) | 00:47 |
rsk | UatecB: lspci | 00:47 |
UatecB | ubuntu kinda just installed the drivers without complaining and hasn't told me | 00:47 |
furythor | How I do extract an chopped rar archive ? | 00:47 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: your username is joi? | 00:47 |
jrib | furythor: just extract the first one | 00:47 |
trait | which package do i need, when the directory /lib/modules/uname -r/build does not exist | 00:47 |
trait | the build directory | 00:47 |
UatecB | hey, thanks rsk | 00:48 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` no, it is jai.. he typod | 00:48 |
gracedman | Hello, all. Having some grief with MX printing in Hardy. | 00:48 |
emma | powertool08: I typically save tar.gz to home and extract them in there. Then cd to the extracted source directory and run the ./configure . I don't have enough experience to be any kind of example, however, or to weigh in on the second part of your question. | 00:48 |
furythor | Jrib it usually having no "part" in it, right ? | 00:48 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: are you on a different computer now? | 00:48 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` yes | 00:48 |
gracedman | Sorry - NX printing and Hardy. | 00:48 |
gracedman | NX adds a cups backend named nx. | 00:48 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: Ok. Press ctrl+alt+f1 on the machine with the problem - you should get a command prompt | 00:48 |
gracedman | device uri become nx://somedevice | 00:48 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker`done | 00:48 |
Vedalken | Jack_Sparrow: is there a way without using the screen resolution prefs to set my resolution differently? I have a Single Card-Two Monitor screen solution. | 00:48 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: log in | 00:48 |
furythor | and is there "graphical" tool for extracting, I know 7zip can extract but I can't it get to extract those all | 00:49 |
Chuggst3r | Jack_Sparrow: it's not working, needs syntax | 00:49 |
gracedman | For some reason, Hardy is not recognizing the nx backend even though it is in /usr/lib/cups/backends | 00:49 |
m13 | Vedalken: what graphic card u have ? | 00:49 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` done | 00:49 |
grobda24 | Anyone have no DVB-T (a USB dongle on my case) after recent updates ? At first I thought it was the new kernel, but recompiling linuxtv drivers didn't fix it :( | 00:49 |
Vedalken | m13: MSI GeForce 8400GS. | 00:49 |
andresj | hello. I wanna buy an adapter to be able to connect two monitors to my computer. What product do you recoomend? (My 3d card is nvidia, if it matters :) | 00:49 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: what is the output of ls -l /home | 00:49 |
gracedman | lpadmin generates an invalude device-uri error. | 00:49 |
fairyeneried | hello | 00:49 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: I only need to know the line that corresponds to your username | 00:49 |
m13 | Vedalken: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings | 00:49 |
agliodbs | hey, are there any groupware applications already available on ubuntu? | 00:50 |
fairyeneried | i need help | 00:50 |
Vedalken | M13: MSI-manufactured Nvidia GeForce8400GS | 00:50 |
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka | ||
Jack_Sparrow | Chuggst3r In a terminal.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit | 00:50 |
m13 | Vedalken: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings | 00:50 |
powertool08 | emma, thanks its helped alot | 00:50 |
fairyeneried | how can i make a ubuntu start in command line but havind xserver? | 00:50 |
gracedman | I'm not even sure of where to begin troubleshooting why cups does not recognize the backend although I've spent days googling. | 00:50 |
gracedman | Centos works fine | 00:50 |
Vedalken | m13: sorry... my window screwed up for a second... thanks. | 00:50 |
Chuggst3r | | 00:50 |
gracedman | Any ideas? | 00:50 |
fairyeneried | i deleted gdm, but i'm not sure this is a nice solution | 00:50 |
fairyeneried | :( | 00:50 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` damn, wait a sec.. trying to find the / key on that keyboard | 00:51 |
ringer | i put in a homemade dvd and it does not want to play. how can i make it play? | 00:51 |
kiteflyer07 | /msg ubottu etiquette | 00:51 |
emma | powertool08: you're very welcome any time. You might also want to check out #ubuntuforums which is more oriented toward this type of discussion. | 00:51 |
m13 | Vedalken: there u should have option to set resolution for each monitor separately | 00:51 |
kiteflyer07 | /msg ubottu etiquette | 00:51 |
Chuggst3r | Jack_Sparrow: Wow that's a neat little program, again incase you missed it. | 00:51 |
powertool08 | emma: ok will do | 00:51 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` drw-r--r-- 53 jai jai 4096 (the date) jai | 00:51 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: whats going on? | 00:51 |
* Nith just got back | 00:51 | |
Chuggst3r | I also still can't figure out why my video card isn't working. It can't initialize it.... | 00:52 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: Try chmod u+x jai | 00:52 |
fairyeneried | ok, no answer, then next question | 00:52 |
Vedalken | m13: will i have to restart to access it? | 00:52 |
indio | Hi. | 00:52 |
fairyeneried | where is the popsquares screensaver? | 00:52 |
m13 | Vedalken: this not windows :) | 00:52 |
Nith | -.-, shouldda been 744, sorry I was just reading the dialog in that image | 00:52 |
Seeker` | wiat | 00:52 |
indio | Can someone tell me how to change my window manager to ratpoison ? | 00:52 |
Threatrix | What is a good backup tool for ubuntu. I want to resize my ubuntu partition and get rid of windows completly but I need to keep my current setings safe | 00:52 |
Chuggst3r | Keeps failing and going back to low-graphics mode. I tried EnvyNG and nadda... | 00:52 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: Try chmod u+x /home/jai | 00:52 |
Vedalken | M13: sorry... used to windows too much i guess | 00:52 |
tockitj | is "ATi Mobility RADEON HD2600" supported with drivers ? | 00:53 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` yeah figured :D seemed incomplete | 00:53 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: sorry | 00:53 |
m13 | Vedalken: just to System>Administration>Nvidia settings and uget gui | 00:53 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` done | 00:53 |
Vedalken | M13: found it.. was just wondering where it was located to access it since i couldn't find it. | 00:53 |
gracedman | Hello, all. Anyone interested in helping me troubleshoot an Ubuntu specific cups printing problem? | 00:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chuggst3r # out lines 56 or so down.. sudo apt-get update and try again | 00:53 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: logout by typing "exit", then press ctrl+alt+F7 | 00:53 |
kiteflyer07 | hello, I am looking for help starting pptp connection (via network manager) from the command line. thusfar I've found the following command to initialize, but it only displays "CHAP <username> <password>" | 00:53 |
kiteflyer07 | /usr/lib/network-manager/nm-ppp-auth-dialog -s 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.ppp_starter' -n <connection_name> | 00:53 |
Seeker` | then try logging into the GUI | 00:53 |
Jaikkuli | Nith forgiven (assuming it wasn't intentional, and this works.. hence me not loosing years of important data | 00:54 |
* swansk has an issue. Three new updates this morning and the update manager which usually downloads and installs updates in seconds is taking FOREVER | 00:54 | |
tockitj | I am considering laptop with "ATi Mobility RADEON HD2600", would that graphic card be supported under ubuntu ? :-/ | 00:54 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: we changed your permissions, your data is untouched | 00:54 |
xuta | hello | 00:54 |
eross | ok I'm back using the .16 kernel, does anyone know what happened with the .17 and why it broke nvidia | 00:55 |
kiteflyer07 | tockitj: most modern ati chips should work fine. | 00:55 |
Jaikkuli | Seeker` all is good, thanks a bunch | 00:55 |
Vedalken | m13: got an error when i tried to apply a 1600 x 1200 resolution. The XRandR X extension was not found. | 00:55 |
Seeker` | Jaikkuli: glad I could help :D | 00:55 |
tockitj | kiteflyer07: do integrated laptop graphic cards work well too? (x1300 for example) ?? | 00:55 |
Jaikkuli | Nith i meant in the sense that my account would be unaccessable, therefore the data untouchable.. :) i knew what was going on.. vaguely | 00:55 |
ripps | I keep getting failed dkms module builds for 2.6.25-1 | 00:55 |
limac | how can I install the Nvidia drivers for my GEforce 8600 Gt card? | 00:56 |
Chuggst3r | Jack_Sparrow: Same Issue. | 00:56 |
julien_c | tockitj: my mobility X1600 works very well | 00:56 |
kiteflyer07 | tockitj: you may have trouble with 3d acceleration, but my compaq, for example, has a radeon chip and it works fine, at least with 2d. I haven't tried it otherwise. | 00:56 |
_nike_ | please help me | 00:56 |
limac | in ubuntu | 00:56 |
Nith | Jaikkuli: if you have troubles, you SHOULD be able to log into a TTY, CTRL+ALT+F1 through CTRL+ALT+F5 | 00:56 |
Jaikkuli | Nith thanks also.. you also fixed my original problem :D | 00:56 |
Seeker` | _nike_: what is the problem - you need to tell us before we can help you | 00:56 |
Nith | np | 00:56 |
bob932 | how do you change user-agent in xchat? | 00:56 |
Nith | 'twas my original intension | 00:56 |
limac | can anyone pls help me? | 00:57 |
bob932 | how do you change user-agent in xchat? | 00:57 |
limac | it is kind of an emergenvy | 00:57 |
grobda24 | eross ... was that the latest kernel through update ? My nvidia is Ok, but I lost my DVB. | 00:57 |
Seeker` | limac: It should suggest them automatically | 00:57 |
_nike_ | Seeker` one day ... but I don't known how config my net | 00:57 |
_nike_ | =///////////// | 00:57 |
* Jaikkuli logs off his girlfriends laptop | 00:57 | |
Seeker` | limac: In the restricted drivers manager | 00:57 |
_nike_ | my ip is fix ... I've ip gateway and mask but I donwt known where I put | 00:57 |
_nike_ | :/ | 00:57 |
_nike_ | to run the net | 00:57 |
limac | Seeker`: dumb me thank you mate | 00:58 |
bob932 | how do you change user-agent in xchat? | 00:58 |
Seeker` | _nike_: System->Administration->network? | 00:58 |
eross | it happened yesterday (or day before), spent half a day figuring out how to get back to .16 with full acceleration | 00:58 |
indio | Can someone tell me how to change window manager to ratpoison ? | 00:58 |
_nike_ | anyone can help me | 00:58 |
_nike_ | Seeker` but I try | 00:58 |
_nike_ | =( | 00:58 |
eross | what is DVB | 00:58 |
_nike_ | where I put the ip gateway and mask ? | 00:58 |
Seeker` | _nike_: You dont need to repeatedly say "can anyone help me" | 00:58 |
Chuggst3r | eross: What happened with full acceleration and -16? | 00:59 |
eross | nothing, when I went to the new kernel (.17), i could boot into 640x480 | 00:59 |
Chuggst3r | eross: What'd you do to fix it? | 00:59 |
Seeker` | _nike_: Click on "Wired connection", and then click on properties | 00:59 |
Chuggst3r | eross: I'm having the same issue, my nvidia card can no longer be initialized. | 00:59 |
Seeker` | in the window that comes up you should be able to enter the ip and gateway | 00:59 |
eross | select the previous boot option, then reinstall nvidia-glx-new and hardware manager - enable acceleration | 00:59 |
Chiselh_uk | !backup | 00:59 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 00:59 |
heydabop | How do I disable the system speaker? | 01:00 |
_nike_ | Seeker` where are "Wired connection" ?????? | 01:00 |
eross | so in grub it shows the latest, but when i go to reboot (havent edited grub menu yet), i select the .16-generic version | 01:00 |
_nike_ | my ubuntu is 7.04 | 01:00 |
andresj | anybody can recommend a dual monitor adapter or similar? I use nvidia 3d card. I don't know much about this... | 01:00 |
Seeker` | _nike_: what do you see in the dialog? | 01:00 |
Chuggst3r | eross: I've tried that and I'm still struggling with it :( | 01:00 |
eross | you may have to reboot too | 01:01 |
_nike_ | number to disk | 01:01 |
eross | i did the recovery option first | 01:01 |
_nike_ | pass | 01:01 |
_nike_ | Seeker` why ? | 01:01 |
Seeker` | _nike_: So I can tell you what to do | 01:01 |
eross | then loaded up the .16, and then reinstalled nvidia-glx-new drivers | 01:01 |
Rosendahl | Can anyone please help me figure out how to get 3d acceleration on my gfx card? (intel) | 01:01 |
m13 | andresj: if your vga card slot has 2 slots u can use 2 monitors on one card | 01:01 |
Seeker` | _nike_: what happens if you go system->administration->network | 01:01 |
gracedman | Hello, all. Anyone interested in helping me troubleshoot an Ubuntu specific cups printing problem? | 01:02 |
eross | have to run for now, we need some updates people.. what's going on.. | 01:02 |
eross | later | 01:02 |
willwork4foo | ello | 01:02 |
Chuggst3r | I think I pooched my install, my first choice was to uninstall the kernel upgrade. | 01:02 |
kiteflyer07 | hello. does anyone have experience using network manager controls from the command line? | 01:03 |
eross | Chuggst3r - thru synaptic reinstall the linux-header-.16 and uninstall the .17 too, probably first | 01:03 |
Rosendahl | Anyone here experienced in graphic drivers? | 01:03 |
bazhang | kiteflyer07 | 01:03 |
swansk | This "update manager" isn't the update server in Japan overloaded? GRRR I am not excited about an update manager that doesn't work. Guess I'll have to figure out how to update it myself in the command line. | 01:04 |
Seeker` | swansk: the command line version will use the same servers | 01:04 |
Seeker` | swansk: what problem are you having? | 01:05 |
Rabbitbunny | swansk: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade | 01:05 |
swansk | sure, but I don't know if that is the problem. | 01:05 |
Rabbitbunny | Seeker`: repos have been slow all day. | 01:05 |
swansk | Thanks for the info Rabbitbunny | 01:05 |
andresj | m13: I only have one slot. What want to know is what do I have to buy to have two slots :). my graphics card is nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] (rev a2). | 01:05 |
kiteflyer07 | bazhang: thank you. I can't disable network-manager, however, in my environment. I need a way to establish vpn using network-manager-pptp client. I found a command that is supposed to do the trick, but it doesn't seem to do much. it is: | 01:05 |
kiteflyer07 | /usr/lib/network-manager/nm-ppp-auth-dialog -s 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.ppp_starter' -n <connection_name> | 01:05 |
Seeker` | swansk: if the repos are slow, there isn't a huge amount you can do - you can try changing to some other repos, but they wont necessarily be much quicker | 01:05 |
* Chiselh_uk bids everyone a good night 'n tips her hat to go to bed! | 01:06 | |
swansk | Cool, I am happy to know it is probably not my computer's issue. | 01:06 |
koyo001 | hello | 01:06 |
mtdewulf | hello | 01:06 |
Chuggst3r | eross: Alright, I removed the .17 ones, I should also reinstall the .16 ones? | 01:06 |
koyo001 | I have a problem with my video players | 01:06 |
ringer | hi i was just wondering if anyone could help me get a .udf file playing on ubuntu 8.04 | 01:06 |
koyo001 | i was in the FAQ section | 01:06 |
bazhang | kiteflyer07 | 01:07 |
redshadowhero | I'm having a problem opening applications.. I open them (via launcher, run, command line, etc), and they don't open. I know that I've actually activated them because the show up in top, and in the system monitor. | 01:07 |
koyo001 | and someone said could be gnome related | 01:07 |
redshadowhero | Any ideas? | 01:07 |
bazhang | kiteflyer07 | 01:07 |
Seeker` | redshadowhero: what applications? | 01:07 |
koyo001 | anyone know something about this?? | 01:07 |
Seeker` | koyo001: exactly what problem are ytou having? | 01:07 |
Vedalken | I have an Nvidia GeForce8400GS. I also have the X server settings thing but it gives an error saying the XRandR X extension cannot be found and that it's needed for settings to be dynamically applied. | 01:07 |
LordMetroid | how do one hide a file? | 01:07 |
fde | koyo001: What exactly is your issue? | 01:07 |
ripps | Somebody please help! I can't build FGLRX. | 01:07 |
fde | LordMetroid: stick a . in front of it | 01:08 |
mtdewulf | hide a file? | 01:08 |
mtdewulf | ah yes | 01:08 |
redshadowhero | Seeker': firefox, ephiphany, rhythmbox, sometimes the terminal, etc. | 01:08 |
mtdewulf | but ls -al will still find it | 01:08 |
fde | mtdewulf: yes. | 01:08 |
koyo001 | fde gxine says segmentation error | 01:08 |
Seeker` | redshadowhero: if you try to open them from the terminal do you get any error messages? | 01:08 |
ringer | i cannot play my homemade dvd in ubuntu, it is a .udf file, can anyone help me get it working? | 01:08 |
fde | mtdewulf: on account of it lists all files in the dir | 01:08 |
koyo001 | fde vlc just freezes up | 01:09 |
LordMetroid | fde: Ahhh, that is easy, thank you | 01:09 |
koyo001 | fde and basically all players dont work | 01:09 |
kiteflyer07 | bazhang: thanks again. it looks like you're googling (more or less) the same pages I have. unfortunately, I'm not much closer. there must be a way to do this. almost all gui apps are just frontends to tools that can be used from the CLI. I don't think that this should be any different. | 01:09 |
LordMetroid | while odd | 01:09 |
mtdewulf | should i upgrade to 8.04? | 01:09 |
redshadowhero | Seeker`: well, I can't open the terminal right now, for starters. Well, wait, the window just came up. However, it's greyed out and unusable. | 01:09 |
mtdewulf | im on the last version | 01:09 |
fde | koyo001: on a specific file type or what? | 01:09 |
fde | mtdewulf: sure | 01:09 |
Seeker` | redshadowhero: I dont have a clue what it could be then - it is very difficult to diagnose or do anything about if you cant open any applications | 01:09 |
fde | mtdewulf: it is an LTS release | 01:10 |
ripps | Somebody please help! I can't build FGLRX. | 01:10 |
koyo001 | fde once it starts all player dont work | 01:10 |
mtdewulf | will anything bad happen if i just do the updaet through the update manager? | 01:10 |
limac | Seeker`: I installed it from the restricted drivers but as before, when i reboot it is giving me the error: ubuntu is running in Low configuration mode...or something like that...what could be the cause? | 01:10 |
koyo001 | fde and for any type file | 01:10 |
redshadowhero | Seeker`: let me try rebooting. As much as I hate that for a quick fix, it seems to be the only thing that helps. | 01:11 |
Seeker` | mtdewulf: it shouldn't do | 01:11 |
Seeker` | redshadowhero: ok | 01:11 |
fde | koyo001: Does Totem work? | 01:11 |
revilodraw | dpkg reconfigure xserver or whatever it is, isnt showing fglrx as an option, and i need fglrx. i am currently using the livecd with my hdd mounted | 01:11 |
Seeker` | limac: Make sure that the correct monitor / driver is selected in the dialogue | 01:11 |
mtdewulf | they update manger has a button that says update now | 01:11 |
maiG6etab002 | hi | 01:11 |
mtdewulf | hi | 01:11 |
koyo001 | fde none do | 01:11 |
Lynet | ringer: Do you know more about which exact format it is? e.g., udf 2.5? | 01:11 |
Rabbitbunny | revilodraw: what version? | 01:11 |
koyo001 | fde they all crash | 01:11 |
limac | Seeker`: okie dokie | 01:12 |
limac | brb | 01:12 |
revilodraw | Rabbitbunny: livecd? edgy | 01:12 |
maiG6etab002 | now I have corrected the transslation of swedish about_history, what will happen now? | 01:12 |
ringer | Lynet: no, sorry all it says is udf | 01:12 |
fde | koyo001: can you please do 'totem' from a terminal and tell me the output via a pastebin | 01:12 |
user__ | last batch of updates for 8.04 broke my wireless | 01:12 |
maiG6etab002 | I can see it in "Drafts" | 01:12 |
fde | !paste ! koyo001 | 01:12 |
ubottu | Factoid paste ! koyo001 not found | 01:12 |
ivan_ | can anyone help me with my bamboo tablet?? | 01:12 |
Rabbitbunny | revilodraw: displayconfig-gtk | 01:12 |
fde | !paste | koyo001 | 01:12 |
ubottu | koyo001: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 01:12 |
Lynet | ringer: How did you make the dvd? in vista? | 01:12 |
kavon | Hi, I'm having a problem with my Nvidia drivers. I updated to the -17 kernel recently and my computer boots in low graphics mode in both -17 and -16 kernel verisons. Whichever I choose in Grub. I have an Nvidia Quadro NVS 140M video card. How can I just go about completely reinstalling my Nvidia drivers? | 01:12 |
=== squidly__ is now known as squidly | ||
ptyo11 | is there a GNOME version of swscanner? I would like something that is graphical and can make ESRI shape files. | 01:13 |
ringer | Lynet: it was made on a samsung DVD recorder, directly from a VHS | 01:13 |
Chuggst3r | kavon: I have the same problem. I'm being told it's not Linux's fault...hehe. | 01:13 |
maiG6etab002 | (oups sorry.. wrong group) | 01:13 |
Invisionfree | Anyone got experience setting up TeamSpeak? Highlight me! | 01:13 |
revilodraw | Rabbitbunny: "bash: displayconfig-gtk: command not found" | 01:13 |
fde | kavon: Many are having that issue... many report that using recovery mode and hitting ESC seems to fix things. | 01:13 |
Rabbitbunny | revilodraw: Ouch. that's the bottom of my bag. | 01:13 |
fde | revilodraw: what are you attempting to do? | 01:14 |
kavon | fde: recovery mode with the -16 kernel option? | 01:14 |
Lynet | ringer: Do other dvds work (that is, have you installed all the normal stuff you need to playback regular bought-in-store video dvds)? | 01:14 |
Invisionfree | Anyone got experience setting up TeamSpeak? Highlight me!? | 01:14 |
ringer | Lynet: im not sure. i will check right now | 01:14 |
Seeker` | Invisionfree: Please be patient, someone will answer you if they know the answer | 01:14 |
fde | kavon: no... -17 ... also, first make sure you have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17-generic installed. | 01:15 |
Sithe | When ever I start ubuntu I get this error: "Resume script cannot be executed." And the X server will not start. | 01:15 |
wilker | \nickserver junin | 01:15 |
ari_stress | morning all | 01:15 |
=== wilker is now known as junin | ||
Rabbitbunny | Invisionfree: server or client? That'll be important to get help. | 01:15 |
yojesus | is thier a program thats like publisher but for linux | 01:15 |
Invisionfree | Rabbitbunny: Server. | 01:15 |
gracedman | Can anyone help me troubleshoot why Hardy cups cannot use the nx backend? - lpadmin Bad device-uri nx://<device> | 01:15 |
fde | koyo001: Did you do what I asked yet? | 01:15 |
revilodraw | fde; i upgraded to hardy, and my ati graphics card wasnt playing nicely, so i uninstalled the proprietary drivers, now i cant get a 'visual' login. so i tried dpkg reconfigure-xserver-xorg (or whatever it is) but fglrx isnt listed like it should be | 01:16 |
unknown_ | want to join yahoo chat rooms in kopete ,, the list is shown but i can't join....... help needed | 01:16 |
tmapj | is there a backup program for ubuntu? | 01:16 |
bazhang | !equivalents | yojesus look here | 01:16 |
ubottu | yojesus look here: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at and | 01:16 |
astro76 | yojesus: there is scribus, also openoffice writer has some page layout features | 01:16 |
ringer | Lynet: yes it plays store bought dvd's fine | 01:16 |
tmapj | !backup | 01:16 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 01:16 |
fde | revilodraw: umm... the proprietary drivers you removed ARE fglrx... so why would it be listed? | 01:16 |
kavon | fde: yea synaptic says it's installed, i'm gonna reboot in -17 recovery and see how it goes | 01:16 |
ringer | Lynet: also copied dvd's but just not .udf;s | 01:16 |
koyo001 | fde having problems | 01:16 |
tmapj | !backup | tmapj | 01:16 |
debian | !man pizza | 01:16 |
ubottu | Factoid man pizza not found | 01:17 |
koyo001 | fde working on it | 01:17 |
unknown_ | want to join yahoo chat rooms in kopete ,, the list is shown but i can't join....... help needed | 01:17 |
fde | koyo001: was there any output from the command? | 01:17 |
tmapj | !backup | 01:17 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 01:17 |
Sithe | When ever I start ubuntu I get this error: "Resume script cannot be executed." And the X server will not start. | 01:17 |
tmapj | sorry | 01:17 |
redshadowhero | Seeker`: well, its coming up now. Everything seems to be fine. But this happens so often.. | 01:17 |
revilodraw | fde; well i just want visuals back! how do i install fglrx from the cli? | 01:17 |
grobda24 | I rebuilt linuxtv DVB (properly this time) against .17 and now I have DVB back :) I would be nice if linuxtv were in there as a dependency that get's installed along with a kernel update. Maybe there's a good reason it isn't. | 01:17 |
limac | Seeker`: I selected the right models and it booted into X the same way it did what can i do now? | 01:17 |
tmapj | how do i send ubottu to myself? | 01:17 |
astro76 | tmapj: /msg ubottu whatever | 01:17 |
_nike_ | why I don't have wired connection ? | 01:17 |
_nike_ | anyone an help me ? | 01:17 |
tmapj | thnx | 01:17 |
Seeker` | limac: what driver is it currently using? | 01:17 |
limac | the one from the hardware manager | 01:18 |
limac | I installed it | 01:18 |
Seeker` | _nike_: What do you see if you go to system->adminitstration->networking | 01:18 |
fde | revilodraw: sudo aptitude install fglrx-driver | 01:18 |
_nike_ | Seeker` I can't see I'm in windows | 01:18 |
bazhang | _nike_, open a terminal and type ifconfig-->do you see eth0? | 01:18 |
revilodraw | fde thank you! | 01:18 |
Seeker` | limac: Which is that? The 2nd tab for the low graphics mode should say which driver you are using | 01:18 |
linuxpenguin207 | hello? | 01:18 |
unknown_ | want to join yahoo chat rooms in kopete ,, the list is shown but i can't join....... help needed | 01:19 |
Seeker` | bazhang: he wants to set static ip, subnet and gateway informations | 01:19 |
bazhang | _nike_, get on the ubuntu machine to troubleshoot it | 01:19 |
_nike_ | Seeker` I saw don't have "wired connection" I saw one print ... with this | 01:19 |
Lynet | ringer: Hmm.. Only thing I can find right now is that current Hardy does not support the udf v2.5 format. Not sure if that's the cause of the problem. | 01:19 |
fde | revilodraw: you probably want to aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17-generic though. | 01:19 |
koyo001 | fde well i did totem | 01:19 |
rolo | hola | 01:19 |
foxhop | amarok doesn't work well with 54,000+ tracks... Anyone have any suggestions for a media library application that will work with huge libraries? | 01:19 |
_nike_ | I see in help the img of "wired connection" and don't have :/ | 01:19 |
koyo001 | fde but it started the player and nothing else | 01:19 |
_nike_ | in my ubuntu | 01:19 |
limac | Seeker`: the one that was already there was VESA .... and I changed it to Nvidia GeForce 8 series | 01:19 |
Seeker` | foxhop: what sort of database is it using | 01:19 |
foxhop | sqlite | 01:19 |
fde | koyo001: Ok... then totem isn't broken... does it play the files you want? | 01:19 |
ringer | Lynet: okay, thanks. yesh im not really sure, i know it runs on xp, but only under WinDVD | 01:19 |
Rabbitbunny | foxhop: mpd? | 01:19 |
Seeker` | foxhop: mysql may be better, I'm not sure though | 01:19 |
_nike_ | anyone can help me ? | 01:19 |
StevenX | guys, I started up another x display using the command 'startx -- :1' | 01:20 |
bazhang | _nike_, you are on windows box now? | 01:20 |
__machine | i've setup a second apache instance on my hardy install... how do i configure it to rotate logs? or... how do i configure the main apache to also rotate logs? i don't think it does by default...? | 01:20 |
Seeker` | _nike_: you have been given advice by both me and bazhang | 01:20 |
StevenX | how do I shut it down? | 01:20 |
ringer | Lynet: i am thinking of downloading a free trial of that and seeing if it runs under wine | 01:20 |
limac | Seeker`: the one that was already there was like VESA....something I do not exactly remember | 01:20 |
foxhop | Seeker` I don't think there is much of a benchmark boost | 01:20 |
Seeker` | limac: Give me a second, got lots going on here :P | 01:20 |
Lynet | ringer: Heh, good luck ;-p | 01:20 |
limac | Seeker`: no prob mate | 01:20 |
_nike_ | help please | 01:20 |
_nike_ | --' | 01:20 |
fde | StevenX: go to 'ctrl + alt + f8' and logout | 01:20 |
ringer | Lynet: thanks, do you think that would work? | 01:20 |
bazhang | _nike_, answer my question | 01:20 |
Seeker` | limac: I'm not sure why it isn't starting properly | 01:20 |
kavon | rebooting in recovery kernel -17 and using xfix didn't solve the problem fde :( | 01:20 |
StevenX | fde, thank you. | 01:21 |
rolo | exit | 01:21 |
Seeker` | bazhang: He wont, he'll just keep saying "please help" | 01:21 |
_nike_ | bazhang don't have ... | 01:21 |
koyo001 | fde its cause it still has not crashed | 01:21 |
_nike_ | sorry | 01:21 |
_nike_ | =/ | 01:21 |
Seeker` | limac: Does it start properly if you change it back to vesa? | 01:21 |
fde | koyo001: Ok... so play a file in it. | 01:21 |
bazhang | _nike_, are you on windows box now-->yes or no? | 01:21 |
_nike_ | i'M BRAZILIAN | 01:21 |
limac | Seeker`: should I try installing gutsy if that will make anything probably better? | 01:21 |
unknown_ | want to join yahoo chat rooms in kopete ,, the list is shown but i can't join....... help needed | 01:21 |
_nike_ | bazhang YES | 01:21 |
bazhang | !br | _nike_ | 01:21 |
fagbot | heyyyy | 01:21 |
_nike_ | =P | 01:21 |
Seeker` | limac: What version are you running at the moment? | 01:21 |
fde | !caps | 01:21 |
fde | !CAPS | 01:21 |
ubottu | _nike_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 01:21 |
limac | Seeker`: Hardy | 01:21 |
ubottu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 01:21 |
fagbot | wowoowow this is boring | 01:22 |
bazhang | fagbot, change your nick please | 01:22 |
Lynet | ringer: Really have no idea, never tried. Ah, you might try this though: | 01:22 |
Seeker` | limac: Hardy support should be better than gutsy | 01:22 |
fagbot | whyy] | 01:22 |
bazhang | fagbot, or be removed | 01:22 |
derspankster | ticky tacky channel | 01:22 |
Seeker` | limac: you could log in via the tty console and check /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 01:23 |
fde | derspankster: Try running a channel with 1400 people and not maintaining any control. | 01:23 |
Seeker` | limac: see if there are any lines starting with EE | 01:23 |
tigran | Hi. Is there any way I can change the key that moves the window? Pressing Alt and dragging the window. | 01:23 |
=== amidaniel is now known as amidaniel|away | ||
indio | Hi. | 01:23 |
limac | Seeker`: well, I am actually pretty tired of all these troubleshooting....ok one sec | 01:23 |
foxhop | Maybe I should just purge some artists | 01:23 |
indio | Does Ubuntu use GDM ? | 01:23 |
fde | indio: yes | 01:23 |
bazhang | foxhop, use sqlite | 01:23 |
koyo001 | fde playing files | 01:23 |
Seeker` | limac: You can set the driver back to VESA if you want to get it back to how it was | 01:23 |
derspankster | fde, looks like it's going alright | 01:23 |
indio | Where can I choose the display manager ? | 01:23 |
Rabbitbunny | idimmu: Yes. | 01:23 |
koyo001 | fde but its not crashing now | 01:23 |
indio | s/display manager/window manager/ | 01:24 |
foxhop | bazhang: I am using sqlite for amarok | 01:24 |
Rabbitbunny | indio: Yes. | 01:24 |
fde | koyo001: so that's good right? | 01:24 |
unknown_ | want to join yahoo chat rooms in kopete ,, the list is shown but i can't join....... help needed | 01:24 |
bazhang | foxhop, then full mysql? | 01:24 |
koyo001 | fde kinda not good for me cause it crashes after a while | 01:24 |
indio | I want to choose ratpoison as window manager. | 01:24 |
fde | koyo001: It shouldn't... | 01:24 |
foxhop | bazhang: do you know how much people generally gain from using mysql? | 01:24 |
Rabbitbunny | indio: You would click on 'Session' when you loging. | 01:24 |
tigran | Hi. Is there any way I can change the key that moves the window? Pressing Alt and dragging the window. | 01:24 |
fde | indio: choose it from the Session menu in GDM | 01:24 |
bazhang | foxhop, all their tracks are usable :) | 01:25 |
indio | I see. | 01:25 |
whisperkiller | how do i run a cd from commandline? | 01:25 |
limac | Seeker`: only one, here: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) | 01:25 |
koyo001 | fde alright started crashing | 01:25 |
fde | koyo001: output on terminal? | 01:25 |
limac | Seeker`: that is the cause | 01:25 |
TheDudSpud | how do i make this bloody thing stop popping in here, anyone know? | 01:25 |
Seeker` | limac: I would assume so, yes | 01:25 |
limac | Seeker`: of all this ruckus | 01:25 |
fde | TheDudSpud: what thing... and what do you mean by 'popping' | 01:25 |
Seeker` | limac: :/ | 01:25 |
TheDudSpud | xchat and everytime i load it it goes in here | 01:26 |
Dew420 | bah. system volume + my headphone volume are full. Same with my music player, so why is it so quite? | 01:26 |
Seeker` | limac: what does it say under Driver section of "Device" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:26 |
lw0x15 | Dew420, try playing with alsamixer | 01:26 |
haedent | hay guys can I have some X problems too? I replaced my 7600 with a 7950 and now I can't seem to use the nvidia driver. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't seem to create a usable xorg.conf. What else should I try? | 01:26 |
fde | TheDudSpud: XChat > Server List ... Ubuntu Servers > Edit | 01:26 |
limac | Seeker`: one sec | 01:26 |
TheDudSpud | ahh | 01:26 |
limac | Seeker`: I'll pastebin it to ya | 01:26 |
TheDudSpud | thanks fde | 01:26 |
whisperkiller | can someone tell me how to run a cd from commandline? | 01:26 |
fde | TheDudSpud: you're welcome | 01:26 |
Ahadiel | haedent, sudo nvidia-xsettings | 01:27 |
ringer | Lynet: thanks ill take a look | 01:27 |
=== unknown_ is now known as san_dhu | ||
=== OSUKid7` is now known as OSUKid7 | ||
limac | Seeker`: here: | 01:28 |
=== unknown_ is now known as sandhu_s | ||
fde | whisperkiller: what do you mean 'run'? You just want to access it? Audio or video? | 01:28 |
Seeker` | limac: change "nv" to "nvidia" and see what happens | 01:28 |
koyo001 | fde how do i pastebin | 01:28 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Hey you happen to still be around? | 01:28 |
whisperkiller | no i want to install the new ubuntu.... | 01:28 |
fde | !paste | koyo001 | 01:28 |
ubottu | koyo001: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 01:28 |
fde | Chuggst3r: yup | 01:28 |
whisperkiller | i destroyed my previous install lol | 01:28 |
Seeker` | limac: It is a good idea to make a backup first | 01:28 |
Chuggst3r | fde: What steps did you say people were taking to fix their acceleration issues? | 01:29 |
sandhu_s | problem in joinino chat rooms in yahoo ,,using kopete .... | 01:29 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
limac | Seeker`: ok...and another thing, this is the 64-bit version of Hardy...if that might be a cause | 01:29 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I assume I'm having the same problems eross and such were describing. | 01:29 |
Seeker` | limac: I'm not sure | 01:29 |
koyo001 | fde | 01:29 |
fde | Chuggst3r: many just installed the right linux-restricted-modules and went to recovery mode and hit 'ESC' ... | 01:29 |
whisperkiller | i cant boot to the os so i want to access the cd drive from commandline | 01:29 |
Dew420 | baaaaaaah | 01:29 |
sandhu_s | problem in joinino chat rooms in yahoo ,,using kopete .... | 01:29 |
sandhu_s | problem in joining chat rooms in yahoo ,,using kopete .... | 01:30 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Went to recovery mode and hit ESC? What does that do? | 01:30 |
Dew420 | Don't spam it sandhu_s | 01:30 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Or did you mean hit ESC and selected Recovery Mode. | 01:30 |
fde | koyo001: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras and try again please. | 01:30 |
Odd-rationale | !repeat | sandhu_s | 01:30 |
ubottu | sandhu_s: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:30 |
whisperkiller | and for some reason it wont boot the cd....think its because of my boot options or something but i cant access those options for some reason....its on my laptop and my wife threw it the other day...cracked the screen and everything | 01:30 |
limac | Seeker`: then reboot? | 01:30 |
fde | Chuggst3r: I'm not sure, they said it fixed it though... heh... recovery mode runs friendly-recovery | 01:30 |
whisperkiller | its powering on but im trying to see if anything else might be messed up | 01:30 |
Seeker` | limac: try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new first | 01:31 |
limac | ok | 01:31 |
kavon | fde: i'm going to guess ur helping chugg with the same problem i have. i tried xfix and it didn't work out | 01:31 |
indio | GDM has Options -> Select session, is it where I have to choose ratpoison ? | 01:31 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Dang :( I tried going into the recover mode, selected all the options with that menu then said boot normally. | 01:31 |
whisperkiller | can someone tell me what i need to do to access the cd drive from commandline | 01:31 |
limac | Seeker`: nvidia-glx-new is already the newest version. | 01:31 |
Seeker` | ok, yeah | 01:31 |
Seeker` | try rebooting | 01:31 |
limac | it is already installed | 01:31 |
fde | Chuggst3r: What other options were there other than Boot Normally? | 01:31 |
limac | ok, brb | 01:31 |
sandhu_s | ok .... i am unable in joining yahoo chat rooms in "kopete ". | 01:32 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Repair all Packages...something related to it redetecting my hardware... | 01:32 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Should I try it again and come back with definitive option selections? | 01:32 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Try letting it redetect | 01:32 |
fde | kavon: you too | 01:33 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I tried all the options, then removed the nvidia-glx-new package, and reinstalled it...nothing. | 01:33 |
whisperkiller | im feeling like a moron here but can someone please tell me how to access my cd drive from commandline? | 01:33 |
Chuggst3r | fde: It also keeps wanting to reinstall the .17 headers. | 01:33 |
jrib | whisperkiller: cd /cdrom | 01:33 |
kavon | fde: yea, i did the recovery and xfix didn't work out with the -17 recovery | 01:33 |
fde | Chuggst3r: have you tried? | 01:34 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Yes. | 01:34 |
Eaude | How to I stop X from tty1? | 01:34 |
jrib | Eaude: why? | 01:34 |
Chuggst3r | fde: btw, I'm not sure how many people say this, but thanks for all your help today :) | 01:34 |
Eaude | I'm trying to install the nvidia drivers and It's telling me I need to stop X | 01:34 |
Invisionfree | Anyone got experience setting up TeamSpeak Server? Highlight me!? I forwarded the port 8767 but I can't connect! :( | 01:34 |
jrib | Eaude: use System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers | 01:35 |
kavon | Eaude: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop should do the trick, change it to start to obviously start it again | 01:35 |
fde | Chuggst3r: kavon: You've both tried booting -16 right? How about -16 in recovery mode? | 01:35 |
limac | Seeker`: nope still the same | 01:35 |
jrib | Eaude: installing the nvidia drivers manually is *not* recommended | 01:35 |
kavon | wth | 01:35 |
Chuggst3r | fde: -16 in recovery mode is what I've been trying, should I be running -17 in recovery mode? | 01:35 |
jrib | !traffic | 01:35 |
ubottu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 01:35 |
fde | Chuggst3r: yes please | 01:35 |
koyo001 | fde i think it works | 01:35 |
Seeker` | limac: Same error in the log? | 01:35 |
Kaemon12433 | hey how do i register on this server? | 01:36 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Alright I'll try it out and report back, BRB. | 01:36 |
LordOllie | Eaude, and it that doesn't work you can always look it up in top and kill it by pid. | 01:36 |
jrib | !register | Kaemon12433 | 01:36 |
ubottu | Kaemon12433: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 01:36 |
fde | !register | Kaemon12433 | 01:36 |
Kaemon12433 | k | 01:36 |
AlabamaHit | I was wondering if Firefox 3 RC was release...Will it be in the updater? Using 8.04 x64 | 01:36 |
Kaemon12433 | !register | 01:36 |
Sithe | I get this error on boot: | 01:36 |
Sithe | kinit: name_to_dev_t(dev/disk/by-uuid/"long list of alpha-numerics") = sda5(8,5) | 01:36 |
Sithe | kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/"long list of alpha-numerics" | 01:36 |
Sithe | kinit No resume image found, doing normal boot. | 01:36 |
Sithe | X/Gnome doesn't start and it just asks me to log in with console | 01:36 |
kavon | fde: i tried regular -16, did sudo nvidia-xconfig, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, i'll go try -16 recovery and use xfix and see how it goes. | 01:36 |
limac | Seeker`: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) yup same | 01:36 |
fde | Kaemon12433: /nickserv register <password> | 01:36 |
StrongMotive | hi | 01:36 |
Seeker` | :/ | 01:36 |
StrongMotive | what can I use to unrar files? | 01:36 |
Seeker` | limac: Sorry, I dont know the answer then | 01:36 |
StrongMotive | unrar-free didnt want to work | 01:36 |
jrib | !unrar > StrongMotive (read the private message from ubottu) | 01:37 |
fde | kavon: tried -17 recovery mode? | 01:37 |
limac | Seeker`: should I try 32-bit instead? | 01:37 |
apollo_ | I need help with lighttpd | 01:37 |
jrib | StrongMotive: use "unrar" from multiverse , not "unrar-free" | 01:37 |
apollo_ | anyone familiar with lighttpd? | 01:37 |
Seeker` | its up to you - why do you wnat the nvidia drivers? | 01:37 |
limac | Seeker`: i know it sounds dumb but ya know | 01:37 |
fde | limac: Yes... | 01:37 |
apollo_ | BRB | 01:37 |
limac | Seeker`: Maya (animation) | 01:37 |
Seeker` | limac: compiz? | 01:37 |
whisperkiller | i think my laptop is fucked | 01:37 |
Seeker` | ah, ok | 01:37 |
limac | not really | 01:37 |
Seeker` | !lanugage | whisperkiller | 01:37 |
whisperkiller | scuse my language | 01:37 |
ubottu | Factoid lanugage not found | 01:37 |
Kaemon12433 | did anyoen jus see my password? | 01:37 |
kavon | fde: yea i'm in it now after trying it. did all the redetecting thing and I have a proper resolution, but the nvidia menu says it's not in use and to use that nvidia configure ocmmand. glxinfo gives me a lot of missing display stuff | 01:38 |
Kaemon12433 | i hope not | 01:38 |
limac | fde: you think 32-bit might fix it? | 01:38 |
whisperkiller | i appologize | 01:38 |
Eaude | i understand that but tell me how to kill x | 01:38 |
kapa | #archlinux | 01:38 |
SpookyET | hi | 01:38 |
kapa | wops | 01:38 |
kapa | sry | 01:38 |
SpookyET | I'm looking for a vim theme that looks like the window on the right | 01:38 |
whisperkiller | let that slip | 01:38 |
gracedman | Can anyone help me troubleshoot why Hardy cups cannot use the nx backend? - lpadmin Bad device-uri nx://<device> | 01:38 |
limac | Eaude: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and to start change the stop to start | 01:38 |
kavon | fde: i'll brb and try -16 recovery | 01:38 |
fde | limac: In general, 64bit is a pita with Ubuntu. | 01:38 |
fde | kavon: -17 | 01:38 |
limac | fde: dsfine pita | 01:39 |
fillet | hi all. what argument tdo i supply to du in order to get a list of the files in my current directory....i dont want any folders listed, just files | 01:39 |
fde | limac: makes things a pain. | 01:39 |
limac | fde: ok then 64-bit it is | 01:39 |
fde | limac: no good multiarch support. | 01:39 |
fde | limac: 32bit | 01:39 |
jrib | SpookyET: inkpot kind of looks like that, but that question is more likely to be answered in #vim | 01:39 |
limac | fde: I mean 32-bit it is :P | 01:39 |
Seeker` | limac: Sorry I cou;dn't be more help | 01:39 |
Invisible_Cat | can Ubuntu be entirely run on ram? | 01:40 |
kumarphilly | how can i convert mp3 songs to OGG in ubuntu? | 01:40 |
kumarphilly | easily | 01:40 |
deyanimay | can some one help me | 01:40 |
limac | Seeker`: thank you very much 4 the help man...I really appreciate your time ;) | 01:40 |
indio | GDM has "Options" -> "Choose session" and then a box with | 01:40 |
indio | radio buttons to choose between some options, ratpoison should appear there ? | 01:40 |
jrib | Invisible_Cat: what do you think happens with the live part of the desktop cd? | 01:40 |
Rabbitbunny | indio: Yes. | 01:40 |
limac | fde: I will try that..thanks man :) | 01:40 |
Sithe | I get this error on boot: | 01:40 |
Sithe | kinit: name_to_dev_t(dev/disk/by-uuid/"long list of alpha-numerics") = sda5(8,5) | 01:40 |
Sithe | kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/"long list of alpha-numerics" | 01:40 |
Sithe | kinit No resume image found, doing normal boot. | 01:40 |
Sithe | X/Gnome doesn't start and it just asks me to log in with console | 01:40 |
FloodBot3 | Sithe: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:40 |
limac | cya people | 01:40 |
Seeker` | deyanimay: Depends whether you tell us the problem or not | 01:40 |
=== Invisible_Cat is now known as Looooooooong_Cat | ||
limac | g2g bye :)\ | 01:40 |
Seeker` | limac: gl | 01:40 |
Rabbitbunny | Sithe: Quit pasting all that. use pastebin. | 01:40 |
deyanimay | im running ubuntu inside of vista on an inspiration 1501 but my wire less card doesnt work its a dell 1390 | 01:41 |
deyanimay | can anyone help | 01:41 |
Chuggst3r | kde: I'm back, well it didn't fix anything...but I wrote down the menu options. | 01:41 |
=== greg_ is now known as grickaby | ||
Chuggst3r | kde: resume: resume normal boot, dpkg: repair broken packages, root: drop to root shell, xfix: try fixing x server. | 01:42 |
=== iSephr is now known as Sephr | ||
indio | Can someone help me compile latest version of ratpoison ? | 01:42 |
Rabbitbunny | indoit's not a standard wm, try that projects devs. | 01:42 |
deyanimay | im running ubuntu inside of vista on an inspiration 1501 but my wire less card doesnt work its a dell 1390 | 01:42 |
deyanimay | can anyone help | 01:42 |
haedent | I really don't know why it doesn't like this xorg.conf | 01:42 |
ivan_ | hi where can i find hwelp on my bamboo tablet?? | 01:42 |
Seeker` | deyanimay: Please dont repeat your question that often - if someone knows the answer they will tell you | 01:43 |
kavon | fde: -16 recovry using xfix then going resume didn't fix it. nvidia still complains of not being in use. Should I reinstall the driver in -17? How do i do this cleanly? | 01:43 |
deyanimay | sorry | 01:43 |
indio | OK. | 01:43 |
AlabamaHit | I was wondering if Firefox 3 RC was release...Will it be in the updater? Using 8.04 x64 | 01:43 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I'm back, well it didn't fix anything...but I wrote down the menu options. | 01:43 |
Lynet | deyanimay: "inside" as in wubi or as in running inside a virtual machine like vmware? | 01:43 |
hrhodes3114 | Is there a good programing language to start to learn? | 01:43 |
Chuggst3r | fde: resume: resume normal boot, dpkg: repair broken packages, root: drop to root shell, xfix: try fixing x server. | 01:43 |
kavon | Chuggst3r: heh same conclusion for me | 01:43 |
jrib | hrhodes3114: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:43 |
deyanimay | i'm not sure i just used the option to install inside windows when i inserted the disc | 01:44 |
Chuggst3r | kavon: It's the strangest thing, I just want to play Warcraft again. :( | 01:44 |
fde | kavon: sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17-generic | 01:44 |
kavon | Chuggst3r: me too ;Z | 01:44 |
Chuggst3r | kavon: Hehe, what server you on? | 01:44 |
ivan_ | where can i get help on my wacom tablet?? | 01:44 |
hrhodes3114 | Why cant there be a be nice and dont fight craft | 01:44 |
kavon | fde: ok done, restart with -17 recovery?? | 01:44 |
Vedalken | Okay, i had my sound working for one starting cycle with WINE having installed the drivers to it previously ( meaning before i restarted). After restarting the first time it worked but then i had to restart for something else and now it doesn't work at all... I have my sound options set to OSS but pulse is the only one that works(OSS worked when the drivers were working). | 01:44 |
fde | Chuggst3r: I'm at a loss if it's not working with the correct linux-restricted-modules installed... you said you already did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg too... so idk | 01:45 |
ivan_ | !pabstein wacom | 01:45 |
ubottu | Factoid pabstein wacom not found | 01:45 |
jrib | hrhodes3114: what? | 01:45 |
fde | kavon: I'm not sure recovery will be required, just restart for now | 01:45 |
hrhodes3114 | what is warcraft? | 01:45 |
kavon | fde: alright | 01:45 |
Shiver2365 | can someone please tell me how to be a "superuser" im getting errors on the symp package install and its telling me to run "dpkg --configure -a" | 01:45 |
Sithe | Im getting this error on boot: | 01:45 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Well I ran the dpkg and xfix options on the recovery menu. | 01:45 |
kavon | Chuggst3r: i'm on Kel'Thuzad | 01:45 |
jrib | hrhodes3114: what is your question? | 01:45 |
Chuggst3r | kavon: Ah, Arthas here...formerly Magtheridon. | 01:45 |
deyanimay | lynet: i'm not sure i just used the option to install inside windows when i inserted the disc | 01:45 |
AlabamaHit | Shiver2365: I htink its sudo su | 01:45 |
hrhodes3114 | What is warcraft? | 01:46 |
krim | hrhodes3114: A game. | 01:46 |
Seeker` | Shiver2365: put "sudo" in front | 01:46 |
astro76 | Shiver2365: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 01:46 |
Chuggst3r | hrhodes3114: World of Warcraft, an MMORG. | 01:46 |
kavon | hrhodes3114: world of warcraft, game | 01:46 |
Chuggst3r | MMORPG that is. | 01:46 |
Shiver2365 | ty | 01:46 |
Shiver2365 | brb | 01:46 |
limac | fde, Seeker`: shall I go with hardy 32-bit or gutsy 32-bit? | 01:46 |
hrhodes3114 | I need to start to program because I cant do anything else | 01:46 |
jrib | hrhodes3114: do you have a question about ubunut? That's what this channel is about. All other stuff, we talk about in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:46 |
Rabbitbunny | hrhodes3114: you may want to research the meaning of 'offtopic' and the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. | 01:46 |
fde | limac: hardy... | 01:46 |
jrib | ubuntu* | 01:46 |
Seeker` | limac: hardy | 01:46 |
Seeker` | limac: In most cases, support for hardware is much better in the newer version | 01:47 |
linkmaster03 | Where's the Firefox 3.0 cache? | 01:47 |
billenium | How do i unmount my /home partition? | 01:47 |
Rabbitbunny | umount | 01:47 |
limac | fde: Seeker`: okie dokie, I'll let you people know how it is going with 32bit hadry...thank you g2g to bed cya :) | 01:47 |
fde | brb | 01:47 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Small question, I ran that same sudo command you told kevon to wants to remove 28 packages and install that one. | 01:47 |
hrhodes3114 | everyone is leaving | 01:47 |
hrhodes3114 | lol | 01:47 |
billenium | Rabbitbunny: it says it is inuse | 01:47 |
deyanimay | anyone? | 01:47 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Now I haven't hit yes or no yet, but should run it? | 01:47 |
bazhang | !ot | hrhodes3114 | 01:48 |
ubottu | hrhodes3114: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:48 |
Rabbitbunny | billenium: It is, You're logged in. | 01:48 |
billenium | ah... | 01:48 |
billenium | What should i do? | 01:48 |
Shiver2365 | very good! thank you! now im limited on space on that box, what irc proggie can i use so i dont have to run to this pc?? | 01:48 |
hrhodes3114 | thanks for that information | 01:48 |
hrhodes3114 | im fine | 01:48 |
Sithe | Im getting this error on boot: | 01:48 |
Rabbitbunny | billenium: logout, adduser? | 01:48 |
bazhang | hrhodes3114, take chat elsewhere please | 01:48 |
fde | Chuggst3r: ahh... I will be right back... please pastebin what it wants to remove to and give it to me when I return | 01:48 |
hrhodes3114 | make me | 01:48 |
Daisuke-Laptop | Shiver2365: define limited on space | 01:48 |
linkmaster03 | Where's the Firefox 3.0 cache? | 01:48 |
Shiver2365 | 2.5g | 01:48 |
usser | Chuggst3r, that depends... if u know what u're doing and u seeing that there are some packages that u need that are being deleted i'd think twice but yea pastebin the thing | 01:48 |
Shiver2365 | i have 24mg left lol | 01:48 |
billenium | if i adduser im still using /home and if i log out i cannot unmount | 01:49 |
jrib | hrhodes3114: we'll have to ban you from here if you continue. Please play nice and join #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting | 01:49 |
hrhodes3114 | continue what? | 01:49 |
Chuggst3r | usser: No it is :D Haha I'll Pastebin now. | 01:49 |
fde | Chuggst3r: k... you paste? | 01:49 |
linuxpenguin207 | what is a dvd ripping tool that is at least below 5mb? | 01:49 |
AlabamaHit | Will the new Fire Fox be put in the updater? I just instlled 8.04 And ran all the updates but it still is has Beta 5. | 01:49 |
Seeker` | hrhodes3114: offtopic conversation | 01:49 |
jrib | hrhodes3114: if you continue to talk about offtopic stuff (ie anything not about ubuntu support) | 01:49 |
Rabbitbunny | billenium: you can set your home to something else for a bit. | 01:49 |
Chuggst3r | fde: One sec. | 01:49 |
fde | AlabamaHit: beta5 is what you're supposed to get. | 01:49 |
hrhodes3114 | o ok | 01:50 |
hrhodes3114 | I get you | 01:50 |
billenium | How do i do so? | 01:50 |
fde | AlabamaHit: It will update eventually to firefox 3 proper, but it'll need to be released first ;) | 01:50 |
Daisuke-Laptop | AlabamaHit: apparently the maintainer has been or is away, and rc1 will be coming, i believe | 01:50 |
Shiver2365 | QUESTION: I installed flash player and now firefox wont load... im trying to use the sypk package mannage to remove firefox and reload it... is this the right path to take? | 01:50 |
* usser opera ftw | 01:50 | |
hrhodes3114 | it is related to ubuntu let me refraz that what program on ubuntu would you program in? | 01:50 |
eyzi | "what is a dvd ripping tool that is at least below 5mb?" Fairuse Wizard, 5,8 mb | 01:50 |
Sithe | Im getting this error on boot: | 01:50 |
burner | Shiver2365: I would install flash 10 beta instead :) | 01:50 |
AlabamaHit | fde: The RC is released, lol | 01:50 |
Rabbitbunny | billenium: Hmm. I'm not sure, It's been a while. | 01:50 |
Chuggst3r | fde, usser: | 01:50 |
fde | AlabamaHit: Daisuke-Laptop: RC1 is available via a ppa ... see to see. | 01:50 |
billenium | okay im done with this... Im just going to reinstall ubuntu :P | 01:50 |
ptyo11 | I am new to Linux what and installing virtual box. This popped up... Users of VirtualBox must be member of that group in order to have write permissions to /dev/vboxdrv. Otherwise starting of VMs will not be possible. What am I supposed to do. | 01:50 |
AlabamaHit | Daisuke-Laptop: Thanks :) | 01:51 |
Shiver2365 | <burner> is that micromedia?? | 01:51 |
eyzi | NEW TO IRC: how do i change server and join a certain channel etc? | 01:51 |
SpookyET | jrib: it's fake. | 01:51 |
Seeker` | ptyo11: System->Administration->Users | 01:51 |
burner | Shiver2365: indeed. | 01:51 |
jrib | SpookyET: what is fake? | 01:51 |
ptyo11 | thanks. | 01:51 |
fde | Chuggst3r: see where it says "The following packages are unused and will be REMOVED:" ... means it's ok the remove them. | 01:51 |
AlabamaHit | fde: That is why I was asking cause I new that the RC was relaease :) I will just wait till they put it in th eupdater.. | 01:51 |
SpookyET | jrib: the colours in that screenshot in the right window | 01:52 |
fde | AlabamaHit: Ok... they should be on their way :) | 01:52 |
bazhang | !coding | hrhodes3114 | 01:52 |
ubottu | hrhodes3114: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida | 01:52 |
Shiver2365 | <burner> thank you! finally, a linux channel i can get some freakin help in! later guys! | 01:52 |
burner | Shiver2365: for the record, macromedia has since been purchased by adobe | 01:52 |
AlabamaHit | :) | 01:52 |
astro76 | !ff3rc | AlabamaHit fyi | 01:52 |
ubottu | AlabamaHit fyi: The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team are at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 01:52 |
usser | Chuggst3r, hm pretty major stuff... write them down just in case... and press enter ;) | 01:52 |
Seeker` | ptyo11: Clock the "unlock" button, then click on "manage groups" | 01:52 |
jrib | SpookyET: I don't see why, but ok | 01:52 |
astro76 | AlabamaHit: that's why it been taking a bit ;) | 01:52 |
Vedalken | Okay, I have an ECS GeForce6100PM-M2 board with onboard sound being used... is there any way i can either install another card to use and disable the onboard sound or get the drivers to work with ubuntu? | 01:52 |
Chuggst3r | usser: Worst case scenario I cry a little, then drink and play GTA4 :P | 01:52 |
fde | usser: what there is major? they are mostly -dev packages. | 01:52 |
Chuggst3r | fde: So will installing this help me any? | 01:53 |
AlabamaHit | astro76: Cool thanks for the info :) I didn't know that the developers had BBQs :) | 01:53 |
Seeker` | ptyo11: Scroll down until you get to the vboxgroup (or something similar). Double click on the group name, and then make sure the tickbox next to your username is ticked | 01:53 |
SpookyET | jrib: screen had the wrong settings and it recoloured inkpot on the left into that, which looks pretty good | 01:53 |
fde | Chuggst3r: It'll update your nvidia.... so you should be fine after. | 01:53 |
jrib | SpookyET: that I believe :) | 01:53 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I I should be ok to boot into .17 or .16? | 01:53 |
usser | fde, oh yea u're right all the X are dev didnt notice that | 01:53 |
hrhodes3114 | funny jrib is not on the user list Why is that? | 01:53 |
fde | Chuggst3r: -17, yes | 01:53 |
AlabamaHit | I installed 64 bit...Honestly I don't see a differnece from 32bit. | 01:54 |
ptyo11 | seeker: thanks ... | 01:54 |
fde | usser: ;) | 01:54 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Great, I'll be right back! | 01:54 |
bazhang | hrhodes3114, please stop | 01:54 |
krim | AlabamaHit: There isn't much of a difference. | 01:54 |
hrhodes3114 | Stop what? | 01:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | hrhodes3114 FYI No more !ot warnings | 01:54 |
AlabamaHit | krim: Is one better than other? Like should I be using x32? | 01:54 |
__machine | after i install logrotate do i need to manually add a crontab entry to run it? | 01:54 |
Sithe | Im getting this error on boot: | 01:54 |
bazhang | hrhodes3114, next time is removal | 01:55 |
hrhodes3114 | What does that mean | 01:55 |
hrhodes3114 | ? | 01:55 |
Vedalken | hrhodes3114: you are making random chatter in a SUPPORT channel. | 01:55 |
HackOfChris | anyone here have linux on a dell laptop? | 01:55 |
Seeker` | ptyo11: did it work? | 01:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | HackOfChris Yes | 01:55 |
hrhodes3114 | Ok | 01:55 |
Sithe | HackOfChris: I do | 01:55 |
krim | AlabamaHit: I use 64-bit but for no special reason at all. I just feel like it. If you want to use lots of RAM it's good. If you aren't having any problems it doesn't matter. | 01:56 |
GiJay93 | quit | 01:56 |
HackOfChris | I'm curious on why the graphics on mine running ubuntu 8.04 doesnt look as crisp as they do in Windows? | 01:56 |
Chuggst3r | fde: :( | 01:56 |
Rabbitbunny | HackOfChris: DPI, resolution. | 01:56 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Same boat.. | 01:56 |
Sithe | HackOfChris: Check yoru screen resolution and DPI | 01:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | HackOfChris Different video card driver... | 01:57 |
burner | 32-bit is more compatible with various things... if you experiment with many packages, go x32 | 01:57 |
Sithe | Im getting this error on boot: | 01:57 |
AlabamaHit | krim: so it takes more to run? or capable of using more. | 01:57 |
kjnasd | can I install ubuntu on an ipaq handheld computer ... or is there some special linux for ipaqs ...any reccomendation??? | 01:57 |
HackOfChris | o, so there is no way to get the same great look on this laptop using linux? | 01:57 |
fde | Chuggst3r: sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx nvidia-common ? | 01:58 |
Rabbitbunny | HackOfChris: blindness? set your DPI and resolution properly. | 01:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | HackOfChris Verify you got the latest driver and that your res is set correctly | 01:58 |
krim | AlabamaHit: 64 bit is capable of using more ram. If you want +4 GB ram you'll need 64-bit. | 01:58 |
grobda24 | Sithe ... did you install inside windows ? | 01:58 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Isn't nvidia-glx for older cards? | 01:58 |
linuxpenguin207 | eyzi: fairuse is for windows only .... :-( | 01:59 |
Hoenikker | how do i remove the ubuntu boot progress bar and have the boot messages instead? | 01:59 |
HackOfChris | ok i will have to check those, but it is possible to get the same crisp look? can i see a screenshot of yalls? | 01:59 |
ianliu_88 | !wireless | 01:59 |
Sithe | grobda: Nope. I've had ubuntu running fine for the past year. My computer locked up in the middle of updates and I had to manually restart. Now I get that error. | 01:59 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 01:59 |
fde | Chuggst3r: I don't think so... legacy is for older | 01:59 |
yotsu_box | so how can I install the nvidia driver on my ubuntu? | 01:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hoenikker remove quiet and splans from the boot command line | 01:59 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Hm, so why does it want to remove the nvidia-glx-new package? | 01:59 |
Hoenikker | k, thanks | 01:59 |
fde | Chuggst3r: there is nvidia-glx-new also | 01:59 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I've got the nvidia-glx-new installed. | 02:00 |
jrib | yotsu_box: use System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers | 02:00 |
Seeker` | Sithe: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 02:00 |
__machine | when (if ever) will mod-wsgi be available in hardy? im assuming it will take some time as this is an LTS release? | 02:00 |
fde | Chuggst3r: You said you removed it. | 02:00 |
HackOfChris | That is if it's not a problem. I just kinda wanna see how ya got it. Trying to learn this stuff | 02:00 |
yotsu_box | jrib, tried makes the resolution alot worse | 02:00 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I reinstalled it after I install the headers thing and restarted. | 02:01 |
Seeker` | Sithe: I am assumuing you are on ubuntu not kubuntu | 02:01 |
usser | HackOfChris, heres mine | 02:01 |
yotsu_box | by the way I'm using CRT screen does that make any difference | 02:01 |
Sithe | Seeker`: I've already tried that. Didn't work. | 02:01 |
Hoenikker | jack_sparrow, err, wait, how do i do that? i don't have a splines package | 02:01 |
Seeker` | Sithe: sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:01 |
fde | Chuggst3r: ok... then I don't think I can be of any more assistance, I'm sorry :( | 02:01 |
HackOfChris | usser: I like the way yours is set up | 02:02 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Well thanks for all the assistance, I appreciate you taking your time to try and help. | 02:02 |
Vedalken | Jack_Sparrow: my audio only works in Pulseaudio even though the card is OSS modeled (according to the Windows version of the drivers). How would i go about disabling the onboard card and installing the Audigy SE I have in my computer as well? | 02:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hoenikker gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:02 |
HackOfChris | usser: what graphic card ya have? | 02:02 |
usser | HackOfChris, tnx, its intel GM965 | 02:02 |
Hoenikker | oh, in grub, i get it now thanks | 02:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vedalken I would /join #Alsa and ask them | 02:02 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I'm curious if I somehow managed to remove my .16 headers, would that cause the .16 install to use the .17 headers and bugger everything up? | 02:03 |
HackOfChris | usser: is that much different from intel 945? | 02:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hoenikker np | 02:03 |
Vedalken | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 02:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vedalken no | 02:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | problem | 02:03 |
whisperkiller | is there a reason why my laptop wont boot from the cdrom? | 02:03 |
usser | HackOfChris, it uses the same driver | 02:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller Is the bios cmos set to boot the cd first | 02:03 |
whisperkiller | yes | 02:03 |
usser | HackOfChris, 965 is newer | 02:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller IS it a Dell or HPO? | 02:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hp | 02:03 |
whisperkiller | its a gateway | 02:04 |
whisperkiller | it used to do it | 02:04 |
xbj9000 | can anyonehelp me upload pics to shutterfly? | 02:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller HOw did you burn the disk.. as a single file or as an image | 02:04 |
HackOfChris | usser: that's kewl, are you using ubuntu? | 02:04 |
whisperkiller | but now theres some sort of error thats occuring on fsck when i try to boot to trying to overwrite the drive with 8.04 | 02:04 |
whisperkiller | i burned as an image | 02:05 |
usser | HackOfChris, yes | 02:05 |
whisperkiller | the command shell im getting says it has no job control | 02:05 |
DrDerek | hmm, my nautalis is telling me I only have 300mb of free space, but gparted and the dc -h or something was telling me I had 39gb | 02:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller INteresting.. perhaps a bad drive... do you get the first menu screen? | 02:05 |
DrDerek | any ideas? | 02:05 |
whisperkiller | instead of booting the cd like its trying to do it goes to grub and tries to load 7.10 | 02:06 |
coolbeans | hi | 02:06 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: removing the 16 headers wont make it use the 17 headers, it will just error out if it requires them (it looks in `uname -r` type directories for headers) | 02:06 |
coolbeans | can anyone see me? | 02:06 |
Seeker` | coolbeans: yes | 02:06 |
coolbeans | sweet | 02:06 |
coolbeans | im using weechat | 02:06 |
HackOfChris | usser: do you use yahoo im? maybe i can give screen name in case i have a question. I really would like to know how you got that bar on the bottom | 02:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller Double check the cd in a diff machine... | 02:06 |
shane2peru | coolbeans: yep, your irc client is working | 02:06 |
whisperkiller | i really need to take it in and have it worked on | 02:06 |
whisperkiller | i just did | 02:06 |
whisperkiller | the cd is fine | 02:06 |
coolbeans | is anyone else using weechat? | 02:06 |
Steve-cal | Has anyone here had problems connecting to this channel? For the first time I had to go through the whole routine of connecting on port 8001 on the IRC server, otherwise I couldn't join this channel. Anybody else have this problem ever? | 02:06 |
Seeker` | !offtopic | coolbeans | 02:06 |
ubottu | coolbeans: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:06 |
jrib | coolbeans: many I am sure. Just ask the next question | 02:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller Sounds like hardware issue.. | 02:06 |
whisperkiller | what i need is a way to run the cd from commanline | 02:07 |
whisperkiller | yeah it does | 02:07 |
coolbeans | im new aT LINUX | 02:07 |
blackjack | I wonder if anyone can help me to get ubuntu to find my external HD | 02:07 |
whisperkiller | how would i go about running 8.04 from the cd on commandline? | 02:07 |
coolbeans | how do i scroll up in weechat, is there a menu? | 02:07 |
jrib | coolbeans: PageUp | 02:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller YOu can try usb stick or one of the many other ways we have to install ubuntu | 02:07 |
eric84 | hello | 02:07 |
jrib | coolbeans: there's also #weechat which is more appropriate for weechat-specific questions | 02:07 |
whisperkiller | is there a way to do it from commandline? | 02:07 |
Vedalken | Jack_sparrow: odd... been in there with the message for about 3 minutes (maybe?) and no responses.... darn | 02:08 |
usser | HackOfChris, i dont use IM, the dock app i used is cairo-dock but u need compiz to run that there are plenty of tutorials on the next | 02:08 |
usser | err net | 02:08 |
eric84 | i'm in the process of installing heron on another computer and it's been frozen at 65% for a while... what should I do? | 02:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vedalken THey are slow but good.. LEt me get you started one sec.. | 02:08 |
SeaPhor | whisperkiller, are you sure bios is set to boot from cd? | 02:08 |
Vedalken | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 02:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vedalken Fixing sound.. download this: #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./ ... then go to and answer those questions .. then /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file. | 02:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vedalken that is where they would have you start anyhow | 02:09 |
whisperkiller | yes | 02:10 |
HackOfChris | usser: kewl, you have any other kewl things installed? | 02:10 |
blackjack | does any1 know how to get ubuntu to find an external HD? | 02:10 |
lucia_ | hello I just bought a new ram memory, how can I know how much ram do i have???? | 02:10 |
astro76 | lucia_: free -m | 02:10 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: any luck? | 02:10 |
biotrox | oi help please i'm using hardy heron and i can't seem to make my audio work on skype, on other application works like charm | 02:10 |
plik | blackjack: the usual method is to plug it in and power it up... | 02:10 |
Sitherae | When I restart my computer after setting it to 1680x1050 resolution. It defaults back to 1024x768. | 02:10 |
blackjack | yea...that's not working tho | 02:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | blackjack Often it is due to the drive not properly being unmounted or removed windows or linux... you can force it.. but can also cause problems.. better to connect to a windows box | 02:11 |
DaveyJ | is there a way to find out what (defunct) program is using my soundcard so i can kill it? none of my sound works on anything... it seems to be related to flash video on firefox | 02:11 |
blackjack | it works under vista and xp...but ubuntu won't recognize it | 02:11 |
Seeker` | DaveyJ: lsof | grep snd | 02:11 |
_nike_ | please in ubuntu-br etc all users can't help me config the net ... my ubuntu don't help me | 02:11 |
tuchki | hello! | 02:11 |
usser | HackOfChris, hehe, yea i guess some of programs are cool | 02:11 |
_nike_ | Seeker` I've problems | 02:11 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: where did you set the resolution | 02:11 |
tuchki | somebody know how install a pctv from pinnacle in hardy heron? | 02:12 |
Steve-cal | I don't know who SPAM is, but I think he is the one that made it impossible for me to connect to #ubuntu until I changed my port... Some admin should kick him out. | 02:12 |
HackOfChris | usser: do you dual-boot? and how do you get it to show red to me? | 02:12 |
biotrox | !ping me | 02:12 |
ubottu | Factoid ping me not found | 02:12 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: It is being dealt with | 02:12 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Nvidia control panel. I have tried to add 1680x1050 in my xorg.conf. But it STILL doesn't show up as an option | 02:12 |
Freshy | what should i use to unrar files? | 02:12 |
Seeker` | Steve-cal: it is being dealt with | 02:12 |
_nike_ | Seeker` The Ubuntu didn't see my Ethernal Drive (motherboard) | 02:12 |
usser | tuchki, u dont need pctv last time i checked pinnacle cards were supported just install mythTV should work right out of the box | 02:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !rar | 02:12 |
jrib | !unrar > Freshy (read the private message from ubottu) | 02:12 |
ubottu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 02:12 |
Circe | Steve-cal: I have been having troubles today as well. | 02:12 |
indio | Hi. | 02:12 |
=== hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka | ||
gnurph | can somebody point me the way towards getting a USB hard drive mounted that doesn't want to mount? | 02:12 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: pastebin your xorg? | 02:12 |
blackjack | tried that before (the windows thing) but ubuntu still won't take | 02:12 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: One second. | 02:13 |
indio | Is there a place to find .deb files that are still not in the package tree ? | 02:13 |
DaveyJ | hrm maybe its not a problem with sound | 02:13 |
_nike_ | Seeker` do you read-me ? | 02:13 |
DaveyJ | programs are launching frozen as well | 02:13 |
usser | HackOfChris, no, i have windows in virtual machine, just put my name in front and i'll see it as addressed to me/red | 02:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | gnurph Force Mount a Drive | 02:13 |
Seeker` | _nike_: I'm a little busy at the moment, sorry | 02:13 |
DaveyJ | like the image viewer etc | 02:13 |
DaveyJ | terminal | 02:13 |
HackOfChris | usser: kewl | 02:13 |
xbj9000 | can anyone help me use picasa to upload to shutterfly? 'order prints' just grays out the whole app | 02:13 |
blackjack | will try thnx | 02:13 |
Steve-cal | Circe: I see, well I guess I'm not the only one then. | 02:14 |
usser | tuchki, or tvtime | 02:14 |
_nike_ | hello? | 02:14 |
_nike_ | :/ | 02:14 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Curious little thing, not sure if it means anything. | 02:14 |
HackOfChris | usser: i wonder, i was having difficulties running wow using wine...would running it in Windows in virtual machine solve that | 02:14 |
Seeker` | _nike_: have you tried #ubuntu-br? | 02:14 |
_nike_ | yah | 02:14 |
_nike_ | =( | 02:14 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: It seems to remove its self everytime I try to add it | 02:15 |
Chuggst3r | fde: | 02:15 |
tuchki | thankyou usser, i'm trying | 02:15 |
ianliu_88 | i've just got a Dell laptop and I want to connect it to my wi fi connection. How should I do it? | 02:15 |
HackOfChris | usser: and would itunes run good that way? | 02:15 |
usser | HackOfChris, nope, VM's dont support 3d acceleration and yea WOW doesnt work on intel cards in linux | 02:15 |
_nike_ | Seeker` the users don't Known about my problem | 02:15 |
Chuggst3r | fde: That comes up when I run Hardware Drivers from terminal. | 02:15 |
usser | HackOfChris, try using amarok, itunes is not really supported on linux although u can run it its not recommended | 02:15 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: press alt+f2 and run gksudo gtk-displayconfig. Make sure your monitor is set up correctly in there | 02:16 |
_nike_ | Seeker` =/ | 02:16 |
fde | Chuggst3r: curious indeed... dpkg -L nvidia-glx-new | 02:16 |
HackOfChris | usser: well i have an iphone | 02:16 |
indio | Where do I find docs to create .deb files from tar.gz files ? | 02:16 |
_nike_ | Seeker` I'll uninstall ubuntu | 02:16 |
fde | Chuggst3r: I'd like to see where it put the files. | 02:16 |
astro76 | !checkinstall | indio | 02:16 |
ubottu | indio: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 02:16 |
ianliu_88 | How should I install Wireless to my Ubuntu? | 02:16 |
biotrox | oi help please i'm using hardy heron and i can't seem to make my audio work on skype, on other application works like charm | 02:16 |
Chuggst3r | fde: /usr/lib/tls | 02:16 |
Circe | did anyone have wireless problems today post update? | 02:16 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Nothing came up | 02:16 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: what do you mean? | 02:17 |
Steve-cal | ianliu_88: First find out what chipset your wireless card uses: sudo lshw -C network | 02:17 |
kapa | I'm setting up a command line system and I have some problems with the wireless. It's a Zydas Zyxel g202 and uses the zd1211rw firmware. I did a modprobe zd12rw and there was no problem, a dmesg | grep zd1211rw and it says that the interface is eth1. Now, simply doing a ifconfig eth1 up won't do it, it comes out with a 'SIOCSIFFLAGS: Connection timed out' immidiately. SO I tried iwconfig eth1 mode managed essid [essid] key | 02:17 |
kapa | [passw] and then reran the ifconfig up command. Now it says 'SIOCSIFFLAGS: Broken pipe' any ideas? | 02:17 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: No configuration thing came up | 02:17 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Nothing ran | 02:17 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: Sorry, gksudo displayconfig-gkt | 02:17 |
Seeker` | *displayconfig-gtk | 02:17 |
gnurph | Jack_Sparrow: that web page assumes I can see the drive in /media - and I can't | 02:17 |
usser | HackOfChris, an iphone eh, u might have some troubles then, in any case try amarok it may just work with it | 02:17 |
MrDowntempo | I just installed another HDD in my machine and put XP on there so I can play some games. This has royally messed up GRUB for me though. I found a page on the wiki about correcting this issue but I need a lil' help. | 02:17 |
HackOfChris | usser: i'll have to try | 02:17 |
ianliu_88 | !past | 02:18 |
ubottu | Factoid past not found | 02:18 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Okay what am I looking for? | 02:18 |
ianliu_88 | !pastebin | 02:18 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 02:18 |
lucia_ | i can't play my songs, how can i download all codecs for videos and music?? | 02:18 |
Chuggst3r | fde: That doesn't seem right though, before when I installed it it was putting it in /usr/lib/nvidia, why would it put it there now... | 02:18 |
HackOfChris | usser: i could always dual-boot and leave just enough room in windows for itunes and wow | 02:18 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Nothing in /lib/modules at all? | 02:18 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: make sure that the correct monitor size etc. is selected | 02:18 |
Lynet | deyan | 02:18 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: It is | 02:18 |
danbhfive | lucia_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 02:18 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Nadda, that was the only folder it returned. | 02:18 |
Seeker` | hmm | 02:18 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: 1680x1050 | 02:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | gnurph try sudo /etc/init.d/hal start to try and get a usb drive recognized.. | 02:18 |
Steve-cal | kapa: Have you by chance tried the Network program instead of doing it from the command line? Might be easier: System > Admin > Network | 02:18 |
Seeker` | can you select the correct resoution from the drop down box? | 02:18 |
ianliu_88 | Steve-cal: | 02:19 |
MrDowntempo | How do I know where I need to reinstall GRUB? Do I need it on the linux drive or the windows drive? | 02:19 |
gnurph | Jack_Sparrow /usr/sbin/hald already runnin | 02:19 |
kapa | Steve-cal, I got no desktop just the command line | 02:19 |
fde | Chuggst3r: I don't use nvidia, so it's hard for me to know if that's a deliberate change or not. | 02:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | gnurph cant help you then.. | 02:19 |
blackjack | Jack_Sparrow: didn't fact it just removed my internal back-up partition from the line-up. I figure I should also note I'm booting from the live cd so I can install ubuntu onto the external HD | 02:19 |
fde | Chuggst3r: moving them is undoubtedly why they're broken though. | 02:19 |
root | hi | 02:20 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Guys i need some big help everytime i open a new window the _[]X buttons and titlebar is under my taskbar at the top and i keep on having to move my taskbar and move the windows and then put it back | 02:20 |
=== root is now known as coolbeans | ||
XxScHw4RtZxX | how do i make it not like that =[ | 02:20 |
coolbeans | hi | 02:20 |
gnurph | anybody else with an idea? I have a USB drive that mounted perfectly fine - and now it can't be seen, much less mounted. | 02:20 |
HackOfChris | usser: you program are anything? | 02:20 |
coolbeans | gnurph | 02:20 |
gnurph | Jack_sparrow: thank you anyway | 02:20 |
Steve-cal | ianliu_88: OK, your chipset is BCM4310, and I think you can use ndiswrapper to get your wireless going. Are you familiar with ndiswrapper at all? | 02:20 |
coolbeans | lsusb | 02:20 |
coolbeans | from terminal | 02:20 |
gnurph | coolbeans: yes? | 02:20 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: can you select the correct resoution from the drop down box? | 02:20 |
usser | HackOfChris, what? | 02:20 |
ianliu_88 | Steve-cal: Well, Ive just installed it. But it is asking for an 'inf' file. | 02:21 |
coolbeans | is anyone here in dallas tx/? | 02:21 |
HackOfChris | usser: do you write programs? | 02:21 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Well I just removed them and reinstalled again...they show up in alot more places now. | 02:21 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Guys i need some big help everytime i open a new window the _[]X buttons and titlebar is under my taskbar at the top and i keep on having to move my taskbar and move the windows and then put it back? | 02:21 |
Seeker` | !offtopic | coolbeans | 02:21 |
ubottu | coolbeans: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | coolbeans | 02:21 |
Steve-cal | kapa: Can you maybe do a simple "sudo ifup eth1", or does the /etc/network/interfaces file not have eth1 in it? | 02:21 |
gnurph | coolbeans: 5 buses, 1 device each | 02:21 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: In the gtkconfig or the screen resolution from the preferences menu? | 02:21 |
Seeker` | XxScHw4RtZxX: Please dont repeat your question so often | 02:21 |
usser | HackOfChris, not really, just a little shell script here and where... nothing major | 02:21 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | i only did once | 02:21 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: gtk one | 02:21 |
ianliu_88 | Steve-cal: it seems ndiswrapper installs Windows drivers, righ? | 02:21 |
fde | Chuggst3r: If you could please, just to test, try symlinking (ln -s) all .ko files to /lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia and reboot | 02:21 |
Steve-cal | ianliu_88: That's correct--it needs the Windows driver for your card. That's the ".inf" file. | 02:21 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Yet it still gives that same modinfo error when I run the jocket. | 02:22 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: It already has the correct one selected. | 02:22 |
Seeker` | hrm | 02:22 |
fde | Chuggst3r: I'm not sure how correct that is, but it won't break anything further :P | 02:22 |
coolbeans | how come ubuntu doesnt come with root enabled? | 02:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !root | 02:22 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 02:22 |
lucia_ | other player like banshee?? for ipod manager? pls a name | 02:22 |
revilodraw | since upgrading to hardy my graphics (ati graphics card) are screwed, and dont know why! when i open my home folder it flashes, then disappears | 02:22 |
ianliu_88 | Steve-cal: So I must find it on my CD | 02:22 |
freddy__ | anyone know of an issue with xine in amarok not finding any audio driver? | 02:22 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: and it just disappears from xorg if you add it and restart? | 02:22 |
coolbeans | To Emnable rooty goto terminal and type sudo passwd root | 02:22 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Seems so let me try again. Brb. | 02:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !noroot | coolbeans | 02:23 |
ubottu | coolbeans: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) | 02:23 |
Steve-cal | ianliu_88: Yes, not too hard--and be sure to use the Windows XP driver if you can. You'll need BOTH the .sys file and .inf files in the Win XP driver folder. | 02:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | coolbeans Please do NOT recommend that in here.. | 02:23 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Done. Will try and restart. | 02:23 |
usser | freddy__, if u run hardy in engine settings switch to pulseaudio | 02:23 |
ianliu_88 | Steve-cal: Hmm, maybe I can find them on the internet? My laptop came with Vista, so I suppose it is Vista drivers? | 02:23 |
* fde wishes Chuggster had stayed a sec longer so he could tell him to put 'nvidia' into /etc/modules :| | 02:24 | |
fde | Oh well, nvidia-common seems to do that | 02:24 |
charIie | Is there a way to probe a usb device and possibly see what is on it? | 02:24 |
fde | (well, it defines the module anyway) | 02:24 |
charIie | Or what it is? | 02:24 |
prakriti | you shouldnt need nvidia in /etc/modules | 02:25 |
Steve-cal | ianliu_88: Yes, you should be able to get the drivers from the Dell website or something. And I'm not sure Vista drivers would be better than the XP drivers... you might have to experiment and find which works. | 02:25 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: anything? | 02:25 |
fde | prakriti: They got moved, it might let the kernel find them easier... | 02:25 |
ianliu_88 | Steve-cal: Ok, thanks very much for the help | 02:25 |
usser | charIie, just pop it in and run dmesg. theres usually quite a lot of info about the device that was just connected there | 02:25 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Okay I restarted X with ctrl alt bksp. It went back into 1024x768. Its still in the xorg conf. But its not in the resolution selection. | 02:25 |
coolbeans | To Emnable rooty goto terminal and type sudo passwd root | 02:25 |
Lynet | charlie: lsusb | 02:25 |
Seeker` | pastebin the new xorg? | 02:25 |
soldats | coolbeans: stop please | 02:25 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: ^ | 02:26 |
Steve-cal | ianliu_88: No problem, good luck. | 02:26 |
fde | prakriti: /lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia <-- it's just symlinks, and this seems to be a good palce for them | 02:26 |
fde | prakriti: that dir exists no matter what. | 02:26 |
Sitherae | Seeker: One sec | 02:26 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Lol its showing EVERY possible screen resolution except 1680x1050 in the selection. And the other ones aren't even in the xorg.conf | 02:27 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: pastebinned it yet? | 02:27 |
tyler | Yay for me!!! | 02:27 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Here ya go: | 02:27 |
indio | /var/tmp/lXfXFGafLLifZWgOVdbdL/ 4: ratpoison-1.4.3.tar.gz: not found | 02:28 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: hrm, can you select / use any oft he other resolutions? | 02:28 |
charIie | usser, I see some stuff about the device, but what would I do to see if I could get data information from it? | 02:28 |
whisperkiller | is there a way to run the livecd from a command shell? | 02:28 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Can someone help me? | 02:28 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: Maybe if you tell us what you're having problems with... we're not mind readers ;) | 02:29 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Guys i need some big help everytime i open a new window the _[]X buttons and titlebar is under my taskbar at the top and i keep on having to move my taskbar and move the windows and then put it back? | 02:29 |
Omlette | At least, you're not, fde. ;) | 02:29 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: One sec | 02:29 |
huff3r | I have been using this crap OS for like year, still better than anything else I guess | 02:29 |
usser | charIie, data as in usb harddrive data? | 02:30 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Ya but when I select it my screen dims ALOT | 02:30 |
Seeker` | :/ | 02:30 |
Seeker` | thats really odd | 02:30 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | so can anyone help me | 02:30 |
fde | Someone said something to me when I left... didn't catch it... | 02:30 |
Seeker` | I tihnk I'm out of ideas | 02:30 |
tarsier | i'm trying to get a vpn client working but i'm stuck before i even start. everything says my network manager should have the configuration option for me, but when i left click on it all i see is "manual configuration," no "vpn connections" menu. i've installed the network-manager-pptp package, any ideas? | 02:30 |
huff3r | drunken tuesday | 02:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | huff3r | 02:30 |
ubottu | huff3r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:30 |
charIie | usser, It's a palm that powers up, but does not get past one of the boot screens. I want to try to get the information off of it. | 02:30 |
SeaPhor | <Omlette> At least, you're not, fde. ;) | 02:30 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Is there any way to select a resolution through console. My shortcut bar to preferences is off the screen >.> | 02:31 |
ribas | how to make GPM run /etc/resume.d/ after resuming from sleep? | 02:31 |
ribas | i thought it was default op | 02:31 |
fde | SeaPhor: what's that supposed to mean? | 02:31 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: pastebin the output of xrandr? | 02:31 |
Sitherae | Seeker` ^ | 02:31 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | someone asked what my question was and now they aren't saying anything to me D: | 02:31 |
whisperkiller | this thing keeps giving me a shared object file error | 02:31 |
SeaPhor | fde, you said you werent mind reader, i guess they were trying to be funny | 02:31 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: please restate... I exited xchat by accident. | 02:32 |
fde | SeaPhor: What they say? | 02:32 |
usser | charIie, hm that may be tricky but usually what u looking for if the device is connected as a harddrive... does dmesg had anything like sdb1 or sd* at all? | 02:32 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: nevermind. good thing I had the nvidia cp open | 02:32 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | everytime i open a new window the _[]X buttons and titlebar is under my taskbar at the top and i keep on having to move my taskbar and move the windows and then put it back? | 02:32 |
usser | *looking for is the name | 02:32 |
Steve-cal | SeaPhor: Just curious, but did you ever upgrade to Hardy or did you decide to stick with Gutsy for now? | 02:32 |
fde | Who had a window that was off the screen though? | 02:32 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Me =[ | 02:32 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: ahha... hit alt+f7 | 02:33 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | to goes under my taskbar at the top then i have to move it | 02:33 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: It'll let you move it down | 02:33 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Output of xrandr: | 02:33 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | but i should have to do that all the time =[ | 02:33 |
eric84 | any suggestions for what to do if the heron live cd installer keeps freezing while copying files? | 02:33 |
SeaPhor | fde, someone was just trying to be funny, i saw it and you came back and asked and i told you what they said | 02:33 |
whisperkiller | guys im getting some weird errors related to python that seem to be the cause of me not being able to boot to the os | 02:33 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: You shouldn't, no... does it fit on the screen when you move it down? | 02:33 |
charIie | usser, Yes, It has one: sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk | 02:33 |
usser | charIie, pastebin the results of dmesg | 02:33 |
SeaPhor | Steve-cal, yes, hardy all the way,, i cheated :-)) | 02:34 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | yes it all fits it just snaps it to the top | 02:34 |
fde | SeaPhor: Ohhh... now I get it... heh... I saw a highlight when the window was closing ;) | 02:34 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | of my entire monitor | 02:34 |
usser | charIie, how nice. now u need to know the partition number do ls /dev/sdb* | 02:34 |
usser | charIie, see if that gives any results | 02:34 |
whisperkiller | i must be invisible tonight | 02:34 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: That's strange, it shouldn't... this is using Compiz? | 02:34 |
charIie | usser, I lied, i only greped for sdb | 02:34 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Yeah i have compiz and stuff on | 02:34 |
Hammer89 | I want to create an archive containing all the contents of my home directory with the resulting archive being placed on my Desktop... would the command "sudo tar -cfp ~ ~/Desktop/backup.tar" be appropriate for that task? | 02:34 |
biotrox | oi, i'm curious how come i can't enable voice call on skype? di audio and input audio is working fine on my hardy | 02:34 |
Steve-cal | SeaPhor: And how is everything working? Any glitches? | 02:34 |
charIie | usser, there is a sdc as well | 02:34 |
Omlette | Can I change my preferences somewhere so I don't have to enter a password when I resume from Suspend? | 02:35 |
biotrox | is it because the pulse audio? | 02:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | !backup | Hammer89 | 02:35 |
ubottu | Hammer89: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 02:35 |
usser | charIie, pastebin the results of dmesg | 02:35 |
james__ | Has anyone here had difficulties with the file browser in Hardy, such as hanging, or perceived slowness? | 02:35 |
whisperkiller | did i do something to offend that has caused me to be invisible to everyone? | 02:35 |
emma | whisperkiller: I can see you. | 02:35 |
charIie | usser, How do I pastebin? | 02:35 |
Hammer89 | Jack_Sparrow: thanks :D | 02:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 02:35 |
biotrox | hey what about my question..? anybody know why? | 02:35 |
Sitherae | !pastebin | charIie | 02:35 |
ubottu | charIie: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 02:35 |
SeaPhor | Steve-cal, i went with this card, just went and bought it, works out of the box, was so easy i am surprised i had to put in passkey!! | 02:36 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: Unfortunately I don't see a 'snap' plugin option for Compiz to change where it snaps... you can try restarting Compiz and see if it fixes it? | 02:36 |
whisperkiller | it would be really nice of someone to spend some of their time helping me | 02:36 |
Hammer89 | Jack_Sparrow: would the command I mentioned work, though? | 02:36 |
usser | charIie, just go to paste the text there and paste the link it gives here | 02:36 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | No It isn't a plug in I think but it just starts windows at the top left | 02:36 |
fde | whisperkiller: What is your issue? | 02:36 |
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whisperkiller | because im at a total loss | 02:36 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Even if they are smaller or not full screen | 02:36 |
whisperkiller | i cannot boot my system nor can i get a livecd to boot | 02:36 |
fde | whisperkiller: If you move it down, and close the app, it should restart where you left it. | 02:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hammer89 Looks close.. not sure.. | 02:36 |
biotrox | oi... anybody, like whisperkiller said am i invisible? | 02:37 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: ^^ | 02:37 |
Hammer89 | Jack_Sparrow: alrighty... I'll search around... shouldn't be too hard to figure out... thanks again | 02:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | !patience | biotrox | 02:37 |
ubottu | biotrox: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 02:37 |
james__ | biotrox, not so much | 02:37 |
whisperkiller | fde what are you referring to? | 02:37 |
fde | whisperkiller: Do you get any errors or anything? What happens? | 02:37 |
Steve-cal | SeaPhor: Good for you--wished my wireless had worked "out of the box" :) | 02:37 |
whisperkiller | i cannot boot my system no matter what i have tried | 02:37 |
fde | whisperkiller: wrong person for that message | 02:37 |
SeaPhor | Steve-cal, nope nada none! wish i had 2 more 250gb HDD's so i could clone em and store them for a stupid-moment-on-my-part day | 02:37 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Fde am is that a sign that i am annoying or stupid :D | 02:37 |
whisperkiller | ahh np | 02:37 |
=== Olorin is now known as Incanus | ||
_exp_ | anyone know how to change the 'window grab key' from alt to something else? i'm searching to no avail | 02:37 |
biotrox | james__ i know but i throw a question from a half hour ago :( | 02:37 |
charIie | usser, | 02:37 |
biotrox | nobody wants me hu hu hu | 02:38 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: try sudo xrandr -s 1680x1050 | 02:38 |
SeaPhor | whisperkiller, are you sure bios is set to boot from cd? | 02:38 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: If you move it down, and close the app, it should restart where you left it. <-- no, it was pointing up because I directed this at the wrong person initially | 02:38 |
james__ | biotrox, I haven't seen your question. Please repost | 02:38 |
whisperkiller | yes it tells me fsck has failed and needs to be done manually and gives me a repair shell but theres some sort of python errors going on and it says the bash shell has no job control | 02:38 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | O i see. | 02:38 |
HackOfChris | Anyone have any sites that a newbie like me can learn shell scripting? | 02:38 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Fde, I opened firefox moved it down, then opened it, and it is still top left. | 02:38 |
usser | charIie, no dont grep it, disconnect the device and connect it again and paste just the last 20 lines of dmesg | 02:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | biotrox If you repeat your question every copule of minutes instead of the chatter every minute, you might get better results | 02:38 |
biotrox | james __, i can't audio callon skype but in any other application the sound works perfectly | 02:39 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Done | 02:39 |
whisperkiller | nothing i have tried seems to work...when i try to manually run fsck like i have had to do i nthe past it gives me this weird python error like every time i ihave tried anything since turning this thing on | 02:39 |
usser | charIie, we want to see what system thinks of the device | 02:39 |
MrDowntempo | Anyone in here no how to restore a messed up GRUB? | 02:39 |
Seeker` | HackOfChris: you may be better off asking that in #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:39 |
indio | make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. | 02:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | !grub | 02:39 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 02:39 |
Gatestone | gnome-terminal won't start after I switchewd to i810 driver on Gutsy on my Dell 620??? But Vesa and Intel experimental modesetting driver work badly with the video projector... | 02:39 |
fde | XxScHw4RtZxX: How did you exit Firefox? You have to go to File > Quit or whatever to ensure it remembers. | 02:39 |
james__ | biotrox, are you saying that speakers and mic do not work in skype? | 02:39 |
Chuggst3r | fde: New prompt now. | 02:39 |
whisperkiller | seaphor: forgive me if i seem impatient but this is the 5th time i have answered this question at least....yes the cd is set to boot first | 02:39 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Fde, let me try that. | 02:39 |
fde | Chuggst3r: What does it say? | 02:39 |
eisenhower | Can someone tell me the main differnce between the Hardy Heron Dvd and Cd ? | 02:39 |
=== Incanus is now known as Whiterider | ||
biotrox | james__ yes | 02:40 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: did it change the resolution? | 02:40 |
Chuggst3r | fde: | 02:40 |
fde | eisenhower: the size, and the packages on the cd | 02:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | eisenhower the dvd has the live and the text installer and the repo "Main" | 02:40 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: No | 02:40 |
biotrox | james__ is it because of pulseaudio that hardy just tested..? caused in gutsy it works like a charm | 02:40 |
james__ | biotrox, you might be looking for a sound setting within skype. What have you tried thus far? | 02:40 |
=== Whiterider is now known as Stormcrow | ||
Sitherae | Seeker`: Its at 1680x1050 atm | 02:40 |
whisperkiller | when it tried to boot the cd it just goes to grub | 02:40 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Thats what I want it at | 02:40 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: How did you manage that? | 02:40 |
SeaPhor | whisperkiller, ok, sorry if i missed them, did you put my nick in, really sorry if so,, i just missed it | 02:40 |
Stormcrow | _ | 02:40 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Hmm... that's not where you put it is it? | 02:40 |
Chuggst3r | fde: dpkg -L doesn't show the driver being in there. | 02:41 |
eisenhower | Jack_Sparrow: So Should i go with Dvd or CD? really make a differnce ? | 02:41 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Fde: it didn't work.. | 02:41 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: I changed it back from that weird dimmed resolution already. | 02:41 |
charIie | usser, | 02:41 |
biotrox | james __ trying to change the sound setting from the skype menu | 02:41 |
Makuseru | Can someone recomend a good CD burning program besides K3B? | 02:41 |
whisperkiller | seaphor its ok really i just would really appreciate some help | 02:41 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I haven't touched it. Should I try reinstalling the kernel and headers? | 02:41 |
james__ | biotrox, just now you mean? | 02:41 |
biotrox | no a while a go | 02:41 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: sorry, missed some messages from you | 02:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | eisenhower cd and network update are just fine | 02:41 |
charIie | usser, Could you also explain what you are looking for? | 02:41 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Also for some reason .17 doesn't let me launch administration programs via the icons, I have to do everything terminal based. Is there a fix for that? | 02:41 |
joseluix | hi | 02:41 |
Steve-cal | Makuseru: GnomeBaker is pretty decent. | 02:41 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Its cool. | 02:41 |
=== Stormcrow is now known as Tharkun | ||
biotrox | i've been facing this problem since i upgrade my gutsy to hardy | 02:42 |
jansen | hi.. i need help. i did the update today and it does not start again | 02:42 |
Lynet | whisperkiller: "just goes to grub" as in starts but crashes and goes back to the grub menu? Or? | 02:42 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Any ideas on how to make it default to 1680x1050. Should I try removing every other resolution from xorg.conf? | 02:42 |
biotrox | james__ i've been facing this problem since i upgrade my gutsy to hardy | 02:42 |
james__ | biotrox, please hold | 02:42 |
jansen | the LCD does not show image.. anyone knwo why?: | 02:42 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: what happens if you restart now? | 02:42 |
biotrox | james__ oke i'll hold | 02:42 |
Seeker` | Sitherae: restart x that is | 02:42 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Restarting now brb | 02:43 |
Byron1 | Sith set it as the first choice | 02:43 |
usser | charIie, im looking if the device gets recognized as a harddrive apparently it doesnt | 02:43 |
=== Tharkun is now known as Greyhame | ||
joseluix | someone know how I can do to work th integrated webcam of a Dell Inspiiron | 02:43 |
SeaPhor | whisperkiller, I wish i had the answer, just seems theres something so obvious that you're/I'm missing, should at least boot from the cd... | 02:43 |
whisperkiller | fsck: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: Input/output error | 02:43 |
emma | whisperkiller: when the computer first boots up, press the key it tells u to in order to get into the BIOS settings (usually either delete or F1). then change the boot order to boot from CD first. | 02:43 |
charIie | usser, What would indicate that It would be a hard drive? | 02:43 |
james__ | biotrox, have you receive any errors in skype? | 02:43 |
jansen | how do i enter in recover ymode? | 02:43 |
usser | charIie, well it would be given a name like sdb or sdc | 02:44 |
biotrox | no... | 02:44 |
XxScHw4RtZxX | Ahh whatever, I'll have to live with it. See ya'll thanks for helping Fde. | 02:44 |
SeaPhor | whisperkiller, have you tried the alternate cd? | 02:44 |
usser | charIie, and theres nothing like that there | 02:44 |
Lynet | whisperkiller: Is that error from booting from cd or booting from hd? | 02:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | jansen on single bot systems hit escape to get grub menu and chose second boot opiton | 02:44 |
joseluix | jansen in the second option when the system boot | 02:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | boot | 02:44 |
joseluix | jansen in the second option when the system boot | 02:44 |
joseluix | someone know how I can do to work th integrated webcam of a Dell Inspiiron | 02:44 |
whisperkiller | pardon my frustration please but i have been building machines since i was linux expereince is somewhat limited but i am well aware of how to enter a bios and setup boot order | 02:44 |
biotrox | james__ no error on skype that i know of | 02:44 |
emma | whisperkiller: oh sorry. I am just trying to help. | 02:45 |
whisperkiller | lynet thats from booting the HD | 02:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller Does ANY cd boot | 02:45 |
james__ | biotrox, what version of skype are you using? | 02:45 |
whisperkiller | emma i appreciate your trying to help | 02:45 |
charIie | usser, Ah, I see. Is there any way to probe it to access the internal memory? | 02:45 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: :O works now thanks | 02:45 |
linuxmademecrazy | How do I get my wireless network key to work when I have no data encryption? In windows I just have to provide my index number and associated key and the router provides the passphrase, but I have no idea what I'm doing with linux. | 02:45 |
=== Greyhame is now known as Lathspell | ||
Seeker` | Sitherae: Cool. Dont have a clue what fixed it though :P | 02:45 |
whisperkiller | i have not checked other disks because i have lost all my other bootables | 02:45 |
biotrox | james__ my skype version | 02:45 |
Sitherae | Seeker`: Aha. Mysteries | 02:45 |
Ubuntong | I have lost the ability to shutdown and restart. How can I get it back? | 02:45 |
whisperkiller | maybe i should try a windows disk....i think i still have one of those | 02:46 |
Chuggst3r | fde: What was the proper command to link all .ko files to the folder? | 02:46 |
usser | charIie, im sure theres but i dont know of one.... sorry | 02:46 |
biotrox | james__ i got this application from hardy repo | 02:46 |
joseluix | someone know how I can do to work th integrated webcam of a Dell Inspiiron | 02:46 |
Seeker` | Ubuntong: what happens when you try to shutdown? | 02:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller I did say ANY disk | 02:46 |
charIie | k thanks | 02:46 |
charIie | usser, k thanks | 02:46 |
usser | charIie, no problem | 02:46 |
james__ | biotrox, please see this article | 02:46 |
Ubuntong | Seeker`: It's not in the list of actions that I can select. | 02:46 |
whisperkiller | jack_sparrow: i know...let me check will be back shortly | 02:46 |
emma | Ubuntong: have you tried shutting down x with control+alt+backspace ? (Note: doing this will shut down X and you will close all apps running on X) | 02:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 02:46 |
biotrox | james__ oke | 02:46 |
james__ | biotrox, you may also want to read about pulseaudio and alsa | 02:46 |
biotrox | james__ seep oke james | 02:47 |
james__ | biotrox, further, what motherboard are you using? | 02:47 |
Gatestone | So now evetything is fine when I installed "Terminal" from Add/Remove programs, which actually is xfce4-terminal. But funny that gnome-terminal just hangs, never saying anything when running from command line. | 02:47 |
Lynet | whisperkiller: If you can get a Linux LiveCD booted you'd have a lot more tools available so that we can help you figure out what's messed up. My first guess is your HD having some physical errors. | 02:47 |
=== Lathspell is now known as pellegrino | ||
Seeker` | Ubuntong: do you have the option to log out? | 02:47 |
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin | ||
Ubuntong | emma: Yes. then I still don't have restart or shutdown in the list of actions I can select. | 02:47 |
biotrox | james__ don't know i'm using a compaq laptop | 02:47 |
james__ | intel or amd cpu? | 02:47 |
prakriti | pulseaudio makes me sad | 02:47 |
Ubuntong | Seeker`: yes | 02:47 |
james__ | biotrox, and what's the model number? | 02:47 |
Steve-cal | linuxmademecrazy: What do you mean? Are you using WEP or WPA encryption? | 02:47 |
=== pellegrino is now known as Valinor | ||
usser | prakriti, i second that, pulseaudio is a shame | 02:48 |
PolishPaul | can anyone give me a hand with setting up dual output for my laptop? I have an External VGA connector to my main monitor and i want to be able to configure xorg.conf so that it will mirror on both. Is this even possible? | 02:48 |
emma | Ubuntong: Have you tried right clicking on the pannel and choosing 'add to pannel' and then adding the Quit icon to the pannel? | 02:48 |
biotrox | james__ intel the V3760TU | 02:48 |
whisperkiller | lynet im willing to bet so....this laptop was dropped and was booting into the os when i stopped using it | 02:48 |
whisperkiller | im wondering if something else has happened now | 02:48 |
james__ | biotrox, how old is the laptop? | 02:48 |
=== Valinor is now known as Sindarin | ||
indio | "configure: error: *** Can't find X11 headers and libs" | 02:49 |
biotrox | james__ it's quite new... | 02:49 |
Gatestone | Any parameters to gnome-terminal to debug it? | 02:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller Possibly knocked out the cd reader as well | 02:49 |
WhoNeedszzz | Hello all, how do you add a protocol use into ff? | 02:49 |
whisperkiller | possibly | 02:49 |
Ubuntong | emma: Yes, I am using the quit icon applet thinggy. But no shutdown or restart is listed | 02:49 |
Chuggst3r | fde: There's absolutely nothing refering to nvidia in that volatile folder. Reinstalled the drivers, headers, and kernel. | 02:49 |
WhoNeedszzz | i'm trying to install a steam game | 02:49 |
DIL | dropped reseat anything removable | 02:49 |
WhoNeedszzz | demo rather | 02:49 |
whisperkiller | is there a way to boot over network? | 02:49 |
kevarm | Quick Question: I have a headset that I use to skype family. I've used this headset on this system using windows and it works, but skype on linux doesn't pick up the headset, it says I need to adjust my multimedia settings possibly. Where would I find multimedia settings? | 02:49 |
ringer | how do i set up conky? | 02:49 |
whisperkiller | rather install over network?> | 02:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | netboot something.. yes | 02:50 |
=== Sindarin is now known as Eldarin | ||
james__ | biotrox, last thing you may want to read up on intel HD audio, search google and the will put you on the right track. I suspect that article will provide the answer tho | 02:50 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: i have had the same problem, you must not be in the admin group. did you just install kde/kubuntu? | 02:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | USB might be a better way to go | 02:50 |
joseluix | Hi! Can someone Help me, please! | 02:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller USB might be a better way to go | 02:50 |
whisperkiller | yeah i think my drive is screwy or something | 02:50 |
BCM43 | !ask | joseluix | 02:50 |
ubottu | joseluix: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 02:50 |
Lynet | whisperkiller: There is, but it's not necessarily straight forward to set up; you need a dhcp/bootp server and a tftp server set up with an install image. | 02:50 |
whisperkiller | i cant find my usb stick | 02:50 |
biotrox | james__ oke james | 02:50 |
Seeker` | Ubuntong: Think I may have found something | 02:50 |
james__ | next | 02:50 |
joseluix | ok | 02:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | whisperkiller Now you are just making it hard on yourself.. bad hd, bad cd and no usb | 02:51 |
Ubuntong | BCm43: I did install the Kubuntu desktop recently but I use Ubuntu mostly | 02:51 |
DIL | not if he has firewire on the laptop and a desktop with firewire as well | 02:51 |
joseluix | I can't do to work the integrated webcam in my dell laptop Inspiron 1525 | 02:51 |
ringer | can anyone help me set up conky? | 02:51 |
BCM43 | !webcam | joseluix | 02:51 |
ubottu | joseluix: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 02:51 |
=== Eldarin is now known as Anubi | ||
Seeker` | hmm, I cant open the login window admin program | 02:52 |
joseluix | ok Thank you | 02:52 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: check and see if you are in the admin group, if you dont know i will look up the command for you | 02:52 |
Ubuntong | BCM43: I'll look at Users? | 02:52 |
=== Anubi is now known as Anpu | ||
yojesus | any 64 emulators for linux | 02:52 |
Immersion | telnet = Awesome | 02:53 |
=== Anpu is now known as Inepu | ||
indio | "configure: error: *** Can't find X11 headers and libs" | 02:53 |
kevarm | Quick Question: I have a headset that I use to skype family. I've used this headset on this system using windows and it works, but skype on linux doesn't pick up the headset, it says I need to adjust my multimedia settings possibly. Where would I find multimedia settings? | 02:53 |
Lynet | yojesus: Commodore C64? Vice. | 02:53 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: might work, hold on | 02:53 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, Umm, I have no idea. The only thing I know about it is this: | 02:53 |
linuxmademecrazy | stever-cal, I know what key is put in it, but I don't know if it's WEP or WPA. I would just change the router setup, but I don't even have access to it. | 02:54 |
Ubuntong | BCM43: I am not in admin group. How can I add me to that? | 02:54 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: trying to find that out right now, try asking on the irc | 02:55 |
usser | Ubuntong, gpasswd -a username groupname | 02:55 |
emosamurai | I was wondering if anyone managed to dm_crypt their hardy heron. I went to, but when I look at the encryption protocols, it prints ecb(arc4) and arc4 instead ofcbc(aes) and sha256. | 02:55 |
emosamurai | Is there a good place to learn to dm_crypt for x64? | 02:55 |
emma | Ubuntong: has someone fixed your problem yet? | 02:55 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: sudo -s | 02:55 |
usser | Ubuntong, u have to relogin for the changes to take effect | 02:55 |
ringer | can anyone help me set up conky as a one liner at the top? | 02:56 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, oops, I was typing "stever-cal" anyways, sorry for the late response, I was still googling | 02:56 |
Steve-cal | linuxmademecrazy: "Shared" hmmm... What are the other options when you pull-down that menu? | 02:56 |
j1solutions | who here is irish | 02:56 |
pc1_ | hola | 02:57 |
j1solutions | i hate the irish | 02:57 |
pc1_ | ALGUIEN EN ESPAÑOL | 02:57 |
Chuggst3r | This gets more frustrating by the minute. | 02:57 |
BCM43 | !es | 02:57 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 02:57 |
Chuggst3r | fde: You around still? | 02:57 |
Ubuntong | usser: I get cannot execute binary file | 02:57 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: i might be able to help | 02:57 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, Open/Shared/WPA/WPA-PSK | 02:57 |
Ubuntong | emma: we're working on it | 02:57 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: I've been trying to get my nvidia graphics card working since it decided to stop after updating to .17 kernel. | 02:57 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: what is the problem | 02:57 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: can you boot into graphical? | 02:58 |
