
pooliewe're aware of some operational problems with launchpad bzr hosting01:56
pooliewe're looking into it and should have more information soon01:56
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: bazaar.launchpad.net shutdown for urgent maintenance | https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 5 June 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
lifelessWe have a small escaping bug, a fix is underway, but we need to disable writes until it is fixed.03:13
brandon_rhodesIs launchpad bzr down?  I'm a first-time user moving a project there, and "bzr push bzr+ssh://...@bazaar.launchpad.net/..." is giving me a port 22 connection refused error03:16
spivbrandon_rhodes: yes, see /topic03:17
* brandon_rhodes sheepishly checks /topic03:17
brandon_rhodesAh, thanks. I saw the stuff about the meeting and missed the important bit :-)03:17
lifelesswe don't have an exact timeframe yet, but it is a prioty03:18
brandon_rhodesI guess since bzr is distributed, this means that most users are not dead in the water and can still commit to their local branches in the meantime.  Neat.03:20
* brandon_rhodes is still learning bzr03:20
lifelesshowever it is still inconvenient at best, so we do consider it a serious issue03:21
* brandon_rhodes waits patiently to announce that his project has adopted Lauchpad until he can upload its actual source code :-)03:26
lifelesswhat project is it ?03:28
brandon_rhodesPython's most popular astronomy library, for whatever that's worth.  A niche market within a niche market. :-)03:29
brandon_rhodesThough since Python is actually more popular in science that in other areas, it's not that bad.  It's used at observatories here and there.03:30
zero-velocitycan any one help me with ubuntu?03:32
wgrantzero-velocity: You probably want #ubuntu.03:32
zero-velocitythank you ;)03:32
oubiwannhey folks... I'm getting a connection refused for port 22 on bazaar.launchpad.net03:33
lifelesssee /topic03:34
oubiwannlifeless: thanks man :-)03:34
superm1bah. if i knew that would be happening, i would have pushed this diff earlier tonight :(04:19
emgentmorning stub :)04:41
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 5 June 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
emgenttseliot: morning :)06:05
tseliotemgent: morning ;)06:06
JorgePuente190 CDs requested on 2008-05-29. 35 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company 6 hours ago.06:32
JorgePuenteWhy only 35 CDs?06:32
jameshbecause that is the number that was approved06:34
JorgePuente190 CDs requested on 2008-05-29. 35 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company 6 hours ago.06:35
JorgePuenteWhy 35 of 190 CDs only?06:35
jameshwhy did you need 190 CDs?06:35
JorgePuenteI'm a administrator of the Free Software Community of Chimbote, Perú06:36
JorgePuenteI need for to promote Free Software06:36
jameshhttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/shipit-faq <- see the third question06:38
jamesh190 CDs is a lot (they aren't free to produce), so it seems the person handling the order reduced it to 3506:38
JorgePuentethank you06:38
jameshif you have a special need, send an email to the address at the end of that answer06:39
=== oub1wann is now known as oubiwann
JorgePuenteI did request 35 Ubuntu CDs06:46
JorgePuenteThe sum of all cds was 19006:47
JorgePuenteThe total of all cds was 190 (Ubuntu, Edubuntu and Kubuntu)06:48
jameshwell, you can send an email to query the order06:49
JorgePuentethanks, friend!06:56
oubiwannin the launchpad bzr file browser, is there any way to view the latest version of a file?07:34
oubiwanne.g., all I can seem to do is view "version X"07:35
oubiwannand I don't want that07:35
oubiwannI want a link to the *latest* version of the file, not a specific version07:36
jmloubiwann: hmm.07:36
jmllet's have a look.07:36
jmloubiwann: URL hacking isn't revealing anything for me.07:39
oubiwannyeah, me neither :-(07:39
oubiwannlooks like someone tried to ask a similar question: https://answers.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+question/3170907:41
oubiwannit was never answered07:41
oubiwannyay open source support07:41
spivI believe there's some magic URL hacking you can do, something like "head:" or similar.07:41
jmloubiwann: replacing the revision id with head: seems to work.07:42
oubiwannjml: nice one!07:43
jmlspiv: thanks07:43
spivUtterly undiscoverable, but mwhudson is already well aware of this problem :)07:44
oubiwannjml, spiv: hrm, my URLs don't have a revision id07:46
spivYou can also replace the ?file_id=xxx with /path07:46
spive.g. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk/annotate/head:/COPYING.txt07:46
jmlspiv: goodness me07:46
oubiwannspiv: ah, that's what I need07:46
spivjml: for bonus wackiness, it *doesn't* work for /download links, just /annotate07:47
wgrantIs that because /download also has the object ID?07:50
