
solid_liqcan anyone tell me why I'm banned from #ubuntu?00:03
Seeker`solid_liq: how long ago were you banned?00:03
solid_liqthis morning I think00:03
solid_liqit's weird tho00:03
Seeker`solid_liq: You performed a CTCP version on the whole channel00:04
solid_liqI was in the channel, then my internet connection flaked out, and when the connection came back up, I couldn't join #ubuntu00:04
solid_liqoh, that must've been that stupid irssi script00:04
Seeker`-06:37:29- solid_liq n=solid_li@unaffiliated/solidliq requested CTCP VERSION from #ubuntu:00:04
Seeker`-06:37:34- ~s~ mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@unaffiliated/solidliq] by FloodBot300:04
solid_liqI was trying out different scripts for irssi, and one of them was version-stat.pl00:05
solid_liqI meant to run it in my channel, not #ubuntu00:05
Seeker`you should be more careful with what scripts you run in such a busy channel00:05
solid_liqyeah, it was an accident00:05
Seeker`do you understand why it is a bad idea?00:05
solid_liqI didn't realize I was on the ubuntu tab00:05
Seeker`PriceChild: you still about?00:06
PriceChildgimme 5 mins00:06
solid_liqcould you unban me please?00:06
Seeker`I cant unban you, as I dont have the necessary power in #ubuntu00:07
Seeker`but someone will have a look in a minute00:07
solid_liqk thanks00:07
tritiumSeeker`: I can take care of it.00:08
tritiumhmm, strange.00:09
Seeker`tritium: what is strange?00:09
tritiumI can't op up.00:10
jribtritium: first time you tried since services changed?00:11
tritiumjrib: possibly.  I also see I'm not identified again.00:11
Seeker`tritium: that could be it00:11
jribdoes solid_liq still need to be unbanned?00:11
Seeker`tritium: you are unbanning solid_liq then?00:11
tritiumSeeker`: yes, just did.00:12
tritiumsolid_liq: try now, please00:12
Seeker`solid_liq: You need to make sure that you check what channel you are in before you run scripts etc. in future, ok?00:12
tritiumI guess the change in services has broken my auto-identify.00:12
MezSeeker`, you dont?00:15
Mezsolid_liq, ok, I'll unban you, as long as you understand that it's a bad idea to run mass CTCP's in busy channels.00:15
Seeker`Mez: He has just been unbanned by tritium00:15
Seeker`Mez: No, I only have ops in -uk00:15
Mezand promise not to do it again00:16
Mezor if my internet wasnt dying I would00:16
MezI cant do anything00:16
Seeker`although elk y said that she may bring it up with the council00:16
tritiumMez: I took care of it00:16
tritiumSeeker`: good!  You have my support.00:17
solid_liqtritium: k thanks :)  (sorry, I ran off to do something for a minute)00:17
tritiumsolid_liq: no problem.  But, please do not run scripts in the channel in the future.00:17
solid_liqI won't00:18
Seeker`tritium: thanks :D00:18
tritiumThanks, solid_liq.00:18
tritiumSeeker`: Of course.  :)00:18
Meztritium, yeah - was lagging like hell00:18
tritiumMez: no worries.00:18
Seeker`solid_liq: Is there anything else we can help you with?00:18
Seeker`solid_liq: If there is nothing else we can hlep you with, please take note of the /topic00:23
* jrib bans Jack_Sparrow :)01:13
* Mez bans jrib01:14
Jack_Sparrowsoory.. copy error01:15
* Seeker` wonders what is going on01:27
blakez!ops | Myrtti01:47
nubotuMyrtti: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!01:47
nubotublakez called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (Myrtti)01:47
nixternalblakez: what?01:47
blakezMyrtti solicited me to take a shit on her chest.01:48
blakezplz ban?01:48
nixternalMyrtti: how come you never solicit me? :P01:49
nixternalblakez: that one is a tad bit hard to believe01:49
nixternalto bad I can't ban and remove you from this channel blakez01:50
blakezi was banned from #ubuntu for abusing the !ops command01:54
blakezit's fun to wake all the linux nerds up01:54
voriannixternal: want him removed?01:54
blakezi was told that many of the ops have the !ops command rigged to an alarm bell, similar to the ones used in fire stations01:54
blakezand they all rush to the terminal to see what the excitement is about01:55
nixternalvorian: I will not answer that question, so people don't send stupid emails to the list complaining about me getting a staffer to remove someone01:55
blakezhoping, just hoping that they get to ban somebody01:55
vorianok, i'll do it01:55
blakezlol no dont01:55
blakez!ops | vorian01:55
nubotuvorian: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!01:55
nubotublakez called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (vorian)01:55
nixternalwhy nubotu? everytime I see that, I think "why is a nude bot highlighting me?"01:56
vorianyeah, weird eh?01:56
* SportChick eyes blakez 01:57
Amaranthblakez: Do you have a reason for being here?01:57
blakeza notification, and special attention to district 7 cars, stop rhode island registration 53BP90 for questioning in a homicide investigation earlier this evening01:57
nixternalAmaranth: is that enough reason for ya :P01:57
blakezmy reason is to harass all the linux nerds01:57
blakezthat think they too good for windows01:57
AmaranthOk, someone get rid of this guy please.01:58
nixternalalert: 12 year old at the helm01:58
blakezlinux is so stupid01:58
blakezit cant even do anything01:58
blakezits good for browsing the web01:59
nixternalso true, here troll, have some food01:59
blakezyou can have my dick as food01:59
blakezfucking bitch01:59
nixternalmmmm, I love that01:59
AmaranthStrange, I can no longer run get the access list for this channel.01:59
nixternalyes, spank me while you talk dirty to me!01:59
blakez!ops | Amaranth01:59
nubotuAmaranth: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!01:59
nubotublakez called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (Amaranth)01:59
Amaranth!amaranth | blakez02:00
nixternalbuh bye02:00
nubotublakez: Stabbity stab02:00
Seeker`thanks vorian02:00
Seeker`I have a feeling he will be back02:01
nixternalI hope so, I haven't been talked dirty to in a long time02:01
Seeker`nixternal: I suspect it is ok to request staff to remove someone from a channel in this sort of case02:03
Seeker`as there isn't anyone else capable of removing them from the channel02:03
nixternaltrue, but people are already complaining about it, so I don't want to get involved in the politics of it...I would rather leave it alone and go do some more coding :)02:04
Seeker`heh, fair enough02:04
nixternaland kick vorian in the arse to get merging02:04
Seeker`what are you coding?02:04
nixternalKDE 4 of course, and building out packages for 4.1 Beta 1 for the mass amount of whiney Kubuntu Hardy users02:05
voriannixternal: got any good ones (by good i mean easy learning type)?02:05
nixternalI think I need to go and drink a bit...I have been a bit edgy today02:05
* Seeker` needs to do some more coding02:05
nixternalvorian: you are past the easy learning crap02:05
voriancrap, I thought you'd say that02:05
nixternalget your hands dirty and break something already :)02:05
* vorian salutes02:06
nixternaldude, look at the PPA, I am up to ~ppa7 on kdebase-workspace in 2 days :)02:06
Seeker`nixternal: Anything a newbie can do?02:07
Seeker`(not that I run KDE)02:07
nixternalSeeker`: there is always stuff for anyone to do :)02:07
vorianwatch files are good02:08
vorianthat's where I started with actuall contributions02:08
nixternalthat has got to be a first02:09
Seeker`nixternal: such as?02:09
nixternalQ: So, how did you get involved with contributing to Ubuntu?02:10
nixternalA: I was making watch files02:10
nixternalJay Leno should be calling you soon :P02:10
nixternalSeeker`: documentation is a good place for new contribs to start honestly02:10
nixternalit is easy to do, and you are actually contributing something physical in a way02:10
Seeker`I was thinknig about more programming type stuff02:11
nixternalwell then, get to reading the packaging guide if you want to MOTU it up02:11
Seeker`Documentation isn't one of my "strong points"02:11
nixternalor, get a hold of the blueprint owners and let them know you want to code02:11
jribmissing .desktop files is pretty easy, are those still around?02:11
nixternalnot so much missing as invalid02:11
nixternalthat is a boring way to start, by running 'desktop-file-validate' on every .desktop file in every package in the repo :)02:12
PiciSeeker`: iirc there are bitesize bugs that might be good to start with02:12
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bitesizex, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi02:12
nixternalI could only imagine the amount of patches one could generate by fixing all of those02:12
nubotuA list of bugs that are considered easy to fix and good for beginners to attempt can be found at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize02:12
nixternalbite sex?02:12
nixternalwth Pici :)02:12
jribon that list, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam/+bug/64064, hasn't ~/bin been added to PATH if it exists for a while now?02:13
nubotuIn nubotu, calcmandan said: !klipper is the KDE clipboard utility. It stores clipboard history, and allows you to link clipboard contents to application actions. For more information, go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Klipper.03:24
