
theFATMANany kbfx experts in the house?00:01
theFATMANok, any kbfx users in the house?00:03
szakulechas everyone seen "Big Buck Bunny" yet?00:11
szakulechas anyone has luck using QDVDauthor to make DVD's?00:21
Damien__What are some good RPG games for Kubuntu?00:30
* sinak gn ppl00:32
=== andy is now known as Tandy
=== Tandy is now known as TrAndy
hugoor hi..00:50
=== hugo is now known as Poet
Poetwhat lenguge do you speak here?.. que idioma se habla aqui? ques que vou parle?00:51
Poetso lets talk in english00:52
Poeti need something...00:52
Poeti want to download music in Kubuntu.. how can i do?00:52
Maskahello, someone can tell me where can i find a "solid" Doc about KPF ?00:53
szakulecDamien__:KQ is the only one that comes to mind00:53
nosrednaekimyou can use the Amazon donwload service, or from magnatune00:53
nosrednaekimMaska: pardon.. whats KPF?00:53
szakulecPoet:there's Amazon's service, Archive.org's one, Jamendo, and Magnatunes00:53
MaskaKPF (KDE Personal File Server)00:54
nosrednaekimoh... right there isn't much really... you can read my blog post on it though00:54
Maskanosrednaekim: arigato gosaimasu ^_^00:55
Poeti want to download music in kubuntu.. how can i do that?01:00
Poetpleasee HEELLPP!01:00
nosrednaekimPoet: we already answered you01:01
MaskaPoet: if you have Amarok try Magantunes ;)01:01
Poetthanks you01:05
Poeti will try01:05
Maskaor just buy your music online and pay... pay for us... just pay for us all... xD01:05
Poeti cant and i dont want to pay..01:06
Poetfoo que tiene de sofware libre linux si no se puede bajar musica01:06
=== [ifroog] is now known as [ifr0g]
Maskalinux is free not the music you listen on it lol01:07
Maskai know life is unfair xD01:08
=== Poet is now known as Varonchito
MaskaVaronchito: some google result: Jamendo offers free access and free download of music tracks, published with Creative Commons licences...01:13
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=== bino is now known as binomaus
[ifr0g]!find pysqlite01:18
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about find pysqlite, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi01:18
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pysqlite, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi01:19
nubotuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)01:19
[ifr0g]!search pysqlite01:19
[ifr0g]!search nmap01:20
holycowlooks like 4.0.8 just got released to backports01:27
wastreli turned off the irritating effects but they are still active how do i kill them?01:35
=== nathan is now known as acluman
aclumanI am trying to install gnupg-1.4.9. When I make install it, it says, "/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file '/usr/local/bin/gpgsplit': Permission denied01:42
Pliskinsudo make install01:43
aclumanoh, oh wow. Thanks01:43
Pliskindon't forget "sudo"01:43
wastrelit's like headdesk.01:44
=== jimmy__ is now known as jsolis
wastrelinteresting that kubuntu-desktop doesn't install the kde metapackage01:45
wastreli guess you only need the one01:45
aclumanoh, now that it's installed, how do I get to it?01:46
zippo_does someone here got conky?01:49
wastrelacluman: if it's in /usr/local/bin you can call   /usr/local/bin/programname01:50
zippo_cuz i cannot get answet at #conky and i've got little problem01:50
wastrelor add /usr/local/bin to your path01:50
wastrelack! can't click hyperlinks in konsole?01:50
MetaMorfoziShi all01:51
MetaMorfoziSi just installed kubuntu to a vbox machine, i stripped it down and from a livecd (in a vbox env) i copied it to my pendrive01:51
MetaMorfoziSi has two partitions on it /boot and /01:51
MetaMorfoziSthe question is, how can i install grub on it?01:51
MetaMorfoziSgrub-install /dev/sdb1 says that he not founds or it maybe not a block device01:52
=== ubuntu is now known as MetaVbox
MetaVboxoot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# grub-install /dev/sdb101:53
MetaVboxCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.01:53
MetaVboxany idea?01:53
MeTai'm still here_Ö01:59
edenrozsalve,come setto kubuntu in italiano?02:14
* Surfer22 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks)02:16
wastrelspammers <302:16
edenrozsalve,come setto kubuntu in italiano?02:20
nubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:20
dangeloola alguem jah conseguiu instalar wifi num note aspire 3050-1458?02:28
wastreli now realize i was looking at kde3 still02:45
wastrelkde4 is considerably prettier.02:45
aclumanonce I've installed a program how do I find it?03:27
baudthiefis there a way to modify Kubuntu's "shutdown" script? I just need to prefix 'sudo umount -a' to it, as it hangs trying to unmount some cifs shares03:27
aclumanI just finished the make install phase, now where is it?03:29
edenrozhi,can u help me?my compiz cube have only 2 side03:29
wastrelacluman: if it's the same one you were talking about earlier, it's in /usr/local/bin03:29
aclumanokay, there are some executable files with names that sound like what I'm looking for, but they don't open03:31
wastrelacluman: try running from the command line  /usr/local/bin/programname03:34
aclumanwhy no work?03:36
shamilno work?03:37
aclumanis there a run command, or  is it just /usretc03:39
wastrelwhat's /usretc ?03:40
edenrozhi,can u help me?my compiz cube have only 2 side03:40
wastrelrun it from konsole03:40
wastreledenroz: not in compiz atm03:41
aclumani meant /usr/local/bin/gnupg I just didnt want to type the whole thing03:41
edenrozwastrel, ?03:41
wastrelacluman: you'll need to add /usr/local/bin to your path.03:41
mr--tacluman if you are in the right directory and the program is installed you only need type the name of the executable file and it should run03:41
edenrozwastrel, when i turn it have only 2 side,like a page of a book03:41
edenrozwastrel, i see a flat screen in 3d03:43
wastreledenroz: sorry i'm not using compiz :]03:43
nubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:43
mr--tedenroz ^03:46
arclanyone using kde4.1 beta1 now?03:47
mrksbrdwhat would be the biggest advantage w/64bit version??03:47
arcl64bit rise the memory limit?03:49
mr--tmaybe ists just me but I don't think there is enough software yet written to take advantage of 64 bit03:50
aclumandoes the program only work from the command line03:50
mrksbrdnot sure if it is anything better as far as noticable performance03:51
billydWay back when, in C/PM days anything written for the 8080 would work on the Z80 chip, a better chip, so very few programs were written to take advantage of the Z80 chip03:52
mr--thave you installed another way for it to work such as an applet or add it to a drop down menu acluman03:53
=== narg_ is now known as narg
fanqohello,guys here,i am using kubuntu now,but every time i power on my computer ,i must restart x ,or the desktop will not wok,anyone has the same problem04:14
=== fale_ is now known as fale
riveraI know this is probably a very stupid question. I apologize in advance. When accessing storage media from a regular non-root user, I get a "Permission Denied" error by dolphin (file explorer), what permission do I have to bestow to my mortal user so he can access mounted drives?04:19
aclumanwhen I run gpg on the command line it just says" gpg:Go ahead and type your message ..."04:23
mr--trivera  open dolphin from a terminal using sudo04:24
nubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.04:24
maduserwhats the defult battery app for kubuntu04:25
riveramr--t, I know I can run as sudo04:28
riverabut I can't expect mortal users to do that everytime they  need to explore files04:28
riveraI know I can set the persmissions so that a user can explore a mounted drive, I just don't remember what permission I need to set04:29
NickPrestarivera, you should be using kdesu instead of sudo if you're running graphical applications. Is this storage media like a USB drive or a HDD or partition?04:30
riveraNickPresta, it's just another drive on the computer04:30
riveraagain, I know I can easily solve this by doing a sudo, but asking computer illeterate people to do this is a bit much. I am already having enough trouble trying to get them away from windows, asking them to put in a password to view a photo or listen to an MP3 wont be any simpler.04:31
NickPrestarivera, I would mount it (by editing your /etc/fstab) so that all users can access it04:31
riveraNickPresta, that sounds better, what do I need to modify (a simple RTFM will do)04:32
wastreladd user to the mount options  man fstab04:32
NickPrestarivera, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#head-2a64a964ff8833576586c7216a1199f022c505a6 (the chart) and `man fstab`04:33
dsmith_rivera: thank MS for keping ppl ignorant04:33
NickPresta`man mount` too, for mount options04:34
Regitalhey, i cant get my dvd´s to work on my kubuntu 8.104:35
shamilfind mebibuntu repository04:35
Regitalive done that already04:35
shamilnow install libdvdcss204:35
Regitaland when i try to install dvdlibcss or w/e it is, the dvd still wont work04:36
Regitalyea that one04:36
riveradsmith_, yeah, I hear you04:36
shamilall you need is libdvdcss2 for dvd's and nothing else04:36
NickPrestaRegital, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats04:36
Regitalshamil, i know, ive installed it but the dvd still wont play04:36
shamilwhat media player you  using?04:36
General_Grievoustry VLC04:37
Regitalive tried amarok and vlc04:37
NickPrestaRegital, please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats04:37
shamilamarok is just music player, unless you have the video plugin for it04:37
RegitalNickPresta ive read it multiple times already04:37
shamiljust don't use amarok for trying to play videos anyhow04:37
NickPrestaRegital, and?04:38
shamilxine, mplayer, kaffiene, totem, and vlc will probably be waht you want04:38
Regitalit still doesnt work04:38
Regitaltried it with xine too04:38
NickPrestaRegital, what doesn't work? The install? Playing DVD? All DVDs?04:38
Regitalplaying any dvd´s04:38
shamilalso go ahead and install libxine1-ffmpeg04:38
Regitalsry i didnt clarify that btw04:38
shamilthat's a codec package04:38
Regitalalready installed04:39
NickPrestaRegital, what happens when you try to play the DVD?04:39
Regitalwhen i open it in vlc nothing happens04:39
shamiltry installing ubuntu-restricted-extras package as well:)04:40
shamilhow are you opening it in vlc?04:40
Regitaloh crap... i gotta go04:40
NickPrestaRegital, and going to File > Open Disc doesn't do anything? No error?04:40
Regitalill try that, and thanks for the help tho04:40
shamilso he was missing a step04:40
Regitalgotta go.. sorry04:40
shamilit's all good04:41
shamilit probably works fine for him04:41
shamilit sounds like he like he opened the program for playing dvd's just didn't load the dvd with the program04:41
mr--tcan anyone say error log?04:41
shamilwha tyou mean?04:41
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Saintmagician
shamilthere's no reason dvd's shouldn't work unless you don't have a css decryptor and no media playing software04:42
shamilor if you dont know how to use that media playing software04:43
mr--tshamil hes gone04:43
shamili know he's gone04:44
shamili guess no one cares for talking about the topic of his problem04:44
shamilif you read what i wrote i wasn't typing those directly at him and "<-- Regital has left this server (Remote closed the connection)." was good enough for me04:45
shamilthis is my first time using hopping into the ubuntu irc channel04:46
General_Grievousway to go04:47
shamilone big problem with users having problems, is that they don't go into enough detail, and simply says that something doesn't work04:47
shamilinteresting in here so far04:48
flaccidlibdvdread3 is required to read/play dvds04:53
nubotuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)04:54
flaccid!info libdvdread304:54
nubotuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:54
flaccid!info kde-core04:55
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info kde-core, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi04:55
flaccidhmm its a different bot04:55
shamilwhat is kde-core?04:55
shamili've always used kdebase04:55
flaccidstdin, i think we need a static 'bot' that can serve the factiods :)04:55
shamilor there's google for factoids04:56
flaccidno we have a factoid database that was used with ubotu04:56
flaccidshamil, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/kde-core04:57
mr--tthis is nu botu04:57
shamili see04:58
flaccidbecause ubuntu documentation is all over the place etc. ubotu is a great help to get the required link quickly04:58
wastrel<3 ubotu04:59
nubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:59
shamilyum sucks04:59
shamilidk why redhat didn't just port apt to their architecture05:00
mr--twhats yum05:00
shamilyum is the redhat package manager thing majingey05:00
shamilfedora, redhat, mandriva use it05:00
NickPrestarpm based systems use it05:01
shamilexcept for pclinuxos05:01
NickPrestajust as dpkg based system use apt(itude)05:01
flaccidredhat is rpm not debian anyway05:01
shamilpclinuxos soley uses apt for rpm's in that distribution, iand it's quite beautiful05:01
flaccidand yum is fine really05:01
shamilbut why use yum when they could have just ported apt in the first place:p05:02
shamilpclinuxos ported apt for their rpm handling:)05:02
flaccidthere are caveats for every package manager and system. no such thing as best. and these distros wouldn't be succesful if it didn't work..05:02
shamilit's like using debian, except apt in there handles rpm's05:02
shamilfor pclos:p05:03
flaccidno need to port really. its linux. why would you need to put it in there. don't fix something that isn't broken..05:03
flaccidshamil, yes but with little point..05:03
shamilyum is really too similar to apt though:(05:03
flaccidi mean you could port apt to win32 yeah and do a vfs of some kind with wrapper etc. but hey wouldn't be much point05:03
flaccidthey both work, so um yeah they work heh05:04
shamily use yum if yum is too identical apt and apt was way before yum?05:04
NickPrestaflaccid, http://windows-get.sourceforge.net/index.php05:05
flaccidthere is no why. people are free to use whichever they want. its a free and open world here05:05
shamilthe only packaging solution that is similar and being totally different from yum and apt is pacman05:05
shamili guess redhat just wanted something they could call their own:)05:05
flaccidnot really no05:06
shamilhow so with pacman?05:06
flaccidNickPresta, yeah lots of similar projects like that. stuff like unattended is good too. i used to work for ipass so i know a lot about windows packaging..05:07
shamiloh wait:p05:07
NickPrestawell gents. im off for the night. Goodnight all05:09
dsmith_NickPresta: I was using that he other week05:09
flaccidnight nickp05:09
dsmith_not enough material in there05:09
sparrhow do i add apps to Digikam's "open with" dialog for a photo?05:14
SilentDishello, does anyone have any expirence with Firestarter and it's setup?  I have 1 machine connected via EVDO (USB to cellphone) works fine, and I SSH into that machine over Eth0 from a laptop and tunnel a few X apps over it (kopete and skype).  Problem is, once the 'net connection comes up, I can no longer connect to the main box due to firestarter's setup.  Can someone tell me how to get this setup right?05:30
=== micky_ is now known as frybye
=== firephoto_ is now known as firephoto
frybyeHi Folks.. how to import address- book from a windows maching into thunderbird (on hardy-?)05:47
=== nickp is now known as Nikolay
frybyeI can export the add-book either in .vcf or .csv format - but how to get that into the thunderbird???05:48
frybyein thunderbird - going to import just gets it too look for another mail programme on the local computer..05:49
p_quarlesfrybye, iirc, you may have to install thunderbird in Windows, then import the e-mails into that, then export to an archive which you can then save on a memory card, etc.05:55
frybyesounds like a clever soloution - both pcs are on the home net so no need to put on mem card .. but the basic method is genial - thanks...05:56
frybyeit is just the addresses that I want to migrate - the old mails dont matter I guess..05:57
frybyejust so I have full email usage whichever pc I am using...05:57
doug_can somebody help a newbie with permissions questions?06:02
doug_anybody here?06:04
wastreljust ask :]06:05
doug_I just created a guest account, then from that account was able to navigate to /home/{other user}/06:07
doug_why does it allow that?06:07
wastrelby default home directories are world-readable06:08
doug_really? I thought that *nix allows disallows that...OS X does not allow access by other users...I assumed that all *nix acted that way06:08
wastreldunno why it's done that way but that's why :]06:08
doug_that's crazy06:09
doug_is there a way to password-protect home directories?06:09
wastrelwell they're not writable06:09
wastrelyou can change the perms so they're not readable by others06:09
doug_can that be done from the gui, or do I have to learn the bash shell to do that?06:10
wastrelopen up a terminal, and do06:12
wastrelsudo chmod go-r /home/*06:12
wastrelthat will remove read permission for non-owner for all home directories.06:13
frybyep_quarles:  hmmm did not get the addresses (csv format-) imported correctly to thunderbird on the windows pc..06:14
wastrelthat's a simple, if imperfect way06:14
frybyep_quarles: not as simple as one would hope - cos the format of the comma- separated data has to be exactly the same when exp. and imp. apparently..06:15
frybyeis there perhaps a helper-programme available that can square the data up somhow...?06:15
doug_wastrel: Thanks!06:15
doug_don't mean to be greedy, but I just installed the open source g{something} flash player. It doesn't seem to work. How do I get firefox to ask me to install a flash player so I can install adobe's version?06:17
flacciddepends on how the user was created and how the user home directory was created. useradd by default doesn't create the home on ubuntu06:18
flaccidi gtg06:21
pr0ggieIs there a kopete aspell bug?06:32
wastreldoug_: you can install flashplayer-nonfree from your package manager06:33
=== mcw is now known as mcw_
doug_I tried that...it tells me that I need to use the synaptic package manager. I don't know what that is.06:38
doug_I mean I tried uninstalling gnash06:39
frybyeprobably in your system menu point...? doug_06:39
frybyefurther down from where you find adept for instance...?06:40
wastreladept and synaptic should be equivalently capable shouldn't they?06:40
frybyedoug_ I hope somebody else can help you with installing flash for firefox - I needed help here on location myself - it is not as easy as one might hope..06:41
doug_okay, thanks...06:41
frybyewastrel not sure about that - there are at least often reccomendations for one or the other...06:41
frybyedoug_ it also makes a difference If I remember rightly wether one is running x86 or x64 system...06:42
frybyeie 32 bit or 64bit system.. i mean...06:42
frybyeflash has not native support for x64...06:43
jussi01doug,did I get this right, you are looking for flash on 64bit?06:47
doug_no, 32 bit06:51
frybyethat should make it a bit easier...06:52
doug_I have abigger problem now...I seem to have deleted the panel at the bottom that holds my pen programs...how do I undelete it?06:52
frybyeI don,t know the details for the install.. did you look in the wiki or on forums...?06:52
nubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:54
frybyedoug_: when you right click on the workspace there are some choices that will perhaps help??06:55
frybyeto get the taskbar back I think...?06:55
klu-lessi started with Kubuntu, then switched to MEPIS, then switched to Ubuntu (what I have now) ... I was thinking about switching back to Kubuntu ... does the new release include all of the plug-ins for the VLC app?06:55
doug_yes, I somehow removed my "taskbar"06:56
frybyedoug_: you see what I suggested above.. rt click on the workspace and then...06:57
frybyehmmm.. but when I look there now that is other stuff not the taskbar...?06:58
frybyeperhaps sbdy else can suggest how to get it back...?06:58
Lankenhey, uh, this is a weird question to have to ask, but ... is Kubuntu good now?06:59
frybyedoug_: I guess the reason why not much response here now is the time-of-day in the usa..06:59
frybyeLanken I think it is fine.. not using it that long though...06:59
frybyeand depends what you want to compare it too...?07:00
Lankenfrybye: I compare it to other friendly, full-featured kde-based desktop distros07:00
LankenMandriva, Fedora, OpenSUSE07:00
frybyeLanken: long time since I used opensuse - cant say how they compare now..07:00
klu-lessI've got a stupid question ... what's the diff between KDE & Gnome?07:01
frybyedifferent gui07:01
