
rootok gracias00:00
millakI was trying to get the webcam on my laptop to work00:00
theFATMANfor some reason my menus are fully transparent and sub menus are overlapping the parent menus....how do I fix this?00:00
roottodos son unos mialditos cabrones esepto los que hablan español los que no me chingo a su mama00:01
nixternalroot: it is really a bad idea to be logged in as root and on irc as root00:01
nixternalroot: #kubuntu-es00:01
nixternalI can read a little bit of spanish :)00:01
nixternalI do live in Chicago00:01
shaffydoes anyone know of a program that downloads webpages for offline viewing later?00:02
theFATMANfor some reason my menus are fully transparent and sub menus are overlapping the parent menus....how do I fix this?00:04
HollowPointare you using compiz?00:07
HollowPointor just been playing around in system preferences?00:08
theFATMANHollowPoint: compiz-fusion00:09
HollowPointhave you got the configuration editor installed?00:09
theFATMANHollowPoint: i have went from compiz to kwin, and it does the same regardless00:09
HollowPointok then it is in your system preferences00:09
theFATMANHollowPoint: where?00:10
HollowPointgo to K Menu > System Settings > Appearance > Style00:11
theFATMANk, brb00:11
theFATMANit's a little hard to do now, lol00:11
theFATMANok, there, is it the effects tab?00:12
theFATMANi see it00:12
theFATMANHollowPoint: whats the 'rubberband' effect?00:13
Gibby69Anyone know how to resize the sign in screen at boot up00:13
millakI foolishly installed some unfinished drivers for my webcam and now things don't work so well... how can I uninstall them?00:13
ubuntu_Hey, I just installed Kubuntu Hardy, and it looks like grub installed on the wrong hard drive.. How do I fix this?00:15
harolddongdo you mean that you get an error 22 when you try to boot?00:19
ubuntu_No, I just boot up to exactly the same grub menu that was there before I installed.00:19
ubuntu_And all the data on the other hard drive disappeared..00:19
shaffydoes anyone know of a program that downloads webpages for offline viewing?00:20
=== Prodigal is now known as The
=== The is now known as The_Real_Hollow_
Jucatoshaffy: Konqueror for KDE 3 has one. If konq-plugins is installed (it should be by default), you should have a Tools -> Archive Web Page entry00:22
Jucato(oh KDE 4 has one too, but I haven't tested it)00:22
azzcoDoes anyone have any idea why my mouse won't move when I hold down a non-modifier key?00:23
* azzco feels like he add that he has tried with more than one keyboard00:24
shaffyJucato: thanks.  much appreciated :)00:25
The_Real_Hollow_nick HollowPoint00:34
joshualhey folks, anyone running on a preinstalled ubuntu dell 1525 N ?00:34
=== The_Real_Hollow_ is now known as HollowPoint
BluesKajjoshual, you might try the #ubuntu chat00:39
birnissonhi, does anybody know when amarok 2.0 will be released?00:45
Odd-rationalebirnisson: when it is ready00:46
birnissonOdd-rationale: heh, so no roadmap set?00:46
HollowPointwhy whats wrong with amarok as it is? lol00:46
Odd-rationalebirnisson: i dont think amarok 2 has a release date...00:46
birnissonOdd-rationale: all right, tnx00:46
birnissonHollowPoint: nothing really, I just like the bling of 2.000:47
HollowPointlol fair play00:47
Odd-rationalei'm actually beginning to like moc...00:47
HollowPointhaven't seen 2.0 yet00:47
Odd-rationaleHollowPoint: music on console00:48
HollowPointyeah I suppose, I like Amarok though, can just shove stuff in the playlist and carry on working00:49
Odd-rationalethen cool thing with moc is that it daemonizes (similar to mpd). so you could close it, restart X, and the music will still keep playing...00:51
HollowPointI don't restart X often though00:52
HollowPointwould be cool to use during a Gentoo build I suppose00:52
tininHow do I disable compiz effects from starting with each kde session?00:53
HollowPointopen up a console, type kwin --replace & then reboot00:53
tininbut I will need o do this each time00:53
mm_donde puedo ir a un chat en español ????00:53
tininmm_ #kubuntu_es00:54
HollowPointnah it should remember the window manager you were using when you exited00:54
tininmm_ #kubuntu-es00:54
mm_este programa como se congihuraria ....00:54
tininentra ahi00:54
mm_que bueno , gracias00:55
LolKitteh_I'm trying to configure the wifi on Kub 8.04 desktop. Network settings in system settings seems totally buggered, what's best way to configure wifi with WEP auth please? any link to doc will do :-)01:08
JucatoLolKitteh_: K Menu -> Internet -> KNetworkManager. if it's running already, it should have an icon in the system tray. right-click (or click) to configure01:10
mmmiiikkkeeeI am having trouble setting up Kdevelop.  What is the best channel to ask for help with that in?01:11
Jucatommmiiikkkeee: #kdevelop01:12
LolKitteh_thank you Jucato - I tried that but nothing is launched01:12
mmmiiikkkeeeJucato: ok thanks01:12
LolKitteh_If I run knetworkmanager from the command line, same thing01:13
edsonwé nóis na fita01:13
LolKitteh_no error, no nothing, nothing happens01:13
LolKitteh_Used KDE3 by the way01:13
Jucato!br | edsonw01:14
nubotuedsonw: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:14
JucatoLolKitteh_: press Ctrl+Esc and see if it's already running01:14
LolKitteh_yep it is, should I kill it?01:15
HollowPointcan you not see the icon in the bottom right hand corner (System tray)01:16
LolKitteh_ah ok I saw the icon in the01:16
LolKitteh_right corner01:16
LolKitteh_says 'no active device'01:17
HollowPointright click on that you should see an option in one of the menus to activate wireless?01:17
LolKitteh_ok, one sec, righit clicked it01:17
LolKitteh_yes, thanks HollowPoint I'll get back to you in a sec, I;m seeing the light now ;-)01:17
LolKitteh_HollowPoint, Jucato thanks, wifi now working :-)01:25
HollowPointwell done mate01:25
LolKitteh_sorry. yeah, haven't used Linux for a while, things have changed ;-)01:25
HollowPointI know that feeling, I left it for a couple of years and during that time became a Senior Windows Engineer, when I came back things were very different lol01:26
LolKitteh_ha ha - yeah, I got lazy cause had to use windows...01:28
HollowPointwell I became a Senior Windows Engineer which meant I spent pretty much 95% of my time in Windows Desktops and Servers trying to fix problems, when I came back to Linux I was a bit lost. Now I'm back using Linux Exclusively at home and thinking about changing careers to Linux Engineer instead01:32
tefloncjHaving a problem with knetworkmanager (pretty certain that others have had this - but I can't think of the google search terms for this).   We  can hook in through manual connections ... can hook up a wired connection through manual configuration.  The problem is, we can NOT auto-detect local wireless networks and hook in to them.  I think that the configuration got messed up, but I'm not sure how/what was done (the laptop owner do01:43
NickPresta!es | mabarahona01:50
nubotumabarahona: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:50
saint__yes banana's for all!01:50
mmmiiikkkeeeJucato: And if no-one responds to my question in #kdevelop where should I ask?01:52
TZMtefloncj: Have you ever had wireless working on that computer? And is it Hardy or a previous version?01:52
brad_hey I'm trying to help my friend get his computer set up, and when I tried it out the wireless worked01:52
brad_but now he can't get it to connect01:52
brad_and ifconfig shows wlan0, but when he does ifup -v wlan0 it says it is ignoring unknown device and nothing else01:53
Jucatommmiiikkkeee: um.. wait?01:53
Jucatommmiiikkkeee: but what problem are you having?01:53
mmmiiikkkeeeI am trying to get  KDevelop to do automatic code completion.  I Have the check box checked under the C++ support tab in project settings, but it does not seem to do what I had expected.  Nothing is automatic, but if i press CTRL+SPACE I get completion to work.  I have been following the guide at http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Set_up_KDE_4_for_development   to set up kdevelop. This is the only problem I have had 01:53
tefloncjTZM - This laptop is running gutsy.  Wireless did work in the past01:53
TZMbrad_; How about "sudo ifup wlan0"?01:54
Jucatommmiiikkkeee: um.. I guess you'll really have to wait for an answer there. or ask if someone's using kdevelop in here01:54
TZMtefloncj: OK well please give more details/clues--when did it break? What were the circumstances? (e.g upgrades, etc)01:55
tefloncjhang on - must ask the laptop owner01:55
brad_oops I mean sudo ifup says ignoring device, sudo ifdown says device not configured (which I know is what it generally says if you've already done ifdown)01:55
mmmiiikkkeeeJucato: ok thanks for your help though01:56
TZMbrad_: After doing the sudo ifdown wlan0, did you then try the "sudo ifup wlan0"? Sometimes I have to "ifdown" before I can "ifup" even though it might seem I'm disconnected to begin with.01:56
brad_tzm: I had him down both and ifup only says it is an unknown device, yet on ifconfig it shows wlan0 as being there...on network interfaces in kinfo it does not show wlan0 and only shows lo01:58
TZMbrad_: OK instead do "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" and then "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"01:59
tefloncjTZM: About a month ago, the machine owner was trying to hook in to a network.  Network owners couldn't tell him what encryption the wireless net was set for.   He went into knetwork manager's manual configuration settings to try and crowbar the settings in to place to hook in to said network.  After that point, auto-detection of wireless points did not work.  He can still hook in to wired points through manual connection.  Can not 01:59
TZMtefloncj: Can he do a "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" and pick up any wifi APs?02:02
tefloncjstand by ... trying that02:03
HollowPointwhat does the /etc/network/interfaces file look like?02:03
TZMtefloncj: Make sure he replaces "wlan0" with his wireless interface...\02:03
=== pauljw_ is now known as pauljw
tefloncjiwlist does detect local networks (whythehelldidn't *I* try that??)02:04
tefloncjand /etc/network/interfaces ... for the interface in question ... iface eth1 inet dhcp02:05
tefloncjwhich matches the others02:05
TZMHollowPoint: That /etc/network/interfaces file is only necessary for ifup/ifdown. You don't have to have your interface configured in it to use networking successfully.02:05
HollowPointyes but the knetwork manager will NOT auto find wifi networks if there is anything in that file other than lo02:05
tefloncjhollowpoint -- interfaces has entries for eth0, eth1, and wlan0 --all set for DHCP02:06
brad_TCM: that said device restarting, but on ifup it still says unknown dvice02:06
HollowPointI have two seperate interfaces files which I have to swap between on my notebook, one for normal operation with just lo named which allows knetwork manager to search for wifi networks02:06
HollowPointand one that has all my interfaces including some Taps and a bridge named for virtualbox networking, basically if I have anything other than lo named in the interfaces file knetworkmanager will not find wifi networks in the GUI02:07
tefloncjhollowpoint -- am trying your suggestion - just backed up interfaces02:08
TZMHollowPoint: Actually that's not true--my wlan0 is in interfaces and I can use knetworkmanager fine. But I know what you are talking about--I've read that and been told that, just that my experience proves different.02:08
HollowPointyou'll pretty much need to stop networking (NOT RESTART) then create a /etc/network/interfaces file with just lo in it, then start networking and you should find it'll allow you to find wifi networks02:08
HollowPointwhich version are you using TZM?02:08
HollowPointof Kubuntu I mean?02:08
TZMHollowPoint: Hardy.02:09
HollowPointsame as me then, I haven't tried it since I moved to Hardy because it refused to work in Gutsy02:10
HollowPointI know they've updated knetworkmanager so maybe it works better in Hardy?02:10
TZMbrad_: Well you can't use ifup/ifdown unless your wireless interface is in /etc/network/interfaces.02:10
HollowPointyou can because Kubuntu automatically creates the interface on boot depending on what hardware it finds, it won't however automatically (Neccessarily) write it to interfaces02:11
TZMHollowPoint: I don't know--I've never resolved whether having an NIC listed in interfaces interferes with knetworkmanager, because like I said, for me it doesn't, but I've heard of some people who have that problem.02:12
HollowPointmight be that you have exceptionally functional hardware/drivers that allow you to do that02:13
HollowPointI'm only spitballing here I don't know that for sure02:13
TZMHollowPoint: Yes, could be Linux voodoo that I'm unaware of. I don't pretend to be an expert on networking in Linux, but I've learned alot in my quest to keep my networking actually working. :)02:14
HollowPointone thing I have experienced previously was if I set an interface in the interfaces file to dhcp I could edit it in KNetworkManager but the changes would have no effect, whereas if I set it to manual KNetworkManager worked fine, all except my wireless that is which won't work at all if I name it in interfaces02:14
hellhoundwhen i am given a browse for file option i notice alot of cool links on the left hand side such as download, pictures videos and templates.... is there a way to change the link to these shortcuts to point to a different location?02:15
teflonc1HollowPoint -- Thanks!  Worked!02:15
TZMHollowPoint: I think you may have hit the nail on the head--I forgot mention my wlan0 is configured for a static IP right now, so maybe that's why it exists peacefully in the interfaces file without interfering with knetworkmanager.02:15
HollowPointYeah I know what you mean, I'm an I.T. engineer by trade but I work with Windows machines mostly, I do get some Linux/Unix servers if I'm lucky but lately my job has moved more towards Cisco networking than anything else, has given me a great understanding of the problems between guis and configuration files02:15
HollowPointno problem teflonc02:16
HollowPointquite possible TZM02:16
TZMHollowPoint: I really wish there was some definitive documentation somewhere that made stuff like this clear. Have you ever seen it clearly explained anywhere?02:18
HollowPointno I haven't, I learnt the hard way (As we all do with Linux) by trying to configure Host networking in Virtualbox02:19
TZMbrad_: Where are you at right now? Is it still not working?02:19
HollowPoint<teflonc1> HollowPoint -- Thanks!  Worked!02:19
HollowPointthen he left lol02:20
TZMHollowPoint: Not teflonc1, the other guy brad_. :)02:20
HollowPointah ok02:20
HollowPointtwo with the same problem?02:20
TZMHollowPoint: Similar I think.02:21
brad_TZM: on the phone with my friend02:23
navetzcan someone please tell me how to restart my keyboard without restarting x02:26
Dr_willisnavetz,  usb? if so unplug it. wait a few sec plug ig back in..02:26
Dr_willisnot sure why you need to restart a keyboard however....02:26
TZMHollowPoint: So what do think is the best way to "ifup/ifdown" a wireless card configured in knetworkmanager, given that it won't be in the interfaces file? I know of one way that works for me, but I'm not sure if it is the "official" method.02:27
HollowPointlol no idea what the official method is but in Hardy I try not to use the command line for wireless, I tend to use Knetworkmanager instead02:28
navetzDr_willis; it is on my laptop , and vmware stole my ctrl and shift keuys02:28
HollowPointI usually do "ifconfig wlan0 up"02:28
HollowPointif all I want to do is bring it up after it's been configured in /etc/network/interfaces02:28
Dr_willisnavetz,  thats weird.. I dont know of any way to reset it then.  Perhaps restarting vmware, and entering/leaving a virtual machine will  set them back.02:29
HollowPointif I'm using knetworkmanager I just use the enable interface button02:29
TZMHollowPoint: for some reason "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" is not enough for my NIC; I have to then do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" to get it working again..02:30
navetzDr_willis; i have tried, it only seems to fix when i log out and log back in.02:30
brad_TZM: I had him add wlan0 to /etc/network/interfaces and now ifup works, but it isn't finding any networks even with iwlist wlan0 scan, despite the fact that a windows computer sitting next to it shows a strong connection02:30
hellhoundwhen i am given a browse for file option i notice alot of cool links on the left hand side such as download, pictures videos and templates.... is there a way to change the link to these shortcuts to point to a different location?02:31
HollowPointwell technically speaking you should really do it in the following sequence02:31
HollowPointifconfig wlan0 down02:31
HollowPointnano /etc/network/interfaces02:31
HollowPointifconfig wlan0 up02:31
HollowPointthe /etc/init.d/networking restart command is a little vague and shouldn't really be used02:32
HollowPointwhoops left a bit out lol02:32
HollowPointifconfig wlan0 down02:32
TZMbrad_: did he do "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan"? It's important to run it as root or it just returns the last cached results.02:32
HollowPoint./etc/init.d/networking stop02:32
HollowPointnano /etc/network/interfaces02:32
HollowPoint./etc/init.d/networking start02:32
HollowPointifconfig wlan0 up02:33
brad_TZM: yeah he ran it as root...and it doesnt show it on the general list of networks02:33
HollowPointthe restart command has several flaws, much better (Although annoying) to stop networking, make changes, then start networking again02:33
charlie5hi guys ... after a fresh install of hardy,  i used the restricted drivers panel icon to install nvidia drivers, and on reboot X wouldn't start ... should i try to install nvidia drivers via adept ?02:34
TZMHollowPoint: Isn't it enough to just do the /etc/init.d/networking stop, and then /etc/init.d/networking start then? why nano the interfaces file?02:34
HollowPointwell was just giving an example of what I do when I'm editing anything in networking02:35
HollowPointif you're not changing something in the interfaces file you don't need to open it02:35
TZMHollowPoint: What are you changing then in interfaces?02:35
HollowPointI thought you meant the best way to start the interface after making a change in the interfaces file02:35
HollowPointall depends, if I'm using my laptop and I've gone to a customers site I might be removing a static IP address, changing the interface to DHCP or manual, I might be changing back to my blank interfaces file which only has the lo interface detailed etc02:36
HollowPointhalf my time lately gets spent using Putty in Serial mode to console into a router or firewall and then having to test the connectivity of it, sometimes those firewalls/routers have dhcp, sometimes they don't etc, you never know02:37
TZMHollowPoint: OK, I actually didn't mean that. I just meant if the NIC is not in interfaces (which it can't if you want to use DHCP and knetworkmanager I believe), how would you stop/restart wlan0 from the CLI?02:37
HollowPointifconfig wlan0 down > ifconfig wlan0 up most likely, as long as it wasn't detailed in interfaces, I hadn't changed anything in interfaces etc02:37
HollowPointbut like I said I wouldn't do it in CLI if I was using knetworkmanager02:38
__killerfox__Is there any known bug with the latest QT library and Kopete?02:38
HollowPointI'd use the enable interface button in knetworkmanager02:38
TZMHollowPoint: That's what I read, but like I mentioned, I have to do the additional /etc/init.d/networking restart to actually get mine going.02:38
HollowPoint__killerfox__ don't use kopete ?02:38
__killerfox__so there is a bug?02:39
HollowPointlol no I just said don't use it02:39
HollowPointare you using it for MSN or something else?02:39
HollowPointyeah I know what you mean TZM02:39
HollowPointit's something that used to annoy me regularly02:39
__killerfox__I'm using it for MSN, AOL, IRC & Gtalk02:39
HollowPointwhen knetworkmanager wasn't upto the job etc back in the days of Feisty02:40
HollowPointfor MSN use aMSN, much better program, there are others out there for AOL, and GTalk and as for IRC just use Konversation instead02:40
HollowPointI'm not a fan of Kopete02:40
TZMbrad_: Can you give any more details of what changed or might have caused your friend's wireless to stop working? (installs, upgrades, etc)02:41
__killerfox__mhhhh I see02:41
HollowPointaMSN is in the repos and Konversation should be pre-installed if you're on Kubuntu02:41
brad_TZM: Kubuntu was installed for the first time, no changes have been made since it worked for me when I tested it after install02:42
HollowPointwhen you tested it after install the wifi worked?02:42
TZMbrad_: So your friend doesn't know what changed or what he might have changed to cause it to all of the sudden not work?02:42
charlie5so, could the resticted drivers setup in kubu be buggy for nvidia ?02:42
hellhounddoes anyone know how to change the locations for some of the preloaded links on the "Quick Access Panel" of the "Save and Open dialog windows"?02:43
brad_TZM: it never worked for him, when he first booted it up it briefly showed a connection and wouldnt go past 28% then failed to connect, nothing has made the network show again02:44
Growerвсем привет!02:45
Growerктонибуть может помочь с xamp ом ?02:45
nubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:46
Growerпроблемка в след,пытаюсь заинсталить пхп скрипт а мне пишет в ответ http://paste.org.ru/?uxj8ah02:46
TZMbrad_: You have me confused--you say it worked fine for you after the install, but that it never worked for him?02:46
brad_TZM: thats what I don't understand, when I installed it at my house it connected and worked fine, I gave him the computer, and it has not worked, he does not know anything about computers and has not changed anything02:48
brad_TZM: but I only connected very briefly and know wireless often acts screwy02:48
TZMbrad_: What did you do to get it working? ndiswrapper? madwifi? bcm43xx? b43?02:49
TZMbrad_: ...Or did it work "out-of-the-box"?02:52
brad_TZM: it worked out of the box02:52
mr--tdid you test it or just see the icon?02:54
TZMbrad_: Like you said before, it may be that it seemed like it was working fine but really wasn't.02:54
HollowPointdid you actually manager to transfer a file or bring up an internet page or anything or just saw it connect and assumed it worked/02:55
theFATMANok, an image popped up from a website, filled the whole screen, how do i close it?02:55
brad_TZM: I have no more ideas and am giving up, thank you for the help though02:55
TZMbrad__: No problem, too bad you two couldn't get it working.02:56
HollowPointFATMAN bring up a console, type sudo top, look for firefox/konquerer whatever browser you were using and find it's PID, then while in top press k it will prompt for a PID, type in the PID of the program and presto, program closed, don't do this for everything but for a web browser should be fine02:57
theFATMANHollowPoint: is there another option?02:57
NickPrestatheFATMAN, is there any data in your browser which you don't want to loose right now?02:58
theFATMANNickPresta: the browser is closed, mate02:58
TZMtheFATMAN: Just do "sudo xkill" and click your pointer on the window you want to kill.02:58
theFATMANdamn image is still up02:58
theFATMANpop up02:58
NickPrestathen clearly the image is not from the browser if you closed it and all associated windows02:58
JucatotheFATMAN: press Ctrl+Alt+Esc and click on the image02:58
theFATMANJucato: trying now02:59
theFATMANJucato: didn't work, m802:59
theFATMANTZM: will that harm anything?03:00
typedestereois progress quest in any of kubuntu's repositories?03:00
TZMtheFATMAN: It will kill whatever window you click it on...03:00
JucatotheFATMAN, TZM:xkill = Ctrl+Alt+Esc in KDE03:01
theFATMANohhhh, cuz neither worked03:01
theFATMANthat desktop is disabled until i can close it03:01
TZMtheFATMAN: How about a good old-fashioned reboot?03:01
theFATMANTZM: aye, but i was trying to avoid that, lol03:02
theFATMANtrying to learn a new trick=)03:02
HollowPointdid top not work?03:02
theFATMANHollowPoint: naw mate03:02
TZMDr_willis: No that's too wimpy--bring out the crowbar and jackhammer! :)03:02
HollowPointwell you could always just kill X03:03
theFATMANHollowPoint: naw tried it03:03
HollowPointall that will do (Providing your system is stable that is) is close EVERYTHING and put you back to the login screen03:03
HollowPointyou tried killing X?03:03
HollowPointas in Alt Ctrl Backspace03:03
HollowPointand then logged back in and it's still there?03:03
JucatotheFATMAN: how did you try to kill X?03:04
theFATMANHollowPoint: wait a minute...i thought you meant ctrl+alt+esc03:04
HollowPointno mate03:04
TZMIf he's just going to log out and back in... why not just reboot and be done with the whole matter?03:04
HollowPointalt ctrl backspace will kill X (Ungracefully) and restart the X server03:04
theFATMANTZM: aye, i'll be back03:04
HollowPointtakes less time than a reboot03:04
TZMHollowPoint: True, but with all his X killing and such I personally would take the extra minute to reboot just to know my system is clean. :)03:05
HollowPointlol I tend to restart X, then load up top and make sure I've got nothing I don't want running03:06
mr--tmight still not beclean03:06
JucatoTZM: what if he's running something beneath X that needs to be kept running even if he has no GUI? (though unlikely, just "what if")03:06
TZMJucato: Well if he really knew he was running something in the background that he didn't want to lose, then yes I agree with you... But I'd be willing to bet money that's not the case here. :)03:08
Jucatoit also kills uptime... :P03:08
HollowPointto be fair restarting X that way isn't recommended by most03:08
HollowPointbut I do recommend it if it's a standard enough stable enough system it'll be fine usually03:08
JucatoHollowPoint: at this point, there is no other way03:08
Jucatoin his case I mean03:09
HollowPointthere is, log out lol03:09
HollowPointbut to do that you have to move the mouse and everything03:09
