
nixternalif you want to test the KDE 4.1 Beta 1 packages for Hardy, I have the base packages complete in the ~kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA01:45
jjesseits about time ;)01:45
jjessewhich ppa is that?01:46
jjesseis that ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members/ubuntu main?01:47
JucatoUnstated disclaimer:  <nixternal> if anyone grabs the kde4.1 beta1 packages from the ppa and it destroys your system, don't say I didn't just tell you...there is a darn good chance of data loss yet01:49
nixternalthat is pretty much over with01:49
nixternalI just tested an update and it went smooth01:49
* jjesse takes a snapshot01:50
nixternaljjesse: good move01:50
* Jucato gets his camera01:50
nixternalI forgot about using virtualbox01:50
* Jucato moins nixternal and jjesse01:50
jjesseevening Jucato01:50
* Jucato is excited...01:51
nixternalhowdy Jucato and jjesse01:51
jjessehello nixternal01:51
jjesseabout what Jucato?01:51
JucatoopenSUSE 1101:51
Jucatohahah j/k!01:51
* nixternal kicks Jucato in the shins01:51
Jucatomy classes start on the 7th01:51
nixternalrock on!01:51
nixternalI should be starting work on that same day :)01:51
jjesseyay for work01:51
nixternalyes...managing a linux distro though? wth did I get myself into01:52
Jucatoyay for school and work!!!01:52
Jucatoso I have 1 more week to get distracted01:52
nixternalhopefully I can change them from doing their own distro and utilizing another distro and just creating appliance releases01:52
jjesse26 more days till the babies due date01:52
JucatoI already have my modules (books)... all I need now are instructions on what to do with them (other then read them of course)01:53
nixternallooks like I will be the "Linux Packaging and Development Engineer" as well as the "Open Source Community Manager" for the company01:53
jjessei want one of your businnes cards01:53
nixternalgimme a couple of weeks after I start :)01:53
nixternalmy interview last week, the one engineer had Kubuntu jokes01:54
jjesseawesome, what does a kubuntu joke sound like?01:54
nixternalhe said "don't worry, there is no way we would treat you like a 2nd class citizen here"01:54
nixternalI told him "quit reading blogs!"01:54
Jucatospecially my blog :)01:54
nixternalno doubt01:58
jjessewow 42 packages upgraded and 8 new ones ;001:58
jjessehrmm this is interesting, trying to do a svn diff and getting an error about finding a temp dir02:02
jjessedoh i ran out of space02:02
jjessewonder how that is going to work mid upgrade02:02
nixternaloh man, I do not like the sound of 'hrmm'02:06
nixternalplease, no more kdebase-workspace borkage :P02:06
jjessenixternal: i'm at 100% disk usaage in this vm02:08
jjesseneed to figure something out02:08
vorianso nixternal, MoM or DaD?02:08
jjesseMoM ? DaD?02:08
nixternalactually, I could care less02:08
nixternalI used to use DaD because it gave me cleaner diffs to us02:09
nixternalbut MoM has had some clean diffs recently02:09
vorianDaD has the nice notes02:09
nixternaland by clean I mean, not a ton of .po crap in the diffs02:09
nixternalya, wish mom had the notes02:09
jjesseafk taking out trash, walking dog and cleaning up or adding space on my vm02:10
eddieftwnixternal: you broke my computer! :p02:19
claydohnixternal: you can't win, over in k - u ml :(02:20
claydohI almost worked myself up into a similar post to yours, but i ain't that good at it, and it would just add to the noise02:21
Jucato<eddieftw> nixternal: you broke my computer! <-- tsk tsk02:24
Jucatoanother customer broken by nixternal02:25
nixternalhe deserves it though02:25
Jucatoaw.. poor eddie :)02:25
Jucatobaaaad richard :)02:25
nixternalcan't figure out the man page overwrite right now02:26
jjesseok restarting now that i've cleaned up some space02:41
jjesselets see what happens w/ the upgrad ee;002:41
eddieftwhi jjesse02:43
jjessehello eddieftw02:44
jjessenixternal: not booting to a graphical sesion02:46
nixternaljjesse: did you do a dist-upgrade?02:48
jjesseyes i did02:48
jjesseshould i have?02:48
nixternalyes..that was correct02:49
nixternalare you coming up to kdm/gdm at all?02:49
jjesseinstersting startx works and now getting a kde 4.devel start screen02:49
jjesseno kdm at all02:49
nixternaldid you select kdm-kde4 as the default manager?02:49
jjessei wasn't prompted02:49
nixternalok, so you were already using kdm-kde4 then02:50
jjessei just have kubuntu remix installed02:50
vorianok, one down.  turned out to be a sync02:50
voriannixternal: what's weird about starting out with watch files?  :P02:51
jjessestupid question how do i reconfigure it to make sure i'm using kdm-kde402:52
voriannixternal: can you also take a peek at bug #179828 and get the mother off my back! :)02:54
nixternaljjesse: I think 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure x-display-manager02:55