nubotuIn nubotu, calcmandan said: !kwallet is the wallet subsytem which provides a convenient and secure way to manage all your passwords. For more information, visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/kwallet.03:25
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about klipper, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi03:25
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kwallet, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi03:25
Seeker`are there factoids for that in the database of ubottu?03:25
nubotuIn nubotu, calcmandan said: !scrot is a simple screen capture utility using imlib2. For more information, visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/scrot.03:26
nubotuIn nubotu, calcmandan said: !kmix is KDE's soundcard mixer program. Though small, it is full-featured. The program should give controls for each of your soundcards. For more information, go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kmix.03:26
nubotuI don't recognize you.03:27
nubotuI don't recognize you.04:40
nubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nubotu, try looking on http://stdin.me.uk/bot/factoids.cgi04:40
nubotuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)04:41
AmaranthWhy do we now have nubotu? Are we taking turns running the bot?04:41
tonyyarusso"Today's bot has been brought to you by the letter N."04:41
flaccidi think i got banned from #kubuntu last night because of my new cat on my keyboard04:54
flaccidmay an op have a look please?04:56
elky_workcertainly looks pet inflicted...05:12
elky_workim not on the access list there though...05:12
flaccidno worries05:14
elky_workbtw, does 'new cat' mean cute widdle kitteh?05:14
flaccidthe weird thing is it happend once, then i closed the lid on the laptop and it i think it happened again, but that could of been me tired heh05:15
flaccidyeah hes names buddy and hes a little black kitteh05:15
elky_workhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/06/01/%23kubuntu.txt ctrl+f for 13:4205:16
elky_workflaccid: made his flickr debut yet? :D05:16
flaccidhes my housemates and has only been here like 1 day, shall get some photos soon. hes pretty smart05:17
nubotuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)05:40
nubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!05:40
nubotuflaccid called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()05:40
flaccidsorry to nag. wouldn't mind getting back to the chan to do my usually hours of daily help05:40
Amaranththose are the #ubuntu ops05:40
flaccidbanned from cute kitteh last night in #kubuntu05:40
flaccidsome of those might be #kubuntu ops i guess05:40
flaccid[14:41] [Kick] You have been kicked from channel #kubuntu-ops by ChanServ (Invite only channel). :)05:41
elky_workaww man! they get to have a private channel :(05:42
elky_workflaccid: the ops factoid is for emergencies only, and i doubt delaying you from helping classes as an emergency05:44
flaccidi didn't know it was for emergency only05:44
nixternalflaccid: what happened to you in #kubuntu?05:44
flaccida bit worrying if no kubunt ops are not around05:44
flaccid^^ read up05:44
nixternalhrmm, let me look at that05:44
flaccidnew kitten.05:44
nixternalflaccid: you can't join #kubuntu at all?05:45
flaccid[14:45] [474] #kubuntu You're banned from that channel05:45
nixternalk, looking for your ip now in there05:46
nixternalmight help if a bot was around :)05:46
flaccidi have removed the pussy cat and put in extra security measures05:46
flaccidelky_work: would be nice if the bot had a confirmation routine for 'emergency' commands :p05:47
elky_workflaccid: that would make them less useful in actual emergencies then, wouldnt it05:48
nixternalflaccid: fixed :)05:48
nixternalhaha, nice spam by the kitty05:48
elky_workflaccid: you've been around long enough to have noticed "Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies)"05:49
flaccidelky_work: it would take 2more seconds :)05:49
flaccidnixternal: thanks mate05:50
nixternalno problem!05:50
elky_workflaccid: as i said, you've been around long enough to know.05:50
flaccidits an emergency for me05:50
flaccidisn't it all relative05:50
flaccidthe world is about values and we all have different ones :)05:50
elky_worknot when you ping all the ops who may be at work like myself.05:50
flaccidstill it comes down t process and procedure05:51
flaccidi mean perhaps if it was in a document i could go by .. :)05:51
elky_workreally, well the process you're going through right now is not one favourable to you at all05:51
elky_workplease depart from here before i give you a label you dont particuarly want.05:52
flaccidelky_work: i contribute hours of my valuable time to helping the community. if i had a document that set some standards on how regular helpers should help, i'd be more than happy to abide by it. thank you for your time.05:53
nubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:53
* elky_work pokes the bot05:53
flaccidi can't find a definition for emergency in those guidelines05:54
elky_workim truying to find the right factoid05:54
elky_worki *shohl;d* be working05:54
elky_workbut you're being a PITA.05:54
nixternalumm, lets chill a bit here05:54
elky_worknixternal: then please get him out of my sight. he's been around enough to have not only seen the warning in the factoid umpteen times, but also to have seen (and i'd chance even given out) the factoids he's asking me to produce right now.05:55
flaccidsorry. i take a more scientific approach to these things instead of making assumptions. i don't mean to sound attacking or anything05:55
flaccidthank you for your time. i hope you take my feedback on board.05:55
Myrttinice that I'm having fans06:14
Myrttiawww cute, jussi01 really does have an Australian accent :-P06:46
elky_workwhy would jussi01 have an aussie accent?06:53
Myrttiwell, because he is aussie?06:55
Myrttiyou didn't know?06:55
jussi01elky_work: you really didnt know I was an Aussie?06:57
MyrttiMez: he has changed his facebook relationship status to "In a Relationship". /me sobs a little, then does a http://www.facebook.com/s.php?n=-1&k=100000020&adv=1&sx=2&rl=1&in=Linux07:00
Myrttijussi01: any news on our lady lost in IP labyrinth?07:09
jussi01Myrtti: not as yet - Ill see in an hour or so Id imagine07:09
bazhang_Kcaj has quit ("Yizza furizza my nigga.") <---sufficient reason for a kick next time?07:09
jussi01bazhang_: reason for a pm imho07:09
bazhang_he has been asked to change it btw07:09
bazhang_says he is 'too busy'07:10
MyrttiI'll have a chat with him then07:10
Myrttipoke me when he comes online07:10
bazhang_in offtopic now07:10
bazhang_Myrtti, ^07:10
Myrtti/me goes to put her hair up to a tight knot, puts her eyeglasses on and practises her school mam glare07:11
Myrttihow appropriate that he's now been idling07:38
naliothbazhang_: how are you gonna kick someone if they'e quit?07:39
bazhang_nalioth, he is back07:40
naliothis he being disruptive?07:40
bazhang_nay, but he has been asked to change it and said he is too busy07:40
bazhang_fair warning in my opnion07:41
naliothi think " quite message police  " is something that should be near the end of our list07:42
Myrtti/me notes she still hasn't had breakfast or taken that shower07:42
nalioth<sigh> /me kicks his laggy box07:42
bazhang_offensive racist part message is against coc at the very least07:42
Myrttihe's apparently changed the quit message already07:47
Myrtticase closed, watch him quit, though07:47
bazhang_thanks Myrtti :)07:47
naliothso when do we start banning for Bing Crosby song lyrics in /quit  or /part messages?07:48
jussi01shes back!07:49
naliothbtw, the last exploiter took a train07:49
jussi01just syncing now07:49
bazhang_hmm someone wants an argument today :)07:49
Myrttijussi01: ♥07:49
jussi01Myrtti: wait a sec07:49
Myrtti/me holds her breath07:49
jussi01she has a lot of channels07:50
naliothno, i'm just wondering ( about the song lyrics )07:51
Myrttithere she is!07:51
bazhang_ubottu we missed you07:51
jussi01bazhang_: please dont talk to her to early, she is busy07:51
naliothlet me know when it's synced and i'll pull ubot307:51
jussi01nalioth: sure - just do it in about 5 mins07:52
bazhang_oops sorry jussi0107:52
bazhang_teething pains and all07:52
ubottuFactoid we missed you not found07:53
jussi01nalioth: go for it07:55
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
jussi014;3~no bt yet as Im still rerouting jussi01.com , will be up soon07:57
jussi01ok, once that propogates we should be up and running again :)07:59
MyrttiI hate these "mumblemumble" assignments08:04
Myrtti"the customer says mumblemumble mumblemumble, make it so"08:04
Myrttiand I'm like whhhhaaaa08:05
* jussio1 is ready for coffee08:05
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Myrtti"check that the reference 114 is removed" ok, I've got references up to 106, so what now...08:05
Hobbseeevening all08:21
bazhang_hi :)08:21
jussi01hello Hobbsee08:26
Myrttihere I still am, hair unwashed and hungry, working08:49
MyrttiI'm great in blackmailing myself08:49
jussi01shower you! :P08:49
Myrtti"just a few more lines"08:50
gnomefreakdid freenode upgrade or something? things that it outputs is not the same as it was ~Dec/Jan09:37
ompaulgnomefreak, they changed services a couple of days ago09:37
gnomefreakompaul: oh ok, i noticed it last week sometime but i just figured it was like that before i got home in april09:38
