
soundray[KS]: you already do ;)  Intel chipsets are well supported in general, but yours is very recent -- is it a draft-n one?00:00
Tazasharms: My KERNEL PANIC is about mobo issues00:00
albinowhen I hit this url in my browser I'm getting an sql query error on the website http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download00:00
SomeNicki finally got my Ubuntu up and running, along with KVirc00:00
albinowhich is making it so I can't download ubuntu, which sucks00:00
[KS]soundray: I downloaded the wifi driver provided by Intel00:00
codecainedid you install ubuntu with ext3 ?00:00
[KS]but turns out that it is already bundled00:00
PriceChildalbino: you can use releases.ubuntu.com till that is fixed00:00
SomeNickthe ubuntu site has been having issues as of late00:00
TazaWhat's up with the mysql servers anyway?00:00
sharmsTaza - explain 'mobo issues'00:00
TazaSomeone install windows on then?00:01
soundray[KS]: did it load spontaneously?00:01
albinoPriceChild: thank you, do you know if someone is working on it?00:01
langyhi all :00:01
codecaineI meant go to this site http://www.fs-driver.org/00:01
Tazasharms: As in apparently at least two dozen people with the same mobo and a similiar CPU have the same issue, but no solution as of yet.00:01
codecaineget that new upgraded one00:01
smmagiccodecaine, me?00:01
[KS]... it is loaded I can see it00:01
codecainehave to run ope that helps00:01
Tazasharms: Earliest of these are from 6.1000:01
codecaineyes smmagic00:01
Gaming4JCIs Beryl avaliable for Hardy? If so where do you get it?00:01
codecainethats exactly what I use00:01
[KS]lsmod gives me both mac80211 and iwl496500:01
PriceChildGaming4JC: beryl is dead, compiz is included by default00:01
Jack_Sparrow!beryl | Gaming4JC00:01
ubottuGaming4JC: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz00:01
soundray[KS]: so how far does it get -- can you see your networks?00:01
[KS]it's almost like I don't have wireless00:02
protodroneHello all...can anyone point me to a decent support article or how to on getting Java browser support on Hardy Heron 64 bit? On Gutsy Gibbon I simply ran a 32bit firefox and used the sun java 32bit browser plugin, but for love or money I just can't get it to work on Hardy Heron.. Anyone have a suggestion?00:02
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:02
usser[KS], do u have backports package installed?00:02
Gaming4JCah thnx00:02
[KS]usser, not sure I understand...00:02
PriceChildalbino: I don't know for sure sorry.00:02
[KS]not that advanced :)00:02
SeaPhorTaza, can you give a link to where you've read this issue from others?00:02
SomeNickFor Ubuntu, try http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu00:02
langywhy I can't use "alt Gr" on my ubuntu?00:02
soundrayusser: is that relevant to the chipset [KS] uses?00:02
Jack_Sparrow!chroot | protodrone00:02
ubottuprotodrone: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box00:02
usser[KS], u have intell wireless right?00:02
khaotikanyone offhand kno of a room i could get some help with building a system??00:02
[KS]4965 AG or AGN00:03
[KS]that's what lspci says00:03
TazaSeaPhor: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=site%3Aubuntuforums.org+M2N4+noapic&btnG=Search00:03
afallenhopewho knows which kernel is the most "stable" right now/00:03
PriceChild!info linux-image | afallenhope00:03
ubottuafallenhope: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB00:03
sharmsTaza-  what revision is your bios firmware at?00:03
Gaming4JCok thanks again all00:03
Tazasharms: Latest stable.00:03
Gaming4JCI'll be back with Studio ;)00:03
soundrayusser: what do you suggest to install from backports? ([KS])00:03
erUSUL[KS]: sudo modprobe iwl496500:03
ringeri tried to uninstall kiba-dock and now i cannot install it again00:04
[KS]yes as I said00:04
usser[KS], install linux-backports-modules-hardy00:04
protodronethanks ubottu00:04
[KS]iwl4965 and mac8021100:04
ussersoundray, ^^ it has latest iwlwifi driver00:04
khaotikanyone offhand kno of a room i could get some help with building a system??00:04
soundray[KS]: to follow usser's suggestion, enable backports via System-Administration-Software Sources00:04
erUSUL##hardware ??00:04
[KS]I enabled all sources00:04
rootyrootyHi, can someone recommend a good folder backups software package? I want to run it automatically every night00:05
soundray[KS]: are you sure? backports is on the Updates tab00:05
SeaPhorTaza, have you edited your kernel line in grub?00:05
[KS]lemme chek00:05
Jack_Sparrowrootyrooty Write a script with tar00:05
erUSUL!backup | rootyrooty00:05
ubotturootyrooty: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:05
TazaSeaPhor: I can't get to the install.00:05
sharmsTaza: This is happening on hardy?00:06
TazaSeaPhor: To be exact, it's the Kubuntu LiveCD, though, and nothing.00:06
[KS]it's Unsupported updates00:06
Tazasharms: Yes.00:06
[KS]nice :)00:06
usser[KS], do try sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-hardy00:06
SeaPhorTaza, in the beginning of the install, have you edited the kernel line there?00:06
TazaSeaPhor: Tried both "noacpi" and removing "quiet"00:06
Taza* noapic00:06
rootyrootyerUSUL Thanks!00:06
[KS]ok it's downloading00:06
epidemic_Anyone in here own a Russian ZIm Watch?00:06
JuzzyDHello folks, has anyone noticed that the table seems to have fallen off drupal listing mirrors?00:06
erUSULrootyrooty: no problem?00:06
[KS]while I wait00:06
SeaPhorTaza, did you remove quiet and splash and try adding vga=771   ?00:07
[KS]is there anyway of having HP QuickPlay buttons and HP Remote working?00:07
epidemic_anyone got a Zim?00:07
TazaSeaPhor: No, in fact I didn't.00:07
[KS]HP Pavillion HDX9000 has those touch buttons00:07
TazaSeaPhor: What was 771 again?00:07
afallenhope[KS]: last time I saw that no.00:07
smmagiccodecaine, I get a00:07
* epidemic_ is happy you dont own a zim00:07
SeaPhorTaza, that was the only way i could get my laptop to install or boot00:07
[KS]okay, not really a problem :)00:07
smmagic"system cannot not find the file" error00:07
Jack_SparrowTaza At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"   .. Even if the cd checks out.. burn a new copy at a very slow speed.  it does make a difference.  and turn off power management in your bios00:07
[KS]I just need to get wireless working, that's a major issue00:08
afallenhopeAnyone know why when I hit  CLTR + ALT + F1 it's supposed to bring me to Virtual Terminal 1 by default right? well all I get is a blank screen.00:08
* epidemic_ thinks that means that many people dont have one00:08
[KS]dragging cables around00:08
rootyrootyerUSUL Am reading up the links now.00:08
TazaJack_Sparrow: The CD is valid. 100% valid.00:08
afallenhopeI hit CTRL+ALT+ F7 to get back.00:08
TazaJack_Sparrow: I've done a hundred ubuntu CD's, the CD is valid, and that's the end of that, thank you.00:08
JuzzyDAnyone got a mirror in the Aus region where I can download latest ubuntu 64 bit desktop version?00:08
[KS]who would know that embeded speakers are listed as surround :P00:08
TBotNikany CVS gurus on t'day?00:08
Jack_SparrowTaza Doesnt matter.. even if it md5's  copies burned slow will often work.. as seen on many many dell and hp's00:08
SeaPhorTaza, to be honest, i have only idea that it has something to do with permissions, but i had some kind person here help me get it going00:08
Jack_SparrowTaza take your attitude and leave00:09
afallenhopeit's hardy heron 64 bit00:09
erUSULafallenhope: sometimes the framebuffer fails (happens with ati cards)00:09
afallenhopeerUSUL: it's a nVidia card00:09
epidemic_Jack_Sparrow, do you own a Zim?00:09
cal1can anyone help me in getting my hp d5259a pavillion monitor to be compatible with ubuntu00:09
[KS]what's funny about Pavillion HDX9000 is that it has better support on Ubuntu than on XP00:09
Jack_Sparrowepidemic_ no00:09
epidemic_Jack_Sparrow, pity, mines made out f gold00:09
usser[KS], well XP is 6 years old u cant really blame it00:10
[KS]Yeah yeah00:10
smmagicnevermind, got it working codecaine00:10
TazaJack_Sparrow: I have intense familiarity with all these parts. I know what the CD drives do and what they can handle.00:10
SomeNicka friend of mine said he was going to have sex using "Linux Condoms"00:10
[KS]I know :)00:10
[KS]so it's done00:10
[KS]what after those backports install?00:10
TBotNikAny CVS gurus on t'day?00:10
TazaJack_Sparrow: However, apparently acpi=off is doing something.00:10
cal1can anyone help me in getting my hp d5259a pavillion monitor to be compatible with ubuntu00:10
Jack_SparrowTaza sorry I mentioned it00:10
usser[KS], restart00:10
smmagiccodecaine, is it safe to rename the volume under vista?00:11
TazaJack_Sparrow: Watch cal1, I think he got the same problem.00:11
* m1dn1ght snickers00:11
soundray[KS]: reboot and hope that it comes to life by itself00:11
dirgedollI can't believe how much faster my kubuntu system boots up than my Vista laptop!!! And this HP is at least 6 years old!!!00:11
JuzzyDThe actual error message when trying to use the downloader from the official ubuntu site says " user warning: Table 'drupal_ubuntu2.mirror_list' doesn't exist" It's making it very difficult to choose Ubuntu as a primary OS when I can't get my hands on it :P00:11
epidemic_dirgedoll, welcome to linux00:11
Tazacal1: That sounds like my problem. The whole channel hates me for asking it.00:11
jkirby1hi, im getting the following error when trying to use yum : http://pastebin.com/m21a02444 - im not too sure how to resolve this?00:11
Tazadirgedoll: Just wait for your first kernel panic. You'll learn of the downsides when you do.00:11
SomeNickdirgedoll: Indeed! Linux Ubuntu is fast. Get ready for using some serious commands as you try to achieve more complicated stuff, though.00:11
erUSULjkirby1: whay are you using yum ??00:12
TazaUbuntu? Fast?00:12
dirgedolli hear that00:12
cal1well that is what this channel is for so they can stick it right?00:12
epidemic_Taza kernel panic happens, but its fixable00:12
TazaAre we in the same universe? OT, I know, I know.00:12
PrometheousLinux is the ULTIMATE OS00:12
unr3a1How do I find the JAVA_HOME environment variable00:12
honorsysDoes anyone else use multiple soundcards? is it possible to default one for playback and one for input?00:12
jkirby1erUSUL: an automated script that id like to use to install a particular application requires yum00:12
afallenhopejkirby1:  you need to install the module00:12
PrometheousTho i run XP00:12
SomeNickA friend of mine had to configure his computer for 5 weeks in order to be able to edit video with 3D effects on Linux00:12
Tazadirgedoll: You want a *fast* linux, try Arch or a lightweight Debian. However, the user friendliness is also aimed for the power users.00:12
[KS]what after backports?00:12
ledmushroomwhich firewall is better out of those that are bundled00:12
erUSUL!enter | [KS]00:12
ubottu[KS]: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:12
SomeNickstarting with the fact that his card was not accelerated...00:12
dirgedollCool I will have to try those00:13
[KS]okay okay, sorry00:13
TazaJack_Sparrow: Don't worry, hang on rc.local00:13
cal1Taza, what are you planning on doing to fix this horrific problem of ours00:13
jkirby1afallenhope: ive tried but each time it does nothing, says "..the following packages have been kept back.." etc. etc.00:13
[KS]soundray: what after apt-get backports?00:13
Tazacal1: Installing Windows XP.00:13
afallenhopejkirby1: hmm.00:13
tharveyI believe I need 'libgnome-perl' but that package doesn't seem to exist for ubuntu?00:13
PrometheousDoes anyone know where .ddoses is?00:13
Tazacal1: And then Ubuntu under VMware perhaps00:13
TazaMaybe it'd work then00:13
erUSULjkirby1: it seems you have to install python-celementtree package ????00:13
SomeNickTaza: I have that setup00:13
soundray[KS]: read the channel. Both usser and I have told you to reboot00:13
afallenhopejkirby1: are you just trying to install php?00:13
unr3a1Does anyone know where the JAVA_HOME is?00:14
SomeNickTaza: In reality this Ubuntu is running under VMWare00:14
jkirby1erUSUL: ill show you the output in a second00:14
TazaI'd WANT the opposite but it just doesn't seem to be meant so.00:14
Bencan anyone please advise where i might find instructions for ubuntu server 8.04's fdisk util? google isnt being very helpful tonight - want to trash and NTFS partition and replace it with ext300:14
cal1TAZA: right on, except i already have vista on my other computer, i just wanted to get this ghetto computer up and running00:14
[KS]soundray: yes, I am rebooting :) I mean it should work after that, or what?00:14
TazaBen: "man fdisk" in terminal00:14
SomeNickin Windows you can install PHP real easy by installing AppServ00:14
protodroneok, I checked out the chroot and it seems a little overkill for my purposes00:14
erUSULBen: use parted is naicer or cfdisk00:14
SomeNickon Ubuntu, I dont remem,ber, but some apitute commands00:14
* epidemic_ is wearing the watch from red heat, james belushi "ah I give you a rolex and you give me a cheap russian 30 buck Zim!"00:14
jkirby1erUSUL: http://pastebin.com/m54c065a500:14
[KS]SomeNick: or by WAMP :)00:14
Jack_SparrowBen man mkfs00:14
ScuniziTaza: I'm into this late.. are you having problems with vmware server on ubuntu? or just getting ubuntu installed?00:14
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:14
soundrayunr3a1: it's an environment variable. Add a line like 'export JAVA_HOME=/your/java/path' to $HOME/.bashrc00:14
PrometheousDoes anyone play Tremulous?00:14
usser[KS], hopefully00:15
protodronedoes anyone have java browser support working on Hardy Heron 64bit? Would you mind sharing how you got it to work?00:15
lulzhi @ all00:15
* [KS] is scared00:15
Benjack_sparrow; ty00:15
TazaScunizi: I'm having problems installing ubuntu at all because my motherboard (Asus M2N4-SLI) appears to cause ubuntu to CRASH HORRIBLY.00:15
erUSULjkirby1: then i dunno00:15
[KS]lol guys00:15
sharmsTaza - Add anything you can to help here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/12592500:15
Taza[ 0.504000] ..MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC00:15
Taza[ 0.508000] Kernel panic - not syncing: IO-APIC + timer doesn't work! Boot with apic=debug and send a report. Then try booting with the 'noapic' option00:15
PrometheousTrem, anyone?00:15
jkirby1erUSUL: thank you00:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125925 in linux-source-2.6.22 "kernel panic on boot in kubuntu 7.04 and 7.10 tribe 2 becouse of Apic" [Medium,Incomplete]00:15
[KS]whatever you did, it's not working00:15
ScuniziTaza: ah ok.. I know that vmware server has issues with Hardy as well.. but there is a fix.00:15
afallenhopeSo no one knows about the virtual terminals?00:15
[KS]all I am getting at boot is white screen00:15
[KS]with .17 kernel00:15
epidemic_sup smoke, eh I mean toke00:15
PrometheousThis is getting boring00:16
JuzzyDSo I guess in the absence of my ability to obtain an ubuntu installer from the official site, it's best I just upgrade to a Fedora 9 workstation?00:16
Tazasharms: Gah, know any better distro than Ubuntu with about the same learning curve?00:16
ScuniziPrometheous: occationally..00:16
unr3a1soundray, is there a way to find out where my java path is?00:16
soundray[KS]: what exactly did you apt-get?00:16
afallenhope[KS]: please don't hit <enter> or <return> so much. try to say as much as you can on one line00:16
Jack_Sparrow!ot | Taza00:16
ubottuTaza: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:16
sharmsTaza - If you buy one from Dell or System76 you will have no issues00:16
SomeNickWindows is THAT bad of a system, if you use common sense. Of course you will get viruses if you think you will watch porn by running blownuke.exe. ....  newbs can ruin ANY OS00:16
tonyHey im setting up my wireless card and it says i need to open /etc/ modules   in the text editor of my choice How do i do it?00:16
[KS]soundray, what you wrote back there, I just did copy and paste00:16
Tazasharms: These ancient "medium importance" bugs which completely cripple my asus hardware are getting BORING00:16
SomeNickWindows ISNT that bad of an OS I meant to say00:16
t00nayes, my automount ain't working00:16
PrometheousWhat name u use Scunizi?00:16
sharmsTaza - You bought a system without researching hardware components, so now you deal with that choice, or just run windows00:16
erUSULtony: sudo nano /etc/modules00:16
TazaSomeNick: At least it boots.00:17
SomeNickWindows isnt THAT bad of a system, if you use common sense. Of course you will get viruses if you think you will watch porn by running blownuke.exe. ....  newbs can ruin ANY OS00:17
ScuniziPrometheous: Scunizi..00:17
afallenhopecal1: what00:17
soundrayunr3a1: it depends on the flavour of java you've installed00:17
SomeNickpd: my keyboard is lagging....00:17
Tazasharms: Actually, I just expected Ubuntu to WORK on relatively new hardware which isn't exotic in any way.00:17
ScuniziPrometheous: :)00:17
[KS][01:05:40] <usser> [KS], do try sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-hardy00:17
t00nacan somebody help?00:17
[KS]sorry, usser wrote it, not soundray00:17
Tazasharms: Y'know, like I've been used to with linux since, uh, 2003?00:17
PrometheousScunizi: what server u use?00:17
speedemonV12hello eveyrone00:17
soundray[KS]: did this break your X?00:17
danandtony - ctrl-o to save then ctrl-q to quit in nano00:17
[KS]soundray, seems so00:18
smmagicanyone think that having 2 HDs could cause my GRUB errror 22?00:18
dirgedollI'm new to this too and it is quite different. not bad, just new things to learn00:18
danandtony - ctrl-x to quit - sorry00:18
epidemic_debian is better, slack is even more goddly00:18
sharmsTaza - I sympathize with you, I really do, and next time if you buy from a Linux system integrator it will be 0 fuss.  Until then, please add everything you can to the bug report.00:18
ScuniziPrometheous: I haven't booted it in a couple of weeks.. I tend to jump around.. I'm really new at it and haven't quit figured it out.. I die a lot.. but this is a bit off topic.00:18
mneptokTaza: please drop the attitude.00:18
usser[KS], hm... that should really have had no effect on X server00:18
mneptokTaza: it's not helpful to anyone.00:18
Jack_Sparrow!ot | epidemic_00:18
ubottuepidemic_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:18
Tazasharms: I'll do it later on, now I'm just wanting to fix it.00:18
epidemic_ubotu thank u00:19
jkirby1hi, im getting the following error when trying to use yum : http://pastebin.com/m21a02444 - im not too sure how to resolve this? i'm using a script to install a certain pacakge and it requires yum. I've tried 'aptitude install python-celementtree' but get error: http://pastebin.com/m54c065a5 - any ideas?00:19
dirgedollI will have to try Debian next. Is it as user friendly as kubuntu?00:19
[KS]usser, maybe it's no X, cause now I am not hearing sound at ubuntu boot-up, and I did before the apt-get00:19
Tazasharms: To anything as detailed as launchpad it'll take a while. I guess it's Debian next.00:19
speedemonV12hey, how do i register my nic?00:19
soundraysmmagic: yes -- you can get varying drive orders as seen by the BIOS and grub00:19
sharmsTaza:  We pull from Debian when we make a new release, it is highly unlikely it will work for Debian if Ubuntu failed00:19
poopuserhai guyz!how do i make my  AC'97 Audio Controller work in 5.1 system>00:19
erUSUL!register > speedemonV1200:19
* epidemic_ admires his russian Zim zlatoist watch made in the 1st russian watch factory in 195800:19
chlorateCan anyone give me the channel name for the off topic for ubuntu?00:20
sharms!ot | chlorate00:20
ubottuchlorate: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:20
smmagicsoundray, See, my problem is I have ubuntu partition on my vista drive and grub installed to my XP drive.00:20
speedemonV12!register speedemonV1200:20
ubottuspeedemonV12: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:20
chlorateThank you!00:20
usser[KS], right, try to restart it, and when it starts to boot press ESC then 'e' select 3rd line 'e' again remove splash and press 'b' that should let u see any error messages on boot00:20
JuzzyDWell, cheers I guess.00:20
tonyOk I wrote the ndiswrapper in /etc/modules how do i get it to stay there?00:20
danand!register | speedemonV1200:20
ubottuspeedemonV12: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.00:20
soundraysmmagic: I would experiment with the grub map command00:20
PrometheousScunizi:Dosent matter, we need some Juice to this thread anyway. Dieing? thats natural (Playing a lot but still unable to win on my behalf) :)00:20
Tazasharms: Seen it done (a lot of times) before. Ubuntu sometimes adds it's own exotic bugs.00:20
epidemic_tony did you read man -k ndiswrapper00:21
smmagicsoundray, Grub map?00:21
unr3a1I am new to this whole Ubuntu and apt-get...00:21
SomeNickVMWare > (Windows+Linux+Mac OS).   Just like that. VMWare rapes them all mercilessly.00:21
erUSULtony: save the file00:21
unr3a1what is the package name for java sdk?00:21
soundrayunr3a1: there are several00:21
erUSUL!java | unr3a100:21
ubottuunr3a1: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository00:21
epidemic_Unr3a1 wait to you get used to SVN00:21
[KS]usser, will do, now00:21
hcoalRunning xvinfo gives me "no adaptors present" when running Compiz on Ubuntu 8.04 with an ATI HD 3850.  Is there a workaround in xorg.conf?00:21
javbhello, i need aaxine in ubuntu 8.1000:21
sharmsTaza - while briefly looking into it, it appears not just Ubuntu had the issue, so I would assume it probably exists in all distros at this point00:21
mneptok!language > SomeNick00:21
javbany ideas!!!00:21
tonyhow do i save it?00:21
Strife89I have a quick question:00:21
Alan_Mjavb, 7.10 you mean?00:22
epidemic_tony your asking someone whos never used it00:22
erUSULtony: using nano? Crtl + O then Crtl + X00:22
epidemic_try a forum00:22
danandunr3a1 - apt-cache pkgnames | grep java | grep sdk00:22
javbAlan_M, in the LASTEST version of ubuntu00:22
Strife89Can I safely end or kill the trackerd process?00:22
PrometheousScunizi: where is a channel that talks about Trem?00:22
Tazasharms: And yet I've never had a compaq that failed. Irony.00:22
Alan_Mjavb, thats 8.04, not 8.1000:22
sharmsStrife89 - yes00:22
javbi used to have aaxine, but after upgrading, dont have it. any idea?00:22
javbAlan_M, ok, sorry.00:22
[KS]hehehe, freakin splash refuses to go away :) hold on a sec :)00:22
Strife89Sharms: Okay, thanks.00:22
* epidemic_ goes back to admiring his russian zim00:22
PrometheousAnd not Penquin stuff00:22
dirgedollso what is the coolest and easiest distro of Linux to use?00:23
Alan_Mjavb, you might want to enable all repositories and then try getting it from synaptic.00:23
ScuniziPrometheous: google says  #tremulous on irc.quakenet.org00:23
Strife89I'm curious as to why it's suddenly eating my CPU.00:23
epidemic_dirgedoll, gentoo, or debian00:23
mneptok!ot > dirgedoll00:23
* soundray misses his Poljot, not seen since a removal two years ago00:23
Jack_Sparrowdirgedoll Wrong room for asking that..00:23
speedemonV12anyone here on a macbook pro ?00:23
PrometheousScuzini: Thanks00:23
erUSULStrife89: is indexing new files ??00:23
chlorateCan ubuntu take advantage of my dual AMD64 processors (I remember windows xp could not fully use both)?00:23
Jack_SparrowStrife89 It will settle down after if scans all your drives.00:23
ScuniziPrometheous: np00:23
Alan_M!info aaxine00:24
ubottuPackage aaxine does not exist in hardy00:24
Flannelchlorate: it can00:24
qcodeDoes GNOME come with a PDF viewer?00:24
javbAlan_M, all of them are enable, and nothing00:24
[KS]usser, is there some sort of boot log cause this text is running too fast, I cannot see anything?00:24
soundrayqcode: yes -- evince00:24
epidemic_soundray, you should see the zim I picked up, new old stock, still in its box marked Au= and looks like gold in roman numerals with 19 ruby jewels movement00:24
Scuniziqcode: yes it's called evince00:24
sharmsqcode - evince00:24
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)00:24
Strife89If I change the settings for Indexing, does Tracker acknowledge them right after I click OK, after I log off, or after a reboot?00:24
Scuniziqcode: it also does multipage tiff's00:24
TazaLemme confirm this - when I find the magic kernel options, adding them to grub default and doing update-grub will fix the problem?00:24
soundrayepidemic_: better not. I'd drool all over it... back to topic00:24
Alan_Mjavb, ubottu's search feature is showing the same result, its not in the repositories.00:24
* epidemic_ whispers still looks like new00:25
[KS]usser, it's all good, says everything is [OK], right untill the login screen00:25
TazaIIRC Debian Automagic Kernels List updates with defaults every time update-grub is ran even if nothing else is changed.00:25
* epidemic_ is drooling over it00:25
poopusersorry,,,whats with tremulous>00:25
sharmsStrife89 - should just be after a log off00:25
Jack_Sparrowepidemic_ We are glad you like your watch .. but please stop spamming us about it00:25
speedemonV12does anyone here have experience with keyboard mapping?00:25
[KS]login screen appears, then I login, and then all white00:25
* soundray hopes it's waterproof00:25
jkirby1I'm getting the following error when trying to use yum : http://pastebin.com/m21a02444 - im not too sure how to resolve this? i'm using a script to install a certain pacakge and it requires yum. I've tried 'aptitude install python-celementtree' but get error: http://pastebin.com/m54c065a5 - any ideas?00:25
PrometheousScuzini: How do u do that fancy color thing? And the little 'side' notes?00:25
epidemic_Jack_Sparrow, its my peanut00:25
will00ey im having an issue with networking, my computer wont display all the computers i have on my windows network at home, but my ubuntu based laptop can. theyr both connected to the same router, except the desktop is wired and the laptop is wireless. any ideas?00:25
usser[KS], hm... really weird00:25
javbis there a way to install aaxine in 8.04 ?00:25
usser[KS], i suggest boot into old kernel00:26
[KS]I can revert to 2.6.24-1600:26
[KS]yes, but what about my wireless?00:26
sharmsjkirby1 - yum is usually used in redhat based distros, what are you trying to accomplish?00:26
* epidemic_ says to soundray nope its not, but I dont intend to take it for a swim00:26
Strife89sharms: That's odd, then.00:26
Strife89Earlier this morning I noticed my CPU suddenly jumped to 98-100%. It hasn't moved back down. System Monitor credits trackerd.00:26
JuzzyDKS, You don't happen to be using an ati card?00:26
sharmsStrife89 - you can disable it under System -> User Preferences -> Sessions00:26
unr3a1it comes up saying I have to install sun-java6-jdk00:26
ScuniziStrife89: it's indexing your drives.. it'll stop eventually00:26
epidemic_Strife89, pwnt00:26
jkirby1sharms: as said, the script requires it but does install to any OS. I'm going to try modify the script at least.00:26
[KS]JuzzyD: No, Intel 4965 AG or AGN00:26
usser[KS], right... boot into old kernel remove backports package and we'll try to compile it from source00:26
soundray[KS]: is that what you had before? Because -17 is current...00:26
[KS]soundray: I had -1600:27
Strife89epdemic: I'm sorry.... "pwnt"?00:27
epidemic_haha, tcp port bind00:27
JuzzyDI did a kernel upgrade on Fedora this morning, and I got the white screen after login until I disabled the fglrx driver00:27
erUSULunr3a1: then just install it00:27
sharmsjkirby1 - it sounds like you are going to harm your system, I would figure out the ubuntu way of doing what you are trying to do00:27
epidemic_flashing light dosnt always indicate harmless activity00:27
soundray[KS]: log into text mode (Ctrl-Alt-F2) and do a 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'00:27
usser[KS], tell me if old kernel works00:27
sharmsjkirby1 - I see that you are trying to install php, and if that is the case, using yum is definitely not a good idea.00:27
[KS]usser, yes, the -16 works00:27
erUSULJuzzyD: this is not #fedora00:27
JuzzyDI know00:28
Jack_SparrowJuzzyD Whould you then go to fedora channel and ask them00:28
[KS]JuzzyD: I am having an ATI card, sorry00:28
honorsysDoes anyone else use multiple soundcards? is it possible to default one for playback and one for input?00:28
unr3a1ok, so now how do I find out where it got installed"00:28
jkirby1sharms: alright, ill modify this thing to make it happy and use apt-get :)00:28
soundrayusser: pretty sure the backports package needs the most recent kernel...00:28
JuzzyDIm trying to switch to ubuntu, but no one seems to be able to tell me where to get it >:(00:28
* epidemic_ tells Strife89 to run /top00:28
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!00:28
erUSULunr3a1: dpkg -L sun-java6-jdk | less00:28
sharmsjkirby1-  http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts00:28
ScuniziJazZz99: www.ubuntu.com if it's up.. It was down earlier today00:28
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to backup your system so it saves all your packages?00:28
[KS]usser, how about I disable ATI Driver and then try?00:28
ussersoundray, im thinking he should ditch backports if hes having troubles with -17 kernel00:29
Jack_Sparrow!clone | tmapj00:29
ubottutmapj: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate00:29
danandunr3a1 - dpkg -L pkgname00:29
usser[KS], oh u had proprietary driver?00:29
JuzzyDthe official site is down, I'll give those releases and wiki sites a shot00:29
jkirby1sharms: thanks :)00:29
Beni have run mkfs to make a ext3 disk but cannot seem to cp to it?? any ideas?00:29
[KS]usser, yeah :)00:29
tmapjJack_Sparrow, thanks!00:29
Scunizitmapj: if you want to mirror your partitions and all the data try the  partimage live cd00:29
epidemic_Jack_Sparrow, pwnage, I will spam you with my Zim00:29
usser[KS], right do sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf replace fglrx with ati00:29
JuzzyDThat might fix it, even though it's different distro KS00:29
Strife89That's CAPTIAN Jack_Sparrow! ;)00:29
mneptokepidemic_: you may stop discussing you watch now00:29
JuzzyDUnfortunately there is no prop driver for new kernel yet :(00:29
Jack_Sparrowepidemic_ Please stop..  I wont ask again00:29
smmagicokay, can someone help me fix a GRUB error 22?00:29
c1|freakydoes anybody know where i can get ncurses++ from? it's not in the ubuntu packages00:29
erUSULBen: well only root can cp to a filesystem. Make dirs inside the partition and give thos dirs apropiate permissions00:30
soundrayusser: no X, so 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' [KS]00:30
epidemic_mneptok, but I did such a good job of guessing when jack would.. never mind00:30
Jack_Sparrowuser_ gksudo gedit or sudo nano thanks.. it makes a difference00:30
sharmsBen:  Did you mount it after mkfs?00:30
BenerUSUL: i tried to cp as sudo00:30
usser[KS], sorry what soundray said00:30
Tazasharms: Do you know if wildly abusive language is accepted in launchpad?00:30
Bensharms: yes00:30
[KS]usser, no I have X00:30
erUSULBen: what error did you got?00:30
* [KS] bootED into -16 :)00:30
ScuniziTaza: no it's not00:30
TazaShame, no reporting this bug in launchpad for me00:31
BenerUSUL: cannot create regular file .... permission denied00:31
TazaBecause it WOULD make me sound like a tourette's sufferer00:31
erUSULBen: with sudo??00:31
epidemic_is that a threat jack-desktop opps sorry I mean JackWinter , erm Jack_Sparrow ... If so not very sporting of you Jack, by the powers your right, where be Jack's pistol!00:31
[KS]usser, so I after I change to "ati" I need to try to boot with new kernel, the -17 one?00:31
usser[KS], oh ok, so replace fglrx with ati and try to reboot into newer kernel again00:31
Benersul: ah no, not that time - reading my screen too quick00:31
sharmsBen: to see filesystems mounted, type "mount".  To see write errors, type "dmesg" and tail -n 200 /var/log/messages00:31
[KS]usser, ok00:31
Benbut it is omitting the subdirectories... I guess i need a switch for that?00:32
erUSUL!addingfs | Ben00:32
ubottuBen: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab00:32
zxdasHey  what pakages  do you need for ssl?00:32
proprietarysucksshould a Geforce2 ultra work with ubuntu 8.04, and should i be able to enable the accelerated, to use compiz, etc?00:33
[KS]usser, bingo! :)00:33
erUSULproprietarysucks: yes afaics00:33
zxdascan not find lib-ssl00:33
usser[KS], so x works eh?00:33
[KS]usser, yeah, but still no wireless00:33
smmagicDoes anyone know how to fix a grub error 22 when I have 2 HDs installed?00:33
=== JustinRyan is now known as Guest25975
usser[KS], right do modinfo iwl494500:34
zxdas[Ks] what type of wireless card00:34
JuzzyDJust to check, due to ridiculous Australian download limits, 8.04 is latest stable release?00:34
usser[KS], what version of the module it is00:34
soundraysmmagic: you need to try the map command00:34
[KS]4965 me thinks00:34
erUSULzxdas: openssl00:34
Jack_SparrowJuzzyD yes00:34
smmagicsoundray: What command is it though?00:34
erUSULzxdas: some programs can use gnutls00:34
danandzxdas - libssl - try apt-cache pkgnames | grep ssl - long list :)00:34
usser[KS], something like 1.2.25?00:34
[KS]latest one00:35
[KS]i think it's 2500:35
usser[KS], right... what does iwconfig say? does it recognize your card?00:35
soundraysmmagic: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/map.html00:35
[KS]usser, yes!00:36
[KS]it was not working before!00:36
soundraysmmagic: insert after the title line in /boot/grub/menu.lst00:36
usser[KS], can u pastebin the output?00:36
[KS]ok, moment, lemme try something on my own for a change :)00:36
Mr_Bad_Newshow do i get apt-get to ignore an md5 check?00:36
JuzzyDFor anyone running a SQL/PHP/APACHE environment locally, is it as easy to set up as selecting packages for installation?00:36
Mr_Bad_Newsi keep getting md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz The Flash plugin is NOT installed.00:37
erUSUL!lamp > JuzzyD00:37
BenerUSUL: OK found -R seems to copy. when you say about permissions, do you mean that at the moment root is the only user to have write access to that disk?00:37
tmapjJack_Sparrow, are you still here?00:37
erUSULBen: by default yes; you have to create dirs and give those dirs other permisions as you see fit00:37
smmagicsoundray: When I do map I get error 1100:37
[KS]usser, quick question, do I need to restart netmanager applet since it is not listing my wifi in dropdown menu altough it is listed in Manual configuration?00:37
JuzzyDMmm, lamp, that sets up common configurations for mod_rewrite and all the other little painful things to set up if I'm not mistaken.00:38
[KS]usser, if yes, how? :)00:38
unr3a1ok, I did the jdk install, through apt-get, and I setup my JAVA_HOME variable.  but the app I am trying to use is saying that the JAVA_HOME has to point to a jdk, not a jre...00:38
unr3a1I am completely lost00:38
soundraysmmagic: some progress at least00:38
usser[KS], just do killall -9 nm-applet && nm-applet &00:38
smmagicsoundray: Really?00:39
Jack_SparrowBen First, check the ownership by going to /media and doing a ls -la ... Then, do the following, replacing “yourPartition” with the name of the partition (e.g. /sdb1)... sudo chown -R username:username /yourPartition  followed by... sudo chmod -R 755 /yourPartition ... Finally, check to see if it worked by doing another ls -la00:39
Jack_Sparrowtmapj yes00:39
blue112Helllo everyone, I have a problem with my resolution, can someone help me ?00:39
usser[KS], but it may still not work... can u see any networks using iwlist00:39
usser[KS], ie iwlist wlan0 scanning00:39
soundrayMr_Bad_News: rm /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz -- then 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree'00:39
tmapjjack i did the command that ubottu told me to do my the terminal did nothing00:39
danand!resolution | blue11200:39
ubottublue112: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:39
usser[KS], err iwlist wlan0 scan00:39
Jack_Sparrowtmapj to fix what problem00:39
soundrayMr_Bad_News: I mean sudo rm00:39
BenJack_Sparrow: cheers pal, ill give it a go and see what happens00:39
tmapji wanted to backup a list of all my installed packages00:40
[KS]usser, wlan0 no scan results00:40
blue112danand, thanks, i'm gonna looking;00:40
smmagicsoundray: So I'm screwed?00:40
tmapjit told me to do this command--> dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages00:40
Mr_Bad_Newsok soundray thanks00:40
tmapjand the terminal did nothing00:40
danandblue112 - luck :)00:40
JuzzyDYou know what would be super duper? If upon completion of this torrent downloading, and getting Ubuntu up and running, I can finally get my Wacom working. I couldn't get it to work no matter what on my last two OS installs.00:40
thewiseilsaggioregards! I've a problem with a notebook with Nvidia card, Intel cpu, kubuntu , Nvidia driver updated today..00:40
usser[KS], iwlist wlan0 scan?00:40
Jack_SparrowerUSUL Would you double checkmy advice to Ben00:40
Mr_Bad_Newsis dpkg --get-selections how you search for installed packages tmapj ?00:40
[KS]yes, no scal results00:40
usser[KS], is wlan0 your wifi interface name?00:41
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate00:41
usser[KS], from iwconfig?00:41
tmapjJack_Sparrow,  thats what i did00:41
blue112danand, I've read the french version of the doc, which it's exactly the same, and it doesn't help me...00:41
tmapjMr_Bad_News,  yes00:41
soundraysmmagic: I think you used the wrong syntax (that's what Error 11 means)00:41
thewiseilsaggioI'm italian.. sorry for my bad english^^ however my problem is with the characters in Maya00:41
danandMr_Bad_News - dpkg -l00:41
virtualdMr_Bad_News: i use dpkg -l|grep whatever00:41
[KS]lo no wireless, eth0 no wireless, wmaster 0 no wireless, wlan 0 has wireless00:41
danandblue112 - :(00:41
[KS]IEEE 802.11a ESSID:"" Nickname: ""00:42
usser[KS], right ok...00:42
Jack_Sparrowtmapj Can you find a file  /home/yournick/my-packages00:42
Mr_Bad_Newssoundray, i rm it and i still get md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz The Flash plugin is NOT installed00:42
blue112So what can I do ? It use to work, and now, it doesn't >_<00:42
smmagicokay, soundray, I typed map (hd1) (hd0)00:42
soundrayMr_Bad_News: did you sudo rm it?00:42
usser[KS], try sudo rmmod iwl4945 && sudo modprobe iwl494500:42
zxdasdanand libssl did'nt work eather00:42
smmagicand the command moved on00:42
BenJack_Sparrow: when you say username:username do you mean that litterally or username:ben???00:42
soundraysmmagic: it has to go in your menu.lst00:42
[KS]usser, it's 4965. any difference?00:43
gr1ff1nhello everybody00:43
smmagicsoundray: What does?00:43
mepsipaxhow to I manually partition my hard drive when installing ubuntu?00:43
soundraysmmagic: the pair of map commands00:43
Benhi gr1ff1n00:43
usser[KS], oh is it? sorry then 496500:43
Jack_Sparrowtmapj dpkg --get-selections > ~/Desktop/my-packages00:43
smmagicohhh. Where in it soundray?00:43
gr1ff1ndoes anyone know how to downgrade firefox ??00:43
Jack_SparrowBen.. I mean Ben00:43
soundraysmmagic: I told you. After the title line.00:43
Strife89Well, I had to run for a minute, and "trackerd" is still not closed.00:43
tmapjJack_Sparrow, thats what i did!00:43
Benta jack_sparrow00:43
smmagicVery sorry, soundray. I got lost00:43
Jack_Sparrowtmapj Notice one difference in what I just typed.. /Desktop00:44
thewiseilsaggiosomeone can help me  with autodesk maya? I wanna know if the problem of menu's is a bug00:44
Strife89Should I just "kill" it?00:44
[KS]usser, still no scan results on iwlist00:44
soundraygr1ff1n: don't downgrade -- you can do a parallel install of firefox-200:44
lopinI need a suggestion for a nfs protocol to use...00:44
Tonydudewill someone  help me configure my realtek 802.11b/g wireless card to work in ubuntu. im new at this00:44
oberocdoes anybody know who allow tether of their cellphones (what company)00:44
Jack_Sparrowtmapj you created the file.. in /home/$USER/  if you want to check00:44
tmapjthe terminal still does nothing, Jack_Sparrow00:44
gr1ff1nsoundray: thanks good idea00:44
oberocwhat's tonydude00:44
lopinI just ogt my external hard disk out of storage, and I want to connect00:45
smmagicafter all of the title lines soundray?00:45
danandzxdas - try apt-cache pkgnames | grep ssl to give you a list of ssl related packages. After that try apt-cache show packagename to see if any of the packages do what you require.... may take you some time though ... perhaps openssl??00:45
Strife89Trackerd hasn't closed after I asked it to quit 10 minutes ago. Should I kill the process?00:45
Jack_Sparrowtmapj It is supposed to do nothing if it worked.. look on your desktop00:45
usser[KS], weird...ok lets try compiling the latest drivers00:45
oberoctonydude: what's up?00:45
usser[KS], do sudo apt-get remove linux-backports-modules-hardy00:45
soundraysmmagic: try in the section you are planning to boot first. You can add it in the others later00:45
lopinI just ogt my external hard disk out of storage, and I want to connect it to the server downstairs, and share it across the network, for file storage and stuff...  So, what protocol would you guys recomend?00:45
[KS]usser, one question first pls, are you sure it is supposed to be 802.11a?00:45
oberoclopin: samba00:46
Mr_Bad_Newsis there a command line automated download program?00:46
JamesGanzdoes the regular 8.04 desktop install cd offer an "expert" install mode?00:46
soundrayMr_Bad_News: wget00:46
gskerwould this be a place to ask about preseed files?  I just did an install on 12 HP DL145 machines and will probably do it again and would like to now have to answer the 8 questions.00:46
lopinoberoc, can I use samba annonymously?00:46
usser[KS], dont mind that, this info is changed when u actually connect to network, def values dont mean jack00:46
oberocMr_Bas_News: read the man page on aptitude00:46
Mr_Bad_Newsautomated soundray ?00:46
usser[KS], go here http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download00:46
[KS]usser, ok, now I managed to connect to my AP when typed the ssid manually00:46
soundrayMr_Bad_News: have you solved the problem with flashplugin?00:46
smmagicsoundray: Sorry. Ive gotten lost. Let me explain again. I have 2 HDs. one with vista and one with XP. I partitioned my vista for ubuntu and the ubuntu cd installed grub onto my XP drive. this is my prblem00:47
Mr_Bad_Newsnot yet00:47
tmapjthanks jack00:47
Mr_Bad_Newsi still get md5 mismatch00:47
usser[KS], oh it worked?00:47
soundraysmmagic: I know00:47
oberoclopin: yup I don't know the config though. You will have to read the config00:47
Tonydudecan someone privatly chat with me and walk me through how to install my wireless card in ubuntu?00:47
[KS]usser, yes, I've chosen manual configuration in nm-applet and typed in my ssid manually00:47
lopinoberoc, Thanks.  That's what I needed.   I didn't know if I wanted to use Samba, or webDAV, or FTP00:47
soundrayMr_Bad_News: why aren't you answering my question then -- did you use sudo rm on the downloaded archive?00:47
tmapjjack i have another problem00:47
[KS]set DHCP as IP aquisiition method, and it is working00:47
tmapjJack_Sparrow, i have another problem00:48
soundrayMr_Bad_News: use my nickname so I see your response00:48
smmagicsoundray: SO the first to boot would be what?00:48
usser[KS], hm... are u sure your AP is not hidden?00:48
lopinoberoc, thanks!00:48
Jack_Sparrowtmapj Ask away, but I am running low on answers00:48
tmapjwell my system wont play the startup sound00:48
soundraysmmagic: the one that your BIOS identifies as the first. Which isn't necessarily the one that grub sees as the first and calls (hd0)00:48
soundraysmmagic: hence the swap with the map command00:49
[KS]usser, yeah, I have another laptop connected to it. Besides, is it normal that my wifi card is not listed in nm-applet dropdown menu, altough it IS listed in manual configuration?00:49
JamesGanzwww.ubuntu.com is hosed?00:49
tmapji believe its indicative of a larger, more serious problem00:49
tmapji believe its indicative of a larger, more serious problem, Jack_Sparrow00:49
usser[KS], no its not00:49
Benok now heres a fun one.... one of the folder names on my disk is Anime - the e has an acute accent over it.... how do i type that into my console???00:49
usser[KS], lets try the latest driver?00:50
tmapjbecause my graphics card doesnt work either00:50
zcat[1]Ben: 'tab' or ?00:50
mDemocritusBen: type in Anim then the tab00:50
[KS]usser, ok, tell me what to do :)00:50
smmagicsoundray: My bios calls HD1 first I belive, as that contains vista00:50
mDemocritusBen: tabbed completion is sweet :D00:50
usser[KS], first off do sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers00:50
smmagicsoundray: however, GRUB only boots when I select my XP drive from the boot menu00:50
zcat[1]Ben: alternatively, Anim? will match as well..00:50
FloodBot3theneb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
Benthanks guys. crisis over :)00:51
tmapjyou there Jack_Sparrow ?00:51
=== Duffy is now known as imduffy15
[KS]usser, did that, linux headers needs to be explicitly selected?00:51
zcat[1]There's also a character map tool in accessories, you can find it there and cut-n-paste00:51
soundrayBen: to type the actual character: Ctrl-Shift-u-e-900:51
[KS]I can do apt-get install linux-headers-$(`uname -r`)00:51
usser[KS], no meta package should fetch the latest00:52
Bensoundray - you shouldnt know stuff like that :D00:52
=== zzasd is now known as flip
[KS]usser, says "You should explicitly select one to install"00:52
faleare there mac g3 users?00:52
* soundray blushes00:52
Lord_DeviI had a RAID 5 array (md0) consisting of /dev/sdb1,sdc1,sdd1. I just added another sata drive to this box and it renamed my existing drives. So now my old array will not assemble because it wants sdd1 but now it does exist - sda1 does now. How do i edit my array to take into account the new changes?00:52
AcornAcornWhy doesn't the newest version of azureus get installed?00:52
soundrayBen: I looked it up00:52
Benlol i guessed that ;)00:52
usser[KS], oh my bad then do with uname -r00:52
Jack_Sparrowtmapj Kinda busy atm.. but ask and I will read00:52
tmapjJack_Sparrow, my graphics card doesnt work and my startup sound wont play00:53
smmagicsoundray: So put the HD swap thing under xp or vista?00:53
[KS]usser, ok it's 8MB, downloading00:53
soundraysmmagic: only if you can't boot those without00:53
Benwhat command tells me how many GB of data is in a directory please?00:54
zcat[1]si alt-shift-u-x-x is how you make unicode characters?00:54
usser[KS], nice meanwhile cd /usr/local/src00:54
usser[KS], sudo wget http://wireless.kernel.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz200:54
smmagicsoundray: What I'm saying is, GRUB only "tries" to boot if I select my 160gb HD which is xp00:54
AcornAcornWhy doesn't the newest version of azureus get installed?00:54
zcat[1]ctrl-shift rather?00:54
flipalright look im trying to install unreal3.2.7 with ssl support what package do i need00:54
soundrayzcat[1]: you may need x-x-x or x-x-x-x00:54
smmagicsoundray: However, GRUB directs to my vista drive00:54
fxcphi folks. how to scan the network for dhcp requests to get the ip offered by dhcp server. 'tcpdump dst port 67' doesnt show the ip00:54
[KS]usser, that is downloading too00:55
zcat[1]soundray: cool.. I know sfa about unicode .. I probably should learn more :)00:55
[KS]usser, all downloaded, what nex00:55
smmagicI'm starting to feel like I'll never get this fixed00:56
usser[KS], bah sorry the wget part was wrong, the link on their page is all java script00:56
[KS]usser, it downloaded something about 2 megs?00:56
astro76fxcp: what machine are you running tcpdump on?00:56
usser[KS], heres the direct link sudo wget http://linuxwireless.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/compat-wireless-2008-05-30.tar.bz200:56
fxcpastro76: ubuntu00:56
astro76fxcp: the machine making the dhcp request you are looking for?00:57
=== snake_ is now known as albuntu
albuntuhow can i run a .c file ?00:57
[KS]usser, ok download00:57
soundraysmmagic: you need to either become a grub expert or find one. Re-ask your question, be patient, repeat after 10+ minutes00:57
oberocalbuntu: you have to compile first00:58
fxcpastro76: the machine getting ip via dhcp is an embedded device. so i wanna see from my notebook which one it gets00:58
usser[KS], now tar -jxvf *bz200:58
albuntuoberoc: with gcc ? how can i do it ?00:58
astro76fxcp: how is your notebook connected to the network, wireless? switch? hub?00:58
usser[KS], apt-get finished already?00:58
AcornAcornHow do I get the newest version of azureus?00:58
neavbiemy 1360x768 RESOLUTION is NOT listed in NVIDIA SETTINGS00:59
oberocalbuntu: what are you trtying to compile?00:59
neavbiehow do i use that resolution at 60 hz00:59
[KS]usser, yeah, all finished00:59
[KS]*bz2 did not work tho00:59
albuntuoberoc: its only a .c file00:59
[KS]had to specify filename because I have two of them now :)00:59
usser[KS], huh oh hm... remove the one without the date00:59
fxcpastro76: switched lan00:59
oberocalbuntu: ok gcc -o somename nameOfyourCfile00:59
Condoulojust a random question, when burning a disc, especially one of an operating system, what speed is recommended?01:00
albuntuoberoc: got it. going to try now01:00
soundraysmmagic: good luck... while you wait, read the links behind the grub factoid:01:00
AcornAcornHow do I get the newest version of azureus?01:00
soundray!grub | smmagic01:00
ubottusmmagic: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:00
[KS]usser, ok I extracted it, the one with the date01:00
[KS]linux headers downloaded01:00
[KS]what next?01:00
astro76fxcp: the difference between a switch and a hub, is that a switch only sends packets out the particular port that destination machine is on, whereas a hub broadcasts to all ports01:00
astro76fxcp: so you'll never see them unless you use a hub01:00
usser[KS], cd compat-wireless*01:00
usser[KS], make and stay sharp for any errors it spits at u01:01
[KS]do I need sudo?01:01
usser[KS], oh right sudo make01:01
AcornAcornHow do I get the newest version of azureus?01:01
[KS]usser, it did nothing01:02
astro76fxcp: or you would have to run tcpdump on the dhcp server01:02
[KS]spit out two lines, lol01:02
neavbieso noboyd knows how to force a 1360x768 resolution with nvidia settings?01:02
albuntuoberoc: i get this lines too many times and it doesnt end http://paste.ubuntu.com/15891/01:02
[KS]i need the generic headers?01:02
fxcpastro76: not really. dhcp requests are multicast, so i can see them. but not the ip the server offers01:02
oberocalbuntu: hang on01:02
usser[KS], u should have thme already01:02
usser[KS], thats what was linux-headers package for01:02
noelferreirahow can i use gnash instead of flash in firefox 3?01:02
astro76fxcp: oh ok, didn't know that about dhcp01:03
[KS]usser, there was different01:03
Chrysalisis there any advantage of using DejaVu sans over regular sans fonts?  i dont see any difference01:03
[KS]linux-headers-2... and linux-headers-2..-generi01:03
[KS]it's ok now it's making01:03
Benserver is all happy for the night now - thanks for help everyone!01:03
Ursinha!hi | renato01:03
ubotturenato: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:03
usser[KS], yea u u need generic01:03
usser[KS], cool01:03
oberocalbuntu: looks like you have syntax errors in your file01:03
AcornAcornHow do I get the newest version of azureus?01:03
renatoi have a little problem01:03
[KS]everyting seems fine, not much errors01:03
albuntuoberoc: maybe you are right. let me check01:04
Pupen1Any ideas how to turn a cue into an iso?01:04
[KS]no errors at all it seems01:04
renatodunno why ubuntun 8.04 and the printer config doesnt come up01:04
oberocAcornAcorn: look for it on sourceforge and download it01:04
free-cyber_ghostalguno de ustedes a usado mysql01:04
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:04
oberocPupen1: What's a cue?01:04
Pupen1oberoc: a weird format for a CD.01:04
neavbiephuuckkkkk u buntu im not paying for help and nobody can fix htis fukn thing01:04
usser[KS], is it done?01:04
AcornAcornoberoc: I've only ever installed things using apt-get and the add/remove programs thing01:04
[KS]usser, yeah, no errors01:04
[KS]make install?01:05
usser[KS], thats kinda fast01:05
albuntuoberoc: i found the fastest way possible. i just deleted it because it was very messed up. lol :)01:05
[KS]not to brag, but it's fast laptop :P01:05
usser[KS], can u pastebin the output so i can be sure :)01:05
oberocAcornAcorn: sourceforge.net01:05
[KS]usser, erm it's kinda pain cause I am not on the laptop now01:05
ottogutierrezanyone could help me in banshee??01:05
AcornAcornoberoc: how do you install something once you download it?01:05
[KS]but I assure you, it ended with make[1]: leaving directory ....01:05
usser[KS], oh ok, try sudo make install them01:05
usser[KS], ok01:06
oberocalbuntu: that's one way of handling ir01:06
[KS]ok installing01:06
peterpan098does anyone know how to file share01:06
[KS]now sudo make load?01:06
albuntuoberoc: thanks anyways ;)01:06
[KS]usser, sudo make load?01:06
oberocAcornAcorn: decompress, untar, and install01:06
ottogutierrezhas anyone have made work banshee with an ipod nano 3g??01:06
noelferreirahow can i use gnash instead of flash in firefox 3?01:06
usser[KS], yep01:06
oberocAcornAcorn: it's a java fie01:06
AcornAcornoberoc: will it automatically get rid of the older version?01:07
unr3a1ok, I dont get why this is doing this.  I am pointing my JAVA_HOME to the jdk installation, but the app I am trying to use keeps saying I am only pointed towards a JRE, not a JDK.  what am I doing wrong?01:07
yojesusanything dope program for ubuntu01:07
peterpan098anyone know how to file share?01:07
errpasthow can I save all my gnome workspaces so I have those same apps next time I boot01:07
[KS]usser, error inserting, unknown symbol in module01:07
oberocAcornAcorn: depends where you put it01:07
[KS]usser, I need to go now, but I will be back in about 20 minutes, is that a problem?01:07
ubottuFactoid sessions not found01:07
astro76noelferreira: sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-flashplugin01:07
nickrudunr3a1, did you install the jdk using synaptic/apt? If so, try running sudo update-java-alternatives01:08
yojesushow do i install icons that i recently downloaded01:08
usser[KS], just restart the thing, make load rarely works cause of module dependencies01:08
Jack_Sparrow!icons | yojesus01:08
ubottuyojesus: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)01:08
usser[KS], yea sure i'll be here01:08
[KS]usser, restart what?01:08
noelferreirathanks astro7601:08
=== ottogutierrez is now known as ottito
zepherinwhat is a linux equivalent to daemon tools?01:08
astro76!iso | zepherin01:08
ubottuzepherin: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:08
usser[KS], restart laptop01:08
ekontsevoyI am using Hardy with visual effects enabled. What kind of window manager am I running? Is it still Metacity? I want to download some themes for it but not sure what kind01:09
[KS]user, ok will do that, and be right back, thank you for everything01:09
peterpan098firestarter or ufw?01:09
Jack_Sparrowyojesus See also themes if they are a theme of icons01:09
unr3a1nickrud, it comes up with command options, --jre01:09
usser[KS], no problem01:09
ottitobanshee help please01:10
nickrudunr3a1, try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk , that's the recommended way to install a jdk01:10
unr3a1I did do that01:10
yojesuswait jack sparrow: where is !icons located at01:10
nickrudunr3a1, then   sudo update-alternatives --config java01:10
peterpan098help filesharing?01:11
peterpan098help fire sharing ?01:12
Jack_Sparrowyojesus user/share/app-install or just do a search for "icons"01:12
unr3a1I do that, and this is what I get: http://rafb.net/p/bJSTHz85.html01:12
AcornAcornwhere do program get installed to?01:13
Jack_SparrowNotice..  Sorry for the brief flood.. I need to do some housekeeping...01:13
nickrudunr3a1, huh. That should work, maybe01:14
Jack_SparrowAll done.. thanks for understanding01:14
Jack_Sparrownickrud goodnight01:14
ottitocould anyone help me with banshee??01:14
nickrudJack_Sparrow, goodnight, I'm testing a new vm in vista, won01:15
nickrudt be around long either01:15
unr3a1nickrud: its asking what option I want to select01:15
nickrudunr3a1, you have the correct one selected as far as I can see.01:15
nickrudunr3a1, what do you have javahome set as?01:15
abuyusuf-> Any one using Google Earth on hardy ?01:16
ottitoi had used it01:16
abuyusufottito: on hardy ?01:17
astro76abuyusuf: what's the question?01:17
agliodbsanyone know a groupware package that's on launchpad?01:17
unr3a1I have my JAVA_HOME set to that same directory as the * in my ~/.bashrc file01:17
abuyusufottito: Which version ?01:17
ottitothe lastest01:18
astro76unr3a1: you should set that in ~/.profile instead01:18
abuyusufastro76: when i run it on my Hardy, the all pc hangs after seconds of running Google Earth 4.301:18
ottitodid you install it by synaptic?01:18
astro76abuyusuf: running compiz desktop effects?01:18
unr3a1ok, and once i edit that file, I need to reboot, correct?01:19
albuntuottito: there is no package of google earth in synaptic01:19
abuyusufastro76: How to check for that?01:19
nickrudunr3a1, no, simply log out and back in01:19
astro76abuyusuf: system > prefs > appearance, visual effects tab01:19
ottitoor deb package?01:19
abuyusufastro76: "None"01:19
astro76albuntu: ottito: there is one in medibuntu01:20
unr3a1all I need is export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java, right?01:20
ottitoi think the problem with the installation is that you run it having sudo permission01:20
abuyusufottito: And, what the problem in that ?01:20
astro76abuyusuf: hmm not sure then, what video card?01:20
ottitoand then when you run it you don have root permissions01:20
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:20
dellphhello ppl!01:21
ottitoand the earth doesn't appear, does it?01:21
dellphhas ufw has a blacklist config or whitelist config file?01:21
abuyusufastro76: ATI Radeon, But not sure about it's drivers are installed or not01:21
abuyusufottito: No, it appears01:21
ottitoso what's the problem?01:22
astro76abuyusuf: this might be related http://n01getsout.com/blog/2006/11/26/google-earth-for-linux-freezing-with-ati/01:22
abuyusufottito: all pc hangs after seconds of running google earth01:22
JoshJthatwiki page doesn't seem to have quite what i want01:22
ottitomaybe is what astro76 is telling you01:22
ottitoabout the graphics01:22
JoshJi used to have ubuntu on my laptop; i'm getting rid of it now (technical issues) and would like to restore the default Windows booting setup01:23
abuyusufottito & astro76: Checking the link ..01:23
JoshJis there a good way to do that with the livedisc? I'd rather not have to make some stupid minimal 3 gig partition just to set up a linux install + grub01:23
___Alex___is there a way to control my laptop speed under gnome, like there is under xfce?01:23
astro76JoshJ: do what?01:24
ad_hi to all01:24
astro76JoshJ: ahh I see the question01:24
JoshJastro76, i used to have ubuntu on this laptop; i nuked the ubu partition so i could resize the windows partition to full01:24
JoshJ(ie: it used to dualboot, i'm going to be using a colinux setup going forward)01:24
astro76JoshJ: have your windows cd?01:24
JoshJastro76, somewhere :)01:24
JoshJis it necessary? i mean, grub WAS chainloading into windows...01:25
astro76JoshJ: boot from it and run something like fdisk /mbr to restore windows mbr... people in #windows will know for sure01:25
astro76JoshJ: but the /boot/grub/menu.lst was on the linux partition01:25
JoshJright astro01:25
ad_i have a problem with hardy and hda intel sound card, can anybody help me? After a week searching solutions I don't know what I have to do01:25
JoshJwhich is why it's not wokring now of course01:25
astro76JoshJ: alternatively, suposedly the super grub cd can install a syslinux bootloader for windows, but I tried it once without success01:26
___Alex___anyone know of a gnome panel that not only shows your CPU speed on a laptop, but allows you to change it?  Much like xfce panel?01:26
JoshJwell i'll ask in #windows then01:26
___Alex___JoshJ: www.bootdisk.com, download one of those and run fdisk /mbr01:26
JoshJalex i have my windows cd01:26
iandotcomanyone here have a logitech dinovo bluetooth keyboard. i can't get it to work properly.01:26
___Alex___JoshJ: boot into recovery mode and run fdisk /mbr, same thing01:27
unr3a1I still get this: URL: http://rafb.net/p/8fG0rC31.html01:27
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
unr3a1and I have this line in my .profile file: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java01:28
AlabamaHitWhat is a good program to burn VOB files (DVD)  I have Basero But I don't see an option for VOB files.01:29
astro76unr3a1: I don't think you want the export, just set the variable01:29
TBotNikhey how do I get U to install.  Been fighting new 8.04 for a month now and it toasts every single time01:29
unr3a1I thought I set the variable with export.. or no?01:29
astro76unr3a1: looking at how it sets PATH01:29
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astro76unr3a1: I'm just guessing though ;)01:30
unr3a1so put PATH JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java01:30
astro76unr3a1: no just JAVA_HOME=...01:30
unr3a1so take out export, log off, then back on, and I should be set01:31
astro76unr3a1: maybe :D01:31
unr3a1lemme try that really quick01:31
___Alex___AlabamaHit: check out AcetoneISO2... I'm just starting to use it, so I'm not sure if it'll do 100% what you want, but it's a start01:31
AlabamaHit___Alex___: I need a program to Burn VOB files. That Is the format of the Files.01:32
AlabamaHitLike a DVD Shrink alternative...01:32
AlabamaHitk9copy is it liek DVD Shrink?01:35
astro76yes AlabamaHit01:35
AlabamaHitastro76: Thanks :)01:35
[KS]usser, me is back :)01:36
usser[KS], hey so did it work?01:37
* [KS] slaps usser around a bit with a small trout01:37
[KS]oh sorry01:37
[KS]so, It is restarted01:37
SavagoAnyone out there succeed to control fan in a Thinkpad (T60)?01:37
[KS]but now, there is no my wifi card01:37
AlabamaHitWhat about a program that will take AVI files and make them play on DVD Player?01:37
[KS]not even in manual config01:37
=== roxandSLEEP is now known as roxahris
unr3a1no dice01:37
unr3a1I get the same error01:37
AlabamaHitNon Data format burner for AVI file.01:38
usser[KS], did u remove backports package?01:38
[KS]hm, cannot remember01:38
[KS]sudo apt-get remove backports-linux01:38
[KS]or what?01:38
usser[KS], yea01:38
[KS]what's the package name01:39
usser[KS], linux-backports-modules-hardy01:39
[KS]53.2kB disk space will be freed :P01:39
usser[KS], nice delete it01:40
[KS]i did01:40
usser[KS], then cd /usr/src/compat-wireless01:40
usser[KS], then cd /usr/src/compat-wireless*01:40
CatslacksI have an .iso on a DVD and I want to mount the ISO to install a game -- how do I do this? (Hardy)01:41
wersI have the kylom Projekt application on my P990i. It exports files to opml format. how do I edit opml files on Ubuntu?01:41
usser[KS], then sudo make unload01:41
[KS]there is no that folder01:41
usser[KS], what?01:41
alan_m!mount | Catslacks01:41
ubottuCatslacks: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:41
usser[KS], oh my bad /usr/local/src/compat-wireless*01:41
astro76!iso | Catslacks01:41
ubottuCatslacks: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:41
alan_mmeh, thanks astro76 i had the wrong factoid01:41
[KS]now load?01:41
Steve-CalCatslacks: Did you ever get your wireless working?01:41
unr3a1astro76, I got that same error01:42
usser[KS], yes01:42
CatslacksSteve-cal: Hey. And yes, I did. :P01:42
alan_msorry Catslacks for the wrong information :)01:42
[KS]usser, and restart?01:42
[KS]sudo shutdown -r 0 :)01:42
usser[KS], no dont restart01:42
alan_mastro76 gave you the right one Catslacks01:42
Steve-CalCatslacks: That's great--so what was the fix?01:42
usser[KS], what iwconfig says?01:42
CatslacksIt's no problem alan_m01:42
[KS]lo and eht001:42
[KS]no wireless01:42
Polygon89I need help getting direct rendering working. It worked before, but now it suddenly stopped working, please dont redirect me to a page about how to install drivers, as before the hardware manager used to do the trick, now the hardware manager says the drivers are installed but i get no direct rendering. A01:42
usser[KS], what does modinfo iwl4965 say?01:43
usser[KS], and lsmod | grep iwl01:43
AlabamaHitI will be back.01:43
CatslacksSteve-cal: I reformatted (again) and just carefully went through the HowTo line by line. I think what happened is I didn't 'sudo' a line before I sent it and that caused all the trouble.01:43
[KS]modinfo gives module info, believe it or not :P01:43
astro76unr3a1: does 'echo $JAVA_HOME' give you nothing?01:43
[KS]and lsmod gives nothing01:43
[KS]should i modprobe?01:43
usser[KS], yea sudo modprobe iwl496501:43
[KS]Unknown symbol in module01:44
[KS]Error inserting01:44
Steve-CalCatslacks: I see. And did you get it working with Madwifi I assume or did you have to go with ndiswrapper?01:44
mepsipaxwhat is .esd_auth?01:44
usser[KS], sudo rmmod cfg80211 mac8021101:45
usser[KS], then sudo modprobe cfg80211 mac80211 iwl496501:45
[KS]no I cannot rmmod01:45
[KS]both modules are in use01:45
[KS]I think i should do sudo make unload first?01:45
CatslacksSteve-cal: Madwifi. I only get about 45%-55% signal strength now though, but I'm about 30-40' away from the router through a wall and the floor so I guess that's not bad.01:45
usser[KS], bah nah it wont work, restart again01:46
[KS]ok, restarting01:46
Steve-CalCatslacks: That's actually really good signal strength. I've actually successfully used an AP where I only had 10% signal strength. And of course your signal strength has nothing to do with Madwifi. :)01:47
tmapjcan someone PLEASE help me with my graphics card? it refuses to work.01:47
alan_mtmapj, sure if you tell us what kind it is, we probably can figure it out from there.01:47
alan_mor at least try to tmapj01:48
tmapjits a GeForce Go 730001:48
CatslacksOkay I've typed this in every which way and I can't get it to mount, lol.01:48
ledmushroom in the sysnaptic package manager the not installed (residual config) is it safe to make all of those for complete removal ?01:48
[KS]usser, ok it is restarted01:48
[KS]now, what, rmmod?01:48
usser[KS], lsmod | grep iwl01:48
Polygon89As shown by this screenshot, http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/84/screenshotwb0.png , i cant get direct rendering working by installing the restricted drivers anymore. Any suggestions?01:48
[KS]usser, nada :)01:48
alan_mledmushroom, yeah01:48
tmapjalan_m, nvidia01:48
eboyjr/msg ubottu info flex01:49
usser[KS], wtf01:49
tmapjalan_m, nvidia gforce go 730001:49
AmericanYello1does any here know if it is possible to connect to Window music library using RhythmBox?01:49
[KS]usser, nothing01:49
=== Triangles is now known as misha_
alan_mtmapj, well, i dont have an nvidia card..so..i cant help you personally, but we have a few members in here that do have one, so lets see if i can pass you off to one of them (sorry man, i wish i could.)01:50
tmapjthanks man, who are they?01:50
tmapjalan_m,  thanks man, who are they?01:50
usser[KS], that is strange, i really need to see what does sudo make say01:50
usser[KS], and modinfo iwl496501:50
[KS]usser, ok just one moment01:50
Polygon89I need help getting direct rendering working. It worked before, but now it suddenly stopped working, please dont redirect me to a page about how to install drivers, as before the hardware manager used to do the trick, now the hardware manager says the drivers are installed but i get no direct rendering. A01:51
[KS]btw, rmmod mac80211 says that mac80211 does not exist01:51
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alan_mtmapj, im not sure, but they are here, they will grab your request in a bit.01:51
usser[KS], clearly wifi modules dont get loaded, looks like they arent build correctly01:51
tmapjHello out there! I have an Nvidia graphics card and need help!01:51
[KS]so ... sudo make?01:51
usser[KS], cd to /usr/local/src/compat* and sudo make01:52
usser[KS], pastebin the whole output01:52
[KS]okay, hold on01:52
CatslacksOk, this is what I'm typing in: sudo mount -o loop File.iso /media/cdrom0/xxxx and it's not doing anything01:52
xplughi some one is here?01:53
[KS]usser, it's not doing anything01:53
[KS]gave me like 5 lines of output01:53
usser[KS], pastebin them, looks like u're missing something01:54
___Alex___crap... I just blew away my default gnome panel... anyone know the default network panel addon name?  I can't seem to find it01:54
astro76Catslacks: does using /mnt instead of /media/cdrom0/xxxx make a difference?01:54
unr3a1_hey all01:54
usser[KS], actually sudo make clean first then sudo make again01:54
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[KS]ok :)01:55
=== orion is now known as orion-terry-away
[KS]there should be something like sudo make >> pastebin01:55
Catslacksastro76: No. I'll pastebin it 1sec.01:55
usser[KS], haha true01:56
astro76[KS]: there is, it's called pastebinit01:56
Polygon89I need help getting my ati radeon 9800 to have direct rendering.01:56
[KS]there is?01:56
astro76!info pastebinit | [KS]01:56
ubottu[ks]: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB01:56
[KS]it can take input from stdin?01:56
ZiggyFishThe website is broken01:56
ZiggyFishuser warning: Table 'drupal_ubuntu2.mirror_list' doesn't exist query: select mirror_list.location, mirror_list.name, mirror_list.link, mirror_countries.countryname, mirror_countries.continent, 1 as 'o' from mirror_list left join mirror_countries on (mirror_list.location = mirror_countries.location and mirror_countries.officialname = 1) where mirror_countries.continent = 'EU' union select mirror_list.location, mirror_list.name, mirr01:56
ZiggyFishor_list.link, mirror_countries.countryname, mirror_countries.continent, 2 as 'o' from mirror_list left join mirror_countries on (mirror_list.location = mirror_countries.location and mirror_countries.officialname = 1) where mirror_countries.continent = 'NA' union select mirror_list.location, mirror_list.name, mirror_list.link, mirror_countries.countryname, mirror_countries.continent, 3 as 'o' from mirror_list left join mirror_countr01:56
ZiggyFishies on (mirror_list.location = mirror_countries.location and mirror_countries.officialname = 1) where mirror_countries.continent = 'AS' union select mirror_list.location, mirror_list.name, mirror_list.link, mirror_countries.countryname, mirror_countries.continent, 4 as 'o' from mirror_list left join mirror_countries on (mirror_list.location = mirror_countries.location and mirror_countries.officialname = 1) where mirror_countries.co01:56
FloodBot3ZiggyFish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:56
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!01:56
ZiggyFishntinent = 'SA' union select mirror_list.location, mirror_list.name, mirror_list.link, mirror_countries.countryname, mirror_countries.continent, 5 as 'o' from mirror_list left join mirror_countries on (mirror_list.location = mirror_countries.location and mirror_countries.officialname = 1) where mirror_countries.continent = 'OC' union select mirror_list.location, mirror_list.name, mirror_list.link, mirror_countries.countryname, mirro01:56
ZiggyFishr_countries.continent, 6 as 'o' from mirror_list left join mirror_countries on (mirror_list.location = mirror_countries.location and mirror_countries.officialname = 1) where mirror_countries.continent = 'AF' order by o, countryname in /srv/drupal-farm/www/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 172.01:56
Amaranthwhere is floodbot?01:56
Amaranthoh, there we go01:56
Catslacksastro76: http://pastebin.com/d2b38b0a601:56
FlannelSlow, like the other day01:56
[KS]usser, building is much slower now :)01:57
Pici!paste | ZiggyFish01:57
ubottuZiggyFish: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:57
usser[KS], it should be slow, takes about 3 min on my laptop01:57
astro76Catslacks: ick, spaces.... enclose "filename with spaces.iso" and "/path/with spaces/" in quotes01:57
ZiggyFishjust letting you guys know of a problem on the website. uck I won't do this again01:57
[KS]it's done01:57
Catslacksastro: ah, ok let me try that01:57
[KS]lemme paste it01:57
Polygon89I need help getting my ati radeon 9800 to have direct rendering.01:57
AmaranthZiggyFish: What website?01:57
astro76Catslacks: and using /media/cdrom0/whatever rubs me the wrong way because cds are mounted to /media/cdrom0 ;)01:57
astro76Catslacks: but it should still work01:58
elkyZiggyFish,we dont mind the warning, the flood was a little much though.01:58
___Alex___if I delete my home directory, I'll get everything re-imported from /etc/skel, right?  e.g., my gnome panel?01:58
[KS]usser, http://pastebin.com/d635d6d3d\01:58
Catslacksastro76: Well, the iso is on a dvd01:58
___Alex___better yet, what file contains my gnome panel info?01:58
[KS]usser, http://pastebin.com/d635d6d3d01:58
unr3a1_astro76, I got that same error, even when I took export out01:59
astro76___Alex___: only when you create a user is /etc/skel copied01:59
Cpudan80anyone have problems with rhythmbox randomly crashing in HH?01:59
astro76unr3a1_: does 'echo $JAVA_HOME' show nothing?01:59
usser[KS], cool that looks more like it01:59
usser[KS], now sudo make install01:59
Cpudan80Like I'll click on a song and bam - crash01:59
ZiggyFishSo how am I meant to download the thing01:59
[KS]usser, you need pastebin of that?02:00
hagabakawhy does xserver-xorg depend on xserver-xorg-video-all?02:00
unr3a1_astro76, it outputs this: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java02:00
usser[KS], yes if u can02:00
xpluganyone know how ti install socks on a linux server(centos) i have the root access (ssh)02:00
=== atlas95_ is now known as Atlasaurus
Polygon89What does it mean when something doesnt have permission even if you use sudo?02:00
unr3a1_and how do I change my name?02:00
hagabakaPolygon89: the program is not executable02:01
astro76unr3a1_: /nick newnick02:01
jester7anybody here pretty familiar with ufw?02:01
astro76unr3a1_: it looks like the variable is being set just fine02:01
Catslacksastro76: It's saying there is no such file or directory? I even copied + pasted the filename02:01
helenwenas noxes02:01
transiencei can't get vlc to run. the last thing i did was copy two theme files into the /skins2 directory. can anyone help?02:01
Polygon89hagabaka, http://pastebin.com/m3a9c72b902:01
krammer_how can I upgrade to 8.04 ? I tried update manager02:01
___Alex___astro76: if i log in as another user, I can just copy over the entire .gconf folders to get my gnome panel settings back? does that sound right?02:01
=== unr3a1_ is now known as unr3a1
[KS]usser, http://pastebin.com/d418f80ac02:01
nikolazhello my friends one question ok?02:01
=== Biolunar_ is now known as Biolunar
unr3a1yea, but the app I am trying to run still thinks that it is only looking at the JRE, not the JDK02:02
TBotNikany CVS/Subversion gurus available?02:02
nikolazim using ubuntu 7.10, and i know about the upgrade to 8.04.. the problem is that 8.04 not working well with my laptop.. so i install 7.10 again.. and not works very good.. my question is? there will be more support for 7.10? i mean... updates for 7.10? thanks.02:02
helen[nikolaz] any question02:02
hagabakaPolygon89: oh, that's not what I was thinking of, and I've no idea02:02
ZiggyFishTBotNik: yes02:02
Cpudan80krammer_: It should have a upgrade button in there02:02
usser[KS], cool sudo make load02:02
helenvery musch02:02
astro76Catslacks: if you do 'ls' do you see the iso?02:02
TBotNikZiggyFish: Can you join us on #cvs?02:03
Polygon89can anyone help me get my ati radeon 9800 card working?02:03
[KS]usser, need pastebin?02:03
usser[KS], yes02:03
krammer_I tried the update manager, maybe the upgrade ver is only offered when the updates are available02:03
unr3a1astro76, I just dont get it.  why would the app still think that I only have the JRE loaded?02:03
unr3a1you can see in the string that it is pointed to jdk02:03
jester7nikolaz: i'm pretty sure 7.10 will be supported until 200902:03
helenande tais02:03
ZiggyFishTBotNik: I'm there02:03
Catslacksastro76: If I type ls it gives me a list of things: Desktop, Download, Music, Pictures...02:04
jester7nikolaz: i think the default is 2 years for each desktop version02:04
astro76!es | helen02:04
ubottuhelen: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:04
helenalguien spanish02:04
[KS]usser, http://pastebin.com/d7643a41c02:04
frinkahedronhagabaka: if you don't want xserver-xorg-video-all i think you can install just xorg and then just the drivers that you need.02:04
m_newtonHOW do i reset my IP address, OR basically change my IP?????02:04
Flannelnikolaz, jester7, 7.10 will be supported until April of 200902:04
astro76Catslacks: if you don't see the file then of course the mount command won't work, is it on your desktop or something?02:04
Flannelhelen: /join #ubuntu-es02:04
User__hey, i am using 8.04 and setting up an ltsp server, but everytime I add a new user account it disappears, and I can't figure out why.02:04
Catslacksastro67: It's on a dvd02:04
nikolazand one last question.. when i install 8.04.. the firefox beat was excelent, thats for sure... is possible to get this version on 7.10?02:04
astro76Catslacks: well you've specified the .iso to mount in relation to the current directory which is your /home/user, aka ~02:05
nikolazbeta version * sorry02:05
frinkahedronhagabaka: the "xorg" package that is with "xserver-xorg-video-ati? pr whatever02:05
unr3a1astro76, any other ideas?02:05
helenbeta k?02:05
astro76Catslacks: so instead of just file.iso, you need /media/cdrom/file.iso02:05
helenk dices02:05
frinkahedroni need a dialing wand02:05
astro76unr3a1: afraid not02:05
helenindi fokin02:05
nikolazis possible to get FireFox new beta version on GUTSY 7.10?02:05
helenmiri yu02:05
Picihelen: stop02:06
Darlok_WilliamsDoes anyone know why Apple decided to force Quicktime to view trailers?  mozilla-mplayer used to work fine but not anymore. Any suggestions?02:06
usser[KS], dont fit well try sudo make unload and then sudo make load02:06
helen[Pici] xk?02:06
Polygon89can anyone help me get my ati radeon 9800 card working?02:06
helenno kieres ser mi amigo02:06
heleno k?02:06
jester7nikolaz: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-firefox-3-beta-2-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html02:06
faleDarlok_Williams: because QT is an Apple's technology02:06
astro76!english | helen02:06
ubottuhelen: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:06
[KS]usser, still same, iwl4965 not loade02:06
helende pura cepa02:07
User__does anyone know why when i make new user accounts, they would disappear?02:07
falehelen: #ubuntu-es02:07
nikolazthanks a lot jester7, i will fallow this instructions02:07
helenmade in spaing02:07
helenmy name is helen02:07
usser[KS], bummer try rebooting02:07
spyd3rIs anybody else having an issue with the download page on ubuntu.com?02:07
JuzzyD_Does anyone know of a good post install guide?02:07
NetEchohow do I get my machine to accept SSH connections?02:07
Pici!es | helen02:07
ubottuhelen: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:07
spyd3rIt does not let me pick a mirror02:07
LeefmcQuestion: I installed Ubuntu 8.02 Desktop from UNetBootin and i did not get any install options (such as partitioning), is this normal? How can i get those partitioning options?02:07
astro76NetEcho: sudo apt-get install openssh-server02:07
[KS]usser, could I try these drivers on -16 kernel?02:08
NetEchothx astro7602:08
JuzzyD_spyder the resident bot gave me a wiki site with some mirrors on there02:08
AmericanYello1Hey everybody! I'm making a general announcement. STRenGTHEN FIRefoX! Check this out! http://www.spreadfirefox.com/en-US/worldrecord/02:08
JuzzyD_I got it from there.02:08
FlannelAmericanYello1: please don't spam here.  Thanks.02:08
Polygon89can anyone help me get my ati radeon 9800 card working?02:08
Kaemon12433on ubuntu has only one virtual desktop02:08
CatslacksAstro76: "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"02:08
Kaemon12433i dont know how to add another.02:08
usser[KS], you'll have to recompile them again for the old kernel, dont load into 17 they should work02:08
Picihelen: Se trata de un canal de apoyo, no para chatear. Por favor, escriba /join #ubuntu-es02:08
AmericanYello1sorry, just trying to help set firefox as the most downloaded app within 24 hours02:09
[KS]usser, ok I am back in -17, did the restart02:09
astro76Catslacks: seriously? ... hmm dunno02:09
[KS]usser, sudo make load?02:09
usser[KS], lsmod | grep iwl02:09
spyd3rJuzzyD_, I was able to down load it but I had to go a back way to get it. Its just slow.02:09
transiencei can't get vlc to run anymore, i've tried re-installing, but nothing works02:09
transiencedoes anyone know why?02:09
Kaemon12433hey how do u add a virtual desktop?02:09
Fuzzy-ltKaemon12433: compiz?02:09
Kaemon12433no not that02:09
usser[KS], hm i dont get it...02:09
Kaemon12433i mean like....02:09
Fuzzy-ltKaemon12433: gnome?02:09
Polygon89can anyone help me get my ati radeon 9800 card working?02:09
FloodBot3Kaemon12433: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
usser[KS], sudo rmmod cfg80211 mac80211 pastebin02:10
frinkahedrontransience: what error do you get when you type "vlc" in a terminal?02:10
JuzzyD_I used one of the torrent links spyd3r. Lots of seeds, very very fast.02:10
transiencethat started it02:10
transienceso why doesn't it run from the programs menu?02:10
[KS]usser, ERROR: module mac80211 does not exists in /proc/modules02:10
JuzzyD_Does compiz-fusion work on Ubuntu?02:10
spyd3rjuzzyD_, THanks I will look for a torrent link.02:11
Fuzzy-lthardy installs it by default02:11
djnmJuzzyD_: it is installed by default02:11
usser[KS], ok sudo modprobe cfg80211 mac8021102:11
JuzzyD_Too easy, is it under appearance preferences somewhere?02:11
nikolazjester are you there?02:11
astro76JuzzyD_: yes there's a visual effects tab02:11
[KS]usser, FATAL: Error inserting cfg80211 ...02:11
nikolazim having problem on this step.. when i type this on the kernel: sudo tar -C /opt -jxvf firefox-3.0b2.tar.bz202:12
nikolazi get error02:12
JuzzyD_Got it. I've gotten used to bouncy windows, don't think I can live without them now.02:12
nikolaztar: firefox-3.0b2.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory02:12
Kaemon12433ugh never mind! i'll go get help somewhere else02:12
ab_Question - how do I install the linux flash driver on opera?02:12
frinkahedrontransience: i'm not sure.  perhaps the link to the program is wrong.02:12
JuzzyD_Another quick question if I may, the installation didn't ask me to set a root password during install, is this normal?02:13
Polygon89can anyone help me with my ati radeon 9800 and getting the drivers for it to work???02:13
usser[KS], sigh... strange i dunno02:13
Checkdanewscan somebody help me setup tv out with ubuntu 8.04 and a geforce 7300?02:13
Steve-Calnikolaz: I have Firefox 3.0 available thru the repositories in Synaptic--have you enabled all your repositories (System > admin/prefs > Software Sources) and checked Synaptic? I don't think you need to compile it yourself.02:13
Darlok_Williamsfale: It's always worked before, though... that's why I'm curious if anyone has a workaround.02:13
AmericanYello1POlygon89 have you tried using Envy??02:13
JoshJbtw to the people who suggested things for my windows/grub issue earlier02:13
transiencefrinkahedron: i can get vlc to launch, but i can't change the skin or open the preferences.02:13
JoshJturns out that my windows partition was corrupted02:13
JoshJso i'm reinstalling :\02:13
Polygon89AmericanYello1, yes and after that i got a completely white screen whenever i tried to log in.02:13
CheckdanewsSomebody help me get tvout to work02:14
LeefmcQuestion: Long story short, i installed Ubuntu Desktop from an ISO, but did not get any install options such as Partitioning, anyone know why?02:14
Jack_Sparrow!root | JuzzyD_02:14
ubottuJuzzyD_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:14
usser[KS], something doesnt get unloaded properly. if its not a big problem i suggest sudo make uninstall it and go back to backports they partially work at least02:14
theblueHi all.02:14
Jack_Sparrow!grub | JoshJ02:14
ubottuJoshJ: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:14
messiahhi, i need little help02:14
SwishLeefmc, maybe you have to use the alternate install CD?02:14
JoshJJack_Sparrow, that's not the issue :p02:14
* Swish is just guessing02:14
nittanylionanyone particularly good with troubleshooting a wifi card not connecting to an AP? it's been driving me crazy all day now...02:14
JoshJgrub can't really help with a corrupt windows partition :P02:14
LeefmcSwish: No idea heh02:14
[KS]usser, now it work, the sudo rmmod thing, when i did sudo rmmod mac80211 cfg8021102:14
JoshJLeefmc, you probably picked one of the options that didn't allow for partitioning02:14
FlannelLeefmc: How did you install it then?  where did you install it to?02:14
CheckdanewsI have Ubuntu 8.04 and a geforce 7300, I have no idea how to get tv-out to work02:14
[KS]i just changed places between mac and cfg02:14
fxcphi folks. how to read in /etc/hostname after the hostname was modified manually?02:15
Jack_SparrowJoshJ Once you reinstall windows, you will lose grub and need to reinstall it02:15
JoshJSwish, the normal install allows for partitioning02:15
JoshJJack_Sparrow, not my problem02:15
nikolazyes i enable all repositories now02:15
nikolaznow whats next?02:15
JuzzyD_Thanks, I figured as such, it's a confusing concept at first, to be an admin, but not be an admin unless you say I wanna be an admin. Assuming that makes sense02:15
nikolazhow do i install FF beta?02:15
JoshJJack_Sparrow, my problem was the opposite- namely, i deleted linux and forgot to lose grub :p02:15
Checkdanewswhat is the best multiplayer game for ubuntu?02:15
FlannelJoshJ: You need to either reinstall grub, reinstall windows bootloader, or use something like Smart Boot Manager02:15
PiciCheckdanews: irc ;)02:15
frinkahedrontransience: close vlc, then rename your .vlc folder.  this will get rid of old prefs: mv ~/.vlc ~/.vlc_orig02:15
LeefmcFlannel: Ah hello! This has to do with the conversation from yesterday. I downloaded the ISO of Ubuntu Desktop, used UNetBootin. However, when running UNetBootin from the boot menu, i never got any options during the Ubuntu install02:15
JuzzyD_Checkdanews: WoW :P02:15
Steve-Calnikolaz: Open Synaptic (System > Admin > Synaptic) and search for "firefox".02:16
JoshJFlannel, yeah, kinda hard to "reinstall windows bootloader" when the partition is corrupt... turns out that i have to reinstall windows... no big deal though, just time consuming02:16
JuzzyD_IRC = Multiplayer Notepad02:16
LeefmcFlannel: I'm not sure where the problem lies, but the end result is that i cannot access (or even confirm) the existance of my Ubuntu Install.02:16
Checkdanewslol fine best free mmo for ubuntu02:16
Jack_SparrowCheckdanews Find World of Padman, sauerbratten etc02:16
FlannelLeefmc: I'm just wondering how it installed then.  Since you need a partition to install to, etc.02:16
ksbalajiHi! After installing Hardy, I find that my audacity does not recognize output devices.  I tried reinstalling audacity.  No use.  Is there a way to let audacity detect my audio device?02:16
usser[KS], ok... what does lsmod | grep 80211 say?02:16
Swishmore like multiplayer closed-captioning02:16
LeefmcFlannel: No idea :/, windows disk manager only shows C:02:16
Checkdanewslmao exactly swish02:16
JoshJCheckdanews, MMO? uh... i think you can play WoW via cedega or whatever02:16
JoshJbut that's not free...02:17
[KS]usser, lsmod says cfg8021102:17
LeefmcFlannel: Even after installing, if i reboot, i only got 2 options. Windows and UNetBootin02:17
JoshJi think you're better off with MUDs02:17
JuzzyD_I read that WoW works 100% in wine.02:17
AmericanYello1Polygon89, did you try enabling the Ati driver from the Hardware Drivers?02:17
Steve-Calksbalaji: What do you mean? Under "preferences" what audio driver are you using?02:17
usser[KS], sudo rmmod cfg80211 too02:17
JoshJthere's a few FPSs such as Enemy Territory that work in linux02:17
SwishI hope mIRC works well under ubuntu+wine02:17
* Swish is not looking forward to using pidginIRC02:17
JoshJSwish, wtf do you want mIRC for? use XChat02:17
Checkdanewsanybody help me setup tvout with a geforce 730002:17
usser[KS], if FATAL again see what depends on it and rmmod it first02:17
JoshJor Konversation, or ...02:17
SwishI like mIRC :)02:17
FlannelLeefmc: Try booting to UNETbootin, what does it do then?  (I've never used it, but I'm googling furiously right now)02:17
Polygon89AmericanYello1, see this screenshot: http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/84/screenshotwb0.png02:17
JuzzyD_Umm, sorry to ask again, but does anyone know a good all encompassing post installation set up guide to get repositries and common applications installed?02:17
usser[KS], ie sudo rmmod dependencies cfg8021102:17
Bizzehxchat blows... thats why he is using mirc02:17
[KS]usser, it's removed, lsmod gives nothing02:17
Jack_SparrowJoshJ Please do not use "Rude" shorthand.02:17
Checkdanewswell what game do you guyz play the most on ubuntu02:18
ganjastset clown output to730002:18
SwishI have no problem trying xchat or whatnot.  I just remember BitchX back in the day and epic and none of them being very good02:18
* Swish likes his many windows02:18
JoshJFPS doesn't mean anything rude, it's a first person shooter ;[02:18
ksbalajiSteve-Cal: Under preferences, there is none listed. I am not able to enter anything there.02:18
Flannel!games | Checkdanews02:18
ubottuCheckdanews: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php02:18
JoshJSwish, i used to like mIRC, but Xchat rocks.02:18
LeefmcFlannel: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ , UNetBootin Installs Ubuntu without a CD Drive02:18
usser[KS], nice now sudo modprobe mac80211 cfg80211 iwl496502:18
Jack_SparrowCheckdanews /join #Ubuntu-offtopic for discussions and that type of question.. this is the support room02:18
Jack_SparrowJoshJ Yes.. that02:18
LeefmcFlannel: No idea how it works, but essentially (the way it seems), everytime you boot into UNetBootin, you install Ubuntu02:18
finger__somebody knows a program for audio edition??02:18
Checkdanewswell I need help to, but nobody was helping me, i apologize tho02:19
JoshJi fail to see what's "rude"?02:19
Jack_SparrowJoshJ I was not talking about fps02:19
FlannelLeefmc: Right, but obviously it doesnt, or at least, not by default.  Once you boot, what does it give you, what does it ask, etc?02:19
[KS]usser, error inserting mac8021102:19
JuzzyD_ /join #Ubuntu-offtopic02:19
[KS]maybe I should try cfg first?02:19
LeefmcFlannel: It was weird, because the 1st time, ubuntu seemed to be running awesome! But then i rebooted and noticed no ubuntu02:19
Steve-Calksbalaji: Under "preferences" in Audacity--under "audio I/O" what devices can you select?02:19
usser[KS], what errors? depends on cfg8021102:19
JoshJanyway there's Nexuiz as another FPS02:19
usser[KS], ?02:19
Bizzehanyway, is there anything like tortoisesvn for gnome? ie, a menu entry in the right click menu to administrate subversion repos?02:19
FlannelLeefmc: so, sounds like its booting the CD, which you then need to install from.02:19
Hammer89is there a program that'll rip m4p files to an Audio CD?02:19
usser[KS], put cfg80211 first02:19
LeefmcFlannel: When i boot into UNetBootin, it simply starts doing something with ubuntu. An ubuntu loading screen appears02:19
JuzzyD_Anyone have experience getting Graphire4 to work in Hardy?02:20
LeefmcFlannel: Then some text flashes, then i'm all of a sudden inside Ubuntu, a working operating system.02:20
CheckdanewsI have Ubuntu 8.04, and a geforce 7300, I have the nvidia GLX new drivers installed, and I tried NVTV but that doesn't even open when i try, Im kind of lost, and I don't want to attempt to manually edit the xorg02:20
[KS]usser, nothing, error inserting cfg...02:20
[KS]whatever I put first it has an error02:20
JuzzyD_I think the tablet itself might be dead, but I'm not sure.02:20
CheckdanewsIm trying to get tv out to work02:20
LeefmcFlannel: I was able to install stuff, change settings, enjoy myself.02:20
iSXCan anyone help? i've done apt-get install php5, now i need to restart it. Whats the command?02:20
FlannelBizzeh: try http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/nautilus-script-collection-svn02:20
Checkdanewscan anybody assist me with my tv-out problem?02:20
FlannelLeefmc: right, that's what the liveCD allows you to do.  Did you notice if there was an "Install Ubuntu" icon on the desktop?02:21
LeefmcFlannel: Pardon if i lag for a moment, i'm uninstalling mass stuff to slim down my windows side heh02:21
blackvdAnyone know of an easy way to reformat an ipod in Linux? Trying with gtkpod but it says I don't have permissions, read only file system?02:21
usser[KS], hm... hang on lemme actually compile this thing myself02:21
tuchkihi everybody02:21
LeefmcFlannel: Hmm, sounds familiar actually, but i cannot confirm.02:21
[KS]usser, OK02:21
LeefmcFlannel: Funny though, that sounds like a HUGE flaw in the steps haha.02:21
AmericanYello1Polygo89, did you first try the driver from the "Hardware Driver" or did you use both the Hardware Driver and run Envy?02:21
LeefmcFlannel: (steps for UNetBootin)02:22
tuchkisomeone know how can i recupere files deleted in a memory stick?02:22
FlannelLeefmc: It does sound like what it does is allow you to boot the CD without a CD.  You'll need to install once you've booted to that CD.  Basically, you've popped the CD and booted to it.  But haven't actually installed.02:22
LeefmcFlannel: So i need to click an install link? And then insteall ubuntu with normal settings (partitioning for duel boot)?02:22
JoshJi've never heard of UNetBootIn, but the standard ubuntu liveCD allows you to run off the CD02:22
CheckdanewsI have Ubuntu 8.04, and a geforce 7300, I have the nvidia GLX new drivers installed, and I tried NVTV but that doesn't even open when i try, Im kind of lost, and I don't want to attempt to manually edit the xorg, I want to be able to use my cards tv-out.02:22
quaalxhow would i find out why a drive isnt showing up in fdisk -l02:22
JoshJLeefmc, if UNetBootIn is similar to the normal disc, that's exactly what you have to do02:22
quaalxdmesg ?02:22
FlannelLeefmc: Yeah.  You're just not using a disc to boot the liveCD02:23
LeefmcJoshJ: K02:23
BizzehFlannel: ty, just installed.. ill see how they go later02:23
mepsipaxpasswd: Warning: only the first 8 characters of a password are02:23
mepsipaxwhy could that be?02:23
=== kat is now known as Guest483
LeefmcFlannel: Well its weird, the way the website describes it, its as if its a normal install, not a livecd, but i could have easily missed unfamiliar terminology.02:23
Checkdanewsis there any guides to help me setup tv-out in 8.04 with a nvidia card02:23
ksbalajiSteve-Cal: As you said, I was able to select between ALSA and another restricted ATI driver before upgrading to Hardy. Now the device field under -preferences/audio IO - nothing is listed. It is blank and I am not able to select anything.  However, under input (Microphone) I have-OSS,ALSA still listed.02:23
FlannelBizzeh: if that isn't satisfactory, there are others out there too.02:23
LeefmcFlannel: Since your familiar with my problem, will you be online in an hour or so?02:23
Bizzehalso, is there a preferances item that i can install that will allow me to set which disks to mount on boot and set that users can access them? (like in kubuntu)02:23
FlannelLeefmc: I should be, yes.  And yeah, I think it's not misinformation, just mixing up of terms on either side, since technically, you can boot to linux02:24
CheckdanewsCan somebody help me setup tv-out in ubuntu8?02:24
DILtuchki: there should be a thrash or thrashes file on the card02:24
LeefmcFlannel: Right now i'm uninstalling crap from windows to slim it down, and then i'll retry UNetBootin, and that actually goes pretty quick. If i dont see an install, it would be nice to grab you for a minute since you know the situation02:24
LeefmcFlannel: Gotcha, thanks a lot02:24
Steve-Calksbalaji: OK, if you go under System > Admin/Prefs > Sound, do you have ALSA selected for everything? That would be a good thing to check.02:24
FlannelLeefmc: defrag before installing02:24
Checkdanewsdoes anybody know anything about setting up tvout in ubuntu with a nvidia card02:25
m_newtonHOW do i reset my IP address, OR basically change my IP?????02:25
LeefmcFlannel: Gotcha. Its funny, im very driven now. Theres a few softwares that were keeping me windows, and now i finally am able to use them on linux.. well, they want to charge me 300$ just for one software piece. Ugh, im switching to blender.02:25
CheckdanewsI don't believe you can do that newton02:25
DILquaalx: recheck connections02:25
LeefmcFlannel: With any luck, i'll be ditching windows entirely within the week.02:25
quaalxDIL, yea its connected.02:25
thebluei think i found a show-stopping bug on the ubuntu website.02:25
wersmy keyboard doesnt work on wine. what can I do?02:26
CheckdanewsI think your IP resets if you have dsl because of a static IP but im not sure at all02:26
thebluei can't download the ISO, since there's no list of mirrors.02:26
theblueand it gives me a large error from Drupal.02:26
CheckdanewsTVOUT HELP NEEDED02:26
LeefmcQuestion: On a side note, is there a "using ubuntu" channel for ubuntu beginners? I'd like to learn from there, and helpout as i gain usage knowledge02:26
DILquaalx: try sudo fdisk -l02:26
quaalxDIL, yea thats what i did.02:26
Checkdanewsneeds tvout help02:26
JoshJLeefmc, that would be this channel02:27
JoshJplus the wiki and forums.02:27
LeefmcJoshJ: K02:27
LeefmcJoshJ: ty02:27
LeefmcJoshJ: I didn't want to annoy this channel with stupid usage questions hehe :)02:27
FlannelLeefmc: If its less support oriented, #ubuntu-offtopic would be another good place02:27
JoshJLeefmc, also, linuxcommand.org is great for linux newbies in general02:27
LeefmcBut i'll make sure to wiki up before asking02:27
Checkdanewsis there any site or guides anybody can link me to, to setting up Tvout with ubuntu 8.04 and a geforce 7300 PLEASE02:27
bazhanghttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+hardy+tvout+nvidia+7300&btnG=Google+Search Checkdanews02:28
ksbalajiSteve-Cal: let me check.- It is OK under sound. ALSA is displayed in all the fields.02:28
Flannel!repeat | Checkdanews02:28
ubottuCheckdanews: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:28
Checkdanewsalright thanks guyz02:28
JoshJLeefmc, linuxcommand.org is a basic (and advanced) command line tutorial that's good at teaching you the real power of linux02:28
usser[KS], hey02:28
LeefmcJoshJ: Noted, thankyou02:28
[KS]usser, got me scared there, leaving so sudden :D02:28
Steve-Calksbalaji: Is your problem only in Audacity? Can you play sound from other programs?02:28
usser[KS], i just did that whole module thing02:29
LeefmcQuestion: Also, is there a good list of top linux programs? I'll be wanting a lot of software here and there, all of which i can't predict now. Stuff like CD/DVD Drive Emulators, Good mp3 players, etc.02:29
usser[KS], worked fine here02:29
usser[KS], basically just remove all 80211 modules02:29
[KS]on -17 kernel?02:29
JoshJLeefmc, gimme a sec, i had a list a minute ago02:29
