_jorge1500 | hi im a men looking for a women | 00:01 |
dbglt | charming | 00:01 |
fale | _jorge1500: I think you are out ;) | 00:02 |
fale | _jorge1500: in the meaning in the wrong chanel ;) | 00:02 |
Taza | _jorge1500: Try #robot9000, they're all female there. | 00:03 |
_jorge1500 | im sorry | 00:04 |
_jorge1500 | i dindnt want ofense any body else | 00:06 |
_jorge1500 | i dont know the rules of that channel | 00:07 |
andy_ | anybody experienced with wzdftpd? With clean install, at start refuses to find the cfg file... | 00:07 |
rami | kubuntu i pretty cool | 00:12 |
fale | rami: :) | 00:13 |
yao_ziyua1 | why doesn't my System Settings have Restricted Drivers? | 00:14 |
fale | yao_ziyua1: which version of kubuntu do you have? | 00:15 |
yao_ziyua1 | fale: 8.04 | 00:15 |
rami | today is my first day using Kubuntu , i am really satisfied , maybe it was alittle bit hard to find out how to get the 3D cub window , but its fantastic | 00:16 |
fale | yao_ziyua1: you can find it in the menu -> system | 00:16 |
fale | rami: very good :) | 00:16 |
fale | rami: I hope you had a very good experience :) | 00:17 |
rami | YES , i have almost all what i need , everything included . word , spreadsheet , PDF reader , drawing and many many things , its just pretty cool that i had everything included and i didnt need to download many programs after | 00:20 |
fale | rami: :) | 00:21 |
gregg | hi | 00:22 |
gregg | i cant find where to add a printer | 00:22 |
gregg | oh kcontrol | 00:22 |
fale | gregg: k -> system settings -> prointer -> add | 00:24 |
Taza | Grararararargh | 00:25 |
Taza | I would curse some spirits in ways that are forbidden except this is a family-friendly channel | 00:26 |
Taza | Kubuntu just will not work on my system | 00:26 |
fale | Taza: ? | 00:26 |
fale | Taza: :D | 00:26 |
fale | Taza: the next time you'll have more lucky ;) | 00:27 |
Taza | With the *LiveCD* | 00:27 |
fale | :o | 00:27 |
fale | Taza: which pc do you have? | 00:27 |
Taza | Asus M2N4-SLI mobo, AMD 64 x2 5000+ powesave, 2x1024mb 800mhz kingston stick, GF9600GT, 320gb Seagate Barracuda | 00:27 |
fale | Taza: are you trying kubuntu 32 or 64? | 00:28 |
Taza | 32bit. | 00:28 |
Taza | I try with noapic and it freezes on rc.local or somewhere there. | 00:28 |
Taza | I swear a lot in three or four different languages. | 00:29 |
fale | Taza: have you tryed the 64? | 00:29 |
Taza | Nope, because I used google first. | 00:29 |
Taza | Apparently it's a known problem. | 00:29 |
gregg | kubuntu gutsy doesent have my printer (lexmark x2580). is it feasable to update the list of printers? | 00:30 |
gregg | is there a package under apt ? | 00:30 |
fale | Taza: known problem of the 32? | 00:30 |
Taza | No, a known problem of the mobo + any ubuntu | 00:30 |
fale | Taza: I see | 00:30 |
fale | gregg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=558110 | 00:31 |
gregg | hey thanx fale | 00:33 |
fale | gregg: yw | 00:33 |
damien_ | Hello everyone, I would like to burn a DVD of some anime so that it will work with my DVD player. I tried this before, but my DVD player said that the DVD was unrecognized. | 00:34 |
fale | damien_: are you using k3b? | 00:35 |
damien_ | Yes | 00:36 |
genii | damien_: Most standalone players need dvd to be in VOB format. If the files are in some avi or other such, you need to transcode them to vob. | 00:36 |
gregg | sigh: that thread just stated there is no solution to installing lexmark on linux. | 00:36 |
damien_ | How do I format them to vob? | 00:36 |
genii | gregg: If it's any consolation you can buya linux-compatible printer for less than what it would cost to purchase Windows | 00:36 |
fale | damien_: you have to config k3b to create a video DVD | 00:37 |
genii | qdvdauthor is also pretty good | 00:38 |
fale | gregg: even an old printer, probably, will work fine... | 00:38 |
damien_ | fale: How do I configure k3b to do this? | 00:38 |
fale | damien_: you have to press 'create a DVDvideo' | 00:38 |
=== gregg is now known as herashio | ||
damien_ | Okay thanks, I think I pressed create a data dvd >_> | 00:39 |
fale | damien_: ;) | 00:40 |
damien_ | It says to insert an empty DVD, I have one in the CD drive however. | 00:42 |
genii | damien_: Is it the one you tried to make earlier? | 00:43 |
herashio | i downloaded a ppd file. from http://www.openprinting.org/show_driver.cgi?driver=pbm2l2030&fromprinter=Lexmark-X2580 what directory does a ppd file belong? | 00:43 |
damien_ | No, its a different DVD | 00:43 |
herashio | or what is a ppd file | 00:43 |
damien_ | Uh...I fixed that problem, but now there's a new problem :x | 00:45 |
fale | herashio: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/OpenPrinting/Database/PPDDocumentation | 00:45 |
damien_ | It says "The project does not contain all necessary VideoDVD files." | 00:46 |
damien_ | Do I need to place them in the folder k3b auto-made, "VIDEO_TS"? | 00:46 |
genii | herashio: sudo mkdir /usr/share/ppd/Lexmark then sudo cp the file there | 00:46 |
fale | damien_: I think you have to put in VIDEO_TS the VOB files | 00:46 |
genii | herashio: Is it just ppd extension or ppd.gz ? | 00:47 |
damien_ | Oh, how do I convert them again? >_> | 00:47 |
genii | damien_: qdvdauthor | 00:47 |
damien_ | Alright thanks/ | 00:47 |
damien_ | thanks.* | 00:47 |
genii | damien_: np | 00:47 |
fale | damien_: yw | 00:47 |
herashio | genii: just a ppd file. | 00:48 |
genii | herashio: Then as I described | 00:49 |
herashio | i'll copy it to that dir you told me to make | 00:49 |
damien_ | genii: fale: Could one of you give me a walkthrough on how to convert my video files with this? I have no idea how >_> | 00:50 |
herashio | genii: is that all thats needed to make my printer function? how do i add the printer ? | 00:51 |
fale | damien_: I have never used that program | 00:52 |
damien_ | Ah ok | 00:52 |
genii | herashio: You should go again now to System Settings...Printers ...add one and see if now listed | 00:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | hi all | 00:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | does anybody tried to run virtualbox on kubuntu? | 00:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | I'm getting "Not permitted to open the USB device, check usbfs options." when i try to enable an usb device | 00:53 |
fale | MetaMorfoziS: some month ago | 00:53 |
igalmarino | hi when will kde 4.1 beta packages be avaiblable for kubuntu 8.04 ? | 00:53 |
fale | Taza: are you ok? | 00:53 |
MetaMorfoziS | fale > and, did you tried usb? | 00:53 |
fale | igalmarino: in a few days | 00:53 |
Taza | fale: I've fought FOUR HOURS just trying to get the livecd to boot | 00:53 |
fale | MetaMorfoziS: it failed | 00:53 |
igalmarino | thnks | 00:54 |
fale | Taza: is booting? | 00:54 |
Taza | fale: No | 00:54 |
Taza | fale: I just lost my grip on reality a bit. | 00:54 |
fale | Taza: i'm sorry | 00:54 |
Taza | #ubuntu is helpful as usual | 00:54 |
fale | thx igalmarino | 00:55 |
genii | damien_: Just create a project, add whatever video files in whatever format you have to the project. It uses some other tools undrneath to convert everything to VIDEO_TS and so on. | 00:55 |
damien_ | Oh okay | 00:55 |
damien_ | Thanks | 00:55 |
genii | damien_: np | 00:56 |
=== snake_ is now known as albuntu | ||
damien_ | genii: I'm pretty sure I messed up >_> | 00:58 |
Taza | damien_: Have you checked your CD? | 00:58 |
genii | damien_: ? | 00:58 |
Taza | Maybe you should try burning it at a lower speed. | 00:58 |
Taza | PLEASE DON'T USE CAPS. | 00:58 |
damien_ | I clicked "Create DVD" after adding my video files, checked the folder where it was supposed to be placed, and it wasn't there >_> | 00:59 |
genii | damien_: Where was the folder supposed to be? | 00:59 |
damien_ | Desktop/New Folder 1 | 00:59 |
genii | Taza: Please follow your own advice and try not to type in uppercase. | 01:00 |
Taza | genii: PLEASE DON'T USE CAPS | 01:00 |
Taza | genii: Maybe you should try some other kernel options? | 01:00 |
genii | Taza: Exactly | 01:00 |
damien_ | Taza: He | 01:00 |
Taza | genii: We don't want that attitude here. | 01:00 |
damien_ | Taza: He's not typing in caps. | 01:00 |
genii | damien_: I'm pretty sure it's a bot | 01:00 |
Taza | HelpI'M GOINGINSANE | 01:01 |
Taza | I'm not a bot. | 01:01 |
genii | Yes, apparently | 01:01 |
damien_ | genii: Can you help me out with step by step instructions for this? | 01:01 |
herashio | genii: 2030 not there. you sure that was the correct directory? | 01:01 |
genii | Taza: Have some patience and stop ranting long enough for someone to address your issue please | 01:02 |
Art_Vandelay | Is Kubuntu going to incorporate the 4.1 beta release of KDE anytime soon? | 01:02 |
Taza | Every. Single. Person. Trying. To. Help. Feels. Obliged. To. Try. To. "Help." By. Asking. The. Same. Newbie. Questions. Over. And. Over. Again. | 01:02 |
Taza | genii: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/125925 | 01:02 |
fale | Art_Vandelay: only in experimental repository | 01:02 |
Taza | This is my issue | 01:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 125925 in linux-source-2.6.22 "kernel panic on boot in kubuntu 7.04 and 7.10 tribe 2 becouse of Apic" [Medium,Incomplete] | 01:02 |
Taza | genii: Is four hours not patience enough? | 01:02 |
Art_Vandelay | I cant find it | 01:02 |
Art_Vandelay | How do i install stuff from experimental? | 01:03 |
fale | Art_Vandelay: right now is not done | 01:03 |
genii | Taza: You only seem to have been ranting here for a few minutes but I feel as if it's been 4 hours :) | 01:03 |
Art_Vandelay | ok i see | 01:03 |
damien_ | genii: Can you help me out with step by step instructions for this? | 01:03 |
genii | damien_: I'm a bit spread out so bear with me. | 01:03 |
fale | Art_Vandelay: as soon as the packages will be ready, there will be an announcement on kubuntu.org | 01:03 |
damien_ | genii: Alright. | 01:03 |
Art_Vandelay | why is it taking so long alot of the other head distros already have them | 01:04 |
Art_Vandelay | fedora, opensuse | 01:04 |
genii | herashio: I'm not entirely sure if something else needs alteration for the printer to appear yet on the list. Maybe try a reboot and then go again to add the printer and see if it now exists there | 01:05 |
fale | Art_Vandelay: because the packages are released when are done | 01:05 |
Art_Vandelay | ? | 01:05 |
genii | damien_: OK, choose first a folder which already exists. PReferably without spaces in the name | 01:05 |
damien_ | genii: Alright, done. | 01:05 |
Taza | Art_Vandelay: They are paid employees, they are doing this out of the goodness out of their hearts. They are volunteers. They are incompetant hardcore professionals. | 01:05 |
fale | Art_Vandelay: the devs are people that create the packages are volountieers and work on linux when they have time | 01:06 |
Taza | Art_Vandelay: Ubuntu devs are lazy asses who couldn't package a goat in bubblewrap if it was dead and therefore the package QA process has to be excessively strict. | 01:06 |
Art_Vandelay | Nvm | 01:06 |
uwe | hello there... can somebody help me? | 01:06 |
Taza | As we can see from the 7.10 OpenOffice packaging | 01:06 |
genii | damien_: Now to add the files, etc. It knows about avi normally. If you have some odd ones like strange codec or so it may not know how to make them to the mpeg kind of vob file. | 01:06 |
=== micky_ is now known as frybye | ||
shaffy | http://pastebin.com/d151a7634 can someone help me to interpret this aptitude output? i was trying to install tor, but it only allows me to install an older version, opposed to the newer one in an added repositories. | 01:07 |
fale | Taza: is true that a lot of times the packages are done pretty bad | 01:07 |
uwe | my keyboard is doing wrong | 01:07 |
Taza | Better 4.1 to be late than to get a dependency problem like that. Next time we rush them they package gnome as an Amarok dependency and install it by default with gnome-games on Xfce4. | 01:07 |
fale | Taza: lol | 01:07 |
uwe | I don't know what I should do | 01:07 |
frybye | uwe - did you install any new hardware today? | 01:07 |
fale | uwe: what's the problem? | 01:08 |
uwe | no | 01:08 |
uwe | I believe I pressed a key combination | 01:08 |
frybye | I had the wrong keyboard language after installing a new grafic card... | 01:08 |
uwe | by pressing the keypad my mouse cursor is moving | 01:08 |
uwe | I think I made that with alt+f12 | 01:09 |
Taza | fale: My ubuntu personal nitpicks in 7.10: Openoffice.org core packaging with language-support-en and mesa driver ALWAYS crashing in Direct3D emulation with Intel cards. | 01:09 |
uwe | how can I change thatback? | 01:09 |
frybye | uwe - the keypad is there so you can move the cursor or..? | 01:09 |
uwe | yup | 01:10 |
uwe | I just want to write numbers | 01:10 |
uwe | not using it as alternative mouse | 01:10 |
frybye | I will let sbdy else help you - i dont se where the problem is.. ah ha - the keypad - i though you meant the touchpad.. sorry... | 01:10 |
frybye | and hitting the "num" key does not switch it? | 01:11 |
uwe | nope | 01:11 |
Taza | uwe: It's in accessibility options | 01:11 |
uwe | where can I find those options? | 01:11 |
albuntu | uwe: System Settings | 01:12 |
Taza | Or at least it should be. BUT MAYBE UBUNTU DEVS KNOW NOTHING ABOUT INTERFACE DESIGN. One way to find out. Take this amazing journey now. One time offer only. The Computer is not responsible for personal damage and / or deaths of your clones and / or poisonings and / or nuclear explosions. The Computer is your friend. Happiness is mandatory. | 01:12 |
uwe | I'm not an retard just a fresh user, don't talk with me like that please | 01:14 |
Taza | Are you not happy? | 01:14 |
Taza | Happiness is mandatory. | 01:14 |
uwe | ? | 01:14 |
Taza | This could be your day of glory, troubleshooter. | 01:14 |
albuntu | Taza: are you drunk ? | 01:15 |
albuntu | lol | 01:15 |
Taza | No. | 01:15 |
Taza | I've debugged the livecd for 4 hours | 01:15 |
uwe | listen | 01:15 |
uwe | I need just help | 01:15 |
Taza | After a week of the hardest time I've ever had. | 01:15 |
Taza | uwe: Control panel. | 01:15 |
Taza | uwe: Accessibility settings IF you trust Ubuntu devs. | 01:16 |
albuntu | !help | uwe | 01:16 |
ubottu | uwe: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 01:16 |
Taza | If you don't it'll magically disappear. | 01:16 |
albuntu | :P | 01:16 |
mike_ | anyone used kde4 ? | 01:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | Taza: if you have such a problem with ubuntu, use something else, your attitude reeks of entitlement. | 01:16 |
uwe | I'm using kubuntu right now | 01:17 |
Taza | Daisuke_Laptop: Are you not happy? Happiness is mandatory. If you are not happy you will be terminated. The computer is your friend. | 01:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !ops | Taza | 01:17 |
ubottu | Taza: Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01! | 01:17 |
Taza | Daisuke_Laptop: Also, this is a problem from 6.10. | 01:17 |
Taza | YAYYY | 01:17 |
mike_ | plasma needs some polish | 01:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | 6.10 is no longer supported | 01:18 |
Taza | I get to experience problems, uh, from products that have reached their end of life. | 01:18 |
Taza | YAYYY. | 01:18 |
Mez | Taza, please stop with the spammy stuff | 01:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | so upgrade or quit whining. | 01:18 |
Mez | !noise | Taza | 01:18 |
ubottu | Factoid noise not found | 01:18 |
Mez | grr | 01:18 |
Taza | Daisuke_Laptop: I know, I use 8.04 | 01:18 |
mneptok | Taza: i tire of you. | 01:18 |
Taza | Which has the SAME bug. | 01:18 |
Taza | This bug is THAT old. | 01:18 |
mneptok | Taza: i am done telling you about the caps. | 01:18 |
Taza | mneptok: Go suck a cock already. | 01:18 |
Taza | <3 | 01:19 |
Daisuke_Laptop | this just got interesting | 01:19 |
Taza | What is this, dozenth time? | 01:19 |
mike_ | and i thought that linux users are helpful | 01:20 |
bdizzle | hello | 01:20 |
uwe | I don't find something like that but thanks for help | 01:21 |
Daisuke_Laptop | mike_: for the most part, this channel is extremely helpful - that particular user has been on like that all day | 01:21 |
bdizzle | so I am having problems with the sound on Kubuntu, can someone help? | 01:21 |
uwe | anything | 01:21 |
* dthacker goes for coffee | 01:22 | |
dthacker | sorry mischan | 01:22 |
shaffy | http://pastebin.com/d151a7634 can someone help me to interpret this aptitude output? i was trying to install tor, but it only allows me to install an older version, opposed to the newer one in an added repositories. | 01:22 |
mike_ | do you know the model of soundcard | 01:22 |
bdizzle | I know its made by Intel for an Acer computer, but I'm not sure how to check what model number it is | 01:23 |
mike_ | bd- is it a new laptop ? | 01:23 |
bdizzle | the sound normally works, up until the computer goes into screensaver mode or is locked. Then it won't work again until I reboot, and its getting really annoying to repeat | 01:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | bdizzle: ah... that fun one | 01:24 |
bdizzle | um, I've had it for about 4 months or so | 01:24 |
bdizzle | I've tried the alsa reset in terminal and it still won't restart | 01:24 |
Daisuke_Ido | bdizzle: close anything that might be using sound, then sudo modprobe -r snd_hda intel && sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel | 01:24 |
Daisuke_Ido | mine does the same thing | 01:25 |
bdizzle | FATAL: Module snd_hda not found | 01:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | whoops | 01:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | that should have been snd_hda_intel | 01:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | my mistake | 01:25 |
mike_ | with me certain mp3,divx make mplayer freeze the machine | 01:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | while still not a *great* solution, it's better than having to reboot just to get sound back | 01:26 |
bdizzle | so sudo modprobe -r snd_hda_intel && sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel ? | 01:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | bdizzle: that is correct | 01:26 |
bdizzle | claims it is in use, even though Amarok and internet is closed | 01:26 |
* Daisuke_Ido thinks | 01:27 | |
Daisuke_Ido | you might have to kill amarok manually (killall amarokapp) | 01:27 |
bdizzle | amarokapp: no process killed | 01:28 |
bdizzle | same for firefox | 01:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | bdizzle: are you using gutsy or hardy? | 01:28 |
bdizzle | hardy | 01:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | i don't want to recommend forcing a removal of the module, because 1) i don't know if it'll work, and 2) it's generally not advised... | 01:29 |
bdizzle | ok | 01:31 |
bdizzle | so what would cause such a problem, or is it just the screensaver? | 01:31 |
Daisuke_Ido | i'm not entirely sure, i've been trying to figure it out myself | 01:32 |
mike | anyone downloaded kde4.1 | 01:34 |
fale | mike: I have kde4.1, why? | 01:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | and i am at a complete loss | 01:37 |
mike | is it stable ? fale | 01:37 |
fale | mike: yes | 01:37 |
mike | can you do apt-get install kde4.01 | 01:37 |
fale | mike: no | 01:38 |
mike | manual install then | 01:38 |
fale | mike: yes, is the only was, for now | 01:38 |
mike | thanks for the info, i might dip my toes | 01:39 |
fale | mike: yw | 01:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | Kubuntu packages are in preparation (according to kde.org) | 01:39 |
fale | Daisuke_Ido: true | 01:39 |
mike | well i actually running unbuntu and added kde4 | 01:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | mike: same thing applies. | 01:40 |
bdizzle | when does KDE 4.1 become publicly available? I've heard some decent things of it, just as soon as it becomes stable | 01:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu and kubuntu are the same os, just different desktop environments | 01:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | bdizzle: july 29, in theory | 01:41 |
mike | still like gnome,blackbox,etc lol | 01:41 |
mike | managed to install vista fonts , so kde4 looks better | 01:43 |
fale | mike: imho 4.1 have a very good font set | 01:44 |
mike | yes i have heard that, last time i installed kde from source , 2hrs later my machine crashed | 01:46 |
fale | mike: when it was? | 01:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | bdizzle: have you closed your mixer? | 01:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | (kmix) | 01:46 |
mike | about 3 yrs ag | 01:46 |
fale | mike: lol | 01:46 |
mike | i will wait for the updates | 01:47 |
fale | mike: they will arrive soon ;) | 01:47 |
messiah | hola | 01:48 |
messiah | alguien me puede echar una mano por favor? | 01:48 |
messiah | creo que es una duda sencilla | 01:48 |
mike | yes i manage to screw up the desktop but renaming .kde4 soon cured i | 01:48 |
mike | it | 01:48 |
fale | messiah: /join #ubuntu-es | 01:48 |
mike | will any widget work with widgets ? im thinking of osx ones | 01:51 |
bdizzle | not yet, lemme try that | 01:52 |
messiah | can someone help me please? | 01:52 |
=== mr is now known as Guest10492 | ||
genii | messiah: If you can state your problem in english, we may assist. If you speak spanish please visit #kubuntu-es | 01:54 |
messiah | thanks | 01:58 |
messiah | i am asking in ubuntu-es but it seems difficult problem | 01:58 |
messiah | well... | 01:58 |
messiah | i have next to me an Dell Inspiron 4000 PIII 600 Mhz 128Ram which i formatted yesterday with Windows | 01:58 |
messiah | today i did some partitions because i want to install linux | 01:59 |
messiah | well, i tryed with 3 distros and no one runs | 01:59 |
messiah | two of them i used before and runned perfectly | 01:59 |
messiah | nothing? :( | 02:02 |
Guest10492 | messiah thats not much ram have you tried dsl (damn small linux)? | 02:02 |
genii | messiah: The livecd needs at least 192 mb to run in, in order to install. If you have less than that, try using the alternate installer which is text based | 02:04 |
messiah | well, the ubuntu 5.04 which i tryed says: | 02:04 |
messiah | you must have an Intel x86 ... at least 32Mb and at least 350Mb | 02:04 |
messiah | 32 Ram | 02:04 |
messiah | indeed i can't see that disks in Windows | 02:05 |
messiah | in my desktop computer i can see them you know? | 02:05 |
fale | messiah: have you tried dsl or debian or ubuntu alternative? | 02:05 |
messiah | i tryed to reboot with: Kubuntu 7,1, ubuntu 5.04, and CD1Debian | 02:06 |
messiah | (sorry, my english is not so nice) | 02:06 |
ab_ | messiah - I loaded opensuse 10.3 on my childrens computer a p3 with 192 ram :) | 02:07 |
ab_ | and they enjoy | 02:07 |
fale | messiah: what is the problem that stop your pc to boot correctly? | 02:07 |
martijn81 | messiah: best is to upgrade to 192 mb ram | 02:08 |
messiah | i tryed to see the disks in windows and i can't, then i turned off the laptop with the disk inside and reboot, and they don't do anything | 02:08 |
Guest10492 | dsl will run on almost anything try it | 02:08 |
messiah | although i put on BIOS only boot with CD/DVD | 02:08 |
messiah | sorry, what is dsl? | 02:08 |
ab_ | I am new to ubuntu on a dell 1525 so not sure of mem requirements | 02:09 |
martijn81 | 192 is the minimum for the live-cd iirc | 02:09 |
ab_ | messiah - damn small linux -- dsl | 02:09 |
Guest10492 | http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ | 02:10 |
ab_ | works great as i use it on a old comp with 96 mb ram | 02:10 |
Guest10492 | the whole system is less than 50Mb | 02:11 |
Maska | hello, someone can tell me what version of the "Standard C++ library" i have to download please. I have the "libstdc++6" but when i try to install a programme, an error message say (in french), something like that: you have the wrong version of the standard c++ lib, the correct version can not be found... (thank you) | 02:12 |
martijn81 | Maska: have you tried installing build-essential? | 02:12 |
Maska | heu nop | 02:13 |
martijn81 | try that first | 02:13 |
herashio | koulorpaint doesent have fonts. yet mspaint on windows does. why is that. | 02:13 |
herashio | the dropdown box is empty | 02:13 |
Maska | martijn81: ok i find it, i will try that now, thx | 02:14 |
Maska | martijn81: build-essential libqt4-dev, is it ok? | 02:14 |
martijn81 | build-essential should be enough for most programmes afaik | 02:15 |
Maska | ok, merci :) | 02:15 |
herashio | this linux junk never works. | 02:16 |
Guest10492 | heratio windows needs another zombie you should go back to it | 02:17 |
BiteyBite | from where do i change keyboard shortcuts n behaviour of the keyboard?.my kida has done something to it n now caps lock n numlock are behaving exactly opposit to what they should..can any one help plzzzzzzzzzzz? | 02:17 |
herashio | Guest10492: no linux needs some real programmers so we could use fonts on koulourpaint | 02:18 |
* herashio goes to the library to get some work done | 02:18 | |
herashio | at least their operating systems work... hastle free | 02:18 |
Guest10492 | then why are you here? | 02:19 |
herashio | for linux help. but im off to the library now. | 02:19 |
igno | herashio: you need to read some about free (as in freedom) software, I suggest you start at www.fsf.org | 02:20 |
herashio | igno: fuck that. i just want the shit to work. yea i get the free software idiom. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR | 02:23 |
Guest10492 | can someone kick this guy we don't need that lang. in here | 02:25 |
BiteyBite | from where do i change keyboard shortcuts n behaviour of the keyboard?.my kida has done something to it n now caps lock n numlock are behaving exactly opposit to what they should..can any one help plzzzzzzzzzzz? | 02:25 |
jtmoney | will i see a big performance gain if i compile my own kernel? i know what i'm doing, i just need to know whether or not it's worth it | 02:32 |
Dr_willis | jtmoney, proberly not too likely. from what i read. | 02:33 |
jtmoney | hmm | 02:33 |
Dr_Bidoof | Why do GTK apps look horrible in KDE4? | 02:43 |
Dr_Bidoof | Is there a way to fix this? | 02:44 |
fale | Dr_Bidoof: because is still unavailable gtk2toqt4 | 02:47 |
ronnie | my new computer has hyperthread tech., so should I install the 64 bit version of kubuntu? I currently have the i386 version on the HD, | 02:58 |
shaffy | can anyone tell me why the coloring is messed up in all videos that i play, regardless of which player i use (mplayer, vlc)? | 02:58 |
Dragnslcr | ronnie- if you don't have more than 4 GB of memory, stick with 32-bit | 02:59 |
ronnie | 4gb as in the ram? , my HD is 80gb | 03:00 |
ronnie | just wondering if the 64 bit would max out it's performance, than useing the wrong version ; ) | 03:02 |
Dr_willis | I doubt if it will matter much. | 03:03 |
Dr_willis | from all the discussion/fights/arguments - I hear it dosent really matter if you go 64 or 32 - for most 'desktop' ussage. | 03:03 |
Dr_willis | there are specific cases i hear that you can notice some gains. | 03:04 |
edilson | hello | 03:05 |
ronnie | well I may try it anyhoo, to test it, easy enough to reinstall the kde4 32 bit again, had a few issues with it, maybe I should have installed the more stable one kde3 something or 6.6, whichever ; ) thx for the imput : ) | 03:06 |
dthacker | !ipod | 03:11 |
ubottu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 03:11 |
dbglt | !rockbox | 03:12 |
ubottu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 03:12 |
dbglt | using hardy: | 03:14 |
dbglt | Past essay questions: | 03:14 |
dbglt | 2006 - | 03:14 |