harolddongso when I install kubuntu-kde4-desktop I'm supposed to choose kdm-kde4 and the default manager?02:55
nixternalup to you02:56
nixternalI don't, cuz I had issues with kdm-kde4 way back02:56
nixternaljjesse: that didn't do it?02:56
nixternalif not, try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm-kde4' and see what you get02:57
jjessesudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm-kde4 returns nothing02:57
jjessejust kicks me back to the prompt02:57
Jucatosudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm?02:58
jjessekdm is not installed02:58
vorianyeah, it wouldn't be in remix02:58
jjesseis kwin the window manager?  should i have kwin-kde4 installed?02:59
Jucatoohh right..02:59
nixternaljjesse: kde-window-manager02:59
nixternalthat should remove kwin-kde402:59
jjesseah ok i don't have kwin-kde4 installed02:59
nixternaljjesse: dpkg -l kde-window-manager03:02
nixternalsee if that is installed...it should be if kwin-kde4 is gone03:02
jjessefailed to read archive kde-window-manager: no such file or directory03:02
jjesseok be back in 20 mins wife is calling03:03
nixternaleveryone has a different problem...this is starting to become a real pita03:03
nixternal>.< this close to not being nice03:17
Jucatokdegames co is taking waaay too long :(03:18
harolddonghow many packages is the beta supposed to be all together?03:19
nixternalharolddong: when it is all done it will be all of them03:20
nixternaluntil then, it is only about 5 of them03:20
harolddongI'm still getting the man overwrite error?03:20
nixternalright now the plan is to get the base packages fixed so they aren't borking stuff03:20
harolddongis ther a way around that?03:20
nixternalharolddong: wait until the new kdebase-workspace finishes and re-update and upgrade03:21
nixternalalso, for tech support q's, head over to #kubuntu-kde403:21
vorianhell yes! Tracy Morgan is going to be hosting Scare Tatics03:21
nixternaleveryone is in there that is testing and bringing the problems up so I can look at fixing them03:21
nixternalthey are bringing back scare tactics?03:21
vorianJuly 9th03:22
voriani love that show03:22
Jucatowhen is openSUSE 11's release?03:22
nixternalhehe, that show rocked03:22
nixternalJucato: I am about to go kung-fu on you!03:22
Jucatoas long as it isn't gung-fu :)03:23
nixternalgood catch :p03:23
nixternalI am getting to the point to where I don't even want to continue these beta packages03:23
Jucatowin-fu would be worse03:23
nixternalpeople keep whining, and all it is doing is really pissing me off03:23
Jucatoyou're not used to it yet? :)03:24
Jucatothe whining I mean03:24
nixternalthese weren't even going to get done, but I decided to do it for everyone03:24
Jucatopeople love to wine03:24
Jucatoer.. whine03:24
nixternalJucato: right now, I am getting so many PMs about it03:24
nixternalI don't mind "hey, I am testing what you have in PPA, and this is the error I am getting"03:24
nixternalnot "when are the beta packages going to get done???"03:25
Jucatoor "the kde4 beta packages are broken"03:25
nixternalI feel like putting a rootkit in the packages and pwning the world :P03:25
nixternalthen again, rootkits don't get ya far in *buntu anyways03:28
Jucatowell can't you just make a package that will run rm -rf / there?03:29
JucatoI mean, it's running in sudo anyway...03:29
vorianhmm, that would be a treat03:29
nixternalthat it would03:29
nixternalI would pay to see that one, even if I am broke :)03:29
nixternalthe next time I do something like this, I will disconnect from IRC and email the entire time03:30
nixternaland....I will not upload the packages anywhere people can find them03:30
Jucatoyou? broke?03:30
nixternalyes, me, broke03:30
Jucatooh you're lucky, no bot03:30
nixternalI haven't paid the monthly bot fee03:30
Jucatowb jjesse_ with a tail03:30
nixternaljjesse: is it still broke?03:30
Jucatodid nixternal break you too?03:31
jjesse_nixternal: i love your posts on kubuntu-users03:31
jjesse_thanks :)03:31
jjesse_yes he did03:31
* Jucato unsubscribed from k-users ml a long time ago03:31
nixternaljjesse_: I am filing a wishlist for kdepim/kmail:: [Wishlist] Allow me to send a punch through email03:31
jjesse_i ttoally agree03:31
jjesse_+1 to that idea03:31
nixternalthe reason I haven't is because sometimes there are decent ideas on there, or valid issues that need fixing03:32
jjesse_i'm sick of the kde4 sucks this shouldn't be a major release03:32
Jucatonixternal: I think "sometimes" is a bit of an overstatement03:32
jjesse_if you have problems go talk to #kde-devel03:32
nixternaljjesse_: you can't have it...you would pull a holyfield on me03:32
nixternalthen I would have to file a wishlist report that would allow me to bite your ear off03:32
nixternaljjesse_: damn, I forgot to add that to my last email03:33
