zzasd | hmm | 00:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | zzasd May we help you | 00:47 |
zzasd | not you | 00:47 |
zzasd | but some one else can | 00:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fine.. | 00:47 |
PriceChild | zzasd: what do you need? | 00:47 |
zzasd | Not to be rude but i dont care much for you | 00:47 |
zzasd | :) | 00:47 |
zzasd | price can we take this via pm | 00:47 |
PriceChild | oh is this flipster? | 00:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | Price it was my ban | 00:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | yep | 00:48 |
zzasd | zzz exactly | 00:48 |
zzasd | why i would rather not speak to you | 00:48 |
zzasd | and there is also a kline on my nick when i was told that i would be unbanned if i came back in 2 weeks | 00:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | I checked.. I removed my ban as promised | 00:50 |
elky | we have nothing to do with klines | 00:50 |
zzasd | well whats up with the kline | 00:50 |
PriceChild | zzasd: Unfortunately I will not be around long enough to talk to you about things, but I would appreciate knowing why you feel you can't talk to Jack_Sparrow. | 00:51 |
PriceChild | elky: Jack_Sparrow: please see ML | 00:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | PriceChild np.. HE thinks I left my ban up.. | 00:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | ML ? | 00:52 |
zzasd | well how come when i cannect with flip it says badpassword that would be a kline | 00:52 |
=== zzasd is now known as flip | ||
flip | nvm | 00:52 |
PriceChild | That is not a kline. | 00:52 |
flip | any way uh whats the open ssl packages | 00:52 |
PriceChild | flip: this isn't a support channel. | 00:53 |
flip | well no one in the support channel seems to know | 00:53 |
flip | dont want to get banned for repeating my self again | 00:53 |
elky | try asking somewhere else like the forums or the mailing list then | 00:54 |
PriceChild | flip: everyone here is in the support channel, so if noone there knows, nobody here knows. | 00:56 |
PriceChild | jacmailing list | 00:56 |
PriceChild | Jack_Sparrow: mailing list | 00:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 00:56 |
elky | PriceChild, a new mail since 6 hours ago? | 00:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | PriceChild Sorry to sound dumb here.. but what about the mailing list? I have never used them | 01:00 |
PriceChild | elky: yep | 01:01 |
elky | PriceChild, still en transit to me then | 01:01 |
PriceChild | Jack_Sparrow: you should be subscribed to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-irc | 01:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | k.. | 01:01 |
elky | or at least checking the archives occasionally | 01:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | Just subscribed... | 01:02 |
ubottu | Daisuke_Laptop called the ops in #kubuntu (Taza) | 01:17 |
Mez | mneptok, good call on the ban. I only removed as I hadnt fully read lastlog yet (was followed by a ping) | 01:22 |
mneptok | Mez: he had been asking for it for a while. | 01:24 |
* Mez hadnt read the log. | 01:24 | |
Mez | but would have placed a ban after reading it | 01:24 |
mneptok | Mez: as you can tell by his last comment, i gave him plenty of opportunities to change behavior. | 01:24 |
Mez | you got there first | 01:24 |
elky | someone mentioned him earlier too | 01:26 |
elky | if it's who i think you're referring to | 01:26 |
mneptok | Taza | 01:29 |
ubottu | astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu () | 01:56 |
Hobbsee | oh, nasty. | 04:55 |
Hobbsee | the new services have broken my aliases | 04:55 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: yes, it sucks, too. | 04:57 |
Hobbsee | nalioth: i thought they were supposed to be great and all singing and all dancing? | 04:59 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: no, broken aliases suck | 05:00 |
Hobbsee | oh, i see. | 05:02 |
Hobbsee | ooh, topic append, too | 05:02 |
Hobbsee | oh, boring. they require valid email addresses now. | 05:04 |
nalioth | should cut down greatly on troll accounts | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | woot! finally an enforce mode, too | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | email memos! | 05:07 |
Hobbsee | hurrah! | 05:07 |
nalioth | makes GuestXXXXX nicks upon enforcement | 05:07 |
Hobbsee | like oftc does. yeah. | 05:08 |
Hobbsee | not that i really need it now though | 05:08 |
jussi01 | !mce is foo | 06:10 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, jussi01 | 06:10 |
jussi01 | !-mint | 06:10 |
ubottu | mint is <alias> derivatives - added by LjL on 2008-01-24 22:57:27 | 06:10 |
jussi01 | !-derivatives | 06:11 |
ubottu | derivatives aliases: mint, linuxmce, ultimate - added by LjL on 2008-01-24 22:57:06 - last edited by Pici on 2008-05-22 18:07:00 | 06:11 |
jussi01 | !mce is <alias>derivatives | 06:11 |
ubottu | I know nothing about mce is <alias>derivative yet, jussi01 | 06:11 |
jussi01 | !no, mce is <alias>derivatives | 06:11 |
ubottu | I'll remember that jussi01 | 06:11 |
jussi01 | !mce | 06:11 |
ubottu | The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate | 06:11 |
Myrtti | moin | 07:26 |
ubottu | Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu (graxaim) | 08:01 |
Myrtti | humm | 08:02 |
elky | rmrf'er coming | 08:02 |
Myrtti | !danger | 08:02 |
ubottu | DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 08:02 |
Myrtti | ok, so it works | 08:02 |
elky | in PM: | 08:02 |
elky | <graxaim> no thanks. | 08:02 |
elky | <graxaim> =D | 08:02 |
elky | <graxaim> bye! | 08:02 |
graxaim | changed idea | 08:03 |
graxaim | I am so bored. | 08:03 |
nalioth | bored? | 08:03 |
elky | that's not an excuse to ruin other people's day, and possibly lose their data | 08:03 |
graxaim | ^^ | 08:03 |
Myrtti | bored???? | 08:03 |
Myrtti | BORED? | 08:03 |
graxaim | that's your PoV | 08:03 |
Myrtti | POV? | 08:03 |
Myrtti | BORED? | 08:04 |
elky | graxaim, that's the Ubuntu POV. | 08:04 |
