
DreadKnightdaskreech: lol00:00
DreadKnightthat's rather sad actually xD00:00
daskreechI loved being a shaman00:01
DreadKnightnow it seems that konqueror-kde4 doesn't want to upgrade... oh well00:04
daskreechwell mine crashes everytime I press back00:05
daskreechI don't like this CD :(00:05
DreadKnightthat arora qt/webkit browser is very nice already00:06
daskreechI just need it to havea plugin system then have stumbleupon ported to it and I'll care00:09
daskreechhopefully I can use KHTML :)00:09
DreadKnightstumbleupon seems interesting :)00:13
daskreechIt's the awesomeness00:15
daskreechand they poopoo safari so .. hopefully we learn from that :)00:18
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_afk
DreadKnight4.1 doesn't installs atm xD00:39
DreadKnighti love the new crash window so far :-)00:50
* nosrednaekim refrains from repeating what every other 4.1 hopee is asking00:50
=== jonathan_ is now known as JontheEchidna
daskreechnosrednaekim: is it here yet?00:57
nosrednaekimgaaah! :)00:58
JontheEchidnaHaha, the packages work now01:25
daskreechnosrednaekim: is it here yet?01:27
DreadKnightJontheEchidna: they don't work for me... dependency issues01:29
JontheEchidnaSomehow I got through it all01:29
nosrednaekimapparently not :P01:31
DreadKnightwho is a motu or packager around here?01:32
DreadKnightdoes it needs my 'error logs' ?01:32
DreadKnighttrying to help as i can :-)01:33
JontheEchidnaI package stuff01:33
DreadKnightnot sure how you manage installing it all xD01:33
JontheEchidname either01:33
DreadKnightţi putea să porniţi 'apt-get -f install' pentru a corecta acestea.01:34
DreadKnightUrmătoarele pachete au dependenţe neîndeplinite:01:34
DreadKnight  ksysguard-kde4: Depinde: kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 dar nu este instalat01:34
DreadKnight                  Depinde: libplasma2 dar nu este instalat01:34
DreadKnightE: Dependenţe neîndeplinite. Încercaţi să folosiţi -f.01:34
DreadKnightcan't really set konsole to english ... no languages list displayed... heh01:35
DreadKnightwhen there are more lines :P01:35
JontheEchidnaIt's depending on kdebase-workspace-libs4+5, but that package won't be installed?01:36
JontheEchidnaIs that what the translation is?01:37
DreadKnightJontheEchidna: that and libplasma201:39
JontheEchidnawhat happens if you try "sudo apt-get install libplasma2"01:39
DreadKnighttried that already01:39
JontheEchidnawhat does libplasma2 complain about?01:39
DreadKnightJontheEchidna: http://pastebin.com/m45596e4c01:40
DreadKnightso libplasma2 depends on kdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.0.80-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa2)01:41
JontheEchidnawill that install ok?01:42
DreadKnightkde-workspace-data is in comflict with libplasma101:43
JontheEchidnaTried removing libplasma1?01:43
JontheEchidnalibplasma2 will be replacing it so it'd be going away anyway01:44
DreadKnightit doesn't automatically removes, it upgrades i think01:44
DreadKnightok.. i'll try...01:44
DreadKnightso libplasma1 is marked for upgrade, libplasma2 for installation if i recall ...01:45
JontheEchidnawhat is libplasma1 trying to upgrade to01:46
DreadKnighti cant really manage to remove libplasma1 from konsole01:47
DreadKnightget the "use apt-get -f install" msg on and on01:47
DreadKnightksysguard-kde4 is broken..01:47
DreadKnightJontheEchidna: now libplasma1 is marked for removal it seems01:48
JontheEchidnaoh right, I had a bit of trouble with that too01:48
JontheEchidnaksysguard-kde4 wanted ksysguardd-kde4 too01:48
JontheEchidna(note the extra d)01:48
DreadKnighti know about it01:48
JontheEchidnanow how did I deal with that01:49
DreadKnightkonsole is so damn useless when upgrading for quite some time.. can't manage to install new packages when upgrading (as dependencies) with it01:49
JontheEchidnacould I see the error message for ksysguard?01:49