* Jucato thinks there is more noise in the ML than in kubuntuforums actually... but I'm no longer monitoring both...03:33
nixternalwhining to us isn't going to get KDE 4 fixed up to act like windows vista for you03:33
Jucatoguys, can't you just make a wishlist for sending (physical) violence through e-mail? then you'd get to choose which kind you wish to inflict03:33
Jucatoer.. implement03:33
jjesse_lol that's even better03:34
* jjesse_ heads to bugs.kde.org03:34
jjesse_i wonder if the problem i'm having is with vmware-tools and the x config and not the upgrade/update03:34
DaskreechI thought Jucato had 22 days for his baby's due date03:36
JucatoI'm not pregnant!!!03:36
jjesse_lol that's hiloarus03:36
* Jucato kicks Daskreech03:36
jjesse_i have 22 days03:36
Jucatowhere are you giving birth?03:37
jjesse_i'm reverting my snapshot03:38
nixternalon IRC03:38
jjesse_and going to free up disk  space and try the update again03:38
Jucatoour first IRC-born :)03:38
jjesse_there is free wi-fi in the birthing rooms03:38
santiago-vehey guys... can someone of you take a look to kpogre?.. it is at revu~ i was going to try pack it but someone already did... and well its an interesting package ... :p03:39
jjesse_speaking of hositprals nixternal did you see/hear about the helocopter crash at butterworth?03:39
nixternaljjesse_: you my friend have bad DDR...I asked you about it the other day and you said you were in Ohio03:39
jjesse_oh yeah sorry bout that03:40
jjesse_ok i'm cleaning up disk spce on my vm and trying upgrade again03:40
Jucatojjesse_: maybe you could also try cleaning your RAM as well :)03:41
nixternalya, it has cobwebs03:41
Jucatoyou apparently have a bad DDR. or is that nixternal's fault too?03:41
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
nixternalkdebug() << "nixternal is broken";03:41
jjessei read on kubuntu-users mailing list everything was nixternal's fault03:41
Jucatoalias nixternal=soyuz03:42
Jucatowas it soyuz? now I can't remember03:42
nixternalno way, the soyuz recently had a very rough landing03:42
claydohJucato !!  howdy03:43
Jucatoand you're still up in the air and already you have it rough :)03:43
Jucatoyo claydoh!!03:43
Jucatobrb.. need/want to buy something sweet to eat and something sweet to wash it down03:44
* nixternal goes for some cake03:46
jjessemmm cake03:46
jjesseit has to be wheat free cake for me03:46
claydohice cream here :)03:47
jjessebed here soon03:47
jjessenixternal: updated from snapshot and restarted kde, working so far03:56
jjessenoticed the application launcher is no longer displayed03:57
jjessemight have to recreat my .kde403:58
jjessenixternal; nope still doesn't boot to kdm03:58
jjessenixternal: bug!!!!!!!03:59
jjesse./kdm-kde4: 128: Syntax error: ";;" unexpected (expecting "fi")04:00
jjessegot that upon shutting down and starting up04:00
jjessecome back from your cake ;004:00
jjessenixternal: going to bed see last comment ./kdm-kde4: 128: Syntax error: ";;" unxpeected (expecting "fi")04:07
nixternalmmm cake04:14
nixternalsee, I just updated kde 4.1 beta 1 with both kde3 and kde4 installed on a fresh install w/o any issues04:16
nixternalnow to test to see if it runs04:16
nixternaljjesse: I have no idea why you are getting that...I just updated a fresh install that had both kde3 and kde4 installed w/o any problems04:17
nixternalkde 4.1 beta 1 up and running04:17
DaskreechCake is a lliiieeeeee04:23
Daskreechapt-get install kake ^_^04:23
eddieftwnixternal: ping?05:42
eddieftwyou broke my computer!05:44
eddieftwi said i would help you test05:44
eddieftwand then you disappeared05:44
nixternalyes, I am busy breaking other people's computers as well!05:49
nixternalsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:49
nixternalthat should fix your troubles05:49
nixternalkdebase-* is a real pita I tell you :)05:52
eddieftwi did that05:56
eddieftwis when everything broke ;p05:56
nixternaldo it again newb06:00
nixternalbrb, gotta take the dogs for a walk....I should walk over to your house and let them eat you!06:00
eddieftwthey wont be stuffed06:01
cartmanmoin even06:02
eddieftwit seems to be working now nixternal06:13
nixternalof course it does06:14
nixternalapachelogger: what was your fix to get icons showing up in kickoff way back during the 4.0.0 days? I can't find a 4.0.0-0ubuntu2 diff of your changes06:17
nixternalsomething about paths is all it says in the changelog, and I am seeing no icons right now in kickoff under kde 4.1 beta 106:18
nixternalapachelogger: nevermind those icon questions06:45
nixternalhad to blow away ~/.kde406:47
eddieftwnixternal: so are we done? is that all that testing the 4.1 package consists of?07:02
DaskreechDoesit all work? :)07:06
eddieftwno complaints from apt07:06
DaskreechDo you get a KDM on bootup?07:08
nixternalyou do now07:08
eddieftwim not sure, i havent shut down07:17
eddieftwshould i?07:17