Lankenklu-less: that's ignorant, not stupid.  In a nutshell, KDE is designed to be highly customizable, while GNOME tries to work well right out of the box, and restricts configuration so that the interface will be consistent across different machines.07:02
Lankenyou'll probably find a killer feature in one or the other07:03
frybyeLanken: "ignorant" in the achedemic sence.. but I would avoid use of the word in this context or .. a person could be easily offended.. or?07:03
frybyesai - test worked.. heheh07:04
Lankenfrybye: I wasn't concerned about offending, because he'd called the question stupid first.07:04
frybyeLanken: people are allowed to "offend" themselves I guess.. heheh - never mind...07:05
klu-lessis it easy to network a Kubuntu workstation with Windows Vista using SAMBA (via a local router)?07:05
Lankenklu-less: it's likely easier than the equivalent task in (G)Ubuntu07:06
frybyeklu - a qualified linux engineer friend of mine did it here in about 12 minutes..07:06
frybyehow easy it is for the -average mortal- I am not sure...07:06
Lankenklu-less: (because of kioslaves)07:06
Lankenklu-less: you can ask that question in #kde, too, since it's not distro-specific.07:07
klu-lessjust curious07:07
klu-lessi'm just about ready to apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:07
Lankendon't do that07:07
klu-lesswhy not?07:07
LankenI know they recommend it, but ...07:07
klu-lessjust use a CD install instead?07:08
klu-lesswhat's the big diff?07:08
Lankenit pulls in all these qt-based and kde-based programs that you don't need if you just want to check out kde07:08
saiyour system will be more beautiful and clean07:08
Lankenif you're ready to wipe the install, go ahead, but cleaning up after apt-get install kubuntu-desktop is a real bitch07:08
Lankengo with a smaller metapackage07:09
klu-lesswell, if it keeps my partitions, then I'm okay07:09
Lankenapt-get is fine for installing kde, just don't do the whole kubuntu-desktop07:09
Lankenyou'll get tons of duplicated functionality. it might even try to install koffice, which you really don't need.07:10
klu-lessso, if i perform a fresh Kubuntu install from a CD, then it should wipe it all clean, right?07:11
klu-lessi just need to keep the partition that has my personal data on it07:11
Lankenjust do apt-get install kde-core07:12
Lankenit's a smaller metapackage, doesn't have a lot of the other crap.07:12
jussi01klu-less: yes - but you can change that in the patitioning section07:12
theFATMANi installed ubuntu 8.04, then installed kubuntu-desktop, how do i safely remove all of ubuntu including gdm, boot screens and login screens?07:12
jussi01be careful though07:12
jussi01!purekde | theFATMAN07:12
nubotutheFATMAN: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »07:12
klu-lessfatman << that's where i'm about to go07:12
klu-lessbut lanken sez don't do it07:13
theFATMANklu-less: hey my system even runs better using kde07:13
theFATMANjussi01: thanks for the link, btw07:13
theFATMANsee you guys later07:14
klu-lessso, let me get this straight ... all i have to do is install kde-core?07:14
LankentheFATMAN: the present state of package-management software does not allow you to easily remove all the unnecessary stuff.07:14
Lankenklu-less: there may be some issues, but it will give you a feel for kde07:14
theFATMANLanken: can you clarify?07:14
klu-lesswhat about FATMAN's question about cleaning up all of the Ubuntu gnome sh!t07:14
LankentheFATMAN: your best bet is probably to back up /home and reinstall07:14
theFATMANLanken: because I have removed about 80% or so07:15
LankentheFATMAN: look into "deborphan"07:15
theFATMANLanken: ya reckon?07:15
jussi01!ohmy | klu-less07:15
nubotuklu-less: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:15
klu-lessgnome stuff07:15
Lankenit finds packages that have no dependencies07:15
theFATMANLanken: GUI or CLI?07:15
theFATMANLanken: neva mind mate, i'll check ya out in a tick07:16
Lankenthere's probably a GUI interface for it.07:16
LankentheFATMAN: the other option is just to leave the cruft07:16
theFATMANLanken: how much would it be, aye?07:17
Lankenyou'll probably start with a fresh install within a few months anyway, and if you're not that tight for disk space, leaving it as is would be the path of least resistance.07:17
Lankenin adept, can you sort the installed packages by size?  You could get a good idea of how much space you're wasting that way.07:17
Lankencertainly no more than a GB or two07:17
Lankenthat's like, way inflated so that I can be sure of being right.07:18
theFATMANLanken: i have spACE enough, mate, i'm worried about instability07:18
calcmandanas of this evening, I can't play dvd's on my machine.  it was working just fine and now no.  I was watching a dvd earlier today.  says it's encrypted like i just installed fresh07:27
jussi01calcmandan: did you do any upgrades?07:31
calcmandanjussi01: i ran the last update that kubuntu pushed the other day.07:31
jussi01calcmandan: did you check it didnt remove anything?07:32
calcmandanall of the sudden i can't watch dvd's.  i watched one just a few hours ago.07:32
calcmandani just reinstalled libdvdcss2.07:32
jussi01calcmandan: have you tried other dvd's?07:32
calcmandanyes, two so far.07:32
jussi01ones that worked before?07:33
calcmandanno. i should.07:33
kuroryuucalcmandan: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh07:33
jussi01yeah - there are spome weird encrypted dvd's out there07:33
jussi01oh, yeah, and that ^07:33
calcmandankuroryuu: i did that already. it doesn't come up as a valid site.07:34
calcmandannow it does07:34
frybyehmmm .. I must try that - have not yet fed this new kubutu pc with a dvd-film.. can vlc normally do it...?07:34
calcmandanwell, kaffeine can now play.07:35
kuroryuuusually, vlc has all it's codecs built in07:35
jussi01frybye: yeah, vlc does dvd's07:35
nubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:35
calcmandanit works now.07:35
calcmandanwhat the fuck man?07:35
jussi01!ohmy | calcmandan:07:35
nubotucalcmandan:: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:35
theFATMANok, i have two kernels now after the update, how do i remove the old one?07:39
kuroryuutheFATMAN: sudo apt-get remove linux-<image-version>-generic07:41
sdollinsSo, I take it every one here has kubuntu?07:42
theFATMANkuroryuu: thank you!!!!07:42
kuroryuutheFATMAN: no problem07:43
Ayabarawhy is there different keys for changing tabs in "all" kde apps. konsole, konversation and others do it differently. is there an easy way to change all of them to shift+arrows?07:45
darricki need help seriously bad07:47
jussi01!ask | darrick07:48
darrickplease help07:48
nubotudarrick: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:48
darrick!ask how can i revert back to just vista (remove kubuntu and grub)07:49
nubotuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:49
* karthikp faints07:49
darricki just wanna get this back to how this was...07:50
jussi01darrick: please join ##windows for that07:50
Dr_willisdarrick,  and removing of linux is documented all over the web.07:50
karthikpYou should be able to reinstall from the vista disk. That'll clean out your hard disk and start you up with a fresh system.07:50
Dr_willisdelete the linux partitions, run the proper command from windows rescue cd to reinstall the boot loader. "fdisk /mbr' or 'fixmbr ' or 'fixboot'07:51
karthikpBut, perhaps we can help/convince you to stay in penguinland?07:52
flaccid_back to vista, dang!07:52
flaccid_vista support in ##windows please07:53
Dr_williskarthikp,  ive found its not worth the hassle.  This is Linux - Freedom rules.. people can do what they want.07:53
Dr_willisWeird networking issue here. I just hooked 2 pc's up to a linksys switch,  now both machines are getting very slow networking speeds, and often cutting out at times. lagg in games. and so forth. Its ttill happening even after i unplug one of the machines fron the network07:53
karthikpFair enough.07:53
kuroryuuDr_willis: sounds like your switch is a hub, lol07:55
Dr_willisNow lets see if im still lagged..  Could a flakey switch/hub cause such issues?07:55
kuroryuuDr_willis: a hub will cause issues if using full duplex07:55
=== henry is now known as Guest58109
Guest58109I have two broadcom wifi drivers loaded but now what07:56
Dr_willisheck.. the swich isent even plugged IN now..  and i still am having issues07:56
Dr_willisLooking like the isp is having some issues07:56
Guest58109ubuntu and wireless?07:57
Guest58109acer laptop07:57
Dr_willisDepends on what chipset - the  b43-fwcutter tool is needed/used by many of them07:58
nubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx07:58
flaccid_well LAN != WAN so not sure the problem. likely hardware if the config is correct. test ping speeds for a start07:58
Dr_willisim not sure how up to date.07:58
Dr_willisflaccid_,  it seems to be working fine now... weirdness.. perhaps it was a local conjestion issue07:58
flaccid_well its a hub not switch so collision domains are minimal if any. anyway all good unless it starts misperforming again hehe07:59
=== flaccid_ is now known as flaccid
Dr_willisonly 2 pcs anyway on the thing.. lets plug the switch back in. - it says its a switch at least. :)07:59
Ayabaracan the step size in kmixer be adjusted somewhere?08:00
flaccidcheck cables. it might have a problem with auto mdx if the cables are crossover..08:00
frybyejussi01: dvd paying fine - thanks for the tips...08:01
frybyee e eplaying...08:01
holycow*whistles and waits for 4.1 beta to appear in backports08:03
Dr_willis_somthing seems flakey with this switch..  time to track down another.08:03
darrickwho is willin to help me08:04
flaccidholycow: that will be months if at all08:04
kuroryuudarrik: try asking in ##windows08:04
frybyedarrik - just tell us your problem.. if anybdy can help they will come back to you here..08:04
flaccidif nobody was willing then this channel would be pointless :)08:05
frybyekuroryuu: had he already said what he was after...?08:05
kuroryuufrybye: yeah, something about uninstalling linux and expanding vista's partition08:06
frybyeflaccid: sorta figures i guess.. heheh08:06
frybyewell - hmmm.. i dont wanna get into a fight but "uninstalling linux" might be a legitimate question for a linux group even if folks are not happy about it somehow...08:07
flaccidits like walking into a car shop and asking, who will sell me a car!?08:07
kuroryuuyes, but he just needs to delete the partition really, and use windows tools to rewrite the boot sector08:07
flaccidin this case, if you are restoring an OS, you simply overrwrite linux with that OS's installer. pretty basic...08:07
frybyeor into a gm car shop and saying - who wants to by my gm car - i am going elsewhere then to by non-gm... heheh08:07
flaccidkuroryuu: the windows installer should look after the new mbr.08:07
kuroryuuflaccid: unless he didn't have a backup of his data, lol08:08
flaccidso you install windows, which includes overwriting the mbr. this is why you install linux after you install windows if dual booting08:08
frybyekuroryuu: sure but I guess it is legit to tell him that here.. heheh08:08
kuroryuuhe was told both earlier08:08
flaccidwell backup of data is something done before major changes like this :)08:08
holycowwhat was his problem?08:08
frybyekuroryuu: sorry I missed all that...08:09
Ayabarais it possible to join multiple wmv files?08:09
flaccidAyabara: probably, but not sure what to do it with especially considering its a windows format08:09
darricki want 2 get rid of kubuntu and keep my vista08:09
darricki tried formating my partition but grub gets error 2208:09
darrickand freezes08:09
holycowdarrick: hi08:09
frybyeI sorta assumed it was one of the cases where a person with a win/linux problem was sent -automatically- to win when they wills end him here perhaps heheh08:09
flaccidwhat is the name of that program on linux that is pretty good for video editing. i forgot its name08:09
holycowumm ... well we cannot help with vista08:09
holycowthat is really a windows problem08:10
darricki got disconnected for a bit08:10
kuroryuudarrik: ask in ##windows how to rewrite the mbr08:10
holycowjust install from scratch08:10
flacciddarrick: boot windows cd and run these two commands fixboot and fixmbr. it will restore windows mbr08:10
frybyeholycow: like I say - i dont wanna fight about this.. hehe08:10
flacciddarrick: and that is it.08:10
holycowfrybye: ineedy :)08:10
darricki cant ask in that channel, with the keyboard driver i have in kubuntu i cant write slashes08:10
darrickjust é and É08:10
holycowdarrick: so what happened?08:10
flaccidgrub error 22 means no such partition for the entry08:11
holycowand what do slashes haveto do with joining ##windows?08:12
flacciddarrick: if you follow my simple directions it will be fixed.08:12
holycowdo what flaccid said08:12
darrickcant go slah join channel or slash list08:12
holycowits' correct08:12
darricki dont got a windows cd, none came with laptop08:13
hell|shockhi, now anybody who i can get a deb package of hydra-gtk for ubuntu 8.04?08:13
holycowwell then08:13
holycowtime to complain to ms i guess08:14
holycowor your manufacturer08:14
jussi01hell|shock: packages.ubuntu.com08:14
kuroryuudarrik: call the manufacturer's tech support line08:14
holycowfortunately this isn't something we ever worry about08:14
darrickahh skrew it08:14
flacciddarrick: then you will have to keep grub and reconfigure it correctly. or contact your vendor for a cd.08:15
holycowcan we try to fixkubuntu for you?08:15
flaccidhell|shock: there isn't one in the normal repos08:15
flacciddarrick: i mean i can help you with grub if you want..08:15
kuroryuudarrik: and your keyboard issue08:15
flaccidhell|shock: if you search for hydra_5.3-src-1_i386.deb on google you should be able to find the pkg and its deps08:16
flaccidhell|shock: let me know if you find some dictionaries :)08:17
kuroryuudarrik: as for your keyboard, it sounds like you have it set up as a canadian layout, try shift + 3 or the backtick key to type a slash08:18
frybyekuroryuu: eh - he could edit xserv.conf for the kbd setting to us or...?08:20
frybyeif i remember rightly.. had sim. prob. here a couple of days ago..08:20
holycowi'm doing really really well08:21
holycowi haven't abused darrick at all for insisting on vista08:21
holycowor not taking the offer of help to fix his issues08:21
holycowor his lack of interest at all at the basics08:21
holycowyey me08:21
kuroryuufrybye: maybe, there are a couple different places where it's set08:21
frybyeright.. that was just the last place I changed here to get from us to de08:22
frybyekuroryuu: my knowedge of linix is v. limited I dont deny it...08:22
frybyecompared to some - i am interested to learn though... heheh08:23
Ayabarahow do I get previews of movies in dolphin? even if I choose preview mode, I only see icons08:23
kuroryuufrybye: that's always a good thing :)08:23
holycowAyabara: you wait for 4.1 beta08:23
Ayabaraholycow: and I'm doing that already, so it takes little extra effort :)08:24
holycowhehe :)08:25
frybyewhat would folks suggest for a torrent client on 8.04??08:25
holycowi know what you mean08:25
darrickdo you need port forwarding for torrents on kubuntu08:25
frybyeis there a linux-version of ü-torrent??08:25
frybyeI have done that also for the win pc on the same router - perhaps it is ok as it is...08:26
epimethin fact, it might be already installed08:26
epimethwait... do you mean a linux version of utorrent, or a bittorrent client for linux?08:27
holycowdarrick: nope08:27
frybyewow - heheh i just put fresh re-chargeables in this wireless keyboard and now it works 200% better.. mann am i dumb not to have done before.. eheh08:27
asobiCrashhow can i read a binary file?08:27
holycowmaybe on your router08:27
frybyeepimeth: either way..08:27
flaccidyou need port forwarding via upnp or port triggering or normal port forward. a lot of routers will do it auto with upnp and/or port triggering08:27
darrickbit torrent for linux08:27
flaccidasobiCrash: you don't read binary files, you run them08:27
frybyefor win I have been happy with utorrent and if is available for linux that would be fine or..?08:27
asobiCrashsomehow kate thinks a txt file is binary08:28
epimethalthough, for port triggering you still need to go into the settings.  I just forward the ports08:28
kuroryuufrybye: ktorrents very nice, not quite as nice as utorrent, but there's no linux version, yet08:28
flaccidutorrent is windows only iirc08:28
frybyekuroryuu: ok thanks..08:28
Ayabaraflaccid: joining with mencoder works great. joining and converting to avi :)08:28
epimethso ktorrent is my linux client of choice08:28
epimeththere are plenty of others08:29
Dr_willisflaccid,  it works in wine. :)  they aparently even test it with wine. or so their web site says.08:29
epimethI thing rtorrent is a good one for the cli if you want that08:29
kuroryuuasobiCrash: learn to read hex? lol08:29
epimethold school :-)08:29
flaccidAyabara: iirc there is like a gui/ide thats getting some respect now08:29
Dr_willisive had issues with ktorrent in the past. :( its has gotten beter.08:29
frybyei c now - ktorren is installed..  not had this installed long - just exploring and experimenting...08:29
flaccidDr_willis: oh still windows version :)08:29
frybyenow I will have to go and find some content.. heheh08:29
epimethfrybye: its how we all started :-)08:29
holycowwhat are you guys talking about?08:29
Dr_willisflaccid,  yep. But its tested to be sure it works in wine at least. :)08:29
holycowi've NEVER had to port forward anything for torrents08:29
epimethholycow: dirty dirty mind08:30
frybyewith k-torrent is thier any protection from tracers???08:30
holycowyou guys must be running trackers?08:30
epimethfrybye: tracers?08:30
Dr_willisholycow,  depends on your network, and the routers you are using.08:30
flaccidDr_willis: true. not something i'd rely on in a compat layer08:30
holycowinfact most router firmware, infact all firmware will just let it through08:30
frybyethat the industry uses to identify file sharers...?08:30
holycowat least the consumer level ones08:30
flaccidholycow: thats for the reasons i explained :)08:30
epimethholycow: actually, a lot of clients check if you are being "polite" and will limit you if you aren't08:30
holycowflaccid: oh nm, good point :)08:30
holycowepimeth: really?08:30
holycowoh i didn't know that08:30
epimethholycow: part of the reason my download rate *sucked* in israel08:30
kuroryuufrybye: it supports encryption08:30
flaccidit lets it through with nat after a forward :)08:31
holycowepimeth: what constitutes politenes?08:31
holycowfor torrents i mean of course08:31
kuroryuuholycow: not leeching, good ratio08:31
Dr_willisallowing incomming connectns and so forth.08:31
frybyehow does one use that then.. i mean for instance i find some cool -not too kosher- content on pirate-bay and start the torrent with k-torrent.. ?08:31
holycowright, makes sense08:31
frybyecan i just switch on the encryp. in settings and it does the rest...?08:32
kuroryuufrybye: it's in the settings, a checkbox08:32
Dr_willisfrybye,  encryption is a good idea. :) yes.08:32
epimethholycow: how many torrents you have seeded, for how long, and if you are 'invisible' or not (ie, forwarding your ports)08:32
kuroryuufrybye: yup08:32
frybyeand that will work with most torrent sources etc or...?08:32
kuroryuufrybye: but it won't encrypt all transfers, just those that support it08:32
frybyedoes it tell you if encry. or not??08:32
Dr_willisfrybye,  the clients have settings to allow encrypted, or not allow, or allow ONLY encrypted connections..08:33
kuroryuufrybye: yes, once you start downloading from people, if you look at the peer list it'll tell you who you're transfering to an from with encryption08:33
frybyei c - ok I go and give it a run...08:33
epimethfrybye: good luck :-)08:33
frybyebye now...08:33
Dr_willistorrents were the fastest way tog et the latest ubuntu release isos :) the day they got released08:34
Dr_willisi got some amazing speeds08:34
frybyehave fun here - <continue to- > be nicht to each other heheh08:34
holycowi like ktorrent a lot08:34
epimethI'm a fan as well :-)08:35
* Ayabara changed from rtorrent to ktorrent yesterday, and in all that time he hasn't looked back08:39
epimethyea, but my server doesn't have xorg installed :-)08:40
dga_how do i start compiz in kubuntu?08:45
flaccid!compiz-fusion | dga_08:45
nubotudga_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion08:45
flacciddga_: compiz --replace &08:45
kuroryuudga_: alt + F2, compiz --replace08:45
holycowdga_: you will basically want to wait for kde408:46
flaccidnot necessarily08:46
holycowkde4 has done it properly and integrated accellerated effects into the window manager08:47
holycowflaccid: is right08:47
holycowi'm only lightly making a suggestion :)08:47
kuroryuuholycow: no problems with compiz here :P lol08:47
holycowbiggest issue is the dissapearing windows borders08:48
holycowi see that alot08:48