stdinlooks like nubotu lasted, good :)09:41
Myrttirrrrrrgggghh summer schedules09:48
jussi01Myrtti: *hug*09:49
ompauljussi01, does /msg bot search not work as before?09:57
ompauljussi01, I just did a /msg ubottu search ompaul and it returned ::  There were no matching configuration variables.09:58
PriceyMr. Somerville is taking the piss. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat?action=diff&rev2=273&rev1=27210:33
Hobbsee[19:39] [Notice] -ChanServ- Founder    : somerville3210:39
Hobbseelooks accurate to me.10:39
PriceyHobbsee, I am well aware of the situation.10:39
PriceyThe comment on the change is:10:40
PriceyUpdating Xubuntu channels to list correct contact10:40
PriceyWhat I am referring to, is that the mess is not sorted out yet and no resolution has been made, so changing all our documentation to support himself is just annoying.10:40
Hobbseewell, updating documentation to be showing the current configurations, while it may change soon, is usually a good idea.  see the MOTU and the bugsquad and workflow bugs stuff.  it was adding documentation on what was already followed in practice.10:42
HobbseeOTOH, it may be a waste of his time.10:42
PriceChildWhether he is right or wrong, whether it is a waste of time or not, it is only provoking the issue.10:42
Hobbseei'm sure that you commenting on it in here, with the attitude of "he is an idiot", is also provoking the issue10:43
* Hobbsee goes to check the CC agenda.10:44
PriceChildHe's not an idiot.10:44
PriceChildI think we are all well aware of that.10:44
PriceChildI'm just being provoked and getting aggravated about how certain people are handling the issue.10:47
PriceChildI also don't understand why the CC must be involved, when there is a perfectly good irc council of 4, 3 if we decide I've been bullying and am not suitable to be making this deicision.10:49
PriceChildHobbsee: ^10:50
HobbseePriceChild: because there have been various allegations, from multiple people, about the irc council being off the rails, being abusive, and bullying.  Presumably they'll want to look into all of it.10:51
PriceChildHobbsee: more of the council than just me?10:52
gnomefreakPriceChild: is there a public wiki on the IRC council?11:00
PriceChildgnomefreak: This one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil ?11:01
gnomefreakthat looks right thanks11:01
gnomefreakhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines should be updated atleast the Please don't bring bots section11:07
ikoniagnomefreak: what needs updating on the bots11:08
ikoniathe details, or the fact that bots are now welcome ( I didn't think they where )11:08
gnomefreakThere already are 2 bots: ubuntulog (logging) and ubotu (factoids) - there really is no need for more bots11:08
gnomefreakneither of them are here11:08
ikoniaso a better description on that line of the current situation11:08
jribwhich bot logs now?11:09
gnomefreaklist bots anad maybe explain a little more on why dont bring in bots11:09
jribubuntulog is there it seems11:09
gnomefreakjrib: god only knows11:09
gnomefreakjrib: he was gone for a while as i understood it and i havent looked to see if hes around11:09
PriceChildLets update the bots page when something permenant is made.11:10
ikoniadocument updated to reflect current situation11:10
ikoniacan be updated with more info11:10
gnomefreakikonia: the reason i didnt just edit it is because of "/!\ Do not edit this page without discussing any changes with the Ubuntu IRC council who maintain this page. "11:11
ikoniawow - I didn't see that11:11
ikoniaI can undo it11:11
PriceChildmeh, tis fine as it is11:11
PriceChildit'll just need changing again later :)11:11
ikoniayes, it will need updating, I just removed the actual bot names11:11
ikoniado you want me to leave/undo ?11:12
ikoniaapologies, my bad call11:12
PriceChildnoo doesn't really matter :)11:12
gnomefreakwhat are we waiting for to make changes perm. seveas would have come back if he planned on coming back in near future11:12
jribwell I'm sure the ubotu nick can be obtained once a permanent host is established11:13
ikoniamaybe a new name11:13
ikoniafresh start11:13
DrDerekcould someone add !rimshot so the bot will reply with "Ba Dun Tssh" ?11:28
DrDerekfor the Ironic and Horrible Pun Moments11:28
DrDerekThat is all.11:29
ikoniastandby on liassist11:31
ikoniain #ubuntu11:31
ikoniahe's building up to something11:31
gnomefreakikonia: that might be better in -offtopic11:34
ikoniait's going there now I know what he wants11:34
gnomefreakand your correct it makes no sense11:34
ikoniaI thought he wanted membership11:34
gnomefreakmembership really shouldnt be in a support channel IMHO11:35
gnomefreakdid you try !membership?11:35
ikoniaI was about to post the link11:35
ikoniabut then it changed to a job request11:35
ikoniaso I'd move him to off-topic11:36
ikoniabut he's a 14 year old kid messing around as I read it11:36
gnomefreaki highly doubt he will get a job with canonical being 14 and im sure not a whole lot of experence with Ubuntu/programming ect11:37
ikoniawell, I doubt he's done a ccna also if you check the requirments ;)11:37
gnomefreaki agree11:38
ikoniaI suspect he is like a friends little bother who is a "wannabe" geek11:39
ikoniaeg: trying a bit too hard to show he can do stuf11:39
Hobbseegnomefreak: getting a job with canonical is *hard*11:41
Hobbseegnomefreak: no 14 y/o will be able to get it.11:41
gnomefreakyeah i heard about it being hard11:41
* gnomefreak looking at the jobs posted and there is no way he has manager or development experence11:42
* gnomefreak didnt know LP was python and or bash11:43
ikoniaLP = bash ?11:43
gnomefreakExperience with common scripting languages, including Python and Bash11:44
gnomefreakfor an LP job11:44
ikoniabasj for the cron jobs behind the front maybe ?11:44
ikoniabash even11:44
gnomefreakthat would fit11:45
ikoniaotherwise, someone is a bash genius to make that sort of front end :)11:45
ikoniaand I'd like to meet him/her11:45
Hobbseegnomefreak: lp is python.11:47
Hobbseeso it's probably cron jobs, or something11:47
gnomefreaki thought Lp was XML but neveer really checked11:48
ikoniagnomefreak: ok -offtopic confirms he's just trying too hard11:49
ikoniathat would be a cool job11:52
gnomefreakikonia: that looks like the hardest job to get in the sense that your coding exp. needs to be long and with many scripting/languages12:02
* gnomefreak wonders who left the desktop team/ gnome maintainer12:04
ikoniagnomefreak: looks exceptionally interesting and a nice high profile roll too12:05
gnomefreakthat it does12:06
ikoniathere was also a PM role, who I think I know someone who may be good for (HR system) I may point them at it12:06
gnomefreakbest way to get a job is from a referal atleast for me12:07
ikoniaI think she'd be really good match with her skill set12:08
ikoniaI'll give her a nudge12:08
ikoniagnomefreak: referals normally match the persons skill set better as it's someone who "know" them12:08
gnomefreakbe back in a few i have to read this and grab a smoke12:09
bazhang_AntiSpamMeta (n=MetaBot@unaffiliated/afterdeath/bot/antispambot) has joined #ubuntu12:49
jribas long as he doesn't talk, idc12:50
bazhang_the /whois is interesting as well12:50
jribwe can invite afterdeath here12:50
jribhe's also in #ubuntu12:50
gnomefreakwe dropped all his bots a while ago and i thought he was on a perm ban from seveas12:50
gnomefreaki dont think its in our best interest to wait and see if bot talks incase it floods from backlog or just normal output12:51
bazhang_ban first?12:52
gnomefreakperventive maintainence12:52
jribI disagree, lets talk first12:52
ikoniatest it - message it see what it does12:52
bazhang_and by ban I mean of course mute :)12:52
jribtalk with the human :)12:53
ikoniathat way only your pm gets flooded12:53
ikoniahumans - bah12:53
gnomefreakno warn him about bot than remove but do we wait for it to flood channel? antispambot im sure has some kind of output12:53
ikoniathe policy on bots is "none" is it not ?12:53
* gnomefreak never used the work ban12:53
gnomefreakikonia: correct12:53
ikoniathere you go then12:53
ikoniaor am I missing something ?12:53
gnomefreakikonia: we tried to update the page but a council member said dont12:54
jriberm, I can't op here anymore?12:54
gnomefreak~2 hours ago12:54
gnomefreaki can12:54
Picilucky you12:54
gnomefreakjrib: is it saying you dont have access?12:54
jrib"ChanServ (ChanServ@services.): You are not authorized to perform this operation."12:55
PiciI think the template flags for this channel should be setup differently.12:55
bazhang_both bot and human have been /msg'ed no response12:55
PiciThey're a bit odd atm.12:55
gnomefreakjrib: your on access list still12:55
Picijrib only has +ViA in here.12:56
gnomefreakjrib: i think you need this flag +vVotiA12:56
gnomefreakor atleast one of them cant remember but i looked this morning12:57
gnomefreaki guess that would fit as half-op?12:57
bazhang_how does that correspond to +tncz?12:58
bazhang_no response either in channel or via PM12:58
jribalso, why do I have "oper privs: u"?12:59
gnomefreakjrib: where? i thought you were on ops team12:59
jrib/whois jrib12:59
Picijrib: so you can join more than 20 channels12:59
gnomefreakyeah that u13:00