kevarm | Quick Question: I have a headset that I use to skype family. I've used this headset on this system using windows and it works, but skype on linux doesn't pick up the headset, it says I need to adjust my multimedia settings possibly. Where would I find multimedia settings? | 02:58 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: Yes, but no acceleration. | 02:58 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, the data encryption choices are none/WEP | 02:58 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: try booting in recovery mode, using xserver recovery and then running nvidia-xconfig | 02:58 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: No dice. | 02:58 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, I mean, disabled, not none, lol | 02:58 |
usser | Ubuntong, when issuing the command i gave u? | 02:58 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Right now my Hardware Drivers can't find the .ko files. | 02:58 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: your in a better position than me, i was in only text based. is it a ppc? | 02:58 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: Nope, desktop. | 02:58 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: hold on while i find a command to try | 02:59 |
Ubuntong | usser: ok I got it but it asked me to change my password or enter one rather. | 02:59 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: Thanks! | 02:59 |
MaxChatfield | hey everyone, is the Ubuntu terminal closer to csh or sh shell programming? | 02:59 |
troxor | ringer: horizontal conkys are tough | 02:59 |
emosamurai | How do I find out which partition is the home partition? If I installed windowsxp first, is sda2 probably home? | 02:59 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: what about manually installing the drivers with the .run packages nvidia provides? (use version 169.12) | 02:59 |
ringer | troxor: why is that | 02:59 |
tuchki | usser, are you still here? | 02:59 |
tonyyarusso | emosamurai: df -h | 02:59 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: One sec, I'll try that again. | 02:59 |
biotrox | james__ can't found soundrc file | 03:00 |
usser | Ubuntong, sorry my bad u have to put sudo in front the password is your password | 03:00 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: try sudo aptitude search linux-restricted -modules | 03:00 |
usser | tuchki, yes i am | 03:00 |
Lynet | kevarm: In Skype Options - Sound Devices, what choices do you have under Sound In? | 03:00 |
Steve-cal | linuxmademecrazy: I'm not sure but I think using "shared" is in effect a type of WEP... try setting your Ubuntu up with WEP and enter your network key. | 03:00 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: make sure you run the installer in the kernel you want to install to | 03:00 |
tuchki | what programas did you say to me? | 03:00 |
Inepu | hi, can anyone suggest me a link for installing the Huawei E270 Internet Key on Ubuntu 8.04? Thx | 03:00 |
tuchki | mythtv and... | 03:00 |
usser | tuchki, mythtv and tvtime | 03:00 |
Ubuntong | usser: Did Kubuntu cause this? | 03:01 |
troxor | ringer: non-monospace fonts, changing monitor widths, etc | 03:01 |
usser | tuchki, they both in the repos | 03:01 |
MaxChatfield | Is the Ubuntu terminal a csh shell or a sh shell? | 03:01 |
tuchki | ok, i will try now with tvtime | 03:01 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: Now what should I be looking for? | 03:01 |
usser | Ubuntong, im not sure i understand cause what? | 03:01 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: put what it returned into pastebin | 03:01 |
ringer | troxor: i see. so basically if i dont know how to do it myself, then i am screwed? | 03:01 |
usser | tuchki, what did mythtv say? | 03:01 |
the_doctor | hi, | 03:01 |
tuchki | it say they can not find host or something like that | 03:01 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: while your at it put uname -r in there to | 03:01 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, I run into the issue of the associate index number and also, WEP is an encryption, I don't have an encrypted network. | 03:01 |
Ubuntong | usser: cause me to lose shutdown and restart | 03:01 |
BCM43 | !hi | the_doctor | 03:01 |
ubottu | the_doctor: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:01 |
the_doctor | na wie gehts euch? | 03:02 |
daviddolphin | So my computer randomly freezes and when it does will display columns of random colors that look static-like. Also, this is sometimes accompanied by high pitch squeal out of the speakers. Does this sound like over heating, or some other kind of problem. | 03:02 |
troxor | ringer: nah, there are probably tons of examples, I'm just being unhelpful ;) | 03:02 |
BCM43 | !de | 03:02 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 03:02 |
Lynet | MaxChatfield: bash | 03:02 |
ringer | troxor: ha awesome lol | 03:02 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: Alright, | 03:02 |
usser | Ubuntong, probably did u do an upgrade? | 03:02 |
kevarm | Lynet: Deafult device (default) - HDA Intel (hw:Intel,0) - HDA Intel (plughw:Intel,0) | 03:02 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: uname just returned 2.6.24-17-generic | 03:02 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, I've actually tried a bunch of combinations of things with the network manager GUI, and I've came out with no result. | 03:02 |
MaxChatfield | Lynet: so when an installation gives me INSTALL commands in either "sh" or "csh" are both those incorrect? | 03:03 |
usser | tuchki, try tvtime, i had it working with tvtime last summer, no particular problems | 03:03 |
Ubuntong | usser: I installed kubuntu just to take a look at it - but I use Gnome/Ubuntu | 03:03 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: you seem to be fine in terms of that, sorry, but i can't help you here. | 03:03 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: is it working now? | 03:03 |
tuchki | ok usser, thank you again. im trying now | 03:04 |
melch | /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password> | 03:04 |
melch | /msg NickServ IDENTIFY gamers360 | 03:04 |
Steve-cal | linuxmademecrazy: I see, I'm not familiar with that type of setup. I've used routers that either have no encryption, or they have WEP/WPA, but I've never had to set up a "shared" network authentication. Sorry I can't be of help. | 03:04 |
Lynet | MaxChatfield: In terms of advanced shell stuff, I think bash is classified as a 'sh' shell. | 03:04 |
Ubuntong | BCM43: I'm not sure. I probably should log out to test it. | 03:04 |
BCM43 | oops, melch better change your pass | 03:04 |
yojesus | if i want to remove ubuntu and install windows again how do i do it | 03:04 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: The problem that I'm having right now is the Hardware Drivers program can't find the Nvidia .ko files. | 03:04 |
melch | BCM43 i just gave it to the room balls | 03:04 |
melch | /msg NickServ hi | 03:04 |
melch | /w NickServ hi | 03:05 |
melch | Why won't it let me whisper him | 03:05 |
BCM43 | melch: you have a space in front | 03:05 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, thanks anyways. I've been at this all day =/. My dad refuses to change it to anything that's simple to use. | 03:05 |
Bill_MI | Hiya! Can someone suggest a basic TV capture program? I have tvtime running well, MythTV is a bit much. | 03:05 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: This is what I get when I run the Hardware Drivers program in terminal. | 03:05 |
SeaPhor | yojesus, just put in your win cd and reboot | 03:05 |
jbroome | /msg nickserv burnswhenipee | 03:06 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Is it the nvidia installer that's supposed to place these files in the proper kernel? | 03:06 |
MaxChatfield | Lynet: Thank you. That helps. | 03:06 |
Monobi | How do I turn off the thing that moves me from Workspace to Workspace when I hover close to a location? | 03:06 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: well yes | 03:06 |
indio | checking for X... no | 03:06 |
indio | configure: error: *** Can't find X11 headers and libs | 03:06 |
Lynet | kevarm: Hmm.. Is your headset connected to the mic input on your sound card, or is it a usb thingie? | 03:07 |
indio | How can I fix this ? | 03:07 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Ok I'll try your advince of running the install from the nvidia website. | 03:07 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: and.... solved! | 03:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 197264 in jockey "[hardy] Can't enable restricted drivers from the live CD" [Medium,Confirmed] | 03:07 |
Lynet | kevarm: If it is connected to your sound card, the settings in skype looks fine. | 03:07 |
Monobi | Anyone know? | 03:07 |
Steve-cal | linuxmademecrazy: I've set up my router, and I don't remember anything about setting up a "shared" network authentication procedure. If you can provide any details about that, maybe someone here can help. | 03:07 |
kevarm | Lynet: It's connected to the mic input and the headphone input, the headphone is working and I can hear them they just can't hear me | 03:07 |
Ubuntong | BCM43: No, it's still broken | 03:07 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: you in admin group? | 03:08 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: sudo -s | 03:08 |
Seeker` | Ubuntong: Can you also check that "show actions menu" is checked in system->admin->login window, then on the "local" tab | 03:08 |
Monobi | How do I turn off the thing that moves me from Workspace to Workspace when I hover close to a location? | 03:08 |
Lynet | kevarm: You might also look in System - Preferences - Sound and check what Sound capture is set to. | 03:08 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: if that does not help, try running kde instead of gnome when you login. | 03:09 |
fabiano | Anyone know a good ASUS motherboard for Ubuntu? | 03:09 |
Ubuntong | Seeker`: That was it "Show actions" was not checked . Awesome! Now how did it get unchecked?? | 03:09 |
guilee | | 03:09 |
melch | anyone use fluxbox or openbox in here? | 03:10 |
BCM43 | !anyone | melch | 03:10 |
ubottu | melch: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:10 |
Seeker` | Ubuntong: No idea, but at least it is fixed :D | 03:10 |
Lynet | fabiano: Kinda depends on what you intend to use it for. Server, desktop, TV-room media box, etc.. | 03:10 |
n838901 | ok.. installed the latest batch of updates and now i have to manually probe the 'b43' modules to get wireless to work | 03:10 |
BCM43 | Ubuntong: same problem happend to me when i switched to kde/kubuntu, might be some sort of bug | 03:10 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: I'm not entirely sure where I'm finding a solution here... :P | 03:10 |
melch | What do people think of fluxbox vrs openbox vrs xfce for a low end computer. | 03:10 |
SeaPhor | fabiano, any asus, but read up, some from a year ago need immediate bios flash/update | 03:10 |
Ubuntong | Seeker`: I feel better | 03:11 |
amrik | melch: go with xfce if you can, its a full fledged desktop environment. the others are just window managers | 03:11 |
Ubuntong | BCM43: I also installed some GDM themes I got from gnome-look | 03:11 |
melch | amrik what is the diffrence | 03:11 |
n838901 | also, whenever i try to enable compiz, the screen blanks and takes me to the login screen | 03:12 |
Ubuntong | BCM43: Maybe I accidently clicked it?? | 03:12 |
emma | bcm43, Ubuntong did you resolve the problem? If not I found a link that might be relevant. | 03:13 |
fabiano | I would like my Motherboard it to do work with some of the latest nvidia gfx cards for windows gaming, and for linux gaming and regular tasks as well, i have not decided to use AMD or Intel | 03:13 |
amrik | melch: basically the window manager organizes and tiles up your x windows, whereas desktop environments are more comprehensive by providing settings features to control other stuff like settings, a taskbar more icons, screensavers etc. | 03:13 |
Brajuh | wtf | 03:13 |
Brajuh | o.O | 03:13 |
Brajuh | O.o | 03:13 |
pabix | Hello! I have installed Ubuntu on an external hard disk, but now the global keybd settings apply to my local computer: how do I change kbd layout for gdm login screen please? | 03:14 |
leimer | hi | 03:14 |
Brajuh | I don't want to be here | 03:14 |
Brajuh | lol | 03:14 |
Ubuntong | emma: Yes there is an an option "Show Actions" in gdmsetup, somehow I unchecked it. | 03:14 |
Brajuh | I just pushed xchat | 03:14 |
Brajuh | and this all came up | 03:14 |
Brajuh | =\ | 03:14 |
FloodBot1 | Brajuh: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:14 |
melch | amrik, i am using openbox now with xfce-panels. I like it excpect the show desktop button doesn't work like it does in fbpanel | 03:14 |
Brajuh | huh? | 03:14 |
Brajuh | lol | 03:14 |
=== Michael___ is now known as Circe | ||
n838901 | anyone? | 03:15 |
leimer | can anyone help me out ? Where /wich file holds the list of available packages for my ubuntu ? Not the repository files !!! The packages list files. | 03:16 |
SeaPhor | fabiano, i have an Abit with AMD, an Intel with Intel, and an Asus with AMD, all have Nvidia- 2 PCIE and 1 AGP, all on Ubuntu, and 0 (zero) issues as far as the MB is concerned | 03:16 |
Seeker` | leimer: do you mean available or installed? | 03:16 |
Steve-cal | linuxmademecrazy: "With Shared Key authentication, the sender and recipient use a WEP key for authentication." That's from my router manual, so it looks like even though you don't use encryption, you use WEP for the authentication part. | 03:16 |
leimer | available | 03:16 |
leimer | seeker available | 03:16 |
Seeker` | leimer: you want a list of every package available in ubuntu? | 03:17 |
fabiano | read my post, need help with picking Linux compatible hardware, answer me on the forum please. | 03:17 |
leimer | why not ? they show up when I start synaptic | 03:17 |
leimer | seeker: why not ? they show up when I start synaptic | 03:17 |
fabiano | SeaPhor, how do i send you a PM | 03:18 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: Where'd you go? | 03:18 |
lesq | can i get my ps2 mouse to work without having to reboot? | 03:19 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, my biggest problem would still be the fact that I need to use both, the index number and the key that is associated with it. | 03:19 |
Monobi | Does anyone know how to turn off that thing that makes you slide from workspace to workspace when you scroll that direction? | 03:19 |
Seeker` | leimer: apt-cache dump | grep Package > ~/pkgdump | 03:19 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, It's pretty much the only thing that confuses me, because nothing in the GUI asks for the index and the key. | 03:19 |
pabix | leimer, /var/lib/apt/lists/ | 03:19 |
Seeker` | leimer: that will create a file pkgdump in your home directory wihch contains the name of each package | 03:19 |
Monobi | Hmm | 03:19 |
SeaPhor | fabiano, you dont, i dont accept them, if you want to join #SeaPhor I can talk OT there | 03:20 |
norty | Question: I'm having real troubles with Firefox 3 beta 5 that came installed with Ubuntu 8.04, how do I down grade back to firefox 2? | 03:20 |
soulhacker | hi guys my problem is a pretty idiotic one i just installed xen on my hardy but accidently chose to keeep my local menu.lst instead of the new one so do u guys have nay idea where can i get the package maintainers version??? | 03:20 |
fabiano | k | 03:20 |
Monobi | Does anyone know how to turn off that thing that makes you slide from workspace to workspace when you scroll that direction? , sorry if I repeated, think I got disconnected | 03:20 |
leimer | Seeker: and pabix tnks guys I've been looking 4 that a long time ago :s | 03:20 |
Lynet | leimer: apt-cache pkgnames > file_with_all_package_names | 03:20 |
pabix | wolcome | 03:20 |
lesq | Monobi: you didn't get disconnected | 03:20 |
soulhacker | Monobi:do u have compiz? | 03:20 |
lesq | is there a way to force recognition of my ps2 mouse without rebooting? | 03:21 |
usser | norty, sudo apt-get install firefox-2, why not try a real browser while u switching. opera for example | 03:21 |
Monobi | lesq: I use an irssi proxy so I got disconnected from that | 03:21 |
lesq | usser: because opera isn't free software | 03:21 |
Monobi | soulhacker, uh, I don't know? I just reinstalled hardy | 03:21 |
Monobi | so if it comes default | 03:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | lesq sudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse | 03:21 |
Steve-cal | linuxmademecrazy: Well there's definitely a place for the encryption key, but about the authentication key I don't know if Linux even has that ability. I would be interested if it does. | 03:21 |
norty | usser, I want to completely get rid of firefox 3 though so there is no issues | 03:21 |
usser | lesq, still beats the bloat that is firefox | 03:21 |
soulhacker | Monobi:no it doesnt come default | 03:22 |
echazan | usser, firefox is bloat? | 03:22 |
usser | norty, sudo apt-get remove purge firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox-2 | 03:22 |
echazan | how? | 03:22 |
soulhacker | Monobi:if u are not into using workspaces why not keep only one? | 03:22 |
lesq | Jack_Sparrow: nothing :/ | 03:22 |
linuxmademecrazy | Steve-cal, I'm starting to come to the concluse that I need to just use the passphrase that was used. | 03:22 |
DrBanzai | Still no love trying to get my wireless working. New install of Hardy 64 bit, on Acer laptop with Intel 3945 wireless chipset. I have tried several things found during a google search on the topic, to no avail. See my pastebin Any ideas? | 03:22 |
ptyo11 | can i install kde ontop of ubuntu without messing things up. | 03:22 |
soulhacker | ptyoll:yes | 03:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | lesq That is how I restart mine as needed. Not sure why it wont work for you | 03:23 |
usser | echazan, take a look at the benchmarks, although firefox 3 is a huge improvement over 2 its not quite as stable at the moment so opera may sound like a good alternative... but thats all offtopic | 03:23 |
Monobi | soulhacker, I'm into using workspaces, but I'd rather not switch when I move my mouse :-| | 03:23 |
lesq | Jack_Sparrow: I hope the mouse isn't broken... I just took it out of the packaging | 03:23 |
Monobi | soulhacker, is their any easy way to turn it off? (the sliding) | 03:23 |
ptyo11 | should i use the package manager or use the apt-get method? | 03:23 |
lesq | Jack_Sparrow: I'll try it on another pc. | 03:23 |
linuxmademecrazy | Steve-cal, I've tried the raw pass phrase, but I see another way to go about doing it now. | 03:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | lesq Make sure you remove the packaging around the ball of the mouse | 03:23 |
lesq | Jack_Sparrow: optical | 03:23 |
Pelo | evening folks | 03:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hi Pelo | 03:25 |
harriseldon | DrBanzai what have you tried to get it working? | 03:25 |
Pelo | I've got two users going , how would I kill the "other" user without having to switch users or reboot the comp ? | 03:25 |
* Pelo is getting his replacement mobo tomorow | 03:25 | |
Chuggst3r | Arrggg. | 03:26 |
* Pelo throws some raw meat at Chuggst3r | 03:26 | |
Chuggst3r | Ubuntu is slowly becoming the bane of my exsistance :( | 03:26 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: :( | 03:26 |
Pelo | Chuggst3r, what's the issue ? | 03:26 |
Chuggst3r | Graphics card. | 03:26 |
echazan | which one | 03:26 |
Pelo | Chuggst3r, more details | 03:26 |
Steve-cal | linuxmademecrazy: Any luck? | 03:27 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: did what i recommend not work? | 03:27 |
Chuggst3r | I lost my 3D acceleration from upgrading to the .17 kernel. | 03:27 |
Chuggst3r | Nope amrik, nothing :( | 03:27 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: ok what the hell, i had less trouble upgrading from -17 to than you have from -16 to -17 | 03:27 |
Chuggst3r | Downloaded it, shut down x server, installed, rebooted. It still doesn't find those .ko files. | 03:27 |
linuxmademecrazy | Steve-cal, I'll have to switch out my hard drives, I'm not lucky enough to have 2 computers. lol, I'm gathering up a couple of more possible solutions before I reboot for it | 03:27 |
Chuggst3r | WARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_new failed: modinfo: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/volatile/nvidia_new.ko: No such file or directory | 03:28 |
DrBanzai | harriseldon: Well, I've tried installing the back ported driver, I've tried a string of iwconfig commands, I tried downgrading to Gutsy, and I've tried asking in here several times. | 03:28 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: do you have a pastebin of the error messages? | 03:28 |
Monobi | soulhacker, anyway to turn it off? | 03:28 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: That's the error I just posted. | 03:28 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: It doesn't find any of the .ko files. | 03:28 |
usser | DrBanzai, so u have backports installed right now? | 03:28 |
soulhacker | Monobi:sorry bro i have compiz so i disabled it there | 03:28 |
usser | DrBanzai, what does modinfo iwl3945 say? | 03:28 |
DrBanzai | usser: Yes | 03:28 |
Monobi | soulhacker, okay, thanks | 03:28 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | 03:28 |
soulhacker | Monobi:i dont know how to disable it on default install | 03:29 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: It gives 3 errors right off the bat, then a 4th one as it's loading. I can only assume its finding those files missing...continuing to load, then realising it still doesn't have the ko file it needs. | 03:29 |
usser | DrBanzai, what does iwconfig say, what does ifconfig say can u paste it all | 03:29 |
echazan | there are three flash plugins available for linux, which one performs the best? | 03:29 |
usser | DrBanzai, pastebin err | 03:29 |
amrik | echazan: none really work that well tbqh | 03:29 |
Chuggst3r | hmmm | 03:29 |
soulhacker | hi guys my problem is a pretty idiotic one i just installed xen on my hardy but accidently chose to keeep my local menu.lst instead of the new one so do u guys have nay idea where can i get the package maintainers version??? | 03:29 |
m1r | hello | 03:29 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: I think that just illuminated my problem. | 03:29 |
m1r | dhcp3-server not starting after reboot | 03:30 |
DrBanzai | usser: | 03:30 |
m1r | how can i enable it to start ? | 03:30 |
style23 | When I watch a video in you tube or game trailers it plays fine, but after If I goto movies on my computer and play it in mplayer the video plays in slow-mo? | 03:30 |
amrik | soulhacker: dont worry you can always download the xen package directly, and extract it (i think its a standard tar.gz file) | 03:30 |
soulhacker | Monobi:u dere?? | 03:30 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Here's the pastebin | 03:30 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, time to go find out, I'll come back with what my luck is xD | 03:30 |
usser | DrBanzai, looks ok, backported version | 03:31 |
usser | DrBanzai, what about iwconfig | 03:31 |
=== Dew420`irie is now known as Dew420 | ||
Monobi | soulhacker, yes, I'm installing Compiz Fusion | 03:31 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Now I'm seeing nvidia-glx pointing to -16 and not -17, but nvidia-glx isn't installed. | 03:31 |
soulhacker | amrik:wats da use of apt-get then??:) | 03:31 |
lesq | Jack_Sparrow: yeah, it works on another pc, but not here, guess I'll have to reboot | 03:31 |
m1r | how to start dhcp3-server after reboot ? | 03:31 |
soulhacker | Monobi:wait see dis | 03:31 |
Steve-cal | linuxmademecrazy: OK, I have to go now, but I hope you get it going. | 03:31 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: you can try purging nvidia-glx in favor of nvidia-glx-new | 03:31 |
DrBanzai | usser: | 03:31 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: I'm a pretty big noob when it comes to this, how would I do that? | 03:32 |
amrik | soulhacker: well there is definitely a way to get individual files from an archive in apt-get, but ive never had to do that | 03:32 |
keithclark | Wow, there is not one good GUI based database in Linux, is there? I've tried them all, Open Office, Kexi....and a sundry of other lesser names. Nobody is interested in a GUI interface for a database in Linux? | 03:32 |
furythor | Howto set affinity for applications etc | 03:32 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: sudo dpkg --purge remove nvidia-glx | 03:32 |
usser | DrBanzai, so far so good, what kind of wireless security does your network use? | 03:33 |
soulhacker | amrik:ok will try manually downloading the hole packag and extracting it | 03:33 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: All done, now what should I try? | 03:33 |
Monobi | soulhacker, thanks :-) | 03:33 |
lesq | keithclark: some people don't like things like access | 03:33 |
=== tonsofpc1 is now known as tonsofpcs | ||
usser | DrBanzai, launch nm-applet if its not already running, this command nm-applet & | 03:33 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: you can purge nvidia-glx-new, and reinstall it | 03:33 |
harriseldon | keithclark are you looking for a gui management tool or gui frontend for entering data? | 03:33 |
keithclark | lesq, why, too easy? | 03:33 |
soulhacker | Monobi:no probs | 03:33 |
keithclark | harriseldon: both | 03:33 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: but i think you should be ok now, give it a reboot? | 03:34 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Is through apt-get ok or should I manually install it again? | 03:34 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: through apt-get should be ok | 03:34 |
lesq | keithclark: depends -- my experience with people using it is running bad queries through odbc against multiuser databases which is terribly annoying in large businesses where there is a lot of political things intermingled | 03:34 |
lesq | keithclark: otherwise, as a programmer I'm happy to seek alternate routes | 03:34 |
TheDude | can you pxe boot ubuntu install cd for a client install | 03:34 |
m1r | dhcp3-server dont start after reboot, how to fix this corect way ? | 03:34 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Great, I'll give it a reboot and sacrifice a goat in the name of Ubuntu...just incase. :P brb. | 03:34 |
harriseldon | keithclark I have heard good things about phpmyadmin. It is web based for admin tasks rather than managing records. | 03:34 |
style23 | When I watch a video through the firefox browser it plays fine, but If I decide to play a video file in mplayer, the video plays in slow-mo? To fix this I restart the computer and then the video plays normaly | 03:35 |
lesq | I don't think phpmyadmin is what he's after. | 03:35 |
keithclark | lesq: yes, but from a productivity point alone, why write code when you can point and click? Or use a code builder? Makes no sense to me. | 03:35 |
lesq | keithclark: I find those things impose a lot of constraints on thinking and expressiveness. | 03:35 |
style23 | How can I fix this without having to restart my computer | 03:35 |
keithclark | lesq: It let's you think about higher level things about your application rather than think about the baseline things | 03:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | keithclark Please join #Ubuntu-offtopic for Discussion and opinions | 03:36 |
TheDude | is there a way to pxe boot ubuntu alternate cd for install on anothe client | 03:36 |
keithclark | Jack_Sparrow, will do, sorry. | 03:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 03:36 |
amrik | TheDude: are you trying to do a network install? | 03:36 |
TheDude | a.k.a netboot install ubuntu | 03:36 |
usser | DrBanzai, how is it going? | 03:36 |
TheDude | yup | 03:36 |
m_newton | HOw do i get VLC to repeat, IS THERE A SHORTCUT??? | 03:37 |
amrik | TheDude: hmm its supposed to be easy if you have another ubuntu box lying around | 03:37 |
DrBanzai | usser: Sorry was AFK a bit...just a sec | 03:37 |
DIL | if he has firewire on the laptop and a desktop with firewire as well | 03:37 |
harriseldon | TheDude here is a guide on PXE boot. | 03:37 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Even the goat did nothing :( | 03:37 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: is it the same error? | 03:38 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Yeah. | 03:38 |
TheDude | thx all | 03:38 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: type `locate nvidia_new` | 03:38 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: if you need to you may have to install linux-restricted-modules for -17 | 03:38 |
tuchki | usser, again it's me. i open tvtime but it closes inmediately.. | 03:38 |
m_newton | Anyone?? anyone know how to get VLC to repeat, IS THERE A SHORTCUT??? | 03:38 |
DrBanzai | usser: All I get in the termianl is a pid, and all I get up on the menu bar is another wired connection | 03:39 |
m1r | dhcp3-server dont start after reboot, how to fix this corect way ? | 03:39 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: | 03:39 |
navetz | does anyone know why frostwire wont work with hardy, how to fix it, or if there are any alternatives? | 03:39 |
style23 | has anyone had that problem before? | 03:39 |
norty | Question: I am running Ubuntu 8.04, when I go System > Prefs > Keyboard Shortcuts and map ctrl-r as opening the terminal, then when I press it it doesn't work, it just refreshes the desktop, how can I get it to work? | 03:39 |
Monobi | What's the package name for Compiz Fusion? | 03:39 |
tuchki | usser, and in consola says this: Ejecutando tvtime 1.0.2. | 03:39 |
tuchki | Leyendo la configuración de /etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml | 03:39 |
tuchki | Leyendo la configuración de /home/tuchki/.tvtime/tvtime.xml | 03:39 |
tuchki | xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images. | 03:39 |
tuchki | *** tvtime requires hardware YUY2 overlay support from your video card | 03:39 |
FloodBot1 | tuchki: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:39 |
tuchki | *** driver. If you are using an older NVIDIA card (TNT2), then | 03:39 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: what card is this? | 03:40 |
usser | tuchki, what video card do u have? | 03:40 |
harriseldon | m_newton here are some shortcut keys | 03:40 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: 7900 GTO | 03:40 |
Monobi | What's the package name for Compiz Fusion? | 03:40 |
furythor | Howto define "affinity" that how many cores specific application uses when you got multicore system ? | 03:40 |
tuchki | ati radeon xpress 200 usser | 03:40 |
usser | DrBanzai, right, so can u click on that icon do u see any wireless networks there? | 03:40 |
lesq | furythor: by default, your program will be scheduled accross all cores | 03:41 |
Optimus55 | hi room | 03:41 |
lesq | furythor: otherwise you might use something like sched tool to limit to one core | 03:41 |
usser | tuchki, and u using stock drivers not restricted? | 03:41 |
hockeypuck89 | im trying to add a samba share via ssh, when i add it to the config file it shows up on my windows station but i can't access it, itll just keep asking for a user and password... no matter what i enter it wont let me in | 03:41 |
DrBanzai | usser: If I left click it, I get no wireless networks, only wired. If I right click it, the Enable wireless is greyed out. | 03:41 |
LimCore | [732866.174283] gpgconf[23352]: segfault at 0 rip 7f40a7453c67 rsp 7fffafb743c0 error 4 | 03:41 |
LimCore | [732969.883399] gpgconf[23423]: segfault at 0 rip 7f66c3dacc67 rsp 7fffcc4cad10 error | 03:41 |
LimCore | how to report this? | 03:41 |
LimCore | to which binary does gpgconf belong | 03:41 |
LimCore | *package | 03:42 |
lesq | LimCore: are you experiencing a reproducable problem? | 03:42 |
tuchki | usser, im using privative drivers | 03:42 |
LimCore | lesq: happened two times apparently | 03:42 |
tallmtt | anyone know a workaround for the iwl3945 issue with Hardy - I can see networks but I cannot connect - | 03:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 221633 in ubuntu "3945ABG wireless card dosen not work with 8.04 " [Undecided,Confirmed] | 03:42 |
gpoo | does anybody knows how permissions works in PPA? a link is welcomed. | 03:42 |
indio | How can I uninstall a program I installed via "make install" ? | 03:42 |
lesq | LimCore: if you can't reproduce it then there isn't much to report | 03:42 |
harriseldon | indio make uninstall | 03:42 |
RadiantFire | indio: make uninstall | 03:42 |
LimCore | lesq: dont worry | 03:42 |
LimCore | just need to know to which package it belongs | 03:43 |
indio | Thanks. | 03:43 |
usser | DrBanzai, and its a clean install? | 03:43 |
usser | DrBanzai, what if u go to System->administration->network | 03:43 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Any ideas where these .ko files come from? | 03:43 |
LimCore | Chuggst3r: kernel objects from kernel compilation | 03:43 |
norty | Question: I am running Ubuntu 8.04, when I go System > Prefs > Keyboard Shortcuts and map ctrl-r as opening the terminal, then when I press it it doesn't work, it just refreshes the desktop, how can I get it to work? | 03:43 |
Chuggst3r | LimCore: Any idea why the nvidia ones would be missing? | 03:44 |
LimCore | Chuggst3r: dunno probably you need to install kernel driver or sometinhg | 03:44 |
usser | tuchki, hm, im not sure what could be the problem there, u can try other programs like kdetv | 03:44 |
style23 | When I watch a video through the firefox browser it plays fine, but when I decide to play a video file in movie player - the video plays in slow-mo? To fix this I restart the computer and then the video plays normaly | 03:44 |
soulhacker | narty:first disable ctrll+r fr refrseh then add the entry fr terminal | 03:44 |
theFATMAN | i booted up my pc today and there was a new kernel in the boot loader menu, whats up with that? | 03:44 |
DrBanzai | usser: Yes, it's a clean install, just did it last night. | 03:44 |
tuchki | usser, that is what in consola says: | 03:44 |
m_newton | Are there no shortcuts in VLC that allow you to repeat a song, over n over again??? help! | 03:45 |
soulhacker | style23:u use totem?? | 03:45 |
usser | DrBanzai, is your wireless connection listed in System->administration->network | 03:45 |
style23 | soulhacker yes | 03:45 |
DrBanzai | usser: Under System --> Admin --> Network, I have wireless lsited, but it's not checked. | 03:45 |
blankhead | just a question...when firefox 3 and openoffice 3.0 are offical will ubuntu update the software for us automatically via update manager or will we have to manually install it? | 03:45 |
amrik | m_newton: | 03:45 |
harriseldon | soulhacker did you try doing a dpkg-reconfigure on the xen package to get grub changed? (sorry it took so long for a response) | 03:45 |
usser | tuchki, never seen this error before | 03:45 |
style23 | soulhacker it only happens after I watch some type of video on the internet | 03:45 |
usser | DrBanzai, and can u check it? | 03:45 |
blankhead | would anybody know? | 03:45 |
usser | DrBanzai, sometimes wifi wont work if wired is connected | 03:45 |
m_newton | <harriseldon> no good :( | 03:46 |
amrik | blankhead: firefox 3 will definitely make it in. openoffice 3, not so sure. probably available as a separate package | 03:46 |
soulhacker | harriseldon:can u gimme da exact command? | 03:46 |
tuchki | ok usser, thank you again | 03:46 |
blankhead | amrik sounds cool thanks man | 03:46 |
usser | tuchki, try kdetv | 03:46 |
soulhacker | harriseldon:nyways thanks fr responding | 03:46 |
harriseldon | m_newton | 03:46 |
Monobi | nalioth, what's the package name for Compiz - fusion ;-) ? | 03:46 |
tuchki | ok usser, im trying | 03:46 |
DrBanzai | usser: Nothing is currently checked. It won't let me just check it, I have to go under properties, disable roaming, and tell it my ssid and such, then it still dosen't work. | 03:46 |
nalioth | !compiz | 03:46 |
norty | Question: I am running Ubuntu 8.04, when I go System > Prefs > Keyboard Shortcuts and map ctrl-r as opening the terminal, then when I press it it doesn't work, it just refreshes the desktop, how can I get it to work? | 03:46 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 03:46 |
Monobi | Thanks you :-) | 03:46 |
amrik | norty: did you disable ctrl-r map to refresh desktop? | 03:47 |
harriseldon | soulhacker I am not sure the exact package name for xen, but the command would be sudo dpkg-reconfigure xen (replace xen with the actual package name) | 03:47 |
DrBanzai | usser: And I have tried it with wired disconnected too | 03:47 |
style23 | soulhacker do you know what maybe can be the cause and do you have that problem? | 03:47 |
blankhead | amrik jsut wondering cuz i noticed alot of programs that are in the add/remove dont ever upgrade themselves...i find out online that there are newer versions out there and i have to update them manually... ubuntu should work with the people to update it thru there. any idea why they dont do that? | 03:47 |
m_newton | <amrik> and harriseldon, i need a short cut, it is too damn annoying changing it every time i want to play a song :( | 03:47 |
Chuggst3r | HOLY CRAP. | 03:47 |
soulhacker | style23:u know totem is used fr internet also so maybe the video remains in cache and when u download it entry in cache | 03:47 |
usser | DrBanzai, that is really weird, try sudo rmmod iwl3945 and sudo modprobe iwl3945 | 03:47 |
m_newton | <Chuggst3r> HOLY CRAP? whats up? | 03:48 |
Chuggst3r | I think I'm cookin with gas now. | 03:48 |
Chuggst3r | I've been working at this all day and my video card is showing up in the proprietary drivers menu again. | 03:48 |
Lokii- | !language | Chuggster | 03:48 |
ubottu | Chuggster: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 03:48 |
m_newton | ... okay (pause) | 03:48 |
soulhacker | style23:sorry it remains in cache and when u restart it da video gets deleted | 03:48 |
Chuggst3r | Ooops, sorry. | 03:48 |
Chuggst3r | Didn't realise it was a bad word. | 03:48 |
style23 | soulhacker what should I do to get it out of cache | 03:48 |
amrik | blankhead: ubuntu packages are updated periodically. often they test things to make sure they are stable and work well with the rest of the system before adding it to the main repositories. if you want you can always enable the proposed and backports repositories if you want to be closer to the cutting edge | 03:48 |
unr3a1 | AaronH: you in here? | 03:48 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: It's showing up again! | 03:49 |
DrBanzai | usser: Ok, that made the Network Settings screen refresh it's self, but still nothing is checked. | 03:49 |
indio | Where is GDM sessions file ? | 03:49 |
usser | DrBanzai, might also want to try to compile the latest wifi stack from it had iwl3945 at 1.2.26k last time i checked | 03:49 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: wait whaaat | 03:49 |
blankhead | amrik how would i go about doing that? | 03:49 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: I reinstalled the kernel drivers. | 03:49 |
Condoulo | My friend has nForce™ 6-channel Audio for audio, and are there any packages/drivers he needs to install to get the audio to work | 03:49 |
amrik | blankhead: System -> Administration -> Software Sources | 03:49 |
usser | DrBanzai, can u pastebin what dmesg said after u did those 2 commands | 03:49 |
amrik | blankhead: you can hit the updates tab and enable them. but if you are doing this just for giggles maybe you should reconsider | 03:49 |
soulhacker | style23:well atleast we can be sure restart works try to google da place totem stores the cache | 03:49 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: LimCore said .ko are kernel compile files, so I tried to reinstall the nvidia-kernel drivers from Synaptic Package Manager, and it see's the card in the Hardware Drivers. | 03:49 |
soulhacker | style23:i will try 2 | 03:50 |
style23 | soulhacker ok | 03:50 |
blankhead | well | 03:50 |
norty | amrik, I don't see that option anywhere in the list | 03:50 |
blankhead | i just would like some of the stuff to update u know | 03:50 |
tallmtt | anyone else having issues with iwl3945 | 03:50 |
blankhead | make them the new version but i dont know | 03:50 |
blankhead | i will | 03:50 |
blankhead | i see that importatn security updates isnt enabled by default amrik is there a reason y? | 03:50 |
Condoulo | My friend has nForce™ 6-channel Audio for audio, and are there any packages/drivers he needs to install to get the audio to work. IO'm just curious. My friend is a first time Ubuntu user. And I'm trying to help his Ubuntu experience be good. | 03:51 |
usser | tallmtt, yes | 03:51 |
harriseldon | Condoulo have you tried a live cd. If it works there, it should work when installed | 03:51 |
m_newton | How do i configure internet in a server?? | 03:51 |
usser | DrBanzai, wifi stack is here forgot to paste it, sorry | 03:51 |
harriseldon | m_newton what do you mean configure internet? | 03:51 |
tallmtt | usser: Know any workarounds? I am trying to set up a friends laptop and I don't want them to have any issues | 03:51 |
soulhacker | harriseldon:didnt work | 03:52 |
soulhacker | dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-xen | 03:52 |
usser | tallmtt, first off make sure u install backports package that fixes alot of issues with intel driver | 03:52 |
m_newton | Well, i have just installed a server and i dont have the internet configured, curently talking from diffrent computer) so i was wondering how to detect the wifi settings on my computer | 03:52 |
mrcar | m_newton, theres network manager app for that | 03:53 |
DrBanzai | usser: Well, I think the most important line is "iwl3945: Radio disabled by HW RF KILL switch | 03:53 |
usser | mrcar, server is bare console | 03:53 |
amrik | blankhead: dear god enable security updates | 03:53 |
tritium | m_newton: iwconfig from the command line | 03:53 |
tallmtt | usser, thanks. Is this the same issue you are working out with DrBanzai? | 03:54 |
Kakura | hello? | 03:54 |
akahige | Is there a way to view a list of attached USB devices? | 03:54 |
harriseldon | m_newton then you may need to edit /etc/network/interfaces with wireless details so that it can work on startup | 03:54 |
tritium | akahige: lsusb | 03:54 |
Kakura | Anyone help me with getting my screen resolution larger? | 03:55 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: It broke itself again. :( | 03:55 |
usser | DrBanzai, did u google it already? take a look here | 03:55 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Can't find the files again... | 03:55 |
akahige | @tritium: I have USB headphones that show up in the sound config, but not in this list. How did that happen? | 03:55 |
tritium | akahige: don't know | 03:55 |
usser | tallmtt, iwl3945 had lots of issues initially, on my lappy it wouldnt get an ip address from dhcp, he cant even enable his card | 03:56 |
akahige | tritium: how can you force a device to mount? | 03:56 |
keithclark | Anyone know much about open office base? | 03:56 |
usser | tallmtt, but again backports should solve most problems | 03:56 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: so it was working and then broke>? | 03:56 |
=== MidgetARG is now known as MidgetSpy | ||
anonymous__ | anyone here know if gparted can duplicate a partition? i.e. copy it to another drive | 03:57 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: It showed the card in the Hardware Drivers menu, I checked said restart. I did, it stayed in low graphic mode and went back to unable to find the .ko files. | 03:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | anonymous__ use dd to copy a partition | 03:57 |
tallmtt | usser - thanks again, I will try backports | 03:57 |
anonymous__ | Jack_Sparrow: dd? | 03:57 |
DrBanzai | usser: Hmmmm...interesting...I'll go load the default BIOS settings and see what happenes | 03:58 |
tritium | akahige: only filesystems get mounted. Not sure what's up with your headphones. | 03:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | anonymous__ yes you can man dd while I find you a link | 03:58 |
usser | DrBanzai, wait try that echo commands first | 03:58 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: temporarily edit your xorg.conf file to use the 'nv' driver instead of nvidia, so you can at least have high-res for now | 03:58 |
Kakura | Can anyon help me to get my screen resolution larger? | 03:58 |
akahige | tritium: thanks. I'll drop a post in the forum, see if anybody has any ideas. | 03:58 |
tritium | akahige: good luck | 03:59 |
hockeypuck89 | how to i set up a completely open samba share on ubuntu server via ssh? | 03:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | anonymous__ | 03:59 |
DrBanzai | usser: Oh, ok | 03:59 |
anonymous__ | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 04:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 04:00 |
Kakura | How do you make the screen resolution bigger? | 04:00 |
usser | DrBanzai, your dir is different though | 04:00 |
usser | DrBanzai, iwl3945 | 04:00 |
Lardarse | !server > Lardarse | 04:01 |
linuxmademecrazy | steve-cal, Well, that was a fail xD | 04:01 |
Kakura | anyone? | 04:01 |
tritium | !fixres | Kakura | 04:01 |
ubottu | Kakura: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 04:01 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: What do I have to change in the xorg.conf? | 04:02 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: look for the line that says "nvidia" with the quotes and change it to "nv" | 04:03 |
coz_ | ok guys. I have a strange problem I download a set of panel icons for a fellow in one of the other channels to take a look at them without using then however now I get this error when right clickint the panel and going to properties Error stating file '/home/cosimo321/Desktop/73251-vista-like_panel+menu_button': No such file or directory when do I get rid of that location reference?. | 04:03 |
usser | DrBanzai, sorry just tried it myself, got disconnected, do sudo su then cat /sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl3945/*/rf_kill if its 1 then echo "0" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl3945/*/rf_kill | 04:03 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Alright, so reboot now? | 04:03 |
mindheavy | i have a wpa enabled network that im having no luck connecting to, i think two or three times in the past it has connected, and i have noticed i can always connect to another open network in my area, anyone know what could be causing this | 04:03 |
lonely_girl | codename11 | 04:03 |
CapaH | Someone please explain, what on earth is this crazy DDC exploit? | 04:03 |
usser | DrBanzai, did u get my last message? | 04:04 |
xrepinssporx | i need help getting Xfire to run. I can get it to install but when i try to run it nothing happens | 04:04 |
tritium | !exploit | CapaH | 04:04 |
ubottu | CapaH: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: | 04:04 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: hit ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X | 04:04 |
xrepinssporx | i need help getting Xfire to run. I can get it to install but when i try to run it nothing happens. Version 8.0.4 | 04:04 |
tritium | xrepinssporx: no need to repeat | 04:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | CapaH BEst not in channel but you can find info on the web | 04:04 |
CapaH | Doesn't particularly answer the question :) I mean *what* is it, is it a malformed DCC request? Does ignoring DCC fix it also? | 04:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | CapaH We can test you and help you with a workaround if your router is vulnerable | 04:05 |
DrBanzai | usser: What if it's 2? | 04:05 |
xrepinssporx | anyone able to help me | 04:06 |
usser | DrBanzai, is it 2?? | 04:06 |
usser | DrBanzai, put 0 anyway | 04:06 |
mrwoody | hi *. I am able to change Twinview setting with nvidia-settings (from VGA + DVI to VGA + TV-out). Does anyone know if it is posisble to do it from command line? | 04:06 |
usser | DrBanzai, when u did that, sudo rmmod iwl3945 && sudo modprobe iwl3945 | 04:06 |
ubuntu-user | !nvidia | 04:07 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 04:07 |
CapaH | Jack_Sparrow: My only real concern is, can this somehow be used to create a security risk other than simply disconnecting me? | 04:07 |
mindheavy | i have a wpa enabled network that im having no luck connecting to, i think two or three times in the past it has connected, and i have noticed i can always connect to another open network in my area, anyone know what could be causing this | 04:07 |
Lardarse | i've noticed a rather rare bug involving all cd/dvd installations, but i'[m unsure where to look to see if anyone else has noticed the bug. what should i be looking for in launchpad? | 04:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | CapaH NOt that I am aware of | 04:07 |
maimster | How's everyone doing? | 04:07 |
xrepinssporx | installs xfire fine but doesnt run anyone know how to get that to work. Have wine but doesnt help. | 04:07 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Does it only go to 800x600? | 04:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | CapaH But if you are vulnerable, we should fix it now ... | 04:08 |
maimster | Dam I'm lagging a lot. | 04:08 |
DrBanzai | usser: dmesg still says that HW RF kill switch | 04:08 |
theFATMAN | i booted up my pc today and there was a new kernel in the boot loader menu, whats up with that? | 04:08 |
xqq | hey all - I'm having issues getting TV-out working on my nvidia 8600GT. I have xorg working ATM with my standard monitor, but svideo is inop. anyone care to give me a hand? | 04:08 |
tritium | theFATMAN: there was an update | 04:09 |
mrcar | mindheavy, i got this to help me today: | 04:09 |
xqq | hey all - I'm having issues getting TV-out working on my nvidia 8600GT. I have xorg working ATM with my standard monitor, but svideo is inop. anyone care to give me a hand? | 04:09 |
CapaH | I fixed it Jack_Sparrow --- 8001 | 04:09 |
usser | DrBanzai, cat it again is it 0 or 2 after u echo'ed "0" | 04:09 |
theFATMAN | tritium, what do i do with the other ....kernel? | 04:09 |
zepherin | I need to mount a folder on one HD into a share on another HD. IE HD1 has the share /samba/media and I Need to mount a folder from HD2 into that share so I can share it too. | 04:09 |
CapaH | but its still kinda concerning | 04:09 |
zepherin | normally I would just copy the folder over but the folder is bigger than the hole hard drive | 04:09 |
tritium | theFATMAN: you can safely delete it if you're running the new one with no problems | 04:09 |
CapaH | is there a port on my router I can block? --- perhaps there are other ways I can fix this I am thinking | 04:09 |
usser | DrBanzai, sigh... try the bios defaults i guess | 04:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | CapaH great.. no more problems | 04:10 |
theFATMAN | tritium, after testing, how do i safely delete the other kernel? | 04:10 |
xrepinssporx | can anyone walk me through xfire install | 04:10 |
DrBanzai | usser: Yeah, it stays at 2 | 04:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | CapaH you can upgrade your firemware.. | 04:10 |
tritium | theFATMAN: remove the package, either with apt-get, or synaptic | 04:10 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: any other ideas? | 04:10 |
mindheavy | mrcar: thanks | 04:10 |
theFATMAN | tritium, ok thanks | 04:10 |
furythor | Howto set CPU core affinity (number of cores) program can use ? | 04:11 |
usser | DrBanzai, hm did u do sudo su? | 04:11 |
usser | DrBanzai, before doing the echo command | 04:11 |
xrepinssporx | i need help getting Xfire to run. I can get it to install but when i try to run it nothing happens. Version 8.0.4 | 04:11 |
tritium | theFATMAN: the list of packages you'd want to delete are the output of "dpkg -l | grep 24-16" | 04:11 |
DrBanzai | usser: Yup | 04:12 |
theFATMAN | tritium, so that wil list the files, or include them in the removal? | 04:12 |
DrBanzai | usser: I did sudo su the first time you said to, and I've remained root ever since | 04:12 |
Jester45 | when ever i try to run anything with opengl (compiz works right) i get a flicker it happens in nexuiz glxgears and maniadrive full screen or not and when it flickers i can see the desktop/windows could anyone explain this or tell me how to fix it | 04:12 |
usser | DrBanzai, looks like u've hit this guy | 04:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 193970 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "iwl3945 | iwl4965: Wireless can't be activated after disabling kill switch" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 04:12 |
tritium | theFATMAN: that will list the files you want to remove | 04:13 |
theFATMAN | tritium, thanks dude | 04:13 |
tritium | sure | 04:13 |
theFATMAN | tritium, where can i find a detailed list of commands? | 04:13 |
Jester45 | o im using the latest fglrx driver on a radeon 9600 (rv350) | 04:14 |
tritium | !cli | theFATMAN (perhaps start here): | 04:14 |
ubottu | theFATMAN (perhaps start here):: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 04:14 |
james__ | would someone remind me of the module for distributing OS duties over multiple cores? | 04:15 |
Jester45 | OpenGL version string: 2.1.7412 Release my kernel is 2.6.24-17-386 if that helps | 04:15 |
DrBanzai | usser: I didn't see any place in the bios to control the wireless though... | 04:15 |
scorch_ | How do I exit X to install Nivida drivers? | 04:16 |
usser | DrBanzai, its a bug in the ubuntu-modules or the kernel or the driver itself | 04:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 193970 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "iwl3945 | iwl4965: Wireless can't be activated after disabling kill switch" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 04:16 |
Jester45 | scorch_: press alt + crl + F1 | 04:16 |
scorch_ | ok | 04:17 |
Jester45 | then login and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 04:17 |
Jester45 | to kill X | 04:17 |
scorch_ | Jester45, thanks | 04:17 |
xrepinssporx | i need help getting Xfire to run. I can get it to install but when i try to run it nothing happens. Version 8.0.4 | 04:17 |
xqq | hey all - I'm having issues getting TV-out working on my nvidia 8600GT. I have xorg working ATM with my standard monitor, but svideo is inop. anyone care to give me a hand? | 04:17 |
Jester45 | well i guess you could just kill X but i like being logged in first | 04:18 |
usser | DrBanzai, try to compile the latest wifi stack from i'll run u thru it if u have any questions | 04:18 |
style23 | soulhacker It seems to be working after I read this post and made some changes: | 04:18 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: You there? | 04:18 |
style23 | soulhacker thanks for everything | 04:18 |
maek | has anyone here modified their GRUB to use GFXBOOT ?? | 04:18 |
Invisionfree | whats this mean? | 04:19 |
soulhacker | style23:no problems but seriously get mplayer and its codes | 04:19 |
usser | maek, Gfxboot u mean a background image? | 04:19 |
xrepinssporx | i need help getting Xfire to run. I can get it to install but when i try to run it nothing happens. Version 8.0.4 | 04:19 |
maek | usser, no like the way GRUB looks on suse | 04:20 |
maek | a graphical bootloader | 04:20 |
usser | maek, yea its pretty much the background image | 04:20 |
xrepinssporx | anyone? | 04:20 |
izzyb__ | has something happened to the xen packages? I'm getting unmet dependencies trying to install ubuntu-xen-desktop | 04:21 |
usser | maek, just install startupmanager get the .so file for your resolution and off u go | 04:21 |
Invisionfree | whats this mean? | 04:21 |
usser | maek, startupmanager lets u modify it easily | 04:21 |
IndyGunFreak | Invisionfree: means xorg.conf is screwed up, did you try modifying it? | 04:22 |
Invisionfree | IndyGunFreak: I purged xorg and installed, and I get that :x | 04:22 |
maek | usser, there is two things you can do to grub ... put a background image from a .xpm file ... and replace the whole grub with GFXboot which is used on SuSE | 04:22 |
IndyGunFreak | well.. | 04:22 |
IndyGunFreak | run this from a terminal, and take generic defaults, see if it gets you back to a working GUI.. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:23 |
usser | maek, oh really i only did the first then, sorry my bad | 04:23 |
maek | usser, you can make GRUB look really good by using GFXboot | 04:23 |
usser | maek, i just dont care enough, the only time i see grub is when something is broken and that doesnt happen to often :) | 04:24 |
mrwoody | hi *. I am able to change Twinview setting with nvidia-settings (from VGA + DVI to VGA + TV-out). Does anyone know if it is posisble to do it from command line? | 04:24 |
Scunizi | mrwoody: check out "man xrandr | 04:24 |
kdc1956 | does anyone know where I can find this z600llpddk-2.0-1.i386.deb | 04:25 |
maek | I suppose usser but when you are dual booting with windows .. its kinda worth it | 04:25 |
zepherin | perhaps I should rephrase the question I need to mount /media/brown monkey/temp share into samba how do I do that? | 04:25 |
kdc1956 | I had it today but lost it | 04:25 |
usser | DrBanzai, u still here? | 04:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | zepherin As a rule I try to avoid spaces in names of mounts and shares | 04:26 |
theFATMAN | !cli\ | 04:26 |
ubottu | Factoid cli\ not found | 04:26 |
theFATMAN | !cli | 04:26 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 04:26 |
DrBanzai | usser: Yup, waiting for it to build. | 04:26 |
zepherin | Jack: I wish I could change the name but it's a NTFS drive | 04:26 |
mrwoody | Scunizi: I tried... but I am not able to make it work the way I want. Are you sure it is possible to do something like that? | 04:26 |
DrBanzai | usser: Different case you were wondering. | 04:27 |
usser | DrBanzai, oh cool | 04:27 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | can you use kde programs in gnome? | 04:27 |
usser | DrBanzai, dont use make load though | 04:27 |
mrwoody | Scunizi: I can switch off one of the monitors with xrandr, but I am not able to turn on the TV-out without restarting X (unless I use nvidia-settings) | 04:27 |
usser | DrBanzai, u dont need all the modules they provide | 04:27 |
IndyGunFreak | _0tt0v0nc4t_: of course.. you just have to install kdelibs, which synaptic will do w/o issue | 04:27 |
usser | DrBanzai, when done just do sudo modprobe cfg80211 mac80211 iwl3945 in that order | 04:27 |
DrBanzai | usser: Ahhh...just the iwl3945? | 04:27 |
Scunizi | mrwoody: that's pretty much what controls video now | 04:27 |
DrBanzai | usser: Oh, ok | 04:27 |
john-mike | Hi! Can anyone help me get my Ipod to mount onto Hardy Heron? I've tried every single tutorial online, but for some reason it won't mount, show up on any software, or show up on the desktop when plugged in! | 04:28 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | IndyGunFreak: thank you | 04:28 |
IndyGunFreak | _0tt0v0nc4t_: np | 04:28 |
mrwoody | Scunizi: ? well except for nvidia-settings | 04:28 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: it doesn't even show up on the desktop? | 04:28 |
kupesoft | How can I read text emails (with attachments, etc) | 04:28 |
Scunizi | mrwoody: true.. but I think nvidia-settings just modifies xrandr .. but I'm not sure about that. | 04:28 |
john-mike | IndyGunFreak: Nope. I kept reading that there should be an icon that shows up, but I've never see it! | 04:28 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: is the ipod plugged in now? | 04:29 |
fde | kupesoft: Umm... Evolution? The thing in the panel that looks like an envelope by default... | 04:29 |
john-mike | IndyGunFreak: Yup | 04:29 |
fde | kupesoft: or Applications > Internet > Evolution Mail | 04:29 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: is it showing "Do not disconnect" or whatever, so its telling itself that its connected? | 04:29 |
mrwoody | Scunizi: you mean that nvidia-settings is a gui for xrandr? | 04:29 |
kupesoft | fde: I mean .eml files, :( | 04:29 |
Scunizi | mrwoody: to some extent | 04:29 |
Flynsarmy | Is there a way to get sftp:// addresses in nautilus to send dummy packets every now and then so it doesn' tkeep disconnecting after a few mins of idle time? | 04:29 |
Mohenjo | A question from a first-time ubuntu user (longtime windows server admin)...does Ubuntu (or any distro) have available any antivirus, antispyware type application? Does ubuntu even need such a thing? | 04:29 |
fde | kupesoft: No idea, you say it's text though... just throw it at gedit | 04:30 |
Starnestommy | Mohenjo: it has some, but doesn't need any | 04:30 |
IndyGunFreak | !virus | Mohenjo | 04:30 |
ubottu | Mohenjo: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 04:30 |
pen | Mohenjo: just a firewall is enough | 04:30 |
Scunizi | mrwoody: this might help | 04:30 |
kupesoft | fde: It's got attachments | 04:30 |
mrwoody | Scunizi: interesting .... but I wonder how I can achieve that in xrandr, since xrandr -q doesn't even see the TV-out... (while nvidia-settings does) | 04:30 |
fde | kupesoft: What produces .eml files though? | 04:30 |
Starnestommy | Mohenjo: clamav can scan for windows viruses in case you don't want to accidentally spred them | 04:30 |
john-mike | IndyGunFreak: Yeah, it charges and everything. | 04:30 |
DrBanzai | usser: Hmmm, the mac80211 seems to have issues | 04:30 |
IndyGunFreak | Mohenjo: a properly configured router will protect you more than enough under linux | 04:30 |
mrwoody | Scunizi: thanks... let me check | 04:30 |
kupesoft | fde: They're just raw emails in text format, one per .eml file (I've got like a 1000 of them) | 04:31 |
john-mike | IndyGunFreak: Does it make a difference that it's an Ipod Touch? | 04:31 |
kupesoft | fde: They were backed up from some sketchy web app, | 04:31 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: uh, yes. | 04:31 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: the ipod touch's havef some issues w/ linux. | 04:31 |
grue | where do I go to learn about various applications I can install? eg, I want to get an overview of possible graphics application for editing images | 04:31 |
usser | DrBanzai, sudo rmmod cfg80211 mac80211 iwl3945 first | 04:31 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: google ipod touch and ubuntu, and it will show up most likely.. normal ipods work fine | 04:31 |
usser | DrBanzai, see if it complains about dependencies | 04:31 |
john-mike | IndyGunFreak: Well, that makes sense! See, I kept reading that it would work like the others, so I kept assuming that it would. | 04:31 |
Scunizi | mrwoody: this might be better | 04:32 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: not the touch.. the touches.. i think its a firmware issue... | 04:32 |
usser | DrBanzai, did it build alright though? | 04:32 |
IndyGunFreak | they encrypted it or something | 04:32 |
clayd | how do i add a resolution for an unknown monitor? | 04:32 |
john-mike | IndyGunFreak: Ah....whew. Ok. That gives me a piece of mind that it's not me. Ha ha | 04:32 |
DrBanzai | usser: It seemed to | 04:32 |
usser | DrBanzai, did u do sudo make install? | 04:32 |
fde | kupesoft: | 04:32 |
DrBanzai | I did the whole thing as root | 04:32 |
mrwoody | Scunizi: yes I looked at that one... but I couldn't get anything out of it. The problem is that my configuration is quite complicated. I want to use 3 monitors (2 at the time) | 04:32 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: try looking here, ... | 04:33 |
Scunizi | mrwoody: YOU ARE ADVENTUROUS! | 04:33 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: but to my knowledge, they still dont' work.. they didn't as of the Gutsy, i know that, so maybe they dont work in hardy yet either | 04:33 |
usser | DrBanzai, right so do sudo rmmod cfg80211 mac80211 iwl3945 | 04:33 |
grue | hi, so is there a place i can learn about the various applications i can install or do i just have to install random things to find out what i can use? | 04:33 |
mrwoody | Scunizi: not quite... it works with the gui in nvidia-setings. I would just like to create a script | 04:33 |
DrBanzai | usser: I didn't think I had to do the sudo part, if I was still root | 04:33 |
fde | kupesoft: look at #10 only though. | 04:33 |
WhoNeedszz2 | hey guys, anyone in here using OSS? | 04:33 |
Scunizi | mrwoody: ah.. I'm lousy with scripts.. | 04:33 |
usser | DrBanzai, yes u dont have to sudo if u're root | 04:34 |
Arenium | Anybody run into a problem where both automatically generated GRUB entries for R&R and Windows go to R&R (on a Thinkpad, obviously)? | 04:34 |
grue | anyone? | 04:34 |
WhoNeedszz2 | DrBanzai: i wouldn't be root at all ever anyway | 04:34 |
fde | kupesoft: next time, don't use strange formats ;) | 04:34 |
=== WhoNeedszz2 is now known as WhoNeedszz | ||
mrcar | grue , are you looking in Add/remove programs or any other package manager apps ? | 04:35 |
WhoNeedszz | Anyone use OSS? | 04:35 |
fde | !anyone | WhoNeedszz | 04:35 |
ubottu | WhoNeedszz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:35 |
john-mike | IndyGunFreak: Thanks a lot! | 04:35 |
grue | mrcar, ah, i didnt know what that was for, thanks | 04:35 |
Guest3 | hey guys, how do i know which is the best room to come to to ask my question? | 04:35 |
WhoNeedszz | I'm trying to set my default sound card with OSS | 04:35 |
DrBanzai | usser: Ok, so rmmod cfg80211 says "Module cfg80211 is in use by iwlwifi_mac80211" | 04:36 |
fde | WhoNeedszz: Why not use ALSA? | 04:36 |
clayd | ok. how do i add a resolution for an unknown monitor? | 04:36 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: no prob.. good luck on that.. i've not heard much success w/ the Touch's | 04:36 |
WhoNeedszz | bc ALSA doesn't support the X-Fi serire | 04:36 |
WhoNeedszz | series* | 04:36 |
usser | DrBanzai, ah thats what its called remove that one two | 04:36 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: oddly enough,t he MS players work better than the Touch's.. which is kinda comical when you think about it. | 04:36 |
WhoNeedszz | fde: i was using alsa | 04:36 |
WhoNeedszz | fde: with a my second sound card, but i want to use my X-Fi | 04:36 |
Invisionfree | IndyGunFreak: I sorta get X started now ... It has like a gray screen with a black x .. and then it hangs .. Any idea? | 04:36 |
fde | WhoNeedszz: If you have another soundcard, I recommend using that instead. | 04:36 |
john-mike | IndyGunFreak: Yeah, but at least I know that its an issue right now that will come in time rather than me just making mistakes everywhere. :) | 04:37 |
grue | mrcar, im looking for something like Paint .NET, but not the gimp (it gives me high blood pressure) | 04:37 |
IndyGunFreak | john-mike: very true. | 04:37 |
fde | WhoNeedszz: You won't get better quality or anything of that nature. | 04:37 |
WhoNeedszz | fde: that wasn't my question | 04:37 |
IndyGunFreak | Invisionfree: hmm, now that i don't really know about... | 04:37 |
fde | WhoNeedszz: You can blacklist the alsa module to ensure use of the OSS one. | 04:37 |
WhoNeedszz | fde: again that wasn't my question | 04:38 |
fde | WhoNeedszz: Umm, it wasn't? There is no way to make OSS default without blacklisting the ALSA module. | 04:38 |
kupesoft | fde: thanks | 04:38 |
WhoNeedszz | fde: i said how to set the default SOUND CARD | 04:38 |
WhoNeedszz | fde: not driver | 04:38 |
fde | WhoNeedszz: Yes... impossible without blacklisting ALSA module. | 04:39 |
mrcar | grue : there is gnu paint , but i have not tried personally | 04:39 |
WhoNeedszz | nvm i'll try something else | 04:39 |
hp | i have a question | 04:39 |
DrBanzai | usser: Oh...but it's in use by iwl3945 | 04:39 |
hp | how do you find out what kind of graphic card you have? | 04:39 |
fde | hp: lspci | grep -i graphics | 04:40 |
usser | DrBanzai, arg screw that just restart | 04:40 |
Starnestommy | hp: sudo lshw -C video | 04:40 |
grue | mrcar, i'll try that one..., someone told me of a kde based one once, but i cant remember the name | 04:40 |
techno_freak | grue, tuxpaint | 04:40 |
Invisionfree | IndyGunFreak: I can move the mouse, but nothing else is there or anything ... | 04:41 |
Invisionfree | IndyGunFreak: Anything I can try | 04:41 |
Invisionfree | ? | 04:41 |
IndyGunFreak | Invisionfree: i have no idea, did you install a GUI? | 04:41 |
Invisionfree | IndyGunFreak: GNOME. Should I dpkg-reconfigure gnome? | 04:42 |
IndyGunFreak | Invisionfree: cuz if you reconfigure X, no matter what you done to it before, it should get you back to a working GUI | 04:42 |
IndyGunFreak | Invisionfree: id oubt that willd oanything | 04:42 |
mrcar | grue: i just typed in paint, and came up with KolourPaint , XPaint, Krita , and rgbPaint | 04:42 |
Invisionfree | IndyGunFreak: What can I do then? | 04:42 |
DrBanzai | usser: Eureka! | 04:43 |
mokzu | what's a good web server management system for ubuntu servers? | 04:43 |
IndyGunFreak | Invisionfree: i really don't know. | 04:43 |
grue | mrcar, i had to enable 'user supported' applications and now i see kolourpaint, thanks | 04:43 |
usser | DrBanzai, what? | 04:43 |
mrcar | grue , np | 04:43 |
IndyGunFreak | Invisionfree: did you get a normal sign in screen | 04:43 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Been trying all night and nothing :( I managed to get the Hardware Drivers to see the video card once, restarted and it was gone. | 04:43 |
Invisionfree | IndyGunFreak: I only get that with X -configure, I still can't startx, even with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:43 |
Tannyr | How do I install Flash support on firefox64? | 04:43 |
Invisionfree | Nothing, IndyGunFreak . | 04:43 |
usser | mokzu, ebox | 04:43 |
IndyGunFreak | Invisionfree: sorry, i'm a total loss. | 04:43 |
koro | Tannyr: shockwave flash? | 04:43 |
DrBanzai | usser: Well, it actually shows up under ifconfig now | 04:43 |
Tannyr | Yeah | 04:44 |
koro | Tannyr: there's no way | 04:44 |
mokzu | usser: is it open source? | 04:44 |
DrBanzai | usser: Dosen't have an IP yet...but it's there | 04:44 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Sorry man. Might want to just let it go tonight, see if there are updates to fix all the issues peopel are having tomorrow... | 04:44 |
usser | DrBanzai, oh how nice | 04:44 |
usser | mokzu, yes it is | 04:44 |
PolishPaul | i got dual monitors working, but my external monitor won't show the "blue bar" up top of its windows? My laptop shows the windows OK.. any ideas? | 04:44 |
mokzu | usser: cool ,ty | 04:44 |
usser | mokzu, np | 04:44 |
Tannyr | Whats the best way to get flash applications working on ubuntu? (aka, youtube) | 04:44 |
co_penyenang_cew | hi | 04:44 |
deejaypip | Very noob question: How do I change the default path to open applications? My text files now open under Totem... | 04:44 |
DrBanzai | usser: And when I right click the network icon, there is already a check by Enable wireless | 04:44 |
fde | Tannyr: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree | 04:44 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Is there any postings about it anywhere? I've been scouring the Ubuntu forums to no avail... | 04:45 |
co_penyenang_cew | hi | 04:45 |
Tannyr | thanks fde =D | 04:45 |
usser | DrBanzai, right do u see any wifi networks? | 04:45 |
koro | fde: but that's not shockwave flash | 04:45 |
co_penyenang_cew | hi why do you disturb me | 04:45 |
fde | koro: Umm, yeah it is | 04:45 |
Chuggst3r | Tannyr: You using Hardy? | 04:45 |
Tannyr | yeah | 04:45 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Don't forget there's alot of crashes with flash and ff3b5. | 04:45 |
usser | DrBanzai, whats the version of the module btw do modinfo iwl3945 | 04:45 |
DrBanzai | usser: Uhm...this may be dumb, but how do I go about looking for them? | 04:45 |
fde | Tannyr: also grab 'libflashsupport' ... | 04:45 |
co_penyenang_cew | ji | 04:45 |
Chuggst3r | Tannyr: I'd use the Flash 10 beta, reduces crashes. | 04:45 |
co_penyenang_cew | tq very much | 04:46 |
koro | oh sorry i confused it with the other thing | 04:46 |
Tannyr | ok | 04:46 |
DrBanzai | usser: 1.2.26k | 04:46 |
co_penyenang_cew | who is your name plizzz????? | 04:46 |
koro | how's it called? | 04:46 |
usser | DrBanzai, left click on the network manager icon there should be a couply under wireless | 04:46 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Until Adobe fixes it (Ubuntu will be officially supported with Flash 10) there is no way to better that situation. | 04:46 |
LimCore | good work | 04:46 |
co_penyenang_cew | ji | 04:46 |
co_penyenang_cew | tq | 04:46 |
LimCore | another unusable application in ubuntu | 04:46 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I've been trucking along without crashes using the Flash 10 beta... | 04:46 |
LimCore | are you aiming to have 8.04 as buggy as vista? | 04:46 |
DrBanzai | usser: Yes, I see the PTP bridge over to the neighbors house | 04:46 |
* LimCore bashes krecordmydesktop | 04:47 | |
fde | Chuggst3r: That's good to know! | 04:47 |
uriel_ | wtf is this lol | 04:47 |
fde | Chuggst3r: She asked easiest way though... that'll install flash10 when it's ready. | 04:47 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Now if only I could run 3D apps haha. | 04:47 |
Chuggst3r | fde: True enough. | 04:47 |
uriel_ | any body know how to get pidgin? | 04:47 |
usser | DrBanzai, nice, do you see your network | 04:47 |
deejaypip | uriel_, it should already be installed | 04:47 |
ShayGuy | Anybody solved any Gutsy sound problems today? | 04:47 |
Arenium | GRUB boots straight to Thinkvantage's rescue and recovery regardless of what "Windows" entry I choose -- (hd0, 0) or (hd0, 1). Ideas? | 04:47 |
Invisionfree | IndyGunFreak: I know there's dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but isn't there something else similar to that? Like, I thought there was some -I or something .. | 04:47 |
fde | uriel_: Applications > Internet > Internet Messenger | 04:48 |
uriel_ | im using 7.04 | 04:48 |
deejaypip | uriel_, go to applications -> internet -> pidgin | 04:48 |
DrBanzai | usser: Nope | 04:48 |
uriel_ | i dont have it | 04:48 |
uriel_ | i got gaim | 04:48 |
fde | deejaypip: It's not called pidgin in the menu | 04:48 |
IndyGunFreak | Invisionfree: i really don't know. | 04:48 |
deejaypip | alright; sorry, I have Hardy | 04:48 |
clayd | How do i add a resolution to a unknown monitor? I know it supports a higher res but it is not a option. | 04:48 |
Starnestommy | uriel_: 7.04 doesn't have pidgin in its repos, but 7.10 and 8.04 do | 04:48 |
clayd | i am using 8.04 | 04:48 |
=== defn_ is now known as defn | ||
uriel_ | k | 04:48 |
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uriel_ | ill get it tmorrow | 04:49 |
uriel_ | woops got to go | 04:49 |
uriel_ | out | 04:49 |
usser | DrBanzai, what does iwlist <interface name> scanning say? | 04:49 |
deejaypip | How do I change the default application open path? My textedit files are opening under totem | 04:49 |
* ShayGuy has no sound in 7.10 | 04:50 | |
fde | deejaypip: In Firefox? | 04:50 |
fde | deejaypip: Or locally? | 04:50 |
deejaypip | fde: locally | 04:50 |
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elly_ | jio | 04:51 |
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kappaccino | so uh | 04:51 |
kappaccino | how do I add a terminal icon on the top desktop toolbar?? | 04:51 |
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DrBanzai | usser: Interface dosen't support scanning | 04:51 |
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DrBanzai | usser: Oh,m there we go... | 04:52 |
usser | DrBanzai, u sure u put the correct name | 04:52 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Have you heard of any issues with starting administration stuff with the .17 kernel? | 04:52 |
Tannyr | Flash works, thanks guys =D | 04:52 |
DrBanzai | usser: It only shows the link to the neighbor | 04:52 |
DrBanzai | usser: FON hotspot dosen't show at all | 04:53 |
usser | DrBanzai, hm... so wait iwlist worked? | 04:53 |
DrBanzai | usser: Yes, iwlist worked. | 04:53 |
usser | DrBanzai, can u pastebin it, just for kicks | 04:53 |
fde | deejaypip: It should be in gconf-editor _somewhere_ but I can't seem to find it... sorry | 04:54 |
fde | Chuggst3r: yes, from 2 people I think.... using -16 again was the fix | 04:54 |
deejaypip | that's alright fde, thanks. the problem started when i tried (and failed) to install dvdcsslibrary | 04:54 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Drag...stupid kernel breaking stuff. :( | 04:54 |
MeSio | I have a question... | 04:55 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Should be an update soon enough... if I was you I'd take a break... worst case scenario boot to recovery mode, drop to root shell and run aptitude safe-upgrade | 04:55 |
fde | Or full-upgrade | 04:56 |
DrBanzai | usser: Now all it says is No scan results | 04:56 |
usser | DrBanzai, pbbly to far away | 04:56 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Yeah I've pretty much given up for tonight. I might just try getting things running in the .16 kernel and stop with the .17 one. | 04:56 |
MeSio | I like Ubuntu but a I have to return to Windows XP for a while :/ ... but I read a lot about GRUB | 04:56 |
usser | DrBanzai, is your AP in hidden mode? | 04:56 |
usser | DrBanzai, that might be the case here | 04:57 |
fde | Chuggst3r: If you can live with it for a couple days, I'd bet there will be a new kernel... just make sure you file or add to any bugs filed already. | 04:57 |
MeSio | can I delete GRUB with Adept Manager | 04:57 |
MeSio | ? | 04:57 |
usser | DrBanzai, try to connect using network manager's connect to network | 04:57 |
MeSio | and then easly install format partitions while installing windows? | 04:57 |
linuxpenguin207 | !games | 04:57 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 04:57 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I'd like to live without it for a few days but Ubuntu is my only OS on my system, and I need my WoW fix. :P | 04:57 |
ShayGuy | Is it unusual for the mute button on my keyboard to indicated "muted," but the in-OS control to change when I use the keyboard buttons? | 04:58 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: i hate how people think running linux is a "cheat" its so stupid | 04:58 |
MeSio | O_o cheat? | 04:58 |
fde | Chuggst3r: haha... sorry... next time watch this channel some after kernel updates are offered... synaptic offers a way to hold packages at a version if the kernel is working fine for you. | 04:58 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: What do you mean? | 04:58 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: like ive heard stories of people banned from because they were running under wine | 04:59 |
amrik | Chuggst3r: never happened to me but idk | 04:59 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Most people go YEARS without updating drivers or kernels on MacOS X or Windows... no need to rush them on Linux either :D | 04:59 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Alright, one of my many learning mistakes. I'm trying to learn how to use Linux. | 04:59 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I thought it was just a harmless update, I know better now. | 04:59 |
radzero | anybody wanna give me a quick package help question?.. i aint having any luck finding info on the new unbuntu and bitchx install | 04:59 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Oh well, live and learn :D One of the many things I've learned the past few days. | 05:00 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: Oh, yeah well Blizz has been known to ban for funny reasons. | 05:00 |
MeSio | I see I have been ignored :/ | 05:00 |
Chuggst3r | amrik: One guy got banned for using a G15 keyboard. | 05:00 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Just good advice really :) No reason to ever update a kernel unless you know what it changes... aptitude changelog <package> | 05:00 |
Daisuke-Laptop | !patience | MeSio | 05:00 |
ubottu | MeSio: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 05:00 |
fde | Chuggst3r: It'll fetch the current changelog of the package on the server... not the one locally :D | 05:00 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Cool, another command to add to my "List of knowledge fde's bestowed upon me." :D | 05:01 |
MeSio | oh, sorry | 05:01 |
fde | Chuggst3r: haha :D | 05:01 |
Chuggst3r | fde: I've got a little notepad going of stuff that can help me out. | 05:01 |
Daisuke-Laptop | MeSio: chances are no one knows that's helping at the moment, best bet is to hang around and someone will likely know a little later on | 05:01 |
usser | DrBanzai, also u may want to try to update network manager itself | 05:01 |
radzero | i know i got a simple thing somebody knows how to help me with :) i keep getting cannot find package error when trying to install | 05:01 |
DrBanzai | usser: | 05:01 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Very good idea... too many people are told things, and then come back days later with the same questions... it's somewhat annoying for those helping :( | 05:02 |
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Chuggst3r | fde: I know 100% what you mean, I worked a tech support desk for 3 years where 95% of the time it was the exact same question over and over. | 05:02 |
MeSio | ok ok.. lol Now I feel like a noob even using IRC chat o_O ... patience ..mkey | 05:02 |
fde | Chuggst3r: ouch | 05:02 |
purpleposeidon | Oi! What's up with youtube? | 05:03 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Luckily I'm out now, hehe. Have an interview with RIM tomorrow morning. | 05:03 |
fluid | Anyone ever have compiz key bindings just not work? My rotate cube doesn't work, period. But the cube is there, I can drag apps over and everything.. when I go to control+alt+drag on my desktop, it acts as if i want to select/highlight multiple files... | 05:03 |
fde | MeSio: I never saw a question... you said you were having issues with GRUB... then started talking about something else. | 05:03 |
fde | Chuggst3r: Alright have a good night :) | 05:04 |
MeSio | ohh | 05:04 |
fde | MeSio: Ahh... yeah... you DO NOT want to remove GRUB... you want to add XP to GRUB. | 05:04 |
fde | !dual boot | 05:04 |
ubottu | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 05:04 |
Chuggst3r | fde: Well I'm not giving up just yet, setting up the old kernel again. Gonna try reverting back, running an x server recovery and reinstalling everything Nvidia oriented on that kernel. | 05:04 |
MeSio | I mean... I want to uninstall completely Ubuntu | 05:05 |
imyousuf | Hi, I want to monitor the temperature of my laptop in Ubuntu, can someone guide me how I could do it? I am using Acer Aspire 5580 and Fiesty | 05:05 |
MeSio | I have only UBuntu on my laptop | 05:05 |
fde | MeSio: Oh, then you want to ask ##windows how to do that... out of the scope of this channel. | 05:06 |
clayd | what aplication handles the screen resolutions | 05:06 |
fde | clayd: xrandr ... but you want System > Preferences > Screen Resolution. | 05:06 |
kappaccino | so running windows xp in virtualbox... what's the advantage to that? | 05:06 |
* ShayGuy gets back in line | 05:06 | |
fluid | clayd, the program that is launced when you click on screen properties is "gnome-display-properties" | 05:07 |
fde | kappaccino: same as dual booting without the part where you reboot :P | 05:07 |
clayd | fde: i am trying to ifure out how to add a resolution that is not showing up as an option for my screen | 05:07 |
fde | clayd: I haven't figured out myself how to do that with the newer Xorg's actually... on all distros I've used, it ignores the old methods. | 05:08 |
kappaccino | fde: so what's the limitations of the virtual xp machine? | 05:08 |
fde | clayd: maybe see if #xorg can enlighten you. | 05:08 |
clayd | thanks. i will go and check it out | 05:08 |
fde | kappaccino: None that I'm aware of. | 05:08 |
radzero | Anyone wish to help me install a package? My searches of google have helped none and its been over a hour of fighting with no luck. Thanks | 05:08 |
emet | fde, no 3d games | 05:08 |
fde | kappaccino: Although it depends on the virtual machine you use. | 05:08 |
emet | that's it | 05:08 |
fde | emet: nah, kvm will allow it. | 05:08 |
Aexander | hi | 05:08 |
Aexander | im new in ubuntu | 05:09 |
emet | kvm can virtualize a video card? | 05:09 |
Aexander | i have the version 8.04 | 05:09 |
Odd-rationale | !hello | Aexander | 05:09 |
ubottu | Aexander: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 05:09 |
emet | that's impressive | 05:09 |
kappaccino | well I was successful in installing xbuntu>win>then this carecredit progam used for the office today | 05:09 |
Rabbitbunny | heh | 05:09 |
m1r | kappaccino: u wont be able play latest games using windows DX10 patch :) | 05:09 |
Aexander | and im having this error message | 05:09 |
kappaccino | I was just wondering if I could have ran XP in virtual box and installed the carecredit program within the XP | 05:09 |
fde | emet: kvm basically has both OS's running natively on one system at the same time... provided your CPU supports it. | 05:09 |
Aexander | 'E:Type '“deb-src' is not known on line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.' | 05:09 |
m1r | kappaccino: corect | 05:09 |
Aexander | can anyone help me | 05:10 |
[GUN]Wires | in xchat, how do I set it to timestamp? | 05:10 |
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kappaccino | m1r: holy crap :O | 05:10 |
fde | Aexander: You need to get rid of the quote. | 05:10 |
Aexander | how i do that | 05:10 |
Aexander | sorry im new in the system | 05:10 |
fde | Aexander: Please go to System > Administration > Software Sources ... then uncheck the "Source code" check box on the first tab. | 05:11 |
[GUN]Wires | in xchat, how do I set it to timestamp? | 05:11 |
fde | Aexander: That should be all you need to do for now. | 05:11 |
Aexander | ok thanks | 05:12 |
Aexander | im going to check | 05:12 |
Aexander | when i make that press revert??? | 05:13 |
fde | [GUN]Wires: In logs, it does automatically... Settings > Preferences > Interface > General at the bottom to have them in chat windows too | 05:13 |
[GUN]Wires | thanks | 05:13 |
fde | Aexander: no... haha... just close | 05:13 |
Aexander | oh ok | 05:13 |
fde | Aexander: Revert means "Go back to defaults". | 05:13 |
[GUN]Wires | er.. I have no interface tab | 05:13 |
Aexander | thanks | 05:13 |
[GUN]Wires | nv, lol | 05:13 |
[GUN]Wires | nvm* | 05:13 |
[GUN]Wires | thanks. | 05:14 |
fde | [GUN]Wires: you're welcome | 05:14 |
steven2 | oh great, *now* its quiet | 05:15 |
* ShayGuy suppresses his jitters | 05:15 | |
Aexander | now im getting the same error but with another line number | 05:15 |
Aexander | 'E:Type '“deb-src' is not known on line 48 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.''E:Type '“deb-src' is not known on line 48 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.' | 05:15 |
Aexander | this is the new | 05:15 |
steven2 | hi guys | 05:15 |
fde | Aexander: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to the site you're about to be told | 05:16 |
fde | !paste | Aexander | 05:16 |
ubottu | Aexander: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 05:16 |
kappaccino | is installing the ATi rage xl drivers the only way to get rid of the choppiness when I move windows?? | 05:16 |
fde | ShayGuy: You have a question? | 05:16 |
Radzero | im thinking this is my error message .. if someone can help | 05:16 |
Radzero | checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 05:17 |
ShayGuy | Ah, yeah. | 05:17 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: you need to install build-essential | 05:17 |
ShayGuy | 7.10 and no sound. | 05:17 |
fde | Radzero: sudo aptitude install build-essential | 05:17 |
Aexander | where i find the sources??? | 05:17 |
Radzero | thankyou | 05:17 |
mokzu | is there an official lamp package? i just tried apt-get install lamp-server on jeos but it doesn't work | 05:17 |
fde | ShayGuy: lspci | grep -i audio | 05:17 |
fde | ShayGuy: what does that return? | 05:17 |
m1r | kappaccino: u want your card working with 3d acceleration then yes | 05:17 |
fde | !lamp | mokzu | 05:17 |
amrik | ShayGuy: what card are you using? aplay -l | 05:17 |
ubottu | mokzu: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 05:17 |
usser | DrBanzai, good luck with wifi... | 05:17 |
ricket | what is the difference between nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-new, and nvidia-glx-new-envy? | 05:18 |
fde | amrik: I got it... please don't confuse. | 05:18 |
ShayGuy | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) | 05:18 |
kappaccino | m1r: is there a guide somewhere that I could read? | 05:18 |
amrik | ShayGuy: can you type dmesg | grep intel | 05:18 |
gpled | can anyone recommend an easy to use gui html editor? | 05:18 |
fde | ShayGuy: does lsmod | grep snd-hda-intel return anything? | 05:18 |
Rabbitbunny | gpled: gedit? | 05:19 |
ShayGuy | dmesg: [ 13.912000] ieee80211: Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Intel Corporation <> | 05:19 |
Odd-rationale | gpled: nvu, quanta, screem, bluefish | 05:19 |
gpled | Rabbitbunny: thats what i use now :) | 05:19 |
Alan_m | amrik, not to jump in but didnt fde say he got it? :) | 05:19 |
Radzero | ok.. now i get the error configure: error: cannot find setupterm or tgetent | 05:19 |
amrik | Alan_m: yeah i just saw that :) | 05:19 |
ShayGuy | lsmod...nothing. | 05:19 |
m1r | kappaccino: system>administration>>restricted driver | 05:19 |
gpled | Odd-rationale: thanks, will check out nvu | 05:19 |
Alan_m | amrik, ok, making sure you saw, not trying to start a fight in open chat | 05:19 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: I think you need libncurses5-dev for that | 05:20 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: what are yor trying to compile? | 05:20 |
norman_ | does someone know howto mount windows xp shares with write permision in hardy heron, hardy is always asking for a username and a pass, used to work in gutsy without prompt It just mounted the share with wirte permision | 05:20 |
Radzero | bitchx | 05:20 |
Starnestommy | *you | 05:20 |
Odd-rationale | gpled: i;m not sure it is in the repos, but there a .debs available on the net | 05:20 |
fde | ShayGuy: to make sure I'm not wrong on that model... can you type 'lsmod | grep snd-intel8x0' for me? | 05:20 |
amrik | Alan_m: not really sure how a fight could start over trying to help someone, but sure | 05:20 |
Radzero | starnestommy: bitchx | 05:20 |
ShayGuy | That didn't work either. | 05:20 |
power2theplankto | hello | 05:21 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: hasn't development on that stopped several years ago? | 05:21 |
gpled | Odd-rationale: looks like it is being replaced by KompoZer | 05:21 |
fde | ShayGuy: ok... can you 'sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel' <-- it's good to get no reply here :) | 05:21 |
Odd-rationale | gpled: correct | 05:21 |
Aexander | fde | 05:21 |
Aexander | here are the sources list | 05:21 |
Aexander | | 05:21 |
Radzero | starnesstommy: from what ive read alot of people still use it. is it that obsolete? i havent used it in years. and there working on a 2.0 but it currently isnt public | 05:22 |
fde | Aexander: ahh... then you've edited this file before? ppa things aren't there by default. | 05:22 |
ShayGuy | Yeah, all a bunch of "WARNING: Could not open." | 05:22 |
power2theplankto | wondering if i could get some help, i am new to ubuntu, just trying to get into root in the terminal, but when i enter my password i get : su: Authentication failure | 05:22 |
Aexander | well i really dont know | 05:22 |
Aexander | are they bad?? | 05:23 |
fde | ShayGuy: please paste the entire output to | 05:23 |
Aexander | i dont touch it directly | 05:23 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: I used bitchx for a while, but I've tried irssi and found it to be better | 05:23 |
=== CaNeS808 is now known as CaNeS | ||
Aexander | but in the terminal i insert some lines encountered in the web | 05:23 |
fde | Aexander: The last one has brackets around it... just 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list' go to the bottom of the file and remove those please. | 05:23 |
ShayGuy | fde: | 05:24 |
Radzero | starnestommy: is it better than this xchat im on right now? because i dont like it much | 05:24 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: the tarball for bitchx on their site hasn't been updated since 2003 or 2004 | 05:24 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: it is, although it's console based | 05:24 |
Radzero | starnestommy: im just looking for something a little more mirc style | 05:25 |
fde | ShayGuy: hmm... can you 'lsmod | grep snd-hda-intel' again... it doesn't seem to be erroring on anything important. | 05:25 |
Radzero | with a nickname list and everything | 05:25 |
m1r | !irssi > Radzero | 05:25 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: regular xchat is a lot better than xchat-gnome, and you could also run mirc in wine | 05:25 |
ShayGuy | Nothing. | 05:25 |
fde | (well, nothing that should be detrimental afaik) | 05:25 |
berent | are ubuntu certifications equivalent to RHCE certifications | 05:25 |
Aexander | i need to change this “deb-src hardy main” | 05:25 |
Aexander | for this deb-src hardy main correct?? | 05:25 |
fde | ShayGuy: well, thats the issue... what version of Ubuntu are you using? | 05:25 |
amrik | Radzero: i dunno xchat seems to work great for me | 05:26 |
ShayGuy | 7.10. | 05:26 |
Radzero | starnestommy: i will look into regular xchat than. Thanks for the advice. would you happen to have any sugestions on a book that will help me learn some of this without having to ask? | 05:26 |
amrik | Radzero: for command line irc ive heard epic is good | 05:26 |
fde | ShayGuy: Ok... you want to upgrade to Hardy? I use the same module, and it's working here... Hardy is an LTS too... I can be around to assist you if you have issues with the upgrade. | 05:27 |
berent | are ubuntu certifications equivalent to RHCE certifications | 05:27 |
Starnestommy | Aexander: I think so | 05:27 |
ShayGuy | Think I should go Hardy? | 05:27 |
fde | ShayGuy: Doesn't require reinstall, doesn't require losing data etc... it'll just take about an hour or so depending on internet connection. | 05:27 |
sgraham | hellooooooo | 05:27 |
fde | ShayGuy: Yes... I think everyone should use LTS releases of Ubuntu... | 05:27 |
m1r | ShayGuy: check your hardware 1st b4 u go upgrade | 05:27 |
fde | ShayGuy: Especially considering it's been a month or so. | 05:28 |
sgraham | just got my new inspiron 1420 today. ubuntu preinstalled | 05:28 |
fde | ShayGuy: What graphics card do you have? | 05:28 |
Ahadiel | ls | 05:29 |
Ahadiel | oops | 05:29 |
ShayGuy | lspci sez... nVidia GeForce 8400M GS | 05:29 |
sgraham | but i would like to run kubuntu..i have installed the kubutu desktop but the video (of al things) is werid..i cant adjust the resolution using the tools. | 05:29 |
sgraham | it literally just does not adjus the resoultion | 05:30 |
slaytanic | I've got two sound cards, I'm using PulseAudio and I've got my default-sink configured to be the second sound card, but Flash for some reason always picks the other sink. Any idea on how to force it to use the default sink? | 05:30 |
fde | ShayGuy: That may or may not be a headache... we'll see... go to System > Administration > Software Sources ... "Updates" tab... at the bottom there is "Show new distribution releases:" ... make this say "Long Term Support Only" | 05:31 |
Catslacks | Hey, I don't know anyone here but maybe someone can help. I'm trying to get my wireless to work with ubuntu, but it doesn't show up in the network manager and when I read the documentation it wants me to check Hardware in the Preferences menu which isn't there. | 05:31 |
Radzero | new problem when trying to install regular xchat | 05:31 |
Radzero | gzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 05:31 |
Aexander | fde i remove the brackets but i dont know how to save it | 05:31 |
fde | Aexander: ctrl x ... y ... enter | 05:31 |
Aexander | ok | 05:32 |
* ShayGuy doesn't see "Show new distribution releases"... | 05:32 | |
Aexander | reallyy thanks | 05:32 |
Aexander | problem resolved | 05:32 |
fde | ShayGuy: It should be at the bottom.... | 05:32 |
Aexander | sorry for my newbie questions | 05:32 |
fde | afaik, it's been around since etch | 05:33 |
fde | Aexander: heh... it's fine :) | 05:33 |
chmhd | hello | 05:33 |
ShayGuy | "Ubuntu updates" and subitems, then "Automatic updates"...hmm... | 05:33 |
chmhd | can sombody help me ? | 05:33 |
ShayGuy | No. Nobody can. You're doomed for all eternity. | 05:34 |
SeaPhor | chmhd, state your problem and ask a full question please | 05:34 |
fde | ShayGuy: Hmm... ok... 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list' ... change all instances of 'gutsy' to 'hardy' ... save and update... you should get a prompt about new ubuntu release. | 05:34 |
chmhd | 有中国人? | 05:34 |
fde | !ch | chmhd | 05:35 |
ubottu | Factoid ch not found | 05:35 |
m1r | fde : update-manager -d ? | 05:35 |
berent | are ubuntu certifications equivalent to RHCE certifications | 05:35 |
Radzero | Error message... | 05:35 |
fde | m1r: that's to the devel version... which is intrepid atm | 05:35 |
Radzero | configure: error: "Cannot find glib" | 05:35 |
Radzero | how do i install glib.. link will work | 05:35 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: you need libglib2.0-dev | 05:35 |
chmhd | 没有中国人啊? | 05:36 |
Starnestommy | !cn | chmhd | 05:36 |
ubottu | chmhd: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 05:36 |
chmhd | have some worng with my system | 05:36 |
fde | Starnestommy: Thank you | 05:36 |
chmhd | OK,thanks | 05:36 |
chmhd | #ubuntu-cn | 05:36 |
fde | chmhd: /j #ubuntu-cn | 05:37 |
k20a | !WebHTTrack | 05:37 |
ubottu | Factoid webhttrack not found | 05:37 |
fde | ShayGuy: Done that? | 05:37 |
ShayGuy | Hang on... | 05:37 |
ShayGuy | Uh...change "gutsy" to "hardy?" Is there a way to mass-replace that? | 05:38 |
fde | ShayGuy: There is, but I always get the syntax of the command wrong ;( | 05:38 |
Radzero | Starnestommy: ./configure worked and now when i type make this is one of the errors that come up | 05:39 |
Radzero | mv: cannot stat `': No such file or directory | 05:39 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: what are you trying to build? | 05:39 |
Radzero | xchat 2.8.2 | 05:40 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: it's already in the package manager as xchat | 05:40 |
kenalex | have you guys ever feel like you wanted to go back to windows after because you are not accustom to ubuntu ? | 05:40 |
Radzero | Starnestommy: Gnome version is. Thats what im on right now and i dont like it | 05:41 |
bbyever | i've got lots of stuff on /boot which i dont think i need, is it safe to remove them? | 05:41 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: xchat-gnome and xchat are separate packages | 05:41 |
Radzero | the screen shots ive seen of the regular version i like alot better | 05:41 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: sudo apt-get install xchat | 05:41 |
fde | ShayGuy: should be 'sudo sed -i s/gutsy/hardy/ /etc/apt/sources.list' | 05:41 |
m1r | kenalex: just change ubuntu to your needs, even to be like windows | 05:42 |
fde | ShayGuy: Did you get anything I said? | 05:42 |
ShayGuy | Yeah, made the s//. | 05:42 |
Radzero | starnestommy: E: Couldn't find package xchat | 05:42 |
amrik | kenalex: soon its going to be the other way around :) every time im using windows on my laptop i want to be able to apt-get and cant | 05:42 |
fde | ShayGuy: Ok... did you cat the file to ensure it worked? | 05:42 |
obf213 | whats the command to open widget factory? | 05:42 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: do you have the universe repository enabled? | 05:42 |
Radzero | when i look in the package manager gui it dont show nothing but ghome and gnome-common | 05:42 |
ShayGuy | It worked. | 05:43 |
amenado | what is the command to initiate the screen saver manually rather than waiting for time to expire? | 05:43 |
Radzero | Starnestommy: I dont know what that is. All ive really done that wasnt in add-remove was install java | 05:43 |
fde | ShayGuy: Cool... now go to System > Administration > Update Manager ... refresh, and it should ask you whether you want to update to newest Ubuntu version.... | 05:43 |
ShayGuy | (That's really the process for updating?? I don't remember it being that annoying...) | 05:43 |
Radzero | i got a good knowledge of dos but alot of this is diffrent | 05:43 |
Starnestommy | Radzero: check system>administration>software sources | 05:44 |
ShayGuy | Upgradin'. | 05:44 |
kenalex | amrik: lol ok. sometimes i find myself looking for windows media player | 05:44 |
ShayGuy | Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs | 05:44 |
ShayGuy | Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/dists/hardy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs | 05:44 |
Rabbitbunny | comment out the cd in apt/get/sources.list or there's probably some clicky way to do it... | 05:45 |
amrik | kenalex: i use smplayer and it works great, even with styled subtitles and h264 1080p content | 05:45 |
CapaH | How can I play .amr files? | 05:45 |
fde | ShayGuy: ahh... remove the CDROM lines from /etc/apt/sources.list please | 05:45 |
Radzero | Starnestommy: Thanks thats what i needed to enable and its working good now | 05:45 |
fde | ShayGuy: Or at least comment them out... although they're utterly useless now :D | 05:45 |
Rabbitbunny | s%/apt/get%/etc/apt% | 05:45 |
Radzero | brb going to test it | 05:45 |
ajax4 | Hey guys...just installed Hardy on an older box I have and I cannot get it to detect the (integrated) video. Anyone know where to get info on how to fix this? | 05:46 |
kenalex | amrik:cool | 05:46 |
Radzero | Yes, This is alot better. | 05:47 |
* ShayGuy doesn't see the CDROM lines... | 05:47 | |
fde | ShayGuy: The ones at the very top... they'll look similar to the apt error. | 05:48 |
ajax4 | !dexconf | 05:48 |
ubottu | Factoid dexconf not found | 05:48 |
fde | [ Gutsy CD-Rom blah blah blah ] instead of a URL etc | 05:48 |
StevenX | If I use the "sleep" command and close the terminal, will it still execute? How about if I turn off the computer, but turn it back on before the sleep command is supposed to execute? | 05:49 |
Starnestommy | StevenX: that wouldn't work. You would need a cron job for what you're trying to do | 05:50 |
StevenX | Starnestommy, thanks. | 05:50 |
fde | ShayGuy: See them fine? | 05:51 |
ShayGuy | Thirteen minutes, it says... | 05:51 |
Radzero | Starnestommy: Thanks again | 05:51 |
fde | ShayGuy: That's good... pretty fast :D | 05:51 |
Rabbitbunny | Yeah, took me five hours to download. | 05:52 |
ShayGuy | Dropped down to 626 kb/s... | 05:52 |
ShayGuy | ...781... | 05:52 |
fde | ShayGuy: state my nick when it's done please | 05:53 |
=== AaronHall is now known as AaronH | ||
ShayGuy | Roger that. | 05:53 |
deejaypip | How do I install debhelper and fakeroot? | 05:53 |
keram | whats up with the ubuntu servers they are going horribly slow | 05:54 |
keram | is it just me? | 05:54 |
joensy | how do i access network shares in bash? | 05:54 |
keram | cd /path/to/share ? | 05:56 |
keram | df -h to see whats mounted and where | 05:56 |
fde | joensy: | 05:56 |
Rabbitbunny | keram: Yes, people have been saying the repos are slow for hours. | 05:56 |
keram | very odd | 05:56 |
keram | they were blazing a few days ago | 05:56 |
fde | deejaypip: aptitude install build-essential should have both I think | 05:56 |
cypha | who was | 05:56 |
SeaPhor | joensy, best way to learn for me was doing, open in gui, at top where path is, change to actual path, copy paste into terminal | 05:57 |
* Rabbitbunny pulls out his list of randon nicks he memorized for just this situation ;) | 05:57 | |
keram | lame :/ | 05:58 |
keram | 5 hours to upgrade to hardy | 05:58 |
joensy | how can i cd into smb://desktop/e/ | 05:58 |
Rabbitbunny | feel my pain. | 05:58 |
nickrud | deejaypip install them, sudo apt-get install fakeroot debhelper | 05:58 |
krash | Greetz all | 05:59 |
keram | joensy, first you need to mount the share to a directory | 05:59 |
tbr281 | what can i use to join 2 videos into one? | 05:59 |
SeaPhor | joensy, follow fde's link | 05:59 |
nickrud | joensy if you mean smb://desktop/e/ in the filemanager, you can't go directly there in the shell. That's a virtual file system mount | 05:59 |
keram | tbr281, mkvmerge | 05:59 |
krash | tbr281 google linux video editing | 06:00 |
fde | deejaypip: you probably want ubuntu-dev-tools actually... or just 'sudo aptitude install debhelper fakeroot' ... you probably want dh-make too. | 06:00 |
tbr281 | alright thnx | 06:00 |
keram | if they are mkv | 06:00 |
keram | there is also an avimerge in the transcode package | 06:00 |
smultron__ | is it possible to se a umask on a certain directory so that all files created in it have the correct privileges? | 06:01 |
joensy | so there is no way to set it up through gui like "map network drive" in windows? | 06:01 |
nickrud | all these dev metapackages, they make my head hurt | 06:01 |
keram | joensy, i think you can click places -> network and it should be in there somewhere | 06:01 |
fde | joensy: There is... it's automatic via the GUI... when you browse to a share, it mounts it for you | 06:01 |
nickrud | smultron__ usually you'd do that with acl's | 06:01 |
fde | I find it rather annoying actually... vut it works none the less. | 06:01 |
frame08 | anjing fde | 06:02 |
frame08 | hgjghj | 06:02 |
frame08 | 90uopupup'hp[[ | 06:02 |
frame08 | iou | 06:02 |
frame08 | 0 | 06:02 |
frame08 | iop | 06:02 |
FloodBot3 | frame08: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:02 |
noodles12 | when my laptop comes from suspend, it sometimes won't connect with my wireless network (doesn't matter who's). I have to restart to get it to work, which defeats the purpose of suspend. How do i fix it? | 06:02 |
joensy | it mounts it, but i want to manipulate the files with the terminal, not nautilus | 06:02 |
fde | joensy: then you need the link I said. | 06:02 |
fserve | who here know how to use madwifi drivers for acer 242x ? | 06:03 |
keram | joensy, if its mounted, type 'df -h' or 'mount -l' in terminal, you will see the share and where it is mounted to, just cd to where its mounted | 06:03 |
smultron__ | nickrud: ah, ok. thanks | 06:03 |
fde | !madwifi | fserve | 06:03 |
ubottu | fserve: Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:03 |
deejaypip | Nevermind. I found it | 06:03 |
nickrud | smultron__ they're a pain to implement right, but really flexible | 06:03 |
keram | Rabbitbunny, 8 hours now :/ | 06:04 |
deejaypip | fde, my issue is that my computer can't play DVDs no matter what i try. it's important because i work at a film center | 06:04 |
smultron__ | nickrud: any good guides you know of? | 06:04 |
fde | !medibuntu | deejaypip | 06:04 |
ubottu | deejaypip: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 06:04 |
kappaccino | deejaypip: MAC lol ? | 06:04 |
fde | deejaypip: get libdvdcss2 there | 06:04 |
Uplink | how can i install icons? | 06:04 |
fserve | ubottu: aw god, thankyou bot | 06:04 |
ubottu | fserve: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:04 |
fde | Uplink: Throw them into /usr/share/icons | 06:05 |
nickrud | smultron__ not off the top of my head, I've just googled for stuff about it when I needed to set one up. | 06:05 |
ShayGuy | fde | 06:05 |
fserve | but u are the smarter bot that i ever saw! | 06:05 |
deejaypip | okay, fde | 06:05 |
Uplink | ty fde | 06:05 |
fserve | omfg | 06:05 |
ShayGuy | Installing the upgrades. | 06:05 |
fserve | xP | 06:05 |
deejaypip | kappaccino: what? don't understand what you just said | 06:05 |
fde | ShayGuy: you reboot to boot into the new system? | 06:05 |
ShayGuy | Quarter-hourish left... | 06:05 |
=== Nith is now known as nith | ||
smultron__ | nickrud: ok, i'll do that then ;) | 06:05 |
fde | ShayGuy: Ahh, I meant when the entire upgrade process is done :P | 06:05 |
ShayGuy | Ah, okay. | 06:06 |
nickrud | smultron__ this is the one I go to the most often | 06:06 |
kappaccino | deejaypip: I heard all the cool film people use Macs... | 06:06 |
fde | ShayGuy: But yeah... when it is, reboot... and let me know if you have any issues! | 06:06 |
pen | d | 06:06 |
ShayGuy | Thank you. | 06:06 |
smultron__ | nickrud: do you know if the ACLs handle files added via samba? does it not matter how they're added? | 06:06 |
deejaypip | kappaccino: haha. yeah. i hate macs. everyone else at work uses macs, but i actually am using a lenovo thinkpad | 06:07 |
dpt | Hi | 06:07 |
smultron__ | nickrud: handle = set correct permissions | 06:07 |
nickrud | smultron__ doesn't matter, as long as they are going into a posix (ext3) file system | 06:07 |
smultron__ | nickrud: cool | 06:07 |
dpt | I'd like to run an app from TTY 1, for example amarok. But i need it to show on the desktop, on tty7 I think. Is there a way i can run an app from SSH for example and let it show on the local running desktop? | 06:07 |
nickrud | cs u frame08 | 06:08 |
dpt | sorry, I don't mean local, I mean on the host computer, in this case it would be remote, since I'm connecting through SSH from a different computer | 06:08 |
joensy | blech, can't figure it out; giving up | 06:08 |
fde | dpt: ssh -Y ... | 06:09 |
dpt | I don't understand fde | 06:09 |
fde | dpt: It has to be ran from for example gnome-terminal though to show up on that desktop. | 06:09 |
fde | dpt: SSH X forwarding... | 06:09 |
fde | dpt: Read the man page for that argument.. 'man ssh' /-Y | 06:10 |
dpt | so I open a connection to ssh -Y remoteHOst and then when i run the command it will show up in the remote desktop? | 06:10 |
bbyever | i've got lots of stuff on /boot which i dont think i need, is it safe to remove them? | 06:10 |
fde | (/-Y searches (in less which the man command uses) for the string) | 06:10 |
fxr_ | hi i installed a terminal context menu for nautilus with 'sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal' and reasons why i aint seeing terminal in my right click menu? do i need to restart X or something?? | 06:10 |
Mobilecroxis | I have a fresh install of hardy ubuntustudio which is deciding to freeze and go to a black screen after a few minutes. I didn't get this behavior with vanilla hardy. ANy suggestions on where to start looking to diagnose this problem? | 06:11 |
dpt | I'm trying right now. One sec. | 06:11 |
crdlb | dpt: you can use 'DISPLAY=:0 command' assuming that's the X display you're using | 06:11 |
crdlb | fxr_: you need to restart nautilus | 06:11 |
deejaypip | when i try to install libdvdcss3 it says "error: c compiler cannot create executables" | 06:11 |
amrik | Mobilecroxis: well ubuntustudio uses the realtime kernel whereas vanilla hardy uses the generic kernel | 06:11 |
Starnestommy | deejaypip: install build-essential | 06:11 |
deejaypip | thanks starnestommy | 06:11 |
fde | dpt: Yes... | 06:11 |
fxr_ | crdlb, is there a command for thta? i have tried closing all instances of it.. i guess nautilus is still alive somewhere? | 06:12 |
enmalizbeth | Have an MP3 player which shows up as a regular mounted drive. Is it possible to have amarok recognize it somehow, and manage syncing of playlists. It's capable of MTP but that seems more trouble than what it's worth. | 06:12 |
jedimind | is there a way i can setup virtual local hosts easily? (something like the hosts file in windows) or do i have to setup bind etc? | 06:12 |
Uplink | fde, i cant paste anything in icons | 06:12 |
fxr_ | close as in close all nautillus windows | 06:12 |
raghav | how to install xp after removes my boot partition...i have not given seperate boot partition | 06:12 |
crdlb | fxr_: it stays running as the desktop | 06:12 |
fde | Uplink: sudo it. | 06:12 |
Uplink | fde, how? | 06:12 |
fxr_ | ahh i see, crdlb.. ll work that out then, thanks heh : ) | 06:12 |
fde | Uplink: sudo cp /dir/with/icons /usr/share/icons/ | 06:12 |
Uplink | fde, ty | 06:13 |
crdlb | fxr_: either nautilus --quit or killall nautilus (it'll respawn) | 06:13 |
raghav | sure??? | 06:13 |
enmalizbeth | yeah it will respawn | 06:13 |
twistage | Does Emerald work fine in hardy? | 06:13 |
fxr_ | ahh and thats it, easy when you know how eh.. thanks again crdlb | 06:13 |
jedimind | is there a way i can setup virtual (local) hosts easily? (something like the hosts file in windows) or do i have to setup bind etc? | 06:13 |
fde | twistage: sur | 06:14 |
fde | e | 06:14 |
Starnestommy | jedimind: /etc/hosts | 06:14 |
jedimind | oh neat | 06:14 |
jedimind | thanks :) | 06:14 |
fde | jedimind: Windows uses the FreeBSD tcp stack... for which that file pertains. | 06:15 |
Starnestommy | iirc, it's part of the BSD networking stack with some extensions, not freebsd | 06:15 |
fde | (Although the Linux tcp stack doesn't use FreeBSD code at all these days... entirely re-written since 2.5.something) | 06:15 |
enmalizbeth | fde, they reimplemented it in vista, if I am not mistaken. One of the reasons why it sucks. | 06:15 |
Lionel_of_Marsei | going on with concert of "Gratefull Dead" at "Debian information Center" in Second Life | 06:15 |
fde | Starnestommy: Well... but they continue to take FreeBSD code... and Windows XP contains the FreeBSD license, not the old BSD one. | 06:16 |
deejaypip | ahhh, I tried following the directions here and installing everything that I needed in order to do that but I still can't play DVDs | 06:16 |
fde | enmalizbeth: I assure you they still took most code from FreeBSD... they're not that smart over there :P | 06:16 |
Uplink | fde i cant :( | 06:17 |
fde | deejaypip: That's not what I told you... | 06:17 |
Uplink | cp: omitting directory `black-white_2-Style/' | 06:17 |
deejaypip | fde, i also tried libdvdcss2 but it didn't work. | 06:17 |
fde | Uplink: heh... I have that same theme, and did the same thing.... | 06:17 |
fde | Uplink: Oh well, you can throw it in ~/.themes too | 06:18 |
deejaypip | fde, i'm wrong; let me try this | 06:18 |
fde | deejaypip: Umm... yeah it does... "Open Location..." in Totem... dvd:// | 06:18 |
TheMusicGuy | Hello. Rhythmbox has stopped playing anything in my library, or at least mp3s. Possibly ogg's, too. It was playing just fine but then it just suddenly stopped in the middle of a song. After that I could only get it to play the first few seconds. Now it won't play at all. The program isn't frozen, but there is no sound and the time elapsed does not change and the position bar doesn't change. | 06:18 |
Uplink | fde, this is what i get | 06:19 |
Uplink | root@HP-Pavilion:/home/uplink/Downloads/black-white 2 Style# sudo cp black-white_2-Style/ usr/share/icons | 06:19 |
Uplink | cp: omitting directory `black-white_2-Style/' | 06:19 |
deejaypip | fde, i still get 'could not read from resource' error message | 06:19 |
Ahadiel | Uplink, cp -rf for directories | 06:19 |
Uplink | ty | 06:19 |
fde | Uplink: umm... cd into that dir... tar xzf tar inside | 06:20 |
echowip | hmm did anyone have any problem with their nvidia drivers after they upgraded to 8.04 from 7.10? | 06:20 |
echowip | im having problems with my card | 06:20 |
jedimind | hey so i have a general question not directly related to ubuntu... im running exim as an smtp server, and i cant seem to get any emails out to hotmail accounts; i keep getting blocked by their graylist but no bouncebacks whatsoever | 06:20 |
echowip | its not being noticed | 06:20 |
Uplink | cp: cannot create directory `usr/share/icons': No such file or directory | 06:20 |
TheMusicGuy | When I run rhythmbox in a console I get this error over and over when I click "play": | 06:20 |
fde | Uplink: ahh... nm.... that's not what I said though... sudo cp black-white_2-Style /usr/share/icons | 06:20 |
echowip | its being noticed but everytime i reinstall the drivers.... but not working out | 06:20 |
echowip | doesn't install properly or somethin | 06:21 |
Uplink | fde, ok i dumped them in there | 06:21 |
fde | Uplink: Now right click the desktop ... "Icons" tab... and select it. | 06:22 |
Uplink | this is so sweet | 06:22 |
fde | Uplink: no wait... right click "Change Desktop Background" ... Theme .... hit "Customize" ... "Icons" tab | 06:23 |
dpt | THANKS!! DISPLAY... Worked | 06:23 |
