
summatusmentisbrian_: right00:00
DJ_HaMsTahow can i access the network settings in terminal ?00:00
DJ_HaMsTathe Host Settings00:00
jamGLesTtroxor: on a completely different subject, all the buttons just turned into squares.00:00
brian_summatusmentis: as far as i know that feature does not exist for ubuntu yet though.. maybe next release00:00
mateo0802tbbottle: how do i do that?00:00
jamGLesTtroxor: like the shutdown dialogue and error messages X_X00:00
tbbottleDJ: Which host settings?00:00
sedraderspankster: yes00:00
STSXDJ_HaMsTa: try "ifconfig" and "iwconfig"00:00
brian_summatusmentis: if i had to guess they'll get something like this _atleast_ by next LTS00:01
DJ_HaMsTaSTSX: no thats the network stats00:01
tbbottlemateo: can you install the chntpw pacakge?00:01
jamGLesTtroxor: <restarts>00:01
derspankstersedra, hold on, I'm trying something else, thanks again for your time00:01
DJ_HaMsTatbbottle: im following a tut for mounting samba https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#head-29519703c273ba9ef8a243ddc90b1f3baa93875600:01
mateo0802tbbottle: i dont know what that is00:01
DJ_HaMsTaand it shows me how to config the network but im not using the desktop version if ubuntu, im using server00:01
tbbottleWhich part of the network config are you trying to do?00:02
glitsj16helpy: did you run the install isorecorder.msi with administrator privileges (right-click, "run as administrator") ?00:02
DJ_HaMsTaHost Settings / Windows Networking00:02
helpyyes let me try again00:02
tbbottleI see00:02
AlmightyHenBut seriously guys when I boot up I just get a black screen.  I believe it's related to fglrx and compiz starting up on boot.  I've tried aticonfig --initial but that doesn't seem to help.  Any suggestions?00:02
helpyi'll tell you the error too00:02
summatusmentisbrian_: debian has had it since woody :)00:02
tbbottleHost name and domain name00:02
glitsj16helpy: ok, take it from the top00:02
WaxyFreshWhat am i doing wrong  with this .run file?  r00t@UnicornShrimper:~/Desktop$ ./ unreal.tournament_436-multilanguage.goty.run00:02
WaxyFreshbash: ./: is a directory00:02
tbbottleDJ: just a sec00:03
brian_summatusmentis: i'm a relatively new linux convert.  never played much with debian.. have been solid no windows for 14 months now though!  XD00:03
WaxyFreshAlmightyHen: try reconfigureing your xorg.conf?00:03
jribWaxyFresh: you didn't actually give the path to the file.  You want ./filename ...00:03
summatusmentiscongrats :) I use OS X normally, but I like linux a lot00:03
tbbottlemateo: you will need to install the chntpw password00:03
helpyactuall it has been installed00:03
helpyit just won't write the image00:03
summatusmentisI'm hoping 8.04 is polisehd enough00:03
AlmightyHenWaxyFresh: How does one do this?  I tried atiiconfig00:03
STSXWaxyFresh: There shouldn't be a space between the ./ and unreal.tournament...00:04
glitsj16helpy: okay, looking into an alternative, give me a minute00:04
sedrasummatusmentis: you can polish it yourself00:04
Gibby69how do I alter size of log-on screen00:04
tbbottlemateo: package, sorry.  This can be done on the command line using 'sudo apt-get install chntpw' or using the Synaptic package manager in the System->Adminitration->Synaptic Pacakage Manager00:04
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
Marty81... so what shall I do?00:05
helpyi have nero but it sucks. i have no idea how to use it00:05
brian_summatusmentis: hrmm.. i wouldn't get my hopes too high.. i just finished reinstalling after an update killed my xorg and then the installer reversed my drives during install (sda and sdb became sdc and sdd while sdc and d became sda and b) which caused all kinds of issues.. its been fun getting it back up and running.00:05
azzcoFor some reason my mouse isn't responding when a key is pressed. This is something new any ideas?00:05
tbbottleDJ:  The hostname is configured in the /etc/hostname file.  You will need to log out and back in to set it.  The domain information is needed by samba and should be in the smb.conf file00:05
summatusmentissedra: that takes time00:05
legend2440WaxyFresh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/UnrealTournament00:06
Rubencould some one help me with installing thunderbird ?00:06
summatusmentisbrian_: I've only got one drive00:06
brian_summatusmentis: definatley a learning experience.  but thats what I love about it..  i learn more about it the more things that get screwed up that i have to fix00:06
theFATMANfor some reason my menus are fully transparent and sub menus are overlapping the parent menus....how do I fix this?00:06
tbbottleDJ: When I say log in and back out, you will have to drop your runlevel or reboot, sorry.00:06
lw0x15how can i open a port in ubuntu00:06
DJ_HaMsTarunlevel ?00:06
brian_summatusmentis: i don't do to bad for a guy thats just a lowly old cook in a restaurant for a living00:07
ffmHow unlikely would I be able to get Ubuntu on my TiVo s2?00:07
Jadewolfhate to pull the this is an emergency need help card but, I was taking out my old hard drive that I though was not being used as everything was working /dev/sda1 (SATA) and the drive I removed was IDE normal ATA drive.  But when i rebooted I find the SATA is blank, and all the data was really on the normal IDE, is there away(I have both conntected) to copy the stuff from one drive to another?00:07
glitsj16helpy: getting there, jus a moment00:07
ffmJadewolf: cp?00:07
summatusmentisbrian_: awesome :)00:07
ffmJadewolf: mount one, then the other, and cp the data.00:08
brian_ffm: too logical00:08
tbbottleStick to rebooting if you don't know what a run level is. Change the contents of the file /etc/hostname to the host name and reboot.  When you log back in, the shell should be 'youruname@newhostnae #'00:08
ffmbrian_: hm?00:08
Jadewolfffm: I can seem to mount /dev/hdb anything, even fdisk /dev/hda-d does not see a partition and when I mount /dev/sda1 its the Stanard HD that Iw as taking out00:08
ffmJadewolf: hd* is depricatd in hardy.00:08
Broadcomi cant find where kino saved the video files it captured00:08
STSXtbbottle: Also don't forget the /etc/hosts file, right? That needs to agree with /etc/hostname00:09
ffmJadewolf: Everything is SATA-emu now.00:09
jrib!hostname | DJ_HaMsTa00:09
ubot3`DJ_HaMsTa: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab00:09
ffm!hda | Jadewolf00:09
ubot3`Factoid hda not found00:09
JadewolfOH so its Sda and sdb00:09
ubot3`Factoid sda not found00:09
shepherdi am using gparted livecd to format my harddrive.  it brings me to a screen that says gnome partition editor with a command prompt that reads "grub>"  what commands format?00:09
Jadewolfthat worked, thanks, was just not usein gthe right /dev/00:10
mateo0802tbbottle: i found synaptic package manager and sudo inside of it, now how do i do that?00:10
Jadewolfthanks guys it mounted00:10
brian_Jadewolf: I've seen at least 3 people in here in the last hour that that switch has caused problems for. including myself :)00:11
DJ_HaMsTamuahaha! got to log into the drive, now need to figure out username and pas00:11
DJ_HaMsTathanks guyz00:11
Broadcomi cant find where kino saved the video files it captured00:11
legendysame one know if It's possible to install all DVB on linux?00:11
Jadewolfso if I'm copying an entire install from one drive to another, I cp -R * /mnt/newdrive ?00:11
shepherdi am using gparted livecd to format my harddrive.  it brings me to a screen that says gnome partition editor with a command prompt that reads "grub>"  what commands format?00:12
legendyI hava a model supported of windows00:12
AlmightyHenBut seriously guys when I boot up I just get a black screen.  I believe it's related to fglrx and compiz starting up on boot.  I've tried aticonfig --initial but that doesn't seem to help.  Any suggestions?00:12
JadewolfLegendary: WInTV Card?00:12
Guest7484I just installed Ubuntu, but I'm having some video problems. How can I bypass a GUI boot?00:13
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Guest7484I just installed Ubuntu, but I'm having some video problems. How can I bypass a GUI boot?00:13
AlmightyHenGuest7484: Press ESC when GUB boots00:13
AlmightyHenAnd go into Recovery Mode00:14
derspanksterGuest7484, Nvidia?00:14
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STSXshepherd: Don't know how you got a grub prompt, but grub has nothing to do with gparted--Grub is just the boot manager.00:14
zathras_laptopanyone had problems with gnome-mount?00:14
legend2440Jadewolf: i think dd command may be better choice   http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-copy-clone-hard-disk/00:14
=== brian_ is now known as bcl1713
shepherdGparted liveCD won't work.00:15
shepherdat boot, I get a grub> command line, liveCD doesnt load.00:15
shepherdburn process was repeated twice, so the disk is ok.00:15
shepherdwhat am I doing wrong?00:15
derspankstersedra, still hosed, maybe a reinstall tomorrow, first real problem with nvidia for me in 2 years00:15
FloodBot3shepherd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:15
ffmshepherd: That's not us.00:16
sedraderspankster: try the forum and good luck00:16
ffmshepherd: That's not our disk image, we don't support it.00:16
derspankstersedra, thanks00:16
mateo0802how do i use sudo once found with synaptic package manager?00:16
ffmmateo0802: "sudo <command>"00:16
ffm!sudo | mateo080200:16
ubot3`mateo0802: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.00:16
Guest7484Grr, I pressed escape many time through boot process but to no avail.00:17
Guest7484I get a black screen and some drumming noise00:17
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legendyyes, is an usb DVB00:17
sedraGuest7484:  try safe mode00:18
jedimindso i have a wireless card that was using the bcm43xx driver, and since i was having trouble with it - i installed ndiswrapper windows based drivers.... but now i have a networking tool which does not work with ndiswrapper and im wondering if its possible to setup a user account that specifically goes back and uses the bcm43xx driver (which work but only connect at 1mbit) for that specific user? and then ontop of that ... how do i r00:19
jedimindevert ndiswrapper usage (i followed some how-to when i set it up initially)00:19
Pros08Is it possible to configure the color scheme in pidgin?00:20
SuperIDif I want to enable AX25 support in the kernel, is there an easier way to do this with ubuntu than config/compile a kernel and modules?  Or is it still done that way?00:20
Pros08I'm looking for a black background with white text00:20
STSXjedimind: Have you upgraded to Hardy? The new broadcom driver is b43, not bcm43xx. What is your exact chipset?00:21
jedimindyes i was running hardy to begin with; how do i check the exact chipset ?00:21
jedimind(now that its being handled by ndiswrapper)00:21
STSXjedimind: Try doing "sudo lshw -C network"00:21
jedimindSTSX:  BCM430600:22
Danihello ?00:22
STSXjedimind: So basically the reason you don't want to use ndiswrapper is because it doesn't support promiscuous mode or RF monitor mode, correct?00:22
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Ruben\nick BaseBoy00:23
=== Ruben is now known as BaseBoy
jedimindBaseBoy: you seem confused00:24
BaseBoyhello can some one help me ?00:24
BaseBoyi would install thunderbird00:24
smallfoot-open terminal, type 'sudo apt-get install thunderbird'00:24
newbieubuntuIs there a way to blow up a document so that it prints as 4 pages00:24
BaseBoybut i a newbe :P00:24
newbieubuntuand u can scotch tape it together to see it as 1 big picture00:24
jedimindnewbieubuntu: im pretty sure gimp has something like that00:25
jedimindBaseBoy: do what smallfoot- said00:25
jedimindSTSX: got any suggestions?00:25
smallfoot-BaseBoy, or click "Applications" menu, select Add/Remove, type "Thunderbird"00:25
legend2440BaseBoy: actually its sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird00:25
glitsj16newbieubuntu: try this webservice http://homokaasu.org/rasterbator/00:26
BaseBoycan some one tell me how i can learn to install .tar.gz files ?00:26
legend2440BaseBoy: tar.gz of what? thunderbird?00:27
jedimindBaseBoy: pay attention to what people are saying00:27
yaris12346789hey guys i just installed ubuntu on my latop with dual boot. when i start ubuntu, it just displays the terminal, and i dont see any desktop or login.00:27
DILBaseBoy: google how to copile in linux00:27
glitsj16Baseboy: for a small overview, look at http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/00:27
* DIL compile00:27
STSXjedimind: Well, I would give the b43 module a try. First "sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx" and then "sudo modprobe b43" and then see if you can set your wireless up.00:27
newbieubuntujedimind: can u find out what the feature is called00:27
htmljunkiemacogw you changed your name00:28
htmljunkiemacogw I know you're in here00:28
jedimindSTSX: but im not using bcm43xx right now, im using ndiswrapper?00:28
jedimindive blacklisted bcm43xx00:29
STSXjedimind: OK, first what revision is your BCM4306? I think either "lspci -v" or the "sudo lshw -C network" will work.00:29
ubot3`Factoid picassa not found00:29
jedimindversion: 0200:30
ubot3`Picasa from Google can be downloaded in .deb format from: http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html00:30
jedimindSTSX: can i msg you? just to keep track of the convo easier?00:30
WaxyFreshhow can i mount a folder so my copmuter thinks a a CD?00:30
STSXjedimind: Sure.00:30
matthias_NWaxyFresh:  is it a game or a movie ?00:30
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=== Yahuda___ is now known as Yahuda
b4l74z4ri just installed juk in ubuntu but i don't get any sound when i play mp3's, what's wrong?00:31
yaris12346789is it normal to get terminal after installing with ubuntu desktop install....i dont see any gui when i start my ubuntu00:31
WaxyFreshmatthias_N:  unreal goty. i have a installer that says it cant find the cd.00:32
joshualhey folks, anyone have a dell 1525 N , with preinstalled ubuntu?00:32
jedimindjoshual: nope but im thinking of getting one00:33
Guest7484How do I get into initrd via yaboot?00:33
matthias_NWaxyFresh:  hmm let me check have to bve out there an daemon program so you can simulate let me check if i can help you ...00:33
joshualjedimind: not bad if you prefer gnome...00:33
WaxyFreshmatthias_N: thanks00:33
matthias_NWaxyFresh:  it is an iso file right ...00:34
jedimindwell im running hardy w/ gnome right now and no complains (except for compiz issues here and there)00:34
ZaidenShould I have the ESD option in the sound menu?00:34
ethana2hiyarr....  brightness borked on my Latitude D83000:34
JatzI'm trying to get this rs232/usb (male on both ends) cable to work. It doesn't show up in /dev or dmesg. Does it have to be connected to something like a device or cable for it work or do anything? that might make sense. Sorry, I don't know much about that kind of stuff.00:35
matthias_NWaxyFresh:  see thig page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmout-iso-images-without-burning-them.html00:35
ethana2can barely see a blooming thing00:35
joshualjedimind: i dont mind gnome, but really like kde400:35
jedimindcan you get hardy to run w/ kde ?00:35
jarosser87jedimind yeah you can00:36
jedimindim guessing you should be able to00:36
jarosser87jedimind it is in the repos00:36
matthias_NWaxyFresh:  do you hace script when selecting it and right click ???00:36
niner64but the point is will GDM update so you can switch between the two more likely :))00:36
joshualjedimind: sure, but its not as setup well with the dell 1525 as gnome00:36
Guest7484How do I get into Busybox (excuse me) via yaboot?00:36
matthias_NWaxyFresh:  i like to finda easier way ...00:36
Marty81which is the best firewall to use on ubuntu? I previously used Firestarter, but it did never start upon booting for some reason [failed]00:37
WaxyFreshmatthias_N: no but i can edit it. want a pastebin?00:37
matthias_NWaxyFresh:  now i do not understand you can mount it or there is a more serious problem ...00:39
yaris12346789hi i just installed ubuntu. i dont get any desktop. i just get a terminal. i try apt-get kde-desktop, does not work. i also get some gtk error00:39
joshualbut otherwise jedimind i really like the machine, as well as how it plays well with linux00:39
jedimindyeah ive read nothing but good things00:39
jarosser87yaris what is the error00:40
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jedimindim running an old(ish) 8600 dell w/ 2gigs of ram right now but its been dropped a few times so im looking for a replacement00:40
jarosser87and are you sure it was the ubuntu desktop and not the server00:40
yaris12346789jarosser87: yes00:40
yaris12346789ubuntu desktop install00:40
jarosser87yaris ok, was there an error when booting up00:41
jedimindanyone know how i would setup different wlan drivers (for the same card) for different users?00:41
yaris12346789yes there was something like gtk error but there was a lot of stuff i only caught a glimpse00:41
yaris12346789im just gonna install xubuntu. ubuntu takes up 10gb.00:41
jarosser87yaris what was the error you got when you tried the kubutu package00:42
yaris12346789i dont know00:42
jarosser87oh alright then00:42
yaris12346789there was lot of error00:42
yaris12346789i can't possibly remember them all00:43
jedimindits why jesus invented cut'n'paste00:43
n-iCewhat codecs do i need to watch my email videos?00:43
matthewI'm trying to find a CPU overclocking program for Ubuntu, is there any I can get?00:43
yojesusany one here uses opera because i got a question about it00:43
jedimindn-iCe: http://ubuntuos.wordpress.com/2006/08/01/howto-play-windows-media-video-wmv-in-ubuntu/00:43
SnakeArtHi again.Is there anyone with working canon pixma mp210 on 64bit ubuntu?00:44
jedimind(which btw i found by typing 'ubuntu wmv' in google)00:44
n-iCethere are some packages name, to watch them00:44
n-iCeand install a lot of codecs00:44
jedimindyeah, it installs all windows-compatible codecs its all one package00:44
arooni________aai just booted up and i'm trying to update and i see this:  E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)00:44
arooni________aaE: Unable to lock the download directory00:44
n-iCejedimind,  the one you gave me?00:45
yojesushow come i cant watch any vidoes or here anything on opera browser00:45
jedimindjust read it, its simple like 4-5 steps and it'll work00:45
matthewIs there a CPU overclocking Program for Ubuntu ?00:46
n-iCejedimind,  wget ftp://mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/all-20060611.tar.bz2 doesn't work anymore00:46
bcl1713matthew: that would be motherboard specific and I doubt it00:46
yojesushow come i cant see videos on youtube on opera00:46
jarosser87yojesus you may need to install the flash plugin00:46
jarosser87yojesus: have you installed the flash plugin from the packagemanager00:47
jedimindn-iCe: try 'sudo apt-get install w32codecs'00:47
n-iCejedimind: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats00:47
yojesusi think00:47
n-iCelooks better, don't you think so?00:47
yojesusi got adobe and videos work fine on firefox00:47
jedimindyeah probably, its been a while since i set them up on this laptop so i forget :)00:47
yojesusbut i cant see them in opera00:48
dfox1Speaking of online video, what do I need to install to watch CNN videos? I have hardy 64, and use firefox. I have flashplugin and most codecs. so mplayer-plugin00:48
n-iCejedimind,  ok thnaks00:48
jarosser87yojesus: then you may need to set up the plugins manually in opera00:48
legend2440arooni________aa: in terminal type sudo apt-get autoclean. make sure synaptic and update manager are closed first though00:48
dfox1works as well as youtube, but cnn says I don't have waht they need.00:48
yojesushow do i do that00:48
SnakeArtI have a problem with my mp210. I've downloaded drivers from australian website of Canon, install them with --force-architecture option and when I'm trying to print it suspend after a while.00:48
BCM43does anybody know how to import files into kino?00:48
SpudDoggDoes anyone know how to tell which /dev/* my integrated video card is using?00:48
troxordfox1: mplayerplug-in, I think00:48
jedimindanyone know how i would go about setting up different wlan drivers for a separate users on the same box ?00:49
Guest7484Okay, I'm getting a BLACK SCREEN when I boot Ubuntu. CTRL + ALT + F1 does not pull up a prompt, it remains black. How can I bypass normal Ubuntu startup so that I can edit my xorg.conf?00:49
yojesusjarosser87: how would i do that00:49
QtpaxaGuest7484: use a ubuntu livecd00:49
Guest7484I can't at the moment.00:50
josspykerGuest7484: recovery mode?00:50
Guest7484how can I get to it?00:50
jarosser87yojesus: http://sysblogd.wordpress.com/2008/03/18/opera-flash-and-ubuntu-feisty-fawn-gutsy-gibbon-and-hardy-heron-also/00:50
jarosser87try that00:50
jarosser87i dont use opera so ive never done it00:50
ferrouswheelhi all, x died, and now certain fonts are huge. like the gdm login text box, and certain fonts in firefox. any one experienced a similar problem?00:50
jarosser87but it seems that there are problems with opera and flash00:51
josspykerGuest7484: should presented by  grub00:51
yojesusok thx anyway\00:51
Guest7484GRUB doesn't come up, or at least it comes up with GUI lol00:51
jarosser87that website seemed to have your answer tho00:51
=== ubunt2 is now known as aznanimedude
SnakeArtI need help with canon pixma mp210 and 64bit gutsy-gibbon00:51
Guest7484Ubuntu Edgy00:51
Guest7484I'm booting with YABOOT00:51
josspykerGuest7484: bummer00:51
QtpaxaGuest7484: u don't need grub with a cdlive00:51
yojesusjarosser87:  ty :)00:51
Guest7484It's not a live cd00:52
Guest7484it's an installation00:52
QtpaxaI know00:52
Qtpaxaget one00:52
jarosser87yojesus: no prob sorry i couldnt help more00:52
Marty81so, which firewall for ubuntu is the best to use? I had Firestarter b4, but didn't load [failed] when booting up, ever...00:52
Qtpaxalike knopix or dsl00:52
jedimindwoops, someone said ctrl+alt+f1 and so i hit it00:53
Jack_Sparrow!ppc | Guest748400:53
ubot3`Guest7484: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:53
htmljunkiemacogw whats your name now?00:53
htmljunkieI know you're here!00:53
Guest7484Okay, honestly lol... I've done this before, somehow getting into initrd or something like that,00:53
Jack_Sparrowjedimind alt-F7 to get out00:54
jedimindahh good to know00:54
* jedimind makes a note00:54
Guest7484well does that ring a bell?00:54
Jack_Sparrowjedimind 1-6 = term 7 out00:54
jedimindnow if only i can sort out my problem :)00:55
red22i've seen many ppl with the same problem, but no solution.. i'm getting choppy video and 3d gaming performance after installing 8.04, although fine before. ati.  any ideas pls?00:55
Jack_Sparrowred22 Turn of compiz for 3d games...  and if ati card make sure composite is turned off in your xorg00:56
m1ri get errors on boot after : kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot , and it drops me to busy box saying it cant mount /dev/disk... anyone have similar problems ?00:56
jedimindi know this is a little off topic, but anyone know if id be able to setup a dlink router to act as a bridge from another wifi connection ?00:56
Marty81so, which firewall for ubuntu is the best to use? I had Firestarter b4, but didn't load [failed] when booting up, ever...00:57
Jack_Sparrowjedimind no00:57
jedimindwell poo00:57
Jack_SparrowMarty81 Are you trying to open up some specific ports?00:57
kitcheMarty81: there is only one firewall and it's iptables00:57
Jack_Sparrowjedimind you can bridge sharing with firestarter..00:57
ubot3`Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:57
bcl1713jedimind get one of those hackable linksys routers and install linux!  then you can do anything you want! :)00:58
red22Jack_Sparrow: compiz and my video performance was fine before.. been running compiz for over a year now i think.. you pretty sure it's compiz?00:58
Marty81naw.. not really, just curious, since, like I said, Firestarter doesnt start upon booting00:58
jedimindbcl1713: good call00:58
Jack_Sparrowred22 Turn it off.. 3d games should come back to life  see also /join #compiz00:58
red22Jack_Sparrow: even my compiz effects seem a little choppy at times.00:58
jedimindJack_Sparrow: with firestarter i can technically connect wifi to a signal then lan to my router to bridge it ?00:58
Jack_Sparrowred22 which ati card00:58
red22x1950 pro00:59
josspykerjedimind: yes00:59
Jack_Sparrowjedimind I have not dome it but that is supposed to work yes00:59
Jack_Sparrowred22 which driver and how did you install it00:59
jedimindJack_Sparrow:  how bout running multiple wlan drivers for different users? :) since you seem to be the current guru01:00
bbyeverhow convenient is it to buy a dell with ubuntu pre installed? i mean, can it use compiz? is it better to buy one with windows and the install ubuntu?01:00
Jack_SparrowMarty81 Firestarter is not a firewall , just an iptable manager and only runs when you want to reconfigure your ports.. It can be made to run on startup, but that is not the default01:00
Jack_Sparrowjedimind no idea01:00
jedimindbbyever: it would make more sense to buy one thats specifically tested for ubuntu01:00
red22Jack_Sparrow: i didn't have to manually install anything,  whatever was set by a clean 8.04 install w restricted drivers.01:00
Kaitobbyever a dell with ubuntu preinstalled would be supported to run it all, it would work best01:00
jedimindand you'd be able to run compiz etc on it no problem01:01
Jack_Sparrowbbyever the dell preinstalled are supposed to be nice01:01
Marty81so, when I want to use a firewall, which should I use / d/l?01:01
josspykerjedimind: correction,firestarter can share an internet connection between two boxes01:01
cgentry72i can't get mp3 or music cds to play anymore can someone help01:01
Jack_Sparrowred22 See the people in compiz..  they know their stuff01:01
bbyeverjedimind: Kaito: Jack_Sparrow: thanks01:01
grndslmanybody seen this new Gigabyte M528??  http://jkkmobile.blogspot.com/2008/03/gigabyte-m528-mid-ubuntu-mobile-ui.html01:01
n-iCehow can I watch .wmv videos????01:01
Huevolin1990I need someone to advice me about Ubuntu for some minutes please01:02
red22Jack_Sparrow: will do, thanks for trying.01:02
Jack_Sparrowjosspyker did I say that wrong?01:02
kitcheMarty81: well you can use firestarter to configure iptables and save the rules that you made and iptables will run on each boot with the rules you specify01:02
jarosser87wat do you need Huevolin01:02
grndslm!ask | Huevolin199001:02
ubot3`Huevolin1990: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:02
n-iCehow can I watch .wmv videos????01:02
ubot3`For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:02
josspykerJack_Sparrow: no01:02
barataFYI ... IBM Lotus Symphony is out01:02
imaginativeonenice: kaffeine01:02
bbryan1does anyone know how to detect the kind of wireless device in your computer? lspci / lsusb do not show anything for it...01:02
barataanother Java office ;)01:02
Jack_Sparrowjosspyker k .. just checking01:02
baratahuge though!01:02
n-iCeJack_Sparrow,  i did the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats link01:02
barata  01:02
barataLotus Symphony Setup for Linux ... IBM_Lotus_Symphony_linux.bin  (302,114,061)01:02
n-iCebut still not working, why?01:02
DILi am trying to run virtual box and got two errors. this is what i saw appreciate any insight http://paste.ubuntu.com/16307/01:03
n-iCeI used sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:03
n-iCe Jack_Sparrow01:03
imaginativeoneisn't the process viewer command "ps"?01:03
barataplay with it .. download it: http://symphony.lotus.com/software/lotus/symphony/product_wpe.jspa01:03
barataI guess it's better than the bulky openoffice01:03
jedimindn-iCe: you may have to log out / log back in01:03
kitcheimaginativeone: well that's one of them01:03
Starnestommyimaginativeone: ps aux01:03
n-iCeoh, let me try01:03
jedimindlotus still makes software?01:03
Jack_Sparrown-iCe Did you enable medibuntu and the repos as directed?01:03
Salmanhow can I install libmad?01:03
kitchejedimind: ibm makes software lotus doesn't really exist so to speak01:04
Jadewolfokay if I cp drive to drive, I'll need to setup a bootloader on sdb right?01:04
Jack_Sparrow!find libmad01:04
ubot3`Found: libmad-ocaml, libmad-ocaml-dev, libmad0, libmad0-dev01:04
jribSalman: apt-cache search -n libmad01:04
jrib!apt > Salman (read the private message from ubottu)01:04
cgentry72i can't get mp3 or music cds to play anymore can someone help01:04
Huevolin1990it's just i know Ubuntu and i know it is really good and i Have windows now. My computer is full of Viruses and i have to format the PC. so i want to know some things about ubuntu to put it in my computer01:04
bbryan1Salman: sudo su -c "apt-cache search libmad | awk '{print $1}' | xargs apt-get install"01:04
n-iCeis not working01:04
jarosser87what would you like to know Huevolin01:04
n-iCeI hear but no watch01:04
=== Neo_ is now known as Neo_060685
Salmanshould I try them one by one?01:04
kitcheJadewolf: you could do dd if you want to copy a full drive as a mirror01:04
Salmanj/k :p01:05
bbryan1Salman: my method is quicker01:05
jarosser87n-iCe: what are you trying to play the videos in01:05
Jack_SparrowHuevolin1990 Run ubuntu livecd and install clamav.. FYI many of us dual boot01:05
=== htmljunkie is now known as dskduq
Jadewolfkitche: will that move everything and allow me to remove first drive and boot rom either?01:05
Jack_Sparrown-iCe Did you enable medibuntu and the repos as directed?01:05
Huevolin1990things about games for example01:05
kitcheJadewolf: if you run dd correctly you might need to edit /etc/fstab a bit though01:05
SalmanE: Couldn't find package MPEG01:05
grndslmHuevolin1990:  that's still not a question01:06
n-iCejarosser87,  tottem01:06
eraldoon my other machine  i have a green cursor-color set for xterm ...now i looked in the .bashrc file... but thats not where I set that... does anyone know where that was ?01:06
bbryan1cgentry72: you need the gstreamer ffmpeg package01:06
jedimindbarata: does symphony have support for old lotus applications (wordpro or whatever it was called as an example)01:06
n-iCeJack_Sparrow,  uhm01:06
ubot3`For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:06
bbryan1"apt-cache search gstreamer ffmpeg"01:06
n-iCeJack_Sparrow,  maybe not, send me the link again, please01:06
=== Neo_060685 is now known as Overspeed
bbryan1does anyone know how to detect the kind of wireless device in your computer? lspci / lsusb do not show anything for it...01:06
befordhmm. I've just noticed this. I'm using Xubuntu 8.04. And I can't see any vterminal con ctrl + alt + f1 / f2/f2 etc01:06
n-iCehow is it, didn't work01:06
arooni________aawhen typing 'sudo apt-get autoclean'  ... i see: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) ... what do i do now (synaptic is not running)01:06
jarosser87Huevolin1990: check your pm01:07
Jack_Sparrowarooni________aa Shut down any open package manager or updates in progress01:07
ubot3`For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:07
Salmanthanks it worked01:07
n-iCeJack_Sparrow,  i don't see where it says that01:08
cgentry72bbryan1: how do i install that, individually?01:08
n-iCejust says to send sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:08
josspykerbbryan1: iwconfig01:08
mmmiiikkkeeeI am having trouble setting up Kdevelop.  What is the best channel to ask for help with that in?01:08
yojesusfor some reason whenever i click on some youtube videos firefox closes y?01:08
Jadewolfkitche: any tips on using dd to copy one drive to another I have them mounted alread01:08
josspykerbbryan1: oeps01:08
jedimindyojesus: do you run compiz ?01:08
Starnestommyyojesus: sounds like a flash bug01:08
Starnestommyyojesus: disable compiz and see if it works01:08
bbryan1cgentry72: you only need one01:08
jedimindtry disabling compiz and see if it works then01:08
bbryan1josspyker: that tells you the type of device?01:09
yojesushow do i disable it01:09
bbryan1if so i will feel silly :-p01:09
SalmanI was using Sam Broadcaster on Windows, trying to find an alternate on linux (Internet DJ Console looks good, but when I select shoutcast server it just don't let me connect)01:09
cgentry72bbryan1: APT-get cannot find gstreamer01:09
A|ysumI have a crontab I want to run every sunday  0 3 * * 0 but it runs daily, why ?01:09
Starnestommyyojesus: change Visual Effects to None in System > Preferences > Appearance01:09
jedimindyojesus: install "Compiz Fusion Icon"01:09
kitcheJadewolf: well you want the one to be umounted really but man dd will show you what to do01:09
jedimindfrom add/remove software01:09
jedimindso you can stop / start it at will01:09
StarnestommyA|ysum: 0 3 * * 0 is 3 AM on every day01:09
bbryan1cgentry72: try this then, sudo su -c "apt-cache search gstreamer ffmpeg | awk '{print $1}' | xargs apt-get install"01:09
m1ri have major problem after hardware failure, cant boot into system anymore, it stops after : kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot. then it pops out EXT3-FS error and EXT3-fs group description corupted and fails to mount HDD. after this errors it drops me into busy box. any tips how to troubleshot or fix this error ?01:09
* bbryan1 bets that will work01:09
n-iCeJack_Sparrow, ?01:10
Salmanam stuck again, how to install lib meta-flac01:10
=== reinaldo is now known as badfile
StarnestommyA|ysum: try 0 3 * * 701:10
Salmanokay found01:11
bbyeverHuevolin1990: you can run some games under wine, but maybe not all will work01:11
Salmanit was a part of FLAC package01:11
bbyever!wine | Huevolin1990:01:11
ubot3`Huevolin1990:: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.01:11
Salmanit is*01:11
yaris12346789okay when i do startx. it says no screen error01:11
WaxyFreshWhat program can i use to dreate a .iso?01:11
arooni________aaJack_Sparrow, i dont see any package manager running01:12
A|ysumStarnestommy: ok but the manuals say that 0=Sunday so im confused01:12
danbhfiveWaxyFresh: k3b?01:12
bbryan1WaxyFresh: dd01:12
Swish7 or 0 works for sunday01:12
Swisheither one01:12
A|ysumSwish: nah 0 didnt work it did every day01:12
StarnestommyA|ysum: 7 also is SUnday01:12
Jack_Sparrown-iCe Bookmark & Share© Add This01:12
Jack_Sparrow  Favorites  Del.icio.us01:12
Jack_Sparrow  Digg  Google01:12
Jack_Sparrow  MySpace  Facebook01:12
Jack_Sparrow  Reddit  Live01:12
FloodBot3Jack_Sparrow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:12
Jack_Sparrow  Furl  Yahoo MyWeb01:12
SwishA|ysum, I might expect that out of a really old version of cron, but not recent ones :)01:12
A|ysummaybe ubuntu prefers 7 than 001:12
* Swish dunnos01:13
Swishman cron!01:13
cgentry72bbryan1: I dont understand why all of a sudden i can't play cds or mp301:13
A|ysumyeah the ubuntu cron man is bloody short and useless lol01:13
yaris12346789Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition - Supported to 2011 is the one i installed. it wont show desktop. i tried startx it will say no screen error.01:13
Starnestommyyaris12346789: I suspect a problem with xorg.conf01:14
yaris12346789sigh. i will just install xubuntu01:14
yaris12346789i already uninstalled ubuntu.01:14
yaris12346789now installing xubuntu01:14
yaris12346789this is a fast comp but i guess xubuntu will do01:15
Starnestommyyaris12346789: you probably just need to add a new screen section to xorg.conf01:15
yaris12346789how do i do that /01:15
cgentry72i can't get mp3 or music cds to play anymore can someone help01:15
A|ysumwhat is Xubuntu ? :)01:15
Starnestommyyaris12346789: open /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:15
Mecha25hey, anybody know about default SSH settings for Hardy?01:15
Salmananother gui A|ysum01:15
yaris12346789Starnestommy: and what do i type01:15
Salmanlike kde or gnome01:15
Jack_Sparrow!enter | yaris1234678901:15
ubot3`yaris12346789: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:15
kitcheJack_Sparrow: did you just have a problem with something :)01:15
Starnestommyyaris12346789: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.1501:15
danbhfiveA|ysum: its based on xfce01:15
Mecha25I'm looking to tunnel into my secondary box but it's not showing up on the net01:16
Starnestommyyaris12346789: without the .1501:16
Jack_Sparrowkitche Yep..Copy paste error01:16
yaris12346789Starnestommy: once in it what do i fix01:16
yojesusStarnestommy: i turned of compiz but it still does the same thing with the youtube videos01:16
yaris12346789also is it bad running xubuntu on a 2.4ghz core2duo with 2gb of ram ?01:16
jedimindyaris12346789: why would it be bad ?01:17
glitsj16yaris12346789: nope01:17
yaris12346789because ubuntu did not work properly01:17
yaris12346789i thought xubuntu was for slower computers01:17
yaris12346789oh well im gonna go restart.01:17
yaris12346789hopefully it will work01:17
Jack_SparrowI need to run...   See you all tomorrow01:18
Jack_Sparrow!enter | yaris1234678901:18
glitsj16bye Jack01:18
ubot3`yaris12346789: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:18
gpanterHi, im trying to run videolan trought PHP with apache, but its doesnt work, I think its by permission, someone knows how to give permission for my user to run apache?01:18
jedimindhey ... how would i go about writing a bash script for starting up wlan drivers ?01:19
Mecha25SSH Serving on Hardy Heron help anyone?01:19
WaxyFreshWhat a easy to use GUI program to create a ISO?01:19
StarnestommyMecha25: do you have openssh-server installed?01:19
jedimindWaxyFresh: you can use brasero disc burner which comes pre-packaged01:19
jedimindWaxyFresh: instead of burning to a dvd/cd you can select 'burn to image'01:19
Mecha25starnestommy:not sure, does it come installed by default01:19
WaxyFreshjedimind: thanks.01:19
Jadewolfafter grub-install I should be able to boot the new drive right?01:20
n-iCehow to watch .wmv videos???01:20
StarnestommyMecha25: I don't think so.  The server version might, but I don't think the desktop version does01:20
barataI guess so jedimind01:20
Salmanvlc player usually plays all formats01:20
n-iCeSalman, really?01:20
ubot3`Factoid vcl not found01:20
barataI'm still downloading it, but my guess is it's gonna be the old Lotus amipro quattro-pro01:20
Salmanit's in Add / remove thingie01:20
gpanterHi, im trying to run videolan trought PHP with apache, but its doesnt work, I think its by permission, someone knows how to give permission for my user to run apache?01:21
SitUbuntuSit!vlc | n-iCe01:21
ubot3`n-iCe: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:21
Mecha25Starnes: ok, once I install that, what do I need to do?  I'm trying to tunnel into my secondary box, it's a desktop in the basement and my laptops's upstairs.  I'm trying to avoid using Synergy01:21
jedimindbarata: you recommend symphony over OO ?01:21
StarnestommyMecha25: ssh user@ip01:21
Mecha25ok, thanks a ton, I'm going to try that now.  peace01:22
DILi am trying to run virtual box and got two errors. this is what i saw appreciate any insight http://paste.ubuntu.com/16307/01:22
barataI dont like OO jedimind ... I just use Abiword and Gnumeric01:22
grndslmOO is pretty crummy01:22
jedimindhow would i go about disabling auto-config of wlan drivers on boot? and instead turn it into a script01:22
StarnestommyDIL: you need virtualbox-ose-modules-$(uname-r) installed01:23
joanjosephDoes anyone know how to setup a Multi-Seat desktop01:23
grndslmi've also experienced plenty of bugs in OOo01:23
jediminddo the other options have support for word documents etc just like OO does?01:23
troxorjedimind: you could use NM01:23
jedimindtroxor: wassat ?01:23
barataAbiword is good enough01:23
joanjosephDoes any1 know how to setup a multi seat desktop in hardy 64bit?01:23
barataAbiword, I think, is better than Word 9701:23
StarnestommyDIL: then you need to run sudo modprobe vboxdrv, add your user to the vbosusers group, then log out and back in01:23
barataGnumeric too01:23
cgentry72i can't get mp3 or music cds to play anymore can someone help.. the only way to get them to play is using vlc but banshee wont work01:23
troxorjedimind: woops, wrong chan advice.. what did you want to script?01:23
Starnestommyjoanjoseph: nvidia, ati, or something else?01:24
DILStarnestommy: ty i will try it01:24
barataanyway, actually ... especially if you can always online all the time01:24
baratawe dont need those office software anymore .... just use zoho.com01:24
jedimindtroxor: i want to have 2 users use 2 different wlan drivers, so instead of having it initialize the drivers on load, i want write a script to launch wlan drivers after someone's logged in01:24
baratait's good enough01:24
troxorjedimind: as in iwlwifi for one user, and ipw2100 for someone else?01:24
baratayou can always export zoho docs as xls or doc01:24
Salmangoogle docs are no better?01:25
jedimindtroxor: as in ndiswrapper on one, bcm43xx on the other but i guess same concept01:25
barataGoogle doc is PROBLEM01:25
barataI cannot edit my spreadsheet in google docs01:25
n-iCei couldn't watch either!!01:25
n-iCehow can i watc .wmv videos??01:25
Guest7484okay... Now I'm on Busybox... how can I chroot / mount my way into bash?01:25
troxorjedimind: right, intel is the first one that came to mind. You can add the modules to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local01:25
barataGoogle uses that slow like sh!t python01:25
troxorjedimind: then load with sudo (with NOPASSWD:)01:25
Starnestommybarata: python is faster than php with mod_python01:26
DILStarnestommy: fatal not found01:26
StarnestommyDIL: with which command?01:26
eraldoI can not full-screen my xterm in Ubuntu :(01:26
troxoreraldo: alt_f10 ?01:26
=== newbieubuntu is now known as vistarulesubuntu
DILStarnestommy: sudo modprobe ......01:26
baratazoho is better than google ... but you know ... dont put any sensitive data in zoho01:26
barataafter I saw so many Indian names in zoho .... I am scared!!01:26
glitsj16n-iCe: totem (which comes pre-installed on 8.04) will propose downloading needed codecs, open that with your .wmv file .. Have you tried that ?01:26
jedimindtroxor: one sec gotta get the phone im gonna keep bugging you01:26
troxorjedimind: k01:26
eraldotroxor: not Maximize... full01:27
n-iCeglitsj16,  what codecs? that's the problem01:27
barataphp is the best Starnestommy01:27
bcl1713i think hardy killed my raid array!  The new hardy switch to emulated sda sdb etc may be the culprit but on a fresh install i did nothing to sda and sdb no formatting or anything just left them alone.. installed dmraid per usual dmraid -ay shows everthing working as expected but when I go to mount it errors out and dmesg | tail reports "Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev dm-0"!  ACK!  any help?01:27
baratabetter than python for sure01:27
n-iCedidn't download by itself, glitsj1601:27
Starnestommybarata: php is a mess01:27
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
eraldowhen trying to make my xterm full screen i get ;3~ instead01:27
glitsj16n-ice: just a sec, i'll check the packages01:27
barataopen any google page and count how many secs you must wait01:27
baratathat is python01:27
barataphp is fast ... it opens right away01:27
baratalike any good C program01:28
detrateor distributed computer01:28
DILStarnestommy: the errors in paste bin is when i attempt to start the vm01:28
troxoreraldo: keyboard shortcuts-> Window Management-> Toggle fullscreen mode01:28
Starnestommybarata: I have seen plenty of slow php sites and pages01:28
barataguess the code is wrong01:28
StarnestommyDIL: run sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-$(uname -r)01:28
barataor the server is too slow01:28
Starnestommybarata: properly coded python can be faster than php01:28
eraldotroxor: i'm in gnome and the dafualt is F11 or ALT + F11    but they don't work for my xterm01:29
Noxidehow do I install .bin and .sh files?01:29
barataproperly coded PHP is the fastest server scrip01:29
StarnestommyNoxide: sh ./filename.sh01:29
troxoreraldo: try to change the shortcut, then try the new one01:29
grndslmyea, i couldn't imagine anything faster than php01:29
jedimindtroxor: do you mind if i msg you so i dont flood the chan too much ?01:29
Starnestommyand I can't imagine anything less secure that php01:29
eraldotroxor: what do you have set for that ?01:30
detratewhy would a fresh install of ubuntu on top of xp64 not install the boot loader?01:30
troxorjedimind: it's better to keep the questions here so someone can correct anything I say wrong, or explain better01:30
=== gardar`afk is now known as `afk
n-iCeok glitsj16  thanks01:30
troxoreraldo: alt+enter01:30
jedimindfair enough;01:30
troxorjedimind: but, I don't mind PMs in general01:30
theLichKingwhy do i need to install 113MB of packages to have a flash player? isn't that too much for a plugin?01:31
powertoo108does anyone know any good alternatives for MS Project?01:31
eraldotroxor: okay it worked01:31
eraldotroxor: thank you ^^01:31
DILStarnestommy: that was one step better now it says ensure that user has The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..01:31
troxoreraldo: np01:31
jedimindtroxor: so basically im a bit noobular, and i followed a how-to on getting ndiswrapper going for my wlan as i was having some issues w/ the bcm43xx driver (it was only connecting at 1mbit), but now i need to use the driver because of a networking tool im using doesnt support ndiswrapper. but i dont want to run bcm43xx full time, so i want to setup an alternate user which runs it, and leave ndiswrapper on my main account;01:31
jedimindso the question is - how do i unload ndiswrapper from working globally and how do i setup the alternate user to use bcm43xx01:32
jedimindand all of this while not having a LAN to plug into or an alternate computer to use in the event of massive explosion : )01:32
eraldotroxor: do you know where I can get a nice and clean .Xdefaults file ?01:32
StarnestommyDIL: is your user in the vbosusers group?  If not, sudo gpasswd -a $USER vboxusers, then log out, then back in01:32
DILStarnestommy: do i need to restart my machine or virtual box01:32
bcl1713gparted is showing my /dev/mapper/sil_aeabbjafcbae as "unallocated" but it has (read: HAD) a single ext3 partition with a LOT of data on it01:33
NoxideStarnestormmy: Thanks :-P01:33
StarnestommyDIL: no, you just need to log out01:33
eraldodoes anyone know where to get a nice and clean .Xdefaults file ?01:33
troxoreraldo: dotfiles.org, maybe? I jsut scrounge google and copy bits and pieces01:33
DILStarnestommy: no to ....01:33
troxorjedimind: simple answer, modprobe -rv ndiswrapper; modprobe -v bcm43xx; ;)01:33
bcl1713any ideas on if this is recoverable?01:33
StarnestommyDIL: a restart isn't needed01:33
jedimindwhat will that do? unload ndiswrapper and load bcm43xx on the current user?01:34
eraldotroxor: I did the same but enden up having different ones on different machines which is not all that good ^^01:34
DILStarnestommy: ty01:34
jedimindhow do i reload it up when i need ndiswrapper again ?01:34
StarnestommyDIL: but you do need to log out01:34
egghead2is there a way to use a sym link, to link to a nfs share?01:34
troxorjedimind: modules are all kernelspace, changes to them are system-wide01:34
grndslmis it just me... or did pidgin's window in the window list flash in gutsy, but not hardy??01:34
NoxideJedimind: are you trying to get a broadcom Wireless card working?01:34
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jedimindNoxide: no i already have it working w/ ndiswrapper01:34
Noxideoh ok.01:34
jedimindi just want to use bcm43xx for a networking tool01:35
GrammaticusI am having some difficulty adding new programmes (specifically, AbiWord). I constantly receive a message stating that 'the list of applications is not available'. Any assistance would be appreciated.01:35
Noxideoh, good luck with tat01:35
jedimindtroxor: will that work only for the current session? or is it a perm change?01:35
Noxideer that01:35
troxorjedimind: do the opposite, -rv bcm43xx, and -v ndiswrapper... this approach will probably be irritating and tiresome after a while, and it would probably be better long-term to get bcm43xx working fully.. btw, isn't hardy using b43 or somesuch?01:35
Mutant-Lapdoes anyone have some exp. with sunbox / vbox ?01:35
troxorjedimind: modprobe changes are systemwide01:35
jedimindyeah but b43 only supports rev3+ of my chipset and i have rev2 :\01:35
Mutant-Lapdoes anyone have some exp. with sunbox / vbox ?01:36
jspaderI have centos 5.1 on my machine and both "users" and "who" commands don't work...01:36
jspader...any reason why?01:36
StarnestommyMutant-Lap: just ask your quiestions about them01:36
jspader/var/log/wmtp is empty...01:36
GirvoSynce hates me D:01:36
jspaderanyway to fix this01:36
jspaderor what could have caused it01:36
troxorjedimind: bummer01:36
GirvoActually,to clarify, Nautilus hates Synce.01:37
jedimindtroxor: also i've blacklisted bcm43xx as part of the how-to that i was following, will this still work ?01:37
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eyyYoIs it possible to emulate a memory device on one of the usb ports on the computer? That is, when you connect a usb cable from that usb port, to another usb port (on another computer ofc), it will show up as a usb memory device.01:37
troxorjedimind: it should, the blacklist is only for udev module loading, iirc01:37
Mutant-Laphow do i make a path to my shared folder between my pshysical machine and my virtual machine in Sun xVM VirtualBox ?01:37
Mutant-LapLinux can't recognise the commands01:38
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bcl1713any data recovery experts here or can point me to a good room to find someone?01:38
twbIf I remove gvfs-fuse from a GNOME desktop, what will stop working?01:38
=== TWQ is now known as TZM
jedimindtroxor: do i have to log out/back in for the modprobe change to take effect?01:38
DILStarnestommy: i get a version mismatch - i installed from novell package - can i install using apt-get01:38
troxorjedimind: nope01:38
Starnestommytwb: I think some FUSE filesystems01:38
StarnestommyDIL: sudo apt-get ionstall virtualbox-ose01:38
jedimindokay here goes nothing then01:38
IGORVHey guys, using Ubuntu, trying to find good program or website to view Online TV from europe01:39
IGORVany ideas?01:39
JangariSince upgrading to 8.04, my number keypad doesn't work, although certain keys do some other actions,01:39
glitsj16n-Ice: install gstreamer0.10-plugins-<bad, good and ugly> .. via synaptic01:40
Jangarilike moving the mouse around, how do i fix this?01:40
jedimindtroxor: okay so i did what you said, and it is still using ndiswrapper01:40
grndslmIGORV:  only thing i know of is miro01:40
bcl1713Jangari mousekeys is turned on01:40
jedimindwhen i unloaded it, it disconnected my wifi and then i ran -v bcm43xx01:40
Jangariokay, where's mousekeys?01:40
jedimindbut its still using ndiswrapper01:40
bcl1713Jangari: you can turn it of in your settings.. i'll find it give me a sec01:40
bcl1713Jangari: System->Preferences->Assistive Technologies01:41
Jangarioh, got it, bcl171301:41
Jangariit's also in prefs > keyboard > mouse keys01:41
bcl1713Jangari there ya go! :)01:41
Jangarithanks for that, I didn't realise mouse keys was an option01:41
jedimindsweet i managed to crash xchat01:41
grndslmbcl1713:  the #linux channel??01:41
chalcedonyjedimind: that takes effort01:42
bcl1713Jangari: there must be a keyboard shortcut for it somewhere because mine turns on accidentally sometimes01:42
jedimindsurprising, not that much effort :)01:42
troxorjedimind: you can check the loaded modules with `sudo lsmod`01:42
bcl1713grndslm will give it a shot01:42
jedimindsurprisingly too01:42
chalcedonystrange jedimind01:42
cn28hit's not that hard.. /exec kill -11 $PPID01:42
grndslmbcl1713:  any time i've had HDD problems, i just get a new drive... boot from a live cd & copy the data to the new drive01:42
grndslmalways works for me01:42
dannyboywhats a good dvd player for ubuntu?01:43
Jangariokay, another question, anything in a terminal that requirs root access returns: sudo: unable to resolve host (computer name)01:43
grndslmdannyboy:  totem-xine or vlc01:43
troxorjedimind: check that both are unloaded with `sudo lsmod | egrep '(bcm43xx|ndis)'`01:43
bcl1713grndslm somehow my partition table for my drive has been erased and there is a lot of information on there i'd rather not lose01:43
StarnestommyJangari: you need to fix /etc/hosts in recovery mode01:43
Jangaridefine 'fix'01:44
jedimindthey dont seem to be01:44
grndslmbcl1713:  i've had quite a few problems with fstab since ubuntu starting using UUIDs... chances are if you can use a livecd to mount the HDD, you can edit the fstab to just say /dev/sda1 instead of UUID=13723509 or whatever unreadable junk it uses01:44
vistarulesubuntuCheck out my Desktop!!! http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/7255/60654852cp0.jpg01:44
dannyboyoh ok thanks01:44
jedimindvistarulesubuntu: that better not be goatse or something01:45
troxorjedimind: hm, they're both loaded... modprobe -rv both01:45
StarnestommyJangari: replace " BLAH" with " OUTPUT-OF-hostname-COMAMND"01:45
troxorjedimind: then make sure neither is loaded01:45
bcl1713grndslm gparted says the device block is unallocated01:45
grndslmbcl1713:  i'd just buy a new HD & get to copyin'...01:45
bcl1713grndslm i can't get to the data to copy it01:45
grndslmbut the #linux channel could def. help you out if anything01:45
bcl1713grndslm: the partition is gone01:46
tonyfuck all01:46
grndslmno, fuck you01:46
jedimindi like how i can kill my wlan drivers and still be connected to irc01:46
bcl1713easy killers01:46
glitsj16grndslm: that might break, ubuntu (like many other linuxes) relies on the UUID .. to find them, simply run "sudo blkid"01:46
ubot3`Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:46
jedimindi dont think that worked either, i modprobed -rv both of them, couple of times for ndiswrapper but it still running01:46
grndslmglitsj16:  i've done it a few times before, and it boots.. but this might be something different01:46
Jangariokay Starnestommy, that makes sense. At the moment the 'BLAH' is [computername].[networkdomain], should it just be [computername]?01:46
Mez_does anyone know how I change my colours so that when a button in the taskbar flashes, it's notiable?01:46
Mez_at the moment, it's very very near the default colour01:47
troxorjedimind: since you're still connected, something's gotta still be keeping the modules loaded ;)01:47
TZMJangari: Bottom line is that the hostname in /etc/hostname needs to exactly match the hostname for in the /etc/hosts file.01:47
grndslmbcl1713:  you've tried booting from a livecd?01:47
jedimindtroxor: no it kills the wlan, but i connect fast enough that irc doesnt time out01:47
jedimindbut it renegotiates wlan connection and all01:47
StarnestommyJangari: it should just be cimputername.01:47
Jangarigotcha, thanks TZM, Starnestommy. But why does it have to be in recovery mode?01:47
StarnestommyJangari: er, computername.  The domain should be filled in automatically when it is needed01:47
bcl1713grndslm no... will give it a shot01:47
pabloHi, i have ubuntu 7.10 and the system after update doesnt shut down, it leaves me hanging in a black window01:47
jedimindyeah its weird, no matter how many times i -rv ndiswrapper it still shows in lsmod01:47
glitsj16grndslm: just reminding any readers that UUID is the supported option ;)01:47
StarnestommyJangari: because you need root permissions to edit /etc/hosts01:48
Jangarioh, of course, i won't be able to edit the hosts without sudo access01:48
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Jangarican I do it from a tty1 console?01:48
NoxideIs there some special way that I am supposed to install the JDK on Linux?01:48
StarnestommyJangari: go into recovery mode.  That has root access upon logging in without using sudo01:48
vistarulesubuntuhttp://img75.imageshack.us/img75/7255/60654852cp0.jpg           <--- Vista rules ... U Buntu noobz01:48
kbeztroalguien  ke hable español01:48
Starnestommy!ot | vistarulesubuntu01:48
ubot3`vistarulesubuntu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:48
Jangariokay. I'll give it a go. Thanks in advance, and  see you soon,01:49
kbeztroalguna mujer que hable español01:49
NoxideI installed the JDK (successfully I think) yet when I try to install Netbeans it keeps telling me that It cant find the JDK on the computer.01:49
Starnestommy!es | kbeztro01:49
ubot3`kbeztro: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:49
eraldotroxor: wow that site is really awsome :)) http://dotfiles.org/.Xdefaults01:49
pros9000I need to be identified to join a channel. How would I do that?01:49
stroyanNoxide: install the sun-java5-jdk or sun-java6-jdk package01:49
bcl1713grndslm: not to mention its a dmraid stripped pair so recongnizing it could be interesting01:49
jedimindvistarulesubuntu: uh huh01:49
pablodoes anybody knows how to check why ubuntu doesnt shut down?01:49
Manacimvista sucks01:49
kitche!register pros900001:49
ubot3`kitche: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:49
Manacimit boots too slow01:49
kitche!register | pros900001:49
ubot3`pros9000: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.01:49
powertoo108does anyone know any good alternatives for MS Project?01:50
Manacimvista requires you to buy better hardware01:50
Starnestommypros9000: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup (if you're not registered), or /msg nickserv identify <passeord> (if you are)01:50
Manacimjust to make it stable01:50
grndslmbcl1713:  eww... well, i don't mess with raid, so that would definitely take some effort01:50
jedimindtroxor: no matter how many times i -rv ndiswrapper it still shows in lsmod01:50
troxoreraldo: yep, it's got a lot of good examples01:50
glitsj16!alternatives | powertoo10801:50
ubot3`powertoo108: To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.01:50
eraldotroxor: do you have any other cool links like that in mind ...can be about any computerrelated topic01:50
troxorjedimind: does modprobe -rv ndiswrapper give any output?01:50
Noxidestroyan: I did that twice now, but netbeans keeps telling me it wont work.01:50
grndslmbcl1713:  people in #linux or #hardware & *maybe* even #raid could help you01:50
jedimindpudly@lappy:~$ sudo modprobe -rv ndiswrapper01:50
jedimindrmmod /lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/ubuntu/misc/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko01:50
n-iCeany program like dreamweaver for ubuntu??01:50
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated.tnx.01:51
troxorjedimind: odd..01:51
pablodoes anybody knows how to check why ubuntu doesnt shut down?01:51
kitcheNoxide: you have to set JAVA_HOME and something else if I remember correctly01:51
glitsj16powertoo108, that's a mistake sorry, was looking for the command to show you a list of alternative software, do not follow that command01:51
Stroganoffpowertoo108: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_project_management_software01:51
eraldotroxor: i have not yet found good linux sites01:51
Manacimif you wanna use dreamweaver01:51
kitchepablo: by looking at the boot/shutdown logs01:51
grndslmbcl1713:  be up front about the RAID part, that'll make things easier for others to understand what's going on01:51
Manaciminstall one in vmware01:51
Noxidehow does that work?01:51
Manacimor virtualbox01:51
jedimindwhy would you want to use dreamweaver? :)01:51
powertoo108thanks to all01:51
n-iCeManacim,  i don't want to use wine01:51
tobe002who can tell me a good download tools in ubuntu ..01:51
jedimindor wine01:51
Manacimno not wine01:51
stroyanNoxide: You could run  sudo update-alternatives --config java    and see that the right java is configured.01:51
n-iCevmware either01:51
Manacimuse vmware or virtualbox01:51
jedimindvirtualbox? :)01:51
n-iCeManacim,  is there any webdesign clinet for linux?01:51
pablokitche: where are they? :S01:51
troxorn-iCe: nvu, bluefish?01:52
jedimindn-iCe: there are tons of development editors01:52
eraldojedimind: what are you using for webdev, if I may ask ?01:52
Manacimidk, i code using text editor01:52
Manacimor windows notepad01:52
jediminderaldo: bluefish for the most part01:52
