
=== Ben1 is now known as BenC
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mnabil_hello guys, is there's a how to for creating a virtual ubuntu package ?01:45
persiamnabil_: Not really.  Why do you need one?01:49
sladenmnabil_: virtual ubuntu package?01:49
sladenmnabil_: can you expand the question; what type of 'virtual'?01:50
mnabil_persia, actually , i'm building a custom system based on ubuntu, so i wanna make an update scheme using apt , so i can grab some package under one name01:50
persiamnabil_: I'd suggest making a meta-package rather than a virtual package.  It is more likely to meet your needs.01:50
mnabil_sladen, actually , like ubuntu-desktop i think01:50
sladenmnabil_: a meta-package ?01:50
mnabil_persia, cool , link me to the how to :D , or i can google ?01:50
mnabil_sladen, is this a meta package :D01:51
persiamnabil_: Better to just look at the source of an existing one.  Start with apt-get source ubuntu-desktop.01:51
mnabil_the packages, ubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop are called meta packages ?01:51
mnabil_persia, so this is called meta package then ?01:52
sladenmnabil_: apt-cache search meta| grep -i meta.*package && apt-get source packageofyourchoicetouseasanexample01:52
persiamnabil_: A meta-package is a package that only contains dependencies information: no content.  A virtual package is one that doesn't even exist, but is used by other packages for dependencies management.01:53
mnabil_sladen, yea, i just ask about the category name ,  i think i have conflict between the meaning of metapackage , and virtual package :D01:53
mnabil_persia, so, ubuntu-desktop is a meta package , right ?01:54
sladenmnabil_: yes01:54
mnabil_sladen, thanks alot, sorry i new to ubuntu , and debian like distros,   i didn't use any :D01:55
mnabil_i'm a gentoo user01:55
sladeneg.  "mail-transport-agent" is a virtual package.  exim/postfix/sendmail all Provide: it01:56
sladenbut there is no such package itself01:56
mnabil_sladen, yea, i'm reading , thanks alot :)01:57
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dazzahi, is it possible to create a 3TB ext3 filesystem with the standard ubuntu desktop kernel?02:47
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Hobbseelamont: any idea why you made changes to kinput2?04:40
lamontHobbsee: because it annoyed me???04:41
lamontno clue./04:41
* lamont goes looking04:41
Hobbseelamont: oh, excellent, it's not even in intrepid anymore, apparently (makedepend)04:41
Hobbseeoh *nice*.  it hasn't existed apart from dapper.04:42
lamontHobbsee: it's called "xutils-dev" :-)04:43
lamontProvides: imake, makedepend, xorg-build-macros, xmkmf04:43
Hobbseelamont: ahhh, so that moved.  right04:44
lamontyou could certainly go with the "I bet it works, please sync 3.1-10.1 from sid, kthx" and then add the xutils-dev build-depend if it doesn't... :-)04:44
lamontgiven that it's built everywhere in debian, I expect that you can just sync it and have success04:45
Hobbseelamont: yeah.  well, seeing as i just synced it, taht's what i'll be doing.04:45
* lamont bets we can't sync a package from sid/NEW though. :0(04:45
lamonthttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/ISDN.png <-- why I'm not sure about the reliability of copper some days...04:46
lamontgotta love those hard flat tops where one channel goes *splat*04:47
Hobbseelamont: you cna sync from anywhere that has a .dsc address, it appears.04:48
lamontOTOH, I'd trade $something for something from the current century04:48
lamontHobbsee: NEW queue isn't readable.04:48
Hobbseei was thinking of sid, but yes.04:48
Hobbseeoh, i see.  sid/new as in the one thing, not either of them04:48
lamontbind9_1:9.5.0.dfsg-1 is sitting in NEW, bound for sid04:49
lamontstupid soname changes04:49
* Hobbsee trouts whoever put in the requiring a debian maintainer field as a multi-affects bug.04:49
lamontif it takes too long, I'll just upload a ~0ubuntu1 version. :D04:49
Hobbseeah, damn.  now it's frozen my firefox.04:50
Hobbseebug 23035-04:50
Hobbseebug 23035004:50
lamont2008-05-14  by  Luca Falavigna04:51
* Hobbsee trouts him again04:52
Hobbseei thought it was.04:52
Hobbseei just couldn't load the bug again, to check.04:52
lamontHobbsee: just mass close it and open new ones... :-)05:17
lamontor not05:17
lamontanyway, iz bedtime05:17
twbDoes Ubuntu have a document anywhere defining what requirements must be met before an upgrade will be allowed into a (already released) release?05:18
twbI realize it'll basically amount to "only if it fixes critical security bugs", but I'd like to be able to refer to the full document.05:19
* lamont bets that a search for "stable release update" on the wiki would be fruitful05:21
lamonttwb: that's the rule for -security.  -updates is a bit easier.  though not my much05:22
twbSo the wiki is considered the official place for that document?05:23
twbI want to know what the Ubuntu developers are *committing* to, not an explanation of the intent.05:24
twb(I'm reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates now.)05:25
lamontthose are the rules that are applied wrt updates to stable releases05:27
lamontwhich direction are you coming at the question from?  trying to get something in, or trying to avoid upgrades that you don't want?05:28