twistage | Is there anyway to have None enabled under Visual Effects, but still allow for Window Decoration. I've done customization with the manager, but since redirected direct rendering isn't out some video's have problems drawing when being moved | 06:23 |
dpt | thanks | 06:23 |
SpookyET | any fish shell users? | 06:23 |
Uplink | fde, i went to appearance lol | 06:23 |
Uplink | fde, Appearance Preferences<customize<icons | 06:23 |
Uplink | :D | 06:23 |
fde | Uplink: I like the slickness-black theme with that icon set ;D | 06:24 |
Uplink | fde, oh yea boi ;) | 06:24 |
nickrud | twistage window decoration is done with compiz, so no | 06:24 |
Uplink | fde, any firefox skin u might wanna recommend me ;) | 06:25 |
fde | Uplink: I use Firefox 3 ... so it applies the slickness theme | 06:25 |
Uplink | i use FF3 too! | 06:26 |
fde | Uplink: And that icon theme too... so it fits in fine atm | 06:26 |
Uplink | fde, doesnt fit with mines? :((( | 06:26 |
Carbonflux | twistage, well you can turn on the visual effect and then go in by hand and disable most of the plugins, or you could try using emerald without compiz, which should work iirc | 06:26 |
fde | Uplink: strange... restart firefox? log out and back in of gnome? | 06:26 |
Uplink | ok fde | 06:26 |
fde | Uplink: here it just worked. | 06:26 |
Uplink | fde, how can i put terminal on my quick launch? | 06:27 |
Carbonflux | twistage, if you have advanced settings manager installed of course | 06:27 |
Uplink | fde, but not root | 06:27 |
itn | <-- downloading ubuntu to compare it against gentoo.. | 06:27 |
fde | Uplink: right click panel > Add to panel > Add Application Launcher > browse to Terminal. | 06:27 |
Carbonflux | itn, heh thats a bit silly don't you think :) | 06:28 |
Uplink | fde, gotcha! ty | 06:28 |
itn | is it? | 06:28 |
Carbonflux | iter, two totally different distro goals | 06:28 |
nickrud | itn not really, you simply chance being corrupted from the purity of gentoo | 06:28 |
pppZero | since 8.04 i cant change screen resolution with ctrl+alt+<plus> or ctrl+alt+<minus> ... how do i get that functionality back? | 06:28 |
Carbonflux | heh | 06:28 |
Uplink | fde, why my icons arent working right? | 06:29 |
Carbonflux | might be forced to use a version of g++ greater the 2.0 itn ;) | 06:29 |
Uplink | fde, do i have to load them with a command or something? | 06:29 |
twistage | whats a good site for emerald themes | 06:29 |
fde | Uplink: I'm not sure... I had issues with the regular set... went with the gloss version instead, which is working fine. | 06:29 |
sluxor | Is there a way to install Kubuntu Hardy using a debian weekly build CD? It contains the only 2.6 kernel that properly supports my hardware :( | 06:29 |
Carbonflux | has them twistage iirc | 06:30 |
Uplink | fde, oh yea! ok... let me try the gloss version :( | 06:30 |
twistage | thanks | 06:30 |
itn | well, I need something solid for production servers.. just broke gentoo, having a heck of time picking it up.. | 06:30 |
itn | so I'm open to trying whatever | 06:30 |
fde | Uplink: | 06:30 |
nickrud | itn production? use debian or ubuntu servers | 06:31 |
Carbonflux | itn, well long term stability does seem to be one of the main goals of this new release, I am noticing a steady stream of updates | 06:31 |
Uplink | fde, ur the man ;) | 06:31 |
itn | debian or ubuntu eh.. | 06:31 |
mark__ | hi | 06:32 |
itn | crap I'll download em both and try em out | 06:32 |
Carbonflux | well, it be fair fedora too itn | 06:32 |
nickrud | itn i'd suggest the former over the latter, unless you want single source support | 06:32 |
thanoulis | does anybody knows of aftp server with utf8 or greek support? | 06:32 |
mark__ | does anyone know when virtualbox kernal module will be updated? | 06:32 |
m1r | thanoulis: vsftpd ? | 06:32 |
itn | debian eh.. single source support? | 06:32 |
fde | thanoulis: umm... they all should. | 06:33 |
Carbonflux | itn, Ubuntu is based on debian of course | 06:33 |
fde | mark__: its in updates-proposed | 06:33 |
itn | not sure what you mean by that, but I will need a means of easily managing the os across many servers.. | 06:33 |
thanoulis | vsftpd does not have utf8...:( | 06:33 |
nickrud | itn I mean support for both desktops and servers from the same source | 06:33 |
mark__ | I upgraded the kernel to 2.6.24-17 | 06:33 |
itn | oh, no just servers, the more bare bones the better | 06:33 |
mark__ | but there is no virtualbox kernel module | 06:34 |
echowip | anyone have any problems with their video drivers after upgrading to 8.04? | 06:34 |
DanaG | Anybody know how to fix the channel order in a multichannel FLAC file? Or rather, fix the channel order on playback? | 06:34 |
DanaG | I have a multichannel FLAC file with one channel arrangement, but PulseAudio uses a different order. So.... LFE ends up on rear-right, for example. | 06:34 |
fde | mark__: umm... yeah... try enabling updates-proposed in System > Administration > Software Sources. | 06:34 |
m1r | !landscape | 06:34 |
ubottu | Factoid landscape not found | 06:34 |
fde | echowip: meny | 06:34 |
pppZero | can anyone tell me why i cant change resolution with ctrl+alt+<plus> and ctrl+alt+<minus> after upgrading to 8.04? | 06:34 |
jedimind | how do i restart apache ? apachectl doesnt seem to exist | 06:34 |
fde | meany* | 06:34 |
itn | I bought 3 dell rack servers (dual core/dual cpu amd64).. just need to pick a good server os.. | 06:34 |
Starnestommy | jedimind: sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart | 06:34 |
echowip | pppZero i have the same problem | 06:34 |
fde | jedimind: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 06:34 |
pppZero | jedimind, /etc/init.d/apache restart | 06:34 |
Anon9000 | jedimind: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 06:34 |
nickrud | pppZero probably because you don't have additional resolutions defined in xserver.xorg | 06:34 |
Starnestommy | jedimind: also, it's now apache2ctl | 06:35 |
Uplink | fde, whats this for? ".-add a "Main Menu" to your panel" | 06:35 |
nickrud | pppZero erm, xorg.conf doh | 06:35 |
m1r | itn , 8.04 is LTS so this might be good time for you to start with it ;) | 06:35 |
jedimind | ah perfect Starnestommy, thanks :) | 06:35 |
itn | m1r: 75% downloaded =) | 06:35 |
fde | Uplink: That's one menu with Applications, Places, and System in the same place. | 06:35 |
echowip | pppZero i tryed to reinstall video drivers after i upgraded and i have the same problem | 06:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | itn: m1r is right, 8.04 is going to be supported for the next five years :D | 06:35 |
echowip | im stuck in 800x600 | 06:35 |
fde | Uplink: As apposed to Menu Bar | 06:35 |
itn | heh, awesome | 06:35 |
Uplink | fde, so i do what the read me says? | 06:35 |
fde | Uplink: Which is the default | 06:36 |
DrBanzai | Anyway to fix slow application launch in Hardy 64bit? | 06:36 |
ross_ | what's the command for installing ubuntu restricted extras? | 06:36 |
Alan_m | !hardy | 06:36 |
ubottu | Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from but please use !torrents | 06:36 |
Uplink | fde, what? | 06:36 |
nickrud | ross_ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:36 |
ross_ | i tried that | 06:36 |
fde | Uplink: eh... just do what you did last time... wrong help question :D | 06:36 |
Uplink | fde lol ok | 06:36 |
jedimind | does the /etc/hosts file accept wildcards? | 06:36 |
fde | jedimind: yes | 06:36 |
Carbonflux | I wish they would put the torrent links on the main download page though | 06:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | itn: correction, *officially* supported - there may still be community support after that | 06:36 |
ross_ | nickrud: ok nevermind | 06:36 |
ross_ | nickrud: i forgot the get* | 06:36 |
jedimind | what format ? * ip ? | 06:37 |
fde | jedimind: yup | 06:37 |
jedimind | or other way around that is but yeah | 06:37 |
m1r | if hardy desktop is suported 3 years and server 5, then i install server as my base system and add desktop to it to get 5 years support ? :) | 06:37 |
jedimind | do i have to restart anything for hosts file changes to take effect? | 06:37 |
itn | Daisuke_Ido: well so far all I know is they've done a really good job "selling" ubuntu on their website.. | 06:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | itn: that they have :) | 06:38 |
fde | m1r: heh... doubtful you'll stick to LTS that long ;) | 06:38 |
ross_ | for atlantik (linux monopoly) what's the command to install that game? | 06:38 |
m1r | fde: right, but was just a thought :P | 06:38 |
fde | m1r: There's always SOMETHING that makes you want to go on | 06:38 |
m1r | fde , like update-manager -d on 1st beta :P | 06:39 |
fde | m1r: I'm not really sure how they distinguish to be honest... the systems are exactly the same. | 06:39 |
nickrud | ross_ you might like to use system->admin->synaptic , use ctl-f to search and click the box to the left of the found packages, then the apply button | 06:39 |
m1r | fde , that why i am asking | 06:39 |
fde | m1r: Eh... I'll be going to intrepid as soon as they throw in 2.6.25 | 06:39 |
m1r | fde: maybe desktop stops to be suported | 06:39 |
ross_ | nickrud: hoo rah | 06:39 |
fde | m1r: And I'm hoping it'll be asap | 06:40 |
itn | does ubuntu install apache/mysql/etc/etc by default? | 06:40 |
navetz__ | can someone help me with ssh | 06:40 |
fde | itn: no | 06:40 |
ross_ | nickrud: yup found it thanks ; ) | 06:40 |
nickrud | ross_ otherwise, it's always apt-get install <packagename> | 06:40 |
itn | fde: very good =) thx | 06:40 |
m1r | itn, u get LAMP option in instsall process | 06:40 |
ross_ | nickrud: wow that's great | 06:40 |
navetz__ | is the a way to copy from my local server to my remote server with ssh? | 06:40 |
deejaypip | well, I'm beat, I'm gonna go sleep and try setting up DVD playback ability again tomorrow | 06:40 |
nickrud | navetz__ scp | 06:40 |
fde | navetz__: that's kinda the point of scp | 06:40 |
LinuxFreak | Can i have help with a partial upgrade plz? | 06:41 |
bbyever | i've got lots of stuff on /boot which i dont think i need, is it safe to remove them? | 06:41 |
navetz__ | fde, nickrud: scp works with ssh? | 06:41 |
fde | LinuxFreak: what is a 'partial upgrade' ? | 06:41 |
nickrud | bbyever unless you are absolutely sure of what you are doing, NO | 06:41 |
fde | navetz__: it's part of ssh | 06:41 |
Uplink | fde, ok i pasted my icons | 06:41 |
ross_ | where can i find the linux flash blocker | 06:41 |
Uplink | do i have to type any command? | 06:41 |
navetz__ | fde: awesome thanks | 06:41 |
m1r | ross_: check at mozzila addons | 06:41 |
LinuxFreak | Lik wen u hav got too may updates | 06:41 |
LinuxFreak | so u cant install all of them! | 06:42 |
fde | Uplink: You choose it in Icons customization again? Should be working in Firefox et al now | 06:42 |
ross_ | mlr: perfect, thank you : ) | 06:42 |
nickrud | LinuxFreak put a copy of the complete output from apt-get -f install (if it fails) | 06:42 |
Uplink | fde, no command? no anything? | 06:42 |
mokzu | why doesn't xchat save my nickname and username etc? | 06:42 |
m1r | LinuxFreak: sudo apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:42 |
nickrud | LinuxFreak erm, up on , that is | 06:42 |
m1r | LinuxFreak: sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:42 |
bbyever | nickrud: well i have like 10 diferent initrd.img-2.6.27-*-rt/generic and im pretty sure i dont need them all... | 06:42 |
fde | Uplink: you untared what was in that dir again right? | 06:42 |
LinuxFreak | ok nickrud | 06:43 |
fde | Uplink: It's _exactly_ the same as last time | 06:43 |
fde | Uplink: Just a different icon set | 06:43 |
nickrud | bbyever better would be to run synaptic, and uninstall the packages themselves. That will get some other stray stuff as well | 06:43 |
Uplink | fde, i didnt type anything the last time and my icons didnt work right :( | 06:43 |
bbyever | nickrud: ok thanks | 06:43 |
fde | Uplink: This set is more full... | 06:43 |
Uplink | fde, ;) | 06:43 |
fde | Uplink: I'm using the gloss set... firefox and folder icons are fine (latter being why I chose gloss) | 06:44 |
TheInquisition | (I didn't expect the Spanish inquisition!) | 06:44 |
jedimind | thanks for all the help, good night | 06:44 |
TheInquisition | Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition. | 06:44 |
nickrud | LinuxFreak running m1r's suggestion first would be a good idea, depends on where you are in the install. Won't hurt anything | 06:44 |
=== TheInquisition is now known as Spam | ||
* Spam turns off script. | 06:45 | |
* nickrud really hopes spam doesn't lives up to his name | 06:45 | |
nickrud | s/up/down/ | 06:45 |
Spam | spam | 06:45 |
Spam | spam | 06:45 |
Spam | spam | 06:45 |
FloodBot3 | Spam: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:45 |
Spam | Just kidding. | 06:45 |
Spam | Anyway, I need help setting up a bulk mail server. | 06:46 |
Carbonflux | heh | 06:46 |
StevenX | hey guys. what deskletp app do you recommened on ubuntu? | 06:46 |
StevenX | gdesklets? which one is the nicest? | 06:46 |
mysticdarkhack | huh, what a morning config tor | 06:46 |
fde | StevenX: screenlets | 06:46 |
nickrud | none of the above, StevenX | 06:46 |
StevenX | fde, thanks. are there themes for that? | 06:46 |
StevenX | nickrud, how come? | 06:46 |
fde | StevenX: many | 06:46 |
mysticdarkhack | anyone using tor privoxy? | 06:46 |
LinuxFreak | mlr, i think it is working! | 06:46 |
marlun | When connecting to a server with gnome-terminal through ssh and running irssi, is it possible to get the taskbar to flash in ubuntu when a message is highlighted in irssi? | 06:46 |
nickrud | StevenX in my experience, they are all buggy | 06:46 |
m1r | LinuxFreak: it must :) | 06:46 |
Spam | I've started an e-mail marketing company that advertises via sending advertising e-mails to people's addresses on Craigslist. | 06:47 |
fde | StevenX: screenlets is the nicest by far... they are actual mini apps rather than just html boxes | 06:47 |
Carbonflux | I use screenlets | 06:47 |
Carbonflux | they are easy to write | 06:47 |
LinuxFreak | mlr, when i did it using update-manager it failed! | 06:47 |
StevenX | nickrud, yea. my experience says the same. that's why i came in here to ask. | 06:47 |
Spam | I already completed the script that extracts the addresses. | 06:47 |
nickrud | Spam you won't find much help here. In fact, it's not an acceptable topic at all | 06:47 |
Spam | I need help setting up the bulk mailer. | 06:48 |
fde | Spam: No one here will assist with that. | 06:48 |
Spam | No, this isn't true spam. You can unsubscribe. | 06:48 |
Uplink | fde, my firefox crashed :( | 06:48 |
navetz__ | when you are doing scp, is there a way to specify that you wanna copy all directories except one? | 06:48 |
StevenX | fde, and can i find these themes on deviant art or is there a specific website you prefer? | 06:48 |
fde | Spam: mailman | 06:48 |
Carbonflux | there are valid applications for bulk email Spam but you did introduce yourself poorly heh | 06:49 |
lw0x15 | fde, woah ;) you seem to help here a lot =D | 06:49 |
RancidKraut | Is it possible to change the file extensions of about 100 files, all in a single directory, from .JPG to .jpg? | 06:49 |
Uplink | fde, my icons work! yay! | 06:49 |
Spam | This is simply the modern equivalent of advertising snail mail. | 06:49 |
m1r | <<< hands beer to fde | 06:49 |
LinuxFreak | Spam, isit true then, when you unsubscribe, it tells a spammer that ur emal add is active? | 06:49 |
nickrud | RancidKraut there's a decent gui app for that, prefixsuffix | 06:49 |
fde | StevenX: | 06:49 |
Spam | Carbonflux: I already have the method of obtaining addresses. | 06:49 |
StevenX | fde, i installed screenlets from apt-get. how do i star it? | 06:49 |
* sluxor hands beer to fde | 06:49 | |
StevenX | fde, thanks again. | 06:49 |
RancidKraut | nickrud: Thank you very much. | 06:49 |
astro76 | RancidKraut: rename 's/\.JPG/\.jpg/' *.JPG | 06:50 |
fde | StevenX: should be in Applications > Acessories | 06:50 |
nickrud | Spam seriously, this topic is off limits here. Last warning. | 06:50 |
* fde likes heineken :) | 06:50 | |
Spam | LinuxFreak: But then you pay $1.00 to get taken off of the list. | 06:50 |
RancidKraut | astro76: Thank you as well, that's what I was looking for. A GUI would be nice though so I'm gonna check it out. | 06:50 |
lw0x15 | m1r, if every guy who fde helped would give him a beer he would have a supply for the rest of the year | 06:50 |
lw0x15 | =D | 06:50 |
Spam | Okay. | 06:50 |
lw0x15 | or more! | 06:50 |
m1r | exactly lw0x15 | 06:50 |
StevenX | fde, it's not there. it installed fine in apt-get. no errors | 06:50 |
fde | Spam: Use mailman there are docs everywhere... you DO NOT want a mass mail sender... at least no one here will assist with that. | 06:50 |
fde | StevenX: dpkg -L screenlets | grep bin | 06:51 |
fde | StevenX: run the appropriate with a & after it. | 06:51 |
Spam | This is a legal company paying IRS income tax. | 06:51 |
Uplink | fde, bro... why not all the icons are loaded? | 06:51 |
fde | (It's probably in prefs) | 06:51 |
DrMitch | hey, i need a console torrent client that automatically scans a directory looking for new .torrent files. anyone know? | 06:51 |
StevenX | fde, I get the following: | 06:51 |
StevenX | /usr/bin | 06:51 |
StevenX | /usr/bin/screenlets-manager | 06:51 |
StevenX | /usr/bin/screenlets-packager | 06:51 |
StevenX | /usr/bin/screenletsd | 06:51 |
FloodBot3 | StevenX: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:51 |
fde | Uplink: I'm not sure, its working fine here. | 06:51 |
mokzu | ebox is pretty nice, is there anything better before i commit to using it in production? | 06:51 |
RancidKraut | nickrud: Wow, that works amazingly easily. | 06:51 |
RancidKraut | Very simple. | 06:52 |
fde | StevenX: -manager | 06:52 |
Uplink | fde, do u see the ubuntu logo on the menu bar? | 06:52 |
StevenX | fde, great! thanks | 06:52 |
nickrud | RancidKraut yeah, it's good in it's little world. Not all of us are perl guru's like astro76 | 06:52 |
fde | Uplink: No... because that's not part of that icon theme... it's a white foot... to match the theme | 06:52 |
m1r | fde: , girl not included ;) | 06:52 |
astro76 | mokzu: ebox is the new/better thing so enjoy ;) | 06:52 |
astro76 | nickrud: hah far from it ;) | 06:53 |
Uplink | fde, i see a white frame with a black square | 06:53 |
new2linux_ | hey all, how to display the user on xchat to be displayed, instead of just and icon | 06:53 |
fde | Uplink: yuck... logout and back in please. | 06:53 |
new2linux_ | i mean to be displayed permanently not temporary when you click the icon | 06:53 |
Uplink | what did i do wrong! :( | 06:53 |
fde | new2linux_: care to restate that? | 06:54 |
Carbonflux | I think he means the hostmask? | 06:54 |
new2linux_ | fde: i want the users on a room in xchat to be displayed permanently on the right side of the xchat windows | 06:54 |
new2linux_ | fde: are there anyway to do it? | 06:54 |
neil | how do i rip a bought dvd in ubuntu | 06:54 |
enmalizbeth | any good SPSS (statisctical calculations, etc.) application-like alternatives for linux? | 06:54 |
Carbonflux | ah, thats in the settings new2linux_ | 06:54 |
enmalizbeth | neil, use handbrake, that's the best tool for that job, IMHO | 06:55 |
new2linux_ | fde: i've installed xchat on fedora and all the users was shown on the right side, not just icon of how many users on the room like in ubuntu | 06:55 |
neil | ok where do i get that | 06:55 |
enmalizbeth | neil, | 06:55 |
LinuxFreak | Thanks fde | 06:55 |
Carbonflux | new2linux_, Settings->Preferences->User List | 06:55 |
neil | thank you dude | 06:55 |
astro76 | new2linux_: you need to drag the nick list open from the right side, assuming you are using xchat and not xchat-gnome? (no idea about xchat-gnome) | 06:56 |
enmalizbeth | FreeNodeMafia, why is that bad advice? | 06:56 |
lw0x15 | what's the difference between gnome-terminal and just terminal ? | 06:56 |
fde | new2linux_: View > User List ... uncheck | 06:56 |
bashca | Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at any help please ?? | 06:57 |
crdlb | lw0x15: 'Terminal' is a terminal for the xfce desktop which is nearly identical to gnome-terminal (since it uses the same terminal widget called libvte) | 06:57 |
enmalizbeth | FreenodeMafia, lol. It has a complete english UI, and it's actually pretty cool. I assumed you were worried about copyright violations or something of the sort. | 06:57 |
LinuxFreak | how would you become an Op? | 06:57 |
new2linux_ | fde: Settings ->Preferences -> User List, no such user list option found | 06:57 |
lw0x15 | ah i see :] usually the terminal took a bit longer to load than the gnome terminal | 06:57 |
new2linux_ | fde: View > User List, no such view panel found | 06:58 |
new2linux_ | i'm using xchat gnome 0.18 | 06:58 |
crdlb | lw0x15: just to make sure it's the same one, does the window icon contain a white dollar sign? | 06:59 |
Carbonflux | new2linux_, you need to use xchat2 | 06:59 |
Carbonflux | new2linux_, the gnome version of xchat is limited | 06:59 |
=== xenos is now known as DocHoliday | ||
DocHoliday | hi | 06:59 |
lw0x15 | crdlb, dont know they are changed >_> but the terminals are different in colours so i guess they arent the same | 07:00 |
lw0x15 | lol | 07:00 |
new2linux_ | i have the same question about the terminal as well | 07:00 |
=== DocHoliday is now known as xenos | ||
RancidKraut | What should I use to get EXIF data from photos? | 07:00 |
new2linux_ | carbonflux: how to use the xchat2? should i uninstall this version and install the new one? | 07:00 |
enmalizbeth | #FreenodeMafia, well then pardon my ignorance. I can give you a private message back, so, this provides an ackward situation. | 07:00 |
Catslacks | Alright, I've been struggling with this for a few hours now. I have a D-Link D542 Wireless Adapter and I can't get it working in Ubuntu. No wireless connections show up in the Network Manager. I tried consulting the documentation, but I couldn't find anything of help. It also tells me to look in Preferences > Hardware Information, which isn't even there. I've looked around the forums, but I... | 07:00 |
Catslacks | ...really don't know what to do. | 07:00 |
fde | new2linux_: No... I mean just click it to uncheck the option in the menu | 07:01 |
crdlb | lw0x15: well, gnome-terminal and Terminal are configured separately, but their functionality is the same | 07:01 |
lw0x15 | alright. i prefer the gnome one >_> | 07:01 |
new2linux_ | carbonflux: can't find xchat2 on the add/remove programs. Should i find it through google and get the package and use synaptic for the installation? | 07:01 |
fde | new2linux_: Just hit 'ctrl + f7' | 07:01 |
m11 | Catslacks: does it list in lspci * | 07:01 |
RancidKraut | Catslacks: I feel you, man. I've had my share of big wireless problems with Ubuntu. Support on the issue is not always great because every card is different. Did you try the forums? | 07:01 |
Starnestommy | new2linux_: look for xchat in system > administration > synaptic package manager | 07:02 |
astro76 | new2linux_: you'll find the complete package selection in System > admin > synaptic package manager | 07:02 |
Carbonflux | new2linux_, do you know about the package manager? System->Administration->Synaptic | 07:02 |
new2linux_ | fde: nothing happen with ctr+f7 | 07:02 |
Carbonflux | heh ya | 07:02 |
atlaimond | Sziasztok! Azt szeretném kérdezni, hogy ha elindítom az Ubuntu Live CD-jét és beállítom az internetkapcsolatot Live alatt és úgy telepítem akkor az internet beállításokkal együtt települ? | 07:02 |
Catslacks | Yes, but I couldn't find much on the forum. I'm not sure what lspci is, but I was reading the forums and it mentioned something about "UNCLAIMED" meaning the drivers weren't there? | 07:02 |
new2linux_ | carbonflux: ok, i'll try that | 07:02 |
fde | new2linux_: hold down ctrl and hit f7 ... it should take away the list. | 07:02 |
m11 | Catslacks: open terminal and type: lspci | 07:03 |
Carbonflux | new2linux_, use the search button, look for xchat2, that will give you the version you are used too I think | 07:03 |
Catslacks | I'll try that. I wish there was a faster way to do this because I've restarted at least 50 times now, haha | 07:03 |
m11 | Catslacks: no restart needed | 07:03 |
Catslacks | How can I get to the terminal then ? (same computer) | 07:04 |
ross_ | catslacks: ctrl+f2, then type gnome-terminal | 07:04 |
ross_ | catslacks: nevermind don't listen to me ;x | 07:05 |
new2linux_ | fde: i did that, hold down ctr 1st and then hit f7, nothing happen | 07:05 |
Catslacks | I'm on Vista. Ctrl+F2 doesn't seem to be doing anything | 07:05 |
bashca | Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at any help please ?? | 07:06 |
Uplink | fde! :(((((((((((( | 07:06 |
StevenX | what is soft sound mixing? i want to turn off system beeps. for example, when i keep hitting delete, etc when there is nothing to delete or when i shutdown the system. i want those beeps off, and unchecking "system beep" doesn't seem to work | 07:06 |
m11 | Catslacks: so u ask for vista problem here ? | 07:06 |
Catslacks | No. | 07:06 |
robg_ | Catslacks: do you want to wipe Vista ? | 07:06 |
Catslacks | No. | 07:06 |
StevenX | Catslacks, try #windows | 07:06 |
CapaH | 1,264 users -- wow his place has grown | 07:06 |
CapaH | this place even | 07:06 |
Starnestommy | bashca: is a web server running on port 8080 of ? | 07:06 |
Rat409 | !tk | atlaimond | 07:06 |
Catslacks | I'm not looking for any help with windows. Thanks. | 07:06 |
robg_ | Catslacks: go to #Vista | 07:06 |
ubottu | Factoid tk not found | 07:06 |
Catslacks | I'm not looking for any help with Windows. Thanks. | 07:07 |
StevenX | man, i am loving this new theme and the screenlets. | 07:07 |
test | What ircd would you guys advise me to use? | 07:07 |
StevenX | compizfusion, gnome, etc are something else. | 07:07 |
m11 | anyone got similar mesage : 08:04:26) FreenodeMafia: Leave #ubuntu now. ? | 07:07 |
Catslacks | I'll go try lspci and be back in a few minutes. | 07:07 |
Dew420 | lol. StevenX I sense you were bored the other day | 07:07 |
StevenX | mll, yea, i got that too. some stupid bot. | 07:08 |
StevenX | Dew420, what do you mean? | 07:08 |
m11 | StevenX: ok i thought i am beeing warned for trying to help :) | 07:08 |
Starnestommy | test: ircd-hybrid and ircd-ircu are in the repos, but there are a few others out there that you'll need to compile yourself | 07:08 |
Dew420 | StevenX ; last time I got bored I re-themed everything I could think of | 07:08 |
new2linux_ | how does this guy solve the problem? | 07:08 |
StevenX | Dew420, hahaha. yea. actually, i am procrastinating. | 07:08 |
StevenX | Dew420, i have a shitload of work to do. | 07:08 |
=== test is now known as GeorgeA | ||
freshkcc | Hi, i have a Compaq Presario C714NR. My wireless card isn't being recognized. Did anyone have the same issue? | 07:09 |
GeorgeA | Starnestommy, thanks... I also need to use services.. when on windows I used UnrealIRCd and Anope | 07:09 |
Starnestommy | GeorgeA: those also exist for linux, but you'll need to compile them from source | 07:10 |
GeorgeA | Starnestommy, I see... do you recommend it? | 07:10 |
neil | how do i install handbrake on ubuntu | 07:10 |
m11 | neil: :) | 07:10 |
locohost_ | whats the best jabber client for ubuntu? im i might be in the process of converting from fedora, because FC9 sucks so bad | 07:11 |
Starnestommy | locohost_: maybe gajim | 07:11 |
m11 | locohost_: pidgin works fine | 07:11 |
neil | how do i install handbrake onto ubuntu | 07:11 |
froex | ыц | 07:11 |
Rat409 | freshkcc: try lspci | grep Network or lsusb whichever applys then find driver for chipset | 07:11 |
robg_ | locohost_: Pigin is OK | 07:12 |
locohost_ | is there a gajim, or is that gaim spelled wrong | 07:12 |
m11 | gaim =pidgin | 07:12 |
freshkcc | thanks Rat409, I'll look into that rightnow | 07:12 |
Starnestommy | GeorgeA: I've used them both for a while | 07:12 |
GeorgeA | locohost, pidgin's got a weird bug though, sometimes it freezes and gets all whacky in graphics, and takes up CPU and basically stops working, for me this happens a lot, for others it might be less buggy though! | 07:12 |
Starnestommy | locohost_: gajim is not gaim | 07:12 |
Spam | Anyone else getting messages from FreenodeMafia? | 07:12 |
Rat409 | gajim=jabber-client | 07:12 |
froex | how to install drivers and software for notebook camera (orbicam) | 07:12 |
freshkcc | yes, Spam | 07:12 |
m11 | spam , yes me | 07:12 |
astro76 | /ignore FreenodeMafia | 07:13 |
Spam | thanks for the command | 07:13 |
neil | how do i install an tar.gz application | 07:13 |
locohost_ | there an xchat plugin or anything? | 07:13 |
locohost_ | tar xzvf | 07:13 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico|afk | ||
Starnestommy | neil: extract it, then read the readme and install files in it | 07:13 |
locohost_ | tar xzvf my.tar.gz | 07:13 |
neil | ok thank you | 07:13 |
locohost_ | np | 07:13 |
GeorgeA | locohost, pidgin is also an IRC client. | 07:14 |
itn | hm..ubuntu install doesn't allow for specifying specific parition sizes? | 07:14 |
robg_ | locohost_: Also install xChat Gnome from Synaptic | 07:14 |
kindofabuzz | locohost: Kvirc also =) | 07:14 |
astro76 | itn: sure if you chooose manual partitioning | 07:14 |
itn | I put 50MB and it set it to 5% (this is 750GB drive).. I'm in manual partition.. | 07:14 |
Catslacks | I went and typed: lspci and got Network Controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Ar5416 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Adapter (rev 01). So it's there. | 07:15 |
itn | if I get out of this gui, will they give me access to fdisk? | 07:15 |
robg_ | itn: I always advise GUIDED partitioning | 07:15 |
neil | um how do i install handbrake onto ubuntu? | 07:15 |
itn | really, why is that? | 07:15 |
m11 | itn , u might try #ubuntu-server | 07:16 |
itn | m11: ah, thank you | 07:16 |
robg_ | itn: during a linux install always opt for guided partitioning. | 07:16 |
sluxor | neil, | 07:16 |
locohost_ | hmm, do i need a package to make pidgeon work with jabber? | 07:16 |
Starnestommy | locohost_: no, pidgin works with jabber through the xmpp protocol | 07:16 |
neil | iv downloaded the tar.gz file but dont know how to install it | 07:17 |
sluxor | neil: Don't use the QT gui component unless you've previously ran apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:17 |
sluxor | ;) | 07:17 |
Starnestommy | neil: extract it, then look for a readme or install file in it | 07:17 |
froex | жопа! | 07:17 |
sluxor | neil they have an official documentation there | 07:17 |
neil | ok | 07:17 |
enmalizbeth | sluxor, handbrake offers binaries, why compile? | 07:17 |
sluxor | dont compile the stuff inside the qt folder thou unless you actually have KDE an QT installed on your system | 07:17 |
Catslacks | Hey, can anyone help me? I still can't seem to get my wireless internet working. | 07:18 |
=== DBLobster is now known as U09526 | ||
enmalizbeth | Catslacks, where are you stuck? | 07:18 |
sluxor | enmalizbeth: I am assuming his binaries didn't work? | 07:18 |
Catslacks | Hold on, I'll type it out again. I'm having to restart every time I need to time something into the terminal so it's very time consuming. | 07:19 |
enmalizbeth | sluxor, neil. Linux binary: | 07:19 |
Rat409 | freshkcc: | 07:20 |
enmalizbeth | neil, here is the guide on using the CLI | 07:20 |
sluxor | enmalizbeth: and he specified using an x86 arch system? | 07:20 |
enmalizbeth | sluxor, good point. I assumed. | 07:20 |
FreenodeMafia | Your performance as a Ubuntu tech support agent is appalling. NOW LEAVE #UBUNTU | 07:20 |
FreenodeMafia | You all suck! | 07:20 |
Uplink | what the command to delete a directory? | 07:21 |
Spam | rm -rf | 07:21 |
Starnestommy | Uplink: rm -r | 07:21 |
jimmio | rmdir | 07:21 |
enmalizbeth | Uplink rm--rf | 07:21 |
freshkcc | thanks for the info Rat | 07:21 |
Uplink | TY | 07:21 |
Spam | I was first. | 07:21 |
enmalizbeth | lol | 07:21 |
lw0x15 | Spam, what does -rf stand for ? | 07:21 |
lw0x15 | remove folder ? | 07:21 |
lw0x15 | lol | 07:21 |
Spam | lw0x15: Ask FreenodeMafia. | 07:21 |
enmalizbeth | r - recursive, f - force | 07:21 |
Starnestommy | lw0x15: recursive + force | 07:21 |
lw0x15 | oh | 07:21 |
Spam | Try man. | 07:21 |
lw0x15 | i see :] | 07:21 |
freshkcc | i'm new with ubuntu, so this may take me awhile | 07:22 |
enmalizbeth | yeah, FreenodeMafia should be the utmost expert | 07:22 |
Catslacks | I have a D-Link D542 Wireless Adapter. When I got into the Network Manager there are no wireless connections to connect to. I consulted the documentation and it says to go to Preferences -> Hardware Information, but that doesn't seem to be there. I tried a few other things in the guide but I'm not getting anywhere. I was talking to someone else and they told me to type lspci and so I did and... | 07:22 |
jimmio | rmdir works if it's empty =P | 07:22 |
Catslacks | outputted: "Atheros Communications Inc. AR5416 802.11abgn Wireless PCI" as my Network Controller. | 07:22 |
Spam | FreenodeMafia is evading my ignore. :( | 07:22 |
lw0x15 | Spam, he already pm'ed me before to tell me that i suck at supporting lol | 07:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | !danger | 07:22 |
ubottu | DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 07:22 |
powertool08 | i'm using devilspie to run an embedded terminal, when i grab an icon behind it (half covered) and drag it out to where i can see it, the terminal has a thin border line which won't go away unless i logout/back in, why? a better way to reset? any ideas? | 07:22 |
m11 | Catslacks: then is there, it is just not configed imo | 07:22 |
enmalizbeth | ubottu, well, you should be very careful when using the command. Make sure you know what you are deleting. | 07:23 |
ubottu | enmalizbeth: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:23 |
enmalizbeth | oh, crap | 07:23 |
Catslacks | So what do I do? | 07:23 |
lw0x15 | woah Amaranth you got him =D | 07:23 |
Rat409 | freshkcc: says madwifi works | 07:23 |
Rat409 | google is your friend | 07:23 |
fde | lw0x15: He needs to be klined... but no staff are about atm | 07:23 |
locohost_ | starnes, thanks xmmp was the key word. --seems to work great with my tls jabber server | 07:23 |
enmalizbeth | google is the best man at your wedding! | 07:24 |
pen | lol | 07:24 |
jimmio | My laptop is constantly saying things about my wireless card and PHY transmission error. Is there a way I can silence it? I don't use the wireless anyway | 07:24 |
dreadmaul | is anyone aware of a fix for the "lose keyboard and mouse" problem? | 07:24 |
enmalizbeth | disable the wireless card, or take away it's ability to come up automatically on boot up | 07:24 |
rod0009 | can anyone help me? | 07:24 |
m11 | Catslacks: do you see your card under netwrok manager ? | 07:25 |
rod0009 | i have issues configuring xampp | 07:25 |
rodolfo | guys i cant make the stand by mode to work on ubuntu 8.04 for my nobo. I mean, once I logoff and close my notebook and open it again there is no image. for some reason the display will not work, even if a press the nobo's Fn buttons to make it wakeup. any suggestions? | 07:25 |
enmalizbeth | sounds like acpi issues, tough one | 07:25 |
Catslacks | In Ubuntu or Windows? In Ubuntu there is nothing in the Network Manager | 07:25 |
rod0009 | i get 2 errors when trynh http://localhost | 07:25 |
rod0009 | Warning: file_get_contents(lang.tmp) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Permiso denegado in /opt/lampp/htdocs/xampp/index.php on line 2 | 07:25 |
rod0009 | help please | 07:25 |
m11 | Catslacks: this not windows support chanell :) | 07:25 |
Catslacks | I know. | 07:26 |
astro76 | rodolfo: try ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to virtual console, and ctrl+alt+F7 to switch back, does that fix it? | 07:26 |
kindofabuzz | rodolfo: suspend/hibernate is still broken for alot of people | 07:26 |
Catslacks | I'm not looking for windows support. I'm trying to get my wireless working in ubuntu. | 07:26 |
enmalizbeth | rodolfo: configure your machine so it DOESN'T suppend when you close the monitor. It's not a real solution, but it will avoid the problem. | 07:26 |
robg_ | rodolfo: My Ubuntu Alternate refuses to hibernate. | 07:26 |
rodolfo | astro76 neither the ctrl+alt+F1 nor ctrl+alt+backspace seems to work | 07:27 |
locohost_ | best cisco concentrator client in ubuntu? vpnc probably? any got-ya's? | 07:27 |
bashca | Firefox can't establish a connection to the server !!? please help | 07:27 |
m11 | Catslacks: tip for you, will be more easy if u conect with ubuntu | 07:27 |
rodolfo | kindofabuzz that's only for 8.04? | 07:27 |
rod0009 | anyone help me whit xampp please! | 07:27 |
jimmio | Another question about laptops in general... are the flourescent tubes that light the LCDs supposed to get too hot to touch the plastic around them? >_> (they are flourecsent bulbs... right?) | 07:27 |
Catslacks | How am I supposed to do that? I mean, I know it WOULD be, but my wireless isn't working so.. | 07:27 |
rodolfo | robg_ this is not an update from 7.10. | 07:28 |
robg_ | rodolfo: On a desktop it is not much of a problem, given the advantages that the OS offers. | 07:28 |
rodolfo | enmalizbeth, and how can I do that? =P | 07:28 |
locohost_ | lol, no, they are lcd's not flourcent bulbs | 07:28 |
m11 | Catslacks: lan cable to router ? | 07:28 |
rodolfo | robg_ true, but I can't tell the same for nobos :( | 07:28 |
Catslacks | I don't have a 100 foot lan cable and can't move my computer right now for various reasons so | 07:28 |
kindofabuzz | rodolfo: gutsy and hardy are having those problems. i heard it worked great befor gutsy | 07:28 |
enmalizbeth | rodolfo, power management configuration, the option is around there. There is drop down or something, that gives you an option to select what happens when the monitor close event is fired. | 07:29 |
enmalizbeth | rodolfo, select "do nothing" | 07:29 |
enmalizbeth | can | 07:29 |
robg_ | rodolfo: I simply switch on in the morning and off in the evening. On Vista hibernation and powersavers were also a problem. | 07:29 |
enmalizbeth | rodolfo, can't remember the specific details, and don't have a machine with windows nearby to look at the UI | 07:29 |
dreadmaul | is the "lose keyboard and mouse" problem related to the video driver?? or the enhancement feature of the desktop.? | 07:29 |
sluxor | is there any way i can install ubuntu or kubuntu but exclude the splash screen, cause that splash screen causes my graphics card to halt before it gets a chance to reach x windows system? | 07:29 |
neil | how do i install handbrake cli on ubuntu | 07:29 |
jimmio | locohost_: they're lit with special flourescent tubes fyi | 07:30 |
sluxor | as soon as it tries to load.. BANG | 07:30 |
sluxor | :( | 07:30 |
NTAuthority | sluxor: there is an boot option which disables the splash screen | 07:30 |
locohost_ | ahh, a series of tubes, of course. i suppose i jumped in half conversation, sry | 07:30 |
NTAuthority | sluxor: try to remove splash from boot parameters, such as in f6 while booting from CD | 07:30 |
rodolfo | enmalizbeth, it's ok | 07:30 |
sluxor | thanx | 07:30 |
sluxor | I know Xorg works fince once i apt-get my video drivers | 07:31 |
sluxor | its just the splash screen that doesnt | 07:31 |
neil | what is CLI | 07:31 |
sluxor | Command Line Interface | 07:31 |
enmalizbeth | neil - Command Line Interface | 07:31 |
rodolfo | enmalizbeth, and the powermanagement is set to do nothing, hopefully there will be a patch for this or something | 07:31 |
NTAuthority | sluxor: and if you want, you could remove quiet too :) | 07:31 |
sluxor | yeh thats all i need .. in which part of the installation should i edit grub.conf? | 07:31 |
sluxor | i didnt notice a chance to reach the console | 07:32 |
sluxor | before reaching the slash screen | 07:32 |
legend2440 | neil: command line interface means you do everything from terminal instead of gui | 07:32 |
NTAuthority | sluxor: while booting from CD press f6, remove the commands, and that will stay in the grub config | 07:32 |
NTAuthority | sluxor: after installing | 07:32 |
sluxor | cool thanx | 07:32 |
Rat409 | grub.conf=redhat? | 07:32 |
locohost_ | well, not redhat specificly | 07:32 |
neil | is there a gui for handbrake | 07:32 |
NTAuthority | Rat409: it's the official filename, but debian uses menu.lst, i think | 07:32 |
rodolfo | robg_ glad to know that this is not a linusers problem only. winusers have it as well >) | 07:32 |
theFATMAN | how do i play .asf video files? | 07:32 |
locohost_ | but, redhat based distros are big on grub | 07:32 |
sluxor | Rat409: /boot/grub/menu.lst on debian systems ;) | 07:33 |
robg_ | rodolfo: power saving logic is extremely complex and in my opinion a waste of effort. | 07:33 |
legend2440 | neil: i think dvdrip would be a better choice for you you can install it in synaptic | 07:33 |
enmalizbeth | neil, it's not as bad as it looks. with handbrake, once you go through the options once, you can pretty much reuse them over and over again. I just had a small text file with all the handbrake options I needed. Copy/Paste and edit file name. Presto! | 07:33 |
Rat409 | i know | 07:33 |
jimmio | is it possible to comepletely turn off the backlighting via the underlying linux, not gui?... it'd be nice... | 07:33 |
Zec4 | hello all, i have a problem with my soundcard after upload my ubuntu for 8.04, any can help me please? | 07:33 |
sluxor | legend2440: I need a BD ripping program that compiles on PPC linux | 07:34 |
sluxor | :) | 07:34 |
theFATMAN | !asf | 07:34 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 07:34 |
sluxor | ideas? | 07:34 |
enmalizbeth | sluxor, we already have functional BD rippers? | 07:34 |
rodolfo | I wonder if there already IS a solution for this issue on third-party programs from Ubuntu repos.... | 07:35 |
enmalizbeth | sluxor, I thought most of that stuff was still in proof of concept stage? | 07:35 |
Rabbitbunny | Anybody happen to have any hint for repairing X, with a known good conf(before upgrade) and no error logs (crappy upgrade)? | 07:35 |
sluxor | enmalizbeth: someone developed a BD player that can rip BDs, so people did it on their PS3 linux for a while until sony updated the firmware and corrupted my /dev/sr0 . | 07:35 |
dio | ciao | 07:37 |
=== newb is now known as trupheenix | ||
Kartagis | hi | 07:39 |
Kartagis | how do I install apache with php and mysql enabled? | 07:39 |
=== bennett_ is now known as b3nn3tt | ||
sluxor | Kartagis: apt-get install lamp | 07:40 |
sluxor | ? | 07:40 |
Rat409 | !LAMP | karyag | 07:40 |
ubottu | karyag: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 07:40 |
Rat409 | typo :( | 07:40 |
locohost_ | php-mysql, yeah, lamp P) | 07:40 |
sluxor | there should be a software group named that so when you apt-get install lamp | 07:41 |
sluxor | it fetches all the packages | 07:41 |
sluxor | from that group :S | 07:41 |
Kartagis | hm | 07:42 |
freetown_feizhou | hello. Has anybody tried Windows with KVM? | 07:42 |
biotrox | !lightscribe | 07:42 |
ubottu | Factoid lightscribe not found | 07:42 |
Kartagis | lamp not found | 07:43 |
biotrox | anybody knows how to burn a label with a lightscribe CD/DVD? | 07:43 |
masmota | i think lamp is a configuration option in the setup on the server ed | 07:43 |
new2linux_ | do you have to create 10 users for 10 thin-clients or just enough with 1 users accounts for 10 thin-clients? | 07:43 |
m11 | new2linux_: 1 user per thin i think | 07:44 |
Flynsarmy | Is there a way to get nautilus to send dummy packets every now and then when it's viewing an sftp:// folder so that it doesn't time out and send me back to home? | 07:44 |
sluxor | new2linux_: 1 user per thin, you dont "have" to but its a good practice | 07:44 |
m11 | new2linux_: would be mess if all users would have same acount and use same files :) | 07:44 |
Uplink | fde, i got it! :D | 07:44 |
[GUN]Wires | hey | 07:45 |
fde | Uplink: yay! | 07:45 |
[GUN]Wires | What is a program I can use to transfer files back and forth between my ubuntu machine and a unix machine at my school? | 07:45 |
new2linux_ | m11, sluxor, thanks for the advise | 07:45 |
[GUN]Wires | I know of one on windows.. but not on linux | 07:45 |
Uplink | fde, guess how i did it? | 07:45 |
masmota | ftp | 07:45 |
troxor | biotrox: --help | 07:45 |
fde | Uplink: how? | 07:45 |
troxor | biotrox: woops, sorry | 07:45 |
freetown_feizhou | [GUN]Wires: scp? | 07:45 |
m11 | new2linux_: u can check edubuntu setup for thin clients | 07:45 |
[GUN]Wires | scp? k | 07:46 |
[GUN]Wires | thanks | 07:46 |
biotrox | troxor : ???? | 07:46 |
biotrox | troxor : lightscribe..? | 07:46 |
troxor | biotrox: wrong window and bad tab completion at the same time :( | 07:46 |
Uplink | fde, i went to System<Preferences<Appearance<Install THeme and i got the ICONS-GLOS.tar.gz | 07:46 |
new2linux_ | m11: i'll try reading the walkthrough later, now the firefox freeze because of the adobe flash plugin installation :( | 07:47 |
biotrox | troxor... so have any clue about burning a lightscribe cd / dvd on hardy? | 07:47 |
Kartagis | is telling me to install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server | 07:47 |
* new2linux_ restarting | 07:47 | |
fde | Uplink: heh | 07:48 |
troxor | biotrox: isn't there that thing made by lacie? | 07:48 |
Uplink | fde, it was dumbbb lol | 07:48 |
robg_ | biotrox: you simply go into the file system and say you want to burn a CD. Options will be presented. | 07:48 |
troxor | or perhaps k3b has a feature | 07:48 |
biotrox | no not burning the data | 07:48 |
biotrox | but burning the label | 07:48 |
Rat409 | NeroLinux demo will not sure about k3b | 07:48 |
biotrox | troxor: trying to burn a cover for a lightscribe cd on ubuntu hardy | 07:49 |
troxor | biotrox: | 07:49 |
fde | Uplink: I wanted it for all users, hence doing it the other way | 07:49 |
Uplink | fde, the other way doesnt work :/ | 07:49 |
* Surfer56 Visit (upload pic make mag) - (play with webcam online) - (insulter/anon email) - (fun) - (put your face on funny body) - (health) - (Canada eh) - (geeks) | 07:50 | |
kypor | does anyone use Ubuntu to connect via vpn? pptp that is to a Windows network? | 07:50 |
fde | Uplink: Works here... | 07:50 |
astro76 | !ops | Surfer56 | 07:50 |
ubottu | Surfer56: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 07:50 |
Hobbsee | yay, l ag. | 07:50 |
m11 | kypor: network-manager-pptp | 07:50 |
Hobbsee | Myrtti: too slow. | 07:50 |
Hobbsee | :) | 07:50 |
Myrtti | noticed, was editing a factoid | 07:50 |
astro76 | cheers :) | 07:50 |
kypor | yes, I mean, does anyone have a working vpn connection through pptp | 07:50 |
rodolfo | have you guys heard of 'sis SI7012' sound card? I'm running into trouble with this. I can't record anything since I upgraded to U8.04 but on Gutsy it worked just fine... | 07:51 |
kypor | in 7 my vpn worked just fine, I installed 8 and now it doesn't | 07:51 |
pen | kypor, pptp? | 07:51 |
kypor | yes | 07:51 |
Rat409 | biotrox: | 07:51 |
neil | where do i get handbrake gtk | 07:51 |
rodolfo | it has something to do with this thread: | 07:52 |
[GUN]Wires | How do I launch the gui openssh? | 07:52 |
Rat409 | biotrox: | 07:52 |
neil | how do i get handbrake gtk | 07:52 |
icqnumber | !rar | 07:53 |
ubottu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 07:53 |
biotrox | this lightscribe software will integrate with k3b? | 07:53 |
neil | how do i install handbrake gtk | 07:53 |
Rat409 | says it will if no .deb install alien convert it i guess | 07:54 |
Rat409 | biotrox: new to me also | 07:54 |
[GUN]Wires | how do I launch the openssh gui?? | 07:54 |
biotrox | oke oke thanks i have the information that i need thanks troxor and rat409 | 07:54 |
biotrox | :D | 07:54 |
troxor | biotrox: np | 07:54 |
astro76 | [GUN]Wires: there is no gui | 07:54 |
[GUN]Wires | oh | 07:54 |
[GUN]Wires | well is there a gui for any ssh filetransfer program? | 07:55 |
astro76 | [GUN]Wires: yes you can use gftp | 07:55 |
Rat409 | gputty or putty | 07:55 |
biotrox | use scp [GUN]wires | 07:55 |
[GUN]Wires | that in the repos? | 07:55 |
astro76 | [GUN]Wires: also Places > connect to server... | 07:55 |
anormallu | hi | 07:55 |
anormallu | root@Ubuntu:~# ls -a | 07:55 |
anormallu | Floating point exception | 07:55 |
anormallu | what is this ? | 07:55 |
anormallu | Floating point exception | 07:55 |
FloodBot2 | anormallu: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:55 |
biotrox | scp included in openssh and sshclient | 07:56 |
oem | rootroot | 07:56 |
[GUN]Wires | ok | 07:56 |
[GUN]Wires | so how do i launch the gui | 07:56 |
biotrox | so if you can open an ssh than basicly you can do a scp | 07:56 |
biotrox | no gui | 07:56 |
m11 | [GUN]Wires type in nautilus address bar ssh://name@ip ? | 07:56 |
freetown_feizhou | [GUN]Wires: openssh != SSH from | 07:56 |
anormallu | root@Ubuntu:~# ls -a | 07:56 |
anormallu | Floating point exception | 07:56 |
freetown_feizhou | [GUN]Wires: no gui. | 07:56 |
anormallu | what is this? | 07:57 |
freetown_feizhou | anormallu: maybe rooted box? | 07:57 |
freetown_feizhou | anybody tried kvm with windows? | 07:57 |
m11 | [GUN]Wires type in nautilus address bar ssh://name@ip ? | 07:57 |
anormallu | freetown_feizhou how can i fix this? | 07:58 |
Rat409 | anormallu: whats ls -l give you/ | 07:58 |
[GUN]Wires | what can I use that that has a gui then? I used winscp on windows.. I want something similar | 07:59 |
anormallu | Floating point exception | 07:59 |
freetown_feizhou | floating point exception | 07:59 |
m11 | [GUN]Wires type in nautilus address bar ssh://name@ip ? | 07:59 |
[GUN]Wires | i dont have nautiulus | 07:59 |
[GUN]Wires | nautiulus | 07:59 |
freetown_feizhou | [GUN]Wires: well...not much similar between unix/linux and windows | 07:59 |
astro76 | [GUN]Wires: nautilus is the file manager, as I said, places > connect to server.... select ssh | 07:59 |
[GUN]Wires | oh | 07:59 |
biotrox | try using strace to track what wrong with your ls command anormallu | 08:00 |
[GUN]Wires | it wont let me drag and drop files to there though | 08:00 |
Yachaziel | Amarok keeps telling me I cannot edit the tags for a few files. How do I get around this? | 08:00 |
[GUN]Wires | itll let me delete and download files.. just not upload to that machine | 08:00 |
hoehaver | Hi I have ubuntu 8.4 my screen resolution is Quiet high. when I try to turn it down the screen flickers with this bluish green color. I always have to reboot. what is need to be done to fix this? Any help please? | 08:00 |
robg_ | hoehaver: I let the machine choose its own resolution and it has chosen 1440 x 900 which is fine by me. | 08:01 |
anormallu | --- SIGFPE (Floating point exception) @ 0 (0) --- | 08:01 |
anormallu | +++ killed by SIGFPE +++ | 08:01 |
troxor | hoehaver: what kind of hardware, drivers, etc? | 08:01 |
hoehaver | my eyes feel weird after a while man | 08:01 |
webdev4407 | in need of help with ubuntu 8.04 lts | 08:01 |
astro76 | webdev4407: you've come to the right place ;) | 08:01 |
Yachaziel | !ask | webdev4407 | 08:01 |
troxor | hoehaver: there's also a gnome panel randr applet that could be worth trying out | 08:01 |
ubottu | webdev4407: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 08:01 |
hoehaver | randr the word to look for? | 08:02 |
webdev4407 | just installed using the "instll in widows" method but the system is trying to use a resolution or refresh rate the renders the display useless | 08:02 |
webdev4407 | is there someway to edit xconf or something to adjust resolution? | 08:02 |
hoehaver | I had that same problem before. I always had to modify the XZserver | 08:03 |
rod0009 | please i need some help whit xampp | 08:03 |
hoehaver | I forget the sudo you're supost to type. | 08:03 |
fde | rod0009: XMPP... logging into X from another machine? | 08:03 |
hoehaver | but... um.. yeah, modify you're zx-server. ummm it's a graphical modification...w/e? | 08:03 |
hoehaver | I suck at ezxplaining | 08:03 |
Flynsarmy | Virtualbox tells me i need to install virtualbox-ose-modules-generic even though i already have. any ideas? | 08:03 |
Rat409 | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xsrver-xorg | 08:03 |
hoehaver | rat is right., that looks right | 08:04 |
lonely_girl | hi | 08:04 |
Yachaziel | Can someone please help with a tagging issue in amarok? or else, can they point me in the direction of amarok's chat? | 08:04 |
webdev4407 | i will probably need to be able to boot into a text mode | 08:04 |
Adlai | fde: apache, mysql, php, perl | 08:04 |
enmalizbeth | Yachaziel #amarok | 08:04 |
Adlai | forget what the x is for | 08:04 |
fde | !lamp | Adlai | 08:04 |
ubottu | Adlai: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 08:04 |
Yachaziel | enmalizbeth: On this server? | 08:04 |
locohost_ | anyone use evolution-exchange in ubunu? | 08:04 |
Adlai | fde: what? | 08:04 |
enmalizbeth | Yachaziel, yep | 08:04 |
locohost_ | i hated it in fedora, so i used used thunderbird with imap | 08:04 |
Yachaziel | webdev4407: ctrl+alt+f1 works for that | 08:04 |
hoehaver | 'trozxor: randr the word I need to be looking for? or like gnome application resolution, w.e? | 08:05 |
fde | Adlai: see what ubottu told you | 08:05 |
Yachaziel | enmalizbeth: Thanks =) | 08:05 |
biotrox | maybe there's a file corrupt | 08:05 |
webdev4407 | if that is possible where is the file located that i need to make edits | 08:05 |
fde | Adlai: especially the link it points out | 08:05 |
Adlai | fde: no, I got that fine, I was explaining xampp | 08:05 |
enmalizbeth | locohost_ evolution has been known to be very very buggy, I would recommend thunderbird (I know that wasn't your question, but wanted to throw that out there) | 08:05 |
Rat409 | well good luck to all i'm out. | 08:05 |
biotrox | anormallu: maybe there's a corrupt file | 08:05 |
Adlai | fde: rod0009 asked about it and you said something else | 08:05 |
biotrox | try to do a ls on other directory | 08:05 |
Yachaziel | enmalizbeth: What bugs? I love evolution and hate thunderbird. | 08:05 |
_exp_ | anyone have links for getting an ATI Remote Wonder to work in Ubuntu 8.04 | 08:06 |
flemnos | webdev4407: you're looking for /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:06 |
locohost_ | emm, that sums up the exp i had in other distros, thanks | 08:06 |
m11 | enmalizbeth: i use evolution since 6.06 and had very few problems with it once it is configed corectly | 08:06 |
enmalizbeth | Yachaziel, LOL! I'm glad it works out for you then | 08:06 |
anormallu | its the same | 08:06 |
=== bennett_ is now known as b3nn3tt | ||
anormallu | Floating point exception | 08:06 |
webdev4407 | this is the first distro i've used that didn't default to a low res | 08:06 |
fde | Adlai: eh.. I think you're wrong... else no reason for X in there | 08:06 |
Yachaziel | enmalizbeth: =P I am just curious. I cannot get thunderbird to work anymore. It constantly freezes when I attempt to load a message. | 08:06 |
biotrox | hm.. maybe your gcc corrupt? | 08:07 |
Adlai | fde: | 08:07 |
Adlai | fde: first hit, buddy | 08:07 |
=== _exp_ is now known as HRshovinstuff | ||
locohost_ | what did you have to do, generally, to get it configured correctly? was it close to as fast as imap? | 08:07 |
enmalizbeth | Yachaziel, wow. It's almost like parallel worlds | 08:07 |
freetown_feizhou | anormallu: corrupt/changed files or owned. reinstallation is probably in order | 08:07 |
Yachaziel | enmalizbeth: Same issue with you then? (in evol.) | 08:07 |
hoehaver | troxor: randr the word I need to be looking for? or like gnome application resolution, w.e? | 08:07 |
lonely_girl | meeee | 08:08 |
webdev4407 | i had the same problem when trying to install to a dedicated disk and dual boot | 08:08 |
hoehaver | hm,. I thoguht lonely girl lewft a minute ago | 08:08 |
locohost_ | evolution-exchange seemed to partly work, then lock up, and i would have to kill -9 it,and reboot to get it to connect again | 08:08 |
freetown_feizhou | -_- | 08:08 |
Adlai | fde: and besides, XMPP is the messaging protocol jabber uses, not a remote desktop protocol | 08:08 |
Yachaziel | locohost_: Wow, sorry man. =( | 08:08 |
webdev4407 | the screen is unreadeable because of incorrect resolution | 08:08 |
=== lonely_girl is now known as meee | ||
webdev4407 | is this a common problem with ubuntu? | 08:08 |
enmalizbeth | Yachaziel, it was a long time ago, but yeah, issues trying to get messages, managing contacts, etc. | 08:08 |
Adlai | fde: that's xmdcp | 08:08 |
hoehaver | it was for me | 08:08 |
Adlai | fde: err, xdmcp | 08:09 |
meee | jakarta | 08:09 |
Yachaziel | What's a good program for reformatting .m4b files (unprotected) to mp3? | 08:09 |
fde | Adlai: you're right... XAMPP is | 08:09 |
hoehaver | man just type that line that guy gave and on the part where it shows you're displays resolution uncheck the highest one that is checked. it will solve you're prob | 08:09 |
Yachaziel | I do not have the mp3 software/lame dll | 08:09 |
tony_ | anyone know how to disable away status messages and such in xchat? | 08:09 |
meee | hiii | 08:09 |
webdev4407 | hoehaver that's a bummer as i was wso longing forward to test driving this distro | 08:09 |
Yachaziel | !spam | meee | 08:09 |
ubottu | meee: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... | 08:09 |
biotrox | meee from jakarta | 08:09 |
biotrox | ??? | 08:09 |
Yachaziel | tony_: Never go away. | 08:10 |
meee | haiii | 08:10 |
Yachaziel | Ever | 08:10 |
hoehaver | well im on ubuntu 8.4 | 08:10 |
hoehaver | I only had the resolition prob with um... 7.4? or somethingh | 08:10 |
Yachaziel | meee: English? | 08:10 |
biotrox | biotrox from jakarta also | 08:10 |
openros | how to upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10 using a free cd | 08:10 |
freetown_feizhou | apa kaba? :P | 08:10 |
Adlai | fde: thanks for linking me to a page explaining that I was right? | 08:10 |
geek | Apparently i just updated to a new kernel (, and since it works well, i want to remove, which hardy came with.. however i can't find a kernel by that name, i just seem to have headers and modules for it, and a kernel called 'generic' | 08:11 |
robg_ | openros: one way is to overwrite your existing OS. | 08:11 |
locohost_ | i dont know if i can get used to vi in ubuntu | 08:11 |
hoehaver | well im having a resolition problem but not like yours. mines too high. it works but I want it lower. the screen flickers when I try to lower it | 08:11 |
Adlai | geek: that's 'linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic' | 08:11 |
Wuyanlin | openros, do you hae a separate home partition? | 08:11 |
openros | robg_: but all my installed packaged will go off na | 08:11 |
biotrox | locohost try using vim then | 08:11 |
Yachaziel | !chmod | Yachaziel | 08:11 |
robg_ | openros: you can save files to CD and then overwrite. | 08:12 |
will00 | whats the easiest way to generate a channels.conf file for totem to use? | 08:12 |
openros | no, | 08:12 |
geek | Adlai: ahhh | 08:12 |
geek | oops ;p | 08:12 |
gimp4407 | there are too many other distros available and much less buggy | 08:12 |
geek | thanks | 08:12 |
openros | I have installed and usng the same partion for home | 08:12 |
fde | Adlai: It's a seperate thing... The distribution for Linux systems (tested for SuSE, RedHat, Mandrake and Debian) contains: Apache, MySQL, PHP & PEAR, Perl, ProFTPD, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, GD, Freetype2, libjpeg, libpng, gdbm, zlib, expat, Sablotron, libxml, Ming, Webalizer, pdf class, ncurses, mod_perl, FreeTDS, gettext, mcrypt, mhash, eAccelerator, SQLite and IMAP C-Client. <-- from the site | 08:12 |
locohost_ | thats a good idea, im just so used to typing vi, i dont think to type it | 08:12 |
Wuyanlin | openros, if you want to keep your docs and settings , a separate home is the way to go | 08:12 |
locohost_ | ill probably just link my bashrc | 08:13 |
Adlai | fde: not interested, sorry | 08:13 |
fde | Adlai: I guess it does some magic to combine all those things. | 08:13 |
fde | Adlai: then stop replying? | 08:13 |
Yachaziel | !chmod | 08:13 |
ubottu | An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at | 08:13 |
openros | I googled, it was told there to use gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" | 08:13 |
=== Blasphemer is now known as rotted | ||
locohost_ | ahhh! | 08:14 |
locohost_ | the interweb is breaking! | 08:14 |
Wuyanlin | openros, whatever you do , make sure to backup imortan daa beforehand | 08:14 |
Yachaziel | w00t! GRAB YOUR SURFBOARDS! IT'S UNBAN FLOOD TIME! | 08:14 |
twisties | I just installed the nvidia driver (169.12 i think ) from the website, and it was all working sweet but now every time X starts it reverts to Low Graphics Mode | 08:14 |
Yachaziel | or quit time or something | 08:14 |
freetown_feizhou | ??? | 08:14 |
* Adlai dives away from the fault line | 08:14 | |
tv7497 | bazhang: sir cold you help me out with things related to hardware | 08:14 |
locohost_ | someone tried to dump something on the if it was a big truck! | 08:14 |
openros | I googled, it was told there to use gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" | 08:15 |
openros | but not cdromupgrade file in the free cd | 08:15 |
eeboy | Anybody aware of any application that will allow me to perform a broadband speed test (up/down) via command line? | 08:15 |
openros | Ya ,i will backup the required data | 08:15 |
Yachaziel | Anyone know of a good program to reformat files from m4b (unprotected) to mp3? i also lack the lame.dll if someone can point me in the direction of that for linux | 08:15 |
geek | o0 | 08:15 |
m11 | !netsplit | 08:16 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 08:16 |
magnetron | Yachaziel: ffmpeg | 08:16 |
freetown_feizhou | cor... | 08:16 |
* Yachaziel surfs along | 08:16 | |
Adlai | Yachaziel: linux doesn't really use dlls | 08:16 |
magnetron | !medibuntu | Yachaziel | 08:16 |
ubottu | Yachaziel: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 08:16 |
freetown_feizhou | no kvm users here? | 08:16 |
geek | m11: i know what they are. it was just a *particularly* bad one | 08:16 |
Adlai | Yachaziel: you probably want ubuntu-restricted-extras, and then some tool like sox (if you're okay with cli) or some gui conversion tool (I don't know of any in particular | 08:16 |
Dew420 | freetown_feizhou kvm? | 08:16 |
astro76 | Yachaziel: the lame library is in liblame0, the binary (command-line) is in lame | 08:17 |
freetown_feizhou | Dew420: yes. kvm. the new fangled hypervisor in hardy heron? | 08:17 |
Yachaziel | Adlai, magnetron: I know it doesn't use dll's. I have long accepted that linux works via magic. I just need the hocus-pocus words to make it love me again. | 08:17 |
Wuyanlin | openros, accordin this you cant : | 08:17 |
swedekid | could anyone help me with viewing files on my XP partition in ubuntu? I have no idea where to start | 08:17 |
twisties | Why does X/GDM use low graphics mode and NOT use my nvidia driver? | 08:17 |
Dew420 | freetown_feizhour not as of yet :s that im aware hah. | 08:17 |
_ruben | freetown_feizhou: #ubunutu-virt is the place for virtualization stuff | 08:17 |
Dew420 | but ty for the idea | 08:17 |
_ruben | #ubuntu-virt that is | 08:17 |
freetown_feizhou | thnx _ruben | 08:17 |
m11 | twisties: try : sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings | 08:18 |
Adlai | Yachaziel: well yeah, you'll want one of the dependencies of ubuntu-restricted-extras in order to read/write mp3s; you might as well install the whole package if you're not a software libre evangelist | 08:18 |
geek | swedekid: tis simple. just open it, it'll ask for a password, type it in, and you can see things. well in theory | 08:18 |
twisties | m11: i have nvidia-settings, when i open it it sais "you do not appear to be using an NVIDIA X driver" | 08:18 |
swedekid | I get an error saying unable to mount volume | 08:18 |
twisties | this is i had this working today. all lovely with Compiz | 08:19 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, look here: | 08:19 |
Yachaziel | Adlai: So... I need to open the software catalouge and get the dependencies for mp3's? | 08:19 |
swedekid | thanks | 08:19 |
Dew420 | Yachaziel ; which ubuntu are yu running? | 08:19 |
Adlai | Yachaziel: something of that order, sure | 08:19 |
Yachaziel | Dew420: Hardy | 08:19 |
magnetron | Yachaziel: ok, first you need to go to and install their "repository". then you need a tool called "ffmpeg", install it with synaptic | 08:20 |
will00 | anyone know how to get a working channels.conf? | 08:20 |
Yachaziel | magnetron: Ok. One moment... | 08:20 |
mark__ | I'm trying to install the new version of Banshee on Hardy | 08:20 |
mark__ | But either their instructions are useless, or I am :( | 08:21 |
twisties | Low Graphics Mode is painfull, why does it use this instead of my correctly installed Nvidia driver? | 08:21 |
JackWinter | i'm a bit confused. i use chrt to change the priorites of 2 irq handlers in kubuntu. the processes are call IRQ-11 etc. under plain ubuntu i can't find them ? | 08:21 |
Dew420 | which irc client is the best to use with ubuntu? most like mIrc | 08:21 |
twisties | xchat is my Fav IRC client for ubuntu | 08:21 |
Kartagis | Dew420: use kvirc | 08:22 |
tony_ | xchat | 08:22 |
chrissy_ | i started on mirc, then moved ot xchat love it | 08:22 |
mark__ | Seamonkey :p | 08:22 |
twisties | im using Pidgin at the moment and it's awful for IRC | 08:22 |
swedekid | Wuyanlin: Ok I did that and when I typed in sudo fdisk -l it came up with this "Partition table entries are not in disk order" in addition to what it shows on the website | 08:22 |
renegade444 | I'm using pidgin too, can't reccomend it for irc... | 08:22 |
Dew420 | I currently use xchat as well it's pretty good but I dno :P | 08:22 |
swedekid | do i just keep following the directions or is there a problem? | 08:23 |
twisties | Here's a good question. Is it possible to use KDE's Kopete messenger in Gnome? | 08:23 |
icqnumber | Dew420: enter the channel #ubuntu-bots it has a lot of poll results | 08:23 |
twisties | I loved it when using KDE | 08:23 |
jussi01 | twisties: of course | 08:23 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, no problem but be careful when modifying the fstab file | 08:23 |
Dew420 | ty icqnumber | 08:23 |
twisties | jussi01: would it look as nice? or not work properly? | 08:24 |
icqnumber | Dew420: and read the topic there howto use it | 08:24 |
jussi01 | twisties: why dont you try it - its not too hard to uninstall after if you dont like it | 08:24 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, make sure you read it carefully, bad fstab can make a system unbootable | 08:24 |
renegade444 | twisties: if you have all the kde support libs, every kde prog works just fine in gnome | 08:24 |
Kartagis | guys, things are very slow with winxp and I had to install vmware too because I need linux too on this laptop. do you think I should dump winxp and move to ubuntu or stay with winxp with vmware on it? the bottom line is, will it be faster with ubuntu? | 08:24 |
twisties | jussi01: good point but my issue of my Nvidia driver not working is annoying me at the moment | 08:25 |
Kartagis | it's a celeron 1.6 | 08:25 |
swedekid | umm just ubuntu unbootable or as in it simply makes the computer unbootable as in I wouldn't be able to get into windows? | 08:25 |
renegade444 | kartagis: yes, native is at least 2x as fast as virtual in vmware | 08:25 |
m11 | Kartagis: just install ubuntu if u dont play games ;) | 08:25 |
Yachaziel | Kartagis: I switched from Vista to Ubuntu and haven't regretted it ever since. Fast, easy, reliable. | 08:25 |
mark__ | What do you need xp for, kartagis? | 08:25 |
=== exsa_01 is now known as r_m | ||
robg_ | Kartagis: a single boot Linux is a good production system but it is not very fast. | 08:25 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, ubuntu | 08:25 |
=== r_m is now known as r_m_21_ | ||
swedekid | Ok good not as worried then | 08:26 |
twisties | Is there a support channel dedicated to Nvidia at all? | 08:26 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, can you paste the fdisk -l output here: and give me the link | 08:26 |
geek | Kartagis: well, XP runnin slow could mean a lot of things. i would note that running VMware on hardy needs you to jump through some hoops | 08:26 |
Kartagis | mark__: it's my work laptop and it came with windows | 08:26 |
r_m_21_ | hai | 08:26 |
mark__ | Do you have to give it back? | 08:26 |
Kartagis | geek: Ý' | 08:26 |
Kartagis | mark__: at some point | 08:27 |
Kartagis | yes but not soon | 08:27 |
mark__ | Then I wouldn't mess with it too much | 08:27 |
visik7 | anyone know how to get msn work on http on pidgin ? I can't | 08:27 |
mark__ | Or they'll get annoyed | 08:27 |
geek | Kartagis: VMware generally needs some changes to run on the latest kernels, and is currently behind the curve | 08:27 |
geek | Kartagis: oh, how much ram? | 08:27 |
Kartagis | geek: I'm running vmware on windows, not ubuntu | 08:27 |
Kartagis | geek: 1gb of ram | 08:28 |
Catslacks | Uhh, can anyone help me? I don't know why but I don't have a device manager haha | 08:28 |
swedekid | Wuyanlin: | 08:28 |
mark__ | Don't forget my Banshee problem, people ;) | 08:28 |
Kartagis | heck, I'll install windows when it's time to give it back | 08:29 |
geek | Kartagis: enough ram then ;). | 08:29 |
biotrox | wek.. ubuntu is much better then windows | 08:29 |
biotrox | :D | 08:29 |
m11 | geek: for virtualization never enough ram ;) | 08:29 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, which one you want to mount , the NTFs or the FAT? | 08:29 |
mark__ | True | 08:29 |
Yachaziel_ | magnetron: I installed the repositories. | 08:29 |
geek | m11: true but i did used to run a VMrig on 256 mb ;p | 08:29 |
Kartagis | just tell me one thing then guys. does ubuntu have vnc viewer of any kind? | 08:29 |
Dew420 | m11 ; not if they need an os for gaming, in which case xp kinda wins | 08:29 |
kdc1956 | anything windows can do ubuntu does better :) | 08:30 |
Yachaziel_ | Dew420: Wine works perfectly fine. | 08:30 |
Yachaziel_ | kdc1956: Amen | 08:30 |
Dew420 | Yachaziel_ If you want half the fps | 08:30 |
swedekid | Wuyanlin: NTFS, FAT is the one that has the recovery files on it... I think | 08:30 |
m11 | Dew420: wine yes | 08:30 |
synt | Can you deactivate the checkdisk at startup? | 08:30 |
Yachaziel_ | Dew420: On which games? I'm able to get at least as many FPS as on windows. | 08:30 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, ok , did you create a mount point? | 08:30 |
geek | Kartagis: yeah i think there's a few. | 08:31 |
Dew420 | So far no games I have run in wine have been better or just as good as when run in xp | 08:31 |
Catslacks | For some reason my Device Manager doesn't show up, does anyone know why? | 08:31 |
swedekid | im at the point where im editing the fstab file | 08:31 |
m11 | dwew | 08:31 |
PolishPaul | does anyone have experience setting up multiple monitors? I'm trying to use Nvidia drivers to setup an external monitor, which sort of worked, but it keeps locking up the desktop environment. | 08:31 |
Kartagis | okay, I'm moving | 08:31 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, better edit it with gedit than nano | 08:31 |
m11 | Dew420: probably didnt config wine corectly | 08:31 |
fde | Catslacks: They won't be... they still haven't completely implemented DirectX 9 | 08:31 |
Yachaziel_ | Dew420: I play Silkroad Online, Guild Wars, and WoW on a private server and all are a good 50 FPS or higher, which is what I got on Vista and is damn good for my graphics. | 08:31 |
guiest | `date`.jpg doesn't work | 08:31 |
swedekid | so sudo gedit /etc/fstab? | 08:32 |
Wuyanlin | yes | 08:32 |
swedekid | ok | 08:32 |
geek | Kartagis: look up installin vmware on hardy first, or use a slightly older version like gutsy and upgrade later | 08:32 |
geek | it will save a LOT of hairpulling | 08:32 |
fde | Catslacks: Someone got DirectX 9 installed in wine ... then performance should be just as good... but I forget how, or even if it's still possible. | 08:32 |
Catslacks | So the documentation tells you to look at the device manager even though it doesn't exist? | 08:32 |
[GUN]Wires | damn.. this channel never stops does it lol | 08:32 |
Catslacks | Performance? What? I'm not sure what this has to do with DX9, sorry. I'm really new. | 08:32 |
jussi01 | PolishPaul: do you have compiz running? I remember that compiz doesnt like dualhead | 08:32 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, you can paste the fstab in the pastebin after you are finis ,we can have a look | 08:33 |
Kartagis | geek: if I'm moving to ubuntu, i don't need vmware | 08:33 |
fde | [GUN]Wires: nope... cuz not all 1400 people are in the same time zone... so for someone it's still prime IRC time. | 08:33 |
geek | Kartagis: ahh. vmware was for ubuntu? | 08:33 |
PolishPaul | jussi01, yeah... someone mentioned it already... Getting rid of compiz would suck... is there any other way? | 08:33 |
Kartagis | geek: yes | 08:33 |
mark__ | Anyway. I downloaded Banshee from the Gnome Subversion repos. Then the page I'm following told me to" ./ --prefix=/usr", which I did and got this | 08:33 |
m11 | fde , waht time at your place now ? | 08:33 |
mark__ | bash: ./ No such file or directory | 08:33 |
fde | m11: 12:33 | 08:33 |
geek | Kartagis: oh, then should be fine | 08:34 |
jussi01 | PolishPaul: not that I know of - you have to choose, but try joining #compiz-fusion to ask also | 08:34 |
fde | m11: I should probably get to bed actually. | 08:34 |
Catslacks | Why does having a device manager or not depend on directx? | 08:34 |
Yachaziel_ | fde: Night! =) | 08:34 |
m11 | fde u done great job tonight from what i saw :) | 08:34 |
wiiman119 | hey guys i have nvraid questions but i dont think it will be hard i have most of i t figured out | 08:34 |
PolishPaul | jussi01, good idea | 08:34 |
Kartagis | brb | 08:34 |
Yachaziel_ | !ask | wiiman119 | 08:34 |
ubottu | wiiman119: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 08:34 |
tdawgedogg | anyone know of a good tutorial to use mysql with amarok? | 08:34 |
fde | m11: Thank you :) | 08:34 |
swedekid | Wuyanlin: heres what I get when I do gedit /etc/fstab I have no idea what to do now | 08:35 |
jussi01 | PolishPaul: hope you get it sorted | 08:35 |
fde | Yachaziel_: and everyone else: Night :D | 08:35 |
m11 | gn fde | 08:35 |
mark__ | Night | 08:35 |
swedekid | wait maybe I didn't make a mount point >.< | 08:35 |
wiiman119 | i have a nvraid setup with win xp i have been able to mount and read from it in ubuntu my question is if i partition it and install ubuntu will the boot loader work and where should it go | 08:35 |
tobago | i wanted to start my virtual box today but it failed (yesterday it was running). | 08:35 |
serenity | hi | 08:35 |
neil | how do i make the desktop cube work on ubuntu | 08:36 |
tobago | is there something known? | 08:36 |
serenity | a glxinfo|grep render give me this: Error: glXCreateContext failed | 08:36 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, create a mount point an tell me where and how is it called | 08:36 |
serenity | my xorg.conf: | 08:36 |
=== Yachaziel_ is now known as Yachaziel | ||
astro76 | !ccsm | neil | 08:36 |
ubottu | neil: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 08:36 |
swedekid | ok just made it "sudo mkdir /windows" | 08:36 |
mokzu | vmware server beta 2 is nasty | 08:36 |
Catslacks | Sorry to bother. So I'm not supposed to have a device manager? | 08:36 |
tobago | there were only 3 gnome updates today. | 08:36 |
ethana2 | firefox rc1? | 08:36 |
ethana2 | yarr, I don't want to enable proposed updates | 08:37 |
Yachaziel | What is the FireFox chat? | 08:37 |
tobago | the error message when trying to start virtual box: VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic.. | 08:37 |
ethana2 | I hope ff3rc1 shows up soon | 08:37 |
mark__ | Is ./ --prefix=/usr the right command for Hardy? | 08:37 |
neil | thank u | 08:37 |
Yachaziel | ethana2: I hear that. | 08:37 |
ethana2 | Yachaziel: you anxiously awaiting it too? ;) | 08:37 |
mokzu | tobago: what kernel you running? | 08:37 |
tobago | i reinstalled the package virtualbox-ose-modules-generic and have the same issue. | 08:37 |
Yachaziel | ethana2: Have you heard any news about them making a mobile version? i had heard they were going to put one out, but have heard no report of it since. | 08:38 |
Yachaziel | ethana2: You know it! =D | 08:38 |
tobago | mokzu, 2.6.24-17-generic | 08:38 |
ethana2 | Yachaziel: yes, I did hear about firefox mobile | 08:38 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, did you make a backup for fstab? | 08:38 |
ethana2 | Yachaziel: and ubuntu mobile of course | 08:38 |
ethana2 | Yachaziel: ubuntu netbook edition gets announced next week | 08:38 |
mokzu | tobago: your kernel is too new, it will not work | 08:38 |
swedekid | yes before I made the mount point do I need to do it again? | 08:38 |
Yachaziel | ethana2: Ubuntu mobile? I mean for mobile phones. | 08:38 |
tobago | mokzu, downgrade the kernel? | 08:38 |
Wuyanlin | no | 08:39 |
ethana2 | Yachaziel: yes. | 08:39 |
swedekid | ok | 08:39 |
jussi01 | !mobile | Yachaziel | 08:39 |
ubottu | Yachaziel: Learn more about Ubuntu Mobile at | 08:39 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, if anythin goes wrong you will need to use the liveCd to replace the bad fstab with bakup | 08:39 |
swedekid | ok | 08:39 |
mokzu | tobago: there is a list of supported kernels on the virtualbox site somewhere, check the vboxdrv versions against kernel versions and choose one that's supported | 08:39 |
* Yachaziel is excited that soon he will be telling his phone to STFU and sudo! | 08:40 | |
Housefly7k | good morning, I installed ubuntu 32 bit but realise i Need to install 64 to use my RAM | 08:40 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, ok add this line at the bottom of the fstab (which you opnned with sudo gedit): | 08:40 |
Wuyanlin | /dev/sda1 /windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0 | 08:40 |
astro76 | Housefly7k: you'll need to re-install if you want 64bit now | 08:40 |
Housefly7k | I put my /home on a seperate partition, can you direct me to a guide to easily install ubuntu 64 | 08:40 |
brent113_ | anyone know why when i right click it shows on the desktop behind whatever application I clicked in? | 08:40 |
robg_ | Housefly7k: My system only uses 10% of RAM. Resource usage is inefficient due to iso install method. | 08:40 |
brent113_ | In fact, all menus show on the desktop instead of in the program | 08:41 |
astro76 | Housefly7k: hmm not sure about a guide but it should be easy... select manual partitioning, set the mount points of your / and /home partitions, and make sure you do not check format for /home | 08:41 |
geek | Housefly7k: how much ram do you have? | 08:41 |
Housefly7k | or do i just pop in the cd, point the / partition to the one i have installed now and let it do its thing...also what is the recommended swap size for a system with 4 gb of RAM? | 08:41 |
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin | ||
Wuyanlin | swedekid, just making sure -did you unmount before you started? | 08:42 |
Catslacks | Can anyone answer this quickly? Am I not supposed to have a device manager because of DX9? | 08:42 |
Housefly7k | robg_: what is your sstem and what do you mean it usues 10% of ram....? so no matter what iso I use it wont make a difference? | 08:42 |
mark__ | Why is the Ubuntu version of Banshee so far behind? | 08:42 |
swedekid | Umm.....nope..... said it couldn't mount so I assumed it wasn't necesary | 08:42 |
synt | Can you deactivate the checkdisk at startup? if so how? | 08:42 |
Yachaziel | !bum | synt | 08:42 |
ubottu | synt: Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 08:42 |
geek | Housefly7k: donno, most people tend to recommend 1x or 2x as much as ram, but i think that breaks down at more than a gig... too much swap\s a waste | 08:43 |
Housefly7k | geek: 4GB | 08:43 |
robg_ | Housefy7k: Linux will probably never utilize all of your RAM. Your swap partition on disk will also probably never be used. | 08:43 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, go to places> computer and look under /media do you see SDA1 there? | 08:43 |
geek | Housefly7k: 32 bit systems can use 4 GB with no problem | 08:43 |
Housefly7k | geek: because currently i have 4gb of swap...whenever i open device manager its never used | 08:43 |
will00 | anyone know how to get a channels.conf file in hardy? | 08:43 |
=== _sarmisak_ is now known as sarmisal | ||
=== sarmisal is now known as sarmisak | ||
astro76 | Housefly7k: the only reason to have more than a very small amount of swap with that much ram is if you want to hibernate | 08:44 |
m11 | geek: how much ram 32bit system get detected when 4gb ram inside ? | 08:44 |
JackWinter | or are all the irq handlers dispatched by a demon like ksoftirqd/0 under ubuntu ? | 08:44 |
sarmisak | astro76, exactly. | 08:44 |
StevenX | is there a GUI for unrar? | 08:44 |
swansk | I just had to use the command line and aptitude to update... Starting Administrative application and update manager and what not in the GUI doesn't work. | 08:44 |
Housefly7k | geek: in device manager it says 3.2 GB of RAM | 08:44 |
swedekid | Wuyanlin: all I see is my cd drive and something called filesystem | 08:44 |
mark__ | Is that 32 actual bits as in 1/8th of a byte? | 08:44 |
sarmisak | Housefly7k, then you are running a 32bit versin? | 08:44 |
swedekid | oh wait its in filesystem just a second | 08:44 |
astro76 | Housefly7k: I'm running 32bit on 4GB, it only sees 3GB but I haven't found the need for 64bit, I think that's what some people are getting at here ;) | 08:44 |
swansk | I couldn't get synaptic to even start | 08:44 |
geek | m11 / Housefly7k : i thought the 3 gigish gigs of ram detected thing only affected windows ;p | 08:45 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, i was wrong , i meant "file system" | 08:45 |
swedekid | Wuyanlin: Ok in media 2 folders called cdrom and cdrom0 in there with nothing in them | 08:45 |
astro76 | geek: nope, same limitation | 08:45 |
Wuyanlin | ok | 08:45 |
sarmisak | astro76, I wouldn't recommend 64bit, some packages dont work properly with 64bits | 08:45 |
geek | StevenX: in theory it integrates with file roller or arl i think | 08:45 |
mark__ | That sounds right, swede | 08:45 |
swansk | I click "check" on update manager and nothing happens. | 08:45 |
m11 | geek it is limitation of 32bit system, some show 3.2 some 3.5 , but u cant get 4 | 08:45 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, did you add that line to fstab? | 08:45 |
geek | astro76: thats something i didn't know ^^ | 08:45 |
Housefly7k | astro76: to tell you the truth I am not complaianing...this is a huge upgrade to my old system and am currently running compiz and all that at 12% | 08:45 |
swedekid | yes and then saved it | 08:45 |
kdc1956 | made my wife here today I got her lexmark x1270 working on ubuntu | 08:45 |
kdc1956 | mad | 08:46 |
StevenX | geek, you are correct i believe. thank you. | 08:46 |
geek | m11: wierd. 4 gb is the theoratical maximum for a 32 but system | 08:46 |
astro76 | Housefly7k: if you are new to linux... and might want to run closed proprietary software... you might stick with 32bit for now | 08:46 |
Catslacks | Man I can't get anything working in ubuntu haha | 08:46 |
swansk | Some update over the last few days has axed update manager and such. It worked before. | 08:46 |
Housefly7k | Are there any advantages to running 32 bit over 64? even if it means not having full 4gb | 08:46 |
m11 | geek: yes if u used onboard card with 768mb shared ram and 3.2gb for real ram :P | 08:46 |
Sturmeh | what happened Catslacks | 08:46 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, you need to add it to the bottom of the file and then save | 08:46 |
kdc1956 | catslacks why | 08:47 |
Wuyanlin | crtl+ | 08:47 |
Wuyanlin | ctrl+S | 08:47 |
geek | m11: on board cards can support that much? o0 | 08:47 |
m11 | Catslacks: define anything ? | 08:47 |
sarmisak | Housefly7k, if you are running a server yes | 08:47 |
wiiman119 | i have a nvraid setup with win xp i have been able to mount and read from it in ubuntu my question is if i partition it and install ubuntu will the boot loader work and where should it go | 08:47 |
astro76 | Housefly7k: the only problem people have with 64bit is generally when needing to run closed-source software compiled for 32bits | 08:47 |
Catslacks | Well right now I just want my wireless to work and then I can go from there. Right now I'm having to restart between vista and ubuntu constantly. | 08:47 |
m11 | geek probably no :P but i think it can up to 512 | 08:47 |
sarmisak | Housefly7k, but for desktop I wouldn't recommend | 08:47 |
swansk | Anyways, I guess I am the only person who is having problems with "update". | 08:47 |
mark__ | I'm having problems with it too swansk | 08:47 |
m11 | Catslacks: i told you 1h u wont make any progres from windows to fix ubuntu | 08:48 |
synt | can't find checkdisk in bum Yachaziel. | 08:48 |
swansk | mark_ I am not surprised. | 08:48 |
m11 | Catslacks: either use ndiswrapper and win drivers or patch lan cable to ubuntu box until u fix wlan | 08:48 |
Yachaziel | synt: Use boot up commands to disable it. | 08:48 |
theFATMAN | how do i update a specific program? | 08:48 |
swedekid | Wuyanlin: I added it like you told me to and this is whats in it | 08:48 |
swansk | commandline aptitude works fine | 08:48 |
mark__ | I can't update banshee | 08:48 |
astro76 | Housefly7k: I'm not sure what the status of flash and java is with 64bit, but they are common ones people run into problems with | 08:48 |
swedekid | well I added it earlier | 08:48 |
kdc1956 | delete windows use ubuntu only | 08:48 |
Yachaziel | theFatMan: sudo get-apt update | 08:48 |
Housefly7k | Well thanks for all the help guys, have a goodnight/morning | 08:48 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, save it with ctrl+s | 08:48 |
mark__ | Oh wait. That's because Ubuntu still has the 0.13 version in the repos | 08:48 |
m11 | astro76: flash and java both works ok here on x64 | 08:49 |
Catslacks | I don't know how to use ndiswrapper, and ubuntu won't let me open my other HDD or optical drives to get anything on it | 08:49 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, mount it with this command : sudo mount -a | 08:49 |
astro76 | m11: how about wine? | 08:49 |
sarmisak | astro76, flash works but there is a major bug with flash plugin | 08:49 |
m11 | Catslacks: only choice then lan cable | 08:49 |
m11 | astro76: runing photoshop | 08:49 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, then you should be ale tosee it ina directory caled windows | 08:49 |
Catslacks | Guess I can't use ubuntu then, haha | 08:49 |
swansk | My update manager said there were three updates to gnome. I had to copy their names down and type them into the command line to get them to update. It took no time at all for them to update. Why update manager stalls I don't know. | 08:49 |
Catslacks | Oh well | 08:49 |
m11 | Catslacks: read on google about ndiswrapper if u want easy fix | 08:50 |
Catslacks | I have been, but I guess I just don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing. | 08:50 |
=== sarmisak_ is now known as sarmisak | ||
m11 | Catslacks: install ndiswrapper , patch windows driver | 08:51 |
swedekid | Wuyanlin: ok I'm in filesystem and theres not a folder called windows, I checked computer and it's not their either | 08:51 |
synt | Yachaziel, the bootup commands are found in what file? | 08:51 |
Yachaziel | synt: One moment | 08:51 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, maybe in your home folder? | 08:51 |
swansk | get this....I try to start says "starting admin" at the bottom then after a bit it disappears. Nothing happened. Synaptic never opened. This is a serious bug. | 08:51 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, did you get any errors when you ran sudo mount -a? | 08:52 |
Yachaziel | swansk: Linux works on magic. Is the moon right in your area? | 08:52 |
swedekid | nope and its not there | 08:52 |
swansk | Funny worked before. | 08:52 |
Catslacks | well, like I said, I can't get to the router and ubuntu won't let me access my other HDD or optical drives. | 08:52 |
Yachaziel | No one really understands how linux works. 0.o We just accept it. | 08:52 |
Yachaziel | swansk: Did you try rebooting? | 08:53 |
swansk | yeah, didn't fix it. | 08:53 |
swedekid | wait i just redid it and got an failed tomount error just a second gonna put it in pastebin | 08:53 |
m11 | Catslacks: u have cd rom ? think a little | 08:53 |
Yachaziel | Connected to the interwebz? | 08:53 |
Catslacks | What do you mean "think a little."? | 08:53 |
swansk | Anyways, I am going to have to update package by package manually until they fix it. | 08:53 |
Yachaziel | swansk: Works fine for me. | 08:53 |
swedekid | Wuyanlin: | 08:54 |
swansk | It worked great for me too....not anymore. | 08:54 |
m11 | Catslacks: download ndiswrapper.deb, and extract windows wlan drivers , transfer them to CD and put in ubuntu | 08:54 |
swedekid | I had to turn off windows by holding down the power button is that what the unclean shutdown means? | 08:54 |
swansk | I have to go. Hopefully it will work later. | 08:54 |
Catslacks | Ubuntu won't let me access my optical drives. I just said that. | 08:54 |
m11 | Catslacks: u have any other option ? floppy , usb , zip drive , tape recorder | 08:55 |
Catslacks | it won't let me access anything | 08:55 |
Catslacks | it just says CANNOT MOUNT | 08:55 |
m11 | Catslacks: u on livecd ? | 08:55 |
d0nkeh | anyone know why flv files are streaming really poorly? new to ubuntu, just got hardy today | 08:55 |
Catslacks | No | 08:55 |
wiiman119 | hey guys no one ever answered my question and i feel rude to just keep reposting it did you guys see it or no one can help? | 08:55 |
theFATMAN | d0nkeh!flash | 08:56 |
luderacer | maybe no body knows wiiman119 | 08:56 |
m11 | Catslacks: put live cd and see if it will let u mount windiws drives ? | 08:56 |
Catslacks | I tried, it won't | 08:56 |
m11 | Catslacks: then is not ubuntu problem u have other problems | 08:56 |
d0nkeh | fatman, i have flash installed. youtube works fine, websites like spankwire not so fine | 08:56 |
* synt rips his hair in lack of knowlege. | 08:56 | |
wiiman119 | ok guess ill have to mess around and find out thank you guys anyway | 08:56 |
ompaul | wiiman119, just carry out the instructions in your paste | 08:56 |
Yachaziel | d0nkeh: Youtube works fine? | 08:57 |
Catslacks | Such as? Everything works fine in Vista. And Ubuntu was letting me access my other HDD but then suddenly just stopped. | 08:57 |
theFATMAN | d0nkeh, restricted flash, non-free? | 08:57 |
mark__ | Yay! Done it | 08:57 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, mmm...i'm not sure . tell you what i suggest save all the document , your fstab ,fdis l output and mount-a output in a file that you email to yourself. reboot the computer, if it doesn't work - post a question in the ubuntu forum. i believe it should work after reboot | 08:57 |
d0nkeh | nah, i got the free plugin that you see when you first try to watch a flash video and its not installed | 08:57 |
m11 | Catslacks: LIVECD must let you mount any drive if they are OK | 08:57 |
Yachaziel | d0nkeh: Go to Package manager and download and install flash from there. | 08:57 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, what you need is fstab, sudo fdisk -l and mount -a . save those files/outputs and reboot. | 08:58 |
theFATMAN | damn | 08:58 |
Catslacks | well they just say CANNOT MOUNT. And I don't have any problems with them in Vista. And they were working in Ubuntu before but then stopped randomly. So??? | 08:58 |
Wuyanlin | swedekid, i need to go now..good luck | 08:58 |
Yachaziel | d0nkeh: Applications>Add/Remove... Type in "flash", hit enter, check the first option, choose accept, enter password, accept, you're good to go. | 08:58 |
m11 | Catslacks: i repeat again , put LIVECD and test | 08:58 |
d0nkeh | yachaziel, trying that now, thanks | 08:58 |
Catslacks | I did that though? | 08:59 |
Yachaziel | d0nkeh: My pleasure. | 08:59 |
m11 | if it dont let you mount from livecd problem is in vista drive, not ubuntu imo | 08:59 |
mark__ | Looks like you can't play .mov files in banshee | 08:59 |
mkquist | swedekid: fix your problem? | 08:59 |
Catslacks | but it was letting me mount earlier | 08:59 |
ompaul | !restricted | mark__ | 08:59 |
ubottu | mark__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 08:59 |
m11 | Catslacks: can u mount it manually ? | 09:00 |
Catslacks | I'm not sure what you mean | 09:00 |
d0nkeh | should i install the flashblock extension yachaziel? | 09:00 |
m11 | mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows ? | 09:00 |
m11 | assuming dev sda1 is your vista drive | 09:00 |
mark__ | Well, I can play them in mplayer. I just think banshee can't handle them | 09:01 |
theFATMAN | catslacks, boot in recovery, then normally | 09:01 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico|afk | ||
rod0009 | hey can some one please help me whit xampp | 09:01 |
Yachaziel | d0nkeh: Just the first flash option | 09:01 |
rod0009 | i cant get mysql started | 09:01 |
rod0009 | please | 09:01 |
Catslacks | I don't know. I didn't try that. I don't really know anything about ubuntu as I'm still learning. I'll try it though. If I can't get it working soon then I give up on Ubuntu. | 09:01 |
Yachaziel | rod0009: What's up bud? | 09:01 |
rod0009 | i installed xampp | 09:02 |
rod0009 | but mysql dosnt seem to work | 09:02 |
rodolfo | guys, I have followed a guide from ubuntuforum to solve a problem with my sis SI7012. it does not record anything but it happened after upgrading to U8.04. it used to work just fine on gutsy. | 09:02 |
theFATMAN | catslacks, naw, don5t do that mate | 09:02 |
m11 | Catslacks: just delete ubuntu and use vista lol | 09:02 |
synt | ubuntu bootup commands are found where? | 09:02 |
_adriaan | hi room. Does anyone know how I can get the active window title on cli? I tried using wmctrl, but I can't seem to come up with anything. | 09:02 |
rod0009 | please some one help me i really need get this going | 09:03 |
mark__ | Have you tried running mysql from a terminal? | 09:03 |
rod0009 | yeah | 09:03 |
rod0009 | it says mysql is starting.. | 09:03 |
rodolfo | I have followed the instructions from this thread but I only came up with this: | 09:04 |
rod0009 | but never starts | 09:04 |
mark__ | What are you wanting to use it for? | 09:04 |
Yachaziel | synt: | 09:04 |
rod0009 | netbeans connection whit database | 09:04 |
rodolfo | I'm out of ideas on how to get this solved, could someone help me? | 09:04 |
mark__ | Isn't there a more specialised Ubuntu irc channel for that sort of stuff, rod? | 09:05 |
rod0009 | no clue | 09:05 |
synt | Yachaziel, issn't that just automatic commands executed on profile login? | 09:05 |
m11 | rod0009: if u dont have anything important in that LAMPstack, reinstall it or reconfigure mysql | 09:06 |
synt | i saw that post before but didn't see how it fit my problem. | 09:06 |
rodolfo | someone? | 09:06 |
rod0009 | well its a fresh install | 09:07 |
rod0009 | i have all other services going good | 09:07 |
rod0009 | but mysql is being a big headache | 09:07 |
simplexio | it isnt that hard | 09:08 |
mark__ | Alsa is a law unto itself other rod | 09:08 |
=== mikew_ is now known as mikewhy | ||
simplexio | just configure user for database | 09:08 |
m11 | rod0009: try reconfigure mysql , if that not help , try reinstall LAMP | 09:08 |
simplexio | use right driver | 09:08 |
StevenX | !ping | 09:08 |
ubottu | ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore | 09:08 |
=== mikew_ is now known as mikewhy | ||
cerebrate | I have a lovely error with attempting to log into a gnome session, and it fails. Failsafe also fails, but I happen to have a fluxbox session, and that does not fail | 09:10 |
Balachmar | Hi, I have added a mount option to a usb stick (through the gui) and now the usb stick doesn't mount anymore. How can I reset this? | 09:12 |
henne_ | Hi, I have an nvidia Geforce 8400m gts. It seems that when I install xserver-xgl package, I get a much better compiz-performance. | 09:13 |
Yachaziel | Balachmar: Plug it in. It does not show up on the desktop? | 09:13 |
Balachmar | @Yachaziel: No, it does show up in system, but I cannot click on it, because of the mount failure | 09:13 |
henne_ | But when I install xserver-xgl, there things that don't work (like gnome-power-management to turn of my screen) | 09:14 |
Yachaziel | Balachmar: Use sudo mount ~/usb | 09:14 |
henne_ | anyone knows how to increase compiz-performance without installing xserver-xgl? | 09:14 |
Yachaziel | henne_: 1) Buy a better graphics card. 2) Install said graphics card. | 09:15 |
Balachmar | @Yachaziel: mount: can't find /home/wligtenb/usb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 09:15 |
Yachaziel | What is the name of the usb stick? | 09:15 |
henne_ | Yachaziel: yes I preferred an intel, which has open source drivers, but they didn't have it for dell xps m1530 in my country. But it seems that my graphics card can do better (with xserver-xgl). | 09:16 |
Yachaziel | henne_: I am sorry to hear that. =( One moment... | 09:17 |
cerebrate | you're actually using a fairly good graphics card... search synaptic for 'nvidia' | 09:17 |
cerebrate | I don't know, you might find something in there | 09:17 |
Yachaziel | Yes, I too think that will work. =) | 09:18 |
Balachmar | 1.0 GB media | 09:18 |
Balachmar | At least that is how it sows up in places in the file browser | 09:19 |
Yachaziel | balacmar: You can see it in a directory? | 09:19 |
cerebrate | henne_: which glx package did you install under synaptic? | 09:21 |
Yachaziel | Balachmar: cd to the directory in which it is in, then use sudo ~/(name of stick, if there is a space use ~/here\ is\ a\ space) | 09:21 |
Balachmar | no, if you open a filebrowser. There is a sidebar on the left. And that is where I see the usb disk. However I cannot mount it because of the illegal mount options. (Unfortunately right click doesn't work either) | 09:21 |
Zec4 | any use sis soundcard? | 09:22 |
henne_ | cerebrate: nvidia-glx-new | 09:22 |
henne_ | version: 169.12+ | 09:23 |
Balachmar | @Yachaziel: I can't see it anywhere in a folder... maybe in /dev but then I don't know which one it is | 09:23 |
swedekid | OK, whenver I type in sudo mount -a I get "fuse: failed to access mountpoint /windows No such file or directory" My fuse kernel is v7.9 | 09:23 |
=== exp_ is now known as HRshovinstuff | ||
HRshovinstuff | When I hold the alt key and scroll my mouse it changes the window transparency. Does anyone know how i can disable this function? | 09:24 |
bazzieb | hey there, i use evolution to connect to my exchange server but is it possible for evolution to see my global address list? | 09:24 |
cerebrate | HRshovinstuff: | 09:24 |
cerebrate | you can change that using the compiz config settings manager | 09:24 |
apollo | hello there | 09:24 |
sarmisak | HRshovinstuff: try using ccsm | 09:24 |
apollo | can anyone help me with setting up python with lighttpd? | 09:24 |
HRshovinstuff | sarmisak i've been through there i cannot find the setting i was hoping maybe someone knew where to point me? | 09:25 |
rod0009 | ist here anything wrong in this line? | 09:25 |
rod0009 | rodrigo@rodrigo-laptop:~$ sudo tar xvfz xampp-linux.1.6.6.tar.gz -C /opt | 09:25 |
dave12 | folders that you will sync if you have to make a sync between two ubuntu pcs? | 09:25 |
bazzieb | hey there, i use evolution to connect to my exchange server but is it possible for evolution to see my global address list? | 09:25 |
cerebrate | henne_: remove the nvidia-glx-new, and try the nvidia-glx package. see if that does anything. | 09:26 |
powertool08 | rod0009: i'm guessing the -C? | 09:26 |
leagris | Hello, beside emailing package maintainers for a patch review, what could be done to have a known bug fix to be packaged? See launchpad bug #174833. | 09:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 174833 in gnome-media "gnome-volume-control crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Medium,Triaged] | 09:27 |
tyberion | hi... | 09:27 |
tyberion | whats the command for installing .rpm packages? | 09:28 |
geek | i think you need to use something called alien | 09:28 |
cerebrate | tyberion: one must use a converter such as alien, though it is possible that even alien will not work | 09:28 |
henne_ | cerebrate: I will restart now | 09:28 |
* geek thinks you're better off compiling from source than using an RPM | 09:28 | |
* Yachaziel wishes he had a beer | 09:29 | |
cerebrate | tyberion: I agree with geek | 09:29 |
apollo | anyone familiar with lighttpd? | 09:29 |
sarmisak | HRshovinstuff: look for opacity settings under general | 09:29 |
Taejo | How do I switch Bluetooth off (without switching off the adapter)? | 09:30 |
HRshovinstuff | sarmisak ahh ty | 09:31 |
Yachaziel | What is the command to tell Amarok I hope it dies a very slow and very painful death? | 09:31 |
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter | ||
nanoprobe | hello, i just installed ubuntu last night, my first linux install ever - little help from patient expert will be appreciated :D | 09:31 |
Yachaziel | !ask | nanoprobe | 09:32 |
ubottu | nanoprobe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 09:32 |
tyberion_ | hmm, alright, what would be the easiest way to install adobe reader, then;)? | 09:33 |
cerebrate | Yachaziel: know anything about failing gnome sessions? | 09:33 |
nanoprobe | i'm trying to edit xorg.config, but either i open empty file or editor does not allow me to save changes | 09:33 |
Yachaziel | Only that one time I saw some in that play, but they told me they liked to be called 'little people'. | 09:33 |
Yachaziel | nanoprobe: Open terminal and use sudo ~/xorg.config | 09:34 |
Yachaziel | *sudo gedit ~/xorg.config | 09:34 |
cerebrate | Yachaziel: very hilarious. | 09:34 |
cerebrate | Yachaziel: also, shouldn't that be xorg.conf? | 09:34 |
Yachaziel | cerebrate: I'm going for 'most unhelpful chatter of the year' award. =) | 09:34 |
Yachaziel | cerebrate: ~/ is for the directory it is in. | 09:35 |
Yachaziel | My way of saying "I'm too lazy to type it all out". | 09:35 |
HRshovinstuff | i love playing wow in ubuntu, i'm so done with windows forever | 09:35 |
cerebrate | Yachaziel: no, I mean, isn't the file not xorg.config, but it is xorg.conf | 09:35 |
EugenMayer | good morning. I have a 320GB HDD, an installed winXP/vista and an installed gentoo, everything is working. Right now i want to replace gentoo with ubuntu but somehow the part-manager during the installation ist not able to read my partition table, "there are no partitions". What are my options? | 09:36 |
Yachaziel | Congrats HRshovinstuff | 09:36 |
Yachaziel | cerebrate: My bad. No, it opens with config I think. | 09:36 |
HRshovinstuff | the chain has been lifted! | 09:36 |
icqnumber | tyberion_: add this repo and install acroread | 09:36 |
nanoprobe | i type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.config | 09:36 |
icqnumber | tyberion_: | 09:36 |
Yachaziel | HRshovinstuff: We all hate windows. Welcome to ubuntu bud. | 09:36 |
nanoprobe | empty file opens | 09:36 |
cerebrate | nanoprobe: I believe the file you want is /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:37 |
nanoprobe | although the file is 100% there | 09:37 |
Yachaziel | cerebrate: i am sorry, you are correct. It's .conf | 09:37 |
cerebrate | Yachaziel: :P | 09:37 |
Yachaziel | At least I am moving toward most unhelpful chatter. | 09:38 |
cerebrate | indeed | 09:38 |
nanoprobe | aaaaaaaaaaaaa sry guys ... but so is it with us linux noobs :D | 09:38 |
nanoprobe | thank you all | 09:38 |
Yachaziel | nanoprobe: No n00bs here. At least you can turn the computer on. | 09:39 |
nanoprobe | hahahaha | 09:39 |
co_mau_kul | allow | 09:39 |
Yachaziel | I love the ones who're like 'Hey, I bought a new wireless computer and it won't turn on!' - "Did you plug it in?" - "But it doesn't need a plug! It's wireless" | 09:39 |
co_mau_kul | can i join | 09:39 |
Xess | no | 09:40 |
leagris | One man si always someon's noob. | 09:40 |
Yachaziel | We're all G-d's n00bs. =D | 09:40 |
cerebrate | I declare you the spelling noob | 09:40 |
Yachaziel | LOL cerebrate | 09:40 |
nanoprobe | hihi, that's good one with wifi, didn't hear it yet | 09:40 |
Yachaziel | nanoprobe: I got that once with a woman at Best Buy. | 09:41 |
co_mau_kul | allow | 09:41 |
nanoprobe | :D | 09:41 |
Yachaziel | I didn't get angry. I just... I cried a little... | 09:41 |
sluxor | Yachaziel: There was a student in the same class as me who thought a "thin client" was a young attractive woman | 09:41 |
co_mau_kul | can i join? | 09:41 |
sluxor | :) | 09:41 |
Yachaziel | sluxor: Thus, why they don't keep baseball bats in classrooms. | 09:42 |
Yachaziel | co_mau_kul: You're welcome to join at anytime. | 09:42 |
nanoprobe | so, i did changes to xorg.conf i wanted to. should i press now ctrl+alt+backspace or must i do a complete reboot? | 09:42 |
co_mau_kul | ok | 09:42 |
cerebrate | ctrl+alt+backspace ftw | 09:42 |
leagris | cerebrate, Yes, indeed, german keyboard design from 1868 uited for mechanical typewriter does makes me mistype more often than expected. :) | 09:42 |
Yachaziel | nanoprobe: ctrl+alt+backspace | 09:42 |
cerebrate | leagris: why use such an old keyboard design? | 09:43 |
montpelie | hi there | 09:43 |
Yachaziel | leagris: excuses are like n00bs. Everyone hates them. | 09:43 |
Yachaziel | Hi montpelie! | 09:43 |
montpelie | anybody having problems with musicbrainz tagging tool in amarok? | 09:43 |
leagris | cerebrate, because it works in Ubuntu ;D | 09:44 |
co_mau_kul | siang | 09:44 |
co_mau_kul | cool | 09:44 |
Yachaziel | montpelie: That is due to proprietary software. | 09:44 |
montpelie | really? | 09:44 |
montpelie | it used to work before | 09:44 |
Yachaziel | montpelie: Get musicbrainz picard from the package manager and use that. | 09:44 |
cerebrate | leagris: yes, I guess legacy hardware does have a better chance of working | 09:44 |
Yachaziel | welcome back nanoprobe. | 09:45 |
nanoprobe | thx :D | 09:45 |
cerebrate | I'll guess that means his xorg file works | 09:45 |
* leagris trying to barely stick on topic | 09:45 | |
Yachaziel | We just got done talking about how awesome you are. Sorry you missed it. =( | 09:45 |
nanoprobe | hihi | 09:45 |
nanoprobe | hahahaha | 09:45 |
montpelie | ok, I am doing that right noe | 09:45 |
montpelie | now | 09:45 |
=== foka_ is now known as foka | ||
nanoprobe | i must say, although i have no clue about linux, i like it much better now :D | 09:46 |
co_mau_kul | can i have porn video | 09:46 |
Yachaziel | !spam | co_mau_kul | 09:46 |
sluxor | nanoprobe: most important command to learn is sudo apt-get moo | 09:46 |
ubottu | co_mau_kul: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... | 09:46 |
sluxor | or apt-get moo if in a root shell | 09:47 |
geek | sluxor: lol | 09:47 |
Yachaziel | nanoprobe: Welcome to linux. You'll love it. | 09:47 |
cerebrate | usually | 09:47 |
montpelie | any good pre-connect command I can use in AMAROK for an ipod classic? | 09:47 |
co_mau_kul | !language | 09:47 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 09:47 |
nanoprobe | what language is that? .hm | 09:47 |
Yachaziel | montpelie: sudo mount /media/(ipod's name) | 09:47 |
geek | sluxor: no need to be root or have elevated priviledges for moo | 09:47 |
montpelie | wow yachaziel you know it all | 09:48 |
montpelie | thanx | 09:48 |
Yachaziel | geek: sudo = the best command and should be used for every command given. | 09:48 |
Yachaziel | montpelie: Just about amarok. Usually. | 09:48 |
geek | Yachaziel: thats dumb | 09:48 |
leagris | cerebrate, the key placement on todays keyboard was designed so the strings and hammers in a mechanical typewriter don't mess and chock togather whyle typing fluently. There are no reason to maintain that design today with computer keyboards beside everyone use it so it's hard to change world wide habits :) | 09:48 |
Yachaziel | geek: lol =P | 09:48 |
geek | sudo should be used ONLY where needed | 09:48 |
sluxor | Yachaziel: until someone decides to pull you out of the %wheel group | 09:48 |
cerebrate | leagris: I realize this. Which is why I would like to learn dvorak, but I'm too lazy | 09:48 |
eth01 | Yachaziel: it is not spam. | 09:48 |
sluxor | and then you sudo no more | 09:49 |
henne_ | cerebrate: the nvidia-glx driver didn't work for my card :( | 09:49 |
eth01 | Yachaziel: it's idioticy | 09:49 |
Yachaziel | geek: It was a joke. | 09:49 |
nanoprobe | yo man, finally i have that glorious linux eyecandy 8-) | 09:49 |
Yachaziel | sluxor, eth01: joking! | 09:49 |
geek | nanoprobe: yay | 09:49 |
* geek still hasn't gotten cube working on his system ;p | 09:49 | |
Yachaziel | guys, I was joking about sudo. Sudo lets you run as root. Obviously this is completely asinine if you use it for every command given. | 09:49 |
eth01 | Yachaziel: well those commands aren't to be abused. | 09:49 |
sluxor | coz you know that linux eyecandy totaly cant run on other operating systems like BSD... | 09:50 |
sluxor | lol | 09:50 |
eth01 | (regardless of whether you call it a "joke" or not.) | 09:50 |
Yachaziel | eth01: Do you think someone would really take my comment seriously? | 09:50 |
sluxor | (that was a joke, false statement btw) | 09:50 |
cerebrate | henne_: dang. I was afraid of that cause the 'new' package says its for the new chipsets. Glad you at least knew how to change it back | 09:50 |
eth01 | Yachaziel: it does not matter. and this is now becoming off-topic. | 09:50 |
* Yachaziel agrees with eth01. | 09:51 | |
* sluxor agrees with all of his network interfaces | 09:51 | |
matthew__ | hello | 09:51 |
geek | sluxor: eyecandy and work? ;p | 09:52 |
* geek notes wobbly windows kill is productivity | 09:52 | |
EugenMayer | any ideas, why the installer ist not able to list my parition tables? when i start the "try unbuntu" way, and i use fdisk, i see all partitions, but when i use the installer, it is only able to see one partition, better none ( out of 8 ) | 09:52 |
leagris | henne_, I had the Ubuntu packaged nvidia-glx and nvidia kernel driver not working with a new 9800GTX. I had ti remove these packages and install from the nvidia downloaded installer. Not fun and not clean. Don't know why the Ubuntu 8.10LTS version don't work with that card. | 09:53 |
Yachaziel | geek:; They get old anyway. =P | 09:53 |
sluxor | EugenMayer: cause fdisk is a more advanced partitioning tool ? (im actualy clueless to the real reason why) | 09:53 |
geek | Yachaziel: they don't for me ;p | 09:53 |
Yachaziel | Lol | 09:54 |
sluxor | EugenMayer: why not just create it all from fdisk, write the partition table and just install onto the partitions you already made and formated with mkfs.ext3 | 09:54 |
sluxor | and mkswap | 09:54 |
sluxor | :) | 09:54 |
cerebrate | sluxor: ouch. goodbye data? | 09:55 |
Kartagis | !lamp | Kartagis | 09:56 |
A_I_ | how can I uninstall <packet> without uninstalling its dependencies in order to re-install a previous of <packet> ? | 09:56 |
nanoprobe | ah, i feel like a 10 year old boy that just got a brand new toy :D | 09:56 |
EugenMayer | sluxor: good question. The only answer for that is: I used fdisk to delete all old gentoo partitions, though i did not create a new one. But even if i would create one, how should i tell ubuntu to install on it, when iam not able to select it | 09:57 |
VSpike | Where does LVM store its top-level info about the contents of the volume group? | 09:57 |
beyta | hye guys... | 09:57 |
beyta | i have a big problem with my Ubuntu... | 09:57 |
nanoprobe | so cool linux is | 09:57 |
VSpike | I'm trying to rescue an unbootable machine with a liveCD, but I was using LVM | 09:57 |
Kartagis | hrm | 09:57 |
Kartagis | doesn't xchat support multiple networks? | 09:58 |
gordonjcp | !ask | beyta | 09:58 |
ubottu | beyta: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 09:58 |
gordonjcp | Kartagis: it should do | 09:58 |
beyta | did anybody know how to setup my usb tv card/box on ubuntu? | 09:59 |
EugenMayer | sluxor: when i use the "check partition table" function in fdisk, i get that partition 1 and 3 are overlapping ( crossing ) | 09:59 |
cerebrate | beyta: what device is it? | 09:59 |
cerebrate | beyta: like the model, the manufacturer, etc | 09:59 |
sluxor | EugenMayer: Well thats beyond me... sorry mate | 09:59 |
sluxor | :S | 09:59 |
[GUN]Wires | are there any C debuggers in the repos? | 10:00 |
[GUN]Wires | I guess I should search shouldnt I,, bah | 10:00 |
Kartagis | is 8.4 called hardy? | 10:00 |
ByteMan | is there any way for me to change grup settings? | 10:00 |
Kartagis | 8.04 even | 10:00 |
cerebrate | kartagis: 8.4 does not exist. 8.04 is hardy. | 10:01 |
quadrispro | !info | 10:01 |
ubottu | Factoid info not found | 10:01 |
Kartagis | okay | 10:01 |
[GUN]Wires | nvm didnt find anything | 10:01 |
EugenMayer | this channel is as useless as it alway had been :) | 10:01 |
nanoprobe | is java preinstalled on ubuntu, or i must install it manually after ubuntu installation is completed? | 10:01 |
[GUN]Wires | what's a good debugger for C? and where would I get it? | 10:01 |
cerebrate | nanoprobe: you need to install it. It should be right there in add/remove programs | 10:02 |
nanoprobe | thx cerebrate :) | 10:02 |
Kartagis | there are a few UUID lines in my /etc/fstab. how do I find out the one for /dev/sda2? | 10:02 |
Myrtti | !blkid | Kartagis | 10:02 |
ubottu | Kartagis: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 10:02 |
Yachaziel | hey | 10:03 |
Yachaziel | crashed | 10:03 |
cerebrate | nanoprobe: and I really would just stick with the sun java 6 runtime | 10:03 |
[GUN]Wires | anyone? | 10:03 |
beyta | cerebrate : the devise is from Honestech TV Tuner Box | 10:04 |
cerebrate | Yachaziel: figured as much cause of your lovely 'connection reset by peer' | 10:04 |
Yachaziel | What're they going to name the next ubuntu? I'm voting Awesome Opossum. | 10:04 |
nanoprobe | lol | 10:04 |
cerebrate | Yachaziel: sadly, no, it's an I letter | 10:04 |
geek | intepid ibex is set | 10:05 |
Yachaziel | It always follows the alphabet? | 10:05 |
Yachaziel | WTH is an ibex? | 10:05 |
geek | its a bird | 10:05 |
nanoprobe | guys, i'm trying to locate add/remove programs ... by any chance this has some different name? | 10:05 |
gambler | is elisa on the ubuntu LiveCD? | 10:05 |
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny | ||
mrynit | whoami | 10:05 |
geek | er | 10:05 |
geek | no | 10:05 |
geek | | 10:05 |
kurugah | hi i wanna update my system now i have not enough space on my root partition can i choose another location where synaptic downloads the packets to? | 10:05 |
Yachaziel | Sounds like a disc format Sony would come out with the exclusive intent to dominate the market and make tons of money. | 10:05 |
Yachaziel | (oh wait, they did that with bluray) | 10:06 |
VSpike | I'm trying to rescue an unbootable system using a live CD, and I was using LVM. Firstly, my live CD is Ubuntu 7.04 but my system is 7.10. When I try to use lvm tools I get messages like-- No program "lvscan" found for your current version of LVM | 10:06 |
mrynit | how to i check what version of xubuntu i am using? | 10:06 |
VSpike | Is that because of a version difference between the lvm that made the setup and the one on this live CD? | 10:06 |
kibibyte | hi | 10:06 |
kibibyte | ple help | 10:06 |
kibibyte | pls | 10:06 |
cerebrate | beyta: is it this device?: | 10:06 |
VSpike | mrynit: lsb_release -r | 10:07 |
kibibyte | im running now xubuntu from live cd but when trying to install i have message in 70 % that my cd is damaged | 10:07 |
gambler | kikibyte is elisa on the ubuntu liveCD? | 10:07 |
kibibyte | i want burn new image on new cd but i cannot remove cd in live system how to do it | 10:07 |
kibibyte | now im stuck | 10:07 |
cerebrate | kibibyte: what drive is this in? a desktop or a laptop? | 10:08 |
kibibyte | laptop | 10:08 |
cerebrate | slot loading? | 10:08 |
kibibyte | ?? | 10:08 |
cerebrate | or is it a regular tray? | 10:08 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: are you running from the livecd? | 10:08 |
kibibyte | there is option in installation cd to teest ubuntu | 10:08 |
kibibyte | so i choosed it | 10:08 |
Yachaziel | oh boy... | 10:08 |
pucko- | how do I configure apt-get/dpkg not to overwrite configuration files without asking? | 10:08 |
Chousuke | pucko-: it shouldn't do that :/ | 10:09 |
kibibyte | but i want install it permanently but i have error that my cd is damaged in 70 % of install process | 10:09 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: if you're running the livecd, you can't eject it | 10:09 |
kibibyte | :( | 10:09 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: hm, sounds like your CD is borked | 10:09 |