dbglt | Outline Australia’s approach to access regulation. What problems are there with it? Is it succeeding in promoting competition in telecommunications, energy and transport markets? | 03:14 |
dbglt | Possible essay questions: | 03:14 |
dbglt | ack | 03:14 |
dbglt | sorry about that! | 03:14 |
dbglt | openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb: Conflicts: openoffice.org-core (>= 1: but 1:2.4.1~rc1-1ubuntu1 is to be installed. | 03:15 |
dbglt | openoffice.org-l10n-en-za: Conflicts: openoffice.org-core (>= 1: but 1:2.4.1~rc1-1ubuntu1 is to be installed. | 03:15 |
dbglt | anyone know how to fix that? | 03:15 |
dbglt | most recent update/upgrade attempt on hardy | 03:15 |
sparky01 | hello everyone | 03:25 |
sparky01 | anyone using kde4 version? | 03:28 |
mr--t | yes | 03:29 |
sparky01 | hey Mr T | 03:29 |
sparky01 | Has it improved since initial release? Does it now have the wifi Network Manager thing? | 03:30 |
sparky01 | Initial release was not as polished as ubuntu or kubuntu with kde 3 | 03:31 |
sparky01 | but i love it despite the minor issues | 03:31 |
sparky01 | it is more polished and stable now? | 03:31 |
mr--t | I dont know , i just started using it a couple weeks ago and i don't use wireless | 03:31 |
sparky01 | mr--t, you have it on a desktop then eh? | 03:32 |
mr--t | yes | 03:32 |
mr--t | I tried to put it on my "play" box but that only has 296 ram | 03:33 |
mr--t | That had wireless but I wired the whole house with cat 5e , i didn,t like the speed limit with wireless | 03:34 |
sparky01 | mr--t, I don't blame you. wireless performance is not anywhere near gig E | 03:36 |
sparky01 | better performace on your local home lan is great | 03:37 |
ronnie | hi again : ) any have an opinion on the best version of hardy?, (kde3), (kde4 remix), (6.06 LTS) is there alot of known problems with the unstable kde4 remix? | 03:39 |
mr--t | I was running ubuntu on my plat box but it kept "losing my sound card and wirless. Now Im playing with freespire on it. my main box has k804 | 03:39 |
mr--t | The remix looks cool but I couldnt make it work well | 03:40 |
ronnie | I am useing kde4 remix, only problems i ran into was screen resolution & had to use firefox beta3 to run java, : ) | 03:42 |
ronnie | I could never follow the rule if something ain't broke don't try to fix it! haha, I always think a different version might make it faster or some programs more stable ; ) | 03:46 |
mr--t | yaeh Iv,e broken more than I,ve fixed | 03:47 |
goomba | hi | 03:47 |
goomba | i am sorry but I have a quick question. | 03:47 |
mr--t | !ask | 03:47 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 03:47 |
sparky01 | ronnie go with kubuntu with Kde 3 if you want rock solid stability. =) Kde 4 version just isn't there yet | 03:48 |
goomba | I downloaded the KDE 4 package to update my 8.0.4 Kubuntu. How do I install it now that I have it downloaded through adept manager? | 03:48 |
froduntu | good night chanel | 03:48 |
sparky01 | nite! | 03:49 |
froduntu | does anybody know how can I do with a one liner to have something like 'find ./ -iname <myfilename> -cp ~/'? | 03:49 |
ronnie | k thx sparky I'll try that one first, don't really care for the 6.06 LTS, cause by then I'll probably be trying the next version ; ) | 03:50 |
=== aaron is now known as smokestack | ||
Wes | Hi, im getting an error message when I try to install kubuntu that reads "Cannot allocate resource region 7 of bridge (32.247654)" | 03:51 |
Wes | Can anyone help with that? | 03:52 |
mr--t | Goomba it would have been easier to upgrade, did you download the iso? | 03:53 |
=== pablo is now known as pablo_ | ||
pablo_ | arôu!!! | 04:16 |
ab_ | new to kubuntu - when i try to open desktop effects it doesn't respond after a few seconds of bouncing curser - any suggestions as to what I should try? | 04:35 |
flaccid | ab_, check logs i guess. this is kde3 desktop effects? | 04:36 |
ab_ | yes | 04:36 |
axel | buenas usuarios de linux | 04:36 |
=== overload is now known as varitech | ||
ab_ | okay will check logs | 04:36 |
ab_ | thanks | 04:36 |
=== overload is now known as varitech | ||
Betus | !es | 05:00 |
ubottu | Aquà solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allà obtendrá más ayuda. | 05:00 |
mjponce | ubottu : agrega debian-mx | 05:04 |
ubottu | mjponce: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:04 |
mjponce | Great! | 05:04 |
yotsu_irrsi | hello | 05:05 |
linuxmce | hello | 05:05 |
mjponce | hi! | 05:05 |
linuxmce | need some help with my linux mce if someone can | 05:05 |
linuxmce | ripping my hair out over it | 05:05 |
linuxmce | it is designed to see all of the other computers on the network | 05:06 |
linuxmce | and auto add them | 05:06 |
linuxmce | well its not | 05:06 |
linuxmce | and i tried adding them manually | 05:06 |
linuxmce | i cant even connect to the stupid machines | 05:07 |
linuxmce | god gotta love the linux/kubuntu community...oh so helpful | 05:07 |
root | ? | 05:08 |
linuxmce | finally a response | 05:09 |
NickPresta | !patience | linuxmce | 05:09 |
ubottu | linuxmce: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 05:09 |
linuxmce | i think im a victim of lag...that msg was 15 minutes ago | 05:09 |
linuxmce | 0_0 | 05:09 |
* Surfer16 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks) | 05:10 | |
linuxmce | anyways how do i connect this machine to my other windows based pcs? | 05:10 |
ayoki | how do i install a program that i have downloaded | 05:11 |
ayoki | ? | 05:11 |
linuxmce | what prog and how did you download it would be my question aoki | 05:11 |
linuxmce | because my guess its a tar file | 05:11 |
ayoki | i downloaded it off the net it is a photoeditor software | 05:12 |
linuxmce | lemme rephrase | 05:12 |
linuxmce | filename with extension | 05:12 |
ayoki | yes | 05:13 |
mr--t | linuxmce I think you need SAMBA to link to windows box | 05:14 |
linuxmce | thanx mr. t... | 05:14 |
ayoki | Whats Samba | 05:14 |
linuxmce | linux mce should have a samba client already installed | 05:14 |
=== nick_ is now known as mudge | ||
linuxmce | but its not detecting any of my networks/workgroups | 05:15 |
linuxmce | i think its a firewall issue but i cant remember how to check to see if a local firewall is enabled or not' | 05:15 |
ayoki | this software is new to me as i never saw the Kubuntu Version of Linux before | 05:16 |
linuxmce | you and me both ayoki | 05:16 |
linuxmce | but i have some experience in linux so i might be somewhat helpful..i know fedora decent | 05:16 |
linuxmce | still considering what i have seen with this install i can tell you | 05:17 |
linuxmce | linux is nowhere near easy when it comes to media center software/configurations | 05:17 |
ronnie | on my old ibm desktop I use to hold f12 to choose to boot from cd rom, but this one only flashes a dos screen & goes to HD , how can I make it look at the cd first to install? | 05:18 |
linuxmce | i see one demo on the internet...looks beautiful. install it and it looks like complete crap. completely different that what it was supposed to be | 05:18 |
NickPresta | ronnie, you need to change your BIOS settings to boot from CD rom first | 05:18 |
ayoki | i am just using linux overall as i use to use windows and know my head hurts just figuring out this software | 05:18 |
NickPresta | !samba | ayoki | 05:18 |
ubottu | ayoki: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 05:18 |
linuxmce | ronnie, try f1, del, f10 something to get a bios scrreen so you can change it | 05:19 |
ronnie | oh ok but how can I get to bios, ok ill try that thx so much ; ) | 05:19 |
NickPresta | ronnie, every setup is different. Consult your motherboard manual or try various keys (F10, F12, Delete, etc) | 05:19 |
linuxmce | he is offline nick | 05:20 |
linuxmce | :P | 05:20 |
NickPresta | ah, missed that | 05:20 |
linuxmce | well this still doesnt help me | 05:20 |
linuxmce | i guess linuxmce is a pile of crap and cant talk to other computers on the network | 05:20 |
NickPresta | linuxmce? | 05:20 |
linuxmce | multimedia center edition | 05:21 |
linuxmce | there is a wiki on it | 05:21 |
linuxmce | i have checked out all the stuff on media centers windows/linux/everything | 05:21 |
NickPresta | I know what MCE is :). I would probably ask in their forums. They can help you, specifically | 05:21 |
linuxmce | and linux has the most appetizing but the most pain in the ass for setup | 05:21 |
ayoki | i have no idea what that thing tellin me to do with samba and i really don't know | 05:22 |
linuxmce | well i got on here for some help to see if i can disable a possible local firewall | 05:22 |
linuxmce | samba is so linux machines can talk to windows machines | 05:22 |
mr--t | ayoki you don't need samba | 05:22 |
ek | Hrm. Anyone have a link for choppy sound? | 05:22 |
linuxmce | i dont ek sorry | 05:23 |
ek | Seems my new sound card is supported but Amarok and Kaffeine are super choppy. | 05:23 |
ek | MPlayer works fine though. Lol. | 05:23 |
ek | Strange. | 05:23 |
NickPresta | ayoki, you downloaded software off the net? Which software? | 05:23 |
mr--t | you need to tell us what type of file youare trying to install | 05:23 |
ayoki | Magic Photo Editor | 05:23 |
linuxmce | nick would you know how to tell if there is a local software firewall enabled? | 05:23 |
ayoki | not in linux i wouldn't | 05:24 |
linuxmce | i already asked what filename and file extension | 05:24 |
linuxmce | my guess tar or bzip2 | 05:24 |
NickPresta | linuxmce, I don't think there is any sort of firewall enabled by default. It wouldn't cause any sort of local problems anyways. | 05:24 |
NickPresta | ayoki, is MGE available for Linux? | 05:24 |
linuxmce | well its not a local problem...im trying to detect my workgroups on the network. i cant detect them | 05:25 |
mr--t | ayoki you need to be specific (filename). extension | 05:25 |
NickPresta | it looks as if Magic Photo Editor isn't available for Linux (http://www.download.com/Magic-Photo-Editor/3000-2192_4-10522282.html) | 05:25 |
ayoki | i don't know about MPG but i know it can use JPG | 05:26 |
linuxmce | wow that sux | 05:26 |
NickPresta | ayoki, you can use Wine to run Windows applications if you need to (they may not work 100% or at all though) | 05:26 |
ayoki | its the only software that does what i want | 05:26 |
NickPresta | !wine > ayoki | 05:26 |
linuxmce | ayoki your program will not work on linux without windows xp emulation. | 05:26 |
ayoki | no magic | 05:27 |
linuxmce | no magic >_< | 05:27 |
linuxmce | so what steps do i need to take to start browsing my windows xp network shares? | 05:27 |
ayoki | what other photo software is there that does what magic does that works with linux | 05:27 |
linuxmce | because i can ping the ip addresses just fine | 05:28 |
mr--t | ayoki linux has over 30,000 programs in the repos | 05:28 |
linuxmce | gimp? | 05:28 |
linuxmce | would gimp work for photo editing? | 05:29 |
NickPresta | ayoki, I don't know of any programs that will automatically blend images into one another but there are several photo editing applications available | 05:29 |
linuxmce | i guess for something like that google is a great friend | 05:29 |
linuxmce | to find out | 05:29 |
linuxmce | and i was looking up stuff and gave up | 05:30 |
linuxmce | this linux mce is crap. im hoping someone would help me get this thing sharing files on my local lan | 05:31 |
linuxmce | i need to get my files >_< | 05:31 |
ed__ | hello, can anyone offer help with dvd ripping? | 05:31 |
linuxmce | or its back to windows xp for me | 05:31 |
mr--t | linuxmce do you have to enable the linux box in the ads? | 05:31 |
linuxmce | how do i activat the linux box in AD? | 05:32 |
mr--t | the linux box would have to be enabled to share files in the xp, and the xp will have to have sharing enabled | 05:33 |
linuxmce | xp has filing sharing enabled | 05:33 |
linuxmce | and by defuault this linuxmce has fileshare enabled | 05:33 |
mr--t | sounds like the linux box lacks permissions | 05:33 |
linuxmce | its in a completely different workgroup | 05:34 |
linuxmce | but doesnt scan the default windows workgroup | 05:34 |
Dr_willis | I often find it easier to just install ssh, and use winscp to get files back/forth btweeen windows and linux box's | 05:34 |
linuxmce | hmm ssh is installed but i dont like copying lists of files over to the local computer | 05:35 |
linuxmce | i would rather stream from my 1tb fileserver | 05:35 |
linuxmce | then have to copy back and forth | 05:35 |
Dr_willis | it all depends on what your needs are i guess. | 05:35 |
linuxmce | well this local computer has 80gb | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | there are upnp servers for linux also. | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | playing files from a samba share isent really 'streaming' In My definition. :) | 05:36 |
linuxmce | universal plug and play...what do you mean? | 05:36 |
linuxmce | yeah but you get what i mean | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | !upnp | 05:36 |
ubottu | Factoid upnp not found | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | upnp is a service/server used to stream video/audio files to 'devices' | 05:37 |
Dr_willis | !find upnp | 05:37 |
ubottu | Found: gupnp-tools, libgupnp-1.0-0, libgupnp-1.0-dbg, libgupnp-1.0-dev, libgupnp-doc (and 6 others) | 05:37 |
Dr_willis | and yes. its badly named. | 05:37 |
linuxmce | i would rather access the data fom the fileserver than to copy stuff over | 05:37 |
fale | Dr_willis: afaik you can stream other things out of audio and video | 05:37 |
Dr_willis | UPnp = the server stream thing. | 05:37 |
linuxmce | which i remember seeing those tools installed when installing linuxmce | 05:38 |
Dr_willis | fale, i cant even imageine what else one can stream. :) | 05:38 |
linuxmce | i am just very frustrated with this | 05:38 |
Dr_willis | if the windows box is accessing a linxu machine. Samba shares are proberly the way to go. But samba has a lot of options/confioguratiioons | 05:38 |
linuxmce | because on the video demo linuxmce looked so great | 05:38 |
linuxmce | and i have it installed now and looks completely different than the demo | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | Samba is one of thost things that ya some times just have to read up on and learn. | 05:39 |
fale | Dr_willis: mmm... ktorrent have upnp... | 05:39 |
linuxmce | i feel mislead and angry | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | linuxmce, demand your money back? | 05:39 |
linuxmce | even bill wouldnt have gone this far of a change | 05:39 |
linuxmce | well i want my time back | 05:40 |
Dr_willis | Linuxmce - i recall was a VERY complex setup. that was not designed for the total beginner. more of a power user tool/disrto. | 05:40 |
linuxmce | i didnt think i was that big of a noob | 05:40 |
linuxmce | i mean i can navigate through the menus and such just fine | 05:40 |
Dr_willis | Mythbuntu is a simpiler thing. i started to try linxumce. and decided it did 100xmore then what i needed | 05:40 |
linuxmce | just having trouble with networking | 05:40 |
linuxmce | because even with the kubuntu tool it says my network card is not passing its test' | 05:41 |
linuxmce | yet you see me on irc chatting huh? | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | there are books written on samba. :) in the samba-doc package even. I just have a simple lan, makes it easy to get samba going. | 05:41 |
linuxmce | thats what im getting at | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | theres a bug in the kde network manager stuff that does that linuxmce | 05:41 |
linuxmce | i dont think its samba | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | try browsing from konqueror. | 05:41 |
linuxmce | already tried that | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | Ive seen people in here that could irc, but not browsae due to that network manager bug. | 05:42 |
linuxmce | there must be a reason why i cant locate any other workgroups | 05:42 |
linuxmce | with this POS linux distro | 05:42 |
linuxmce | i can browse html | 05:43 |
linuxmce | what is this network manager bug you speak of? | 05:43 |
Dr_willis | start wiht the basics I guess. be sure the samba package is isntalled. be sure your samba config has the right workgroup. | 05:43 |
holycow | hi guys | 05:43 |
linuxmce | alright | 05:43 |
holycow | any rumours to 4.1 beta comming to repos? | 05:44 |
Dr_willis | kdes default network manager tool. Ive never needed to mess with other then to check 'use dhcp' (actually thats the default) | 05:44 |
linuxmce | alright | 05:44 |
linuxmce | ? | 05:45 |
fale | holycow: it will, soon | 05:45 |
linuxmce | is there a gui for samba or am i going to have to green screen it? | 05:45 |
holycow | fale: wicked!!!!! | 05:45 |
holycow | danke | 05:45 |
linuxmce | wwwith fedora i knew exactly where it was | 05:45 |
linuxmce | kubuntu looks so foreign :( | 05:46 |
holycow | everything new is foreign | 05:46 |
linuxmce | and this one feels stripped | 05:46 |
holycow | you were using gnome | 05:46 |
holycow | why don't you just install whatever tool fedora had and run it? | 05:46 |
holycow | i'm don't get the gripe | 05:46 |
linuxmce | because i dont remember how | 05:46 |
linuxmce | :P | 05:46 |
fale | holycow: there are not official dates ;) | 05:46 |
holycow | dude, seriously | 05:47 |
holycow | stop drinking and ircing | 05:47 |
holycow | >_< | 05:47 |
holycow | fale: oh no problemo at all, i'm just curious | 05:47 |
linuxmce | stop bashing on people with questions | 05:47 |
fale | holycow: is normal :D | 05:47 |
holycow | fale: i'm realy loving what i'm seeing in kde 4.0.3 and i can't believe how well some things work | 05:47 |
holycow | for example the effects stuff .. thats just "done right' (tm) | 05:47 |
linuxmce | dr. willis you there? | 05:48 |
Dr_willis | i always just edit the samba config file. | 05:48 |
holycow | so i just can't wait to see kde 4.1 and help out test | 05:48 |
fale | holycow: the reality is that kde rulez | 05:48 |
Dr_willis | that way its the same on every disrto basicially :) | 05:48 |
fale | holycow: and kde4 even more | 05:48 |
linuxmce | ok refresh my memory how i go about doing that | 05:48 |
holycow | heh *nod* | 05:48 |
linuxmce | if you could dr. | 05:48 |
Dr_willis | sudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf | 05:48 |
Dr_willis | of course be sure you have the samba package/service installed with the package manager tools | 05:49 |
Dr_willis | !info samba-doc | 05:49 |
ubottu | samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 6843 kB, installed size 14788 kB | 05:49 |
linuxmce | my guess is that the manager tools are not | 05:51 |
linuxmce | because this all in one setup doesnt have much in the way of debugging and troubleshooting | 05:51 |
holycow | uh what? | 05:52 |
holycow | you only have the worlds largest repository of software on hand | 05:52 |
ronnie | just popped back in to thank-you sooo much, who told me how to get it to boot from cd first, it was f10 ; ) also... | 05:52 |
holycow | how can you not have everything? | 05:52 |
holycow | everything in rh is in the repos | 05:52 |
linuxmce | ah crap cant remember how to save in vi | 05:53 |
holycow | ubuntu/debian are the largest distributions in terms of free software packaged up | 05:53 |
holycow | :w! | 05:53 |
fale | holycow: btw I compile 4.1 quite as every night ;) | 05:53 |
holycow | fale: heh! | 05:53 |
holycow | man you are dedicated :) | 05:53 |
fale | holycow: I'm a dev ;) | 05:53 |
linuxmce | thats right i have to su | 05:53 |
holycow | fale: is it as easy as ./configure && make && make install or? | 05:54 |
holycow | oh heh well thats diff | 05:54 |
fale | holycow: script that runs during the night ;) | 05:54 |
holycow | if you are a dev on kde4/kdeanything my hats off to you | 05:54 |
holycow | i TRULLY love what kde4 is bringing | 05:54 |
fale | lol | 05:54 |
fale | :) | 05:54 |
fale | me too | 05:54 |
holycow | fale about 4 years ago i was thinking about gnome and what i could do to improve it | 05:54 |
ronnie | it says locked cpu freq & 133mhz bus, is there a way to unlock it?, or is that overclocking & just better leave it alone? | 05:54 |
holycow | believe it or not, all of that is in kde4 | 05:54 |
holycow | INCLUDING the patch to remove icons from the desktop :) | 05:55 |
holycow | i didn't envision plasma tho, that alone is brilliant and will let me setup workflows for our staff as i need to | 05:55 |
holycow | trully my hats off to all of you | 05:55 |
fale | holycow: in effect kde4 is awesome | 05:56 |
holycow | yeah | 05:56 |
holycow | the thing you guys got really right is the architecture | 05:56 |
holycow | for example, doing the effects thing as part of kwin is superb | 05:56 |
fale | holycow: I arrived after the main architecture ;) | 05:56 |
mr--t | ronnie the message is probably just telling you that your cpu can't be throttled | 05:56 |
fale | holycow: but I completle agree | 05:57 |
holycow | fale: *nod* understood | 05:57 |
ronnie | ok thx mrt | 05:57 |
ronnie | oh just one thing, I can now see when i want the temperature of different areas, what is considered too hot & a fan should be added? | 05:59 |
mr--t | what cpu | 06:00 |
ronnie | yes, what cpu temp is cool or running good, I do think my power supply is a bit hot | 06:01 |
mr--t | nooo I mean cpu brand and type | 06:01 |
ronnie | its a pentium4 (R) 2.4 ghz | 06:02 |
linuxmce | how do i go about editing the smb.conf when the file is locked | 06:02 |
linuxmce | >_< | 06:02 |
linuxmce | *sigh* | 06:03 |
linuxmce | i give up kubuntu will never work on this network. | 06:04 |
mr--t | 64 -78 degrees c. | 06:04 |
mr--t | thats too hot | 06:04 |
ronnie | hmm ok mine said 49 c guess is good considering its been on for 4 or 5 hrs | 06:05 |
mr--t | The power supply will not overheat if it is rated for the wattage you are using | 06:05 |
mr--t | temp ratings are higher on laptops | 06:06 |
Dr_willis | give up after 10 min? Oh well. I would suggest you try out mythbuntu, it can do video file shareing/playing and other things. | 06:06 |
linuxmce | im just taking a break | 06:06 |
linuxmce | i say alot of things in desperation and anger | 06:06 |
linuxmce | i was looking into mythbunu. but i think if i have to replace its knoppmyth | 06:07 |
frogonwheels | linuxmce: you really involved with linuxmce? | 06:07 |
linuxmce | i am having a headache with it now | 06:07 |
Dr_willis | Ive used knoppmyth also. I liked mythbuntu better | 06:07 |
frogonwheels | yeah? | 06:07 |
Dr_willis | Knoppmyth was neat in some ways. | 06:07 |
ronnie | it's a 300 watt, PS, I have a 400 watt I could install but didn't think I could connect it to the front power button, cause it has a switch on it : ( | 06:07 |
frogonwheels | I don't want to hear that :) I've got a box ordered to be shipped with linuxmce | 06:08 |
linuxmce | lol | 06:08 |
linuxmce | well good luck getting that box to talk to other windows pcs | 06:08 |
vossler | Hey everyone, I'm having a problem with my wireless card, it's found and when I was running from a live CD it gave me the option of installing firmware, I did so and the wireless card worked but now that I have fully installed Kubuntu it won't let me get the firmware to run my wireless card. | 06:08 |
frogonwheels | linuxmce: Oh? You mean for media sharing? | 06:08 |
jussi01 | !mce | 06:09 |
ubottu | Factoid mce not found | 06:09 |
jussi01 | !mint | 06:09 |
ubottu | The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate | 06:09 |
linuxmce | yes for media sharing and streaming | 06:09 |
mr--t | ronnie you would need to add up the draw of watts from all the devices and the motherboard to tell if 300 watt would be enough | 06:09 |
frogonwheels | linuxmce: Not really a problem seing as I won't have windoze box with media on it around anyway | 06:09 |
ek | Hrm. Strange thing is I seem, of course, to be the only person in the history of any forums with this issue. | 06:10 |
ek | How convenient. Lol. | 06:10 |
vossler | Does anyone know where I can find the firmware to install so I can use my wireless card? | 06:10 |
linuxmce | well still good luck, manual setting things is non existant | 06:10 |
linuxmce | its supposed to auto-discover everythng and all the whitepaper tells you is how to click on it after it autodiscovers things | 06:10 |
Leeuw | test | 06:11 |
ronnie | I'm sure I would need the extra 100W, maybe for the video card (says minimum of 250) it's a geforce 5500 256 mb fx with zotac tecnology what ever da hell that means haha | 06:11 |
mr--t | ronnie then the answer could be yes your power supply is too hot and will have a short life | 06:13 |
vossler | Does anyone know where I can find the firmware for my Bocom wireless driver? I was able to install it on the live CD but now that I fully installed Kubuntu it won't auto find the firmware. | 06:14 |
ek | Bah. This is just going to piss me off to no end. | 06:14 |
jussi01 | ek: whats the problem? | 06:14 |
Dr_willis | vossler, could boot the live cd and see what package it grabbed.. then grab it again? save it to a thumbdrive.. | 06:14 |
ronnie | ok thx mr--t, I may have to install it : ) | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | !find b43 | 06:15 |
ubottu | Found: b43-fwcutter | 06:15 |
jussi01 | !bcm43xx | vossler | 06:15 |
ubottu | vossler: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 06:15 |
vossler | Can I do that now that I have it fully installed? | 06:15 |
vossler | Oh, that's that one I think! | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | vossler, it may want the b43-fwcutter package. thats common for a lot of the broadcom cards | 06:15 |
vossler | That's the one. | 06:15 |
vossler | ;) | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter | 06:15 |
ronnie | I'll just won't be able to use the front power to turn it on no biggie : ) | 06:16 |
ek | jussi01: On-board sound was _TERRIBLE_ so I went out and bought a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy card. | 06:17 |
vossler | I'm at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx but can't seem to find the Kubuntu installation, do I just use the Ubuntu eqivalent? | 06:17 |
ek | jussi01: This card _DOES_ work, it's just extremely choppy if I use anything besides mplayer. | 06:17 |
ek | MPlayer is still choppy, but very rarely. | 06:18 |
jussi01 | ek: curious, I have an audigy 2 and its great | 06:18 |
ek | Amarok, Kaffeine, XMMS (Audacious), etc... are all too choppy to even understand what's playing. | 06:18 |
ek | jussi01: Hrm. Very strange. | 06:18 |
jussi01 | ek: have you set it as defauklt? | 06:18 |
ek | jussi01: Absolutely. | 06:18 |
ek | jussi01: However, I get erros at start about 'cpu overload'. | 06:19 |
vossler | Dr_willis: I suppose I download the Ubuntu version of the software that is the same as my Kubuntu version? | 06:19 |
ek | jussi01: Until I click 'ok', nothing will work. | 06:19 |
jussi01 | hrm | 06:19 |
Dr_willis | vossler, kubuntu andubuntu use the same core. its just the desktop and gui tools that differ | 06:19 |
ek | jussi01: Yeah. Been searching forums for hours with no luck. | 06:20 |
vossler | Okay, I read a little and it says it's included. | 06:20 |
ek | jussi01: You have on-board sound as well? | 06:20 |
jussi01 | ek: yes | 06:20 |
jussi01 | a via chipset | 06:20 |
jussi01 | crimsun: you about? | 06:21 |
jussi01 | ek: which kernel you running? | 06:21 |
ek | jussi01: Same chipset here. It turns out to be Intel though. Some Hi-Def on-board. | 06:22 |
mr--t | vossler you can still install it and if it already ther it won't hurt anything | 06:22 |
jussi01 | ek: ahhhh yeah, there are intel hda issues | 06:22 |
ek | jussi01: 2.6.24-17 | 06:22 |
