
GrueMaste1hello all from Ubuntu rc100:41
GrueMasterok, enough goofing off, back to work.00:42
* GrueMaste1 rejoins the slaves in the salt mines.00:42
GrueMasterlool: ping - could you clarify the frozen bubble issue?  Is it just a missing dependency?  I don't get sound until I load libvorbisfile3, which makes sense, as the frozen bubble audio files are ogg based.00:58
loolGrueMaster: It's not really a missing depends01:03
loolit's a feature of libsdl-mixer1.2 which is enabled by default but which we don't really want01:03
loolI've attached a patch to disable the dynamic loading and link to libvorbisfile instead01:03
loolBut it's too intrusive for hardy for a couple of reasons01:04
GrueMasterThe data files are ogg format.  Frozen bubble uses SDL to playback it's audio streams, and SDL links against libvorbisfile3 for this.01:04
loolSo we will probably add a Depends in hardy01:04
loolSDL doesn't link to libvorbisfile3, that's the problem01:04
lool(and the feature)01:05
GrueMasterNo, it only loads it when requested.  I guess I'm confused.01:05
loolAnyway, the task is to prepare a "SRU" for hardy; not mobile specific stuff in fact01:05
loolIt's too late for me to start this, someone should hopefully pick it up tomorrow01:06
loolUrg, depmod -v01:06
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dholbachgood morning06:12
persialool: I didn't push it.  Which do we want?  Trunk, or the branch?13:53
loolpersia: Same thing as what's in the ppa, with any fix you deem useful but particularly the python-vte dep13:54
loolpersia: Otherwise, I can simply add the dep13:54
persialool: OK.  I'll just bump that then, and leave it upgradable to intrepid.13:55
persialool: update-manager 0.90.2~ume804 pushed to the PPA.13:59
* mvo hugs persia14:00
lool~ume804, that's a new one14:00
persialool: There's a bunch of other fixes in 0.91, but we can wait for intrepid.14:00
persialool: I thought ~ume804 was your designation.  Ought I be using something else?14:00
loolI should be listing all the weird version schemes we abused in the ppa, scary :)  Nothing wrong with your version BTW14:00
loolpersia: Is it?  Hmm I think I've been only advertizing +804um1 and ~804um114:01
persialool: Just look to the future.  Real Soon Now, we'll just use normal versions again :)14:01
loolAnyway, I just mention it because I find it funny that we piled so many different schemes :)14:01
persialool: Ah.  I must have imagined the 'e' then :)14:02
persiaum is likely better anyway, as it clearly expands to "Ubuntu Mobile" and not to "Ubuntu Muslim Edition" (apt-cache search ubuntume for details)14:03
loolpersia: and flipped 80414:04
loolI was using ~hardy1 at some point14:04
loolor was it ~hardy.1? hmm14:04
persiaWell, as long as it matches the rule hardy > PPA > intrepid, we're likely safe, to some degree.  Of course, without hard agreement about how to version -updates or -security, there's always the risk of insertions not being in the right place.14:05
loolhardy < ppa < intrepid?14:06
persiaErm.  Sure.  Assuming versions are positive :)14:06
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linxanyone up ?21:26
linxI'm trying to download the project21:26
linxcode from where can I pick it up ?21:26

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