kibibyte | so how can i burn image then | 10:09 |
Chousuke | :/ | 10:09 |
Chousuke | kibibyte: redownload the image in windows | 10:09 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: you need to have some sort of OS installed on the machine, with some CD-burning software | 10:09 |
Yachaziel | kibibyte: Do you have a recovery CD from your old system? | 10:09 |
cerebrate | gordonjcp: I believe that he's not actually in the livecd environment, he's just in the checksum | 10:09 |
gordonjcp | cerebrate: ah | 10:10 |
kibibyte | but i cannot access my windows now | 10:10 |
kurugah | how can i tell synaptic to store downloaded packets on another partition? | 10:10 |
kibibyte | i have some grub error when i biit computer | 10:10 |
kibibyte | boot | 10:10 |
beyta | cerebrate: not the device.. i search the link... wait a minute... | 10:10 |
Yachaziel | kibibyte: Do you have some sort of recovery CD from your old system? A lot of computers come with these. | 10:10 |
kibibyte | no | 10:10 |
cerebrate | kibibyte: is the cd still stuck in the drive tray | 10:10 |
kibibyte | yes | 10:10 |
cerebrate | and is it on the checking disc thing? | 10:11 |
mrynit | VSpike: thx | 10:11 |
kibibyte | i have brasero in ubuntu but how to umount cd for a while | 10:11 |
kibibyte | and burn image | 10:11 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: are you running from the livecd, or have you actually installed Ubuntu? | 10:11 |
VSpike | doh .. i see the problem. | 10:12 |
Yachaziel | kibibyte: Since you are running from the CD you cannot unmount the CD to burn another CD. | 10:12 |
Yachaziel | gordonjcp: I believe he is running from the livecd. | 10:12 |
kurugah | anyone? | 10:12 |
gordonjcp | ah | 10:12 |
VSpike | I turned all of the drive /dev/hda into an LVM physical volume. But it was also my boot drive, so I nuked grub | 10:12 |
kibibyte | im running live cd | 10:12 |
gordonjcp | !anyone | kurugah | 10:12 |
ubottu | kurugah: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:12 |
* cerebrate smacks forhead | 10:12 | |
kibibyte | so what to do now | 10:13 |
Yachaziel | LOL gordonjcp: He's asked it about three times. | 10:13 |
gordonjcp | Yachaziel: oh | 10:13 |
Yachaziel | cerebrate: This is a classic example of 'oh s***'. | 10:13 |
gordonjcp | well, just saying "anyone?" isn't very helpful | 10:13 |
Yachaziel | gordonjcp: he's just impatient. | 10:13 |
kurugah | hehe ok but i have asked, just wannted to bumb | 10:13 |
Yachaziel | lol! | 10:13 |
Kartagis | hmm | 10:13 |
kurugah | true i am | 10:13 |
Yachaziel | I didn't mean it that way! | 10:14 |
gordonjcp | /lastlog kurugah | 10:14 |
gordonjcp | bah | 10:14 |
cerebrate | kurugah: no, I do not know how to get synaptic to download things to a different place | 10:14 |
Yachaziel | sorry kurugah! | 10:14 |
kibibyte | ubuntu removed my partitions and in 70 % of install process it says that it cannnot install | 10:14 |
kibibyte | its crap | 10:14 |
kurugah | thank you | 10:14 |
Kartagis | I can!t get any sound. what to do? | 10:14 |
Kartagis | can't | 10:14 |
Yachaziel | I meant: he's just getting impatient with no one answering or trying to help | 10:14 |
VSpike | kurugah: what actual problem are you trying to solve.. lack of space? | 10:14 |
cerebrate | Kartagis: what's your soundcard | 10:14 |
kibibyte | now i have nothing | 10:14 |
A_I_ | isn't there an equivalence for "rpm --nodeps" for apt-get or aptitude ?? | 10:14 |
Yachaziel | kibibyte: No, the CD is crap, not ubuntu. | 10:14 |
kurugah | VSpike: yes | 10:14 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: you have a defective CD | 10:14 |
Yachaziel | kibibyte: Go to and order a CD from them. | 10:15 |
kurugah | VSpike: i have ubuntu running on my eee | 10:15 |
kibibyte | how to run windows partition then | 10:15 |
VSpike | kurugah: do you have other parititions with more space? | 10:15 |
A_I_ | it is really anoying to uninstall all dependencies for test | 10:15 |
kurugah | VSpike: yes | 10:15 |
Kartagis | cerebrate: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) | 10:15 |
Yachaziel | kibibyte: You've overwritten it. there is no way to access your windows partion simply because it does not exist now. | 10:15 |
cerebrate | Kartagis: is this in a laptop,or a desktop, or what | 10:15 |
kibibyte | why i cannot remove livecd | 10:15 |
kurugah | VSpike: sd with 4gb free | 10:15 |
Kartagis | cerebrate: laptop | 10:15 |
VSpike | kurugah: normally it would make more sense to move /home or /var to anothe parition but what you want can be done | 10:15 |
cerebrate | Kartagis: what laptop make and model | 10:16 |
kibibyte | Yachaziel, it does exist i didnt format it but ubuntu overwrite boot sector | 10:16 |
geek | Yachaziel: actually, it may be possible to recover it | 10:16 |
beyta | cerebrate: this is the link - | 10:16 |
Kartagis | cerebrate: toshiba l40 | 10:16 |
Yachaziel | kibibyte: You cannot remove livecd because your computer is using it to run. It would be like trying to remove the HDD. | 10:16 |
Kartagis | satellite | 10:16 |
Yachaziel | geek: Please imput then. | 10:16 |
kurugah | VSpike: how? | 10:16 |
A_I_ | no way to uninstall something alone without its dependencies ? | 10:16 |
Yachaziel | geek: He has a serious "oh s***" moment going here, all imput is welcome. =D | 10:16 |
kibibyte | fuck me | 10:16 |
Thecaptain2000 | Hi all, I am using 8.04 and I am having problems using samba, trying to publsh each user home address. They are visible but they are read only. I have already specified read only = no in smb.conf. Is there something else I need to do? | 10:17 |
Yachaziel | !language | kibibyte | 10:17 |
ubottu | kibibyte: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 10:17 |
kibibyte | now im stucvk | 10:17 |
VSpike | kurugah: can you do: du -sh /var/cache/apt | 10:17 |
A_I_ | Thecaptain2000 chown user:user dir | 10:17 |
Yachaziel | kibibyte: In future, test your CD's before you use them to overwrite your partitions. | 10:17 |
cerebrate | beyta: I think that device isn't using anything standards friendly. Basically, it's going to work with windows, and only windows. | 10:17 |
A_I_ | Thecaptain2000 'net status sessions' will show you with which login they access the dir | 10:17 |
A_I_ | or 'smbstatus' | 10:17 |
bloops | How do I install step? (the kdeedu physics simulator) | 10:18 |
Sigma | Hi. for some reason it seems that my encrypted swap is "luksOpened" a bit too late in the boot process, which prevents me from using it as a resume device (the strange thing is that it worked perfectly until today). Any idea where I should have a look ? I'm running gutsy | 10:18 |
Thecaptain2000 | A_I : let me try | 10:18 |
beyta | cerebrate: so it's mean i can not configure it on my ubuntu? | 10:18 |
cerebrate | beyta: that is correct. | 10:18 |
Yachaziel | Sigma: I am sorry to hear that, unfortunately I cannot help with this situation. Please be patient until someone can get to you. =D | 10:18 |
kurugah | VSpike: 23M /var/cache/apt is the output | 10:18 |
beyta | cerebrate: owh... ok... | 10:18 |
Yachaziel | (unlike kurugah) | 10:19 |
Yachaziel | =P | 10:19 |
Thecaptain2000 | A_I can I pvt you? I am having difficoulties following you with all the postings | 10:19 |
VSpike | So 23M is all that is being used for downloaded packages, I think | 10:19 |
VSpike | kurugah: So 23M is all that is being used for downloaded packages, I think | 10:19 |
VSpike | kurugah: I don't think you will gain much from moving that to another partition | 10:20 |
=== Lord_FlashHeart is now known as Flashy | ||
Sigma | Yachaziel: sure, by chance is there any place that would be more appropriate for that kind of question? | 10:20 |
=== Flashy is now known as LordyFlashy | ||
kurugah | VSpike: i would like to get apt to dl the new version to another partition b4 i start the update process | 10:21 |
Yachaziel | Sigma: You're there. =( However, you can try posting on the ubuntu forums. They won't get to it as fast as we MIGHT, but they will get to it, which isn't a warranty we have here. | 10:21 |
cerebrate | Kartagis: | 10:21 |
LordyFlashy | where can I configure my joystick? | 10:21 |
Yachaziel | !forums | sigma | 10:21 |
ubottu | sigma: The Ubuntu forums can be found at There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. | 10:21 |
Kartagis | thank you cerebrate | 10:21 |
skillet | kurugah, go to and download it then | 10:21 |
skillet | kurugah, and not use apt-get | 10:22 |
Yachaziel | LordyFlashy: Is it mounted? | 10:22 |
LordyFlashy | I don't know | 10:22 |
kurugah | skillet: ah ok is there a packet for 8.4 ? | 10:22 |
bobsomebody | so what is the trick to samba on 8.04? | 10:22 |
cerebrate | Yachaziel: there's some joystick gui config that he needs to install. can't remember the package name | 10:22 |
LordyFlashy | it's usb, I used it in a game once and didn't need to do anything but it won't work with snes9x | 10:22 |
skillet | kurugah, i dont even know what program you are talking about | 10:22 |
Sigma | Yachaziel: thanks | 10:22 |
Yachaziel | LordyFlashy: Go to Applications>Add/Remove... type in Joystick, check the first option, hit accept, accept, password, accept, off you go! | 10:23 |
LordyFlashy | thanks :) | 10:23 |
Yachaziel | Sigma: Sorry we're not more help here. =( You're here at the "fun" time. | 10:23 |
Yachaziel | LordyFlashy: Hope that helps. | 10:23 |
kurugah | skillet: im talking about ubuntu 8.04 | 10:23 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: snes9x also does not work with my usb joypad. I would suggest using zsnes, and it works with my joypad | 10:23 |
LordyFlashy | thanks :) | 10:23 |
bobsomebody | does anyone in here happen to have an 8400 GS running dual on 8.04? | 10:24 |
LordyFlashy | zsnes is greyed out on the programn installer dialog? | 10:24 |
Yachaziel | !anyone | bobsomebody | 10:24 |
ubottu | bobsomebody: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:24 |
bloops | Do I have to get the whole kde-edu package to install step? | 10:24 |
skillet | kurugah, i thought all you wanted to do was put a package in a different spot before you install it? | 10:25 |
Yachaziel | LordyFlashy: Click the check box. | 10:25 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: are you using ubuntu 64 bit? | 10:25 |
LordyFlashy | yes | 10:25 |
bobsomebody | Yachaziel, my problem has to do with compitz taking a dive every 5 hours or so, is this normal behavior? | 10:25 |
Yachaziel | Oh | 10:25 |
Yachaziel | snap | 10:25 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: I got zsnes working under 64 bit on my lappy. | 10:25 |
bobsomebody | i have to restart gdm via ssh to get it back to normal | 10:25 |
locknb | hi all | 10:25 |
Yachaziel | bobsomebody: Don't ask just me, direct questions to the chat as a whole. Now, what do you mean taking a dive? It just cuts out? | 10:25 |
LordyFlashy | was it anything other than really easy? | 10:25 |
cerebrate | it was actually pretty easy | 10:26 |
Yachaziel | Hi locknb | 10:26 |
LordyFlashy | pretty easy is close enough | 10:26 |
kurugah | skillet: yes in a way i wanted to make apt download the ubuntu 8.04 packages to another location so i can upgrade my system | 10:26 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: first, you must go download the deb of zsnes from the ubuntu packages | 10:26 |
bobsomebody | yes, the screen redraw goes black everywhere for the most part and you will hear the audio skip like a bad cd untill gdm is restarted | 10:26 |
locknb | I go a question: how can I change my splash screen/login screen? | 10:26 |
kurugah | skillet: pardon my bad english | 10:26 |
nanoprobe | is there a way to switch desktops via keyboard? | 10:26 |
Yachaziel | LordyFlashy: You sound like me - "Does it download, install, start, run, and play itself? If not then i don't want it" | 10:27 |
bobsomebody | it never really "recoveres" unless gdm kills itself before i do | 10:27 |
skillet | kurugah, oh, i thought you were talking about a few packages not the entire upgrade... | 10:27 |
cerebrate | nanoprobe: ctrl-alt-arrow key | 10:27 |
bobsomebody | the only odd-ball here is synergy, im running it as root nice -15 because of a pooling issue that i cant fix | 10:27 |
LordyFlashy | I'm just too crippled with my command line knowledge to give myself a nosebleed trying to much configuring | 10:27 |
Yachaziel | bobsomebody: That is not normal behaviour. Are your graphics drivers and option up to date? | 10:27 |
LordyFlashy | once I get better it won't be as much of a hassle | 10:28 |
bobsomebody | Yachaziel, its a fresh install as of 2 or 3 days | 10:28 |
kurugah | skillet: can i download the image and mount it and upgrade from there? | 10:28 |
bobsomebody | i ran all the updates i could | 10:28 |
Yachaziel | bobsomebody; What card are you using? | 10:28 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: I realize this, and will tell you the exact command line stuff to run | 10:28 |
Yachaziel | wait | 10:28 |
Yachaziel | nevermind | 10:28 |
Yachaziel | not a card issue | 10:28 |
LordyFlashy | sweet | 10:28 |
bobsomebody | XFX 5400 GS | 10:28 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: | 10:28 |
cerebrate | just click on a mirror | 10:28 |
skillet | kurugah, if you have enough room to download the image why not just do that and burn it? | 10:29 |
gordonjcp | LordyFlashy: watch Blackadder much? | 10:29 |
bobsomebody | keep in mind im running twin view extended not clone | 10:29 |
skillet | or do the uprgrade from within ubuntu | 10:29 |
Yachaziel | bobsomebody: I'm not skilled enough with compiz to tell you what's going on. Sorry. =( I know it's not normal behaviour. If you can't get help here try at the forums. | 10:29 |
nanoprobe | @cerebrate: thx, linux good you know :D | 10:29 |
Yachaziel | !forums | bobsomebody | 10:29 |
ubottu | bobsomebody: The Ubuntu forums can be found at There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. | 10:29 |
kurugah | im on my eee no external drive and he space is on the wron partition | 10:29 |
bobsomebody | yar i know :) | 10:29 |
LordyFlashy | a lot | 10:29 |
bobsomebody | ty :) | 10:29 |
Yachaziel | nanoprobe: Wait until you hit your first wall. Then linux won't look so good. =P | 10:30 |
Yachaziel | bobsomebody: Sorry I'm not more help. =( | 10:30 |
LordyFlashy | done Cerebrate | 10:30 |
cerebrate | alright | 10:30 |
bobsomebody | i do like the new 8.04 dual screen setup though | 10:30 |
cerebrate | one second while I look up the commands | 10:30 |
bobsomebody | bot ati and nvidia was stupid simple | 10:30 |
kurugah | skillet: im on my eee no external drive and the space is on another partition | 10:30 |
bobsomebody | though i will say ati was easiest to get going | 10:30 |
LordyFlashy | seen them all a few times now gordonjcp | 10:30 |
skillet | kurugah, sounds like your out of luck | 10:31 |
kurugah | ok ty anyways | 10:31 |
Yachaziel | skillet: Like the band? | 10:31 |
bobsomebody | Yachaziel, i think my real problem is synergy, unfortunately the only fix is some kind of build-your-own ubuntu trick thats a little beyond me | 10:31 |
Yachaziel | bobsomebody: Where'd you see that? | 10:31 |
skillet | Yachaziel, sure? :) | 10:32 |
kurugah | skillet: i thought i coult tell apt do download to another partition and everything would be fine | 10:32 |
skillet | kurugah, dunno man | 10:32 |
Yachaziel | skillet: No, I mean, is your name a reference to the band? | 10:32 |
skillet | Yachaziel, oh oh.... why yes. yes it is | 10:32 |
Yachaziel | skillet: Sarcasm only works online when it's done in gross quantities. And when you're dealing with someone a bit higher above the idiot line. | 10:33 |
runemaster | i upgraded to 8.04 and am not able to switch workspaces any more... help? | 10:33 |
Yachaziel | lol | 10:33 |
bobsomebody | Yachaziel, it was on a launchpad bug thread about synergy being laggy on 8.04 and how to fix it was to change something in the kernal source to give all processes fair priority and rebuild from source | 10:34 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: | 10:34 |
cerebrate | sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2 | 10:34 |
Yachaziel | bobsomebody: Yeah... I think it's best we don't go that route. The only kernels I'm familiar with are popcorn style. | 10:34 |
bobsomebody | me 2 | 10:35 |
bobsomebody | and the chicken | 10:35 |
bobsomebody | cant forget that chicken | 10:35 |
ocs | hi. is there a way to know in which dev package (in apt list) is included someheader.h ? thnks | 10:36 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy, tell me when that is done | 10:36 |
jorgo | I have a strange problem... if I boot Hardy without having the laptop connected to AC power the sound is weird | 10:36 |
jorgo | it sounds 1 semitone lower | 10:36 |
Yachaziel | jorgo: Solution - Don't start the computer without being plugged into the AC. | 10:37 |
Flannel | ocs: You either need to grab apt-file and then use that, or use the lower search box on | 10:37 |
jorgo | yeah then it is ok | 10:37 |
Kartagis | told me to install alsa-driver but apt-get says alsa-driver package not found | 10:37 |
microwaver | what's the command again to check which network controllers I got is it lshw | grep net* ? | 10:37 |
ocs | thnks Flannel | 10:37 |
LordyFlashy | E: Couldn't find package ia32libs | 10:37 |
yotsu | anyone know how to enable the hardy-backports? Cause I've already tried the apt/sources.list way, but I still don't get the KDE4.0.4 update | 10:37 |
LordyFlashy | oh the hyphen | 10:38 |
jorgo | Yachaziel: u understand it's a laptop and many times I wont be near an adapter. this happens only with Ubuntu | 10:38 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: copy-pasta | 10:38 |
erUSUL | microwaver: lshw -C Net | 10:38 |
LordyFlashy | yeah I can't find copy in x-chat | 10:38 |
cerebrate | sad | 10:38 |
kurugah | is it possible to upgrade from a mounted 8.04 cd? | 10:38 |
Yachaziel | jorgo: I am on a laptop too and never have this problem with Hardy/Ubuntu. I haven't heard of it and I am looking to see if i can find a solution. | 10:38 |
jorgo | it happens also on Gutsy | 10:39 |
erUSUL | kurugah: if it is alternate CD yes | 10:39 |
microwaver | erUSUL, thanks. now I know which driver to try and ndiswrap.... | 10:39 |
Kartagis | cerebrate: told me to install alsa-driver but apt-get says alsa-driver package not found | 10:39 |
kurugah | erUSUL: what is the alternate cd? | 10:39 |
socr | U have Heron on an USB stick, to install from. Can I add some script to the stick, that will run after installation, automatically ? I want to do some adjustments, like remove packages etc, | 10:39 |
erUSUL | !alternate | 10:39 |
ubottu | The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at | 10:39 |
socr | "I" have.... | 10:39 |
kurugah | ty | 10:40 |
cerebrate | Kartagis: I think you actually didn't want to do any of the lovely alsa installing.... you really only wanted to follow the last two steps I believe on that page | 10:40 |
amikrop | Are there any Ubuntu packages (or, even, linux programs in general) about virtual reality environments? | 10:40 |
Kartagis | it says First download the latest ALSA driver, libs and utils | 10:41 |
cerebrate | Kartagis: ignore that | 10:41 |
netron1234 | hello folks. is there a icon thumbnailing bug in the Hardy version of nautilus? i've noticed that my album cover art is scaling to the small sizes as regular folder icons.. which makes it very unuseable. | 10:41 |
Flannel | amikrop: Definately. What sort of VR are you looking for? | 10:41 |
cerebrate | Kartagis: do the following last two things: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 10:41 |
cerebrate | Kartagis: Then add this option at the very bottom | 10:41 |
cerebrate | Code: options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo | 10:41 |
amikrop | Flannel: Let's say, something like Quicktime VR. | 10:41 |
netron1234 | i've put some screenshots in this forum thread : | 10:41 |
cerebrate | Kartagis: I have a similar sound card, and that fixes it for me. | 10:42 |
Kartagis | aha, i didn't see that | 10:42 |
Kartagis | thanks | 10:42 |
Flannel | amikrop: I'm not sure about that. That would depend on whether apple decided to write it for linux. Or at least, I'm assuming Quicktime VB is a quicktime thing, as opposed to just a protocol/whatever thing | 10:43 |
locknb | how can I change my login screen? | 10:43 |
cerebrate | except I don't use that same line at the bottom. When you're done editing alsa-base, log out then back in | 10:43 |
VSpike | how can i get grub to list its device map? | 10:43 |
Yachaziel | !grub | Vspike | 10:43 |
ubottu | Vspike: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 10:43 |
Flannel | VSpike: cat /boot/grub/ | 10:43 |
Kartagis | brb | 10:43 |
amikrop | Flannel: No, I mean a program similar to QuickTime VR. | 10:43 |
candan | hi | 10:43 |
cerebrate | locknb: you're looking for a gdm theme. There are some here: | 10:43 |
candan | how can i do fix klear for turksat 1c 42e? | 10:43 |
runemaster | | 10:44 |
Jokka | hmm.. i have a progg running, allthough the window isnt open. is there any command in the terminal wich opens it for me? | 10:44 |
Flannel | !ops | runemaster | 10:44 |
ubottu | runemaster: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 10:44 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashY: are you still installing? | 10:44 |
LordyFlashy | yeah only 512k connection | 10:45 |
cerebrate | ouch | 10:45 |
microwaver | are there any repositories required to sudo-apt get ndiswrapper? | 10:45 |
LordyFlashy | about a minute left | 10:45 |
Gary | runemaster: rick rolling is never a wise move in a main support channel | 10:45 |
Yachaziel | !spam | runemaster | 10:45 |
ubottu | runemaster: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... | 10:45 |
runemaster | nobody has had any problems with workspaces | 10:45 |
runemaster | whoops... wrong channel :-/ | 10:46 |
runemaster | soz | 10:46 |
LSD|Ninja | !CoC | 10:46 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at | 10:46 |
Mez | Gary, I'm just dissapointed that the anti-rickroll database didnt pick it up | 10:46 |
runemaster | i usually autoconnect to a private channel in here :-/ | 10:46 |
Yachaziel | runemaster: Retrospect: Check channel before posting. | 10:46 |
VSpike | should changing the boot priority of the drives in the BIOS affect the grub map | 10:47 |
runemaster | Yachaziel: yeah, thats the lesson of the day | 10:47 |
Flannel | amikrop: There's VRML stuff (vrweb is one), also, openscenegraph looks promising, | 10:47 |
cjsz1 | The playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed?? | 10:47 |
cerebrate | Vspike: no, it shouldn't | 10:47 |
Flannel | VSpike: No, that's all set by the BIOS | 10:47 |
candan | hi | 10:47 |
LordyFlashy | ok I'm back to a prompt cerebrate, so I think it's done | 10:47 |
amikrop | Flannel: I see. Thanks. | 10:48 |
cerebrate | alright. Where did you download the zsnes deb file to? | 10:48 |
LordyFlashy | home/movies is default | 10:48 |
candan | how can i do fix dns for opendns? | 10:48 |
cerebrate | okay | 10:48 |
hipodilski | guys how can I make all users to be seen in gdm so I can click on the user and enter the pass | 10:48 |
cerebrate | do you know how to cd to that directory? | 10:48 |
LordyFlashy | oh no it's on the desktop | 10:49 |
LordyFlashy | yeah | 10:49 |
Flannel | hipodilski: Go to login screen setup, and turn on the face browser | 10:49 |
cerebrate | okay, well, cd to wherever it is | 10:49 |
VSpike | Flannel, cerebrate : I know I've had this problem before. I have 3 drives, two SATA and one IDE. The IDE is /dev/hda and hd0 and is also by default the first boot drive for the BIOS. If I try to install grub to one of the SATA drives and set boot priority to favour that drive, grub fails | 10:49 |
LordyFlashy | there | 10:49 |
VSpike | So, I've mounted my boot partition in home and done this.... | 10:49 |
hipodilski | Flannel: is there a command to go to it | 10:49 |
luccons | hi, is there a chat for lyx support? | 10:49 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture zsnes_1.510-2ubuntu1_i386.deb | 10:49 |
hipodilski | Flannel: because my ubuntu is in bulgarian and it's hard to find it | 10:49 |
VSpike | sudo grub-install /dev/sda --root-directory=/home/ubuntu/system/boot --recheck | 10:49 |
Flannel | hipodilski: It'd be editing gdm.conf, so not really, no. | 10:50 |
cerebrate | though when typing that out for the 'zsnes', just hit tab, and it should autocomplete the name | 10:50 |
LordyFlashy | oh ctrl-x works in x-chat | 10:50 |
Flannel | VSpike: what version of Ubuntu is this? | 10:50 |
LordyFlashy | ok it seems to be set up | 10:50 |
VSpike | Flannel: The output is a little odd | 10:51 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: just type out 'zsnes' into the console, hit enter, and tell me what it does | 10:51 |
VSpike | Flannel: the installed system is 7.10, the live CD is 7.04 because I usually use alternate install | 10:51 |
nitricacid | I just found a very old laptop and put ubuntu on it. the max resolution is 800x600 so i need to know which graphics card I have so i can get the drivers for linux. help? | 10:51 |
hipodilski | Flannel: I just checked in gdm.conf my face browser is enabled | 10:51 |
=== skillet is now known as LoHung | ||
luccons | hi, is there a chat for lyx support? | 10:52 |
tyberion_ | gmmmmh, where can I put .ttf fonts.. where are they stored in ubuntu? | 10:52 |
LordyFlashy | Unable to poll /dev/input/event6. Make sure you have read permissions to it. | 10:52 |
hipodilski | Flannel: is it possible to be because i'm using edubuntu | 10:52 |
erUSUL | !font | tyberion_ | 10:52 |
ubottu | tyberion_: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 10:52 |
nitricacid | luccons: in irc /list lyx | 10:52 |
prajna | how do I change what port xchat connects to? | 10:52 |
LordyFlashy | right down to event 1 | 10:52 |
LordyFlashy | then 0 mouse detected | 10:52 |
K-4U | how to mount an USB stick whilst being in recovery mode? | 10:52 |
LordyFlashy | "Segmentation fault " as well | 10:53 |
Flannel | VSpike: You can use the alternate CD to reinstall GRUB. But, your BIOS determines the order the drives are fed to grub, and that shouldn't change (although I suppose it could) | 10:53 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: that's what I expected. type this into the console: zsnes -ad sdl | 10:53 |
Webspot | Hi. I'm having problems with the built in microphone on my laptop. When recording from it, nothing is picked up. Just distortion. This doesn't seem to be isolated to the integrated microphone. All inputs don't work. Any ideas on where to start? | 10:53 |
LordyFlashy | running | 10:53 |
LordyFlashy | thanks :) | 10:53 |
nitricacid | I just found a very old laptop and put ubuntu on it. the max resolution is 800x600 so i need to know which graphics card I have so i can get the drivers for linux. help? | 10:54 |
cerebrate | hooray. You can now just run zsnes from your applications menu | 10:54 |
LordyFlashy | :D | 10:54 |
prajna | I can never get oidentd to work right, heh | 10:54 |
VSpike | Flannel: just moving the mbr from one disk to another shouldn't require change to the menu.lst should it? | 10:54 |
cerebrate | tell me, LordyFlashy, does your joystick work? | 10:54 |
magnetron | nitricacid: "lspci" in a terminal will often display such info | 10:55 |
erUSUL | nitricacid: lspci | grep -i vga | 10:55 |
LordyFlashy | I'll test it | 10:55 |
Flannel | VSpike: no, stage1 just gets you to stage2, from there, it doesn't care where stage1 came from. | 10:55 |
nitricacid | VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV41.8 [GeForce Go 6800] (rev a2) | 10:55 |
nitricacid | is it better to get it from repos? | 10:55 |
cjsz1 | where to find win32 codec to ubuntu hardy ?? | 10:55 |
VSpike | Flannel: when I end up in the grub terminal, what useful stuff can I try? | 10:55 |
nitricacid | or from the nvidia site | 10:56 |
pucko- | /quit | 10:56 |
magnetron | nitricacid: always get the driver using System > admnistration > hardware drivers | 10:56 |
Flannel | VSpike: If you end up at a grub terminal, your problem is you're not properly finding /boot | 10:56 |
prajna | can someone point me to a good tutorial for setting up oidend? | 10:56 |
robg_ | cjsz1: mirror | 10:56 |
LordyFlashy | the buttons are working... so far so good | 10:57 |
nitricacid | magnetron: your the man | 10:57 |
magnetron | nitricacid: you're welcome | 10:57 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: make sure you configure your up/down left/right too | 10:57 |
nitricacid | brb restart i have another question tho | 10:57 |
VSpike | Flannel: when I do the grub-install line above, how does the mbr know where /boot is? | 10:57 |
socr | I have Heron on an USB stick, to install from. Can I add some script to the stick, that will run after installation, automatically ? I want to do some adjustments, like remove packages etc, | 10:57 |
cjsz1 | thanks robg_ | 10:57 |
LordyFlashy | yeah it seems to be a problem.. the joystick configuration program struggled with the d-pad too | 10:58 |
cerebrate | dang. | 10:58 |
nitricacid | magnetron: hey i have another question while this installs. I have an openssh server on another linux machine. How do i connect to that computer's cli? | 10:58 |
cerebrate | well, at least you know how to install a 32 bit program now, LordyFlashy | 10:59 |
Mat1 | hi, just looking for someone who might be able to help me out with a usb/permissions problem since upgrading to 8.04 | 10:59 |
LordyFlashy | yeah | 10:59 |
adam7 | nitricacid: ssh that-computer-ip | 10:59 |
Yachaziel | !anyone MAt1 | 10:59 |
ubottu | Factoid anyone mat1 not found | 10:59 |
LordyFlashy | how did you find out the dependancies? | 10:59 |
cerebrate | just download the .deb, and use the --force-architecture | 10:59 |
Yachaziel | !anyone | mat1 | 10:59 |
ubottu | mat1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:59 |
magnetron | nitricacid: use the ssh command. "ssh username@ip-adress-of-server" | 10:59 |
kenshin | socr, how did you get Heron on a USB stick? | 10:59 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: those dependencies are actually 32 bit libraries. They're for running any 32 bit program in 64 bit ubuntu. I originally found them while attempting to install skype. | 10:59 |
LordyFlashy | I have other joysticks anyhow, just have to get them and hook them up | 11:00 |
Flannel | VSpike: Do you have a separate partition for /boot? or is it just inside your /? | 11:00 |
LordyFlashy | ahh so now they're in, I dont have to mess with that? | 11:00 |
kenshin | socr, i tried but my computer just hanged | 11:00 |
VSpike | Flannel: separate partition | 11:00 |
cerebrate | mess with what? | 11:00 |
kenshin | I need to put ubuntu on my usb stick | 11:00 |
kenshin | *while being on a windows machine. | 11:01 |
HiTo | Hellp | 11:01 |
HiTo | Hellp | 11:01 |
cerebrate | kenshin: google: ubuntu usb flash drive | 11:01 |
Mat1 | recently installed hardy, ever since my usb devices are not automounting. some of them appear to be in the computer menu, but when you try to open them it says "you do not have permission to mount this drive" | 11:01 |
HiTo | hello.... :o | 11:01 |
LordyFlashy | well dependencies will resolve themselves? | 11:01 |
Flannel | VSpike: and we're just trying to fix stage1, right? once we get to stage 2, we're good? | 11:01 |
Yachaziel | Mat1: Sudo mount | 11:01 |
Mat1 | yeh....but thats a temporary fix | 11:01 |
VSpike | Flannel: afaik | 11:02 |
cerebrate | LordyFlashy: dpkg usually resolves dependencies automagically like synaptic. The ia32-libs just allows you to use --force-architecture | 11:02 |
LordyFlashy | cool | 11:02 |
LordyFlashy | thanks :D | 11:02 |
Mat1 | there appears to be some sort of permission problem, alot of admin/management settings are blanked out | 11:02 |
nitricacid | magnetron: once again your the man | 11:02 |
Mat1 | i cannot seem to alter them as well | 11:02 |
cerebrate | bedtime. I am off now. | 11:02 |
Yachaziel | Mat1: Huh, that's odd. | 11:03 |
Mat1 | yep....problems started as soon as i upgraded to hardy | 11:03 |
Mat1 | really wierd | 11:03 |
Mat1 | problem* | 11:03 |
Mat1 | otherwise its awesome | 11:03 |
FloodBot1 | Mat1: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:03 |
Mat1 | ooooops.....looks like i have a bit to learn! | 11:03 |
Flannel | VSpike: I've always just done sudo grub, then installed it that way. First method on this page: | 11:04 |
tdawgedogg | hey can someone help me set up sql server with amarok? | 11:05 |
VSpike | Flannel: thanks.. will try it! | 11:05 |
Mat1 | there any way to check user permissions | 11:05 |
robinw | hello guys, i need to help a bit - I would like to have a gmail notifier for mutt. does anybody know about it??? | 11:05 |
HiTo | Anybody knows why I have problem when trying to download a codec with codec ? It tells me "E:impossible to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 ressource temporarly unavailable) | 11:06 |
robg_ | robinw: I have seen gmail notifiers in Add/Remove but have not yet tried them. | 11:06 |
socr | kenshin: just googled... | 11:07 |
Rabbitbunny | HiTo: You probably need to sudo. | 11:08 |
kenshin | socr, i tried one with pendrive linux, didn't work :| | 11:08 |
kenshin | it hanged | 11:08 |
erUSUL | HiTo: you have another dpkg/apt front end running such as synaptic updatemanager etc | 11:08 |
socr | kenshin: hold on... get u an Url | 11:08 |
robinw | robg_: yeap, but it's GUI in python and i need it for mutt | 11:08 |
kenshin | i think it was a problem with my pendrive, i'm formatting it and doing it again | 11:08 |
socr | kenshin: got a windows machine ? | 11:08 |
kenshin | but it takes an aweful load of time | 11:08 |
LOWER_CASE | Hi, Trying to connect/attached my first printer to Ubuntu. Any ideas about this password? I keep getting "Password require / Password for <me> on localhost? But it immediately re-asks the dialog. I've tried my password (a sudoer) and root's, but no luck. | 11:08 |
kenshin | yessir | 11:08 |
zaputr | 11:09 | |
zaputr | MPleer before each launch afqkf tries to open sokket and download LIRC. Failed to open LIRC support and then everything is included and the rules work, how to disable the download? | 11:09 |
robg_ | robinw: consult Google for Mutt script to query Gmail. | 11:09 |
socr | kenshin: VERY easy.... does it in a few secs. | 11:09 |
kenshin | O RLY? | 11:09 |
neeto | Is there some way to rescan for devices that I just plugged in, but aren't automounting, and aren't listed in /dev/? | 11:09 |
Kartagis | hi again | 11:09 |
HiTo | Mhmmmm | 11:10 |
kenshin | i'm trying the same way again, it takes alot of time when it comes to this line Extracting casper\filesystem.squashfs | 11:10 |
HiTo | Rabbitbunny i used the Totem interface for that, and it asked for the admin password, so it should work | 11:10 |
socr | kenshin: do not use ScanDisk stick this U3launcher stuff makes it impossible to use. | 11:11 |
kenshin | socr, thanks | 11:11 |
HiTo | erUSUL I don't have anything like that running, Only Vmware and some explorer windows | 11:11 |
kenshin | what? | 11:11 |
gooody | anybody knows how to display my files on the desktop as icons? | 11:12 |
socr | kenshin: ? | 11:12 |
foobarasd | Hi, how to deactivate the network manager and set default options for my network? | 11:12 |
kenshin | socr, do not use ScanDisk stick you say?? | 11:12 |
erUSUL | HiTo: "sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock" and try again if you are sure | 11:12 |
kenshin | i didn't quite get that line | 11:12 |
pentagram | yes you should change a certain directoru of the file | 11:12 |
=== lin2k is now known as joy | ||
erUSUL | foobarasd: SystemA>Admin>Net disable roaming mode on the iface and configure | 11:12 |
socr | kenshin: yes, do not use Sandisk sticks | 11:13 |
Rabbitbunny | gooody: symlink? put the files in ~/Desktop ? | 11:13 |
kenshin | i don't know what that is | 11:13 |
gooody | Rabbitbunny: i don't want my files to be displayed as thumbnails on desktop. any way? | 11:13 |
socr | kenshin: typo: SanDisk is a brand of sticks, they have this feature to mount/unmount and such... they are special in some way | 11:14 |
foobarasd | erUSUL, no, I dont want to use the network manager | 11:14 |
HiTo | erUSUL i just noticed in the tray a notification for 3 updates, tried to get them and got the same error, so I will try your command, any command to know what might be locking that ? | 11:14 |
foobarasd | I want to shut it down | 11:14 |
gooody | Rabbitbunny: i want it to be displayed as icons. | 11:14 |
foobarasd | I killed him and now my network works, so I want to deactrivate the network manager | 11:14 |
erUSUL | foobarasd: if you disable roaming mode you are disabling network manager. i think i made that clear | 11:14 |
Rabbitbunny | gooody: No idea. | 11:14 |
foobarasd | erUSUL, no | 11:14 |
foobarasd | When I disable roaming mode, the network manager application is still runinng | 11:14 |
kenshin | socr, ah | 11:14 |
gooody | Rabbitbunny: thanks anyway for the reply. | 11:15 |
erUSUL | HiTo: lsof /var/cache/apt/archives/lock | 11:15 |
foobarasd | and when I configure my network with this gui it does not work | 11:15 |
Lr5 | Is it just me or is Firefox 3 a lot faster with the newest kernel? | 11:15 |
foobarasd | When I kill the network manager with kill -9 and configure my network with iwconfig and ifconfig, it works | 11:15 |
erUSUL | foobarasd: but he is not in control of the interfaces which you disabled roaming mode | 11:15 |
StealthCP | I want apt to never update the kernel, or it's modules. How would I do that? | 11:15 |
gooody | anybody here knows how to display my desktop files as icons not thumbnails? | 11:15 |
apollo | Can anybody help me configure lighttpd with fastcgi and python? | 11:16 |
foobarasd | erUSUL, but I with this network manager my network simply does not work | 11:16 |
foobarasd | can I uninstall this network manager? | 11:16 |
erUSUL | foobarasd: yes | 11:16 |
sampoo | hi | 11:16 |
socr | kenshin: I'm installing Ubuntu on aASUS eeePC this way | 11:16 |
foobarasd | Because this network manager is shit .. It didn't even have a function to search for wireless networks.. | 11:16 |
StealthCP | I do want other packages in the recommended repo, just not kernel updates, due to modules specific for this hardware being only for the original Hardy kernel | 11:16 |
sampoo | does anyone know if it is normal that logrotate reports 'Re-opening all log files' every day by mail? | 11:16 |
zaputr | MPleer before each launch afqkf tries to open sokket and download LIRC. Failed to open LIRC support and then everything is included and the rules work, how to disable the download? | 11:16 |
HiTo | erUSUL thanks, last command did not return anything | 11:17 |
StealthCP | eeepc modules to be specific | 11:17 |
wers | how do I play wmv on totem? | 11:17 |
manifest | get codecs prolly | 11:17 |
icqnumber | !wmv | 11:17 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 11:17 |
sampoo | (i changed my settings for the apache logfiles to rotate 5 times instead of the default 52, and since then it started reporting that) | 11:17 |
Lr5 | wers: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras? | 11:17 |
wers | Lr5, done that | 11:17 |
erUSUL | !w32codecs | wers | 11:18 |
ubottu | wers: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 11:18 |
foobarasd | erUSUL, Because this network manager is shit .. It didn't even have a function to search for wireless networks.. | 11:18 |
wers | i think, i have to install this xine backend | 11:18 |
HiTo | erUSUL the "sudo rm...." worked, codecs are downloading, I hope I didn't mess with something :) | 11:18 |
Sinnerman | if i may venture to ask, why does nautilus in gutsy take so long to load at log-on, that is, about 10-15 seconds, and is there a way to make it load faster? | 11:18 |
erUSUL | !language | foobarasd | 11:18 |
ubottu | foobarasd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 11:18 |
Rabbitbunny | if XMMS is obsolete, what are we using now? | 11:18 |
erUSUL | foobarasd: works for me (tm) this is linux you can do whatever you want | 11:18 |
ragsagar | !shit | foobarasd | 11:19 |
ubottu | Factoid shit not found | 11:19 |
erUSUL | Rabbitbunny: audacious ? | 11:19 |
Rabbitbunny | erUSUL: THanks. | 11:19 |
kenshin | socr, i'm trying this way because I wasted 2 CDs already faultly burning it | 11:19 |
generic | hi all i installed ubuntu 8.04 on every reboot my resolv.conf files just removes and need to recreate | 11:20 |
VSpike | Hey Flannel .. didn't work. It's quite odd.. it does stage 1.5 and then drops to terminal | 11:20 |
generic | any cure? | 11:20 |
foobarasd | erUSUL, where is the function to search for wireless networks ? im using ubuntu 7.10 | 11:20 |
VSpike | Flannel: When I do the find command, it does suggest that the drive map has changed | 11:20 |
Shervin | Hi, I want to install ubuntu FIRST then Windows XP how do i go about doing that. I tried it once and then XP took over and didn't even give me the choice of booting into Ubuntu. | 11:20 |
erUSUL | foobarasd: comman line? "sudo iwconfig wlan0 scan" | 11:20 |
VSpike | Flannel: because hd1 appears to have become hd0 | 11:21 |
erUSUL | Shervin: you really should do it the other way around | 11:21 |
manifest | shervin: i see no way | 11:21 |
foobarasd | erUSUL, okay, found it | 11:21 |
foobarasd | iwlist | 11:21 |
robg_ | Shervin: both OSes will attempt to establish dominance over your harddrive. | 11:21 |
foobarasd | So how can I uninstall the network manager? | 11:21 |
VSpike | Flannel: I'm in the terminal now (fired up another machine to make this easier) | 11:21 |
Shervin | ersul: Is there a way where i can install ubuntu first? | 11:22 |
Sinnerman | erUSUL, foobarasd i dunno if im missing something, but if i go to wireless networks -> properties, i get a dropdown which offers me a choice of wireless networks to connect to... doesn't it already search for networks that way implicitly? | 11:22 |
Hannz | hello | 11:22 |
Shervin | OR at least i've heard of trying to put grub back into action | 11:22 |
zaputr | MPlayer before each launch tries to open soket and download LIRC. Failed to open LIRC support and then everything is work true, how to disable the download? | 11:22 |
Shervin | thats what i was told by someone today | 11:22 |
VSpike | Flannel: it appears to have a file system, in that if I do kernel /<tab> i get some vmlinuz and initrd files | 11:22 |
gooody | Anybody can help me change file views of desktop as icons not as thumbnails. | 11:22 |
erUSUL | Sinnerman: yes it does i never said otherwise | 11:24 |
StealthCP | I want apt to never update the kernel, or it's modules. How would I do that? | 11:24 |
Sinnerman | erUSUL: oh well, i kinda missed the first part of foobarasd's question. i guess that kinda solves it? | 11:25 |
HiTo | Is there a way to 'easily' make md5 checksums of a whole directory with tree, and compare it after to a backup ? | 11:25 |
maxman | Hi. My CPU temperature sometimes goes up to 95 degrees Celsius. When I run the `top` command, I see that fusesmb.cache uses 97% of the CPU. I tried ti `killall -9 fusesmb.cache` but it always comes back. Does anyone know how I can get rid of this? I really don't need any SMB stuff to be cached | 11:26 |
mrynit | I am trying to use xvidcap on 8.04. it crashes if i recode with audio recording. if i turn audio capture off it works fine. how can i run it while captureing audio and not have it crash | 11:26 |
manifest | was linus torvalds finnish or estonian? | 11:27 |
tdawgedogg | hey guys, can someone help me setup a sql database to use with amarok | 11:27 |
StealthCP | tdawgedogg, MySQL? | 11:27 |
StealthCP | tdawgedogg, join #kde | 11:28 |
sampoo | why does logrotate report 'Re-opening all log files'? does it mean anything? | 11:28 |
Slart | HiTo: have you checked the man page for md5sum? I suppose you could always do a find ./ | md5sum or something like that | 11:28 |
StealthCP | tdawgedogg, or #amarok | 11:28 |
click170_ | StealthCP, there is a way to tell apt to hold said package | 11:29 |
VSpike | Is it possible that my BIOS remaps grub devices at boot time and then puts them back again once booted? | 11:29 |
mrynit | manifest: Finish. ckech wikipedia | 11:29 |
VSpike | It seems that changing my boot priority changes the device map, but grub can't seem to see it one the system is booted | 11:29 |
VSpike | I guess I just manually edit /boot/grub/ ? | 11:30 |
HiTo | Slart I did, but I am not sure it will do it for the whole tree like that | 11:30 |
click170_ | StealthCP, echo "kernel-image hold" | dpkg --set-selections where kernel-image is the package you wish to hold | 11:31 |
Slart | HiTo: this seems to work... find . -type f -exec md5sum {} \; >checksum.md5 | 11:34 |
manifest__ | was linus torvalds finnish or estonian? | 11:34 |
zaputr | How can I disable LIRC support in MPlayer? | 11:34 |
Slart | HiTo: it will create a file checksum.md5 with the checksums of all the files in the directory.. and any directories under it.. use md5sum -c checksum.md5 to check it later | 11:35 |
gooody | can i easily uninstall installed deb packages? | 11:35 |
microwaver | are there any repositories required to sudo-apt get ndiswrapper? | 11:35 |
Slart | manifest__: google didn't know that? | 11:35 |
manifest__ | umm | 11:35 |
manifest__ | :) | 11:35 |
Slart | manifest__: yes.. go sit in the corner... no dessert for you ;) | 11:35 |
Slart | !info ndiswrapper | 11:36 |
manifest__ | :FFF | 11:36 |
ubottu | Package ndiswrapper does not exist in hardy | 11:36 |
Slart | !info ndiswrapper-common | 11:36 |
ubottu | ndiswrapper-common (source: ndiswrapper): Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.50-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 92 kB | 11:36 |
Boxxxer | hello | 11:36 |
Boxxxer | i just need a simple answer | 11:36 |
microwaver | Slart, i'm using 7.10 | 11:36 |
Slart | microwaver: it's in main.. shouldn't be necessary to add any special repos | 11:36 |
LordMetroid | Is there a way I can tell which file was the original file of a hard link and the original file? | 11:37 |
Boxxxer | what is the program for locking the screen in Ubuntu 8.04 called/named? | 11:37 |
Slart | microwaver: ah.. I don't know where it is in 7.10.. try apt-cache search ndiswrapper and see what you get | 11:37 |
microwaver | Slart, thanks. i'll lok further into it, it's just i'm following this guide : | 11:37 |
Jokka | Does anyone know where i can find kick-ass linux wallpapers? | 11:37 |
Slart | Jokka: and it's siblings | 11:37 |
microwaver | Jokka, gnome user? | 11:37 |
koshari | Jokka gnome look? | 11:37 |
Jokka | gnome yes | 11:37 |
Boxxxer | anyone has any clue? | 11:38 |
Jokka | Ok, thx guys =) | 11:38 |
microwaver | Boxxxer, you mean when u type ctrl + alt + l? | 11:38 |
Boxxxer | yes | 11:38 |
robg_ | Jokka: I found nice photos via Google Images | 11:38 |
fde | Boxxxer: gnome-screensaver does it. | 11:38 |
HiTo | Slart I will try that so, thanks... files to check are on FreeBSD and original data is on Ubuntu | 11:38 |
Jokka | robg_ yeah.. but those kinda suck =) | 11:38 |
Boxxxer | so gnome-screensaver has this built in? | 11:38 |
Slart | microwaver: it looks ok.. but I haven't messed with ndiswrapper so I might miss something obvious | 11:38 |
microwaver | Jokka, | 11:39 |
fde | Boxxxer: yes | 11:39 |
robg_ | Jokka: travel companies have nice landscape photos. | 11:39 |
Boxxxer | i see | 11:39 |
Boxxxer | thanks | 11:39 |
Slart | HiTo: shouldn't be a problem.. if the md5sum software can talk to eachother | 11:39 |
Jokka | robg_ i want something that connects to linux | 11:39 |
Jokka | microwaver, thx | 11:39 |
robg_ | Jokka: Google image search is the gateway to images. | 11:40 |
Jokka | robg_ as i said, i don tlike em. ive been searching for the ultimate wallpaper for ages | 11:40 |
HiTo | Slart i hope so, and yes the command seems to work fine, thanks | 11:40 |
koshari | eepro100 is seen to load using lsmod however the hardware is not available in ifconfig. | 11:40 |
Slart | HiTo: you're welcome | 11:41 |
Jokka | robg_ is what i got now | 11:41 |
robg_ | Jokka: I have 50 landscape photos on a CD and on file. I change to another photo every day. | 11:41 |
koshari | anyone had much experiance with loading ethernet modules? | 11:41 |
=== u^A_ is now known as u^A | ||
VSpike | I don't get it - when I start grub, it does stage 1.5 and drops me into a terminal... | 11:42 |
VSpike | If at that point I do "configfile /grub/menu.lst" everything works from there | 11:43 |
VSpike | So why will it not do that step automatically? | 11:43 |
LordMetroid | Maybe there isn't a way to detect which original file that the target of a hard link was? | 11:43 |
pavel_ | hey guys, i have a problem with pidgin... it resets my connection to icq... msn connection works properly, though... it shows "Lost connection with server, connection reset by peer." when i try to re-enable it, it shows "incorrect password"... but i have saved the pass before :( | 11:44 |
VSpike | pavel_: actually I just saw the same thing, maybe there is an ICQ fault | 11:44 |
gad0 | how do i check whether burnt cd is correct or not ? | 11:44 |
pavel_ | ok, thanks, im glad the fault is not on my side :) | 11:45 |
gad0 | !md5sum | 11:45 |
ubottu | To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see for more | 11:45 |
tdawgedogg | gad0: is there a data verification setting when u burn the cd | 11:45 |
jimmio | question, does anyone know a place to ask questions about Webmin? | 11:45 |
gad0 | tdawgedogg: yes it was but had it unchecked while burning cd | 11:45 |
Slart | jimmio: it isn't included in ubuntu's repos anymore.. see !webmin . Someone here might still know a thing or two about it though | 11:46 |
Kartagis | do i need to re-configure kernel for sound? | 11:46 |
Sinnerman | if i may venture to ask, why does nautilus in gutsy take so long to load at log-on, that is, about 10-15 seconds, and is there a way to make it load faster? | 11:47 |
tdawgedogg | gad0: well just to be safe i would reburn it with data verification....i have had lots of coasters with certain brands of discs | 11:47 |
gad0 | whats the exact command for doing md5sum or checksum on CD ? | 11:47 |
gad0 | tdawgedogg: already done that | 11:47 |
tyberion | hey,, hmm i jsut switched to Fluxbox... which filemanager besides nautilus am I able to use here? | 11:47 |
nomasteryoda | thunar | 11:48 |
gad0 | thunar is in xfce | 11:48 |
jimmio | Well, the issue I have with Webmin is it not recognizing Apache is running... and not being able to start it. Really odd... | 11:48 |
Chrysalis | i am trying to get the gecko-mediaplayer for streaming in ff3, does anyone know if it matters weather i get mplayer of gnome-mplayer for it? | 11:48 |
nomasteryoda | ya but it works well... tyberion you can install thunar | 11:48 |
tyberion | xthanks buddys | 11:48 |
davetarmac | Can anyone help in setting up a VNC connection to a OS X Tiger box from Ubuntu 8.04 over an established VPN connection? | 11:48 |
AlexMorris | hi guys, when you call from yahoo to a cell phone. it displays any number on the receipient's cell phone? or its shown as "unknown number" ? | 11:48 |
koshari | tyberion thunar? | 11:49 |
jrib | !offtopic | AlexMorris | 11:49 |
ubottu | AlexMorris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:49 |
nomasteryoda | tyberion, if you want lighter, there's the n-curses based mc (midnight commander) | 11:49 |
koshari | tyberion dolphin? | 11:49 |
Slart | gad0: usually you match the md5sum with the md5sum of the iso you burned.. then the cd burning software can compare the iso to the burned disc and see if those match.. at least brasero does this | 11:49 |
koshari | dolphin! | 11:49 |
koshari | !dolphin | 11:50 |
ubottu | Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin. | 11:50 |
jrib | tyberion: pcmanfm, thunar, mc are some choices | 11:50 |
koshari | !thunar | 11:50 |
gracedman | Hello, all. I have an Ubuntu specific cups problem (works on other distros). NoMachine's NXClient shares local printers with a nx cups backend but Ubuntu returns lpadmin: Bad device-uri nx://<device> | 11:50 |
ubottu | Thunar is a file manager for !Xfce. It is a lightweight alternative to !Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? See | 11:50 |
gad0 | !checksum | 11:50 |
ubottu | Factoid checksum not found | 11:50 |
gracedman | nx is in /usr/lib.cups/backend | 11:50 |
gad0 | !sha1sum | 11:50 |
ubottu | Factoid sha1sum not found | 11:50 |
gracedman | sorry /usr/lib/cups/backend | 11:51 |
Slart | !md5 | 11:51 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 11:51 |
gad0 | Slart: am in console :( | 11:51 |
gracedman | Any idea why Hardy cups can't use the nx backend? | 11:51 |
gad0 | Slart: can u fetch the command from the link ? | 11:51 |
Kartagis | what package do i need for kernel sources? | 11:52 |
jimmio | gad0: isn't it just md5 <key here> <location here> | 11:52 |
jimmio | gad0: try man md5.. see if you get any info | 11:52 |
jrib | Kartagis: why do you want kernel sources? | 11:52 |
Kartagis | jrib: configure it to build my sound card module | 11:53 |
jrib | Kartagis: you should just need linux-headers-$(uname -r) for that | 11:54 |
jimmio | gad0: It's md5sum <location of file> | 11:54 |
=== fanch_ is now known as ubuntu146 | ||
Kartagis | jrib: there are linux-header-$(uname -r)-generic directories in my /usr/src too. are they non applicable? | 11:55 |
jrib | Kartagis: uname -r includes "-generic" | 11:56 |
Kartagis | damn! I got a screen of errors when I did make menuconfig | 11:57 |
mooper | grr, the shift, ctrl and caps lock keysd arent working, anyone any ideas why not/ | 11:58 |
jrib | Kartagis: have you browsed the links ubottu gives in the !sound factoid? | 11:59 |
gracedman | Hello, all. Anyone interested in helping me troubleshoot a Hardy specific cups printing problem? | 12:00 |
Chrysalis | whats the difference between gnome-mplayer and mplayer | 12:00 |
new2linux_ | hey all, i've installed ubuntu and using eth1 for internet to get all the updates. Now, I need the eth1 to face the network for the thin-client. What things do I need to do? anyone got references to a link? | 12:01 |
jrib | Chrysalis: try them both and see? I imagine gnome-mplayer uses gnome libraries | 12:01 |
soundray | !info gnome-mplayer | Chrysalis | 12:01 |
ubottu | chrysalis: gnome-mplayer (source: gnome-mplayer): GNOME MPlayer is a simple GUI for MPlayer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.6.0-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 107 kB, installed size 476 kB | 12:01 |
gracedman | Hi, Chrysalis - I'm not entirely sure but I believe mplayer is strictly CLI whereas gnome-mplayer probably sticks a gtk based GUI front end on the mplayer backend. | 12:01 |
zaputr | how can i disable lirc in MPlayer& | 12:01 |
soundray | zaputr: with the -nolirc option | 12:02 |
Chrysalis | jrib: thats sorta obvious, isnt it? the reason why i ask is so i DONT have to do that | 12:02 |
Kartagis | !sound | 12:02 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 12:02 |
soundray | Chrysalis: read ubottu ^^ | 12:03 |
jrib | Chrysalis: k | 12:03 |
elTigre | hey, my gnome is broken..... I can't boot into it | 12:03 |
soundray | elTigre: how far do you get? | 12:03 |
elTigre | I get a screen with the backgroundimage, a mousepointer and nothing happens for at least 15 minute | 12:04 |
elTigre | s | 12:04 |
soundray | elTigre: does failsafe mode work (session option at login)? | 12:04 |
elTigre | no | 12:04 |
new2linux_ | hey all, i've installed ubuntu and using eth1 for internet to get all the updates. Now, I need the eth1 to face the network for the thin-client. What things do I need to do? anyone got references to a link? | 12:04 |
soundray | elTigre: can you login at a virtual console (Ctrl-Alt-F2)? | 12:05 |
elTigre | only kde4 works currently. I have installed kubuntu... but now I'd like to switch over | 12:05 |
new2linux_ | set static ip to eth1 and setup dhcp? | 12:05 |
elTigre | yes | 12:05 |
Silver_ | er | 12:05 |
soundray | elTigre: have you fully installed ubuntu-desktop and all dependencies? | 12:06 |
elTigre | that I can't say | 12:06 |
elTigre | I did try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop though | 12:06 |
soundray | elTigre: redo the command in the text console and see if it reports any errors. If it does, try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' and 'sudo apt-get -f install' | 12:07 |
cj_ | hello im having trouble trying to Navigate to my ATI drivers to install them in the Terminal | 12:08 |
soundray | cj_: you shouldn't do that. Install ATI drivers via System-Administration-Hardware Drivers | 12:08 |
koshari | anyone know how to upgrade your initrd to load a different module? | 12:09 |
elTigre | soundray: doesn't change anything | 12:09 |
elTigre | all packages configure nicely, just as before | 12:09 |
Boxxxer | hello again | 12:10 |
soundray | koshari: generally, you reference the module in /etc/initramfs, then run sudo update-initramfs | 12:10 |
Boxxxer | can you please help me find the source code of gnome-screensaver? | 12:10 |
Boxxxer | i did some google searches but no luck | 12:10 |
soundray | elTigre: look at ~/.xsession-errors to see if any problems are reported in there | 12:10 |
icewaterman | i am using full disc encryption with hardy. however since i have separate partitions for / swap and tmp i have to enter the password multiple times - which is kinda annoying. is there a way to tell the script to use the password entered on all luks partitions? | 12:11 |
cj_ | ok i keep getting a message New Restricted drivers in use | 12:11 |
soundray | !source | Boxxxer | 12:11 |
ubottu | Boxxxer: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: | 12:11 |
soundray | cj_: so you already have the latest ATI driver for your system | 12:11 |
elTigre | soundray: I have to restart for that | 12:11 |
zaputr | <soundray>: it's strange, it doesn't solve my broblem , before each running of file MPlayer opens then 13 seconds waits and only after 13 seconds normally run my file, log of Mplayer is here , may be you know how to solve this problem | 12:12 |
soundray | elTigre: no -- why? | 12:12 |
soundray | elTigre: are you in Windows? | 12:12 |
cj_ | so its working properly then? | 12:12 |
elTigre | or at least restart the X Session | 12:12 |
elTigre | no, Kde4 | 12:12 |
elTigre | and KDE works kinda | 12:12 |
soundray | elTigre: I see, that would have overwritten the error log | 12:13 |
elTigre | there aren't any errors in the xsession thing, so I have to look at the gnome generated one | 12:13 |
soundray | cj_: probably. Do a 'glxgears' and check the framerate that it displays | 12:14 |
koshari | soundray si i add the module to the modules file in initfs and then run the update? | 12:14 |
soundray | cj_: or glxinfo | 12:14 |
Boxxxer | E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list | 12:14 |
soundray | koshari: that's generally how you do it, yes | 12:14 |
Boxxxer | darn | 12:14 |
Boxxxer | can oyu help me out here? | 12:14 |
jrib | Boxxxer: you need deb-src lines in addition to the deb lines you have | 12:15 |
soundray | Boxxxer: System-Admin-Software Sources -- Source code | 12:15 |
Boxxxer | oh | 12:15 |
Boxxxer | ok | 12:15 |
koshari | soundray and it will then not load the previously default module? | 12:15 |
jrib | Boxxxer: soundra's way is better | 12:15 |
soundray | Boxxxer: that will create the necessary lines that jrib refers to | 12:15 |
VSpike | Why when I'm in the grub shell do I have /boot/grub/ and /grub/ ? | 12:16 |
cj_ | ok i did that what am i looking for to see if it is working right? | 12:16 |
soundray | koshari: I've only given you generic advice. You haven't told me any specifics of your problem. | 12:16 |
Boxxxer | trying now ;) | 12:16 |
VSpike | In fact generally I seem to have /... and /boot/... but they are not the same files | 12:16 |
soundray | cj_: what's the framerate | 12:16 |
exot | hello, how can I divide string in python into splits by spaces ? | 12:16 |
Boxxxer | yup yup yup, it's working ;) | 12:17 |
cj_ | sorry a little new to this where do i find that i see alot of numbers | 12:17 |
Boxxxer | thanks | 12:17 |
mrynit | exot: try #python | 12:17 |
mrynit | or RTFM :/ | 12:17 |
soundray | cj_: sorry to confuse you. What's the framerate from glxgears? | 12:17 |
remoteCTR1 | anone ever tried to transport a full hd output from a ubuntu pc to a full hd tv? | 12:17 |
=== udk is now known as UdontKnow | ||
koshari | soundray sorry, basicly my prob is i need eepro100 for my networking but even with e100 in the balacklist its seen to be loading with dmesg obviousely earlier than the modules blacklist cuts in therefore whan eepro100 loads it wont work until i do rmmod and then modprobe | 12:17 |
elTigre | soundray: no valuable information there.... | 12:17 |
elTigre | soundray: two errors about another gpg-client/ssh-client already running ... other than that nada | 12:18 |
new2linux_ | what's the different between synaptic and add/remove programs? | 12:18 |
cj_ | 27090 Frames in 5.0 sec | 12:18 |
soundray | elTigre: you've never logged into gnome on this machine, correct? | 12:19 |
cj_ | = 5417 FPS | 12:19 |
koshari | new2linux synaptoc is a lot more comprehensive | 12:19 |
elTigre | I have | 12:19 |
VSpike | new2linux_: add/remove programs is just organised differently - both use the same underlying package management | 12:19 |
elTigre | but thats two months ago | 12:19 |
new2linux_ | koshari: but those 2 programs function almost the same right? | 12:19 |
robg_ | new2linux: contrary to windows, linux works with one installer called package manager. | 12:20 |
koshari | new2linux yes , however i dont know that add programs allows you to edit sources ect. | 12:20 |
elTigre | is there a way to force reinstallation of gnome? | 12:20 |
Emry | Does this look reasonable for a two gig quota with 4k block sizes? sudo setquota -u username 400000 500000 8000 8192 -a | 12:20 |
koshari | elTigre in synaptic you could do completely remove, install | 12:21 |
soundray | cj_: that's awesome :) your driver is working | 12:21 |
mrynit | has anyone used xvidcap on ubuntu? it crashes for me when doing audio | 12:21 |
soundray | elTigre: I don't recommend that | 12:21 |
rsk | mrynit: known bug, chek launchpad. one solution is to build xvidcap from svn. | 12:21 |
cj_ | sweet thanks | 12:21 |
soundray | elTigre: we need to do more diagnostics, otherwise you'll end up with the same problem. | 12:21 |
mrynit | rsk: oh fun... | 12:21 |
rsk | yea :F | 12:22 |
soundray | elTigre: I suggest you create a new user for testing, and see if gnome works when you log in as that | 12:22 |
rsk | or switch audio codec might work | 12:22 |
new2linux_ | i used the eth1 for internet, now i need to change it to face the network for the thin-client? what things should i do to change the network? anyone has a link to this task? | 12:22 |
elTigre | ok... | 12:22 |
mrynit | i use recodMyDesktop and it works better on my P3 | 12:22 |
koshari | mrynit have you tried recordmydesktop, i found it pretty stable | 12:22 |
mrynit | koshari: yeah but no audio. | 12:22 |
soundray | elTigre: is this a gutsy system? | 12:22 |
elTigre | Hardy Heron | 12:23 |
cj_ | now if i could only get wine to run guild wars right id be set but i think i need to go to wine for that though | 12:23 |
soundray | elTigre: so you installed the beta? Or did you upgrade from gutsy? | 12:23 |
elTigre | yes | 12:23 |
Emry | cj_, Try forcing it to run in OpenGL mode. | 12:23 |
mrynit | koshari: the sound recording device is DEFAULT. im usign a usb mic. i dont know how to point it to the right audio input | 12:23 |
soundray | elTigre: coffee or tea? Yes please. | 12:23 |
=== kranny is now known as k33qk | ||
Sinnerman | if i may venture to ask, why does nautilus in gutsy take so long to load at log-on, that is, about 10-15 seconds, and is there a way to make it load faster? | 12:24 |
elTigre | Though I believe Heron was released recently | 12:24 |
k33qk | hello | 12:24 |
soundray | elTigre: you said you logged into gnome months ago. Hardy has been out for 5 weeks only | 12:24 |
abdulla | hi everyone | 12:25 |
abdulla | need some help plz | 12:25 |
mm5087 | upgrade memory will make gutsy faster ..and remove unnecessary service .. | 12:25 |
elTigre | well yes, but that was guts | 12:25 |
elTigre | y | 12:25 |
k33qk | abdulla:what? | 12:25 |
cj_ | sorry Emry but i just got ubuntu 4 hours ago trying to learn it i dont know how to get to Opengl | 12:25 |
mrynit | abdulla: when in IRC just ask the question! >:( | 12:25 |
soundray | Sinnerman: how do you know the delay is due to nautilus? | 12:25 |
anathematic | how do i create another user on my ubuntu server box? | 12:25 |
VSpike | anathematic: sudo adduser <name> | 12:25 |
FLeiXiuS | anathematic, adduser USERNAME | 12:25 |
soundray | anathematic: 'sudo adduser newusername' | 12:25 |
mm5087 | adduser | 12:25 |
davetarmac | hi folks | 12:25 |
Sinnerman | sound managed to have top running one time if was taking a bit longer. it was hogging CPU time. | 12:25 |
elTigre | I didn't blank the system in between, I just upgraded | 12:25 |
pir0- | hi all | 12:26 |
mrynit | lol three answers in a row | 12:26 |
anathematic | thanks | 12:26 |
Sinnerman | soundray: managed to have top running one time if was taking a bit longer. it was hogging CPU time. | 12:26 |
abdulla | will windows powerpoint presentation open in ubunt? | 12:26 |
VSpike | wish i had three answers :) | 12:26 |
abdulla | ubunt* | 12:26 |
Emry | cj_, I see. It is in the wine settings. For me, Guildwars ran right out of the box. The trick is to download the installer from the website instead of using the CD. :) | 12:26 |
abdulla | ubuntu* | 12:26 |
davetarmac | i need some help with accessing apple remote desktop from my ubuntu box | 12:26 |
k33qk | abdulla:yes | 12:26 |
soundray | VSpike: ask an easy question :) | 12:26 |
VSpike | soundray: ahhh silly me :) | 12:26 |
davetarmac | i'm connected to work via a VPN now, but I can't seem to ping any of the boxes there | 12:26 |
VSpike | nice to see | 12:26 |
HangukMiguk_ | my fluxbox menu no longer has a styles directory, how do i get it back?! | 12:27 |
mm5087 | install vnc .. | 12:27 |
elTigre | how can I create a new user? I never used kde for that... | 12:27 |
VSpike | nice to see #grub is as much use as a chocolate teapot | 12:27 |
elTigre | and firefox is broken now, too.. | 12:27 |
abdulla | someone answer my question plz | 12:27 |
Dr_willis | elTigre, i just do a 'sudo adduser USERNAME' | 12:27 |
soundray | elTigre: don't know in KDE, I'd just do 'sudo adduser test' in CLI | 12:27 |
abdulla | can openoffice open powerpoinnt presentations? | 12:27 |
soundray | abdulla: it can | 12:27 |
davetarmac | mm5087: you talking to me? | 12:27 |
cj_ | ok i installed it from the Guild wars site | 12:28 |
abdulla | iam talking to everyone | 12:28 |
Emry | abdulla, Some of them will run ok in OpenOffice, but there is not 100% compatability with powerpoint. | 12:28 |
abdulla | aha | 12:28 |
VSpike | Why when I'm in the grub shell do I have /boot/grub/ and /grub/ ? | 12:28 |
soundray | abdulla: but some formatting and embedded objects may be lost | 12:28 |
cj_ | where do i go in wine to do that though | 12:28 |
VSpike | In fact generally I seem to have /... and /boot/... but they are not the same files | 12:28 |
gribouille | hi | 12:28 |
k33qk | abdulla oo 2.2 has some problems | 12:28 |
mm5087 | can abdulla ... | 12:28 |
elTigre | ok I'll restart | 12:28 |
abdulla | int there a way to mae it 100% compatible? | 12:28 |
Emry | cj_, What happens when you tell guildwars to start? | 12:28 |
gribouille | I tried KDE 4.0.4 with the kubuntu packages, but it is a complete failure. can someone help me ? | 12:28 |
abdulla | isn't there a way to mae it 100% compatible? | 12:28 |
Emry | abdulla, 100% compatability will require Microsoft to play nice. | 12:29 |
HangukMiguk_ | my fluxbox menu no longer has a styles directory, how do i get it back?! | 12:29 |
mrynit | abdulla: i have yet to have problems with it | 12:29 |
soundray | abdulla: it will happen gradually, now that Microsoft have opened the specs to the ppt format. But it's hard work. | 12:29 |
k33qk | Emry :weel said | 12:29 |
k33qk | well said | 12:29 |
Emry | They made PPT open? | 12:29 |
abdulla | aha i see | 12:29 |
mrynit | i thought OO.o was on ver 2.4 | 12:29 |
soundray | Emry: yes | 12:29 |
Emry | That is impressive. | 12:29 |
leo|lap | Could someone recommend a book or similar about setting up a it infra structure for a small buisness? Basic stuff and what you should think about with users and storage etc. All in linux of course. | 12:29 |
Emry | soundray, Is it open, or is it open with closed bits like their first attempt at an OXML? | 12:30 |
soundray | Emry: it's still not a Free/libre format. There are strings attached | 12:30 |
abdulla | so i cant install ubuntu for my momslaptop | 12:30 |
leo|lap | I try finding stuff on google etc, but my terminology limits me to bad results :) | 12:30 |
k33qk | abdulla:u can find pptview[] built with wine at Ubuntu multiverse. | 12:30 |
luke_ | does anyone know what command shows me the pci id of my wireless card? im trying to use ndiswrapper | 12:30 |
mrynit | abdulla: you could but i would advise not | 12:30 |
Metatron | hello all, i have started with a text based server and am trying to add X, i used sudo aptitude install x-window-system-core, it complained about alot of dependencies, X wont start, whats missing? | 12:30 |
Emry | soundray, Of course, that is to be expected. BUT if the documents are available for people to produce libs, then those libs may not be free but they will work. hehehe | 12:30 |
soundray | abdulla: my parents are both on Ubuntu (non-technical) | 12:30 |
soundray | abdulla: occasionally I have to give telephone support | 12:31 |
Emry | abdulla, What are your requirements? | 12:31 |
abdulla | the problem is that the other computers in her work use winblows | 12:31 |
EsTEx | having a problem connecting to web server via ftp. After server requests password ftp seems to hang | 12:31 |
davetarmac | is there a way i can find out what computers are on the network i'm connected to? | 12:31 |
robg_ | leo|lap: basically client - server configurations. | 12:31 |
k33qk | abdulla:try pptview | 12:31 |
leo|lap | basicly robg_ | 12:31 |
abdulla | wht is that | 12:31 |
Emry | abdulla, Often times, unless you are a techy, it is better for your laptop to support whatever you use at work. Your home machine however is another story all together. hehhee:P | 12:31 |
abdulla | pptview? | 12:31 |
abdulla | iam a total noob | 12:32 |
leo|lap | maybe not the specific configuration, but what to use and why | 12:32 |
leo|lap | for example to share files, enable remote log on etc | 12:32 |
EsTEx | anyone had that problem before? (with ftp) | 12:32 |
robg_ | leo|lap: you decide whether you want to run an inhouse server or whether you want to use online services. | 12:32 |
soundray | abdulla: you shouldn't put your mother on Ubuntu, unless she has access to people who know it well and will help her in case of problems. | 12:32 |
k33qk | here's my problem: | 12:32 |
k33qk | any help plz? | 12:33 |
cj_ | it load into the login screen but its all messed up looks like jumble blue and yellow part of the login screen | 12:33 |
Dr_willis | soundray, :) i was thinking the same thing.. only about windows... had to help my mom with windows many times. | 12:33 |
abdulla | arent there any opensource programs thaat can open any powerpoint presentation? | 12:33 |
Emry | abdulla, If the machine is currentluy running windows, and she uses windows at work, and she is comfortable with windows, then it is ok to leave her with window.s :P | 12:33 |
soundray | abdulla: no | 12:33 |
Emry | Ok, go to your run line, run box, whatever, and tell it to run winecfg. | 12:33 |
anirudh0 | abdulla, openoffice | 12:34 |
soundray | abdulla: as I was telling you, ppt was a closed, secret format until very recently | 12:34 |
anirudh0 | abdulla, essentially all ppt's will open in openoffice impress | 12:34 |
Emry | abdulla: From what they are saying, ppt will start getting better! hehe | 12:34 |
soundray | Dr_willis: my parent support load has decreased thanks to Ubuntu | 12:34 |
Ogma | is the server install the same as the desktop with just more stuff and support ? | 12:34 |
Emry | abdulla, IS there a reason you want to put Ubuntu on her laptop? | 12:34 |
mrynit | abdulla: | 12:34 |
Frogzoo | Ogma: less | 12:34 |
sarmisak | Ogma: no | 12:34 |
Dr_willis | soundray, sure cuts down on the viruses they managet to get. | 12:34 |
march | Hi :) | 12:35 |
robg_ | Ogma: desktop is 700 Mb, server is 535 Mb. | 12:35 |
Ogma | can i start with a server install CD and get the desktop stuff or equal too ? | 12:35 |
cj_ | ok in wine cfg | 12:35 |
rsk | Ogma: yes | 12:35 |
Frogzoo | Ogma: sure | 12:35 |
abdulla | ofcourse there is a reason i want to put ubuntu on her laptop | 12:35 |
abdulla | lol | 12:35 |
Dr_willis | Ogma, you can.. but it can be an annoyance. | 12:35 |
Frogzoo | cj_: there is no wine config anymore | 12:35 |
Ogma | i seee | 12:35 |
march | Has anyone solved installation of Terminus in Hardy? libg++ isn't available anymore. is necessary for this game | 12:36 |
abdulla | because i oftenly use her laptop alot | 12:36 |
davetarmac | I'm connected to work over a vpn, but I can't get access to any of the machines via VNC - they're macs and I can connect to them when i'm in the office using the built in screen sharing software, but not from home using Remote Desktop Viewer - is there a reason for this? | 12:36 |
abdulla | and i cant stand using windows | 12:36 |
Ogma | damn it like 3 more hours to download the desktop cd then.. i got the server one =( | 12:36 |
abdulla | and she likes ubuntu | 12:36 |
magnetron | Ogma: the server install doesn't have any graphical interface. if you are going to use it as a desktop computer, get the desktop install. | 12:36 |
lxb | 你好,大家好! | 12:36 |
soundray | abdulla: you can set it up for dual-booting, so both of you can choose to use Windows or Ubuntu at boot time. | 12:36 |
Frogzoo | davetarmac: can you ping them? | 12:36 |
cj_ | im in it Wine configuration | 12:36 |
magnetron | !zh | lxb | 12:36 |
anirudh0 | abdulla, you can use remote access to fix problems on your mom's case any arise after the switch to ubuntu | 12:36 |
ubottu | lxb: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 12:36 |
mrynit | abdulla: default grub to windows | 12:37 |
davetarmac | Frogzoo: no, I can't | 12:37 |
abdulla | yea | 12:37 |
cj_ | what do you mean thers no wine cfg | 12:37 |
mrynit | set the wait time to 3 to 5 seconds | 12:37 |
Frogzoo | davetarmac: well, there's your problem | 12:37 |
abdulla | i never thought of that | 12:37 |
abdulla | wait | 12:37 |
anirudh0 | soundray, given an options, moms will _never_ choose ubuntu...from personal experience :) | 12:37 |
abdulla | i tried doing that | 12:37 |
Ogma | cj_ win for games? | 12:37 |
abdulla | i got till the partioning part | 12:37 |
Ogma | wine* | 12:37 |
abdulla | then some problems | 12:37 |
Ogma | Cededa FTW =P | 12:37 |
abdulla | no root is defined | 12:37 |
davetarmac | Frogzoo: I know, do you have any experience of VPN's that might prove helpful? | 12:37 |
mrynit | abdulla: please put more than one sentence on one line. | 12:37 |
Emry | cj_, Let me bring it up. | 12:38 |
abdulla | ok iam a slow typer | 12:38 |
soundray | anirudh0: that's right. And why would she learn a new OS, if the old one is good enough? | 12:38 |
anirudh0 | abdulla, ubuntu has no root...use sudo | 12:38 |
k33qk | here is my problem:: | 12:38 |
abdulla | how to define a root? | 12:38 |
magnetron | !sudo | abdulla | 12:38 |
davetarmac | Frogzoo: I can ping the server, but I have a feeling that it has the same IP as my router here | 12:38 |
ubottu | abdulla: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 12:38 |
anirudh0 | soundray, because 1)old one is prone to viruses 2)old one is prone to random crashes...the lost goes on | 12:38 |
mrynit | anirudh0: he meens / | 12:38 |
saint-takesh1 | abdulla: set the mount point of the linux patition to "/" | 12:38 |
Emry | cj_, What kind of graphic card do you have? | 12:38 |
cj_ | ok im sorry guys i only got ubuntu 4 hours ago i just got the latest version of wine so im not sure all you guys a talking about | 12:38 |
anirudh0 | *list | 12:39 |
cj_ | ATI 3600 | 12:39 |
abdulla | wait just tell me wht i do when i get to the partioning part? plz | 12:39 |
abdulla | ya the mount point | 12:39 |
abdulla | and what type? | 12:39 |
anirudh0 | soundray, in windows, if something behaves wierdly, you are never sure whether its a bug or a virus | 12:39 |
manifest__ | or a "feature" | 12:40 |
Emry | cj_, :/ let me see what I fan find. ATI doesn't leave a lot of promise for games under Linux because of their crappy support of the community. (Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong here. It has been a while since I personally saw a driver release for ATI). | 12:40 |
anirudh0 | abdulla, have you checked the install guides on | 12:40 |
Ogma | if I install with my ubuntu 7.10 CD i can upgrade to 8 whatever pretty easy right ..? don't have to download like another cd just the updater will do it for me right | 12:40 |
abdulla | i have to set two partions right? | 12:40 |
dpreacher | how do i make gnome do start automatically at startup? | 12:40 |
soundray | anirudh0: I know all the arguments, and I'm on your side -- it's just a matter of perceptions. Most people accept viruses as a fact of life, to the extent that they come here saying "why is there no virus checker in Ubuntu by default?" | 12:40 |
manifest__ | frozenball o/ | 12:40 |
abdulla | no going to check them now | 12:40 |
Frozenball | hello :o | 12:40 |
robg_ | Ogma: why not go for 8.04 straight away ? | 12:40 |
soundray | dpreacher: make sure you have gdm installed | 12:40 |
Frozenball | :o | 12:40 |
anirudh0 | soundray, ah..but there is..for ubuntu boxes that act as mail servers for other comps running windows | 12:40 |
saint-takesh1 | abdulla: you need to create two partitions; a "root" partition (probably best if you use ext3 filesystem) and a swap partition, using the swap filesystem | 12:40 |
dpreacher | yeah i do soundray | 12:41 |
mrynit | cj_: have you tried the new binaries from ATI | 12:41 |
Ogma | id have to download the cd and allready downloaded the server 8.04 CD don't want to torrent a 3 hour download again | 12:41 |
anirudh0 | soundray, there is even a freeware version of avast...not that it is needed | 12:41 |
Ogma | IF i can just update etc.. | 12:41 |
dpreacher | i did install gnome do too..but i have to set it to run at startup | 12:41 |
soundray | No, anirudh0, there is no virus checker in Ubuntu *by default* | 12:41 |
abdulla | i did that but then when i click next it says i have to set a root | 12:41 |
dpreacher | how do i do that? | 12:41 |
saint-takesh1 | the swap drive is the equivalent of pagefile.sys under windows, it's like a bit of hard drive used as virtual RAM | 12:41 |
anirudh0 | soundray, but with the new NULL pointer hack..that may change | 12:41 |
Emry | cj_, mrynit : mrynit There are new binaries? cj_ If there are new binaries get them. | 12:41 |
davetarmac | is there a reason that I can't ping machines when on their network via vpn? | 12:41 |
soundray | dpreacher: you mean gdm is not starting up? Run 'sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults' to fix that | 12:42 |
mrynit | cj_: i have never run windows 3D games under wine but urban terror and nexubis fine | 12:42 |
abdulla | how do i set a /root? | 12:42 |
robg_ | Ogma: switch on your computer in the evening and go to bed. In the morning the stuff is there. | 12:42 |
anirudh0 | soundray, see this for instance..even a linux box is susceptible to this ... | 12:42 |
Emry | cj_, Ubuntu MIGHT have packages for them, depending on the licensing, but there is a a good chance you will have to go straight to the web site. | 12:42 |
mrynit | Emry: :S | 12:42 |
soundray | abdulla: do you mean a root partition? | 12:42 |
Ogma | robg_ but the updater thingy WILL beable to update it to 8 whatever right ???? | 12:42 |
abdulla | ya | 12:42 |
dpreacher | not gdm soundray i want the quicklauncher Gnome Do to autolaunch on gnome startup | 12:42 |
abdulla | do i set thee mount point to /root? | 12:42 |
dtamas | the new ubuntu is quite perfect!!! | 12:42 |
cj_ | ok i have that DL already | 12:43 |
abdulla | i did that and it still asks for a root, why? | 12:43 |
soundray | dpreacher: then you should configure gdm for autologin (System-Admin-Login Window) | 12:43 |
Emry | mrynit, Awesome. ;P Their semi-mellineal update. :P | 12:43 |
cj_ | but not sure what to do with it | 12:43 |
Emry | cj_, Follow the install instructions. | 12:43 |
robg_ | Ogma: probably, but I always get the best and the latest stuff. | 12:43 |
soundray | abdulla: you have to set the mount point to just / (only the slash) | 12:43 |
dpreacher | soundray, have you used the app called startupmanager? | 12:43 |
saint-takesh1 | abdulla: you have to set the mount point of the partition | 12:43 |
abdulla | and thats it? | 12:43 |
cj_ | lol i tryed didnt understand them | 12:43 |
dpreacher | where you can select which programs to start when you login | 12:43 |
leo|lap | sorry robg_, i got distracted :) I don't know if we really talk about the same thing, as i said my termonology is quite poor | 12:44 |
limac | Seeker`: , fde: there is no problem with the graphics anymore :) It resolved after I installed 32-bit | 12:44 |
dpreacher | it has nothing to do with auto-logging in the user | 12:44 |
Ogma | robg_ understand however don't have a cd burner or anything and ony have a 7.10 install CD or the server 8 CD from a friend | 12:44 |
abdulla | so the mout point of the ext3 partion is / | 12:44 |
dpreacher | i just wanted a command line way of doing it | 12:44 |
dpreacher | rather than using the GUI | 12:44 |
mrynit | abdulla: are yuo doing this on a spare computer? | 12:44 |
Ogma | so its server 8 + update or desktop 7.10 + update | 12:44 |
abdulla | ya | 12:44 |
cj_ | Launch the Terminal Application/Window and navigate to the ATI Proprietary Linux driver download. dont know how to do this yet | 12:44 |
abdulla | iam using my laptop now | 12:44 |
limac | why isn't my winodw border changing thru emerald in Hardy? | 12:44 |
Ogma | im going to say 7.10 + updates would be easier | 12:44 |
anirudh0 | dpreacher, for kde its .kde/Autostart | 12:44 |
robg_ | Ogma: you can temporarily install 7.10 and use that to download other stuff. | 12:44 |
Glimer | quit | 12:45 |
anirudh0 | dpreacher, not sure for gnome | 12:45 |
soundray | dpreacher: you've been talking about autostarting gnome... what exactly is it that you want to do? | 12:45 |
abdulla | so the mount point of the ext3 partion is /, only? | 12:45 |
Kartagis | configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables <--- I got this while I was trying to configure alsa-driver. how come? | 12:45 |
Emry | cj_, basically if it is like the ones in past (I have not looked so I am not sure) you will want to run them using sudo, or as root for the install, because it is going to put stuff places that your regular account can't go. go into xterm, then in the directory it is in run ./ | 12:45 |
Ogma | robg_ thats what im saying 7.10 and then run the updates = 8 whatever | 12:45 |
Ogma | should be | 12:45 |
dpreacher | Gnome Do is different than Gnome soundray...its a quicksilver clone | 12:45 |
soundray | dpreacher: it makes it easier if you keep everything on one line | 12:45 |
dpreacher | oh oops | 12:45 |
anirudh0 | Kartagis, install build-essential | 12:45 |
SitUbuntuSit | how do i remove the boot splash screen? | 12:45 |
dpreacher | for gnome...ubuntu hardy .... why kde. i thought i'd ask kde queries in kubuntu room or kde room | 12:46 |
soundray | abdulla: yes, that's the so-called root | 12:46 |
Lr5 | SitUbuntuSit: remove "splash" from the boot options | 12:46 |
mrynit | abdulla: / is root as in the entier OS is installed there as opposed to splitting /home /boot /etc to different partitions | 12:46 |
anirudh0 | SitUbuntuSit, remove usplash | 12:46 |
Emry | :P | 12:46 |
soundray | abdulla: you don't need a partition that is literally mounted on /root/ | 12:46 |
abdulla | aha now i see | 12:46 |
Emry | Gnome is semi-evil... | 12:46 |
Emry | But it is not so bad. | 12:46 |
robg_ | Ogma: if you have 7.10 desktop and you want 8.04 server you can temporarily install 7.10 download 8.04 and re-install. | 12:46 |
dpreacher | soundray | 12:46 |
dpreacher | see this | 12:46 |
abdulla | thanxs alot | 12:46 |
SitUbuntuSit | thanks... thought so, but didn't want to tinker first. | 12:46 |
cj_ | i dont understand how to get to the directory that what im having tropuble with | 12:46 |
mrynit | abdulla: you know you could read abot this stuff before harping on irc... | 12:46 |
abdulla | going to try it now | 12:46 |
abdulla | ok sorry | 12:46 |
Emry | cj_, Where did you download it too? | 12:47 |
anirudh0 | mrynit, if people actually did that, this channel would be dead :) | 12:47 |
soundray | dpreacher: System-Preferences-Session-Startup programs | 12:47 |
cj_ | Desktop | 12:47 |
Emry | cd /home/<username>/Desktop | 12:47 |
abdulla | iam new to ubuntu and linux and iam a noob, thats all | 12:47 |
cj_ | im in the terminal thing | 12:47 |
Emry | replace <username> with whatever your actual user name is. | 12:47 |
dpreacher | soundray...gotta set that up for someone remotely thru ssh. unless there's no other way to do it using CLI, i'll have to do it with GUI only :( | 12:47 |
LOWER_CASE | Printing problem: attached first printer to Ubuntu: LaserJet with ethernet port. The "hp-setup" finds it, but cannot ping it. (I'm using "roaming" and getting my Linux box's IP from the ADSL router, so the IP addresses are all over the place.) | 12:47 |
mrynit | anirudh0: it is ubuntu after all ... | 12:48 |
anirudh0 | abdulla, everyone starts as a noob...but then you learn to use google :) | 12:48 |
mrynit | debian is fairly friendly too. just dont mention ubuntu there | 12:48 |
mrynit | abdulla: buy a book or two. | 12:48 |
Kartagis | CFLAGS was changed in "/usr/src/alsa/alsa-driver-1.0.14/acore/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.<--- what do I do? | 12:48 |
cj_ | it says Bash | 12:48 |
soundray | dpreacher: gnome executes ~/.gnomerc on startup -- perhaps call it from there. No experience with that approach here, though | 12:48 |
cj_ | i get nothing | 12:49 |
limac | anirudh0: everybody here was also a noob...well some day | 12:49 |
dpreacher | will check that file n see if i could add a line there | 12:49 |
Emry | abdulla, Feel lucky though. Some of us are returners, and the linux world is a whole new place from my first time around.hehehe :P | 12:49 |
* Emry is a newb... AGAIN. @.@ | 12:49 | |
mrynit | Emry: mainframes? | 12:49 |
LOWER_CASE | Re Printing Problem: is subnet mask stopping the ping going to the printer? | 12:49 |
* soundray has been a linux noob for, erm, 14 years | 12:49 | |
Emry | mrynit, Not quite. Ever heard of Mandrake? :P Ever run a distro that had almost no real since of a package manager? hehehehe | 12:50 |
limac | anirudh0: aren't you the guy who started the Mac4lin thingy? | 12:50 |
dpreacher | soundray no .gnomerc under ~ dir. | 12:50 |
davetarmac | I'm connected to a VPN but can't ping any of the machines on the remote network. COuld this be to do with the IP addresses of the remote DHCP server (and router) and my local router being the same? | 12:50 |
soundray | dpreacher: create it. | 12:50 |
anirudh0 | limac, i beg your pardon...started? | 12:50 |
mrynit | gentoo? | 12:50 |
cj_ | ok lets make sure im doing this right i go up and cleck on Applications then to Accessoris then to terminal correct | 12:51 |
* Emry got to bootstrap a system when bootstrapping was still the normal way to do an install.... | 12:51 | |
dpreacher | oh...but i wanted to see the syntax of the file...can u pastebin ur gnomerc file soundray? | 12:51 |
anirudh0 | soundray, is there a autostart directory in gnome?..In kde any program in ~/.kde/Autostart gets executed at login | 12:51 |
Emry | O.o Tryin being a newb through that. :P Now bootstrapping is what you do for a kick once you know your way arround. hehehehe | 12:51 |
SitUbuntuSit | one more thing, how do i install a kdm theme. going to login manager in system settings doesn't have a means that i see to add a theme | 12:51 |
mrynit | cj_: idk if yuo have seen this before | 12:51 |
limac | anirudh0: not sure, but in the screenshots I guess I saw your name there ;) | 12:51 |
cj_ | then when it open it come up as cj@cj-desktop:~$ | 12:51 |
generic | helo guys any way my resolv.conf file deletes on every reboot on ubuntu 8.0.4 | 12:52 |
pawan | hi | 12:52 |
Emry | cj_, That means you are probably in your home dir. Type cd Desktop | 12:52 |
anirudh0 | limac, its some other indian guy..not me though | 12:52 |
limac | anirudh0: oh my bad :P | 12:52 |
soundray | dpreacher: I don't have one. You just put the name of any program you want to start on a line in that file | 12:52 |
pawan | should i keep old menu.lst or new | 12:52 |
anirudh0 | limac, i guess all indian names would sound similar if you are'nt used to them :) | 12:53 |
dpreacher | soundray, there is a system wide gnomerc | 12:53 |
anirudh0 | pawan, new | 12:53 |
afikri | hello all, i have problem with my ATI Radeon Graphics X1100. I am using ubuntu 8.04. When I try to enable ATI accelerated graphics driver, I restart, then It goes black screen. I try to google in ubuntu forum, it seems not to solve my problem. Any one have the same experience? | 12:53 |
dpreacher | so i just add the program line like i would enter it in the run dialog box? | 12:53 |
mepsipax | can Ubuntu can resize my NTFS partition? | 12:53 |
cj_ | that didnt work eather | 12:53 |
anirudh0 | mepsipax, no | 12:53 |
soundray | dpreacher: I still suggest you create a .gnomerc in $HOME | 12:53 |
Ienorand | Hia, kernel 2.6.24-17 breaks suspend for me, against what do I file bug report? | 12:53 |
afikri | hello all | 12:53 |
Emry | mepsipax, Look up a program called gparted. | 12:53 |
pawan | it says keep local version installed | 12:53 |
soundray | dpreacher: yes | 12:53 |
anirudh0 | mepsipax, AFAIK even partition magic cant | 12:53 |
Dr_willis | I thought Ubuntu installer once resized a NTFS for me on a friends laptop... | 12:54 |
anirudh0 | Emry, he said ntfs | 12:54 |
Emry | mepsipax, In fact, for hard core drive moving, you may want to download the live CD | 12:54 |
dpreacher | i think that will be a safe option | 12:54 |
soundray | mepsipax: Ubuntu will resize your NTFS just fine | 12:54 |
Emry | anirudh0, Last I checked it supported it. | 12:54 |
limac | anirudh0: :) | 12:54 |
=== gregoirelamerded is now known as lolgreg | ||
soundray | anirudh0: what makes you think NTFS resizing was not supported? It has been since before dapper | 12:54 |
afikri | could i ask something? | 12:55 |
anirudh0 | soundray, resizing or fomatting? | 12:55 |
soundray | anirudh0: resizing | 12:55 |
Emry | anirudh0, Resizing follows a totaly different philosophy from writing to the disk. | 12:55 |
Emry | anirudh0, It can resize NTFS without destroying data. | 12:55 |
qpPuMeH | can me help somebody with my trouble?? | 12:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 217562 in ubuntu "Microphone don't work " [Undecided,New] | 12:55 |
markotitel | hi, Im trying to install ubunti with raid0 and almost at the end of installation I get " following package have unmet dependencies linux-generic depends linux-image-generic" | 12:56 |
Emry | mepsipax, That said, DO backup anything that you don't want to lose... I would suggest that even if you used Partition Magic or someo other commercial product. :P | 12:56 |
Kartagis | CFLAGS was changed in "/usr/src/alsa/alsa-driver-1.0.14/acore/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.<--- what do I do? | 12:56 |
anirudh0 | soundray, did'nt know that..the linux driver did'nt even support permissions till a while ago | 12:56 |
markotitel | what am I doing wrong | 12:56 |
zaputr_ | before each running of file MPlayer opens then 13 seconds waits and only after 13 seconds normally run my file, log of Mplayer is here , may be you know how to solve this problem | 12:56 |
Ienorand | Hia, kernel 2.6.24-17 breaks suspend for me, against what package do I file bug report? | 12:56 |
dpreacher | anirudh0: i have resized ntfs partitions without any problems with gparted | 12:56 |
Emry | anirudh0, Dude, the drivers used by Gparted are NOT related to the kernel driver to mount a partition. | 12:56 |
Dr_willis | zaputr_, it may be trying the pulse audio for its audio settings, set it to use 'alsa' and it may not wait. | 12:56 |
anirudh0 | limac, there a a million guys in the world called john...anirudh is'nt as popular a name in india..but then india's population is also big :) | 12:56 |
LOWER_CASE | Hi, help please, Got a printer, but cannot print or ping. Will ethernet in roaming mode with IP subnetmask prevent pinging or printing? What can I try, please? | 12:56 |
zoobox | whould it be possible to not use the acronym "DRM" for "Direct Render Manager" next time? | 12:57 |
Dr_willis | zaputr_, recall a similer delay. | 12:57 |
jussi01 | !bug | Ienorand | 12:57 |
ubottu | Ienorand: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 12:57 |
Insannus | how did i install beryl in Ubuntu 8.04? | 12:57 |
zoobox | I got ill by just thinking of the possibility of have Digital Restrictions Management in my computer..... | 12:57 |
manifest__ | sudo apt-get prolly | 12:58 |
soundray | Insannus: don't. Use compiz-fusion. System-Preferences-Appearance-Desktop Effects | 12:58 |
alexander_roo1 | Insannus: sudo apt-get install beryl ))) | 12:58 |
Insannus | This comand don't work here :( | 12:58 |
alexander_roo1 | compiz it better than beryl imho | 12:58 |
aantn | hello | 12:58 |
Emry | mepsipax, I would advise that you backup any important data first. If it is your primary machine and windows HAS to boot, then concider purchasing a second physical drive. That is just worst case scenerio talking. Download the gparted iso, it will boot a live cd with the program. Run it that way so that you don't have to have any drives active while you hack them up. | 12:58 |
zoobox | but I guess it is too late to change the decription for the update "[Amit Kucheria] * Poulsbo: Update DRM driver to sync with moblin tree" now? | 12:58 |
Dr_willis | Is Beryl oricially dead yet? | 12:58 |
soundray | Insannus: what command? Please use the nick of the person you're addressing | 12:58 |
Dr_willis | officially dead. :) | 12:58 |
alexander_roo1 | i think no | 12:59 |
anirudh0 | Insannus, the beryl project was merged into compiz a whole ago...hence compiz _fusion_ | 12:59 |
alexander_roo1 | I use compiz | 12:59 |
alexander_roo1 | fusion | 12:59 |
Myrtti | anirudh0: or comfuzion ;-) | 12:59 |
jussi01 | !beryl | Dr_willis | 12:59 |
ubottu | Dr_willis: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 12:59 |
zoobox | (the update of linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic in ubuntu7.10 I mean) | 12:59 |
alexander_roo1 | !google beryl | 12:59 |
ubottu | Factoid google beryl not found | 12:59 |
Ienorand | jussi01: What package is those versions of the kernel, is it just "The Linux Kernel" | 12:59 |
soundray | zoobox: DRM meant direct rendering manager long before it meant digital restrictions management | 12:59 |
Emry | :P in fact, the gparted FAQ actually has a section on the whole "you can chop it but you can't write on it" thing. hehehe | 12:59 |
Dr_willis | jussi01, but is it condidered officially DEAD :) or are people still working on it. | 12:59 |
jussi01 | Ienorand: linux-image-2.24.whatever | 13:00 |
Insannus | soundray, Thanks | 13:00 |
alexander_roo1 | Use compiz!=) | 13:00 |
anirudh0 | soundray, you mean digital rights management :) | 13:00 |
soundray | anirudh0: no, I mean digital restrictions management | 13:00 |
jussi01 | Dr_willis: as the factoid says... merged with compiz - so compiz-fusionis what the beryl devs now work on (AFAIK) | 13:00 |
markotitel | Anyone tried to install Ubuntu Hardy RAID0 on two USB Flash drives ? | 13:00 |
soundray | anirudh0: that's what it does, it manages restrictions. | 13:00 |
Dr_willis | jussi01, thats not quite what im asking. :) but ill check out the beryl homepage and see what they say | 13:01 |
alexander_roo1 | No, I tried to install it on one flash | 13:01 |
anirudh0 | soundray, hmm..never faced it myself...get all songs and stuff off torrent | 13:01 |
Emry | soundray, If you want to get technical, the people who coined the term said "Digital RIGHTS management". Digital Restrictions was an RMS term. hehehe :P | 13:01 |
soundray | anirudh0: those who babble about "digital rights" are either confused or trying to confuse you. | 13:01 |
markotitel | Install on single flash works | 13:01 |
alexander_roo1 | yes | 13:01 |
markotitel | but when set up raid | 13:01 |
markotitel | it comes to | 13:01 |
drkns | hello | 13:02 |
zoobox | soundray: hmm.... I guess so, but anyway. but the bad dudes have stolen that acronym now :-/ (but the swastika was not a bad symbol either before hitler stole it) | 13:02 |
markotitel | to the end and then | 13:02 |
drkns | i have aquesion about openoffice | 13:02 |
alexander_roo1 | I have RAID at home desktop | 13:02 |
Emry | soundray, Those who bable about digital rights are the all of the open source and free software community... That is the entire point of the movement. Concider your words. :P | 13:02 |
markotitel | have unmet deps linux-generic depends linux-image-generic | 13:02 |
alexander_roo1 | Hardy works with it | 13:02 |
drkns | i have a range of numbers and i need to count how many of each number in the range exists | 13:02 |
anirudh0 | !enter| markotitel | 13:02 |
ubottu | markotitel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 13:02 |
soundray | Emry: yes, if you assign any importance to chronology, it's been "digital rights" before "digital restrictions" | 13:02 |
Emry | soundray, You miss the point. :P | 13:03 |
robg_ | Emry: there are a lot of digital rights wars being waged among companies in the USA. | 13:03 |
markotitel | OK | 13:03 |
anirudh0 | soundray, you seem pretty pissed off by it though..... | 13:03 |
markotitel | someon have idea what can be wrong? | 13:03 |
LOWER_CASE | Kartagis, CFLAGS is just a 'variable' in the Makefile which holds flags passed to the C compiler (hence 'C' Flags). Obviously someone came along and added EXTRA_CFLAGS. Sometimes you can set one to be a superset of the other eg EXTRA_CFLAGS = CFLAGS option2 option3 option 4 | 13:03 |
soundray | Emry: I am con*s*idering my words. Sensible people don't put digital and rights together. It's aimed to create confusion | 13:03 |
Insannus | Is there a programme of instant messaging or theme, with the interface similar to Windows Live? I do not like much of aMSN. | 13:04 |
alexander_roo1 | who here using UltraMixer? | 13:04 |
alexander_roo1 | =) | 13:04 |
jussi01 | robg_: soundray: Emry: please try to keep on the topic of ubuntu support. | 13:04 |
soundray | anirudh0: I wouldn't put it that way. I do feel that my rights (not "digital rights") as a consumer are under attack . | 13:04 |
Emry | soundray: Digital rights are all about copy rights. Copy rights is what the Open Source and Free Software communities are built on. | 13:04 |
soundray | jussi01: all right | 13:04 |
Emry | jussi01, Sorry. | 13:04 |
jussi01 | You are welcome to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic - and thanks! | 13:05 |
MaximLevitsky | How can I make ubuntu not lock my screen on suspend? | 13:05 |
cousin_luigi | hello | 13:05 |
Emry | soundray, He is right, we were starting to edge off into the OSS vs FSF type arguments. :P We should probably avoid religious debate. ehhehehehe | 13:05 |
cousin_luigi | after the last nvidia upgrade (I think) mplayer gets stuck and I need a ctrl+c to make it start | 13:06 |
Insannus | Is there a programme of instant messaging or theme, with the interface similar to Windows Live? I do not like much of aMSN. | 13:06 |
pawan | cannot run the update manger | 13:06 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, AFAIK not possible...defeats the whole purpose of suspend...someone else could come on and pose as you | 13:06 |
Emry | Insannus, Look up Pidgin. | 13:06 |
thepunisher | how big should a / partition be>?\ | 13:06 |
cousin_luigi | Insannus: what about mercury? slow but more complete | 13:06 |
cousin_luigi | and yes, pidgin, but it doesn't support windows live features | 13:06 |
cousin_luigi | I think | 13:06 |
anirudh0 | thepunisher, 6 gb is good enough...8 gb is more than good enough | 13:07 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, so what, I am the only one that uses the computer | 13:07 |
thepunisher | thanks | 13:07 |
Insannus | Emry, I already know this, but I would like one with Windows Live, that Mercury is good? | 13:07 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, and besides I want a opengl screen saver, but I suspect it to cause trouble | 13:08 |
anirudh0 | Insannus, he meant you to check out skins for pidgin i think.. | 13:08 |
MaximLevitsky | during suspend/resume cycle | 13:08 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, explain the last statement | 13:08 |
bijur | hello all :) | 13:08 |
bijur | anirudh0: u the same as anirudh1 ? if so why dont u just register ur name | 13:08 |
n8ature | on centos 5.1 im running this command to install a guest OS of ubuntu: debootstrap --arch=amd64 --include=linux-image-xen --components=main,universe,multiverse hardy /mnt/xen | 13:09 |
n8ature | im getting this error: E: Couldn't work out current architecture | 13:09 |
anirudh0 | bijur, did that..on that particular day, there was an xchat process i could'nt kill | 13:09 |
n8ature | anyone see that before? | 13:09 |
Emry | Insannus, I don't know much about IM clients. I used Pidgin becauseI can log into EVERYTHING at once, and it is under active development. heheheh | 13:09 |
LOWER_CASE | Kartagis, then make sure that $(EXTRA_CLGAGS) is in the compile command: may look like this:>>> $(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o ../obj/$(@F) <<< $(name) is the reference to name: put $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) tin there: you may have to read about gcc compiler options to see where to put it, often it's just after the $(CC) | 13:09 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, I meant that I use opengl screensaver. but it is started before suspend, and thus display driver must cope with suspending and resuming an live 3D application | 13:10 |
g[r]eek | Hi any munin users here? I have installed munin and seemingly configured it correctly yet when I go to the munin webpage, no graphs show up when I click on my hostname's link | 13:10 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, some display drivers don't cope with that | 13:10 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, sorry then...can think of anything useful | 13:10 |
mwansa | heyo anyone has any ideas what this font it | 13:10 |
dns53 | n8ature i have not used debootstrap for years, i think you need to use i386 as the arch then make it a xen os | 13:11 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, this is just a matter of settings, I always disable that, but I forgot how I did that | 13:11 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, the problem is that ubuntu has _two_ suspend preparation systems | 13:11 |
bijur | nice font | 13:12 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0 acpi-support, and pm_utils | 13:12 |
mwansa | bijur, yea ;) | 13:12 |
dpreacher | how do you determine the path to the fonts folder using CLI? | 13:12 |
Ienorand | MaximLevitsky: To disable passwors on suspend/hibernate there should be some settings in gconf-editor: /apps/gnome-power-manager | 13:12 |
jrib | dpreacher: why? | 13:12 |
dpreacher | want to copy over some ttf fonts | 13:12 |
LOWER_CASE | Help please, Got a printer on, but cannot print or ping. Ethernet is set to Roaming Mode with IP subnetmask . Will that prevent pinging or printing? What can I try, please? | 13:12 |
n8ature | dns53: thanks, i am having trouble running the 32bit guest kernels on the 64bit xen dom0... is there a way to get the 64bit guest on there? | 13:12 |
jrib | !fonts > dpreacher (read the private message from ubottu) | 13:12 |
bijur | why dont u ask that dude andash@lapdance :D | 13:12 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, you know how to do a timed wakeup from suspend, or from hibernate? | 13:13 |
MaximLevitsky | Ienorand, thanks a lot | 13:13 |
bijur | i really really liked htis font! do lemme know if u find out | 13:13 |
mwansa | bijur, sure. you hang around here much / | 13:13 |
mwansa | ?* | 13:13 |
bijur | mwansa: by the way check the font i am using , is quite similiar to that, u might like this one too | 13:13 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, use rtc alarm | 13:13 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, apm supports it, but the command gives an error "kernel not compiled with apm support" | 13:13 |
dns53 | n8ature well what i would try is use debootstrap to create install, then chroot and install the xen kernel | 13:13 |
bijur | mwansa: not really, this is my 2nd or 3rd visit actually | 13:13 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, again as usual there are two rtc drivers, and ubuntu still uses the old one | 13:14 |
mwansa | bijur: ohk. what font are you using ? send me a link :) | 13:14 |
bijur | mwansa: try this : -*-terminal-medium-*-normal-*-14-140-75-75-*-*-*-* | 13:14 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, ,hmm..what do you mean by rtc alarm?.. i seem to have a program called rtcwake | 13:14 |
mwansa | bijur, cool :D | 13:14 |
bijur | mwansa: that is if u r using emacs : | 13:14 |
MaximLevitsky | You have a clock in your system, right | 13:15 |
n8ature | dns53: right, but dont i need to start with all the 64bit packages? not just swap out 32bit kernel for a 64bit? | 13:15 |
Ienorand | Just filed a Bug #235462, is there anything more I should include in the report? | 13:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 235462 in linux-meta "[regression] Broken suspend wakeup in kernel 2.6.24-17" [Undecided,New] | 13:15 |
MaximLevitsky | It has an alarm in it since invention of PCs | 13:15 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, yes...but the point is, how do i use it :) | 13:15 |
MaximLevitsky | But only on modern systems it actually can be used | 13:15 |
dns53 | n8ature my mistake, i did not read that you had a 64 bit install, install the 64 bit arch | 13:15 |
MaximLevitsky | I mean all new systems, which can be turned on proggramly | 13:16 |
MaximLevitsky | don't use rtcwake | 13:16 |
cj_ | Ermy im back got it dont it owrk now on to the Guild wars problem | 13:16 |
n8ature | dns53: i would love to :-) maybe debootstrap on centos 5.1 is broken for 64bit | 13:16 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, I know this clearly, and I will explain | 13:16 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, go on | 13:17 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, you write a date/time to /proc/acpi/wakeup | 13:17 |
Kartagis | CFLAGS was changed in "/usr/src/alsa/alsa-driver-1.0.14/acore/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.<--- what do I do? | 13:17 |
n8ature | dns53: ahh.. i see debootstrap is just a shell script... | 13:18 |
MaximLevitsky | and suspend/hibernate your system | 13:18 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, in what format? | 13:18 |
bijur | mwansa: there? | 13:18 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, i mean...hh:mm:ss,or something else? | 13:18 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, read this file first, and write in same format | 13:18 |
bijur | mwansa: check this link to see how terminal looks : | 13:18 |
LOWER_CASE | Help please, printer is, but cannot print or ping. Ethernet is set from ADSL modem to Roaming Mode with IP subnetmask . Will that prevent pinging or printing? What can I try, please? | 13:19 |
robotjox | does anyone know of an email client other than evolution that supports exchange servers? | 13:19 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, if you turn your system off, the alarm should work too, but sometimes it doesn't | 13:19 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, i'm posting my file on pastebin... does;nt seem to have an rtc entry | 13:20 |
bijur | MaximLevitsky: thats a dangerouos situation isnt it? the alarm that doesnt work sometimes :D | 13:20 |
bijur | mwansa: did u happen to catch the screenshot? | 13:20 |
Bob24 | hello | 13:20 |
bijur | hello bob! | 13:20 |
mwansa | bijur, yea that looks nice!. i been using something similar to that. called proggy fonts. >> | 13:20 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, /proc/acpi/alarm | 13:20 |
mwansa | bijur, looks nice :) | 13:20 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, hmm...should'nt there be a cmd line prog for this..i mean this should be a fairly routine requirement..timed wakeup that is | 13:20 |
Bob24 | hi could you help me with a question plz? | 13:21 |
Bob24 | could you please tell me how i can setup a remote to work on Mythbuntu? | 13:21 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, that has 2008-05-00 01:11:10 | 13:21 |
legend2440 | robotjox: | 13:21 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, if 01:11:10 is time will wakeup, then why the date? | 13:21 |
anirudh0 | *till | 13:21 |
bijur | mwansa: then u need to do an apt-cache search for terminus and install the three font packages you see | 13:22 |
qpPuMeH | can somebody help me??? | 13:22 |
suriro | Is alsa driver .15 or .16 in Hardy? | 13:22 |
bijur | qpPuMeH: w00t! what hapnd? | 13:22 |
anirudh0 | !help | qpPuMeH | 13:22 |
ubottu | qpPuMeH: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 13:22 |
dpreacher | if i use apt-get --download-only <package> . what do i do next time to install the package at a later time | 13:22 |
qpPuMeH | bijur: | 13:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 217562 in ubuntu "Microphone don't work " [Undecided,New] | 13:22 |
bijur | ubottu is a n00b | 13:22 |
ubottu | Factoid is a n00b not found | 13:22 |
mwansa | bijur, i got terminus installed. im not using ubuntu tho :( | 13:22 |
anirudh0 | lol...who changed the factoid :D | 13:22 |
_jason | dpreacher: dpkg -i (or double click on it) | 13:22 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, I am to aware of it, but even more, recent kernels have another rtc driver, which has different control file for that, and it officially doesn't support alarms from turned off state (probably untill I have enough time to send a patch to LKML for that, it is trivial) | 13:22 |
bijur | qpPuMeH: oh u have logged a bug wait for it ;) | 13:23 |
dns53 | dpreacher it should be in /var/cache/apt/ archives | 13:23 |
bijur | mwansa: what do u use? | 13:23 |
dpreacher | thanks dns53 and _jason | 13:23 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, so what do you recommend in the meanwhile? | 13:23 |
qpPuMeH | bijur: maybe u can help me with a solution??) | 13:23 |
mwansa | bijur, a small distro called CRUX targeted at experienced user | 13:23 |
bijur | qpPuMeH: i am sorry man, i dont know jack abt setting up multimedia | 13:24 |
bijur | sorry | 13:24 |
mwansa | bijur, i just thought someone would know the font because the guy who used it was on ubuntu ;) | 13:24 |
qpPuMeH | its ok) | 13:24 |
bijur | ah! so u r an experienced user ;) | 13:24 |
MaximLevitsky | anirudh0, use old driver, since it works too, just write the date and time there, and from suspend/hibernate it should work | 13:24 |
bijur | mwansa: just get terminus font man, it looks nice when its small | 13:24 |
bijur | but i admit that font does look a bit better than terminus | 13:24 |
anirudh0 | MaximLevitsky, thanks..will try that out asap | 13:24 |
mwansa | bijur, yea will do. Thanks alot :) | 13:24 |
bijur | mwansa: ;) | 13:24 |
chazco | Hi... i'm trying to convert my Ubuntu to Vista, is there a way to automatically convert .ods to .xls from Ubuntu? | 13:25 |
robotjox | legend2440: thanks :) | 13:25 |
hylje | hey, banshee, rhytmbox both seem incapable of playing music, tracks hang at 0:00 with no errors | 13:25 |
chazco | (due to not being able to print properly, use the web, etc) :( | 13:25 |
qpPuMeH | bijur: can u give me any support/help channels for ubuntu?? | 13:25 |
cj_ | im having troble geting wine to run guild wars looking for some help if possable | 13:25 |
legend2440 | robotjox: yw | 13:25 |
hylje | they worked before hardy upg, other sounds work fine | 13:25 |
Bob24 | could you please tell me how i can setup a remote to work on Mythbuntu? | 13:25 |
dns53 | n8ature what is your current arch? you using amd64 on your dom0 | 13:25 |
bijur | i like crisp fonts | 13:25 |
bijur | :) | 13:25 |
scunizi | chazco, openoffice works on windows too. | 13:26 |
okies | hi, i have a problem to make my homepna adapter to work. i have a ADM usb to something homepna adapter | 13:26 |
okies | i have tried to find the solution from my problem from ubuntu forums | 13:26 |
chazco | scunizi - I cant download it currently, so need to use what I have (Office 07) to print some work | 13:26 |
okies | to* | 13:26 |
robg_ | bijur: I blieve Sun Java is better than Windows graphics. | 13:27 |
Bob24 | could you please tell me how i can setup a remote to work on Mythbuntu? | 13:27 |
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scunizi | chazco, ##windows | 13:27 |
GottaBeAndrew | i'm wanting to run windows xp as a virtual machine inside ubuntu. where can i find a tutorial on how to do this? | 13:27 |
henkpoley | Any people here using the Dell remaster utility (DRU) ? | 13:27 |
n8ature | dns53: my dom0 is 64bit centos5.1. there is an example of what i am trying to do here. step 3 uses debootstrap to install ubuntu in this way: | 13:27 |
chazco | Ah :( Was hoping I could convert on Ubuntu, usually quicker for this sort of thing. Thanks anyway. | 13:27 |
xd_ | i have formated a new hd, how can I make that visible in the file browser, without rrestarting the system ? | 13:27 |
markotitel | hm | 13:27 |
xd_ | reload does not make it | 13:28 |
philsf | chazco: doesn't office have a plugin to import ODF files? | 13:28 |
anirudh0 | xd_, mount it..look up man mount | 13:28 |
markotitel | i cant find link for the alternative cds ubuntu hardy | 13:28 |
chazco | Will check back later to see if anyone can help me fix Firefox and OO | 13:28 |
Emry | chazco, you will pretty much have to load each file and resave it. | 13:28 |
chazco | philsf - Nope :( | 13:28 |
chazco | Ah, pity | 13:28 |
philsf | chazco: it should have, have you checked microsoft website? | 13:28 |
xd_ | anirudh0, I just tried that, I can mount it, but its not accessible via File browser than, just in the terminal | 13:28 |
bijur | robg_: why do u tell that to me? did i say no? | 13:28 |
chazco | philsf - There is a plugin for Word iirc, not Excel | 13:28 |
robg_ | bijur: it is simply the best available. | 13:29 |
anirudh0 | xd_, ? go to the directory via Ctrl+L | 13:29 |
chazco | Is Gusty still available? That worked at least | 13:29 |
bijur | robg_: live long with the Sun my son! | 13:29 |
bijur | robg_: let the force be with you. | 13:29 |
Kartagis | how do I add init scripts to startup? | 13:29 |
anirudh0 | chazco, all previous versions are there on the servers | 13:29 |
Dr_willis | !upstart | Kartagis | 13:29 |
ubottu | Kartagis: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 13:29 |
robg_ | bijur: I am not in love with Sun, but I have experience with both. | 13:29 |
bijur | Kartagis: aah i had a document on that | 13:29 |
chazco | Ah good, will try to get that on public wiif later, thansk anirudh0 :) | 13:30 |
anirudh0 | bijur, i believe someone has hijacked robg_'s irc id | 13:30 |
Dr_willis | Kartagis, i tend to be lazy and just runs tuff from rc.local | 13:30 |
okies | does anyone have any advice what i should do with the homepna adapter? :| | 13:30 |
philsf | chazco: google is your friend | 13:30 |
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bijur | anirudh0: oh, haha, it was funny why he was telling me abt java | 13:30 |
bijur | anirudh0: haha | 13:30 |
xd_ | anirudh0, yes I can do that, but still its not accessible unless I change Owner of the Disk, If I restart the File Browser Connects automaticly to it, I want to Force that thing | 13:30 |
[GUN]Wires | hahahaha | 13:30 |
robg_ | anirudh0: I am getting much higher default resolutions and windows are not walking of my screen. | 13:30 |
markotitel | can someone give mi link to alternative isos for ubuntu | 13:30 |
philsf | chazco: | 13:31 |
chimp | When i run firefox 3, it causes my computer to totally freeze instantly, is there some way i can try to work out why, and how to fix it? | 13:31 |
philsf | (darn) | 13:31 |
bijur | robg_: damn u u bot! | 13:31 |