bazhang_have to step out; no response via PM or in channel yet13:00
gnomefreakfreenode wont give you op mode on connecction unless you are staff and im not sure how that mode works13:01
gnomefreakbazhang_: the bot?13:01
jribso, how about we ban the bot, and let him no in PM that he should come here to discuss it?13:01
bazhang_gnomefreak, neither has responded only talked in channel to human though13:01
gnomefreakjrib: yeah and point him to irc guidelines13:01
ikoniathe bot hasn't said anything in #gentoo either13:01
ikonia(as a side comment)13:01
PiciIts a bit odd that its in some -ops channels13:02
gnomefreakikonia: for all we know it can be piping to his channel13:02
ikoniafyi: AntiSpamMeta13:02
gnomefreakif he doesnt have ops in #ubuntu why is the bot in there?13:04
gnomefreaksee sentence under AnitSpamBot13:04
Dave2gnomefreak, what do you mean by op mode?13:04
ikoniahence why I posted13:04
gnomefreakand if he does we cant have a bot banning peopel13:05
gnomefreakDave2: for what? the bot or freenode comment13:05
Dave2the freenode comment13:05
Picignomefreak: The bot has no access in #ubuntu13:05
gnomefreakDave2: freenode doesnt set an op mode when you connect13:05
Dave2I don't know what you mean by an op mode13:05
PiciWhats an op mode?13:05
gnomefreakDave2: there isnt one13:06
gnomefreakDave2: jrib had thought +u was op mode13:06
gnomefreakmy comment was freenode doesnt set an op mode when connecting unles smaybe staff has a mode for them13:06
Picignomefreak: No, it says: "oper modes: u"13:07
Dave2Oh, right - +u is an oper-only umode, but how new services work is that it grants you it if you've been given it.13:07
gnomefreakDave2: thats the way its always worked no?13:07
PiciI think so, except now it explicitly says 'oper mode' on it13:07
gnomefreakit has set it for me for over a year now13:07
Dave2Nope, before these services NickServ just set the mode on you, rather than granting it - you couldn't disable/enable it at will.13:07
gnomefreakah i didnt read that13:07
* Pici shrugs, is just guessing13:08
gnomefreaki cant stand the ghosting reply13:08
PiciAnyway, did anyone mute the bot in #ubuntu?13:08
gnomefreak04:35 -!- Mode change [+e] for user gnomefreak13:08
gnomefreak04:35 !brown.freenode.net NickServ has bestowed the power of +u onto you13:08
gnomefreak04:35 -!- Mode change [+u] for user gnomefreak13:08
Dave2(wrt. the bot, I was under the impression that it was there with permission - it doesn't speak in the channels it monitors, it reports things elsewhere.)13:08
gnomefreaki dont see anything about +u13:08
Mezgnomefreak, +u is uber wub13:09
Mez(aka join more than 20 chans)13:09
Dave2gnomefreak, /whois yourself and you'll see what jrib was talking about13:10
gnomefreakwell we asked about updating the guidelines wiki about bots and PriceChild said no not until we get our bots set up (im guessing server) so it still states no bots13:10
jribhi Myrtti13:10
Picihelooooo over there13:10
MyrttiI just had wonderful extended lunch with jussi01 :-)13:10
Hobbseegnomefreak: which is incorrect, anyway, due to the official, irc-sanctioned irseek.13:10
gnomefreakah you can only see it on your own /whois13:10
MezMyrtti, you poor thing13:10
gnomefreakHobbsee: we were gonna update it but one of the IRCC said dont13:11
Picignomefreak: Just like you see extended information on your own nsinfo13:11
gnomefreakso i assume we are sticking with no bots13:11
Hobbseegnomefreak: makes oh so much sense, yup.13:11
ikoniaI did change part of it, but it was ok to leave it13:11
ikoniaI'll happy finish it off with a green light13:11
PiciI always understood it as: "No bots, unless approved"13:11
Dave2There's another umode which allows you to see other people's privileges, but that one is restricted to a subset of staff.13:11
gnomefreakPici: right and they were not approved often13:12
MezDave2, are you a subset ?13:12
gnomefreakas for IRCseekbot it is optional per channel13:12
jribokay, I'm going to the bot now as AfterDeath has not responded, unless anyone disagrees?13:12
gnomefreakand was oked but CC13:12
jribs/to/to ban13:13
gnomefreakjrib: nope go for it you are just following the guidelines13:13
Piciiirc, the only approved bots are: Floodbots, ubotu backups, metabot, and my bot (which I was using for bantracker testing but havent really done anything with in a while).13:13
PiciAnd irseekbot13:13
Piciand logbot.13:14
gnomefreakPici: well yes but per wiki its only ubotu and ubuntulog13:14
gnomefreakbut it wasnt updated for floodbot nor irseek13:14
gnomefreakproblem here is you let that bot in why cant i bring my trivia bot in13:15
gnomefreakor whatever the user has13:15
gnomefreakthat is why the no bots rule was made IIRC13:16
ikoniaseems like a list of approved bots needs to be maintained13:17
ikoniaremove confusion13:17
ikoniaeg: if your bot is not on page X - it's not allowed13:17
ikoniathat way the discussion ends13:17
Dave2Mez, I'm certainly _a_ subset, yes.13:18
MezDave2, a special one of your own ;)13:19
elkyjussi01, i had no idea you were aussie!13:20
Hobbseeelky: ?13:24
Myrttiwith a genuine accent to boot!13:24
elkyHobbsee, jussi01 is apparantly one of us.13:25
* elky munches on lindt chocolate13:26
Hobbseeelky: what makes you think that, though?13:26
* Hobbsee has missed something, clearly13:26
elkyHobbsee, myrtti loves his aussie accent...13:26
ikoniahe's faking it13:27
ikoniait gets the girls13:27
Myrttia) I just had extended lunch with him and yes, he does have an accent and b) he said so himself13:27
elky<elky_work> o.O13:27
elky<elky_work> why would jussi01 have an aussie accent?13:27
elky<Myrtti> well, because he is aussie?13:27
elky<Myrtti> you didn't know?13:27
elky<jussi01> :D13:27
elky<jussi01> elky_work: you really didnt know I was an Aussie?13:27
elkyikonia, it sure has Myrtti sucked in :)13:27
Myrttibtw, he's taller than I thought :-P13:28
ikoniaelky: I'm practicing mine now if it works that easy13:28
elkyikonia, dont you just have to tell people you 'founded' LFS? */me chortles*13:29
elky(no he did not)13:29
elkythat gets all the girls, right?13:29
ikoniaelky: ha ha ha, touche13:29
elkyMyrtti, long story.13:30
Hobbseeelky: ahhh, right.13:30
Myrttilinux for shemales? /me runs13:30
ikonialinux for simpletons13:30
elkysimpletons who know how to compile their own kernel etc13:30
MyrttiI procrastinating again13:31
* ikonia waves a picture of jono at Myrtti 13:31
Myrttiikonia: he's taken13:31
Myrttinoticed on Facebook13:31
Myrttitainted meat.13:31
Myrttime no touch.13:31
ikoniaI'm just teasing, you made me laugh last night, ammused me like a school girl crush13:31
elkyaww, poor Myrtti. you'll have to settle for jussi0113:31
Myrttihe's married13:31
Myrttieven more tainted13:31
ikonia"g'day, I'd like anotha shriimp, or tha barbie"13:32
ikoniahow was that13:32
elkyum. our vocabulary contains more than those words.13:32
gnomefreakthat never stopped my ex wife13:32
ikoniaelky: thats all I can do with the access though13:32
Myrttignomefreak: I'm a girl with high morale13:33
ikoniaelky: your last phrase sounds like an English toff in court13:33
elkyikonia, i get called british or canadian so often its not funny.13:33
elkymy mother is half deaf, so i've learned to speak 'properly'13:33
ikoniathe head board master is here13:33
* ikonia bows to Jack_Sparrow 13:34
ikoniaelky: do you get called british due to pronouncing worlds correctly, or an accent13:34
elkyikonia, proper aussie accent prohibits the proper pronunciation and hence proper mouthing of many words13:35
elkymy mother lip reads13:35
ikoniaok, now I see the deaf comments relevance more13:36
ikoniaI thought just speaking clearly to help13:36
ikoniabut lip reading makes more sense13:36
bazhang_afterdeath +bot cleared up yet?13:37
gnomefreakbazhang_: its not in #ubuntu atm13:37
bazhang_gnomefreak, take for a yes then :)13:37
elkywhat's this about afterdeath's bot? afterdeath does alot of anti-botnet work, leave his bot alone.13:37
gnomefreakbazhang_: well cleared up maybe not im sure he will complain13:37
bazhang_he was asked in pm and channel about it and no response13:38
elkybazhang_, is he currently idle? he is human, so does sleep some times.13:38
Picibazhang_: gnomefreak: jrib banned it13:39
gnomefreakelky: than i suggest that the council get to updating the wikis since we were told to leave it how it was13:39
bazhang_not sure elky ; saw his bot enter and pointed it out13:39
bazhang_thanks Pici13:39
gnomefreaksince atm 2 council member with 2 different ideas13:39
elkywho is the other?13:40
Jack_SparrowGoodmorning Ikonia...13:40
gnomefreakPriceChild: told us to not change it from what it was until bot stuff gets worked out13:40
Picioh hey, EMEA is today, I thought it was wednesday... /me updates calendar13:41
ikoniaPici: was that for my benifit ;)13:42
Myrttioh, it's today?13:42
elkyi still dont know what EMEA stands for...13:42
ikoniaPici: I'll be there this time13:42
MyrttiI was sure it was tomorrow13:42
Picielky: Europe, Middle East, Africa13:42
MyrttiPici: thanks for reminding13:42
ikoniaelky: Europe Middle East Africa13:42
elkyah. cool13:42
PiciIt sounds more mysterious when its just EMEA though.13:43
bazhang_in ubuntu-meeting again?13:43
elkyi was trying to work the membership board into the acronym13:43
gnomefreakwhat meeting is tomorrow?13:45