kuroryuuholycow: I don't have that problem08:48
holycowbut i've run it on lots and lots of different  hardware08:48
holycowsure *nod* on one box it'll work on the next not 100% certain unfortunately08:48
kuroryuuI've been slowly switching to kde4 versions of software though, konsole-kde4 has true transparency for one thing :)08:49
holycowyeah the built in stuff is starting to work great08:49
holycowi was surprised when i tried to turn on some effects yesterday08:49
kuroryuucan't get kde4 itself working though, but the software runs great in 3.508:50
holycowas of today its sorta borked yes, i'm told 4.1 beta is on its way to the repos08:50
holycowcan't wait08:50
kuroryuumy big switch will be when amarok 2 comes out, hehe08:50
kuroryuuthe nightly builds look awesome, but nowhere near stable08:51
tzdi need help with finding a thing on kubuntu please. I'm looking for the equivalent versiobn of ubuntus : "System" -> "Administration" -> "Login Window". In the "General" tab, press "Edit Commands..."08:51
holycowkuroryuu: amarok has me sold too08:52
holycoweven non k4 one08:52
jussi01tzd: system settings - advanced - login manager IIRC08:52
arogarthhello @all08:53
kuroryuuhello arogarth08:53
arogarthi have a problem with kmediafactory - DVD Authoring on hardy08:53
epimethahoy matey!08:53
arogarthif i create a project and burn it, the backgound and previews are all black08:53
tzdjussi01: thanks. That's where i was first but i couldn't (still can't) find the "edit commands" button?08:54
kuroryuutzd: what commands are you trying to edit exactly?08:56
theFATMANwhat is a good screen capture ie, video app for kubuntu?08:56
nubotuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.08:56
jussi01!bum | tzd08:56
nubotutzd: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:56
tzdkuroryuu: I'm trying to do as user "Greg T." suggested in this forum: http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=147a7b035316b88e9b54777cd374b017&t=772733&page=208:57
theFATMANjussi01: whats up, dude, hey, do any of those output xvid/mpeg4/avi? or is it all ogg?08:57
tzdjussi01: thanks again, will try out that bum package08:58
jussi01theFATMAN: not sure - but converting ogg is not really that hard08:58
Azzmodanhow do I tell kde to make firefox my default browser?08:59
theFATMANjussi01: i cant seem to find an app to do so08:59
jussi01mencoder should do it, vlc, avidemux just to name a few08:59
tzdAzzmodan: in system settings, default programs08:59
theFATMANjussi01: vlc? i didnt know that09:00
jussi01theFATMAN: yeah, vlc can trans code09:00
AzzmodanOh I just looked over that a couple times and missed it, thanks tzd09:00
tzdAzzmodan: I've missed that myself a few times hehe ;)09:00
kuroryuutzd: unless it's in system settings > advanced > login manager, I'm not sure kde has anything similar09:01
tzdkuroryuu: i don't think kde has... was told to try out the package bum which could help me09:02
kuroryuutzd: that looks like what you want09:03
tzdkuroryuu: I'm using bum now but it seems like all i can do is ticking which packages should be loaded etc. No 'real' modify options09:05
jussi01tzd: are you just looking to get something to autostart on boot?09:06
tony403anyone use VLC to watch tv? I'm tired of fooling with Mythtv and it's love for database errors09:06
jussi01!autostart | tzd09:06
nubotutzd: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html09:06
jussi01tony403: Ive been using tvtime09:06
jussi01work well09:07
tzdjussi01: no i get a lot of weird error messages regarding nm_dbus_init() on reboot and shutdown... Although I'm loooking into a thread right now that might have the solution09:07
tony403jussi01, have a PVR150, isn't supported by tvtime09:07
jussi01tzd: ahh09:07
jussi01tony403: ahhh... maybe have a go with kaffeine - Ive heard that is good09:07
tony403i just want tv, no channel info, no pvr, etc. anyone know a compatible app?09:08
jussi01!tv | tony40309:08
nubotutony403: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out09:08
tony403jussi01, thanks, good info09:08
=== mitch_ is now known as corinth
corinthHow do I change the kdm theme in kubuntu hardy?09:09
jussi01corinth: system settings - appearnce - kdm theme manager?09:10
corinthI dont' see it in there :-S09:10
jussi01corinth: hang on, you may have to install it09:11
se7enalt+f2 ... kcontrol corinth09:11
jussi01corinth: sudo aptitude install kdmtheme kde-kdm-themes09:12
jussi01corinth: then you will have it09:12
tzdjussi01: think i found a solution,although before trying it out i was hoping to understand what a certain parameter does. In the file /etc/init.d/halt I'm suppose to remove the '-i' parameter in the line: halt -d -f -i $poweroff $hddown . What exactly does the -i parameter please?09:12
corinthjussi01: Trying it, brb.09:12
sternatzd: man halt09:13
jussi01tzd: unfortunately I have no idea - see sterna's instructions09:13
tzdsterna: aah, nice thanks!09:13
corinthjussi01: Thanks a lot, that worked. :-)09:13
jussi01corinth: :)09:13
tzdjussi01: yep, will do... sorry for asking before trying!09:13
jussi01tzd: dontbe sorry - it was a valid question :)09:14
llutztzd: "man halt" look for "-i"09:14
llutzlinux-comment is most important on that option :)09:14
tzdllutz: yep, looking now, cheers! Also, thanks for yesterday with the fstab mounts via network issue... works like a charm :)09:14
llutztzd: did it finally work? fine09:15
=== mitch_ is now known as corinth
tzdllutz: yeah. It's one amazing experience having a network share :) Just wish I would have set one up earlier :)09:16
corinthHmm, how do I reconfigure kdm again? I installed kubuntu through apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, and I want to get to the screen where it asks you to select a default logon manager.09:16
tzdhmm, according to the man pages the parameter -i isn't really needed on linux systems... Why is it there on default then? Can't get my head around that09:17
kuroryuucorinth: sudo dpkg --reconfigure kdm09:17
corinthkuroryuu: It says that --reconfigure is an unknown option for dpkg09:18
jussi01tzd: perhaps it is _really_ needed on some systems09:18
tzdjussi01: ah ok. I'll give it a try without it and hopefully i won't need it :) Thanks again!09:19
kuroryuucorinth: sorry, --configure09:19
corinthdpkg: error processing kdm (--configure):09:20
corinth package kdm is already installed and configured09:20
corinthErrors were encountered while processing:09:20
llutzcorinth: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm09:20
kuroryuucorinth: apparently my memory is going, lol09:20
Dr_williskuroryuu,  they always say its the 2nd thing to go..... i forget the first however.09:21
kuroryuuDr_willis: lmao09:21
tzdI've always wondered which built in terminal text editor comes with kubuntu? I noticed vi works but for some reason it woul'd work as i was used to it.09:23
kuroryuutzd: try :set nocp09:23
flaccidtzd: pico. or install joe :)09:23
kuroryuutzd: or emacs :P09:23
Dr_willistzd,  the default vi - is either vim-tiny  (in older releases) or vim with  compatibility mode enabled.. You may want to edit/tweak/make your own vimrc config to set it to nocompatability mode and enable extra vim featreus09:24
llutzemacs = nice like a swiss-knife, just lacks a good editor09:24
tzdah nice, thanks for all suggestions! :) I've started to use the konsole a lot more now and now i understand why ppl choose that in front of the gui09:25
kuroryuullutz: bah, it edits just fine, faster for me to use emacs than vim :P09:25
flaccidyakuake + joe does all i need to do and is easy to use09:25
tzdpico looks just like nano :)09:26
llutzubuntu-like "nano" :)09:26
flaccidit pretty much is09:26
tzdah i see09:26
Dr_willisFor a default editor.. i think they could of picked somthing a little better then nano. :)09:26
Dr_willis!info mp09:26
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info mp, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi09:26
flaccidvi is not easy09:26
Dr_willisHmm - mp aint in the repos. :( i use it on puppylinux all the time09:26
Dr_willisvi is easy. :) its just people are trained for notepad.exe09:27
Dr_willismp is very similer to the old dos editor09:27
flaccidDr_willis: i disagree. they need simple shortcuts and an ncurses prompt..09:27
Dr_willisive had to explain to many a total noobie at work what '^w' means09:27
dxlsup pll09:27
dxli am new on here09:27
Dr_willisvi - Just learn it ! :)09:28
dxlis someone can help me ?09:28
Dr_willismp has a nice  set of 'menus'09:28
Dr_willisdxl,  and the issue is?09:28
dxli was wonder how can i install programs on kubuntu ?09:28
flaccideg. ctrl + x is more suited to newbies than vi to save and exit09:28
Dr_willishttp://www.monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/   dxl09:28
Dr_willisflaccid,  i wasent sayint replace nano with vi.. i am saying replace nano with mp wich is much easier.09:29
=== mitch_ is now known as corinth
tzdyeah i found vi easy when using it for my router config but here in kubuntu it won't work with my navigation arrows... the pico alternative was really nice and easy thoug :)09:29
Dr_willisvi is fairly easy to learn.. its just takes some thinking. :)  is my other point.09:29
dxlu kno abt xlink kai programs09:29
dxlu kno to play online on xbox09:29
flaccidno worries i will try that one out09:29
Dr_willistzd,  thats the Nocompatibility/compatiabilty setting we were referimng to.09:29
corinthTo get my wireless card to work, I have to run sudo modprobe ndiswrapper after each time I start my computer. Any way around this?09:30
Dr_willistzd,  the default is to be as identical to vi as possible. thus those keys dont work.09:30
flaccidyeah newbies dont wanna think :o09:30
Dr_willisflaccid,  people dont want to think... :)09:30
flaccid!ndiswrapper | corinth09:30
nubotucorinth: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:30
tzdDr_willis: ok. i tried the: set nocp option that kuroryuu told me but that didn't work i think09:30
Dr_williswindows has trained them to be that way09:30
flaccidDr_willis: you got that right09:30
Dr_willistzd,  i would bet you dident set it right.09:30
flaccidyeah that too..09:30
Dr_willistzd,  i set it in my default vimrc configs.  so its that way for everyone09:30
tzdDr_willis: i would bet that too :)09:30
Dr_willisi really need to reinstall ubuntu onthis box.. for some odd reason. its way way way sluggish  :( not sure what the deal is..its been a beta install upgraded over and over and over.. heh.09:32
flaccidcorinth: do kdesudo kate /etc/modules then add ndiswrapper on a new line09:32
kuroryuutzd: echo 'set nocompatible' >> ~/.vimrc09:32
kuroryuuthen run vi, should work09:32
dxlwhich ubuntu can open zip ? "tar.gz,rpm,yum" ?09:33
tzdkuroryuu: thanks, that did the trick :)09:33
kuroryuudxl: sudo apt-get install unzip09:33
kuroryuutzd: no problem :)09:33
flacciddxl: any09:34
dxlreally ?09:34
dxlwat different ?09:34
flaccidthey share same repos as well09:34
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yum, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi09:34
corinthflaccid: Thanks!09:34
flaccidyum is not a file format dxl09:34
flaccid!alien | dxl09:34
nubotudxl: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)09:34
tzdgot one more question... in bum i can see a few things taht starts up every time.. There's two packages related to laptops: apmd & laptopmode... since I'm on a desktop I should be able to untick them and not have them autostart right?09:35
Dr_willisyum is a front end to the rpm system i belive09:35
dxlwhy it is dangerous ?09:35
kuroryuutzd: yes, just powersaving features09:35
flacciddxl: its not native to the userland of ubuntu as its a debian system09:35
tzdkuroryuu: cool :)09:35
Dr_willisdxl,  becuse  you dont want to  mixx rpm's and deb's :) -- sort of like using 'metric' and 'standard' bolts on the same car.09:35
flaccidplus other reasons. alien can be handy but for more portable packages09:36
dxlso i just download tar.gz09:36
dxland how can i open it ?09:36
flacciddxl: ark09:36
flacciddxl: it always comes down to want you want to install, which is?09:36
dxlu kno09:36
dxlit require to have before you go any webpage09:36
flaccid!flash | dxl09:36
nubotudxl: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:36
Dr_willisFlash player is in the repos.. you dont need to mess with the tar.gz from  the flash homepage09:37
flacciddxl: apt is fine for that. adept is the gui frontend in this case which is what kubuntu is shipped with09:37
dxllook like alot people have ubuntu here09:37
flaccidits usually #1 on distro watch09:38
dxlu kno adept updater09:39
dxlso i have to update all of them ?09:40
jussi01you dant have to update anything, but its a good idea usually09:40
hyper__chhi, I just wonder why my screensaver/locking screen isn't working anymore... it worked for a long time and now the last two days it didn't anymore09:40
dxli am almost done with download09:42
dxlall update09:42
dxlnot bad for 25 mbps ;-)09:42
=== se7en__ is now known as lo--ol
theFATMANhow do i enable my headphones?!? worked fine in ubuntu, but i cant get it going in kubuntu, whats up?09:52
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about headphones, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi09:52
nubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:53
shaws4Hi all does any one know how to get tracker search working with kickoff in kde310:09
theFATMANmy window manager just crashed, how do i reload it?10:12
Dr_williswhich window manager was it?10:12
theFATMAN*without rebooting10:12
Dr_willisalt-f2  -> type its name10:12
Dr_williskwin --replace  , or similer name.10:12
theFATMANDr_willis:kde i believe?10:12
Dr_willisunless you mean kde4. then i have no idea :)10:13
theFATMANDr_willis:kde 310:13
Dr_williskwin --replace10:14
theFATMANDr_willis: alt+F2 isn't doing anything bro10:15
Dr_willisif you cant get to a shell to do anything.. well  time to restart X. You dont have to reboot. :)10:15
theFATMANDr_willis: where do I input kwin --replace?10:15
Dr_willisor try to run it from the console10:15
Dr_willisalt-f2 = the RUN PROGRAM dialog shortcut10:16
Letzehi all.10:16
theFATMANok i can goto run......10:16
LetzeLittele help for my work here!10:16
Dr_willisif it dontpop up a window - or dosent work.. well it may be time to restart X10:16
Dr_willisLetze,  oh?10:16
LetzeI have to wrte an article about kde4.110:16
kuroryuutheFATMAN: ctrl-alt-F1 will take you to a console, login, then do sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart10:16
Dr_willistheFATMAN,  does alt-f2 work? You just said it did.... if so enter 'kwin --replace' and  hit return10:17
Dr_williskuroryuu,  that will force X to reset also. :)10:17
theFATMANkuroryuu: thanks10:17
Letzei would to know when approx will be the kubuntu-kde4.1 packages available in the repository10:17
Dr_williseven quicker way - alt-ctrl-backspace --> restarts X right then and there. and should get you back to KDM login10:17
tzdanyone ever used synchronize folders in Krusader and can tell me which one is the target folder and which is the source folder please?10:18
nubotuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde410:18
Letzeoh, Dr_willis...i intended the 4.1beta...10:18
Dr_willisbest to check liek the factoid said -->  Support in #kubuntu-kde410:19
Dr_willisbest way to test the latest kde 4's seems to be to use one of the various live cds  out there that include it.10:20
Letzethankyou Dr_eillis10:21
Dr_willishttp://home.kde.org/~binner/kde-four-live/ has a suse based kde 4.1 live cd. :) lets see how well it runs in  virtualbox.10:22
Letzei've proved it, but i preferred kubuntu distribution...the article is on it10:23
shaws4is anyone still using kde3??10:23
* kuroryuu raises hand10:23
Dr_willisshaws4,  most of us are i imagine10:24
kuroryuubut with some kde4 software10:24
Letzebye all a nd thanks10:24
Dr_williskde4 is very much lacking in many ways still10:24
shaws4if so can anyone point me in the direction of using tracker with kickoff10:24
Dr_willisno idea on tracker or kickoff..10:25
shaws4Dr_willis  thats what i thought but everyones talking kde410:25
Dr_willisshaws4,  hype and glory. and dozens of people in here a day wondering why they cant do basic things in kde4.... :)10:27
Dr_willisso we send them to   #kubuntu-kde410:27
flaccidi use both10:27
shaws4looks good for when they complete it. :-) let hope sooner rather than later.10:30
flaccidshaws4, intrepid will be more stable with 4.1 then it gets better again from there in 4.210:31
flaccidjust remember a desktop environment is not an operating system and its sweet10:31
shaws4Yeah but i'm a newbie so cli is not for me and i'm constantly finding ew ways to do things the gui way10:32
flaccidyou don't need to go to cli if you use kde410:33
flaccidkde3 apps run10:33
shaws4so for ME any ways the desktop REPRESENTS 80% of the OS10:33
flaccidshaws4 well this is a desktop OS. so what does kde4 not have that you need?10:34
flaccidwhen you can run kde3 apps on it no problem10:35
shaws4kde 4 by itself doesn't have everything yet. So thats fine I'll wait till it does and go with it then.10:36
flaccidshaws4, yes totally agree there. just wondering for you what it is specifically thats missing?10:37
flaccidwe have only spoken in very general terms :)10:37
shaws4but mixing kde3 & 4 together doesn't do justice to the ideology and bueaty of kde410:37
flaccidshaws4, in what way exactly?10:38
flaccidthe difference in ui widget appearance can be very marginal. it thats far from saying kde4 doesn't have everything..10:38
Dr_williscanyou move widgets on the panel finally? :)10:39
shaws4I didn't upgrade to 4.1 so ican't say my views are upto the minute but from a fresh install on the kuuntu 8.04 it seamed to rely a ot on kde310:41
vinboywhats the best gmail notifier?10:41
Dr_willisdepends on your needs i guess. :)10:42
Dr_willis!find gmail10:42
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about find gmail, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi10:42
Dr_willisHmm. there used to beone in the repos.10:42
shaws4sorry I seemed to rely alot on kde3  :-)10:42
vinboywell.. what is popular?10:42
flaccidshaws4, seamed to? so you don't know basically10:44
kuroryuuvinboy: apt-cache search gmail |grep notif10:44
kuroryuuvinboy: pick one and try it out10:44
shaws4flaccid, i didn't do an indepth critique. I installed tried to set up the desktop how i wanted visually it crashed a few times. couldn't alter the clock fonts to MY liking. couldn't see some options that i can't remember, then uninstalled it so it didn't clutter my start menu. end of story.10:49
=== micky_ is now known as frybye
flaccidshaws4, no worries. thanks thats exactly what i wanted feedback wise. so stability and some crucial features, sweet..10:50
shaws4All the programs woked as they should. and i was impressed by the look. Plasmsa was the only thing to crash. but thats not really news.10:50
flaccidyeah cpu useage with plasmoids is a worry in that as well10:51
frybyeHi - I have just installed latest jre but when trying to install azureus it says i need to install jre.. does one have to activate or start the jre after installing?10:51
flaccidfrybye, which java package you install?10:51
shaws4flaccid, like i said it should be awesome when it's finished. Soon i hope.10:52
flaccidshaws4, well it is in production. but yes complete might be a better desc10:52
kuroryuufrybye: sudo update-java-alternatives -l will list what jres you have10:53
kuroryuufrybye: sudo update-java-alternatives -s <java-version> will set your default jre to one of the listed ones10:53
kuroryuufrybye: not sure if that will help or not10:54
shaws4Fully featured perhaps :-)10:54
frybyekuroryuu: sudo update-java-alternatives -l =  command not found  ??10:57
llutzsudo update-alternatives --config java10:57
kuroryuullutz: beat me to it :P10:58
frybye= no alternatives for java??10:59
frybyeeh - i dont think i have installed it at all - just unpacked or..?10:59
frybyethere is a folder for the java though..10:59
llutzfrybye: do you need java4? sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre     (or java6)11:01
frybyenot sure.. eh should i go for the 6??11:02
llutzfrybye: azureus has java6-jre in dependencies, so it already should be installed11:03
frybyebut the above commands did not find -any- java or..?11:03
llutzhow did you install azureus, from repos?11:04
frybyefrom a bz211:04
frybye-tried to install- it says need the java...11:04
kuroryuufrybye: sudo apt-get install azureus11:05
frybyeadept found no azeurus11:05
frybyeok i try that..11:05
llutzit's in universe (gutsy)11:05
kuroryuuspelling is tricky too, lol11:05
frybyeit seems to be getting jre6 right now..11:07
frybyeseems to be done .. i will go look for it..11:08
kuroryuuazureus is still 2.5 in ubuntu hardy? dang11:08
frybyeit has just updated to 1.8.311:09
Dr_willisazureus is in the repos? :) heh11:09
frybyeplugin that is..11:09
