
=== no0tic is now known as maru0tic
GhotiPhudI'm getting an error while trying to compile the xserver from git00:53
GhotiPhudcould anyone help me?00:53
RAOFNot without the full output :)00:55
GhotiPhudalright hold on a se00:56
RAOFThis will want to be in a pastebin, of course.00:56
GhotiPhudit's asking for gl, but there's no package by that name00:58
RAOFGhotiPhud: 'apt-file' is your very best friend here.00:59
GhotiPhudthat's a new one00:59
RAOFYup.  That's 'search by filename in all available packages'.01:00
GhotiPhudplease explain, no man entry01:00
RAOFYou'll need to install it first.  THen you're after 'apt-file search gl.pc'.  But no package is going to provide what X wants.01:00
RAOFI think?  gl >= 7.1 isn't going to be provided by any Ubuntu package, unless I'm forgetfull.  Which is quite possible :)01:01
GhotiPhudso what would be the best course of action?01:01
GhotiPhudwhat is the .pc extension?01:04
RAOFpkg-config.  That's how ./configure knows what's installed/the needed CFLAGS/LDFLAGS to use it.01:06
RAOFIt's going to be in something like mesa-common-dev.  If that's of sufficient version, awesome.01:08
RAOFHm.  Have you run 'sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-cor' yet?  That should install all, or almost all, of the dependencies for you.01:09
GhotiPhudyeah, that was the first thing I ran01:10
RAOFAh.  So, it's probably version-complaining.01:10
GhotiPhudexcept that I didn't find gl.pc at all01:10
RAOFYeah, that's obviously something different :(01:11
GhotiPhudapt-file would list files in programs that I don't have installed?01:12
RAOFHm.  Given mesa-common-dev is version 7.0.3, I think that's your winner.01:12
RAOFYou'll need to build a newer mesa.01:13
GhotiPhudI'll try that01:13
GhotiPhudthis is becoming too much work01:13
RAOFYou could grab the Debian experimental package; that's built, and will have all the deps available.01:14
GhotiPhudwhere would I grab that?01:14
RAOFYou'd want to grab the source package + source packages for any dependency we can't satisfy.01:14
RAOFhttp://packages.debian.org/experimental/xserver-xorg-core at a guess.01:15
RAOFActually, http://packages.debian.org/source/experimental/xorg-server01:16
GhotiPhudthen I compile that package?01:16
GhotiPhudnow it wants dri2proto01:20
RAOFYup.  Which we _definitely_ don't have.01:21
GhotiPhudI don't see the source in debian experimental either01:22
GhotiPhudoh well, thanks for the help01:23
RAOFYou'll need to check out the freedesktop.org wiki; that'll have build instructions.01:23
GhotiPhudlater :)01:27
leonelllhello folks01:32
leonelllanyone here at the moment?01:33
h3sp4wnGuess not02:51
RAOFh3sp4wn: ??03:00
h3sp4wn00:33 < leonelll> anyone here at the moment?03:00
RAOFAh, right.03:01
RAOFNo, tons of people here, probably.03:01
h3sp4wnI dunno why people place so much emphasis on the time domain - or position for that matter03:23
h3sp4wnRAOF: Have you ever dealt with building a post 2.3.6 gcc with support for both NTPL and linuxthreads ? (or any ideas)03:25
RAOFh3sp4wn: Nope.  I don't even know what your problem is ;)03:27
h3sp4wnsorry i ment glibc not gcc03:27
RAOFAh.  More reasonable.  gcc 2.3.6 is not exactly cutting edge :)03:28
RAOFI still don't have any experience/ideas/help.03:29
h3sp4wnRAOF: electronics simulation software - problem is that it relies on loads of broken stuff in RHEL303:33
RAOFDo you have source?03:33
RAOFIE: is it easier to fix the simulation software than te emulate the bugs?03:33
h3sp4wnCommerically its six figures just for a license03:34
RAOFWell, good luck.  I don't think I can help you.03:35
h3sp4wnThe thing that interests me about it is that my university has tryed and failed (3 times to move this stuff to windows)03:35
h3sp4wnfailed every time (even with free microsoft technical assistance)03:37
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Klick__Hey all, does anyone know why the unlock button on network-admin is greyed out?  I have to manualy kismet to look for an access point, then iwconfig to it?04:53
h3sp4wnif you use that applet afaik you have to disable network manager05:12
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Gnineany known ibex dl page or torrent?15:26
Gninenevermind.. alpha1 scheduled for june 12th15:27
Amaranthwe haven't even had an alpha :P15:27
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ionstormim trying to upgrade to the intrepid kernel via http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ and it seems the packages are not on the ppa21:27
ionstormis there an alternate way to upgrade "just the kernel"21:28
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=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ganjastsomeone runs ubuntu with 8GB or more?22:43
DeltsHey guys, got ignored in #ubuntu so wondered if I could get any help here.23:00
DeltsI just upgraded to 8.04 and every time I put my laptop into hibernate the screen resolution switches away from 1280x800 to 1024x768.  Anyone know what's up and a solution?23:01
DeltsI'm using an acer Aspire 5633WLMi laptop for reference23:01
TheInfinityDelts: wait for an answer in ubuntu, here you just find some freaks who make pre alpha testing23:05
Deltsoafly had told me to try here, damn him!23:06
* Delts comically shakes fist in oafly's dircetion23:06
DeltsThanks anyway23:08

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