usser[KS], yes02:29
theblueLeefmc, Synaptic Package Manager has a *mammoth* list of easily installable programs.02:29
[KS]usser, there are no 80211 modules :)02:29
[KS]lsmod | grep 80211 returns nothing02:29
remuhey guys, I had a question, I'm trying to set emesene to start at startup, I know how to do it by going to services and all, but I was wondering if there is a way to get it to start up after a delay, of like 10 seconds or so, I just find that when it starts RIGHT at startup, it just slows things down a bit, which annoys me, lol02:30
akaaka99oh yeah!02:30
JoshJyes, theblue is correct; but there's also online stuff in general02:30
ksbalajiSteve-Cal: Yes. My other apps like Amarok,Rhythmbox, mplayer etc., do work great.02:30
Leefmctheaber: Well, are they good ones too? I hate installing programs that are "dead"(ie, no dev activity for multiple years)02:30
usser[KS], lsmod | grep iwlwifi is clear too,02:30
akaaka99sup guys.. guess from which HW im using ubuntu right now? :D:D:D02:30
Bizzehis there a preferances item that i can install that will allow me to set which disks to mount on boot and set that users can access them? (like in kubuntu)02:30
akaaka99and is running smoothhhhh02:30
usser[KS], can u pastebin lsmod without any grep's see whats there02:30
[KS]usser, it is02:30
theblueakazawa, Sega Dreamcast?02:30
JoshJLeefmc, definitely.02:30
akaaka99lol theblue02:30
akaaka99from the ps302:30
JoshJLeefmc, also you can look at sites like this: http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and http://www.linuxalt.com/02:30
theblueakaaka99, Very cool.02:30
bazhangakaaka99, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic02:31
akazawatheblue, huh?02:31
=== Atlasaurus is now known as Atl
[KS]usser, http://www.pastebin.com/d3bc22aff02:31
theblueakazawa, sorry, tab-completion screwup.02:31
ksbalajiSteve-Cal:My system sounds also are fine.  I pity this good old program audacity.02:31
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
Bizzehakazawa: i would be more impressed... if the ps3 didnt come with a manual and a disk and told you exactly how to do it :P02:31
Flannel!away > ka2zzzz02:31
LeefmcJoshJ: Since were on the subject, last night from ubuntu i was going through some flash tuts on basics. One of which was the basic ubuntu repository (linux/whatever) for installed programs. How is this maintained? Are there many "dead" or "not well written" programs in that list?02:31
JoshJLeefmc, note that while those sites list programs, you really should install them from the package manager if you can rather than downloading/compiling them yourself02:31
akazawatheblue: well I have dc and love it02:31
JoshJthe ubuntu repository is maintained by the ubuntu people, who in turn get it from Debian02:32
astro76remu: sleep 10 && command02:32
usser[KS], empty for some reason02:32
isx2What's the command to copy a folder through bash?02:32
Steve-Calksbalaji: Are you using version 1.3.x from the repositories? I had problems with that beta version crashing, so I went with the official stable release, 1.2.x. That might be your problem.02:32
LeefmcJoshJ: Yea, i think the package manager is what the tut was talking about, iirc02:32
astro76isx2: cp -a02:32
remuastro76, thanks a bunch02:32
akazawatheblue: I play dc all the time :)02:32
=== Atl is now known as Atlis
FlannelLeefmc: #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place for questions like that, just FYI02:32
vietcoopWhy my Ubuntu 8.04 desktop can not update? It said that: Could not calculate the upgrade02:32
usser[KS], invalid pastebin id says02:32
JoshJLeefmc, the few dead programs are mostly in "universe"; the main stuff is all actively maintained02:32
vietcoopA unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.02:32
vietcoop This can be caused by:02:32
vietcoop * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu02:32
vietcoop * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu02:32
vietcoop * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu02:32
FloodBot3vietcoop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:32
vic1ousHey, how do you burn a Iso with ubuntu02:32
theblueakazawa, i meant to tab to akaaka99.02:32
LeefmcK, ty02:32
sdlsHow can I play DVDs on Ubuntu?  I am rather new to it.02:32
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
FlannelLeefmc: https://help.ubuntu.com/ has a good rundown of beginner info02:32
[KS]usser, http://pastebin.com/d439dc9d902:32
hiworldhello world02:32
[KS]apparently www.pastebin.com and pastebin.com are not the same02:33
LeefmcYea, i'll be doing lots of wiki downloading.02:33
JoshJLeefmc, also, "universe" programs are not necessarily reviewed by the Ubuntu people so they are more likely to be lower quality or just plain viewed as "un-essential" for some reason02:33
JoshJnote that some of them are high quality, some of them are just redundant (text editors #40 through 90)02:33
LeefmcFlannel: On a sidenote, is there a downloadable version of that? I'm going to be offline in a week, for a week, some i'd like to still make ubuntu progress if i can02:33
BizzehKS: they are. but there are .ca .net and .org which are totaly different people running them02:33
remusdls: try www.ubuntuguide.org, REALLY helpful for me02:33
hiworldi need to download complete ubuntu CD's any help pls02:34
[KS]Bizzeh: http://pastebin.com/d3bc22aff works but http://www.pastebin.com/d3bc22aff says invalid post id?02:34
remusdls: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#How_To_Add_DVD_Playback_Capability02:34
astro76!download | hiworld02:34
ubottuhiworld: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!02:34
Bizzeh[KS]: their htaccess is broke then02:34
vietcoopMy Ubuntu 8.04 can not update, error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15897/ Please help02:34
[KS]Bizzeh: newbies :P02:34
vxd2how can i remove a host from the list of known hosts in sshd?02:34
astro76vietcoop: what command did you use?02:35
Bizzehsdls: you could do what i do, the best way of learning is to install ubuntu, and just play around with it02:35
usser[KS], almost same as mine02:35
Steve-Calksbalaji: Have you tried running audacity from the terminal? You could then see if it returns any errors that might help you figure out what is wrong.02:35
Bizzehwhen you break it, you know not to do that again... then just reinstall02:35
amenadovxd2-> you vi ~/.ssh/known_host02:35
astro76vxd2: edit ~/.ssh/known_hosts and delete the corresponding line02:35
usser[KS], whats the exact error for sudo modprobe mac8021102:35
FlannelLeefmc: There used to be a pdf, but I believe its all in the help stuff for Ubuntu itself.02:35
akiraVanyone have any idea why on an 8.04 install gdm would apparently ignore /etc/gdm/Init/Default ?02:35
vietcoopastro76, the system auto run the software update02:35
astro76vietcoop: are you using 3rd party repos?02:35
ksbalajiSteve_Cal:Hey! you have a point. Mine is 1.3.4 beta. Now what do I do to throw it away and revert to 1.2.x? Please?02:35
[KS]usser, no error02:35
[KS]error is only when using them in chain02:35
moDumassfingers has anyone helped you out02:35
[KS]like config, mac, iwl02:36
usser[KS], oh, sudo modprobe cfg8021102:36
vietcoopastro76, yes02:36
astro76vietcoop: that's the problem then02:36
FlannelLeefmc: Yeah, it's all in the help file.  Just hit the question mark at the top of your screen02:36
Dr_willishiworld,  ubuntu.com has links to the various mirror servers for the ubuntu iso image files.02:36
usser[KS], ?02:36
[KS]usser, even that goes02:36
theblueDr_willis, it's broken as of right now.02:36
[KS]only iwl wont work02:36
vietcoopastro76L how to solved?02:36
theblueDr_willis, try it.02:36
LeefmcFlannel: K, ty02:36
usser[KS], sudo modprobe iwl496502:36
astro76vietcoop: not sure, you could have a real mess on your hands02:36
[KS]usser, throws an error02:36
[KS]lemme pastebin it02:36
LeefmcWelp i'm off for a bit, so i can turn my firewall off and really crank the uninstallers out heh. Thanks a ton guys, wish me luck :)02:36
usser[KS], ok02:36
Dr_willistheblue,  thats cool. :)  wonder who broke it! :P02:37
LeefmcBe back in an hour or so, from ubuntu.02:37
moDumasshey my ktorrent has stopped functioning, just stops going.. any ideas02:37
[KS]usser, http://pastebin.com/d50d6a87c02:37
Polygon89can anyone help me with getting the drivers working for my ati radeon 9800? they are giving me lots of trouble.02:37
Steve-Calksbalaji: Before you do that, try running audacity in a terminal to see if it returns any errors (just type "audacity" in a terminal).02:37
astro76vietcoop: perhaps uninstall all packages you installed from whatever 3rd party repo is screwing you up02:37
moDumassktorrent refuses to load, and so does bittorent client02:37
Dr_willistheblue,   seems that http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ is still up. :)02:37
JoshJPolygon89, i may be able to02:37
JoshJPolygon89, what's the exact problem?02:37
astro76vietcoop: and remove it from sources.list too02:38
vietcoopastro76: When I run System > Admin > Update man, after checking, system says: Not all updates can be installed02:38
theblueDr_willis, so it is, thanks.02:38
vietcoop... run partial upgrade...02:38
=== syrius is now known as syrius`
Polygon89JoshJ, yay :D... anyway as you can see from this ss: http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/84/screenshotwb0.png i have the drivers enabled in the hardware manager but i still get no direct rendering02:38
Dr_willistheblue,  googling for the iso image file name gets me   http://findfiles.com/list.php?string=ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso&size=733079552&db=Mirrors02:38
ksbalajiSteve-Cal: I also want to report this audio detection problem  with this beta version to help the developers? (Hoping it will be of a wee-bit help)02:38
usser[KS], hm sudo modprobe iwlwifi_mac8021102:39
Polygon89JoshJ, i tried installing them from envy but every time i just got a white screen when i tried to log in, the only way i could see stuff if i used a 'failsafe gnome' session02:39
astro76!bugs | ksbalaji02:39
[KS]usser, same error from the pastebin02:39
[KS]what if I unload mac80211?02:39
ubottuksbalaji: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:39
Polygon89JoshJ, and it worked before. Im positive that if i reinstall ubuntu it would work fine but i really dont want to reinstall =/02:39
usser[KS], try it02:39
Steve-Calksbalaji: Yes, but first see what errors (if any) you get when you run the program, and try to select an audio driver.02:39
JoshJPolygon89, did you just upgrade from gutsy to hardy?02:40
usser[KS], unload mac80211 and load iwlwifi_mac8021102:40
Polygon89JoshJ, this installation is a upgrade from gutsy but i upgraded a couple days before hardy came out.02:40
[KS]usser, iwlwifi won't load02:40
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P02:40
JoshJyeah there was some issue with fglrx and the gutsy->hardy upgrade02:40
[KS]I even tried unloading cfg8021102:40
JoshJhang on, lemme find what i had to do02:40
usser[KS], i dunno... thats really weird02:40
syrius`anyone have any luck compiling linux restricted modules for a custom kernel?02:40
JoshJi'm on a newer ATI but i suspect it's the same problem, gimme a minute02:41
transiencei can't get vlc to use custom themes. can anyone help?02:41
Polygon89JoshJ, k.02:41
Oracle_NextHow can i remove package in the ubuntu?02:41
[KS]usser, so what do you recommend? to go back to those partially working ones?02:41
astro76Oracle_Next: apt-get remove, or use Synaptic02:42
Hammer89Oracle_Next:  sudo apt-get remove <package> in terminal02:42
Polygon89Oracle_Next, either synaptic package manager , then right click > remove then click apply, or in the terminal sudo apt-get remove <packagenamehere>02:42
flintubottu, evening... I really like your advice, care for a dumb question about apache-ssl vs apache2?02:42
ubottuflint: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:42
akazawaOracle_Next: use add/remove...02:42
flintOracle_Next, dpkg -P <package name>02:42
=== Yahuda_ is now known as Yahuda
syrius`Anyone have any luck compiling linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel? I've been trying with the guide online for a couple hours already02:42
Oracle_Nextok, thanks!!!!02:42
jtmoneyanyone know if i'll see a big performance boost by compiling my own kernel?02:43
Flanneljtmoney: you won't02:43
Polygon89jtmoney,  not really.02:43
=== Atlis is now known as atlas95
usser[KS], yea i guess. sudo make uninstall and sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-hardy02:43
flintjtmoney, you will see a performance boost by upgrading to 8.04 about 20 percent02:43
usser[KS], reboot and see if it works02:43
JoshJPolygon89, check to see if linux-restricted-modules is in there02:43
[KS]usser, what would happen if I installed these drivers on -16 kernel?02:43
jtmoneyflint: already on 8.04... would like to squeeze a little more out of this box though02:43
Swishflint, where's that 20% boost coming from?02:44
Swishand from what version to what version?02:44
yowshiwhats the mount suffix to list all hard drives connected to the computer?02:44
usser[KS], probably the same outcome...02:44
ksbalajiSteve-Cal: Running in terminal gave a lot of errors. However audacity just popped up with the same error. May I PM the error to you? I cannot flood the errors here.( about 20 lines)02:44
flintSwish, When I installed it that is what it felt like... could have just been the cool graphics... :^)02:44
Polygon89JoshJ, it wasnt installed O.O02:44
usser[KS], but u can try it before installing backports i guess02:44
Polygon89JoshJ, ill go restart x and see if that magically fixed it.02:44
astro76yowshi: just mount will list all mounted partitions, sudo fdisk -l will list all partitions02:44
[KS]usser, can I install backport first, cause I need to restart after that anyway02:44
JoshJPolygon89, heh. that showed up on the bugs page... might be it; might not be02:45
Steve-Calksbalaji: Please pastebin the errors (pastebin.com)02:45
JoshJwasn't my problem, but it did show up02:45
usser[KS], process is the same sudo make uninstall right now, sudo make clean reboot to old kernel and start over02:45
remudoes anyone know how I can hide the join and part messages in xchat? I searched online, and some people are saying that "/set irc_conf_mode 1" should turn it off...but it I just typed it, and am still seeing join and part messages02:45
usser[KS], no that may interfere02:45
flintSwish It was up from 7.10. care for a dumb question about apache-ssl vs apache2?02:45
astro76remu: right click the channel name02:45
usser[KS], even though it shouldnt but i dont know what to think anymore02:45
syrius`Anyone have any luck compiling linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel?02:45
Swishgo for it, but I hope it's quick, I'm going to bed soon02:45
[KS]usser, ok I am gonna try with -1602:45
[KS]i did make uninstall and make clean :)02:46
syrius`the online guide leads me to errors during build :/02:46
remuastro76: I know I can hide them that way, I just thought there must be a way to auto do it every time02:46
Oracle_NextHow can i change version of firefox 3 beta for version final firefox?02:46
usser[KS], ok reboot and off u go02:46
[KS]i have compiz in .16, it's nicer :)02:46
JoshJremu there's an option02:46
flintSwish, thanks, the deal is that the apt-sources only lists apache-ssl not apache2 ssl is there a reason for this?02:46
remuJoshJ: where abouts?02:46
JoshJi'm looking02:46
joshualhey folks, is there an app that replaces Skype for skype accounts?02:46
mepsipaxI want to program in C, but I can't with a default ubuntu installation can I?02:46
usser[KS], this whole thing will be fixed in the next release, as of now intell wifi is a sorry mess02:46
Swishflint, not sure, but the standard apache2 install can still do https (ssl)02:47
JoshJmepsipax, correct, sudo apt-get install build-essential02:47
ussermepsipax, sure u can02:47
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:47
astro76joshual: there's skype, it's in the medibuntu repository02:47
ussermepsipax, above02:47
astro76!medibuntu | joshual02:47
ubottujoshual: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:47
[KS]next release of what?02:47
usser[KS], of ubuntu02:47
flintSwish, yea, but you have to set it up.  Thanks, this actually helps my thinking on this.02:47
usser[KS], in 4 months02:47
Hammer89joshual: you can just install skype on linux ;)02:47
usser[KS], err 502:47
JoshJoh hrm i can't seem to find it, sorry remu02:47
Swishflint, yep.  have to bind port 443 in the apache configs.. generate the ssl certificate with the openssl tools..02:47
joshualastro76: oh I know, but I don't like it :\02:47
remuJoshJ: lol, thanks anyways02:48
Swishflint, and setup a new virtualhost or whatever in apache .confs02:48
JoshJremu, i know i've seen it before though >_<02:48
[KS]usser, hehe yeah but that's kinda not an option02:48
Swishthere are countless tutorials for it online :)02:48
flintjoshual, the Skype 2.0 actually supports video on Ubuntu.02:48
joshualflint nice, but not sms still02:48
usser[KS], yea i know :(02:48
Acomacohey guys.. I once tried to install Xubuntu to my harddrive with a usb stick using syslinux, and a shell script.. Can i use the same thing if i want to make an windows XP cd?02:49
flintSwish, that is exactly what I want to do so I am gonna forget about apache-ssl.  Thanks.02:49
Polygon89JoshJ, direct rendering: Yes :D02:49
ImmersionYes, Acomaco.02:49
JoshJPolygon89, nice02:49
[KS]usser, i could use some pcmcia card for wifi tho, i guess02:49
JoshJwhat was the command to check that, btw?02:49
Polygon89JoshJ, can i have the bug page you were looking at?02:49
AcomacoImmersion: thank you :)02:49
JoshJPolygon89, doh , i closed it, lemme pull it up02:49
joshualhmm guess not or google wouldv'e returned something02:49
ksbalajiSteve-Cal: I have selected just two lines from the error lot for reference. quote: -Expression 'parameters->channelCount <= maxChans' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 924 second line: Expression 'ValidateParameters( outputParameters, hostApi, StreamDirection_Out )' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 114202:49
thebluei'm interested in running a console-based copy of Ubuntu off of a 2GB USB stick under Windows.02:49
usser[KS], but choose wisely :)02:49
theblueHow would I best go about doing this?02:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228573 in ubuntu "gutsy to hardy - all fglrx drivers fail-> low graphics" [Undecided,New]02:49
chuy_maxwhat's wrong with ubuntu download site?, I get database errors: http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download02:49
flintjoshual damn no sms?02:49
Polygon89JoshJ, thanks02:50
chuy_maxanyone else has the same issue?02:50
[KS]usser, is there Intel 4965 in pcmcia version? :))02:50
thebluechuy_max, I did.02:50
Dr_willistheblue,   virtualbox or qemu - running the ubuntu session. -  but 2gb may get a little tight.02:50
chuy_maxI thought so, I cleaned the cache02:50
Steve-Calksbalaji: Can't you pastebin all the errors please?02:50
JoshJPolygon89, my problem was different; it was an actual fglrx issue and i had to nuke envy and the driver02:50
Polygon89JoshJ, ah.02:50
usser[KS], i wouldnt know sorry02:50
Dr_willischuy_max, try  http://findfiles.com/list.php?string=ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso&size=733079552&db=Mirrors02:50
usser!wireless | KS02:50
ubottuKS: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:50
JoshJPolygon89, and i still can't find the issue, someone in #compiz is who actually told me02:51
chuy_maxok, thx Dr_willis02:51
wershow do I permanently rotate images without using gimp?02:51
christozhello does vlc supports .mp4 format files?02:51
Dr_willischuy_max,  som4e server issue it seems at the download site02:51
theFATMANhow do i make a file in the terminal? i just realized i dont know how02:51
JoshJPolygon89, what was the command to check direct rendering?02:51
JoshJtheFATMAN, "touch filename"02:51
Polygon89JoshJ, glxinfo | grep direct02:51
Dr_williswers,  the 'imagemagik' package has some command line tools to do that I recall.02:51
JoshJah, thanks02:51
[KS]usser, lol you ain't gonna believe it02:51
[KS]hahhaa, but everything went fine on -16 :))02:51
wersDr_willis, cant I just use eog for that?02:51
wersor f-spot?02:52
usser[KS], what it modprobed?02:52
Dr_williswers,  no idea.. did you TRY it?02:52
syrius`Anyone have any luck compiling linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel?02:52
JoshJfspot probably can, i doubt eog can02:52
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[KS]usser, like a charm :)02:52
JoshJtheFATMAN, if it's a directory, "mkdir" does what you want02:52
jepongis there a update on hardy-proposed RE openoffice suite?02:52
wersDr_willis, i did but I failed02:52
theFATMANjoshj, thanks, so...'touch /etc/init.d/iptables_azureus'  ?02:52
flint!apache2 ssl | flint02:52
usser[KS], hm....oh wow unbelievable02:52
usser[KS], iwconfig see it?02:52
JoshJtheFATMAN, that's syntactically correct, i have no idea if that's what you actually want to do though02:52
JoshJyou may have to sudo it due to the location02:52
[KS]usser lol yeah02:53
theFATMANjoshj, ah ok, well i'm doin a bit of port forwarding02:53
[KS]altough iwlwifi_mac80211 wont modload02:53
christozdoes vlc or tottem  supports .mp4 format files?02:53
[KS]but iwlwifi modprobed02:53
flint[KS] sorry about that...02:53
JoshJtheFATMAN, don't ask me about that lol; i have no idea how to do that without the nifty linksys web interface :p02:53
usser[KS], as long as iwl4965 is there it shoulnt matter02:53
Steve-CaltheFATMAN: Are you trying to get azureus working with a router?02:53
usser[KS], pastebin modinfo iwl496502:53
Dr_williswers,  for doing a large # of taks imagemagick is handy. :)   http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php has some details of the packages features.  if you want a alterantive gui tool. I tend to use picassa a lot02:54
theFATMANSteve-Cal, yeah02:54
syrius`Anyone with experience compiling linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel that could assist me for a moment?02:54
usser[KS], or look for the version it should be 1.2.26k02:54
[KS]lol it's ok02:54
JoshJtheFATMAN, is the router the computer you're doing /etc/init.d modifying on?02:54
[KS]my wifi card is even in the dropdown list of the nm-applet02:54
JoshJif not, you need to actually modify it in the *router*- see portforward.com02:54
usser[KS], hah02:54
theFATMANjoshj, yeah02:54
jo_OH HAI GUIS02:54
usser[KS], i bet the wifi LED doesnt work though02:54
=== jo_ is now known as Psyux
Steve-CaltheFATMAN: the only port forwarding you should need to do is with your router configuration--you shouldn't need to mess with iptables on your machine.02:54
PsyuxHOW R U DOIN?02:54
[KS]usser, it's always orange02:54
ksbalajiSteve-Cal: The URL is -http://pastebin.com/d6d6fc33602:55
[KS]cause this is HP Pavillion HDX900002:55
[KS]has those touch thingie buttons02:55
[KS]quickplay I think02:55
usser[KS], yep, LED works with backports modules02:55
theFATMANSteve-Cal, i wasnt sure, i was just going by their wiki, they have an ubuntu reference section02:55
usser[KS], but not with compat-wireless02:55
[KS]usser, thanks02:55
[KS]usser, led vs wifi, guess what I chose :D02:55
mepsipaxhow do I see how much space files are taking up?02:55
usser[KS], can u still pastebin modinfo iwl4965 i want to see it02:55
usser[KS], ?02:55
[KS]ok sure02:55
JoshJmepsipax, "du"02:55
Steve-CaltheFATMAN: That's strange--do you have the URL for that info?02:56
JoshJmepsipax, that takes a while if you don't add other stuff :p02:56
theFATMANjoshj, yeah, they dont have my router on that site02:56
Flannelmepsipax: ls -lh /path/to/file02:56
astro76mepsipax: also, df -h02:56
usser[KS], but u'll still want to go to newer kernel at some point02:56
astro76mepsipax: depending on exactly what you mean ;)02:56
[KS]but wifi does not see my network still02:56
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theFATMANSteve_Cal, here it is:  http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/NAT_problem#Detailed_guideline02:56
JoshJmepsipax, also "ls -l" does it02:56
[KS]maybe I should restart?02:56
JoshJ(along with some other stuff)02:56
usser[KS], does it see other network?02:56
Steve-Calksbalaji: Did you install Audacity through the repositories or did you compile it yourself?02:56
[KS]it says Wired Networks02:57
[KS]and WIreless networks02:57
[KS]but none are listed02:57
FloodBot3[KS]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:57
syrius`Anyone with experience compiling linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel that could assist me for a moment?02:57
JoshJmepsipax, you should do "man" on the various things to find out for sure what you want and how to use them.02:57
usser[KS], give it some time... it takes maybe 2 mins on my laptop for it to initialize02:57
deeperrorwhen i get these recommended updates is that removing the files it is updating or does this add more and more every time?02:58
usser[KS], also try iwlist wlan0 scan02:58
JoshJmepsipax,  ls -s gives filesize in blocks02:58
[KS]usser, what was the name of the graphic card driver02:58
[KS]the one you told me to change to ati?02:58
astro76deeperror: files are replaced02:58
usser[KS], fglrx02:58
theFATMANhow do i highlight a name in irc with x-chat?02:58
bonhofferi just connected via sftp to another computer . . . how do i put a directory mput dir_name doesn't work02:58
ksbalajiSteve-Cal:Installation was thru repositories. I think beta version installations are enabled.02:58
astro76theFATMAN: type the nick like I just did02:58
astro76theFATMAN: tab completion helps02:58
chetnickmy gnome-panel is very CPU intensive. Is there anything I can do about it?02:58
theFATMANastro76: i had no idea it did that, lol02:59
Steve-CaltheFATMAN: Yes, based on the info on that page, I don't believe you need to do anything more then forward the necessary ports thru your router setup.02:59
theLichKingi installed the windows wireless drivers package, installed the driver, and now i wanna configure the network.. the problem is the network configurator asks for the name of the network.. how can i tell it to search the wireless networks that are available and choose from one?02:59
[KS]I did the restart02:59
deeperrorastro76: thanks seemed like a lot of things being downloaded the other day just making sure that was the case02:59
[KS]after the restart I'll pastebin iwl02:59
theFATMANSteve-Cal: ok, thanks dude02:59
bonhofferi get skipping non-regular file MyDirectory02:59
usser[KS], kk02:59
JoshJtheFATMAN, you should be able to do it via xchat settings: settings -> preferences -> chatting -> alerts -> nicknames to always highlight02:59
bonhofferif i do mput MyDirectory02:59
Sergeant_Ponyis there a way to format a usb memory stick?02:59
astro76deeperror: well yeah the package has to be downloaded, but when it is installed it replaces files... however the .deb package is actually saved in /var/cache/apt/archives03:00
CatslacksI installed Warcraft 3 with Wine but it doesn't work. When I run it everything just flashes. I checked WineDB but it said there shouldn't be any problems.03:00
[KS]usser, ati driver was causing flicker in -16 kernel so i had to change it back03:00
theFATMANSteve-Cal: i am a former windows user, how do i find my ip in the terminal?03:00
astro76deeperror: if you want to empty that, you can do sudo apt-get clean03:00
deeperrorand the debs can be removed03:00
Steve-Calksbalaji: I think your best bet is give the 1.2.x version a try. Be sure to first uninstall your 1.3 version, and uou can download the 1.2.6 version here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty-updates/i386/audacity/download03:00
deeperrorahh cool03:00
JoshJCatslacks, check #wine03:00
syrius`theLichKing: I wasn't able to view wireless networks with my windows drivers package, i had to manually enter the SSID to start the connection03:00
usser[KS], i see03:00
theFATMANSteve-Cal: never mind, just answered my own ?, lol, peace03:00
syrius`Anyone with experience compiling linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel that could assist me for a moment?03:01
CatslacksjoshJ: "YOU (Catslacks) have been booted from #wine by ChanServ (Invite only channel)"03:01
bonhofferso to put a directory do i need to use a recursive option to mput03:01
[KS]iwlist wlan0 scan03:01
astro76Catslacks: you want #winehq03:01
[KS]no scan results03:01
mepsipaxquota returns nothing03:01
theLichKingsyrius`: that's very not practical, what if i was in a cafe?03:01
JoshJCatslacks, see astro76 's comment03:02
bonhofferthe web says to use put -R MyDirectory -- but this doesn't work03:02
roxahriswhat commend do I use to rename files froma  consile03:02
bonhofferis this really complicated -- thought folks would ftp directories a lot03:02
Flannelroxahris: rename or mv03:02
bonhofferroxahris: mv03:02
syrius`yeah I know, i was suprised.. i just couldn't do it with the gui.. i'm sure there is a command line way to do it03:02
usser[KS], sudo iwlist wlan0 scan03:02
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor, well i didn't expect to see you here considering you're not in Digital-it03:02
ImmersionHas anyone here tried Pixel? http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/?page_id=1203:03
yojesusi just downloaded some screenlets but evrytime i turn off the computer and turn it back on they are never thier how do i get them to apear their all the time03:03
syrius`roxahris: I believe you can use the 'mv' command.03:03
[KS]Interface doesn't support scanning: Network is down03:03
bonhofferdoes anyone here use ftp -- or is ftp too old for folks today03:03
syrius`Anyone with experience compiling linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel that could assist me for a moment?03:03
usser[KS], wlan0 is your wifi for sure?03:04
mepsipaxhow do I uninstall a package?03:04
bonhofferstill getting: skipping non-regular file03:04
Sergeant_Ponydoes anyone know how to format a usb memory stick03:04
Flannelmepsipax: sudo apt-get remove package, or with synaptic, mark it for removal03:04
moDumasskdeinit: Aborting. No write access to '/home/modumass/.ICEauthority'. (newline) ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't setup DCOP communication.03:04
[KS]usser, iwconfig says so03:04
astro76bonhoffer: you could use scp03:04
JoshJmepsipax, sudo apt-get remove packagename03:04
LachlanHi, does anybody know of a Remote Desktop client for Linux? (Remote Desktop as in the Windows Remote Desktop)03:04
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  same as  You format any other filesystem.  I normally use 'sudo mkfs.XXXX /dev/devicename'03:05
JoshJbonhoffer, you need a -b flag (or similar) to indicate that you want to transfer a binary file03:05
astro76bonhoffer: it's usage mirrors cp03:05
JoshJLachlan, you mean like rdp?03:05
ubottuFactoid rdp not found03:05
FlannelmoDumass: Don't use sudo for graphical programs, use kdesu instead.  to fix this, delete or chown ~/.ICEauthority back to yourself03:05
bonhofferastro76: so that is what folks use now, scp?03:05
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Dr_willisbonhoffer,  if you can use ssh/scp over FTP.. its proberly best to do so, :)03:05
Sergeant_PonyDr_willis: ok, cool I have 4 usb ports how can I tell what one it's connected to?03:05
astro76Lachlan: Applications > Internet > Terminal Server Client03:05
astro76bonhoffer: it's a part of ssh, as is sftp03:05
JoshJthat or they just use source control outright :p03:05
xplugwho is skilled on centos or redhat03:06
xplugi need some help03:06
astro76bonhoffer: much more convenient on the command line03:06
Flannelxplug: #centos and #redhat, I imagine03:06
Lachlanastro76: Ahh silly me. Thanks very much. :)03:06
JoshJprobably the people in #centos and #redhat03:06
bonhofferastro76: i'll give it a try03:06
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  check 'sudo fdisk -l'  or the 'dmesg' output when you plug it in.. rember you partition, then format. :) if youw ant to change the filesystem type. you will need to do that befor you format.03:06
moDumassFlannel, i did a system upgrade and it wont start03:06
xplugFlannel JoshJ no one there :S03:06
usser[KS], im lost. i dunno what the hell is going on03:07
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astro76xplug: it's still offtopic here ;)03:07
moDumassFlannel, if i delete will it replace the file?03:07
Flannelxplug: Perhaps that's the wrong channel.  You should check their websites for where their IRC channel is03:07
FlannelmoDumass: yeah, when it needs it again03:07
moDumasscool, thanks03:07
toyo|deskanyone know how to get rid of old kernels that have been piling up it says /boot is full03:07
Flanneltoyo|desk: remove their packages through package management03:07
xplugok FloodBot303:08
binarymutantOpen Arena keeps freezing on me does anyone else have this problem?03:08
Sergeant_Ponydr_willis: mkfs.XXXX? what are the x's for?03:08
dfox1Anyone running compiz on a ECS 6100-pm-m mainboard?03:08
will01is it possible to have amarok's collection folder be on a samba share?03:08
[KS]usser, could it be that wifi device is disabled by default?03:09
astro76Sergeant_Pony: type mkfs then hit <TAB><TAB>, you'll see the different commands that start with mkfs.03:09
[KS]usser, there is nothing in BIOS about it... can that be a problem?03:09
dfox1will01: probably, but it might be slow. amarok disk activty is pretty heavy in collection scanning (64bit here)03:09
usser[KS], yes that may be in fact thats one of the known bugs with iwl driver but you had different symptoms in the beginning03:10
will01dfox1: what im trying to do is limit the amount of hard drive space consumed on a laptop and id like some guidance on this one03:10
usser[KS], take a look in dmesg is there anything like this iwl4965: Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch03:10
will01dfox1: and cant you completely disable the occasional scan and just do it manually?03:10
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  for whatever filesystem type you want. :) linux basics.03:11
usser[KS], just type dmesg in terminal03:12
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  what filesystem are you trying to format to? if you dont understand what i mean by filesystem - well  theres some linux basics to be learning befor you  do this.03:12
bonhoffercool -- it works (thanks)03:12
moDumassFlannel, I searched my filesystem for .ICEauthority and found nothing03:12
Invert314which commands can i enter into fdisk to safely add a few mbs of unallocated disk space between partitions without losing any valuable data?  when i start fdisk, it says press m for help which lists a series of commands.  I don't know which commands to choose.  can someone please help me?03:12
dfox1will01: not sure if it can be disabled, but what I'd try first is copy the files over to a shared folder and point amarok to it.03:12
moDumassFlannel, Im using gnoime03:12
[KS]usser, it's full of it03:12
Sergeant_PonyDr_willis: I have a memory stick I want to reformat for linux03:12
dfox1will01: unforch I don't do samba, no windows boxes here03:12
will01dfox1 ok thanks, but i mighta just figured it out03:13
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  so what kind of filesytstem to you want to put on it? ext3? will it JUST be used by linux? if you want windows to access it also you will wan tto use fat32, or fat16 filesystem (known as vfat in linux terms)03:13
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter03:14
KenSentMeMy laptop tends to hang completely this evening. I can only reboot it by a hard shutdown. How can i check if this is a hardware or a software failure?03:14
Steve-CalDr_willis: Actually there are programs in Windows (free ones even) that allow you to access EXT3 filesystems. That's not necessarily a problem.03:15
Dr_willisSteve-Cal,  ive tried them.. and  there can be problems. :)03:15
NMajikWhat exactly am I seeing if I run sudo cat /dev/core or sudo strings /dev/core?03:15
[KS]usser, is there a solution?03:15
___Alex___KenSentMe: use the diagnostic software provided by your laptop manufacturer03:15
FlannelmoDumass: it's in your home folder, make sure you ctrl-H to see hidden files03:16
ksbalaji_ Steve-Cal:Were you able to get the errors list please? Can I repair and just keep the beta version or choose a stable version of audacity?03:16
Steve-CalDr_willis: Hmmm... I have no problems with the one I'm using, I forget the exact name though.03:16
moDumassFlannel, yeh i was using a search tool, but found it through lookin around03:16
Sergeant_PonyDr_willis I got it formatted and mounted but it formatted it for superuser only?03:16
Dr_willisSteve-Cal,  problems can vary.. but what if he takes that stick to a friends/work/school where he cant install the softwware.. ive also had  beginners have issues with  files they move around gettting owned by root and so forth.03:17
syrius`Anyone with experience compiling linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel that could assist me for a moment?03:17
selocolHello, can someone tell me the name of "Add/Remove Programs" programs, so I can run it in a non-Gnome WM? Thanks.03:17
selocolOr the path to it. Thank you.03:17
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  for a ext2/3 filesystem -  always make a directory on the filesystem, thats then chowned by the user. to give them full access to that directory.03:17
ksbalaji_Steve-Cal: I just got disconnected and missed a few lines for 10minutes.03:17
Jack_Sparrowselocol apt-get or aptitude03:18
Mr_Bad_Newswhen i try to put my card into monitor mode i get   Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device ath0 ; Invalid argument.03:18
selocolJack_Sparrow: No, I'm asking specifically about the Add/Remove Program interface.03:18
KenSentMe___Alex___, is there no way Ubuntu do some diagnosis?03:18
Steve-Calksbalaji: I see, well I suggested going ahead and trying the 1.2.6 stable release, which you can get at: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty-updates/i386/audacity/download  (be sure to uninstall the 1.3 version first)03:18
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony Would this help First, check the ownership by going to /media and doing a ls -la ... Then, do the following, replacing “yourPartition” with the name of the partition (e.g. /sdb1)... sudo chown -R username:username /yourPartition  followed by... sudo chmod -R 755 /yourPartition ... Finally, check to see if it worked by doing another ls -la03:19
astro76selocol: run add/remove, then do ps -aux, it should be the next to last process in the list03:19
moDumassok, so i can get ktorrent up and working but it doesnt accept torrent files, they just dont start dloading03:19
moDumassits strange03:19
selocolastro76: ok thanks03:19
Steve-CalDr_willis: Yes, that's a very good point. I agree with you since it's a USB stick--I was thinking more of my linux partition getting mounted in Windows.03:19
Mr_Bad_Newsdoes that mean i cant use aireplay for injections?03:19
Sergeant_PonyJack_sparrow I'm going to have to start this over from step 103:19
erinryleeis there any kind of migration tool I can use to transfer my firefox,evolution, and pidgin files/configs after I've already installed?03:20
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony I was just passing through.. Just thought that might apply03:20
Jack_Sparrow!clone | erinrylee03:20
ubottuerinrylee: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate03:20
Flannelerinrylee: Migration from what to what?03:20
Dr_willisSteve-Cal,  ive also had windows crash.. and trash my linux filesystem once.  I always unmount the linux drives when done when i access tehm from windows. :) and befor i exit windows03:20
Steve-CalMr_Bad_News: Are you using ndiswrapper for your wireless?03:20
Sergeant_PonyJack_Sparrow I'm just trying to reformat a usb memory stick to put my college papers on as a backup03:21
erinryleeFlannel, from gentoo to ubuntu03:21
klosk1does ubuntu support hfs out of the box ??03:21
Mr_Bad_Newsor do i have to set it in monitor mode using airmon first?03:21
Flannelerinrylee: just backup your home folder, that contains all your personal settings03:21
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony Use windows or gparted and make it fat32 or fat 1603:21
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  so what filesystem did you format it to?03:21
Steve-CalMr_Bad_News: Just checking, because ndiswrapper does not support RF monitor mode. I think your madwifi does though.03:21
Sergeant_PonyJack_Sparrow good Idea03:21
syrius`Anyone with experience compiling linux-restricted-modules for a custom kernel that could assist me for a moment?03:21
ksbalaji_Steve-Cal:Thanks Steve ! (and other users too!) and bye!03:22
Sergeant_PonyDr_willis ext203:22
erinryleeFlannel, eek my homedir is a mess...my gentoo install is from 200103:22
Steve-Calksbalaji: No problem, good luck with it. :)03:22
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony I agree with Dr_willis ...   virtually always03:22
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  you realize that if you take your drive to most window machines it wont be able to read it .. right?03:22
Flannelerinrylee: Well, just backup the preferences you want.  Pidgin, Evolution, Mozilla03:22
syrius`this could take a while to figure out... bleh.. :p03:23
Sergeant_PonyDr_willis yes I understand. I want it to backup my papers for college and I do them under ubuntu only03:23
erinryleeFlannel, will firefox use my settings in 3.0beta?03:23
Flannelerinrylee: I have no idea03:23
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  for my external disks  - i normally 'sudo mkdir /media/WHATEVER/username_storage '   then 'sudo chown /media/WHATEVER/username_storage username.username'03:23
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony Fat32 or Fat 16 will let you access them from either os03:24
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,  that way the files on the usb device have proper ownership.03:24
erinryleeme either, what a beotch03:24
tetraedrhi everyone03:24
Flannelerinrylee: I imagine if the file formats are different, FF will convert it the first time you read it03:24
Sergeant_PonyDr_Willis: why does it default to superuser on a format?03:24
tetraedrI'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04LTS from USB Stick made with UNetbootin03:24
Dr_willisSergeant_Pony,   why shouldent it?  :) its not owned by ANYONE unless you tell it to..03:24
Sergeant_PonyDr_Willis: ok, good point03:25
tetraedrbut installer can't find CD even when I'm mounting it with mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /cdrom03:25
syrius`Would anyone be able to direct me to some useful resources regarding compilation of the restricted-modules source if they don't know first hand?03:25
tetraedrwhat should I do?03:25
Dr_willistetraedr,  a cdrom is not a vfat filesystem.03:25
Dr_willistetraedr,  -t iso966003:25
PCcertifiedHi peeps, I just installed ubuntu 8.04 LTS desktop edition and ust say it looks nice but, when using the preinstalled firefox (V3) I lost my top toolbar, as in no window decoration, no bar, no max/min buttons etc.   any ideas how to get it back?03:26
tetraedrDr_willis, I'm trying to install from USB Stick and there can't be iso966003:26
selocolCan someone tell me the path to "Add/Remove Applications"? I can't find it in ps -aux.03:27
Dr_willistetraedr,  Im not clear on what you are doing then. There is a '  !install ' factoid that has links to alternative methods of installing.03:27
Flannelselocol: it's gnome-app-select, or something like that03:27
DILi have a pci sound card installed - youtube audio can be heard on the mobo audio jacks but not on the pci audio card; rythmbox radio stations can only be heard through the pci sound card03:27
Jack_SparrowPCcertified try in a term   compiz -replace   or emerald --replace03:27
tj83DIL .. Did you disable the on-board audio in the bios?03:28
tetraedrDr_willis, I've made usb stick with UNetbooin and ubuntu 8.04 LTS and trying to install ubuntu from it, but I don't know how to make installer see flash drive as CD or consider so03:28
rainmanhey how can i run a iso image without burning?03:28
Dr_willisrainman,  you can 'mount' an iso image and access its file.. if thats what you want.03:28
PCcertifiedselocol it's usr/bin/gnome-app-install03:28
smehmoodwhat is System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts doing behind the scenes? I assume its a GUI frontend to some other config file. Anyone know where/how I can get at that directly?03:29
DILtj83: not that i recalled i changed jumpers to enable front jacks03:29
Jack_Sparrowtetraedr THis may help   Make an iso on usb bootable http://jak-linux.org/tmp/iso2usb.sh                 or read you at pendrivelinux.com03:29
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selocolPCcertified: thank you! may i ask how do i, in general, find the path of an app such as this one? ones where i can't just do "which <app>"?03:29
tetraedrJack_Sparrow, thnx will try it03:29
ZaidenIs it possible to have WINE and pulseaudio work together so that I can hear all my sound?03:29
tj83DIL.... i dont think that using 2 audio controllers is recommended if you want to make use of forward jacks they should be re routed to your PCI card.03:30
rainmanthanks the thing is i dont have any dvds haha03:30
DILtj83: is it a software issue or hardware the reroute03:30
Sergeant_PonyJack_Sparrow and Dr_willis thanks got it going correctly so now I can get into it03:31
tj83DIL... I would physically re-route the audio cables from the forward jacks to your PCI card and disable the on-board audio from the bios03:31
DILtj83: ty03:31
sosriqweselocol, whereis <app>03:31
chaosrldoes anyone know how to get the terminal to finish what i type using the "page up" key?03:32
selocolsosriqwe: how would i know the name of an app such as "Add/Remove Applications"? thanks03:32
tj83DIL.... as i have not re-configured and audio.. you may still have to reconfigure the audio afterwards03:32
tommyhow do i mount my hidden ntsf partition?  ubuntu 7.10 used to see it, but hardy doesnt03:32
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony Great03:32
sosriqweselocol, ps -a   will give you a list of running apps..03:32
Jack_Sparrowchaosrl tab ?03:33
tommyany ideas please?03:33
tetraedrJack_Sparrow, didn't work, its still looking for CD :(03:33
Sergeant_PonyJack_sparrow, nope.. I'm wrong I can't access it still03:33
erinryleeFlannel, cp over .mozilla seems to halfway work...at least my bookmarks are there03:33
sosriqweselocol, start the app and type ps -a in a console..03:33
selocolsosriqwe: doesn't show it03:33
tommy!mount hidden ntfs partition03:33
ubottutommy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:33
Jack_Sparrowtetraedr I was able to use that script to get iso to work on usb03:33
PCcertifiedselocol wish I could remember.  I'm just getting into linux myself after a few years of being forced to use the other OS.  I located this path by right clicking the applications menu and selecting edit, then I located add/remove and right clicked it for properties info03:33
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony What format did you use on it03:33
tommy!mount hidden03:33
ubottuFactoid mount hidden not found03:33
chaosrlJack_Sparrow: well i want it to finish something i previously had, such that if i typed "killall avant-window-navigator," no matter what i had typed after that, if i type "killall av" then page up, it would finish it03:34
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter03:34
theFATMANis anyone here A+ certified?03:34
PCcertifiedselocol I suppose if you don't know the name of the app, you'll have to ask or d some research .03:34
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE03:34
PastorBonesA+ Certification is just a piece of paper03:34
tetraedrJack_Sparrow, this in not the problem of boot or sort of, it's a problem of installer which looks for CD only, and can't see USB as CD03:34
tommyubottu NTFS-3g hidden partition03:34
ubottutommy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:34
techno_freaktommy, a search engine can end you up in better results03:34
smehmoodhow can i found out the mount point of my CDROM drive? or what is the defailt in Hardy?03:34
selocolPCcertified: great, thanks for letting me know how you found it. :)03:34
sparkleytonetommy: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdx03:35
sosriqweselocol, you can right click on the app icon. add it to the panel and get the info...03:35
tommytechno_freak, google found nothuing03:35
sparkleytonetommy: x is generally sdb sdc sda, etc03:35
Jack_Sparrowchaosrl I use arrow up03:35
tommysudo fdisk -l /dev/sdx  did nothing03:35
vic1ousHey, can someone help me get my microphone working on Ubuntu?03:35
selocolsosriqwe: im wondering why ps commands dont show it03:35
theFATMANis anyone here A+ certified?03:35
Sergeant_PonyJack_Sparrow it's ext203:35
erinryleeis pidgin's configs now in .purple instead of .gaim?03:35
Jack_Sparrowtommy sudo fdisk -l03:35
stperehi, quick question! How can I see if my /dev/sda drive is using dma?03:36
chaosrlJack_Sparrow: ha. i totally forgot about arrow up. thanks!03:36
Sergeant_PonyJack_Sparrow I know why I cna't access it03:36
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony USe what I gave you earlier to set permissions or use fat16/3203:36
sosriqweselocol, what are you looking for with ps?03:36
Jack_Sparrowchaosrl sorry took me a minute03:36
Sergeant_PonyJack_sparrow it has it mounted 2x sdb1 and sdb203:36
selocolsosriqwe: the path to "Add/Remove Applications" which is currently open03:37
stpereit's an IDE drive, but it's identified by sda anyway.. but, hdparm doesn'T give me that info anymore03:37
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony gksudo gedit /etc/fstab03:37
Flannelselocol: `which gnome-app-install` will give you a full path03:37
tommysudo fdisk -l /dev/sda2 doesnt show it. any more ideas?03:37
sosriqweselocol, start the application.. type ps -A03:37
sosriqweselocol, with a capital "A"03:37
selocolsosriqwe: ah got it, thanks03:38
selocolFlannel: thanks03:38
Flanneltommy: Try just sudo fdisk -l03:38
selocoldidn't type the "a" with a capital earlier03:38
m_newtonHOW do i reset my IP address, OR basically change my IP?????03:38
PCcertifiedhe he A+ yup it just means you know old technology. he he03:38
Sergeant_PonyJack_Sparrow I'm in fstab03:38
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vic1ouscan someone help me with my mic it does not seem to work. I'm using a audigy 203:38
tommysudo fdisk -l still doesmnt show my internal hdd partyition.  7.10 did.  how i fix pls?03:38
Joeb454tommy, can you pastebin the output so we can look03:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:40
tj83viclous... i dont know if you have already... but you should check the the visible channels and switched by double clicking on the volume icon sometimes you have to change the input source03:40
vic1ousI have already03:40
tommynotioce the 120gb hdd doesnt show.03:40
froduntugood night chanel03:40
tommyJoeb454, there03:40
tj83viclous... ok.. i dont have any experience with your card... sorry03:40
tommyhardy doesnt show Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB03:41
Jack_Sparrowtommy some info on that is here.. http://www.hardwareanalysis.com/content/topic/16969/03:41
a7cWill running the 32-bit version of ubuntu on an amd-64bit machine cause any negative effects?03:41
tommy7.10 used to show sda1 sda2 sda503:41
tj83a7c ..03:41
stpereanyone know a trick to see if my drive uses dma atm?03:42
tj83a7c ..no03:42
PCcertifiedLooking for your OPINION , what is a good IRC client these days?  (used to like GAIM, but this pidgin isn't very easy to follow in busy chats03:42
tommyJack_Sparrow, why 7.10 show it, and hardy not?03:42
Jack_Sparrowa7c No it will be fine.. and is suggested for new users03:42
Joeb454Tomasso, it shows sda1 2 and 5, on lines 7-903:42
Jack_Sparrowtommy no idea03:42
a7calright...off I go to install then -.-03:42
tj83a7c... i run 32 bit on amd turion 64 X203:42
Joeb454tommy, *03:42
erinryleestpere, man hdparm03:42
erinryleeor newer sdparm03:42
stpereerinrylee: it's not showing that info03:42
Joeb454tommy, lines 7-9 of your pastebin. It also says you have 4 HDD's03:42
stperecan I paste one line?03:42
tommyJoeb454, so?  7.10 used to show them all03:43
Jack_Sparrowstpere yes03:43
tommyJoeb454, hrady show them all, but not the first hdd03:43
stpere HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device03:43
tommyim running ubuntu from exteranal hdd03:43
Joeb454Nothing, just saying, and it seems to be showing sda1 sda2 and sda503:43
stpereoh, sdparm.., that must be it03:43
Jack_SparrowPCcertified xchat, konversation, irissi kvirc etc03:43
GreatLifeForYouhello everyone03:43
erinryleenormal for a sata disk03:43
stpereit's an ide disk tho03:44
stperebut identified as sda03:44
erinryleetry sdparm03:44
PCcertifiedJack Sparrow suprised I didn't here about bitchX from you..03:44
stperethat always confused me03:44
tommyJoeb454, my internal hdd has 3 partions that hardy doesnt show03:44
* PastorBones loves his kvirc03:44
stperethx erinrylee, will try that03:44
tommyJoeb454, but 7.10 used to03:44
Jack_Sparrowstpere that became the norm as of gutsy..03:44
HamledI just installed the ironpython package, but it didn't install any libraries in /usr/lib/ironpython/Lib, is there a seperate package that will give me the iron python libraries?03:44
tommy7.10 used to show sda1 sda2 sda5.  but hardy doesnt.03:45
tommywonmder why :(03:45
froduntuI'm not too new to ubuntu03:45
Joeb454tommy, like I said - see lines 7-903:45
rainmanwell ill have 2 just buy some dvds and burn the game03:45
GreatLifeForYouI'm wanting to switch to linux and Ubuntu seems to be what I want. I have to be able to edit and create video and heard linux was a pain to edit and create video on. does anyone know of an editor that works with ubuntu and is stable?03:45
Joeb454of your pastebin03:45
froduntuand I wanted to be able to do something like03:45
m_newtonIS spybot NEEDED on linux (RECOMENDED)03:45
Joeb454m_newton, no03:45
erinryleeGreatLifeForYou, try kino03:45
froduntufind ./ -iname <myfilename> -cp /home03:45
froduntuwhat I really want to do03:46
PCcertifiedm_newton  no spybot is not required because you don't usually operate as the admi03:46
tommyJack_Sparrow, that url didnmt help.  any other ideas?03:46
froduntuis search for a file and if it finds it to copy it to a certain folder03:46
GreatLifeForYouthank you erinrylee, will do.03:46
m_newtonAny good SECURITY MEASURES when running a WEBSERVER?03:46
Jack_Sparrowtommy nope03:46
tommyJoeb454, you are talking a lot, but offer no solution03:46
tommyJack_Sparrow, ok ty anyway03:46
Jack_Sparrowm_newton /join #Ubuntu-server03:46
tommynobody knows :(03:46
PCcertifiedm_newton a hardware firewall, and setting up apache correctly.03:47
froduntudoes anybody know how can I do with a one liner to have something like 'find ./ -iname <myfilename> -cp ~/03:47
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m_newton<PCcertified> when you say hardware firewall?03:47
PCcertifiedmost routers act as a firewall, but you can also use the linux software firewall, search google for apache security03:48
augustoHow can I install cairo-dock for ubuntu 64bits?03:48
froduntudoes anybody know how can I do with a one liner to have something like 'find ./ -iname <myfilename> -cp ~/'?03:48
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box03:49
m_newton<PCcertified> when you say  linux software firewall03:49
PCcertifiedyou ca set up a macro, a command that executes it most of the code for you but I forget how03:49
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froduntuPCcertified: I thought the find command could do expressions03:50
PCcertifiedselocol why do you keep changing your nick03:50
froduntubut I don't know how exactly to word it03:50
Jack_Sparrowfroduntu  I dont do much of that but            find ./ -iname <myfilename> | cp ~/03:50
selocolPCcertified: sorry about that03:50
froduntuthanks I'll try it03:50
Jack_Sparrowfroduntu Read up on pipes03:51
m_newton<PCcertified> No problem03:51
froduntuthanks Jack_Sparrow03:51
Jack_Sparrowfroduntu Did that do it03:51
froduntubecause I know you can say find and if found delete03:52
Dr_willisi thought find had a -exec option03:52
froduntuJack_Sparrow: not really03:52
m_newtonQuestion: Is there any 'additional security' like firewalls, or anti spyware software on Hardy Heron (when running desktop version with appachi)03:52
tj83Jack_Sparrow ... off topic.... but i am curious... How many years of linux experience do you have? (looking up to your wisdom as a beginner)03:52
froduntufind: paths must precede expression03:52
froduntuUsage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [path...] [expression]03:52
froduntuthat is what I get03:52
Jack_Sparrowtj83 mid 90's03:52
Dr_willis!firewall | m_newton03:52
ubottum_newton: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:52
opopare they doing some sort of minor release?  lots of updates past couple of days.03:53
Jack_Sparrowtj83 Off and on..03:53
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Dr_willism_newton,  as for spyware - its not really an issue in Linux.03:53
Jack_SparrowTime to head out03:53
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tetraedrso any ideas how to make installer see usb stick as cd?03:54
m_newton<Dr_willis><ubottu> how about viruses, worms, exploits?... any sure fire way to be secure (assuming you update regularly already)03:54
froduntuthanks, and have a good one Jack_Sparow03:55
Dr_willism_newton,  ubottu  is a bot. :) and viruses are not really an issue either.  - keept up to date. is about all i have to do.03:55
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PCcertifiedjack_sparrow  I tried compiz --replace and got 2 errors GLX not present and now all windows decorations are gone.03:56
arthuri have an old webcam that i am trying to get workng, dmesg  http://paste.ubuntu.com/15905/  ,  lsusb -v  http://paste.ubuntu.com/15906/ , lsusb Bus 001 Device 003: ID 047d:102d Kensington03:56
arthurBus 001 Device 002: ID 05a9:0511 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. OV511 WebCam03:56
arthurBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000003:56
tj83Jack_Sparrow... has already left03:56
yojesushow do i install a splash screen03:56
froduntuhey somebody proficient with bash?03:56
froduntudoes anybody know how can I do with a one liner to have something like 'find ./ -iname <myfilename> -cp ~/'?03:56
PCcertifiedWonderful, I'm stuck now03:57
m_newtonJust getting familiar with ubuntu as a migrator from windows! King of an odd feeling that no user activity is needed...03:57
froduntuyeah, I guess that is most of our stories here03:57
yojesushow do i change the splash screen?03:57
tj83PCcertified... I also get errors when using compiz --replace03:57
PCcertifiedexcept I might have killed my desktop.03:57
tj83crtl+alt+backspace to restart x03:58
PCcertifiedI stated earlier I just set up ubuntu and lost the window decoration on firefox03:58
PCcertifiedI was asked to try compiz --replace and now all my window decorations are gone03:58
codecainefronduntu find ./ -iname filename -execdir cp {} ~/03:59
arthuranybody ever have any luck with easycam2?03:59
PCcertifiedit complained of not findinding GLX03:59
codecaine\; at the end forgot to add that :)03:59
tj83PCcertified crtl+alt+backspace to restart x03:59
froduntucodecaine: thank you03:59
froduntulet me try that03:59
PCcertifiedarthur I might have a solution for you... not all web cam are supported but there is a french guy who wrote drivers for hundreds of cams and yours ight be included04:00
tj83PCcertified does restarting X replace your decorations?04:00
arthuryea its ok to add that french guy to my repositories?04:00
arthurdeb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main04:01
Jester45does totem try to use xv my default04:01
froduntucodecaine: almost04:02
froduntunot quite04:02
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froduntuI'm getting a lot better error though04:02
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froduntuI was asked to try compiz --replace and now all my window decorations are gone04:02
froduntu--> yell0w (n=yell0w@cpe-76-184-147-156.tx.res.rr.com) has joined #ubuntu04:02
froduntu<codecaine> fronduntu find ./ -iname filename -execdir cp {} ~/04:02
froduntu<arthur> anybody ever have any luck with easycam2?04:02
froduntu--> ^2mMy^ (n=tommy@149-235-254.oke2-bras6.adsl.tele2.no) has joined #ubuntu04:02
FloodBot3froduntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:02
froduntu<PCcertified> it complained of not findinding GLX04:02
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tetraedrI've got a syslog full of eth0: Transmit timeout, status ...04:02
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tetraedrand network doesn't work :(04:02
tetraedrhow to fix that?04:03
codecainewhat the error say?04:03
froduntufind: invalid predicate `--exec'04:03
Roughneck_cowboyhello I've a problem to be solved...please help.04:03
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Jester45Roughneck_cowboy: please tell the problem not that you have one04:04
PCcertifiedtj83 will restarting my X work if it complained that GLX is not present?04:04
afallenhopeI'm having an issue with the hibernate issue.. anytime I hibernate the computer... it reboots :-s but the session remains..04:04
PCcertifiedI know in installed nvidia-glx-new04:04
tj83PCcertified it may.... but it wont be a long term soulution04:05
tj83PCcertified what kind of video card?04:05
codecaineworked for me froduntu04:05
codecainefind . -iname ki2 -execdir cp {} /home/codecaine/Desktop/ \;04:05
PCcertifiedtj83 what do you mean?  it won't be a long term solution,04:05
PCcertifiedusing FX5200 128MB NVIDIA04:06
jack-desktopI can't get any music to play on my computer (local files, internet sound works fine)04:06
tj83PCcertified and your using the free or non free drivers?04:06
usserjack-desktop, do u have restricted-extras installed04:06
usserjack-desktop, on the terminal do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:07
PCcertifiedUbuntu complained that I need to use the non-free drives and provided me an option to select it04:07
jack-desktopusser, whats the full package?04:07
tj83PCcertified one min.. i will pastebin my compiz --replace output for you.. i get similar errors04:07
usserjack-desktop, ^^04:07
froduntulet me try it codecaine04:07
jack-desktopusser, yeah slow typing, i hit tab and "user_" popped up, I had to fix that04:07
tj83PCcertified... i assume you accepted the non free drivers.... it is best04:07
humminnick BigTomato04:08
codecainefind . -iname filename -execdir cp '{}' /home/codecaine/Desktop/ \; 2> /dev/null04:08
humminNICK BigTomato04:08
PCcertifiedpoint is, I can no longer move or resize windows so it's kinda hard to manipulate04:08
codecaine2> if there errors like no file premissions etc it will got o null you won't have too look at it in terminal04:08
PCcertifiedyes I did tj8304:08
LuhtaI seem to have lost tab completion for anything that wouldn't appear in which, does anyone know how I would resolve that04:08
froduntuhey everybody listen, codecaine absolutely rocks04:09
froduntucodecaine: thank you man04:09
=== luke_ is now known as luke1239
PCcertifiedwhats that? codeine on cocaine?04:09
froduntueven though it should have been simple it was driving me nuts04:09
codecainecodecaine = addicting to programming code04:09
froduntuPCcertified: codecaine helped me with a command04:09
Roughneck_cowboyhello I just need some help, few hours ago my Nvidia9600GT was already active in 1680x1050 but after a reset It goes down by default at 800x600 it could be a Xorg-conf problem ?04:09
froduntuyeah I know the bugg04:10
froduntusorry bug04:10
usserRoughneck_cowboy, did u do update recently?04:10
froduntucodecaine: I know this is going to sound stupid but I do batch scripting04:10
tj83PCcertified... http://www.debian.pastebin.com/m42e5d9dc04:10
froduntuI would dare insult anybody by calling it programming04:10
Roughneck_cowboyI just installed the driver few hours ago04:10
Mr_Bad_Newsif iwlist scan outputs a wireless networks quality 7/70 but the nm-applet has 90% what should i believe?04:11
froduntubut I really do a lot of it04:11
PCcertifiedfrod batch scripting is noble04:11
froduntuyeah I know04:11
Roughneck_cowboyworked nicely with Nvidia driver04:11
froduntubut tell that to a C programmer04:11
codecaineIt has fundamentals of programming but its scripting04:11
PCcertifiedI do web scripting04:11
froduntuadn they'l spit you in th eface04:11
froduntuPCcertified: I wish I'd have the time, even though I'm getting there04:11
codecaineI like python also for scripting :)04:12
narothepharohjust updated firefox and its not working now? firefox 3 beta 504:12
froduntuthe problem is that I work fixing computers so 8 to 5 I'm removing viruses04:12
froduntuand building Sh$$5##%^*ty computers04:12
Jester45froduntu: so you install ubuntu all day?04:12
codecainesometimes in pascal, c, or c++ I don't feel like long coding I can do quick faster string manipulations in python04:12
froduntuI wish04:12
Roughneck_cowboyanyone have an idea to solve the problem ?04:12
froduntuno, I work for a small computer repair ship04:12
froduntuI mean shop04:13
jack-desktopusser, i just installed restricted-extras and it still didnt fix the sound in Movie Player or VLC04:13
codecaineRoughneck_cowboy just ask the question :)04:13
froduntuso I only get to do more interesting stuff when I get back from work04:13
froduntulike now04:13
Roughneck_cowboyou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.     Thats what the Nvidia programm told04:13
MSTKvirtual drive program for Ubuntu? (along the veins of daemon)04:13
narothepharohjust updated firefox and its not working now? firefox 3 beta 5 ??04:14
komputeranvirtual drive program for ubuntu use gnomeiso04:14
Mr_Bad_Newsdo i have to set the specific channel if i want aireplay injection test to work?04:14
MSTKty komputeran04:14
Jester45froduntu: do what i do (part time) for old ppl that could care less about game but dont want viruses setup *buntu on the machine with all codecs and such04:14
usserjack-desktop, go into settings find audio and set it pulseaudio04:14
dthackerhow can I tell what package provides libgpod6.0?04:14
amenadocodecaine-> i have a python program i copied, its the doodling/sketching program, can you assist me in getting that web enabled using apache?04:14
MSTKkomputeran - where would i find that? it's not in the repos04:15
jack-desktopusser, for VLC or Movie player04:15
usserjack-desktop, for any, i dont remember exact location of that setting, try to find it in VLC04:15
m_newtonAnyone know what a sabayon user is?????04:15
narothepharohjust updated firefox and its not working now? firefox 3 beta 5 ??04:15
codecaineMaybe I don't consider myself a advance user yet, but I know my way around.04:16
MSTKwhat's wrong with it, narothepharoh?04:16
kenshinI still can't get my ubuntu to get network from my router :(04:16
MSTKdoes it start up04:16
komputeransearch for gisomount04:16
Roughneck_cowboyok my question is : how can I correct the Xorg to make my driver & Nvidia working04:16
codecaineyou already installed the nvidia drivers?04:17
amenadokenshin-> which nic interface?04:17
BeeBuuhow to know what's upload via SFTP?04:17
Roughneck_cowboyYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.    How can I do that ?04:17
m_newtonAnyone know what a sabayon user is?????04:17
BeeBuuhow to know what's uploaded via SFTP?04:17
transiencedoes anyone know how to get amarok to work with keyboard media player buttons?04:18
codecainectrl alt backspace or just logged out of ubuntu and log back in04:18
kenshinamenado, i don't know it's built in with my board04:18
werswhat's the keybind for switching tabs on epiphany?04:18
dthackerm_newton: where are you seeing this?04:18
jack-desktopusser, that did not work04:18
yojesushow do i make a file into a root file04:18
kevinmcq__any thinkpad users in here? (no one is responding in ##ibmthinkpad)04:18
codecainetype sudo nvidia-xconfig need root privledge to do it04:18
amenadokenshin-> what have you done to troubleshoot it?04:18
kenshinamenado, mii-tool gives eth0 link ok04:18
jack-desktopusser, ALAS works in VLC04:18
IpodLinuxHave anyone played N (the game) on their machine? I can't seem to get controls to work on mine04:18
yojesuswait what howe do i doit04:18
m_newtonI have not created this account, but when i go to Users settings in Administrator i see a Sabayon user04:19
kenshinthe router ip doesn't even respond to pings04:19
yojesuscodecaine: wat do u mean04:19
jack-desktopusser, i just set everything in my Sound settings to ALAS04:19
Roughneck_cowboyok I noticed the process, is that all ?04:19
m_newtonThe home directory /var/run/sabayon-admin04:19
usserjack-desktop, good :)04:19
codecainewas replaying to Roughneck_cowboy yojesus04:19
kenshinthe led doesn't even flash when i'm in ubuntu04:20
kenshinPS: im in a xp machine now04:20
amenadokenshin-> now paste your   route -n and cat /etc/resolv.conf  results04:20
m_newton<dthacker>I have not created this account, but when i go to Users settings in Administrator i see a Sabayon user; aslo  The home directory /var/run/sabayon-admin04:20
codecainebut to answer your questions yojesus you would use chown04:20
amenado!who | kenshin04:20
codecainesudo chown thefile root04:20
ubottukenshin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:20
kenshini manually put dns servers and static ips, but still won't budge04:20
Chrysaliswhats the equivalent to the Tahoma font in linux04:21
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:21
riceOi, does anybody know the command to start a dockable app in the dock (I remember it's like "$ <app-command> && docked" or something similar)04:21
codecaineI mean sudo chown root thefile04:21
m_newton<dthacker>this user has no privalages though and my sudo passwd wont let me login into this account. This is not the root passwd only the sudo passwd04:21
froduntucodecaine: it works like a charm04:21
Carbonfluxyou mean this m_newton ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabayon_Linux04:21
transiencedoes anyone know how to get amarok to work with keyboard media player buttons? I have a microsoft wireless keyboard.04:22
kenshin!tab amenado04:22
ubottuFactoid tab amenado not found04:22
Carbonfluxm_newton, maybe you mean this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/gnome/sabayon04:22
m_newton<Carbonflux> Whoa, actually i have ubuntu hardy heron04:23
amenadokenshin-> you type the first few chars of my nick then tab to complete04:23
jramseyin what dir is the sudoers file?04:24
* Carbonflux collects his check from google 04:24
kenshinlike amenado thanks amenado for amenado reminding me amenado that amenado i know amenado how to use amenado this04:24
fooksdoes anyone know of any irc channels for engineering?04:24
fooksmainly, electrical engineering?04:24
kamiro87does anyone know how to stop x from starting when runlevel 3 is entered?04:24
kamiro87in ubuntu 8.0404:24
amenadokamiro87-> in level 2-5,  X is active04:25
m_newton<Carbonflux> Close, i got hardy so ...http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/gnome/sabayon (but what is this for, some sort of graphics config tool right)?04:25
kamiro87i would like to use the nvidia beta installer for the 9600 drivers but it keeps complaning about the active x server and when i boot in recovery mode into level 1 it complains that its in level one and wants to be in 3.04:25
kamiro87i'm playing whackamole with X04:26
Terrasquekamiro87: take a look in the /etc/rcX folders, check the symlinks there04:26
newbieOnShellelectrical engineering04:26
usserkaminix, just do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:26
amenadokamiro87-> perhaps you can try /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:26
Jester45or just kill X install then run it again04:26
Terrasquekamiro87: or just stop gdm, of course :D04:26
jtaylor13i put a dvd in and can NOT play it with totem or mplayer.04:26
Carbonfluxm_newton, looks like its used for "nesting" one xserver inside another04:26
newbieOnShelluse vlc04:26
kamiro87ok i'l try to stop gdm04:27
Carbonfluxvlc is buggy in the context of pulse audio tho04:27
kamiro87(thats whats reviving it right?)04:27
jtaylor13group:i put a dvd in and can NOT play it with totem or mplayer.any help?04:27
codecaineyou could make a script on startup and if its runlevel 3 to stop gdm04:27
amenadokenshin-> have i lost you yet?  paste  route -n  and cat /etc/resolv.conf04:27
transiencedoes anyone know how to get amarok to work with keyboard media player buttons?04:27
froduntuis there a way to have irc ignore all of this server stuff04:27
froduntusuch and such joins or leaves04:27
Carbonfluxdepends on your client04:27
m_newton<Carbonflux> srry for the noobish talk, but what does that mean exactly, is it like an emulation, a vertual desktop graphics configure user??04:28
froduntuI mean isn't there a way of telling xchat ok ignore that04:28
codecainemaybe if you made a filter to do it04:28
Carbonfluxfroduntu, yes there is04:28
shane2peruhow about konversation?  can it filter that?04:28
Flannelshane2peru: yes04:28
froduntuCarbonflux: that would be super04:28
shane2peruFlannel: oooooh, how???04:28
froduntuthanks Carbonflux I'll look into it04:28
Carbonfluxfroduntu, right click on the channel buttons and deselect part/join messages04:28
chris420hi i am wondering how i can find out what network ports i have opened?04:28
Terrasquechris420: netstat command04:29
amenadochris420-> lsof -i04:29
usserchris420, nmap04:29
jtaylor13group: i click play dvd movie totem gives me the error ( AN ERROR OCCURRED) Under it says.Failed to connect stream:invalid argument.04:29
froduntuthat is sooo much better already04:29
chris420or open i should say... as i have actually open none myself lol04:29
chris420sweet thank you...04:29
khimera2000_grrrr >.< i havent used IRC in a LONG TIME >.<04:29
Carbonfluxm_newton, you know about how linux run's xserver and then a window manager like meta-city talks to the xserver and then gnome talks to metacity, all generating a gui in the end?04:29
PCcertifiedtj83 ROCKS04:30
m_newton<Carbonflux> can you elaborate, i have never heard of a  xserver04:30
Roughneck_cowboyI did not succed with "nvidia-xconfig"04:30
Carbonfluxm_newton, there are times when you might want to run one xserver inside of another, its really a dev thing or only needed for very specific applications04:30
shane2peruFlannel: found it!  :)04:30
froduntuspeaking of that has anybody here experimented with xming?04:31
froduntuI don't know if it is exactly that04:31
shane2perufroduntu: thanks for bringing that up, wow, that is much better!04:31
will01im trying to have a computer access music on a windows share over a vpn connection. is there a good program out there that would do that/04:31
m_newton<Carbonflux>so it is, not a prank a friend played on me?04:31
Carbonfluxm_newton, the xserver is what talks to the graphics hardware to put it very simply04:31
codecaineRoughneck_cowboy try jockey-gtk04:31
Roughneck_cowboywell I'm new in linux (2 days atm)04:32
chmacAnyone know a quick way to send a test system email to my username on Ubuntu?04:32
m_newton<Carbonflux>So xserver basically a graphics driver so to speak04:32
Carbonfluxm_newton, no, I think its part of Ubuntu, seems like you must have the nested xserver stuff installed, let me check my machine and see04:32
froduntuxming (if I remember correctly) is this little Xserver emulation for windows04:32
PCcertifiedRoughneck_cowboy: your nvidia-xconfig requires root to properly save the conf file.  try editing your menu to launch it with gksu04:32
=== PrivateVoid_Ghos is now known as PrivateVoid
jramseyanyone know why apache won't execute php in a .html file, even with the following in .htaccess: AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm04:32
froduntuwhere you can run with putty on a windows machine applications that are being served from an ubuntu workstation04:32
froduntuor ubuntu server04:32
froduntuit is really cool04:32
Carbonfluxm_newton, no, its not like windows persay, its more of a graphics server that talks to the graphics drivers, linux gui has more layers then windows for example, its also far more modular :)04:33
Terrasquejramsey: because apache is more sane than you are? :)04:33
jtaylor13group: if you can"t play a simple dvd in ubuntu then what are people using it for other then surfing the net?04:33
froduntuthe coolest part is that you could have everybody virtually surf the net from their dumb windows machines virus free04:33
Roughneck_cowboydo I have to type gksu ?04:33
Mr_Bad_Newswhat is svn ?04:33
chmacMr_Bad_News: Subversion04:33
codecaineyes roughneck_cowboy04:33
Terrasquejramsey: on a serious note.. It could be .htacces is disabled in server config, or limited04:33
Mr_Bad_Newssvn checkout http://svn.madwifi.org/madwifi/trunk/ madwifi-ng  command not found04:33
jramseyTerrasque, there's nothing wrong with php code in .html files; that's why the AddType is available in .htaccess04:33
chmacMr_Bad_News: You'll probably need to install subversion...04:34
Roughneck_cowboyand ? when edited ?04:34
jramseyTerrasque, how can i check if .htaccess is disabled?04:34
Mr_Bad_Newswhats the package name chmac ?04:34
chmacMr_Bad_News: svn :)04:34
codecaineyou just check enabled enabled accelerated graphics04:34
froduntuwell people, I think it is night night for me04:34
froduntuguys, thanks04:34
Mr_Bad_Newsnot found04:34
Roughneck_cowboyok I'm trying04:34
froduntucodecaine: you were superb my friend04:34
Terrasquejramsey: check the apache config files? Uusually you can turn on or off all or parts of what htacces can change, per directory basis if needed04:35
froduntuthanks a lot once again04:35
chmacMr_Bad_News: Hmm, I'm pretty sure it's called svn...04:35
Carbonfluxm_newton, I don't have that user on my machine, I am not sure whats up, it could be you installed something that installed the nested x server stuff04:35
joshualsuddenly plugging in my mp3 player everything is read only...04:35
jtaylor13group: what can you use to watch a dvd? i tied totem.mplayer it says audio out put busy04:35
chmacMr_Bad_News: It's called subversion, not svn, sorry04:35
m_newton<Carbonflux> Ya probably some dependencies that i dont need or software04:36
joshualcant copy to04:36
wepeelHi everybody. Fresh install of hardy on my laop top. Has anyone had trouble with flash being sloooow on ff3?04:36
rich_freecommhas anyone ever used 'dump' and 'restore'? Does it (b|g)zip?04:36
Carbonfluxm_newton, ya, not sure about the issues related to deleting it, I can see why you asked tho, I would worry about getting hacked if I did not understand why that account is there, you said a friend could be playing a joke on you? other people have access to this machine?04:37
Terrasquejramsey: look for AllowOverride, think thats what it was called04:37
wepeellike, the maps on weather.com are really slow04:37
codecainewepeel no but they had 2 flash installed and had to unistall both flashes then install just one04:37
jramseyTerrasque, yeah that's what i'm looking for now; but i have to find the config file first!04:37
codecainecaused firefox to crash a lot04:37
kesican anyone help me with a wifi wpa2 issue?  Sometimes I can connect and sometimes, like now, I can't.  Usually deleting the network from the list does this trick but not tonight. I've rebooted the router and the computer.  It's WPA2 TKIP.04:37
wepeelcodecaine, ah...flashplugin-nonfree and...?04:37
codecaineyea thats a good plugin04:37
chmacAnyone know if I have to do anything to get mail working locally?04:37
chmacI have nothing in /var/mail/ - but I have cron jobs set to echo errors...04:38
wepeelcodecaine, know what the other plug was? Did it cause flash to not work at all?04:38
codecaineI would open up synapitcs and type flash and look for multiple flash for monzilla installed04:38
Carbonfluxm_newton, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=490903604:38
wepeelcodecaine, good call thanks04:38
codecainecan't remember off the back of my head I know its all over google04:38
narothepharohjust updated firefox and its not working now? firefox 3 beta 5 ??04:38
jramseyTerrasque, how do i restart apache?04:39
premwhat is the best way to partition a 160 GB hard disk to install ubuntu04:39
wepeelcusious, however, it can't be my vid driver as everything else is wicked fast, right?04:39
Flanneljramsey: sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart04:39
[RICE]@narothepharoh, how is it not working? Explain.04:39
jramseyFlannel, txs04:39
obionejra,   sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart04:39
m_newtonWhat is DSA?04:39
PCcertifiedprem is this your first linux install04:39
Terrasquejramsey: apache2ctl restart if you have apache2, or using /etc/init.d/apache2 script04:39
codecaineits probably just firefox04:39
Terrasquejramsey: just for the record, I don't think moving html to php is a good long term idea. There are reasons for them being different :)04:39
narothepharoh[RICE]: ASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!04:39
narothepharohStack Trace:04:39
narothepharoh0:ENSURE_WARN(false,_installLocation: engine has no file!,2147500037)04:39
FloodBot3narothepharoh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:39
wepeelcodecaine, I'll bide my time untl full release then :)04:40
Carbonfluxm_newton, it looks like in this case sabayon can be used to manage more then one gnome user profile04:40
wepeelso, anyone had trouble upgrading to hardy from 6.10, ha.ha.04:40
[RICE]Wow... weird. No idea.04:40
wepeelthe machine I'm on now is running 6.10 and I think I'll upgrade or clean install. likely the second is best, no?04:40
chris420sweet nmap sems to know what the hell is going on haha thanks to who ever  turned me to it.... piece out04:40
amenadowepeel-> clean install04:41
codecaineI hate upgrade I just fresh install all the time :) can copy a list of dpkg installs04:41
Carbonfluxm_newton, at a guess I don't think its a problem, removing it might be a problem if you have several gnome profiles etc, seems like the main use is to manage settings for these profiles04:41
m_newton<Carbonflux> cool, i just have my username and root, not much to manage so to speak04:41
jramseyTerrasque, it is a great idea if .htm/.html files are linked in search engines and you want to make a site dynamic; this is how it's done, e.g. <?php include("index.php"); ?>04:41
Terrasquewepeel: from 6.10 you have to do a lot of upgrades.. first to 7.04 then to 7.10 and then to 8.04 iirc04:41
wepeelamenado, because of the old version or because hardy is best from clean install?04:41
chmacDoes anybody know if there is a default MTA installed on Ubuntu?04:41
amenadowepeel-> clean install is much better04:41
RayvisAnyone know a good online linux game, preferably an mmorpg?04:41
wepeelI thought so, too, but I had no backup for that opinion04:41
PCcertifiedI'm using the latest ubuntu 8.04 LTS and it's cool, tried Debian and both kubuntu's first04:42
PCcertifiedEVE ONLINE04:42
Terrasquejramsey: it also means that apache have to run all html files in that dir through the php processor, and some programs and systems can get confused. And it's messy :)04:42
m_newton<Carbonflux>sort of a trivial thing but how does one (Remote closed the connection)04:42
Rayvisalso preferably free04:42
PCcertifiedif you like space games. they have a linux client04:42
wepeelRayvis, try Runescape04:43
wepeelit's got nothing to do with linux, but it's a decent free MMORPG04:43
jramseyTerrasque, running all .html files thru the php processor or having php spit out html, what's the difference?04:43
Roughneck_cowboygksu  =>  Gtk - Warning ** cannot open display04:43
jramseythe php processor still has to run04:44
Carbonfluxm_newton, this is a fairly new install? seems like you might have installed it as a dependency or something, it does not seem like the kind of thing one would install without knowing what it is. One thing you can try is go into the Synaptic package manager and select it, look at the dependencies tab in the info display, or you can mark it for removal and see what it wants to remove in addition, then unmark it if that seems bad.04:44
chmacjramsey: The former allows you to use <?php ?> tags in your HTML files, the latter does not04:44
will01how do i mount a samba share to a local folder?04:44
chmacwill01: Try Places > Connect to Server04:44
jramseychmac, precisely ... and the former lets google linked pages remain intact with php added04:44
Daisuke_Idorunescape's engine would have been embarrassing 8 years ago, let alone now -_-04:44
kenshinI had network issues04:44
squidlydoes anyone have a recomendation for a p2p application that is easy to use for a linux/computer newb?04:44
RayvisHas anyone played Planeshift?04:44
kenshinNow ubuntu will just not start04:45
kenshini see the boot screen and i login04:45
Terrasquejramsey: not for static html files, saves the server for a lot of work. There are also some cosmetic and structural reasons. You could also use the rewrite module to send visitors from the html page to the php page.04:45
Roughneck_cowboyAnyone could help me ?04:45
will01chmac, what im trying to do is set it up so that amarok can see it and use that as its collection folder04:45
wepeelDaisuke_Ido, doesn't mean it's not fun04:45
RayvisSquidly: I use Frostwire04:45
narothepharohjust updated firefox and its not working now? firefox 3 beta 504:45
squidlyRayvis: ok thanks. I usualy use torrents but my gf needs something easier :D04:45
PCcertifiedroughneck try this gksu /usr/bin/nvidia-settings04:45
jramseyTerrasque, agreed04:45
kenshinthen i see a white box and the computer just freezes04:45
RayvisSquidly: There's also Nicotine+ which is a Soulseek client for linux04:45
Daisuke_Idowepeel: i'm a drod addict, i can attest to the fact that games don't need fancy graphics to be good, but it would turn most gamers away pretty quick04:46
PCcertifiedyou can use synaptec to install it if it's ot installed04:46
chmacjramsey: I'd recommend against running all your html files through the PHP process if you're going to experience any kind of load04:46
chmacjramsey: You can use 301 redirects to redirect to the new PHP pages04:46
wepeelDaisuke_Ido, fair enough :)04:46
m_newton<Carbonflux> I dont see any harm in keeping it, it doesnt seem to have any admin privlages. No harm can occur, unless sudo passwd  is compramised, it is not in the root group so that is good, I think i will just keep it till it gets in the way04:46
squidlyRayvis: they both work well?04:46
squidlyin a gui?04:46
chmacjramsey: Or better, use pretty urls like /contact/blah/etc/ - then you can respond with HTML / PHP / whatever else04:46
PCcertifiedI'll b back. gotta reload my X04:46
wepeelDaisuke_Ido, probably just my type of gameplay I guess04:46
chmacwill01: Does Places > Connect to Server not mount it for you somewhere?04:46
jramseychmac, yep04:46
Carbonfluxm_newton, ya I agree, kind of scary tho heh, until you know what it is. :)04:46
chmacwill01: Or do you want to mount it automatically at boot?04:46
Daisuke_Idowepeel: nothing wrong with that at all :)  if you like strategy/action games, check drod out - the architect edition is free as in beer04:47
Daisuke_Idoand available in linux flavour!04:47
hisingh1Anyone familiar with the term DHS?? i found this term in the ssh folder in etc. Is it like PGP????04:47
chmacjramsey: The other advantage of linking to directories instead of files is that you can very quickly replace dynamic PHP files with static HTML files if you get "dugg" / etc04:47
will01chmac, it mounts, id like it to mount automatically at boot, but what id first like to do is connect it so that i can actually retrieve the music04:48
narothepharohjust updated firefox and its not working now? firefox 3 beta 504:48
Daisuke_Idohisingh1: department of homeland security?04:48
chmacwill01: So if it mounts through Places > Connect to Server, can you not load the music from them?04:48
chmacwill01: Sorry, from there04:48
wepeelDaisuke_Ido, Drod looks rather Zelda-esque...will try thanks!04:48
ussernarothepharoh, do sudo killall -9 firefox-bin04:48
RayvisSquidly: I haven't used Nicotine+ much but Frostwire works as well as the Windows Client, It's pretty much the pay version of Limewire, but free04:48
chmacnarothepharoh: Only run that command if you want to kill all running firefox instances04:49
Daisuke_Idowepeel: far from zelda-esque, it's actually turn-based, which seems odd until you play04:49
will01 chmac well the music player is trying but amarok cannot see the folder04:49
m_newton<Carbonflux> I was scared that my friend had accessed my computer or i had been hacked. First time for everything i guess04:49
chmacnarothepharoh: On the whole server04:49
ussernarothepharoh, and then run firefox from the terminal see if u get any errors04:49
codecainejust killall firefox-bin -9 is last resort04:49
squidlyRayvis: ok awesome that is what I'm looking for04:49
chmacwill01: So the problem is not mount related at this point?04:49
kenshinhey amenado04:49
hisingh1Anyone familiar with the term DHS?? i found this term in the ssh folder in etc. Is it like PGP????04:49
will01chmac no i guess not04:49
Daisuke_Ido!repeat | hisingh104:49
ubottuhisingh1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:49
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:49
chuy_maxhi, I have a hardy heron CD, but it is not the stable one, its a daily build, how can I now when it was built?04:50
squidlyRayvis: any iptables issues I should look out for?04:50
RayvisSquidly: Glad I could be of help. Frostwire is also a BitTorrent client as well04:50
JonasNZI have an ldap server and another box authenticating its users against the ldap, i can login, and i get any groups that are in the ldap for that user, but the user is always in the root group any ideas?04:50
RayvisSquidly: Not that I'm aware of04:50
squidlyRayvis: yea. that will work for her with a gui. I need to get her used to the cli so I can get her to use screen for torrents :D04:50
hisingh1srry !ubottu04:50
wepeelaw gee04:50
=== roxahris is now known as roxandAWAY
wepeelto clean install my machine will take about 8 DVDs for backup04:51
wepeelwhich I do not have tonight04:51
codecainewhys that?04:51
RayvisHow do I reply when someone messages me privately?04:51
Roughneck_cowboygksu /usr/bin/nvidia-settings  => Cannot open display04:51
codecaineRayvis /msg username yourmessage04:51
squidlyRayvis: what im client are you using?04:51
m_newtonIs it possible to run mozilla firefox using ssh? ssh -X ... does not work :( Help!04:51
JuzzyD_I think i might stab my gfx card in the face, or alternatively, does anyone know why my x800 flakes out when asked to render anything using 3d effects04:52
Daisuke_Idowepeel: in the future, put / and /home on separate partitions :)04:52
wepeelcodecaine, fiels, mp3s etc04:52
narothepharohusser: same thing it gives me this error I cant get online to paste04:52
RayvisSquidly: I'm using XChat04:52
wepeelDaisuke_Ido, good idea04:52
JuzzyD_It kind of flashes, sometimes showing the 3d image, sometimes showing the desktop04:52
codecaineoh I always keep that type of stuff on external hds :)04:52
chuy_maxhi, I have a hardy heron CD, but it is not the stable one, its a daily build, how can I now when it was built?04:52
darcknitehello ppl04:52
squidlyRayvis: /dialog $USERNAME opens a chat windows,04:52
Terrasquewepeel: I've upgraded a 6.10, or upgrading to be exact. Working on upgrading to 7.10 atm. Lots of cruft hanging around, and it's going to need another upgrade before its at 8.0404:52
wepeelwell, can I repartition and just move stuff?04:52
ussernarothepharoh, sudo apt-get remove purge firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox04:52
rkazakchuy_max: The date the files were burned onto the disk...04:52
=== wobblyw1 is now known as wobblywu
wepeelthat seems doable04:53
rich_freecommhas anyone ever used 'dump' and 'restore'? Does it (b|g)zip?04:53
ussernarothepharoh, sudo apt-get remove --purge sorry04:53
=== JuzzyD_ is now known as JuzzyD
Terrasquewepeel: and thats why having /home on a seperate partition is a stellar idea ;)04:53
wepeelI am having a momemnt of enlightenment ;)04:54
m_newton!<usser> what is the diffrence btwn remove and purge??04:54
darcknitei need heeeelp.... i installed ubuntu 8.4 and am really happy except a minor glitch... my broadband connection is very very slow....but the same in xp is fast...any workarounds??????04:54
wepeellet's say I partition and move ./home to another partition04:54
usserm_newton, --purge also deletes any config files or other files created by the program in the process04:54
Cogumelo_anyone can help me?04:55
Cogumelo_i need configure my SiS 760GX04:55
Terrasqueusser: except the user's own files04:55
wepeelthen, I install 8.04 on the now /home-less partition...04:55
chuy_maxrkazak, ok thanks, I was not sure about that, the day it was built might not be the same as when it was burnt04:55
Terrasquewepeel: and under install, tell it to use your home partition for /home04:55
wepeelwon't there be a /home on the nes intall04:55
Cogumelo_i install ubuntu 8.04 but how i optimized my vga card? is a onboard SiS 760GX04:55
usserTerrasque, right04:55
narothepharohusser: same thing it gives me the same error04:55
wepeelyes, that makes sense04:56
wepeelthansk !04:56
ussernarothepharoh, does it even start?04:56
m_newtonHey, Is it possible to make an aliase that works on irssi???04:56
narothepharohit starts but gives me this error sorry i cant paste04:56
narothepharohSSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!04:57
narothepharohStack Trace:04:57
narothepharoh0:ENSURE_WARN(false,_installLocation: engine has no file!,2147500037)04:57
FloodBot3narothepharoh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
Terrasquewepeel: good luck :) it should be just to select manual partition, select your root partiton, tell it to format it and use as root, select your home partition, tell it not to format it, and use it as /home :)04:57
wepeeland this shouldn't cause my programs to freak out, even though they are using 6.10 version prefs in /home to run 8.04 version ?04:58
MiescoDoes anyone connecting to a wireless router have to keep reseting the network settings?04:58
anonqwerty02I'm usually a mac user.  Does anyone know a way to switch the Ctrl and Alt keys in Ubuntu so it's more similar to the mac experience?04:58
[RICE]@narothepharoh, have you tried reinstalling Firefox?04:58
Terrasquewepeel: you might find some problems here and there.04:58
narothepharohyes i just did04:58
ussernarothepharoh, try opera wget http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/ftp.opera.com/linux/950b2/final/en/i386/static/opera-static_9.50b2-20080422.9-static-qt_en_i386.deb04:58
rkazakchuy_max: maybe look inside a static library, hmm what about the file /etc/*release*04:58
ussernarothepharoh, sudo dpkg -i opera-static*04:59
a7chow exactly do I install ndiswrapper properly?04:59
wepeelTerrasque, notably in version changes? HTe two programs I use the most would have version jumps (ff and kile)04:59
darcknitei need heeeelp.... i installed ubuntu 8.4 and am really happy except a minor glitch... my broadband connection is very very slow....but the same in xp is fast...any workarounds??????04:59
m_newtonwhat is oh no backwards??04:59
wepeela phrase?05:00
Terrasquewepeel: have no idea tbh. But those files wouldn't be touched if you went the long way (upgrading) either. So I guess the programs can handle it.05:00
m_newtonsry for last comment05:00
Terrasquewepeel: never tried that stund with a desktop tho, so can't know05:00
anonqwerty02darcknite, I've found that sometimes a network card can be really slow in linux for no particular reason.  Do you have another card you can try?05:00
a7chow exactly do I install ndiswrapper properly?05:00
[RICE]@a7c, You get the .deb package and open it to install ndiswrapper. And then follow the steps in your system documentation. You may need to go a few steps furtehr though.05:00
wepeelTerrasque, fair enough. I'll give it a try tomorrow, thaks for the help05:00
m_newtonHow do i configure apachi?05:00
a7c@[rice]: the package i have is .tar.tar -.- not .deb05:01
Terrasquewepeel: no problem, and once again, good luck :)05:01
wepeelTerrasque, ty :)05:01
RayvisMy wireless quit working properly about 2 days ago. It will stay connected for about 10 minutes or so then quit working, but still says it's connected and I have to restart the computer for it to work again, but it quits after about 10 minutes again. Anyone know a fix for this?05:01
[RICE]Ew, that's nasty. Google ndiswrapper and you'll find a page with a deb somewhere (can't remember where).05:01
a7calrighty, thanks RICE05:01
wepeel4Rayvis, and it worked properly before that?05:01
wepeelRayvis, and did you update between the working properly and the not working properly05:02
[RICE]@a7c, No problem. There will probably be a little driver setup guide you can get either with or right next to the deb.05:02
wepeelRayvis, is this Hardy?05:04
selje"May 31 06:01:37 ubuntulaptop sudo:    selje : unable to resolve host ubuntulaptop" anybody knows how to solve this problem?05:04
poophahey Im in need of some help05:04
JaysunI need help installing Apache/MySQL/PHP on Ubuntu 8.04 =S My ubuntu system has no internet access, and everything I've tried so far leads nowhere..05:04
poophaI just installed ubuntu 8.04 and I need to get my wireless working05:04
wepeelrayvis, Hurm, is it at every wireless access point you use?05:04
poophaI went to the restricted drivers thing but it didnt have the wireless driver on it like it did in 7.1005:05
Terrasqueselje: /etc/hosts i guess05:05
seljecant get my administation autorisation to start05:05
garrettkajmowiczWhere can I point apt at so that I get updates for 6.10 (I'm doing this in preparation to upgrade my system)05:05
poophacan someone help me in a private message?05:05
wepeelRayvis, Ok, Have you set up a location in the network window for this connection?05:06
seljedont have a /etc/hosts05:06
justm1I'm back05:06
juzzydeeDoes anyone have experience with the x800 pro?05:06
remuhey everyone, I'm trying to change the icon for gnome-mplayer, and for nicotine, I'm not too fond of the icon that comes default, and was wondering how I could change their icons so that when they are displayed in awn as a running task they would use my custom icon?05:06
wepeelRayvis, and if so, ahve you deleted it, rebooted and tried to connect again with the same problems?05:07
seljeDoes anyone else have problems to start up admin autorisation?05:07
justm1For anyone who wants to enable compiz fusion on ubuntu with an Nvidia card, msg me.05:07
usserpoopha, whats your chipset05:07
usserpoopha, what driver did u use before in gutsy?05:07
justm1selje why would you want to run as admin05:08
poophaI used the one that was installed through the restricted drivers05:08
a7cRICE: I can't seem to find a ndiswrapper.deb download...little help?05:08
wepeelRayvis, I'm new to Hardy's network setup, but that worked for me after I had the same problem you did05:08
seljebecause i need to install the upgrades justm105:08
usserpoopha, what was the name of it?05:08
wepeelRayvis, is it WEP?05:08