nalioth | point of view, Myrtti | 08:04 |
Myrtti | omlawd | 08:04 |
tonyyarusso | No, that is the Ubuntu community's POV, and while here you will follow it. | 08:04 |
elky | if you cannot comply with it, we must ask you to leave. | 08:04 |
Myrtti | nalioth: I know | 08:04 |
graxaim | yeap it's 4AM in the morning, it's freezin' around here | 08:04 |
elky | we do not care | 08:04 |
Myrtti | BORED? | 08:04 |
graxaim | I will follow if I WANT and WHENEVER I WANT, I just don't care.. you can ban me I will just go away =D | 08:04 |
* elky calms Myrtti | 08:04 | |
elky | graxaim, then please leave any and all ubuntu channels now. | 08:04 |
Myrtti | graxaim: see you on the other side then | 08:04 |
graxaim | you can G-LINE me, you can AKILL me, do whatever you please =D | 08:04 |
Myrtti | ta-tah | 08:05 |
graxaim | actually, I will start fearing all this stuff when IRC starts popping out from my computer screen... | 08:05 |
gramm | thanks ops | 08:05 |
Myrtti | /csremove graxaim rm -rf /dev/graxaim "ooops" | 08:06 |
elky | gramm, who are you? | 08:06 |
gramm | elky: a guy that has (in the past) foolishly done the command that graxiam uttered | 08:06 |
elky | :) | 08:07 |
gramm | elky: i really have no tolerance for any of that stuff... it makes linux as a whole look bad, and especially ubuntu | 08:07 |
elky | yeah, we know | 08:07 |
gramm | is there a way you can get the bots to respond to that particular string? something like a warning perhaps? | 08:08 |
tonyyarusso | gramm: Technically speaking, we probably could, but my guess is that it wouldn't be particularly effective, since people would just start obscuring it with scripting and escape codes or something dumb like that. | 08:09 |
Myrtti | yup, and we do have !danger | 08:10 |
gramm | tonyyarusso: is there a way the devs can build a warning into the "rm" command, for any path argument that resolves to / ? | 08:10 |
elky | it wont stop the ones that will only go to PM to get it through either | 08:10 |
tonyyarusso | gramm: no idea frankly | 08:10 |
Hobbsee | gramm: it already does, afaik. | 08:11 |
* Hobbsee finds something to try it with | 08:11 | |
Myrtti | rm --preserve-root | 08:11 |
gramm | elky: good point, Hobbsee heh, cool. | 08:11 |
gramm | well, im off to bed, thanks again. | 08:12 |
Myrtti | straight from 'man rm' | 08:12 |
nalioth | gramm: there are many commands that are dangerous if misused | 08:12 |
Hobbsee | gramm: okay, my bad, it does wrok | 08:12 |
Hobbsee | -bash: /bin/rm: No such file or directory | 08:12 |
Hobbsee | root@saturn:/# ls | 08:12 |
Hobbsee | -bash: ls: command not found | 08:12 |
Hobbsee | works very quickly, too | 08:12 |
gramm | Hobbsee: humph, good brainstorm idea. | 08:12 |
Myrtti | alias rm=rm --preserve-root | 08:13 |
elky | Hobbsee, on a small system without much in /home, sure | 08:13 |
Hobbsee | elky: well, this was a gutsy chroot, so... | 08:13 |
Myrtti | nite, gramm | 08:13 |
gramm | nite Myrtti, all | 08:14 |
Hobbsee | gramm: already filed as https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/coreutils/+bug/174283 | 08:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 174283 in coreutils "rm does not preserve root by default" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 08:14 |
Hobbsee | bah. | 08:14 |
Myrtti | /me wonders... | 08:16 |
elky | oh, i notices the loser continued to pm me after he quit here... | 08:20 |
elky | <graxaim> you didn't let me finish! | 08:20 |
elky | <graxaim> lol | 08:20 |
elky | <graxaim> I was pouring some more sarcasm around... | 08:20 |
elky | * graxaim has quit (Client Quit) | 08:20 |
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu | ||
ompaul | something went wrong | 08:41 |
ompaul | in two years of saturday morning unbans I have never had that happen | 08:41 |
elkbuntu | had what happen? | 08:42 |
ompaul | some how I selected bans I had no intention of unbanning | 08:42 |
elkbuntu | ooh | 08:42 |
ompaul | I have rebanned two that need to be there | 08:43 |
elkbuntu | oh i see | 08:43 |
ompaul | note my last word before I left | 08:44 |
ompaul | I knew something was wrong so kept as much as I could by killing the session | 08:44 |
ompaul | looking though the list the worst of those I know of are ban in action | 08:45 |
ompaul | back | 08:45 |
elkbuntu | did you get all the proxy vhosts? | 08:45 |
ompaul | in action | 08:45 |
ompaul | no idea flipping though the back scroll | 08:45 |
elkbuntu | powershells.eu for example | 08:46 |
elkbuntu | silenceisdefeat.org | 08:46 |
elkbuntu | do you have the full list, or would you like a pastebin? | 08:47 |
elkbuntu | im not going to go putting any back in, too many cooks i think | 08:47 |
ompaul | I am putting them back in by searching for them | 08:48 |
elkbuntu | ompaul, you rather just banned *!*@* | 08:50 |
ompaul | did I | 08:50 |
nalioth | well, it should be quiet for a while, then :| | 08:51 |
elkbuntu | hehehe | 08:51 |
elkbuntu | a lovely 3 minutes | 08:51 |
ompaul | elkbuntu, full list of proxy shells? | 08:52 |
ompaul | or vhosts | 08:52 |
ompaul | or the fullllll list of what I did I have that | 08:52 |
elkbuntu | sure, gimme a min | 08:52 |
ompaul | I am only looking for the proxy shells but I think I have the worst offenders | 08:53 |
elkbuntu | http://pastebin.ca/IARbE0aM (oops) | 08:54 |
elkbuntu | once you've got it, i'll remove the paste. | 08:55 |
ompaul | elkbuntu, I have that list | 08:55 |
ompaul | already | 08:55 |
renegade444 | Hi. I just found out I'm banned from #ubuntu, and I don't know why. I was told that I could ask here and find out what I did wrong. | 08:55 |
ompaul | I am working form it | 08:55 |
ompaul | renegade444, you should not be | 08:55 |
ompaul | I made a little bobo | 08:55 |
ompaul | boo boo | 08:55 |
ompaul | *!*:* | 08:55 |
ompaul | *!*@* | 08:55 |
renegade444 | you did it to me ompaul? lol | 08:56 |
ompaul | that is I banned the whole planet | 08:56 |
ompaul | you should be able to join now | 08:56 |
renegade444 | and yes, I'm unbanned now | 08:56 |
renegade444 | thanks | 08:56 |
Hobbsee | bad ompaul. *sigh* :) | 08:56 |