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jedimindand geany occasionaly01:52
troxorjedimind: what does the end of `dmesg` say when you modprobe -rv ndiswrapper?01:52
grndslmtobe002:  wget01:52
Manacimpeople say virtualbox has better performance than vmware01:53
jedimind[ 1048.789066] bcm43xx driver01:53
jedimind[ 1787.774540] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present01:53
jedimind[ 1056.096642] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present01:53
FloodBot3jedimind: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:53
jedimindsorry magical floodbot01:53
tobe002download tools01:53
Noxidestroyan: huzzah, i'm dumb and didnt see the --javahome argument01:54
grndslmtobe002:  what does that mean?01:54
joanjosephDoes any1 know how to setup a multi seat desktop???01:54
Jack_Sparrowtobe002 Download tools for what?01:54
eraldojedimind: what is it that makes you prefer Bluefish over the others ?01:54
tobe002ftp bt01:54
StarnestommyJack_Sparrow: which graphics card do you have?01:54
Starnestommyer, joanjoseph01:54
jediminderaldo: i answered you in query :)01:54
* Starnestommy stabs his tab key for the 23rd time01:54
joanjosephhi starnestommy01:54
Jack_SparrowStarnestommy this particular box.. nvivia 6600.. I think'01:55
joanjosephyou know how to setup a multi set desktop??? ty01:55
Starnestommyjoanjoseph: could you please tell me which graphics card you have?01:55
grndslmtobe002:  i use ktorrent for bt, but there could be something better by now & gftp for ftp01:55
Stroganoffjoanjoseph: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX01:55
pablodoes somebody knows where the boot/shutdown logs is ?01:55
joanjosephI'm using a dual head NVdia01:55
StarnestommyJack_Sparrow: sorry, I tab-completed the wrong nick01:55
PulseaudioWhat is the best firewall and virus scanner I can use in ubuntu(without much configuration) ?01:55
StarnestommyPulseaudio: clamav and firestarter?01:56
glitsj16Pulseaudio: f-prot01:56
Jack_SparrowPulseaudio You understand you dont need that for ubuntu01:56
tobe002thank you .......01:56
m0u5ePulseaudio: ufw is already installed on hardy01:56
PulseaudioStarnestommy: clamav takes more than a day to scan :(01:56
joanjosephok i will try to look at this site . tnx01:56
m0u5edoes clamAV automatically update itself?01:56
DILStarnestommy: i tried your suggestions and received 3 errors - i will remove and try reinstalling again thanks for your guidance01:56
PulseaudioJack_Sparrow: I want it because I am on a network with windows pcs and I would not like my windows pcs to get infected01:56
Pulseaudiom0u5e: what is ufw?01:56
Jangarisweet, worked fine. Thanks TZM, Starnestommy01:56
m0u5eI never see it update itself, but the # of virus definitions seems to constantly increase...01:56
m0u5ePulseaudio: uncomlicated firewall (its installed by default on hardy)01:57
pablodoes somebody knows where the boot/shutdown logs is ?01:57
egghead2is there a way to use a symbolic link, to link to a nfs share?01:57
TZMJangari: Glad you got it fixed without much problem. :)01:57
m0u5epablo: maybe under /var/logs somewhere? :D01:57
troxorpablo: /var/log01:57
jedimindtroxor: any more ideas?01:57
Jangariso am i,01:57
troxorm0u5e: you win :)01:57
Jack_SparrowPulseaudio They should have their own scanners.. I would not trust clamav as my only virus protection01:57
m0u5etroxer: xD01:57
bcl1713not gettin much response anywhere :-/01:57
Pulseaudiom0u5e: I see. And what of the antivirus? as I've said, clamav takes too long to scan.01:57
GrammaticusI am having some difficulty adding new programmes (specifically, AbiWord). I constantly receive a message stating that 'the list of applications is not available'. Any assistance would be appreciated.01:57
Jangariwho knows about how to set up a drop-box on a server?01:57
troxorjedimind: hmm.. try editing /etc/network/interfaces, and adding a line with your interface's name01:57
wheezepuppeti'm running feisty with an NVIDIA graphics card...how do i enable 3-d?01:58
m0u5ePulseaudio: I would have recommended AVG, but currently there is no AVG AV solution for linux (the last one is out of date and discontinued)01:58
PulseaudioJack_Sparrow: indeed, but it would not help if my drive here(ntfs drives) were to get infected somehow.01:58
Pulseaudiom0u5e: I see.01:58
m0u5ethere may be a few others, but those two are the best...01:58
jedimindname as in wlan0 or... ?01:58
PulseaudioAVG and clamav?01:58
* Grammaticus twiddles his thumbs.01:58
bcl1713m0u5e i don't think avg is even offering a free windows version anymore..01:58
troxorjedimind: er, perhaps that won't work; try just stopping networkmanager (/etc/dbus/event.d/25NetworkManager stop or somesuch), then modprobe -rv ndiswrapper01:58
Manaci1wheezepuppet: go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers01:59
m0u5ebcl1713: it is... i'm using it :X01:59
Jack_SparrowPulseaudio They would not get infected by something you ran inside ubuntu...01:59
Stroganoffwheezepuppet: Restricted Devices Manager01:59
troxorjedimind: then of course, modprobe -v bcm43xx and ....25NetworkManager start01:59
m0u5ebcl1713: its avg 8.0, free edition01:59
Pulseaudiobcl1713: http://free.grisoft.com/01:59
=== selocol is now known as lainy
Manaci1i stopped using avg because of the 30 trial for the email scanner01:59
troxorjedimind: something's keeping ndiswrapper from being unloaded, that's all;01:59
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated.tnx.01:59
m0u5ePulseaudio: i wouldn't worry too much about viruses on ubuntu, the most important thing is to be careful and not run apps with root unless you are sure they are safe01:59
jedimindok will try that01:59
Jangariavg is annoying on windows, you can't turn off the complete test function, so every time I run windows on my dual-boot laptop, it takes 10 minutes to do so because avg hogs all the cpu01:59
m0u5eJangari: i'm pretty sure you can turn off the scheduler :X02:00
glitsj16a lot of confusion about the need for virus-scanning on ubuntu, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Linuxvirus, for instance, running wine opens a lot of doors .. just my 2 cents02:00
Pulseaudiom0u5e: you said two, AVG and ClamAV I presume?02:00
Manaci1i use avast for my anti virus needs02:00
Jack_Sparrowglitsj16 You run wine.. and windows apps.. and Z mapped.. you deserve to have problems02:01
bcl1713m0u5e Pulseaudio: right on.. couldn't find it last time I was setting up a windows box.  just installed avast for her instead02:01
glitsj16Jack_sparrow, id on't :p02:01
Jack_Sparrowglitsj16 Didnt hthink you did02:01
m0u5ePulseaudio: yeah, but I don't actually really even use clamAV (i just have it installed)... as I said, being careful is more important than having AV...02:01
Pulseaudiom0u5e: aye. I intend to just scan once a month or so02:02
jedimindwell that sort of worked... except that wifi wouldnt work w/ the bcm43xx driver02:02
PulseaudioJust y'know, it's like having extra protection. Nothing wrong with that02:02
m0u5ePulseaudio: clam AV should be enough for that then, just run it once a month and leave your computer on overnight02:02
jedimindbut ndiswrapper definately unloaded02:02
TtechHow do I Get ruby  Gems working on Ubutnu Server02:02
Pulseaudiom0u5e: the thing that irks me however is that clamav seems to take >24 hours02:02
m0u5edoe sanyone know if CLAMAV is supposed to just automatically update itself? :X02:02
m0u5ePulseaudio: huh.... i dunno then? :X02:02
Starnestommym0u5e: I think freshclam automatically updates every weel02:03
glitsj16Pulseaudio: indeed, and f-prot gives you the added functionality of cleaning a virus, none of the others do02:03
Pulseaudioeven avg on windows didn't take that long on the same size of hdds02:03
Pulseaudioglitsj16: what's f-prot?02:03
jedimindtroxor: that sort of worked... except that wifi wouldnt work w/ the bcm43xx driver, but ndiswrapper deffinately got unloaded02:03
troxorjedimind: that's a step in the right direction ;)02:04
jedimindyeah :)02:04
glitsj16Pulseaudio: another virus-scanner, very stable and documented02:04
jedimindsigh all of this just so i can snoop out some wifi :)02:04
troxorjedimind: your best bet is just to get another card for monitoring02:04
Pulseaudioglitsj16: is it speedy? I'm hoping for something that doesn't take >24 hours on 600+gb02:04
Pulseaudiohmm, they have a .deb02:05
Pulseaudiobut it's an older version...02:05
glitsj16Pulseaudio: you might give it a try, but it's the fastest i come across linux-side of things02:05
DILStarnestommy: i got same errors any guidance is appreciated - http://paste.ubuntu.com/16314/02:05
Noxidewhats a good irc client besides mirc/pidgin (i dont really like pidgin for IRC)02:05
* Pulseaudio installs via deb on f-prot's website02:05
PulseaudioNoxide: xchat02:05
StarnestommyDIL: I don't know what to do, sorry02:05
mysteriosoI am installing "The Orange Box" using WINE. When prompted to put in the second disc the application won't allow me to open the disc tray. Please let me know how to fix this.02:05
StarnestommyNoxide: xchat (not xchat-gnome), irssi, or konversation02:06
DILStarnestommy: ty02:06
NoxidePulse: thanks i'll get that. it says its for FC6.. will it work on any?02:06
jedimindtroxor: that is an excellent idea02:06
troxorjedimind: btw, did you try using `iwconfig <interface> rate 54M` with the bcm43xx driver?02:06
jedimindi may even have a pcmcia linksys card laying around02:06
jedimindtroxor: yeah, no luck02:06
glitsj16Pulseaudio: the deb might be older, the updating is very up-to-date via cron (takes care of that itself after install), gdluck02:06
Pulseaudiothey don't update the f-prot's deb often... *sighs*02:06
Pulseaudiowhat's cron?02:06
Jack_Sparrowmysterioso /join #winehq02:07
Marty81mysterioso: I'd say you have to umount your CDROM drive first02:07
Pulseaudioglitsj16: so you mean all I have to do is install from .deb and it'll auto-update?02:07
Noxidehow do I run a .rpm files?02:07
StarnestommyPulseaudio: it schedules tasks02:07
Jack_SparrowNoxide not a good idea02:07
PulseaudioStarnestommy: oh ok02:07
TtechSorry! Sorry! I don't know what happened. :(  I seriously didn't mean to do that02:07
StarnestommyNoxide: you really should not use rpm02:07
pablomy ubuntu us not shutting down, does anybody have any idea on why? i have ubuntu 7.1002:07
ubot3`RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)02:07
TtechSorry! Sorry! I don't know what happened. :(  I seriously didn't mean to do that02:07
glitsj16pulseaudio: why update something that's rock-solid .. it's the defs that need updating and that's taken care of via cron, u don't even have to touch that ;)02:07
mysteriosoMarty81 how do I unmount my cdrom drive?02:07
NoxideThank you jack.02:08
TtechSo anyway02:08
Pulseaudioglitsj16: so there's no issue with installing from .deb then :)02:08
wheezepuppetcan anybody tell me what this means: "Unable to set 800 x 600 video: Couldn't find matching GLX visual" ?02:08
Jack_SparrowNoxide  get the tar and build it yourself02:08
glitsj16Pulseaudio: none that is know of no, Gdebi installer checks dependencies etc. if they might occur02:08
Pulseaudioglitsj16: no I mean due to an older version of the program02:08
PulseaudioSo you say I need to press alt+f2 to run it?02:09
n-iCehow can I watch .wmv videos i have tried everything!!02:09
Pulseaudio(that's quite odd...)02:09
Ashfire908Where would I go to get help with ubuntu and LTSP?02:09
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated.tnx.02:09
PulseaudioSweet, it's downloading the signatures as I install!02:10
Marty81mysterioso: either in the terminal: sudo umount /media cdrom or in your file browser Places/Computer right click your cdrom drive and select unmount02:10
NoxideJack: I have no idea how to do that! :D but, I am getting Irssi right now and maybe that will be a bit more user friendly02:10
JFactorI recently downloaded some updates for HArdy,  I now cannot get back to my original screen resolution and my restricted drivers are inactive, can some one help me out, this also happened to me before using gutsy, I was given a command line which allowed me to reset X or something, I was told to type it in and pray to the X gods, it gave me a blue screen and a bunch of res options it then fixed everything, does anyone know what this c02:10
n-iCehow can I watch .wmv videos i have tried everything!!02:10
NoxideWell, I installed irssi, but I have no idea how to run it02:10
xenosn-iCe: install smplayer02:11
Jack_Sparrown-iCe Ho;d down the repeats.. People see your question02:11
dimas869does anyone experience dpkg problem?02:11
Marty81mysterioso: sorry, typo: "umount /media/cdrom"02:11
DILStarnestommy: fyi the virtualbox hidden folder for was not deleted - deleted and it is working fine once again ty02:13
Jack_SparrowNoxide Which irc clients have you tried?02:13
JFactorCan someone please help me return my screen to normal? It is very disorienting02:13
ubot3`The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:13
Noxidepidgin, irssi, and i use MIRC on my windows boxes02:13
NoxideJack: pidgin, irssi, and i use MIRC on my windows boxes02:13
Jack_SparrowNoxide Try xchat or konversation02:13
Jack_Sparrowkvirc isnt bad02:13
spirplewtf is this02:14
spirplethis irc stuff02:14
Jack_SparrowNoxide FYI you can use tab key to complete my name02:14
troxorspirple: multiplayer notepad02:14
Jack_Sparrowspirple wtx is not allowed in here.. DId you have a ubuntu support question02:14
tj83spirple.... we dont care for "wt*" but anyways... IRC is internet relay chat... its from the day02:15
NoxideJack_Sparrow: sorry :(02:15
spirpleI didnt understand02:15
christefanohas anyone known ssl-blacklist to have false positives?02:15
spirpleyeh I have a problem with ubuntu02:15
spirpleI have an hp computer02:15
Jack_SparrowNoxide Sorry for what.. you are fine02:15
spirplebut ubuntu 6.01? doesnt seem to have the right drivers for it02:15
spirplethe display is 800x60002:15
spirplebut I have a 1280x1024 screen02:16
Jack_Sparrowspirple Get something more up to date..02:16
tj83spirple.. the current ver is 8.0402:16
Scunizispirple: ubuntu 6.01? get the latest 8.0402:16
bob__ i need help, i need to share a folder with xp, im using ubuntu server02:16
spirplealso there isnt an option to change02:16
n-iCexenos,  didn't work02:16
spirpleok ok02:16
Jack_Sparrowspirple sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:16
Marty81is there a way to change the graphic mode on the boot screen (w/ the ubuntu logo and the animated bar)?02:16
spirpleirc is weird02:17
spirpleespeciallly with pidgin02:17
Jack_SparrowMarty81 Yes...02:17
m11ubuntu boots into busybox  , can someone help with getting system back up ?02:17
Marty81Jack_Sparrow, how?02:17
Jack_Sparrowspirple Pidgin is a terrible irc client... try xchat or something like konversation02:17
randomwalkerhow do i install the firefox 3 rc02:17
* Surfer24 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks)02:17
bob__ i need help, i need to share a folder with xp, im using ubuntu server02:18
randomwalkeron hardy02:18
troxorbob__: you need samba ;)02:18
Jack_SparrowMarty81 vga= 791  Dont use that number but google that and modify your menu.lst02:18
Jack_Sparrow!samba | bob__02:18
ubot3`bob__: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:18
christefanohas anyone known ssl-blacklist to have false positives?02:18
troxorbob__: or winscp02:18
* DIL DIL cannot contain himself dur to the joy of a working VB02:19
Scunizichristefano: you might ask in #ubuntu-server02:19
Marty81Jack_Sparrow: ok... where do I change that setting?02:19
n-iCeHow do I enable to watch .wmv videos??02:20
aragorn_hi, all02:20
Jack_SparrowMarty81 I dont have time.. you can keep asking or google it up... it isnt hard /boot/grub/menu.lst02:20
aragorn_i'm a new member02:20
Cromag!hi | aragorn_02:20
ubot3`aragorn_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:21
aragorn_hi cromag02:21
bloodrockn=ice what player are you useing to try watching wmv's02:22
NoxideJack_Sparrow: So if I download the xChat sourcecode, can I use netbeans c++ compiler to make an executeable for Linux with it?02:22
n-iCebloodrock,  tottem02:22
Jack_SparrowNoxide Even easier   sudo apt-get install xchat  in a terminal02:22
NoxideJack_Sparrow: ohh nevermind, I saw the small text with "the compiling and installing info"02:23
mark5tHi guys02:23
StarnestommyNoxide: you can use the g++ compiler if xchat is c++, or gcc if it's c02:23
mark5tI have a sony vaio VGN-T37GP02:23
aragorn_i have 1 question for you02:23
ubot3`Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:23
mark5tI have install hardy but the sound is not working02:23
mark5tplease hep02:23
NoxideJack_Sparrow:wow that was way esier, is there a list of programs and stuff i can get like that somewhere02:23
aragorn_what download manager that support ubuntu02:23
Jack_SparrowNoxide go to applications.. accessories.. terminal  and type what I gave you02:23
NoxideJack_Sparrow: yeah I did that, its done.02:24
Jack_SparrowNoxide system... admin... synaptic02:24
n-iCehow can I install the icons like in mac?02:24
jedimindtroxor: okay so uhmm here's a question - i got a pcmcia wifi card, what do i have to do to get it to work? :)02:24
Jack_SparrowNoxide Come back on with xchat02:24
Jack_Sparrown-iCe I use cairo-dock02:25
nox_Jack_Sparrow, thank you :D02:25
Jack_Sparrownox_ A little better eh02:25
nox_this is a much better client then pidgin02:25
bloodrockn-ice get vlc player it supports wmv02:25
Noxidenow i dont have to keep MIRC up.02:25
Jack_Sparrowpidgin is really more for im02:25
n-iCebloodrock,  i did, didn't work though02:25
nox_Jack_Sparrow, yeah thats what i think too.02:25
jedimindJack_Sparrow: do you know how to get the userlist on the right hand side of xchat instead of the little button thing you have to click ?02:25
pablomy ubuntu us not shutting down, does anybody have any idea on why? i have ubuntu 7.1002:25
salvadoraghow are everbody?02:25
Starnestommyjedimind: use regular xchat instead of xchat-gnome02:26
bloodrockn-ice did you get the gstreamer codecs02:26
pablomy ubuntu is not shutting down, does anybody have any idea on why? i have ubuntu 7.1002:26
navetzcan someone please tell me how to restart my keyboard without restarting x02:26
htmljunkiehello all02:26
askreetpablo, When you click shutdown, what happens?  Nothing?  Back to desktop?  Freeze?02:26
n-iCebloodrock,  maybe not, how?02:26
Jack_Sparrowjedimind It is all in the settings...  Xchat has a room, which is where I learned what I know02:26
salvadoraghey pablo02:26
htmljunkieI am trying to install a soft focus filter for gimp, how would I do that?02:26
salvadoragcomo estas02:26
NegromancerI'm having trouble with the distro upgrade, is this the right channel?02:26
bloodrockn-ice add/remove02:26
Jack_Sparrowjedimind try /join #xchat02:26
askreetNegromancer,  I would think so.02:26
Eleafhow can I make a softlink to a directory?02:26
jedimindx-chat-gnome doesnt have that option though afaik - i checked everything; i'll try just xchat02:26
jribEleaf: same as a file.  How are you trying?02:27
EleafI did it before, but forgot how... ln -s directory linkeddirectory doesn't seem to work02:27
ubot3`The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:27
askreetEleaf,  You mean symlink?  Same as a file.02:27
pabloaskreet: thx for the answer. the system closes and goes black but doenst shut down, the same happens with restart and hibernate02:27
jedimindJack_Sparrow: i threw in a secondary wifi card (PCMCIA), what do i have to do to make it work ?02:27
TheSonOfMorgothhey guys, does anyone know why on my dual monitors, if i have my second monitor plugged in menus and right click on my first monitor are like 3 seconds slower....02:27
Eleafaskreet, doesn't work02:27
Eleafit creates a red file that I can't go into02:27
askreetEleaf,  Can you show me the full command you're trying.02:27
jribEleaf: pastebin your command and the output02:27
stroyannavetz: Keyboards don't normally need 'restarting'.  If you are typing without seeing reaction it may be an X server grab.  Try Esc.02:27
n-iCebloodrock,  si ya está instalado02:27
askreetEleaf,  try ls -lhtr it will show you where it's trying to point.  Likely you did it backwards.02:27
Jack_Sparrowjedimind You are asking me too late in the day.. night...02:27
pabloaskreet: somebody told me to check the logs but i dint find anything02:27
jedimindhaha np02:28
navetzstroyan; vmware stole my ctrl and shift keys02:28
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated.02:28
bloodrockn-ice sorry only speak english02:28
pabloaskreet: i mean i didnt find the logs for shutdown02:28
Eleafaskreet, and jrib oh it's working now...  I guess I have to specify the full directory name not just the relative directory02:28
NegromancerOK. Well, I start up the distro upgrade from update manager. It gets to "Fetching file 51 of 52" and just freezes with no network activity. It's not *frozen*, it's just doing nothing.02:28
jribEleaf: relative works too, if you do it right :)02:28
askreetEleaf, you can tottally do relative directory... :)02:28
n-iCebloodrock,  lol, sorry, yes, it is already installed, so?02:28
salvadoragpablo que cd tienes el de internet o el origial02:28
Jack_Sparrowm11 Is this a regular install or wubi or vm something?02:28
greenboxdoes anyone know of a way to extract XP drivers from an executable (i tried a resource editor, but i don't know enough about the PXE format) ?02:28
stroyannavetz: does ctrl-alt help?02:28
jrib!es | salvadorag02:28
ubot3`salvadorag: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:28
Negromancer!es | salvadorag02:28
bloodrockn-ice to get gstreamer codecs look in applications>add/remove02:28
WaxyFreshwhat locatoin shuold i mouunt an iso to if i want to to be read as being in teh cd drive?02:28
pablosalvadorag: regular02:28
Eleafthe two directories were ~/websites/ethansite and /var/www/website.com jrib and askreet02:28
TheSonOfMorgothhmmm well i dont know if its not a harddrive prob since ext3 is ubuntus file system or fs02:29
m11Jack_Sparrow: regular install on 2nd HDD02:29
htmljunkie I am trying to install a soft focus filter for gimp, how would I do that?its on my desktop02:29
navetzstroyan; nope02:29
n-iCedone bloodrock  it was already installed02:29
askreetEleaf, you may not be able to use the ~ in a symlink, I'm honestly not sure though?02:29
Jack_Sparrow!fsck | m1102:29
ubot3`m11: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot02:29
pablosalvadorag: i installed ubuntu 7.10 and make all the upgrades but i havent moved to hardy02:29
remuhey guys, I'm trying to get the usbvision driver installed for a dazzle dvc-80, I've never installed a driver before, does anyone know how I could go about doing this?02:29
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
askreetpablo,  Does typing "sudo poweroff" work in console.  That should power your computer down using ACPI -- the same way that the shutdown button would attempt, I'd think.02:29
Eleafaskreet, it's okay, but I was doing just websites/ethansite because I was in my home directory, for the link to work right, I have to specify ~ or /home/username02:29
m11Jack_Sparrow: i am ended in busybox , dont see fschk there02:30
bloodrockn-ice k have you tryed any of numerous other media players02:30
greenboxdoes anyone know of a way to extract XP drivers from an executable?02:30
n-iCebloodrock,  yes02:30
Jack_Sparrowm11 Run a livecd02:30
n-iCeI need codecs, no players, bloodrock02:30
salvadoragsorry pablo te veo en el de espanol02:30
askreetEleaf, you may have to specify relative path, a la ./websites/ethansite02:30
stroyannavetz: Maybe shift-ctrl-alt ???02:30
m11Jack_Sparrow: will do, be back soon02:30
red22how can i have ubuntu use the fglrx driver on both DISPLAY=:0 and DISPLAY=:1 ?02:31
WaxyFreshwhat is the path of my cdrom drive?02:31
Eleafaskreet, oh I didn't put the ./02:31
askreetWaxyFresh, try /media/cdrom.. I think that's right.02:31
navetzstroyan; nope, even closing vmware won't fix it.02:31
danbhfive!medibuntu > n-iCe02:31
htmljunkieanyone:  I am trying to install a soft focus filter for gimp, how would I do that?02:31
frsandstone77hey guys, anyone help me w/ vmware install?02:31
m11Jack_Sparrow: it is amd64 install, i guess i can use 32bit livecd to do sudo shutdown -F -r now ?02:32
n-iCedanbhfive,  what's that02:32
stroyannavetz: Once vmware is stopped you may be able to correct that with the xmodmap command.  But it may be complicated.02:32
frsandstone77i'm using this:http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/30/install-vmware-server-106-on-ubuntu-804-hardy/02:32
red22Jack_Sparrow: it seems i have fglrx on dsiplay 0 running fine, but all my windows are running on display 1, which is running mesa (logical displays i suppose, since i only have 1 monitor).  any ideas?02:32
frsandstone77as a reference02:32
bloodrockn-ice you sure you have gstreamer ffmpeg video plugin installed02:32
=== nox_ is now known as n0x
navetzstroyan; hum ok thnaks.02:32
detrateI'd just like to say, I choose ubuntu becaues I thought it would be a painless install... this proved to be untrue.  I'm now stuck between setting up GRUB to launch ubuntu or fixmbr/fixboot to run windows.02:32
stroyannavetz:   xmodmap -pm  will show the current modifier mappings.02:33
red22Jack_Sparrow: if i start video apps with DISPLAY=:0 app_name then the video is smooth but i have no window management on that window (no borders etc)02:33
jribhtmljunkie: usually it will have a README or INSTALL file with special instructions if they aren't the standad ones in the docs: http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-scripting.html#gimp-plugins-install02:33
frsandstone77anyone help me out here?02:33
FlannelWaxyFresh: the drive itself is /dev/sdX, depending on how many other drives you have02:33
=== n0x is now known as Noxide
n-iCethere is no ffmpeg , bloodrock02:33
askreetdetrate,  Any OS install can have complications, and Ubuntu is certainly not a perfect OS.  What happened, I'm sure we can help.02:33
jribfrsandstone77: best to just ask your question02:33
danbhfiven-iCe: check for a pm from ubotu02:33
brodyhey does anyone know about car modeling problems with Torcs?02:33
=== Noxide is now known as noxix
detrateFirst time I tried to install, I created a 30gb partition for windows and installed it02:33
navetzstroyan; what is a modifier mapping, i also see that shift lock control and mod[1-5] are in that list02:33
bloodrockn-ice i'm looking at in the add/remove right now02:33
frsandstone77question: i have gone through the process of downloading vmware and extracting it all throgh terminal using this site: ' http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/30/install-vmware-server-106-on-ubuntu-804-hardy/02:34
stroyannavetz: If that output doesn't show any keys mapped to 'shift' or 'control' that would be strong clue. ;-)02:34
detrateran the CD to use 'the largest unused space' and it installed without GRUB02:34
jedimindshould pcmcia hotswap be enabled by default in hardy ?02:34
bloodrockn-ice open your add/remove and do a search for gstreamer02:34
frsandstone77 I am now at a screen asking me this: In which directory do you want to install the binary files?  [/usr]02:34
frsandstone77what do i do?02:34
detratesame thing happened when I installed XP to the full partition and used the partitioner02:34
detrateno GRUB02:34
askreetdetrate,  The Ubuntu installation didn't install GRUB you mean?  Strange.02:34
navetzstroyan; it shows things mapped to shift lock and control02:34
detrateyes, twice02:34
detrateso I used a live CD to do it02:34
detratebut then I get the NTDLR error when I try to boot into windows02:35
n-iCebloodrock,  i told you, it is installed02:35
detrateso I can fix that by doing the fixmbr/fixboot commands but I loss ubuntu that way02:35
stroyannavetz: The modifier mapping sets a correspondence of keys to modifying attributes.  It sounds like vmware did not change that.  The trouble is elsewhere.02:35
Flannel!grub | detrate02:35
ubot3`detrate: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:35
askreetdetrate,  Are you in Ubuntu now?  Can you upload a copy of /boot/grub/menu.lst to a pastebin, such as pastebin.ca?02:35
Flanneldetrate: First link there02:35
navetzstroyan; humm ok, but this only happens when i run vmware.02:35
detrateI'll have to boot back in02:35
askreetFlannel,  I think that's the opposite of his problem, but it might help.02:36
bloodrockn-ice well the wmv should be working unless it is not a wmv???02:36
askreetSo you've already wiped Grub and are now on Windows?02:36
Flannelaskreet: Well, he reinstalled the windows bootloader, so he needs to do that to get stage1 back.02:36
=== Qtpaxa is now known as Qtpaxa\Aek
stroyannavetz: xmodmap -pke | grep -i shift would show if any keycodes are mapped to the Shift_[LR] keysyms.02:36
askreetFlannel, right, I misunderstood that, you're right :P02:36
detrateI did that grub thing02:36
Flannelaskreet: Well, sounds like he's got stage2 problems too, so you were correct as well.02:36
detrateit gives me an NTLDR error for booting windows though02:36
askreetwe both win! :D02:36
bloodrockn-ice other option would be to do a reinstall of gstreamer ffmpeg video plugin?02:37
detrateyes, no grub right now02:37
detrateusing windows bootloader02:37
n-iCedanbhfive,  done, now?02:37
askreetdetrate,  I'm lost, where are you now?02:37
HG1Using the Ubuntu file search tool, does it only search in your home directory?02:37
red22where does ubuntu start compiz at startup by default pls?02:37
detrateI'm using windows bootloader - I'm on my laptop02:37
askreetOh okay, great, not the same PC that makes life easier.02:37
navetzstroyan; it says keycode 50 is mapped to shift-l02:37
detratebooting my desktop off the live cd now02:37
danbhfiven-iCe: whats up?  You installed medibuntu?  install the wmv codecs02:37
askreetSo.. reinstall Grub and get us the menu.lst contents.  Likely that menu.lst is broken.  I find it hard to believe that NTLDR is truely missing.02:38
n-iCedanbhfive,  yeah, will sudo apt-get update and upgrade work?02:38
bcl1713red22: should be in sessions02:38
navetzstroyan; keycode 62 is mapped to shift-r02:38
greenboxdoes anyone know of a way to extract XP wireless drivers from an executable, the ones that ship with ubuntu are horribly slow and the ones i can find for XP all come within an executable?02:38
Pulseaudioabout f-prot, how do I use it bcl1713 ?02:38
askreetMan Hydra IRC is nice (Windows) but I can't find the option for name highlighting, it's annoying.02:38
stroyannavetz: I don't think there are any more standard X11 settings that would be stealing away the shift key effect then.  I am out of ideas for now.02:38
tj83red22.... did you install compiz-settings-manager?02:38
navetzstroyan; alrght thanks02:38
HG1Does anyone know how to set the Ubuntu search tool to index/search the whole root file system, not just the home directory?02:39
MikeJCaThis the place for Hardy woes, or is there a better channel?02:39
bcl1713Pulseaudio: I don't know anything about f-prot02:39
Pulseaudiodang, must've been the wrong guy then02:39
bcl1713Pulseaudio: its cool.02:39
DizzyDHey everyone02:39
danbhfiven-iCe: sudo aptitude install non-free-codecs02:39
Dr_willisgreenbox,  you are are atempting to use the ndiswrapper tools with a windows driver? Often you can track down the specific windows parts allready unarchived on the internet.    thats about all i know on the topic. YOu could try the 'cabextract' tool to unpack the exe archive.02:39
tj83bcl1713.... i dont have compiz in sessions... but it starts at start-up02:39
Pulseaudiosomeone recommended me f-prot earlier on as an antivirus, I forgot to enable logging so I can't check who02:39
greenboxDr_willis: thanks for the advice02:40
bcl1713tj83: try in preferences -> apperance02:40
bcl1713tj83: in the effects tab make it "none"02:40
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. i tried run sudo shutdown -F -r with livecd but same result after reboot. any help is really appriciated.02:41
tj83bcl1713... mine works perfectly.. i was saying in regards to red2202:41
n-iCedanbhfive,  done, now?02:41
bcl1713red22: if its not there try in apperance under "visual effects" and make it none.02:41
emilyany docs on getting vmware 1.0.5 working with ubuntu 8.04? or should I use a different version of VMWare? I'm having a heck of a time -- Feels like i'm back to using Gentoo :-p02:41
danbhfiven-iCe: done02:41
n-iCedanbhfive,  didn't work02:42
askreetHey i think I fixed it, can someone type my nick in a message?02:42
bcl1713askreet what's up?02:42
askreetUgh, I fixed it but it's freakin' yellow on white.02:42
detratejust did the grub thing again...02:42
bcl1713askreet: lol02:42
danbhfiven-iCe: well, im afraid I dont know whats broken.  I saw you asked how to install wmv codecs, and thats how..  : (02:42
askreetbcl1713, If you could do that again, I'd appreciate it :)02:42
jedimindok so i have an internal wifi card that works just fine, and i pluged in a second pcmcia card but i dont know how to get it working? there's an indicator that its got power but it doesnt seem to be getting installed or anything, any ideas?02:43
jrib!who | frsandstone7702:43
ubot3`frsandstone77: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:43
bcl1713askreet: no problem02:43
red22bcl1713: compiz is working, i just get choppy video and effects, and 3d games are a slide show bc the default display is running mesa drivers... if i send the video to display=:0 then things run smoothly (but no window manager)02:43
emilyor has anyone gotten vmware to work? I've been through the any-any 116 patch and it doesn't completely solve the problem. now it's giving me errors when I actually try to start the VM?02:43
askreetNow it's broken again.02:43
n-iCedanbhfive,  well but why i can't see videos yet?02:43
detratelast time it wrote (hd1,4) even though I said (hd0,4)... I had to do -> update-grub (because menu.lst didn't exist) and manually edit it02:43
MikeJCaemily, according to some kubuntu mailing list, there isn't a fix for vmware yet02:43
danbhfiven-iCe: i dont know, can you give a link?02:43
ubot3`Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:43
askreetUgh this is a buggy build is the issue.02:43
TZMjedimind: And out of curiosity, why would you need/want two wireless cards?02:43
jrib!vmware > frsandstone77 (read the private message from ubottu)02:43
emilyMikeJCa: ahh..that answers it. Is there a way I can get an older version of ubuntu server that works with VMWare?02:44
askreetTZM, I know what my guess is.02:44
charlie5hi folks, i'm actually on kubu, i hope it's ok to ask here (i can't find an answer on #kubu) ...02:44
troxorjedimind: just plug it in :P02:44
jedimindTZM: my internal one is using ndiswrapper and i want the secondary one to use a native driver so i can use some networking tools02:44
WaxyFreshhow do i test to see if i have opengl working?02:44
jedimindtroxor: i did but it doesnt seem to be doing anything?02:44
MikeJCaI'd be interested if anyone has any further information on vmware and hardy02:44
Wass|hi; I'm trying to execute my command on a cron job but i'ts not working....  if i type it on the bash prompt it works correctly.. whats wrong with it.. 16 21 * * *  tar -cvzf /var/www/backups/`date '+%F'`.rfsqlbkp.tar /home/realfta.com/rfsqlbkp/200*-*02:44
troxorjedimind: what does `dmesg | tail` say after you plug it in?02:44
josspykerTZM: one in monitor mode the other one managed02:44
askreetMikeJCA, Sorry if i'm missing parts of this converstaion but I've used VMWare on Hardy.02:45
askreetMaybe I can help?02:45
jribfrsandstone77: I install custom things to /usr/local, but check those links I sent first02:45
jedimind[  506.223707] pccard: CardBus card inserted into slot 002:45
emilyaskreet: I can't start the VM, and I'm not really getting an error. I've applied the any any 116...02:45
TZMjossspyker: Ah yes, for "aircracking" and "kiismetting" and all that other fun promiscuous stuff... :)02:45
askreetWass|,  Worth noting, cron jobs are run in /bin/sh by default -- try it there.02:45
charlie5my prob is installing nvidia drivers via the resticted modules panel icon, after a fresh install of hardy ... the X would not start since nvidia wasn't setup correctly by the restrcited drivers package (it seems)02:45
troxorjedimind: that's it?02:45
MikeJCaaskreet, I wish, vmware doesn't start, the vmnet module won't load02:46
josspykerTZM: yes02:46
troxorjedimind: what card/revision is it?02:46
askreetemily,  If you do lsmod|grep vm do you see 4 or 5 vmware modules running?02:46
jedimindits a linksys WPC11 rev 402:46
askreetMikeJCa,  Any error when it tries to load?02:46
nanoprobehow to check md5 checksum in ubuntu, which application should i use?02:46
emilyaskreet: I see two. vmnet and vmmon02:46
MikeJCaaskreet, See this link; http://www.nabble.com/Hardy-Upgrade-Killed-vmware-server-td17149302.html02:46
emilyi'm trying the 117 patch now02:47
troxorjedimind: according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys, all you need is the rtl8180 module02:47
TZMnanoprobe: use "md5sum" command.02:47
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. i tried run sudo shutdown -F -r with livecd but same result after reboot. any help is really appriciated.02:48
nanoprobeTZM: htx02:48
askreetMikeJCa & emily,  I just realized the box I have VMWare on hasn't been upgraded to Hardy yet, apologies.  I guess I'll hold back, huh?  I am running VMWare Workstation 6.5 Beta on Hardy at work though... I'm sure that's different :)02:48
jedimindmodprobe -v rtl818002:48
jedimind ?02:48
troxorjedimind: yep02:48
jedimindFATAL: Module rtl8180 not found.02:48
detrate-desktopaskreet: can you take a look at my menu.lst ?02:48
cyphaseooohhhhhhh, Nautilus' audio preview feature works out of the box in hardy02:48
josspykerjedimind: lol02:49
cyphasei hope it's not calling some command line program..02:49
jedimindi just cant win02:49
emilyaskreet: augh ok02:49
noxixWhat is a good enviroment in which to emulate windows on UBUNTU?02:49
ubot3`some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b02:50
m11noxix, virtualbox02:50
Flanneldetrate-desktop: Where is your NTFS drive?  your first harddrive?02:50
jedimindnoxix: irtualbox02:50
detrate-desktop/dev/sda1   *           1        5150    41367343+   7  HPFS/NTFS02:50
noxixthanks :)02:50
tj83might help02:50
noxixm11: is there an APT for that?02:50
nanoprobeTZM: can you reveal me syntax for md5sum command ? :)02:50
Flanneldetrate-desktop: Right.  Alright, remove the two map lines in that menu.lst02:50
cjonesi just installed 8.04 server ed when i try to boot it i get this error "this kernel requires the following fetures not present on the cpu : 0:6 unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu"   what do i do ?02:50
m11noxix yes02:50
troxortj83: oof, nasty solution :\02:51
tj83troxor... sorry.. its nasty for sure02:51
m11noxix: use synaptic to load kernel modules also02:51
jedimindlsusb doesnt see the card02:51
detrateanything else?02:51
Flanneldetrate-desktop: those would be lines 160 and 16102:51
nanoprobecjones: are you sure you downloaded proper version?02:51
Flanneldetrate-desktop: No, tht'll do it.02:51
noxixm11, i dont know wat that means02:51
cjonesi am perty sure02:51
tj83its the only thing that works for that card... i missed the start of the subject02:51
detrate-desktopwish me luck :)02:51
jedimindor is lsusb for internal cards only02:51
cjonesnanoprobe you think i might have got x64?02:51
m11noxix: system>administration>synaptic package manager02:51
TZMnanoprobe: Just "md5sum /<path to file>/filename", or change into the directory it is in and "md5sum filename".02:51
slewdoes anyone know if linux has something like pro tools, or a music creation app02:51
troxorjedimind: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/+bug/184788  :(02:51
ubot3`Malone bug 184788 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "rtl8180 and rtl818x disabled in kernel Makefile" [High,Incomplete]02:52
nanoprobecjones: yes, probably02:52
Flannelslew: It does.  Check out Ubuntu Studio02:52
josspykerjedimind: google02:52
cjonesnanoprobe it says i386.iso ?02:52
noxixm11, thanks :)02:52
cjonesnanoprobe i have a cel 1.602:52
detratethanks askreet, it appears to be working :)02:52
slewFlannel, thanks02:52
m11noxix: nps02:52
nanoprobecjones: maybe it will not work on cel ... check CPU requirement for that version02:53
Arrick_Schoolhow do I copy an audio CD via terminal in 8.04?02:53
vladhey ppl02:53
nanoprobeTZM: thank you02:53
Flannelslew: and, you can always just install the specific apps, you don't need to go and install all of Ubuntu studio if you don't want to.02:53
slewFlannel, sweet, thanks! i'll go and research it now02:53
vladcan somebody help me with ati drivers on debian installation?02:53
dimas869could someone tell me some info i need from /var/lib/dpkg/status ?....i need someone to have a look on a particular line02:53
noxixm11, what do you think virtualwin would be listed under?02:53
tj83jedimind.... what is the output of lsusb for realtek line?02:53
troxortj83: it's a pcmcia card, iirc02:54
m11noxix: search> virtualbox02:54
tj83troxor... ok... nm... sorry..02:54
mysteriosoI am trying to run the orange box, and it is telling me to update my video drivers.  How do I find out what type of video card I am using?   And how do I get drivers for it?02:54
codecainevirtualbox owns02:54
jedimindlsusb just says ID 000:000 for all instances02:54
codecaineI got it to bridge to :)02:54
jedimind0000:0000 that is02:54
noxixm11, man, im dumb.02:54
tj83jedimind.... nm02:54
eadzI've recently upgraded to 8.0.4 and now it seems that firefox blocks any sound? This is on 2 different computers with different hardware and sound cards...02:54
troxorjedimind: lspci should show it02:54
m11noxix: search button , type :virtualbox02:54
noxixm11, i assume i just want the ose - binaries?02:55
jedimindah yeah its there troxor02:55
anonymous__hi i have a problem, my wireless network icon in the notification area is telling me i'm connected to 'unknown' when actually i'm connected to <my home network ssid>, firestarter is telling me wlan0 is on my network, but suddenly another connection 'wmaster' has appeared - connected to a connection called 'unknown'... wtf is this?02:55
=== DBLobster is now known as U09526
Flannel!nvidia | mysterioso02:55
ubot3`mysterioso: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:55
m11noxix:  and kernel modules02:55
mysteriosoflannel thanks02:55
troxorjedimind: it shows up as an 8180 ?02:55
jedimindactualy 8180L02:56
dimas869troxor could you tell me something from your file i need to know on /var/lip/dpkg/status a particular line02:56
jedimindrev 2002:56
TZManonymous__: I've seen that problem before, and it is a harmless bug involving the kernel that you don't need to worry about. Just ignore the wmaster interface.02:57
noxixm11, ok, i have the binary one and the kernel module source. do i need any others?02:57
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. i tried run sudo shutdown -F -r with livecd but same result after reboot. any help is really appriciated.02:57
troxordimas869: shoot02:57
m11noxix: try it02:57
Jangariwho knows about how to set up a drop-box on a server and give it a share point?02:57
mysteriosoMy restricted drivers manager says that it has the video driver.  I have an Nvidia Gforce 4 TI 460002:57
mysteriosois there a way to get a newer driver?02:58
troxorjedimind: perhaps this driver's worth a try- it'll probably be nasty to set up, though.02:58
troxorjedimind: http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Main_Page02:58
noxixkk :D02:58
dimas869troxor look for "4194304:" and tell me whats after the ":"02:58
cjoneswhere can i download older versions of ubuntu server ?02:59
Flannelcjones: Which version?02:59
askreetI think all mirrors still have isos, one second.02:59
cjoneslike 7.x02:59
troxordimas869: I don't have that string in that file- what were you looking for?02:59
Flannelcjones: releases.ubuntu.com (but yeah, all mirrors will have it)02:59
askreetfor example: http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/02:59
askreethas back to 6.0602:59
askreetbut use whatever mirror is near you03:00
MikeJCacjones: why are you going back to an older version?03:00
dimas869troxor i am having this error message...Dpkg: error of processing, in the card index `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near the line 26987 package `glchess' : error in the chain `Version' `4194304:' : there is nothing after the two points in the number of version AND: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned go error code (2)03:00
troxordimas869: was apt/dpkg interrupted while installing/removing?03:00
Odd-rationalehow do you copy directories that contains symbolic links? i've tried cp -rfd and -rfp but neither worked...03:00
cjonesi want to try an olderversion because i haveing trouble with 8.04 with my cpu03:00
dimas869troxor dont remember03:00
amrikwhats the command to see whats bound on a port?03:01
askreetor netstat -anp03:01
troxordimas869: can you pastebin the section of the file around line 26987, what it's complaining about?03:01
red22does the fglrx in ubuntu 8.04 supports aiglx, or needs xgl pls ?03:01
ScuniziJust installed Hardy on a friends computer and on the initial reboot everything stops at "Grub loading stage1.5".. No dual boot clean install. Sata drive (1 only) .. Any suggestions?03:01
dimas869troxor but like the error massage said there is nothing after the ":"03:01
jedimindtroxor:  "The ieee80211 Stack is also in the newer Linux mainline kernel, but it isn't compatible with the version used for the rtl-wifi project yet. It has to be deleted before insmodding the modules into the kernel. "03:02
troxordimas869: it's probably got a bad version string on that line, and barfs when it doesn't understand it03:02
jedimindwill that mess up my other wifi card ?03:02
dimas869troxor should i just delete it then?03:02
troxorjedimind: hrm, probably... can't say for sure, I don't have much experience with rtl* cards03:02
ubot3`grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:03
troxordimas869: eh, it would probably be better to fix it- what's in /var/lib/dpkg/status-old ?03:03
troxordimas869: you can run vimdiff on the two files, to see what's changed03:03
Pulseaudiogrub is colloquial for food!03:03
Ububeginwhere can we find (device manager) or something close, ... i want to know my comp's memory and CPU speed03:03
askreetScunizi,  Try running through the stuff listed when I typed !grub, it will reinstall the grub bootloader, check for errors when you do the steps..03:03
szx0Can anyone link me to a tutorial on how to install custom icons?03:03
dimas869troxor vimdiff?03:03
Scuniziaskreet: already looking at it..03:04
PulseaudioUbubegin: add/remove, install sysinfo03:04
PulseaudioUbubegin: it's kinda nice03:04
jedimindhow do i check what modules are currently loaded ?03:04
troxordimas869: or whatever you'd like to use to view differences between files03:04
Flanneljedimind: lsmod03:04
askreetkernel modules? lsmod03:04
troxordimas869: or you can just move the files around, e.g. status -> status.borked, and status-old -> status03:04
sgmadisoni have downloaded ubuntu-desktop it installs fine but after the loading screen goes to a black screen, same from livecd - this is an optiplex 745 that has installed debian and linuxmint just fine - any ideas? I've been trying to get it going for 3 days, i'm a little lost as to why debian boots fine, as does linuxmint (which is based on ubuntu? or debian at least)03:04
PulseaudioUbubegin: also you may go to system->administration->system monitor03:04
troxordimas869: but do keep a copy of both around, just in case03:04
Pulseaudiobut I kinda like Sysinfo for things like finding out what the specs of your pc is, etc03:05
sgmadisonnote that if i install ubuntu-server, it loads fine, it's obviously an issue with gnome or x03:05
dimas869troxor how i move them?03:05
troxordimas869: sudo mv03:05
HG1Has anyone here installed Drupal on Ubuntu 8.04?03:05
troxordimas869: or sudo cp03:05
UbubeginPulseaudio: i am dl the sysinfo... now... thanks03:05
dimas869troxor where should i find the old one?03:05
troxordimas869: the same directory, /var/lib/dpkg03:06
askreetsgmadison,  It's probably some X option that video card doesn't like -- reboot the CD again and check the list of boot options, theres one for a 'safe video mode', though I dont recall what it is.03:06
sgmadisonaskreet - thanks i'll try that03:06
askreetsgmadison, np mate, let us know how it goes.03:06
dimas869troxor should i just switch the names then?03:06
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. i tried run sudo shutdown -F -r with livecd but same result after reboot. any help is really appriciated.03:06
frsandstone77Question: when installing virtualbox I get the following critical Error:  Failed to Create the Virtualbox COM object.  The application will now terminate. Could not load the settings file '/home/jonathan/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml' (VERR_OPEN_FAILED). FATAL ERROR: Attribute 'version' has a value, '1.3-linux', that does not match its #FIXED value, '1.2-linux' Location: '/home/jonathan/.VirtualBox/V03:07
frsandstone77irtualBox.xml', line 3, column 83.   Result Code:  0x80004005 Component:  VirtualBox Interface:  IVirtualBox {76b25f3c-15d4-4785-a9d3-adc6a462beec}03:07
jbroomepaste fail03:07
PulseaudioUbubegin: tell me if it does the job.03:07
frsandstone77sorry, when starting virtualbox*03:07
frsandstone77i already installed03:07
frsandstone77using this as reference: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77074503:07
askreetfrsandstone77, When you're going to paste something liket hat, use a pastebin service, it's totally unreadable in here.  Try http://www.pastebin.ca/03:07
troxordimas869: cp both to your homedir, just in case, then switch them like I said above03:08
frsandstone77any ideas on my problem though?03:08
askreetfrsandstone77, yeah just reading it... did you upgrade virtualbox?03:08
m_newtonJust wondering, is it possible to install cain + able on hardy???03:08
glickhey anyone else have any problem with brasero03:08
glickin that it kicks the bucket at 99%03:09
glickis there another good burner i can use in gnome?03:09
frsandstone77fresh install03:09
askreetfrsandstone77, Something wierd with your configuration file, if you haven't done anything, try moving the config folder and relaunching.  mv ~/.VirtualBox ~/.VirtualBoxBroken03:09
askreetthen see if it does the same thing.03:09
UbubeginPulseaudio: yeah, it does a good job.. How about adding the storage info also , cos currently i cant be able to see the hard disk's size03:09
jedimindsweet, we have a winner i think03:09
sgmadisonaskreet: use safe video mode produces an interesting result, it loads to a very artifact infested screen, gets a busy cursor, and then goes completely white - with the cursor still visible and active03:10
m_newton<glick> did u try the default cd/ dvd burner03:10
frsandstone77sorry, try doing what?03:10
glickanyone havin any problems burning large data disk?03:10
frsandstone772nd day w/ ubuntu03:10
QueRicoMateim using ubuntu and i cant install gujin on a dvd? can some one help me???03:10
glickm_newton, whats the default dvd burner?03:10
askreetsgmadison, Wow.  What kinda system again?03:10
sgmadisonaskreet: however while I was typing that, it looks like xserver restarted and i'm on the desktop now - if I install how do I enable whatever this did?03:10
[RICE]Does anybody know the way to make Tint Task Manager stay on the top layer?03:10
sgmadisonaskreet: an optiplex 745, intel 975G chipset/onboard video if i'm not mistaken, I've nveer had an issue with it under windows or any other linux distro before03:10
askreetsgmadison,  I *think* whatever boot options you use on the cd are propogated to the installation.  I remember having to use a certain flag for a laptop and the issue never occured in the installed copy.03:10
bcl1713grndslm: hey.. just wanted to let you know I've been playing with a program called TestDisk which seems to have located a backup superblock for the ext3 filesystem that I SHOULD be able to use to recover the partition table!!!03:10
m_newton<glick>what are you trying to burn exactly03:10
askreetsgmadison, Pretty recent chipset, this is Hardy?03:11
sgmadisonaskreet: correct03:11
glickm_newton, some .avi and .mpg files that i want to be able to open on windows03:11
m_newtonQuestion to all:Just wondering, is it possible to install cain + able on hardy???03:11
sgmadisonaskreet: 8.04, downloaded and burned yesterday03:11
askreetsgmadison,  Wierd.  I've never used it on that chipset, I wonder if it's a chipset-specific bug.03:11
sgmadisonaskreet: well, the last time I burned it was yesterday, I thought maybe something was wrong with the CD03:11
sgmadisonaskreet: I've googled and found other people reporting the issue as far back as the GX260 on gutsy gibbon, but it looks like anytime someone fixes it they never say how...03:11
m_newton<glick> gimi a sec03:12
askreetsgmadison, Anyway, whatever flag you booted with could be appended to the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to produce the same result, theoretically.  I think the installation LiveCD is the same kernel.03:12
dimas869troxor you still there?03:12
askreetpipegeek, Hi there.03:12
vadi2Does anyone know the name of the app that opens when you press alt+f2?03:12
sgmadisonaskreet: I'm going to try enabling the safe video mode and installing, I'll report back about how ti goes =P03:12
pipegeekaskreet: hi :)03:12
troxordimas869: yep03:13
pipegeekJust booted a system for the first time in a few months, and decided to upgrade gutsy -> hardy.  Resolved all outstanding package updates, rebooted (new kernel), then waited for the "you've got updates!" icon to appear in my system tray03:13
Soulwarpim using xchat. does anyone use other irc clients?03:13
pipegeekonly, it didn't.  So, how do I kick off the upgrade, if ubuntu doesn't think there are any updates waiting for me?03:13
askreetsgmadison, For the record, I think safe video mode uses the Xorg "vesa" driver instead of autodetecting nvidia, nv, radeon, intel, etc.  I'm guessing the chipset would autodetect intel and try that.03:13
dimas869troxor could you explain me what is it i need to do?03:13
SirBob1701can anyone recommend a really customizable terminal that supports transparency and possible no file menu?03:14
Soulwarpfrsandstone77, [RICE] thx03:14
askreetpipegeek, gnome-terminal supports all that.03:14
vadi2SirBob1701: gnome-terminal supports transparency03:14
askreetvadi2 & SirBob1701, and no file menu.03:14
frsandstone77soulwarp: no problem03:14
troxordimas869: `sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status{,-broken}; sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status{-old,}`03:14
pipegeekaskreet: heh, I think you meant to direct that to SirBob170103:14
[RICE]@SirBob1701, xfce4-terminal is pretty good (and doesn't actually need xfce4 to work)03:14
askreetpipegeek,  Haha, sure did.03:14
glickstill ther m_newton ?03:14
sgmadisonaskreet: honestly, this is for a little 'rack' of 12 optiplex's, I wanted to try something besides debian, I like having a gui environment instead of just staring at terminals when i play with them, but once they're set up I really just remote desktop in with vnc03:15
pipegeeksorry, I type slower than I think03:15
m_newton<glick>yup trying to find the app in the menu03:15
pipegeekBut how do I explicitly start the ubuntu upgrade tool?03:15
askreetsgmadison,  Then vesa is fine ;).  I can't say I agree with you though, I usually roll out ubuntu-server on .. uh.. servers :)03:15
danbhfivepipegeek: update-manager -d03:15
dolphin_noelsomeone knows how can i read .ape sound files in ubuntu?103:15
dimas869troxor i am going to copy and paste that on the terminal is that ok?03:15
troxordimas869: it should be ok, yes03:15
=== cygoku is now known as Cygoku
troxordimas869: nobody's yelled at me yet ;)03:15
pipegeekdanbhfive: my thanks03:15
jedimindtroxor: sweet it sees the card now but the connection is wonky, it has 100% signal then drops to 0 and it keeps doing that03:16
askreetdolphin_noel,  one second, I think I've seen this somewhere.03:16
dimas869troxor  lol03:16
m_newton<glick>try this, insert the disk03:16
pipegeekhaha, there it is in the system menu03:16
|thunderhardy sucks,, it runs like crap03:16
sgmadisonaskreet: I'm just not totally comfortable with my terminal skills yet, I use the terminal alot, but for some things I'm just not "there" yet03:16
pipegeekI'm a doof03:16
dolphin_noelaskreet :)03:16
SirBob1701[RICE]: thanks03:16
pipegeek|thunder: in what sense?03:16
troxorjedimind: hmm.. anything in dmesg/logs?03:16
amrikI have this apache2 process that don't die. Any ideas?03:16
[RICE]@SirBob1701, No problem ^^03:16
m_newton<glick>and right click on it and tell me what you see in the open with collem03:16
|thunderpipegeek;   ubuntu has gotten progressivley slower since dapper. especially when trying to play any game.03:16
powertoo108say you have a 10mb down connection, you can't actually download at that can you?03:17
|thunder*3d game03:17
troxorjedimind: tail -f /var/log/daemon.log can be helpful with networkmanager03:17
pipegeekis it just gnome?03:17
troxorjedimind: and watch -n .5 "dmesg | tail"03:17
pipegeekthat just hasn't been my experience03:17
glickm_newton, open with brazero or cd/dvd creator03:17
jedimindJun  1 22:15:33 lappy NetworkManager: <info>  Deactivating device wlan1.03:17
jedimindJun  1 22:15:37 lappy NetworkManager: <WARN>  request_and_convert_scan_results(): card took too much time scanning.  Get a better one.03:17
m_newton<glick>try cd/dvd creator03:17
|thunderWhats the proper way to remove all the nvidia restricted drivers and modules so I can install my own ?03:17
troxorjedimind: lmao, it told you ;)03:18
amrikI have this apache2 process that won't die. Any ideas on how to get rid of it, its bound on port 443 and I need that port03:18
Soulwarp|thunder, try xubuntu if you want speedy system03:18
m_newton<glick>if not look in synaptics for iso master03:18
m_newton<glick>if not look in synaptics for dvd or cd03:18
Scunizireinstalled grub on fresh install of Hardy, everything stops on boot displaying GRUB Loading stage1.5.. nothing after that.03:18
sgmadisonaskreet: are you familiar at all with dhcpd?03:18
m_newton<glick>sry brb got to go eat03:18
|thunderSoulwarp; is it obsurd to think that hurdy should be as fast as dapper on the same hardware ?03:18
dimas869troxor yesssss is dpkg03:18
navetzhey guys my super key stoped working, I accidently changd my keyboard layout andI don't know how to fix it.03:18
navetzcan someone help me fix it.03:19
jedimindthat rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/installing page only apparently supports 8187 and 8185, though it uses the 8180 driver to do so03:19
Scuniziaskreet: any other suggestions? with grub that is?  after reinstall still stuck in the same place03:19
askreetdolphin_noel,  I found what I was looking for but it's specific to Dapper.  Have you installed the -bad and -ugly plugin packages for gstreamer?03:19
m_newton<glick>the command for cd/dvd burner by the way is nautilus-cd-burner03:19
Infinito_just killing it via shell works for you amrik  ?03:19
Soulwarp|thunder, they have made some changes to the interface03:19
Infinito_(the process)03:19
m_newton<glick>bye brb03:19
JFactorThat command and site did not work03:19
askreetScunizi,  You booted off the livecd and reinstalled grub, any errors during the process?03:19
JFactorI am still stuck in 800x600 resolution03:19
Scuniziaskreet: nope.. smooth as silk.03:19
dolphin_noelaskreet i allready try it nathing :x03:20
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated.03:20
amrikInfinito_: no, sudo kill -9 wont kill it, and its STAT isnt zombie03:20
dimas869troxor thanks03:20
askreetdolphin_noel,  There are a few people on google that have compiled it themselves, but many have poor results.  I would look to see if there is a beep-media-player or XMMS plugin for it.03:20
troxordimas869: no problem03:20
danbhfivem11: have you tried a clean install?03:20
dimas869troxor i gt restart03:20
spsneohow to get screenshots of boot process?03:21
