
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
* CyberKing is away from keyboard: Gone away for now.11:14
=== CyberKing is now known as Ekushey-AFK
* Ekushey-AFK is back.11:39
=== Ekushey-AFK is now known as CyberKing
=== CyberKing is now known as Ekushey
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey
=== CyberKing is now known as Ekushey
boredandbloggingthere are 2 locobots in #ubuntu-us-ga, locobot_4 and locobot_5, can one of them be removed?14:12
jpdsboredandblogging: best poke smurf in -locoteams, he maintains the locobots, I believe14:16
boredandbloggingjpds: thanks14:17
emgenthello, someone can join ubot in #ubuntu-hardened ?16:56
jpdshmm, /me has no admin powers anymore16:58
jpdsstdin, jussi01 ^16:58
jussi01ubottu: join #ubuntu-hardened16:59
jussi01emgent: ^16:59
ubottujussi01: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:59
dantalizinganyone having issues with nickserv?19:22
ompauldantalizing, it was upgraded a couple of days ago but should work ok now19:23
dantalizingi keep getting bad password19:23
Picidantalizing: If you cant login, make sure you are using the password of your master nick19:24
Ekusheyis there any launchpad channel here?19:24
dantalizingPici: master nick? i have only 119:24
jpdsEkushey: #launchpad19:24
Myrttidantalizing: perhaps the folks at #freenode know better?19:24
Picidantalizing: Did your password have a % in it?19:24
dantalizingPici: yes19:24
dantalizingMyrtti: they're my next stop19:25
Picidantalizing: Ask in #freenode, I believe there was a bug with that19:25
dantalizingPici: thx19:25
Ekusheythanks jpds19:26
jpdsEkushey: welcome.19:26
PriceChilddantalizing: replace the % with a *19:29
dantalizingPriceChild: thx19:31
dantalizingi hate having up arrow access in irc :(19:31
dantalizingbut i love it19:31
dantalizing'up arrow' being my technical term for history19:32
=== Ekushey is now known as microbuntu

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