jussi01 | !intelhda | 06:22 |
ubottu | For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 06:22 |
ek | jussi01: Yeah. I have a different card now though. | 06:23 |
vossler | mt--t: I ran sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter in the Konsole and it did a bunch of stuff but the card isn't working. | 06:23 |
jussi01 | dont know if thats still an issue in hardy though | 06:23 |
ek | jussi01: Hrm. | 06:23 |
ek | jussi01: Audigy SE is my currect card. | 06:23 |
ek | Like I said, it does work. | 06:23 |
ek | Seems nearly 100% with MPlayer. | 06:24 |
ek | But, Amarok and such are terrible. | 06:24 |
hannes__ | ek: run alsamixer and check if the main volume is up | 06:24 |
ek | Like, ridiculously terrible. | 06:24 |
ek | hannes__: Volume is fine. | 06:24 |
ek | Listening to music now. | 06:24 |
hannes__ | oh. hehe | 06:24 |
mr--t | thats just the firmware cutter you still need the firmware | 06:24 |
ek | But, it skips every now and then with MPlayer. | 06:24 |
hellhound | Can someone help me? I had installed KDE4 alongside KDE3 which already had compiz fusion. I decided to uninstall compiz-fusion and now for some reason KDE4 no longer recongizes my keyboard but the LED lights on the keyboard do respond to caps lock and num lock and my mouse works fine as well. In KDE 3 my keyboard DOES work | 06:24 |
ek | With anything else, its skips so much it sounds like a cell phone breaking up. | 06:25 |
ek | Probably 2-3 skips per second. | 06:25 |
vossler | Oh, I'm at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy but can't find where I download the firmware. | 06:25 |
ek | MPlayer gets about 1 skip per minute. | 06:25 |
ek | Maybe 2. | 06:25 |
mr--t | vossler http://www.broadcom.com/support/ | 06:26 |
mr--t | thats where I got mine | 06:26 |
ek | jussi01: Maybe I should see if I can get my HDA card working properly. If so, I'll just return this Sound Blaster. | 06:26 |
mr--t | nite all | 06:27 |
vossler | See you. | 06:27 |
ek | jussi01: Yeah. Nevermind. Been through that page. All the alsa stuff works with Hardy. | 06:29 |
ek | Just sounded terrible. | 06:29 |
ek | Like, _TERRIBLE_. | 06:30 |
ek | I suppose I can try again. | 06:30 |
ek | Alsa mixer can do terrible things to cards sometimes. | 06:31 |
ek | But, I do remember this on-board sound sounding like shit before. | 06:31 |
ek | Erm... Sorry. | 06:31 |
ek | I meant 'poop'. | 06:31 |
vossler | Can anyone help me with find the bcm43xx driver? Apparently it's included in this version of Kubuntu but can't find it. | 06:32 |
simula_ | i'm trying to isolate applications from the os. is there a way to force applications to install to a particular directory and not dirty /etc and other such directories with their files? | 06:32 |
simula_ | to force apps to apt-get install that is | 06:33 |
Dr_willis | simula_, when one compiles them possibally.. but not with the apt system that i know of. | 06:33 |
simula_ | thanks dr_willis | 06:33 |
Dr_willis | vossler, its was not included on the disks that i noticed. I had to download it | 06:34 |
Dr_willis | vossler, well it MIGHT be included..but it has to be installed to run the scripts that actually download the firmware.. | 06:34 |
vossler | Just a second. | 06:34 |
vossler | The bcm43xx driver (via manual install) is now considered to be deprecated as it is now included in Ubuntu 8.04 and all Linux kernel versions 2.6.24 and later. | 06:35 |
vossler | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy | 06:35 |
Dr_willis | sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter | 06:36 |
Dr_willis | b43 is the newer name for the bcm drivers.. | 06:36 |
vossler | Okay, I'll give it a try. | 06:36 |
mudge | my golly: "\44" is octal! | 06:36 |
Dr_willis | the old name was bcmXomthing.... | 06:36 |
mudge | did you know it was octal? | 06:36 |
vossler | Dr_willis: It says it's at it's newest version. | 06:37 |
vossler | Wait a minute, I think it's working. | 06:37 |
Dr_willis | then its isntalled.... :) | 06:37 |
Dr_willis | heh heh... | 06:37 |
mudge | thanks for the people that told me that "\number here" is octal | 06:40 |
vossler | Yes, it's working! | 06:41 |
vossler | Thank you ;) | 06:41 |
vossler | I'm a struggler at these things :P | 06:41 |
titanix88 | hi all :) | 06:41 |
ek | jussi01: Haha. Now that I've rebooted, the on-board sounds fine. | 06:43 |
theFATMAN | for some reason when i am in firefox, i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it? | 06:43 |
ek | I'll give it a few days and it'll sound terrible again. | 06:43 |
vossler_ | Dr_willis are you still there? | 06:52 |
iltechie | \o in gnome I had dictionary applet ?where do I find quick dictionary in K ? | 06:52 |
theFATMAN | for some reason when i am in firefox, i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it? | 06:53 |
ek | jussi01: Hrm. Few adjustments to the mixer and it sounds perfect... | 06:53 |
ek | jussi01: I guess I'll just ride this out until I find out what goes b0rk3d. | 06:53 |
iltechie | theFATMAN: , maybe you should check your memory you do tha from boot disk, there is a check mmemory option | 06:54 |
ek | jussi01: Thanks for the attempt at help though. Although, I'm not sure what I could possibly report about the other card. | 06:54 |
=== micky_ is now known as frybye | ||
theFATMAN | iltechie: i tried that, and i got -0- errors, it still happens | 06:55 |
iltechie | Ah try to install latest MozillaFirefox | 06:55 |
Darrick | hi | 06:56 |
theFATMAN | iltechie: u mean 3 beta 5? | 06:56 |
iltechie | no I mean latest not beta | 06:56 |
theFATMAN | iltechie: thats what i am running | 06:56 |
theFATMAN | iltechie: oh, lol | 06:56 |
vossler_ | Does anyone know why the network settings says my wireless card is working and my Ethernet Network Device is disabled yet when I unplug the ethernet cord the I'm no longer connected to the internet? | 06:56 |
iltechie | how much can one count on beta theFATMAN anyway? | 06:57 |
Darrick | hi im havin problems, i have burnt the iso to a dvd and it wont boot no matter what i try... can anyone suggest thing a noob may have missed | 06:57 |
theFATMAN | iltechie: i also installed kubuntu-desktop in hardy ubuntu, could that have anything to do w/ it? | 06:57 |
iltechie | mybe | 06:57 |
theFATMAN | iltechie: but using gdm | 06:57 |
Dr_willis | vossler_, Huh? | 06:59 |
Dr_willis | vossler_, i cant ev4en get my wireless working.. :) so good luck | 07:00 |
Darrick | can anyone suggest anything | 07:00 |
frybye | when trying to copy bookmarks.html from one pc to the other I get the following fault-report on second pc http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/196 | 07:01 |
Dr_willis | Darrick, you did burn the DVD iso image to a dvd disk? or did you burn the cd iso image to a dvd disk? | 07:01 |
uwe | hello | 07:01 |
Dr_willis | Darrick, also what program did you use to burn... look on the disk..what files are on it. | 07:02 |
frybye | it is in German - sorry but there is nobody in the #kubuntu-de responding just now... | 07:02 |
Darrick | i burned the file in the iso to the dvd its not the image on the dvd but the files | 07:02 |
uwe | I have a problem with my keypad.... I can't write any numbers with it since a short time | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | Darrick, the file in the iso? | 07:02 |
theFATMAN | Darrick: that happens when u copy to disc as opposed to burning to disc | 07:03 |
frybye | uwe - and hitting the "num" key does not activate it? | 07:03 |
Darrick | i have 9 folders on the dvd and 5 files plus the autorun | 07:03 |
dragan | deste bratjo :D | 07:03 |
uwe | nope | 07:03 |
uwe | even hitting the num key | 07:04 |
theFATMAN | Darrick: that happens when u copy to disc as opposed to burning to disc | 07:04 |
frybye | uwe - there is a way to do it of course.. but i have forgotten where/how - hope somebody else will jump in here? | 07:05 |
Dr_willis | Darrick, and what tools/os did you use to do the copying? | 07:05 |
uwe | awwww | 07:05 |
Dr_willis | Darrick, if you used winrar, or some other tools to access the files IN the .iso file, then burn those files to cd.. it wont be bootable | 07:05 |
uwe | I'M sure I have to press a key compbination or writting something in the terminal | 07:05 |
uwe | I need this function T___T | 07:07 |
theFATMAN | Darrick: the only solution is to burn it to another disc, but make sure you burn the image, don't just copy, and you'll be good | 07:07 |
Darrick | so the image should be on the disk or the files | 07:07 |
Dr_willis | use a program like 'burn at once' (free for windows) and it willknow what to do. or neros 'burn image' feature. you should see files correct.. but the boot files a4re special | 07:08 |
theFATMAN | Darrick: just use a burning software to burn the image to disc, such as k3b | 07:08 |
Dr_willis | i missed what OS/tool he was using. | 07:08 |
theFATMAN | me too, lol | 07:08 |
Darrick | vista... | 07:08 |
uwe | sadly there noboody which knows how to solve the problem... I'm going to write into a forum and if there's still nobody which knows how to solve it, I'll go back to windows D: | 07:09 |
theFATMAN | Darrick: oh, then thats why, yeah get burn at once, and you'll be golden | 07:09 |
uwe | bye | 07:09 |
Dr_willis | I would try a different keyboard.. but uwe proberly dident want to hear that. | 07:09 |
theFATMAN | lol | 07:10 |
Dr_willis | I get a real attitude when people use the 'help me or ELSE' attitude.. | 07:10 |
vossler | I'm starting to get frustrated trying to set up my wireless internet, everytime I try to connect wirelessly it doesn't work yet at network settings it says it's enabled, if I try and change and setting to make it work, the internet shuts off! | 07:10 |
theFATMAN | Dr_willis: for some reason when i am in firefox, i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it? | 07:11 |
Dr_willis | theFATMAN, nope. No idea. try a new user. see if it also affexts them.. if a NEW user is not affected - that sounds like it may be a firefox extension | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | so i guess i DID have an idea. :) | 07:12 |
theFATMAN | lol | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | system rebooting = sounds like a video driver issue. | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | somthing BIG has to be going on to reboot the ssytem | 07:12 |
vossler | I got the wireless card enabled (or so it says) but for some reason I can't find my wireless internet, I'm starting to get tired. | 07:13 |
theFATMAN | ok, brb | 07:13 |
Dr_willis | i alwyas just type in the ssid and pass. i dont let it scan. :) | 07:13 |
vossler | You can let it scan for wireless? | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | of course I cant get my wireless working either.. | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | theres should be a scan button/feature somewhere | 07:14 |
vossler | I'm in network settings. | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | i dont have the gui memmorzed. :) and im not on kubuntu at the moment. | 07:14 |
vossler | This thing is brutal, I mostly use Windows so I'm not used to having to do things manually ;( | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | You dont want to get me started on the disaster windows wirless has been for me either... :) | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | Theres a VERY good reason - i ran wires all throughout my house. | 07:15 |
vossler | Wow, that is bad. | 07:16 |
vossler | I keep trying to start with Linux but I ALWAYS run into wireless problems, and I come crawling back to Windows lol | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | blame the wireless makers. | 07:17 |
Ayabara | what kind of window placement do you use? I see mine is set to cascade by default | 07:17 |
Ayabara | smart sounds good.. | 07:17 |
vossler | Yeah, this thing is a struggler, I've tried this like ten times but if I can't get the wireless internet working, I can't really use it. | 07:18 |
Dr_willis | i got wireless working with hardy.. once.. :) then i had to reset the router.. and havent gotten it working since | 07:18 |
federico | in spanish where? | 07:19 |
vossler | lol | 07:19 |
federico | i dont speak english very well | 07:19 |
Dr_willis | broadcom - is very much hated by many a linux-user. :) | 07:19 |
vossler | Kubuntu looks cool but it looks like it's Windows again :/ | 07:19 |
federico | in spanish where | 07:19 |
Ayabara | !es | 07:19 |
ubottu | Aquà solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allà obtendrá más ayuda. | 07:19 |
federico | thanks | 07:20 |
vossler | lol "many a linux user" ;) | 07:20 |
=== federico_ is now known as Icovada | ||
Dr_willis | many a windows user hate them also | 07:20 |
Ayabara | federico: no problemo :) | 07:20 |
vossler | I tried Puppy, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and DSL, none of which have worked, but I may try it again, it may be that my configuration is wrong. | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | dsl and puppy are using the older wireless drivers | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | if you can constantly get the wireless working with the live cd.. well thats a good sign. | 07:21 |
vossler | So I'll stuggle against the ever raging tides of trying to set up my wireless card :P | 07:21 |
master_ | who are you? | 07:22 |
vossler | DSL is mangled looking to me ;) | 07:22 |
master_ | but, who are you? | 07:22 |
Dr_willis | "Hello, I'm the Doctor" | 07:22 |
vossler | Under 50MB, it can't really be pretty. | 07:22 |
=== luis_ is now known as tigremx1 | ||
Dr_willis | vossler, how pretty do you want fluxbox to be... | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | puppy is under 100 :) well it can be.. | 07:23 |
vossler | Fluxbox? | 07:23 |
master_ | what's your name? | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | vossler, time to explore linux. | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | !info fluxbox | 07:23 |
ubottu | fluxbox (source: fluxbox): Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-3 (hardy), package size 938 kB, installed size 3756 kB | 07:23 |
vossler | If I can't get my wireless to work I don't really want to use linux | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | vossler, oh the humanity of it all... cant get wirless to work.. *sob* :) | 07:24 |
master_ | oooooooooo | 07:24 |
master_ | well | 07:24 |
master_ | let me see | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | vossler, and untill you learn some linux - you cant seemt o get wireless to work? :) catch-22 | 07:24 |
vossler | It says that the wireless card is enabled, that's good. | 07:24 |
master_ | who are you? | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | vossler, yea. Sort of weird that bit is. | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | vossler, puppy would try to get my wireless working.. and turn OFF the wireless card.. then try to scan. | 07:25 |
master_ | ok | 07:25 |
master_ | bye | 07:25 |
vossler | That leads me to believe my configuration is wrong, but evertime I change something the internet shuts off >< | 07:25 |
Dr_willis | master_, come again if you have a kubuntu question | 07:25 |
master_ | thanks, Dr willis | 07:26 |
master_ | but, rigth now i don't have any question!! | 07:27 |
master_ | thanks again | 07:28 |
master_ | we are in contac!! | 07:28 |
master_ | bye | 07:28 |
desmond | hey all | 07:56 |
BiteyBite | what codecs i need to install in kubuntu 8.04 kde3 version to play streamin real n windows audio/vidio media from net? | 08:06 |
ubuntu | hi | 08:06 |
=== ubuntu is now known as smox | ||
smox | hi | 08:06 |
smox | does someone know how to change the keyboard language? | 08:06 |
smox | from us to de and vice versa? | 08:07 |
=== jazman is now known as JaZman | ||
smox | in the shell i mean, not graphical settings | 08:07 |
=== JaZman is now known as JaZmAn____ | ||
smox | is it possible to change the keyboard layout in the shell? | 08:09 |
Ayabara | anyone using smplayer? | 08:10 |
Dr_willis | smplayer - had 'issues' last few times i tried to use it. | 08:12 |
Dr_willis | i stick with gmplayer | 08:12 |
Darrick | smox.. what os? | 08:13 |
BiteyBite | !multimedia | 08:13 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 08:13 |
Ayabara | Dr_willis: what issues? what annoys me is that it looks out of place on my otherwise beautiful kde desktop :) | 08:15 |
Dr_willis | i play my videos fullscreen.... so the looks dont matter. | 08:16 |
Ayabara | Dr_willis: is gmplayer a gui on top of mplayer as well? | 08:16 |
Ayabara | hehe | 08:16 |
Dr_willis | its only under hardy. that i just GOT smplayer to actually run. | 08:16 |
Dr_willis | gmplayer is a better developed front end. | 08:17 |
Dr_willis | smplayer - tried to do too much last i tried it. | 08:17 |
JaZmAn____ | i think kaffenine is good | 08:17 |
navetz | can someone help me debug my md5, in my terminal I do echo "test" -n | md5 and I get a certain value, but when I do md5 through a php script I don't get that same md5 | 08:17 |
iltechie | pulseaudio is a new interface to alsa, is ti default | 08:20 |
JaZmAn____ | how do i install packages that i have installe don my hard drive | 08:20 |
Ayabara | Dr_willis: ok. smplayer has been good for me so far. | 08:20 |
JaZmAn____ | as im installing now but its downloading | 08:21 |
JaZmAn____ | used sudo apt | 08:21 |
bpeg | hi.... how i can install lamp? | 08:23 |
Dr_willis | !lamp | 08:24 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 08:24 |
bpeg | thx | 08:24 |
Dr_willis | JaZmAn____, How do you install packages, that have allready been installed? - will you clarify that a bit... | 08:24 |
=== guilherme is now known as graxaim | ||
graxaim | -_- | 08:28 |
JaZmAn____ | well i have downloaded the tar file extract it then sudo apt get install | 08:28 |
JaZmAn____ | if others are i use add remove | 08:28 |
JaZmAn____ | but i do like kde better gnome | 08:32 |
JaZmAn____ | so used to xp so this is a small learning curve | 08:32 |
bpeg | join #ubuntu-ru | 08:33 |
JaZmAn____ | dont forget the / bpeg | 08:33 |
bpeg | thx ) | 08:33 |
JaZmAn____ | anothe question how easy is it to print in my cds like i do in windows | 08:35 |
JaZmAn____ | on | 08:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | it's a ghost! | 08:37 |
eagles05 | where is the sources list found | 08:40 |
eagles05 | !sources | 08:40 |
ubottu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 08:40 |
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875 | ||
qba___ | hi | 08:40 |
qba___ | any one can help me with dm raid? | 08:41 |
JaZmAn____ | yo | 08:41 |
JaZmAn____ | no idea | 08:41 |
JaZmAn____ | others maw | 08:41 |
JaZmAn____ | may | 08:41 |
JaZmAn____ | im a noob | 08:41 |
qba___ | when i use dmraid -ay i get No raid sets | 08:41 |
qba___ | ERROR: pdc: wrong # of devices in RAID set "pdc_dfbbccdahc" [1/2] on /dev/sda | 08:41 |
qba___ | ERROR: removing inconsistent RAID set "pdc_dfbbccdahc" | 08:41 |
qba___ | No RAID sets | 08:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | i find that as the DM for a raid i like to make sure i have all of my dungeon maps ready to give the party an idea of where to start | 08:41 |
qba___ | but when i do dmraid -b i can see both raid drives;] | 08:42 |
eagles0513875 | JaZmAn____: youll love my site which is still a major construction but right now if you sign up ull get access to links as well as to the forum | 08:42 |
BiteyBite | how do i get win32 codecs? | 08:42 |
eagles0513875 | JaZmAn____: http://howtokubuntu.x10hosting.com | 08:42 |
eagles0513875 | !win32 | BiteyBite | 08:42 |
ubottu | Factoid win32 not found | 08:42 |
eagles0513875 | !win32codecs | BiteyBite | 08:42 |
ubottu | BiteyBite: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 08:42 |
JaZmAn____ | bitey add remove | 08:43 |
eagles0513875 | JaZmAn____: hope u like what u see on my site | 08:43 |
eagles0513875 | *you | 08:43 |
JaZmAn____ | just use some the restricted type of stuff like g streamer | 08:44 |
Ayabara | can I adjust the step size in the volume controls in kde? | 08:45 |
JaZmAn____ | on your site eagles but i dont always join uo to sites with limeted info | 08:47 |
graxaim | anyone knows a working repository for Enlightenment 0.17? | 08:47 |
Darrick | does anyone here know if its possible to boot vista and kubuntu in parallel? | 08:48 |
graxaim | in paralel? o_O | 08:48 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. graxaim if all else fails theres the gos, or geubuntu (or whatever its called now) ubuntu variants that use enlightemnent | 08:48 |
Daisuke_Ido | opengeu i believe | 08:49 |
Dr_willis | Darrick, not without doing some work with xen or virtualmachines :) | 08:49 |
Darrick | um parallel = same time | 08:49 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: hmm... but that should be using E 0.16 | 08:49 |
Darrick | im ok with using a virtual machine | 08:49 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, they may have newer.. I dont care for E. :) | 08:49 |
Dr_willis | Darrick, thats not really 'booting' at the same time. :) | 08:49 |
Dr_willis | ubuntu runs decently well inside virtualbox | 08:49 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: yeah I dont care about it either, but I would like to check it out, since I tryied the 0.13 version LONG ago ;) | 08:49 |
Darrick | ok in reality i want leopard in a virtual box.. | 08:50 |
graxaim | just to see how it goes. they say it's pretty lightweighter | 08:50 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, i suggest tracking down a live cd. :) those geubuntu/gos repos.. sort of goofed up stuff.. | 08:50 |
graxaim | thanks for the advice | 08:50 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, so they claim.. i rember when E was the HEAVY bloated Desktop. :) | 08:50 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, and i really dident see it being much better now. | 08:50 |
graxaim | yeap.. but as far as E was the heavy bloated desktop, KDE was nearly not useable... buggy and unstable.. gnome didn't even exist. | 08:52 |
JaZmAn____ | if installing a pagage on h/d does it alway d/l other parts of the program on the net | 08:52 |
graxaim | windowmaker and afterstep were the "gods".. | 08:52 |
Dr_willis | E - the original 'work in progress' desktop! | 08:52 |
JaZmAn____ | also good prog to print cd labels as i cant get cd label print to work under wine | 08:52 |
Dr_willis | windowmaker has gotten a little weirder over the last few years. :) | 08:53 |
graxaim | everybody has abandoned the E developing team, there's no attractives to an enviroment that just wanna be "beautiful" | 08:53 |
Dr_willis | !info glabel | 08:53 |
ubottu | Package glabel does not exist in hardy | 08:53 |
Dr_willis | !info glable | 08:53 |
ubottu | Package glable does not exist in hardy | 08:53 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: yeah, not sure if kojima is still developing it.. I don't actually care either, windowmaker is not good anymore for me | 08:53 |
Dr_willis | I know theres a label maker program in the repos. :) ive used it. | 08:53 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, it went all Gnustep and next-cloneish.. and lost me as a user. :P | 08:53 |
graxaim | there was a time when APACHE was not only a web server but also a web browser heh | 08:53 |
JaZmAn____ | cool as i can print on printable disk | 08:54 |
JaZmAn____ | but need cannon drivers | 08:54 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: I guess the next step will be macosxish and windozish desktops.. actually not next, but the reality right now | 08:54 |
Dr_willis | i find os-x and vista to be step backwards in useability in many ways.. | 08:55 |
Dr_willis | :) | 08:55 |
WhoNeedszzz | Hey guys, I just saw that I have KNetAttach. I'm trying to use it with its ssh mode but i put everything in, it connected, i entered the pw, and then it said unable to connect to server. Why is this? | 08:55 |
Dr_willis | !info KNetAttach | 08:57 |
ubottu | Package knetattach does not exist in hardy | 08:57 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: I like the window-thing when you pull your mouse to the right upper corner... | 08:57 |
graxaim | I got addicted to that... and compiz has the trick | 08:57 |
graxaim | now I'm out of GL-accelerated desktop and I need that thing, and I can't have =( | 08:57 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, the expose? well.. I find it interesting how OS-X has to have all these features.. to overcome its otherwise awkward window management. :) | 08:57 |
graxaim | yeap the concept is a bit different | 08:58 |
Dr_willis | I saw some new Apple Mice that had buttons JUST for the desktop widgets, and expose, | 08:58 |
graxaim | but it also has menus and .. | 08:58 |
Dr_willis | was playing with the new macs at the store ad the mouse had this littel round button/ball. :) | 08:58 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: what makes the mice from mac successful is its simplicity... why are they changing it? | 08:59 |
WhoNeedszzz | Dr_willis: yes it does | 08:59 |
Dr_willis | and i think on the sides it had 2 buttons. the ball did the 'widgets' and i think the side did expose. | 08:59 |
WhoNeedszzz | Dr_willis: it most certainly exists in hardy | 08:59 |
graxaim | I think apple is gonna crash hard in this near future, before microsoft... | 08:59 |
Dr_willis | apple is focused on the high-end - always has.. and people are very ficlked. :) | 09:00 |
Dr_willis | Fickled. | 09:00 |
graxaim | if apple computers were less expensive, I am sure they would be much more widespread | 09:00 |
Dr_willis | Apple dosent want them to be widespread. Then they loose their 'coolness' apeal. | 09:00 |
graxaim | you are right, but that's not what market stability is made of | 09:00 |
graxaim | coolness is always fragile | 09:00 |
Dr_willis | Like car makers and their High-end Vipers and Mustangs with 5000+ HP :) | 09:00 |
graxaim | because what's cool is what's on fashion spots.. if you loose the spot, you are broke | 09:01 |
Dr_willis | ive heard that apple 'might' be trying to reduce their prices.. but i will belive that when i see it. | 09:01 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: do you think a mercedes car is unaffordable? where are you from? | 09:01 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, a new car - thats the cost of my House.. :) yes.. its unaffordable. | 09:01 |
graxaim | macbooks are already a reality.. they are the cheapest mac computers. and they are 13"! | 09:02 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: where r u from | 09:02 |
Dr_willis | Im in Indiana. and i work for Chrysler. :) | 09:02 |
Dr_willis | used to be 'Daimler Chrysler' | 09:02 |
tzd | i am unable to mount a shared samba network resource in fstab. When doing it manually via: sudo mount //computer/Resource /media/folder it works. Any ideas on what might be wrong please? | 09:02 |
graxaim | wait.. a mercedes SLK cost around 25-30k right | 09:02 |
graxaim | here they would go as far as 150k | 09:02 |
graxaim | :) | 09:03 |
graxaim | I am from Brazil. | 09:03 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, i work for The mercedes company. and there was NO ONE that could afford the cars. | 09:03 |
Dr_willis | 25K would be a 'decent mini van' | 09:03 |
graxaim | very overpriced for what they give you.. blame the government for that too, but... | 09:03 |
Dr_willis | tzd, spaces in the share names? | 09:04 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: man, you make $120k per year, why wouldn't you afford a mercedes sport car? | 09:04 |
tzd | Dr_willis: none | 09:04 |
Dr_willis | graxaim because i dont want to be in DEBT up to my eyeballs when i retire. :) | 09:04 |