askreetScunizi, very wierd.  It's stuck at stage1.5 right?03:21
ubot3`I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)03:21
|thunderSoulwarp; its still gnome, and im not talking about compiz. that is tuned off and metacity is running03:21
Scuniziaskreet: yep03:21
ubot3`The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:21
m11danbhfive: u recomend to reinstall ?03:21
jedimindtroxor: so im basically SOL ?03:21
Scuniziaskreet: maybe something with splash? acpi? .. never had a machine do this to me.03:21
danbhfivem11: well, you are saying hardware failure, did you fix that?03:21
spsneohow to get screenshots of install process03:21
dolphin_noelaskreet hum :x ok i will try this to thank you :)03:21
amenadoJFactor-> i just went through the hazzle, i have to delete my ~/.gconfd  ~/.gconf .nautilus .ICEauthority03:21
troxorjedimind: sort of, the options are getting more painful03:22
brodyhey does anyone know about a sizing problem running ubuntu on a ps3?  I can't complete the install because it won't resize03:22
m11danbhfive: hardware error fixed, dead cooler on chipset03:22
Soulwarp|thunder, i have also noticed a strange slow down coming from feisty, im not sure why03:22
Infinito_I have to step out for a while03:22
Soulwarp|thunder, im using hardy now03:22
spsneohow to get screenshots of install process03:22
brodyresize the window I mean03:22
dimas869troxor one more question...it wont hurt if i just keep the old status file?03:22
askreetScunizi,  I'm afraid I'm out of ideas.  Have you tried kicking the tower?03:23
jedimindcrap im so close i cant give up now, it scans for networks fine but its just reall unstable03:23
danbhfivem11: well, either it permanently damaged your mobo, or corrupted some data on your harddrive, am I right?03:23
pipegeekI have never, ever, had an ubuntu upgrade go smoothly.  And I've been here since warty!03:23
pipegeekupgrade tool just crashed03:23
troxordimas869: nah, it'll probably get overwritten later03:23
Scuniziaskreet: since it isn't mine.. no I just threw it 1/2 mile back to the owner :)03:23
Soulwarpspsneo, only way i figured out how to take a screen shot of an install process is virtualization such as Virtualbox03:23
dimas869troxor ok03:23
pipegeekOK, so that wasn't a very helpful thing for me to say ;)03:23
indioWhy does xterm doesn't read .profile ?03:23
askreetpipegeek,  Did you fully upgrade the OS on the current revision first?03:23
askreetpipegeek, also, remind me, gutsy -> hardy?03:24
m11danbhfive: it just cant boot into system, rest is working ok03:24
pipegeekupgrade window stopped responding, doesn't redraw itself, isn't taking any cpu03:24
deviantintegralanyone here using an nforce4 motherboard and finding the sound to be really quiet in 8.04? I've got the sound maxed in alsamixer, in mythtv, and am piping video through an audio normalizer, but it is still about half of the volume of my nforce3 based system03:24
danbhfivem11: but did you follow my logic?03:25
indioDoes xterm have to read ~/profile ?03:25
mooGirlindio, NFC, man03:25
m11danbhfive: some data got corupted03:26
askreetpipegeek, Did you run it from a console?  Any output?03:26
danbhfivem11: hopefully, thats the case, and a clean install should fix that03:26
askreetsgmadison,  Are you on the installed system?03:26
pipegeekaskreet: I'm a dipsh*t.  backgrounded it and closed the terminal03:26
danbhfivem11: do you have a separate /home partition?03:26
noxixm11,  that works thank you03:26
m11np noxix03:26
noxixwhats a good winamp like mp3 player for ubuntu?03:26
askreetpipegeek, Haha, kill it and run again, check for errors :P03:26
m11danbhfive: OS works03:27
askreetsgmadison-ub, Nice.03:27
m11danbhfive: it is just not loading03:27
sgmadison-ubaskreet: that was an easy fix, I feel kind of silly03:27
pipegeek:-\  Last time I did that (different box) it decided that it was already upgraded, and refused to run.  Took me two hours of fiddling to make the thing go, and then it delivered me a broken install03:27
brodynoxix- banshee03:27
pipegeekwellp, nothing for it03:27
m11danbhfive: EXT3-fs error and groupd size description03:27
askreetsgmadison-ub, That's a nice thing about this community, even if it's simple, someone will usually tell it to you anyway and save you the minutes or hours, or weeks it might take to fix :)03:27
SirBob1701so i have openbox installed and I'm using feh to change the backround but after i exit and launch back in then the background gets wanked over by the ubuntu-gnome desktop wallpaper03:28
troxorjedimind: did you try booting into an earlier kernel?03:28
SirBob1701how can i stop this03:28
askreetpipegeek,  I've only ever done one Ubuntu upgrade gutsy to hardy beta and I had 0 issues.  I know this doesn't help, though :P03:28
GabrielxDAlguem do Brasil ?03:28
ubot3`Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:28
pawonfirehow do I have a different keyboard layout for a second user on 8.04, that is saved between sessions03:29
jedimindtroxor: the site says that the mods have been patched for 2.6.24-17-generic which is what im running03:29
noxixbrody: ok ill try that out.03:29
pipegeekaskreet: It worries me.  It seems like this is the one thing that really really needs to work, or new folks'll be scared off03:29
ubot3`Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:29
brodynoxix - or you could try amarok, rythmbox, or any others03:29
askreetpipegeek,  The thing that would be nice is for us to figure out why it worked for one person and not another, it seems rather trivial.  Anything special in your Ubuntu configuration?03:29
pipegeekThe answer would be for me to put my money where my mouth is, and contribute :)03:29
brodybanshee being my favorite03:29
askreetpipegeek,  Right, haha.03:29
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated.03:30
danbhfivem11: so I guess its booting, and you get that error?  I dunno mate, sorry.  Maybe you need to run fschk.  There is a way to get it to run on boot, but I cant find that atm03:30
pipegeekNot especially.  A few packages from unofficial repos, which I removed out of prudence before the upgrade03:30
Kronic_Det1Can I safely change from IDE emulation mode to AHCI (in the BIOS settings) once I have Ubuntu installed or will all my drives be remapped so things like LVM and soft raid would break?03:30
rathelI'm having sound issues, only 1 thing can have sound at a time... how do I fix this?03:30
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m11danbhfive: yes , i think fschk would solve problem but i dont know how to stsart it after in livecd03:30
askreetpipegeek,  I was just thinking of asking you if you had any unofficial repos out there.03:30
navetzhey guys, can somebody help me fix my windows key?03:30
Kronic_Det1rathel: are you using the default sound setup?03:31
askreetnavetz,  I'll leave that one alone.  :P  What's wrong with it?03:31
pipegeekaskreet: not no more03:31
new2linuxhi all, my thin-client can't connect to host. this is the paste bin of the syslog: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m2927f2a003:31
rathelKronic_Det1, Yes. Default on Hardy.03:31
askreetpipegeek,  Maybe it's trying to find those packages, and since the repos are no longer it's more confused than it was.  Do you still have them handy?03:31
pipegeekwell, but the packages are purged03:31
askreetpipegeek, Oh.03:31
danbhfive!fsck | m1103:31
ubot3`m11: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:31
navetzaskreet: it stoped working, i accidently changed some keyboard configurations, and I don't know how to fix it.03:31
pipegeekaskreet: and two of the repos 404'ed03:31
Kronic_Det1that should be using pulse for all the sound so there shouldn't be any /dev contention.  What sound card is in your box?03:32
askreetpipegeek, thats why I hate unofficial repos :/03:32
troxorjedimind: try this, `find /lib/modules/ | grep rtl`03:32
pipegeeksince I last used them.  Just replaced a broken mobo after four months of not using this machine03:32
askreetpipegeek, I, of course, still use them.03:32
amriki cannot kill the apache2 process, can someone help me?03:32
askreetgotta have my avant-window-navigator with plugins.03:32
nanoprobewhich program should i use for DVD .iso image burning?03:32
pipegeekIt's just a shame that apt-get dist-upgrade is out.  I've only ever flubbed one debian upgrade, and I've been *there* since woody03:32
new2linuxanyone can help me solving the ltsp or dhcp please03:33
askreetamrik,  ps aux|grep apache2 -- what does it show for a status (should be 1 char, like S, S+, D, Z)03:33
m11danbhfive: great :) now how i do that from busybox as livecd dont do nothing with that command =03:33
amrikaskreet: its not zombie, just S03:33
m_newton<glick> u there03:33
pipegeekrunning in a terminal nao03:33
jedimindtroxor: among others, the ones relevant to my kernel include: /lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/kernel/drivers/net/usb/rtl8150.ko03:33
m_newton<glick> prob solved?03:33
askreetamrik,  And kill -9 <pid> does nothing?03:33
danbhfivem11: I dunno anything about busybox03:33
troxorjedimind: but your card is an 8180, isn't it?03:33
amrikaskreet: www-data  7373  0.0  2.1  87968 16752 ?        S    May28   0:09 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start -DSSL03:33
jedimindno mention of 8180 for any kernel version03:33
amrikaskreet: nope03:33
rathelKronic_Det1, It's an intel.03:33
Cromagaskreet: is it because it is broke ? - tried to stop it ?03:34
jedimindthough this mod is supposed to work for 818x03:34
troxorjedimind: yeah, that's another module that was mentioned in that bug report earlier03:34
m11danbhfive: how about run sudo shutdown -F -r now from livecd ?03:34
m_newtonQuestion to all:Just wondering, is it possible to install cain + able on hardy???03:34
pipegeekugh, it died without removing /var/lib/dpkg/lock03:34
nano_Where can i setup X-environment variables in gnome?03:34
troxorjedimind: what does dmesg say when you load it?03:34
askreetCromag,  I was responding to someone else, my apaches stop when I tell them to :P03:34
Cromagaskreet: doh my bad... :D03:34
zero-velocitycan any one help me with the "initramfs" while installing ubuntu?03:34
askreetamrik,  not that it should matter, but have you tried a killall `apache2`03:34
jedimindim gonna have to paste you it in query03:34
askreettake those backticks out..03:35
amrikaskreet: yes, also kill -kill etc.etc.03:35
danbhfivem11: so your system won't boot?  I think you should run fsck from the livecd03:35
Starnestommyamrik: what about sudo killall apache2?03:35
askreetamrik,  That is so bizarre... >.<03:35
Cromagamrik: is it because it is broke ? - tried to stop it ?03:35
m11danbhfive: how would i go with that ?03:35
[RICE]Does anybody know the way to make Tint Task Manager stay on top of all other windows (like most other panels do)03:35
askreetamrik,  Yes, i'm assuming you're doing this as root...03:35
nano_Where can i setup X-environment variables in gnome?03:35
amriktried apache2 stop, then apache2 start and apache cant bind to port 443 because one of these ultrazombie processes has it bound03:35
askreet"ultrazombie", I like that.03:36
Kronic_Det1rathel: go to System > Preferences > Sound.  Does the Device under Default Mixer Tracks have ALSA or OSS in it's name?03:36
Starnestommyaskreet: people here do things woth sudo most of the time, not directly as root03:36
jedimindsorry about the spam03:36
zero-velocityhello. any one? wanna help me? pls03:36
ubot3`Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:36
Starnestommyzero-velocity: with what?03:36
danbhfivem11: I dunno, I would check the man page.  Again, it may be easier to just do a clean install.  Thats what I would do.  Expecially if you have a separate /home03:36
m11amrik , i think i heard somthing that is know apache bug in 8.04 , check launcpad03:36
askreetStarnestommy, Right.  That's sorta what I meant.03:36
{}zombiecan i connect my desktop to the internet, via ethernet cable>laptop>wifi? is this possible?03:36
amrikm11: except im running dapper 6.06 LTS03:36
troxorjedimind: no problem, that look sort of promising03:36
rathelKronic_Det1, ALSA03:36
amrikm11: can you give me a bug id?03:37
Starnestommyzero-velocity: oh, the initramfs thing.  It sounds liek a bad burn or a bad iso image03:37
=== tmilne is now known as winter4all
jedimindyeah i mean it loads it fine, i can see wifi spots in the network manager through the interface03:37
zero-velocitywith ubuntu installisation.. it keeps stoping on busybox initramfs03:37
m11danbhfive: reinstall out of question :/03:37
jedimindbut it just keeps dropping from 100% connectivity to 003:37
m11amrik: cant remember, just recall i heard it somewhere about apache spawning proceses03:37
harriseldon{}zombie you can do it with dnsmasq and ipforwarding03:37
navetzis there a way to reconfigure your keyboard?03:38
askreetamrik,  What is the apache2's process' PPID?03:38
navetzmy windows key doesn't wokr03:38
Infinito_zero-velocity, ubuntu 8.04, livecd ?03:38
{}zombiethanks, harriseldon does it matter that the laptop is xp, and desktop is ubuntu?03:38
amrikaskreet: the parent id? how do I find that? there is no ptree for some reason03:38
harriseldon{}zombie yes that matters. lol. The other way would be better of course03:38
amrikaskreet: perhaps there is another command?03:38
frsandstone77when booting virtualbox in windows xp I receive the following error:  "FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted."03:38
troxorjedimind: but, wasn't that the interface you wanted to use for monitor mode?03:38
askreetakrik, You can use ps, but I dont remember the flags and I'm not on a *nix box right now :/03:39
jedimindwhich means it wont work as is :)03:39
askreetakrik that was for amrik03:39
harriseldon{}zombie I cannot help with internet connection sharing in XP. I do not use Windows.03:39
askreetThis should work:03:39
irespritehey, all. Having a problem getting NX Server running on my machine (wel, FreeNX/No Machine)03:39
askreetWhat command can you use to see a processes parent pid?03:39
{}zombieok, thanks though03:39
irespriteThe packages I got don't seem to include libX11-nx.so.6.03:39
irespriteAnd that's killing it.03:39
irespriteAny ideas?03:39
troxorjedimind: you shouldn't need network manager to associate with anything for networkmanager03:39
troxorjedimind: oof, that made no sense :(03:39
harpreethow do i manually open ports to make my emails work?03:40
jedimindim just saying network manager picks it up so its loaded etc03:40
harriseldon{}zombie here is good guide if it were the other way around. It is gentoo-specific, but I have used it on a debian based system before. http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml03:40
=== kat is now known as Guest26808
jedimindits just unstable03:40
troxorjedimind: yep, that's good, but it doesn't matter that it won't connect to anything for monitor mode03:40
askreetharpreet,  as far as I know, ubuntu doesn't ship with a software firewall enabled.03:40
harpreetaskreet, by default all ports are closed03:40
amrikaskreet: ok i did ps -ef03:40
{}zombiethanks i'll check it out, i may just have to put a live cd in my lappy03:40
amrikaskreet: looks like init (pid 1) has adopted them03:40
irespriteAnyone here have NX Server experience?03:41
askreetamrik,  as it should be.03:41
harpreetamrik sinha,..ki haal aa03:41
askreetamrik,  that's very strange :/03:41
pipegeekgets to "preparing upgrade", progress bar fills, then it stops responding.  No cpu activity03:41
pipegeekno output to stdout, since the upgrade program is separate from update-manager03:41
VladimirAntipovthe sound doesn't seem to be working, just installed today.  anybody have any ideas?03:42
pipegeekNext stop, strace03:42
harpreethow do i manually open ports to make my emails work?03:42
askreetpipegeek,  My guess is there has to be an apt equivelent command or series of commands to do the upgrade.03:42
amrikaskreet: maybe its an orphan?03:42
askreetamrik,  I can't say I'm an expert but S means sleep and 1 is init, so it seems "happy"03:42
pipegeekaskreet: there isn't :-\  At least, not that's supported.  You're supposed to use their tool.03:42
jedimindsweet, airsnort is working :)03:42
frsandstone77when booting virtualbox in windows xp I receive the following error: "FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted."03:42
askreetpipegeek,  Is the tool some kind of awesome easily-readible bash/python script?03:43
pipegeekIt's python.  It gets automatically downloaded into /tmp by update-manager---I've looked at it before03:43
pipegeeklemme take a look03:43
zero-velocityok no one to help?03:43
brodyfrsnadstone77-you need to properly select the version of xp form your harddisk03:43
amrikaskreet: is there any way for init to IGNORE one of its adopted children?03:43
m11can i use live cd check and repair option to fix my boot process ?03:43
troxorjedimind: there ya have it- who needs fully functional hardware ;)03:44
Starnestommyzero-velocity: have you tried the alternate CD?03:44
frsandstone77brody, what do you mean by proper?03:44
zero-velocityyes. it would say the same thing03:44
jedimindnow if only i knew how this thing worked and how / when it figures out a wep key03:44
brodyyou can click general settings and then find the propper bootable system03:44
DJ_HaMsTawhat is the default username and pass for samba after installation ? i am able to access the drive from my xp machine but wont take my ubunt server username and pass03:44
Starnestommyzero-velocity: at the boot prompt, press F6 and then add "noacpi noapic nolapic" to the line03:45
pipegeekmutex deadlock03:45
pipegeekthat shouldn't happen03:45
askreetDJ_HaMsTa,  You need to add smb users, it's wierd.  I think it's smbpasswd, try doing smbpasswd --help03:45
brodygo to general settings and then go to cd/dvd rom and select the boot source for xp03:45
frsandstone77brody, i'm gonna send you a screenshot okay?03:45
DJ_HaMsTaaskreet: i can see the users in webmin03:45
=== PrivateVoid_Ghos is now known as PrivateVoid
FalstiusI'm trying to play Return to Castle Wolfenstein in Wine (0.9.59) and RTCW says I don't have opengl installed (I'm using the nvidia drivers, glxgears works).  There is a lot of old and conflicting information about opengl and wine online.  Does anyone know if I need a special package installed or somesuch?03:45
askreetDJ_HaMsTa, Hm, sorry, not familiar with webmin. :(03:45
NTUIf I want to edit my kernel and optimize the kernel for a specific CPU where would the file be to do so?03:46
zero-velocity"noacpi noapic nolapic" with space?03:46
brodyfrsandstone77 where is xp located on your disk03:46
harriseldonNTU do you mean you would like to recompile your kernel?03:46
askreetFalstius,  glxgears works with mesa software rendering, though.  What does glxinfo |grep Direct say?03:46
frsandstone77i just installed ubuntu03:46
amenadowhose got a working two video cards (agp and pci) to work on same host?  may I copy your xorg.conf configs? i tried but its only one video and not both at same time03:46
frsandstone77then installed virtualbox03:46
harpreethow do i manually open ports to make my emails work?03:47
harpreethow do i manually open ports to make my emails work?03:47
frsandstone77do i have to install a partition?03:47
brodyno you need a valid copy of xp03:47
pipegeekyou can specify that it uses a text frontend03:47
jordanis it possible to send sms messages from ubuntu to cell phones?03:47
pipegeekand it seems to get somewhere.03:47
askreetharpreet,  I'm still confused as to what you are trying to do.  Are you trying to *send* email from your computer, or trying to have your computer receive emails as an email server?03:47
Starnestommyharpreet: you need to make sure that your email sender is configred to send to other places03:47
brodylike tinyXP_rev0603:47
frsandstone77i have one of those, i just didnt know how to activate it w/ this program03:47
askreetpipegeek,  How do you do that?03:47
pipegeeknow we're cooking with gas03:47
Falstiusaskreet: "direct rendering: Yes" ... the game itself is complaining about opengl missing03:47
amenadojordan-> you can try  chikka   visit chikka.com  you may have to use wine with if the linux client dont work well03:48
pipegeekaskreet: find the directory where it unpacked the upgrade tool, and run ./hardy --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText03:48
harpreetaskreet, starnestommy i am trying to send emails through evolution03:48
pipegeekit'll be somewhere in /tmp03:48
pipegeekwow.  ew03:48
nano_in bashrc file I can use export command, however, is there an equivalent method of defining variables in gnome?03:48
Starnestommyharpreet: do you have the right outgoing servers set?03:49
harpreetstarnestommy, yes03:49
b4l74z4ri can't get juk to launch in ubuntu03:49
askreetharpreet,  In the world of software firewalls (Which I'm 99.9% certain isn't enabled on Hardy by default) output traffic such as email from evolution would *not* be blocked.  Are you sure your evolution settings are correct to be sending mail?  Are you using the SMTP information provided by your ISP/Mail service?03:49
brodycreate a virtual system by following the instructions it gives you and then when it says choose the mount point find the copy of xp that you have and tell it to boot from that file03:49
amenadojordan i just checked their web site, and yes you can send from ubuntu..via a web browser03:49
harpreetaskreet, all settings are same as they are suppose to be in windows too03:49
askreetharpreet, So, you are able to receive mail, but unable to send?03:50
harpreetaskreet, exactly03:50
jedimindtroxor: thanks so much for all your help and patience man03:51
askreetharpreet, If you want to rule out a firewall blocking you, you can try to connect to the SMTP server via telnet and send it a HELO.  Go to a console and type telnet <smtp server here> <smtp port here>03:51
askreetIf it connects then you are clear to talk, try typing HELO and pressing enter, I think you should get something back.03:52
amrikEleaf: EHLO03:52
navetzguys is it possible to dpkg -reconfigre your keyboard somehow?03:52
askreetNot here.03:52
androvernavetz: what do you mean?03:52
bcl1713WOOT just recovered a deleted ext3 filesystem using testdisk to find a backup superblock and fsck to recover from it! XDDDDD03:53
m11navetz: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , and chose your keyboard option there03:53
troxorjedimind: no prob03:53
askreetm11: neat, didn't know you could do that. :)03:53
amrikbcl1713: *high five*03:53
pipegeekSo, err... why isn't the upgrade tool a debian package?  Why is it downloaded and untarred in /tmp?03:54
m11askreet: there should be option to chose keyboard03:54
navetzandrover, m11: my windows key is not working, I just want to reconfigure my keyboard.03:54
melchHey guys i have two network cards installed in my box I was wondering how i could use the 2nd card to share internet03:55
m11navetz: try above or : system>preferneces>keyboard03:55
ruiboonmelch: you might want to try firestarter03:56
melchruiboon, okay just install firestarter?03:56
harpreetaskreet: result: harpreet@harpreet-laptop:~$ telnet smtp.telus.net 2503:56
harpreetConnected to smtp.svc.telus.net.03:56
harpreetEscape character is '^]'.03:56
harpreet220 priv-edtnaa05.telusplanet.net ESMTP03:56
FloodBot3harpreet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:56
harpreet421 Error: timeout exceeded03:56
androvernavetz: there's a program called "xmodmap" that lets you remap keys.  read the man page and google it for some examples.  it's not too hard; I remapped my caps lock key to act like a windows key.03:56
ruiboonmelch: after you install it. open firestarter and there will be a wizard to guide you through03:56
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated.03:56
askreetCan you make the caps lock key into an additional modifier?03:56
harriseldonmelch I have used this guide before. It is gentoo specific, but I have used it on Debian systems as well. http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml03:57
navetzandrover: alright thanks03:57
melchharriseldon, thanks03:57
harriseldonmelch yw03:57
Julia1how do i turn up the sound?03:58
codecaineanybody know a java ide for linux that can do auto files for example if I type System. it will show me a list of parameters like System.out System.in etc03:58
askreetcodecaine,  I would think Eclipse does.03:58
harpreetaskreet, outbox shows message sent but it doesnt reach03:58
askreetIt's pretty much *the* Java IDE for *everything*03:58
Prez00quick question, I have Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7500  @ 2.20GHz on my laptop, what firefox optimized whould I use, I want to downgrade to FF 2, instead of FF3B5, shoudl i get pentium 4, pentium M, pentium 4m?03:58
ruibooncodecaine: netbeans will also do the trick. it depends pretty much on your preference03:58
Julia1how do i turn up the sound???03:59
askreetPrez00,  I think any will work, I'm not sure which is more optimized.  Core 2 Duo should support all of those archs03:59
askreetPrez00,  I also dislike FF303:59
emily_i'm trying to put vmware on ubuntu 7.10 server edition and i'm getting "error while loading share libraries: libX11.so.6 -- does anyone know if vmware server actually requires X?  Is there something I should apt-get?03:59
harpreetaskreet, outbox shows message sent but it doesnt reach03:59
askreetemily_, VMWare Server Console requires X, I dont think Ubuntu has a way to install VMWare Server without the Console..04:00
Prez00askreet: I actually have only one big problem with FF3B5, the facebook chat app does not work reliably at all..04:00
amrikaskreet: is there any way to force the unbind of a socket?04:00
askreetPrez00,  I have an entirely different complaint -- they took out the Forms tab in the Page Info box, was so useful for web development :/04:00
emily_askreet: augh. So can I just apt-get x or something? I really wasn't looking forward to all that bloat...04:00
melchruiboon, no go04:01
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Julia1no one knows how to turn up the sound on xubuntu???04:01
askreetemily_:  All you're losing is hard disk space if you never actually launch VMWare Server Console.04:01
GeckoHmm, I've noticed a strange behavior when pinging from a ubuntu 8.04 box. It takes a lot of time before it starts displaying the RTT's due to reverse DNS lookups performed on every packet. Does anyone know how to disable that?04:01
lainyJulia1: is there a sound mixer on the top right?04:01
harpreetwhat port should outgoing smtp be using ?04:01
ringerwhat is the server name for cairo dock04:01
thebishopserver irc.thundercity.net04:01
askreetemily_:  I would like to think, and you can verify, that the vmware server apps arn't linked to libX1104:02
emily_askreet: I know -- but I'm using a lot of CPU Cycles on the gui...04:02
Starnestommyharpreet: 2504:02
ruiboonmelch: no go as in...?04:02
Julia1lainy: no04:02
askreetemily_:  You don't need X running, is what I'm saying :)04:02
harpreetStaarnestommy, smtp server doesnt respond at 2504:02
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melchruiboon, do i have to have the firewall starting04:02
lainyJulia1: any "sound" entries in the menu?04:02
askreetemily_: The server console is for connecting to other VMWare Servers, or locally.. you won't be using it if it's a headless server.04:02
lainyJulia1: preferences or administration, perhaps?04:02
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emily_askreet: ahh, so install x, but don't start it? do you know how I would install it then?04:02
askreetemily_: apt-get install xserver-xorg will *work* there may be a way just to get the libs, but I 'm not sure.04:03
emily_askreet: yeah, I have the console installed on my workstation. was planning on connecting to the server remotely04:03
Starnestommyringer: /join #cairo-dock04:03
new2linuxhow to install my printing driver...??04:03
ruiboonmelch: are you at the wizard now?04:03
new2linuxi've downloaded it and the package was in rpm04:03
melchruiboon yes04:03
new2linuxand i'm  confussed using synaptic04:03
jedimindwith the netowrk manager, how do i connect to a wireless hotspot taht doesnt have a name (but i have its sssid) ?04:03
harriseldonnew2linux there is a package called alien which converts rpm to deb04:04
Starnestommynew2linux: find a .deb or a .tar.bz2/gz file04:04
ringerStarnestommy thanks04:04
emily_askreet: so I just need the libs?04:04
DJ_HaMsTaany one got Radmin, knoledge on Samba and is willing to connect to my pc ? (to help me with a samba issue)04:04
Starnestommynew2linux: if at all possible, avoice using rpms unless you must04:04
askreetemily_:  Sounds like it.  It's looking for libX11.so or some such right?04:04
new2linuxi went to the official brother website, the links say for debian distro, but it gives me rpm04:04
emily_askreet: libx11.so.6 ...yup04:04
new2linuxi'll try allien04:04
melchruiboon, should i take down my eht004:04
jedimindbssid that is04:05
harriseldonnew2linux that is alien like the life form04:05
RossKHey, anyone know how to host a disk image on an ubuntu server for PXE-booting clients?04:05
melchi set up the wizard, it won';t ket me start the firewall04:05
Starnestommynew2linux: you do know that alien sometimes messes things up, right?04:05
ruiboonmelch: yes. you need to start the firewall now04:05
new2linuxi tried add/remove programs and search alien, return to alien 3d game04:05
askreetemily_:  Theres definately a package for X11 libs, but I'm not on/near a *nix box right now to look for it.  If you do apt-get install xserver-xorg it will show you a list of packages it's going to install.. look for something that sounds right :)04:05
ruiboonmelch: at which part did the wizard prompt you to take down your eth0?04:05
Starnestommynew2linux: check in synaptic04:06
askreetGotta reboot myself, though, going to dual-boot this box.  Best of luck, emily_. :)04:06
emily_askreet: I think it's working without it04:06
emily_askreet: just won't let me put in the key04:06
melchruiboon, no part it was two windows. I am already done04:06
new2linuxwhat's the difference between add/remove programs and synaptic..?04:06
melchruiboon, it will not let me start the firwall04:06
Starnestommynew2linux: add/remove is just gnome GUI stuff04:06
nano_how can i make sure that commands in a bash script get executed in the same forked bash shell......do i use the {} braces...?!?04:06
ruiboonmelch: is there any error message?04:06
Starnestommynew2linux: synaptic is everything and it has more feeatures04:06
rathelI'm having sound issues, only 1 thing can have sound at a time... how do I fix this?04:07
melchruiboon, device eth1 is not ready04:07
new2linuxstarnestommy: both is the same right, only add/remove is for the simply one and synaptic much more for pro or specific?04:07
Starnestommynew2linux: essentially, yes04:07
dolphin_noelaskreet i got something :)04:07
akiraVanyone have any idea why gdm would be failing to run /etc/gdm/Init/Default? Im trying to get synergy going and it seems to ignore that file complete... even if i put a touch /tmp/something in there it doesnt create the file04:08
harriseldonnano_ by default commands in a script act in the same shell. What are you trying to do that you need to ensure they are in the same "forked shell"?04:08
m_newtonHello! Anyone know a good library of dictionary to use for open office? like word 2007, this is so that oppen office recognizes what i type like word???? Any ideas???04:08
ruiboonmelch: could you try, sudo ifup eth104:09
nano_harriseldon: im actually on command line, and i need to make sure that 2 of my commands are executed in the same forked shell04:09
htmljunkiemacogw where are u04:09
new2linuxstarnestommy: now, how to use the alien, i can't found any image on the start menu. do i have to do it via terminal04:09
Starnestommynew2linux: yes04:09
nano_harriseldon: i think i need to use particular braces or something...?04:09
emily__is there an apt-get package for libx11.so.6 that I can install without installing all of X? if not, whats the package I can apt-get that will have the smallest footprint?04:09
DJ_HaMsTaany one got Radmin, knoledge on Samba and is willing to connect to my pc ? (to help me with a samba issue)04:09
harriseldonnano_ the braces are used for variables. Can you use pastebin and I can take a quick look at your script?04:10
htmljunkieemily if I wasn't a newb I'd help you04:10
melchruiboon, it says "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1."04:10
emily__htmljunkie: lol thanks :-)04:10
nano_harriseldon: i actually dont have a script04:10
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated.04:10
nano_harriseldon: let me explain04:10
htmljunkieemily__ are you new?04:10
Flannelemily__: libx11-dev04:11
emily__htmljunkie: mm..no..i'd say i'm a novice, but not a newb04:11
Flannelemily__: er, sorry, libx11-604:11
emily__Flannel: I just tried libx11-6 -- will that cut it?04:11
emily__Flannel: yay! I'm not as dumb as I feel!04:11
Flannelemily__: packages.ubuntu.com (second search field)04:11
htmljunkieemily what is libx11-6? is that the library for x11?04:12
emily__Flannel: ahh..got it. I was using google04:12
emily__htmljunkie: i think so. .at least one of them04:12
nano_harriseldon: i have a program (xmaple) and in order for me to run this programming correctly i need to set up a certain variable.    I can do this in /etc/bash.bashrc and then lauch this application from within bash with no problems.  However, my problem is that when i try to run this application from the gnome main menu, this variable is not set...thusly may application doesn't work correctly from the gnome main menu...any ideas as to ho04:12
nano_w i can set gnome environment variables?04:12
htmljunkiedoes anyone even run nano?04:12
ruiboonmelch: could you paste the content of /etc/interfaces into pastebin ?04:12
melchruiboon what is a paste bin04:12
harriseldonnano_ have you exited your gnome session after changing your .bashrc? It only gets run when you start gnome.04:13
nano_harriseldon: nope04:13
melchruiboon, /etc/interfaces doesn't exist04:13
new2linux$cd ~/Desktop  i use this command, but can't get to desktop. are there any command to go to desktop?04:13
ruiboonmelch: http://paste.ubuntu.com  this help to prevent people from flooding the channel04:13
nano_harriseldon: how can i setup certain enviromental variables in gnome?04:13
emily__htmljunkie: so what turned you on to linux?04:13
melchruiboon, but again ithe file doesn't exist04:13
harriseldonnano_ try that first. If that does not work, make sure that you export the variable at the end of your .bashrc. (ie export myvariable).04:13
tj83<--- has a question... I installed wine and tried to install some windows games... mistake 1.... and then i removed wine and cleaned up all the files i could locate. mistake 2.... and now i have a crap load of menu items under "other" and i cannot remove them.. how do i do this?04:14
harriseldonnano_ using .bashrc is fine, but it gets run only once when you login.04:14
htmljunkieemily__: using mac osx introduced me to the terminal and I was curious about it04:14
emily__augh! now it wants libXtst.so.6!!!04:14
ruiboonmelch: ahh.. sorry fault on my part. it should be /etc/network/interfaces04:14
new2linuxon my ls i've got the desktop, how to get to desktop...?04:14
new2linuxcd /desktop04:14
nano_harriseldon: ill try to restart my gnome after editing /etc/bashrc.bashrc04:14
nano_ill be right back04:14
glitsj16emily_: what are you trying to achieve ? sorry but i didn't follow your thread ...04:14
htmljunkieso i thought well i really don't know any special stuff about computers and I felt newb so I installed ubuntu and got rid of windows04:15
htmljunkiewhat about you emily__?04:15
emily__glitsj16: vmware-server on ubuntu 7.10 server edition04:15
ruiboonmelch: after you have pasted it into pastebin, copy the link here so that i can take a look04:15
tj83how does one remove menue items in general?04:15
harriseldonnew2linux do not use /desktop, that means change to the root directory first. If you do it without the / and make sure the D is capital, it will work (cd Desktop)04:15
harriseldonnew2linux if you want to ensure that you are going to your desktop, you can use cd ~/Desktop. The ~ means your home directory04:16
glitsj16emily_: ok, and i suppose you are on ubuntu 7.10 now ?04:16
ib042129Hi. I just installed the latest Ubuntu (8.04) and it did not configure my video card. The card is ATI Rage XL, so it should work with the regular ati driver. I'm just trying to get 1024 resolution, I just can't really work with 800*600.  Can someone help?04:16
htmljunkiethis is for all newbs in here :04:16
melchruiboon, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16330/04:16
new2linuxharriseldon: i've been confused with the cd command, no wonder it don't work. i don't know that in linux it's case sensitive..!!!04:16
htmljunkieall the newbs read that04:16
noxixthanks for all the help guys04:16
new2linuxharriseldon: thanks for the info04:16
harriseldonnew2linux yw04:17
new2linuxit's case sensitive04:17
harpreethow do i install .deb file?04:17
PCcertifiedib042129: try going into system->Administration->Hardware drivers and make sure you are using the ATI propietary drive.  should work04:17
htmljunkieyou right click on it and use the package installer04:17
htmljunkieon the file that is04:17
tj83no takes on how to remove menu items from 8.04 ?04:18
htmljunkiewhat items?04:18
harriseldonPCcertified, I think the Rage XL may be too old for the non-free ati driver04:18
ib042129Nothing in Hardware Drivers04:18
tj83any item... say anything you wanted under applications04:18
RossKtj83: Right click the menu04:18
htmljunkieI don't think you ever could edit it unless you are some programmer who knows what they're doing to mod it04:18
tj83RossK... i did... and if i unchek the item.. its still there and its check again04:19
htmljunkieemily__: what made you use it?04:19
ruiboonmelch: that seems strange. what about the output of ifconfig -v ? (Type ifconfig -v in Terminal and paste the output into pastebin)04:19
SuN13any could suggest good application to create backup image of unbuntu04:19
ib042129The free ati driver should work. But it's not set up04:19
Flannel!backup | SuN1304:19
ubot3`SuN13: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:19
new2linuxbrother printer rpm package has been converted to deb and has been installed. do i have to restart the computer? coz, i try to print and it still not able to print04:19
emily__htmljunkie: hatred of Microsoft. I don't want to be dependant upon their crap -- especially the more DRM locked down things get. I hate the idea of not being able to use what I buy.04:19
glitsj16emily_: sorry if you have stated this before, i guess you found http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-vmware-server-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html with detailed instructions ?04:20
htmljunkieemily__: only issue is that linux video and audio apps are not made well yet, but I use my mac for em now04:20
htmljunkiefor recording04:20
harriseldonSuN13 check out the latest episodes 29 and 30 of going linux  http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml04:20
tj83any other ideas RossK? manual file edit maybe?04:20
melchruiboon, the card was not installed when i install ubuntu04:20
harriseldonSun13 sorry wrong link http://goinglinux.com04:21
melchruiboon, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16331/04:21
emily__htmljunkie: I know -- I wish there were more commercial native games for linux. Cedega just doesn't cut it. I dont' want to have to hack my way through things04:21
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emily__htmljunkie: when I buy a game i just want to play it04:21
harriseldonSun13 those episodes are about backups in Linux (specifically Ubuntu)04:21
htmljunkiewell I had to quit WoW04:21
htmljunkieI was on there too much04:21
htmljunkieI'd rather waste 8 hours learning linux stuff than be on WoW anymore04:21
mohamed_i installed xubuntu on via epia C3 how can i install the correct drivers ?04:22
mohamed_correct VGA drivers04:22
htmljunkieGIMP is supposed to be different but I honestly feel they're making a huge mistake by not making it like PS04:22
SuN13harriseldon: thanks plus thanks for the router one too ;)04:22
tj83anyone know how to manually edit the menu items?04:22
bullgard4What is the use of the /usr/share/menu directory?04:23
[RICE]@tj83, Yes, what bullgard4 said.04:23
ruiboonmelch: i see. could you go to System->Administration->Network-> Unlock. Then check the checkbox for eth104:23
akcinhey, anyone here good at configuring 2 monitors with a Nvidia driver?04:23
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=== Akcin is now known as akcin
melchruiboon, i am not using gnome04:24
legend2440tj83: right click Applications on top panel>edit menus04:24
tj83bullgard4... what file  exactly?04:24
tj83Legend2440 that doesnt work04:24
htmljunkieemily__: are you from linuxchix?04:25
djznwhy re-saving a WAV in Audacity does not give me the same bit-identical WAV file as the original ?04:25
mohamed_tj83-> point to  the top menu04:25
htmljunkiecause its a flawed app04:25
htmljunkieand should be like sonar!04:25
tj83mohamed.... it doesnt work04:25
legend2440tj83: system>prefs>main menu04:25
tj83i have to do this manually04:25
[RICE]@tj83, /usr/share/menu/<whatever>menu.xml04:25
* new2linux restarting04:25
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jumpinjacI heard about people running Clam as an antivirus software in Ubuntu 8.04. Is this antivirus software any good or can anyone recommend something else?04:26
tj83[rice] looking now04:26
legend2440tj83:  or type    alacarte    in terminal04:26
emily__so how do I search packages for a particular library?04:26
htmljunkieclam is ok04:26
htmljunkieits not bad04:26
snakehello. there is a webpage that i want to view that needs java virtual machine 1.2 or higher. can anyone tell me please what to install to get this ?04:26
jumpinjacThanks htmljunkie for your answer.04:27
ruiboonmelch: oo... then could you look for something that looks like a network icon in the notification area (where the clock is at)04:27
darkcrabis there a way to auto-login without the gnome-keyring asking me for my password?04:27
melchruiboon, would u like me too up xfce for u04:27
mohamed_anyone have via epia motherboard , i need help installing vga04:27
ruiboonmelch: its ok04:27
tj83legend2440... thats the same as just clicking on edit menue.. it wont apply my changes04:27
harriseldonsnake look for sun-java6-plugin in synaptic04:28
melchruiboon, i am using openbox i have nothing like that started04:28
glitsj16jumpinjac: f-prot has the added ability to clean infected files, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus for more info04:28
janice8954Guys I have a huge problem. I tried to install a GDM theme on Hardy and now when I boot the loggin screen doesn't load. It just loads an orange screen and the busy pointer.04:28
snakeharriseldon: i already installed that04:28
janice8954anyone have any ideas?04:28
melchruiboon, got it started what do u want04:28
legend2440tj83: maybe a permissions problem?  gksu alacarte work?04:29
[RICE]@janice8954, Can you still type in your username and password?04:29
tj83nope sudo either04:29
glitsj16janice8954: could it be that the new theme has a (way) bigger wallpaper than your screen can handle ? if so, try to resize one ..04:29
harriseldonsnake, when you run about:plugins in the browser, does it show that the java is installed?04:29
janice8954no, it's not loading anything.04:29
ruiboonmelch: could you find the network manager?04:29
Amaranthtj83, legend2440: Running alacarte as root is a great way to break your menu04:29
melchruiboon, i started one up04:29
darkcrabis there a way to auto-login without the gnome-keyring asking me for my password?04:29
melchruiboon, what do u wnat me to look fo04:29
tj83amaranth... as i see it.. its currently broken04:29
ruiboonmelch: ok. under Connection. do you see eth0 and eth1 ?04:30
[RICE]@janice8954, Then I have no idea. You have no other way to login?04:30
ruiboonmelch: i mean wired connection04:30
bullgard4What is the use of the /usr/share/menu directory?04:30
janice8954startx is not even loading.04:30
melchruiboon, i see both04:30
tj83i dont even care if the still exist.. i just dont want to see then04:30
[RICE]@janice8954, Wow... That's of the wierdness ><04:30
janice8954That loads a desktop but when I try to  start the login window deal it says that gdm is not running.04:31
ruiboonmelch: then is the box for eth1 ticked?04:31
Starnestommybullgard4: it has menu information in it that is used for synchronizing menus accross desktop enviromnents04:31
snakeharriseldon: firefox its using icedtea java. how to change it04:31
janice8954So now I am lost. I would do a fresh install but that would wipe out all my file and I can't have that happen.04:31
Amaranthtj83: If you don't care about mime type associations (open this file with that app) you can clear out every single user change to your menu (which wine is)04:31
melchruiboon, for both are04:31
woodieit is just a test ,can i see what i type..04:31
Amaranthtj83: To do that delete the ~/.config/menus, ~/.local/share/applications, and ~/.local/share/desktop-directories folders04:32
[RICE]@janice8954, Have you tried typing $sudo gdm-setup     in a terminal?04:32
bullgard4Starnestommy: 'desktop environments' refers to GNOME and KDE?04:32
tj83amaranth... lookin now04:32
melchruiboon, what should i do should i disable roming04:32
Starnestommybullgard4: and xfce plus most window managers04:32
ruiboonmelch: i suppose that there is no dhcp server running on the local network?04:32
melchruiboon, what do u mean04:33
bullgard4Starnestommy: Thank you for explaining.04:33
ruiboonmelch: try disabling roaming and give it a static ip address like
glitsj16darkcrab: you can by adding a few lines to your .profile .. I've pasted it at http://paste.ubuntu.com/16334/04:33
woodiei wander where is the drivers, it used to be in the menu of 7.10,04:33
ruiboonmelch: currently how is your internal network looks like? any router/switch between the internet-connected computer and the rest?04:34
janice8954RICE: no, standbye let me try that.04:34
melchruiboon, what submask and gateway04:34
synobalwoodie, hardware drivers is under  System>Administration>Hardware Drivers04:34
harriseldonsnake make sure the ice tea packages are not installed04:34
ruiboonmelch: submask leave gateway blank04:34
[RICE]@janice8954, Alright. If it gives you the average gdm settings screen, switch back to a trusted theme and check the other theme's directory.04:34
janice8954Okay, thatnks04:34
janice8954I think someone else said something about that before, I couldn't find the site that said it. Wouldn't you know it.04:35
fyreofchaos13Is anybody familiar with todiscgui?04:35
melchruiboon,  that got it to get the firewall running04:35
janice8954Would anyone know how to get an ATI radeon 7000 working in Kubuntu?04:35
darkcrabwill gnome-keyring still ask me for my password though glitsj1604:36
melchruiboon, the other computer did not get an ip04:36
glitsj16darkcrab: no04:36
snakeharriseldon: can you tell me what those packages are so i dont remove something that i may need04:36
ruiboonmelch: for the other computer, configure its ip as, submask, gateway
tj83Amaranth well done... thank you.. i didnt delete all of that... but i was able to find those broken links and delete then only.. many thanks just want i needed04:37
=== robert__ is now known as drackmere
ruiboonmelch: see if you could ping (thats google)04:37
glitsj16darkcrab: there's an additional setting you might need to activate to keep things from breaking, looking in to the menu option under ubuntu for exact phrasing because i'm on xubuntu and it might differ, brb04:38
harriseldonsnake I do not have it installed, but the one I see is icedtea-gcjwebplugin. It looks like the icedtea packages start icedtea-java remove those04:38
janice8954[RICE] it tells me that command cannot be found. Mind you an I am Shell prompt from the recovery menu04:38
[RICE]@janice8954, Ahmm... >< I don't know what else to try.04:39
melchno go04:39
janice8954 frelling weird. Maybe if I try running it from the desktop that startx brings up04:40
harriseldonjanice8954 you can edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf. Look for the line that start GraphicalTheme and change it to something like Human. You will need to use sudo to edit this file. (in my file it is line 504, but it may be different for you)04:40
[RICE]@janice8954, Yes, it would then.04:40
[RICE]@janice8954, PROBABLY04:40
Myxamatosisdo yall know of any computer security servers?04:40
harriseldonjanice8954 I mean change just the them, keep the GraphicalTheme= part04:40
snakeharriseldon: ok done it ? so now everything should be ok ?04:40
melchruiboon, nothing04:40
harriseldonsnake try it04:40
ruiboonmelch: what about ping (thats the internet connected computer)04:41
m_newtonHello! Anyone know a good library of dictionary to use for open office? like word 2007, this is so that oppen office recognizes what i type like word???? Any ideas???04:41
janice8954I don't know. I tried something similar and it said that gdm was not running.04:41
fyreofchaos13Hello, is there anybody who is familiar with todiscgui?04:42
SeaPhorruiboon, thats a local addy,, not inet04:42
melchgood ten it goes to ...5104:42
harriseldonjanice8954 you can use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop to stop it from running04:42
ruiboonseanw: i mean that is the internal ip of the internet connected computer04:42
harriseldonjanice8954 you can then use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to start it back up04:42
janice8954now when I run the startx a thing comes up saying "This session is running as as privileged user.04:42
ruiboonseanw: there is 2 nic involved04:42
glitsj16darkcrab: can you find the "Login Window" settings ?04:42
* Rolanditu is away (Leaving! Regreso Mas Tarde!)04:43
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[RICE]@janice8954, Just means you're running the x session with root privaleges.04:43
harriseldonjanice8954 were you at a root shell (# prompt)?04:43
darkcrabyes glitsj1604:43
TheNerdGotchUhow do you open a directory in the terminal04:43
StarnestommyTheNerdGotchU: cd04:43
glitsj16darkcrab: if you open that, there's a tab called 'security' .. enable autologin from there and you should be fine04:43
=== Myxamatosis is now known as jackson
fyreofchaos13Hello, is there anybody who is familiar with todiscgui?04:44
janice8954harriseldon, I have no idea. I am rather new at all this. It was a huge accomplishment when I got my bcm4311 to work correctly lol04:44
darkcrabk cool glitsj1604:44
harriseldonjanice8954 that is ok. ctrl-alt-backspace will exit X and get you back to the terminal. Then you can check the prompt.04:45
melchruiboon, any ideas or should we call it anight04:45
TheNerdGotchUhow do you go back a directory or up one directory04:45
StarnestommyTheNerdGotchU: cd ..04:46
new2linuxhelp on thin-client connection please, i've get this from the daemon.log when the tc try to connect: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m216f90404:46
SeaPhorcd ..04:46
harriseldonTheNerdGotchU cd .. goes up one directory, cd - goes to the last directory04:46
TaRDyis there a command line command to change the name of a user?04:46
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new2linuxanybody has idea what's wrong with it?04:46
janice8954your commands aren't working from the terminal in X04:46
ruiboonmelch: i guess that is what i know as of now. other may be able to help you better04:46
wlofiequery: what channel would be best for ppc ubuntu questions? (boot issue / yaboot / install script)04:46
melchruiboon, thanks04:46
bazhang_http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-642950.html fyreofchaos13 please see this04:46
ruiboonmelch: np (:04:47
janice8954 harriseldon, i am at the root prompt04:47
melchruiboon, nice smilly lol04:47
SeaPhorits a uni-brou04:47
harriseldonjanice8954 did you try to stop gdm? /etc/init.d/gdm stop?04:47
k06ubuntu 8.04: where is Device Manager/Hardware Information? Googling says it's supposed to be in System>Preferences or Administration, but I can't find it. :(04:48
harriseldonjanice8954 now you need to edit gdm.conf. You can use nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf (the commands to save and exit are listed at the bottom)04:48
harriseldonjanice8954 look for the line that says GraphicalTheme= and change it to GraphicalTheme=Human04:48
PCcertifiedAntivirus question,  is an antivirus really necessary on ubuntu ?04:49
bazhang_!virus | PCcertified04:49
ubot3`PCcertified: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2104:49
glitsj16pccertified: to confuse things, ubuntu also states this .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus ..; opnions differ ;)04:50
n-iCedoes hardy comes with compiz??04:50
janice8954argh now I have to reboot04:51
new2linuxmy eth0 is facing to the network for thin-client, should it be in static ip mode or roaming mode?04:51
janice8954I think that command will work, I was loggin in from root. Do you think that's why the command wasn't working?04:51
djznanyone familiar with audio (cooledit, audacity, audition):  why re-saving a WAV in Audacity does not give me the same bit-identical WAV file as the original ?04:51
harriseldonjanice8954 possibly. Did you enable root logins? Ubuntu blocks them by default.04:52
ZaidenThink there'll be a fix for PulseAudio soon?04:52
janice8954I'm not sure. I actually think I did.04:52
janice8954When I initially setup the loggin window.04:52
janice8954This is really crazy lol.04:52
n-iCedoes hardy comes with compiz???04:52
pros9000Hardy does come with compiz, but it depends on your graphics card04:53
janice8954n-ice I have not seen that program on my machine, so I think that's a no04:53
glitsj16djzn: never experienced that with audacity (1.3.4 beta) .. have you checked your settings ?04:53
djznglitsj16: I didn't touch the settings....04:53
n-iCepros9000,  how do I remove it?04:54
pros9000n-iCe is your system running too slow or something04:54
djznglitsj16: but I am wondering... cooledit *is* saving a copy of the WAV that is identical to what it was opened. But not Audacity... I am missing something?04:54
n-iCeno, but i can't expand my menu bar on the top04:54
pros9000Try system -> appearance -> effects -> none04:54
glitsj16djzn: can't tell, never used cooledit04:54
n-iCeI did, but that doesn't uninstall, right?04:54
m11how to fix broken system that is booting to busybox ?04:54
n-iCeI don't want it on my system anymore, pros900004:55
djznglitsj16: is there anything in audacity that writes wav metadata or stuff like that?04:55
pros9000n-iCe you could go into /etc/X11/xorg.conf and set the video driver to vesa04:55
harriseldonn-iCe uninstall will do nothing for you if it is not running. It will just free up some disk space04:55
pros9000On Gutsy, I added ~/.config/xserver-xgl/disable04:55
pros9000a text file04:55
glitsj16djzn: yes i think so, that might be it .. it wouldn't hurt to re-check the settings i guess to make sure04:55
pros9000That also disabled xgl04:55
djznglitsj16: because that happens for the first time only, if I re-save again the "not identical" file, it will give a identical file to it04:56
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n-iCepros9000,  that's other thing i don't have configurated nothing there04:56
glitsj16djzn: that sounds bizarre and at the same time defaulty .. better check to make sure04:56
PCcertifiedcan someone tell me why I might get this message when trying to install an app with synaptic ?04:56
PCcertifiedCould not connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)04:56
PCcertifiedis the repo working?04:57
glitsj16djzn: btw, are you able to record in audacity using ALSA ?04:57
Zaidenwhen editing a file through the terminal as root, how do you rename a file, and delete a file?04:57
pros9000PCcertified /etc/apt/sources.list04:57
janice8954harriseldon:I am in that one deal, but I don't know what to do next. I feel rather stupid04:57
n-iCepros9000,  look, http://asdasdasd.pastebin.com/m69c6567e04:57
pros9000PCcertified bad entry looks like04:57
djznglitsj16: yes04:57
m11is it safe to use this command on livecd sudo e2fsck -y -f -v /dev/hda2 to fix ext3-fs error and group description corupted error ??04:58
PCcertifiedcan someone tell me what the correct connection should look like?04:58
glitsj16djzn: just asking, i had a bit of a whirl getting it to work with the new pulseaudio stuff ..04:58
pros9000n-iCe ok, have you done sudo apt-get install envyng?04:58
pokerfacepenguinZaiden: mv command is for renaming04:59
pros9000n-iCe what kind of video card do you have?04:59
n-iCeProN0ob, intel04:59
n-iCe00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)04:59
legend2440PCcertified: that server has been hit and miss at best. try main server04:59
WoxdeeI just made a new, normal user account that's not a member of any secondary groups, no special privileges, etc. - still, logging in as that user I can view the contents of other home folders, even UID 1000.  How the hell do I restrict this, and why is this so?04:59
n-iCethere is no a package named envyng by the way04:59
pros9000Does anyone know how to open up a private chat window with another person in irssi?04:59
glitsj16n-ice: it's called envyng-gtk i believe05:00
pros9000n-iCe laptop eh, latitude?05:00
n-iCepros9000,  latitud?05:00
pros9000glitsj16 is correct. Sorry05:00
adredhi..when i shut down my computer a text shows on screen. something about "cron anacron" and "networkmanager" which didn't show up before. is there something wrong?05:00
PCcertifiedlegend2440: umm ok05:00
pros9000n-iCe you have a laptop05:00
n-iCepros9000,  yes05:00
n-iCeglitsj16,  done, now?05:00
Odd-rationalepros9000: /msg <user> hello!05:00
pros9000ty Odd05:00
djznglitsj16: i suspect there is something in preferences/quality->settings05:01
ALPSINChi all05:01
pokerfacepenguinadred: cron and anacron run automated jobs - systems tasks and anything that you have configured it to do05:01
new2linuxhow to edit /etc/network/options and enable ip_forward? should i just type sudo edit /etc/network/options or vi /etc/network/options05:01
djznglitsj16: if I just change there 32bit float to 16 bit there are already differences in the saved file...05:01
ALPSINCi need a tad bit ofhelp... how can i make my three celerons act as one super computer?05:01
glitsj16n-Ice: done with ? sorry i05:01
pros9000n-iCe what is the major problem you are experiencing?05:01
n-iCepros9000,  why did you tell me to download that? if i use intel05:01
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n-iCepros9000,  i can't expan my menu bar05:02
frsandstone77anyone wanna help me w/ a step-by-step of setting up "virtual machine"05:02
pros9000n-iCe I thought you had nvidia or ati05:02
frsandstone77in private chat05:02
selocolHello, how do I see the bitmap fonts installed on my computer? Are bitmap fonts the same thing as xft fonts? Thanks.05:02
selocolDoes xfontsel list xft/bitmap fonts?05:02
n-iCepros9000, no05:02
n-iCepros9000,  00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)05:02
glitsj16djzn: hmm yes, i don't feel comfortable with audacity right no, looking into cooledit05:02
Odd-rationalefrsandstone77: what type? VMware? VirtualBox? or QEMU?05:02
djznglitsj16: OK, I just changed the option "high quality dither" (set to triangle=default setting) to NONE... and now it saved as identical05:03
PCcertifiedlegend2440: my repo list appears ok, all the repo's are essentially the same except different sections like universe or restricted05:03
Odd-rationalefrsandstone77: linux host, windows guest?05:03
adredpokerfacepenguin: ok. what about the "networkmanager thing"? this thing didn't didn't show up before and it prolongs the shut down time. how do i remove it?05:03
glitsj16djzn: aha, great find, thx05:03
PCcertifiedlegend2440: what is the main repo yu speak of05:03
frsandstone77im running windows xp on it05:03
frsandstone77or i hope to05:03
djznglitsj16: will test again...05:03
Odd-rationalefrsandstone77: so ubuntu is the host machine? and windows xp will be the virtual machine?05:04