mwhudsonspiv: yeah, the download links are a bit of a problem child really08:10
mwhudsonbtw, working on loggerhead helped to teach my how much better an api locateChild is than getattr() 08:10
mptGooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!08:30
Hobbsee*evening* mpt!08:31
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sorenAny idea why there's no build record for limesurvey at https://edge.launchpad.net/~nijaba/+archive ?09:17
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gnomefreakis PPA building intrepid yet?09:58
cprovgnomefreak: not yet.09:59
gnomefreakah ok that would be why. thanks09:59
RAOFYeah.  I got bitten by that, too.09:59
gnomefreakeh most hardy packages run on intrepid anyway so for10:00
mwhudsonsay what https://edge.launchpad.net/testproject1010/trunk10:10
sistpoty|workthanks for taking care of revu/trunk hosted branch :)10:18
nijabaif PPA does not build for intrepid, why does it accepts uploads made as such?  Would it not make sense for it to refuse such uploads explicitly?10:48
cprovnijaba: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/17386610:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173866 in soyuz "Source uploads should result in, at least, one build in order to be accepted" [Medium,In progress] 10:48
* nijaba nods10:49
Hobbseeoh, gah.  10:49
sylvainI have a question about importing .pot files.11:00
oojahsylvain: Best just to ask and someone will answer when they can.11:13
sylvainwell, I work on Silva with thisfred (eric casteleijn), and usually he upload pot file11:14
sylvainand this work in the day11:14
sylvainlast thrusday, I did it instead of him, and this went to *review*11:15
sylvainand it was never merge and made available in launchpad11:15
sylvainthis morning, he tried again with his account, and got the same behaviour11:15
sylvaindoes anything go wrong, we suspect that's because we used a different user ?11:16
* mwhudson pokes jt1 11:17
jt1mwhudson: ?11:18
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
mwhudsonjtv: i think you can probably answer sylvain's question11:18
jtvsylvain: what project is this?11:18
sylvainit's called Silva CMS exactly11:19
jtvsylvain: I see it here... Not sure why that got held for review.  Just a moment.11:19
sylvainjtv: it worked now, we got a notfication11:22
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zwnjhi there12:14
zwnji'm the admin of ubuntu-l10n-fa , and we are working on team membership rules and policies12:15
zwnjlots of people are interested in joining the team, and they feel bad if they do the translation, but not be a team member12:17
zwnjso i want to change the team description to "Ubuntu Persian Translation Coordinators"12:17
wgrantzwnj: You should be able to change it as an administrator or owner of the team.12:19
zwnjand make another team, like ubuntu-l10n-fa-all, so people can join that, but their translation won't be official until it's been reviewed by one of the coordinators12:19
zwnjis it a good approach?12:19
=== sylvain|lunch is now known as sylvain
wgrantYou intend to give no additional permissions to -all?12:19
zwnjwgrant: yes12:19
wgrantThat sounds sane.12:20
zwnjso, i just want to make sure this is not a bad policy12:20
zwnjfor ubuntu/launchpad12:20
zwnjand what's the best choice? -all or -members or what?12:20
andrea-bshow about -contrib?12:21
wgrantI don't know of a policy for this sort of thing.12:21
wgrant-contributors, perhaps.12:21
wgrantWe have universe-contributors in Ubuntu.12:22
zwnjok, that sound good.  thanks wgrant :)12:44
zwnji cannot update the +branding on edge12:58
zwnjis it a temporary problem?12:58
=== _[PUPPETS]Gonzo is now known as [PUPPETS]Gonzo
zwnji cannot change anything on EDGE13:05
zwnji forgot how to turn off redirecting to edge13:05
zwnjanyone can help me?13:06
spivzwnj: Go to https://launchpad.net/13:06
spivzwnj: and click the "Disable redirection for 2 hours" link13:06
zwnjyes, found that.  thanks spiv13:06
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
cprovfor the PPA hackers: intrepid PPA building support was just enabled, sources previously uploaded are being built (they are a lot).13:29
zwnji cannot change anything in the main site neither13:30
Hobbseecprov: ah good, so my poking worked.13:30
zwnjis it my account, or a site problem?13:30
cprovHobbsee: quite possibly, enjoy.13:31
Hobbseei will.13:31
zwnjcprov: i got Status: "Failed to upload" for new builds.  what that means?13:33
cprovzwnj: the binaries built do not fit the current archive context. See the bottom of the message you've received  (upload log) for a more precise error message.13:34
KaZeRhi guys. can anybody help me with the translation tool?13:36
zwnjoh, yes.  it's Exception while accepting: The following files are already published in PPA for Behnam ZWNJ Esfahbod: bicon_0.2.0-1ubuntu0~ppa4_i386.deb13:36