xd_ | I just want to make it appear like all the other Diks in File Browser, There must be somthin I can force FileBrowser to see it like the other disks without restarting | 13:31 |
anirudh0 | robg_, out of respect for you, i will not answer that question | 13:31 |
SitUbuntuSit | !kdm | 13:31 |
ubottu | Factoid kdm not found | 13:31 |
markotitel | Hardy alternative cd is not working or I have wrong version | 13:31 |
anirudh0 | xd_, you ,mean computer:/// ? | 13:31 |
* bijur runs around roundhouse kicks robg_ :D | 13:31 | |
GottaBeAndrew | i'm wanting to run windows xp as a virtual machine inside ubuntu. where can i find a tutorial on how to do this? | 13:32 |
robg_ | anirudh0: AERO on Vista is a disaster. | 13:32 |
mwansa | bijur, im gonna head back to my teritory but im always on freenode if you find out that font :) | 13:32 |
anirudh0 | GottaBeAndrew, there | 13:32 |
hylje | music players (banshee and rhytmbox) stop playing music at 0:00, no errors. other sounds work fine, google doesn't seem to help with my keywords | 13:32 |
GottaBeAndrew | .list | 13:32 |
philsf | anyone knows why does ubuntu stick with debian information in /etc/debian_version? | 13:32 |
scunizi | chimp, mv /home/<username>/.mozilla /home/<username>/.mozilla.backup .. now restart FF and see if it works | 13:32 |
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xd_ | anirudh0, nope I mean Physical HD s in the System. I can Mount the HD in the Terminal or in anyway, but the File Browser Does not see the Disk Unless i Go there with ctrl + L , But its not in the Medialist on the Left Side, where I want to have it | 13:33 |
chimp | ta scunizi lets find out if i crash | 13:33 |
rabidweezle | Every boot I need to manually modprobe i8k for my fan control on my dell laptop, is there a way to set it to do this at boot? | 13:33 |
anirudh0 | xd_, afaik nautilus shows up what hal it might mean hal is not reporting you idea why that might happen | 13:34 |
xd_ | anirudh0, but more anyoing is that I have to chmod and Chown the whole disk. I wont have to do it when Its recognized by the file browser | 13:34 |
xd_ | anirudh0, can I force HAL to report it | 13:34 |
rabidweezle | isn't there a way to set which modules load with the kernel at boot? | 13:34 |
renie | haiii | 13:34 |
xd_ | anirudh0, or reread the list | 13:34 |
bijur | if u were an admin at the mud, u can type force hal report | 13:35 |
rabidweezle | oooh, we talking about muds? | 13:35 |
bijur | hal reports 1290 hp 2299 mana 199mv | 13:35 |
xd_ | haha :-) | 13:35 |
bijur | rabidweezle: hehe just a small mud nut | 13:35 |
rabidweezle | me too | 13:35 |
xd_ | no mud | 13:35 |
rabidweezle | I just started again | 13:35 |
bijur | haha me too | 13:35 |
rabidweezle | thanks to gnome-mud | 13:35 |
bijur | rabidweezle: where do u mud? | 13:35 |
rabidweezle | umm, lemme see | 13:35 |
anirudh0 | xd_, i'm sure you can...but i dont know how | 13:35 |
bijur | rabidweezle: i use mudix, been using that since i started mudding a long time back | 13:36 |
xd_ | anirudh0, Ok , Restart seems to be easier :-) | 13:36 |
rabidweezle | I mud at Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands | 13:36 |
rabidweezle | awesome mud | 13:36 |
xd_ | strange mud | 13:36 |
bijur | aah, i used to mud at willowhaven, thats blown to the dust and with it my char, so i started a mud of me own | 13:36 |
xd_ | allmighty mud | 13:36 |
bijur | just starting out now | 13:36 |
n8ature | dns53: looks like a bug in centos 5.1 debootstrap... found a work around.... "debootstrap --arch amd64 | 13:36 |
anirudh0 | to someone who does'nt know what mud is, the conversation is hilarious :D | 13:36 |
chimp | that worked scunizi cheers, that had been really pissing me off | 13:36 |
bijur | Achaea, is that purely role playing? | 13:37 |
anirudh0 | assuming the simplest meaning of mud | 13:37 |
rabidweezle | I find muds these days are more addictive than any mmo | 13:37 |
dave12 | which folderts will you sync og ubuntu if you have two ubunut pc and you want sync one of them with the other? | 13:37 |
xd_ | fight for your mud | 13:37 |
scunizi | chimp, glad to hear it.. went through it myself with an upgrade. | 13:37 |
bijur | anirudh0: hehe | 13:37 |
n8ature | dns53: oops.. "debootstrap --arch amd64" worked.. but "debootstrap --arch=amd64" produces that error | 13:37 |
legend2440 | rabidweezle: add the module to /etc/modules file | 13:37 |
rabidweezle | thanks legend | 13:37 |
bazzieb | i have downloaded the 8.04 alt cd to upgrade from 7.10, is there anything special i should know or is it a smooth upgrade? | 13:38 |
dns53 | n8ature aah, those little inconsistencies mess things up | 13:38 |
bijur | muds have somehow being phased out by wow, secondlife etc, but muds still have their charm | 13:38 |
lw0x15 | can i make a "key" to the home dir ? | 13:38 |
rabidweezle | Perfect, all done, that was easy legend2440 | 13:38 |
scunizi | bazzieb, do you have a separate /home? | 13:38 |
Emry | lw0x15, You can set the permissions so that no one can see it except for the owner. | 13:38 |
bazzieb | no | 13:38 |
robg_ | bazzieb: Alternate is a single boot install. | 13:39 |
lw0x15 | Emry, i mean like a hotkey | 13:39 |
rabidweezle | It surprised the hell out of me how fun a mud is, concidering I haven't really ever gotten into them | 13:39 |
bijur | s/muds have/muds are/ | 13:39 |
bazzieb | i was told i need to use that to upgrade | 13:39 |
Emry | lw0x15, Ah. :P I am sure there is probably a way. hehe | 13:39 |
hylje | oh, it was just pulseaudio acting up | 13:39 |
scunizi | bazzieb, ouch.. upgrade with cd works I think with the alternate cd.. you may end up with some issues though.. consider making a separate partition for /home or backing up /home | 13:40 |
onemorestop | lw0x15, keyboard shortcut ? | 13:40 |
lw0x15 | yes | 13:40 |
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dpreacher | is there a way to list packages installed with apt(itude) on a datetime-descending order? | 13:41 |
bazzieb | scunizi: ok cool, will do, cause i just managed to get my file shares and all my apps working to how i like, so i cant afford to waist time fixing it all again | 13:41 |
robg_ | bazzieb: my advise is: write all your files to CD. Start installer with live internet connection. Pick LVM Encrypted mode. | 13:42 |
scunizi | bazzieb, always better to have a separate /home just in case you need to reinstall fresh you still have all your data | 13:42 |
onemorestop | lw0x15, you mean open your personal folder with file browser ? | 13:42 |
Kartagis | do I need upstart? | 13:42 |
fiyawerx | dpreacher: i'm pretty sure apt logs its installs somewhere, if you can find the log file, a regular grep should do that | 13:42 |
dpreacher | uh huh | 13:42 |
microwaver | Hello, can anyone tell me which device I've got reading following lshw output : product: BCM4310 USB Controller | 13:43 |
lw0x15 | onemorestop, see --> Mod4 r :ExecCommand fbrun <--- i wonder if i can launch my home dir or any dir like that with a shortcut | 13:44 |
onemorestop | lw0x15, is that fluxbox ? | 13:44 |
Kartagis | do I need upstart if i want to add services to start-up or is there an easier way like rc-update on gentoo? | 13:45 |
bazzieb | cool thanks guys | 13:45 |
lw0x15 | onemorestop, yep | 13:45 |
jrib | Kartagis: the easy way is to install things with APT? What are you trying to add? | 13:45 |
robg_ | bazzieb: One other thing. Don't mess with the install process. | 13:46 |
dpreacher | cat aptitude | grep [INSTALL] is this not the right way to find only those lines that show which packages have been freshly installed. it is showing the entire file contents | 13:46 |
Kartagis | jrib: apache, mysql server and alsa-utils | 13:46 |
jrib | dpreacher: grep [INSTALL] matches anything with an I, N, S, T, A, or L in it | 13:46 |
dpreacher | oh how do i escape the brackets? | 13:47 |
kelvin911 | how setup usb bluetooth in hardy? | 13:47 |
Kartagis | dpreacher: \[ | 13:47 |
jrib | Kartagis: those are all in the repositories | 13:47 |
dpreacher | thanks Kartagis | 13:47 |
onemorestop | lw0x15, exec your file browser application with a name of the directory | 13:47 |
microwaver | Hello, can anyone tell me which device I've got reading following lshw output : product: BCM4310 USB Controller | 13:47 |
Kartagis | jrib: I know, I just want to add them to startup | 13:48 |
bazzieb | lol, ok, i am still a Linux beginner so i usually dont interfere with much | 13:48 |
onemorestop | kelvin911, just plug it in :) | 13:48 |
jrib | Kartagis: they are automatically added when you install them | 13:48 |
lw0x15 | onemorestop, ok ill try | 13:48 |
dpreacher | cat aptitude | grep \[INSTALL\] this is not working still...all file gets output | 13:48 |
kelvin911 | i plug it in then what? | 13:48 |
onemorestop | lw0x15, in gnome you might set you keyboard shortcut | 13:48 |
robg_ | bazzieb: just fill in the required info, pick LVM Encrypted (4th option) and go for a walk. | 13:48 |
Metatron | which repository might have old versions of icewm and xdm? | 13:48 |
jrib | dpreacher: grep '\[INSTALL\]' probably | 13:48 |
kelvin911 | my phone cant connect it | 13:49 |
dpreacher | let me try | 13:49 |
remoteCTR1 | can ubuntu do full hd? | 13:49 |
onemorestop | kelvin911, gnome-bluetooth ? | 13:49 |
kelvin911 | onemorestop: i think so | 13:49 |
dpreacher | perfect | 13:49 |
dpreacher | :) | 13:49 |
jayson | Hello people, I'm trying to find a solution to pulseaudio + wine without kill pulseaudio. Anyone know about that ? | 13:49 |
onemorestop | kelvin911, have you install it ? | 13:49 |
kelvin911 | onemorestop: Bluetooth Applet 0.25 | 13:49 |
dpreacher | but i got only the aptitude to find the apt-get log | 13:50 |
bazzieb | sweet, thanks very much | 13:50 |
Kartagis | oh, I didn't know that. thanks jrib | 13:50 |
scunizi | remoteCTR1, full hd? what do you mean | 13:50 |
jrib | jayson: I have sound in wine without doing anything special. In any case, look at padsp | 13:50 |
kelvin911 | onemorestop: when i plug in the bluetooth in windows i can see blue light flashing but not in hardy | 13:50 |
kelvin911 | onemorestop: do i need drivers ? | 13:50 |
remoteCTR1 | scunizi: high density tv, like 1080p playing blue rays and transporting it to a full hd tv | 13:51 |
jayson | jrib, I have tried padsp and nothing is happening. Did you made any config in wine ? | 13:51 |
onemorestop | kelvin911, dpkg -l | grep bluetooth ? | 13:51 |
jrib | jayson: no, I don't even use padsp | 13:51 |
traveler_2030 | how to install tar.gz? | 13:51 |
jayson | jrib, Maybe I need reinstall my pulseaudio ? | 13:51 |
kelvin911 | onemorestop: ii libbluetooth2 3.29-0ubuntu1 Library to use the BlueZ Linux Bluetooth sta | 13:51 |
onemorestop | kelvin911, apt-get install gnome-bluetooth | 13:52 |
jrib | jayson: reinstall rarely helps anything, that's a windows mindset | 13:52 |
scunizi | remoteCTR1, so you want know if ubuntu can play a hd dvd? if you have blueray player installed.. will it connect to a large screen .. yep.. | 13:52 |
kelvin911 | onemorestop: the one in System doesnt work? | 13:52 |
onemorestop | kelvin911, it works | 13:52 |
onemorestop | kelvin911, but you still need gnome-bluetooth | 13:53 |
soundray | traveler_2030: what are you trying to install? | 13:53 |
scunizi | remoteCTR1, you also have to realize that most commercial dvd's have protection. You'll have to load the decoder.. | 13:53 |
zathras_laptop | anyone got suggestions for getting automount working again with 8.04? | 13:54 |
zathras_laptop | since i upgraded it hasn't worked on any usb device - fat32 or ext2 or ext3 | 13:54 |
onemorestop | kelvin911, i least i do need gnome-bluetooth to send file to my mobilephone :) | 13:54 |
zathras_laptop | device is detected and appears in /dev ok, gnome-mount -vtd works, but why n automatic mounting? | 13:54 |
jayson | jrib: I have a lot of changes in /etc/pulseaudio and /etc/asound.conf. Maybe that destroyed my configs. | 13:55 |
Kartagis | jrib: is alsa-utils added to start-up too? how can I verify this? | 13:55 |
legend2440 | microwaver: not sure i understand your question but BCM4310 USB Controller is a Broadcom wireless network card | 13:55 |
kelvin911 | onemorestop: ok, i install gnome-bluetooth now what? | 13:55 |
kelvin911 | i still get nothing in Bluetooth Preferences | 13:56 |
microwaver | legend2440, I know but there are 3 choices of driver. but I'm going to see if I can ndisgtk the one I have | 13:56 |
onemorestop | kelvin911, check your menu | 13:56 |
jrib | kelvin911: that I'm not sure about. You can see what it installs with 'dpkg -L PACKAGE' | 13:56 |
lw0x15 | how can i remove gnome, xfce and pekwm ? lol and just keep fluxbox | 13:57 |
Kartagis | jrib: is alsa-utils added to start-up too? how can I verify this? | 13:59 |
jrib | Kartagis: did you see my last response? | 13:59 |
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u | ||
kelvin911 | how do i know if the usb bluetooth is working? | 13:59 |
Kartagis | Kartagis: they are automatically added when you install them <--- this? | 13:59 |
jrib | kelvin911: that I'm not sure about. You can see what it installs with 'dpkg -L PACKAGE' | 14:00 |
kelvin911 | jrib: Package `package' is not installed. | 14:00 |
jrib | kelvin911: PACKAGE is the actual name of your package | 14:01 |
philsf | 14:02 | |
kelvin911 | the thing is when i plug in the bluetooth i got the bluetooth icon, but i can not detect any bluetooth device | 14:02 |
The_Gentleman | hi | 14:03 |
kebsood | can anyone recommend speech recognition software? | 14:03 |
Fome | I Have some sound issues in my newly installed Hardy. Totemplayer won't play the sound on either mp3 or avi files. Amarok can play mp3's fine. And youtube etc also works. I have installed all the gstreamer codecs etc | 14:03 |
beyta | The_Gentleman: hi The_Gentleman | 14:03 |
sparkyy | Hello all | 14:04 |
robg_ | Fome: | 14:04 |
The_Gentleman | is there anyone else who has probs using pidgin? | 14:04 |
The_Gentleman | It doesn't connect to icq anymore | 14:04 |
zathras_laptop | anyone run across "GConf Error: Bad key or directory name: "/system/storage/default_options/(null)/fstype_override": `(' is an invalid character in key/directory names" when trying to mount sub devices? | 14:04 |
sparkyy | I have a sound preferences problem, I went into Systems, Preferences and Sound and then unselected the Startup sound. When I reboot it still does it! | 14:05 |
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scunizi | The_Gentleman, use xchat for IRC.. pidgin works but is cumbersom | 14:05 |
sparkyy | It really wants to play that drum. I guess.... | 14:05 |
The_Gentleman | not irc, icq | 14:05 |
microwaver | scunizi, he's talking about ICQ | 14:05 |
ChaosTheory_ | Use irssi + Bitlbee. ^^; | 14:05 |
scunizi | microwaver, missed that.. opps | 14:06 |
kelvin911 | icq is dead | 14:06 |
sparkyy | think there is a bug in the sound config tool | 14:06 |
Fome | w32codecs is already the newest version | 14:06 |
microwaver | scunizi, no point. being spelling nazi atm, cause I can't help the fella out. | 14:06 |
victoroth | ROCK | 14:06 |
beyta | The_Gentleman: Oh i use pidgin.. but i only use YM.. I have no experience for ICQ | 14:06 |
The_Gentleman | thx kelvin | 14:07 |
testola | What kind of themes should i download for hardy ? metacity/compiz advanced desktop effects are not enabled.. | 14:07 |
sparkyy | therre willl be no spellting err0rs! | 14:07 |
beyta | kelvin911: ICQ is dead? | 14:07 |
microwaver | The_Gentleman, that was a way of saying = people don't use it anymore. :) not as in it isn't working anymore | 14:07 |
The_Gentleman | @ university my JIMM (ICQ-client 4 mobile phone) didn't work either | 14:07 |
sparkyy | I have a sound preferences problem, I went into Systems, Preferences and Sound and then unselected the Startup sound. When I reboot it still does it! | 14:08 |
Fome | could it be a problem with pulseaudio or something? | 14:08 |
sparkyy | Can anyone validate that they see this too? | 14:08 |
pdub | need some help please guys/gals. i recently installed ubuntu hardy through xp (WUBI) and now i am having a hell of a time getting the xp partition to show up. Ive gotten the partition to mount once, but can't remember the command | 14:08 |
joshuafr | hi all | 14:09 |
The_Gentleman | @microwaver: The login-server seems to be offline or sth. like this | 14:09 |
robg_ | sparkyy: walk through the desktop and find the right place to set sounds. | 14:09 |
Speckal | I just did the updates from ubuntu repos and it borked my gnome. right after I login with gdm, my entire screen goes white. I have a mouse cursor, but nothing else. help please :) | 14:09 |
sparkyy | robg_, I did do it in the right place. The config doesn't take properly and might be a bug | 14:09 |
sparkyy | robg_, Systems>>Preferences>> Sounds | 14:10 |
beyta | Guys, why i type 3 or 4 letters of nickname here and pres tab but not appear the full nickname, but appear some word on the chat screen? | 14:10 |
__chris | I'm using 64bit 6.10 - PHP is 5.1.6 via aptitude - is this the latest stable? Whats the cleanest / nicest way to get to PHP 5.2? | 14:10 |
anirudh0 | hi...i need to set up spell checking in french...i have a normal gnome session with the normal english locale..but i need to set it up so that if i type a mail in frech, spell checking is enabled | 14:10 |
robg_ | sparkyy: use the windowing interface to set sounds. | 14:10 |
sparkyy | ? | 14:10 |
anirudh0 | is there any way short of creating another user with the french locale? | 14:10 |
ubuntu | giorno a tutti | 14:11 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Mabo | ||
Speckal | I have hardy 8.10. I just did the updates from ubuntu repos and it borked my gnome. right after I login with gdm, my entire screen goes white. I have a mouse cursor, but nothing else. help please :) | 14:11 |
Mabo | ciao | 14:11 |
sparkyy | robg_, wha? I don't understand | 14:11 |
The_Gentleman | problem spotted... | 14:11 |
microwaver | ubuntu come e va | 14:11 |
Mabo | bene grazie e tu ? | 14:11 |
ChaosTheory_ | Can screen split vertically? | 14:11 |
sparkyy | Ubuntu va bene | 14:11 |
beyta | Speckal: How u update ur ubuntu? | 14:11 |
microwaver | Mabo, bene com tu :D | 14:11 |
mf0102 | hej | 14:12 |
Mabo | lol | 14:12 |
sparkyy | lol | 14:12 |
al-maisan | is "apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop" supposed to work on hardy heron? | 14:12 |
joshuafr | I try to install Hardy on a DELL PowerEdge 1600SC with a Adaptec aic7xxx controller and a CERC ATA/100 megaraid RAID controller. Theses devices seems to be loaded during to fisrt install stage, but the installer complains it doesn't find harddisk!!! What can I do? | 14:12 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, you mean screen - the tool to multiplex terminals.. I dont think it can. | 14:12 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Oh, okay. | 14:12 |
beyta | Speckal: ?? | 14:12 |
al-maisan | when I try that I get a long list of packages with unmet dependencies | 14:12 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, for the Console, you could try 'twin' it has sort of a text based window manager for terminals | 14:12 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: I don't know how to use it. | 14:13 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, use what? | 14:13 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Is it supposed to start up with a mouse? | 14:13 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: twin | 14:13 |
beyta | joshuafr: the problem also happen on some Compaq and Acer laptop... Try check your system from boot.. | 14:13 |
Mabo | bye bye | 14:13 |
Dr_willis | go to the console, login, run 'twin' | 14:13 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, I think you need to have gpm enabled/running also for twin to work right | 14:13 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Yes, I only run xfce4-terminal in ratpoison. | 14:13 |
joshuafr | beyta: what do you mean? | 14:14 |
beyta | joshuafr: maybe it disable ur hard disk to format.. | 14:14 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: I have gpm installed. | 14:14 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: How do I enable it? | 14:14 |
al-maisan | anybody running KDE4 on hardy heron ..? | 14:14 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, last i tried. 'twin' did not work properly under X. its better for the console. | 14:14 |
jscinoz | hey guys, i'm trying to install ubuntu on my eeepc, and i asked this question in #eeepc but got no help, basically I've made the usb bootable disk, but no matter what i do, the eeepc just has a flashing cursor and flashing activity light on the usb stick, this happens regardless of whether i make the usb stick installer with unetbootin, or manually, any ideas? | 14:14 |
joshuafr | beyta: you speak about the DELL RAID utilities? | 14:14 |
kelvin911 | guys i have this usb bluetooth, how do i check if it works in ubuntu? | 14:14 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Okay, let me detach and try from there. | 14:14 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, and by 'console' i mean the alt-ctrl-F1 through F6 consoles. Not X terminal consoles. :) | 14:14 |
sarmisak | al-maisan: yes, install kubuntu-desktop and then kde4 | 14:14 |
adac | are 512 RAM and about 700 MB swap enough for ubuntu? | 14:14 |
sarmisak | adac: more than enough :D | 14:15 |
slushpuppy\ | Hi, how do I pass file parameters to the file i am running with wine? | 14:15 |
al-maisan | sarmisak: thanks! | 14:15 |
sarmisak | adac: I am running a local server with that config on a sempron ;) | 14:15 |
jmgardn2 | sarmisak: that's why I love linux | 14:15 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Yes, I know. | 14:15 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: It works. ^^; | 14:15 |
beyta | joshuafr: sori i do not know about Dell... but on Compaq, i enter boot by F8 and have one menu that disable my hard disk from editing.. after i enable, the disk was detect... | 14:15 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: So what's the advantage of this over screen? | 14:16 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Also, does it support keybindings? | 14:16 |
joshuafr | beyta: ok, I'm going to look at that. Thanks | 14:16 |
Speckal | beyta: with the auto-update icon | 14:16 |
jmgardn2 | joshuafr: I've worked with ubuntu on dell laptops and might be able to help. what's your issue? | 14:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | slushpuppy\ /join #winehq | 14:16 |
Speckal | beyta: the update manager tool | 14:16 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: plug it in? | 14:16 |
beyta | Speckal: what do u mean? | 14:16 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: i plug it in already | 14:17 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, try it and see. its more of a 'window manager' thing. you can have overlappiong windows, and a clock, and so forth. its not commonly used. but its handy at times. | 14:17 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: cant find my cell | 14:17 |
Speckal | beyta: the little icon in the tray that tells you when updates are available | 14:17 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: or much better idea, open a term window and type 'less /var/log/syslog' | 14:17 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: and my cell cant find the computer | 14:17 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, think 'text based window manager for the console' :) | 14:17 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: then plug out, plug in and watch the syslog | 14:17 |
slushpuppy\ | Thanks Jack_Sparrow. | 14:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 14:17 |
beyta | Speckal: where? i use Xchat.. | 14:17 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: should find a driver first | 14:17 |
remoteCTR1 | scunizi: sorry man i had an important phone call... so you are sure about that full hd capabilities, yes? (never mind the copy protection i know how to fix that) | 14:17 |
pdub | hi guys was hoping you could help, i recently installed ubuntu 8.04 hardy through windows xp (WUBI) and have since been unable to mount XP permanently, anyone have any suggestions? | 14:17 |
kelvin911 | ? | 14:17 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Great. | 14:18 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Will I be able to run links2 -g here? | 14:18 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, at one time i was trying to figurure out how to do irssi in multi windows under twin. :) never did get it right. | 14:18 |
Speckal | my X screen goes completely white and it might be compiz... if I switch to a different vterm (ctrl+alt+f2, for ex), and type export DISPLAY=:0.0; metacity --replace & it doesn't work... what am I missing? | 14:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | pdub Read the faq on the wubi wiki.. Sorry for the vague answer but I wont use or recommend wubi | 14:18 |
Speckal | beyta: sorry, what's the question? | 14:18 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, links -g would use the framebuffer console. if you have the framebuffer enabled it should work on the console. | 14:19 |
jmgardn2 | pdub: there will always be some hard times always mounting an ntfs partition. sometimes it needs to be force mounted because of the way windows handles the ntfs logfiles | 14:19 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: I was unable to run links2 -g in normal tty before. | 14:19 |
tvisto | hi, i know its ubuntu server but i have nowhere to ask: how can i insert image in Joomla manually: [img]x.jpg[/img] does not work :(, thanks for help!!! | 14:19 |
nevill_ | notebook is so slow sometimes...for example when i start amarok the disk loads and loads and loads and makes all slow that I can't work anymore :( | 14:19 |
benistar | hi, are there currently ICQ problems with LICQ/PIDGIN? | 14:19 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, i would guess that you dident have the framebuffer enabled. | 14:19 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Like what? Viewing each channel separately? | 14:19 |
aguitel | i am looking for the best linux distro for old laptop (pentium 2 64 ram memory) | 14:19 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: the system log is so huge | 14:19 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: where to start? | 14:20 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: How do I enable it? | 14:20 |
Frogzoo | nevill_: how much memory? | 14:20 |
Le^stat | can you guys help me with squid? | 14:20 |
raytruz` | What can I do when I cannot play a sound in flash at the same time as a sound from Totem? | 14:20 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: push SHIFT+F | 14:20 |
raytruz` | I have to close one or the other to play a sound. | 14:20 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, see the !framebuffer factoid. I alwyas disale the framebuffer. | 14:20 |
Frogzoo | aguitel: dsl maybe | 14:20 |
Frogzoo | aguitel: also, puppy linux | 14:20 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, it can cause 'issues' :) | 14:20 |
raytruz` | Is this a bug in firefox or somewhere else? | 14:20 |
bad_image | ! xus utnubu ! | 14:20 |
ubottu | Factoid xus utnubu ! not found | 14:20 |
robg_ | aguitel: you would have to boot one from CD-ROM to see if all hardware is detected. | 14:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | aguitel We dont do polls in here and with only 64 meg nothing Ubuntu will work except maybe a minimal install.. | 14:20 |
nevill_ | Frogzoo: 512 RAM about 700 swap nick was adac before. i got disconnected | 14:20 |
Dr_willis | aguitel, PuppyLinux is a handy tool to have on a live cd. :) | 14:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | aguitel try | 14:20 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: ?? | 14:20 |
beyta | Speckal: i ask why when i type 3 or 4 letters for the nick here and i press tab button, the nick not finish, but appear some word that i also do not understand on my xchat... | 14:21 |
benistar | try debian if you only have 64meg | 14:21 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: what am i trying to do here? | 14:21 |
Le^stat | can you guys help me with squid? | 14:21 |
Frogzoo | nevill_: if you're careful, and don't open too many apps at once, you should be ok | 14:21 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: you are watching the log go by | 14:21 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: what log? | 14:21 |
nevill_ | benistar: I think there are general icq problems today | 14:21 |
Steve-cal | pdub: Did you try that line that STSX gave you yesterday to add to your /etc/fstab? | 14:21 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: plug out and then replug your usb dongle | 14:21 |
jmgardn2 | also don't plan on using X with only 64 megs...might not be very nice | 14:21 |
Frogzoo | Le^stat: we don't know | 14:21 |
aguitel | thanks | 14:21 |
Industrial | How do I input apt-cache output to e.g. less? I know vim can do it with "|vim -" but less is simpler and also supports searching. | 14:22 |
benistar | nevill_, thank you.. you saved my day.. licq just bitches around and pidgin tells me wrong password - perhaps they changed the encoding | 14:22 |
ChaosTheory_ | !framebuffer | 14:22 |
ubottu | Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at | 14:22 |
Speckal | I have hardy 8.10. I just did the updates from ubuntu repos and it borked my gnome. right after I login with gdm, my entire screen goes white. I have a mouse cursor, but nothing else. help please :) | 14:22 |
benistar | Industrial, 2&>1 | 14:22 |
Le^stat | The following error was encountered: | 14:22 |
Le^stat | * Connection to Failed | 14:22 |
Le^stat | The system returned: | 14:22 |
Le^stat | (110) Connection timed out | 14:22 |
nevill_ | benistar: have same problems with kopete so I think this is icq problem | 14:22 |
FloodBot3 | Le^stat: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:22 |
Le^stat | soz | 14:22 |
=== |Xorothal| is now known as Xorothal | ||
benistar | nevill_, so probably a encoding change.. AOL sucks damnit | 14:22 |
bad_image | ! xus utnubu ! | 14:22 |
ubottu | Factoid xus utnubu ! not found | 14:22 |
Le^stat | its a squid error | 14:22 |
rockenrola | /msg ubottu etiquette | 14:22 |
Frogzoo | Le^stat: can you ping the remote server? | 14:23 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: ? | 14:23 |
Industrial | benistar: uh that just cans the output into nothingness... not into less :P | 14:23 |
Le^stat | nope | 14:23 |
jrib | bad_image: please don't play with the bot | 14:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | Le^stat Use the pastebin | 14:23 |
bad_image | jrib, what bot? | 14:23 |
Le^stat | whats a pastebin? | 14:23 |
nevill_ | benistar: yeah could be! and yes: use jabber instead ;) | 14:23 |
raytruz` | Will someone else try to play a youtube video and a mp3 at the same time... I was able to do this before I upgraded to 8.04. | 14:23 |
=== lipsinV1 is now known as lipsin | ||
jrib | bad_image: okay, please stay on topic then (ubuntu support) | 14:23 |
remoteCTR1 | scunizi: sorry man i had an important phone call... so you are sure about that full hd capabilities, yes? (never mind the copy protection i know how to fix that) | 14:23 |
bad_image | jrib, alright | 14:23 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: I'm trying to be certain that your usb dongle is working | 14:24 |
jrib | !pastebin > Le^stat (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:24 |
nevill_ | Frogzoo: hmm that is not so easy not to open to many they are all so really nice :) | 14:24 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: it is working in windows | 14:24 |
bad_image | jrib, read that from right to left :-D I was just joking | 14:24 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: I'm sure about it, but not in Linux right? so you have to find out if it is known to linux by watching the syslog | 14:24 |
nevill_ | Frogzoo: but you think this is a RAM problem and not a hardsik issue? | 14:25 |
jrib | bad_image: ): was i | 14:25 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: i dont understand those log | 14:25 |
new2linux | how to get packages from the website? | 14:25 |
jrib | new2linux: | 14:25 |
new2linux | jrib: thanks | 14:26 |
Le^stat | | 14:26 |
Le^stat | squid help required | 14:26 |
Industrial | How do I search for local packages? I am used to archlinux's pacman and I'd like to search through packages that I have installed. | 14:26 |
bad_image | jrib, doog, ko | 14:26 |
Industrial | (with apt) | 14:26 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: part of the log ? | 14:26 |
jmgardn3 | Anyone have a solution to the "Nautilus cannot handle ________: locations." bug? Happens whenever I try to do anything in nautilus (computer, network, burn, etc) | 14:27 |
scunizi | remoteCTR1, the capabilities are with the player and codecs available..maybe others can answer the question more susynctly (sp?) and with better insight.. my thoght is the machine can drive a large screen and you just need the blueray player and codecs to complete the picture. | 14:27 |
Frogzoo | nevill_: if disk is failing, you'll see scsi timeouts in /var/log/messages - but I think it's just low memory | 14:27 |
new2linux | i need gstreamer extra plugins and i've search for it and came out with many packages. which one should i pick for the gstreamer package? | 14:28 |
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gizmokaka | hello everyone | 14:29 |
remoteCTR1 | scunizi: that is a fine guess but ia ma afraid its not that easy, see there are more graphics adapters that can transport a 1920x1080 resolution, even my very old nvidia 6600gt can do that but only adapters beginning with 8800gt are capable of working out a full hd signal | 14:29 |
unr3a1 | AaronH: whats up... | 14:29 |
pdub | Steve-cal i couldn't remember the line for the life of me and i never restarted so i had the partition all day yesturday | 14:29 |
gizmokaka | to which groups should i add a regular user in order for it to be able to run servers that open sockets? | 14:29 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_Willis: Do you know how I can get the tty font to be used in a terminal emulator? | 14:29 |
remoteCTR1 | scunizi: so just to be able to produce the resolution wont do the job... | 14:30 |
HardyHuman | what is the command on freenode to map the server list? | 14:30 |
HardyHuman | if anyone knows | 14:30 |
HardyHuman | :) | 14:30 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, theres a console tool to set the fonts. I forget its name however. | 14:30 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Well, I have a script to install fonts. | 14:30 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: I just dont know where to get the console font. | 14:30 |
Steve-cal | pdub: Well did you change your /etc/fstab or no? | 14:30 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, the 'console' uses a totally different kindof font then X does. | 14:30 |
ompaul | HardyHuman, has all that stuff documented | 14:30 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: :( | 14:30 |
In-Sane`` | hello all :) | 14:31 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: you might consider buying another dongle | 14:31 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, use 'locate consolefont' to find them - i belive. | 14:31 |
scunizi | remoteCTR1, current HD requires blueray players. nothing else out there. HD dvd is dead. | 14:31 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: whys that? | 14:31 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, it would be impressive if it could use the X fonts. | 14:31 |
pdub | i can't figure out how, whenever i try to change the fstab, it says access denied, and i cannot log in as root.. not sure what the sudo command is under the terminal | 14:31 |
cyber | hello ! | 14:31 |
HardyHuman | gotcha just wanted the shortest routes | 14:31 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: this usb bluetooth only for windows? | 14:31 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: it would cost much cheaper to you since it cannot load any drivers for your dongle | 14:31 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: It gave me a list. | 14:31 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: probably yes | 14:31 |
perlmonkey | greetings from monkey island | 14:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | pdub gksudo gedit path/file or sudo nano path/file | 14:31 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: how do i know if usb bluetooth is for linux? | 14:32 |
HardyHuman | this place is strange | 14:32 |
HardyHuman | lol | 14:32 |
AaronH | what up unr3a1 | 14:32 |
Slart | scunizi: looks like you're not the only one | 14:32 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, theres some 'consolefonts' directory with all the fonts the console can use. theres proberly a howto on changing them. I normally dont bother. | 14:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 233889 in nautilus "nautilus cannot handle" [Low,Incomplete] | 14:32 |
Dr_willis | !consolefont | 14:32 |
ubottu | Factoid consolefont not found | 14:32 |
remoteCTR1 | scunizi: i am well aware about that, but as blue ray players go below 100€ meanwhile that is ok by me | 14:32 |
jmgardn3 | kelvin911: Have you yet to find hardware that doesn't work in linux? | 14:32 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Oh, okay. | 14:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | HardyHuman the shortest route is to ask in a channel related to what you need to know. | 14:32 |
jmgardn3 | lol | 14:32 |
In-Sane`` | the system keeps notifying me about some updates related with of evolution, I want to disable those updates because I don't use evolution, any suggestions please? | 14:32 |
Steve-cal | pdub: The /etc/fstab is just a text file--you have to load it up with a text editor, say: "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" | 14:32 |
Slart | hmm... ubottu recognizes launchpad links?.. cool | 14:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | !pinning | In-Sane`` | 14:33 |
ubottu | In-Sane``: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 14:33 |
kelvin911 | jmgardn2: what? | 14:33 |
gizmokaka | so does anyone know the answer | 14:33 |
Slart | | 14:33 |
In-Sane`` | Jack_Sparrow: thank you | 14:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 14:33 |
perlmonkey | strange problem... I'm trying to install ubuntu onto a hdd which is on my laptop (which i plan to remove and fit into a desktop PC after) anyways.. I get to the hdd partitioning stage, and whichever option I choose, it just goes straight back to the menu and selects the top option "guided" the hdd does have a previous (partial) installation of debian on it. any ideas? | 14:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] | 14:33 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: try googling | 14:33 |
Pici | Slart: Please don't abuse it.... | 14:33 |
Slart | Pici: just had to check =) | 14:33 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, i just googled an answer. :) sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup | 14:33 |
kelvin911 | sarmisak: thats what i am doing | 14:33 |
sarmisak | kelvin911: there are many sites for hardware compatibility issues | 14:34 |
Kartagis | how can I see services added to start-up? | 14:34 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, i just googled an answer. :) look at the documentation in /usr/share/doc/console-tools and the other /usr/share/doc/console-* folders, since now these are the packages used to set up the console font at boot time, IIRC. | 14:34 |
robg_ | perlmonkey: always use guided option. Is safest. | 14:34 |
perlmonkey | robg_ even if I select the guided option, it just goes straight back to the menu | 14:34 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Actually, I think I'll just stick with my current font. ;) Thanks for the help, though. | 14:34 |
scunizi | Slart wrong nick? for link referance? | 14:34 |
pdub | ok i got it loaded up.. now what would the the command line be to mount xp in a wubi install? | 14:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | gizmokaka not appreciated | 14:35 |
HardyHuman | what the eheck | 14:35 |
robg_ | perlmoney: there is logic built into the installer. Sometimes something is not possible. | 14:35 |
secour | Hi | 14:35 |
Dr_willis | ChaosTheory_, i had issues with twin not using a proper font.. never did get it 100% working right. | 14:35 |
guru | hi | 14:35 |
perlmonkey | it doesn't make any sense to me | 14:35 |
secour | How can i change resolution on fvwm-crystal ? | 14:35 |
secour | i'm in 800*600 : ( | 14:35 |
perlmonkey | k | 14:35 |
gizmokaka | oh thanks for the attention :) | 14:36 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Oh. | 14:36 |
gizmokaka | well captain Jack | 14:36 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: Yeah, I'm really accustomed to RP's keybindings. | 14:36 |
perlmonkey | if I select manual partition method and deleted all existing partitions, and create a new one from free space, it should carry that out eh. but it does not | 14:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | perlmonkey does sudo fdisk -l return a valid drive and partition | 14:36 |
Slart | scunizi: ahh.. indeed.. it was for jmgardn3 | 14:36 |
perlmonkey | what could be preventing it? | 14:36 |
gizmokaka | Jack: can you answer my small fairly easy question? | 14:36 |
Slart | scunizi: about the "Nautilus cannot handle blablabla" bug | 14:36 |
ChaosTheory_ | Dr_willis: I've got a nice setup, I think. ^^; | 14:36 |
perlmonkey | Jack_Sparrow I will break out to a shell and check, good point | 14:36 |
scunizi | Slart, yep.. :) np | 14:36 |
Slart | jmgardn3: looks like you're not the only one | 14:37 |
Steve-cal | pdub: Try using this: | 14:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 233889 in nautilus "nautilus cannot handle" [Low,Incomplete] | 14:37 |
Steve-cal | /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs defaults,umask=007,uid=0,gid=46,auto,rw,nouser 0 1 | 14:37 |
B-rabbit | how do i encrypt e-mail? name of the program plz :) | 14:37 |
B-rabbit | or a tutorial | 14:37 |
kelvin911 | which usb bluetooth is known to be work with linux? | 14:37 |
perlmonkey | Jack_Sparrow: I'm assuming the drive is ok as I was able to boot from it | 14:37 |
robg_ | perlmoney: always possible to do guided install of entire disk. | 14:37 |
Slart | B-rabbit: there's a pgp plugin for thunderbird.. enigma something | 14:37 |
gizmokaka | Jack_Sparrow, so dude, can you also help me? | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | perlmonkey It might be seen in windows but not by ubuntu... | 14:37 |
perlmonkey | robg_ well it's not possible in this instance, so something is wrong | 14:37 |
jmgardn3 | Slart: Unfortunately I have yet to get a fix.... | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | gizmokaka Stop.. No... | 14:37 |
gizmokaka | my question is fairly easy and short | 14:37 |
B-rabbit | Slart, thnx :) i will check it out | 14:37 |
gizmokaka | Jack_Sparrow, thanks | 14:38 |
robg_ | perlmoney: you could wipe disk clean with gparted and download a fresh LiveCD. | 14:38 |
gizmokaka | guru, hi | 14:38 |
grobda24 | Is my blog friendly to Ubuntu users ? | 14:38 |
perlmonkey | might be an idea | 14:38 |
gizmokaka | guru, can please tell me, to which group should i add a regular user inorder for it to be able to | 14:38 |
Slart | B-rabbit: enigmail is the name of the extension.. | 14:38 |
hackntossh | grobda24: yes. | 14:38 |
gizmokaka | run servers that open sockets? | 14:39 |
robg_ | perlmoney: if hardware is on good condition you can overwrite disk as many times as you want. | 14:39 |
cj_ | are there anyother programs the run windows game beside Wine? | 14:39 |
Slart | grobda24: looks alright to me | 14:39 |
scunizi | grobda24, doesn't load here. | 14:39 |
grobda24 | hackntossh ... I new to Ubuntu. I was worried about using vim, but maybe that's the only way to edit a protected file ? | 14:39 |
raytruz` | Can someone else play a youtube video then try to play a mp3. I have to do one or the other, but i cannot do both at the same time. I was able to before 8.04 | 14:39 |
Slart | grobda24: and I've got noscript and adblock running.. but it doesn't seem to affect so I guess it's playing by the rules =) | 14:40 |
legend2440 | grobda24: doesn't load here either | 14:40 |
grobda24 | scunizi .... what error ? dns ? traffic problem ? | 14:40 |
Slart | raytruz`: are you using pulseaudio for sound? | 14:40 |
scunizi | grobda24, just continues "loading" black screen | 14:40 |
hackntossh | grobda24: you can edit any protected file, you have to use "sudo" before you ask to edit...e.g. sudo pico httpd.conf | 14:40 |
Chuggst3r_ | I hope a new kernel is released soon. :( | 14:41 |
raytruz` | Slart: I'm using whatever is default for 8.04 | 14:41 |
grobda24 | hackntossh ... yes, I meant in the GUI. | 14:41 |
perlmonkey | gparted seems to have done the trick | 14:41 |
raytruz` | Slart: and Firefox for youtube, and totem for themp3 | 14:41 |
perlmonkey | thanks guys | 14:41 |
cj_ | are there anyother programs the run windows game beside Wine? | 14:41 |
Slart | raytruz`: I'll give it a try here.. hang on | 14:41 |
scunizi | Chuggst3r, they just released -17 .. you don't like it? | 14:41 |
robg_ | perlmoney: sure, with gparted I solve any problem. | 14:41 |
raytruz` | Slart: thanks. As far as totem goes, i just let it search for the codecs to play mp3. I did this just fine before 8.04. | 14:41 |
scunizi | grobda24, use gksudo gedit <file> | 14:41 |
hackntossh | grobda24: yes, vim is the best way imho | 14:41 |
Chuggst3r_ | scunizi: No, it broke my 3D Acceleration. | 14:42 |
jmgardn3 | raytruz: I notice the problem as well..quite strange | 14:42 |
grobda24 | hackntossh .... ok, thanks :) | 14:42 |
grobda24 | scunizi ... is that in the menu ? | 14:42 |
raytruz` | jmgardn3: yeah it looks like we took a step back with this release :-) | 14:42 |
scunizi | Chuggst3r, must be a quirk.. 3 machines here and no breakage except for restricted drivers on server | 14:42 |
Chuggst3r_ | scuzini: Nvidia drivers no longer work, and I've pretty much tried everything. I sat here all yesterday trying stuff with fde, amrik. | 14:42 |
Slart | raytruz`: I don't have totem install but I tried using audacious and youtube on ff3 | 14:42 |
Magilla | Hi guys, I'm having issues playing DVDs. libdvdnav/read/css are installed, and it was working last night (well, sort of - the video was quite blue). Now I can't play dvds in VLC, gxine, mplayer, or totem | 14:43 |
Slart | raytruz`: it worked nicely | 14:43 |
Chuggst3r_ | suczini: Possibly, fde ended up just telling me to try waiting for a new kernel release. | 14:43 |
jmgardn3 | raytruz: not quite sure what exactly the issue is, but I would guess it's an issue with the flash plugin...I have some issues with it at times | 14:43 |
Slart | raytruz`: try running the sound applet.. System, preferences, sound.. set everything to pulseaudio | 14:43 |
new2linux | jrib: i've downloaded a package and save it to a usb, now i want to install it on ubuntu. i use synaptic to open a downloaded package but it can't open the file from usb | 14:43 |
Magilla | I've been trying t get a usb card reader working today (with no success), but that's all that has changed | 14:43 |
raytruz` | Slart: roger. | 14:43 |
scunizi | grobda24, no .. to edit locked files you have to use sudo so that means the terminal.. however gedit is the default text editor off of Applications/Accessories .. gksudo gedit gives root privildges | 14:44 |
Magilla | I'm running Hardy x64 | 14:44 |
jrib | new2linux: you can't double click on it? | 14:44 |
Chuggst3r_ | scuzini: I'm not sure on quirk, everytime the kernel tries to run the nvidia drivers, it says it exits on a signal 15...or at least that's what the log says. | 14:44 |
Slart | raytruz`: then run this "sudo apt-get install padevchooser paman pavucontrol" | 14:44 |
beyta | Did anybody know how to use Windows font in Ubuntu? | 14:44 |
new2linux | jrib: the contents on folder couldn't be displayed | 14:44 |
jrib | !fonts > beyta (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | beyta msttcorefonts | 14:44 |
jrib | new2linux: is this specific to the package or any file on the usb? | 14:45 |
Dr_willis | mean old MS changed the licensing on the Vista font packages. :( heh heh.. | 14:45 |
=== jelmer is now known as jelmer__ | ||
grobda24 | scunizi ... yes this sudo business makes a lot of sense. I did read the explanation page about it, but it's still sinking. I'll add the "gksudo gedit" to the blog as that's more friendly :) | 14:45 |
new2linux | jrib: the gstreamer plugins and the gstreamer ffmpeg | 14:45 |
grobda24 | sinking in* | 14:45 |
=== jelmer__ is now known as jelmer | ||
jrib | new2linux: that's not my question though, can you read things on the usb key? | 14:45 |
new2linux | jrib: i've downloaded both to usb pendrive and now want to install it to ubuntu | 14:45 |
new2linux | jrib: yes, nothing wrong with the usb | 14:46 |
new2linux | jrib: other file can be open | 14:46 |
jrib | new2linux: then copy the debs to your desktop | 14:46 |
raytruz` | Slart: after i install those packages, is there anything to configure? | 14:46 |
grobda24 | BTW I installed the new kernel. I only had to recompile my linuxtv drivers to match the new kernel. no other problems. | 14:46 |
Slart | raytruz`: I don't know if you have to restart firefox or not.. but give it a try.. see if it works now | 14:46 |
new2linux | jrib: i'm plugging the usb on the thin-client but with administrator account | 14:47 |
Chuggst3r_ | grobda24: I wish i had such few problems :( | 14:47 |
raytruz` | No go | 14:47 |
Slart | raytruz`: no sound at all? or some error message? | 14:47 |
new2linux | jrib: but, i'll try copying the file to the desktop and retry with synaptic again | 14:47 |
raytruz` | I get sound from totem, but not flash | 14:47 |
jrib | new2linux: you just double click on the debs | 14:47 |
grobda24 | Chuggst3r ... I guess it varies from system to system. There's always something :P | 14:47 |
raytruz` | I have to close totem first to get sound | 14:47 |
jrib | new2linux: (no synaptic) | 14:47 |
Slart | raytruz`: ok.. try this then .. run "pavucontrol &" in a terminal.. it will give you a pulseaudio control window | 14:47 |
grobda24 | Chuggst3r_ ^^ | 14:48 |
Chuggst3r_ | grobda24: Mine is frustrating, haha. The longer I can't get it working the closer I am to formatting. | 14:48 |
raytruz` | done, shows no streams available in playback tab | 14:48 |
new2linux | jrib: if i double click, the archive manager open it and become a folder. and then how to install the package? | 14:48 |
jrib | new2linux: what version of ubuntu is this? | 14:48 |
Slart | raytruz`: ok.. what happens if you restart firefox and open a movie in youtube? | 14:48 |
new2linux | jrib: hardy heron | 14:48 |
jrib | new2linux: with gnome? | 14:49 |
new2linux | jrib: yes | 14:49 |
duane | i try to connect to ftp on a linux fedora 8 server and it says unsupported operation with nautilis but works with kftp? | 14:49 |
raytruz` | no stream avialble | 14:49 |
raytruz` | but | 14:49 |
new2linux | jrib: ubuntu alternate x86 | 14:49 |
Slart | raytruz`: you should get something like this.. | 14:49 |
raytruz` | if i open totem, i see it in the playback tab. | 14:49 |
jrib | new2linux: weird... install gdebi if you want to double click. Otherwise use 'dpgk -i' on the command line | 14:49 |
raytruz` | But firefox doesn't show | 14:49 |
raytruz` | But it shows for you? | 14:49 |
grobda24 | Chuggst3r_ ... Have you tried simply unistalling and reinstalling the nvidia driver in the normal way ? | 14:49 |
Slart | raytruz`: yes.. like in the screenshot I get another little box for my flash audio.. | 14:50 |
raytruz` | hmm | 14:50 |
raytruz` | how did u install your flash plugin? | 14:50 |
new2linux | jrib: i'm plugging the usb pendrive onto thin-client but with admin. user account. is that ok with this way? to modify the system? | 14:50 |
Slart | raytruz`: I wonder if I did something special ... can't really remember | 14:50 |
raytruz` | Cuz i copied my mozilla folder | 14:50 |
raytruz` | i wonder if i need to wipe it out | 14:50 |
Slart | raytruz`: I think I installed it using firefox | 14:50 |
raytruz` | and reinstall the plugin | 14:50 |
jrib | new2linux: sure | 14:50 |
Slart | raytruz`: there might be some magic going on in the installation script | 14:50 |
raytruz` | yeah | 14:51 |
raytruz` | i shall try | 14:51 |
new2linux | jrib: here is where i get the package | 14:51 |
Kartagis | doesn't ubuntu have a command like rc-update show on gentoo? | 14:51 |
duane | I have a router hooked up but did port forwarding and works with kftp as i mentioned but i would rather use natulis anyone know issue? | 14:51 |
jrib | new2linux: no... why are you not using | 14:51 |
new2linux | jrib: it call tarball, is it a package that could be double click and install by itself? | 14:51 |
=== dawut is now known as davut | ||
jrib | new2linux: no | 14:51 |
Slart | raytruz`: do that.. once it uses pulseaudio you can use that volume control window to send the sound to a different soundcard or a different output.. change volume etc etc.. it's really handy when it works | 14:51 |
grobda24 | Chuggst3r_ ... I think you can roll back the kernel by using the start menu options. | 14:51 |
new2linux | jrib: i'm on ms windows now, the ubuntu system are not plug to the internet | 14:52 |
jrib | new2linux: k, use | 14:52 |
majikins | hi can anyone advise me on where to go to for howto on openafs server and client setup on Heron? | 14:52 |
new2linux | jrib: ok, and then? i search the package and it give with many result that couldn't be click | 14:52 |
jrib | new2linux: what package do you want? | 14:53 |
Mba7eth | is there any tool to manipulate layer 2 frames? i want to tag frames wth any vlan i want | 14:53 |
legend2440 | Kartagis: update-rc.d? read man update-rc.d and see if its the same thing | 14:53 |
new2linux | jrib: gstreamer extra plugins and gstreamer ffmpeg video plugins | 14:53 |
jrib | new2linux: what's the actual name of the package? | 14:53 |
remoteCTR1 | error | 14:54 |
pappan | Do anyone face issues with Firefox in Ubuntu lately ? | 14:54 |
majikins | openafs setup anyone? | 14:54 |
new2linux | jrib: gst-plugins-ugly | 14:54 |
jrib | !anyone | pappan | 14:54 |
pappan | Whenever I am clicking on a button, it just hangs there | 14:54 |
ubottu | pappan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 14:54 |
Slart | pappan: it's a bit unstable when it comes to flash.. but other than that it works ok | 14:54 |
scunizi | pappan, did you upgrade? | 14:54 |
pappan | I am trying to search mail | 14:55 |
jrib | new2linux: I don't get any results for that package | 14:55 |
tabularasa_ | hi, someone able to connect to icq with pidgin/similiar? | 14:55 |
pappan | in yahoo | 14:55 |
nanoprobe | !anyone | argh, i forgot the name of this irc server. how was it again, irc.freenode ... something? | 14:55 |
ubottu | argh, i forgot the name of this irc server. how was it again, irc.freenode ... something?: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 14:55 |
pappan | and it just hangs there | 14:55 |
Larry | vista sucks, third bsod so far! | 14:55 |
scunizi | pappan, did you upgrade from gutsy? | 14:55 |
Slart | tabularasa_: I use piding with icq and msn | 14:55 |
In-Sane`` | Am I able to download a good english dictionary in hardy? | 14:55 |
pappan | yeah I did | 14:55 |
jrib | new2linux: you want gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ? | 14:55 |
tabularasa_ | Slart: nevermind | 14:55 |
Slart | tabularasa_: bah.. pidgin | 14:55 |
new2linux | jrib: i've search on the directory and the content of package, return to no result | 14:55 |
tabularasa_ | Slart: i just gut connected | 14:55 |
nathan | Hows it going everyone :D | 14:55 |
pappan | from gutsy to hardy | 14:55 |
pappan | is that the issue? | 14:55 |
tabularasa_ | Slart: didn't work for the last 4 hours or so over here | 14:55 |
Pici | !enter | 14:55 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:55 |
new2linux | jrib: yes | 14:55 |
tabularasa_ | bye | 14:55 |
pappan | It was working fine before with gutsy.. and with heron too, till some days back | 14:56 |
Jeruvy | jrib: they are restricted packages | 14:56 |
scunizi | pappan, try mv /home/<username>/.mozilla /home/<username>/.mozilla.backup and restart FF.. some plugins for FF from Gutsy cause issues. | 14:56 |
jrib | new2linux: search for it, you get a search result page. The first hit says "Package gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly". Click on "hardy" right under it | 14:56 |
pappan | ah thanks..I will try | 14:56 |
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pappan | BTW but it happens with konqueror too..though not every time.. | 14:57 |
microwaver_ | any suggestion to backuping up the /etc folder? | 14:57 |
scunizi | pappan, don't know anything about konqueror | 14:57 |
nanoprobe | @pappan | which version do u use? | 14:57 |
jrib | new2linux: you need to satisfy the dependencies listed yourself (ie click on them and download the package). To download the package click on the link for you architecture under "Download gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly". If you have a debian/ubuntu system with internet somewhere, there are easier ways to do this | 14:57 |
pappan | firefox 3 beta 5 | 14:58 |
jrib | !offline > new2linux (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:58 |
pappan | Installed firefox 2 also..but it's all the same with FF2 also | 14:58 |
cdavis | how do I add my username to the proxy group? I added my username to the proxy group in the /etc/group file but that didn't seem to allow me to view files owned by group proxy? | 14:58 |
raytruz` | Slart: Which plugin did you install for flash? Did you not choose the adobe one? | 14:58 |
movedx | pappan: what's not working for FF, sorry? | 14:58 |
nathan | Make sure you have the Adobe plugin, and in synaptic Libflashsupport | 14:59 |
nanoprobe | i use and it runs perfectly | 14:59 |
sarthor | what chaan if i need help about voip? | 14:59 |
Chuggst3r_ | Woot. | 14:59 |
pappan | movedx, , When I am clicking on a button whose form action is a post, it hangs there.. Either prompt me for download that page or gives a white blank file | 14:59 |
movedx | sarthor: find a voip application and frequent the application's channel | 14:59 |
pappan | I am trying to search email in yahoo and it gives a white page after hanging for some time | 15:00 |
movedx | pappan: sounds like a remote server issue, incorrectly configured Apache/HTTPd mime-type - does it happen on any site? | 15:00 |
pappan | It shows waiting for for quite a while before turning white | 15:00 |
microwaver_ | what's the best way to back up your config file? | 15:00 |
pappan | yeah it happens on yahoo, some forums, and my own joomla site | 15:00 |
new2linux | jrib: i've used the link you've given, but no hardy distribution | 15:00 |
nanoprobe | a would check what movedx said pappan | 15:00 |
jrib | new2linux: how about using synaptic then? | 15:01 |
sparkyy | pappan, Yahoo is having issues right now | 15:01 |
majikins | hello does anyone know where I can go to get instructions for setup and install openafs server? | 15:01 |
new2linux | jrib: the one on the gstreamer website, the name of the file is this gst-plugins-ugly-0.10.8.tar.bz2 | 15:01 |
=== [Xorothal] is now known as Xorothal | ||
jrib | LjL: new2linux would appreciate hardy on your apt site if you are bored :) | 15:01 |
legend2440 | sarthor: #voipcoop #voipguys | 15:01 |
cdavis | I am confused, a file has: -rw-r----- 1 proxy proxy and I am part of the proxy group, why cant I cat that file? | 15:01 |
new2linux | LjL: yes, lack of hardy distribution | 15:01 |
nanoprobe | @majikins | google? :D | 15:01 |
Slart | raytruz`: I use the adobe one.. yes | 15:02 |
majikins | nanoprobe: tried that | 15:02 |
Slart | raytruz`: flashplugin-nonfree | 15:02 |
jrib | new2linux: look, you can't use that, that's just going to make it more difficult. I suggest you generate a script with synaptic. If you don't want to do that for some reason, then you should download the deb's manually from as I explained | 15:02 |
majikins | nanoprobe: no luck or i'm not querying properly | 15:02 |
Xorothal | guys, when I try and record sound, it comes out in really bad quality, i can't really describe the sound, it makes, but it bears some correspondance to when i speak into the mic | 15:02 |
pappan | well it works from IE on windows.. | 15:03 |
nanoprobe | @tabularasa, i use pidgin | 15:03 |
sarthor | legend2440, thank | 15:03 |
Xorothal | guys? | 15:03 |
legend2440 | microwaver_: sudo cp name.conf name.conf.bak | 15:03 |
movedx | pappan: sounds like FF, then, not processing the output fromt he server correctly. | 15:04 |
movedx | pappan: try and do it with Opera | 15:04 |
duane | i try to connect to ftp on a linux fedora 8 server and it says unsupported operation with nautilis but works with kftp? | 15:04 |
new2linux | jrib: i get it, you click on the hardy link and then you'll be redirected to the download website | 15:04 |
duane | the ftp is running fedora 8 im using ubuntu hardy | 15:04 |
new2linux | jrib: in windows, you click on the name of the file | 15:04 |
movedx | duane: That means nuatilus doesn't support the FTP operation you're trying to do. | 15:04 |
Kartagis | what's the ubuntu equivalent to rc-update show on gentoo? | 15:05 |
legend2440 | Kartagis: update-rc.d? read man update-rc.d and see if its the same thing | 15:05 |
movedx | duane: nuatilus is, after all, not an FTP application - it just has the ability to do some FTP work. | 15:05 |
movedx | duane: try filezilla or something | 15:05 |
jrib | new2linux: yes, but keep in mind that you need to satisfy dependencies. Where you have to click is how the website is designed, it has nothing to do with what OS you are using when you view it | 15:05 |
sparkyy | duane, ftpd and filezilla are better. =P | 15:05 |
duane | thanks moveax | 15:05 |
pappan | movedx, thanks. It is not even communicating with the server..Though it shows "waiting for.." live http headers is not showing any communication.. What could be a work around you would suggest | 15:05 |
duane | and spacemoose | 15:05 |
duane | sparkyy, | 15:05 |
LeChacal | how do i open a file with the extension of .db | 15:06 |
duane | i think it has to be with my ftp not showing my true ip | 15:06 |
joshuafr | beyta: can't find any option to disable/enable write access on RAID disks :-( | 15:06 |
HangukMiguk_ | i'm trying to change my icon theme in thunar, does anyone know how to do this? also, where should i extract icon themes that i download? | 15:06 |
movedx | pappan: sounds like the connection between your PC and the remote server, or a very odd software fault. | 15:06 |
microwaver_ | legend2440, I was actually talking about the /etc/ folder :D | 15:06 |
scunizi | pappan did you try moving /.mozilla to /.mozilla.backup ? | 15:06 |
movedx | pappan: Have you tried clearing your cache and trying again, after a complete restart of FF? | 15:06 |
erUSUL | LeChacal: db seems like a generic extension for some form of database file | 15:06 |
Magilla | righto, I'll ask another time | 15:06 |
Magilla | 'night | 15:06 |
erUSUL | LeChacal: need more info then that | 15:06 |
pappan | yeah I did..I tried restarting the OS many times too | 15:06 |
Pici | LeChacal: What does `file yourfile.db` return? | 15:07 |
jatt | LeChacal: use file to try to recognize the application | 15:07 |
pappan | scunizi, I didn't yet..I am writing down the passwords stored | 15:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | HangukMiguk_ | 15:07 |
joshuafr | There was a RH3ES before today on the disks and it worked fine, don't understand why I can't install Ubuntu on this server :-( | 15:07 |
scunizi | pappan you can export your bookmarks and other things.. as a backup then restore them. | 15:07 |
HangukMiguk_ | Jack_Sparrow: that's where i just downloaded my theme from. now where do i extract it and how do i get it in thunar? | 15:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | !raid | 15:08 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 15:08 |
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nanoprobe | pappan: use foxmark plugin | 15:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | HangukMiguk_ drag and drop the tar onto the open theme manager | 15:08 |
scunizi | pappan .. then again.. since you're just moving the file to a backup .. you can always move it back and everything will be as it was. | 15:08 |
Kartagis | legend2440: update-rc.d foobar defaults <--- does defaults here refer to default runlevel? | 15:09 |
majikins | hello has anyone implemented openafs with kerberos? | 15:09 |
pappan | will do scunizi | 15:09 |
pappan | I am checking foxmark, nanoprobe | 15:09 |
LeChacal | erUSUL: 'aliases.db: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 9, native byte-order)' is what it returns and now that i see that i think i know what it is but i still need to see what is in the database, it belongs to part of postfix (my mail server) | 15:09 |
Pici | majikins: Have yout tried asking in #ubuntu-server as well? | 15:09 |
DJones | LeChacal: suggests that its either a database file or could be a windows thumbnail cache file, if its a database file, presumable open office would open that | 15:09 |
naxa | can somone help me to understand what's on this picture? how did they make the assignation/division/sectioning? | 15:09 |
duane | sparkyy, this what you were talking about The program 'ftpd' can be found in the following packages: | 15:09 |
duane | * krb5-ftpd | 15:09 |
duane | * inetutils-ftpd | 15:09 |
duane | * muddleftpd | 15:09 |
HangukMiguk_ | Jack_Sparrow: just drags back to thunar | 15:09 |
FloodBot3 | duane: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:09 |
legend2440 | Kartagis: If defaults is used then update-rc.d will make links to start the service in runlevels 2345 | 15:10 |
erUSUL | LeChacal: then you need a software that can access berkeley databases (dunno from the top of my head) | 15:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | HangukMiguk_ drag it to your desktop see if it will drop there | 15:10 |
perlmonkey | well thats the fastest and most pain-free linux i've ever installed, hats off to the ubuntu dev crew | 15:10 |
HangukMiguk_ | Jack_Sparrow: i'm using openbox | 15:10 |
Arrick | hey all, just so everyone knows, yesterdays friggin updates deleted the vbox kernel driver | 15:10 |
Kartagis | legend2440: so update-rc.d foobar 5 will add to runlevel 5? | 15:11 |
majikins | Pici: I tried listing for the channel but it wasn't | 15:11 |
joshuafr | Jack_Sparrow: My problem is not how to use RAID and LVM, but how to install Ubuntu 8.04 server on a DELL PowerEdge 1600SC with Hardward RAID | 15:11 |
jbroome | Arrick: kvm still works great. :) | 15:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | HangukMiguk_ Cant help you then | 15:11 |
HangukMiguk_ | which theme manager should i use? i don't know the command to get to the gnome one, i've been trying to use xfce's user interface | 15:11 |
Arrick | jbroome yeah go figure ubuntu would break the best one | 15:11 |
Fome | I have a sound related problem after installing Hardy. I have no sound in totem when playing avi's and mp3's. I have sound in amarok and in youtube etc. I Have installed the medibuntu w32codecs, but it still doesn't work | 15:11 |
Arrick | ;'P | 15:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr true hardware raid should not have a problem | 15:12 |
jbroome | joshuafr: IIRC you make your array with the raid bios, then install ubuntu to that "drive" | 15:12 |
legend2440 | Kartagis: update-rc.d [-n] name start|stop NN runlevel | 15:12 |
joshuafr | Jack_Sparrow: Ubuntu says it doesn't find drives! | 15:13 |
legend2440 | Kartagis: update-rc.d -n foobar start 5 | 15:13 |
Kartagis | thanks | 15:13 |
pappan | scunizi, It worked with yahoo for the first time, but again it started hanging | 15:13 |
majikins | Pici: thanks - I joined manually - hopefully someone will answer there | 15:13 |
pappan | and gives white page now | 15:13 |
legend2440 | Kartagis: update-rc.d foobar start 5 you don't need the -n | 15:15 |
naxa | bye | 15:15 |
=== selocol_ is now known as selocol | ||
duane | sparkyy, filezilla is not pret capable is the issue i think | 15:16 |
remoteCTR1 | has anyone got 1080p running on ubuntu? | 15:16 |
duane | is there a pret capable ftp client in ubuntu? | 15:16 |
remoteCTR1 | duane: filezilla | 15:16 |
duane | it does not do pret | 15:16 |
erUSUL | duane: many; command line or gui ? | 15:16 |
duane | gui | 15:16 |
joshuafr | jbroome : Before trying to install Ubuntu, a valid RH3ES was running on this server | 15:17 |
remoteCTR1 | (04:16:32 PM) remoteCTR1: duane: filezilla | 15:17 |
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nanoprobe | plz, correct me if i'm wrong: name of this irc server is ? | 15:18 |
remoteCTR1 | !1080p | 15:18 |
ubottu | Factoid 1080p not found | 15:18 |
remoteCTR1 | !720p | 15:19 |
ubottu | Factoid 720p not found | 15:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr that does not mean that redhat didnt have a driver for that hardware.. I am looking to see what I can find on that controller.. | 15:19 |
In-Sane`` | nanoprobe: | 15:19 |
remoteCTR1 | nanoprobe: well that depends on which one u use, can also be | 15:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | nanoprobe yes, this is freenode | 15:19 |
nanoprobe | oh, thx guys :) | 15:19 |
duane | how do i see the running processes? | 15:20 |
ben_underscore | duane: ps | 15:20 |
Pici | remoteCTR1: points to | 15:20 |
mohamed_ | duane: ps | 15:20 |
duane | thanks | 15:20 |
pdub | Steve-cal: are you still around? i had to scroll up a ways but i saw your last input and copied into my fstab, should i reboot? | 15:20 |
duane | i was doing pid lol | 15:20 |
remoteCTR1 | Pici: thats fine by me;) btw know anything about 1080p and ubuntu? | 15:20 |
Pici | remoteCTR1: Nope, sorry. | 15:20 |
legend2440 | microwaver_: cp -r /etc/* /home/username/backup or wherever you want to copy to | 15:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr It seems that windows needs a driver for that card... | 15:21 |
Steve-cal | pdub: Yes, reboot and see if it works. | 15:21 |
mohamed_ | is there application for video distribution like audio distribution in slimserver ? | 15:21 |
ben_underscore | duane: pstree is also fun | 15:21 |
legend2440 | microwaver_:sudo cp -r /etc/* /home/username/backup or wherever you want to copy to | 15:21 |
remoteCTR1 | Pici: seems to be a real rarity.... wonder how noone yet had the idea to connet a ubuntu pc to a 1080p tv... | 15:21 |
pdub | Steve-cal: ok brb | 15:21 |
mamefan | Is there an ubuntu equivalent to the windows 'charmap' program? | 15:21 |
microwaver_ | legend2440, Yeah I thought something like that. Thanks ! | 15:21 |
m4rtz | @remote: I did ;) | 15:22 |
mamefan | Or, how do I type characters that are not on my keyboard? | 15:22 |
new2linux | jrib: thanks for the assistance. it indeed install on the package installer | 15:22 |
mohkohn | I am trying to do internet sharing. I am using my iMac as the gateway. I have firestarter | 15:22 |
yeonhoo | hi | 15:22 |
mohkohn | etho is dhcp | 15:22 |
yeonhoo | how can I play .asf file on 8.04 hardy?? | 15:22 |
rsk | yeonhoo: most likely with mplayer -playlist url on the commandline | 15:23 |
mohkohn | wlan0 is static | 15:23 |
new2linux | jrib: but different problem now. on the installation it give error message, saying "same version is available in a software channel". you are recommended to install the software from the channel instead | 15:23 |
Kartagis | i copied my bookmarks.html file to .mozilla/firefox/profilename/ but bookmarks aren't there. why? | 15:23 |
ben_underscore | mamefan: yes it's called charmap | 15:23 |
yeonhoo | rsk, does necessary codec come with mplayer? | 15:23 |
mohkohn | The computer I am connecting to is vista. it can see my wireless says it is connected but no internet | 15:23 |
finx01 | hi! How can I change a user's password? | 15:24 |
rsk | yeonhoo: it should | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr about half way down the page... supports windows and redhat | 15:24 |
In-Sane`` | I have an issue with wine, when I attempt to use wine I get " preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000.. do I need to re-install wine? | 15:24 |
jfxberns | I am having problems with Samba file sharing on Hardy. Usually I hand-configure the smb.conf, but this time I am trying the file sharing in right-click context menu; I right click on a folder and select "Sharing Options, the File Sharing dialog pops up and I can create a share. I can see the share from my windows machine, and if I put in the network path to the share I get the "Connecting to jb-ubuntu" dialog box requesting my usernam | 15:24 |
mohkohn | Should my default gateway be | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | In-Sane`` How did you install wine? | 15:24 |
ben_underscore | finx01: if it is the user you're logged in as, at a terminal window type 'passwd' | 15:24 |
In-Sane`` | Jack_Sparrow: sudo apt-get install wine, thats it | 15:24 |
duane | is there a pret capable gui ftp client for ubuntu filezilla is not working | 15:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | In-Sane`` Yep I would reinstall it or ask in #winehq | 15:25 |
ben_underscore | duane: try gftp - fast and simple | 15:25 |
locohost_ | what should i use to manage my ipod in ubuntu? | 15:25 |
finx01 | ben_underscore: great; thank you | 15:25 |
duane | ben_underscore, does it do pret? | 15:25 |
Chuggst3r_ | mohkohn: What is your network setup like? I assume you're connected to a router? | 15:25 |
maltem_ | locohost_: I think rhythmbox has some ipod capabilities | 15:25 |
ben_underscore | duane: what's pret? | 15:25 |
m4rtz | locohost: amarok works fine for me | 15:26 |
Kartagis | i forgot to thank you for your help today guys | 15:26 |
locohost_ | anything that i can just drag and drop, its a shuffle and i hate running an entire software suite for it if i dont have it | 15:26 |
yeonhoo | rsk, installing now.... i have gnome default player and vlc player.. both of them dont play | 15:26 |
locohost_ | have to* | 15:26 |
unimatrix9 | hello all | 15:26 |
mohkohn | I have a router but it is a vpn that only allows connection to one MAC | 15:26 |
unimatrix9 | where would i go to get some help in choosing the right micro atx motherboard for ubuntu 8.04? | 15:26 |
pedja_portugalac | to menage your ipod use gtkpod;-) | 15:26 |
Kartagis | hello? | 15:27 |
yeonhoo | rsk, hummmm error while opening ...:( | 15:27 |
Chrysalis | what is 'pre-ubuntu'? | 15:27 |
Kartagis | i copied my bookmarks.html file to .mozilla/firefox/profilename/ but bookmarks aren't there. why? | 15:27 |
rsk | yeonhoo: :/ | 15:27 |
mohkohn | stanby I am posting my ifconfig | 15:27 |
rsk | yeonhoo: move to #mplayer and do what it says in the welcome message and i'l try to take a closer look | 15:27 |
mohkohn | | 15:27 |
m4rtz | locohost: don't think that u can just drag and drop... I bet u have to use either rythmbox or amarok... rythimbox seems to be loadin up faster but is less stable handling the ipod IMAO | 15:27 |
pdub | Steve-cal: your awesome man you got it to work! :) | 15:27 |
kenshin | i downloaded ubuntu but the checksun doesn't match? any ways to recover the file? | 15:27 |
kenshin | *CHECKSUM | 15:27 |
Steve-cal | pdub: Glad you have it working. :) | 15:27 |
unimatrix9 | Kartagis , should they not go into your home file and then . the hidden dir?\ | 15:28 |
virusc | hi | 15:28 |
Kartagis | unimatrix9: they are there | 15:28 |
celebere | and instead /profilename, under firefox it's usually a string of numbers and letters first | 15:28 |
pdub | Steve-cal: you wouldn't know how to make my ubuntu wubi larger in size by chance would you?? | 15:28 |
CyD | is there an easy way to remove all the cruft that installed when I installed 'xubuntu-desktop'? | 15:28 |
mohkohn | ubuntu is the gateway | 15:28 |
MrBill | I have two machines at home with Hardy installed on them, a slow PC that is in the basement and is used by all members of the family (each with their own logins) and a faster machine located out of the way that only I use. I want to switch the two PCs so the faster PC is the one being shared amongst all users. Would I simply re-create user accounts on the fast PC to match the family members and then move the /home directories over so everyone kee | 15:28 |
MrBill | ps their email/documents/etc? Or is there an eaiser/better way to migrate to a different machine? | 15:28 |
pedja_portugalac | kenshin! if the checksum is wrong download new iso !!! | 15:29 |
mohkohn | The vista I have given a static IP | 15:29 |
duane | it gets past router issues ben_underscore | 15:29 |
Steve-cal | pdub: No, I don't use Wubi, but I bet they have an IRC channel you ask that. | 15:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | kenshin redownload it | 15:29 |
jfxberns | Try asking my Samba question again... it's not that complex of a question--I just dumped every detail in so anybody answering will know all the roads I have been down. | 15:29 |
kenshin | Oh noe | 15:29 |
duane | since ftp shows interntal lan ip and not my true ip | 15:29 |
jfxberns | I am having problems with Samba file sharing on Hardy. Usually I hand-configure the smb.conf, but this time I am trying the file sharing in right-click context menu; I right click on a folder and select "Sharing Options, the File Sharing dialog pops up and I can create a share. I can see the share from my windows machine, and if I put in the network path to the share I get the "Connecting to jb-ubuntu" dialog box requesting my usernam | 15:29 |
duane | router i mean | 15:29 |
pdub | Steve-cal: ok thanks again! | 15:29 |
mohkohn | Based on my ifconfig. What should my Default gateway be? | 15:29 |
unimatrix9 | Kartagis , the should go itno ./mozilla/firefox/a number / | 15:29 |
pedja_portugalac | kenshin! you must do that!!! it's for your security!!! | 15:30 |
Frogzoo | MrBill: easier to copy across /etc/passwd & /etc/shadow | 15:30 |
ben_underscore | duane: possibly not then | 15:30 |
Sinnerman | if i may venture to ask, why does nautilus in gutsy take so long to load at log-on, that is, about 10-15 seconds, and is there a way to make it load faster? | 15:30 |
kenshin | you mean there is another way? | 15:30 |
philsf | how does one make "xhost + | 15:30 |
pedja_portugalac | no way! | 15:30 |
unimatrix9 | where would i go to get some help in choosing the right micro atx motherboard for ubuntu 8.04? | 15:30 |
philsf | how does one make "xhost +" permanent? | 15:30 |
Kartagis | unimatrix9: they are there | 15:30 |
Frogzoo | !hardware | unimatrix9 | 15:30 |
ubottu | unimatrix9: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 15:30 |
pedja_portugalac | download again | 15:30 |
unimatrix9 | Kartagis , what is the file you put there called? | 15:30 |
MrBill | Frogzoo: So if i copy /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow all I need to do afterwards is simply copy the /home directories as well and I should be good to go? | 15:30 |
Kartagis | anyway, i' | 15:30 |
kenshin | :( | 15:31 |
Kartagis | unimatrix9: bookmarks.html | 15:31 |
unimatrix9 | ok , thats right | 15:31 |
Frogzoo | MrBill: off the top of my head, yes | 15:31 |
kenshin | i don't want to download it again | 15:31 |
Kartagis | anyway, I've to run | 15:31 |
MrBill | Excellent, that sounds nice and easy =) | 15:31 |
kenshin | i need a good download manager | 15:31 |
Kartagis | bug you tomorrow | 15:31 |
MrBill | Thanks Frogzoo, I'll give that a go when i get home this evening | 15:31 |
kenshin | is it because of the download manager? | 15:31 |
Frogzoo | MrBill: oh - /etc/group also | 15:31 |
unimatrix9 | ok | 15:31 |
MindSpark | hi, I am using edgy and I want to install firefox3, can anyone tell me how to do that ? | 15:31 |
pedja_portugalac | then buy linux magazine with ubuntu dvd | 15:31 |
MrBill | frogzoo - gotcha. Thanks. | 15:32 |
pedja_portugalac | may be iso is broken ? | 15:32 |
philsf | kenshin: firefox 2 or 3? | 15:32 |
kenshin | pedja_portugalac, i'm from Nepal, there is no linux magazie here | 15:32 |
m4rtz | 3 | 15:32 |
unimatrix9 | MindSpark , you can download an standonle version | 15:32 |
Pici | kenshin: Multi-part download managers have been known to corrupt isos | 15:32 |
pdub | is there a better irc client to use besides pigin? | 15:32 |
kenshin | pdub, xchat | 15:32 |
rsk | pdub: irssi xchat | 15:32 |
lobi | hello, how can i see the temparture of my comp. i have fluxbox window maneger | 15:32 |
MindSpark | unimatrix9, is there no package for that ? for apt-get | 15:32 |
pdub | kk thanks | 15:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | pdub Any of them are better irc clients | 15:32 |
rsk | lobi: lm_sensors | 15:32 |
m4rtz | pdub: try miranda | 15:32 |
=== Emilio_Eiji is now known as Emilio_Eiji_Come | ||
unimatrix9 | MindSpark , on the firefox website download it there | 15:33 |
blankhead | after i have sudo dpkg -i libflashsupport_1.0~2219-1_i386.deb the sound works harmoniously with my music players and youtube videos but ever since i did that my dag nab firefox automatically shuts off on force quit or nothing...its like i just clicked X to close it is there any idea why its getting frustrating | 15:33 |
MindSpark | unimatrix9, ok, thanks | 15:33 |
ubuntu_newbie | hi all | 15:33 |
pedja_portugalac | then you should download again or ask friend who have one copy | 15:33 |
Nite`Wolf | Hewwo ubuntu_newbie. | 15:33 |
ubuntu_newbie | anyone here can help me to apply emerald themes? | 15:33 |
unimatrix9 | yes | 15:33 |
blankhead | sorry to say but ubuntu hardy came with a few bugs man sucks | 15:34 |
blankhead | ubuntu_newbie did u install emerald?? | 15:34 |
mohkohn | Out of curiosity is there anybody here using ubuntu in Phnom Penh? | 15:34 |
unimatrix9 | ubuntu_newbie : did you install emerald and fusion-icon? | 15:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | mohkohn offtopic.. thanks | 15:34 |
ubuntu_newbie | yes, | 15:34 |
lobi | i install lm-sensor | 15:34 |
lobi | how can i run it | 15:34 |
pedja_portugalac | it is very important that you have good iso when installing ubuntu, and also you should just after that install libssl update before doing anything because of the vulnerability | 15:35 |
ubuntu_newbie | where i can get fusion icon? | 15:35 |
In-Sane`` | lobi: try lm-sensor in terminal maybe? | 15:35 |
unimatrix9 | ubuntu_newbie : its in the package manager | 15:35 |
Kaelten | where does apt-get install things like libconfig0 and libconfig0-dev? | 15:35 |
Oli``` | How can I recursively delete empty directories? | 15:35 |
celebere | rm -r | 15:35 |
astra-work | the line 219 error with ndiswrapper, even with root permissions, anyone know why that happens? "No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 219." | 15:35 |
celebere | wait, nested? | 15:35 |
lobi | In-Sane: i did tihs but doesn't wokr | 15:35 |
Oli``` | celebere: yeah | 15:36 |
philsf | how does one make "xhost +" permanent? | 15:36 |
blankhead | unimatrix9 what is fusin-icon for? | 15:36 |
unimatrix9 | ubuntu_newbie : its called fusion-icon | 15:36 |
In-Sane`` | lobi: ah, sorry then, I just don't know ;) | 15:36 |
celebere | it should have worked | 15:36 |
ubuntu_newbie | i already have hardy repo, i want to apply theme, theme i get from | 15:36 |
dns_en | Im looking to purchase support for ubuntu desktop could someone point me in the right direction | 15:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !support | 15:36 |
ubottu | The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and | 15:36 |
Pici | dns_en: | 15:37 |
unimatrix9 | ubuntu_newbie : launch fusion-icon and import the theme ( you need 3D accelarated hardwrae! ) | 15:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | dns_en canonical sp | 15:37 |
lobi | any body know how can i run lm-sensor | 15:37 |
locohost_ | seems like firefox switches to offline mode every time i launch it, for no reason | 15:37 |
locohost_ | you can get lmsensor data with snmp | 15:37 |
ray_ | hi | 15:37 |
blankhead | go to system>preference>emerald theme import find the tar.gz file or .emerald file and thats it | 15:37 |
locohost_ | but your hardware needs to support it | 15:37 |
Pici | lobi: run sensors | 15:37 |
ray_ | can any one help me out a sec with intel driver | 15:37 |
ubuntu_newbie | in emerald i didnt find "apply" | 15:38 |
joshuafr | Jack_Sparrow: sorry for the latence, the server room is not near my computer :-) | 15:38 |
m4rtz | astra-work: what is in the file at line 219? | 15:38 |
jonaskoelker | question: I read a full disk encryption guide, that says I should use the alternate install CD. Is that necessary? | 15:38 |
lobi | Pici: Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need. | 15:38 |
jonaskoelker | ray_: maybe; what's the issue? | 15:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr np, did you see the link I gave | 15:38 |
ray_ | jon i got no intl pro wirelss 3945abg driver how i get them | 15:38 |
remoteCTR1 | !dvd | 15:38 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 15:38 |
erUSUL | !sensors | lobi | 15:38 |
ubottu | lobi: You might find something useful at: | 15:38 |
ray_ | the windows one crashes me out | 15:38 |
pedja_portugalac | jonaskoelker, it's the easy way! | 15:39 |
astra-work | hahhaa | 15:39 |
astra-work | omg | 15:39 |
joshuafr | Jack_Sparrow: yes, but it doesn't explain for my problem :-( | 15:39 |
Slart | jonaskoelker: if you want to install to an encrypted drive I think so.. you could of course do all kinds of voodoo to an already installed system.. but it will be much much harder | 15:39 |
astra-work | l and 1 being the same ftl | 15:39 |
Pici | lobi: excuse me? | 15:39 |
m4rtz | ray_ : there is also madwifi did u try that | 15:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr It does if windows and redhat have drivers for your raid.. | 15:39 |
ray_ | m4 how i get that | 15:39 |
jonaskoelker | ray_: which ubuntu release are you using? Hardy? do an `apt-file search iwl'; pay close attention to something that seems to relate to the kernel | 15:39 |
m4rtz | should be in the packet manager | 15:40 |
ray_ | jon ubuntu 8 | 15:40 |
ubuntu_newbie | help me!! | 15:40 |
jonaskoelker | ray_: also, apt-cache search intel wireless or apt-cache search intel 3945 | 15:40 |
joshuafr | Jack_Sparrow: how can I use RH drivers during an ubuntu install? | 15:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr If they are using drivers, then it isnt a true hardware based raid | 15:40 |
* ubuntu_newbie waiting | 15:40 | |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr you cant | 15:40 |
ray_ | m4rtz how i get that | 15:40 |
dns_en | I filled out the form tuesday for support services and havnt recieved a response | 15:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | dns_en what was your support question | 15:41 |
jonaskoelker | ray_: IIRC, the kernel module should be called either iwl3945 or iwlwifi or ipw3945 (but I think that last one is deprecated) | 15:41 |
Pici | dns_en: This channel is not affiliated with Canonical's commercial services. | 15:41 |
joshuafr | Jack_Sparrow: FUC* RAID, doesn't really need it, is it possible to disable it? | 15:41 |
jonaskoelker | ubuntu_newbie: well, you could tell us your problem... | 15:41 |
dns_en | I want to setup support for desktop ubuntu | 15:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr you should be able to set bios to standard config | 15:41 |
Pici | dns_en: Like I said, we're not Canonical, we're just volunteers. | 15:42 |
ray_ | jon i ssearched and nothing | 15:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | dns_en We can provide support... and we are quite good at it | 15:42 |
dns_en | I having issues with sharing the printer from ubuntu to my win2k virtual machines | 15:42 |
AaronH | vol-un-teers.... | 15:42 |
Xerxes | someone save me from windows <crys> | 15:42 |
mohkohn | Is this what I need to get eth1 to talk to wlan0 to talk to Vista? | 15:43 |
ubuntu_newbie | !emerald | 15:43 |
ubottu | Factoid emerald not found | 15:43 |
AaronH | lol we're here for you Xerxes | 15:43 |
mohkohn | Or is there an easier way? | 15:43 |
Xerxes | I reinstalled yesterday and my ethernet drivers/connection dissapeared. | 15:43 |
joshuafr | Jack_Sparrow: come back in 5 min, going to see what can I disable (and what I can do with a hammer :-P) | 15:43 |
dns_en | Im sure its a permission issue | 15:43 |
ray_ | john how i sduo install right onew | 15:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 15:43 |
ray_ | jon i mean | 15:43 |
philsf | !xhost | 15:43 |
ubottu | Factoid xhost not found | 15:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | joshuafr back in 15 here | 15:43 |
Xerxes | reinstalling does no good... sorta need to trade right now, so very stressed. | 15:43 |
AaronH | mohkohn, get firestarter | 15:43 |
dns_en | the other issue is everytime I take roaming mode off I lose all internet | 15:43 |
mohkohn | I have firestarter | 15:43 |
AaronH | and firestarter wont share your network connection? | 15:44 |
ray_ | jon still here | 15:44 |
mohkohn | I think my problem is on the vista side perhaps then | 15:44 |
AaronH | more than likely, mohkohn | 15:44 |
Xerxes | How long does it take to get ubuntu running from start to end? | 15:44 |
Xerxes | internet ready and maybe install a single program? | 15:45 |
pedja_portugalac | 30 minutes | 15:45 |
mohkohn | AaronH, this is my ifconfig for Ubuntu | 15:45 |
AaronH | Xerxes, 30 mins to no longer than an hour | 15:45 |
Chousuke | Xerxes: Depends on your hardware. | 15:45 |
Xerxes | it's fast. | 15:45 |
Chousuke | no, I mean | 15:45 |
pedja_portugalac | very | 15:45 |
Chousuke | is it supported? :) | 15:45 |
m4rtz | hrhr | 15:45 |
mohkohn | I set a static IP for Vista. What should be my Default Gateway? | 15:45 |
Xerxes | With my luck, no. | 15:45 |
Hewus | I just had a power outage (while playing rhythmbox), and on restarting, all my rhythmbox ratings and metadata have been wiped. If my rhythmdb.xml has been corrupted/replaced, is there a log or something that shows what happened? Thanks in advance. | 15:46 |
pedja_portugalac | why? | 15:46 |
Xerxes | nvdia board/video | 15:46 |
Chousuke | the not-so-supported (ndiswrapper wifi, weird video cards, etc) hardware can slow down the installation process :P | 15:46 |
Pici | mohkohn: It depends, please join ##windows for Windows/Vista support | 15:46 |
Xerxes | amd chip 64bit | 15:46 |
AaronH | mohkohn, internet sharing is done with iptables, firestarter is the GUI for configuring iptables | 15:46 |
Xerxes | nah, none of that crap on my machine. | 15:46 |
Xerxes | 8600 GT video card, pretty standard. | 15:46 |
pedja_portugalac | did you try? | 15:46 |
AaronH | mohkohn, to see your iptables configuration do "sudo iptables -L" | 15:47 |
Chousuke | Xerxes: I suppose it should be fine then | 15:47 |
wolfx | the only way for me to bring up my wireless card w/ static ip is to change my pairwise and group settings to CCMP and back to TKIP (my actual router setting), and after reboot i have to do the same thing. any thoughts? | 15:47 |
vexus | damn | 15:47 |
m4rtz | the gfx card shouln't cause a prob ;) | 15:47 |
vexus | fuck | 15:47 |
Xerxes | I heard there is a new stable version, 8.0 s is that correct? | 15:47 |
erUSUL | !language | vexus | 15:47 |
pedja_portugalac | yes | 15:47 |
ubottu | vexus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 15:47 |
Pici | vexus: Watch the language please. | 15:47 |
pedja_portugalac | the best one till now | 15:47 |
Xerxes | okay, and burn it to a CD and then install? | 15:48 |
gracedman | Hello, all. I'm trying to use NoMachine's NX client to connect to Hardy and share a local printer however it gives an error: lpadmin Bad device-uri nx://<name>. nx is in /usr/lib/cups/backend. Any idea why this doesn't work on Hardy while it does work on other distros? | 15:48 |
pedja_portugalac | yeah | 15:48 |
Xerxes | excellant, after trading hours I'll drop by in case I need assistance. | 15:48 |
Xerxes | I seriously loathe windows. | 15:48 |
m4rtz | xerxes: make sure the disk is bootable (if ur tryin to install ubuntu) | 15:48 |
Xerxes | np. :) | 15:48 |
pedja_portugalac | you're welcome | 15:49 |
mohkohn | AaronH, | 15:50 |
gracedman | Hello, all. I'm trying to use NoMachine's NX client to connect to Hardy and share a local printer however it gives an error: lpadmin Bad device-uri nx://<name>. nx is in /usr/lib/cups/backend. Any idea why this doesn't work on Hardy while it does work on other distros? | 15:51 |
cperrin88 | Hey, can anyone telly me how i can set up my ubuntu, so it won't start a gnome interface but let's me log in over XDMCP? | 15:51 |
lobi | ubottu: i try , but sill Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need | 15:52 |
ubottu | lobi: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:52 |
Xerxes | If any of you ubuntu gurus need stock advice, just ask :) | 15:52 |
pedja_portugalac | hahahaha, how can gurus need advice? hahahaha | 15:53 |
m4rtz | can anybody help me with the "fritzbox" router? I'd like to attatch an external hard drive... the problem is that the box can't handle NTFS just FAT, well and FAT is no good... since this would divide my drive in GB pieces... any suggestions... I allready tried ext2 and 3 but the box didn't even reconize the disk... should I try reiserfs? | 15:54 |
m4rtz | he's talkin about stocks | 15:54 |
m4rtz | money--- u know ;) | 15:54 |
pedja_portugalac | hahahaha | 15:55 |
pedja_portugalac | i like money | 15:55 |
bazhang | pedja_portugalac, do you have a support question? | 15:55 |
artanin | So heres a interesting one... I have a 7.10 install that I have been using for a while now. Issued a reboot, and it was having a hard time coming up. removed apache2/mysql and a few other services from the boot mode. I now get to gdm/terminal, but I cant get shell access. /bin/bash does exist | 15:55 |
pedja_portugalac | no | 15:55 |
bazhang | pedja_portugalac, this is a support channel; please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for chat | 15:56 |
pedja_portugalac | ok | 15:56 |
pedja_portugalac | sorry, this was my first time irc chat | 15:57 |
pedja_portugalac | just testing pidgin on irc | 15:57 |
PdUb101 | hi everyone, question please, I recently installed Ubuntu 8.04 hardy through windows xp WUBI and was wondering how I could change my Ubuntu partition from 15gig to 100gig? | 15:57 |
AaronH | mohkohn, im not great at iptables, but yours looks fine to me. You may want to get a second opinion about that... | 15:57 |
simplexio | PdUb101: easiest wau is to format hardsisk and reinstall | 15:58 |
bazhang | PdUb101, you mean move to its own partition? | 15:58 |
v0lksman | anyone know how to get an Intel 945GM to use the drivers properly? I'm running i810 driver however lshw -C video still shows the display as "Unclaimed"...I also can't get xfce to go full res where I can in Gnome....any suggestions? | 15:58 |
damiano | hi all | 15:59 |
PdUb101 | not necessarily move to a new partition, just to make the partition bigger, ive run out of space and would like to enlarge the ubuntu partition | 15:59 |
Elroy | I want to install program X, how do I find out what other programs (dependencies) I'll need to install apart from the dependenies I already have? | 15:59 |
bazhang | please see this link for more info PdUb101 | 15:59 |
AaronH | mohkohn, how is your Vista acquiring a IP? DHCP? | 15:59 |
adam7 | Elroy: you can just run apt-get install X and it'll list the depends for you | 15:59 |
cperrin88 | Hey, can anyone telly me how i can set up my ubuntu, so it won't start a gnome interface but let's me log in over XDMCP? | 15:59 |
damiano | I can't unlock network manager tough I am admin, anyone run into this problem on hardy? | 16:00 |
stnkyminky | where do i put script file so it will be ran on startup? | 16:00 |
artanin | Is there a command to check for broken packages besides apt-get check? Something is horribly broken on my box to the point where it will accept logins but wont throw a shell/start gnome | 16:00 |
Elroy | adam7: but what if I am installing from a local deb file | 16:00 |
ompaul | cperrin88, are you getting a log in screen on the box? | 16:00 |
hak5fan | stnkyminky: put it in /etc/rc.local | 16:00 |
cperrin88 | yeah | 16:00 |
ompaul | cperrin88, and what happens when you try to log in on the local box? | 16:01 |
astra-work | if i was going to buy a usb/pci/pcmcia wireless card and i want to work out-of-the-box with wep in ubuntu or any linux 2.6.2x kernel, what would anyone here recommend? | 16:01 |
damiano | help please :-( | 16:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | Elroy To Find Dependencies apt-cache depends <DEB program package>. | 16:01 |
cperrin88 | ompaul: it logs in, like it should, but i don't want to see gnome on my local box, I want it n my remote box | 16:01 |
ompaul | cperrin88, ehh then you are not using xdmcp :) | 16:02 |
cperrin88 | ompaul: it works but then I have 2x GDM, that's bit too much | 16:02 |
mohkohn | AaronH, I am trying to setup Static | 16:02 |
cyka | yo peeps | 16:02 |
cyka | got a problem here with my gfx card | 16:02 |
ompaul | cperrin88, ctrl alt F7 or F8 kind of thing? | 16:02 |
cyka | i.e ubuntus running in low gfx mode | 16:02 |
cyka | when the cards installed and ready to go | 16:03 |
mohkohn | in Vista | 16:03 |
cyka | last night an update cocked up | 16:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter | cyka | 16:03 |
ubottu | cyka: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 16:03 |
cyka | sorry | 16:03 |
hak5fan | ckya what brand | 16:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 16:03 |
cyka | geforce 5500 FX | 16:03 |
Pici | mohkohn: This channel is only for Ubuntu support. You need to ask your question in ##windows if it is about Vista | 16:03 |
mohkohn | I can ping my wlan0 and my eth0 from vista | 16:03 |
Hewus | I just had a power outage (while playing rhythmbox), and on restarting, all my rhythmbox ratings and metadata have been wiped. If my rhythmdb.xml has been corrupted/replaced, is there a log or something that shows what happened? Thanks in advance. | 16:03 |
morenillu | hi everybody! | 16:03 |
bazhang | mohkohn, just curious-->what does vista have to with this channel | 16:03 |
hak5fan | ckya look for a driver in restricted drivers manager.... it's in system administration - restricted drivers | 16:03 |
morenillu | alguien de españa? | 16:03 |
mohkohn | pici I am trying to network ubuntu and vista | 16:04 |
cyka | i'm guessing cos it's a linux channel and we know everything? | 16:04 |
cyka | lol | 16:04 |
cyka | already done that | 16:04 |
Pici | mohkohn: Okay. | 16:04 |
Pici | !es | mohkohn | 16:04 |
ubottu | mohkohn: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 16:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !es | morenillu | 16:04 |
ubottu | morenillu: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 16:04 |
Pici | morenillu: see above | 16:04 |
Pici | mohkohn: sorry about that | 16:04 |
cyka | and they are apparent;ly "enabled" | 16:04 |
morenillu | ok | 16:04 |
ompaul | cperrin88, why not write out your objectives on a pastebin and then tell me how you are set up there then I can advise you | 16:04 |
morenillu | thx! | 16:04 |
morenillu | ;) | 16:04 |
cperrin88 | ompaul: okay | 16:04 |
AaronH | bazhang, he is trying to get internet sharing witn ubuntu and vista | 16:05 |
mohkohn | I havn't spoken spanish since highschool! ok | 16:05 |
hak5fan | ckya: what excatly do you mean by low gfx mode? | 16:05 |
cyka | ubuntu is running at 640x something klow | 16:05 |
mohkohn | is there anything terribly wrong in this document? | 16:05 |
Elroy | Jack_Sparrow: W: Unable to locate package. | 16:05 |
Elroy | Jack_Sparrow: Does it search for the package in cache and not in the local folder (I need to investiage into the one in local folder) | 16:05 |
cyka | i usually run at 1280x1024 | 16:05 |
mohkohn | | 16:05 |
gracedman | Hello, all. I'm trying to use NoMachine's NX client to connect to Hardy and share a local printer however it gives an error: lpadmin Bad device-uri nx://<name>. nx is in /usr/lib/cups/backend. Any idea why this doesn't work on Hardy while it does work on other distros? | 16:06 |
hak5fan | ckya: I see you have of cource tried using the graphical tool to fix this? | 16:06 |
tempest_ | hello Can someone help me with a problem? when I log out of kubuntu the screen just goes black and stays that way. Or should I go somewhere else for help with that ? | 16:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | Elroy Not sure. maybe time for man apt | 16:06 |
cyka | erm forgive stupidiy but graphical tool and wheres it located.... | 16:06 |
cyka | i'm still learning ubuntu hak5fan so some fixy stuff i still don't know about | 16:06 |
cyka | although i am getting better and learning it all but hey | 16:07 |
hak5fan | cyka: i c it should be under system - preferences screen resolution | 16:07 |
cyka | ah yes | 16:07 |
gracedman | Hi, tempest. I've got the same problem. It appears to be a problem with the fglrx driver for my ATI card. Is that what you are using? | 16:07 |
cyka | i;'ve tried that it's not displaying any screen resolutions above 640x480 | 16:07 |
tempest_ | gracedman mine is an nvidia card | 16:07 |
Elroy | Jack_Sparrow: mans are so long :( | 16:08 |
cperrin88 | ompaul: | 16:08 |
gracedman | Tempest, wish I could help but I haven't taken the time to troubleshoot it. Strangely, if I come out of hibernate mode and then exit from X, it works! | 16:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Elroy what are you trying to install? | 16:08 |
RaceCondition | what is the easiest to set up mailing list software for Ubuntu? | 16:08 |
hak5fan | cyka: install pastebinit: run sudo apt-get install pastebinit -y in terminal or use synaptic. Then run cat /etc/X11/Xorg.conf | pastebin it and post the link here | 16:09 |
tempest_ | gracedman i found several fixes for the ati but none for nvidia. It worked until i had to switch to legacy drivers | 16:09 |
Warmedal | I'm trying to run the LiveCD, I get to the login screen and it says "User Ubuntu will login in xx secs", But when the timer hits zero screen goes black and it repeat the countdown.. help? | 16:09 |
cyka | righto hak5fan | 16:09 |
Elroy | Jack_Sparrow: Oh, it's not about many things. I just don't like the idea of apt-get getting the latest version of applications. I want to reuse the packages once downloaded in the pasr | 16:10 |
Elroy | *past | 16:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Elroy Read the factoid on pinning and double click the deb you want to use from your var/cache/apt/archives folder | 16:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | !pinning | 16:11 |
ubottu | pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 16:11 |
raytruz` | What package is the "GET" command in? | 16:11 |
mark____ | could someone help me please I installed Java via sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-bin and all its dependencies and it is sort of working in Firefox and Opera but very slowly. In RSSOwl nothing will show in the display window where the feed is meant to be. Anyone know what could be causing this it worked fine before on a previous 8.04 install but I had to reload due a wacom tablet issue | 16:11 |
raytruz` | What package is the "GET" command in? | 16:11 |
ompaul | cperrin88, | 16:11 |
Trae | Anyone know of a super easy way to use the same keyboard and mouse for a Linux / Windows machine... I'm trying synergy, but it isn't very easy to figure out. | 16:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | raytruz` Hold off on the repeats.. and you may want apt- not get | 16:12 |
hak5fan | raytruz`: like in apt-get? | 16:12 |
ompaul | cperrin88, there answers your g/k/xdm question and so forth afik | 16:12 |
ghost16 | how i can create a cron script which sends | 16:12 |
cperrin88 | ompaul: okay, I will try this, thanks | 16:12 |
raytruz` | Jack_Sparrow, hak5fan no, the GET command that retrieves a URL for you. | 16:12 |
Pici | raytruz`: libwww-perl | 16:12 |
Pupeno | Hello. | 16:13 |
hak5fan | Jack_Sparrow: I c | 16:13 |
raytruz` | Pici thanks | 16:13 |
Pici | raytruz`: fyi: dpkg -S `which GET` | 16:13 |
raytruz` | Thanks | 16:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | hak5fan I c .. what | 16:13 |
hak5fan | Jack_Sparrow: i.e I understand | 16:13 |
saki | Hi, i screwed up my panels and i dont see my open applications anymore, any way to reset or fix? | 16:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 16:13 |
cyka | ARGH!!! | 16:14 |
Pupeno | Any good and simple software my wife could use to back up her Ubuntu Desktop? | 16:14 |
cyka | strupidity | 16:14 |
cyka | ok another dum question | 16:14 |
cyka | whats the command to run the damn file? | 16:14 |
jrib | raytruz`: you mean wget? | 16:14 |
cyka | dumb* | 16:14 |
jrib | cyka: what file? | 16:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pupeno You can give her a dd conmmand in a launcher... | 16:14 |
raytruz` | jrib: no, i got it now, its in libwww-perl | 16:14 |
hak5fan | cyka: to run what? pastebinit? | 16:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | !backup | 16:14 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 16:14 |
Elroy | Does ubuntu have 'synaptic' by default? | 16:14 |
raytruz` | dpkg -S is the real deal | 16:14 |
Chousuke | Elroy: yes | 16:14 |
cyka | Xorg.conf | 16:14 |
=== mok_ is now known as M0lk | ||
Elroy | Chousuke: Where is it located | 16:15 |
Chousuke | Elroy: hm, I can't remember | 16:15 |
erUSUL | Elroy: System>Admin>Synaptic | 16:15 |
hak5fan | cyka: just paste this in terminal (paste in terminal is done with shift + insert, not ctrl + v) cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit | 16:15 |
hak5fan | cyka: and give me the link | 16:16 |
Elroy | erUSUL: I don't have 'Admin' in 'System' | 16:16 |
the_eraser | how do i check what driver a pci device is using? im sure there is a command for this. | 16:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | hak5fan shift ctrl v works too | 16:16 |
erUSUL | Elroy: kubuntu? | 16:16 |
Elroy | erUSUL: Yes | 16:16 |
hak5fan | Jack_Sparrow: I didn't know... cool | 16:16 |
Chousuke | Elroy: ah, on kubuntu you need to use adept | 16:16 |
erUSUL | Elroy: then look for adept on the system menu | 16:17 |
Pici | hak5fan: shift-insert too | 16:17 |
ktlco | Getting this error message when trying to start Amaya "Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_colormap: assertion `!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)' failed" | 16:17 |
ktlco | any help? | 16:17 |
Hammer89 | can anyone tell me what this messages means? (It was in /var/log/syslog): May 28 11:10:21 matthew-laptop NetworkManager: <info> Supplicant state changed: 0 May 28 11:10:23 matthew-laptop NetworkManager: <info> Supplicant state changed: 1 | 16:18 |
hak5fan | Pici: yes | 16:18 |
squirkey | I am looking for the wbar. Anyone know where I can get it and good install instructions | 16:18 |
Sid | hammer89: It's got something to do with your Wireless | 16:18 |
cyka | | 16:18 |
Sid | hammer89: Do you have Broadcom? | 16:18 |
frea | 1 question - how can i recompile kernel in ubuntu | 16:18 |
cyka | hak5fan: there u go | 16:18 |
cyka | sorry for being a dumb f**k | 16:18 |
erUSUL | !kernel | frea | 16:18 |
ubottu | frea: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 16:18 |
hak5fan | cyka: I'll have a look at it | 16:18 |
Hammer89 | Sid: broadcom? | 16:19 |
cyka | ta bud | 16:19 |
Hammer89 | Sid: this message is new to me... I don't recall ever seeing it in my system logs | 16:19 |
the_eraser | how do i check what driver a pci device is using? im sure there is a command for this. | 16:19 |
Chousuke | frea: that's a question you should find the answer to yourself, if you really need to recompile the kernel. | 16:19 |
Sid | Hammer89: Do you use Wireless? | 16:19 |
Hammer89 | Sid: I'm using an Atheros wifi card | 16:19 |
erUSUL | the_eraser: lshw ? | 16:19 |
Chousuke | frea: that is, if you need to ask you really shouldn't be trying :/ | 16:19 |
the_eraser | erUSUL: yea thx m8 | 16:20 |
cyka | hak5fan: is it the "modes 640x480@60" line? | 16:20 |
hak5fan | cyka: It seems like it created a fallback version of Xorg.conf: run this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 16:20 |
cyka | ok thanks | 16:20 |
Sid | Hammer89: I don't think it will do anything bad. | 16:20 |
hak5fan | cyka: If this doesn't help I'll manually change it.... | 16:20 |
hak5fan | cyka: You'll have to restart X in order for this to work | 16:21 |
Hammer89 | Sid: alrighty... I'm going nuts trying to get a static IP configured :P | 16:21 |
peace-keeper | what can i use to convert an mp3 to a wav ? | 16:21 |
liassist | whtas the channel for ubuntu server?? | 16:21 |
cyka | ok done | 16:21 |
ompaul | liassist, #ubuntu-server | 16:21 |
Hammer89 | peace-keeper: Audacity? | 16:21 |
cyka | and reboot hak5fan | 16:21 |
cyka | ? | 16:21 |
erUSUL | peace-keeper: soundconverter ? | 16:22 |
peace-keeper | thx | 16:22 |
ompaul | !enter | cyka | 16:22 |
ubottu | cyka: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 16:22 |
Blegolas | hello | 16:22 |
cyka | again sorry ompaul, it's a habbit a bad one at that | 16:22 |
hak5fan | cyka: I don't think you need to just restart X with ctrl + alt + backspace... plase close all other programs first... and try to ajust your resolution afterwords | 16:22 |
mccune | Hi, should /etc/hostname contain my fully qualified domain name, or just the host part of the fqdn? hostname -f doesn't return the fqdn, like I expect it to and I'm trying to sort out why. | 16:23 |
=== gardar is now known as gardar`away | ||
goki_work_ | Can I override the bit of module-assistant that downloads more recent versions of installed packages, and just build with an old package? I need to use the old debian atl2 driver package for my Asus eee, since ubuntu insists on regularly breaking it | 16:23 |
Blegolas | i installed the latest ubuntu a few weeks ago (when it was released), but since then every 2-3 days my computer freezes, and the only way to escape that is to reset it, any ideas if someone gets the same ? | 16:23 |
Warmedal | I'm trying to run the LiveCD, I get to the login screen and it says "User Ubuntu will login in xx secs", But when the timer hits zero screen goes black and it repeat the countdown.. help? | 16:23 |
=== gardar`away is now known as gardar | ||
cyka | YAY!!!! | 16:24 |
hak5fan | cyka: Sounds like it worked... cool | 16:25 |
Pici | Warmedal: the LiveCD is not compatible with all hardware combinations, you may need to use the alternate CD if you want to install ubuntu. Or try the graphic compatibility mode (I forget the exact wording) | 16:25 |
hak5fan | Pici: That's safe graphic mode | 16:25 |
martii | hi | 16:26 |
Warmedal | Do I choose that when I boot the livecd? | 16:26 |
hak5fan | Warmedal: Yes | 16:26 |
martii | guys why hardy lacks nfs support in nautilus? | 16:26 |
goki_work_ | ah never mind, I worked it out | 16:26 |
martii | when I do nfs://server_ip/resouce I can't get there | 16:26 |
martii | I can mount this fine from root | 16:27 |
martii | using mount | 16:27 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | Hello, I just downloaded tor and tor button through synaptic but cant seem to find a way to execute it and there is no button in my FF window. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? | 16:28 |
=== goki_work_ is now known as goki_work | ||
genii | martii: Check your exports file on the server to make sure regular users can access it | 16:28 |
comicinke1 | gibt es irgendwo eine übersicht wie das übersetzungsprojekt funktioniert? | 16:28 |
cyka | yay | 16:28 |
cyka | thanks hak5fan | 16:28 |
cyka | it worked | 16:29 |
hak5fan | cyka: np | 16:29 |
cyka | tho my machine did lock up | 16:29 |
cyka | but it worked | 16:29 |
cyka | back to normal | 16:29 |
comicinke1 | sry, wrong channel | 16:29 |
dkid352 | hey anybody help me im tryin to play counter strike on ubuntu got no idea what im doing | 16:29 |
hak5fan | cyka: nice.... | 16:29 |
cyka | tho my eyes need to readjust to smaller typings again, damn huge text one small resolutions | 16:29 |
martii | genii: they can | 16:29 |
Pici | !de | comicinke1 | 16:30 |
ubottu | comicinke1: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 16:30 |
ompaul | cyka, please stay on topic and on one line | 16:30 |
hak5fan | dkid352: yes sure.... first download wine..... | 16:30 |
martii | genii: Connect to server is missinf NFS as well | 16:30 |
AlphaOmega | i installed a package that now has this app auto starting on boot, how do i control what launches on boot? | 16:30 |
AlphaOmega | runlevel or something? | 16:30 |
desneedy | how can i find obesolete useless packages and remove them? | 16:30 |
martii | genii: places -> connect to server | 16:30 |
treemonkey | im trying to use this cpuburn / burnP6 to test my cpu | 16:30 |
martii | genii: it was there now it's gone | 16:30 |
treemonkey | how am i suposed to kill it with ps where i can check the return value | 16:30 |
cyka | i'm going now anyways ompaul, sorry for the streying off topics and slight bending of channel rules (not intentional). | 16:30 |
dkid352 | hak5fan: cant figure out how to install wine where do i get it | 16:30 |
treemonkey | i cant even see a list of what return value errors it has | 16:30 |
FunkyLarge | Hello, how do i set a different wallpapers for each workspace | 16:31 |
treemonkey | what is a good cpuburn utuility i can stress my cpu to make sure my hardware is working | 16:31 |
treemonkey | something simple | 16:31 |
ompaul | AlphaOmega, you might like to try "rcconf" and put the script in /etc/init.d | 16:31 |
treemonkey | preferably gui | 16:31 |
AlphaOmega | ompaul: i want the app *not* to run though | 16:31 |
hak5fan | dkid352: ok firest go over to and click get wine now and follow the instructions there if you need futher help ask again | 16:31 |
StevenX | how do i install times new roman? | 16:31 |
ompaul | AlphaOmega, use rcconf | 16:31 |
treemonkey | im getting 50 lcokups a day | 16:31 |
treemonkey | i need something to test my cpu | 16:31 |
desneedy | How can I find obesolete useless packages and remove them? | 16:31 |
treemonkey | so i can see if my hardware works | 16:31 |
AlphaOmega | ompaul: ok, i dont have it installed, what do i install | 16:31 |
ompaul | AlphaOmega, rcconf | 16:32 |
martii | treemonkey: it doesn't mean it's cpu | 16:32 |
=== gardar is now known as gardar`away | ||
treemonkey | jjust tell me | 16:32 |
hak5fan | treemonkey: use memtest86+ to test your memory and check in bios for temperatures | 16:32 |
Warmedal | Pici: Thanks, It workd | 16:32 |
AlphaOmega | o_O there isnta system tool to control what launches on the system? | 16:32 |
treemonkey | where i can get a cpu burn in utility | 16:32 |
treemonkey | my memory is fine | 16:32 |
treemonkey | i want a cpu tester | 16:32 |
dkid352 | caN someone help me how do i install wine | 16:32 |
martii | treemonkey: apt-cache search cpuburn | 16:32 |
Elroy | When installing a package from local drive with 'Package Installer' it hangs at 0% - what could the reason be? | 16:33 |
AlphaOmega | ty ompaul | 16:33 |
martii | treemonkey: this will tell you the package name | 16:33 |
locohost_ | probably apt-get install wine | 16:33 |
Elroy | (Kubuntu 8.04) | 16:33 |
ompaul | Elroy, go to #kubuntu | 16:33 |
locohost_ | how can get some of that internet money? | 16:33 |
Pici | AlphaOmega: bum is a nice gui tool for boot stuffs. | 16:33 |
AlphaOmega | Pici, thanks, ill checkit out | 16:33 |
Pici | locohost_: I hear #ubuntu-offtopic might have some | 16:33 |
hak5fan | dkid352: sure I'll post some easy instructions... just give me sek... you could just look for wine in synaptic, but that's not the latest version which I would reccomend | 16:33 |
=== gardar is now known as gardar`away | ||
nictimju | can anyone recommend a program to recover a partition (vfat) off a USB drive, it somehow got corrupted | 16:34 |
_treemonkey | i have cpuburn | 16:35 |
_treemonkey | it just happene3d again... | 16:35 |
_treemonkey | i cant stay on more than 5 min | 16:35 |
_treemonkey | someoen jsut tell me in plain english how i kill it with ps after i start it in the background | 16:35 |
_treemonkey | and check the ret value | 16:35 |
_treemonkey | i dont see a return value | 16:35 |
dkid352 | how do i know when wine is installed i did apt-get install wine | 16:35 |
genii | !info crashme | _treemonkey | 16:35 |
ubottu | _treemonkey: crashme (source: crashme): Stress tests operating system stability. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-9 (hardy), package size 16 kB, installed size 80 kB | 16:35 |