frybyeit says that port 64191 is closed.. eh what to do now??11:11
Dr_willisopen the port?11:11
kuroryuufrybye: set up port forwarding on your router is one option11:11
frybyeI will look in router setup to see what port is at the moment open for torrents.. hang on11:12
user5italian irc?11:12
frybyeremind me of the normal ip for the router.. eh or??11:13
llutz!it | user511:13
nubotuuser5: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:13
kuroryuufrybye: or
kuroryuuFreddy2: hello11:19
Freddy2how can i force apt-get to reinstall an already installed package?11:19
kuroryuuapt-get remove then apt-get install11:20
kuroryuuor in adept there's an option to reinstall11:20
Freddy2due to some problems with fglrx driver it seems that i broke libGL.so.1, but i can't remove mesa-libs11:20
Freddy2hmm i'll try in adept11:20
frybyekuroryuu: I found the router handbook it is no prob11:21
kuroryuufrybye: never seen a router with that address, lol11:21
kuroryuufrybye: at least not by default11:21
Freddy2fine, it seems there was a missing package11:24
frybyebe baack in aa bit c u al11:28
flaccidFreddy2, like apt-get install --reinstall packagename11:29
flaccid^^ thats a handy one anyway11:29
Freddy2ok, thx :)11:29
flaccidnp sir11:29
q4ahi all11:31
kuroryuuq4a: hello11:31
q4ahow to set default display manager to kdm (now kdm-kde4)11:31
kuroryuusudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm11:32
q4aok, i'll try11:32
q4akuroryuu, thx u very much - it works =)11:33
renatohi, I do not have  the getcwd command. what package should I download to get it?11:42
Freddy2is this a command? or a C function?11:43
Freddy2try pwd11:43
renatogetcwd = get current working directory11:43
Freddy2sure, try pwd11:43
renatoI cannot, it is part of a scaript installing ISPConfig11:44
flaccidsymlink it11:44
Freddy2or alias11:44
renatotrue, althought I do not know if the output is "exactly" the same, I guess the script parses the output afterwards11:45
flaccidwell thats a C function so not sure why it would call it in shell unless maybe csh is required. sure its not php asking for it?11:45
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
frybyeam i right in thinking that azureus and azureus-vuze are two different things or?11:59
frybyeis vuze just a plug-in for azureus..?11:59
frybyeI just installed azureus and was expecting the gui with loads of (legal-) films etc.. but..?12:00
Freddy2vuze is azureus312:00
frybyeoh shi* - hmmm - and it is not available for linux or what.. i mean java is java...12:01
frybyecan i update within the client??12:01
Freddy2i'd suggest you to keep using 2.x series12:01
bazhangfrybye, please keep it family friendly12:01
frybyebaz i thought that was harmless.. but as you wish..12:02
bazhangthanks frybye12:02
frybyefreedy.. the other thing does have its attractions...12:02
frybyeis there a way to migrate.. within 2. it said no update avail...12:03
Freddy2if you only want to download torrents and not to have a full-of-garbage-program.. keep with 2.x12:03
frybyefred... i get your point..12:03
Freddy22.x has probably been frozen12:03
frybyeI have used vuze on a windows pc and at some stage it did get a bit much..12:04
sternahas anyone else had the problem that after hitting alt-f2, the run command window pops up behind the window that currently has focus?12:09
ForsakenSoulhello I want to ask you a question ... If I update my OS via the net ... would my apps stop funcioning ... apps like merb or rails ... stuff like that12:09
ForsakenSouland .... my home dir is in a different partition ... all of my files would be there after the update right ?12:10
frybyebeam me up pal...heheh12:14
scott__how are you all12:15
frybyethis is not the general chat place though...12:15
frybyesee kub-off-topic hehe12:15
scott__stupid question any1 have halo312:15
frybyestupid answer - yeah - the halo3owners...12:15
nubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:24
q4ahi all12:30
q4ai'm trying to install kde4 from symantic - get error: kde4 dependens from kdenetwork-kde4 but it will not install .. dependens from kdeutils-kde4 but it will not install12:31
PhilRodq4a: what happens when you try to install just kdeutils-kde4 on its own?12:32
mauriciohi eveyone! I am thinking to update from 7.10 to 8.04, Do you have any advice?12:34
sigma_do a fresh install if you tweaked 7.10 alot12:34
sigma_saves alot of pain in the future12:34
sigma_and remember to backup important data12:35
mauriciosigma_: ok12:35
q4aPhilRod, it write kdeutils-kde4  dependens from superkaramba-kde4 but it will not install12:35
sigma_nosrednaekim: kde4.1? thought it was going to be available yesterday12:35
mauriciosigma_: thanks12:36
nosrednaekimsigma_: PM12:36
sigma_nosrednaekim: PM?12:36
mauriciosigma_: mmm kde 412:36
mauriciois not stable12:36
mauricioi prefer 3.512:36
sigma_mauricio: depends on the user hey, i love it12:37
mauriciosigma_: well it is nice12:37
mauriciobut we have some problems with eclipse12:38
mauricioour development environtment12:38
q4aPhilRod, it write kdeutils-kde4 dependens from superkaramba-kde4 but it will not install12:38
pim27th was beta release of 4.112:38
sigma_mauricio: only the plasma desktop has issues, other than that its A ok12:38
mauriciosigma_: good new12:39
mauriciosigma_: i will read more about12:40
q4ai want to install kde4, who can help me with it?12:40
simihi, can you suggest me a solution for free online file storage?i would like something that can be managed outside a beowser12:41
QuijoteYa llegué!12:41
QuijoteYa llegué!12:41
QuijoteYa llegué!12:41
mauriciosigma_: have you any link to read12:41
mauricioQuijote: where are you12:41
Quijotesorry, was an auto message12:42
mauricioQuijote: :)12:42
mauricioQuijote: hey!12:42
mauricioQuijote: where are you12:42
QuijoteIm from spain12:43
mauricioQuijote: maybe spain?12:43
sigma_mauricio: ars technica did a review on the 4.1 beta, it was pretty good12:43
Quijotedo you think I should change to Kubuntu?12:43
prince_jammysyes, you absolutely should12:44
ForsakenSoulhey I'm using Kubuntu 7.10 if I update to 8.04 stable would my packages be rendered as uncompatable and  my home dir is in a partition of it's own .. if I update it won't tamper with it right ?12:44
mauriciowell , sigma_  said that it is right12:44
mauriciotoday is rainning a lot12:44
nosrednaekimForsakenSoul: second is correct12:44
Quijotebut I dunno how to install any program, if I install it, I'll back here and ask you ok?¿12:45
mauriciomaybe I install it :)12:45
ForsakenSoulok would it bug my apps like sqlite3 rails or merb ?12:45
sigma_i said what is right?12:45
Freddy2Quijote: change to kubuntu, from.. ?12:45
prince_jammysdo it immediately12:45
Freddy2vaya, es la moda, no? xD12:45
mauriciosigma_:  kde $12:45
Quijoteanda, claro xD12:46
Freddy2well, you can try12:46
PhilRodq4a: well, keep chasing it until you find the package that's actually causing the problem. In fact, can you install *any* package at all?12:46
Quijoteone question12:46
Quijoteis Kubuntu able to use 2 connections in the same time?12:46
Quijote2 internet connections12:46
Freddy2both wired maybe?12:47
prince_jammysis fresh-installing Hardy preferred over upgrading from Gutsy? are there issues i should be aware of?12:47
bazhangQuijote, it is called ethernet bonding; yes but not easy to get going12:47
Quijotebazhang and do you have any tut?12:47
Quijotethis is the most important thing that I have to get one solution if I want to change to kubuntu12:48
Freddy2if you have 2 eth cards you can also try to establish a multipath routing scheme12:48
bazhangQuijote, the terms ubuntu gutsy (or hardy) ethernet bonding brings up a couple of links12:48
bazhangprince_jammys, sound and flash at the moment12:48
Quijoteok... I'll think about this, thanks12:49
prince_jammysbazhang: hm. maybe i'll wait, though i don't care about flash12:49
Freddy2or even make a source (or whatever rule that you want) routing with iptables + iproute12:49
Freddy2oops, out of time XD12:49
q4aPhilRod, yes, i can, for example now i've installed koffice-doc package..12:50
frybyeis there an app that will read test (after selecting it within a html-page for example..) over the speakers..?12:50
frybyee e e read TEXT...12:51
bazhang!info festival12:51
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info festival, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi12:51
prince_jammysi think so, yes. 'espeak' is one, and yeah, festival12:51
frybyewhich of the two should one go for.. ??12:51
frybyeand thanks for the info...12:52
prince_jammyswell, there's more than that, too, i think12:52
q4aPhilRod, nosrednaekim in #kubuntu-kde4 says that that package does not compile yet..12:52
nosrednaekimq4a: didn't say that :P12:53
nosrednaekimbut there could still be bugs12:53
q4asorry - my mistake..12:53
PhilRodfrybye: also, ktts from kdeaccessibility provides a kde frontend to festival12:53
q4ai like festival - it has good russian language =)12:56
frybyePhilRod: I have installed all that recommended stuff.. how to use?13:01
frybye- and or should I re-start first??13:01
PhilRodfrybye: rtfm, and no13:01
PhilRod(I haven't actually used ktts(d) very much, so I don't remember how to use it, but I'm fairly sure it has some docs)13:02
frybyephil - hmmm now the prob. F-ind-tfm..13:02
PhilRodkhelpcenter -> accessibility -> ktts13:02
nubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf13:02
zippo_could someone tell me howto change my "autostart" cuz everytime when im turnin on my PC i've got almost all aplications turnin on and its makin it slowin down13:11
zulfiqarlima oscar lima13:11
PhilRodzippo_: there are a couple of components to this. The one you're interested in is probably the session management: you can turn that off in systemsettings -> advanced -> session manager13:12
PhilRod"on login" -> "start with an empty session"13:12
PhilRodzippo_: there'll also be all the apps in your system tray, which will probably get restarted  on new session. You can probably tell each of those not to start on startup - just close each one, and you should get asked whether to start them on session start13:13
PhilRod(and for completeness, the third component is manually started apps, which you can configure by going to ~/.kde/share/autostart, or ~/.kde/env, but those probably aren't what you're interested in)13:14
TannKopete has been over loading my CPU and freezing my system. I was wondering if there is anyone else having this problem?13:16
zulfiqarAny easy way to install xubuntu from kubuntu?13:20
PhilRodTann: try turning off plugins until the problem goes away. First suspect is the statistics plugin13:20
flaccidzulfiqar, install the package xubuntu-desktop13:20
Tannok. I'll see13:20
zulfiqarSorry im new at this... Can i somehow mount the iso and run it from hdd?13:21
zulfiqarmy  CD-burner is not working...13:22
flaccid!iso | zulfiqar13:22
frybyePhilRod: hey thanks pal the ktts is working fine..13:22
nubotuzulfiqar: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:22
Tannzulfiqar: do you want to run kubuntu and xubuntu in the same system?13:23
Tannlike, install xubuntu in kubuntu?13:23
PhilRodfrybye: cool np :-)13:23
zulfiqarHere is the thing... i dumped XP because it was running too slow on my PC.. so i installed kubuntu but it is still quite slow.13:24
zulfiqari got a link from my friend to install xubuntu. So now i want to replace kubuntu with xubutnu13:24
frybyezulfiqar: have you simply got a slow pc...?13:25
jussi01!fluxbuntu | zulfiqar13:25
nubotuzulfiqar: fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/13:25
zulfiqarOld compaq from 1945... ;)13:25
frybyezulfiqar: switching operating system is not exactly going to upgrade your hardware i gues..13:25
Tannyou could always install "xubuntu-desktop" and set that as the default13:26
frybyeok but if the pc is just too lame for modern usage..?13:26
Tannzulfiqar: you could always install "xubuntu-desktop" and set that as the default13:27
flaccidyou don't know till you try. give fluxbox a go too13:27
zippo_philrod when ill check start with a clear session... i wont start with compiz and conky. do i?13:27
zulfiqarxubuntu iso download just finished.13:27
Tannzulfiqar: you can install xubuntu as a package13:28
zulfiqarthen remov kubuntu?13:29
flaccidnah only remove if you run out of space/need the space13:29
flaccidyour choice of course13:29
zulfiqarAgain.. im new at this... Do i use Adept to download the xubuntu package?13:30
nosrednaekimzulfiqar: yep.. that works13:30
prince_jammys'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop'13:30
prince_jammysor that13:31
zippo_sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop13:31
zippo_which way you'll choose thats your choice13:31
flaccidwell new users don't need to go to cli13:31
Tannzulfiqar: yeah. and then you can use 'sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop' if you want to remove kubuntu13:31
zippo_but you can purge it13:31
Tannyeah, that too13:32
zippo_sudo aptitude purge13:32
flaccidremoving doesn't delete config files in the packages13:32
zippo_yea purge "command" to remove sometin"13:32
zippo_purge do it xD (i heared about doin it)13:32
zippo_never checking13:32
Tannthen won't 'sudo apt-get autoremove -p kubuntu-desktop' do that then?13:33
zippo_man i heared from my mate which is not useing apt-get...just aptitude about this second one is better13:33
zulfiqarit says... "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock...13:33
flaccid!adeptfix | zulfiqar13:34
nubotuzulfiqar: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:34
zulfiqarunable to lock the adm dir ... is another process using it?13:34
zulfiqari got that after typing sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop13:35
Tannin a terminal put ' sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'13:35
zippo_hmm wait13:35
zippo_ill check13:35
Tannzulfiqar: did that work?13:36
zippo_i've got it in repos.13:36
zippo_with sudo it works13:36
zippo_but im useing aptitude13:36
zippo_not apt-get13:36
zippo_maybe that will take a diffrend13:36
zulfiqari just installed it using adept..13:37
zippo_try to sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop13:37
Tannthat works too ;)13:37
zulfiqari think it worked.. now what?13:37
zippo_who here got Kubuntu 8.04?13:37
Tannare you using adept installer?13:37
tekteenzippo_: me13:37
flaccid!adeptfix | zulfiqar bb555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff,f5005,0000000000000000000000000000000000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13:37
nubotuzulfiqar bb555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff,f5005,0000000000000000000000000000000000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:37
Tannno, zulfiqar:13:37
pr0ggiezippo_: i do13:37
zippo_ah sry;p13:37
Tannits k13:37
bazhangflaccid, what is that13:38
zippo_tekteen: could you tell me when ill change session to start with new... do i'll start with conky and compiz?13:38
zippo_pr0ggie if you could answer too13:38
zulfiqardont i have to "switch" to xubuntu before removing kubuntu? how can i remove while i am stilling running it?13:38
tekteenzulfiqar: logout13:39
tekteenzulfiqar: then when you log back in13:39
Tannzulfiqar: and change your session type to XFCE13:39
zippo_tekteen : dude13:39
zippo_tekteen: dude could you anwer13:39
tekteenTann: what Tann said13:39
tekteenzippo_: what Tann said13:40
zulfiqarait. see you in a bit.13:40
pr0ggieI've noticed cony appear for KDE413:40
Tannzulfiqar: k13:40
pr0ggieif you're switching from Gnome to KDE13:40
tekteenzippo_: do you know how to change sessions?13:40
pr0ggieand it's on session startup13:40
zippo_i know who to a lil bit13:41
zippo_but my question is13:41
tekteenpr0ggie: he is switching from kde to xfce13:41
zippo_system settings- >advanced ->session menager13:41
zippo_you know if got settet it at restore last session13:42
tekteenwhat about it?13:42
zippo_checked to start with a new session13:42
zippo_and do ill start with compiz and conky when im useing "start with a new session"?13:42
zippo_or i've have to do something?13:42
flaccid,444444444444444444444,,,,0000000000000000000,,,,,,,,hv h97ccccewc  rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr13:42
Tannzippo_: Kubuntu 8.04 right?13:42
Tannflaccid: WTH!13:43
zippo_Kubuntu 8.0413:43
flaccidmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm                                                                                    33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333313:43
bazhang!ops | flaccid13:43
nubotuflaccid: Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!13:43
zippo_Tann: you know howto do it?13:43
Tannzippo_: You should be able to go to Kmenu > Systems > Desktop Effects13:43
pr0ggiezippo_ for compiz in kde make sure you have the compiz-kde package installed13:44
zippo_pr0ggie: i do13:44
Tannpr0ggie: with kubuntu 8.04 it automatically does that13:44
zippo_tann: kmenu where it is?13:44
pr0ggieTann: I had to manually install it13:44
zippo_tann: i've been useing Ubuntu 8.04 gnome and i dunno :P13:45
pr0ggiezippo_ with a big K on the tool bar all the way left13:45
zippo_aye i got it13:45
Tannoh. lol13:45
tekteenzippo_: you want to make compiz auto start in kde?13:45
zippo_and'a what next?13:45
zippo_and'a conky13:46
tekteenzippo_: The best way to do that is to edit .profile13:46
Tanngo to Systme and then to Desktop effects13:46
zippo_tann: im in13:46
tekteenor listen to tann13:46
tekteenhe seems to know more13:46
zippo_tann: got it on custom effects, and i've got compiz engine installed.13:46
Tannok, now you can select your level, and i installed the package "compizconfig-settings-manager"13:48
zippo_Tann: yes i did it... got everything allright13:48
TannIf you select "Custom effects" you can use that program to manager your effects13:48
Tannok. cool :D13:48
zippo_Tann: My question is man "if i got in session menager setted to "start with a new session" do i'll start with compiz and conky or i have to do something?13:49
BluesKaj I see the numbers lock setting bug is still not fixed13:49
TannBluesKaj: it will automatically start compz. Do you mean konqueror by "conky"?13:49
Tanner, zippo_: it will automatically start compz. Do you mean konqueror by "conky"?13:49
zippo_Tann: conky that a light-weight system monitro13:50
zippo_Tann: conky that a light-weight system monitor13:50
zippo_Tann: :]13:50
Tannah. ok. ley me see13:50
zippo_Tann: type in google or somewhere13:50
tekteenzippo_: you know how to create a bash script?13:50
zippo_nah nope13:50
zippo_im somekinda newbie in linux xD13:50
tekteentoday is the day you learn13:51
arogarthdid anyone knows where it gives a fix for kmediafactory?? because i get blackscreens at the previews13:51
pr0ggiezippo_ a tip in KDE, if you logout with applications open, they usually autoload when you log back in.13:51
tekteenzippo_: I will make this as painless as possible13:51
Tannzippo_: You can always go to the session manager and select "Start from a saved session" and then save a session with just conky open and then it will start just that13:52
zippo_Tann: how to save a session?13:52
tekteenzippo_: instead of start with new session13:53
tekteenchoose start with manual session13:53
Tannzippo_: idk how to save a session with the kmenu. I use tasty menu13:53
Tannbut i'll see13:53
BluesKaj!Num Lock13:54
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Num Lock, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi13:54
nubotuTo enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock13:54
tekteenzippo_: open up konqueror13:55
zippo_dont have to :]13:55
zippo_its on kmenu13:55
zippo_ill turn of13:55
zippo_every apllication13:55
tekteenzippo_: and go to /home/whatever/.kde/Autostart13:55
zippo_i think ill find the way13:56
zippo_be right back man13:56
hazzyHi, i need help to install creative live 5.1. No sound - no fun :(13:56
hazzylcpi: Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS13:57
zippo_Tann: done it13:57
zippo_Tann: thanks for help13:58
Tannok, cool :D13:58
Tannno problem13:58
zippo_thanks everyone for help13:58
zippo_xxx you're guys are great13:58
zippo_takteen: thanks dude13:58
zippo_pr0ggie:  thanks for help  man xxx13:59
zippo_ok everyone cya i gotta go play World of Warcraft13:59
q4ahi all, dont somebody know, is there xsane irc channel??14:00
crackaddictmorning any one know where to download ubuntu themes14:00
prince_jammys!themes | crackaddict14:00
nubotucrackaddict: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:00
crackaddictthank you very very much14:00
nubotuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes14:00
federicoin spanish?14:01
nubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:01
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paule118closed the connection14:15
ahmedhi i have some file i encrypted them on my mobile with file encryption and nnow  i put them in my pc and i want to decrypt them so i need a file decrypt which is the best  app here14:20