DreadKnightadept gives error when preparing upgrade for kdebase-workspace-bin...01:50
DreadKnightksysguard-kde4 depends on kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 and libplasma201:51
JontheEchidnasudo apt-get remove libplasma101:52
JontheEchidnasudo apt-get install kdebase-workspace-data01:52
JontheEchidnaThat will remove libplasma1 and upgrade kdebase-workspace-data01:52
JontheEchidnayou can then upgrade libplasma201:53
JontheEchidnaand that other kdebase-workspace one01:53
DreadKnightim trying01:53
DreadKnightok... this is stupid01:54
DreadKnightok, i'm on my way so far01:57
* daskreech crosses his fingers and legs01:57
JontheEchidnaI have snow on my desktop :o01:59
daskreechYou keep your desk by an open window?02:03
DreadKnightJontheEchidna: i got the ksmserver error when trying to install kdebase-workspace-data02:04
gribeluhmm? konqueror-kde4: Depends: kdebase-data (>= 4:4.0.80-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa2) but 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7.2 is installed.02:05
JontheEchidna^most likely nixternal forgot to change it to kdebase-data-kde402:05
gribeludamn it02:06
DreadKnightdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-data_4%3a4.0.80-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa1_all.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop', which is also in package ksmserver02:07
DreadKnightsame error as that dude smarter had02:07
DreadKnightshouldn't there be a session manager for kde4? :-)02:09
DreadKnightksmserver-kde4 xD02:09
DreadKnightJontheEchidna: help xD02:10
DreadKnightksmserver issue :D02:11
JontheEchidnayeah, you could override dpkg and overwrite that file02:12
* DreadKnight is a noob02:12
JontheEchidnaI don't know if you want to though02:12
JontheEchidnabecause that's probably why I don't have a way to log in to KDE through the gui02:13
DreadKnightthis needs to be taken care of02:13
JontheEchidnaHopefully nxiternal will return soon...02:14
DreadKnightafter a good night sleep :D02:14
DreadKnightJontheEchidna: how do you select the session when logging in without GUI ?02:15
JontheEchidnayou would press crtl alt f1 to get you to a terminal02:16
JontheEchidnalog in02:16
JontheEchidnathen run startx02:16
JontheEchidnaor startkde02:16
DreadKnightwell, the problem when i do that is that i end up in kde3 (with startx)02:16
JontheEchidnaah, right02:17
nosrednaekimhey... are the packages in?02:28
JontheEchidnaI got lucky and forced them into submission, but you're looking at serious problems trying to install them02:31
* DaSkreech has decided02:32
* nosrednaekim goes to get them02:32
DaSkreechI will wait till post 4.0.5 to install 4.102:32
nosrednaekimJontheEchidna:  the kde4 ppa, right?02:32
JontheEchidnaright, the same one we used for Gutsy kde4 packages02:33
nosrednaekimok... removing all my old kde4 packages02:34
nosrednaekimthat should smooth things02:34
DreadKnightnosrednaekim: erm... my actuall problem is with a package used in kde3 as well i think02:37
nosrednaekimwell, we shall see02:37
* DreadKnight wishes you luck02:37
DreadKnightnosrednaekim: how do you manage to remove all kde4 packages in a simple matter?02:38
nosrednaekimDreadKnight: well, its not fool proof, but I searched "kde4" in adept, unchecked installabale packages and then removed in one swipe02:39
DaSkreechnosrednaekim: You know you can filter on installed packages right ?02:40
DreadKnightyou would do more damage removing the base libraryes from the start02:40
nosrednaekimDaSkreech: thats what I mean...02:40
nosrednaekimDreadKnight: true02:40
nosrednaekimyep... I see the problem02:42
nosrednaekim  Depends: kdebase-data (>=4:4.0.80-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa2) but 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7 is to be installed02:42
nosrednaekimsomething wrong with that konqueror package02:43