poophaI dont remember broadcom somthing05:08
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justm1so launch synaptec, it will ask for your password05:08
wepeelRayvis, delete the whole profile reboot and try to connect again. If it works save the profile05:09
seljei cant unistall/install programs, i have over 200 updates waiting, because of this05:09
fdea7c: It is on the install CD... type sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper-utils and it'll grab it for you.05:09
wepeelRayvis, then see if you get kicked off05:09
a7cfde: alright...attempting that -.-05:09
wepeelRayvis, if so, try another network manager like Wicd05:09
usserpoopha, oh i wouldnt know about it, should be in restricted manager05:09
wepeelRayvis, at worst, you'll have to submit a bug report and wait :(05:10
justm1use synaptic    gksu /usr/sbin/synaptic05:10
poophaThe wireless doesnt pop up at all there htough05:10
poophashould I try reinstalling it?05:10
fdeusser: It's no longer called that, it's now called the more appropriate "Hardware Drivers" same app though (jockey-gtk)05:10
neo_Can someone help me05:10
D_wi^CE_Ge Rie cOW....^05:10
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a7cfde: it says "couldnt find any package whose name or description matched "ndiswrapper utils" -.-05:11
usserfde, oh thanks for correcting05:11
neo_Im having a problem where 1/6 of my screen is blank verticlly...05:11
neo_I tried changing resolutions no luck05:11
Flannela7c: what version of Ubuntu are you using?05:11
wepeelis reddit down for everyone05:11
fdea7c: 'ndiswrapper-utils' not ndiswrapper utils05:11
garrettkajmowiczWhere can I point apt at so that I get updates for 6.10 (I'm doing this in preparation to upgrade my system to something newer)05:11
wepeelnvrmind, woprks now05:11
Terrasqueselje: you don't have a file called /etc/hosts ?05:11
a7cfde: It returned unable to find ndiswrapper-utils, i'm just not used to my mom'05:12
Flannela7c: in Hardy it's ndiswrapper-utils-1.905:12
a7cs damned keyboard05:12
Terrasqueselje: no wonder your system is funky05:12
a7cah, thanks flannel05:12
fdeFlannel: thank you, my mistake05:12
a7cFlannel : same error -.-05:12
junminhello, someboy has experience on connecting VPN tunnel?? here is the log file of the connection, http://rafb.net/p/bJlRPj15.html i cannot get it done. thanks.05:12
justm1anyone know why justm1 is refusing my password?05:12
D_wi^cew_ksepIAN rIe Cow....^05:12
Flannela7c: What's the error?  Are you sure you have hardy?05:12
fdea7c: do you have a USB key by chance?05:13
Arrickhey all05:13
seljei have one host.conf05:13
ArrickIm having an issue with my ubuntu server.05:13
seljeand now i found hosts too...05:13
slappyI'm trying to set umask in /etc/profile for a specific group only. Can someone help? I only have that for the moment http://pastebin.ca/1034226 (umash corrected to umask). Thanks05:13
rich_freecommhas anyone ever used 'dump' and 'restore'? Does it (b|g)zip?05:13
Flannelrich_freecomm: dump and restore for what?05:14
ArrickRight now, I have eth3 setup with a static IP, I can ping this server from my laptop on the same network, yet this same server cannot ping google.com, and also cant pull packages... any ideas?05:14
Arrick(there is no gui on this server)05:14
Jaysun(Trying to install apache/mysql/php on ubuntu 8.04 - no net access on ubuntu system) I've tried install apache first by downloading the packages from the net on my xp pc - but every package seems to depend on another, and it's just crazy going back and forth to/from computer =( It's really not going well..05:14
rich_freecommthe d=command 'dump'05:14
a7cfde: rather sure i have hardy...it came with a preset background of a heron -.- exact error is, "couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "ndiswrapper-utils-1.9"05:14
rich_freecomm- d=05:14
Terrasqueselje: you should have a /etc/hosts with a few entries in. It's the static list of names and the ip they resolve to. The error you get is because the system can't find ubuntulaptop, probably because /etc/hosts is fucked up in some way05:14
FlannelJaysun: Grab the server CD, you can install from that, or just install the packages from that.05:14
kexp903can ubuntu handle wide screens?05:14
Flannelkexp903: yes05:14
kexp903even wide screen lcd's05:15
Terrasqueselje: you should have a line in the file that says "05:15
justm1jaysun what good are thewithout net?05:15
Flannel!language | Terrasque05:15
ubottuTerrasque: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:15
justm1setup net access05:15
fdea7c: Yes... but you have an internet connection on the machine you're using right now... so I can point you to where the .debs are, you can grab them and sneaker net them over...05:15
rich_freecommFlannel: wasn't aware dump and restore had any other purposes than to backup partitions...ok..I'll re-read05:15
Flannela7c: try apt-cache search ndiswrapper05:15
DILkexp903: i am on a 22 and it is sweet how wide05:15
Terrasqueselje: something like this :       localhost.localdomain   localhost  ubuntulaptop05:15
a7cfde: i found a .deb file on my own, i'm going to give it a shot05:15
selje127.0.0.1 localhost05:15
selje127.0.1.1 ubuntulaptop.SIMPSON05:15
seljethis is the entry in hosts05:16
tesseracter_hello. i'm installing a clean 8.04, just got a alfa 036H wireless card, but my google-fu is a bit off today. anyone got a sweet link to how to install the drivers?05:16
Flannelrich_freecomm: Well, dump and restore might've been arguments to some other program, they're not really specific to a particular domain (although those programs are)05:16
seljebut i dont think the problem is there.. i dont get the admin autorisation window to open05:17
Terrasqueselje: it might be the .SIMPSON part that throws it off. what's the search entry in /etc/resolv.conf ?05:17
seljeSIMPSON is ny network05:17
Arrickhow does one flush his dns cache from terminal?05:17
rich_freecommoh ok..then let me rephrase,...has anyone ever used the shell commands of 'dump' and 'restore'? Does it (b|g)zip?05:17
Terrasqueselje: yes, but does the laptop know that? :)05:17
runlevelin the LIVE CD 8.04 it detects my webcam fine but after i installed 8.04 it doesnt detect it.. how do i get the exact copy of the live cd installed so it works?05:17
justm1runlevel what webcam you got05:17
runleveljustm1,  Logitech QuickCam Fusion05:17
TerrasqueFlannel: should I use b0rked from now on then?05:18
JaysunCheers Flannel, - I don't have the server CD, only the Desktop edition as a personal computer is still it's primary use - I've looked on the CD but have had no luck finding anything.. :$ Mind you, I've found that I'm quite computer-illiterate since trying out linux =P05:18
FlannelTerrasque: sure05:18
seljebut i just need to get to the screen where i put in the password for admin autorisation05:18
fderunlevel: plug it in and type 'lsmod | grep gspca' ... any output?05:18
runlevellsmod | grep gspca   returns nothing05:18
seljeMay 31 06:14:35 ubuntulaptop sudo:    selje : unable to resolve host ubuntulaptop05:18
seljeMay 31 06:17:01 ubuntulaptop CRON[6761]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)05:18
seljeMay 31 06:17:01 ubuntulaptop CRON[6761]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root05:18
=== justm1 is now known as PCcertified
seljeand thats the answer i get from auth.log05:19
FlannelJaysun: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ server CD can be found there.  Once you've got the CD, and put it in to your desktop, sudo apt-cdrom add (or go through software sources) and then you can install those packages easily05:19
runlevelfde, lsmod | grep gspca   returns nothing05:20
Terrasqueselje: and it clearly tells you it can't resolve the host ubuntulaptop, which is the machine its running on. And that makes sudo panic and refuse anyone to log in.05:20
ubottuFactoid vinagre not found05:20
Kalamarencuguys anyone knows what do I need to enable disable in Hardy to be able to log in remotely?05:20
MiescoHow do I tell if I have a microphone built in my laptop?05:20
FlannelKalamarencu: install openssh-server05:20
a7c@everyone: installed ndiswrapper-common...shows up in installed packages, however, "ndiswrapper -i bcmw15.inf" command returns "no versions of ndiswrapper found"05:20
RoAkSoAxKalamarencu, log in remotely as in ssh ?05:21
KalamarencuMiesco: usually the microphone is a little hole in your LCD check your computer specs05:21
JaysunAhh - alright, thanks Flannel :) I'll defenitely try that - will take a while for download to complete though.. Thanks though :)05:21
KalamarencuFlannel:  I mean Remote Desktop Connection like a log me in client with vinagre05:21
fde!webcam | runlevel05:21
ubotturunlevel: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:21
TerrasqueFlannel: In case you haven't seen (and have a sense of humor), open http://insecure.org/stf/Nmap-3.50-Release.html and search for "b0rked" :)05:21
fderunlevel: See if something changed for that cam.05:22
a7cfde: could you pm me a link to that ndiswrapper.deb?05:22
RayvisAnyone know a good ubuntu theme site?05:22
KalamarencuRoAkSoAx: I meant control my computer remotley like Remote Desktop or logmein05:22
rich_freecomm!dump | grep zip05:22
ubottuFactoid dump not found05:22
runlevelthanks ill look into that05:22
KalamarencuRayvis: other than gnome-look ?05:22
RoAkSoAxKalamarencu, System>Preferences>Remote Desktop05:23
gregbradyAny Open Office Base gurus out there tonight?05:23
afallenhoperunlevel: also another idea is to get a PS2 EyeToy camera for like $20 and simply use that05:23
runlevelgood idea thanks man05:23
afallenhoperunlevel: no prob.05:24
afallenhopegregbrady: what do you need help with05:24
alpharesearchI lost the workspace switcher in the lower task bar, where is the configuration point?05:24
rich_freecommheh It's just wrong to type 'man dump', almost as wrong as 'man mount'05:24
vancould you teel me the cn ubuntu?05:25
afallenhoperunlevel: I have a Ps2 EyeToy webcam and it works like a charm. frame rate andquality is beautiful05:25
afallenhoperunlevel: works off the D-Link drivers.. but there's tutorials on google05:25
schnauzerI can't seem to sort my playlists in GTKPod; Anyone know of an ipod syncing program that'll let me do this?05:25
runlevelnow i can get abunch of uniform lookin cams, and finally make a nice survailence system05:25
Terrasquerich_freecomm: what's worse, you can grep the man for release :)05:25
gregbradyafallenhope: When opening a Base file that worked just moments ago, it now gives a General Error.  Even the backup file from yesterday will not open.05:25
ZachIsHereA long time ago I tried Ubuntu and there was a tool that let me adjust the volume level for individual applications running. I have Herdy now and that isn't around. Am I missing something? Really loved that feature.05:25
garrettkajmowiczHow can I get the latest upgrades for my 6.10 system?  It looks likle the archives don't work any more.  I'm doing this in preparation of updgrading to a new release...05:26
afallenhopegregbrady: have you checked the permissions05:26
alpharesearchthe setting in compizconfig for virtual horizontal desktops is set to 405:26
Kalamarencuthanks RoAkSoAx it was right there :P I did not look hard enough.. will this allow me to use a VNC viewer from windows to connect to my desktop05:26
ubottuFactoid evolution not found05:26
RoAkSoAxKalamarencu, yep05:26
Kalamarencunice, thanks mate05:26
RoAkSoAxKalamarencu, welcom ;)05:27
rich_freecommkemee rivise the question once more: has anyone ever used the shell command 'dump -z' especially in dealing with making a non-tape backup of a partition05:27
___Alex___anyone know of a gnome panel applet that allows you to set your CPU frequency, like XFCE's panel applet?05:27
joshualhey folks is USP (ubuntu system panel) no longer active?05:27
LeefmcFlannel: ping05:27
LaneLimitedHello all! Might you suggest a good music player and organizer for ubuntu I can install and how to get it... Thanks everyone!05:27
chmacAnyone know how much authority this page has? https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/hppa/mail-setup.html05:27
ubottuFactoid usp not found05:27
sgmadisoni have downloaded ubuntu-desktop it installs fine but after the loading screen goes to a black screen, same from livecd - this is an optiplex 745 that has installed debian and linuxmint just fine - any ideas?05:28
TerrasqueLaneLimited: amarok05:28
gregbradyafallenhope: Permission are ok.  I have read/write05:28
ubottuFactoid bridge not found05:28
xociteLaneLimited: mpd + sonata haha05:28
TerrasqueLaneLimited: you find it in add/remove programs05:28
pmartinhey can any of you guys help me troubleshoot a really strange wireless problem i'm having?05:28
Arrick!network Bridge05:28
ubottuFactoid network bridge not found05:28
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:28
ubottuFactoid lan not found05:28
pmartinNo, no, nothing that a doc can help with, I guarantee taht05:28
getoocan i get a little help with vlc , i am trying to watch a movie and its all yellow05:29
Arrickwho can point me to a wiki on how to setup a bridge betweed two gig etherenet ports?05:29
pmartinthis is truly in the realm of absolutely the strangest wireless thing I have seen05:29
getooanyway to remove that05:29
fdechmac: what do you mean "authority"? that describes the default mail server... you are free to pick and choose whatever you want, it's your machine05:29
ArrickI want eth2 and eth3 to use the same IP address05:29
getoothis is a dvd , but all my avi are kinda bright05:29
chmacfde: It says mutt and exim will be installed by default, which they're not on my system05:29
SeaPhorpmartin, please elaborate05:29
LaneLimitedTerrasque: Thanks, I am installing it now05:29
pmartinThanks SeaPhor05:29
afallenhopeArrick: so you want to bridge them>05:30
pmartinSo I have a Vaio TXN25N05:30
fdechmac: They should be... certainly exim405:30
pmartinit came with intel pro wireless 394505:30
chmacfde: I'm wondering if it's community contributed documentation, wiki style, so it might be completely wrong, or if I should tell someone that it's not necessarily correct05:30
Arrickyes afallenhope05:30
Terrasquepmartin: well, it *is* wireless. I won't call it strange until it start sending pink ponies around the room.05:30
afallenhope!bridge | Arrick05:30
ubottuFactoid bridge not found05:30
LeefmcQuestion: If a livecd version seems to be running fine, is it safe to assume a full install will work?05:30
afallenhopewell that sucks05:30
chmacfde: Hmm, exim4 definitely wasn't and isn't installed, but I'm not sure why05:30
SeaPhorpmartin, whaoa05:30
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Arrickafallenhope already tried that lol05:30
pmartinWell, i swapped this ipw3945 card with an atheros ar5006 based card05:30
chmacfde: My /etc/aliases file was setup correctly though05:30
PCcertifiedLeefmc:  yes05:30
SeaPhorpmartin, please all on one line05:30
sgmadisoni've been asking for 12 hours and no one has any idea?05:30
afallenhopeArrick: I remember seeing an application for that hold up05:30
fdechmac: It is wiki docs... but you can change it if it's completely wrong... I'm positive it's not though...05:30
PCcertifiedLeefmc:  it will work fine until you begin to modify it ;)05:31
codenameI have 2 HDD's one of which has Ubuntu on it, and the other one has Vista, if I wanted to remove Vista how would I do it.05:31
codenameon the other HDD05:31
pmartinbecause another os that i run doesn't support the ipw3945.  anyway, after rebooting wireless works fine, but the drivers it's using, according to NetworkManager is still teh iwl3945 drivers05:31
chmacfde: On my clean install, no mutt and no exim, actually, no working email at all05:31
codenamelet me see05:31
afallenhopeArrick: mind if I msg you?05:31
Arrickafallenhope dont forget, its a ubuntu *server* install no gui05:31
fdechmac: Note though that it describes the server distro... not the desktop system...05:31
pmartinThis is confirmed by perusing the output of dmsg05:31
PCcertifiedSeaPhor: create a batch file05:31
Arrickgo ahead afabian05:32
Arrickafallenhope ^05:32
Terrasquepmartin: same chipset?05:32
dolphin_noelis there some away to i enable the compiz water effect everytime o login to one acount?! to dont need to be allways pressing shift more f905:32
pmartinNot even close, this is the ar5006x chipset, which would require madwifi drivers05:32
vancould you tel me the china ubuntu server?05:32
pmartinThat's why I am so confused right now05:32
alpharesearchI lost the workspace switcher in the lower task bar, where is the configuration point?05:32
ubottuFactoid ch not found05:32
chmacfde: Aha, ok, in which case it's probably correct05:32
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:33
PCcertifiedaside from the no gui, whats the diff between the server install and the egular install05:33
alpharesearchthe setting in compizconfig for virtual horizontal desktops is set to 405:33
chmacfde: I think this is the correct link for my i386 system https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/mail-setup.html05:33
Terrasquepmartin: and you physically removed the old card from the machine? And it's working?05:33
PCcertifiedis it just a cleaner install with no X or gui05:33
chmacfde: It has the same info though, saying mutt / exim4 will be installed05:33
___Alex___ok, this doesn't make sense...  cpufreq-selector in gnome doesn't give me options to change CPU frequency (supposedly because it can't support it on my hardware?) but xfce can???05:33
alan_mvan, heres an easier way to get a server close to you, click on software sources under system->administration05:33
garrettkajmowiczHow can I get the latest upgrades for my 6.10 system?  It looks likle the archives don't work any more.  I'm doing this in preparation of updgrading to a new release...05:33
alan_mvan, then click the download from box, and click other.05:34
pmartinYeah, I have the old card right here in front of me, inserted the new card and all that...I even double checked the card itself to make sure I pulled the right one off the shelf05:34
fdechmac: Yup... you're right neither are on a desktop system... but on a server, yes05:34
LeefmcFlannel: I am having trouble installing. I keep getting partition failures05:34
codenameI have 2 HDD's one of which has Ubuntu on it, and the other one has Vista, if I wanted to remove Vista how would I do it. I wanted to add another Linux distro.05:34
alan_mvan, then click select best server, it pings all our servers, and the one who has the best ping time...is the one it selects.05:34
chmacfde: I'd have thought at least exim would make sense on a desktop system, without it I wasn't getting any mails from cron, etc05:34
Arrickafallenhope go ahead and pm05:34
LeefmcFlannel: I even said screw it and tried to install a full install, its not letting me past the partition step05:34
pmartinI'm pretty sure I don't even have madwifi installed on my system right now05:34
chmacfde: Any idea how I'd go about notifying someone to update it, or can I edit it directly somewhere?05:35
FlannelLeefmc: What errors?05:35
SeaPhorPCcertified, ? why?05:35
alan_mim sorry, i know i threw the enter key all out crazy, if i tried to put that all on one line, it wouldnt have done it.05:35
Terrasquepmartin: Tux moves in mysterious ways? Be happy that the gods of networking have granted you wireless? TBH I have *no* idea what's causing it05:35
fdechmac: log in and hit "edit" at the top05:35
vano,i known,thanks05:35
DILcodename: just delete the partition05:35
LeefmcFlannel: Well first off, I should be using Guided Resize?05:35
codenameWhere do I do that at05:35
pmartinThe only thing that worries me is that this might be a serious problem for my other OSes on my computer05:35
Arrickcodename fdisk /dev/blah05:36
chmacfde: I don't see any login / edit / etc options on that page05:36
alan_mah, sory then van :)05:36
Arrickthen m for help05:36
pmartinIs it possible that the currently loaded driver is being reported wrong?05:36
FlannelLeefmc: or manual.  Manual isn't difficult, and the error could be with the guided portion, so try manual I suppose05:36
chmacfde: Looking at the homepage, it looks like that page is aimed at the "alternate" i386 install05:36
LeefmcFlannel: Crap heh, i just got an error, "Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sda5"05:36
fdechmac: You have to log in to the wiki05:36
codenamewill fdisk work with vista?05:36
afallenhopeArrick:  I have05:36
LeefmcFlannel: Theres more too it, want it all?05:36
DILcodename: if you know the disk and partition cfdisk, fdisk, qtparted gpartedcan do it05:37
Terrasquepmartin: not dmesg, i think05:37
FlannelLeefmc: sure thing05:37
Arrickafallenhope sorry, didnt realise I had them ignored, lol, can you resend?05:37
LaneLimitedTerrasque: Seems good this amarok,  thank you very much05:37
LeefmcFlannel: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sda5 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sda5 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting.05:37
bpdsAnyone else having trouble with gnome-print not working in Hardy05:37
neo_How do I reinstalll the task bar?05:37
neo_the bottom bar that shows open programs05:37
TerrasqueLaneLimited: good to hear you like it :)05:37
Terrasquepmartin: tried the card in the other os'es? The only explanation i can think of is that the chipset have enough similarities that the driver works on the new chipset too..05:37
afallenhopeArrick: sure05:38
LeefmcFlannel: Any thoughts as to whats wrong? I already tried to clear Windows (not that i _want_ to, but as a last resort..), so im almost afraid to even reboot.. in fear of a brick.05:38
pmartinTerrasque: Thanks for the help, I'm going to try it in another OS as soon as I get it installed (today is upgrade day for my secondary laptop)05:39
chmacfde: I can't find that documentation page on the wiki anywhere...05:40
LeefmcFlannel: It seems to just be having a bad time trying to override my harddrive.. ugh05:40
FlannelLeefmc: You won't need to clear windows.  Whether you did already remains to be seen.  Um, try quitting the installer, installing gparted, and then using that to resize/etc05:40
TweakerOk I got like a quick question, how do I get it so when I unplug my laptop it dosent beep? Its hard on my ears when Im listening to music!05:40
LeefmcFlannel: Qutting the installer into what, windows?05:40
FlannelLeefmc: No, Ubuntu05:40
bpdsAnyone else having trouble with gnome-print not working in Hardy05:41
FlannelLeefmc: the LiveCD that you previously thought was a regular install ;)05:41
LeefmcFlannel: Oh right, when you said quit the installer i was thinking this LiveCD version heh05:41
LeefmcFlannel: So "gparted", google it? Or will it be in that package manager05:41
FlannelLeefmc: It'll be in the package manager05:41
afallenhopeAnyone know the issue with Virtual Terminals? When I hit <CTRL> <ALT> <F 1-6> it sends me to a black screen rather than the virtual terminal. I hit <CTRL> <ALT> <F7>  and that does as it's supposed to05:42
a7cwhen I run "ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf", terminal returns error , "couldn't open bcmwl4.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 219" fixes?05:42
TweakerSo....how do I get it so when I unplug/bump the powercord my laptop it dosent beep?05:43
afallenhopeTweaker: it's in the power settings05:43
TweakerThank you afallenhope let me check05:43
LeefmcFlannel: Gnome Partition Editor?05:43
afallenhopeTweaker: System>Preference>Power Management05:44
TweakerOk afallenhope: I have it unchecked yet its still beeping05:44
FlannelLeefmc: yes05:44
TweakerIts under Extras: Use sound to notify of an event right?05:44
afallenhopeTweaker:  try clicking it... then unclicking it05:44
Luhta /server chat.kongregate.com05:44
a7cwhen I run "ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf", terminal returns error , "couldn't open bcmwl4.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 219" any ideas or fixes?05:44
mixedi want to install the version of kde prior to 4.0, which app should I install??05:44
Tweakerafallenhope:  its still happening05:44
LeefmcFlannel: Seems it was already installed, however i loaded it and got that same kernel error05:45
xaandyis better, oss or alsa?05:45
LeefmcFlannel: "The kernel is unable to re-read the partitiontables on the following devices:05:45
Leefmc- /dev/sda"05:45
LeefmcFlannel: Because of this you will only have limited access to these devices. Unmount all mounted partitions on a device to get full access.05:45
afallenhopeTweaker: perhaps the battery is dead05:45
jdrakeIs there any way of making a running process use less cpu or disk resources? I have changed the nice value to 19 and it still doesn't help.05:45
Tweakerafallenhope: Its 100% charged05:45
ricketHow can I configure my system so that I can middle-click a window in the Window List to close it?05:45
xaandyis better, oss or alsa?05:46
ricketxaandy: alsa05:46
Tweakerit just irritates me because it sucks when Im listening to music and its in my lap and I bump the cord and it beeps.05:46
bpdsAnyone else having trouble with gnome-print not working in Hardy05:46
DILdont bump the cord05:46
FlannelLeefmc: Hmm, that sonds like its because your windows partition was mounted.  go to a terminal, sudo umount -a, and check if theres anything in /media/ (ls /media/)05:46
a7cany help?05:46
TweakerDil: That's kind of hard05:46
Tweakerif I shift it beeps05:46
DILjust kidding05:46
TweakerIll try a restart and if that doesn't work I will be back05:47
afallenhopeTweaker: I was going to suggest run a hard drive self test05:47
a7cwhen I run "ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf", terminal returns error , "couldn't open bcmwl5.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 219" any ideas or fixes? I really need my darn wifi!05:47
mixedhow do  install kde  3.5.9?05:47
Flannelmixed: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:47
LeefmcFlannel: Thoughts?05:47
SeaPhora7c, are you in the dir where the file bcmwl5.inf is/resides?05:48
mixedflannel, will that install 3.5.9 or KDE 4.0??05:48
garrettkajmowiczHow can I get the latest upgrades for my 6.10 system?  It looks likle the archives don't work any more.  I'm doing this in preparation of updgrading to a new release...05:48
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde405:48
a7cI assume so, it's on my desktop05:48
ussera7c, try to specify the full path to inf fule05:48
Flannelmixed: 3.5, 4.0 is only the remix05:48
neo_I deleted my bottom panel05:48
DILa7c: netgear wg511t works right out the box05:48
neo_How do I get it backkkkkkkkkkkk05:48
Flannelgarrettkajmowicz: You'll need to change your sources to point to old-releases.ubuntu.com05:48
neo_How do I get my bottom panel back????????05:48
mixedFlannel, thanks! I'll install it right now05:48
a7cusser: tried that, didn't work....DIL: I don't have a netgear...or money to buy one -.-05:49
xenos_aight dudes; why isn't rhythombox not detecting my ipod05:49
SeaPhora7c, no then cd to the dir,, cd /home/<user>/desktop05:49
codenameCould I technically format a Vista HDD with a Linux disc.05:49
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod05:49
sabrebuttNeo, right click the top panel and add a new one05:49
codenameFor example, I have 2 HDD's, and one has Ubuntu and one has Vista, I want the HDD with Vista to have Linux, so if I put in a Linux CD, could I reformat Windows Vista partition?05:49
neo_How do i get the bottom panel back05:49
swazoquick Q: can i substitute the cd of ubuntu ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro ) with a bootable thunmbdrive?05:49
garrettkajmowiczFlannel: Thanks!05:49
neo_comeone mannn its a easy asnwer05:49
sabrebuttneo_ right click the top panel and add a new one05:50
SeaPhora7c, once there do ls  see if you see the file bcmwl5.inf05:50
troxorneo_: right click on top panel -> Add Panel05:50
chuy_maxcodename, you can repartition your drive05:50
troxorneo_: er, "New panel"05:50
TweakerIt didn't work :(05:50
neo_How do I make it05:50
neo_so that minimized windows can be clicked open there05:50
troxorTweaker: modprobe -rv pcspkr ?05:50
neo_on the new panel05:50
sabrebuttneo_ right click the new panel05:51
Tweakertroxor:  let me try that05:51
troxorneo_: add the tasklist05:51
sabrebuttClick add to panel05:51
ricketneo_: right-click the new panel, add to panel, Window List05:51
troxorneo_: arg, Window List05:51
troxorthat's what /me gets for trying to do it off memory :(05:51
xenos_just read the how-to; not very helpful!05:51
Tweakertroxor: ok it says the mod is not promitable05:51
swazoquick Q: can i substitute the cd of ubuntu ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro ) with a bootable thunmbdrive?05:52
troxorTweaker: sudo modp...05:52
mohadibis it possible to shrink the *giant* pager in XFCE05:52
meltingclockwould the jre be on the ubuntu desktop cd by any chance...? i added the cd as a source to check;with no luck but thought maybe it might be listed under a different package name...? (dialup heh, trying to avoid downloading a huge file)05:52
Tweakerwhoops lol yea05:52
troxormohadib: add more rows, or shrink the panel's size05:52
mohadibit has 4 rows05:52
mohadiband the panel is all the way across the screen05:52
Tweakernope its still happening05:52
Flannelmeltingclock: no, it wont05:52
meltingclockalright, thanks. figured that but wanted to double check05:53
mohadibtroxor: any other ideas? :(05:53
mixedwhich default display manger for KDE do you recommend gdm or kdm??05:53
troxorTweaker: General tab of Power Management Preferences -> untick "Use sound to notify in event of an error" ?05:53
Tweakertroxor:  that is off, so I don't know why it continues05:53
troxormohadib: hm, iirc, the pager will scale to the height of the panel it's in05:53
troxorTweaker: what about disabling sounds in Sound Preferences?05:54
mohadibtroxor: i dont mind the hight05:54
mohadibtroxor: its the width thats huge'05:54
Tweakertroxor: wouldn't that disable music?05:54
joetheoddafter closing vmware, my ctrl, capslock, numlock, shift, and alt keys stop working. can anyone help05:54
ricketTweaker: System > Preferences > Sound > System Beep tab > uncheck Enable system beep05:54
troxormohadib: then reduce the number of workspaces ;)05:54
troxorTweaker: nope, only event sounds, afaik05:55
Tweakerricket: I think that might of worked05:55
Tweakerricket: wait Nope05:55
swazois there anyway i can drag my iso of ubuntu on to the thumbdrive, and be able to boot tto it to insall it? i dont have a blank cd05:56
troxormohadib: I keep the pager in a small top panel, it doesn't take up too much space.05:56
ricketTweaker: Can you repeat what and when is beeping? I joined just after you explained05:56
troxorswazo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick05:56
DILiso itself is not bootable05:56
TweakerRicket: It beeps when I unplug it or plug it in, this is a problem because it's a loose cord and I bump it a lot when its in my lap. So when I'm listen to music, its quite irritating05:57
troxorTweaker: what kind of beep, coming from the internal speaker (which modprobe -rv pcspkr would dispatch), or generated like a system sound?05:57
Tweakertroxor: its like just a beep, a speaker beep. Nothing with the system05:58
ricketTweaker: and you're sure unchecking the system beep didn't work? it seemed to be the solution for this person with a similar problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78595005:58
TweakerI can screen cap if you like, but it is disabled05:58
troxorTweaker: what about all the "System Sounds", changing those no "No sound" ?05:59
ricketTweaker: Haha, no, I believe you. It's just odd.05:59
rickettroxor: I doubt that will solve it05:59
TweakerYes Troxor I have, and alright Ricket, its odd I think...05:59
swedekidok I'm trying to set up xp with virtual box and I started it and got this error05:59
ricketTweaker: does this beep happen in other operating systems? could it be a BIOS thing, not an Ubuntu thing?05:59
TweakerRicket: it is ubuntu because it never happened on windows...that I know of06:00
ethanHi all! I was wondering if there was someone around who could learn me on a couple different questions about networking and routers etc..?06:00
ricketTweaker: what is the model of this laptop?06:00
TweakerIt is a IBM Thinkpad R5206:00
troxorswedekid: check if your user is in the vboxusers group. if it isn't, add it, and re-login06:01
swedekidhow do i do that?06:01
troxorswedekid: System->Administration->Users and Groups06:01
ricketswedekid: or just run this and reboot: sudo usermod -G vboxusers -a [your username]06:02
Jessica_lillyi need help i installed ubuntu (gutsy) on a old laptop of mine and i let it update and now im getting the error " failed to allocate mem resource #6:10000@f4000000 fir 0000:01:00.0" and " kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" anyone know how i can fix it06:03
swedekidcan i just log out or do i have to reboot?06:03
ricketumm... afaik you have to reboot. i'm not sure. is there much of a time difference, does it really hurt to reboot? :)06:03
swedekidtakes forever for this POS computer to reboot but eh got nothing else to do06:03
TweakerSo troxor or ricket, did you find a solution or a link?06:03
troxorricket: iirc, changing groups only needs a relogin06:04
TweakerI don't mind working, if some one gets the ball rollin06:04
troxorTweaker: `modprobe -rv snd_*` ;)06:04
ricketTweaker: sorry, no, I'm stumped06:04
TweakerSo modprobe -rv snd_* with the * as well06:04
troxorTweaker: no, just kidding- that would disable sound completely06:04
sco01There's a known bug preventing me from browsing samba shares on a win network from nautilus in 8.04. Any workarounds?06:04
rickettroxor: oh ok... i'm pretty new to linux and the tutorial i used (which said that command) just said to reboot :)06:04
Tweakerlol Ok whew06:04
troxorTweaker: although the * probably wouldn't expand out ;)06:04
TweakerThat's not good troxor06:05
Dr_willissco01,  ive found that 'smb4k' lets me browse/mount shares.. but its a kde app.06:05
Jessica_lillyi need help i installed ubuntu (gutsy) on a old laptop of mine and i let it update and now im getting the error " failed to allocate mem resource #6:10000@f4000000 fir 0000:01:00.0" and " kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" anyone know how i can fix it06:05
TweakerMan I wonder why this damn sound keeps doing that06:05
ricketTweaker: haha, crash course in learning not to run arbitrary commands handed to you over IRC06:05
Dr_willissco01,  ive even had issues with the smbfuse tool.  :( that samba bug.. is annoying.06:05
Tweakerlol oh yea ricket I've learned big time06:05
sco01Dr_willis: thanks. The bug is that it doesn't prompt for username/passwd.06:06
meltingclockjessica_lilly: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2770906:06
Dr_willissco01,  heck. My bug is it just instantly times out on scanning the network. it dosent even try.06:06
Jessica_lillythanks ill take a look06:06
Dr_willissco01,   there may be a gnome equilivent to smb4k - but  ihavent used gnome in ages.06:07
swedekidok, when i press f12 and select cd rom it says it can't read from it i have the xp disc in it06:07
swedekidoh...wait....wrong disc <.<06:07
troxorTweaker: what if you killed gnome-power-manager?06:07
swedekidstupid stupid stupid06:07
TweakerWhat do you mean troxor?06:07
troxorTweaker: `pkill gnome-power-manager`06:07
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
sco01Dr_willis: I get the timeout too. The reason is that nautilus doesn't think it needs to get a uname/pwd from you and then times out06:08
TweakerGonna kill my computer now Troxor? lol06:08
Chubblywhat would the quality of my experience be compared to windows on a celeron M 1.7 Ghz, 256MB machine with 7.10?06:08
troxorTweaker: tbh, I don't really know what would generate the sound you're talking about, but if it's a gnome thing, I'd just try killing all processes until it shuts up ;)06:08
Chubblyit runs like a dog in XP06:08
Dr_willissco01,  that dont explain why i am having issues with KDE's file manager, and the smbfuse tools - however.06:08
troxorTweaker: not this time :)06:09
kdc1956some dogs can run06:09
TweakerOk, I guess I can always restart if need be06:09
Jessica_lillyok im going to try and fix the problem with the laptop im going to bed its 6:09am and i havnt slept yet06:09
Jessica_lillydamn english time06:09
sco01Dr_willis: Found this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/20707206:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207072 in nautilus "nautilus does not display samba shares for machines inside an ADS network." [Undecided,Invalid]06:09
meltingclockhope it helps06:09
Jessica_lillyyer so do i06:09
KsRynohello need help with ndiswrapper/broadcom under 8.0406:09
KsRynocan anybody help?06:09
Jessica_lillyim sure ill figgure it out06:10
TweakerBlah, seriously that didn't help. Stupid IBM06:10
troxorTweaker: can you pastebin the output of `sudo lsmod`? maybe there's some module that initializes some ibm-specific sound generating hardware06:11
elninjaFor some reason, when I zoom in with compiz, as soon as I move my cursor it moves to the right edge of the screen. and I can't move it off the right border. It just moves back.06:11
Tweakertroxor: let me try06:11
maiwhat irc client is the best?06:12
jussi01!best | mai06:12
ubottumai: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:12
elninjabizzare... I restarted X, and the problem still occurred... I enabled the "scale cursor" option in the plugin for zooming, and it fixed it. So I disabled it, and I still have no more problems...06:12
Tweakertroxor: http://pastebin.com/m4d14916806:12
ether_cI'm trying to set up Ubuntu so that my network looks like this:    INTERNET --> UBUNTU_BOX --> ROUTER --> OTHER_LAN_COMPUTERS ... any ideas on what I will need to install on the Ubuntu box to enable this?06:12
cwgannonthe dev/sda/ or dev/sdb tags are assigned how?  that is, how does each drive get assigned said letter?06:12
ether_cmai: xchat is easy to use06:13
ether_csome people like irssi06:13
jussi01!ics | ether_c06:13
ubottuether_c: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php06:13
swedekidso basically after I install xp in virtualbox its exactly the same as xp except i have ubuntu with me too and don't have to reboot?06:13
ether_ccool, thanks06:13
Dr_willisether_c,  what do you plan on gaining by doing it that way?06:13
=== CapsLock_ is now known as Emilio_Eiji
Dr_willis!ics | ether_c06:13
ether_cDr_willis: actually, I'm just playing around with an old router I found06:13
ether_cand wondering if I sit in the back room of a class06:13
ether_cwith a router06:13
ether_cwhere wireless internet usually reaches06:13
Dr_willisether_c,  thers some internet connect shareing under ubuntu howto.  You basicially enable ip-masquerading on the linux box.06:13
ether_cif I could share that using the router06:13
ether_cto other people06:14
FloodBot3ether_c: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:14
ether_cjeez, my bad06:14
troxorTweaker: perhaps the thinkpad_acpi ?06:14
swedekidok i have another question how would I go about removing a xp partiton on a computer im dual booting xp and ubuntu?06:14
troxorTweaker: what if you remove that one06:14
Tweakertroxor: Possibly?06:14
mak2hey, i seem to be having trouble with a sata drive. i am able to log in maybe 5 percent of time06:14
Tweakertroxor:  I really have no clue, I have never really got into messing with the insides06:14
elninjaswedekid, any software you run in your virtualized XP setup won't have direct access to the video hardware either. So, you may notget the best performance in graphic intensive games, but other than that, yes.06:15
DILcwgannon: sd=scsi disk, a the order of the disks, 1=partitions06:15
meltingclockswedekid: i would assume you would boot up from the winxp cd , go to install xp which will allow you to format the select xp partition, then you can get out of the boot cd once its finished06:15
KalamarencuRoAkSoAx: it worked with the free vncviewer...06:16
Tweakertroxor: That looks like what I would need to remove, but I also need the function buttons : http://ibm-acpi.sourceforge.net/06:16
swedekidwell thing is i don't have the media center disc just the xp disc which is a different version of xp06:16
troxorether_c: I don't know if there's a graphical way to do it, but you'll need  iptables MASQUERADE and something in /proc/sys/net/ip_forward or somesuch06:16
swedekidcould i delete it with gnome partition editor?06:16
meltingclockswededisk: it should still allow you to partition/format inside of the cd ?06:16
troxorTweaker: hm, in that case, yeah- probably not a good idea06:17
ricketWith the Window List, I enabled Window Previews in compiz but the previews collide with the default mouseover thing (alt text?) - how can I disable that text so that only compiz's preview is shown?06:17
DILcwgannon: sd=scsi disk hd=ide, a,b,c... the order of the disks, 1,2,3=partitions06:17
ether_ctroxor: if I do that, will it go back to normal after I reboot the box?06:17
elninjaswedekid, to remove an XP partition you just use any software for editing your partition table. gparted, fdisk, etc.06:17
Tweakertroxor: I guess Im stuck with the damned beep then...Unless there is a way to tweak the acpi06:17
troxorether_c: probably, yes- lemme find a good howto.. one sec06:17
troxorTweaker: yep, if there's even hardware that's generating the beep- I really don't know, especially since I can't hear it ;)06:18
TweakerTroxor: Well thanks for your help, it atleast helped me solve what the problem was. I'll see if one of my tech buddies can find a way around it.06:19
TweakerPeace ubuntu06:19
maiI think the beep is great06:19
swedekidwhat the... just restarted the virtual computer and its trying to get me to do the first part of installing xp again...06:19
troxorether_c: you can add the commands mentioned here to /etc/rc.local  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-May/114644.html06:19
ethanyo, im tryin to unmount an ISO from my desktop, cant do it with the GUI, cant do it with umount!06:20
ethanwhat the06:20
ether_ctroxor: thanks, I'll check it out06:21
troxorethan: sudo umount /mnt/point ?06:21
Dr_willisethan,  be sure all apps accessing the cd are closed06:21
maikill processors06:21
ethantroxor: its a rosetta stone ISO06:21
ethantroxor: sec ill give you the output06:22
troxorethan: you can use fuser to find the processes, if any, that are using open files: http://www.tech-recipes.com/solaris_system_administration_tips1106.html06:22
swedekidah got it had to unmount the cd06:22
ricketwow, big updates just arrived. yay06:23
ethanits really a bitch to get the command in the file name is huge and wierd06:23
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
* ricket waits patiently for Firefox 3 final :-D06:24
swedekidanother quick question does stuff like sound drivers work in virtual box?06:24
ethantroxor : ethan@opimusprime:~$ sudo umount /Desktop/"Rosetta Stone Application v2.0.8.1 [h33t PC CD IMAGE]"06:24
ethanumount: /Desktop/Rosetta Stone Application v2.0.8.1 [h33t PC CD IMAGE]: not found06:24
ricketswedekid: yes but you have to enable it (pick ALSA :) )06:24
eugmanIs it possible to install a program that was available in the gusty repos but not the ahrdy ones?06:25
meltingclockricket: switching from firefox in xp to firefox in ubuntu freaked me out. the options/preferences arent in the same tabs lol06:25
ethanfirefox 3 kinda sucks06:25
ricketmeltingclock: yea i kno, i've never understood that either...06:25
lyziumim running 8.04 64bit with seperate home folder, am i able to install i386 and keep all my settings or bad idea?06:25
ricketethan: hmm? how so? it's so much FASTER!06:25
bazhangeugman, xmms?06:25
swedekidyee.... i hav eno idea what you mean by pick alsa <--- nooblet at computers06:25
usserlyzium, yea sure u can do that06:25
ricketethan: although if you're talking about beta 5... i didn't like beta 5, it crashed more than beta 4. i use rc1 now and no more crashing :)06:25
eugmanbazhang, actually no. It's an obscure program called supercollider06:26
ethanricket: maybe my box is doing something to it, but it seems a little like glitchy06:26
troxorethan: /Desktop probably doesn't exist- check `cat /proc/mounts`, then use tab completion instead of the quotes06:26
lyziumusser, thanks for verifying :)06:26
ethansometimes itll freeze on me06:26
vincenzofehringhow do i login as the root into the ubuntu 8 gui?06:26
ethanor kind of flash almost06:26
ricketswedekid: when you find the sound options, which aren't hard to find, change from disabled to alsa (not oss). you'll see when you get there06:26
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:26
theFATMANfor some reason when i am in firefox (3 beta 5) and i clode a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it?06:26
tmapjcan someone tell me how to unlock the keyrings automatically?06:26
ethantroxor: using ls in the terminal shows /Desktop?06:26
ricketethan: i've had a few small incidents where it did kinda freeze.... and just now when i was configuing compiz it had a weird graphics glitch that required minimize and then restore... but for the most part it's awesome06:26
troxorvincenzofehring: if you insist, `sudo -i`06:26
vincenzofehringsudo -i?06:27
ethanricket: yeah other than that i do like it06:27
vincenzofehringthat will allow me to do things as a root?06:27
ricketvincenzofehring: sudo allows you to do things as root too...06:27
afabianI've still got firefox beta 5 on Hardy.  Anyone know how long it'll be till some release candidate or something propagates through?  beta 5 is plenty stable for me, but I had a rendering problem on a site I frequent.06:28
troxorethan: find the real mountpoint with `cat /proc/mounts`, then do sudo umount the full path you find06:28
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to unlock the keyrings automatically?06:28
troxortmapj: there's a pam keyring package that should be installed automatically on hardy (and gutsy too?)06:28
usserafabian, enable hardy-proposed updates rc1 is already there06:28
eugmanSo does anyone know how I can access a gusty packages? Would adding the gutsy repos break anything?06:28
dxh4436hello everyone... quick question... just installed ubuntu for the first time... i cant figure out how to get wireless internet working... any help would be great... im sure its something easy06:29
=== MidgetARG is now known as MidgetSpy
tmapjwhats the name of the pam keyring package06:29
troxortmapj: libpam-keyring, iirc06:29
ricketdxh4436: in the top-right corner, left-click the picture of two computers. if you see a list of wireless networks, you're golden; if not.. it's much harder to get your card working06:29
troxortmapj: it only works if your keyring password is the same as your login password06:29
dxh4436yeah theres no list :(06:29
theFATMANfor some reason when i am in firefox (3 beta 5) and i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it?06:30
bazhangeugman, you seen this-->http://www.nabble.com/SuperCollider-packages-for-the-upcoming-Ubuntu-release-td16322208.html06:30
ricketdxh4436: i recommend searching google for something like "ubuntu [your card]" (no quotes)06:30
ricketdxh4436: you will probably have to use ndiswrapper like I do; try to find a tutorial of someone else who has already gotten their same-model card working06:30
bazhangdxh4436, open a terminal and type ifconfig-->are there three entries or two06:30
dxh4436alright, thanks... thought maybe there was something else i was missing... the hardware tester had the name of my card correct06:30
KalElhi i created a new partition, but how do i add it to the fstab? what is the UUID?06:30
Dr_willis!uuid | KalEl06:31
ubottuKalEl: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:31
ethantroxor: I just got a giant output here06:31
dxh4436let me check that ipconfig, one sec06:31
eugmanbazhang, I have not. Until recently I thought itwas mac only anyway06:31
bazhangdxh4436, if not ip06:31
ethantroxor: ill try rooting around in the terminal, will report back06:31
dxh4436ipconfig says command not found06:31
theFATMANfor some reason when i am in firefox (3 beta 5) and i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it?06:32
bazhangdxh4436, iF not iP06:32
amenadodxh4436-> this is not windows06:32
Dr_willisdxh4436,  i think its ipconfig in windows, and ifconfig in linux :)06:32
tmapjtroxor i couldn't find anything in synaptic under libpam06:32
KalElthanks... is there any automatic way to create an entry for my new partition in fstab?06:32
dxh4436haha ok lets try again06:32
troxortmapj: oops, sorry- it's libpam-gnome-keyring06:32
dxh4436only 2 entries06:32
rickettheFATMAN: try running firefox in safe mode, it is probably due to an extension or plugin06:32
eugmanbazhang, sweet it works. Thanks06:32
bazhangdxh4436, please pastebin output of lspci to paste.ubuntu.com06:33
amenadoKalEl-> you have to do it manually06:33
bazhangeugman nice :)06:33
tmapjtroxor, i already have it installed06:33
bazhang!paste | dxh443606:33
ubottudxh4436: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:33
troxortmapj: is the keyring password the same as your login password?06:34
ethantroxor: does this look like it would be a rosetta stone CD? i think it does06:34
ethantroxor: /dev/loop1 /home/ethan/Desktop/untitled\040folder iso9660 ro,relatime 0 006:34
theFATMANricket: you think that would cause it to reboot? that cant be right, there is no plugin or ext that has access to my OS, not on my system06:34
___Alex___can anyone recommend whether I should use cpufreqd, cpudyn or the default powernowd for the best frequency handling on a Pentium-M processor?  Dothan?06:34
troxorethan: quite possibly, yes :)06:34
troxorethan: sudo umount /home/ethan/Desktop/untitl<tab>06:34
dxh4436so i just put my name in the "poster" text field?06:34
rickettheFATMAN: i dunno lol. that would be my first step tho... i can't begin to guess why it would reboot, other than some sort of corruption or driver incompatibility or something06:35
tmapjtroxor,  yes the passwords are the same06:35
troxortmapj: hm, do you use automatic login with GDM ?06:35
theFATMANricket: yeah its driving me nuts, i cant find anything on google about it06:35
ethantroxor: youre a dream! worked like a charm06:35
troxortmapj: then try making your keyring password blank06:36
ethantroxor: guess i just had the filename wrong06:36
troxorethan: awesome06:36
tmapjhow do i reset it?06:36
dxh4436alright guys... i pasted it... hope it did it correctly06:36
troxorethan: tab completien will save you from typos06:36
ethantroxor: thanks !!06:36
bazhangdxh4436, give us the url06:36
gregbradyHey guys....I'm still looking for a good gui based database solution in Linux.  To date I've not found one worth a second look.  Any ideas?06:36
troxortmapj: seahorse will do it, iirc06:36
theFATMANfor some reason when i am in firefox, i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it?06:36
tmapjwhats iirc?06:36
troxortmapj: if I recall/remember correctly06:36
theFATMANtmapj:internet relay chat06:37
rickettheFATMAN: no, that's IRC06:37
theFATMANricket: doh!06:37
theFATMANricket: i thought he typed it by mistake06:37
* ricket rotates around the cube, closing all his windows and getting ready to sign off...06:38
troxortmapj: the automatic keyring stuff is kinda annoying, imho; they want you to type in your password at least once, be it at the GDM login screen or for a keyring unlock :)06:38
tmapjso you dont have an automatic keyring?06:38
bazhanghttp://jimvernon.com/archives/53 dxh4436  take a look here06:38
dxh4436thanks baz!06:38
ricketreason #9 why i am now using ubuntu more than vista: compiz + desktop cube = major wow factor (haha, and microsoft brags about their thick translucent window borders...)06:39
ricketanyway it's been fun but i should get some sleep. g'nite all! :)06:39
tmapjwhats compiz06:40
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:40
=== daniele is now known as mel8
theFATMANfor some reason when i am in firefox, i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it?06:41
KalElif i use e2label to label a disk, will that erase existing data?06:41
poopahhey guys06:41
fbnhi, is it possible to configure postfix to forward incoming mail to another server?06:42
poopahCan someone assist me with these problems im having with ubuntu 8.04 in a personal message regarding wireless issues and compiz issues06:42
poopahIv been able to fix these problems on my own before just using the standard methods06:42
troxortmapj: at one point, probably06:43
poopahbut somthing tells me im going to have to go through a bunch of bs to get this stuff to work properly06:43
Dr_willisKalEl,  it never has for me. You may need to reboot for the system to see the new label06:43
KalElgreat man thanks06:43
poopahcompiz keeps shutting off as I use it, and my wireless wont connect to the router even though im connected right by it06:44
loluserHey im trying to rip music from a CD, using sound-juicer, tho the option to rip in mp3 format is there and i have clicked "active" the bloody thing is still not showing up in the opt06:45
moonyloonywhen i try to add compiz from the synaptics managers it says that i'm required to download other softwar as well...then i press mark and i get the following error:Could not mark all packages for installation. The following packages have unresolvanle dependencies. Make sure that all required repositories are added and enabled. So what repositories i should add?06:45
loluserhow do i get it to work?06:46
troxorpoopah: what does the wireless problem do?06:46
poopahlike right at start up compiz stops working whenever i use any of the fueture06:46
theFATMANfor some reason when i am in firefox, i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it?06:46
Flannelmoonyloony: which packages?  does it tell you?06:46
poopahwell I reinstalled the cd this time hooked up to the internet06:46
poopahthrough ethernet06:46
troxorloluser: try using grip- sound-juicer annoyed me06:46
poopahand once I unplugged it06:46
poopahand I try to acess our router06:46
loluserok thanks troxor06:46
poopahwhich is password free06:46
moonyloony Depends: compiz-core but it is not going to be installed06:46
moonyloony Depends: compiz-plugins but it is not going to be installed06:46
moonyloony Depends: compiz-gnome but it is not going to be installed06:46
loluseris it in the repo's?06:46
FloodBot3moonyloony: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:46
poopahit ust doesnt connect06:46
Flannelmoonyloony: and which package are you installing?06:47
joe_chatupgrade manager syncs incorrectly asks for partial upgrade and fails i update every day so far since 8.04lts releases WHY?06:47
=== _GyTa_ is now known as YOUL
troxorpoopah: so you can't connect to your wireless router ?06:47
poopahit says attempting to connect to "access point"06:47
poopahnope but this computer is connecting fine06:47
theFATMANmoonyloony: compiz comes with hardy by default06:47
poopahso does all of the toher computer in the house06:47
troxorpoopah: try this- in terminal, tail -f /var/log/daemon.log06:47
Flannelmoonyloony: Also, its called compiz-fusion now06:47
troxorpoopah: then, try to connect to your wireless networ06:48
dxh4436bazhang:   following the directions but it says E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-utils-1.906:48
swedekidok just deleted the partition for xp and its unallocated, now how doi had that space to ubuntus partition?06:48
ricreehow do you go about mounting a drive so that it is owned by a user instead of root?06:49
moonyloonyflannel: i had unninstalled the compiz because it didn't worked...06:49
ricreethe man page seemed to suggest that -o user would work, but I got an error with "sudo mount -o user=myusername /dev/sdc1 /mnt/mountpoint/"06:50
troxorricree: try pmount06:50
moonyloonyflannel : i have ubuntu 7.1006:50
theFATMANfor some reason when i am in firefox, i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it?06:50
moonyloonyflannel: what should i do?06:51
Flannel!compiz | moonyloony06:51
ricreetroxor: thank you06:51
ubottumoonyloony: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:51
poopahhey troxor06:52
poopahcan I message you on here?06:52
troxorpoopah: I don't mind, though anything said here can be corrected/amended by people smarter than me :)06:52
poopahitll help me to focus on shit too much stuff going on at once in this room06:53
gregbradySo, there is not one decent alternative to Microsoft Access out there in the Linux world?06:53
Lo_Pannothing like access could be described a "decent alternative"06:53
swedekidok, im using gparted and i have 60 gigs of unallocated space how do i put that space in my ubuntu partition?06:53
Lo_Panthe nature of access and ms jet makes sure of that06:54
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gregbradyLo_Pan: I'm not sure I understand you.  Are you saying there is nothing like it?06:54
max_I have a problem06:55
AdemoSUbuntu Hardy - Random Freezing: I was thinking of using Hardy with Gusty's kernel, until the freezing issues were fixed (maybe in Ibex) but, I'm worried that the older kernel will cause conflicts with newer software. Will it?06:55
troxorswedekid: depending on where on the disk the (now deleted) xp partition was, you might run into some issues, but you can use something like gparted live cd to expand/move your partition06:55
Lo_Pangregbrady: postgresql/mysql would be what i would use in place of access06:55
swedekidk where can i get that?06:55
gregbradyLo_Pan: Yes, but to archaic of an interface.  I want a speedy gui interface.06:55
GluteusWill gparted work in a raid context?06:56
troxorswedekid: gparted.sourceforge.net06:56
Lo_Pangregbrady: i have no idea, googles perhaps06:56
max_I have a problem06:56
diefordethklokCan anyone help me to get my microphone to work?06:56
diefordethklokIt plugs into the analogue jacks on the front of my computer.06:57
=== guest is now known as Guest78569
troxorgregbrady: have you tried kexi ?06:57
legend2440gregbrady: http://www.kexi-project.org/06:57
swedekidis there any way i can use the livecd wihtout burning it to a cd? i don't have any blank cds06:57
troxorgregbrady: or knoda06:57
gregbradytroxor: Yeah, worse than Open Office06:57
diefordethklokwubi swedekid?06:57
swedekidwubi? is that an iso mounter for ubuntu or something?06:58
gregbradylegend2440: Thanks for the help btw.  Your technique fixed up all of my machines06:58
troxorswedekid: you can put it on a usb stick, if your machine supports booting from usb06:58
AdemoSswedekid, you could run from a USB Flash Disk instead http://www.pendrivelinux.com/06:58
AdemoStroxor, you win :P06:58
legend2440gregbrady: thats good yw06:58
troxorAdemoS: gg ;)06:58
diefordethklokSerdekid: No, wubi is an ubuntu install that you can get rid of by removing through windows using add/remove06:59
swedekidoh wait i got a blank dvd right here yay06:59
theFATMANfor some reason when i am in firefox, i close a tab, my system randomly reboots, whats going on, and how do i fix it?06:59
AdemoStroxor, any idea about my question?06:59
troxortheFATMAN: is this reproduceable?06:59
theFATMANtroxor: can u clarify?06:59
diefordethklokCan you repeat this theFATMAN06:59
troxorAdemoS: I believe you can use older kernels with no (or very few problems)06:59
theFATMANtroxor: it just randomly happens07:00
AdemoStroxor, what problems (if any) do you think I should I be aware of?07:00
troxortheFATMAN: are you using compositing or compiz-fusion ?07:00
swedekidhuh anyone know whta time it is central us time?07:00
ubottuFactoid microphone not found07:00
diefordethklokswedekid: 1 am :)07:00
theFATMANtroxor: yes, and have for awhile now with no problems07:00
swedekidthough my clock was off i got 9 pm >.<07:00
ubottuFactoid mic not found07:01
troxorAdemoS: some things that compile against kernel headers, such as restricted-drivers, and their kin, might be a little off07:01
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience07:01
gregbradylegend2440: I'm just a little surprised that there is not a better developed, more mature database program in Linux.07:01
troxorAdemoS: though I'm not sure- it's worth a try, since you can have multiple kernel versions installed simultaneously07:01
AdemoSswedekid, google is your friend :P http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/usa/central-time/07:01
`KoRnhello how can i burn dvd movies with subtitles? thanks07:01
troxortheFATMAN: what kind of video card/drivers are you using?07:01
swedekidwoulda taken me 4 min got several download running on computer downstairs so i have no bandwidth07:02
karihow to install screansaver plugin in compiz fusion07:02
troxorAdemoS: glibc might whine too, though I'm not entirely sure- it's one of those 'try it and see' type situations :\07:02
theFATMANtroxor: ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT w/ restricted drivers07:02
joe_chatupgrade manager syncs incorrectly asks for partial upgrade and fails i update every day so far since 8.04lts release WHY?07:02
swedekidand its just so much easier to ask one of yall haha07:02
legend2440gregbrady: i've never tried any of them. openoffice base is no good?07:02
AdemoStroxor, hmm, I was hoping for stability + new software combatibility, seems like both may be at risk with my idea :C07:02
veccioraMy clock was error. I've edited /etc/default/rcS to utc=no.07:02
`KoRnis there a channel for dvd buring here in ubuntu?07:02
veccioraSo what should I do?07:02
gregbradylegend2440: No, not that great.  Very buggy.  Crashes a lot and not all that powerful.07:02
AdemoSswedekid, oh then it's 1:02 a.m.07:03
troxortheFATMAN: try turning off the fancy desktop effects, since you have restricted drivers, and then stress out firefox and see if you can get it to crash07:03
swedekidhuh is there any way to like drag or drop files or something between virtual box runnin xp and linux?07:03
troxorAdemoS: you might also looking into backporting or recompiling an older kernel, though that too might be more trouble than it's worth07:04
gregbradyCan one run Access via Wine over a ssh session?07:04
theFATMANtroxor: i should add that i installed kubuntu-desktop yesterday, could that be to blame?07:04
AdemoStroxor, nods. I may just enable hardy repos, but I was worried about dependencies :x07:04
troxortheFATMAN: probably not, having more stuff installed and not running isn't going to make much difference07:04
troxorAdemoS: kernel shouldn't have many of those ;)07:04
PCcertifiedsilly question here, aparently my console does not accept standard bash commands like CD07:05
theFATMANtroxor: huh...ok i'll try your suggestion, but its so random, its hard to initiate07:05
swedekid....wtf.... im downloading a file at 900 bytes per second....07:05
swedekid182 days...07:05
PCcertifiedwhere can I find help on the acceptable commands for the shell so I cn do something useful07:05
AdemoStroxor, I guess if I was stability, I have to wait for Ibex? Or do you think Ubuntu devs will ever figure out a patch to all the random freezing present in Hardy? Cause it's so frusturating to go from rock-solid gutsy to unpredictable-hardy....ironicly the LTS release07:05
veccioraSomeone can explain to me what is "wtf"?07:06
Dr_willis!find wtf07:06
ubottuFile wtf found in bsdgames, gcc-snapshot, gnat-4.1, gnat-4.207:06
PCcertifiedwhat is the default shell in ubuntu 8.0407:06
AdemoSvecciora, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wtf07:06
Dr_willisPCcertified,  for users bash, dash is the default system shell.07:06
RudyValenciaHm, I wonder how much Web page traffic my server would be able to stand up to. My server is a Celeron 2.4GHz with 1GB RAM, 200GB HD, DVD(+/-)RW, running Ubuntu server version 8.04.07:06
swedekidwtf = what the frick except its not frick07:06
veccioraThanks AdemoS07:06
swedekidnot much i'd gather rudy07:06
troxorAdemoS: yeah, hardy will be given attention longer than gutsy will, so you might have better luck07:07
karihow to install screansaver plugin in compiz fusion07:07
troxorAdemoS: er, better luck staying with gutsy until support runs out07:07
drcheezensteincan anyone help me out with this problem?07:07
RudyValenciaIt'd fall to its knees pretty quickly I bet07:07
KalElubuntu shows all my hard disks in Places->Removable Media for some reason... how can i tell ubuntu that they are permanent and not removable?07:07
drcheezensteinit wont connect but every other computer in the house does!07:07
swedekidwell of course i dont know much about servers that arn't counter strike servers butif youwanting a counter strike server it would fall to its knees07:07
AdemoStroxor, yeah I guess I will. It's just a damn shame, I'm always advertising Ubuntu's stability to friends...then I get hardy and *boom!* I guess I'll have to wait it out07:07
veccioraHow can I use Yahoo! transport? I'm using Pidgin now.07:07
PCcertifiedhello ? noob question here.... where can I find the shell commands?  I can't seem to execute a simple bash command like CD07:07
loluserHey im trying to reinstall sound-juicer, i just tried but obviously when im trying to uninstall this program a config file is left somewhere07:08
PCcertifiedthis sudo crap bites07:08
loluserffs, when i want something i want it REMOVED, not this old config shit left behind07:08
AdemoSPCcertified, just use sudo bash and get temporary root access07:08
gregbradyPCcertified: sudo works fine for me, what is wrong?07:08
PCcertifiedfor some reason the shell refuses my password...07:08
nickellerykari:  go to #compiz for compiz support07:09
Dr_willisloluser,  the purge optiojn will remove system configs..  but that will NOT remove users customized config files07:09
swedekidwow...using a 4.7 gig dvd to burn a 80 mb file....i wish i had some regular cdrs07:09
alan_mPCcertified, is this a fresh new install?07:09
PCcertifiedthanks for that help Ademo07:09
loluserhow do i remove those customized configs?07:09
AdemoSPCcertified, you're welcome07:09
PCcertifiedAdemoS:  but what shell is ubuntu using so I can learn the commands07:09
alan_mPCcertified, bash07:09
docgnomeIs there a way to tell from bash if I have logged in via ssh?07:09
AdemoSPCcertified, hold on I'll grab the guide I found07:10
loluseri went and had a look in ~/.config and removed all the sound-juicer config files there, still trying to use old settings though...07:10
legend2440PCcertified: http://www.ss64.com/bash/07:10
PCcertifiedthen why does it not recognize cd /07:10
alan_mPCcertified, somethings aparently REALLY messed up, i dont have any idea.07:10
AdemoSPCcertified, here: http://www.linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.php07:10
family5type the other slash '\' not '/'07:10
PCcertifiedAdemoS: you found a guide?  can I have the link?07:10
alan_mPCcertified, look up :D07:10
AdemoSPCcertified, look up ;)07:10
claydi am trying to install php5 and i am getting the following message.07:10
loluserok, forget sound-juicer, whats a program that will rip tracks from CD's in mp3 format??07:10
swedekidso after i finish burning this just boot with cd and then resize the partition that simple?07:11
claydPackage php5-json is a virtual package provided by:07:11
clayd  php5-common 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.107:11
claydYou should explicitly select one to install.07:11
claydE: Package php5-json has no installation candidate07:11
FloodBot3clayd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:11
alan_mPCcertified, your welcome.07:11
AdemoSooh legend2440, I like yours too07:11
troxorloluser: grip ?07:11
lolusertried grip07:11
PCcertifiedyou got that wrong07:11
lolusergrip seems to think mp3 is a wav file -.-07:11
alan_mPCcertified, got what wrong?07:11
troxorloluser: how about cdex or cdparanoia?07:11
PCcertifiedwhen I use the \ it gives me a > prompt07:11
loluserill try those ones now07:11
PCcertifiedI ha it correct to type cd / but it says the command is not recognized07:12
loluseris cdparanoia a cli program?07:12
alan_mPCcertified, can you try cd ~ to see if that does anything?07:12
PCcertifiedmy boo boo... I had caps on07:12
troxorPCcertified: \ is an escape character, / is a path separator ;)07:12
xociteloluser: I would use abcde07:12
PCcertifiedhow embarrassing07:12
alan_mPCcertified, heh, thats ok, were here for even user mistakes :D07:13
loluserxocite ill try that too07:13
alan_mPCcertified, i do that a LOT07:13
loluseridk wtf cdparanoia is, aparently i got it installed already lol?07:13
PCcertifiedthanks peeps07:13
xociteloluser: it's cli thought but very easy.  "abcde -o mp3"07:13
alan_mPCcertified, sure :D07:13
KalElall my media appears under 'Removable Media' for some reason07:14
loluserso its like abcde /path/to/cd -o mp3?07:14
PCcertifiedI'll bet it'll recognize my password now too07:14
PCcertifiedthanks again...07:14
alan_mPCcertified, welcome, again :D07:14
alan_mok folks....ive GOT to get to bed now.07:14
alan_mits way past my bedtime07:14
loluseroh wtf is this man lol07:15
PCcertifiedI noticed when I do su it does not recognize my password.   does that mean I have to use sudo bash ?07:15
alan_mbigmcq77, ill let it slide......this time.07:15
AdemoStroxor, so where can I keep an eye on, to see when Gutsy has become more stable?07:16
Dr_willisPCcertified,  use 'sudo -s'07:16
AdemoStroxor, *hardy07:16
TweakerYay! Im back. I also have a few questions about BitchX07:16
PCcertifiedso su does not work Dr_willis07:16
bigmcq77what did u call ne07:16
TweakerWhy can't I get bitchx to install, it says it can't fine Gmake07:16
troxorAdemoS: subscribing to the relevant bug reports in launchpad would be your best bet, imho07:16
bigmcq77your the bitch07:16
alan_mbig, watch it07:16
Dr_willisPCcertified,  root has no password.. so correct - it will not work07:17
Dr_willisPCcertified,  http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/07:17
AdemoStroxor, that could be true, though most of the bug reports are close but not quite my issue, but bug reports in general are a good place to get an idea, thanks a lot07:17
PCcertifiedah I see, maks sense07:17
troxorAdemoS: no problemo- be glad that the ubuntu bug community is active and very good ;)07:17
TweakerAnyone no why this is?07:17
alan_mdr_willis, thanks, you helped me find a page i was looking for ;D07:17
AdemoStroxor, heh indeed07:17
PCcertifiedDr_willis:  thanks07:18
Dr_willisalan_m,  :) i got my Del.ic.ious stuff all tagged07:18
PCcertifieddoes anyone here use pidgin /07:18
TweakerPCcertified: Yes07:18
TweakerIm using it now07:18
troxorTweaker: install build-essential for gnu make, though why bitchX wants that is curious..07:18
moDumasshey all, i cant get ktorrent to open torrenta07:18
Tweakertroxor: it asks for it on the site07:19
moDumasseven if i save the .torrent file to my desktop and select "open with ktorrent" ktorrent is open but the torrent file does not feature07:19
TweakerThe install instructions are pretty much straight forward, and when it asks for gmake it dosent explain why07:19
troxorTweaker: ah, no ubuntu package immediately available07:19
PCcertifiedTweaker: when I log on to freenode it fails to enter my password and connects me as justM1, do you know a work around?07:19
troxorTweaker: it probably wants you to compile from source.. which obviously needs make ;)07:19
TweakerYes, you must edit the IRC properties07:19
docgnomeis there a way I can tell if a user is logged in via ssh?07:20
TweakerTroxor: yes Im compiling it07:20
lolusercan you not convert wav songs on a cd to mp3 format onto your pc with Ubuntu or something?07:20
Tweaker:~/BitchX$ gmake .... bash: gmake: command not found07:20
troxorTweaker: try  `make`07:20
TweakerPCcertified: you need to go to accounts then edit the IRC07:20
Tweakerand then enter the password07:20
troxorloluser: lame (CLI, but it's pretty good) will do it07:21
Tweaker~/BitchX$ make /usr/local/bin/bash ./configure make: /usr/local/bin/bash: Command not found make: *** [default] Error 12707:21
mooGirlTweaker, NFC, man07:21
alan_mloluser, you can, you need the mp3 codec's and oggconvert07:21
AdemoSthanks for the help all, later07:22
TweakerMoogirl: NFC?07:22
PCcertifiedTweaker: I think i figured out what I did wrong, thanks07:22
TweakerPCcertified: No problem buddy07:22
TweakerAlso check out the other misc plugins07:22
loluserwtf is a "stdin/stdout"07:22
hanasakias mail goes through smtp servers are new headers added at the top or bottom of the smtp header ... ?07:22
TweakerA lot of random IRC pluggins, and it helps with auto rejoin etc07:22
lolusersigh all i want is to rip these songs07:22
PCcertifiedthis channel is so much friendlier than debian07:23
troxorPCcertified: that's an understatement ;)07:23
tenfarloluser:there is a script07:23
alan_mguys, lets try not to use the wt* acronyms :)07:23
TweakerSo troxor: that didn't seem to help I got errors07:23
ridge-meisterHow can I recover files that were moved to the trash (I don't see them in there) when I removed the "albums" from Digi-Kam?07:23
SwedeMikehanasaki: stdin/out is what programs send their input/output to when they're run, usually your shell07:23
tenfarloluser:that me find it for you07:23
loluserits ok, i think i got this program figured, thanks07:24
ridge-meisterI thought removing the albums from Digi-Kam would just let me clean up all the stuff listed in Digi-Kam.07:24
SwedeMikesorry, loluser07:24
troxorTweaker: what kind? standard library/header file not found type stuff?07:24
ridge-meisterFor whatever reason there is stuff in the .Trash folder on my desktop, just not anything that was deleted by Digi-Kam :(07:24
Tweakertroxor:  Its a uhm... "make: /usr/local/bin/bash: Command not found make: *** [default] Error 127"07:24
hanasakiSwedeMike: thankyou but I mean when i read the text of my email.. like with view source in thunderbird07:24
loluserSwedeMike ya but that means about 1/5th of fark all to me man, im just trying to rip some songs from my cd lol07:24
tenfarloluser, you have found it?07:25
loluseryup i got lame sorted i think07:25
SwedeMikehanasaki: my text was for loluser really,07:25
tenfarwell,ok ,have fun07:25
troxorTweaker: the hacky way to do it is to just symlink /usr/bin/bash to /usr/local/bin/bash, but that's probably not a good thing-07:25
LaneLimitedHello all! Might someone tell me how to change my password for my username inside Gnome?? Thank you!07:26
SwedeMikeloluser: if you do "cat file | more" cat is sending the file to stdout, pipe means send that to stdin of the next command, which is "more", which displays the text but does page pauses07:26
troxorTweaker: and you might have other issues down the line- any reason you wanted to use BitchX?07:26
hanasakiok so when i view the complete email msg do the servers add header info at the top or bottom of the header section?07:26
lolusererm can i rip cd's like that?07:26
TweakerYes, because pidgin seems clunky and Id like to run to different IRC chats07:26
Tweakernot the same server...07:26
Tweakerlike freenode and another one.07:26
hanasakiin gaim how can I turn off the notification everytime someone sends an irc msg to a channel?07:27
Dr_willisTweaker,  i hate pidgin for irc. :) other clients are much better...   if you want a console irc client . try irssi yet?07:27
SwedeMikeloluser: I don't know, you most likely need a program to extract the audio files and then send those to an encoding program.07:27
loluserhow do i move to where the CD is in a command line box?07:27
ridge-meisterIs there another Ubuntu channel here for beginners?07:27
TweakerNo I have yet to try Irssi07:27
Tweakeris it any good?07:27
SwedeMikeirssi is the best.07:27
Dr_willisTweaker,  give up on BitchX now then.. and go get irssi.  or xchat07:27
=== fade_ is now known as fading
TweakerWere could I get this at?07:27
SwedeMikeapt-get install irssi07:27
Dr_willisTweaker,  its in the repos :)07:27
Tweakerthank you07:27
troxorTweaker: irssi is certainly superior ;)07:27
TweakerIf its better then I shall use that07:28
Dr_willisa sharp stick in the eye is better then Pidgin for IRC :)07:28
TweakerWell it is installing, lets see how this goes07:28
loluserhow do i find out where the CD is in the command line box? idk wtf im doing with this cli stuff07:28
TweakerI really would love a sleek IRC program07:28
ridge-meisterwow, this channel sure isn't as friendly as it used to be.  Guess the elites from Debian moved in :D07:29
ajitamhi if the iwconfig is for wireless witch cmd is for eth ?07:29
SwedeMikeajitam: ifconfig07:29
SwedeMikeajitam: depending on what you want to do07:29
SwedeMikeajitam: otherwise ethtool might be it07:29
TweakerOk guys I installed irssi and I can't seem to find it in my start menu07:29
SwedeMikeTweaker: bring up a shell, type "irssi" in it07:30
usserajitam, ifconfig07:30
Tweakerbad ass!07:30
Dr_willisTweaker,  time to hit irssi.org and read some of its docs...  soon. :)07:30
TweakerIs it easy to use? I'd like a simple IRC program07:30
legend2440loluser: install package grip its a GUI ripper . much easier than command line07:30
ajitamSwedeMike: my local network is very slow (1-2Mb) I want to set biget rate07:30
theLichKinghow do i bind keystrokes to launch a program?07:30
loluserlegend2440 i tried grip, only problem, it thinks wav's are mp3's lmao07:31
xociteloluser: Yes, that's how you use it.07:31
neo_Anyone know how to fix Window tearing... I have a problem with Verticle Sync on mY Nvidia card07:31
loluseri told it to rip the songs from the CD into mp3's to my computer07:31
xociteloluser: Actually07:31
loluserand then it turned them all into wav's lolz07:31
xociteloluser: you don't need to include path to cd07:31
SwedeMikeajitam: ethtool will let you set 10 or 100 megabit/s and duplex, but not more07:31
ajitamSwedeMike:  every time I restart comp. my wireless drops to 1Mb and I have to set it to 54. I'm guesing it's the same with eth07:32
SwedeMikeajitam: no, there is no such concept with ethernet, but ethtool lets you check what speed it's at07:32
=== adante_ is now known as adante
CarenthalasHi folks, need some help.07:33
xocite!ask | Carenthalas07:33
ubottuCarenthalas: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:33
tenfarajitam, is you wireless card bcm43xx?07:34
CarenthalasHave a P4 w/Nvidia FX5200 with me and need some advise to config to 1024x768.07:34
ajitamtenfar: no it's from canyon ir2500 or somethinf like that07:34
tenfarmy wireless is bcm43xx and i use the b43 driver it's just 1m/s07:35
a7cI've installed ndiswrapper successfully, but my wireless card doesn't show up in my network settings, nor is the light on...wtf?07:35
tenfari can get 54M/s if i use the old bcm43xx drvier07:36
zcat[1]Carenthalas: enabled the nvidia drivers?07:36
natalisushkaHello guys, I am having a big problem with my ubuntu 8.04. Before, the system was working perfectly on 7.10. I installed 8.04 when it was beta, and suddenly my computer started freezing everytime I start 3 or 4 apps that I had to unplug it to boot again. I reinstalled 7.10 and back to fine. Yesterday I upgraded it to 8.04 thinking maybe it was a bug fixed, but I am still having the same problem. What can it be? I have a laptop, 1700GHz Centri07:36
natalisushkano, Ram768 and swap around 1000MB. Please give me ur advice, what can I do?07:36
TweakerOk I got it thanks guys!07:36
grammwhere is the python (2.5) interpreter located (for the eclipse plugin pydev)?07:37
WhtigerHow can I install Hardy on a 60M RAM 266MHz system?07:37
tenfarnatalisushka, i have the same problem,i can do nothing ,so now i am using gentoo07:37
WhtigerX not needed.07:37
a7cI've installed ndiswrapper successfully, but my wireless card doesn't show up in my network settings, nor is the light on...wtf?07:37
CrazyguyWhtiger, try the alternative cd07:37
natalisushkaWhat is gentoo? is it another system?07:37
blankthemuffinWhat is the name of the package with the kernel headers so I can install the nvidia drivers/07:37
dxh4436yeah... having issues with my wireless too07:38
WhtigerCrazyguy: I have. It got stuck on generating locales.07:38
natalisushkaI mean another linux distro07:38
Carenthalaszcat[1]: only manage to use default driver at 800x600, after using the new Nvidia driver as suggested for 3D, it falls back to 640x480.07:38
zcat[1]blankthemuffin: nvidia-glx07:38
tenfarnatalisushka, btw,my laptop is hp v3210au,amd mobile sempron 3400+ 1G Ram07:38
blankthemuffinzcat[1], no I want the kernel headers so I can install the latest binary drivers07:38
magnetronWhtiger: 256 MB RAM is required for the non-graphical install: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/80407:38
moDumasshey al;l when i try to launch bittorent i get this erroe  "Failed to execute child process "gnome-btdownload" (No such file or directory)"07:38
Whtigermagnetron: well that's.. new.07:39
moDumassever seen that? and how do i fix it?07:39
=== asdfff is now known as Life
zcat[1]Carenthalas: when you installed the nvidia drivers did you use the ubuntu drivers manager or install the binary package from nvidia?07:39
tenfarnatalisushka, yes ,anther distro07:39
zcat[1]blankthemuffin: you know it will break and have to be reinstalled with every kernel upgrade, right?07:39
Whtigerwell thanks then. hm =(07:39
a7cI've installed ndiswrapper successfully, but my wireless card doesn't show up in my network settings, nor is the light on...wtf?..07:39
|_DJ_|anyone who can help me make my onboard-soundcard working? (board: fujitsu siemens d1567)07:39
zcat[1]actually, no.. with every reboot unless you know what package to remove?07:39
blankthemuffinyes zcat[1]07:39
moDumassand this is from synaptic07:39
obake-sanhey, i need to some help with samba in hardy. i set up some share folders by editing smb.conf, and im restarting samba just fine. the problem is that some of the names of the share folders refuse to work. i have a share titled MST3K, but when i try to access that folder through the network it says the device is unavailable. when i change [MST3K] to just about anything else it works fine. what is going on?07:40
blankthemuffinand no it's not every reboot, they work fine.07:40
zcat[1]cool... blankthemuffin you want build-essential package07:40
magnetronmoDumass: did you upgrade from gutsy? associate your files with transmission (assuming you're running 8.04)07:40
moDumassmagnetron how do i do that?07:40
magnetronmoDumass: right click on the file07:40
moDumassim running 8.04 now yes07:40
moDumassmagnetron you mean to associate a file type gotcha07:41
blankthemuffinCool thanks zcat[1]07:41
PCcertifiedback again with an error when installing gspca   anyone familiar with it?   or perhaps anyone know how I can resolve this error CFLAGS was changed in  "/usr/src/modules/gspca/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS07:41
LaneLimitedHello all!! May anyone tell me a good Ubuntu P2P program to install to download music and such. Please and thank you!  Also how to get it . Thanks!07:41
moDumassmagnetron bittorrent isnt in the selection07:41
moDumassalso bittorrent looks broken07:42
Ginwhat package to install to compile kernel module?07:42
zcat[1]'bittorrent' support is provided by transmission, which is installed by default in hardy .. are you sure you need some other program?07:42
PCcertifiedLaneLimited:  check out http://www.linux.com/feature/12943907:43
magnetronmoDumass: associate the file type with transmission, the bittorrent client07:43
|_DJ_|no one who can help me with the soundcard-problem? :'(07:43
zcat[1]LaneLimited: I used to find amule excellent but it depends what you're looking for...07:44
PCcertifiedQUESTION:  I was using module-assistant to install gspca andgot the following error.   CFLAGS was changed in  "/usr/src/modules/gspca/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS07:44
moDumassmagnetron, i right click on the file and hte first menu item says "open with ktorrent" which is what i used to do, but that doesnt launch ktorrent anymore07:44
PCcertifiedHow can I fix that?07:44
Carenthalaszcat[1]: I install thru the ubuntu drivers manager.07:44
neilhow do i configure the controls for crrcsim07:44
moDumassmagnetron, so i installed bittorrent, but bittorrent doesnt open either07:44
zcat[1]Carenthalas: that's very odd then. that normally works well :( what card? what monitor?07:45
moDumasseven if i click on the bittorent launcher it doesnt, it jsu throws up that error msg07:45
moDumassso really, regardless of which side i try to start the dload it does not work07:45
obake-sani need to some help with samba in hardy. i set up some share folders by editing smb.conf, and im restarting samba just fine. the problem is that some of the names of the share folders refuse to work. i have a share titled MST3K, but when i try to access that folder through the network it says the device is unavailable. when i change [MST3K] to just about anything else it works fine. what is going on?07:45
neilwhat are the controls for crrcsim????????07:45
magnetronmoDumass: what happens when you associate the file type with transmission?07:46
moDumassmagentron, im still kinda trying to understand what that means07:46
Carenthalaszcat[1]: Nvidia FX5200, the old PC is besides me right now. I think it is an old Pentium 4 with 512MB RAM.07:46
neilhow do i use crrc sim07:46
=== afallenhope is now known as fallen|[sleep]
PCcertifiedCarenthalas: I have the same system with a gig of ram07:47
Flannelneil: http://crrcsim.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?n=CRRCsim.Using07:47
graxaim"old pentium 4 with 512mb ram" <- I wish I had that right now. I bet it has also "an old 19" LCD display" too07:47
zcat[1]moDumass: by default firefox should offer you the option to open torrent links with transmission. That doesn't work? Also if you save a .torrent file to desktop and right click, select properties, assocations, make sure transmission is the default program for it ?07:47
PCcertifiedSo, anyone here experienced with installing an app from console?07:47
CarenthalasPCcertified: Just read some articles that people had hard time with the NV FX5200 card with Hardy...07:48
Flannel!anyone | PCcertified07:48
ubottuPCcertified: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:48
magnetronmoDumass: right click on the file, choose the bottom down item in that list ("properties"?) and edit your file type association. choose "transmission" as your bittorrent client and tell me what happens.07:48
PCcertifiedgraxaim: mine does07:48
moDumassmagentron, ok, is transmission the default torrent client these days07:48
graxaimPCcertified: -_-'' *envy*07:48
* fallen|[sleep] is away: I'm currently sleeping07:49
magnetronmoDumass: i'm still waiting for your answer07:49
PCcertifiedCarenthalas: I've used it on kubuntu, kubuntu remix and now ubuntu with no problems07:49
Flannel!away > fallen|[sleep]07:49
zcat[1]Carenthalas: you might have more luck with the 'envy' package, afaik they automate the process of installing the latest nvidia binary package in a way that doesn't break with every upgrade...07:49
moDumassmagnetron, transmission isnt an option i can choose from07:49
graxaimI'm on an old 1.2ghz duron + 512 ram (upgraded recently, cos I needed to be using it seriously...) + 14" old crappy monitor... since my laptop died..07:49
magnetronmoDumass: then add it07:49
moDumassso im just checkin if i have to install transmission through synaptic07:49
Carenthalaszcat1: What is 'envy' packages, how?07:49
PCcertifiedCarenthalas: the only issues I had was setting up compiz fusion effects but I found a nice webpage that explained how and it works 100%07:50
magnetronmoDumass: it's the default. are you sure you chose the bottom down entry in the right click menu?07:50
graxaimgee, it's so cold here07:50
moDumassmagnetron, you mean properties?07:50
zcat[1]Carenthalas: open synaptic and search for 'nvidia envy' and you should see some packages nvidia-glx-envy-new (something like that) will be the one you want I think, hopefully that will work. If not, I'm all out of suggestions :)07:50
CarenthalasPCcertified: I don't care about Compiz, just want to set up 1024x768 for a 10-year-old kids for learning.07:51
PCcertifiedanyone know how to fix the following error when installing with module-assistant CFLAGS was changed in  "/usr/src/modules/gspca/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS07:51
Rat409!envyng | Carenthalas07:51
ubottuCarenthalas: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.07:51
zcat[1]Carenthalas: when it came up 640x480 was it accelerated or the 'driver failed, resorting to vesa' mode?07:51
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:51
moDumassinstalling it now07:51
PCcertifiedis zcat getting the can't fins glx problem when enabling compiz?07:51
magnetronmoDumass: yes, that's why i'm asking about your properties. because i'm meaning the properties. speaking of the properties, are you sure you are checking the properties?07:52
ubottuFactoid trident not found07:52
graxaimI've got a Trident Blade 3D gfx card with 8mb vram07:52
zcat[1]Carenthalas: because if it was accelerated you probably only need run nvidia-settings (alt-F2 'gksu nvidia-settings') and set the right mode there07:52
graxaimon this old pc07:52
Carenthalaszcat[1]: At 640x480, it was accelerated and can do 3d effect.07:52
graxaimI wish I could make it run accelerated... this Xorg runs so fucking crappy on it...07:52
zcat[1]Carenthalas: ok, cool.. probably just change it in nvidia-settings then and write the new setting to xorg.conf07:53
moDumassthanks magnetron, i really appreciate your sarcasm, its awesome07:53
PCcertifiedCarenthalas: I got that problem when I did a compiz --replace.  I switched bak to metacity and then found a website that solved the problem07:53
PCcertifiedzcat are you trying to enable compiz?07:53
moDumassmagnetron, done, its dloadings07:54
PCcertifiedam I lagging?07:54
graxaimmy feet are hurting becoz of the cold07:54
magnetronmoDumass: ok, nice to hear07:54
zcat[1]PCcertified: I'm trying to help Carenthalas. My nvidia card is working sweet with compiz-fusion and emerald and screenlets and an awesone theme.. thanks for asking :)07:54
moDumassmagnetron, but, im trying to get ktorrent up and playing nice again07:54
moDumassso transmission does work, but its uber slow07:55
PCcertifiedI found a sweet link to set that up on an fx5200 and should work for other nvidia's too.07:55
moDumasshowever bittorrent and ktorrent wont work07:55
zcat[1]PCcertified: once you have the drivers, it works sweet on any nvidia card.. even my stoneage mx440 could manage it!07:56
magnetronmoDumass: make sure the ktorrent entry is correct in the "open with" list in the properties window. maybe you got old entries left from upgrading?07:56
HardyHumanI"m having trouble setting up a shared Fat32 partition on my Ubuntu/XP dual boot07:56
neo_no change07:56
Andrew_Barberi'm having trouble with a samba server07:56
PCcertifiedjust for future reference07:56
zcat[1]Carenthalas: any luck with nvidia-settings (btw it will start as a tiny window, just drag it bigger. Silly bug)07:57
moDumassmagnetron, i uninstalled both ktorrent and bittorrent07:57
Andrew_Barberanyone with samba experience?07:57
Carenthalaszcat[1]: looking for the Nvidia envy thing at the moment.07:57
moDumassmagnetron, ktorrent doesnt launch at all07:57
PCcertifiedcuz when I first enabled compiz I lost my windows decorations and got a GLX not found error07:57
moDumassand bittorrent throws up this errpr07:58
moDumassassociate the file type with transmission07:58
PCcertifiedafter following that tutorial it works sweet07:58
zcat[1]Carenthalas: if 3d was working with the plain drivers, stick with that.. it will just be the card not probing your monitor correctly..07:58
magnetronmoDumass: after you uninstalled it?07:58
obake-sani need to some help with samba in hardy. i set up some share folders by editing smb.conf, and im restarting samba just fine. the problem is that some of the names of the share folders refuse to work. i have a share titled MST3K, but when i try to access that folder through the network it says the device is unavailable. when i change [MST3K] to just about anything else it works fine. what is going on?07:58
moDumassafter i reinstalled them07:58
zcat[1].. and nvidia-settings can override it07:58
newbhi i have three edgy eft server boxes running. as of today i can't seem to be able to use apt to get packages for it. whats wrong? :(07:58
Rat409Carenthalas: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html07:58
Carenthalaszcat[1]: I want to get it at high resolution 1024x768, don't care about if it has 3d or compiz.07:58
PCcertifiednvidia has a config program that identifies the settings and monitor correctly07:58
kdc1956anyone good with ATI video card07:58
Andrew_Barberobake-san: i'm having some samba trouble myself07:59
Andrew_Barberperhaps you could help me07:59
Ginwhat package to install to compile kernel module?07:59
zcat[1]Carenthalas: well, get the proper drivers going (in 640x480) and then nvidia-settings will be able to change the resolution..07:59
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zcat[1]will, or should :)07:59
Rat409Carenthalas: for it to stick run nvidia-settings via sudo07:59
obake-sanAndrew_Barber, pm?07:59
zcat[1]Rat409: for it to stick, yeah.. and there's a 'write to xorg.conf' button (which needs it to be running sudo)08:00
PCcertifiedI just edited the launche and added gksu before the command so it will ask for my password08:00
vincenzofehringis it possible to change the partition size after Ubuntu has been installed?08:00
CarenthalasRat409: how?08:00
newbi can't seem to be able to download packages for edgy eft server today. whats wrong? all the source repos don't exist according to apt08:00
moDumassmagnetron, and when i try to launch it from terminal i get this"kdeinit: Aborting. No write access to '/home/modumass/.ICEauthority'.  ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't setup DCOP communication.08:00
Rat409in gnome-terminal type sudo nvidia-settings08:00
Flannelnewb: Edgy has reached EOL, the repos haven't been updated for a while, you should upgrade.08:01
graxaimin konsole type sudo rm -rf /* && echo now try something serious.08:01
grammwhere is the python interpreter installed to?08:01
moDumassmagnetron, i deleted .ICEauthority08:01
Flannel!danger | graxaim08:01
ubottugraxaim: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!08:01
zcat[1]Carenthalas: start up in 640x480 with the proper drivers, press alt-F2, type 'gksu nvidia-settings') drag the window up 'cos it starts off a silly size, change the resolution and apply that.. then click save to xorg.conf08:01
magnetronmoDumass: never heard of that error before. maybe it's some kind of lock or something08:01
Flannel!ops | graxaim08:01
ubottugraxaim: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!08:01
newbFlannel: how to upgrade? is the automated process safe enough?08:01
Flannelnewb: yep08:01
Flannel!upgrade | newb08:01
ubottunewb: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:01
=== Erick is now known as ubuntu
=== ubuntu is now known as Erick
PCcertifiedCarenthalas: right click your menu and edit the menu, locate the nvidia config and rightclick for properties and add gksu before the command, look at synaptic for an example08:02
spredaI;m visually impaired, trying to install 8.04  on a 64 bit amd gigabyte board without successfully getting  to a login with either 64 bit or 386 cd.Both cd's identify my drives as SCSI, BIOS says they are IDE. is this acceptable?08:02
elkygraxaim, please join #ubuntu-ops. we need to talk.08:02
Gin!kernel module08:02
ubottuFactoid kernel module not found08:02
Flannelspreda: Yes, as of Hardy they're all mapped to scsi (sda)08:02
vincenzofehringhow do i edit the partition size of an installed Ubuntu release?08:02
|_DJ_|who can help me make my onboard-soundcard working? (board: fujitsu siemens d1567)08:02
zcat[1]spreda: yes, the linux kernel now uses the 'scsi' code to access all drives including ide ones08:02
komputerananybody knows freespire?08:03
zcat[1]komputeran: #freespire? not here :)08:03
Dr_willisive heard of it.. and tried it ages ago komputeran08:03
spredaFlannel,Zcat thankyou08:03
komputeranso is it good?08:03
komputeranwhat are you using now?08:04
newbFlannel: is it possible for me to directly upgrade edgy to hardy?08:04
Flannelgramm: `which python`08:04
komputeranscreenshots are amazing08:04
Dr_williskomputeran,  well Im in the #ubuntu room and not #freespire.. :) so take a guess..08:04
zcat[1]If it's a branch of linzpire/lindows .. possibly not08:04
Flannelnewb: No, you have to go Edgy > Feisty > Gutsy > Hardy.  Only Gutsy and Dapper can upgrade straight to Hardy08:04
komputeranfreespire is ubuntu based08:04
Dr_williskomputeran,  nothing it did - made it worth using compared to ubuntu.08:04
komputeranfeisty fawn08:04
newbFlannel: i might as well do a fresh install! :)08:05
Dr_williskomputeran,  its NOW ubuntu based. :) it wasent  a while back.08:05
grammFlannel: 2.508:05
komputeranahhh ok08:05
komputeranis it better now?08:05
=== Serria is now known as Serria1
zcat[1]BTW; upgrades are really slow and tend to end up broken.. I'm advising ppl to backup home and do a clean install in most cases08:05
Flannelgramm: What?  No no.  type "which python" and it'll give you a path (or if 'python' isn't the program, type "which program" and you'll get the path)08:05
qba___I need some help08:05
Dr_williskomputeran,  other then the click-n-run stuff -  that may be good for total-total-total beginners -- i dont see much reason to use freespire over normal ubuntu.08:05
Dr_williskomputeran,  and im being very very noce bout freespire. :)08:06
komputeranclick and run?08:06
Dr_willisnice  - i mean.08:06
zcat[1]Dr_willis: is click-and-run any easier than add/remove ?08:06
Flannelzcat[1]: No08:06
moDumasshmm, hey how do i change file permissions to me and not root?08:06
FlannelmoDumass: For which file?08:06
Dr_williszcat[1],  its more 'idiot-friendly' i guess you can say.. but i  dont trust it.08:06
komputeranhas some nice graphics than ubuntu, i have hardy heron, and ubuntu studio08:06
komputeranbut i dumped them08:06
komputerani like linux mint better08:06
Dr_willisClick-and-run - is supposed to work for normal ubuntu also..but isent it spurising that you dont hear much about it. :)08:06
moDumassFlannel for '/home/modumass/.ICEauthority'.08:07
Flannelkomputeran: Please keep it on topic08:07
komputeranfuck the topic08:07
Serria1good morning guys, got one problem i started ubuntu and the he says xorg is not configured currently, someone can help me fast?08:07
Dr_willisTheres getting to be so many ubuntu variants that justs do trivial changes..08:07
zcat[1]Dr_willis: I think it appeals to the windows mentality that programs must be downloaded and installed by clicking something on a website..08:07
FlannelmoDumass: sudo chown modumass:modumass ~/.ICEauthority08:07
moDumassflannel, thanks08:07
komputeransee? lots of problem with that damn ubuntu08:07
FlannelmoDumass: Also, don't run graphical programs with sudo in the future.  use gksudo (or kdesu)08:07
Flannelkomputeran: please troll somewhere else, thanks.08:07
moDumassok, why>?08:07
Dr_williszcat[1],  yep. and it lets the linxpire guys perhaps sneak in a little Cash revenue from unsuspecting people.08:07
Tankadohow can i get a runtime line with ubuntu? ctrl+?08:07
qba___I have fakeraid aeeay i had it connected to promise controller but linux could not see it so i connected it to amd sata ports now linux can see the devices but dmraid -ay gives me ERROR: pdc: wrong # of devices in RAID set "pdc_dfbbccdahc" [1/2] on /dev/sda ||| ERROR: removing inconsistent RAID set "pdc_dfbbccdahc" ||| No RAID sets what should i do to fix it ?08:07
FlannelmoDumass: Because using sudo for graphical programs gives you errors like the one you just got.08:08