graxaim | lol | 09:04 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, i will take the 100k and put in the 401k | 09:04 |
graxaim | how much a mercedes SLK 230 cost in Indiana? | 09:04 |
tzd | Dr_willis: I've used this in fstab: // /media/mediacifs rw,user,noauto,exec 00 | 09:05 |
WhoNeedszzz | So no one knows about KNetAttach? | 09:05 |
Dr_willis | tzd, i tend to just cheat and use smb4k to mount samba shares. | 09:05 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: so you prefer to buy your car when you have the whole amount to pay for it? | 09:06 |
Dr_willis | tzd, i was using the fusesmb tools for a long time. but had issues with them recently | 09:06 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, never done that either. :) Been leaseing lately.. since i only drive perhaps 12,000 miles a year. | 09:06 |
JaZmAn____ | i love the kde but one thing that pisses me of to hard to install a package i download to my hard drive | 09:07 |
Dr_willis | tzd, i would guess a typo/issue int eh fstab.. peraps too many options? you could put the mount command in rc.local i guess | 09:07 |
tzd | Dr_willis: i see... yeah i've had major issues just accessing the samba shares... spent past 3 days toget it working... now when it finally works I thought it would be neat to have them auto mounted :) | 09:07 |
Dr_willis | JaZmAn____, one normally uses the package manager, not source. | 09:07 |
JaZmAn____ | i normally do | 09:07 |
Dr_willis | JaZmAn____, how hard is it to install somthing from source under windows? :) | 09:07 |
JaZmAn____ | like adaptec | 09:07 |
JaZmAn____ | or synapic | 09:07 |
graxaim | graxaim: how does a leasing work? | 09:08 |
JaZmAn____ | i dont think im install form source | 09:08 |
Dr_willis | with the .deb stuff now you can doubleclick on them and they are supposed to auto-get dependencies and install now a days. | 09:08 |
Dr_willis | in theory at least. :) | 09:08 |
JaZmAn____ | i hope so | 09:08 |
JaZmAn____ | so far it only ben t add remove | 09:08 |
JaZmAn____ | like i want to install stuf that aint on the kubunut repos | 09:09 |
llutz | tzd: try " // .." without : | 09:09 |
Dr_willis | a lot of stuff not in the reppos are on some ofthe various 'ppa' (paa?) sites/mini repos or the programs sites have their own debs allready for ubuntu. | 09:10 |
Dr_willis | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas | 09:11 |
Dr_willis | Personal Package Archives (PPA) allow you to upload Ubuntu source packages to be built and published as an apt repository by Launchpad. You can find out more about PPAs and how to use them in our quick-start guide | 09:11 |
JaZmAn____ | so i need to use d/l launchpad with firefox | 09:12 |
tzd | llutz: ok, will do.... is it just me or does fstab automatically mount on change? Yesterday when i was fiddling and adding new mounts it automatically mounted them on save? | 09:12 |
DeepThought | my gnash-dbg.log file turned out to be 6 Gigs in size; how can that be, and has anyone had similar experience ? | 09:12 |
llutz | tzd: that's a hal/kde thingy | 09:13 |
Dr_willis | JaZmAn____, the ppa stuff lets you add a specilized repo for a specific app if you want. and use the package manager tool. | 09:13 |
JaZmAn____ | i just wante to save pages on disk so in case i had to put it on aGAIN i dont have to d/l it again | 09:13 |
JaZmAn____ | ok | 09:13 |
Dr_willis | I tend to set up one machine onthe lan as a apt-cacher server. it saves allthe packages.. | 09:13 |
Dr_willis | of course if you keep a package around for a long time - odds are it will get out of date. and you will still have to download the latest version | 09:13 |
DeepThought | Dr_willis: know of any deb' s for kde 4.1 beta somewhere ? | 09:13 |
Dr_willis | I found it best to test KDE4 with live cd's :) | 09:14 |
JaZmAn____ | sems a bit of messing arounf | 09:14 |
JaZmAn____ | g | 09:14 |
Dr_willis | JaZmAn____, compare it to how windows does it... 'go here, find this.. oh wait that site is old.. i need to go over HERE and get the latest' | 09:14 |
JaZmAn____ | well spos i only have to wait till october for intrepid | 09:15 |
Dr_willis | add the lines to your list of repos. and its installable/remiveable/and updateable. | 09:15 |
JaZmAn____ | then update all | 09:15 |
JaZmAn____ | ik i try this is new to me | 09:15 |
Dr_willis | i always found it odd that windows apps normally have an 'uninstall icon' in the menus for every program.. that often also 'reinstall/repairs, and removes' AND an identical feature in their add/remove stuff.. | 09:17 |
Dr_willis | and every major app seems to have its own 'update feature' thats always running in the system tray. :) | 09:17 |
lukasz | hello | 09:18 |
lukasz | i have a problem ;/ | 09:18 |
p_quarles | !ask | 09:18 |
Dr_willis | Howdy lukasz | 09:18 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 09:18 |
JaZmAn____ | i thought so with win dr willis | 09:18 |
lukasz | yesterday i upgrade my kubuntu | 09:19 |
lukasz | "sudo apt-get update | 09:19 |
lukasz | "sudo apt-get upgrade | 09:19 |
tzd | llutz: that might have done the trick, it works now although the drives appear empty. Is there an easy way to "restart" fstab or do i need to reboot? | 09:19 |
lukasz | and today my wifi dosen't work;/ | 09:19 |
llutz | tzd: "sudo fstab -a" | 09:19 |
llutz | tzd: "sudo mount -a" | 09:20 |
llutz | sorry | 09:20 |
tzd | llutz: thanks | 09:20 |
JaZmAn____ | kia ora | 09:20 |
iltechie | !sound | 09:20 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:20 |
lukasz | my kubuntu see belkin but | 09:22 |
lukasz | when i trying connect | 09:22 |
tzd | llutz: for some reason only 1 of my shared folders appears. the other 2 won't mount even though they have identical mount options in fstab? | 09:22 |
lukasz | its crash. | 09:22 |
llutz | tzd: mountpoints exist? share exist? | 09:23 |
tzd | llutz: yes. Will try the shares on win xp as well just to make sure :) | 09:23 |
llutz | tzd: check with "smbclient -L <netbiosname>" for available shares | 09:24 |
tzd | llutz: yes, they do exist via smbclient. | 09:26 |
=== guilherme is now known as graxaim | ||
graxaim | Dr_willis: hey | 09:26 |
llutz | tzd: pls paste your fstab to pastebin | 09:26 |
llutz | !pastebin | 09:26 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 09:26 |
graxaim | I just closed konversation by mistake lol.. tiny little icons in fluxbox makes me go crazy | 09:26 |
graxaim | !danger | 09:26 |
ubottu | DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 09:26 |
graxaim | ^^ | 09:26 |
tzd | llutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15939/ | 09:27 |
Dr_willis | fluxbox and other variants always seem to have the UGLIEST themes with tiny tiny icons/windowbars/ :) | 09:27 |
Dr_willis | and tiny fonts. | 09:27 |
Dr_willis | heh - but tey come with like 100+ themes it seems. | 09:27 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: actually for my 14 inch screen is fine... | 09:27 |
Dr_willis | Im gettting old.. i want 18+ point fonts. :) | 09:27 |
DeepThought | fluxbox rocks | 09:27 |
Dr_willis | on my 22+ inch screen | 09:27 |
llutz | tzd: any message if you type "mount /media/torrents" ? | 09:27 |
graxaim | me too, but I can't afford a 22+ screen ;) | 09:28 |
Dr_willis | my wife reduces her res doen to 800x600 | 09:28 |
DeepThought | but it doesn ' t roll all that well... ;-) | 09:28 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: maybe when I'm a doctor I'll buy one :) | 09:28 |
tzd | llutz: mount error: permission denied or not superuser and mount.cifs not installed SUID | 09:28 |
tzd | llutz: ops, will try with sudo :P | 09:28 |
graxaim | I've been considering becoming a Ophtalmologist.. I'll be sure to get a huge fine screen otherwise I'll screw my eyes before my clients' | 09:28 |
graxaim | lol | 09:28 |
llutz | Dr_willis: glasses are cheaper/easier | 09:28 |
Dr_willis | tzd, well one could suid the mount.cifs.. but that sounds like a security issue. :) | 09:28 |
Dr_willis | why would one use cifs, instead of the other.. err.. smbfs ? for the filesystem... | 09:29 |
Dr_willis | i never have been clear on that | 09:29 |
llutz | cifs is newer | 09:29 |
graxaim | Dr_willis: you know that chrysler is not very popular in Brazil. mercedes and dodge (that belongs to chrysler) have better appeal... | 09:29 |
Dr_willis | graxaim, mercedes is no longer part of chrysler. | 09:30 |
tzd | llutz: with sudo it worked | 09:30 |
DeepThought | graxaim: that's a great misconception; actually reading small print and in the darl trains your eyes to get better instead of wearing them out | 09:30 |
graxaim | yeap, but around here, they still are sold together | 09:30 |
DeepThought | dark | 09:30 |
graxaim | DeepThought: you are wrong | 09:30 |
Dr_willis | I dont even know where a mercedes dealer IS in this state. :) | 09:30 |
llutz | tzd: then automount via fstab should work too | 09:30 |
graxaim | DeepThought: I am a medical student and I am aware of that lie. | 09:31 |
Dr_willis | a user mounting a samba share. may not be the best idea. | 09:31 |
graxaim | you should not force your eyes to do things it is not capable of | 09:31 |
* Dr_willis wants X-ray vision | 09:31 | |
graxaim | like trying to use infrared vision and nightvision.. lol | 09:31 |
tzd | llutz: ok, then changing the 'noauto' to 'auto' should do the trick right? | 09:31 |
DeepThought | I grew up amongst doctors; and will quit being off-topic now | 09:31 |
llutz | tzd: yes | 09:31 |
graxaim | DeepThought: if that was true, the cure for miopic eyes would be "reading very small letters" ;) | 09:32 |
graxaim | hypermetropia actually might heal itself through time. | 09:33 |
graxaim | but that's not related to reading things in the dark or small characters.. | 09:33 |
DeepThought | you know that's not what I meant; being myopic can ' t be cured by training; becoming myopic however is not influenced in a negative way by using your eyes... | 09:33 |
graxaim | as far as I know the best you can get is a lancinating headache | 09:33 |
JaZmAn____ | wonder if i cna get my cannon printer to work | 09:34 |
graxaim | DeepThought: but that should be true then, since miopy is caused by a constrictor muscle deficiency | 09:34 |
DeepThought | graxaim: use it or loose it; remember ? | 09:35 |
graxaim | I mean.. the muscle that accomodates the crystaline lenses... | 09:35 |
Dr_willis | canon has had been one of those companies with less then great linux support.. a lot depends on your exact printer. | 09:35 |
graxaim | graxaim: use it too much, it might get hurt... :) try doing that with your p-nis or a-nus... u know that. | 09:35 |
DeepThought | ;-P | 09:35 |
graxaim | is only me that think that KDE4 sucks? | 09:36 |
graxaim | it seems quite much an involution from kde 3.5+ | 09:36 |
Dr_willis | kde4 is very much a work in progress | 09:40 |
graxaim | hmm.. maybe that's the reason, besides being sluggishly slow | 09:41 |
Hoenikker | basing your opinion on 4.04 or the 4.1 beta? | 09:41 |
graxaim | the one avaiable in the repository =D | 09:41 |
graxaim | lemme check it | 09:41 |
graxaim | it is 4.0.3 | 09:42 |
Hoenikker | it's work in progress, like, pre alpha stability/feature-completeness | 09:42 |
JaZmAn____ | works in firefox printer im using hardy | 09:42 |
graxaim | I'm not compiling anything big anymore.. tired of doing that.. I've already used gentoo for too long, even created my own distribution =D | 09:43 |
graxaim | so I'm probably not trying kde 4.1 beta or something before it's realeased under ubuntu supported packages | 09:43 |
The_ManU_212 | hi | 09:44 |
The_ManU_212 | i'm using default sources and hardy | 09:44 |
The_ManU_212 | when i installed fretsonfire it always crashes | 09:44 |
The_ManU_212 | http://pastebin.com/m5caf89d0 | 09:44 |
The_ManU_212 | if i downlaod fretsonfire from developers it's running stable and quickly | 09:44 |
The_ManU_212 | whats wrong? | 09:44 |
Dr_willis | bug fix's would be my guess. | 09:48 |
iltechie | how do I learn about intel onboard vga capabilities? that before installing compiz | 09:53 |
JimmY1 | Hey guys im just trying to open a file called ies4linux but when i click it, it just goes to kate !!! | 09:54 |
JimmY1 | what am i doing wrong ? | 09:54 |
JimmY1 | hello | 09:56 |
JimmY1 | is any1 here ? | 09:57 |
Dr_willis | whats the full file name? | 09:57 |
Dr_willis | if its a 'shell' script - you proberly want to run it from the command line. | 09:57 |
Dr_willis | sh ies4linux , or 'sudo sh ies4linux' or similer. | 09:57 |
JimmY1 | i tried it but im still very new at linux i dont really know how to open directories | 09:58 |
Dr_willis | !terminal | 09:59 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 09:59 |
Dr_willis | You might want to spend an hr or so learning/reading some bash/shell tutorials - befor trying to run ies4linux - i hear that ies4linux can be a little.. quirky. | 10:00 |
JimmY1 | hmm | 10:00 |
JimmY1 | ok i might just have to do that | 10:01 |
eagles0513875 | Dr_willis: i have had no issues with it | 10:01 |
JimmY1 | i want to get to know linux a bit better | 10:01 |
Dr_willis | but in short... open a terminal, use 'cd Desktop' (if the file is on your Desktop) 'sudo sh ies4linux' | 10:01 |
JimmY1 | yeh didnt work | 10:01 |
JimmY1 | but anyway | 10:01 |
JimmY1 | ill do what you said first | 10:01 |
JimmY1 | cheers mate cya | 10:01 |
Dr_willis | what 'dident work' ? | 10:01 |
Dr_willis | Oh well.. it pays to learn some basics.. . :) when some one asks 'whats a terminal' its time to do a little reading. it will go a LOOOONG way. | 10:02 |
eagles0513875 | brb need to go fill up the car | 10:04 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
prog | hi, is there hardty specific information about how to add a printer? | 10:14 |
prog | hardy | 10:14 |
petrucci | dude u ask too much | 10:14 |
graxaim | prog: hey.. | 10:15 |
prog | is it hard-y? | 10:15 |
graxaim | prog: adding a printer on Ubuntu is supposed to be: PLUG IT, done. | 10:15 |
prog | I mean a gui dialog or something | 10:15 |
graxaim | at least my canon s200x was exactly like this | 10:15 |
petrucci | plug in babe | 10:15 |
prog | I don't want to plug any printer, just want to configure one | 10:16 |
eagles0513875 | what did i miss | 10:21 |
eagles0513875 | prog: what kinda printer u wanting to add | 10:21 |
prog | any one, I plan to test if I can make it visible in some other OS | 10:22 |
Dr_willis | under hardy my printer is - plug it in.. done. :) | 10:23 |
Dr_willis | depends on the exact printer i guess | 10:23 |
prog | well say I want to add a hp laserjet 1200 (I dont' have it physically, but that should matter?) | 10:24 |
Dr_willis | it might get a bit confiused. theres some printer tool in the kde control panel icons, run it and see i guess. | 10:25 |
prog | I found some, (I have a spanish version don't know exact translation) applications->system->hp toolbox (it say there are no hp devices found, in short it say add a printer with some tool, sigh) | 10:27 |
Dr_willis | there should be some icon lavbled control panel, or control center. :) | 10:28 |
prog | applications->tools->kjob viewer (duh, I want to add one printer not monitor one) | 10:28 |
Dr_willis | right in the root of the menus | 10:28 |
Dr_willis | unless we are talking kde4.. theni got no idea | 10:28 |
prog | application->system->printing (it shows a printer configuration 6 checkboxes, no way to add a printer) | 10:29 |
JackWinter | i just wanted to do a full upgrade, and it aborted with unable to complete... in adept it looks like it was successful ? what now, how do i check if indeed the system is up to date ? | 10:30 |
prog | Dr_willis: yes sorry, I have kde 4 | 10:31 |
killzone | does networkmanager not support showing information for a ethernet bridge? | 10:33 |
prog | let see ubuntu, thanks... | 10:35 |
sneg__ | Hi all. A couple of weeks ago I decided to run an automatic upgrate from Gutsy to Hardy. Unfortunately for some reason the system started hanging on kernel versions 16-17 (works stable on *14) and is generally very slow (for eg MPlayer plays movies at a ridiculously low frame rate and its almost impossible to run anything when amarok is running). If anyone can help me diagnose my pc to identify the problem, I would apprecia | 10:40 |
sneg__ | te your help. | 10:40 |
sneg__ | when i mean hang -> death. mouse + keyboard do not work at all. | 10:40 |
sneg__ | btw, i m running Kubuntu on my laptop. and on Gutsy it was working absolutely fine. | 10:41 |
JackWinter | is there a way to lock installed packages. i'd like to do a "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade", but i have an older version of vlc installed that i don't wanna overwrite | 10:44 |
Dr_willis | !pin | 10:46 |
JackWinter | seems like synaptic has this functionallity | 10:46 |
Dr_willis | its using the 'pinning' feature of the apt system | 10:47 |
Dr_willis | bot has a factoid on the topic.. but the bot is missing it seems | 10:47 |
JackWinter | Dr_willis: thanks i'll google | 10:52 |
podr0znik | Good morning all :) | 10:52 |
podr0znik | I'm wondering if there's somebody here with some time, patience, willing to help me :) | 10:53 |
Agent_bob | does mac do something to their floppies that make them worthless for use in pc's ? | 10:53 |
podr0znik | Tried to install a label printer yesterday (Brother QL-500) but we didn't manage so far (we = Tophat & me) | 10:53 |
Dr_willis | apples floppy disk drives at one time - were different from the pc's | 10:53 |
Agent_bob | i don't mean different format. i mean causes i.o. errors when formatting. | 10:54 |
Dr_willis | apple and amigas used one kind of drive. with somthing physically different to them. But as far as i know they should be able to read/write pc formated floppies fine. | 10:54 |
Dr_willis | but egads.. when did apple last make floppies? :) | 10:54 |
Agent_bob | maybe i just got a batch of 'sorry' media. | 10:55 |
Dr_willis | Could be the drive or disks are rather old. | 10:55 |
Dr_willis | or both | 10:55 |
Agent_bob | drive is not problematic execpt with these "made for mac" disks. | 10:55 |
Dr_willis | heh.... So you have apple-ready floppies and trying to format them in a PC floppy drive? | 10:56 |
Agent_bob | yeah i've done that many times. but this whole box seems to have bad sectors starting about block 1 | 10:58 |
dklfkslgs | Salut tout le monde | 10:59 |
Agent_bob | block 1,6,(no telling what others)+ seem to be bad on most of them. | 10:59 |
Agent_bob | so i was wondering if mac did something special to the media | 10:59 |
Agent_bob | "like poked wholes in the floppy disk with a stapeler or something..." | 11:00 |
Agent_bob | "instructions stapeled to free condoms, kind of thing..." | 11:01 |
Dr_willis | well you could try to dd the floppies first from /dev/zero then try again | 11:03 |
Dr_willis | I recall ages ago having to jump through hoops when messing with apple/amiga/dos floppies | 11:04 |
=== guilherme is now known as graxaim | ||
Agent_bob | yeah, k. | 11:04 |
dazjorz | Hi | 11:06 |
dazjorz | I just asked this question in #ubuntu, but I don't really expect an answer there, as always | 11:06 |
dazjorz | but this question might be more related to Kubuntu, too | 11:06 |
dazjorz | I upgraded from Kubuntu Gutsy to Kubuntu Hurdy, and have been running KDE4 inside Gutsy | 11:06 |
dazjorz | I'm trying to install the kdelibs5-dev package and I get this error message: | 11:07 |
dazjorz | The following packages have unmet dependencies: kdelibs5-dev: Depends: kdelibs5 (= 4:4.0.4-0ubuntu1~hardy1) but 4:4.0.80-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa2 is to be installed | 11:07 |
cbr | the new kde4 packages are not completely built yet imo | 11:07 |
cbr | the build daemons are not that fast | 11:07 |
flaccid_ | looks like a repos conflict. what does sudo apt-cache madison kdelibs5 return? | 11:07 |
dazjorz | well, you see, 0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa2 | 11:08 |
dazjorz | I think I got versions of packages from Launchpad with that name | 11:08 |
dazjorz | er, version | 11:08 |
dazjorz | the KDE4 repository on Launchpad | 11:09 |
JackWinter | is there a new branch nowdays ? i'd be interested in trying kernel ? | 11:09 |
dazjorz | so I think I've got some leftover packets with 4.0.80 as a version | 11:09 |
dazjorz | how do I downgrade these to 4.0.4? | 11:09 |
flaccid_ | dazjorz: please advise the output of the command and try to keep responses on 1 line | 11:09 |
JackWinter | or do i have to learn how to compile and install it myself ? | 11:09 |
Agent_bob | --force-insrall | 11:09 |
flaccid_ | dazjorz: kde4 support is also in #kubuntu-kde4 | 11:09 |
dazjorz | flaccid_: er.. yeah, I'll try, I tend to be a little spammy | 11:09 |
flaccid_ | np | 11:10 |
dazjorz | flaccid_: Output for the command is at http://paster.dazjorz.com/?p=3043 | 11:10 |
cbr | where is the launchpad kde4 repo? | 11:11 |
dazjorz | cbr: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main | 11:12 |
cbr | oh, hardy | 11:13 |
flaccid_ | dazjorz: to perform the upgrade you need to disable hardy-updates/universe, hardy-security/universe and hardy/universe then update then upgrade will happen with the backports repos. then you should be able to re-enable the others again. | 11:13 |
dazjorz | flaccid_: what upgrade? | 11:13 |
dazjorz | sudo apt-get install kdelibs5=4:4.0.4-0ubuntu1~hardy1 kde4libs-bin=4:4.0.4-0ubuntu1~hardy1 | 11:14 |
flaccid_ | dazjorz: sorry i meant install of the kdelibs5-dev package | 11:14 |
dazjorz | this is going to downgrade the packages, I think | 11:14 |
flaccid_ | have a look at the pastebin. that package exists in 4 of your repos.. | 11:14 |
flaccid_ | thus the problem. | 11:14 |
dazjorz | ah... right | 11:15 |
dazjorz | odd that the newest version of the package is in backports | 11:15 |
dazjorz | oh, wait, misparsed | 11:15 |
flaccid_ | backports is pretty much from intrepid | 11:16 |
flaccid_ | in theory | 11:16 |
theFATMAN | whats up guys, new to kde, how do i change the high contrast icons in the panel? | 11:16 |
cbr | intrepid still has 4.0.3 | 11:16 |
flaccid_ | atm yes | 11:17 |
flaccid_ | theFATMAN: change how? | 11:17 |
theFATMAN | as in a different theme, different icons, the look | 11:17 |
Agent_bob | ooops i just filled my ram with /dev/zero cat /dev/zero > /dev/fd0u1440 but udev did not make the inode so it was a regular file and seeing that /dev is a tmpfs by default on *buntu ... | 11:18 |
flaccid_ | theFATMAN: lots. right click the panel and configure the panel itself. right click a button and configure the button. goto system settings and configure appearance, themes etc. | 11:18 |
theFATMAN | flaccid: i have changed everything else, but i cant change them | 11:18 |
theFATMAN | ohhhhh | 11:18 |
flaccid_ | !doesntwork | theFATMAN | 11:18 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, but it formated fast! :) | 11:19 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis indeed ! | 11:19 |
Dr_willis | now zip it up! | 11:20 |
Dr_willis | and me amazed at the compression ratio! | 11:20 |
Agent_bob | heh | 11:20 |
dazjorz | Ah, yay, it seems I've got it fixed, thank you flaccid_ and others :-) | 11:20 |
flaccid_ | np | 11:20 |
gemo | Hi everyone. It's a really great job you do on Ubuntu and Kubuntu. Just one question about kubuntu 8.04 hardy. Why is /usr/bin/kdesu now just a symlink to kdesudo? Before upgrade to hardy I always used kdesu, having declared the super-user-command to su. In hardy I then got kdesudo back, and I could only fix it by downloading the source code from kde.org, compling them and copying kdesu to /usr/bin replacing the symlink | 11:21 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis like gzipping .jpg or .mp3 files and watching them grow. | 11:22 |
Dr_willis | hmm.. I thought kdesu became a wrapper around the other.. (or visa versa) to get around some bug with kde3/4 | 11:22 |
flaccid_ | gemo: i don't know why. but likely that they don't want root running directly in X. kdesudo is fine yeah? | 11:22 |
stdin | gemo: gemo ubuntu and kubuntu use sudo not su, and kdesudo is a wrapper for sudo | 11:22 |
Dr_willis | Ive never noticed any issued with either kdesu/or kdesudo | 11:22 |
gemo | actually I never liked that sudo way | 11:23 |
gemo | that's why I used su, gksu and kdesu | 11:23 |
Dr_willis | I tend to use 'sux' :) | 11:23 |
zippo_ | Hiho | 11:23 |
zippo_ | Can someone Help me | 11:23 |
stdin | sudo is better, in many ways | 11:23 |
Dr_willis | zippo_, depends on the issue | 11:23 |
zippo_ | i 've got kubuntu 8.04 and i cannot install anything | 11:23 |
flaccid_ | gemo: there are docs on the internet on reasons why not to run X apps directly. i mean why would you need/want to? | 11:23 |
zippo_ | my repozytories are empty | 11:23 |
Agent_bob | !repos | 11:23 |
flaccid_ | zippo_: enable them in adept | 11:23 |
zippo_ | how to? | 11:24 |
zippo_ | sorry bob. | 11:24 |
gemo | flaccid_: I just don't like the fact that everyone who somehow gets to now my password can also gain root rights on my computer | 11:24 |
Agent_bob | !bot | 11:24 |
Agent_bob | no bot... | 11:24 |
stdin | Agent_bob: it died, and I can't reach the server it's on :( | 11:24 |
gemo | flaccid_: That's why I activate the root account and use su | 11:24 |
stdin | gemo: that's unsupported, but you can do that if you want | 11:25 |
Agent_bob | stdin ok. just noticed it. | 11:25 |
Dr_willis | http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/ | 11:25 |
flaccid_ | gemo: thats worse. so i know the user for root is root, so i'll just login with that instead which means i don't need to use sudo, cheers :) | 11:25 |
x_link | Hi | 11:25 |
x_link | Isn't VLC in Hardy? | 11:25 |
Dr_willis | x_link, it was last i looked. | 11:26 |
stdin | gemo: "I just don't like the fact that everyone who somehow gets to now my password can also gain root rights on my computer", as opposed to everyone who gets the root pass gaining root rights :p | 11:26 |
x_link | Dr_willis: Well, I can't install it. | 11:26 |
flaccid_ | gemo: is there a reason why an admin user should share their password with non-admin users. passwords are never shared.. | 11:26 |
Dr_willis | x_link, You may need to enable some of the other repositories. | 11:26 |
Agent_bob | flaccid_ that's an old and dying argument. | 11:26 |
flaccid_ | stdin: i think we are in stereo dang :) | 11:26 |
* Dr_willis changes the name of his root user to be 'admin' that will confuse everyone! | 11:26 | |
stdin | zippo_: open Adept Manager, from KMenu -> System -> Adept Manager, then go to the Adept menu and click "Manage Repositories", then just check all the boxes in the first tab | 11:27 |
flaccid_ | Agent_bob: no its not | 11:27 |
gemo | ok, this is going to become a discussion about benefits of sudo and so on. But this has nothing to do with original question of mine | 11:27 |
Agent_bob | ^5 dr. | 11:27 |
x_link | Dr_willis: Well, now when I do aptitide search vlc I also see it. But I can't install it. | 11:27 |
x_link | I really don't like hardy. | 11:27 |
gemo | what I meant, is that beofry hardy ther was /usr/bin/kdesu which wasn't a symlink to kdesudo | 11:27 |
flaccid_ | gemo: yeah i guess we have answered it sweet | 11:27 |
Dr_willis | x_link, do a 'update' of the package listing, then upgrade, then try again. | 11:27 |
gemo | and in hardy it's now a symlink | 11:27 |
stdin | gemo: as I said, we use sudo so all our apps tools are configured to that. if you want to use su exclusivity then you'll have to do that manually | 11:28 |
gemo | Anyway, I've found a workaround, so it doesn't really matter now | 11:28 |
x_link | Dr_willis: already tried that. | 11:28 |
Dr_willis | x_link, no idea then. unless you got a more specific error message. | 11:28 |