Ashexhow does one change the default file manager?03:09
Jucatoand your panel visible03:09
HollowPointyou want to change it from dolphin?03:09
JucatoHollowPoint: actually in KDE, Ctrl+Alt+Del would bring up the logout prompt03:09
JucatoI just forgot about it03:09
HollowPointnot in mine it doesn't :D03:09
HollowPointoh sorry03:10
HollowPointctrl alt del does yeah03:10
* Jucato kicks HollowPoint in the Point03:10
HollowPointctrl alt backspace just exits super quick :D03:10
NickPrestaYou should logout first before you just kill x. You could lose data if you don't.03:10
JucatoCtrl+Alt+Bksp kills X. totally and without consideration. :)03:10
HollowPointyou could lose data yes03:10
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about defaults, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi03:10
HollowPointif you had anything open to lose data03:10
Jucato!d3lphin | Ashex03:11
HollowPointif not though, happy days03:11
nubotuAshex: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.03:11
* TZM wonders why we are going on and on about this when poor old theFATMAN is rebooting anyway...03:11
JucatoTZM: coz we're probably trying to discuss how best to help others in the future03:11
HollowPointAshex why would you want to change from Dolphin?03:11
HollowPointIt kicks ass03:11
JucatoHollowPoint: D3lphin sucks :)03:11
JucatoDolphin rocks03:11
HollowPointWAY better than Konquerer03:11
AshexHollowPoint, no expanadable file tree sidebar03:12
HollowPointah yes D3lphin does lol03:12
NickPrestaD3lphin does indeed suck. Apologies to whoever is responsible for that03:12
Ashexsplit view makes the right sidebar take a third of the window03:12
HollowPointAshex I'm pretty sure you can sort that03:12
Tannyeah, that getts annoying03:12
AshexHollowPoint, I haven't found anything to fix those two issues03:12
JucatoAshex: you are talking about Dolphin in KDE 3 right?03:12
Ashexthose are the two reasons I'm going back to Knoqueror03:12
Jucato(not KDE 4 Dolphin)03:12
AshexKDE4 Dolphin has the file tree03:13
Ashexbut the split view issue still exists03:13
Jucatoyep. there's no way around that then03:13
Jucatoexcept to keep on using Konqueror :)03:13
Jucatoor use KDE 4's Dolphin03:13
Tannkde4 still isn't quite the best though03:13
HollowPointsee I never liked Konquerer as a file manager03:13
AshexI'll give kde4 another try when 4.1 is out03:13
mr--twhat about krusader03:13
theFATMANok, turns out a theme i had just installed screwed everything up. i removed it, now its straight03:13
JucatoTann: we're talking about a single KDE 4 app, not the whole thing03:13
HollowPointwhich theme? So we can all avoid it03:14
typedestereois progress quest in any of kubuntu's repositories?03:14
AshexI did pre-RC testing and what-not with KDE4 and it was still buggy as hell when it was released03:14
NickPrestatypedestereo, progress quest?03:14
theFATMANHollowPoint: it's real nice looking, but it's 'Liquid_Splash'03:14
HollowPointThe one thing I HATE about KDE4 is the desktop icons03:14
Jucatotypedestereo: what is that?03:14
TannAshex: and plasma still needs a bit of developement03:15
JucatoHollowPoint: hm?03:15
HollowPointtoo vista-esque03:15
AshexTann, yeah. Had it crash quite a bit when I was playing with it03:15
HollowPointeverything is a widget03:15
typedestereomock mmo style game03:15
Ashexmy biggest peave was not being able to move the widgets around on the taskbar03:15
JucatoHollowPoint: you do know that KDE, GNOME, and OS X had widgets waaay before Vista?03:16
typedestereobasically idlerpg without irc03:16
HollowPointI found you have to open them in the right order lol03:16
Jucatoand Plasma was just bulding on that03:16
Ashexif you needed to move one, you had to remove them all up to the spot you wanted it at, then add them all back03:16
Jucatotypedestereo: try searching in packages.ubuntu.com03:16
NickPrestatypedestereo, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/games/pq03:16
JucatoAshex: that's still in the TODO list03:16
HollowPointJucato yeah I know but KDE4 has introduced the widget desktop icon, I just want a desktop icon, I don't care about it being a widget lol03:16
theFATMANanyone know a vendor that would make a 'linu' super key replacement?03:16
AshexJucato, yeah, I read through it awhile03:16
AshexI'm just voicing a few of the nuances :p03:16
Ashexawhile back*03:16
JucatoHollowPoint: then don't. it will be turned into a desktop "containment" for that reason03:17
Jucatosoon. not yet now. but soon03:17
typedestereoallright, thanks03:17
JucatoHollowPoint: what it basically means is that the widget will become a desktop.03:17
Jucatoyour "old style desktop", so to speak03:17
WillMccan someone tell me why kmail is not starting in kununtu unless I start it in a termal window?03:18
HollowPointbelieve me I'm not against new stuff and I'm not one of these guys who harks back to Gnome being an innovation in desktops and why can't it go back to being like that lol, I just don't want adjustable features on an icon lol I want it to be an icon, nothing more03:18
navetzhey guys my super key stoped working, I accidently changd my keyboard layout andI don't know how to fix it.03:18
JucatoWillMc: Alt+F2, "kmail" doesn't work?03:18
navetzcan someone help03:18
HollowPointWillMc use Evolution instead, kick ass mail client03:19
AshexWee, konqueror as default03:19
WillMcI don't have it in my menu when I loaded the system]03:19
Jucatooh course it comes with other features you might not want/need :)03:19
Ashexkinda miss having the available disk space int he status bar03:19
Ashexin the*03:19
JucatoWillMc: it isn't in the menu by default. it launches when you run Kontact03:19
Tannnavetz: can you go to kcontol and go to regional. Then to keyboard Layout03:19
calcmandanis the bot not online?03:19
Jucatocalcmandan: apparently03:20
NickPrestacalcmandan, nubotu03:20
typedestereowhat's the kde equivalent of 'deb'?03:20
nubotuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)03:20
WillMcwhat is kontact03:20
JucatoWillMc: KDE PIM. it "houses" kmail, korganizer, kaddressbook, etc03:20
NickPrestatypedestereo, that doesn't make sense. a deb package is for dpkg/apt based systems. Are you trying to install that deb?03:20
calcmandanok nubotu03:20
Jucato!info kontact | WillMc03:20
nubotuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:20
theFATMANwhat the sod is the 'kicker'?03:21
Jucatoer sorry03:21
JucatotheFATMAN: KDE panel03:21
NickPrestaJucato, it doesn't do redirection, info, or search, AFAIK03:21
calcmandanwill it be the case for now or is it temporary?03:21
typedestereoyes, I got an error message saying 'command not found'03:21
Jucato!info kicker | Jucato03:21
NickPrestaits temp. I would ask stdin. It is his, I think.03:21
typedestereowait a second03:21
nubotuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:21
Jucatoit doesn't :)03:21
navetzTann: is there a default keyboard layout, I don't know which one I use to have?03:21
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kicker, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi03:21
JucatotheFATMAN: Kicker is the KDE Panel03:21
theFATMAN!thanks dude03:21
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks dude, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi03:21
typedestereoit says I need to add a line beginning with deb into a certain file...how do I do that?03:21
Jucato(as in "kick off" or "kick start" something03:22
theFATMANjust thought it'd be funny, sorry03:22
HollowPointcan we get rid of the bot lol03:22
Tannnavetz: I believe you can deselect "Enable Keyboard Layouts" Or is that what you have already?03:22
navetzTann: ah ok I see thanks.03:22
NickPrestatypedestereo, open up Adept and in the menu, there is a Manage Repositories section. Add the third party repository that way.03:23
theFATMANis kde-look.org the only site that has themes? can someone recommend a good one?03:23
JucatotheFATMAN: kde-look is the only site that "collects" themes... there might be others scattered around the net03:23
HollowPointkde-look best one I've found but I decided not to actually use themes and instead I just mod things like splash screens and login screens seperately03:23
theFATMANJucato: problem is they're short on dark themes, lol03:24
HollowPointyou could always just use KDE403:24
HollowPointit's not all that bad really03:24
theFATMANive heard its not as stable as it could be03:25
WillMchow do you upgrade to KDE4?03:25
Jucatoit's stable.. at least the one that will become 4.1...03:25
mr--tyea but its pretty when it crashes03:25
JucatoWillMc: #kubuntu-kde4 for instructions03:25
Jucato(doesn't crash much here except for Plasma...)03:26
Jucatobesides, KDE 4's color scheme is actually light. not dark03:26
Jucatoonly Plasma's theme (which is separate) is dark03:26
DevourerHow do I emulate EOF in Konsole?03:26
mr--tjust kidding , only a couple of minor oops03:26
JucatoDevourer: you mean in a keypress?03:27
NickPrestaDevourer, control+D03:27
NickPrestain bash anyways. I don't know about other shells03:27
DevourerNickPresta, thanks.03:27
Mr_Panhi i've problem with compiz .   compiz function right but after reboot no function ..... any ideas   ^03:28
HollowPointwhich version of Kubuntu are you using?03:28
Mr_PanHollowPoint, hardy03:28
HollowPointin console type compiz --replace &03:28
HollowPointthen reboot03:28
HollowPointshould load up again at login03:28
HollowPointas you, not as root I might add03:29
Mr_PanHollowPoint, i know ...... xgl not present ......03:29
Mr_Pannvidia driver is broken i must reintall it03:30
HollowPointah ok03:30
HollowPointlol missed him03:30
navetzhey guys, can somebody help me fix my windows key?03:30
HollowPointwhats wrong with it?03:30
navetzit doesn't work03:30
navetzis there a way I can test if its being sent03:31
HollowPointa little more description would be nice03:31
HollowPointwhat are you trying to do with it?03:31
Mr_PanHollowPoint, itt's ok  now03:32
HollowPointlol cool03:32
navetzI have amarok set to switch songs when I press win + alt + n03:32
HollowPointare you running compiz?"03:32
navetzso I want to get the windows key working again.03:32
Agent_bobnavetz i have "music" set to switch songs when i press ^c03:32
typedestereoadept isn't opening03:33
navetzAgent_bob: humm thats not a bad ide03:33
HollowPointI'd suggest using a different key combination instead03:33
navetzHollowPoint: I usually run compiz but right now I am not03:33
NickPrestanavetz, if you're unsure that the super key is doing anything or being detected, you could use `xev` and see that it is being recognized (and its keycode)03:33
HollowPointctrl c isn't the best combination to use03:33
navetzNickPresta: ok ill try it03:34
HollowPointit's the cancel operation key combination for a lot of things so that could get confusing03:34
Agent_bobHollowPoint it's natural in the console tho.  nothing needs to be changed... :)03:34
typedestereo...yeah, aptitude isn't launching03:34
typedestereowith this error message:03:34
typedestereo"The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem."03:34
HollowPointlol true I suppose03:34
typedestereo(neither command helps)03:34
navetzNickPresta: I don't think its working.03:34
NickPrestatypedestereo, run 'sudo apt-get update' in the Konsole then03:34
Agent_bobHollowPoint and "music" being a script i wrote for a console media player...03:35
HollowPointnice one03:35
typedestereowith this error message for attempting apt-get update: "E: Type 'http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list"03:35
typedestereo(a mirror I tried to add to my repository)03:35
navetzNickPresta: I am pretty sure its not set up, the output when I hit the super(windows) key is different then every other key.03:35
Agent_bobpasting file /usr/local/bin/music03:35
NickPrestatypedestereo, all lines in your sources.list must be prefixed with 'deb', 'deb-src' and a couple others that let apt know that they are repositories. Post your sources.list to a pastebin03:36
HollowPointtypedestereo you'll need to remove the line from your /etc/apt/sources.list file before it will open again03:36
typedestereowhat's the command for this?03:36
navetzthis is what happens when I type the windows key in xev:03:37
navetzKeymapNotify event, serial 31, synthetic NO, window 0x0,03:37
navetz    keys:  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   003:37
navetz           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   003:37
NickPrestatypedestereo, kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list03:37
Agent_bobkdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list03:37
navetzany ideas?03:37
HollowPointnano /etc/apt/sources.list, use the arrow keys to get to the line you entered and remove it, then save the file and open apt and add the repo through the GUI03:37
Agent_bobooops NickPresta beet me.03:37
HollowPointand me03:37
HollowPointI'm a failure :(03:37
NickPrestaif it makes you feel better, i already had that types out before he asked how to do it03:37
Agent_bobHollowPoint yeah.  your's is not even su'd03:38
HollowPointyeah I forget it, I'm always in su in konsole03:38
HollowPointI use Yakuake, so when I login to KDE I bring down Yakuake, issue the su command, then put yakuake to sleep until I need it, that way when I need to do anything in console I just press F11 to bring yakuake down and I don't have to faff around remembering Sudo lol03:39
HollowPointcan be annoying when I have to fix compiz or emerald and need to NOT be su though but that's rarer than I need to edit a file as root03:40
Agent_bobconsole != konsole      ;/03:40
JucatoAgent_bob: I think he generally meant "do anything in a console/command line" :)03:40
HollowPointindeed Konsole, even in Yakuake is still Konsole but I think of it as the CLi generally lol03:40
HollowPointJucato - You are obviously deep in my subconscious lol03:41
Agent_bob<<< pet peeve      console is that thing in ctrl+alt+f1   not that cute little window thingy that emulates a "console/terminal"03:41
HollowPointlol I spend most of my time looking at the inside of Cisco Routers and Firewalls in "a console session" so is all the same to me03:42
JucatoAgent_bob: a real console would include the hardware though, wouldn't it? ;)03:43
Agent_bobok!   "linux console"      picky picky....  :)))03:43
prince_jammyslinux konsole03:44
Agent_bobyeah you are right though.03:44
Agent_bobthat would be a "kde konsole"03:44
Agent_bobbut what evah03:44
typedestereoI've added the mirror03:44
HollowPointwat eva!03:44
typedestereoI know the mirror has a certain file03:44
typedestereoaptitude doesn't recognise it03:44
HollowPointwhat file are you trying to get?03:45
Agent_bobHollowPoint maybe he is "hunt" for it....    (hint hint)03:46
typedestereofrom mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu03:46
typedestereoI'm entering 'sudo aptitude install pq_6.2-0ubuntu2_all.deb'03:46
typedestereoentered in the sources list as 'deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu dapper main restricted03:46
typedestereodeb-src http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu dapper main restricted'03:46
Agent_bobtypedestereo name too long.  try     sudo aptitude install pq"03:47
typedestereono luck03:47
NickPrestatypedestereo, after you download that deb file, do this: sudo dpkg -i THEDEBFILE.deb03:48
typedestereoand in the name of semantics, you're missing a definite article and an apostrophe too :P03:48
HollowPointhave you tried googling the file, downloading it and then opening it locally with debian package manager instead?03:48
Agent_bobapostrophe ?03:49
typedestereoI haven't03:49
HollowPointI would suggest that03:49
NickPrestatypedestereo, after you download that deb file, do this: sudo dpkg -i THEDEBFILE.deb03:49
HollowPointyou don't even need to do that if you're in Hardy03:49
rootSiguiente paso  ve 1  es 2 2874 0 rev 103:49
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HollowPointjust click on it, it'll open with debian package installer, may ask for your password but then it'll do it's thing03:49
NickPrestaHollowPoint, you can use the gui frontend to install the deb. I prefer the text way :)03:49
HollowPointyeah but just trying to help someone else who may not be all that familiar with console/konsole and therefore may be easier for them to use the GUI :D03:50
HollowPointI used to use Gentoo purely on the principle that I liked doing everything manually (The hard way basically) but then I saw the light and realised I'd have much more free time if I just did it the quick and easy way03:51
* Agent_bob wonders why it's considered easier to use a gui than follow a simple command line ...03:52
navetzguys is it possible to dpkg -reconfigre your keyboard somehow?03:52
mr--tthe ubuntu page for that program reccomends not installing manually03:52
HollowPointbecause by default it's easier to point and click than it is to type things into konsole lol03:53
typedestereoyeah, I installed the file but for some reason terminal isn't recognising it03:53
HollowPointI still do most of my stuff (The stuff that matters that is) in CLi but for installing a package I'd normally just use the GUI03:53
HollowPointinstalling with the debian installer isn't a manual install03:54
Agent_bobnavetz dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow    used to allow for redefining the keyboard for X   but as to the console (which you probably didn't mean) it's another package.    and, i don't think the reconfig works in hardy  ;/03:54
HollowPointunzipping all the files to their appropriate places and editing config files is a manual install03:54
HollowPointor if you want to get really nitty gritty then compiling from source03:54
HollowPointusing the debian installer is just like using apt-get install *program* you just already have the package locally instead of downloading it from a repo03:55
mr--tok they reccomend using aptitude03:55
navetzAgent_bob: damn I am using hardy, should I do the reconfigure -plow ?03:55
HollowPointdebian package installer IS aptitude lmao03:56
Agent_bobHollowPoint not entirely.   dpkg doesn't auto-get the deps03:56
HollowPointthe package installer does though03:56
Agent_bobnavetz you can try it.   i'm not using hardy so can't say for sure03:56
HollowPointif you download a .deb file, install it with the debian package installer (Which IS aptitude basically) then it will tell you deps are needed and then download and install them03:56
Agent_bobif you use dpkg   it will tell you that deps are needed....   ;/03:57
Agent_boblets hear it for "dselect"03:57
HollowPoint<Agent_bob> HollowPoint not entirely.   dpkg doesn't auto-get the deps03:57
HollowPoint<Agent_bob> if you use dpkg   it will tell you that deps are needed....   ;/03:58
HollowPointeither make up your mind or be more specific cos to me that says two opposite things lol03:58
Agent_bobHollowPoint correct.    both are true.   read carefully.03:58
HollowPointare you meaning that dpkg will tell you it needs them but won't auto-get them?03:58
Agent_bobauto-get != tell about.03:59
HollowPointI give up03:59
HollowPointanyway ........ what colour would the sky be if blue didn't exist?03:59
Agent_bob<HollowPoint> are you meaning that dpkg will tell you it needs them but won't auto-get them? <<<   you win  :)03:59
HollowPointI think it would be pink04:00
prince_jammysthat's what i meant by brown04:00
typedestereojust find the exact color composition of the sky at a given location04:00
typedestereoand remove blue04:00
HollowPointlol in a computerised sky yes04:01
HollowPointnot in chemically created sky however04:01
typedestereoI work in ideals :)04:01
Daisuke_Laptop!ot | HollowPoint04:01
nubotuHollowPoint: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:01
HollowPointlol nice world you work in04:01
Agent_bobwhat colour would the sky be without computers ?04:01
Daisuke_Laptopand to answer your question, it would still be blue, we would just have a different name for the colour we now call "blue"04:01
HollowPointnice answer04:01
HollowPointthat would probably be the answer if the question came from an IQ test04:02
prince_jammysi think the word would be 'unblue'04:02
Agent_bobo.O (sky-colour)SOD !04:02
HollowPointit's like , if a man speaks in the woods but no woman is there to tell him he's wrong would he still make any sound?04:02
prince_jammyswho knows04:03
navetzI tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow and I reconfigured my keyboard but my windows key still doesn't work, any ideas?04:03
HollowPointchange the sequence for next song lol04:04
Agent_boboh. get your misquotes streight.   "if a man spoke in the woods, and there was no woman there to hear it; would he still be wrong?"04:04
HollowPointI prefer mine04:04
Agent_bobnavetz you do know that xorg has to be restarted before that change takes affect?04:05
Agent_bobi suspect you do...04:05
typedestereoso I downloaded this file for a program I want to install, and it was opened by kate04:05
typedestereowhich program should I open it with to initiate the installation?04:06
HollowPointwhats the file extension?04:06
navetzAgent_bob: yes I restarted xorg04:06
Agent_bobtypedestereo what are you installing ?04:06
HollowPointyou in Gutsy as opposed to Hardy?04:06
Agent_bobtypedestereo you did check the repos04:06
HollowPointif so right click it and tell it to open in the debian installer04:06
typedestereoI'm actually using hardy04:06
typedestereo...er, my mistake04:07
typedestereofeisty fawn04:07
Agent_bobtypedestereo you mean you tried to dl and it opened in kate rather than dl'ing ?04:07
Agent_bobnever mind04:07
Agent_bobis feisty still supported ?04:08
HollowPointright click and open it in GDebi installer04:08
Agent_bobHollowPoint he'll have to dl it first.04:08
HollowPointand if you tell me you've got a mac mouse I'm going to hunt you down and kill you04:08
typedestereologitech, thanks~04:08
HollowPointhe already has I think, or did you tell it to open from download?04:08
Agent_bobsecond time.   "read carefully"04:08
typedestereoI have it downloaded, I need the application with which to actually install it04:09
HollowPoint@ Agent_bob that is sorry04:09
HollowPointlike I said typedstereo, right click and open with GDebi installer04:09
charlie5mm, envy also fails to install nvidia driver :/04:09
HollowPointwhat nvidia card do you have charlie5?04:09
navetzhey guys, I just found out I have ktouch installed04:10
navetzcould that be messing with my keyboard config?04:10
charlie5hi navetz ...  it's a geforce 7600 gs04:10
HollowPointtell me what ktouch is and I'll tell you the answer04:10
typedestereooh, stuff is happening04:10
Agent_bobHollowPoint well that's not what he said.   but yeah/04:10
charlie5oops, i mean HollowPoint, sorry04:10
HollowPointlol I know04:10
typedestereo...I need to set up wine?04:10
navetzcharlie5: what?04:10
HollowPointwtf you need to setup wine for this program?04:10
HollowPointyet it's a .deb?04:10
charlie5navetz: sorry, misread nick04:11
HollowPointwhats the program supposed to do?04:11
navetzcharlie5: ah ok04:11
HollowPointcharlie5 what version of Kubuntu are you running?04:11
typedestereoa desktop version of idlerpg04:11
charlie5it's a fresh install04:11
typedestereoinstalling wine as we speak04:11
HollowPointcan't remember how I installed mine in Hardy04:12
HollowPointin Gutsy was an installer in System Settings04:12
charlie5i'm trying the old nvidia-glx, but now i get an adept packaging system error :/04:12
* charlie5 is not having much luck to day ;)04:12
* Agent_bob still wishes his nvidia card was supported.04:13
charlie5i guess, i can try installing the drivers from NV's site ?04:13
HollowPointwell I'm in Hardy and I have a 7600GT and I have nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-kernel-common installed and mine works fine04:13
HollowPointuse konsole and do sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-kernel-common04:14
HollowPointthink thats how I did it04:14
nubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/04:14
charlie5mm, well, i'll try it again and maybe get some more detailed error info ... thaks HollowPoint04:14
HollowPointthats very usefull Agent_bob04:15
Agent_bobat times.04:15
HollowPointworking as an IT engineer I tend to follow the philosophy of "If you hear elephants it's probably elephants and not iguanas"04:15
HollowPointalso meaning that if something works on one system it'll probably work on a "similar" system, it might not but thats a risk you take by asking advice of people who are not on an identical system04:16
Agent_bobhaving "been there, done that"  in combat situations, if you hear elephants comming.   it may be mice...04:16
HollowPointyeah but you wouldn't assume it, stand up and get trampled on04:16
HollowPointby combat situations I guess you mean you're a soldier of some kind?04:17
NickPrestaHe is a secret agent ;)04:17
HollowPointnot very secret by all accounts04:17
Agent_bobsecret ?  what secret ?04:17
typedestereohow do I configure wine?04:18
Agent_bobnobody  told me.04:18
NickPrestatypedestereo, winecfg04:18
m0nkfishi am having a few problems with my wireless connection (surprise surprise)04:21
HollowPointsuch as?04:21
typedestereoallright, I installed wine but to run an install on a program I'm still getting a message telling me I need to install wine...04:22
m0nkfishwell. i have been trying to follow various guides on getting windows wireless cards to work on ubuntu using ndiswrapper04:22
typedestereothe exact message being "dependancy is not satisfiable: wine"04:23
m0nkfishbut even though i've installed the (i think) correct driver with ndiswrapper, it still can't detect the hardware04:23
Agent_bobtypedestereo you are calling it as     wine /path/to/installer.exe04:23
Agent_boboh   sorry i'm slow.04:23
HollowPointok, well let's start by saying most common wireless cards are supported by the latest versions of Kubuntu/Ubuntu have you definately ruled out that Kubuntu cannot install it on it's own?04:23
Agent_bobtypedestereo humm    that message is from what command ?04:24
HollowPointtypedstereo a .deb program that requires wine to be installed is probably not worth the hassle to get it installed04:24
typedestereoit's from trying to use dgebi04:24
typedestereo*gdebi to install the program04:24
m0nkfishits a realtek 8187b that (according to the wiki) needs to use ndiswrapper04:24