Tankadoi want to kill a window with xkill08:08
zcat[1]gtg been out all day and the wife is a bit pissed off that I'm straight back on the computer :(08:08
FlannelTankado: alt-f2 will give you a run dialog08:08
moDumassok, thanks08:08
grammFlannel: oh, thanks (for the `which python`)08:09
Serria1good morning guys, got one problem i started ubuntu and the he says xorg is not configured currently, someone can help me fast?08:09
mohadibis it possible to get GDM to display on all of my screens?08:09
komputeranwhy do people here have so many problems with their distro?08:10
komputerancan't you get to install your linux normally?08:10
komputeranubuntu work without a glitch with my box08:10
qba___Serria1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:11
Serria1qba___ with what?08:11
Serria1i cant get in my login screen :x08:11
komputeranbut i change to other distro because ubuntu is just do bloated with unnecessary sotwares08:11
qba___in console ;]08:11
Flannelkomputeran: If you don't have a support related question, or if you're not going to answer people's questions, please go somewhere else.  thanks.08:11
Serria1ctrl alt f1?08:11
Dr_williskomputeran,  theres a large varity of hardware out there. - use what you want we dont care. :)08:11
komputeranok ok ok08:12
Serria1qba___ open console with ctrl alt f1?08:12
qba___ctrl+alt+f1 to f6 or f8 to f12 ? if you want to get it08:12
Serria1ah okey08:12
Serria1but when?08:12
Serria1when ubuntu starts?08:12
Serria1or after08:12
FloodBot3Serria1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
Serria1i will try08:12
Flannelmohadib: You'll need to change the stuff in /etc/event.d/tty[1-6]  (or at least, I'm pretty sure that's how its done with upstart)08:12
moDumassseems gnomebt-download the package doesnt auto install when you intstall bittorrent08:12
mohadibFlannel: do you know what i would beed to change? er , maybe ill google some mmore , thanks08:13
=== Nith is now known as nith
qba___can any one provide me some support :P08:14
qba___I have fakeraid aeeay i had it connected to promise controller but linux could not see it so i connected it to amd sata ports now linux can see the devices but dmraid -ay gives me ERROR: pdc: wrong # of devices in RAID set "pdc_dfbbccdahc" [1/2] on /dev/sda ||| ERROR: removing inconsistent RAID set "pdc_dfbbccdahc" ||| No RAID sets what should i do to fix it ?08:14
qba___how to get dmraid to detect my array ;]08:14
LeefmcQuestion: Are there options to network boot a laptop from a windows machine? I have a windows xp machine, that i am trying to use to install ubuntu on a laptop accross my local network. Anyone have any pointers?08:15
qba___if your Bios have network boot option08:15
qba___the laptop bios;]08:15
Leefmc It does08:16
LeefmcThoiugh i have ZERO experience with net booting.08:16
qba___do u have to do some fancy bootking ::P08:17
navetzcan someone help me debug my md5, in my terminal I do echo "test" -n | md5   and I get a certain value, but when I do md5 through a php script I don't get that same md508:17
LeefmcAll i know, is i was confused by the tut i was reading heh. Damn network stuff08:18
shtoomhi can i use uck to build customized ubuntu servers ?08:18
qba___i think only google can help you :)08:18
|_DJ_|and who can help ME? ;) (onboard-soundcard doesn't work)08:19
=== dontutza is now known as Undernet
HardrHumanduring my my ubuntu boot something is  "Failed" a special device some sort.  What logfile do I Check to see what happened?08:19
=== HardrHuman is now known as HardyHuman
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
obf213so i've come to the conclusion extended desktops with vga/dvi monitors isn't possible with this distro (8.04)08:20
Higgins38hi to all, I installed a hard disk and ubuntu 8.04 doesn't give me access to it, saying Root is the manager and not me s user. Any idea ?08:20
zhamarei !Gomez-MP3 U.S. DOD - MIL-HDBK-1003-3 - Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, And Dehumidifying Systems.pdf08:21
Undernethello all people08:21
ubottuzhamarei: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:21
Undernethello all people08:21
zhamarei !Gomez-MP3 U.S. DOD - MIL-HDBK-1003-3 - Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, And Dehumidifying Systems.pdf08:21
ubottuzhamarei: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:21
zhamarei!Gomez-MP3 U.S. DOD - MIL-HDBK-1003-3 - Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, And Dehumidifying Systems.pdf08:21
ubottuzhamarei: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:21
orphean|_DJ_|: In a terminal, what does: lspci | grep audio return?08:21
|_DJ_|00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)08:21
|_DJ_|orphean: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/231479/08:22
Serria1hello guys, i got a problem when i start ubutu it loads and stop at start so i cant get in ubuntu anymore someone know how to fxi it?08:22
somechaphey im new to linux anyone ctc to bring me upto speed08:22
orphean|_DJ_|: Try what this guy did in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1531808:23
Undernetsomechap try again08:23
Undernetsomechap now is good ?08:25
|_DJ_|orphean: but i do have NO sounds. and no volume control panel or something like that, it says only "not found"08:25
HardyHumanduring my my ubuntu boot something is  "Failed" a special device some sort.  What logfile do I Check to see what happened?08:25
Serria1 hello guys, i got a problem when i start ubutu it loads and stop at start so i cant get in ubuntu anymore someone know how to fxi it?08:25
orphean|_DJ_|: Ahhh. Hrm.08:25
orpheanHardyHuman: dmesg08:26
HardyHumanlooked there08:26
HardyHumanI"ll check again08:26
orpheanHardyHuman: Possibly /var/log/boot as well08:27
HardyHumannothing logged in boot08:27
HardyHumanI"ve got a ton of mul errors08:27
HardyHumanin ym syslog08:27
HardyHumanMay 31 00:09:24 LIKWID-desktop NetworkManager: <WARN>  nm_spawn_process(): nm_spawn_process('/usr/sbin/nscd -i hosts'): could not spawn process. (Failed to execute child process "/usr/sbin/nscd" (No such file or directory))08:28
HardyHumanand then it trails on from there08:28
orphean|_DJ_|: No idea man, sorry :/ The card is supported so I have no idea.08:28
radius_my screen flickers when the screen saver starts as well as any game...anyone seen this problem?08:28
Serria1 hello guys, i got a problem when i start ubutu it loads and stop at start so i cant get in ubuntu anymore someone know how to fxi it?08:29
badkittyHey anyone from roseville?08:29
|_DJ_|orphean: the card is detected but it seems that n kernel modules are loaded or somehing like that08:29
orpheanHardyHuman: Its not a big deal. nscd stands for name server caching daemon. You can install it if it bothers you. :)08:30
HardyHumanoh ok lol08:30
HardyHumanorphean: probably not my main error tho so I'll keep digging08:30
kdc1956nite all08:31
orphean|_DJ_|: It looks like the module for your card is intel_ich  Try a lsmod | grep intel and see if something like that shows up, then if it does try to insmod it and see what happens.08:34
|_DJ_|orphean: can i query you? so i don't have to spam here ;)08:35
orphean|_DJ_|: sure08:36
ovidiuI want to shut down my pc using lirc08:36
ovidiuhow can I do that?08:36
LifeisfunnyI have  a problem with the gpanel weather applet, it continually shows the depiction of fog outside.  Would anyone know how to fix that?08:36
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thatguyisjamesok... simple problem... i need a simple anwser08:37
badkittyLifeisfunny: Move???08:38
ompaulNOTE: I am about to unban there will be some scrolling08:38
LurkersAbadkitty: lol08:38
=== pethok_sekali is now known as co_asik_aja
thatguyisjamesim a pretty average ubuntu user, but like i just set this up. and now my panels just went away08:38
thatguyisjamesi am good enuff with the terminal that i can open software and stuff. but how do i get my panel's back08:38
LurkersAthatguyisjames: What did you change before they dissapeared?08:39
skilletflood yourself out?08:39
Lifeisfunnybadkitty, I don't know what you mean08:39
orpheanthanks for that.08:40
thatguyisjamesummm.. i went into 'gconf-editor' ... and the 'autohide_animation' was a value, not boline.. so i changed that to bonline..08:40
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu
LurkersALifeisfunny: It was a joke I believe08:40
Lifeisfunnyoh........... move, like to London?08:40
badkittyLifeisfunny: I was being sarcastic.. move from whatever fogridden city you live in to a sunnier place etc08:40
thatguyisjameslike it was working..then i click to fasted..and it changed.. now when i log in .. there is NO panels..08:40
Lifeisfunnyyeah, that's an alternative08:40
ganeshlasasaCan someone help me eith some english exercises??08:40
WhoNeedszz1Hey guys, I just saw that I have KNetAttach. I'm trying to use it with its ssh mode but i put everything in, it connected, i entered the pw, and then it said unable to connect to server. Why is this?08:40
LurkersAthatguyisjames: Are you using compiz?08:41
Lifeisfunnybadkitty, it's the other way around......... I'm in sunshine and the computer applet says fog08:41
WhoNeedszz1compiz-fusion is awesome :)08:41
=== WhoNeedszz1 is now known as WhoNeedszz
thatguyisjamesi added a new user, and now i have a working system but the thing is i have alot of setings on that one user, if i could find the file that contorls the panels i would jsut copy the file from my one working user to the not working users home dir...08:41
=== WhoNeedszz is now known as WhoNeedszzz
thatguyisjamesyes .. who wouldnt use compiz08:41
thatguyisjamesthe crazy thing is compiz and everything still works08:41
ompaulskillet, no bug in system client08:41
badkittyLifeisfunny: Your using applets or whats the oter one... Haven't been on my ubuntu box in a while...08:42
thatguyisjamesit sjust like the top and bottem panel are gone... and like even in gconf-editor it says they are still there08:42
LurkersAthatguyisjames: try dropping into a terminal, and type 'compiz --replace'08:42
badkittythatguyisjames: Did you try adding a new panel?08:42
=== WhoNeedszzz is now known as WhoNeedszz
Lifeisfunnybadkitty, on the the 'taskbar'  gpanel aplets08:42
thatguyisjamesi need the command.. there is no panel to click on to add a panel with08:42
kohelethwhat software is best used in Ubuntu to cut and edit a mp3 file?08:42
thatguyisjamesthats sersly all i need to do08:42
=== WhoNeedszz is now known as WhoNeedszzz
thatguyisjamesbut i dont know the command for it08:42
WhoNeedszzzok back08:43
badkittythatguyisjames: You cant right click from the desktop to add?08:43
LurkersAthatguyisjames: Do you still have window decorations?08:43
In-Sane``hello :)08:43
WhoNeedszzzAnyone know about KNetAttach?08:43
kohelethtry gnomepanel08:43
thatguyisjamesim in gnome.. and it wont let me add panel unless you click on a panel to add another one08:43
koheleththatguyisjames, type gnomepanel in a run box08:44
thatguyisjamesyes.. compiz.. everything .. the file browser.. ( my windows mount is how i opend the browser .. to open term.. to do everything)08:44
Lifeisfunnyright click on the strip that runs the width of the desktop, and find the entry for 'weather report'08:44
bazhang!it | LupoBluAlfa08:44
ubottuLupoBluAlfa: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:44
mohadibanyone else have a problem with audacious not saving settings?08:44
In-Sane``what is the command to show my computer specifications in terminal?08:44
LurkersAthatguyisjames: Have you tried 'compiz --replace'?08:44
thatguyisjamesis there a hotkeyfor run? liek windows is windows key R08:44
kohelethwhat software is best used in Ubuntu to cut and edit a mp3 file?08:45
WhoNeedszzzthatguyisjames: try Alt+F208:45
tesseracter_koheleth: audacity08:45
thatguyisjamessee now i tryed that in the other user and it didnt work.. that works here..08:45
thatguyisjamesgives error for 'gnomepanel'08:45
thatguyisjamesis that the right syntex?08:45
WhoNeedszzzHey guys, I just saw that I have KNetAttach. I'm trying to use it with its ssh mode but i put everything in, it connected, i entered the pw, and then it said unable to connect to server. Why is this?08:45
thatguyisjameskoheleth audacity is what i like08:46
koheleththatguyisjames, just installing it now, thanks all08:46
kohelethI just want to edit out some commercials on a chat mp308:46
LurkersAthatguyisjames: type 'gnome-' then double tap Tab. it will list the possibilities. find the one with gnome and panel in the name.08:46
LurkersAthen type that :P08:47
elkbuntui think that last one is a little harsh! :Þ08:48
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore08:50
* ompaul coughs08:50
ompaulthat was what should have happened08:51
neo_cairo-dock: error while loading shared libraries: libglitz-glx.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:51
neo_          HOW TO FIX THIS08:51
Dr_willis!find libglitz-glx.so08:51
ubottuFile libglitz-glx.so found in libglitz-glx1, libglitz-glx1-dev08:51
WhoNeedszzzubottu is funny :)08:51
ubottuFactoid is funny :) not found08:51
Dr_willisneo_,  install the  libglitz-glx1 package perhaps?08:51
Lifeisfunnyaww, I'll drop that gpanel since it's not working and add the weather feature to my AWN installation08:51
LifeisfunnyI couldn't send my post to channel for a while there, what was happening?08:52
neo_my computer syas its installed08:52
LurkersAneo_: Try reinstalling it08:52
gmenelauhow can i stop the ubuntu from run maintenance in the begging ?08:53
|_DJ_|who wants to help me with my onboard-soundcard-problem (seems difficult, some helpers already have capitulated ;) )08:53
`KoRnhow can i burn dvd with subtitles?08:53
* orphean failed horribly with |_DJ_|'s soundcard issue.08:53
Lifeisfunnygmenelau, the indexing?08:53
gmenelaualways need to make scan08:53
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
soundraygmenelau: fsck?08:53
WhoNeedszzzso does no one know about KNetAttach?08:53
thatguyisjameskorn, there is software called devede, im not shur it has subtitles tho08:54
gmenelauLifeisfunny when i push the start button and start to go to to ubuntu08:54
soundrayWhoNeedszzz: apparently not. Tried #kubuntu ?08:54
gmenelausoundray what is fsck ?08:55
`KoRni have devede but it doesnt support subtitles08:55
kohelethwhy is it I can only use one program at a time when listening to audio files?08:55
WhoNeedszzzsoundray: nope. but it is available for many distros of linux actually08:55
soundraygmenelau: filesystem check -- is that the type of scan that's running?08:55
neo_Its not working08:55
`KoRnanyone who knows how to burn dvd with subs?08:55
neo_LurkersA: it aint installing08:56
rathelkoheleth, I have the same issue I was asking earlier but I got no response.08:56
gmenelausoundray  yes08:56
kohelethrathel, ah ok, thanks08:56
Lifeisfunnygmenelau, fsck is the file system checking that can happen during booting .... prior to the appearance of the log window08:56
amirman84is there a reason that openoffice.org and openoffice.org-base aren't installed on ubuntu? should they be? when i try sudo apt-get upgrade in the terminal it says a bunch of openoffice.org packages are being held back,  anyone know what could be wrong?08:56
kohelethrathel, I have to reboot or logout and back in to use another program?08:56
amirman84i'm thinking that could be it...08:56
gmenelauLifeisfunny how can i stop it and not show me every time that i boot the lap ?08:57
soundraygmenelau: it shouldn't take a long time -- are you shutting down properly?08:57
rathelkoheleth, You should have to reboot, just close 1 program completely and then launch the other one, It's really annoying. :(08:57
soundrayWhoNeedszzz: KDE related software is best discussed in #kubuntu08:57
gmenelausoundray yes always08:57
kohelethyep, so one said to install pulse audio but that did not work for me, maybe for you08:57
soundraygmenelau: is there a file /forcefsck on your system?08:58
klathzaz2uhh.. where is inittab?08:58
Lifeisfunnygmenelau, I'm not sure of the command for that, it's something simple, like editiing a file to replace the number of boots before it occurs again08:58
WhoNeedszzzsoundray: ok08:58
amirman84did anyone have problems updating tonight?08:58
gmenelausoundray where i need to look for it?08:58
WhoNeedszzzsoundray: they don't really respond though08:58
baltazorenglish or russian?08:58
gmenelauLifeisfunny how i do it ?08:59
soundraygmenelau: /forcefsck (this is the full path)08:59
Lifeisfunnygmenelau, just listen to soundray now08:59
bazhang!ru | baltazor08:59
renegade444Hi. I'm trying to find an intermediate level guide for making Ubuntu-specific .deb packaged for 8.04, but all I have been able to find is a 6.1 guide on help.ubuntu.com. Will that guide work for 8.04? Or does someone have one for 8.04?08:59
ubottubaltazor: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:59
amirman84should i install openoffice.org and openoffice.org-base in ubuntu? are they supposed to be installed by default?09:00
soundraygmenelau: if you have this file, it'll do a full scan of every filesystem on every boot. Is that your problem?09:00
Lifeisfunnyamirman84, if you're doing office things yeah, no they're not default I don't think09:00
soundrayamirman84: they are reverse-dependent on ubuntu-desktop, so yes09:00
jootamirman84: mine was09:01
gmenelausoundray yes it make full scan every time that i boot. where i need to look for this file ?09:01
|_DJ_|who wants to solve a very difficult task and makes my soundcard work? (onboard, fujitsu siemens d1567 board)09:01
soundraygmenelau: /forcefsck -- that is where09:01
soundraygmenelau: 'ls -l /forcefsck'09:02
bazhang!en | CuTe09:02
ubottuCuTe: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:02
Shubbarwhen running apt-get i get error "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" ; whats wrong ?09:02
amirman84lifeisfunny: soundray: joot: the reason i ask is because my update wont complete because a bunch of openoffice.org packages are being held back. the crazy thing is i dont think those packages were installed by default. all my openoffice.org apps still work.09:02
bazhangCuTe, what language? chinese?09:03
gmenelausoundray i am new in ubuntu and linux i cant understand where to look for that09:03
soundraygmenelau: do you know how to enter a terminal command?09:03
=== hotmonkeyluv is now known as hotmonkeyafk
magnetron!away > hotmonkeyafk09:04
soundraygmenelau: Applications-Accessories-Terminal09:04
jootamirman84: all I know is that my oo is updating ok09:04
gmenelausoundray ok done09:04
gmenelausoundray ok done09:04
gmenelausoundray then?09:04
soundraygmenelau: then tell me if there is an error when you do 'ls -l /forcefsck' (don't type the quotes)09:04
amirman84joot: are you sure you have those 2 packages installed?09:04
soundraygmenelau: and have some patience09:04
obake-sani need to some help with samba in hardy. i set up some share folders by editing smb.conf, and im restarting samba just fine. the problem is that some of the names of the share folders refuse to work. i have a share titled MST3K, but when i try to access that folder through the network it says the device is unavailable. when i change [MST3K] to just about anything else it works fine. what is going on?09:05
gmenelausoundray ls: cannot access /forcefsck: No such file or directory09:05
jootamirman84: I yes for one I will check for base one moment09:05
amirman84joot: thank you very much09:06
klathzaz2hwo do I stop X from running?09:06
soundraygmenelau: is it really doing a full scan on *every* boot?09:06
gmenelausoundray yes :(09:06
klathzaz2and remain in runlevel >= 209:06
soundraygmenelau: does it scan all filesystems, or just one?09:07
jootamirman84: Both are in my default hardy heron..09:07
gmenelausoundray all and it ask me about root pass or press control + D09:08
klathzaz2I have noticed there is no inittab in ubuntu, and seemingly all runlevels 2 and greater are the same.  Is there a way to drop into full multiuser runlevel without X?09:08
n3urogodgday all...I installed xubuntu 8.04 yesterday and had no end of dramas trying to get the nvidia driver working with a resolution of greater than 800x600. I am thinking I might swap over to use Ubuntu 8.04 as my hardware specs are higher than I initially thought, but I need to make sure the nvidia driver etc is going to work....looking online it appears to be a widespread issue.....should I try 7.10 or go with 8.04 with some kind of work09:08
n3urogod around for the problem?09:08
soundraygmenelau: I see, so it's not completing. Do you have a live CD available?09:08
soundraygmenelau: Desktop CD?09:08
amirman84joot: just making sure, were they the "core" packages or were they straight up openoffice.org and openoffice.org-base ?09:08
gmenelausoundray i had the 7.04 and the i just upgrade o 8....09:09
soundraygmenelau: do you have a CD of 7.04 or 7.10?09:09
gmenelauyes i have the 7.1009:10
Pav5088 /j #bash09:10
jootamirman84: they are the straight up oo.org and oo.org base.. did I make a bad???09:10
soundraygmenelau: and do you know the device name of your filesystem? (/dev/sda5 or similar)09:10
tzdn3urogod: have you checked that 3rd party website? can't remember the name now :/09:11
amirman84joot: no :) thanks, i guess i just need to install those packages and try updating again09:11
n3urogodtzd, hehe....um, Im not sure09:11
gmenelausoundray how i look for it?09:12
gmenelausoundray no i dont know09:12
|_DJ_|hm. I'll try it with some other arguments: Who wants to help a GIRL with making her soundcard work? ;)09:12
jootamirman84: OK sorry I cannot help more. You do have the repositories yes?09:12
=== CuTe is now known as cute
tzdn3urogod: i'll see if i can find it... it has support for hardy since I've used it09:13
jootamirman84: and security updates09:13
bazhangn3urogod, envyng-gtk09:13
soundraygmenelau: here's what you need to do: boot the system and look carefully which filesystem it fails on. Probably /dev/sda5 or similar. Then you boot your 7.10 CD, open a terminal and run 'sudo e2fsck -y /dev/sda5'09:13
BillyJoeI have a iso file in my virtualBox that I need to get into ubuntu so that it can be burned, I am not able to use the shared folders? can some one give pinters on how to use this?09:13
soundraygmenelau: this will fix it and you will then be able to boot without an fsck each time.09:14
pawanmy nvidia graphics card is enabled but show not in use09:14
badkittypawan check the bo to use it09:14
gmenelausoundray i will thanks a lot .. i will try now09:14
amirman84joot: i have all the ubuntu repos enabled09:14
jootamirman84: OK M8..09:15
pawanhow to use graphics card09:15
Dr_willisBillyJoe,  ssh and scp are handy tools to transfer files.   dependin on what os 's you are using.09:16
Tom47BillyJoe: i use scp a lot to transfer files between desktops on network ... should work for you09:16
badkittypawan i think you may need to restart x once you have it in use09:16
jdenhaerI'm back09:16
badkittypawan you may want to check for updates/upgrades regarding that nvidia driver09:16
guyzmoI have problems with my mouse and keyboard. The mouse repeatedly clicks when I drag (press without releasing). I ran xev, and what appears is that : I hold button1 and then release it -> press/press/press/press/press/press/.../release. My mouse is an apple bluetooth mightymouse that used to work *perfectly* when running 7.10... now running 8.0409:16
tzdn3urogod: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html09:16
LymiesHello all I am having difficulties using k3b on ubuntu. When I try to make an audio CD and i put mp3s on it it says that it does not recognize mp3s and i need to convert them to wav files myself.09:17
jdenhaerI am having a problem with dazuko09:17
n3urogodsweet, thanks tzd and bazhang09:17
bazhangtzd, that is in repos now09:17
pawanhow to enable graphics card09:17
Tom47Lymies use the make data cd option09:17
tzdbazhang: ah nice, didn't know that... it's too hightech for my old geforce5200 :)09:17
LymiesTom47, but i want to make an audio cd09:17
bazhangLymies, you need to install lame09:18
guyzmoabout my keyboard, it has difficulties to connect, when it's connected it behaves erraneously (like I type ls, it will output llllllllllllllllllllllllllsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss and tons of return...) before getting disconnected (running apple bluetooth keyboard)09:18
Lymiesbazhang, lame is already the newest version09:18
BillyJoeThank you, I will look up scp09:19
guyzmoany ideas ? :-S09:19
bazhang!repeat | guyzmo09:19
ubottuguyzmo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:19
chervaplease help my ubuntu tell me that I have some updates to install but there is a window telling me "Not All updates can be installed" screenshot here http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotep9.png when I klick partal upgrade the screenshot is here http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1wo5.png and then an error comes out "could not calculate the upgrade" http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2hr5.png09:20
Dr_willisguyzmo,  i had a identical thing happen the other day.. ONCE with this keyboard..  - i rebooted and it started working fine.. not sure what the deal was..09:20
Dr_willisguyzmo,  and this was on a normal wired usb keybaord09:20
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master
guyzmoDr_willis - sadly that does not work :/09:21
MZMany udev rule gurus around?09:21
Dr_willisguyzmo,  bummer.  I would document it very well and post a bug and mention it on the forums.  for example does it do it in the console also? or just X. all window managers/desktops? or just gnome.. ect..09:21
Shubbari m stuck with a package that was not install properly; libvlc009:22
Dr_willisguyzmo,  did it suddendly start happening? try the older kernels see if it still happens.  ect...09:22
LeefmcQuestion: I installed the mini iso, and all went well, but it appears no desktop was installed. Upon booting now, i am given a command prompt only, (though i swore i installed desktop). I believe the correct coarse of action now is to use some "apt-get" command to install Ubuntu Desktop, but i do not know it, and am having a hard time finding it.09:22
Shubbari cannot remove it, nor reinstall09:22
juampaxany speak spanish?09:22
LeefmcAnyone know what command i need, or where to look?09:22
Dr_willisLeefmc,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:22
bazhanglibk3b2-mp3 Lymies what about this09:22
Dr_willisLeefmc,  logical name eh? :)09:22
bazhang!es | juampax09:23
juampaxany speak spanish?09:23
ubottujuampax: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.09:23
juampaxthank you09:23
LeefmcDr_willis: Does my statement above make sense, and seam logical? The fact that i have a command prompt is not a _bad_ thing correct? Just that Deskop is missing, right?09:23
Dr_willisLeefmc,  theres nothign wrong with the command prompt. :)09:23
Lymiesbazhang, YAY that did it thank you very much =]09:24
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr09:24
renegade444leefmc: sounded to me like you are on right track09:24
LeefmcDr_willis: well i just ment in terms of "should i be seeing this after the install or not" :)09:24
somedudeif i have a core 2 duo what cd should i get09:24
Leefmcthank you09:24
Dr_willisLeefmc,  i use it all the time. heh.. Ive used the mini-install so its possible some packages got missed. try the 'startx' command and see if that works.09:24
Leefmcafk now, my comps in the other room09:24
LeefmcDr_willis: startx?09:24
Dr_willisLeefmc,  you can install irssi for console irc chatting :)09:24
Dr_willisLeefmc,  yes. 'startx' starts up X :)09:25
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:25
bazhangsomedude, your choice 32 bit works fine on that09:25
LeefmcDr_willis: And X has something to do with my missing desktop?09:25
somedudebut is it better to get 64 bit?09:25
badkittysomedude: 32 would be fine.. you could use 64 if you want09:25
Dr_willisLeefmc,  normally the graphical login  starts up X.09:25
somedudeoh ok09:25
renegade444leefmc: yes, it's possible you have it installed, it's just not automatically starting09:25
chervaplease help my ubuntu tell me that I have some updates to install but there is a window telling me "Not All updates can be installed" screenshot here http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotep9.png when I klick partal upgrade the screenshot is here http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1wo5.png and then an error comes out "could not calculate the upgrade" http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2hr5.png09:25
Leefmcrenegade444: Ah k09:25
Dr_willisLeefmc,  X is the core layer of the desktop.   the desktop is X + other apps.09:25
somedudei went to get the 64 but it said amd64 and it made me wonder09:25
Dr_willisLeefmc,  'desktop' = 'a useable X session' :)09:26
LeefmcDr_willis: So i want to type "startx"09:26
Leefmc, and if that doesn't work,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:26
Lymiesk3b >>>>> gnomebaker09:26
Dr_willisLeefmc,  yep.    basicially.09:26
Lymiesgnomebaker takes a YEAR to convert all your mp3s to wavs and then it fails out when burning09:26
crdlbsomedude: it is simply named amd64 because AMD created it09:26
bazhangcherva please pastebin sources.list09:26
crdlbbut intel's version (EM64T) is completely compatible09:27
bazhang!paste | cherva09:27
ubottucherva: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:27
badkittysomedude: I just got a new quad core and used the same amd64 disc from the old install. Im sure it would be fine, but I doubt you'll notice a difference with 64 compared to 3309:27
MZMMy CDMA modem (HUAWEI ETS1x00) doesn't work anymore in 8.04 with those instructions: http://blog.mohanjith.net/2007/06/installing-huawei-ets1000-on-linux.html09:27
chervabazhang: I think running sudo apt-get upgrade fixed it wait a sec09:27
The-CompilerEvery time when I start KDE I get an error about ESD (it could not start because the port 5800 is already used or so), I get it several times (20 times or so)...09:28
obake-sani need to some help with samba in hardy. i set up some share folders by editing smb.conf, and im restarting samba just fine. the problem is that some of the names of the share folders refuse to work. i have a share titled MST3K, but when i try to access that folder through the network it says the device is unavailable. when i change [MST3K] to just about anything else it works fine. what is going on?09:28
renegade444I'm trying to find an intermediate level guide for making Ubuntu-specific .deb packaged for 8.04, but all I have been able to find is a 6.1 guide on help.ubuntu.com. Will that guide work for 8.04? Or does someone have one for 8.04?09:28
Tankadoanyone familiar with problems with ddd and ubuntu? because i try to use the menus of ddd and i cant press some buttons09:29
bazhang!ask | sekator09:29
ubottusekator: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:29
grndslmTankado... you should try using insight, i remember it to be better than ddd09:29
guyzmois it possible to downgrade back to 7.10 ?09:30
bazhangcomplete reinstall guyzmo09:30
grndslmTankado:  http://sourceware.org/insight/09:30
guyzmoI should never have installed 8.0409:30
gordonjcpubottu: in theory, yes09:30
ubottuFactoid in theory, yes not found09:30
gordonjcpguyzmo: in theory, yes09:30
guyzmogordonjcp - what you mean ?09:31
chervabazhang: apt-get upgrade made the upgrades. I can't figure out why the gui program didn't manage to do it09:31
gordonjcpguyzmo: I've done it, but frankly it's not worth the hassle09:31
bazhangThe-Compiler, what about trying alsa or other sound then09:31
gordonjcpguyzmo: well, you can edit sources.list to replace "hardy" with "gutsy", do an update and a dist-upgrade and then you should have gutsy packages09:31
The-Compilerbazhang, well, I don't need ESD, I only need to rid of this error09:31
gordonjcpguyzmo: however, for various reasons this doesn't work properly09:32
The-Compiler*to get rid09:32
bazhangThe-Compiler, then try it09:32
The-Compilerbazhang, esd is not even running09:32
guyzmoI'm gonna have to open a bug report then09:32
guyzmobut there's not significant things to post in the logs...09:32
gmenelausoundray i try but sudo: e2fsck-y/dev/sda2: command not found09:33
pawanunable to instll graphics card09:33
gordonjcpguyzmo: what is the problem?09:33
Tankadogrndslm : anyway to see a graphical look of the local/global arguments with insight ?09:33
The-Compilergmenelau, e2fsck -y /dev/sda209:33
Serria1pawan which graphic card?09:34
The-Compilergmenelau, with spaces09:34
jdenhaeranyone knows anything about Dazuko module on 2.6.24-17-generic?09:34
grndslmTankado:  can't remember... haven't been in a programming class in a while.  i do remember it was a better, more enhanced version of ddd, tho09:35
danzagmenelau, space before /dev09:35
danzaand before -y09:35
gmenelauThe-Compil;er thanks09:35
goriotem alguem que possa me ajudar ?09:35
gmenelauThe-Compiler thanks09:35
gordonjcp!br | gorio09:35
ubottugorio: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:35
gmenelauThe-Compiler now i have this mag /dev/sda2: recovering journal09:35
gmenelau/dev/sda2 contains a file system with errors, check forced.09:35
gmenelauPass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes09:35
gorioestou rodando o ubuntu live 809:36
jokoonE: openoffice.org-writer2latex: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 109:36
guyzmogordonjcp - problems with my bluetooth mouse and keyboard. both are apple, the mouse is teh mightymouse. for the mouse, the bug is that when I click, hold, and release, xev reports : press/press/press/press/press/press/press/.../release, making it impossible to select or drag... for the keyboard when I type ls<CR> it outputs lllllllllllllllll...ssssssssssssssssss...<CR><CR><CR><CR><CR><CR><CR>... and then disconnects. and both take ages to connect09:36
grndslmam i the only person who can't right-click & "save image as..." in Firefox 3 on Hardy???09:36
bazhang!paste | gmenelau09:36
ubottugmenelau: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:36
jokoonhow do I fix that ?09:36
gordonjcpguyzmo: have you checked the forums?09:36
guyzmothe forums, bugtraq and the wiki09:36
guyzmoI checked all the files I could have modified when I was running 7.1009:37
Tux2K8is it possible to configure deny hosts to block IP's which are constantly trying to log to my SSH without successes?09:37
guyzmoand nothing relevant solving my problem09:37
gordonjcpguyzmo: hm09:37
MyrttiTux2K8: fail2ban09:37
gmenelauThe-Compiler and come with a lot errors what i do ?09:37
gorioi'd like to install ubuntu in my notebook, but i don't know how to resizing my windows partition to create ext3 and swap partitions...09:38
guyzmoI'm not even sure if it's xserver-xorg-input that's faulty or the bluetooth package...09:38
The-Compilergmenelau, well, what did you like to do (you spoke with soundray first, but I was offline)09:38
obake-sani need to some help with samba in hardy. i set up some share folders by editing smb.conf, and im restarting samba just fine. the problem is that some of the names of the share folders refuse to work. i have a share titled MST3K, but when i try to access that folder through the network it says the device is unavailable. when i change [MST3K] to just about anything else it works fine. what is going on?09:38
bazhanggorio, the installer will do it for you09:38
gmenelauThe-Compiler ;) ok xexe09:38
gordonjcpguyzmo: does it work in the console?09:38
gmenelausoudray what i do know ?09:39
grndslmam i the only person who can't right-click & "save image as..." in Firefox 3 on Hardy???09:39
guyzmoI don't have gdm installed, so I can't tell for the mouse09:39
gordonjcpobake-san: is it possible you've got another share or possibly a host called mst3k?09:39
bazhanggrndslm, what page09:39
guyzmobut the keyboard is getting crazy the same way in the console09:39
grndslmbazhang:  all of 'em09:39
The-Compiler,seen soundray09:39
obake-saniv checked everywhere but no09:39
gordonjcpguyzmo: that's a bit odd09:39
bazhanggrndslm, give an example09:39
grndslmbazhang:  google.com09:39
guyzmobut the kbd and mouse problems may be different ones...09:40
gordonjcpobake-san: ok, when you change the share name to something else, what makes it work?09:40
The-CompilerOh well, soundray isn't an user :P09:40
bazhanggrndslm, let me try09:40
grndslmbazhang:  seriously... any page with an image09:40
obake-sani did have one called that a while ago, btu i made sure i removed it, and im having the same problem with [TV] which iv never had a share of09:40
gordonjcpguyzmo: and this worked in gutsy?09:40
gmenelauThe-Compiler it gone ....09:40
bazhanggrndslm, works here fine09:40
gordonjcpguyzmo: does it use a USB dongle?09:40
grndslmhmm.... wtf09:40
obake-sanall i have to do is change whats in the []09:40
gmenelauThe-Compiler can you help  pls ?09:40
guyzmoI'm using an USB dongle09:40
The-Compilergmenelau, well, paste the errors to http://paste.ubuntu.com09:40
guyzmobut I did not change my setup since then09:41
gordonjcpguyzmo: ok, reboot with only that plugged into the USB port09:41
The-Compilergmenelau, when I know what you are doing, then yes :)09:41
obake-sani already thought of there being another share with the same name, but there isnt one09:41
guyzmoI mean I have a bluetooth USB dongle09:41
gmenelauThe-Compiler every time that i boot the ubuntu it start make scan09:42
goriodoes anyone could help me ? how to resizing a windws partition without lost files.. ???!?!? with gparted or another way..09:42
The-Compilergorio, gparted does the jon09:42
guyzmothen, brb09:42
The-Compilergmenelau, well, no idea...09:42
drugbalancepartition magic09:42
drugbalanceit's the name of the programm that you need to do it09:42
gorioi'm running in live cd09:42
gorioi cant use partion magic in my windows09:43
bazhanggorio, just the installer will do it as I said before09:43
drugbalanceso I just don't know you need something like partition magic that can boot from cd )09:43
gmenelauThe-Compiler i dont now why but i want to stop every time that i boot to go to rooting check09:43
bazhang!dualboot | gorio09:44
ubottugorio: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:44
goriolet me see09:44
The_ManU_212i'm using default sources and hardy09:45
The_ManU_212when i installed fretsonfire it always crashes09:45
FloodBot3The_ManU_212: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:45
The-Compilergmenelau, are you on Gnome?09:45
The_ManU_212 if i downlaod fretsonfire from developers it's running stable and quickly09:45
The_ManU_212whats wrong?09:45
The-Compilergmenelau, try alt+f2 and gksudo gedit /etc/fstab09:45
gmenelauThe-Compiler then?09:46
gordonjcpThe_ManU_212: it's possible that the one you're downloading is newer and less buggy09:46
The-CompilerThen search the right drive (look at the second field, it should tell /) and simply change the last number in the same line to 009:47
The_ManU_212gordonjcp: no, same version09:47
pawanunable to install nvidia drivers09:48
gmenelauThe-Compiler http://paste.ubuntu.com/15948/09:49
gmenelauThe-Compiler do i need to change anything ?09:50
gordonjcpThe_ManU_212: if you do "apt-get source fretsonfire" then you'll get the source package, and you may be able to poke about inside to find out what acts of vandalism the Ubuntu/Debian maintainers have committed09:50
The-Compilergmenelau, try to change line 1109:50
The-Compilergmenelau, simply replace the 1 at the end with a 009:51
The_ManU_212gordonjcp: this apckage arrived no update and I#m not able to find out whats wrong :/09:51
gmenelauThe-Compiler can you past the line pls ?09:52
The-CompilerUUID=B8109B1D109AE1A4 /media/sda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 009:52
gonzo_Good that I may return jaja problem is still with me eh partiedno the head by state for nearly six hours and good wished to know if I can help my problem I have is as follows an acquisition card philips saa7134 TV, it q After investigating both the network and configure it achieves is buenisisma radio and hear perfect .. but my problem is the remote control as two hours ago nisiquiera did not know if it reonocia but I realized if you already q reonoce but n09:53
gonzo_ot ACHIEVEMENT make it work. . I was looking at the net and saw about a Pograma called lirc q q q command allows funcinoe but not achieving any way to configure aver haria si alguien me the favor of great help.09:53
The-Compilerthe line under "# Entry for /dev/sda1 :"09:53
gmenelauThe-Compiler that it?09:53
The-Compilergonzo_, did you translate this with Google translator?09:53
The-Compilergmenelau, I think so09:54
gmenelauok thanks i will try it now and see09:54
The-Compilergonzo_, I think we (at least me) are unable to understand this09:54
mohkohnIs it possible to run two versions of Firefox on Hardy?09:54
adacAnyone experiences in writing init scripts and daemons?09:55
gonzo_ok one moment please09:55
eddiedhi guys09:56
eddiedhow do i confirm a sed substition for each substitution?09:57
eddiedie. sed s/foo/bar/g09:57
eddiedwant to be asked each time foo is to be replaced09:57
lynxieHello. I'm using the Ubuntu 8.04 Live CD. When X starts, it messes up, displaying al kinds of weird vertical lines, black and white. I checked the Xorg log file and it reports that it doesn't recognize my nvidia graphics card. How can I get X working properly? I've also booted in safe mode, this works fine. I've uploaded the Xorg log file here: http://www.codemonkey.nl/Xorg/log2.txt My graphics card (onboard) is a nvidia geforce 6150SE nforce 430.09:57
jdenhaeranyone knows how to activate dazuko on 2.6.24-17-generic?09:57
LeefmczWell, that was a long time hah09:58
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lynxieAnyone that can help me get the graphics card working properly?09:58
gmenelauThe-Compiler nothing09:59
lynxieI've searched the web but can't seem to find anything that matches my issue09:59
gonzo_Good evening I have a problem and I would like to help. I have a TV capture philips Saa7134 and thanks to God made it work but my problem now is with the remote control do not like to make it work. Someone may help10:00
LeefmczCouple questions. I installed ubuntu desktop via the sudo apt-get command, and for the most part its working, but it has a few rough edges. For example.. i have no shutdown option in my shutdown menu. 2, i'm not sure if i have sound10:00
The-Compilergmenelau, well, then try "fsck -y /dev/sda1" and "fsck -y /dev/sda2" again and paste all errors10:00
The-CompilerLeefmc, to the shutdown option: Are you using composite effects?10:01
LeefmczThe-Compiler: No idea, i just want a basic ubuntu install. I had to do a bit of a workaround to get ubuntu installed10:02
The-CompilerLeefmc, so no eye-candy effects activated?10:02
The-Compilerthe wobbly windows and so on10:02
pawanmy graphics card is not getting enabled10:02
LeefmczThe-Compiler: No more than default i imagine, But i don't notice anything special10:02
The-CompilerLeefmc, well, no idea then10:03
bretuhhhh help10:03
IN-lindzeeanyone here have nomachine running on 8.04?10:05
pawancan increase resoltuion10:06
babolatpawan: which driver do you have?10:06
babolatnonfree pawan?10:07
gmenelauThe-Compiler http://paste.ubuntu.com/15952/10:07
babolatpawan: are you on hardy or gutsy?10:07
LeefmczQuestion: Is there a sound with ubuntu that i can trigger to test my sound?10:07
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babolatpawan: In System > Administration > HardwareDrivers check which version of the nonfree driver you have10:08
gmenelauThe-Compiler i am going for restart10:08
babolatLeefmcz: yes. System > Preferences > Sound has it10:08
IN-lindzeei am having issues installing nomachine on my computer.  anyone have experience?10:08
pawanits says no properity drivers in use on this system10:08
babolatpawan: that means that you need one.10:09
pawanhow to get10:09
babolatyou better use envy, pawan10:09
robg_pawan: www.medibuntu.org10:09
babolatpawan: in Add/Remove Apps, search for "envy" without the quotes10:09
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ghindoHow do I know if I need the "linux-restricted-modules"  They seem to be slowing down my boot time, and I don't think I'm using any restricted drivers10:10
babolatpawan: oh, you have to make sure that Universe and Multiverse are both enabled in System > Administration > Software Sources10:10
babolatghindo: do you mean media (sound and video) or the one for your graphics card?10:10
renegade444I'm trying to find an intermediate level guide for making Ubuntu-specific .deb packages for 8.04, but all I have been able to find is a 6.10 guide on help.ubuntu.com. Will that guide work for 8.04? If not, does someone have one for 8.04?10:11
robg_ghindo: you can activate medibuntu repository via www.medibuntu.org10:11
ghindobabolat:  For anything.  Whatever is included in the "linux-restricted-modules" packages10:11
babolatghindo: your best bet is to remove it. if something breaks, put it back10:12
ghindobabolat:  Hahaha, thanks.  I'll give it a shot10:12
IN-lindzeeE: Couldn't find package libstdc++2.10-glibc2.210:13
User123Hi, I was wondering if anybody could help me with a problem that i am having - I have installed Ubuntu along side vista (c:\ubuntu) and have got it to run in dual boot on my laptop. Problem = When I run ubuntu I get a command line interface, and I want to know how to install ubuntu :s10:14
babolatIN-lindzee: that package is also available at http://packages.debian.org/stable/libs/libstdc++2.10-glibc2.210:14
User123There is no gui for installing ubuntu as far as i can see10:14
RishieCould sum1 possibly assist me?10:14
IN-lindzeei can wget and dpkg that?10:14
The_ManU_212why isnt terhe any 3d support udner hardy for ati radeon 9200/9250?10:15
renegade444user123: what version disk did you use to install from?10:15
babolat!ask | Rish10:15
ubottuRish: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:15
ghindoIs it safe to remove the "linux-generic" package?  It looks like it's just a meta-package, but I want to make sure...10:15
IN-lindzeeok so i used wget to get that, babolat.  now how do i install in?10:16
User123renegade444 - i downloaded lts 8.04 & mounted it in windows to install... no cd/dvd drv10:16
RishieThanks ubot. I'm having trouble installing. I only get up to step 1 and then it seems to crash10:16
babolatyou could have just downloaded it and double-click to open with GDebi Package manager10:16
renegade444user123: ok replace disk with iso, but 8.04 desktop? or server?10:16
babolatIN-lindzee: ^10:16
IN-lindzeei am stuck with a cli10:17
babolatone moment IN-lindzee10:17
IN-lindzeeserver is hosted remotely, only way i can use the GUI is to get nomachine up10:17
renegade444user123: first try  $startx   from the command line10:17
babolatIN-lindzee: From the terminal type sudo  dpkg -i packagename.deb (replacing packagename with the name of the package)10:18
RishieI boot frm my Ubuntu live cd,  an original, mailed copy. I choose to install, But it doesnt get past step 110:18
IN-lindzeedpkg -i libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2.deb correct?10:18
babolatIN-lindzee: add sudo before that line10:18
IN-lindzeeim logged in as root.  here is the error i get.  cannot access archive: No such file or directory10:19
User123thanks renegade444 - will have to try when i get home, laptop isn't at work with me. if it doesn't work i'll bring it to work 2mo and hassle you some more :]]] ty, /B10:19
suRsanyone know how to change my splash screen?... i downlaoded a theme but i dont know were to extract it or like put it in some map.. like i did with .icons .themes this if for splash screener10:19
renegade444user123: heh. ok, if that fails, try $sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop     then try $startx again. that should get you a desktop10:20
Dr_willisrenegade444,  I hope he isent typing the $ :)10:22
ruthgood morning10:23
renegade444lol, he probably is10:23
Dr_willisrenegade444,  wouldent be the first time ive seen it done. :)10:24
roxahrisHelp, when I try to configure this for building, I get this error:10:24
roxahrischecking build system type... Invalid configuration `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu': machine `x86_64-unknown' not recognized10:24
ruthWe have a fresh ubuntu 7.10 install running. How can I set my terminal to a proper output? A the moment the characters are much too big, so it's not usable at all... Where can i set my screen resolution for the terminal?10:25
roxahrisltconfig: you must specify a host type if you use `--no-verify'10:25
renegade444dr_willis: not at all sure how I should have put it so he could both see what was a command and not put the prompt in.10:25
Dr_willisrenegade444,  :) we need different fonts on irc! :0   actually i tend to use Quotes.10:25
robg_ruth: you may need Sun Java for better screen performance.10:25
ruthI can use  xterm instead, but it would be great to be able to use the 'real' terminal, too10:25
ruthrobg_, I doubt that10:26
ruthrobg_, maybe you misunderstood me, I am talking about the strl.alt.f1 terminal...10:26
roxahrisI don't suppose anyone can help?10:28
exoitxHi ppl, I need some help10:28
mepsipaxWhat network adapter/s is/are best for WEP cracking - I have an ipw2200BG but it can't do IV injections.10:29
exoitxI am having problems with VirtualBox on Ubuntu 810:29
Cipry007hy ,i just installed latest ubuntu version its working fine but i dont know how to change the resolution ... can some1 help me pls?10:29
mepsipaxor possibly it can, but needs another listening device10:29
slavikdid the latest updates break firefox on amd64?10:29
babolatCipry007: you probably need the non-ree drivers installed for your graphics card10:29
robg_Cipry007: When I installed Sun Java it gave me 1440 x 990 by default without any intervention by me.10:30
roxahrisCipry007: System > Preferences > Screen Resoloution10:30
Cipry007roxahris: i need a driver i tryd that10:30
Cipry007babolat: i dont know what that is :)10:30
g00dbaranyone know a good proxy site off the top of their head?10:30
renegade444slavik: I'm running 8.04 amd64 with all available updates installed, and firefox is working fine....10:30
roxahrisoh sorry10:30
babolatnonfree drivers Cipry007. check in System > Admin > Hardware Drivers if you can enable them there10:31
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robg_Cipry007: you can also enable the Medibuntu.org repository in your system.10:31
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Cipry007babolat: i see on "device driver" nvidia new and a checkbox that is checkt under enable but the status is "not in use"10:32
exoitxI have been usnig Virtual box for about 15 days, I have 2 VMs installed, and they used to run fine, but now it tells me that vbox drv (kernel) is not installed10:32
exoitxI installed it before, and tried to reinstall several times10:32
babolatCipry007: you need to put it in use evidently. is there an option for that?10:32
exoitxbut it doesn't work10:32
Cipry007babolat:no ...10:33
exoitxanyone knows what the problem is10:33
poopuserhey guyz i have 5.1 speakers and only 3 of them r working...so...u knew what.10:33
jellehi all, i want to download .asf streams, how do i go about it?10:34
babolatCipry007: try to uncheck it, then check it again10:34
Cipry007babolat: done and it says need computer restart ... i will restart my computer and then i will be back10:34
klathzaz2I just installed and updated ubuntu.  I ran configure on source and on a check for gcc it says 'error: C compiler cannot create executables'  I have no idea why it would say that.  Comments?10:35
slavikklathzaz2: sudo apt-get install build-essentials10:35
ruthbbak soon10:35
exoitxcan anyone help  me with VirtualBox???10:35
klathzaz2slavik: thanks10:36
slavikexoitx: are you on hardy 64bit?10:36
exoitxit is very strange thing, it used to work10:36
exoitx'till yesterday10:36
babolat!enter | exoitx10:37
JackWinteri just wanted to do a full upgrade (kubuntu hardy), and it aborted with unable to complete...  in adept it looks like it was successful ?  what now, how do i check if indeed the system is up to date ?10:37
Cipry007babolat: nothing ... its still the same message on that status : "not in use"10:37
zvacetJackWinter: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade10:37
babolatCipry007: ok10:38
suRsanyone know how to install splash screener?10:38
jelleanyone know how to download .asf streams?10:38
robg_Cipry007: I believe ubuntu-restricted-extras contain nVidia drivers.10:38
babolatCipry007: is medibuntu.org repo enabled in System > Admin > Software Sources?10:38
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renegade444exotix: I'm going to guess that your problem is that when you installed something it uninstalled something. I bet you'd have a better chance getting that solved in #vbox, but I really don't know your problem. my vbox works great ;)10:38
JackWinterzvacet: does that update all installed packages, because i still use vlc from gutsy which seems to work better.10:38
exoitxokay thnx10:39
zvacetJackWinter : if you don´t want to update it go to the synaptic and find that package>package tab>lock version10:39
killzonedoes networkmanager not support showing information for a ethernet bridge?10:40
JackWinterzvacet: thanks that is very handy..!10:40
Cipry007babolat:i cant find it10:40
zvacetJackWinter :yes itis10:40
Cipry007babolat: the website ... i cant find it on any option from software sources10:40
robg_Cipry007: you must enter an apt-get phrase to activate the medubuntu repo in your system. Correct phrase is on website.10:41
babolatCipry007: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list10:41
robg_babolat: exactly.10:42
JackWinterzvacet: argh, am not sure i find that in adept.  thanks fo the help in any case...!10:42
babolatCipry007: then after that, add the pgp key by doing: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update10:43
zvacetJackWinter : sorry I don´t use Kubuntu but I believe it must be something similar (or not ? )10:44
Cipry007babolat : done10:44
JackWinterzvacet: i'm about to find out.  otherwise  i suppose that i can always remove and reinstall the 3 packages needed.10:44
Cipry007babolat: i did all you sayd he installed alot of things...now what?10:45
babolatok.. now, try the check then uncheck thing. then restart10:45
robg_Cipry007: activate: ubuntu-restricted-extras, uninstall: OpenJDK, install: Sun Java10:45
babolatCipry007: ^10:45
selocolHello, can someone tell me what produces the bottom toolbar as seen in this picture: http://www.plenz.com/nethack-screenshots/long_worm.png Thanks.10:46
thegeekIf I dual-boot Windows and Linux, and use GRUB bootloader, and I want to install a different version of Windows over the one currently in the Windows partition, anyone know a way of doing so without having Windows go "Woooo let's wipe out your bootloader and put one that goes straight to Windows"?10:46
zvacetJackWinter : it has to be some CLI option but I´m not able to find it right now10:47
ruthSorry 4 asking again, but I have not found it in the docs yet: How can I set/change the screen resolution of my console (Ctrl-Alt-F1 Terminal)? Please help me (link to docs?) as I am completely new to ubuntu and never before had that issue with other distros...10:47
robg_thegeek: you can delte partitions with gparted and install a new OS in the empty space.10:47
Cipry007robg_: i have no ideea how to do that its my first time running on ubuntu10:47
JackWinterzvacet: sorry still a noob, what is CLI ?10:48
robg_Cipry007: ubuntu-restricted-extras will give you better nVidia and Sun Java will give you better graphics.10:48
zvacetJackWinter : Command Line Interface (terminal)10:48
san|thegeek: windows will always overwrite you mbr.. just reinstall grub after windows is installed10:49
robg_Cipry007: if you have medibuntu repo activated then you simply tick boxes in Synaptic.10:49
renegade444thegeek: I know of no way to do that without killing your bootloader10:49
thegeekrobg_: Not exactly what I mean....When you install Windows, instead of giving you a nice choice of bootloader/options like Linux does, it just automatically wipes your MBR's contents and puts a bootloader that just shoots you straight into Windows....10:49
nonix4Umm, what are those undocumented updates to gcc et all? Where's the desription?10:49
zvacetJackWinter : konsole10:49
thegeeksan|: Is there an easy way to do that?  I'm a bit n00bish when it comes to GRUB10:49
robg_thegeek: Windows does not use GRUB or MBR.10:49
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salutEntreu aquí el text...salut10:50
testolahey! i often run a script in the backgroud that downloads stuff and unpacks it for me. But when the unpacking starts it hogs my system. Is there any way to make it use less resources? priority?10:50
renegade444thegeek: the trick I use is 2 hds and install grub on 2nd hd and win loader on 1st hd and select with bios which loader10:50
jellegot it, via vlc10:50
renegade444thegeek: then you can reinstall windows at your whim without affecting your linux10:51
thegeekrobg_: I'm not sure if you know what I mean by MBR.  MBR is the Master Boot Record of the hard drive, it contains the very first machine code program to get loaded if the hard drive is selected as the boot device.  Every bootable hard drive has got an MBR, no matter what operating system it takes you into.10:51
zvacetkoheleth : what about it10:51
kohelethis the bot off?10:51
babolatwhat are you doing, koheleth?10:52
babolatgo check with #ubottu10:52
thegeekrenegade444: That's a pretty clever setup, kudos :D.  But I don't have it set up that way and it wouldn't be easy to change to it.  :P10:52
san|thegeek: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/10:52
kohelethI after the opera ftp repo for 9.5b210:52
zvacetkoheleth :  9.5b2 is not in repos download it from Opera site10:53
JackWinterzvacet: thanks, i'm googling for pin now ;)10:53
san|the geek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:53
renegade444thegeek: well, given the 1hd setup you have, I really don't think you can do it without having to re-install grub, sorry10:53
zvacetJackWinter : np10:54
thegeekrenegade444: Oh it's okay if I need to re-install GRUB, I just need to learn how to do that.  Hehe.10:54
renegade444thegeek and sanj just gave you the easy to recover grub10:54
san|well grub isn't gone.. only the mbr part is (if I remember correctly)10:54
thegeekYes I notice that =) Thanks san|....except I am wondering if they have it worded wrong on that page.  They say "first partition" at a point when I think they mean to be talking about the MBR, not a partition.10:54
kohelethhttp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/  is what I was looking for10:55
kohelethflash works out of the box in 9.5b210:55
thegeekAlso san| , if what you mean is that the files and utilities for GRUB are still installed in Linux, it's just not installed to the boot record of the hard drive as the bootloader to actually use, then yes, you are 100% right.10:55
podr0znikgood morning all (please treat it as afternoon/evening also, depending on where you are) :)10:55
koheleth64bit too10:56
podr0znikdoes anyone have experience here with installing a label printer Brother QL-500 in (k)ubuntu?10:56
san|thegeek: you point out with hd0,0 where grub is installed (afaik)10:56
zvacetkoheleth : you could ask about flash because older version of flash works too10:57
san|ah I was wondering why there were a lot of ubuntu questions.. this is not the wiidev channel :)10:57
kohelethreally, had problems with it10:57
cebraildo anyone of you know how to install "java runtime envirement" ??10:57
kohelethI like the easy life :)10:57
* renegade444 laughs at sanj10:58
zvacetkoheleth : you are not the only one10:58
kohelethbot is off I guess10:58
san|cebrail: add/remove programs. Search for jre?10:58
thegeeksan|: Right, but hd0,0 points to the MBR or it points to a partition?  The page states that it points to the "first partition" .... I'm thinking they have it wrong and that hd0,0 is really the MBR which is where I want GRUB to be10:58
kohelethcebrail,  type java +ubuntu in Google10:58
cebraili installed it before, but now I dont remember how I did it10:58
zvacetkoheleth : sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras10:58
robg_cebrail: activate medibuntu.org repo, uninstall OpenJDK, install Sun Java (in Synaptic)10:58
koheletheven better10:58
selocolHello, can someone tell me what produces the bottom toolbar as seen in this picture: http://www.plenz.com/nethack-screenshots/long_worm.png Thanks.10:59
xenomorph99HI. I've added an existing HDD that has several FAT32 partitions. Ubuntu only sees them as the partition sizes, which are all the same. How can I tell which has been mounted?10:59
anirudh0xenomorph99, cat /etc/mtab10:59
xenomorph99Ah, nice one. mtab is like the "live" version of fstab?11:00
anirudh0selocol, i think ncurses can do that.11:00
xenomorph99Is there any way of knowing which UUID is which, also?11:00
denverdavemorning.... Gnome Terminal, how do I delete the cache? thanks11:00
anirudh0xenomorph99, dunno..never understood the uuid system :)11:01
san|thegeek: I believe you have to tell grub where it can find the configuration files which are on you linux partition.11:01
xenomorph99Me neither ;-)11:01
thegeeksan|: Mmmmm....11:01
anirudh0denverdave, you mean terminal scrollback..what cache?11:01
denverdaveyeah, terminal scrollback11:01
thegeeksan|: Okay, well I'll look at some docs for a bit, thanks =)11:01
denverdavesame thing11:01
san|thegeek: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:01
renegade444cebrail: I can give you commandline instructions, if you want that instead of the synaptic instructions you already got.11:01
san|thegeek: there is all the info required11:01
xenomorph99Is there a way of naming the partitions without wrecking them? I try this in gparted and it says it will destroy them and when I try it in Norton Partition tragic, it moans about one of my partitions being an incorrect size11:02
san|thegeek: it's been a while for me (not using windows anymore on this machine :) )11:02
anirudh0denverdave, set in in your terminal profile..edit->profile11:02
selocolanirudh0: thanks11:02
denverdaveI've already checked the net, and nothing dispositive.11:02
denverdaveok hold on11:02
Cipry007robg_: i installd updates but didint restarted yet ... i see alot of sun java things11:02
thegeeksan|: Yeah, I got that one up....well it's a simple template but it doesn't really fully explain what you're doing I think.11:02
anirudh0denverdave, there is a scrolling option in the profile..limit that to what you need11:02
thegeeksan|: I wouldn't be using Windows at all either, except I need it to play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion11:02
denverdaveic hold on11:02
robg_Cipry007: just untick OpenJDK in Synaptic and tick Sun Java.11:03
anirudh0denverdave, but why do it?..scollback is one of the nice things in the terminal11:03
san|thegeek: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=315011:03
thegeeksan|: Ah so the setup line "setup (hd0)" is what installs it to the MBR....11:03
renegade444I've gotten oblivion running under wine with the genuine m$ .dlls ;)11:03
denverdavebecause I am handing the computer over to the client11:03
denverdaveand don't want to see what else I've installed as a surprise, if he doesn't pay me11:03
denverdavewant him to see..11:04
thegeeksan|: Ahaha, wine and I are not best friends.11:04
san|thegeek: I'm off (have to work on my thesis *sigh*) goodluck!11:04
robg_Cipry007: and ofcourse: ubuntu-restricted-extras11:04
Cipry007robg_: ok but i see alot of sun java like : sun java6-bin or sun-java6-jdk sunt-java6-jre or sun-java6-plugin and alot more11:04
san|playonlinux is also quite nice11:04
denverdavethat worked great11:04
robg_Cipry007: you dont need a development environment, you need a runtime environment.11:04
anirudh0denverdave, heheh11:04
dazjorzI think something's wrong in Hurdy's repositories11:04
dazjorzThe following packages have unmet dependencies: kdelibs5-dev: Depends: kdelibs5 (= 4:4.0.4-0ubuntu1~hardy1) but 4:4.0.80-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa2 is to be installed11:04
killzonealot dx9 games run with decent on vmwareplayer with the beta tools installed11:04
dazjorzHow do I fix this?11:05
denverdavehere's something you might want to look at11:05
denverdaveinstalling lkl11:05
denverdaveit's the keylogger11:05
thegeeksan|: Thanks, and thanks for the help, good luck on your thesis =)11:05
denverdaveand then I put it in rc.local, with forwarding to my email address11:05
san|thegeek: k, tnx11:05
anirudh0denverdave, you have a devious mind11:05
mohamed_hello all, how to stop openoffice from alert to upgrade ?11:05
podr0znikis there anybody here with time and patience to walk me through the installation of a label printer?11:05
denverdaveapt-get install, or synaptic lkl and then readme11:06
denverdavethanks bye11:06
xenomorph99Is there a way of naming the partitions without wrecking them? I try this in gparted and it says it will destroy them and when I try it in Norton Partition tragic, it moans about one of my partitions being an incorrect size11:06
robg_podrOznik: I have installed a standard Canon MP210 printer from the driver list.11:06
podr0znikrobg_: For what kind of printer?11:07
anirudh0xenomorph99, i used to do it in win explorer..right click on the disk label..change it11:07
metrosideIs there a way of expanding the allocated space for a install of Ubuntu 8.04 within windows?11:07
renegade444I'm disturbed by denverdave. A computer professional installing a keylogger as payment insurance? Very disturbing....11:07
robg_podrOznik: a standard printer not a label printer.11:07
ben_underscorerenegade444: not to mention illegal11:07
suRshow do i come to my desktop settings?11:08
podr0znikrobg_: I see. This printer seems to be quite a bitch to install... but some people did it before me ;)11:08
podr0znikthe point is only that I'm dumb on linux area11:08
xenomorph99OK, I'll try that. It seems that I changed a partition size with gparted and now Partition tragic and cfdisk both complain about it. Is there an easy way of fixing it? If I delete it, all my partitions will shuffle down I suspect?11:08
ben_underscoresuRs: what do you want to do?11:08
robg_podrOznik: I simply picked a suitable driver from the list and it worked.11:08
suRsi whant to change my theme settings :S11:08
suRsi dont whant to change the whole theme just some settings and colours11:09
anirudh0ben_underscore, legality depends on the country you are in11:09
podr0znikrobg_: I'm not sure even how far I am now, I have a driver installed (I think so at least) - ptouch, recommended11:09
podr0znikbut nothing works so far11:09
killzoneacronis partition manager is pretty good for fixing up a drive with a hosed partition table11:09
ben_underscoresuRs: go to "appearance" in the system area menu and do it there11:09
ubuntunew]anyone havea few mins to help someone new to ubuntu having installation problems?11:10
killzonenot sure how limited the demo version is tho11:10
anirudh0!ask> ubuntunew]11:10
robg_podrOznik: I had to wrestle with it for a while before it worked. I have no experience with label printers.11:10
suRsben_underscore i have xubuntu11:10
podr0znikrobg_: Ok, thanks :)11:10
podr0znikbut in a channel with that many people, there must be sb with some experience :P11:10
ben_underscoresuRs: sorry - don't know then :-(11:10
renegade444ben_underscore: I would be a little less disturbed if he had given it an expiration date, meaning the machine would stop unless some code was input after some amount of time, meaning no payment, computer stops. That would still be disturbing, but not as disturbing as the keylogger.11:10
xenomorph99I wouldn' t say it was hosed. Just one of them reports the size wrong. I took 1 partition and split it into 3 and since then it's been moaning about the size. Am I better to recombine the 3 ?11:11
Lr5"-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.0K 2008-05-31 13:09 /sys/power/image_size", should the file size be that small in Ubuntu 8.04?11:11
robg_podrOznik: try to Google it.11:11
klathzaz2I am just guessing ncurses is not available through apt-get?11:11
podr0znikdoing that already since yesterday evening11:11
klathzaz2how do I verify something like that? I have been searching for it11:11
metrosideIs there a way of expanding the allocated space for a install of Ubuntu 8.04 within windows?11:12
klathzaz2but I hvae not found it11:12
xenomorph99try sudo apt-get install ncu then press tab and see if it comes up as an option11:12
robg_podrOznik: any info available from printer manufacturer ?11:12
ben_underscoreklathzaz2: it's called ncurses-base11:12
killzoneit sounds like there is just a small error in the master partition record11:12
anirudh0suRs, iirc xfce also has a display config..in the main config editor11:12
xenomorph99Which gparted put there, I suspect.11:12
ubuntunew]well I installed ubuntu about a year ago on a desktop no probemss, anyway i have a laptop that was running vista, so i got an ubuntu studio cd, I have it installed, unfortunately iy opens to a command line not a desktop, and i cant boot to a different cd not to install anything else11:13
klathzaz2killzone: thanks11:13
podr0znikrobg_: found some website now11:13
ubuntunew]does anyone have some suggestions pls?11:13
podr0znikthe manual itself says that it's only compatbile with Windows and Mac11:13
podr0znikwhich I don't want to believe ;)11:13
klathzaz2xenomorph99: thanks- wow can't believe that works11:13
xenomorph99I'll delete the partitions then use cfdisk or whatever to recreate 1 in the place of the 3. It'll no doubt screw up my install, though, as it shuffles the partitions about. Is there a way of stopping that?11:13
xenomorph99Klath. Yeah, it's a nice feature that11:14
BoltClockafter installing updates recently (i believe 3 days ago), grub now reports two ubuntu installations on my pc alongside windows... both are hardy which is what i use, but one is of kernel 2.6.24-17 and another 2.6.24-1611:14
vic1ousHey Guys, Quick question I want to install a partition of windows without getting rid of my Ubuntu partition. I have been looking on the web on how to do this for a while now but still I have no clue. can anyone help me out?11:14
robg_podrOznik: my canon manual tells me that too but I still get it to work in Ubuntu.11:14
ubuntunew]any ideas anyone?11:14
anirudh0BoltClock, but that is alright..unless you want to save space by removing the older one11:14
BoltClockanirudh0: no, there is only one ubuntu installation on my pc11:15
BoltClockgrub seems to be reporting two of them11:15
anirudh0BoltClock, installation!=kernel_number11:15
podr0znikrobg_: I found a manual which is in pretty clear English, so I'll give it a try11:15
BoltClockanirudh0: so i have two kernels now?11:15
anirudh0BoltClock, you have 2 kernels, but one "installation"11:15
xenomorph99OK. When I add a new HDD, my /dev/sda becomes /dev/sdb. Is there a way of preventing this?11:15
anirudh0BoltClock, and grub chooses one of them at boot time11:16
robg_podrOznik: I needed a Pixma 200 driver but Ubuntu only offered Pixma 180 so I tried that and it worked.11:16
anirudh0BoltClock, i'd advise preserving the older kernel..sometimes the new one misbehaves11:16
Cipry007babolat: i installed all those things but i still cant change my resolution my graphic card is in use not11:16
BoltClockanirudh0: i see. so the older kernel is kept there as backup so to speak?11:16
zeroXtenanyone else being told by update manager that they have to do a partial upgrade? (which in my case then fails)11:17
killzoneare they sata ?11:17
xenomorph99My HDDs?11:17
xenomorph99One is, one is IDE11:17
xenomorph99When I add the IDE, it displaces the SATA11:17
robg_Cipry007: Sun Java gives me 1440 x 900 by default, the maximum my cheapo monitor can take.11:17
killzonechange the order in the bios11:17
anirudh0BoltClock, sort of11:17
xenomorph99The boot order ?11:18
Cipry007robg_ my resolution is 640x480 and i dont have any other choice in the screen resoultion thing only lower11:18
BoltClockanirudh0: alright. i thought it was a messed up grub or something lol. thanks!11:18
killzoneshould be another menu for changing the drive order too11:18
anirudh0zeroXten, do a apt-get dist-upgrade from the terminal11:18
anirudh0BoltClock, np11:18
killzoneon my bios its under advanced11:18
xenomorph99It must be getting the boot order the same as before as it boots off the SATA drive first11:18
babolatCipry007: ok11:18
Dr_willisxenomorph99,  that happends on my systems also. thats one of the reasons the use of UUID's in the fstab is a good idea11:18
robg_Cipry007: If you have installed everything maybe a restart is necessary.11:18
babolatCipry007: your best bet now is probably use envy if you have nVidia or ATI11:19
xenomorph99Yes, but how do you know what UUID applies to which partition?11:19
Cipry007robg_: i did restarted my computer11:19
zeroXtenk anirudh011:19
Cipry007babolat: i have nVidia11:19
xenomorph99It's fine if you do a fresh install as Ubuntu goes and adds the UUIDs to the fstab for you11:19
Cipry007my screen is so big now i cant even click on System ... it will open something else11:19
Dr_willisxenomorph99,  ls -l /dev/disk-by/uuid (i think)11:19
babolat!envy | Cipry007 your best bet now is probably Envy. -->11:19
anirudh0xenomorph99, file /dev/disk/by-uuid/<file-name>11:19
kohelethbtw if you have a ati card do not use Fedora 9, there are no drivers for it11:20
dxdemetriouif is there a partial upgrade and instead of update manager used synaptic it could be a problem?11:20
kohelethI found out yestaday after installing it11:20
xenomorph99That will list files on a particular partition?11:20
xenomorph99Suppose the partitions are empty? Like mine11:20
rconancan anyone help me with this error while trying to encode with dvd::rip? http://rafb.net/p/5JFp9837.html11:20
xenomorph99I have to add files to them first to differentiate them?11:20
babolatdxdemetriou: please rephrase to help us understand better11:20
sidelilExcuse me, in Gutsy when i was asking to connect to a SSH server, a mounted folder remained on my desktop even after rebooting. In Hardy upon reboot is gone. How can i keep it on the desktop? Shall i add it to fstab?11:21
anirudh0xenomorph99, you wanted to find the uuid of a partition11:21
anirudh0!ask> xenomorph9911:21
xenomorph99Yes, I do11:21
anirudh0!who> xenomorph9911:21
anirudh0xenomorph99, he uuid's are visible in /dev/disk/by-uuid11:22
anirudh0xenomorph99, you should see a bunch of files there..they are all symbolic links..and the file command shows you what partition they point to11:22
moDumasshey all, i have a logitech communicator webcam11:22
moDumassand i am struggling to install it11:22
moDumassdoes anyone know of a website that may assist11:23
xenomorph99Ah, I see. That works. Thanks11:23
anirudh0moDumass, google for gspca11:23
moDumassthanks anirudh0>11:23
jimcooncatsidelil: I don't know the real answer, but you could use sshfs instead and add the mount command to your session startup11:23
dxdemetriouWhen I used the "Update Manager" today, it said about a partial upgrade. When I tried do to the partial upgrade it couldn't completed. So, I used the "Synaptic Package Manager" for the updates, but I don't know if this can cause problems later11:23
kling0nanirudh0: what is the model name of then camera?11:24
kling0nanirudh0: oops mis11:24
sideliljimcooncat, ok thanks!11:24
philsfdxdemetriou: it probably won't, but what was the package that was not upgradable?11:24
anirudh0dxdemetriou, , do a apt-get dist-upgrade from the terminal11:25
dxdemetriouphilsf, I don't know. it said about pre-released releases and unsupported packages11:25
n3urogodhey guys...I just reinstalled my system using Ubuntu 8.04 and installed envyng-gtk, then ran envyng and installed the driver for my nvidia card which appeared to work and asked me to reboot, which I did. When it booted up it said "System is running in low video mode" so I went in and selected the nvidia card, my monitor and changed the resolution to 1280x1024 @ 75Hz (the default for my LCD), but it booted using 800x600 again....I got a11:25
n3urogodpopup saying I was using a restricted driver and in "Hardware Drivers" it now has the nvidia driver selcted and "in use".....but if I run glxgears I get "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".....I checked the xorg.conf and I definitely have glx being loaded....any ideas?11:25
JaddWhat does a partial upgrade mean?11:26
anirudh0strange..ubottu is offline11:26
philsfdxdemetriou: well, without the proper information, it's hard to tell exactly what went on, but if you opened synaptic and it didn't complain, it's a safe bet that nothing's wrong11:26
anirudh0any ops here, why is ubottu offline?11:26
Dr_willisrecharging her batteries?11:27
Lr5Does the hibernating thing use /sys/power/image_size, and should it be more than 524288000 if you have 2 gb of ram?11:27
philsfJadd: it could be that the new version of a package depends on another package that's not installed. update-manager can't deal with this, synaptic can11:27
Cipry007i restarted computer again and still cant make resoulustion higher then 640x48011:27
philsfJadd: meaning, update manager won't install new packages to satisfy dependencies11:28
Jaddphilsf: I enabled the proposed updates, is this normal for proposed?11:28
anirudh0Dr_willis, bots have  genders?11:28
Dr_willisanirudh0,  youve never seen those Heavy Metal Magazine Fem-bots eh? :)11:28
kobruxHey can anyone help me with my sound?11:29
philsfJadd: I wouldn't say 'normal', but it's not unexpected. If you're in doubt, use synaptic11:29
kobruxMy card is 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)11:29
kobruxand i dont have any sound at all in linux...11:29
dxdemetriouphilsf, I didn't have problem with synaptic. it's just I wanted to understand the reason of partial updates. The only I know is that it cleaning packages that don't needed11:29
philsfdxdemetriou: as I said, it's not as simple as "the" reason. could be a number of things11:30
larson9999i think i should file a bug but i don't know how to now.  the issue is i had 4 computers running ubuntu for the past 2 years or so.  all ran fine except one of  the 2 laptops.  it crashed once or twice a day EVERYDAY for the whole time through all the distros and many clean installs.11:30
philsfdxdemetriou: without more information, I can't tell you more11:30
JaddOK, thanks philsf11:30
sriramhow do i solve this: "The application 'evolution' (/usr/bin/evolution) wants access to the default keyring, but it is locked."11:31
sriramit started oming since the time i updated my sys. yesterday11:31
JaddI got another question: if my bug is marked as duplicate, it's been fixed but the fix doesn't work for me, should I file a new bug? (launchpad ubuntu of course)11:31
julle_could someone help me get ubuntus nvidia gfx drivers to work under gutsy again? i've upgraded linux modules and after that it stopped working11:31
larson9999I finally got fed up with it and went distro shopping.  i tried sabayon for a week before i settled on slackware.  i've been on slackware for about a week now.  neither of these has crashed on me even once.11:32
anirudh0larson9999, err...thats not much to put in a big report..unless you can give some indication about _why_ the laps crashed11:32
philsfJadd: depends on the particular issue, but you should add a comment in the master bug11:32
philsfJadd: what's the bug number?11:32
Jaddphilsf, just a sec, I'll find it11:33
nantaxhelp me please... i have entered something in my keyboard and my screen zoomed in and now it looks like im looking at a magnifying glass11:33
anirudh0sriram, accessories>keyrings11:33
larson9999anirudh0, that's the problem.  i always thought i just didn't set something up correctly or it was somehow else my fault.  but now i don't.  but i don't want to install ubuntu on it just to see if i can find info for a bug report.11:33
nantaxi can scroll around the screen and i dont know how to get out of this mode11:33
anirudh0nantax, restart x..ctrl alt del11:33
sriramanirudh0: there is no such program under accessories, do you actually mean seahorse, anyway?11:34
anirudh0larson9999, a drivers issue maybe..hard to say since you have already removed it11:34
ubuntunew]i have installed ubuntu to my laptop but it opens to a commant line and wont do anything at all, can anyone give me a hand or advice11:34
nantaxis there a hotkey of some sort to put it back at normal? it looks like a disability feature that will allow you to zoom in to your desktop11:34
philsfnantax: try win+111:34
anirudh0sriram, yes..sorry :)11:34
kqr-archi have installed ubuntu, and i have no sound... i got the recommendation to install alsa as sound server, and i did... but when i try to launch alsamixer it says "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device" anyone know why? o_O11:34
Jaddphilsf: got it: bug number #21557311:35
robg_ubuntunew]: consult Google for successful Linux installs for your laptop.11:35
philsfnantax: or hold the win key, and scroll with your mouse11:35
dazjorzkqr-arch: because it's not the sound server that's the problem, it's the fact that your soundcard wasn't found11:35
nanoprobehello @all11:35
sriramanirudh0: and how do i unlock seahorse?11:35
anirudh0nantax, on compiz?11:35
nantaxlol that did it than you very much11:35
anirudh0sriram, not very sure..look up the authorizations thing under sys>admin11:35
Jaddphilsf: I had marked it as the duplicate, because I thought the updated package fixed the problem, but it didn't11:36
nanoprobelike always, full house :D11:36
ubuntunew]i have and i havent found anything, but i am unable to force it to boot to cd so i cn get to some other os\11:36
sriramanirudh0: i have actually set the default passphrase to ultimate and tried entering it in that box, still it complains.11:36
kqr-archdazjorz: ok, if i try lspci would i find no sound unit?11:36
kantorHi, I was wondering if it's a good idea to create a Linux program that can make full backup of the hard disk partitions, and can restore them (master boot record and all the primary, extended . . . partition records) if you messed up your hard drive. Would that be useful ?11:36
dazjorzkqr-arch: then you probably wouldn't find sound hardware, no11:36
kqr-archdazjorz: i tried lspci and found the card... that's the problem... it says ""00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)"11:36
anirudh0kantor, lots of those exist..partimage for instance11:36
dazjorzkqr-arch: search online for the error you get and "intel ac'97 audio controller"11:37
larson9999anirudh0 yeah but what would be persistent since hoary?  since i mostly noticed the crashes when flash was running i thought it was flash or many the graphics card but niether sabayon nor slackware seem to care how much flash i watch.11:37
robg_kantor: I prefer to write files to removable media and simply do a re-install when the system becomes unusable.11:37
renegade444http://pastebin.com/m1efff6a        1-month, both the only dave and the whole log from login to logout11:37
klathzaz2I got build essentials- but now when I build I get a lot of errors.  I have had these types of errors bfore and I forget what I did to fix, I know it may be a missing dependency. They show on things like : __STD_ and __gnu_cxx:: etc complaining about namespace.  Any ideas?  I am thinking ths is a C++ issue?11:37
renegade444oops, sorry, wrong window11:37
kantorok, I just want to write a program for Linux but I don't know what :(11:37
|_DJ_|orphean: my sound works :)11:38
klathzaz2kantor: hello world11:38
nanoprobei installed wirelles driver, and it says that hardware is present, but don't know how to activate wifi, since the wifi indicator is not on11:38
robg_kantor: Linux already has too many programs.11:38
anirudh0kantor, :)..try fixing bugs first..its a lot more useful11:38
kqr-archdazjorz: thanks, i'll search a little and report back (:11:38
Dr_williskantor,  theres allready dozens of ways to backup/restore :)11:38
Dr_williswe need more howtos and docs and wikis!11:39
klathzaz2kantor: make a program thatlets me have roaming mouse and keyboard between different machines over network- so I can have multiple displays of multiple machines but use one mouse and keyboard to focus their inputs11:39
kantorklathzaz2, I'm not a beginner, I already wrote an utility application for optical drives11:39
philsfJadd: if you're sure the bug you reported is a dup, forget it, and add comments in the bug it duplicates11:39
nanoprobekey combination that works in vista don't work in ubuntu (to activate wlan)11:39
nantaxokay im just wondering, what did i press that made the screen zoom in which was fixed by the win+scroll mouse, i can't zoom in again. might come in handy someday11:39
philsfJadd: in your case, bug #20014211:39
Dr_willisklathzaz2,  thats 'syngery' i belive :)11:39
Dr_willisklathzaz2,  i an controll my laptop  from this desktop machine  with 1 keyvboard/mouse11:39
anirudh0nantax, you probably had "zoom" enabled in compiz..look up ccsm11:39
ubuntunew]hmmm guys i really need just a tiny bit of help11:39
Jaddphilsf: but I'm not sure it's a duplicate, since it seemed to have fixed it for the other bug reporter11:40
nanoprobeanyone willing to help me with wlan activation? (God help us :D)11:40
klathzaz2Dr_willis: oh nice11:40
nantaxanirudh0:  i have compiz and i pressed something and the screen zoomed in, do you know what made it do that?11:40
ubuntunew]i have a windows bootable instaooation disc in my dvd drive and want to force it to run, any ideas?11:40
klathzaz2Dr_willis: my new philosophy on software is that 'its been done, find it' rather tahn 'I wonder if I should a program that does xyz'11:40
Dr_willisklathzaz2,  yep. :)  not too hard to set up. takes a little thinking/config.  just rember to STOP  the syngery server when the wife takes the laptop upstairs.11:40
nantaxI was trying to map win+e but now i know that its bound to the expo something11:40
philsfJadd: is it really crashes, or freezes?11:41
zeroXtensynergy rules11:41
klathzaz2freaking amazing11:41
robg_ubuntunew] you usually have to keep your finger pressed on the boot options key (usually F8).11:41
nantaxgot it, its win+r11:41
Jaddphilsf: you know, I've always wondered what the difference was. Everything stops moving, including mouse cursor, ctrl-alt-f1 to f6 and ctrl-alt-backspace have no effect11:42
Dr_williszeroXten,  yep. makes it easy to handle the laptop thats hooked to the tv playinb the videos... from the couch. :)11:42
ubuntunew]i can get it into the boot options, on this compaq laptop its f1011:42
ubuntunew]but it boots to grub not to the disc11:42
zeroXtenhehe we used to use it at work, a dual screen linux machine and a windows one... very nice11:42
philsfJadd: looks like a freeze to me11:42
robg_ubuntunew]: then you force a boot with your finger on F10.11:42
Jaddphilsf: so what's a crash?11:42
napalmhi, i just installed 8.04 server edition11:42
Baby_Shambl3shi how can I convert iso to bin in cli?11:43
napalmi installed openssh11:43
philsfcan you ssh from another computer to make sure something is working?11:43
ubuntunew]i did that too and it booted to grub not the disc11:43
nanoprobehello people, need help with wlan activation *driver installed, only don't know how to activate it*11:43
napalmand i can't connect remotely11:43
philsfjadd: can you ssh from another computer to make sure something is working?11:43
Dr_willisBaby_Shambl3s,   why do you need to?11:43
anirudh0Baby_Shambl3s, what do you want to do..i mean with the .bin11:43
napalmis there something i have to do to allow ssh connections now?11:43
anirudh0napalm, in general no..check whether its running11:43
robg_ubuntunew] the machine has a tendency to revert to harddisk boot. You must find a way to force a CD boot.11:43
Jaddphilsf: I'd love to, but I doubt it11:44
anirudh0napalm, ps -A|grep sshd11:44
jokoonHello, is there a mgnifier in ubuntu ?11:44
Jaddphilsf: unless I can convince my family to let me do it on their windows11:44
Assidi am trying to use grub-reboot to use an alternate kernel image during boot11:44
ubuntunew]anyway i am in there, the first boot item is cd and i actually have boot from ide drive turned off11:44
philsfJadd: a crash (in X) would have more or less the same effect that ctrl-alt-backspace (except it's unintentional, and by murphy's law it would happen when you have the mostunsaved work open)11:44
nanoprobejokoon: yes, it is11:44
anirudh0jokoon, yes..compiz has a zoom feature..and gnome has one too11:44
Assidhowever i cant seem to get any other kernel to boot except for the 1str one11:44
Baby_Shambl3sDr_willis,anirudh0: cause iso is not accepted by the program, it was originally .nrg but there is no way to convert straight to bin so i did iso now i need bin11:44
Jaddphilsf: :D11:44
philsfJadd: you can use putty from a windows box11:44
jokoonanirudh0 nanoprobe where is the gnome one ?11:45
anirudh0Baby_Shambl3s, renaming does'nt work?11:45
Jaddphilsf: it might not be a problem anymore, I just finished downloading all the updates from proposed, so we'll see11:45
ubuntunew]robq_ may i msg you?11:45
Baby_Shambl3sanirudh0, nope tried that it didnt work :'(11:45
anirudh0jokoon, iirc you have to install it..forgot package name11:45
RomanKi want to get the sound of a video (avi) file as seperat file, is there a tool you can suggest to perform this action?11:45
robg_ubuntunew] go right ahead.11:45
Jaddphilsf: I'm enabling wireless now, if I disconnect, then the system has frozen!11:45
philsfJadd: you should look in the logs to see if there's information on what happened11:45
anirudh0Baby_Shambl3s, iso is a movie or game?11:46
Dr_willisBaby_Shambl3s,  what program is this? as far as i have seen you can just rename the .iso to .bin and the formats are the same in many cases.  if this is a Copy Protected Game cd. You proberly lost any specail info on the image when you did the conversion to iso.11:46
hchufengI have a problem ,I download a chm document ,but I can't read it evan I installed the chmsee which can't run .The chm reader for firefox can't support my firefox3.0 .Does anyone who can help me ?11:46
nvcanirudh0; this is napalm on a dekstop pc, what was the command you suggested using to check my openssh?11:46
Baby_Shambl3sDr_willis: hmmm really actualy it is a bunch of files from a lonmg time ago, exactly what i myself aint even sure, well willl try again with this old cd11:47
nvcalright so i'll ask again11:47
ZbradstaHi guys can i have a hand with running ".packages"11:47
anirudh0nvc, ps -A|grep sshd11:47
anirudh0hchufeng, xchm or gnochm11:48
Dr_willisBaby_Shambl3s,  just mount the thing and copy the files over ?11:48
Cipry007hey...i installd java sun ,uninstalld openjdk ... installd drivers with envy all those and still cant change the resolution my nvidia driver is in use11:48
nvcanirudh0; "4898 ? 00:00:00 sshd"11:48
Zbradstacan someone help me with running a ".package. that i downloaded11:48
Dr_willisZbradsta,  'autopackage' files? :) its proberly best to avoide them11:48
Zbradstaits a game called vdrift that i want to play11:49
anirudh0nvc, therefore the server is running..what error do you get when trying to ssh to it?11:49
Zbradstabut its in a auto package11:49
Baby_Shambl3sDr_willis: oh didnt think of that11:49
nvc'connection refused'11:49
hchufenganirudh0 thank you very much but do it can support chinese?11:49
Dr_willisZbradsta,  i http://autopackage.org/   i think ias the info ya need.. looking there now11:49
Zbradstathank you11:49
anirudh0hchufeng, gnochm is a gnome project..and gnome is very particular about good localisations..so my guess is yes11:50
podr0znikrobg_: Works :)11:50
Dr_willisZbradsta,  theres no guarentees with ubuntu and autopackages.. good luck.11:50
Zbradstayea its no help to me11:51
Dr_willisZbradsta,  you sure its not in the ubuntu repos? you have enabled all the repos?11:51
KalElhow can i send the commands ^c or ^q to an application running in screen?11:51
munkyhi. when i try to connect to vpn relakks i get "vpn connection failed"11:52
Dr_willisZbradsta,  ubuntu uses repositories. for the software..  there are unoffical ones not enabled by default.11:52
n3urogodKalEl, ctrl-a-c and ctrl-a-q?11:52
anirudh0nvc, there are many ways to solve this..but a clean reinstall is easiest11:52
Dr_willisZbradsta,  i suggest checking them out befor using autopackages11:52
nvcreinstall? of what?11:52
nvci just only installed the OS and openssh11:52
anirudh0nvc, first apt-get --purge remove openssh-server..then reinstalled it11:52
anirudh0wait..you mean you never installed the server?11:53
ZbradstaDr_willis, this is the site i got the file off http://vdrift.net/11:53
robg_Zbradsta: go to www.medibuntu.org and follow site instructions.11:53
nvcno no, i did11:53
KalEln3urogod, thanks...11:53
anirudh0nvc, "no no" is ambiguous :)11:53
nvci installed 8.04 server just like 20mins ago and then i installed openssh via the apt-get command11:53
nvcand then everything seemed correct11:53
nvccould it possibly be my router?11:53
anirudh0nvc, purge and reinstall the openssh-server anyway11:53
Dr_willisZbradsta,  windows 'thinking' is downloading from a web site to install..  "linux" thinking is to use the Package manager tool for your Linux Disrto to install things. :)11:53
anirudh0philsf, a while ago ops said ubottu was being overhauled11:54
Zbradstai have ubuntu 8.04 btw11:54
philsfanirudh0: oh11:54
boumaive added sun-java6-bin and the sun java6 browser plugin, but my firefox still wont run load java applets, i just get a grey rectangle and the status bar says starting applet, then applet loaded., then Start: applet not initialized.11:54
nvcreinstalling now11:54
liassisthello, how do i get traning for ubuntu11:55
anirudh0bouma, problem with applet..not with java11:55
liassistiam only 14-years old11:55
anirudh0liassist, that is a good thing :)11:55
Dr_willisZbradsta,   feisty (games): Data files for vdrift, a racing simulation [universe]  - the game seems to be in the Universe Repository.11:55
houhouis there any known problem with the ati radeon x800 xt pcie graphics on ubuntu 8.04? or driver/kernel faults of any kind?11:55
boumaanirudh0: could be but its the http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml test for java, also other applets dont work like gokgs.com11:55
RosenCan someone give me a guided tour for installing quake3 ? :) I've downloaded linuxq3apoint-1.32bx86.run but when I try to use sudo sh it just says sh: Can't open linuxq3apoint-1.32bx86.run11:55
philsfliassist: I wish I was too11:55
liassistwhere do i get the tarning in India Delhi11:55
pawanusing property drivers for geforce 520011:56
anirudh0liassist, learn to use google..that will help you with anything and everything..o'reilly books are good as well11:56
norbiHello, I downloaded QuakeWars and am trying to play it full screen.  I have a dual display set-up and the game shows up in the middle of the two screens.  I have tried World of Warcraft and that one is ok.  Other applications such as firefox when maximized only maximize on one of the screens.  Is there anything I can do about this?11:56
KalEl"^a c" opens a new window in screen... how do i send ^c?11:56
pawancant use high reolutions11:56
philsfliassist: there are tons of documentation and guides in the web11:56
JThunders^ is control.11:56
JThunders^c is Control-C11:56
anirudh0liassist, dont go for formal training..unless you want to do it as part of your job description11:56
nvcanirudh0; re-installed11:56
nvcnow what?11:56
boumacould anyone help me get sun-java6-bin working in firefox11:56
liassistBooks! ive done CCNA Fedora and read tons of other books i want formal traning11:57
Dr_willisKalEl,  i bet the screen faq mentions it.. I just dont rember how to tell you..11:57
anirudh0liassist, join ubuntu-in and indlinux in freenode...you will get more specific help there11:57
anirudh0nvc, still failing?11:57
nvcanirudh0; yep11:57
boumacould anyone please help me get java working in firefox :)11:58
Jadd76philsf: still here? It froze of course!11:58
boumaive followed the java community docs11:58
anirudh0nvc, then you will have to go the long and hard way..unfortunately, i have to leave now..but someone else will surely help :)11:58
houhouanyone having any ideas about why i cant get my at x800xt to work on hardy? only "freeze" screen at startup11:58
liassistthere is no one on those channels11:58
Jadd76philsf: know where I should look in the logs?11:58
jribbouma: have you installed sun-java6-plugin?11:58
nvcanirudh0; i logged in via the LAN IP address as opposed to my isp address11:59
liassistwill it be useful and in budget to get linux traning at this age11:59
nvcand now it's working fine11:59
nvcso it's my router11:59
boumajrib, yes ive done that and the browser plugin, and selected the sun out of two alternatives11:59
anirudh0liassist, what do you mean11:59
alyx_vanceanybody knows how to install microtek 3880?11:59
liassistiam 14 will it be useful11:59
Dr_williswake up alyx_vance  your head is on the keyboard.12:00
jribbouma: what's the output of: apt-cache policy sun-java6-plugin gcjwebplugin12:00
jribalyx_vance: stop12:00
jrib!pastebin > bouma (read the private message from ubottu)12:00
boumajrib: where would you like me to post it, basically  Installed: 6-06-0ubuntu112:00
philsfJadd76: try /var/log messages kern.log syslog12:00
kohelethmeet my dog www.holyfear.net/images/dodi_mobile.jpg12:01
jrib!ot | koheleth12:01
alyx_vancei just woke up12:01
liassistanirudh0, how much will it cost (remeber iam not self supported)12:01
boumajrib: any suggestions ?12:01
jribbouma: I need the full output on pastebin12:01
derek_barnesdoes any1 know how to enable java runtime for firefox?12:01
Baby_Shambl3salyx_vance: seriously stop!12:01
kohelethopps, wrong channel :) sorry12:02
Jadd76philsf: right, got them, I have no idea how to read this stuff though12:02
jribderek_barnes: install sun-java6-plugin12:02
liassistalyx_vance: please dont spam or youll be banned12:02
Baby_Shambl3sliassist: too late for that12:02
philsfJadd76: paste the relevant information in the bug report12:02
sidelilexcuse me do you know how could i use the multimedia keys on my keyboard with amarok on ubuntu (they are already pefectly working with gnome applications) thanks12:02
boumajrib: http://pastebin.org/39949, thanks btw12:03
Carbonfluxtook longer then normal to ban him heh, late at night many places :)12:03
philsfsidelil: install gnome-multimedia-keys from amarokscripts12:03
Jadd76philsf: which bit is relevant? I've been fiddling quite a lot with turning wireless on and off today, so I don't know what to copy12:03
liassisti almost forgot12:03
jribbouma: did you close all instances of firefox and then visit: www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp ?12:04
sidelilphilsf, perfect, thanks a lot12:04
philsfJadd76: you'll see the timestamps in the log, pick what seems relevant up to the moment where it froze12:04
liassistjrib, are you a staffer? how did you get ops?12:04
Jadd76philsf: OK, I'll do this again with a watch on my wrist12:04
jribliassist: I'm an op in this channel12:04
Baby_Shambl3sis the command sudo dpkg -i the install comamnd?12:04
mohihi :)12:04
liassisthow do i apply?12:05
philsfJadd76: the log is already there, you don't have to wait for it to freeze again12:05
jribBaby_Shambl3s: yes, but you should stick to ubuntu repositories.  Installing random debs may break your system12:05