nictimju | treemonkey: just do a ps aux and look for the pid number then kill <pid> | 16:36 |
locohost_ | tree, ps aux|grep proccess | 16:36 |
locohost_ | sudo kill -n pid | 16:36 |
nictimju | or type fg to bring it to foreground | 16:36 |
dkid352 | Processing triggers for libc6 ... | 16:36 |
locohost_ | kill -9 | 16:36 |
dkid352 | ldconfig deferred processing now taking place | 16:36 |
Df_Yz | Hello all. Please, tell me, how to patch Iptables and kernel with IMQ-patch? | 16:36 |
dkid352 | what does that mean | 16:36 |
Df_Yz | p.s. Sorry for my bad English %) | 16:36 |
Pici | _treemonkey: If you're system is crashing under normal load, I'm not sure what exactly you think a benchmarking tool is going to help with... | 16:36 |
portwolf | hey guys, i got 2x500 gig hdd | 16:38 |
portwolf | i am using raid 1, and want to install ubuntu | 16:38 |
_treemonkey | it woudltn work with the kill -n flag | 16:38 |
_treemonkey | i jsut typed kill [pid] | 16:38 |
_treemonkey | i dont see any return value | 16:38 |
portwolf | but as soon as i put in the cd and boot into "Install Ubuntu" i only see 2x500 gig hdds, and not myx partitions i made before | 16:38 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | If you mark something for complete removal will it remove itself from synaptic to? | 16:38 |
_treemonkey | how am i suposed to check if it has probs or nto | 16:38 |
portwolf | how do i solve that? | 16:38 |
genii | _0tt0v0nc4t_: No | 16:38 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | genii: thank you. Whats the difference between removal and complete then? | 16:39 |
_treemonkey | i start it by burnP6 || echo %? & | 16:39 |
_treemonkey | then kill [pid] | 16:39 |
martii | _treemonkey: killall -9 cpuburn | 16:39 |
_treemonkey | yea but | 16:39 |
_treemonkey | lol | 16:39 |
_treemonkey | it oesnt do anything! | 16:39 |
FloodBot3 | _treemonkey: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:39 |
_treemonkey | but run | 16:39 |
martii | _treemonkey: killall -9 burnP6 | 16:39 |
martii | _treemonkey: in such case | 16:39 |
_treemonkey | yea i kill it | 16:39 |
_treemonkey | but it was pointles | 16:40 |
_treemonkey | no output | 16:40 |
_treemonkey | i cant explain it but so many ways | 16:40 |
genii | _0tt0v0nc4t_: Removal uninstalls the binaries, complete removes also the config files it may have created or is using (excepting any files in home directories) | 16:40 |
Pici | !enter | _treemonkey | 16:40 |
ubottu | _treemonkey: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 16:40 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | genii: I see thank you very much. | 16:40 |
genii | _0tt0v0nc4t_: If you install something, mess up the configs, just uninstall it then reinstall, it will use the configs from first time around. | 16:41 |
Df_Yz | Can anyone help me? | 16:41 |
hak5fan | Df_Yz: What's the problem | 16:41 |
_treemonkey | bash: line 10: 3737 Terminated burnP6 | 16:41 |
_treemonkey | but there is no output | 16:41 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | genii: I'm trying to install tor, but using synaptic didnt work out so I wanna get rid of em and do it manually from the website | 16:41 |
_treemonkey | how do i check its return value | 16:41 |
portwolf | hey guys, i got 2x500 gig hdd running in raid 1, now i want to install ubuntu, but if i put in a live cd and chose "Install Ubuntu" i only see 2x500 gig, but not my partition i made for ubuntu (10 gig) how do i install ubuntu with raid?? | 16:41 |
MindSpark | hi, I have edgy, removed ff2 to install 3, now neither 3 runs nor can I revert back to 2 | 16:41 |
MindSpark | it says : Failed to fetch 404 Not Found | 16:42 |
Df_Yz | hak5fan: How I can patch iptables and kernel with imq-patch? | 16:42 |
MindSpark | can someone give me working repos for edgy ? | 16:42 |
Pici | MindSpark: Edgy is no longer supported, its repositories are no longer online. | 16:42 |
Df_Yz | hak5fan: | 16:42 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | genii: nice I will definitely keep that in mind. Would ahve saved me hours 2 days ago lol | 16:42 |
MindSpark | Pici, not even unofficial ones ? | 16:42 |
Pici | MindSpark: I dont know of any. | 16:42 |
MindSpark | Pici, ok, thanks | 16:43 |
hak5fan | Df_Yz: That's quite advanced. I don't know much about it, but I think you have to recompile the kernel to patch the kernal with source patches, but do look futher into it before trying that | 16:44 |
Df_Yz | hak5fan: I patch && compile iptables and kernel separately | 16:45 |
_treemonkey | ok you people obviosuly arent up to the task | 16:45 |
_treemonkey | i wasted my time | 16:45 |
Elroy | How do I just download a deb file from repository and not install it? | 16:45 |
Df_Yz | hak5fan: "modprobe imq" works, but iptables don't understand "-j IMQ" | 16:45 |
Df_Yz | >_< | 16:45 |
hak5fan | Df_Yz: So you've done that... ok then I guess you've allready looked here: | 16:45 |
Df_Yz | hak5fan: Thanks for link | 16:46 |
hak5fan | Df_Yz: np | 16:46 |
marcusklaas | yo guys | 16:47 |
marcusklaas | i need help | 16:47 |
marcusklaas | upgraded to 8.04 | 16:47 |
tyler_ | the hostname is the name of the pc right? | 16:47 |
marcusklaas | hmmm yes | 16:47 |
tonyyarusso | Elroy: there's a download-only switch to apt-get, or you can use wget. | 16:47 |
hak5fan | marcusklaas: elaborate | 16:48 |
doi | hola | 16:48 |
tyler_ | marcusklaas: was that yes to me? | 16:48 |
marcusklaas | my question: only one application can use sound at a time, whereas they could work simoultaniously in 7.10. how to fix? | 16:48 |
RayasLokas | hola | 16:48 |
marcusklaas | tyler, yes | 16:48 |
hak5fan | doi: !es | 16:48 |
doi | hola | 16:48 |
doi | : ) | 16:48 |
doi | buenas tardes | 16:48 |
tzd | can someone please help me with fdisk? I can't find my unpartitioned space, i only find previous partitioned space | 16:48 |
bazhang | !es | doi | 16:49 |
ubottu | doi: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 16:49 |
doi | : ( | 16:49 |
astra-work | do i have to build rhythmbox from source in order to have itunes daap support in ubuntu? | 16:49 |
doi | me echas? | 16:49 |
hak5fan | tzd: use gparted instead it's much easier to use.. install with sudo apt-get install gparted | 16:49 |
magnetron | astra-work: no, it's included by default | 16:49 |
bazhang | doi type /join #ubuntu-es | 16:49 |
tzd | hak5fan: I've used that before to sort out my partitions but now apparently i need to use fdisk according to a asus router guide im following | 16:50 |
marcusklaas | my question: only one application can use sound at a time, whereas they could work simoultaniously in 7.10. how to fix? | 16:50 |
magnetron | astra-work: you just need to enable the DAAP plugin | 16:50 |
v0lksman | anyone know how to get an Intel 945GM to use the drivers properly? I'm running i810 driver however lshw -C video still shows the display as "Unclaimed"...I also can't get xfce to go full res where I can in Gnome....any suggestions? | 16:50 |
hak5fan | tzd: What exactly are you trying to do? | 16:50 |
Lr5 | Is Xorg supposed to take 10% cpu when it's sleeping? | 16:51 |
Lr5 | 10-21% actually | 16:51 |
hak5fan | Lrs: No that's rather high, unless you have a very old computer | 16:52 |
hak5fan | LRs: mine is like 6% | 16:52 |
Lr5 | hak5fan: well, my computer's something like one year old | 16:52 |
Lr5 | 2.13 ghz core 2 processor, seems a bit too high in my opinion | 16:52 |
FooAtari | anyone point me in a direction for guide to using two monitors. my inial problem is kubuntu doesnt seem to recognize my 7300gt has two outputs. vga & DVI | 16:52 |
marcusklaas | lr5: depends on processer power | 16:52 |
hak5fan | LRs: Then It's a bit high I would say. Is it always like that? | 16:53 |
Georgij | Help me my Oblivion is really bugged | 16:53 |
tzd | hak5fan: I've got a router that supports usb drives and thereby also ftp, web servers etc. according to custom firmware I need to ssh to the router ( done that and it works fine) and then I need to format my usb drive to: part1 Swap 512MB type82 & part2 IPKG 1024MB /opt | 16:53 |
marcusklaas | my question: only one application can use sound at a time, whereas they could work simoultaniously in 7.10. how to fix? | 16:53 |
Lr5 | hak5fan: I don't have noticed it at least | 16:53 |
tzd | marcusklaas: which sound driver do you use? | 16:53 |
marcusklaas | mixer? | 16:54 |
marcusklaas | alsa | 16:54 |
hak5fan | tzd: Ok I think you can use gparted but I'm not sure, it would damage your system if it works | 16:54 |
_moro_bana_ | is there an autocad twin in ubuntu? | 16:54 |
hak5fan | LRs: you could try adjusting the "nice" values for xorg | 16:54 |
bazhang | !equivalents | _moro_bana_ look here | 16:54 |
ubottu | _moro_bana_ look here: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at and | 16:54 |
tzd | hak5fan: what would damage my system? | 16:56 |
marcusklaas | TZD: Yo I fixed dat sjit -- instead of letting ubuntu autodetect the mixer, i forced it on alsa now works :D thanks | 16:56 |
tzd | marcusklaas: no problem, you fixed it yourself ;) | 16:57 |
ilowe | what's the difference between the desktop and server profiles for ubuntu? | 16:57 |
raginghawk | Hello! today is my first time i use ubuntu. im not so good at english. i need help. i dont want to instal windows same day i deleted it. i have looked on google for how i should do and read many forums. i have tried to do something with the file in /etc/ and downloading a program. i hope there is a very simple way that i dont have understod. i need my files from a partion with ntfs now. someone who have time to help me? | 16:57 |
u2 | I want the driven of GMA X3100,how can I get it? | 16:58 |
hak5fan | tzd: nothing try using gparted.... | 16:58 |
marcusklaas | u2: go to Applications -> Add/Remove | 16:58 |
robg_ | raginhawk: what is on your harddrive at present ? | 16:58 |
u2 | but i cant get anything | 16:58 |
marcusklaas | u2: it isnt in there? | 16:59 |
zorglu_ | q. what is the gtk version of sudo ? | 16:59 |
tzd | hak5fan: ok but I'm pretty sure I can't partition it to a IPKG partition? At least I never heard of it before :/ | 16:59 |
raginghawk | robg_: what do you meen with present? :/ | 16:59 |
robg_ | raginghawk: is your hardrive completely clean ? | 16:59 |
hak5fan | tzd: me nither | 16:59 |
marcusklaas | Georgij: you still there? | 16:59 |
tzd | hak5fan: ok, I'll google it to see if anything comes up :) Thanks for your time though! | 17:00 |
mordof | hi hi. ok so i was wondering, looking into installing ubuntu server installation, does anyone know if there is a tool that i could install on that which would allow me to underclock an MSI KM4M-V motherboard? | 17:00 |
hak5fan | tzd: np | 17:00 |
u2 | what should i write | 17:00 |
raginghawk | robg... no its not. its filled up to 80 %. and i dont want to loose that stuff. | 17:00 |
Chuggst3r_ | lose that stuff. | 17:01 |
marcusklaas | u2: I don't know what a GMA X31000 is -- graphics card? if so, just search by nvidia/ ATI | 17:01 |
robg_ | raginghawk: but there is no operating system on it ? | 17:01 |
raginghawk | no. its just media files | 17:01 |
Chuggst3r_ | marcusklaas: It's neither, GMA X31000 is Intel. | 17:01 |
u2 | no, it is the intel's | 17:02 |
marcusklaas | a processor? | 17:02 |
astra-work | marcusklaas: it is an intel onboard graphics, the latest and greatest | 17:02 |
Chuggst3r_ | marcusklaas: No, Intel onboard video. | 17:02 |
marcusklaas | ah okido ^_^ | 17:02 |
robg_ | raginghawk: you should remove the files before you wipe an OS. | 17:02 |
Chuggst3r_ | astra-work: greatest is debatable. :P | 17:02 |
marcusklaas | in comparison to other intel GPUs i think he meant ^^ | 17:03 |
fanch_ | bonjour | 17:03 |
astra-work | from intel Chuggst3r_g | 17:03 |
raginghawk | ok.. so my option now is to format c: again. instal windows. move everything to a portabel hardrive? | 17:03 |
fanch_ | oups | 17:03 |
astra-work | their new dx10 chipset is a ways away | 17:03 |
JackWinter_ | i'm a bit confused. i use chrt to change the priorites of 2 irq handlers in kubuntu. the processes are called IRQ-11 etc. under plain ubuntu i can't find them ? it seems there is a demon handling irqs ? | 17:03 |
=== nevill_ is now known as adac | ||
marcusklaas | raginghawk: if the best option, dont know. but yes that will work. | 17:03 |
=== fanch_ is now known as rldgrs | ||
robg_ | raginghawk: if you can re-install Windows and get at those files then you are in luck. I would write them to CD and then delete the drive with gparted. | 17:04 |
bazhang | raginghawk, what about dual booting your main windows machine and using that drive for shared storage? | 17:04 |
Georgij | How can I completly 100% remove wine from my system | 17:04 |
Georgij | everysingle file that has to do with wine | 17:05 |
Georgij | how to remove? | 17:05 |
Pici | Georgij: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine && rm -rf ~/.wine/ | 17:05 |
ringer | does anyone know anything about Kiba dock? | 17:05 |
marcusklaas | Q: I used to be able to browse my network and just logon to a windows server. A password prompt would pop up and then you could just browse it (in 7.10). But now it doesn't do anything when trying to access it. Is this because of a change in authorizations/ password storage? | 17:05 |
bazhang | !dualboot | raginghawk on your main computer and use that drived for shared storage | 17:07 |
ubottu | raginghawk on your main computer and use that drived for shared storage: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 17:07 |
raginghawk | ok thanks | 17:07 |
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal | ||
ringer | when trying to install kiba-dock, and trying to run ./ in terminal i get "no such file or directory" can anyone help? | 17:08 |
fdr | !skype | 17:10 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 17:10 |
marcusklaas | What is best game for Ubuntu, Frozen Bubble excluded? | 17:10 |
fdr | thank you ubotu :) | 17:10 |
bazhang | !games | marcusklaas you may ask in #ubuntu-bots as well | 17:11 |
ubottu | marcusklaas you may ask in #ubuntu-bots as well: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 17:11 |
raginghawk | but thats just how i should have done it. i shouldent have deleted windows. but now its gone. so if you are using ubunto you could never get acces to a portabel hardrive with ntfs on a easy way? | 17:11 |
sakjur | êâôû | 17:11 |
marcusklaas | thank j00 | 17:11 |
Ienorand | marcusklaas: I quite like OpenArena... | 17:11 |
caribIrc | Troule install Ubuntu Server 8.04 on SATA drives? Help | 17:11 |
bazhang | raginghawk, this is the livecd now? | 17:11 |
marcusklaas | Ienorand: ye tried that but it feels 2 old ^^ | 17:11 |
marcusklaas | ienorand: it aint bad | 17:11 |
caribIrc | Help wih Install please | 17:12 |
raginghawk | yes bazhang | 17:12 |
bazhang | raginghawk, how many GB's of storage we talking about? | 17:12 |
caribIrc | Help wih Install please | 17:12 |
caribIrc | Help wih Install please | 17:12 |
genii | !patience | caribIrc | 17:12 |
ubottu | caribIrc: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 17:12 |
ringer | i cant install kiba-dock can anyone help? | 17:12 |
bazhang | ringer this is gutsy or hardy | 17:13 |
caribIrc | Help with Install please: SATA drives not recognized... | 17:13 |
JackWinter_ | how can i change kernel priority of the soundcard irq in ubuntu ? in kubuntu i use sudo chrt -f -p 82 `pidof "IRQ-17"`, but there is no process called IRQ-17 on ubuntu | 17:13 |
ringer | bazhang hardy | 17:13 |
caribIrc | Help with Install please: SATA drives not recognized... | 17:13 |
caribIrc | Help with Install please: SATA drives not recognized... | 17:14 |
caribIrc | Help with Install please: SATA drives not recognized... | 17:14 |
bazhang | ringer | 17:14 |
_eMaX_ | hi all | 17:14 |
kapa | in what directory and file are wireless/network setting in Ubuntu? | 17:14 |
caribIrc | Help with Install please: SATA drives not recognized... | 17:14 |
raginghawk | bazhang.. its 300gb. when im going to my places, i see that i have a partition named xxx. but when i click there. ubuntu want me to mount it. | 17:14 |
_eMaX_ | this may sound like a stupid question, but how in gnome can I increase the number of virtual workspaces? I have 4 now, and should be able to increase them by right-clicking the desktop switcher and changing a spinner - yet there is none. | 17:14 |
|Fuzzy| | Hello people | 17:14 |
|Fuzzy| | i have some problems with installing ubuntu server | 17:14 |
|Fuzzy| | I've downloaded the .iso | 17:15 |
|Fuzzy| | and checked with the md5 | 17:15 |
|Fuzzy| | and burned on a cd | 17:15 |
|Fuzzy| | and when i check it | 17:15 |
FloodBot3 | |Fuzzy|: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:15 |
ringer | bazhang i will give it a try thansk | 17:15 |
|Fuzzy| | i get the msg that the nvidia kernel is corrupt | 17:15 |
caribIrc | What is flood? | 17:15 |
_eMaX_ | |Fuzzy|: Did you have a coffee while you burnt the CD? | 17:15 |
JonathanEllis | I am running Ubuntu 8.04. Some files I was working on a day or two ago have either reverted back to a previous state - including the filenames have changed or they have disappeared and the old files have reappeared. This has happened a couple of times in the last few days. I know I saved the new versions - and then I renamed them as well. One brand new file has also disappeared. I am beginning to think I am going mad - this is not just ordinary user | 17:15 |
|Fuzzy| | Someone know whats wrong? | 17:15 |
bazhang | raginghawk read this on how to mount that | 17:16 |
Aexander | hi | 17:16 |
caribIrc | Help with Install please: SATA drives not recognized... | 17:16 |
|Fuzzy| | I've burned it 4 times | 17:16 |
|Fuzzy| | and everytime i get the error | 17:16 |
EmJay | kapa: /etc/network/interfaces | 17:16 |
bazhang | caribIrc, repeating will not get your questioned answered faster, so please stop | 17:16 |
Pici | caribIrc: It means to stop constantly repeating your question. | 17:16 |
Aexander | anyone knows how can i install the realtek audio driver in my ubuntu 8.04 | 17:16 |
Georgij | Hello, does anyone know a good RPG game in ubuntu? | 17:16 |
robg_ | cariblrc: I do not understand your question. | 17:16 |
funddevi0 | hello people | 17:16 |
kante | hey everyone | 17:16 |
|Fuzzy| | Someone can help me? | 17:16 |
caribIrc | If no repeat, how will people see the question? | 17:17 |
Aexander | ok | 17:17 |
tempest_ | When I logout of kubuntu it goes to a black screen. I can use ctrl + alt +backspace and restart but not the logout option. Is there somewhere I should look to fix that ? | 17:17 |
EmJay | Georgij: PlaneShift | 17:17 |
kapa | EmJay: there is 2 short lines there, nothign about wireless setup at all. Just Lo. | 17:17 |
Aexander | i like to install the driver of the realtek high definition audio but im new in ubuntu | 17:17 |
Georgij | Emjay planeshift = rpg? | 17:18 |
kante | please, can you help me to rip audio from mpg video? I'm using avidemux. I tried to go Audio->Save , but it saved in some format, that audacity couldn't open | 17:18 |
JackWinter_ | caribIrc: normally you ask your question and if someone knows the answer they will help you. repeating your question several times a minute is just annoying and wasting other peoples time... | 17:18 |
JonathanEllis | kante: VLC can do this. Its a video player | 17:18 |
kante | thanks, I'll try | 17:18 |
caribIrc | WHose time am I wasting? | 17:18 |
EmJay | Gerorgij: MMORPG | 17:18 |
Chuggst3r_ | Georgij: MMORPG | 17:18 |
daftykins | i'm using Quagga to run the OSPF routing protocol on Ubuntu server but it will only run as a user process executed by running "./ospfd" in /usr/lib/quagga/ where the binaries are stored, how can i make it run as a service? | 17:19 |
caribIrc | How would that waste time? | 17:19 |
|Fuzzy| | i have some problems with installing ubuntu server. I've downloaded the .iso and checked with the md5. and burned on a cd. when i check it on the server. i get the msg that the nvidia kernel is corrupt. I've burned it 4 times and i still get the error. Can someone help me? | 17:19 |
tzd | Do the linux-swap file have to be the very first partition or will it do with say partition 4 on a drive please? | 17:19 |
Aexander | can anyone hlp me | 17:19 |
daftykins | nvidia kernel 0o | 17:19 |
JackWinter_ | caribIrc: everyone who has to read your question multiple times... if i understood it and knew the answer i would have helped you already | 17:19 |
daftykins | ubuntu server shouldn't be booting anything nvidia related. | 17:19 |
Chuggst3r_ | Has anyone come up with a solid way to get 3D Acceleration working after updating to .17 kernel? | 17:19 |
JonathanEllis | tzd: My linux swap file is not the first partition on a drive. In fact its on a completely separate hard drive to make it faster | 17:19 |
|Fuzzy| | I've downloaded the server version | 17:20 |
Pici | |Fuzzy|: What does the rror say exactly? | 17:20 |
|Fuzzy| | 1 sec. | 17:20 |
tmjb | anyone know good console aplication to burn dvd/cd on the fly say cdburn -i /dev/scd0 -o /dev/scd1 --max-speed=8 ? | 17:20 |
daftykins | and when does the error occur | 17:20 |
iruga | )) | 17:20 |
Aexander | anyone knows how to install tha driver of realtek high definition on ubuntu 8.04 | 17:20 |
tzd | JonathanEllis: ok sounds good, I'll give it a try, cheers! | 17:20 |
caribIrc | I also have a problem installing Ubunutu Server 8.04; The SATA drives are not recognized when the CD is booted. | 17:20 |
jope | i'm trying to network heron to an xp i've found these instructions but where it says to fill in wndowsnetworking innetowrk settings theres nothing to fill in, could someone suggest what im doing wrong please? | 17:20 |
funddevi | it won't let me type correctly | 17:20 |
funddevi | yay, finally | 17:20 |
jope | sorry, these instructions | 17:20 |
funddevi | sorry about logging in and out | 17:20 |
caribIrc | Can anyone help? Do I chose SCSI or what? | 17:20 |
funddevi | I'm having some resolution problems | 17:21 |
Mass_Kid | hey wuts up room | 17:21 |
Georgij | Hello, how to mount a cd so I dont have to use no cd crack? | 17:21 |
EmJay | kapa: under ubuntu easiest way for network config is NetworkManger. whyt exactly is your prob? | 17:21 |
funddevi | Ubuntu is running in "low graphics mode" | 17:21 |
Aexander | anyone knows how to install tha driver of realtek high definition on ubuntu 8.04 | 17:21 |
JackWinter_ | caribIrc: normally if you don't get an answer it means that no one knows the answer or your question was not clear. try refrasing the question in a more clear manner | 17:21 |
Mass_Kid | is mozilla messing up for anyone else? | 17:21 |
daftykins | Georgij an ISO will not get around copy protection | 17:21 |
Georgij | kk | 17:21 |
Mass_Kid | like tabbing between words | 17:21 |
JonathanEllis | tzd: If you have a spare hard drive which you could use purely for swap, your system will run faster as the disc heads dont have to keep moving back and forth across the surface of the disk. The spare hard drive can be really small - just a few gigs, but it will speed your machine up. | 17:22 |
|Fuzzy| | Ineegrity test failed. The ./pool/restricted/n/nvida-kernel-common/nvida-kernel-common_20051028+1ubuntu_all.deb file failed the md5 checksum verification. Your CD_ROM or this file may have been corrupted. | 17:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !piracy | Georgij | 17:22 |
ubottu | Georgij: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 17:22 |
Aexander | anyone knows how to install tha driver of realtek high definition on ubuntu 8.04 | 17:22 |
|Fuzzy| | this is the error | 17:22 |
jansen | |Fuzzy| you update the kernell to .17? | 17:22 |
|Fuzzy| | dunno | 17:22 |
Andycas | Why does distro upgrade take about 5h on my Celeron 500mhz machine? | 17:22 |
|Fuzzy| | i just instal it fresh | 17:22 |
Georgij | Jack sparrow I say it again fuck you | 17:22 |
Aexander | anyone knows how to install tha driver of realtek high definition on ubuntu 8.04 | 17:22 |
Georgij | I didnt even say anything about piracy | 17:23 |
daftykins | some people really have no sense :( | 17:23 |
kante | JonathanEllis: ok, I've installed vlc... how do I rip audio? =) | 17:23 |
jansen | yeah | 17:23 |
Ursinha | this is moderating :) | 17:23 |
jagggy | is there a way to apt-get the "new" compiz sphere thingy? | 17:23 |
adc_ | i can not make use of java applets with my firefox 3 on hardy. is there a workaround or which particular java package do i need? | 17:23 |
funddevi | can someone help me with my problem? | 17:23 |
|Fuzzy| | whats wrong? | 17:23 |
JonathanEllis | Mass_Kid: Firefox was hanging for no apparent reason. I have upgraded to and the problems have gone. Also do you have multiple add-ons? I understand these can cause problems | 17:23 |
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc | ||
Aexander | anyone knows how to install tha driver of realtek high definition on ubuntu 8.04 | 17:23 |
|Fuzzy| | do i need more then just the server iso? | 17:23 |
funddevi | Ubuntu is stuck in "low graphics mode" | 17:23 |
Pici | |Fuzzy|: Does the md5sum of the iso check out okay? | 17:23 |
|Fuzzy| | yes | 17:23 |
|Fuzzy| | on my normal pc yes | 17:23 |
daftykins | does anyone know how to make a service become enabled on startup? | 17:24 |
funddevi | I'm on an Nvidia geforce2 MX200 | 17:24 |
Pici | |Fuzzy|: What speed are you burning the ISO at? | 17:24 |
daftykins | command line approach, for ubuntu server | 17:24 |
jope | any suggestions anyone please? | 17:24 |
=== YU is now known as YU_Class | ||
|Fuzzy| | 48x | 17:24 |
Pici | |Fuzzy|: Use a much slower speed, the slowest you can go. | 17:24 |
|Fuzzy| | okay | 17:24 |
tzd | JonathanEllis: I see. Well I've recently upgraded my RAM and it's working really well. The whole thing with the swap is for my router | 17:24 |
|Fuzzy| | I'll try | 17:24 |
|Fuzzy| | thanx for help | 17:24 |
daftykins | do you literally just want to file share with the XP machine jope ? | 17:24 |
|Fuzzy| | I'm just a n00b ;) | 17:24 |
|Fuzzy| | hehe | 17:24 |
FloodBot3 | |Fuzzy|: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:24 |
jope | dafty yes, not even printer | 17:25 |
adc_ | can everyone here make use of java applets within there firefox? | 17:25 |
daftykins | then you don't need to configure that much | 17:25 |
Aexander | anyone knows how to install tha driver of realtek high definition on ubuntu 8.04 | 17:25 |
daftykins | i read somewhere that SMB support with windows is broken on 8.04 though | 17:25 |
jagggy | is there a way to apt-get the "new" compiz sphere thingy? | 17:25 |
daftykins | it's built into ubuntu. | 17:25 |
daftykins | it's turned on, not installed | 17:25 |
Ursinha | daftykins, guess you should use update.rc.d | 17:25 |
Ursinha | update-rc.d | 17:25 |
JonathanEllis | tzd: How does the swap file affect the router? Now I dont understand your problem | 17:26 |
EmJay | adc: sun-java6-plugin | 17:26 |
jope | daftykins, so where do i go to configure it, please? | 17:26 |
Pici | jagggy: Not from the official repositories. #compiz-fusion might be able to point you to an un-official apt though | 17:26 |
=== cristian is now known as o_ | ||
Aexander | anyone knows how to install tha driver of realtek high definition on ubuntu 8.04. | 17:26 |
jagggy | ok Pici ty | 17:26 |
o_ | hello | 17:26 |
funddevi | nobody can help me? | 17:26 |
tzd | JonathanEllis: I've got a router that supports fileserver, webserver etc via an external sub hdd | 17:26 |
daftykins | you don't configure it per sé, you add a mount line in /etc/fstab to mount a drive letter from your XP machine | 17:26 |
tzd | JonathanEllis: *usb | 17:26 |
daftykins | first you need to check you've got simple file sharing turned off on the XP host | 17:26 |
Pici | funddevi: Please re-ask your question | 17:27 |
adc_ | EmJay: this is installed here, but still it doesnt work | 17:27 |
Aexander | anyone knows how to install tha driver of realtek high definition on ubuntu 8.04 | 17:27 |
jope | dafty, im confused. i turn off the network in xp? | 17:27 |
Sam03110 | Has anyone had to append acpi=off to their lilo.conf file? | 17:27 |
daftykins | then you can just use the "connect to server" item off the "places" menu | 17:27 |
daftykins | you don't install drivers like windows Aexander, it's either supported or it's not | 17:27 |
funddevi | Ubuntu is stuck in "low graphics mode", I'm wondering how to increase the resolution | 17:27 |
ushimitsudoki | What do I need to do to be able to receive files via DCC in Pidgin? Sending seems to be working fine. | 17:27 |
bazhang | Aexander, if you are not getting an answer wait a few minutes before asking it again | 17:27 |
daftykins | ubuntu doesn't use LILO. | 17:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sam03110 we dont use lilo in the standard install | 17:27 |
Pici | daftykins: It does when Grub doesnt support the filesystem. | 17:28 |
Aexander | ok | 17:28 |
funddevi | I'm using an Nvidia Geforce MX200 graphics card | 17:28 |
mokzu | i'm using ebox but it doesn't have any apache/ mysql admin tools, what's a good system to run alongside ebox - i looked at webmin but it does a lot of what ebox does | 17:28 |
o_ | I´m using a nvidia geforce 9000 Someone where I can find driver ? | 17:28 |
Pici | Jack_Sparrow: The standard install will put lilo there if Grub does not support the filesystem. | 17:28 |
daftykins | there's no such card as a 9000 | 17:28 |
daftykins | unless you mean 9000 series... | 17:28 |
jope | dafty, ok you've lost me | 17:28 |
fooks | what a good program for mounting iso images? | 17:28 |
Aexander | but i find the linux version of th drivers | 17:28 |
Sam03110 | Mr Sparrow, I had to use lilo because of a Dell Optiplex conflict | 17:28 |
o_ | I´m using a nvidia geforce 9 Someone where I can find driver ? | 17:28 |
fooks | akin to alcohol120 or other programs? | 17:28 |
Aexander | it comes in a ta.bz2 | 17:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pici k, wasnt aware of that... thanks | 17:28 |
kapa | EmJay: 2 reasons. one, I'm building a Ubuntu Command Line system so there is no X. | 17:29 |
o_ | yess | 17:29 |
EmJay | adc: try "ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins" and check if it is listet there | 17:29 |
jope | i'm trying to network an xp and heron. i cant find a good guide nor get it going, caan anyone help please? | 17:29 |
daftykins | ok jope go to tools -> folder options in XP | 17:29 |
Pascat | Hello! | 17:29 |
daftykins | from the my computer window | 17:30 |
daftykins | change to the "view" tab | 17:30 |
JonathanEllis | kante: First click on the eject button to open your file. In the open file dialog box there is a "Stream/Save" option at the bottom. Enable this. Then click "Settings". Here choose file and specify a filename. Then slect an encapsulation method - either Ogg or Wav. Choose an audio codec. I have had good results using ogg encapsulation with the vorb codec but have also used the flac codec to get an uncompressed file. | 17:30 |
daftykins | and scroll to the bottom and turn off "simple file sharing" | 17:30 |
adc_ | EmJay: no it is not, there are two files in this directory called and | 17:30 |
daftykins | your user accounts on the XP machine will need passwords. | 17:30 |
jope | dafty, hold on, couldyou explain why i am turning off file-sharing in xp when i want to netowrk the two computers | 17:30 |
daftykins | the key word here jope is "simple file sharing" | 17:30 |
daftykins | not "file sharing" in its' entirity | 17:30 |
daftykins | please try and read what i type | 17:30 |
jope | dafty, ok well in that case id rather set up a network if its possible | 17:31 |
daftykins | what do you mean set up a network? | 17:31 |
funddevi | you ARE setting up a network | 17:31 |
funddevi | I think.... | 17:31 |
daftykins | one must already exist if you're trying to file share :P | 17:31 |
bazhang | fooks, what do you need it for | 17:31 |
jope | dafty ok, i dont and cant establiish a network | 17:31 |
fooks | bazhang, i dled a .bin image and i don't want to waste burning a cd just to install something | 17:32 |
daftykins | how are your XP and ubuntu hosts connected? | 17:32 |
JonathanEllis | kante: If you want to generate an mp3 file I am guessing you would select either MPEG TS or MPEG PS encapsulation or MPEG 1 but I dont know the differences | 17:32 |
daftykins | are they not both into a router? | 17:32 |
sinan | hey ! I have a problem, my hard disk is always "busy". Any ideas what could be causing this? | 17:32 |
fooks | bazhang, sort of mount - install - unmount | 17:32 |
MAYRA | HI | 17:32 |
bazhang | fooks, dont need to do that with a bin | 17:32 |
krim | Let's say I want to reinstall Ubuntu (or another distro), wouldn't it be a good idea to remove all the program folders in /home/username/ if the packages are updated or different? Is there an easy way of doing that? | 17:32 |
Ursinha | sinan, always? | 17:32 |
o_ | I´m using a nvidia geforce 9 Someone where I can find driver ? | 17:32 |
sinan | Ursinha: always. | 17:32 |
bdog | anyone know about garmin and gpsd? | 17:32 |
MAYRA | SELAM | 17:32 |
=== tale_afk is now known as tale_ | ||
EmJay | adc: maybe it is under /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins - if not try to reinstall | 17:32 |
bazhang | fooks, what app | 17:32 |
MAYRA | iyi gunler | 17:32 |
daftykins | yes krim just back them up to /home/username/old/ | 17:32 |
bazhang | !sa | MAYRA | 17:32 |
ubottu | MAYRA: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa | 17:32 |
Ursinha | sinan, you can try the top command | 17:32 |
fooks | bazhang, audiosurf under wine | 17:33 |
kthakore | bdog: what is ur problem with them? Or waht do u want to do | 17:33 |
MAYRA | turkce | 17:33 |
Ursinha | sinan, to see if there is a process doing this | 17:33 |
sinan | Ursinha: even when iostat says there are no reads and no writes, the LED is still on, and i still can't unmount stuff | 17:33 |
bdog | gpsd can't find my unit. I'm using usb | 17:33 |
bazhang | !tr | MAYRA | 17:33 |
ubottu | MAYRA: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 17:33 |
adc_ | EmJay: this directory doesnt even exist | 17:33 |
krim | daftykins: You mean just cut and paste in Nautilus? | 17:33 |
MAYRA | bazhang selam | 17:33 |
daftykins | if you're unfamiliar with command line yes | 17:33 |
funddevi | nobody can help me then? | 17:33 |
kapa | EmJay: I got a Zydas Zyxel Dongle g202. Done modprobe zd1211rw and a dmesg | grep zd1211rw and everything seems ok. It's jsut that when I do a ifconfig eth0 up it says SIOCSIFFLAGS:Connection timed out. I've tried to configure the wireless with a iwconfig eth0 mode managed essid [essid] key [passw] and then doing a ifconfig up again. The result is a SIOCSIFFLAGS:Broken pipe. I'm clueless, theres is quite a bunch of docs say | 17:33 |
kapa | ing that the ifconfig eth0 up should be enough if you have installed the firmware. Which I have. | 17:33 |
daftykins | funddevi your X server stuck in low gfx mode is it? with 8.04 ? | 17:33 |
krim | daftykins: And there won't be any problems doing that with everything running? | 17:33 |
funddevi | yes | 17:34 |
kthakore | funddevi, what is ur quesion aain | 17:34 |
daftykins | what gfx? | 17:34 |
funddevi | I'm stuck in Low graphics mode | 17:34 |
bazhang | funddevi, wait a few minutes before asking if you dont get an answer | 17:34 |
daftykins | krim if you're upgrading why does it matter if they work now? | 17:34 |
JonathanEllis | tzd: What difference does your linux swap file make to your router? Your swap file is a file used to increase the amount of memory available to your computer. If you share it or have your router access it you will probably have big problems. | 17:34 |
funddevi | I waited 10 minutes at least | 17:34 |
sinan | Ursinha: which column should show me the hard disk usage? | 17:34 |
daftykins | what graphics card funddevi ? | 17:34 |
funddevi | nvidia geforce2 mx200 | 17:35 |
funddevi | oldie | 17:35 |
daftykins | ok | 17:35 |
krim | daftykins: I mean they might be created immideately or something crashes and messes everything up. | 17:35 |
hughhayes6200 | trying to install w/ nvidia geforce 6800 and fakeRaid - first time, I'm stuck, can anyone help? | 17:35 |
krim | daftykins: *re-created | 17:35 |
bazhang | legacy then as a driver most likely funddevi | 17:35 |
funddevi | I've heard that some other people have the same problem | 17:35 |
daftykins | linux doesn't work like that krim | 17:35 |
EmJay | kapa: did you try configuration via networkmanager? | 17:35 |
daftykins | what gfx driver are you using at the moment in your xorg.conf funddevi ? | 17:35 |
krim | daftykins: Alright, nice. Thanks. | 17:35 |
Chuggst3r_ | Hey all, question here. | 17:35 |
Ursinha | sinan, hm, it doesn't have one | 17:35 |
kthakore | hughhayes6200, have u read the gentoo wiki page on fakeraid? | 17:35 |
Ursinha | sinan, lemme see | 17:35 |
funddevi | let me check my xorg daftykins | 17:36 |
hughhayes6200 | I will now, thanks | 17:36 |
JonathanEllis | I am running Ubuntu 8.04. Some files I was working on a day or two ago have either reverted back to a previous state - including the filenames have changed or they have disappeared and the old files have reappeared. This has happened a couple of times in the last few days. I know I saved the new versions - and then I renamed them as well. One brand new file has also disappeared. I am beginning to think I am going mad - this is not just ordinary user | 17:36 |
sinan | Ursinha: then how can top help ? :) | 17:36 |
tzd | JonathanEllis: I might have been a bit unclear. The router have linux istalled. The swap is for that linux and not the one I'm currently on | 17:36 |
=== Emilio_Eiji_Come is now known as Emilio_Eiji | ||
Chuggst3r_ | I'm still trying to figure out my graphics issue, where the video card doesn't get recognized anymore...and I'm flipping through the error logs and find this: May 28 00:46:58 nick-desktop kernel: [ 2065.529190] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel. | 17:36 |
kthakore | hughhayes6200, np | 17:36 |
MAYRA | somebody speak spanish? | 17:36 |
Chuggst3r_ | What exactly does taints kernel mean? | 17:36 |
Ursinha | sinan, if there is a process doing a lot of activity | 17:37 |
genii | Chuggst3r_: Thats normal. Just means it uses prorietary code | 17:37 |
pavel_ | MAYRA: si, hablo espanol :) que quieres? | 17:37 |
kapa | EmJay: I'm under the impression that the networkmanager is a GUI in gnome, maybe I'm wrong? | 17:37 |
sinan | Ursinha: there isn't any | 17:37 |
Ursinha | sinan, but i guess you should use lsof to see what is using the mounted unit | 17:37 |
MAYRA | pavel selam | 17:37 |
jpds | !es | MAYRA pavel_ | 17:37 |
ubottu | MAYRA pavel_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 17:37 |
EmJay | adc o | 17:37 |
adc_ | EmJay: i reinstalled it but still the same | 17:37 |
MAYRA | you from pavel? | 17:37 |
daftykins | high disk usage is often caused by a program doing a lot of work sinan, top can show you the total processor load and see if any programs are to blame | 17:37 |
sinan | Ursinha: can you help me with lsof ? It threw a looong list | 17:37 |
bazhang | MAYRA, not here; /join #ubuntu-es for that | 17:38 |
Ursinha | daftykins, thanks :) | 17:38 |
funddevi | where is the driver daftykins? | 17:38 |
sinan | daftykins: i tried that. doesn't seem to be the reason. | 17:38 |
sinan | One thing thought, this problem is cross OS | 17:38 |
daftykins | cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver | 17:38 |
daftykins | @ funddevi | 17:38 |
sinan | ... but I thought ubuntu will be the better place to fix it, due to the avialability of tools | 17:38 |
Ursinha | sinan, guess you should read its man page | 17:38 |
daftykins | sinan is it a laptop by any chance | 17:38 |
daftykins | ? | 17:38 |
sinan | daftykins: nop, desktop | 17:38 |
Ursinha | sinan, there are plenty of options, since lsof lists all opened files | 17:39 |
EmJay | adc: on my system there are a few dirs under lib only for firefox. i have mozilla mozilla-firefox firefox firefox-3.0b5 and firefox-plugins - maybe it is in one of these | 17:39 |
daftykins | i've fixed a compaq laptop for a friend once and the hard disk light would stay on when it wasn't really reading the disk | 17:39 |
raginghawk | is there anyone here, hwo have time to help me to get acces to a partion with files, filesystem ntfs from ubunto. first time i use ubuntu and i have read about fstab file. | 17:39 |
sinan | daftykins: how did you fix it? | 17:39 |
sinan | Ursinha: thanks, checking the man page :) | 17:39 |
bdog | | 17:39 |
daftykins | i didn't, it was purely the light telling lies ;) | 17:39 |
bazhang | !ntfs | raginghawk | 17:39 |
daftykins | it survived OS reinstalls | 17:39 |
ubottu | raginghawk: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 17:39 |
daftykins | so i just gave up | 17:39 |
JonathanEllis | tzd: OK. Well in that case you will have to consult the documentation or user group for the particular distribution of linux installed on your router. I am surprised it needs a swap partition - usually that is used for memory hungry applications where they demand more memory than is physically available or more often so that the applications in the foreground use physical memory and the apps in the background use the swap file. I am guessing it woul | 17:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | raginghawk permanent mount or one time | 17:39 |
daftykins | oh wait no that system wasn't the light, it was phantom processor load | 17:39 |
Ursinha | sinan, :) | 17:40 |
funddevi | nothing happened daftykins | 17:40 |
daftykins | the command returned nothing then? | 17:40 |
raginghawk | Jack permament | 17:40 |
EmJay | or try checking the details for sun-java6-plug in synaptic. this should show you where it installed the plugin | 17:40 |
funddevi | yep | 17:40 |
daftykins | is this a default install of desktop 8.04 ? | 17:40 |
cristi1990 | hey! how can i modify my screen res it only goes to 1024x768 .. | 17:40 |
funddevi | as far as I know of yes | 17:40 |
raginghawk | UB thanks.. i will read that homepage | 17:40 |
tzd | JonathanEllis: hehe yeah with a torrent download client, web server and ftp server runnning I suppose I'll need that swap :) | 17:40 |
funddevi | want me to try reinstalling? | 17:40 |
fbond | Hi, when I install a kernel upgrade on my server via aptitude, update-grub doesn't get run automatically anymore. What's the story? | 17:40 |
sinan | daftykins: i am using Gutsy | 17:40 |
sinan | daftykins: otherwise it is pretty much default | 17:40 |
daftykins | sorry sinan i was talking to funddevi with that line | 17:41 |
tzd | JonathanEllis: Think i got the hang of it now though so I should be alright ^^ Thanks for your help! | 17:41 |
sinan | daftykins: ah, sorry :) | 17:41 |
daftykins | if top doesn't show anything i wouldn't worry about it sinan | 17:41 |
JonathanEllis | tzd: PLeasure. Sorry I wasnt more help | 17:41 |
daftykins | unless it feels slow with disk access? | 17:41 |
cristi1990 | uhm how can i modify my screen res? it only goes to 1024x768 and i want it higher | 17:41 |
daftykins | funddevi yeah you could reinstall, though i'd be more tempted to check whether there is any documented lack of support for old legacy geforce 2 hardware with the nvidia driver that comes in 8.04 | 17:41 |
tonyyarusso | !fixres | cristi1990 | 17:42 |
ubottu | cristi1990: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 17:42 |
tzd | JonathanEllis: no worries, I've learned some and that's always good :) | 17:42 |
funddevi | I'm having almose the same problem cristi1990 | 17:42 |
MAYRA | somebody the denmar? | 17:42 |
sinan | daftykins: it does feel slow. I can't even play songs, it is so slow it feels like i am streaming them from the internet! | 17:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | raginghawk use tab to complete nick so it will highlight for me.. Do you know the partition number | 17:42 |
sinan | can I use fsck to check FAT drives? | 17:42 |
daftykins | you can try running "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to force it to use an "nv" or "nvidia" or "nvidia-glx" driver to see if that solves it funddevi | 17:42 |
funddevi | it's when I install the driver that the glitch occurs daftykins | 17:42 |
MAYRA | somebody the denmar please | 17:42 |
raginghawk | Jack_Sparrow: Yes i think so. sda2 | 17:42 |
adc_ | EmJay: no, unfortunately not, i use hardy with latest updates. i've two different directories under /usr/lib called firefox and mozilla both contain the same and have one subdir called plugins and extensions but in non of them anything related to java | 17:42 |
MAYRA | somebody the denmark please | 17:42 |
daftykins | oh when ubuntu prompts to install "nvidia-glx-new" to replace "nvidia-glx" ? | 17:43 |
hwilde | !java | adc_ | 17:43 |
ubottu | adc_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 17:43 |
HymnToLife | !dk | MAYRA | 17:43 |
ubottu | MAYRA: For at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk. | 17:43 |
MAYRA | hynmtolife hello | 17:43 |
littlepinkdot | I need, how can I get it? | 17:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | raginghawk sudo mkdir /media/sda2 or a more descriptive name like /media/mymusic | 17:43 |
daftykins | yeah fsck supports FAT sinan | 17:44 |
HymnToLife | littlepinkdot: search | 17:44 |
anirudh0 | littlepinkdot, find the packagae that has that file via apt-file | 17:44 |
HymnToLife | yeh, or apt-file | 17:44 |
funddevi | Ubuntu comes up with a driver when I install it daftykins | 17:44 |
funddevi | and when I install it, the glitch occurs | 17:44 |
daftykins | what do you mean comes up with a driver? | 17:44 |
JonathanEllis | !ettiquette | 17:44 |
ubottu | Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... | 17:44 |
littlepinkdot | HymnToLife / anirudh0 the one from the repos requires /sbin/post_ldconfig is needed by | 17:44 |
daftykins | there shouldn't be any talk of graphics drivers installing ubuntu 8.04 | 17:45 |
daftykins | deskto ver | 17:45 |
funddevi | in the top right where the update button is, it recommends a driver | 17:45 |
daftykins | *desktop | 17:45 |
raginghawk | Jack_Sparrow: ok wait | 17:45 |
kley | i got ubuntu 8.04 on a laptop ,is there an application to control the procesor frequency ,so i can manage the battery vs power ? | 17:45 |
anirudh0 | littlepinkdot, ? | 17:45 |
daftykins | yeah that's the one i mean when it suggests installing "nvidia-glx-new" | 17:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | raginghawk gksudo gedit /etc/fstab and add a line /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 ntfs-3g users,auto,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=007 0 0 or /dev/sda2 /media/mymusic ntfs-3g users,auto,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=007 0 0 | 17:45 |
daftykins | just reinstall and avoid installing that driver funddevi | 17:45 |
funddevi | ok... | 17:45 |
daftykins | it's more for newer cards | 17:45 |
funddevi | is there a driver that I can get though? | 17:45 |
daftykins | there's no reason for you to run anything newer for such an old card in ubuntu | 17:46 |
raginghawk | Jack_Sparrow: thanks. i do a backup of that file and try that. | 17:46 |
EmJay | adc: then try checking the details for sun-java6-plugin in synaptic package manager | 17:46 |
funddevi | 'cus I'm a graphics designer and I can't do anything without a driver | 17:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | raginghawk always a good practice | 17:46 |
kley | i got ubuntu 8.04 on a laptop ,is there an application to control the procesor frequency ,so i can manage the battery vs power ? | 17:46 |
daftykins | if it doesn't have enough support for your programs as is, then i'm afraid it may be graphics card upgrading time | 17:46 |
jedimind | funddevi: you got a portfolio ? | 17:47 |
daftykins | do you use some programs that require hardware 3D acceleration on the desktop or something? | 17:47 |
funddevi | ugh..and motherboard and ram in that case daftykins | 17:47 |
funddevi | yeah, sorta | 17:47 |
funddevi | @jedimind | 17:47 |
brunne1 | Is there a package for Firefox 3rc1? | 17:47 |
Pici | brunne1: not yet. | 17:47 |
jedimind | funddevi: msg me :) | 17:47 |
funddevi | more or less just a bunch of links though... | 17:47 |
daftykins | sinan i did just have an idea of checking the kernel message log and syslog for any problems | 17:47 |
funddevi | ok | 17:47 |
jedimind | Pici: not even in ubuntu-proposed repo ? | 17:47 |
Pici | jedimind: Nope. | 17:48 |
brunne1 | firefox 3 seems *really* shaky... should I just compile from the source on | 17:48 |
daftykins | if you run a terminal window and type "dmesg | tail" and also another command "tail /var/log/syslog" you might get some errors that relate to the disk activity, sinan | 17:48 |
jedimind | brunne1: it wont make a difference, there's a big bug in ff3 and linux based systems regarding system resoruces | 17:48 |
brunne1 | ah | 17:48 |
jedimind | that they're hopefully (but probably not) going to address before the final release | 17:48 |
brunne1 | lame. | 17:48 |
MAYRA | daya | 17:48 |
Myrtti | MAYRA: are you done soon? | 17:49 |
daftykins | just install firefox 2 if you have problems. | 17:49 |
raginghawk | Jack_Sparrow: Should I overwrite the excisting "/dev/sda2 /media/God\040shit ntfs umask=222,utf8 0 0" or just make a new line? | 17:49 |
jedimind | brunne1: | 17:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | raginghawk # in fron twill do | 17:49 |
MAYRA | myrtti speak turkce ,espanis | 17:49 |
daftykins | put a # before to comment it out if you're trying a new one raginghawk | 17:49 |
krim | I think I may have found a bug(?) When I start Ubuntu, play something in Mplayer and place another window above Mplayer or right click so the menu is over the picture, there's a thick blue line around it. If I start Movie Player and turn it off the blue line in Mplayer disappears. I'm using Compiz. Anyone else noticed this? | 17:49 |
kley | so no one knows an application to control the procesor frequency ,so i can manage the battery vs power ? | 17:49 |
Myrtti | MAYRA: quit fooling around or I'll have to remove you from the channel | 17:49 |
brunne1 | jedimind: I don't think I'm experiencing that bug | 17:50 |
brunne1 | it just seg faults | 17:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | MAYRA this channel is for english speaking people. we have tr and es channels | 17:50 |
daftykins | lots of bugs with compiz going krim, it's beta - so you've got to just turn it off for video playing most of the time | 17:50 |
anirudh0 | littlepinkdot, i did'nt get your question..what do you mean by "required ldconfig"?...every lib requires ldconfig after install | 17:50 |
MAYRA | no | 17:50 |
Soopa | hey gang | 17:50 |
crdlb | krim: that is a limitation of your video driver | 17:50 |
marcusklaas | Yo, I need some help overcoming a broken heart; anyone can redirect me a good channel? | 17:50 |
MAYRA | hay?rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | 17:50 |
Myrtti | MAYRA: final warning | 17:50 |
=== casa is now known as theteam | ||
bazhang | marcusklaas, not here please | 17:50 |
krim | crdlb: But isn't it weird that starting Movie Player fixes it? | 17:50 |
Bollinger | i've installed ubuntu 8.04 server. How do I change the default console resolution? | 17:51 |
anirudh0 | daftykins, "lots of bugs in compiz"? | 17:51 |
anirudh0 | marcusklaas, ping MAYRA | 17:51 |
MAYRA | myrtti please im speak englan | 17:51 |
crdlb | krim: hmm, what video card do you have? | 17:51 |
MAYRA | please | 17:51 |
MAYRA | espak turkce ,españish | 17:51 |
krim | crdlb: Intel G33 | 17:51 |
Soopa | anyone here have experience with D-Link EBR-2310 routers? Mine worked fine for awhile but now seems to block internet access to my Ubuntu machine at random. | 17:51 |
JonathanEllis | I am running Ubuntu 8.04. Some files I was working on a day or two ago have either reverted back to a previous state - including the filenames have changed or they have disappeared and the old files have reappeared. This has happened a couple of times in the last few days. I know I saved the new versions - and then I renamed them as well. One brand new file has also disappeared. I am beginning to think I am going mad - this is not just ordinary user | 17:52 |
Soopa | It works fine with my Windows machine | 17:52 |
JonathanEllis | !tr|mayra | 17:52 |
ubottu | mayra: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 17:52 |
treonaut | I like to format a 4GB SD Card | 17:52 |
JonathanEllis | !es|mayra | 17:52 |
ubottu | mayra: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 17:52 |
bazhang | she's gone | 17:52 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, do you have a backup utility running automatically? | 17:52 |
funddevi | jedimind: there you go | 17:52 |
Myrtti | JonathanEllis: a bit laggy? | 17:52 |
funddevi | hopefully it worked... | 17:52 |
daftykins | anirudh0 yes, lots of bugs :> | 17:52 |
anirudh0 | bazhang, how do you figure out a he or a she? | 17:52 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: Not as far as I know. How would I check that? | 17:52 |
crdlb | krim: please pastebin the output of 'xvinfo' | 17:53 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, well...syslog will have an entry | 17:53 |
kevins | who can speek chinese? | 17:53 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, and "crontab" will also show something | 17:53 |
bazhang | !cn | 17:53 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 17:53 |
ompaul | !cn | kevins | 17:53 |
ubottu | kevins: please see above | 17:53 |
anirudh0 | daftykins, you are talking about the development version? | 17:53 |
funddevi | jedimind | 17:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | raginghawk I had to take a call.. you still here? | 17:54 |
jedimind | didnt get the msg, are you registered on the server? | 17:54 |
funddevi | no | 17:54 |
Myrtti | !register | funddevi | 17:54 |
ubottu | funddevi: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 17:54 |
krim | crdlb: | 17:54 |
funddevi | ah | 17:55 |
funddevi | ok | 17:55 |
funddevi | thanks myrtti | 17:55 |
Myrtti | np | 17:55 |
jedimind | brb | 17:55 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: Thanks. Im fairly new to ubuntu. I have looked at syslog but its huge and I cant find a way to search for specific text. Where do I find chrontab? | 17:55 |
p | can some give me a link to a mac osx86 irc | 17:55 |
daftykins | you read the last entries of syslog. "tail /var/log/syslog" in terminal. | 17:56 |
ompaul | p ##apple | 17:56 |
crdlb | krim: yep, that's an overlay (as opposed to Textured Video). The only way for it to work is to use "X11" video playback, which is completely unaccelerated | 17:56 |
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crdlb | and is therefor quite ugly and slow | 17:56 |
=== e is now known as t | ||
jbroome | JonathanEllis: grep | 17:56 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, opening syslog via system->admin->system log allows you to search...crontab is a shell cmd | 17:56 |
=== tale_ is now known as tale-afk | ||
=== t is now known as n | ||
Myrtti | n: are you done soon? | 17:57 |
=== n is now known as Fishbot | ||
spiga | sa | 17:57 |
Myrtti | !away > tale-afk | 17:57 |
krim | crdlb: I have no idea what that means :) But is it a bug? So I know if I should file a bug report or not. | 17:57 |
funddevi | hmm.... | 17:57 |
funddevi | how do I register?? | 17:57 |
jpds | !register | funddevi | 17:57 |
ubottu | funddevi: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 17:57 |
=== Fishbot is now known as Xerrion | ||
Myrtti | funddevi: I thought the link had information about that | 17:57 |
Myrtti | Xerrion: are you done soon? | 17:58 |
Xerrion | Myrtti - Done now thank you :) | 17:58 |
Myrtti | great | 17:58 |
stefano | hi everyone | 17:58 |
anirudh0 | p you are the same who had problem with booting a few days ago? | 17:58 |
krim | crdlb: Not really a problem for me since I know an easy fix (starting movie player) but maybe it's irritating someone else. | 17:58 |
ross_ | question | 17:58 |
tyberion | hi is there anyone who can tell me why my firefox-2 keeps crashing all the time?? i just open certain pages and its closing itself.. .:((( | 17:58 |
daftykins | what version of ubuntu? | 17:59 |
anirudh0 | tyberion, run it from terminal..are the pages using java? | 17:59 |
tyberion | hardy | 17:59 |
daftykins | hmm firefox 2 huh, it's probably fighting with whatever firefox 3 config you have in your /home directory | 17:59 |
tyberion | jah@nutshell:~$ INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not get the plugin manager | 17:59 |
Uplink | how i remove Tracker Search Tool from start up? | 17:59 |
daftykins | tried deleting all hidden entries relating to FF3 in /home ? | 17:59 |
p | heheheh yes but no i have problems to get a ( d-link dfe-528tx ) work on mac ( internet pci card ) | 18:00 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: system>admin>system log is how I opened it but I still dont see any way of searching. I am not sure how crontab would help me. | 18:00 |
Uplink | how i remove Tracker Search Tool from start up? | 18:00 |
ross_ | i'm currently trying to buy tickets for the phillies game, but the browswer, which asked for security keys, is loading but not getting through, anyone have any idea why? | 18:00 |
ross_ | anyone has* | 18:00 |
tyberion | daftykins: yeah.. nuffing there from ff3 :( | 18:00 |
stefano | someone can help me with nexuiz patch | 18:00 |
funddevi | well, it does have info on registering but where do I type it? | 18:01 |
tyberion | whats that "could not get the plugin manager" error... | 18:01 |
ross_ | this is the site | 18:01 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, ctrl+F | 18:01 |
funddevi | so type it in here?? | 18:01 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, opens up a "Find" box | 18:02 |
ross_ | then after clicking on the "t" under hot tickets, it opens up a window and asks for security keys, however, upon entering, it attempts to load the page but it doesn't get through! | 18:02 |
ross_ | unlike windows | 18:02 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, at the bottom | 18:02 |
anirudh0 | !enter>ross | 18:02 |
Uplink | how i remove Tracker Search Tool from start up? | 18:02 |
daftykins | tyberion are you sure? even under the name "mozilla" ? | 18:03 |
dbrewer_rjr | i just installed hardy on an ibm running vmware. I am getting one fail on boot: cannot mount filesystem: Protocol error. where are the filesystems listed? anybody get this error? | 18:03 |
jbroome | ross_: page came up for me, but the power ticket popup won't go away | 18:03 |
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb | ||
tyberion | daftykins: should I just delete my .mozilla folder?? well I just tried ephyphany web browser.. still the same problem :( | 18:03 |
AaronH | Uplink, you right click on it and say remove from panel. | 18:03 |
anirudh0 | Uplink, in sys->prefs->indexing...there's an option there | 18:04 |
daftykins | try using the profile manager tyberion | 18:04 |
krim | Uplink: System - Preferences - search | 18:04 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: OK thanks. Well I searched for back backup and back-up but could find no entries. Wouldn't I have to had to setup backups myself anyway? | 18:04 |
daftykins | but yeah move the ".mozilla" to ".mozillaold" to test | 18:04 |
Uplink | :| | 18:04 |
stefano | i have nexuiz 2.4.0 on hardy64 i would like to update it to 2.4.2 with the patch i downloaded from nexuiz site... i read the guide on the website but i can't find the directories where to unzip those files! | 18:04 |
jbroome | wow that is annoying as piss | 18:04 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, unless you have another sysadmin :) | 18:04 |
ibou | should i use cdda2wav or cdparanoia to extract my audio cd ? | 18:04 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: Nope. I'm the only user on this pc | 18:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ not that this helps you but it works for me on gutsy with ff2 | 18:04 |
daftykins | stefano software in ubuntu is installed via APT to keep it updatable via a simple command, manually overwriting with newer versions will just cause problems. | 18:05 |
p | can some give me a macosx86 it isnt a legal apple (mac) irc its a hackintosch irc | 18:05 |
JonathanEllis | Does ubuntu come with a backup program? | 18:05 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, check the timestamp on the files that reappear can do this via right clicking in nautilus..or by ls -lh in terminal | 18:05 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, AFAIK , not by default | 18:05 |
jbroome | JonathanEllis: there are MANY available, you have to install and configure | 18:05 |
stefano | thanks, i know but if i type apt-get upgrade nexuiz nothing happens, even if a new version exists | 18:05 |
anirudh0 | !google> p | 18:06 |
ross_ | what is gutsy with ff2? | 18:06 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: what is gutsy with gg2 | 18:06 |
tyberion | daftykins: i just renamed the folder.. and reloaded.. still got this error message here:INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not get the plugin manager | 18:06 |
anirudh0 | stefano, the newer patch might not have made it to the repos yet | 18:06 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: anyhow, the site just loads but it doesn't let me through to place the ticket order.... | 18:06 |
JonathanEllis | jbroome: Thats what I thought, but none come preinstalled? In that case, since I havent installed or configured one then my problem shouldnt be related to backup software | 18:06 |
tyberion | I think is been like that since I tried to install java plugin.. hmm | 18:06 |
=== aoshi_ is now known as aoshi | ||
Jack_Sparrow | ross firefox2 | 18:06 |
stefano | daftikins, anirudh0 thanks a lot, i'll wait then... | 18:07 |
anirudh0 | tyberion, purge ff2..delete'll lose extensions and customizations | 18:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ I pressed t and got the page with the prices etc? | 18:07 |
krim | is there a way to list all non-free packages installed? | 18:07 |
sinan | Hey all ! I have a problem, ubuntu doesn't see my "DVD burner". I can read from the drive, but I Can't use it to burn CDs/DVDs. Any ideas what to do ? | 18:07 |
user1__ | hello! i have problem with installation of torbutton. i can't install them on ff 3.0b5 and 2.0 , but early i have normal installation. | 18:07 |
user1__ | i mean, that the installation was successfull before | 18:07 |
tyberion | anirudh0: what u mean by *urge*? | 18:07 |
tyberion | *purge* | 18:07 |
rcahilig | Hi, I have a problem installing Ubuntu in a laptop with WXGA monitor with 1280x800 screen resolution, the screen is distorted and flickering | 18:07 |
anirudh0 | tyberion, sorry...apt-get --purge remove firefox-2.0 | 18:08 |
daftykins | is this in LiveCD mode rcahilig ? | 18:08 |
ross_ | yes | 18:08 |
tyberion | anirudh0: ok, will this completeley remove firefox2 with all its stuff? | 18:08 |
rcahilig | daftykins: no, I'm using alternate install cd | 18:08 |
=== pedro is now known as Bagualas | ||
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: now try to enter a number for tickets and then choose your seats | 18:08 |
anirudh0 | tyberion, yes...except the .mozilla folder | 18:08 |
bdog | how do I change my garmin from a disk to a serial device for gpsd? | 18:08 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: it will open up a window which asks you for the security keys, and when you enter it, the page just loads | 18:09 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: Odd. One file has create date 6 Feb 08 and accessed 12 May 08. The other created 6 feb 08 and accessed 16 april 08. But I know I have accessed these files much more recently than that. And in fact saved both of them a day or two ago | 18:09 |
tyberion | anirudh0: is ther any reason for using ff3 instead of ff2??? | 18:10 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, _very_ wierd | 18:10 |
ibou | is cdparanoia better than cdda2wav ? | 18:10 |
anirudh0 | tyberion, check out release notes... | 18:10 |
cilounette | Hello | 18:10 |
tyberion | anirudh0: your opinion:)? | 18:10 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: you seeing what i'm seeing? | 18:10 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: They are both OpenOffice writer templates. I just opened one - well generated a new file and the access date has not changed | 18:10 |
daftykins | personally i was very surprised that ubuntu would use a beta browser. | 18:10 |
doc|work | hello, I have an entry in my hosts file which 'host' is ignoring but which I can use to 'ssh machinename' and ping machinename, anyone got any idea why I'm not seeing an ip address being returned? | 18:10 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: the page just loads, but it doesn't let me through unlike when i'm in windows ;( | 18:11 |
anirudh0 | tyberion, gmail works much better...gnome is better supported...the list goes on | 18:11 |
cilounette | I got a problem with my audio card. I follow the insctructions right here but I have still no sound : | 18:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ I see a shopping cart with one ticket | 18:11 |
cilounette | Do you have an idea please ? | 18:11 |
StealthCP | I'd strongly recommend Firefox 3, unless you absolutely require incompatible lugins like google Browser Sync, etc | 18:11 |
anirudh0 | daftykins, it is beta only in the widest sense of the term...almost no random crashes | 18:11 |
StealthCP | the rendering is faster, the memory use is lower, you can scale images and it's got nicer tabs :D | 18:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ colorado rockies section 121 row 34 etc | 18:11 |
EmJay | adc_: found something | 18:11 |
EmJay | ? | 18:12 |
daftykins | doc|work what do you mean an IP being returned? as long as you put an entry in /etc/hosts saying "machine x.x.x.x" it should work fine. | 18:12 |
adc_ | EmJay: what? | 18:12 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: so you got through | 18:12 |
JonathanEllis | ross_: It may be a problem with the web-page. They may not have built a standards-compliant page. I had a recent problem that I could only check-in to an airline using internet explorer on windows, not firefox | 18:12 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: i did not get through | 18:12 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, frankly, i'm flummoxed...unless you edited the files as another user... | 18:12 |
doc|work | daftykins: I have them the other way around, and they're not | 18:12 |
adc_ | EmJay: no unfortunately i couldnt figure it out. i followed the link given above but this didnt help yet | 18:12 |
doc|work | daftykins: should work :/ but aren't | 18:12 |
daftykins | sorry yes IP first | 18:12 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: you got through the page after word verification, correct? | 18:12 |
daftykins | have you tried restarting the networking service ? | 18:13 |
doc|work | daftykins: in fact, it's happening with a number of entries | 18:13 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: As I said before, I think I (or my computer) am going mad. I only have one username on this pc. Its also rather odd that ubuntu rolled itself back from 8.04 to 7.10 | 18:13 |
daftykins | otherwise you may need to edit /etc/nsswitch.conf and re-configure the line "hosts:" | 18:13 |
doc|work | daftykins: have restarted the entire machine (started before I left work yesterday) | 18:13 |
daftykins | you can comment out the current "host:" line and simply put a new one "hosts: files dns" | 18:13 |
doc|work | hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4 | 18:13 |
daftykins | then see if it works. | 18:13 |
daftykins | correct | 18:13 |
doc|work | daftykins: ok | 18:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ Since it wants my email and credit card # to finish .. yes, it got through | 18:14 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: do i get pass the "please wait we're looking for the best seats for you.?" | 18:14 |
treonaut | I like to format a 4GB SD Card can I do it | 18:14 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: blah i'm not getting through the site | 18:14 |
daftykins | treonaut plug it in | 18:14 |
daftykins | should appear on the desktop | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, rollback...thats a first :) | 18:14 |
daftykins | right click | 18:14 |
popdog123 | hello! i was wondering if i can add more locations to the gnome locations than the ones there... my city is not in there and i want to add it | 18:14 |
daftykins | is there a format option? | 18:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ Like I said, I dont know.. but only that it does work in Gutsy and the old firefox | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, if i did;nt know better, i'd say it was a poltergeist at work | 18:14 |
treonaut | where? daftykins | 18:14 |
daftykins | where what. | 18:14 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: Well its an option in windows. But didnt think it was in ubuntu | 18:14 |
daftykins | be more specific | 18:14 |
doc|work | daftykins: done and restarted networking, no change | 18:15 |
adc_ | when i say update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun i get the result No alternatives for | 18:15 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, sure no one is messing with your system?...have you set up autologin by any chance | 18:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ I guess you could boot a gutsy livecd and get the tickets .. if you are pressed for time | 18:15 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: I see only two users. Me and root | 18:15 |
treonaut | daftykin you said: plug it in | 18:15 |
daftykins | you wouldn't have needed to have restarted a service for that to work | 18:15 |
daftykins | what is the host system doc|work ? | 18:15 |
doc|work | daftykins: ok, well, still not working :) | 18:15 |
EmJay | adc: if sun-java6-plugin dosn't work - maybe try installing java-gcj-compat-plugin - that is the open source java | 18:15 |
daftykins | default ubuntu desktop/server 8.04 ? | 18:15 |
doc|work | daftykins: another machine on my network | 18:15 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: no autologin and unless they are burgling the house... But in that case I would expect them to steal stuff not just mess with my head | 18:16 |
anirudh0 | adc_, or the icedtea java plugin | 18:16 |
doc|work | daftykins: the machine trying to connect from or to. It's from heron to a freebsd box | 18:16 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, lol | 18:16 |
jonaskoelker | question: is it possible to cache the liveCD in memory and have it use that copy? I want to burn a CD while running off of the liveCD... | 18:16 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: And who would bother retrieving files from the trash and deleting others? | 18:16 |
saki | Hi, i screwed up my panels and i dont see my open applications anymore, any way to reset or fix? | 18:16 |
lolzer | JonathanEllis: you should install unhide and check for hidden processes | 18:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !panels | 18:16 |
ubottu | Factoid panels not found | 18:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !panel | 18:17 |
ubottu | Factoid panel not found | 18:17 |
daftykins | that's a very pointless idea jonaskoelker | 18:17 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: well no, that's not the problem, i just want to be able to buy tickets regularly without having to do gutsy stuff or booting into windows : ( | 18:17 |
anirudh0 | saki, add the applications again via "add to panel" | 18:17 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: so can you please clarify for me once again what's the real problem here? | 18:17 |
anirudh0 | daftykins, not really | 18:17 |
JonathanEllis | lolzer: Could it be a virus? Are there such things on linux? | 18:17 |
saki | anirudh0: what do u add so it can show the applications that are currently open? | 18:17 |
jbroome | no | 18:17 |
daftykins | so what happens when you type "ping machine" doc|work ? | 18:17 |
lolzer | not generally speaking | 18:17 |
Xerrion | !panels | 18:17 |
ubottu | Factoid panels not found | 18:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ Not sure.. I dont have Hardy or FF3 on this box | 18:17 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, not unless one got written specially for you :) | 18:17 |
raginghawk | jack_sparrow: ive maked it :) soooo happy, thanks to you and everyone else who helped me. :) | 18:17 |
jonaskoelker | daftykins: how so? | 18:17 |
doc|work | daftykins: that works :/ | 18:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | raginghawk glad you got it | 18:17 |
saki | oh ok found it | 18:17 |
saki | thank you :) | 18:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | !reset | 18:18 |
ubottu | Factoid reset not found | 18:18 |
daftykins | oh so it wasn't just that which you needed working? i might've read your problem wrong then... ? | 18:18 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, other things being equal..i'd recommend either creation of a new user...or a reinstall | 18:18 |
raginghawk | ive mounted my first partition on a linux os... ;) | 18:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | sorry folks, cant remember the trigger for resetting the panels | 18:18 |
daftykins | ah you said the prog "host" is ignoring it | 18:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 18:18 |
daftykins | ok | 18:18 |
daftykins | sorry doc|work | 18:19 |
doc|work | daftykins: 'host machinename' isn't working, and it seems certain ways of resolving the ip address aren't, but ping and ssh can both connect to the machine using the machinename | 18:19 |
doc|work | np | 18:19 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: When I upgraded, I cloned my hard-drive to a spare first, just in case. Should I start from scratch? Just that it may take a long time to get back to where I am - especially setting up the printer | 18:19 |
daftykins | yeah i think you need a proper DNS server entry for "host" | 18:19 |
doc|work | I have a php script which is trying to resolve but is failing | 18:19 |
jonaskoelker | daftykins: oh well, despite it being a pointless idea, is it possible? | 18:20 |
adc_ | EmJay: when i go to it says that java 1.6 from sun is installed and looks good, maybe it is the applet on that particular page, it gives me a Start: java not initialized when i start that applet | 18:20 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: I read somewhere about a method to generate a list of installed packages and then reinstall from the list. Or might that cause the same problems? | 18:20 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, first try creating a new user...maybe something's messed up with your user's settings...are system files also facing the same problem | 18:20 |
daftykins | are you just trying to produce a simple platform by which to write discs without having an installed OS jonaskoelker ? | 18:20 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, one sec | 18:20 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: Another problem since upgrading is that sane doesnt work anymore so maybe a clean install would be better. Oh god!!!!!!!!! | 18:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | !clone | JonathanEllis | 18:21 |
ubottu | JonathanEllis: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate | 18:21 |
doc|work | daftykins: crap, any alternative? this is just for a local machine. | 18:21 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: Oops. Sorry | 18:21 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, very rarely have i heard of an upgrade going perfectly. | 18:21 |
jonaskoelker | daftykins: no; I have one box, one CD drive. I have an old liveCD and want to burn a new one | 18:21 |
daftykins | a quick scan of the man page for "host" shows it's a DNS util, so i think it requires more setup i'm afraid - unless i knew more about what you're doing that's failing like what that PHP use is then i'm afraid i think DNS'd be needed | 18:21 |
doc|work | anirudh0: this one seems to have caused a *lot* of problems :/ | 18:22 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: hi again | 18:22 |
daftykins | why not install the old OS to that system then copy the newer version ISO to it to burn? | 18:22 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: In other words, you recommend a clean install? Is dpkg likely to clone my problems from one machine to another? | 18:22 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: so what do i need to do to buy tickets lollll | 18:22 |
daftykins | a little wasted time to install the old OS i know, but why not ;x | 18:22 |
doc|work | daftykins: arse, ok, thanks, any suggestions on a way to set up a local dns server easily? | 18:22 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, dpkg only clones packages | 18:22 |
daftykins | funnily enough i'm wrestling with BIND9 right now doc|work XD | 18:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ No idea... but someone will know | 18:22 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: So the packages would be fresh versions? | 18:22 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, I seriously doubt that your problems are due to some bug in some package | 18:23 |
jonaskoelker | daftykins: because it takes ages. Besides, I have the necessary hardware to be able to do what I want, so it should be able to happen ;) | 18:23 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, yes. | 18:23 |
daftykins | and progress is not great, it's pretty heavy a service | 18:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | daftykins what about a bootable usb with ubuntu | 18:23 |
FNorte | Hi... I have a Geforce f5200 board.. suddenly (reboot) my resolution change (from 1280x1024) to 640x480 and I can't fix it... The system said that the driver can't be used, I change the nvidia-glx-new uninstall by Sinaptic and install the nvidia-glx withouth success... someone can help me? | 18:23 |
ross_ | Jack_Sparrow: who should i ask? ; ( | 18:23 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: OK. Well thanks. Guess I have a day of fun coming up real soon then! | 18:23 |
daftykins | i think my problem is just that it's a very simple problem to get around but jonaskoelker wants an incredibly radical solution to simply get around laziness | 18:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ form the best/most complete question you can and be aptient while someone tries to come up with an answer | 18:24 |
daftykins | (no offence intended) | 18:24 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, well...periodic installs do build character :) | 18:24 |
jonaskoelker | daftykins: I take it you don't write perl? ... Laziness is a cardinal virtue | 18:24 |
anirudh0 | ross_, you could try running IE under wine, in case the problem is that the site requires IE | 18:24 |
daftykins | that i don't ;) | 18:24 |
ross_ | anirud0: ah - that could work yes | 18:25 |
ross_ | anirud0: however | 18:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | anirudh0 I just got through with gutsy and ff2 | 18:25 |
leoquant | running hardy: getting a distr. update: libmono cairo.... | 18:25 |
ross_ | anirud0: i had no problem buying tickets while in windows and i used mozilla : ( | 18:25 |
ross_ | anirud0: so is the problem the browser or the OS? that's my questions | 18:25 |
ross_ | question* | 18:25 |
suspect43 | hi, i'm having a problem with screen resolutions. i mucked up my xorg.conf once, and this GUI for editing xorg.conf came up. anyone know how to bring that up again? looks like xorg-edit, but that's a "command not found" | 18:25 |
anirudh0 | ross_, interesting...and you would have used ff2 as well i suppose? | 18:25 |
anirudh0 | ross_, the os is very unlikely to be the problem in any case | 18:26 |
anirudh0 | ross_, i meant when you bought tickets under windows? | 18:26 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: Hmmm. Thats an interesting way of putting it. I had hoped all that was gone now I am not running windows. The reason I came to ubuntu is that windows xp was broken and I have installed windows so many times then spent a whole day or three downloading all the security updates etc before reinstalling all my apps. At least dpkg should save me a lot or work | 18:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | !browsers | 18:26 |
ubottu | Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary) | 18:26 |
daftykins | "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" suspect43 | 18:26 |
unimatrix9 | hi there , i have sound, i have startup sound, but no shutdown sound ( and it is set ), any tips what could be the issue? | 18:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross_ it would not take long to try one of those others | 18:26 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, i guess i would have installed ubuntu about 24 times now...over 2 years since 6.06 | 18:27 |
suspect43 | daftykins: that has just keyboard configuration. no resolutions | 18:27 |
jedimind | unimatrix9: is that really a problem worth debugging just to get shutdown sound? | 18:27 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, an upgrade always caused problems for me | 18:27 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: God! Why so many times | 18:27 |
zerodamage | I **** my windows registry, is there anyway to edit it from linux? | 18:27 |
daftykins | what did you do to it? :O | 18:28 |
ross_ | anirud0: yes, i was able to get through word verification in windows | 18:28 |
ross_ | anirud0: but here, i can't | 18:28 |
lolzer | the problem with upgrades is that every system has different dependency requirements and sometimes things just get fuzzed. | 18:28 |
unimatrix9 | depends on your view, i was just wondering if some one has the same issue , or even better know a solution | 18:28 |
anirudh0 | ross_, ff2 in windows?..thats the same browser Jack_Sparrow used | 18:28 |
ross_ | anirud0: so this is kinda strange, | 18:28 |
zerodamage | Messed with some language keys, now it bsod's on boot | 18:28 |
daftykins | in IT the word "upgrade" in the context of operating system installations done any way other than clean install is often a very very bad idea | 18:28 |
JonathanEllis | Is there any way to carry configs over with dpkg? | 18:28 |
Thecaptain2000 | hi, how do I set the name resolv order? some time ago you could have modified hosts.conf to set order hosts,bind. now what? | 18:28 |
zerodamage | I know whats wrong, i have some keys to replace them, but dont know how to get them in | 18:29 |
openuser | hi, does anybody know what happened to aegis antivirus in ubuntu repos?, it doesn't appear | 18:29 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, no AFAIK...but ubuntu does "import settings"...never tried that though | 18:29 |
ross_ | anirud0: you wanna try it? | 18:29 |
doc|work | Thecaptain2000: /etc/hosts.conf | 18:29 |
daftykins | /etc/nsswitch.conf Thecaptain2000 has a "Hosts:" line | 18:29 |
doc|work | er, or what daftykins said | 18:29 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, i was experimenting with every linux distro i could lay hands on..started linux with a result had to repartion the drive many time..hence the large number of installs | 18:30 |
ross_ | anirud0:, click on any of the green "t"s | 18:30 |
Thecaptain2000 | daftykins: in nsswitch do I put hosts, bind? | 18:30 |
=== n8ature_ is now known as n8ature | ||
ross_ | anirud0: now enter a number of tickets you are buying and click any of the seats or just best available | 18:30 |
ross_ | anirud0: enter in the word verification stuff and click enter | 18:30 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: So now I dont know which hd to repartition. Erase my 7.10 installation or the new 8.04 one. But if I want to import settings I guess I would need one or other of them on a visible partition. I am running out of spare hard disks! | 18:30 |
daftykins | comment out the current line "Hosts: blah" and enter a new one "Hosts: files dns" | 18:31 |
ross_ | anirud0: see if you can get through to buy the tickets | 18:31 |
daftykins | i think this approach is what you need to do anyway, what are you doing exactly? | 18:31 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, as i said, i have no experience with importing settings...perhaps someone else has though... | 18:31 |
JonathanEllis | anirudh0: Or should I just do a clean install on a fresh partition, leaving the others in place? | 18:31 |
Enkidu_ak | Good morning | 18:31 |
lolzer | good afternoon | 18:31 |
anirudh0 | ross_, i get an ""address not found" | 18:31 |
scott | hi, i just hit this bug while doing a dist-upgrade to hardy: | 18:32 |
scott | is there a workaround? | 18:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 208874 in module-init-tools "module-init-tools post-install script error 2" [Undecided,New] | 18:32 |
JonathanEllis | Enkidu_ak: Good evening | 18:32 |
Thecaptain2000 | in /etc/nsswitch.conf I have a line saying hosts: files dns mdns4 if I want the content of the file hosts to take the precedence, how do I modify the line? | 18:32 |
anirudh0 | JonathanEllis, ubuntu needs to "see" a partition to import settings from it | 18:32 |
woojjob | good daybreak | 18:32 |
ross_ | anirud0: wow | 18:32 |
daftykins | as i just said, comment out the current line "Hosts: blah" and enter a new one "Hosts: files dns" | 18:32 |
luk | hello, im trying to use bootcdwrite to make a full livedvd of my ubuntu and I get this error or warning, SRCDISK does not fit on DVD (Needed > DVD) does it means the iso wont fit on a dvd because of the size? | 18:32 |
JonathanEllis | Well thanks to all. I have something to think about now! | 18:32 |
ross_ | anirud0: i got to where it just loads (Please wait while we're looking for the best seats) but i wouldn't let me trhough | 18:32 |
Thecaptain2000 | ok, I'll try that | 18:33 |
ross_ | anirud0: so anyhow, do you think it's the browser or the os? | 18:33 |
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk | ||
doc|work | so I'm typing and as I do up pops a window from synaptic, I hit space, and something gets agreed/rejected. I don't even know what it was.... Anyone know how I can find out? | 18:33 |
pen | how do you fully override hicolor icon theme? | 18:33 |
anirudh0 | ross_, from Jack's experience ...browser | 18:33 |
doc|work | the window stole focus :/ | 18:33 |
micka | hi | 18:33 |
pen | if I apply a custom theme, not all the icons in the theme will be used. Some will still use the icon in hicolor | 18:33 |
pen | how do I solve this? | 18:34 |
anirudh0 | pen, the theme is incomplete...nothing you can do | 18:34 |
anirudh0 | leaving | 18:34 |
pen | anirudh0, what do you mean incomplete? if | 18:34 |
kshah | is there any chance that Ubuntu 8 will recogonize my wireless adapter? WG311T (Netgear 11.g) | 18:34 |
spiderfire | how do you find the popularity of some packages? | 18:34 |
ross_ | anirud0: ok - but...what's the difference...i used the same browser in windows and i had no problem getting why now...? | 18:34 |
kshah | or am I going to have to do some crazy ndiswrapper nonsense? | 18:34 |
daftykins | burn it and boot into LiveCD mode and see. | 18:35 |
luk | pen u have to modify the names of icons that are not shown to fit to ur gnome names of icos, see what are the names of a theme icon and change the ones that dont shown in the current theme u are trying to see | 18:35 |
daftykins | is it a PCI card or what? | 18:35 |
kshah | dafty @ me ? PCI yes | 18:35 |
Enkidu_ak | I am attempting to generate a CSR from the command line using "openssl req -key <key file> -out <CSR out file>". The command executes and asks for my key passphrase, which I enter, but then I am presented with a blank line. No prompt for further information, and as far as I can tell, it will sit there indefinitely. I can kill the process, of course, but that wasn't the behavior that I was expecting from openssl. I am using openssl 0.9.8e with | 18:36 |
pen | why left me a message then leave? | 18:36 |
unimatrix9 | where is the system shutdown script located? | 18:36 |
PdUb101 | hey guys another question please, im trying to create a launcher for my xp partition on my desktop. when i type the location of /media/sda1/ it says there is not application there.. but i jsut want it to do location?? any help? (ps im selecting location from the drop down menu) | 18:36 |
spiderfire | | 18:38 |
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar | ||
daftykins | make it run nautilus and point nautilus to that location PdUb101 | 18:38 |
bizhat_user766 | hey all | 18:38 |
daftykins | "nautilis /media/sdb1/" might work | 18:38 |
daftykins | i just hit alt+f2 and typed "nautilus /home" and that worked | 18:39 |
jagggy | is 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02) suported yet in hardy?? | 18:39 |
daftykins | use that for your application launcher. | 18:39 |
daftykins | it was supported in 7.10 jagggy | 18:39 |
jagggy | daftykins, but not in hardy... | 18:39 |
daftykins | hardy is newer | 18:39 |
daftykins | hence has support | 18:40 |
daftykins | :P | 18:40 |
ddonky | can anyone help me? my pc doesnt recognize blank cd-rs anymore | 18:40 |
jagggy | daftykins, still not the anwser i seek, is it suported or not ? | 18:40 |
daftykins | listen | 18:41 |
Pici | jagggy: 3945 is working fine right now for me. | 18:41 |
daftykins | i just told you it is supported in an OLDER version of Ubuntu, that makes it supported in a NEWER version, logic dictates | 18:41 |
dury | hi there channel :) | 18:42 |
daftykins | so yes, 8.04 hardy, 3945abg, YES | 18:42 |
jagggy | daftykins, false statement, it was unsuported when it started.... | 18:42 |
doc|work | daftykins: unless support was removed, as sometimes happens :) | 18:42 |
jagggy | (when hardy started) | 18:42 |
ompaul | daftykins, we do get regression bugs unfortunately now and again | 18:42 |
daftykins | well i have a laptop with that chipset for wireless | 18:42 |
daftykins | and it works | 18:42 |
bdog | anyone know why I can't change the number of desktops? | 18:42 |
daftykins | so what more do you want me to say 0o | 18:42 |
bdog | it reverts back to 1 when I close it | 18:42 |
mekata | hi | 18:42 |
jagggy | daftykins, thats what i wanted, a simple yes, ty :) | 18:42 |
mekata | where can i find nice wallpaper? | 18:42 |
parsek77 | how can I install totem-mozilla plugin for firefox2 in 8.04? | 18:42 |
daftykins | i did give you a simple yes | 18:43 |
carib | Hello folks | 18:43 |
daftykins | oh god you get some idiots in here. | 18:43 |
jagggy | now you did :) | 18:43 |
jagggy | ty daftykins i like you to | 18:43 |
parsek77 | I reinstalled but it doesnt play mov files in the web | 18:43 |
ompaul | daftykins, be nice | 18:43 |
lolzer | | 18:43 |
PdUb101 | ok "nautilus /media/sda1/ works.. but why did i have to do nautilus first?? | 18:43 |
suspect43 | okay, found this: . i've seen exactly this gui come up when i screwed up my xorg.conf. how do i bring this up again? | 18:43 |
dury | where I can Paste which is the url | 18:43 |
daftykins | because nautilus is the file browser application | 18:43 |
PdUb101 | oooh | 18:43 |
jayson | Hi, what can I do when a bug report don't have responses for a long time ? | 18:43 |
daftykins | by simply telling an application launcher a path, it doesn't know what to do with it | 18:43 |
PdUb101 | well that explains it | 18:43 |
daftykins | ;) | 18:44 |
daftykins | it's pretty basic | 18:44 |
mekata | can anyone help me how to installing ubuntu | 18:44 |
mekata | and use mirc | 18:44 |
carib | I am new and trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 Server, but none of my SATA drives are detected. On the drive selection list, what should I choose? | 18:44 |
daftykins | download and burn the ISO of desktop | 18:44 |
daftykins | put it in and boot from it | 18:44 |
PdUb101 | sorry im very new, im trying to migrate over from xp/vista because of the horrible affects vista has on my new laptop | 18:44 |
kshah | Hi, after detecting I have an ATI chipset, enabling the 3rd party drivers and restarting, my screen resolution has gone DOWN, also my monitor isn't recogonized though I don't know if it ever was.. how can I address this? | 18:44 |
daftykins | install it, get to desktop and use synaptic to install "xchat" | 18:44 |
ompaul | mekata, use xchat on ubuntu it is similar to but much exceeds mirc | 18:44 |
bdog | anyone know why I can't change the number of desktops? | 18:44 |
dury | can anyone help me please where to paste? | 18:44 |
mekata | i already use mirc but i want to adding remote | 18:45 |
mekata | i cant add remote in xchat | 18:45 |
kshah | dury: pastebin | 18:45 |
jayson | dury: | 18:45 |
daftykins | use mIRC under wine then | 18:45 |
robg_ | carib: the installer will probably detect the drive on which it will install. | 18:45 |
jagggy | and eh, is 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) suported in hardy? if so i need to upgrade :) | 18:45 |
carib | Installer did not detect any drives at all. | 18:45 |
=== nico- is now known as nico|afk | ||
jayson | Hello people, what can I do when a bug report don't have responses for a long time ? | 18:46 |
Don_Miguel | Xchat is good, and mIRC works well under WINE | 18:46 |
daftykins | that's just a chipset reference, it contains no specific information on what the audio controller is | 18:46 |
daftykins | are you sure there's not a second line from "lspci" ? | 18:46 |
bdog | irssi>* | 18:46 |
robg_ | carib: you will have to consult your hardware manufacturer. | 18:46 |
jagggy | daftykins, Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) ain't that the sound driver? :s | 18:46 |
smallfoot- | check out the most awesomeness mockup for colored themes in ubuntu and if you like that, then vote for it | 18:47 |
carib | Thanks Robg | 18:47 |
lolzer | no that is the chipset. not the software driver | 18:47 |
kshah | why does enabling the 3rd party ATI drivers end up reducing my total screen resolution options? | 18:47 |
daftykins | no, it simply says that the audio controller is a high definition device | 18:47 |
jagggy | dang :( well i'll take a bet on it that it will work so, lets upgrade | 18:47 |
FD_F | Hello my sound card working grate but my microphone not working any ideas ? , Thanks | 18:47 |
daftykins | probably because the new drivers read new information from your monitor and so reduces resolutions you can use kshah | 18:47 |
daftykins | is it a CRT or LCD? | 18:48 |
suspect43 | please, does anyone know how to fix this? how do i enable widescreen monitor in xorg.conf? | 18:48 |
SergioCapa | hello people | 18:48 |
dury | how do I install packages for english language... now it's in spanish and basque | 18:48 |
spiderfire | what video player has the most skins? | 18:48 |
lolzer | spiderfire: xine has a few as does mplayer | 18:49 |
daftykins | suspect43 are you having problems even after running "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ? | 18:49 |
kshah | daftykins: LCD, Hyundia L90D+ that was what i suspected | 18:49 |
suspect43 | daftykins: yes | 18:49 |
daftykins | is it because the menus in that prog do not have your 1280x800 suspect43 ? | 18:49 |
kshah | daftykins: unfortunately i have no idea where i'm going to find the monitor drivers | 18:49 |
daftykins | monitors do not need drivers kshah | 18:49 |
suspect43 | daftykins: dpkg-reconfigure doesn't ask about screen resolutions at all, only keyboard settings. | 18:50 |
daftykins | are you using this computer now kshah? | 18:50 |
kshah | daftykins: yes | 18:50 |
daftykins | did you definitely type "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ? | 18:50 |
suspect43 | daftykins: yes | 18:50 |
daftykins | well you could try running this same program i'm talking to suspect43 about, kshah | 18:50 |
kshah | daftykins: yes, I did that as per a post on a forum | 18:50 |
suspect43 | kshah: did it ask about screen resolutions at all? | 18:51 |
kshah | daftykins: okay, I'll scroll up :) | 18:51 |
kshah | no it didn't | 18:51 |
suspect43 | yeah | 18:51 |
suspect43 | same prob | 18:51 |
kshah | it asked me about keyboard layout and mice | 18:51 |
daftykins | hmm you're right | 18:51 |
dury | | 18:51 |
AaronH | spiderfire, mplayer has lots of skins | 18:51 |
daftykins | i just ran the program on ubuntu server and it only asked about keyboard config yes | 18:51 |
Steve-cal | !who | daftykins | 18:52 |
ubottu | daftykins: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:52 |
daftykins | Steve-cal they can see so don't give me silly advice in future thanks | 18:52 |
kshah | daftykins: is what i was reading in case you're interested | 18:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 119784 in ubuntu "Can't increase resolution with ATI Radeon 9600 & Hyundai L90D+ in Feisty" [Undecided,Invalid] | 18:53 |
Don_Miguel | daftykins: it also helps those of us who CAN see ... | 18:53 |
gaurav_ | hi i have been having problems with the grub loader | 18:53 |
=== brocebeats is now known as brocebesleepn | ||
daftykins | you might want to describe what you mean there Don_Miguel | 18:53 |
suspect43 | okay, i added the horizsync and vertrefresh values. now i can select from lots of resoltuins, but when i select 1440x900 i get this weird square resolution | 18:53 |
nate305 | anyone here using awn on hardy? | 18:53 |
suspect43 | instead of widescreen | 18:53 |
daftykins | i take it you've tried running system -> preferences -> screen resolution -> "detect displays" suspect43 and kshah ? | 18:53 |
suspect43 | yes | 18:54 |
yanek_ | ssupect what monitor do you have? | 18:54 |
kshah | daftykins: yes, to no avail | 18:54 |
robg_ | suspect43: Sun Java gave me 1440 x 900 on a standard 19". I did not have to intervene. | 18:54 |
suspect43 | HP w1907 widescreen lcd. native res is 1440X900@60 | 18:54 |
ihas1 | anyone know why my server install logs in as root automatically? | 18:54 |
gaurav_ | i mean that there are the old versions in the grub loader which i want to remove | 18:54 |
nate305 | how do you install extras specificly | 18:55 |
suspect43 | robg_: very helpful, thank you. you've trolled me before, so please stop. | 18:55 |
raistlinmaje7 | if lsusb tells me that a device is connected on for example bus 005 device 002, how do I find the corresponding /dev file? | 18:55 |
hwilde | raistlinmaje7, dmesg should tell you | 18:55 |
daftykins | raistlinmaje7 : type "dmesg | tail" | 18:55 |
hwilde | raistlinmaje7, might try disconnecting and reconnecting and then look at the bottom of dmesg | 18:56 |
kshah | daftykins: it looks like my only option is a manual edit of xorg.conf, right? | 18:56 |
Don_Miguel | gaurav_: are you talking about the menu choices that come up in GRUB ? | 18:56 |
gaurav_ | daftykins can u help me with the grub loader | 18:56 |
daftykins | most likely kshah yes, if you're sure the graphics driver is good enough to support it | 18:56 |
suspect43 | tried that, doesn't help much | 18:56 |
raistlinmaje7 | and then? I get usb4-1 | 18:56 |
daftykins | what's wrong with GRUB? | 18:56 |
raistlinmaje7 | is that a dev file? | 18:56 |
gaurav_ | yes don miguel | 18:56 |
hwilde | !grub | kshah | 18:56 |
kshah | daftykins: i believe it will, thanks | 18:56 |
suspect43 | i get a list of resolutions, but when i select them i don't get the actual res | 18:57 |
ubottu | kshah: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 18:57 |
hwilde | !fixres | suspect43 | 18:57 |
ubottu | suspect43: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 18:57 |
kshah | why am I being told about grub? | 18:57 |
hwilde | kshah, sry wrong nick | 18:57 |
daftykins | 'cause someone chose the wrong nick ;) | 18:57 |
suspect43 | hwilde: tried pretty much everything there | 18:57 |
hwilde | !grub | gaurav_ | 18:57 |
ubottu | gaurav_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 18:57 |
raistlinmaje7 | I mean, I see that there is a usb4 dev file, but there's also usbdev4.1_ep00 usbdev4.1_ep81 and so on | 18:57 |
ihas1 | anyone know why a server install would log in as root automatically? | 18:57 |
daftykins | you might've forgotten to enter a pass during setup | 18:58 |
daftykins | what ver of server? | 18:58 |
kshah | interestingly, i had windows dual booted on this machine, the installation became corrupt and I had to force the windows partition to mount yesterday in Ubuntu to recover my data | 18:58 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | where do you find all these bot commands? | 18:58 |
Don_Miguel | gaurav_: I think you want to be VERY fast when grub loads, | 18:58 |
_0tt0v0nc4t_ | for ubottu | 18:59 |
rawmeat | hello, its not possible to blacklist the speedstep-centrino module and load the acpi-cpufreq. :( ive did something wrong and now it seems like its not turning back. | 18:59 |
ihas1 | dafkins - 8.04 server | 18:59 |
rawmeat | how can i get acpi-cpufreq as standard? | 18:59 |
=== LoHung is now known as skillet | ||
da_samus | hallo | 18:59 |
ringer | how can i get the physics working on my kiba dock | 18:59 |
daftykins | hmm i've installed 8.04 server several times recently and not had that problem | 18:59 |
smehmood | hey all, i'm having some video problems. I'm trying to use nvidia-settings, but it tells me i'm not using its X driver. so, i do what it says and run nvidia-xconfig. It modifies my xorg.config file. i restart my X server, and nvidia-settings still tells me that i'm not using the X driver. the main problem is that im stuck at 800x600. i should be at 1280x800 | 18:59 |
kshah | daftykins: it would appear that everyone is experiencing the detection problem, perhaps it would be worthy as a channel topic... | 19:00 |
Don_Miguel | gaurav_: I think you want to be VERY fast when grub loads, and you can then carefully edit those lines of text in the menu ... read the info in the links shown before ( scroll back up for those ) | 19:00 |
da_samus | i am a really new linux user and i can't find how to install the drivers for my modem any idea ? | 19:00 |
daftykins | smehmood "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep driver" in terminal | 19:00 |
Dante123 | hi all, just setup a barebones pc kit that came with evga 650i mobo, 2gb ram, and sata hd (supposed to be 250 gb) but windows setup sees it as 130gb. Wanted to install ubuntu linux but system hangs at some reference to that is why I went with windows. Could there be something I need to setup in the bios? | 19:00 |
m4rtz | da_samus: what's the name of the modem | 19:01 |
daftykins | were i more regular here, topic considerations would be viable perhaps, if this channel works that way ;) | 19:01 |
vorondil_ | Hi everyone. I suppose this isn't a ubuntu-specific question, but since I'm on a ubuntu machine, I'll ask here. Is there any way to determine the maximum number of hard links you can make to one file? If so, how can I do it? | 19:01 |
Dante123 | If I don't do nosplash it hangs on the ubuntu logo with the orange bar stuck | 19:01 |
ddonky | how come my dvd burner doesnt recognize cd-rs anymore | 19:01 |
smehmood | daftykins: that's odd... it came up empty. i thought i saw a driver line in there, but at this point, ive looked at tons of xorg.conf's | 19:01 |
vorondil_ | (On ext3, to be clear.) | 19:01 |
smehmood | daftykins: so there's no driver specified... what's the best way to rectify this? | 19:01 |
daftykins | Dante123 windows XP pre- service pack 1 has a logical block addressing limitation that prevents it seeing disks bigger than 127GB, you need to install to a small partition for C: and then upgrade service pack for it to see the disk properly | 19:01 |
raistlinmaje7 | so which /dev file is 4-1? | 19:01 |
daftykins | otherwise Dante123 slipstream service pack 3 into an installation CD and XP setup will see it correctly during installation | 19:02 |
daftykins | pastebin your dmesg please raistlinmaje7 | 19:02 |
daftykins | after just having plugged the USB key in | 19:02 |
smehmood | daftykins: oh, that's because it should have been 'grep Driver' it is specified, as "nvidia" in my file | 19:02 |
ffm | How can I know if a spesific nvidia card is supported? | 19:02 |
raistlinmaje7 | its not a usb key, its a usb device, I just want to get raw input | 19:02 |
le2 | has anyone here compiled libfprint? | 19:02 |
cerebrate | ffm: check the hardware compatibility list | 19:02 |
ffm | cerebrate: which is where? | 19:03 |
raistlinmaje7 | also, there are all of two lines, do I have to pastebin that? | 19:03 |
cerebrate | ffm: one second while I find it | 19:03 |
Soopa | My router isn't getting my Ubuntu machine's host name.. is there a common reason why that might be? | 19:03 |
Soopa | it's a D-Link EBR-2310 | 19:03 |
cerebrate | ffm: | 19:03 |
daftykins | does it matter that the router does not see its' hostname? | 19:03 |
Soopa | it sees my Windows box fine | 19:03 |
Soopa | well, no, but it used to | 19:03 |
Soopa | was just wondering why | 19:04 |
ffm | cerebrate: merci | 19:04 |
daftykins | have you upgraded version between then and now? | 19:04 |
Dante123 | daftykins I really want ubuntu on this machine but it keeps hanging and won't install. This is quad core do I need a 64 bit version of Ubuntu? Shouldn't 32 install? | 19:04 |
kibibyte | hi | 19:04 |
=== celtic_ is now known as EmJay_ | ||
daftykins | no 32-bit is fine Dante123 | 19:04 |
Soopa | yes, I did a fresh install | 19:04 |
kibibyte | is it possible to log to shell as root without waisitng time 100 a day writing sudo ? | 19:04 |
daftykins | are you booting a ubuntu 8.04 desktop i386 CD Dante123 ? | 19:04 |
kshah | can I reinit the process which reads xorg.conf w/o rebooting? or does that imply restarting X? | 19:05 |
raistlinmaje7 | kibibyte: just type in su | 19:05 |
Dante123 | daftykins yes I am | 19:05 |
daftykins | "sudo su" before running stuff kibibyte | 19:05 |
=== EmJay_ is now known as EmJay| | ||
daftykins | it's simply restarting X yes, kshah | 19:05 |
kibibyte | raistlinmaje7, daftykins but i want log as root to terminal | 19:05 |
daftykins | ctrl+alt+backspace in X, or "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" | 19:05 |
kshah | thanks again | 19:05 |
daftykins | np | 19:05 |
raistlinmaje7 | that will do it | 19:05 |
debian | Would ubuntu 64bit be able to utilze 192GB ram? | 19:05 |
* EmJay| is back | 19:06 | |
rawmeat | how can i make acpi-cpufreq the preferred module? | 19:06 |
telecentro | EU | 19:06 |
raistlinmaje7 | 192!? | 19:06 |
rawmeat | blacklisting speedstep-centrino didnt helped. :( | 19:06 |
daftykins | up to several terabytes of RAM i think yes debian | 19:06 |
Dante123 | daftykins could there be a bios setting that needs to be setup that might be causing the problem....or perhaps graphics | 19:06 |
debian | daftykins: 16exebytes to be exact, max with 64bit. | 19:06 |
daftykins | why ask if you knew the sum. | 19:06 |
debian | What about 4 quad cores? | 19:07 |
debian | daftykins: Just making sure... | 19:07 |
daftykins | possibly Dante123, can you take a digicam picture of where it stalls? | 19:07 |
Dante123 | hang on...will try | 19:07 |
sagredo | Question. Can I burn the Ubuntu CD to a DVD disc? | 19:07 |
m4rtz | sure sagredo | 19:08 |
Dante123 | should apic mode be enabled or disabled in bios daftykins | 19:08 |
debian | sagredo: not the iso i think... | 19:08 |
robg_ | sagredo: DVD costs more than CD. | 19:08 |
m4rtz | XD | 19:08 |
kdubois | does a folder have to be executable in order to cd into it? | 19:08 |
debian | robg_: Not if you steal them from work | 19:08 |
sagredo | robg_: all I have is a DVD | 19:08 |
kibibyte | whos using windows | 19:08 |
sagredo | debian: it's the iso | 19:08 |
daftykins | i'm not familiar with ever needing to play with an "APIC" mode in BIOS, and i'm very experienced with configuring BIOSs Dante123 | 19:08 |
cerebrate | kdubois: no | 19:08 |
robg_ | sagredo: we use CD because it is cheap. | 19:08 |
debian | sagredo: What os are you running? | 19:08 |
m4rtz | I don't think so kdubois | 19:08 |
debian | To burn the disk? | 19:08 |
Dante123 | daftykins i have to do nosplash to get any results that might be useful...hang on...Okay will leave apic as is | 19:09 |
kdubois | then why if i do chmod -x *, i cant get in any of my folders? | 19:09 |
daftykins | you don't really need to disable nosplash Dante123, you can switch between screens using ctrl+alt+ function keys from F1 to F12 to see boot progress, unless it properly locks up i guess... | 19:09 |
raistlinmaje7 | also, can I image a usb flash drive to an ISO? | 19:10 |
daftykins | lol folders can't be executable | 19:10 |
Dante123 | daftykins what about memory timing in bios | 19:10 |
daftykins | don't run "chmod +x *" that will break things. | 19:10 |
daftykins | what are you trying to do kdubois ? | 19:10 |
=== EmJay| is now known as EmJay | ||
debian | I want to run a system with four quad cores, would Ubuntu support this? | 19:10 |
gaurav_ | please can someone help me in editng my grub loader | 19:10 |
Oval | Hi guys. | 19:10 |
ltracy_ | debian, sure, why not? | 19:10 |
cerebrate | debian: it should. | 19:10 |
daftykins | debian the hardware you're talking about really doesn't sound like something appropriate for a more home user system like ubuntu ;x | 19:11 |
gaurav_ | i want to remove the previos versions | 19:11 |
smehmood | so X doesn't appear to be reading from xorg.conf. I tried blanked the file so it only contained a newline, and deleting it completely, and neither had any effect. does anyone know why this is the case? | 19:11 |
debian | ltracy_: I need a strange kernel | 19:11 |
ltracy_ | debian, why strange? | 19:11 |
smehmood | my /etc/X11 dir has tons of | 19:11 |
kdubois | daftykins: i'm trying to determine if a folder needs to be executable in order to cd into it | 19:11 |
smehmood | xorg.conf.\d+ | 19:11 |
debian | daftykins: Not? If I want to play games, then it is best to have the entire HD on a ramdisk. | 19:11 |
robg_ | daftikins: ubuntu is an industrial quality product. | 19:11 |
Oval | SFTP over Nautilus is portraying persistent problems with authentication (a very prominent one being a frozen 'Authentication Required' window). Is there a way for me to help debug this and report it? | 19:11 |
debian | ltracy_: It couldn't be normal... | 19:11 |
cerebrate | smehmood: what directory are you in? | 19:11 |
smehmood | cerebrate: /etc/X11 | 19:12 |
daftykins | robg_ that has no relevance to the question at hand | 19:12 |
daftykins | saying a product is for category x does not define its' hardware support. | 19:12 |
ltracy_ | debian, the SMP in the linux kernel supports more than 16 CPU's.. so it'll be fine | 19:12 |
Dante123 | daftykins what about raid? currently disabled | 19:12 |
tdobson | does anyone know much about V4l? specifically v4l2? | 19:12 |
tdobson | tdobson: what does the overlay bit mean here: /dev/video0 [v4l2]: no overlay support | 19:12 |
debian | ltracy_: Ok, 4*4=16cores... | 19:12 |
robg_ | daftikins: Europeans use Ubuntu in business and government. | 19:12 |
daftykins | Dante123 anything relating to the SATA ports on the chipset may cause the stalling if that's why it stalls after SATA as you say | 19:12 |
daftykins | a picture woulds till be great though ;) | 19:13 |
tRSS | is there a way to list all the updates without installing them? something like yum check-update for ubuntu? | 19:13 |
daftykins | it usually prompts you whether you want to continue anyway so i just run it tRSS | 19:13 |
kshah | ... that was a disaster.. now i'm in 800X600 lol | 19:13 |
m4rtz | robg_ : government in germany is def not using linux/ unix | 19:13 |
tRSS | daftykins: i am actually trying to automate the update process, hence, i just want to list all the updates before actually installing them | 19:14 |
Dante123 | daftykins yes, it seems to stall when doing stuff with sata. Do you have any bios suggestions around that? Raid? | 19:14 |
robg_ | m4rtz: French Gendarmerie: 80000 units. | 19:14 |
daftykins | see if it boots disabling all the SATA ports entirely Dante123 | 19:14 |
daftykins | then you know it's SATA | 19:14 |
smehmood | so i just fixed my screen resolution problems by deleting both 'xorg.conf' and 'xorg.conf.failsafe'. anyone know what's going on? | 19:14 |
daftykins | or the HDD you have connected causing ubuntu to stall | 19:14 |
m4rtz | nice ;) that's the way I like it hrhr | 19:14 |
smehmood | which file might it be reading from now? | 19:14 |
m11 | robg_: i read that macedoina is going for 180.000 pc units with ubuntu | 19:14 |
NamTCM | Hi all | 19:15 |
Don_Miguel | gaurav_:when you first boot up, you have 2-3 seconds to respond and then you can enter grub and edit those "old versions" out ... it does help to read the HOWTO and the other info links ... | 19:15 |
daftykins | i think it reads the monitors capability on every boot smehmood | 19:15 |
Dante123 | currently all of the sata ports are disabled....with raid disabled in bios | 19:15 |
Dante123 | daftykins | 19:15 |
robg_ | m11: Europe has no choice. Microsoft is not providing usable product. | 19:15 |
ltracy_ | what the heck is the name of that DVD burning software.. | 19:15 |
=== brocebesleepn is now known as brocebeats | ||
NamTCM | I want change my IRC's password, how to i do? | 19:15 |
daftykins | all the ports are disabled? surely not? | 19:15 |
tox | /msg ubottu etiquette | 19:15 |
cerebrate | ltracy_: brasero | 19:15 |
m11 | robg_: europe has choice and they choose ubuntu ;) | 19:15 |
tox | oops | 19:15 |
Dante123 | maybe I should enable raid and sata 1 where hd is daftykins? | 19:16 |
smehmood | daftykins: perhaps... but its not like it generated another xorg.conf or xorg.conf.failsafe. so it must be getting configuration settings from some other file | 19:16 |
gaurav_ | thanks don but there are old versins of ubuntu which i want to remove | 19:16 |
m4rtz | robg_: in ger they r still using xp or nt | 19:16 |
daftykins | smehmood no, it's quite feasible for it to have some process auto generating on boot. | 19:16 |
raistlinmaje7 | anyone? how do I take "Bus 005 Device 004" and get the corresponding /dev file? | 19:16 |
ltracy_ | cerebrate, thanks | 19:16 |
robg_ | m4rtz: everybody is still on XP but many will migrate to Ubuntu if MS does not provide usable alternative. | 19:16 |
Dante123 | what about acpi function daftykins? Any suggestion there...currenlty enabled | 19:16 |
daftykins | raistlinmaje7: have you tried running "sudo fdisk -l" and see if it lists the /dev/ of the USB key? | 19:16 |
ajopaul_ | have nvidia card on hardy compiz enabled Xorg and compiz.real take up 70 to 80 % of cpu .. is that normal ? | 19:17 |
razaccour | i got a question | 19:17 |
daftykins | just experiment Dante123 | 19:17 |
ajopaul_ | this drains my laptop battery very quickly.. | 19:17 |
daftykins | your computer sounds very odd. | 19:17 |
Dante123 | okay.....will get screen shot on reboot...thanks. | 19:17 |
raistlinmaje7 | its not a flash drive | 19:17 |
NamTCM | How to change username IRC password? | 19:17 |
NamTCM | How to change username IRC password? | 19:17 |
* daftykins slaps NamTCM around a bit with a large trout | 19:17 | |
daftykins | don't repeat yourself. | 19:17 |
razaccour | i don't have a printer, the library does. will i be able to print xcf images from a windows computer? | 19:17 |
debian | What is the easiest way to install ubuntu on a real partition without cd-boot? | 19:17 |
akazawa | NamTCM go to #freenode | 19:18 |
Don_Miguel | gaurav_: OH ! then you need to REALLY uninstall them ... editing grub will only remove those entries IN GRUB, they do NOT UNINSTALL any previous versions ... only the links that would load them if they still exist, as I understand it .. | 19:18 |
cerebrate | razaccour: xcf images are gimp project files basically. You'll want to save them as a jpeg most likely | 19:18 |
m4rtz | robg_: join #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss this... cuz I don't see that commin | 19:18 |
peachberry | I have a question. Is it possible to install ubuntu on a hard drive without altering the boot information on another hard drive with vista installed? | 19:18 |
lolzer | you know, I've always wondered how people take screenshots while the system is booting | 19:18 |
razaccour | how do i save them as jpeg? | 19:18 |
NamTCM | Ok, thx | 19:18 |
hacksilber | peachberry: do you have multiple harddrives? | 19:19 |
daftykins | using virtualisation software like VMWare lolzer | 19:19 |
akazawa | lolzer: what is this about screenshots while booting? | 19:19 |
peachberry | hackssilber: yeah | 19:19 |
robg_ | peachberry: can you not disconnect during install ? | 19:19 |
djtamse | hello does any one here use ubuntu ? | 19:19 |
peachberry | I can | 19:19 |
lolzer | oic. yeah, that makes sense | 19:19 |
Bshkot | uxac | 19:19 |
akazawa | ah | 19:19 |
daftykins | peachberry if you want ubuntu to boot as well as Vista, you will need to modify the vista boot HDD | 19:19 |
ajopaul_ | djtamse, this is #ubuntu | 19:19 |