Agent_bobtypedestereo try in konsole;    sudo dpkg -i package-name.deb    and see what it says04:25
HollowPointproblem is you're on Feisty so obviously the GDebi program just isn't as up to date as it is on Gutsy and Hardy so it's not dragging in the deps, as Agent_Bob said before04:25
Agent_bobor     sudo dpkg -i /path/to/package-name.deb04:25
HollowPointright and you've been following the wiki but it still won't install?04:25
m0nkfishthe page is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsRealTek04:26
HollowPointwhat version of Kubuntu are you using?04:26
charlie5hi again ... well, 'mystery' solved .. i needed Option "NoPowerConnectorCheck" in my xorg.conf, just like the erro messages told me to do04:26
* charlie5 's face a little redder than usual04:26
HollowPointlol nicely fixed charlie504:26
Agent_bobchin up charlie5,  we all do that from time to time04:27
charlie5heh ... thanks HollowPoint ... and cheers for the help04:27
HollowPointspeak for yourself04:27
* HollowPoint is perfect04:27
m0nkfishim running hardy04:27
Agent_bobi just did.   and you just lied  :)04:27
HollowPointis it a new card then m0nkfish04:27
m0nkfishwell, new with the laptop04:28
HollowPointartistic license Agent_bob ;)04:28
HollowPointso it's a new laptop you're installing ubuntu on?04:28
frybyehi - in Thunderbird it is opening (e.g.) jpg- attachments with the wrong browser when I click on them.. in the settings there are no file assosiations listed at all - that area of settings is blank.. any ideas..?04:28
frybyein global standard the setting is correct = firefox...04:29
HollowPointfrybye go to Kmenu > System Settings > Default Applications and set it there04:29
m0nkfisheverything else works fine04:29
m0nkfishi'm dual-booting with vista04:29
frybyeHollow - see above...04:29
HollowPointyup got ya04:29
HollowPointok, I would have removed Vista rather than dual boot but ok04:29
frybyeseems to be a specifically thunderbird problem.. otherwise firefox is being used...?04:29
HollowPointI'm assuming there is a button to turn the wireless hardware on?04:30
m0nkfishyes and it is on :)04:30
frybyethere is for sure a config file someplace or??#04:30
m0nkfishiwconfig doesn't detect wlan004:30
* Agent_bob reconciles with HollowPoint for one word "<HollowPoint> ok, I would have removed Vista rather than dual boot but ok"04:30
HollowPointif you open a konsole and type lspci can you see the wireless card in th elist?04:30
charlie5sooo ... would anyone have tried kubu with xen ?04:31
m0nkfishno it's in lsusb04:31
HollowPointit's an external usb wireless device?04:31
HollowPointnot built into the laptop?04:32
m0nkfishit's internal usb04:32
frybyeso my problem in short-version: how to configure thunderbird when the built-in gui settings are not working??04:32
HollowPointah was just wondering that lol04:32
HollowPointok so is it in lsusb?04:32
m0nkfishBus 006 Device 003: ID 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp04:33
HollowPointlink me to the wiki please?04:34
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Agent_bobnew lappy has built-in usb devices  ;/     sad state of affairs this is becomming04:34
nubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:34
m0nkfishthat page has detail on my specific driver04:35
m0nkfish /card04:35
HollowPointAgent_bob some of the new HP Servers have internal USB Backup Tape Drives ffs!04:35
mr--tfrybye the thunderbird app will default to your kde settings see above to set defaults04:35
Agent_boboh an actual sting ?   or plugged streight into the board ?04:36
HollowPointnah the motherboard has a usb port on it lol04:36
HollowPointexactly the same usb port you would see on the outside of the case04:36
HollowPointin the middle of the motherboard04:36
HollowPointwith a picture of a cartoon dog underneath it04:37
HollowPointyour card isn't in that link mate04:37
HollowPointyours is an 819704:37
m0nkfishshall i try the generic one04:38
m0nkfishi swear my computer told me it was 8187b04:38
HollowPointis your laptop a toshiba?04:38
m0nkfishi mean thats the driver im using in vista04:38
HollowPointYou're not trying to use the Vista driver with NDiswrapper are you?04:39
m0nkfishthe win98 driver04:39
HollowPointI'd be more inclined to use a Windows XP driver to work with Ndiswrapper, back in the days of Win98 wireless wasn't exactly established04:40
se7enis kubuntu not compatible with normal linux04:40
HollowPointWin XP SP1 doesn't even support wireless properly lol04:40
HollowPointwhat makes you say that se7en?04:40
se7eni can't scp anything from debian to kubuntu04:41
frybyeHollowPoint: using a usb-wlan-stick attached to a port -inside- the pc case is not a good idea at all - the radio signals will be 95% screened by the metal case around them (If i have understood you correctly?)04:41
se7eni get 0kb files thats all04:41
Agent_bobse7en heh.   try as root.04:41
Agent_bobsounds like you don't have perms to read04:42
frybyeyou can buy a little lead/adapter- thing to extend the usb-port to a small plate at the back of the pc - or a longer usb lead and just run that out the back of the pc and place the usb-wland-stick someplace higher on your desk or similar..04:42
se7eni can ssh in the kubuntu box Agent_bob04:42
mr--tmonkfish http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79209204:42
se7enjust scp doesn't work04:43
m0nkfishoof thanks mrt04:43
m0nkfishthat is exactly my setup (hardy and toshiba realtek)04:43
Agent_bobse7en haven't changed my mind one byte04:43
Agent_bobse7en still sounds like you don't have read permission on the source files04:44
HollowPointfrybye, I was referring to a backup Tape Device in new HP Servers not wireless usb adapters but yeah your point is none the less true lol04:44
se7enwell debian root scp --> kubuntu doesn't work04:44
HollowPointyeah you probably don't have the rights in kubuntu to actually place the file there04:44
se7enssh to kubuntu sudo scp from debian to kubuntu doesn't work as well04:44
HollowPointie the place you are trying to save the file, you don't have rights to04:44
HollowPointmake sure you're logged into the console as root, THEN ssh to the Debian box and do the SCP, you might have better luck04:45
mr--tmonkfish google is a wonderfull thing lol04:45
mr--tnite all04:45
HollowPointnite mate04:45
Agent_bobse7en you do know that $USER on one box/system  may not = $USER on another.  i.e. permissions issue.  be root on both.    scp root@source.ip:file root@dest.ip:/path04:45
Agent_bobroot is almost always $UID = 004:46
Agent_boband at any rate almost always the super user04:46
HollowPointKubuntu does have an annoying feature sometimes where if you try to write a file to an area you don't have permission to write to it just writes a zero file04:47
se7enAgent_bob: nop doesn't do it ... works to other debian boxes so ... only kubunutu makes problems ...04:47
Agent_bobit shouldn't even make an empty inode HollowPoint04:48
Agent_bobkey word "should"04:48
Agent_bobse7en interesting.  what version ?04:48
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se7en8.04 Agent_bob04:49
Agent_bobtoo new for me to test.  but file a bug.04:49
se7enAgent_bob: samba has the same problem i can copy out but not in ... just checked that ... ???04:49
HollowPointI've done scp from kubuntu to kubuntu previously04:49
HollowPointon Hardy I mean04:50
Agent_bobi'd say it's a bug   but not sure where.04:50
HollowPointwell I'm assuming you heard about the problem with RSA keys in all Debian based systems?04:51
HollowPointand I'm not talking about recent ones either, I'm talking about 2 years ago apparently04:51
EvolElm0afternoon all04:51
HollowPointsome dev "accidentally" removed something from the randomizer that's used to create ssl certs and rsa keys, means it's possible for someone to brute force into a system quickly04:52
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Agent_bobse7en as per the origenal question.   *buntu is not actually "linux" per'se   linux is the kernel and at the kernel level one "GNU/Linux" distrobution differs very little from another.   that's not to say that ubuntu didn't/doesn't mess with the kernel too.    only saying that the problem is more likely in the GNU user land apps/configs than in the kernel.04:52
Agent_bobHollowPoint yeah i only heard bits and peaces on that.   know any quick test to see if a system is affected ?04:55
jsilverman2strigi links from konqueror shell firefox which complains that it has no protocol handler for strigi:04:55
jsilverman2how do i fix this?04:55
jsilverman2i want strigi: to shell konqueror04:55
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
HollowPointALL Debian systems are affected, only way I know of at present to fix it is uninstall ssh and re-install it by compiling it from scratch and as for ssl certs I haven't looked into fixing that as I don't have any.04:56
m0nkfishok im getting somewhere :D04:57
Agent_bobHollowPoint "all" is a broad range.   i'm still using dapper...04:57
HollowPointyeah you might just about be safe then, I know it happened about 2 years ago and no one knew about it until now, Dapper could be a close call, google the problem "debian based ssl issues" and see if Dapper was affected or not04:57
Agent_bobHollowPoint i know a guy using potato04:57
HollowPointsee I was interested to know if Gentoo was affected or not, as it was originally Debian based, it seems when they changed to be Fedora Core based (A year or two ago I think) they also inherited the ssl stuff instead of carrying over debians04:59
HollowPointwell done m0nkfish04:59
HollowPointhow far are you getting?\04:59
m0nkfishwell wlan0 now shows my card04:59
HollowPointnice one04:59
EvolElm0this is going to be interesting.. currently attempting to get WOW working.. :S04:59
HollowPointslightly more detailed question then, what ISN'T working? lol04:59
m0nkfishnetwork manager still isn't giving me a list of wireless networks05:00
HollowPointEvolElm0 I wouldn't even try without crossover, just not worth the hassle for the results you'll get05:00
m0nkfishcould you do me a favour please and scroll up to find mr--t's link from earlier05:00
m0nkfishi lost the url05:00
HollowPointwhat does your /etc/network/interfaces file look like05:00
m0nkfisher... can i paste 6 lines..?05:01
HollowPointjust tell me whats in it05:01
HollowPointdoes it detail eth0 or wlan0 at all?.05:01
Odd-rationalem0nkfish: > 3 should be in the pastebin... :)05:01
EvolElm0HollowPoint: go for a dual boot instead?05:01
HollowPointnah, get crossover05:01
m0nkfish'auto wlan0'05:02
HollowPointI don't use WoW myself but I've heard it's hard to install unless you have crossover installed and doesn't give the results people wanted05:02
m0nkfish'iface wlan0 inet dhcp'05:02
HollowPointok save a copy of the file as /etc/network/interfaces.old05:02
HollowPointand edit the file by removing everything about wlan0, and save it as /etc/network/interfaces05:03
HollowPointbefore you do that though05:03
HollowPointyou'll need to stop networking05:03
HollowPointso /etc/init.d/networking stop05:03
HollowPointthen edit the files05:03
HollowPointthen /etc/init.d/networking start05:03
m0nkfishok thanks :)05:03
HollowPointthen check knetworkmanager05:03
EvolElm0oh.. crossover = $40USD?05:04
Agent_bobHollowPoint between September 2006 and May 13th, 2008 may be affected.  << post dapper   :)05:04
* Agent_bob goes to kick heck out of his ssh door now just to see if brute force gets in....05:05
m0nkfishi removed the wlan0 stuff05:06
m0nkfishand it shows up wireless networks :D05:06
HollowPointcool for you Agent_bob05:06
m0nkfishbut i think the problem is WEP compatibility now05:07
HollowPointWEP works fine, you might have a problem with WPA though05:07
HollowPointyeah EvolElm0 it costs $40 USD but it's cheaper than Windows and it works well with alot of programs, I use it for MS Office for those occassions where I ABSOLUTELY HAVE to use MS Office05:07
EvolElm0fair enough.. ill put a bit more research in to it.. probably see how it runs with wine first..05:08
HollowPointI run Star Trek Elite Force II on Wine perfectly05:08
HollowPointI had to install it on a windows box first (God bless Virtualbox so I don't actually have to run windows) and then copy the installation over to wine05:09
HollowPointthen made a couple of changes in regedit using Wine and it works lovelly05:09
EvolElm0dont really wanna slice up one of the TB drives to half windows/nix05:09
HollowPointlike I said05:09
HollowPointVirtualbox matey05:09
HollowPointit's in the repos05:09
tuxwulfHollowPoint: ST Elite Force is a heavy game?05:09
m0nkfishok gonna try out my WEP network05:09
Agent_bobanyway to get "dpmi" in wine ?05:09
HollowPointreasonably heavy tuxwulf year05:10
HollowPointit's an FPS game05:10
HollowPointok m0nkfish05:10
Agent_bobdos protected mode interface05:10
Agent_bobinterface ?05:10
Agent_bobnot sure about the last word05:11
m0nkfishyeah still having problems connecting :(05:11
tuxwulfHollowPoint:  Cool...  Must try such things.. switch is easily made...05:11
m0nkfishthe networks show up fine05:11
Agent_bobthe older model "command prompt"05:11
m0nkfishand i can actually 'connect' to mine05:11
m0nkfishbut can't load web pages or make irc connections etc05:12
Agent_bobneed to find the source to the C64 "red storm rising" and port it to linux ;/05:12
HollowPointyou should probably try rebooting the PC with the cable unplugged mate, mess about with it for ten minutes to see if you can sort it using knetworkmanager, then come back and tell us, if you can't get it working reboot again with the cable plugged in05:13
m0nkfishwill do05:13
HollowPointit is possible to do it without rebooting but it's the quickest easiest way for me to get you to do it lol05:13
HollowPointI play Paperboy on linux05:13
HollowPointported from C64 to Windows and play it in Wine :D05:13
* Agent_bob </knods?05:13
HollowPointgod I'm a geek05:13
tuxwulfHollowPoint: ... go with the feeling, it's a good thing...05:14
Agent_bobi have rsr ported to dos  but it doesn't work in qemu + win9x   nor normal wine05:14
Agent_bobit runs in qemu  but the timming is normalx40k05:15
aoboCan i please get some help with scp command?05:15
aoboim trying to download a file from remote server to my computer05:15
HollowPointwhat help do you need?05:15
HollowPointyou using Hardy?05:15
aobojust normal scp05:15
HollowPointno as in Kubuntu Hardy Heron?05:16
aoboscp yourname@yourserver:desktop/assi305:16
aobodoesnt work05:16
aobowell i m not sure...05:16
aobonever heard of it05:16
Agent_bobaobo scp user@ip.address:/path/to/file dest-user@dest-ip.address:/path/to/dest05:16
HollowPointyou are in Linux?05:16
HollowPointwhat version of Linux?05:16
HollowPointare you wireless monkfish?05:17
monkfishits working...05:17
monkfishi dont understand how lol05:17
HollowPointnice one monkfish05:17
HollowPointI telepathically made it work05:17
monkfishim on WPA05:17
aoboagent bob. i tried that05:18
HollowPointaobo when did you install kubuntu?05:18
aobossh: aobo-desktop: Name or service not known05:18
aobolost connection05:18
monkfishthanks for all your help HollowPoint05:18
aoboa while ago.05:18
HollowPointnp monk05:18
Agent_bobaobo you may be experancing the latest *buntu bug.05:18
HollowPointso you're not able to ssh to the machine you're trying to copy from?05:18
HollowPointthat could be the start of the problem lol05:18
aobothis assignment is due in like a few hours and i left the files at school05:19
Boohbahaobo: aobo-desktop is NOT an IP address05:19
Agent_bobaobo you have to be able to ssh in to use scp05:19
Boohbahaobo: unless you have DNS or hosts setup it will not resolve05:19
aoboi did ssh in05:19
aoboi can look at al the files05:19
HollowPointAnyone else confused now?05:20
Agent_bobaobo use the same address for scp that you did for ssh05:20
aoboi did...05:20
EvolElm0what programming tools do we all use?05:20
HollowPointdo you have a VPN to the school?05:20
monkfishkate :)05:20
BoohbahEvolElm0: the ones for the task at hand05:20
aobo:S i have no idea05:20
HollowPointnano :D05:20
Agent_bobaobo if ssh works and scp only makes empty files   it's a known bug i think.05:20
aoboall im trying to do is download a few files from school to my computer. i have established the connection05:20
aoboupload works though05:21
aoboi can upload files05:21
frogonwheelsI use vim on windoze with delphi :)05:21
HollowPointyou can scp TO the machine but not from?05:21
aoboif that means uploading to school server but not download ... then yes05:21
Agent_bobaobo open konqueror and use     fish://source-ip.address:/         < translate the address of course05:21
Boohbahaobo: have you thought about firewalls? they could be filtering port 2205:22
aobo:S all these technical stuff lol05:22
Boohbahaobo: what did you expect? you're using linux05:22
Agent_bobfish in konq is sweet05:23
aobofish doesnt work05:23
Boohbahaobo: you fail05:23
Agent_bobif you can ssh in you should be able to fish in05:23
aoboor... i can just try figure out whats wrong with my assignment05:23
aobothen upload it ...05:23
aobostupid java05:23
aobocode looks fine05:23
aobobut nothing come out05:23
Agent_bobor maybe    fish://user@address    i think that works too05:24
Agent_bobaobo heh.  wait.    you can ssh in, and look at the code ?   you have it locally then  just do     ssh user@address cat file > file05:26
Agent_bobthe redirrect will be local because it's the terminal that is being redirrected not the remote shell05:27
aobotell me how to open a java file in kate?05:27
aoboi have files there and i need to look at them05:27
aobokate *.java?05:28
HollowPointnano Roxorz05:28
Agent_bobbut kdevelop would probobably be better05:28
aobopartch:~/Desktop/assi3> kate Cell.java05:28
aobokate: cannot connect to X server05:28
Agent_bobaobo heh   get it local   like i said.05:29
Agent_bobexit the ssh shell   and run  the same ssh command but add     cat /path/to/file.java > file.java      to the end of it,  and open with anything you want.05:30
HollowPointso lemme get this straight, you're using linux at home, you're using linux at school, you know how to ssh and scp and you're writing something in Java using a text editor, yet you're asking us for help?05:31
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EvolElm0i can see!05:32
HollowPointyou can?05:32
HollowPointwhat were you testing?05:32
aobocome on its Uni05:32
aoboi barely pulled the java out of my butt05:32
EvolElm0new res and new refrest rate.. heh05:32
EvolElm0but i lost my 2nd moniter..05:32
HollowPointwhat are you using to configure the monitors and res?05:32
HollowPointcool, same as me05:33
aobossh u4526644@partch.anu.edu.au cat Desktop/assi3/Cell.java > Cell.java05:33
aobookay thats what i typed in05:33
HollowPointhave to use randr on my laptop cos it doesn't have an nvidia card :(05:33
aoboasked for pwd and i entered it and nothing happened05:33
Agent_bobaobo good.  now open the file you just copied to your $PWD05:33
HollowPointwhen you edited the new res did you edit xorg.conf directly or did you use the gui in Kubuntu?\05:34
aobothere is no file.05:34
aoboCell.java is no where to be seen on my computer... where would it be?05:34
Agent_bobecho $PWD    will expand that for you05:34
aoboim really lost...05:35
EvolElm0used the gui.. saved it..05:35
frybyeHi - whats the best app to use to put an image of the system onto a neighbouring pc??05:35
aobowhat does cat do again?05:35
HollowPointthere's your mistake, DON'T use the gui05:36
frybyeto use for recovery if necessary...? (assuming that on then boots with a live cd to restore?)05:36
Agent_bobaobo   man cat      in short same as dos "type"05:36
EvolElm0HollowPoint: really?05:36
HollowPointfrybye there's a program called shadow protect but it's not open source or free05:36
funcrushkwin doesn't start at boot after I updated. How can I fix?05:37
HollowPointyeah GUI will F**K your xorg.conf05:37
HollowPointit's broked!05:37
EvolElm0ah rite05:37
Odd-rationaledd might work in a hitch...05:37
frybyeHollowPoint: and something that is open source/free??05:37
HollowPointI used something the other day and can't rightly remember what it was now, basically ghosted an entire drive image into a file05:37
HollowPointgoogle linux file recovery05:38
Agent_bobfrybye dd is a linux standard for that purpose05:38
frybyeHollowPoint: using the kubuntu-live cd to restore?05:38
HollowPointyeah think it was dd05:38
EvolElm0HollowPoint: same deal if ur using ubuntu?05:38
frybyeok.. tks.. I will go look...05:38
Agent_bobfrybye tar is what i would reccomend tho05:38
aoboim gonna kill myself05:38
HollowPointas far as I know EvolElm0 yeah05:38
Odd-rationalefrybye: there was something along those line in this issue of the fullcirclemagazine: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/2008/04/24/one-year-of-full-circle/05:38
frybyeAgent_bob: something not too complicated to use..05:38
HollowPointright I'm off out to the shop for a bit, back later05:39
EvolElm0so how do i edit that file? never done it before05:39
=== HollowPoint is now known as HollowPoint_AwY
HollowPoint_AwYnano /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:39
HollowPoint_AwYbut I would google it05:40
HollowPoint_AwYgoogle "twinview dual monitors xorg.conf"05:40
HollowPoint_AwYtakes some playing with but there are plenty of tutorials out there05:40
EvolElm0cool thx05:41
Agent_bobfrybye tar     like this maybe.       from the remote machine,     ssh root@ip.address tar  -lczf - / > backup-ipaddress.tar.gz                simple enough for me.  </shrugs>05:42
Agent_bobone could even pipe that back into tar and have it extract locally....             | tar -xf - -C /ipaddress/storage/root/dir05:44
axelHello! After unsuccessfully trying the 3D-effects in Hardy the [Alt]+[Tab]-behaviour changed. Before the test of the effects a little window was displayed in the center of the screen providing information about the window which would open if the [Alt]-key was released. Now, after the test, holding [Alt] and pressing [tab] windows get the active status. How to get the old behavior back?05:45
Agent_bobaxel delete the home config that changed.   but i can't tell you which one that was, only that it's probably in ~/.kde*/share/<somewhere>05:47
Agent_bobfind ~/.kde*        -amin n05:48
Agent_bob              File was last accessed n minutes ago.05:48
Agent_bobfind ~/.kde* -amin 20       if it was within 20 minutes you did the testing...05:49
axelAgent_bob: Thanks. The Problem is that the test took place some hours ago and I have worked in the meantime.05:49
frybyeOdd-rationale: the method using partimage in the magazine is rather complex for a newbie - I have acronis live image here but it seems to take forever to resolve the local network and -see- the other pc - any tips on fixing that??05:49
Agent_bobso use        -cmin n05:50
Agent_bob              File's status was last changed n minutes ago.05:50
frybyeagent bob - what you are suggesting if perhaps simple for a person with some degree of background linux knowledge- which i am only just starting on...05:51
Agent_bobno  -amin would still be better    but you know that 600 minutes = 10 hours05:51
frybyeperhaps someone knows a trick to get acronis to resolve the netwsork a bit faster...?05:51
frybyeis sometimes seems to take either -forever- or fails completly...05:52
krapperhi. After changing the graphics card in the Display Settings, kubuntu fails to boot. I can get into recovery mode. How can I fix this?05:52
Agent_bobfrybye ok.  sorry for any confusion.05:52
Odd-rationalefrybye: i never used acronis. sorry...05:52
axelAgent_bob: Nothing worked.05:53
frybyeOdd-rationale: when it works it is fine..(is also just a spec. linux system of course..)05:53
frogonwheelskrapper: assuming by 'fails to boot'  you mean kdm doesn't start up?05:53
krapperfrogonwheels: yup05:53
frybyeok - I will try again with acronis - the other stuff here is beyond me a bit for the moment...05:53
frogonwheelskrapper:   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:53
frogonwheelspossibly will reset.05:53
frogonwheelsI've found that the graphics card display settings editor is worse than useless.05:54
krapperfrogonwheels: are you sure that will work? my version of kubuntu is pretty old.05:54
krapperthe version before Feisty Fawn, i think05:54
frogonwheelskrapper:  that will go through the promts and set up a default xorg.conf05:54
Agent_bobaxel ?    as in ?    find didn't find a file ?    deleting the file didn't change anything ? (restart of kde required "ctrl+alt+backspace")    all of the above ???05:54
frogonwheelsthat's been round since b4 ubuntu05:55
krapperfrogonwheels: oh, ok. Thanks a million!05:55
axelfind /home/axel/.kde* -amin 120005:55
axelfind: /home/axel/.kde/share/apps/kvpnc: Permission denied05:55
* krapper hugs frogonwheels and gets back to the stuff05:55
axelAgent_bob: I performed also a restart since testing05:56
axelAgent_bob: I did not even find a file.05:56
Agent_bobaxel ummm  did you by any chance "install" things and test ?05:56
navetzhey can anyone here please help me get my windows key working agiain. I messed up something with my keyboard settings and now the key is not working, please help05:57
axelAgent_bob: I had to install the Compiz-engine.05:57
Agent_bobaxel ok.   i'm not sure what that package "might have" removed or over writen.   you better ask in the compiz channel seeing that the change was not in your home dir.05:58
axelAgent_bob: K-Menue > System > Desktop Effects05:58
nubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:58
axelAgent_bob: then I clicked on the button install.05:59
Agent_bob                  ^05:59
Agent_bobout of my scope.05:59
arclholding ALT, using the mouse to move the window.06:00
axelAgent_bob, nubotu: Thanks.06:00
Agent_bobsorry axel, thought you only had a config issue.   have to hand you off to a dev on that one.06:00
Agent_bobarcl and ?06:02
Agent_bobifconfig -a   yelds an  sit0   what is that interface ?06:05
nubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:07
Agent_bobatheros    hard / easy to get working ?06:08
axelAgent_bob: There was one single checkbox to activate.06:08
Agent_bobaxel ah where ?06:09
axelAgent_bob: System Settings > Window Behaviour > Window "features" > the first one in "navigation"06:09