* ompaul bans Hobbsee | 08:56 | |
ompaul | :P | 08:56 |
* Hobbsee can unban herself, at least at the moment. | 08:57 | |
elkbuntu | no need for you to hang around in here, renegade444 | 08:57 |
renegade444 | yup, was just logging channel, thanks all | 08:57 |
ompaul | :P | 08:57 |
ompaul | I think I got the proxies | 08:57 |
elkbuntu | i really wonder about people who dont think to read up to where things changed when things go awry | 08:57 |
ompaul | I got one or two of the worst offenders | 08:58 |
elkbuntu | im inclined to just leave it as is. we'll find the rest as they pop up over the weekend | 08:58 |
ompaul | yeap | 08:58 |
ompaul | check the list of you see anyone I did not catch go for it | 08:58 |
ompaul | now for the bad news | 08:58 |
ompaul | I am heading out for breakfast | 08:58 |
ompaul | my usual Saturday morning feast | 08:59 |
ompaul | back in a couple of hours | 08:59 |
elkbuntu | liar. you broke the world and you're running off to exile. admit it. | 08:59 |
ompaul | hahahaaha | 08:59 |
ompaul | ok you found me out etc | 08:59 |
ompaul | at least it was not on purpose :-) | 09:00 |
ompaul | hehehe | 09:00 |
elkbuntu | excellent. our agents will be around to find you shortly. they'll be wearing black shades. | 09:00 |
Hobbsee | with needles? | 09:00 |
elkbuntu | if you call those things protruding from the 2x4 to be 'needles', sure | 09:00 |
ompaul | I have the pen with the red flash I am the original man in black | 09:00 |
ompaul | anyay away with me | 09:01 |
* Hobbsee snorts | 09:02 | |
* SWAT wanted to erase the last 24 hours from ompaul's mind, but accidentally erased the last 24 years | 09:37 | |
Myrtti | /me notes graxaim just joined #xubuntu and is happy that she has ops flag now there too | 09:40 |
elkbuntu | haha | 09:41 |
elkbuntu | time for mind games | 09:41 |
* elkbuntu whistles innocently | 09:42 | |
bazhang | grazaim joined ubuntu a bit back then just left | 09:42 |
elkbuntu | yes, well he was only ever muted | 09:42 |
bazhang | err -z +x | 09:43 |
elkbuntu | the kid has imagination... | 09:45 |
elkbuntu | <graxaim> I thought you would do something more harmful, like banning me forever or maybe even sending me some poo through fedex! | 09:45 |
bazhang | :) | 09:46 |
Myrtti | lol | 09:46 |
Myrtti | /me wonders what he's up to | 09:50 |
Hobbsee | "no good" | 09:50 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
stdin | nalioth: (or anyone with access to ubot3), we need a replacement bot in pretty much all channels | 11:33 |
stdin | I can't reach the host ubottu is on | 11:33 |
stdin | wb jussi01 | 11:59 |
SNuxoll | http://pastebin.com/m1efff6a | 12:00 |
Seeker` | ouch | 12:02 |
SNuxoll | uhm, just a little ;( | 12:02 |
Seeker` | I cant do anything about that myself sadly | 12:03 |
Seeker` | stdin: *prod* | 12:03 |
jpds | SNuxoll: which room? | 12:04 |
Seeker` | ah, someone with super powers :) | 12:04 |
jrib | !test | 12:04 |
stdin | I have no +o in #ubuntu | 12:04 |
stdin | (which is probably a good thing for my sanity) | 12:04 |
Seeker` | #ubuntu jpds | 12:04 |
jpds | SNuxoll: looks like he's gone | 12:05 |
SNuxoll | jpds, yes | 12:06 |
jrib | stdin: I think PriceChild could help you lose your sanity again | 12:07 |
Seeker` | jpds: what would you have done if they were still in the channel? | 12:08 |
SNuxoll | anyways, I'm off to bed | 12:10 |
SNuxoll | deal with that however you see fit, I need some sleep | 12:11 |
jpds | Seeker`: well, might of removed, but.. | 12:11 |
Seeker` | ..? | 12:11 |
jpds | nevermind | 12:12 |
* ompaul is back | 12:17 | |
ompaul | and looking into #ubuntu I see something I don't like want your first ban forward from me? | 12:17 |
ompaul | jrib, check the real name of that user as soon as you give them the doc they are going to be banned | 12:18 |
ompaul | sorry the ident | 12:18 |
* ompaul wants to shoot pidgin for not taking global values and having users take care of it themselves | 12:19 | |
jrib | ompaul: I'll speak with him about it | 12:19 |
ompaul | jrib, then I won't do anything | 12:20 |
stdin | just so we all know, nubotu there is my bot. seeing as ubottu and ubot3 aren't here, and no other bots are, I've put it into #ubuntu and #kubuntu | 12:22 |
stdin | it has basic capability (factoids only), hopefully it won't need to be used for long | 12:23 |
jussi01 | Hopefully my server will be back up soon - aparrently the isp is changing ips around, Im trying to get more info on eta, but hopefully soon | 12:24 |
jrib | ompaul: handjob is apparently his username, do you know of an easy way for him to change that on pidgin? | 12:24 |
ompaul | jrib, I gladly know nothing of pidgin | 12:26 |
ompaul | other than the colour purple | 12:26 |
jrib | heh | 12:26 |
ompaul | jrib, it appears that they choose names in the startup window | 12:27 |
ompaul | so even the screen name can be changed if nothing else | 12:27 |
jrib | ompaul: "username" setting in advanced seems to do it | 12:28 |
ompaul | ack | 12:28 |
jrib | hmm, it always feels strange when the joins and quits fill up my window without a single message | 12:32 |
jussi01 | jrib: you have a small window? | 12:33 |
jrib | jussi01: yeah ~25 lines | 12:33 |
* ompaul uses a gui app in full screen mode | 12:35 | |
ompaul | old timeritis | 12:35 |
jussi01 | ompaul: me also :) | 12:35 |
ompaul | Myrtti, ^^ new phrase for ya | 12:35 |
jussi01 | usually anyway | 12:35 |
jrib | I can't just stare at irc, I need a browser and maybe a text editor too | 12:35 |
jussi01 | jrib: get 2 screens like me... | 12:36 |
jrib | jussi01: yeah, I should | 12:36 |
PriceChild | btw would appreciate feedback on what i proposed to the ML | 12:38 |
* PriceChild runs off again | 12:38 | |
jrib | any idea who greeko13 was? | 13:03 |
bazhang | yeah georgij | 13:05 |
bazhang | banned for abuse/piracy talk/offtopic/foul language iirc | 13:06 |
Myrtti | huagh. hot. | 13:32 |
Myrtti | I was thinking that I might start running a supybot on kapsi | 13:35 |
ompaul | ruiboon, what can we do for ya? | 13:43 |