legend2440PCcertified: open synaptic the settings>repositories>then Download from and choose Main Server05:04
PCcertifiedI too must run a windows in my linux box and am trying to decide which app to install, heard there are other options than wine05:04
phoch_i'm having an issue with a Xubuntu machine that periodically reboots with no easily found messages as to why any thoughts on where to look?05:04
Odd-rationalefrsandstone77: quite simple. install virtualbox-ose from the repos or get the PUEL from the website.05:04
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated...05:05
glitsj16n-Ice: do you have a new menu item under "system" from envyNG ?run the05:05
legend2440PCcertified: then hit reload button05:05
pokerfacepenguinadred: "something about network manager" doesnt quite explain what the problem is.....i would say that you got a networking issue of some kind.  Your "network manager" helps you connect.  You should get an exact error and put it in google.  Thats what i would do if it were me.05:05
ALPSINChi all, how can i make an HPC cluster in ubuntu (and two other systems)05:05
WoxdeeNormal users can access other users' home folders - why, and how do I fix it? (no privileges for said normal users, no groups, no special permissions set on other's home folders).05:06
PCcertifiedlegend the app I want is not available in main as far as I know05:06
DasmooverHello, My gnome seems to be frozen on my desktop, when i change my background nothing happens and icons are frozen, ive tried ctrl alt backspace to reset x and it still persists.05:06
Odd-rationalefrsandstone77: what version of ubuntu? 8.04?05:06
detrateWhat is the best way to start a program as a service on boot?05:06
legend2440PCcertified: what app is it?05:06
raghavhello ppl how to speed up my file operations in ubuntu05:06
wobblyw1when running virtualbox in seamless mode, the taskbar of windows xp is placed on top of the gnome panel, hiding either the panel or the taskbar (depending on which is active). Any way to fix this? (Hardy)05:07
PCcertifiedI was looking at playing with avant to add the final eye candy touch to my desktop before installing the rest of my apps.05:07
Odd-rationalefrsandstone77: follow the instructions here for Hardy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox05:07
adredpokerfacepenguin: thanks05:07
Odd-rationalefrsandstone77: this should be enough to get you started. if you need any helps, just let us know!05:07
Dasmoovercan anyone help me?05:08
legend2440PCcertified: i use main server and avant-window-navigator is in synaptic05:08
Jordan_Uwobblyw1, Possibly not the ideal solution but you can move the panel05:08
wobblyw1Jordan_U, that's what I have now, but it's far from ideal indeed :)05:08
Odd-rationalefrsandstone77: the networking section in that article might be out of date...05:08
Dasmooveranyone? :(05:08
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated...05:09
Jordan_UDasmoover, Can you do anything?05:09
Dasmoovernot on the desktop05:09
Jordan_UDasmoover, But you can work with other apps?05:09
Jordan_UDasmoover, Try killing nautilus05:10
Dasmooveri have a panel set to transparent and the new background shows through the transparency, nothing else05:10
Jordan_UDasmoover, It's fake transparency :)05:10
derekanyone know anything about aircrack-ng?05:10
Odd-rationaleDasmoover: killall nautilus05:11
Jordan_UDasmoover, Gnome-terminal will do the same thing unless you are running compiz ( or another composite manager )05:11
Dasmooveryes i am05:11
PCcertifiedlegend2440: strange, when I unselect universe restricted and multiverse, AWN avant window manager disappears05:11
ObsidianXhey folks, how can i force resolv.conf information?05:11
Dasmooveri killed it now what05:12
ZaidenHow do you kill a program through the terminal so it won't run agaian unless you force it to run?05:12
ObsidianXevery time i plug my ethernet wire back in it reverts to what ever the DHCP client told it to use05:12
PCcertifiedlegend2440: I only have main and sources selected05:12
Jordan_UDasmoover, Now try starting nautilus again in a terminal05:12
Odd-rationalederek: are you trying to crack your own network?05:13
Dasmooverwhats the command?05:13
m11how to force fschk on system that is booting only into busybox ?05:13
Odd-rationaleDasmoover: start nautilus again...05:13
Dasmooveri did05:13
derekyes, but I cant seem to get into monitor mode05:13
Dasmoovermy desktop is still blank05:14
jb0thi.  trying to upgrade to hardy..running in to unmet dependancy.. libmysqlclient15off: Depends: mysql-common (>= 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1) but it is not installable.    not sure what to do here05:14
Odd-rationalederek: chesk this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52827605:14
Dasmooverall i did was type nautilus05:14
ZaidenEr, is there a way to edit files as root without having to use the terminal?05:14
Flanneljb0t: What are you upgrading from?05:14
FlannelZaiden: alt-f2, then gksu gedit05:14
Odd-rationaleZaiden: alt+f2 "gksudo gedit file"05:14
legend2440PCcertified: no don't unselect those. i am talkinking about trying the Main Server. its the server where you download packages from. its in settings Repositoies and is a dropdown box that says Download From05:14
jb0tFlannel: started on edgy, now at hardy05:15
jb0tdid feisty and gutsy first05:15
Flanneljb0t: Did you upgrade to Feisty then Gutsy?05:15
Flanneljb0t: Alright, just install mysql-common, do you have the -proposed repo enabled by any chance?05:15
jb0tFlannel: no, not in there. maybe thats the problem :)05:16
PCcertifiedlegend2440: thanks05:16
ZaidenI bet ubuntu's going to mess up when I reboot :/05:16
m11how to force fschk on system that is booting only into busybox ?05:16
m_newtonHey, any good dictionaries for open office?05:16
Flanneljb0t: no, that'll cause problems.  You don't want it.  Try just installing mysql-common05:16
PCcertifiedDasmoover: what were you doing before your desktop froze05:16
wishieim having trouble with compiz (key bindings) in Hardy. Is it best to ask here, or in #compiz ? or somewhere else ?05:16
m_newtonHey, any good dictionaries for open office???????????? :bored05:16
=== ubuntu_ is now known as christoz
Dasmooverrunning compiz i guess05:16
Dasmooverwhen i reboot it works for a second, then it freezes05:16
PCcertifiedDasmoover: do you have a terminal open?05:16
PCcertifiedDasmoover: try typing metacity --replace  in the terminal05:17
m_newton<Dasmoover> i can help 205:17
CoiotesIs there an app to convert mp4/h.264 to DVD?05:17
ubot3`Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:17
christozhey , where can i find the file which from is booting the ubuntu ?05:17
m_newton<Dasmoover> sudo apt-get fusion-icon05:17
Dasmooverthere we go!05:17
Byron1wishie probably here if no one is talking in #compiz05:17
DasmooverWhat is it metacity?05:18
Dasmooverit worked05:18
emily_apt-get install ia32-libs -- couldn't find package.  Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?05:18
PCcertifiedDasmoover: it's your default window manager, the app that controls your desktop05:18
jb0tFlannel: Package mysql-common is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:18
m_newtonubot3 i went there once, no one seemed to respond05:18
christozi'm on a live cd after installing windows05:18
Dasmooverthank you :)05:18
wishieByron1, thanks05:18
christozand cannot boot to ubuntu anymore05:18
Flanneljb0t: Alright, you've got something wrong with your repos, pastebin your sources.list05:18
m_newton<Dasmoover> dont give up on compiz though05:18
PCcertifiedDasmoover: if you are not set up correctly and enable Compiz, strange things happen05:19
Dasmooverit seems my compiz is disabled now'05:19
PCcertifiedDasmoover: and now your are back to normal05:19
legend2440emily_: there is no such package by that name in hardy05:19
wishieI have the key-binding of "ctrl+alt+mouse_button3" set for rotating the "cube" in my compiz desktop. The problem is, its rotating even when i ONLY press mouse_button305:19
PCcertifiedDasmoover: what effects were you trying05:19
m_newton<Dasmoover> You should get the latest compiz, there is an amazing how to guide, gimi a sec to find it05:19
emily_legend2440: i'm on 7.1005:19
emily_legend2440: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/libs/ia32-libs05:20
wishieive checked my settings in ccsm, and they are correct. what to i check now ? where else do i look ?05:20
astro76christoz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:20
legend2440emily_: oh ok05:20
janice8954Now I have to reboot!05:20
janice8954oops I meant re install!05:20
jb0tFlannel: http://pastebin.com/m1b5a19a305:20
Dasmoover how do i reable compiz05:20
Flanneljanice8954: why?05:20
Alfarin__Anyone know of a method to convert MSSQL .bak files to MySQL format on Ubuntu?  I know on Windows there's hacky ways to do it via MSSQL tools, but I have no idea how to approach this at all on linux.05:20
legend2440emily_: are you using x64?05:20
FlannelAlfarin__: You may want to try #mysql05:21
PCcertifiedDasmoover: first you should onfigure your setup to handle it..  what video card do you have05:21
Stevethepirate'lo.. I'm being a bit ambitious asking this here... but.. I need a way to merge _many_ [like 10-15] ssh tunnels into one proxy that I can use....05:21
Alfarin__Flannel> figures... heh... aite.05:21
janice8954Flannel, I was trying to install a theme I found that Gnome look site. And it crashed the login screen The login screen doesn't start and there is no other way for me to login05:21
christozI have already restore grub but cannot find ubuntu's image to boot HELP!05:21
fyreofchaos13Can somebody aid me, I seemingly can't get the makexml script to work.05:21
Flanneljanice8954: ctrl-alt-f1, then you can login (it'll be all CLI, but its fixable)05:21
emily_legend2440: I don't think so...i'm on x86, but who knows what it installed. how would I check? I just can't get vmware working and i've been at it for two days and i'm really frustrated05:21
tat_i have installed ubuntu 8.04 sometimes some application gets like a dark shading, anybody knows what that is about?05:21
selocolhi i just installed xfonts-intl-japanese but how do i know what fonts (their names) i installed? thanks05:22
selocolalso xfonts = xft fonts = bitmap fonts?05:22
astro76Stevethepirate: if you set up a SOCKS proxy you can use one tunnel/port05:22
n-iCecan anyone help? http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/5519/pantallazoum9.png05:22
Flanneljb0t: Looks all good, what does "sudo apt-get update" give you05:22
Flanneljb0t: Any errors?05:23
jb0tFlannel: no, it looks good05:23
janice8954flannel, now it's not loading gdm05:23
janice8954at all05:23
m11cant boot into ubuntu after several hardware failures which are fixed now and are not HDD's, it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box. any help is really appriciated...05:23
Stevethepirateastro76: Well, each ssh tunnel is a tunnel to a socks5 proxy I have.. but its speed limited... to 30k/sec.. I need around 300k/sec.. so i need some way to merge the tunnels..05:23
Flanneljb0t: Alright, pastebin... apt-cache policy mysql-common05:23
Flanneljanice8954: What?05:23
janice8954Is there a command to setup gdm?05:23
PCcertifiedDasmoover:  the setup is slightly different depending on the vid card you have in your system,  what video card do you have05:24
m_newton<PCcertified> that or he didnt properly configure compiz correctly05:24
janice8954I did login using root prompt, but when I typed "gdm" to start it's giving me a bunch of error messages.05:24
emily_anyone? vmware? ubuntu-server? help?05:24
jb0tFlannel: http://pastebin.com/m662e5f5305:24
Flanneljanice8954: sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:24
Stevethepirateastro76: Know what I'm saying?05:24
wormwoodwhats the command for peering inside a package to inspect file contents?05:24
Odd-rationalewormwood: less?05:25
Flanneljanice8954: That's not a root prompt, just a CLI, and yes, it'd be normal for gdm to not work there.05:25
Odd-rationalewormwood: oh, a packages...05:25
astro76Stevethepirate: yes, but no idea how to do it, I've never heard of such a configuration ;)05:25
mstefwhy isnt cp -p preserving the permissions?05:25
n-iCecan anyone help? http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/5519/pantallazoum9.png05:25
Flanneljb0t: Alright, now sudo apt-get install mysql-common05:25
hilzhi guys. i open the System Settings dialog to change the display resolution, but the "Apply" button is disabled. i assume it is because i need to start the system settings as an administrator, but i can't find how to do that. i am on Kununtu 8.04 KDE4. help please!05:25
Odd-rationalewormwood: like a .deb? or .tar?05:25
emily_oh screw it05:25
SuN13flannel: you get paid to be here05:26
Stevethepirateastro76: Its like.. I want it to whenever it opens a new connection, for example to download something, to cycle through the tunnels.... Using the one with least load..05:26
FlannelSuN13: Nope05:26
jb0tFlannel: same as before.  not avail.  referred to by another package.  has no install candidate05:26
wormwoodOdd-rationale: right, like if I find a package via apt-cache and I want to inspect its file contents how would I do that05:26
christozwhat is the boting path to boot into ubuntu from the grub selector?05:26
SuN13flannel: thanks05:27
janice8954Flannel, is that going to solve the login screen?05:27
Odd-rationalewormwood: you mean like apt-cache show <packagename> ?05:27
jb0tFlannel: possibly useful info.  the initial install on edgy was amd64-server  i believe05:27
Flanneljb0t: Er... Except it just said it was available!  Can you pastebin these commands all in one (just copy/paste the rest)? sudo apt-get update ; apt-cache policy mysql-common ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?05:27
Flanneljanice8954: it should, yes.05:27
janice8954It's unable to fetch those things needed for install05:27
wormwoodOdd-rationale: yeah, but with the individual file listing05:27
Odd-rationalewormwood: idk then. sorry... :(05:28
Flanneljanice8954: What things did it need?  I don't think you mentioned that to me.05:28
janice8954Like, you know when it's trying to download the needed files to install a package.05:28
wormwoodOdd-rationale: np :) pkg_info -L 'blah' does that on FreeBSD was just wondering if Ubuntu had something similar05:28
Flanneljanice8954: Right, what are the errors?05:29
Flanneljanice8954: do you have any particular package names?05:29
gcarrillohi, i'm trying to set up an environment such that a process core dumps on a segmentation fault.  I believe i need the "ulimit" command to do this, but i don't have it on my system, and don't know what package it's in.05:29
jb0tFlannel: desktop?  this is a server. no gui installed, or wanted05:29
cn28hgcarrillo, ulimit is usually internal.. are you using bash?05:29
Flanneljb0t: What?  If I said anything about a GUI, I meant it for janice895405:29
gcarrillocn28h: let me double check05:30
Flanneljb0t: Oh!05:30
gcarrillocn28h: yup, i am05:30
Flanneljb0t: sorry.  Stop, stop.  No ubuntu-desktop, mysql-common05:30
cn28halso you can set it by calling the ulimit() function - see man 3 ulimit05:30
m11can someone help getting ubuntu to boot up properly ?it ends now on busybox05:30
Flanneljb0t: Shoot.   I really hope you didn't hit enter.  If you did, not the end of the world.05:30
cn28hgcarrillo, bash should have it built in05:30
christozwhat is the booting path to edit grub in order to load ubuntu?05:31
m_newton<Dasmoover> hold on05:31
gcarrillocn28h: you're right, sorry05:31
cn28hgcarrillo, don't be sorry ;P05:31
steve__hmmm I have a booy up problem too :-(05:31
jb0tFlannel: no.  i figured you might have typed :)05:31
PCcertifiedDasmoover: you still here?05:31
gcarrillocn28h: i started by trying to pull up a manpage, and saw there was none...didn't even try to run it ;)  my bad ;)05:31
Flanneljb0t: whew.  So, those three, but mysql-common instead of ubuntu-desktop.05:31
jb0tFlannel: http://dpaste.com/54271/     (pastebin spam filter tripped? hmm)05:31
DaveKongDoes anyone know if there are any current projects to create a Linux driver for the dell photo 926 printer?05:32
b4l74z4ris there a list of plugins for xchat anywhere on the web?05:32
jb0toops..missed on05:32
cn28hgcarrillo, if it's in code that you are writing you can also use the ulimit() function05:32
janice8954c"could not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'05:32
janice8954err http:/us.archive.ubuntu.com'05:32
janice8954failed to fetchy http://us.archiine.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/fast-user-switch-applet/fast-user-sweitch-applet_2.22.0-0ubuntu2_i286.deb could not resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com'05:32
janice8954falied to fetch (another long url)05:32
janice8954E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try --fix-missing?05:32
FloodBot3janice8954: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:32
gcarrillocn28h: great, thanks.  looks like i'm set05:32
christozwhat is the booting path to edit grub in order to load ubuntu?05:32
jb0tFlannel: take a look.  lemme know if thats right05:33
janice8954Flannel did that show up?05:33
gcarrillochristoz: /boot/grub/menu.lst, i believe05:33
Flanneljanice8954: Use the pastebin05:33
janice8954What's that?05:33
Flannel!paste | janice895405:33
ubot3`janice8954: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:33
m_newton<Dasmoover> STOP dont do what i told you just yet05:33
PCcertifiedjanice8954: open your repo list in synaptic and change the pulldown box to MAIN05:33
m_newton<Dasmoover> Respond if you are still here05:34
Flanneljanice8954: Actually, I see the issue.  And I think PCcertified does too.05:34
PCcertifiedjanice8954: I was having the same trouble05:34
pokerfacepenguinanybody in here run ubuntu on a carputer?05:34
Flanneljb0t: now sudo apt-get install mysql-common05:34
PCcertifiedit seems the server is not always reliable but main works05:34
FlannelPCcertified: no, her problem is http:/us. as opposed to http://us.05:35
m11how to force fschk from livecd so that it starts after reboot ?05:35
FlannelPCcertified: hmm, maybe those are typos05:35
Flanneljanice8954: thanks05:35
Azaelxfce my keyboard shortcuts work fine unless I try to use anything invlovingthe super key, the marco sees it and records it as alt + l super or what ever, but they don't work on the desktop.  I have gone to google, and found alot of idscussion but no answers that seem to work for me.05:35
jb0tFlannel: http://dpaste.com/54272/05:35
pokerfacepenguini was thinking of building a small carputer for wardriving with a mini-itx board and wonder if there are any caveats to be aware of with jetways or vias...anyone got any input?05:36
Flanneljanice8954: Those are us.archive.ubuntu.com, right?05:36
DaveKong<christoz> check out this link for editing the grub file05:36
janice8954I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. I am not even able to get in the GUI05:36
DaveKong<christoz> https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/dualboot-custom.html05:36
janice8954yes Flannel05:36
christozgcarrillo this path is not valid anymore cause i ave install recently windows ....and after restoreing grub the path is not valid05:36
Flanneljb0t: this is odd indeed.  Oh, youre running as root.  Try just "apt-get install mysql-common"05:37
PCcertifiedFlannel: mie was ca05:37
gcarrillochristoz: ahh05:37
PCcertifiedFlannel: CA was mine cuz I'm in Canada.   I just used the pulldown box and changed Canada to MAIN and it works now05:37
jb0tFlannel: hah. yeah.  same error.05:37
Flanneljanice8954: Alright, um, try `sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list` and then remove all the "us."'s from the beginning of the urls (http://archive.ubuntu.com)05:37
jb0tFlannel: was literally pasting :)05:38
FlannelPCcertified: she has no GUI05:38
gcarrillochristoz: you can boot off a liveCD, and run whatever command installs grub into the MBR05:38
janice8954I just solved the problem It's not able to acess the respos, because it has not Inet connection05:38
gcarrillothat could restore it05:38
janice8954repos rather05:38
joanjosephHi, does any1 know how to setup a unichrome video card in hardy 64bit? I've got jmicron video card>>> ty05:38
Flanneljb0t: So.... random.  Since it claims it sees it right there!  Which pastebin was your sources.list?  do you have that handy still?05:39
Flanneljb0t: Oh, I found it, different bin.05:39
m11can i use partition editor from livecd to fix broken ext3 ?05:39
fyreofchaos13Can somebody help me? I'm trying to burn a DVD, but cannot create the structure.05:39
jb0tFlannel: http://pastebin.com/m1b5a19a305:39
Azaelfyreofchaos, ubuntu?05:39
Dasmooveri installed fusion-icon05:39
Azaelsudo apt-get install gnomebaker05:40
* Kcaj[programming slaps galvinate around a bit with a large trout05:40
PCcertifiedhmmm, so I guess just remove ca. from the beginning of the repo's in /etc/apt/sources.list and it will use the main repo's05:40
Flanneljb0t: you know what, lets try changing us.archive.ubuntu to just plain archive.ubuntu05:40
janice8954Still hasn't really solved the problem.05:40
Dasmoovermy screen is so laggy, but when i select indirect renderinging, it works but my deskrop freezes05:40
janice8954now I just have no access to the repositories. is there a way to make it get it from the install CD?05:40
Kcaj[programmingI love you guys, and Ubuntu. I want a non-bias'd opinion though; what is the best distro to use with KDE as default (desktop, well, laptop actually)? I want decent server capabilities (sand-box for programming, development station) but lots of good desktop features.05:40
christoz"you can boot off a liveCD, and run whatever command installs grub into the MBR" what do you mean exactly to do gcarrillo ?05:40
FlannelKcaj[programming: #ubuntu-offtopic for that, thanks05:41
Kcaj[programmingI really want KDE instead of Gnome, just becase as I have seen recently, it looks much nicer.05:41
Flannel!grub | christoz05:41
ubot3`christoz: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:41
Flannelchristoz: First link05:41
janice8954Flannel. Someone just gave me an idea. What if I run the Live CD and then run those commands there?05:41
janice8954Will that work?05:41
Flanneljb0t: After you've changed, apt-get update && apt-get install mysql-common05:41
cyberbuffHello! I am using Ubuntu8.04, how can install firefox2 and get rid of ff3b5?05:41
janice8954Nope of course that won't work because it's mounted the hard drive05:41
Azaeldoes the lilo boot=/bin/bash, mount -rw,remount trick work in ubuntu, she could reinstall grub that way05:42
fyreofchaos13Azael, will this create a DVD viewable through a DVD player?05:42
flaccidcyberbuff: remove the firefox 3 package and install the firefox 2 package05:42
janice8954because it's not*05:42
Flanneljanice8954: LiveCD won't help, no.  Do you not have internet on this box currently?05:42
Azaeldvd or cd by tree or iso or audio05:42
=== skillet_ is now known as skillet
flaccidcyberbuff: sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.0 & sudo apt-get install firefox-205:42
m11before i mess somthing badly , can i use livecd partition editor to fix ext3 error ?05:42
gcarrillochristoz:  boot off the liveCD and run "man -s8 grub-install"05:42
steve__when ubuntu boots it runs the totem movie player trying to stream radio caroline ... every time. Has anyone got ideas on how to fix that? ... sorry I'm new to Ubuntu ... you guessed lol05:42
janice8954Flannel heres the problem I can't start the GUI because I can't login using GDM. So, I had to to go root prompt using recovery.05:43
gcarrillochristoz: that program can restore the boot block05:43
Flannelgcarrillo: That page explains how to do it, no need fo man pages.05:43
janice8954and that's where I have been trying to run all these commands until you suggested the ctrl alt f105:43
Flanneljanice8954: type `init 2` then ctrl-alt-f1, then log in.  GDM has nothing to do with logging into TTys05:43
gcarrilloFlannel: i didn't see what you wrote05:43
DShepherddoes installing the ubuntu-restricted-formats packages also install w32codecs?05:43
janice8954now I am stuck in that prompt05:43
janice8954I am logged in already.05:44
Flanneljanice8954: What do you mean stuck?05:44
janice8954I just have gui05:44
janice8954I mean, I don't have a gui05:44
Flanneljanice8954: So, you have internet now?05:44
gcarrilloFlannel: i see it...cool link05:44
Azaelfyre its is a front end so check if cdrecord is loaded.  sudo apt-get install cdrecord will do fine for that05:44
cyberbuffflaccid: is not a little too obvious? i wanted to know "how"05:44
EvolElm0restarting x-server.. how do i do it? XD.. tryin to get my 2nd moniter back online05:45
flaccidcyberbuff: goto a console and issue the command. thats how.05:45
janice8954I am stuck here because you had me remove GDM05:45
Azaelalt ctrl backspace to restart x05:45
fyreofchaos13Already installed.05:45
jb0tFlannel: http://dpaste.com/54274/    odd.05:46
Flanneljanice8954: I wasn't aware you had no internet at the time, as that does complicate things.  Do you have an alternate CD by any chance?  Or any way of getting internet?05:46
fyreofchaos13So, I have an mpg version of what I was trying to burn already.05:46
JDStoneI'm getting this in my logs: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName05:46
cyberbuffflaccid: thanks :)05:46
JDStonehow do I fix that05:46
fyreofchaos13Will burning that via. GnomeBaker work, with it playable through DVD players?05:46
flaccidcyberbuff: wasnt that obvious :)05:46
janice8954I don't have an alt CD> I have an alt CD for Kubuntu, but not for Ubuntu05:46
janice8954and the only other means of internet is the machine I am right now.05:46
janice8954actually, I have should have an alt CD for Xubuntu05:47
Azaelshould work, I burn discs at work with it all the time for customers to have manuals in pdf format05:47
Flanneljanice8954: Either one will work, actually.05:47
janice8954Okay, so what do I do with that?05:47
Flanneljanice8954: Assuming they're for 8.04 like this one, (we're on 8.04. right?)05:47
Azaelits a front end, it will set the disc up however you want it. audi/video data05:47
FlannelJDStone: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-6ce180906ddbc141ef4b213f82465515a8ad303105:48
janice8954Yes Flannel05:48
legend2440Azael: fyreofchaos13is trying to create the DVD file structure the vob and ifo files. gnomebaker only burns them after he has created them05:48
Flanneljanice8954: alright, if you have Xubuntu, we'd prefer to use that, but either will work.  Which are we using?05:48
fyreofchaos13How can I structure them?05:48
JDStoneah hah, thanks Flannel05:49
Flanneljanice8954: right, but Xubuntu or Kubuntu? (preferrably Xubuntu)05:49
fyreofchaos13I tried with tovid's makexml, but apparently the command disappeared.05:49
Azaelok sorry. I saw a hot-to somewhere, but don't remember05:49
legend2440fyreofchaos13: the easist one i ever found to create dvd files is varsha05:49
Flanneljb0t: I'm so ... stupified.  This makes no sense.05:49
janice8954That's a Kubuntu05:49
jb0tFlannel: yeah. i'm lost too.05:49
Azaelanyone understand xfce?05:49
janice8954Sorry Flannel. Only have a Kubuntu Alt05:49
Flanneljb0t: download the package manually, dpkg it?05:50
legend2440fyreofchaos13: it is a java app that works very well05:50
Flanneljanice8954: Alright, that'll work.  Pop it in, `sudo apt-cdrom add`05:50
steve__when ubuntu boots it runs the totem movie player trying to stream radio caroline ... every time. Has anyone got ideas on how to stop it loading?05:50
janice8954That won't work from the normal install?05:50
radius_which repo do i need to get the security updates for hardy heron?05:50
Flanneljanice8954: What?05:50
steve__me too lol05:51
Netham46Linux sux, keeps giving me this error, http://impoll.net/cgi-bin/v.cgi?p=3647&r=1 , I'm going back to Vista! blows the crap out of linux05:51
Flannel!ask | zalfa05:51
ubot3`zalfa: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:51
legend2440fyreofchaos13: earlier you mentioned todiscgui. is that part of tovid?05:51
PCcertifiedsteve__:  System->Preferences-> Sessions05:52
legend2440fyreofchaos13: that didnt work?05:52
janice8954flannel. what I was asking is this. That command wouldn't work from the normal install CD?05:52
fyreofchaos13legend2440: It said it succeeded, but nothing was created, structured, or burned to the blank DVD.05:52
zalfaE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:53
zalfaE: _cache->open() failed, please report.05:53
Flanneljanice8954: No, Desktop CDs don't have the repositories on them, they just have an image, we need the packages from the alt CD05:53
pijuhow can i print using ubuntu ?05:53
fyreofchaos13legend2440: So I began trying to run the commands by hand, and one of the commands aren't working.05:53
janice8954Okay, I did what you said. now waht?05:53
Azaelzalfa what were you doing when you got tyhis msg05:53
davf_can anyone tell me if I need to do anything with iptables to use amule with a default install of ubuntu hardy?05:53
ubot3`Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:53
Flanneljanice8954: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kdm05:53
legend2440fyreofchaos13: it didnt put iso or vob ifo files somwhere in your home directory?05:53
PCcertified!print | piju05:53
DanaGANybody know what would make Ubuntu just mysteriously fail to print?05:53
ubot3`piju: please see above05:53
davf_I ed2k is working but not kad05:53
fyreofchaos13legend2440: Nope, it just immediately said complete with nothing happening.05:54
fyreofchaos13Once I did it by hand, it spent a good 20 minutes encoding an mpg, but that's it.05:54
davf_DanaG check http://localhost:631 and look at the status of the printer05:54
rakibhi people, i am getting problem with ubuntu editors.05:55
janice8954Flannel, it still gave me the crap about not being to find packages05:55
Azaelrakib what editor05:55
Flanneljanice8954: Which packages?05:55
legend2440fyreofchaos13: yes you need the mpg. that is what the vob ifo dvd structure uses05:55
Flanneljanice8954: A name is good enough05:55
davf_Anyone successfully using amule with ubuntu and kad?05:55
joanjosephwhat kind of editor???? there are so many types of ubuntu editors???05:55
janice8954I am davf05:55
rakibwhene ever I copy any text and paste in kate or gedit it pastes following line Ÿ賠sd.dll,fydgky.dll,dehkj.dll,dtrgjy.dll,fgffthui.dll,thyut.dll,hjfgth.dll,trhth.dll,rthrk.dll,dgrdgr.dll,hrergh.dll,ghthhh.dll,gfcfg.dll,frntrn.dll,qrhhb.dll,drghszd.dll,fngn.dll,gnfctt.dll,xgnfn.dll,xfgnhcgfm.dll,serger.dll,bnxnb.dll,fxgnfx.dll,jzijj.dll,xfgnfx.dll,serghjm.dll,thsddh.dll,xbcvxb.dll,zfdzb.dll,xdndn.05:56
FloodBot3rakib: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:56
legend2440fyreofchaos13: ok now i remember devede is good and its in synaptic05:56
neohavenon a stock Ubuntu 8.04 (64-bit) LTS Machine, where is the OpenSSH server found?05:56
Flannelneohaven: It isn't.  You'd have to install it05:56
navetzhey can anyone here please help me get my windows key working agiain. I messed up something with my keyboard settings and now the key is not working, please help05:57
neohavenFlannel: then why isn't it in the "add/remove" app?05:57
PCcertifiedrakib:  where are you copying the text from, a console?05:57
Azaelnavetz, I;m here for same reason, no luck yet05:57
legend2440fyreofchaos13: do you see devede in synaptic?05:57
fyreofchaos13Yes, installed.05:57
navetzAzael: damn, I dunno what I did to mess it up.05:57
DanaGAnybody know what would make printing just mysteriously break?05:57
Flannelneohaven: No idea?  Its not somethign normal desktop users want.  You want the openssh-server package05:57
DanaGI try to print to my printer... and it thinks it succeeds.... but doesn't do anything.05:57
steve__does anyone know how to edit what programs run at startup in Ubuntu?05:57
Flannel!bum | steve__05:58
ubot3`steve__: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:58
AzaelI got a new kybd w/ windows keys, I set the shortcuts but then they dont work05:58
Azaelwhich desktop in ubuntu?05:58
neohavenFlannel: a search for openssh, ssh, or sshd doesn't return anything except clients.05:58
Flannelneohaven: Are you connected to the internet?05:58
navetzAzael: have you tried `xev` in a terminal?05:58
neohavenyes, it finds clients.05:58
fyreofchaos13legend2440: So this'll create the iso of the MPG, which I can burn to the DVD?05:58
steve__ok thx05:58
Tilleyserver freenode.com05:58
Azaeljust type xev/?05:58
Flannelneohaven: Have you hit "update"?05:58
navetzAzael yea, then try some keys05:59
PCcertifiednavetz the best advice I can give you is, when you are about to activate it, choose use phone and follow the  directions05:59
legend2440fyreofchaos13: ok that will create the dvd structure and the iso you can use to burn it to a dvd disc05:59
janice8954I think i got something from install flannel05:59
Azaelok whats that doing?05:59
astro76neohaven: add/remove app only shows gui programs05:59
legend2440fyreofchaos13: yes it will05:59
neohavenFlannel: Update? in the Add/Remove app?05:59
Flannelneohaven: no, in Synaptic05:59
navetzPCcertified: for my keyboard?05:59
janice8954not sure what just yet, but I gots something.HEY EVERYTHING"S BACK!05:59
Flannelneohaven: system > admin > synaptic package manager05:59
Flannelneohaven: Add/Remvoe is just a tiny fraction of the stuff you can install05:59
Flanneljanice8954: that's kdm, not gdm, but once you're back online you can switch back to gdm (and remove kdm)06:00
janice8954It took out my internet though :)06:00
Azaelnothing, jsut seing a bunch of VVV's in xterm window when I press volume key06:00
janice8954now, can you run me through how to do that?06:00
legend2440fyreofchaos13: do you see that create iso  bin/cue option?06:00
neohavenFlannel: then I probably will find openssh in Synaptic... but why have 2 distinct apps?06:00
Felonelegend2440: Should I be using NTSC vid output?06:00
Flanneljanice8954: once you're connected to the itnernet, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gdm, then sudo apt-get remove kdm06:00
Flannelneohaven: Because the server and the client are different06:00
legend2440Felone: are you in usa?06:01
Azaelnothing, just V's06:01
legend2440Felone:  then yes ntsc06:01
davf_No one uses amule or emaul?06:01
janice8954I am connected.06:01
janice8954Okay, one moment06:01
Flanneljanice8954: Or, if you prefer synaptic, hit "update" then install gdm, then remove kdm06:01
Azaelif I set up as u and down as d it works, but anything with a super key l or r doesn't work06:01
FeloneIts set to Create ISO or BIN/CUE, as you said.06:01
Flanneljb0t: you awake?06:02
neohavenFlannel: not what I meant. What is the purpose of having 2 different apps managing packages? Both Synaptic and the Add/Remove one?06:02
Azaelmy vol up key is alt + super L for example06:02
janice8954Flannel is there anyway to change my password/06:02
Flannelneohaven: Add/Remove is dumbed down, its simplfiied so if you don't know the name of something, you can find it (and it only shows the stuff most people find interesting), Synaptic is everything (not just apps, but libs, etc, etc)06:02
Flanneljanice8954: sure, users and groups can do it I think.  If not, the "passwd" command06:02
neohavenFlannel: Meh, I probably would have implemented a menu option with "Advanced..." or something, but ok, I get that. :)06:03
janice8954Flannel, taking out gdm would have wiped away that stupid theme that screwed me up in the first place right?06:03
Flannelneohaven: Add/remvoe is a custom app for Ubuntu, Synaptic is a stadnard one06:03
Felonelegend2440: About how long should this take for a 10minute piece?06:03
Flanneljanice8954: yeah, just removing the config files ("complete removal" in synptic).  And actually, once youinstall gdm, you should try it out before removing kdm06:04
neohavenFlannel: ok :)06:04
legend2440Felone: you already have mpeg file?06:04
jb0tFlannel: yeah..  this wrong?  http://dpaste.com/54275/06:04
Flanneljb0t: /join #ubuntu-motu06:04
janice8954Whatever happened knocked out my bcm4311 but that's easy to get going again.06:04
legend2440Felone: making mpeg is the part that takes the longest. i guess maybe five minutes. its been a while since i've done any video encoding06:05
legend2440Felone: it will put files and iso in your home directory06:06
FeloneThen just burn that to the DVD, and it should work?06:07
m11kernel panic -not syncing attempt to kill init --- any help appriciated06:07
legend2440Felone: yes06:07
FeloneThank you! :)06:07
johnnypandalol what am I doing here06:07
legend2440Felone: your welcome06:07
Azaelm11 is this a boot up problem?06:07
m_newtonTo all that want the LATEST COMPIZ FUSION (from git [still in development days but works fine on hardy]) check out http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showpost.php?p=35679&postcount=2 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=643485&highlight=makefusion06:08
musikgoatanyone know where i can find more information about getting proper resolutions with my new 9800 gx206:08
janice8954Now, heres a tricky one guys. Does anyone know how to get DVD playback on Kubuntu  6.06?06:08
legend2440Felone: you have any dvdrw's you may want to try that first to see if it looks right. until you get used to devede06:09
m11Azael: yes06:09
m_newton<janice8954> Kubuntu  6.06?? UPDATE!06:09
Azaelnever happened before. then shut down machines, reeat memory and cpu and cards, blow it out and try again06:09
m_newton<janice8954> dapper = old06:09
Azaelreseat memory cards cpu etc06:09
janice8954m_newton, I can't update because anything higher won't run on this old machine06:10
m11Azael: u know somthing about that issue ?06:10
janice8954I tried Hardy and it just doesn't want to intall.06:10
m_newton<janice8954> why not? what is the problem, is it a driver issue?06:10
Flanneljanice8954: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html06:10
Azaelkernel panics can be hardware, sometimes reseating things can clear it up.  sure as hell can't hurt06:10
dannyboyhow can i browse thru a windows mobile device using ubuntu?06:10
janice8954m_newton, it's a ram issue06:10
m11Azael: HW problem was fixed, then i had fschk repair from livecd and now i get kernel panic06:11
m_newton<janice8954> oh well listen to <Flannel> then, if you want to update talk to me06:11
Felonelegend2440: This is just to get a school project on a readable DVD. In the future, should I be making cooler DVDs, I'll definitely play around first. :P06:11
legend2440Felone: oh ok06:11
s_spiffanyone here with a realtek ethernet card, or two ethernet cards on the same system.. please help me out : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81470106:11
Azaelwhat ws hw problem? originally06:12
FeloneI seriously spent the past 5 hours trying to get this project to a disc. :(06:12
m11Azael: i am looking for software fix, not hardware, i might go aswell buy new machine then :)06:12
alioraibiwass up06:12
FeloneA video project for Spanish.06:12
m_newton<Felone> what do you need to do?06:12
s_spiffanyone with experience in configuring two ethernet cards here?? need help!!06:12
legend2440Felone: did you start with avi and encode to mpeg?06:12
alioraibi I am new at linux & i have a question about the radio thing ????06:13
m11Azael: cooler went broken and system didnt boot corectly several times06:13
Azaels-spiff yes I can help06:13
m_newton<alioraibi> what radio thing06:13
AzaelI had similair issue, had to add external ide card,06:13
legend2440Felone: never encoded wmv myself only avi's. what program did you use for that?06:13
mohkohnHow can I remove a firefox plugin manually? Uninstall does not work.06:14
m11Azael: system booted , then got frozen due to broken cooler on southbridge, cooler now replaced and system is stable, but errors are unbelivalbe06:14
Azaelkernel panic could be hardware thars all I'm saying06:14
FeloneI used tovid06:14
mohkohnIt just comes back as soon as I relaunch firefox06:14
DanaGOh yeah, the printer shows as status being OK... and it claims to finish the jobs... but nothing comes out of the printer.06:14
m11Azael: 100% not hardware related issue as it would freeze again if cooler wouldnt work :/06:15
janice8954Okay, Flannel. How do I switch back to gdm?06:15
brettHi, can somebody help me with an ide cdrom hooked up over usb?06:15
FeloneThe tovid script worked fine for me; it was the structuring script that failed out.06:15
Azaelwhat other thinsg could have been stressed or damaged when cooler was out?06:15
legend2440Felone: yes tovid is good but after i found devede i used that to encode and create dvd structure files. not sure if devede encodes wmv though . never tried06:15
musikgoatok, it seems currently I have nvidia driver version 169.12, and for my card support from nvidia, i need to run 173.14.05,  anyone know of a link for compiling and installing this driver?06:15
FeloneI'll try it sometime.06:15
Flanneljanice8954: when you install GDM, it should ask which one you want to use06:15
janice8954I did.06:15
janice8954and I selected gdm.06:16
Flanneljanice8954: and it asked?  Alright, log out06:16
Azaelif its that bad, put in a diff hd drive and see if you can get system up, cut the problem in half06:16
legend2440Felone: ok i got to go now .have fun06:16
brettI see it mount as 'USB Drive' in the file browser06:16
FeloneThank you! :)06:16
brettbut I can't open it.06:16
Flanneljanice8954: and you should be at GDM (like usual)06:16
m11Azael: the M$ works06:16
janice8954Flannel: it's that simple eh?06:16
Flanneljanice8954: yep06:16
Azaelthen your partition is corrupted somehow.  reload os from backup06:17
m11Azael: how u mean reload os from backup ?06:17
ariqsI got the celestia package, and when I click on it, it says starting celestia, loads various things and then vanishes and never shows up. Why?06:17
Azaelyou do make routine backups right?06:18
janice8954Alright thanks for all your help guys.06:18
RobLoachArgh, wrong channel.06:18
Azaels_spiff still here?06:18
=== [Sp00ky] is now known as [Spooky]
m11Azael: my data yes, os no06:18
s_spiffAzael: yes06:18
DanaGOdd: I stuck the printer on my Fedora9 VM, and that prints perfectly fine.06:18
DanaGHowever, trying to print over network to the guest, from the host, fails just as mysteriously as when the printer is directly connected to the host.06:19
Azaelok, you might have to rebuild box.06:19
Azaelok, what is the network card prob? spif06:19
s_spiffAzael: rebuild??? meaning? the problem is given here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81470106:20
m11Azael: i can mount that partition thru livecd but i cant boot it :/06:20
ariqsok, why can't I play dvds with VLC in ubuntu?06:20
ariqsI can only play dvds after I've ripped protections from them in windows06:20
Azaellivecd has resce mode no? I forget06:20
astro76ariqs: installed libdvdcss2 ?06:21
ariqschecking, astro7606:21
m11Azael: i just run option to test without install06:21
astro76!medibuntu | ariqs you can get it here06:21
ubot3`ariqs you can get it here: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:21
m11Azael: then mount wanted partition06:21
brettHrm so If I try and mount this thing, I get the old 'bad superblock on /dev/sdc etc..'06:21
brettWrong driver?06:21
frsandstone77_hey there guys06:22
frsandstone77_which should I choose?  http://img26.picoodle.com/img/img26/4/6/1/f_Screenshot1m_d98996f.png06:23
Azaeland it mounted?06:23
ZachIsHereI tried Ubuntu a few years back and it had this great feature that let me control the volume level for individual applications. I am using 8.04 now and don't see anything like that. Anyone know what I am referring to and how I could get it back?06:23
=== frsandstone77_ is now known as frsandstone77
ubot3`grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:23
Azaelspiff you running a firewall, or are they bridged?06:24
astro76frsandstone77: good question for #windows06:24
m11Azael: it mounts without problem from live cd06:24
Azaelgot idea, reboot box, at lilo type boot=/bin/bash and see if hd botos that way06:25
brettDo I still need to load ide-scsi when using a usb cdrom06:25
m11Azael: grub here if u talking to me...06:25
Azaelat grub sorry same thing06:25
Azaelit should load next to nothing ,but it will load a kernel without all the crap06:25
Azaelthat will see if the kernel loads by itself06:26
m11Azael: in kernel line i put boot=/bin/bash ?06:26
Azaelyes, and let me know what happens06:26
m11Azael: add this line or just that line ?06:27
Azaelreboot box, at grub under options type boot=/bin/bash and hit enter06:27
frsandstone77astro76: no one in #windows is responding06:28
oscar_buenas noches06:28
bazhang_!es | oscar_06:28
ubot3`oscar_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:28
Azaelif this boots its not the kernel itself06:28
techno_freakdoes wubi installer have a username password for installing?06:29
frsandstone77any ideas people?   http://img26.picoodle.com/img/img26/4/6/1/f_Screenshot1m_d98996f.png06:29
m11Azael: i went comand line under grub and put that line, it said:starting up... error 8 :kernel must be loaded before booting06:29
ariqs<astro76>: what library might I need if I want to decript a dvd in ubuntu?06:29
bazhang_frsandstone77, that is a ##windows question; offtopic here thanks06:29
astro76ariqs: libdvdcss206:30
Azaeldamn.  it works under suse, I had hoped it would here also06:30
frsandstone77grrr, ok06:30
ariqsastro76: well that worked for playing dvds, but I still can't use k9copy06:30
g-eHey People! Im trying to play a DVD. It works, but it only plays the intro. Any ideas?06:30
ariqsk9copy just sits there doing nothing...06:30
Azaellet me think for a sec06:30
s_spiffAzael: any ideas to my issue?06:30
frsandstone77g-e: download and install VLC media player06:30
m11Azael: many tnx m8, i am on desert island with this :/06:31
=== gbarberi-- is now known as gbarberi
Azaelneed to ask questionsspiff.  1) how is the machine connected to the other points, ie two cards, birdged or firewalled?06:31
bazhang_frsandstone77, vlc is in the repos; best to tell g-e that06:31
frsandstone77haha, soz my 2nd day w/ ubuntu, just trying to help out06:32
Coiotes_For some reason Ubuntu isn't automatically mounting a partition of mine, /dev/sdb, which is formatted as ext3. Can someone help out?06:32
astro76ariqs: hmm not sure haven't tried that.. but it should have installed it's required dependencies06:32
astro76ariqs: is libdvdread3 installed?06:32
g-efrsandstone77, bazhang_: totem can only play intros?06:32
Coiotes_/dev/sdb is actually its own HDD, as you might imagine.06:32
Azaelm11, that boot=/bin/bash works under suse and other distros.  boot=/bin/bash then mount -o rw,remount then passwd thats a way to reset root's passwd06:32
bazhang_http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy frsandstone77 best to look here06:32
frsandstone77i'm pretty sure it can play all w/ the correct codecs, but like i said this is my 2nd day  w/ ubuntu06:32
astro76Coiotes_: internal? or usb?06:32
ariqsyes, astro.06:32
Coiotes_astro76: inernal06:33
astro76Coiotes_: you'll need to add an entry to /etc/fstab06:33
astro76!fstab | Coiotes_06:33
ubot3`Coiotes_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:33
bazhang_g-e, no idea, never use it; vlc is what I play everything with06:33
Azaelspiff can I open a pm window for a sec?06:33
s_spiffAzael: sorry, noob here. the machine has two ethernet cards. one is a nvidia onboard controller.. and the other is a pci realtek... I use the onboard for my internet connection from a ISP.. and the realtek to connect to a local are a network..06:33
frsandstone77thanks bazhang06:33
m_newtonhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaG0_x6Cnf8 if you want radio on VLC06:33
s_spiffAzael: yeah sure06:33
AlabamaHitIs there anyone very familiar with html code...I ask here cause of user friendliness and amount of people I know this is not the right spot. And its a very odd question....06:35
m11Azael: how can that help in this situation ? i see system has mounted disk but i get this: init: error parsing configuration: no such file or directory ; then it list :kernel panic - not syncing - atempted to kill init06:35
bazhang_!html | AlabamaHit06:35
ubot3`AlabamaHit: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/06:35
detrateanyone here use synergy with dual monitors?06:36
AlabamaHitbazhang_: been there couldn't find the answer...I dont think i can do it but i was going to try to see if someone has found a way to do it.06:36
ariqsalabamaHit: just go read an online tutorial :) and this place is awful for answers a lot of the time.  Astro solved my problem right off despite the fact I've asked in ehre about the same thing and was never given a solution despite it being obvious. This place sucks for the numebr of people in it ;P06:37
infratlQQ, current version of ubuntu is 8.04... what was the previous version? 7.10?06:37
bazhang_AlabamaHit, also check cheatsheet monkey06:37
jb0tinfratl: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(Linux_distribution)#Release_History06:37
AlabamaHitbazhang_: is that on w3? or different site....im just going to say what im trying to do its very wierd...i was wonering if there was a way to make a hyper link take you to 2 pages like say click one link get 2 pages..06:38
ghindoDoes anyone know how to save and quit out of visudo?06:39
fookshi there06:39
bazhang_AlabamaHit, not if page popups are blocked no06:39
ariqswhat are the legal reasons for not being able to provide the library necessary to play dvs in ubuntu anyway? No other linux packages include it by default either?06:39
fookshello there06:40
fooksim watching several movies06:40
fooksand for some reason subtitles refuse to load properly06:40
bazhang_ariqs, software patents-->see more in #ubuntu-offtopic06:40
Flannelariqs: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place06:40
fooksin a number of players06:40
astro76ariqs: the DMCA06:40
bazhang_fooks, rename srt file to exact same as movie file06:40
fooksbazhang_, hmm06:41
bazhang_fooks, is this georgij06:41
m11kernel panic problem here , ubuntu cant boot , any help appriciated...06:41
olskolirchey guys, is solaris any good?06:42
skilletolskolirc, yes06:42
bazhang_ask in solaris channel olskolirc06:42
olskolircbetter than ubuntu?06:42
skilletolskolirc, this isnt the place for this topic but it depends on what you are doing with it06:43
Flannelolskolirc: #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks06:43
olskolircIm trying to body slam this dude that ubuntu is better06:43
PCcertified!compiz-fusion | Dasmoover06:43
ubot3`Dasmoover: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:43
skilletolskolirc, well you've come to the wrong place to get your answer06:43
jb0tFlannel: starting to consider messing with dpkg/status06:44
olskolircok ok06:44
skilletkind of a bias in here06:44
Flanneljb0t: Maybe file a bug at launchpad.  My brain hurts ;)06:44
skilletdont ask in #solaris either.... you will get flammed06:44
Flanneljb0t: its just craaaazy06:44
m11can anyone help with kernel panic ?06:45
DanaGOkay, my printing is still oddly broken.06:48
DanaGI can print from Fedora VM... except some websites won't print.06:49
DanaGBut I can't print from Ubuntu host to guest, or to printer locally, either.06:49
nathan__how can i dual boot i already have ubuntu but want to install windows06:49
Azaelugh tryingto teach somehow to set upa firewall, told them not to turn it  on, <<USER NOT LOGGED IN>> ugh06:49
Flannelnathan__: Install windows, then you'll need to reinstall a part of GRUB, by follwowing the first link here:06:50
Flannel!grub | nathan__06:50
ubot3`nathan__: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:50
Jangariis there an ubuntu studio room?06:50
FlannelJangari: #ubuntustudio06:50
ravonwow, weird. My Xorg updates über slow unless I move the mouse cursor :/06:51
* Azael s_spiff left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection). opps lol06:51
m11!kernel panic06:54
ubot3`Factoid kernel panic not found06:54
theRealBallchalkoff topic but #gstreamer is dead--------how do i find which version gstreamer i'm using?06:54
Flannel!ko | sk8erjs06:54
ubot3`sk8erjs: For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko06:54
bazhang_sk8erjs, /join #ubuntu-ko06:54
bazhang_theRealBallchalk, open synaptic and check06:55
Jangariwhat is the kernel with an -rt suffix instead of -generic?06:56
FlannelJangari: real time06:56
Jangariand why has ubuntustudio installed it06:56
FlannelJangari: Because for the audio/video capture stuff, you want a realtime kernel06:57
bazhang_needs it for latency Jangari06:57
Jangarimm, okay,06:57
Jangariit doesn't load, where would it be in the list of packages in synaptic? I want to et rid of it06:58
Azaelif spiff comes back, he needs to install dhcpd via apt-get and then needs help configurings a class c network in firestarter, I got to get to bed06:58
m11so, it is normal for ubuntu to drop kernel panics after i made fschk with livecd ?06:58
bazhang_Azael, will tell him thanks06:58
bazhang_a kernel panic on the livecd?06:59
SwedeMikekernel panics are never normal06:59
m11bazhang_: fschk from livecd with partition editor as i had some problems with mounting, after that i get kernel panics07:00
m11was droping me to busybox before i did fschk and couldnt do anything07:00
bazhang_m11, when did this start happening (ie, your serious probs including panics)07:00
bazhang_m11, is this wubi07:00
m11bazhang_: southbridge cooler died, so PC was randomly freezing07:00
m11bazhang_: install on sdb107:01
m11i even switched ram plates as azael sugested ,but still same kernel panic07:02
bazhang_m11 serious hardware issues then07:02
DJ_HaMsTaany one got Radmin or VNC, knoledge on Samba and is willing to connect to my pc ? (to help me with a samba issue)07:02
m11bazhang_: hardly as i replaced southbridge cooler07:02
m11bazhang_: as i coudlnt get any help here i went check disk with partition editor from livecd and after reboot it start poping kernel panic07:04
m11bazhang_: before it was just reporting that it cant mount sdb07:04
m11bazhang_: let me check what was error07:04
bazhang_m11 originally a hardware issue though correct?07:05
astro76m11: this couldn't more clearly be a hardware issue07:05
selocolhello does anyone know of a borderless image viewer (equivalent to mplayer's borderless videos)? thakns07:05
PPKumahi, im having trouble running the psx emulator in my 64bits hardy. Can somebody help me out?07:05
m11bazhang_ , astro76 : 1st error : it reports EXT3-fs error and group description corrupted , then it fails to mount disk and reports target fs dont have /sbin/init and finish in busy box07:06
m11bazhang_: yes, southbridge cooler was broken, and that was reason PC kept freezing07:07
m11bazhang_: after change of cooler everything worked normaly but ubuntu :/07:07
=== Maz is now known as Mazus
m11afk 5 min , gettng coffe07:11
DaveyJi cant be the only one having this problem with my sound07:11
DaveyJi dont know if its amarok or firefox or what07:11
DaveyJbut all my sound just stops working07:11
* DanaG curses and swears at CUPS07:11
bazhang_DaveyJ, two sound sources at same time? that one?07:12
DaveyJis it?07:12
DaveyJi dont know07:12
ubot3`Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:12
DaveyJsorry! :)07:12
DaveyJits a habit. -- anyway, if i stop a song or something, and then go to play it again, nothing comes out. or if i use whatever flash player in firefox for youtube or whatever, amarok stops working07:13
bazhang_DaveyJ, ever get no sound from youtube when playing amarok?07:14
fdeDaveyJ: sudo aptitude install libflashsupport07:14
DaveyJbazhang_: yes07:14
mohkohnWhy does firefox turn grey and stop working?07:15
bazhang_DaveyJ, then fd-e's suggestion should help at least that problem07:15
Dasmoovercan someone help me? compiz is making my desktop unresponsive07:15
DaveyJalright just installed that, will that get my now-defunct sound to work again without having to reboot?'07:15
bazhang_Dasmoover, we need lots more  info than that07:15
DanaGWatch out: libflashsupport is bad!07:15
DaveyJthis actually freezes up amarok when the sound doesnt work07:15
ubot3`Malone bug 192888 in libflashsupport "firefox crashes on flash contents when using libflashsupport" [High,Confirmed]07:15
DanaGThat's the key there.07:15
fdeDasmoover: right click the desktop > Change Desktop Background > Visual Effects ... hit "None".07:15
Dasmooverim using emerald --replace, no icons, and my backgrounsd will not change07:16
DaveyJits like the sound module is constantly busy or something. if i tried to use xmms (before i reinstalled ubuntu), it'd say there was no sound driver available07:16
PPKumahi, anybody here has exprience with pcsx?07:16
Dasmooveryes that disabled compiz07:16
bazhang_DaveyJ, this is gutsy?07:16
DanaGDaveyJ: check that bug link.07:16
Tankadoanyway to read powerpoints files in ubuntu?07:16
DanaGIt also addresses the "no sound in flash" issue.07:16
musikgoatAnyone know how to attempt to get the nvidia 173.14 drivers installed in hardy?07:16
DaveyJeven VLC doesnt have sound07:17
bazhang_musikgoat, the beta ones from nvidia site?07:17
musikgoatthey are not beta07:17
Dasmooverfde, check pm07:17
m11bazhang_: any ideas or tips how to troubleshot/fix this kernel panic ?07:17
Makuseruare there any way to set functions for multimedia buttons on keyboards?07:17
musikgoatbazhang_: from what it looks like the prev release was07:17
DaveyJwhen i do what it says to do on the bug page the sound still works07:17
bazhang_m11, sounds like partition table/fstab issue07:18
Tankadowas the xmms answer to me/07:18
glitsj16DaveyJ: that's because flash has taken over evrything, follow DanaG's tip07:18
DanaGHint for long bug reports: going from bottom to top sometimes helps.07:18
bazhang_Tankado, sorry no :)07:18
DaveyJalright i installed that libflashsupport07:18
bazhang_Tankado, open office07:18
musikgoatbazhang_: I'm trying to get support for GeForce 9800 GX207:18
DaveyJamarok is still seizing up though07:18
Dasmooverfde pls check pm07:18
m11bazhang_: after that busybox problem i went livecd and use partition editor  to fix and after reboot i got kernel panic07:18
bazhang_DaveyJ, how many songs07:18
DaveyJlike 507:19
MaskedOneAny idea why sound only works in one program at a time?07:19
DanaGlibflashsupport is bad.  flash 10 is not so bad.07:19
bazhang_DaveyJ, five total?07:19
DaveyJi dont keep any in the database.. i usually use a diff computer to play my music07:19
m11bazhang_: after that fix in live cd i was able to access that partition but on reboot no luck07:19
glitsj16DaveyJ: take out libflashsupport, follow the advice here if the bug page is too long, part B http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890007:19
bazhang_m11 still busybox?07:19
m11bazhang_: after all described above i got to kernel panic and cnat move from here :/07:20
fde!pm | Das07:20
ubot3`Das: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.07:20
fde!pm | Dasmoover07:20
ubot3`Dasmoover: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.07:20
bazhang_poor bot07:20
bazhang_m11 this is dual boot or linux only07:21
m11dual boot with 2 hdd's07:21
MaskedOneSo anyone on the sound thing?07:21
fdeDasmoover: Don't PM me... if you think your hardware supports Compiz/AIGLX well, then turn it back on, it might be ok again now.07:21
Jangariin the menu.lst, how do i make it boot from the second kernel?07:22
tzdI need to install Java SDK (think that's the correct edition if i want to use if for programming with Netbeans?) and noticed Sun Java is available via repos. Can i just install it via synaptic or will i have to do it in another way please??07:22
m11bazhang_: dual boot with 2 hdd's07:22
glitsj16MaskedOne: also experiencing trouble like DaveyJ (flash taking over eveything) ?07:22
fdeDasmoover: Keep in mind, Nvidia drivers are closed source, so they might not be up to scratch on the latest Compiz, which could be giving you your issue.07:23
MaskedOneno glits, for me it does not matter if it is flash or not, two programs (such as rythmbox and a game) cannot hear sound on em at the same time07:23
MaskedOneor movie player/rythmbox or whatknot07:23