flaccid_ | gemo: i already answered it. | 11:28 |
gemo | stdin: yeah, I know. But as said. Earlier I only had to set the super-user-command to su and kdesu worked as kdesu. But now it's not enough | 11:28 |
flaccid_ | gemo: there is nothing to work around :) | 11:28 |
Agent_bob | gemo short answer they are not going to help you "break"(their word not mine) your system. | 11:29 |
flaccid_ | gemo: please explain why kdesudo is not enough? | 11:29 |
flaccid_ | Agent_bob: it is your word, we never used it. | 11:29 |
stdin | gemo: because kdesu was buggy with sudo, so we made a sudo wrapper | 11:29 |
gemo | flaccid_: Well, I want to use kdesu, and I don't want to use kdesudo, that's the whole point | 11:29 |
Agent_bob | flaccid_ not today. but yes that's what i have seen here. | 11:29 |
flaccid_ | gemo: its crazy that you want/ and need to use it. this is not how kubuntu is designed. | 11:30 |
gemo | flaccid_, stdin: Ok, I see, we're not getting anywhere. So just forget it | 11:30 |
stdin | Agent_bob: ubottu's words anyway ;) | 11:30 |
Dr_willis | he wants the bugs? | 11:30 |
flaccid_ | i would never say kdesu breaks a system, others might | 11:30 |
Agent_bob | stdin is ubottu not part of the ubuntu team ??? :/ | 11:30 |
gemo | flaccid_: Kubuntu is Linux, isnt' it? And in Linux normally you have a full-functional root account. | 11:30 |
flaccid_ | gemo: try listening oneday buddy :) | 11:30 |
stdin | gemo: we made it the default to use kdesudo because we use sudo, that's why we changed it | 11:30 |
flaccid_ | gemo: linux is a kernel, not userland. we are talking about userland. | 11:31 |
Dr_willis | gemo, not always :) then again.. ive seen some disrtos with only root users.. so theres extremes both ways. | 11:31 |
stdin | Agent_bob: not really, but it's factoids are considered representative of the "ubuntu team" | 11:31 |
flaccid_ | kubuntu != linux just like a system iv != unix | 11:31 |
x_link | Dr_willis: Don't have any errors. | 11:31 |
gemo | only root users??? WOW. WTF??? :D | 11:31 |
x_link | I think that gutsy works better. | 11:31 |
Dr_willis | x_link, makes a bit hard to trouble shoot then. | 11:31 |
x_link | I can't even install xmms | 11:31 |
Agent_bob | stdin ok close enough. i'll quit now. | 11:31 |
Dr_willis | gemo, i can think of 3 off hand that are that way, or been that way | 11:31 |
Dr_willis | x_link, there is NO XMMS in the repos any more.. :) | 11:32 |
Dr_willis | x_link, thats the reason for that. | 11:32 |
x_link | And when I install nvidia-settings then nvidia-glx-new gets deleted. | 11:32 |
stdin | x_link: the xmms project is dead, there's an xmms2 iirc | 11:32 |
x_link | Really strange. | 11:32 |
x_link | stdin: Okey. | 11:32 |
Dr_willis | i cant figure out how to use xmms2. :) but theres other players that work/similer to xmms | 11:32 |
gemo | Ok, thanks anyway for your answers. | 11:32 |
gemo | gotta go, thanks again, see you guys online! | 11:33 |
Agent_bob | my extreem is to setup the entire system "nosuid" so nobody is root but "root"(or what ever root's name may be </winks>)\ | 11:33 |
x_link | Does anybody here know when/if it will come a new version of coretemp? | 11:33 |
flaccid_ | the /etc/sudoers file is quite configurable. you can allow and deny anything to any user or group | 11:35 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis but doesn't uid=0 kinda defeat changing root's name ? | 11:35 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, :) proberly | 11:35 |
Agent_bob | flaccid_ @? | 11:35 |
Dr_willis | Theres paranoid then theres goofy paranoid. :) | 11:35 |
Agent_bob | lol | 11:35 |
flaccid_ | then there is selinux | 11:36 |
* Dr_willis adjusts his tinfoil hat. | 11:36 | |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis yeah. then there is "goofy goofy" the other extreem. | 11:36 |
Dr_willis | selinux = amazingly paranoid. | 11:36 |
Dr_willis | what was that new security thing in ubuntu hardy? apparmour? | 11:36 |
Dr_willis | I rember selinux, and lets see.. 'bastille' hardening scripts ages ago.. | 11:37 |
flaccid_ | yeah that is different but yeah | 11:37 |
Agent_bob | yep. /me is a bastille user. | 11:37 |
Dr_willis | setting all sorts of settings that only like 2 people in the world knew about :) | 11:37 |
flaccid_ | its meant to be a lot easier and based on file paths | 11:37 |
ahmed | السلام عليكم اكو شخص خبير عربي | 11:37 |
flaccid_ | !english | ahmed | 11:37 |
flaccid_ | ahmed: sorry english only channel | 11:38 |
ahmed | ok sear | 11:38 |
flaccid_ | im off cia0 | 11:38 |
Agent_bob | !gr if the bot were here. | 11:39 |
ahmed | who add winme in the kubuntu | 11:40 |
stdin | ahmed: there is #ubuntu-ar for Arabic language support | 11:40 |
ahmed | plzzz hellp me | 11:40 |
ahmed | thanks | 11:40 |
x_link | Does anybody know if/when if coretemp will come out with a new version? | 11:41 |
x_link | Cause I can't run --> sudo modprobe coretemp. | 11:41 |
x_link | I have been googling a bit and it seems that my CPU it to new for my kernel or something. | 11:42 |
x_link | I can't see my CPU-temp in ksensors now. | 11:42 |
Dr_willis | ive never even heard of coretemp :) | 11:42 |
x_link | But it worked great with my Intel Dual-Core E2200, but doesn't work with my Intel C2D E8400 | 11:42 |
x_link | Dr_willis: Okey, it's a module I need to be able to see my CPU-temp in ksensors. | 11:43 |
Dr_willis | ahh.. yep things like that are often hard to keep up to date with the latest hardware | 11:43 |
Agent_bob | hmmm, my root doesn't have $UID set ! | 11:44 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, i recall that befor.. somthing with how sudo works? i forget.. we had a chat on it a few months back | 11:44 |
Agent_bob | oh wait. it may be that dash doesn't have it and bash does... | 11:44 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, i THINK thats the reason | 11:45 |
Agent_bob | yep. dash. | 11:45 |
* Dr_willis jogs his memory | 11:45 | |
Agent_bob | so dash does have $USER but not $UID and bash has user adjustable $USER but not $UID those two are not really compatable... | 11:46 |
Dr_willis | never noticed.. never had any issues with it. | 11:47 |
Agent_bob | conclusion dash needs UID= set | 11:47 |
Dr_willis | Just be sure to use #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh thats correct for your script. :) | 11:47 |
Dr_willis | unset UID and see? | 11:48 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis yeah i was trying to go completely bashless (#!/bin/sh)+ | 11:49 |
v6lur | anyone else having problems with compiz-fusion not working anymore (hardy) | 11:49 |
MetaMorfoziS | hi all | 11:50 |
MetaMorfoziS | i'm in here: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-live-cd-p2 | 11:51 |
jonathan_ | hello! | 11:51 |
crs | re | 11:51 |
MetaMorfoziS | My question is, how can i run an application from chroot? | 11:51 |
MetaMorfoziS | X application | 11:51 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: export DISPLAY variable | 11:51 |
jonathan_ | i successfully installed kubuntu 8.04 and compiz that never worked before (crashed with bad graphic errors) :) | 11:51 |
MetaMorfoziS | yes, i did that | 11:51 |
MetaMorfoziS | but it still not found the display... | 11:51 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: DISPLAY=<propar value> apps | 11:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | "cannot connect to X server :0" | 11:52 |
jonathan_ | but now fullscreen-movies don't wirk | 11:52 |
crs | jonathan_: which player? | 11:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | ^ didn't work | 11:52 |
jonathan_ | can anyone tell my where i can finde the config-File of cimpiz? | 11:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | jonathan_ > something .ccsm | 11:52 |
jonathan_ | (i already found a solution in the internet but you need an application thats only for ubuntu | 11:52 |
jonathan_ | ) | 11:52 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: hmm .Xauthority ? | 11:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | it's gui named ccsm | 11:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | what i need to do with that? | 11:52 |
jonathan_ | oh thank you ^^ | 11:53 |
jonathan_ | thats what i was searchin for ;) | 11:53 |
Dr_willis | 'sux' handles the DISPLAY and .Xauthority stuff also. 0 but its not instaled by default. | 11:53 |
crs | jonathan_: instakll compizconfig-settings-manager | 11:53 |
MetaMorfoziS | Dr_willis > okay, so what i need to do? Copy my .Xauthority from the host? | 11:54 |
MetaMorfoziS | And install sux? | 11:54 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: I don't know then, sorry. ;/ | 11:54 |
Dr_willis | I just run 'sux' to switch to whatever user i want to have access to the desktop. | 11:54 |
Dr_willis | but the chroot stuff..may be causing the issues | 11:54 |
Dr_willis | why do you need to run ccsm anyway? | 11:54 |
MetaMorfoziS | me? | 11:55 |
MetaMorfoziS | I don't need, i just telled it to jonathan_ | 11:56 |
* Dr_willis has totally missed the initial problem then | 11:56 | |
Dr_willis | :) | 11:56 |
MetaMorfoziS | forget everything | 11:57 |
MetaMorfoziS | i want to run x applications from ac hrooted environment | 11:57 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: is you server listening for TCP connections? | 11:58 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: xserver of course | 11:58 |
Dr_willis | see the chroot may be causing the issues. in a non chroot env. i would login, do 'sux' enter the password of the user i am 'su ing' to . then any x apps i start from that shell are ran as that user. | 11:58 |
MetaMorfoziS | who knows:) | 11:58 |
Dr_willis | now how chroot fits in.. i dont know. | 11:58 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis in sh everything execpt OPTIND can be unset http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d72fc2f0c | 11:59 |
Dr_willis | Agent_bob, :) isent that cool. | 11:59 |
Dr_willis | why not OPTIND! :) | 11:59 |
Agent_bob | see the pastebin ^ idk why. | 11:59 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: http://www.groupsrv.com/linux/about21387.html | 11:59 |
MetaMorfoziS | crs > yes i found this in the same time as you | 12:00 |
MetaMorfoziS | but i don't know how to do that | 12:00 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: ;-) | 12:00 |
Dr_willis | You are setting up a 'chroot jail' for a single app ? | 12:01 |
Agent_bob | qemu jail is better imo | 12:02 |
MetaMorfoziS | no, for a kubuntu livecd | 12:02 |
MetaMorfoziS | :) | 12:02 |
crs | Dr_willis: I think he is on livecd chrooted into hdd based system and wants to run some configure tool :) | 12:03 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: What do you want to do? There must be the other way ;-) | 12:03 |
Agent_bob | but i found the timming in qemu is way off. things that count on hw clocks run way too fast/slow/sparatic | 12:03 |
MetaMorfoziS | crs > i want to run synaptic | 12:03 |
MetaMorfoziS | to see the sizes of the installed packages | 12:03 |
Dr_willis | One could always do the very unsafe 'xhost +' then su/chroot over and run the apps after exporting the display i guess. | 12:03 |
MetaMorfoziS | i want to trim kubuntu livecd down | 12:04 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: use aptitude | 12:04 |
MetaMorfoziS | to fit on my pendrive | 12:04 |
MetaMorfoziS | the installed verson:) | 12:04 |
crs | instead | 12:04 |
MetaMorfoziS | hmm a good idea, but i never used it | 12:04 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: aptitude will give you the same info | 12:04 |
Dr_willis | I recall some 'remaster ubuntu livecd' guides out there. | 12:04 |
Agent_bob | MetaMorfoziS you may want "pivot_root" rather than "chroot" | 12:04 |
MetaMorfoziS | yes, i linked one above | 12:04 |
Agent_bob | oh nevermind. | 12:05 |
Dr_willis | but isent the livecd's packages all been some how 'live-cd-affied' :) so you may not see/get their proper sizes | 12:05 |
MetaMorfoziS | no | 12:05 |
MetaMorfoziS | it's extracted | 12:05 |
MetaMorfoziS | http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-live-cd-p2 | 12:05 |
Agent_bob | i saw a howto on converting a live CD into a usb flash drive. looked interesting. | 12:07 |
Dr_willis | ive been using Slax and Puppy Linux on my USB flash drives. | 12:08 |
Dr_willis | they make handy rescue systems | 12:08 |
Agent_bob | i don't have anything that will boot from usb | 12:08 |
aleboco | hi guys, with my surprise suspend and resume now work on my laptop, while straight after the upgrade to hardy everything was messed up | 12:13 |
MetaMorfoziS | crs > how the fsck can i select an option in the aptitude's preferences? | 12:13 |
MetaMorfoziS | ah enter cool. | 12:13 |
aleboco | however, i still don't know how to deselect the lock screen option | 12:13 |
Agent_bob | kcontrol power management something or other | 12:14 |
Agent_bob | did kde4 drop "kcontrol" ? | 12:15 |
aleboco | i'm still in the kde3 | 12:15 |
aleboco | (was it for me?) | 12:15 |
Agent_bob | the first ^ not the second, the second was general | 12:16 |
aleboco | however, when i suspend closing the lid, i let kpowersave do the job, and it doesn't ask me the password after resume | 12:16 |
nosrednaekim | Agent_bob: yeah... its all systemsettings | 12:17 |
Agent_bob | nosrednaekim so command kcontrol isn't in kde4 ? | 12:17 |
aleboco | but when i suspend (to disk or ram it's the same) the resume asks me for the password | 12:18 |
nosrednaekim | Agent_bob: correct | 12:18 |
aleboco | anyway to change it? | 12:18 |
Agent_bob | strike three for kde4. | 12:18 |
crs | MetaMorfoziS: I have no idea, sorry. ;/ | 12:19 |
Agent_bob | MetaMorfoziS space-bar ? | 12:20 |
Agent_bob | a lot of things can be unset in bash also. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d3b43b8c3 | 12:22 |
Agent_bob | i don't think i have bash installed. </blinks> not via dpkg anyway. | 12:25 |
Agent_bob | hmm yeah it's installed i just deleted /bin/bash that's all. whew! | 12:26 |
zorglu_ | every time i loggin, it asks me for my kde wallet password. how can i remove this ? i dont need this password | 12:30 |
theFATMAN | new to kubuntu, i'm trying to customize themes, do i need kbfx themes, k3b, what version of kde? | 12:30 |
KRF | zorglu_, if you're using kde4: it's a bug | 12:30 |
theFATMAN | trying to get em from kde-look.org, but not sure what to use | 12:31 |
zorglu_ | KRF: i am not. im using 3.5.9 directly out of install | 12:31 |
zorglu_ | KRF: can i have like no password ? | 12:31 |
Agent_bob | theFATMAN kmenu help about kde | 12:31 |
KRF | zorglu_, yes. use an empty one | 12:32 |
theFATMAN | !theme | 12:32 |
nubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 12:32 |
jussi01 | zorglu_: set the wallet password to nothing | 12:32 |
KRF | itll never ask again | 12:32 |
theFATMAN | Agent_bob: thanks | 12:32 |
* Agent_bob made a lucky guess that time. | 12:33 | |
zorglu_ | KRF: jussi01: ok cool. how do i change my passwd. config kde wallet from the panel applet doesnt seem to offer this option | 12:33 |
KRF | zorglu_, it does, use settings or something | 12:33 |
KRF | zorglu_, or run kwalletmanager from console | 12:34 |
* jussi01 though you needed to delete the current wallet and create a new one, but not certain | 12:34 | |
stdin | right click the wallet in kwalletmanager and choose "Change Password" | 12:34 |
jussi01 | well then ^^ | 12:34 |
Agent_bob | :) | 12:35 |
zorglu_ | stdin: thanks! | 12:35 |
zorglu_ | KRF: jussi01: thanks too :) | 12:35 |
theFATMAN | how do i know what version of kde i have? | 12:36 |
zorglu_ | reloggin to test :) | 12:36 |
stdin | theFATMAN: open any kde app and go to Help -> About KDE | 12:36 |
zorglu_ | theFATMAN: choose "about KDE" in help menu | 12:36 |
Agent_bob | any lappys on the market today that run on +12V ? | 12:37 |
zorglu_ | imrunning kubuntu on EEEpc this is fun :) | 12:37 |
theFATMAN | zorglu_: thanks | 12:37 |
Agent_bob | theFATMAN didn't we just do that ? | 12:38 |
nosrednaekim | Agent_bob: the eeepc actually :P | 12:39 |
theFATMAN | Agent_bob: probably, i switched from ubuntu to kubuntu and it confused the hell outta me | 12:39 |
Agent_bob | no. the "<Agent_bob> theFATMAN kmenu help about kde" | 12:39 |
Agent_bob | @ nosrednaekim | 12:40 |
nosrednaekim | Agent_bob: I was aswering the 12 V question... | 12:40 |
Agent_bob | theFATMAN (: that's understandable. first rule in kde "right click everything" :))) | 12:41 |
Agent_bob | nosrednaekim oh heh </blushs> sorry. | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | hey all | 12:43 |
nosrednaekim | AH! your "A" is back :P | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip | yeah man, my keyboard is hit an miss sometimes | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip | how can I get my ubuntu version number from terminal? | 12:44 |
minterior | hi | 12:44 |
nosrednaekim | ActionParsnip: lsb_release -a | 12:44 |
nosrednaekim | hi minterior | 12:44 |
minterior | do you know the kernel parameter to load a 8.04 livecd in console mode (without X) | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | cheers man | 12:44 |
nosrednaekim | minterior: I think there is an f4 mode for that | 12:45 |
nosrednaekim | (hit f4 on the boote selection screen) | 12:45 |
Agent_bob | lsb_release -r | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | i got it :) just installing amd64 flash with some script | 12:46 |
minterior | nosrednaekim: and then the option is: OEM install (for manufacturers) ?? | 12:46 |
Agent_bob | nosrednaekim they added a non-X mode to the liveCD ? | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | UBER it works | 12:47 |
Agent_bob | over it works ? | 12:48 |
theFATMAN | what is the kicker? | 12:48 |
minterior | what is OEM install? | 12:49 |
Agent_bob | the application that puts the "pannel/s" on your desktop | 12:49 |
Agent_bob | @ theFATMAN | 12:49 |
Dr_willis | for kde3.XX - its been replaced in KDE4 :) | 12:49 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis yeah they replaced everything in kde4 maybe kde4 isn't even kde anymore | 12:50 |
Dr_willis | its kde4 :) | 12:50 |
Dr_willis | there comes a time when you just gotta get rid of the old... | 12:50 |
Agent_bob | Dr_willis heh. not me. | 12:51 |
Agent_bob | kernel 2.2 is still fine. for me. | 12:51 |
* Dr_willis steaks Agent_bob 's dos 1.0 disks! | 12:51 | |
Dr_willis | oops :) | 12:51 |
Agent_bob | i have dos3.0 origenal disks. both of them. | 12:52 |
Agent_bob | the 5.25" and the 3.5" :))) | 12:52 |
FSHero | Hello everyone, I've just been reading http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153169 because I want to install WinXP, then Ubuntu 8.04 then Fedora 9 | 12:52 |
FSHero | I get the gist that: I must install only one distro's GRUB? | 12:53 |
Agent_bob | FSHero there is only room for one boot loader in the MBR of any device. or only part of one if it's grub. | 12:54 |
Agent_bob | FSHero now if you use multiple devices/disks you can install multiple boot loaders. | 12:54 |
Dr_willis | FSHero, correct. I let ubuntu handle the grub entries/configureation on my Puppylinux/Geexbox/Ubuntu system | 12:54 |
afief__ | FSHero: if you install windows there is no grub to uninstall, then you install ubuntu which comes with grub(you can uninstall it) then fedora which has grub too, but you shouldn't uninstall it because you won't have a bootloader if you do | 12:54 |
afief__ | out of curiousity guys, why do you install multiple distros? | 12:55 |
FSHero | Agent_bob, Dr_willis, afief__: thx | 12:55 |
Dr_willis | geexbox = to play videos. :) it boots my laptop in 20 sec. to a media player. Puppy - for a 'rescue/toy' - ubuntu for real work. | 12:55 |
Agent_bob | afief__ Q. what do linux users do? A. they install software. | 12:55 |
Dr_willis | geexbox + puppy = a few 100mb total on my first partition | 12:56 |
FSHero | So, if I install WinXP, then Ubuntu, then finally Fedora, I don't install Fedora's _GRUB_? (btw all are to be installed on one hard disk) | 12:56 |
Agent_bob | ^ partitions heh. | 12:56 |
Agent_bob | FSHero correct. or you can install the three in order and let each replace the others boot loader with it's own. | 12:57 |
Agent_bob | matters not how you get there. just so you get there | 12:57 |
FSHero | So... how would I have all distros in the boot menu? Follow the instructions on that forum post? | 12:58 |
FSHero | e.g. add the kernel and initrd lines for Fedora? | 12:58 |
Agent_bob | FSHero the whole idea of a "boot loader" is to have a way to boot(generally multiple) operating system/s | 12:58 |
Agent_bob | FSHero yes. or if you let fedora install it's bootloader it will probably find both the winderz and the ubuntu system and configure it for you. was would ubuntu if you installed it last | 13:00 |
Agent_bob | s/was/as/ ^ | 13:00 |
simi | hi, can i configure streamtuner to use amarok? | 13:00 |
=== jords__ is now known as jords | ||
* Agent_bob uses lilo because grub is too week to boot his system. | 13:02 | |
ActionParsnip | i strongly reccomend fluxubuntu | 13:04 |
ActionParsnip | it kicks ass | 13:04 |
Agent_bob | ActionParsnip :) | 13:04 |
Agent_bob | less is more than more. | 13:04 |
ActionParsnip | definately, its just slick | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | none of the extra gumf | 13:05 |
Agent_bob | :) that's why i switched to bb no bells and whistels. | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | bb? | 13:07 |
Agent_bob | !info blackbox | 13:07 |
ActionParsnip | oic, yeah same kinda deal | 13:07 |
Agent_bob | yes | 13:07 |
Dr_willis | !info jwm | 13:07 |
ActionParsnip | can you recommend a lightweight X based chat client | 13:07 |
zippo_ | Welcome back.... Can i get some help here? | 13:07 |
Dr_willis | why does it need tobe X based. :) | 13:07 |
Agent_bob | bx ? | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | cos ie got an xserver so may as well use it | 13:08 |
Agent_bob | ping form zippo_ | 13:08 |
zippo_ | yea | 13:09 |
Agent_bob | not cool zippo_ you don't uninvidedly start pming people. | 13:09 |
Agent_bob | what do you want ? | 13:09 |
zippo_ | i've got some problems with compiz | 13:09 |
zippo_ | at my kubuntu 8.04 | 13:09 |
zippo_ | I cannot turn on fusion-icon | 13:10 |
zippo_ | system tells me about i dont have it and thats impossible to make a cube and other effects | 13:10 |
zippo_ | ... | 13:11 |
Dr_willis | fusion-icon shouldent matter. | 13:11 |
zippo_ | someone can help me | 13:11 |
zippo_ | so what should i do to make this plugin workin? | 13:11 |
Dr_willis | You just isntall the right compiz packages, and run 'compiz --replace' | 13:11 |
zippo_ | it is working cuz i see it but i cannot change other plugins | 13:11 |
ActionParsnip | if i add a line to my fstab how can I make it be rescanned please? | 13:11 |
Dr_willis | you did install the ccsm tool to configure things? | 13:11 |
FSHero | Hi, sorry for not replying -- I was afk. I am interested in the 'theory' of bootloaders and GRUB. Could someone explain to me what exactly happens when I install GRUB when I am installing Ubuntu please? | 13:12 |
zippo_ | willis i didnt made it | 13:12 |
Dr_willis | fusion-icon just lets you do a few little things. its not mandatory | 13:12 |
zippo_ | howto install ccsm tool? | 13:12 |
tim__ | hi all | 13:12 |
Dr_willis | its in the package manager. | 13:12 |
Dr_willis | withoug the ccsm tool you aint confgureing much at all. | 13:13 |
Dr_willis | !compiz | 13:13 |
nubotu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 13:13 |
Dr_willis | is the bot awake :) | 13:13 |
Dr_willis | there it is! | 13:13 |
ActionParsnip | !irc | 13:13 |
simi | hi, can i configure streamtuner to use amarok? | 13:13 |
nubotu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines | 13:13 |
zippo_ | but i installed it damn | 13:13 |
zippo_ | it is not working | 13:13 |
Dr_willis | type ccsm see if it runs | 13:13 |
Dr_willis | You do have the proper 3d drivers for your card installed? | 13:14 |
zippo_ | i typed i've got drivers | 13:16 |
zippo_ | listen i've got compiz turned on but i cannot change config | 13:16 |
zippo_ | anything | 13:16 |
zippo_ | I've got drivers, compiz full packet but i cannot do anything | 13:17 |
zippo_ | typed in terminal sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-menager | 13:17 |
Dr_willis | the ccsm tool is used to tweak the settings. the command line command to run it is 'ccsm' if the ccsm tool is NOT apearing to set/change settings. theres a bug in ccsm thats hanging about. i recall the wiki page having the fix for it. | 13:18 |
zippo_ | E: couldn't find .... | 13:18 |
Dr_willis | !find ccsm | 13:18 |
Dr_willis | you are using hardy release of kubuntu? | 13:18 |
zippo_ | yes | 13:18 |
Dr_willis | apt-cache search ccsm | 13:19 |
Dr_willis | ---------> simple-ccsm - Simple Compizconfig settings manager | 13:19 |
zippo_ | Kubuntu 8.04 hary heron | 13:19 |
Dr_willis | the package name is now 'simple-ccsm' for some reason | 13:19 |
zippo_ | thanks | 13:19 |
zippo_ | ill be back anyway xD | 13:19 |
zippo_ | i think ill get some more problems but thank you | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | hey all | 13:20 |
zippo_ | and good luck | 13:20 |
Dr_willis | further help in #compiz-fusion | 13:20 |
Dr_willis | :) | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | I'm on lostirc | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | its pretty nice | 13:20 |
Dr_willis | when you typed ccsm it dident say 'ccsm not found.. do 'sudo apt-get install ccsm-simple' ? | 13:20 |
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crs | zippo_: install compizconfig-settings-manager | 13:25 |
estan | hello. anyone got xinerama dualhead in "extended desktop" mode working with intel built-in graphics on 8.04? i've been trying for days to get it to work with my laptop, my setup is like this: http://dose.se/dualhead.html | 13:25 |
estan | i'll send whoever helps me figure this out a brand new Areca ARC-1200 hardware RAID controller (if they want it), GPL/BSD drivers available. | 13:26 |
* estan hopes bribes like this are not against channel rules ;) | 13:27 | |
ActionParsnip | decided to stay with the pidgin | 13:32 |
estan | wohoo i think i got it working. | 13:32 |
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v6lur | anyone else having problems with compiz-fusion not working anymore? (hardy) | 13:41 |
crs | v6lur: with eny errors? | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | v6lur: wouldnt know, i dont use it. I think its garbage | 13:41 |
v6lur | it isn't exactly garbage... but some time ago i disabled it, because kopete kept crashing X | 13:42 |
v6lur | (kopete acts fine with kwin) | 13:42 |
jonathan_ | hello! I've a question :) | 13:42 |
v6lur | a couple of days ago i noticed an update to c-f | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | wobbly windows and a cube desktop? not exactly productive stuff. Im not an eyecandy kinda guy | 13:43 |
v6lur | and installed it, today thought i'd try it, but now it just doesn't start | 13:43 |
crs | jonathan_: dont ask to ask, just ask :) | 13:43 |
v6lur | no errors | 13:43 |
jonathan_ | i installed compiz without problems (wow, it's not very often something with linux don't causes errors :D) | 13:43 |
crs | v6lur: there must be some errors. run in it terminal and see | 13:43 |
jonathan_ | and the desktop cube works when i'm using Cntrl+Alt+Left/Right | 13:43 |
v6lur | i ran 'compiz-decorator --replace' | 13:43 |
v6lur | it just gave a blank line | 13:44 |
jonathan_ | but the cube fills out the whole screen and just rotates... | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | i thought it was compiz --replace | 13:44 |
