
=== elkbuntu is now known as elky
afidegnumhello good morning all14:06
afidegnumpls I need assistance in website promotion14:06
afidegnumas well as SEO14:06
m-cBoy, that was some lengthy discussion on the mailing list on the future of the marketing team.15:02
m-cFor all the activity, is there any new promotional posters?  I am ready to distribute more and am looking for 8.04 specific ones.15:04
m-cDIY Wiki shows nothing, so I thought I would ask here, and see if someone had some squirreled away.15:04
m-cFound one.15:11
m-cNice job on the 8.04 release flyer.. this will work.15:15
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux

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