JontheEchidnayeah, it's depending on the kde3 package instead of the kde4 one02:43
DreadKnightthat's one problem02:44
nosrednaekimI gotta force it in :P02:44
nosrednaekimthe PPA's are awful slow though02:44
nosrednaekimI'm going to DL overnight.02:45
=== Guest78382 is now known as Hobbsee
DreadKnightany packager alive?04:36
DreadKnightguess not04:37
faleDreadKnight: are you still guessing about when kde4.1beta will be ready?04:38
* Hobbsee is vaguely alive, but doesn't do much kde stuff anymore04:38
DreadKnightfale: it's pretty much done; i'm guessing in less than 24h everything will be setled down :-)04:39
faleHobbsee: I took the right one, before :D04:39
faleDreadKnight: I think the right thing to do is be calm and as soon as the devs will have the packages will write a news on kubuntu.org04:39
faleDreadKnight: and if you don't ask they will use less time to create the packages ;)04:40
DreadKnightfale: we're ... not on the same wave it seems04:40
faleDreadKnight: maybe04:41
DreadKnightHobbsee: so you can take care of an dependency issue on 4.1beta by any chance? a typing error rather..04:42
* DaSkreech pokes Hobbsee with the stiKK04:42
* Hobbsee pokes DaSkreech back04:42
DreadKnightpoke ... mon04:43
DaSkreechHow are you Hobbsee ?04:44
DaSkreechother than perforated?04:44
Hobbseedealing with some merges, finally04:44
DaSkreechhi manchicken04:51
DaSkreechhow are you?04:53
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DaSkreechHi mornfall06:40
mornfallyuriy: I have pushed a bunch of changes to Adept (and libept as well).06:51
* DaSkreech loves the adept06:51
* nixternal loves the beer06:52
=== rdieter_afk is now known as rdieter
nixternalfixed kdebase and kdebase-workspace (workspace is finish up the builds right now)07:18
* nixternal beds07:22
* DaSkreech throws nixternal some (insert nixternal's shameful wants here)07:22
nixternalmore beer?07:22
DaSkreechcd pub07:23
DaSkreechmore beer07:23
nixternalif I get 1 more "any word on the kde4.1 packages" I am going to explode07:23
DaSkreechhow about bytes ?07:23
nixternalI keep telling people, Word is in Microsoft, leave me alone :)07:23
nixternalI will work on finishing the rest of them tomorrow, or today, whatever the heck it is07:24
DaSkreechas long as they come out before 4.0.507:24
nixternalby about a day07:24
nixternalthere is a ton of work between 4.0.4 and 4.0.8007:24
DaSkreechSo people can break the computer nicely07:24
nixternaleverything, and I mean everything, has pretty much changed everywhere07:24
DaSkreechthen go back to 4.0 and get a nice update07:24
DaSkreechI know it's grand isn't it? :)07:25
nixternalcdbs, control, *.install, *.installgen, patches/, rules, and then some07:25
DaSkreechnot for you07:25
DaSkreechbut ... for !nixternal07:25
nixternalit isn't to bad actually, I am just tired of the impatient07:25
nixternaltomorrow if anyone wants to help, speak up and we will work out some sharing love...but be warned, there is an ass ton to be done07:26
nixternalthe rest should be fairly easy, but kdebase* was a pita07:26
DaSkreechI don't have a ton of ass :(07:27
nixternalI feel like it07:27
* DaSkreech hugs nixternal 07:27
nixternalI went out to my brothers house...he had a bonfire for the kids, so we cooked some hotdogs, smores, and then some...drink, drank, drunk07:27
nixternalI needed to get out..or risk blowing up my laptop07:28
DaSkreechFood and Liquor07:30
nixternalman, I never realised just how good a smore really is07:30
nixternalor a hotdog over an open fire07:30
nixternaloh well...I am going to bed for real this time07:31
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ugaanyone can tell why there are two separate ssh2 lib packages?10:07
ugalibssh-2, and libssh2-110:07
ugaone says "A tiny C ssh library" and the other "ssh2 client-side library", but I believe both are same stuff10:08
kuroryuuuga: ones more compact?10:08
ugacould be, I wonder why they don't point to the project urls or something =(10:09