v6lur | hmm, maybe, i'll try | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | jonathan_: you need to change to setting to make it zoom out more | 13:45 |
jonathan_ | But i realy want to see thats a cube thats rotating when i'm using the desktop cube so it must be smaller | 13:45 |
jonathan_ | yes | 13:45 |
jonathan_ | thats what i want ;) but where? | 13:45 |
jonathan_ | i cant find it in the ccsm | 13:45 |
v6lur | http://paste.ubuntu.com/15985/ | 13:45 |
ActionParsnip | jonathan_: settings some place, I think its zoom level or something | 13:45 |
ActionParsnip | jonathan_: its been agess since I used it (early beryl days) | 13:45 |
kolja | hello+ | 13:46 |
ActionParsnip | jonathan_: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=133 | 13:47 |
jonathan_ | and whats the shortcut to access the cube without the neccessary to hold the keys Cntrl+Alt | 13:48 |
ActionParsnip | jonathan_: no idea dude, I always used that | 13:48 |
kolja | where are you from? | 13:49 |
ActionParsnip | kolja: me? | 13:49 |
kolja | yes :) | 13:49 |
ActionParsnip | kolja: uk represent dude. you? | 13:50 |
kolja | Germany :D | 13:50 |
theFATMAN | ok, the window decorator is crashing, how do i restart it without rebooting? | 13:50 |
ActionParsnip | theFATMAN: ctrl+alt+backspace | 13:50 |
theFATMAN | ActionParsnip: thank you | 13:50 |
crs | Hmm, guys. my pri lang is not an english so i have a difficulties. Im busy on my covering letter and need some language assistance, any one able to check one sentence and say if it is correct? | 13:55 |
crs | sorry for off topic ;/ | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | crs: its quiet, go for it duder | 13:55 |
crs | I want to say that I have got experience in using deb and rpm based distros as well as the ones which you build your own packages, like gentoo or LFS | 13:56 |
nosrednaekim | " I have experience with .deb and .rpm based Linux distributions, as well as with those in which you build your own packages, such as gentoo and LFS " | 13:58 |
crs | nosrednaekim: is 'in which YOU' a propar cv sentence? Should not it be more like: which requires building from source code by user? | 14:00 |
nosrednaekim | oh...this is a CV? haha... yes, keep it 3rd person | 14:01 |
nosrednaekim | replace it with "in which the user builds their own packages" | 14:02 |
crs | nosrednaekim: it is covering letter, but i think it should be 3rd p ;-) | 14:02 |
crs | nosrednaekim: thanks a lot. ;-) | 14:03 |
crs | It is so difficult to star career in IT ;/ | 14:10 |
crs | start* | 14:10 |
nosrednaekim | yea | 14:10 |
psyco | hey guys, what do you recommend for a graphics web editor program? | 14:13 |
psyco | by graphics I mean GUI (not just code) | 14:13 |
crs | psyco: try quanta | 14:13 |
crs | psyco: WYSIWYG you mean? | 14:13 |
nosrednaekim | Komposer | 14:14 |
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS] | ||
psyco | WYSIWYG?? | 14:14 |
crs | psyco: what you see is what you get | 14:14 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... Komposer is wysiwyg | 14:14 |
Jurgentje | Hi... I've got this problem where 2 NTFS partitions on a USB-hard drive need to be remounted every time again (access denied) as su ... anyone knows how I could get this fixed so I don't have to sudo etc... every time? | 14:14 |
psyco | ohhh hahhaha ok | 14:14 |
psyco | DOes it support code aswell? | 14:15 |
crs | psyco: in wysiwyg editors instead of coding page you just 'draw' it... | 14:15 |
nosrednaekim | Jurgentje: systemsettings->advanced->discs and partitions | 14:15 |
brett | im looking for a premade php site similar to phpBB can anyone here recommend somthing? | 14:15 |
psyco | Ah... But do some of them allow to use code? | 14:15 |
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nosrednaekim | psyco: I think most of them have a code mode | 14:16 |
psyco | OK sweet. | 14:16 |
psyco | TYhanks., | 14:16 |
crs | psyco: good luck :) | 14:17 |
v6lur | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=542186 <- this solved my problem with compiz-fusion :D | 14:17 |
v6lur | thank root for ubuntuforums :P | 14:17 |
v6lur | i wonder is this reported as a bug | 14:18 |
crs | anyone from Australia here? | 14:18 |
brett | yeah im from aus | 14:19 |
nosrednaekim | v6lur: yeah... its been reported | 14:19 |
v6lur | good to know | 14:19 |
ActionParsnip | is there a 64bit java plugin for firefox | 14:19 |
nosrednaekim | v6lur: no-one is fixing it though... AFAIK | 14:20 |
crs | brett: is 22.00 dollars as a hour rate ok down there? ;-) | 14:21 |
crs | brett: 23 exactly | 14:21 |
brett | depends what ur doin | 14:21 |
brett | im getting about that | 14:21 |
crs | brett: is it enought to keep you alive? having car and stuff? | 14:21 |
brett | yeah | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | !java | 14:22 |
nubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 14:22 |
crs | !evil | 14:22 |
nubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about evil, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi | 14:22 |
brett | well i still live with my rents so i got plenty i excess cash | 14:22 |
crs | shout points at !java. :> | 14:22 |
crs | should* | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | sun have a 64bit binary installer booya! | 14:29 |
theFATMAN | any kbfx users/ experts in the house? | 14:33 |
theFATMAN | any kbfx users/ experts in the house? | 14:35 |
Paraselene | What's the difference between 2.6.24-17-rt, and 2.6.24-17-generic? | 14:36 |
nosrednaekim | rt is realtime... | 14:36 |
Paraselene | I've got a tonne of redundant entries in the grub bootloader I need to comment out | 14:36 |
Paraselene | and what's the difference? | 14:38 |
crs | Paraselene: different patch set probably | 14:39 |
nosrednaekim | its low latency... mostly for Midi and multimedia processing | 14:39 |
Paraselene | hmm, which should I boot into by default? | 14:40 |
Paraselene | I'm a relative newbie... so far I've tended to use the latest version, generic build | 14:40 |
nosrednaekim | generic | 14:41 |
brett | lol i break kubuntu on a regular basis | 14:41 |
nosrednaekim | -rt was probably installed if you installed ubuntustudio | 14:41 |
jeroen- | anyone has also strange updates today? | 14:41 |
=== saki__ is now known as saki | ||
ercan_ | hi, anyone about? | 15:05 |
nosrednaekim | yep | 15:06 |
ercan_ | oops, wanted to ask about kde4 but just saw the topic | 15:06 |
ercan_ | thanks anyway | 15:06 |
shane2peru | does anyone know how I set kontact to alert me on the desktop when I have a calendar planned event? | 15:16 |
Odd-rationale | shane2peru: you should be able to set that when you create a new event... | 15:19 |
shane2peru | Odd-rationale: yes, I turn on the reminder, and it doesn't seem to alert me on the desktop. | 15:19 |
Odd-rationale | shane2peru: you want like an OSD? | 15:19 |
shane2peru | is OSD what Amarok uses? I want a bell to sound, and a little icon notification to pop up, saying appointment. :) | 15:20 |
shane2peru | ok, I gotta run for now, by the way Odd-rationale I'm gettint my Arch all setup downloading the kdemod-complete now :) | 15:22 |
Odd-rationale | shane2peru: kdemod-complete ?! | 15:22 |
shane2peru | Odd-rationale: isn't that what ya recommended? | 15:23 |
Odd-rationale | shane2peru: that's too much... just install kdemod and install what you need on top... | 15:23 |
Odd-rationale | if you are still in the donwload stage, you can ctrl+c to cancel... | 15:23 |
shane2peru | Odd-rationale: ha ha, oh well, I guess I will get the full desktop experience, lol | 15:23 |
shane2peru | Odd-rationale: yeah, I set it to only download, I will install later. | 15:23 |
Odd-rationale | shane2peru: well, good luck! | 15:24 |
shane2peru | Odd-rationale: ok, I gotta run, catch ya later | 15:24 |
ChrisMir | Hi, I have ubuntu installed on sda3 partition with /boot on sda1 (and swap on sda2). I want kubuntu installed on sda5. What should I do with the boot partition? Can I use sda1 as boot partition for Kubuntu, while still being able to startup ubuntu on sda3? | 15:35 |
nosrednaekim | ChrisMir: yeah | 15:37 |
nosrednaekim | Kububtu should detect ubuntu | 15:37 |
ChrisMir | I understand that. But that was not the question | 15:37 |
=== elru is now known as epse | ||
ChrisMir | Currently I am on kubuntu's live cd, preparing for installation. When preparing partitions I should sda1 to be the boot partition. It forces me to format that partition. | 15:39 |
jaakkome | um, this is not exactly a kubuntu question, but is amd64 the right build for a laptop with an amd sempron processor? | 15:39 |
=== smokylover is now known as elitrou | ||
ichigo_nl | where do i find the intrepid sources | 15:40 |
t1_ | Anyone want to help a newbe do wireless | 15:41 |
pim | t1_ simply post your question | 15:41 |
nosrednaekim | ChrisMir: yeah.... its will replace it with Kubuntu's.. which will be equivalent | 15:42 |
t1_ | I have an inspiron 5315 I need to set up wirless that is in it | 15:42 |
ChrisMir | nosrednaekim: But will the kernel images of ubuntu not disappear? | 15:42 |
t1_ | I am on kbuntu | 15:42 |
pim | what wirelesscard is in it t1_ | 15:43 |
t1_ | hol on | 15:44 |
t1_ | I will check | 15:44 |
nosrednaekim | ChrisMir: nope... they won't | 15:45 |
ChrisMir | The ubuntu image are on /boot, right? and therefor at sda1 | 15:46 |
ChrisMir | if I format sda1, I assume the images will be gone | 15:46 |
nosrednaekim | I THINK they are in / , not /boot | 15:46 |
ChrisMir | ah, let me see | 15:46 |
nosrednaekim | ah... actually, no | 15:46 |
nosrednaekim | you are right | 15:46 |
nosrednaekim | they are in /boot | 15:46 |
ChrisMir | exactly | 15:46 |
nosrednaekim | nasty.... | 15:47 |
nosrednaekim | can you tell it not to install a bootloader? | 15:47 |
nosrednaekim | or put /boot on / and don't install grub | 15:47 |
ChrisMir | I dont think the bootloader itself is the problem | 15:47 |
vecciora | How can I add init string 3 in KPPP? | 15:48 |
nosrednaekim | ok... then I would leave Kubuntu's /boot on its / partition | 15:48 |
ChrisMir | yeah | 15:48 |
t1_ | I need to install the broad com wirless extentions I think | 15:48 |
ChrisMir | But no real sense now for the sda1 partition ;-) | 15:49 |
nosrednaekim | true :) | 15:49 |
nosrednaekim | !broadcom | 15:49 |
nubotu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 15:49 |
vecciora | KPPP allow me only to input 2 init string. | 15:50 |
vecciora | Sorry for my terrible english. | 15:50 |
nosrednaekim | vecciora: what is your native language? | 15:51 |
vecciora | Indonesia. | 15:51 |
Daisuke_Ido | !my | 15:51 |
nubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about my, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi | 15:51 |
vecciora | Why after dialing up Network Connection still not available at the panel? | 15:53 |
michael_ | hello | 15:53 |
vecciora | But I can connect to Internet. | 15:54 |
michael_ | How do i get to the Ubuntu page? | 15:54 |
=== _hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo | ||
vecciora | Stepbuntu | 15:55 |
ads_ | hi can u give me a command i can execute from bash to find which version of ubuntu im running.. feisty,hardy etc thanks | 15:55 |
nosrednaekim | ubuntu page? www.ubuntu.org | 15:55 |
nosrednaekim | ads_: lsb_release -a | 15:55 |
ads_ | thank you nosrednaekim | 15:55 |
yeti | the mozilla-acroread doesn't seem to work with the firefox 3 beta 5 included in 8.04 | 15:55 |
yeti | does anybody know how to make it work? | 15:56 |
nosrednaekim | use firefox-2 | 15:57 |
simi | yeti: you install from adobe web site? | 15:57 |
simi | try thast one | 15:57 |
vecciora | Are Konqueror better than Firefox? | 15:59 |
t1_ | I have two eithernet cards in my loaptop an I would like the wireless to work | 15:59 |
t1_ | or both at the sam time | 16:00 |
t1_ | lol | 16:00 |
t1_ | jk no need to duplex | 16:00 |
simi | vecciora: i beliva you can use konqueror for fast browsing but firefox is better for complex pages | 16:00 |
nosrednaekim | konqueror is horrific for dial-up though | 16:00 |
fale_ | are there some packager? | 16:01 |
vecciora | Why? | 16:01 |
t1_ | i like it though | 16:01 |
t1_ | its ok | 16:01 |
nosrednaekim | vecciora: not sure.... | 16:01 |
nosrednaekim | t1_: figured out your wireless? | 16:01 |
t1_ | its not as feature rich as ff | 16:01 |
t1_ | nope | 16:01 |
t1_ | lol | 16:01 |
nosrednaekim | t1_: you could always use ndiswrapper | 16:01 |
t1_ | its a broad com in an acer | 16:01 |
t1_ | cool how? | 16:02 |
nosrednaekim | get the XP driver | 16:02 |
t1_ | o ok | 16:02 |
nosrednaekim | blacklist the broadcom driver, and use ndiswrapper with the XP driver | 16:02 |
t1_ | du | 16:02 |
t1_ | great idea | 16:02 |
t1_ | its funny because | 16:02 |
t1_ | I just did th4e oposit with box | 16:02 |
t1_ | back and forth thats me | 16:03 |
t1_ | lol | 16:03 |
nosrednaekim | :) | 16:03 |
t1_ | !) | 16:03 |
rophy | guysssss....i have installed that sound converter and it's not working ..not opening could anyone tellme why | 16:03 |
nosrednaekim | which sound converter? | 16:04 |
t1_ | thanks nosednaekim | 16:04 |
vecciora | How can I change the panel color in KDE4? | 16:07 |
vecciora | In KDE35 I can make it transparent. | 16:07 |
nosrednaekim | vecciora: you have to theme it.... there are themes on www.kde-look.org | 16:08 |
crs | vecciora: rmb on menu and go thru options | 16:08 |
rophy | KDE$ sucks | 16:08 |
rophy | 4* | 16:08 |
nosrednaekim | crs: thats kde3 :P | 16:08 |
vecciora | KDE4 usability is not good as KDE3. | 16:09 |
fale_ | vecciora: I strongly disagree | 16:09 |
rophy | yes KDE4 is a mess | 16:09 |
fale_ | vecciora: which version have you tried? | 16:09 |
vecciora | Maybe I wrong? | 16:09 |
rophy | anyone know anything abt the soundconverter? | 16:10 |
vecciora | Its like when I say Ubuntu is completely crap. | 16:10 |
crs | nosrednaekim: Oh, yes, sorry. I have missread that :) | 16:10 |
rophy | ummm ubuntu is nice ... | 16:11 |
BluesKaj | rophy, what are you trying to convert ? | 16:11 |
rophy | ram to mp3 | 16:11 |
vecciora | Its funny when I like something and try to hate it. | 16:13 |
BluesKaj | ram? | 16:13 |
rophy | real media | 16:13 |
BluesKaj | oh | 16:13 |
vecciora | I mean love it but hate it too. | 16:13 |
BluesKaj | k3b will audio conversion if you have the right plugins | 16:14 |
BluesKaj | do | 16:14 |
rophy | i 'll try this | 16:14 |
rophy | but i dont want to burn a cd just conversion | 16:15 |
rophy | is k3b fit for it | 16:15 |
ichigo_nl | !adeptfix | 16:15 |
nubotu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 16:15 |
sigma_1234 | kde 4.1 packages available anyone? | 16:16 |
ChrisMir | Will 4.1 be much better? Because I've just installed the kde4 remix (4.0.4) and I don't like what I see | 16:17 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: it is a lot better | 16:18 |
BluesKaj | rophy, no need to burn a cd ,open k3b , just choose new audio cd project , and you'll see a blue curvy arrow beside the burn logo , click on the arrow , then choose what you want to convert to in the drop down dialog box | 16:18 |
phoenix_ | when using LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4 as a prefix to an executable it doesn't seem to see my libraries anymore, is there another thing I need to add to it for it to look in /lib for the object it needs? | 16:19 |
nosrednaekim | sigma_1234: nope | 16:19 |
farhad_hf | hi all | 16:19 |
nosrednaekim | phoenix_: 2.4? do you seriously have a 2.4 kernel? | 16:19 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: but it depends what your issues with 4.0.* are as to whether you consider it an improvement i guess | 16:19 |
phoenix_ | nope, but thats what the walkthrough said for getting this to start. | 16:20 |
phoenix_ | really old executable | 16:20 |
nosrednaekim | better do 2.6 | 16:20 |
farhad_hf | on kubuntu hardy with 512mb ram and nvidia gforce fx5500(256mb) : i installed vga card and compiz, but compiz is laggy and so slow. on utsy i had no problems . what can i do? | 16:20 |
phoenix_ | okay, same error still | 16:21 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: of course. But it is not about specific issues. I've just installed it, and I can't get a good feeling about it. There seems to be many things missing, and a lot is still kde3 | 16:21 |
phoenix_ | Before I did LD_ASSUME it gave me this: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference | 16:21 |
nosrednaekim | farhad_hf: did you install the nvidia driver? | 16:21 |
phoenix_ | Now it gives me: ./wolfgl: error while loading shared libraries: libm.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 16:21 |
nosrednaekim | ok... you need to find what package has "libm: | 16:22 |
nosrednaekim | "libm" | 16:22 |
farhad_hf | nosrednaekim: farhad@Kubuntu-desktop:~$ glxinfo | grep directdirect rendering: Yes | 16:22 |
nosrednaekim | farhad_hf: i see | 16:22 |
nosrednaekim | you should probably ask in #compiz-fusion | 16:23 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: well thats just going to take time to catch up feature wise. They have added a lot back in thats missing from kde3, but i don't think its totally there yet, small bits and bobs are not there, nothing that I personally use I think, well, except "3rd party" apps, like kaffeine, which thats not really the kde teams fault | 16:23 |
farhad_hf | nosrednaekim: i tried to install the sh file from nvidia site, i did it, and then xserver didnt start! | 16:23 |
nosrednaekim | right... don't use that one :P | 16:23 |
farhad_hf | nosrednaekim: then i installed from the repositories. nvidia-glx-new | 16:24 |
nosrednaekim | yep..good | 16:24 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: and the stuff thats new has improved a lot to, specifically plasma, adding new panels, resizing them etc is a lot easier (and i would say more flexible than kde3) | 16:25 |
farhad_hf | But the problem is not solved | 16:25 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: also the "knewstuff" has been put to good use, getting new plasma themes, wallpapers, kopete emoticons and some other bits and bobs is as easy as a few clicks again | 16:26 |
nosrednaekim | go through the plugins you have enabled... one of them might be takeing alot of graphics power | 16:26 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: I think I will keep this install on a hold and install 8.04 with kde3 on another partion. I really need to setup a productive desktop first | 16:26 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: yea, that makes sense | 16:26 |
nosrednaekim | ChrisMir: might want to wait for the 4.1beta packages anyway... | 16:26 |
nosrednaekim | they should be coming sometime soon | 16:26 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: although I have to say I been doing trunk builds of kde 4.1 and I don't have much need for kde3 apps | 16:27 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: and like nosrednaekim says the 4.1 beta packages are on the horizon | 16:27 |
ChrisMir | nosrednaekim: I understand. That's why I dont throw awat the partition. But I need to be on the roll on monday and I have a lot to install still | 16:27 |
ChrisMir | away* | 16:27 |
farhad_hf | My ALT+F2 shortcut doesnt work. whats the problem with this one? (kde3.5.9) | 16:27 |
nosrednaekim | farhad_hf: compiz sometimes blocks that | 16:28 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: It is not only the applications but more the polish. I hate it when the desktop sits in the way of my tasks | 16:28 |
farhad_hf | nosrednaekim: with has the problem with kwin too | 16:29 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: can u give me an example? | 16:29 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: As we speak, I tried to go to system settings, then Desktop, BOOM crash. :) | 16:30 |
nosrednaekim | 0,.o | 16:31 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: oh ok lol, never used 4.0.3/4 so i don't know stability for that. I rarely get crashes with this so you might be a bit more impressed by 4.1 for usability and stability | 16:31 |
rophy | i ahave faild with k3b ,BluesKaj | 16:31 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: But it is not about this crash, nor about any application. On this old computer I use quite a lot of software, kde and other stuff. I've got the idea/feeling that if I install these on the kde4 remix, I risk hitting more issues and small quircks. With kde3 I dont | 16:33 |
farhad_hf | nosrednaekim: yes! u were right, plugins are taking alot of graphic power | 16:35 |
ubuntu | Salut lé girls | 16:35 |
ubuntu | Salut lé girls | 16:35 |
ubuntu | Salut lé girls | 16:35 |
ubuntu | Salut lé girls | 16:35 |
ubuntu | Salut lé girls | 16:35 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: well yea i am not saying to use kde4 as production desktop at mo, i mean i agree the 4.0.* series isn't nice (hence i lived on trunk since it came out) and I wouldn't use a beta desktop where you really need it, but i think once 4.1 comes out of better you should be ok, personally | 16:35 |
ubuntu | I LOVE GIRLS | 16:35 |
JoshOvki | ubuntu: shut up or get out | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | don't you mean "les girls" | 16:36 |
ubuntu | why ? | 16:36 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: meant beta not better :P | 16:36 |
SlimeyPete | "les filles", surely | 16:36 |
ubuntu | We can't speak here ? | 16:36 |
JoshOvki | ubuntu: you can speak ontopic | 16:36 |
ubuntu | Oè lé filles ! | 16:36 |
rophy | wow the room has finaly became exciting | 16:36 |
JoshOvki | and not spamming | 16:36 |
JoshOvki | !english | 16:36 |
nubotu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 16:36 |
ubuntu | je spam pa | 16:36 |
ubuntu | ALr TG | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | ubuntu , this room is about kubuntu | 16:37 |
asdfe | hello all | 16:37 |
ubuntu | yes | 16:37 |
ubuntu | Hello | 16:37 |
nosrednaekim | hello asdfe | 16:37 |
asdfe | i installed kubuntu latest to mac, cannot boot | 16:37 |
ubuntu | Ut's for f**** | 16:37 |
asdfe | what to do? | 16:37 |
ubuntu | NOthing | 16:37 |
ubuntu | You can suicid you | 16:37 |
rophy | lol@ubuntu | 16:37 |
ubuntu | =) | 16:37 |
asdfe | cannot boot to kubuntu, mac works | 16:37 |
nosrednaekim | !mac | 16:37 |
nubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE | 16:37 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: I will sure keep an eye on it. I even think if 4.1 packages were ready now, I would use them. But I can;t take the risk waiting much longer ;-) | 16:38 |
asdfe | non | 16:38 |
nosrednaekim | thanks jpds | 16:38 |
nosrednaekim | asdfe: thats not it... hmm | 16:38 |
Deepthought | 'ta geul, ubuntu | 16:38 |
asdfe | I don't see the boot loader, just as usual | 16:39 |
rophy | ta geul ?! what's ta geul a new opearting sys | 16:39 |
* pauljw is away: I'm no longer listening, so why are you still typing?? | 16:39 | |
adz21c | ChrisMir: well yea, i mean if you need to get going u need to get going u know, just wanted to reassure you kde4 isn't a mess ... 4.0.x was just never designed to be used as a production desktop thats all | 16:39 |
BluesKaj | rophy, don't encourage silliness | 16:39 |
bazhang | !away > pauljw | 16:39 |
nosrednaekim | asdfe: I don't think grub works with macs.. but i'm no expert | 16:39 |
bazhang | Deepthought, english please | 16:39 |
jpds | bazhang: hmm, no bot | 16:39 |
nosrednaekim | !bot | 16:40 |
nubotu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 16:40 |
rophy | BluesKaj: juat allowing somefresh air to flow | 16:40 |
rophy | just* | 16:40 |
BluesKaj | stick your head outside | 16:40 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: I understand (btw, it wasn't me who said kde4 is a mess) | 16:40 |
bazhang | rophy please stay on topic | 16:40 |
jpds | bazhang: or not.. | 16:40 |
bazhang | jpds, :) | 16:40 |
Deepthought | rophy: it means shut up in french | 16:41 |
forsakensoul1 | hello I've been having some problems with the network configurations | 16:41 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: wasn't it? fair enough lol, well i atleast got that impression from what you were saying, i mean i believe you did say you didn't like where it was going | 16:41 |
bazhang | Deepthought, please stop | 16:41 |
Deepthought | bazhang: sorry | 16:41 |
forsakensoul1 | I'm almost sure I've put all the ip's and everything in their place | 16:41 |
forsakensoul1 | but it still doesn't work | 16:41 |
asdfe | nosrednaekim: ok, just found out that I need to press th eopt key to select disk | 16:41 |
asdfe | report back soon with results | 16:41 |
rophy | thanx for being so welcoming ...( u r basterds in korean) | 16:41 |
forsakensoul1 | I have 2 lan cards with two different network providers | 16:41 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: Thought I did say I didnt like what I was seeing, merely reflecting for my situation. | 16:41 |
forsakensoul1 | could that be a problem | 16:41 |
bazhang | rophy, no swearing please | 16:42 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: ok, my bad then :-) | 16:42 |
nosrednaekim | forsakensoul1: that certainly makes things complicated :P | 16:42 |
forsakensoul1 | ohh .... | 16:42 |
* pauljw is back (gone 00:03:22) | 16:42 | |
rophy | wasnt a swear was a joke | 16:42 |
forsakensoul1 | well I told me friend to get himself of router like me but :D | 16:42 |
bazhang | rophy, these are family friendly channels; please not even as a joke | 16:42 |
bazhang | !away > pauljw | 16:43 |
rophy | okai I am sorry :S | 16:43 |
rophy | shall i go outta the class | 16:43 |
ChrisMir | The 3d window switcher I saw a screenshot of, is that 4.1? | 16:43 |
forsakensoul1 | nosrednaekim is there any documentation I can follow to configure then | 16:43 |
forsakensoul1 | ? | 16:43 |
melkart | (konqueror 3.5.8) when i go to http://www.politikpla.net/forum/index.php i am being told that i need to have javascript enabled... but i *do* have it enabled... | 16:44 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: yea, theres 2 3d types | 16:44 |
Deepthought | bazhang; it was meant for that ubuntu troll; but you' re right; better not pay attention at all; and when rophy asked I just figured I'd answer his question... But I' refrain from stuff like that from now; it just messes up a nice channel... ;-) forgive me | 16:44 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: one is Vista like, the other has them on like a conveyer belt type thing | 16:44 |
bazhang | Deepthought, thanks | 16:44 |
forsakensoul1 | has anyone had experience with setting the network configs on a pc with 2 lan cards and 2 providers ? | 16:45 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: Cool. Just wanted to know not looking for them in my current installation ;-) | 16:45 |
asobi | anyone way to check if a maxtor onetouch 4 is asleep and if not, how to make it sleep? | 16:45 |
nosrednaekim | asobi: say "One Touch! are you awake?" | 16:45 |
rophy | so i am the only bad here | 16:45 |
rophy | lol | 16:45 |
nosrednaekim | and if it says "yes master" then its awake | 16:45 |
nosrednaekim | but if it says "shut up my slave" then better ut it to sleep :P | 16:46 |
bazhang | rophy, please take chat to #kubuntu-offtopic as this channel is for support only | 16:46 |
asobi | is this #kubuntu-joke now? | 16:46 |
nosrednaekim | :) | 16:46 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: :-) it is quite a neat feature. KWin is catching up with compiz on eye candyness ... although some probably wont consider it there till it has "the cube" ... although I hate the cube so i dont care :P | 16:46 |
nosrednaekim | adz21c: the cube is a SOC project | 16:46 |
forsakensoul1 | has anyone had experience with setting the network configs on a pc with 2 lan cards and 2 providers ? | 16:47 |
