lifeless | fdv: So svn has multiple disk formats like most vcs's, but unlike bzr it silently upgrades on you - which is why you couldn't use the older client after using the newer one | 00:25 |
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rockstar | Anyone know why I would be getting "ValueError: I/O operation on closed file" while trying to branch from a launchpad branch? | 02:53 |
jam | rockstar: that is usually a secondary error | 03:54 |
jam | it means we are doing something like 'flush()' on a closed file | 03:54 |
jam | usually we get that after something else has gone wrong | 03:54 |
rockstar | jam, seems like I'm getting it trying to branch from all lp branches. A friend of mine is having the same problem. | 04:02 |
jam | rockstar: what version of bzr, and what platform? | 04:02 |
rockstar | 1.5, on linux. | 04:03 |
rockstar | It's the same system I have on | 04:03 |
jam | rockstar: have you tried running with '--no-plugins' to see if that fixes it? | 04:04 |
m3ga | ping lifeless | 04:22 |
lamalex | Hey pals, I'm having problems pushing to my LP branch | 07:05 |
beuno | lamalex, specifics? | 07:06 |
lamalex | LP has to use bzr push lp:~alexlauni/do/do-alauni, but that doesn't work due the http mkdir() erro | 07:06 |
lamalex | so I'm trying to do bzr push s | 07:06 |
beuno | lamalex, bzr launchpad-login yourlpid | 07:06 |
beuno | that will set it to use bzr+ssh | 07:07 |
lamalex | that's a beautiful thing | 07:07 |
beuno | ain't it? | 07:07 |
lamalex | now i have bzr: ERROR: Target directory lp:~alexlauni/do/do-alauni already exists, but does not have a valid .bzr directory. Supply --use-existing-dir to push there anyway | 07:07 |
lamalex | should I just use that switch? | 07:07 |
beuno | uhm, that's odd, but yes | 07:08 |
lamalex | heh | 07:09 |
lamalex | it's pushing. we | 07:09 |
lamalex | 'll see how it gos | 07:09 |
beuno | :) | 07:09 |
beuno | you're using bzr 1.3, right? | 07:09 |
lamalex | indeed | 07:10 |
lamalex | 1.3.1 | 07:10 |
beuno | I believe newer versions do a better job at warning you about pushing without a lp-login set | 07:10 |
lamalex | are they in the bzr ppa? | 07:10 |
beuno | I'd recommend updating from the PPA ( | 07:10 |
beuno | :) | 07:10 |
lamalex | :) great minds right? | 07:10 |
beuno | heheh, right | 07:11 |
=== gour is now known as gour|afk | ||
dennda | Hi. I try to bzr ignore a Django file. I got this django project on several machines and the differs slightly on each host. I still want it to be version controlled per host but I don't want to sync it between the hosts. (And if that is not possible, just plain ignore it completely) | 08:14 |
dennda | However, bzr ignore gives me this: | 08:14 |
dennda | Warning: the following files are version controlled and match your ignore pattern: | 08:14 |
dennda | olympic/ | 08:14 |
Peng | dennda: You're already versioning, so ignoring it does nothing. | 08:15 |
dennda | Peng: So how do I keep the file but disable versioning for it? | 08:16 |
Peng | dennda: You can't. | 08:16 |
Peng | dennda: You could commit to a separate branch with a default, then "bzr merge" it into each machine's branch. | 08:16 |
dennda | Ok what about removing the file with bzr remove, creating it again and ignoring it? | 08:16 |
dennda | I commit early and often, that'd just be a pain | 08:17 |
Peng | dennda: Sure, you could do that. | 08:17 |
dennda | Then I will | 08:17 |
dennda | brb, breakfast :) | 08:17 |
bob2 | dennda: bzr rm --keep | 08:25 |
dennda | thanks bob2 and Peng. I hope it worked | 08:31 |
dennda | bob2: I did that locally, committed and pushed to a remote branch where it deleted not only the version control but the file itself, too! | 08:36 |
luks | bzr doesn't modify remote working trees | 08:37 |
luks | if you have a checkout there, you need to `bzr update` | 08:37 |
luks | er, wait | 08:37 |
luks | ignore the second line :) | 08:37 |
luks | it couldn't remove the file, because it doesn't touch remote working trees | 08:38 |
dennda | I did update and the file was gone | 08:39 |
luks | I think update would remove it only if it's identical to the versioned version | 08:40 |
luks | so bzr revert -r X | 08:40 |