* Agent_bob notes06:09
axelAgent_bob: I saw this earlier but I did not think that this checkbox would have that effect.06:11
axelAgent_bob: Thanks again for your help.06:11
millakhey, I'm having trouble compiling kxdocker06:13
millaksays "configure: error: C compiler canot create executables"06:13
Agent_bobinstall "build-essential"06:14
nubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:14
millakOh right, thank you06:14
millakhm, another problem, but I'll take a look at that help file first .)06:16
* Agent_bob wonders where millak's other eye is o.O06:16
millakNo, couldn't find help from that file for this: now it says "Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!"06:18
millakWhat are "X includes" anyways?06:19
Snowman108I just upgraded and I used to be able to use xcall now it seems to be gone...anyone know whats up?06:20
Snowman108Listen also06:20
Agent_bobprobably a package named xorg-dev   or some such.   apt-cache search "X includes"   might know.   sudo apt-get install <packagename>   should grab it .06:20
Agent_bob@ millak   ^06:20
Agent_bobmillak general rule of thumb when compiling,   "headers/includes/..." normally means some -dev package06:21
Agent_bobSnowman108 not a kloo here.06:22
millakright... so when it doesn't find Qt headers that means that I need a qt-dev package of some sort06:23
Snowman108this sucks... looks like I may have to go back to 7.406:23
Agent_bobmillak yep06:25
Daisuke_IdoSnowman108: what's xcall06:26
Agent_bob!info xcall06:26
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info xcall, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi06:26
Agent_bobthe wiki says atheros works oob ?   how far back can one expect that to hold true ???  dapper even ?06:28
=== HollowPoint_AwY is now known as HollowPoint
Snowman108it is used whith node to call another node or packet station  (amature radio)06:29
Freethinker_AUI read I can install Kubuntu Hardy Heron as an application through Windows, then uninstall if I don't like the program. Can Kubuntu Hardy Heron still be uninstalled if I installed it to a separate hard drive?06:29
Snowman108Listen would listen on all the ports to moitor all the traffic06:29
nubotuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.06:30
Agent_bobFreethinker_AU ^06:30
Daisuke_IdoAgent_bob: depends on how long madwifi's been included06:30
Agent_bobFreethinker_AU short answer is "yes"06:30
HollowPointyou can install Hardy Heron along side Windows anyway as a dualboot system and grub automatically configures to boot Windows as well, removing it is also possible but you have to do a fix mbr in windows setup after removing the Linux Partitions06:31
Freethinker_AUTy Agent_bob I am very grateful for your answer06:31
Agent_bobDaisuke_Ido ?    madwifi ?    is that a package ?06:31
Daisuke_IdoHollowPoint: and that's why there's wubi - a lot of people don't feel comfortable taking what they perceive to be that large of a risk with their pc06:31
Freethinker_AUTy HollowPoint06:31
nubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:32
Agent_bob!info madwifi06:32
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info madwifi, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi06:32
tuxwulfHollowPoint: YOU seem quite knowledgable in Kubuntu eh... With Heron, how come I can install from alt CD but after install and restart, screen stays dark? Or rather, what can I do about it to make it work?06:32
HollowPointwhy do you want to install from the alt cd?06:34
Agent_bobtuxwulf i know that wasn't addressed to me.  but that sounds like a kernel framebuffer & xorg module conflict     simple answer is stop using boot splash and make sure xorg is configured correctly.   or.   use vesa as the xorg driver.06:34
HollowPointor install from the standard installer cd and then edit your installation once it's installed06:35
Agent_bobHollowPoint because it's a commong issue that many can not get the gui up in the live CD06:35
HollowPointunless there's a specific reason for installing from the alt cd06:35
HollowPointthat seems odd, any idea which graphics chipset that problem is with?06:36
Agent_bobati mostely06:36
Agent_bobsometimes a "noacpi" at boot of the live CD will work around it.06:37
Freethinker_AUTy all for your help06:37
HollowPointnever had a problem with the live cd tbh on ati, intel or nvidia chipsets but I haven't used every single model of each chipset obviously06:37
Agent_bobbut a lappy with acpi permanantly disabled is not reasonable.06:37
HollowPointdidn't realise was such a common problem06:37
tuxwulfAgent_bob: HollowPoint > Correct, the live CD does not start up, screen stays blank. ATI chipset.06:38
Agent_bobi've seen it many times.    and up close and personal too06:38
HollowPointdo you even get the kubuntu boot screen where you have an option of installing in different methods?06:39
tuxwulfSo I downloaded the alt CD, install works ok, no errors, just afterwards, screen stays blank.06:39
Agent_bobHollowPoint yes   and the splash works up to start of xorg   then  black screen of *buntu06:40
tuxwulfI therefore am forced to use text installer, andf that goes well. But .. I can not really remember well if the installer ever asks me to configure x-settigns myself06:40
tuxwulfI suppose I have to start the installer with some options06:40
Agent_bobHollowPoint and you can't switch back to a console   the vidio chip is in some wierd mode that leaves you in the dark until hard reset.06:40
HollowPointok well while the splash screen is running you should be able to press alt ctrl f1 and get into a console session, at which point you can re-configure X06:41
Agent_bobHollowPoint not enough time   when xorg starts, it's lights out.06:41
HollowPointnah WHILE the splash screen is running06:41
Agent_bobthere is no console durring that....06:42
Agent_bobtry it.   the live CD is not quite like the installed system06:42
HollowPointyeah there is, the splash screen is just hiding the text which in some other linux installations would be showing you what was being loaded, just wait till it gets about 3/4 of the way through and hit ctrl alt f106:43
Agent_bobor do you mean the "grub" shell ?06:43
Agent_bobyou can't configure xorg from there...06:43
tuxwulfSpalsh screen... like when that cylon light is running to and fro?06:43
HollowPointI mean after install06:43
HollowPointie you install from the alt cd06:43
HollowPointthen reboot06:43
HollowPointthen during Kubuntu splash screen where the progress bar is going accross at about 3/4 you should be able to get into console06:43
Agent_bobright.   i'm with that.    and like i said.   stop using splash so the vidio doesn't go into fb mode will usually fix it.06:44
tuxwulfWHoa... not one but two knowledgables here...06:45
tuxwulfI will try and let you know.. may not be this evening though06:45
Agent_bobi simply boot with vga=normal nosplash     and violah   but that doesn't word with all hw.06:45
Agent_bobtuxwulf there are details on the web about this issue too.  you can check with google about it too.06:46
Agent_bobs/word/work/     i don't know why the d and k get so confused on my kbd06:47
Agent_boband h and n do that too06:48
Agent_bobi'm not lysdexic.  really i'm not.06:48
HollowPointnah mate its your keyboard06:49
HollowPointmine does it from time to time too06:50
HollowPointlike it tries to teach me a lesson when I'm pissed and stuff06:50
millakhuu, I got kxdocker compiled! But I don't see a way to configure it...06:50
HollowPointno idea, never used it sorry06:50
millakoh dear06:51
Agent_bobwould madwifi be in the restricted area ?06:51
millakI'm also open to recommendations on a different program that does roughly the same thing...06:51
HollowPointwhat does it do?06:52
Agent_bobwhat kind of crippled bot is this nubotu anyway ?     !info doesn't work06:52
bazhang_not til monday06:53
Agent_bobit is monday !06:53
bazhang_db being brought online from crashed server06:53
just-this-timeFailed to startup volume : No such file or directory06:53
just-this-timeVolume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.06:53
Agent_bobwell not in some far west tz maybe...06:53
just-this-timeany cnance to repair an ntfs of vista from within kubuntu?06:54
just-this-timevista repari itself failed06:54
just-this-timealso trying to backup broken vista install06:54
HollowPointI'm in NZ it's nearly Tuesday for me06:55
Agent_bobjust-this-time can you boot to the recovery console ?     run chkdsk like it says06:55
just-this-timeAgent_bob: ty06:55
simulais there any way to get the system clock on AM/PM time rather than military 24 hour time?  (KDE 4 remix - kubuntu 8.04)06:55
Agent_bobjust-this-time also there is a windows channel here    #windows   you might get help there06:56
Agent_bobsimula right click it and configure ?06:56
just-this-timewell now it is vista issue sorry, visat does some tries to repair which apparently failed, this kubuntu here is on same sda drive on neosmart boot06:57
Agent_bobi think it's in the lang& section06:57
simulaagent_bob... there is no such option in the dialog provided :/06:57
simulakde 4 and all06:57
just-this-timeyep Agent_bob ##WINDOWS will check06:57
HollowPointjust-this-time you can run chkdsk from inside windows in the cli, no need for recovery console, just go into cmd and run chkdsk /? it'll tell you how to force the drive to unmount before the check runs and then you'll have to reboot, it'll do the check as it boots.06:57
Agent_bobsimula ah kde4  that's out of my scope too.   and there is a channel for that06:58
just-this-timeHollowPoint: ty vista not booting , trying endlessly to repair06:58
nubotuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde406:58
simulathank you sir06:58
HollowPointah ok06:58
just-this-timewhile kubunut alive and well , ha06:58
HollowPointin that case just do as Agent_bob said06:59
HollowPointboot to recovery console using windows disk06:59
HollowPointpreferrably Win XP disk tbh06:59
HollowPointthen while in recovery console run chkdsk06:59
just-this-timeah burn a windows recovery boot?06:59
HollowPointwindows install disk06:59
HollowPointwatch the bottom of the screen as it loads files and it'll ask you to press a button to enter recovery console07:00
* Agent_bob points at ##windows again and taps fingure nails on desk...07:00
just-this-timedont make me laugh HollowPoint tis vista, they sold so called oem having only an on partition recovery which overwrites vista partition07:01
just-this-timeAgent_bob: NP07:01
just-this-timewas with HollowPoint07:01
HollowPointif not once it's booted to the installer you'll have an option to repair an existing windows installation07:01
HollowPointlol I'm a Senior Windows Engineer07:01
just-this-timebye for now07:01
HollowPointsee ya07:02
HollowPointwhat does that mean?07:02
nubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:02
* HollowPoint demands to know what </click...click...click> means07:03
* Agent_bob points at ##windows again and taps fingure nails on desk...07:03
HollowPointhe's gone07:03
Agent_bobclosing html tag </*>   or xml or what ever.07:04
HollowPointah ok07:04
HollowPointtheFATMAN is back!07:05
tuxwulf!dolphin |tuxwulf07:05
Agent_bobyou senior developers types....   i sware.        :)07:05
HollowPointnah not a dev07:05
HollowPointam an I.T. engineer mate07:05
theFATMANHollowPoint: lol, how are ya, mate?07:06
HollowPointI work with Windows, Linux, Cisco etc fixing things that break and setting up new systems/networks07:06
* jussi01 points at #kubuntu-offtopic 07:06
HollowPointnot bad theFATMAN yourself?07:06
theFATMANnice, i'm studying for a lowly A+ now07:06
theFATMANi'm good07:06
* HollowPoint asks jussi01 why he pointed at a channel I don't want to go to07:07
theFATMANlooking forward to being a regular old pc tech 1 day07:07
HollowPointyou won't stay as one for long mate07:07
jussi01HollowPoint: Please keep this channel free for support discussion - #kubuntu-offtopic for general chat07:07
HollowPointsupport discussion like I've been doing for about 6 hours you mean? ok will do07:08
just-this-timetry not to burnout ;-)07:08
theFATMANso, got a question (again, wow) i have went from ubuntu to kubuntu and went pure kde, my login screen is still ubuntu, how do i change that?07:08
HollowPointinstall kdm07:08
nubotuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.07:09
theFATMANmutha! i knew it, i thought that, but in ubuntu channel i was told it wasnt necessary07:09
HollowPointI won't burn out just-this-time I've got today off as a holiday for the queens birthday or anniversary or something, so thought I'd log in here and try to be of use07:09
Agent_bobtheFATMAN umm maybe kubuntu-artwork package too ?07:09
HollowPointalthough technically not needed07:09
HollowPointhas your splash changed?07:10
theFATMANyep i have it, and yeah the splash has changed07:10
Agent_bobk just checking.07:10
HollowPointwell install kdm and that should do it I think with Hardy07:10
HollowPointshould work in Gutsy too07:10
just-this-timewish me luck with that vista rubbish, thought I couled reach mount, backup from kubuntu07:10
HollowPointprevious versions/older versions of xorg would require you to change your login manager in the config file07:11
Agent_bobgdm doesn't depend on gnome though.     errr does it ?07:11
HollowPointI have a tip for you07:11
theFATMANbut not the login, ok, for sure, yeah i'm using hardy, ummm...how do i just do a custom login screen? i mean install it07:11
HollowPointno it doesn't Agent_bob07:11
just-this-timebtw what imaging softwareto take broken vista volume to a file07:11
HollowPointjust-this-time you want my tip?07:11
HollowPointinstall kdm and then kdm-theme07:11
HollowPointwhen kdm-theme doesn't work come back and ask me how to get your new login screen to work :D07:12
just-this-timeon tip07:12
HollowPointremove vista and just run Linux :D07:12
HollowPointyou'll have LESS headaches07:12
just-this-timeI kenew it07:12
HollowPointanyone spot the pun there?07:12
theFATMANahhhh......lol, dude, i will be on here, and i agree with Hollow....vista blows07:12
HollowPointor punn07:13
HollowPointdon't know how you spell it07:13
just-this-timetis a customers PC i will send him to you , HollowPoint yo convince him to use ubunut and send him to do some reading like we all do ;-)07:13
HollowPointusing linux you lol07:13
HollowPointmeh lol07:13
HollowPointusing linux you will have LESS headaches07:13
tuxwulfubunut... like peanut, walnut, coconut?07:14
HollowPointno one get it:/07:14
tuxwulfHollowPoint:  ... I admit... I missed it... what's your pun?07:14
HollowPointmy boss doesn't like me using Kubuntu so he calls it Kubutno07:14
just-this-timexp has sp3 and that makes vista still useless07:14
theFATMANi have kdm installed, what would the cmd be?07:14
theFATMANto reconfigure07:14
HollowPointwell try rebooting, see if kdm is your login screen or not07:14
just-this-timeyour boss will end up firing you :-07:14
jussi01sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm07:15
HollowPointnah I hope not07:15
Agent_bobtheFATMAN just remove gdm now.07:15
HollowPointthat'll work too but shouldn't really need to07:15
tuxwulfNow I still do not get the pun...07:15
Agent_bobkdm will take over07:15
theFATMANjussi01: thanks and Agent_bob: i dont like your tone.....lol07:15
tuxwulfa darn I been in thSEA too long...07:15
just-this-timegonna use old and tried , attaching bad partition as asecond drive to a good XP only cure I can think of07:15
* Agent_bob wonders what tone clear text carries...07:16
tuxwulfb flat07:16
Agent_bobmaybe c flat07:16
HollowPointtuxwulf if you wanted to temporarily export the output of a command to a text file what command would you use?07:16
tuxwulfOrrather, b VERY flat07:16
tuxwulfHollow > tee07:17
Makuseruare there any way to set functions for multimedia buttons on keyboards?07:17
HollowPointyes you would use | but you know full well what I mean bob lol07:18
tuxwulfYes the | comes before tee07:18
nubotukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts07:18
MakuseruAgent_bob: thank you07:19
HollowPointlet's say you were gunna perform an ls command and you know the contents of the folder is huge so you want it to a text file, which command would you use?07:19
tuxwulfI do not really see a whole lot of differences between Fawn and Heron...07:19
HollowPointafter the |07:19
HollowPointthere are a lot of differences tbh between the two, knetworkmanager is vastly improved07:19
tuxwulfHollowPoint: ...I'll stop messing with yyou... Yes, pipe to a text file, then use less on it...07:20
Agent_bobpipe to less07:20
tuxwulfknetworkmanager sure could use a few imporovements, that's true07:20
tuxwulfYes, could pipe directly to less, I suppose.. I usually  just type twice though...07:21
tuxwulf.. and I immediately agree, my typing needs improvement for sure...07:21
tuxwulfSo with linux you have less headaches...07:22
tuxwulfwindows | less headaches07:22
* HollowPoint shakes his head in dismay07:22
Agent_bobecho "$(<file))" | while read x ;do read p ;done07:23
HollowPointoh stop scripting07:23
Agent_bobkind of a more bypass07:23
HollowPointwhat time is it where you are anyway? You've been here nearly as long as me07:24
Agent_boboh 06:25 zulu07:24
Agent_bobsame time it is where you are   lol07:25
HollowPointyou're in NZ as well?07:25
tuxwulfNew Zulu07:25
Agent_bobno it's 06:25 zulu no mater what time zone you are in ...     missed another one....;/07:25
HollowPointwell it actually is 06:25pm here right now lol07:26
tzdI need to install Java SDK (think that's the correct edition if i want to use if for programming with Netbeans?) and noticed Sun Java is available via repos. Can i just install it via synaptic or will i have to do it in another way please??07:27
Agent_bobthat wouldn't normally have the leading 0  and the trailing pm   either 18:25  or  6:25pm07:27
Agent_bobtzd yes synaptic07:28
HollowPoint06:25pm is perfectly acceptable as you still need two digits on the left side of the :07:28
Agent_bobfor what ?07:28
HollowPointfor 10, 11 and 1207:28
tzdAgent_bob: oh nice, thanks! Last time i installed it was on gutsy and i did it manually or something.... can't remember that well but via the repos is a lot easier :) Thanks again!07:28
Agent_bobHollowPoint that's a little like saying you have to have a thousand digits for any number because some number has that many digits...    check the time formats in kcontrol  (kde3)     hH:MM p      uses the tens digit if needed    but anyway.    i know you are right.    for your locale/work/thought   so    </shrugs>07:36
* HollowPoint agrees he is right :D07:43
HollowPointgone quiet in here in the last 20 minutes07:43
Agent_bobhow does this "madwifi" thing supposed to work ?   i have /lib/modules/`uname -r`/madwifi/ath_pci.ko   but i can't seem to modprobe it...07:44
millakuh, how do I remove a program I installed by compiling it?07:45
Agent_bobthere is no "madwifi" command...   ?07:45
Agent_bobmillak sudo make uninstall    in the build dir ?07:45
Agent_boband hope07:45
millakyeah, that's the one I was looking for, thanks!07:46
Agent_bobah shoot it's time to go to work.    see you fellows when you aren't expecting it...07:47
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:23
=== moira is now known as Akallabeth
EvolElm0om nom nom.. pork roast for dinner tonight :D08:32
eagles05!offtopic | EvolElm008:34
ubottuEvolElm0: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:34
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875
zorglu_q. i would like to change the desktop shortcut. the one to switch the virtual desktop in particular. where should i look ?08:36
zorglu_sorry wrong channel08:36
MidgetSpyHey guys, how can I simply clear all information off a hard drive? It was used in a freebsd software raid configuration formatted with gpt, and if I try to use parted it just crashes. fdisk claims it can't deal with gpt partitions... I just want to clear the drive and reformat it with ext308:54
llutzMidgetSpy: a complete HDD or a partition?08:56
eagles0513875MidgetSpy: you want to use the whole drive08:57
=== ritesh is now known as krish
MidgetSpyI want to erase everything from the drive and start it from scratch08:58
llutzMidgetSpy: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX count=1     where X your drive is(a,b,c,d...), should clean the mbr+partition-table08:59
olskolircanyone still up09:01
eagles0513875MidgetSpy: you on the live cd atm09:01
jussi01olskolirc: its 11 am so, yes, of course09:01
olskolircI have a simple question I know you guys know the answer09:01
olskolircoh its 4 am here09:01
eagles051387510am ovr here09:01
jussi01olskolirc: ask!09:01
olskolirci can't load kdm themes09:01
olskolirceven as administrater09:01
olskolircwow eagles0513875 where are you?09:02
eagles0513875central europe09:02
eagles0513875!offtopic | olskolirc09:02
ubottuolskolirc: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:02
olskolircI don't have an offtopic do I?09:02
olskolirckdm themes?09:02
olskolirclogin themes.  I can't load them09:03
zorglu_olskolirc: find another alias and counter attack :)09:03
eagles0513875click on the blue link above to join that channel09:03
zorglu_let me think :)09:03
zorglu_!coc | eagles051387509:03
ubottueagles0513875: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/09:03
zorglu_this one is a good counter attack :)09:03
eagles0513875what did i do wrong:(09:04
zorglu_see it works :)09:04
olskolircyou was mean to me09:04
olskolircand didn't help :-(09:04
eagles0513875thought jussi01 was helping but ill help you09:04
eagles0513875olskolirc:are you on a live cd at the moment09:04
* jussi01 is a bit busy here, sorry09:05
olskolirclol no09:05
olskolircI have Gutsy installed to hard drive09:05
llutzolskolirc: you have installed package kdmtheme?09:05
olskolircyes llutz :-)09:05
eagles0513875olskolirc: i apologize for being mean not to mention i dont know the resolution to ur problem:(09:06
eagles0513875olskolirc: my apologies09:06
olskolircI can't load my themes in kdetheme09:06
olskolircnp eagles051387509:06
olskolircI had this problem before but I don't remember how I resolved it09:07
llutzolskolirc: set USETHEME=true in /etc/default/kdm.d/20_kubuntu_default_settings09:08
HollowPointjust loads default ugly theme?09:08
HollowPointwhat he said09:08
olskolircok llutz its already set09:09
olskolircthat wasn't it09:09
HollowPointhave you set the theme as well?09:09
olskolirceverything is already on true09:10
HollowPointno I mean have you actually set the theme?09:11
HollowPointin the same file09:11
HollowPointjust below the option USETHEME is an option to set the actual theme it's going to use09:12
olskolirckdmthemes won't let me load any09:12
olskolircit doesn't show up09:12
HollowPointkdmtheme is broken09:12
olskolircohhh i see09:12
HollowPointthe only reason to install it is to have the files there to edit them manually09:12
olskolircI might just go with gdm09:16
HollowPointnah kdm loads better09:17
olskolirclooks better too09:17
eagles0513875does compiz work on kde 3.509:21
fablehi to all09:22
eagles0513875interesting im missing something in my install to where i can setup the desktop effects09:24
fablei have one big problem! my tray-bar in KDE doesn't work, at startup is empty (no volume, no klipper etc), and when I start Amule or Konversation it doesn't create that icon in the tray bar!09:24
eagles0513875HollowPoint: what am i missing in my compiz installation i am having issues modifying the settings like the cube settings and what not09:25
eagles0513875HollowPoint: found it nm09:25
eagles0513875missing the simple ccsm09:26
mathieu_salut, quelqu'un parle français ici09:26
eagles0513875!fr | mathieu_09:27
ubottumathieu_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr09:27
mathieu_ubottu: bien gentil mais kubuntu-fr n'existe pas09:27
ubottumathieu_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:27
mathieu_eagles0513875: : bien gentil mais kubuntu-fr n'existe pas09:27
eagles0513875mathieu_: do you speak english because i have no idea what u said09:28
FSHeroHello all, I want to install Windows XP, then Kubuntu Hardy, then Fedora 9 onto my computer.09:28
eagles0513875FSHero: you sure u have enough hard drive space09:28
FSHeroReading http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=254400 post #3, it suggests that the author installed Dapper and "chainloads" Edgy.09:28
FSHeroeagles0513875: of course! ;)09:28
FSHeroSo, does that mean that a GRUB menu appears when he boots, which lists Dapper and Edgy, then when he selects Edgy, it just starts booting edgy?09:29
eagles0513875FSHero: i have no idea i have never done a triple boot before09:30
eagles0513875i have done duel with xp and kubuntu no problem09:30
FSHeroOr does it pass into another menu, which lists all his Edgy kernels? (The computer will read menu.lst from his Edgy partition?)09:30
FSHeroeagles0513875: that is good... I am doing that atm too.09:30
FSHeroThe thing I am worried about is: if I install all these distros and they need to add a new kernel to the /boot/grub/menu.lst, will they interfere with each other?09:31
eagles0513875FSHero: why not just install xp hardy and fedora9 and install hardy and fedora after xp so when installing xp leave alot of free space for the 2 the swap partition09:31
eagles0513875FSHero: nope i have done it with xp and kubuntu no problem09:31
eagles0513875im not sure though if anyone has encountered any bugs but i have not09:31
fable i have one big problem! my tray-bar in KDE doesn't work, at startup is empty (no volume, no klipper etc), and when I start Amule or Konversation it doesn't create that icon in the tray bar!09:31
FSHeroeagles0513875: I did plan to install XP first. but I don't know in which order I should do K8.04 and F9, and whether or not to manually manage my /boot/grub/menu.lst09:32
eagles0513875!patience | fable09:32
ubottufable: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:32
eagles0513875FSHero: i dont recommend manually managing grub unless u have experience in kernels09:32
fableeagles0513875: sorry09:32
eagles0513875FSHero: what will happen once u have xp install then install hardy grub will ovr write the ntbootloader windows needs09:33
eagles0513875as long as grub is present you will have no issues booting into windows or linux09:33