rophy | okai okai i 'll shut up in french | 16:47 |
adz21c | nosrednaekim: ok, thats cool | 16:47 |
ChrisMir | adz21c: the cube is only there to show off with your friends, but it aint really usefull | 16:47 |
bazhang | forsakensoul1, have heard of it; not an easy task though--will check for you in a moment | 16:47 |
adz21c | ChrisMir: agreed | 16:47 |
forsakensoul1 | ok thank you | 16:47 |
bazhang | forsakensoul1, it this gutsy or hardy | 16:48 |
romunov_ | maaan | 16:48 |
romunov_ | i can't write to my FAT32 partition... again | 16:48 |
forsakensoul1 | well we're trying to make them on gutsy so we can update to hardy because we have no spare disks in the moment to install hardy | 16:48 |
Odd-rationale | there are a couple features that would be nice to have in kwin: the ability to be able to tab windows together, and to be able to combine/separate workspaces. | 16:48 |
ChrisMir | brb | 16:49 |
forsakensoul1 | is it easier to se it up on hardy ? | 16:49 |
bazhang | forsakensoul1, you have internet connection though? you can upgrade via the net without doing the 2 lan 2 provider trick you know :) | 16:49 |
forsakensoul1 | we;; | 16:49 |
forsakensoul1 | well ... I'm in win in the moment | 16:49 |
forsakensoul1 | :D | 16:49 |
psyco | Is there a way to get the Windows font pack for linux?? | 16:49 |
bazhang | !fonts | psyco | 16:50 |
Odd-rationale | psyco: try msttcorefonts | 16:50 |
nubotu | psyco: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 16:50 |
zippo_ | hello | 16:50 |
psyco | Thank you ^^ | 16:50 |
zippo_ | can someone tell me how to install codex for mp3 format? | 16:50 |
Odd-rationale | !restricted | zippo_ | 16:50 |
zippo_ | becouse i cannot play some music | 16:50 |
nubotu | zippo_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 16:50 |
bazhang | zippo_, kubuntu-restricted-extras | 16:50 |
zippo_ | why? | 16:50 |
forsakensoul1 | zippo_ there you have the needed codecs for mp3 and avi and other "restricted" formats | 16:51 |
bazhang | zippo_, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 16:51 |
Odd-rationale | zippo_: kubuntu-restricted-extras will give you mp3 playback | 16:51 |
zippo_ | ? | 16:51 |
zippo_ | thanks | 16:51 |
forsakensoul1 | bazhang .. so what is the difference between the settings in hardy and gusty | 16:52 |
bazhang | zippo_, you may also need to get win32codecs from www.medibuntu.org | 16:52 |
bazhang | forsakensoul1, hang on a sec :) | 16:52 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=648646 forsakensoul1 please read this first | 16:55 |
forsakensoul1 | ok | 16:55 |
forsakensoul1 | well bazhang we don't have a modem ... no router ... just two lan cards ... | 16:59 |
bazhang | forsakensoul1, then it is cable or what? | 16:59 |
forsakensoul1 | cable | 16:59 |
forsakensoul1 | 2 actually :D | 17:00 |
digitalhead | I'm having some trouble getting my Olympus FE-210 to work on Kubuntu 7.10. It tries to initialize for a few minutes and then digikam has an error saying that it failed to list the files. Any help on this? | 17:00 |
Azzmodan | What's the best way to configure my gtk apps to blend into kde4? | 17:00 |
bazhang | forsakensoul1, it is called ethernet bonding;that it is cable should not matter | 17:00 |
bazhang | Azzmodan, which app | 17:00 |
forsakensoul1 | well .... | 17:01 |
Azzmodan | All apps really, but xchat is the one I have open at all times :) | 17:01 |
Azzmodan | I was under the impression there where some "engine" thing sor something for gtk so that gtk apps would use kde widgets and such | 17:01 |
nosrednaekim | !gtk | 17:02 |
nubotu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 17:02 |
bazhang | Azzmodan, apart from coding them all in qt4, you may just have to suffer (or switch to kde versions) :) | 17:02 |
nosrednaekim | !gtk-kde | 17:02 |
nubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gtk-kde, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi | 17:02 |
nosrednaekim | sorry stdin :P | 17:02 |
nosrednaekim | bazhang: no.. there is a gtk theme | 17:02 |
stdin | msg the bot, please ;) | 17:02 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim, for qt3 iirc | 17:02 |
nosrednaekim | bazhang: for kde 4 as well | 17:03 |
nosrednaekim | stdin: haha I will :) | 17:03 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim, ah thanks-->remember the name? | 17:03 |
nosrednaekim | gtk-qt-engine-kde4 | 17:03 |
bazhang | thanks nosrednaekim | 17:04 |
Azzmodan | Does it happen to be in the normal ubuntu repositories? | 17:04 |
bazhang | Azzmodan, you see that? | 17:04 |
nosrednaekim | Azzmodan: it is :) | 17:04 |
Azzmodan | Thanks | 17:04 |
benedito | hi ;) how are you | 17:04 |
nosrednaekim | hello benedito | 17:05 |
Azzmodan | Is there a way to always run a certain app as root, a passwordless sudo like something? | 17:05 |
nosrednaekim | no | 17:06 |
Azzmodan | I don't believe that :) | 17:06 |
nosrednaekim | well... its be very hacky... and not secure at all | 17:06 |
benedito | im brasil ;) | 17:06 |
mammad81 | hi | 17:06 |
mammad81 | i'm | 17:06 |
nosrednaekim | !pt | 17:06 |
mammad81 | i habe a problem with kubuntu | 17:06 |
nubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 17:06 |
nosrednaekim | what is it mammad81? | 17:07 |
Azzmodan | It can be secure if it generates a proper image of the application that is to be ran as root | 17:07 |
digitalhead | is anybody else having trouble getting kubuntuforums to load? | 17:07 |
mammad81 | can somebody help me | 17:07 |
Azzmodan | I need to run synergy as root or else it'll stutter like hell :( | 17:07 |
nosrednaekim | Azzmodan: you can start it on boot.... put it in rc.local | 17:07 |
mammad81 | i instalied kde in ubuntu | 17:07 |
nosrednaekim | unless it needs to be started with X | 17:07 |
mammad81 | and work successfull | 17:08 |
nosrednaekim | !enter | mammad81 | 17:08 |
nubotu | mammad81: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 17:08 |
mammad81 | but then i cant run synaptic un gnome | 17:08 |
Azzmodan | I think it has to be ran with X | 17:08 |
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nosrednaekim | Azzmodan: you can add a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d then | 17:08 |
mammad81 | ok nubtu: | 17:08 |
Azzmodan | Will that fire it up as root? | 17:08 |
nosrednaekim | I THINK... they are run as root, not sure | 17:09 |
bazhang | mammad81, please describe the issue on line with some clarity thanks :) | 17:09 |
Azzmodan | I'll try that then, thanks | 17:09 |
nosrednaekim | Azzmodan: they have special conventions though... make sure you google how to make one.. | 17:09 |
Azzmodan | Having to enter my sudo password to run synergy is really not an option seeing how synergy is the thing that allows me to type to this machine :) | 17:09 |
mammad81 | installed kde in ubuntu succseffully/ but now i cant running synaptic in gnome | 17:10 |
nosrednaekim | mammad81: does it give an error? | 17:10 |
bazhang | mammad81, you can use synaptic or adept (kde) | 17:10 |
Azzmodan | mammad81, I think it uses adept by default for kde | 17:10 |
nosrednaekim | I think he's haveing the aptfix problem.. | 17:10 |
mammad81 | yes synaptic in gnome / now i put the error/ | 17:11 |
mammad81 | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 17:11 |
mammad81 | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 17:11 |
nosrednaekim | yes... ok | 17:11 |
nosrednaekim | !aptfix | mammad81 | 17:11 |
nubotu | mammad81: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 17:11 |
darkouam | salu ya qqn qui parle francais ici ??? | 17:11 |
bazhang | mammad81, run that command also see the bot link | 17:11 |
nosrednaekim | !fr | 17:11 |
nubotu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 17:11 |
mammad81 | i do that, but that command was this output / | 17:13 |
mammad81 | Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ... | 17:13 |
mammad81 | update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-17-generic | 17:13 |
mammad81 | gzip: stdout: No space left on device | 17:13 |
mammad81 | update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-17-generic | 17:13 |
mammad81 | dpkg: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 17:13 |
bazhang | !paste | mammad81 | 17:13 |
nubotu | mammad81: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 17:13 |
benedito | im not speech inglês, im speech brasileiro (brazil) ;) | 17:13 |
bazhang | !br | 17:14 |
nubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 17:14 |
bazhang | benedito, see above :) | 17:14 |
Azzmodan | so now that I instakked gtk-qt-etc how do I tell gtk to use the new engine? | 17:14 |
mammad81 | i'm soory , its my fist time that using IRC &LONversation | 17:14 |
benedito | im speech +/- inglês | 17:14 |
bazhang | benedito, type /join #ubuntu-br :) | 17:15 |
benedito | what ? | 17:16 |
benedito | you not speech brasileiro ? | 17:17 |
nosrednaekim | mammad81: BTW, your disc is full.. | 17:17 |
bazhang | benedito, type /join #kubuntu-br | 17:17 |
benedito | full is you | 17:17 |
mammad81 | bazhang:whats'that | 17:17 |
bazhang | mammad81, he does not speak english | 17:18 |
benedito | ok ;) people bye | 17:18 |
Jsn0327 | I'm having a very hard time trying to add my printer in hardy. Can anyone give me a hand? | 17:18 |
mammad81 | so now, what am idoing? | 17:19 |
Jsn0327 | I went in to system settings/printers and went into administration mode, but when i goto add "printer/class" is greyed out | 17:19 |
benedito | people im not speak iglês, good bye ;) | 17:20 |
benedito | boa tarde pra toodos ;) | 17:21 |
psyco | does anyone eleses firefox 3 have no scroll bar?? | 17:31 |
bazhang | psyco, which page | 17:32 |
psyco | bazhang: Like ALL of firefox. There is no scroll bar at the side | 17:33 |
psyco | firefox 3 beta 5 | 17:33 |
ubuntu | hola | 17:33 |
bazhang | psyco, screenshot? | 17:33 |
bazhang | !es | ubuntu | 17:33 |
psyco | sec | 17:34 |
nubotu | ubuntu: Aquà solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allà obtendrá más ayuda. | 17:34 |
psyco | XD | 17:34 |
ubuntu | Gracias | 17:34 |
sinak | hi. I just installed kubuntu 8.04 and I'm having problems with the number of desktops. I cannot change it | 17:34 |
bazhang | sinak, in compiz or normal | 17:35 |
sinak | both | 17:35 |
bazhang | sinak, two separate issues | 17:35 |
sinak | mm.. | 17:36 |
sinak | lets begin from compiz | 17:36 |
bazhang | compiz: ccsm-->general-->virtual horizontal desktops set to 4 sinak | 17:36 |
osman | hi everybody | 17:36 |
bazhang | sinak, for the cube | 17:36 |
osman | I have a problem | 17:37 |
bazhang | osman, need a question :) | 17:37 |
osman | when I log out, black screen appears and nothing else | 17:37 |
nehuen | wena.. | 17:37 |
psyco | Ok here is my firefox, the scrollbar at the side is not there: http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/6628/nscrollhq4.png | 17:37 |
bazhang | nehuen, english please | 17:37 |
osman | I have to ctrl+alt+delete | 17:38 |
osman | kdm doesn't come when I log out | 17:38 |
osman | just a black screen | 17:38 |
bazhang | psyco, what about when you disable compiz | 17:38 |
psyco | I'll try. | 17:39 |
sinak | bazhang number of desktops is disabled | 17:39 |
sinak | I cannot change it | 17:39 |
psyco | still no scroll bar.... | 17:40 |
bazhang | sinak, you got 3d drivers for your card? | 17:40 |
sinak | yes | 17:40 |
bazhang | psyco, you quit and restarted ff as well? | 17:40 |
sinak | glxgears says 5500 fps | 17:40 |
psyco | Yup | 17:40 |
bazhang | sinak, you got ccsm installed? | 17:40 |
sinak | yes | 17:41 |
bazhang | sinak, what is its name | 17:41 |
sinak | compizconfig settings manager | 17:41 |
bazhang | sinak, what about alt-f2 compiz --replace what does that do | 17:41 |
bazhang | psyco, how did you disable compiz | 17:43 |
sinak | It did something like restart X | 17:43 |
psyco | I ran kwin --replace | 17:44 |
bazhang | sinak, something like? was there a brief flicker? | 17:44 |
sinak | the screen went black for a sec and return as usual | 17:44 |
bazhang | sinak, and advanced desktop effects manager is okay now? | 17:45 |
bazhang | psyco, I had that before; iirc it is a prob with compiz and ff | 17:46 |
sinak | no. when I'm going to Desktop Size tab, i cant change Number of Desktops | 17:46 |
psyco | bazhang: Alright, i just wanted to know, its not a problem with me | 17:46 |
bazhang | sinak, not number | 17:47 |
bazhang | sinak, horizontal virtual | 17:47 |
bazhang | !netsplit | 17:47 |
TimS | :( | 17:48 |
sinak | yes | 17:48 |
sinak | horizontal virtual is to 4 bazhang | 17:48 |
bazhang | sinak, you were looking at the wrong option | 17:48 |
TimS | ubotu was on that :o | 17:48 |
sinak | and vertical virtual is 4 too | 17:48 |
bazhang | sinak you cant change the other unless you want a 24 sided cube :) | 17:48 |
bazhang | sinak, set vert virt to 1 | 17:49 |
sinak | no I don't want this :-) | 17:49 |
jaakkome | is there a way to detach a started application from the konsole session it was started on? | 17:49 |
bazhang | jaakkome, in xserver or not | 17:49 |
jaakkome | e.g. I have started kopete from the konsole | 17:50 |
bazhang | jaakkome, add & | 17:50 |
sinak | bazhang i have set horiz virt to 4, verti virt to 1 | 17:50 |
jaakkome | aa | 17:50 |
jaakkome | thanks! | 17:50 |
sinak | but still i cannot change number of desktops | 17:50 |
bazhang | sinak now try alt f2 kwin --replace then alt f2 compiz --replace once more | 17:51 |
bazhang | sinak, you want some really huge cube is that it? | 17:51 |
sinak | not huge cube | 17:51 |
sinak | i want 4 desktops | 17:51 |
sinak | a 4 sized cube | 17:52 |
bazhang | normal cube then :) | 17:52 |
sinak | alt f2 doesn't work now :-( | 17:52 |
bazhang | then in konsole kwin --replace | 17:53 |
pteague | is there a way to print out a pdf to a graphic file? | 17:54 |
amoweb_ | hi chan! | 17:55 |
sinak | bazhang thanks a lot! | 17:55 |
sinak | it works! | 17:55 |
ubuntu_ | Salut | 17:55 |
bazhang | sinak append & to stop it from going away when you close konsole | 17:55 |
jaakkome | I have a hotkey bound to start konsole with hotkeys, but I can't get it to start at my home directory instead of / | 17:56 |
ubuntu_ | Hi ! | 17:56 |
tonsam2 | salut tout le monde | 17:56 |
ubuntu_ | Nobody foor answer to Me ? | 17:56 |
ubuntu_ | euh un françai | 17:56 |
bazhang | jaakkome, it always starts at / | 17:56 |
ubuntu_ | Salut | 17:56 |
jaakkome | I tried "ScreenSaver=konsole /home/jaakkome" in my hotkeys.conf, but doesn't seem to work | 17:56 |
bazhang | !fr | 17:56 |
amoweb_ | I've a little probem with KDE i can't add a virtual desktop... | 17:56 |
jaakkome | hmm | 17:56 |
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bazhang | ubuntu_, /join #kubuntu-fr | 17:57 |
jaakkome | but my konsole button in the Kpanel starts konsole at the home dir | 17:57 |
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bazhang | jaakkome, my mistake; always at home | 17:58 |
bazhang | amoweb_, go into ccsm general virtual horizontal desktops and set there | 17:59 |
jaakkome | well the one started by the hotkey doesn't | 17:59 |
NekosolTeraDyne | Anyone know what the link to the freenode registration tutorial is? | 17:59 |
bazhang | !register | 18:00 |
tinin | my kdm screen is bigger than my desktop, do you know where could I configure this? | 18:00 |
NekosolTeraDyne | bazhang: the bot is currently offline | 18:01 |
NekosolTeraDyne | Ah, here it is: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering | 18:02 |
=== avihayb_ is now known as avihayb | ||
jonathan_ | i just installed kde 4.0.4 | 18:04 |
jonathan_ | but kcontrol still says that i'm using kde 3.5.9 | 18:04 |
jonathan_ | i think i have to change it in kdm | 18:04 |
jonathan_ | but how do i do this? | 18:04 |
amoweb_ | bazhang: what's ccsm? | 18:04 |
luca | 2 | 18:04 |
elaine_ | how do i get the flash wmv etc plugins installed for firefox? | 18:05 |
jonathan_ | amoweb_: ccsm is the control panel for compiz fusion | 18:05 |
tinin | elaine_ I recommend you to use the media player connectivity extension | 18:07 |
tinin | so you can launch each tipe of video with the player you want | 18:08 |
ign0ramus | hey all... having some java problems... seems i have the icedtea-java7-bin package installed, and I cannot remove it | 18:09 |
amoweb_ | i can't open the compiz fusion control panel | 18:09 |
DarthFrog | Does anyone know how to import bookmarks, etc. from konqueror in KDE3 to konqueror in KDE4? | 18:09 |
amoweb_ | I just activated the 3D interface with the system menu -> Desktop Effect | 18:09 |
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tinin | also you can insall the latest beta of Adobe flas player downloading it here the "Plugin for Linux (TAR.GZ, 3.73 MB)" elaine_ just extract and run it from a command window: ./flashplayerinstaler... | 18:10 |
tinin | http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html | 18:11 |
tinin | if you get some errors with the extensions check Compatibility just ask, theres a workaround for that elaine_ | 18:12 |
jhutchins | Of course, that completely breaks package management as far as apt is concerned. | 18:12 |
Azzmodan | Dolphin doesn't seem to be generating thumbnails for my pictures/movies, am I missing something? | 18:13 |
ign0ramus | !java | 18:13 |
ign0ramus | !info java | 18:13 |
Azzmodan | Is it possible to have dolphin use double clicks instead of single? | 18:13 |
tinin | no bot yet | 18:13 |
ign0ramus | oic... | 18:13 |
ign0ramus | does anyone know how to symlink java jre to firefox 2? | 18:13 |
Dragnslcr | Azzmodan- System Settings -> Keyboard | 18:14 |
Dragnslcr | Azzmodan- it's a global KDE setting | 18:14 |
tinin | firefox 2? why? | 18:14 |
ign0ramus | tinin: why what? | 18:14 |
tinin | why don't you use ff3 | 18:15 |
Dragnslcr | Azzmodan- In the Mouse part of Keyboard & Mouse, that is | 18:15 |
ign0ramus | tinin: because only 3 of my 29 add-ons work, and its still beta | 18:15 |
tinin | haha | 18:15 |
bazhang | amoweb_, compizconfig-settings-manager | 18:16 |
Dragnslcr | It isn't actually beta anymore | 18:16 |
Dragnslcr | RC1 came out this week | 18:16 |
Azzmodan | Dragnslcr, I found it, thanks | 18:16 |
tinin | I only foun one that does not work for me, so I use it under wine when needed ign0ramus | 18:16 |
tinin | if you get some errors with the extensions check Compatibility just ask, theres a workaround ign0ramus | 18:16 |
ign0ramus | dragnslcr: you are correct; but its still not a stable release, and add-on support is severely lacking | 18:16 |
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Dragnslcr | I've found all of the later beta versions to be as stable as FF2 | 18:17 |
ign0ramus | tinin: well, the stable release will be out sometime in June, so I can wait... there's still stuff to be worked out | 18:17 |
Dragnslcr | As for add-on support, that's the add-on developers' faults, not Mozilla's | 18:17 |
ign0ramus | but upon a "apt-get upgrade" i accidentally installed ff3, and it broke all add-on support in ff2 - i had to delete the extensions.rdf file in ~/.mozilla to get them back | 18:18 |
tinin | about:config -> new boolean -> extensions.checkCompatibility -> false | 18:18 |
ign0ramus | dragnslcr: i'm not blaming mozilla for that, but i'd rather wait until i can use my add-ons. it's like v4l2 and flash-based apps... its not the fault of linux, but it still sucks that they aren't compatible | 18:19 |
ign0ramus | tinin: that doesn't work for most add-ons, plus it makes your browser even more unstable | 18:20 |
ign0ramus | tinin: it did work for adblock plus on beta 5, though ;) | 18:20 |
tinin | well, for me it works for my addons | 18:20 |
tinin | but yeah, firefox has always been unstable for me, maybe because I tend to force it ;) | 18:21 |
ign0ramus | ya think? :) | 18:21 |
tinin | maybe its my fault | 18:21 |
ign0ramus | i | 18:21 |
ign0ramus | im just hoping that Flash10 will stop freezing up FF at random. that would be sweet | 18:21 |
tinin | wow | 18:22 |
tinin | no | 18:22 |
tinin | it sucks | 18:22 |
ign0ramus | its beta | 18:22 |
tinin | but runs a bit faster | 18:22 |
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ign0ramus | i tried it, and it completely crashed ff so many times, i went back to flash9, which at least only freezes. that's better, i guess, right? | 18:22 |
ign0ramus | alright, i'm going to google some more to get my jre plugin working. | 18:23 |
tinin | ff has always crashed for me if I open more han 2 windows with flas, no matter the version, but I think it is because fo some addon I've got (flashblock, Addblock, MP connectivity...) | 18:23 |
ign0ramus | thanks for the converstation | 18:23 |
ign0ramus | tinin: could be... i have the same issue | 18:24 |
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tinin | because if you use it without extensions (safe mode) it runs well | 18:24 |
graxaim | [14:31] --> root has joined this channel (n=root@ | 18:31 |
graxaim | there was a time that all linux channels had an autokick "root is lame" ^^ | 18:31 |
Azzmodan | I remember my irc clients whining about that too :) | 18:32 |
crs | graxaim: good old times. ;-) | 18:32 |
bazhang | !ot | graxaim | 18:32 |
graxaim | lol | 18:33 |
graxaim | I guess the bot is away | 18:33 |
bazhang | graxaim, but I am here | 18:33 |
graxaim | or maybe splitted.. I see the "old times" of netsplit are comming back | 18:33 |
bazhang | graxaim, chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | 18:33 |
graxaim | script kiddies packeting the hubs? | 18:33 |
jackault | This is unsettling. | 18:34 |
graxaim | I wont chat | 18:34 |
graxaim | I'm leaving for lunch | 18:34 |
graxaim | cya | 18:34 |
jackault | I've lost a mouse. I'm using the numeric pad with with mouse keys turned on and I can't figure out how to right click. | 18:34 |
jackault | Plus insert and del seem to be doing random things based on whether or not I've pressed / or *. Wtf. | 18:35 |
jackault | How do I right click with mouse keys? | 18:35 |
nosrednaekim | jackault: better do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 18:36 |
nosrednaekim | and reset your keyboard settings | 18:36 |
jackault | But is there no standard button for right click? | 18:40 |
jackault | ^ nosrednaekim | 18:40 |
dru | sup people .... anyone got any good ... ideas about.... id like to give some backtrack apps a shot...without the rpm nastyness( installers complications n stuff) ....anyone know where i can find like a software list (backtrack contents) so i can get them for kubuntu ? | 18:40 |
bazhang | dru, check backtrack site | 18:41 |
nosrednaekim | jackault: well, not if its getting all screwed up. | 18:41 |
dru | yeah they dont provide much of a list content .... | 18:42 |
bazhang | dru, what apps you need | 18:42 |
pabloncho | hello. | 18:42 |
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nosrednaekim | hello pabloncho | 18:43 |
dru | bazhang: well i wanted to hydra my server... had some xhydra probs with it in kubuntu.... id also be trying to crack my wifi wep...other things like general terminal apps like kismec* | 18:44 |
dru | i coould also just find the app contents on the cd and kinda find kubuntu equivilants | 18:45 |
Crell | Hi all. Is there a decent midi player for Kubuntu? I've a midi file that I've tried opening in Amarok and in Kaffeine, and both complain "No plugin found to handle this resource". | 18:45 |
bazhang | dru, what about running backtrack in either livecd or vm | 18:45 |
Crell | There's no patent issues with midi, is there? :-) | 18:45 |
dru | any ideas where i would find program contents on *any linux distP? | 18:45 |
bazhang | dru, distrowatch.com has some of them | 18:46 |
NekosolTeraDyne | Crell: kmid is a good one. And no, I don't think there is | 18:46 |
dru | bazhang...yeah well live sure works...just in the case of dictionaries and general security setups... live isnt very safe unless you go thru the rigmorole ...thats rigmarole is what id like to learn | 18:46 |
bazhang | dru, what I meant was check for apps in livecd mode then try and find kubuntu equivs | 18:47 |
Crell | Thanks. How come that's not in the multimedia package by default? | 18:47 |
NekosolTeraDyne | Crell: Probably the same reason there's no image manipulator by default: no room for it on the disc. | 18:48 |
Crell | Silly CDs... | 18:48 |
nosrednaekim | Crell: I believe there are ubuntu studio discs | 18:48 |
nosrednaekim | which would have that | 18:48 |
dru | bezhang isnt there like an applications folder equiv to os x es app folder for every linux dist? | 18:48 |
dru | what is it | 18:49 |
jackault | But you can pretty much do basic things like rotate from dolphin itself so it's cool. | 18:49 |
Crell | Hm. OK, Kmid is playing the file, complete with Karaoke tips. :-) But there's no audio. | 18:49 |
dru | crell ...terminal :alsamixer | 18:49 |
NekosolTeraDyne | Hmm... Dang. I don't know why... We need the bot... | 18:49 |
bazhang | dru, not used backtrack for a long while; but its much more pared down then ubuntu et al | 18:49 |
dru | yeah thats really true... | 18:50 |
Crell | Ugh, the terminal version. :-) Which volume setting am I looking for? | 18:50 |
dru | i coul ask in the remote room | 18:50 |
dru | the ones that say mm | 18:50 |
dru | *mute | 18:50 |
Crell | It's not on mute. I can play an mp3 just fine. | 18:50 |
dru | gotta love it :D | 18:50 |
dru | cool | 18:50 |
NekosolTeraDyne | Crell: Try this page > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Midi/SoftwareSynthesisHowTo?highlight=%28MIDI%29 | 18:51 |
Crell | Hm. I'm not doing authoring, just playback. | 18:52 |
NekosolTeraDyne | Actually, that's a guide to get MIDI sound working | 18:53 |
Crell | ... Why exactly do I need to use 3rd party repositories just to play a midi file? | 18:54 |
NekosolTeraDyne | Who knows. That's the ONLY decent guide I've found, though. Maybe there really is a patent issue with MIDI, but I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know. | 18:55 |
* Crell sighs. | 18:56 | |
wastrel | xmms-midi is in universe | 18:56 |
wastrel | kmid is in main | 18:57 |
NekosolTeraDyne | wastrel: xmms is not in the Hardy repos | 18:57 |
Crell | I have kmid installed, it's just not giving any audio. | 18:57 |
* Crell is on Gutsy atm. | 18:57 | |
wastrel | xmms-midi is in hardy | 18:58 |
NekosolTeraDyne | wastrel: O_o; then why isn't XMMS itself in hardy? | 18:58 |
wastrel | iono | 18:58 |
Crell | Wow. xmms-midi doesn't have a dependency on xmms. | 18:59 |
Crell | That's just weird. :-) | 18:59 |
Crell | OK. xmms plays the midi fine. KMid still does not. | 19:00 |
* Crell scratches his head. | 19:00 | |
Crissi | hello | 19:00 |
Crissi | i have problems with kubuntu hardy... | 19:01 |
cbr | why isn't irssi 0.8.12-3ubuntu4 built for i386 yet? | 19:01 |
Crissi | http://paste.debian.net/4776/ | 19:01 |
Crissi | http://paste.debian.net/4779/ | 19:02 |
Crissi | x crash with sig11 | 19:02 |
mrksbrd | does anyone know why my xserver might restart when I have desktop effects turned on, & when i click on something in system settings | 19:03 |
yao_ziyua1 | my video card is ati radeon 9200 with 3d acceleration. do i need to install additional driver packages? | 19:04 |
mrksbrd | is this a bug that i may have discovered in 8.04? | 19:04 |
Crissi | yes | 19:04 |
Crissi | but i found the reason.. / was full | 19:05 |
|Dreams| | how can i make mediatomb start when my pc boots? | 19:05 |
mrksbrd | NOS....u on?? | 19:06 |
wastrel | i'm installing kubuntu-desktop | 19:07 |
dennis_p | how do i automount internal media partitions? | 19:08 |
nashk | Hi | 19:09 |
nashk | I've installed 8.04 & very often, after an hour or so of use my desktop freezes | 19:10 |
DarthFrog | nashk: That happened to me with Gutsy. | 19:10 |