twbFrom the persepective of a corporation deploying LTS05:29
twbAnd personally as a Debian user who likes policy to be written down in great detail.05:29
twbI'm looking at the upgrade list of a fresh desktop LTS install, and there are a lot of upstream point releases being included (e.g. gnome-about [1:22.2.1-0ubuntu6 -> 1:2.22.2-0ubuntu1].  As a Debian user, I have a deep-seated fear of allowing upstream to introduce new code to a stable release, because new upstream = new regressions.05:32
twbAlthogh looking at apt-cache policy I can see that example has come from -updates not -security.05:32
lamontthe shortest answer to that is to just not include hardy-updates in sources.list05:33
Chipzztwb: for the gnome packages in ubuntu, that's perfectly normal05:33
lamontOTOH, hardy has a 8.04.1 release (which lands in updates, almost certainly) scheduled for august, which is when the upgrade from dapper->hardy is supposed to be fully happy and such... hence the higher rate of churn in -updates right now05:34
lamontand yeah, ubuntu tracks gnome very religiously05:34
twbSo -updates constitutes the upgrades from version Nr0 to Nr1, where 1 is the latest micro(?) release?05:35
twbOh sorry, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions is something else05:36
TheMusoHobbsee: That is a very very weird sync.06:49
HobbseeTheMuso: sorry?06:55
TheMusoHobbsee: Those two packages that have your name against them on the intrepid changes list.06:58
HobbseeTheMuso: yes, i know.06:59
HobbseeTheMuso: i can't sign with the archive key, of course.06:59
* TheMuso nods.07:00
HobbseeTheMuso: it's using sync-source.py, which effectively downloads the package, resigns, then lets you upload it07:00
TheMusoWouldn't it be better to request a sync?07:00
HobbseeTheMuso: perhaps.  i just wanted to save work, and knock it off the MoM list07:12
Hobbseealthough i'm aware it's not off yet07:12
ernstpwhere can I find documentation about all the details of the debian/rules file?07:34
bimberiernstp: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-debianrules07:57
ernstpbimberi: perfect!07:58
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ugaguys, anybody can tell what's the difference between libssh-2 and libssh2-1 ?10:21
ugait's very confusing, both support ssh210:22
nxvllibssh-2 seems to be the 2 debian version of libssh10:26
nxvland libssh2-1 must be the 1st debian version of libssh210:27
uganxvl: it supports ssh2 though10:27
nxvlbut folowing the debian version rules10:27
nxvlthat must be the loginc10:27
ugaI thought at first that libssh-2 was ssh1, but the url in says they disabled ssh1 by default10:27
ugaand the maintainer of the package is the same guy :/10:27
ugasid and lenny. that may mean something10:28
ugaoh sorry, no wrong pastes I go nuts now ;)10:29
nxvlthose ones are libssh2 both of them10:30
nxvlthat's a question you should ask on debian-devel10:31
nxvlsince they are debian packages10:31
nxvlnot ubuntu ones10:31
uganxvl: errrm... that's because in my google search debian packs appeared, but it seems ubuntu took the names from debian10:32
ugaI'm on ubuntu, not on debian =)10:32
ugaand ubuntu.com seems timing out on me :/10:33
nxvlor check in launchpad10:34
ugatrying, but the server refuses10:34
ugathat doesnt' seem to work for me, unless package name needs more than the name10:36
uganxvl: sigh, it's not possible this way, unless someboy fixes packages.ubuntu.com... I tried from a different host with no luck10:39
uganxvl: but you can sure check apt-cache search libssh and you'll see both10:40
ugawhose names, have obviously been inherited from debian10:40
ugahere you are  http://rafb.net/p/vsTMei98.html10:43
nxvlthere is the difference in the descriptions10:51
nxvlone is the client side library10:51
nxvland the other a programmers library10:51
uganxvl: from a kde-dev guy:10:51
uga[11:43] <pusling> uga: the first one is libssh2 soname1 and the other one is libssh soname210:52
uga[11:43] <pusling> uga: I guess you should blame the upstreams of those two difeferent projects for choosing so similar names ;)10:52
ugathat should explain what's going on10:52
ugaI wonder if the two packages are needed10:52
nxvlask the DM10:52
nxvlor send and e-mail to colin10:52
ugaseems the right thing to do yes10:53
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GnineXwhois GnineX12:16
geserHobbsee: could you please give back irssi on i386 (CHROOTWAIT)? Thanks.12:20
Kopfgeldjaegerdo we already know which kernel version will be in intrepid?12:42
Hobbseegeser: given back.  poor rothera.13:13
* Hobbsee does it manually, and sacrifices a goat to launchpad to ensure that buildd.py works again soon13:15
geserHobbsee: buildd.py works for me. I use it to do give-backs for universe packages.13:17
Hobbsee  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/urllib2.py", line 506, in http_error_default13:18
Hobbsee    raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)13:18
Hobbseeurllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error13:18
geserI took the script from people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/scripts and adjusted only the path to my LP cookie.13:19
* Hobbsee yoinks new changes13:23
Hobbseenope.  still an internal server error.13:23
geserreally interesting why it works for me but not for you. You probably have to much permissions :)13:25