Baby_Shambl3syah nvm just found it12:05
Seeker`liassist: you don't, you get chosen12:05
liassisti know almost all commands in IRC12:05
jrib!apt > Baby_Shambl3s (read the private message from ubottu)12:05
jribliassist: you're invited :)12:05
Baby_Shambl3sjrib: nah its for virtualbox so not random but thanx for the advise12:05
Seeker`liassist: this i offtopic really, you should talk about this sort of stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic12:05
boumajrib: yes, ive quit the browser and used that http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml?ff3 page several times12:05
jribBaby_Shambl3s: virtual box is in the repositories12:05
boumajrib: i get start: applet not initialized.12:06
Baby_Shambl3sjrib: the latest version?12:06
jribBaby_Shambl3s: ah, maybe not.  The virtual box debs are usually safe though12:06
poopuserguyz how do i link two existing folders 2gether?12:07
jribBaby_Shambl3s: in about:config do you have a java plugin being loaded?12:07
Baby_Shambl3sjrib: np havent had any problems with vb debs but yeah probably safe12:07
mohidoes ubuntu hardy supports MSCHAPv2 by default12:08
jribbouma: in about:config do you have a java plugin being loaded?12:09
jribBaby_Shambl3s: sorry, that was for bouma12:09
Baby_Shambl3sjrib: rofl just tried installing deb from cli and got dependecy problems etc, this is trully a first12:09
matijaI need help with connecting to windows computers on a network in my office. I cant connect to most of them and ones that need user/pass say its wrong user/pass while its a working one from windows machine12:09
hchufengthe gnochm can't support chinese ,who can help me12:09
Baby_Shambl3sjrib: guess im going repo than12:09
jribBaby_Shambl3s: double click on it instead of using dpkg.  dpkg won't resolve dependencies12:10
boumajrib: i do about:config, then filter by java, java.java_plugin_library_name;javaplugin_oji12:10
boumajrib: there are several items, which should i look for in particular12:10
Baby_Shambl3sjrib: oh didnt know, how come?12:11
jribbouma: not sure, I'm graced with the lack of any plugin from sun for java on amd64.  See if it is working with firefox212:11
jribBaby_Shambl3s: dpkg never did.  But the gui interface (gdebi) will12:11
boumajrib: does firefox2 come with ubuntu ?12:11
ParadoxxDoes mysql come installed on ubuntu by default?12:11
jribbouma: oh right, maybe not by default.  hmmm12:11
jribpoopuser: please don't use caps like that12:11
Baby_Shambl3sjrib: oh never heard of gdebi is it insatlled by default12:12
jribpoopuser: be more specific as to what you want to do12:12
sidelilis it possibile to add in gnome more keyboard shortcuts than the ones that are in gnome-keybinding-properties?12:12
jribBaby_Shambl3s: not sure (check)12:12
Baby_Shambl3sjrib: will do so12:12
jribsidelil: you can create custom ones using gconf-editor directly or ccsm12:12
poopuserjrib: i want to link my home directory to directory on different partition12:13
jribParadoxx: the bot is mia right now, search for "lamp" on help.ubuntu.com/community12:13
hischildParadoxx: what are you trying? Please don't randomly try bot commands.12:13
kiki_hello all :)12:13
Paradoxxjrib: Thanks mate12:13
jribpoopuser: do you just want your /home to point to that other partition?12:13
kiki_i will have some question after ...12:13
Paradoxxhischild: I was try to get the wiki link for mysql, and that is the keyword12:14
sideliljrib, how can i do it with ccsm?12:14
=== zak2 is now known as llama32
hchufengthe gnochm can't support chinese ,who can help me12:15
Roughneck_cowboyhello all, is there someone to help a newb ? I've problem with Nvidia. I was helped and my card worked fine since I restart then I'm on default 800x600 instead of 1680x1050 there is something to do with the nvidia-conf of Xorg....please HELP12:15
emmaParadoxx: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative  but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with  setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP12:15
jribsidelil: general options -> commands -> key bindings12:15
Baby_Shambl3sjrib: if im seeing it right gdebi si installed by default ok will be using that from now thanx12:15
philsfhchufeng: try #ubuntu-cn12:15
hchufengphilsf thank you12:15
poopuserso mr  jrib do u have solution 4 me?(i am quite in a rush)12:16
jribpoopuser: one sec, let me get you a doc that explains it12:16
programmer01i have a problem with apache2.2.8 and php5 , after installing php5 with synaptic manager apache don't recognize it ? do you know why, or can you help me out12:16
poopuserok thx12:16
boumajrib: is there a way to say check all the packages on the computer so i might discover why java isnt wroking12:16
sideliljrib, ok thanks a lot12:17
Roughneck_cowboyis there someone to help me ?12:17
=== Griverr is now known as Griver
hischildprogrammer01: what package did you install for php5?12:17
Baby_Shambl3sis there a way to istall vbox without have to log out or restart?12:17
kiki_ubuntu 8.04 don't contains graphic card ATI radeon 9000 pro driver, is it normal ?12:17
hischildBaby_Shambl3s: no. You have to logout and back in for your user to be part of the vboxusers group.12:17
hischildRoughneck_cowboy: if you explaint he problem, most likely yes.12:17
programmer01php5 and php5-common12:17
programmer01php5 and php5-common12:18
Baby_Shambl3shischild: that is really annoying ahhhhhh will do it later than12:18
hischildjussi01: the bot is MIA.12:18
boumajrib: btw are the deb files cached.. if i remove and then reinstall packages will they be downloaded again ?12:18
sideliljrib, sorry if i bother you, can you tell me how can i do it also in gconf-edit? Thank you very much...12:18
pawanhow to disable properity drivers for nvidia 520012:18
emmabouma: unless you remove --purge all the config file remain in case you reinstall.12:18
Raditwhat program do i use to create latex files in ubuntu 8.04?12:19
hischildprogrammer01: let me check which ones i have installed for it ...12:19
jribpoopuser: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome since you already have a partition created you can skip the part where you create a new one (ie read closely).  Essentially, you just need to modify your fstab12:19
jribpoopuser: ask if you aren't sure about something12:19
poopuserthank u so much kind sir  ; *12:19
hischildprogrammer01: take a look at libapache2-mod-php5 please. (Don't blindly install, look first.12:19
pawanhow to use envy for nvidia 520012:19
Erik1_what is this popularity-conest package ? if i try to remove it with apt-get, it wants to removve ubuntu-standard as well...12:19
programmer01or the better question is : What is the module that connects PHP5 with Apache2.2 ???12:20
hischildprogrammer01: did you read my answer? If you have  apache2-mpm-prefork you can use that package i gave you.12:20
jribpoopuser: please check your private messages12:20
emmahischild programmer01 --- libapache2-mod-php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2 module). In  component main, is optional. Version 5.2.4-2ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 2482 kB, installed size 5608 kB12:20
hischildjrib: what's up with emma?12:20
ompaulErik1_, you can participate or not but the package is installed by default it checks how "popular" packages are - by use and so forth it helps make the distro better12:21
emmahischild: huh?12:21
boumajrib: so there anything else i can do to get java to wrok? like install gcjwebplugin or something ?12:21
hischildemma: oh you appeared to be a bot with your responses.12:21
jribbouma: well you can install that to see if it works I guess, but it doesn't work as well as sun's plugin12:21
Erik1_ompaul: and why would it want to remove ubuntu-standard then ?12:21
emmahischild: nope. I was trying to be helpful with the package information.12:21
Carbonfluxemma is not a bot heh12:22
ompaulErik1_, cos it is part of the meta package -standard12:22
ben_underscorehischild: great pick up line12:22
programmer01emma: i have this module - libapache2-mod-php5 installed ?12:22
Baby_Shambl3slol is all i can say at this point... poor emma12:22
DrHalanhey im running hardy with compiz enabled. when i put rhythmbox to fullscreen the windows sometimes flashes.12:22
hischildemma: you are =). Just didn't expect it from a human, as you didn't add anything that made you stand out from a bot there. My bad *apologizes*12:22
* emma smiles12:22
Carbonfluxya it is your bad heh, that was really rude12:22
ompaulErik1_, meta packages contain many other "real packages" they are convenient ways of getting an amount of functionality in one package12:23
hischildben_underscore: don't need a pickup line, got a gf already.12:23
ompaulErik1_, removing one of them will take out its meta package12:23
Erik1_ompaul: any cmdl options to prevent that ?12:24
hischildErik1_: no, it's required for the meta package to be removed once you remove an underlying package. If a meta package gets updated it'd reinstall that package you want to remove.12:25
philsfhischild: not true12:25
hischildphilsf: how so?12:25
ompaulErik1_, that did not parse - you remove a package and the meta package is no longer complete, therefore it is no longer installed so only the only impact is you take out the named meta package and the 1 actual package that is all nothing to get upset with - you can appear to remove ubuntu-desktop but all other parts remain12:26
philsfhischild: a meta package is just an empty package with dependencies on other pkgs. It doesn't "have" packages12:26
Erik1_hischild: hm.. is it an underlying or an overlying package, theis contest thing ?12:26
philsfhischild: removing a dependency has the same effect on any kind of package12:26
DrHalannobody can help me iwth the fullscreen thing?12:26
hischildphilsf: so what i said was true.12:26
philsfhischild: not because of what you said12:27
philsfErik1_: popcon doesn't do anything by default, and doesn't take much space, you can safely ignore it12:27
Roughneck_cowboyhttp://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/source-directe-563.html  My problem is here I can translate explanation....anyone to help me ?12:28
hischildphilsf: it is true. Look at the ubuntu-desktop package. It _has_ a version number. You can remove a single package and not remove what it's a dependency for, but when the meta package gets updated apt reinstalls the package.12:28
mohidoes ubuntu hardy supports MSCHAPv2 authentication by default12:32
philsfhischild: sorry, I mis-directed my correction12:32
philsfhischild: it should have gone to ompaul12:32
philsfhischild: you are correct, indeed12:33
Error323anyone here that can help me with a kernel compilation problem?12:33
hischildphilsf: np. I jumped in when ompaul seemed to be afk.12:33
hischildError323: what seem to be the problem?12:33
Baby_Shambl3sif i log out will my iso be umounted?12:33
Error323Well hischild I used this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile12:33
hischildBaby_Shambl3s: what iso mounted where? If it's in a directory on your physical system, then you'll be fine.12:34
Error323and compiled / installed the new custom kernel12:34
ompaulthe dep is the package "member" of the meta package when the member goes it takes the meta with it12:34
Error323when loading it, it goes into some real basic debian terminal12:34
hischildError323: please avoid using the enter after every few words.12:34
ompaulhowever not having a full list of metas can cause grief at upgrade time12:34
hischildError323: you most likely forgot to add the option which makes the kernel unable to mount your root filesystem (aka the partition / )12:35
numpsz3Hello! How can i list the network devices? To get a list for ex.: "eth0 eth1 "12:35
hischildnumpsz3: sudo ifconfig -a12:35
philsfompaul: which is why they are installed automatically by the upgrade process12:35
Baby_Shambl3shischild, its mounted in /media/iso im guessing that would be umounted as it is accessed by fstab12:35
greyskylspci numpsz312:35
soundraynumpsz3: ifconfig12:35
greyskyand ifconfig12:36
hischildBaby_Shambl3s: if you logout (not restart) then it'll stay mounted.12:36
Baby_Shambl3shischild, oh ok thats nice to know12:36
Error323hischild, where can i find this option? I first copied a config of my latest generic working kernel12:36
hischildError323: did you disable some options? May i ask what the reason is for compiling a custom kernel?12:37
numpsz3i want only a simple list12:38
numpsz3like "eth0 eth1..."12:38
prolefeedhi, i seem to have these fonts with names like "shado" and "tarablus" that are apparently arabic, they all display as the same english font with slight differences in line padding, etc.  does anyone know what happened here?12:38
greyskynumpsz3 ifconfig -a |grep eth12:38
greyskyit still has other information in there but what stops you from formating the data?12:39
Error323hischild, several reasons: 1) learning, 2) optimization. I enabled some option regarding my processor family and unchecked kernel debugging, block layer, generic x86 support12:39
soundraynumpsz3: ifconfig -a | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | tr -s '\n' ' '12:39
numpsz3not all devices are started with "eth"12:39
numpsz3soudtray: thank you!12:39
hischildError323: that might be one of the things that might cause it to die. Disable splash and quiet on the grub command line, and see where it goes wrong. Then reenable that option and try again.12:39
ottoshmidt is there a separate IRC for Rhythmbox?12:40
Error323ok thx hischild I'll first copy my current generic config, then i'll compile and install to see if it's truely some options.12:41
hischildError323: smart choice. And if time permits, do it one option at a time.12:41
Error323rgr hischild, thx for ur help.12:42
emmaottoshmidt: The official RhythmBox support channel is on #rhythmbox  on irc.gimp.net12:42
ActionParsniphey all12:43
ActionParsniphow can i get my Ubuntu version number in terminal please?12:43
ottoshmidtemma, I'n in there12:43
ottoshmidtcould u help me12:43
ompaulActionParsnip, lsb_release -a12:44
emmaottoshmidt:  you went to #rhythmbox here on Freenode (as did I, in search of a channel for you, which is why I know you are in there)12:44
emmaottoshmidt: the rhythmbox channel is not on Freenode, it is on irc.gimp.net12:44
ActionParsnipcheers dude12:44
ottoshmidtI can't understand the difference12:44
hischildottoshmidt: it's on a different server.12:45
emmaottoshmidt: which chat client are you using?12:45
ottoshmidtXCHAT 2.8.412:45
ottoshmidtemma, I'm not having probs with chat client12:46
ottoshmidtit's Rhythmbox12:46
EJcan i ask something general - does xchat support multiple server log-ins like konversation?12:46
Dr_willisej yes it does12:47
dave12I have problems when I make rsync between /home pc1 and /home pc212:47
emmaottoshmidt: in Xchat click on Xchat > Network List > Highlight GimpNet and click connect. Then you will be on the network where you can type /join #rhythmbox in order to get to their official channel.12:47
dave12in pc2 firefox and other programs dont open12:47
EJDr_willis : alright. thanks =) i'll play around with it12:47
ottoshmidtemma,  ok thanks12:48
emmaottoshmidt: As a first step you might want to ask the question here though to see if anyone happens to know.12:48
emmaottoshmidt: you're welcome. :)12:48
ottoshmidtemma, but Globally thinking are you the same team?12:50
ottoshmidtemma, there is a dead silence on GIMPNet12:51
Error323I'd like to perform a screen session at auto start. Tried using crontab and inserted a line '@reboot screen -S rtorrent rtorrent', but it seemed to fail, without even a msg in dmesg (other @reboot commands in crontab do work). Has anyone got a suggestion on howto fix/workaround this?12:52
Dr_willisError323,  spawn it from rc.local  as a proper user. with  use of the su command and its options.12:52
philsfwhere is pulseaudio started from?12:53
Error323Dr_willis, can you give a bit more information on howto do that? where can I find rc.local12:53
Dr_willisError323,  ive never seen that used in crontab befor.. :)  @reboot12:53
Error323Heh :) well it works nice12:53
Dr_willisError323,  its in /etc/12:53
koshariphilsf pulse adio should be started with the kernel12:54
ompaulottoshmidt, what exactly is your rhythmbox question12:54
philsfkoshari: isn't it userspace?12:54
Error323Dr_willis, how can i spawn it as a proper user in the rc.local file?12:55
ovidiuI have a 7 button mouse. I configured it from /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but when I press the side buttons, it reacts like a horizontal scroll (the function of side buttons are back - forward)12:56
Dr_willisError323,  with theuse of the 'su' command.  unless you want it running as root.12:56
Dr_willisError323,  that may be why it was having problems befor.?12:56
ovidiuwhat can I do to make the side-buttons to work?12:56
Dr_willisovidiu,  let me get you a url... :)12:57
CodddErthere is any ubuntu dis or any linux dist at all that can be ran as live cd and , that allow doing changes ( cut \ delete \ copy \ create ... files and folders ) on NTFS driver ? kind of rescue cd , if there is with GUI (kde or GNOME or XFCE ) it prefered ?12:57
Dr_willisovidiu,  i use btnx --> http://www.ollisalonen.com/btnx/ it lets you do a lot of neat tricks with the extra buttons.12:58
robg_CodddEr: Gparte LiveCD can edit NTFS partitions on a harddisk.12:58
ovidiuI tried that program12:58
ovidiubut it don't works with my mouse12:58
jribCodddEr: the rugular ubuntu desktop cd will let you do that12:58
Dr_willisovidiu,  thers other ways to get it going.. i guess.. but i havent messed with them.12:58
CodddErjrib , it doesnt12:58
ifireballCodddEr: you can try "system rescue CD"12:58
ovidiusome time ago I made that buttons to work...12:59
jribCodddEr: sure it does, just make sure the ntfs drive is mounted and run gksudo nautilus12:59
ovidiubut I don't know how :))12:59
ovidiu*I don't remember12:59
Error323Dr_willis, could be, so this will work in rc.local ?: "su - user screen -S rtorrent rtorrent"12:59
zengenHow can I cancel an aptitude install?  I went to install grisbi and stopped it when I saw it was installing 300mb of language files.  Now it keeps trying to install everything when I run apt.12:59
Dr_willisovidiu,  thats weird.   check their forums?  You may need to some how remap the buttons.     w12:59
ifireballCodddEr: most live-CD disrtos include ntf3g to allow editing NTFS file systems12:59
Dr_willisError323,  try it and see i guess.   you checked the su man pages? :)12:59
Dr_willisError323,  your users name is screen?13:00
Error323Dr_willis, yes i did, but using this command requires a password prompt it seems could find a way around it in the man pages13:00
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sriramomanhow to use genesis?13:00
Dr_willisError323,  from the rc.local it gets ran as root.13:00
Error323Dr_willis, no it's fhuizing so the command will be: "su - fhuizing screen -S rtorrent rtorrent"13:01
Dr_willisError323,   you might want toreread the man pages.. i think you need the -C option in there somewhere.13:01
Error323Dr_willis, and that implies no pw prompt?13:01
Error323ah ok13:01
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Dr_willisError323,  the rc.localis ran by root anyway. he can su to a user with out needing a password   I think13:02
Greeko13u banned me permenent from here13:02
Greeko13what I can still join this chat13:02
Greeko13You can never bann me13:02
CodddErsystem rescue cd include also gparted doesnt it ?13:03
Error323Dr_willis, ur right13:03
ifireballCodddEr: yes, AFAIK13:03
nubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs13:04
computeris there a program like adobe flash for ubuntu? like not the player.. the authoring program13:05
photosinensiscomputer: not that's really recent.13:06
ArdorinIs there a bittorrent client that runs as a deamon and can be controlled with the http protocol?13:06
photosinensisWhat are you trying to do, computer?13:06
computernothing important, i've got 2 days to kill while im in this drug study, all i've got is my ubuntu laptop, thought i'd kill some time making some little flash game or something13:07
maek0Ardorin, use transmission with webGUI13:07
Dr_willisArdorin,  thers several with a http interface/plugin you could  sort of do that. I havent seen any that run as a deamon13:07
thehurleyhello, I'm having trouble getting a wireless card working - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=556714 - anyone here have advice?13:08
JaddHey philsf, believe or not, there's nothing in the logs for the time of the freeze13:08
photosinensisthehurley: while the link loads, could I get details?13:09
KOSthehurley Can it be said that the specific point?13:09
thehurleysure, i have a zyxel m102 wireless card, running ubuntu 8.04, i installed ndiswrapper and tried to install using the guide in that link.  the cards lights don't come on13:10
computerso.. is there a really easy way to make a game in ubuntu? i like flash because i dont have to do with any graphics code, i just draw the thing and then write code to control it13:10
Ardorinmaek0, any chance I can make that run withouth an X GUI?13:11
photosinensiscomputer: Well, the first thing that comes to mind is PyGame, but that's simply because I've spent far too long with Python.13:11
anirudh0computer, there are a lot of libs and apps to help you do that..specially in python13:11
photosinensisUnfortunately, I've never used the libraries it provides.13:11
anirudh0computer, glade takes care of the gui stuff13:11
computerthank you much guys, i'll try it out real quick13:12
photosinensisThat said, there's surely someone in the Ubuntu community that knows something about PyGame, as there are a lot of Python fans amongst the crowd.13:12
maek0Ardorin, you could also try http://www.torrentflux.com/13:12
anirudh0computer, search synaptic for games library..there should be more than a few hits..but google for python game library..i am sure there are atleast 2 of those13:12
ojeWhen I launch something from the terminal (like audacious or wine), is it possible to make it now show up in the terminal, so i can execute other commands?13:12
anirudh0beaten to the answer :)13:13
mohkohnI am running an imac with Ubuntu Hardy and I want to do this: http://www.macinstruct.com/node/11813:13
anirudh0oje, wine &..or audacious&13:13
mohkohnI have firestarter installed. the post at the bottom is my ifconfig and iwconfig13:14
mohkohnBased on the information above what am I doing wrong in internet sharing?13:14
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ojeanirudh0: thanks, that worked. allthough, when i want to insert parameters (like http://coolradio.com:8000/listen.pls) it works when i use "audacious& http://coolradio.com:8000/listen.pls", but not when i use "http://coolradio.com:8000/listen.pls"13:16
ojeIt says it cant find the file.13:16
ojeSorry, wait.. It works when i use "audacious http://coolradio.com:8000/listen.pls", but now when i use "audacious& http://coolradio.com:8000/listen.pls"13:17
anirudh0oje, audacious <parameters>&13:18
LeefmcQuestion: How does one go about updating firefox beta 5 to RC1? Firefox's "check for updates" isn't working, and i downloaded FF3RC1 but im having issues even installing it... its just, weird.13:19
albechanyone here running Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG on 8.04?13:21
Dr_willisLeefmc,  you dont let firefox update itself under linux. :) you let the package manager handle it.13:21
Dr_willis!info firefox13:21
albechits working on 7.10, but not on 8.04.. its the hurdle for finally upgrading to 8.0413:21
Dr_willisis the bot gone again? :(13:21
jpdsDr_willis: yeah13:21
Dr_williswhat is the latest firefox in the repos anyway?  ive not updated in ages13:22
LeefmcDr_willis: ah, weird. Ok then, how do i make the package manager update firefox? I tried going in there (Add/Remove progs), but firefox was already listed.. so how do i make it update?13:22
LeefmcDr_willis: Well officially, RC1, build wise, no idea13:22
LeefmcI was using RC1 with Windows before my switch13:22
ErosionWhat's the default path to where OpenSSL is installed?13:22
m1dn1ghtHey guys.  Having some trouble using my webcam in Ubuntu.  Trying to use the cheese program to capture video but the program keeps crashing.  I've taken the info from the system log and hopefully this means something to someone:  http://pastebin.com/m1de8c45e13:22
Dr_willisLeefmc,  same as anytying else gets updated. 'sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade'  its  updated along with everything else.13:22
Dr_willisLeefmc,  no need for each program to have its own 'update' feature.13:23
Dr_willisLeefmc,  however - the updates may be a bit slow to come out.13:23
ErosionWhat's the default path to where OpenSSL is installed?13:23
LeefmcDr_willis: Ah, well i assumed something was needed because firefox isn't asking to upgrade heh. How do i force the issue?13:23
jpdsErosion: /usr/bin/openssl13:23
Erosionjpds: Thanks13:23
Dr_willisLeefmc,  easy answer - you dont.. let the package manager system doits job and handle the updates.13:23
photosinensisFirefox won't upgrade itself.13:23
jpdsErosion: "type openssl" reveals all13:24
photosinensisThat's Apt's job.13:24
Dr_williswell i gotta run - take care.13:24
Erosionjpds: :-)13:24
KOShow does ubuntu dispose VPN13:24
anirudh0is there an equivalent for the "hearts" card came on windows?13:24
Leefmcphotosinensis: Oh, kool your in the convo :). Ok, i understand that the package manager will handle updates, but how do i make it update firefox? I _want_ RC1, what can i do?13:25
anirudh0nothing seems to be like it in gnome-games13:25
NameTakenmy xfce file manager has huge text and i'm not sure how to fix it13:25
NameTakeneverything else has normal text13:26
m1dn1ghtAnirud0 - yep.  just go to add programs and search for hearts13:26
photosinensisWell, if you absolutely must have RC1, you *can* get it from Mozilla.13:26
m1dn1ghtit's right there13:26
photosinensisThough when the new version is ready, it'll show up in Update Manager, along with all other system upgrades.13:26
rconanphotosinensis, or get it from -proposed is probably better than from mozilla13:26
photosinensisIf you want to force an update, open a command line and type "sudo apt-get update"13:26
photosinensisrconan: good point.13:27
Roseneverytime I try to run the *.run file for installing quake3 I get a 'sh cannot open blahblah.run' msg... do I need any special packages to use the sh command ?13:27
photosinensisThere are numerous problems with getting stuff from Mozilla.  It just doesn't work in the same way13:27
Leefmcphotosinensis: And is forcing the updates bad at all? Since updates seem to come rather slow13:27
LeefmcQuestion: Is there a shortcut to terminal?13:27
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photosinensisForcing an update will simply poll the repository servers for the latest version of the software on the servers, then check it against what you've got.13:28
anirudh0Rosen, you need to do a chmod +x on the .run file first13:28
photosinensisIt won't cause harm.13:28
photosinensisThat said, some servers have more on them than others.13:28
m1dn1ghtleefmc - applications > terminal13:28
robg_photosynensis: a sync operation13:28
m1dn1ghtapplications > accessories > terminal sorry13:28
kahrytanWho knows how to install Flash for Opera 9.5?13:29
Rosenanirudh0: thanks :) I'll try again13:29
* photosinensis remembers the days of downloading package lists from Debian--that sometimes took several minutes13:29
Leefmcm1dn1ght: Yea, but is there a shortcut. Key shortcut13:29
Leefmc(Alt T, something)13:29
m1dn1ghtOh - sorry mate.  Misunderstood the question13:29
anirudh0Leefmc, you can set it up..under keyboad shortcuts in sys>prefs13:30
Leefmcanirudh0: Ah, ty13:30
NameTaken*sob* i can't find font settings in xfce13:30
Leefmcphotosinensis: Well, i used that command and it did not upgrade FireFox3, is this just how it is with linux? Using the latest software is often not cared about? (I'm not trashing, honest.. that just sounds harsh heh)13:31
m1dn1ghtShift Alt T by default I think13:31
anirudh0m1dn1ght, not by default..default is unset13:31
photosinensisWell, that just checked for updates.  Now run "gksudo update-manager", and if Firefox is ready in the repos, you'll get it.13:31
anirudh0photosinensis, its there is some repos, but not in others yet..still syncing perhaps13:32
photosinensisAnd just so you know, version numbers on packages in the repositories lie.  I've seen many occasions where there was code backported from newer versions.13:32
tornmean9-AGCcan some one help me with installation ive tried few times to install ubuntu 8.04 but when i go for the install it goes to black screen with text saying i/o under run error then something bout dev hda error hard drive not being ready13:32
photosinensisYeah, it's probably still syncing with the mirrors.13:32
photosinensisWhen I get to the Ubuntu side of this box today, I'll have to check on things.13:32
* photosinensis is currently downloading KDE for Mac, just to check it out13:33
m1dn1ghtAnirudh0 - I must have set that up months ago and forgot about it :)  Just assumed it had been there all along - my bad13:33
m1dn1ghtHey guys.  Having some trouble using my webcam in Ubuntu.  Trying to use the cheese program to capture video but the program keeps crashing.  I've taken the info from the system log and hopefully this means something to someone:  http://pastebin.com/m1de8c45e13:33
ActionParsniphey all13:33
pgdxI'm having some networking troubles on a fresh install of hardy! I have got IP address, and I can ping google.com, but when trying to download through port 80 (wget / firefox) I get timed out. Any ideas?13:33
Leefmcphotosinensis: So why do the linux crew prefer this slightly slower way of getting updates? Is it a reliability thing? Is it a feeling of "yay, something is in the package manager, which i know is good because its tested", and thus you are willing to wait for slightly slower updates?13:34
photosinensisA part of it is quality assurance: we know the code is good and plays well with everything.13:34
brobostigonhi, i am using 8.04, and am trying to run skype, preferences seems to setup the sound without problem.however when i try to call echotest, it comes back with error "problem with audio capture", any ideas anyone?13:34
ActionParsnippgdx: are you fully updated?13:35
thehurleyphotosinensis, KOS_, did the post make sense?13:35
ActionParsnippgdx: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:35
photosinensisThe other thing is that having a unified system of updates allows us to check in one place in the event something major happens.13:35
magnetronbrobostigon: how did you install skype13:35
pgdxActionParsnip: downloaded 8,04 ISO today, but apt doesn't work since I'm having problems with my network13:35
ifireballLeefmc: indeed, having something in the repose (especially the main one) is a guarantee that it's gonna work right with the rest of the system13:35
robg_brobostigon: I have heard more reports on failing sound capture, where playback seems to work ok.13:35
revenHi, Is there anyway to reinstall ubuntu from command line?13:36
photosinensisFor example, if you look in the topic, there's something about a major security bug in Ubuntu's OpenSSL implementation (which was inherited from Debian).13:36
pgdxActionParsnip: "Waiting for headers ..."13:36
Leefmcphotosinensis: Should i check there first for _all_ software, and only download from the site if its not in there? For Example i need to download WingIDE, should i be in the habit of looking to the repos first?13:36
ActionParsnippgdx: thats cool, but check for updates due13:36
ActionParsnippgdx: update first, then let us know how you go13:36
NameTakenmy thuntar file manager has huge font, even the file manager settings does -.-13:36
brobostigonrobg_: have you heard a solution?13:36
photosinensisI recommend only downloading from the repositories, and only taking from the sites that which isn't available through them in the first place.13:36
pgdxActionParsnip: how can I update without network connection?13:36
photosinensisThis way you know you're getting coordinated updates on everything.13:37
ActionParsnippgdx: i thought you had one, just it was slow13:37
robg_brobostigon: not yet and I haven't configured sound capture myself yet.13:37
dthackerHow can I search for a package that will include libgpod.so.3.0?13:37
photosinensisAlso, applying those updates is much easier through the package manager than it is through raw source code.13:37
ActionParsnipdthacker: sudo apt-get install libgpod.so.3.013:37
photosinensis(Trust me on this one: you do not want to return to the days of the half-implemented package manager in early Fedora releases)13:37
thehurleydthacker,  sudo aptitude search libgpod13:38
ifireballdthacker: I find searching in packages.ubuntu.com is the easiest way to go about this13:38
dthackerActionParsnip: that's not a package name13:38
brobostigonrobg_: i have tried ekiga and it does something similer, it says"failed to open sound device" even though, ekiga is the only prog open accessing the sound.13:38
ActionParsnipdthacker: try sudo apt-get install gpod13:38
Kungen354646how do i uninstall timidity++? i followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Midi/SoftwareSynthesisHowTo?action=show&redirect=MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo13:38
ifireballdthacker: search by file in packages.ubuntu.com13:38
philsfhas anyone here tested firefox3 rc1 from -proposed?13:38
SndbaDin www.watch-movies.net i can not watch the movies what i do ? is there software?13:38
robg_brobostigon: I don't know what it is but there is something wrong there.13:39
photosinensisthehurley: give me the output of "lsmod | grep ndiswrapper"13:39
photosinensis(I'll post that to the fora, too)13:39
brobostigonrobg_: i agree, i just need some guidance, some ideas, of where to start.13:39
reven/msg ubottu etiquette13:39
nanoprobehow do i enable wirelles card on my laptop? it says that hardware is present, but can't figure it out which key combination enables the card :(13:40
magnetronSndbaD: you need flash13:40
thehurleyphotosinensis, nothing is returned13:40
photosinensisThat's...not good.13:40
ActionParsnipSndbaD: looks like it needs flash. you installed flash?13:41
photosinensisTry using "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"13:41
thehurleyphotosinensis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15984/13:42
LeefmcSo in theory, how long will it take for package manager to get updates? I mean, RC1 is great, been out for a few days atleast (maybe a week?), how much longer?13:43
thehurleyphotosinensis, and the lights on the card have now turned on13:43
photosinensisOkay, that's good news.  *waits for paste to load*13:43
thehurleyphotosinensis, great, now i can see all the wireless networks in the area13:43
photosinensis*nods* You should be able to connect now.13:44
nanoprobephotosinensis: nothing happend13:44
thehurleyphotosinensis, so how to i get this to happen on boot everytime, or will this happen automatically from here  on in now that i've issued "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"13:44
photosinensisthehurley: This should happen every time now.  If it gives you trouble, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper should do the trick13:45
photosinensisnanoprobe: we're still working on updating Firefox, right?13:45
jnw222i love ubuntu13:45
thehurleyphotosinensis, thank you very much for your time, your great13:45
photosinensisany time, thehurley13:45
nanoprobephotosinensis: oops, and i was thinking you where talking to me :$13:46
nanoprobephotosinensis: i'm trying to enable wireless network13:46
scunizidoes anyone have the hard link to the repos for gutsy? I want to download a deb for someone else that doesn't have internet access.13:46
photosinensisah, ok.  Two very similar issues, one IRC channel.13:47
photosinensisWhat's your wireless card?13:47
nanoprobebroadcom 139513:48
nanoprobephotosinensis: wireless 1395 wlan minicard13:49
photosinensisWhat's the manufacturer and model number?13:50
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LeefmcQuestion: So for things like firefox addons, the proper workflow is "Browser Firefox.com/addons, fine one you like, search the package manager for it, and if its not there install it manually?13:50
LeefmcSeems odd "flash" itself is not in the manager13:51
nanoprobephotosinensis: Dell13:51
ubmanHi all when doing an update it trys to do fontconfig but it can and I get this error "trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man5/fonts-conf.5.gz', which is also in package fontconfig-config13:51
tnnccan someone tell me what this compile linker means when it said cant find -lrms when running the linker thanks13:51
EJhi all - a question about ekiga - can it be used on windows systems? i'd like to set it up for someone else - not sure if its possible13:51
photosinensisOkay, could you just give me the output of lsmod?13:52
photosinensisPutting it to the paste server would be awesome.13:52
RoumsHow can I try to rebuild/recover a destroyed ext2 partition if testdisk find some superblocks ? any idea ? (tried some fsck -b -B /dev..., didn't work)13:52
nanoprobephotosinensis: what is lsmod?13:53
leejohngood day guys, i'm having a problem on qmail-scanner on ubuntu does hardy contains perl-suidperl package?13:53
nanoprobephotosinensis: i'm 3-4 days on linux :D13:53
robg_Roums: with gparted livecd you can solve almost any problem.13:53
magnetrontnnc: install the build-essential package, if you haven't done so13:53
kqr-archok... now this is the problem narrowed down a little :P (sry ^^) i get errors http://pastebin.com/m66c21d43 , when i try to compile program http://pastebin.com/m4bf6d9e7 , using command gcc -o test01 test01.c13:54
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tnncmagnetron ok thanks but that is  -lrms referring to13:55
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nanoprobephotosinensis: sudo lsmod, should i type this into terminal?13:55
photosinensislsmod tells me what drivers the kernel is running.13:55
nettehi everyone13:55
photosinensisAnd yes, type that into the terminal.13:55
netteare there any other rooms available?13:55
robg_nette: yes but this is the most actie one.13:56
thehurleynanoprobe : it might help if you look at the posts on this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=508436713:56
netterobg: tnx =)13:56
thehurleyphotosinensis, helped with that and some of the commands you're going to use are there for you to copy and paste13:56
robg_nette: active13:56
nettehow do i see who's in here?13:56
robg_nette: how do you know who is in here ?13:57
andrew000hi all13:57
nettehi andrew13:57
LeefmcQuestion: I installed WingIDE, via a "Ubuntu Linux Package" (http://wingware.com/downloads), however, i can't find where to launch the program from after the installation. Applications does not display it13:57
nanoprobephotosinensis: i did that with lsmod, what properties are of interest?13:57
photosinensisJust put everything in the pastebin.13:58
andrew000can you please tell me how can I open a manual page in firefox, because man:bash does not work?13:58
kqr-archandrew000: why would you need to?13:58
leejohngood day guys, i'm having a problem on qmail-scanner on ubuntu does hardy contains perl-suidperl package? just asking please13:58
photosinensisThen, give me a link.  I really need to see the whole thing.13:58
programmer01why php5 is not wotking when i have libapache-mod-php5 installed ?13:59
thehurleyandrew000, try "man bash"13:59
photosinensis(Translation: I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for, but I know it's there)13:59
ubmanHi all when doing an update it trys to do fontconfig but it cant and I get this error "trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man5/fonts-conf.5.gz', which is also in package fontconfig-config13:59
andrew000aaaa i just want it open in firefox, so i can browse to the links13:59
basculefor fun on a saturday afternoon, man bash :)13:59
leejohnok, i got my answer thanks apt-get install perl-suid13:59
hackelToday I turned on my computer and discovered I had run out of disk space.  It appears that somehow tracker was running and created a 2.4GB cache file in my root account!  How might this have happened, and how can I disable it?14:00
ifireballandrew000: google "man bash" :P14:00
mohkohnHow do I stop firefox 3 launching when I choose friefox2?14:00
nanoprobephotosinensis: where to find pastebin?14:00
mohkohnFirefox2 I mean14:00
ifireballandrew000: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html14:00
kqr-archnanoprobe: pastebin.com?14:00
kqr-archnanoprobe: try google next time ;P14:00
andrew000i know i can google the pages, but in ubuntu 7.10 i could do that with the local files; i must be doing something different now.. :)14:01
nanoprobei don't know what pastebin is14:01
photosinensisOnce you've posted it, send me a link.14:01
ifireballandrew000: doesn't work for me on 7.10 you must have installed some plugin to enable that14:02
Steve-Calmohkohn: Why do you need both? Why not uninstall one of them?14:02
kenshinmy new ubuntu install crashes14:03
mohkohnWhen I try to unistall 3 it tries to remove the ubuntu desktop14:03
kenshini login and i see a while terminal like screen in a brown background14:03
kenshinand it just freezes14:03
mohkohnI need two for a plugin14:03
LeefmcAnyone? How do you find programs after you install them, if they did not get put into Applications ?14:03
kqr-archLeefmc: browse /usr/bin a little for something resembling the program name xD14:03
ifireballLeefmc: one way is to examine which files the package isntalles into /usr/bin with synaptic14:04
basculeLeefmc: try saying the name of the application you installed at a shell prompt14:04
basculelike 'firefox'14:04
nanoprobephotosinensis: http://pastebin.com/da0a539214:04
kenshinI tried repairing x server, didn't help?14:04
alan_m!patience | kenshin14:04
nubotukenshin: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:04
ompaulLeefmc, do >>      which "program name goes here"    << in a terminal without the "14:04
the_eraserHow do i check where a device is mounted?14:04
ompaulthe_eraser, type mount in a terminal14:05
the_eraserompaul: yep thx14:05
lanceAm I on ?14:05
ompaullance, depends14:05
alan_mlance, mic check, your sounding great here :D14:05
lanceNo mic yet14:06
SnakeArtHi! I need some help with canon pixma mp210 and ubuntu 7.10 (64bit).14:06
Leefmcompaul: Did that, nothing happened, i'm looking in user/bin14:06
photosinensisOkay, so I see ndiswrapper there.  I assume you've taken the .inf file from the Windows drivers and loaded it properly.14:06
alan_mlance, heh, your on irc though, so thats a start ;)14:06
photosinensis(correct me if this is not the case)14:06
lanceI am very new to Ubuntu14:06
ompaulLeefmc, depends on the application14:06
ompaulLeefmc, if it is not on your path it can't be found afik14:06
Leefmcompaul: Found it, it was just under a dif name14:06
alan_mlance, thats awesome, we have some very experienced people in here that can help you, what do you need help with today?14:07
lanceAnd as an older user...this ain't easy14:07
ompaulLeefmc, you can't go moving things around if has other parts that it depends on14:07
pawanany good irc client14:07
lanceOh nothing special14:07
alan_m!irc | pawan14:07
Leefmcompaul: I didnt want to move it, i just wanted to run it :)14:07
nubotupawan: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:07
lanceI am just trying to get things clear first14:07
alan_mlance, sure, if you do have a question, just ask, we can jump to finding an answer for ya :D14:08
lance To see what I can do ...before looking for answers14:08
Leefmcompaul: How would i go about adding it to Applications, and possibly My desktop/taskbar thingy14:08
ompaullance, searching wiki.ubuntu.com is useful for a lot of stuff14:08
SnakeArtHow to make Canon pixma mp210 to work in 64bit gutsy?14:09
alan_mompauls corect lance, our wiki site is awesome for answering questions, and so are the forums at http://www.ubuntuforums.org14:09
lanceOne question , thought...is there an online user manual? or is buying one at a local bookstore a better answer14:09
ompaulLeefmc, choose the add applications and look at the type of application but to be honest you can do the shortcut thing with it on the panel add to panel custom if it is not available straight away14:09
alan_mlance, help.ubuntu.com has a lot of resources (a lot of wiki pages (online resources))14:09
pawancant change to higher resolutions14:09
ifireballlance: A whole bunch of them, try system->help and support14:10
lancewhat's awiki?14:10
ifireballlance: also lost of material on the wbesite and in the foruma14:10
lanceit sure is not a beech in hawaii14:10
alan_mlance, a wiki is a page thats created that people can collaborate on and edit freely without complaints.14:10
ifireballlance: do you know what wikipedia is?14:10
pawanis my nvidia 5200 card not compatible with hardy14:11
lanceis that the online Encyclopedia?14:11
nanoprobephotosinensis: i took drivers from windows, i followed a procedure from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29709214:11
anirudh0Leefmc, to add an application to the applications menu, you need a .desktop entry in /usr/share/applications14:11
alan_mlance, wiki.ubuntu.com is esentially the same thing, yeah14:11
alan_mlance, it is14:11
pawanhow to install drivers through envy14:11
anirudh0Leefmc, if there is'nt one for your app,you can google for it,or write one by looking at the other .desktop files14:11
nanoprobephotosinensis: only i have dell vostro 1000, so i took appropriate drivers, not the ones listed there14:12
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alan_mlance, but our wiki is specialized for ubuntu itself, it doesnt have all the other resources that wikipedia has (that would probably be a lot, as we only need ubuntu related stuff)14:12
Leefmcanirudh0: Is it a bad thing if i dont even see the app in package manager? My app works, i have to terminal "wing3.1" and it works great.. but its not in apps, or package manager14:12
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photosinensisOkay.  One moment, let me take a look.14:13
anirudh0Leefmc, it might be there under a different name..do a apt-file search wing to find the package name14:13
ifireballLeefmc: did you install it with the package manager?14:13
alan_mlance, it is isnt it? :)14:13
pawanhow to transfer files through bluetooth14:13
nubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:14
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alan_mlance, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ <---you can check this page out for a taste of our wiki14:14
Dutti need help please im having gfx driver problems14:15
Leefmcifireball: No, i downloaded a "ubuntu installer" from the website, as the program wasn't listed in the package manager to begin with14:15
lanceI just did14:15
photosinensisWhat does "sudo ndiswrapper -l" give you again?  I forgot.14:15
SnakeArtI really need some help with canon pixma mp210. My ubuntu doesn't seem to notice that there's a new device connected.14:15
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lance I made a note of the page....until I can figure out how to Bookmark the site14:16
Leefmcanirudh0: Whats the exact command? sudo apt-file isn't found, not just apt-file14:16
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erUSUL!ask | Dutt14:16
nubotuDutt: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:16
robg_SnakeArt: go the the driver list and pick a pixma 180 driver.14:16
alan_mlance, great, as you can tell, ubuntu's community is huge :)14:16
lanceSo is the program14:16
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Entrancedany idea why when I'm running update manager, I get a msg. that the Upgrade will be partial...?14:17
alan_mlance, yeah our distribution is kinda big...actually...really small compared to some though ;)14:17
SnakeArtrobg_: You think, that it may work with 64bit? I see no list of printers, and in device info there's no new usb device too.14:17
alan_mEntranced, that means that update manager couldnt get them all, the packages could break eachother if you got a full update, some of the packages just dont work with eachother.14:18
ifireballLeefmc: well, then it depends on wither the installer plays nich with the package manager, most stand alone installers don't. (an installer is kinda opposed to the package manager philosophy)14:18
erUSULEntranced: you have proposed enabled?14:18
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Entrancedlemme see14:18
robg_SnakeArt: there is a driver list there somwhere. I also have Canon MP210 running.14:18
Leefmcifireball: So what do you do normally? Since there have to be a ton of programs not in the manager14:18
nanoprobebcmwl6 : driver installed14:19
nanoprobe        device (14E4:4315) present14:19
SnakeArtrobg_: Wow. You've got all ther features working? I mean, scanning?14:19
lance_I am OK with Win2K and XP...some OSX14:19
EntrancederUSUL, You're correct14:19
lance_but this is all new14:19
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robg_SnaekArt: I have printing enabled including graphics.14:19
alan_mlance_, were here if you need us ;)14:19
lance_that's what I was trying for get to this morning14:20
erUSULEntranced: alan_m is right do not accept the partial upgrade (i learned it the hard way :( )14:20
DuttI used Wubi-8.04 to install ubuntu and then booted it up. it booted no probs and asked me to update alot of stuff (gfx Driver) was one of them, then it asked me to reboot but after that i can still boot it up but i cant see anything and my screen turns off. does anyone know how i can fix this?14:20
EntrancederUSUL, I don't recall enabling that before... weird14:20
SnakeArtrobg_: Ok. I will try to work on it. Thanks.14:20
lance_Just some place to go for a bit of help14:20
pawanhow to install envy14:20
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robg_SanekArt: try a re-config from start. I had to wrestle with it a bit.14:21
erUSULEntranced: if you are not willing to resolve problems proposed is not adviced for normal users. Backports maybe proposed no14:21
alan_merusul, me too....thats why i jumped ion on that14:21
ActionParsniphi al, is there a 64bit java plugin for firefox14:21
erUSUL!envy | pawan14:21
nubotupawan: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.14:21
ifireballLeefmc: I try to find a compatible program in the manager (also make sure you enable the multiverse repos, they add a LOT of stuff), is its not in multivers its pretty much an indication that its a little known and unsupported piece of software, or its proprietary14:21
pawannvidia 5200 drivers through envy14:21
EntrancederUSUL, Gotcha! I just disabled the proposed... left backports alone... update manager just went away14:21
programmer01why php5 is not working ?  I've installed and loaded libapache2-mod-php514:22
Leefmcifireball: How do i see if multiverse is enabled?14:23
EntrancederUSUL, alan_m <-- Thnx for Help...14:23
eraldogreetings... ich just changed from fedora to ubuntu.. I'm using N7600GT/2DHT graphics card and there is a tool in gnome with which I enabled the Nvidia acceleration driver ...but where can i now configure my card ... e.g. TV dual monitor settings ...etc14:23
erUSULEntranced: no problem14:23
alan_mEntranced, sure thing :)14:23
ifireballLeefmc: system->administration->software sources14:23
yamanickillok, i know this question has been beaten to death with a big bamboo stick, but i'm looking for an itunes library alternative, for the video side. cause i can download music, thats fine, but i want something to download tv shows legally14:24
eraldowith kmod-nvidia I had an entry in the Menu saying Nvidia Settings14:24
nanoprobephotosinensis: i'm not shure if you understand what my problem is. the driver is installed (you saw it), but i can't enable it, wlan indicator is not on and the standard key-combination that works in vista does not work here in linux14:24
programmer01i've got it14:24
ifireballyamanickill: try Miro14:24
Leefmcifireball: Yea, seems WingIDE (http://wingware.com/downloads) is not on it14:24
yamanickillis it legal ifireball? looks good though14:25
eraldodoes anyone have the N7600GT too and is willing to guide me ?14:25
ifireballyamanickill: as legal as it gets14:25
yamanickilllol ok14:25
photosinensisThe wlan device doesn't have an external switch, does it?14:25
Entrancederaldo, Have you tried nvidia-settings package ?14:25
yamanickillany other options from anyone just so i can get a spectrum?14:26
ttt--how can i empty the recyclebin in ubuntu? i lost the desktop shortcut14:26
ttt--is that just /tmp?14:26
ifireballLeefmc: well, its matter of preference, I'd just use Anjuta which is in the repos... I'm not sure Wing is eve open-source14:26
usamahey i think my compiz-fusion is not working good, whenever i toggle the desktopcube the view is from INSIDE the cube, HELP??!!!14:27
lance_Thanks for the help today...I am moving on to the wiki pages14:27
yamanickillttt--: go to "trash:///"14:27
usamahey i think my compiz-fusion is not working good, whenever i toggle the desktopcube the view is from INSIDE the cube, HELP??!!!14:28
Leefmcifireball: Nope, closed. Well, you can get the source if you sign an NDA14:28
ifireballLeefmc: though, if you installed the deb package you should be able to see it in synaptic14:28
cakey|laptophow do i install the internet14:28
Leefmcifireball: I did, and synaptic is the apps dropdown?14:28
Roumsrobg_ it doesn't work in my case... it says bad magi number in bloc.... although testdisk seemed to find some superblocks14:28
affection82mamacakey: cp /internet .14:28
robg_Roums: what was your problem ?14:29
RoumsWith some tools I could recover some corrupted data, but I guess most of files on the HD should be unaffected...14:29
ifireballLeefmc: Synaptic is System->Administration->Synaptic package manager14:29
usamacakey|laptop: sudo apt-get install internet ...hahah14:29
ttt--thanks, yamanickill14:29
Entrancedcakey|laptop, Internet is just series of tubes.... you should be able to get it installed just fine --> "aptitude install internet-tubes"14:29
Roumsrobg_ a bit... complex, but to make it simple, i got a ext2 hd, accidentally added in a ZFS pool, (raidz), but only a few gigs were transfered on the pool before seeing the mistake14:29
Roumsso I try to backup the drive14:29
cakey|laptopmy computer is installing the internet now14:30
RoumsI wonder if I can rebuild the ext2 fs14:30
EntrancedI forgot sudo14:30
DuttI used Wubi-8.04 to install ubuntu and then booted it up. it booted no probs and asked me to update alot of stuff (gfx Driver) was one of them, then it asked me to reboot but after that i can still boot it up but i cant see anything and my screen turns off. does anyone know how i can fix this?14:30
ActionParsnipcakey|laptop: nice, thatll take a few millenia14:30
ifireballLeefmc: if you don't get an entry in the Applications drop-down once you've installed the *.deb file, it just meant they don't give too much effort into making their package top-quality (all the more reason to use the repos...)14:30
SnakeArtAfter update from 7.10 to 8.04, do I lost my previous settings and system configuration?14:30
peturi just baught a Dell XPS 1330 with a Nvidia 8400M GS, and I need the nvidia-glx-new to be installed14:30
peturbut after reboot it dont work, and my res is f**** up14:31
Leefmcifireball: I've been using them for a long time, i'm picky with IDEs heh. Im fine with no icon :)14:31
peturanyone have an ide how to install this?14:31
robg_Roums: if you cannot repair a broken system, then save files to removable disks, wipe disk clean with gparted and re-install.14:31
ActionParsnippetur: did you run nvidia-settings ?14:31
programmer01what ?14:31
cakey|laptopyes petur14:31
cakey|laptopsudo apt-get install this14:31
programmer01i've just finnished my install14:31
cakey|laptopyour welcome14:31
peturActionParsnip: what should i do?14:31
Leefmcifireball: What would you do about Flash? Thats not in the manager either is it?14:31
programmer01nvidia-xconfig ?14:31
ErosionHow can I install the zlib devel package for ubuntu-server?14:32
Roumsrobg_ yes but files I 'recover' are corrupted... so it is useless to save them... and as only 10 Gb were transferred on a 500 GB drive, I am pretty sure most files are unaffected14:32
ifireballLeefmc: well, I suppose adding an icon is easy, just use System->Preferences->Main Menu14:32
Roumsthere should be a way to get them back14:32
jribErosion: apt-cache search -n zlib dev14:32
peturprogrammer01: what should i do in nvidia-xconfig?14:32
ifireballLeefmc: sure it is, it the restricted repo I think14:32
Leefmcifireball: N/m, flash is in there. just not "supported"14:32
peturany link to a "how to" :)14:32
nubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:32
Leefmcmy bad, new still :)14:32
robg_Roums: OK its your choice.14:32
mulderHi all. When I click on the update manager I get a " not all updates can be installed - run a partial upgrade" not sure what to do!14:33
akazawahow do I mount my sd card reader?14:33
nanoprobephotosinensis: no, in windows i start it with Fn+F2. is there a way i can set a key combination in a linux? super+F2 would be good14:33
LeefmcOffhand, anyone know if Amazon's downloader is available for Linux? (or if it works in wine)14:33
kenois_anyone else experiencing problems with virtualbox after the last update?14:34
Roumsrobg_ it is not really a choice, i don't see the point in saving corrupted files no ?14:34
SnakeArtDo I need to reconfigure anything after update from 7.10 to 8.04 using update-manager?14:34
photosinensisNot that I know of, but keep asking around, and someone may have an answer.14:34
NeoAngelusPardon my intrusion, but is this the place where I can ask questions about- using the Festival(TTS) in my C++ application on Ubuntu 7.04?14:34
photosinensisSorry, that's the best I've got.14:34
NeoAngelus(my apologies 8.04)14:34
donaldbaneanybody want to take control of my terminal and sort out a problem? Is that even possible14:34
jonathan_I've a problem with compiz14:34
robg_Roums: people re-install their systems 3 or 4 times a year for all sorts of reasons. It pays to plan for future failures and future re-installs.14:35
mohkohndonaldbane, I guess you don't do internet banking on your computer14:35
nanoprobephotosinensis: could you be so kind and put my nick at the line start. this way i must read the whole chat all the time to be shure i don't miss your answers :D14:36
jonathan_i installed it and it works :) but when i'm using the cube (including setting the desktops to 4 etc), my kicker (I'm using kubuntu) displayes the apps of ALL Desktops, not only the ones that are running on the actuall desktop14:36
mulderI can't seem to install updates/upgrades right now. I get "could not calculate the upgrade" message14:36
jonathan_hw can i change this?14:36
Roumsrobg_ I never said that it was the system disk which had a problem, it is a data disk... and I was doing a backup on a raidz pool, unfortunately i lost the backup, so I HAVE to get this back14:36
akazawahow do I mount a usb sd-card reader?>14:36
ifireballNeoAngelus: I don't think so since this issue isn't particular to Ubuntu, you'll have better luck asking question in a general festival forum/chat14:37
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donaldbanesee what you mean.14:37
NeoAngelusifireball: Thank you, then I will try find one. May I ask a question related to this...do you know a Speech Recognition program/API for Ubuntu?14:38
nanoprobephotosinensis: is there a way to enable Fn key in linux?14:38
ifireballNeoAngelus: the only ubuntu-specific thing about it is that you'll probably want to install the festival-dev and festival-doc packages and maybe build-essential if you don't have it already14:38
Duttok im haveing gfx driver problems, is there a way i can install a driver package with the terminal before i boot ubuntu up?14:38
jeroen-whats up with the updates?14:39
ifireballNeoAngelus: Like I said, at this level things aren't ubuntu-specific, so what work on Linux should work on Ubuntu, having said that, Ubuntu seems to include the festival runtime by default14:39
jonathan_no ideas how to solve my problem?14:39
peturi just baught a Dell XPS 1330 with a Nvidia 8400M GS, and I need the nvidia-glx-new to be installed14:40
NeoAngelusifireball: the festival-dev, that is probably the part I am missing, because the compiler misses some header files.14:40
peturbut after reboot it dont work, and my res fucks up14:40
NeoAngelusifireball: again thank you!14:40
jeroen-The following packages will be REMOVED:14:40
jeroen-  language-support-nl language-support-translations-nl openoffice.org-help-nl openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb14:40
jeroen-  openoffice.org-l10n-en-za openoffice.org-l10n-nl14:40
jeroen-The following NEW packages will be installed:14:40
jeroen-  gimp-help-en thunderbird thunderbird-locale-en-gb14:40
FloodBot3jeroen-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:40
donaldbaneOk, if I found someone I trusted to take control of my terminal, and if I did all my online banking stuff in windows, woulld they be able to access my windows files14:41
ifireballNeoAngelus: good luck, it'll be interesting to see speech-enabled apps come to linux...14:41
Lr5I have problems when resuming from hibernation, hibernating itself works fine; When I try to resume, it just says it tries to load it, and nothing happens, even in 20 minutes; Anyone knows what could be the problem? (Fully updated Ubuntu 8.04)14:43
nanoprobe!anyone is there a way to enable Fn key in linux so i can use it?14:43
LeefmcWhat would "my distro" be considered, I'm adding sources for apt. "ubuntu" or "ubuntu-desktop" or ..?14:43
NeoAngelusifireball: I will do my best...but I just started using Ubuntu a few weeks ago...still enough OS specific things for me the learn before I could even write a more useful application14:44
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ifireballLeefmc: it actually means the version, e.g. gutsy, hardy, etc.14:45
ifireballNeoAngelus: you programmed on Unix before?14:45
Leefmcifireball: Gotcha, and how do i gain permissions to save the file? It says i do not have permissions, Am i not logged in as admin? (being the only user)14:45
Leefmcifireball: sessions.list that is14:45
Manacimuse sudo to open the application14:45
ifireballLeefmc: why don't you simply use the gui rather then edit the file manually? it'll make your life easier...14:46
ifireballLeefmc: you mean sources.list don't you?14:46
Leefmcifireball: Sure, how? I'm just going by instructions heh, it told me the location of the file so i assumed thats what it wanted. And yes, sources.list, sorry. 2 hours of sleep is catching up.14:47
ifireballLeefmc: just ho into the software sources window, and add from there14:47
Leefmcsoftware sources?14:47
FloodBot3Leefmc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:47
lolleris DNS server is installed by default in ubuntu 8.04?14:48
Duttcan i use the terminal to disable the gfx driver?  the one b4 u boot ubuntu..14:48
NeoAngelusifireball: No...first time really using a unix system. FOr have created a simple HTTP server...(btw, installed the dev tools, still can't find EST.h)14:48
smallfoot-loller, not in ubuntu desktop, maybe in ubuntu server14:48
NeoAngelus*ifireball: No...first time really using a unix system. For now I have created a simple HTTP server...(btw, installed the dev tools, still can't find EST.h)(my apologies a accidental enter press)14:48
ifireballNeoAngelus: may I suggest you read "The art of Unix programming"? it offers great tips from a design standpoint14:50
FreeaqingmeI just installed kde4 as well as kdm4, There's one problem however, kde4 is not listed as a possible session in kdm. How do I add it to kdm4?14:50
the_eraserwhy would i want to make a livecd on the usbstick instead of installing the entire system on it?14:50
wizard_hi, i am looking to install ubuntu on to computers from a preconfiggered system... cloning14:50
ifireballNeoAngelus: if you want to find the package containing a particular file, you can use pckages.ubuntu.com14:50
ifireballNeoAngelus: though in your case it may be a simple issue of configuring the compiler INCLUDE path14:51
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etronikhey all14:51
Steve-CalFreeaqingme: Probably it would be better to ask that in #ubuntu-kde4 :)14:52
etronikgetting the "error calculating upgrade" going from Dapper to Hardy... tried the alternate CD as well... any ideias on how to solve the issue ?14:52
KakerlakeCan someone tell me where the package hal-device-manager has gone?14:52
wizard_i heard it went to hal-in-a-handbag14:53
ben_underscorewizard_: ha ha!14:53
Steve-CalFreeaqingme: Or actually it should be #kubuntu-kde4, sorry about that typo.14:53
legend2440Kakerlake: in synaptic called gnome-device-manager14:53
hackelWhen creating partitions, is there any advantage to "rounding to cylinders"?14:53
FreeaqingmeSteve-Cal, I got it, ty ;)14:54
urfchi. jesterday i installed hardy on an IBM T41p. everything was fine, all drivers for the hardware where found. but since the installation for two times my monitor suddenly and slowly became black and stayed black no matter what button i pressed. has anyone any idea what i could do to prevent this strange behavior?14:55
ifireballNeoAngelus: the package libestools1.2-dev contains an EST.h file, not sure this is what you want, look here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/libestools1.2-dev14:55
[GSF]Martinis there a program similar to microsoft visio for technical drawings avaiable for gnome? one that's not Dia14:55
RedCellI have a Logitech AK5370 USB mic, and it records in Audacity but it will not show up in WineCFG, nor show up in Ventrilo. Anyone care to help?14:56
NeoAngelusifireball: Thank you, is it also possible to search for things the packages include?(or is my concept of packages wrong?) And I know the problem I missing some files which keep me from compiling, but I can't seem to find the files.(tried searching the file system for them) And thank you for the book recommendation, I will search for it in the library.14:56
ifireball[GSF]Martin: have you tried OOo draw?14:56
NeoAngelusifireball: Thank you I will look into them(is there a way to see where the files get placed after installing of the package?)14:56
[GSF]Martinifireball: infact no, i'll take a lookt :)14:56
ben_underscoreifireball: i was about to suggest that too, it is a pretty good package, much like visio14:57
etronik[GSF]Martin: maybe openoffice draw ?14:57
ifireballNeoAngelus: the book is available free online; the [list of files] links on packages.ubuntu.com provide full paths, you can also see the files in synaptic once you have the package installed14:58
=== roger is now known as Regaldo
etronikGuys, how do I identify possible incompatible packages that might be throwing my upgrade-process beserk !?14:59
ifireballben_underscore: personally I like Dia, but to each his own...14:59
RegaldoI did a fresh install of Heron but i've no sound, can anyone help me out?14:59
Tux2K8does anyone have idea how do I uninstall nerolinux????????14:59
zvacetetronik : in your source list replace dapper with hardy and sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade14:59
ben_underscoreifireball: haven't used it for ages but recall it did everything it meant to15:00
NeoAngelusifireball: thank you so much I found the files(had the file installed all along strange it didn't find it in the search) Now I can try to compile, really thank you!(then it is even easier to find the book)15:01
=== saki__ is now known as saki
slavemy network will not work but when its on the live cd it will, i dont understand why it dose not work when not on the live cd15:01
zvacetTux2K8 : from synaptic I supose15:01
etronikzvacet: Hi from yesterday :-) what is the expected result of that ?? in what is it different from the update-manager process ?15:01
derspanksterJust upgraded my desktop from Gutsy to Hardy. Can't load Nvidia driver, resolution is wrong, Synaptic won't start, along with many other issues. Where to start?15:01
ifireballNeoAngelus: anything to create a successful Linux developer, you guys are IMPORTANT ;)15:01
zvacetetronik : results should be the same and that is solution if nothing else working15:02
etronikzvacet: ok I think I'll try that !! last question: what's the risk factor of hosing the whole thing ? :-)15:03
zvacetetronik : it is very strange that you can not do upgrade from alternate CD15:03
etronikzvacet: I have LVM volumes (but not on the / volume not /home), would thatbe the problem ?15:03
Dutti guess no one can help me15:04
zvacetetronik : risk is involved so you better back up your files if you have separate home even better (recommended)15:04
derspanksterDutt, be patient15:04
alan_mdutt, patience is a virtue in here :)15:04
icqnumber_how to set kdm as default menager instead of gdm and another away around?15:05
zvacetetronik : now you are telling me that I never worked with LVM so it will be unfair to give you any advice concerning that15:05
alan_micqnumber, install kubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop (kde and gnome respectively)15:05
alan_micqnumber, in sessions on the login screen it will ask you when you switch if you wish to set it as the default.15:06
ifireballicqnumber: just install one and remove the other15:06
Steve-Calicqnumber: If you are currently using GDM and want to switch to KDM, just do this: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"  And do vice-versa if you are currently using KDM...15:06
XpistosHas anyone had a problem with hardy and freeze ups or crashes. I get them with no consistency. Compiz Related?15:06
icqnumber_ifireball:  i want them both15:06
zvacetetronik : but common sense(if I have one) tell that should be common upgrade because root and home are not on LVM15:07
icqnumber_alan_m: i do not want to set up the default session!15:07
ifireballicqnumber: then use the dpkg-reconfigure like Steve-Cal said15:07
icqnumber_Steve-Cal: thank you15:08
XpistosI also have another question: I am a linux newb and I want to setup a file and print server, but don't want to use a KVM. What is the best way to admin the server to login from another system?15:08
etronikzvacet: I also thought that , but one never knows... especially a noob like me :)15:08
Steve-Calicqnumber_: No problem. :)15:08
XpistosThanks ahead of time peeps15:08
etronikXpistos: webmin15:09
Condradhi i'm new to linux and was wondering what the advantages of ubuntu are vs the other distributions15:09
zvacetetronik : yes,you never knows maybe I don´t have common sense15:09
Condradwhat comes "out of the box" with ubuntu?15:09
ibbuntuI accidentally removed my network icon from my panel, how do I get it back? I've tried adding the network monitor, from the add to panel menu but this is not the same thing.15:09
andersI just deleted two files from an ext3 file system, I just realized one of them (a *.vdi) file should not have been deleted, is there any way for me to recover this file?15:09
etronikXpistos: I run my server headless (not now of course trying to upgrade it) burt I access it thru Xvnc or Webmin15:09
philsfCondrad: what do you need?15:09
alan_mconrad, its easier to deal with (most of the time), conrad it comes with a lot of different things, such as gimp (an image editor)15:09
Condradwebserver apache/[h[/mysql and smtp email server15:10
alan_mphilsf, he was asking what comes out of the box with ubuntu.15:10
philsfalan_m: I know15:10
Xpistosetronik: So that is like remotely logging in on a windows server?15:10
Xpistosdoes the program have to be on both the server and client15:10
icqnumber_one more question, how can i remove the bootsplash-this ubuntu logo, to see kernel messages?15:10
etronikXpistos: the Xvnc yeah is like remote desktop, webmin is a web mgmt console with lots of functionality15:11
philsfCondrad: are you familiar with package tasks? there are tasks that auto-selects bundles for those things15:11
etronikXpistos: I think plain remote desktop can access Ubuntu remotely...15:11
Xpistosetronik: Your opinion, which is better? Which is easier15:11
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi15:11
etronikXpistos: between webmin and VNC ??15:12
alan_m!info splash15:12
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info splash, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi15:12
Xpistosetronik: VNC?15:12
icqnumber_Steve-Cal:  one more question, how can i remove the bootsplash-this ubuntu logo, to see kernel messages?15:12
alan_mmeh, i tried ;/15:12
Condradphilsf: i'm not familiar with package rasks, are you refering to edubuntu and kbuntu?15:12
etronikXpistos: different beasts for different tasks15:12
RedCellI have a Logitech AK5370 USB mic, and it records in Audacity but it will not show up in WineCFG, nor show up in Ventrilo. Anyone able to help?15:12
Steve-Calicqnumber_:  You can modify the /boot/grub/menu.lst file--do you need help with that?15:12
Xpistosetronik: okay I will look n15:12
Xpistosinto both and try and get a feel. thanks for the advice my friend15:13
philsfCondrad: no, those are derivative distributions15:13
icqnumber_Steve-Cal: i quess yes15:13
etronikXpistos: webmin when I want to manage any server component/service, Remote I use rarely when I want to access some specific Linux desktop app, or Putty for simple command line access15:13
icqnumber_Steve-Cal: do i need to set up splash=0 or something like that, what are the settings?15:14
alan_m!webmin > alan_m15:14
philsfCondrad: basically, there are bundles to auto-select packages for webserver, dns server, file server, printer server, etc15:14
Condradphilsf: ok, so if I install ubuntu do I have to establish package tasks, effectively ticking off the things I want?15:14
nanoprobe!info fn keys15:14
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info fn keys, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi15:14
philsfCondrad: yes15:14
Condradphilsf: excellent,  is the cd iso image I am downloading now going to prompt me?15:15
icqnumber_Steve-Cal: is there a howto or something similar, i can not find anything usefull15:15
Steve-Calicqnumber_: I think all you have to do is remove the "quiet splash" options at the end of the kernel line, and also remove "quiet" after init.d.15:15
philsfCondrad: which one are you downloading?15:15
philsfCondrad: not the desktop one, I presume?15:15
legend2440icqnumber_: if you instal startupmanager in synaptic you can do that with a gui program15:16
Condradphilsf: 8.04 desktop 138615:16
Condradphilsf: yes15:16
icqnumber_!info startupmanager15:16
nubotuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:16
philsfCondrad: you can install anything with any installation disk, but those bundles are not "out of the box" for a desktop15:16
Steve-Callegend2440: I would be wary of that program... When I ran it, it changed my menu.lst so that it ONLY gave me options to load Ubuntu--not my other partitions. I found no way around that flaw either, but maybe I didn't try hard enough.15:17
icqnumber_Steve-Cal, legend2440 thank you for help15:17
alan_m!info bootup-manager15:17
nubotuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:17
philsfCondrad: but the metapackages make it easy enough for you to select bundles without having to know the packages you need previously15:17
alan_mmeh, i know its that, where do the hyphens go though? lol15:17
Condradphilsf: ok I think I am getting you, I have been a linux "user" of websrevers for a while so i kind of know the basics, but I have never had to "choose" a distribution before and i'm kind of stuck here on my own so thanks for your advice15:18
tARrAScHHi, sometimes when I login (like this time), my desktop doesn't has any icons on it, and there is no pop-up-menu when i rightclick the desktop. What's the name of the process that is repsonsible for it, and how can i fix the problem?15:18
nekEnter text here...GIA15:19
Steve-Calicqnumber_: No problem, and if you really want to try that "startupmanager" I would highly recommend backing up your menu.lst first in case you need it back like I did.15:19
nekANY GIRL ?15:19
Steve-Calicqnumber: But I personally can't recommend "startupmanager" at this point.15:19
jrib!ot | nek15:19
nubotunek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:19
philsfCondrad: of course, if you already know the programs you need (in your case, apache, mysql, etc) it's even easier. I don't think it makes much difference from one distro to another15:19
icqnumber_Steve-Cal: lol okey, will do this for sure, have you just tried?15:19
alan_mjrib, ive got $20 on that would probably be a bot.15:20
Myrttinek: do you have problems with Ubuntu Linux?15:20
jribnek: I suggest that you read what nubotu just told you.  Please stay on topic here.  The topic is ubuntu support15:20
Steve-Calicqnumber: What do you mean? I tried StartupManager and did not have a good experience with it, so I gave up on it.15:20
zvacetnek : id this become date chanel15:20
Myrttinek: this is a channel for ubuntu support15:20
smallfoot-IS IT A GIRL???????15:20
Myrttismallfoot-: tut-tut15:21
smallfoot-GIRL!!!!!! GIRL!!!!!!!! I LIKE GIRL!!!!!!!!!1115:21
* alan_m sees a steel toe boot coming in someones future.15:21
Myrttican we just ignore non-support things and focus here...15:21
PPKumahi, im editing my fstab... do i need the UUID of the device?15:21
clarezoeI don't have internet in my virtualbox,anyone can help?15:21
alan_msure myrtti :)15:22
sirfre1Hi. Just a question, who's responsible of starting gvfs-fuse-daemon? My 8.04 upgraded from 7.10 doesn't start it.15:22
jribPPKuma: you don't *need* it15:22
jrib!uuid | PPKuma15:22
nubotuPPKuma: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:22
clarezoeI'm using Sun xVM VirtualBox, host : ubuntu hardy, guest windows XP15:22
dabangPPKuma: I'd use UUID...15:22
Steve-Calclarezoe: Probably the folks in #vbox can help you better.15:22
PPKumajrib: thanks15:23
dabangPPKuma:  ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/15:23
PPKumadabang... i think ie just find the uuid i was looking for15:23
mro1am i in the right place to be asking about issues with laptops/notebooks, or is there a separate channel for that?15:23
clarezoeSteve-Cal, thanks15:23
jribmro1: you're in the right place, welcome15:24
alan_mmro1, you can ask here :)15:24
Starnestommymro1: any issues related to ubuntu are welcome here15:24
etronikzvacet: sudo aptitude full-upgrade - is wrong command, any ideas besides full-upgrade ?15:25
PPKumaok... this is weird... i have the device in fstab... but i still have to mount it everytime i boot15:25
mro1excellent.  i'm having trouble coming out of suspend with my notebook (gateway m-1617, ati radeon x1200 series, flgrx)15:25
Steve-CalPPKuma: Maybe pastebin your fstab and someone might be able to help...15:25
nanoprobeproblem: wireles, hardware present, driver installed ... but can't enable it, since i don't have a hardware key for it, and Fn key doesn't work in linux (now). anyone has any idea how to force Fn key to work in linux enviroment? plz15:25
etronikzvacet: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade ?15:26
zvacetetronik :yes15:26
igorlelizahello there, can someone help me with crontab?15:26
alan_m!pastebin | PPKuma15:26
nubotuPPKuma: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:26
philsfigorleliza: have you read the manpage?15:27
zvacetetronik : but full-upgrade should work look in man aptitude15:27
PPKumahere it is http://rafb.net/p/yiqlZb87.html15:27
igorlelizai can add command to crontab15:27
g00dbar1337 +115:27
igorlelizabut is not executing them for some reason15:27
Dante123 hi all, I lost my trash can....How can I get it back or can I empty if via cli15:27
philsfigorleliza: do you receive an email with the error?15:28
igorlelizaphilsf no15:28
igorlelizaphilsf: just nothing15:28
philsfigorleliza: was the command supposed to generate output?15:28
Steve-CalPPKuma: Which partition is not mounting at boot time?15:28
etronikzvacet: on the command line I now see that aptitude found 20 conflicts it cannot resolve.. some messages relate to python... I'll try un-installing it to see the effect15:28
alan_mdante, you can get it back by right clicking a panel and clicking add to panel....finding "trash" and adding it back.15:28
igorlelizaphilsf: no, it doesnt have to generate output15:29
Dante123hi all, I lost my trash can....How can I get it back or can I empty if via cli15:29
Dante123When I try to add to panel, nothing shows up15:29
PPKumaSteve-Cal: sda815:29
igorlelizaphilsf: it looks very simple i just wanna shutdown the machine.15:29
alan_mDante123, meh..thats not good :/15:29
NeoAngelusifireball: I got a step further in the compiling process, no more include errors of any kind(sadly enough a lot of reference errors...) May I ask another quick question about libraries, do they still have the *.lib extension? or is it *.a?(still finding my way with IRC too)15:29
philsfigorleliza: what's the cron line?15:30
PPKumaSteve-Cal: i think the problem might be i recently formated it in ext315:30
Starnestommyigorleliza: you might need to add the command to root's crontab15:30
philsfigorleliza: also, do you want to periodically shutdown, or just once?15:30
igorlelizaphilsf: 30 15 * * * shutdown -h now15:30
igorlelizaphilsf: so shutdown my machine every day at half past 3, is it correct?15:31
alan_mDante123, /home/[user]/.local/share/Trash is where your trash is stored15:31
philsfigorleliza: this is from the root's crontab, right?15:31
Steve-CalPPKuma: In your fstab you have sda8 as a "vfat" file system... is it windows? But you say it's now ext3? Please explain.15:31
legend2440PPKuma: uuid looks wrong type sudo blkid in terminal and compare15:31
philsfigorleliza: not a user acount?15:31
ifireballNeoAngelus: my C is rusty, but as far as I remember, *.lib if for dynamic linking and *.a is for static15:32
igorlelizaphilsf: well I am editing the cron as myself, igor@ubuntu: crontab -e ?15:32
giovannikill mr bill15:32
PPKumaSteve-Cal: the thing is that in the intallation I chose the fat32 format for linux and windows to play nice with the partition15:32
philsfigorleliza: no, you don't have permission to run shutdown, by default15:33
ifireballNeoAngelus: e.g. I *think* the linker uses the *.a at compile time, and your program then loads the *.lib at runtime15:33
=== matthew__ is now known as Talcite
PPKumaSteve-Cal: but then i learn about the limitations of fat32 in large files15:33
Talcitehey guys, I'm having some trouble with my apache setup. All my pages say 403: forbidden15:33
philsfigorleliza: try putting this cronline in root's crontab, or /etc/crontab15:33
PPKumaSteve-Cal: so i reformated the drive to ext315:33
Steve-CalPPKuma: If you do "sudo fdisk -l" what filesystem does it say it is?15:33
philsfigorleliza: note the /etc/crontab syntax is slightly different, if you choose that15:34
ifireballNeoAngelus: this is why the runtime packages include the *.lib files while the *-deb packages include the *.a and *.h files15:34
StarnestommyTalcite: make sure that the pages are owned by www-data15:34
TalciteStarnestommy: owned? or read accessible?15:34
mohkohnIs there a way for me to share my wireless connection using dhcp?15:34
ifireballNeoAngelus: I meant *-dev packages15:34
StarnestommyTalcite: or have read permissions for everyone15:34
igorlelizaphilsf: as root, crontab -e  , 35 15 * * * amarok15:34
nubotuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)15:34
mohkohnie. eth0 dhcp and wlan0 dhcp15:34
Steve-CalPPKuma: And I agree with legend2440, it looks like the UUID is suspicious too... Do like he says "sudo blkid" and check.15:34
philsfigorleliza: amarok, or shutdown, after all?15:35
mro1hi.  i wasn't very specific with my original question, sorry.   i'm having trouble coming out of suspend - indicator lights turn on, but the screen remains blank and seemingly unresponsive. (gateway m-1617, ati radeon x1200 series, fglrx).  i've googled it a little and seen various "fixes," but haven't started mucking around making random changes in acpi related files.  anyone able to help?15:35
PPKumaSteve-Cal: http://rafb.net/p/Y2EizQ21.html15:35
alan_mhello ubuntu_15:35
TalciteStarnestommy: I have global read/execute permissions on the files15:35
igorlelizaphilsf: amarok , cause i dont wanna shutdown the machine now15:35
TalciteIts symlinked from the var/www directory15:35
Talcitewould that make a difference?15:35
ubuntu_i have no idea how to work irc, and im having tons of problems installing ubuntu15:35
igorlelizaphilsf: im using amarok to test it15:35
philsfigorleliza: what are you trying to do?15:35
alan_mubuntu_, thats ok, were here for ya :)15:36
slanningwhy did ubuntu remove the nvidia driver? - I didn't tell it to15:36
zvacetsokol : what do you want to ask15:36
philsfigorleliza: don't start GUI applications from cron15:36
alan_mubuntu_, what issues are ya having?15:36
igorlelizaim trying to open now amarok at 15:3615:36
TalciteI remember in fedora you need to have every parent directory also have world read/execute perms15:36
philsfigorleliza: it won't work15:36
ubuntu_I can't get 8.04 to install15:36
DjViperubuntu_: what sort of installion problems?15:36
Talciteis it the same case in ubuntu?15:36
Steve-CalPPKuma: Well, fdisk still thinks your partition is FAT32... you sure you reformatted it?15:36
philsfigorleliza: root doesn't have permission to open app windows in your user display15:36
ubuntu_it stops at like 25% and says the cd or my hard drive is messed up15:36
DjViperubuntu_: that's a big vague, can you be more specific?15:36
igorlelizaphilsf: so how can i do that?15:36
PPKumaSteve-Cal: yes... now i have to mount the partition manually15:36
alan_mubuntu_, did you check the md5 sum?15:37
nubotuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)15:37
DjViperubuntu_: did you dl and burn the cd?15:37
PPKumaSteve-Cal: is in /media/disk15:37
alan_m!fr | sokol15:37
philsfigorleliza: again, do what? where did amarok come into your shutdown problem?15:37
ubuntu_yes i DLed and burnt15:37
nubotusokol: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:37
StarnestommyTalcite: it would probably be better to just change /etc/apache2/sites-available/default instead of using symlinks15:37
ubuntu_i dont know how to check md5 sum15:37
PPKumaSteve-Cal: here's blkid http://rafb.net/p/gBXKkd80.html15:37
TalciteStarnestommy: hmm. Good point. Thanks, I'll look into how to do it15:37
DjViperubuntu_: you should probably just download and burn again15:37
ubuntu_i've also tried 6.06, 7.04, 7.1015:37
DjViperor order it15:37
igorlelizaphilsf: my idea is to shutdown my machine at 8pm so i can go out now and leave it downloading something15:37
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
zvacetubuntu_ : did you check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM15:37
Dante123sorry dc'ed.....I am trying to free up more room on HD....but the recycle bin/trash can is not on my desktop or panels...tried adding it but it won't work.....anyway to empty trash via cli15:37
DjViperubuntu_: do you burn as image?15:38
ubuntu_i've tried 32 and 64 bit  viper, probably 5 different cds, verified burning etc.15:38
igorlelizaphilsf: im trying to use cron to do that but im doing something wrong and i dont know what15:38
Steve-CalPPKuma: Well, your UUID in your fstab is definitely wrong then... you need to at least change that.15:38
ubuntu_yes i burnt as iso, it reads the cds15:38
alan_mubuntu, can you do something else for me then? (restart and check cd for defects)15:38
philsfigorleliza: I told you what15:38
ubuntu_it just wont install15:38
ubuntu_sure alan15:38
NeoAngelusifireball: again thank you for the explanation, I will look into it. I am probably forgetting to link a library somewhere...15:38
alan_mubuntu_, i mean through the menu of course.15:38
philsfigorleliza: you can't shutdown directly with your account15:38
ubuntu_i checked the cds15:38
DjViperubuntu_: other cd's etc work well?15:38
PPKumaSteve-Cal: ok, i'll replace it15:38
ubuntu_and some say they do have defects15:38
marshalldoes anybody know a good DJ application?15:38
zvacetubuntu_ : look link I send to you15:39
alan_mubuntu_, ive had that issue myself15:39
ubuntu_like 6.06 cd had defects, but it was the only one that actually installed all the way through15:39
igorlelizaphilsf: how can i shutdown the computer at one time if im using my account then?15:39
alan_mzvacet, did you send that link in room? (im looking and cant find it)15:39
philsfigorleliza: do you want to shutdown at a given time periodically, or just once?15:39
Steve-CalPPKuma: what is the exact command you type to successfully mount sda8?15:39
igorlelizaphilsf: just one15:39
philsfigorleliza: then don't use cron, use at15:40
ifireballNeoAngelus: If you haven't seen this yet, it may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Programming15:40
ubuntu_and 6.06 had tons of problems and i couldnt get it to upgrade to 8.04 and eventually the font crapped out and i couldnt read anything, so i had to wipe it15:40
alan_mzvacet, oh wait i see it sorry15:40
Dante123sorry dc'ed.....I am trying to free up more room on HD....but the recycle bin/trash can is not on my desktop or panels...tried adding it but it won't work.....anyway to empty trash via cli15:40
igorlelizaphilsf: just once sorry15:40
adoul90hey guyz.. how can u switch between keyboard layouts in ubuntu??15:40
philsfsudo at15:40
PPKumaSteve-Cal: hmmm i actully use ubuntu gui for that15:40
zvacetalan_m : np15:40
philsfigorleliza: sudo at 15:3015:40
jribadoul90: system -> preferences -> keyboard15:40
philsfand enter the commands you want (shutdown -h now)15:40
adoul90ya i added the keyboard i want15:40
igorlelizaphilsf: at means shutdown?15:40
adoul90but how do i switch between tehm15:41
philsfigorleliza: no, read man at15:41
ChrisMirHi, I have ubuntu installed on sda3 partition with /boot on sda1 (and swap on sda2). I want kubuntu installed on sda5. What should I do with the boot partition? Can I use sda1 as boot partition for Kubuntu, while still being able to startup ubuntu on sda3?15:41
Steve-CalPPKuma: Ok just type "mount" at the command line, and see how sda8 is mounted...15:41
jribadoul90: click on "layout options", it will tell you the shortcut15:41
ubuntu_ok so what should i try now anyone?15:41
nubotuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions15:41
jribadoul90: specifically, "Layout switching"15:41
philsfigorleliza: at executes a batch of "at" a given time15:41
adoul90jrib: which one is it?15:41
zvacetadoul90 : right click on panel<add to oanel>keyboard indicator15:41
jribadoul90: which one is what?15:42
PPKumaSteve-Cal: /dev/sda8 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)15:42
ubuntu_alan m you still there?15:42
legend2440PPKuma: Steve-Cal why would fdisk say sda8 is W95 FAT32 and blkid says its ext3?15:42
alan_mubuntu_, yeah, sorry buddy, was looking at the link provided earlier.15:42
nanoprobe@all: has anybody here succeed to force Fn key on laptops to work with linux?15:43
ubuntu_thats ok15:43
Dante123man am I having problems....can't empty trash and create more space.  I wonder if upgrading 7.10 to 8.04 instead of clean install has something to do with it15:43
PPKumalegend2440: i think is because i reformated the partition reently from fat32 to ext315:43
Dante123is there a way to empty recycle bin via cli15:43
stuengif I change my keyboard layout do I have to restart gnome applications or reboot or something ?15:43
Steve-Callegend2440: That's exactly what I was wondering... ;)15:43
philsfDante123: are you in gutsy or hardy?15:43
alan_mDante123, i had problems upgrading myself, i feel your pain :)15:43
igorlelizaphilsf: thanks its really interesting, i can execute then amarok using at?15:43
stuengpressing both alts at the same time does not appear to be switching layouts15:43
alan_mstueng, what are you trying to do?15:44
legend2440PPKuma: what does partition editor say it is?15:44
nanoprobestuend: just test the keys, u will know fast :)15:44
ubuntu_alan m like i was saying, i've checked cds for defects, and some do have them, but some dont, and none of them worked for me except 6.06 (which was actually one of the cds with defects)15:44
zvacetubuntu_ : if you still have iso download same one with torrent and point download to the folder where is your iso torrent will just check iso and replace corrupted files if any after that check md5sum and burn15:44
nanoprobestueng: just test the keys, u will know fast :)15:44
philsfigorleliza: maybe, but then you'll have to set $DISPLAY var, and run as the same user that's logged in the GUI15:44
legend2440PPKuma: what does partition editor say it is? vfat or ext3?15:44
Steve-CalPPKuma: Well, if you can successfully mount it as ext3, try using that in your fstab, but something is really suspicious since fdisk does not agree with blkid or mount.15:44
PPKumalegend2440: partition editor?15:44
stuengalan_m: I have a mac keyboard which in the UK layout cant type a hash - so I have to switch to american layout so I can type hash15:44
philsfigorleliza: maybe some other/less pre-requisites I'm not aware15:44
legend2440PPKuma: system>admin>partition editor15:44
PPKumalegend2440: what's the partition editor? fstab?15:44
PPKumalegend2440: oh15:45
ubuntu_i dont have iso files now just the CDs i burnt15:45
stuenggparted PPKuma15:45
RayvisI installed Warcraft III on my laptop using Wine. Is it possible to set the game to run in openGL and be able to play the game from the icon or do I always have to start the game from terminal?15:45
Dante123philsf hardy15:45
newubuntuuserI have the latest Ubuntu, how can I get a compiz workspace cube?15:45
Dante123How can I empty trash15:45
babolat#winehq isn't too much help... trying to install a program, I get an error prompt Unable to Load Type Library | C:\Program Files\ThinstallPlugins\scripting.dll... what to do?15:45
alan_mubuntu_, uh oh, you do need those files if your gonna check the integrity of your download.15:45
jrib!ccsm | newubuntuuser15:45
nubotunewubuntuuser: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion15:45
PPKumalegend2440: i cant find the partition editor =/15:46
stuengnewubuntuuser: install compizconfig-settings-manager15:46
newubuntuuserjrib: thanks15:46
jribnewubuntuuser: in hardy, you want to install simple-ccsm instead15:46
philsfDante123: then you probably want to clean the ..local/share/Trash/files and .local/share/Trash/info dirs15:46
PPKumastueng: should i run that in console?15:46
ubuntu_yeah, heres the thing, i've downloaded like 6-7 different isos over the past 2 days15:46
NeoAngelusifireball: I'll have look at it...and otherwise I will try some more festival oriented forum(or something alike)...or start with a easier application.15:46
stuengPPKuma: press alt+f2 then type gksu gparted15:46
ubuntu_so I seriously doubt they have all been bad15:46
stuengPPKuma: after you have apt-get install gparted15:46
legend2440PPKuma: sudo apt-get install gparted15:46
ubuntu_assuming I have a good version, what would my next step be?15:46
alan_mchecking the md5sum of that iso image15:47
alan_mubuntu_, checking the md5sum of that iso image15:47
nanoprobenewubuntuuser: goto system->preferences->advanced desktop effects settings15:47
PPKumalegend2440: i have installed QtParted, is it okay?15:47
ubuntu_but i have to have the iso to do that right?15:47
alan_mubuntu_, correct15:47
nanoprobe@all: has anybody here succeed to force Fn key on laptops to work with linux?15:47
ubuntu_so i have to download the iso again inside the live cd environment and compare it to my live cd?15:47
legend2440PPKuma: sure what does that say ?15:47
zvacetubuntu_ : did you tried alternate CD it is text based installer but it work good (for me even better then live)15:48
Daisuke_Idonanoprobe: well yes, because the Fn key performs hardware functions - if it doesn't work, contact your manufacturer15:48
alan_mubuntu_, meh, wow this ones getting complicated :)15:48
Roughneck_cowboyj'ai fait sudo nvidia-xconfig puis déconnexion et reconnexion = même pb15:48
ubuntu_i have the 8.04 live but i dont know how to install in txt based, and i tried to use the alternate to upgrade 6.06 and it just corrupted my system15:48
etronikYAY !!! :-))15:48
alan_mzvacet, your welcome to take over if thats ok with ubuntu_15:48
nanoprobeDaisuke_ldo: it works in windows boot, but not in linux (both os on the same laptop)15:48
ifireballNeoAngelus: try looking for some introductory howto about compiling and linking on Linux to explain issues about how libraries and programs work and relate, I'm sure there are plenty15:49
ubuntu_i mean 8.04 alternate sorry15:49
PPKumalegend2440: it say ext315:49
tARrAScHHi, sometimes when I login (like this time), my desktop doesn't has any icons on it, and there is no pop-up-menu when i rightclick the desktop. What's the name of the process that is responsible for it, and how can i fix the problem?15:49
ubuntu_thats fine with me alan15:49
Daisuke_Idonanoprobe: there's no reason that should be, it's working well on my laptop15:49
Daisuke_Idodon't know what the difference would be15:49
Dante123philsf how do I do that15:49
FrogzootARrAScH: nautilus15:49
alan_mok ubuntu_, thanks..i gotta do other stuff offline in a bit....so...be back later.15:49
zvacetubuntu_ :do you have separate home partition?15:49
ubuntu_thanks for your help alan15:50
tARrAScHFrogzoo: Thanks, terminated it, it automatically restarted, it works perfectly :)15:50
legend2440PPKuma: then do as Steve-Cal said and change to ext3 and change uuid so it matches blkid15:50
etronikzvacet: you helped me solve the upgrade problem !! your suggestion of replacing the cources.list was KEY to identify offending packages !! THANKS !!15:50
igorlelizaphilsf: do you know what could i use to open apps at one time during the day?15:50
PPKumalegend2440: done15:50
ubuntu_well, originally i had my win xp partition, and then ubuntu 7.04 and swap15:50
alan_mubuntu_, its what i do :) lol15:50
wishiewell, i just tried to upgrade from feisty->gutsy->hardy with the update-manager..15:50
zvacetetronik : I ´m gled that I´m finally useful15:50
ubuntu_but now basically i just have 250 gb of free space15:51
PPKumalegend2440: then i'll wait to my last boot :)15:51
wishiefiesty->gutsy was 'ok', but gutsy->hardy was a COMPLETE mess15:51
ubuntu_i can partition however is easiest at this point15:51
nanoprobeDaisuke_ldo: you are right ... i never try anything except wlan, i just try some other functions, they work. it seems that i didn't install the correct wlan driver. although it says that hardware is present ...15:51
etronikzvacet: LOL!! now now, you guuys are always usefull !!15:51
philsfDante123: do what? delete files from the cli?15:51
wishiethe update-manager completely screwed it up, so i had to manually go to the cmdline and fix ALOT of unconfigured apps, and force a dist-upgrade15:51
PPKumalegend2440, Steve-Cal, stueng, thanks a lot for your time and patience15:51
zvacetetronik : you are one of us don´t you think15:51
mro1hi all - i'm having trouble with suspend/resume on my laptop.  the screen won't turn back on.  8.04, ati radeon x1200, fglrx.15:52
Steve-CalPPKuma: You can try it out without rebooting... "sudo umount /dev/sda8" and then "sudo mount -a"15:52