fdeglitsj16: It doesn't take over everything... it takes over /dev/snd/* from pulse... and Ubuntu no longer uses things like dmix, so flash needs to support pulse to play nice...07:24
musikgoatAnyone know how to attempt to get the nvidia 173.14 drivers installed in hardy?   or seen any one elses explanations?07:24
glitsj16MaskedONe: okay, have you tried following these detailed instructions ? it works great, but can take half an hour to get it all hooked up .. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890007:24
NinjaBuntuHello form Utah... Got a question about getting Linux Friendly hardware online...07:25
ubot3`For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:25
glitsj16fde: correct, that page gives a solution, tested it on my own machine and several others07:25
DaveyJalright i'm gunna reboot.. hopefully this works07:25
MaskedOnehavent yet glits, ill try it out and see07:25
MaskedOnebtw rythmbox and movie player can do sound at the same time, but a game and either of those cannot07:25
glitsj16MaskedOne: ok, it's some reading but it's worth it07:26
MaskedOnesame with browser and one of those07:26
MaskedOneok thanks07:26
nathan__ how do i know if all my parts will work in a new  motherboard07:26
m11bazhang_: can somthing be done from busybox ?07:26
bazhang_m11 yes you have to manually mount the drives07:27
DaveyJdunno if it worked or not yet lol07:27
m11bazhang_: ok , will try07:28
DaveyJyup that didnt fix anything.. still doing the same thing07:29
owen1trying to mount my ipod. i changed the fstab but i can't see any change. anyone?07:30
DaveyJbasically i play amarok, open up a video in youtube, play it (doesnt have sound), pause amarok, try to play the video again, still no sound, go to resume amarok and then that doesnt work07:30
glitsj16DaveyJ: did you remove libflashsupport and nspluginwrapper as per instructions ?07:30
powertool08my flash drive suddenly changed to read only after a hard reset and now I can't change the owner, group, or write permissions even as root, what happened to it?07:30
JBBOn booting up Ubuntu, I get "BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in she'll (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.     (initramfs)_07:30
DaveyJthis is a fresh install too.. so there really shouldnt be anything conflicting at all07:30
JBBWhat do I do?07:30
glitsj16DaveyJ: and pulseaudio daemon is running ?07:30
DaveyJshould be..07:31
m11JBB , welcome :)07:31
DaveyJhow do i check again?07:31
glitsj16DaveyJ: better follow all parts of that page, checking is knowing ;)07:31
JBBHey m11, any idea what to do?07:32
DaveyJi did follow them07:32
DaveyJnot the equalizer part though07:32
m11JBB i am trying whole night... still no lcuk07:32
DaveyJi just noticed i didnt set amarok to use pulse.. so i'll go do that now07:32
glitsj16DaveyJ: okay, that's crucial if you use pulseaudio07:32
m11bazhang_: where should i mount sdb1 ? my first time using busybox :/07:33
bazhang_m11 let me find you a link07:33
m11bazhang_: many many tnx07:34
DaveyJhrm that didnt help -- wait you mean the equalizer part?07:34
glitsj16DaveyJ: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup is the official wiki page where the ubuntuforum page refers to, it has oads of tips to try for specific players07:35
owen1trying to mount my ipod. i changed the fstab but i can't see any change. anyone?07:35
dangodangoowen1: rebooted?07:36
unimatrix9owen1 unplug and replug it, it should auto mount i think07:36
bazhang_http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4805680&postcount=8 m11 please see this07:37
=== Dutt|Away is now known as Dutt
m11bazhang_: many tnx i check it out07:37
unimatrix9owen1 when you have plug it in you can check dmesg | tail to see whats going wrong ( fi it does go wrong )07:37
christozhow can i see the UUID  of hd?07:38
Flannelchristoz: blkid07:38
glitsj16christoz: sudo blkid07:38
* JBB downloads build-essential07:38
Zaqq hi all. can someone direct me to a hardware channel where i can get information on how to clean a dvd drive lens?07:38
DaveyJi'm going to have to work on this tomorrow.. gotta get up in 4 hrs for work :(07:38
MaskedOneglits still around?07:38
DaveyJthanks for the help :) g'nite07:38
unimatrix9hi there, i am downloading an new iso for 8.04 , is this iso the 8.04.01? so with out the ssh error?07:38
unimatrix9how can i tell?07:38
bazhang_unimatrix9, doubt it07:39
MaskedOnedid what it said short of the kernel replacement (said only if stuttering)07:39
glitsj16DaveyJ: yes it takes a clear head and some time, goodluck07:39
m11bazhang_: u think grub reinstall can fix kernel panic ?07:39
unimatrix9oh, thats not good., where can i find the patched iso?07:39
MaskedOneIt did not work :(07:39
bazhang_m11 seems like partition table is not corresponding to what is written in grub menu07:39
MaskedOneI still cant get game sound working while i play a movie07:39
glitsj16MaskedOne: game sound via wine ?07:39
m11bazhang_: but it get mounted before i get kernel panic...07:40
bazhang_m11 busybox though means it cant find it07:40
DanaGHandy thing to fix partition table: TestDisk.07:40
MaskedOneno it is normal linux native game from repos07:40
DanaGIt's available on Ultimate Boot CD.07:40
DanaGAs well as in the Ubuntu repos.07:40
christozwhat dows root (0,1) to grub means?07:40
owen1dangodango: unimatrix9: i didn't reboot. but i unpluged. btw. i am not sure what line i shuld add.07:41
skillet1st partition on the first disk07:41
glitsj16MaskedOne: not familair with that game, but http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup might have info on that (and genral other things to check) ..07:41
MaskedOnethere a special way to turn ubuntu settings to pulse? have it all on pulse in the sound settings as far as i know07:41
mindvirusCan I remove Evolution without significant repercussions in Ubuntu?07:41
christozoh and why the "/" of my ubuntu is on hda3?07:41
unimatrix9owen1 on the gnome desktop you find the terminal then type in it dmesg | tail07:42
MaskedOnethanks ill check it out07:42
unimatrix9the output will show whats going on with the pod07:42
m11bazhang_:  think that grub reisntall wont fix it as it mounts corectly, it only gets to busybox if i set path in grub to load from wrong device, so i can get to busybox07:42
* DanaG goes off to swear at his broken CUPS.07:42
glitsj16MaskedOne: it takes more than startig the daemon, you will need to adjust some ALSA configurations07:42
damaera`DCC SEND 463443534563245342534534253532407:42
dangodangoowen1: http://www.cae.wisc.edu/site/public/?title=linfstab might help07:42
dangodangoowen1: if it doesnt you can always manually mount07:43
bazhang_damaera`, dont do that07:43
ottoshmidtanybody, I need to set up grub07:44
unimatrix9owen1 http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-use-an-ipod-with-ubuntu07:44
christozFlannel, what does root (0,1) to grub means,meanwhile the "/" of ubuntu is the hda3 ...considering these i think tha t smt wring happens and this is the reason i cannot log into ubuntu..07:44
Flannelchristoz: If its hda3, it'd be root 0,207:45
owen1dangodango: i run your command. what should i look for?07:45
m11bazhang_: kinit: no resume image , doing normal boot, done , kjournald starting , commit interval 5 seconds , EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode ..... (that is with normal boot option so i think path is corect, no ? )07:45
Flannelchristoz: the first number is drive number (starting with 0) the second is partition number (starting with 0)07:45
owen1dangodango: and yes, i want to manually do it.07:45
bazhang_m11 how did you get to hardy? upgrade or fresh? and when did hardware issue arise relative to this?07:46
unimatrix9grub how to , some how http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/clean-up-ubuntu-grub-boot-menu-after-upgrades/07:46
christoz isee07:46
christozthanks flannel07:46
dangodangoowen1: something like: mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/ipod/07:47
dangodangoowen1: sda2 might be smt diff07:47
m11bazhang_: fresh install 8.04 , then b4 few days southbridge cooler died, letting me boot into system and then freeze after 5 min cca. that hapened many times until u figured out what was wrong07:48
dangodangoand u might not have ipod in mnt07:48
m11bazhang_: fresh install beta 8.0407:48
dangodangoowen1: But you can create it07:48
bazhang_m11 so this is a relatively new install? aka when hardy just came out?07:48
BadBoyHi! I don't know anything of PHP07:48
m11bazhang_: yes from beta07:48
owen1dangodango: i put this in my fstab: /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Apple_iPod_000A27001829456C-0:0-part2 /media/ipod07:48
BadBoyWill someone help to learn it?07:49
owen1dangodango: (i read it in ubuntu forum) should i change it?07:49
BadBoyEven I don't know How to run PHP script07:49
glitsj16Badboy: that's not a simple request considering the complexities of PHP (and using it with Apache and MySQL or any other database) :)07:49
BadBoyI have Ubuntu 8.04 installed07:50
BadBoyHow I would install them?07:50
Rat409!LAMP | BadBoy07:50
ubot3`BadBoy: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:50
FlannelBadBoy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  will get you all set up07:50
bazhang_http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#Install_a_LAMP_server_on_a_Desktop BadBoy07:51
selocolHello, in my xdefaults i have a key that "None+F12". What is this "None" key? thanks07:51
owen1dangodango: run the mount command but my iPod folder is still empty.07:52
dangodangoowen1: should look smt like this /dev/sda    /media/ipod    vfat    user,noauto,umask=000    0 007:52
BadBoyThanks Rat40907:52
BadBoythanks Flannel07:52
BadBoyand thanx glitsj1607:53
JbCrashwhy my fonts not in good resolution?07:53
dangodangoowen1: does it mount correctly?07:53
owen1dangodango: but how do i know what to put instead of sda?07:53
owen1dangodango: i don't know. is there a way to tell?07:53
glitsj16Badboy: yw07:53
owen1dangodango: dmesg | tail07:54
bazhang_!fonts | JbCrash07:54
owen1dangodango: dmesg | tail  doesn't tell me anything about ipod.07:54
ubottuJbCrash: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer07:54
JbCrashwhy my fonts not in good resolution?07:54
ubot3`JbCrash: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer07:54
rajathBroadCom b43xxx doesn't work even after proper configuration, Y?I use ndiswrapper07:54
boumahelp. ive done sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun, but im still getting only GCJ Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea) 1.0 in my about:plugins, and java apps dont work07:55
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
boumaive been following the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java, and i have the sun jre and the web plugin installed07:55
dangodangoowen1: try df -h07:56
jscinozI don't know if it was an alsa update or a new Nvidia driver, but since last reboot audio output over my laptop's HDMI port has worked!07:56
dangodangoowen1: it'll which are mounted07:57
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories07:57
boumaive also tried using synaptic to reinstall the sun jre the web plugin and firefox 3b07:57
rajathWhen I do lshw -C network everything seems to be perfecrt07:57
rajathbut it simply doesn't detect the wireless network07:58
whateversamHello everyone.  I'm looking for some help getting Ubuntu to run on my x64 althon 3200 system.  I've tried both x64 and i386, but none have worked.  What I end up with is either a blank screen and flashing keyboard lights or the busybox shell which is useless to me.  Can anyone help?07:58
boumai have the sun java 6 web start on my applications->internet menu07:58
Sorcererbobok, I need just a moment of help from some nice person here07:59
dangodangoowen1: and try ls /dev/sd*07:59
dangodangoowen1: itll be one of them07:59
owen1dangodango: /dev/sdf2             893M  349M  544M  40% /media/iPod07:59
owen1dangodango: how do i access it?08:00
dangodangoowen1: can u cd /media/iPod/ ?08:00
SorcererbobI'm going to build myself a computer soon. And I'm going to use a 64bit CPU. As a result I was thinking of trying Ubuntu 64bit (because only with that can I address 4GB+ RAM.) Are there any crippling problems with the 64bit release? any incompatibilities with things like WINE which make it difficult to use?08:00
dangodangoowen1: then in iPod try ls in terminal08:00
owen1dangodango: i am not sure what happend. but i can see the files now.08:01
dangodangoowen1: cool08:01
owen1dangodango: i wonder what was it.08:01
boumaok i just uninstalled the ice plugin and now it wroks08:01
owen1do u think i should keep the long name in fstab?08:01
whateversamDoing research on the problem I've been having I don't think x64 ubuntu is a good idea.  Most ppl seem to have problems getting it to load.  Esp those with my exact CPU and/or Video card.  lol08:01
dangodangoowen1: mayen didnt mount the right mount08:01
KcajI just installed x64 Ubuntu08:01
Kcajon my laptop08:01
Kcajand it works flawlessly08:01
whateversam:/  Lucky you.08:02
Sorcererboblol whateversam, sounds like you got unlucky. I intend to use the Intel E6750 or something like that. What do you have?08:02
dangodangoowen1: my ipod auto mounts in gnome08:02
owen1dangodango: maybe. do i need to mount each time after inserting my ipod?08:02
whateversamI can't get Ubuntu to run on my system without using the live CD.08:02
bazhang_Kcaj, there a support question in there?08:02
whateversamI'm using AMD Althon x64 3200.08:02
Sorcererboband for gfx?08:02
owen1dangodango: i decided to stop using gnome..08:02
dangodangoowen1: erm i think you might be able to try it lol but youll have to d it again when u restart08:02
magnetronSorcererbob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WineForAMD6408:03
whateversamATI Radeon x800.08:03
KcajI'm using an ATI card and a 64 bit AMD processor, X2 TL-50 (~1.6Ghz each)08:03
Sorcererbobthanks magnetron08:03
dangodangoowen1: what you using fluxbox ro smt?08:03
HewusDoes anyone know why myspell-en-au is in universe, while the other three myspell-en-* are in main?08:03
cr4ftyb0n35is Edgy no longer supported? I can't find the darned respositories any more.08:03
owen1dangodango: awesome window manager. it's like fluxbox but awesome.08:03
Sorcererbobwell... that would be a large drawback. I think I'll purchase 2GB RAM and test it out. If its good, i'll go the upgrade to 4. If not... probs upgrade to 3 and use Ubuntu3208:04
dangodangoowen1: lolz08:04
Sorcererbobthanks for your help guys :)08:04
whateversamWhat I don't understand is the fact that no Ubuntu will run on my system.  I've tried the 32 bit and 64 bit versions.  I've tried the alt CD which d/ls the install packages on the fly.  None of them will boot.08:04
Hewuscr4ftyb0n35: correct, edgy support has ended08:04
owen1dangodango: what is smt?08:04
dangodangoowen1: ye i use fluxbox youll have to config ur fstab to automount08:04
owen1dangodango: oh.. got it..08:04
shank1rbcan anyone help me?08:04
cr4ftyb0n35Hewus: That's a bit strange.08:04
magnetroncr4ftyb0n35: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu610end-of-life08:04
owen1dangodango: do u know how?08:04
sarmisakshank1rb: about what?08:04
=== m11 is now known as kernel-panic
Hewuscr4ftyb0n35: why? It received the standard 18 months of support08:05
whateversamI either get "busybox" wich I don't know jack about, or I get a blank screen and flashing keyboard lights.08:05
shank1rbI'm currently using vista and wish to switch to ubuntu 8.0408:05
whateversamI'm glad I had XP ghosted before I started trying Ubuntu.08:05
dangodangoowen1: cuz fluxbox doesnt automount like gnome when u plug something in08:05
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
sarmisakshank1rb: dl a 8.04 cd and try it out?08:05
Hewusshank1rb: have you created an ubuntu cd?08:05
=== Oknytt is now known as chmod077
shank1rbuhh no08:05
magnetroncr4ftyb0n35: the length of the support period was publically announced at the release of ubuntu 6.10.08:05
shank1rbdo i have to creeate a cd, or can i mount it?>08:06
=== kernel-panic is now known as m1r
cr4ftyb0n35Hewus: No I mean, its just weird that I didn't realize. We are sending some production stuff over and we've been testing it on 6.1008:06
Hewusshank1rb: if you have an iso already, you will have to burn it to disc. you cannot install ubuntu from within windows08:06
owen1dangodango: the same with awesome. take a look and fall in love - http://awesome.naquadah.org/08:06
Myrtticr4ftyb0n35: basically the support period of all the versions is known before they're released08:06
cr4ftyb0n35Myrtti: True. I should have just read the damned thing more clearly.08:07
digin4hi, is there a way to turn ubuntu into an SME server08:07
whateversamCan anyone help me get Ubuntu running on my system?  I have it running flawlessly in VMware, but can't get jack on the real system.08:07
owen1dangodango: it's for people that want real speed and efficiency.08:07
Hewuscr4ftyb0n35: Ah, ok. Well for future reference, standard support is 18 months, LTS is 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server :-)08:07
Myrtticr4ftyb0n35: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/14608:07
magnetroncr4ftyb0n35: 6.06 is a LTS release, for that particular reason08:07
Myrtticr4ftyb0n35: for future graphical reference :-P08:07
owen1dangodango: and no desktop. u can open many terminals in one screen and resize.08:08
shank1rbo, does installing linux ubuntu  gets rid of the space that vista took? and if for some reason im not satisfied with ubuntu, can the vista restore cd still work with ubuntu installed?08:08
dangodangoowen1: yeah that's why i use fluxbox ;-) theyre all efficient use bsd then u only use 30mb lol08:08
owen1shank1rb: no worries. u'll never look back.08:08
glitsj16shank1rb: why not try it from live cd before changing anything ?08:08
whateversamYou'll never look back if it works anyway.  :/08:09
Hewusshank1rb: if you're just testing out ubuntu, you might want to try wubi, in which case you probably don't need to burn it to disc. For a standard installation however, it will repartition your drive according to how you want. It will keep you informed :-)08:09
dangodangoowen1: thts cool08:09
dangodangoowen1: i have one load up on startup pinned to desktop using xterm08:10
Hewusshank1rb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide08:10
owen1dangodango: a well known ruby/python hacker is using it. Zed.08:10
cr4ftyb0n35Myrtti: Some hardware we had wouldn't run with 6.0608:10
whateversamWUBI crashed my system.  I had to format the entire HDD and do a fresh install.  :/  Linux hasn't worked sence.08:10
Myrtticr4ftyb0n35: :-<08:10
whateversamIt was working fine for like two days.08:10
christozhey Flannel the problem is solved(at last!) what should i do in order to have the windows mounted all the time ..meaning to be mounted every time u\buntu starts (automatically)?08:11
whateversamHonestly I blame Windows for not liking Linux.  <.<08:11
shank1rbwhat's a live cd? and what does repartitioning the disk to the drive, is there a way to re-repartion the disk? Sorry but im not that computer techy, but i can do follow steps good.08:11
cr4ftyb0n35on a different note. I like Gnome, but I also like KDE's customization levels. But KDE's look just doesn't float my boat. Anyone here got suggestions on what I can do with my life therefore? :)08:11
Hewuswhateversam: if it was actually working for some time then it doesn't sound like it was a wubi issue..08:11
owen1dangodango: r u talking about flux?08:11
Sonic132Hey can someone remind me what the command in terminal is to find out what my partitions names are under Gparted?08:11
dangodangoowen1: yeah if you mean about the xterm thing08:12
whateversamHewus: Yes, that's why I blame Windows.  But the think that's pissing me off is that fact that Ubuntu hasn't worked at all after the crash.08:12
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: ls /dev/" may help ;)08:12
Hewusshank1rb: a live cd is where you boot directly from the cd and it doesn't use your hard drive. It's good for seeing how ubuntu looks before you commit to anything (although it can be a bit slow running off the cd)08:12
christozhey Flannel the problem is solved(at last!) what should i do in order to have the windows mounted all the time ..meaning to be mounted every time u\buntu starts (automatically)?08:12
Hewuswhateversam: have you tried a standard ubuntu install on a separate partition?08:13
whateversamI've had Ubuntu on this sytem before, and I utterly loved it.  Now I'm doing my damnest to get Windows off for good, but can't do shit.08:13
cr4ftyb0n35christoz: stick the mount into /etc/fstab08:13
m1rbazhang_: can i PM you ?08:13
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: Well that comes up with tons of entries. I need to narrow it down to only my partitions.08:13
whateversamHewus: Actually, I gave Ubuntu the entire drive after ghosting Windows.08:13
cr4ftyb0n35KDE vs Gnome vs alternative: Can't make up my mind. Gnome looks nice, lacks customization; KDE is customizable, but defaults look ugly and plump; Flux is nice but light etc.08:14
Hewusshank1rb: repartitioning can be undone if you change your mind. The partitioner in ubuntu can shrink and grow existing partitions just fine.08:14
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: Your hard drives are either hd* or sd*08:14
=== mindvirus is now known as MindVirus
whateversamHewus: The guided partion did everything from formatting to setting up the main linux partions needed to run.08:14
Sonic132Ok maybe giving you my entire problem might help. I'm trying to reinstall a version of Windows to dual boot. But I need to reformat a partition as NTFS. But I don't know which one is the one that is safe to reformat without data loss.08:14
shank1rbHewus: i have a 220 GB HDD and i dunno the amount that vista has occupied. Will installing Ubuntu overwrite the vista part? Or Will it create another Drive?08:14
whateversamI can use Ubuntu RIGHT NOW, but ONLY from Live CD or VMware.  Which is driving me crazy!08:15
gidnaHow can I open a video with mplayer and not with firefox? what file Have I to choice when tells me open with?08:15
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: Well hda sda is not under ls /dev/08:15
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: Then you've got a bigger problem.08:16
bazhang_m1r, what's up? best to ask in channel so the much smarter people can comment :)08:16
Hewusshank1rb: vista probably has the whole thing atm. If you install ubuntu, it will shrink that partition and create a new one for ubuntu. The guided installer will let you select the amount of space you wish to use for each. You can also partition manually if you like (as I do).08:16
Sonic132shank1rb: You should create a partions for Ubuntu with the partition editor included with the Ubuntu disk.08:16
glitsj16gidna: do you mean bypassing the firefox plugin ?08:16
Hewuswhateversam: can you just install ubuntu on a second partition?08:16
gidnaI can't open the file with firefox 3 and I would open it with another programm08:17
m1rbazhang_: yes, sure, i am trying still to figure out this busybox , can i try mount sdb1 on it and then try to boot system somehow ?08:17
Sonic132Darlock_Wiliams: Shouldn't I use 'ls /hda/' or something? I thought /dev/ was something else.08:17
whateversamHewus: I don't know I haven't tried.  I don't think it would solve anything.  I mean I formatted the entire 80gig HDD just for Ubuntu.08:17
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: /dev/ hosts all of the devices on your system (hard drives, modems, video cards, etc)... basically any DEVice attached to your computer.08:18
glitsj16gidna: open your file manager, right-click and choose "Open with other application" and point it to mplayer08:18
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: Oh and I was wrong. There are sda 1 through sda 4 listed in there.08:18
gidnayes but How can I point it to mplayer?08:18
Hewuswhateversam: I'm confused.. You have ubuntu on the drive already? Why can you only use it in a VM then? Did you just remove Windows? (hooray if you did :P)08:18
whateversamThe research I've done tells me that it's a driver missmatch and the kernel can't load to the GUI.  (I think)  So, busybox pops up expecting me to know how to fix it.  :/08:18
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: Okay... that means you have one SATA hard drive with 4 partitions on it.08:18
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: Correct?08:18
gidnaDoesn't appear in the list mplayer08:18
dangodangoowen1: well have a good day im leaving now08:19
mifritscherwhy doesn't the cdt appear in eclipse?08:19
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: By the way, there's no need to type out my complete name... just type the first few letters and hit [TAB]... the rest will be completed for you :)08:19
m1rbazhang_: if i go boot with root=UUID or root=/dev/sdb1 i get kernel panic , if i set it wrong path it drops me into busybox08:19
shank1rbHewus/ Sonic132 : I have the following specs, which installer do i download?   |Processor:AMD Turion 64x2 Mobile technology tl-60, 2 ghz|     |System Type: 32-bit OS|08:19
whateversamlol.  Yes, I remvoed Windows, but I kept an Acronis image of it just in case.  So, when I couldn't get Ubuntu to work (after three days of trying) I restored the image of Windows which I'm using right now.08:19
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: I believe so. But how do I find out which one is the one for /, /home, and Linux Swap. So that I can tell them apart from my extra ext3 partition?08:19
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: For some reason that auto-fill in thing isn't working. I've used it before.08:20
whateversamHewus: VMware is on the Windows install (as well as the backup image).08:20
glitsj16gidna: mplayer is installed ? if so, open the bottom option "use custom command" and type mplayer in the box08:20
bazhang_m1r, what about sudo blkid what does that return08:20
sarmisakwhateversam: what is the system config?08:20
Sonic132shank1rb: Use the i686 or 32-bit version.08:20
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: When you start up GParted (System>Administration>Partition Editor), it will list all your partitions.  Just look at the different filesystems and partition sizes to determine what you're looking for.08:20
whateversamHewus: basically it took 20 min to restore Windows XP from a blank HDD to having VMware and IRC.08:20
m1rbazhang_: where to put that?into busybox ?08:20
Hewusshank1rb: the standard desktop version is fine, and you can choose either 32 or 64-bit08:20
whateversamsarmisak: Do you mean the CPU RAM and Video card?08:20
sarmisakwhateversam: yes08:21
owen1poll - what terminal are u using and why?08:21
bazhang_m1r, you in the livecd now? try in terminal if so08:21
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: Well the partion I'm looking for is 4.6GB of free space on it currently. But none of the partitions listed in Gparted match that.08:21
m1rbazhang_: no, but i can load livecd in few minutes08:21
pawancant load higher resolutions on nvidia 520008:21
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: Then it doesn't exist.08:21
gidnafrom where Have I to open the custom buttom?08:21
whateversamsarmisak: CUP: AMD athlon x64 3200, RAM: 2gig DDR.  Vid: ATI Radeon x800. 256MB DDR.08:21
MindVirusI want to move an existing user's home directory to another one. How would I do this?08:22
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: Well I have it open in Nautilus right now and just used it for Virtualbox storage until now.08:22
Hewusshank1rb: it doesn't matter too much, but if you're unsure, I would choose the 64-bit version :-)08:22
glitsj16gidna: from within your file manager, nautilus is the default on hardy 8.0408:22
Sonic132Darlock: So it'd better exist.08:22
sarmisakwhateversam: are you using it with an lcd?08:22
MindVirusDoes anyone know?08:22
m1rbazhang_: loading livecd08:22
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: Keep in mind that GParted can not edit partitions that are currently mounted.08:22
sarmisakwhateversam: specifically connected through DVI?08:22
whateversamsarmisak: nah, I'm stuck with CRT or S-video.  I do have a DVI converter for my CRT though.08:22
Sonic132Darlock: Well it would still show mounted partitions. It has before.08:22
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: Yes, it would still list it.08:23
sarmisakwhateversam: the thing is the ati drivers are no good in some setups08:23
Sonic132Darlock: Also, I could just unmount it. I don't have anything system critical on it.08:23
gidnaI don't find it08:23
Sonic132Darlock: I would still have to find it though.08:23
sarmisakwhateversam: it can create the problems that you specified08:23
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: Also keep in mind that drive sizes are pretty weird for me.  One OS will report a 5gb drive, while another will say it is 4600000MB ;)08:23
whateversamsarmisak: Yeah, that's what my research has told me.  I don't know how to fix it though.  I don't know the first thing about busybox.08:23
sbatteyWith composite, and fglrx, i don't get any video playback, what am i doing wrong?08:23
sarmisakwhateversam: *if* you really want to use linux, I'd recommend changing the video card to nvidia08:24
csabahow can I find out who is connected to my computer?08:24
glitsj16gidna: are you using ubuntu 8.04 ?08:24
MindVirusI want to move an existing user's home directory to another one. How would I do this?08:24
sarmisakwhateversam: that would solve a lot of problems08:24
csaba"who" doesn't seem to work08:24
gidnayes I am08:24
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: Can we talk in private since your not helping anyone else at the moment?08:24
whateversamsarmisak: don't tell me that.  ; ;  This is a $300 video card!08:24
sarmisakwhateversam: oops :D08:24
Darlok_WilliamsMindVirus: Move the directory and then use System > Administration > Users and Groups to change the home directory08:24
csabawhen I disconnect the network, then processor usage falls to 1-2%, when I connect back, it's 100%08:24
sarmisakwhateversam: I'm really sorry for the cost, but then it might be a good idea to use a second hand pc for your linux adventures ;)08:25
whateversamsarmisak: I switched to ATI because nVidia would always fail after too many driver updates.  It's a native flaw in their drivers and firmware that they have never fixed.08:25
glitsj16gidna: okay, start nautilus and if you have that open, report back08:25
NephelauxeticX11 forwarding via SSH appears to be extremely slow hardy.... does anyone know a solution?08:25
shank1rbHewus: i have a 7200 go nvidia card, can it support the OS  ?08:25
sarmisakwhateversam: I know, i have the same problem with my hardware also, so I just went and bought a ~50$ card just for my linux desktop that i use at work08:26
whateversamsarmisak: nah, I want Ubuntu for my gaming OS.  :p  I'm just sick and tired of the international-ticking-time-bomb known as Windows.08:26
Darlok_Williamswhateversam: Who told you that?  I've updated drivers for one of my cards several times without an issue.  But that being said, ATI will still work in Linux, just not at full capacity most often.08:26
shank1rbHewus: i personally think the video card sucks..08:26
sarmisakwhateversam: are you trying to install amd64 version?08:27
m11bazhang_: http://pastebin.com/m555b6b1308:27
whateversamDarlok_Williams: I told myself.  lol.  I've owned a number of nVidia cards and all dided the same way.  I did the research and came to that conclustion.08:27
whateversamsarmisak: I've tried both amd64 and 32bit Ubuntu as well as the miniISO that d/ls the install on the fly.08:27
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: Wouldn't the partition I'm looking for. Be the only partion that doesn't have the keys icon on it?08:27
glitsj16gidna: anything ?08:28
woozzyhi how can i uninstall all the flash add-ins??08:28
Open-mind24fhas anyone tried the dell inspiron 1525 laptop with ubuntu ?08:28
Rat409 /cl08:28
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: But the only partitions without keys(icon) is the Unallocated space.08:28
KRaZy_WaKais it possible to mount an ISO to a virtual drive? if so, how would i do that in hardy 8.04?08:28
schluckeshi you people08:29
Sonic132KRaZy_WaKa: You can with VirtualBox.08:29
NephelauxeticSince I updated to hardy I can't use netbeans through a X11/ssh tunnel anymore. The windows are just gray and stay like that.08:29
gidna/tmp/02.wmv could not be opened, because an unknown error occurred.     why firefox tells me this?08:29
manyouGood day, people.08:29
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: I could be wrong, but I believe the partitions with the key icon are 'locked'... that is, mounted and unable to be edited.08:29
gidnaTry saving to disk first and then opening the file.08:29
manyouDoes anybody here know what I'm referring to when I use the phrase "AMD PIC"?08:29
schluckeswho can help on lenovo notbooks and ubuntu?08:30
whateversamsarmisak: Do you, or anyone else for this matter, know how I can update ATI drivers via busybox?08:30
generichi people,would any body know how to mount local Hard disk to LTSP client in Ubuntu?08:30
NephelauxeticKRaZy_WaKa, try sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /mnt08:30
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: Figured as much. So how do I find out what partition is the one that I used for virtualbox and is therefore safe to format?08:30
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: I sure wish you could name your partitions like in Windows.08:30
sarmisakwhateversam: can you finish the installation and boot from it?08:30
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: I'm confused... how did you setup a partition for VirtualBox?08:30
skilletvirtualbox is prob one of the greatest things ever08:30
KRaZy_WaKaSonic132: i'm being lazy and dont wanna waste a cd-r for a small iso lol, and thanx08:30
glitsj16woozzy: open Synaptic, search for flash, mark any installed items you want for complete removal and apply changes08:31
Darlok_WilliamsSonic132: Did you set it up through using VBox?08:31
whateversamsarmisak: Yes I can.  The boot never gets to the GUI though.  It stops at the failsafe command promt called busybox.08:31
shank1rb"anyone":  what program do i use to burn the ubuntu installion cd ?08:31
manyouYou have to setup a Virtual Hard Disk first.08:31
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: I set it up with Gparted. Then put all of the VDIs and whatnot on there.08:31
manyoushank: brasero08:31
schluckeswho can help on lenovo notbooks and ubuntu?08:31
sarmisakwhateversam: you are stuck in cd then? no hdd install08:31
manyouWait, wait, use UltraISO08:31
manyouIf you're using Windows08:31
andr0idi have a problem with the screen resolution!08:31
Sonic132KrRaZy_WaKa: No problem. The Gutsy one works fine for Hardy btw.08:31
KRaZy_WaKaor InfraRecorder08:32
whateversamsarmisak: It's the HDD install that gives me busybox.  Only way to get to the GUI OS is the live CD.08:32
manyouschuckes: what is the problem? Is it with the installation?08:32
andr0idcan i get litle help please?08:32
Hewusshank1rb: It should run just fine. I'm running a 7600GT, and I also have a computer running a geforce 3 Ti200 :P08:32
schluckesno manyou08:32
schluckeslets go private08:32
whateversamsarmisak: something like "BusyBox v1.1.3(Debian 1:1.1.3-3ubuntu3) Built-inshell(ash)08:32
whateversamenter 'help' for a list of built in commands.08:32
KRaZy_WaKai just reinstalled Hardy on a new hard drive and ran APTonCD on the old hard drive so i dont have to download everything again08:33
sarmisakhmm, it's strange, you shouldn't have busybox after install08:33
KRaZy_WaKacan never remember what all i ahd installed lol08:33
Hewusshank1rb: as for a burning program, do you have nero or something already that came with your burner?08:33
andr0idneah...noone helps me here :(08:33
sarmisakwhateversam: have you tried installing from an "alternate cd"08:33
manyou@android How may I help?08:33
whateversamI shouldn't have back problems at my age either, but I do.  lol08:33
Sonic132Darlock_Williams: Did you get my last message?08:33
andr0idi have problem with my screen resolution08:34
shank1rbHewus: nope, i got recommended brasero but i have no clue how to use it.. im that their site right now but i have no idea lol...08:34
Sonic132andr0id: I would have to guess with that limited information. That your video card drivers are at fault.08:34
whateversamsarmisak: Yes, I think I have.  It was a minicd which did a live d/l of the install packages as the OS was being installed.  Same problem.08:34
Hewusshank1rb: brasero is an ubuntu program, it's not for windows08:34
andr0idwhen i install ubuntu, max res goes only up to 1024x76808:34
manyouThat's something I face too.08:34
powertool08is there a way to password protect a virtual terminal? I have kde set to lock the screen on screensaver, but my vt1 has rtorrent running in it so the password prompt is futile...08:34
Hewusshank1rb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto08:34
sarmisakwhateversam: I'm sorry then, I cannot find a solution for you except the card change ;)08:35
Sonic132andr0id: It's probably your video card driver then. Ubuntu comes with a default generic one.08:35
manyouMine supports upto 1280x800, but doesn't go above 800x60008:35
KRaZy_WaKaSonic132: VirtualBox is in the add/remove list?08:35
whateversamsarmisak: What confuses me most is that the live CD works flawlessly.08:35
whateversamsarmisak: Well, thanks for trying.08:35
Sonic132KRaZy_WaKa: Not for me. I removed it from Synaptic and all the packages with the name in it.08:35
andr0idi understand that, but, i edited xorg.conf to fit my max screen res, but on boot, it just keeps sending me back to login screen08:35
jussi01!fixres | andr0id08:36
ubottuandr0id: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:36
zorglu_q. i would like to change the desktop shortcut. the one to switch the virtual desktop in particular. where should i look ?308:36
Sonic132KRaZy_WaKa: But yes. You should be able to goto the webiste and get it. Or do 'sudo apt-get install virtualbox. But you might have to put the repos in there for it. The vbox site should have the answers for that.08:37
whateversamsarmisak: maybe you could reffer me to a man on busybox or 'anything' that 'might' point me in the right direction?  (yes, I'm desprate)08:37
Sonic132andr0id: Sounds like you should recover your backup of your xorg. Cause you screwed something up.08:37
Sonic132So anyone help me with my Dual booting Windows/Ubuntu endeavours?08:38
manyouI think anrd0id needs a GUI setup interface.08:38
manyouSure, I've done it before Sonic13208:39
manyouWhat's the trouble?08:39
SlimGWhere can I find dowkd.db ? my dowkd.pl script won't run without it, and I can't find it anywhere08:39
buckhillmorning all.08:39
Sonic132manyou: I have a partition I want to reformat for NTFS so I can install Windows Vista on it. But I can't see to find it in Gparted. I know it's there as I am looking at it right now in the File Browser.08:39
buckhillSonic123: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60047608:40
Hewuswhateversam: if you're desperate, a solution might be to simply try a gutsy installation, or to wait for hardy 8.04.1 in about a months time08:40
Sonic132manyou: You know what. I may have solved it.08:41
Sonic132manyou: It's under /media/disk08:41
MidgetSpyhey guys I have 5 hard drives in my PC: one with ubuntu installed and 4 old freebsd gpt drives. The one that debian is installed on shows up as /dev/sde (with partitions /dev/sde#) as well as /dev/sg0, but the rest show up only as /dev/sg#.  fdisk says it doesn't support gpt and to use GNU parted. GNU parted says the device has zero length and can't possible store a filesystem/partition table. What do I need to do to these drives to get them formatted?08:41
buckhillSonic123: Synaptic manager to download/install NTFSprog, restart Gparted and it will resize and formated NTFS with zero problems.08:41
manyouThat should do it.08:41
shank1rbdo i have to download anythign else prior to installing, ubuntu?08:41
buckhillPulled from the link I sent you.08:42
Sonic132buckhill: Wouldn't I have to boot my LiveCD?08:42
zorglu_q. i would like to change the desktop shortcut. the one to switch the virtual desktop in particular. where should i look ?308:42
manyou@Sonic132 your trouble was your NTFS partitons weren't showing up in Linux?08:42
sarmisakwhateversam: busybox is not a full size command shell, you might just apt-get update and apt-get upgrade08:42
KRaZy_WaKaSonic132:  here are some links for dual-booting http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Ubuntu,   http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/2622/how-to_dual-boot_ubuntu08:42
buckhillSonic123: aparently with NTFSprogs, no08:42
whateversamHewus: Mind giving a short description of gusty.  I've seen it mentioned on many sites, but haven't a clue.  Biggest question on my mind...will it run Wine?  Can't leave Windows if I can't game.  :/08:42
sarmisakwhateversam: which might get you somewhere ;)08:42
Sonic132manyou: No. I need to convert my ext3. It's extra. To NTFS so I can reformat it with Vista.08:42
sarmisakwhateversam: and you might try to install the ati drivers from there; apt-get install ati-fglrx-new08:43
buckhillSonic123: Please read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=600476   it explains what you want to do in detail.08:43
KRaZy_WaKaSonic132: the neosmart page is specific for Vista and Ubuntu dual-booting08:43
manyouActually, there's a nice NTFS partitions "switcher" under Ubuntu you can find under Add/Remove08:43
manyouI forgot what it was called but it came in handy.08:43
Sonic132buckhill: Ok. I got that page open.08:43
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
Hewuswhateversam: Gutsy is the previous release of ubuntu, released in October last year. Hardy is the latest release from last April. It will run wine just fine :-)08:43
Sonic132Ok thanks KRaZy_WaKa08:43
buckhillSonic123: Goto the post by hornetcoach08:43
m1ri  <3 kernel panic08:43
whateversamHewus: searching for torrent.  :p08:44
veccioraUbuntu is completely crap. Ubuntu suck. I love Ubuntu.08:44
Hewuswhateversam: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/08:44
=== buckhill is now known as buckhill`work
whateversamsarmisak: I think I'll try that.  Still researching this crappy problem though.  Finding that ppl do have a lot of issues with OpenGL ATI and Linux.08:44
buckhill`workwhateversam: ATI and Nvidia released non-free drivers, works a treat.08:45
Hewuswhateversam: no guarantees it will work since it's essentially a downgrade, but some people have had problems with Hardy that weren't in Gutsy, so it's worth a try :-)08:45
m1rbazhang_: are u here ?08:45
KRaZy_WaKaSonic132: not a problem, i dont think virtualbox is quite what i'm looking for though... i just need to mount an iso file to a virtual CDROM drive, so i dont have to waste a cd08:45
buckhill`workwhateversam: I play 99% of games on Ubuntu that I did on Windows, only exception is DX10 only games.08:45
SlimGWhere can I find dowkd.db ? my dowkd.pl script won't run without it, and I can't find it anywhere08:45
whateversambuckhill`work: non-free?  I'm not paying those jerks more money!08:45
Sonic132KRaZy_WaKa: Well then you probably don't want Vbox then.08:46
buckhill`workwhateversam: No... non free as in, you can't use it unless you agree to their licence. It's free to use.08:46
m1rKRaZy_WaKa: mount it08:46
Hewuswhateversam: free as in free speech, not as in free beer :P08:46
whateversambuckhill`work:  oic.  Hmm.08:46
KRaZy_WaKam1r that will open the iso as if i burnt it to a cd and popped it in my physical cd drive?08:46
buckhill`workwhateversam: You agree to their licence in Windows anyway... it's just so ATI don't steal nvidias ideas.. and vice versa... really... just to protect themselves.08:47
Sonic132KRaZy_WaKa: Yeah m1r is right. You should be able to 'mount whatever' it.08:47
m1rKRaZy_WaKa: man mount08:47
vinaywhat does RHEL and SLES stand for?08:47
buckhill`workok im off back to work, cya later everyone.08:47
KRaZy_WaKakewl thanx both of you08:47
Sonic132buckhill`work: See you and thanks.08:47
whateversambuckhill`work: Yeah, I understand.  I'll agree to a lot of things just to get this to work.  lool08:47
jussi01vinay: red hat enterprise linux08:47
m1rlater buckhill`work08:47
vinayk. and sles?08:47
HewusKRaZy_WaKa: you can use gmountiso as a nice GUI to do iso mounting08:48
MidgetSpyhow can I simply clear all information off a hard drive? it's formatted with gpt and if I try to partition it with parted parted just crashes (and fdisk won't even try)08:48
oopscan anyone help me with frostwire? here is the error: OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/lib/  hierarchy08:48
oopsYou need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com08:48
KRaZy_WaKaooooooh even better lol08:48
m1rKRaZy_WaKa: mount is your friend08:48
KRaZy_WaKadamn windoze making me a GUI junkie08:48
m1rKRaZy_WaKa: mount/umount do the trick without gui08:48
Sonic132Damnit. NTFSprogs made it so that Gparted wont even load now. WTF?08:49
KRaZy_WaKaso mount and then the file path?08:49
manyou@Sonic132 what happened?08:49
vinay wht does sles stand for?08:49
KRaZy_WaKahold on let me man mount first08:49
m1rKRaZy_WaKa: mount /path/to/file.iso /mnt/myiso08:49
KRaZy_WaKai can read lol08:50
Sonic132manyou: I installed NTFSprogs. Closed Gparted. Tried to reopen it and it doesn't open.08:50
manyouSonic132 you could try creating a liveusb for gparted so that you can do all your partition work.08:50
Flannelvinay: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place for that question, thanks08:50
KRaZy_WaKathanx for the help though08:50
Sonic132manyou: liveusb? wtf?08:50
m1ranyone want to buy some kernel panic, i sell for half price then best usual bidder on ebay ?08:51
manyouYes, if you have a USB key, you can load it up with a bootable version of gparted that loads up when you boot your system.08:51
manyouWith a GUI and everything, so that you can partition without having to worry about mounting and unmounting filesystems.08:51
Sonic132manyou: So I'd be able to install Vista onto a nonworking partition with that how exactly?08:51
HewusKRaZy_WaKa: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 whatever.iso /mount/point08:51
Sonic132manyou: Oh I think I see.08:51
HewusKRaZy_WaKa: that's what you're after if you want the command08:52
Sonic132manyou: How hard is that to set up?08:52
manyouNot very.08:52
manyouIt's a two step process:08:52
shank1rbHewus: Can Ubuntu catch common colds?08:52
oopscan anyone help me? heres the error:OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/lib/  hierarchy08:52
oopsYou need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com08:52
KRaZy_WaKaHewus: thanx08:52
Flannel!java | oops08:53
ubottuoops: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository08:53
Hewusshank1rb: Ubuntu is immune from catching colds from those pesky windows machines :P08:53
manyouDownload the Gparted live usb image.08:53
microwaverhey guys, what are the main reasons of slow response time of the terminal opening?08:53
manyouMake your usb key bootable using syslinux08:53
oopsthanks Flannel08:53
manyouAnd load up the image on the key08:53
Sonic132manyou: What's syslinux?08:54
shank1rbHewus: nice, does ubuntu auto-update it self?08:54
manyouNext, boot off the key.08:54
vinaydid anyone watch any hacking movies recently?08:54
Sonic132shank1rb: Yes it does.08:54
vinayor any websites?08:54
Hewusshank1rb: it will notify you when updates are available, and it's just point and click to install them08:54
manyouSyslinux is a nice program that writes to your device's boot sector and makes it bootable from the BIOS level08:54
shank1rbim burning the disk right now, very excited.  :)08:54
m1rvinay: thats offtopic here08:54
Sonic132manyou: And this isn't complicated or hard how?08:55
zcat[1]shank1rb: You can tell it to autoinstall security updates .. by default it will only tell you and you decide when/if to install them08:55
Sonic132manyou: I don't even know if I have syslinux.08:55
vinaymlr: could u suggest any channel for that??08:55
m1rvinay: no08:55
manyouNo, no, Syslinux is a small 2 MB utlity for windows/linux and plenty of other platforms.08:55
manyouAll you have to do is download syslinux.08:55
m1rvinay: offtopic here08:56
shank1rbfor it to expose like features, do i have install somethings?08:56
Flannelvinay: try #ubuntu-offtopic08:56
Sonic132manyou: Ok So I got the first program. Going to download syslinux next.08:56
quantumelixir/MSG NickServ VERIFY REGISTER quantumelixir rqwaoatdwsxx08:57
manyouSorry about that.08:57
Flannelquantumelixir: You'll want to do that over.08:57
Flannelquantumelixir: And change your password, of course.08:57
quantumelixirexcuse me.. can anyone help me register?08:57
zcat[1]quantumelixir: you might want to change that password now..08:57
vinayi've 8.04 is too buggy?08:57
vinayis it true?08:57
Flannelvinay: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here08:57
manyou@Vinay  8.04 is pretty stable so far.08:58
m1rFlannel: poor guy :)08:58
zorglu_Flannel: the buggyness of the distro is fully on topic08:58
vinayread 1st comment from http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/14608:58
Flannelzorglu_: No, this is a channel for support, not discussions about Ubuntu08:58
shank1rbCan anyone explain how should i efficiently partition my drive?  I have 2 drives right now, [D]= HP Recovery 1.86 GB free of 12GB, [C]= Local Drive 137GB free of 220GB08:58
andr0idhow can i install the kernel source?08:58
zorglu_Flannel: well you seem to believe that support is unrelated to buggyness :) lets say you quite alone to think so08:58
Flannel!kernel | andr0id08:58
ubottuandr0id: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages08:58
sarmisakquantumelixir: just type /ns register you_password08:59
andr0idcan i pvt you /08:59
andr0idto explain to you better08:59
Flannelandr0id: Just ask in the channel08:59
vinayshanklrb, use GParted08:59
sarmisakquantumelixir: you don't have to type /msg nickserv etc...08:59
whateversamI remember seeing somewhere that the Ubuntu teams wants feedback esp feedback on failed installs.  Anyone know where that feedback can be sent to?  (I'm on Windows right now, btw)08:59
andr0idbut its too long...it will kick me for flood :S08:59
mindvirusHi all.09:00
Flannelandr0id: Use pastebin if its that long09:00
m1randr0id: pastebin.com09:00
shank1rbvinay: what is gparted?09:00
mindvirusI have no clue what to do.09:00
sarmisakandr0id: use pastebin09:00
mindvirusI just moved my user account's home directory using usermod and now none of my settings are the same.09:00
Flannel!bugs | mindvirus09:00
ubottumindvirus: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:00
mindvirusIt's not a bug.09:00
mindvirusIt's my fault and I'd like to fix it sometime soon.09:00
Dutthi ppl. i get an error when updateing my Nvidia drivers.. something about a file missing.. is there a way i can just force it to update?09:01
andr0idok, i just want to ask, to install S3 UNICROME driver, i need to check if my kernel source is set up to support module loading firstly.09:01
sarmisakmindvirus: move it back :D09:01
Flannelmindvirus: Oh, sorry.  I mixed you up with someone else.09:01
mindvirusI need the directory to be moved though.09:01
microwaverhey guys, what are the main reasons of slow response time of the terminal opening?09:01
Flannel!bugs | whateversam09:01
ubottuwhateversam: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:01
mindvirusPlease, someone help.09:01
andr0idi just want to ask, to install S3 UNICROME driver, i need to check if my kernel source is set up to support module loading firstly.09:02
shank1rbUmm, big question!  Should i delete everything i have and then only install ubuntu? (everything means, things like games, files, songs, videos, etc)09:02
Hewusmindvirus: can you move the files back to your home dir?09:02
sarmisakmindvirus: copy all data to your new directory?09:02
mindvirusIt's all copied.09:02
owen1how to unmount ipod from terminal?09:02
mindvirusHere's the thing.09:02
mindvirusI changed my home directory using usermod.09:02
mindvirusThen I manually copied the files into the new directory.09:02
mindvirusBecause -m wouldn't work.09:03
mindvirusI chmodded all the files.09:03
darrendmindvirus: where is your new directory?09:03
Hewusmindvirus: did you copy / are you aware of the files/folders starting with . ?09:03
=== sean is now known as Guest59000
mindvirusHewus, I used cp -R.09:03
mindvirusAnd yes.09:03
sarmisakmindvirus: did you do this from a terminal in X?09:04
JbCrashwhy i change my resolution to 1028?09:04
shank1rbanyone: Big question!  Should i delete everything i have and then only install ubuntu? (everything means, things like games, files, songs, videos, etc) *sorry for repeating the question*09:04
Hewusmindvirus: where are the .* files now? are they in your new home?09:04
mindvirussarmisak, yes.09:04
=== naquad is now known as tetraedr
mindvirusHendriXXX, yes.09:04
mindvirusHewus, yes.09:04
FloodBot3mindvirus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:04
sarmisakmindvirus: did you logout and login?09:04
tetraedrhi everyone09:04
mindvirussarmisak, twice.09:04
whateversamThank you everyone for your help.  I think I'm going to go tinker with stuff now till something breaks, or something works.  lol.09:05
Flannelshank1rb: What do you mean?  Which files are you deleting? and what are you ultimately trying to accomplish?09:05
tetraedrI've installed propietary nvidia driver, but ubuntu (8.04 LTS) doesn't want to work with it :( how do I make it work?09:05
Hewusmindvirus: you said -m didn't work. Was there some sort of error?09:05
sarmisakmindvirus: should be working flawlessly, maybe you missed a few folders? did you double check everything?09:05
Flannelmindvirus: What's /etc/passwd say about your homedirectory?09:05
mindvirusHewus, no, it printed out the usage.09:05
Dutti get an error when updateing my Nvidia drivers.. something about a file missing.. is there a way i can just force it to update?09:05
mindvirusFlannel, /etc/passwd has it right.09:06
mindvirussarmisak, I used cp -R.09:06
mindvirusFor some reason, when I deleted the original home directory, .gvfs didn't delete.09:06
andr0idwhy does my botnet doesnt install normaly ?09:06
shank1rbI mean, since its a new os, what will happen to all the things that i had? Would it be better for me to free the used space by deleting the files?09:06
mindvirusI'll delete that later.09:06
andr0idanyone: why does my botnet doesnt install normaly ?09:06
pteagueanybody know how to use cut? or maybe there's a better way to do this... `find $dir -type d | cut -c $dir` ?  i'm trying to get rid of all instances of $dir in output09:06
mindvirusAhh, shit.09:07
Hewusmindvirus: are you sure the original .* files are in your new home, and that it's not newly created default files?09:07
mindvirusI think it didn't copy the .* directories.09:07
mindvirusWhat the fuck.09:07
FloodBot3mindvirus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
Flannelshank1rb: you're welcome to delete them if you want, files, songs, videos, etc (data, not programs) can be copied over and you'll still have them.  Games you should probably ditch, since Windows and Linux are different09:07
shank1rbFlannel: does adobe photoshop cs3 work /w ubuntu?09:08
mindvirusI don't understand... cp -R is supposed to copy everything.09:08
Flannelshank1rb: Through wine, I believe so, yes.09:08
mindvirusIs there any way to recover lost data?09:08
mindvirusThat which was rm'ed?09:08
pteagueyes, but i don't think it's non-trivial09:09
shank1rbFlannel: wine is a software of some sort i guess, so microsoft office would workk with ubuntu?09:09
mindviruspteague, I'm willing to do non-trivial things.09:09
pteaguei'm not even sure if i have that bookmarked... sec, let me check09:09
Hewusshank1rb: wine allows you to run windows programs in ubuntu, but it can be complicated and not work. For office, you can use openoffice which is provided09:10
Flannelshank1rb: It does, but there are native office apps that you'll probably want to use instead09:10
Hewusshank1rb: I recommend you try the livecd first and play around to make sure ubuntu is for you before you dive in and realise it's not what you expected09:10
Hewusshank1rb: Ubuntu is not Windows; there are many differences09:10
shank1rbhmm, true.. very true.09:11
shank1rbSo, how do i Live-cd it again?09:12
shank1rbi already have the 64-bit cd burned.09:12
m1r kernel panic is unsolvable problem in ubuntu ?09:12
Slartm1r: wouldn't think so09:13
Hewusshank1rb: you should just be able to put it in the drive and restart the computer, and it will boot up the livecd instead of windows09:13
m1rSlart: can u help on that problem ?09:14
shank1rbHewus: i slide the cd in and restart the comp?09:14
Slartm1r: I have no idea.. what is the problem?09:14
Hewusshank1rb: depending on your BIOS configuration, if that doesn't work, you probably have to modify the boot order (the "press del for setup" thing)09:14
Hewusshank1rb: yep!09:14
shank1rballright i'm givin it a try09:15
m1rSlart: when trying to boot it stops after disk has been mounted09:15
Hewusshank1rb: good luck :-)09:15
shank1rbbe back if it doesnt work09:15
shank1rbthank you very very much for all the assistance09:15
pteaguemindvirus: i don't see the blog post i was looking for, but googled turned this up - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-distributions-5/best-liverescue-cd-for-ext3-data-recovery-417651/09:15
Hewusshank1rb: no problem, any time09:15
rajathBroadcom driver doesn't seem to work on ubuntu09:15
sixtyby3@rajath yes that is a common problem09:16
sixtyby3I've been experiencing the same problem too.09:16
sixtyby3What model is your card?09:16
m1rSlart: i managed to get to busybox when putting wrong path into grub kernel line, if i put root=UUID or root=/dev/sdb1 it drops kernel panic09:16
sixtyby3Is it the bcm43xx series?09:16
Slartm1r: installed any funke, weird kernel modules? or it's a regular ubuntu install?09:17
m1rSlart: ubuntu 8.04 beta with latest upgrades09:17
m1rSlart: i had to repair sdb1 ext3 with livecd partition editor and now i can mount it, but i can boot it09:18
Slartm1r: have you tried starting from a live cd? does it kernel panic too?09:18
Dutti get an error when updateing my Nvidia drivers.. something about a file missing.. is there a way i can just force it to update?09:18
m1rSlart: i am now on livecd, it works without problems09:18
m1rSlart: it started panic after i fixed it with livecd09:19
Slartm1r: I suppost you could have had a disk error so that a kernel module now is broken.. but it's just a guess09:20
* chillu 09:20
m1rSlart: i had cooler problems and have booted into GUI but then after 5 min PC kept freezing cause of overheating09:20
SmegzorA friend wants to install Ubuntu on his laptop (running OpenGeu) but his cd drive appears to be stuffed.  He's downloaded the iso.  Is there any way to install from it without rebooting or is he out of luck without a working cd drive?09:20
Slartm1r: if I were you I'd try booting without the splash.. and without the quiet switch.. and actually try to see how long the boot goes before it crashes.. perhaps get an idea of what it is causing the crash09:21
m1rSlart: b4 i fixed it with live cd (ext3-fs) , it couldnt mount device, after it was fixed in livecd it start to mount, but after it mounts it drops kernel panic09:22
rklein86#join ubuntu-pl09:22
* chillu 09:22
Flannelrklein86: /join #ubuntu-pl09:22
=== [MindVirus] is now known as MindVirus
=== chillu is now known as quantumelixir
Beawolfeneed some help with installing multiple distro's in one machine............I now have Feisty Fawn and want to also try PCLinuxOS.............can I just put a spare drive in and install PCLinux to it and have my current grub loader pick it up?09:24
FlannelBeawolfe: yep09:24