eagles0513875regardless of installing 8.04 first or f9 you shouldnt have any issues09:34
eagles0513875FSHero: with f9 though you kinda playing with fire09:34
eagles0513875since the stuff on there is all bleeding edge stuff09:34
ActionParsniplo all09:34
ActionParsniplo eagles051387509:34
eagles0513875hey ActionParsnip have i said something wrong09:34
FSHeroeagles0513875: ok, thanks. I don't think I should be splitting so many hairs over this. I shall just install XP then Hardy, then F9. I have a big summer holiday in which to sort out any problems!09:36
FSHeroeagles0513875: Is "bleeding edge" a bad thing?09:36
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: no, man. just saying hi o/09:36
eagles0513875FSHero: if u want bugs thats what ur goign to get with f909:36
eagles0513875* you your09:37
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: lol09:37
ActionParsnipwhat's f9?09:37
eagles0513875fable: go ahead and ask ur question action might be able to help ya09:37
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: fedora core 909:37
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: oh, ok cheers09:37
FSHeroeagles0513875: I heard that Fedora is quite a good distro, though? I did want to try many distros in my summer holiday...!09:37
* ActionParsnip grumbles redhat bloatware09:37
ActionParsnipFSHero: give it a go, you might like it09:38
eagles0513875FSHero: kubuntu is the best09:38
ActionParsnipim a fluxbuntu convert :)09:38
fableeagleagle i have one big problem! my tray-bar in KDE doesn't work, at startup is empty (no volume, no klipper etc), and when I start Amule or Konversation it doesn't create that icon in the tray bar!09:38
eagles0513875FSHero: kubuntu is light weight u can run machines on a longer cycle before getting a new machine09:38
FSHerofable: are you running compiz?09:38
ActionParsnipfable: did you remove the application catcher from the bar?09:38
FSHerofable: I mean compiz-fusion?09:38
eagles0513875speaking of compiz fusion im having issues getting the cube working09:39
fableActionParsnip: what is the application catcher?09:39
ActionParsnipfable: when you minimise a program it goes to the bottom bar, their is an applet you must have to show them09:39
fablei'm running compiz, but is still running from one mounth without problem09:40
fablethe problem is on the traybar, at the startup it don't create neither the volume icon, the icon of the sound09:41
ActionParsnipfable: when you minimise programs do they vanish? Is that your issue?09:41
tomas1986hey all im trying to copy files from /tomas/documents/ttd/ to /usr/share/games/openttd/data/ but i cant09:41
ActionParsniptomas1986: use sudo cp09:41
fableActionParsnip: one problem is that09:41
ActionParsniptomas1986: sweet game too bro09:41
tomas1986ok how do i do that09:41
FSHeroeagles0513875: cool! I just think that some apps (especially Firefox and Thunderbird, which I use frequently) have poor KDE integration -- especially the file save/load boxes09:41
ActionParsnipfable: check the reply from dhruv_1884 in this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16925509:41
ActionParsniptomas1986: in konsole09:41
eagles0513875FSHero: i have firefox3 no problems on kde09:41
eagles0513875FSHero: depending on what repos u have u can get pretty bleeding edge with kubuntu09:42
tomas1986ok so how do i copy09:42
ActionParsniptomas1986: sudo cp /path/to/source /path/to/destination09:42
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: i cant get the cube to work with compiz fusion09:42
cr4ftyb0n35Does Kubuntu Hardy come with Compiz by default?09:42
eagles0513875has to be installed09:43
ActionParsniptomas1986: or, you could give your user access to the folder and copy it using nautillus / dolphin / yourmum09:43
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: no idea man, i dont use it09:43
FSHerofable: I find that on Kubuntu, when I start Compiz fusion, Adept updater comes out of the 'system tray'. Maybe you are having a similar problem?09:43
ActionParsnip!compiz | cr4ftyb0n3509:43
ubottucr4ftyb0n35: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion09:43
FSHeroWhile I am here... has anyone running GTK/GNOME applications in Kubuntu (KDE) encountered some weird behaviour in the File - Open dialogue boxes?09:44
ActionParsniptomas1986: basically you dont have write access to that folder but you will as root09:44
tomas1986ok i tryed that and umm it did not work09:44
tomas1986how do i access root09:44
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: couldnt he change chown to what hes logged into09:44
ActionParsniptomas1986: you could run kdesu konqueror to run the file browser as root09:44
ActionParsniptomas1986: or whatever you use09:44
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: indeed :)09:44
tomas1986i use Ubuntu the normal one lol09:44
tomas1986sorry if i make this hard09:45
ActionParsniptomas1986: in your file browser hit help -> about ..09:45
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: lol sry im busting out the knowledge i have been learning in part one of my jr lvl cert from lpi09:45
cr4ftyb0n35I like few things in Compiz. can anyone tell me if the following are natively supported in KDE? 1)I have "Show/Hide Desktop" when I move my mouse off to a corner. 2) Expose. 3) transparent terminals. I know konsole can be made transparent. But is it true transparency or is it just, oh look your wallpaper in the background?09:45
FSHeroI find that when I type /media/sda5/Documents and Settings... etc (accessing some files on my Windows partition), it just abruptly fills in the "path" box automatically, so that when I am typing at speed, I end up typing garbage.09:45
tomas1986ok it Nautilus 2.22.209:45
fablesorry, my Konversation crash!09:45
ActionParsniptomas1986: kdesu nautilus09:46
FSHeroThis is unlike the behaviour in KDE or Windows XP, where you must press the 'right-arrow' to 'auto-complete'.09:46
ActionParsniptomas1986: that will run nautilus as root, copy your files then close asap09:47
eagles05ActionParsnip: im back09:48
eagles05ActionParsnip: busting out what i learned in my lpi 101 course lol09:48
ActionParsnipeagles05: yeah i got halfway throught that09:48
tomas1986ActionParsnip thanks09:48
eagles05im going all the way09:48
AV1611Greeting to all! Konqueror crashes, it does that quite a lot....Both 32 & 64, both laptop and Desktop WS.09:49
eagles05part 1 and 2 for jr level then advanced lvl 201 202 then 301 30209:49
AV1611It never become better even after the last system upgrade.09:49
tomas1986have a good one and thanks for the help09:49
ActionParsnipeagles05: i can probably do it, just costs money I dont currently have :(09:49
ActionParsniptomas1986: you got it?09:49
tomas1986im going to have fun now09:50
cr4ftyb0n35Can I hide all windows in KDE by moving my mouse to an assigned corner?09:50
ActionParsniptomas1986: dude, that is a sweet game :)09:50
eagles05ActionParsnip: im spoiled lol09:50
tomas1986yea i had the windows version09:50
eagles05ActionParsnip: what game09:50
tomas1986hey if i need help can i ask you09:50
ActionParsnipeagles05: transport tycoon09:50
tomas1986and how do you private messagw09:50
eagles05me wanty lol09:50
fableActionParsnip: no, it isnt my problem, i have the taskbar in the bottom panel, the icon of Amsn works, but the all other doesn't work09:50
ActionParsniptomas1986: just ask in the room and one of us wll probably reply09:50
ActionParsnip!ask | tomas198609:50
tomas1986down load the game from torrentz.com09:50
tomas1986ok cool thanks09:51
tomas1986!ask | ActionParsnip thanks09:51
ActionParsnipnp tomas198609:51
cr4ftyb0n35tomas1986: Try out OpenTTD09:51
tomas1986thats what im p;laying09:51
stdinubottu: ping09:51
tomas1986see ya all09:51
ubottutomas1986: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:51
ActionParsnipi love that game and the music is kicking09:51
ubottuActionParsnip thanks: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:51
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion09:51
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore09:52
eagles05ping pong sing a song09:52
eagles05woot installing openttd09:52
ActionParsnipeagles05: did you play it forst time round?09:53
eagles05ActionParsnip: no lol09:53
eagles05stdin: can you help me with a compiz issue i got09:53
stdineagles05: I don't use compiz09:53
eagles05any compiz users in here09:53
stdinthere's bound to be a few in #compiz-fusion09:53
ActionParsnipits a transportation of people / goods to supplier to demander. OpenTTD allows you to play it if you have the library files (much like doom3 installer needs the Doom3 files)09:54
cr4ftyb0n35Sid Meier and Chris Sawyer rock09:54
cr4ftyb0n35Pity they didn't write more for linux. Would have been great.09:54
ActionParsnipcr4ftyb0n35: without a doubt09:54
cr4ftyb0n35Alpha Centauri.09:55
cr4ftyb0n35Sim Tower. Such great games09:55
fableActionParsnip: sorry, do you have another idea? :)09:55
eagles05i love all the sim games09:55
eagles05and all teh civilization games09:55
ActionParsniphaha Alpha was ace on LAN against CPU. You could rig elections EASILY09:55
eagles05sid meier's civilization back in the day09:55
ActionParsnipfable: can you do us a screenshot ?09:55
fablefor the games i love Diablo09:56
cr4ftyb0n35I love Black and White.09:56
fableya, where can i paste it?09:56
ActionParsnipeagles05: when games were good eh09:56
cr4ftyb0n35There's a few things if they ever ported to linux, that I'll never use Windows for09:56
cr4ftyb0n35ActionParsnip: I'd go further back for REALLY great games09:56
ActionParsnipcr4ftyb0n35: i got bnw2. doesnt run in Linux but its an ok game09:56
eagles05ActionParsnip: i have all the civs from the first to the 4th09:56
ActionParsnipcr4ftyb0n35: sid and al's incredible toon machine09:57
cr4ftyb0n35ActionParsnip: Stuff like Prince of Persia, Alley Cat...old ass games that rock09:57
cr4ftyb0n35ActionParsnip: Wanted to write a customizable web version of Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego09:57
cr4ftyb0n35thank the powers that be for stuff like DosBox09:58
ActionParsnipdosbox is awesome09:59
cr4ftyb0n35anyone play moagg? That's an AWESOME game09:59
eagles05!offtopic | all09:59
ubottuall: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:59
cr4ftyb0n35lol :)09:59
ActionParsnipi used my windows 3.11 floppys to install it on dosbox, made me laugh so hard09:59
eagles05i love the old nibbles and gorilla game on 3.109:59
cr4ftyb0n353.11 Dos 5 were probably the best things MS released.09:59
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875
cr4ftyb0n35most great games were for DOs 5/Dos 6.10:00
eagles0513875winblows *underlines it like no other*10:00
ActionParsnipi call it winslows10:01
ActionParsnipor win-bsod10:01
eagles0513875i have vista on my other laptop10:01
* frogonwheels shudders.10:01
eagles0513875kubuntu doesnt work right on it since the comp is not that old10:01
eagles0513875have 64bit vista on there10:01
ActionParsnipoh dear, that was ona box of mine a month (to give it a fair test). Hated it10:02
eagles0513875and its still slow like a mofo10:02
eagles0513875since at some pt in time i have to reinstall windows im goign to try kubuntu before installing windos10:02
millakumm, what do I have to type in a macro to get it echo me back the parameter the macro was started with?10:02
millaki.e. typing "./macro foo" would echo "foo"10:02
frogonwheelsmillak: !? what language?  you mean shell?10:02
millakyes, shell10:03
millakbash .)10:03
frogonwheelsecho $010:03
frogonwheelss/macro/shell script/10:03
millakright, thank you :]10:03
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: id recommed fluxbuntu, its way lighter but you'll need to apt-get a lot. Makes it more customised10:03
frogonwheelsI mean10:03
millakhmm, okay10:03
frogonwheels$0 is the program10:04
ActionParsnipmillak: dont forget the bash script top line10:04
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: lol10:04
ActionParsnipmillak: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-10.html10:05
ActionParsnipmillak: should get you started10:05
noiesmoI can boot into ubuntu but not xp I am getting grub error 23 parsing number >  here's my entry in menu.1st http://paste.ubuntu.com/16365/ and here's output from fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/16364/10:06
llutznoiesmo: (hd1,0)  not (sd1,0) grub always calls it hdX10:06
millakoh yes, thanks... I just needed this one line to test something for now, but I will definately look into things when I have more time10:07
ActionParsnipnoiesmo: change (sd1,0) to (sdb1,0) as far as I can tell10:07
llutzActionParsnip: no10:07
ActionParsnipits an educated guess. I dont really play with grub configs10:08
ActionParsnipllutz: shine a light dude..:)10:08
llutzgrub uses (hdX,Y) notation which is not related to /dev/sdX or /dev/hdX)10:08
flaccidhow do you send notes to registered users on freenode?10:09
eagles0513875flaccid: u use compiz10:10
ActionParsnipflaccid: you mean like a PM?10:10
flaccidnah like a note to go in inbox10:10
mattycozehey everyone; i was wondering if it's advised to Disable IPv6 to tune/speed up kubuntu?10:10
flaccidlike noteop/noteserv10:10
ActionParsnipno idea that was achievable10:10
flaccidhmm maybe its not10:11
noiesmollutz, i have tried this if the /dev/sdb1 = (hd1,0) and a few others from the grub edit line at boot if the sdb1 drive is only connected to system the xp boots fine and if I select the drive from bios boot menu10:11
ActionParsnipim not that knowledgable dude, ask an op10:11
flaccidActionParsnip, do you get anything when you /msg noteserv ?10:11
llutznoiesmo: you'll need to map your hdds in grub for windows i guess. Win always prefers to be on 1st hdd in system (hd0,X)10:12
ActionParsnipnoiesmo: heres some site i found: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grubconf-for-windows-vista-or-xp-dual-boot/10:12
ActionParsnipflaccid: just that command on its own..nothing10:12
noiesmollutz, yes I know it does and when it was installed it was the only drive in the system i thinks i know what i want to try next cheers10:14
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: flaccid u guys wanna know something kool a friend of mine r working on10:16
millakuuh... what would I need to write in a .desktop file to get it to start konsole and run something in that konsole session?10:17
ActionParsnipmillak: just make a bash script and put it in ~/.kde/Autostart10:18
millakhm that would only run when I start kde, right?10:19
millakI was trying to do a script that I could bind to an icon and which would show me the name of the file I drag into it10:21
llutzmillak: exec='konsole -e cmd'10:22
fableActionParsnip: ok,i resolved the trouble, i try to disaable compiz, reboot, and then enable compiz and rebbot, now the traybar is ok, thank you either10:22
ActionParsnipfable: cool, lotsa issues caused by compiz dude10:22
ActionParsnipimho its not worth it10:22
HollowPointcompiz doesn't cause that many problems10:23
ActionParsnipim using luxbuntu to make my system as slick as possible, I dont like eyecandy so much10:24
fableHollowPoint: the trouble was that, when i disable compiz, the traybar appeared instantanely, then i re-enable comppiz, and all it was ok10:24
fableHollowPoint: it is the first time that compiz doesn't work, it always work perfectly10:25
thisisprateekkonquror BUG: I am unable to return to Original Konqueror after messing its toolbars. Is there any way out!10:25
HollowPointtray bar appeared?10:25
thisisprateekThere is no Address Bar anything10:26
ActionParsnipthisisprateek:  do you mean reset it to standard layout?10:26
HollowPointdo you mean it DISSAPEARED?10:26
thisisprateekActionParsnip: yup10:26
HollowPointopen up a console and type emerald --replace &10:26
thisisprateekHollowPoint: no..i just messed it, for fun and now i see only File, Tools, Menu bar and nothing else10:26
ActionParsnipthisisprateek: http://server01.de-schepper.net:8080/wordpress/2006/11/03/reset-konqueror-profile-in-kubuntu/10:27
HollowPointah right you may have done a rollup, if you double click the title bar it should roll back down10:27
thisisprateekActionParsnip: thnx, also i am UNABLE to browse my SSI files in Konqurer, they are "browsable" as HTML in Internet Explorer, but when i click a link, both konquror and Mozzila ask me to download it, after downloading they dont waor!10:29
fableHollowPoint: the problem was that my traybar disappeared with compiz at startup, i try to replace original windows decorator, and the traybar appear, then i restart compiz and the traybar works correctly10:29
HollowPointwhat do you mean by traybar?10:30
fableHollowPoint: for me traybar is where there are the tray icon, right?10:30
HollowPointoh ok10:31
HollowPointsystem tray10:31
HollowPointthat stops working in compiz?10:31
HollowPointbut then works if you restart compiz?10:31
fablebut only one time, i hope10:31
HollowPointnow thats a weird problem, I'd suggest uninstalling compiz and re-installing it but I doubt it'll fix the problem10:31
HollowPointmaybe the compiz forum would be a better place to seek help with that, might be a known bug10:32
fableno no no.. now it's ok,10:32
HollowPointah ok10:32
fablei'm a mad that i try to reinstall compiz ;)10:32
fablesmithers? simpson??10:32
HollowPointI like Compiz but I only really use it for the rotating desktop cube and the emerald effects, not too fussed about anything else10:33
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: why not just use the keyboard shortcuts to flip between in kwin10:33
simon__good morning10:33
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: uses less resources10:33
fableya, the cube is fantastic, yesterday I install a beautyfull skydome10:33
HollowPointI have plenty of resources to waste lol I just like the cube10:34
simon__how can I "move" / install the kubuntu-grub to the /boot partition instead of the mbr?10:34
ActionParsnipi had it all once, got sick of it. here's my old desktop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgFJmSp9VQg10:35
ActionParsnipmakes me sick10:35
HollowPointyeah I had all the effects running once myself10:35
HollowPointthings exploding and burning when I closed them etc10:35
HollowPointgot bored with it all10:35
HollowPointnow I just like the cube because it gives me alot of perspective of what I have open10:35
eagles05im back10:36
eagles05HollowPoint: i cant get it to work its upsetting me10:36
HollowPointcan't get what to work mate?10:36
eagles05the number of desktops in ccsm is stuck at 110:36
eagles05compiz cube10:36
HollowPointso in the compiz config editor you can't set the number of horizontal or vertical desktops?10:37
HollowPointthey are stuck at 110:37
eagles05for my comp they r10:37
llutzsimon__: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Installation-under-UNIX      but use "setup (hdX,Y)" to write it to your partition10:37
HollowPointwhat graphics card do you have?10:37
eagles05ati radeon xpress 200m10:37
eagles05i have gotten it to work prior to having to reinstall10:38
eagles05i have direct rendering saying yes10:38
HollowPointdid you previously have it working in an earlier version of compiz?10:38
eagles05it was working for me on the rc10:38
eagles05that i was installing with10:38
HollowPointrc of compiz?10:39
eagles05no of hardy10:39
HollowPointoh right10:39
fableeagles05: where do you set the number of desktops?10:40
HollowPointthat's definately strange, might be something changed in the way Hardy uses the graphics drivers10:40
eagles05fable: under general10:40
HollowPointATi drivers have never been great for Linux10:40
eagles05fable: in ccsm10:40
frybyeHi - anybody know a flight-sim that works well in hardy??10:40
eagles05HollowPoint: i am having no problems with direct rendering just with compiz now10:40
fableeagles05: number of desktops = 110:40
eagles05fable: ya can u change it10:40
fableeagles05: no, you must type horizontal virtual size = 410:41
HollowPointyou could always do what I do, have one desktop but change the virtual horizontal and vertical sizes10:41
fableto have the cube10:41
=== pascalFR is now known as PascalFR
HollowPointI have 6 horizontal and 6 vertical with one desktop10:41
eagles05interesting tried changing that and i cant get the cube working lol10:41
fableeagles05: i always set this10:42
HollowPointyou have both desktop cube and rotate cube enabled?10:42
fableeagles05: does the cube work now?10:42
eagles05now i cannot turn the cube10:42
eagles05HollowPoint: ya i do10:42
eagles05just cannot turn the cube when i hit ctrl + alt + mouse button110:43
eagles05what back end r u guys using10:44
eagles05*are you10:44
fablein the panel, do u have 4 desktops?10:44
eagles05no just 210:44
eagles05default kubuntu numbebr of desktops10:44
HollowPointtry alt ctrl and the left arrow10:44
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875
eagles0513875this is really upsetting me10:45
HollowPointI set my desktops to one through both system settings and in compiz, only want one desktop just have 5 virtuals on the cube10:45
fableset 1 desktops in eveery setting10:46
eagles0513875HollowPoint: what backend u using10:46
fablethen horizontal virtual desktop size = 410:46
HollowPointbackend to what?10:46
HollowPointnot sure what you mean mate, just using compiz-fusion, nothing special10:47
eagles0513875im going to remove and reinstall10:47
fableeagles0513875: no10:48
eagles0513875fable: im purging and reinstalling10:49
fableeagles0513875: ok10:49
thisisprateekhow to install Firefox on Kubuntu10:50
thisisprateekhow to install Firefox on Kubuntu10:50
thisisprateekhow to install Firefox on Kubuntu10:50
fablethisisprateek: sudo apt-get install firefox10:50
SlimeyPetethisisprateek: use Adept (in the K menu), or do "sudo apt-get install firefox" in a terminal10:50
HollowPointopen the Install/Remove software program from the K Menu and then search for firefox10:50
thisisprateekapt or aptitude10:50
eagles0513875HollowPoint: is emerald a must10:52
thisisprateekfirefox has no installation candidates10:52
SlimeyPetetry "mozilla-firefox"10:52
SlimeyPeteah, yes10:52
HollowPointemerald isn't a MUST but it's one of the only reasons I use compiz10:52
frybyeis there likely soon to be a package for f-fox 3 rc1??10:53
HollowPointfirefox 3 is released10:53
eagles0513875its beta still10:53
HollowPointso no not likely to release an rc110:53
HollowPointI've got the full version installed on my machine lol10:54
fableeagles0513875: but the other effects of compiz works correctly10:54
eagles0513875still no cube10:54
eagles0513875i think i must have borked my sys somewhere10:54
fableok, the problem is not cube, but all compiz?10:54
eagles0513875whats the difference between compiz and fusion10:54
eagles0513875HollowPoint: any ideas after reinstaling y its not working10:56
* eagles0513875 pulls out hard cd10:56
theFATMANcan the effects with compiz be used under Dekorator?10:56
eagles0513875fable: u think i should reinsatall10:56
HollowPointno idea tbh eagles10:57
HollowPointyou should be able to set the number of vertical and horizontal desktops, then set the button sequence that activates the cube and then use the button sequence10:57
eagles0513875!es | victor__10:58
ubottuvictor__: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:58
theFATMANHollowPont: and the effects such as fire paint, water, etc.?10:58
fableeagles0513875: you must enable compiz windows manager10:58
lo0loanimations theFATMAN10:58
eagles0513875fable: where do i do that10:59
theFATMANlo0lo: sweet10:59
fableeagles0513875: i don't understand if compiz works, but not the cube no, or all compiz doesn't work10:59
HollowPointyou'll get tired of the fire and water effects quickly10:59
eagles0513875cube no10:59
fableeagles0513875: other effect of compiz?10:59
theFATMANHollowPont: yeah, i just use 'em to persuade windows users to come over from the dark side11:00
theFATMANHollowPont: and it works11:00
eagles0513875im going to do an entier kubuntu reinstall11:00
HollowPointouch eagles11:00
HollowPointif you're going to do that you may as well grab the latest iso image and burn a new cd11:01
lo0loeagles0513875: that is normaly not nessesary in linux11:01
fableeagles0513875: have you installa fusion-icon?11:01
theFATMANHollowPoint: after switching to kdm, my machine is running a lot better11:01
HollowPointyeah thought it would :S11:01
eagles0513875fable: is that a must11:01
theFATMANhella stable11:01
fableeagles0513875: install fusion-icon11:01
HollowPointwhat's fusion-icon gunna do?11:01
HollowPointhe can get into the configuration menus11:02
fableHollowPoint: it's one manager to enable window manager11:02
HollowPointhe just can't change anything inside it11:02
eagles0513875i used the kde one11:02
thisisprateeki installed firefox..but how to open it11:02
HollowPointthe kde one?11:02
fableeagles0513875: kde is not compiz11:02
HollowPointK Menu > Internet > Firefox11:02
eagles0513875under system there is desktop settings11:02
lo0lothisisprateek: is that a real question?11:03
thisisprateeklo0lo: yes..i cant find it11:03
HollowPointright open adept package manager and type in compiz11:03
fableeagles0513875: try to install fusion-icon11:03
thisisprateeklo0lo; not a joke11:03
thisisprateekits untracable11:03
lo0loalt+F2 --> firefox11:03
eagles0513875fable: now what11:03
eagles0513875my window manager is kwin11:04
thisisprateekhow how how11:04
fableeagles0513875: if you have kwin enables, now compiz isn' runnig11:04
HollowPointinstall compizconfig-settings-manager eagles11:04
eagles0513875fable: its just the cube11:04
fableeagles0513875: you must change in compiz, instead kwin11:04
eagles0513875i have ccsm installed already11:05
HollowPointand check that compiz-core and compiz-kde are both installed11:05
eagles0513875HollowPoint: they both installed11:05
eagles0513875let me change my window manager its goign to boot me outa here so ill brb11:05
HollowPointok in that case open a console and type compiz --replace & and tell me what happens11:05
eagles0513875saying xgl isnt present11:06
fableeagles0513875: ok, there are two window manager : kwin and compiz, if you would have the cube you should use COMPIZ11:06
eagles0513875let me change it11:06
fableeagles0513875: olè11:06