eddieftwwil try later07:20
nixternalkdelibs, kdepimlibs, kdebase-*, and kdebase 4.1 beta 1 packages seem to be pretty darn complete and in good working order at this time07:24
nixternaltomorrow I will start working on the rest of KDE/*07:24
Daskreechcd ~nixternal/pub07:25
Daskreechmore beer07:25
nixternalcd ~/nixternal/bed && sleep07:27
bdgraue__nixternal: thx for your work07:27
nixternalno prob, thanks for you patience :)07:27
nixternalbdgraue__: the work is yet to be completed though, but at least you can play with wobbly windows :)07:28
DaskreechAnd Scchnnow07:28
DaskreechWho did that?07:28
eddieftwyea kdm 4.1 starts up and runs perfectly for me07:28
Daskreech I know seli wouldn't touch that with a frozen tongue07:28
nixternalRiddell: check your kdm.init for kdebase-workspace and line 128 to see if you have a missing 'fi'...I grabbed from your package and it was missing, but that grab was from a few days ago in Intrepid07:28
nixternaleddieftw: did you hear? Cleversafe said I am a perfect fit...so it looks like I will be working downtown with you soon :)07:29
nixternalLiquid Lunch!07:29
nixternalerr, Linux Lunch!07:29
eddieftwnixternal: i heard! i sent you congratualtions on the lug chan.07:30
eddieftwlet me know when you start, we can have lunch07:30
nixternalshows how much I pay attention07:30
eddieftwthe next pitcher is on you!07:30
nixternalyour buying :P07:30
nixternalgotta get a paycheck first homeskillet07:30
nixternalBilly Goat Tavern Dark!07:31
* Daskreech listens to Chicago Rap07:31
nixternalis there a such thing?07:32
nixternalTongue Twista was all we really had make it07:32
nixternaloh, and a couple of flameouts07:32
nixternalwhat a joke07:32
DaskreechLupe Fiasco07:36
* nixternal beds now so he can go golfing in the morning07:37
eddieftwDaskreech: ive met him07:37
eddieftwwe shop at the same stores ;p07:37
Daskreecheddieftw: nixternal? I wouldn't say that round here :-)07:43
* Daskreech reboots into 4.107:46
eddieftwDaskreech: lupe07:46
Daskreechsee you in 20 minutes :-P07:46
Daskreecheddieftw: Neat. Sounds like someone I'd like to pick thoughts with07:46
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Riddellfreeflying: at Mandriva?11:10
freeflyingRiddell: yes11:14
Riddellfreeflying: what's happening there?11:27
freeflyingRiddell: they had a 10 yrs anniversiry last week11:28
Nightrosere - back from linuxtag and sleep for a few hours11:58
* Nightrose hugs apachelogger 11:58
RiddellNightrose: good event?11:58
apacheloggeruhh, I didn't do it!11:58
NightroseRiddell: definitely awesome11:58
Nightrosewill blog later11:58
* apachelogger hugs Nightrose11:58
Nightrosekaraoke was great and a lot of fun11:59
apacheloggerRiddell: you have to join us next year11:59
Nightroseyea definitely11:59
Nightroseonly bad thing was that the car we rented to get back to karlsruhe had some technical problems12:00
Nightroseso we had to switch cars on the way12:00
Nightrosewhich took quite some time12:00
Nightrosearrived around 4 am while we were supposed to be back around 11pm...12:01
Nightroseapachelogger: oO at sleeping at the airport ;-)12:05
apacheloggerNightrose: was \sh driving to KA?12:05
Nightrosenope sput12:06
Nightrosesh was his co-pilot :P12:06
apacheloggerwell, I basically did the very same as \sh :P12:06
apacheloggerNightrose: do you have to build kdenet while I am neoning?12:07
* Nightrose is not building anything12:08
apacheloggerBuilding i386 build of kdenetwork-kde4 4:4.0.4-0ubuntu1~hardy2~ppa6 in ubuntu hardy RELEASE [lydia-pintscher]12:08
apacheloggerso you broke something and LP is looping12:08
apacheloggerwhich would explain the slowness of the last few days as well :P12:08
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey
steve555Hi everyone.12:59
steve555how is Intrepid Ibex Alpha1 shaping up?13:00
sebasdepends ;-)13:01
steve555Ah I see,do you think it will be released in time for june 12th?13:02
steve555Are you having a bug-day at the same time as Ubuntu's?13:06
Nightrosesteve555: we are trying to do that most of the time13:07
Hobbseesteve555: it will be the week of june 12th13:09
Hobbseeso it may be the 13th13:09
steve555Ah I see,thank you very much for the information.I am very new to I.R.C,I usually use the Kubuntu Forums if I had a problem,so I thought I might try this sort of communication out.13:12
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_dinner
gnomefreaksteve555: best place for support to help or to get is #kubuntu if non support #kubuntu-offtopic13:22
* apachelogger hands Nightrose, Hobbsee, steve555 and gnomefreak a cookie13:22
* Nightrose munches the cookie13:23
gnomefreakthanks ill eat mine for lunch :)13:23
apacheloggerhm, as a matter of fact... I should get something to eat13:23
Nightroseapachelogger: seen the videos yet? *g*13:24
apacheloggerwhich ones?13:24