ompaul | bazhang, scroll back here a couple of hours | 13:44 |
ompaul | PriceChild, Myrtti ^^ to the point where I typed help and then forward | 13:44 |
ompaul | ruiboon, again what can we do for ya? | 13:44 |
ruiboon | ompaul: the ubuntu bot (donno what it is called now) seems to be missing in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-bugs | 13:44 |
ompaul | ahh the bot proper is dead for a couple of hours (blame its isp) | 13:45 |
ompaul | we have a temp bot in #ubuntu | 13:45 |
ruiboon | ompaul: i see. thanks for that info(: | 13:45 |
ompaul | cheers | 13:45 |
ruiboon | cheers too | 13:45 |
Myrtti | ompaul: hm? | 13:51 |
ompaul | my mass unban which was not on purpose therefore I can claim an accident still not sure what I did | 13:51 |
bazhang | ompaul, graxaim is georgij/greeko? | 13:52 |
Myrtti | yeah, noticed it | 13:52 |
Myrtti | bazhang: nope | 13:52 |
bazhang | thanks! that's informative :) | 13:53 |
jpds | robg_'s back? | 13:57 |
jpds | and confusing nette | 13:58 |
ompaul | jpds, let me look | 14:00 |
ompaul | I had a serious accident with banning eariler | 14:00 |
ompaul | or unbanning more to the point | 14:00 |
ompaul | nothing too bad yet | 14:01 |
Gary | did you unban all? | 14:05 |
ompaul | no | 14:05 |
ompaul | client tried to but I quit | 14:05 |
ompaul | I had to reintroduce some | 14:05 |
ompaul | no Idea how it picked all of them | 14:06 |
* ompaul is kinda of annoyed about that | 14:06 | |
stdin | I just got word, ubottu won't be back up until monday | 14:07 |
stdin | so we need to organise a replacement | 14:08 |
Hobbsee | ouch | 14:09 |
Seeker` | :O | 14:11 |
* ompaul goes to #ubuntui | 14:15 | |
Myrtti | I would like to try to run a replacement bot for some of the channels anyway | 14:26 |
Myrtti | would someone want to walk me thru it? | 14:27 |
Myrtti | now that I'm using kapsi to irc, I might as well use myrtti.fi to run a supybot | 14:27 |
* Hobbsee wonders when canonical will host the bot. | 14:27 | |
PriceChild | I've been poking elmo semi repeatedly. | 14:28 |
ompaul | robj_ has been given a serious removal | 14:37 |
ompaul | sorry | 14:37 |
ompaul | robg_ has been given a serious removal | 14:37 |
PriceChild | If nobody wants to comment on my ML by this evening I'll decide everyone agrees. | 14:38 |
PriceChild | by this evening, i mean 7-8 hours depending on what i feel like :) | 14:38 |
Hobbsee | PriceChild: general agreement from here, but i'm not sure that removing people who are on irc still, but not on those channels, is so helpful, just in case fo emergencies. | 14:40 |
ompaul | Hobbsee, publish and be damned | 14:40 |
ompaul | hehe | 14:40 |
PriceChild | Hobbsee: That is not what I have suggested. | 14:40 |
PriceChild | Hobbsee: I'm talking about people who have disappeared, or who have resigned. | 14:41 |
* ompaul fail! | 14:41 | |
Hobbsee | PriceChild: guess i'm just wondering on your criteria of 'resigned' then. | 14:41 |
PriceChild | " - By not active, I don't mean those who are still involved with ubuntu | 14:41 |
PriceChild | in devel." | 14:41 |
PriceChild | Maybe I should have made that a little clearer.. | 14:41 |
Myrtti | I didn't understand that at all | 14:42 |
Hobbsee | neither, really | 14:42 |
Myrtti | I don't know about you native speakers but that "in devel" is a bit vague | 14:42 |
Hobbsee | i assumed it meant people who were still working for canonical, who had ops in the main channels ages ago,b ut aren't there now | 14:42 |
PriceChild | it'll all be done case by case | 14:43 |
nubotu | In #ubuntu, nanoprobe said: !anyone is there a way to enable Fn key in linux so i can use it? | 14:43 |
PriceChild | my criteria of "resigned" is you and seveas basically, who have submitted resignations to the lists | 14:43 |
elkbuntu | i dont consider hobbsee fully resigned however. | 14:44 |
Myrtti | on holiday | 14:44 |
* Hobbsee looks at exactly what her mail said | 14:44 | |
PriceChild | I guess I misunderstood "I've decided to step down from regular operator duties, | 14:44 |
jrib | why not create a list of the users whose ops will be removed, post that to the mailing list, and if no one objects after a few days, do it | 14:44 |
PriceChild | in all user-land channels." | 14:44 |
PriceChild | then | 14:44 |
Hobbsee | regular != emergencies, last i checked. | 14:45 |
elkbuntu | i'd hate for there to be a situation where she could help out if it were to the point of desperation -- which does not fall under regular | 14:45 |
* elkbuntu speaks hobbseeish | 14:45 | |
Hobbsee | elkbuntu: which is relatively common, in australian circles, too | 14:45 |
Hobbsee | elkbuntu: :) | 14:45 |
PriceChild | I have frequented those channels less in recent months, so it makes | 14:45 |
PriceChild | little sense for me to be one of the listed operators, and one of the | 14:45 |
PriceChild | mediators, of those channels, and of #ubuntu-ops. | 14:45 |
PriceChild | I guess I misunderstood the above also then....? | 14:46 |
* Hobbsee thought we had lists of active ops somewhere. | 14:46 | |
Hobbsee | oh well. take me off then, and make sure you're around to deal with AU day if elky's not there. | 14:46 |
PriceChild | So by listed operators, you didn't mean the access lists? | 14:47 |
elkbuntu | Hobbsee, note that i dont op from work | 14:47 |
Hobbsee | elkbuntu: even better. so pricey has a big job ahead of him. | 14:47 |
elkbuntu | yup | 14:47 |
Myrtti | *sigh* | 14:47 |
* Hobbsee wasn't aware that there would be a massive pruning of the lists, as there hasn't been in years. | 14:48 | |
elkbuntu | especially since the last time i did op stuff from work, i got held up for it because i rushed due to being at work | 14:48 |
Hobbsee | but really, i want to be off the main lists in userland. if there comes up as an emergency, and no one else has ops, then it's probably still a good idea to be able to respond. | 14:49 |
Hobbsee | that being said, i've resigned from being a general presence in thsoe sort of channels, and being able to be relied upon to actually do ops stuff there. | 14:49 |