jeismai typed in locate apachectl and it says /var/lib/slocate.db is more than 8 days old, how do i update?15:52
PPKumaSteve-Cal: oh, ok15:52
Starnestommyjeisma: sudo updatedb15:52
philsfigorleliza: cron and at are expected to be used with non-interactive TUI programas.15:52
Steve-CalPPKuma: Did that work?15:52
nanoprobei blacklisted something, how can i "unblacklist"?15:52
qoncepti think compiz is the buggiest software i've ever used15:52
philsfigorleliza: that doesn't mean GUI apps won't work, but you'll have to fiddle with the environment difference15:52
ubuntu_did you see my last response zvacet, i dont really have anything on my harddrive at this point15:52
zvacetubuntu_ If you have separate home your files will be intact to make one http://psychocats.s465.sureserver.com/ubuntu/separatehome15:53
ubuntu_what is seperatehome15:53
PPKumaSteve-Cal: wait a sec, i'm closing the files running from sda815:53
nanoprobeqoncept: strange, cause it works fine on my machine15:53
nanoprobeand many others :)15:54
Steve-Calnanoprobe: Just take it out of the blacklist file: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist :)15:54
nubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead15:54
zvacetubuntu_ : if you have free drive try to install with alternate cd15:54
igorlelizaphilsf: im reading a blog where it says that you can shutdown your computer using      30 21 * * 6 /sbin/shutdown -h now15:54
philsfigorleliza: for example, you could leave amarok open, and use at to start amarok playing with the cli options (remote control)15:54
* Lodorius plz visit http://riteriai.draugas.lt/?recruit=345 tnx :)15:54
nubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:54
ubuntu_ok i dont know how to do that though15:54
logankoesterHi... I've got an old ubuntu installation I'm checking out, can't seem to get a window manager running. startx starts xorg (grey screen, cursor, no functionality), but when I try to start fvwm or anything on that display (with --replace) X just dies - does anyone have any thoughts on this issue?15:54
gordonjcp!ops | Lodorius is spamming15:54
nubotuLodorius is spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!15:55
Ben__anyone running JINZORA on ubuntu server?15:55
zvacetubuntu_ : link I give you explain what separate home is15:55
nanoprobeSteve-Cal: don't know how to do that in terminal15:55
=== _hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
* Lodorius plz visit http://riteriai.draugas.lt/?recruit=345 tnx :)15:55
[gquit]bombadilis there some way to make the notification area expand to the left instead of to the right?15:55
Steve-Calnanoprobe: No problem, just "gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" and remove the line of the module you want to remove.15:55
PPKumaSteve-Cal: lsof is taking forever15:55
michael_Hi, I'm on Gutsy - i have an NTFS drive that i want to mount upon boot up - how do i do that?15:56
zvacetubuntu_ : boot your CD and insatallation will begin15:56
gordonjcpMyrtti: thanks15:56
ubuntu_ok ill give that a shot, im sure ill be back15:56
ubuntu_thanks for the help15:56
Myrttithank Pici15:56
NeoAngelusifireball: Will do. Going try to fork for the first time. Thank you for all the help and hope to see you around...ya ne15:56
Steve-Calmichael: You just need to put the drive in your /etc/fstab file--need help with that?15:56
ubuntu_thanls zvacet bye15:56
phoenix_I'm having an issue with errors trying to run something. I think it may be because it's linked against an older version of glibc but I don't know how to make it compatable. The error message I get when executing is just below:15:57
michael_Steve-Cal: yes please - if i double click on it's i've got read/write access15:57
michael_Steve-Cal: but it's jsut not auto mounting15:57
phoenix_./run: relocation error: ./run: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference15:57
chmhdhave somebody can help me?15:58
jeismahow do i see the error log?15:58
Starnestommyjeisma: dmesg15:58
Ben__chmhd - whats the problem15:58
logankoesterDid anyone read my question? I know it was a bit lengthy15:58
philsf!ask | chmhd15:58
nubotuchmhd: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:58
Steve-Calmichael_: OK, if you do a "blkid" in the terminal, what partition is your windows? It will be filesystem "ntfs"15:59
rodolfo_ubuntu is eating up my processor! It's being used @100% but there is nothing already opened that requires that much power (actually I'm using metacity and xchat right now). what do I do?15:59
Starnestommylogankoester: try sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start15:59
michael_Steve-Cal: "blkid" ???15:59
Ben__rodolfo_ use a console and type ps -ef|grep -v 00:0016:00
michael_Steve-Cal: "blkid" ??? - it doesn't do anything16:00
Dante123philsf i emptied trash now.....I don't know why I cant put icon on desktop....but I was able to empty through gnome nautilus window16:00
igorlelizaphilsf: can i use export DISPLAY=:0 to run UI apps on a command?16:00
michael_Steve-Cal: itn16:00
Steve-Calmichael_: Are you running that command in a terminal window?16:00
Ben__rodofo_that will show you if any processes are using up lots of cpu and so you can identify what process is doing it]16:00
NutzebahnHi. I would like to develop Flash programs in Ubuntu, how can I do that?16:01
rodolfo_Ben__ there is nothing under those columns16:01
legend2440michael_: sudo blkid16:01
Ben__rodolfo_ ok, how long has yer machine been at 100%?16:01
blameIs there any way to to record online radio stations in audio files?16:01
rodolfo_Ben__ app. 3min16:01
=== icqnumber__ is now known as icqnumber
Ben__rodolfo ok then try the same but with an exrta :0 on the end16:02
Yggdrasilwhat comes after dapper ?16:02
chmhd how can i use chinese for my MP3 player?16:02
Steve-Calblame: Maybe try "streamripper" might work for you.16:02
babolathey everyone. i wanna check if a certain exotic hardware is supported in a default install of Ubuntu. where do I find a database i could check its name against?16:02
michael_Steve-Cal: Steve-Cal ok i've got the disks and their UUIDs16:03
HymnToLife!hardware | babolat16:03
nubotubabolat: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:03
Yggdrasilwhat version comes after dapper ?16:03
nubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:03
babolatthanks, HymnToLife looking16:03
rodolfo_Ben__ could you take a look @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/15998/ for me?16:03
Steve-Calmichael_: OK great, first backup your fstab file before you modify it: "sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak" (or call it whatever you want)16:03
michael_Steve-Cal: the one i want to do is /dev/sda416:03
michael_Steve-Cal: ok done16:04
Steve-Calmichael_: OK open up fstab: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab16:04
michael_Steve-Cal: k16:05
NutzebahnHi. I would like to develop Flash programs in Ubuntu, how can I do that?16:05
=== Dutt is now known as Dutt|Away
Steve-Calmichael_: Then put this into your fstab, but use your own UUID for sda4:16:05
Steve-CalUUID=68F0C561F0C5365A /media/sda4 ntfs defaults,umask=007,uid=0,gid=46,auto,rw,nouser 0 116:05
phoenix_is there a glibc gcc compatability package in the repos, and if so what is it named?16:06
Starnestommyphoenix_: libglib2.0-dev16:06
wabashAnyone here ever use ffmpeg for converting flv files to audio?16:07
Ben__rodolfo_ - the only thing that seems to be using a lot of CPU is /usr/bin/X so unless im being really stupid (quite likely) then it would look like it's the X system that could be hammering it.16:07
michael_ok done16:07
rook1234after booting, i can login, but after the login i just can see the wallpaper. if i enter a cd, nautilus starts, but i cant execute vlc, bash,... what can i do?16:07
phoenix_hmm, installed16:07
Ben__rodolfo_ are you running any apps on the machine?16:07
adanteanybody here use freenx? is it actually supposed to be usable?16:07
michael_Steve-Cal: can my mount directory be /Data_Disk16:08
phoenix_I'm getting this when I try to run wolfgl16:08
rodolfo_Ben__ it makes sense since X has been a headache since these days I got Ubuntu hardy16:08
phoenix_./wolfgl: relocation error: ./wolfgl: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference16:08
rodolfo_no. not at all.16:08
phoenix_That's from the binary being linked against old libraries isn't it?16:08
broken_quicheTo back up config files, do I just run this command or will it be more complex? 'mkdir ~/johnconf; mkdir ~/johnconf/sys; mkdir ~/johnconf/user; cp /etc/* ~/johnconf/sys; cp ~/.* ~/johnconf/user;'16:08
Steve-Calmichael_: Yes, if that directory exists, but it is convention to mount it to /media or /mnt. I don't think you'll run into any problems.16:09
rodolfo_Ben__ what do you want me to do?16:09
jukajoin ect16:09
Ben__rodolfo_ not sure really16:09
korobasehi,all buddies!!!16:09
Ben__rodolfo_ i've hardly used linux stuff with X - I'm a linux/unix server guy mostly16:09
korobaseI meet a problem when I update my system.16:10
Ben__rodolfo_ and not a very good one at that lol16:10
chmhdhow to joined chat for the china??16:10
mynymlany chance a could get a bit of help with compiling a driver?16:10
Ben__rodolfo_ what video card do you have?16:10
derspanksterJust upgraded to hardy. Can't enable nvidia driver - display is cobbled, synaptic will not start with root.16:10
ompaulmynyml, for what hardware on which version of ubuntu?16:10
korobaseA error show me "Could not calculate the upgrade!" How to fix this?16:10
derspanksterwithOUT root16:10
Starnestommychmhd: /join #ubuntu-cn16:11
kkhello there16:11
rodolfo_Ben__ so I have a question, how can I make compiz-fusion NOT to be initialized after the system start up? I mean how can I make Ubuntu to use metacity as the default window manager instead of C-F?16:11
mynymlompaul: hardy, for a touchscreen. i have a patch for it and i need to recompile16:11
broken_quiche'mkdir ~/johnconf; mkdir ~/johnconf/sys; mkdir ~/johnconf/user; cp /etc/* ~/johnconf/sys; cp ~/.* ~/johnconf/user;'16:11
ompaulmynyml, and where is this patch?16:11
franekhello for all :D16:11
philsf!cn | chmhd16:11
ompaul!cn | chmhd16:11
nubotuchmhd: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:11
broken_quicheWill that back up my config files?16:11
phoenix_heh, nv is why I'm using kubuntu, still no binary drivers for fedora yet.16:11
korobaseA error show me "Could not calculate the upgrade!" How to fix this?16:11
korobaseA error show me "Could not calculate the upgrade!" How to fix this?16:11
korobaseA error show me "Could not calculate the upgrade!" How to fix this?16:11
FloodBot3korobase: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:11
rook1234after booting, i can login, but after the login i just can see the wallpaper, no panel, no menu. if i enter a cd, nautilus starts, but i cant execute vlc, bash,... what can i do?16:11
mynymlompaul: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4806399&postcount=88116:11
Ben__rodolfo_ im sorry I have no idea16:12
Steve-Calmichael_: So where are you at now? I have to get going in a few minutes...16:12
mynymlompaul: and the original installation instructions are at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4782599&postcount=86216:12
chmhdok ,thanks ,but i can't to joined ....16:12
Ben__rodolfo_ im sure I have seen something in the ubuntu forums about metacity16:12
Ben__rodolfo_ might be worth searching there16:12
ompaulmynyml, you are using x86_6416:13
mynymlompaul: no, 3216:13
ompaulmynyml, if you read the instructions they are for the 64 bit system16:13
broken_quicheWill this command back up all of my config files? 'mkdir ~/johnconf; mkdir ~/johnconf/sys; mkdir ~/johnconf/user; cp /etc/* ~/johnconf/sys; cp ~/.* ~/johnconf/user;'16:13
rodolfo_Ben__ I'm sure that it is. thanks16:13
b0xxyformat c:16:13
mynymlompaul: they worked fine though. the install instructions that is16:14
keiserrhi, trying to do  an apt-get dist-upgrade fomr gutsy server, trying to upgrade to hardy, getting an error "dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python-apt_0.7.4ubuntu5_i386.deb (--unpack):"16:14
ompaulmynyml, but it is not working for ya]16:14
Ben__rodolfo_ yer welcome :)16:14
Pxrbothi, i would do with some help with my Broadcom wireless. the device isnt showing up in the network manager, its as if i dont have wireless, any ideas?16:14
mynymlompaul: the patch fixes a missing feature. the rest is working fine16:14
broken_quichekeiserr: I'm a newbie myself, but that sounds to me like a corrupt package as a gues. Perhaps aptitude clean and trying again will help.16:14
broken_quicheThat's a guess16:14
chris420hi i have a network/ssh question....  a guy keep cracking the wep on my wirless lan...  i filtered his mac addy and he still finds ways... id like to tunnel to his machine  and put a wall paper on his desktop saying like stop stealing my internet connection or something any way to do this? ...  is this possible16:15
broken_quicheThat will use up valuable bandwidth16:15
broken_quicheWhich might not be so good16:15
astro76Pxrbot: is there an entry for it in System > Admin > Hardware Drivers ?16:15
keiserrbut it seems to be quite a common issue v16:15
htmljunkiemacgw: you in here?16:15
htmljunkieor did macgw change the name16:15
ompaulbroken_quiche, the bandwidth consumption is the users choice and please don't hit enter after every line16:15
Pxrbotastro: no there isnt16:15
keiserranywayz will dlete and retry16:15
astro76chris420: perhaps but it's certainly not a topic for this channel... you'd be better to use wpa16:15
Pxrbotastro: only for nvidia16:15
chris420awesome aight hmmm lets try that..16:16
mohamed_i try to install ubuntu on CF ( compactflash )  2 GB but i got Input/Output error during read on /dev/sda , i don't know why it read sda, because CF is on IDE i expect it read as hda, any help ?16:16
chris420ttyl ya'l16:16
broken_quicheompaul: Sorry. And okay; I was just trying to help out, wouldn't want to be a pain by telling somebody to do something that would put an unecessary burden on the servers.16:16
danbhfivemohamed_: ide's will get listed as sda16:16
virtualdchris420: you can set up a transparent proxy server that only shows one page16:16
ompaulbroken_quiche, I think given they deal with millions of users they can cope with one person looking for a few packages16:17
mohamed_danbhfive-> but why this input/output error ?16:17
mohamed_danbhfive-> or how i solve it, i installed more than system on this CF b416:17
keiserrredownloaded the packages, still the same error16:17
Ben__Anyone used JINZORA on ubuntu server???16:17
danbhfivemohamed_: i dont know16:18
broken_quicheWell, I thought it would be best to avoid that anyway but I'll take your word for it.16:18
keiserrI'll post the log somewhere16:18
broken_quicheCan someone help me please (sorry to keep on posting)16:18
mynymlompaul: any chance you could help me out with the compile then? there are instructions, they're just a bit too cryptic for me16:18
broken_quicheWill this back all my configs up? 'mkdir ~/johnconf; mkdir ~/johnconf/sys; mkdir ~/johnconf/user; cp /etc/* ~/johnconf/sys; cp ~/.* ~/johnconf/user;'16:18
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ompaulmynyml, yes16:18
uberspacedI have a "Digital Equipment Corporation DECchip 21142/43 (rev 41)" built in NIC on a compaq presario 18000T16:19
uberspacedit booted mini.iso fine and installed off of the network perfectly16:19
keiserrhere is das log16:19
danbhfivebroken_quiche: i dont really know the answer to your question, but why dont you just backup your /home?16:19
uberspacedbut when I boot, the NIC doesn't get properly configured.16:19
brandon__zvacet you still here?16:19
etronikis WiFi decently well supported under 8.04 hardy ??16:19
DANONE234I agree the earth is flat.16:19
DANONE234I agree the earth is flat.16:20
jbroomeetronik: depends on your card16:20
DANONE234you used the letter 'a' in that message jbroome16:20
jribDANONE234: are you a bot?16:20
DANONE234you used the letter 'a' in that message jrib16:20
remuhey guys, I'm trying to set up conky, and I've found some nice oneliner conkyrc files, however, when they are running, they run well, but they cause the icons on my desktop to dissappear, and when I hover over them, they will appear, but then dissappear again when i take my mouse off of them, anyone know how to resolve this?16:20
DANONE234you used the letter 'a' in that message remu16:20
broken_quichedanbhfive: Well, I was thinking of system-wide configurations as well.16:20
brandon__I need help please16:20
jbroome"ban" also has a letter a in it16:20
uberspacedand well crap16:20
remuDANONE234: pardon?16:20
keiserrany idea http://pastebin.com/d6cdfa46316:20
uberspacedit's working now.  that is really frustrating.16:20
derspanksterI cannot start hardware drivers to even enable my nvidia card16:21
d34d10gicI need a bit of help.16:21
philsf!ask | d34d10gic16:21
nubotud34d10gic: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:21
danbhfivebroken_quiche: well, I don't really know why you would want to do that, but if you were trying to backup apache configs, you would miss them.  When I backup, I backup /home, and my apache configs16:22
Ta3vHey is it possible say using Grub and Cron to tell Ubuntu to reboot at 9:55pm today and once its rebooted for GRUB to automatically select Windows to boot just that one time.16:22
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nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about changelog, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi16:22
icqnumber!info wine16:23
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info wine, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi16:23
philsfjrib: who needs a turin's test with such a stupid bot?16:23
NutzebahnHi. I would like to develop Flash programs in Ubuntu, how can I do that?16:23
freefullTa3v, it isn't possible to make it boot windows only once.16:23
virtualdTa3v: yes16:23
nubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.16:23
uberspacedTa3v, make 2 grub configs16:23
d34d10gicOkay than, I have Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04, and it's extremely slow. I have no idea why since last version of Ubuntu was really fast. I installed openSuSe to see if that it's just my computer, but openSuSe worked perfectly fine and was fast, so, I reinstalled Ubuntu over it again, and it's stil slow, I have no idea what's going on.16:23
uberspacedhave the windows one boot by default in one16:23
uberspacedthen just swap the configs out in the cron job and cron up /sbin/shutdown -r now16:23
anirudh0philsf, do you think people would find out that they are talking to a bot?16:24
Starnestommyd34d10gic: you mught need to disable compiz16:24
uberspacedIt's not something I'd help you do aside from this but it is possible.16:24
d34d10gicHow do I do that?16:24
d34d10gicAnd what is compiz?16:24
smallfoot-plz put new wine in repo16:24
jribsmallfoot-: use winehq's repositories16:24
danbhfivesmallfoot-: just get it at the winehq website16:24
jrib!wine > smallfoot- (read the private message from ubottu)16:24
safew_The current wine runs a couple of programs for me16:25
philsfanirudh0: to a bot that has one line? :)16:25
safew_pretty well16:25
bazhang!brainstorm | smallfoot-16:25
nubotusmallfoot-: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!16:25
RoumsDoes anyone can give me advice with that : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/source-directe-570.html (cannot mount partition, it is damaged)16:25
Starnestommyd34d10gic: go to system > preferences > appearance, then go to visual effects and select none16:25
anirudh0philsf, hiw do you know that i am not a bot ;)16:25
d34d10gicI did that already.16:26
d34d10gicIt's still slow.16:26
chuy_maxhi, gdmsetup is not working, I tried to access it from System->Login Window, so I checked what app did it launch, so I launch gdmsetup from terminal and I get nothing16:26
chuy_maxany ideas?16:26
Starnestommyd34d10gic: check to see what could be using up a lot of CPU and memory in the System Monitor16:26
philsfanirudh0: since you are infinitely more sofisticated than danone???, I'll have to ask Mr. Harisson Ford16:26
ivo_where is my keyboard shortcut's file in ubuntu?16:26
anirudh0chuy_max, gdmsetup takes inordinate amount of time to start sometimes..take a tea break :)16:27
safew_then a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart16:27
chuy_maxanirudh0, ok, I will leave it for a longer time16:27
Ta3vhey how can I flash a message to other users on my system saying "system is shutting down in 5 mins"16:27
the_darkside_986I'm having trouble with a broken autogen installation. It refuses to remove or allow dependent packages to install because the configure script keeps crashing. how do i fix this or force it to remove?16:27
anirudh0philsf, how would an actor know about the turing test?16:27
chuy_maxsafew, I don't have any problem with gdm, I already tried gdmsetup in different sessions.16:27
brandon__Hi all, I'm having a lot of trouble installing 8.04, or almost any version for that matter16:28
philsfanirudh0: oh, my... these people today have no respect for the classics...16:28
flyinggreghey everyone - I got a problem with networking on hoary that I need some help with16:28
bazhangbrandon__, please elaborate16:28
safew_<brandon_>please mention the hardware16:28
wishieis the latest scrollkeeper package stuffed ? i cant install it. it makes dpkg fail in a big way16:28
philsfanirudh0: :)16:28
anirudh0philsf, shame on me :)....which one though?16:28
bazhangflyinggreg, hoary is no longer supported16:28
brandon__ok bazhang, well I try to install 8.04 or most other versions from the live cd, and it fails at around 25%16:28
d34d10gicNope...I'm only using 16% of the first CPU and 20% of the second, but for some reason, they keep going up to their 80%s and than dropping straight back down.16:28
brandon__with an input/output error16:28
pjvhow can i watch drm protected video in linux?16:28
philsfanirudh0: bladerunner16:28
flyinggregoops - i meant 8.0416:28
Ta3vis there a command to flash a message to all users logged in either through console or GUI saying "The system will shut down in 5 minutes" ?16:28
bazhangbrandon__, have you md5summed the iso and done an integrity check of the disk16:29
flyinggregI am running a dual boot with 8.04 and win 2k16:29
matt444what is the name of the mplayer mode that does ASCII art?16:29
brandon__no because I don't have an iso anymore16:29
joe7d6kde 4.04 or 4.1 beta 1?16:29
ricketSuspend usually works for me, but this morning I woke up, resumed my computer, and only the power light went on. Nothing else in the system functioned (well maybe the fans, i can't remember). I had to hold the power btn to turn it off and then resume. How can I figure out the problem? I don't know where to begin...16:29
brandon__I guess that means I have to download one, only right now I dont even have a working OS16:29
brandon__im working off the live cd16:29
PxrbotI have a problem with my Broadcom wireless card, im sure ive instlled the correct drivers but it isnt showing in the Hardware Drivers or the network settings box. id be grateful for any help as when i take my laptop out and about i cant do what i need with it :(16:29
gordonjcpmatt444: aalib16:30
jeismahow do i change directory to my /usr/local16:30
derspanksterguess i'll just have to do a fresh install - this upgrade is just a total mess16:30
gordonjcpmatt444: "-vo aa"16:30
Starnestommyjeisma: cd /usr/local16:30
bazhangbrandon__, then do the disk integrity check for the moment-->sounds like a corrupt iso however16:30
torshidoif I already have a screen(1) session running, how can another user see the same window, without dumping me from my screen? what screen parameters should he use?16:30
the_darkside_986This error keeps messing up my whole package management system: "E: autogen: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1"16:30
jeismaStarnestommy i do that and it doesn't let me and it says /home/jeisma/usr/local: no such file or directory16:30
jeismaand obviously its no in home, its on the same level as home16:30
Starnestommytorshido: screen -r16:30
fixedtorshido:screen -x16:30
flyinggregi can't seem to connect to networks either wired or wireless - driving me nuts16:30
brandon__i think possible my burner is bad because I have tried atleast 5 different ISOs16:30
ivo_where is a file with my keyboard shortcuts?16:31
anirudh0the_darkside_986, it must give some more messages..pastebin the whole thing16:31
jeismahow do i change directories from my homefolder to my system folder?16:31
safew_brandon__ even before starting live CD have you checked for defects16:31
safew_on the CD?16:31
Starnestommyjeisma: cd /usr/local should work16:31
bazhangbrandon__, possible, though bad media quality is often the culprit16:31
anirudh0ivo_, file?..you can change them in gconf-editor or keyboard shortcuts..in sys>prefs16:31
brandon__bad media quality, like bad blank discs?16:31
legend2440Ta3v: read man wall16:31
d34d10gicAny help?16:31
the_darkside_986no it doesn't show more than that error message16:31
safew_brandon__ May be yes, and as you said the burner16:32
ivo_anirudh0, but i want a file, there must be a file with that16:32
brandon__i hadn't thought about that16:32
anirudh0brandon__, you are sure the error is not because of bad sectors on the hdd?16:32
safew_brandon__ but do CDs fail while burning?16:32
the_darkside_986Why isn't CodeBlocks in the repos or something. Anjuta sucks and the package doesn't resolve any dependencies properly.16:32
wishieis there some known issue with scrollkeeper 0.3.14-15ubuntu1 ?16:32
Cicohey everybody16:32
Cico"apt-get dist-upgrade" installs previously removed packages which are not depended on by any installed packages. Is that normal?16:32
bazhangbrandon__, either media quality of too fast a burn (or corrupt iso)16:32
wishieinstalling it on this hardy install, just causes  dpkg to fail16:32
brandon__I tried slowing the burns down16:32
giorgoshigh everyone16:33
giorgosi would like to ask16:33
brandon__i burnt at 4x with imgburn and verified the burn back when i had windows (yesterday)16:33
brandon__and it seemed fine16:33
anirudh0ivo_, i understand what you are saying..but i doubt there is one of that sort..gconf stores its settings in a file though..iirc an xml one16:33
danbhfiveCico: I think only if there are broken dependencies16:33
gordonjcp!ask | giorgos16:33
safew_<wishie>are all the depencies getting?16:33
nubotugiorgos: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:33
giorgosif you are using pidgin internet messenger and when you add your accounts16:33
anirudh0brandon__, are you burning to a rewritable cd..i had 5 failures coz of that..before i burnt the hardy iso to a normal cd-r16:34
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Cicowhile "aptitude full-upgrade" does not install those.16:34
giorgosyou receive a message that the format of that account is not compatible in ubuntu16:34
safew_<wishie>maybe you should try installing through synaptic,it resolves all the dependencies16:34
the_darkside_986Is there a non-crappy IDE for C/C++ in Ubuntu 8.04 repos? Anjuta wants autogen, which has completely ruined my package management system with no hope of recovery.16:34
giorgoscan you suggest an idea?16:34
flyinggregdoes anyone know if you can look at your linux system from win 2k on a dual boot?16:34
Ta3vNo flyinggreg16:34
safew_the_darkside_986 why don't you try Emacs16:35
flyinggregi was afraid of that16:35
Ta3vWindows only recognizes Fat32 and NTFS partitions16:35
anirudh0the_darkside_986, depends on what you mean by crappy...check out geany...though emacs is by far the best :P16:35
bazhangflyinggreg, sure you can just get the ext2/ext3 drivers16:35
gordonjcpflyinggreg: depends, apparently you can find a driver that lets you read ext2/ext3 partitions16:35
ottoshmidtabout VM when I delete VM in Virtual box, do u know if the partition is lost?16:35
ottoshmidtin VM manager first release and then remove16:35
anirudh0flyinggreg, there is an ext3 driver for xp16:35
bazhangflyinggreg, www.fs-drivers.org iirc16:35
the_darkside_986well, i need something to reduce the tedium of re-writing my Makefile when I need to add a source file. something like Code::blocks16:35
gordonjcpthe_darkside_986: you want automake16:36
the_darkside_986but what was that one command to fix the package manager when it is broken?16:36
anirudh0the_darkside_986, emacs must have a macro for that...but never tried myself16:36
gordonjcpthe_darkside_986: or better yet, start using Scons instead16:36
RobLoachpaste: HI!!!!16:36
giorgosStatus:  Not on server list16:36
bazhanghttp://www.fs-driver.org/ flyinggreg16:36
giorgosSorry, this profile seems to be in a language or format that is not supported at this time.16:37
flyinggregi am running a dual-boot system and the networking was working and then quit after an update - so the only way I can get on the net is through the win2k boot - i could use some help trying to figure out what needs to be changed but....i need to be able to look at the linux boot from windows..16:37
nubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:37
giorgoscan you tell me if you had ever seen before that error in pidgin instant messenger program in ubuntu?16:37
flyinggreghmmm...fs-driver might be what i am looking for16:37
safew_gcalc has some comma problems16:37
anirudh0Jack_Sparrow, congrats..the new factoid system is much better imho16:37
gordonjcpgiorgos: what language are you using?16:38
FinnishAny help on my video cam problem? lsusb says Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. Video Camera Controller16:38
Finnishand Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0c45:6028 Microdia16:38
Jack_Sparrowgiorgos What service are you trying to connect to?16:38
giorgosenglish united states16:38
FinnishI can'yt16:38
anirudh0flyinggreg, i hope your linux partition was ext3..no drivers yet for reiserfs or xfs at the moment16:38
Finnishsee them16:38
Jack_Sparrowanirudh0 They are working to make it better all the time16:38
giorgosservice you mean the account on net16:38
giorgosis yahoo16:38
chuy_maxhi, when I copy a song from my ipod to my library in rhytmbox, does anyone know how to format the song's name in a certain way?, I checked the preferences but I can't find that option16:38
giorgosor you mean service port?16:38
torshidofixed: screen -x did it16:39
Jack_Sparrowgiorgos Yahoo was what I was after.16:39
giorgosjack can you be more specific please?16:39
alexMKHi, I'm on Ubuntu 8(Hardy) with an nvidia GF 6 card, the resolution is stuck to a max of 800x600x60Hz and there's nothing in the "Hardware Drivers" dialog that might be enabled16:39
flyinggreganirudh, i am pretty much a newb - how will i be able to check that?16:39
chainCould someone please give me some advice? I'm having problems with usb networking, I have PL2501 based usb cable/adapter/host2host bridge and after connecting it I get: [  245.789390] usb 6-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2316:40
chain[  245.853213] usb 6-5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice16:40
chain usb0 never gets created16:40
giorgoswhen i am loading the accounts to the buddy16:40
Jack_Sparrowgiorgos I was trying to define if you were having problems with pidgin on yahoo, msn or something like irc16:40
giorgoswith msn messenger in windows no problem16:40
giorgosall the accounts are enables16:41
giorgoswith pidgin16:41
giorgosalthough i have activated my account16:41
giorgosin the yahoo16:41
Jack_Sparrow!enter | giorgos16:41
philsfalexMK: have you tried changing the resolution in System>PReferences>Screen Resolution?16:41
nubotugiorgos: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:41
JBBWho could recommend a good compiler?16:41
anirudh0flyinggreg, system-monitor should show the fs type..but you are on windows..so install the etx3 driver..if it does'nt work then you had reiser or xfs :)16:42
philsfJBB: gcc isn't good enough?16:42
Jack_Sparrowgiorgos Are we talking about yahoo buddies or msn buddies..16:42
flyinggregi tried using fs-driver...asked me if i want to format the drive...bummer, didn't work16:42
giorgoswhen i add my friend list I am receiving the error that my friend is not on the server16:42
JBBgcc doesn't seem to work... probably something I'm doing wrong.16:42
flyinggreganirudh, thanks16:42
Jack_Sparrowgiorgos You do understand you can be doing both at once.. unless something has changed16:42
StarnestommyJBB: is build-essential installed?16:43
anirudh0flyinggreg, that is'nt right..it should'nt make you format the partition16:43
flyinggregshowed up as a J;16:43
JBBProbably not, would that be in Synaptic?16:43
giorgosalias: lasxoi@yahoo.gr status not on server list16:43
anirudh0Starnestommy, is there a gcc command without build-essential?16:43
giorgosSorry, this profile seems to be in a language or format that is not supported at this time.16:44
giorgosthat is the error message16:44
StarnestommyJBB: yes.  It can also be installed in a terminal with sudo apt-get install build-essential16:44
philsfanirudh0: gcc command is provided by the gcc package16:44
Starnestommyanirudh0: I think gcc is installed by default but without build-essential for some strange reason16:44
JBBStarnestommy, thanks for that.16:44
anirudh0thats a bug then..gcc makes no sense without build-essential16:44
Starnestommyanirudh0: I think debian may also be like that16:45
philsfanirudh0: oh, I missed the point16:45
hischildbuild-essential is not installed by default, however a compiler can be present due to being a dependency for another package.16:45
anirudh0Starnestommy, debian devs are amongst the best..they could'nt have made such a basic error16:45
Stroganoffyou can use gcc without build-essential..16:46
anirudh0hischild, oh..ok16:46
JBBGeneral Linux question: Is apt-get installing something already located on the system?16:46
tritiumYes, but if you look at the reverse dependencies, there is nothing.  gcc is simply there on its own.16:46
StarnestommyJBB: in ubuntu and other debian-based distributions, it is16:46
JBBStarnestommy: I though so.16:46
danbhfiveJBB: no, usually it is d/l'ing it, and then passing it off to dpkg for installation16:46
hischildanirudh0: to be more precise, build-essential is nearly never a dependency, as it's a meta package which has all the compile tools which you'll have to install by hand (the meta package, that is)16:47
jeismai want to change directories to /usr/local but when i do cd /usr/local it says no such file or direcotry in /home/jeisma/usr/local16:47
jeismaand usr/local is in my system folder16:47
anirudh0hischild, dpkg show this "Depends: libc6-dev | libc-dev, gcc (>= 4:4.1.1), g++ (>= 4:4.1.1), make, dpkg-dev (>= 1.13.5)16:47
Starnestommyjeisma: are yuo typing "cd /usr/local" or "cd usr/local" ?16:47
Jack_SparrowJBB FYI since you need headers anyhow this might be a better choice..   sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`16:47
hischildjrib: make sure you type /usr/local and not usr/local16:47
tritiumInteresting: ubuntu-desktop recommends gcc16:47
=== haihai is now known as abie
=== abie is now known as myAbie
hischildanirudh0: yes, it depends on gcc, not build-essential. A package can depend on part of the dependencies for build-essential, but there shouldn't be a package depending on that meta package.16:48
anirudh0while gcc "Depends: cpp (>= 4:4.2.3-1ubuntu5), gcc-4.2 (>= 4.2.3-1)"16:48
anirudh0so the only thing you miss without build-essential is make?16:49
philsfJBB: it hischild but there are16:49
philsfhischild: but there are16:49
anirudh0still looks like a bug though....16:49
Starnestommyanirudh0: I think that the libc/glibc headers may be missing without it16:49
axisyshow do I send all logs to a pipe as well? mkfifo /var/log/splunk  and then add an entry *.debug  |/var/log/splunk16:49
hischildphilsf: there are always exceptions.16:50
axisysthat should do it?16:50
selven_wtf, now patch isn't here16:50
Stroganoffyou can use bare gcc to compile your own tiny c apps16:50
tritiumanirudh0: a bug for ubuntu-desktop to depend on gcc, you're saying?16:50
selven_how do i apply a patch if patch command doesn't work?16:50
JonDeereHi! I damaged my hard drive install of Ubuntu, and need advice to fix it16:50
Jack_Sparrowselven_ Please dont use wtx.. it is not allowed in here16:50
JBBHello world didn't compile with the default ubuntu setup.16:50
anirudh0tritium, no..i mean either dont depend on gcc..or depend on the full build-essential16:50
Ahadielselven_, You install patch! sudo apt-get install patch16:50
JBBUsing gcc.16:50
hischildJonDeere: what seems to be the problem?16:50
selven_Ahadiel, can't install patch, having osme problems with python-apt16:51
Stroganoffubuntu-desktop recommends gcc. this is not a dependency16:51
Ahadielselven_, sudo aptitude install patch?16:52
selven_Ahadiel, nopes doesn't work, even with -f16:52
tritiumStroganoff: nevertheless, it's installed by default16:52
anirudh0Stroganoff, ok...but as JBB points out..a half baked gcc, the one provided by the default install, is next to useless..16:52
selven_Ahadiel, dont use wtx.. it is not allowed in here16:52
selven_* philsf (n=philsf@ has joined #ubuntu16:52
NutzebahnHi. I would like to develop Flash programs in Ubuntu, how can I do that?16:52
hischild!pm | JonDeere16:52
nubotuJonDeere: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.16:52
selven_oops wrong paste16:52
Ahadielselven_, ...16:52
selven_hmm sorry about that16:53
selven_a minute16:53
sharperguycan anyone give me linkage to a simple overview of how the scheduler works in the latest Linux kernel provided with ubuntu?16:53
tritiumStroganoff: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01ubuntu configures apt-get to install recommends sections16:54
selven_Ahadiel, http://pastebin.com/d3140cfb516:54
anirudh0sharperguy, the scheduler is called really fair scheduler iirc...googling should help from this point on16:54
JonDeereWell, Ubuntu is acting oddly ever since trying to install Wine, WineTricks, and a new video driver. The gent assisting me helped uninstall the videodriver with a Sudo command. It didnt help it... When I boot to Recovery Mode, the menu gets a black bar of video garbage over the options, but I can still select Attempt To Fix X-console16:54
JonDeereI've tried that, no change16:54
nihil_I need help. I want to make a bridged network from ATH0 over BR0 to ETH0. But I don't find a right description how to make that...16:54
philsfwindow move 216:54
sharperguyanirudh0, ok cheers16:54
JonDeereSo, should I manually over-install from CD again? Or is there hope?16:54
tritiumphilsf: yes?16:54
philsftritium: sorry, I mean oops16:55
selven_sharperguy: i advise you to read Linux kernel Development by Robert Love16:55
tritiumphilsf: no worries16:55
selven_Ahadiel, http://pastebin.com/d3140cfb516:55
Jack_Sparrownihil_ I am not the person to ask, but I think people were using firestarter to help with that16:55
hardhatpathow do i mount a usb flash drive?16:55
JonDeereI'm running live from CD again, pidgin won't load on the bugged install16:55
sharperguyselven_, I'll look it up thanks16:55
selven_sharperguy, : that's the best book if you want to understand the linux kernel :D i loved it16:56
anirudh0any ideas about Nutzebahn's question..i'd like to do that as well..16:56
Jack_SparrowJonDeere You can try getting the new pidgin from getdeb.net.. it may help if it is just that one package16:56
selven_any idea http://pastebin.com/d3140cfb516:56
JonDeereJack, is there a way to manually reinstall pidgin from CD?16:57
JonDeereI'm running it from the CD now16:57
JonDeereThough I still worry about the video garbage on the recovery boot menu16:58
Jack_SparrowJonDeere You should be able to use synaptic and completely remove and reinstall it16:58
JonDeereSynaptic? Is that on the CD?16:58
Me2hmm, does anyone have any idea how to make it so that nm uses gnome-keyring - fed up of having to type in my password on every reboot16:58
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=23 Nutzebahn anirudh016:58
JonDeereUbuntu 8.04 here16:58
bazhang!fr | Pauldb16:59
nubotuPauldb: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:59
Jack_SparrowMe2 Set that up in login window security16:59
tritiumJonDeere: it should be in /var/cache/apt/archives/16:59
JBBJohnDeere: System>Administration>Synaptic16:59
=== Me2 is now known as Mez_
Jack_SparrowJonDeere It is part of the install yes16:59
tritiumJonDeere: so, you should be able to to sudo apt-get install --reinstall pidgin17:00
lilacmy dvd drive doesn't work in ubuntu (works fine in linux). symptoms are the same as https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/10811 except that the drive is SATA not PATA. anyone got any debugging tips?17:00
anirudh0 selven_ what happens on apt-get -f install?17:00
hagabaka`I keep getting segmentation fault when running aptitude/adept, what should I do?17:00
kiki_can i get ati driver by apt ?17:00
tritiumkiki_: yes17:00
anirudh0bazhang, i meant a os program...i dont have the commercial version of macromedia flash, so wine cant help :)17:00
tritium!ati | kiki_17:01
nubotukiki_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:01
legend2440Nutzebahn: http://www.williambrownstreet.net/wordpress/?p=7817:01
kiki_if yes, witch its name ?17:01
remoteCTRLcan anyone tell me what the status pn means when i do a dpkg -l?17:01
selven_anirudh0, i'll post the output of apt-get -f install17:02
remoteCTRLpn  nvidia-settings                   <none>                            (no description available)17:02
selven_anirudh0, http://pastebin.com/d2a3ba51317:03
joshualhey folks, ubuntu starts up quickly enough, but gnome starts up pretty slowly... help?17:03
unfcan you tell me where to find info about how to create nautilus "views" such as "computer:///" and so17:03
JonDeereOK I'm going to try to fix. I'll return as needed, thankyou17:03
remoteCTRLkk 1400 idlers...17:04
pavel_hey guys, in ubuntu 8.04 i have several problems with mozilla firefox. 1) it doesnt play flash applications instantly, i have to click on each (there is a symbol of flash). and 2) - sometimes it doesn't play sound in youtube. i watch a few videos, and then i have to restart the computer :(17:04
kiki_kiki@kiki-desktop:~$ sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko17:05
kiki_insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': -1 Operation not permitted17:05
ushi-tam(8.04) I have a Radeon 9600 connected DVI-HDMI to my television. Video is right, but no sound. How do I get sound in this situation?17:05
anirudh0selven_, the python-apt failure looks like a bad download(failed to parse attribute)..sudo apt-get clean..and again try apt-get -f install17:05
anirudh0pavel_, that is what happens when a flash blocking extension is in use..you are sure you have'nt enabled one?17:06
hischildI'm looking for a way to add text to an image with command line options.17:06
mordofok, so i've got a server install of ubuntu going.  and i'm using cygwin on xp to ssh into it.  how would i increase the amount of text that stays showing up in the buffer server side?17:06
legend2440pavel_: some have said that inatalling      libflashsupport    in synaptic has helped with you tube problems17:06
mordofi changed it on xp so it can hold a ton more text to show, but it only shows a tiny section of it17:07
jeanneHi. I noticed there was a kernel upgrade (2.6.24.(16->17)) but the default in grub is still .16 and I couldn't find the kernel in the package manager.17:07
Nutzebahnlegend2440, bazhang, thank you.:17:07
pavel_legend: ok, thanks :) anirudh. im not really sure about any flash blocking extension...17:07
anirudh0jeanne, have you done any unusual stuff..like playing around with apt?17:08
bazhangNutzebahn, good luck :)17:08
anirudh0pavel_, eg: flashblock puts a flash icon ..the one you described17:08
=== hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka
anirudh0legend2440, thanks ..very good link17:08
jeanneanirudh0: no, just with the GUI17:08
joshualhey folks, ubuntu starts up quickly enough, but gnome starts up pretty slowly... help?17:08
legend2440anirudh0: yw17:09
anirudh0jeanne, in particular..do you remember putting any "lock",or "pin", on a kernel version17:09
NutzebahnThank you. :)17:09
jeanneanirudh0: no I didn't do anything like that17:09
anirudh0legend2440, whats yw?17:09
elaineanyone know any different apt-get servers?17:10
anirudh0jeanne, is linux-generic installed?17:10
elaineand how to add them?>17:10
jeanneI just installed 8.04 today so I would've remembered :)17:10
anirudh0elaine, <cc>.archive.ubuntu.com..cc is country code17:10
legend2440anirudh0: your welcome17:10
pavel_anirudh0, thanks a lot, i ve disabled the flashblock :)17:10
etronikqiute a few errors on the upgrade script, let's see if I don't get a hosed system17:10
anirudh0legend2440, oh..i thought "you wish" :)17:10
jeanneanirudh0: No, it says "There is no matching application available."17:11
flyrevHi. Anyone know what's causing emacs to display a default makefile when I type "emacs makefile" at a terminal (and no makefile present in that directory)?17:11
anirudh0jeanne, ?..i meant the package "linux-generic"..failing that try "linux-386"17:11
tgm4883_laptopwhats the deal with firefox when you try to download something it you can't tell it to open or save the file because the ok button is greyed out for a period of time?17:11
anirudh0flyrev, its supposed to be a feature :)17:11
Roughneck_cowboyQuelqu'un peut-il m'aider svp ?17:12
magnetron!fr | Roughneck_cowboy17:12
nubotuRoughneck_cowboy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:12
hischildtgm4883_laptop: that's normal. It's probably to prevent you from making a stupid move. Keeping the focus on the download window makes it clickable.17:12
flyrevanirudh0, how can I edit the default file that pops up?17:12
legend2440a French cowboy?17:12
the_darkside_986i need to remove a package by force, with no question or objects from the system, what is the command for that?17:12
jeanneanirudh0: I know. That one is not listed anywhere either.17:12
anirudh0flyrev, normally..its just a skeleton..you have to fill in everything17:12
mohkohn_Where can I directly download Firefox 2X for Ubuntu. Not with apt?17:12
tgm4883_laptophischild, is there a way to disable that?17:12
anirudh0jeanne, post your sources.list17:13
hischildtgm4883_laptop: best bet: look in the options. I'm not sure.17:13
mohkohn_I mean not with apt!17:13
anirudh0jeanne, on pastebin17:13
tgm4883_laptophischild, thanks17:13
joshualhey folks, ubuntu starts up quickly enough, but gnome starts up pretty slowly... help?17:13
flyrevanirudh0, how can I edit or replace the skeleton? some of the default values are wrong, and I don't want to change them for every new makefile17:13
stroyanmohkohn_: Why not with apt?17:13
bing_is this server freenode17:14
RishieHello guys. How long should an ubuntu install take?17:14
jeanneon a different note, highlighting isn't working in pidgin17:14
anirudh0flybaer, imho a simple "M-x replace-string" is a lot faster and better than disabling the feature altogether17:14
JBBBing_:Yes, this is freenode.17:14
jeanneis there a cli paster, anirudh0?17:14
anirudh0jeanne, sorry..not a pidgin guru :)17:14
mohkohn_Because I was in the process of removing Firfox 3 not really version and replacing it with Firefox 2 so I could use a plug in17:15
anirudh0jeanne, you could point lynx to pastebin..never tried it though17:15
astro76!info pastebinit | jeanne17:15
nubotuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:15
mohkohn_I had a power outage ( I am in Cambodia) and my internet dropped out.17:15
Roughneck_cowboyI need some help to activate my Nvidia, which has already worked on my comp.17:15
astro76jeanne: yes there's a package called pastebinit17:15
hagabakawhat should I do when /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing?17:15
bing_ive deleted a folder form somewhere and now half the folders and files in my home are also on the desktop , how do i delete them from desktop without them deleteing from home also17:16
stroyanmohkohn_: You can get firefox for linux from http://www.mozilla.com/products/download.html?product=firefox- .  But you can get firefox 2 with apt from 'apt-get install firefox-2'17:16
mohkohn_I can't connect to the internet without firefox. My ISP uses a sort of Wimax VPN17:16
bing_does that make sense to anyone17:16
Roughneck_cowboyanyone available to help me my problem seems not to be so hard to solve17:16
mohkohn_So I am using my Mac partition to get onlint17:16
anirudh0mohkohn, the mozilla website has a firefox binary..download it to ~/ and run directly from there17:16
the_darkside_986where in the filesystem is the Debian installation list database? I fear I may have to manually modify it. there is no other hope.17:16
xocitebing_: That didn't really make sense.17:17
astro76bing_: not really, if files are are indeed both on your Desktop and in your home, you can delete them independently17:17
mohkohn_stroyan won't work. I am downloading the binary but prefer the deb.17:17
bing_ok my home and desktop are the smae thing somehow17:17
Roughneck_cowboyI'm newb in linux and want some help to activate my graphic card17:17
Kituhow can know my ubuntu's "version" (drapper, edgy, feisty) ?17:17
bing_no i cant thats the problem17:17
xocitebing_: Does the desktop have little arrows on the corner of the icons?17:17
mohkohn_Debian has direct links where you can download a package17:17
astro76Kitu: lsb_release -a17:17
bing_if i delete form the desktop they delete from home too17:18
RishieI'm new to Ubuntu. This is my first time trying to install, however, i cannot seem to get past step 1. The wizard requests my language pref, and thereafter it remains on that step for a long, long time. I left it overnight, and when i returned it seemed to have crashed17:18
anirudh0the_darkside_986, and what brings you to that woeful conclusion ?17:18
stroyanmohkohn_: You can get the .deb from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/17:18
bing_no they not shortcuts17:18
mohkohn_Is there a list of all Ubuntu packages that can be searched?17:18
ferronicahow to check transmission port forwarded ?17:18
Kituhardy it's hard17:18
JBBKitu: Google.17:18
xocitebing_: Then you should be able to delete them17:18
anirudh0the_darkside_986, not a good idea at all17:18
jeanneanirudh0: http://pastebin.com/m5659e50417:18
the_darkside_986anirudh0: i cannot uninstall autogen17:18
xocitebing_: Drop into a terminal and go to ~/Desktop and "rm" each file you don't need.17:18
astro76mohkohn_: use System > Admin > Synaptic... there's also packages.ubuntu.com17:18
amenadomohkohn_-> apt-cache search pkgname17:18
bing_i can delete them but it sends them to trash and i need the folders17:18
the_darkside_986autogen seems to have ruined the package management system and it cannot be removed because of some nonsense about its script17:19
ferronicaunder Edit-Preferences-testport-port open17:19
Kitui don't have the tuto for hardy :(17:19
xocitebing_: You want to delete the contents of th efolders.  I'm lost.17:19
ferronicadose it mean port forwarded no problem?17:19
bing_no i just dont want them on the desktop17:19
bing_anything i put in home goes on desktop also17:20
bing_and vice vera17:20
xocitebing_: Ok, that's starting to make sense now.17:20
astro76bing_: what did you delete to cause this problem?17:20
xociteI think you linked ~/Desktop to ~17:20
RishieAre there any experts here that i can communicate directly with?17:20
xociteor vice versa >_>17:20
RishieBy pm or something?17:20
bing_the picture of home now has a little desktop pic on the chimney if that helps17:21
Ward1983here we go again i need to reboot to have sound17:21
xocitego to /home/<username> and type ls -lh and paste the output in a pastebin17:21
astro76Rishie: if someone can answer your question they will answer here17:21
anirudh0jeanne, this is weird..your sources are correct..but you say linux-generic does'nt show up in synaptic..i can only recommend changing all nl.archive.ubu... to aarchive.ubuntu....17:21
RishieOk thanks17:21
mohkohn_stroyan thanks.17:21
StarnestommyRishie: sounds like a bug in the installer.  You might need to try with the alternate cd17:21
bing_i created a my documents folder then it started17:21
stroyanmohkohn_: There is a packages page at  http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/17:21
bing_so i deleted it and now the 2 places are the same17:22
anirudh0jeanne, linux-generic depends on the latest stable kernel..so it should handle all kernel updates for you17:22
Ward1983why does my sound not work all of a sudden? i have to reboot to make it work again17:22
Ward1983WHY WHY WHY17:22
FloodBot3Ward1983: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
MartyMooserestart your sound17:22
jeanneanirudh0: is synaptic the same as the Add/Remove applications GUI?17:22
MartyMooseno need to reboot17:22
Jessica_lillyi have a problem with my network im using a usb apadater which needs the rt73 driver i know ubuntu has it because it works find on the live cd yet when i plug it in on my install system it finds no networks and refuses to connect to any17:22
anirudh0jeanne, but why do you need the latest kernel anyway..any bugs with the current one?17:22
anirudh0jeanne, no!17:22
Starnestommyjeanne: no, it's a lot better17:22
Ward1983MartyMoose, o have no idea how and im asking here for liek a week17:22
the_darkside_986how can i manually delete a package without the package manager trying to run its install scripts? i can't find the database anywhere17:22
jeanneanirudh0: no, I just noticed it wasn't using the latest one17:22
bing_did you understand what i meant17:23
anirudh0jeanne, well..have'nt heard yet about something that works in the new one but not in the old one :)...of interest to ordinary users that is17:23
anirudh0jeanne, try modifying sources.list..update..install linux-generic..upgrade17:24
|Dreams|anyone got there ps3 running through there pc ?17:24
jeanneanirudh0: synaptic does list linux-generic, so I guess it's a limitation of the other GUI...17:25
astro76jeanne: add/remove only shows a limited subset, gui apps only17:25
NetEchoI'm trying to get my local radio station's web stream playing und3er 8.04 but it doesn't seem to want to play the Windows media stream... any ideas how to fix it?17:25
jeanneastro76: I see.17:25
jayprohave you guys been able to install 8.04?  ive downloaded it about 3 or 4 times and it doesnt seem to work17:26
xocitebing_: To me, it just seems like you linked your home and desktop together.17:26
ggeecko|Dreams|: I have my xbox running through my pc17:26
RishieJaypro im having the same problem17:26
xocitebing_: or through some gnome setting, you declared your home as your desktop17:26
soundrayjaypro: works just fine here. Check your downloads with md5sum17:26
|Dreams|yeah me too just wanted to know which ports the ps3 needed17:26
RishieAnd i have a pressed copy17:26
soundray!md5 | jaypro17:26
nubotujaypro: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:26
anirudh0jeanne, ahh..good anyway..the other gui does'nt list any libs either..its just there to support those who have switched over from win and need a "add/remove programs" equivalent17:26
bing_xocite when i ~/Desktop in terminal it says no such directory17:26
joheyIs there any way I can configure a RAID system to use encrypted LVM in an already installed Ubuntu Server 8.04, using the comfortable guide in the installation procedure (or similar)?17:26
jayproRishie oh okay so it's not just me17:26
bing_how do i fix it17:27
jeanneRishie: check the boot options. I had to use generic.all_generic_ide=1 for my old lappie.17:27
stefan____hi guys17:27
RishieJay, How far do you get17:27
stefan____i want to participate at the ubuntuproject, which things could i do17:27
psychi installed lighttpd17:27
psychand want it non-auto-start, how to set it up ?17:27
bing_i only installed ubuntu yesterday and its my 1st ever forray into linux17:27
soundraybing_: try a 'mkdir ~/Desktop' and please keep your problem descriptions on one line17:27
astro76stefan____: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate17:27
xocitebing_: then run a "mkdir ~/Desktop" and see what happens.17:28
anirudh0bing_, congrats!17:28
jeanneso about nick highlighting in pidgin :) it is kind of essential.17:28
kinghow to remove that password asking at startup?17:28
anirudh0jeanne, i got it to work a while ago..check under preferences17:28
acer_how to update the apt-get index offline using bz2 archives17:28
anirudh0king, not recommended..however you can do it under sys>admin?login window>security17:29
bing_do i just copy that line into terminal?17:29
acer_pls any one17:29
joheyAbout encrypted partitions... Many guides tell me to fill my entire disk with psuedorandom number. Is this an important part of the encryption procedure, or just a way to ensure my old data is scratched?17:29
anirudh0acer_, create a local repo..see a tut on the net for doing that17:29
soundraybing_: yes, everything except the quote marks17:29
bazhangacer_, what is the issue17:29
amenadowhose go ubuntu as guest on openvz? how do you set it up for an ssh into the virtual private server?17:29
anirudh0johey, the second one17:29
xocitebing_: yes17:30
soundrayking: System-Administration-Login Window -- Security - Autologin17:30
kingthank you17:30
acer_i have some packages downloaded from /main /restricted something like that17:30
xocitebing_: Log out and log back in and see if it works, if not, then I believe I have an alternative solution.17:30
joheyanirudh0: Thanks! That means that it is a totally useless step for brand new unused disks?17:30
amenadojohey-> important if your partition only has a portion of random, would clue in to that particular area, while the rest is zero or null17:30
psychwhere do I edit what will be auto-start or not?17:30
anirudh0acer..create a local repo out of them...and please google for more :)17:30
bazhangpsych, in system preferences sessions17:31
soundraypsych: do you mean at boot or at login?17:31
anirudh0johey, yes..i guess17:31
acer_i have a dialup connection and not able to update the apt-get index  but i have to download gstreamer plugin17:31
anirudh0acer_, oh..sorry17:31
anirudh0acer_, dpkg -i <deb-file>17:31
psychsoundf_, boot17:31
soundray!bum | psych17:32
nubotupsych: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto17:32
acer_anirudh0: i dont have deb file but bz2 archives17:32
kingafter windows this ubuntu is quite hard to understand ;P17:32
KakuraHey... so I've searched all through the internet for help, and nothing has worked, so I showed up here. I cannot resize my screen resolution larger than 800x600, can anyone help me out with that?17:32
anirudh0king, too many people say that...but its just different, not hard17:32
amenadowhat is required to ssh into ubuntu, even though it says sshd is already running (in the openvz guest ve) ?17:32
psychsoundray, is there any other way w/out bum ?17:32
soundraypsych: did you see what nubotu said?17:32
joheyanirudh0: Ah, so you mean that if someone steals my machine, he would have more trouble finding out where the encrypted data resides if the disk is initially filled with random data?17:32
Starnestommyamenado: port 22 needs to be open and forwarded to ubuntu17:32
acer_Kakura: try using ubuntu 7 live cd and copy the xorg.conf to the newly installed system it worked for me17:33
YoGhi, after the last update my pc can't resume from suspend anymore, can someone here help me please?17:33
anirudh0johey, i'm no expert in this area..but if the disk is _re_filled with psuedo-random numbers , then the old data is completely wiped out..else some sectors of old data..stuff you dont want others to see..may be left17:34
neonprophet_anyone know if theres a problem in .04 with refusing to mount any cd/dvd players?17:34
soundrayKakura: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg'. There's also a factoid:17:34
soundray!res | Kakura17:34
nubotuKakura: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:34
anirudh0johey, but take this with a pinch of salt..i'm just guessing :)17:34
MartyMooseor ctrl-alt-backspace17:34
acer_Kakura: which version of ubuntu has this problem17:35
joshualhey folks, running ubuntu 8.04, boot time is pretty decent, but gnome startup is not... any thoughts?17:35
joheyanirudh0: I see. :) Anyway. I think I'll skip that part then, as I'm using completely new disks. Thanks!17:35
anirudh0soundray, finally, the new bot a a resolution related factoid...it was painful to keep repeating the same "dpk-rec.." commands again and again17:35
derspanksterI cannot enable my Nvidia 6600 video card . glx-new and glx both don't give me a screen17:35
soundrayanirudh0: ubottu had it, and ubotu had it, too...17:36
bing_ok nothing happened, but got to love speed of rebbot17:36
anirudh0soundray, wish i had known it earlier..i kept typing them out everytime :)17:36
soundraybing_: does the Desktop folder exist in your home now?17:36
kingeverything else looks quite nice, but i cant get suond at all17:36
soundraybing_: did you type 'mkdir ~/Desktop' in the terminal?17:36
bing_ok i just did it again now its there17:37
jeanneanirudh0: I can only find sound events but no color highlighting...17:37
neonprophet_anyone know why the cdrom line in fstab won't read? is it a 8.04 issue?17:37
zeeeeehi, any way to check from what hosts users are currently logged in (over ssh)?17:37
anirudh0zeeeee, pinky17:38
soundraybing_: log out and log back in to see if the problem is resolved now (whatever it was...)17:38
cebrail_whats down17:38
astro76zeeeee: w17:38
soundrayzeeeee: use w or who17:38
joshualhey folks, running ubuntu 8.04, boot time is pretty decent, but gnome startup is not... any thoughts?17:38
YoGhi, after the last update my pc can't resume from suspend anymore, can someone here help me pretty please?17:38
IenorandHello, would somebody running Fx3 and Hardy be able to help me with a little speed test? My Firefox seems rather sluggish and I'd like to get a comparative measure.17:39
xociteSo, copy a file into ~/Desktop and see what shows up.17:39
joheyNext question about encrypted disks. Is this a good layer scheme: SATA->3 disks (sda, sdb, sdc)->one partition for each disk (sda1, sdb1, sdc1)->RAID5 of all partitions (md0)->LVM on md0->encryption with dm-crypt17:39
soundrayjoshual: have you got a second computer available?17:39
magnetronjohey: you need an unencrypted partition for /boot17:39
joheymagnetron: Oh, I'm not encrypting the system partitions at all. Just a big storage array.17:40
phil67Problem with Firefox opening by itself after boot17:40
soundray!pm | Kakura17:40
nubotuKakura: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.17:40
magnetronjohey: are you aware of the risks with an unencrypted swap?17:40
soundrayKakura: did you run the command I gave you with the -plow option>17:41
joheymagnetron: Yes. My solution is to not use a swap. :)17:41
Kitucan i have a good tutorial to install fglrx ?17:41
Steve-CalYoG: Those kind of problems are very hardware specific--your best might be to search ubuntuforums.org for your specific hardware and "suspend".17:41
magnetronjohey: nice :D17:41
bing_ok now i have a copy of the desktop folder on my desktop17:41
Kitui have tutorials but not for hardy version17:41
astro76johey: the way the alt cd sets it up is to put the LVM inside the encrypted partition17:41
xociteKitu: Ubuntu still uses fglrx?17:42
IenorandKitu: looked at cchtml?17:42
joshualsoundray: no unfortunately not now17:42
anirudh0johey, good choice..but hibernate does'nt work then17:42
Kitusorry i don't understand17:42
joheyastro76: Ok. Is that better than encrypting the LVM partition?17:42
xociteKitu: Ah, you're using Hardy.  The ATI driver is now catalyst.17:42
YoGSteve-Cal: thanx, I did a search, but everything seems to be the way its configured in the forums17:42
joshualdo you folks run anti-virus app with ubuntu?17:42
soundrayjoshual: no, it's not necessary17:42
xocitejoshual: clamscan is a good antivirus17:43
joheyanirudh0: It's for my file server. I don't need that.17:43
Steve-CalYoG: If you can get /etc/acpi/sleep.sh to work (just run "sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh force") then you could use that for suspend--have you tried that script yet?17:43
xocitejoshual: especially if you download mail to your computer17:43
soundray!virus | joshual17:43
weeziljoshua1: only if it's a mail server.17:43
derspanksterNeed help installing and enabling Nvidia 660017:43
soundrayjoshual: have a look at your ~/.xsession-errors to see if anything unusual is logged in there17:43
Kakurasoundray: it just did the keyboard thing again17:43
Gnutoohello,what is needed in order to read mp4a?17:44
soundrayKakura: okay. Did you look at the pages that nubotu pointed out?17:44
xociteGnutoo: You mean m4a?17:44
YoGSteve-Cal: that's what I'm using all the time. But when the computer wakes up it hangs immidiatly, i just see the blinking cursor17:44
Gnutooxocite, mpeg4 audio...17:44
YoGSteve-Cal: It worked until the last update17:44
xociteGnutoo: Not sure what the Ubuntu equivalent is, but you'll need to look at your gstreamer plugins17:45
Gnutooxocite, it's for ffmpeg...17:45
magnetron!codec | Gnutoo17:45
soundrayGnutoo: try 'gnome-open file.m4a' -- it should download the required codecs for you17:45
steveni want to thank you guys again17:45
magnetronGnutoo: oh, for ffmpeg? then you need the medibuntu repository17:45
joshualsoundray: could you have a look? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16012/17:45
stevenyou just talk so damn much, its perfect17:45
Gnutoomagnetron, what program in the medibuntu repo should i install?17:46
Steve-CalYoG: Hang on I've got a way you can troubleshoot...17:46
magnetronGnutoo: ffmpeg :D17:46
Gnutoomagnetron, ok thanks17:46
Gnutoomagnetron, is there a medibuntu for hardy?17:47
phil67Need help Firefox opens by itself after booting ubuntu gutsy17:47
magnetronGnutoo: yes. www.medibuntu.org17:47
johey_Sorry. I droped my connection. I asked:17:47
YoGSteve-Cal: I tried the trick with "echo 1 > /sys/power/pm_trace", but I can't understand dmesg17:47
johey_Is it necessary for me to use LVM at all on my fileserver, or should I just encrypt the RAID partition, md0 and use it as it is?17:47
Gnutoomagnetron, ok thanks17:47
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soundrayjoshual: hmm, lots of stuff in there -- but nothing obvious that it would spend a lot of time on. Is it stilll slow the second time you login?17:47
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bing_ok there is a folder on my desktop called desktop and i can delete this without it deleting from home17:48
stevendamnit that would have been perfect17:48
bing_cant sorry17:48
Gnutoomagnetron, thanks a lot17:48
soundrayjoshual: hmm, lots of stuff in there -- but nothing obvious that it would spend a lot of time on. Is it stilll slow the second time you login (after you log out of the first session)?17:48
magnetronGnutoo: cheers17:48
joshualsoundray: not sure...17:48
selven_this bug is supposed to have been fixed, but i am still getting it17:48
selven_just updated v17:48
selven_but seems the bug is still here17:49
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pappihi guys! got a problem with an external hard drive. it has 3 partitions, a logical one(fat32 and ext3 in it) and a primary reiserfs one. while i was burning some data from the hard drive, unfortunately the usb cable was unplugged. now i can't use it anyore, as lsusb probes nothing and dmesg does says anything about a connected hard drive. any tips?17:50
legend2440the_darkside_986: did you resolve autogen problem?17:50
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soundraypappi: does it have its own power supply, or is it USB-powered?17:51
the_darkside_986legend2440: yeah i deleted some files and it works now17:51
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pappisoundray,  own power supply17:52
pat__I have am having a problem with chmod; I would like to give rwx for owner and group, and rx for all others. I do  %chmod 775 [directory]17:52
the_darkside_986i found a codeblocks deb package. codeblocks > anjuta IMO.17:52
soundraypappi: have you powercycled it before reconnecting?17:52
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pappisoundray, how so i do it?17:52
Steve-CalYoG: Ok first add "set -x" to the beginning of that sleep.sh script (but after #!/bin/bash of course), and then login as root ("sudo -i"), and while you are root, run this:17:52
Steve-Cal/etc/acip/sleep.sh force 2>&1 | tee ~/Desktop/sleep_output.txt17:52
Steve-CalThat will create the "sleep_output.txt" file that logs all errors and also shows how far the script gets before hanging.17:52
soundraypappi: unplug the power supply17:52
legend2440the_darkside_986: yes code blocks is good one.. i kind of like netbeans also17:53
pappidone, and plugged it again. nothing happens17:53
Gnutoomagnetron, it still doesn't work and says unsuported codec17:53
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pteagueis there a way to print out a pdf to a graphic file?17:54
soundraypappi: run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' and turn the power off and on again. Any errors? Use pastebin if you want me to look at them.17:54
bing_should the it say home\bing17:54
Steve-CalYoG: Oops typo, should be "acpi" not "acip"17:54
bing_i cant figure this out17:54
anirudh1pteague, pdf2ppm17:54
DILpteague: tiff17:54
anirudh1pteague, part of latex17:54
magnetronGnutoo: did you remember to update your packages?17:54
Gnutoomagnetron, what packages?17:55
YoGok, just a sec.17:55
anirudh1sorry..pdftoppm not pdf2ppm17:55
razaccouri got a question17:55
Gnutoomagnetron, ah ok17:55
bing_i feel like reinstalling just because i cant delete some folders off desktop17:55
razaccouris there a .deb ndiswrapper file that i can save to a disc and use when installing another os?17:55
soundraybing_: please describe your entire problem on one line17:56
alteregodirc on a c64 rocks17:56
Steve-Calrazaccour: I think ndiswrapper comes with the LiveCD... can you just use that?17:56
soundraypteague: for a single one, I usually just open the PDF and do a screenshot17:56
Gnutoomagnetron, now ffmpeg gives me a floating point exception...17:56
anirudh1bing_, this is'nt windows..small problems can usually be solved without reinstalls ;)17:57
YoGSteve-Cal: ok, It went to sleep, and hanged when I tried to wake it up. It'll take a couple of minutes until it restarts, I'll tell you the results asap17:57
razaccouri'm using ubuntu right now, i'm wanting to use debian and see how that goes and need ndiswrapper to make the wifi work17:57
anirudh1Gnutoo, wow17:57
razaccouri don't have internet connection at home and use wifi17:57
anirudh1Gnutoo, rarely is a bug found in stable ffmpeg17:57
bing_i think my home and desktop are the same17:57
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Steve-CalYog: Good deal, just pastebin the results of that sleep_output.txt file (paste.ubuntu.com).17:57
anirudh1please help..even my touchpad is giving shocks now17:57
soundrayrazaccour: use the ndiswrapper supplied by Debian. The ubuntu one is unlikely to work17:57
phil67Does anyone know why Ubuntu Gutsy opens Firefox after boot up without clicking on Firefox17:57
pteagueyeah, i did the screenshot, but the image is really fuzzy... was hoping to get better detail in trying to print to a graphic17:58
johey_Is the netsplit finally over? Then I'll repeat my question:17:58
johey_Is it necessary for me to use LVM at all on my fileserver, or should I just encrypt the RAID partition, md0 and use it as it is?17:58
razaccouroh i didn't know it already had it, thanks17:58
pteaguewhy do people put a graphic in pdf in order to put it on the internet?17:58
drcheezensteinhey guys17:58
anirudh1pteague, its easier17:58
soundraypteague: you can of course print or convert to postscript and import that into the Gimp.17:58
drcheezensteinI need help with my wireless17:58
DILpteague: cant be modified17:58
pappisoundray, http://pastebin.com/m7ae37aa717:58
drcheezensteinit picks up the signal17:58
drcheezensteinbut just wont connect17:59
drcheezensteineven when im right next to it17:59
ushi-tamVideos over NFS have no audio (in Totem or VLC), but MP3 over NFS or local sounds work fine?17:59
ifireballpteague: you're lucky they didn't put it in a *.ppt file17:59
b4l74z4rhow do i turn off DynamicTwinView?17:59
Steve-Calsoundray: Just curious, but why would the Ubuntu ndiswrapper not be OK? Did I miss something he said?17:59
soundraypappi: those message do not relate to plugging in an external hard drive17:59
razaccourwhich dvd iso do i need, 1, 2, or 3?17:59
pappii know17:59
razaccourfor debian i mean17:59
Ienoran1Hello, could somebody help me do a simple speed test with Fx3 in Hardy, I am using some standard links (google *pedia, etc.) and putting them in a bookmarks folder. And then doing an "open all.." on that, this takes me 8 seconds, and Fx becomes very irresponsive, could somebody see if the same thing happens? Links are at: http://nopaste.info/8ff321609a.html17:59
soundraypappi: why did you paste them, then?17:59
Kituuwhen i try to install ati driver downloaded on ati web site, i have this message : X Server: unable to detect18:00
Kituuwhat's the problem ?18:00
fbcany noticing no video acceleration with nvidia after this last update?18:00
bing_when i add i folder to desktop it also gos into my home folder when i add to home it also goes onto desktop i can delete one without the other deleting18:00
soundraySteve-Cal: generally, you can't assume compatibility between Ubuntu and Debian packages -- especially for things close to the kernel like ndiswrapper18:00
pappididn't you told me to plug the hard drive then run tail -f /var/log/syslog ?18:00
Kituwhen i try to install ati driver downloaded on ati web site, i have this message : X Server: unable to detect, what's the problem ?18:01
soundraypappi: I did, but I didn't ask you to switch off your own capability of thinking.18:01
Steve-Calsoundray: I agree--did I miss something though? Is he on Debian and not Ubuntu?18:01
soundraypappi: what good is it posting messages that don't relate to the event in question?18:01
soundraySteve-Cal: switching to Debian18:02
LogiTechhow can i see what kind of SOUNDCARD i have??????????????????????18:02
LeefmcWhat is the most popular Ubuntu IRC app? I'm not crazy about Pidgin's take on IRC (though, there might be some plugins to do it for me). I'd prefer scripting of some sort, python if possible, etc. Thoughts?18:02
b4l74z4ri don't seem to have a proper xorg file so i don't know if appending "DynamicTwinView" "False" would help18:02
pappithat's true, but hey, aren't we here to help each other? i'm just scared about loosing 200gb of data, and i need some help18:02
veeturihi anirudh1: can u please help me with my broadcom wireless issues.....i couldnt find a suitable driver for the 44xx sseries ..18:03
Steve-Calveeturi: Which is your chipset exactly?18:03
YoGSteve-Cal: It didn't generate the file :-( but I have a partial output, before resuming, I put it in pastebin (http://paste.ubuntu.com/16015/), and I'll repeat the procedure again18:03
veeturisteve-cal: how can i describe it ???18:04
veeturisteve-cal: do u mean the lspci of the Broadcom???18:04
LogiTechhow can i see what soundcard i have with linux ubuntu????18:04
dxh4436how can i get on root?18:04
soundraypappi: there are only a handful people in this channel who give as much or more support than I do, so don't teach me about what I'm here for.18:04
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soundraypappi: now back on your issue, you may have wrecked your computer's USB hub. Try another socket.18:04
stroyanpappi: Maybe it is the computer that is confused rather than the hard drive controller.  You could try rebooting/powercycling the computer to reset the USB hardware.18:04
anirudh1veeturi, sorry..no idea about wireless18:04
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Steve-Calveeturi: Sure, just the chipset like "BCM4310" or something like that from lspci.18:04
veeturianirudh1: its ok man ...thanks for replying18:04
soundraypappi: I agree with stroyan -- good idea.18:05
anirudh0LogiTech, lspci18:05
dassoukii don't know if i'll get killed to ask that question. I use Anjuta exclusively on my linux box, are tehre any similar IDE for Windows ?18:05
jeanneanirudh0: test please?18:05
pappisorry anyway, maybe i offended you as i didn't write properly. anyway, i attached it with another cable in one another pc, and still nothing18:05
anirudh0jeanne, sorry..i did;nt understand ..test what?18:05
soundrayLogiTech: http://www.break.com/pictures/caps-lock509309.html18:05
veeturisteve-cal: i am sending u the lspci 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)18:05
veeturi0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)18:05
jeanneanirudh0: my highlihgthing :) not working though :(18:05
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newubuntuuserwhat is better ubuntu or free bsd?18:06
anirudh0soundray, kernel module issue?18:06
anirudh0jeanne, installed and enabled pidgin-plugins?18:06
soundrayanirudh0: pappi's?18:06
alteregodpigspin yeah18:06
alteregodit works18:06
tuxtarekkhi peeps what does the following error message mean: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:06
Roumsnewubuntuuser it is different18:07
elaine_how do i get the flash wmv etc plugins installed for firefox?18:07
veeturisteve-cal: did u get the thing u required?????18:07
LogiTechsoundray what link you gave me? what for?18:07
stroyanpappi: Ouch.  The next step would be trying to move the disk mechanism to a different controller.  Another USB controller or a direct PATA or SATA connection.  That is a big step.18:07
joshualanyone know how to add system management to side pane in USP (ubuntu system panel)?18:07
Steve-CalYoG: Ok, my mistake, try running the script and redirecting the output to /home/<your_username>/Desktop/sleep_output.txt (Do you see what I mean?)18:07
anirudh0soundray, yes..kernel module not reloading after the usb got unplugged..i'm shooting in the dark on this one though...18:07
soundraypappi: sounds like bad news. Perhaps only the USB part of your drive is broken -- then you might be able to rescue it by removing the hard drive from the case and connecting it internally18:07
jo4i have a problem with my tmp dir18:07
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jo4it says overflow and the size is 1mb18:08
soundrayanirudh0: pappi has tried the ext HD on another machine, so I'm afraid it's more serious18:08
alteregodyeah, and put a sata bridge into it18:08
tuxtarekkhi peeps i get the following error message when i try to install privproxy: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:08
pappii'm unmounting it already... now i just need to find a pc witha a sata controller :)18:08
alteregodtoday computers have external sado connectors18:08
stroyanpappi: Or maybe you 'unplugged' it by kicking the cable and that cable is now broken.  That would be a lot easier to try replacing.18:08
Steve-Calveeturi: Yes, thanks, have you by chance checked to see if that chipset works with the BCMxx-fwcutter software? I don't know off-hand.18:08
anirudh0stroyan, lol.."kicking" the cable18:08
soundrayLogiTech: you were using ALL CAPS. That's not the way to behave here. Also, you've had replies to your question -- what was wrong with those?18:08
KakuraSo, that page didn't help at all...18:09
joshualanyone USP?18:09
jeanneanirudh0: yes, the plugin-pack, but it isn't working. Anyway dinner18:09
newubuntuuserhow do i get the cube thingy working?18:09
bing_ive somehow managed to merge home and desktop how do i seperate tham18:09
anirudh0jeanne, one sec18:09
veeturisteve-cal: i didnt get what r u talking abt ....like the BCMxx -fwcutter????18:09
b4l74z4rhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/16017/ <-- is this how the xorg file is supposed to look like?18:09
ifireballsoundray, pappi : usb problems? did you try to reboot, the USB module on Ubuntu sometimes hangs on slightly broken hardware but can get back to work after a reboot18:09
biopodHi all, I'm trying to figure out how to make VLC open files in the "other" desktop... any ideas?18:09
sevenseekeris there a separate room for ubuntu server?18:09
Kakurasoundray: just went through the page, it didn't work18:09
Steve-CalYoG: Did you get that or should I give you the full command?18:09
YoGSteve-Cal: done.18:09
Steve-CalYoG: Great, please pastebin the results.18:09
Nattgewnowubuntuuser it's ctrl+alt+click and drag, or ctrl+shift+click, something like that18:10
pappirebooted, nothing happens.18:10
anirudh0jeanne, there's a plugin called "highlight"..another called "irc helper",and yet another called "irc more"...all enabled?18:10
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Steve-Calveeturi: The fwcutter software (its available in the repositories) can be used for most Broadcom chipsets, but I don't know about yours--you'll need to check at their website (which I don't know off-hand).18:11
Kakurasoundray: the page did not help me18:11
smallfoot-MOTHERFUICKER MY FIREFOX BREAK WHEN I WATCH YOUTUBE AND CLOSE IT! Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.18:11
alteregodi use a deb packet for fwcutter18:11
NTUi have a kernel question in ubuntu18:11
Steve-Calsmallfoot: Please watch your language, this is a family-friendly channel.18:11
sevenseekerI am looking for recommendations on server hardware, dual proc, amd 64, budget (for dev) not highend18:11
alteregodand copy the firmware to /homo/bin/laden18:11
NTUhow do i get kernel running under ubuntu 8.04??18:11
slashdothello out there in the ether18:11
dragon64hello slash18:12
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alienbrainsmallfoot-: yeah, appreciate it if you watch your language. And do: killlall firefox-bin18:12
joshualnoone uses usp?18:12
NTUhow do i get kernel running under ubuntu 8.04??18:12
alienbrainsmallfoot-: err, killall firefox-bin (or firefox2-bin)18:12
NTUhow do i get kernel running under ubuntu 8.04??18:12
alteregodyou have to compile it18:12
LogiTechi pasted lspci to terminal and got this letter: 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60) ... is still dont get what is my soundcard name....pls any118:13
NTUi did18:13
NTUgrub cant read it18:13
soundraybing_: still here?18:13
NTUit doesn'18:13
NTUt show up in grub18:13
slashdoti was hoping someone could assist me with some CPU scaling problems I'm having?18:13
alteregodedit grub in /boot18:13
NTUslashdot what cpu probs?18:13
anirudh0!enter| NTU18:13
Kakurasoundray: so my resolution is still to small...18:13
anirudh0ahh..some commands missing from the bot :(18:14
fen_NTU: do you have the vmlinuz images in your boot partition?18:14
Steve-CalYoG: Did you pastebin?18:14
slashdotit's running at 598mhz and it's a mobile centrino cpu.  i know it supports scaling, how do i get it to work is the problem.18:14
YoGSteve-Cal: just did: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16018/18:14
soundrayKakura: what have you tried?18:14
alteregodsudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst18:14
Kakurasoundray: everything that I found in google, and the page that was given to me earlier18:14
anirudh0slashdot, man cpufreq-selector18:14
bing_soudray yes18:15
soundrayKakura: you were only away for 15 minutes, so that can't be true18:15
soundraybing_: I need to give you a big set of instructions, so please be patient while I type it up18:15
krammer_how can i upgrade to 8.04 without the update manager18:15
cijiukHey peoples! I need help from other opera. When i change my <TAB> in FireFox, TAB allways refresh it self! I'm using FF3.18:15
bing_ok thamks18:15
tuxtarekkhi peeps18:16
[KS]`hello again18:16
[KS]`quick question, iwl4965: Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch18:16
tuxtarekkcan someone help me with the meaning of the following error message?18:16
tuxtarekkEmJay: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:16
sevenseekercan anyone direct me to where I can get recommendations for server hardware to run ubuntu server?18:16
Kakurasoundray: I had been done everything on google, and the page given to me, half of it either I ahd al ready done, or wasn't for the stuff I had18:16
[KS]`solution? I need to note that I do not have a hardware switch since it's all those touch buttons (HP Pavillion HDX9000)18:16
soundraybing_: Type Alt-F2 and start gconf-editor. In there, go through apps-nautilus-preferences and find the entry called desktop_is_home_dir. Uncheck it if it is checked (I hope it is)18:16
Steve-CalYoG: I don't see anything really obvious yet, but it would take a while to get through all that... one question: have you always used "ACPI_SLEEP_MODE=mem" in your xorg.conf? I have to use "ACPI_SLEEP_MODE=standby" to get mine to work.18:17
drcheezensteinhey guys18:17
fen_tuxtarekk: it means a script in a debian/ubuntu script encountered an error, look at all the output18:17
krammer_how can i upgrade to 8.04 without the update manager18:17
RoumsCan superblocks ,on an ext2/ext3 fs, be created again from nearly nothing ?18:17
drcheezensteinI really need help gtting my wireless card to assciate with my router18:17
b0xxywats wrong drcheezenstein18:17
fen_sorry debian ubuntu package18:17
tuxtarekkfen_ :Setting up privoxy (3.0.8-1) ...Starting filtering proxy server: invoke-rc.d: initscript privoxy, action "start" failed.dpkg: error processing privoxy (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1Errors were encountered while processing: privoxy18:17
drcheezensteincan I message you in a dialog box b0xxy?18:18
alteregodwhats that?18:18
biopodanyone can recommend me another linux IRC channel where I can get some help about VLC?18:18
b0xxyi probly dont have an answer for your question18:18
bing_i dont have gconf editor18:18
soundraysevenseeker: I think that's a Ubuntu support question in the wider sense, so tell us what your server needs to do and someone will answer sooner or later18:18
soundraybing_: gconf-editor (note the - )18:19
fen_tuxtarekk: starting privoxy failed18:19
sevenseekersoundray: thanks18:19
drcheezensteinwell I have the restriced driver installed and it picks up the signal18:19
bazhangbiopod, what is the issue18:19
YoGSteve-Cal: 1) you mean acpi-support not xorg.conf right? 2) I don't know, I did alot of tweaking to get it work the last time, but I think that the way it was... anyway, I'll try with standby and see18:19
tuxtarekkfen_: i know but how can i repair this?18:19
drcheezensteinbut it wont connect18:19
alteregodstart privoxy with sudo18:19
ymeHi I'm in a little emergency. I've installed something called 8.04 LTS. I fear that may mean light server? Is that correct?18:19
bing_ahh ok18:19
drcheezensteineven though im right next to it18:19
sevenseekerI need a dual proc system, lower end, amd6418:19
Kituuhttp://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=212634 << on this page it is told to activate ATI driver : system, administration .... dans select the case ati driver, ME I DON't have this case, WHY ?? :(18:19
drcheezensteineven though everything else in the house connects to it18:19
biopodbazhang: trying to send the full screen of VLC to monitor1 while runing it from command line from monitor018:19
abarbacciahey - can someone here help me out with making a package quickly18:20
abarbacciaits the latest v4l-dvb modules - i have a package built but then get some conflicts with modules.symbols18:20
fen_have a look in /var/log to see if there is a privoxy log file/directory or check /var/log/syslog18:20
Kituumy installation is recent18:20
drcheezensteingot any ideas on whats wrong/18:20
[KS]`No suggestions for iwl4965: Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch?18:20
Kituutoday i have installed and nothing to do particulary18:20
alteregodthere is a option in vlc18:20
AshfireIn top what does the status "D" mean?18:20
bing_it is unchecked alreay18:20
aegzorzyme: LTS means Long Time Support18:20
gregbradyHey everyone, my laptop started to slow down to a crawl over a period of two hours.  It eventually just froze sold and I hard to power down.  The reboot to over 1 hour and now everything is still crawling.  cpu is at 100% all the time and gnome-system-monitor reports that it is using all of the cpu time.  Any ideas?18:20
steviebunsarabaccia - I had that problem too18:20
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
alteregodi hope the kernel 25 works in the next week18:21
fen_[KS]`: what happens i missed what you said after the first statement18:21
biopodalteregod: I'm trying locate such an option, but can't find it no where18:21
soundray[KS]`: your laptop must have a key or switch for enabling wireless18:21
[KS]`fen_: iwl4965: Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch18:21
ymeaegzorz, the problem is that when I start the system, it appears a sort of command line OS, rather than the nice UI I had before. Is there a way I can install the desktop package from the command line?18:21
Steve-CalYoG: My mistake--you're right it's acpi-support :)18:21
fen_oh thats the message you get?18:21
bing_soundray: it was unchecked18:21
[KS]`fen_: I don't have hardware wifi switch, since all buttons I have on my laptop (Pavillion HDX 9000) are those touch buttons18:21
[KS]`and dmesg says iwl4965: Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch18:22
fen_[KS]`: the touch strip?18:22
sevenseekerdoh, update:  I need a dual amd64, lower end, but that has the virtualization hardware on board (forgot what AMD calls theirs)18:22
aegzorzyme you could try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart18:22
fen_i think i have the same one on my 6710b18:22
[KS]`fen_: Yeah, HP QuickPlay18:22
qawshi, how long will be broken dependencies in this LTS please?18:23
ymeThanks. I'll try18:23
fen_does it have a wifi button?18:23
joshualdoes anyone use Ubuntu System Panel?18:23
[KS]`fen_: yes it has, and it always lights orange18:23
sevenseekerjoshual: I do18:23
ParadoxxHow do I find out what kernel versioun is installed?18:23
RoumsCan superblocks (on an ext2/ext3 fs) be created again from a corruted/formated partition ?18:23
ymeaegzorz, it says command not found18:23
[KS]`paradon: uname -r18:23
DILuname -a18:23
fen_[KS]`: yeah mine always is off, but it still turns my wireless on and off18:23
joshualsevenseeker: are there any example config files around?18:24
soundraybing_: too bad... Would it be terrible to create a new user on your system and use that instead of your current one? It's easily done through System-Administration-Users and Groups. Make sure you give it all privileges.18:24
aegzorzyme: does startx work?18:24
Steve-Calveeturi: You know I think you gave me the wrong card info--that BCM4401 is your ethernet card I believe--how about posting your output of "sudo lshw -C network"?18:24
[KS]`fen_: is there a way to override it?18:24
YoGSteve-Cal: well, with "standby" it seems more active when I try to wake it up (the hd led flashed a couple of times), but the screen does not wakeup18:24
ymeaegzorz, in /etc/init.d or just from my home directory?18:24
comicinke1how can I exclude single pakets permanently from being upgraded? On hardy, libdvdcss2 from videolan.org is working much better than from medibuntu.18:24
fen_you shouldn't need to18:24
aegzorzanywhere from command line18:24
ymek, I'll try18:24
RoAkSoAxParadoxx, uname -r18:25
sevenseekerjoshual: well I do not know the internals of that, so wouldn't know the config files if they stood up and smacked me, sorry18:25
fen_if you press it once from when you get that message and try again what happens?18:25
n8aturewhats the best way to have a script run once automatically the first time ubuntu is booted but then no more?18:25
GizmoChubsQuick question: Whats that linux command which shows me all the network activity? (Not netstat).. like, which ports are open, and which programs using thos ports, etc.18:25
[KS]`fen_: I am always getting that error in dmesg18:25
YoGSteve-Cal: I did the same trick this time as well, so I'll post the output, if it helps...18:25
ymeaegzorz, it says command not found18:25
bing_ok ill try that thanks18:25
soundrayKakura: can you put your /var/log/Xorg.0.log on a pastebin for me to see?18:25
joshualhehe ok thx18:25
aegzorzyme, ok18:25
ParadoxxThank you18:25
soundrayn8ature: call it from /etc/rc.local18:26
fen_[KS]`: do any of the other functions on the strip work?18:26
Steve-CalYoG: OK, you may need to modify some of your video options in that acpi-support file... These are the options I changed to in order to get mine working, you could try changing them: POST_VIDEO=false        SAVE_VBE_STATE=false18:26
n8aturesoundray: thanks.. i guess i could have it delete itself18:26
[KS]`fen_: no18:26
mallonezaI agree the earth is flat.18:26
aegzorztry sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:26
mallonezayou used the letter 'a' in that message aegzorz18:26
mallonezaI agree the earth is flat.18:26
ymeaegzorz, thanks. I'll do that18:27
mallonezayou used the letter 'a' in that message yme18:27
mallonezaI agree the earth is flat.18:27
ikoniamalloneza: stop please18:27
mallonezayou used the letter 'a' in that message ikonia18:27
ikonia!ops | malloneza bot18:27
mallonezayou used the letter 'a' in that message ikonia18:27
fen_are you dual booting? does it work under windows?18:27
mallonezayou used the letter 'a' in that message fen_18:27
szgalDoes anyone know how I can tell which window decorator is currently loaded?18:27
soundrayn8ature: delete itself?18:28
YoGSteve-Cal: I think I've got both of them false...18:28
drcheezensteincan someone help me with my wireless problem18:28
Steve-CalYoG: Hmmm... OK and what was the output this time? (pastebin)18:28
[KS]`fen_: yeah now it's windows xp / ubuntu, but drivers support is realy lousy on xp so I am going to install vista. It is not working on XP.18:28
bytecolorIf I disable gdm, then run startx from the cl to load icewm, there are hotkeys active (Ctrl+Alt+t to start a term, for instance). icewm is NOT setting them. So where are they comming from?18:29
n8aturesoundray: yes, im creating a base image that will be used for xen guest.. the first time the guest is run, i would like it to install a few more things.. but i dont want that script to run on every boot.. just the first boot.. so i could have it remove itself18:29
fen_[KS]`: whats the model again? pavillion 9000 something?18:29
drcheezensteinman ubuntu needs to update its network manager already18:29
[KS]`fen_: HDX900018:30
drcheezensteinI never had any of these problems on 7.1018:30
soundray[KS]`: have you searched the web for that dmesg string? It strikes me as something that other people should have written about...18:30
ymeaegzorz, it's downloading a lot of stuff. I believe I didn't have any desktop package on my PC right?18:30
veeturisteve-cal: how do i post the output....its more than 10 lines?18:30
[KS]`soundray: it says that it's hw switch, obviously18:30
soundray[KS]`: also, you might find installation reports on your laptop model on http://www.tuxmobil.org18:30
[KS]`even google says that18:30
Steve-Calveeturi: Just paste it at paste.ubuntu.com :)18:30
YoGSteve-Cal: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16020/18:30
aegzorzyme: yeah if it needs to install alot of packages it sounds like there was no desktop environment installed18:31
soundray[KS]`: no solutions?18:31
soundrayn8ature: sounds reasonable -- remove or, perhaps, rename18:31
ymeaegzorz, thanks, you saved the day!!18:31
[KS]`soundray: only one, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-616556.html18:31
[KS]`but I did not understand it completely18:31
aegzorzyme: no problem, glad to help18:31
veeturisteve-cal: this is the link i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/16021/18:32
[KS]`the cat... thing18:32
YoGSteve-Cal: now at least i can see that it resumes (line 209:  /etc/acpi/resume.sh)18:32
joshualsevenseeker: i dont understand how to add things to the side pane18:32
soundray[KS]`: do you have a directory /sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl4965/ ?18:32
sevenseekerjoshual: it was my understanding that each of the components have their own package that auto configures to be included... I may be wrong though18:33
[KS]`and it's ont 0000:02:00.018:33
soundray[KS]`: how many entries in there?18:33
[KS]`it's 0000:10:00.018:33
LetterRipanyone know if freenode is down?18:33
StarnestommyLetterRip: it's up18:33
icqnumberLetterRip: ????18:33
soundray[KS]`: what's in the directory /sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl4965/ ?18:33
LetterRiphrmm i tried connecting to freenode to join #blendercoders and it never connected18:34
joshualanyone else use USP?18:34
johnsoper /msg ubottu etiquette18:34
Ebelehi folks; can I get some help with flash, ie playing youtubes18:34
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[KS]`soundray: I'll tell you in a minute ,just to boot up the laptop18:34
LetterRiphmm ok this must be a different node perhaps18:34
soundrayjohnsoper: try nubotu18:34
veeturisteve-cal: i have seen that the wireless card is the 94311 series card!!18:34
slashdot_who in here is on-point with CPU scaling!?  i need some serious help.  processor is draining the mess out of my batteries!18:34
uegood day all, i have installed hardy 8.0.4 and i have problems with my usb mouse it lag/spikes ... but my ps/2 works like a charm, btw the usb mouse worked with out any probs on gusty18:34
YoGSteve-Cal: maybe I'll try adding "nvidia" to the black list?18:34
StarnestommyLetterRip: there was a problem with a couple servers in freenode18:34
LetterRipStarnestommy, ok thanks18:35
LetterRipbye all18:35
drcheezensteincan someone please help me with my wireless problem?18:35
fen_[KS]`: by the sounds of it the switch is operated via a a file in that directory soundray just told you, if you can get that part working, then you can use key touch to try to get the strip working18:36
Steve-Calveeturi, YoG: I got disconnected--did you guys post any results?18:36
fen_drcheezenstein: whats the issue18:36
veeturisteve-cal: nope man...i didnt post any but i pasted the http://paste.ubuntu.com/16021/18:36
Tonydudecan someone chat with me and help me set up my wireless card, i have a toshiba a205-s5814 with an internal realtek 802.11b/g card but it shows up as a usb device. someone help?18:37
drcheezensteinfen_: Everything is installed right, and im right next to the wireless router, that everything else works off of, but it wont connect at all on ubuntu 8.0418:37
[KS]`soundray: in /sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl4965 there is: 0000:10:00.0, bind, module, new_id, uevent, unbind18:37
YoGSteve-Cal: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16020/18:37
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fen_drcheezenstein: what is the wireless card model in your pc/laptop?18:37
soundray[KS]`: is any of those a directory? Check with ls -l and look for lines beginning with d18:38
Steve-Calveeturi: OK your wireless chipset is actually "BCM4311"...18:38
[KS]`soundray, 0000:10:00.0 and module18:39
mohkohnI am having a mozilla firefox problem. what is the best channel for info?18:39
soundray[KS]`: does /sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl4965/0000:10:00.0/ contain rf_kill ?18:39
fen_drcheezenstein: if you're not certain open a terminal and type lspci -v18:39
[KS]`soundray, no18:39
drcheezensteinok hold on18:39
YoGSteve-Cal: I now remember why I used "mem" instead of "standby" - because with "standby" the computer does not shut down completely, the fans continue to rotate...18:40