nashk | even when I hist ctral + alt + del it deosn't exit | 19:11 |
nashk | but instead freezes completely | 19:11 |
nashk | DarthFrog, really, what did you end up doing? | 19:11 |
DarthFrog | nashk: Giving up on Gutsy and kept on with Feisty until Hardy was released. Hardy works fine. | 19:11 |
nashk | Hmm, must a hardware onfig issue | 19:12 |
nashk | I wrote a script that outputs ps into a file every minute | 19:12 |
nashk | after the crash I inspected it, but nothing is wierd in there | 19:12 |
nashk | I wonder how to debug this. | 19:12 |
nashk | are there any kde logs? | 19:12 |
mrksbrd | whats the konsole command to d/l java??? | 19:13 |
pim | apt-get install java? | 19:14 |
mrksbrd | tried that didn't work | 19:14 |
mrksbrd | does the ver 3 have to be added as well? | 19:14 |
mrksbrd | # | 19:14 |
igno | try <aptitude search java> and install the package you need | 19:15 |
mrksbrd | let me try...ty | 19:16 |
NickPresta | sun-java6-jre is the package you want (assuming you just want the JRE) | 19:19 |
montel | hello | 19:21 |
NickPresta | hi, montel | 19:21 |
montel | how do u make programs start up when u login? | 19:22 |
NickPresta | !autostart | 19:23 |
NickPresta | montel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KubuntuAutostart | 19:24 |
montel | yeah? | 19:24 |
mrksbrd | installed bin jre and plugin & sun's website still not detecting plugin | 19:24 |
montel | are u using mozilla 3 or 2? | 19:25 |
mrksbrd | firefox 2 | 19:25 |
montel | hold on a second. | 19:25 |
mrksbrd | let me try a reboot again of browser | 19:26 |
NickPresta | mrksbrd, I have the -bin, -fonts, -jre, and -plugin packages installed and the site detects the plugin fine. It should work for you (after a restart_ | 19:26 |
mrksbrd | trying now | 19:28 |
MeTa | Hi all! | 19:30 |
montel | make sure u have the package "sun-gcj-compact plugin" installed. | 19:30 |
NickPresta | montel, no. the gcj is a different implementation than sun's java | 19:31 |
PaulPolo9 | are talking to me? | 19:32 |
NickPresta | PaulPolo9, no. | 19:32 |
montel | opps | 19:32 |
NickPresta | of course, that isn't to say he can't use the GCJ implementation. :) | 19:33 |
mrksbrd | let me get that package, but so far nothing | 19:34 |
mrksbrd | Couldn't find package sun-gcj-compact | 19:35 |
mrksbrd | sudo apt-get install sun-gcj-compact plugin | 19:36 |
mrksbrd | right??? | 19:36 |
NickPresta | mrksbrd, in firefox, type: about:plugins | 19:36 |
NickPresta | do you see any java plugins? | 19:36 |
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mrksbrd | just showing shockwave & futuresplash | 19:38 |
mrksbrd | hmmm | 19:39 |
montel | whops. i spelt it wrong. its "java-gcj-compat-plugin" | 19:40 |
montel | try that/ | 19:40 |
mrksbrd | k | 19:40 |
josa | woah... that's asking for dozens of other packages to be installed, including firefox-3 | 19:42 |
josa | is it only for firefox-3 or what's that java-gcj... | 19:43 |
montel | i guess. | 19:44 |
montel | hey, im only 12 so im no linux exprert | 19:44 |
mrksbrd | montel I think that worked | 19:46 |
josa | are you using firefox 3 or 2 ? | 19:46 |
montel | 3 | 19:46 |
josa | :(.. i dont like 3 | 19:46 |
montel | me neither. but im trying now to find out a way to get it to work in 2 | 19:47 |
simi | what is the problem with firefox 3? | 19:47 |
josa | i cant remember anymore, lol | 19:47 |
montel | lol | 19:48 |
montel | so you are good to go mrksbrd? | 19:49 |
simi | it is working fine for me, i use the noscript addon for faster and safe browsing | 19:49 |
montel | dose anyone know of a browser that lets me surf annomosly? | 19:49 |
mrksbrd | think so | 19:50 |
montel | :] | 19:50 |
mrksbrd | there is a 3 out now??? | 19:50 |
josa | im now reinstalling firefox-3.. i hope i wont freak out like the last time i tried to use it | 19:50 |
montel | haha. hilarious | 19:51 |
montel | the only thing i dont like is that i cant use google browser sync with it | 19:51 |
simi | did you tried NoScript for FireFox? | 19:53 |
montel | no. | 19:54 |
mrksbrd | is firefox 3 any better or different? | 19:54 |
simi | i like noscript because it uses a white list, and i put in white list only youtube and a few sites | 19:54 |
montel | umm, not really | 19:55 |
montel | ha, | 19:55 |
sigma_1234 | shouldnt those kde 4.1 packages be out by now? | 19:55 |
montel | no idea. | 19:55 |
simi | and the other sites that have lots of comercials in flash can't load them and the pages load faste, and iare sites that show you 5 seconds and anyimation and after the text you was searching for is verry useful | 19:56 |
MeTa | What is the easiest way to create an encrypted kubuntu pendrive? | 19:57 |
simi | sigma_1234: a few hours ago they were not out | 19:57 |
sigma_1234 | simi: what about now? | 19:58 |
simi | sigma_1234: i will search now for you | 19:58 |
sigma_1234 | thanks | 19:59 |
wastrel | so i went in and turned off all the effects but the effects are still active | 19:59 |
simi | sigma_1234: no, you can watch at www.kubuntu.org aor here http://blog.nixternal.com/2008.05.28/hardy-kde-41-beta-packages-soon/ | 20:00 |
nixternal | keep on a watchin', cuz I am a buildin' :) | 20:00 |
nixternal | missing out on a super nice day right now too :( | 20:00 |
=== MeTa is now known as MetaMorfoziS | ||
montel | dose anybody know how to install tarballs? | 20:01 |
sigma_1234 | nixternal: lol thought you were away today. anywhere near completion? | 20:01 |
simi | mortal: it depends of the application complexity | 20:02 |
simi | montel: : it depends of the application complexity | 20:03 |
NickPresta | nixternal, all work and no play makes nixternal a dull boy :) | 20:04 |
mrksbrd | anyone running 8.04? | 20:04 |
romunov | yes | 20:05 |
simi | yes | 20:05 |
mrksbrd | have u attempted enabling desktop effects the clicking on an icon in system settings and have xserver reboot automatically??? | 20:05 |
montel | hary haronnnnnnnnnnnnnn | 20:06 |
mrksbrd | or is it just something that went haywire in my setup | 20:06 |
montel | anyone know how to install vmserver on 8.04? | 20:07 |
nixternal | NickPresta: what commercial is that from? I was saying that other day for some reason and it was stuck in my head | 20:08 |
simi | montel: i sugest to try virtualbox of you just want a virtual machine | 20:08 |
nixternal | sigma_1234: about to reach the 50% mark I would say | 20:08 |
montel | i cant install vista on virtual box. or can i? | 20:08 |
asobiCrash | http://pastebin.com/m6600c357 | 20:08 |
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NickPresta | nixternal, I'm not sure exactly. I don't watch much television (aside from sporting events). Thanks for your hard work getting 4.1 to Hardy. | 20:09 |
simi | montel: vmware is to arge and it does not offer more to a simple use tham VirtuaBox | 20:09 |
mrksbrd | montel just dual boot | 20:09 |
nixternal | only thing vmware has that I wish virtualbox had, a button for taking screenshots | 20:09 |
simi | montel: research on google | 20:10 |
mrksbrd | i run a vista/kubuntu dual boot & works perfectly | 20:10 |
simi | montel: i tried only XP and it works fine | 20:10 |
montel | because like when i tried to intsall vista through virtual box, it would freeze. | 20:10 |
wastrel | hrm | 20:11 |
nixternal | that's vista for ya :P | 20:11 |
simi | montel: what you need Vista? | 20:11 |
ads_ | hi.. what bash commands are available to view open ports on my system or pointers to any guides would be great (im semi-familiar with ss) | 20:11 |
montel | because i have a cell phone that i need windows to sync music to | 20:12 |
nixternal | ads_: sudo apt-get install nmap && nmap localhost | 20:12 |
ads_ | aha i have nmap i guess i should learn the commands :S thanks.. is that the best place to start? is there no group of commands to list services running etc nixternal | 20:13 |
simi | montel: Does not work your cell phone in XP? XP is smaller and eat less resources | 20:13 |
nixternal | ps -e will get you a list of services running | 20:13 |
nixternal | there are so many commands honestly | 20:13 |
ads_ | specifically tcp connections etc | 20:13 |
montel | yes, it dose, but i only have an vista CD | 20:13 |
nixternal | I am willing to bet you can ask which command to do this or that, and everyone that answered would typically be different with pretty much the same results | 20:14 |
nixternal | netstat, arp, nmap are all good places to start | 20:14 |
ads_ | perfect thanks nixternal | 20:14 |
* nixternal goes back to blowing up computers building out 4.1 beta 1 for you hardy peeps :) | 20:14 | |
simi | montel: maye you can find a way to make it running on linux?o | 20:15 |
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ads_ | nixternal: sorry one more thing.. how may i close ports or services im running? (not processes) for e.g ipp | 20:18 |
simi | montel: what Vista do you have? | 20:18 |
montel | home basic | 20:19 |
simi | montel: you must read the icense too ,did you read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=607914 | 20:20 |
simi | it seams to work on virtual box but i belive that the 3d ill not work | 20:20 |
nixternal | ads_: look at /etc/services | 20:21 |
nixternal | ipp 631/tcp # Internet Printing Protocol | 20:21 |
nixternal | ipp 631/udp | 20:21 |
nixternal | ads_: ^^ in /etc/services | 20:21 |
nixternal | just put a # in front of each ipp line | 20:21 |
mrksbrd | good old microsoft | 20:21 |
ads_ | thanks i thought /etc/services was just a refference of ports to protocols oops :S | 20:22 |
nixternal | ads_: actually disregard what I just told you to do | 20:22 |
nixternal | ads_: you are right, I was thinking of the old slackware days there for a sec | 20:22 |
nixternal | now, if I really were in the old slackware days, I would of course told you to RTFM :P | 20:23 |
nixternal | let me see how they changed | 20:23 |
ads_ | haha | 20:23 |
montel | simi: yeah, im just gonna look through torrents and find something. [thanks to mrksbrd] but micrsoft is soo messed up. | 20:23 |
ads_ | in the case of the 'F' in RTFM im sure it wouldnt of been friendly :P | 20:23 |
mrksbrd | is there any way dcc send thru konversation...i've found dcc status but nothing else | 20:24 |
simi | montel: i am sorry for you that you must install 10 Gb of software just for a driver | 20:24 |
mrksbrd | montel;look for xp ultimate edition....even though it is still microcrap it is a good version | 20:25 |
simi | i have the same problem with the video driver | 20:25 |
montel | yeah, well, unless there is an application that can convert mp3s into wma's? | 20:25 |
mrksbrd | simi what card u have? | 20:26 |
simi | ATI mobility m6 ly | 20:26 |
simi | i tried many fixes but i have still dark shapes on the screen | 20:26 |
mrksbrd | is it not detecting it? | 20:26 |
mrksbrd | is your HZ setting right? | 20:27 |
montel | simi: yeah, well, unless there is an application that can convert mp3s into wma's? | 20:27 |
simi | mrksbrd: i mean the 3d effects, the Ati do not provide me a driver | 20:27 |
simi | montel:i do not know, but it is posible | 20:28 |
mrksbrd | i had same problem with my nvidia geforce, come to find out it was listed under hardware drivers manager & just had to enable it properly | 20:29 |
mrksbrd | !wma | 20:29 |
montel | yeah, can you belive that it is illegal to use micrsoft codecs on other OS than Mac in the us? | 20:29 |
macd | Im having a problem with a recent update: http://pastie.caboo.se/206482 | 20:29 |
simi | mrksbrd: i do not know about HZ, i run compiz with a little fix, but i can;t run 3d games | 20:29 |
asobi | how can i mount hdd via user? it keeps saying i need to be root | 20:30 |
montel | why dont u be root then? google it | 20:30 |
cleavis123 | Once I switched from ATI 1950 to a NVIDIA 8800 GTS OC compiz worked great with all my 3d games. | 20:30 |
simi | montel:maybe in novell open suse or linspire? i do not know, nut just forget those idiotic low | 20:30 |
mrksbrd | check under system >>>hardware drivers manager see if your card is enabled | 20:30 |
montel | yeahh. | 20:31 |
mrksbrd | montel: find anything yet? | 20:33 |
simi | montel: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=29024 | 20:34 |
slow-motion | hi | 20:34 |
ads_ | nixternal: im guessing (after googling ) that i can just create a iptables rule "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 631 -j DROP" | 20:34 |
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axel | Hello! What might be a reason why packages are held back when upgrading (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade)? | 20:43 |
mustela | if i've installed the latest kernel update how can i make the -16 generic kernel the default one instead of the -17? | 20:43 |
JanMalte_ | how to merge many odt file into one new odt file? | 20:44 |
JanMalte_ | is there any way? | 20:44 |
mustela | copy and paste probably | 20:45 |
ibilicki | hi... I am trying to make Kubuntu boot from an external USB hard drive without boot USB support, using a floppy... can anyone point me in the right direction? | 20:45 |
ibilicki | without *bios USB support | 20:45 |
simi | mustela: i just know that somewhere is a file named kernel that contains a link to the kernel that is used, i belive that changing that link should work, i do not test this and i sugest to search on google | 20:46 |
pim | How do you format a drive? | 20:47 |
Filipp | pim: Do you want to erase the data, repartition the drive or make a new filesystem? | 20:50 |
pim | I want to make a new filesystem, but I get an error | 20:51 |
Filipp | pim: What typ eof filesystem, and what kind of error? | 20:51 |
pim | /media/disk/ is not a block special device. | 20:51 |
Filipp | are you doing it from the cli? | 20:51 |
pim | mke2fs is the command I'm using | 20:51 |
pim | yes | 20:51 |
pim | http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_to_a_USB_Flash_Drive | 20:52 |
pim | trying to get this to work | 20:52 |
Filipp | ordinarily you'd use that command on an unmounted /dev/hdX or /dev/sdX | 20:52 |
pim | hm | 20:52 |
pim | so you have to do something to an unmounted drive? | 20:52 |
Filipp | I don't know at which part you're at, but the examples say /dev/sdX1, right? | 20:53 |
pim | I'm going with alternative I | 20:53 |
Filipp | have you figured out which /dev/sd is your flash drive? | 20:53 |
pim | No, I thought it was in /media/disk/ | 20:54 |
pim | fdisk -l doesn't seem to do anything | 20:55 |
Filipp | the location /media/disk is just a mountpoint for the device. The device itself is found in /dev/. Even before you choose an alternative, the instructions tell you to find the location of your flash drive using fdisk. It's right below "From within Linux". | 20:56 |
Filipp | It's the tricky part, because you don't want to do all the stuff it says there to any hard drives | 20:56 |
pim | So how do I figure out where my usb is? | 20:58 |
jitendra | pim could u explain ur problem once again | 20:59 |
Filipp | after you plugged it in, was it mounted? Can you list the contents using konqueror or dolphin? And if so, where was it mounted? | 20:59 |
pim | I'd like to install DSL to a memorystick. I have to format the drive first. For further reference see: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_to_a_USB_Flash_Drive | 20:59 |
Filipp | If it was mounted, and you know where (for example, /media/disk), you can use the mount command to find out what the name of the device is. | 21:00 |
pim | Filip yes yes /media/disk/ | 21:00 |
pim | oh? | 21:00 |
pim | just type mount? | 21:00 |
Filipp | yes | 21:00 |
wastrel | how do i disable the menu effect and the bouncy cursor | 21:00 |
wastrel | i've turned them off in the system settings but they didn't stop | 21:00 |
Filipp | wastrel: use a terminal and start kcontrol, the old kde control center. | 21:00 |
pim | /dev/sdf1 on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,uhelper=hal,flush,uid=1000,utf8,shortname=lower) | 21:01 |
Filipp | pim: there you go, your usb key is called /dev/sdf | 21:01 |
pim | ok thanks | 21:01 |
Filipp | the number, /dev/sdf1 is the partition number inside the usb key | 21:02 |
pim | I'd like to navigate to it right now actually, to make sure it really is that | 21:02 |
Filipp | pim: that's smart. Also, you can remove the key and issue the mount command again | 21:02 |
pim | bash: cd: /dev/sdf: Not a directory | 21:02 |
wastrel | i like kcontrol | 21:03 |
Filipp | then, umount the drive and continue the instructions from "From within Linux" | 21:03 |
Filipp | pim: that's correct, you can't browse the /dev/ files like that | 21:03 |
wastrel | Filipp: the settings are the same in there as in the other thing | 21:03 |
afeijo | I wanna start my XAMPP automatcly | 21:03 |
afeijo | currently I have to open konsole and type xampp start | 21:03 |
Filipp | pim: They're actually streams. You could cat the rwaw device, but it's not useful right now | 21:04 |
romunov | maaaaaaan | 21:04 |
jitendra | pim it is a block device file not a directory | 21:04 |
romunov | my fat32 partition just stops working - i can't write to it several hours after reboot | 21:04 |
pim | I though everything in linux was treated as a file. | 21:04 |
Filipp | pim: True, but that doesn't mean you can make sense of it like that. Video files, when watched as text, also don't make any sense, right? | 21:05 |
afeijo | any hint? | 21:05 |
pim | You're right Filipp | 21:05 |
jitendra | pim u got it right it is a block device file not a directory. | 21:05 |
Filipp | afeijo: You could make a desktop file in .kde/Autostart | 21:05 |
Filipp | pim: Good luck, gotto go now | 21:07 |
pim | how do I umount something, it won't let me since it thinks it's busy | 21:08 |
jitendra | u might be using directory from X or console | 21:09 |
jitendra | pim make sure u r not in /media/disk | 21:09 |
pim | Oh that's the problem | 21:09 |
pim | :-D | 21:09 |
partha_ | pim: the umount app has an option -f which you can use to force the unmount. But you should read the man page before you do that | 21:10 |
pim | Well the problem was that I was in the dir | 21:10 |
afeijo | .kde/Autostart, I add a symbolic there? | 21:10 |
afeijo | cant remember the symbolic command, wtf... I'm shamed | 21:12 |
partha_ | ln -s ?? | 21:12 |
afeijo | yes, thanks hehe | 21:13 |
wastrel | do people use kmail | 21:13 |
afeijo | my command need a parameter, so ln isnt the solution. I will create a bash file | 21:14 |
partha_ | Hell yeah, I usee kmail everyday. | 21:14 |
wastrel | for some reason kmail isn't in the kde menu | 21:14 |
=== nick_ is now known as mudge | ||
wastrel | nor is korganizer | 21:15 |
partha_ | wastrel: did you install kmail and korganizer_ | 21:15 |
partha_ | ? | 21:15 |
afeijo | ops, my bash file doesnt run when I type his name on konsole | 21:15 |
afeijo | I set chomod 777 | 21:16 |
mudge | hey Kubuntu people | 21:16 |
partha_ | wastrel: if you installed kmail just press alt+f2 and type kmail and press enter | 21:16 |
mudge | why do you like Kubuntu more than Ubuntu? | 21:16 |
jpds | mudge: we like kde? | 21:17 |
mudge | haha, jpds, i guess that's the obvious answer | 21:17 |
mudge | i wonder if there's any other difference | 21:17 |
afeijo | mudge: n | 21:17 |
afeijo | kmail | 21:18 |
jpds | mudge: best try them both out, and make up your mind :) | 21:18 |
afeijo | can I have both on the same system? | 21:18 |
jitendra | afeijo: definitely yes | 21:19 |
mudge | jpds: okey dokey | 21:19 |
wastrel | partha_: yes i know, just wondering if there's a different client since it wasn't in the menu for whatever reason | 21:20 |
wastrel | what's the difference between kontact and korganizer? | 21:22 |
sigma_1234 | dam i rely can't wait for the 4.1 packages! | 21:23 |
wastrel | are we getting backports? | 21:23 |
sigma_1234 | korganizer is a kontact component | 21:23 |
sigma_1234 | thats what i heard. i hope so. i dont have intrepid | 21:24 |
partha_ | wastrel: I know it isn | 21:24 |
partha_ | wastrel: 't in the menu. | 21:24 |
partha_ | wastrel: for some weird reason | 21:24 |
afeijo | jitendra: cool | 21:24 |
afeijo | why my bash file doenst run when I type it name? only with sh name? | 21:24 |
sigma_1234 | its like kmail. it can run alone. kontact just draws all of them together | 21:25 |
wastrel | oic | 21:25 |
sigma_1234 | poor nixternal is burning the oil making those packages! | 21:25 |
jitendra | afeijo: u need to use ./filename or use sh filename | 21:27 |
afeijo | I added that file to my .kde/Autostart, will work? | 21:28 |
afeijo | will it run when system power on? | 21:28 |
jitendra | i am not very sure. i have never tried | 21:29 |
nashk | is it posible to resize photos in Dolpine? | 21:29 |
nashk | *Dolphin | 21:29 |
afeijo | it wont, has to run as root... | 21:29 |
afeijo | time to google about it | 21:29 |
sigma_1234 | use gimp for that | 21:29 |
sigma_1234 | !info gimp | 21:29 |
nashk | sigma, So no plugin for Dolphin? | 21:29 |
nashk | I can rotate them, but no function to resize, it seems. | 21:30 |
sigma_1234 | dolphin kde3 or kde4? | 21:30 |
nashk | 3 | 21:30 |
jitendra | afeijo: .ked is specific to a user not root. so u r placing file in .kde it is applicable to that particular user only | 21:30 |
sigma_1234 | they dont develop that one anymore | 21:31 |
afeijo | ops, removing | 21:31 |
afeijo | so I need /etc/rc.local | 21:31 |
afeijo | done, soon I will test it :) | 21:33 |
afeijo | when I run my lampp thru 'sudo lampp start', it run within my session? I dont want apache to close when I leave the session | 21:33 |
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=== paolo is now known as ElGringo | ||
pim | /dev/sdf has no x86 boot sector | 21:47 |
pim | how do I create one? | 21:48 |
pior | Hi | 21:57 |
dru | hey any one know what is with the firefox plugin for flash player ....its missing :install-xj0..rdf ...any other options to install ' | 21:58 |
dru | ? | 21:58 |
Pliskin | have you installed flashplugin-nonfree ? | 21:59 |
dru | no ... thanks ill check that | 22:00 |
Pliskin | de rien | 22:00 |
dru | ahhh | 22:00 |
dru | the extra repos | 22:00 |
pim | What would I use to burn an iso to a disk? | 22:04 |
NickPresta | pim, k3b? | 22:05 |
james__ | K3b | 22:05 |
pim | k3b ok | 22:05 |
NickPresta | its a nice application. I think you'll find it does what you need it to do | 22:05 |
pim | Ok I'll check it out | 22:06 |
pierre_ | Hi ! When compiz is activated, I'm inside the cube and the rotation show only the inside !!! | 22:09 |
NickPresta | pierre_, there is a configuration variable in the options somewhere to change that | 22:09 |
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte | ||
pierre_ | NickPresta, well I searched but didn't find .. I'll try more | 22:10 |
NickPresta | pierre_, ask in #compiz-fusion. I'm sure they can tell you instantly | 22:11 |
pierre_ | Many thanks | 22:11 |
james__ | Are you using the Advance Desktop Effect Setting | 22:12 |
Deepthought | pierre, you cab adjust in advanced desktop settings-trning cube; choose between inside and outside | 22:12 |
pierre_ | [james] yes | 22:13 |
Deepthought | inside looks better anyway | 22:13 |
pierre_ | Solved - Many thanks again | 22:16 |
tinin | hi, how could I run multiple x sessions? | 22:16 |
tinin | how could I start another graphical session with icewm on a different virtual desktop (Ctrl+Alt+F1), what's the command? | 22:17 |
james__ | I didnt know you can do that | 22:18 |
messiah | kubuntu-es please | 22:24 |
aygian | ooooooooooooola | 22:26 |
jonathan_ | hello! i've question | 22:34 |
jonathan_ | how can i completly delete files with kubuntu? | 22:35 |
gwp | how come linux locks up the sound card to one device and wont give multiple devices access to it, and how do i change this? | 22:35 |
jonathan_ | if i just select them and press "delete" theyre moved to the trash | 22:35 |
jonathan_ | but i just want to delete them ^^ | 22:35 |
jonathan_ | how can i do this? | 22:35 |
NickPresta | jonathan_, hold shift + delete | 22:35 |
jonathan_ | ok thank you | 22:35 |
sigma_1234 | boys im off to sleep. will i get a kde4.1 surprise when i wake up? | 22:39 |
jonathan_ | does anyone know wheter theres a filesystem that works on both linux and windows? | 22:43 |
SlimeyPete | jonathan_: what's wrong with ext? | 22:44 |
SlimeyPete | you can get ext drivers for Windows. | 22:44 |
SlimeyPete | and you can get ntfs drivers for Linux... | 22:45 |
Giskard_Reventlo | Hi. My user-level KDE menus are all messed up after I upgraded to kubuntu from another distro. How do I replace them with kubuntu defaults? | 22:46 |
jonathan_ | but i'm traveling a lot, exchanging data with friends etc... And then it would be nice to have the external drive working after plugin it in my friends pc that uses windows | 22:48 |
jonathan_ | ext3 is nice, | 22:49 |
jonathan_ | i didn't have a problem with it right now! | 22:49 |
SlimeyPete | jonathan_: fat32 is rubbish but it works with everything... | 22:50 |
jonathan_ | lol ok | 22:52 |
jonathan_ | hm | 22:52 |
jonathan_ | i think i gonna use my ext3 until the ntfs-driver for linux supports ntfs drives :D | 22:53 |
jonathan_ | thanks for the information ;) | 22:53 |
=== prof7bit_ is now known as prof7bit | ||
gwp | how come linux locks up the sound card to one device and wont give multiple devices access to it, and how do i change this? | 22:54 |
Sw0rdF1sh | i love kubuntu | 22:58 |
Sw0rdF1sh | lol | 22:58 |
gwp | it is quite awesome | 22:58 |
=== Sw0rdF1sh is now known as Sw0rdF1sh|AFK | ||
ahmed_ | hi all | 22:59 |
gwp | hows it going | 22:59 |
gwp | !dmix | 23:02 |
gwp | why doesnt sudo kate work and what would be the proper command? | 23:15 |
adz21c | gwp: kdesudo kate | 23:15 |
adz21c | gwp: but if this is for kde4 then u need to provide the path to kate as well | 23:16 |
gwp | whats the default path? | 23:16 |
adz21c | gwp: if ur using kde4 then u wanna be putting 'kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kate' | 23:16 |
gwp | thank you | 23:17 |
adz21c | gwp: np | 23:17 |
gwp | anyone know the command to download dmix? | 23:19 |
JoshOvki | dmix isnt packaged | 23:20 |
gwp | crap, where would I get it? | 23:20 |
damien__ | sudo get dmix | 23:20 |
damien__ | Oh wait, sorry. | 23:21 |
damien__ | Didn't read josh0vki's message. | 23:21 |
gwp | kdesudo katen I get it? | 23:23 |
=== benedito is now known as benedito_ | ||
gwp | what the shit | 23:23 |
JoshOvki | gwp: why not use kmix? | 23:23 |
JoshOvki | oh i see different thing | 23:24 |
gwp | kdesudo katehe same time | 23:24 |
gwp | . | 23:24 |
gwp | my keyboared must be messing with me | 23:24 |
gwp | id like to play WoW and listen to mp3s same time, will kmix allow that? | 23:25 |
=== benedito_ is now known as benedito | ||
JoshOvki | gwp: you can listen 2 music and play games at the same time | 23:26 |
JoshOvki | or you should be able to by default | 23:26 |
gwp | no, when I play WoW i cant hear audio from the mp3, inless I play the mp3 first, then I cant hear wow when i run it | 23:26 |
JoshOvki | gwp: oh, i havnt seen that before sorry | 23:27 |
sterna | re | 23:28 |
sterna | if i installed to an encrypted disk partition using 8.04 alternate desktop cd | 23:28 |
sterna | does this mean i have to worry because of the openssl random number generator vulnerability? | 23:28 |
benedito | BAY ;) | 23:37 |
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aly | could anyone tell me what program to open .dvi files in? thanks | 23:57 |
axel | Hello! I got some problems after activating 3D-effects in Kubuntu. There are no windows boarders any more. How to get them back again? | 23:59 |
carsten | eg. kylex ... with gui ... good to use | 23:59 |
carsten | open und works very good with latex-docs | 23:59 |
aly | ok, thanks | 23:59 |
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