
rodregosaludos para ti igual00:51
rodregospeak spanish00:51
MegaqwertyPido perdón.00:52
rodregoporque amigo00:52
rodregoprimero que nada soy nuevo en esto00:52
MegaqwertyPara no decir español. Pero si usted mira para charlar, aconsejo ir a #ubuntu-chat00:53
rodregome gustaria saber si alguien tiene tiempo para ayudarme un poco00:53
jribrodrego: /join #ubuntu-es00:53
rodregouna pequeña pregunta no se si es aqui donde deberia o en otro foro00:54
jribrodrego: nao aqui, en #ubuntu-es00:55
rodregoes que instale azureus en ubuntu00:55
MegaqwertyTrataré de ayudarle en un de la tarde si usted desea.00:55
rodregote lo agradesco00:55
jribMegaqwerty: oh, you are helping rodrego here? sorry00:55
Megaqwertyno, I'm not.00:56
MegaqwertyBut I figure I might as well. His problem seems trivial00:56
rodregoen que chat me podrian ayudar con mi pregunta00:57
MegaqwertySí, ellos le ayudarán en *ubuntu-es, o puedo tratar de ayudarle en una charla privada00:58
rodregogracias bye00:58
yordanhelp pls ?02:18
Megaqwertyyordan: try #ubuntu that's our support channel02:18
yordanwhell they told me to came here02:19
MegaqwertyI have no idea why they would say that...but what's your problem?02:19
Flannelyordan: Explain to me again?02:20
yordanmy pc came whit vista02:20
yordani delete it and i put ubuntu 7.1002:20
yordanwhit 1 partition of the whole drive02:20
yordanso , after 2 months i download a windows XP from internet02:20
yordanand i make a bootable cd02:20
yordani boot and i install windows02:21
yordanbut this windows was full whit not good things02:21
yordanso i delete id and put back ubuntu 7.1002:21
yordanso i whent to a shop02:21
yordanand i buy a original windows xp disk02:21
yordanbut now i cant boot whit him02:21
yordanit showing me a blue screen whit STOP: error message02:22
yordanbut i can boot whit the crapy windows from internet..02:22
yordanthats all02:22
yordani cant boot whit the original windows cd disk02:22
yordanbut i cant boot whit the disk i download from from internet02:22
yordani can i mean02:23
yordanany idea02:23
MegaqwertyMaybe your Windows disk is bad? Have you checked it for scratches/dust?02:24
yordanits brand new02:24
Megaqwertystill check it02:24
yordanbrand new02:24
yordana friend give me too a original disk02:25
yordanthe same error came up02:25
yordanblue screen whit STOP errorr02:25
MegaqwertyI think the people in ##windows might be your best bet02:25
Megaqwertythis would be something I think they'd be better suited to solve.02:26
MegaqwertyUnless Flannel has an idea02:26
yordanokay thanks for lesen to my english ;)02:26
yordanwell Flannel02:26
FlannelNah, I'm no expert in windows installs02:26
yordanokay ty anyway02:26
Megaqwertyyordan: this might help: http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=164702:27
MegaqwertyI just did a quick google search for "blue screen stop errors"02:27
yordanno help from there02:37
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