fen_drcheezenstein: you'll need to use pastebin to communicate that to me though18:40
soundray[KS]`: the module one?18:40
veeturisteve-cal: yes buddy ....this chipset but how do i install the wifi drivers for this ???18:40
[KS]`soundray, no18:40
drcheezensteinok hold on whats the link to pastebin?18:40
gregbradyI just tried a reboot and it took over 11 minutes to boot up!  And the system is just crawling.  Even this chat window cannot keep up with my typing and it's the only thing running.18:40
fen_!pastebin drcheezenstein18:40
mohkohnAnd by the way thatnks to stroyan I am back on ubuntu now with Firefox 218:41
szgalDoes anyone know how I can tell which window composing manager/decorator is currently loaded and being used?18:41
fen_whats the precreated pastebin command here?18:41
Steve-CalYoG: I don't know offhand--that's alot of output to sort through. ;) Have you by chance tried "uswsusp"? That might work better for you.18:41
fen_i think its pastebin.ubuntu.com18:41
mohkohnhttp://paste.ubuntu.com |18:41
soundray[KS]`: any output from 'sudo find /sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl4965 -name rf\* '?18:41
drcheezensteinhold on18:41
Tonydudecan someone chat with me and help me set up my wireless card, i have a toshiba a205-s5814 with an internal realtek 802.11b/g card but it shows up as a usb device. someone help?18:41
drcheezensteini found it18:41
Jessica_lillyagh it dosnt work18:41
Steve-Calveeturi: Hang on, please be patient...18:42
fen_thank mohkohn18:42
[KS]`soundray, none18:42
drcheezensteinfen_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/16026/18:42
szgalDoes anyone know how I can tell which window composing manager/decorator is currently loaded and being used?18:43
mohkohnIt is in the message of the day at the top of the page for future reference.18:43
LimCoreszgal: I gunno, but this indeed would be usable thing to kno18:43
fen_drcheezenstein: you hav a broadcom bcm430618:43
soundray[KS]`: sorry, I have to give up. Do head over to tuxmobil.org , though, like I said earlier, there are bound to be people  who have solved this problem on your very model18:43
Jessica_lillyi have a wireless adapter which needs the rt73 driver it works when running on the live cd, when i run it on my installed system it just keeps asking for the password over and over and wont see any network18:43
drcheezensteini guess so fen-18:44
[KS]`soundray, I've been there, there is no my model :(18:44
gregbradyMy cpu is at 100% all the time....18:44
Steve-Calveeturi: It looks like that bcm43xx-fwcutter software supports your chipset. Just download that package via Synaptic and use it to install your driver.18:44
drcheezensteinSo whats the problem?18:44
YoGSteve-Cal: it did with gutsy out of the box, but not in hardy :-(18:44
szgalLimCore, yes it would be extremely useful thing for me to know. My Google searches are coming up dry.18:44
Tonydudecan someone chat with me and help me set up my wireless card, i have a toshiba a205-s5814 with an internal realtek 802.11b/g card but it shows up as a usb device. someone help?18:44
mohkohnI think my error has come about because  I uninstalled Firefox 3 and Firefox2 and have now reinstalled Firfox 2.18:44
soundray[KS]`: did you get the latest driver with usser's help?18:44
fen_drcheezenstein: it needs proprietary firmware i think, but im checking hang on18:44
[KS]`soundray, yes, last night18:45
=== Joeb454 is now known as Brian_Griffin
Steve-CalYoG: I know exactly how you feel--isn't it frustrating? I got my suspend working with lots of fenagling in Gutsy, but then it broke in Hardy. So I had to troubleshoot all over again. ;)18:45
redfroHi guys18:45
soundray[KS]`: have you checked the BIOS setup for an enabling switch?18:45
mohkohnI get an Error: installLocation has no properties Source File: file:///usr/lib/firefox/components/nsExtensionManager.js Line: 393818:45
drcheezensteinwell I installed the stuff from the restricted drivers menu, or whatever it is called now18:45
Tonydudecan someone chat with me and help me set up my wireless card, i have a toshiba a205-s5814 with an internal realtek 802.11b/g card but it shows up as a usb device. someone help?18:45
mohkohnFull error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16027/18:45
drcheezensteinbroadcom b43 wireless driver and the firmware18:46
redfrodoes anyone could help me to fix the sound on my eeexubuntu installation?18:46
=== Brian_Griffin is now known as Joeb454
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: Which BCM chipset?18:46
n8atureany way to flag apt-get to not auto start a program it is installing?18:46
[KS]`soundray, yes, no option18:46
veeturisteve-cal: no problem buddy ....take ur own time....i have install the bcmxx fwcutter package from synaptic  now whats next ???18:46
redfroI'm running it on eeepc 90018:46
fen_drcheezenstein: in the terminal type ifconfig -a and pastebin it18:46
mohkohnI am trying to install this addon for firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/11518:46
Steve-CalTonydude: First you need to determine the chipset your wifi card uses--run "sudo lshw -C network" in a terminal.18:47
fen_drcheezenstein: oh and 'lsmod' too18:47
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
mohkohnSo the question is can I fix it so I can install ReloadEvery in Firefox 2 on Ubuntu Hardy.18:47
Ebelemohkohn; what's problem?18:47
drcheezensteinheres the ifconfig -a18:48
Tonydudesteve-call: it just comes up as my fast ethernet controller18:48
soundray[KS]`: sorry. I think the best hope is to wait for a new driver version18:48
mohkohnEbele, I have just been posting the problem18:48
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: Which BCM chipset exactly?18:48
LeefmcQuestion: How do i eject a USB Device, and how do i "know" it is ejected, so i can be sure of a safe removal?18:48
fen_drcheezenstein: ok your wifi card is installed and is recognised by linux18:48
drcheezensteintheres the lsmod18:49
fen_as for the connection issue18:49
MrObviousLeefmc: I just right click the icon on the desktop and push unmount or whatever. Or you can always do it in a terminal sudo umount /media/mountpoint18:49
MFietjemohkohn: which version of ff are you using?18:49
mohkohnEbele,  Error: installLocation has no properties Source File: file:///usr/lib/firefox/components/nsExtensionManager.js Line: 393818:49
mohkohnMFietje, Firefox 218:49
MFietjemohkohn: this add on is not compatible for the latest FF3 version18:49
drcheezensteinMrobvious  broadcom bcm430618:49
mohkohnI got rid of 318:49
MFietjemohkohn: i see18:49
[KS]`soundray, I got it!18:50
MFietjemohkohn: i use FF 3 RC118:50
drcheezensteinso fen_ what is the problem then?18:50
soundray[KS]`: what?!18:50
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: Ahh I have no experience but I've found ndiswrapper superior to b43 with my chipset. (94311)18:50
gregbradyOk, no worries, I will just reinstall Ubuntu yet again.18:50
[KS]`soundray, now that you mentioned BIOS, I remembered that I read somewhere, that Restoring bios defaults should help. And it did. Even my bluetooth is working now!18:50
Steve-Calveeturi: I'm no expert with the fwcutter software since I used ndiswrapper for my wireless, but I think all you may need to do is "sudo modprobe bcm43xx".18:50
[KS]`Thanks everyone for your patienc e:)18:50
mohkohnI had both on. It worked in two. the next time I rebooted Firefox 3 hijacked Firefox 2 despite both being in the menu.18:50
LeefmcMrObvious: Ah thank you! I was having trouble because unmounting in the browser would still leave the icon there.. i could see no way to tell if it was in or out. This works, thank you!18:50
drcheezensteinhow do I use ndiswrapper?18:50
YoGSteve-Cal: It is fraustrating... I have to go now, maybe I'll catch you around another day and you'll help me troubleshooting the problem... anyway thanx alot18:50
MrObviousLeefmc: You're welcome.18:50
mohkohnSo I got rid of both. Reinstalled two and I am getting this error18:51
* MrObvious yawns18:51
soundray!yay | [KS]`18:51
mohkohnI really need thsi addon18:51
fen_drcheezenstein: your card is working, ndiswrapper wont change that18:51
Steve-CalTonydude: Did I miss something? Is is USB? If so try "lsusb -v"18:51
drcheezensteinfen_ I know its working but it wont connect to my router18:51
bazhangno bot soundray :)18:51
Tonydudeit comes up as a usb18:51
fen_drcheezenstein: so lets loot at that one18:51
soundray[KS]`: no bot. Anyway -- well done18:51
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: Well try b43 first. I would have to do some searching to find the howto.18:51
drcheezensteinFen_ but everything else in the house does, it used to connect under 8.0418:51
Steve-CalYoG: No problem--take care. :)18:51
[KS]`soundray, I would never manage it without you guys. Thanks :)18:51
drcheezensteinI mean18:51
mohkohnThe ISP here in Cambodia cuts your internet off when you are not websurfing.18:51
drcheezensteinthe last version of ubuntu everything worked18:52
fen_drcheezenstein: in the terminal type iwlist scanning18:52
soundraybazhang: it's 'no bot :(', not 'no bot :)' ;)18:52
Tonydudesteve-cal: it comes up under the first thing under usb18:52
MFietjemohkohn: really? that's odd18:52
Ebelemohkohn: did you google the error; found something there18:52
Steve-Caltonydude: OK, so what's the chipset? If you're not sure just post the whole output to paste.ubuntu.com so I can see it.18:53
drcheezensteinfen_ this confuses me because network manager picks it up but look at this18:53
mohkohnEbele, I usually goodle. I must be a bit affected by red wine.18:53
rossi am not seeing the users list to the right, can anyone please tell me how to view the users in this room?18:53
mineraleI have a user, and I have a group, how can I associate the user to be part of the group ?18:53
drcheezensteinyou get that fen_18:54
aarrghhhwhoo-hoo-hoooo! seems like i'm in to ubuntu!!!18:54
soundrayminerale: 'sudo adduser username groupname'18:54
Steve-Calross: that entirely depends on your IRC software.... :)18:54
veeturisteve-cal: there is no output for the command for modprobe bcm43xx18:54
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mineralesoundray: I have an existing user, not a new18:54
soundrayveeturi: that's generally a good sign18:54
soundrayminerale: same thing18:54
Tonydudesteve-cal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16037/18:54
Steve-Calveeturi: OK, do "lsmod | grep bcm" and see if it out\puts that module...18:55
soundrayminerale: man adduser if you don't believe me18:55
drcheezensteinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/16036/ fen_18:55
fen_drcheezenstein: yeah i saw it18:55
soundrayminerale: or go through System-Administration-Users and groups18:55
fen_drcheezenstein: one sec18:55
drcheezensteinany ideas fen_18:55
drcheezensteinoh ok18:55
scotiobade2Hi i just got an archos it has a usb mass storage i am using ubuntu hardy heron on gnome does anyone know how i can get it to work with the mp3 players such as rythmbox or amarok?18:55
aarrghhhhello my dear misters and mistress! may anon tell me how to query a user? (while not knowing what server he's joining temporarily?18:56
scotiobade2so can anyone help me?18:56
soundrayscotiobade2: you need to bring a bit of patience18:57
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff?highlight=(WifiDocs)|(AND)|(ManufacturerModel) Try letting fen_ help you first but this might help you if not already. It's what I did to get wi-fi working at least somewhat. :\18:57
scotiobade2No problem.18:57
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: But let fen_ help you first.18:57
etronikscotiobade2: sorry, not me, I'm struggling with my upgrade from Dapper to heron18:57
mohkohnLooks like lots of people have the same probelm as me with the plugins18:57
drcheezensteini gotchu why does ubuntu have to make upgrading a bitch/18:57
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: I don't know. :\18:58
JonDeereI need help getting my Ubuntu's Nvidia driver out of 640X480 mode. The docs say the X config file needs this option put in: Option "UseEDID" "FALSE", but I can't successfully save the file?18:58
etronikeeeck! kernel panic upon reboot18:58
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: I hope BCM chipset issues improve with 8.10.18:58
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: It's the one area that needs some work.18:58
drcheezenstein:( i lost my 7.10 disc :(18:58
MrObviousWell I'm out.18:58
aarrghhh@ jondeere18:58
drcheezensteinwhen does 8.10 come out?18:58
soundrayscotiobade2: give it ten minutes or so, then repeat your question. In the meantime, try a web search on e.g. site:ubuntuforums.org ubuntu archos music18:58
yao_ziyua1my video card is ati radeon 9200 with 3d acceleration. do i need to install additional driver packages?18:58
ompaul!language | drcheezenstein18:58
MrObviousdrcheezenstein: October 08. :p18:59
aarrghhhgo system>system|hardware-treiber>18:59
aarrghhhactivate then change xconfig18:59
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JonDeereOK trying18:59
drcheezensteingod, am I going to have to clean upgrade for that too?18:59
fen_drcheezenstein: ok try iwconfig wlan0, and look for ESSID18:59
Steve-CalTonydude: OK your chipset is "RTL8197" and you can use ndiswrapper to get it working. Just follow this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79209218:59
=== Xpander is now known as Expander
JonDeereCan't reach System option in menu in this mode18:59
JonDeereIt's crowded out18:59
Tonydudealright i hope it works19:00
aarrghhhthen i'm sorry. can't help you. me is a newbie too.19:00
drcheezensteinfen_ it just has "" next to essid19:00
JonDeereThanks for trying though. :)19:00
emmasoundray: I hope that some day I attain your level of competence. Some times I sit here for very long stretches waiting for a question that is at my level :P19:00
ompaulm4u17k, this is #ubuntu the official ubuntu support channel19:01
fen_drcheezenstein: is your wireless network using wpa? (it should be if it isn't)19:01
Ginhow do you open .package file?19:01
drcheezensteinfen_ there is no protection for it at the moment, we couldnt get the wii to work with protection on it19:01
emmaGin: do you mean a .deb package?19:02
Steve-Calveeturi: I have to get going, but I'll be back in an hour or so maybe... someone can probably help you in the meantime.19:02
fen_Gin: .package is an ambiguos file extension try a text editor19:02
fen_drcheezenstein: ok19:02
fen_drcheezenstein: on the up side it will make diagnosis easier19:02
ompaulpreetam1987, this is #ubuntu the official ubuntu support channel19:03
drcheezensteinwhen I click on the network manager button, it comes up with our signal though with a good signal19:03
veeturisteve-cal: ok sure buddy , i ll wait for you..19:03
fen_do you know the essid and channel your acesss point is on?19:03
aarrghhhHELP! want to query a user. but i don't know the server he's joining. wan't to give him a proof that i'm NOT that stupid...19:04
etronikNow I've done ! I've F### my system during the upgrade19:04
ompaulaarrghhh that would be a question for #defocus or #freenode19:04
Gnutooaarrghhh, whois?19:04
Starnestommyaarrghhh: the server doesn't matter, but the network does19:04
aarrghhhthx ompaul!!19:05
aarrghhhname must be sth like bimmeli19:05
selven_etronik, what's thep robs... i just did a gutsy to hardy update, fucked my system, had to use dpkg to get things back online19:05
ompauletronik, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade might help19:05
ompaulaarrghhh, you are offtopic for here19:05
liuxciao a tutti19:05
aarrghhhhope i don't cause him trouble while tellin' his name19:05
Myrttilanguage, selven19:05
ompaulaarrghhh, you are going to get yourself banned you are offtopic for here19:05
selven_etronik, if you are having the same bug, then please confirm it here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-apt/+bug/19322319:06
aarrghhhso i quit19:06
selven_they have set the status as fixed, but it isn't19:06
JonDeereI need help editing my xorg.conf file to add the option, Option "UseEDID" "FALSE", so that I can set to video modes above 640X480 in my Nvidia driver?19:06
selven_Myrtti, : sorry about the language, that slipped19:06
fen_drcheezenstein: ah shit i have to get some sleep its 4am here and i've been up since 6am yesterday19:07
drcheezensteingod damn19:07
drcheezensteinok fen_19:07
selven_JonDeere, doesn't the nvidia.run driver do that automatically for you?19:07
Myrttifen_: , mind the language!19:07
drcheezensteinlooks like im not getting any help till later cause i have to goto work soon19:07
Assiderr.. anyone know how to mount a folder19:07
=== fen_ is now known as fen[a]
Sun13jondeere: did you just uprade?19:07
selven_Assid, : mount a folder ???19:07
shiv1285hello, Can anyone tell me how do i uninstall programs downloaded via wine?19:07
drcheezensteinwhats wrong with "cure" words?19:07
Assidyeah.. i want to mount a location directly19:08
drcheezensteinits notlike they actually put curses on people19:08
drcheezensteinget over it19:08
fen[a]drcheezenstein: 'family' channel19:08
Myrttidrcheezenstein: this is a family frendly channel19:08
Sun13shiva: i just deleted them19:08
jocaquem esta ai19:08
joca dias19:08
selven_Assid, why not just sym link it?19:08
Myrttijoca: /join #ubuntu-br19:08
drcheezensteinyeah well its my personal opinion that familys need to get over it too19:08
fen[a]can't be teaching kiddies to swear :)19:08
ompauldrcheezenstein, it is to be kept friendly and professional19:08
Myrttidrcheezenstein: your personal19:08
shiv1285where do you go to delete them?19:08
ompauldrcheezenstein, well you are offtopic for here now19:08
drcheezensteinjust went on a rant19:09
ompaulwe kind of noticed19:09
goat|lappyhello all, anyone seeing "Could not calculate the upgrade" when updating and being prompted to dist-upgrade?19:09
shiv1285Sun13: where do you go to delete them19:09
=== siml1_ is now known as siml1
Myrtti!pt | joca19:09
ompauljoca, /join #ubuntu-br19:09
JonDeereYes I just used System Hardware an enabled the Nvidia driver19:09
ompaulMyrtti, no bot19:09
JonDeereHow to I invoke nvidia.run?19:09
jocacomo vao todos19:09
Myrttiompaul: ubot3 is here...19:09
jocaoi myrtti19:09
Sun13shiv: to goto your the file directory home look for .vmware and look for the program19:10
Myrttiprolly muted?19:10
JonDeereI mean it basically works, I have fancy window pops now, but it's stuck in 640X480. OK19:10
ompaulI just tried to unmute19:10
Myrttididn't see a thing19:10
Sun13shiv: i meant wine19:10
Myrttioh, there19:10
selven_JonDeere, then edit it and see if it works19:11
ompauldead as a dodo19:11
Myrttiompaul: noticed19:11
Myrttioh well.19:11
scotiobade2ok i have checked forums but i cant seem to find anything.19:11
ompaulIsamu, /join #ubuntu-fr19:11
JonDeereOK could you walk me through that, Selven?19:11
melchI need help with gnome-do I am trying to change the background of the program.19:11
szgalHi, I am following a tutorial that requires me to install a package called "desktop-effects", however, it does not appear on my list. I am running Ubuntu Hardy, any ideas?19:11
Sun13how much difference will i experience with 64 bit vs. 32 bit19:12
Isamuok sorry19:12
IsamuI try to config my xchat & mozilla19:12
JonDeereI'm on ubuntu hard 8.04 if that helps. :)19:13
szgalHi, I am following a tutorial that requires me to install a package called "desktop-effects", however, it does not appear on my list. I am running Ubuntu Hardy, any ideas?19:13
ompaulSun13, desktop or server19:13
Myrtti!info scrot19:13
ubot3scrot: command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-7 (gutsy), package size 18 kB, installed size 88 kB19:13
melchszgal, link lease in a pm19:13
melch I need help with gnome-do I am trying to change the background of the program.19:13
Sun13ompaul: both19:13
szgalmlech, link lease? What does that mean19:14
melchszgal, you said u were following a guide19:14
Starnestommyszgal: I think melch is asking for a link to that guide19:14
ompaulSun13, well then desktops are easier to work with codecs and so forth big databases i.e. over a gig do work better with 64bit mixing both of those I would say 32bit19:14
bing_is it ok to run ubuntu with no firewall of antivirus19:15
ompaulbing_, I have been doing that for years and never been bothered19:15
ompaulbing_, so I guess so ;-)19:15
szgalStarnestommy, thx, lol link lease.19:15
Starnestommybing_: it doesn't need an antivirus, but a firewall is installed by default with no rules ni it19:15
emmaHeya Myrtti :)19:15
bing_good enogh for me19:15
Myrttihi emma19:15
Luisnuxerohi, i'm searching for a irc channel like this but in spanish19:15
StarnestommyLuisnuxero: try #ubuntu-es19:16
emma!es | Luisnuxero19:16
ompaulLuisnuxero, #ubuntu-es19:16
Luisnuxeroit exist?19:16
Sun13ompaul: so if i have the hardware i should go with 64 bit then19:16
Myrttiemma: sorry, no bots :-<19:16
ompauljoin it19:16
emmaMyrtti: ahh ooh.. Okies.19:16
bing_right ok so im ok downloading torrents,19:16
ompaulSun13, if you want to - but ehh know this codecs and multimedia won't like you as much19:16
RAdamsI need to conduct a simple file operation, but I'm running it in verbose mode and want all the output echoed to a text file. How do I do that?19:16
jollyjumper74ciao. potete dirmi come posso avere la lista?19:16
selven_RAdams, you put a redir19:17
selven_like this19:17
ompaulRAdams, function | tee >> somefile19:17
Sun13ompaul: thanks19:17
RAdamsompaul, selven: ty. I knew it was someting simple >.>19:17
selven_RAdams: ompaul's better19:17
shiv1285Thanks Sun1319:17
RAdamsselven: k19:18
ompaulSun13, RAdams yw19:18
Sun13shiva: you got it cool yw19:18
melch I need help with gnome-do I am trying to change the background of the program.19:18
shiv1285yup, it worked. Thanks a lot19:18
melchI'm a linux newb but a long time OSX user with quicksilver love. For some reason the open url pluging will not boot up firefox 3. Also i would like to know how to change the background picture. Any help would be great. Thanks19:18
s_spiffguys.. need help. I have two lan cards.. one on board.. which is for my modem based net connection..and the other is for my LAN. Somehow its not getting detected..the second lan card i just inserted... any ideas?19:18
ompaulmelch, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeDo19:19
selven_melch,  Quicksilver rules :D19:19
JonDeereSelven, in the log file it says (WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-119:19
s_spiffanyone??? I have two lan cards.. one on board.. which is for my modem based net connection..and the other is for my LAN. Somehow its not getting detected..the second lan card i just inserted... any ideas?19:19
Radithow do i install a gedit plugin?19:20
Nattgews_spiff what kind of card is the other card?19:20
selven_JonDeere, have you checked what driver you are using in the xorg.conf?? is it the restricted one or the normal one?19:20
szgalmelch, you around?19:20
s_spiffNattgew: its just a ethernet card.. realtek19:20
melchompaul, not working19:20
JonDeereIt should be the restricted, just  sec19:20
selven_s_spiff, realtek cards works anywhere as far as i know19:21
ompaulmelch, don't use it there is a howto on the web page19:21
ompaulmelch, as  in I don't use it -- there is a howto on the web page19:21
s_spiffselven_: exactly.. it used to work before.. I dunno why its not working now... altho on inserting the cable behind, I'm getting those two blinking lights as usual :(19:21
JonDeereIs this the right thing? : Section "Device"Identifier"Configured VideoDevice"Driver"nvidia"Option"NoLogo""True"EndSection19:21
melchompaul, no way to change background listed19:21
kingnow i got the sound, but it have very annoying backround sound on it19:22
Nattgews_spiff, where are you looking for it that it doesn't show up?19:22
Myrtti!info ubuntu-desktop19:22
ubot3ubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.79 (gutsy), package size 22 kB, installed size 48 kB19:22
kushal1Hello, I need a script that will automatically add about 140 movie clips onto a program called DeVeDe. I am running Ubuntu 8.04 on a Toshiba Satellite M55-S135. Please help. I have added about 70 clips by hand and it is not much fun. If I do it regularly, I fear I will get RSI or something. Control Click, shift click, and control A (select all) do not work on DeVeDe. Please help.19:22
ubot3Factoid kwallet not found19:22
selven_hmm dmesg?19:22
melchI'm a linux newb but a long time OSX user with quicksilver love. For some reason the open url pluging will not boot up firefox 3. Also i would like to know how to change the background picture. Any help would be great. Thanks19:22
s_spiffNattgew: the Manual Configuration ..which you get when you click on Network applet on gnome panel19:22
selven_s_spiff, dmesg?19:22
Nattgews_spiff so the modem shows but the realtek does not?19:23
kushal1I think the output file for DeVeDe is only a simple text/xml file that can be manipulated outside the program. Could anyone confirm it?19:23
Nattgewmelch right click on the background to change it19:23
s_spiffNattgew: yup... this has happened to me for the first time..19:23
xocitenetsplit over?19:23
s_spiffselven_: whats dmesg?19:23
selven_type it19:23
ompaulmelch, on that page it suggests:  IRC: #gnome-do on irc.freenode.net19:23
Nattgews_spiff does it show up with ifconfig or lspci?19:23
selven_s_spiff, type if see if the rtl driver is reporting nything19:24
s_spiffNattgew, selven_ lemme check19:24
melchompaul, i'm there19:24
s_spiffselven_: how do i do that?19:24
selven_type in in gnome-terminal19:24
emmaMyrtti: kwallet is a subsystem that provides a convenient and secure way to manage all your passwords. More information is available at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/kwallet19:24
selven_dmesg |less19:24
thepunisheris wubi stable19:24
s_spiffNattgew: ifconfig is showing me only eth0...19:24
Dr_willisthepunisher,  wubi scares me. :) id much perfer  a normal install.19:25
RAdamsemma: no bots please.19:25
mohkohnHow does one remove firefox plugins so they stay removed?19:25
ymeHi, I've got a corrupted file on my external HD, marked as d?????????? I can't do anything on it, I can't remove it, I can't move it etc. Is there a way to fix an external HD or to force a remove?19:25
RAdamsDr_willis: I've used two different systems with wubi, and its behaved itself perfectly :)19:25
Myrttiemma: I know, I was just testing the bot functionality19:25
emmaRAdams: I'm not sure I understand what you are telling me.19:25
thepunisherok i used to use ubuntu full time but i got windows xp for gaming =)19:25
s_spiffselven_: your command ended up with loads of output.. which I can;t make any sense of..19:25
emmaMyrtti: Oh I'm sorry. I thought you wanted to see the factoid :)19:26
Myrttiemma: atleast it responded, although with old database19:26
Tonydudecan someone help me setup my rtl8187b wireless card to work? i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792092 But no luck19:26
selven_s_spiff, : do this dmesg>>theoutput.txt19:26
Nattgewyme you can do a sudo umount -f /path to force an unmount19:26
thepunisherSo should i resize my ntfs partition down by 8 gigs and convert my 8GIG partition to fat32 for sharing?19:26
Myrttiemma: common mistake :-)19:26
selven_s_spiff, see if you can post that file theoutput.txt somewhere on pastebin for example19:26
RAdamsthepunisher: fat32 is the fs of the devil19:26
Dr_willisRAdams,  given the # of people i see in here a week with issues.. I will avoide wubi.. i will admit theres not as MANY as i though therr would be. But it may be not many people are using it...19:26
ymeNattgew, but then what? Will that remove my file?19:26
thepunisheryeah but fat32 works easily with ubuntu19:26
Nattgewthat will just unmount your drive19:27
RAdamsthepunisher: may I suggest www.driver-fs.org, where you can mount ext3 seamlessly in Windows?19:27
Nattgewyme you can do a sudo rm filename to try and remove the file19:27
Benzapquestions, does a .inf file for a PCMCIA or any other internet card typically include a .cat file with it as well?19:27
selven_RAdams, : Fat32 is nice to share p0rn on not everyone have linux or BSD installed on their PCs.. so a big HDD with Fat32 is sure to be detected everywhere .. pr0n lots of p0rn19:27
BenzapI have 3 .infs with one with a .cat19:28
RAdamsthepunisher: www.fs-driver.org, sorry19:28
selven_thepunisher, search for e2fs19:28
ymeNattgew, I've already tried. It gives the following exception: rm: cannot remove `manual': Input/output error19:28
RAdamsselven_: fat32=fragmentation and wasted allocation space :(19:28
thepunisherradams: can that replay an ext3 journal if i have a hardpoweroff?19:28
Tonydudecan someone help me setup my rtl8187b wireless card to work? i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792092 But no luck19:28
selven_RaDams :p who cares when it is a porn disk :p19:28
RAdamsthepunisher: yes, but if you're doing emergency volume recovery, I'd boot into Linux to let those drivers handle that19:29
Nattgewyme you could also try fsck /dev/device after you unmount it to do a disk check19:29
thepunisherbefore i resize my ntfs partition should i run chkdsk and defrag?19:29
s_spiffNattgew, selven_ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/16045/19:29
RAdamsselven_: given that I find porn to be a waste of everything, i'm probably the wrong person to ask on that19:29
JonDeereDefinately, Punisher19:29
AlexCONRADhi, my screen keeps blanking out where there's no activity. How can I prevent this ?19:29
AlexCONRADI removed all screen savers19:29
selven_RAdams :p we must be realistic... the internet and all the advances in technology is due to the porn industry19:30
AlexCONRADand from the screensaver panel, I clicked power managemenet and set "never sleep" to everyting19:30
ymeNattgew, thanks. I'll try that19:30
RAdamsthepunisher: backup before you chkdsk, but JonDeere is definitely right: run chkdsk and defrag. But ALWAYS backup first; chkdsk is a bulldozer19:30
thepunisherwat do you mean chkdsk is a bulldozer?19:30
mosheCONRAD,the problem is probably with your power settings causing the screen to blank with no activity19:30
RAdamsselven_: some, yes. even many. but not all.19:30
selven_Radams :p check out the stats on porn downloaded yearly19:30
thepunisherdosent care about anything but the filesystem metadata?19:31
RAdamsthepunisher: chkdsk only cares about the health of the volume. it doesn't give a flying fuck about your data. if will repair the volume at the cost of your data if it has to19:31
Tonydudecan someone help me setup my rtl8187b wireless card to work? i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792092 But no luck19:31
BenzapBAH!! for ndiswrapper, i should use the .inf with an identical .cat correct?19:31
RAdams!wireless | tonydude19:31
ubot3tonydude: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:31
ymeNattgew, it gives the following error:19:31
thepunisherhow good is ntfs on ubuntu?19:31
s_spiffNattgew: selven_: any ideas??19:31
ymeNattgew, fsck: fsck.ntfs: not found19:31
RAdamsthepunisher: I use ntfs-3g everyday, never had a problem19:32
ompaul!langauge | RAdams19:32
ubot3RAdams: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:32
RAdamsompaul: my bad >.>19:32
emmathepunisher: I use ext3 for all of my linux stuff. I think that ntfs is more for the windows partition.19:32
thepunisherdid you ever have a hard poweroff?19:32
thepunisherwith ntfs3g19:32
moshethepunisher,I use ntfs to accedd several other drives in hardy with no problems19:32
RAdamsthepunisher: yes. i did one on purpose. volume remounted healthily, didn't even have to -f mount it19:32
Benzapunless you plan on transferring data from linux to winodws, use ext319:32
Nattgews_spiff, you've restarted, right?19:32
RAdamsthepunisher: YMMV, of course :P19:32
dissocia7ivedoes ubuntu comes with mac-fdisk?19:32
JonDeereSelven, could you walk me through fixing my video? :) I'm a noob. The log says it can't get EDID from the video system and I think that's the issue and there's that option I found on the nvidia site... But I don't know where to go from here19:32
mosheI have a seperate windoz drive and can read/write thru ntfs19:33
s_spiffNattgew: i shut down.. fixed the card onto the slot.. and started the pc.. thats all i've done.19:33
=== paradon_ is now known as paradon
thepunisherI use and only use ext3. I have had bad luck with jfs reiserfs xfs19:33
Nattgewyme, do you have a dual boot or something for the ntfs19:33
Benzapactually i have a good question about blacklisting in the new ubuntu, i want to blacklist the prism64 drivers but it won't let me19:33
Nattgews_spiff, if you start it with just the realtek does it work?19:33
Benzapwhere do i go to ensure that they're blacklisted?19:33
RAdamsthepunisher: xfs has been good to me for my media storage partitions19:33
melchI'm a linux newb but a long time OSX user with quicksilver love. For some reason the open url pluging will not boot up firefox 3. Also i would like to know how to change the background picture. Any help would be great. Thanks19:33
ymeNattgew, nope19:33
AlexCONRADmoshe: i did remove all sleeps i could under the power managemenet panel, accessible via the screensaver panel19:34
s_spiffNattgew:  meaning?.. the other ethernet card is onboard.. so i can't really remove it19:34
ymeNattgew, I can see all the files and work with them, only this one file is corrupted19:34
ompaulBenzap, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist19:34
MrObviousmelch: No clue on Firefox...19:34
BenzapI did19:34
thepunisherdoes ntfs3g support compressed files?19:34
mosheCONRAD,what type video board are you using?19:34
Nattgewyme you should use ext3 or something else, ntfs support isn't the best, you should try backing up and making it ext3 rather than ntfs, and that should also fix the problem19:34
Benzapfor some reason when i load the ndiswrapper .inf and .cat, it still assigns my card a prism driver19:34
MrObviousmelch: But System -> Preferences -> Appearance allows you to change background.19:34
RAdamsmelch: for the openurl plugin in firefox, try #firefox. Regarding changing the background picture, right click on the desktop and select "Change Desktop Background" :O19:34
melchMrObvious, do u wnat to help me work out iwth me19:35
selven_s_spiff, sorry was looking at it19:35
Benzapand my card dodesn't support prism19:35
ymeNattgew, how can I make it ext319:35
Nattgews_spiff the card works on other computers?19:35
melchMrObvious, of Gnome-do?19:35
selven_s_spiff you sure you can see the card listed in that connection manager tihngy?19:35
JonDeereOh sorry, Selven. Let me know when you have a minute. :)19:35
s_spiffNattgew: umm.. long time since i checked it out.. but last time it worked.19:35
sykedoes anyone know where I can find a precompiled udf.ko for hardy amd64 that has UDF 2.5 support?19:35
MrObviousmelch: I was finishing my statement lol. Yeah that is for Gnome.19:35
Nattgewyme you have to back up your data first, and then you can unmount it and use gparted to reformat it19:35
s_spiffselven_: bnopes.. which is why i'm vexed!19:35
melchRAdams, i ment for gnome-do19:35
selven_s_spiff, is it enabld in your bios???19:36
=== Gurgeh is now known as GurgehMorat
melchRAdams, also i was talking about the plugin in gnome do.19:36
GurgehMoratHello to all, good afternoon19:36
selven_s_spiff, because i don't seem to see any rtl device in dmesg19:36
s_spiffselven_: how do i do that?? never had a need to do that .. cuz i've tried a similar setup when i was on feisty.. never had to do it. but anyways.. temme how do i do it?19:36
Uplinkhow do i perform a check disk?19:37
StarnestommyUplink: fsck19:37
Uplinkmy computer is glitching SO BAD!19:37
vic1ouscan someone help me19:37
MrObviouslol Starnestommy that was fast.19:37
Uplinkon windows and on linux a little bit19:37
vic1ousi'm trying to get grub to see my windows xp19:37
MrObviousUplink: Do you think it is your hard drive? I would back up NOW first.19:37
vic1ousthis is what i have in the menu.lst19:37
UplinkMrObvious, I think so :(19:38
Tonydudecan someone help me setup my rtl8187b wireless card to work? i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792092 But no luck i need someone to walk me through it who has done it before becuase everything i try fai.s19:38
vic1oustitle           Windows XP19:38
vic1ousroot            (hd0,1)19:38
vic1ousmakeactivechainloader +119:38
magnetron!enter | Uplink, vic1ous19:38
selven_s_spiff, when your machine boots up, you press del (or f1 on some machine) to enter the "set up menu" find the pci devices you have installed (browse a bit.. make sure you don't mess with things you can't change after, then see if oyu can find the pci device there and enable it there19:38
vic1ouswhats that magnetron19:38
Starnestommyvic1ous: "makeactive" and "chainloader +1" need to be on separate lines19:38
MrObviousUplink: Back up NOW! Next, if you haven't I would buy a copy of Spinrite from grc.com and let it run. It might give your hard drive a second wind.19:38
s_spiffselven_: allright... brb then..19:38
vic1ousill try that right quick19:38
ubot3Uplink, vic1ous: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:39
UplinkMrObvious, TY :D19:39
GurgehMoratI did an "ls > text" how can I do something like "rm < text", is there a way19:39
vic1ousoh ok sorry, ill brb i trying the new lst19:39
MrObviousvic1ous: Hmm the bot doesn't seem to be up. Basically if you can use a pastebin that would be helpful. Just go to a pastebin website like in the /title then paste your output to that pastebin website then push Submit and give us the URL.19:39
selven_hahahahhahahahahahaha muhahahahahahahaha, upgraded successfully :D bug fixed by using dpkg to manually installing some packages19:39
MrObviousUplink: You're welcome. Spinrite is a great product that I would use right away after backing up.19:40
MrObviousUplink: It's $89 but worth it.19:40
Freeaqingmeanybody ever played lincity? The amount of jobs stays at zero, no matter what I do...19:40
selven_GurgehMorat, cat text |rm ?19:40
GurgehMoratselven_ sounds good, let me try. Thanks19:40
selven_Uplink was a game na?19:40
UplinkMrObvious, oh wow! do i have to buy it? :(19:40
selven_GurgehMorat, without the question mark though19:40
Uplinkselven_, yea... then uplink on the HUB too ;)19:41
Tonydudecan someone help me setup my rtl8187b wireless card to work? i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792092 But no luck and i need someone who can personally walk me through it, im really new to ubuntu and the whole linux thing19:41
GurgehMoratselven_ :D of course, but still have "rm: missing operand" though :(19:41
MrObviousUplink: Yeah. It's the best hard drive repair software around. If you can still get your data off and buy a new hard drive then you are probably okay. But if you can't get priceless data off you will be glad to pay it.19:41
vdsyis anyone having problems playing amarok on a laptop? it mutes while the equalizer is still going and a few seconds later the sound comes back19:41
b4l74z4ri installed the compiz settings manager but i there's no custom option under "System>Preferences>Appearance>Visual Effects, so how do i enable the custom settings that i have set in the settings manager?19:41
UplinkMrObvious, im not sure if its my HDD tho19:42
StarnestommyGurgehMorat: try "cat text | xargs -I '{}' rm"19:42
selven_Uplink, :p non you just rememberred me of that game, i was trying to remember that name, since that makes a hell long time ago since i heard that, and i was writing a paper about how to teach programmin to students, then wanted to use that as a reference to try to inject gaming into learning19:42
MrObviousUplink: It's a program that fixes errors on sectors by moving data to new ones. If there is an actual physical defect nothing will probably help except maybe replacing the circuit board.19:42
Crewsr3I'm ready to install hardy and I was hoping someone could help me with my parition set up19:43
MrObviousCrewsr3: Sure!19:43
Crewsr3I have read that I should put my /home drive on a diffrent partition19:43
Crewsr3how should I set things up19:43
MrObviousCrewsr3: How big of a space do you have available for Ubuntu?19:43
Crewsr3400 gigs19:43
JonDeereWow. :)19:43
GurgehMoratStarnestommy: Ok, that one goes further, it does the loop for each line I guess, but each rm returns missing operand19:43
selven_Thanks Starnestommy  :p19:44
dissocia7ivedoes mac-fdisk comes with ubuntu?19:44
StarnestommyGurgehMorat: er, try "cat text | xargs -I '{}' rm '{}'"19:44
Crewsr3How much room should I give the os  20 gigs19:44
MrObviousCrewsr3: Hint: type mro and push Tab on the keyboard and it will finish typing my  nickname and highlight it for me to see your posts easier.19:44
Tonydudecan someone help me setup my rtl8187b wireless card to work? i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792092 But no luck can someone please walk me through how to do this.  im new to ubuntu and linux19:44
Crewsr3MrObvious: Thanks19:44
bing_im trying to run utorrent  using wine but its saying my ports are not open and ive definatly not got a firwall on, any ideas19:45
Crewsr3MrObvious: should I give the boot partition 20 gigs or more?19:45
MrObviousCrewsr3: I would partition / for 20 gigs, swap for 512MB (or more if you don't have much RAM), and the rest for /home. Perhaps you might create a /backup and make the /home 80GB and the backup partition for regular backups.19:45
MrObviousCrewsr3: 20GB is plenty. You can get by with 10 but 20 will prevent problems later on.19:45
Crewsr3MrObvious: I will give the os 20 gigs19:45
MrObviousCrewsr3: Is this a server or a desktop?19:45
UplinkMrObvious, how can i do an fsck on my windows partition?19:45
wabashHi, everyone. I'm working with MySQL, and it's running into problems with Apparmor. Can anyone help me with understandnig my apparmor permissions and how to fix them?19:45
Crewsr3MrObvious: I have four gigs of ram, but I was still thinking of having a swap19:45
Tonydudecan someone help me setup my rtl8187b wireless card to work? i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792092 But no luck someone pleassssse help.19:46
MrObviousCrewsr3: You need one. I would make it 256MB since you have 4GB. Also you would want to run a 64 bit version.19:46
MrObviousUplink: Not sure sorry.19:46
Crewsr3MrObvious: I'm worried about going 64 because of driver and software support19:46
MrObviousUplink: You may have to reboot to a WinME recovery floppy (can be found online) and run a fdisk from that.19:47
LogiTechhow to join channel if i have problems with sound?? /join... ?19:47
MrObviousCrewsr3: Most of the stuff I run has good 64 bit support. All the drivers run fine.19:47
Crewsr3MrObvious: I'm on fiesty right now and the os can only see 3 gigs, but I'm fine with that19:47
MrObviousLogiTech: You already are in a good channel if you run Ubuntu.19:47
GurgehMoratStarnestommy: What do I need to be so cool as you :D Thanks, that worked!19:47
ubot3I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)19:47
Crewsr3MrObvious: Thank so much, would you recommend that I set up the partitions before run the install or do it with the install disk?19:48
MrObviousCrewsr3: They even made it so Flash works with 64 bit Firefox. It takes a little reading but you can get everything to work from searching wiki.ubuntu.com, the factoids on the ubotu bot, and ubuntuforums.org.19:48
Tonydudecan someone help me setup my rtl8187b wireless card to work? i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792092 But no luck please help guys19:48
RoumsCan superblocks (on an ext2/ext3 fs) be created again from a corrupted/formated partition ?19:49
MrObviousTonydude: Where are you getting stuck?19:50
mosheTonydude,perhaps someone could help if you provide a bit more info on the exact problem19:50
MrObviousCrewsr3: I have no problems with 64 bit.19:50
LogiTechCould anyone tell me how to find what "soundcard" i have?... i want to buy logitech Z-5500 speakers but i need to know is my soundcard enough good...could anyone answer me in private chat...Thank You !19:50
Tonydudei cant get my wireless card to work period.19:50
MrObviousLogiTech: Do you use onboard sound or a sound card in a PCI slot?19:50
s_spiffselven_ , Nattgew: tried changing the slot.. checked out bio. the PCI stuff is all on auto.. so should actually be an issue.. but still no change.. i can't find it on my network config applet19:51
Crewsr3MrObvious: Should I set up the partitions before I run the install disk or during the install?19:51
MrObviousTonydude: Did you try a modprobe ndiswrapper?19:51
MrObviousCrewsr3: I think during the install is fine.19:51
bing_i have my router firewall disabled and i still cant get any ports to say open using transmission or utorrent19:51
Tonydudemrobvious i have ndiswrapper idk about hte modprobe19:51
Crewsr3MrObvious: Thanks for your help!!!  Here is goes!   Bye19:51
MrObviousCrewsr3: In fact if you do any partition resizing through GParted, you will need to do it from the LiveCD.19:51
MrObviousTonydude: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper19:52
MrObviousTonydude: Also make sure the little switch on your computer (fn+key or a switch) is actually set to on.19:52
LogiTechMrObvious that i want to know...how to find out that? when i used windows i found easy which 1 i got...but with ubuntu its harder...to me19:52
Noxideanyone know how i can install "bcm43xx-fwcutter (apt)"19:52
MrObviousNoxide: You can't in Hardy. It's been replaced with b43. Are you on Fiesty or Hardy?19:52
updhi, how i make .rar from .iso and it must work on windows and i want packet size is 1,6 GB so it must make 4 packet ?19:53
selven_s_spiff, looking at it19:53
UplinkMrObvious, my windows is REALLY slow... i dunno man :( sometimes my linux gets a little slow too19:53
johey_If I make an encypted partition using a passphrase, can I convert that to a key later, or would that require to whipe all data and redo it from scratch?19:53
LogiTechMrobvious how to know do i have onboard sound or sound card in a pci slot? :D ...from hardware? sorry...not good on computers19:53
Tonydudemrobvious: it doesnt do anything when i sudo modprobe ndiswrapper19:53
krannycan we locate symlinks of a file without using find?19:53
MrObviousLogiTech: Hmm. Do the speaker plugins look like they are by like the keyboard/mouse hookups or are they toward the bottom of the tower?19:53
=== kranny is now known as k33qk
ArdorinSuppose I install a package x, and it depends on the package y so y is installed too. Then I use synaptic to remove package x, what happens with package y?19:54
MrObviousTonydude: No clue without more research.19:54
MrObviousTonydude: All I can say is maybe start from scratch and follow the HOWTO again. You may have missed a step.19:54
k33qkcan we locate symlinks of a file without using find?(find /mountpoint -type l -exec ls -l {} )19:54
MrObviousUplink: Hmm. Have you done any malware scanning?19:54
LogiTechMrObvious hmm...plugins look like they are by like the keyboard/mouse  hookups19:55
MrObviousUplink: I know this isn't ##windows but I recommend Spyware Terminator.19:55
UplinkMrObvious, yes... with Nod3219:55
GurgehMoratk33qk: Have you tried file?19:55
MrObviousUplink: Are you clean? NOD32 is an excellent program.19:55
MrObviousUplink: And have you updated definitions?19:55
UplinkMrObvious, i was a quite bit infected19:55
k33qkGurgehMorat: yeah19:55
MrObviousLogiTech: Ok it's onboard. Now did you buy this computer from like Dell or HP or another company or was it custom built?19:55
nickzMrObvious: This is Noxide, sorry I got disconnected.  I don't know specficially what i'm running. Is there a way I can check that out? I'm basically just trying to get my wireless card working in my laptop and I hit a wall with the wiki.19:56
melch 19:56
k33qkGurgehMorat:can we retireve sumthin thru it s inode number?19:56
riba1how can I find out what's wrong with usb?19:56
UplinkMrObvious, yes, full updated... i was infected with prorat but it was b/c i was playing with it... and some other SS.exe virus but its removed now...19:56
riba1runing off of hardy derivative19:56
MrObviousUplink: That could be your problem too. Try running Spyware Terminator from Safe Mode (don't install the Crawler Toolbar) and let it scan and remove everything.19:56
riba1something about ptp...does hardy have ptp for usb cams enabled by default?19:56
UplinkMrObvious, i have Outpost Firewall with Spyware built in19:56
MrObviousnickz: Which wireless chipset did you have?19:56
LogiTechArting Cooling...19:57
MrObviousUplink: Try Spyware Terminator. I use it on my Windows boxes with huge success.19:57
GurgehMoratk33qk: I'm not that skilled, inodes are too below for me :)19:57
k33qkcan sumione look into this?19:57
s_spiffselven_: do i need to install any drivers or something? or update something?19:57
selven_s-spiff, can you please try disabling the onboard card and then gimme the new dmesg ?19:57
UplinkMrObvious, thank you for the advice... btw, my windows takes 10 minutes to fully boot19:58
LogiTechMrObvious it cost 700-800 $ 1.5 year ago when i bought it...now its like 300-400 $ bought from some little pc shop19:58
MrObviousUplink: Do you know how to get to Saf eMode?19:58
derspankstercan anyone tell me how to successfully installed the nvidia x driver?19:58
selven_s_spiff, disable the onboard card via the bios19:58
kf4r-sh4l3mhelp needed please, i have FATAL ERROR when trying to modprobe ndiswrapper19:58
s_spiffselven_: umm but then i won't be able to connect to the net. :(19:58
MrObviousLogiTech: Hmm. Do you have any sheets on it? Look on the case and see if it says Dell or HP or something similar. It might be a custom built. If I can get the motherboard make and model I could look it up easy.19:59
Breakageanyone know where i download tango orange icons, (orange folders). are the default ubuntu icons tango? if so where could i get them?19:59
UplinkMrObvious, yes bro... ty for the advice.... oh and when windows is fully loaded it is really laggy and glitchy... just like if i had some virus taking all my cache and resources19:59
MrObviousnickz: Sorry I don't remember your exact issue. Do you have a broadcom or something?19:59
selven_s_spiff: yes, once you get the dmesg saved in a text file ( dmesg>>newtextfile.txt) you can go back on bios , re bring it back up, then come again online posting the new dmesg19:59
MrObviousUplink: You're welcome. Try that and report back if you can find me. lol20:00
s_spiffselven_: okies will try it.20:00
MrObviousUplink: Let's move to #eocf so we aren't off topic.20:00
s_spiffselven_: i just need to finish some stuff, will do it after that and update you.20:00
nickzMrObvious, Yeah, I have a broadcom wireless adapter and according to the wiki i need to install bcm43xx-fwcutter, but you said there is a different version or something else.20:00
selven_s_spiff, okie20:00
wabashOk, I got things laid out security wise.20:00
Breakagehmmm im looking for the tangerine-icon-theme (not on ubuntu though) anyone know where I can get it?20:00
MrObviousnickz: Oh oh oh ok. Which chipset and version of Ubuntu?20:00
wabashNow I need to add a group to a directory.  Or add mysql user to a group20:01
LogiTechMrObvious i think its cutom built20:01
JonDeereSelven, from what I'm seeing on the web, my xconfig looks REALLY "generic", like device "configured device" rather than nvidia20:01
nickzheh i just closed my laptop cause im downloading the newest version of ubuntu20:01
wabashSo, a user can belong to more than one group, right? can a directory have more than one group?20:01
ubot3Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:01
JonDeereSo maybe editing just that one option isn't enough. What should I do?20:01
nickzMrObvious: Let me try installing the newest version of UBUNTU and then you'll see me back here. :-)20:01
iuriWhat the heck is "TIFF decompressor required20:02
MrObviousLogiTech: Call the shop and ask for the make and model of the motherboard. They may be able to look it up.20:02
MrObviousLogiTech: Or look through your recipt.20:02
MrObviousnickz: No wait.20:02
JonDeereI think tiffs are a video file format, iuri20:02
JonDeereEr, sorry, an image format20:02
MrObviousnickz: What do you have now? I can't help if you dont' work with me.20:02
nickzkk. let me boot up again and i'll give you the info20:02
iuriwhat is the ubuntu pkg related?20:03
PCcertifiedtiff is usually a picture file format20:03
MrObviousnickz: *sigh* ok20:03
s_spiffselven_: btw i don't think i'll be able to disable the onboard card cuz i didn't see any option for it.. as in i didn't see an entry for the onboard ethernet card...20:03
selven_s_spiff, there is always a way, this is possible on all boards20:03
riba1guys, it seems to me that f spot should have installed the ptp libraries..20:03
selven_look around well20:03
riba1why in the world can I see my cam?20:04
riba1baffles me20:04
PCcertifiedwish I was so lucky riba120:04
s_spiffselven_: okies.. will check out20:04
riba1tried gnomad and it won't find anything in usb either20:04
LogiTechMrObvious could u tell me some soundcard which supports "logitech Z-5500" speakers? with low price :P ?...20:04
nickzMrObviouis: I have the BCM94311 and im not sure the version of UBUNTU im running, its a cd i made a while ago. But I don't think its a 64 release and the system its on is a 64bit system.20:04
MrObviousLogiTech: Not really. lol20:04
LogiTechMrObvious :D lol...20:05
MrObviousnickz: uname -a will tell you.20:05
nickzMrObvious: So i'm downloading a better distro to start from there. since that is going to cause me problems anyway20:05
MrObviousnickz: Just download Hardy so I can work with you better.20:05
nickzonto that box?20:05
PCcertifiedLogiTech: look at the low end sound blaster series from Creative, like the audigy, they all support 5.120:06
nickzMrObvious: Ok, ill go work on that first20:06
MrObviousnickz: It sounds like Fiesty.20:06
MrObviousnickz: If you want to install you can do Hardy but Fiesty is still good.20:07
etronikMy upgrade from Dapper to Hardy Heron left my PC now unbootable, so what are my options now ??20:07
magnetronMrObvious: lsb_release gives you the actual distro name and version20:07
riba1etronic: reinstall20:07
ace_suaresetronik: use the rescue cd20:07
h4L1mhello guys, are there any commands to set the fglrx drivers back, everytime when i open up vlc media player and start a movie everything freezes, anyone who knows the command for the aticonfig?20:07
ace_suaresetronik: I mean the recue option on the install cd20:07
etronikace_suares: is the rescue CD included in the alternate CD ?20:07
nickzMrObvious: I dont know what that means. I thought hardy was the name for the 8.04 release of UBUNTU20:07
ace_suaresetronik: yes20:08
nickzWhat is fiesty?20:08
etronikace_suares: ok, thanks, trying that20:08
ace_suaresnickz: it is, Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron20:08
nickzOk, ill be back in a bit.20:08
ace_suaresnickz: Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Something20:08
MrObviousnickz: Yes it is. Fiesty was 7.1020:08
h4L1mFeisty Fawn20:08
MrObviousmagnetron: Noted.20:08
MrObviouslol everyone help him. :p20:08
h4L1mand no one helps me20:09
ace_suaresJonDeere: I tought Fairy :-)20:09
ace_suaresh4L1m: poor person! what ails you !?20:09
Yggdrasilhow do i purge a gpackage using apt-get20:09
h4L1mare there any commands to set the fglrx drivers back, everytime when i open up vlc media player and start a movie everything freezes, someone who knows the command for the aticonfig?20:09
alex1hi guys. if i reinstall vista, will it leave my boot table intact? i.e. will grub still work as before?20:09
ace_suaresh4L1m: oh yeah that was a q i can not answer thats why i did not react20:09
MrObviousYggdrasil: You mean uninstall a package?20:09
PCcertifieddoes anyone now where to find info on compiling my kernel?  I'm a complete noob so any advice is welcome.   I apparently need to do this to install my webcam driver .  accoding to the website,  linux kernel needs to be locally compiled in order to compile the microdia driver.20:10
Yggdrasilwell theres a difference beetween' purgeand un=istall20:10
ubot3Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:10
ubot3Factoid driver not found20:10
h4L1mace_suares, ok but there are more than 1000 guys in this channel, you're not alone :)20:10
ace_suaresh4L1m: well then they all dont know the answer maybe :-)20:10
etronikace_suares: err how do I boot from the CDROM from Grub ??20:10
MrObviousPCcertified: Maybe there is already a driver built in.20:10
PCcertifiedalex1:  it will overwrite your boot table if you install vista first20:10
PCcertifiedfirst you should install Vista then install linux20:11
h4L1mif it is like that than i've got a big problem, ace_suares20:11
ubot3pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:11
ace_suaresetronik: you need to boot from the CD and then choose Rescue20:11
ace_suaresh4L1m: not every day is a good day20:11
alex1PCcertified, I can't. My vista was messed up, and I want to reinstall it. I already have Ubuntu installed.20:11
h4L1mace_suares, exactly20:11
etronikace_suares: I must be dumb! I have a bootable CDROM, but the process goes straight to Grub ....20:11
ace_suaresalex1: I think Vista will fsck your boot sectors, but then youcan use the CD to resinatll grub, or use supergrubdisk20:12
PCcertifiedace_suares:  that was useful but how does it help with compiling the kernel20:12
ace_suaresetronik: yeah you need to instruct your bios to boot from the cd of course20:12
Steve-Calalex1: Instead of doing a complete reinstall, can't you just do the repair option from your Vista CD?20:12
alex1ace_suares, as an additional complication I have refit so that I can triple boot :(20:12
ace_suaresPCcertified: I think you need only the kernel headers...20:13
Yggdrasilmrobvious im trying to reinstall bcm43xx-fwutter and the first time i did it asked if i wanted to dl the firmware but the link its using msut be broken and now , it wont install because itsl ooking for that link, and i cant get it to ask me the quesiton about dl it so that i can say no this time20:13
etronikace_suares: then there must be something wrong with the alternate CD - is it bootable ? or do I have to Dl the regular 8.04 CD ?20:13
alex1Steve-Cal, I tried, but it wants to repair the boot table i think, as it can't find the boot partition20:13
perlmonkeyI'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a new system (Dual Core) from CD, but it hangs at language selection stage.. tried a few times, always hangs at that point. CD was tested ok and used successfully on another PC. any ideas?20:13
ace_suaresalex1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild20:14
ace_suaresPCcertified: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild20:14
PCcertifiedalex1 you will have to reinstall Vista then you can use a linux boot CD to setup your boot loader.   Alternately you can use Vista to set up a menu to load at startup that points to your different OS's20:14
ace_suaresetronik: you can also use the normal cd just startup linux from the cd not from the harddsik20:15
ace_suaresetronik: butnormally your cd should be bootable20:15
MrObviousYggdrasil: fwcutter is installed right? If so then just bcm43xx-fwcutter itself is fine. You don't need to install it20:15
Yggdrasilno its not installed20:15
MrObvious!bcm43xx | Yggdrasil Maybe the steps are on there.20:15
ubot3Yggdrasil Maybe the steps are on there.: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx20:15
xlizardwow ... thats a big channel ....20:15
Yggdrasilit thanks20:15
h4L1mxlizard, oh yeah20:15
Yggdrasilit wont install the pkg cuz it cant find the firmware its funny20:15
ubot3For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:15
ubot3Factoid canon not found20:15
etronikace_suares: I'm getting failure to boot from it, tried also with another CD and still boot failure20:15
alex1ok, thanks guys. i'll give it a shot20:15
ubot3Factoid powershot not found20:16
etronikace_suares: drive problem ??20:16
ace_suaresetronik: how did you install ubuntu, form a cd i guess, use that cd !20:16
alex1i wish vista would just leave stuff alone and only mess with its own partition20:16
derspanksterI cannot install the nvidia x driver20:16
ace_suaresalex1: thaty would be no fun !20:16
h4L1m!nvidia | derspankster20:17
ubot3derspankster: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:17
etronikace_suares: exactly I did! somehow it aint booting from CDROM ... :-(20:17
alex1ace_suares, yes indeed20:17
ace_suaresetronik: did you chcek your BIOS ?!20:17
h4L1metronik, do you have a cdrom drive? :P20:17
PCcertifiedace_suares:  not for this install.  Please take a look at the instructions for me, I think it's telling me to compile the kernel...https://groups.google.com/group/microdia/web/testing-microdia-driver-draft20:17
selven_h4L1m, hahahahaha20:17
Steve-Calalex1: That would violate Microsoft's policy of trying to take over your entire computer. :)20:18
etronikace_suares: yes I did! tell me, can a CDROM drive be on the IDE Secondary slave controller and still be bootable ? or does it need to be on the primary controller ?20:18
derspanksterh4L1m, yes, thanks, but when I enable the restricted driver all I get upon reboot is a blank screen20:18
xlizardok, i have a small problem, hope sombody can help: i have an umts-modem at ttyUSB0, networkmanager gives me possibility to controll ist, after setup i had to change etc/ppp/peers/ppp0 and add noauth and chatscript. now i can connect nut network-manager does not see it and still says disconnected. result applikations like firefox and evolution starts in offline-mode ;(20:18
MrObviousYggdrasil: Hmm. You could always sudo apt-get remove bcm43xx-fwcutter20:18
h4L1metronik, on the splash screen while starting your pc, it says press a button to configure bios or something like that, then you go to the boot options and bring your cdrom drive on the first place20:18
MrObviousYggdrasil: It won't get wi-fi working but at least it'll fix apt.20:18
PCcertifiedetronik: depends on your BIOS20:19
etronikh4L1m: I did that !! :-)20:19
=== fallen|[sleep] is now known as afallenhope
danfjust have a single question, it's about dm-crypt (full disk encryption)20:19
ace_suaresetronik: depends on you bios, most modern pc's it can20:19
h4L1metronik, i would check that cd on another machine20:19
h4L1metronik, tried that out?20:19
danfmust i install it before ubuntu, or once ubuntu is installed ?20:19
* afallenhope is back (gone 12:30:50)20:19
ace_suaresPCcertified: hmmm seems the instructiions are far to complicated20:19
DanaGArgh, NetworkManager sucks!20:19
danfmay sound like a noob question ^_^;20:20
etronikh4L1m: not yet ! damm it ! a simple upgrade is turning into a mess !20:20
DanaGIt can't handle roaming!20:20
h4L1mderspankster, do you have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?20:20
DanaGIt can't comprehend the idea of different access points with the same SSID.20:20
ace_suaresPCcertified: but if you just follow the instructions, then in the end you will have the .ko file (which is the driver20:20
ace_suaresand you don't have to reinstall your kernel20:20
DanaGI roam.... and it still thinks I'm connected to the old SSID.20:20
ace_suaresPCcertified: but I would think the kernel-headers shoudl be sufficient20:20
danfdid somebody saw my question20:20
xlizarddanf, full disc encryption is not simple ... you need something to boot from and load keys etc20:21
h4L1mderspankster, give me the name of the nvidia drivers you're trying to install20:21
xlizardbut, google is your friend ;)20:21
danfxlizard ty. Yes a preboot loader20:21
perlmonkeyI'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a new system (Dual Core) from CD, but it hangs at language selection stage.. tried a few times, always hangs at that point. CD was tested ok and used successfully on another PC. any ideas?20:21
derspanksterh4L1m, nvidia glx-new20:21
Benzap_o cool i got it working20:21
Steve-CalDanaG: That can happen if they have different "MAC" addresses, i.e. different hardware addresses.20:21
ace_suaresPCcertified: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=569252 post # 5 might help !?20:21
h4L1mderspankster, which version of ubuntu are you using?20:22
ErosionWhat's the command to copy a file in terminal?20:22
dskduqhello all20:22
derspanksterh4L1m, fresh install of Hardy20:22
Flannelperlmonkey: Try the ubiquity-only option20:22
danfxlizard google ? never heared about it :<20:22
DanaGThey're different access points, but it doesn't realize it's gone out of range of one and into the range of another.20:22
FlannelErosion: cp20:22
ErosionFlannel: cp oldfile newfile?20:22
derspanksterh4L1m, card is a geforce 660020:22
FlannelErosion: yep20:22
perlmonkeyFlannel: thanks, what is that? how do use it?20:22
ace_suaresperlmonkey: did you try memory test !!!!20:22
DanaGOne complication: the different APs are on different subnets, even though they have the same SSID.20:22
DanaGThat's not all that uncommon of a setup, I'd think..... but it doesn't WORK!20:22
ErosionThank You, Flannel20:22
xlizarddanf, i found much of "encypt root-fs" howtos20:23
perlmonkeyace_suares: i didnt do a memory test on the system no20:23
selven_ubuntu-xen-server: Depends: linux-xen but it is not installable !!!! WHAT20:23
perlmonkeywill the standard ubuntu 8.04 work with a dual core?20:23
ace_suaresperlmonkey: it's part of the cd try it if you can20:23
danfxlizard i was just kidding. And ok i'll check this out :)20:23
perlmonkeyace_suares: when I boot the PC tho it goes straight into install and doesn't give me any menu or options20:23
selven_xen isn't supported on ubuntu anymore????20:23
ace_suaresperlmonkey: even with a 64-core :-)20:23
danf well ty for the help any way !20:23
h4L1mderspankster, you tried to type "sudo nvidia-xconfig" ?20:24
etronikguys! can I configure grub to boot from CDROM ?? can anyone help me set that up ?20:24
DanaGSo... if I walk around on campus, my connection randomly breaks.20:24
DanaGAnd it thinks it's still working... but it's not.20:24
ace_suaresperlmonkey: what cd are you using ? Use the alternate cd if needed20:24
h4L1mderspankster, i think this is a config tool of nvidia's drivers20:24
DanaGI have to manually re-select the network in nm-applet each time I move around!20:24
Flannelperlmonkey: At the boot menu (when you first boot the CD), select "Install Ubuntu" instead of STart the Live System (or whatever it is).  That'll throw you straight into the installer.20:24
perlmonkeyace_suares: just the standard CD20:24
xlizarddanf, you have to install it on a crypted disk ... so dm-crypt while instalation ... debing supports that ... ubuntu ... didnt tryed it ;)20:24
alastair1if "for x in *.jpg" gets all files with a jpg extension, how do I get all files with no extension?20:24
derspanksterh4L1m, yes. Actually, system says that nvidia-glx-new is installed but when I try to enable is X fails and I have to fall back to nv20:24
ace_suaresetronik: no, you cna't, it needs to boot from the cd and if that doesnt work either your bios, your cd or your drive is bothced.20:25
Joe_CoThey, anyone know how to boot a cdrom from grub menu20:25
perlmonkeyFlannel: no boot screen or menu comes up, perhaps it doesn't get that far? it says loading... then it puts up a select country/language menu20:25
ace_suaresJoe_CoT: see etronik answer20:25
nano_how can i prevent windows from sliding underneath my gnome-top-panel?20:25
xlizardok, nobody who knows why network-manager says my ppp0 is offline even if i can use it?20:26
FlannelJoe_CoT: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Making-a-GRUB-bootable-CD-ROM.html20:26
alastair1ace_suares: he joined after it20:26
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Flannelperlmonkey: No no, this is at the very beginning.  Restart the computer.20:26
ace_suaresalastair1: k cut and paste then :-)20:26
PCcertifiedwell ace_suares I installed GIT and got the files for the install, I also installed all requirements to compile my kernel.  Also unTar's the linux sources as instructed, I'm concerned about recompiling kernel20:26
alastair1it's ok someone else answered20:26
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h4L1mderspankster, so sudo nvidia-xconfig doesn't help you, right?20:26
nano_Flannel: whatsup20:26
DanaGAnybody know how to FIX networkmanager?20:26
LogiTechMrObvious ...i really need to know what kind of soundcard i have...will it support 2.1 logitech Z-2300 speakers or not...thats the main question...if i only get the name of the soundcard then i can find that out my self will it support or not20:26
PCcertifiedace_suares: will check out that link20:26
nano_DanaG: what is ur problem?20:26
derspanksterh4L1m, an attempt to install nvidia config results in the uninstallation of nvidia-glx-new20:26
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FlannelHowdy nano_20:27
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DanaGI stated above what my problem is.20:27
ace_suaresPCcertified: weel you can recompile the kernel but you are not isntalling the new kernel just the .ko file20:27
nano_LogiTech: do the following: lspci20:27
DanaGbefore you entered.20:27
s_spiffselven_: hey.. i dunno what happened.. but its finally detected. I disabled.. tried the dmesg.. then again rebooted and enabled... and this time it's been detected in the manual configuration applet. thanks soo much for your help.20:27
nano_if its a pci sound card20:27
Fingerling_Anyone Using Ubuntu 8.04 and having Wireless Issues?20:27
perlmonkeyFlannel: there is no very beginning thats what im trying to install.. when I boot the system, it says "loading..." and then 2 seconds later language selection comes up. theres no Ubuntu logo, no "install, test menu" etc which you normally see20:27
nano_DanaG: ok20:27
nano_Fingerling_: what kind of issues?20:27
DanaGIn short: NetworkManger utterly fails at handling multiple access points with the same SSID.20:27
ace_suaresperlmonkey: oh yeah thats tru with the new 8.0420:27
MrObviousLogiTech: Put the output of lspci in a pastebin and give me the link.20:27
DanaG... at least when they're on different subnets, as they are at Cal Poly.20:27
Flannelperlmonkey: Oh, you're having trouble with *that* language select20:27
perlmonkeyyes indeed20:28
ace_suaresperlmonkey: try to burn another cd (mayeb it'w broken)20:28
wabashHow can I start a shell under a different user?20:28
perlmonkeyits fine20:28
Joe_CoTFlannel, ace_suaresl: I have grub installed. I'm sitting at a grub menu. I want to boot the cd, because the machine doesn't support booting from cd20:28
Fingerling_Keeping My Connection Alive...seem to lose it in Minutes20:28
ace_suaresperlmonkey: or find some older cd with memtest on it20:28
perlmonkeyi installed a system with it yesterday20:28
h4L1mderspankster, why that? i think it has to come with the nvidia drivers20:28
Flannelperlmonkey: I'm not sure what to tell you.  Try the alternate CD20:28
nano_DanaG: yeah i have also experienced that20:28
perlmonkeyok i will try alternate20:28
ace_suaresperlmonkey: so i t *could* be the mem of this machine20:28
xlizardDanaG, of cause ... he trys to hop ... because it is ts same netzwork ...20:28
LogiTechFirst... what means "lspci" ???20:28
derspanksterh4L1m, all I get from nvidia-xconfig is a warning about CorePointer not being specified explicitly20:28
FlannelJoe_CoT: Did you read that page?20:28
perlmonkeyace_suares: yeah its possible I guess20:28
ace_suaresLogiTech: list pci deviced20:28
AlessandroDI had a network problem, I found the solution online, need help filling bug!20:29
FlannelJoe_CoT: Oh, sorry.  right.20:29
ubot3Factoid lspci not found20:29
nano_DanaG: basically, when I change the name of my wireless network on my router, then it takes Network-Manager some time to readjust20:29
DanaGThat's nothing like my issue, though.20:29
perlmonkeythanks guys, i will try what u suggested20:29
LogiTechee..."lspci" to terminal?? ...sorry im confused20:29
nano_DanaG: try "wifi-radar" utility, its really neet20:29
ace_suaresAlessandroD: got to launchpad.net, make an account, file a bug :-)20:29
szgalDoes anyone here use Compiz-Fusion?20:29
Jack_SparrowLogiTech You can man lspci or any commands to find out more info20:29
nano_Logitech: yes20:29
MrObviousLogiTech: It's a command line command. Load a terminal and type it in and copy/paste the information to a pastebin website and then give me the URL.20:29
ace_suaresLogiTech:open a terminal, type lspci !20:29
FlannelJoe_CoT: try `root (cd)\nchainloader +1\nboot\n`20:30
derspanksterh4L1m, of course I have nvidia X server settings installed but it won't run because the driver can not be successfully enabled.20:30
MrObviousLogiTech: And please type mro and push Tab before you talk if you want to talk to me otherwise I wiill miss your posts.20:30
FlannelJoe_CoT: Although, it might be cd020:30
nano_Logitech: lspci will list all your pci connected devices, which includes ur pci soundcard, if you are using a pci soundcard20:30
AlessandroDace_suares, I have an account already, because I do translations. But I think the bug I have iss already reported. It's about the Realtek 8111B ethernet device20:30
AlessandroDace_suares, what should be my procedure?20:30
ace_suaresAlessandroD: shoe me the bug number :-)20:30
DanaGI end up having to re-select the network in nm-applet to get it working again.20:31
PCcertifiedace_suares: my camera is 0c45:627b and is not located in those lists20:31
Fingerling_If I Keep IRC Open And Minimize It....It Seems that Firefox Works Fine20:31
ace_suaresPCcertified: well bad luck I was just googling :-)20:31
pimwhat would be a good distro to run off off a 128mb usb-stick?20:31
ace_suaresPCcertified: but why are yo 'afraid' to compile a kernel !?20:31
PCcertifiedever done it before20:31
PCcertifiedno idea what I'm doing20:32
nano_DanaG: the response time is a little slow, but you can always go to the command line and issue "iwlist wlan0 scanning"20:32
ace_suarespim: Damn Small Linux20:32
nano_where wlan0: is whatever device20:32
LogiTechMrObvious "pastebin" ?what that means...20:32
ace_suaresPCcertified: dont worry20:32
derspanksterh4L1m, it's a merry-go-round to hell. Wish I would have stayed with Gutsy20:32
DanaGThat's not the problem.20:32
MrObviousLogiTech: pastebin.com20:32
ace_suaresPCcertified: as lonk as you dont do 'make install'20:32
MrObviousLogiTech: Or there is a URL in the /topic20:32
DanaGThe problem is that NetworkManager doesn't re-run dhclient on roaming access points!20:32
xlizardDanaG, i think, you hat to rename one network ... dont think that you can fix it to one ap-mac with networkmanager20:32
h4L1mderspankster, i used hardy for a few days and changed back to gutsy :)20:32
h4L1mderspankster, i'm sorry but i can't find something about this, please ask the channel20:32
DanaGIt's a school network -- multiple access points, same SSID, different subnets.20:32
PCcertifiedace_suares: so I can compile but just don't install it.20:33
PCcertifiedI see20:33
ace_suaresderspankster: I use hardy on 3 machine,s very happy about it20:33
ace_suaresPCcertified: yes20:33
PCcertifiedhope this works20:33
nano_DanaG: you can always run dhclient20:33
AlessandroDace_suares, sorry, I don't have it handy. I had a tutorial link on Ubuntuforums20:33
derspanksterh4L1m, Hardy is without a doubt, the absolute worst release i have seen in the past two years. I do certainly appreciate your help though20:33
DanaGI shouldn't HAVE TO DO THAT!20:33
DanaGIt should do it automatically!20:33
ace_suaresPCcertified: the instructions tell you not to install it just the driver.20:33
LogiTechMrObvious im in pastebin.com ... Syntax highlighting: ?   To highlight particular lines, prefix each line with @@?20:34
Jack_Sparrowderspankster If you rework your partitions for any reason in the future, create a second area for a second distro or a new release for testing so you maintain a stable working os20:34
nano_DanaG: but it doesn't.20:34
derspanksterace_suares, I'm running Hardy on my laptop without issue but it doesn't have a Nvidia card20:34
ace_suaresderspankster: I think Edgy was absoulute the worst :-)20:34
Steve-CalDanaG: I totally agree--you should demand a refund on your money, after all, ubuntu comes with an unconditional money-back guarantee.  :)20:34
etronikold spare CDROM on20:34
h4L1mderspankster, you're welcome20:34
PCcertifiedace_suares: true20:34
etronikstill boot failure ?? weird20:35
ace_suaresderspankster: I have TWO nvidia Dual head cards :-) and they work find with 4 LCD screens :)20:35
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ace_suaresderspankster: on 64 bit tough.20:35
DanaGUpon roaming, it should try to ping the old gateway, and if it's not reachable, it should re-get an IP.20:35
PCcertifiedace_suares: here goes nothing...20:35
pimAre you supposed to compile damn small linux yourself?20:35
MrObviousLogiTech: No, just copy the output from lspci from the terminal to the big text box and paste it in the text box, push Submit, and then give me the URL after you push submit.20:35
xlizardDanaG, than you can use command-line tools to set fix ap-mac20:35
derspanksterace_suares, I'm very happy for you but that doesn't help my situation.20:35
ace_suaresderspankster: I had problems with nvidai opn 32 bit reported a bug20:35
Yggdrasilmrobvous thanks20:35
Jack_SparrowDanaG You are at cal-poly.. (slo) was fun.. get someone to fix the source code for all of us..  Lots of talented people around20:35
kushal1Hello, I need a script that will automatically add about 140 movie clips onto a program called DeVeDe. I am running Ubuntu 8.04 on a Toshiba Satellite M55-S135. Please help. I have added about 70 clips by hand and it is not much fun. If I do it regularly, I fear I will get RSI or something. Control Click, shift click, and control A (select all) do not work on DeVeDe. Please help.20:35
DanaGOh hell, I might as well do it myself.20:35
DanaGOr rather, try to, at least.20:36
ace_suaresderspankster: annd what is you problem again ? you can zet the vesa driver in xorg.conf and then at least you have the gui running20:36
FlannelJoe_CoT: Actually, that doesn't seem to work.  When you're booting, hit 'e', then root ([tab] and see the list it gives you.  The internet seems to think that you can't (without chainloading through something else, SBM seems popular), but I could've sworn I remember reading that you could a good while ago.20:36
nano_DanaG: if an application doesn't work EXACTLY like you want it to....you have 2 options...a) fix code urself .......b) get another application!20:36
derspanksterace_suares, I can run vesa or nv but not nvidia20:36
nano_DanaG: u should try wifi-radar20:36
DanaGDoes it run as a tray app?20:37
DanaGAnd work automatically?20:37
LogiTechMrObvious okei ill try20:37
ace_suaresderspankster: and you installed nvidia with the restricted-frivers-mamnager ?20:37
derspanksterace_suares, yes20:37
LogiTechMrObvious and sorry for the pm...20:37
ace_suaresderspankster: and it doesnt work, but you looked up thhe card and it was supported ?20:37
nano_DanaG: its not a tray app, but it can be configured to work automatically20:38
LogiTechMrObvious have you heard about logitech Z2300 speakers?20:38
nano_DanaG: it need not be a tray app, as u can put shortcuts anywhere20:38
derspanksterace_suares, I haven't specifically looked up my geforce 6600 but it worked fine in gutsy20:38
DanaGThat's really not any improvement over the current situation.20:38
MrObviousLogiTech: Kinda. It should use a standard hookup.20:38
ace_suaresderspankster: do llok if it is supported. Restricted rivers are not the same between all releases.20:38
MrObviousLogiTech: My guess is you are fine after a Google.20:39
MrObviousHoly crap20:39
sinayoksthe problem comes from the vpn20:39
ygor_abreucegopaiva: yeah mate..tell me...20:39
CShadowRunyay, botnet \o/20:39
CShadowRunor netsplit20:39
sinayoksI think it's not handled properly20:39
lmvalenzuelayou need to download the windows client20:39
nano_DanaG: u can try searching for other applications... there are prolly 100's of applications for wifi scanning type stuff...feel free to experiment20:39
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CShadowRunDanaG wifi-radar is nice20:39
ygor_abreucegopaiva: yeah mate..tell me...im br20:39
s_spiffNattgew: need ur help again... I got the card detected..but doesn't seem to be working... the dmesg posted here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/16054/20:40
cegopaivaare you brazilian? where you from, brother?20:40
LogiTechMrObvious which speakers are you using?20:40
derspanksterace_suares, I'll take a look20:40
ace_suaresderspankster: is it a 6600 GO or a 6600 (without GO)?20:41
szgalDoes anyone here use Compiz-Fusion?20:41
Jack_Sparrowszgal We all do20:41
ace_suaresderspankster:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78077720:41
DanaGCan't use wicd package -- it'd deinstall ubuntu-desktop, and I won't do that.20:41
derspanksterace_suares, plain 660020:42
szgalJack_Sparrow, Well then perhaps you can answer this question, I have compiz-fusion working on my Ubuntu 8.04 box, I know how to use Emerald and Install Themes, my question is how do I get themes with all these cool animations... not just icon sets, and different colors?20:42
nano_szgal: /join #compiz-fusion20:42
Jack_Sparrowszgal They also have a channel of their own /join #compiz20:42
szgalnano_, nobody talks in their channel... no help20:42
ace_suaresderspankster: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html20:42
Evkaz I have two ehernet providers. They has been connected to switch.I'm make command pon provider1 - no problem. But provider2 don't work - plog writers "autenfication failed". Please, give me advice.20:42
MrObviousLogiTech: I run a dual male headed audio cable to my nice sounding stereo system. It works better that way. :D20:42
Jack_Sparrowszgal Be patient.. they will show up20:42
nano_szgal: u should join that room and message Fryda20:43
nano_szgal: dont expect immediate feedback...20:43
Nostie_split... ENDS!20:43
derspanksterace_suares, looks like a nice tutorial - thanks - we'll see20:43
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ace_suaresderspankster: good luck !20:43
szgalnano_, he won't answer me because he is currently helping someone out already.... Believe, years of experience with linux I know the process is very slow20:43
nano_szgal: what is ur problem?20:44
szgalnano_, unless you already know it20:44
szgalnano_, no problem, why?20:44
=== Sarah_Trane is now known as Sarah
derspanksterace_suares, thanks - but the tutorial looks like it's for twin-view. Maybe some good things in there for me20:44
nano_szgal: oh, i thought u had a question or soemthing20:44
nano_szgal: i use compiz20:44
cwgannoni'm experiencing some problems with mp3 playback20:44
ace_suaresderspankster: see also the italian site.20:44
cwgannononly files in my amarok collection will play; all others fail, no matter the program, no matter their location20:44
szgalnano_, it is not technical really, I have compiz-fusion working... I know how to use Emerald and get themes and it's great I love it20:45
szgalnano_, I just see all these YouTube videos of cool animations like burning windows and don't understand how those work... I'd like to test those out, but don't seem to understand where how to to get started with those20:45
nano_szgal: yes its pretty great....im not much of a gui guy, but i really like it20:45
Jack_Sparrowszgal Have you install ccsm20:46
etronikfinally seem to be booting from CDROM !!20:46
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derspanksterace_suares, OK, got it bookmarked - thanks for the info20:46
ubot3To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:46
szgalJack_Sparrow, yes, I have cube/wobbly windows all that20:46
pimHow would I format a drive?20:46
cwgannononly files in my amarok collection will play; all others fail, no matter the program, no matter their location... any help on this one, please?20:46
kushal1Hello, I need a script that will automatically add about 140 movie clips onto a program called DeVeDe. I am running Ubuntu 8.04 on a Toshiba Satellite M55-S135. Please help. I have added about 70 clips by hand and it is not much fun. If I do it regularly, I fear I will get RSI or something. Control Click, shift click, and control A (select all) do not work on DeVeDe. Please help.20:46
nano_szgal: you need to install ccsm, also, startup synaptic-package manager, search for compiz, and make sure all the plugins are also installed20:46
s_spiffanyone? I need help with a secondary ethernet card which isn't working...the dmesg posted here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/16054/20:46
nano_szgal: that fire thing come with a plugins package, no plugin=no fire thing20:46
Jack_Sparrowszgal See also   http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=5303   addl plugins20:47
LogiTechMrObvious ooh..okei :D but could u tell me why Most speakers i could say "all" speakers including "z2300" will20:47
LogiTechsusurrous in time...when u use equalizers and other that kind stuff or if u use speakers over 80% loud20:47
nano_s_spiff: what exactly is ur problem...no detection?20:47
Jack_Sparrowszgal I compiled all of the plugins on that page and all worked on my nvidia20:47
Steve-Calpim: maybe gparted would work for you?20:47
szgalnano_, the only plugins that did not work for me is: compiz-fusion-plugins-unofficial20:47
szgalJack_Sparrow, compiz-fusion-plugins-unofficial is the only one that did not work for me20:48
ubot3cwgannon: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:48
ace_suarespim: formatting with mke2fs, for instance20:48
s_spiffnano_: that was the issue until now.. but now that it's detected, and after I've configured the ip add and all.. it still isn't allowing me to connect to my lan20:48
szgalJack_Sparrow, I will try the link, thx20:48
MrObviousLogiTech: I don't understand your question.20:48
nano_szgal: yeah i don't think that worked well for me the last time i tried.....have you installed ccsm?20:48
cwgannononly files in my amarok collection will play; all others fail, no matter the program, no matter their location ... any suggestions?20:48
nano_s_spiff: how are you trying to connect to your lan?20:48
szgalnano_, yes, but for example I am sure you saw this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=684OLRsTrrs&feature=related20:48
etronikrecuing my botched 8.04 upgrade - lets see how it goes20:48
Jack_Sparrowszgal I have floating windows and fish swimming inside semi-trans cube etc20:49
user___kushal1: for improving your karma you could submit a bug report for the thing (control+a)20:49
s_spiffnano_: basically I just wanna connect to the dc++ hubs and CS servers.. using a realtek ethernet card..i'm using the onboard ethernet card to connect to the net.. given by a different ISP20:49
nano_szgal: do you want the dock20:49
ace_suaresetronik: waht was the problem with the booting cd ?20:49
cwgannonthanks for the help!!!!20:49
kushal1thanks user__, I will do that20:49
Ekusheyubuntu DVD has KDE in it too?20:49
QuizMasterAshI am making a custom live disk of uuntu using remastersys, When I save the iso it gets saved under /home/remastersys , I wanna save ISO in my preffered location..How do I do this? Any Idea ?20:50
szgalJack_Sparrow, ahh ha, so you do need to download these animations from somewhere... they are not out the box Compiz20:50
ace_suaresEkushey: no but you can install afterwards: apt-get install kde-desktop20:50
nano_s_spiff: dpaste.com me the output of you ifconfig command20:50
szgalnano_, I like the way that video has the windows appears, and disappearing20:50
s_spiffnano_:  okies20:50
Ekusheyace_suares: is there any DVD with GNOME and KDE together?20:50
etronikace_suares: it did not like being connected to the slave slot of the secondary IDE controller- switched cables around and voila !! :-/20:50
Jack_Sparrowszgal Yes.. there are more available than the base or the base with ccsm20:50
sinayoksanyone has ever had problems with ssh X11 forward using a vpn ?20:50
ace_suaresEkushey: dont think so20:50
nano_szgal: what the cube?20:51
ace_suaresetronik: hardware :-))))20:51
kushal1thanks user__, I will do that but how can I submit a bug report?20:51
Ekusheythanks ace_suares20:51
szgalnano_, no... the way his program windows appear... and then "magically" dissappear lol20:51
ubot3If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:51
s_spiffnano_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16056/20:51
ace_suares!bug | kushal120:51
ubot3kushal1: please see above20:51
nano_szgal: if you un-focus a window, there are many ways that compiz will allow you to have this window unfocesed, did you get ccsm.20:52
etronikguys! the rescue CD ias asking me about a device to use as root file system and giving me choices of /dev/sdaX  - what are these sda things ?20:52
ace_suaress_spiff: i thinkits a hardware problem. Are these Gb cards ?20:52
szgalnano_, yes I had the ccsm for sometime now20:52
ace_suaresetronik: /dev/sda is you first scsi or sata disk20:52
Jack_Sparrowetronik those are your partitions20:52
DaveKongWhat does this command do? SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz-manager20:52
s_spifface_suares: gb??20:52
etronikhmm how I know which one was my root partition ?20:53
szgalnano, how can I make the windows do what appears in that video then, some additional plugins must be downloaded I know20:53
ace_suaress_spiff: Gigabit20:53
nano_s_spiff: how is eth1 suppose to get ip address20:53
ace_suaresetronik: just try them20:53
ace_suaresetronik: it will tell you :-)20:53
QuizMasterAsh*** I am making a custom live disk of uuntu using remastersys, When I save the iso it gets saved under /home/remastersys , I wanna save ISO in my preffered location..How do I do this? Any Idea ? ***20:53
s_spifface_suares: Gigabyte? well yea my motherboard is a gigabyte one.. but the ethernet card in question is a realtek one.20:53
Jack_Sparrowetronik a = first drive X = partition number20:53
Joe_CoTFlannel, it's cool, I found out my bios could do it after all. It just confused me by referring to the hard drive as "C:"20:53
nano_s_spiff: dynamically?20:53
s_spiffnano_: didn't understand you..20:53
jitendrasinayoks: i want to know if u want to connect to a remote machine and able to access X20:53
ace_suaress_spiff: not byte but bit20:53
LogiTechMrObvious ...sorry i cant make the question more correctly :D like i said b4 im not good in english =)20:53
user___kushal1: i think there is no batch option in this program. you would need to search for another, sorry20:53
david__--Hello,Can someone help me to get my microphone to work on Amsn?20:54
s_spiffnano_: oh noo.. fixed ip..20:54
nano_s_spiff: how are ip addresses assigned to eth1 , dynamially?   if so, did you run dhclient?20:54
nano_ohh okay20:54
s_spifface_suares: sorry newb here..20:54
ace_suaresjitendra:  ssh -X machinename applicationname20:54
sinayoksjitendra: right20:54
sinayoksjitendra: that's what I want to do20:54
ace_suaresjitendra:  maybe ssh -X machinename gnone-session for a full desktop20:54
XpistosDoes anybody have any good locations to find out some info about ssh20:54
nano_Xpistos: google20:54
amrikace_suares: hey whats the real difference between ssh -X and ssh -Y?20:54
amrikace_suares: the manpage is a bit vague20:55
ace_suaresnano_: think the problem is on the link level20:55
jitendrasinayoks do u have konqueror20:55
QuizMasterAshlagta hai baad me aana padegaa.. hehe20:55
sinayoksjitendra: yeah20:55
ace_suaresnano_: the driver is working but the connection times out on the lower level (ehternet)20:55
Jack_SparrowXpistos https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto20:55
ace_suaresamrik: ssh -Y ? diod you try ssh -Z ?20:55
sinayoksjitendra: my problem comes from how the vpn is handled by network-manager20:55
LogiTechMrObvious i got 1 more question =) thats more importand for me ...trying to make correct question20:55
ace_suaresamrik: just joking20:55
ace_suaresamrik: ssh -X is X-forwading20:55
nano_ace_suares: are you talking about s_spiff's eth120:56
ace_suaresnano_: yes20:56
amrikace_suares: i think -Y forwards as well, but does something a little different with "trusted" x11 forwarding20:56
jitendrasinayoks. u can connect from konqueror to a remote machine with X using fish protocol. type fish://user@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx20:56
ace_suaresamrik: sorry I am lost then ;-)20:56
s_spifface_suares: nano_ ok me confiused now.. what am i supposed to do?20:56
jitendrasinayoks. i don't have much idea about vpn handling20:56
ace_suaresamrik: u are using ssh what is there to trust !?20:56
XpistosJack_Sparrow Thanks Captain20:56
ace_suaress_spiff: buy a new network card20:56
sinayoksjitendra: thanx20:56
yeonhoowhat is the ftp program for ubuntu??20:56
nano_s_spiff: i thought you were not able to connect, or is it that you connection routinely times out?20:57
yeonhoowhat is the ftp program for ubuntu?? i want to install one good..20:57
ace_suaresyeonhoo: ftpzilla20:57
s_spifface_suares: ohh crap...20:57
yeonhooace_suares,  thank you :)20:57
ace_suaress_spiff: it's in the hardware somewhere20:57
amrikace_suares: well you know that with X11 if someone on the remote machine can bypass filesystem permissions they can read your screen20:57
s_spiffnano_: no it doesn't time out ... very rarely.. like once in a bluemoon..20:57
failurehttp://img.4chan.org/b/src/1212262840085.gif LOLOL20:57
ace_suaress_spiff: I *think*20:57
=== Ekushey is now known as Marlboro
Ashfire908Yesterday i plugged a ethernet cable into my server's second nic and now (even though i rtemoved the cable) i'm getting errors.20:57
s_spifface_suares: okies.. this card used to work like 2 months back.. dunno how it cud have conked off. :(20:57
amrikace_suares: i think -X is the safer option, whereas -Y allows the screen to be trusted and do more I think20:57
nano_s_spiff: so ur having connection problems?20:57
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user___failure: this goes into #ubuntu-offtopic ;-)20:58
Starnestommyyeonhoo: I think it's filezilla, not ftpzilla20:58
yeonhooace_suares,  there is a filezilla. is the same?20:58
yeonhooStarnestommy, ahhh ok thank you :)20:58
etronikso... if the upgrade from Dapper to Hardy crashed midway leaving me with unbootable system, how do I pickup the process or complete the upgrade process ?20:58
s_spiffnano_: nopes.. this card is only for my lan..so that i can play CS with my pals and all.. i don't use it for internet...i use the onboard lancard for internet provided by a ISP20:59
ace_suaresyeonhoo: yeah sorry that's it !20:59
etronikI'm in the rescue CD, and I know that my prior / partition is in /dev/sda220:59
hacknslashyeonhoo, gftp is good too20:59
nano_s_spiff: so you cannot connect to you CS servers?20:59
nano_s_spiff: and CS server is the only thing that is connected to you eth1?20:59
s_spiffnano_: i can't connect to anyone on my lan.. no dc++ hubs.. no nothing.20:59
ace_suaresetronik: you say it CRASHED during upgrade ? What, power faiure ?21:00
etronikace_suares: no.... the upgrade was in its last stages then the upgrade window just vanished....21:00
XpistosHere is a good question: is anybody using MythTV either in ubuntu or with Mythbuntu? I am building a media center system and I am curioius about it. good, bad, ugly. What do you guys think about it21:00
Leonidas_hello everyone21:01
amriketronik: if you cant boot, you may have to reinstall grub. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html21:01
ace_suaresetronik: mayhbe you only need to reinstall grub...21:01
etronikbut existing grub is fine21:01
Leonidas_i was wondering if there was a way to save a file with admin only privileges?  like a .txt file that can only be opened with sudo?21:01
Jack_SparrowXpistos Works great depending on the video card.. and they have a channel.. and I can link you to a good howto21:01
ace_suaresetronik: so your system is working now now it statred off the cd ? GIU and all !?21:01
etronikthe boot process hangs midway21:01
ace_suaresetronik: most likey a grub reainstallw il do21:01
ace_suaresetronik: fidn 'supergrubdisk' on google21:02
usserXpistos, word is mythTV is THE multimedia center. one and only no more no less :)21:02
ace_suaresetronik: use that :-)21:02
etronikI don't think so... but I'll try21:02
Leonidas_ i was wondering if there was a way to save a file with admin only privileges?  like a .txt file that can only be opened with sudo?21:02
etronikbecause the upgrade did not finish, so the system is in a undefined state....21:02
nano_s_spiff: i don't know21:02
etronikbut I'll try the gru re-install21:02
XpistosThanks guys21:02
evandervHey guys21:02
ace_suaresLeonidas_: chown root.root filename ; chmod u=rw,og= filename21:02
XpistosLeonidas: Yasou21:02
usserLeonidas_, yes sure sudo chown root:root filename chmod..... ^^^21:02
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ace_suaresetronik: weel i don't think it is in enundefined state if it was almost done.21:03
ace_suaresetronik: I hope for you !21:03
evandervHey my update manager is trying to update fontconfig but it comes up with errors and not sure why.21:03
evandervThe error is......21:03
mistermochaI just did a distro upgrade from edgy to feisty and am getting an error from apache when it attempts to load php modules21:04
mistermochaer... the php module21:04
b4l74z4ris there any way i can check that compiz is actually detecting the correct refresh rate when i have it set to autodetect?21:04
ubot3Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:04
ice63how do i install nvidia driver in ubuntu ?21:04
ubot3ice63: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:04
fiXXXerMetI just added a second NIC to my server - a Linksys card - and then configured /etc/network/interfaces.  When I go to restart /etc/init.d/networking, I get "Don't seem to be have all the variables for eth1/inet." ??21:06
LogiTechMrObvious if i comparale mp3 and ipod "sound power" when using pc speakers then i can say that mp3 dont give out that much sound power than ipod...ipod amplify over the sound but mp3 is very quiet...So now the question :D ...: How do i know ...will mp4 touch amplify the sound "enough" ?? like ipod do..."mp3" doesnt21:06
evandervsorry here is the error I am getting with fontconfig install21:06
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: use pastebin to paste your /etc/networking/interfaces21:06
ace_suares!pastebin| fiXXXerMet21:06
ubot3fiXXXerMet: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:06
fiXXXerMetace_suares: http://pastebin.com/m8a46e2921:07
fiXXXerMetoops I see an error21:07
keiserrhiii, need some help ,http://pastebin.com/d7908ffb321:07
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: netmast ? netmask !21:07
swiftfoxerhello, is there any way I can ensure that static ip's work on ubuntu? I've tried implementing it but it won't connect unless I use dhcp21:08
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: btw you dont' need the gateway line in ehth121:08
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etronikas I told you ;-) it simply wont boot !! Kernel panic - not syncing VFS (whatever that is)21:08
nano_is there an equivalent command to "nohup" for gnome?21:08
etronikunable to mount root fs21:08
nano_such that when i log out of gnome, the programs are still running?21:08
ArdorinAnybody know how to get Clutch working?21:08
ace_suaresswiftfoxer: deopends on what you ar econnectiong to. If the firewall or switch doesnt allow static ip's...21:08
etronikin fact bbl21:08