Hobbseeperhaps so.13:25
geseror simply LP doesn't like you anymore :)13:30
persiaDid LP ever?  I always imagined Hobbsee's stick taming LP for the rest of us.13:31
HobbseeLP doesn't like me for being australian.13:32
gesermove to europe13:32
Hobbseeyeah well.  i wouldn't mind doing that.13:35
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cjwatsonpersia: FWIW equivs might be a better thing to point people at than ubuntu-desktop. ubuntu-desktop is designed for ease of maintenance in Ubuntu, not so much for comprehensibility by everyone else ...14:11
persiacjwatson: Ah.  Thanks.14:11
persiaWow!  a meta-meta-package :)14:12
cjwatsonit's kinda cool14:12
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smarterCould someone please have a look at bug #236526 ?15:59
smarterhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devscripts/+bug/236526 - "uupdate should appends -0ubuntu1 instead of -1 to the version number"15:59
sladensmarter: ideally that would detect if you're on Debian, or Ubuntu and select the default postfix based on that16:12
sladenotherwise we have to keep a patch against Debian16:12
a7phi everyone - I found a removal request on a certain Package an I'd like to have further information on that - can anyone give me a direction to look into?16:14
a7pis the package in question16:14
sladena7p: removal?16:16
sladena7p: from whom?  for what reason?16:16
a7psladen, I've got absolutly no idea, not that the package was especially important to me - there is written: Removal requested  on 2008-05-05.16:17
a7por does that mean something entirely differend?16:18
sladena7p: where did the message come from?  where did you see the messagE?16:21
sladenah, on that URL  "Removal requested  on 2008-05-05. "16:22
sladenit was uploaded by the auto-syncer16:23
cjwatsona7p: to perhaps clarify what sladen said, that "Removal requested" just means that internal stuff in Launchpad decided to remove *that version* of vim-latexsuite16:54
cjwatsona7p: you can tell this because there's also a message about it being superseded by a later version16:54
cjwatsona7p: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim-latexsuite shows that it's still in the archive16:54
a7pcjwatson, ah, thank you very much for the information ...17:15
a7pdid not get that connection.17:15
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smarter_sladen: I've attached a new patch to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devscripts/+bug/23652617:45
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sladensmarter: looks very good17:49
smarterthanks ;)17:49
sladensmarter: I wonder if there's a more reliable way than  grep Ubuntu /etc/issue17:49
sladenthere's /etc/lsb-release but I have a feeling that is only meant to be accessed via  the 'lsb-release' command17:49
smarterlsb_release -i17:49
smarter$(grep Ubuntu $(lsb_release -i)) maybe, but it doesn't look good17:50
sladenif [ `lsb_release --short --id` = `Ubuntu` ] ; then ... maybe?17:51
sladenit could even got inside a switch statement17:51
smartergood idea17:51
smarterI'll try to do that17:51
gesersmarter: you might look how dch does it, but it also uses the output of lsb_release -is17:55
Mithrandirwhich is what sladen is suggesting.17:55
Mithrandiroh, you were suggesting a way to look more at the code around it; just ignore me. :-)17:56
a7p#225411 is fixed in Intrepid, and the commited patch works for hardy - I'm just bilding a diff for gustys package - how should I procede?18:09
sladenbug #22541118:09
smartersladen: new patch: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devscripts/+bug/23652618:42
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sladensmarter: that's close enough I'd be happy with it18:54
sladensmarter: I'd generally do   test -x /usr/bin/lsb_release && ...   as it's mandated where 'lsb_release' is and avoids PATH18:55
sladensmarter: case "$(test -x /usr/bin/lsb_release && /usr/bin/lsb_release --short --id 2>/dev/null)" in  Ubuntu)18:58
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cjwatsonsladen: prefer which or type to any use of hardcoded PATH22:32
sladencjwatson: can do.  Do you also want a --distribution override a la the other utilities?22:33
cjwatsonthis is just a drive-by review, haven't looked that far ...22:33
cjwatson(I don't use uupdate myself any more so I'm not really a good person to answer that)22:34
geserwasn't one reason for the --distribution override that one can work on Debian package on a Ubuntu system and vice versa? so the same should apply for uupdate, shouldn't it?22:36
cjwatsonslightly more interested right now in why valgrind is failing on my openssh build :-/22:36
Keybukcjwatson: hang on, didn't this exact same thinking just cause the world a lot of hurt? :p22:46
cjwatsonthat was failing in the usual way22:47
cjwatsonthis is valgrind outputting nothing but:22:47
cjwatsonvalgrind: mmap(0x0, 294912) failed in UME with error 13 (Permission denied).22:47
cjwatsonstrace has:22:47
cjwatsonopen("build-deb/ssh-add", O_RDONLY)     = 322:47
cjwatsonmmap2(NULL, 90112, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 0) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)22:48
Keybukcjwatson: kees woz 'ere ?22:56

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