ugaor have in the name libtinyssh or so10:09
ugathe "-1" doesn't really help10:09
kuroryuuuga: apt-cache show libssh-210:10
ugauh-oh... so the -1 isn't coming from the standard repos?10:10
ugathanks, that may explain10:10
ugakuroryuu: is there a way to ask apt-cache what repository it found the package in?10:11
kuroryuuuga: says in the show output10:11
kuroryuuboth are in universe apparently10:11
ugayes, it's confusing. I wonder if it's related to the later ssl changes10:15
ugakuroryuu: hehe, I think I figured out =)10:16
ugalibssh-2, if I'm not wrong, is SSH10:16
ugawhile libssh2-1, SSH210:17
kuroryuuI think they're just different implementations10:18
kuroryuuthe libssh-2 website says it's version 0.210:18
ugayes, and it never mentions ssh210:18
kuroryuuon the site it also says ssh1 is supported, but disabled by default or somesuch10:19
ugakuroryuu: "current release changes" SSH-1 support (disabled by default)10:19
ugait sounds like I need libssh2-1 pack10:20
ugaah no, silly10:20
ugathe same url says "SSH2 and SSH1 protocol compliant"10:20
ugakuroryuu: I think I'll go nuts =)10:20
kuroryuuuga: sounds like a plan, lol10:20
ugamaybe I should ask in #ubuntu-devel? =)10:21
kuroryuuwouldn't hurt10:21
uga[11:43] <pusling> uga: the first one is libssh2 soname1 and the other one is libssh soname210:47
uga[11:43] <pusling> uga: I guess you should blame the upstreams of those two difeferent projects for choosing so similar names ;)10:47
ugaubuntu-devel guys are clueless, and not too friendly I'd say ;)10:47
ugathey pointed me to leave and go debian, when I pasted some debian urls10:48
uga(becuase packages.ubuntu.com is down)10:48
ugathe packages were inherited from debian10:48
ugathankfully #kde-devel guys are friendlier ;)10:48
ugait seem they are two separate projects with unfortuantely too similar names10:49
Hobbseeuga: you can't really blame them for not being there on a weekend, surely.10:49
ugano, I was blaming them for inviting me to leave the channel and go #debian ;)10:49
ugawithout even checking the packages I was referring to belong to ubuntu10:49
ugawhat could I do if packages.ubuntu.com is down ;)10:50
Hobbseeuga: you were lucky to get an answer at all.  anyone could be giving out answers.10:50
Hobbseeuga: that guy happens to be a contributor to universe.  only.10:50
kuroryuuwell if the packages are straight from debian you could ask in #debian, just don't mention ubuntu, lol, they hate that10:50
Hobbseeuga: it's unwise to blame an entire team on one guy's response, *especially* if you have no idea if he's actually involved in the project or not.10:51
ugaok ok ok =)10:51
Hobbseeuga: unless you want to get attributed as "just another clueless user shooting his mouth off"10:53
Hobbseeor something10:53
ugaHobbsee: oh, that'd be a nicer adjective than one gets from debian devels at least =)10:55
kuroryuuone of the reasons I always liked gentoo better than debian though was this exact issue10:56
kuroryuuportage had better package names10:56
ugahey, but debian always releases new packages earlier10:57
ugasee kdelibs5 already there!10:57
kuroryuubefore portage you mean?10:58
ugaI doubt you'll find kdelibs_5_ in portage10:58
ugamaybe 4, but 5... =)10:58
kuroryuuportage builds from source, all you need is an ebuild and the moment it's released onto an ftp site somewhere you can install10:59
ugakuroryuu: lol, you aren't getting it10:59
kuroryuuapparently not, lol10:59
ugakdelibs5 in debian/kubuntu == kdelibs_4_ in gentoo =)10:59
ugastupid naming conventions in debian ;)11:00
kuroryuuah, I see11:00
kuroryuuhaven't really been paying as much attention to gentoo lately11:00
ugagentoo uses logical naming. it's kde4 so kdelibs_411:00
ugabut debian uses so versions, which is version 511:00
kuroryuuI see11:01
ugathat confuses a lot of users when they claim sometimes they installed kde5 =)11:01