peachberry | will that work? just disconnect the vista drive when I'm installing | 19:19 |
daftykins | unless you're swapping hard disks every time | 19:19 |
djtamse | ha ha okay im just new here didnt no :-D | 19:19 |
peachberry | daftykins: I don't want to dual boot | 19:20 |
daftykins | yes but you'll have to disconnect it every time to boot ubuntu | 19:20 |
daftykins | or change your boot order in BIOS | 19:20 |
peachberry | just be able to switch the boot order in BIOS to load which operating system I want. | 19:20 |
daftykins | very tedious :P | 19:20 |
hacksilber | peachberry, if you make your second drive your master and the vista drive the slave you shouldn't have to alter the vista installation | 19:20 |
djtamse | im woundering how to get a proper driver to my ati X1300 | 19:20 |
cerebrate | razaccour: if you're in GIMP, go to file -> save as, and then down near the bottom of the dialog box that came up, there's a drop down box that lets you select the filetype | 19:20 |
ajopaul_ | !ati > djtamse | 19:20 |
razaccour | thanks | 19:20 |
peachberry | hacksliber: okay thanks a bunch. so ubuntu won't try to alter the boot table of the vista as long as it's a slave drive? | 19:20 |
djtamse | ? | 19:20 |
deltaray2 | Is there any equivilent CLI program to RedHat's chkconfig program in Debian/Ubuntu? | 19:21 |
daftykins | that's what i need to find out deltaray2, so set some services on boot in ubuntu server | 19:21 |
daftykins | peachberry if it can see the vista HDD it will modify it | 19:21 |
lolzer | deltaray2: sysv-rc-conf | 19:21 |
tharis20 | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? <- I have this error when i'm trying to sudo apt-get install audacious | 19:21 |
backslash7 | Hi everyone | 19:21 |
backslash7 | A simple question: | 19:21 |
deltaray2 | lolzer, I don't have that command, is that an extra package to install? | 19:22 |
Dante123 | daftykins i have the photos.....can I send them to you? | 19:22 |
backslash7 | When I cd to /home and list directories, there are some users, just normal. And a home folder "guest" (has no user) whiches background is green. Why is that ? | 19:22 |
lolzer | deltaray2: you will need to install sysv-rc-conf first then from a terminal : sudo sysv-rc-conf | 19:22 |
daftykins | use a free hosting website like | 19:22 |
peachberry | daftykins: oh. I'll just disconnect it when I'm installing. what about after I installed it? like will it try to alter the boot table after the initial install? I mean after I install ubuntu on that hard drive with only that hard drive and then connect the vista hard drive. | 19:22 |
cerebrate | tharis20: make sure you don't have synaptic, add/remove programs, or are installing anything else from the command line | 19:22 |
daftykins | @ Dante123 | 19:22 |
deltaray2 | Nevermind | 19:22 |
tharis20 | cerebrate, thanks ;) | 19:22 |
daftykins | no it won't peachberry | 19:22 |
daftykins | it'll either run or not run | 19:22 |
Dante123 | daftykins how do I sent them to you? | 19:23 |
peachberry | daftykins: okay. thanks for the help. I'll give it a try. :) | 19:23 |
daftykins | use a free hosting website like Dante123 | 19:23 |
backslash7 | Anyone please ???? | 19:23 |
backslash7 | ls => directory with green background ; WHY ? | 19:23 |
lolzer | deltaray2: sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf - it's small in size and very useful if you are used to chkconfig | 19:24 |
Assid | heya | 19:24 |
lolzer | it's the second thing I install after firestarter | 19:24 |
backslash7 | Would someone please answer my question? I'm not able to find anything in google. "ls" => directory with green background | 19:24 |
backslash7 | why is that ? | 19:24 |
Assid | err.. ubuntuforums down? | 19:25 |
daftykins | "ls -l" show anything backslash7 ? | 19:25 |
daftykins | (about its' permissions) | 19:25 |
razaccour | it worked, thanks very much | 19:25 |
deltaray2 | lolzer, thanks | 19:25 |
backslash7 | thanks daftykins. Sure, some directories, one of them has green background, why is that ? | 19:25 |
razaccour | cerebrate | 19:25 |
cerebrate | welcome | 19:25 |
backslash7 | ah | 19:25 |
backslash7 | wait | 19:25 |
skillet | backslash7, cause of permissions | 19:25 |
skillet | its prob set to 777 | 19:26 |
backslash7 | root root | 19:26 |
razaccour | i'm gonna get off here and head to the library | 19:26 |
razaccour | yall have a great day | 19:26 |
backslash7 | I'd like to use it for a everyone-full-access-samba-share ^^ | 19:26 |
backslash7 | So I just chmod 777 it ? | 19:26 |
justprogramming8 | hi i have problem with pppoeconf when i write this command in terminal i have this massage Sorry, I scanned 1 interface, but the Access Concentrator of your provider did not respond. Please check your network and modem cables. Another reason for the scan failure may also be another running pppoe process which controls the modem. | 19:26 |
cerebrate | backslash7: that is probably a very bad security practice, but sure, go ahead | 19:27 |
ajopaul_ | hardy upgrade /nvidia, have xorg and compiz.real take up 70 / 80 % of cpu . is this normal ? | 19:27 |
skillet | backslash7, thats what it is alraedy more then likely... chmod 755 | 19:27 |
backslash7 | Ah of course, files don't need to be executed | 19:27 |
lee_ | is there any way to make X Vsync? | 19:27 |
cerebrate | ajopaul_: no, that doesn't sound right | 19:27 |
backslash7 | 755 = ? ; 777 = ? cerebrate or skillet | 19:27 |
Dante123 | daftykins | 19:28 |
dkT | I get a "403 forbidden" when trying to access web site (locally) through a symboliv link... Help | 19:28 |
ajopaul_ | cerebrate, any know reasons? | 19:28 |
lee_ | is there any way to make X Vsync? | 19:28 |
CorbinFox | for no apparent reason, when I press on an arrow key in firefox it has a little flashing line just like how a word processor has when you are typing. If i press down, it scrolls down line by line, and on websites that can be sporadic. has this happened to anyone else before? any fix? | 19:28 |
ma3x | hello i want to know what application (package) is used in live ubuntu cd to support the hotkeys such as Fn+F8 (screen brightness, volume adjustment) ? | 19:28 |
ma3x | what package does that? | 19:28 |
justprogramming8 | any one help me | 19:29 |
justprogramming8 | ??? | 19:29 |
cerebrate | ajopaul_: I have no clue. Make sure you've got the correct nvidia driver installed is about all I can think of | 19:29 |
ShadowBelmolve | anyone can say a program to video straming? i need to move direct from camera( by firewire) to server, in windows i have used the Windows Media Encoder | 19:29 |
skillet | backslash7, | 19:29 |
Slart | CorbinFox: I think that's a feature.. something like cursor navigation | 19:29 |
cerebrate | ShadowBelmolve: check add/remove programs for 'video editing' | 19:29 |
CorbinFox | slart: then why would it just start at random? i didnt do anything with any settings or is kind of messing with me right now, i don't like this "feature" | 19:30 |
backslash7 | skillet: Just browsing there (through google) :D But thanks | 19:30 |
backslash7 | Hope this works with samba | 19:30 |
Slart | CorbinFox: you probably pressed some weirdo key combination by mistake.. I found it the last time it happened to me.. I think I can find it again =) | 19:30 |
CorbinFox | ah, i found the setting....i wonder how it got selected...considering i havent been in my firefox preferences in a week or so | 19:30 |
ajopaul_ | cerebrate, ok, now thats my confusion here.. when most complex 3d function work fine viz games cubes etc. how can i conclude if my driver is incorrect | 19:31 |
ShadowBelmolve | cerebrate: return nothing =/ | 19:31 |
lee_ | is there any way to make X Vsync? | 19:31 |
CorbinFox | slart: you know what! earlier today i was turning down my amarok volume (i use a key combo of Winkey and arrows) and it gave me that stupid message of caret browsing (which isnt unusual) but there was another blank window that I just closed without clicking yes or no to. it could have been that | 19:32 |
MrGlass | hi | 19:32 |
Slart | CorbinFox: that sounds very plausible | 19:32 |
daftykins | i'm sorry Dante123 i have no idea what to say about that problem, you can try googling for "ubuntu driver sd" or something but i don't know what to suggest | 19:32 |
cerebrate | ShadowBelmolve: I believe you want to install the program "Kino" | 19:32 |
MrGlass | I just installed a new sata hard drive in my pc | 19:32 |
Slart | CorbinFox: ah.. it's F7 | 19:32 |
MrGlass | how do i get ubuntu to recognize, format, and mount it? | 19:32 |
daftykins | MrGlass | 19:32 |
CorbinFox | hmm, i wasnt anywhere near the F# keys | 19:32 |
daftykins | open a terminal window, type "sudo fdisk -l" | 19:32 |
cerebrate | ajopaul_: go into synaptic, and tell me what nvidia-glx package you are using | 19:33 |
daftykins | you should be given a line about the new hard disk, correct ? | 19:33 |
ajopaul_ | ok | 19:33 |
ShadowBelmolve | cerebrate: i have kino, but, to sendo the video to server? i have see the icecast2, ah, i need to sendo camera -> server in real-time | 19:33 |
CorbinFox | ah well, it is fixed either way, thanks for the help :D | 19:33 |
dkT | How can I give full access to a folder and its subfolder for apache (sudo chown -hR apache DIR doesn't works)??? | 19:33 |
MrGlass | hold, ill go try. laptop is 5 feet from the PC | 19:33 |
Dante123 | daftykins I tried puppy linux livecd and it got hung up you think it could be related to dvd drive (only cd type driver there). I have it plugged into mobo ide pins via 80 pin cable that came with mobo....hd is sata | 19:33 |
cerebrate | ShadowBelmolve: That sounds something like using vlc to set up a stream. I'm not entirely sure how to do that, and I don't know what software would be able to do that other than vlc | 19:33 |
Dante123 | although windows installed off dvd drive fine | 19:34 |
daftykins | it's possible Dante123 i haven't tried booting linux from a PATA CD drive on a modern SATA system so i can't comment | 19:34 |
Pici | backslash7: fyi (I was curious) I believe files with a green background like that mean that they have "search permission is granted to others, and the restricted deletion flag is set" | 19:34 |
MrGlass | daftykins: it lists the new hd, in a seperate list from the mounted hd | 19:35 |
cerebrate | daftykins: my desktop uses sata hd's and a pata cd-rom drive. It works with ubuntu fine | 19:35 |
backslash7 | ah okay Pici thank you :D | 19:35 |
thingfish | Dante123: there should be no problem booting off the drive. | 19:35 |
daftykins | good good, what /dev/ was it? | 19:35 |
daftykins | /dev/sdb ? | 19:35 |
ShadowBelmolve | cerebrate: i cannot install vlc, says various of dependences is not stable =/ | 19:35 |
MrGlass | yes | 19:35 |
thingfish | Dante123: I use a PATA optical drive with SATA hard drive and no problems. | 19:35 |
daftykins | ok "sudo apt-get install gparted" MrGlass | 19:35 |
cerebrate | ShadowBelmolve: attempt to correct that by opening up Synaptic, and finding vlc there. | 19:35 |
MrGlass | k. does that require an internet connection? | 19:36 |
Assid | anyone here playing with openvz | 19:36 |
daftykins | yes it does | 19:36 |
gaurav_ | the window of grub loader shows other os | 19:36 |
MrGlass | hmm, k | 19:36 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,kernel 2.6.24-16-generic (on/dev/sda1) | 19:36 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,kernel 2.6.24-16-generic (recovery mode) (on/dev/sda1) | 19:36 |
daftykins | ah you don't have one eh :( | 19:36 |
Dante123 | well thingfish and daftykins I found this | 19:36 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (on/dev/sda1) | 19:36 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode) (on/dev/sda1) | 19:36 |
FloodBot3 | gaurav_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:36 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,memtest 86+ (on/dev/sda1) | 19:36 |
MrGlass | no internet on that pc | 19:36 |
MrGlass | but ill grab the gparted boot disk | 19:36 |
MrGlass | shoulda thought of that | 19:36 |
Dante123 | I'm wondering if I should put another regular cd drive in this machine and try booting ubuntu livecd with that | 19:36 |
ShadowBelmolve | cerebrate: i have tryed, but in synaptic is the same | 19:36 |
daftykins | MrGlass wait | 19:36 |
daftykins | type "parted" it should be installed already | 19:37 |
ShadowBelmolve | cerebrate: Depende: vlc-nox mas não será instalado | 19:37 |
ShadowBelmolve | Depende: ttf-dejavu but it is not installable | 19:37 |
robg_ | Dante123: are you keeping your finger on F8 during CD boot ? | 19:37 |
MrGlass | indeed it is | 19:38 |
cerebrate | ShadowBelmolve: go attempt to install ttf-dejavu | 19:38 |
MrGlass | daftykins: how do i format this? needs to be ntfs, unfortunately | 19:38 |
I440r | ok, i have a MAJOR gripe about something that the ubuntu install does | 19:38 |
I440r | this is VERY annoying | 19:38 |
daftykins | ntfs :( | 19:38 |
LogiTech | Could anyone tell with which channel i need to join to get info/help about electronic stuff like..."mp4,iphone,ipod,mp3...which better and so on" | 19:38 |
ShadowBelmolve | cerebrate: ttf-desavu-core is instaled >.< | 19:38 |
marlon_ | #feuerzeug | 19:39 |
I440r | why does the ubuntu install have to even TOUCH my hardware clock | 19:39 |
ShadowBelmolve | dejavu* | 19:39 |
dury | | 19:39 |
jpds | I440r: to set the time? | 19:39 |
cerebrate | l440r: so it can figure out what time it is? | 19:39 |
gieswein | /j #ubuntu-de | 19:39 |
I440r | i installed ubuntu to an external usb drive and at the end of the install it said "now setting your hardware clock" | 19:39 |
I440r | my clock WAS set. it is now AFU | 19:39 |
I440r | ubuntu should NOT set the clock to find out what time it is | 19:39 |
cerebrate | ShadowBelmolve: are there any other dejavu packages? | 19:39 |
daftykins | i'm afraid i haven't used "parted" much personally MrGlass but typing "print" shows the current disks etc and "help" will give you command help | 19:39 |
iam9376 | how can you determine what is using the hard drive | 19:40 |
I440r | this sooooooooo wrong! | 19:40 |
Dante123 | is there anything wrong with hooking up dvd drive with 80 pin cable to ide pins on mobo? or should it be 40? | 19:40 |
MrGlass | yeah, ubuntu killed my time too. I just reset it in windows | 19:40 |
MrGlass | thanks daftykins | 19:40 |
jpds | I440r: so fix it with NTP or something | 19:40 |
daftykins | I440r being angry about it won't help anything | 19:40 |
gieswein | j/ #ubuntu-de | 19:40 |
Pici | I440r: This is a support channel, I suggest you log a bug if you think this is a problem. | 19:40 |
I440r | until i did this ubunto instal i could boot between windows and linux and my time was correct in both cases | 19:40 |
MrGlass | i think ill just get the live gparted | 19:40 |
tyler_ | so i have a smb fileshare and i go to places network then choose the music drive....then the music drive appears on my deskto that says music on trying to find this mount in amarok and its not under media where the rest are where is it? | 19:40 |
MrGlass | ive used it before | 19:40 |
lolzer | iam9376: from terminal type: top | 19:40 |
I440r | jpds i have done so and every time i boot now my time is wrong. | 19:40 |
ShadowBelmolve | cerebrate: no, if i search by "ttf-dejavu" only show, ttf-dejavu-core and ttf-bitsream-vera | 19:40 |
daftykins | gparted is nice :) | 19:40 |
genii | Dante123: Should not matter the ribbon. It will just use it to decide what level of UDMA it can use | 19:40 |
I440r | ubuntu has NO right to mess with my hardware clock. why does it need to | 19:40 |
I440r | its WRONG | 19:40 |
I440r | big time | 19:40 |
jpds | !ntp | I440r | 19:41 |
ubottu | I440r: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at - See for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) | 19:41 |
daftykins | I440r it's your own fault for installing ubuntu with UTC time | 19:41 |
MrGlass | I440r | 19:41 |
iam9376 | lolzer: top doesnt show disk activity per application | 19:41 |
daftykins | :P | 19:41 |
Pici | I440r: Calm down. | 19:41 |
Pici | daftykins: be nice. | 19:41 |
tyler_ | shouldnt it appear in media once its mounted or shows up on desktop? | 19:41 |
I440r | there is no reason why an install should touch my hardware clock | 19:41 |
daftykins | i'm finding it really hard in here, Pici | 19:41 |
I440r | pici im not foaming at the mouth | 19:41 |
daftykins | i'm gonna go now anyway, came to get help and ended up helping myself | 19:41 |
daftykins | such a bad habit :( | 19:41 |
daftykins | bye all o/ | 19:41 |
gaurav_ | mr floodnbot kindly help | 19:42 |
Dante123 | genii thanks | 19:42 |
Pici | I440r: If you want this to change for the future you need to file a bug at The developers arent watching in here for every issue. | 19:42 |
I440r | why does the ubuntu install ever touch the hardware clock | 19:42 |
genii | Dante123: np | 19:42 |
MrGlass | I440r: this is a support channel. None of these guys have anything to do with what the install did. Calm down. Im sure theyll help you fix the issue | 19:42 |
combo | hi! i've just confugred PPPoE dialup and have a question, how to fast reset this connection so my IP would be changed? | 19:42 |
kibibyte | do you know some tool to read image from scratched dvd? i have dvd , i can play it but when im using k3b it stops at 45% when making image from dvd becaouse of read error | 19:42 |
alan_m | I440r, it really just checks if the clocks set to UTC or not, thats all as far as i know. | 19:42 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: dd | 19:43 |
kibibyte | what is it | 19:43 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: man dd | 19:43 |
ajopaul_ | cerebrate, sory for the delay its 169.12+ nvidia-glx-new | 19:43 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: there's an option to ignore errors and continue | 19:43 |
tyler_ | so i have a smb fileshare and i go to places network then choose the music drive....then the music drive appears on my deskto that says music on trying to find this mount in amarok and its not under media where the rest are where is it? | 19:43 |
kibibyte | where?? | 19:43 |
I440r | alan_m "now SETTING yoru hardware clock" and after that message booting back and forth between windows and linux i have to fix my clock | 19:43 |
kibibyte | in dd? | 19:43 |
tyler_ | shouldnt it appear in media once its mounted or shows up on desktop? | 19:43 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: ok, so some of the data will be lost, but you ought to be able to recover at least some of the files | 19:43 |
Dante123 | robg_ no i wasnt' holding f8 down...should I? | 19:43 |
combo | 'fast way to reset' - i mean without loggin out :P | 19:44 |
I440r | my computer used to know what time it was no matter which OS i booted to | 19:44 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: the option is "noerror" or something | 19:44 |
gordonjcp | combo: What exactly are you trying to do? | 19:44 |
cerebrate | ajopaul_: the only thing I can think of is installing the nvidia-glx (no 'new'), but I don't know if that'll fix the problem. | 19:44 |
kibibyte | gordonjcp, in dd? | 19:44 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: yes | 19:44 |
MrGlass | It assumes that your hardware clock was set wrong, and tries to fix it. It somehow set my clock back 3 hours too. I just went and set it manually again | 19:44 |
debian | Is 8.04 newest ubuntu? | 19:44 |
combo | gordonjcp: i want to reset my PPPoE connection, so i would have other IP adress | 19:44 |
ajopaul_ | cerebrate, ok will give a try for tat.. | 19:44 |
robg_ | Dante123: when booting from CD you MUST keep your finger on F8 (boot options key) until well into boot. | 19:44 |
combo | gordonjcp: it is usefull with rapidshare, etc. ;P | 19:44 |
gordonjcp | combo: power cycle the modem? | 19:45 |
gaurav_ | this is what i am facing every day.please help me remove these os | 19:45 |
combo | gordonjcp: probably yes :) | 19:45 |
thingfish | robg_: that's funny, I've never heard of that before. Is this something peculiar to laptops? | 19:45 |
I440r | how do i fix it so that i dont have to constantly fix my clock? | 19:45 |
Dante123 | robg_ will try that | 19:45 |
gaurav_ | the window of grub loader shows other os | 19:46 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,kernel 2.6.24-16-generic (on/dev/sda1) | 19:46 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,kernel 2.6.24-16-generic (recovery mode) (on/dev/sda1) | 19:46 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (on/dev/sda1) | 19:46 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode) (on/dev/sda1) | 19:46 |
FloodBot3 | gaurav_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:46 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu 8.04,memtest 86+ (on/dev/sda1) | 19:46 |
Lynet | I440r: Add your venting to this bug: | 19:46 |
robg_ | thingfish: I am talking desktops. | 19:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 49564 in aboot-installer "Installer messed up the system clock time." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:46 |
tyler_ | shouldnt it appear in media once its mounted or shows up on desktop? | 19:46 |
tyler_ | so i have a smb fileshare and i go to places network then choose the music drive....then the music drive appears on my deskto that says music on trying to find this mount in amarok and its not under media where the rest are where is it? | 19:46 |
gaurav_ | hey floodbot | 19:46 |
NamTCM | My client IRC is Pidgin, if the room have many peoples and i want find someone. How do i do? | 19:46 |
The_PHP_Jedi | wpa_supplicant isn't wanting to connect for some reason. Here's the debug output: -- it works with the same configuration in my old Ubuntu install, and I can connect using debian. :-s | 19:46 |
hp2133 | I440r: install ntpd that will sync time with time servers. Or click on the date/time applet and in properties change from manual to internet (it will install the right packages for you) | 19:46 |
dury | to install spanish package.... I mean I want all system in spanish is it sudo "apt-get install language-es" for instance | 19:46 |
thingfish | robg_: there is no way that you have to hold F8 during boot to get the machine to boot off the optical drive. | 19:46 |
gordonjcp | I440r: right click on the clock, and bring up preferences->time settings | 19:46 |
lolzer | I440r: there is a way to adjust windows to use UTC and then you won't have a difference when switching back and forth | 19:47 |
nochd | what's the correct way to install postgresql 8.2 in hardy heron? should I enable the gutsy repository? | 19:47 |
robg_ | thingfish: If you do not press a boot options key the machine will boot from harddrive. | 19:47 |
lw0x15 | yo what's the file called where i can change the right click menu options ? (fluxbox) | 19:47 |
thingfish | robg_: not on most computers | 19:47 |
debian | How do I make wubi use the iso I allready have downloaded? | 19:47 |
thingfish | robg_: most computers, you put in a livecd, hit enter once, and you're off and running | 19:48 |
Dante123 | robg_ tried that......held f8 for a couple of minutes....then dvd drive stopped spinning....still nothing | 19:48 |
robg_ | Dante123: look up the boot options key on your machine in the documentation. | 19:48 |
The_PHP_Jedi | wpa_supplicant isn't wanting to connect for some reason (using ndiswrapper). Here's the debug output: -- it works with the same configuration in my old Ubuntu install, and I can connect using debian. :-s | 19:48 |
thingfish | or even without doing anything, most machines will boot straight to the primary optical drive as long as it's set that way in BIOS> | 19:48 |
Dante123 | robg_ i have in bios to boot from cd first. holding f8 is not making a difference | 19:48 |
NamTCM | I have a source file. How to build it to deb file to install in ubuntu? | 19:49 |
amenado | thingfish-> thats dependent on how the bios is configured | 19:49 |
lolzer | I440r: go to and scroll down until you see: Make Windows use UTC | 19:49 |
Dante123 | but worth a shot I guess. robg_ | 19:49 |
robg_ | Dante123: Keep pressing the key to force the machine to boot from CD. | 19:49 |
orehon | Anyone from Japan? | 19:50 |
Dante123 | the machine is booting from cd......the problem is that the boot process is haging.....see this pic | 19:50 |
erUSUL | !jp | 19:50 |
ubottu | 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい | 19:50 |
NamTCM | How to build a deb file from source file? | 19:51 |
iam9376 | there has to be some what to determine what application is causing all this disk activity | 19:51 |
robg_ | Dante123: Either faulty hardware or faulty CD. | 19:51 |
dury | ohio | 19:51 |
The_PHP_Jedi | NamTCM, ./configure and then run 'make install' (you should be root to do these) | 19:51 |
Dante123 | I'm going to take out the wireless card (just in case it is causing a problem) and then put a new cd drive in.... | 19:51 |
genii | NamTCM: Google should tell you some things about the app checkinstall | 19:52 |
rich_freecomm | Has anyone been able to get Swfdec Flash Player to work? (curious) | 19:52 |
combo | any ideas? :/ | 19:52 |
amenado | iam9376-> look if an entry is active at that time | 19:53 |
evanderv | Hi guys for some reason I can no longer open up synaptic package manager | 19:53 |
amenado | iam9376-> look if an entry in cron* is active at that time | 19:53 |
evanderv | I see the start window running | 19:53 |
evanderv | but then it stops | 19:53 |
iam9376 | amenado: how | 19:54 |
amenado | iam9376-> look in the crontab | 19:54 |
erUSUL | !checkinstall > NamTCM | 19:54 |
rich_freecomm | evanderv: does it report another instance? | 19:54 |
_paneb | how can i find out whether my video card is pci express or agp? | 19:54 |
evanderv | no | 19:54 |
=== Biolunar_ is now known as Biolunar | ||
amenado | iam9376-> or use top to see what process is going on | 19:54 |
evanderv | I have restarted the computer many times | 19:54 |
evanderv | it still does it | 19:54 |
iam9376 | top only reveals Xorg as being highly active | 19:54 |
evanderv | I can run apt-get from command no probs | 19:54 |
Izzi | How do I copy information on the network drivers from the livecd to a current installation? | 19:54 |
Lynet | evanderv: Try starting it from the command line to see if it burps any errors. gksudo synaptic | 19:55 |
rich_freecomm | heh (grasping) have you tried to get-apt synaptic again (if it's possible) :D | 19:55 |
erUSUL | Izzi: mount both resources (the network drive and the local disk) and copy the data | 19:56 |
Izzi | erUSUL: I mounted the local disk, what data specifically am I copying? | 19:56 |
evanderv | Lynet: It just hangs there | 19:57 |
The_PHP_Jedi | wpa_supplicant isn't wanting to connect for some reason (using ndiswrapper). Here's the debug output: -- it works with the same configuration in my old Ubuntu install, and I can connect using debian. :-s | 19:57 |
Izzi | I upgraded and lost my network drivers | 19:57 |
dury | hey guys what's the spanish packages | 19:57 |
MFietje | just upgraded the kernel | 19:57 |
m1dn1ght | Hey guys - is there any reason why the webcam which was working fine last time I booted ubuntu would suddenly not be viewable? | 19:57 |
NemesisD | hi, i wanna look at hard drive in a hex editor. before I go and do something really stupid like open the device in the editor and probably crash something, i was wondering if anyone had any better way to do it | 19:57 |
MFietje | there were some updates today | 19:57 |
Izzi | erUSUL: do you know which data to copy? | 19:57 |
The_PHP_Jedi | !es dury | 19:58 |
ubottu | Factoid es dury not found | 19:58 |
The_PHP_Jedi | :-\ | 19:58 |
erUSUL | Izzi: oooh i missunderstand you thought you where copying data files from a sever to your machine using the livecd | 19:58 |
Pxrbot | Hi, ive just installed hardy on the new laptop, put the nvidia driver on but i cant change the resolution past very low, id be grateful for any help :) | 19:58 |
m1dn1ght | Ok - now the lsusb command isn't working. That's slightly odd. | 19:58 |
Chuggst3r | Sweet delicious victory! | 19:58 |
dury | The_PHP_Jedi: how do I type in terminal? | 19:59 |
Lynet | evanderv: Hard to say what the cause is without some sort of error message. I suppose you could try to reinstall synaptic. | 19:59 |
ali1234 | why does rhythmbox need such an absurd amount of CPU in hardy? it basically uses as much CPU as it possibly can, all the time. i have a CPU with hyperthreading, and so this problem is not noticeable, rhythmbox can sit and max the CPU - fine, i still have another "core" for everything else. but if i run another program that legitimately uses 100% CPU, for example, doing a render in blender, then suddenly rhythmbox cant even manage to play music without stuttering | 19:59 |
ali1234 | hmm sorry for long rant :( | 19:59 |
Chuggst3r | I finally fixed my video card issues! | 19:59 |
The_PHP_Jedi | dury, open the terminal and type into it... | 19:59 |
The_PHP_Jedi | ali1234, complain with the rhythmbox developers :) | 19:59 |
johey | Is there any alternative cd for Ubuntu server as well? | 19:59 |
The_PHP_Jedi | to, rather. | 19:59 |
erUSUL | ali1234: i do not have that problem ... no change between hardy and gutsy cpu usage | 20:00 |
m1dn1ght | Dury . Click Applications > Accessories > Terminal. Type away | 20:00 |
evanderv | Lynet: best way to install it again would be? | 20:00 |
dury | The_PHP_Jedi: which command.... and what? | 20:00 |
kiris | how do I get to the advanced desktop effects settings dialog on ubuntu? | 20:00 |
kiris | it's appeared on my PC but not my desktop | 20:00 |
The_PHP_Jedi | dury, what do you want to do? | 20:00 |
robg_ | johey: you would have to look in the mirror: // | 20:00 |
m1dn1ght | ok - sorry if someone was responding to my question, but I need to reboot. | 20:00 |
dury | I'm terminal right now | 20:00 |
kiris | er, not my laptop | 20:00 |
dury | The_PHP_Jedi: install spanish packages for gnome | 20:00 |
ali1234 | basically, pre hardy, rhythmbox would behave nice when the machine was loaded by other apps. now it stutters if it cannot have it's 100% cpu | 20:00 |
The_PHP_Jedi | dury: check #ubuntu-es -- they probably know. | 20:01 |
rich_freecomm | kiris: Syetem -> appearance -> visual effects -> extra | 20:01 |
rich_freecomm | :P | 20:01 |
ali1234 | CPU usage hasn;t actually changed | 20:01 |
Lynet | evanderv: apt-get remove, apt-get install I guess. | 20:01 |
johey | robg_, I only find server, desktop and alternate. Not server-alternate. | 20:01 |
evanderv | yeah I thought so doing it now | 20:01 |
evanderv | :D | 20:01 |
The_PHP_Jedi | Do y'all know why wpa_supplicant isn't connecting to my access point on my new install, even though it works on my old install? | 20:01 |
tdawgedogg | whats the terminal command to view my network shares? | 20:02 |
robg_ | johey: if it is not there then it probably does not exist. Pity through. Drive encryption would be welcome on a server. | 20:02 |
tux | how come there is no /etc/exports file in heron ? | 20:02 |
evanderv | Lynet: This also happens when I run LikeWise | 20:02 |
Chuggst3r | fde: You around? | 20:02 |
tux | how do I create one, touch /etc/exports? | 20:02 |
evanderv | not sure if its relaterd | 20:02 |
tdawgedogg | whats the terminal command to view my network shares? | 20:03 |
rich_freecomm | What do people use (first hand experience) to view SWFs? nothing I've tried works...ideas? | 20:03 |
johey | robg_, Yeah, and the possibility to boot the cd would be nice as well. | 20:03 |
KeKoS | hi I have got kubuntu 8.04. I'm trying to run a *.deb file but it doesn't allow me and keep asking me for a program to run the file, anyone can help me? yhanks | 20:03 |
ali1234 | tdawgedogg: assuming you means windows networking, smbclient -L <machine> | 20:03 |
The_PHP_Jedi | rich_freecomm, I just use Firefox (I open the file through it). | 20:03 |
Slart | KeKoS: you don't run .deb files.. they are not executable | 20:03 |
tdawgedogg | ah i figured it out shares-admin | 20:04 |
david__ | whats a DBus launch error in banshee music player? | 20:04 |
The_PHP_Jedi | Do y'all know why wpa_supplicant isn't connecting to my access point on my new install, even though it works on my old install? | 20:04 |
rich_freecomm | The_PHP_Jedi: tried that....even if the file is local, it acts like it's 'downloading it' with a continuous circle | 20:04 |
Linux_User | hi all | 20:04 |
johey | Why isn't there a alternate version for Ubuntu server? | 20:04 |
Slart | KeKoS: if you want to install it you use dpkg .. "sudo dpkg --install yourdebfile.deb" | 20:04 |
keith | Is there a reason that wireless networks don't seem to update in Ubuntu? They seem fixed at what is available when I turn the computer on... | 20:04 |
daftykins | i need IP forwarding set to enabled permanently on a couple of ubuntu server systems, i have the line "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" in /etc/sysctl.conf but the system doesn't seem to read it on startup so it doesn't get set, meaning i have to run "sysctl -p" to force it to do so, how do i solve this? | 20:04 |
KeKoS | Slart I would like to install a program *.deb and I used to do it on Ubuntu | 20:04 |
daftykins | "dpkg -i blah.deb" for ubuntu | 20:05 |
KeKoS | they are packages | 20:05 |
Slart | KeKoS: either you just double-click on the deb in gnome..or use the terminal command I wrote above | 20:05 |
The_PHP_Jedi | rich_freecomm, odd. I don't know of any standalone .swf players... so I can't help you any further. :-s | 20:05 |
Linux_User | i have fedora9 and win XP installed on my system. If i install Ubuntu will the Grub autommatically add fedora 9 and Win XP or not? | 20:05 |
evanderv | Lynet: I dont think its the program itself | 20:05 |
jelmer | keith: even if you run "iwlist scan" from the command line? | 20:05 |
The_PHP_Jedi | Linux_User, yes, it will. | 20:05 |
evanderv | I think its something to do with administrative applications | 20:05 |
evanderv | Lynet: I can't run any of them | 20:05 |
jelmer | keith: if so, it is probably a bug in the driver for your wireless network card | 20:05 |
erUSUL | Linux_User: windows probably ; fedora not likely | 20:05 |
rich_freecomm | The_PHP_Jedi: maybe I should have stayed with FF2? :D | 20:05 |
keith | jelmer: I was unaware of that command... so I don't know | 20:05 |
KeKoS | ok thanks | 20:05 |
david__ | hey guys | 20:05 |
david__ | quick question | 20:06 |
g[r]eek | Hi how do I remove an installed program (munin) | 20:06 |
The_PHP_Jedi | g[r]eek, use Synaptic. | 20:06 |
jelmer | keith: generally, networkmanager (the icon in your panel) should do the right thing | 20:06 |
robg_ | Linux_User: the latest instal usually becomes boot and usually provides links to other installed OSes. But strange things happen. | 20:06 |
g[r]eek | The_PHP_Jedi, via command line? | 20:06 |
Slart | g[r]eek: synaptic or sudo apt-get remove packagename .. | 20:06 |
keith | jelmer: How often does it update its list? | 20:06 |
david__ | whats a DBus launch error in BANSHEE MUSIC PLAYER? anyone know :(..? | 20:06 |
Lynet | evanderv: Hmm.. Might perhaps be something borked with root or perhaps with pam. If you're using likewise (Win AD integration, right?) there might perhaps be something there. | 20:06 |
omniiii | morning folks.. got a bit of a qunadry | 20:06 |
The_PHP_Jedi | g[r]eek, no, open the application Synaptic. It should be in your System menu | 20:06 |
g[r]eek | Ok thanks - does that remove all log files associated to it etc | 20:06 |
Slart | g[r]eek: use --purge if you want to remove all configuration files too | 20:06 |
teq | hello, is there a way I can burn mp3 files into an audio cd with ubuntu? thanks | 20:06 |
Linux_User | <erUSUL> What to do then to have Ubuntu, Fedora and Win xP all on the same system? | 20:06 |
jelmer | keith: not sure, but quickly enough | 20:06 |
chad | !pastebin | 20:06 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 20:06 |
g[r]eek | The_PHP_Jedi, thanks but I need the command line - server edition | 20:07 |
g[r]eek | Slart, ok thanks | 20:07 |
Slart | teq: brasero can burn audio cd's from mp3s | 20:07 |
jelmer | keith: it *may* be a bug in networkmanager though, that's why it would be useful if you can verify that "iwlist scan" also doesn't work | 20:07 |
The_PHP_Jedi | g[r]eek, then use 'apt-get remove package' | 20:07 |
erUSUL | Linux_User: just add fedora yourself it shouldn't be that hard | 20:07 |
omniiii | just installed ubuntu on my HP Pavilion DV6000 (nvidia chipset) and can't seem to get the wireless networking to work | 20:07 |
evanderv | Lynet: I do have Likewise | 20:07 |
_paneb | how can i find out whether my video card is pci express or agp? | 20:07 |
evanderv | I will unistall it | 20:07 |
g[r]eek | The_PHP_Jedi, ok thanks | 20:07 |
teq | Slart: im using 7.10 | 20:07 |
keith | jelmer: will iwlist scan update the gui? | 20:07 |
teq | Slart: any tip? | 20:07 |
debian | How do I start Compiz Fusion on ubuntu 8.04? | 20:07 |
Slart | teq: brasero is available for 7.10 too | 20:07 |
mmi | paneb: Just look at which slot it goes in to on your motherboard | 20:07 |
jelmer | keith: I don't think it will | 20:07 |
=== mmi is now known as MotherMayI | ||
Slart | teq: sudo apt-get install brasero | 20:07 |
Linux_User | <erUSUL> How to add? plz simple solution, i am not an expert | 20:07 |
teq | Slart: apt-get install brasero? | 20:07 |
jelmer | keith: but it will be useful to figure out which bit of your system is failing | 20:07 |
debian | i want to congfigure it... | 20:07 |
erUSUL | Linux_User: you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add a "stanza" for booting fedora you can copy that from the fedora /boot/grub/menu.lst | 20:07 |
teq | Slart: lol ok thanks | 20:08 |
chad | I am getting a ton of problems with Evolution not resolving names in the exchange address book, a debug has led me to these errors: ... basically saying it cannot connect to the gnome_keyring ... connection refused | 20:08 |
LogiTech | in to which channel i have to go to get info about mp4,mp3,ipod,iphones and so on... | 20:08 |
PdUb101 | debian, go to add/remove programs and look up fuzion | 20:08 |
PdUb101 | debian, compiz* | 20:08 |
evanderv | I will unistall it | 20:08 |
keith | jelmer: I'll mess around with that, thanks | 20:08 |
omniiii | I've installed the Wireless LAN Manager but when I try to launch Wireless Assistant, I get this error: "Could not launch menu item. Unknown encoding of: file:///usr/share/applications/kde/wlassistant.desktop | 20:08 |
Lynet | evanderv: Just guessing at this point, really. Hard to tell without having some error message. | 20:08 |
omniiii | any help on wireless networking? | 20:08 |
The_PHP_Jedi | Do y'all know why wpa_supplicant isn't connecting to my access point on my new install, even though it works on my old install? Debug output: | 20:08 |
The_PHP_Jedi | omniiii, what's your specific issue? | 20:09 |
PdUb101 | debian, once you have installed compiz fusion go to applications > system tools and it should be in there | 20:09 |
omniiii | (12:08:31 PM) omni: I've installed the Wireless LAN Manager but when I try to launch Wireless Assistant, I get this error: "Could not launch menu item. Unknown encoding of: file:///usr/share/applications/kde/wlassistant.desktop | 20:09 |
daftykins | i need IP forwarding set to enabled permanently on a couple of ubuntu server systems, i have the line "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" in /etc/sysctl.conf but the system doesn't seem to read it on startup so it doesn't get set, meaning i have to run "sysctl -p" to force it to do so, how do i solve this? | 20:09 |
omniiii | The_PHP_Jedi: (12:07:14 PM) omni: just installed ubuntu on my HP Pavilion DV6000 (nvidia chipset) and can't seem to get the wireless networking to work | 20:09 |
teq | PdUb101: he needs to install compiz-settings first | 20:10 |
Slart | daftykins: I have the same problem.. I don't reboot my server very often but I have to set it manually | 20:10 |
g[r]eek | Worked. Thanks fellas. Cheers. | 20:10 |
debian | PdUb101: I can't find compiz in add remove programs... | 20:10 |
daftykins | it's annoying isn't it Slart | 20:10 |
MrObvious | The_PHP_Jedi: If I had to guess it is a bad key. | 20:10 |
Slart | daftykins: I tried the sysconf thingy too.. didn't work | 20:10 |
The_PHP_Jedi | omniiii, not familiar with KDE, sorry. | 20:10 |
Slart | daftykins: extremely annoying | 20:10 |
daftykins | yeah it's only updated if i run "syctl -p" | 20:10 |
omniiii | The_PHP_Jedi: I'm not using KDE, I just installed a fresh ubuntu | 20:10 |
MrObvious | The_PHP_Jedi: But that is merely a guess. Try using wi-fi without encryption for now. | 20:10 |
The_PHP_Jedi | MrObvious, I'm using exactly the same configuration file as my other systems, and it works. | 20:10 |
MrObvious | The_PHP_Jedi: Like I said, it's a guess. | 20:10 |
The_PHP_Jedi | MrObvious, eh.... that's not really an option. Security is a must here. | 20:10 |
Slart | daftykins: ah.. I usually log on using ssh and change it manually | 20:11 |
MrObvious | The_PHP_Jedi: Yeah I prefer WPA w\ a strong password too. | 20:11 |
The_PHP_Jedi | MrObvious, thanks for giving it a shot though. :) | 20:11 |
Linux_User | <erUSUL> Should I add it any where in menu file of ubuntu's grub? | 20:11 |
erUSUL | daftykins: add "sysctl -p" to /etc/rc.local as workaround ?? | 20:11 |
PdUb101 | debian, make sure the "show" tab says "all available applications" | 20:11 |
omniiii | the_PHP_jedi: so there's no KDE. I just need to know how to get wireless networking to work using the default ubuntu installation (using gnome I guess) | 20:11 |
visualnets | hello everyone | 20:11 |
erUSUL | Linux_User: at the end after the windows entry for example | 20:11 |
PdUb101 | debian, you are also going to want to install the advanced desktop effeects setting (ccsm) | 20:12 |
Linux_User | <erUSUL>ok, thx alot. I will try it | 20:12 |
chad | I am getting a ton of problems with Evolution not resolving names in the exchange address book, a debug has led me to these errors: ... basically saying it cannot connect to the gnome_keyring ... connection refused. Can anyone help ? | 20:12 |
The_PHP_Jedi | omniiii, well, gnome has a handy applet that's in the top bar... It's pretty straightforward. | 20:12 |
Mass_Kid | anyone having a problem with Mozilla where it reads spaces as tabs? | 20:12 |
omniiii | the_php_jedi: what's the name of it? I've looked at everything in the top bar and nothing seems to point me in the right direction | 20:12 |
The_PHP_Jedi | omniiii, you could try right click -> add to panel... and choose 'Network Monitor' (or something similar to that name) | 20:13 |
MrObvious | The_PHP_Jedi: Maybe post it in in the networking section and see if someone has any ideas. | 20:13 |
omniiii | the_php_jedi: I've installed the network selector, and in the menu it says "Wireless disabled" but the wireless is controlled by a physical toggle switch on the laptop, which is set to "on" and the status indicator is blue indicating that the wireless card is in fact activated | 20:13 |
The_PHP_Jedi | omniiii, then maybe you need to install the drivers for your card, perhaps using ndiswrapper if none are available for Linux natively. | 20:14 |
The_PHP_Jedi | MrObvious, I think I'll do that... Apparently there's no support chan for wpa_supplicant... Cheers. | 20:14 |
omniiii | the_php_jedi: I see. | 20:14 |
Lynet | daftykins: Could you try adding net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1 I found an old bug report at that sounds eerily similar. | 20:14 |
ajopaul | hi am on ircii, can u pl tell me the command to reconfigure xserver ? | 20:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 84537 in procps "sysctl.conf, net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding, race condition?" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 20:14 |
david__ | hey | 20:16 |
DShepherd | !hi | 20:16 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:16 |
david__ | anyone know what a DBus launch error in banshee music player is...kinda new to linux | 20:17 |
ajopaul | wat is the command for reconfiguring xserver ? | 20:17 |
teq | ajopaul: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org | 20:17 |
ajopaul | teq,thanks ! | 20:17 |
petoj | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 20:17 |
MrObvious | teq: Heh that was fast. | 20:17 |
tdawgedogg | how do i access my nfs shares on the client pc in hardy? | 20:17 |
teq | MrObvious: lol | 20:17 |
PdUb101 | tdawgedogg, did you install through xp? | 20:18 |
MrObvious | tdawgedogg: I would start with Places -> Connect to Server | 20:18 |
MrObvious | tdawgedogg: Maybe there. :\ You might have to install NFS on the client computer. | 20:18 |
tdawgedogg | no i went to shares-admin on server computer...chose to share music drive | 20:18 |
ajopaul | am on ircii, its fun from this view too :) | 20:19 |
tdawgedogg | on client computer nfs in installed i think | 20:19 |
tdawgedogg | sudo apt get (what for nfs install) | 20:19 |
tdawgedogg | when i click connect to server on client computer i dont see any nfs option | 20:19 |
opusmcd | Grrr...fighting with two Vista laptops and anti-virus and anti-spyware.... | 20:19 |
opusmcd | ...can't wait til we can leave Windows behind... | 20:20 |
dhy | hghjbkjbj | 20:20 |
NamTCM | What is command to change name of USB has file system is FAT? | 20:20 |
MGalaxy | hi, I have purchased a WiMax account and all hardwares are ok, what should I do about IPs to connect to internet? | 20:20 |
Mibias | Hi. I've installed Ubuntu in windows via wubi. It's downloaded for 'round half an hour now, and finally the installation is done. It tells me to reboot. I reboot, choose ubuntu as OS and it sais 'Error 15: file not found' | 20:20 |
Mibias | What do i do? | 20:20 |
david__ | any help | 20:20 |
kool-aid629 | can somebody help me a tell how i can become a revolution tt member again i was then my bro wont let me get on no more ? | 20:20 |
tdawgedogg | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | 20:20 |
david__ | dbus launch error for banshee music player | 20:20 |
Lynet | MGalaxy: I'm soure your ISP would know that. | 20:20 |
david__ | how to fix | 20:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mibias there is a wubi faq page on the wiki | 20:20 |
Pici | kool-aid629: I dont know what that is, but it doesnt sound Ubuntu related. | 20:20 |
Mibias | what wiki? | 20:21 |
tdawgedogg | when i choose connect to server in places should there be a nfs option? | 20:21 |
teq | Mibias: download install pack en burn it into a live cd the install it, other ways are buggy | 20:21 |
ali1234 | david__: is dbus running? try 'dbus-monitor' in console? | 20:21 |
MGalaxy | Lynet: I can ask them tomorrow, but now they are closed and I need to connect via wimax :D | 20:21 |
Mibias | I've also tried burning it to a cd and installing from the cd. Same bug | 20:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | !wubi | 20:21 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 20:21 |
NamTCM | What is command to change name of USB has file system is FAT? | 20:22 |
Mibias | thank you. I'll look there | 20:22 |
NamTCM | ubottu is a bot??? | 20:22 |
ubottu | Factoid is a bot??? not found | 20:22 |
Lynet | MGalaxy: Well, it all depends on how the ISP has set up their stuff. I guess you could try to use a dhcp client and cross your fingers. | 20:22 |
teq | ubottu is a bot??? | 20:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | yes | 20:22 |
teq | lol i knew that heh | 20:22 |
AlienX | anyone know of any good howtos to get skype 2.0 to work with alsa? Seems it doesn't like any of my audio devices :-\ | 20:23 |
Izzi | whoa it's like sciene! | 20:23 |
NamTCM | Funny | 20:23 |
Izzi | OMG BBQ! | 20:23 |
david__ | thanks a lil234 | 20:23 |
david__ | try it out | 20:23 |
Slart | is there a tool to compare folders.. I'm ok with just comparing file sizes.. I don't need to check the contents like diff does | 20:23 |
MGalaxy | Lynet: dhcp does not work, I set the IP to but I failed to connect to internet :-s | 20:23 |
kiris | what is the executable called for compiz settings on hardy? | 20:24 |
py_ | hello | 20:24 |
Gokul | my wireless & sound card have stopped working after upgrading to hardy(8.04), anyone have any ideas how to fix this? | 20:24 |
Lynet | MGalaxy: Well.. Considering that 192.168 is private address space that is not valid on internet that's not really surprising. | 20:24 |
py_ | I've a box which doesn't detect some usb devices which are already plugged in at boot. If after the boot I unplug-replug them, then they get detected, and work like a charm | 20:25 |
david__ | what does dbus monitor do exactly? can i fix bugs with it? | 20:25 |
py_ | ever heard of such a problem? | 20:25 |
Gokul | they work fine when i switch back to 2.6.22.x but not on 2.6.24.x | 20:25 |
Pici | david__: Its for interprocess communciation | 20:25 |
Slart | AlienX: I'm running skype 2 with alsa.. haven't had any real problems with it | 20:25 |
py_ | was unable to locate a report of something similar | 20:26 |
AlienX | Slart, hmm. It tells me that there is a problem with my audio playback :-\ | 20:26 |
david__ | so all i get from dbus monitor is error report, how do i fix the errors then? | 20:26 |
david__ | reinstall program? | 20:26 |
ali1234 | david__: dbus-monitor should just show you the messages on the bus. if it gives you an error it probably means you dont have running dbus | 20:26 |
Aexander | hi | 20:26 |
Aexander | im having a problm with my my sound card | 20:27 |
david__ | so reinstall banshee in this case..? | 20:27 |
Gokul | my wireless & sound card have stopped working after upgrading to hardy(8.04), anyone have any ideas how to fix this? | 20:27 |
AlienX | Slart, are you running | 20:27 |
Aexander | im using ubuntu 8.04 | 20:27 |
ali1234 | david__: nothat probably wont help. can you pastebin the output from dbus-monitor? | 20:28 |
teq | !backup | 20:28 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 20:28 |
backslash7 | Can anyone tell me where TORRENTFLUX stores finished downloads to? | 20:28 |
Gokul | Aexander: what kernel version are you using? | 20:29 |
RayzrShrp | holy cow there are a lot of people on this channel! | 20:29 |
Jokka | Does anyone know a fast and easy burn prog, package supported would be nice? =) | 20:29 |
jessejazza | k3b | 20:30 |
teq | Is there another program that burns mp3s into audio cds besides brasero? thanks | 20:30 |
the_eraser | where do i check which drivers i am using? | 20:30 |
keith | jelmer: It is updating I guess... would it still update if my network card was in promiscuous mode? | 20:30 |
Webu | What might cause this? | 20:30 |
frankie_ | hello all | 20:31 |
teq | frankie_: hey | 20:31 |
Lynet | Jokka: Brasero? | 20:31 |
dbarnett | Webu: I've never seen that. Is it maybe a mountpoint of a fs that ls can't recognize? | 20:31 |
jessejazza | | 20:31 |
Jokka | Lynet, thx =) | 20:31 |
jessejazza | would one of these work in ubuntu? | 20:31 |
david__ | how do i pastebin? sorry, illiterate to linux | 20:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | !paste | 20:32 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 20:32 |
Lynet | Webu: What did you do to that poor defenseless file? | 20:32 |
Webu | dbarnett, that's my regular Apache's www-directory, I just noticed there's something wrong with it :-S | 20:32 |
jelmer | keith: I would think so | 20:32 |
dbarnett | Webu: I would recommend backing up | 20:32 |
the_eraser | i want to know what driver a pci-device is using. Help me? | 20:32 |
dbarnett | Webu: is it a seperate partition or just part of / | 20:32 |
The_PHP_Jedi | david__, I also recommend as a pastebin :) | 20:32 |
keith | david__: it's a nice excuse, but pastebin has nothing specifically to do with linux ;-D | 20:32 |
teq | ugh brasero is not working for me :( | 20:33 |
BorkisDrizzt | is there a program i ubuntu like notepad in windows, a text writer that doesn't format the text? | 20:33 |
Webu | Lynet, I don't know, I was looking for the reason why doesn't my Apache show anything up, until I noticed that :-/ | 20:33 |
linkinxp | how do i reset my audio drivers????? | 20:33 |
The_PHP_Jedi | boris, 'Text Editor'? | 20:33 |
keith | jelmer: I'll test that out next I guess | 20:33 |
Webu | dbarnett, it's /var/www, just a directory. | 20:33 |
thingfish | BorkisDrizzt: gedit | 20:33 |
david__ | ok ok ok | 20:33 |
dbarnett | might try a fsck | 20:33 |
dbarnett | sorry Webu never seen that | 20:33 |
Lynet | Webu: That smells like a borked directory entry to me. I'd unmount whatever filesystem it is on and run fsck on it. | 20:34 |
frankie_ | i am having trouble getting my machine to access my network. any tips for an ubuntu noob? | 20:34 |
Slart | AlienX: hang on... let me check | 20:34 |
teq | Is there another program that burns mp3s into audio cds besides brasero? thanks | 20:34 |
AlienX | Slart, cheers | 20:34 |
Slart | | 20:34 |
chad | My evolution keeps crashing with "lost connection to the exchange backend service" i need help | 20:34 |
backslash7 | Anyone using TORRENTFLUX? Where are finished downloads? | 20:34 |
BorkisDrizzt | ah, found it, meh, it should have been under office programs | 20:34 |
Slart | AlienX: .. no -1 in the about box at least | 20:34 |
Webu | dbarnett Lynet, okey thanks, I'll try to recover it, but luckily there's no much data lost if there's nothing to do. | 20:34 |
dbarnett | Webu: can you cd into it? | 20:34 |
AlienX | Slart, hmm I'll have to see if I can find the older revision then | 20:34 |
Webu | "-bash: cd: www: Permission denied" | 20:35 |
teq | Webu: try as root | 20:35 |
RayzrShrp | how do i list the users in a room? | 20:35 |
frankie_ | can anyone help me get ubuntu to access the internet? | 20:35 |
Starnestommy | RayzrShrp: /names | 20:35 |
RayzrShrp | using irssi | 20:35 |
teq | frankie_: sure | 20:35 |
teq | frankie_: state the problem.. | 20:36 |
tonyyarusso | RayzrShrp: /names | 20:36 |
ali1234 | backslash7: try searching for them with 'locate' | 20:36 |
RayzrShrp | thanks | 20:36 |
tonyyarusso | RayzrShrp: and it's a channel, not a room | 20:36 |
frankie_ | i'm running my network on a verizon router (*fios stuff).... | 20:36 |
RayzrShrp | sorry lol | 20:36 |
dbarnett | Webu: i've asked on another chanel I lurk in and they say corrupt fs | 20:36 |
dbarnett | check your dmesg output for errors | 20:36 |
Webu | "sudo: cd: command not found", hmm.. | 20:36 |
Webu | dbarnett, I see. | 20:36 |
teq | frankie_: whats the problem? | 20:36 |
frankie_ | i have a few other machines linked through ethernet using netgear switches that use the house's power grid. | 20:36 |
RayzrShrp | irssi seems much nicer then bitchx | 20:36 |
frankie_ | ubuntu isn't seeing the ethernet hookup. | 20:37 |
Starnestommy | Webu: it sounds like a permission problem on www | 20:37 |
Webu | "[46116.153032] sd 0:0:1:0: [sdb] 398297088 512-byte hardware sectors (203928 MB)" | 20:37 |
frankie_ | my mac and 3 other windows machines are all able to use it fine. | 20:37 |
Webu | Oops, not that one, hmm. | 20:37 |
tonyyarusso | frankie_: we have those things too, and they've worked fine for me... | 20:37 |
Vegombrei | my dlink wireless media server wont connect with ubuntu, and the video streaming also lags .. | 20:37 |
Webu | "[46116.119313] EXT3-fs error (device sda3): ext3_get_inode_loc: unable to read inode block - inode=10847722, block=21692465" | 20:37 |
BorkisDrizzt | Is it possible to burn an OpenOffice presentation to a CD? | 20:37 |
tonyyarusso | frankie_: Does Ubuntu work with other ethernet connections? If not, could be the card driver and have nothing to do with the power line connection. | 20:37 |
dbarnett | try fscking it | 20:37 |
frankie_ | nope | 20:37 |
teq | BorkisDrizzt: yes | 20:38 |
tonyyarusso | BorkisDrizzt: sure, with Brasero - you can burn any file. | 20:38 |
Lynet | Webu: fsck and cross your fingers. | 20:38 |
BorkisDrizzt | sweet | 20:38 |
zerg | #tuxhelper | 20:38 |
frankie_ | card driver? | 20:38 |
tonyyarusso | frankie_: The ethernet card in your computer. Any idea what kind it is? | 20:38 |
teq | tonyyarusso: hey any idea why my brasero stucks on burning process? | 20:38 |
Session | I'm having priblen with my laptop connection to wireless network. dmesg gives me dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth1 for sub-path eth1.dbus.get.reason. Anyone heard of this before? | 20:38 |
frankie_ | i can open it and check :p gimme a sec | 20:38 |
tonyyarusso | teq: nope. | 20:38 |
teq | tonyyarusso: it doesnt gets started at all | 20:38 |
slim | how can I quit my X session? | 20:39 |
IPkaf | hi | 20:39 |
IPkaf | hello | 20:39 |
slimjimflim | anybody know where to find docs to make my own deb package? | 20:39 |
teq | slim: pkill xserver? | 20:39 |
IPkaf | how are you ?? | 20:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | !packaging | 20:39 |
ubottu | The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 20:39 |
lolzer | BorkisDrizzt: if you want even more burning power and don't mind installing kde libraries - k3b is a fine, fine burning tool. | 20:39 |
tonyyarusso | slim: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 20:39 |
nibsa1242b | I'm having issues with being able to hear sound on You Tube and other websites, however, I can hear sound just fine from programs such as VLC. Any help? | 20:39 |
Webu | Lynet dbarnett, yeah looks like there's problems when reading the dmesg, I'll try what happens. | 20:39 |
chad | does anyone here know anything about fixing Evolution??? | 20:39 |
slim | pkill xserver does nothing | 20:40 |
BorkisDrizzt | lolzer, why, is there a problem with installing kde libraries? | 20:40 |
jonaskoelker | question: how do I regenerate | 20:40 |
jonaskoelker | slim: "pkill X"? | 20:40 |
teq | slim: try what tony said sudo invoke-rd.d gdm stop | 20:40 |
tonyyarusso | BorkisDrizzt: it's a personal preference thing. | 20:40 |
lolzer | no. no problem with it. just using a little more disc space. nothing wrong with it. I love k3b. | 20:40 |
evanderv | Lynet: Hey I unistalled LikeWise now I can't log into Ubuntu at all | 20:40 |
jonaskoelker | slim: try ps -Fe | grep X | 20:40 |
tonyyarusso | teq: -rc, not -rd though | 20:40 |
MemoryDump | I think Slim found a way.. cause he's gone now! haha | 20:40 |
Webu | Lynet, actually, am I possible to unmount the disk Ubuntu is installed? I need to do that before fsck? | 20:41 |
jonaskoelker | can anyone help me with grub? | 20:41 |
Webu | Lynet, am I able to* | 20:41 |
teq | tonyyarusso: ahh typos :P | 20:41 |
tonyyarusso | Webu: you'll need to use a live cd for that | 20:41 |
teq | slim: try what tony said sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 20:41 |
Starnestommy | jonaskoelker: it depends on what kind of help you need with grub | 20:41 |
jonaskoelker | Starnestommy: how do I regenerate | 20:41 |
jonaskoelker | Starnestommy: ... either by hand or by program | 20:42 |
Lynet | Webu: umount or remount read-only. If it is your / partition, it is probably easiest to boot a LiveCD and do fsck from there. | 20:42 |
evanderv | Why would uninstalling LikeWIse prevent me from logging back into gnome | 20:42 |
Webu | tonyyarusso, ouch, hopefully live cd doesn't need X, just thought it's a server computer? | 20:42 |
evanderv | I have changed my password and even created new accounts and none of them work | 20:42 |
Starnestommy | jonaskoelker: it depends on what hard disks, floppy drives, and cd drives you have, and which device nodes they are associated with | 20:42 |
Webu | Lynet, I see, thanks, now it's time to find my disk :-) | 20:43 |
nibsa1242b | Any advice with regards to lack of sound when watching flash videos? | 20:43 |
arpreply | anyone know of a project designed to wrap firefox up in a COM layer object? | 20:43 |
Lynet | evanderv: Ouch. Don't really know. | 20:43 |
tonyyarusso | Webu: oh, bother. Live CD would include X, yes, although it's possible they've added a text-boot option since I last checked. Otherwise, there might still be the "repair" option on the !alternate CD, which might do the trick. | 20:43 |
chad | My evolution keeps crashing with "lost connection to the exchange backend service" i need help | 20:43 |
ali1234 | jonaskoelker: my just says "(hd0) /dev/sda" so i guess you just need to supply "grub style" device name and kernel device node for each HD in your system, in that format | 20:43 |
evanderv | I am completely locked out now | 20:44 |
jonaskoelker | Starnestommy: I have, {primary,secondary}{master,slave}: disk, disk, cdrom, disk; I want to boot from 2nd slave, which is also the root drive | 20:44 |
Vegombrei | my dlink wireless media server wont connect with ubuntu, and the video streaming also lags .. | 20:44 |
frankie_ | teq, can ubuntu tell me what card the machine is using? | 20:44 |
evanderv | What is the command to turn on root login at gnome login screen | 20:44 |
Steve-cal | nibsa1242b: Are you using the Adobe flash plugin or something else? | 20:44 |
Starnestommy | evanderv: there isn't one | 20:44 |
teq | frankie_: i believe it does, i dont know the command, sorry | 20:44 |
tonyyarusso | evanderv: what would you do that? | 20:44 |
Webu | tonyyarusso, hmm okay, I think I should just grab the server here, because it would be hard to do it "remotely". | 20:44 |
harpreet | my mail (outgoing) does not go through in evolution or kontact? do i have to set up any port ? | 20:44 |
tonyyarusso | Webu: agreed | 20:44 |
IPkaf | hi | 20:44 |
psufan | how do I bring up the grub boot command line at promp if it's hidden | 20:44 |
IPkaf | hello | 20:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | evanderv You can get recovery mode root from grub menu | 20:44 |
Starnestommy | jonaskoelker: try sudo grub --device-map | 20:44 |
IPkaf | how are you ??? | 20:45 |
tonyyarusso | psufan: Esc | 20:45 |
evanderv | tonyy: because I am completely locked out of my gnome desktop | 20:45 |
Steve-cal | frankie_: sudo lshw -C network (try that) | 20:45 |
tonyyarusso | !offtopic | IPkaf | 20:45 |
ubottu | IPkaf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 20:45 |
jonaskoelker | ali: so, I want (hd3) /dev/hdd and then "root (hd3)" in menu.list? | 20:45 |
tonyyarusso | evanderv: in what way? | 20:45 |
=== sars-aeol is now known as MAlexHerron | ||
frankie_ | enter that into the terminal, right? (i'm a huge noob) | 20:45 |
jonaskoelker | Starnestommy: requires an argument | 20:45 |
nibsa1242b | Steve-cal: I'm pretty sure its the official Adobe flash plugin. about:plugins reports it as & | 20:45 |
Almar | Hello. I need help with my CD burner. I insert the empty CD, but I get the error "burn:/// is not a valid location" when I choose 'make a data CD'. Making an audio CD is no problem though. Any idea what might be wrong? | 20:45 |
IPkaf | is there anyone here who install wengophone on ubuntu ??? | 20:45 |
evanderv | tonyyarusso: I unistalled LikeWise now I can't get back into gnome | 20:45 |
evanderv | my passwords wont work | 20:46 |
psufan | or also what is the script install option for adding a line to grub so oit's always there | 20:46 |
tonyyarusso | evanderv: do your passwords work on a terminal login? | 20:46 |
psufan | I need console=ttyS1,38400 | 20:46 |
RayzrShrp | what is likewise? | 20:46 |
harpreet | my mail (outgoing) does not go through in evolution or kontact? do i have to set up any port ? | 20:46 |
tonyyarusso | psufan: the kopt= line in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 20:46 |
Starnestommy | jonaskoelker: try sudo grub --device-map=/boot/grub/ | 20:46 |
tonyyarusso | RayzrShrp: makes Linux work with Windows Active Directory. | 20:46 |
RayzrShrp | tonyyarusso: thanks | 20:47 |
psufan | ok thx but how do I make the installer auto script I am using | 20:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | harpreet what server are you using | 20:47 |
psufan | auto put this in | 20:47 |
Lynet | evanderv: | 20:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230466 in likewise-open "Likewise uninstall, Lock login to system" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:47 |
MAlexHerron | hey all... anyone know why /etc/init.d/sysklogd start wouldnt start the syslog daemon? | 20:47 |
MAlexHerron | it just returns the prompt... with no new process | 20:48 |
frankie_ | teq, i've never used linux or any other command line based os. how exactly should i type in the command? | 20:48 |
harpreet | Jack_Sparrow, I am using two different servers pop, smtp , pop is for my company for incoming and smtp provided by internet company | 20:48 |
nibsa1242b | Steve-cal: should I be concerned that I seem to have both Flah 9.0 r48 & Flash 9.0 r31 installed at the same time under about:plugins | 20:48 |
Pxrbot | evening all :) im having a problem changing the screen resolution from 640x480, theres just no option for it :S | 20:48 |
tonyyarusso | psufan: you're doing preseeding? | 20:48 |
teq | frankie_: same as you read it here | 20:48 |
MAlexHerron | pxrbot: you using GUI? | 20:48 |
tonyyarusso | !fixres| Pxrbot | 20:49 |
ubottu | Pxrbot: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 20:49 |
harpreet | Jack_Sparrow , it was working fine in windows, just wondering why mails do not go out in kubuntu | 20:49 |
frankie_ | sudo: ishw: command not found | 20:49 |
Steve-cal | nibsa1242b: Seems like that could be an issue! :) You only need one. | 20:49 |
backslash7 | PROBLEM: | 20:49 |
backslash7 | -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2008-05-28 21:46 info.txt | 20:49 |
tonyyarusso | frankie_: ell, not eye | 20:49 |
backslash7 | I cannot open this file as non-root | 20:49 |
Steve-cal | frankie_: "lshw" not "ishw" :) | 20:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | harpreet I had to change some ports under thunderbird in order to get my mail working | 20:49 |
frankie_ | *facepalm* | 20:49 |
nibsa1242b | Steve-cal: ok, I'll see what happens if I remove one. | 20:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | harpreet check the port in use in windows... | 20:50 |
Starnestommy | backslash7: the permissions appear to be correct. It has read+write+execute for everyone | 20:50 |
hostile- | hey guys | 20:50 |
tonyyarusso | backslash7: define "can not open"? You'll note that it has a size of zero. | 20:50 |
hostile- | remember i said i had a laptop crash | 20:50 |
BorkisDrizzt | wth, I tried burning it and then when I tried showing it in my DVD-player, it says no audio-data and no picture-data | 20:50 |
hostile- | and ubuntu died and i lost my taskbar, nm applets, etc and the date turned to 1901 | 20:50 |
alexi5 | any of you guys installed the ati fglrx drivers on your system and experience flickering when playing videos? Is there any way to resolve this ? | 20:50 |
hostile- | well i just formated and installed Debian-powerpc | 20:50 |
hostile- | and its the SAME PROBLEM | 20:50 |
harpreet | Jack_Sparrow, the outbox shows no message and displays as mail has been sent, how ever it does not reach the destination. how do i change settings in thunderbird? | 20:50 |
hostile- | What do i do | 20:50 |
backslash7 | Starnestommy: Hmm the thing is it's on a samba share, created with a logged in user. I created it and now I cannot open it. Thanks for helping me Starnestommy :D | 20:50 |
teq | hostile-: why not reinstall ubuntu? | 20:50 |
jonaskoelker | Starnestommy: do I need to run something after I've updated | 20:50 |
frankie_ | ok, it gave me a list, what am i looking for? | 20:51 |
jonaskoelker | Starnestommy: (I did it by hand) | 20:51 |
hostile- | i dont know that took forever | 20:51 |
hostile- | but why is there the same problem | 20:51 |
Starnestommy | backslash7: it appears to have a size of zero | 20:51 |
backslash7 | its empty | 20:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | harpreet I went through the help page online for Tb | 20:51 |
hostile- | good point but it hink debian is suported not ubuntu-ppc | 20:51 |
hostile- | yeah empty | 20:51 |
hostile- | my taskbar | 20:51 |
hostile- | and the applets | 20:51 |
BorkisDrizzt | must I burn the pictures along with the .opd file? | 20:51 |
hostile- | and nautilus is curruped | 20:51 |
BCM43 | !enter | hostile- | 20:51 |
ubottu | hostile-: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:51 |
Starnestommy | jonaskoelker: I don't think so | 20:51 |
hostile- | i tried 2 fresh installs | 20:51 |
harpreet | Jack_Sparrow, possible to send me link please? | 20:51 |
harrydg | hey all | 20:51 |
harrydg | /usr/bin/mythbackend: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: XmlConfiguration4LoadEv | 20:51 |
backslash7 | Starnestommy: The file is empty. I created it as logged in samba user from another computer (client) and now I cannot open it. | 20:51 |
ali1234 | jonaskoelker: no, and i dont think is even used except when installing grub the first time... | 20:52 |
majikins | hi I have a m2n32 asus sli mobo - wireless does not work | 20:52 |
harrydg | what can one do about this in mythbackend restart? | 20:52 |
teq | Is there another program that burns mp3s into audio cds besides brasero? thanks | 20:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | harpreet I dont have any in this pc.. google mozilla, thunderbird troubleshooting.. it will come up | 20:52 |
majikins | does anyone have this board and got the wifi to work? | 20:52 |
Steve-cal | nibsa1242b: BTW, my version is "9.0 r124" and I believe I got it through the repositories--you may want to upgrade yours. | 20:52 |
cj_ | hello im trying to play Guild wars i have tryed wine over and over agian and can't get it to work i read that there is a thing called "Cedega/Point2Play" what is this and can i use it if so where do i get it | 20:52 |
psufan | I guess it is | 20:52 |
ArthurArchnix | teq: Serpentine? | 20:52 |
jonaskoelker | teq: doesn't nautilus have some burning feature? Or is that bareso? | 20:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | !mythtv | 20:52 |
harpreet | Jack_Sparrow, thank you very much | 20:52 |
ubottu | MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at | 20:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 20:52 |
lolzer | BorkisDrizzt: yeah, you need to put the images and sound on the cd as well as the openoffice file. | 20:52 |
nibsa1242b | Steve-cal: I'm thinking the best way to do that would be to sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree right? I don't currently have that package installed. | 20:53 |
frankie_ | how can i get ubuntu to tell me what ethernet card is in the machine | 20:53 |
backslash7 | Starnestommy: Would you please help me if you can? :O | 20:53 |
BorkisDrizzt | okay | 20:53 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Many of us--if you want help with wireless you need to be more specific with your questions. ;) | 20:53 |
teq | ArthurArchnix: serpentine cant burn mp3s into audio cds thanks anyway :) | 20:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | frankie_ lspci or lsusb or lshw | 20:53 |
Starnestommy | backslash7: tay using chown to change its owner to someone other than root | 20:53 |
BorkisDrizzt | frankie_, lshw -C network or something | 20:53 |
Starnestommy | *try | 20:53 |
teq | jonaskoelker: i really dont know if nautilus has buring feautures | 20:53 |
Steve-cal | nibsa1242b: I originally installed it thru the repos--how did you install yours originally? | 20:54 |
atlas95 | hello, could you help me, I have a problem, could you see this topic please : Thanks ;) | 20:54 |
frankie_ | -c network just showed what formats and what options i could enter. or something like that. (i are noobie.) | 20:54 |
majikins | um - have heron loaded - wifi access pts are detected but cannot connect to any | 20:54 |
nibsa1242b | Steve-cal: I think I went to a flash page, and I let firefox install the plugin. | 20:54 |
majikins | nor can I create an access pt | 20:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | atlas95 please post descriptions with your link to a problem | 20:54 |
backslash7 | Starnestommy: I did "chown myuser info.txt" but ls -l still gives the same permission and ROOT - ROOT | 20:54 |
=== Tophat is now known as Tophat_offwork | ||
Steve-cal | frankie_: Please enter it exactly: sudo lshw -C network (note the capital C) | 20:54 |
majikins | Steve-cal: what information should I give? | 20:55 |
Starnestommy | backslash7: try sudo chown myuser.myuser info.txt | 20:55 |
Impsyn | Hey folks, I have the apt-get rep package teamspeak-server installed but the binary is out of date. Is there a way to fix that without breaking the autoupdate functionality and does anyone know what directory the binary is kept in? | 20:55 |
Scan__ | Hey anyone know why my friend would not be getting sound from his usb headphone in the game urban terror | 20:55 |
atlas95 | I want to get a zenity popup for arpalert program, on is provide, but I have problem to run it : | 20:55 |
backslash7 | I am root Starnestommy, just atm :P | 20:55 |
frankie_ | success! | 20:55 |
chicobo329 | I've been having some problems lately with stability. I'm beginning to suspect GNOME. It's been doing weird things like locking up on me, and programs with GNOME intergration, especially Firefox, are especially acting up. Even now, my Weather won't show up on the top taskbar as it usually does and I just had to restart the computer earlier because both top and bottom taskbars froze on me. Whenever the taskbars freezeup, the | 20:55 |
Scan__ | it is a quake 3 game | 20:55 |
teq | frankie_: gratz!! | 20:55 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Well, what is your wireless card and the chipset it uses? Use "sudo lshw -C network" to find out. | 20:55 |
backslash7 | and Starnestommy still is root root with myuser.myuser | 20:56 |
tonyyarusso | Scan__: does he get sound in any other app with them? | 20:56 |
Scan__ | yes he does | 20:56 |
frankie_ | ok, my ethernet card is an intel ethernet pro 100 | 20:56 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: do free | grep swa[ | 20:56 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: do free | grep swap | 20:56 |
Starnestommy | atlas95: did you create the appropriate symlinks in /etc/rc2.d, /etc/rc3.d, /etc/rc4.d, /etc/rc5.d, /etc/rc6.d, and /etc/rc0.d? | 20:56 |
cellofellow | This only started a day or so ago, but my right speaker on my laptop stopped working. It's not hardware damage or anything because it still works in (eek) Vista, but it just isn't working with ALSA. | 20:56 |
tonyyarusso | Scan__: hmm, well, I'm not sure, but perhaps that bit of info helps someone else - if not be sure to mention that in any bug reports or forum posts ( | 20:56 |
chicobo329 | okay | 20:56 |
frankie_ | could that have a problem with using the powergrid ethernet? | 20:57 |
cellofellow | The card is Nvidia HDA-intel with STAC9200. | 20:57 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
atlas95 | Starnestommy: for the zenity popup or for arpalert? | 20:57 |
backslash7 | Starnestommy: Isn't it really strange that I cannot OPEN (read) a file I just CREATED ? I can edit / delete all other files tho :/ But this is the only one I created | 20:57 |
atlas95 | I'm updating my post | 20:57 |
chicobo329 | done | 20:57 |
Starnestommy | atlas95: the one in /etc/init.d/ | 20:57 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
chicobo329 | anything next? | 20:57 |
chimp | vmware sometimes steals my ctrl-alt-shift keys, even after i exit it, any idea how to regain access to them | 20:57 |
atlas95 | yes, It is created, I have restart it too | 20:57 |
Starnestommy | backslash7: it sounds like something might be locking it or a filesystem error is happening | 20:57 |
chimp | for example i cant use those keys atm and its very annoying | 20:58 |
atlas95 | then I launch the zenity popup but this doesn't work | 20:58 |
will00 | im trying to set up a media center remote and im having zero luck, can anyone help? | 20:58 |
BorkisDrizzt | If I have a song playing in rhythmbox, and then pause it because I want to watch a video on Youtube, there is no sound coming from the video. Why is that? | 20:58 |
cellofellow | how do I fix my sound? I was very happy that Hardy made it possible to use this soundcard (not a peep in Gutsy) but now only one speaker works. | 20:58 |
majikins | Steve-cal: I don't get a description | 20:58 |
Starnestommy | atlas95: does zenity require the desktop environment to be running? | 20:59 |
majikins | I think I'm 'missing' the full output | 20:59 |
atlas95 | yes yes | 20:59 |
atlas95 | I'm using gnome and i have zenity | 20:59 |
atlas95 | (refresh my post ) | 20:59 |
Starnestommy | atlas95: aha. You need to add zenity to system > preferences > sessions, and remove it from the init script | 20:59 |
majikins | when I put in the command something flashes and I get the last bit of it | 21:00 |
chicobo329 | BCM43, is there anything else I should do? | 21:00 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: what did that give you? | 21:00 |
atlas95 | I have no error when I launch the popup script also :( | 21:00 |
frankie_ | i am having trouble getting ubuntu to connect to my network. i'm using a netgear ethernet-through-powergrid with a 5 port switch. | 21:00 |
Starnestommy | atlas95: er, keep it in the init script. | 21:00 |
chicobo329 | nothing on the prompt | 21:00 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Are you running the command in a gnome terminal? | 21:00 |
jedimind | yeah... BorkisDrizzt i have the same problem - need to know if its possible to play multiple audio items at once | 21:00 |
nibsa1242b | Steve-cal: ok, now I'm showing flash 9.0 r48, r 31, AND r124. I wonder how to get rid of r48 & r31 | 21:00 |
Songtao_ | I used to be able to put a [space] in the desktop icon name field, so that it would not have a name. But with the new version I cannot anymore: it requires characters.. Is there a way around this? | 21:01 |
majikins | yes | 21:01 |
chicobo329 | It may have done something in the background, BCM43, but I dunno what else it did. | 21:01 |
backslash7 | Starnestommy: How to open a SAMBA share using the terminal (ubuntu desktop) ? | 21:01 |
Starnestommy | backslash7: I don't use samba, sorry | 21:01 |
backslash7 | kk | 21:01 |
atlas95 | the script is provide ins the contrib folder in the last source of arpalert so this must work :/ | 21:01 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: did it return some numbers? | 21:01 |
Starnestommy | backslash7: but you might need smbclient for this | 21:01 |
Steve-cal | nibsa1242b: That's a really good question. I've never had to mess with uninstalling multiple plugins. | 21:01 |
ChristianPunk | how do i rotate a video from horizontol to vertical in a video edit program for ubuntu | 21:01 |
chicobo329 | nothing, returned nothing, BCM43 | 21:02 |
teicah | how do I prevent firefox3 (hardy) from auto unminimizing when I am working with other apps? | 21:02 |
ChristianPunk | it's a 3gp file | 21:02 |
teicah | it's annoying | 21:02 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: hold on | 21:02 |
MAlexHerron | anyone know why /etc/init.d/sysklogd start wouldnt start the sylog daemon? | 21:02 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Can you copy and pastebin the output? ( | 21:02 |
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk | ||
BCM43 | chicobo329: you ran the seccond command, not the first one, right? | 21:02 |
frankie_ | i'm having trouble connecting to my network through ethernet. any tips/advice/halp? | 21:02 |
=== cellofel1ow is now known as cellofellow | ||
majikins | Steve-cal: ok | 21:02 |
nibsa1242b | Steve-cal: I'll go ask in the mozilla irc channel | 21:03 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: Yeah, free | grep swap | 21:03 |
cellofellow | my right speaker isn't working and I can't figure out why | 21:03 |
[D-Tail] | hello people... I have a problem using my mobile phone MMC card. Under #7.10, it mounted automagically, allowing me to delete and add files on it. I recently upgraded to #8.04, and that doesn't work anymore | 21:03 |
[D-Tail] | who can help me with this? | 21:03 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: ok, try uname | 21:03 |
Rafase282 | hello | 21:03 |
BCM43 | !hi | Rafase282 | 21:04 |
ubottu | Rafase282: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:04 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: uname returned 'Linux' | 21:04 |
=== rotted is now known as Blasphemer | ||
Rafase282 | I need hel to set up a VM with Quemu | 21:04 |
Steve-cal | nibsa1242b: Good idea. Stop by here again and let us know if you get it working. :) | 21:04 |
majikins | Steve-cal: | 21:04 |
Andycasss | I am upgrading my distro from remote, How can i check whats holding it up with ssh? Which log file to watch? | 21:04 |
frankie_ | i'm having trouble connecting to my network via ethernet. how can i fix this? | 21:04 |
HiTo | Is there an efficient wait to recover data on Ubuntu ? I got a problem thanks to the OS that changed a drive letter... to one I used in VMware, so I lost all my data :/ | 21:04 |
[D-Tail] | can anyone help me with my MMC mounting problem? | 21:05 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: hold on one sec | 21:05 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Can you copy and pastebin the *entire* output of that command I gave you? "sudo lshw -C network" | 21:05 |
atlas95 | Starnestommy: do you have idea? | 21:05 |
cerebrate | D-tail: is it just a regular card reader on your computer? | 21:05 |
majikins | Steve-cal: thats it! | 21:05 |
BorkisDrizzt | jedimind, you know how it is possible to play a mp3 file by pointing the mouse at it? | 21:05 |
PdUb101 | hey guys was wondering if you could point me in the direction of some good themes that will work with the cube effect | 21:05 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: yes, it's a 17-in-1 cardreader, connected to the motherboard's USB header | 21:06 |
majikins | Steve-cal: I've done the command with >> file and checked the file | 21:06 |
cerebrate | PdUb101: | 21:06 |
BorkisDrizzt | I tried doing that and playing a song in rhythmbox at the same time, it worked... | 21:06 |
backslash7 | lol Starnestommy I'm so sorry, it's the ubuntu text editor having problems with samba :/ | 21:06 |
majikins | Steve-cal: and thats the only output | 21:06 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: it's an Apacer one | 21:06 |
backslash7 | With other programs its working | 21:06 |
backslash7 | sorry | 21:06 |
ozzloy | i'm trying to install bugzilla and i get: Error: Access denied for user 'bugzilla'@'localhost' (using password: YES) | 21:06 |
cerebrate | D-Tail: have you tried reading any other memory cards with the reader? Do you have any other memory cards? | 21:06 |
ozzloy | how do i fix that? | 21:06 |
[D-Tail] | I don't have any cards, sorry... | 21:07 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: uname -a | 21:07 |
[D-Tail] | but as I said, it worked on #7.10, now it seems broken | 21:07 |
Steve-cal | majikins: OK, what about doing "lspci -v" Does that show your wireless card? | 21:07 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: Linux frankie-laptop 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux | 21:07 |
cellofellow | and now it's working. What gives? | 21:07 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: that is, i'm having a hard time modifying stuff on that disk... the best solution for me would be to have it mounted and formatted | 21:07 |
cerebrate | D-Tail: I have no clue. I'm just attempting to see if maybe you just got unlucky and the card died right about the time you upgraded. | 21:07 |
[D-Tail] | well, my phone can still read it, so I guess that's no option | 21:08 |
=== ChristianPunk is now known as Jorrrram | ||
BCM43 | chicobo329: sudo apt-get update | 21:08 |
cerebrate | alright. Can you mount the disk? | 21:08 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: while your at it, try free | grep Swap | 21:08 |
Jorrrram | how do i rotate a video from horizontol to vertical in a video edit program for ubuntu | 21:08 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: You want me to get the 2.6.24-17? | 21:08 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Are you running Ubuntu on its own partition or are you using Wubi/VirtualBox? | 21:08 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: yes | 21:08 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: I have no idea how to do this..., except from right-clicking in nautilus | 21:08 |
[D-Tail] | and I can only do that as root... | 21:09 |
HiTo | No clue for data/partition recovery on Ubuntu ? | 21:09 |
Andycasss | I am upgrading my distro from remote, How can i check whats holding it up with ssh? Which log file to watch? | 21:09 |
frankie_ | can someone give me a hand connecting to my network? | 21:09 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: I already have it, I just didn't get on it right away because my Broadcom Wirless doesn't seem to be detected when I switch kernel versions | 21:09 |
KOJV | Anyone with experience on installing i8kfans in Xubuntu? I get all kinds of errors. | 21:09 |
[D-Tail] | previously, it mounted automatically and my non-admin user would have rights to modify it | 21:09 |
keith | jelmer: Yeah... I don't think it supports scanning in promiscuous mode. When I run it with sudo in promiscuous mode, it says the operation is not permitted. | 21:09 |
majikins | Steve-cal: theres alot of output on that command | 21:10 |
cerebrate | D-Tail: Does it do the same thing with any other usb drive? | 21:10 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: free | grep Swap returned: 'Swap: 2433808 0 2433808' | 21:10 |
arthur__8200 | Does anyone know how to use remote desktop with ubuntu 8.04 lts ? | 21:10 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: oh wait, there's progress! it now mounts automatically, but it does this as user 'root' | 21:10 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Just pastebin it. :) | 21:10 |
majikins | Steve-cal: can't spot the wifi - and I'm using own partition | 21:10 |
KOJV | Please help me. It's very tireful to keep the CPU cool with mouth to heatsink method... | 21:10 |
[D-Tail] | so I can't modify it in a normal way | 21:10 |
the_eraser | i want to know what driver a pci-device is using. Help me? | 21:10 |
[D-Tail] | where is the mount rule for the device? | 21:10 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: ok, besides the kernel, im not sure what it would be. I can help you with the broadcom though. | 21:10 |
Jaikkuli | hey guys, i got an acer orbicam on my laptop here.. anyone know what software i should be looking for in order to use it on ubuntu hardy? | 21:10 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: However, my weather information did return on the taskbar. | 21:10 |
cerebrate | D-Tail: go to /media. Is the drive's name in there? | 21:11 |
the_eraser | D-tail /etc/fstab ? | 21:11 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: /media/RS-MMC | 21:11 |
ozzloy | i can connect to the mysql database via cli, but dpkg-reconfigure keeps reporting: Error: Access denied for user 'bugzilla'@'localhost' (using password: YES) | 21:11 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: This is all fine, but should I be doing these steps if GNOME acts up again? It seems to be the source of a lot of my stabilitiy problems lately. | 21:11 |
ozzloy | why? | 21:11 |
[D-Tail] | the_eraser: nop, it is in /etc/mtab though ;-) | 21:11 |
the_eraser | ok | 21:11 |
majikins | Steve-cal: | 21:11 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: that is good i had been having small issues like yours for a while. it might be firefox 3. | 21:11 |
[D-Tail] | because it's a removeable disk of course... | 21:11 |
teicah | how do I prevent firefox3 (hardy) from auto unminimizing when I am working with other apps? it's annoying | 21:11 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: AH HA! I knew it! | 21:11 |
Jaikkuli | i got an acer orbicam on my laptop here.. anyone know what software i should be looking for in order to use it on ubuntu hardy? | 21:11 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: It's been acting up on me lately | 21:12 |
BorkisDrizzt | screw firefox, Opera all the way | 21:12 |
astra-work | is there a good way to purge all kde3.x from your system and just leave kde4? | 21:12 |
cerebrate | D-Tail, open up a terminal, and cd to /media/RS-MMC | 21:12 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: im running 2 right now | 21:12 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: would it be safe for me to do chown -R d-tail:d-tail RS-MMC/? | 21:12 |
cerebrate | Jaikkuli: have you checked the hardware compatibility list? | 21:13 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: I have no clue why FF3 suddenly got rabies and is causing problems with the rest of my laptop. There is a RC-1 out isn't there? I have beta 5 and it won't auto update to RC-1 (Synaptic shows only b5 as the latest) | 21:13 |
cerebrate | D-Tail: I have no clue. | 21:13 |
[D-Tail] | please don't forget, I can only sudo-cd into there | 21:13 |
BCM43 | !firefoxRC1 | chicobo329 | 21:13 |
ubottu | Factoid firefoxrc1 not found | 21:13 |
cerebrate | D-Tail: I don't think it'd hurt though, considering you're wanting to format it anyway... | 21:13 |
evanderv | Lynet: Thanks that fixed it | 21:13 |
evanderv | Had to rename a bunch of files such as nsswitch and such | 21:13 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: that would be the next step indeed... there's lots of weird files in the directory, probably the disk structure is broken | 21:14 |
Jaikkuli | cerebrate: where might i find that? | 21:14 |
[D-Tail] | how can I format it? | 21:14 |
LogiTech | how to put music which i have downloaded from limewire "to" "mp4 touch" ??? pls help some1...if this isnt right channel then where do i have to go? | 21:14 |
cerebrate | D-Tail: you could use parted, but I would go with a nice gui, so go and install gparted | 21:14 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: ubuntu devs. are at summit meeting, cant get it untill later | 21:14 |
Minarr | i got a problem, how to convince my dad so that i can install ubuntu? this is kinda hes computer but i use this. right now im using the live cd | 21:15 |
ivanmerida | hi.. | 21:15 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Doesn't look good--your wireless card doesn't even show up in lspci. Am I wrong in assuming it is PCI installed? or are you using a USB wireless device? | 21:15 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: I already have that, but it doesn't seem to notice the RS-MMC card | 21:15 |
chicobo329 | BCM43: Oh okay! I'll settle with FF2 for now push comes to shove. Thanks for the help | 21:15 |
[D-Tail] | after all, it's mounted from an USB device | 21:15 |
cerebrate | Jaikkuli: | 21:15 |
Gin | Minarr: buy him a beer | 21:15 |
BorkisDrizzt | also, burning the pictures along with the presentation failed hard | 21:15 |
BCM43 | chicobo329: your welcome | 21:15 |
Boohbah | Minarr: show him how to do all the things he does with his current OS | 21:15 |
Lynet | evanderv: Fixed login, or did it fix synaptic too? | 21:15 |
evanderv | ok new problem I can't open up any administrative applications | 21:15 |
[D-Tail] | oh wait, now it sees the disk, how weird... | 21:15 |
majikins | Steve-cal: apparently its usb - but it is onboard | 21:15 |
nibsa1242b | Steve-cal: Ok, problem fixed. I had 2 versions of Flash installed to my /home/.mozilla/plugins/ directory. After removing them, and installing the plugin from the repo I now have sound during Flash videos. | 21:15 |
evanderv | such as synaptic | 21:15 |
ivanmerida | i'm installing ubuntu from boot cd, on our university we have a ubuntu repository but when i try to configure manually i dont know how to do it | 21:15 |
[D-Tail] | I guess I can manage on my own from here, cerebrate... thanks so much so far! | 21:15 |
ivanmerida | what i have to put? | 21:15 |
evanderv | and authentication properties | 21:15 |
LogiTech | how to put music which i have downloaded from limewire "to" "mp4 touch" ??? pls help some1...if this isnt right channel then where do i have to go? | 21:16 |
cerebrate | D-Tail: you're welcome I guess | 21:16 |
evanderv | it just hangs then stops | 21:16 |
ivanmerida | | 21:16 |
evanderv | no error or nothing | 21:16 |
ivanmerida | this is the repository | 21:16 |
Boohbah | ivanmerida: add your repository to /etc/apt/sources.list | 21:16 |
Boohbah | !repo | 21:16 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 21:16 |
ph_softnet | hi all. | 21:16 |
Steve-cal | nibsa1242b: Great! So you just manually removed the files in the plugins directory? No special uninstallation necessary? | 21:16 |
[D-Tail] | cerebrate: I'll come back to you when I have mounting problems again, I guess the root-only 'feature' hasn't gone away... we'll see! | 21:16 |
Lynet | evanderv: Do you see anything suspicious in the system logs? | 21:16 |
ivanmerida | Boohbah, but i'm on install cd.. i cant modify /etc/apt/sources.list | 21:16 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Try "lsusb -v" to look for USB devices. | 21:17 |
Boohbah | ivanmerida: did you try? i thought the livecd filesystem was loaded into a ramdisk | 21:17 |
ph_softnet | is there an application to maintain albums of digital camera photos?My camera can be mounted as a flash disk. | 21:17 |
Jaikkuli | cerebrate: doesnt list my specific model | 21:17 |
Boohbah | ph_softnet: f-spot, but i hear it has problems | 21:17 |
ivanmerida | Boohbah i have the minimal boot cd | 21:18 |
cerebrate | Jaikkuli: then you probably don't have compatibility for that camera | 21:18 |
Boohbah | ivanmerida: did you try? | 21:18 |
ph_softnet | Boohbah, thanx | 21:18 |
nibsa1242b | Steve-cal: yeah, just a manual deleting was all that was necessary. I did have to go into about:config and change plugin.expose_full_path to true so that I knew where the 3 versions were. And I happen to be running firefox | 21:18 |
Jaikkuli | cerebrate: well i probably do actually.. many other brother laptops have the same one | 21:18 |
bipolar | is there any way to retrive the code name of the version of ubuntu a system is running? I need to script something that downloads a diffrent file depending on the version of ubuntu. | 21:18 |
ivanmerida | Boohbah it dont have /etc/apt/sources.list when i enter to a shell with alt f2 | 21:18 |
cl0s | i keep getting this error when I try running virtualbox | 21:19 |
evanderv | Lynet: No nothing that sparks a problem | 21:19 |
KOJV | Help me with please! | 21:19 |
Steve-cal | nibsa1242b: I'll have to remember that trick. I'm using FF2 also. | 21:19 |
Jaikkuli | cerebrate: further more i think i accomplished it last year, on an earlier version of ubuntu | 21:19 |
jrib | bipolar: lsb_release -c | 21:19 |
KOJV | I hate it when they assume one to know how to compile and install. :( | 21:19 |
LogiTech | how to put music which i have downloaded from limewire "to" "mp4 touch" ??? pls help some1...if this isnt right channel then where do i have to go? | 21:19 |
Jaikkuli | cerebrate: i can find it with lsusb if that has any relevance | 21:19 |
cl0s | i did a sudo apt-get on virtualbox-ose-modules and -generic | 21:19 |
cl0s | but i already had them.. any idea what else it could be? | 21:19 |
cerebrate | Jaikkuli: I don't know anything further than the HCL list. | 21:19 |
bipolar | jrib: thanks! | 21:19 |
jrib | !timebasedreleases > mohbana_ (read the private message from ubottu) | 21:19 |
jrib | !backports > mohbana_ (read the private message from ubottu) | 21:20 |
mohbana_ | jrib: thanks alot | 21:20 |
majikins | Steve-cal: | 21:20 |
Steve-cal | KOJV: Why are you trying to install that? It is a Debian package--may not work or be stable in Ubuntu. | 21:20 |
KOJV | Please! Anyone? | 21:20 |
KOJV | Steve, it's the only way to turn the fans on... | 21:20 |
Boohbah | cl0s: yes, i had the same issue. i believe i installed the non-OSE binary directly from the virtualbox site and it was fixed | 21:20 |
cdc | Is this the channel to speak about Hardy Heron or is that still in a different channel? | 21:20 |
Boohbah | cdc: i think it's ok to talk about hardy in here since it's the current version | 21:21 |
KOJV | Steve, on this Inspiron Laptop. | 21:21 |
evanderv | Lynet: Wait I can now open it using gksudo synaptic | 21:21 |
evanderv | but I can't from gnome itself | 21:21 |
KOJV | Steve-cal, can you help me install it? Please! I'm out of lung capacity soon. | 21:21 |
PdUb101 | hey guys im kinda confused on how to install themes, i downloaded GrayDark-Ice.emerald, and im not sure how to apply it to my Ubuntu 8.04 | 21:21 |
Chaotic_Descent | not sure if this applies, but how do I make a Windows XP partition after I've already put Ubuntu partitions on? | 21:21 |
BCM43 | KOJV: what do you need help with? | 21:22 |
KOJV | BCM43: | 21:22 |
evanderv | Lynet: it wont ask for my password anymore like it use too | 21:22 |
Chaotic_Descent | Will the Windows CD work fine, or will it get confused by the Ubuntu partitions and screw something up? Also, where do I get the dual-boot enabled? | 21:22 |
BCM43 | !install | Chaotic_Descent | 21:22 |
ubottu | Chaotic_Descent: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 21:22 |
Boohbah | Chaotic_Descent: with the windows installer | 21:22 |
cl0s | thanks Boohbah.. will try | 21:22 |
=== nick_ is now known as nickthorley | ||
BCM43 | !dualboot | Chaotic_Descent | 21:22 |
ubottu | Chaotic_Descent: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 21:22 |
Boohbah | Chaotic_Descent: dual boot is enabled in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 21:22 |
the_eraser | i want to know what driver a pci-device is using. Help me? | 21:23 |
majikins | Steve-cal: from what I have read of my board, its the realtek | 21:23 |
Boohbah | Chaotic_Descent: it was setup automatically for me with my existing windows partition, so you'll have to edit it manually if you install windows after linux | 21:23 |
Lynet | evanderv: Hmm.. Does gksu work? | 21:23 |
nickthorley | hi all - if i wish to clear a users mail file I can just 0 the mail file cant I so "">usersmailfile ? | 21:23 |
KOJV | chaotic, I've found it easiest to install Ubuntu and different Windows versions each on their very own physical drive. | 21:23 |
BCM43 | KOJV: what bout that? | 21:23 |
KOJV | BCM43; I can't make it run., | 21:23 |
evanderv | Lynet: Yes | 21:23 |
BCM43 | KOJV: what is it? | 21:23 |
Jaikkuli | where can i get GSPCA? or is it included in ubuntu hardy? aparently it enables use of my webcam.. however i cannot see how to use it at least | 21:23 |
Chaotic_Descent | ok I'll go look. | 21:23 |
KOJV | BCM43: Fan controlling system. | 21:24 |
Circe | Does this channel seem to produce a lot of lag? | 21:24 |
Chaotic_Descent | Well... I'm just getting tired of having to go into the bios every time I want to boot from the other partition. | 21:24 |
Boohbah | Circe: no | 21:24 |
BCM43 | KOJV: is it compiled or do you need to? | 21:24 |
pen | anyone here know how to make miro work with alsa not pulseaudio? | 21:24 |
cerebrate | Jaikkuli: gspca should be installed by default in 8.04 | 21:24 |
aks_ | hello | 21:24 |
BCM43 | Circe: a little | 21:24 |
pen | it plays but no sound | 21:24 |
BCM43 | !hi | aks_ | 21:24 |
ubottu | aks_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:24 |
KOJV | BCM: I have no idea, got no programming skills. Please download and check it out. | 21:24 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: I fixed it :D | 21:24 |
ubuntu | HI | 21:24 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: what was it? | 21:24 |
aks_ | I'm wondering whether the hibernation issues that some laptops had are fixed in Hardy? | 21:24 |
Chaotic_Descent | my other HD is IDE so... it won't let me change partitions without rearranging which drives are first.. | 21:24 |
BCM43 | !hi | ubuntu | 21:24 |
ubottu | ubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:24 |
Lynet | evanderv: Weird, cause starting synaptic from the menu shouldn't be anything else than 'gksu /usr/bin/synaptic' | 21:24 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: The beta drivers I had weren't removed. | 21:24 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: oh | 21:25 |
BCM43 | KOJV: hold on, i need to swich to my ubuntu computer | 21:25 |
evanderv | Lynet: Yes you are right I checked the porperites in the menu editor and its right | 21:25 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: I didn't realise, I though removing nvidia-glx-new would do it...apparently not. | 21:25 |
KOJV | Thank you BCM43! | 21:25 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: The regular installer didn't see them for some reason idea why. | 21:25 |
yacc | Is it possible with iptables to make TCP connections to host port 345 go to say localhost:1234 ? | 21:25 |
pen | anyone here know how to make miro work with alsa not pulseaudio? | 21:25 |
pen | it plays but no sound | 21:25 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: are you using aptitude ore apt-get | 21:25 |
ubuntu | I really need help. Ubuntu 8.04 setup is using one of my partition as /usr, i told it not to format and it told me it would delte **older system files** I sais yes, that would mean the only folder of personal info I had there with a non linux system folder name wouldn't bve deleted. | 21:25 |
Steve-cal | majikins: I don't know how to help you because I'm not sure what chipset you have--it might be that "8187" line but I'm not sure. | 21:26 |
Chuggst3r | apt-get | 21:26 |
marko_ | Juvenal_Antena, is spamming | 21:26 |
ubuntu | The stupid installer erased that as well! | 21:26 |
yacc | Is it possible with iptables to make TCP connections to host port 345 go to say localhost:1234 ? (not on the router, but on the box that is initiating the connection) | 21:26 |
Chaotic_Descent | I don't know why Ubuntu won't let me create an NTFS partition just to be on the safe side. | 21:26 |
Chuggst3r | Should I be using aptitude? | 21:26 |
ubuntu | is there a way to restore? | 21:26 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: i like it better | 21:26 |
ali1234 | yacc: yes | 21:26 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: I'll keep that in mind, I'm just happy in the end :D | 21:26 |
yacc | ali1234: Any hints? | 21:26 |
aks_ | does anyone have problems with sleep and hibernation in Ubuntu 8? | 21:26 |
Chuggst3r | BCM43: Thanks for everything though. | 21:26 |
ubuntu | the folder was colled 2doc and it was inside /usr, anyway to recover? | 21:26 |
yacc | ali1234: how to configure it? | 21:26 |
majikins | Steve-cal: ok - I've dug up on the forums but there hasn't been any conclusive solution | 21:26 |
cl0s | Why do you need ubuntu to create an ntfs partition? | 21:26 |
BCM43 | Chuggst3r: your welcome | 21:27 |
ali1234 | yacc: no idea, but i know it is possible. try looking at setting up a transparent http proxy, that is kind of similar to what you want | 21:27 |
majikins | Steve-cal: everyone just basically says buy a real wifi card! | 21:27 |
wiiman119 | hey I'm installing on a nvraid setup its all installed but the boot loader. how do i go about this thanks for the help | 21:27 |
majikins | Steve-cal: but thanks for trying | 21:27 |
ibioss | Hey! Is there a Bittorrent client in which I can choose exactly what files I want to download? | 21:27 |
Chaotic_Descent | is there any risk of the Windows installer screwing up the partitions? just wondering why they keep telling me to install Windows first. I can't do that at this point. | 21:28 |
sagredo | ibioss: Azureus lets you download individual files | 21:28 |
yacc | ali1234: yeah, but these usually run on the firewall, not on the clients. | 21:28 |
jrib | !grub > Chaotic_Descent (read the private message from ubottu) | 21:28 |
jrib | Chaotic_Descent: you'll need to reinstall grub if you install windows after ubuntu | 21:28 |
KOJV | BCM43: Can you get the program running? | 21:28 |
ali1234 | yacc: they don't have to though | 21:28 |
ibioss | sagredo: thx, you know any other? azureus feels so bloated | 21:28 |
sagredo | ibioss: I do not. Good luck though | 21:28 |
Chaotic_Descent | oh, thanks. | 21:28 |
BCM43 | KOJV: im looking at how to install it | 21:28 |
ibioss | sagredo: thx | 21:29 |
Steve-cal | majikins: I did a quick check and I think that "8187" is the chipset on your realtek card. I believe you can try ndiswrapper to get it going. | 21:29 |
Chaotic_Descent | thank you for informing me on what the issue was. | 21:29 |
majikins | Steve-cal: ok - how do I do that? | 21:29 |
Dante123 | hi all, i am hooking up cd drive to evga 650 i mobo...there is one set of ide pins on the mobo and I am using the 80 wire ribbon that came with mobo....if the cddrive is set as master with jumpers.....and the ide ribbon cable has two ide female slots....does it matter which one plugs into the cddrive....end one or middle? | 21:29 |
BCM43 | KOJV: download it, extract, and move into the folder | 21:29 |
PdUb101 | question please, i acquired a theme that says "This is an Emerald themes for the Dar-Ice GTK themes" does that mean i need to download GTK app? | 21:30 |
Lynet | yacc: On a router you would do some preroute rule to rewrite the packet address. For packets originating from the same box I think you need to do the rewrite in the output chain. | 21:30 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Easiest way would be to use the "ndisgtk" GUI program in the repos, or you can do it at the command line. But I would try ndisgtk first if I were you. | 21:30 |
Chaotic_Descent | is the Desktop/Live CD the Ubuntu installer CD? | 21:31 |
majikins | Steve-cal: I'm relatively comfortable with cli | 21:31 |
majikins | Steve-cal: but I will take your advice and install quickly :-) | 21:31 |
KOJV | BCM43: Yes, then? | 21:32 |
Lynet | yacc: But if I'm not mistaken the output chain is after the route decition, so in that case you would have to reinject the packet to the input chain so that it will be rerouted to the correct destination interface. | 21:32 |
wiiman119 | can some one help me install grub manually on my nvraid setup? | 21:32 |
Lynet | yacc: ..but exactly *how* to do that is something I've forgotten a long time ago. | 21:32 |
BCM43 | KOJV: make, then sudo make install | 21:32 |
Steve-cal | majikins: I forgot to mention since I assumed you knew, but to use ndiswrapper you need the Windows wireless drivers for your wireless card--do you have those? | 21:33 |
majikins | Steve-cal: nope | 21:33 |
MvG | My system won't boot; HDD LED flickers but no progress. I've got root on LVM using kubuntu hardy alternate setup CD. Was debugging an issue with HAL preventing powerdown/reboot, so I was rebooting in recover mode fairly often. Suddenly, reboot stopped somewhere in between, can't remember where. Only Idea I had was using the Magic SysReq key to SIGTERM all processes, which got me the emergency menu. After that, things got worse. Loading things would | 21:33 |
majikins | Steve-cal: can I download it? | 21:34 |
KOJV | BCM43: That's where I get a lot of errors. | 21:34 |
* aks_ asks anyone who has a live CD handy or knows it well: can a system booted from a live CD be put into hibernate or sleep? | 21:34 | |
BCM43 | KOJV: you get a lot of errors? | 21:34 |
yacc | Lynet: Well, now we are two, my TCP/IP magician license expired at least 2-3 years ago ;( | 21:34 |
BCM43 | KOJV: which command? put it in paste bin | 21:34 |
MvG | Now I'm worried that I might have somehow garbled the lvm or some such, and I'm on the point of reinstalling the whole system again. Do you see an alternative? Or have any suspicions what's keeping the system busy? | 21:34 |
oc80z | u guu guys are assholes, all i had to do was date --set 5/28/2008 and Gnome would have started correctly. | 21:34 |
oc80z | i formated. | 21:35 |
oc80z | preciate it. | 21:35 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Yes, you should be able to find the Windows drivers for your card, but it may take a bit of googling or looking around the RealTek site or something. | 21:35 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Didn't you get anything like that with your computer? | 21:35 |
biouser | when setting up evolution with gmail.. what server type should I choose? | 21:36 |
BCM43 | KOJV: you still there? | 21:36 |
KOJV | BCM43: | 21:37 |
sagredo | Hi, I'm trying to burn a DVD of Hardy, but all the programs I use are failing. Which application should I use? | 21:37 |
jonny_ | Yeah, im on irc in command line atm. I cant log into Gnome, when i try to i get the ubuntu brown background with an empty grey box in the top left. Any help would be apprecciated, cheers. | 21:37 |
Boohbah | aks_: it can as long as ACPI is working correctly | 21:37 |
BCM43 | KOJV: you ran make before that? | 21:37 |
Boohbah | oc80z: yes, a full reinstall is usually not the best option... you should have asked me | 21:37 |
Dante123 | hi ubuntu gods.....i just got evga 650i mobo, 2 gb dual channel memory, quad core cpu from I got 32 bit version of hardy 8.04 or 64 bit? Will be doing some tremulous, cod 1 and 2 gaming on this is normal internet stuff.... | 21:38 |
BCM43 | KOJV: duh, im an idiot, i know why. You have to do aptitude install build-essentials first | 21:38 |
Boohbah | Dante123: any gaming, stick to 32-bit | 21:38 |
maximilion | hey guys :) Should I ask for a stable mp3 player here or in another channel? | 21:38 |
cdecarlo | jonny_: have you set the driver in your xorg.conf to VGA? | 21:38 |
BCM43 | Dante123: from what i hear, 64bit is not great | 21:38 |
BCM43 | maximilion: another channel | 21:38 |
Boohbah | Dante123: flash and java also have issues with 64-bit | 21:38 |
maximilion | Right BCM43 , the name of the channel? :) | 21:39 |
BCM43 | !64-bit | Boohbah | 21:39 |
ubottu | Boohbah: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See for more information. | 21:39 |
jonny_ | cdecarlo: Nope, i was playing around with the mouse, and i reconfiged the xorg, but ill check now. | 21:39 |
jonaskoelker | maximilion: software or hardware? sw -> mplayer | 21:39 |
Boohbah | fully supported != stable or reliable | 21:39 |
matija | I just installed Kubuntu on my Dell D600 with ati 9000 graphic. how can I check what driver is installed and how can I install driver to be able to use compiz ??? | 21:39 |
zathras_laptop | anyone got a solution to how to get automount working in 8.04? | 21:39 |
BCM43 | maximilion: wait, do you mean stable with ubuntu? | 21:40 |
cdecarlo | jonny_: if you set it to VGA you should at least get to a GUI, then you can debug from there | 21:40 |
maximilion | Well, I'm running 32-bit Gutsy Gibbon and VLC is not at all stable. | 21:40 |
Boohbah | zathras_laptop: isn't that controlled by some gnome daemon? | 21:40 |
jonny_ | cdecarlo: No, nothing saying VGA. Where do i put the VGA thing? | 21:40 |
Dante123 | Boohbah thanks for advice | 21:40 |
Assid | matija: you shouldnt need anything.. it should work by default | 21:40 |
crdlb | matija: the driver to use compiz is already installed, however ubuntu has a compiz blacklist of all laptops using the ati driver | 21:40 |
Boohbah | maximilion: you could try amarok, the 1.4 branch is pretty stable... | 21:40 |
lmosher | Is there an easy way to convert from .bin and .cue to .iso? | 21:40 |
crdlb | matija: so if that's a laptop, you'll need to bypass the blacklist | 21:40 |
matija | okay how do I do that ? | 21:41 |
zathras_laptop | Boohbah, it stopped working for me when i upgraded | 21:41 |
matija | I remember something when I had ati on my desktop | 21:41 |
maximilion | If someone is happy with their mp3 player in their Ubuntu, I'll be happy to try... don't need fancy stuff like db or cataloging or visual fx, just want to select a few mp3s and play them in order :) | 21:41 |
BCM43 | maximilion: oh, duh, i thought you were talking about the hardware, such as an ipod | 21:41 |
matija | crdlb, glxgears give me around 1000fps | 21:41 |
maximilion | BCM43, don't worry :) Just was unsure about 'best this n that' discussions here | 21:41 |
matija | crdlb, but when I enable desktop effects nothing happens | 21:42 |
Armada | is there a command in the terminal to determine the CRC of a file | 21:42 |
crdlb | matija: that doesn't really mean much :) please join #compiz-fusion for help with overriding the blacklist | 21:42 |
Steve-cal | majikins: You still there? What's the status? | 21:42 |
BCM43 | maximilion: your not taking a poll, you want one fine one | 21:42 |
jonny_ | cdecarlo: Im going to restart the pc see if it helps. | 21:42 |
matija | crdlb, okay I did that | 21:42 |
Boohbah | zathras_laptop: try 'sudo apt-get install gnome-volume-manager' | 21:42 |
Boohbah | zathras_laptop: or reinstall | 21:42 |
gribiii | hi | 21:42 |
majikins | Steve-cal: just dug up the cd with the drivers! :-) | 21:42 |
BCM43 | !mp3-player | maxim | 21:42 |
ubottu | Factoid mp3-player not found | 21:42 |
Gokul | my wireless & sound card have stopped working after upgrading to hardy(8.04), anyone have any ideas how to fix this? | 21:42 |
vbabiy-laptop | Hey guys is firefox 3 RC1 in the repo yet? | 21:42 |
zathras_laptop | Boohbah, i'll try reinstall, as it's there | 21:42 |
BCM43 | !mp3| | maximilion | 21:42 |
majikins | Steve-cal: now what? | 21:42 |
ubottu | | maximilion: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 21:42 |
KOJV | BCM43: okay running aptitude install build-essentials now... | 21:43 |
BCM43 | KOJV: remember to run as root | 21:43 |
gribiii | can someone help me by the installation? | 21:43 |
Boohbah | maximilion: you could try mpd, it's very minimal and has a few options for GUIs | 21:43 |
BCM43 | !install | gribiii | 21:43 |
ubottu | gribiii: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 21:43 |
Steve-cal | mjaikins: Great, well just run that ndisgtk program and show it where your Windows drivers are (use Win XP if you have them). | 21:43 |
Armada | can I use more than one directionaries in ubuntu? | 21:43 |
Odd-rationale | gribiii: what troubles are you having? | 21:44 |
Armada | *dictionaries | 21:44 |
Boohbah | maximilion: my favorite is amarok, because i like the collection db and search functions | 21:44 |
aks_ | does anyone know if a system booted with Live CD can be put to sleep/hibernate? | 21:44 |
Armada | lol | 21:44 |
Gin | hi | 21:44 |
BCM43 | aks_: sleep yes, hibernate idk | 21:44 |
Boohbah | aks_: yes | 21:44 |
KOJV | BCM43: now what? | 21:44 |
BCM43 | !hi | Gin | 21:44 |
ubottu | Gin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:44 |
gribiii | I just downloaded the alternate iso of kubuntu and tried to install on my notebook with 15.4' widescreen | 21:44 |
Armada | aks_: why would you want to do that? | 21:44 |
Boohbah | !acpi | aks_ | 21:44 |
ubottu | Factoid acpi not found | 21:44 |
majikins | Steve-cal: got drivers from win98 to xp | 21:44 |
m13 | i tried using this tutorial for internet sharing and i lost conection to internet completly. any tips how to fix this ? | 21:44 |
gribiii | but when I start the installation, i've got a black screen | 21:44 |
BCM43 | KOJV: run the fist 2 commands | 21:44 |
gribiii | and nothing goes on | 21:44 |
Gin | what is the menu on the left bottom corner called in this demo video? | 21:44 |
Jaikkuli | BCM43: wasnt long ago to my recollection flash wasn't exactly working well with 64bit ubuntu archs | 21:44 |
cerebrate | maximilion: I use amarok, it's great. | 21:44 |
Gin | | 21:45 |
Armada | cerebrate: agreed | 21:45 |
maximilion | ok, read the page, will go to Synaptic and get restricted stuff and try some players :) | 21:45 |
Odd-rationale | gribiii: did you check the cd for defects? | 21:45 |
Armada | is there a command in the terminal to determine the CRC of a file | 21:45 |
Konam | somebody knows other projects similar to eBox (web interface to manage your servers)? I use to know a few ones but I have forgot about them :| | 21:45 |
aks_ | Armada: to test whether it will work properly on my laptop | 21:45 |
Steve-cal | majikins: Use Win XP. | 21:45 |
Armada | aks_: k, good luck | 21:45 |
BCM43 | Gin: why did you give that link to the channel? | 21:45 |
biouser | | 21:45 |
gribiii | Odd-rationale, it's the same when i choose "Check CD for defects" | 21:45 |
biouser | the answer to my previous question | 21:45 |
aks_ | there were some bugs with older versions, and I'd like to see if in Hardy they are resolved | 21:46 |
Boohbah | gribiii: are you able to see a boot menu? try booting with no framebuffer if you can | 21:46 |
Odd-rationale | gribiii: yes | 21:46 |
aks_ | thanks everyone | 21:46 |
RoAkSoAx | Konam, webmin is other but is not longer supported by Ubuntu | 21:46 |
Gin | BCM43: I want to know the name of the menu in that demo | 21:46 |
gribiii | how can i disable framebuffer? | 21:46 |
Armada | gribbii: burn the iso at a lower speed (12x or lower) | 21:46 |
Gin | I want it on my ubuntu system | 21:46 |
=== Blasphemer is now known as rotted | ||
Boohbah | gribiii: some option at the grub menu | 21:46 |
Gin | BCM43: it is thecomputer menu thing on the left bottom corner | 21:46 |
Gokul | my wireless & sound card have stopped working after upgrading to hardy(8.04) using 2.6.24.x, anyone have any ideas how to fix this? | 21:46 |
gribiii | Armada: I burned the iso with the same notebook as I'll start it so i think that shouldn't bee the problem | 21:46 |