Dr_willisahmed,  how/what did you use to encrypt them?14:21
ahmedan application call bestcrypto i used it on my sonyericson P1I14:22
ahmedDr_willis:an application call bestcrypto i used it on my sonyericson P1I it encrypt files14:22
Dr_willisahmed,  you might want to check with the program/docs/website as to how to decrypt them on a pc.14:22
Dr_willisahmed, I imagine theres 100+ ways one could encrypt a file. :)  proberly much more.14:23
ahmedDr_willis: do u mean when i enrypt file with an application i have to decrypt them with same app??  ok i have files i usually used them on my mobile and pc i have to encrypt and decrypt them here ot there is there any app work in both14:24
Dr_willisahmed,   given that theres a varity of ways to encrypt somthing.. how do you expect one app to be able to decrypt EVERYTHING14:25
Dr_willisits possible they are using some standard encryption scheme. like pim  mentioned. 'gpg'  or others.14:26
Dr_willisi would check the bestcrypto web site to see if they have a linux app.14:26
ahmedok could i try gpg to decrypt them?14:26
Dr_willisyou could try about anything you wanted. :)14:27
pimkgpg I think you'd want to use14:27
ahmedok i'll check the websit but i dont think they have pc app couse they work on mobile app only14:27
ahmedok let me try kgpg14:27
arogarthdoes nobod have a idea about kmediafactory???14:28
Dr_willissounds like a rather useless app then if its cell phone only14:28
pimkgpg is just a kde gpg tool14:28
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dvheumenhi! I'm setting up a very dark theme for my kubuntu installation, but how can I change the 2nd color of the alternating colors in i.e. a Konqueror file list?14:31
dvheumenbecause I now have 1 dark line, followed by a almost white line (on which the text is not at all readable)14:31
Dr_willisIve seen that in the kde color/theme settings. Not sure where exactly. :)14:32
ahmedDr_willis: how i use kgpg to decrypt i tryed right click i found encypt but didnt find decrypt14:33
Dr_willisahmed,  no idea. I dont use that tool.14:33
The_ManU_212when something important is running in konsole and x is crashing is that bad?14:33
The_ManU_212like an installation?14:33
Dr_willisThe_ManU_212,  X crashing is always bad. :)14:33
ahmedDr_willis: thanks for ur help anyone here used kgpg?14:34
tekteenahmed: I have not used it in a while14:34
Dr_willisahmed,  i imagine kgpg has some help docs.14:34
The_ManU_212Dr_willis: yes but this happens very very hardly14:34
dvheumenDr_willis: OMG! Thanks, It's just not in the clickable picture, but it is in the list. :O14:34
ahmedtekteen: i just wnat to how to decrypt file14:34
Dr_willisdvheumen,  i was about to mention that.. :) that dialog/color changeer is not very well done - the 'example picture' is not showing everything.14:35
tekteenahmed: right click on the file and say open with > gpg14:35
tekteenahmed: did that work?14:36
ahmedtekteen: decryption failed14:36
tekteenare you using the right key?14:36
ahmedtekteen:it did ask to enter the key14:37
crackaddictwhich packages do i need to install KDE enviroment ?14:37
tekteenmay it have been corrupted?14:37
tekteencrackaddict: kubuntu-desktop14:37
Dr_williscrackaddict,  unless you would rather have the kde4 desktop14:38
crackaddict....mmmmm is it still in beta14:38
tekteenahmed: do you have the correct secret key?14:38
tekteencrackaddict: no, officially14:38
ahmedtekteen: yes i have it but it didnt ask for it14:38
tekteencrackaddict: it still is at heart14:38
crackaddictis it any good cause i just want it for a another feature not to use all the time14:38
tekteenahmed: it should have it in its keychain14:38
ahmedwhat is crackaddect??14:39
tekteenahmed: another person I am talking to14:39
crackaddictwell whats different14:40
tekteenahmed: I do not know why the decryption failed14:40
ahmedtekteen: ok thanks for help i'll try14:40
tekteenahmed: is the secret key on your keychain (if it was generated on you computer answer yes)14:41
crackaddicttekteen: whats the good points of 414:41
ahmedtekteen: sorry i thought it is anoter app for encryption his nick name has crack14:41
tekteencrackaddict: new, new, cool looking, kde composite effects, ect14:41
crackaddicttekteen: which packegs do i need ofr it14:42
tekteenahmed: oh... lol14:42
ahmedtekteen: ididnt make any keychain i encrypted the file with pestcrypto on my mobile and now i want to decrypt it here didnt make any key chain how i make that14:42
tekteencrackaddict: for kde4?14:42
crackaddicttekteen: yesh14:43
tekteencrackaddict: kubuntu-kde4-desktop14:43
crackaddicttekteen: thanks14:43
tekteenahmed: does your mobile use pgp?14:44
tekteenahmed: or gpg?14:44
ahmedi dont know its P1I sonyericsson symbian UIQ314:44
tekteenahmed: they are probably incompatible kgpg only works with pgp compliant software14:45
frybyehi - in dolphin in my home directory there is a sub-directory which has a name starting with "." ie .azureus - a different directory is shown - that is azureus (with no "." in front) I can find stuff in this other directory with a search but dont see it in dolphin..14:45
tekteenahmed: It uses another type of encryption. sorry I can not help you14:45
jussi01frybye: view - show hidden files14:46
ahmedtekteen: ok man thanks for i have another question about Nvidia TNT/TNT2 model 64 does it support compiz fusion??14:46
ubuntu_i had installed kubuntu last week and tried installing windows on a different partition today.. the windows installation failed, but now it is not booting up kubuntu..14:48
ubuntu_how do i reinstall grub ?14:48
Lynet!grub | ubuntu_14:48
nubotuubuntu_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:49
ahmedi have another question about Nvidia TNT/TNT2 model 64 does it support compiz fusion??14:50
bazhangahmed, best ask that in #compiz-fusion14:50
ahmedbazhang: thanks man i went thre now14:51
STSXHow do I find the location of the icon for a program in my K menu? If I open menu editor and click the icon button of the program, it does not show me its location. And if I go into ~/.local/share/applications/ and look at its desktop file, the icon is just listed as "<program>.png"--no path. So how do I find it without doing a search?14:54
frybyeHi - how do I assigne a particular app as standard for a particualar file-ending.. in the sys-settings/standard programmes there seems to be no entrys at all or way to change .. it is just empty..14:57
frybyeI refer here to the kde gui...14:57
STSXfrybye: One way you can do it is right-click the file with particular suffix, select "Open with..." and after selecting the app you can check "remember application associated with this file type".15:02
tininHi, where do I enable compiz in kubuntu?15:06
DreadKnightkwin ftw15:06
nubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion15:06
tininwhat's the name of program15:06
frybyeok stsx - I have a different more pressing prob. right now - vlc med plyr has -frozen- how do I kill an application or process to close it down??15:06
Dr_willis_compiz --replace   > is the command. You may want to install the fusion-icon tool. for a system tray icon to controll it.15:06
DreadKnighttinin: check out applications/system/desktop effects15:06
frybyerelated to that- if I stop a azureus torrent-download - and shut down the pc - can it restart where left off??15:07
STSXfrybye: an easy way is "sudo xkill" and then click on the window of the application you want to kill.15:07
frybyethanks stsx15:07
Dr_willis_frybye,  torrents can resume.. thats  a feature of all torrents. :)15:07
DreadKnightfrybye: a nice way to close stuff up is pressing ctrl + Esc and choose which app to kill15:08
tininI mean , there's a gui to enable compiz un kubuntu, i just can't find it, it is not on my menu. I need to know the name to invoke it and to add it again to my menu15:08
Dr_willis_tinin,  not under  -->    applications/system/desktop effects  ?15:09
tinincould you please give me the name of the command to launch that application?15:09
The_ManU_212Dr_willis_: so a crash of x can destroy my system when important things are running?15:09
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DreadKnighttinin: you are running kde4 and don't have kde3 or what?15:10
Dr_willis_The_ManU_212,  depends on the crash. Linux is very stable/strong in the stuff.. but if you have a major crash on ANY OS while some very critical things are going on.. bad things could happen.15:10
frybyeDreadKnight: that did it - tks...15:10
tininI just messed up with the menus15:10
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Dr_willis_tinin,  you mean the 'ccsm' tool?15:11
DreadKnighttinin: sudo apt-get install desktop-effects-kde415:11
DreadKnightbut i've asked you something else..15:11
tininanayway, not a problem, thanx. tomorrow I'll be using kde4.1b with it's desktop effects15:11
The_ManU_212Dr_willis_: thought about that a process started in konsole is running independed on another layer, or crashes it also when x crashes?15:12
tininsurely they willl integrate better than compiz with kde15:12
DreadKnighti'm on 4.1b right now xD15:12
tininDreadKnight packages?15:12
Dr_willis_The_ManU_212,  dependign on the ap. if X crashes, it in theory closes down all apps spawned by the X session.15:12
DreadKnighttinin: from the ppa; but still incomplete/having installation issue; i advice you to wait a bit more xD not like me heh15:13
Dr_willis_The_ManU_212,  an console command running in a 'screen' session should survive :)15:13
tzddoes smplayer work well in kubuntu? Anyone with experience as well as experience with kaffeine? Which one is preferable please?15:13
tininDreadKnight, what's the main problem?15:13
tininI've been waiting for them15:13
Dr_willis_tzd,  use what you like. :)15:13
The_ManU_212Dr_willis_: ok thx, so all importnat things (which i only make in a terminal) should survive?15:14
DreadKnighttinin: i had to uninstall ksmserver so i can install 4.1b, so now i don't have a GUI / log in screen :-)15:14
Dr_willis_The_ManU_212,  if you want to be paranoid about it learn to use 'screen' in terminal sessions15:14
DreadKnightstartx ftw :-)15:14
tzdDr_willis_: i suppose i should try it out :) I've been using kaffeine and vlc but now with a fresh install i'd thought i'd try something new :)15:14
Dr_willis_tzd,  i tend to use mplayer/gmplayer15:14
tininsmplayer  rules15:15
tzdDr_willis_: mmm mplayer is really good with wmv compared to kaffeine which doesn't handle it well.. at least not on my computer15:15
tzdtinin: you use smplayer for every fileformat without issues?15:15
tininno, I use the media player connectivity addon for firefox15:16
tininand I use vlc/smplayer15:16
tzdah ok15:16
DreadKnightwooohooo i have sound in dragonplayer after months xD...15:16
tzdseems like vlc and smplayer are very similar?15:16
DreadKnightdragonplayer ftw :-)15:16
tzdhaha "after months".. :)15:17
tininI will wait for more stable packages, but where's the PPA? DreadKnight15:17
tzdi don't dare to try that one DreadKnight :)15:17
DreadKnightit seems i had an issue in dragonplayer, perhaps i needed to delete the old settings files long ago15:17
DreadKnighttinin: yeah, the one used before to get the kde4 alpha/beta etc :-)15:18
tiningmplayer and smplayer use mplayer. vlc uses vlc, and kaffeine uses xine, i think15:18
milvlc plays most formats with ease15:19
frybyewhat is a video with file-ending *.mkv - dont seem to be able to play it??15:19
milits my first choice in both windows and ubuntu kubuntu for playing all file formats15:19
tininit is quik and fast15:20
Dr_willis_frybye,   normally its more imporntant as to the codec the video is done in. not the file extenson. and yes. mkv is a video conatiner that has some neat features. vlc and mplayer should be able to play it if the right codeces are installed.15:21
nubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.15:21
crackaddictwhats the get wine command15:21
Pennycooksudo apt-get install wine15:21
DreadKnightcrackaddict: sudo apt-get install wine15:21
Dr_willis_try typing 'wine' and see. :)15:22
crackaddictthought theyd by a version number15:22
mdrwhat is 'smplayer'15:25
pimTry google15:25
crackaddict....mmm trying to install generals15:25
frybyeDr_willis_: when i try to open the .mkv file with vlc my problem is that in the "open file" window there is no way to "show hidden directories"??15:25
mdri searched for "smplayer in synaptic and nothing came up15:25
pimI told you: google has it.15:26
frybyeDr_willis_: ..and the file is in a hidden directoy..15:26
frybyehmmm drag and drop or..?15:26
frybyeah - damn it .. the slider just runs to the right but no video or sound..15:27
crackaddicthow do i get wine to run the cd15:29
pimyou could use the console15:29
Dr_willis_frybye,  just type in the path?15:29
pimgo to the directory with the setup15:29
pimand type15:29
pimwine setup15:29
Ptit_NicoHello :)15:30
crackaddictpim: just as that15:30
crackaddictyeah the wine setup command isnt working15:31
crackaddictauto promtp says acess denied .... how do i get access15:33
frybyeDr in the dir with the film there was another small file - I think it is some windows related key or similar - ??15:33
frybyehave deleted it now - forget it.. hehe15:34
Ptit_NicoJust a tiny question : is there any bug repport about ejection about USB key ? i got some problem with it15:36
Ptit_Nicothe problem is in the live CD 8.04 and some friend running Kubuntu got the same problem15:37
Dr_willis_what is this problem?15:38
* Dr_willis_ recalls telling a guy at work to be ready to 'catch' his usb thumb drive - when he used the "Eject" menu item on it.. 15:40
Ptit_Nicowell, when you plug an USB key the device work fine, you can work on it, when you umount it it s ok too. but when you want to eject him you cannot15:40
Ptit_Nicoin feisty it was easy to just eject a simple USB device15:40
Dr_willis_if its unmounted.  its done. what more do ya want?15:40
chev_cheliospower off the device?15:41
Ptit_Nicothe problem come with an ipiod for exemple15:41
Dr_willis_last i looked eject did a unmount, then a some other command to cause the cd tray to open.15:41
Ptit_Nicofor unplug the ipod you have to eject it before15:41
chev_cheliosthe devices in ubuntu now unmount, but they do not power off like they did before15:41
Ptit_Nicoits just weird because all was running fine in feisty15:42
chev_cheliosthe light on my usb stick lights on even when i unmount it, in feisty it did not15:42
Ptit_Nicochev_chelios:  true15:42
chev_cheliosPtit_Nico: i am with you on this one.15:42
Ptit_Nicobtw we can just unplug it but for an ipod it s uncool :/15:43
Ptit_Nicoit can be an electrical problem too if you do like that :(15:43
Dr_willis_ive herd about some usb gizmos not turning off their lights when unmounted. not sure what thats about.  Not like Unmounting somthing removes the power.15:43
chev_cheliosi have to wait for the light to stop blinking, and pary every time that usb is not going to be burned:)15:43
Dr_willis_if its not mounted.. its done.. shouldent be any issues.15:44
chev_cheliosin windows xp, the device powers off, and in feisty powers off, in hardy noooo :-\15:44
druany one know about adding networkubuntu repositories to kubuntu?15:44
Dr_willis_ive never noticed it powering off in any of the os's15:45
Dr_willis_may depend on the exact gizmo15:45
Dr_willis_Ones I got only have a 'access' light I guess. blinks when its being read/written to15:45
chev_cheliosand in other new linuxes, doesn't power off, it has something to do with kernel. that is my guess, it is the same problem in every new distro.15:45
Dr_willis_dru,  what repository?15:45
Dr_willis_chev_chelios,  if its actually a problem. :)15:46
chev_cheliosi am talking about the same device.15:46
Ptit_NicoDr_willis_:  yes it is15:46
chev_cheliosi do not think it is a problem,15:46
Ptit_Nicofor my ipod it is15:46
BluesKajdru, Open Adept Package Manager, On the menu of that screen click on Adept -> Manage Repositories, click the Kubuntu Software tab, check all the boxes "X".The same goes for the Third Party Software tab. Close,and then in the terminal type " sudo apt-get update ".Now, you have more sources for applications other than the defaults that came with Kubuntu.15:46
Dr_willis_its possible its some changes to the scsi/usb stuff.15:46
chev_cheliosi just do not want to find my usb with me precious data burned:)15:46
Ptit_Nicoand we can dommage the USB port too :/15:47
Dr_willis_check the forums i guess. see if any one else has seen similer issues.    Ive never seen/herd of any being damaged..  but with ipods.. no idea.15:47
Ptit_NicoDr_willis_:  thxs15:47
Dr_willis_i imagine theres proberly an iPOD forum :) on the ubuntu sites.. heh .. wouldent suprise me15:48
Dr_willis_well bbl.. gotta do a reinstall.15:49
druas far as i can tell nubuntu is another dist to kubuntu .....its got some auditing tools and basic stuff... so id like to add the repo to my apt sources list.... however seeing that its not supported by *canaconal( dru thinks thats spelt right)....im having trouble actually finding the repo address....any ideas?15:49
crackaddicttekteen: how do i specifie to use GDM15:50
Ptit_Nicochev_chelios:  im glad to find another people with the same problem :)15:50
druthanks BluesKaj15:50
chev_cheliosPtit_Nico: i recon this is not a problem, just some little glich in the kernel modules...15:50
BluesKajdru, what desktop environment does nubuntu use ?15:52
crackaddictany one know how to change my desktop thingy to use GDM15:52
NekosolTeraDyneLooks like nUbuntu uses Fluxbox15:53
drui think it uses gnome....i havnt got the live ccd just yet so im not sure....but i gave the gnome core part(well i could add it if i really want to )....the thing about it that it uses deb instead of *slax or whatever (rpm) that bt3 uses....so it would be better then doing it the way of all slax....converting a rpm to tar.gz then taring to deb.15:55
NekosolTeraDynedru: judging from the screenshots in the link I put up, it's Fluxbox15:55
druyeah flux box shouldnt be an issue... i could use it instead of the standard kde...right yeah hmmm...maybe they have a nubuntu room where i can ask15:56
NekosolTeraDyneTry joining #nubuntu15:57
BluesKajdru , the deb repositories are much more reliable and stable both terms of updated packages and installation , especially package management of dependencies .15:57
druyeah thats really true slapt-get just dosnt work :D15:58
dru #nubuntu16:02
dru3 peeps16:02
Dr_WillisPopular! :)16:02
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nubuntu, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi16:08
druwho thinks using a *nubuntu cd ...with the cd repository added....may add an upgradeable option to a current hardy system16:17
drualternativly ....just the repository16:18
crackaddictany one know how to change boot logo to ubuntu from kubuntu16:19
crackaddict(orignal install was ubuntu)16:19
drucrackaddict: are you talking about the login / flash screen?16:20
druyou need to *get it16:20
crackaddicti have it on the system16:21
crackaddictdru: i installed ubunutu and then installed kubuntu desktop and im being really picky and wanting the splash screen to be ubuntu16:21
druyou apt-get ed your kubuntu system .....then yeah have you removed all the gnome packages... that can be quite painfull16:21
crackaddictreally .....16:22
crackaddicti thoguht it would have kepted them all16:22
crackaddictdo i need to apt get ubuntu now ?16:22
crackaddictor can i repair ...? keep settings and themes16:23
crsIs there any repo with testing opera?16:23
NekosolTeraDynedru: "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" just installs the Kubuntu desktop. It doesn't get rid of Gnome.16:24
crackaddictwhy has it changed the splash screen to kubuntu then ?16:24
druubuntu is just a dist...it uses alternative desktops for the fun or ease of using ...you probly had gnome with ubuntu now you have kde...and you want all those extra gnome packs to dissapear...thats the part that you need to look for ...then keep your flash screen by keeping the gnome core installed16:24
NekosolTeraDynecrackaddict: That's because kubuntu-desktop installed a usplash that replaced the normal one. Hold on, I'll see if I can find the name of the ubuntu usplash package16:25
crackaddicti got the command thanks anyway16:26
drueven so apt-get install kubuntu-desktop....only installs the needed packages... however theres a huge conflict on the system cause gnome wass there first ... so if you want a pure kde ubuntu then you will have to find each and every last little package.....its not as easy as apt-get remove gnome-desktop16:27
drubut in the end just find that huge list of "removes" and leave out the flash screen16:27
PennycookWhat about sudo aptitude purge gnome-desktop16:29
CPrgmSwR2Can someone help me with this apt-get issue -> http://rafb.net/p/XKyoaE22.html16:30