kuroryuuI love debian so, but I always have problems with their package naming, not to mention a lot of the apt commands are a bit cryptic at times11:02
kuroryuuin gentoo, emerge to install, emerge -s to search package name, emerge -S to search package description, emerge -u to update :P11:02
kuroryuuand the basic search lists version numbers, haven't figured out how to just get version numbers in apt without all the extra info they slap into apt-cache show11:03
kuroryuubesides grep Version :P lol11:04
kuroryuuis there a way to customize apt-cache search's output?11:14
harolddongwhen are the 4.1 beta packages going to be available?12:04
seezerharolddong: don't ask that or nixternal will eat you :)12:07
wolfger... didn't we just get that update the other day?12:21
nosrednaekimwhhooo! that konqueror-kde4 dep problem was fixed thanks whoever did that :P12:35
* jussi01 should go report a konq-kde4 bug sometime... been a bit lazy recently though13:14
nosrednaekimjussi01: today is bug day IIRC13:16
nosrednaekimfo konqueror13:16
jussi01nosrednaekim: oh really? perhaps I should go tell them to fix the fact that kde4 konq doesnt open the full path in konsole when you hit f413:16
jussi01nosrednaekim: can you confirm that for me?13:17
nosrednaekimI just uninstalled all of 4.0.3 in preparation for 4.1 :P13:17
jussi01ok then. anyone else around that can test/confirm?13:18
gribelujussi01: so what you mean is: open folder in konq -> hit f4 -> check path?13:25
jussi01gribelu: correct13:25
gribeluya.. always goes to ~13:26
gribeluat least for me13:26
jussi01ok, Im off for a bit, Ill see answers when I get back13:26
gribeluusing 4.0.80 :p13:26
nosrednaekimgribelu: from the PPA?13:26
nosrednaekimI'm try to get it now.... so awful slow :(13:26
gribelui had many dependency issues while installing13:27
gribeluhad to dpkg -i many of the packages13:27
gribelu--force-all too :)13:27
gribeluthen again i had kde 4.0.4 installed, and kde313:28
gribelusome packages install manuals in the same location as kde313:28
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
=== uga__ is now known as uga
santiago-venixternal, ping16:19
=== uga is now known as uga|away
nixternalsantiago-ve: pong?16:34
santiago-venixternal, who's the person in charge of the website (kubuntu.org)16:37
santiago-vei wanna halp :p16:38
gnomefreaksantiago-ve: nixternal and or Riddell and or doc team16:38
DreadKnightnixternal: i'm on 4.1b; had to remove ksmserver and home & root directories are sort of swapped/messed up...16:38
nixternalsantiago-ve: Riddell would be in charge, but ryanakca was doing all the work on the updates that I know of16:40
nixternalDreadKnight: what's messed up about them?16:40
DreadKnightnixternal: for example in the startmenu, when moving cursor over computer(places)/home, you get "/root" as description16:42
DreadKnightnixternal: clicking on it opens dolphin to some fake root folder that looks like a default user home folder...16:43
DreadKnightthe whole thing is bugged..16:43
DreadKnightand i have no GUI login screen since i had to remove ksmserver xD16:44
DreadKnightkonversation reffused to work at first.. had to delete settings16:44
DreadKnightand i can't manage to run warcraft3 for some reason xD16:45
DreadKnighti wish konqueror-kde4 would get a seach engine box thingy like opensuse has... or firefox..16:46
nixternalDreadKnight: do you know why you had to remove ksmserver?16:48
nixternalDreadKnight: the url bar in konqi is that search box16:48
DreadKnightnixternal: kdebase-workspace-data couldn't get installed or something... not sure16:49
DreadKnightnixternal: http://pastebin.com/d510f429d16:51
DreadKnightkdebase-workspace-bin actually16:51
DreadKnightstill not the same thing about konqueror :-( i doubt my mother or father would write google:.... in the address bar each time.. heh16:52
DreadKnighti usually ctrl + L, then Tab and write ... and Enter16:53