Beawolfeanything I should worry about?09:24
Dutti get an error when updateing my Nvidia drivers.. something about a file missing.. is there a way i can just force it to update? Geforce 7800 GTX09:25
egiususe supergrub, easy!09:25
FlannelIf you want your current bootloader to be the one you use, don't let PCLinuxOS install its GRUB to the MBR (or you'll have to come back and rewrite stage1)09:25
Beawolfeokay thanx! Flannel09:25
Dutthow many aussies here?09:26
FlannelDutt: Try #ubuntu-au09:26
Duttoh cool ok09:26
Cloud__hi guys09:27
Cloud__i can't install gnome, I get E: Broken package09:27
Cloud__or something like that09:27
microwaveranyone who has experience using virtualbox and usb devices?09:28
gordonjcpCloud__: pastebin the entire error09:28
ubottuFactoid gh not found09:28
Cloud__how do i copy and paste in pure textmode?!09:29
Dutti get an error when updateing my Nvidia drivers.. something about a file missing.. is there a way i can just force it to update? Geforce 7800 GTX09:32
m1rwow 3 minute silenvce :)09:32
broonsparrowHi. for some reason I'm no longer able to write to a FAT partition since upgrading to 8.04. I can still write to a NFTS partition. any idea why?09:32
amorphous__I'm wanting to access server files online from different platforms. Been looking @ WebDAV, but google only responds that it doesn't work on hardy --- are there any other options?09:33
gordonjcpbroonsparrow: what's the error you're getting?09:34
newBiehi al09:34
gordonjcpamorphous__: What exactly are you trying to do?09:34
broonsparrowgordonjcp - permission denied09:35
porkpiehi guy's I am trying to find a way to start my shoutcast server automatically at start up but I don't seem to be able to write script to get it working09:35
=== sixtyby3 is now known as manyou
m1ramorphous__: ftp , ssh ?09:35
amorphous__i want to sync files from various locations, back them up onto one of them & have access to that server from xp/vista laptops, gordonjcp09:36
porkpieactually the script I have runs but when I add it to the init.d and reboot the system doesn't come up09:36
gordonjcpbroonsparrow: hm, check it's mounted as rw09:36
gordonjcpamorphous__: well if it's Windows machines, you're probably going to want Samba09:36
amorphous__m1r, i need access from windows. Samba has given me a headache for long enough. it's not simple to get it secure via http09:36
gordonjcpamorphous__: that's basically the only network file system that Windows understands09:37
amorphous__gordonjcp, ^09:37
broonsparrowgordonjcp - how do I check that?09:37
newBiehi guy, i'm trying to connect my ubuntu to the internet by using nokia cdma as modem with dku-5 data cabel. but why my firefox cant open any site, but when i use konqueror its works09:37
m1ramorphous__: ftp or ssh09:37
gordonjcpbroonsparrow: type "mount" and look for the device09:37
gordonjcpamorphous__: What exactly are you trying to do?09:37
amorphous__gordonjcp, google is telling me that webdav is good on ms09:37
microwaveranyone who has experience using virtualbox and usb devices?09:38
m1ramorphous__: if u dont want samba, not much u can do but those two above imo09:38
skilletssh is a much better choice09:38
broonsparrowgordonjcp - appears to be rw (/dev/sda4 on /media/Data type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)09:38
skilletamorphous__ or try unison09:39
gordonjcpbroonsparrow: it's not something crazy like the write protect switch on the card?09:39
amorphous__gordonjcp, i have a few machines @ various locations. I want them to back up to a server @ a different one & for people with window$ laptops to have r/w access to those files.09:39
manyouYou can do it with a usb key09:39
amorphous__ok m1r. thants sort of what i thought. Thanks ;)09:39
gordonjcpamorphous__: ok09:39
broonsparrowgordonjcp - I could write to it fine before I upgraded to 8.0409:40
gordonjcpamorphous__: so they're *not* on the same network?09:40
newBiehi guys, i'm trying to connect my ubuntu to the internet by using nokia cdma as modem with dku-5 data cabel. but why my firefox cant open any site, but when i use konqueror its works09:40
skilletamorphous__ take a look at unison09:40
m1ramorphous__: nps, if u can go for ssh09:40
amorphous__gordonjcp, no - each machine is on a different network - they're all online...09:40
amorphous__skillet - am just trying to get past the union references...09:41
manyouThe proxy settings are incorrect for firefox.09:41
gordonjcpamorphous__: ok, webdav might do it if you use https, but basically you want ipsec and samba09:41
manyou@newBie fix using Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Network09:42
manyouDepends on your version of Firefox.09:42
egoleohey gues09:42
amorphous__cheers skillet09:43
skillet: )09:43
broonsparrowhey. I'm also having problems updateing - updater is saying that not all updates can be installed so i click partial upgrade and it comes up with "Could not calculate the upgrade" any ideas?09:43
gordonjcpbroonsparrow: that's a bit odd, I must admit I can't see why that would happen09:43
bluebug_Compiz doesn't work appropriately with ati x1600.  on the face of it, the proprietary driver seems to be work fine.  However, once I try compiz fusion, it looks too sluggish.09:43
bluebug_How should I do to fix it?  thanks.09:44
gordonjcp(re your usb stick)09:44
m1rbroonsparrow: use terminal and do apt-get update  , apt-get dist-upgrade09:44
Litefiremorning all09:44
egoleohello all09:45
egoleohow do i zip a folder with another name09:45
egoleozip -r foobar foobar but i want it to be different name than foobar09:46
Litefirehaving an error on the ibm 330 server i installed ubuntu on  and cant seem to figure it out when i start it up i get  ata2: srst failed errno-1609:46
m1rLitefire: join #ubuntu-server09:46
Litefirekk thanks09:46
zaputrplease, help, Ubuntu doesn't work with external hdd over firewire09:46
egoleoanyone to help me with ma probelm09:46
broonsparrowmlr - cheers it's now downloadingand installing09:47
porkpieguy's how do I start my shoutcast server from startup script if I have to use sudo ...09:47
Litefirethanks m1r :D09:48
broonsparrowone more questions - I'm gonna get an external HD, any suggestions what I should get/avoid?09:48
m1rbroonsparrow: just take care it is usb2.009:49
zaputrplease, help, Ubuntu doesn't work with external hdd over firewire? ubuntu doesn't see any fire-wire devices09:49
shank1rbHewus: if ure still there, in the live cd, is alot of the things in ubuntu not supposed to work?09:50
m1rshank1rb: everything should work from livecd09:50
mr_boocan i share files between ubuntu and xubuntu?09:51
Hewusshank1rb: what problems did you have?09:51
microwaveranyone who has experience using virtualbox and usb devices?09:51
shank1rbHewus: such as the display reslution only goes uptp 800x600, the wireless wifi doesnt work..09:51
Hewusmicrowaver: virtualbox-ose doesn't support usb09:51
osmosisanyone know if it is possible to do a raid 10 with software raid?09:51
mr_booomg, raid 1009:52
egoleoanyone help how to zip file with another name plse09:52
sarmisakmicrowaver: download the compiled binary version from virtualbox.org, it works with usb09:52
Hewusshank1rb: installing the restricted nvidia driver will probably fix the display issues, which you can only do on a proper installation. I personally don't have wireless, but I've heard with some cards there are issues.09:52
sarmisakmicrowaver: you'll be redirected to sun microsystems for download09:53
shank1rbi have nvidia network controller09:53
m1rshank1rb: lspci in terminal to determine your wlan card09:53
Hewusshank1rb: all I could suggest would be https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide as I don't have wifi experience09:53
shank1rbok, ty hewus.09:54
shank1rbm1r: what is LSPCI?09:54
Hewusshank1rb: I'm going away for a bit, if I come back and you're still here I'll let you know. gl again :-)09:54
shank1rbHewus: ty for all the info09:54
m1rshank1rb: it is lspci and it is comand to list devices09:54
mr_boocan i share files between ubuntu and xubuntu?09:54
ubottuFactoid sharing not found09:55
ubottuFactoid shared not found09:55
shank1rbwhen clicked on check hardware or something, on the live disk it found the wireless netwrok controller, but couldnt connect to the internet..09:55
ompaulm1r, you can search with /msg ubottu search keyword and parse the result09:56
m1rompaul: tnx09:56
Jester45how can i disable the network manager and hardware driver icon in the system tray09:57
tetraedrpeople I got some troubles with window decoration: window control buttons don't redraw :( how do I fix that?09:57
ompaulm1r, just checked seems broken got onto operator they might try to fix later09:57
shank1rbm1r: broadcom 4321AG 802.11a/b/g/ draft -n Wifi Adapter, is that what u were askin?09:58
m1rompaul: ok , tnx m809:58
mr_boois it possible to share files between ubuntu and xubuntu?09:58
m1rshank1rb: yes09:58
Jester45mr_boo: yes09:58
m1rshank1rb: that is your wireless card name, u will need check for driver instalation for that model09:59
quantume1ixirWhenever I use the included SkyRocket Screensaver I find some stuttering issues when CompizFusion is running, however the problem doesnt seem to happen with Metacity. I use an Nvidia 8600GT with latest drivers. Any fixes?09:59
quantume1ixir Whenever I use the included SkyRocket Screensaver I find some stuttering issues when10:00
quantume1ixir                       CompizFusion is running, however the problem doesnt seem to happen with Metacity. I use an10:00
quantume1ixir                       Nvidia 8600GT with latest drivers. Any fixes?10:00
shank1rbm1r: what do i do after i download it?10:01
AgionAnyone can help me with my resolution? I cant set it on 1680x105010:02
m1rshank1rb: i am not sure for broadcoms, but u have two options, 1st is evil ndiswrapper with windows driver and 2nd is installing some package b43-fwcutter or similar, sry i cant help more, dont have expiriance with broadcoms10:03
shank1rbwhat is evilndiswrapper?10:04
m1rndiswrapper is way to get wlan cards working with windows drivers10:04
shank1rbis it a hard process?10:05
m1rshank1rb: not really, but u better have ethernet conection to that machine when setting up wlan driver, will make your life lot easier10:06
shank1rbso, this for a wired connect only?10:07
iarwain1Is there a way to find out what tv-card my laptop has?10:07
m1rshank1rb: no, that is for wlan, but u better be conected wired when setting up wireless, it make your life more easy in setting it up10:08
powertool08does anybody know how to lock a tty other than logging out of it?10:09
m1rshank1rb: did u try connect to internet with livecd ?10:09
prodigelpowertool08: try ctrl_+alt+l10:09
m1rand ?10:10
shank1rbno internet thru wireless10:10
prodigelpowertool08: doesn't work :D It worked on terminals10:10
powertool08prodigel: i don't think it works10:10
shank1rbi havent tried wired tho10:10
m1rshank1rb: do you see wireless conections on network manager ?10:10
shank1rbno, but i did the lil hadware check and it did find the network hardware, but didnt connect...10:11
powertool08prodigel: i have rtorrent running in it but it defeats the purpose of my kde password since somebody can simply close rtorrent and do whatever in the command line10:11
Jester45use screen!!!10:11
shank1rbanother thing, i didnt get was that i couldnt increase the resolution of the monitor10:12
m1rshank1rb: that is VGAfeature10:12
Hewusshank1rb: I'm back10:12
prodigeluse other clients. I'm using a transmission-daemon and controll it by web interface10:12
prodigelpowertool08:  use other clients. I'm using a transmission-daemon and controll it by web interface10:12
shank1rbhewus: o nice10:13
m1rshank1rb: only thing that can give u problem is wireless, can u try ping your router ?10:13
powertool08ok, i'll look into that as well as screen, thanks10:14
Jester45powertool08: use rtorrent... you can logout then reconnect to the session where ever10:14
shank1rbm1r/hewus: so if i cant increase my resolution in the live cd, then i wont be able to increase it in the installed ver?10:14
defnetwhat can be done in ubuntu that cant be done in windows xp/vista or os10?10:15
m1rshank1rb: dont worry about resolution, u need drivers for your vga card which u install after "install to hdd"10:15
powertool08Jester45: ok, i'll check it out tomorrow, thanks :)10:15
shank1rbm1r/hewus: o10:15
m1rdefnet , not get virus ?10:15
defnetof course10:15
icqnumberdefnet, what are you talking about?10:15
Hewusshank1rb: the livecd uses the open-source "nv" driver. Once you have installed, you can use the "nvidia" driver which should be able to use your normal max resolution10:15
m1rdefnet , dont get blue screen of death ?10:16
defneti prefer linux because it runs better on old hardware, but what can i do on good hardware?10:16
shank1rbm1r/hewus: so do u think that the wireless might work as well as i install the Os?10:16
m1rshank1rb: try ping your router if u can conect to network over network manager ?10:17
shank1rbm1r/hewus: "ping" meaning?10:17
Hewusshank1rb: it's not the same issue, so I'm not sure. Like I said earlier, I don't have any experience with wireless, sorry.10:17
m1rshank1rb: ping - assuming this is IP of your router10:17
shank1rbit is10:17
Hewusshank1rb: ping is a command, which you can run from either the windows or ubuntu command line10:18
shank1rbhow do i do that?10:18
waseem57shank1rb, man ping10:18
Hewusshank1rb: are you on ubuntu or windows atm?10:19
m1rshank1rb: open terminal and type: ping +IP address of router10:19
defnetrun: cmd10:19
defnettype "ping {router ip}"10:19
powertool08defnet: i've got one for you, on linux you can crash your system to the point of clean reinstall 20 times in a few months, BUT have fun doing it and learn a lot10:20
defnetin ubuntu i cant run as root :(10:21
defnetand i have a corrupt sources list10:21
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:21
shank1rbafter, pinging the i.p what do i do?10:21
powertool08in reference to what you can do in ubuntu but not windows10:21
m1rshank1rb: in windows u cant do nothing10:21
powertool08defnet: sorry, i got distracted and responded slow10:22
skilletcant do nothing? does that mean you can do everything?10:22
shank1rbdo, i have to connect the computer to a ethernet port before pinging?10:22
m1rskillet: hes trying to get his wlan card working10:22
m1rskillet: care to help fixing wlan on livecd while in windows ?10:22
defneti ping my router and get latency of .495 ms is that good?10:23
skilletwhat card/chipset10:23
defnetyes it is10:23
skilletdefnet, yes10:23
m1rshank1rb: whats your wlan card ID?10:23
defnetbut, i got hardware rated up to 100mb/s and cap off at 10mb/s, anyone know why?10:24
skilletlspci | grep -i network10:24
Hewusshank1rb: ping tests your connection. In windows it should be able to connect just fine. If you ping in linux, we'll be able to see if it can connect or not10:24
stenuAnyone care to help me with some stuff in Xubuntu?10:25
ali_Hey, someone who can help me ? i am new with ubuntu10:25
shank1rbwhat is wlan card ID?10:25
skilletdefnet, http://searchcio-midmarket.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid183_gci212456,00.html10:25
shank1rbhow do i find that out?10:25
skilletdefnet, read the difinition of latency10:25
m1rshank1rb: lspci10:26
skilletstenu and ali_ just ask your questions. no one is going to ask you what your problem is10:26
skilletshank1rb, is this a laptop or desktop?10:26
shank1rbits broadcom AG10:26
skilletwhat brand/model10:27
tetraedrpeople, here is a screenshot: http://i.piccy.kiev.ua/i2/52/2b/b73edbb12c698a420da30a06f717.png of my desktop: there's a problem with titlebar how do I fix it?10:27
shank1rbm1r: broadcom 4321AG 802.11a/b/g/ draft -n Wifi Adapter10:27
defnetfrm my dell running ubuntu i ping my new built one running xp and a get a ping of .133 ms (they are both connected to the same switch) and when i ping my router from my dell i get .540 ms, does that mean i can connect faster to my other pc than to my router?10:27
defnetand how do i scan for devices connected to the network/10:28
m1rskillet: i gues he need install b43-fwcutter or some similar name10:28
skilletdefnet, devices?10:28
defnetlike... computers, routers, etc.10:28
defnetlike a network map10:28
skilletdefnet, apt-get install nmap && nmap -sP <your ip range>10:28
shank1rbunder netwoork adapter i have the broadcom and nvidia network controller.10:28
defnetand does the ping command work for hostnames?10:29
m1rshank1rb: broadcom is wirless it seems it is working, can u open terminal and try to ping ?10:29
defnetit does work for host names10:29
shank1rbokay lemee go try that10:29
Sieferhey everyone10:30
defneti ping www.google.com and got a return of 33.45 ms10:30
shank1rbbrb in a while it takes a while to load from a cd10:30
skilletdefnet, why are you concerned with all of this10:30
defneti like to learn10:30
defnethow do i make it stop pinging other than closing terminal?10:30
Siefer<--- is a linux noob10:31
mohkohnIf there is somebody who is knowledgable about setting up gmail pop on Lotus Notes client can they please join me on #ubuntu-offtopic10:32
defneti ping videogame servers to see which one i have least latency?10:32
RainMakerCan someone help me set a root password for mysql10:32
skilletdefnet, most games have that built in already ...10:32
defnetcan i ping port numbers?10:32
skilletdefnet, no that doesnt make sense10:32
defnetcould i ping10:33
Sieferanyone here know of any good linux software for benchmarking or finding system information like your Thermostat temperatures on your motherboard?10:33
defnetor just10:33
skilletjust the ip10:33
defnet69.12.94.17 ?10:33
FloodBot3defnet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:33
skilletthe bot thinks you talk to much10:33
m1rnasty floodbot3 :)10:33
RainMakerAnyone here know how to configure mysql?10:33
soulhackerrainMaker:ya i do10:34
selocolcan someone tell me what xrdb -merge .Xresources does? apparently i have to run that command in order for changes in .Xresources to take effect, but i dont understand what that command does. thanks10:34
RainMakerCan you please help?10:34
soulhackerRainMaker:ya i do10:34
m1rdpkg-reconfigure-mysql-server ?10:34
Siefer<--- wish i knew RainMaker, but i don't know crap about web dev or php, or mysql, id like to learn though10:34
soulhackerRainMaker:tell me wher is the problem10:34
RainMakerThanks anyways Siefer.10:34
RainMakerHow do I set a root password.10:34
defneti can use ping to tell me what my connection will be before i commit to connecting'10:35
soulhackerRainMaker:can u pls write my nick in queries so i can see your replys clearly and next didint it ask you that when you installed it?10:35
skilletdefnet, what do you mean?10:35
FROSTYH0Eskillet!!! woot best band10:36
RainMakersoulhacker I installed mysql server but it never asked me for one.10:36
skilletFROSTYH0E, heh10:36
FROSTYH0Eyou guys using pidgin?10:36
defnetlike, i can ping a server to see what my latency is before i commit to connecting with an application and deciding whether its worht my time10:36
Sieferwhat band?10:36
skilletFROSTYH0E, im surprised so many ppl know of em10:36
skilletSiefer, skillet10:36
Siefernever heard of it10:36
skilletFROSTYH0E, yes10:36
Sieferwhat kind of music Skillet?10:37
soulhackerRainMaker:you using hardy and the latest mysql version right?did u do it manually or by sing apt-get?10:37
FROSTYH0Eyou say tracepath and then server name10:37
franceshi everyone, i want to nkow how to mount an iso image?10:37
skilletdefnet, no,10:37
defnetwhy no?10:37
skilletSiefer, Christian rock10:37
RainMakersoulhacker I used aptitude10:37
waterzhi my ps2 mouse is not working in hardy heron, what do you think is the problem?10:37
Sieferahh okay10:37
FROSTYH0Eget a new port10:37
waterzand how can i connect to internet i have DSL connection?10:37
franceshow do i mount an iso image on my ubuntu?10:37
Siefermusic, that reminds me, i have to install Emule on linux10:37
waterznew port?10:37
skilletdefnet, things can change while you are connected10:37
skilletdefnet, like the amount of ppl connected adn what not10:38
FROSTYH0Edw my bad10:38
soulhackerRainMaker:ok try mysql -u root -p when it asks for password dont give nay10:38
BeBoBliIs there a way to read ext3 within windows?10:38
RainMakerwaterz if you are on here then you must be connected10:38
soulhackerRainMaker:just press enter10:38
Sieferoh by the way, does anyone know if there's any harm if i set my folder for downloading/sharing files on an NTFS windows partition?10:38
waterzim in my office10:38
FROSTYH0Eyou could re-install there mit be a path error10:38
defnetwhat else can id do?10:38
defnetcan i prtscan/10:38
soulhackerSiefer:whats your download client?10:38
waterzi have ubuntu hardy heron in vbox :)10:38
Sieferi use Emule10:39
Sieferi like it10:39
m1rdefnet, what u trying to achive ?10:39
gronnecould someone please help me install a game that gives me a huge amount of errors when I press make?10:39
RainMakersoulhacker access denied10:39
Sieferunless you have another suggestion10:39
skilletdefnet, be careful with that10:39
gronneI don't know how to see which dependancies are missing and whatnot10:39
defnetto find prots i can connect to, to see what applications are running on the server10:39
soulhackerSiefer:you using hardy right?10:39
Sieferhardy? whats that?10:39
defnetlike http is 80, and whatnot10:39
RainMakersoulhacker after I press enter, it says access denied10:39
skilletSiefer, an older version of ubuntu10:39
soulhackerSiefer:ubuntu 8.0410:39
m1rdefnet: netstat -uap10:40
Sieferyeah im on 8.0410:40
Sieferi thought thats the newer version of Ubuntu10:40
skilletm1r, i think he is talking about ports on remote computers10:40
soulhackerSiefer:ya it is10:40
m1rskillet: dont u think thats offtopic here ?10:40
FROSTYH0Ewhat is topic?10:40
Sets88hi there10:40
skilletyes i do10:40
soulhackerSiefer:you mounted your drive using gnome right??10:41
Sieferim pretty sure10:41
Sieferim a noob to linux10:41
Sieferive had ubuntu for an hour now10:41
FROSTYH0Elinux is the best!!10:41
AgionCan anyone help me getting my graphics card work? My fps is low and I'd like to get the system work without lag. Im using ATI x1950 and hardy10:41
Sets88agreed :)10:41
FROSTYH0Ewow ure doing pretty good then10:41
defnetmy ip address is
soulhackeragion:apt-get install envy then on terminal run envy10:42
FROSTYH0E thats good10:42
skilletdefnet, no its not10:42
defneti know10:42
Sets88try to use proprioritet driver on ur Ati10:42
FROSTYH0Ewhyare u telling people ure ip?10:42
defnetits also
FROSTYH0Ethats stupid lol10:42
Sieferhe wants to get haxor'd10:42
defnetand i will not devulge my external ip10:42
Agionsoulhacker: are you sure about envy? Last time i did it the system went down... Well I can try...10:42
Sieferdunno why he is10:43
FROSTYH0Eyou can get that using the others idiot10:43
Sieferso do any of you know of a software that can benchmark my hardware in linux?10:43
soulhackeragion:worked good on all the computers i have instlled ubuntu on and thats many10:43
Sieferor give me system info like the temperatures in the case and stuff?10:43
Agionok... How can I run it on console?10:43
defnetits 66.249.XX.XXX10:43
FROSTYH0Ehaha ure haleriouse10:44
soulhackerAgion:just type envy10:44
defnethow do i do ftp?10:44
defnetif i wanted to move a file from one machine to antoher10:44
defnetin console10:44
Agionsoulhacker: It says I need to provide a parameter...10:44
m1rdefnet:  man scp10:44
soulhackerAgion:sorry type envyng10:44
defneti typed ftp10:44
hischilddefnet, man ftp10:44
soulhackerenvng -t10:45
hischild!envy (get the right one then please)10:45
ubottuhischild: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:45
m1ruh yes sry10:45
defnetand it is a prompt that sais ftp>10:45
FROSTYH0Ehey arin10:45
RainMakerCan someone help me configure mysql?10:45
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.10:45
Agionbash: no command found10:45
sarmisakRainMaker: what change do you need?10:45
mgolischdefnet: help should list the availiable commands10:45
soulhackerAgion:envyng -t10:45
RainMakerI need to set a root password.10:45
jribRainMaker: why do you think that you do?10:46
soulhackerAgion:install it by apt-get install envyng10:46
magnetron!root | RainMaker10:46
ubottuRainMaker: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:46
hischild!root | RainMaker10:46
sarmisakRainMaker: download phpmyadmin, set it up, and then change the password through it.10:46
magnetronhischild: i beat you to iy10:46
m1rhischild: i think he means mysql root passwd10:46
hischildmagnet, true that.10:46
Agionit cant find such a package as envyng10:46
Agionbut I have envy anyways...10:46
hischildm1r, thats not what he asked10:46
RainMakerI'm looking at THIS and it is confusing: http://www.debianadmin.com/mysql-database-server-installation-and-configuration-in-ubuntu.html10:46
Thecaptain2000Hi, I get this error, while connecting remotely to an ubuntu 8.04 system: shell-init:error retrieving current directory: getcwd:cannot access parent dir. what is it?10:46
hischild!envy | Agion (get the right one)10:46
ubottuAgion (get the right one): envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.10:46
glitsj16Agion: it's envyng-gtk10:47
hischildRainMaker, what do you need a root password for?10:48
soulhackerRainMaker:worst case scenario ireinstall mysql using synaptic ok10:48
hischildRainMaker, im looking at that site, i dont see what you need one for10:48
RainMakerI want to create a use and a database that's why.10:48
Agionthen I run envyng -t and install the ati driver?10:48
hischildRainMaker, for mysql? get phpmyadmin, it sets it up automatically ...10:49
RainMakerI'm trying that right now.10:49
shank1rbi'm back, it said that it is ubale to reach the connection.10:49
RainMakerNow that phpmyadmin is installed, how do I start it?10:50
defnethow do i compile a program/10:50
hischildRainMaker, open firefox and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin10:50
noobuntuis there a kind person willing to accompany me on installing process? i'm installing enemy territory game10:50
hischild!compile | defnet10:50
ubottudefnet: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:50
RainMakerI got a 40410:51
soulhackernoobuntu:i want to but never instlled a game myself on linux so please take me too10:51
DanielRMI don't suppose anyone could help me in identifying and pinning the driver for my wireless card?10:51
shank1rbHewus: i think the driver is not turning on when i start from ubuntu, cuz there a lil light on wireless that turn on and off, and its off when i start it from ubuntu...10:51
Thecaptain2000Hi, I get this error, while connecting remotely to an ubuntu 8.04 system: shell-init:error retrieving current directory: getcwd:cannot access parent dir. what is it?10:51
hischildRainMaker, hmm  .... thats odd .. just installin that worked fine for me always ...10:51
soulhackerDanielRM:whats your hardware??10:51
hischild!info phpmyadmin > me10:51
DanielRMsoulhacker: minipci Broadcom.10:52
DanielRMsoulhacker: BCM94311MCG10:52
noobuntuis there a kind person willing to accompany me on installing process? i'm installing enemy territory game10:52
RainMakerhischild I'm an idiot to this type of stuff >_>10:52
soulhackerDanielRM:lsmod|grep bcm10:52
RainMakerActually, no I'm not, only on linux it takes more work.10:52
jokoonhello, there is some behaviour in gnome i would like to change, when I do CTRL BACKSPACE in windows, in an adress bar it removes the text after a slash, in gnome, it removes the whole line10:52
DanielRMsoulhacker: no output.10:52
hischildRainMaker, nobody is an idiot, we all have to start somewhere. Can you check if apache is working? If you go to http://localhost it should say IT WORKS10:53
jokoonHow can I make it remove only a line in gnome ?10:53
soulhackerDanielRM:lsmod|grep iwl or grep mac10:53
RainMakerI have a site hosted and it works.10:53
skilletjokoon, a line?10:53
soulhackerDanielRM:lsmod|grep 80210:53
defnetmy medibuntu.list file is corrupt10:53
DanielRMsoulhacker: would you believe me if I said no output for any of those?10:53
waterzhow can i connect to internet?10:53
Hewusshank1rb: The wireless driver? I'm sorry mate, but I've said I don't have any experience with wireless, so I can't help with this one :-(. All I know is that proprietary wireless cards are one of the last problematic areas on ubuntu, so frankly it's not surprising you're having issues with it.10:53
RainMakerpurpleeye.ath.cx is my site10:54
hischildRainMaker, a site? i see. And do you know if apache has been restarted after installing phpmyadmin? If not, can you do so?10:54
AdvoWorkhi there, is there a way I can get a list, ie a proper list of applications running on my server?10:54
RainMakerOkay hischild I will restart.10:54
soulhackerDanielRM:or just paste your lsmod output to pastebin give me the link10:54
DanielRMsoulhacker: it randomly started working the day before yesterday after I'd spent several months struggling with it to no avail.10:54
jokoonskillet I mean only a set of characters before a slash, comma, dot10:54
Hewusshank1rb: keep asking in this channel and see if someone else can help with your wireless problem.10:54
mzuverinkcouls anyone tell me the command to enable userdir public_html in apache2?  Thanks in advance10:54
shank1rbok ty10:54
defnettype '<!DOCTYPE' is not known10:54
DanielRMsoulhacker: Now I'm afraid an update will regress it.10:54
RainMakerhischild how do I restart..?10:54
soulhackerDanielRM:did you use update manager yesterday??10:55
julle_How to i change so that X is using xorg.conf instead of xorg.conf.failsafe ?10:55
hischildRainMaker, apache2 can be restarted by issueing the command ==> sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart10:55
jokoonskillet in gnome you do ctrl backspace it remove everything, and most of the time I just want to edit the url, but just something after a slash, not the whole thing10:55
DanielRMsoulhacker: http://pastebin.com/d3701029e10:56
Agionsoulhacker: it still doesn't work properly... What does the console tell your fps with running glxgears?10:56
DanielRMsoulhacker: yes. I also enable the proposed repo for each release.10:56
RainMakerokay I restarted it hischild10:56
defneti cant use the "sudo apt-get install" command10:56
hischildRainMaker, can you check again by going to localhost/phpmyadmin? (its case sensitive)10:56
defneti get "type '<!DOCTYPE' is not known"10:56
RainMakerk hischild10:56
RainMakerhischild still 404 :/..10:57
soulhackerDanielRM:so then cool then i would try that out for mine to since my wifi is not working anyways now its working why worry enjoy10:57
Agiondefnet: What did you try to install?10:57
shank1rbanyone in this channel: I have a  broadcom 4321AG 802.11a/b/g/ draft -n Wifi Adapter, and it doesnt work whatsoever in ubuntu. the wireless on lights doesnt turn on... Anyone who can help me this? Please. this is the only thing obstructing me from installing ubuntu completely.10:57
hischildRainMaker, hmm ... gimme a sec to see where mine is located10:57
DanielRMsoulhacker: lol, I was just hoping that I could pin the responsible package to prevent it regressing. Thanks anyway, though. :-)10:57
RainMakerk hischild10:58
sfireshank1rb: I believe that is what is in my dell laptop10:58
sfireyes it does work10:58
defnetgparted, wine, build-essential10:58
defnetthe list goes on10:58
GatestoneUpgrading my Dell D620 to Hardy NOW!10:58
shank1rbsfire: awesome. how do i make it work?10:58
julle_Can someone help me get X to use xorg.conf instead of xorg.conf.failsafe?10:58
sfireshank1rb: using the windows drivers via ndiswrapper10:58
Agiondefnet: Did you type "sudo apt-get install gparted"?10:59
Agionsoulhacker: The driver still is not right. The system lags...10:59
Agiondefne: whats the output?10:59
shank1rbsfire: awesome. umm, FOB in this kinda stuff, could u explain how i can fix it?10:59
sfireshank1rb: I'll do better.. I'll get you a link10:59
soulhackeragion:go to ati site see whats there latest ati linux driver version then search synaptic for fglrx11:00
Hewusshank1rb: I just had a quick google, and found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=593048 which might help you11:00
soulhackeragion:compare the version numbers11:00
DanielRMjulle: when you get to the login screen change the session to a normal session - no failsafe.11:00
defnettype '<!DOCTYPE' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list11:00
sfireshank1rb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper11:00
AgionI have the latest fglrx11:00
sfireshank1rb: that should be a good starting point11:00
DanielRMjulle: or, alternatively, backup the failsafe file and then rename the xorg.conf to xorg.conf.failsafe ;-)11:01
philsfif I "trust" a key in seahorse, does it implicitly signs it with my key, or does it mean something else?11:01
hischildRainMaker, did you change anything related to the apache configuration file?11:01
Agionsoulhacker: I have the latest fgrlx11:01
RainMakerNo I didn't.11:01
RainMakerI never touched apache.11:01
sfireshank1rb: if you have questions on ndiswrapper make sure to come back and ask very very specific questions to get help11:02
RainMakerJust forwarded a domain to my ip.11:02
c0Ldwhere is the trash folder located these days? /home/user/.trash no longer exists?11:02
hischildRainMaker, then what webserver do you run?11:02
Agiondefnet: tell me11:02
defnetthe output is "type '<!DOCTYPE' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list"11:02
RainMakerI installed apache, but all I did was forward my domain to my ip adress, hischild.11:02
hischildRainMaker, ok.11:02
shank1rbty ty ty11:03
Agiondefnet: strange.. Does the apt-get work? Try sudo apt-get update11:03
shank1rbu guys r awesomely helpful11:03
defnetsame outuput11:03
sfireshank1rb: I just happened to be passing through :)11:03
sfireshank1rb: had to do the same thing for my dell laptop11:03
soulhackeragion:well then report bug to ati that linux drivier doesnt work smoothly....11:03
DanielRMc0Ld: why?11:04
shank1rbi have another prob as well, Sfire/ hewus11:04
hischildRainMaker, thats really odd that it doesnt show ... im afraid i dont have any time left to help, since lunch is ready (im at school)11:04
defnetagion: i get the same output11:04
RainMakerokay hischild11:04
Agiondefnet: try to ask someone else, i cant solve that and I have my problem too, so try to ask someone better..11:04
RainMakerCan you give me your e-mail?11:04
shank1rbthe resolution doesnt increase...11:04
RainMakerYou are really helpful.11:04
sfireshank1rb: Intel video?11:04
Hewusshank1rb: what stage are you at? have you installed ubuntu now?11:05
hischilddefnet, open up your sources.list and make sure there are only hyperlinks in there, nothing else.11:05
shank1rbnvidia go force 712011:05
defnetcant replace that file cause i cant sign in as root11:05
DanielRMc0Ld: this'll find all your trash folders, I think:11:05
Hewusshank1rb: you will need to install the nvidia restricted drivers, which will be quite easy11:05
DanielRMc0Ld: sudo find / -name .Trash\* -print11:05
sfireshank1rb: usually when I have those problems I end up fussing with the xorg.conf file manually :(11:05
DanielRMc0Ld: there are multiple.11:05
FloodBot3she_imoetz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:05
sfiresomeone else might have better advice11:05
defnetand is being adminstrator in windows the same as root in linux?11:05
BeBoBliIs there a way to read ext3 within windows?11:05
Hewusshank1rb: have you installed ubuntu to disk now?11:06
n3uromanc3rhi folks.  I would like to know if its possible in nautilus to double click a tune and have it added to the queue in rhythmbox? perhaps someway using the "rhythmbox-client --enqueue" but letting the URI automatically add the current song.  I'm guessing its probably gonna have to be a shell script?!11:06
shank1rbhold on, guys..lemee go and install11:06
sfireBeBoBli: yes11:06
n3uromanc3rBeBoBli: yes11:06
BeBoBliooh! how?11:06
defnethow do i get rhythmbox to play mp3?11:06
DanielRMn3uromanc3r: could you change the open with dialog to a custom command?11:06
shank1rbi have a question about the paritition thing11:06
sfireBeBoBli: google "ext3 windows"11:06
magnetron!codec | defnet11:06
ubottudefnet: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:06
Hewusshank1rb: no worries. Once you've installed, installing the nvidia restricted driver should be easy enough. Also, remember to say my name in a reply so I can see your message properly :-)11:06
n3uromanc3rBeBoBli: that was the easiest google search ever. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fs-driver.org%2F&ei=KsZDSPuWJYmkQdKygJwG&usg=AFQjCNF0ECxOZzZPou5IxvZ5ewrIF91Ntw&sig2=GF5p4Iab7dvYchL7gRnLDQ11:06
m1rshank1rb: use default if u want clean windowns of that laptop11:07
sfireBeBoBli: the first link is what you want11:07
BeBoBliWell I was so excited with the answer I didn't have the time to google okay take that excuse11:07
n3uromanc3rBeBoBli:  ;)11:07
sfireBeBoBli: hehehehehehehe11:07
m1rvody: ubuntu-cn11:07
shank1rbawesome thanks to hewus/m1r/sfire. BRB in a while ;)11:07
Hewusshank1rb: gl again!11:07
philsf!cn | vody11:07
ubottuvody: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:07
m1rshank1rb: be ready for lan cable to that laptop11:08
Agionsoulhacker: the problem is that ati doesn't have right driver for my card :P...11:08
m1rAgion: blame ati11:08
DanielRMn3uromanc3r: something like properties, open with, add, "rhythmbox-client --enqueue $2" or something?11:08
defneti cant use sudo apt-get11:08
n3uromanc3rDanielRM: yeah, but I think it needs to be a shell script as I want to open file perhaps with rhythmbox-client --enqueue="$(this_file)"  but I don't know how11:08
AgionI do...11:08
sfiredefnet: why?11:08
defneti get11:09
ghindoI just installed a text-only version of Ubuntu and my networking isn't working...ping doesn't work and ifconfig doesn't show any of my connections11:09
Agionm1r: I just wanna get it to run smooth and get some help with it :)11:09
defneta messegee11:09
m1rany kernel panic meisters here ?11:09
n3uromanc3rDanielRM: perhaps there is another way too?11:09
sfiredefnet: is it asking you for your password?11:09
defnetsyaing that my medibuntu.list is not rcognized11:09
m1rAgion: what card ?11:09
cyphasewhat th hell.. flash sound doesn't work in hardy?11:09
Agionm1r: ATI x195011:09
mordofalright so here's the issue i'm having. i'm with bell sympatico for internet, and the modem itself has a firewall.  now with XP this isn't an issue, once my computer is all connected and stuff windows xp gives me access to the internet connection, and i can set firewall exceptions through there. however once i turn my xp computer off those get reset...  my server is running ubuntu and i was wondering how i would go about setting 11:09
m1rAgion: too new for me, cant help there :)11:10
defnetdoesnt recognize '<!DOCTYPE' in line 111:10
Agionm1r: Too new for ATI too :)11:10
n3uromanc3rcyphase: there is an issue with pulseaudio and flash11:10
sfiremordof: you need to do port forwarding11:10
m1rdefnet: pastebin your sources.list11:10
mordofAgion: that's why i have xp on my computer with the x1950xtx in it11:10
cyphasen3uromanc3r: is it fixable?11:10
defnetcan you fix that sfire?11:10
mordofsfire: can't there's no modem control panel11:10
mordofsfire: i need to be able to do it through ubuntu11:10
n3uromanc3rcyphase: doesn't effect everyone.  it does me.  haven't fixed it yet11:11
sfiremordof: do you have it plugged into a switch/hub?11:11
Agionmordof: windows xp?11:11
mordofsfire: switch yes11:11
mordofagion: for my comp with that video card... yeah, i won't put linux on it cause i haven't had very good luck getting it to work well11:11
DanielRMn3uromanc3r: hmmm. Maybe run a shell script as the open with.11:11
glitsj16cyphase: try part B of this page for a fix http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890011:11
DanielRMn3uromanc3r: wait a moment, I'll test the idea.11:12
sfiremordof: try these
n3uromanc3rDanielRM: cool11:12
Agionmordof: I have xp too but it sux so i wanted to get it linux working... :D11:12
sfiremordof: chances are one of those will work11:12
mordofsfire: no you don't get it it doesn't have one11:12
mordofsfire: D;!11:12
mordofsfire: i need upnp services on ubuntu ; ;11:12
DanielRMn3uromanc3r: I use Exaile instead of Rhythmbox, so I'm not used to it.11:12
sfiremordof: thats going to be kinda rough.. let me take 1 look really quick11:12
mordofsfire: is the modem "setup" menu but in no way does it allow me to mess with the ports, that's why i've been doing it through the XP internet connection properties11:13
cyphaseglitsj16: simple enough i suppose, although to hard for a supposedly "hardy" release :S11:13
sfiremordof: are you a programmer?11:13
m1rmordof: u speaking about ubuntu or about router/modem config ?11:13
mordofm1r: need ubuntu upnp config, modem doesn't have firewall configurations so i have to do it through the OS11:14
mordofsfire: somewhat, yeah.11:14
sfiremordof: http://upnp.sourceforge.net/11:14
n3uromanc3rDanielRM: yeah they're pretty similar though.  did you manage it in exaile?11:14
sfirecould write a small app to do it on bootup11:14
glitsj16cyphase: can't judge that, it works for me, you can always fallback to what you have right now if it doens't work out ;)11:14
ariqsargh, over half the stuff I try to compile that's for linux, won't compile in ubuntu11:15
ikoniaariqs: what are you trying to build ?11:15
sfiremordof: that is a really insecure firewall just so you know11:15
sfireall the viruses use uPnP to open ports11:15
ikoniaariqs: whats the problem with it ?11:16
ubottuFactoid uwf not found11:16
mordofsfire: that's fine.. haven't had any problems for over a year and a half *shrugs* viruses have to get on my computer first to be able to open the ports11:16
ariqsthe autogen script gives me a billion warnings and hen fails11:16
m1rmordof:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo11:17
m1rthat is firewall11:17
un1tSiki Siki baba11:17
ikoniaun1t: ?11:17
DIL_synaptic wont load and update manager hangs - what could be going on11:17
ikoniaDIL_: defien "won't load" please.11:17
mordofm1r: *nods* though there's no need for it but ty. if i get any information on my computer that i need to protect i might put on that as a second layer11:18
DIL_ikonia: wont load=circle rotates then disappears from screen no appliaction displays11:18
JbCrashGDM (Gnome Display Manager) is not running  <--- how to enable it?11:18
ikoniaDIL_: for a test please open a terminal and do "sudo apt-get udpate"11:19
DanielRMn3uromanc3r: I never tried.11:19
JbCrashi change make any changes ..in login screen..11:19
n3uromanc3rDanielRM: fair enough.  ;)11:19
ghisAnyone else having big trouble with the firefox in hardy? Specially when a page has flash... firefox often just dies.11:19
m1rikonia: sry for interuption , do you maybe know somthing about kernel panics ?11:19
DIL_ikonia: ran through several packages no errors from terminal11:19
ikoniaghis: flash compatability in general is limited11:20
ikoniam1r: depends on the issues. What's up11:20
philsfis there a (simple) GUI way to restart networkmanager?11:20
ikoniaDIL_: interesting, so the acutal package manager is having no issues11:20
ikoniaDIL_: just the interface to it11:20
ghisikonia: limited? today you really need flash to work... is it always this buggy in ubuntu?11:20
echo_mirageis there a log file where my package install and uninstall chronics are logged?11:20
ikoniaghis: it's nothing to do with ubuntu - the flash support in general on linux is "generic" and as such is not as stable as windows and mac platforms11:21
=== MetalSnake is now known as Olol
mordofsfire: :D if i'm understanding correctly about a spot on this page, looks like there's already a package made to mimic microsofts ICS (what i'm using on xp to control it)11:21
ikoniaecho_mirage: chronics ?11:21
DIL_ikonia: yes i can even get update manager gui to shutdown11:21
DIL_ikonia: can't11:21
ghisikonia: okay... that's suck. can anyone look at flash full screen? Like something on youtube...?11:22
sfiremordof: you said uPnP11:22
ikoniaDIL_: I appriciate this is not fixing an issue but a symptom, but have you rebooted, some X11 issues are simpley X11 memory hangs11:22
ikoniaghis: sometimes yes11:22
echo_mirageikonia:  which packages i installed and unistalled recently11:22
ikoniaecho_mirage: dpkg.log11:22
echo_mirageis in directory... ?11:22
DIL_ikonia: ty for your help but rebooted twice11:22
sfiremordof: give that a try then :)11:22
m1rikonia: i had freezing up due to bad southbridge cooler, in that process system would boot, work 5 min then get blocked. that was hapening for 2 or 3 days until i found whats causing it to freze and changed cooler. after finally i got it runing it wouldnt mount /dev/sdb1 so i went livecd and repair ext3 with partition editor. after that repair drive gets mounted on start , but after it mounts it drops me out kernel panic and here i am blocked sinc11:22
ikoniaDIL_: I suspected as much, just removing the obvious stuf11:23
sfireI actually don't keep up with windows anymore11:23
mordofsfire: yeah... microsoft's Internet Connection Service runs off of uPnP devices11:23
ikoniaDIL_: you could try doing "gksudo synaptic" in a terminal, then any output/issues gets logged to the terminal11:23
ghisAnyone knows a good browser that works good with flash? And don't crash 3-4 times / hour?11:23
sfireghis: IE11:23
ikoniaghis: as I said, it's not browser specific, the flash support on any linux distro has issues11:23
niner64echo mirage: in terminal type cd / locate *.log one of them will fit your bill and some other interesting tidbits11:24
DanielRMn3uromanc3r: I can't get it to work. Sorry. :(11:24
ikoniaecho_mirage: /var/log11:24
mordofsfire: http://linux-igd.sourceforge.net/   if you're ever interested at all.  i doubt it's that useful for the average person though, lol11:24
sfiremordof: I use port forwarding11:24
DIL_ikonia: that got it to "load" ty11:24
sfirepersonally I would throw that modem away :p11:24
ikoniaDIL_: Hmmm thats interesting11:24
ikoniaecho_mirage: /var/log/dpkg.log11:25
m1rikonia: init: error parsing configuration: no such file or directory ;then: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init!11:25
mordofsfire: i would too if it were possible, lol.. however at this point i don't have much choice11:25
ikoniam1r: at what poing do you get that, looks like "init" config is borked11:25
mordofsfire: i hate modems that have restrictions like this ; ;11:26
DanielRMn3uromanc3r: apparently --enqueue=/path/to/file fails silently.11:26
n3uromanc3rDanielRM: no worries, cheers anyway11:26
m1rikonia , after it mounts HDD on boot process11:26
ghisikonia: Wierd since it must be rather in portent that flash works if ubuntu should be "people" os.11:26
ikoniam1r: is this a clean OS11:26
leehambleyhey all, is there a working solution for the Apple slim (alu) keyboard num pad issue under 8.0411:26
ikoniaghis: ubuntu don't make flash - adobe does and it's closed source11:26
m1rikonia , dual boot 2nd HDD with ubuntu 8.04 from beta11:26
ikoniaghis: you'll have issues on any linux based OS potentially11:26
n3uromanc3rDanielRM: reckon a shell script it is then... !11:27
ikoniam1r: and it just stopped working11:27
m1rikonia , did u read above ? i repeat, ok?11:27
niner64ghis: you can goto www.adobe.com forums and see what others are saying about the linux flash plugin :)11:27
m1rikonia: i had freezing up due to bad southbridge cooler, in that process system would boot, work 5 min then get blocked. that was hapening for 2 or 3 days until i found whats causing it to freze and changed cooler. after finally i got it runing it wouldnt mount /dev/sdb1 so i went livecd and repair ext3 with partition editor. after that repair drive gets mounted on start , but after it mounts it drops me out kernel panic and here i am blocked sinc11:27
ikoniam1r: ok, that makes sense11:28
leehambleyhey all, is there a working solution for the Apple slim (alu) keyboard num pad issue under 8.0411:28
ikoniam1r: how did you "repair" the damaged partition11:28
m1rikonia: using partition editor from live cd, and after that repair it could mount on boot but displays kernel panic11:28
DanielRMn3uromanc3r: good luck.11:28
Freefrags hi all im having some troubles after an update when booting i only get a grub prompt can anyone help me istarted a thread at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81484111:29
ikoniam1r: yes, but a partition editor is not a repair tool, so what did you actually do, put a new ext3 file system on it ?11:29
ikoniam1r: what partition was /dev/sdb1 , was it the root file system ?11:29
m1rikonia yes11:29
ikoniam1r: yes to what, can you give a little more detail please.11:29
m1rikonia, now i can mount it on livecd , b4 repair tool i couldnt mount it11:29
niner64freefrags: when did you update and what else to you add any hardware software?11:29
ikoniam1r: I'll say it again - partition tools are not "repair" tools, what did you change ?11:30
liassisthello, if i do RHCT can i join ubuntu11:30
ikonialiassist: RHCT ?11:30
m1rikonia: i used partition image and check the system for errors on it as i recall corect11:30
Freefragsniner64: it was a few days ago i didnt change anything else it rebooted and gave me the prompt11:30
centralhello i just install ubuntu 8.04 i must use TOR and privoxy but it do not work with mozilla firfox 3 beta 5?? how to please11:30
m1rpartition editor11:30
liassistredhat certified technition11:31
ikoniam1r: so in the livecd, you can mount this disk. What is on this disk when you mount it ?11:31
niner64freefrags: no error code?11:31
ikonialiassist: how is that anything to do with ubuntu11:31
m1rikonia , whole OS11:31
Freefragsnope well i dont see one it just shows me the grub prompt11:31
liassistboth are LINUX11:31
ikoniam1r: and you can see and access the OS ?11:31
FruitJoyanyone had problems with 8.04 alternate at login prompt? I can see the graphical boot, but at the loging prompt, the display go in standby mode... i donno how to do..11:31
imaginativeonehow do I get k9copy to recognize my dvd-writer?11:31
ikonialiassist: yes, but there is no relecance to official redhat certification exams and joining ubuntu as an ubuntu member11:32
m1rikonia: i can access /dev/sdb1 over livecd normaly and see all files11:32
ikonialiassist: relevance that should read11:32
liassistikonia, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16380/11:32
ikoniam1r: ok, I'd advise you to look at the /etc/event.d directory on /dev/sdb1 for validation all is well11:33
niner64looks like it was waiting for an installation you know buntu updated the kernel recent11:33
mordofsfire: i'm on live chat with a rep from my ISP now asking for a new modem, lmao11:33
m1rikonia:  i boot to livecd to access that drive , brb 5 min, tnx a lot m811:33
niner64did you try grub-install at that prompt?11:33
AlexCONRADhi, what's the diff between "applications > system > add/remove..." and "applications > system > synaptic package manager" ?11:33
ikonialiassist: that makes no sense, to become an ubuntu member you just have to show "contibution" to ubuntu in some way11:33
sfiremordof: or simply the access info :)11:33
ikoniam1r: no problem11:34
FruitJoyanyone had problems with 8.04 alternate at login prompt? I can see the graphical boot, but at the loging prompt, the display go in standby mode... i donno how to do..11:34
liassisti want a "job"11:34
* liassist wants to make $$$11:34
kennethrWhat does "The following packages have been kept back:" mean and why are they kept back?11:34
Freefragsniner64: no i didnt try that yet11:34
ikonialiassist: then you need to contact canonical11:34
DanielRMAlexCONRAD: Synaptic is considerably more powerful and lists all packages.11:34
baizonhi, i got a problem with my ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=417675), can someone help me?11:34
vorianliassist: this is not the channel or network for that11:34
DanielRMAlexCONRAD: however, it's also slightly more complicated.11:34
AlexCONRADDanielRM: ok, thanks. So you'd recommand manipulating packages under synaptic11:35
liassistiam asking are there jobs in ubuntu (for 14year old whoes done CCNA)11:35
niner64freefrags: you could also look at your menu_lst and make sure the correct kernel and intrd 's are pointed and the mmap is right in the grub directory if you have access11:35
ikonialiassist: this is a busy support channel, general chatter can be found in #ubuntu-offtopic11:35
Freefragsniner64: i did use the SuperGRUB CD but that didnt help found my menu.lst which looks ok to me11:35
imaginativeoneliasst: are you in the US?11:35
fdeliassist: Unfortunately I think it's illegal in most places to hire someone your age...11:35
AlexCONRADdoes synaptic uses apt as a backend ?11:35
fdeAlexCONRAD: sort of... it uses libapt11:35
DanielRMAlexCONRAD: yes. Certainly you're not likely to mess up; I used Synaptic as my preferred graphical app from when I started using Ubuntu.11:35
Freefragsniner64: using the live cd now and i can acces all my files so that should be possible11:36
imaginativeoneliassist: that is a way that Linux is kinda bullshit11:36
AlexCONRADthanks guys11:36
fdeAlexCONRAD: aptitude/synaptic/apt-get/apt-cache/etc are all frontends to libapt11:36
centralhello i just install ubuntu 8.04 i must use TOR and privoxy but it do not work with mozilla firfox 3 beta 5?? how to please11:36
ikoniaimaginativeone: that language is uncalled for11:36
AlexCONRADfde: ok11:36
imaginativeonenobody ever talks about how to eat with it11:36
sfireliassist: yes there are things that help is needed on http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate11:36
liassistiam sorry for the disturbance ill join the other channel thankyou for your support (life is short but skill is not)11:36
fdeimaginativeone: Umm... you can sell support, or media etc...11:36
AlexCONRADso they would all use /etc/apt/sources.list as libapt uses them I presume11:37
Freefragsniner64: i posted my men.lst and fdisk -l in the thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81484111:37
fdeimaginativeone: It's just kinda hard for a 14yo to get work.11:37
niner64Freeefrags: good check the grub configuration and possibly re-run grub-install when all is correct (check for limited space on an ext2 partition if you have one of them as well)11:37
fdeAlexCONRAD: yes.11:37
imaginativeonefde: sure!  but nobody every talks about that.11:37
Freefragsniner64: ok where do i find the grub configuration11:37
niner64Freefrags: can you post your fstab as well \11:38
imaginativeone14 year olds who know what they're doing can get paid11:38
Freefrags1 sec11:38
fdeimaginativeone: Sure they do... RedHat is a multi-billion dollar company, MySQL just made 1billion in one transaction... both GPL almost exclusively... the GPL even lists ways to make money.11:38
fdeimaginativeone: They just try to block out the corporate domination, and put the money back in the developers and contributors hands.11:39
m1rikonia: seems i dont have /etc folder anymore on /dev/sdb111:39
imaginativeonefde: I stand corrected11:39
ikoniam1r: I think we have the problem ;)11:39
m1rikonia: :)11:39
imaginativeoneI guess I just need to talk with the right people (from now on)11:39
m1rikonia: is it fixable ?11:39
ikoniam1r: re-install or restore from backup really11:40
icqnumberm1r:  how comes u have no /etc?11:40
m1rikonia: i dont have backup of /etc :/11:40
m1ricqnumber: i think partition editor removed it somehow11:40
Freefragsniner64: how do i make one of those nice scrollable things in the forum ? lol it makes a really long post if i paste11:41
fdeimaginativeone: No one is against making money... GNU even sells its version of Linux for something like $5,000 ... it's just a matter of where that money goes to some extent, and more importantly what you get for your money (right to modify, distribute etc)11:41
niner64freefrags: pastebin have you used that before?11:41
Freefragsnope never11:41
icqnumberm1r: wau, what was u doing with them?11:41
centrali got no problem with ubuntu 7.10 i can install and configur tor with privoxy but with ubuntu 8.04 it do not work ? how to please11:41
niner64can someone give freefrags the pastebin url plz11:41
Freefragsi posted my fstab11:41
m1rikonia: is it posible partition editor deleted /etc ?11:42
ikoniam1r: yes, quite possible11:42
niner64freefrags: lookin at your post..11:42
mordofsfire: buahahaha.... i basically got the agent to "hang up" on me, lol.   i didn't even technically end the conversation and he just cut me off11:42
Freefragshttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ ???11:42
fdeimaginativeone: Did you know, for instance, that any media you have on your computer that is in MP3 format, you actually own none of that... your DVD collection, you don't own that... you purchased permission to play that media, and that's it.11:42
kennethrALL: When I use 'apt-get upgrade', I see several packages being held back.  How/Why are they designated to be held back?11:42
icqnumberm1r: was /etc on its own partition?11:42
m1rikonia: any way to retrive it ?11:42
m1ricqnumber: all files on one partition11:42
ikoniam1r: no11:42
ikoniam1r: backup - you don't have, so re-install only11:43
sfiremordof: that sucks :(11:43
wersi'm have windows xp as a guest OS on my virtaulbox. how do I activate seamless mode?11:43
icqnumberm1r: i guess time to reinstall11:43
bing1hello ive just installed vista on to partition i set for a dual boot, i saved my grub, used easy bcd to add the menu.lst, boot when i try boot ubuntu it says file not found, i know the partition hasent been formatted coz i can search with a programme in vista , how can i boot back into my linux(im a noob at this i followed a walk through for the vista install)11:43
mordofsfire: kept giving me all these "upgrade" options which really have the same firewall/upnp configuration.. and i told him those were just as insecure and useless as the one i have now, so i'd continue doing things the way i am xD11:43
fdeimaginativeone: And even then... you purchased permission to play it under curtain circumstances only...11:43
m1rikonia , icqnumber , seems doomsday has come :(11:43
niner64freefrags: find doesn't work; in terminal use cd / then locate ;)11:44
ikoniam1r: sorry11:44
sfiremordof: better off calling tech support.. tell them you are trying to play a game that connects IP to IP11:44
fdeimaginativeone: By law, if you copy it and give it to a friend, you're breaking the law... you play it in a public place, you're breaking the law... etc11:44
mordofsfire: yeah but that's what upnp is for ; ;11:44
m1rikonia: many tnx for guiding me into problem :)11:44
sfiretell them you cannot get your buddy to connect because the port is blocked :)11:44
sfireupnp won't work with this game :)11:44
ikoniam1r: no problem11:44
DIL_it appaers that i have lost permission to synaptic and update manager i can only access as root or sudo11:44
icqnumberm1r: i still do not follow how you did11:44
mordofsfire: lol.. the ICS controls it - they'd walk me through that i'm sure11:44
Freefragsniner64: lol ok thnx for the tip11:45
m1ricqnumber: livecd partition editor , i went fixing EXT3-fs with it11:45
mordofsfire: that service allows stuff like that to work with devices like this in the case it can't be specifically configured11:45
niner64Freetype:np the rest of the instructions on that page should hook you back up!11:45
sfiremordof: then here is the other option.. use internet connection sharing to share it to the "server"11:45
sfireor run a virtual machine11:45
sfireVMware ROCKS11:45
fdeimaginativeone: GPL and others simply try give those rights back to you... let you own your copy of the media entirely, to do with as you see fit without breaking any laws... no one ever said anything about not making money from that.11:45
DIL_it appaers that i have lost permission to synaptic and update manager i can only access as root or sudo- how would i get perms back to non root user11:46
skilletvirtualbox ftw11:46
polishpaulhow do i disable join/leave messages in xchat?11:46
m1rikonia: can i PM you ?11:46
Freefragsniner64: which page did i miss something?11:46
ikoniam1r: go on then....11:46
icqnumberm1r: and how come u need to fix ext3, is ur hard drive going down?11:46