fableopsssss, where do he go11:07
HollowPointnot sure, think he's trying to change his window manager the hard way11:07
HollowPointyeah as in changing configuration files instead of just opening a console and typing compiz --replace &11:08
HollowPointhe's using a startup script I tihnk11:08
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875
eagles0513875im back it still isnt working11:08
HollowPointok open a console11:08
HollowPointtype compiz --replace &11:08
fableeagles0513875: what do u do?11:08
lo0loeagles0513875: please paste that in the konsole compiz --replace && emerald --replace and paste the output in a pastbin11:09
eagles0513875fable: change from kwin to compiz11:09
HollowPointhow did you do it eagles?11:10
eagles0513875fusion icon11:10
lo0lowe can11:10
copilas13I have a trouble after installing kubuntu, Kde wont start, EE No Devices Found, video card it's an agp via onboard11:10
lo0lowe can't help you if we dont see the error eagles051387511:10
fableeagles0513875: now compiz is enable?11:10
eagles0513875Checking for Xgl: not present.11:10
eagles0513875Found laptop using ati driver.11:10
eagles0513875aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/kwin11:10
eagles0513875fable: its working but cube isnt working11:10
HollowPointit's not working eagles11:10
HollowPointyou need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file11:10
HollowPointxgl isn't running properly11:11
eagles0513875for the love of god lol11:11
eagles0513875HollowPoint: what do i need to edirt11:11
copilas13guys, i have a trouble after installing kubuntu, Kde wont start, EE No Devices Found, video card it's an agp via onboard, anyone can help ?11:11
HollowPointnot sure because it's ATi but it's definately a problem wit XGL11:12
lo0locopilas13: lspci | grep -i vga11:12
sklirokarydicopilas13 are you greek?11:12
fableChecking for Xgl: not present. me too, but compiz works correctly11:12
eagles0513875HollowPoint: i used the Hardware manager and it got the driver in the repo11:12
eagles0513875its somethign stupid something else something small and simple is missing11:12
lo0loeagles0513875: emerald is installed?11:13
copilas13sklirokarydi: no11:13
HollowPointhmmmmmm, not sure why yours works fable but that distinctly said it was falling back to Kwin because it couldn't find xgl11:13
eagles0513875lo0lo: is that a must11:13
HollowPointemerald isn't a must no11:13
HollowPointyou can run Compiz without emerald11:13
HollowPointright watching Dr Who11:14
lo0lowell  aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/kwin means that it cant find a windows manager ...11:14
=== HollowPoint is now known as HollowPoint_AwY
copilas13lo0lo: VGA compatibile controller: VIA tehnologies, INC Unichrome PRO IGP11:14
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875
eagles0513875anyone know how the ati crud works on here11:17
eagles0513875forget it im doing a total reinstall11:18
odinsbaneHow is kde4 going now?11:58
odinsbaneIs it better than 3 yet?11:58
=== dede is now known as dede_
rysiek|plhi all12:17
rysiek|plguys, I am trying to use ElectricSheep as screensaver in hardy, using compiz12:17
rysiek|plthing is, the screensaver window is translucent, and when it's translucent - Electric Sheep does not render. I get a translucent blue plane, that's all12:18
rysiek|plis there a way to make compiz make the screensaver window 100% opaque? I have tried turning off all the plugins that might make this window translucent, to no avail12:18
rysiek|plany hints?12:19
eagles0513875hocan any one help me with ati issues and compiz12:19
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:22
eagles0513875where is the sources list found lol12:22
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:25
eagles0513875anyone around in here12:25
rysiek|pleagles0513875: what's the problem12:26
eagles0513875just tryingto remember where the repos listis ket lol and im drawying a blank12:26
rysiek|pleagles0513875: 1. please put some effort into typing, it's not fun to decipher loads of typos12:27
rysiek|pleagles0513875: 2. leave "lol" at home ;)12:27
eagles0513875rysiek|pl: sry ok12:27
eagles0513875found it12:28
rysiek|pleagles0513875: /etc/apt/sources.list -> this is the repo sources file on your system12:28
eagles0513875ok ty12:28
rysiek|pleagles0513875: unless you want to find how such a file should look like in Kubuntu12:28
rysiek|plah, ok :)12:28
ian_just wondering if kubuntu is going to use pulseaudio ?12:29
ian_I am using 8.04 64bit12:29
rysiek|plian_: you can install it and use it - alng with padevchooser12:29
ian_I have a 9815 acer laptop and it has 3 speakers but it appears that only the base speaker setup ?12:30
ian_cool cheers12:30
rysiek|plian_: although for me PA is a bit too moody still; it's a killer at parties, though ;)12:30
ian_k cheers :)12:30
=== Tophat is now known as Tophat_AtWork
=== Tophat_AtWork is now known as Tophat
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harolddonghttp://www.notmart.org/images/plasmakde41.png what plasma theme is that?12:45
harolddongit doesn't seem to be any of the ones in the 4.devel packages but its the default in all the 4.1 photos12:45
harolddongyeah so my question is that going to be the default plasma theme in 4.1 or not?12:49
harolddongcause the 4.devel packages are just using the older default theme12:49
steve555Hello everyone.13:05
TirionHello everyone!13:05
steve555Hi Thierry.13:07
Dr_willisHmm.. is www.tigerdirect.com/ down for anyone else?13:08
thierry_is there someone with dell lattitude d830 with kubuntu 8.04... i've some 3d Desktop effects problems13:08
steve555Are you trying to use Compiz?13:09
thierry_yes, nvidia proprietary drivers, when i activate 3D desktop, i've poor effect (no floating windows, no cube)13:10
thierry_direct rendering ok13:11
Dr_willisYou are using kde3 ? not kde4...?13:11
thierry_kde 3.5.913:12
TirionCan someone explain me how to install fglrx driver on Kubuntu 8.04. I've already used Envy, but driver  do not work correctly. The X-server freeze every 20 minutes and I have to reboot my computer by reset key.13:12
alanvb n13:14
steve555thierry,which version of the nvidia-drivers are you using?13:17
=== xyzt is now known as gukk_devel
steve555the latest nvidia-drivers are now 173.14.05 now from the nvidia website.13:19
thierry_u think i must try it in place of th deb package13:20
thierry_manualy or with envyng13:22
steve555Maybe,I think the topic about compiz is has been talked about widely in the kubuntu forums.I personally think you'll have to set certain things using nvidia-xconfig.13:22
Dr_willisive never had to twiddle with much to get compiz going .. :) 8800gtsxxx card here13:23
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steve555did you find what you were looking for?13:29
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bandit_не кто не подскажет как включить микрофон? в kmix уже все перебрал, при его включении там микрофон как-бы работает, голос слышен в динамиках, но собеседник его не слышет, и при включении идут сильные помехи в динамики. P.S. все стоит на ноуте13:53
RurouniJones!ru | bandit_13:53
ubottubandit_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:53
=== avihayb_ is now known as avihayb
algyz!sound | bandit_13:55
ubottubandit_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:55
PolitikerNEUHi everyone - does anybody know how to sync kde4 kontact with evolution without having the one-hour-off-bug (which should be fixed in KDE4 according to bugs.kde.org) (maybe adjusing something with the timezone/daylight-saving-time?)13:55
algyzI don't have any sound on kdetv 0.8.9. There's sound on xawtv and tvtime. When I'm starting from terminal: http://www.paste.lt/paste/74e66ce7fd57338d9c8e0b7c225127df  (first part). Distro is 8.0413:57
algyzterminal: http://www.paste.lt/paste/74e66ce7fd57338d9c8e0b7c225127df  (first part).13:57
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.14:01
STEVE555Hi every one.14:02
eagles0513875!ask | STEVE55514:03
ubottuSTEVE555: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:03
eagles0513875whoops :p sry14:03
algyz!es | to14:04
ubottuto: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:04
reeseis glx supported, with the "nv" driver? i'm using nv, and it doesn't load the glx module, in xorg.conf14:08
flaccidreese, doesn't seem so. Does not support 3D acceleration at all. Xgl will not work well with software emulation, refrain from using this combination. from http://en.opensuse.org/Xgl_Troubleshooting14:10
flaccidthen xgl != glx but i think you can't do either14:10
STEVE555I wasn't asking a question at that time,I was just saying hello.My first qusetion is this: I have a package called icedtea-gcjwebplugin(version 1.0-0ubuntu6 that is waiting to be upgraded.I have installed it previously,but it upset Adept-Manager,I couldn't get any more updates.After looking at Launch Pad.I followed the instructions to downgrade it to version 5.I wish to know if that package is going to be updated to14:11
STEVE555version 7,or if the package is goign to be fixed soon.14:11
PiciSTEVE555: Whats wrong with it?14:12
reeseflaccid: i tried using nvidia instead of nv, but it doesn't load usplash. but if I boot from the recovery mode, nvidia works, along with glx14:13
flaccidreese, best to check logs and work the problem out. obviously this is not normal. your best performance will be with nvidia driver and the things you mentioned don't occurr normally thus why need to check logs14:15
STEVE555I've just tried to install it,Adept has come up with the following message:There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.14:15
reeseflaccid: which logs, in particularly, do I have to check?14:15
flaccidreese, /var/log/Xorg.0.log after started X/kdm14:16
jaakkomeuh, how do I destroy a link I made with ln?14:17
Picijaakkome: delete it?14:17
beneditonot speak ingles14:17
eagles0513875!es | benedito14:17
ubottubenedito: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:17
eagles0513875benedito: que lingua tu hablas14:18
eagles0513875http://linuxformat.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=690&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 bs bs cough cough choke14:18
jaakkomeheh, doh, thanks :]14:18
eagles0513875no problem14:18
flaccidreese, somebody in xorg chan has confirmed no 3d stuff at all with nv driver14:18
eagles0513875benedito: portugese u looking for14:19
ubottuFactoid brasileiro not found14:19
ubottuFactoid brasil not found14:19
Pici!br | benedito14:19
ubottubenedito: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:19
Mr_Panthanks Pici :d14:19
eagles0513875Pici: ty14:19
algyz!br | benedito14:20
ubottubenedito: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:20
=== benedito is now known as Giii
reeseflaccid: thank you.. i'll check those logs. the problem is that, with nvidia, it tried to load usplash with not supported resolutions. but usplash is is set to my default resolution, so I have no clue14:22
=== lubo is now known as BeerMaster
flaccidreese, shouldn't have anything to do with usplash14:25
flaccidreese, goto restricted/hardware drivers and enable nvidia then reboot. if the X server doesn't start press ctrl+alt+f1 and login then tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why it didn't start14:26
flaccidyou can also stop kdm by sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop then you could startx manually for testing if you wanted14:26
The_ManU_212where are all config files of compiz located, cause i wanted to reset the settings of "windowanimations"14:26
reeseflaccid, where do I find restricted/hardware? in 7.10 it was in system settings, but isn't there anymore14:28
flaccidreese, easiest way is to install the package restricted-manager-kde then run it with restricted-manager-kde iirc14:28
flaccidreese, it should be in system settings | advanced but iirc14:29
astrommeHello. Anyone have any idea when kde 4.1 snapshots (read: beta) are coming to kubuntu?14:31
=== Tophat is now known as Tophat_AWAYYYY
The_ManU_212astromme: beacause kde 4 isnt stable under ubuntu but many want to have new featrues so terhe is a version not supported by canancial with kde 4 to test new features14:32
PolitikerNEUAFIK not before the next version - but kdesvn-build is working most times14:32
Dragonathhi, where can I change the size of the icons on the taskbar?14:34
algyzDragonath:  look into control centre14:35
astromme@The_ManU_212 erm? All I mean is "provided as is" snapshots like neon for amarok14:36
The_ManU_212astromme: oh sry, hm dont know14:37
astrommeFrom http://apachelog.blogspot.com/2008/06/it-didnt-get-any-better.html:14:38
astromme"Neon KDE nightly packages for Kubuntu are building right now (i.e. heading fast towards publishing)"14:38
astrommeThat was yesterday. So I guess I have my answer.14:38
=== Dragonath` is now known as Dragonath
Dragonatherm, algyz, what do you mean by control centre? if I go into system settings I don't really see a place where I could specifically change the size of the systray icons (which is what I really meant by taskbar icons before)14:42
nox_i have some accuracy problems with my mouse! I guess it happend when I changed my monitor from 4:3 to 16:9 any ideas?14:43
reeseflaccid: do I have to restart after installing restricted-manager-kde? it says it's provided by jockey-kde, which I installed14:44
flaccidno restart after installing it. restart after you have run it and selected nvidia restricted driver and it says reboot required14:45
reesesorry for the dumb question, but how do I run it? restricted-manager-kde doesn't work14:46
STEVE555Here's an update on my problem,I've just clicked update on Adept-Manager and everything seems fine now,thank you everyone that tried to help me.14:47
reeseflaccid, up (I reckon you didn't see the message)14:50
flaccidsorry which message14:50
reeseflaccid, how do I run restricted-manager-kde?14:51
flaccid<flaccid> reese, easiest way is to install the package restricted-manager-kde then run it with restricted-manager-kde iirc14:51
reeserunning 'restricted-manager-kde iirc' in the command-line? sorry, but don't know what iirc is14:52
TZMDragonath: In KDE System Settings click the "Appearance" icon and then go to "Icons"....14:55
DragonathTZM: ok, but changing size there (where I can) doesn't seem to have any effect14:57
TZMDragonath: Under the "Icons", click the "Advanced" tab... I think that is what you want.14:58
DragonathTZM: I am there, but what should I change in order to reduce the size of the systray icons?15:00
TZMDragonath: My mistake, I didn't realize it was the system tray icons you wanted to change. I'm not sure how to do that, I would ask in #kde if you haven't all ready.15:04
=== dread is now known as DreadKnight
DragonathTZM: alright, thanks15:04
eagles0513875howdy yall15:07
* genii hands BluesKaj a large coffee15:07
eagles0513875i need one15:08
BluesKajhi genii , thanks :)15:08
eagles0513875i finish work at 5 have linux cert till 915:08
* genii puts on another pot15:08
=== Dragonath` is now known as Dragonath
BluesKajeagles0513875, linux certification for ?15:10
eagles0513875BluesKaj: linux15:11
eagles0513875what else15:11
eagles0513875from linux professional institute15:11
BluesKajok , now I understand15:12
eagles0513875BluesKaj: wish i could admin a server lol15:19
BluesKajI'm sure you'll learn , eagles051387515:20
eagles0513875what i dont have a server to admin15:20
BluesKajI'm thinking of installing a home network server, but I need to learn more about it15:21
santiago-veeagles0513875: you have a linux box... running (K)ubuntu... you can easily turn it into a nice server15:29
eagles0513875lol true15:30
=== ubuntu_ is now known as luxmlan
=== luxmlan is now known as luxman
DreadKnighthow can i build-dep for a package using aptitude?15:38
helpyi want to install kubuntu on puppy linux15:43
helpyany help please15:43
=== willo_ is now known as qbit
DreadKnighthelpy: you mean kde? the desktop enviroment, not the distro?15:45
=== qbit is now known as willow
helpyisn't kubuntu a distro ?15:46
ubunturoshelpy: Kubuntu *is* a distro. KDE is a desktop environment15:47
DreadKnighthelpy: yes, but your question is rather absurd then15:47
santiago-vehelpy: kubuntu its a variant of ubuntu... so yes, kubuntu _IS_ a distro15:47
helpyi am really sorry but i am switching from windows and its giving me nightmares15:47
helpywhat imeant to ask is that i am booting puppy linux of live cd and i want to install kubuntu instead of linux puppy in this system15:48
DreadKnighthelpy: you want to get rid of puppy linux and have kubuntu or just get kde? :-)15:48
geniiSo you want to replace puppy linux with kubuntu?15:48
helpyerr!! there is a difference between KDE and kubuntu ?15:48
helpyyes genii15:48
DreadKnighthelpy: get a kubuntu cd15:48
DreadKnighthelpy: kde is the set of application (desktop enviroment) that you actually get to see and use15:49
Pici!kde | helpy15:49
ubottuhelpy: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde415:49
helpyi do have a iso on my system dreadknight15:49
DreadKnighthelpy: burn it up...15:49
helpythats the problem, my torrent showed that my iso has been downloaded 100 but i did md5 and it said it doesnt match15:49
helpyso now i am downloading new one15:50
DreadKnighthelpy: check if it's 8.04 hardy and if it's right for your arhitecture15:50
helpyi was just wondering if there is a command line in puppy linux that could automatically download kubuntu and install it ?15:50
DreadKnighthelpy: you could buy a cd or order one for free :-)15:50
helpyit should be fine. i am using ati radeon x1400. laptop is dell insprion 640015:50
helpyand wait a week to ship dreadknight ?15:50
DreadKnighthelpy: when you buy you get it fast; the freeone takes even more to ship..15:51
geniihelpy: You can use debbootstrap but it's not for the faint15:51
helpywhats that genii ?15:51
helpyDreadKnight i can't afford it.15:51
helpyand i dont have credit card anyways15:51
DreadKnightwill be cool to have kubuntu/ubuntu on a usb stick soon xD15:52
geniihelpy: It's an ultra minimal install, which then you can set to install over internet15:52
helpygreat. how do i use it genii ?15:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:53
=== chsebilo is now known as Charlub
geniihelpy: There is a site here which shows how with encryption for a 7.04 (feisty) install. But you can modify the instructions to ignore the encryption install, change feisty to hardy, and partition manually instead of how he does it. http://www.cs278.org/blog/ubuntu-configuration/feisty-debootstrap-encrypted-install/15:55
helpyok let me see genii15:56
geniihelpy: Not for the faint of heart to try :)15:57
helpynope, i dont think its gonna work genii15:58
helpyplus thats now what  want15:58
geniihelpy: Just download a Kubuntu cd image then15:59
sigma_1234nixternal: still having trouble with the packages?16:00
=== pampe is now known as pampe-le-mousse
=== Tophat_AWAYYYY is now known as Tophat
santiago-veto: SUP16:07
toalguien habla español16:09
santiago-veto: if you want to talk in spanish... ytou can try #kubuntu-es16:09
santiago-veto: entra en #kubuntu-es16:09
=== fophillipse is now known as fophillips
Tophathow do i add my machine to a windows network?16:31
Tophat*i meant domain16:31
jhutchins_wk!samba | Tophat16:33
ubottuTophat: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:33
geniiI'm thinking there may need to be a !smbclient since install of samba makes the machine a server and not a client, which is already builtin16:37
weswh-i have a 9600 GT graphics card. have been waiting for the nvidia drivers to come out, which they have now...I have Envy, but it doesn't support the driver i need and supposedly doesn't recognize the card16:38
weswh-is there a way to get Envy updated with this new driver...or, what's my best situation?16:39
geniiEnvy is not a part of Ubuntu/Kubuntu and and not officially supported. You might want to try manual driver install16:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:40
weswh-when i go into the Hardware Drivers manager...there are no drivers there. I have installed restricted and such16:41
weswh-but, I see no way to download the nvidia driver, and get it integrated with the management tool16:41
geniiweswh-: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia16:41
geniiweswh-: http://www.adamspotton.com/node/1      may also be of use16:44
BluesKajthat damn Envy , should be hacked and broken so i tdoesn't get a chance to break ppl's systems16:46
geniiBluesKaj: Maybe it needs to be a part of *buntu instead :)16:49
sigma_1234how do i uninstall kde 4.0.3?16:49
geniisigma_1234: Ubuntu does not have some "rollback" feauture16:50
sigma_1234rats i want 4.1 beta 1 but i know its going to conflict16:51
BluesKajwell genii , that's not a bad idea. Then it could be fixed to 'buntu specs16:51
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joe_midHmm my kde4 panel is gone... how do i restart it ?17:15
nosrednaekimjoe_mid: try this " killall plasma && rm .kde4/share/config/plasma* && plasma"17:16
joe_midthanks! That worked :)17:16
jussi01joe_mid: fyi: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4 :)17:17
thisisprateekwhile installing SecondLife DEB, due to power failure, it was suddenly stopped. Now i am unable to install any package..i get a error17:24
thisisprateekwhile installing SecondLife DEB, due to power failure, it was suddenly stopped. Now i am unable to install any package..i get a error17:24
thisisprateekwhile installing SecondLife DEB, due to power failure, it was suddenly stopped. Now i am unable to install any package..i get a error17:25
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:26
tzdwho handles the repo versions? I was wondering if it's possible to suggest a "fix" for the Firefox3 packet?17:32
alexeyhi) whho can help me ithh 8 0417:33
Daisuke_Ido!ask | alexey17:33
ubottualexey: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:33
alexeyok sorry17:33
alexeyWhen i try to make a new file in home dir i see an error msg about rights17:34
geniialexey: The user owns all from  /home/theirname             but they do not own just /home17:35
alexeyill try17:36
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* genii sips his coffee17:38
=== Guest69606 is now known as Trevor_C
alexeyhm( i have n acess to my folder /home/myname(17:46
alexeymaybe some bug in rights17:46
Jeshhhi.. need support on Ubunto installation!17:47
alexeywhat kind)17:47
Jeshhi tried to Install Ubuntu.. Inserted the Installation CD and after sometimes i see the screen all scrambled.. 2 mouse icons.. overlapping images..17:48
geniialexey: You are on command line?17:48
chev_cheliosJeshh: what type of graphic card?17:48
Jeshhits a Via Chipset Mother board (Onboard Graphic)17:49
geniiGah likely some unichrome17:49
alexeygenii: i try rbc in my foler -> create text file17:49
Jeshhhonestly.. i don't know17:49
chev_cheliosJeshh: try changing screen resolution17:50
Jeshhhow do i do?17:50
chev_chelioswhat was linux command for changing screen resolution?17:50
chev_cheliosJeshh: just a moment17:50
Jeshhokay chev_chelios17:50
geniisudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg                <-- only resolution17:51
Jeshhuh oh! where do i use this command17:51
geniialexey: Lets us say your user name is fred. And his home folder is  /home/fred     so then: sudo chown -R fred:fred /home/fred17:52
geniiJeshh: do ctrl-alt-f1  to gain console. Then that command. Then:   sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart17:53
chev_cheliosJeshh: ctrl+alt and + or -17:54
alexeygenii: i need "udo"17:54
geniialexey: In the /home/fred/Desktop             directory, this is what appears on your gui desktop.   In just /home/fred  you own the things but do not see them on the desktop of the window manager17:54
geniialexey: You need a folder called "udo" to get made?17:55
alexeyto install udo17:56
chev_cheliosJeshh: did it work>?17:56
geniialexey: Do you have some website describing this appliction of udo?17:58
Jeshhno chev_chelios.. it still the same17:58
chev_cheliosJeshh: i am sorry, i cannot think of anything else...17:59
Jeshhstill looks unreadable17:59
Jeshhits like 2 screens overlapping with horizontal dashes moving diagonally17:59
theFATMANis there a guide lline or how to for editing color scheme files?18:01
genii!info udo18:01
ubottuudo (source: udo): universal document - text processing utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.4.1-1 (hardy), package size 173 kB, installed size 520 kB18:01
theFATMANis there a guide line or how to/tutorial  for editing color scheme files?18:04
jaroslavnemá zvás náhodou čeaštinu na kubuntu 7.4?18:05
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:05
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl18:06
Daisuke_Laptopstill not quite there...18:06
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro18:06
Daisuke_Laptopnope, back into romance languages there :\18:06
theFATMANis there a how to/tutorial  for editing color scheme files?18:07
theFATMAN!color scheme18:07
ubottuFactoid color scheme not found18:07
ubottuFactoid ktsc not found18:07
Daisuke_Laptop!cz | jaroslav18:08
ubottujaroslav: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.18:08
theFATMANha ha ha18:08
=== Tophat-Lunch is now known as Tophat
geniiDaisuke_Laptop: I figured you'd find the right country code eventually ;)18:08
ubottuFactoid kcsrc not found18:09
theFATMAN!KDE color theme18:10
ubottuFactoid kde color theme not found18:10
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:10
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.18:10
* genii desists18:10
TZM /msg ubottu kderc18:10
Daisuke_Laptopgenii: just a matter of tracking the language - some are really obvious...  i don't get that many from cz18:10
theFATMANis there a how to/tutorial  for editing color scheme files? anyone know where to look, it's like a mystery18:11
geniiDaisuke_Laptop: I usually try a whois on their url/IP to see what country of origin is18:11
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theFATMANgenii: test my proxy; what country am i in?18:12
Daisuke_Laptopgenii: that would have been cheating18:12
hilfehabe mal ne frage18:12
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hilfeenglish chat or german?18:12