nixternalDreadKnight: you don't have to type google, just set the default search enging to google, and the bar becomes the same as a search bar16:57
nixternalor you could do gg:foo16:57
DreadKnightnixternal: hehe, was looking for the 'gg:' shortway16:59
DreadKnighti also don't have icons for the categories from applications xD17:00
DreadKnightoh well17:00
DreadKnightnixternal: cool, i've managed to set that up; i got each option from the default search engine like 3 times.... heh17:02
nixternalinstalling kubuntu-kde4-desktop now, then will do an update to see how it works and see what issues I get so I can fix them before going on to the other modules17:03
gnutonHi there17:23
gnutonhey OculusAquilae17:24
OculusAquilaehi gnuton17:24
* OculusAquilae is looking on kubuntu.org to see if kde 4.1 beta packages are available17:26
bdgrauedo you guys really prefer ozone over oxygen?17:27
mhbbdgraue: I think it17:30
mhbit's an upstream issue17:30
bdgrauemhb: upstream issue, what does that mean?17:31
OculusAquilaebdgraue: that the KDE project prefers ozone?17:32
bdgrauein trunk is oxyen not ozone17:33
OculusAquilaebdgraue: wheree does kubuntu use ozone?17:34
bdgrauei installed the ppa-packages and removed all kde4-configs and had ozone as default17:34
OculusAquilaeppa-packages ? the 4.1 beta ones?17:35
OculusAquilaewhere are they?17:35
OculusAquilaebdgraue: any issues?17:36
bdgrauethere are not all packages made i think17:37
bdgraueonly rudimentary stuff17:37
maltediki spent some time at the kde-booth at linuxtag and there was no word shed about ozone17:37
OculusAquilaeany problems with it? compatibility with the old packages for games/edu?17:37
OculusAquilaeor are these deleted?17:38
bdgrauei removed everything old before i installed the beta17:38
OculusAquilaeso I'll better wait until it is complete17:38
OculusAquilaeit's to risky for me because this is the only installation working atm17:39
* OculusAquilae doesn't want to destroy his only connection to the internet17:39
DreadKnighti love the new krunner xD17:43
bdgrauei like the idea, but i dont like the color of the icons17:44
bdgrauesome work to do i think17:45
DreadKnighti don't manage to close kopete-kde4 and to launch warcraft3 xD17:45
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
DreadKnight(some of the most scarry issues17:45
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
bdgrauehttp://nuno-icons.com/images/estilo/imagefolders2.png  i like this one17:51
OculusAquilaebdgraue: indeed17:59
DreadKnightbdgraue: is that a mockup or what?18:13
bdgraueyes it is18:14
DreadKnightlooks nice18:14
DreadKnightone thing... i preffer a gap betwen the close button and the rest18:14
DreadKnightless accidental closing xD18:14
JontheEchidnaThat was a nice addition18:14
bdgraueDreadKnight: tell that pinheiro ;)18:15
DreadKnight:) i will18:15
DreadKnightvista made the close button damn bigger xD18:15
JontheEchidnaha, easier to hit accidentally18:15
bdgrauevist what?18:15
jjesse_i see freenode is still having problems18:16
DreadKnightaqua is somewhat silly too (from apple mac), most button round and coloured, i think color blind people can't even tell betwen the maximize and close button18:17
jpdsjjesse_: such as?18:26
jjesse_jpds: still having a very slow load on channel joins, not seeing any users in the user sesction and very very slow response from nickserv18:27
jjesse_started at least for me on saturday18:27
jjesse_i tried to join #ubuntu-bugs 5 minutes ago and its not showing up18:27
jjesse_morning dascreech18:28
jpdsjjesse_: well, I'm in 37 different channels... so, I can't tell.18:30
jjesse_i'm seeing Daskreech now because i was on when he joined18:30
Daskreechhi jjesse_ :)18:46
jjesse_hello dascrekk18:46
jjesse_dang it18:46
jjesse_still having problems18:46
jjesse_hello dskreech18:46
jjesse_this is frustrating, seems like i can only join this channel?18:47