* apachelogger is videoless13:24
steve555thanks for the cookie apachelogger :)13:25
steve555Thanks gnomefreak  for the info,I have already joined the #kubuntu cahnnel now.13:32
=== davmor2_dinner is now known as davmor2
* seele yawns13:53
seele'morning everyone13:53
jjessemorning seele13:53
sebashi seele :>14:08
Riddellhmm, do we package 4.0.5?14:18
Nightroseif 4.0.80 is ready soonish I'd say no14:21
JontheEchidnaIf not, the fixes for the Qt 4.4-introduced bugs that made it into 4.0.5 should at least be cherrypicked/applied to our 4.0.414:21
JontheEchidnaOh, and this one: http://websvn.kde.org/?rev=805916&view=rev14:22
Riddellwell volunteers welcome14:28
apacheloggerNightrose: why would we not package 4.0.5 if 4.0.80 is out?14:34
Nightroseapachelogger: cause 4.0.80 is what people who use 4.0.4 right now proabably want anyway14:35
sebasDepends on what changed, I'd say.14:35
apacheloggerI am using 4.0.414:35
sebasAnd of course people want the latest+greated, even if the version number is the only thing that changed14:36
apacheloggerand I see no, but really no reason why I should switch my desktop to .8014:36
sebas4.0.80 is not good for general consumption14:36
sebasIt has lots of severe bugs.14:36
sebasLike, my session wouldn't survive more than 30 minutes usage14:36
Riddellooh, sebas is alive14:36
sebasKind of, after LinuxTag :)14:37
sebasTrying to recover14:37
apacheloggersebas: everyone does ;-)14:37
Riddellsebas: I put my guidance-power-manager KDE 4 port into extragear, ok if I remove the old one that's there?14:37
Nightroseright ;-)14:37
sebasRiddell: Yes, please.14:37
sebasThe old one is kde314:37
sebasOw, wait ... the old one is a crude port that doesn't work14:37
sebasI meant to review it, but didn't get around to it14:37
Riddellit's kde 414:38
sebasYeah, I read the related emails, just not the code itself14:38
sebasIs it using solid?14:38
sebasPorted to signals instead of polling?14:38
Riddellnot yet14:38
sebasOk, maybe I can help a bit with those things14:39
Riddellplayground/utils/kde4powersave/ is looking promising in that respect14:39
sebasAh, didn't see it popping up14:39
* sebas is relieved that there's finally code14:39
Riddellsebas: so I can remove extragear/utils/guidance/powermanager ?14:40
sebasYes, assuming that's not your version :)14:43
sebasLast commit on it is months ago14:43
JontheEchidnaSo how to I "apt-get source" from backports?14:45
anirudh0hi..i've just finished compiling kde4 svn, and i;d like to help with packages..my arch is x86..how can i do that14:45
Riddellsebas: done14:46
sebasRiddell: thanks14:46
RiddellJontheEchidna: same as anything else, make sure there's a deb-src line in sources.list14:46
Riddellanirudh0: great!14:46
Riddellanirudh0: have you made packages before?14:47
JontheEchidnaI mean, how do I specify which server I get it from? a regular "apt-get source kdm-kde4" got me the 4.0.3 version of the source14:47
anirudh0Riddell, nope..but would like to :)..running ubuntu 8.04..all packages were compiled against qt-copy, following the method on techbase.kde.org14:48
anirudh0up to date as of yesterday..except kaudiocreator..which could'nt compile14:48
anirudh0ok..just saw the packaging section on the kubuntu site...will go through all the stuff on creating debs..and be back in a day or two..thanks14:54
Riddellamachu: there's a long guide at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/Complete14:56
Riddelloh, he left14:56
Riddellsorry amachu14:56
=== dread is now known as DreadKnight
jjesse_morning everyoen :)15:09
apacheloggerlaunchpad is hindering neon+kde progress15:26
ScottKapachelogger: You picked Launchpad to host it ....15:26
apacheloggeryeah, I should have used opensuse build service :S15:27
* apachelogger stops work on neon+kde and switches to branch neon+obs15:27
jjesse_nixternal: you fix my kubuntu vm yet?15:38
DreadKnighthow can i built-dep for a package using aptitude?15:40
* Jucato thinks aptitude doesn't have that feature15:40
DreadKnightany way i could remove the build-dep for a specific package then?15:41
jjesse_hrmm noticed there are more updates for 4.115:51
jjesse_wonder if that will fix things?15:51
DreadKnightjjesse_: go ahead xD15:52
DreadKnightdo the package for 4.1b install without problems now?15:54
DreadKnighti messed up my distro last night and had to reinstall... im on kde3 atm15:54
DreadKnighttoo bad the 4.1b don't include the new theme xD15:55
DreadKnightguess is not hard to find it with ghns anyway15:55
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
nixternaljjesse: any luck yet? what was the issue again? did you mv or rm ~/.kde416:04
jjesse_nixternal: i wasn't getting kdm to start16:04
jjesse_however i just did a dist-upgrade annd now it works16:04
jjesse_wlecome to debian at HOSTNAME16:05
Artemis_Fowlnixternal: heya. how are the KDE 4.1 packages doing?16:05