fdepolishpaul: right click the channel name and uncheck "Show join/part messages"11:46
m1rikonia tnx11:46
mordofsfire: server is the only one on all the time ; ;. heh.. guess it's back to the upnp config for ubuntu >.< *sighs* lol. i'll figure out something a bit more secure at some point. maybe look into knocking out the firewall on my modem, or at least replacing the control panel so i have access xD11:46
DIL_skillet: ?11:47
bing1<bing1> hello ive just installed vista on to partition i set for a dual boot, i saved my grub, used easy bcd to add the menu.lst, boot when i try boot ubuntu it says file not found, i know the partition hasent been formatted coz i can search with a programme in vista , how can i boot back into my linux(im a noob at this i followed a walk through for the vista install)11:47
m1ricqnumber: cooler failure keept my PC freezing after 5 minutes of usage , for 2 days was finding problem11:47
sfiremordof: do you have access to DMZ settings?11:47
sfiremordof: tried all the common username/password combos?11:47
sfireadmin/admin  admin/password  admin/password1  ect ect11:47
mordofsfire: there's no "control panel" only a status page for the internet connection11:48
HolmenHow do I start e.g. firefox but quiet from terminal/shell and keeping the terminal open?11:48
sfiremordof: make/model of modem?11:48
niner64freefrags: if your in the grub> menu stype 'setup' then you'll get hd(0,x) type x as the partition of where your ubuntu grub files partion is stored 0,0 if only one 0,1 if second etc.  or use grub-install at command line in terminal11:48
Freefragsfirefox &11:49
polishpaul_i just installed xchat via ubuntu, but it looks odd.. there's no X icon, and i don't have the option to stop the join/leave messages??11:49
icqnumber!grub | bing111:49
ubottubing1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:49
fdepolishpaul_: What version of Ubuntu?11:49
icqnumberbing1: allredy tried that?11:49
fdepolishpaul_: Then those things should be there... care to show a screenshot of what you mean?11:50
Freefragsniner64: is that all ? is there a way to do this from the live cd or do i need to reboot?11:50
JbCrashErrors were encountered while processing:11:50
JbCrash linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-17-generic11:50
JbCrashE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:50
bing1i havent lost the grub11:51
polishpaul_fde: how would i take a screen shot? and where can i upload it?11:51
JbCrashwhy i get this when install compiz fusion11:51
niner64freefrags: grub sometimes is rather 'grubby' yes if you mounted your ubuntu partion from live cd it should read the files there and setup everything if it has access to the ubuntu commands as well11:51
Freefragsyes its mounted11:52
bing1i saved the grub, i get to the part of boot up where i choose grub or vista i choose neo grub it gives me the choice of ubuntu, but when i select ti says file not found11:52
Freefragsniner64: but im not sure how to use grub-install im kind of still learning my way in linux11:53
imaginativeonehow do I switch from gnome (which sucks) to kde?11:53
FruitJoyanyone had problems with 8.04 alternate at login prompt? I can see the graphical boot, but at the loging prompt, the display go in standby mode... i donno how to do..11:53
polishpaul_ok, this is weird.. i don't have an option to change my resolution or screens? Isn't that a standard option with Ubuntu?11:53
niner64freefrag: after you type grub-install in the command line it will do it or fail no problem nothing else to do that is IF you have it mounted11:54
darrendimaginativeone: install kubuntu11:54
imaginativeonehow do I switch from gnome (which sucks) to kde (without losing my current os)?11:54
niner64freefrags: or read this again http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=814841 and how to fix it on restart11:54
darrendimaginativeone: or do 'apt-get install kde-desktop && apt-get remove gnome-desktop'.  but that might not be as clean11:54
poopuserhi.how can i determinate is my banto using swap partition or not?11:54
polishpaul_how do i enable compiz fusion?11:54
Baron1984should be enabled by default if you have your video drivers properly installed11:55
Baron1984did you install the binary driver from Restricted Driver Manager?11:55
polishpaul_Baron1984: i have ati proprietary drives11:55
Baron1984use Envy11:55
Freefragsniner64: ok found out how11:55
Baron1984but read the documentation thoroughly11:55
fdepolishpaul_: print screen ... and throw it on putfile.com or something11:55
niner64Freefrags: ;911:56
Freefragsniner64: Format of install_device not recognized.11:56
FruitJoyanyone of you had problems with the login prompt of 8.04 alternate?11:56
poopuserpolispaul system >  administration > look > option on the butto (if u previously instaled compiz lol)11:56
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde411:56
niner64freefrags: then that's not good and no livecd gonna fix that where did you install ubuntu to? in the first place?11:57
fdeFruitJoy: There is no login prompt for the alternate cd11:57
polishpaul_that's the weird part, i have ubuntu on my lappy, but i'm not seeing some options in the admin/pref menu11:57
FruitJoyhow can u login?11:57
fdeFruitJoy: When it's installed, you'd use GDM to log in.11:57
Freefragsniner64: well i have 2 hard drives in my computer i installed it to the first drive11:57
sjovanhey, any one that can recomend a sea navigation program for linux?11:58
niner64freefrags: no other os's?11:58
poopuserpolishpaul u don't have system tab at top of screen>?11:58
Freefragsniner64: nope none at all11:58
polishpaul_poopuser: i do, but i don't have the screens/resolution option for example11:58
FruitJoyfde, i mean that when i finisched the graphical boot ( that i can see), the display go in standby (when i should log in)11:58
poopuserppl how can i verfi is my swap in use or not?11:58
poopuserpolishpaul r u polish?11:59
Freefragsniner64: is there a way because i read this some where that i can archive all my files and then reinstall ubuntu and replace all the files?11:59
niner64freefrags: restart the machine at grub prompt type setup then it will say hd(  you type 0,0) should work if no other problems if there is you may want to get data off it via live cd and reinstall11:59
polishpaul_poopuser: swapon -s12:00
imaginativeoneif I install kde, will I get problems?12:00
poopusersystem > preferencje > wyglad >wizualne i zaznacz opcje najbardziej na dole12:00
bing1thanks ubottu12:00
imaginativeoneapt-get install kde, that is...12:00
Freefragsok ill try rebooting and setuo ill be back thank you for your help so far :D12:00
fdeFruitJoy: That's probably an issue with your Nvidia/ATI drivers... I'm not the one to ask about that though...12:00
imaginativeoneI'm using gnome at the moment12:00
Baron1984polishpaul_: Check your private messages12:00
FruitJoyok fde, thanks12:00
niner64freefrags: yes man tar will tell you how to do that then copy the compressed file somewhere12:00
fde!nvidia | FruitJoy (use this if you use either nvidia or ati)12:00
ubottuFruitJoy (use this if you use either nvidia or ati): For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:00
polishpaul_nie ma zaco :), i don't have that option in my menu though...12:00
poopuseru r running hardy 8.04?12:01
niner64freefrags: that should work on the livecd for tar movin to another hd is an exercise for the reader <<smile>>12:02
Baron1984you need at least driver 8.47 to get Compiz running12:02
Baron1984otherwise it will just say there is no suitable screen to output to12:02
polishpaul_Baron1984 is helping me get the drivers setup12:02
Baron1984so you need to use Envy or build the kernel module yourself using the instructions from AMD12:02
Baron1984I don't ever recommend doing that with Nvidia12:02
poopusergot to go hope u will solve your problem bye12:02
Baron1984but in this case it's needed12:02
scribawfhow do I start at root?12:04
icqnumber!bot | bing112:04
ubottubing1: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)12:04
jribscribawf: what does that mean exactly?12:04
aaron_login as root?12:04
scribawfuh, well need to start an application as/at root?12:05
LadyBossHello hello12:05
jrib!root | scribawf12:05
ubottuscribawf: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:05
LadyBosshow to activate font windows in ubuntu12:05
LadyBossi already wget it12:05
scribawfthank you - - thought that might be the way - thank you again12:05
bing1after installing vista and trying to reboot ubunto im getting error 17 cannot mount selected partition12:06
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer12:06
niner64i had that... use MBR on first drive will fix that (ie reinstall12:06
bing1how i do that12:07
sadangelmangreetings to the room and welcome to my computer screen12:07
icqnumberbing1:  i gave u the link, just read it12:07
niner64run install on live cd accept the defaults for grub (make other changes as nessary)12:07
mr_boohow do i enable file sharing in ubuntu hardy?12:07
niner64somethin wierd about vista's factory images that goofs things usualy12:08
FruitJoyanyone can help me with problems involving ATI Drivers?12:08
niner64namely the recovery images from OEM's are written where the partition manager thinks they are off a bit and um they are12:08
niner64try a reinstall if that don't work google vista factory image partition fix12:09
niner64lol looks that fixed a few probs lol12:11
mr_boodo i just go in synaptic and install nfs to enable file sharing?12:13
niner64mr_boo what are you trying to do?12:13
mr_boomake the filesystems on this ubuntu machine and my xubuntu machine to see each other12:14
mr_booi've already managed to configure the xubuntu machine to share a folder12:14
niner64good so you getting information one way but not the other?12:15
mr_booi'd like to configure a shared folder on this machine as well12:16
beytaguys, i want to install .deb... so i double click and the windows show "Error : Dependency is not satisfiable : smc-data".. help me please..12:16
sfireNeoLogic: hahahahahahaha12:17
ikoniabeyta: that package wants a dependency package that's not available12:17
mgolischbeyta: why dont you use the smc package from the repos?12:17
niner64netlogic: lol12:18
niner64mr_boo just repeat what you did on the xbuntu box i would think :)12:19
mr_booniner64: i sorted it out, it was even easier in ubuntu than xubuntu12:19
niner64mr_boo and what did you have to do in xubuntu that differed then buntu?12:20
mr_booniner64: in xubuntu i had to set it up to enable network file share as in ubuntu it was enabled by default12:21
niner64mr_boo settings settings settings it's always something simple isn't it12:22
mr_boothanks for your support12:22
mr_booas a matter of fact, this is the first time i do network share between two ubuntus12:22
microwaveranyone who has experience using virtualbox and usb devices?12:23
niner64mr_boo was proably ALOT easier then any other machines you networked i bet :)12:23
mr_booyeah, samba can be tricky12:24
Goopniner64: Ubuntu is definitely better to network :)12:24
Goopniner64: Than Windows, at least12:24
sfasyIkILIyo Resmen burasI :)12:24
porkpieanyone here use compaq 3000R ups's12:24
niner64try getting vista sp1 talking to xp sp3 then you done some fiddling12:25
Goopniner64: Is Vista SP1 out yet, or are you talking about the beta?12:25
ZeroA4microwaver, I do. but i had to edit things to activate USB12:26
niner64goop: ya it's in windows update optional12:26
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niner64goop: or you can  get the stand alone installer from M$ dl site12:26
=== JiMy is now known as ShaDy
NeoLogicdoes vista sp1 make vista actually usable?  or do we wait till SP2 or even Windows 7?12:26
niner64you wait till 7 yeras after vista has been released for it to be speedy and usefull12:28
microwaverZeroA4, things such as? :)12:28
Goop!windows | niner6412:28
ubottuniner64: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents12:28
ZeroA4microwaver, like http://samiux.wordpress.com/2007/10/27/make-usb-works-on-virtualbox-152-ubuntu-710/12:28
microwaverZeroA4, I don't really use 1.5.2, but 1.6012:29
bazhang_NeoLogic, windows questions in ##windows12:29
niner64seriously though, sp1 fixes some bugs.  but hangs some machines12:29
fiyawerxyeah, just like people waited for ME to become speedy and useful?12:29
ZeroA4microwaver, but that was not the page i followed... i was trying to find the exact one...12:29
ottoshmidthello everyone, to install new fonts do I simply copy them into fonts folder?12:29
bazhang_NeoLogic, please dont post random links in here thanks12:29
NeoLogicI'm sorry too12:29
bazhang_NeoLogic, thanks12:29
mr_boostill need some help guys12:29
bazhang_mr_boo, what is it12:30
Goopmr_boo: With what?12:30
gordonjcp!help | mr_boo12:30
ubottumr_boo: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)12:30
gordonjcp!ask | mr_boo12:30
ubottumr_boo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:30
mr_booyeah, hang on :P12:30
ottoshmidtnobody ever answers me here :((((12:30
microwaverZeroA4, Aha,12:30
mr_booi just don't have a clue how to see the shared folder on the xubuntu machine on this one12:30
bazhang_ottoshmidt, what is the issue12:30
gordonjcp!ask | ottoshmidt12:30
ubottuottoshmidt: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:30
Goopottoshmidt: What do you need helpt with then?12:31
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:31
microwaverZeroA4, that page just gives grey in return :)12:31
bazhang_mr_boo, with samba or other12:31
mr_boobazhang_: right now i wanna use nfs12:31
ottoshmidtabout installing new fonts12:31
s3ahow do i make multiple jpegs get a lower resolution at a time insted of 1 by 1 with gimp (is there a way to do this with imagemagick for example?)12:31
Goop!fonts | ottoshmidt12:31
ubottuottoshmidt: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer12:31
ZeroA4microwaver, odd... i am with this page open here12:31
bazhang_mr_boo, please specify what you have tried and what errors you have gotten12:31
mr_boobazhang_: wait, can or even should samba be used between linuxes?12:31
bazhang_mr_boo, nfs is fine12:32
Slarts3a: that's the kind of thing imagemagick was made for =).. I don't know the exact syntax but it can def do it12:32
Duttneed for speed?12:32
ottoshmidtthanks, and next time how do ask correctly?12:32
gordonjcpmr_boo: it can, and there's no good reason not to if you're trying to use Windows and Mac as well12:32
ottoshmidtin ONE line/?12:32
gordonjcpottoshmidt: just ask your question, and if anyone can help they'll reply12:32
mr_boobazhang_: well, i've got a shared folder on the other xubuntu machine and what i wanna do is that i wanna see that shared folder on this ubuntu machine12:32
gordonjcpottoshmidt: if no-one answers after maybe about five minutes, try again12:32
s3aSlart:  well to convert a pdf to jpegs it would be: "convert -units PixelsPerInch -density 150x150 filename.pdf filename.jpg" so would u no how to modify this command?12:33
mr_booottoshmidt: i can maybe help, i missed your request12:33
Slarts3a: I'll take a look at it.. I'm bored out of my skull here anyway =)12:33
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Goopmr_boo: We've helped him, he found out how to install fonts now ;)12:34
=== celtiore is now known as Celtiore
s3aSlart: i need to go to skool and i need to convert my jpeg notes to that res so i can view on my psp and i gota leave in like 5 min12:34
ottoshmidtmr_boo, I was provided with a link12:34
mr_booi see12:34
Slarts3a: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/convert.php12:34
ottoshmidtALL, I got the point, 10x12:34
scifiguy951_anyone in here know about "kaffine" media player???12:36
megafreakhow to activate windows font12:37
megafreaki already download font12:37
scifiguy951_what is the "DVB client" in kaffine??????12:37
bazhang_!fonts | megafreak12:38
ubottumegafreak: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer12:38
scifiguy951_what is the "DVB client" in kaffine and how do i use it??12:38
bazhang_megafreak, see the msttcorefonts package12:38
alin_how i make bots using x-irc?12:38
bazhang_scifiguy951_, what do you need it for12:39
bing1i keep getting error message 17 cannont mount selected partition, ive read the recovering ubuntu link no helop12:39
scifiguy951_what is it??12:39
Slarts3a: find ./ -type f -exec convert -resample 100x100 {} \; might do the trick... but better keep a backup just in case it does something nasty12:39
bazhang_scifiguy951_, what does dvb client kaffeine return?12:39
scifiguy951_i have kaffine player and i saw it in the prefrences12:39
scifiguy951_what does it do??12:40
ikoniascifiguy951_: "ditital Video broadcasdt"12:40
s3aSlart: wat part of ur message is the command?12:40
rajathNetbeans doesn't get installed on ubuntu12:40
scifiguy951_can i see what other people broadcast also?12:40
rajathI have installed JVM12:40
Slarts3a: from find up to and including the \;12:40
rajathstill the GUI for netbeans doesn't come up12:41
niner64bing1: are you dual booting or using two harddrives or is vista installed?12:41
mr_boothis is frustrating, whenever i try to access a workgroup in the network a password dialog appears and even though i enter my admin password it fails to mount12:41
mrw0001Anyone here do any unattended installs of Hardy?12:41
mr_boomrw0001: are you gonna install it on a huge number of machines?12:42
bing1im trying to duel boot but following the steps on ubntu recovery ling wiped the vista boot menu too12:42
Slarts3a: nope.. didn't work..  it needs an output filename12:42
mrw0001mr_boo: Not exactly, but I'll probably be reinstalling it a lot.12:42
=== rajath is now known as Gutsy_boy
Picirajath: you make need to make sure that you are using sun's java for your jvm, run: sudo update-alternatives --config java12:43
ikoniamrw0001: there is an option to use kickstart with ubuntu and the debian-installer12:43
mr_boomrw0001: you can make an image of the installation and clone it over for refreshment12:43
mrw0001Hmyes... I used to have a working response file for Feisty.12:43
mr_boomrw0001: i've only done it to ntfs partitions myself with the ntfsclone tool12:43
Gutsy_boyPci it doesn't work12:44
mr_boocan someone explain this behaviour?  whenever i try to access a workgroup in the network a password dialog appears and even though i enter my admin password it fails to mount12:44
Gutsy_boy@Pici it doesn't work12:44
mrw0001I was kind of hoping that I could do it with some hacks to my response file,12:44
Gutsy_boyThe installation files are perfectly ok12:44
wild_oscarhow do you record with recordmydesktop at a smaller resolution?12:44
ikoniamrw0001: have you looked at the "oem" install documentation12:44
Gutsy_boymd5sum s correct12:44
ikoniamrw0001: also look at kickstart with the debian-installer12:44
bing1i also have the laptop next to meto try anything elseif yoy think of something, which i hope you can or my next message will be i need help my laptp dont work since it flew out the window12:44
mr_boodum di dum...12:45
niner64bing1: first use your recovery to get back your vista startup files.  then setup ubuntu again with default settings  and gogle OEM disk image vista partition fix12:45
mrw0001Lovely... Will google more for Ubunto/Kickstart.12:45
mr_boonone of my shared folders are password protected :E12:45
bing1ok tx12:46
niner64bing1: that is if you want to install to the same HD as vista.. if you have 2 hd's you can install to hd1 without messing with partitions just install buntu on /dev/hdb12:46
niner64bing1: hope that helps12:46
niner64mr_boo are you using a hub or switch?12:48
Slarts3a: find ./ -type f -exec convert -resize x480 {} {}-new.jpg \;     This will resize all images to 480 width and save the new images as the old filename + -new.jpg12:48
mr_booniner64: hub12:48
niner64hub's don't really have the intelligence without a router :(12:49
mr_booniner64: both machines are connected to the same gateway12:49
mr_booniner64: uh, you said hub or switch12:49
harishhow to install flying windows screen saver?12:49
mr_booniner64: it might be a router i've got12:49
niner64mr_boo: been though that bull crap many times buy a switch and use seperate card for it12:49
jluwerden bei dpkg-recnfigure xserver-xorg keine Infos zu GRafikkarte oder Monitor abgefragt?12:50
mr_booniner64: the only folder that appears when i try to access the machine is "PRINT$"12:50
bazhang_english please jlu12:51
niner64mr_boo check that you can ping both machines on both computers FIRST.. if thats a go your fine if not get a timeout error you need to check network equpment12:51
atlef!de > jlu:12:51
mr_booniner64: a splendid idea12:51
philsfniner64: if he gets a password prompt, it means the machine is accessible12:51
philsfmr_boo: how exactly did you share the folder?12:52
niner64mr_boo that sounds like kinda wierd a port to plug a network print server read your router docs12:52
SkyBladeexcuse me, can anyone tell me what iasl is12:52
=== SkyBlade is now known as Pulseaudio
philsfniner64: also, it hardly has anything to do with hardware12:52
niner64philsf: he says he gets a "PRINT$" prompt? don't get that12:53
philsfniner64: it's not a prompt, it's a default thing for windows printer shares12:53
philsfniner64: google is your friend12:54
Oli````Pulseaudio: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/iasl12:54
Pulseaudiothanks Oli````12:55
alin_where i can find x-chat help?12:55
niner64philsf: i have networked computers with a hub and was only able to go one way before. can ping one way but not the other12:55
mordofi think that sfire shouldl be given lots of points for helping :D:D spent alot of time with me helping me find a solution to what i was looking for :3 very happy atm, lol12:55
philsfniner64: ok, he's having trouble with sharing, and the machine is obviously accessible. how is this a hub/switch/router problem?12:56
philsfniner64: unless I'm missing something12:56
hypn0alin_: have you tried #xchat12:56
mr_boopinging that machine worked like a charm12:56
bazhang_AfterDeath, check your PM12:56
niner64philsf: cuz he said he saw the folder on the xbuntu machine but not the buntu machine ?12:56
philsfmr_boo: please answer my previous question12:57
mr_boophilsf: i'm not doing this in the terminal12:58
niner64philsf: possibly i am as well lol12:58
mr_boophilsf: it's places->network12:58
raddyHello Everybody12:59
mr_booi tried samba now12:59
mr_boo"failed to mount windows share"12:59
raddyI am experiencing a weired issue in Ubuntu 8.0412:59
mr_boonot even a password dialog here13:00
danierujoin bwys13:00
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raddyWhen i shut it down, it is not powering off13:00
raddyIn Vista too it happened.13:00
philsfmr_boo: could you clarify your problem to me? are you trying to share one folder in ubuntu to a xubuntu, or the other way around?13:00
mr_boophilsf: the other way around13:00
mr_boophilsf: the folder is already shared from the xubuntu machine13:01
mr_boophilsf: it was easy to ping that machine13:01
raddyI fixed that issue by disabling Wake On Lan support in my ethernet card.13:01
philsfmr_boo: so you need to check for precise information on how to properly share a folder in xubuntu13:01
niner64you should be good now just the config part13:01
philsfmr_boo: I assume there's a wiki with information on this13:02
Dr_willismr_boo,  if you want to learn the ins and outs of samba - theres several books on the topic in the repos. in the 'samba-doc' package as well..  I dont know what GUI tools for it  xubuntu includes.13:02
mr_boothe funny thing is that nfs didn't work either13:03
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philsfmr_boo: the share is asking for authentication, if you don't want to authenticate you should share with guest_ok, if you want to authenticate, you need to set a smbpasswd in the server13:03
mr_boophilsf: ah13:04
Dr_willisfor a linxu to linux machine. nfs is the way to go.. or for  just a few file transfers, it pays to learn ssh, and perhaps use scp and/or the sshfs tool13:04
mr_boophilsf: a pitfall for the user13:04
philsfmr_boo: ubuntu changed the way it deals with this in hardy, it's now much easier - I have no idea what xubuntu does13:05
philsfmr_boo: but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with what niner64 was talking about13:05
harishhow to extract rar files?it says 'archive type not supported'13:06
niner64philsf: not that he pinged the machine no i was just eliminating something thanks anyway13:06
csc`hardandy: sudo apt-get install unrar13:06
philsfniner64: not to be rude, but that was already eliminated, as I said before13:06
=== mordof|test2 is now known as mordof
mr_boothere's a chance that the "guest" checkbox would sort this out13:06
mr_boogonna try13:07
csc`Would blacklisting pcspkr on a laptop cause pulseaudio/alsa to think ive got no audio hardware?13:07
belihi folks! my external usb mouse seems to do double clicks instead of single clicks. i am using hardy....is it an xorg config problem?13:10
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Evkazbeli: Probably.. I think it is xorg.conf13:12
Goopbeli: You could check your own config file if you understand it, it's at /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:13
mr_boothis is a general question regarding linux networking file sharing in general13:13
PauloZumbahi, i´m looking for a aireplay binary for ubuntu. I installed aircrack-ng from synaptic but it does not installs aireplay. Where can i found it?13:13
GoopPauloZumba: Have you tried 'sudo apt-get install aireplay' in the Terminal?13:14
mr_boomust one always set up which machines that are supposed to view this machines shared folder?13:14
PauloZumbaI don´t achieve it on google.13:15
PauloZumbaGoop: i´ll try it13:15
EvolElm0hmmm.. direct connect..13:15
EvolElm0does *nix have a DC++ hosting software?13:15
BFCPPHi my gdm log file is growing very large in very short time13:16
BFCPPit is the same with xorg.log file13:16
mr_boowhy do i only see samba networks in the "Network -File Browser" windows??13:16
ashishsome one tell me plz how to install yahoo messenger in 8.0413:17
BFCPPi use pdigin for yahoomessenger13:17
Myrttiashish: "install pidgin"13:17
Myrttiashish: "sorry, you've already got it"13:18
beliGoop: there's nothing special....just a simple common pointer device...13:18
BFCPPit can do all protocols except skype13:18
Odd-rationaleis there an easy way to replace symbolic links with the file they point to?13:18
beliBFCPP: use logrotate13:18
|ethello i have i a logitech quickcam 4000 i can get vid to work fine but not the built in mic?13:18
ashishbut pidgin does not support webcam13:18
BFCPPthanks beli i will google it13:18
Goopbeli: I know this might sound stupid, but have you checked your accesibility settings?13:18
Baron1984ashish: Kopete does13:18
maekwhere do we get the Firefox RC1 package for Gusty ??13:18
edgyOdd-rationale: why not you use cp or mv?13:19
Baron1984maek: My updater installed RC2 this morning13:19
beliGoop: what do mean by that? system....option...mouse?13:19
JbCrashjust now.i disable compiz by typing metacity --replace...coz when i use compiz i cant use right click..how to enable it and do basic setting?13:19
Baron1984make sure you have Hardy-Proposed and Hardy-Backports13:19
mr_boomaybe one can't have both samba and nfs on the same machine at once?13:19
Odd-rationaleedgy: well, i already have several symbolic links. I want to replace them all with the real file...13:19
ashishis there any plugins for webcam available13:19
Cyr4xhow to bind an app to a shortcut key?13:19
maekI only have Gusty installed atm .. oh well13:20
edgyOdd-rationale: they are in one directory?13:20
maekthanks Baron198413:20
Baron1984ashish: There used to be a voice and video project for Pidgin, but it was canceled13:20
Baron1984use Gyachi or Kopete13:20
Odd-rationaleedgy: yes. in one directory and its sud directory13:20
Goopbeli: Try that and the accessibility tab in there13:20
Cyr4xi need to do something like that:13:20
Junkiehello all, i need help enabling compiz, and emerald13:20
beliashish: there is amsn and skype and openwengo with webcam support13:20
ashishwhy and not no such project available13:20
GoopJunkie: What version of Ubuntu do you have?13:21
Cyr4xcombination "alt" "m" "+" launches gnome magnifier13:21
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Junkiehardy heron13:21
Cyr4x"alt" "m" "+" closes it13:21
GoopJunkie: Then Compiz Fusion should already be installed13:21
Cyr4x"alt" "m" "-" i mean13:21
beliGoop: ah! thanks....but anything clean there13:21
Junkiei cant enable emerald, and i was told i had to install a package13:21
GoopJunkie: Were you talking about the fancy effects, such as desktop cube?13:21
Baron1984ashish: They consider it a low priority, I can't blame them with Microsoft, Yahoo, and AOL at war with them constantly13:21
BFCPPbeli is it normal that the gdm log is growing on one day about 600Mb ??13:21
beliBFCPP: maybe you look into the log file and see what is happening13:22
JunkieGoop: i was told i needed to install xgl13:22
beliBFCPP: thats not normal13:22
BFCPPso i am a little bit worried about that13:22
ashishare thy support yahoo id13:22
GoopJunkie: Why do you want Emerald?13:23
ashishwhere i can find they13:23
beliBFCPP: to tail -n 600 /var/log/gdm.log > ~/gdmlog  and send it to me or paste it with nopaste13:23
Zero|Bytemy xserver seems to keep dropping into failsafe mode, is there a way to check which config file is currently being used by X?13:23
legend2440Junkie: http://openswitch.org/2008/04/28/how-to-enable-emerald-in-hardy-heron-804/13:23
BFCPPok i will do that beli13:23
kripzanybody know how i can get filezilla 2??13:24
KousotuAnyone know where I an find the GRUB list?13:24
beliashish: openwengo is well done so far...but it isnt used by many ppl so far ;)13:24
ikoniaZero|Byte: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is being used13:24
studenteAny WM that can let me use my USB key on XP running it within Ubuntu?13:24
gnomefreakkripz: mozilla addons site i dont think we packaged it yet13:24
ikoniaKousotu: /boot/grub/menu.lst13:24
KousotuI have to reinstall, I'd like a backup of the one I have13:24
garydAnyone have Ubuntu 6 knowledge of compatibility with RAID PCI cards compatability?13:24
Kousotuwow, quicker than I can request, it's ready13:25
Kousotu{L}âUghîñ Ôut £òU{Ð}13:25
gnomefreakkripz: `give me a minute ill check our extension wiki13:25
ikoniagaryd: only very expensive true hardware raid cards will be supported13:25
|etgaryd whats the prob13:25
kripzgnomefreak, dw, apparently filezilla 2 was windows only13:25
garydI just want to buy an inexpensive PC hardware RAID card that works, and don't see a compatibility list13:25
Zero|Byteikonia, I've restarted the xserver with a config that was working before but now it keeps dropping to failsafe I think13:25
gnomefreakkripz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions here is a list of ones we tried or have done for hardy/intrepid13:25
KousotuStupid Hardy messed up :(13:25
Zero|Byteit won't use the Nvidia driver in any case13:25
gnomefreakkripz: ah good :)13:26
JunkieGoop: i want to use the themes for emerald, and i cant use any because i cant enable desktop effects13:26
Kousotunow I get to redo all I did on Gutsy13:26
ikoniagaryd: thats an oxymoron13:26
edgyOdd-rationale: I guess you can do a bash script with something like for i in *; do cp `awk '{print $10}'` $i; done you can ask on #bash for an exact code13:26
ikoniagaryd: the cheap raid cards are not true hardware raid cards, so therefore will only really work as jbods13:26
KousotuJunkie: fusion-icon?13:26
garydnot sure why.  I can buy a PCI RAID card for $30 that works great under windows.13:26
JunkieKousotu: nope... dont have it i13:26
ikoniagaryd: your not using windows13:26
GoopJunkie: Are you using a third-party driver for your graphics card?13:26
KousotuJunkie: install it13:26
JunkieGoop: possibly, my graphics card is an intel onboard for my notebook13:27
beligaryd: check for native drivers beeing available from the manufacturer13:27
patrick__I have a problem, I just installed Ubuntu(Hardy) and I got Twinview to work, however it acts as one big screen.13:27
GoopJunkie: Ah, I think you'd be using the native drivers then13:27
KousotuJunkie: I use 945GM, it used Emeraldfine13:27
beligaryd: ubuntu linux kernel is modular, so you can include your own modules13:27
JackOfSpadesgaryd: cheap raid cards perform raid in software (the windows driver).13:27
sipiorgaryd: although it doesn't actually answer your question, you might consider software raid, which is certainly of comparable performance to cheap hardware raid, most of which cards are fairly rubbish anyway.13:27
patrick__Anyone know how I can fix this issue?13:28
garydYes, I am okay with software RAID or JBOD.  I just need to know who is supported by Ubuntu 6.13:28
beligaryd: and listen ti sipior ;)13:28
patrick__When I maximize a window it spreads over both monitors.13:28
PauloZumbaGoop: can´t find package aireplay. 8-|13:28
Dr_willispatrick__,  did you disable xinerama? did you reboot? I normally install the nvidia drivers, then use the 2 nvidia config tools in the repos (NOT INSTALLED BY DEFAULT) to set up the cards/twinview.13:28
garydI am not looking for fiber channel here... just striping and mirroring some ATA drives13:29
JunkieKousotu: my notebook is a toshiba A105-s405413:29
mike_Hello can some one tell me if i can install wine 0.9.46 in ubuntu 8.04 thanks13:29
Kousotumike_: yes13:29
Kousotumike_: as far as I know13:29
Kousotumike_: I ha some issues with 45, but that might have ben a fluke13:29
patrick__I didn't disable xinerama.13:29
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:30
patrick__Should I just quote it out in the xorg.conf?13:30
abuyazani have problem in running some gnome programs13:30
garydso can anyone point me to software RAID  for Ubuntu 6.06?13:30
patrick__Under ServerFlags?13:30
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abuyazanlike gdmsetup , it stuck with no error13:30
mike_can you tell me how it gives me a dependecy error13:30
sipiorgaryd: sure, install the mdadm package13:30
Dr_willispatrick__,  if xinerama is enabled it can goof things up.13:30
abuyazanalso the update manager when i click on install it stuck with no response13:31
Dr_williswell bbl13:31
Kousotuis there a way to repair an ubuntu instilation without reformating Ubuntu comletely?13:31
gnomefreakabuyazan: ctrl+Alt+F1 should giv eyou output13:31
patrick__Ah, I'll try to disable it then.13:31
JunkieGoop: can you help me get desktop settings to work?13:31
garydsipior: and do you think that is all I will need?13:31
sipiorKousotu: depends on what the damage is :-)13:31
sipiorgaryd: yep13:31
gnomefreakabuyazan: use ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to GUI13:31
garydcool, thank you all SO MUCH!  You guys and gals rock!13:31
abuyazangnomefreak, let me check13:31
GoopJunkie: Sure13:32
Kousotusipior: Update manager won't work, can't reboot without "coldboot" etc13:32
BFCPPbeli are you still there it is something with the fglrx13:32
gnomefreakabuyazan: also somewher ein /var/log will have it i just cant recall the log name13:32
GoopPauloZumba: I can only find aircrack packages13:32
sipiorKousotu: by "coldboot", do you mean "flip the power switch off"? :-)13:32
JunkieGoop: private?13:32
Kousotusipior: if thee's an errorlog suppied, I can grab it in wndows13:33
NiksoniI need help,it shows me (initramfs) or something like that when i try to boot Ubuntu,and when i type something it say bin/sh/ not found13:33
GoopJunkie: OK13:33
NiksoniWhat should i type there?13:33
Kousotusipior: hold power button for 3 sec (or so)13:33
sipiorKousotu: have a look in /var/log/messages, and try "dmesg" as well13:33
Kousotusipior: I'm on windows atm13:33
gnomefreakNiksoni: thats busybox you cant get anywhere from there13:33
NiksoniHow do i shut it down?13:33
beliBFCPP: suere i am there...13:33
NiksoniOr evade it?13:34
gnomefreakNiksoni: sounds like either bad kernel or bad install13:34
ubottuFactoid nopaste not found13:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:34
NiksoniHow can i fix the kernel?or bad install?13:34
beliBFCPP: use that pastebin to show me some entries of the log file13:34
abuyazangnomefreak, i cannot see any thing with CRTL + ALT + F113:34
gnomefreakNiksoni: ctrl+alt+backspace will reboot it and just hit off before it tries to boot13:34
sipiorKousotu: if you have a utility to mount ext3 filesystems under windows, have a look through the log files13:34
gnomefreakabuyazan: look for a log file in /var/log i dont remember what one it is though13:35
Kousotusipior: there's ton of files in it, just the ".log" files?13:35
sipiorKousotu: /var/log/messages to start with13:35
gnomefreakabuyazan: most likely its gonna be /var/log/X......13:35
NiksoniGnomefreak,how do i hit it off?13:35
PauloZumbaGoop: Are you know some packet injection software to use on ubuntu?13:36
gnomefreakNiksoni: see your pm13:36
Kousotusipior: doesn't open well on windows13:37
KousotuI can pase it to pastebin if you like13:37
sipiorKousotu: please13:37
Kousotuoies, just a min13:37
|et`i have logitech quickcam 4000 the vid works the the mic doesnt any ideas13:39
sipiorKousotu: the log is truncated. does the machine not come up completely after boot?13:39
JoaoVrHi Guys13:39
mr_boohow do i view nfs networks?13:39
=== mordof|test2 is now known as mordof
JoaoVrMy machine got crazy 2 minutes ago after the last update, is this normal?13:40
bazhang_JoaoVr, please give more info13:40
KousotuJoaoVr: have you rebooted?13:40
JoaoVrAnd my Video Card and Wifi card dont work now13:40
Kousotuafter it rebots you?13:40
BFCPPok beli i used the postebin now13:40
philsfmr_boo: they should appear as ordinary mountpoints13:40
bazhang_JoaoVr, was this a kernel upgrade13:41
mr_boophilsf: does that apply to the places->network file browser?13:41
JoaoVrI got a "Please Reboot you system" and I did, now Wifi and Video dont work at all13:41
KousotuJoaoVr: how many times have you rebooted sine the instal?13:41
philsfmr_boo: I guess so, never tried13:41
beliBFCPP: so you may tell me the url? ;)13:41
Kousotuok, here goes that throey13:41
Kousotu{L}âUghîñ Ôut £òU{Ð}13:41
bazhang_JoaoVr, kernel upgrade then; try booting from last kernel13:41
JoaoVrSound dont work tooo13:41
philsfmr_boo: I mean, I guess not13:41
Kousotusipior: please explain what you'reasking?13:42
JoaoVrHow I do that?13:42
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash13:42
BFCPPi am not so familiar with paste bin  ;-)13:42
bazhang_JoaoVr, who are you addressing?13:42
philsfmr_boo: I don't know if you can browse the local net to scan for nfs shares (in a simple GUI way)13:42
BlinkizAnyone know a hardware channel here on freenode I can ask about memory?13:43
mr_boophilsf: hmm, i didn't think of that possibility13:43
JoaoVrbazhang_ how I do that kernel stuff?13:43
sipiorKousotu: well, it doesn't appear to be the entire log file13:43
Kousotuit is, surely13:43
Kousotuit's how it was recvered form Linux13:43
philsfmr_boo: well, I figured that's what you were asking13:43
=== PauloZumba_ is now known as PauloZumba
bazhang_JoaoVr, enter grub menu and choose the 16 kernel (this is hardy right?)13:43
sipiorKousotu: so the machine boots correctly, but....?13:43
oupaI seem to have screwed up my home directory while trying to implement autofs. Can anybody help?13:43
mr_boophilsf: on what path am i expected to see the external shared folder?13:44
JoaoVrbazhang_ Yes, Grub menu? Sry, got my Ubuntu 3 days ago13:44
philsfmr_boo: wherever you mount it in13:44
beliBFCPP: are you using xinerama?13:44
BFCPPno i dont use that but i have a dual setup13:44
bazhang_JoaoVr, you get a countdown when you first see the screen and you have like 3 secs to hit esc to enter it13:44
philsf!nfs | mr_boo13:44
ubottumr_boo: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.13:44
molassisoupa in what way is it screwed up?13:44
mr_boophilsf: million thanks13:44
BFCPPwhich is working but not perfect13:44
JoaoVrbazhang_ Ty13:45
JoaoVrbazhang_ Gonna try it13:45
beliBFCPP: ok....do you use ati drivers from amd?13:45
JoaoVrbazhang_ [[]]13:45
bazhang_JoaoVr, good luck13:45
Kousotusipior: I try to update (it prompts) some error comes up, nd then it locks up for a momnet, and fails on some manager package.I try to turn off/reboot (I use no other option there, but they don't even show) the "taskbar" vanishes and it does nothing13:45
PauloZumbaAnybody knows some wireless packet injection software to use in Ubuntu?13:45
BFCPPi cannot run any opengl when i under dual head setup i use the fglrx from the repository13:45
BFCPPwait i will tell you exactly13:45
sipiorKousotu: and the error message is?13:45
Kousotusipior: i don't know offhand13:45
sipiorKousotu: well, that's a problem13:46
KousotuI'd have to reboot and get it13:46
codecainepaulozumba aircrack has aireplay to do that13:46
Kousotubut I'm kinda DJing at the moment13:46
Kousotu{L}âUghîñ Ôut £òU{Ð}13:46
beliBFCPP: the prob is your ati driver or the xorg or both :) so make sure you have latest drivers first13:46
bazhang_Kousotu, please stop with that13:46
Jack_SparrowKousotu Please drop the add'l commenting13:46
PauloZumbacodecaine: I install aircrack from synaptic but is does not installs aireplay13:46
Jack_SparrowMorning baz13:46
Kousotusomy appologies13:47
recon69help, apg-get update gets stuck at 25% waiting for headers?13:47
bazhang_morning Jack :)13:47
recon69and i dont seem to be able to use about 50% of the web13:47
mai_Smart Common Input Method 1.4.713:47
mai_Launching a SCIM daemon with Socket FrontEnd...13:47
mai_Loading simple Config module ...13:47
mai_Creating backend ...13:47
FloodBot3mai_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:47
mai_Launching a SCIM process with x11...13:47
bazhang_!paste | mai_13:47
ubottumai_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:47
philsfrecon69: does it time out after a while?13:47
codecaineit does paulozumba13:47
Francisdoes twitter down?13:47
Kousotusipior: give me about.. um.. 20 mins13:47
Kousotuand I'l have that error13:47
recon69seem to be making some progress, but was stuck for about 5 min13:48
=== buckhill`work is now known as buckhill`lunch
bazhang_recon69, server side issue then; happens here every so often13:48
zububazhang: can you guide me thru the manual installation of gutsy?13:48
bazhang_zubu sure what do you need13:48
beliBFCPP: but i am more the console guy...so you better ask at #ati or #xorg ...13:48
molassisoupa when that happened to me I reset gnome - after backing up my data using the live CD - and then restarted - but it depends what is wrong with your home directory?13:48
bazhang_recon69, you can pastebin your sources.list if there is any doubt though13:48
Kousotusipior: any other logfile might be helpful?13:49
PauloZumbacodecaine: bash: aireplay: command not found13:49
bazhang_recon69, which 50%13:49
BFCPPit shows to me that i have the newest available over the repositories13:49
recon69bazhang_ : have other problems though , I tried to use the pastebin and it got stuck as well, seem I have more general problems13:49
algyzHi, I don't have any sound on kdetv 0.8.9. There's sound on xawtv and tvtime. When I'm starting from terminal: http://www.paste.lt/paste/74e66ce7fd57338d9c8e0b7c225127df  (first part). Distro is 8.04, with Gnome.13:49
ronnieFloodBot3: hi~are you really a bot?13:49
sipiorKousotu: hard to say. might be helpful just to copy the whole of /var/log if you'll be diagnosing it from another computer13:50
algyzanybody heard about such problem?13:50
oupamolassis: I'm happily embarrassed - it's working now - I don't know what happened!13:50
bazhang_recon69, what about pastebinit can you install that13:50
sipiorronnie: actually, he's a gnome13:50
molassisoupa good!13:50
codecainedepends probably have aireplay-ng13:50
zububazhang: here is the "sudo fdisk -l"  http://pastebin.com/m7a06424413:50
KousotuSipir: same pc, triboots13:50
ronniesipior: oh~really~cool13:50
oupamolassis: thanks anyway :)13:50
BFCPPthank you anyway beli13:50
|et`i have logitech quickcam 4000 the vid works the the mic doesnt any ideas13:50
PauloZumbacodecaine: I applied sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng13:50
zububazhang:just tell me how to install Gutsy manually from the live cd!!13:50
sipiorronnie: yes, we get them very cheaply from switzerland, i understand13:51
bazhang_zubu manually? you mean the partitioning (manual) or other13:51
PauloZumbacodecaine: but it not install aireplay. 8-|13:51
Jack_Sparrowzubu you cant13:51
recon69"Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand." from patebin, about the most helpful error message I got so far, seem to have issues with binary data and the internet13:51
bazhang_recon69, can you sudo apt-get install pastebinit13:52
Jack_Sparrowzubu to install manually, and select what all you want etc.. get the alt or start with the minimal cd13:52
recon69bazhang_ tring it now13:52
codecaineduno why13:52
recon69bazhang_ : installed pastebinit13:53
timoany one know how i can install myphpadmin on hardy ?13:53
zububazhang i want to install gutsy in my 25Gb Hdd.i am installing it using the live cd!and this is step 4 of the seven steps!!13:53
bazhang_recon69, then enter terminal and cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit and give us the url13:53
EvolElm0DC++ hosting program? anyone got one they recommend?13:54
zububazhang: its the manul partition part!13:54
bazhang_zubu, how about in PM13:54
codecainepaulozumba if you look in synaptics properties in aircrack it install aireplay in /usr/sbin13:54
codecaineits part of the install13:54
algyzHi, I don't have any sound on kdetv 0.8.9. There's sound on xawtv and tvtime. When I'm starting from terminal: http://www.paste.lt/paste/74e66ce7fd57338d9c8e0b7c225127df  (first part). Distro is 8.04, with Gnome.13:54
codecainegot to go to work now13:54
zububazhang yeah sure! but my name is not registered!! so could u initiate it?13:55
bazhang_zubu then register13:55
benbanyone seeing a firefox segmentation fault?13:55
recon69bazhang_ : pastebinit seem to be stuck, maybe if i wait 5 min13:55
legend2440|et`: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39280613:56
Kousotusipior: be back in a few, reboting13:56
bazhang_recon69, this is connected to adsl modem or via router-->adsl modem13:56
bazhang_cpro, that a question?13:57
abuyazangnomefreak, i notice something, update manager stuck on opening password dialog, also login window did not open because it need password before it open13:57
recon69bazhang_: router , using a encrypted wireless connection. I think my encryption it stuffed somehow13:57
abuyazanis it reasonable ?13:57
abuyazansomething related to password dialog13:57
bazhang_recon69, that is odd though, unless your wireless is completely dropping out13:57
onefunkhey all, anyone tell me how to uninstall vmware13:58
cprosorry, I made a mistake, bye13:58
bazhang_onefunk, how was it installed13:58
pengobluetooth worked in fiesty but seems to have stopped working in hardy and now i am sad13:58
bazhang_|et`, yes what13:58
timoany know how to install myphpadmin on hardyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy13:58
|et`I did that but for some reason even after apt update13:58
zuburegister wizard13:59
|et`the flle is not available13:59
|et`and i have all repositories13:59
legend2440|et`: what file is unavailable?13:59
danbhfivetimo: sudo aptitude install myphpadmin                         works for all distros of ubuntu13:59
|et`well that link you posted does not solve the mic prob13:59
recon69bazhang_ : only seems to have problems with encrypted/binary data , my connection does not drop out. but my computer has been prone to kernel panics since 2.6.24-16/1713:59
PauloZumbacodecaine: You win. The name is aireplay-ng. Thanks very much!14:00
legend2440|et`: have you tried easycam or camorama?14:00
ferric_-j test14:00
onefunkbazhang, i installed it using automatix14:00
timoCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "myphpadmin"14:00
bazhang_recon69, sounds like either isp issue or something similar-->are certain services throttled for you?14:00
|et`i have camorama14:01
|et`but that does not solve the issue of mic not working and i couldnt install easycam14:01
danbhfivetimo: right, its phpmyadmin14:01
onefunkbazhang, but now i can't even log in. i'm typing this from my other computer14:01
BFCPPbeli i am also mor console oriented i dont need opengl but this log file is anoying so i will write a little script which waste that error out.14:01
recon69bazhang_ : was about to try change kernel to linux-image-2.6.25-1-generic , but that not likely if I cant use synaptic14:01
JuzzyDWould I be correct in assuming that basename doesn't work if there are spaces in the file name?14:01
ruiboontimo: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin14:01
atlef|et`: there is also luvcview for webcams14:01
bazhang_onefunk, installed what via automatix14:02
|et`well the video is not the problem though14:02
recon69bazhang_ : and yes , my ips my be throttling my connection14:02
|et`its the capture from teh webcam mic14:02
JoaoVrbazhang_ Sond, Wifi its working 100% My ubuntu detects my nvidia but cant change resolution14:02
bazhang_recon69, then that would be the issue for pastebin and some others14:02
klathzaztI am trying to install a nvidia driver but I have to stop X from running.  How do I do that with ubuntu?14:02
onefunkbazhang, installed vmware server14:02
timophpmyadmin is already the newest version :S14:02
=== Ryuho1 is now known as Ryuho
abuyazanguys also synaptic is not opening, please i need a help about this14:03
bazhang_onefunk, this is feisty or other14:03
recon69bazhang_ : think i might need a new ips, effects hotmail , whats the point of adsl if i cant collect my mail14:03
danbhfiveklathzazt: maybe ctrl+alt+backspace is what you are looking for?  That kills x, but x will restart...14:03
EvolElm0verlihub! found one14:03
bazhang_recon69, there is a workaround iirc; saw it somewhere a few days ago (maybe on slashdot)14:04
timo ruiboon: i cant get to it thou , says its the newst version14:04
flaccidBaron1984, see my PM, thanks14:04
danbhfivetimo: check your spelling please14:04
atlef|et`: does it turn up under sound in the menu14:04
flaccidhave a lookg at the package contents of phpmyadmin to see where it installs iirc /var/www14:05
timodanghfive /var/www has nothing about phpmyadmin14:05
microwaverHello, does anyone have an image of an /etc/fstab. just after a fresh install?14:05
klathzaztdanbhfive: yeh I need it to stop completely to run the installer for the video driver.  I tried dropping to a lower runlevel but somethinga bout ubuntu doesn't let it do that.14:05
=== nilson is now known as nilson123
=== rage__ is now known as rage
JuzzyDCan anyone tell me how to sort my issues with the following shell script? http://pastey.net/88810-215514:06
danbhfiveklathzazt: why do you need it to stop?  I didn't think that was necesarry14:06
ruiboontimo: if you didnt change anything, it should be at http://localhost/phpmyadmin14:06
Zero|ByteI'm getting the following error in my xorg.log: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)14:06
klathzaztdanbhfive: because the nvidia installer doesn't finish if X is running14:06
TZMmicrowaver: Everyone's fstab will be different of course. Is there something wrong with yours you need help fixing?14:06
JuzzyDBasically I get basename: extra operand everytime there's a space in the file name14:06
klathzaztdanbhfive: it won't install the driver if X is running14:06
Zero|ByteI have the nvidia drivers installed, I'm not sure what to do14:06
ruiboontimo: you might want to check the conf file. /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf under alias section14:06
klathzaztZero|Byte: which nvidia driver?14:07
microwaverTZM, i altered it a bit, and don't really know what I added.14:07
flaccidtimo, its in /usr/share as per http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/all/phpmyadmin/filelist14:07
timoruiboon: ok first reinstall :)14:07
Zero|Bytethe "new" one14:07
onefunkbazhang, gutsy14:07
microwaverTZM, to be precise I need to add a rule so virtualbox can adress my USB's14:07
microwaverbazhang_, busy as usual14:07
flaccidtimo, notice the configs available in /etc/phpmyadmin14:07
JoaoVrstupid ubunt, going to format it14:08
flaccidi don't see /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf in the pkg contents, does a post install script set it up?14:08
massmcI have a prob with nvidia driver installed in the main system.. Now i get a login screen but then I get the "out of range" from monitor awhen logging in.. anyone help please14:08
recon61bazhang_ : thx for the help. I'll try check it out14:08
TZMJuzzyD: An obvious question, but since your script doesn't show it, do you have #!/bin/bash at the beginning of your script?14:08
JuzzyDI do TZM14:08
danbhfiveklathzazt: well, I don't know anything about a manual install of the nvidia driver, but that sounds silly (on nvidia's part).  You shouldnt need to have x turned off to install...14:08
timoflaccid: yes i have them, looking now14:08
zububazhang: you thr?14:09
JuzzyDAhh bugger it, it's only a log file. It can keep the path.14:09
nekohi people14:09
mohamed__hello all, while make some configuration some apt directory deleted for this it can't work and i got E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing14:09
timoAlias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin  ???14:09
TZMJuzzyD: you don't need the backquotes ` when doing the echo (you're not executing anything), just use: echo "basename $i"14:09
Zero|Byteklathzazt, I have the "new" drivers installed. not sure why I'm getting this error, just rebooted xserver with ctrl+alt+backspace since I got a out-of-range error when a game tried going 800*600 and then I started getting this14:10
Zero|Bytemy config was working properly before14:10
nekoi want to share the cups pdf printer via samba for windows client, but windows XP ask me for drivers, what do i need ?14:10
amfwrkIf I want to stop something in /etc/cron.daily from running can I just remove the executable bits from the file?14:10
used1hello trying to configure Alsa I get The file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist.14:10
Jack_Sparrowdanbhfive stopping x is how they have always done it14:10
used1I have the linux source installed....14:10
TZMJuzzyD: Or my mistake, are you trying to execute "basename" I presume?14:10
used1where is the version.h file14:10
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
illa#UUID=d1cc39b7-5c66-4136-ab20-1e0e4ce19af2 /media/ILLA ext3 defaults 0 0 users14:11
illa, from /etc/fstab14:11
used1or can anyone paste their version.h file14:11
Kousotusipior: syse files are corrupted, I think I should just reinstall14:11
illaany mistake14:11
timodo i copy all /usr/share/phpmyadmin to var/www14:11
used1 2.6.22-14-14:11
jaysonHello fellas, nullmailer is a default application on hardy ? Or maybe someone have installed it ?14:11
JuzzyDBasically I wanna get rid of the big ugly preceding Directory name so I can just get a list of the mp3s streamripper has grabbed overnight14:11
Jack_Sparrowused1 Are you trying to recompile alsa?14:11
used1Jack: yes14:11
flaccidtimo, yeah aliased cool14:11
lenrexhi, does it matter how your sata is setup in my bios to install ubuntu? i.e. ahci/ide-enhanced/ide-compatible ?14:12
used1my sound was lost in the upgrade to 8.0414:12
klathzaztZero|Byte weird- I have heard there are problems with nvidia and hte latest linux kernels14:12
danbhfiveJack_Sparrow: Ubuntu proper doesnt have to.  You only have to restart x.  But I really don't know what I'm talking about.  Thats just my experience14:12
beliBFCPP: if you dont need it...so drop the support from the xorg.conf file in /etc/X1114:12
AcornAcornhow do I mount a windows share?14:12
flaccidtimo, no its already aliased directly to /usr/share/phpmyadmin thats why its there14:12
algyzAcornAcorn:  man mount14:12
flaccidtimo, so its http://localhost/phpmyadmin/14:12
algyz!mount | AcornAcorn14:12
flaccidnot sure why you thought it was myphpmyadmin14:12
ubottuAcornAcorn: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter14:12
Jack_Sparrowused1 One sec14:12
timoflaccid what do i du buddy  i typed http://localhost/usr/share/phpmyadmin in firefox nothing14:12
KousotuAcornAcorn: most windows partions should automount14:13
zubuhe jack_sparrow would u pm?14:13
used1thanx jack14:13
ArashHemmatHi, I have a problem with gnome in Hady! it was working well but today it crashed! I can still work with kde but I gnome crashes! I tried to delete config files from home folder but after deleting them I have the same problem!!! what should I do?14:13
timoflaccid: nothing  Not Found14:13
AcornAcornmaybe i used the wrong word, it's a windows share not a partition, over the network14:13
flaccidtimo, and is httpd.conf actually including the phpmyadmin configuration14:14
Zero|ByteI just installed the Hardware Drivers app, it says my graphics card is enabled and in use14:14
used1jack I have the intel ICH8 card and it worked fine b4 but stopped after the upgrade14:14
flaccidthat could still be commented out or something14:14
Jack_Sparrowzubu Please keep it in channel14:14
used1tried installing alsa from synaptic but it didn't help14:14
Jack_Sparrowused1 sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` for starters14:14
ReverendHi all, can anyone help me with an audio problem that I'm having. I'm a 'fairly' new Linux user so please bare with me. I have the Microsoft LX-3000, i have installed asoundconf-gtk, however the USB headset isn't detected within there, so i can't change it to the default. However, if i use System -> Sound, it lists it under Device. Can anyone give me a hand please? :)14:14
TBotNikMorning All14:14
used1jack tried that14:14
used1build essential is not found...14:14
used1wait I try again14:14
AcornAcornwhat I really need to do is connect to and permenently mount a SMB windows samba network share14:14
timohttp://   stil nothin14:15
Jack_Sparrowused1 /join #alsa    I can paste a script of commands I was working on for the last alsa update if you think that would help14:15
recon61well, 8,04 has me f'd again, about to go install windows again.14:15
flaccidtimo, there will be nothing until you check the configuration and logs. note you will have to restart apache if not done already14:15
zubuJack_Sparrow ok then could you please tell me how to do the manual partition for instaling gutsy.ie making partitions for  swap, "/"  etc.14:15
TBotNikAny CVS gurus available to help with SourceForge implementation problem?14:15
timoflaccid: timo, and is httpd.conf actually including the phpmyadmin configuration. in what way flacc14:15
Kousotuzubu: are you trying toinstall Ubuntu on a windows PC?14:16
Jack_Sparrowused1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/16399/14:16
Jack_Sparrowzubu What do you have for partitions now14:16
zubuKousotu yes14:16
used1ok will check14:16
onefunkbazhang, i've looked at the forums and everthing and all i can do is start up in safe mode but then i'm not sure how to unistall.i've tried /usr/bin/vmware-uninstall.pl but that doesn't work. neither does sudo vmware-uninstall.pl i'm kinda at a loss14:16
flaccidtimo, there is usually a directive to included the configs in the conf.d folder. if this is not in httpd.conf or commented out then its obviously not going to include the config for phpmyadmin14:17
MadHagwhat xorg does hardy use please?14:17
ArthurArchnixI'm trying to blacklist some modules from being loaded at boot. I added e100, mii, pcspkr, joydev to "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" but for some reason both mii and e100 are still being loaded. I've rebooted. And each is on its own line, like "blacklist e100"..."blacklist mii" ... is there something I'm missing?14:17
Jack_Sparrowused1 That may be a bit outdated but the basics should be sound.. no pun intended14:17
timoflaccid i have two /etc/apache2/httpd.conf14:17
ArashHemmatHi, my gnome crashed today,anyone have any idea?! I'm using hardy heron14:17
timoflaccid i know what you mean14:17
Kousotumy advice: shrink the WIN partion with Uubntu's tool,then instal on free space. (defrag Windows FIRST)14:17