DaskreechI see you on 5 chans18:50
jjesse_which 5?18:51
jjesse_i don't see any but this18:51
DaskreechNow you are on one18:52
jjesse_this is frustrating18:53
jjesse_gotta figure out what has changed since i used this last18:53
Daskreech#kde-docs #ubuntu-doc #kubuntu-devel #Altiris #ubuntu-bugs18:53
Daskreechthose were the 518:53
jjesse_ah that's better18:56
DaskreechStill see you on only one :)18:57
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
DaskreechNow I see you on nothing :)18:59
jjessemok fianlly figured it out18:59
jjesseok :)18:59
DaskreechWhat was it?19:01
jjessei have no idea, something in the connection with trillian i think19:02
* apachelogger stumbles in19:03
* Daskreech catches apachelogger 19:04
apacheloggeraye, thx19:04
apacheloggeris beta1 released yet?19:04
apacheloggerapparently not19:05
Daskreechapachelogger: Shhhhhh19:08
apacheloggerI am wondering whether I can release neon+kde before beta1 packages hit the hardy heron ;-)19:09
* Daskreech gets a pretty girl to hold up the handekerchief and drop it19:09
* Daskreech rusltes jjesse's hair19:26
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_afk
jjessehrmm vms are really killing this machine :(19:28
Daskreechapt-get remove vrms19:29
jjessei wish can't due to work stuff being done on them19:29
Daskreechon rms?19:30
jjessework stuff is being done on the vms19:30
DaskreechOh Vms19:33
DaskreechI saw vrms19:33
DaskreechI know he can be insistent but I couldn't see how he was killing your machine unless you were running KDE on Windows :)19:35
jjessesorry bout that, yes virtual machines19:39
DaskreechI have been thinking of getting one running19:40
DaskreechI want the new VMware though19:40
Daskreechdon't know if it's being backported19:41
jjessevmware 6 or is there a newer one?19:41
DaskreechThere was a new release like 4 days after buntu shipped which had a huge update19:41
Tonio_Riddell: I'm currently working on kdesudo kde4 fyi19:52
Daskreech8.10 might ship with 4.0.3 ?19:52
DaskreechTonio_: do you find that the sudo doesn't know about KDE4 binaries?19:52
Tonio_Daskreech: that'll change once kde4 is in /usr/19:56
Tonio_Daskreech: atm it is possible to export the PATH in your /etc/environment19:56
DaskreechI know it's just the path19:57
Tonio_Daskreech: so as kde4 is going in /usr for intrepid, that's not an issue ;)19:58
nixternalhowdy Tonio_!19:58
Tonio_hey nixternal19:58
DaskreechTonio_: plus the path also has doubled separators :)19:59
nixternalTonio_: I CC'd you on my core-dev app thinking you had uploaded some of my main crack in the past..hope I was correct in including you and I apologize if I included you and you didn't upload any of my main crack :)20:01
=== rdieter_afk is now known as rdieter
nixternalok, I set kdebase-bin-kde4 to conflict with konqueror-kde4 << ${source:Version}20:18
nixternalso that should fix the current kdebase-kde4 stuff20:18
nixternalas for the kwin-kde4 stuff, I renamed kwin-kde4 to kde-window-manager and made it conflict|replace with kwin-kde4, and also made the 2 new lib packages to conflict with kwin-kde420:18
nixternalso that should fix those problems20:19
jjessewow sounds crayz ;)20:19
nixternalya, I am trying to take everything from the Intrepid packages, but the Intrepid packages overwrite anything remotely related to KDE, so we can't have that in Hardy20:21
jjesseout to buy groceryies so i can  eat the rest of the week20:24
apacheloggerMez: nothing's more awesome than a nice icecream cluster @ a fair :D20:51
* Daskreech throws popcorn at DreadKnight 20:58
=== uga|away is now known as uga
yao_ziyuandoes anyone care about firefox 3's ugly tabs under kubuntu's kde theme-ization?21:48
yao_ziyuankubuntu applies the current kde style to GTK+ applications. when it comes to firefox 3, web page tabs are drawn in a broken manner.21:51
apachelogger*thumbs up*21:54

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