nixternalya, I fixed kdm last night, there was a missing fi in the .init file16:05
jjesse_somoene forgot to change something :)16:05
nixternalArtemis_Fowl: just now starting on the kde modules16:05
nixternalI was^Wam supposed to go golfing sometime this morning^Wafternoon16:05
Artemis_Fowlnixternal: how long will it approximately take you?16:05
nixternalanother day as long as it is smoother than the foundation packages16:06
jjesse_nixternal: don't know if my emails to kubuntu-users ever went through, was having problems w/ smartphone, but i did agree w all you said16:06
nixternalI gave up, those people know better than I obviously...let them rant and have issues in a place where they will not get heard by devs16:07
nixternalit is getting bad again, so many ungreatful FREE software users...this was the same reason I took a 2 year break from Linux back around 200016:08
nixternalso, if I don't just ignore it, I will end up throwing a hissy fit and walking away :)16:09
nixternalI totally enjoy people who complain, but do nothing to help anything improve16:09
Hobbseenixternal: ignore userland.  it helps.16:09
=== pgquiles_ is now known as pgquiles
jjesse_intersting the application launcher has disappeared16:13
* Nightrose hugs nixternal 16:17
DreadKnightcomplains have their good part imo16:20
DreadKnightit's like feedback :-)16:20
jjesse_yay welcome to kde 4.devel16:25
nixternalwoohoo :)16:27
nixternalbuild kdeadmin already..that was quick16:27
jjesse_needed to delete my .kde4 directory to get my desktop back and correct16:27
nixternalI still think there needs to be some tweaks to the core packages16:27
jjesse_didn't have the application launcher and other issues, but things are working16:27
nixternaljjesse_: ya, I had to do that as well16:27
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
nixternalsome people didn't though16:27
DreadKnighti had some issues last night16:28
DreadKnightlike when trying to save something or upload something in firefox16:28
DreadKnightthe file chooser window was crashing FF16:28
DreadKnightand i couldn't run apps under wine16:29
jjessethe window borders are different?16:29
DreadKnighti had them blue as well16:29
jjessethey look a little windows 3.1 as well16:29
nixternaland I think that is changing again, which totally ruins the current set of complete docs with screenshots16:29
jjessenixternal: did you get that kget handbook changes that i made16:30
jjessei think i sent you a .dockbook file16:30
DreadKnightanyway, there is a new kde4 default theme now... xD (not in this packages ...)16:30
nixternalya, I will upload them in a bit16:30
nixternalya, that new theme is gorgeous if you ask me, at least what I saw in the screenshots16:30
nixternalmy pbuilder crashed yet again16:30
DreadKnightlooks awsome, except the clock xD16:31
DreadKnightthe analog one i mean16:31
nixternalI don't use the clocks anyways...all of those analog clocks were created as a joke in the first place, an ongoing joke at that16:31
nixternalya, the analog ones16:31
jjessethe "default" theme?16:31
nixternalI like Wade's current blog post with the last image having all of the neon clocks..that was funny right there :)16:32
nixternaljjesse: ya, they are changing the theme again...check planetkde.org to see pics of it16:32
DreadKnightthe clock on vista had a nice effect when tongues where moving.. a slight back and forward bounce... wonder if the plasma clocks have that as well16:32
DreadKnightthat effect is a very nice realistic touch :-)16:33
nixternalyou can add it easily though16:33
DreadKnight(provided tongues move/snap from time to time, not continuous movement)16:33
DreadKnighti'm not a coder16:33
DreadKnightyou're talking about an already config option? :P16:34
nixternalnah, probably 1 or 2 lines of code to add that feature though16:34
nixternalthere is something in kde4.1 that causes my one desktop to constantly lock up17:05
nixternalI always thought it was just svn, but now I know it isn't, as the packages also lock up the machine17:06
Riddellworking ok here17:06
nixternalya, I have a hardware issue I believe17:06
nixternalit works on my lappy just fine17:06
nixternalanother reason I believe it is hardware (possibly cpu) is because gcc will segfault when compiling every now and then as well17:07
nixternalRiddell: you were not joking when you said doing these packages would be a lot of work17:09
Riddellmm hmm17:11
Riddellhow far have you got?17:11
nosrednaekimnixternal: awesome work on these packages... they are FAST!17:12
nixternalRiddell: finished libs, pimlibs, and base*17:14
nixternalworking on kdeadmin now17:14
nixternalthe other modules shouldn't be to difficult17:14
nosrednaekimnixternal: guess i'm jumping the gun a bit... but  i17:14
nixternalnosrednaekim: ya, I noticed a whicked speed improvement17:14
nosrednaekimm loving kde417:14