bazhang_what time is it in #ubuntu-meeting?13:45
Picibazhang_: Probably the same time it is in here.13:45
bazhang_okay; let me re-phrase13:45
gnomefreak5pm meeting tomorrow and i cant remember for what. brb checking sites13:46
bazhang_what time is the emea meeting to be held, presumably in the channel #ubuntu-meeting today13:46
Picibazhang_: 20:00UTC13:46
gnomefreakah it is CC meeting13:46
bazhang_Pici, thanks13:46
ikoniaMyrtti: I had no idea you where not a member yet13:53
Myrttiinnit funny?13:57
Myrttibasically I just couldn't apply because of my work until recently13:58
Myrttimy employer might've had a say about me being a member and working for a company sponsored by Novell and Redhat13:59
PiciThats a bit odd13:59
PiciWhy should it really matter what you do on your own free time...?13:59
Myrttibecause I don't have free time...? basically I'm too well known in Finland14:00
Myrttinow that I work for a different company that doesn't have those kinds of affiliations, I'm scott free to do what ever I like14:00
PiciAhh, free time.14:01
ikoniaPici: you also surprised me14:01
jpdsafternoon Seeker`14:05
Myrtti20:00 UTC is like the same time it was last week?14:05
Myrtti@now Helsinki14:05
ubottuMyrtti: Current time in Europe/Helsinki: June 02 2008, 16:07:16 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day14:05
ubottuPici: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 02 2008, 13:07:23 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day14:06
Myrtti[16:06] < Myrtti> @schedule Helsinki14:06
Myrtti[16:06] < ubottu> Myrtti: Schedule for Europe/Helsinki: Current meeting: Bugs fo Day | 02 Jun 23:00: EMEA membership meeting | 04 Jun 00:00: Co Council | 04 Jun 09:00: Platform Team | 04 Jun 19:00: LoCo Cou 05 Jun 00:00:  Server Team14:06
jpdsnoone in that meeting :p14:06
PiciSame bat time.14:06
PiciSame bat channel.14:07
ikoniaPici: is that bat fink  ?14:07
ikoniaor bat man14:08
Piciikonia: huh? Its from the Batman TV show14:08
Myrttioh doodah.14:08
Picicamptown ladies sing this song?14:08
ikoniaPici: I remember a spoof line in a bat fink cartoon, I couldn't remember which was real, which was the spoof line14:08
Myrttimmm peaches14:11
Myrtti[16:12] < vecciora> Why Ubuntu doesn't make a useful multi-function panel like SUSE and  Mandriva does?14:15
Myrtti[16:13] < vecciora> Yast2 and drakconf were useful and easy to use.14:15
Myrttiyast2 ROFLLLLL14:15
Myrttithat just makes me crack up14:15
Myrttithat was from #xubuntu btw14:15
PiciI've never used Yast... I remember using linuxconf on redhat a long while ago though.14:16
MyrttiPici: count your blessings then14:16
ikoniaPici: yast came along way quick.....then about 10 years ago stopped and never moved14:16
MyrttiI don't have suitable words for this channel to fully express my feelings for that "#€&/(#%€%& #€%/#(&)# b "&"//I(€()€&#&%""&% 4514:17
AfterDeathHey, AntiSpamMeta is my bot. It doesn't talk _at all_ in #ubuntu; it watches for what it thinks is spam, and reports it to ##asb-nexus (invite-only channel, +I's available on request). I've noted it here before, and got a "it's okay by me" from one of the ops before (don't remember which)14:24
AfterDeathI had it in #ubuntu because #ubuntu seems to attract more spam than other channels, which means it's easier to improve the bot's detections and such14:25
AfterDeathanyways, I've got to go to school and stuff, but I'll be back in a few hours, hilight me if you've got questions14:25
AfterDeathoh, and fwiw, the bot has been in #ubuntu for several months without problems14:26
PiciAfterDeath: I think it might just be a case of miscommunication here, we'll sort it out though.14:26
Seeker`Myrtti: ?14:32
Myrttischool girl crushes my hiney14:32
MyrttiI'd call it plain desperation, but nevermind14:33
ikonia*cough* g'day Myrtti14:37
ikonia(testing my accent)14:37
ikonianot quite there yet14:38
Myrtticlose though14:39
PriceChildWhat prompted AfterDeath to come in here?14:59
Hobbseehis bot in #ubuntu, from reading the backscroll14:59
PriceChildHobbsee: yes but its always been there, I was wondering if someone had kicked it or something.15:00
ompauljpds, ?15:00
PriceChildelky: I'm fine with people updating the wiki to name specific bots if you want to, i just think it could be kept as it is until we get a permenant host sorted out.15:00
jpdsompaul: I just didn't understand PC's message from reading above15:00
PriceChildI can't spell can I.15:00
HobbseePriceChild: if you'd read backscroll, you would know that it had been discussed, and they then decided to kick it out.15:00
PriceChildI saw nothing in the immediate backscroll behind him appearing, will read further.15:01
PriceChildApologies Hobbsee.15:01
PriceChildjussi01: pfft, you're not an aussie.15:02
Hobbseecheck 2 hours, 20 mins ago, and the time after that.15:02
MyrttiPriceChild: he is, he is15:02
bazhang_it was I who called attention to it; a bit nervous after the recent bible spamming15:02
bazhang_my apologies if fears were unfounded15:03
bazhang_I have said so to after-death in PM as well15:03
* Seeker` notes that Mootbot is an approved bot too15:03
PriceChildAh so I see it all now, noticed the bot, some decided not to do anything unless it did something first, messaged bot and owner and then you kickbanned it?15:05
bazhang_in essence yes PriceChild15:06
PriceChildin essence?15:07
jribYes, a list of accepted bots or a change in the rules that all silent bots are allowed without necessary permission (which I think makes sense) is a good idea15:10
bazhang_and should be so documented to avoid confusion15:10
PriceChildI guess the definition of 'bot' needs to be made...15:11
PriceChildas far as I'm concerned, if it doesn't speak in #ubuntu, its a client.15:11
Hobbseeso, irseek is a client?15:11
jribthat's fine, can we place that definition in the guidelines?15:11
ompaulPriceChild, there are people who join and lurk15:12
PriceChildHobbsee > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IRSeekDiscussion15:13
Myrttiwhat's wrong with idle lurking?15:13
PriceChildMyrtti: depends on the channel15:13
Myrttipardon moi, but most channels actually suggest it as to get to know the channel unwritten rules15:13
Myrttiidle lurk for a while, and participate when you feel comfortable to do so15:14
PriceChildMyrtti: yeah... I don't mind people doing it in #ubuntu for example :)15:14
jribI'm removing the AfterDeath ban after the explanation15:15
Myrttias for the "silent bots", there's actually no way of telling if someone is a bot or not, since ctcp versions and all that can be spoofed15:15
Myrttiand most clients can be geared to act as bots with proper plugins15:15
jribturing test?15:16
ompaulno reply does not mean not being read15:16
Myrttijrib: why bother, if they don't answer to any !bot calls15:16
jribMyrtti: more of a joke15:16
ompaulforgot humour plugin15:16
Myrttithe only problem with the bots is if they start messing around with the official ones15:16
ompauland that gets spotted15:16
ompauland sorted15:17
Davieyone slight problem... it _could_ be easy to deploy a botnet gradually..15:17
jribDaviey: but would be able to notice anyway?15:17
Myrttibut there's no good way of telling a bot from a client15:18
Seeker`Daviey: How do you distinguish between a silent user and a silent bot?15:18
Davieywell a bot is a client :)15:18
MyrttiDaviey: a human and a program then15:18
DavieySeeker`: you can't, obv.15:18
PriceChildSeeker`: does it matter in that case?15:18
jpds"< ubottu> It's ok, I can't stay mad at you." <- hahaha15:18
MyrttiI think we're splitting hairs here15:18
Seeker`Daviey: So no matter what our policies are, it will be possible to slowly deploy a botnet15:18
DavieySeeker`: yes15:19
Seeker`Daviey: so what is your point?15:19
jribjpds: this is one of my favorite: ubotu: Thank you, with your encouragement earlieri this morning, finally i lay my hand on Kubuntu for the first time in my life. :D, thank u very much.15:19
bazhang_nice :)15:19
jpdsjrib: what fact is that?15:20
Myrttitobmalf at -offtopic15:20
jribjpds: my ~/ubuntu_quotes A user came in and said that15:20
Myrttiwho took his ban off anyway?15:20
jpdsjrib: aha. I personally don't keep quotes.15:21
jribjpds: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16409/15:22
jpds!seen | PriceChild - seenserv no longer exists :(15:23
ubottuPriceChild - seenserv no longer exists :(: The seen function has not been operational for a long time.  Use /msg seenserv seen nickname instead.15:23
jpdsjrib: haha, those are good.15:25
jpdsjrib: so this is what IRSeek plans to do in the end.15:29
Myrttiwatch over tobmalf in -offtopic and poke me if any troubles arise15:29
PiciIsnt tobmalf the 'poor $user' guy?15:47
bazhang_chun cant be for real16:01
Picibazhang_: why not?16:02
Picithe xrog?16:02
bazhang_Pici, too many inconsistencies on what he/she has been asking about16:02
seisenis anybody from the IRC council on here right now that isn't busy?16:02
Piciseisen: I'm not sure if any of them are active right now, is there something that another op can help you with?16:03
seisenunfortunately no16:05
HobbseePriceChild: ^16:05
jpdsPici: he'd like his cloak back16:07
ompaulwhich one?16:07
* ompaul stops and rethinks that16:07
MyrttiPici: no, that's not the poor $user guy16:10
Myrttipoor feller is +d Java?User16:10