crackaddictany one know how to change autopropmt permissions for loading game discs16:30
wastrelgnome-desktop is a metapackage and will be removed but the dependencies it pulled down with it will remain.16:30
pag!purekde | dru16:30
nubotudru: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »16:30
crackaddict“sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so“ and then choose the ubuntu boot logo, then do ”sudo update-initramfs -u”16:31
CPrgmSwR2apt-get is producing erros when trying to update16:33
jaakkomehmh, I can't get the wlan to work on my laptop16:34
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haryonomay I join pls16:34
jaakkomelspci does list the controller16:35
haryonoI need hell Im newbie in Kubuntu16:35
Ptit_NicoHello again all16:35
haryonoI need Help16:35
haryonoHelp me pls16:35
CPrgmSwR2haryono: can I give you hell?16:35
haryonoHelp not Hell16:35
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  just explain16:35
jaakkomebut I can't activate it at system settings > network settings16:35
Pennycookjaakkome: When I had trouble with my wireless, this HowTo was really helpful: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo16:36
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about syslog, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi16:36
crackaddictany oen know how to grant current user in the session sorta super user or admin rights16:36
haryonoIm just new user of Kubuntu..How to turn my webcam on Kubuntu  YM Chat?16:36
Ptit_Nicoif U red me before with my USB device i found the solution : sudo apt-get install pmount16:36
haryonoNico Can yiou fix my peoblem16:36
CPrgmSwR2I need help too btw16:37
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  did you read the wiki before ?16:37
haryonowhat wiki?16:37
druCPrgmSwR2: can you give a reboot a shot then retry  apt-get update16:37
haryonodru u speak to me?16:38
CPrgmSwR2dru: okay thnx, well do, brb16:38
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  clic here  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ16:38
druharyono: pidgin is a bit fussy when it comes to webcam protocolls16:38
haryonoI eed help to use my Zc0301 Webcam driver with YM cHAT16:38
druare you using yahoo messenger haryono=?16:39
haryonoyes dru is it problem?16:39
haryonocan i use Zc0301 Webcam friver to install webcam in Kubuntu?16:40
druharyono: or are you using the yahoo id to chat on the yahoo network ....yahoo messenger or maybe pidgin or gaim or kopete?16:40
Ptit_Nicothere is a yahoo messenger client for Linux ? O_o16:40
haryonoin Kopete if its possible16:40
haryonodru may i use YM in Kubuntu for chat with webcam ?16:41
drusorry haryono, theres a big problem right there since kopete dosnt like to support that protocoll16:41
haryonoso how can i use my webcam in kubuntu then..?16:42
adz21ckopete can do yahoo webcams, i don't think so in kde4 but kde3 yes16:42
haryonotell me pls16:42
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  sudo apt-get install xawtv16:42
CPrgmSwR2dru: no luck16:42
haryonohow to install sudo?16:42
Ptit_Nicothen you can try it16:42
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  press atl + F216:42
haryonoNico how to install sudo?16:42
dru....im not the athorit matter but it seems that to the protocoll there is an issue since kopete isnt yahoo messenger16:43
Ptit_Nicoyou will see a dialog box type inside : konsole16:43
Ptit_Nicothen type in konsole :16:43
Ptit_Nicosudo apt-get install xawtv16:43
haryonook i see a dialog now16:43
adz21cdru: no but the yahoo support is ok, it doesn't support everything, but chat, emotes, webcam work16:43
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  read before ;)16:43
adz21cdru: and file transfers16:44
druwhoa that too ?16:44
CPrgmSwR2Well there is a package update issue currently for hardy16:44
adz21cdru: only issue i have is every so often it kicks me off and logs me back on when i am infactive, in like space of a few seconds ... odness lol16:44
haryonoso i type sudo apt-get install xawtv ...then klik?Nico?16:45
druCPrgmSwR2: you may also want to give your sources lists an update16:45
drulemme see16:46
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  did U type the command ?16:46
haryonoNico I hve typr that command in the dialog box so i klik it now?16:46
CPrgmSwR2dru: I have16:46
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  juste press "Enter" when you had type sudo apt-get install xawtv16:47
haryonoNico after i type the command should I klik run...?16:47
Ptit_Nico(it s quiet simple)16:47
haryonook i enter now16:47
haryonoNico after enter then ..no response ?16:48
druCPrgmSwR2: can you apt-get install *anypackage ?16:48
haryonoI sit ok if i run aUDIO cd NOW ?16:49
CPrgmSwR2No and I cannot remove any package16:49
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  did you saw xawtv install process in console ?16:49
frybyein amarok - how does one revert to normal window from full-screen? (The usual stuff I have tried...?)16:49
haryonoNico i didnt saw it..is it ok to run Audio Cd while doing all of this?16:49
frybyewith visualisations i mean... :)16:49
CPrgmSwR2dru: btw - my alt+f2 is no longer working16:50
CPrgmSwR2is there a way to reverse a last update16:50
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  yes linux is powerfull with multi task, you can read an audio cd and install some stuff :)16:50
haryonoNico should i press alt n F2 once more?16:51
Ptit_Nicowhy ?16:51
haryonocause no response after i enter that command before16:52
KuwangerWhat is necessary to setup a device for automount?16:52
frybyeanybody got a clue on closing the full-screen visualisation on amarok???16:52
frybyeesc dosent do it..16:52
frybyeright mouse click does nothing .. and???16:52
haryonoNico after i type the command at the console dialog box no response16:52
Ptit_Nicoi dont know16:52
Ptit_Nicobut how did you manage to install Kubuntu if you seems so disturb by Linux16:53
haryonoPtit Nico..? u still there?16:53
Ptit_Nicoi will try again to help you but you have to help yourself before16:54
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  what s your problem ?16:54
haryonoi try to learn kubuntu cause i want a freesorce16:54
Ptit_Nicothats a good point16:54
druCPrgmSwR2: ....can you check your apt/source.list16:54
haryonoNiCO my problem is to run webcam in kubuntu16:55
Ptit_Nicook, is it the first time you use Linux ? or Kubuntu ?16:55
haryonoPtit Nico yes is just 2 days installed16:56
Ptit_Nicook, you seems to be to impatient in my humble opinion16:56
Ptit_Nicoand Linux will be soon boring for you if you want to to go to faster16:56
KuwangerI guess my more general question is, what system is used for mounting removable media automatically?16:56
haryonoPtit Nico give mea clue next..16:56
Ptit_Nicoyou have to learn by yourself, by reading wiki and documentation16:57
Ptit_Nicoand be patient16:57
haryonoPtit Nico..just a simple guide from u how to run webcam in kubuntu pls16:57
Ptit_Nicook ok16:57
CPrgmSwR2dru: what is source.list suppose to be located16:58
Ptit_Nicobut imho you have to learn step by step16:58
CPrgmSwR2dru: what = where16:58
Ptit_NicoCPrgmSwR2:  /etc/apt/source.list16:58
frybyehow do I change the picture frequency on a nvidia grafic card...??16:58
CPrgmSwR2btw its sources.list16:58
NickPrestasources.list, not source.list16:59
haryonoPtit Nico Ok nIco Thanz..I open help Ubuntu easy cam now..16:59
Ptit_Nicoyep sorry :)16:59
Ptit_Nicoharyono:  i got to go but remember : step by step ;)16:59
Ptit_NicoBye all :)16:59
haryonoPtit Nico Thanks Mny n Great16:59
CPrgmSwR2dru: here is my sources.list http://rafb.net/p/cMcKTk81.html17:01
sigma_how do i install all the deb files in a folder with dpkg -i?17:04
Kuwangersigma_: for f in *.deb; do dpkg -i "$f"; done ?17:05
sigma_nixternal: close but not there yet:) the apps kind of work but the desktop has huge dependency problems, good try though, now i see why its taking you so long17:05
sigma_Kuwanger: do I need the $ sign?17:09
CPrgmSwR2dru: I may have resolved the issue17:09
Kuwangersigma_: Yea.17:09
Kuwangersigma_: I don't know dpkg's format for -i, though.17:09
Kuwangersigma_: Looking at man dpkg, it'd seem "dpkg -i *.deb" would work.17:10
sigma_Kuwanger: say i want to install all the packages in /home/sigma/package what would the command be?17:10
Kuwangersigma_: I think, "dpkg -i /home/sigma/package/*.deb"17:10
ActionParsniphey all17:11
ActionParsnipis it possible to have the terminal show *s when I type my passowrd to authorise gksudo / sudo commands17:12
sigma_Kuwanger: thanks it worked, i need to make a note of that command17:12
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nixternalsigma_: the reason it is broke is because it isn't complete17:14
nixternalworking on dep issues, which I don't see now when I update17:14
haryonoAny one can help me fix my problem?17:16
ActionParsnipharyono: what is it?17:17
haryonoAction I want a simple guide to run my Zc0301 webcam driver in kubuntu17:18
nubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:18
mrksbrdharyono there u go try those 2 links17:19
ActionParsnipharyono: http://blog.myfenris.net/?p=37717:19
ActionParsnipharyono: its a simple module install17:19
haryonoAction thanks action Itry17:20
sigma__nixternal: sorry there i got disconnected. so when are you expecting to release it, also i didnt see kontact in that ppa, will it be in the repo?17:21
ActionParsnipharyono: try tab autocompleting names dude ;)17:22
nixternalsigma__: hopefully within the next day or so...there are just so many changes between 4.0.x and 4.0.80 that getting them completed quickly is impossible17:22
nixternalas for the apps such as kdepim, you won't see those until I have the kdebase* stuff straightened out17:22
nixternalI am not to worried about applications right now17:22
sigma__nixternal: maybe i should just wait for the final one, the beta sounds really dodgy! i thought it would just build on the 4.0.x series17:23
sigma__is there any standalone program that i can use on windows to download deb files from a repo that I can later install on my pc?17:24
ActionParsnipsigma__: you could download it with your browser,just browse to the location, right click and save the file17:25
nixternalsigma__: would be impossible to build totally on the 4.0.x series because of the major api changes...plus merging between the 4.0.4 and the intrepid 4.0.80 packages take a bit of work17:26
sigma__ActionParsnip: not when you're downloading about 100 debs!17:27
ActionParsnipsigma__: download the folder too then, why cant you do it from the intended system?17:28
NickPrestasigma__, you can use Firefox and a download manager (like Download Them All) to select all debs on the page for download17:28
sigma__nixternal: fair enough, guess i should just wait for the final release, tell me something - how do bug fixes in the 4.0.x series get carried over to 4.1?17:28
sigma__Nickpresta: yeah but they arent in one folder in the ppa17:29
nixternalsigma__: depends on if the bug is still present in 4.117:29
LolKitteh_hi guys, I'm trying to install 8.04, could you please tell me what is the min space required? I'm doing install using manual partitioning, not asked what I want to install17:30
nixternalwhen I go through the bugs on LP for KDE 4 packages, I see if I can reproduce in my trunk build...if I can't reproduce or find the bug upstream, I note that in the report that is is possibly already fixed upstream, and then keep an eye on it17:30
NickPrestasigma__, ah. You could use wget. something like: wget -r --accept=deb /path/to/ppa17:30
sigma__nixternal: interesting, always wondered how it worked17:31
sigma__NickPresta: wget on windows?17:32
sigma__ah crap its back to kde, it looks so ugly coming from kde417:32
NickPrestasigma__, http://www.christopherlewis.com/WGet/WGetFiles.htm17:33
LolKitteh_looks like I'm back on trying to find my answer on google then17:35
sigma__NickPresta: thanks, that should work, at least i hope it does17:35
RurouniJonesLolKitteh_: Need more details17:35
RurouniJonesWhat are you installing, just the base? commandline? Full install with loads of applications17:36
ActionParsnipLolKitteh_: it depends on your needs17:36
LolKitteh_sure, thanks for taking the time RurouniJones17:36
cpk1LolKitteh_: there are about 4 different 8.04 installs you could be doing17:36
LolKitteh_I know it's not with kde417:36
mrksbrdLolkitteh: goto have 976 for swap partition and about 1.5 for the ext 3 partition, but if u want to have any storage I would have @ least 10 gb set for the ext partition17:36
ActionParsnipLolKitteh_: if its a basic dektop use (we / chat) rig then about 4Gb for / is enough17:36
ActionParsnipLolKitteh_: whats the system gonna be usd for17:37
LolKitteh_I'm just asking how much is needed for default install - I've got 5Gb and Kubuntu install is telling me that I don't have enough space on that partition17:38
LolKitteh_(it had kubuntu from last year on it so far)17:38
ActionParsnipLolKitteh_: is the partition empty?17:38
cpk1LolKitteh_: I have a server install running off a 3 gig hard drive17:38
LolKitteh_ok thanks ActionParsnip cpk1 I'm going to make sure it's cleaned up17:39
LolKitteh_many thanks, just wanted to know that it's an issue on my side, and not because KUb needs more17:39
cpk1LolKitteh_: could always try installing from the server cd and then adding kubuntu?17:39
LolKitteh_I'm using desktop version though, does this still stand? kubuntu-8.04-dvd-i386.iso17:40
Maskahello, i am configuring KPF (KDE Personal File Server) with my router and Dyndns i need someone to test my adress and tell me if it's work form the outside17:40
NickPrestaMaska, okay.17:40
Maskaok thank you  :)  http://maska.dontexist.com:8001/17:40
NickPrestaAppears to work for me. Congratulations :)17:41
LolKitteh_Thank you guys, I'm going to check that the partition gets reformated - let's hope it's just that. :-)17:41
RurouniJonesLolKitteh_: The desktop install needs about 4GB, the server install needs about 1 GB17:41
MaskaNickPresta: ahhh great after 24h of configuration ^___^! thx17:41
LolKitteh_ok, thank you very much RurouniJones - I may be in trouble then - may have to rearrange my drive17:42
RurouniJonesI think you can pare the install down to 2 gigs17:44
RurouniJonesBut I am running off numbers on the ubuntu site so I am not 10% sure personally17:44
jaakkomeugh, can somebody help me with the wlan on my laptop?17:48
jaakkomeit's not working and I don't know where to start trying to fix it .)17:48
jaakkomeMy wireless on this desktop works fine though17:49
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jaakkomeI cannot enable the wlan0 interface from the KDE control module17:52
nubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:54
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crackaddicthow do you change to super user17:55
frybyehow to install skype- deb on a x64 system??17:56
NickPresta!sudo | crackaddict17:56
nubotucrackaddict: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.17:56
crackaddictneed it in gui17:56
NickPrestacrackaddict, kdesudo17:57
NickPresta!kdesudo > crackaddict17:57
NickPrestafrybye, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype#head-6c3cbecd1f1ecd4388bde1462ee364bb57e4533b17:58
thisisprateekwhenever windows gets a sucky bad shutdown (courtesy: BSOD), kubuntu unmounts all partitons..i have to type commands each time..its tedious..how can i edit fstab(or anythin else) to get that ri817:58
Pennycookthisisprateek: There's a "force" option you can add to your fstab for NTFS partitions.17:59
thisisprateeklemme use paste thing and u give it back to me..ok?17:59
NickPrestathisisprateek, you could also just use `sudo mount -a`17:59
thisisprateekNickPresta: wot18:00
Pennycookthisisprateek: I actually have to run, but if you've got something that looks like "ntfs-3g defaults" in your fstab, just add force like so: "ntfs-3g defaults,force 0 0"18:00
thisisprateekNickPresta: just sudo mount-a?18:00
thisisprateekPennycook: plz see that link18:01
Pennycookthisisprateek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16215/ should work, but I'd recommend saving a backup.18:02
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jo_Salut tous18:11
jpds!fr | jo_18:11
nubotujo_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:11
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jo_ok sorry ^^18:11
jo_I'm new on Ubuntu18:12
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PeaceMakrickhi folks, has any of you managed to identify properly on dalnet, using konversation?18:12
Daisuke_Laptopdalnet still exists?18:13
PeaceMakrickyep barely18:13
Daisuke_Laptopi don't know how it works these days, but they used to require /msg nickserv@services.dal.net for registration and identification, which i don't think konversation does18:14
Daisuke_Laptopit uses the nickserv alone18:14
PeaceMakricknickserv is not reco/say goodnight folks, God blessized18:14
sigma_1234nixternal: what packages did you change to make it work? i got most of it installed. just two things are down. kdm kde4 and kde4 workspace i think it was18:15
opsidaohi there, anybody knows if there is any repository to install the qt4.4 lib (with dev package) on hardy?18:16
sigma_1234nixternal: but dam it sure is stable and quicker. id love to see how my dell handles it. took 4.0.3 but not without a bit of lagging18:16
opsidaoi just found the lib on project neon and it doesn't include the headers18:17
Daisuke_Laptopopsidao: amarok nightlies?18:17
ActionParsnipmy system is perfect!!18:17
opsidaoDaisuke_Laptop: as I said they don't include the headers, just the dynamic librarie18:17
opsidaoand only part of it18:18
crackaddictcan any one help me in patching wine18:19
Daisuke_Laptopopsidao: yep, i'm not too impressed with the way they have it packaged18:19
Daisuke_Laptopcrackaddict: try #winehq18:19
Daisuke_Laptopyou're welcome18:19
opsidaoDaisuke_Laptop: thanks anyway ;)18:19
Daisuke_Laptopthey're far more knowledgable on the subject18:19
Daisuke_Laptopopsidao: the amarok-nightly-qt package irks me the most - 64mb or what are probably duplicated libraries18:20
opsidaoDaisuke_Laptop: it seems jriddell has something on his launchpad http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/338318:22
simihow can i change in filemanager singlecick in doubleclick for opening?18:32
Dragnslcrsimi- System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Mouse18:44
greg_hi does anyone know when kde 4.1 will hit the repos?18:47
Agent_bobit's a mean thing, this ignorance.18:48
pimgreg_ No18:48
greg_they're in preparation right?18:49
darrickhow can i configure grub to automaticaly start windows vistaÉ (i have a dual boot of vista, installed first, and then kubuntu)18:49
darrickdamnit still no slashes only éé and no question marks only ÉÉÉ anyways about grub...18:49
Agent_bobdarrick put an entry "default=#" where # is the listing for the os you want to default to.  and an entry "timeout=#" where # is the number of seconds; in the /boot/grub/menu.lst18:50
Agent_bobdarrick grub counts listings.  0,1,2...18:51
pimkate /boot/grub/menu.lst should open it.18:51
Agent_bobkdesudo kate   ^18:51
darrickif i put 0 for time will it automaticaly start vistaÉ18:51
Agent_bobit will need root perms18:51
Agent_bobdarrick yes18:52
darrickok ill restart and try this... but first i need a pen and paper to write those down18:52
Agent_bobdarrick but may i sujest you use 1 rather than 0   because if you should ever need to edit the startup you will need a second to hit [esc] in...18:52
Agent_boband one second delay is not much.18:53
Daisuke_LaptopAgent_bob: it can be done with 0, but it's tricky :)18:53
darrickhmm ok i was gunna put 5... but i was only curios how 0 would work18:53
Agent_bobDaisuke_Laptop yes.  but i'm not going to try to explain that.   you can.18:53
Daisuke_Laptop(that's how i set up my father-in-law's laptop - boot to xp, with kubuntu on another partition18:53
Daisuke_Laptopnot exactly tricky, just requires good reflexes18:54
Agent_bobVERY good reflexes18:54
darrickmy setup is 3 partitions, one with vista, one with my movie collection, and one with kubuntu18:54
darrickactualy before i skrew with anythink, im sure i would be alot happier with kubuntu if i learned how to instal programs...18:56
Agent_bobsome bios' clear the keyboard buffer just befor starting the boot process, on which you must press [esc] between bios post and the grub readin.   less than one tenth of a second. in most cases18:56
darrickwow i could do it on my 3rd try18:56
Daisuke_Laptop!repos > darrick18:56
Agent_bobanyway that's why i sujest a one second window of opertunity.18:57
Daisuke_Laptopno bot?18:57
Agent_bobyeah the bot's been blinky the last few days.18:58
rysiek|plguys, why some packets are visible in Add/Remove, and some aren't?18:59
rysiek|plsed s/packets/packages/18:59
Agent_bobjussi01 where's ubotu ?19:01
rysiek|plshalom aleykum19:02