nixternalditto :)17:14
nixternalI love its Vista look :P17:15
nosrednaekimespecially in dolphin and anything involving icons/ scrolling17:15
Riddellnixternal: are those uploaded?17:16
nixternalRiddell: yes, people are already testing out those packages17:16
Riddellnixternal: ready for an announcement?17:16
nixternalnot yet17:16
nixternalpossibly tomorrow17:17
nixternalI have a group of people testing them right now17:17
nixternalthus far, I think I worked out a majority of the issues with installing (especially kdebase-workspace)17:17
nosrednaekimnixternal: BTW.... I had an error on installing workspace-bin... a ksm manual page it looked like17:18
nosrednaekimI just forced an overwrite17:18
nixternalnosrednaekim: ya, that was fixed17:19
nosrednaekimok, great, that was the only problem I had.17:20
nixternalRiddell: do all of the kde 4.1 beta1 packages need automoc?17:22
nixternalnevermind, that wasn't the question I wanted to ask, that was all wrong17:22
nixternaland now I can't remember the question I was going to ask17:23
DreadKnighthow the heck to make a show desktop icon in kde4 or what's the hotkey for that?17:30
DreadKnighthere i am again installing kde4 xD17:42
jjessemmm i like lunch17:57
harolddongI can set my resolution as high as 1024x76817:59
harolddongis that intended?18:00
Riddellwe're not X developers18:00
harolddongso if I can only set my res to 1024x768 in the kubuntu kde 4.80 builds its an X issue?18:02
harolddongcause in kde 3 I can set it as high as I want18:02
Riddellkde shouldn't touch your resolution18:06
ScottKRiddell: It could potentiall be a tool issue though.18:07
ScottKharolddong: How are you trying to change the resolution?18:07
harolddongsystem settings/display18:08
ScottKRiddell: What tool is that in KDE4?  Is it still Guidance?18:10
harolddongI mean it seems like the setting is there to change the resolution its just that the highest available setting is 1024x76818:11
harolddongshould I be doing it another way?18:11
harolddongI just didnt know if it was supposed to be like that or not18:12
nixternaljjesse: gotta a KDE 4.1 doc task if you are interested :)18:15
ScottKharolddong: Just to be clear, it works with KDE3 and not with KDE4.  Is that right?18:15
jjessenixternal: sure can you send it via email, not really paying attention18:16
harolddongyes scott18:16
nixternaljjesse: just messin' with ya, it is a biggon actually18:16
nixternalconvert plasma docs -> docbook within the next couple of hours18:17
nixternalie. plain text to docbook18:17
jjessewithin the next couple of hours?18:17
harolddongI havent tried changing it to a lower res in kde4 though, I just left it at 1024x76818:17
nixternaljjesse: ya, cuz the freeze is just a few hours away18:18
jjessewow i don't know if i can do it in a couple o hours18:18
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harolddongalso is there way to change the thickness of the panel? am I just missing it?  the arrows seem to change the length just fine but I dont see a way to change the thickness18:19
jjessenixternal: where is this plasma guide you speak of located?18:25
jjessehow much work is it?18:25
daskreechI'm writing one too18:25
* daskreech shuts up and lets nixternal speak18:25
jjesseDaskreech: you are writing one for the kde docs?18:26
nixternaljjesse: waiting for it to get emailed to me18:26
daskreechNo :) External18:26
daskreechnixternal: send me a copy :)18:26
jjessenixternal: i might be able to work on it today18:26
nixternalwhen it is uploaded to svn, you can get it then :)18:26
daskreechShould be looking into the systemsettings password as well while i'm there18:26
daskreechno idea why that doesn't work but can't be too hard a fix18:27
smarterRiddell: ping18:37
Nightrosenixternal: you can resize the panel by dragging the top of it to the size you want18:57
daskreechwhat did I miss on the plasma docs?19:03
jjessedid nixternal upload them to svn ?19:03
jjessethat's the last i heard19:03
daskreechkmail is making a full dupliacte of my inbox19:03
daskreechthat's over 3000 messages19:03
jjessethat's a bummer19:04
nixternaland the job offer just came in :)19:04
jjesseyay for a job19:04
jjessehopefully that means you will get paid :)19:05
nixternaloh ya baby :)19:05
jjessenow you can buy me dinner next time im in town19:05
eddieftwmeaning nixternal and i can have lunch jjesse19:05
eddieftwand he's buying!19:05
nixternalyup, start Monday19:05
jjessei heard hes' buying for the whole channel19:05
eddieftwjjesse: he's giving out free money too19:06
jjessethe better question is did he uplaod that doc to svn?19:06
nixternalhaven't gotten via email yet...still waiting for it19:07
nixternalonce I get the doc, I will do the conversions and then rock and roll on it19:08
eddieftwoff to work. nixternal ping me if you want to break my computer again later with testing ;p19:17