KaZeRhow to you update your translations from your code repo?13:36
cprovzwnj: right, typical rebuild attempt. Haven't you build the binaries in hardy and copied to intrepid ?13:38
zwnji have build for hardy, but i'm not sure about copying.  was it possible throw launchpad?  if yes, probably i did.13:42
cprovzwnj: that's what is said in your PPA page for the intrepid source " Copied from ubuntu hardy in PPA for Behnam ZWNJ Esfahbod"13:44
zwnjright.  thanks cprov.13:45
cprovzwnj: you are welcome.13:45
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
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=== ruiboon changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 5 June 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://he/j #bzrlp.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
=== andrea-bs changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 5 June 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
andrea-bsit seems that everyone can change the channel topic14:46
emgentand sounds good for me.14:47
ruiboondidnt realise that. sorry if i have accidentally change the topic14:49
ruiboonhmm.. this channel seems to be missing +t14:50
Hobbseeby design.14:51
=== EdwinGrub is now known as EdwinGrubbs
PengA lot of channels on Freenode aren't +t.15:11
Spadsruiboon: think of topics like wikis15:12
ruiboonSpads: i see. Thanks for the info15:13
zwnjcan someone help me here to move all pending/former members of one team, to another (new) one?15:32
=== Guest71218 is now known as Rinchen
kiko-afkzwnj, isn't it easier to just rename the old one?16:07
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko
zwnjhi kiko16:08
zwnjkiko: no, the first one is the official persian translation team16:08
zwnjand the new one, is a team for contributors16:08
zwnjunless, you change the team membership in ubuntu-translators16:09
zwnjkiko: is that ok with you?16:09
kikozwnj, that's what I was going to propose doing16:14
kikodo you understand the consequences of that change?16:14
zwnjkiko: reviewing all previous translations?16:15
zwnji think i can add users one by one to prevent that16:15
zwnjkiko: i'm adding members, and it's not as hard as i thought16:18
zwnjkiko: thanks btw16:18
kikozwnj, well, it means that anyone in that group will be able to add approved, official translations.16:19
kikomaybe that's what you want16:19
kikobut maybe it's not!16:19
zwnjno, no16:20
zwnji'm cleaning up ubuntu-l10n-fa members, and moving them to ubuntu-l10n-fa-contributors, which is not a official translation team16:20
zwnji could swap their name, approve/reactivate all members of the new ubuntu-l10n-fa-contributors, and ask you to change the official on to new ubuntu-l10n-fa16:21
zwnjbut it's ok now16:21
kikookay, great16:21
kikozwnj, it's awesome that you are doing this, it's really something that all translation teams should do periodically16:22
kikozwnj, maybe you could write up your experience to launchpad-users/ubuntu-translators when you're done?16:22
zwnjkiko: sure.  actually i'm making the l10n-fa team alive again, and i'll write about the whole process...16:23
zwnjJason Hamilton helped me to make the decisions16:25
zwnji'm not sure if i can find him here in irc16:25
zwnjoops, i meant Jeroen Vermeulen16:25
kikothe one and only jtv 16:26
kikoand jt1 and jt2 I guess :)16:26
zwnjhi jtv16:43
luisbga branch an other user made in my project appears in the projects overview... can I make it not appear there? I would make it abandoned but only that user has access to change the status of the branch17:02
luisbghe did a little change months ago and hasnt developed anything further17:03
kikoluisbg, just mark it as abandoned17:11
kikoand update the whiteboard (tell him to contact you)17:12
luisbgI cant mark it as abandoned17:12
luisbg"You cannot upload to this branch."17:12
kikoeven as project owner? interesting. abentley, what do you think?17:13
abentleykiko: I don't know what to think.17:14
kikoabentley, should he?17:15
abentleykiko: Personally, I think the project owner should have absolute power over how their project is displayed in Launchpad.  That doesn't seem to be the Launchpad philosophy.17:16
kikoabentley, well, I don't know about absolute power, but I'm not discussion philosophy as much as practicality -- should the project owner be entitled to update metadata for project branches?17:17
kikoI'm not discussion! A for grammar17:18
abentleySo, if you think they should have absolute power, the answer is yes.  If you don't, the answer is no.17:18
luisbgmaybe not change metada of the project branch17:21
luisbgjust change which branches of my project appear and which not17:21
abentleyluisbg: The fact that the branch is inactive should be enough to make it less and less visible.17:22
luisbgabentley, not when the project has only 4 branches17:23
kikoabentley, by inactive do you mean no recent commits?17:23