Daisuke_Laptop!de | hilfe18:13
ubottuhilfe: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:13
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
coredumpedk, am using Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5.9 not 4.0. Problem is Kaffeine and .rm (real media/realplayer files)...18:28
coredumpedKaffeine don't play em... misses cook.so then automatically opens a codec installer18:29
coredumped... which says "package already installed"18:30
coredumpedI install VLC and play through there, all works18:30
coredumpedIf this isn't the place to ask, >>>where is<<< ??18:30
theFATMANcoredumped: whats up?18:33
coredumpedKaffeine issue RE .rm files18:33
coredumpedthat's whatsup :)18:33
theFATMANcoredumped: have you enabled the restricted repositories?18:33
theFATMANthen the codecs?18:34
coredumpedwill check, 1 moment please...18:34
theFATMANno p18:34
coredumpedYep, restriced is enabled18:34
coredumpedin fact, main, universe, restricted and multiverse all enabled18:35
theFATMANcoredumped: did you install the codecs?18:35
coredumpedIt came with VLC when I installed that, but Kaffeine still doesn't realise...18:35
coredumpedis there a specific Kaffeine plugin package that I should look for?18:36
millakhm, is there a way to make knetworkmanager just store the wep-passcode somewhere without kwallet?18:36
theFATMANwait, so you have the codecs installed, but its still not playing?18:36
millakI'd like it to connect at startup without it stopping to ask for the password to open the wallet18:36
theFATMANthe one file, or anything?18:36
theFATMAN! knetworkmanager18:37
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up18:37
millakdial-ups still exist?18:37
timboyssh stopped working on my my main computer... when I try to connect it says connection refused...18:38
coredumpedtheFATMAN >> I have the codecs installed insofaras VLC plays .rm, didn't choose an option to install via Kaffeine, it tried itself but doesn't get there18:38
kenneth_hi i updated from kde 3 -> 4 on 8.04.. but for some reason still all old kde3 programs are in the menu's.. any way to remove em all by once?18:38
kenneth_(not sure if this would better first in the kde4 chan)18:38
theFATMANcoredumped: sudo apt-get remove kaffeine      then        sudo apt-get install kaffeine18:39
theFATMANthen update18:39
coredumpedI'll give it a look18:39
coredumpedtheFATMAN: should I enable either or both of pre-released or unsupported updates in Adept Manager ?18:40
theFATMANenable them all18:40
theFATMANi did18:40
theFATMANi can play anything18:40
theFATMANx264 looks crisp18:41
coredumpedFair enough. Thanks.18:41
=== qubex_ is now known as Qubex_
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:42
Jeshhneed help in Ubuntu installation.. !18:43
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: explain your problem so someone can help18:43
ScorpKing-LaptoptheFATMAN: you having problems with codecs?18:44
Jeshhi'm a novice.. got 80GB hdd.. how do i partition this hdd? (id prefer to have 3 partitions, first 20GB balance 2 partitions with 30 gb each18:44
theFATMANme, no18:44
theFATMANi can play anything18:44
ScorpKing-Laptopah ok. me too18:44
theFATMANis there a how to/tutorial  for editing color scheme files? anyone know where to look, it's like a mystery18:44
TZMJeshh: When you do the Ubuntu installation from the LiveCD, it will give you the option to partition your HD.18:45
theFATMANJeshh: what OS are you using now/18:45
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: i use 10GB for / ,1GB for swap and the rest for /home18:45
Jeshhits a blank HDD18:45
theFATMANJeshh: then use the partitioner on the Live CD, mate18:46
Jeshhwhat would u advice me to do ScorpKing-Laptop..18:46
ScorpKing-LaptoptheFATMAN: just use kcontrol for changing colors ;)18:46
Jeshhi don't understand the concept theFATMAN.. i'm a novice18:46
theFATMANJeshh: it'll walk you thru it18:46
theFATMANstep by step18:46
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: depends what you want to do. will only ubuntu be installed on that disk?18:46
Jeshhi'd like to have Ubuntu and later on add windows XP18:47
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop: yeah, but I need to make a custom theme18:47
theFATMANJeshh: when you partition, make one for XP, just don't allocate it18:48
Jeshhhmm ok18:48
theFATMANJeshh: when you run the Live CD install, you'll see18:48
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop:I need to make a custom theme, do you know how to edit kcsrc files?18:49
Jeshhok theFATMAN.. i'll have a look at it18:49
ScorpKing-LaptoptheFATMAN: not sure, i'll see if i can find something. brb18:49
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop: sweet thanks, i can't find diddly on kubuntu's site or kde's18:50
theFATMANJeshh:no p18:50
RurouniJonesJeshh: Easier to install windows first then install kubuntu after.18:52
RurouniJonesBecaise Kubuntu detects your windows installation and accomodates it. Windows will wipe out the bootloader for your linux install and you have to put it back in.18:52
Jeshhoh okay RurouniJones... Its a Test PC.. i'll put Ubuntu first.. learn how to work and then i'll format again and reload xp and then Ubuntu18:53
Jeshhand since i've already started the formatting on Ubuntu.. don't wanna go stop it18:53
RurouniJonesIn that case when the time comes try messing around with manual partitioning rather than letting Kubuntu do the guided - use whole disk thing18:53
RurouniJonessince you won't be able to use that options when you have windows already installed18:53
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
Jeshhseems good idea RurouniJones :)18:54
* RurouniJones is wise18:55
* Jeshh smiles18:55
RurouniJonesAlso lazy which helps18:55
* ScorpKing-Laptop thinks it's always better to keep /home seperate..18:55
Jeshhi got a small doubt.. earlier when i tried to boot using Live CD my graphics were all messed up.. i chose the Safe method without graphics then only its proper18:56
Jeshhdo i need to worry whether my Onboard Graphics card is supported or not!?18:56
RurouniJonesWhat is it?18:56
RurouniJonesLinux is pretty goot with Graphics cards nowadays18:57
theFATMANJeshh: you may need the restricted drivers18:57
Jeshhoh ok18:57
theFATMANwhich is no p, really unless it's obscure, lol =)18:57
ScorpKing-LaptoptheFATMAN: /usr/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes/ is where the system wide schemes are kept. open one of them and take a look. it's pretty straight forward19:00
timboycan someone please help me troubleshoot my ssh woes? something else seems to be hogging port 22...19:00
ScorpKing-Laptopwhat is the command to lock session from konsole?19:00
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop: yeah I have em up now, but I need the guide...i only know hex value19:01
ScorpKing-LaptoptheFATMAN: do you have gimp installed?19:01
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop: yeah19:01
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop: ................19:01
ScorpKing-Laptopok open it and choose a color. it will show you the rgb values19:02
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop: it cant be that easy, lol19:02
ScorpKing-LaptoptheFATMAN: hehe.. it is ;)19:02
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop: oh, lol19:02
marcreichelthi there19:02
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop: dude, i have spent almost an hour working on this19:02
marcreicheltI've activated Compiz and now I deactivated it because it has some failures19:02
ScorpKing-LaptoptheFATMAN: simple problems have simple soluions :P19:03
marcreicheltnow the Alt-Tab dialog is missing - how can I get it back again?19:03
theFATMANScorpKing-Laptop: dude: !@$#%@&!19:03
josefHello guys. I am new to linux and i need some help with somehting. what is the command to lock the sesion in ubuntu19:03
theFATMANjosef: distro?19:04
ScorpKing-LaptoptheFATMAN: he uses 8.0419:04
=== Qubex_ is now known as Qubex
RurouniJones!de | master300019:04
ubottumaster3000: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:04
theFATMANjosef: kubuntu?19:04
theFATMANjosef: these guys got ya, peace19:05
joseftheFATMAN: Sorry i am Ubuntu19:06
joseftheFATMAN:Using Ubuntu19:06
ScorpKing-Laptopjosef: no. i installed kubuntu 8.04 for you :P19:07
joseftheFATMAN: ok it seems i am using kubuntu 8.0419:09
Jeshhnow i got the ubuntu Installed.. restarted the pc.. i see only my CD rom Icon on the screen.. is something wrong in the installation?19:09
ScorpKing-Laptopjosef: haha. i'll see what i can find. do you still use kbluelock for locking the screen?19:09
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: no that's normal19:10
Jeshhhow do i start working on it? i don't see anything when i remove the CD of the cd drive.19:10
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: go to the kmenu. it's where you'll find the start menu on xp19:11
fatherdalyhey does anyone know of a good usenet binary downloader in KDE, is klibido any good?19:12
Jeshhhow do i go to kmenu?19:12
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: a good start is Help in the kmenu. it will show you how most things work. if you get stuck just ask19:12
RurouniJonesjosef: Click on the K icon bottom left19:13
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: it's in the bottom lefthand corner19:13
RurouniJonesthere should be a "Lock session" button near the bottom of the resulting menu19:13
josefScorpKing-Laptop: No i found another Program called BlueProximity, but using the commands they give i can only lock the screen with xscreesaver but it won't unlock with the command they give it so i want to try and use the defualt sesion locking but i need the command for that19:13
ScorpKing-Laptopjosef: ah right. i'll look around19:14
josefRurouniJones: ok done that19:14
RurouniJoneswell, clicking on the "Lock session" button will...lock the session19:14
josefScorpKing-Laptop: thanks19:14
Jeshhi don't see any kmenu.. all i see is a wallpaper19:15
josefRurouniJones: Yes i does, but i need a command i can type into console that will do the same thing19:15
RurouniJonesjeshh, there a panel at the bottom of the screen?19:15
RurouniJoneslike the windows system bar19:15
Jeshhno nothing at the bottom RurouniJones..19:15
RurouniJonesdo you know if you got the kde3 or kd4 version?19:15
marcreichelthi there19:16
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: press <ctrl>+<f1>19:16
RurouniJonesjosef: what about "dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface lock"....taken from a page found by google19:16
RurouniJonesor kdesktop_lock --help for a possible command19:17
josefRurouniJones: lol... thanks a lot, i will read that manual quickly19:18
marcreicheltI activated and finally deactivated compiz, and now my Alt+Tab dialog does not appear. However the active window changes, but the dialog does not appear. Can somebody help me with this problem?19:19
Jeshhctrl + f1 nothing happened19:19
Jeshhi've downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 i38619:19
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: do you see a bar at the bottom of the screen?19:19
RurouniJonesah, Ubuntu.19:19
Jeshhi don't see any bar ScorpKing-Laptop19:19
RurouniJonesThis is the Kubuntu channel. slight difference in window managers. I haven't used the Ubuntu one.19:20
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: you need a graphics driver19:20
Jeshhomg.. am exxtremely sorry RurouniJones19:20
RurouniJonesno problems, some people here might still be able to help19:21
RurouniJonesbut you might try asking in #ubuntu as well.19:21
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: press <alt>+<f2> and type in kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:21
Jeshhokay let me try that ScorpKing-Laptop19:21
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: no wait19:21
Jeshhok i'll wait19:21
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: press <alt>+<f2> and type in gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:22
ScorpKing-Laptop:D that's for gnome19:22
RurouniJones(gnome is the ubuntu window manager, KDE is the kubuntu one)19:22
Jeshhi pressed alt + f219:23
Jeshhnothing comes up19:23
RurouniJonesjust out of curiosity have you tried moving your mouse to the very top and bottom of the window and see if it scrolls?19:23
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: ugh.. is this on another box?19:23
Jeshhlet me try that RurouniJones.. give me a minute19:24
karlwould 32 bit kubuntu recognize all 4gb of my ram?19:24
timboykarl, no19:25
ScorpKing-LaptopRurouniJones: he needs to add " Driver "vesa" " to xorg.conf from tty1. it looks like he has the openchrome card19:25
karlis 64 bit stable?19:25
timboyyou can recompile your kernel to use 32-bit with the ability to use more memorty19:25
geniikarl: -generic does not see it, -server kernel of i386 can however.19:25
=== NekosolTeraDyne is now known as BonesolTeraDyne
karloh, i can recompile the kernel19:26
karlthat isn't so bad19:26
RurouniJones64bit ubuntu is stable.19:26
RurouniJonesThere are a few apps that won't run on it though19:26
RurouniJoneswhat about an alt+f7 console window? Does that work in ubuntu?19:27
DragonathI enabled restricted drivers, now tvtime doesn't work - http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450/19:27
RurouniJonesJeshh: Try pressing CTRL+ALT+F119:27
Dragonathis there a binary driver I should install for my ATI radeon9600 pro?19:28
Jeshhok lemme try that RurouniJones19:28
RurouniJonesSee if that drops you into a command line prompt19:28
Vermuxhow do I c info about a user, for example his group name?19:28
Jeshhyes it got me to the command prompt RurouniJones19:28
RurouniJonesok, login with your normal username and password19:29
USMarineVermux c?19:29
VermuxUSMarine: see19:29
RurouniJones_root: Assuming you are running as root then it is inadvisable to do so, especially if you are running programs like IRC :)19:29
trappistVermux: id username19:29
VermuxI want to see information about user19:29
Vermuxtrappist: thanks!19:30
Jeshhdid that RurouniJones.. its now waiting for the next command19:30
USMarineVermux groups <username>19:30
RurouniJonesJeshh: When you are logged in do "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"19:30
RurouniJoneswithout hte quotes of course19:30
Jeshhok let me try taht19:31
ScorpKing-LaptopRurouniJones: will that work from tty1?19:31
RurouniJonesaaah wait19:31
RurouniJonesgood point19:31
RurouniJoneswhat command line editors are installed in ubuntu?19:31
ScorpKing-LaptopJeshh: sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:31
USMarineRurouniJones nano19:31
USMarineno, nano, not nano!19:32
RurouniJonesUse nano, don't make the poor boy suffer through VIM :p19:32
DragonathI enabled restricted drivers, now tvtime doesn't work (ati radeon 9600 pro) - error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450/19:32
RurouniJonesJeshh: When you are logged in do "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"19:32
karluse joe19:32
Vermuxtrappist: it shows 3 things. what's the difference between gid and groups?19:32
trappistvirnik: gid is your primary group.  you can be a member of other groups too.19:32
ScorpKing-LaptopRurouniJones: hehe.. ok take over. supper is ready. 'Driver "vesa"' needs to go below 'Identifier      "Configured Video Device"'. ;)19:33
JeshhRurouniJones.. it opened something like a Text Editor i guess19:33
RurouniJonesRight ScorpKing-Laptop :)19:34
RurouniJonesJeshh: Was that iwth the nano or vim command?19:34
Vermuxtrappist: ok, so there r 2 default groups whena creating user name: gID and groups?19:34
RurouniJonesok, use the arrow keys to scroll down and find the 'Identifier      "Configured Video Device" text19:34
Jeshhwas that to me RurouniJones?19:36
Jeshhi don't find anything like that19:36
Jeshhits like an empty Text editor window19:36
Vermuxtrappist: so by default the gid and group are set to the same name and number I see19:36
trappistVermux: when you create a user, by default a group also gets created just for that user.  every user has a primary group, and every group has a Group ID (GID).  in the output of `id`, what it calls gid is your primary group.  then it lists any other groups you're in.19:37
RurouniJoneserm, ok hit CTRL+x19:37
RurouniJonesthat should take you back to the command line19:37
Jeshhyes am back onto the command line19:38
RurouniJonesok, type ls /etc/X11/19:38
RurouniJonesyou should get a directory listing19:38
RurouniJonescheck that there is xorg.conf19:38
steveireHi, I want to be able to share photos with my friends (windows users). What do I need to use? nfs? samba? ftp?19:39
steveireIt can be as crude as you like19:39
USMarineftp would also work, but samba is easier19:39
steveireUSMarine: Have you done it?19:39
RurouniJonestemporarily or permanently?19:39
Jeshhuh oh19:39
steveireRurouniJones: Temporarily19:40
USMarinesteveire yes19:40
steveireWhat about webdav?19:40
JeshhRurouniJones: it says "ls: cannot access /etc/x11/ No such file or directory"19:40
Vermuxtrappist: ok thanks. so it give twice the group name if a user is in one group only19:40
USMarinebroken permissions19:40
USMarineor X not installed19:41
RurouniJonesok Jeshh: Try sudo ls /etc/X11/19:41
RurouniJonessteveire: For very quick and dirty you can use the kpf applet19:41
steveireUSMarine: OK, can you give me a quick run through of what I need to do? install samba, then what? Do I need to set something up on the windows machines?19:41
RurouniJonesit will setup an extremelly basic webserver that you can point to a directory.19:41
trappistVermux: well it lists the primary group, then all groups, so your primary group will generally be listed twice19:41
steveireRurouniJones: That wouldn't allow the windows users to upload, only download19:41
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:41
Jeshhits the same error RurouniJones19:41
RurouniJonesAh, didn't realise it had to be both ways19:41
RurouniJonesok Jeshh. It looks like...er, I am not sure :)19:42
steveiresamba looks heavyweight for what I want to do.19:42
Jeshhno problem mate.. u tried ur best :) thanks19:42
Vermuxtrappist: I c, thanks for clarifying19:42
RurouniJonesMy advice, download the kubuntu DVD and try again ;)19:42
Jeshhokay i'll do that RurouniJones :) thanks mate19:43
RurouniJonesat least we know KDE here <G>19:43
Jeshhsee ya bye19:43
steveireUSMarine: It looks like there's a lot to it. I don't want to mount things permanently. can that make it simpler?19:44
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RurouniJonessteveire: You want the windows users to be able to transfer files to your machine right?19:44
steveireRurouniJones: And the other way.19:44
steveireOr, yes, just transfer to and retrieve from.19:45
steveireAny config that will allow us to easily share the photos without resorting to usb keys.19:45
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RurouniJonesGet them to turn on windows sharing and you have to do everything from your end19:46
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RurouniJonesthey won't be able to push19:46
steveirehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba <<< This says I don't need to install samba if I don't want to install a server. Maybe I don't. Can a windows computer be the server?19:47
steveireRurouniJones: Does that way require smbfs, or what will I need?19:47
geniisteveire: Yes. Ubuntu/Kubuntu has already the client built in (smbclient).19:47
RurouniJonesyou can use konqueror and smb://hostname19:48
RurouniJonesor smb://ip_address19:48
steveiregenii: OK, I'll try it out. Thanks for the help19:48
steveireI'll try it now with a windows machine I have handy here.19:48
geniiActully there seems to be some issue with the smb:/ syntax on Dolphin and Konq, but in smb4k it works19:48
geniiI've seen this weirdness a few times now19:49
steveiregenii: Eh? It's not going to work?19:49
wittyfiendwhere can i find in kubuntu the files containing icons?19:50
geniisteveire: If you find that smb://address       does not work in Dolphin or Konqueror, then install smb4k19:50
steveiregenii: Then is it smb4k://ip?19:50
geniisteveire: No, smb4k is an application. Install it from Adept or from apt-get19:51
wittyfiendwhere can i find in kubuntu the files containing icons? Where is the icon's folder?19:51
geniisteveire: It's a standalone samba browser for kde19:51
steveireThanks guys. smb:// seems to work fine. Is there some way I can allow the same sharing from my laptop for the windows machines?19:54
geniisteveire: For the sharing from linux to windows, you will require install of samba.19:56
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steveireOk, thanks. I'll look into that another time so.19:57
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coaxHey, i'm having a problem remove a package (there is an error in the post-remove script). Is there a way to get arround that? eg tell the system that the package is not installed thoug it really is.20:00
geniiUse force20:01
trappistcoax: I generally edit the post remove script and either try to fix the problem or comment out the offending line(s), and submit a patch if appropriate20:01
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Icelabgood night20:02
coaxtrappist: where is these scripts located_20:02
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Icelabsomebody knows why the linguage package don't work in firefox 3 beta 5?20:04
trappistcoax: /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.postrm20:04
sgrahamcould be..its...ummmmBETA?20:04
geniisgraham: Officially RC1 now20:04
MakuseruHow can i find out wheather an mp3 uses ID3v or ID3v2 tags?20:05
coaxIcelab: many plugins doesnt work with ff3-20:05
Icelabbut it's a plug in???20:05
coaxIcelab: FF have changed a lot of things!20:05
PiciIcelab: What package are you installing for the language pack?20:06
sgrahamI was only guess20:06
Icelabsomethings like a local package20:06
sgrahambesides....that is still...not stable..release candidate...but what do i know20:07
Icelabin kde works in ooo work, bat don't work in firefox anf gimp20:07
sgrahamit should probbaly work..20:07
geniimozilla-firefox-locale-<countrycode>   is normally what you want20:08
Pici2 letter country code20:08
geniiPici: Yes20:08
Icelabgenij i have do it20:09
geniiAlthough some showing from apt-cache search seem to have toe countrycode twice also20:09
Icelabbut it do not translate the menu'20:09
maduserhow do i change that blue backround everytime i log in?20:10
coaxIcelab: what lang is it? could be that those packages havent been translated20:11
madusernot the kdm or splash screen this seems to be under it20:11
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Icelabi have download the base pakage the firefox paclkage the support package and kde pakage with adept20:13
frybyehi - how do I navigate to the cdrom drive in a terminal window???20:17
frybyeI hve forgoten the unix command to change drives...its been a while..20:18
coaxfrybye: cd /media20:18
ScorpKing-Laptopfrybye: cd /media/cdrom0 most likely20:18
coaxIcelab: i dont really understand why the lang is wrong, what is your $LANG and $LC_ALL?20:19
frybyeScorpKing-Laptop: thanx pal..20:19
ScorpKing-Laptopyou're welcome :)20:19
DragonathI enabled restricted drivers, now tvtime doesn't work (ati radeon 9600 pro) - error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450/20:21
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steve555Hi there everyone.20:21
ScorpKing-Laptophiya steve55520:21
coaxIcelab: thats not right, should be something like it_IT.UTF-820:21
Icelabsorry coax but i don't understand the "$"20:21
steve555Hi ScorpKing-Laptop.20:22
Icelabi don't know20:22
coaxtry opening konsole20:22
Icelabok i've do it20:23
coaxand type "env | grep LANG" (without the ")20:23
steve555The $ sign usually means that you're in user mode.20:24
frybyehow to install a deb package in the terminal window..?20:24
Picifrybye: sudo dpkg -i file.deb20:24
ScorpKing-Laptopfrybye: use apt-get or aptitude20:24
lup0anyone know how to reset the desktop wallpaper setting? I have set the wallpaper through konqueror->actions->Set as background. But now the wallpaper configuration in configure desktop doesn't do anything.20:24
coaxfrybye: aptitude install <pkg>20:25
ScorpKing-Laptopfrybye: sudo aptitude install <packagename20:25
PiciScorpKing-Laptop, coax: those wont help if you have a .deb20:25
steve555The wallpaper can be changed in system settings.20:26
ScorpKing-LaptopPici: installing deb's wit dpkg isn't always the best thing to do20:26
coaxIcelab: ok.. i have absolutely no idear what is can be that is wrong! sorry...20:26
Icelabit is a good idea unistall and reistall firefox 3?20:27
steve555Why would you want to do that?20:28
Icelabi don't know20:29
Icelabit is a try20:29
coaxsteve555: to get the italian local to work...20:29
ZeroGravityi've the same problem firefox 3 isn't in italian20:30
DragonathI enabled restricted drivers, now tvtime doesn't work (ati radeon 9600 pro) - error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450/ <-- I really would like to watch telly, what's wrong? :)20:30
steve555Ah I see,sorry,I thought the question was about changing the wallpaper in Konqueror.20:30
coaxsteve555: now that would have been wierd!20:31
Icelabzerogravity non ci sei riuscito?20:31
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:31
frybyethe script i have now found with the app cd I have says that the locale is not correct..how can I change it??20:32
frybyeor check it and if necess change it..20:33
steve555No worries,would installing the local lanquage (i.e Italian) would be using Adept-Manager?20:33
ScorpKing-LaptopDragonath: i haven't seen that one yet. have you tried the forums?20:34
frybyeah ha - it does not appareently say that it is not set but that it is not config with de_DE iso-8859-1 and en_GB iso-8859-120:34
frybyehow do I do that config??20:34
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DragonathScorpKing-Laptop: nope, but this sounds like a good idea, I will20:35
DragonathScorpKing-Laptop: it's just that on 7.10 it worked with the restricted drivers20:35
frybyeScorpKing-Laptop: I need to activate the both iso***20:35