Arby | I'm having a problem pushing to a branch. bzr push returns ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir( Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() | 09:47 |
Arby | this seems to be a case of bug 156462 | 09:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 156462 in bzr ""cannot lock LockDir" on update over http" [Undecided,New] | 09:47 |
Arby | I've tried all the things suggested in that thread | 09:47 |
Arby | without success | 09:47 |
Arby | can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong | 09:48 |
luks | you can't push over http | 09:49 |
luks | either use sftp: or bzr+ssh: link, or bzr launchpad-login and then lp: link | 09:50 |
Arby | I've tried sftp and bzr+ssh both fail with Permission denied (publickey). | 09:51 |
Arby | but I do have a public key on launchpad | 09:51 |
Arby | I even tried to upload it again just to be sure | 09:52 |
luks | does 'sftp' work? | 09:52 |
mwhudson | is it the same one as one the machine you're trying on? :) | 09:52 |
Arby | mwhudson: yes | 09:52 |
mwhudson | could this be a username issue? | 09:52 |
Arby | luks checking | 09:52 |
mwhudson | actually, i bet that's it | 09:53 |
Arby | luks: no it doesn't | 09:53 |
Arby | mwhudson: what is? | 09:53 |
mwhudson | Arby: what's your launchpad id? | 09:53 |
Arby | rbirnie | 09:53 |
mwhudson | does 'sftp' work? | 09:53 |
Arby | checking | 09:54 |
Arby | mwhudson: yes it does | 09:54 |
mwhudson | Arby: cool | 09:55 |
Arby | so because my user id isn't the same as the owner of the branch it fails? | 09:56 |
luks | no, it's because your local username is not the same as your launchpad id | 09:56 |
Arby | although I joined the team that owns the branch | 09:56 |
Arby | ah ok | 09:56 |
mwhudson | this doesn't really have much to do with launchpad | 09:56 |
Arby | so what is the solution? | 09:57 |
luks | bzr push bzr+ssh://rbirnie@bazaar... should work | 09:57 |
Arby | trying | 09:57 |
Arby | victory :) | 09:58 |
Arby | is there a setting somewhere to prevent this happening in future? | 09:58 |
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luks | .ssh/config | 09:58 |
luks | bzr launchpad-login and then use only lp: urls | 09:58 |
Arby | luks: sorry I don't understand. .ssh/config doesn't exist | 10:00 |
Arby | on this machine | 10:00 |
luks | create it, and add this: | 10:00 |
luks | host | 10:00 |
luks | User rbirnie | 10:00 |
luks | (.ssh/config is supposed to be ~/.ssh/config, just to be clear :)) | 10:01 |
Arby | ok, thanks for the help :) | 10:01 |
* mwhudson attempts to be a mere user of launchpad, and fails | 10:29 | |
mwhudson | spiv, jml: here? | 10:29 |
mwhudson | oh never mind | 10:39 |
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philipp_ | `bzr: ERROR: Transport error: Server refuses to fullfil the request` what does this mean? tried to do `bzr branch apt-debian-sid` | 15:16 |
dato | philipp_: try bzr branch nosmart+http::// | 15:17 |
philipp_ | k, this works, thanks | 15:19 |
philipp_ | hm, this isn't documented in the man page | 15:21 |
dato | philipp_: maybe/probably because it's a bug in bzr | 15:23 |
philipp_ | as is this? | 15:25 |
dato | philipp_: no, not that; you can't checkout over a read-only transport. | 15:26 |
philipp_ | k, but a simple error message would be nice ;-) | 15:27 |
RainCT | Hi | 16:17 |
RainCT | Can someone help me? I'm getting this error: and I can't get it to work on LP in any way, but locally it works | 16:18 |
RainCT | (the guys in #launchpad couldn't help :() | 16:18 |
Peng | RainCT: Tried pushing over sftp? | 16:28 |
RainCT | Peng: yes | 16:30 |
RainCT | Peng: and also to lp:~rainct/+junk/test | 16:30 |
Peng | ...And he's also tried with bzr 1.3.1 and 1.5. Launchpad is still on 1.3, of course. | 16:31 |
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RainCT | Peng: uhm.. weekend? :P | 17:44 |
Peng | RainCT: Yeah. Star Trek is on TV today! | 17:46 |
RainCT | Peng: heh. where? | 17:48 |
Peng | RainCT: Central Florida, U.S., North America, Earth, ... Local CW affiliate. | 17:55 |
Peng | RainCT: It's Star Trek TOS. | 17:55 |
RainCT | ah, thought it might be on german tv (as your surname is german) :P | 17:57 |
Peng | It is? I thought it was Scandinavian. | 17:57 |