PriceChild | Hobbsee: would you like to rescind your resignation? | 14:49 |
* Hobbsee was thinking of doing a more freenode-staffer-type-approach | 14:49 | |
PriceChild | Pardon? | 14:50 |
Hobbsee | "act only in absolute emergencies, otherwise let others deal with it" | 14:50 |
Hobbsee | if that makes sense. | 14:50 |
Myrtti | I'm just getting more confused, and going to go have a nap. | 14:50 |
PriceChild | I think that is insulting Hobbsee. | 14:50 |
PriceChild | I'm going to take a break, will be back later. | 14:50 |
Hobbsee | .... | 14:50 |
* Hobbsee thought that was precisely what freenode said it was going to do, when it was on the access lists? | 14:51 | |
Hobbsee | cover emergencies, but leave the running of the channels to the GC's as much as possible? | 14:51 |
* Hobbsee wonders how, exactly, that is insulting? | 14:51 | |
nanoprobe | hello @al | 14:52 |
nanoprobe | all | 14:52 |
ompaul | nanoprobe, how can we help ya | 14:52 |
nanoprobe | eh, i'm completelly new to linux | 14:53 |
ompaul | so why are you in the -ops channel | 14:53 |
ompaul | ? | 14:53 |
nanoprobe | it seems that i'm in wrong channel, or? | 14:53 |
ompaul | #ubuntu is for help | 14:53 |
ompaul | and help with ubuntu | 14:53 |
nanoprobe | thank you | 14:54 |
nanoprobe | bye | 14:54 |
ompaul | your welcome | 14:54 |
PriceChild | Hobbsee: just because freenode's decisions do not agree with your own, or because they do not act using access, visibly, or in the way that you think we should be, it doesn't mean we are basically lazy and do not try to resolve problems presented to us. | 15:46 |
elkbuntu | PriceChild, she was just referencing the staff model of interacting with channels | 15:47 |
Hobbsee | elkbuntu: ++ | 15:47 |
Hobbsee | apologies if i used the incorrect terminology - i'm concurrently doing an assignment. | 15:48 |
Hobbsee | but, last i knew, i got the idea right. | 15:48 |
PriceChild | Being as outspoken as you have been in the past, I think it best if you try to be much clearer. | 15:48 |
Hobbsee | i also think it's best if you do not throw unfounded accusations at me, and did not attempt to take my words out of context. Somehow, elkbuntu managed to understand what i meant, so clearly it did make sense. | 15:50 |
Hobbsee | of course, if you're predisposed to take whatever i say, and make it to be what you want it to say, then I cannot help you there. | 15:51 |
elkbuntu | Hobbsee, you're not innocent of throwing accusations against freenode. it's only natural that they suspect the wolf in the sheep | 15:51 |
Hobbsee | PriceChild: please define, in your own words, the staff model of interacting with channels. | 15:51 |
Hobbsee | elkbuntu: oh, sure. but i wasn't currently, and thinking that i am every single time i say something is just unhelpful. | 15:51 |
Pici | I think he just misunderstood | 15:52 |
elkbuntu | Hobbsee, they're not psychic enough to know when... else we'd be troll and spammer free | 15:52 |
Hobbsee | heh | 15:53 |
PriceChild | Many apologies if I didn't understand. | 15:53 |
nubotu | gordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu (Lodorius is spamming) | 15:55 |
Myrtti | damn | 15:55 |
Pici | Sorry, I'll lurk less. | 15:55 |
Myrtti | np | 15:56 |
Pici | ;) | 15:56 |
bazhang | nubotu thanks | 16:34 |
nosrednaekim | uhh ubuntu in #kubuntu please | 16:37 |
stdin | nosrednaekim: that's what !ops is for | 16:38 |
jpds | stdin: damn, you riggered my little red light | 16:38 |
nosrednaekim | ah.. true | 16:39 |
stdin | jpds: I'm getting highlights whenever someone tries an unknown factoid, that's much worse :p | 16:39 |
stdin | should teach me not to have a website with my nick in it though | 16:42 |
nosrednaekim | heh | 16:42 |
Mez_ | I hate network-manager | 17:02 |
bazhang | same here | 17:02 |
Mez_ | Its great | 17:02 |
Mez_ | but its not for some reason using gnome keyring like it does on my eee | 17:02 |
Mez_ | meaning I have to remember the damned random string for the wireless | 17:03 |
bazhang | I forgot my wallet pass; almost gave up at one point :) | 17:04 |
Mez_ | lol - yeah - kwallet I can cope with. but *sighs* | 17:04 |
Mez_ | had to use one of the magazine CDs to install. | 17:04 |
Mez_ | Maybe I should just go download a copy of kubuntu now | 17:04 |
bazhang | hehe | 17:05 |
Mez_ | or just boot into vista | 17:05 |
bazhang | oof | 17:05 |
bazhang | badvista.fsf.org | 17:05 |
Mez_ | Lol - Im currently having to sit in the kitchen to use nextdoors wireless to do the initial update | 17:06 |
Mez_ | bazhang - yeah - I know its bad - new laptop today | 17:06 |
bazhang | :) | 17:06 |
Mez_ | BUT it seems to remember my passwords | 17:06 |
bazhang | Mez_, vista stayed on my computer for all of 20 minutes :) | 17:06 |
Mez_ | And I've got to admit - it is pretty usable (from plugging in an external monitor | 17:06 |
stdin | I'm going away for the weekend so won't be here to control the bot | 17:06 |
Mez_ | bazhang: Im keeping it for IE testing | 17:06 |
stdin | so I've added a few admins to it | 17:06 |
bazhang | s/usable/abusable :) | 17:06 |
Mez_ | hmm | 17:07 |
* Mez_ needs to work out how to make ubuntu use the cube instead of the wall | 17:07 | |
stdin | (get ready for mass ping) | 17:07 |
bazhang | ccsm general virtual horizontal desktops set to 4 | 17:07 |
stdin | pricechild, nixternal, nalioth, gnomefreak, elkbuntu, jucato, mez, ompaul, pici, myrtti and jpds are all admins for nubotu now, they can get it to join/part whatever | 17:08 |
stdin | if another bot comes up, just mute or get someone to part it | 17:08 |
stdin | (it's prefix char is ^ not @, so ^part etc) | 17:08 |
ompaul | ack and thanks | 17:09 |
ompaul | ^join #ubuntu-bugs | 17:10 |
nubotu | Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. | 17:10 |
ompaul | whoami | 17:10 |
ompaul | @btlogin | 17:10 |
stdin | try ^login | 17:10 |
ompaul | ^login | 17:10 |
ompaul | nothing | 17:10 |
stdin | try again | 17:10 |
bazhang | @whoami | 17:10 |
stdin | remember, it uses ^, so @ doesn't work | 17:11 |
stdin | ^whoami | 17:11 |
nubotu | stdin | 17:11 |