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BastuHey guys I just installed kubuntu (KDE4) on my server and i want to login remotely. I set up the server to automaticly login to the x session but now it does not work. I can login through SSH. Is there anyway for me to log on to the x session and then let it start the vncserver(that should start automaticly) so that i can fix the things i need to do19:08
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Freddy2Bastu: you can only start the vncserver, without the local sesion logged in19:16
ActionParsnipyou could ssh in, start the service, then vnc in19:17
Freddy2by doing it this way you'll also waste less resources19:17
BastuFreddy2: not quite sure i follow you, I have tried to start a vnc4server and login with ***.***.***.***:1:5900 but that only gives a shell and something with a clipboard19:17
Freddy2you'll need to launch the window manager inside this session19:18
Bastuif i try to login with *:0:5900 then it does not work.. it worked before i had to reboot19:18
Bastuok, how do i do that?19:18
Freddy2edit $HOME/.vnc/xstartup19:19
Bastui have seen that file.. so i should edit it how... it does not seem to have that many options in it19:20
Freddy2anyway, i'd suggest you to use NX instead of VNC if you're outside of a "really controlled network"19:20
|TMI_Toadhow do i convert a m4a to mp3?  i tried using vlc since i was sucessful doing that in windows, but it transcode to mp3, but it did convert it to wav19:20
Freddy2Bastu: i think the server is kde-based, right?19:20
Bastuthe simplest thing would be to fix the automatic login i think19:21
Bastuor to get the session to login and start its vncprocess19:21
Freddy2probably you'll need to set there the SESSION_MANAGER, and then launch startkde4 (i think that's the right name)19:21
Freddy2no, it creates "another" session, so the problem keeps there if you don't fix this file19:22
Bastu1 sec.. gotta look at the file19:22
Freddy2that's what i was talking about.. by doing this way you will have an useless kde session running in this machine19:22
Bastuare we still talking about the xstartup file?19:22
Bastubut that does not really matter.. i can just restart the comp after i fixxed the automatic login19:23
q4ahi all, how can i print booklet?19:23
Bastuis it ok if i priv you how the file looks like?19:23
Freddy2and i repeat: your local session will then create a "new" session when running vncserver19:24
Freddy2you will have 2, and you will only be able to connect with the vnc one19:24
Freddy2but if you want this..19:25
Bastuwhats the better alternative?19:25
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Bastuthe other sessions does not login like it should19:25
Freddy2no auto login.. simply fix xstartup19:25
Bastui privved you how the file looks like19:26
Bastuwhat needs to be changed so that the session works?19:26
jaakkomeI installed ndiswrapper and now there's a "harware devide manager" thing in my system tray that I cannot shut down and which keeps opening this window every 5 seconds19:32
pim_press ctrl+esc19:32
pim_and kill it19:32
jaakkomewhich one is it?19:33
pim_I don't know19:33
pim_I guess it's called hardware device manager or something similar19:33
b4l74z4ris it possible to have a seperate taskbar on the bottom and the launcher at the top of the screen in kde 4?19:41
NickPrestab4l74z4r, ask in #kubuntu-kde419:41
b4l74z4rok, thanks19:42
rsc-232anyone here using mythtv?19:42
q4ahi all, how can i print booklet?\19:44
jptet6818Hi, not sure about where to ask about kernel / module build / install, can I ask it here?19:55
jptet6818bump, going to #kubuntu-offtopic, tks.19:57
nubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:02
ActionParsnipis anyone familiary with conk?20:03
NickPrestaActionParsnip, what about it?20:04
ActionParsnipNickPresta: here is my.conkyrc file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16248/20:05
ActionParsnipit wont go transparent, can you advise any?20:05
NickPrestatry removing the own_window_hints [STUFF] and adding: own_window_type override20:07
NickPrestaalso try adding near the beginning: own_window_transparent yes20:07
phoenixzI just did an update on 8.04 and mysql-client (and so also server) breaks :(  dpgk --configure -a gives me mysql-client-5.0 depends on libmysqlclient15off (>= 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1); however: Version of libmysqlclient15off on system is 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5... I NEED mysql on my machine!! How can I fix this!?20:07
NickPrestaphoenixz, what happens when you do: apt-get -f install20:08
phoenixzNickPresta> trying..20:09
mehmeti need help20:09
NickPrestamehmet, with what?20:09
mehmeti have wireless pcmia usr 541120:10
mehmetand standard web cam20:10
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mehmetbut i cant install20:10
mehmeti used ndiswrapper but it is saying wrong .inf file for wireless20:11
mehmetwhere can i find the .inf file for usr541120:11
NickPrestamehmet, sorry. I'm not really experienced with wireless. I would start at the wifi docs (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs)20:11
phoenixzNickPresta>  http://rafb.net/p/NuIRY924.html20:12
mehmetand how can i install webcam20:12
phoenixzapt-get install -f install also fails20:12
ActionParsnipmehmet: what make / model is the cam?20:13
trentonhello. Does anyone know where package updates are stored localy? I'd like to clone my system without dl'ding all the updates again.20:13
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mehmetred rock rr4.020:14
hasanhi guys20:14
hasanwhat's the emule alternative in kubuntu ?20:14
hasankde based20:14
NickPrestaphoenixz, first, do: sudo apt-get autoremove. After those packages are removed, try uninstalling mysql (and libmysqlclient15off). Then once apt reports no problems (do a sudo apt-get -f install) you can try reinstalling mysql and see what happens20:15
hasani remember something like emule20:15
hasanbut i  dont remember its name20:15
hasansimilar to emule20:15
NickPrestaThere is amule20:15
NickPresta!info amule > hasan20:15
nubotuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:15
cpk1trenton: /var/cache/apt/archives20:16
NickPrestadarn. hasan there should be the amule package.20:16
ActionParsnipmehmet: can we have a patebin of lsusb please20:17
hasanNickPresta: it was not amule20:17
hasanNickPresta: something starting with letter k...20:17
hasanive got a problem with kTorrent20:18
phoenixzNickPresta> thanks, I'll try!20:19
hasanit's that status is always stalled20:19
hasanhow can i make it start ?20:19
hasanwhat may be the possible problem ?20:19
hasani have a freshly installed kubuntu hardy20:19
phoenixzNickPresta> how should I remove the package, apt_get remove or apt-get purge?20:19
NickPrestahasan, there could be a problem with the torrent itself (no seeders) or you could have ports blocked and KTorrent can't find a connection20:19
NickPrestaphoenixz, just remove is fine. I assume you want to keep your config files and such20:20
cpk1kmldonkey hasan?20:20
hasana lot20:21
phoenixzNickPresta> true.. I'd also like to remove the package from cache.. Since I see this weird error when it tries to work on the package, I'd prefer that it would re-download it.. How do I do that?20:21
hasanNickPresta: how can i open port is there a document for that ?20:21
NickPrestaphoenixz, apt-get autoclean20:21
NickPrestaphoenixz, apt-get clean20:22
phoenixzNickPresta> The autoremove fails too :( Plus, when trying to remove libmysqlclient15off, it tries to remove a sh@#tload of other packages that depend on it, which I DON'T want to remove.. how can I fix this?20:23
NickPrestahasan, http://portforward.com/ that will help forward ports on your router. KTorrent has a section in the options to select which port you want to use.20:23
NickPrestaphoenixz, does mysql function right now?20:24
phoenixzNickPresta> nope, because its still not installed :)20:24
phoenixzthe autoremove already failed so.20:25
NickPrestaphoenixz, oh. it wasn't installed previously?20:25
phoenixzNickPresta> it was.. but I did an update, which failed, left them broken and after that, it showed as not being installed at all20:25
NickPrestaphoenixz, I'm not sure what to do about this dependency issue. You can try filing a bug report where you could get more help (if it is indeed a bug) or you can wait a couple of days and hope that a new update comes out which fixes the dependency issue.20:26
phoenixzNickPresta> I don't like this message during auto remove: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/libmysqlclient_r.so.15.0.0')20:27
phoenixzI moved that file out of the way, just to try, gives me the same error20:27
phoenixzNickPresta> I can't wait a few days for mysql :(20:28
NickPrestaphoenixz, do you have a /usr/lib/libmysqlclient_r.so.15.0.0?20:28
NickPrestaphoenixz, and apt-get clean doesn't finish?20:31
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phoenixzNickPresta> yeah, I have one.. moved it out of the way, but no difference..20:35
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* dru needs a good virtual desktop 20:36
phoenixzNickPresta> apt-get clean finishes okay20:36
phoenixzNickPresta> autoclean now also finishes okay20:37
druanyone know of a good virtual desktop ?20:37
hasanhow can i find out where mldonkey core is stored ?20:37
hasanim a newbie kubuntu user20:37
phoenixzNickPresta> trying apt-get -f install20:37
corinthdru: You mean a program to run virtual machines?20:37
emilsedghdru: sorry?20:37
druuhhh yeah20:37
STSXAnybody know if there is some sort of power management configuration in "KDE System Settings"?20:37
corinthUse VirtualBox, it's awesome.20:37
drui need to install a slax version to do some reaserch20:38
drucorinth: is that available via apt?20:38
corinthdru: You can grab a deb for whatever Ubuntu version you have at http://www.virtualbox.org/20:39
druthanks corinth, ;)20:40
NekosolTeraDyneUm... "sudo apt-get install virtualbox" works as well.20:40
druhmm i dont seem to have it in my lists20:40
NekosolTeraDyne!info virtualbox20:41
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info virtualbox, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi20:41
NekosolTeraDyneO_o; no info trigger with this one?20:41
nubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:41
dru You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/20:42
corinthNekosolTeraDyne: Yes, sudo apt-get install virtualbox works as well, but only if you want the OSE version, with no USB support.20:45
NekosolTeraDyneWell, that's true. I really haven't had a need for USB support yet, though.20:47
druits just for a bit of reasearch coping rpms converting them to debs with *alien  and then yeah ....removing the extra junk20:48
corinthFor some reason, SMPlayer compiles with QT4 instead of 3 for me, know how to fix that?20:48
crscorinth: ./configure --help?20:51
phoenixzNickPresta> mysql is working again.. :) thanks!!20:51
corinthSorry crs, should have been more clear. I'm using the version in the repos.20:53
corinthI'm not compiling it myself. Going to try that now.20:53
crscorinth: how do you compiling it?20:53
NickPrestaphoenixz, congrats :)20:54
druwhile apt-get install virtualbox returns "good" i recieve an erorr :  * No suitable module for running kernel found ....whats missing20:56
jhutchinsautomatic dependency handling.  bad packaging.20:58
drui get the same with aptitude20:59
jhutchinsdru: Have you updated the sytem?20:59
drunot since the last apt-get21:00
jhutchinsdru: you may need to update the kernel, or it's possible you're running a kernel that doesn't have virtualbox support.21:00
jhutchinsDid you read the setup details page above?21:01
drui found this ...http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/12/how-to-install-virtualbox-open-source-edition-on-ubuntu-710/21:01
jhutchinsdru also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:02
drujhutchins thanks man ....i followed it ...works nice (looks atleast for the moment)21:04
freethinkercan anybody teel me how can i enable two monitors?21:10
emilsedgh!xinerama | freethinker21:11
nubotufreethinker: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead21:11
freethinkerthanks bouth!!21:11
Goliath23are there already any repos for kde 4.1?21:12
kuroryuuGoliath23: still in the works21:13
Goliath23kuroryuu: okay21:13
Goliath234.1 runs pretty good for me21:13
kuroryuusimon__: hi21:16
simon__how can I change the display resulution?21:16
emilsedghsimon__: System Setting->Display21:17
simon__I must be stupid. I can only choose 800x600 or 640x480. and it doesn't show any effect!21:19
asobiCrashwhat's command to format?21:19
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crsasobi: format what? filesystem?21:19
asobiexternal hdd21:19
crsasobi: mkfs.<tab>21:19
simon__my display is now pretty unusable.21:20
crsasobi: what file system do you want to create?21:20
crsasobi: mkfs.ext321:20
simon__do I have to edit the xorg.conf?21:20
asobiactually, walk me through the steps21:20
kuroryuusimon__: possibly21:20
emilsedghsimon__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg21:20
asobii plug it in, format it, edit fstab, then mount?21:20
crsasobi: yes21:21
emilsedghsimon__: run that command and follow the wizard.its pretty simple.do not change the questions that you dont know what they mean21:21
asobii am paranoid because last time it failed @_@21:21
asobiso it won't auto mount?21:21
asobii have a wd my book that auto mounts. this is a maxtor one touch 421:22
crsasobi: you can use gui tool, located in: System Setting -> tab "Advenced" -> Disk and file systems21:22
asobihow do i use it? after format?21:22
simon__the wizard does only create a backup of the xorg.conf21:22
crsasobi: mount it and it will appear in devices21:22
simon__that's all21:22
asobii should format it first then21:23
crsasobi: maybe not21:23
crsasobi: it might be preformated. try just mount it and see what dmesg says21:23
emilsedghsimon__: nope.it creates a new xorg.conf based on your answers and keeps the old one as backup21:24
asobii just plugged it in21:24
asobiand it says a new medium has been detected21:24
asobihal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 100021:25
kuroryuuIcelab: hello21:27
Icelabi've got q question21:27
kuroryuuIcelab: ask away21:28
Icelabhave somebody on computer installed two hard disk?21:28
kuroryuuIcelab: yes, what's the problem you're running into?21:29
Icelabbecause i can't see the icon on the desktop of the hard disk that have installed win xp on fat 3221:29
Icelabtry to explane better21:30
Icelabi have two hd one secondary master whith kubuntu21:31
Icelabthe second (primary master) whith win xp on fat 3221:32
Icelabi have mounted the disk tha i see in media/namefolder21:32
freethinkeri am trying to dlipay to monitor but i stiil cant21:32
freethinkerthere is a packache21:32
kuroryuuIcelab: ok, so you can see the disk from the command line, but it's not showing up on your desktop?21:33
navetz__does anyone here have good advice on contrast ratio for a monitor? I am looking at 2 different ones, one is 1000:1 and the other is 2500:1 but about 25 dollars more.21:33
smaxim using a web site that uses realplayer to listen to audio clips.  how can i do this.21:33
freethinkerthere is a packache for installed that display 2 monitores?21:33
smaxthe file extention is .ram21:33
kuroryuunavetz__: larger contrast = better picture AFAIK21:33
freethinkeri have installe gnome-mud but nothing happens21:34
Icelabi have check the box in icon and behaveors21:34
navetz__kuroryuu: humm, ok. I am not sure my eyes will be able to tell the difference though.21:34
Icelabbat i have to make a link to peripals to see it icon on the desktop21:34
kuroryuunavetz__: I find with LCD screens that you really have to just look at them and decide which looks better to you21:35
Icelabsorry for my english hoping that sameone understand me21:35
freethinkerHow can i see ubuntu in 2 monitores?21:36
asobicrs: wouldn't i have to specify a /dev to mkfs.ext321:36
Icelabkuryuu yes21:36
navetz__kuroryuu: err, but I am ordering online :(21:36
crackaddictis there an easy way to become super user21:37
crackaddictso i can copy some files over21:37
kuroryuunavetz__: look for them in stores to get a look, then order online I guess, lol21:37
crsasobi: yes you have to.21:37
asobiso what's the cmd?21:37
crsasobi: but i dont know what you want to do. ;-) mkfs.ext3 /dev/...21:38
kuroryuuIcelab: and you checked "Mounted Hard Disk Volume" in System settings > Desktop > Behaviour > Device Icons?21:38
crackaddicti want to copy some files over using gui any way of becomgin super use21:38
asobijust trying to get syntax21:38
crackaddictmay i ask how21:38
kuroryuuIcelab: have you tried restarting the computer?21:38
millakis there a place to get automatix that isn't www.getautomatix.com ?21:40
millaksince the site has been down for some time, it seems21:40
asobii have to unmount before i can format right?21:40
kuroryuumillak: automatix is gone now, can't get it for hardy21:40
nubotuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »21:40
millakoh dear21:40
kuroryuuasobi: yes21:40
shane2perumillak: you are better off not using automatix21:40
shane2perumillak: what do you want to install?21:41
millakwell, that stuff I need to watch my dvd:s at least21:41
NickPrestaIf you really want to use something like automatix, you can use Envy, although IT IS NOT SUPPORTED21:41
crsasobi: yes, unmount it first21:41
nubotuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.21:41
shane2peru!DVD | millak21:41
nubotumillak: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:41
NickPrestaI suggest you look at the docs, millak21:41
asobiwhen i unmount, the icon disappears though21:42
kuroryuuasobi: yes, it's set up to only show the icon of mounted external hds21:42
asobiwait, it's still there21:43
dhq_when i install phpmyadmin i get broken package y21:43
asobiis ext3 better than ntfs?21:44
kuroryuuasobi: writing to ntfs isn't stable in linux21:44
crsasobi: do you want to use it with windows as well?21:45
Icelabkuroryuu there is no way to see that icon?21:45
asobii have another external that uses ntfs. i get the feeling that using ext3 for this external confuses fstab21:45
kuroryuuIcelab: I'm not sure what to do in your situation, sorry I can't help you21:45
Icelabok but i will know if kubuntu are able to see two hd21:47
Icelabfor sure21:47
smaxhow do i listen to realplayer stuff?21:47
shane2peruicelab what are you trying to do?21:47
smaxi use a website where realplayer clips are used.21:47
smaxmplayer fails at reading them21:47
shane2perusmax, you can download realplayer for Linux on the Realplayer web site21:48
nubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:48
yao_ziyuandoes anyone care about firefox 3's ugly tabs under kubuntu's kde theme-ization?21:48
Icelabi wont to see the icon on desktop of the second hd whit win xp on fat 3221:48
shane2peruIcelab: ok, you want to see the icon of the second hd using xp or that has xp on it?21:49
smaxok im going to download realplayer for linux.  do i get firefox to "point" at realplayer so when i click on an audio link, it invokes realplayer?21:50
Icelabstarting kubuntu i able to mount the hd that has on it xo but i have not the icon on the desktop21:50
yao_ziyuankubuntu applies the current kde style to GTK+ applications. when it comes to firefox 3, web page tabs are drawn in a broken manner.21:51
shane2peruIcelab: ahh, ok, so you just want the icon to appear on the desktop?21:51
shane2peruIcelab: do you know the mount point?21:51
shane2peruwas that for both? Icelab21:51
smaxreal.com/linux provides a .bin file (how convenient).  what do i do witha .bin file ?21:52
Icelabsorry can you explane better21:52
admin7good morning!21:53
Ginungagap_I am still unable to get a usefull display resolution21:53
shane2peruIcelab: no problem, I know what it is like to work with a 2nd language21:53
Ginungagap_Isn't there anybody who can help me?21:53
admin7useful display in unbuntu?21:54
shane2peruIcelab: open the  Konsole, and put in this:  sudo fdisk -l21:54
Icelabok done21:55
smaxi just want to install real player21:55
shane2peruok, which of those do you want on the desktop?21:55
smaxthier site provides a .bin file.  what do i do with it21:55
admin7eat it21:56
smaxi moved it to /usr/bin and get sudo: realplayer.bin: command not found21:56
shane2perusmax download it and they have instructions on how to install it on the web page21:56
shane2perusmax: chmod a+x RealPlayerGold.bin21:56
shane2perusmax: then ./RealPlayerGold.bin   to start installing it.21:57
shane2peruIcelab: ok, where is sda1 mounted?21:57
shane2perusmax: just moving it to /usr/bin isn't going to cut it.21:57
shane2perusmax: put it back in your home/directory21:57
Icelabon media/fat3221:57
smaxExtracting files for Helix installation.....21:57