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!19:24
daskreechNote All free money also comes with Kicks up the Butt on k-users mailing list19:28
daskreechnosrednaekim: is it there yet?19:32
nosrednaekimoh yeah... its here :)19:33
nosrednaekimin beatiful multi-panel splendor..19:34
jjessenixternal: upon install of kde 4.1 stuff it removed kget-kde4 and knewsticker-kde4 which i was trying to document due to libplasma1 not being installed19:48
seeleRiddell: who was fixing the kde4 system settings ui?19:52
nosrednaekimjjesse: yeah... installing 4.1 will remove all 4.0.x packages19:55
smarterIt's just me or the apt protocol doesn't work at all with konqueror19:56
Arby_mhb: around?19:56
daskreechseele: fixing?19:57
nosrednaekim"Jon wants to open the letter that Krissy has written. He finds it in her shared folder and opens it."19:58
nosrednaekimpretty obvious who write that one ^^19:58
seeledaskreech: there is a bunch of visual stuff that changed between the 3.5.9 version and current 4 version that made it worse, and we are merging the two tabs together19:59
daskreechhmm ok19:59
jjessenosrednaekim: who wrote taht one? JR?20:11
nosrednaekimyeah :)20:13
Seregahi folks20:23
nosrednaekimhey Serega20:24
Sereganosrednaekim: hey. I miss you all. There is too silent after release :)20:26
yuriyhi Serega, you did kaffeine codec install right?20:32
Seregahi yuriy, yes it was me20:33
yuriySerega: have you seen bug 209534?20:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209534 in kaffeine "install-codecs crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20953420:34
Seregayuriy: nope. thanks for pointing!20:34
yuriyand a few others20:34
yuriySerega: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=kaffeine+codec&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=20:34
yuriysorry for long link20:35
Serega209534 looks like a missed package dependency20:36
yuriyah, yes, looks like stdin already figured it out, see bug 23499820:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234998 in kaffeine "kaffeine should depend or recommend python-qt4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23499820:37
daskreechfor kde4 can we have phonon do the codec install?20:37
Seregayuriy: 222265 & pals is due to Riddell was forced to remove libdvdcss autoinstallation20:38
Seregadaskreech: hi, question to me?20:39
daskreechSerega: I guess20:39
daskreechjust seems to make sense to me to have the code once in the underlying code20:39
yuriySerega: if that's the case, could you comment on the report and close if appropriate since you know what's going on there?20:39
daskreechSo any player used by the end user asks for codecs and it gets installed20:40
daskreechNo idea if that's reasonable or possible though20:40
Seregayuriy: ok. How it is going usually? Do developers periodically search launchpad for bugs in their code?20:41
yuriySerega: though it does sound like there's a bug there if it is trying to install it and failing20:41
yuriySerega: well, that's the idea :P20:41
yuriyor, better, subscribe to bugs for your software20:41
Seregadaskreech: do you mean to change libxine, mplayer and vlc? it is not a bad idea, but I believe it must be done at the debian level20:42
Seregayuriy: thanks :)20:43
yuriySerega: i could assign kaffeine codec installation bugs to you if/when I run across them if you want20:49
Seregayuriy: I would be very good thanks. I also will find a way to subscribe to there bugs.20:52
yuriySerega: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kaffeine/+subscribe will get you all kaffeine bugs. it's not too noisy compared to some other stuff but there will certainly be some stuff you don't want to hear about20:53
* Serega is subscribed now20:57
daskreechls -a21:27
daskreechsome of us are more shy than others21:28
santiago-vels -lahR :D and some aren't21:36
daskreechsantiago-ve: Woah woah don't go searching all up in the chan!21:38
a|wenScottK: around?21:40
daskreechcause when he sits around the house he vaguely sits around the house21:41
a|wenScottK: okay ... I've added some more to the kde-guidance patch i'm working on; do you think you have time to look at it some time?21:41
ScottKYes, but probably not today.21:43
a|wenokay ... if you've time sometime within the next few days, that's no problem too; would very much like to have time for an SRU so it can be in 8.04.121:44
a|wenScottK: it's here http://awen.dk/packages/kde-guidance_0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu18.debdiff21:45
a|wenScottK: i'm planning on attending the meeting on wednesday, so in any case you'll be able to catch me around that time if you have some comments ... (or you're welcome to shoot me a mail)21:47
ScottKWill do.21:49
a|wenScottK: thanks a lot21:50

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