KOJV | BCM43: What are the two first commands? | 21:46 |
Konam | RoAkSoAx why? | 21:47 |
nonent | i went to install a package today, and noticed i'm getting 404's on: edgy-updates is this an end of life thing? | 21:47 |
majikins | Steve-cal: ok loaded the inf file - will now check | 21:47 |
Cobra_Fast | hi | 21:47 |
BCM43 | KOJV: make and sudo make install | 21:47 |
BCM43 | !hi | Cobra_Fast | 21:47 |
ubottu | Cobra_Fast: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:47 |
Armada | gribii: I burned an iso that wouldn't start on the PC I burned it on but did start on any other PC. When I burned at a lower speed it did work. | 21:47 |
Armada | it's worth a shot | 21:47 |
gribiii | hmm | 21:47 |
RoAkSoAx | Konam, no longer compatible with Debian/Ubuntu config file structure or something like that | 21:47 |
=== alan__m is now known as Alan_M | ||
gribiii | Armada: but the bootloader comes | 21:48 |
BCM43 | Gin: no idea, never seen it before, must have somthing to do with the company | 21:48 |
Gin | BCM43: do you know the name of it? | 21:48 |
Armada | gribii: with me too | 21:48 |
Cobra_Fast | since ubuntu 7.04 i have up to five Xorg crashes per day, and i dont know where they come from. Cause X crashes not while performing a specific task. no. it crashes whenever it wants | 21:48 |
KOJV | BCM43: Still getting all them errors. | 21:48 |
Armada | gribii: it just locks up on loading | 21:48 |
Cobra_Fast | im actually using 7.10 with radeon driver | 21:48 |
BCM43 | KOJV: are you doing sudo make install? | 21:48 |
Armada | gribii: when loading the live ubutnu that is | 21:48 |
KOJV | BCM43: Yes. | 21:48 |
Armada | is there a command in the terminal to determine the CRC of a file? | 21:49 |
CydeWeys | Just to make sure I'm not missing anything, the "amd64" release will run on an Intel Core 2 Duo too, right? | 21:49 |
Cobra_Fast | this is really annoying cause you cant really work with a pc which runs probably two hours and crashes and you have to reset | 21:49 |
Konam | RoAkSoAx well, that wasn't the app I was tallking about. I'll have to do some more searching :| I just remember that the interface was kind of green | 21:49 |
majikins | Steve-cal: um - it seems like I connected to access pt - how do I test to see for certain? | 21:49 |
Cobra_Fast | with the older 6.10 my computer runs days without problems | 21:49 |
Armada | CydeWeys: I don't think so | 21:49 |
PdUb101 | why is it so difficult to change themes lol | 21:49 |
Cobra_Fast | with other distributions too | 21:49 |
Cobra_Fast | so what can i doo? | 21:49 |
Slart | Armada: sure.. have you tried running crc32 ? | 21:50 |
BCM43 | KOJV: im looking, hold on | 21:50 |
Slart | Armada: you might have to install it if it isn't already | 21:50 |
KOJV | Thank you BCM43! | 21:50 |
Steve-cal | majikins: You could always try to load a webpage ( for instance), or try "ping" at the CLI | 21:50 |
CydeWeys | Armada: Then what 64-bit download will run on an Intel Core 2 Duo? | 21:50 |
arfarf | upped to 8.04, what happened to the option to change mouse pointers? | 21:50 |
gribiii | Armada: I'll try it again tomorrow ... | 21:50 |
=== rotted is now known as Blasphemer | ||
RoAkSoAx | Konam, wont know for sure... but Ubuntu recommeds eBox | 21:50 |
Armada | CydeWeys: i386 if I'm correct | 21:51 |
Armada | CydeWeys: but I don't have that much experience | 21:51 |
gribiii | Armada: isn't i386 only 32bit? | 21:51 |
Cobra_Fast | can someone help me getting my Xorg stable? | 21:51 |
Armada | CydeWeys: I think I misspelled i386 | 21:51 |
CydeWeys | Armada: i386 won't run 64-bit | 21:51 |
BCM43 | KOJV: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list put it in pastebin | 21:51 |
Armada | CydeWeys: was it i686? I can't remember | 21:51 |
bastid_raZor | !amd64 | CydeWeys .. this link may help | 21:51 |
ubottu | CydeWeys .. this link may help: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See for more information. | 21:51 |
BCM43 | !someone | Cobra_Fast | 21:52 |
ubottu | Cobra_Fast: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 21:52 |
gribiii | CydeWeys: Do you really need 64bit? | 21:52 |
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot | ||
Cobra_Fast | i already told my problem | 21:52 |
Cobra_Fast | if you are too **** to read it | 21:52 |
Cobra_Fast | ... | 21:52 |
CydeWeys | Armada: i686 is Pentium 2 | 21:52 |
Cobra_Fast | okay once again | 21:52 |
CydeWeys | gribiii: I'm not sure I understand the question? | 21:53 |
arfarf | upped to 8.04, what happened to the option to change mouse pointers? | 21:53 |
CydeWeys | gribiii: Is me wanting to run 64-bit not sufficient? | 21:53 |
Cobra_Fast | my Xorg crashes daily up to five times | 21:53 |
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_- | ||
BCM43 | Cobra_Fast: sorry, fast channel, did not see it | 21:53 |
Cobra_Fast | since im using 7.04 | 21:53 |
Armada | CydeWeys: A long time since I last used 64-bit, sry | 21:53 |
Cobra_Fast | 6.10 and other distris are running fine | 21:53 |
Armada | CydeWeys: and I always get those ixxx confused XD | 21:54 |
BCM43 | !enter | Cobra_Fast | 21:54 |
ubottu | Cobra_Fast: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 21:54 |
Boohbah | Cobra_Fast: anything useful in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? | 21:54 |
Cobra_Fast | you like this bot? | 21:54 |
BCM43 | Cobra_Fast: you have an Open GL screen saver | 21:54 |
majikins | Steve-cal: does not seem to be working - has not received an IP | 21:54 |
gribiii | CydeWeys: I also had amd64 but I had some problems ... some of the software didn't go | 21:54 |
Cobra_Fast | no, i deactivated all screesavers | 21:54 |
BCM43 | Cobra_Fast: makes my fingers a less sore | 21:54 |
Armada | CydeWeys: jsut look for programs with 64-bit in the description, that should work on any 64-bit CPU | 21:54 |
CydeWeys | bastid_raZor: That linked page doesn't mention EM64T anywhere? | 21:54 |
BCM43 | Cobra_Fast: did you remove it? | 21:54 |
shane__ | how do i make my text bigger in XChat lol | 21:54 |
majikins | Steve-cal: is there some command to see if I have connected successfully? | 21:54 |
Cobra_Fast | no | 21:55 |
Armada | CydeWeys: But those amd64 packages are specificly for that CPU | 21:55 |
shane__ | XChat gnome | 21:55 |
CydeWeys | Armada: I'm trying to figure which ISO I should download to install Ubuntu to get a 640bit OS. | 21:55 |
Cobra_Fast | i just turned it off | 21:55 |
Boohbah | shane__: change the gnome text size | 21:55 |
matija | I have 64bit on my desktop computer and everything works | 21:55 |
CydeWeys | gribiii: Yeah, I'm aware there are some compatibility issues. I want to do it anyway. | 21:55 |
Cobra_Fast | well, wait im searching after an Xorg.log | 21:55 |
Boohbah | Cobra_Fast: anything useful in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ??? | 21:55 |
Cobra_Fast | im searching!!! | 21:55 |
BCM43 | Cobra_Fast: see if this helps | 21:55 |
sarmento | Boa noite | 21:55 |
Steve-cal | majikins: "ifconfig" and "iwconfig" will give you useful info. | 21:55 |
BCM43 | Cobra_Fast: calm down | 21:55 |
Boohbah | Cobra_Fast: it's right there, in /var/log | 21:55 |
gribiii | CydeWeys: How I know, you have to use the amd64 iso | 21:55 |
Cobra_Fast | yep i found it :) | 21:55 |
Armada | CydeWeys: Under "What type of computer do you have?" select "64bit AMD and Intel computers" | 21:56 |
BCM43 | Cobra_Fast: sorry, forgot the link | 21:56 |
Boohbah | Cobra_Fast: does it tell you why your z server crashed? | 21:56 |
dRegoR | hey ppl | 21:56 |
Boohbah | s/z/x/ lol | 21:56 |
CydeWeys | So I should download the AMD64 ISO? Just making usre. | 21:56 |
BCM43 | KOJV: you still there? | 21:56 |
BCM43 | !hi | dRegoR | 21:56 |
ubottu | dRegoR: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:56 |
Cobra_Fast | well my Xorg crashes while desktop use | 21:56 |
Armada | boohbah: lol, you mean X server, well when you're screen locked up you're X server crashed XD | 21:56 |
Boohbah | !abuse | BCM43 | 21:56 |
ubottu | BCM43: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 21:56 |
kohnrad1982 | Im having problems with my internet browser being very sluggish after upgrading to 8.04. This happens in firefox 3, firefox 2, and opera. While scrolling down a page, it goes very slowly and sometimes will grey out. Any ideas? | 21:56 |
Cobra_Fast | its running fine for two or three hours | 21:56 |
gribiii | CydeWeys: When I installed 64bit linux ond my Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 I used the amd64 | 21:56 |
Cobra_Fast | then freezes | 21:56 |
Boohbah | BCM43: :-) | 21:57 |
CydeWeys | gribiii: All right, thanks, that's what I wanted to know. | 21:57 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: ??? | 21:57 |
gribiii | no problem | 21:57 |
m13 | CydeWeys: u got 4gb RAM or more * | 21:57 |
Cobra_Fast | no, im not using an opengl-screensaver | 21:57 |
shane__ | Okay now whats the best software to burn .AVI to a dvd? | 21:57 |
Cobra_Fast | im not using any screensaver | 21:57 |
shane__ | for playback in most dvd player | 21:57 |
Crazzyt9 | hello :) | 21:57 |
stefg | Cobra_Fast: so the art of putting the question would be like: "I've got a Supergraphx ABC 1000 card running ubuntu Itchy, my xorg.conf is pasted at <pastebin-link> . I'm experiencing random crashes, have inspected the logs and searched google, but i still found no answer. i tried <forum post 1> and <forum post 2 >, didn't help. What can i do do to diagnose the problem" :) | 21:57 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: what was that for? | 21:58 |
Armada | gribiii: There's only one 64-bit linux and that is specificly noted to be 64-bit AMD AND Intel | 21:58 |
dRegoR | hi! | 21:58 |
Armada | *ubtunu | 21:58 |
Cobra_Fast | okay stefg, ill try | 21:58 |
BCM43 | stefg: im submiting that to ubuttu | 21:58 |
gribiii | Armada: Yes and that's the amd64 | 21:58 |
Boohbah | BCM43: i'm just hassling you about your bot-happiness, don't worry about it | 21:58 |
Armada | *ubuntu | 21:58 |
gribiii | *ubuntu :D | 21:58 |
arfarf | upped to 8.04, what happened to the option to change mouse pointers? | 21:59 |
Pxrbot | hi, im trying to install Beryl through the intructions here but its hanging on the last part of the sources section :S | 21:59 |
Armada | gribiii: then those amd64 packages work on intel too? | 21:59 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: what does that have to do with the peopel here bing volunteers? | 21:59 |
Boohbah | BCM43: the !abuse trigger was not what i expected | 21:59 |
gribiii | Armada: Yes, they wrote on the page that it is for amd64 and Intels EMT64 | 21:59 |
gribiii | !amd64 | 21:59 |
ubottu | AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See for more information. | 21:59 |
bczippy | newish linux user with fstab question...any takers? | 21:59 |
CyberCod | Can anyone help me set up the tap0 bridging interface? | 21:59 |
CydeWeys | m13: Not at the present, but it's a future possibility, yes. | 21:59 |
Boohbah | bczippy: sure! | 21:59 |
echo_mirage | how to set the startup location of the terminal centered on screen? | 21:59 |
kohnrad1982 | I'm having problems with my Internet browser being very sluggish after upgrading to 8.04. This happens in firefox 3, firefox 2, and opera. While scrolling down a page, it goes very slowly and sometimes will grey out. Any ideas? | 22:00 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: ah, i thought you were getting mad at me for asking if KOJV was still here, i was helping him. | 22:00 |
Armada | gribiii: I mean the packages that specificly note for AMD64 in the description | 22:00 |
shane__ | What is good software to burn AVI to DVD player compliant disc | 22:00 |
Boohbah | CyberCod: i tried that but gave up... you're doing this for virtualbox host net interface, i assume? | 22:00 |
CyberCod | yeah | 22:00 |
Boohbah | BCM43: no, no, i am not mad | 22:00 |
gribiii | Armada: Yes I think they should work | 22:00 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: i think you mean !bot abuse | 22:00 |
Slart | shane__: try Devede | 22:00 |
gribiii | Armada: Do you have an example? | 22:00 |
Armada | gribiii: like libc6-amd64 | 22:00 |
Cobra_Fast | Im using my ATi Radeon 9550 since i have this computer. it has run fine with all distributions of linux, and my favourite is ubuntu. But since 7.04 and upwards im getting more and more Xorg crashes per day. First i though, "probably some random error, it wont happen again" nowadays im having up to five crashes per day, something is going wrong. I did not find anything in any logs. And there are no websites considering this problem. | 22:01 |
m13 | CydeWeys: if u plan on 4gb or more , then go 64 | 22:01 |
Cobra_Fast | this way, stefg ? | 22:01 |
CyberCod | Boohbah: did you find another way to do it? or did you just throw up your hands? | 22:01 |
Boohbah | CyberCod: i just went with NAT instead, much easier. do you need to use host interface for a specific reason, like running a server on the guest OS? | 22:01 |
bczippy | BoohBah: i have 3 partitions...ext3 (ubuntu), swap ,ext3 (backtrack)..however my fstab only shows sda1, sda2, and scd0 | 22:01 |
LeChacal | i am backing up my files to do a clean install i have all of my home folder, i cannt think of anything else i need to grab anyone have any thing i missed? | 22:01 |
gribiii | Armada: I didn't remind me but when I installed my amd64 bit again I'll say you if it works | 22:01 |
CydeWeys | m13: Well I'm also interested in doing 64-bit development, so that's really the primary thing driving my choice. | 22:01 |
Armada | 64bit shared library for ->AMD64<- | 22:01 |
CyberCod | Boohbah: exactly. apache server on guest OS (Jeos) | 22:01 |
stefg | Cobra_Fast: right :) ... so your problem is likely to be the ati driver. Now comes the forum searching part 1 :-) | 22:02 |
FireFlyFan | Hello, I have been looking for a program like Finale *(music writing and transposition), looking in the supplied list of programs I could not find anything, does any one have a suggest of what I could ues? | 22:02 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: msg ubuttu the command "prayer" | 22:02 |
Slart | LeChacal: /etc can sometimes be nice to have.. if you've made modifications you want to keep | 22:02 |
m13 | CydeWeys: go for it then ;) | 22:02 |
Crazzyt9 | I'm trying to install ubuntu I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition - Supported to 2011 which i downloaded and burned i tried loading into the live cd and it says that it cand find x server or something about that and it can't continue until it's configured can anyone explain to me what this means and how to configure it please :) | 22:02 |
CyberCod | Boohbah: I need to share out a folder via samba from within the guest | 22:02 |
Armada | gribiii: tell CydeWeys, he asked, I run 32-bit | 22:02 |
Cobra_Fast | but how do you explain that the crashes are getting more often with the time? like yesterday one crash, today two, tomorrow three | 22:02 |
gribiii | Armada: I first will try it out for myself ;) | 22:03 |
Boohbah | CyberCod: is it possible to use the shared folders feature to achieve what you need? | 22:03 |
Steve-cal | majikins: I have to go now, but I may be around in an hour or so. Good luck with your wireless, and maybe someone else can help you in the meantime if you need it. | 22:03 |
shane__ | Slart: Thanks i installed it an im going to give it a try | 22:03 |
scifiguy951 | what is a good program for ubuntu that you can dl music with?? something like limewire but not limewire any suggestions??? | 22:03 |
Armada | gribiii: comaptibility with older apps in ubtunu is bad as it is :P | 22:03 |
Armada | *ubuntu XD | 22:03 |
Armada | godammit too many u's | 22:03 |
LeChacal | Slart: i grabbed a couple of files that i change in there now also thank you | 22:03 |
FireFlyFan | scifiguy951: azures, and a torrent site | 22:03 |
dcordes | why is synce so damn complicated to setup? I think this is something which device one touch setup. There is not even synce-gnome | 22:03 |
majikins | Steve-cal: tank you for your help! | 22:03 |
gribiii | Armada: what you mean with this sentence? | 22:03 |
scifiguy951 | ok | 22:03 |
Boohbah | bczippy: so you need to manually add a line for the missing partition? | 22:03 |
scifiguy951 | thnxc | 22:03 |
Boohbah | !fstab | 22:03 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 22:03 |
majikins | Steve-cal: I'm sure I'll come right | 22:03 |
Armada | gribiii: what sentence? | 22:04 |
stefg | Cobra_Fast: would be a helpful link provided by google | 22:04 |
Boohbah | the ubuntu custom of using UUIDs for drive names is CONFUSING | 22:04 |
FireFlyFan | What is a good transposition program for Ubuntu? | 22:04 |
bczippy | i think...i have my fstab, fdisk, and grub/menu.lst on a pastebin if you wanna see it... | 22:04 |
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gribiii | Armada: "<Armada> gribiii: comaptibility with older apps in ubtunu is bad as it is :P" | 22:04 |
bczippy | !fstab | 22:04 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 22:04 |
frankie_ | uh, how can i install xchat onto ubuntu? | 22:04 |
gribiii | !emt64 | 22:04 |
CyberCod | Boohbah: I wish, but I'm developing it to reside on Win2003 server at the office. I may have to do this part of it after it is installed there. I know I know... I tried to get them to go for a full install but they're too entrenched. I figured a little linux in a vm is better than none | 22:04 |
ubottu | Factoid emt64 not found | 22:04 |
Boohbah | FireFlyFan: musical transposition? | 22:04 |
Slart | frankie_: sudo apt-get install xchat | 22:04 |
FireFlyFan | boohbah" yeah such as Finale for windows | 22:04 |
BCM43 | frankie_: sudo aptitude install xchat | 22:05 |
Slart | frankie_: or use "Add/Remove program".. or use synaptic | 22:05 |
amrik | aptitude is bettar than apt-get | 22:05 |
Hammer89 | anyone know if this is something I should actually be concerned about? | 22:05 |
CyberCod | I want them to be able to edit the webpages from any workstation on the network | 22:05 |
Boohbah | FireFlyFan: rosegarden is an interesting midi sequencer that has sheet music display... it might do that | 22:05 |
Armada | gribiii: dependency hell | 22:05 |
Slart | amrik: for something simple like xchat I don't think aptitude makes any difference.. or? | 22:05 |
FireFlyFan | boohbah: I am not actually playing the music rather wrighting it in from different keys and transposing it to my own. | 22:05 |
Cobra_Fast | well, this is about the fglrx driver, but i am using the "radeon" driver, sorry, i forgot to tell | 22:05 |
Boohbah | FireFlyFan: ahhh, check out lilypond | 22:05 |
FireFlyFan | boohbah: okay thanks., | 22:05 |
amrik | Slart: I think the dependencies resolve better, and when he wants to remove a package it will take care of removing unused dependencies | 22:06 |
Cobra_Fast | i just read something about DRI !? | 22:06 |
frankie_ | being so new at something like linux really sucks :p | 22:06 |
Slart | amrik: please tell me you've got something more solid than "aptitude is better with dependencies".. I've never had any dependency problems using apt-get | 22:06 |
Boohbah | FireFlyFan: more help in #ubuntu-studio | 22:06 |
gribiii | gn8 | 22:06 |
Boohbah | frankie_: no, it's fun to learn! | 22:06 |
Slart | amrik: apt-get removes unused dependencies too | 22:06 |
neutralstorm | hi all | 22:06 |
BCM43 | !hi | neutralstorm | 22:06 |
ubottu | neutralstorm: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 22:06 |
amrik | Slart: I dont know about that. For example if you install something that requires a lib, and then you remove it with apt-get I dont think the lib goes away | 22:07 |
Cobra_Fast | should i try to use the proprietary ati-driver? | 22:07 |
frankie_ | learning is the easy part, its the first few steps that are rough. | 22:07 |
Slart | amrik: not autoamgically.. it tells you "these packages are not needed anymore.. type apt-get autoremove to remove them" | 22:07 |
Boohbah | Heil! Willkommen auf #ubuntu! | 22:07 |
BCM43 | frankie_: mess it up a lot once, it will be all down hill form there | 22:07 |
BCM43 | !ne | 22:07 |
ubottu | Factoid ne not found | 22:07 |
BCM43 | !de | 22:08 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 22:08 |
frankie_ | LOL | 22:08 |
Cobra_Fast | well by | 22:08 |
Cobra_Fast | e | 22:08 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: hey, i just saw who said that. | 22:08 |
unr3a1 | hey all | 22:09 |
BCM43 | unr3a1: hi | 22:09 |
amrik | Slart: also aptitude can do more than install and remove packages. you can search for them and get info as well. you would have to use apt-cache otherwise; its kind of nice to have a single tool to do package management | 22:09 |
frankie_ | how can i get ethereal/wireshark onto ubuntu? | 22:09 |
unr3a1 | does anyone know a good app to program in flash? | 22:09 |
tyberion | which filemanager besides nautilus/thunar is good for the use with fluxbox? | 22:09 |
Slart | amrik: oh.. come on.. now you're scraping the bottom =) | 22:10 |
shane__ | Slart: PAL or NTSC for DVD player? | 22:10 |
Slart | shane__: depends on where you live.. | 22:10 |
BCM43 | !offtopic | Slart amrik | 22:10 |
ubottu | Slart amrik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 22:10 |
Slart | BCM43: yea yea.. it was almost on topic.. so close =) | 22:11 |
johey | Is there a better tool than hdparm for setting and reading hard drive statistics for SATA? | 22:11 |
amrik | BCM43: lol just barely offtopic | 22:11 |
ag3r | spain channel? | 22:11 |
shane__ | Slart: Canada | 22:11 |
BCM43 | !es | 22:11 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 22:11 |
johey | Hdparm sais like "HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device" | 22:11 |
tyberion | are there any good filemanagers besides thunar/nautilus, for fluxbox? | 22:11 |
Slart | shane__: hmm.. the US uses NTSC.. Europe uses PAL, mostly | 22:11 |
frankie_ | how can i get ethereal/wireshark onto ubuntu? | 22:11 |
amrik | tyberion: I don't know if I'm mistaken or not, but isn't fluxbox just a window manager? why would it include a file manager as well? | 22:12 |
Boohbah | frankie_: sudo apt-get install wireshark | 22:12 |
shane__ | Slart: Good thing i asked, the default is set to PAL, im going to try NTSC | 22:12 |
Slart | shane__: here's a nice page..,ntsc.htm . Seems like NTSC is the way to go | 22:12 |
tyberion | amrik: yeah it is... but when I launch nautilus.. it starts adding my gnome theme, wallpaper and so on, so I tried thunar, its ok.. but arent there any other ones? | 22:12 |
kkerwin | Hi. What is the IRC client that comes on Ubuntu Live CD's? | 22:12 |
icewaterman | anyone running ubuntu with a vanilla kernel? | 22:12 |
Slart | johey: are you using hdparm on a SATA drive? | 22:12 |
Boohbah | kkerwin: xchat? | 22:12 |
frankie_ | ah, thank you boohbah | 22:13 |
johey | Slart: Yeah. You know a better option? | 22:13 |
kkerwin | Boohbah: Thank you. | 22:13 |
Boohbah | frankie_: welcome | 22:13 |
Boohbah | frankie_: see, it's fun :-) | 22:13 |
amenado | icewaterman-> i have chocolate kernel | 22:13 |
icewaterman | amenado: funny | 22:13 |
amrik | tyberion: I'm guessing the konqueror might have the same issue as nautilus | 22:13 |
bczippy | !fsab | 22:13 |
ubottu | Factoid fsab not found | 22:13 |
bczippy | !fstab | 22:13 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 22:13 |
Boohbah | amenado: nice :-) | 22:13 |
amenado | icewaterman-> what do you mean be vanilla kernel? | 22:13 |
tyberion | amrik: konqueror is filemanager in kde? | 22:13 |
frankie_ | it is now, earlier ubuntu stubbornly refused to feel the ethernet plug i had shoved up it's digital ass. | 22:14 |
BCM43 | amenado: that is a little off topic. try #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:14 |
icewaterman | amenado: kernel without patches. my problem is that almost all works, but i cannot switch back from x11 to console (splash is working fine though), just cannot login | 22:14 |
amrik | tyberion: yes. you could look into "rox". found it while googling | 22:14 |
Boohbah | amenado: a vanilla kernel is directly from, with no patches applied by distributors | 22:14 |
DIL | amenado: i have the lieutenant kernel | 22:14 |
Slart | johey: from the man page hdparm provides a command line interface to various kernel interfaces supported by the Linux SATA/PATA/SAS "libata" subsystem | 22:14 |
jansen | hi.. when i open synaptic it says: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 22:14 |
icewaterman | vanilla kernel= kernel from | 22:14 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: what version? | 22:15 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: | 22:15 |
icewaterman | on hardy | 22:15 |
Slart | johey: I don't think Ubuntu uses libata anymore.. so it doesn't work out of the box | 22:15 |
stefg | jansen: so what keeps you from doing just that ? | 22:15 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: often, vanilla kernels are unstable | 22:15 |
frankie_ | what do i do when the terminal has finished the request? | 22:15 |
amenado | icewaterman-> that dont seem right, you can not login via a console? like if you go ctrl+alt+f1 ? | 22:15 |
amrik | icewaterman: I'm actually running right now, are you talking about switching vterms? | 22:15 |
jansen | when i do that it goes: | 22:15 |
Slart | johey: there was a sdparm utility for SATA drives.. but it didn't have all the bells and whistles of hdparm | 22:15 |
johey | Slart: Ah ok. I just want to check so the disk parameters looks fine. | 22:16 |
icewaterman | amrik: switching from x11 back to console | 22:16 |
matija | how can I change number of virtual desktops from 2 to 4 ?? I'm running kubuntu and I just installed compiz and its running nice. | 22:16 |
MvG | My notebook with hardy keeps the hdd busy during boot. Any idea how I can find out what it is doing? Splash is already disabled, the root filesystem check was just completed, and now it hangs. What can I do? | 22:16 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: browse lkml for any changes in the console driver for that version... | 22:16 |
amrik | icewaterman: are you trying to do ctrl+alt+f1? | 22:16 |
icewaterman | amenado: cant | 22:16 |
frankie_ | boohbah : what do i do after it got the install for wireshark? | 22:16 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: or try another kernel | 22:16 |
Slart | johey: but do a google for hdparm sata and see what you find.. there's bound to be some info out there | 22:16 |
tempest | can anyone try to help me to get my logout to work correctly. when I logout it just goes to a black screen | 22:16 |
Boohbah | frankie_: type 'wireshark' in the terminal, or maybe you can find it in the menu | 22:16 |
nokian95 | hey guys | 22:16 |
icewaterman | amrik: yes, and i only get a fancy background, no console | 22:16 |
jansen | oh.. i wasnt using sudo =[[ | 22:17 |
pist0l-fish | hi there. For some reason I can only select resolutions equal to or smaller than 640x480 with my laptop (which was running 1280x800 before my last boot). I can run glxgears so it's not a problem with my graphics card. Can anyone help? | 22:17 |
amrik | icewaterman: a fancy background? you mean like the background you had from X? | 22:17 |
stefg | jansen: cluebat time ! :) | 22:17 |
Boohbah | frankie_: probably 'sudo wireshark' or 'gksu wireshark' | 22:17 |
johey | Slart: Yeah, I've done some googling... Nothing much found there. :/ But thanks anyway! I'll take a look at sdparm. | 22:17 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: i tried to compile the ubuntu kernel and the corresponding modules, but failed to compile the ubuntu-modules stuff, so i chose the newer kernel from | 22:17 |
icewaterman | amrik: yes,but with a lot of noise in it | 22:17 |
amrik | icewaterman: are you by chance using the nvidia binary driver? | 22:18 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: do you need a specific feature not offered in the ubuntu kernel, or what? | 22:18 |
MvG | pist0l-fish: I guess I'd try tweaking the modelines in the xorg.config, but that's a not very ubuntu-like way and requires quite a lot of work. | 22:18 |
frankie_ | cool! now is there a way to put a shortcut on the desktop? | 22:18 |
icewaterman | amrik: nope, free radeon driver | 22:18 |
amenado | icewaterman-> can you not kill X via ctrl+shift(alt?)+backspace ? | 22:18 |
pist0l-fish | MvG: good thinking. Sorry, I've configured X before but I seem to be terribly good at forgetting obscure conventions | 22:18 |
Slart | johey: here's a little info.. it mentions sdparm too , | 22:18 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: well the ubuntu kernel with its default config is kinda crap - too much debug and dangerous options, no nx-bit etc. | 22:18 |
johey | Slart: Thans alot! | 22:18 |
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icewaterman | amenado: i probably can, but i'm afraid i will not be able to login anymore and would have to reboot | 22:19 |
Boohbah | frankie_: did you try and find it in the GNOME menu? if so you can drag it to the desktop | 22:19 |
frankie_ | yeah, wasn't there. i had to sudo it | 22:19 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: so you've compiled a kernel before... | 22:19 |
amrik | icewaterman: if you tried to stop gdm via /etc/init.d/gdm stop, can you drop down to a console then? | 22:19 |
frankie_ | nevermind, it needed to launch before it appeared | 22:19 |
smileboot | anyone know why a second user on my ubuntu install cant connect to wireless? | 22:19 |
Boohbah | smileboot: groups | 22:20 |
embrik | how do I findout if my soundcard is ok? | 22:20 |
amenado | icewaterman-> or if you have ssh installed, can you try to login via ssh? | 22:20 |
smileboot | or why they cant hibernate the laptop either | 22:20 |
Boohbah | smileboot: check that both users are in the same groups | 22:20 |
Slart | smileboot: there might be a wifi group he/she has to be in | 22:20 |
icewaterman | amenado: dunno, no sshd installed and i do not have another box with a monitor right now | 22:20 |
Boohbah | embrik: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp | 22:20 |
icewaterman | i'll try to kill x11 and see what happens | 22:20 |
amenado | smileboot-> only one user shoud be able to fiddle with network stuff (ie root)...not bunch of users.. | 22:20 |
microwaver | is the location of the splashscreen in ubuntu etc/usplash.conf ? (the config file) ? | 22:20 |
stefg | smileboot: he might be not in the right group to use it (probably he's 'Desktop' not 'Admin' so hasnt got the rights to use ndiswrapper) | 22:20 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: you did try alt+f1 ? | 22:21 |
smileboot | amenado i agree but for a laptop it should be able to connect to wifi | 22:21 |
zepherin | Hello, How do I rename a NTFS drive name? | 22:21 |
frankie_ | boohbah: when i started wireshark, it warned me about using the name "root" (the warning was something along those lines) what do i do about that? | 22:21 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: so the problem again is you can't switch from X to console? | 22:21 |
linkinxp | how do i reset my audio drivers????? | 22:22 |
amenado | smileboot-> a user has still go to become root add the 2nd user to sudoers | 22:22 |
embrik | Boohbah, cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp made a lot of noice - so sound out seems to be ok, what about record - how do I do that? | 22:22 |
Slart | zepherin: see if there isn't something like a ntfs-setlabel program.. | 22:22 |
linkinxp | i have no sound!!! and sudo alsa foce-reload doesnt work!! HELP!!!!! | 22:22 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: tried that, but i only get a screwed version of my desktop background, no console | 22:22 |
smileboot | amenado: ok ill give that a try | 22:22 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: if i kill x11 same thing happens | 22:22 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: this only happens when i use usplash btw. | 22:22 |
lgc | Flannel, you there? | 22:23 |
thehurley | hello, i've just installed ubuntu on a laptop and my gfx card isn't being detected, a generic device name is being used in xorg.conf. it seems that fglrx is not being used and neither are any offical drivers from ATI. Can someone advise how to get fglrx working? | 22:23 |
microwaver | is the location of the splashscreen in ubuntu etc/usplash.conf ? (the config file) ? | 22:23 |
Boohbah | embrik: record? you mean line-in or microphone input? | 22:23 |
konner | How do i exit the KDE x-server | 22:23 |
icewaterman | if i do not use usplash it works (without framebuffer console of course) | 22:23 |
amenado | konner-> go to single user mode | 22:23 |
konner | How? | 22:23 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: i'll kill gdm, and see what happens, probably have to reboot though | 22:23 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: well thanks for letting me know.... | 22:23 |
stefg | thehurley: what does <lspci | grep VGA> return ? | 22:23 |
Slart | !info ntfsprogs | zepherin: in here is a ntfslabel program, | 22:23 |
ubottu | zepherin: in here is a ntfslabel program,: ntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB | 22:23 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: OF COURSE it is usplash ;) | 22:24 |
amenado | konner-> telinit 1 think.. | 22:24 |
amenado | konner off course you have to sudo | 22:24 |
embrik | Boohbah, yes, but wait a second, it may be the programme i'm using which causes me trouble (Audacity) | 22:24 |
thehurley | stefg, it returns the correct device name for my graphics card | 22:24 |
embrik | by the way, how do I avtivate clipboard? | 22:25 |
Boohbah | embrik: so you're trying to record sound? have you checked out jack daemon and realtime kernel? | 22:25 |
thehurley | stefg, this is not referenced anywhere in xorg.conf | 22:25 |
thehurley | !paste | 22:25 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 22:25 |
embrik | Boohbah, no, how do I do that? | 22:25 |
zepherin | I'm checking | 22:25 |
Jaffarkelshac | !webcam | 22:25 |
ubottu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 22:25 |
Boohbah | embrik: /join #ubuntustudio | 22:25 |
scifiguy951 | is there a way to get into comps on my LAN?? | 22:25 |
embrik | Boohbah, ok, tahnks :-) | 22:25 |
javb | after upgrading to the lastest version of ubuntu, now, when i boot my projector (datashow) says out of range . . . any ideas ? ? | 22:25 |
=== playya__ is now known as playya | ||
zepherin | says !info event not found | 22:26 |
stefg | thehurley: as you might have noticed you avoided to state what graphc card that is.... most of us aren't psychic readers in here :) | 22:26 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: ok, it seems i can even login when pressing ctrl+alt+f1 but the problem is, i have to type blind | 22:26 |
t1n0m3n | scifiguy951: Yes, just open up the side and climb right in? | 22:26 |
zepherin | there we go thanks a lot | 22:26 |
scifiguy951 | LOL!! i am serious!! | 22:26 |
icewaterman | which means it looks like the displaying gets screwed | 22:26 |
scifiguy951 | tho | 22:26 |
thehurley | stefg, im in the middle of using pastebin | 22:26 |
thehurley | give a man a second or two | 22:26 |
thehurley | :) | 22:26 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: well the root of your problem is usplash | 22:26 |
scifiguy951 | how do i "sniff" for ips on my LAN?? | 22:27 |
javb | after upgrading to the lastest version of ubuntu, now, when i boot my projector (datashow) says out of range . . . any ideas ? ? | 22:27 |
javb | its weird, maybe NVIDIA? | 22:27 |
t1n0m3n | scifiguy951: Install wireshark | 22:27 |
smileboot | ok yeah the user is a member of the admin group and admin group is a sudoer yet no wireless access | 22:27 |
thehurley | stefg, | 22:27 |
smileboot | well the user can have wireless i just have to login with my account | 22:27 |
getoo | what is the best app to use with watching youtube , my firefox keeps crashing | 22:28 |
getoo | i did installed the adobe one | 22:28 |
getoo | but no good for me | 22:28 |
Slart | getoo: I'm not sure the others even handle youtube.. have you tried? | 22:28 |
getoo | not really | 22:28 |
konner | that didnt work | 22:28 |
konner | it foze up | 22:29 |
konner | froze | 22:29 |
getoo | i mean it crashes every time i try to watch youtube | 22:29 |
getoo | no it just kills it | 22:29 |
getoo | should i remove it | 22:29 |
t1n0m3n | getoo: I use flash from adobe on 32 bit firefox running on 64 bit ubuntu. Works fine for me | 22:29 |
linkinxp | i have no sound!!! and sudo alsa foce-reload doesnt work!! HELP!!!!! | 22:29 |
getoo | i gots 32 bit here | 22:29 |
konner | How do i kill the x-server. | 22:29 |
getoo | nope | 22:29 |
stefg | thehurley: a search for <ubuntu ati RS300M AGP> turned up | 22:30 |
Alan_M | konner, ctrl-alt-backspace | 22:30 |
scifiguy951 | once i install it user friendly? | 22:30 |
konner | that takes me back to the login screen | 22:30 |
stefg | thehurley: might be even more useful | 22:31 |
getoo | i just tried it with epiphany , same thing | 22:31 |
simplexio | scifiguy951: moust user friendly network sniffer for linux | 22:31 |
tonyyarusso | scifiguy951: friendly enough for the things it does, which aren't particularly naturally. | 22:31 |
getoo | youtube kills my browsert | 22:31 |
profanephobia | can you not download a hardy torrent from | 22:31 |
Boohbah | frankie_: did you get wireshark working? | 22:32 |
frankie_ | heck yes i did :D | 22:32 |
tonyyarusso | profanephobia: you can, you just have to find it. | 22:32 |
stefg | getoo: purge libflash-support | 22:32 |
getoo | stefg: k | 22:32 |
frankie_ | thanks a bunch for the help | 22:32 |
ag3r | someone who help me pliz? | 22:32 |
frankie_ | this program is neat. | 22:32 |
Boohbah | profanephobia: | 22:32 |
slimjimflim | apt is asking me for my gutsy cd, how can i bypass this for repos? | 22:32 |
profanephobia | thanks all | 22:32 |
ag3r | my mouse seems to click ever twice | 22:32 |
ag3r | i cannot move windows | 22:33 |
tonyyarusso | slimjimflim: comment out the CD line in /etc/apt/sources.list (there's a GUI way too) | 22:33 |
simplexio | wireshark does know nice stuff. one i tested it to record voip phone from my computer to another | 22:33 |
ag3r | always gets rolled | 22:33 |
thehurley | stefg, thanks | 22:33 |
slimjimflim | tonyyarusso, that should be enough | 22:33 |
slimjimflim | ty | 22:33 |
smileboot | So here the problem at hand second user cant connect to wifi network or hibernate the laptop IS a member of the admin group Which allows sudo in turn. Anyone have any idea why either or both aint working? | 22:33 |
slimjimflim | figured it was something like that | 22:33 |
getoo | brb | 22:33 |
ag3r | the mouse seems to always double clicking | 22:33 |
ag3r | anyone can help? | 22:33 |
justdave | so I need to connect to a Windows share that requires a password from my Ubuntu box... however, the server in question also has anonymously-accessible shares on it. And since it allows anonymous connections, Nautilus appears to be automatically connection anonymously, and I can't find anywhere to tell it I want to use a username. How do I connect with a username? | 22:33 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: any idea how to get around that problem? | 22:33 |
Xsploit | hmm how do i get divx to work with firefox? | 22:34 |
alexbobp | What package do I need to install to get program specific tab completion in bash? | 22:34 |
scifiguy951 | what exactly is wireshark for and how can i use it? | 22:34 |
amenado | I thought i can mount bind a directory to partition mounted to /media/disk-1 and then the new files created will be at the new partition..but apparently so.. mount --bind /vz /media/disk-1; touch f1.txt; but when i unmount the /bz from /media/disk-1 no files is in the partition | 22:34 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: don't use usplash | 22:34 |
accident | boohbah: i got xchat working | 22:35 |
stefg | justdave: there's <smbclient> and <fusesmb> which both happen to be command line tools, unfortunately :-) | 22:35 |
Boohbah | scifiguy951: it is a frontend for tcpdump, the standard network protocol analyzer | 22:35 |
smileboot | So here the problem at hand second user cant connect to wifi network or hibernate the laptop IS a member of the admin group Which allows sudo in turn. Anyone have any idea why either or both aint working? | 22:35 |
smileboot | any help please | 22:35 |
Boohbah | scifiguy951: sudo apt-get install wireshark | 22:35 |
Boohbah | scifiguy951: if you would like to inspect in detail all of the network packets in all protocols on any network interfaces | 22:35 |
amenado | smileboot-> are you logged on as the 2nd user? | 22:36 |
Boohbah | scifiguy951: if you need to do that sort of thing... | 22:36 |
accident | wireshark simply shows you everything your computer sees. | 22:36 |
smileboot | amenado: not at the moment no | 22:36 |
smileboot | but i can | 22:36 |
scifiguy951 | so i can browse files on a comp on my LAN? | 22:36 |
Ovispain | anyone can help? How to make my 2 hdds mount everytime I enter Ubuntu? | 22:36 |
amenado | smileboot-> please do and then attempt the access you require | 22:36 |
stefg | !fstab | Ovispain | 22:36 |
ubottu | Ovispain: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 22:36 |
krissam | Can anyone tell me how to test if my wireless drivers are installed correctly? because as far as i've read, the drivers should be in the kernel, but i cant seem to get the wireless to work :/ | 22:36 |
Boohbah | scifiguy951: if you don't know why you need it, then you don't need it :-) | 22:36 |
amenado | krissam-> it can be loaded, but may still not work | 22:37 |
scifiguy951 | i want to know how to access a comp on my LAN so i can do what i want on it from my comp | 22:37 |
scifiguy951 | ??? | 22:37 |
Nyad | !grub-reinstall | 22:37 |
ubottu | Factoid grub-reinstall not found | 22:37 |
smileboot | sadly if i do that now amenado the wireless will work since this account has been logged in it only dosent work when the user logs in from an off state | 22:37 |
Nyad | !grub | 22:37 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 22:37 |
krissam | amenado: any idea about what i might do to make it work :)? | 22:37 |
smileboot | hibernate still wont work tho | 22:37 |
Boohbah | scifiguy951: well what OS is your server running? | 22:38 |
accident | wireshark won't really help with that... | 22:38 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: well, i kinda need it because with usplash i can use a modification to cryptsetup for fulldisk encryption to only ask for 1 password and not for every partition the same password again | 22:38 |
anabolix | what is the equivalent of (windows: alt+f4) in ubuntu? | 22:38 |
amenado | krissam-> which chip does your wifi nic card have? | 22:38 |
icewaterman | thats why i need usplash | 22:38 |
scifiguy951 | i dont have a server the comps are connected thru router | 22:38 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: find a kernel that has better usplash support | 22:38 |
anabolix | what is the equivalent of (windows: alt+f4) in ubuntu? | 22:39 |
AlexRADL | Hello everyone. I recently decided to switch to Ubuntu 8.04 after being a windows user for most of my life. To my understanding I have to "compile" .tar.gz files in order to install them. Can someone point me to a good tutorial on installing those types of files? Thanks! | 22:39 |
Boohbah | anabolix: what does alt+f4 do in windows? | 22:39 |
accident | closes selected window | 22:39 |
krissam | amenado: Intel 4965 AGN | 22:39 |
anabolix | yea | 22:39 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: the ubuntu kernel compiles fine, even with modifications, but i cannot compile all the modules for it because it compiles them only for the generic kernel. and custom kernel gets a differnt name | 22:39 |
scifiguy951 | ? | 22:39 |
icewaterman | otherwise i'd not be stuck with another kernel. | 22:39 |
t1n0m3n | Sounds like someone needs to look up scifiguy's IP and report him to the IP's ARIN contact to me. | 22:39 |
Boohbah | AlexRADL: what sort of tar file do you have? most software in ubuntu is already packaged for you, don't bother with tar files | 22:39 |
soneil | alexbobp: it sounds like you're looking for package 'bash-completion'; you'll also want to look at /etc/bash_completion if you have it | 22:39 |
accident | LOL | 22:39 |
amenado | krissam-> google around for the correct driver? | 22:40 |
Assid | hey | 22:40 |
TeslaTony | anabolix: In Gnome it's the same. For KDE it's something else | 22:40 |
anabolix | boohbah: it closes a selected window or program automatically its kinda like going to the task manager in windows and ending a programs task or forcing it to quite | 22:40 |
Assid | im trying to load up openvz for ubuntu | 22:40 |
smileboot | amenado: sadly if i do that now the wireless will work since this account has been logged in it only dosent work when the user logs in from an off state | 22:40 |
amenado | anabolix-> try alt+f4 | 22:40 |
Assid | but it says the kernel has a bug | 22:40 |
Assid | whats PPA? | 22:40 |
al_ | i am having multiple problems since i upgraded to hardy heron. the computer function normally for an hour...and then there is no sound, most programs won't open, or just a window pops up. i also have problems at that stage with trying to shut down or restart the computer, since the menu won't apper, so i have to unplug the computer and restart liek that | 22:40 |
AlexRADL | Boohbah: I wanted to install xmms, I couldn't find it in the packaged applications, so I decided to try and download it. It is a .tar.gz file. Am I missing something, is it in the packaged applications? | 22:40 |
al_ | any thoughts ? | 22:40 |
WhoNeedszzz | Hey guys, I just switched to the OSS driver and now audacity won't open up. It gives me this error: audacity: src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c:764: BuildDeviceList: Assertion `snd_config' failed. | 22:40 |
=== Blasphemer is now known as rotted | ||
SoulChild | Hi all, can someone give me an good graphical alternative to network-manager ??? I am using enlightenment as Desktop. | 22:41 |
amenado | smileboot-> a user have to be logged in, and then sudo to have access to the network.. | 22:41 |
Fujisan | Hello | 22:41 |
Boohbah | icewaterman: how exactly are you compiling your kernel and modules? | 22:41 |
al_ | my computer also heats up constantly | 22:41 |
Fujisan | can i get some help please how do i apply a gtk theme on xchat on ubuntu? | 22:41 |
krissam | amenado: that's what i figured i'd do if i could confirm that the drivers weren't installed but so far i'm not sure if i'm just noobing around with the answer right infront of me but :( | 22:41 |
Assid | al_: ever since the new ubuntu? | 22:41 |
amenado | smileboot-> maybe i dont follow -- when the user logged in from off state? meaning? | 22:41 |
al_ | i've been looking through the logs, and there seems to be a problem with the audio diver | 22:41 |
Xsploit | hey guys, anyone know how i would get divx working on ubuntu? (on firefox) | 22:41 |
NoSynaptics | the last version of ubuntu uses customized or "almost empty" xorg.conf files ? | 22:42 |
Boohbah | AlexRADL: xmms has a different name now... i forget it | 22:42 |
Boohbah | anyone know what xmms is called now? | 22:42 |
MrObvious | Fujisan: Just go to System -> Properties -> Appearance and go to the Themes tab and drag your tar.gz theme to there and select it. | 22:42 |
al_ | Assid: yes, since i updated to hardy haren | 22:42 |
Boohbah | audacious? | 22:42 |
SoulChild | Boohbah, i couldn't find it too | 22:42 |
Boohbah | rhythmbox? | 22:42 |
amenado | krissam-> to check sudo lsmod | grep drivername | 22:42 |
SoulChild | no it's not rythembox | 22:42 |
icewaterman | Boohbah: like the howto from the wiki says. but it gives me a kernel named* no matter what i do. while the standard name is 2.6.24-17-generic right now | 22:42 |
AlexRADL | Boohbah: Ok, I'll take a look at those. Thanks for the help! | 22:42 |
al_ | Assid: after the last update, there is no background, just a black screen | 22:42 |
Assid | al_: yeah.. dont blame yoụ. it acts the same way here | 22:42 |
Boohbah | AlexRADL: i prefer amarok for a music player | 22:42 |
lemarroy | \join #domus | 22:42 |
Boohbah | AlexRADL: i mean xmms is outdated, are you sure you want to use it? | 22:42 |
Assid | al_: atleast the heat part | 22:43 |
smileboot | amenado: ahhh well yeah when user 2 logs in they have sudo ability but canot connect to wifi if however user 1 logs in connects to wifi then switches to user 2 user 2 now has wireless (obviously) both have the same rights and privileges as far as im aware | 22:43 |
icewaterman | and compiling the ubuntu modules for any other kernel than a kernel named 2.6.24-17-* seems next to impossible | 22:43 |
al_ | any ideas ppl ? | 22:43 |
MrObvious | AlexRADL: I use Amarok too. | 22:43 |
NovaXeros | Isn't xmms still XMMS? But there's a 2 version somewhere too. I just use the standard audio programs and they all work without xmms stuff. | 22:43 |
Boohbah | AlexRADL: welcome :) | 22:43 |
embrik | how do I activate clipboard, the programme which stores the elements i have copied or cut? | 22:43 |
SoulChild | is there any alternative for network-manager ? | 22:43 |
Pici | Boohbah: xmms is still xmms, but xmms is no longer being developed. | 22:43 |
BCM43 | al_: can you log into text based? | 22:43 |
Boohbah | Pici: i see, so audacious is a fork? | 22:43 |
WhoNeedszzz | Hey guys, I just switched to the OSS driver and now audacity won't open up. It gives me this error: audacity: src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c:764: BuildDeviceList: Assertion `snd_config' failed. | 22:43 |
Pici | Boohbah: I believe so. | 22:43 |
embrik | SoulChild, wlassistant? | 22:43 |
al_ | nope...but i'm not that good in command line, if that's what u mean | 22:44 |
SoulChild | embrik, i ll try it, thanks | 22:44 |
stefg | SoulChild: sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces :) | 22:44 |
AlexRADL | Boohbah: Ok. Well, what I am really looking for is a program like Winamp for ubuntu. I used to run my radio show on winamp with a specific plug in and I am looking for a program to replace winamp. So, can anyone recommend a program that I can stream my radio in? Thanks for the welcome! :) | 22:44 |
icanic | hi ppl | 22:44 |
SoulChild | stefg, :D | 22:44 |
amenado | smileboot-> am not really following what you are trying to do, only one user should have access to the network stuff, can you imagine if user1 wants to connect to AP1 and user2 to AP2 follow? | 22:44 |
SoulChild | stefg, maybe your r right, i should configure it to my needs | 22:44 |
seric | /join #ubuntu-es | 22:44 |
BCM43 | al_: do you have any graphics? | 22:45 |
icanic | can someone tell me is there any way to read HDD from mac os x on ubuntu? I mean, I can read it, but I can open the user directory, dont have permissions | 22:45 |
amenado | SoulChild-> i read somewhere wicd, but i myself prefer the command line to vim interfaces file | 22:45 |
icanic | how can I pass permissions? | 22:45 |
al_ | BCM43: yes, but no desktop | 22:45 |
Xsploit | hey guys, anyone know how i would get divx working on ubuntu? (on firefox) | 22:45 |
NovaXeros | Alex, does the shoutcast site not say the linux alternative for streaming? | 22:45 |
BCM43 | al_: you ran the update? did it freeze after it? | 22:45 |
al_ | BCM43: nope, all updates installed successfuly | 22:46 |
BCM43 | al_: sudo aptitude update | 22:46 |
smileboot | amenado: well this is a laptop so the need for either user to be able to connect to a wireless network after bootup is quite important user 1 has it setup she it auto connects ive tried setting up the same thing for user 2 but i cant even connect manually just asks for the access point password over and over | 22:46 |
WhoNeedszzz | Hey guys, I just switched to the OSS driver and now audacity won't open up. It gives me this error: audacity: src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c:764: BuildDeviceList: Assertion `snd_config' failed. | 22:46 |
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Flare183 | !ppc | 22:46 |
ubottu | PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see | 22:46 |
AlexRADL | NovaXeros: It says XMMS is the linux alternative. That's why I had the question about downloading XMMS. Apparently it is outdated though :P | 22:47 |
BCM43 | smileboot: ubuntu has problems with WEP | 22:47 |
al_ | BCM43: aptitude sais eevrything updated | 22:47 |
amenado | smileboot-> perhaps you were not clear, are the users 1 and 2 logged in to same laptop at same time? | 22:47 |
BCM43 | Flare183: was that for you or someone else? i can help you with a ppc. | 22:47 |
icanic | can someone tell me is there any way to read HDD from mac os x on ubuntu? I mean, I can read it, but I cant open the user directory, dont have permissions | 22:47 |
Flare183 | BCM43: it was for someone | 22:47 |
Xsploit | hey guys, anyone know how i would get divx working on ubuntu? (on firefox) | 22:47 |
al_ | BCM43: when i run a program, all i can see is the borders of the windows. nothing else | 22:47 |
Flare183 | icanic in fact | 22:47 |
AlexRADL | Should I use something else (besides XMMS)? | 22:47 |
BCM43 | al_: press ctrl + alt + F1, and login, then run uname -a | 22:48 |
NovaXeros | Ah yes, that's right. As much as xmms isn't under development anymore, I think it is still available for use, and still works okay. Have you tried it at all yet? | 22:48 |
BCM43 | Flare183: put | <username> | 22:48 |
* Flare183 knew this already | 22:48 | |
NovaXeros | I mean, I can't be certain. I'm no linux expert. In fact, very much the opposite, but I'd like to offer as much assistance as I can. | 22:48 |
grobda24 | AlexRADL ... the newer ones like Amarok have functions to stream out whatever playlist you're playing. | 22:49 |
matthew | hi guys, I'm having some really weird Xorg troubles | 22:49 |
matthew | its literally repeatedly logging in | 22:49 |
AlexRADL | Grobda24: Oh, ok. I'll try Amarok out then. Thanks for the help Nova. | 22:49 |
NovaXeros | No problem Alex. | 22:49 |
AlexRADL | So, are most of the applications that I will ever need already packaged? | 22:49 |
maximilion | Didn't like Amarok at all. | 22:50 |
matthew | I checked syslog and it says "failed to authenticate user" | 22:50 |
BCM43 | AlexRADL: yes | 22:50 |
matthew | and repeated roughly 100 times | 22:50 |
AlexRADL | BCM43: Ok, awesome. | 22:50 |
embrik | plugins to watch webtv? firefox 3.0 beta, ubuntu hardy | 22:50 |
matthew | has anyone heard of this behavior before? | 22:50 |
DIL | possible hack attempt | 22:51 |
Gin | any one knows what theme opensuse 11 beta 3 is using? | 22:51 |
maximilion | Bloated, stuff running in background, can't make sense of my perfectly hierarchically ordered mp3 files (100s of 'Various Artist' and same name artists, and you need to right click the icon to REALLLLY close it, upon which it fades volume to zero before exiting, and then closing the file window where I dragged my mp3s from... | 22:51 |
the_eraser | i want to know what driver a pci-device is using. Help me? | 22:51 |
amenado | matthew-> yes, someone trying to login and failed | 22:51 |
NovaXeros | Can I recommend updating firefox 3 beta in hardy to the release candidate? I had some stability issues with the defualt one that comes with Hardy, but updating to RC1 helped a lot. | 22:51 |
Pici | Gin: You'd be better off asking the opensuse people. | 22:51 |
=== irc_ is now known as useless_k1tty | ||
embrik | I'm not able to watch webtv, can anyone tell me what plugins to install? | 22:51 |
BCM43 | the_eraser: lspci | 22:51 |
maximilion | And it didn't have the standard nav keys out of the box. OK, /rant :) | 22:51 |
al_ | BCM43: i did that | 22:51 |
Azhi_Dahaka | hi | 22:52 |
amenado | embrik-> webtv? dont know, try miro | 22:52 |
al_ | BCM43: now what ? | 22:52 |
BCM43 | al_: what did it return? | 22:52 |
maximilion | I liked XMMS, would have been it for me if the volume control actually allowed changing volume. Any ideas? :) | 22:52 |
Azhi_Dahaka | where can i browse for linux-compatible webcams? | 22:52 |
BCM43 | !webcam | Azhi_Dahaka | 22:52 |
ubottu | Azhi_Dahaka: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 22:52 |
al_ | BCM43: the kernel version | 22:52 |
smileboot | amenado: no not at the same time well not usually hence why this is an issue id like user 2 to be able to bootup and use the laptop without user one having to login first just to connect to the wifi | 22:52 |
the_eraser | BCM43: but it says nothing about drivers, right? | 22:52 |
AlexRADL | I have a question about torrent programs. I used uTorrent on windows, and someone recommended that I used Deluge on Linux. Would that be the best alternative or would something like Transmission be better? | 22:52 |
grobda24 | NovaXeros .. I thought that beta was RC1 under a different name ! Why is it not updating it'self ? | 22:52 |
BCM43 | al_: i know, put what it said in the channel | 22:52 |
amenado | I thought i can mount bind a directory to partition mounted to /media/disk-1 and then the new files created will be at the new partition..but apparently so.. mount --bind /vz /media/disk-1; touch f1.txt; but when i unmount the /bz from /media/disk-1 no files is in the partition | 22:52 |
al_ | BCM43: 2.6.24-17-generic #1 SMP | 22:53 |
BCM43 | the_eraser: drivers, oh, i guess not | 22:53 |
shigutso | what happened with GKSU? it's not working anymore... the administrator menus' entries are not working also | 22:53 |
the_eraser | BCM43: :/ | 22:53 |
BCM43 | al_: ok, that is fine. updated correctly. your not getting errors anywhere? | 22:53 |
amenado | smileboot-> check /etc/group and match all the user1 group memberships then same with sudoers file | 22:53 |
al_ | BCM43: nope | 22:53 |
DaveKong | Does anyone use KGS(kiseido go server) I got the restricted extensions package with java etc yet I still can't get the pages to load right... | 22:54 |
NovaXeros | grobda24: I'm not sure. It might well be that it is, in fact, the same program, but when I installed a fresh Hardy, it always showed Firefox 3 Beta 5 in the title window, but now I've updated to RC1, that's gone, and it crashes a whole load less. Perhaps it was just my original installation that was buggered, but from what I saw, updating made a difference. | 22:54 |
ArthurArchnix | AlexRADL: I've just been reading a link about how deluge misuses ext3 filesystems and causes excessive file fragmentation. | 22:54 |
maximilion | Any idea why XMMS volume knob won't change volume? Tried ALSA, OSS... The other players can do it. | 22:54 |
BCM43 | al_: are you on a seperate computer now? | 22:55 |
AlexRADL | ArthurArchnix: Hmm, that's weird. So, do you think Transimission would be the best alternative, or something else? | 22:55 |
al_ | BCM43: on the same one | 22:55 |
ArthurArchnix | AlexRADL: I've just installed transmission and it's pretty ok. A lot of people swear by rtorrent & screen. Those are about the only two I'd use, but the girlfriend needs to use it too, so rtorrent is out. CoLI only. | 22:55 |
rinaldi_ | Hi, im trying to get epsxe to work but it needs libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 but its not in the repos. where can I find it? | 22:55 |
mepsipax | How do I use Quicktime in firefox in linux? | 22:55 |
BCM43 | al_: run sudo shutdown now, then choose fix broken packages, then restart | 22:55 |
ejer | anyone got a wintv-hvr950 (usb tv tuner) working? | 22:55 |
BCM43 | al_: sudo shutdown now will not shut it down | 22:56 |
AlexRADL | ArthurArchnix: Ok, I'll check out rtorrent. Thanks. | 22:56 |
ubuntuisloved | anyone know how to handle unmounting a sshfs mount which refuses to umount | 22:56 |
NovaXeros | rinaldi_: have you activated the Universe and Multiverse repos? | 22:56 |
rinaldi_ | NovaXeros: yes | 22:56 |
Bensawsome | omg ubuntu is being annoying | 22:56 |
ArthurArchnix | AlexRADL: scroll down to about 14 and read the rest. It's got some good links for you to go over | 22:57 |
Boohbah | AlexRADL: ktorrent | 22:57 |
AlexRADL | Ok, thanks guys. I appreciate all the help. I'm definitely glad I made the switch from windows :) | 22:57 |
Sitherae | What happens if I have a restricted driver in use? | 22:57 |
Boohbah | ArthurArchnix: you could use transmission-cli and screen | 22:58 |
Desktop_ | Hey, I have a problem. If somebody could help me that would be great. I finally got Ubuntu to recognize my wireless card by using ndiswrapper and the xp drivers for it. Everything seems to be in working order except when I try to connect to my network it does it's little "Trying to connect" thing but can never seem to get on. | 22:58 |
rinaldi_ | NovaXeros: it says it can't find it, where I know I installed it in gutsy... | 22:58 |
Boohbah | Sitherae: then you are using a binary module which taints support from the kernel developers | 22:58 |
NovaXeros | rinaldi: that file should be in the universe repo according to google. I would check myself, but for the next 20 or so mins, I'm stuck on a live CD whilst I repartition my hard drives. | 22:59 |
Boohbah | Sitherae: errr taints the kernel, which the developers cannot support | 22:59 |
amenado | ubuntuisloved-> can you try fuser -ki /www/REMOTEMOUNT | 22:59 |
=== pr4bh is now known as heavymetal | ||
shigutso | what happened with 'gksu'? the administrator menus' entries are not working and with the terminal it's not working also | 22:59 |
Sitherae | Boohbah: Is a restricted driver like the one from the nvidia website? | 22:59 |
Boohbah | Sitherae: the nvidia driver is a restricted driver, yes | 22:59 |
KOJV | BCM43: Thanks for your help today! | 23:00 |
Bensawsome | i got the live cd and tried to boot off it on my comp and it boot off it and i said run the os from the cd but not install it and it booted and did the screen with the orangeish thing that went back anf forth and then it came to a tan screen and all there was was the mousse and then it changed to a black background and i left it foer about an hour and it never did anything and all icould do was move the mouse -_- | 23:00 |
AlexRADL | Ok, to my understanding there are certain "repos" that are used to download applications. I can seem to find rtorrent or ktorrent in the "Applications" tap. Is there anything I need to add? | 23:00 |
Sitherae | Boohbah: Alright. Anyway I can get the message to go away? I don't really care :) | 23:00 |
=== CaptainPanda is now known as CaptainPanda2 | ||
Boohbah | Sitherae: also, ndiswrapper drivers | 23:00 |
AlexRADL | can't seem to find* | 23:00 |
al_ | BCM43: i did that. but the system couldn't boot again. i had to restart | 23:00 |
NovaXeros | rinaldi: Once you've updated your sources.list file to include the multi and uni for your version of the distro, hardy/edgy/etc, make sure you update synaptics sources or your apt-get command line, then do apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 | 23:00 |
ubuntuisloved | amenado, perfection dude thanks | 23:00 |
ejer | Bensawsome: try hitting CTRL_ALT_BACKSPACE | 23:00 |
Bensawsome | ok | 23:00 |
Bensawsome | ty | 23:00 |
Boohbah | Sitherae: oh where is the message? i can't help since my ubuntu doesn't look like yours :) | 23:00 |
al_ | BCM43: it also told me there are some packages that are no longer needed | 23:00 |
grobda24 | Desktop_ ... from what I know about ndsiwrapper just because the hardware is recognised and the drivers load does not mean they actually do anything. If it's reported working it should be listed on the ndiswrapper wiki. | 23:00 |
Bensawsome | had to restart comp so i try it later | 23:01 |
Bensawsome | thanks | 23:01 |
Sitherae | Boohbah: Its in the system tray on the right hand side | 23:01 |
amenado | ubuntuisloved-> come back again anytime | 23:01 |
Sitherae | Boobah: Has that little icon | 23:01 |
sco01 | Hi, Does anybody know if linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17-generic is supposed to be installed together with the 2.6.24-17-generic kernel when the -16 restricted was installed previously? | 23:01 |
matthew | so has anyone had a problem where their X server just constantly kicks them back to the login window? | 23:01 |
Boohbah | Sitherae: yeah i don't use gnome | 23:01 |
Sitherae | Boohbah: Ahh. KDE? | 23:01 |
Desktop_ | It is in the list for supported in the wiki. | 23:01 |
matthew | My syslog says "warning: couldn't authenticate user", about 500 times | 23:01 |
krissam | ARGH... no fucking wonder my wireless doesn't work... the frigging retailer gave me a wrong wireless adapter :/ | 23:01 |
Boohbah | Sitherae: yes | 23:01 |
maximilion | Any ideas why XMMS won't change volume? ESD is enabled. Help! | 23:01 |
Desktop_ | Like, I can see the wireless networks around my house. I just can't connect. | 23:02 |
amenado | matthew-> is it a valid user? | 23:02 |
alexbobp | How do I make apt-get ignore a specific dependency when installing a package? | 23:02 |
the_eraser | anyone into drivers? | 23:02 |
Boohbah | maximilion: because xmms is a piece of crap | 23:02 |
tyberion | hello! | 23:02 |
Sitherae | Boobah: Also. Whats the difference between the 17, 16, and 14 at start up? | 23:02 |
matthew | I'm not pressing enter or anything, the gdm tries to authenticate, then fails, and tries again, and fails. By itself | 23:02 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: I don't think you can do that, but you can do it manually with dpkg | 23:02 |
Boohbah | Sitherae: those are different versions of the kernel | 23:02 |
amenado | Desktop_-> dont use wep or wpa or wpa2 or any encryption and see if it works | 23:02 |
maximilion | Boohbah, can you recommend a nice simple one like it but better? | 23:02 |
grobda24 | Desktop_ ... you could try #ndiswrapper , or, do they have a forum ? | 23:02 |
Boohbah | Sitherae: best to use the latest if it works ok | 23:02 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: note that doing it may break your system. | 23:02 |
dhamma | how can i reinstall all of my kernel modules? or better yet? just the ones associated with alsa and my sound card? | 23:03 |
Sitherae | Boobah: cool thanks | 23:03 |
ubuntuisloved | amenado, since you seemed to know that last problem i've sometimes had applications in Java like Eclipse hang when VPN goes down and i tried kill -9 but it still hangs is there something else i could do to force an app to stop? | 23:03 |
Desktop_ | ok, I'll try turning off the encryption. One sec. | 23:03 |
Boohbah | maximilion: what are your requirements? low memory usage? gui? command line? | 23:03 |
alexbobp | Chousuke: wouldn't the worst case be breaking the package I'm installing with missing dependancies? | 23:03 |
tyberion | Ive got a little question... Ive got a laptop with special key FN+F2 for pushing my volume up and down... and in gnome it worked since I first installed hardy... so now I wanna switch to fluxbox and need to know which app it is that makes my hotkeys for adjusting my volume possible.. could anyone plzzz take a look at: and tell me what app it is????? | 23:03 |
Boohbah | maximilion: music library management?\ | 23:03 |
maximilion | Boohbah, "Like Winamp 3".. kinda... or FooBar2000 :) | 23:03 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: It might confuse apt. | 23:04 |
Slart | attig.. men du hade ändå råd med chokladkakor? =) | 23:04 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: what package is it, though? | 23:04 |
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amenado | ubuntuisloved-> you tried kill -9 `pid of eclipse` ? | 23:04 |
Slart | doh.. | 23:04 |
Slart | my bad, sorry | 23:04 |
maximilion | Boohbah, don't need management, I have a folder structure that works fine for me :) | 23:04 |
Boohbah | maximilion: i haven't used foobar | 23:04 |
NovaXeros | Oh, does anyone have any idea how to increase the number of virtual desktops so I have an actual 'cube' in Compiz? | 23:04 |
Boohbah | maximilion: i guess xmms is the closest to winamp 3 | 23:04 |
NovaXeros | And also, if it's possible to run the Usplash screen in 1280x800 | 23:04 |
DarthOrange | Hi, I followed the tutorial on how to enable DVD playback on the FAQ, but it still doesn't work in totem-xine | 23:04 |
alexbobp | Chousuke: I want to install wine without installing libgphoto2-2, or install libgphoto2-2 without installing udev. | 23:04 |
Slart | NovaXeros: in that compiz config settings manager thingy | 23:04 |
Slart | !ccsm | NovaXeros | 23:04 |
ubottu | NovaXeros: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 23:04 |
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mysterioso | Is this the appropriate channel to ask a question about Deluge? | 23:05 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: you... don't have udev installed? | 23:05 |
ubuntuisloved | amenado, yes but eclipse was using files from /www/REMOTEMOUNT so i wonder if that had any impact? i know it was the reason it hung but shouldnt it still be able to kill with kill -9 PID | 23:05 |
Boohbah | NovaXeros: i would guess usplash won't work at that resolution | 23:05 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: or is it trying to dl udev from a non-ubuntu repository? | 23:05 |
Sitherae | The new firefox is uglyh | 23:05 |
alexbobp | Chousuke: It's on colinux. All the stuff that interacts directly with hardware can't be installed. | 23:05 |
Sitherae | ugly* | 23:05 |
muramasa | Hi there. Is it possible to remove an update from update manager? I do not want to update a software, because there is a bug in that version, but I'm also tired of seeing the update notes all the time | 23:05 |
cbgustav | 8-) | 23:05 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: ah | 23:05 |
maximilion | Boohbah, yeah, and there's a Winamp 3 alpha 1 for Linux, but... it feels like the volume control thing should be solvable | 23:05 |
J-_ | When trying to start bitlbee on my server(it's running dapper) I get a permission denied problem. "Can't read/write from/tp /var/lib/bitlbee/" Then, it says, "Fatal signal received: 2. That's probably a bug." What can I do to make it work? | 23:05 |
tyberion | mmhh, no one :(? | 23:05 |
NovaXeros | Alright, thanks very much. Will give it a bash when I get back onto my main installation. | 23:05 |
aidan__ | error 16: Inconsistent filesystem, what does this mean? | 23:06 |
maximilion | imma make a sandwich, back in 5 | 23:06 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: download the libgphoto package manually. | 23:06 |
alexbobp | or alternately, "psh, udev is for wimps." | 23:06 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: then you need to install it with dpkg and the appropriate --force -flags | 23:06 |
amenado | ubuntuisloved-> impact in what sense? and which pid are you trying to kill -9 ? | 23:06 |
mysterioso | Hey guys (and gals) I just installed Deluge and now I want to remove Transmission. But I do not know how, and it is NOT in the add remove apps program. What do i do? | 23:06 |
alexbobp | Chousuke: can I make apt-get download the deb without thinking about dependancies? | 23:07 |
will00 | has anyone had any success in using a windows media center remote with linux, i remember for my keyboard i use something called keytouch, is there anything along those lines for remote controls? | 23:07 |
Boohbah | !pulseaudio | 23:07 |
ubottu | PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See for information and installation instructions | 23:07 |
Boohbah | ^^ BUGGY | 23:07 |
Boohbah | DO NOT DISTRIBUTE | 23:07 |
alexbobp | mysterioso: sudo apt-get remove transmission | 23:07 |
Flare183 | mysterioso: in the terminal type in sudp apt-get remove deluge | 23:07 |
Boohbah | :-P | 23:07 |
Flare183 | sudo * | 23:07 |
Flare183 | .... | 23:07 |
ubuntuisloved | amenado, eclipse PID saying if the remote mount with sshfs goes down which eclipse was using it hangs eclipse i cant seem to kill off eclipse when it happens the last thing someone here told me was to reboot? ive not heard that since windows era back 2 years ago? | 23:07 |
MrObvious | Flare183: And he wants to remove transmission not deluge. :p | 23:08 |
mysterioso | flare183 except I want to remove transmission | 23:08 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: apt-get -d install libgphoto2-2 | 23:08 |
Flare183 | Sorry | 23:08 |
Boohbah | maximilion: did you have xmms working in another version of ubuntu? | 23:08 |
MrObvious | mysterioso: Do what alexbobp said. | 23:08 |
mysterioso | ok | 23:08 |
Stormx2_ | J-_: Does it need to be run as root? | 23:08 |
MrObvious | Flare183: You should be. :p | 23:08 |
mysterioso | how do I set deluge as default for bittorrent files/ | 23:08 |
Flare183 | MrObvious: Sarcasm? | 23:08 |
Stormx2_ | will00: LIRC is good for remote controls | 23:08 |
alexbobp | Chousuke: it refuses to download the deb because of dependancy handling. | 23:09 |
MrObvious | mysterioso: I would just find a torrent file and right click it and try the Open With or whatever. | 23:09 |
MrObvious | Flare183: No. :p | 23:09 |
will00 | ok stormx2_ is there a good gui program for that or is it all text mode? | 23:09 |
Flare183 | MrObvious: Then stupid response? | 23:09 |
Boohbah | mysterioso: firefox? | 23:09 |
Flare183 | nvm | 23:09 |
MrObvious | Flare183: lol | 23:09 |
Flare183 | !lol | 23:09 |
ubottu | Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 23:09 |
mysterioso | boohbah I am using firefox | 23:09 |
Stormx2_ | will00: I *think* it's all text mode, but its not too hard to set up. I can help you through it, if you like. | 23:09 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: ah, aptitude can do it | 23:10 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: aptitude download whatever | 23:10 |
will00 | ok that would be perfect | 23:10 |
alexbobp | IRC is IM. It's just IM with a bit more grammatical skills. | 23:10 |
Boohbah | mysterioso: so click on the torrent link and "open with..." | 23:10 |
Chousuke | I wish | 23:10 |
mepsipax | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras will install quicktime for firefox | 23:10 |
Flare183 | alexbobp: No its not | 23:10 |
* Flare183 is a IRC Op Helper | 23:10 | |
MrObvious | Flare183: Suckup. :p Hahaha j/k. | 23:10 |
alexbobp | Flare183: any synchronous text messaging is IM. | 23:10 |
Boohbah | alexbobp: i feel like we have high standards for irc here | 23:10 |
alexbobp | Chousuke: thanks. I'll have to install aptitude, but if it works, it works | 23:11 |
mysterioso | boohbah yes i know, but i am trying to streamline, soo I was hoping someone could tell me a way to make deluge default. or any program for any file for that matter. | 23:11 |
jansen_ | how do i open a .rpm file? | 23:11 |
MrObvious | Boohbah: Yeah lol. | 23:11 |
Flare183 | MrObvious: No Actually I am trying to be a Ubuntu Member thank you | 23:11 |
NovaXeros | IRC is multiplayer notepad, but that doesn't matter. This is a support channel, not a chin-wagging session. | 23:11 |
Chousuke | alexbobp: then you can install the libgphoto thing with dpkg -i libgphoto*deb --ignore-depends=udev | 23:11 |
Flare183 | !ot | 23:11 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 23:11 |
Stormx2_ | will00, okay, that remote is definately supported | 23:11 |
MrObvious | Flare183: I'm just messing. Chill man. | 23:11 |
will00 | alright | 23:11 |
masni_palac | hajjjjj | 23:11 |
Boohbah | mysterioso: did you check the box that says "use this program by default" ? | 23:11 |
Flare183 | MrObvious: ok I know... | 23:11 |
mysterioso | uuuuhhhh..... hold on | 23:12 |
tyberion | Ive got a little question... Ive got a laptop with special key FN+F2 for pushing my volume up and down... and in gnome it worked since I first installed hardy... so now I wanna switch to fluxbox and need to know which app it is that makes my hotkeys for adjusting my volume possible.. could anyone plzzz take a look at: and tell me what app it is????? | 23:12 |
mysterioso | boohbah where is this box? | 23:12 |
yesudeep2 | Uhh. What's going on with the openoffice packages? | 23:12 |
will00 | stormx2_ is there someplace we can talk with less traffic? | 23:13 |
yesudeep2 | sudo aptitude full-upgrade keeps asking me to resolve an openoffice conflict by removing parts of openoffice one by one. | 23:13 |
cliveRummble | Quick question - is it still possible to upgrade from Edgy - as its repository seems to have been removed from the main repository site ?? | 23:13 |
Stormx2_ | will00: PM okay? | 23:13 |
Stormx2_ | hold on | 23:13 |
Stormx2_ | Need to identify to services. | 23:13 |
=== Stormx2_ is now known as Stormx2 | ||
Mohenjo | Greetings all; I'm looking for an FAQ or other online reference tool for basic terminal commands, what they mean, what they do, etc. Does anyone know where I should go to start learning some of the commands? | 23:13 |
MrObvious | tyberion: It's a keybinding kind of thing I think. If you go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts you will see a volume adjustment setting and see which key it is. On mine it is XF86Audio(whatever). | 23:14 |
maximilion | Boohbah, I'm on Gutsy Gibbon, and yeah it works perfectly bar the volume control... kinda useful feature to have tho :) | 23:14 |
MrObvious | !terminal | Mohenjo | 23:14 |
ubottu | Mohenjo: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 23:14 |
Boohbah | mysterioso: ok it seems a little broken in firefox 3 beta 5 on hardy... is that what you're using? | 23:14 |
maximilion | I've only had Gutsy so... | 23:14 |
mysterioso | no I am using gutsy | 23:14 |
jrib | cliveRummble: should let you get up to date and then move to feisty | 23:14 |
alexbobp | Chousuke: thanks, it's working. | 23:14 |
limac | anybody know how to apply the 3dmark patch to 0.9.59 wine? | 23:14 |
jrib | cliveRummble: I've never done it, but that's what I would try anyway | 23:14 |
mysterioso | boohbah no i am using gutsy | 23:14 |
Boohbah | mysterioso: edit > preferences > applications ... at least in ff3 | 23:14 |
cliveRummble | thanks | 23:14 |
Milk | hey guys | 23:14 |
MrObvious | !hi | Milk | 23:15 |
ubottu | Milk: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:15 |
lemarroy | aldrin | 23:15 |
Milk | I just upgraded to 8.04 via the update manager | 23:15 |
jrib | cliveRummble: note that you need to upgrade edgy -> feisty -> gutsy -> hardy, so a backup and reinstall may be faster/easier | 23:15 |
maximilion | Change of topic :) Are there any laptop manuf. that officially support Linux? | 23:15 |
yesudeep2 | What the hell has Ubuntu done to the open office packages? | 23:15 |
tyberion | MrObvious: yeah I got athat too.. on launch media player... but... how would I integrate that into fluxbox? | 23:15 |
yesudeep2 | It's only removing it. And now it's not even doing an upgrade | 23:15 |
Milk | enabled the restricted nvidia drivers and now my dual monitors are broke... I'm lost.. I tried restoring a backup of the xorg.conf, and that doesn't seem to change anything | 23:15 |
MrObvious | tyberion: You might be better off asking in a more fluxbox specific channel. I'm sure there are keybinding settings in Flux though. | 23:15 |
Boohbah | maximilion: can you change the volume with the sound mixer app? | 23:15 |
maximilion | Or the other way, distros that officially say "working well with this / that laptop" | 23:15 |
yesudeep2 | It said it wanted to install 2.4.1 to replace 2.4.0 and it needed to remove the existing version. | 23:15 |
masni_palac | hi guys | 23:16 |
tyberion | MrObvious: there are.. but I think I cant use the gnome thingies there.... so I need to get used to amixer I guess | 23:16 |
Stormx2 | !laptop | maximilion | 23:16 |
ubottu | maximilion: Laptop support information can be found on - - - | 23:16 |
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maximilion | Boohbah, had ALSAmixergui working, now it won't start | 23:16 |
Stormx2 | will00, have you seen my PMs? | 23:16 |
MrObvious | tyberion: There might be a volume setting. You'd have to look for yourself though. | 23:16 |
maximilion | will check into that. weird. | 23:16 |
cliveRummble | jrib - indeed, but I have customized some of the system so a complete reinstall may be painful.... | 23:16 |
Xsploit | im trying to get divx to work on firefox but having problems (on ubuntu) | 23:16 |
will00 | stormx2 yes | 23:16 |
Stormx2 | Have you sent any back? | 23:17 |
francesco_ | Hello, I'm looking for a channel to talk about Ubuntu programming. Could you help me please? | 23:17 |
tyberion | Whats the tool that lets you grab keys? | 23:17 |
Stormx2 | Apparently LIRC setup is very easy nowerdays | 23:17 |
will00 | ok | 23:17 |
debian | Stormx2: Can I have my own IRC server? | 23:17 |
jrib | cliveRummble: not if you make backups | 23:17 |
limac | anybody? | 23:17 |
Stormx2 | debian: What? | 23:17 |
Boohbah | maximilion: how bout 'amixer' from the terminal? | 23:17 |
Stormx2 | Well, yeah, you could | 23:17 |
Stormx2 | Why ask me though? | 23:17 |
MrObvious | tyberion: I'm not sure. You could play with the Gnome one and then figure out what the key names are. | 23:18 |
debian | Stormx2: I want something cool for my ubuntu 8.04 | 23:18 |
Desktop_ | okay | 23:18 |
genii | !info ircd-hybrid | debian | 23:18 |
ubottu | debian: ircd-hybrid (source: ircd-hybrid): high-performance secure IRC server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:7.2.2.dfsg.2-3 (hardy), package size 547 kB, installed size 2200 kB | 23:18 |
Stormx2 | Well | 23:18 |
Desktop_ | I tried turning off encryption but I still cannot connect | 23:18 |
Boohbah | maximilion: or alsamixer from terminal | 23:18 |
=== seric is now known as s3ric | ||
cliveRummble | jrib - yes but there are changes to /etc for my laptop vido card, tomcat changes, and probably other stuff that isn't in /home. Maybe my fault... but I don't see an easy way to find what I have changed. Or am I missing something? | 23:18 |
debian | genii: Hmm | 23:19 |
Milk | anyone with any thoughts on restoring my dual monitor setup (or even resolutions higher than 800X600 atm) | 23:19 |
debian | I'l think about it | 23:19 |
debian | But I want to change resolution | 23:19 |
debian | And I am scared of text files | 23:19 |
Xsploit | im trying to get divx to work on firefox but having problems (on ubuntu) | 23:19 |
jrib | cliveRummble: meh, you have to decide which approach would be more work, it's really up to you | 23:19 |
Boohbah | Milk: what did you change? | 23:19 |
debian | What should I do? | 23:19 |
Boohbah | debian: but your name is debian | 23:19 |
yesudeep2 | debian: Don't be scared of text files. | 23:19 |
will00 | stormx2, i havnt had much luck with some of the programs, most of them dont show my remote in them | 23:20 |
Boohbah | debian: i imagine it's pretty difficult to use debian without text files | 23:20 |
debian | Just tell me how to fix the resplution! | 23:20 |
Milk | Boohbah, Upgraded to 8.04, enabled restricted nvidia driver, restarted gdm | 23:20 |
debian | Boohbah: Webin + a lot of plugins | 23:20 |
limac | the wine source directory is /usr/lib/wine right? | 23:20 |
Milk | brb... trying something | 23:20 |
jansen_ | how do i see if i have a lib installed? | 23:20 |
talcite508 | hey guys. I'm having some major problems with gdm | 23:20 |
Boohbah | debian: something else about debian... they like people who know how to read and learn | 23:20 |
talcite508 | I can't log in! It keeps auto-logging in for me, and failing, then auto-logging again | 23:21 |
nemilar | Is there a way to roll back HH to GG? | 23:21 |
Stormx2 | will00: Which programs have you tried? | 23:21 |
BCM43 | talcite508: what kind? | 23:21 |
Pici | nemilar: no. | 23:21 |
Stormx2 | Have you installed LIRC? | 23:21 |
Boohbah | debian: you asked about running an irc server and now you want to change screen resolution? which is it? | 23:21 |
cliveRummble | jrib - thanks - I think I will go to bed and sleep on it! | 23:21 |
will00 | stormx2, yes | 23:21 |
debian | Boohbah: But Ubuntu is for stupid people | 23:21 |
Milk | and back | 23:21 |
Milk | didn't work | 23:21 |
debian | Boohbah: Screeb res | 23:21 |
talcite508 | BCM43: all my syslog says is "warning:couldn't authenticate user" about 500 times | 23:21 |
nemilar | Pici: :( 8.04 is too buggy | 23:22 |
talcite508 | I can start a tty, but that's it | 23:22 |
Boohbah | debian: so have you tried the fine gui tool available for that task? | 23:22 |
Stormx2 | will00: Some programs have LIRC interfaces built in. Some don't. But first you need to test that LIRC is working. Open a terminal and type "irw". Then start pressing buttons on your remote. | 23:22 |
yesudeep2 | debian: You must believe Donald Knuth is stupid because he seems to like and use Ubuntu a lot. | 23:22 |
debian | Boohbah: Where and what is it named? | 23:22 |
=== nith is now known as Nith | ||
Stormx2 | See if some stuff comes up. | 23:22 |
BCM43 | talcite508: when you go to text based, can you log in? | 23:22 |
Boohbah | yesudeep2: for real? | 23:22 |
hdevalence | hey, FF tells me I need more plugins, and it didn't find them (application/x-mplayer2) | 23:22 |
hdevalence | so how do I get that | 23:22 |
yesudeep2 | Boohbah: Yes, Donald Knuth uses Ubuntu. | 23:22 |
Boohbah | yesudeep2: i hear linus uses fedora. last i heard | 23:22 |
talcite508 | BCM43: yes, no problem | 23:22 |
lemarroy | ese estas hay | 23:23 |
debian | Screen resolution can fix it" | 23:23 |
debian | Jay! | 23:23 |
Boohbah | !es | lemarroy | 23:23 |
ubottu | lemarroy: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 23:23 |
yesudeep2 | Yeah. Linus has used Fedora, SuSE, Ubuntu, etc. but not Debian because he thinks the mindset of Debian is not right. | 23:23 |
\3TATUK | I've never seen update-notifier display anything other than 'The list of changes is not available yet. Please try again later.' in the 'Changes' section to any update that's been available. Is this always the case, or are changelogs actually supplied if I just wait instead of updating immediately? | 23:23 |
debian | is 1280x800 widescreen? | 23:23 |
yesudeep2 | And says he wouldn't like to use those source-based distributions as well. | 23:23 |
hdevalence | debian: yes | 23:23 |
Slart | debian: yes | 23:23 |
Boohbah | yesudeep2: i used gentoo for 6 years | 23:24 |
Uatec_ | hi there | 23:24 |
debian | hdevalence: I want more resolution... | 23:24 |
Uatec_ | does anybody know what package "ld" comes in? | 23:24 |
Ovispain | somebody help please | 23:24 |
roxahris_ | help, w`x1tn5veever I pressw`x1t X-Chat goes crazy and firefox starts' | 23:24 |
Uatec_ | i think it's broken and i want to reinstal it | 23:24 |
Ovispain | anyone can help? How to make my 2 hdds mount everytime I enter Ubuntu? | 23:24 |
Boohbah | yesudeep2: redhat, slackware, etc. before that | 23:24 |
yesudeep2 | Boohbah: nice | 23:24 |
BCM43 | talcite508: | 23:25 |
Stormx2 | will00, say my nickname in any messages you send to me. I might not see them otherwise. | 23:25 |
Milk | isn't there a gui for dual monitor setup now? | 23:25 |
will00 | ok stormx2 | 23:25 |
roxahris_ | Can onylp me? | 23:25 |
smallfoot- | Uatec_, GNU Binary Utilities (binutils). | 23:25 |
Boohbah | yesudeep2: got tired of long compiles on my slow machine | 23:25 |
swegner | Hi everybody. Has anybody had experience setting up surround sound under pulseaudio? I can't seem to get mine working... | 23:25 |
BCM43 | BCM43: is that is? | 23:25 |
Uatec_ | oh, thanks smallfoot- | 23:25 |
smallfoot- | :) | 23:26 |
yesudeep2 | Boohbah: Exactly why I stopped using Gentoo. | 23:26 |
markotitel | hi I installed hardy on two USB flash with raid0 | 23:26 |
Uatec_ | damn | 23:26 |
Uatec_ | what's happened was my machine crashed | 23:26 |
Boohbah | yesudeep2: when i get a new dual core i'll at least run it in virtualbox to mess around with it | 23:26 |
wepeel | Stupid question: how do I find my processor information (speed, type) without going into the BIOS? | 23:26 |
markotitel | and now problem is I can boot only with cdrom | 23:26 |
Uatec_ | and when i started back up again ld can't find /usr/bin/../lib/cd | 23:26 |
Uatec_ | and i can vouch for it, it's not there | 23:26 |
markotitel | weepel cat proc/cpu | 23:27 |
Uatec_ | but i don't know why it would be looking there | 23:27 |
Nith | Uatec_: is your path the same? | 23:27 |
Boohbah | yesudeep2: and the community fragmentation... but i think some good things will come of it | 23:27 |
will00 | Stormx2, is irc case sensitive? | 23:27 |
wepeel | thanks markotitel | 23:27 |
Boohbah | !offtopic | Boohbah | 23:27 |
Uatec_ | nith, that path doesn't exist, that's not where cd is | 23:27 |
Uatec_ | a) i don't know where cd is | 23:27 |
BCM43 | talcite508: try sudo aptitude install libpam-smbpass | 23:27 |
Uatec_ | b) i don't know where it's supposed to be | 23:27 |
Nith | Uatec_: I mean is your $PATH correct | 23:28 |
Milk | Does 8.04 still use xorg? | 23:28 |
Uatec_ | c) i don't know why ld is looking there | 23:28 |
Uatec_ | ahh | 23:28 |
Uatec_ | well, i can use the cd command | 23:28 |
Boohbah | !enter | Uatec_ | 23:28 |
ubottu | Uatec_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 23:28 |
mepsipax | why can't I play this in firefox? | 23:28 |
ArthurArchnix | weepal under hardy you do "cat /proc/cpuinfo" | 23:28 |
Boohbah | BCM43: i really do like ubottu | 23:28 |
Uatec_ | sorry Boohbah | 23:28 |
mepsipax | I installed ubtuntu-restricted-extras | 23:28 |
wepeel | markotitel, hurm, no such file or dir | 23:28 |
wepeel | this is 6.10 | 23:29 |
Uatec_ | Nith, i don't know if it is correct or not | 23:29 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: i can tell, you talk to it privately a lot | 23:29 |
ArthurArchnix | weepal.. just cd to the /cat directory and then do "ls"... you should see cpu somewhere. Try and cat it. | 23:29 |
Uatec_ | i don't know what it was before the crash, so i have no way to compare | 23:29 |
wepeel | I am installing Hardy right now on my laptop, though. People relatively happy with it? | 23:29 |
wepeel | thanks ArthurArchnix | 23:29 |
yesudeep2 | mepsipax: sudo aptitude install ~ngstreamer0.10-plugins mplayer vlc | 23:29 |
nemanja | hellol | 23:29 |
Boohbah | BCM43: do i? why do you say that? | 23:29 |
Slart | wepeel: more of a smug content.. but yea | 23:29 |
Uatec_ | wepeel, is hardy the heron one? | 23:29 |
Nith | Uatec_: what are you trying to use ld for? | 23:29 |
Uatec_ | Nith, linking... | 23:30 |
Nith | manually? | 23:30 |
wepeel | Slart, smug content? how so? | 23:30 |
Uatec_ | yes | 23:30 |
nemilar | wepeel: honestly, I've had nothing but problems since I've upgraded to HH | 23:30 |
wepeel | Uatec_, yeah, I think so | 23:30 |
wepeel | I am doing a fresh install | 23:30 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: you sent the offtopic to yourself | 23:30 |
Nith | are you using fully qualified paths? | 23:30 |
Boohbah | Uatec_: what were you doing when your machine crashed? | 23:30 |
BCM43 | nemilar: like what? | 23:30 |
Slart | wepeel: I was kind of expecting a bit more from a LTS release.. but it still works.. and I still get to feel smug when I talk to my windows-friends =) | 23:31 |
BCM43 | !prayer > Boohbah | 23:31 |
Boohbah | BCM43: yes, i was straying offtopic | 23:31 |
nemilar | BCM43: it's stuck with openGL desktop enabled, even if I turned it off; it's stuck with emerald instead of metacity; epiphany keeps crashing | 23:31 |
Uatec_ | i'm not, i just called ld with a bunch of relative paths, and it says "ld: cannot find cd" and gives that path "/usr/bin/../lib/cd" when i put it in verbose mode | 23:31 |
Condoulo | when I'm editing an item in the menu, how do I make sure the item runs as root? | 23:31 |
nemilar | BCM43: pulseaudio is garbage; flash crashes all the time | 23:31 |
Slart | Condoulo: put a gksudo in front of the command | 23:31 |
Uatec_ | Boohbah, ,i wasn't doing much, but it was the host machine that crashed (this linux machine is a virtual machine in virtualbox) | 23:31 |
wepeel | Slart, heh. I've been using 6.10 for a long time...I hope this will be better *crosses fingers* | 23:31 |
Condoulo | Slart, Thanks. :) | 23:32 |
BCM43 | nemilar: flash crashes in firefox? | 23:32 |
Uatec_ | wepeel, i'm using hardy heron now, it's making me very happy, it's so damn fast | 23:32 |
Boohbah | Uatec_: what OS is the host? | 23:32 |
* Slart actually like pulseaudio.. am I the only one | 23:32 | |
nemilar | BCM43: affirmative | 23:32 |
Uatec_ | Boohbah, vista | 23:32 |
BCM43 | !fffc | nemilar | 23:32 |
ubottu | nemilar: If Firefox is crashing on sites using Flash try adding "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" to /etc/firefox/firefoxrc (ref: ) | 23:32 |
Stormx2 | will00: No, shouldn't be. | 23:32 |
Boohbah | Uatec_: the virtual disk is probably corrupted | 23:32 |
Uatec_ | hmm | 23:32 |
yesudeep2 | BCM43: What's the extra f for in fffc? | 23:33 |
BCM43 | nemilar: thats one down | 23:33 |
Slart | yesudeep2: FireFox Flash Crash ? | 23:33 |
nemilar | BCM43: I'll do that, thank you | 23:33 |
yesudeep2 | Ah. | 23:33 |
BCM43 | yesudeep2: fire fox flash crash | 23:33 |
Uatec_ | well it's running ok (ish, X configuration was broken before) | 23:33 |
nemilar | BCM43: but I rather use Epiphany rather than FF, anyhow | 23:33 |
Uatec_ | hmm, i wonder how i could do some sort of check disk | 23:33 |
Uatec_ | i don't particularly want to have to intsall it (ps. if i do, i'm going to take a back up of the disk image as soon as i'm done) | 23:33 |
will00 | ok stormx2, i have lirc installed | 23:33 |
Stormx2 | Wicked. | 23:33 |
Stormx2 | will00: Some programs have LIRC interfaces built in. Some don't. But first you need to test that LIRC is working. Open a terminal and type "irw". Then start pressing buttons on your remote. | 23:34 |
wepeel | Ok, this is strange. I cat'ed proc/cpuinfo and got AMD Athlon 64 3200+ with cpuMHz at 800.000 . I thought this was a faster processor... any reports of incorrect processor reporting in 6.10? | 23:34 |
nemilar | BCM43: Epiphany will refuse to open once a day, and the only way I've found to fix it is a reboot... logging out/in doesn't help | 23:34 |
Boohbah | Uatec_: fsck /dev/sdx | 23:34 |
Boohbah | Uatec_: only fsck with disks unmounted, so if it's root do it at boot | 23:34 |
Slart | wepeel: your processor clocks itself down when it's not doing anything really important.. | 23:34 |
markotitel | can someone help me on raid0 and ubuntu | 23:34 |
markotitel | do I have to make boot partition out of raid | 23:34 |
=== Desktop_ is now known as Catslacks | ||
Uatec_ | oh, ok | 23:35 |
markotitel | or I dont have to make boot partition at all | 23:35 |
Uatec_ | well thanks for the hel | 23:35 |
Uatec_ | p | 23:35 |
will00 | stormx2 it said " connect: Connection refused" | 23:35 |
Boohbah | !raid | markotitel | 23:35 |
ubottu | markotitel: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 23:35 |
Slart | wepeel: my processor runs at 1GHz at.. it's rated at 2.4 GHz | 23:35 |
Uatec_ | i guess i have to reboot this machine now then | 23:35 |
wepeel | Slart, ah, thanks :) so really, the only way to find the Processor speed (I guess the max rating) is in BIOS? | 23:35 |
Uatec_ | bye bye | 23:35 |
Stormx2 | will00: Try doing this first: sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start | 23:35 |
Boohbah | Uatec_: wait | 23:35 |
Uatec_ | yes? | 23:35 |
McJester | where can I get a new sources.list for Hardy Powerpc? | 23:35 |
Stormx2 | will00: Or it may be this: sudo /etc/init.d/lircd start | 23:35 |
jbroome | wepeel: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 23:35 |
maximilion | night guys :) thx Boohbah, Stormx2 :) | 23:35 |
BCM43 | nemilar: cant help you with the rest, try asking on the channel | 23:35 |
wepeel | jbroome, yep, that's what I did | 23:36 |
will00 | stormx2, you had it the first time | 23:36 |
Boohbah | Uatec_: i think you need to boot with some option | 23:36 |
BCM43 | McJester: you should not need it, it should be automatic | 23:36 |
nemilar | BCM43: thanks for the FF flash help, though | 23:36 |
Slart | wepeel: there's probably some weird file you can look at somewhere in the /proc tree.. I've given up trying to remember all the neat stuff in there | 23:36 |
nemilar | thanks | 23:36 |
Boohbah | Uatec_: to run fsck before the root filesystem is mounted | 23:36 |
mepsipax | In VLC it says Unable to open 'rtsp://' | 23:36 |
nemanja | ddddddddd | 23:36 |
Catslacks | Ok, I still can't get my wireless working. I have ndiswrapper and the driver installed. It shows my network in the manager and I can select it, but after I type in my key it just does it's little 'trying to connect' thing and then nothing. | 23:36 |
McJester | BCM43, I screwed mine up without making a backup | 23:36 |
Uatec_ | Boohbah, yes, i was going to google for that | 23:36 |
Cazy_Mofo | hi, im using 8.04 and I can't get my external monitor to work, any advice? | 23:36 |
Stormx2 | will00: Does irw work now? | 23:36 |
Uatec_ | first i'm backing up my data | 23:36 |
BCM43 | Catslacks: what wireless card? | 23:37 |
Boohbah | Uatec_: ok, great! | 23:37 |
wepeel | Cazy_Mofo, are you running a laoptop, then? | 23:37 |
Cazy_Mofo | yes | 23:37 |
Catslacks | D-Link DWA542 | 23:37 |
will00 | by work do you mean sit there in the terminal and give no output when i press buttons? | 23:37 |
BCM43 | McJester: ill give you a copy of mine. Where is it again> | 23:37 |
wepeel | I give lots of presentations on my laptop and it's essential that the monitor out work. I'm installing 8.04 right now | 23:37 |
wepeel | I'm curious, though, to see what the BIOS on this machine says. Be bcak in a bit :) | 23:38 |
BCM43 | Catslacks: please do lspci and put the result in pastebin | 23:38 |
eugman | Is there anyone who has chucK running? I apparently don't have my sound setup for it and don't know how to take care of it. | 23:38 |
Catslacks | I'm on a different computer, but I can go write down what you need | 23:39 |
talcite2 | ok. There, a proper irc client | 23:39 |
talcite2 | so yeah, I'm totally stumped and very worried | 23:39 |
LordOllie | improper irc client sounds dirty | 23:39 |
talcite2 | basically, my entire system just went haywire | 23:39 |
yesudeep2 | Catslacks: Is your computer not connected to the internet in any way? | 23:39 |
will00 | stormx2, i think its working | 23:39 |
limac | Accept the defaults, an option will come up to set a description, set one and enter, select the next default, job done - checkinstall created a .deb package, installed it and left a copy in the folder you're working in. | 23:39 |
Stormx2 | Is text showing up when you press buttons? | 23:39 |
Catslacks | No. | 23:39 |
Stormx2 | (on the remote) | 23:40 |
rich_freecomm | Are my problems with SWF unique? I've reinstalled gstreamer, totem, firefox 3 (then uninstalled it to go back to 2 to see if that was the issue), nsplugin, gnash...I'm out of ideas on why SWF (local) file will only open a FF window and will sit there as if it were loading...for hours | 23:40 |
limac | what do they mean by the set one and enter? | 23:40 |
talcite2 | GDM is stuck in an endless login loop. It automatically logs in with empty credentials and of course fails | 23:40 |
will00 | stormx2, no nothing shows up | 23:40 |
tyberion | hi, is anyone familiar with the usage of amixer??? | 23:40 |
Stormx2 | will00: Hmm. Not good. | 23:40 |
will00 | stormx2 i kinda figured | 23:40 |
Stormx2 | You selected your remote during the install, yeah? | 23:40 |
LordOllie | talcite, create an empty credential user? | 23:40 |
talcite2 | if I go into a tty and start xorg manually, it starts, but all the windows flash on and off, and no taskbars appear | 23:40 |
yesudeep2 | Catslacks: It's easier pasting command output to the pastebin if you use pastebinit and have at least a wired connection. | 23:40 |
BCM43 | !prefix | 23:41 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 23:41 |
yesudeep2 | sudo aptitude install pastebinit and then lspci | pastebinit | 23:41 |
talcite2 | its as if the windowmanager went insane | 23:41 |
Catslacks | Yes, I know. And if I could have one I would be doing that. But I can't. Sorry to sound blunt, but I've had to explain this at least 10 times, haha. | 23:41 |
debian | Should 64 bit stuff be faster than 32 bit stuff on a 64 cpu? | 23:41 |
talcite2 | BCM43, LordOllie, any ideas? | 23:41 |
BCM43 | !prefix | yesudeep2 talcite2 Catslacks | 23:41 |
ubottu | yesudeep2 talcite2 Catslacks: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 23:41 |
Slart | debian: barely | 23:41 |
debian | Slart: Is the ubuntu intel driver bether than the windows intel driver? | 23:42 |
BCM43 | talcite2 did you put it in pastebin? | 23:42 |
Boohbah | yesudeep2: a script for automatic pastbin? | 23:42 |
Slart | debian: eh.. I have no idea what so ever | 23:42 |
yesudeep2 | Boohbah: yeah | 23:42 |
Gin | debian: for some is faster. but that's probably just a feeling. but I think it should encode faster on a 64bit system | 23:42 |
talcite2 | BCM43: put what in pastebin? sorry I was using a terrible client before. I probably missed your message | 23:42 |
BCM43 | talcite2 were you the one with wireless trouble? | 23:42 |
talcite2 | nope | 23:42 |
talcite2 | BCM43: I was the one with repeating GDM troubles | 23:43 |
Boohbah | BCM43: is there someone who doesn't have wireless trouble? only those who don't use it | 23:43 |
BCM43 | talcite2: ah. sorry. i found nothing | 23:43 |
talcite2 | =/ | 23:43 |
debian | Gin: So now my computer is super fast? | 23:43 |
talcite2 | argh. This is insane. I did nothing to break it! | 23:43 |
* yesudeep2 doesn't have wireless troubles. | 23:43 | |
BCM43 | Boohbah: yesudeep2 does not | 23:43 |
talcite2 | Does anyone know how to disable compiz from console? | 23:43 |
Boohbah | well i don't either | 23:43 |
wepeel | ok, 8.04 installed. let's see if I can get wireless going ;) | 23:44 |
NetTroller | trying to get onto the site to search an error on install..but forums are very very slow ..anyone seen 'error 15' on installing a dual boot? | 23:44 |
Slart | wepeel: lshw -C cpu will tell you the processor speed.. regardless of powersaving mode | 23:44 |
will00 | stormx2, i didnt see the last message, how would i have selected it? | 23:44 |
Boohbah | BCM43: so that's 2 of 1309 people who don't have wireless trouble | 23:44 |
wepeel | Slart, ah, ok. let's see if it matches what I just saw | 23:44 |
tyberion | How do I use amixer in order to set my 'Master' to +5% volume?? anyone used to this? | 23:45 |
Gin | debian: I don't think your computer is superfast with a 64bit system, it should be as fast as the 32bit version | 23:45 |
Boohbah | BCM43: you understand my logic? | 23:45 |
Xsploit | Could not listen on port: 64652! <-- how do i change that? | 23:45 |
Gin | debian: just give it a try and see if you like it better than the 32bit | 23:45 |
Stormx2 | will00: When you installed LIRC, it should have come up with a window asking what remote you'd like to use | 23:45 |
Boohbah | Xsploit: listen on a different port | 23:45 |
Stormx2 | Wait, what ubuntu version are you on? | 23:45 |
Catslacks | BCM43: I typed lspci and my adapter is there. I also tried ndiswrapper -l and it said the driver was installed and the device is detected. I can see my wireless network in the list, but can't connect. | 23:45 |
Itaku | !lamp | 23:45 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 23:45 |
Stormx2 | Itaku: Who was that for? | 23:45 |
* Dena has a trouble with Wireless can't make Wlanassistnt work with Ultimate Edition of Ubuntu | 23:45 | |
BCM43 | Boohbah: well, mine works fine now, but you have no idea how hard it was before. yes i understand the logic, but have you seen how many people com in there with sound trouble? !offtopic | BCM43. | 23:45 |
Xsploit | Boohbah yea... how ?? | 23:46 |
BCM43 | Catslacks: put lspci in pastebin | 23:46 |
Boohbah | BCM43: my point was that wireless is always a challenge to setup. ;-P | 23:46 |
will00 | ok stormx2, should i uninstall and reinstall it then? | 23:46 |
Boohbah | Xsploit: i don't know, what program is it? | 23:46 |
yesudeep2 | Boohbah: make that 7 because 2 of my friends and my other desktop machines which have wireless builtin work out of the box as well. | 23:46 |
debian | Gin: 32bit win xp | 23:46 |
debian | Can I apt-get wine? | 23:46 |
Catslacks | BCM43: I can't. I'm on a different computer with no connection to the other one. I can write down what you need, though. | 23:46 |
unr3a1 | debian: yes. sudo apt-get install wine | 23:47 |
yesudeep2 | and one of them has a broadcom card. <-- funny that worked right. | 23:47 |
Xsploit | Boohbah: 'ninja video helper' | 23:47 |
kassinger | anyone haveing problem with lime wire pro launches just fine but in the center where you select what your looking for and name and download window are blank | 23:47 |
BCM43 | Catslacks: do you have a usb flash drive? | 23:47 |
Anubis | did anyone try to use aerodump-ng? | 23:47 |
BCM43 | !anyone | Anubis | 23:47 |
ubottu | Anubis: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 23:47 |
Boohbah | Xsploit: i don't know what that is. did you install it from an ubuntu repository? if not, we can't help you | 23:47 |
white_eagle | guys I couldn't change my keyboard layout so I removed it and I added it again, then this window hopped up: "Error activating XKB configuration. It can happen under various circumstances: - a bug in libxlavier library - abugy in X server (xkbcomp, xmodmap utilites - X server with incompatible libxkbfile implementation X server version data: The Foundation 10400090 If you report this situation as a bug, please include: - The | 23:47 |
Catslacks | BCM43: No, sorry. | 23:47 |
debian | unr3a1: NO! You should use aptitude | 23:47 |
BCM43 | Catslacks: ok, do you see broadcom anywhere on it? | 23:48 |
Slart | debian: care to tell us why? | 23:48 |
Stormx2 | will00: No. What ubuntu version do you use? Hardy? | 23:48 |
BCM43 | debian: this argument was had a while a go on the channel, they won. | 23:48 |
Xsploit | nope | 23:48 |
will00 | stormx2, yes | 23:48 |
Stormx2 | Hm. | 23:48 |
wepeel | okay, first problem. The system has told me that it's using restricted drivers (Atheros HAL and Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards), but I cannot connect. When I go to network, everything is greyed out | 23:48 |
Stormx2 | will00: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc <-- do that from a terminal. | 23:49 |
Boohbah | NetTroller: are you trolling? | 23:49 |
wepeel | oh | 23:49 |
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche | ||
wepeel | there's something new | 23:49 |
Gin | wepeel: what Network? | 23:49 |
wepeel | Gin, didn't notice the 'unlock' thing | 23:49 |
cens0red | good moaning. | 23:49 |
debian | BCM43: 8.04 | 23:49 |
debian | aptitude does something bether than apt-get | 23:50 |
BCM43 | debian: ?? | 23:50 |
will00 | ok stormx2, i selected the right remote | 23:50 |
Sitherae | Does anyone here use screenlets? | 23:50 |
Boohbah | Xsploit: this channel is for ubuntu linux support | 23:50 |
BCM43 | !hi | cens0red | 23:50 |
ubottu | cens0red: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:50 |
tyberion | How can I find out which of the /dev/sda* is my second hd and which one of those I have to mount? | 23:50 |
debian | BCM43: It is bether for cleaning up stupid garbadge files, than apt-get | 23:50 |
Stormx2 | will00: sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart | 23:50 |
wepeel | Gin, that's new to me...was it introduced in 7.x? (unlock) | 23:50 |
Stormx2 | will00, then do irw again. | 23:50 |
BCM43 | debian: tell them that, i use it. | 23:50 |
Gin | wepeel: nope, it is introduced in Hardy I think | 23:51 |
Catslacks | BCM43: No, broadcom isn't on it | 23:51 |
Gin | I have never seen that before in Gutsy | 23:51 |
Slart | tyberion: compare sizes? you can use the partition editor to look at the layout of th edrive | 23:51 |
D3RGPS31 | Software Question - Installing JAVA on Ubuntu to work with FireFox, I've tried Synaptic, and Java's tutorial, neither work | 23:51 |
BCM43 | Catslacks: do you see 802.1 or somthing like that? try to locate your wireless card | 23:51 |
Xsploit | mmkay got it | 23:51 |
will00 | stormx2, same issue | 23:51 |
Catslacks | BCM43: Yes, my wireless card is listed there. | 23:51 |
yesudeep2 | debian: Plus aptitude is less irritating. apt-get barfs every time there is a typo. So if you have 4 typos, it'll stop upto 4 times until you've corrected them. | 23:51 |
cens0red | !hi | BCM43 | 23:51 |
ubottu | BCM43: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:51 |
BCM43 | Catslacks: what is it? | 23:51 |
yesudeep2 | debian: aptitude also installs recommended packages | 23:51 |
BCM43 | cens0red: please stop | 23:52 |
will00 | stormx2, which transmitter should i have used? | 23:52 |
cens0red | BCM43 stop what? | 23:52 |
Stormx2 | will00: Hmm. What IR receiver are you using? The standard windows media center edition one? | 23:52 |
Catslacks | BCM43: D-Link DWA542 | 23:52 |
Boohbah | !fsck | cens0red | 23:52 |
ubottu | cens0red: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 23:52 |
white_eagle | 3/j #Linux | 23:52 |
white_eagle | oh | 23:52 |
white_eagle | :) | 23:52 |
Catslacks | BCM43: I installed the drivers for it using ndiswrapper | 23:52 |
BCM43 | cens0red: sorry, just ask a question. no need to welcome me to the channel | 23:52 |
Boohbah | BCM43: i thought you two were old friends | 23:52 |
Slart | debian: some reading for you.. | 23:52 |
will00 | stormx2, yes im using the one that came included with my hauppage 1800, which is the standard MCE set | 23:52 |
white_eagle | Boohbah: can I disable fsck running on startup? | 23:53 |
Gin | that filesystem check thing is looking more like windows xp.... :S | 23:53 |
BCM43 | Catslacks: is that what is says on lspci? | 23:53 |
white_eagle | Boohbah: when I don't shut down properly | 23:53 |
McJester | BCM43, /etc/apt/souces.list | 23:53 |
Boohbah | white_eagle: you can press esc | 23:53 |
Boohbah | white_eagle: better to let it run | 23:53 |
wepeel | okay, wireless card finds my connection...I've got the right WEP key...let's see | 23:53 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: yes, but i dont need to be welcome to the channel after being on for hours | 23:53 |
cens0red | BCM43 heh just doing exactly what you did. Didn't mean to irritate you. | 23:53 |
wepeel | works!! | 23:53 |
Stormx2 | will00: Hmm. Well I'm not sure what the problem is. | 23:53 |
BCM43 | cens0red: it's fine | 23:53 |
Boohbah | white_eagle: if you don't shutdown clean you could have fs corruption | 23:53 |
Gin | congrat wepeel :) | 23:53 |
Manacim | hi everyone | 23:53 |
wepeel | my very first impression of hardy heron is that it's fast | 23:53 |
will00 | stormx2, could it be the transmitter that i set to none? | 23:54 |
selocol | I can unmount a usb stick but the usb stick still has the light on. Is there a way to stop power from going to the usb stick? | 23:54 |
Stormx2 | Yeah | 23:54 |
Stormx2 | probably | 23:54 |
Stormx2 | transmitter? :/ | 23:54 |
white_eagle | Boohbah: ok, thanks | 23:54 |
Stormx2 | What other options were there? | 23:54 |
white_eagle | Boohbah: I needed to skip it once | 23:54 |
chev_chelios | selocol: i have a same problem:) | 23:54 |
Stormx2 | Receiver and remote? | 23:54 |
Slart | selocol: you could try eject.. (I get the same thing.. windows shuts the power off.. in linux everything is still lit up) | 23:54 |
white_eagle | Boohbah: it was really urgent | 23:54 |
Gin | wepeel: I second that. for me, only pulseaudio is troublesome. | 23:54 |
Boohbah | BCM43: i think cens0red was greeting you... cheer up! | 23:54 |
selocol | Slart: alright.. thanks | 23:54 |
selocol | chev_chelios: =] | 23:54 |
Boohbah | white_eagle: ok | 23:54 |
chev_chelios | Slart: how do we fix that in linux? 'couse i dont want my stick to brake | 23:55 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: i noticed. i definatly overreacted | 23:55 |
Catslacks | BCM43: it says: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5416 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Adapter (rev 01) | 23:55 |
Incohesive | Does anyone here know how to make booklets with Scribus? | 23:55 |
Manacim | hmm | 23:55 |
chev_chelios | and it happens in any linux:) | 23:55 |
Gin | wepeel: I recommend you to check out gnome-main-menu | 23:55 |
emma | Slart: I would love to like pulseaudio.. How do I get it to work? :) | 23:55 |
Slart | chev_chelios: I don't know.. but I doubt your usb-stick will break from being connected for a while | 23:56 |
Boohbah | BCM43: sometimes it's good to take a break after long hours of irc | 23:56 |
wepeel | Gin, will I need to get that? | 23:56 |
chev_chelios | usb stick just keeps power on. even when ejected. i recon that has sth to do with kernel stuff:) | 23:56 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: lol, i know | 23:56 |
Boohbah | BCM43: take a walk outside, get some fresh air, etc. | 23:56 |
Manacim | anybody here uses vmware workstation? | 23:56 |
Boohbah | BCM43: but you know what's best ;) | 23:56 |
BCM43 | Boohbah: just got back from dinner, so you would think i would be fin | 23:56 |
Slart | emma: install the pulseaudio tools.. "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol paman padevchooser" ... set everything to use pulseaudio | 23:56 |
will00 | well, i just tried the reconfigure again, and it said " * Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC [fail] " | 23:56 |
chev_chelios | the old kingston stick powered off, and the new one (takeMS) doesn't | 23:56 |
emma | Slart: okay I will give it a shot. I would surely like to work toward making my Hardy WORK rather than removing its tonsils. :) | 23:57 |
Manacim | anybody here uses vmware workstation? | 23:57 |
BCM43 | Catslacks: try madwifi, but remove ndisrapper first | 23:57 |
D3RGPS31 | Software Question - Installing JAVA on Ubuntu to work with FireFox, I've tried Synaptic, and Java's tutorial, neither work >.> | 23:57 |
Boohbah | emma: i would love to like pulseaudio too, but it's a gnarly best | 23:57 |
Boohbah | it's a gnarly BEAST | 23:57 |
will00 | stormx2 it apparantly couldnt start the remote control daemon | 23:57 |
Nickname | Is there a way to download a deb package and all its dependencies automatically on windows so I can install it on my ubuntu-os (which has no internet)? | 23:57 |
chev_chelios | Slart: it's like, i dunno when to take it out. it lights for a wile, then blinks... i get it out when it stops blinking") | 23:57 |
yesudeep2 | !java | D3RGPS31 | 23:57 |
ubottu | D3RGPS31: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 23:57 |
Gin | wepeel: using sudo apt-get install gnome-main-menu | 23:57 |
Slart | emma: and then it should just work.. you can a running program from using one soundcard to another.. without restarting it.. change volume in firefox flash without changing global volume etc etc | 23:57 |
Boohbah | D3RGPS31: did you google for the ubuntu tutorial | 23:57 |
deejaypip | I have a very strange problem: I can't see my trashcan icon | 23:57 |
nokian95 | hi does works for you guys | 23:58 |
Gin | wepeel: it looks like this | 23:58 |
yesudeep2 | nokian95: Yes. | 23:58 |
D3RGPS31 | Boohbah: yes | 23:58 |
nokian95 | 500 Internal Server Error | 23:58 |
nokian95 | Sorry, something went wrong. | 23:58 |
nokian95 | A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation | 23:58 |
Boohbah | D3RGPS31: also, it may be difficult on hardy... what ubuntu do you have? | 23:58 |
yesudeep2 | deejaypip: Did you delete it? | 23:58 |
nokian95 | i get this error | 23:58 |
Slart | chev_chelios: if you unmount it and wait 5 secs it should be safe | 23:58 |
chev_chelios | Nickname: there is a site that tells you what are the dependencies for a package. i just cannot remmeber it:) | 23:58 |
yesudeep2 | nokian95:'s down | 23:58 |
D3RGPS31 | Boobah: Hardy >.> | 23:58 |
chev_chelios | Slart: thanx | 23:58 |
deejaypip | yesudeep2: no, I just installed ubuntu fresh today | 23:58 |
Storrgie | quick question for you guys | 23:58 |
Slart | chev_chelios: I've got a vague memory of ubuntu throwing up some kind of "Wait a while until I've written everything before you eject the usb-stick"-dialog | 23:58 |
Boohbah | nokian95: yesudeep2: youtube works for me | 23:59 |
Storrgie | i am a windows native :( | 23:59 |
wepeel | Gin, that looks like something I'll like, thanks! | 23:59 |
Storrgie | setup ubuntu server | 23:59 |
yesudeep2 | deejaypip: you are referring to the trash can icon in the bottom panel correct? | 23:59 |
Storrgie | looking for an FTP server | 23:59 |
nokian95 | can you see videos | 23:59 |
deejaypip | yesudeep2: yes. maybe I accidentally deleted it? | 23:59 |
yesudeep2 | Boohbah: me too. he might be using a server that is down. | 23:59 |
Manacim | that happened to me too | 23:59 |
Storrgie | but i want to set one up to use specific directories | 23:59 |
Manacim | try restarting | 23:59 |
Boohbah | Storrgie: pureftpd, vsftpd | 23:59 |
chev_chelios | Slart: it does. what do you use now? i think every distro does that | 23:59 |
yesudeep2 | deejaypip: right click the panel and click "add to panel" select the trash can from the list. | 23:59 |
Manacim | try restarting and you'll your trash can | 23:59 |
deejaypip | thank you yesudeep2 and manacim | 23:59 |
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