fiXXXerMetahh poop, another error  "eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device"21:08
fiXXXerMetDo I need to modprobe it?21:09
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: are you paying attention at all !?!?!?21:09
user___keiserr: file a report as suggested, even better check before if its already done. also you have all updates installed?21:09
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: you wrote netmast instead of netmask21:09
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ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: and you should remove the gateway line for eth1./21:09
swiftfoxerace_suares: I am using static ip on this pc(not ubuntu). It works. I am only experiencing this problem on ubuntu21:09
fiXXXerMetace_suares: I changed those two things. :)21:09
=== nith is now known as Nith
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: okayh do 'ip addr' and use pastebin.21:10
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: or '21:10
notvhow do i check which platform i have?21:10
Noxideso im trying to get my broadcom wireless adapter working and im stuck. it says it recognizes it and according to the wiki it should be supported but it still wont connect.21:10
s_spifface_suares: nano_ hey..tried exchanging cables and excanhing the ip's assigned... still no success.. :(21:10
fiXXXerMetace_suares: lo and eth0 are listed - no eth121:10
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: or 'lspci | grep -i eth'21:10
Morgieanyone come across errors trying to update ubuntu 7.10? i keep getting errors trying to install updates to get to 8.0421:10
notvim not sure if i installed 64 or i38621:10
notvis there some sort of command i can type into a terminal?21:10
user___notv: uname -a21:11
Starnestommynotv: uname -m21:11
fiXXXerMetace_suares: Not showing up in lspci, so maybe it'sa bad card.21:11
swiftfoxerat the moment I can't even load up my router page on ubuntu21:11
fiXXXerMetLet me try another one.21:11
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: well if it's not in lspci then nothing can be done ;-)21:11
fiXXXerMetaye - I forgot all about that command!21:11
Noxidedoes anyone know how to install BCM43xx-fwcutter (apt) ?21:11
ace_suaresswiftfoxer: how did you set the fixed ip ?21:11
ace_suaresswiftfoxer: command line or network manager ?21:12
afallenhopeis there a reason why I can't play mp3 cds?21:12
jitendraace_suares: sudo ifconfig ethx xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx21:12
ace_suaresetronik: did you reintall grub ? and did you check it /boot/grub/menu.lst has all the correct partitions listed ?21:12
keriANYONE CAN HELP....what do i do after i load the winxp wireless drivers into my windows wireless drivers app for ubuntu.  i rebooted and it still isnt detecting the ap21:12
Steve-CalNoxide: The last I read at the help.ubuntu.com website, the bcm43xx modules all ready come with Hardy. Are you using Hardy?21:13
ace_suaresjitendra: what was that again !? it's not the good way to do it with ifconfig21:13
afallenhopekeri: have you initiated the card?21:13
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keriafallenhope, nope just did what i said21:13
neonprophetdoes anyone know why 8.04 won't mount a damn dvd/cd? everytime I upgrade it hoses up my system again....21:13
afallenhopeSteve-Cal: the bcm43xx is replace by the b43 in hardy21:13
swiftfoxerace_suares: network manager21:13
keriits listed in lspci21:13
javagamerMy computer shuts down instantly when play steam games through wine and when running memtest or my MBs memory test.  This is a new problem and I already tried updating by MB, but so far nothing has changed.  Does anyone know what might be wrong?21:13
NoxideSteve-Cal: Yes im using hardy. And that is why I'm not sure why it wont work. I seem to have lost my network manager from my taskbar too.21:14
ace_suaresswiftfoxer: can you do 'ip addr' and use pastebin ?21:14
ace_suares!pastebin | swiftfoxer21:14
ubot3swiftfoxer: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:14
afallenhopekeri: you have to initiate the card. type suo ifconfig <interface> up21:14
keriafallenhope, ok21:14
dyersevedoes anyone know how to make mount -t cifs use netbios name resolution instead of dns?21:14
Steve-Calafallenhope: Thanks for the correction--do you know where that info might be posted at help.ubuntu.com so I can use it as reference?21:14
swiftfoxer(btw my responses will be slightly slow, going back and forth here. Update: eth0 works fine on static ip, just gotta plug in. eth1 is the one with the problem)21:14
keriafallenhope, how do i tell which one it is. eth0 or eth1?21:15
afallenhopeeth0 = ethernet LAN and eth1 = ndsiwrapper21:15
swiftfoxerace_suares: gimme a bit, I gotta go back and forth here21:15
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afallenhopeso youtype sudo ifconfig eth1 up21:15
Yggdrasilwhat would be the best version of ubuntu for a cli only production system ?21:15
swiftfoxerafallenhope: not in my case, eth0 = gblan1, eth1 = gblan2 in my case :)21:15
afallenhopeYggdrasil: Ubuntu server21:15
ace_suaresYggdrasil: dapper or hardy21:16
afallenhopeYggdrasil: or possible Xubuntu21:16
kerierror no such device21:16
lukehasnonam2Ubuntu Server Hardy21:16
ace_suaresdyerseve: maybe this will help ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28853421:16
kerihow do i list ethernet devices21:16
afallenhopeifconfig -a21:16
razaccouris it possible to turn ubuntu into debian in the command line?21:16
afallenhopekeri:  check your pm21:16
Starnestommyrazaccour: no21:16
Yggdrasilim on server fiesty21:16
user___razaccour: nope21:17
ace_suareskeri: lspci | grep -i eth21:17
ace_suaresrazaccour: don't think so.21:17
afallenhopeace_suares: ifconfig -a21:17
afallenhopeace_suares: that's easier if he doesn't know what he's doing21:17
swiftfoxerace_suares: the inet field is missing in eth1's interface. Know anyway how I can fix it?21:17
user___razaccour: what problem are you trying to solve, btw?21:17
ace_suaresafallenhope: thatg shows devices that have a driver :-)21:17
Yggdrasilace_squares im on feisty server21:17
notvam i still connected?21:18
keriok mine is wlan021:18
Starnestommynotv: yes21:18
afallenhopeace_suares: I know.. he's using the ndiswrapper21:18
keriand i did the up command21:18
ace_suaresswiftfoxer: you can always edit by hand, i tought you were going to pastebin it ?21:18
afallenhopekeri: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up21:18
notvokay there it goes21:18
keriyup that one afa21:18
ace_suaresafallenhope: okay, i don't know nothing of that, leave it to you !21:18
MFendoes anyone out thre know how to set up bridged networking in hardy? it just does not seem to work with that ath0 freaky ass interface,21:18
swiftfoxerace_suares: it's on another pc, not exactly connected atm21:18
notvhas anyone had any luck with atheros ar5007eg wireless cards and ubuntu?21:18
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MFenand i can't find any guide to bridged neworking that even *talks about* what that crazy ath0 does or how it affects it21:19
Steve-Calafallenhope: About the bcm43xx, is this page out-of-date then? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%2921:19
kerino errors so i guess i reboot now/?21:19
notvon an x64 version that is21:19
ManadHi. anyone here use Thunderbird?21:19
afallenhopekeri:  yes21:19
ace_suaresswiftfoxer: you can always edit /etc/network/interfaces21:19
afallenhopeSteve-Cal: I have an easiser method21:19
swiftfoxerace_suares: thanks21:19
keriok thankjs i might be back21:19
ace_suaresppl I gotta go. 't was fun ! Seeing so many people online !21:19
Steve-Calafallenhope: Which is?...21:19
Noxidecya ace21:19
afallenhopeit's on my site21:19
afallenhopeManad: I do21:20
MFenevery time i've tried to follow one of the guides, tey always say "run /etc/init.d/networking restart" but i know that just breaks my networking21:20
axisyswhy does ubuntu force me to install exim when I am trying to install mailx?21:20
axisysis there a way around?21:20
afallenhopeSteve-Cal: http://www.aircrack.com/doku.php?id=b4321:20
Starnestommyaxisys: mailx might need exim21:20
ace_suaresaxisys: apt-get install postfix first :-)21:20
MFenaxisys: i think it just wants an smtp daemon. try installing postfix or something, if you just don't like exim21:20
notvcan anyone help me with an atheros ar5007eg wireless card on x64?21:20
Manadafallenhope, did you notice that deleting emails from the Inbox (and then Trash folder) does not delete them from the profile folder's data file? They can still be seen if you open the "database" with a text editor. Did you see this, or is it just me?21:21
afallenhopenotv: what do you nee21:21
fiXXXerMetace_suares: OK, both Ethernet Controllers are showing up in lspci, but the system only sees eth021:21
ace_suaresaxisys: but did you want mailutils instead of mailx !?21:21
axisysMFen, ace_suares so that will give me mailx ?21:21
axisysace_suares: yes if that works to send an email21:21
notvafallenhope: i need a driver for it21:21
axisysace_suares: w/o installing a MTA21:21
MFenaxisys: no, it (should) satisfy one of the requirements of mailx, so that exim doesn't have to be installed21:21
axisysace_suares: like postfix/exim21:21
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: paste the two lines thatg list the ethernet cards !21:21
user___ahm, sorry, i am caught in my guest fullscreen window, how can i leave it (right-control+g doesnt work)?21:21
ace_suaresaxisys: you cant use 'mail' without an MTA21:22
MFenaxisys: posfix is just a different MTA21:22
fiXXXerMetace_suares: http://pastebin.com/m33d7a8f621:22
user___ahm, sorry, i am caught in my virtualbox guest fullscreen window, how can i leave it (right-control+g doesnt work)?21:22
ace_suaresfiXXXerMet: obviously you have to google if the drivers are there for thos cards..21:22
axisysace_suares: but u dont need an MTA to send mail..21:22
axisysace_suares: mailutils is small ?21:22
Steve-Calafallenhope: That webpage you sent has nothing to do with bcm43xx....21:23
jitendrasinayoks: just wanted to know if ur problem with ssh is solved?21:23
MFenaxisys: MTA stands for "mail transfer agent". you DO need an MTA to send mail. :P21:23
axisysace_suares: i can telnet to an smtp server and send the email21:23
axisysMFen: ^^21:23
MFenaxisys: then you are acting as the MTA21:23
sinayoksjitendra: nope, still looking on the web21:23
axisysMFen: yes.. and mailutils can do that?21:23
keriafallenhope, welp im back and it didnt work21:23
afallenhopeSteve-Cal: because the bcm43xx is deprecated. it's outdated. it's been replaced with the b4321:23
MFenaxisys: i dunno. mailx isn't the only way to send email from the command line21:23
jitendrasinayoks: didn't fish protocol work for u21:23
MFenaxisys: i wrote one in python in about an hour a couple of months ago21:24
afallenhopekeri: what kind of card is it21:24
ace_suaresaxisys: sorry what is mailx for ? is that to be able to do 'grep FAILED /var/log/syslog | mail root@yourmnachine ' ?21:24
axisysMFen: ofcourse not.. but pretty light and i had been using it..21:24
axisysace_suares: exactly!21:24
MFenaxisys: let it install exim. who cares?21:24
afallenhopeManad: I never had an issue like that sorry it  too so long21:24
keriafallenhope, an asus.  it even has linux drivers but i dont know how to install red hat version on ubuntu21:24
ace_suaresMFen: apt-get install axisys-mta :-)21:24
sinayoksjitendra: just a sec21:24
Manadafallenhope, ok, no worries21:24
axisysace_suares: :P21:24
afallenhopekeri: it's an asus wireless card?21:24
keriafallenhope, yes21:25
sinayoksjitendra: i forgot i didn't have konqueror on this box21:25
afallenhopeAnyone know why I can't get my mp3 cd to play?21:25
sinayoksjitendra: i'm installing it now to have a go21:25
axisysMFen: hmm i would rather use a python or perl if that does not require any postfix or exim libs21:25
ace_suaresaxisys: you can not have 'mail' command without an MTA.. sorry... on  a local system exim is as good as postfix.21:25
MFenaxisys: it doesn't.  exim is probably smaller than python, though.  :P21:25
icqnumber!mp3 | afallenhope21:25
ubot3afallenhope: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:25
keriafallenhope, a wl-107 wireless ap card21:25
jitendrasinayoks: do give it a try. might work. coz i myself was troubled with this for a long time when this solution finally worked for me21:26
axisysMFen: but i already have python21:26
axisysace_suares: i know .. i just wanted send mail.. so which is smaller? exim or python ?21:26
mynymlis there someone with enough .deb packaging fu to comvert (i guess just recompile) a small amd64 package to 32bits?21:27
dragon64fallen hope, what happens when you try and play your disk?21:27
amrikmynyml: what package is this?21:27
mynymlamrik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4945143&postcount=99821:27
axisysachilles, MFen should I just choose satelite system?21:28
MFenaxisys: exim and dependcies looks to be under a meg. python2.5 is 10MB by itself, and has other dependencies (just not exim)21:28
ubot3firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins21:28
b4l74z4ri assume that when you have detect refresh rate enabled in the compiz settings manager it ignores whatever refresh rate the manual slider is set to even though the slider isn't greyed out when detect refresh rate is enabled, is this a correct assumption?21:28
MFenaxisys: you already have python, though. *shrug*21:28
amrikmynyml: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xf86-input-evtouch/xserver-xorg-input-evtouch_0.8.7-3ubuntu1_i386.deb21:28
swiftfoxernope, still can't fix it21:29
MFenaxisys: i usually pick internet site, i don't think it matters that much21:29
onthefence928hey guys21:29
mynymlamrik: the one in my link includes a patch though. the patch is at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xf86-input-evtouch/+bug/22216421:29
ubot3Malone bug 222164 in xf86-input-evtouch "evtouch works incorrectly when the screen is left or right rotated" [Undecided,New]21:29
MFenso, has anyone set up bridged networking with an ath0 interface?21:29
onthefence928anybody know why rhythm box loves to remove my entire list of songs every other time I load it up?21:29
axisysMFen: hmm nullmailer looks super small http://untroubled.org/nullmailer/21:30
mynymlamrik: i have the -input-evtouch driver installed and working fine, except for that missing feature21:30
electromagnetany ideas on getting a working driver for an atheros ar5007eg wireless card on 64 bit platform?21:30
LimCoreubuntu epically fails - given application is buggy and doesnt work. what to do aboyt it21:30
mynymlamrik: so that new .deb fixes it but doesn't provide a 32bit package21:31
swiftfoxerhttp://pastebin.com/m72da0ea0 I have tried to fix it by editing eth/network/interfaces but to my surprise in eth/network/interfaces,eth1 and eth0 are formatted with the input I put in the network manager21:31
amrikmynyml: hmm well you are going to need to find the source code then21:31
axisyshow do I install rpm?21:31
Starnestommyaxisys: you don't.21:31
Jack_Sparrowaxisys Not a good idea..21:31
jribaxisys: you try to avoid it.  What are you trying to install?21:31
JonDeereCan't seem to get my Nvidia 3D driver working, Xorg.conf seems to have only "default" settings. Help please21:31
sinayoksjitendra: fish didn't work21:31
sinayoksjitendra: the connexion is closed and konqueror is left hanging21:31
axisysStarnestommy: i need to install nullmailer21:31
afallenhopedoesn't amarok play mp3s?21:32
Starnestommyaxisys: does it have a .deb package?21:32
axisysStarnestommy: i dont see in .deb format.. just rpm and tar.gz21:32
icqnumber!mp3 | afallenhope21:32
ubot3afallenhope: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:32
jrib!info nullmailer | axisys21:32
ubot3axisys: nullmailer: simple relay-only mail transport agent. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.03-5 (hardy), package size 92 kB, installed size 440 kB21:32
jribaxisys: always check the repositories first21:32
swiftfoxerI'm having a problem making my connection there static ip here. Only works with roaming mode or dhcp. But on this computer(connected to the same router) it works21:32
icqnumberafallenhope, follow the link21:32
afallenhopeomg icqnumber  I know I seen that,. I read it I don't get it21:32
axisysjrib: doh! *sigh*21:32
jitendrasinayoks: can u connect from commandline (even if that is without X)21:32
swiftfoxerhow can I setup static ip on ubuntu?21:33
NoxideOk, so why is it when I click on my network manager it disappears? Also, I've done everything the FAQ suggested and I still can't get my damn wireless to work... Sigh.21:34
jitendrasinayoks: did u type fish://user@IP/folder21:34
NoxideThe disappearing NM is just like kicking a man while hes down.21:34
jribswiftfoxer: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html21:34
icqnumberafallenhope: are you kde user?21:35
afallenhopeicqnumber: gnome21:35
fiXXXerMetI have a ADMtek NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet installed in my server.   lspci detects it, and google says to use the 'tulip' driver - do I just do "modprobe tulip"?21:35
icqnumberafallenhope: well but if u want mp3 in amarok you need to install kubuntu-restricted-extras, type in terminal: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:36
Jack_SparrowNoxide It helps to know things like which distro/release what networking hardware..  and what changes you made to the base install etc21:36
swiftfoxerthanks jrib, but I'm not so sure what to do with that, don't quite get it. For the time being I'll take a look at resolve.conf21:37
JonDeereCan anyone help me with my Nvidia 3D driver install?21:37
axisysis there a smart way to detect my public domain? i am off of cox but what if I did not know that? i want find my public domain and then find the mx record for the domain21:37
jribswiftfoxer: search the page for "static ip".  It tells you exactly what you need to do in /etc/network/interfaces21:37
axisysi need to use that for nullmailer21:37
Stevethepirate'lo. I just did an upgrade on linux [apt-get upgrade] and now all of a sudden grud fails to see my windows installation. On top of this, my xserver has crashed... I need to fix the windows problem first though....21:37
axisystracepath to cnn fails and nslookup does not help either21:38
PCcertifiedAck, I'm back.  compiling a kernel is quite a job.  there must be an eaisier way to install this microdia driver21:38
icqnumberJonDeere: have you seen howtos allready?21:38
ubot3For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:38
JonDeereI've been reading up on it, Icqnumber, and I have a theory on the problem... But I can't even edit xorg.conf successfully, must be I need root?21:39
gorioCan anyone help me ? how to find and edit this file modprobe.conf21:39
SnakeArtHello. I need some help with Canon Pixma mp210 an ubuntu 7.10 (64bit).21:39
StevethepirateJonDeere: Yar.21:39
Steve-Calaxisys: Maybe get your IP from whatsmyip.org and then look it up for the domain? Is that what you are looking for?21:39
NoxideJack: Im using Hardy the newest release and my networking hardware is a broadcom BCM94311, which should be supported by Hardy.  I made no changes to the initall install.21:39
JonDeereCan I do it from Sudo? Or do I need to learn how to log on as root?21:39
swiftfoxerjrib, what does auto eth0 and auto eth1 mean in etc/network/interfaces?21:39
StarnestommyJonDeere: sudo should work21:39
JonDeereOK. Now... I found an xorg.conf on the net that looks "close" to my setup... Mine says things like device "presently configured device" rather than list the driver name/card21:40
PCcertifiedhas anyone here ever installed the microdia webcam driver21:40
jribswiftfoxer: man interfaces  says: Lines  beginning with the word "auto" are used to identify the physicalinterfaces to be brought up when ifup is run with the -a option. (This option  is  used by the system boot scripts.)21:40
icqnumberJonDeere: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:40
Steve-CalStevethepirate: Do you just need to put Windows back in your /boot/grub/menu.lst or what are you looking for?21:40
axisysSteve-Cal: cool.. that worked21:40
icqnumberJonDeere: but if u do not even know that, do not edit it then21:41
axisysSteve-Cal: now I see mx.east.cox.net not responding to port 2521:41
freewillyu have nvidia21:41
StevethepirateSteve-Cal: Yeah. Basically. I'd like that. Like, when I installed it did that for me, so I'd rather have an automated program, than have to guess where the file is.21:41
jribswiftfoxer: so, the interfaces to be brought up when you boot21:41
axisysSteve-Cal: hmm.. thats funny.. may be some proxy I need to use!?21:41
JonDeereOK cool, so that'll let me edit the file. Hehe right, I'm not too sure what to do even if I can... I THINK it needs a Option "UseEDID" "FALSE" statement in there somewhere21:41
axisysSteve-Cal: i was hoping customers on there dhcp block should have access21:41
JonDeereIt's only giving me 640x480 mode, ya see21:41
Stevethepirateicqnumber: I heard that one should never sudo for graphical programs, only CLI ones..21:42
axisysSteve-Cal: there might be a different IP for internal IP blocks?21:42
StevethepirateJonDeere: Perhaps try a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' first?21:42
SnakeArtMy printer starts to print a test-page, but after few seconds it suspends. I'm using the pixma mp150 driver.21:42
StevethepirateIts a wizard to edit xorg.conf for you.21:42
gorio_can anyone help me how to solve my mic problems... ? i have a toshiba's notebook A215...21:42
stuI am trying to follow documentation on getting mythtv working with lirc... most of the documentation I find keeps talking about /dev/hidev0 however this doenst exist? Anyone know what has changed in Hardy to make this dissapear?21:42
Steve-CalStevethepirate: Well, I don't know of any GUIs for Grub (if you find a good one let me know), but I could give you the syntax to put in that menu.lst to get Windows going.21:42
axisysSteve-Cal: I probably should use gmail as my smtp since I have an smtp account with them21:43
StevethepirateSteve-Cal: I would love that.. Thing is I have like 5 harddrives.. so I'm not in a guessing mood :D21:43
axisysSteve-Cal: hope they will let me21:43
NoxideDoes anyone have any idea why my little Network Manager keeps disappearing?21:43
JonDeereThanks, Steve! Trying the wizard21:43
swiftfoxerbasically etc/resolve.conf does have my router ip as nameserver, furthermore etc/network/interfaces seems to be properly configured, but I still can't seem to get static ip to work on eth121:43
icqnumberSteve-Cal: i like suses graphical good looking grub menu...21:44
Steve-CalStevethepirate: No problem, first "sudo fdisk -l" and look for the Windows partition (ntfs).21:44
sinayoksjitendra: yup I can connect using ssh (or ssh -X)21:44
sinayoksjitendra: the connexion just hangs when I try to launc an application like xclock21:44
electromagnethas anyone gotten an atheros ar5007eg wireless card to work on a 64 bit system?21:44
stuelectromagnet: you probably need to use madwifi trunk21:44
Steve-Calaxisys: Gmail as SMTP? what do you mean? It's all done over the web...21:45
sinayoksjitendra: i typed fish://user@IP21:45
StevethepirateSteve-Cal: I'll look in fstab.. I have it mounted just remembered lol..21:45
axisysSteve-Cal: with nullmailer.21:45
axisysSteve-Cal: cli21:45
jitendrasinayoks: try using fish://user@IP/folder21:45
stuwhy would you want to talk to gmail via smtp ?21:45
stuaxisys:  ^21:45
Steve-Calaxisys: Ah, I see.21:45
jitendrabut i am not very sure. it worked for me sinayoks21:45
electromagnetstu i was under the impression madwifi only worked with the 32 bit systems currently21:45
StevethepirateSteve-Cal: fdisk -l doesn't pick it up.21:45
gorio_how to find a file ? ex,: i need to edit this file but i dont know where is itmodprobe.conf21:46
stuelectromagnet: not sure, I know ndiswrapper is only for 32bit - not sure about madwifi21:46
fiXXXerMetAfter I modprobe an ehternet device, what do I need to do to make it show up as eth1?21:46
Steve-CalStevethepirate: You have to put sudo in front--did you do that?21:46
stufiXXXerMet: ifconfig eth1 up21:46
jribgorio_: locate itmodprobe.conf    I'd guess it's in /etc/ somewhere21:46
electromagnetoh crap21:46
Swiftfoxeron the ubuntu pc21:46
Swiftfoxerbut using eth021:46
axisysstu: i want to send email from my laptop21:46
axisysstu: using nullmailer21:47
stuaxisys: then send it via your ISP21:47
Stevethepirateyar.> I know its /dev/sdb1/ ... Is that enough or do I need a hd(x,y) reference?21:47
axisysstu: what mx should I use?21:47
axisysstu: they dont respond on port 2521:47
hagabakais it possible to remove the passphrase from an existing ssh key pair?21:47
axisysstu: there might be an internal IP and need an account21:47
stuaxisys: you can receive from gmail using pop/imap etc but when you send mail it should go via your ISP - try smtp.yourisp.com21:47
tuxhi peeps i have installed a deb package that belongs to debian and not to ubuntu how can i remove it?21:47
axisysstu: i never uses cox account .. never needed to21:47
SnakeArtAnyone here with working canon pixma mp210?21:47
Swiftfoxerjrib, this is the etc/network/interfaces on my pc: http://pastebin.com/m8a3d37721:47
gorio_jrib thks21:48
NoxideAnyone mind helping me get a Broadcom WIFI card connect to an UNSECURED wireless network?21:48
stuaxisys: you are not using an account, simply send your mail to your ISP so they can forward/route it21:48
Steve-CalStevethepirate: That should be enough. Do you have an sdaX? In other words, is sdbX your second drive or something?21:48
JonDeereSteve, the wizard appears to have stalled at "select pc101, pc104 or pc105" keyboard type stage21:48
StevethepirateSnakeArt: Nope, but my pixma ip3000 also fails21:48
matthias_Nhi anybody else have problems with the latest update ???21:48
jribStevethepirate: k?21:48
stu"the latest update" lol could you be more specific?21:48
jribSwiftfoxer: k?21:48
Lr5Hibernating works but resuming doesn't, using Ubuntu 8.04; Anyone knows what could cause the problem?21:48
StevethepirateSteve-Cal: Yeah.. Second drive... First drive has a borked and old copy of windows installed, sdb1 has this linux os and the working windows OS21:49
axisysstu: auth before smtp21:49
pim /dev/sdf has no x86 boot sector How do I create a boot-sector?21:49
axisysstu: however cox may be that smart21:49
joselohi! i want to request free dvd´s from ubuntuStudio to use in my university, anyone can help? in #ubuntustudio nobodys answer21:49
tuxhi peeps21:49
axisysstu: for gmail u have to Auth before SMTP21:49
Lr5Hibernating and resuming worked fine until the new kernel, and I would want to use the new kernel instead of old one21:49
axisysstu: let me check smtp.cox.net21:49
stuaxisys: sucks if they make you auth to smtp.... so you want to send via gmail? I think you have to use secure SMTP21:49
axisysstu: as u suggested21:49
tuxi have installed a deb poackage from debian and i causes problem with the installation21:49
tuxhow can i uninstall it21:49
Steve-CalStevethepirate: So Windows is on your second HD, on the first partition? Is that corrrect?21:49
axisysstu: lot of people like gmail do that to stop spam21:50
matthias_Nanybody have problems with partial upgrade ???21:50
StevethepirateSteve-Cal: Yes.21:50
axisysstu: pretty standard this days21:50
axisysstu: however since i am on cox's dhcp block i prob'ly dont need it21:50
stuaxisys: your ISP will only allow SMTP connections from its customers, not just random people21:50
jitendratux: doesn't apt-get remove work for u21:50
StevethepirateSectors 1-3550821:50
axisysstu: let me test21:50
SnakeArtstevethepirate: My starts to print but after a while it suspend.21:51
jribSwiftfoxer: I'm not sure what your question is now21:51
StevethepirateSnakeArt: Mine doesn't even pick up the printer :(21:51
tuxjitendra: no it didnt21:51
sinayoksjitindra: never mind. I guess I'll have to wait a few more month to get this sorted out ;-)21:51
stuaxisys: if you want to use gmail then you have to use secure SMTP - search for something like setting up gmail on iphone as this give you all the relevant info21:51
sinayoksjitendra: never mind. I guess I'll have to wait a few more month to get this sorted out ;-)21:51
sinayoksjitendra: thanx for helping21:51
StevethepirateI'll try on hardy like, as soon as I have fixed this problem and my xserver problem...21:51
Steve-CalStevethepirate: OK, just add the following in your /boot/grub/menu.lst and it should work, assuming your Windows is OK: http://pastebin.com/d3829ccf421:51
jitendrasinayoks: u r most welcome. i wish i could make it work for u21:52
SnakeArtstevethepirate: I've found the drivers at australian canon site, but they're for 32 bit. I need 64 bit drivers instead.21:52
Swiftfoxerjrib: I am having difficulty in making eth1 work with static ip. ip addr yields http://pastebin.com/m72da0ea0 and etc/network/interfaces yields this: http://pastebin.com/m72da0ea0.21:52
StevethepirateSteve-Cal: Soz, I can't open up graphical stuff [xserver is broken]21:52
StevethepirateCould you pm it to me?21:52
JonDeereI need to reboot. BRB21:52
stuis 64bit really worth all the driver headache21:52
Elijah_Is Hardy good to go or still buggy?21:53
StevethepirateSteve-Cal: To clarify, I'm also behind a university firewall with a random ISA proxy, so I can't even use lynx / links :(21:53
^NighT^WalkeR^hey guys... is there a channel for C programming somewhere?21:53
mareczek_kaHEJ PEDALY21:53
NoxideAnyone have any idea why when I try to connect to an unsecured wireless network, my NM icon disappears and nothing else happens?21:53
SnakeArtstu: I'm using 64 bit, because I'm a graphic designer and need more than 3Gb of RAM.21:53
NoxideNightWalker: yes on EFnet21:53
jribElijah_: try the desktop cd.  It was released in april21:53
stuSnakeArt: 32bit can address for than 3GB of ram21:53
RoumsCan superblocks (on an ext2/ext3 fs) be created again from a corrupted/formated partition ?21:53
SnakeArtmareczek_ka: sam jestes pedal. To forum anglojezyczne.21:53
ubot3Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:54
SnakeArtmareczek_ka: wiec sie nie wyrazaj21:54
mareczek_kaO PROSZE21:54
mareczek_kaSORKI HEHE21:54
=== Nostie_ is now known as Nost_se_fue_a_co
matthias_Ni am trying to update but i am having problems to update the system with partial updates any have hae the same ???21:54
jribSwiftfoxer: do you not want eth1 to be started when you boot?21:54
=== Nost_se_fue_a_co is now known as Nost_COMIENDO
tuxjitendra: well it works but when i want to use apt-get install , i get the following message21:54
stuSnakeArt: hmm, but it seems ubuntu can only address 4GB in total so good point21:54
Swiftfoxerjrib: I want eth1 to be started when I boot, yes. Thing is nothing resolves on eth1. I can't even access my router on eth121:55
Swiftfoxer(or the network, much less the internet)21:55
stuSwiftfoxer: do you see eth1 when you type ifconfig ?21:55
jribSwiftfoxer: did you bring up eth1?  atm your interfaces does not tell your computer to automatically start eth121:55
SnakeArtstu: it's ok for me. But sometimes I hate linux for these drivers issues21:55
jitendratux: what was the app that u installed21:55
gorio_can anyone help me ? i have a problem with my mic.. i have a toshiba a215 notebook...21:56
Swiftfoxerstu yes I do see eth1 upon typing ifconfig21:56
Swiftfoxerjrib: bring up?21:56
stuSwiftfoxer: does it have an IP address ?21:56
jribSwiftfoxer: yes, enable it, turn it on21:56
tuxjitendra: privoxy21:56
Elijah_how do i ignore joins and leaves?21:56
jribElijah_: depends on your client21:56
Swiftfoxer(I unplugged the cable on eth1 because it wasn't working, plugging it back in, it still doesn't work21:56
^NighT^WalkeR^Noxide, do you know the name of the cannel?21:56
SnakeArtstu: Even my Amiga has drivers for some strange modern devices like Connexion 3D navigator21:56
stuhow do you do it in xchat ?21:56
stunm Ill figure it out21:57
SwiftfoxerElijah_, on xchat, right click the channel on the treebar21:57
axisysstu: looks like smtp.cox.net accepted.. good21:57
axisysstu: May 31 16:55:27 ghar nullmailer[25124]: Starting delivery: protocol: smtp host: smtp.cox.net file: 1212267327.2588421:57
Swiftfoxerand uncheck show joins/parts21:57
axisysstu: smtp: Succeeded: 250 2.0.0 YLvR1Z00C2cFBXJ04LvRnW mail accepted for delivery21:57
Swiftfoxerstu: an inet address?21:57
NoxideNightwalker: #c or  just type /list21:57
stuaxisys: when you are not connected to this ISP what will you do? or are you on a desktop?21:57
jribSwiftfoxer: http://pastebin.com/mcf547421:57
Swiftfoxerit only has an inet6 address(eth1)21:57
axisysstu: it will queue it21:57
axisysi am on a laptop21:57
Elijah_Swiftfoxer, Thanks21:58
stuSwiftfoxer: an IP address... when you type ifconfig eth1 do you see an IP address?21:58
^NighT^WalkeR^Noxide, tried that... Cannot join #c (Requires keyword).21:58
freewillydo u have a etc/conf.d/net21:58
axisysstu: it says it queues it.. thanks i did not have to install postfix or exim21:58
SnakeArtSo how to use 32 bit .deb packages on 64 bit?21:58
axisysstu: log shows it scans queue every few secs21:58
thomashartman1is there a dpkg or apt like command I can use to get info about a package name if I'm too lazy to google it?21:58
Buhmanatordecode this picture with a fixed-width font:21:58
Buhmanator                             . ...21:58
Buhmanator                         .''.' .    '.21:58
Buhmanator                    . '' ".'.:I:.'..  '.21:58
Buhmanator                  .'.:.:..,,:II:'.'.'.. '.21:58
FloodBot3Buhmanator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
Swiftfoxerno stu21:58
stuSnakeArt: using dpkg21:58
SwiftfoxerI do not. I only see an ipv6 address21:58
jitendratux: but privoxy is available in ubuntu21:58
electromagnetdo you guys have home on its own partition?21:59
stuSnakeArt: its dpkg --force something or other, check out man dpkg21:59
jitendratux: why did u install debian version21:59
axisysstu: http://pastebin.com/f1b50c2c321:59
SnakeArtstu: just type dpkg <package> in terminal?21:59
stuSwiftfoxer: and is eth1 connected to a network with DHCP ?21:59
stuSnakeArt: no, it will be dpkg --install --???? packagename21:59
JonDeereSteve, that config wizard was terribly interested in my keyboard layout but didn't mention video?21:59
tuxjitendra: i was searchin in the debian name but when i rechecked i found out that there was one22:00
stuSnakeArt: the ???? is the command to force architecture22:00
thomashartman1i mean, to get info about a package without installing it.22:00
S4nD3rHow to ping some IPs of my segment??22:00
tuxjitendra: so i somehow uninstalled it and went with apt-get install ...22:00
Swiftfoxerstu: It should not be. Only DHCP/roaming mode works though. I set it to static but it won't work for some reason22:00
tuxjitendra: but i always get the same problem22:00
SnakeArtstu: Ok.I'll try that. Sorry,I'm a newb in subject of package installing in terminal.22:00
stuSwiftfoxer: I dont get what you are trying to do, what is eth1 connected to and why do you need it?22:00
thomashartman1i guess this works ok: apt-cache search ri | grep -e '^ri '22:01
thomashartman1(ruby interactive reference)22:01
gorio_can anyone help me ? i have a problem with my mic.. i have a toshiba a215 notebook...22:01
S4nD3rId like to know which are IPs of computers from my localnetwork!!!22:01
stuSnakeArt: you could try --force22:01
jitendratux: u mean u installed privoxy using apt-get and not dpkg22:01
Swiftfoxerstu: I use eth1 as my main port(this pc has 2 gblan ports) since it has better buffering, etc.22:01
Swiftfoxer(it's a pcie gblan module)22:01
Lr5I have problems resuming from hibernation, I found lines like these in /var/log/syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16067/22:01
tuxjitendra: yes22:01
stuSwiftfoxer: so what is eth1 connected to ?22:01
Swiftfoxereth0 is just a regular pci module and does not have as much buffers.22:02
jribthomashartman1: no need to grep though, you can use ^ in your search expression22:02
stuSwiftfoxer: I mean eth022:02
piorhi guys22:02
stuSwiftfoxer: ok, so you are using eth0 at the moment ?22:02
JonDeereSteve, the xconfig wizard you gave me only wanted to know about my keyboard. It didn't affect the video?22:02
pioris it possible to get ufw for gutsy ?22:02
jitendratux: trying purging the package22:02
Swiftfoxerstu: usually I don't connect eth0 to anything. I'm using eth0 at the moment though22:02
thomashartman1gorio: i have a satellite and had some sound issues as well...  what the hell did I do...?22:02
Swiftfoxer(because eth1 isn't working on static ip for some strange reason)22:02
tuxjitendra: what is the exact command of that?22:02
etronikI really really need help recovering my failed upgrade... otherwise I'll have to resort to full install blitzing all my precious setup... TIA22:02
stuSwiftfoxer: ok, so do you have two network cables plugged into the same network at the moment? or do you have to manually switch the cable to test eth1 ?22:03
SnakeArtstu: I was about to ask You about that command. Hold on, I'm gonna do it:)22:03
jitendrasudo apt-get remove --purge privoxy22:03
studpkg --purge privoxy22:03
etronikprecious ? I wanted to say previous! but precious will also do22:03
Swiftfoxerstu: I manually switch the cable. I'm supposed to use eth1. I tested eth0, and it works.22:04
stuSwiftfoxer: ok, how is eth0 setup? roaming mode?22:04
pimWhat would I use to burn an iso to a cd?22:05
SnakeArtstu: I've typed in terminal "dpkg --install --force '/home/snakeartworx/Pulpit/scangearmp-mp210series_1.10-1_i386.deb" and I've received unknown command force/refuse.22:05
Swiftfoxerstu: also static. Just that static works on eth0, not eth1. Different ips of course.22:05
AlucardoHi everyone22:05
AlucardoI have a question22:05
S4nD3rsorry, i didnt read22:05
stuSnakeArt: man dpkg look for the correct force syntax22:05
tuxstunatra: what does the dpkg command purge do?22:05
Alucardodoes anyone knows UbuDSL application?22:06
edsonubuntu runnig macbook pro MB133LL/A?22:06
ubuntuin #radeon22:06
jitendratux: it deletes configuration file of the package22:06
=== ubuntu is now known as dmb
tuxah ok22:06
stuSwiftfoxer: give them the same IP address, as they are never plugged in at the same time they can't conflct. Then, switch cables... type sudo ifconfig eth1 down - then sudo ifconfig eth1 up - then try connect; if that fails, try ping an ip address on your network (router for example) and take note of the error message22:06
tehpunkprodigyI have apt to install security updates without asking, is there a log made of when it installed the updates?22:06
tuxjitendra: and now i use apt-get install?22:06
stuSwiftfoxer: leave a 10 second gap between the up/down/ping22:07
Swiftfoxeroh okay22:07
thomashartman1gorio: there are a whole bunch of drivers for toshiba (and other laptop) for ubuntu bundled up in this project called "omnibook"22:07
Alucardothanks for help:/22:07
user___pim: just insert the empty cd into the drive. nautilus will then offer you a window, where you drag and drop the iso file in. then burn22:07
jitendratux: do give it a try. i hope it works22:07
thomashartman1not sure if this will help you with your issue but give it a look22:07
JonDeer1Sorry, lost net. That setup wizard only did the keyboard, Steve22:07
tuxjitendra: ok working on it22:07
Bits2 questions: why don't some DVDs load in gutsy (any ideas?) and can i expect any issues upgrading to 8.04 from 7,10 using update manager?22:08
thomashartman1it helped me with a problem I was having that screen dimmed unpredictably (power management borked) but I think I saw that there was other stuff packaged in with that as well.22:08
thomashartman1including maybe sound22:08
cyphaseIs anyone else having problems in Hardy with the mouse, i.e. clicking the left and right buttons at the same time acts like a right click instead of a middle click22:08
dyerseveanyone know how to make mount -t cifs use netbios name resolution instead of dns?22:09
movedxWhy is the Ubuntu 64-bit ISO simply AMD-64? I've successfully installed and it's working, on an Intel Pentium-D 940?22:09
ubot3movedx: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 381, column 8422:09
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studyerseve: you have a DNS server on this network ??22:09
StevethepirateSteve-Cal: Nope, doesn't work... :(22:09
movedxubot3: Thanks for that.22:09
ubot3movedx: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
jribmovedx: because amd had 64 bit chips first so the architecture is referred to as amd6422:09
tuxthanks it worked22:09
StevethepirateGetting a random windows error now.. :D22:09
movedxjrib: A bit inaccurate and confusing, but OK :)22:09
mainstreetcan I run linux-only files if I use "Install inside Windows"?22:10
JonDeer1Steve, that setup wizard only asked keyboard questions, was that normal?22:10
dyersevestu: i dont have a dns server, but it seems to be resolving the name to some random computer somewhere on the internet rather than using netbios name resolution22:10
StevethepirateJonDeer1: No.22:10
JonDeer1Ahhh. OK22:10
jribmainstreet: not sure what you mean by "linux-only files" but, yes, probably22:10
r4wmunt34qhey guys22:10
mainstreetjrib: Like anope... you can't run it on windows...22:10
icqnumberJonDeer1: what wizard?22:10
studyerseve: you might need samba to use wins resolution; during the samba install it will ask you questions about using wins server etc. Whether linux can actually broadcast for a netbios resolution I dont know - I just use IP addresses22:11
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JonDeer1Steve gave me this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:11
jribmainstreet: I have no idea what anope is, but if it's just a program that runs on linux, then yes, you can run it22:11
JonDeer1That brought up a series of questions about my keyboard layout, a series of like 5 questions, then dropped back to console22:11
r4wmunt34qHow can I open .rar files in Ubuntu Hardy please?22:11
jrib!rar > r4wmunt34q (read the private message from ubottu)22:11
studyerseve: also, if your hostname is responding to a computer on the internet you must be adding some kind of dns suffix automatically in your networking - you could try remove that22:12
jribr4wmunt34q: install the "unrar" package from multiverse and double click on your rar22:12
dyersevestu: doesn't that require actually having a wins server on the network? also, smbclient does broadcast for netbios resolution (once i changes smb.conf to say name resolve order = lmhosts bcast host wins); if smbclient can do it shouldn't cifs be able to as well?22:12
etronikis "root=UUID=BunchOfNumbers " on grub ooks Ok to you == or should I have something like root=/dev/hdaX ??22:12
r4wmunt34qthanks jrib22:13
studyerseve: thats what I am not sure about, I know samba can use wins... I dont know about cifs22:13
baalsgateim having cron issues with some scripts that run fine from the command shell not running from cron ?22:13
icqnumberJonDeer1: the first wuestion was not a key board question for sure22:13
studyerseve: any windows server on your network (master browser) could act as a wins server22:13
stuwell windows box, doesnt have to be server22:14
icqnumberJonDeer1: question*22:14
tininhow could I start another graphical session with icewm on a different virtual desktop (Ctrl+Alt+F1), what's the command?22:14
JonDeer1Hehehe well I pasted it just like shown... Is my Ubuntu going strange?22:14
JonDeer1Go ahead, Icqnumber22:14
stutinin: startx ?22:14
Swiftfoxerstu, nope, still doesn't work22:14
stuSwiftfoxer: error message when you tried to ping ?22:14
Swiftfoxererror is Destination Host Unreachable22:14
Swiftfoxer(pinging using terminal)22:15
stuSwiftfoxer: are you getting a link light? and did you try the same IP address as eth0 ?22:15
tininstartx does not work, as it tells me x is beeing used in display 0 yet stu22:15
stutinin: are you spanish ?22:15
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Swiftfoxerstu yes it was the same ip address22:15
stuobvious :P22:15
Swiftfoxerlink light? I'm not sure... I forgot to check22:15
user___baalsgate: i just know that cron jobs get started within their own shell environment, which is different from your terminal console..22:15
dyersevestu: having a wins server wasn't necessary with windows; anyway, how do i check for/remove a dns suffix? (right now the xp machine im trying to connect to is just called "quark")22:16
stutinin: Im not sure how you run multuple X sessions22:16
Swiftfoxer(but the link light behind my pc, at the port is ALWAYS on, even when not plugged in. Freaky)22:16
gwernhola everyone. so my current keyboard situation is kind of messed up (' and " sort of work, but single-apostrophe also causes an up-key!, and delete is weird as it both deletes and inserts a \). how do I trigger some sort of sane autodetection of the correct settings? (it is a microsoft digital pro media keyboard)22:16
baalsgateuser___ so can there be a some difference in this shell enviroment that I may need to look at ?22:16
JonDeer1So, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" should NOT ask about keyboard layout.... But it does... Help?22:16
studyerseve: in a workgroup environment the windows boxses elect a master browser - this server keeps track of who is who, its not a wins server like it is in a domain enivonment but there is a degree of netbios/wins resolution22:17
craigbass1976Anyone else noticing OOo flubbing up on files over an nfs share?22:17
icqnumberJonDeer1: no, it will ask about key board too22:17
studyerseve: have you given your ubuntu server a FQDN? such as box.somewhere.com or just a hostname such as box ?22:17
JonDeer1It should keep asking questions after that though, and so it failed somewhere along the way?22:17
seanhUbuntu is mounting my mp3 player as a read-only filesystem! Can anyone help?22:18
ericzso i switched to ubuntu 8.04 from 7.10 and i use xfce, but i login with GDM, and none of the sessions work now.. they all just go to empty blackness and i have to ctrl+alt+delete.. only failsafe terminal works, and i have to run "startxfce4" manually22:18
user___baalsgate: sorry, havent used it before myself, was just a tip on which matter you could read up22:18
dyersevestu: both the ubuntu machine and the windows machine im trying to connect to just have hostnames (like box)22:18
user___craigbass1976: that has been a problem for years22:18
JonDeer1I'll rerun it and try again. :)22:18
doomx3some body know have ubuntu wineup player to use .ogg??.................22:18
craigbass1976seanh, ro by you, or root?22:18
craigbass1976user___, Ahh.  Never ran into it before I guess22:19
baalsgateuser___ ok thanks its something i had not considered :) cheers22:19
studyerseve: and when you ping quark from the terminal is it resolving to to quark.something ? what IP address are you getting back?22:19
user___craigbass1976: sun invented nfs and also work on the ooo codebase, but they cant seem to fix this22:19
Flanneldoomx3: wineup?22:19
craigbass1976user___, spiffy22:19
studyerseve: why not just use IP addresses by the way ?22:19
doomx3wineup is a player for windows but i don't find in ubuntu22:20
seanhcraigbass1976: by me and by sudo, it's not that the directory permissions are read-only, but that it says it's a read-only filesystem22:20
clementisKönnen gnome Programme unter xfce gestartet werden?22:20
ubot3Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de22:20
mnk0hey sup, installed a new ide disk, and winxp is on /dev/sda1 of that disk my linux disk is /dev/sdb2 .. and its primary boot so how do i config grub to allow me to boot off my xp disk22:21
JonDeer1It stopped after keyboard config again, delivering this message: xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.200805311720022:21
icqnumberJonDeer1: yep u can try it again and again, till  you are happy with your settings, and you can see the changes in ur xorg file, after you are done.22:21
ricketHow do I add another location to look for libraries? When I run a program it says it doesn't find a certain .so file, which is located in /usr/local/lib... How can I allow it to find this library??22:21
dyersevestu: ping quark tries to ping; not sure what that ip is or where its coming up with it22:21
cyphaseI found a fix. You have to add     Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"     to your xorg.conf file under     Section "InputDevice"     for the mouse.22:21
mnk0ricket: add a symbolic link22:22
JonDeer1icqnumber, it again stopped just after my last keyboard layout answer22:22
baalsgatewhat shell command manages the add and remove of  startup services?22:22
ricketmnk0: where? and can you remind me the command to do that?22:22
dyersevestu: the ip changes depending on what network im on, which interface the other computer is using22:22
studyerseve: any chance you have an actiontech router?22:22
mnk0ricket: ln -s /source/ /destination22:23
jribbaalsgate: man update-rc.d   you may want to look at sysv-rc-conf as well22:23
matthias_Nhi what packages of compiz does you guys have that made the update in hardy ???22:23
UbuntuJulomg - i'm chatting in Linux! =-O22:23
jribmatthias_N: simple-ccsm ?22:23
baalsgatejrib thanks22:23
Deepthoughthas anybody experience with a Arris cable modem (TM502B) ?22:23
localhos1hello, I need some advice on setting up a second monitor. I have ati mobility radeon x600, fglrx already configured. laptop resolution=1440x900, 2nd screen native resolution=1280x1024. I know there are different ways to do this: xinerama, merged framebuffer, bigdesktop, maybe others. What would be recommended in my case?22:23
icqnumberJonDeer1: key board config is the last one22:24
JosdellHey guys I just tried to do a system update but it says i can only do a "partial udgrade" why is that? it won't let me upgrade OpenOffice22:24
matthias_Njrib:  do not understand your question22:24
craigbass1976Deepthought, I just disonnected an Arris yesterday22:24
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: use radeontool or aticonfig; one of those is already on the system; try in console22:24
JonDeer1So how come it's skipping the rest, Icqnumber?22:24
studyerseve: any chance you have an actiontec router?22:24
jribmatthias_N: I don't really know what you mean so I guessed you wanted the simple-ccsm package22:24
studyerseve: reason I ask is http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r19363239-Actiontec-Router-weirdness-bugand-thoughts-GPL-code-CD22:24
Deepthoughtcraigbass1976: did you have trouble connecting to internet on ubuntu, with all adresses saying ?22:25
FlannelJosdell: How are you doing this upgrade?22:25
dyersevestu: i have a siemmens and a zyxel router on this network22:25
Deepthoughtip' s I mean22:25
ricketmnk0: thanks, it worked! :)22:25
the_blurguys I can't get my media box video driver to install =(22:25
JosdellThrough Update Manager22:25
JosdellFlannel: Update manager22:25
UbuntuJulany PHP/Apache dudes in here? - i've just installed LAMP, but Firefox is prompting me to download the PHP file??22:25
studyerseve: thats a really weird IP address to be getting a resolution of... why not sure the IP address of quark or whatever it was called?22:25
matthias_Njrib:  i am trying to install the latest updates in hardy but i get error in the update leading to the compiz packages it seems since all other updates works good ..22:25
localhos1Deepthought: I think I asked the wrong question. I know what the tools are to configure, but I'm unsure about my goal22:25
jrib!lamp > UbuntuJul (read the private message from ubottu)22:25
mnk0ricket: good job!!22:25
jribUbuntuJul: follow the troubleshooting guide on the wiki page ubot3 has given you22:26
craigbass1976Deepthought, no.  My setup though was internet -> arris -> centosrouter -> rest of home (ubuntu boxes)22:26
user___UbuntuJul: try #ubuntu-server22:26
PCcertifiedwhats the command to delete a directory and al it's files22:26
jribmnk0: pastebin the error22:26
JonDeer1Icqnumber: Where should I go from here?22:26
stuPCcertified: rm -Rf22:26
davidooooI need help about rsyn22:26
stuPCcertified: use with caution!@22:26
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: aha; how do you want to use it ?   one big screen dragging windows from one to the other etc ?22:26
FlannelJosdell: what does `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` give you?22:26
Mecha25hey, anybody familiar with tweaking the Gnome Screensaver daemon?22:26
JosdellFlannel: One second22:26
localhos1Deepthought: yes one big screen22:26
davidoooowhen I syn and I put exclude= folder that I don't want to syn rsyn sync this folder22:26
mnk0well theres no error, just fails on boot22:26
Deepthoughtcraigbass1976: so no trouble with it ?22:26
afallenhopewhat's a good audio player for ubuntu gnome kinda like amarok?22:27
ace_suaresPCcertified: what was that about rm -rf !?22:27
jribmatthias_N: pastebin the error22:27
emmaafallenhope:  you might try listen22:27
jribmnk0: sorry, wrong nick22:27
craigbass1976Deepthought, other than the cable going out, not the modems fault22:27
emma!info listen | afallenhope22:27
mnk0is there a way i can check if the boot selection of root (hdx,x) will be valid in grub22:27
ubot3afallenhope: listen: music player and manager for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-4ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 452 kB, installed size 2100 kB22:27
ace_suaresafallenhope: you can just install amarok :-)22:27
localhos1Deepthought: the trick is: resolutions are 1440x900 and 1280x102422:27
Mecha25afallenhope: Rhythmbox, the one included by default is great22:27
UbuntuJulthanks guys! off to #ubuntu-server22:27
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: you should either use big desktop or merge fb, with xinerama on , if xinerama is of you maximize to both screens instead of one.22:27
afallenhopeace_suares: I know I have in installed I just don't want it22:27
jribUbuntuJul: that guide tells you how to fix your issue22:28
ace_suaresafallenhope: sorry !22:28
etronikanybody help me recover my unbootable system ? TIA22:28
emmalisten seems to have been made with the purpose of being an Amarok type audio player for GNOME.22:28
Mecha25Looking for Gnome Screensaver help22:28
JosdellFlannel: just a whole bunch of Hit and Ign and Get: for sudo apt-get update and now its upgrading for sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:28
localhos1Deepthought: no I don't want to maximize to both screens, only to one screen22:28
UbuntuJuljrib: could you ask ubot3 to send me link again? i closed too quickly!22:28
jribMecha25: best to just ask the channel your question22:28
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: I' m not totally sure, but merge fb and big desktop both have acceleration22:28
emmaMecha25: What problems are you having?22:28
jrib!lamp > UbuntuJul (read the private message from ubottu)22:28
FlannelJosdell: No errors?22:28
matthias_Njrib: see http://pastebin.com/d612da88a22:29
JosdellFlannel: Nope22:29
etronikI'll just give up for the day !!22:29
selocolHello, I can use synclient to turn on and off my touchpad, but how do I do the same thing for my notebook's pointer?22:29
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: what do you mean trick is resolution etc ?22:29
Mecha25emma: I have 2 monitors and a crap video card, I'd like my screensaver to only show up on one, but i always shows up on both, and lags like crazy22:29
FlannelJosdell: alright, looks like its fixed22:29
etroniktired of this freakin thing - only wastes time22:29
matthias_Njrib: i figured out that compiz is the one causing the problem ... by not installing anything about compiz ... and i installed the rest ...22:29
Mecha25I already tried XScreenSaver, still won't display on just one22:29
JosdellFlannel: alright thanks22:29
jribmatthias_N: what ubuntu version are you using and which are you upgrading to?22:29
afallenhopeit turns out it works just had to change something in the settings rather than "auto detect" had to change it to "asla"22:29
localhos1Deepthought: I have seen tutorials where both resolutions should have same height22:29
Josdelletronik: what snt booting22:29
tininHi, how could I start another graphical session with icewm on a different virtual desktop (Ctrl+Alt+F1), what's the command?22:29
localhos1or they take the smalles of both heights22:30
matthias_Njrib:  hardy and i got an notification that there is upgrades ...22:30
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: as far as I know that should not be nessecaryy; I use nvidia however, so things could be different; I use different resolution no prob22:30
localhos1and I want to use native resolution on both displays22:30
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: both screens are flat ?22:30
jribmatthias_N: hmm, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list22:31
localhos1Deepthought: what do you mean, lcd? yes22:31
jribmatthias_N: how did you determine it was compiz?22:31
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: native resolution; ok, so they are; I see.   Should really be no problem22:31
matthias_Njrib:  once doing the updates it tells me to do an partial upgrade and when i do it fails with this eror ...22:31
Deepthoughthave you tried ?22:31
Mecha25localhos1, if you are using an ATI graphics card, good freaking luck!  it took me 3 weeks of work to get my duals working with different resolutions22:31
Mecha25localhos1: it still isn't reliable either22:31
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: !dualscreen22:31
localhos1Mecha25: why not post your config on pastebin? :)22:31
localhos1Deepthought: indeed, dual screen and big desktop are different things22:32
Mecha25um... it's very resolution-specific, and it's not all in xorg.  Most of it's poking at ATI catalyst until it works22:32
localhos1Mecha25: I do not want dual screen22:32
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: no, I was trying to get a link from the bot; wait I' ll look it up myself22:32
Mecha25oh! you want 2 separate x sessions?22:32
sylvokhmm my wifi is being slow and lagging up my whole system to the point of unusablility (if thats a word) anyone up for a challenge (Note: I am completely new to linux in general)22:32
localhos1Deepthought: oh ok :)22:33
matthias_Njrib:  i have some problem with the apt.source lists besaue it says that tere is several versions of the file ...22:33
Mecha25localhos1: do you want 2 separate x sessions?22:33
Mecha25I can do that22:33
jribmatthias_N: pastebin the contents22:33
Mecha25emma: you got any idea on the gnome-screensaver thing?22:34
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: Mecha25, 2 seperate sessions is probably not what loca.. wants, gives two desktops, you need only one22:34
sylvokanyone here good at wifi willing to lend a hand to  a total noob?22:34
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117422:34
jribmatthias_N: do you understand what I am asking?22:35
localhos1Mecha25: I want to be able to drag windows from one screen to the other. maximize should max to one screen only. I have just tried xinerama and this maximizes to both screens, also I loose right part of the second screen22:35
=== mizai_ is now known as mizai
ectospasmlocalhos1:  are you using nvidia?22:35
=== ubuntu is now known as dmb
Mecha25localhos1: I was afraid of that.  It's what I have, but it crashes just about every hour and a half, took me 3 weeks to setup, and has to be reconfigured every login22:36
localhos1Deepthought: thank you. I already found that one and tried xinerama, but that doesn't do what I want22:36
jcnHello, my problem is : sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop     then    sudo -i     then     sudo sh nameoftheNvidiadriver     = pb with kernel  why ?!      Ive a NvidiaGeForce 9600 GT22:36
localhos1ectospasm: ati radeon x600 with fglrx driver22:36
matthias_Njrib:  http://pastebin.com/d7650e1122:36
ectospasmlocalhos1:  that sucks, because TwinView is what you want, and nvidia only IIRC22:36
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: that link has some extra links and a good sum up of the different modes; however it does everything by xorg.conf.   On nvidia I do it all now with nvidia-settings, is much easier with gui-interface; as far as I know either aticonfig or radeontool is the equivalent and should be your easiest option22:36
jribmatthias_N: open it with gedit22:37
emmaMecha25: I'm afraid I do not. I know that you currently cannot have different wall-papers on different workstations in GNOME so you may not be able to have different screensavers either.22:37
compengiwhat are tabs at the bottom horizontal panel when you open any application or browser called?22:37
localhos1Deepthought: will skip twinview (nvidia only) and mergedFB (no binary driver), will try BigDesktop22:37
jribmatthias_N: remind me to help you sort that .swp issue later22:37
Mecha25emma: thanks for the help, I'll keep looking22:37
ectospasmcompengi:  window buttons?22:37
emmaMecha25: if you find something let me know, someone in the future might have a similar question.22:37
ectospasmcompengi:  taskbar buttons?22:38
Mecha25emma: will do22:38
matthias_Njrib:  i have fixeed it by deleting the swp file ...22:38
Mecha25anyone link me to the pastebin and tell me how to use it?  sorry, I'm new to IRC22:38
emma!pastebin | Mecha2522:39
ubot3Mecha25: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:39
Mecha25localhos1: in a sec, I should be able to pastebin you my xorg.conf, you'll have to reconfigure the resolutions, but it should vaguely work22:39
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: I see problem; that you loose right side on one screen means it thinks the screens are both same width, you can configure dead section in xorg.conf, but that is hassle; probably you should try the other mode (if you used big desk use merge fb or ><).   Also; xinerama is a setting, not a mode (ie you can have mergeFB with or without xinerama, big desk idem22:39
davidooooanyone knows how to use rsync22:39
davidooooI can't exclude folders to ma ke rsync22:39
matthias_Njrib:  see http://pastebin.com/m2f9684a222:40
Deepthoughtxinerama makes possible to max to one screen and drag from one to another.   The separate x session someone mentioned makes dragging from one to other impossible.   So you really need xinerama with either mergfb or big desktop22:40
JonDeer1I just got this error trying to use nvidia config: VALIDATION ERROR:  Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver line.22:40
user___davidoooo: you might try man rsync for the docu22:40
matthias_Njrib:  once i deselected compiz it than worked to install the rest but not compiz ...22:40
JonDeer1What does that mean, how to fix?22:40
davidooooI read all22:41
davidooooand I put the same but22:41
goriocould anyone help me plz ? i have a problem with my mic and wireless atheros (toshiba a215-s7472)22:41
davidoooodon't make I want22:41
localhos1Deepthought: ok tnx now I understand. I think what I want, can be done with BigDesktop+xinerama. Is that a correct interpretation?22:41
jribmatthias_N: run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:41
kmorrisseyhi everyone, can anyone check there repos for ubuntu 7.10 I appear managed to stuff mine and need to add them back thanks22:41
DeepthoughtJonDeer1: did the error prevent you from running it ?22:41
matthias_Njrib:  ok22:41
JonDeer1It prevented me from saving changes, Deepthought22:41
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: probably yes; go ahead and try !22:41
Mecha25um... I used the pastebin, localhos1: how do I get it to you?22:41
Mecha25http://paste.ubuntu.com/16071/ I think22:42
localhos1Deepthought: ok will do. If you don't hear from me, that means it worked :)22:42
dj-sosim beginner how to install custome app? hlp22:42
Mecha25localhos1: wait!your xorg.conf should have those sections in it22:42
sylvokDoes anyone know why my whole system lags when I am using my wifi (drivers are rt73usb they came with 8.04)22:42
DeepthoughtJonDeer1: ai...   I had those errors too, but they came in the console without further trouble; try saving without merging with existing file ?22:42
JonDeer1How do I do that?22:42
matthias_Njrib:  seemed to work, installed compiz ..., thanks ...22:43
DeepthoughtJonDeer1: oh wait; you do mean nvidia-settings, don' t you ?22:43
compengi_what are tabs at the bottom horizontal panel when you open any application or browser called?22:43
kmorrisseyanyone got the repos url's please22:44
user___!software | dj-sos22:44
ubot3dj-sos: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents22:44
matthias_Njrib:  no it did not ...22:44
gazoz/join #PNP22:44
icqnumberdj-sos: https://help.ubuntu.com/22:44
jribmatthias_N: pastebin...22:44
DeepthoughtJonDeer1: when you save, there' s a tick-box to choose merge with existing conf file, or not; also running nv-settings with sudo could help22:44
icqnumber!arabic | dj-sos22:44
ubot3dj-sos: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa22:44
DeepthoughtJonDeer1: from console22:44
JonDeer1Here's what I used, that generated that error on the console: gksudo nvidia-settings. OK I'll look for that22:44
icqnumber!bot | dj-sos22:45
ubot3dj-sos: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)22:45
goriocould anyone help me plz ? i have a problem with my mic and wireless atheros (toshiba a215-s7472)22:45
matthias_Njrib:  no in the update manager is the open office packages there but greyes out ...22:45
DeepthoughtJonDeer1: that way (the no-merge) settings makes a fresh file, so probably next time no error; I hope... ;-)22:45
jribmatthias_N: did you run the command I asked?22:46
JonDeer1We'll see. :)22:46
Deepthoughtubuntunewb: hello22:46
user___dj-sos: what are you trying to tell us by "iranians"?22:46
ubot3pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:46
ubuntunewbi need help with grub fixing - anyone has some time on his hands to help me ?22:46
compengi_what are tabs at the bottom horizontal panel when you open any application or browser called?22:47
DevrethmanDoes anyone know of a linux program that reliably reads CPU temp?22:47
legend2440kmorrissey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16073/22:47
matthias_Njrib:  and it did solve the compiz problem but than it installed openoffice packages and not it complains about openoffcie ..., do the procedure again ???22:47
Devrethmanlike coreTemp?22:47
JonDeer1I think the best approach may be to uninstall the video driver altogether and get a new copy downloaded22:47
jribmatthias_N: I'm just asking for you to show me the output22:48
sennranyone here tried installing the google android sdk ?22:48
^NighT^WalkeR^any one know how i can debug in linux22:48
Deepthoughtubuntunewb: what;s the problem ?22:48
ectospasm^NighT^WalkeR^:  debug what?22:48
ubuntunewbi have a dual boot sys ( XP / ubuntu)22:49
^NighT^WalkeR^echinos, sorry22:49
matthias_Njrib:  see http://pastebin.com/d2003e4bb22:49
matthias_Njrib:  as you can see i did it 2 times ...22:49
localhos1I'm back. running into something. I followed the forum topic and did this:22:49
ubuntunewbI restartet and the grub bootmanager wont load , now i dont know how to fix  it correctly22:49
localhos1sudo aticonfig --desktop-setup=horizontal --sync-vsync=on --add-pairmode=1440x900+1280x102422:49
^NighT^WalkeR^ectospasm, c code22:50
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: have you tried radeontool ?  The way I22:50
Mecha25localhos1: can you go back and look at my pastebin, it's the xorg.conf that does what you want it to22:50
ectospasm^NighT^WalkeR^:  man gdb22:50
Flannel^NighT^WalkeR^: gdb22:50
localhos1this results in the following line in the device section: Option    "PairModes" "0x0+0x0,1440x900+1440x900"22:50
compengi_Devourer, sensors-applet is nice22:50
compengi_!sensors-applet | Devourer22:50
Deepthoughtlocalhos1 it looks now aticonfig is commandline tool ?   radeontool is gui ?22:50
ubot3devourer: sensors-applet: Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-1 (hardy), package size 109 kB, installed size 644 kB22:50
jribmatthias_N: are those -proposed packages?22:50
Devrethmancompengi_: was that supposed to be for me?22:50
Mecha25localhos1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16071/22:51
JonDeer1Must restart22:51
compengi_<Devrethman> Does anyone know of a linux program that reliably reads CPU temp?22:51
DevrethmanOkay, yeah, that was for me22:51
Deepthoughtubuntunewb: ai, is a problem; you can start the system from the live-cd (the one you installed with), you are in windows now ?22:51
matthias_Njrib:  yes ... i mean i am not trying to steer ubuntu to install others ...22:51
Mecha25localhos1: Deepthought, aticonfig is definitely command line, radeontool I think is the Catalyst control center GUI22:51
compengi_Devrethman, no problem :)22:51
localhos1Deepthought: radeontool is cli tool for switching backlight?22:51
icqnumber!fixboot | ubuntunewb22:51
ubot3Factoid fixboot not found22:51
Mecha25localhos1: think so22:52
icqnumber!bootfix | ubuntunewb22:52
ubot3Factoid bootfix not found22:52
matthias_Njrib:  i am not sure what you mean ...22:52
ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:52
jribmatthias_N: no, you have the -proposed repository enabled (presumably because you want to test things that may break).  Do 'apt-cache policy openoffice.org-base-core' and pastebin the output22:52
matthias_Njrib:  i am using default ones ...22:52
localhos1Mecha25: radeontool doesn't seem like a gui tool for configuring resolutions to me...22:52
bastid_raZor!grub | ubuntunewb22:52
ubot3ubuntunewb: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:52
jribmatthias_N: no, you aren't22:52
Deepthoughtlocalhos1: try radeontool; might be easier22:53
Mecha25localhos1: one sec, I'll find the Catalyst tool I use22:53
afallenhopeokay I just tried LISTEN and it's not as good as amarok... amarok auto populates the web radio... list where LISTEN does not. any other suggestions?22:53
localhos1same names, different programs?22:53
jribmatthias_N: -proposed is a repository where developers put packages to test them before they are put in -updates22:53
Deepthoughtubuntunewb: are yoy there ?22:53
Mecha25localhos1: nope, Catalyst is amdcccle22:53
Mecha25it's buggy as hell, but it's the only thing that worked after 3 weeks of trying, including using aticonfig22:54
goriodoes anyone here have a laptop with ubuntu 8 ? how to fix the mic ? Toshiba A215-S747222:54
Flannelcompengi_: cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature22:54
matthias_Njrib:  see matthias@m-laptop:~$ sudo apt-cache policy openoffice.org-base-core22:54
matthias_N  Installed: 1:2.4.0-3ubuntu622:54
matthias_N  Candidate: 1:2.4.1~rc1-1ubuntu122:54
matthias_N  Version table:22:54
matthias_N     1:2.4.1~rc1-1ubuntu1 022:54
FloodBot3matthias_N: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:54
legend2440localhos1: catalyst control center is package    fglrx-control22:54
Negromanceroh god he pasted lines, get the noose22:54
jribmatthias_N: use pastebin please22:54
compengi_Flannel, ?22:54
PauloRicardoPeople, to run a cron job of 6 in 6 hours, starting from midnight, would be 0 0/6 * * * ?22:54
Deepthoughtubuntunewb: hello ?22:54
localhos1legend2440: tnx. will have to install that22:54
Flannelcompengi_: CPU temp?22:54
zepherinHello how do I enable doublebuffering in wine?22:54
NegromancerWhat's the trick to make sound-juicer rip to mp3?22:54
Mecha25localhos1: yep.  sorry about that, amdcccle is the command to run it, not the package22:54
matthias_Njrib: see http://pastebin.com/d506715d122:55
localhos1hey, I see there is a fglrx driver and also a fglrx-envy driver, whats the difference?22:55
compengi_Flannel, i didn't ask for it. i was helping someone that posted a question regarding it22:55
jribPauloRicardo: pretty sure only */6 would work22:55
StarnestommyPauloRicardo: I think the 0/6 would be 0-23/622:55
Mecha25localhos1: envy should autoconfig, it did NOT work for me22:55
localhos1worth trying?22:55
Mecha25localhos1: it was even worse than the standard fglrx driver22:55
jribmatthias_N: yes, they are from -proposed.  Do you understand what I told you before about the packages in this repository?22:56
Mecha25localhos1: only if you're willing to uninstall it and reinstall the regular one if it breaks22:56
localhos1Mecha25: ok will stick with the regular one for now22:56
matthias_Njrib:  for testing but  than how do i take that away ???22:56
Mecha25localhos1: did you check the xorg.conf sections I pastebinned?22:56
kdubhey, when I try and start X it is complaining about this:22:56
kdubneed libwfb but wfbscreeninit not found22:56
melchI'm a linux newb but a long time OSX user with quicksilver love. I have some gnome-do questions. For some reason the open url pluging will not boot up firefox 3. Also i would like to know how to change the background picture. Any help would be great. Thanks22:57
PauloRicardojrib: Oh, thanks. :) Starnestommy: Hmm, thank you too. :)22:57
kdublibwfb is there22:57
matthias_Njrib:  what library do i suppose to uncheck ?22:57
localhos1Mecha25: sorry ni, could you give the url again?22:57
Mecha25localhos1: sure, one sec22:57
Mecha25localhos1: it should work, that is NOT the full config!22:58
matthias_Njrib:  unsupported updates ???22:58
jribmatthias_N: if you don't want to use -proposed, disable them in System -> Administration -> Software Sources22:58
Mecha25localhos1: also, it's not configured for your screen resolutions, not to mention it's still buggy and needs the Catalyst config center to work.22:58
localhos1Mecha25: already thought so :)22:58
jribmatthias_N: it should say (ubuntu-proposed)22:58
Mecha25localhos1: make sure your sections match it, particularly the one at the bottom with 2 Monitor entries for one Screen entry22:59
Mecha25localhos1: that's the kicker22:59
matthias_Njrib:  found it ...:), any other thing that supposed to be unchecked ???22:59
matthias_Njrib:  or that is it ...23:00
localhos1I get a segmentation fault when I run amdcccle23:00
Mecha25localhos1: like I said, it's buggy as hell.  there should be an entry under your Other menu in Applications, try that one23:00
jribmatthias_N: that's it.  Do a 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' and you should see no upgrades23:01
localhos1but I really dont "need" amdcccle, do I?23:01
matthias_Nit worked, thanks23:01
zepherinoh theres a new version of wine, how do I get the package manager to pick it up for me?23:01
=== Tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
matthias_Njrib:  thanks it worked ....23:01
Mecha25localhos1: I don't know.  I certainly did.  Then again, like I said, mine's still buggy; it works, but only for like an hour and a half at a time, and needs to be reconfigured every reboot23:01
Mecha25localhos1: good luck, my personal solution, once I get the money, is to switch to a NVidia card, those work flawlessly from what I've heard23:02
kdubnothing works flawlessly23:02
yofelzepherin, use the package repository of wine itself23:03
Mecha25kdub: true.  the grass is greener on the other side of the hill23:03
kdubi am getting this from x when i try and use the nvidia driver:23:03
yofelse winehq homepage for details23:03
kdubneed libwfb but wfbscreeninit not found23:03
kduband libwfb is there23:03
Mecha25kdub: I have no idea, look up libwfb in synaptic, see if you need to install it23:03
Mecha25kdub: whoops23:03
kdubits part of the nvidia driver as far as i can tell23:04
Mecha25kdub: ok then... I'm no help to you though, I run ATI.  anyone else here use NVidia?23:04
zepherinyofel, I tried but it runs the older version of wine. when I did23:04
zepherinsudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list23:04
kdubi just switched from fedora solely for the nvidia driver, now after a month it stops working in ubuntu23:05
kdubkind of funny23:05
Mecha25kdub: jeez, ironic much?  that sucks, I've never used fedora, how is it?23:05
tucunacan't get serial mouse to work in hardy - this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto renders X useless - boots into black screen after resolution warning23:05
localhos1Mecha25: yeah well switching video cards in a laptop is a bit tricky... ;-)23:05
=== GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd
legend2440kdub: read this i think it solves that    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53355723:05
Mecha25localhos1: I know, I'm on an Inspiron23:05
zepherinI think I may have gotten it to download with synaptic23:06
Mecha25localhos1: I'm debating buying a new comp23:06
Mecha25localhos1: how's the config going?23:06
localhos1will be away for a ctrl+alt+backspace, brb23:06
s3awat is grub boot eror 15?23:08
amorphous_Is there any way to download older versions of ubuntu than Hardy?23:08
alteregoda weedy ganjalez specific issue23:08
jribamorphous_: releases.ubuntu.com23:08
amorphous_jrib - thanks23:08
localhos1now that's interesting... when X comes back up, it dumps me in low res mode and says there is something wrong with the configuration23:09
localhos1and screen2 is a copy of screen123:09
Mecha25localhos1: did you apply the xorg.conf changes?23:10
afallenhopeHow do I change the default editor from nano  to vi?23:10
NTUwhere can I find a how-to to actually run the kernel on ubuntu?23:11
jribafallenhope: sudo update-alternatives --config editor23:11
NTUwhere can I find a how-to to actually run the kernel on ubuntu?23:11
Moe|Joehey, i currently have windows xp and fedora setup as a dual boot on my laptop, if i wanted to change from fedora to ubuntu, how wud i go about it?23:11
setitevi :)23:12
Flannelafallenhope: update-alternatives --config editor23:12
Flannelafallenhope: also, set your EDITOR env var23:12
LeefmcQuestion: Are there any figures to how many humans are using Ubuntu?23:12
yofelwhy use vi? use vim!23:12
FlannelMoe|Joe: Just pop in an Ubuntu CD, and install, overwriting the Fedora partitions23:12
LeefmcRecent, atleast23:12
afallenhopeFlannel: how about virtual terminals? you know the CTRL + ALT + F1 those don't work for me23:13
cha0sLeefmc: users?23:13
localhos1Mecha25: this is my current config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16075/23:13
Moe|JoeFlannel: ah just what i thought then, tht wil also overwrite grub that fedora installed?23:13
amorphous_ok... while i'm waiting for that to download...23:13
amorphous_Anybody know anything about usb installs?23:13
Leefmccha0s, People that have installed Ubuntu23:13
FlannelMoe|Joe: that'll be part of the install, yeah23:13
Moe|Joecheers bro23:13
LeefmcFlannel, Btw, I got ubuntu installed :)23:14
Jack_SparrowNegromancer May I have a brief PM?23:14
Mecha25first off put a 0 after Screen but before Default Screen, that'll keep Catalyst from erroring as much23:14
cha0sconsidering the nsa has a backdoor it should be availablesomewhere23:14
amorphous_can anyone explain why Hardy wont install in any way shape or form on my Dell Optiplex 320?23:14
LeefmcFlannel, It was option #3, i found a shred of light. My CD Drive is only partially broken, it seems to have no problem reading tiny bits of data. Now the whole ubuntu cd was too much, but the ubuntu mini.iso was small enough for my cd drive to load, then it all worked like a charm!23:15
rvhihi, i just bought a virtual server, it has minimum installation of 8.0.4. there is no directory /etc/modprobe.d and alias files under it23:15
rvhihow do i disable ipv6 then?23:15
ompaul!es | juan_23:15
ubot3juan_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:15
Jack_Sparrowamorphous_ At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"23:15
Mecha25second, put Monitor "Acer AL1931" under Monitor "Configured Monitor" in the second section23:15
Mecha25localhos1: do that in the LAST section, not the second23:15
Leefmccha0s, So, any idea?23:16
cha0snah, i was joking anyways ;p23:16
Mecha25localhos1: add the following to the "Device" section:23:16
FlannelLeefmc: 8M estimated at the end of 200623:16
localhos1Mecha25: so you mean, 2 monitor lines in the last section?23:17
FlannelLeefmc: good to hear, that's something I don't want to go through again ;)23:17
LeefmcFlannel, Thanks, where did you get that from?23:17
LeefmcFlannel, I agree.23:17
LeefmcFlannel, I was also making progress on the net install too23:17
Mecha25localhos1: yep, 1 screen (a single XSession) on 2 monitors23:17
Mecha25localhos1: it's not technically correct, but it's the ONLY thing that worked for me, after 3 weeks of  trying23:17
LeefmcFlannel, Much of the ubuntu wiki seems to be hard to find :/, there was a section for netbooting with presetup winxp progs23:17
ralphzI'm trying to customize LiveCD. I got pretty much everything working except I don't know how to customize Gnome menus "Applications", "Places", System" what files do I have to edit to see changes on the live CD?23:17
[K4z3yu]I need some help on Ubuntu 8.0423:17
emma[K4z3yu]: the best thing to do is go ahead and ask your question or state your problem to see if anyone can help :)23:18
Mecha25localhos1: add these two lines to the end of the device section: Option    "OverlayOnCRTC2" "1"23:18
[K4z3yu]I'm running the LiveCD on my computer, but once the first loading screen has passed, I just get vertical flickering stripes on my screen23:18
Mecha25localhos1: and Option    "Mode2" "1280x1024", except instead of 1280x1024, put in the resolution of your second monitor23:18
amorphous_how can i get to change the install options on a usb install???23:19
FlannelLeefmc: http://robitaille.wordpress.com/2006/12/30/ubuntu-now-has-over-8-millions-users/23:19
Mecha25if it doesn't work, you can always boot to recovery mode23:19
localhos1Mecha25: 1280x1024 *is* the resolution of my second monitor...23:19
Mecha25localhos1: d'oh23:19
Mecha25localhos1: sorry about that, keep it as it is then23:19
Mecha25localhos1: oh, and remove the pairmode thing, mine doesn't have that, and I don't think it needs it23:20
Mecha25localhos1: alt+ctrl+backspace, nothing should change, both monitors should be showing the same image, the second one possibly distorted23:20
localhos1ok, pairmode doesnt seem to work anyway23:20
localhos1saving xorg.conf...23:21
Mecha25localhos1: then use Catalyst, once you restart X, to setup the screens the way it is done in windows, it might error out and reboot, but take it one step at a time23:21
[K4z3yu]I have an AMD64 processor, so I decided to go for the amd64 CD of Ubuntu 8.04, I get to boot from it, and select language, and then I try to go to the live mode. The loading starts, but once the loading has finished, all I get is green and teal flickering stripes going vertically on my monitor.23:21
Flannel[K4z3yu]: Try booting straight into the installer23:21
[K4z3yu]I just installed it through windows now23:22
[K4z3yu]hope it will work23:22
fbchow do I reinstall my nvidia-glx-new into xorg.conf? I tried to select it again in synaptics, but it did do the xorg.conf setup.23:22
nico8481in thunderbird, when one has created multiple accounts that all use the "global inbox", is there a way to revert it? (to make these accounts stop using the global inbox use individual ones instead?)23:23
carrus85(8.04) ok; so I have an shared NTFS partition at /dev/sdb5 (partition on an internal sata drive).  It can be mounted on demand through the Places/Removable Drives menu.  However, I'm not exactly sure how to automatically mount the partition at startup.  Since I haven't used fuse a lot, is it possible to just drop it into fstab with fuseblk as the partition type, or is a more exotic solution necessary?23:23
Mecha25carrus85: you can use fstab to make it automount, I'm not exactly sure how, I did it a while ago23:24
localhos1Mecha25: it says that there is no ATI driver installed or that the driver isn't functioning properly23:24
Mecha25localhos1: after restarting X?23:24
localhos1so segfault though, so there is progress :)23:25
Mecha25localhos1: well crap.  This is what happened to me.  Can you edit xorg.conf?23:25
localhos1of course23:25
partmanproblemsexcuse me23:25
Mecha25localhos1: pastebin your xorg.conf, the problem is there, Catalyst hasn't even got a chance to run yet23:25
carrus85Mecha25, eh; I'll give it a try.  Recovery Console ftw23:25
partmanproblemsstu, you there?23:25
partmanproblemsoh well23:26
lokuazzzHello, I install Ubuntu 8.04 and to boot i have 2 options: Ubuntu 8.04 - 2.6.24 - 17 Generic  or  Ubuntu 8.4 - 2.6.24 - 16 Generic... what is the difference?23:26
tucunaanyone with a working serial mouse?23:26
STSXcarrus85: Do you need help with getting the right syntax to put in fstab?23:26
Mecha25lokuazzz: they're different kernel versions, you want the one that ends in 1723:26
partmanproblemsAnyway, I am having problems installing ubuntu 8.04.  Can anyone help me?23:26
localhos1Mecha25: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16077/23:26
Mecha25lokuazzz: you can remove the other one, but be CAREFUL, you can mess stuff up23:27
Mecha25localhos1: one sec23:27
yofelpartmanproblems, just ast23:27
partmanproblemsyofel: partman doesn't start so I can't set my partitions23:27
Mecha25AH! you need to put Load  "glx" in your Module section near the top23:27
partmanproblemsor so it says23:27
carrus85STSX, no.  I've just haven't had to use FUSE for anything beyond the one off sshfs mount, and was wondering if there are any problems with just shoving it into the fstab (I didn't think there would be, but with FUSE being user-space oriented, I just wasn't sure)23:27
partmanproblemsI just can't get to step 4 of installing ubuntu 8.04, using the livedvd23:27
kamashadianyone have programs for unproctecting wma23:27
kamashadii have them in my old windows but the can't play in ubuntu23:28
tucunakamashadi - do yu have code installed?23:28
partmanproblemsis there any fix/workaround I can use? I don't really want to download a new dvdiso23:28
Ward1983kamashadi, you just want to play them?23:28
ubot3Factoid partman not found23:28
localhos1Mecha25: I was just comparing my config with yours, and I noticed it too!23:29
carrus85kamashadi, I'm not sure of any off the top of my head, but be aware in some places it is illegal to unprotect media files23:29
Ward1983kamashadi, if you just want to play them try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras23:29
Mecha25localhos1: that's where the driver gets loaded, that's the issue, everything else looks right23:29
carrus85(kinda stupid, IMHO, but I don't write the law...)23:29
tucunapartmanproblem - did you load the live-cd or straight to install?23:29
kamashadiya i even had to download the lincence from windows23:29
partmanproblemstucuna: loaded livecd23:29
partmanproblemsI don't trust the straight to install thing that much...23:29
tucunapartmanproblem - try the other route, then,,,23:29
partmanproblemswhat other route?23:30
tucunakamashadi - what? license?23:30
tucunanever encuntered that23:30
kamashadiWard1983 can u paste the code for me23:30
localhos1Mecha25: xorg.conf saved, will restart X now. brb23:30
Mecha25localhos1: k23:30
Ward1983kamashadi, you mean what you need to type in the terminal to install the ntuff to be able to play it?23:31
tucunai play wma - if i really have to - without problems: just: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:31
tucunakamashadi -  just: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:31
Stormx2Well, it's getting to the point where I'd like to fully encrypt my HDD. Can someone recommend the software to do this?23:31
kamashaditucuna: they are proctected media to play them u need to down oad a lin23:32
localhos1by the way, I just *luv* ssh+screen+irssi ;-)23:32
lenrexhi, is it possible to make a boot thumb drive?  I'm having problems installing 8.04 from my sata dvd drive; which i've successfully used to install osx86 and vista sp1...23:32
Mecha25localhos1: I was wondering how you were staying online while restarting X23:32
Ward1983kamashadi, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-drivers23:32
Ward1983kamashadi, what audio player do you use?23:32
tucunakamashadi -  i have no idea what you're talking about, but .wma plays fine in Ubuntu with extras23:33
Mecha25localhos1: look into VNC, if you like SSH, you'll love it23:33
ychathigh-freq, is there anyway to remove all the programs that are not installed by default ? I have installed many that I donot require. I want to start afresh but donot want to reinstall my system.23:33
Ward1983kamashadi, WOW sorry i was wrong !23:33
localhos1Mecha25: ssh to my hosted server, screen session, irssi inside it and voila23:33
Ward1983kamashadi, this is what i meant: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:33
Mecha25localhos1: woot23:33
M1DLGHow to I install sun java and remove iced tea? or hav e i the wrong end of the stick?23:33
localhos1Mecha25: I have been using VNC for the past 7 years or more ;-)23:34
Mecha25localhos1: as soon as I agree to a job with my college's tech support, I can VPN->SSH->VNC to a computer out of state :)23:34
Mecha25localhos1: lag will be hell thought, but I'll be in kentucky from Georgia, which awesome any way you slice it23:35
localhos1Mecha25: my most recent accomplishment was ICMPTX (ip over ping) -> SSH -> VNC -> firefox :)23:35
Mecha25localhos1: how's the restart coming?  whoa, into a computer on another network?23:36
localhos1still the same resolutions (800x600)23:36
selocolHello, I installed all the sun-java6 stuff (plugins, bin, etc.) but firefox still reports that jre is missing and i cant view applets. How do I get this to work? Thanks.23:36
Mecha25localhos1: good luck, can you run Catalyst23:36
localhos1and same error from amdcccle23:36
Mecha25localhos1: hm.... You're right where I was a week ago, Catalyst worked for me without the segfault, it just tended to crash after every 3rd setting change23:37
localhos1it doesn't start at all for me :(23:38
localhos1aargh... and "neighbournet" is getting sluggish again :(23:38
Mecha25localhos1: I'm not sure how else to do it without using Catalyst, it's the only solution I've found... jeez.  Good luck man, it's proprietary too, no chance to look to the source for an update23:38
=== matthew_ is now known as _bash3ll_
Mecha25have you tried using the Man page on amdcccle to find a command line version? maybe it's the gui that's crashing23:39
localhos1thank $deity for friendly neighbours with unsecured wifi :)23:40
Mecha25localhos1: amen23:40
localhos1Mecha25: there is no man page on amdcccle23:40
Mecha25localhos1: crap23:40
Mecha25hm... jeez, I've got no clue, the problem with the FGLX driver is that no other config utilities work, neither of Ubuntu's built in ones have any effect23:41
=== MidgetARG is now known as MidgetSpy
ubot3netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:41
=== adante_ is now known as adante
zepherinI just installed a package how do I put it into my application bar23:42
suRshow do i exctract one file into a map? that i cant see?23:42
kamashadiWard1983 i did that but it is still refusing to play PROTECTED wma23:42
M1DLGHow to I install sun java and remove iced tea? or have i the wrong end of the stick?23:42
Mecha25localhos1: sorry dude, I've gotta make dinner for the family, good luck with getting it working23:43
carrus85Mecha25, nope; dropping in fuseblk as the file system type doesn't work :(23:43
M1DLGWOAH! server kicking everyone?23:43
localhos1Mecha25: ok tnx23:43
ubot3netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:43
Mecha25localhos1: peace23:43
M1DLGok, cool23:43
ompaulno just rejoining them23:44
kamashadi!protected wma23:44
ubot3Factoid protected wma not found23:44
M1DLGcan anyone help with my java issue? it seems I have no SUN java but i do seem to have ICED TEA?23:44
=== ubunt1 is now known as aznanimedude
zepherinhow do I add a package that I installed to the applications bar?23:45
aznanimeduderight click add to panel23:46
aznanimedude*right click the top23:46
aznanimedudethen click add to panel23:46
aznanimedudeshould be ablt to do it from there23:46
cgentry72i cant get mp3 files to play but they have played before exaile keeps locking up23:46
thelianhello, what was the package i'm supposed to reconfigure if gnome isn't working?23:46
selocolhi when (1) gksudo synaptic then (2) use ctrl+space to change the input method of gcin (or let's just say any application), instead of changing the input method of the preexisting app, a new app/clone opens under root. How do i prevent this from happening? thanks23:47
Xecuter_hi! need some help with grub... in grub shell, 'find /boot/grub/stage1' says hd(2,0), but my boot dir is in /dev/sda1, which should be hd(0,0) right? how do i fix this?23:47
* Surfer53 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks)23:47
ganjastare bananas stiffy?23:48
thelianhello, what was the package i'm supposed to reconfigure if gnome isn't working?23:48
NaisenuGood day, chat. My question has to do with Flash and FF3RC1 (running Gutsy still). I get the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16080/ Yet Flash works in Opera ... Tried a google search for what it says is missing and searching the Ubuntu Forums.23:49
Q_ContinuumHmmmm.  Documented problem with FF3b5 just hanging out as a process when launched, and have to kill it and reboot to get FF to work again?23:49
Naisenu(Editing my own, I get the error as above when I try to install the plugin.)23:49
cgentry72i cant get mp3 files to play but they have played before exaile keeps locking up23:50
Q_ContinuumOr is it just me?23:50
AcornAcornargh, i'm hopelessly lost, how do i get programs for playing audio and video that will support all the codecs? i tried vlc and my divx had no sound, tried amarok and it wont play .flac :(23:50
HymnToLifeNaisenu: you could try installing the plugin manually23:50
aznanimedudeyou might need to install codecs23:50
aznanimedudeif you dont' have the right codecs not gonna play i don't think23:50
STSXXecuter: In case no one can answer your question here, probably a better place to ask would be #grub23:50
HymnToLifeNaisenu: download it from Adobe, and copy libflashplayer.so in Firefox's plugins directory23:50
AcornAcornaznanimedude: how do i get codecs?23:51
Xecuter_STSX: thanks23:51
AcornAcornaznanimedude: just apt-get install flac?23:51
HymnToLifeXecuter_: if find says hd2,0, then it's hd2,023:51
aznanimedudecheck the package23:52
HymnToLifewhat makes you think it's not correct ?23:52
aznanimedudedont remember the actual name if there was one23:52
Xecuter_HymnToLife: no its not23:52
STSXAcornAcorn: You should give VLC media player a try as it comes with all the codecs it requires.23:52
HymnToLifeXecuter_: what makes you think that?23:52
grobda24AcornAcorn ... https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/musicvideophotos/C/codecs.html23:52
Xecuter_HymnToLife: cuz the boot-dir is in /dev/sda123:52
HymnToLifeso what?23:52
=== lancetw_ is now known as lancetw
Sergeant_Ponyis there a way I can make vlc the default media /audio player?23:52
DeepThoughtAcornAcorn: just open synaptic- do a search for codec, and install' m all; you should be able to play everything with amarok then23:52
NaisenuHymnToLife: Do you know what the path is to the FF plugins?23:52
HymnToLifeyou think you know better than GRUB?23:52
Xecuter_HymnToLife: and i've tried hd(2,0), not working23:53
HymnToLifeNaisenu: should be /usr/lib/firefox/plugins23:53
thelianhello, what was the package i'm supposed to reconfigure if gnome isn't working?23:53
HymnToLifethelian: define "not working"23:53
thelianit won't launch23:54
nico8481any idea how to delete all junk messages from an Evolution mbox file ? for some reason Evolution doesn't show them anymore (though it says there are 59 of them) so I can't delete them from there :-/23:54
kanpachihello, i'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 on a mac mini , no dual boot, just ubuntu, and it installs fine, but won't boot :( anyone can help?23:54
thelianand i'm stuck with command lind23:54
HymnToLifeXecuter_: then something is wrong, did you do anything uncomon recently?23:54
FloodBot3thelian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:54
HymnToLifethelian: then it's most likely X that's broken, not Gnome23:54
PCcertifiedProblem installing webcam with easycam, it complains that I am not using the same compiler that my kernel was compiled with.  CC=gcc-3.4 and Kernel compiler: gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)  should I set the CC variable to the 4.2.3 version?23:54
cyphawhat's a good server for linux? i'm using xampp for windows, and it's raelly really easy23:54
HymnToLifethelian: try    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg23:54
=== _noble- is now known as noble-
DeepThoughtXecuter_: sometimes in grub the hd' s are numbered different at boot then they are when the system is up &runnung; I had that problem23:55
HymnToLife!lamp | cypha23:55
ubot3cypha: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:55
Xecuter_HymnToLife: Yep, deleted the wrong folder ;P so my arch-boot folder is in /dev/sda123:55
DeepThoughtXecuter_: can be corrected in /boot/grub/devices.map23:55
cyphagreat, thanks HymnToLife!23:55
m-cQ: I am trying to set up multiple, bootable linux distributions.  Do I need to install from a live-cd for each?23:55
Xecuter_DeepThought: thanks ill check!23:56
HymnToLifem-c: no, whether you install from a Live CD or a text-based installer is unimportant23:56
PCcertifiedProblem installing webcam with easycam, it complains that I am not using the same compiler that my kernel was compiled with.  CC=gcc-3.4 and Kernel compiler: gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)  should I set the CC variable to the 4.2.3 version?23:56
HymnToLife!repeat | PCcertified23:56
ubot3PCcertified: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:56
DeepThoughtXecuter_: in my case grub kept on getting wrong number in menu, so no boot; changed devices map and now is ok23:56
m-cHymnToLife: but do I need to boot to a CD for each, or can I put the bits on the partition within ubuntu ?23:56
jbroomedarn it, who keeps changing the name of the bot?23:57
DeepThoughtXecuter_: takes some xperimenting though; remember you can always edit grub at boot for that session if goes wrong23:57
thelianHymnToLife: it says overwritting possible customized configuration file23:57
HymnToLifem-c: you can either a) have a shared /boot partition for all your distros, or b) just let every distro have it's own bootloader23:57
Xecuter_DeepThought: yea, but i cant do it if i get grub error 15, so i have to find the right disk first23:58
NaisenuHymnToLife: Copied the .so file to the plugins directory and it still wants to install the Flash player23:58
HymnToLifeb) is simpler, but each distro needs to be installed on a primary partition (i.e. you can't have more than four)23:58
m-cHymnToLife: I am fine with whatever is easiest.  I just do not want to have to (a) create a bootable CD for each distro, and (b) have to reboot for each install23:58
DeepThoughtXecuter_: error 15 is partition not found or not moubtable ?23:58
amenadowhat triggers login prompt to display after several minutes of un-used terminal?  its not screensaver because I had those set at 45 minutes..23:58
Xecuter_probably not found23:58
montelhi all.23:59
Xecuter_DeepThought: i have no /boot/grub/devices.map23:59
HymnToLifem-c: then make sure the root filesystem for each distro is on a primary partitin23:59
HackOfChrisI get a message "Failed to execute child process "gnome-sound-properties" (No such file or director)"23:59
DeepThoughtXecuter_: switch on 'show hidden files'23:59

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