ubot3 | stdin: I don't recognize you. | 17:11 |
stdin | right, that's a conflict :p | 17:11 |
ompaul | ^login | 17:11 |
nubotu | Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong. | 17:11 |
ompaul | I will fight you :) | 17:11 |
stdin | AGSGAFSEFAWEDF! | 17:11 |
ompaul | conflict my big toe | 17:11 |
Mez_ | what happened to ubottu? | 17:11 |
Mez_ | @whoami | 17:12 |
bazhang | ^whoami | 17:12 |
ubot3 | bazhang: I don't recognize you. | 17:12 |
nubotu | I don't recognize you. | 17:12 |
Mez_ | ^whoami | 17:12 |
bazhang | ^login | 17:12 |
ubot3 | Mez_: I don't recognize you. | 17:12 |
nubotu | I don't recognize you. | 17:12 |
nubotu | Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong. | 17:12 |
stdin | Mez: server died and won't be up until monday | 17:12 |
* Mez_ sighs | 17:12 | |
bazhang | ubottu knows me :) | 17:12 |
ompaul | ^login | 17:13 |
nubotu | Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong. | 17:13 |
Mez_ | dont know what my password is | 17:13 |
ompaul | hostmask is not right | 17:13 |
ompaul | more likely | 17:13 |
stdin | there isn't one, I'm adding hostmasks for those that aren't recognised | 17:13 |
stdin | ompaul, Mez_: try ^whoami | 17:14 |
Mez_ | Mez*!?=mez@ubuntu/member/mez | 17:14 |
Mez_ | ^whoami | 17:14 |
nubotu | mez | 17:14 |
ubot3 | Mez_: I don't recognize you. | 17:14 |
Mez_ | hmm | 17:14 |
ompaul | ^whoami | 17:14 |
nubotu | ompaul | 17:14 |
ubot3 | ompaul: ompaul | 17:14 |
Mez_ | nalioth, I'm muting ubot3 for now. | 17:14 |
elkbuntu | Mez, it's anal about your nick | 17:15 |
elkbuntu | ie, ghost yourself | 17:15 |
Mez_ | elkbuntu: oh, I dont mind it not recognising me | 17:15 |
Mez_ | but - It's annoying when you get two bots replying to one command | 17:16 |
nixternal | hrmm | 17:16 |
nixternal | ^whoami | 17:16 |
nubotu | I don't recognize you. | 17:16 |
Mez_ | elkbuntu: I wont ghost myself - or Ill flood out on next connect | 17:16 |
nixternal | I don't recognize you either, my name is Rich, what is yours? | 17:16 |
nixternal | :p | 17:16 |
Mez_ | I'm just setting up this lappy, and then I'll configure it to connect through my normal connection | 17:16 |
stdin | nixternal: you aren't identified | 17:16 |
nixternal | ^login | 17:16 |
nubotu | Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong. | 17:16 |
bazhang | :) | 17:17 |
stdin | nixternal: no, i meant to nickserv | 17:17 |
nixternal | nubotu: all the chicks tell me that | 17:17 |
nubotu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:17 |
nixternal | ya I am stdin | 17:17 |
stdin | you show as unidentified | 17:17 |
Mez_ | egads.... this last part of the update is uber slow | 17:17 |
nixternal | orly | 17:17 |
stdin | did you re-identify after the services restart? | 17:17 |
Mez_ | (aka the last 14% of compiz-fusion-plugins | 17:18 |
nixternal | interesting...wonder why I lost my id there | 17:18 |
nixternal | whoami | 17:18 |
nixternal | ^whoami | 17:18 |
nubotu | nixternal | 17:18 |
nixternal | forgot teh Karot :P | 17:18 |
bazhang | ^whoami | 17:18 |
nubotu | I don't recognize you. | 17:18 |
nixternal | !info kdebase-workspace intrepid | 17:19 |
nubotu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:19 |
nixternal | err, use the ^ instead stdin? | 17:19 |
stdin | there is no !info or !find | 17:19 |
nixternal | ahh | 17:19 |
nixternal | what does it do then? | 17:19 |
stdin | python-apt isn't available on the server I'm hosting it on | 17:19 |
stdin | it does factiods, just about | 17:19 |
ompaul | ^whoami | 17:20 |
nixternal | !nixternal | 17:20 |
nubotu | ompaul | 17:20 |
stdin | the Bugtracker doesn't even work | 17:20 |
nubotu | Oh no! The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too! | 17:20 |
nixternal | oh lord | 17:20 |
nixternal | how did he get that damn factoid so quick? :) | 17:20 |
nalioth | Mez_: leave the bot alone | 17:20 |
ompaul | !nixternal | 17:20 |
nubotu | Oh no! The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too! | 17:20 |
nalioth | how will folks input factoids if its muted, Mez_ ? | 17:20 |
Mez_ | nalioth: It can still see the messages? | 17:21 |
Mez_ | and I thought nubotu was being used for the factoids? | 17:22 |
stdin | if someone has a better working bot, please remove nubotu :) | 17:23 |
nalioth | Mez_: if it's muted IN HERE, HOW DOES IT ECHO IN HERE? | 17:23 |
stdin | it's a very last minute thing | 17:23 |
* nalioth headdesks | 17:23 | |
bazhang | so a restart of xchat is in order? nubotu does not recognize me it seems stdin | 17:23 |
ompaul | bazhang, have you identified to services since they changed | 17:24 |
stdin | bazhang: probably has an old userdb, just register with it | 17:24 |
nalioth | Mez_: ubot3 is in almost a dozen channels. if someone inputs a factoid in one of them, ubot3 echoes it here. if it's muted, we never see the echo | 17:24 |
bazhang | ompaul, not sure when that was; will restart asap; thanks stdin :) | 17:24 |
stdin | bazhang: just /msg nubotu help register | 17:24 |
nalioth | Mez_: when we DO see the echo, we input hte factoid into the primary bot | 17:24 |
ompaul | bazhang, na do this /msg nickserv identify | 17:24 |
nalioth | and wth is nubotu ? | 17:24 |
ompaul | with your password after that | 17:24 |
ompaul | nalioth, a standin for ubottu who has failed | 17:25 |
nalioth | i suggest resuming the name | 17:25 |
stdin | nalioth: ubottu won't be back until monday, you and ubot3 wern't about and PriceChild said it was ok to use nubotu | 17:25 |
nalioth | ok | 17:25 |
nalioth | i suggest ubot* for its nick | 17:25 |
stdin | and I don't have the nickserv pass for ubottu | 17:25 |
nalioth | to cut down confusion | 17:26 |
nalioth | so ubottu is down because jussi01 is out of town? | 17:26 |
stdin | no, the ISP screwed up | 17:26 |
nalioth | ah, lovely | 17:27 |
bazhang | ^whoami | 17:27 |
nubotu | bazhang | 17:27 |
ubot3 | bazhang: I don't recognize you. | 17:27 |
bazhang | ^login | 17:27 |
nubotu | Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong. | 17:27 |
stdin | they didn't give notice and were changing the IP address, then said it would be 4 hours, then monday | 17:27 |