PiciMyrtti: The name sounds familiar, and not in a good way.16:11
MyrttiI've banned it once16:11
PiciAs have I16:11
jribme too!16:12
bazhang_me three16:12
Myrtti15 - #ubuntu-offtopic: ban *!*n=tobmaif@*.dsl.bell.ca [by  Myrtti!i=myrtti@myrtti.fi, 3056813 secs ago]16:12
jribJack_Sparrow: poke me when you are around, thanks16:12
seisenI will bbl maybe I catch somebody later16:15
Myrttitrying to do a turing test on it16:15
Myrttilets see what that does16:16
Piciompaul  ...16:16
ompaulit failed :)16:17
ompaulPici, .....16:17
Myrttiis the banlist full or something?16:18
PiciMyrtti: why?16:19
Myrttiit allowed me to reset that ban only after I first removed the first16:20
MyrttiI'm taking my own bans that I don't remember putting off16:20
Myrttiie. one.16:20
ompauli'll take out some less suspect old once16:21
ompaulPriceChild, can we extend the ban list in -ot16:23
MyrttiPici:  *!?=WP-Gast@*16:23
naliothMyrtti: if the first ban covers your 2nd ban, it won't allow the 2nd to be set16:23
Myrttiwhat does that ? do16:23
ompaulnalioth, ^^16:23
Myrttilike regexp?16:23
MyrttiI'd like to take that ban off and put one of the bans that ompaul just took off back on, modified a bit16:24
ompaulMyrtti, put one of those back16:24
Myrttithat's the "poor $user" -fellow16:24
bazhang_what a charmer16:24
Myrttibut I can't understand that  *!?=WP-Gast@* thing16:24
bazhang_twas gasten iirc16:24
Myrttihe's kosher16:25
Myrttioh well16:25
MyrttiI think that's more appropriate16:26
MyrttiI wouldn't want to do the +d Java?User16:26
PiciMyrtti: Its a 1 character wildcard16:26
ompaulhave fun back later16:27
Myrttilike regexp then16:27
PiciMyrtti: java?user* is banned16:27
Myrttiit is?16:27
Piciin #ubuntu16:27
MyrttiI don't like it at all16:27
MyrttiI think that ban is a bit too wide16:27
Myrttithere might be valid users with that as a real name16:28
Myrttithe world would collapse if we'd do +d purple16:28
MyrttiI've got autorealname in my irssi and about half of the joins I see are realname purples16:29
PiciWe've gotten a fair bit of abuse from java irc clients though16:29
Hobbseeforward to -proxy-users?16:29
Myrttitrue, that particular one comes from a distinguishable ident and hosname16:29
PiciHobbsee: Can forwards be set for +d ? I forget.16:30
Hobbseedon't think so16:31
naliothMyrtti: the ? in *!?=WP-Gast@*  will catch wp-gast whether he's got ident running or not16:42
Jack_Sparrowjrib I am back..16:45
jribJack_Sparrow: I am now16:46
PiciAre the irc stats pages still up?16:52
jpdsPici: no, gouki took it down ages ago16:56
Picijpds: it was down, then it was up for a bit, guess its down again16:56
jpdsPici: Yeah. I guess he didn't get the donations he wanted.16:59
Myrttijussi01: btw, you're taller than I somehow expected :-P17:02
jussi01Myrtti: really :D17:02
Myrttiand thru and thru aussie17:02
Myrttino question about that17:02
Jack_SparrowHobbsee May I have a minute of your time..17:03
jussi01Myrtti: LOL17:03
HobbseeJack_Sparrow: yes, but i'm heading to bed, so may not respond immediately.17:03
Myrttijussi01: test drove the barbeque and it's awesome ♥17:04
jussi01Myrtti: nice!17:04
MyrttiI wonder if I'll have an overdose of chicken by midsommers17:05
Myrttisummers, even17:05
jpdsHobbsee: you IRC in your sleep?17:05
* Pici keeps an eye on sriramoman17:10
Pici#ubuntu, seems to be some misinformation on some of the things hes suggesting17:11
bazhang_sriramoman> PPKuma, certain commands do not work with sudo. try su instead17:12
PiciYes, like that.17:13
jpdslooks like !noroot time.17:13
Hobbseejpds: no, but i have a 24x7 irc proxy...17:14
bazhang_I dreamt of ubotu last night17:14
MyrttiI dreamt that I had a bigger apartment17:14
jussi01bazhang_: please, go take a break from IRC17:15
bazhang_jussi01, it was a good dream :)17:15
jussi01@lart bazhang_ for deaming about ubotu17:15
* ubottu pokes bazhang_ in the eye for deaming about ubotu17:15
jussi01ok, this lart db officially sucks17:16
jpdsjussi01: I dreamt abut IRC once.17:16
jussi01jpds: yeah, but we all know you are mad...17:17
DavieyDCC CHAT from afed [ port 19]  requested in channel #ubuntu17:19
Davieyport _19_ aswell17:19
jpdsDaviey: yeah, the bot banned him and he left17:19
Davieyah, missed that17:20
naliothklined, Daviey17:21
nalioththese pathetic souls don't last long here17:21
DavieyI could see a DCC to a channel as an accident, or not aware it's bad pratice.  But on port 19, sounded deliberate17:22
jpdsI've removed the bot's ban as per above.17:24
MyrttiWhy do I always have to forget what I'm supposed to do?17:25
naliothMyrtti: you don't keep your notepad handy?17:26
Myrttinalioth: well this idea came out of the blue when looking at some irc convo17:27
Myrttiand vanished within 15secs17:27
Myrttioh yeah, now i remember17:27
Myrtti"check out the driver package you downloaded on Saturday from Acer's website and see if you can make ndiswrapper work"17:29
PiciHmm.. Werent we forwarding the 83.230 crowd to #ubuntu-greylist ?17:48
PiciI've re-muted it for now.17:49
CarlFKhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit  [citation-needed] :)18:06
CarlFKanyone have a URL describing the venerability?18:07
naliothCarlFK: in english, please  :)18:08
PiciThe venerable vulnerability?18:08
CarlFKI am at my GFs parents house, they have a Linksys wrt54g -18:08
CarlFKi don't exactly want to go updating their firmware without some sort of proof that there is a problem18:10
ompaulCarlFK, ehh how about this - you go to the linksys website and check what their flash upgrades fix and see if your firmware is beyond that18:10
ompaulfor instance: http://forums.linksys.com/linksys/board/message?board.id=Wireless_Routers&thread.id=8875818:11
ompaulCarlFK, is there anything else?18:11
PiciCarlFK: DCC exploit should be enough info to find any relevant information.  We dont put the specifics of the exploit on the wiki because we would rather not popularize its use.18:12
ompaulCarlFK, is there anything else?18:12
ompaulCarlFK, are you still there?18:13
CarlFKread taht page18:13
ompaulCarlFK, ok that is as much as we will do for you on it as Pici pointed out18:14
ompaulCarlFK, is there anything else?18:14
CarlFKwas hoping for something a bit more ... but I'll keep googeling18:15
ompaulhave a nice day then18:15
ompaulCarlFK, please part the channel we try to keep a track of who needs help and we know who should be here cheers18:16
ompaulif we get enough people idling then you could get lost in the mix18:16
CarlFKah, sure.18:17
ubottuIn #ubuntu, u said: ubottu, "u" is my nick.18:19
ubottuIn #ubuntu, u said: ubottu, "u" is my nick.18:20
umy name is "u" and i was given warning!18:20
Myrttitut tut18:21
PiciSeeker`: Two people used the !u  factoid on him18:22
ompaulI was of the opinion that single letter ohh forget it :-/18:22
Myrttioh my gosh.18:23
MyrttiI just noticed that I'm not only thinking in English...18:23
Myrttimy thoughts have an goddamn Australian accent18:23
MyrttiI need brain bleach18:24
Myrttijussi01 has a bad influence on me18:24
tonyyarussoI should come visit next - you'll be saying "eh" and super-long O sounds all the time.18:25
ompaulor me and I could have you swearing as well as colin farrell :)18:33
Myrttiperhaps I should watch Clueless over and over for about 15 times18:33
Myrttiompaul: I'd buy that for a dollar18:33
PiciLike, why would you like want to do that?18:33
ompaulPici, the hair its all in the hair, you know nuttin you do18:33
Myrtti'cause I've been accused of having a valley girl accent sometimes18:33
* ompaul chuckles18:34
tonyyarussoompaul: "me and I" ?18:34
Myrttiso perhaps if I watch, ummm Clueless couple of times, I could brain bleach this accent away18:34
Myrttiyou know like, um, doh?18:34
ompaultonyyarusso, me is me and I is goin somewere18:34
tonyyarussoMyrtti: Totally!18:35
ompaulMyrtti, get the english language version of " In Bruges"18:35
Myrttitonyyarusso: or Bill and Ted's most excellent adventure18:36
ompauland learn to speak like wha I does!18:36
Myrttithat's a classic18:36
ompaulexcellent Myrtti18:36
Myrttijussi actually commented that I've got a bit of cockney in my English18:36
Myrttiwhich might actually be caused by singing along with Lily Allen and Kate Nash, I believe18:37
* ompaul goes away to think about the finer things in life like why my local TV station think I should have Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll18:37
MyrttiKate Nash. The wonderful lyrics.18:38
Piciompaul: mind if I pm?18:40
ompaulPici, I never mind 99.999999951242354% of the time ;-)18:41
tonyyarussoafter this it will be 99.999999951242353%18:41
ompaultonyyarusso, hehe19:03
Myrttioh dear, two hours19:03
ompaultonyyarusso, it was +219:03
MyrttiThe Pipettes ♥19:06
PiciAre they a chemistry band?19:06
PriceChildI see kmos is applying for ubuntu membership at the emea... is this someone anyone here knows about? (ompaul)19:07
PriceChildPity I forgot to poke hobbsee about it before she went to sleep.19:07
ompauldon't know the nick do I know the person?19:07
jpdsompaul: first guy fired from Ubuntu development19:08
PiciHes currently muted in the -devel and -motu channels iirc.19:08
Picimaybe -bugs too19:08
jpdsHe has been banned from all Ubuntu development19:08
MyrttiPici: http://youtube.com/watch?v=pDs0_xw5Po019:08
ompauljpds, so the sound of a resounding no comes to mind19:09