* Peng shrugs. | 17:57 | |
RainCT | heh well might be :P | 17:59 |
RainCT | s/is/looks ;) | 17:59 |
Peng | What's it mean in German? | 18:00 |
RainCT | Peng: Dunno, it might pretty well be Scandinavian :P. «Nord» is «North» and about «hoff» I'm not sure, Firefox says that it's correct but I don't know what it means (I first thought it's «courtyard» but that's «hof») | 18:06 |
Peng | RainCT: I think it's supposed to mean "north house". says it's North? German, "from Middle Low German nord- ‘north’ + hof ‘farmstead’, ‘manor farm’". | 18:09 |
RainCT | ah, I was right then :) | 18:09 |
Peng | :) | 18:10 |
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bjdooks | I'm trying a bzr push, using sftp, but after it asks for my password it just hanfs there and doesn't seem to be doing anything. anyone help? | 18:29 |
Peng | bjdooks: You're sure it's not just slow? | 18:30 |
bjdooks | ah, it just bombed out with a Could not acquire lock LockDir( | 18:32 |
bjdooks | hmm, how do I clean out the lock? | 18:32 |
RainCT | bjdooks: bzr break-lock <branch url> | 18:32 |
RainCT | (where <branch url> is sftp://..., bzr+ssh:// or lp:...) | 18:32 |
bjdooks | right | 18:33 |
bjdooks | held by ben@ivanova on host ivanova [process #19691] | 18:33 |
bjdooks | locked 1731 hours, 31 minutes ago? [y/n]: y | 18:33 |
bjdooks | ffs, Could not acquire lock LockDir again | 18:42 |
bjdooks | hmm, deleting .bzr/repository/lock/held worked | 18:44 |
Peng | bjdooks: 1731 hours ago? You sure it's not still being used? ;) | 18:53 |
bjdooks | Peng: i think it was a failed session, my laptop doesn't usually get to stay on that long | 19:06 |
bjdooks | right, now to work out what completely broke sftp support on my desktop | 19:07 |
bjdooks | bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'SSHSubprocess' object has no attribute 'get_name' | 19:07 |
Peng | bjdooks: That's been fixed. | 19:08 |
Peng | bjdooks: A recent release of Paramiko (1.7.3?) changed the API a bit, I think. | 19:08 |
* bjdooks wonders if debian has caught up yet | 19:08 | |
bjdooks | hmm, downloading 65.6MB of updates... | 19:09 |
bjdooks | so far I like bzr far more than git | 19:12 |
Peng | 65.6 MB of updates to what? | 19:16 |
bjdooks | my debian machine... looks like that's fixed bzr | 19:16 |
=== gour is now known as gour|afk | ||
beuno | hrm, more people seem to be getting "ValueError: I/O operation on closed file | 20:28 |
beuno | on LP... | 20:28 |
Peng | Yeah, on sys.stdout. | 20:28 |
beuno | Peng, any idea what triggers it? | 20:29 |
Peng | beuno: Writing to sys.stdout after it's been closed. | 20:29 |
Peng | Or, doing any other I/O operation, I suppose. | 20:29 |
RoAkSoAx | beuno, ok | 20:30 |
beuno | Peng, | 20:30 |
beuno | and | 20:30 |
RoAkSoAx | beuno, if you need more info, i just upgrade my system to the latest upgrades available for HH | 20:30 |
RoAkSoAx | including the upgrade fixing the ssh key vulnerabilities | 20:31 |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, could you try the checkout again, but with --no-plugins? | 20:32 |
Peng | The warning and error are coming from the server. | 20:32 |
Peng | The client's plugins are irrelevant. | 20:32 |
beuno | yeah, which is odd considering it's LP | 20:32 |
Peng | I'm pretty sure that area of the code has been changed since 1.3. | 20:32 |
beuno | rockstar had the same error yesterday | 20:32 |
Peng | Like, the warning was removed, which would make the error go away. | 20:32 |
Peng | LP will upgrade their bzr installation soon. | 20:33 |
Peng | Anyway, I was gonna go 5 minutes ago. | 20:33 |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, can you try "bzr branch" instead of checkout? | 20:34 |
beuno | Peng, thanks :) | 20:34 |
Peng | beuno: I got the same thing on a "bzr branch", but I thought it was because the branch is broken. | 20:34 |
RoAkSoAx | beuno, ok i will | 20:34 |
RoAkSoAx | same thing | 20:35 |
RainCT | <persia> I found it worked for me with http pull and bzr+ssh push, although it took a couple tries. | 20:35 |
RoAkSoAx | | 20:35 |
RainCT | (persia, sistpoty and me have the same problem from paste 16005) | 20:36 |
beuno | ah, right, should would work | 20:36 |