Dragonathalthough there was a huge fuss with installing them20:35
ScorpKing-LaptopDragonath: maybe someone there had the same problem ;)20:35
ScorpKing-Laptopfrybye: look in kcontrol20:36
frybyeyou mean in the menus the gui.. or as a command in the terminal   kcontrol???20:37
frybyesorry I just dont have much background knowledge...20:37
DragonathScorpKing-Laptop: thanks, I'll try looking there20:37
coaxfrybye: edit /etc/locale.get and use dpkg-reconfigure locales20:37
coaxfrybye: "dpkg-reconfigure locales" as root in terminal20:39
frybyewhen I do edit /etc/locale.get in the terminal it says I do not have write permisssion20:40
frybyedo I have to put sudo in front of it...?20:40
ScorpKing-Laptopnite guys. have fun20:41
frybyenow it says20:41
frybyeWarning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/locale.get" -- using "application/*"20:41
frybyeError: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/*"20:41
Cannoliis there any software in kubuntu that can resize a ntfs partition without deleting the contents?20:42
frybyecoax: what is this about..20:42
Icelabcoax i solve the problem installing the gnome package as is zerogravity said me20:42
Dragonaththere's no known way of installing the newest ATI drivers on 8.04?20:42
nosrednaekimDragonath: envy20:43
frybyethe - the no edit mailcap rules etc???20:43
NickPrestaCannoli, when dealing with partitions, you should always backup sensitive data, regardless of filesystem20:43
NickPrestaCannoli, check out gparted (or qtparted)20:43
Icelabotherways thanks for all20:43
geniiDragonath: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide20:43
coaxIcelab: nice, gracie!20:43
Cannolithis drive is just useless stuff, id prefer it not to get deleted but if it does, it wont be that bad20:43
coaxfrybye: type nano instead og edit20:43
steve555frybe, try run command,then kdesu knqueror and navigate to the file you're after.then open the file using kate.See if that works.20:44
coaxfrybye: or use "kdesu kate /etc/locales.gen"20:46
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:46
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ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org20:46
frybyethe command sudo nano /etc/locale.get produces a new file by this name...??20:46
frybyenothing in there apparently..20:47
Cannoliwould edubuntu be good for young kids, say around the age of 3?20:47
frybyehang on I will look and see if at different location..20:47
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coaxfrybye: my spelling were wrong! it\s /etc/locales.gen20:47
frybyethere seems to be no such file  ah ha .. ok thanks..20:48
coaxCannoli: better than any thing else i think!20:49
Icelabhow can i change the color of the messages??20:49
frybyecoax also no such file for locales.gen20:49
Cannolihaha coax, i hear that. my baby bro (3 y/o) loves pcs but has no clue wht to do so he just smashes keys and stuff and ends up deleting my desktop icons XD20:50
steve555Icelab,which messenger are you using?20:50
coaxfrybye: sorry, no s in there either...20:50
coaxCannoli: http://gcompris.net/20:51
steve555Icelab,it's in settings,configure konversation,colours.20:52
coaxCannoli: i think you have the ability to lock the "user" inside this program...20:52
nainefhey is it possible to replace or remove dolfin?20:53
ubottuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.20:53
nainefthank you!20:53
frybyecoax - the file    locale.gen cannot be found...20:53
coaxfrybye: sure? i has to be there!!! on my system > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18 2008-06-02 18:43 /etc/locale.gen20:55
frybyecoax: hmmm... i seem to remember some of this stuff in a xserv.conf or similar???20:56
nainefwow you guys know everything20:56
* nainef high fives the channel20:56
coaxfrybye: that most likely has notting to do with locales in that sence!20:58
coaxfrybye: if it really isnt there then just create it!21:00
nosrednaekimnainef: the bot does at least :P21:00
frybyeI am using dolphin to look at etc and even with "show hidden files" therre is nothing with locale*anything...?21:00
frybyeso what needs to go into it...?21:00
HazaEvening folks. Im having real trouble installing flash player for firefox :(21:01
frybyesomething with the de_DE and uk_UK but what format??21:01
steve555Hi Haza,is it Falsh Player 10?21:01
trappistfrybye: maybe /etc/environment is where you want to be looking21:02
Haza9 i think mate21:02
coaxfrybye: it contains only one line! mine is currently "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" the first is the default local and the all other locals to generate.21:02
nosrednaekimHaza: how are you going about it?21:02
steve555Are you using Adept to install it?21:02
frybyetrappist - there is no etc/environment???21:02
frybyeemacs esound event - not environment21:03
HazaI installed firefox via Adept. then went about looking for the flash plugin. ive tried to install it via the Adept (lots of different versions of flash there)21:03
Hazaand manually via the website21:03
Hazadownload the .rpm21:03
Hazatry to copy the .so to the plugins dir21:03
nosrednaekimHaza: are you running 64bit?21:03
coaxfrybye: what system are you on? kubuntu 8.04??21:03
HazaI think i probably have 5 different versions of flash installed now :D21:04
frybyecoax: does it make any difference that I am on x64? kubuntu 8.04 yeah...21:04
HazaIm not riunning 64bit no21:04
frybyecoax: I am running 64bit...21:04
ubuntujoin #ravenna21:04
steve555I think you mainly need the flahplyer non-free,and maybe flash-mozilla-plugin.21:04
coaxfrybye: i don\t think that oughta make any difference!21:05
frybyecoax: I will creat a file with the probably right content and see what happens..21:06
Hazasteve555: Can i assume that if i have installed all sorts of version that it may cause conflicts?21:06
Hazasteve555: It might also be worth mentioning that flash doesn't work in Konqueror..21:07
steve555Perhaps,I'm not an expert,but that could be a possibility.21:07
alexeyhow to install skype on kubuntu 8 0421:07
coaxfrybye: you should just add iso8859-1 at the end.. that should work!21:08
siofwolvesHaza, download the .tar.gz for Linux from http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash21:08
cleatonalexej: i think skype has packages on their site?21:08
Hazasteve555: I appreciate your help mate. Im no pro when it comes to *nix and im a little disheartened21:09
Hazasiofwolves: I have that .rpm21:09
siofwolvesthen follow the instructions here http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/productinfo/instructions/#21:09
frybyetoo late.. lets try with just the stuff similar too you... do I have to reboot...?21:09
Hazai think it prompted me for the mozilla directory21:09
Hazamine (as far as i know) is /usr/lib/mozilla correct?21:09
frybyecoax: so now reboot or???21:09
HazaBut i just get a responce along the lines of "choose a valid directory" which is nuts! :)21:10
coaxnope... you should run "dpkg-reconfigure locales"21:10
coaxas root!21:10
steve555Haza,I think you need to point it to the directory where the plugins folder of your latest firefox,(I can't remember the exact location,but I have fallen into that trap befroe).21:11
coaxfrybye: does it work_21:11
siofwolvesHaza, not sure what your's will be you could try /usr/lib/firefox21:11
frybyesays all uptodate...21:11
Hazasteve555: Thats right. the plugins dir is /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins21:11
frybyeand now i try the script again.. hang on...21:11
HazaTwo seconds lads. let me check21:11
frybyeremind me of the command to go to the cdrom in the term ??21:12
nosrednaekim  ~/.mozilla/firefox/plugins is also a valid plugin DIR21:12
frybyeok i have it..21:12
Hazalibflash-mozplugin.so  libswfdecmozilla.so21:14
Hazathose are the two files i have in my /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins directory21:14
HazaIm just a little confused why it should be so hard to get these plugins working :)21:15
siofwolvesHaza, try /usr/lib/firefox21:15
HazaI don't remember having a problem on Ubuntu21:15
Hazasiofwolves: I will give it a try21:15
nosrednaekimubuntu uses the same sytem as kubuntu for firefox plugins21:15
coaxfrybye: is it orking_21:15
siofwolvesalexey, did you get to install skype?21:17
frybyecoax: still complaining that i dont have the iso stuff in there.. hang on21:19
coaxfrybye: but did you add it to the file?21:19
frybyethe dpkg-reconfig etc etc.. only shows utf-8's for all the languages and not the isos i put in there.. that file just dosent get read..21:20
frybyeit is not the right file there was nver such a file to be found and someplce else all the langauges are found by the reconfig but not in there..21:20
frybyeit says i have to activate the locals de_DE ISO etc etc and I have put that in a locale.gen file but it does nothing...21:22
frybyecoax.. you know the annoying thing...to be quite honest.. this is just a local phone book cd - and there is also an *.exe on it.. and 60cm to my left is a windows pc.. but I did not wanna be beaten by this...21:23
frybyecoax - at some stage i need to get smart and say.. ok I will stick the hing in the other pc and it will install itself.. sad but true..21:24
coaxfrybye: dont you have like the yellowpages or something? any way... it's wierd!21:26
coaxfrybye: i dont know what else to do...21:27
frybyethe yellow pages cd is only avail for windows.. the white pages is almost installed now on windows..21:27
frybyenobody uses paper phone books here since 10 years or so .. awefull for the environment and slow slow to use..21:27
coaxfrybye: you dont have them online?? and have you tryed in install the windows edition with 'wine'21:28
frybyewhy install a windows edition with wine where there is a linux version ...?21:28
frybyeand yes there is an online service but it is not so comprehensive - fast or good .. dosent always find stuff so well...21:29
coaxfrybye: most of the time a simple windows app will work better under wine than its badly made windows version... have had the same problem with a worldmap program...21:29
frybyestill the job is done - it is working on the other pc now.. shame in a way that I have to admit it but much less bother...21:29
coaxups... its baldy mad linux counterpart...21:29
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* coax be back in a jiffi...21:31
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alexeyhow can my friend on win xp look at my monitor) like remote administrator in win21:35
shd_hello everyone21:35
trappistalexey: you'd have to use VNC for that21:35
adz21calexey: never tried it but krfb claims to be such an app i believe21:36
steve555Hi shd_21:36
shd_team viewer21:36
trappistit works, but it's a lot slower than the windows RDP thing21:36
shd_hi steve55521:36
alexeys i cant)21:36
shd_alexey, do you try team viewer21:36
shd_that's a really good app21:37
shd_the name is team viewer21:37
steve555alexey,do you know your I.P address?21:37
shd_you have to use wine21:37
alexeyof course i know)21:37
shd_team viewer is a program for windows21:38
steve555Sorry,I was just wondering.21:38
alexeyok) never heared before)21:38
alexeyill try21:38
shd_goof luck21:38
alexeyfirst day in ku env)21:40
alexeyso ill try to start it up in wine)21:40
JuJuBeeI feel like an idiot.  How do I copy the contents of /etc/skel into /home/test?21:40
JuJuBeeI tried sudo cp -R /etc/skel/* /home/test, but all I get is MailDir  and none of the hidden files21:41
steve555It's the same experience for me,(using I.R.C)I have heard about it,but never tried it ubtil now.21:41
shd_i am new here21:41
shd_im from uruguay21:41
alexeysteve555: what ver of wine i need)21:41
steve555I'm from Birmingham U.K21:42
alexeybec the istallation doenst started)21:42
valentin_hola shd!21:42
shd_oh really?...greate21:42
valentin_dede uruguay??21:42
shd_the country, uruguay21:42
shd_next to argentina21:42
valentin_si si yo tambien!21:42
shd_and brazil21:42
shd_d mas21:42
valentin_que bueno21:42
valentin_todo bien?21:42
shd_y vos?21:43
valentin_estoy en españa21:43
shd_pero sos d uru?21:43
valentin_vos en montevideo?21:43
valentin_si claro21:43
shd_no, de la ciudad de la costa21:43
shd_a 40min de montevideo21:43
valentin_me contaron que hace frio estos dias21:43
valentin_si si21:43
steve555Wine should be in the repo's(I don't know which repo,but it should be easy to find in Adept).21:43
shd_si mal21:43
valentin_yo conozco por ahi21:43
trappistfellas, this is an English-only channel21:43
valentin_yo iba  aparque del plata21:44
shd_tengo los pies congelados21:44
trappisttake it to #kubuntu-es, please21:44
shd_por privado hablamos mejor21:44
trappistshd_: please take it to #kubuntu-es, or syre, privado hablamos21:45
shd_trappist, ok sorry21:45
trappistnp, thanks21:45
JuJuBeeannybody on my cp question...21:51
JuJuBeeHow do I copy everything in /etc/skel/ to /home/test/?  I tried cp -R /etc/skel/* /home/test/ but did not get the hidden files.21:51
trappistJuJuBee: the * wildcard won't catch hidden files21:51
JuJuBeeSo how then?21:51
trappistJuJuBee: the purpose of /etc/skel is to *automatically* be copied to a new user's home directory.  if it's not already there, and it's a new user with no data, I'd just destroy the user and rerun adduser21:52
crsJuJuBee: do it once again: cp -R /etc/skel/.* /home/test/21:52
crstrappist: it is easier to just copy files than redoing user. ;-)21:53
trappistI would use /etc/skel/.??*, so you don't catch . and ..21:53
crstrappist: you dont need to copy . and .. ;-)21:53
crsHehe. ;-)21:53
crstrappist: they dont really exist. ;-)21:53
trappistcrs: I know, but /etc/skel/.* will catch those21:53
trappistcrs: ls -ld ~/.* | head21:54
crsIt is just symbol for current dir (.) and one up dir (..)21:54
trappistcrs: yes.  I know.  which is why you don't want to copy them.  but the shell wildcard doesn't know that.  so you use .??* so they won't be included.21:54
crstrappist: so?21:54
crstrappist: you _can't_ copy them even if wildcard catch it :)21:55
crsp . ../21:55
crscp: omitting directory `.'21:55
crsu, 'c' is gone ;p21:56
crstrappist: dont worry about that, you cant copy that. it's not exists ;-)21:56
JuJuBeecrs, that gives me everyting in /etc22:05
crsJuJuBee: what? ;-)22:08
JuJuBeesudo cp -R /etc/skel/.* /home/test/  gives me everyting in /etc not just /etc/skel22:09
crsJuJuBee: impossible22:11
JuJuBeeI beg to differ22:11
crsls /etc/skel/.*22:11
crs/etc/skel/.bash_logout  /etc/skel/.bashrc  /etc/skel/.profile22:11
JuJuBeeI am viewing as we speak22:11
JuJuBeeI get the entire contents of /etc when i do that22:12
geniiThats because it recurses to .. since it also begins with a dot22:12
trappistJuJuBee: try /etc/skel/.??*22:12
crstrappist: what is the difference?22:13
trappistcrs: .??* doesn't catch ..22:13
crstrappist: it does not here.22:13
crs.* i mean22:13
crswhich shell are you using?22:14
crsooh, i see22:14
crsin bash I have got the same22:14
crszsh here, smartest i think :)22:14
JuJuBeethanks for the assistance22:14
JuJuBeeim used to bash22:14
trappist*cough* toldyaso *cough*22:14
crsJuJuBee: sorry for giving you wrong informations, it did works on my box.22:15
JuJuBeeYippppeeeee, that's what I want22:15
JuJuBeeThanks to both of you.22:15
icqnumberi have installed on my ubuntu box kubuntu-desktop, and it has changed my splash screen at start up (ununtu logo with a loading bar) to kubuntu, how can i set up which spalsh screen i want to see?22:16
crsicqnumber: you are looking for usplash confiuguration...22:17
icqnumbercrs: looks so22:18
icqnumbercrs: uspalsh or ksplash, where is that seted up? in gconf file?22:19
crsicqnumber: I dont know anything about gconf, sorry. ;/22:21
icqnumbercrs: tell me more about usplash then22:21
crsicqnumber: do: apt-file show usplash and see what to look for22:21
icqnumbercrs: link to a howto ot something22:21
JuJuBeeBTW, any ideas why I am not able to shut down properly?  When I click on the Turn-OFF->Shutdown, it seems to hang.  I left it for over 30 minutes and it never shut down. Today I did sudo shutdown now from CLI and got the ksplash with progress bar as if it were stuck on 90% during Start UP rather than Shut down.22:22
JuJuBeeStayed there...22:22
crsicqnumber: /usr/sbin/update-usplash-theme?22:22
JuJuBeeI seem to have to power off manually (I know, very bad, but won't shut down any other way).22:22
crsicqnumber: check this one out: /usr/share/doc/usplash/README22:22
JuJuBeeOnly started this behavior about a week ago.22:22
steve555JuJuBee,that sounds like something is hogging the system,(I don't know what it would be).22:24
JuJuBeesteve555 : could it be powerd not starting?22:37
[4K^Javax]how can I disable vsync on an intel gfx chip?22:44
scroteeverytime i open a dir with dolphin/konqueror.  the window crashes when i drag and drop a file.  why must linux vex me so ?\22:48
linxado you know if exist lvm on ubuntu?22:51
nosrednaekimyes... you can do lvm on ubuntu22:52
scroteeverytime i open a dir with dolphin/konqueror.  the window crashes when i drag and drop a file.  why must linux vex me so ?22:54
linxaok, but, if i use apt-get install lvm, i can't found nothing22:54
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO22:55
linxaok, let me try22:55
[4K^Javax]how can I disable vsync on an intel gfx chip?22:58
linxado you know where can i found source list for kubuntu, the last version22:59
Dragnslcrlinxa- you mean the apt sources.list?23:00
ubuntuissweettest can people see this?23:01
PiciSee what?23:01
ubuntuissweetyeap- it works (see text)23:02
tahirhow can i change whts listed in my boot screen?23:04
dwidmann_laptop!sources | linxa23:04
ubottulinxa: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:04
dwidmann_laptoptahir: that's controlled by the /boot/grub/menu.lst file23:04
tahirah ty23:04
tahiris tehre a way i can make xp first on the list without moving around text in the menu.lst23:05
tahiri got it23:06
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter23:08
ubottuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/23:08
tahiri love linux23:09
philsfis there any hotkey to mark a thread as read in kmail?23:09
dwidmann_laptopphilsf: you might be able to make one, look for something like mark as read in kmails shortcut configuration window23:11
crsphilsf: i dont have one set up by default, but you can do it by yourself. Do you know how?23:11
dwidmann_laptoptahir: no, not really, you'll have to move the text around I think23:12
crsdwidmann_laptop: there is a possition like that. I have just found it.23:12
tahirdwidmann_laptop: yep thts wht i did23:13
crsphilsf: Kmail --> Settings --> Configure Shortcuts --> type 'mark' in search box --> set upa ashortcut you want23:13
tahirdwidmann_laptop: do you know any way i can change the size of a ntfs partition without loosing the files?23:13
dwidmann_laptoptahir: I think gparted can do that23:13
dwidmann_laptoptahir: I'd back up the files anyway though, if I were you.23:14
philsfdwidmann_laptop: I found the shortcut config, but it's indeed unused by default23:14
philsfcrs: ^^ :)23:14
crsphilsf: yes, change it :)23:15
philsfcrs: thanks :)23:16
ubottuFactoid mtab not found23:17
tahirwhere would mtab be located?23:17
geniiYou should not mess with mtab unless you have some situation where you have forcibly unmounted something and system still reports it as munted23:18
gkffjcsI'm trying to bind a directory to another using the /etc/rc.local script. When I run the command sudo mount --rbind /olddir /new/dir it works fine, but when I put it in the shell script, I get an error saying permission denied.23:19
geniimtab is dynamically remade every time you mount/umount something. It's located in /etc23:19
tahiroh i see23:20
RoshanKanyone here?23:26
RoshanKi know this is the kubuntu channel23:27
RoshanKbut i have ubuntu gursy installed with nome23:27
RoshanKbut was wondering if i could install kde as well23:27
RoshanKand switch at login window (i think something about session)23:27
geniiYes. Install kubuntu-desktop23:27
Simonft1kubuntu just crashed and now i cannot log in with graphical. nothing shows uo on ctrl alt f7.23:27
RoshanKso would that affect my ubuntu install in anyway (such as disable gnome or be unable to  run programs such as compiz23:28
BluesKajSimonft1, backto the tty and startx23:28
Simonft1BluesKaj: i am23:29
BluesKajwhat error , Simonft1 ?23:30
druhow can i get a specific net setting to stick in the system....madwifi seems to have this tendancy to remove itself23:30
bdizzleso the Ubuntu forums are down right now, so I'm hoping someone on here will be able to help23:30
Simonft1BluesKaj: no error, just a flashing underline23:30
BluesKajno startx errors?23:30
Simonft1BluesKaj: if i run startx i get errors.23:31
navetzhow can I check the speed of my internet connection through the command line?23:31
bdizzleon Kubuntu 8.04, my sound works until the screensaver is used. Then it doesn't work again until after I reboot computer. I've even tried resetting alsa via command line, and that hasn't worked23:31
BluesKajok , if there aren't too many (under 4 lines) post them here23:31
drui just have to navigate to the mad* folder and re :make && make install the modprobe it and you know the rest of the regmarole23:32
RoshanKor use pastebin?23:32
drubdizzel terminal: alsamixer?23:32
BluesKajif you access the net, Simonft1 .yes23:32
Simonft1BluesKaj: there are over 4 lines, hold on, im trying something else23:32
Simonft1BluesKaj: nevermind, i fixed it myself23:32
bdizzleoh wow, there is a graphical interface in command line23:33
Simonft1BluesKaj: i ran sudo dkpg --reconfigure -a23:33
bdizzleum, alsa mixer says that the master, headphone, and PCM are all at max23:33
bdizzlewell, second thought, here is what it reads23:33
BluesKajbdizzle, don't max them, 71% is plenty23:34
bdizzleMaster: 81, Headphone: 70<>70, PCM: 80<>80, Front: 81<>8123:34
bdizzleon my laptop speakers, it barely works unless they are maxed. Dont' have that problem on the windows side23:34
drubdizzel ....just try unmuting your channels ...surroud esp23:34
bdizzledru, they are unmuted23:34
Daisuke_Idobdizzle: as i told you before, see what's using snd_hda_intel, kill that, and do 'sudo modprobe -r snd_hda_intel && sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel23:34
bdizzleI tried, remember?23:35
drubdizzle: hmmmm23:35
BluesKajdru, yeah make sure the ctrls say 00 in the box and not "M"23:35
bdizzleI'll close out any potential sound things I can find23:35
Daisuke_Idoincluding kmix23:35
bdizzleis there a way to track what is using snd_hda_intel?23:36
bdizzleamarok, internet, and kmix are all closed23:36
BluesKajbdizzle, check kmix , make sure the right switches and inputs are enabled23:37
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: he needs to remove and reload the module, this happens constantly on my laptop23:37
[4K^Javax]how can I disable vsync on an intel gfx chip?23:37
bdizzlehow though?23:38
Daisuke_Idobut also needs to make sure everything *using* the module is shut down before that can be done23:38
bdizzleI can't determine which program is supposedly still using the module23:38
BluesKajDaisuke_Ido, really, ...any idea why ?23:38
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: not sure23:38
bdizzleall of the usual sources (kmix, amarok, firefox) are all closed23:38
Daisuke_Idoamarok, amarokapp, firefox-bin23:39
bdizzleartsd might have been it, what is that program?23:40
bdizzlealso, I'm not sure if this is a security feature or a bug, but when I boot into Kubuntu, it only loads the Kubuntu partition. It won't mount the other drives unless I enter in my password23:41
gkffjcsis there an easy to read the contents of a text file into a script?23:43
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gkffjcssort of like a config file?23:44
ubuntuissweetany of yall have expierence with fixing ATI radeon X1300 cards and compatability issues? so far, im finding some useful stuff about fixing them- but its either general- or a different version23:45
philsfpkill puse23:46
philsf(oops, wrong window)23:46
* nainef hates it when he does that :)23:47
BluesKajgkffjcs, I have done with a text file conf.dist and copied the text to a teat file and named it as a *.conf file, and it worked23:47
BluesKajgkffjcs, copied to a text file23:47
reeseI'm having problems with the nvidia driver. I have nvidia-glx-installed, but it doesn't accept 'nvidia' as a driver, only 'nv'.23:49
RoshanKis KDE 4 stable enough right now for me to be able to isntall in ubuntu and run it with gnome as well?23:49
gkffjcssorry, I'm missing something. I have a script that I am writing, I would like to have a second text file with configuration data, which is read by the script, how do I do that?23:49
reesethe funny thing is that if I start KDE with nv, than edit xorg.conf and set the driver to 'nvidia' then log out and restart X, nvidia works just fine23:49
Dragnslcrgkffjcs- depends entirely on the language you're working with. In any case, this probably isn't the right channel to be asking in23:50
DragnslcrRoshanK- installing KDE4 shouldn't affect Gnome at all23:50
gkffjcsyeay, your probably right, is there a place I can go for bash help?23:51
RoshanKDragnslcr: would u recommend what this guy is telling me to do or do you recommend something else http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-kde-40-stable-in-ubuntu-gutsy.html23:51
Dragnslcrgkffjcs- #bash maybe23:52
gkffjcsthanks Dragnslcr23:52
ubuntuissweet1) how to tell if i have the 32 bit or 64 bit version?23:52
DragnslcrRoshanK- looks about right if you have 7.10. KDE4 is in the main repositories in 8.0423:53
Dragnslcrubuntuissweet- uname -a in Konsole should tell you23:53
RoshanKDragnslcr: thank you23:53
kdavidI have a canoscan 8400f scanner and Kubuntu 8.04 are they compatable so far I have never been able to hook up my scanner.. It is fairly new23:54
ubuntuissweetdanka drgnslicer23:54
kdavidbasically it is a cano scanner23:56
kdavideveryone sleeping?23:57
ubuntuissweetso far exiting posts on ati are useful info, but not helping with my particular card- X1300. has anyone ever dealt with this card that can link sites to me or trouble shoot with me?23:57
=== chev_chelios is now known as prodigy

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