stdin | bazhang: ignore ^login, doesn't really matter | 17:28 |
bazhang | stdin, thanks :) | 17:28 |
nalioth | Mez_: what if one of the channels ubot3 is in calls !ops cuz they're getting clone flooded? | 17:31 |
stdin | ^config supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars ^@ | 17:32 |
ubot3 | stdin: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. | 17:32 |
nubotu | OK | 17:32 |
stdin | there, it should respond to @ now | 17:32 |
stdin | @whoami | 17:32 |
nubotu | stdin | 17:32 |
bazhang | @whoami | 17:32 |
nubotu | bazhang | 17:32 |
stdin | conflict: resolved | 17:32 |
bazhang | yay! | 17:33 |
* stdin is gone | 17:39 | |
=== Hobbsee is now known as Guest78382 | ||
nixternal | did freenode just poop itself? | 17:58 |
Seeker` | nixternal: netsplit | 17:58 |
nixternal | nickserv must have crapped out on that one too then | 17:59 |
nalioth | nixternal: new services ( identify yourself in a new way ) | 17:59 |
nixternal | nalioth: how do I do that? | 17:59 |
bazhang | ^whoami | 17:59 |
nalioth | /msg nickserv help identify | 17:59 |
ubot3 | bazhang: I don't recognize you. | 17:59 |
bazhang | @whoami | 17:59 |
nixternal | nalioth: /quote nickserv identify $me $passwd | 18:00 |
nixternal | that is what it tells me and that is what I do | 18:00 |
nalioth | but you're not identified :( | 18:00 |
nixternal | nickserv doesn't even respond to me now | 18:00 |
nalioth | right | 18:01 |
nixternal | nice | 18:01 |
nalioth | it's on teh other side of the split | 18:01 |
nalioth | teh awder syde | 18:01 |
nixternal | hehe | 18:01 |
nixternal | that's what I figured | 18:01 |
ikonia | assistance please with a bot in #ubuntu | 18:27 |
ikonia | ubottu is dead | 18:27 |
ikonia | 17:49 -!- malloneza [n=mallonez@103.Red-81-41-244.staticIP.rima-tde.net] | 18:28 |
ikonia | annoying bot in #ubuntu - just left but maybe worth stopping for future | 18:28 |
Seeker` | lo ikonia | 18:34 |
ikonia | hello | 18:34 |
ikonia | morning-ish | 18:34 |
bazhang | graxaim a problem before? | 18:34 |
ikonia | how did things go last night ? | 18:35 |
Seeker` | good | 18:35 |
Seeker` | got some planning done | 18:35 |
Seeker` | why didn't you go? | 18:35 |
nalioth | bazhang: a bit | 18:35 |
bazhang | nalioth, thanks :) | 18:36 |
bazhang | seems I am +f in #kubuntu now | 18:36 |
ikonia | Seeker`: I was stuck in work until 8:00 | 18:36 |
ikonia | by the time I'd got home it was gone 9:30 | 18:36 |
Seeker` | :( | 18:38 |
Myrtti | ^login | 18:39 |
Myrtti | !info scrot | 18:57 |
ompaul | !ping | 18:59 |
ompaul | !test | 18:59 |
ompaul | can ubot3 please join #ubuntu | 19:00 |
ompaul | nalioth, ^^ | 19:01 |
ompaul | we have nothing | 19:01 |
ompaul | there were supposed to be three | 19:02 |
ompaul | what were they 3 was nalioth | 19:02 |
ompaul | top of the list has hosting problems | 19:02 |
ompaul | the one the middle seems to have gotten lost | 19:02 |
Myrtti | scrumpy jack ♥ | 19:06 |
ompaul | no | 19:06 |
ompaul | Jobs - wanted 1 bot to sit in #ubuntu and do the dirty work, supybots seem to work best | 19:07 |
Myrtti | ompaul: no cider? :-< | 19:07 |
ompaul | cidre even :) | 19:08 |
ompaul | none | 19:08 |
nalioth | ompaul: ubot3 can't give you a login, i'm afraid | 19:12 |
Myrtti | nalioth: would you happen to have time to troubleshoot why it's silent as a mushroom in #u | 19:12 |
nalioth | it's just a factoid bot | 19:12 |
nalioth | Myrtti: if you help me | 19:12 |
Myrtti | nalioth: sure | 19:12 |
ompaul | there is a bribe | 19:13 |
ompaul | hehe | 19:13 |
Myrtti | nalioth: cookies? | 19:13 |
nalioth | it works fine in it's other channels | 19:13 |
nalioth | (where are all the other bots?) | 19:13 |
Myrtti | info works | 19:13 |
Myrtti | !test | 19:14 |
Myrtti | !info scrot | 19:14 |
nalioth | oh, it's set not to respond in here | 19:14 |
nalioth | ubot3: bot | 19:15 |
Myrtti | test does nothing on #u | 19:15 |
Myrtti | info does | 19:15 |
nalioth | aha | 19:15 |
Myrtti | ping doesn't work | 19:15 |
nalioth | we need to get a better system going | 19:15 |
Myrtti | we do | 19:15 |
Myrtti | I've got a recent database from jussis server if you don't | 19:16 |
nalioth | i just re-enabled the cron job to grab the db, and jussi01s site goes down :| | 19:17 |
nalioth | i've got a backup, too | 19:17 |
Myrtti | I've got one from midnight local time here | 19:17 |
nalioth | but the cronjob grabbed a 0 byte file | 19:17 |
Myrtti | 21 hrs ago sharp | 19:17 |
nalioth | ubot3: bot | 19:17 |
ubot3 | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 19:18 |
Seeker` | mohi: hi, how can we help you | 19:18 |
mohi | hi :) | 19:18 |
mohi | Seeker`: whats going on ubotu? :D we had ubottu in ubuntu-ir but its also disappeared there ;) | 19:19 |
Myrtti | ubottus server died | 19:19 |
Seeker` | there are problems with the bot this weekend | 19:19 |
Myrtti | won't be coming back until monday | 19:19 |
mohi | :( | 19:19 |
Myrtti | until then we'll just have to make it somehow | 19:19 |
Myrtti | we're currently setting up a makeshift solution for replacing our makeshift solution | 19:20 |
mohi | ah.. ok! ok. waiting ;) tanx you guys for this great job :) | 19:20 |
Myrtti | *sigh* | 19:20 |
jpds | stdin: admin? Cool thanks | 19:20 |
Myrtti | too bad the bot is on the other side of a split from what I understand | 19:21 |
Myrtti | or just plain dead. | 19:21 |
Myrtti | the one stdin set up. | 19:22 |
Myrtti | oh dear. | 19:22 |
Myrtti | the database and the settings are really old :-< | 19:26 |
Myrtti | info is from gutsy | 19:27 |
Seeker` | we really need to prod Canonical a bit harder | 19:28 |
nalioth | Myrtti: are you discussing ubot3? | 19:30 |
Myrtti | yeah | 19:30 |
Myrtti | well, the last three lines | 19:30 |
ompaul | Myrtti, do you have the current DB | 19:31 |
Myrtti | I've got 21hrs old one | 19:31 |
ompaul | sent it to nalioth and lets get the show on the road | 19:31 |
ompaul | thats find | 19:31 |
nalioth | Myrtti: it'd help if you used my nick (or the bots) so i'd be aware :| | 19:31 |
nalioth | ompaul: it's not that | 19:31 |