Peng | The server-side forgot to unlock something, and a warning was emitted and it was automatically unlocked when it was garbage collected (which isn't done it anymore), but stdio had already been closed, so it tracebacked. | 20:36 |
* Peng wanders off. | 20:36 | |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, bzr branch planet-ubuntu | 20:37 |
RoAkSoAx | beuno, seems to be working now | 20:39 |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, good, you should be able to push back with bzr+ssh | 20:39 |
RoAkSoAx | ok thanks beuno :) | 20:40 |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, thank persia :) | 20:40 |
* beuno reports the bug | 20:40 | |
RoAkSoAx | beuno, how should i push it, bzr push bzr+ssh:// instead of doing a bzr commit? | 20:42 |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, you should commit first | 20:44 |
beuno | then, yes, exactly like that | 20:44 |
RoAkSoAx | ok thanks;) | 20:44 |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, np | 20:46 |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, bug #236380 | 20:48 |
RoAkSoAx | beuno, ok cool ;) | 20:50 |
pygi | poolie, you around? | 20:57 |
Peng | push --remember so that you don't need to specify it. | 21:01 |
Peng | It's also good to pull over bzr+ssh... | 21:01 |
RoAkSoAx | beuno, | 21:06 |
RoAkSoAx | RainCT, how did you push to planet, somthing like this: bzr push bzr+ssh:// | 21:21 |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, try again | 21:21 |
RainCT | RoAkSoAx: I have the problems with another branch, but yes, that should be right | 21:21 |
RoAkSoAx | ok thanks guys :), really appreciate it :D | 21:21 |
beuno | RoAkSoAx, I was reconciling the branch to see if there where any problems | 21:22 |
RoAkSoAx | beuno, ok ;), it worked now thanks | 21:22 |
RoAkSoAx | well, thanks guys, I'm going to watch the Spain - Perú soccer match, bye all :) | 21:24 |
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PriceChild | Hey there, this is a support channel, not just development right? | 22:26 |
beuno | PriceChild, yeap yeap | 22:26 |
PriceChild | Great :D Well I'm wondering whether this error: is something I should be asking you guys for help with, or canonical to fix with launchpad? I am using 1.5.0-1~bazaar1~hardy1 from the bzr ppa on | 22:28 |
beuno | PriceChild, I reported that error a while ago, bug #236380 | 22:30 |
beuno | it's a problem with bzr on LP | 22:30 |
beuno | the current workaround I can give you, is branch over http, and then push bzr bzr+ssh | 22:31 |
PriceChild | Thanks beuno. I upgraded to that ppa version because the one in hardy didn't work which was annoying. | 22:31 |
beuno | yeah, LP is still on 1.3, which might be what is triggering that bug | 22:31 |
RainCT | good night | 22:43 |
emgent | heya | 22:50 |
PriceChild | beuno: ok so i branched it, how do i commit it back to the right place? if i do bzr commit -m "message" it gets commited to the directory its in atm :) | 22:59 |
beuno | PriceChild, right, now that you've committed, you have to push your changes back with: bzr push location | 23:00 |
beuno | (in location, use bzr+ssh URL) | 23:00 |
PriceChild | great, thanks | 23:01 |
beuno | PriceChild, you're welcome :) | 23:02 |
PriceChild | *crosses fingers* | 23:03 |
PriceChild | tis looking good... | 23:03 |
pygi | PriceChild, you bugging people again? :D | 23:03 |
PriceChild | pygi: you know what I'm like :D | 23:04 |
PriceChild | launchpad is weird, said i pushed 29 minutes ago. *waits for planet.ubuntu/com to get updated* | 23:05 |
Daviey | PriceChild: you changed your head? | 23:12 |
Daviey | maybe your browser is caching the old one, i'm seeing a newish one | 23:13 |
beuno | PriceChild, the planet gets updated via a cronjob, so expect it to take a while | 23:13 |
PriceChild | Daviey: supposedly can take 2 hours to update | 23:13 |
PriceChild | what he said | 23:14 |
pygi | PriceChild, haven't I told you that having your head scrambled is a bad thing? :P | 23:14 |
PriceChild | Yay all done, thanks again beuno! | 23:17 |
beuno | PriceChild, :) | 23:17 |
PriceChild | pygi: shh :P | 23:17 |
pygi | PriceChild, it is rude to shhh people! | 23:18 |
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