abentleykiko: Yes.17:24
luisbgit isnt the case17:25
luisbgbut if a project owner doesnt have this power17:25
luisbgtrolling could be really easy and annoying17:25
kikoluisbg, maybe just email the user and ask him to mark it abandoned if it is 17:26
luisbgI havent had any replies from the user17:26
kikoluisbg, I wonder if there's not a point to displaying the branch, though, since other users could actually pick that work up. too unlikely?17:26
luisbgit was intender to be a code reordering of an old version17:27
luisbgold enough to be in a different language than the current one17:27
kikoluisbg, I can mark it abandoned or obsolete if you like17:28
luisbgso anybody picking that up would be unworth it17:28
abentleyluisbg: I recall there being automatic branch hiding for very inactive branches.17:28
luisbgabentley, define very inactive17:28
abentleyI'm having trouble looking up the exact code, though.17:28
luisbgabentley, :)17:28
danshearerhello all17:36
dansheareris the definition of 'top contributors' written down somewhere? (there isn't any help avail on that page.)17:36
danshearerif I look at https://launchpad.net/pidgin/+topcontributors for example17:36
danshearerIt isn't clear to me just how someone got on the list.17:37
kikoit's by karma17:37
kikoso the karma events for the user in that project17:38
danshearerI asked Jelmer, who is at number 2, and he didn't know for sure either although he guess he might have imported a branch from a17:38
danshearerproject site out there at some time.17:38
danshearerah, so if I go to the project site I should be able to see everyone listed17:38
* danshearer searches for 'list karma events' or similar17:41
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danshearerNope, I can't find any kind of karma log17:58
danshearerI got 'Show karma summary' under a user home page but that's it17:58
danshearerwhat am I missing?17:58
* danshearer is away: dinner18:01
rexbronHey, would anyone be able to tell me why I got a whole bunch of messages saying that packages in my ppa failed to upload. I have not uploaded anything recently...18:04
cprovrexbron: PPAs are building sources uploaded to intrepid.18:07
rexbroncprov, ok, I suspected it might have something to do with me copying packages to intrepid before hand18:07
cprovrexbron: they have accumulated during the time it wasn't ready yet.18:07
cprovrexbron: exactly, if you have copied the corresponding binaries from hardy to intrepid the build result cannot be uploaded, thus the failure.18:08
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Ekusheyany launchpad admins here?19:25
kikoEkushey, maybe. :)19:26
Ekusheykiko are you one? ;)19:27
Ekusheykiko, can i knock u on prv?19:31
kikoEkushey, what's it about? I normally prefer questions to be asked on launchpad (see /topic)19:32
Ekusheyi uploaded po files for translations on https://launchpad.net/rbl/ but it's not approved yet19:33
Ekusheyis it possible to take a look at it?19:33
kikoEkushey, it needs to be either danilo_ or jtv 19:33
Ekusheyoh ok19:34
Ekusheyboth are away right now19:34
Ekusheykiko can you tell me how long it usually takes to get it approved?19:35
kikoEkushey, normally it's quite quick except for the first time19:37
kikoEkushey, I could normally do this except I don't really know much about pofiles :-(19:37
Ekusheyit's been over a week now19:38
Ekusheyso that's why i was asking19:38
Ekusheykiko, there isn't anything wrong with the files... they are already checked19:39
kikoEkushey, if you ping tomorrow at an earlier time I can definitely get them to look at it19:39
kikowhat a cool logo19:39
Ekusheygreat, thanks, can you please tell me what time?19:40
kikoEkushey, hmmmm19:41
kikoEkushey, do you derive from Ubuntu?19:41
kikoEkushey, about 5 hours earlier19:41
Ekusheyok sure19:42
Ekusheykiko yes that's the plan... xubuntu based distro in bengali19:45
kikoEkushey, why don't you translate in ubuntu itself?19:47
kikothat way you don't need to fork language packs, etc19:47
Ekusheywell right now our team members want to translate xfce first and make it available on the xfce site19:49
kikothey could do that through launchpad, too19:53
Ekusheykiko, yes, that's why i uploaded the xfce files19:54
mpte.g. https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/xfce-mcs-plugins/+pots/xfce-mcs-plugins/bn/+translate19:55
kikoEkushey, no, I mean the upstream xfce. or, in ubuntu, as mpt suggests.19:56
kikoEkushey, there's little benefit to running those translations yourself19:56
Ekusheyok i'll talk with my friends19:57
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=== Ekushey is now known as microbuntu
ftaboom, all builders are dead22:25
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kikofta, they're being upgraded22:26
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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