smaxi already apt-get installed helix-player21:58
Hamrahi all, i just installed google earth, all is working fine except that menu fonts are extremely tiny, does anybody have this problem? or better yet, solved it?21:58
admin7i believe there are resolution settings in google earth prog. have you tried?21:59
smaxi have helix-player installed how do i get firefox to invoke it when i click an audio link.21:59
shane2peruIcelab: ok, to put that on the desktop just put this in the konsole:  ln -s /media/fat32 ~/Desktop/fat32        :   However if your computer is set do a different language, you are going to need to change it to the proper word for Desktop in your langauge21:59
shane2perusmax: not sure on that one, try in the konsole:   aptitude search 'firefox plugin'22:00
bedahrhi! quick question: when using the gui at preferences > desktop-effects and enabling compiz-effects: where is this value stored (configuration file)?22:00
shane2perusmax: then look for a plugin that goes with firefox and helix22:00
shane2perusmax: thinking about it now, I think vlc may be able to play real media archives. :)  That probably would have been faster22:00
smaxahh yes mozilla-helix-player22:01
shane2perusmax: sudo apt-get install mozilla-helix-player    then restart your firefox. :)22:01
Icelabis the same thing to create a link to a hd starting to a desktop menu ....22:02
shane2peruIcelab: desktop menu?  I'm not sure what you mean.22:02
Icelabright click then create then link to a behaveors then hard disk22:03
shane2peruIcelab: ahh, yes, that is probably the GUI way of doing the same thing :)22:04
shane2peruIcelab: I'm better at command line than I am GUI, especially in KDE22:05
Icelabyes i know22:05
Icelabbut this is the solution in any case?22:06
shane2peruI believe so, do you have a link on your desktop?22:06
shane2peruor a folder?22:06
Icelabyes i've tried this solution and works,22:07
Icelabbut i think that was possible in different way22:07
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shane2peruIcelab: oohh, I just tried it and yes, that works too.22:07
Icelablike a cdrom or filesystem22:07
shane2peruIcelab: right22:08
millakokay, I should have libdvdcss2 installed now, but kaffeine still says I don't have it22:08
Icelabjust one thing22:08
shane2perumillak: if you want a simple program install vcl:  sudo apt-get vcl22:08
Icelabto have the trash icon on the desktop22:08
shane2perumillak: that plays aboue everything22:08
Icelabwhat i have to do?22:09
shane2peruIcelab: hmm, that is a good question, not sure about that one22:09
smaxi installed the mozilla helix firefox plugin.  Xed out and re invoked firefox.  when i attempt to listen to an audio link i get an error22:09
millakhmm-m, I'll try that, but I'd like to get kaffeine working as well22:09
smaxRequested file not found. The link you followed may be outdated or inaccurate. (file:///E:/audio/N11712.mp3)22:09
shane2peruIcelab: google has the answer!  http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2006/09/24/how-to-add-the-trash-can-to-your-kubuntu-desktop/22:10
shane2perusmax: that isn' t a realmedia player link, that is mp3 link, and they linked it wrong22:11
shane2peruIcelab: no problem22:11
shane2perumillak: did you follow those links?  They should get you all setup.22:11
nubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:12
Icelabjust doit22:12
smaxshane2peru: i doubt the web site linked anything wrong.  I know folks running windows who have no problems.  so it's the the web site's side22:12
smaxerr not the web site's side22:12
Icelabwork also on the desktop menu right click22:13
Icelabcreate a link whit a url22:13
Icelaburl is trash:/22:14
shane2perusmax: when the link points to file:///E:/audio/N11712.mp3  it isn't right, I have made my fair share of links to audio22:14
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shane2perumillak: ahh, seems as those guides are setup for Ubuntu, let me see if I can dig something up22:15
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shane2perumillak: ok, seems you need this:  sudo apt-get install libdvdread3    to get kaffine playing dvd's22:16
smaxshane2peru: huh?  why would they program helix to use incorrect links22:18
smaxthat terrable22:18
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opendns, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi22:19
TimSAnyone help me with setting up openDNS?22:20
TimSI tried sudo network-admin but that doesnt exist22:20
shane2perusmax: helix can play those files, they forgot to point the link to the right location, it is an easy mistake to make22:20
shane2peruTimS: I use openDNS22:20
TimSHow do you set it up?22:20
shane2peruTimS: what do you need help with22:20
asobiNTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Invalid argument The device '/dev/sdb1' doesn't have a valid NTFS. Maybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around?22:21
TimSI tired to follow that, but for the first step I get "sudo: network-admin: command not found"22:21
TimSI am guessing its not KDE friendly22:21
shane2peruTimS: I use ddclient and www.dnsomatic.com to keep it up do date22:21
TimSOkay, cool.22:21
shane2peruTimS: just sudo apt-get install ddclient22:22
shane2peruTimS: oooh, wait, first setup an account at www.dnsomatic.com22:22
Icelabsorry.. why to use opendsn?22:22
shane2perukeep your username and password handy when you install ddclient it will ask you for that info22:23
shane2peruIcelab: opendns can be used for a lot of reasons, I use it to filter what can be seen from my computers22:23
shane2peruIcelab: so that my kids can't run into the filth of the web22:24
Icelabsomethings like firewall?22:24
shane2peruno, it is different, it is like a filteration service22:24
shane2peruI set it so that porn, drugs and bad stuff like that cannot be accessed from my network22:25
Icelabit's free22:25
DragnslcrSo why bother using the Internet?22:25
shane2peruha ha, there is a lot of good that is on the web, and I don't want my kids or anyone on my network accessing that stuff.22:26
Icelabit's an hard stuff set it?22:26
smaxshane2peru: so how do i fix it.  (bad enuff the end user has to fix it)22:26
shane2peruIcelab: no, you use their dns web servers22:26
TimSshane2peru: So what is the Dynamic DNS Server?22:26
shane2peruTimS: let me see22:27
shane2perusmax: you can't, try another link and see if it is correct, other than that email the web people and let them know22:27
smaxit's not the web people22:27
smaxif i were to go on a windows machine.  it will work.  so it's not them.22:28
smaxit's helix.22:28
shane2peruTimS: updates.dnsomatic.com22:28
Icelabok i'm going to learn more and then i change its22:28
shane2perusmax: what is the web site22:28
shane2peruIcelab: visit:  www.opendns.com  They have all the info you need on it.22:28
smaxan online college course22:28
smaxyou need a password i think22:28
TimSOh, I found the site for it.22:28
TimSRight I put in all the details22:29
Icelabthanks again22:29
shane2perusmax: ahh, you are going to need to contact them, you should have no problems playing mp3 files when they are linked correctly22:29
shane2peruIcelab: no prob22:29
Icelabare they only in english?22:29
shane2peruIcelab: not sure22:29
smaxAhh fuck it.  I have wasted over an hour and a half fucking with this linux shit.  im just gonna go the the library.  (Im possible to get work dont on linux sigh).22:30
whuuuhow can I make kate save utf-8 files with bom ?22:30
TimSshane2peru: How can I test to see if it works?22:30
Icelabhoping no because my english is not a good thing22:30
shane2perusmax: please help keep this channel family friendly22:30
shane2peruTimS: open up a terminal and type:  sudo ddclient22:31
TimSWARNING:  unable to determine IP address22:31
shane2peruahh, that isn't good, what kind of setup do you have?  DSL  Cable?  Router?22:31
nubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:32
TimSsmax left already :P22:32
shane2peruTimS: yeah, I was trying it for the next time, I know the command. :)22:32
shane2peruTimS: do you have a router?22:33
shane2perudo you have a proxy server?22:33
TimSI guess it makes more sense to put the DNS stuff in there right?22:33
shane2peruTimS: yes, however their settings don't work unless it can see your ip address to apply the filtering22:34
TimSIts got my IP fine22:34
shane2peruTimS: perhaps your router has a way to setup to work directly with dnsomatic, you would need to check their docs22:34
shane2peruTimS: no prob22:34
shane2peruTimS: there is a possibility that your ddclient.conf file is not right22:35
TimSMy router has DNS setup22:35
shane2peruTimS: ok, see, if that will update it, if not, I will give you an example file you just need to plug in your username and password22:37
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
TimSshane2peru: There we go. It seems to work now!22:38
TimSBut I need to test it with a phishing site :P22:38
Icelabgood night everybody22:39
shane2peruTimS: here is a copy of my ddclient.conf file:  http://pastebin.com/m69b5c5ec   of course you will need to chage username and password22:39
shane2peruIcelab: see ya later22:39
TimSshane2peru: I don't think I need that, I put OpenDNSs nameservers straight into my router22:39
shane2peruTimS: right you can do that, and I think it will route you through their settings, however I don't think it will work for their filter or any of their other settings.22:40
TimSShould do, I am logged in there and they know what IP I am coming from22:41
shane2peruTimS: unless your router updates your ip with opendns. then it will work22:41
shane2peruTimS: ok, great!22:41
shane2peruok, I gotta run bye everyone22:42
bucketheadHey guys - What would cause a ' to be replaced with a ’  ?? I'm not sure what would cause this abberation, or where to look to fix it.22:47
kuroryuubuckethead: check your keyboard layout settings22:48
bucketheadIt appears fine, from what I can see in system settings. Am I looking in the right place?22:50
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asobiwhat's a lost+found folder?22:51
HollowPointevenin all22:53
chev_cheliosasobi: that is a folder where once in every thousand years a missing file ends up :)22:53
asobican i delete it?22:54
asobiit's taking up 35gb...22:54
chev_cheliosasobi: what is in it?22:54
HollowPointOne folder?22:54
asobii formated a new hdd as ext3. that folder was there when i mounted22:55
asobiit's also locked...22:55
chev_cheliosasobi: you need root perm to access it...22:55
asobiwhat is it22:55
* asobi is thinking ntfs > ext322:55
chev_cheliosasobi: type su in console22:55
chev_cheliosasobi: you will get root permissions22:56
Odd-rationaleactually the reccommended way is "sudo -i"22:56
asobils shows nothing22:57
chev_cheliosasobi: try opening nautilus or konqueror as root22:58
Odd-rationaleasobi: cd to the correct dir.22:58
asobii am at the folder22:58
asobithen i did ls22:59
asobijust put me back to prompt22:59
Odd-rationaleis this the lost+found folder?22:59
chev_cheliospwd is /lost+found22:59
chev_cheliostype pwd in console22:59
Odd-rationaleit think the lost+found folder has something to do with the ext3 filesystem...23:00
asobiit does23:00
asobithe question is what and why23:00
asobibesides taking up uselss space23:00
chev_cheliosasobi: does it say /lost+found? if yes, type ls there23:00
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darrickis there a way to change my keyboard language settingsÉ23:01
asobiasobi> then i did ls23:01
Odd-rationaleasobi: i think you could use mount options like noatime or nodiratime to not use it... i'm not too sure....23:01
asobiasobi> just put me back to prompt23:01
darrickÉ = question mark hence the need for change23:01
Dragnslcrdarrick- System Settings -> Regional & Language23:02
Odd-rationaledarrick: check the keyboard layout of your xorg.conf file23:02
chev_cheliosdarrick: yes, in ocntrol panel or kcontrol23:02
asobiwhat's noatime?23:02
chev_cheliosor that23:02
asobihow do i sudo as konqueror23:02
Odd-rationaleasobi: kdesudo konqueror23:02
chev_chelioswell, I am done for today, bye23:03
asobiXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server23:03
asobiXlib: No protocol specified23:03
asobikdesudo: cannot connect to X server :0.023:03
RurouniJonesI have a ton of files. Some have lowercase extensions and some have upper case. Is there a command I can use to conver the ones with upper-case extensions to lowercase? (They all have the same one, MTF). Something regexpy?23:03
Odd-rationaleasobi: are you in aterminal? or in X23:04
asobias root23:04
Odd-rationaleasobi: you need to be in X to start a grphical app23:04
asobiok, how23:04
darrickdo i have 2 restart for it to effect anything23:04
Odd-rationaledarrick: what did you change?23:05
Odd-rationaleasobi: startx ?23:05
darrickkeyboard settings23:05
petgrillcan anyone tell me how to add visualazation to amarok plz?23:05
Odd-rationaledarrick: you probably need to log out23:05
asobixauth:  creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.664123:06
asobixauth:  creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority23:06
asobixauth:  creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority23:06
asobiX: warning; process set to priority -1 instead of requested priority 023:06
asobiFatal server error:23:06
asobiServer is already active for display 023:06
asobi        If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock23:06
asobi        and start again.23:06
asobiXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server23:06
asobiXlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key23:06
asobigiving up.23:06
asobixinit:  unable to connect to X server23:06
asobixinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.23:06
Odd-rationaleasobi: then change back into ctrl+alt+f723:06
Odd-rationalestart up konsole. then do kdesudo konqueror23:06
Odd-rationaleasobi: and next time, please use the pastebin...23:07
darrick??? haha succes23:07
asobiit's an empty folder23:07
asobitaking up 35gb23:07
Odd-rationaleasobi: ???23:08
asobinothing showing in konqueror23:08
HollowPointare you trying to remove your lost and found folder here?23:09
asobiforget that. i just like to know why immediately after format, on first mount, there's a lost+found folder23:09
Odd-rationaleasobi: ok. in a terminal navigate to the directory above the lost+found folder23:09
Odd-rationaleasobi: then execute "du -h"23:09
HollowPointthere is a lost and found folder on a hard drive that should be blank as it's just been formatted? You're positive you're looking at the right mounted media?23:10
Odd-rationaleasobi: it should print out the size of all the files and directories23:10
asobidu: `./lost+found': Permission denied23:10
asobiyes hollow23:11
Odd-rationaleasobi: prepend that with sudo23:11
HollowPointare you in the terminal as Root?23:11
Odd-rationalesudo du -h23:11
asobi16K     ./lost+found23:11
Odd-rationaleasobi: so it is not that large...23:12
asobiicon on desktop shows 35gb used...23:12
Odd-rationaleasobi: who is making a mountain out of that molehill?23:12
HollowPointpersonally if you definately don't want anything on the drive I'd fdisk that drive, remove all partitions, write partition table, create a new partition and then format it in ext323:12
asobii just got this drive two hours ago23:13
HollowPointwhat size is the drive?23:13
asobimaxtor one touch 423:13
HollowPointdo you know what partitions it has on it?23:13
asobii didn't partition23:14
HollowPointso you formatted an existing partition then?23:14
asobii guess23:14
HollowPointok, how many disks do you have in the machine?23:14
petgrillcan anyone tell me how to add visualazation to amarok plz?23:15
HollowPointthe main disk with the OS on and this new 750GB Maxtor one?23:15
asobionetouch is an external23:15
HollowPointok, USB caddy or ESATA?23:15
HollowPointright, which OS are you using?23:16
HollowPointKubuntu I'm assuming but which version?23:16
HollowPointGood man23:16
HollowPointgo into your K Menu > System > Dolphin23:16
HollowPointthen click on Storage Media on the left hand side23:17
CPrgmSwR2I am pulling in the new kde4-4.0.80 packages23:18
CPrgmSwR2Andy they are broken23:18
CPrgmSwR2nixternal: are you working on this project?23:18
DragnslcrCPrgmSwR2- until you see something on kubuntu.org that the packages are ready, assume that they aren't ready23:19
HollowPointok you should see two drives in storage?23:19
asobi4 really23:19
asobibut what are you trying to do23:19
CPrgmSwR2Where are the packages comming from23:20
CPrgmSwR2Because they just starting getting pulled in23:20
HollowPointtrying to identify the drive which is your new external one, then create an appropriate partition table, then format it23:20
DragnslcrCPrgmSwR2- they're being worked on23:20
CPrgmSwR2Can I disable the updates23:20
asobidefine appropriate partition table23:20
CPrgmSwR2or how do I disable the updates and revert back to kde 4.0.423:21
CPrgmSwR2Because my kde4 is broken23:21
asobiformat should create a clean slate?23:21
HollowPointyou partition the drive first then you format a partition23:21
HollowPointformatting the drive is a bad term, formatting a partition is what actually happens23:21
asobiso how i partition23:21
CPrgmSwR2asobi: reinstall should create a clean slate23:22
HollowPointit isn't his main drive that's the problem CPrgmSwR223:22
HollowPointfirst you need to identify which drive you want to partition23:22
HollowPointyou say you're getting 4 drives in Storage Media, what are they?23:22
asobithe one that says 75023:22
asobiso how do i partition it23:23
HollowPointok, if you hover over that with your cursor the image on the right hand side should change and underneath it should be the drive identifier, i.e. sda123:23
CPrgmSwR2How do I prevent these new kde4 updates from comming in?>23:23
asobisda1 it is23:24
HollowPointthat's interesting23:24
asobiit's mounted currently23:24
HollowPointif you hover over the drive that holds your operating system what drive identifier does that come up with?23:24
HollowPointah ok23:25
HollowPointIDE drive then23:25
asobino sata here23:25
HollowPointin that case bring up a terminal23:25
HollowPointsudo fdisk /dev/sda23:25
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asobiwith it mounted?23:25
nixternalif anyone grabs the kde4.1 beta1 packages from the ppa and it destroys your system, don't say I didn't just tell you...there is a darn good chance of data loss yet23:26
HollowPointok if you type p23:26
HollowPointyou should get a list of your existing partitions23:26
HollowPointhow many do you get?23:26
asobi/dev/sda1   *           1       91201   732572001    7  HPFS/NTFS23:27
CPrgmSwR2OH COOL... I got KDE 4.123:27
HollowPointok so the drive is formatted in NTFS, you formatted this in Windows?23:27
=== whuuu is now known as Negoroth
asobishould be ext323:28
HollowPointok then it didn't get formatted properly23:28
HollowPointif you now press d you can delete that partition23:29
CPrgmSwR2oh my gosh kde 4.1 is so fast23:29
HollowPointonce the partition is deleted you need to press n to create a new partition23:29
asobie or p23:29
HollowPointjust accept the defaults and it will create one partition that spans the entire drive, choose p for primary as you're only going to have one partition on the drive23:30
asobinumber 1-423:30
asobichoose defaults?23:30
avihaybcan anyone clue me into, say, seeing the composit input of a hauppage wintv pvr-150? on VLC could be a nice start...23:30
HollowPointyeah if you hit enter when it prompts for p or e it will choose p and if you hit enter when it says number 1-4 it'll choose 123:30
HollowPointok now you need to press w which will write the partition table to disk23:31
=== Negoroth is now known as whuuu
Dragnslcrnixternal- will the packages be moved over to the standard repositories when you have everything straightened out?23:32
azzcoI can't move my mouse when I hold down buttons on my keyboard.. What could be the cause (It's worked before I'm sure...)?23:34
nixternalDragnslcr: no they won't, they will stick in the PPA...the KDE 4.0.x packages (4.0.5 out this week I think) will go into the standard -backports or updates23:39
CPrgmSwR2nixternal: so we have to wait until the next release of kubuntu before kde4.1 is in the main repository23:42
darrickmy adept manager keeps crashin what should i do?23:47
darricki have the crash handler report if anyone wants to see it23:48
=== moira is now known as akallabeth
sonofusion82darrick, may u can try to do a "sudo apt-get update" in command line23:57
sonofusion82sometimes it could be due to a corrupted apt db23:57
roothola alguien habla español23:59
millakkde crashes if I try to run v4l-conf23:59
NickPresta!es | root23:59
nuboturoot: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:59
nixternalCPrgmSwR2: no...we will backport the stable 4.1 when it becomes available23:59

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