* jrib wonders why he has still not closed the youtube link19:09
jpdsompaul: yeah. sabdfl had to personally ask him to stop.19:09
PiciMyrtti: It probably loses some of its effect seeing as I can't turn up the music loud enough to understand it here.19:10
jpdsompaul: consult the motu-council mailing list for all details.19:10
ompauljpds, so na I don't think I need to look further19:10
jrib"the kmos report" catchy19:12
tonyyarussowhat did he DO?19:13
ompaultonyyarusso, read the report I believe that there is more than that report out there19:13
PiciHas he changed in the past 6 months?19:15
ompaulPici, I believe not19:16
ompaulhobbsee had comments on same a short while ago19:16
ompaulif persia is online he will no doubt be forthright on same19:16
ompaulhe appears to be will I invite him here for you to explain what is going on?19:17
ompaulno vis the Kmos person19:18
PriceChildI'd rather not.19:18
ompaulfor someone to say that19:18
Piciwait for the emea meeting19:18
Picithats the proper forum for it.19:19
Myrttithere's no use of digging that dirt now19:19
ompaulsorry you seem to be at cross purposes with me19:19
Myrttibtw, is he before or after me and Pici?19:19
ompaulshould he be informed19:19
PiciMyrtti: Hes after both of us.19:19
Piciompaul: should who?19:19
ompaul persia19:20
ompaulohh leave it to ye19:20
ubottuMrObvious called the ops in #ubuntu ()19:30
PriceChildikonia: Myrtti and Pici are up for membership in an hour and a half, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA gives links to their wikis if you believe they deserve any kind words ;)19:36
MyrttiTIA ♥19:37
PriceChildMyrtti: so.... how much is it worth?19:38
MyrttiI'll send you a box full of homemade ginger cookies come December?19:38
Myrttiadorned with pink glazing?19:38
PriceChildI *love* the smell of ginger19:38
PriceChildEvery time I get offered something with one of them I always think it smells amazing19:39
PriceChildand every time, I cannot understand why it is that I don't eat them more19:39
Myrttithen I've seem to have found the perfect way of bribing you19:39
PriceChildThen I take a bite and mmmm, just for a moment...19:39
PriceChildI *hate* the taste of ginger.19:39
PriceChildIt lingers sooooo long and makes me feel ill.19:40
MyrttiPriceChild: http://www.christmas-cookies.com/recipes/recipe41.pepperkakor.html19:40
Myrttiit's not only ginger...19:40
PriceChildI'm not making the same mistake again Myrtti!19:41
PriceChildnot for another few months at least19:41
Myrttiwould you like oatmeal cookies then?19:42
Myrttithin and crispy19:42
ubottuIn ubottu, Some_Person said: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:44
Seeker`Some_Person: how can we help you?19:46
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm' or 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:46
Seeker`! ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option19:48
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Seeker` said: ! ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option19:48
ubottuSeeker`: The operation succeeded.19:49
Picitoo long19:49
Seeker`!ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:49
ubottuBut ccsm already means something else!19:49
Seeker`ubottu: no, ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:49
ubottuI'll remember that Seeker`19:49
ubottuccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:49
Seeker`!ccsm > Some_Person19:50
Seeker`Pici: There was a stray newline19:51
PiciSeeker`: ah19:51
ubottuTZM called the ops in #ubuntu (tim1)20:37
ompaultim1 was an rm -rf merchant20:40
Myrttithis different color hilight here with the called the ops part is excellent20:40
Myrttinow when I see that there's a yellow hilight in #ubuntu and a blue hilight here, there's something wrong20:40
Myrtti*!*@cpc3-stkn2-0-0-cust738.midd.cable.ntl.com is now banforwarded here20:41
Seeker`can someone send me "rm -rf" in PM?20:43
Seeker`hmm, hilight does'nt work properly20:44
Myrttihello tim120:44
ompaultim1, what were you playing at?20:44
tim1just looking out for sum !20:45
tim1told him not to run it the other day20:45
ompaulthis by the way is #ubuntu-ops20:45
tim1so i see20:45
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:45
ompaulsee we really want people to succeed not fail20:45
ompauland that is failure20:45
Myrttithere's a few taboo words in #ubuntu channels20:46
Myrttiyou've just hit the jackpot20:46
ompauland phrases20:46
tim1i hit the what ?20:46
tim1yeh baby20:46
ompauland I know what I spilt :P20:46
tim1ahh ok20:46
ompaulyou fell out of love there dude in a big way20:47
Myrttiyeah, no gingerbread cookies from Auntie Myrtti tonight20:47
ompaulso whats the score you want people using GNU/Linux or what?20:47
Myrttiyou'll have to go to bed without dinner20:47
tim1I would like to send my apologies  to every one.20:47
ompaulor you want to make their lives so bad they go back being trapped?20:47
Myrttitim1: basically the deal is this:20:48
ompaulif you look up not funny in the OED you find the phrase rm -rf20:48
Myrttiyou don't say rm -rf / on any Ubuntu IRC channels, ever20:48
ompaulit is also filed under seriously not funny20:48
Myrttinot even if you make a disclaimer "do not run it"20:48
Myrttiyou just don't say it20:48
ompaulhe's british he'll want a full stop20:49
Myrttibecause disclaimers like that don't ever get read20:49
Myrttia full stop then20:49
ompaulthats the one20:49
tim1now this is funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI-pct3zy1820:49
ompaultim1, so what would you like us to do?20:49
tim1did i say i was sorry20:50
Seeker`Myrtti: you use irssi?20:52
ompauldude the video no comment20:52
ompaultim1, I am going to call the bot - it is going to shout out a URL20:53
ompaulgive it a read let us know if you are happy with its contents and if so we can all go back to really helping people20:53
MyrttiSeeker`: yup20:53
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:53
tim1ok fair enough20:53
ompaulwe want to build strength in users not take away working systems i.e. this is about making life easy it is not a small club but one of millions and growing20:54
tim1I get the picture.20:55
Seeker`Myrtti: can you pm me the higlights you use?20:55
PiciSeeker`: I suspect one of them is 'Myrtti'20:55
Myrttioh noes!20:55
ompaulMyrtti, Pici has guessed your sekret!20:55
ompaultim1, let me know when you finish that doc20:56
ompaulohh noes not the sekret is the correct reply but Whatever will do also20:56
* ompaul goes to working out exactly how much faster initramfs is 20:57
ompaulskip that I'll take their words for it20:57
ompaulikonia, if you are around you are wanted in -meeting21:01
ompaultim1, as I said tell me when done21:01
Myrtticalled the ops in (doodah21:02
Seeker`Myrtti: tyvm21:02
Myrttiompaul: can you sort this thru, I'm too nervous :-P21:03
ompaultim1 give me two seconds21:03
* ompaul installs common sense into tim1's client ;-)21:04
tim1lol :)21:05
ubottuIn ubottu, Stroganoff said: !64mb is See this page for instructions on installing Ubuntu 8.04 on 64MB RAM or below: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LowMemoryHardy21:09
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, Stroganoff said: !64mb is !LowMemory21:10
ubottuIn ubottu, Stroganoff said: !LowMemory is See this page for instructions on installing Ubuntu 8.04 on 64MB RAM or below: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LowMemoryHardy21:10
ompaulall good21:12
ompaulwhy you would have a box with 64megs these days is beyond me unless you were doing embedded stuff21:12
ubottuMyrtti: The operation succeeded.21:12
Myrtti!64mb is <reply> For instructions on installing Ubuntu 8.04 on 64MB RAM or below, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LowMemoryHardy21:13
ubottuI'll remember that, Myrtti21:13
Myrtti!lowmem is <alias> 64mb21:14
ubottuI know nothing about lowmem is <alias> 64m yet, Myrtti21:14
Myrtti!lowmem is foo21:14
ubottuBut lowmem already means something else!21:14
ubottuFor installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.21:14
ompaul!lowmem is <alias> 64mb21:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, ompaul said: !lowmem is <alias> 64mb21:14
PriceChildI'd do the other way around?21:14
ubottuompaul: The operation succeeded.21:15
ompaul!64mb is <alias> lowmem21:15
ubottuI know nothing about 64mb is <alias> lowme yet, ompaul21:15
PriceChildhelp. > wiki. right ?21:15
Myrttilets think about this more21:15
ompaul!lowmem is <alias> 64mb21:15
ubottuI know nothing about lowmem is <alias> 64m yet, ompaul21:15
Myrttiso now we've got two factoids21:15
ompaul!lowmem <alias> 64mb21:15
ubottuI know nothing about lowmem <alias> 64m yet, ompaul21:15
Myrttiwith different stuff in them21:15
ompaulPici, when you get a minute ^^21:16
ompaulMyrtti, meeting21:16
MyrttiI know21:16
ompaulPriceChild, defer to expert21:16
PriceChildompaul: better yet, suggest he shows his prowess in a few minutes21:16
Pici!64mb is foo21:17
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Pici said: !64mb is foo21:17
ubottuPici: The operation succeeded.21:17
Pici!64mb is foo21:17
ubottuBut 64mb already means something else!21:17
ubottuFor instructions on installing Ubuntu 8.04 on 64MB RAM or below, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LowMemoryHardy21:17