Myrtti | I know, sorry | 19:31 |
nalioth | i need to update the default response | 19:31 |
ompaul | ack | 19:31 |
* nalioth goes digging | 19:31 | |
Myrtti | http://koti.kapsi.fi/myrtti/temp/ubuntu.db | 19:32 |
nalioth | restarting ubot3 | 19:36 |
mohi | nalioth: does the ubot3 works likes ubotu?can we use as an alternate? | 19:38 |
nalioth | mohi: i can't support all the channels on my connection :( | 19:39 |
nalioth | that is why we have (had) several bots | 19:39 |
nalioth | still showing gutsy | 19:39 |
nalioth | urgh | 19:39 |
mohi | ah..i see... :s | 19:40 |
ompaul | mohi, you can always do /msg ubot3 and get the reply and echo it into the channel | 19:40 |
mohi | ompaul: nice trick ;) | 19:40 |
ompaul | np | 19:41 |
mohi | :) | 19:41 |
nalioth | stupid bot | 19:42 |
nalioth | "stupid human" | 19:43 |
nalioth | ok, it's updated | 19:46 |
nalioth | but #ubuntu is killing it | 19:46 |
Seeker` | :( | 19:47 |
nalioth | i guess not | 19:48 |
nalioth | it was major lagged | 19:48 |
* jpds reads planet.ubuntu.com | 20:20 | |
Myrtti | oh dear | 20:22 |
=== mohi is now known as mohi|busy | ||
Myrtti | !idle > mohi|busy | 20:25 |
Myrtti | !test | 20:25 |
Myrtti | oh, right. | 20:25 |
Myrtti | DAMN[21:48] <+nalioth> i guess not | 20:25 |
Myrtti | [21:48] <+nalioth> it was majo | 20:25 |
mohi|busy | ooh! sorry :) | 20:25 |
Myrtti | damn | 20:25 |
Myrtti | mohi|busy: see /topic | 20:26 |
mohi|busy | good luck guys... :) I wish we see an ubuntu boot in #ubuntu-ir | 20:26 |
mohi|busy | :) | 20:26 |
mohi|busy | bye | 20:26 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntu-bd, Marlboro said: !police is বাঘে ছুলে এক ঘা আর পুলিশে ছুলে আঠার ঘা | 21:03 |
PriceChild | FYI I'm going to start messing with some flags. (elkbuntu ljl nalioth) | 21:04 |
Seeker` | PriceChild: Semaphore? | 21:05 |
PriceChild | Exactly. | 21:05 |
Seeker` | PriceChild: whatcha doing with the flags? | 21:07 |
PriceChild | Seeker`: little spring cleaning, (see the ML) giving council +F individually, removing anyone that's dead/resigned. | 21:07 |
Seeker` | fair enough | 21:10 |
Seeker` | are there many people that have disappeared | 21:10 |
PriceChild | only four founders allowed a channel it seems | 21:11 |
jussi01 | good evening all | 21:12 |
* jussi01 sighs | 21:12 | |
jpds | evening jussi01 | 21:12 |
PriceChild | jussi01: you're sighing a lot lately | 21:12 |
Seeker` | jussi01: whats wrong? | 21:12 |
jussi01 | Im very sorry about the bot server being down - unfortunately very little I can do about it | 21:12 |
jpds | jussi01: it doesn't matter, it's not the end of the world. :) | 21:13 |
jpds | ...yet | 21:13 |
Seeker` | jussi01: what happened? | 21:13 |
jussi01 | Seeker`: Isp decided tore assign/setup static ips... and: | 21:14 |
jussi01 | isp FAILZ | 21:14 |
Seeker` | ah | 21:16 |
Myrtti | /me rubs jussi01's isp and servers with a magical black guinea pig | 21:16 |
Myrtti | *rubrubrub* | 21:16 |
jussi01 | :) | 21:16 |
jrib | !test | 22:12 |
jrib | hmm, no bot? | 22:12 |
ompaul | hmm | 22:24 |
ompaul | bot is here | 22:24 |
ompaul | ubot3:bot | 22:24 |
ubot3 | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 22:24 |
ompaul | jrib, ^^^ | 22:25 |
jrib | ak ok | 22:25 |
Myrtti | !bot | 22:26 |
ompaul | ubot3:ompaul | 22:27 |
ubot3 | ompaul is well ompaul, don't get me started about that guy | 22:27 |
Pici | !myrtti | 22:31 |
Pici | :( | 22:31 |
Myrtti | !prayer | 22:32 |
Myrtti | ubot3:prayer | 22:32 |
ubot3 | Dear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so. | 22:32 |
Pici | \o/ | 22:36 |
ompaul | Pici, no point in editing this one the real db will be back Monday we are told | 22:39 |
Pici | ompaul: okay | 22:42 |
* ompaul really wants to teach the bot a bad habbit | 22:42 | |
ompaul | habit even | 22:42 |
Myrtti | gnite everyone | 22:48 |
Myrtti | ubot3:!smoking is bad | 22:48 |
ubot3 | In #ubuntu-ops, Myrtti said: ubot3:!smoking is bad | 22:48 |
Myrtti | :-P | 22:49 |
ompaul | hehehe | 22:49 |
zewb | ive been banned from #ubuntu for like months | 22:59 |
zewb | can you unban me already? | 22:59 |
ompaul | zewb, have you tried to get in today? | 23:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | ompaul Yes, he got bounced for ban evading | 23:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sae it just a minute ago | 23:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | saw | 23:04 |
ompaul | twas a chanserv thing | 23:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | yep | 23:05 |
ompaul | then I doubt you will be getting back in | 23:05 |
ompaul | Jack_Sparrow, chanserv does not care ;-) chanserv obeys rules | 23:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 23:05 |
ompaul | zewb, don't move for a while | 23:05 |
ompaul | 15:43] <zwerb> i have aspergers syndrome | 23:08 |
ompaul | [15:43] <zwerb> its not my fault | 23:08 |
ompaul | [15:43] <zwerb> ok | 23:08 |
ompaul | [15:43] <zwerb> there i said it | 23:08 |
ompaul | zweb this does not inspire confidence in my | 23:09 |
ompaul | in me that is | 23:09 |
ompaul | zweb you said this on 2008/03/28 | 23:09 |
ompaul | zweb it is our objective to have a functioning channel - and behaviour like that which got you banned | 23:10 |
ompaul | is not conducive to a working channel | 23:10 |
ompaul | zewb, can you tell me this - why should we let you back in there? | 23:11 |
ompaul | zewb, if you care not to converse please leave | 23:13 |
ompaul | zewb, when you want to talk with us in a civil fashion please call back | 23:14 |
ompaul | willing to talk? | 23:30 |
ompaul | zewb, are you willing to talk | 23:31 |
ompaul | zewb, are you willing to talk with us? | 23:34 |
ompaul | zewb, well it takes two to have a conversation you seem to be unwilling to converse so I guess you got to go on the remove and ban train | 23:35 |
ompaul | zewb, please read this: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 23:36 |
ompaul | come back in a couple of days | 23:36 |
ompaul | when you can access this channel again | 23:36 |
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