MyrttiPici: two different factoids21:17
Myrtti64 for hardy21:17
Myrttilowmem is more general21:17
PriceChildjust needs a no alias21:17
PiciI might be trapped in a factoid factory, but I'm not psychic.21:18
ubottuFor installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.21:18
ubottuFor instructions on installing Ubuntu 8.04 on 64MB RAM or below, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LowMemoryHardy21:18
ompaulforget 64mb21:18
ompaul!forget 64mb21:18
ubottuI'll forget that, ompaul21:18
Myrttithen we'll just edit the lowmem one21:19
PriceChildthat is a point... just tell him about the existing factoid, no use for an obscure new one aliasing it21:19
elkyyay ikonia!21:48
Myrttira12qa ([519cb940] brujula.net User) [i=99@]21:48
Piciikonia: congrats :)21:48
jpdswoohoo ikonia21:48
Myrttithat somehow...21:48
Myrttimakes me uneasy21:48
elkyheh. werk time :(21:48
Seeker`elky: have fun21:49
ikoniathank you21:50
ikoniaapologies for the short arrival, I'm on the back foot21:50
ikoniastupid laptop adaptor died21:50
ikonia(cheapo travel one)21:50
ikoniaand thank you all for the kind words and testamonials, very flattering and appriciated21:50
ompaulikonia, contingency laptops21:50
ompaulhave contingency power supplies :)21:51
ikoniaompaul: had to drive back to office to get my desk on21:51
Seeker`ompaul: contingency power supplies would probably be cheaper21:51
ikonialast time I stayed in this hotel they took down the internet on the meeting night21:51
Seeker`that sucks21:51
ikoniacouldn't believe it tonight when the battery died21:51
ikoniait's fine, I have power now21:51
Seeker`ikonia: you in a hotel tonight or something?21:52
ikoniahome tommorow21:55
ikoniacouldn't be bothered going home to go to london for a meeting tommorow21:55
ikoniablagged a nice hotel21:55
ikoniais it appropriate to comment in #ubuntu-meeting to give support randomly ?21:59
ikoniaeg: pici21:59
ikonia(I missed the rules at the start)21:59
Piciikonia: no, thats fine.22:00
ompaulikonia, you can22:00
ompaulwith a simple +122:00
ompaulbut there is a bit of a long running nose / slagging session between me n mr pople22:01
ompaulpope even22:01
ikoniaompaul: your rowing with the pope ?22:01
Myrttioh deaaarrrr22:01
ompaullong running well not quite a joke maybe its a nose .....22:03
ikonia(looking at a photo)22:03
Myrtti/me considers fetching Laku to cuddle when her turn comes22:05
ikoniado you need comfort22:05
Piciwoo :)22:06
Myrtticongrats Pici dear22:06
PiciMyrtti: thanks22:06
PiciSeeker`: debates, not arguments ;)22:07
Seeker`pfft, they were arguments, I was there22:07
ompaulikonia, Myrtti Pici you can all annoy some staff member for a cloak if you want one now :)22:20
ompaulI would suggest the one who was at the meeting :-)22:20
ompaulwell done you lot22:20
PriceChildompaul: when the launchpad stuff is sorted22:20
Myrttiyeah, I'm in no hurry22:20
PiciMe either22:21
MyrttiI belive I've got everything set up though as I've had wikipedia cloak before22:21
Myrttibut take your time22:21
PriceChildwikipedia not good enough for you were they?22:21
ompaultim1 started again - this time messing22:21
ompaulso he is now banned22:21
Myrtti/me sighs, back to the normal #ubuntu grinding22:22
ompaulMyrtti, na now you have to dance backwards on one leg singing ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu around a table three times - or didn't you read the application page :)22:23
Seeker`Myrtti: Pici ikonia congratualtions22:23
PiciSeeker`: thanks!22:24
ikoniaMyrtti: Pici congratulations back at you22:26
Myrtti/me hugs22:27
ikoniaI thought teletubby was uk only ?22:27
PiciNope, they show it here too22:27
Myrttithe pesky little antennae heads are called tiivi-taavi, hipsu, laa-laa and pai here22:27
AfterDeathdid a conclusion ever get reached wrt AntiSpamMeta?22:28
jpdsAfterDeath: unbanned I believed, it was just a misunderstandin22:28
AfterDeathah, okay22:29
Pici'bot' sets off all sorts of bells a whistles for us.22:29
PiciWe only noticed it after it had timed-out and rejoined.22:29
Piciwe being the un-omnicient non irc council people.22:30
Myrttiwewe vewwy vewwy sowwy22:30
Myrtti/me feels odd22:30
PiciIts called happiness.22:30
AfterDeathalight, well then I shall re-vacate myself, pm me if you need anything :)22:31
jpdssomeone's on dalek mode22:38
Myrttion what?22:39
jpdserr, for all the non-UK people: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalek22:39
Myrttioh, right.22:40
PiciOne of those wheely things22:40
PiciWith the plungers22:40
MyrttiI gave my dvb-t usb tuner to jussi01 today since I don't watch telly22:40
ikoniaPici: wheely things, laughing hard for that....thank you22:46
AmaranthMyrtti: Did DizzyD try to DCC Chat with you?22:51
Myrttihe did22:51
AmaranthI think he did with me while I was sleeping too...22:51
Myrttidcc send actually22:51
AmaranthDid you tell him not to do that anymore?22:51
Myrttisorry, I said the magic word22:52
Myrtti/me hides22:52
Seeker`Myrtti: :O22:52
Piciyes, the magic word.22:52
Myrttisorry, I'm putting my metal helmet on and putting my seatbelts on22:52
Myrttialso wrapping my lower torso in tin foil22:53
Myrttino k-train?22:53
naliothAmaranth: not that i know of22:53
Amaranthnalioth: ?22:54
MyrttiAmaranth: I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed currently22:54
Myrttiwould someone explain him the basics22:57
MyrttiI need to get my makeup off22:57
ompaulMyrtti, he just met me ;-)22:58
MyrttiI gave way to my more feminine self and even applied makeup and blewdry my hair before meeting jussi01 today. Usually I just settle for looking tired and cranky self.23:02
ompaulhis conversation seems to have gone away23:02
Myrtti/me facepalms23:05
Piciompaul, may want to invite the fellow here.23:10
ompaulPici, please feel free to I need to go to bed23:10
Piciompaul: I was about to step away actually...23:10
ompaulI do need to go to bed23:11
ompaulI am wall falling23:11
MyrttiI love killing idiocies with plain logic23:12
Myrttithis is fun23:13
tim1now en23:19
Myrttibefore jumping to anything23:19
Myrttilet me ask tim1 one question23:19
ompaulfire away23:19
tim1fire away23:20
Myrttitim1: this might sound silly or even considered impolite, but may I ask how old you are?23:20
tim1Ihow rude of you23:20
Myrttithanks, I'm sorry23:20
tim1im 19 :O23:20
Myrttigo ahead now, ompaul23:21
tim1:-DNever to young to learn C++23:21
ompaultim1, so ehh C++ is not where were are at23:21
ompaulthat is a support channel for users who are not coding23:21
tim1Omg i have a huge spider here (SCREEMS)23:22
ompaulthey may now and again have to do a little strangeness but not a lot23:22
ompaulfine I have to be up at 6:30am23:22
ompaulso I guess I will leave it there23:22
ompaulyou get a chance to have the door opened and you slam it in my face clever move23:22
tim1How ?23:23
ompaulI really don't like playing copper but I do it to keep channels functioning23:23
ompauland functional23:23
ompaul<tim1> Omg i have a huge spider here (SCREEMS) <<<< this belongs in the context of this channel how?23:23
tim1I just want to sort my issue out and go to bed im doing a huge  interview tomorrow23:23
ompaulit is a bit late for research at this stage23:24
tim1ompaul:  I over reacted.23:24
ompaulwith spiders23:24
ompauldude I can't treat you seriously23:24
tim1I dont like huge spiders23:25
ompaullet me let you in on a little secret23:25
ompaulI wrote my first program in 198123:25
tim1I could learn a lot from you then23:26
ompaulI have been on the internet nearly as long as you are alive23:26
ompaulI help people I don't go around helping people trash their machines23:26
Myrtti/me huggles ompaul23:26
tim1me joins23:27
ompaulMyrtti, sudo get me a coco23:27
tim1make that 223:27
ompaultim1, what is it you want to research for tomorrow?23:27
tim1No i just want to learn to programe nothing too big.23:28
ompaulin one night23:28
Myrtti/me gives ompaul a lollipop23:28
ompaultim1, ping me on irc tomorrow and I may let you back into #ubuntu23:28
ompaulfor now that ban stands23:29
ompaulI will be home about 8:45 your time23:29
ompaulI have a long day ahead of me and a lot of work to do goodnight and read the stuff from the bot that might help some23:29
ompaulgood night23:29
Myrttignite ompaul23:30
tim1Ok night23:30
tim1:-D needs more then a lolipop.23:30
tim1ompaul: do you have that coco23:31
ikoniaAmaranth: where you asking about dfed in #ubuntu ?23:33
ikoniaI'm getting hit on port 19 from dfed in #ubuntu for dcc chat23:34
ikoniahe's just gone from freenode but left #ubuntu earlier23:34
ikoniawondered if it was the same guy23:35
ikoniawho was your guy with dcc earlier23:35
ikoniawas he on
PriceChildikonia: when was this?23:35
ikoniaerrr 18:4523:35
ikoniawhile I was offline23:35
Seeker`that was quite a bti earlier23:35
PriceChildThat was dealt with i think.23:36
Seeker`ikonia: s/oofline/away?23:36
ikoniaI was curious if it was the same guy23:36
ikoniaSeeker`: no - offline23:36
ikoniaas in my screen session was away, but I had no way of connecting23:36
ikoniaso "I" was offline23:36
ikoniaPriceChild: ok, so not the same guy / thing as Amaranth's suggestion23:37
* Seeker` would count that as away, but oh well23:37
ikoniaSeeker`: away would be fine too23:37
ikoniajust catching up on my back log23:37

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