scunizionefunk, you having issues with vmware server functioning?14:17
flaccidtimo, there can only be one unique file in unix14:17
onefunkscunizi, yup sure am14:18
zubuJack_sparrow here it is : http://pastebin.com/m22ad956a14:18
fellunhey, ubuntu installation seems to hang up on me in the middle14:18
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat We need some details about what you were doing and what you mean by crash.  .. HAve you added repos or installed things off the web from source etc14:18
fellunpartition part14:18
Kousotuzubu: hen install is on freespace in the hard drive14:18
scunizionefunk, there is a fix.. It won't compile right?14:18
felluni just get "????????" and continue/go back14:18
onefunkscunizi, it seems to have locked down my comupter14:18
fellunboth continue & go back gives me a blue screen14:18
scunizionefunk, how do you mean?14:19
ReverendAnyone? :)14:19
timoflaccid  /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is empty14:19
recon61think my internet problems more likely to be with checking authenticated servers, or something like that14:19
Jack_Sparrowzubu You should just use automatic and let it shrink your ntfs as needed.. Make sure you defrag your windows partition first.14:19
Btb125I installed ubuntu along side vista the otherday, when i dual boot and load ubuntu i get the splash screen and then go into a commandline input but can not install ubuntu properly... somebody told me to try " $startx " the other day but nothing happened... anybody know a sollution?14:19
onefunkscunizi, i have no idea, i left my computer last night for about twenty minutes, after i had installed vmware and when i got back all there was was a black screen14:19
TZMArthurArchnix: Just an idea, but is there maybe some other program that is manually "modprobing" those modules behind your back?14:19
Zero|Bytestrange, full reboot fixed my problem14:19
used1jack: running the script will take time until it downloads the file from the server thanks for helping14:19
zubuKousotu yes.that is 25Gb!! culd plz. tell me what to do in the manual partition part of the installation process of Gutsy since i dont want to go for guided partitioning!!14:20
scunizionefunk, did you install server version 1.xx or beta 214:20
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Zero|Bytehow do I set the default refresh rates for the different screen resolutions under X?14:20
=== lefix is now known as fellun
zubuJack_Sparrow:  culd plz. tell me what to do in the manual partition part of the installation process of Gutsy since i dont want to go for guided partitioning!!14:20
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, I've added medibuntu reposity today! gnome crashes after I login, I've deleted all the config files but it didn't fix the problem!!!14:20
ArthurArchnixTZM it's a good idea. I blacklist them on boot, then network manager modprobe's them in. I'll take a look at the logs14:20
onefunkscunizi, i have no idea, i left my computer last night for about twenty minutes, after i had installed vmware and when i got back all there was was a black screen. and today i can't even start my computer other than in safe mode14:20
KousotuZubu: why wold you not just do guided?14:20
timoflaccid found it http://pastebin.ca/103686014:20
Zero|ByteI can't play games in full screen in 800*600 since the default refresh rate for it makes it go out of range14:20
scunizionefunk, you don't remember which version you downloaded?14:21
lenrexhi, anybody know if it matters how your sata is setup in bios to install ubuntu 8.04? i.e. ahci/ide-enhanced/ide-compatible  I'm having problems loading ubuntu "using the second partition option" "use the entire drive or whatever is says..."14:21
|et`i think i figured it out14:21
jaysonHello people, nullmailer is a default application on hardy ? Or maybe someone have installed it ?14:21
onefunkscunizi, dunno... i used automatix to install it. i'm a relative novice and all my bad pc habits of not asking and paying little attention are paying off14:21
legend2440Reverend: post # 4 may help    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55289614:21
Jack_Sparrowzubu I dont have the time to walk you through it step by step.  Resize your ntfs and create the partitions you want..14:21
zubuKousotu i guess that deletes the entire HDD (which means it deletes Vista) to make space for Ubuntu!!!14:22
fellunanyone available for help in pm?14:22
atlef!automatix > onefunk:14:22
Kousotuzubu: not if you pay attention14:22
CrusterHi! I have a problem with my microphone recording: When I record from microphone, the computer captures both my voice and everything else that plays on my headphone. Can somebody help?14:22
scunizionefunk, did you use  automatix from some other site or synaptic ..?14:22
ReverendThe soundcard also isn't listed under asoundconf list14:22
used1jack ran the script got install: cannot stat `include/sound/*.h': No such file or directory14:23
used1make: *** [install-headers] Error 114:23
used1cp: cannot stat `./modules/snd-hda-intel.ko': No such file or directory14:23
Kousotuzubu: Ubuntu can RESIZE (not delete) NTFS partions14:23
Btb125I installed ubuntu along side vista the otherday, when i dual boot and load ubuntu i get the splash screen and then go into a commandline input but can not install ubuntu properly... somebody told me to try " $startx " the other day but nothing happened... anybody know a sollution?14:23
onefunkscunizi, i used the gui for automatix and chose vmware from the list14:23
timofound a file /usr/share/phpmyadmin/index.php14:23
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat What all have you done besides add the repo.. what did you try to install and do you also have proposed enabled etc14:23
recon61 Btb125: whan you say nothing happened what do you mean exactly , it must of said something14:23
TZMCruster: May be that your sound input, do you have "capture" enabled instead of "mic"? Check your sound configuration.14:23
scunizionefunk.. I'll ask again .. where did you get automatix?14:23
Jack_Sparrowused1 I said it was outdated, and that it had info on how the last alsa was compiled.14:24
CrusterI'll try TZM, thanks14:24
danbhfivetimo: are you using apache?14:24
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, I've tried to install skype only!14:24
KousotuJack_Sparrow: do ou know offhand where the "disc partioning tool" is on the live cd?14:24
TZMCruster: If you need more specifics let me know...14:24
onefunkscunizi, i installed automatix from synaptic some time ago14:24
Jack_Sparrowonefunk That was a really really bad idera.  restore from a backup prior to running automatix.14:24
zubuKousotu but i hv already made space for Ubuntu.i did a partition of 125Gb(which has Vista) and 25 Gb (for UBuntu) of 160 Gb hdd i have!!14:24
TZMKousotu: Are you thinking of "gparted"?14:24
Jack_SparrowKousotu system   admin   part ed14:24
atlefKousotu: it is called partition manager in the system menu14:24
timodanbhfive: yes im using apache i can see the files at localhost  , so how do i get index.php to show there14:24
Okysgreetings all froma aubuntu newbie14:25
CrusterTZM: I think I know how to check it14:25
KousotuTZM: probably, been a while14:25
Okyswho cant type14:25
Kousotuatlef: thank you14:25
atlefKousotu: *partition editor14:25
Jack_SparrowKousotu it is onlive but needs to be installed if you need it   sudo apt-get install gparted14:25
scunizionefunk, are you using Hardy or Gutsy?14:25
Kousotuzubu: do guided use FREE SPACE14:25
timodanbhfive its here /usr/share/phpmyadmin/14:25
scuniziJack_Sparrow, is automatix in the repos?14:25
Piciscunizi: no.14:25
scuniziPici, that's what I thought.14:26
onefunkscunizi, Gutsy14:26
recon61Btb125: maybe "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" might work14:26
Jack_Sparrowscunizi automatix is and never will be in the repos.. it is dead and never worked in the first place14:26
Jack_Sparrowis not14:26
used1what package should I install for kernel headers?14:27
ArashHemmatHi, my gnome crashed today,anyone have any idea?! I'm using hardy heron, I've added medibuntu reposity today! gnome crashes after I login, I've deleted all the config files but it didn't fix the problem!!!14:27
used1apt-get install kernel-headers?14:27
kerii have a pcmcia asus wireless card that is detected by doing a lspci, but its not working.  could someone show me how to troubleshoot it?  im thinking id have to blacklist the driver it thinks it needs and using the windows xp driver instead.14:27
Junkiehello all, i need help with my video drivers14:27
timohelpppppppppppppp :)14:27
scunizionefunk, you're problem may be automatix related... it has never been a good idea to use it.. I think you're suffering from that.  Without knowing how it's altered your system I can only suggest reinstalling Ubuntu.. don't use automatix in the future.14:27
used1in synaptic there is no headers pacckage for my kerenel14:27
TZMkeri: What is the chipset your wireless card uses?14:27
flaccidtimo, how did you go checking the httpd.conf?14:28
Junkieneed help with video14:28
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat How far into the system can you get?14:28
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience14:28
legend2440Reverend: in terminal type >>  cat /proc/asound/modules  what does that say?14:28
Junkieanyone with 915 resolution experience, please help14:28
keriTZM im not sure... it says RALink?  but the label on it says its a Asus WL-107 Wireless AP Card, which has Red Hat drivers available but not ubuntu ones.14:28
recon61keri: I found this page very helpfull  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118814:29
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, I can login, gnome panel and nautilus loads well and then after I try to open a floder system crashes!!!14:29
keriRaLink Wireless PCI Adapter RT2400 / RT246014:29
onefunkscunizi, say it ain't so. crap. is there no way of uninstalling vmware from the safe mode command line14:29
Reverend 0 snd_hda_intel14:29
Reverend 1 snd_usb_audio14:29
chapaii need a bit of help, i deleted the partition which had grub on it, and now am getting error 22 how do i fix this grub problem14:29
kerithats what linux says it is14:29
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat since you can get that far.. try this..  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)14:29
recon61keri: encrypthed network?14:29
scunizionefunk, unless you can get automatix to uninstall it for you..14:29
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
KousotuJack_Sparrow: was talkin about the live CD14:30
kerirecon61,  nope but it might be.  im doing this for a client14:30
Jack_Sparrowscunizi that is the problem.. you cant undo it14:30
legend2440Reverend: is the Lx 3000 a usb device?14:30
ReverendYes :)14:30
KousotuJack_Sparrow: I know it moved from fiesty ro Gutsy,didn't know if it moved again14:30
onefunkscunizi, if i'm in safe mode is it possible to use the desktop gui14:30
keriTZM, so whats up14:30
timoidone itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt14:30
scunizionefunk, automatix makes fundemenal changes to your system that.. as you've experienced.. can be detramental..14:30
timoi rock :) :(14:31
scunizionefunk, never tried.. maybe sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start14:31
Kousotutimo: apple iroll?14:31
Jack_SparrowKousotu I dont have a livecd of hardy handy .. but it should not be hard to find14:31
legend2440Reverend: and you want the lx3000 to be default? because right now the intel ids default14:31
timoKousotu: i done it.14:31
ReverendYes, i need the lx3000 to be the default :)14:31
TZMkeri: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo lshw -C network"?14:31
recon61keri: well first post the results of "lshw -C network" and see what dev name is and selected driver14:31
timoso simple lol14:31
KousotuJack_Sparrow: true, nither do I, I'm downloadng it14:31
legend2440Reverend: ok i sec14:31
scuniziJack_Sparrow, yep.. thanks.. I kinda figured he didn't know where he got it since he thought it was via synaptic.14:32
onefunkscunizi, thanks i'll give it a shot14:32
Outlanderhi, whats the easiest way to install ubuntu on 2 sata drives in raid1 (mirrored) ?14:32
mordofsfire: sweet :D ty again. i wandered off for a bit, lol. but good to know everything is working - this modem is suddenly a hell of alot better :314:32
timojust copy apache.conf to apache2.conf  lmaoo14:32
keriany one got the pastebin addy?14:32
scunizionefunk, np.. if you reinstall you might consider separating /home to it's own partition.. makes reinstalling easier without loosing all your info.14:32
Jack_Sparrowscunizi His sources will need to be reworked14:32
ron_how can i mount a windows drive that was not shut down properly14:32
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:32
zubuKousotu can you tell me how to make partitions for "/" and  "swap" from the 25Gb partition i already have for linux!!14:33
hs1hi, how can I set VideoRam option in hardy? I have i945 videochip and I'm using Hardy.14:33
KousotuWhat kernel is the CD's default, I need to fix xorg to replace the one thta will be installed14:33
Jack_Sparrowron_ go into windows and boot it twice or force it.. which can be hazardous to your data14:33
mgolischron_: use ntfsfix or better boot windows and check the filesystem using chkdsk14:33
legend2440Reverend: on this link go to section    Configuring default soundcards / stopping multiple soundcards from switching   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=2+sound+card+ubuntu+problem14:33
Kousotuzubu: listen to me, carefully. on GUIDED use FREE SPACE14:33
hormone9hsl you have to unhide the video options in the menus14:33
garydUbuntu 6.06 Desktop:  Anyone have a script to quickly and properly turn GUI Off, and then another to turn it back on?14:33
ron_won't boot to windows, it crashed lol14:34
Jack_Sparrowzubu If you already created a 25gog partition you cant.. if you have 25gig of unallocated space the installer will do it for you14:34
Jack_Sparrowron_ Let me find you a link14:34
legend2440Reverend: might be good idea to backup file before changing it14:34
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, http://pastebin.com/f29639c6414:34
hormone9I had the same problem, the video options menu I used in dapper wasn't there, so I had to go to system, preferences main menu and add it14:35
Kousotuand if it's not free, but empty, deletethe pario using gpartd14:35
recon61garyd: not sure about properly but you can try "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" and "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" , not even sure you need the sudo14:35
ReverendLegend, the file already contains options snd-usb-audio index=1, options snd-usb-usx2y index=2 and options snd-usb-caiaq index=314:35
keriTZM, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16403/14:36
garydthanks, will try it.14:36
KousotuStarting kenel for Hardy someone?14:36
alnoktahow to add a new ip from terminal ?14:36
zubukousotu but it shows Guided-resize SCSI1 (0,0,0). partition #2(sda) and use freed space. and the partition size bar asks me for a percentage out of 122.5Gb !!!!14:36
zubukousotu: are u sure i have to select it!!14:36
Jack_Sparrowron_ http://forum.notebookreview.com/archive/index.php/t-211958.html   sudo fdisk -l ...verify  the drive and partition you need to force mount ...  sudo mkdir /media/locked-drive then sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive substitute your drive for sda1 ... sudo mkdir /media/locked-drive then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive -o force  substitute your locked drive for sda114:36
kerirecon61, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16403/14:37
KousotuZubu YES!!!!!!14:37
garydRecommendation for best backup tool for 6.06?  Would prefer complete restorable backup, but would accept data only.14:37
legend2440Reverend: ok but to be default for a certain devive index must = zero14:37
scunizigaryd, partimage live cd14:37
Reverendso just switch snd-usb-audio to 0 and then change the rest so it increments in 1?14:37
legend2440Reverend: default device has to have index=014:37
Kousotugaryd: in windows, or linux?14:37
recon61keri: looks fine , post the output of iwconfig and ifconfig14:37
zubuKousotu : it shows "new partition size" how much shuld i select? 0-100%.?14:38
garydLinux, thanks14:38
garydis Partimage ON live CD?14:38
scunizigaryd, partimage will mirror your partitions.14:38
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, http://pastebin.com/f29639c6414:38
legend2440Reverend: 1 sec14:38
scunizigaryd, it's part of the "rescue cd"14:38
atlefgaryd: get partedmagic livecd14:38
kurumin<h1> ola gente?14:38
bazhang_!br | kurumin14:38
ubottukurumin: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:38
fellunhey, ubuntu installation seems to hang up on me in the middle by the partition part14:39
garydNo sure what rescue CD or partedmagic is....14:39
felluni just get "????????" and continue/go back14:39
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat What is that add-=on cd you were using..  also you need to re-enable the main, universe and multiverse repos14:39
GhostFish2Why when I run any of the synaptic update Manager or Add / Remove that I have permission issues ? Is there a way to run the program and have it load root permissions ?14:39
TZMkeri: OK if you do "lsmod | grep 2400" does it return something like "rt2400pci"?14:39
Kousotuzubu: tell it to leavepations in tact14:39
kuruminalgum hacking ai?14:39
fellunboth continue & go back gives me a blue screen with gray line where i can type stuff14:39
Kousotuyou should be ble t allocate FREE space to Ubuntu14:39
legend2440Reverend: yes14:39
scunizigaryd, here's a link for partimage. it also mentions and links to the system rescue cd  http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page14:40
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, that was "Homa" a local addon cd developed for local ubuntu users containing some usefull stuff14:40
ReverendStill no joy :|14:40
kuruminfala galéra blzx14:40
kuruminalgum hacking ai?14:40
Pici!br | kurumin14:40
ubottukurumin: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:40
bazhang_kurumin, english here plesae14:40
Libertine-Hi, my vista has a faulty driver which is stopping it from booting, can i use ubuntu to take ownership of windows files so i can delete the faulty driver?14:40
Outlanderanyone know the best way to install on a raid mirror?14:41
Libertine-i already have ubuntu installed, dual boot14:41
recon61TZM: from lshw -> configuration: broadcast=yes driver=rt2400pci  , think that what you checking14:41
legend2440Reverend: do more than 1 have index=0? and i think you need to reboot for change to take effect14:41
ArashHemmatack_Sparrow, note that I've upgraded from 7.10 to hardy14:41
ReverendAah right, i'll give that a shot14:41
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat It may well be the source of your problems too.14:41
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, sooooooo, what should I do now?!!!14:41
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat You also had old feisty repos in your list.. did you ever use feisty14:41
atlefLibertine-: well drivers have more then one file and the registry has references to those files, so i do not think it is possible14:42
hs1hormone9, I can not find the "video options menu"  in my menu nor in "Main menu"14:42
mr_boohi again14:42
TZMrecon61: Yes, thanks I saw that, I just wanted to be sure "lsmod" returned the same thing, because I've heard they can sometimes disagree...14:42
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, yes, I've upgraded from feisty14:42
mr_booi'd really like samba to work14:42
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat Is that cd available online...14:42
kuruminyou us my eggs?14:42
hormone9under main menu it should be under system I think14:42
KousotuStarting kernel for Hardy someone?14:42
mr_boowhen searching for a solution i found this :S , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/20952014:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209520 in nautilus "SMB error: Unable to mount location when server configured with security=share" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:42
Libertine-thanks atlef14:42
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat Did you upupgrade from feisty to gusty then hardy?14:42
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, I'm not sure!14:43
hormone9try screen and graphics14:43
fellunnobody could help me? :(14:43
mr_boofellun: i maybe can14:43
KousotuStarting kernel for Hardy someone?14:43
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, no no! I've installed gutsy then upgraded to hardy!14:43
atlefLibertine-: your best bet is to try and boot the vista dvd, and try the recovery option14:43
mr_boofellun: ok14:43
keriTZM, yes it does.  it lists all the diffrent rt2x0014:43
Libertine-i don't have a vista DVD! :(14:44
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat then there is no reason for feisty repos to still be in your list...  so somthing does not add up14:44
keriwlan0 has wireless extensions14:44
keriiwconfig does14:44
KousotuLibertine-: F8 on win bot, it should have options14:44
Libertine-my laptop came with a system restore partition, it has this lame wizard for reinstalling, it crashes everytime14:44
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, oook, I'm deleting them now! but I don't think this fix the problem!14:44
Libertine-I can't boot in safe mode14:44
bazhang_ArashHemmat, you use automatix?14:45
TZMkeri: OK, so you're driver is loaded correctly, can you do a "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" and see any networks?14:45
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat Deleting them now will not help.. I agree14:45
ArashHemmatbazhang_, no!14:45
Libertine-I have tried literally everything, except an original vista installation disc14:45
KousotuLibertine-: you have an "anytimeupgrade DVD"?14:45
hs1hormone9: no lucky, is there some way to specify video ram via console?14:45
Libertine-biope Kousotu14:45
atlefLibertine-: then you have a laptop with recovery dvd/cd maybe. if so you maybe need to install it all over. backup in ubuntu and go14:45
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, if you want to know more about Home addon CD : Jack_Sparrow, if you want to know14:45
KousotuLibertine-: pm me14:45
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14269714:45
recon61keri: have you tried setting you connection up in network manager?14:45
keriTZM, yes i see my network F-3 Computers14:45
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat While you are in there.. fix main, universe and multiverse14:45
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, oook14:46
recon61keri: and does the wireless device show?14:46
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat Is that cd available online...14:46
TZMrecon61: The more I think about it though, I don't see how "lsmod" and his lshw could disagree--I must have gotten that idea from a bad source.14:46
* Kousotu will be helping Libertine- in pm14:46
ReverendHey Legend, still no joy :(14:46
Kousotucan someone give me the kernel version for Hardy's CD inim please?14:46
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, I don't think so! previuos versions was! but I'm not sure about the current version14:47
Kousotuin pm*14:47
bazhang_ArashHemmat, that looks very much like automatix with the scripts and all-->likely the source of your problems14:47
kerirecon61, i did a sudo iwlist wlan0 scan and see my network available14:47
TZMkeri: So can you simply go into System > Admin > Network and connect with your wireless card?14:47
Alsarcan I just downgrade to ubuntu 32bit or do I have to reformat and reinstall ubuntu?14:47
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat That script looks as bad or worse that automatix ever was...  I would suggest a reinstall14:47
ArashHemmatbazhang_, maybe! but It was working for more than 3 months without problem!!!14:47
bazhang_Alsar, reinstall14:47
Alsarbazhang_:  ok thx14:47
TZMkeri: Make sure you only enable the wireless interface, and disable the ethernet, in the Network program...14:47
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, ooooh! nooo!14:47
magentari have problems running sdl games: the mouse pointer is uncontrolable. after a few milliseconds it always gets moved to the corners of window/fullscreen.14:48
legend2440Reverend: you changed that file etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base as root right? so changes were saved?14:48
magentartryed different versions/different mouse drivers14:48
=== buckhill`lunch is now known as buckhill`work
Jack_Sparrowbazhang_ Wanna laugh or cry..   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14269714:48
ReverendI'll paste my entire file14:48
bazhang_Jack_Sparrow, saw it :)14:48
kerithe only thing i can do is disable roaming mode on my hardwired connection14:48
recon61TZM: it never that simple , spent days getting wpa working on a rt2561 , and still think i have issues14:48
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat Dont use those shortcut scripts, they almost always come back to haunt you14:49
legend2440Reverend: sorry that was the only idea i had. i guess you should change file back the way it was14:49
legend2440Reverend: ok14:49
bazhang_ArashHemmat, no need for that these days14:49
ReverendLegend, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16406/14:49
TZMkeri: Does your wireless interface even listed as an option in Network program?14:49
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, I will never do it again!14:49
kerii have 3 things.  one is wireless connection, wired connection and modem conection14:49
Jack_SparrowArashHemmat Wish we could help.. but after running that...  I would not know where to start14:50
TZMrecon61: And were you able to use the native modules with Hardy or did you have to go with ndiswrapper?14:50
ArashHemmatbazhang_, if you were living in a country which don't let people have more than 128kb in their home, you would use these stuff!!!14:50
recon61keri: so unlock the manager and turn on your wirless card14:50
bazhang_ArashHemmat, PM?14:50
keriunlock the manager? howto14:50
ArashHemmatJack_Sparrow, thank you very much, you helped me a lot, I will try a little bit more to fix it14:50
kerithe checkboxes are all greayed out14:51
legend2440Reverend: i just wonder if the line that says options snd-usb-audio index=-2 is nullifying the line you added that says options snd_usb_audio index=014:51
kerion the 3 connections.14:51
amen1I install ubuntu and xp on my laptop, but now i can not boot up xp , and when i boot ubuntu it prompts that  there is diffrence between boot sector and its backup. Any one  knows how to fix ,so i can boot xp?14:51
recon61TZM: at the end i really not sure, I could not use the windows drivers as i did not have a windows partition , might be the serial-monkey driver or stock drivers14:51
GhostFish2Why when I run any of the synaptic update Manager or Add / Remove that I have permission issues ? Is there a way to run the program and have it load root permissions ?14:51
TZMkeri: Hit the "administrator" button or whatever it's called... I can't see it right now because I'm in KDE.14:51
recon61keri: click the unlock button and put in your password14:51
ReverendBut, you will notice that the one is - and one is _14:51
legend2440Reverend: yes i see that thats why i'm not sure14:52
kerirecon61, in the network settings?14:52
anirudh0Jack_Sparrow, the project appears to be dead..where did he get the malicious scripts from?14:52
Reverendso if i remove the _ entry, and just try switching the snd-usb-audio to 0, and take it from there14:52
Reverendnot going to lose anything from it i guess14:52
=== ugarit_ is now known as ugarit
TZMrecon61: If you ever need to try ndiswrapper, you can always get your Windows drivers off the web somewhere.14:53
legend2440Reverend: you could try commenting out the other line wit # in front and reboot14:53
hccmbamen1 : you could boot from xp cdrom and run fixmbr , but that would take away the grub loader for ubuntu14:53
Reverendthe _ one?14:53
kerii already downloaded ndiswrapper and the windows xp drivers for this card incaswe you all cant help me get the native dvrs to work14:53
recon61keri: well, from memory, open network manger , click unlock , enter password, select wireless device, select setting / properties14:53
micohhi guys. can anyone tell me why i can't use hostnames on ubuntu hardy? it only lets me use ip addresses. any special config i have to do? i'm in a lan where ip addresses are given out by a router automatically.14:53
legend2440Reverend: i would try commenting out the options snd-usb-audio index=-2 line with # and reboot14:54
kerirecon61, i dont see any unlock button14:54
hccmbamen1 : here is some explaineation on how to go about it http://amazingrando.wordpress.com/2007/04/05/fixmbr-is-your-friend/14:54
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
kerii must be under network settings instead of network manager?14:54
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:54
hccmbor this one14:55
recon61keri: well can you get the settings for you wireless card, like ssid , encryption ip address ect?14:55
anirudh0micoh, add the hostnames to /etc/hosts...will allow you to specify ip's by their aliases14:55
kerirecon61, yes if i disable roaming mode14:55
Kousotucan someone give me the kernel version for Hardy's CD in pm please?14:55
recon61keri: yes , now see what encryption you can select14:56
kerirecon61, if i have to disable roaming mode then i cant do this14:56
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages14:56
TZMkeri: Are in Hardy or Gutsy?14:56
ubottuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents14:56
keriif my customer that has 0 skills in linux has to configure their wireless network.  im in Gutsy14:56
ubottuFactoid info not found14:56
recon61keri: just want to see if you card driver giving you all the different types of encryption , you can turn roaming on again later14:57
keriwhy go upgrade when there is nothing new in the lts14:57
kerirecon61, ya let me do that just a sec14:57
Kousotukeri: plenty ne in hardy14:57
gregLi need to start hardy with out the x server..how do i do that?14:57
Kousotuctrl + alt + f2?14:57
mr_boouhm, *cough*, could someone help me with file share between xubuntu and ubuntu (both hardy)14:58
algyzHi, I don't have any sound on kdetv 0.8.9. There's sound on xawtv and tvtime. When I'm starting from terminal: http://www.paste.lt/paste/74e66ce7fd57338d9c8e0b7c225127df  (first part). Distro is 8.04, with Gnome.14:58
hormone9have you checked your mixer settings?14:58
gregL<Kousotu> do i do that from the gnome?14:58
AcornAcornhow do i connect to and permenently mount a SMB windows samba network share, preferably from the command lin14:58
recon61keri: I not really sure what you wireless problem is?14:58
kerirecon61, ok i configured F-3 Computers for dhcp and the icon now has changed for the better14:58
KousotugregL: boot, login scren, hit that14:59
Kousotumightbe another way but that is the only one I know14:59
gregL<Kousotu> ok thanks...14:59
Kousotu{ñ}ø Prøߣë{M} 14:59
keriill be back i have to see if it will pick it up now r not.  im using the same pc as im talking on14:59
studenteSorry, What's the quickest way to upgrade Kernel to Ubuntu?14:59
studenteAny way to do that with a packet manager?14:59
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
recon61keri: you may need to put setting in if the network is encrypted15:00
* Kousotu posts disclaimer "Mirc is scripted, not seeting those of onpurpose"15:00
zeno_ how can you test the length of an avi?15:00
philsfmr_boo: have you read the link I gave you?15:00
Kousotucan someone give me the kernel version for Hardy's CD in pm please?15:00
mordofhmm? how would i grab that Kousotu?15:00
Kl4m!msgthebot | Kousotu15:01
ubottuKousotu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.15:01
Kousotuuame -a?15:01
mr_boophilsf: yeah, quickly but i think i want samba after all15:01
bazhang_uname -r15:01
philsfmr_boo: then read about samba15:01
ReverendStill no joy, completely removed it from the list this time Legend15:01
KousotuKl4m: I tried a few I thought might have that info, they did not15:02
legend2440Reverend: in terminal   cat /proc/asound/modules what does it say now?15:02
mr_boophilsf: to me it appeared as nfs wasn't compatible with nautilus15:02
Kl4mKousotu: boot a cd, uname -r15:02
Jack_SparrowKousotu Once again, please lose the graphic comment lines15:02
ReverendJust listing,  0 snd_hda_intel15:02
recon61so can anyone explain to my why i cant login to hotmail, or use paste bin ?15:02
KousotuKl4m: I a burning the CD just as soon as I remember what my ISO burning tool is15:03
philsfmr_boo: you need to read the instructions on how to share on xubuntu, this is #ubuntu15:03
legend2440Reverend: did you backup the alsa-base file?15:03
Jack_SparrowKousotu isorecorder is a good one for windows15:03
* Kousotu posts disclaimer "Mirc is scripted, not seeting those of onpurpose" < Jack_Sparrow15:03
ReverendYes legend15:03
KousotuI should HAVE one already15:03
legend2440Reverend: you may want to restore old one15:03
philsfmr_boo: or do it manually15:04
ReverendWill do and reboot15:04
Jack_SparrowKousotu Turn off the script... now15:04
legend2440Reverend: ok15:04
bazhang_!it | dm105815:04
ubottudm1058: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:04
philsf!samba | mr_boo15:04
ubottumr_boo: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:04
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)15:04
studenteWhat kernel does Hardy uses by default?15:04
duski have a problem...sometimes my computer lock down without any reason15:04
duskos[Linux 2.6.24-17-generic i686] distro[Debian Ubuntu] cpu[1 x Mobile AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3600+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 800MHz] mem[Physical: 1.7GB, 81.3% free] disk[Total: 19.9GB, 67.7% free] video[nVidia Corporation MCP51 PCI-X GeForce Go 6100] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]15:04
natalisushkaHi guys! I am having a problem with my gnome desktop (Ubuntu 7.10) . Nautilus only opens for less than a second and closes! I can't see the contents of my desktop, and can't even right click on the desktop. I uninstalled. gnome, having kubuntu, and reinstalled everything but still the same problem. Everything works fine on kubuntu. Please help me know what's the problem15:04
sriramomannatalisushka, try creating a new user and check if the same happens then15:06
duski have a problem...sometimes my computer lock down without any reason15:07
Landonare there any good utils to import photos off of a camera? I'vebeen using Fspot, but its features are lacking in that area15:07
recon61dusk: I was getting the same , been a day since my last lockup. are you getting locked mouse and keyboard, flashing num-lock and cap-lock lights?15:07
sriramomandusk, are u on a laptop?15:07
dusksriramoman, yes laptop15:07
ReverendOk, im back Legend :)15:07
duski installed linux mint some days ago and it alsa had the same problem15:07
bazhang_dusk you are on mint now?15:08
hormone9Anyone try to get any Garmin GPS working in ubuntu?15:08
hormone9Just checking15:08
Jack_Sparrownatalisushka there is a last resort way of clearing gnome .. let me know if it comes to that..15:08
legend2440Reverend: read last post here and tell me what you think https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15348115:08
duskbazhang_, no ubuntu15:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 153481 in alsa-driver "[GUTSY] snd-usb-audio drive fails for Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000" [Undecided,New]15:08
sfirehormone9: what do you mean by "work"15:08
sriramomanrecon61, dusk that happens when either u run compositin(compiz etc) on a computer, where the graphics card is not well supported or due to kernel panics15:08
hormone9pull tracks15:08
duskrecon61, yes mouse and keyboard is locked also...ctrl alt backspace doesn't working15:08
hormone9and view data15:08
sfirehormone9: yes.. it can read the serial data15:08
hormone9I use an Edge 305 for cycling15:08
sfirebecause its nothing but serial data15:09
hormone9is't USB though15:09
hormone9and when I plug it in it doesn't identify it15:09
legend2440Reverend: is      cat /proc/asound/modules   back to the way it was?15:09
bazhang_Landon, what about digikam15:09
dusksriramoman, i closed visual effects on menu..is there any other thing for me to do?15:09
sriramomandusk, thats it. just verify ur xorg.conf and disable compositing, and dont try to use "more pleasing gfx" again15:09
ReverendYes Legend15:09
sfirehormone9: then you'll have to play more.  I'm willing to bed that is a USB serial interface15:09
legend2440Reverend: ok good15:09
natalisushkasriramoman Ok15:09
dusksriramoman, let me check my xorg.conf15:09
sriramomandusk, dont touch anything with high 3d like googleearth compositing etc again after u have done this.15:10
ReverendWhat do you suggest i do then Legend, just pop snd-card-0 snd-usb-audio in the aliases?15:11
dusksriramoman, let me send you my xorg.conf15:11
Landonbazhang_: thanks, let me try that15:11
sriramomandusk, ok15:11
lordnoiddoes anyone know the name of the dock thats being used in ear os?15:11
sriramomannatalisushka, u too send ur xorg.conf15:11
obviouspointI'm known to emulate old processes -ies, that were abandoned.  On old architecture.15:12
natalisushkaJack_Sparrow:  What do you mean?15:12
Slartlordnoid: looks like another one of those mac-like docks.. kiba perhaps?15:12
dusksriramoman, check it please http://pastebin.com/d3d47c4e15:12
bazhang_lordnoid, got a screenshot?15:12
sriramomannatalisushka, dusk either thru pastebin or direct send as a file, dont paste here15:12
natalisushkasriramoman: One moment15:12
Slartbazhang_: http://www.earos.dk/15:12
legend2440Reverend: yes it sounds like he used alias lines in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases file15:12
sriramomandusk, i'll be back to u15:12
Jack_Sparrownatalisushka http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/15:12
dusksriramoman, ok15:12
bazhang_!awn | lordnoid15:13
ubottulordnoid: Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that  positions itself at the bottom  of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/  Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and  in Universe  in Hardy15:13
lordnoidi tried awn but its different hehe15:13
legend2440Reverend: to kind of fool it into switching card order15:13
cdchow do you delete a bridge interface  ( I just asked this 5 mins ago but my gui locked up and I apologize for repeating)15:13
Jack_Sparrowlordnoid cairo-dock or kiba-dock15:13
lordnoidawn groups the windows different as OSX15:13
legend2440Reverend: or device order15:13
lordnoidok thanks :)15:13
bazhang_cairo-dock or kiba-dock then lordnoid15:13
natalisushkasriramoman: here's my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/mb11d75b15:14
sriramomandusk, u are using the proprietery driver. we can do nothing about it. there has been this history of crashes with nvidia drivers, however dont discard this driver. just restart the comp once u encounter this problem and switch off 3d and other things if u are doing something very serious.15:14
ReverendSo just do put alias snd-card-0 snd-usb-audio and alias snd-card-0 snd-usb-audio, at the bottom?15:15
* Kousotu runs for jrib15:15
dusksriramoman, what is this problem about? nvidia propierty drivers? or compiz fusion?15:15
bazhang_Kousotu, you were asked to disable that script several times15:16
sriramomannatalisushka, same goes to u too. just that u will encounter the problems more frequently. because ATI CARDS ACTUALLY SUCK, THOUGH MINE, VIA, SUCK MORE.15:16
jpds!ohmy | sriramoman15:16
sriramomandusk, drivers. but the remedy is regular driver update.15:16
geniiJack_Sparrow: I suspect they ran sudo nautilus at some point. Should just chown or rm ~/.nautilus15:16
ubottusriramoman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:17
keriTZM, hello.  it works but i have to setup a manual connection in order ofr it to work15:17
dusksriramoman, thanks for the help15:17
Jack_Sparrowgenii sudo nautilus is a terible idea15:17
legend2440Reverend: not sure if where you put lines matters but i  would add 3 lines though one spelled with - and one spelled wit _. understand what i mean?15:17
mzuverinkPardon me, but how do I get the icons to appear next to specific file type in dir listing in apache2?  Thanks in advance15:17
sriramomanubottu, sorry15:17
ubottuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you.15:17
TZMkeri: Well unless the computer is going to be moved around, why would you need roaming mode?15:17
ubottuFactoid 6to4 not found15:18
bazhang_sriramoman, she's a bot15:18
geniiJack_Sparrow: Yes, but there are still quite a few howtos out there that have it in the instructions, etc.15:18
LynetDang. Anyone have a good howto for setting up a ip 6to4 gateway on my local network?15:18
keriTZM, it will be moved around as it is a laptop15:18
mzuverinkand a sexy bot at that, smart too15:18
sriramomanEverybody, just note that compositing etc works best with intel chipsets as they are advanced like nvidea, yet they have open drivers.15:18
sriramomanbazhang_, i know that, but i feel for what i said15:19
detrateAnyone know how to change the color of links in gnome?15:19
keriTZM, so should i now use the windows drivers and try and blacklist the native drivers?15:19
detratelinks in application windows15:19
detraterather than the default blue15:19
legend2440Reverend: one spelled    snd-usb-audio and other spelled snd_usb_audio like cat /proc/asound/modules returns15:19
keriTZM, I THOUGHT there is a on off switch for roaming mode15:19
lucconsnon riesco a rimuovere il pacchetto msttcorefonts15:20
sriramomankeri, the drivers supplied with linux are the same as those supplied with windows, so thats y u can observe the same security holes here.15:20
TZMkeri: There is an on/off switch for roaming mode under "properties" in that Network program....15:20
bazhang_sriramoman, and thanks for the point about the intel cards :)15:20
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
keriTZM, i dont understand why when its turned on that i cannot pickup any wireless networks to choose from, but i can manually punch in the essid and it works.  how stupid15:21
recon69keri: cant really help as i dont use network-manager, but you should be able to roam, maybe disable the wired card.15:21
TZMkeri: That's how roaming mode works--it picks the open network for you. If you want to choose the network, take it out of roaming mode.15:21
mordofdoes anyone know why when i try to ssh into ubuntu server (clean install) it takes almost 20 seconds to respond intiially to the user login?15:22
sriramomanbazhang_, the new HCL PCs ( hclinfosystems.in ) are guaranteed to work with ubuntu and have the most compatible hardware by default, if you buy one with intel processor(i mean that the card would also be by default intel's). i've never seen compositing smoother than that in any other vendors' hardware, including dell's15:22
ReverendNo joy Legend15:22
legend2440Reverend: what does cat /proc/asound/modules say now?15:22
cesar_hi world15:22
FruitJoyhello there!15:23
Reverend 0 snd_hda_intel15:23
Reverend 1 snd_usb_audio15:23
keriive done this before but had to blacklist the native drivers to get the window ones to work.  i had to punch in a one liner code to get it to turn on then after a few reboots it automatically started working like a charm, picking up on 2 different wireless netowrks to choose from.  i dont get it.15:23
Grim76__mordof: Try turning off reverse mapping.15:23
bazhang_will bookmark sriramoman :)15:23
mordofGrim76__: how? lol15:23
recon69this is really annoying, can only use about half the web, pages keep getting stuck15:23
FruitJoyanyone can help me with the configuration of ATI drivers?15:23
TZMTZM: Are you saying when you turn OFF roaming mode, you have not wireless networks to choose from in the Network program?15:23
legend2440Reverend: did you spell it  snd_usb_audio or snd-usb-audio in aliases?15:23
TZMkeri:  ^^\15:24
cesar_how can I install other screen resolution in my laptop, I have the default resultion76815:24
kerioff or on i dont get any list to appear, only the one command in terminal listed the available networks to pick15:24
Reverendthe dashes legend15:24
recon69keri: when it roams you not supposed to pick the network15:24
FruitJoyin the login window, it ask me to configure by myself the X server, but after i chose the display, and graphic card, it doesn't keep the changes15:24
TZMkeri: OK, I think I know what the problem is then... is "wlan0" listed in your /etc/network/interfaces file?15:25
recon69keri: you should just have connection15:25
legend2440Reverend: i think what you enter in aliases has to match what cat /proc/asound/modules says exactly15:25
Reverendokie doke, ill give that a shot15:25
legend2440Reverend: so underscores15:25
kerii have 2 wireless netoworks.  one is a friggin bar up the street and one is in our shop , i want to pick the one in our shop15:25
TZMkeri: Please see my previous post...15:25
legend2440Reverend: underscores in both15:26
ReverendShould it read snd-card-1, or with underscores?15:26
keriso i dont want it to just connect.  ok ill do that TZN15:26
ReverendIE: alias snd-card-1 snd_hda_intel15:26
legend2440Reverend: yes same as cat /proc/asound/modules says15:26
Reverendit doesn't say anything with regards to snd-card15:26
legend2440Reverend: yes15:26
TZMkeri: That was a question--is "wlan0" listed in your /etc/network/interfaces file?15:26
ReverendYes what? :)15:26
FruitJoyanyone can help me please?15:27
chmod077hello =)15:27
legend2440Reverend: spell it  snd_hda_intel and snd_usb_audio15:27
Grim76__mordof: Try adding a line to your sshd_config that reads "UseDNS no"15:27
ReverendYes, but what about snd-card15:27
Reverendshould i do snd-card, or snd_card15:27
eraldois there a irc channel where I can ask questions about xterm ?15:27
mordofGrim76__: kk15:27
keriTZM, NO ITS NOT THERE.   btw  how do i not save changes and exit in vi?15:27
bazhang_eraldo, bash or other?15:28
Grim76__mordof: Keep in mind that you will have to restart ssh so it will take effect.15:28
legend2440Reverend: i think that was for that guys computer. he was using gutsy15:28
kodekeri :q!15:28
lordnoiddoes anyone know how to get a column-view (like in os x) in nautilus15:28
Reverendso should keep snd-card? :)15:28
kerikode, thanks15:28
mordofGrim76__: bah.. should be interesting while doing it through ssh, lol15:28
Baron1984ok, those Slowlaris people don't like me much15:28
legend2440Reverend: no don't think it applies to hardy15:29
recon69kode: keri :q! -> quits without saving15:29
Baron1984Mention that ZFS is a cpu hog and they react like you just ran over their mother15:29
bazhang_Baron1984, not here please15:29
jriblordnoid: view -> view as list ?15:29
TBotNikAll, Guess nobody had their coffee when I piped in first time and said "Morning, Any CVS gurus available to work on a Sourceforge implementation problem?".  So are we all awake now?15:29
Slartlordnoid: column view? there's a view-mode-changer-thingy on the right side.. near the top, I think15:29
koderecon69, that's what he asked15:29
ReverendWhat should i put then? :)15:29
eksohellos! anyone knows why i can't find opera browser with synaptic? even having the ubuntu partner repos turned on?15:29
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser15:30
amorphous__anyone know if grub2 has a version number of 1.96???15:30
lordnoidthats what i meant15:30
legend2440Reverend: ok wait i sec let me check something15:30
Baron1984I don't believe there is an Opera for x86-64 though, could be why it isn't there?15:30
Chestguys, how can I run a wine program as root?  the program needs to open a socket, but running sudo wine program gives me "wine: /home/elam/.wine is not owned by you"15:30
natashasriramoman, Hi, I created anther user but still having the same problem15:30
natashasriramoman, Also did you check my xorg.conf?15:31
eksoJack_Sparrow indeed, i've read exactly that page, and have that repository turned on. I don't want to download a deb, i much rather would install with synaptic15:31
Baron1984Well, Envy is breaking my Geforce 7 quite badly15:31
IamSOGcan ubuntu install and boot from SD Card ?15:31
Baron1984Think Compiz Fusion, but at 640 x 48015:31
eraldobazhang_: bash15:31
sriramomannatasha, xorg.conf would not affect nautilus15:31
SlartChest: don't run wine as root.. just don't15:31
Jack_Sparrow!info opera15:31
ubottuopera (source: opera): The Opera Web Browser. In component partner, is optional. Version 9.27-20080331.6hardy1 (hardy), package size 5544 kB, installed size 12836 kB (Only available for i386)15:31
bazhang_eraldo, here or in #bash15:31
natashasriramoman, I was logged in as natalisushka15:32
recon69kode: you may want to add "auto wlan0" and "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" to your /etc/network/interfaces file15:32
natashasriramoman, So why did you ask me for my xorg?15:32
IamSOGcan ubuntu install and boot from SD Card ?15:32
Baron1984Nevermind, there *IS* a 64-bit Opera DEB for Ubuntu15:32
sriramomannatasha, oh! sorry15:32
eraldobazhang_: ah nice... that is what I was looking for15:32
recon69keri i mean15:32
koderecon69, I think you are talking to the wrong person :)15:32
Baron1984but it is a beta15:32
sriramomannatasha, i dint call out ur name while telling ur problem.15:32
Baron1984so up to you...15:32
kerirecon69, i see it15:32
recon69text moves to fast in channel :15:32
Jack_SparrowIamSOG I dont think so unless it will boot from sd card15:32
eksoJack_Sparrow duh! sorry, i forgot this is a 64bit install, the 32 was on the laptop. no opera for 64 yet :(15:33
eksothanks anyway!15:33
Baron1984ekso: If you feel like trying your hand at a beta, there is a 64-bit Opera15:33
Baron1984has been one for a while15:33
IamSOGyeah Jack_Sparrow aahhh Jack_Sparrow!!!! what's up captain; oh yeah, my friend ask me if I can help him install a linux on SD card and boot from it15:33
amorphous__I'm having issues with grub2 --- it comes up with a grub command line. Grub-install said that it had found os's and set it all up, but no joy. I think I may have set it up as for a separate boot partition though. (ie grub install hd0) when I don't have a separate boot partition (at least i don't think I do) --- how do i find out if I do (mothing in fdisk) and how do i fix the problem if I have messed it up?15:33
natashaSo sriramoman, what do you think my problem is? I changed the user, still can access all other apps, except for desktop, right click and nautilus15:33
amorphous__anyone know...???15:33
legend2440Reverend: is your nick registered? if so can i PM you?15:33
sriramomannatasha, i had mentioned that ATI has a worse driver than nvidea, so u will face more problems than the other person15:33
ReverendI'll register it now, 2 seconds15:33
Jack_SparrowIamSOG Is this an external card reader?15:34
=== Reverend is now known as ReverendUK
sriramomannatasha, i forgot his name15:34
Baron1984sriramoman: Not true, I have a Radeon, two of them15:34
Baron1984the driver issue has been recently sorted out15:34
natashaI didn't read his problem15:34
natashaAnyway .. what can I do! please someone help :(15:34
KohlyKohlI removed the 169 NVidia driver and installed the new 173 driver. X would not start, so I removed that and reinstalled 169 from apt. Now that does not work! Any ideas?15:34
ReverendUKOk legend, registered15:35
Baron1984AMD has kicked major butt with the Radeon drivers, under ATI they barely functioned at all15:35
AcornAcornhow do you navigate to mounts in terminal?15:35
IamSOGI am not sure if it's external Jack_Sparrow15:35
sriramomanBaron1984, there are still some problems but it is rare that it causes kernel panics, and moreover there is a possiblility that natasha has not completely updated her system.15:35
Jack_SparrowIamSOG There is a possibility that an external usb card reader can see an sdcard as a flash drive and if bootable be used for that15:35
keriman it wont let me save it15:35
Jack_SparrowIamSOG pendrivelinux.com15:35
Jack_Sparrow!sudo keri15:35
ubottuFactoid sudo keri not found15:35
natashasriramoman, So do you suggest I update?15:36
Jack_Sparrow!sudo | keri15:36
ubottukeri: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.15:36
Jack_Sparrowkeri see also gksudo15:36
Baron1984sriramoman: I have Compiz Fusion, and Linux and Windows get nearly the same benchmarks (talking about XP, Vista throws OpenGL performance right out the window) ;)15:36
kerihow do i gui sudo15:36
sriramomannatasha, yes15:36
recon69keri: use "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces "15:36
Slart!gksudo | recon6915:36
ubotturecon69: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:36
Jack_Sparrowrecon69 please use gksudo gedit not sudo15:36
janerikfile sharing problems. I share folders, but can not see them from other computers connected to the same router15:36
natashaI am in the process . Found 147 updates15:36
lordnoiddoes anyone know how to get this view: http://tinyurl.com/3npygx in ubuntu15:36
lordnoidin nautilus :P15:37
AcornAcornhow do you navigate to mounts in terminal?15:37
AcornAcornwhere is the mounts folder?15:37
sriramomanBaron1984, i am not using radeon. i am telling her about a problem that my frnz in another channel told me last week. it could be that it has been resolved now.15:37
KohlyKohlI removed the 169 NVidia driver and installed the new 173 driver. X would not start, so I removed that and reinstalled 169 from apt. Now that does not work! Any ideas?15:37
TZMamorphous__: Have you looked at your /boot/grub/menu.lst file? Maybe pastebin that to make sure that's not your problem.15:37
kerigedit not found!15:37
Jack_SparrowAcornAcorn cd /media/sda1  ?15:37
lordnoidAcornAcorn: /media15:37
Baron1984of course ATI was always more worried about having a few angry corporate customers, while AMD has always supported Linux15:37
AcornAcornOH! media, i was trying to navigate to /mount :(15:38
lordnoidno we like to be different15:38
Jack_SparrowAcornAcorn assuming that is where they are ounted.. most are15:38
Baron1984they've even gone back and fixed stuff that hasn't even been supported in 3 years, that never worked right in Linux15:38
sfiremy ATI card works perfectly :)15:38
sfireeven with compiz15:38
sriramomanBaron1984, i am using what is supposedly the first graphics card that has some certain 3d engines and hyperthreading features, and is in collaboration with amd-VIA but mine is also the most neglected hardware15:38
hank221i am new to ubuntu and I am trying to set up dual monitors, can someone help?15:39
AcornAcornJack_Sparrow: yeah, i just editied fstab and located it there15:39
Slart!dualhead | hank221, here's some info15:39
ubottuhank221, here's some info: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:39
Baron1984Well, the Nvidia Linux drivers don't support some of the Geforce 9's yet15:39
hank221slart: thank you15:39
Slarthank221: I can't help you much further since I only use one monitor myself.. but ask away in the channel if you have any questions15:39
Grim76__mordof: Did that work for you?15:39
Baron1984bleeding edge stuff takes a while, especially when Fedora is on a mission to break everyone's "stuff"15:39
PTBDtoday is the first day that i use ubuntu. i got it all set up. after using it a while a pop up was shown that i should use the nvidia drivers15:40
PTBDi installed them but the icon keeps poping up15:40
IamSOGthanks Jack_Sparrow the camptain :D  pendrivelinux.com I will check that out, hope I can find a nice one for his laptop15:40
PTBDdid i something wrong?15:40
recon69keri: well I would suggest "sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces"15:40
sriramomannatasha, did u update?15:40
hormone9did you enable them in the "restricted drivers" panel15:40
bazhang_PTBD, is there a problem with your resolution now?15:41
PTBDno wait.15:41
natashasriramoman, Still in the process15:41
chunanyone there?15:41
PTBDthere is nor problem. i activated the drivers15:41
natashasriramoman, I will inform you when it's done15:41
sriramomannatasha, ok15:41
chunwhenever i set extra effects, my computer hangs.15:41
=== dkT_ is now known as dkT
chunwhenever i set extra effects, my computer hangs.15:41
sriramomanchun, what card?15:41
PTBDbut the icon is still shown15:41
chunAsus ATI Radeon 1950X15:42
natashasriramoman, By the way, do you know why, although I installed network-manager-vpnc and pptp and openvpn and all the dependencies, why can't I see an option to create a vpn connection when I click on the network icon?15:42
natashasriramoman, I had it before I reinstalled my system15:42
chunin hardware testing, it says "impossible with fglrx15:42
sriramomannatasha, i have *never* been able to run vpn successfully in my life15:42
natashasriramoman, it worked fine before!15:43
sriramomanchun, how much is ur VRAM?15:43
natashasriramoman, Even worked after I reinstalled my system, and then when all this mess happened this option also disappeared!15:43
sriramomannatasha, pls, i dont know about vpn, as it has never ever wrkd in my sys.15:43
chunanyone help?15:44
sriramomanchun, pls update ur drivers15:44
natashasriramoman, Ok.15:44
natashaGuys, anyone here can help me setting up vpn on my ubuntu?15:44
chunerr anyone help?15:44
jbroomenatasha: which vpn?15:45
sriramomanchun, pls complete what i asked u to do before u start screaming15:45
bazhang_chun, you were asked to update your drivers15:45
LynetAnyone have a good howto for setting up a 6to4 ip gateway on my local network?15:46
vltHello. How can I configure the screen resolution X should use? I tried `dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` bit that only asks me for keyboard settings. Where's the dialog where I can enable/disable the screen resolutions?15:46
natashabazhang_, I am using vpn pptp, with gateway IP. Before I installed network-manager-pptp, openvpn and vpnc (I don't know the difference) .. and I had an vpn option listed when clicking on the network icon in Ubuntu Gnome. Now it's gone, although everything I installed before is installed now!15:46
=== andres is now known as fr500
LogicalDashWhen Evolution quotes the original message, it either puts it in a table that makes it impossible to make visually distinct inline comments, or with Outlook style it doesn't even put carets in front of quoted text, making it impossible to make visually distinct inline comments. Can I get it to put the carets in front, but *not* put the original message in a table?15:47
sriramomanvlt, can u pls show me ur /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:47
chunanyone help?15:47
chunplease help <:15:47
sriramomanchun, pls leave this room15:47
Pici!ask | chun15:47
ubottuchun: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:47
biopo1Hi, how do I send a program to start at a specific monitor?15:47
recon69vlt: have you look in system->preferances->screen resolution15:48
bazhang_chun, you have been helped15:48
dlozariehi, can anyone help me with my Acer drivers?15:48
chuni just crashed15:48
bazhang_chun do what was asked of you and stop repeating please15:48
dlozarieGuys, I'm typing this on Windows Vista, tho I wanna do it on Ubuntu.15:48
sriramomandlozarie, what device is not working for you?15:48
chuni have wine, could i just install the windows driver for the graphic card and it would work for ubuntu?15:49
dlozarieProblem is, I use a wireless router to connect to the Internet, and my Acer Travelmate 6291 refuses to connect when Ubuntu's installed.15:49
recon69dlozarie: DL a live CD , burn it, reboot :)15:49
Slartchun: nope15:49
LogicalDashbiopo1: I think you want "env DISPLAY=:0.1 <command>" but with the 1 changed to the number of your display15:49
bazhang_chun no15:49
dlozarieor, when I'm using Ubuntu rather.15:49
sriramomanchun, it wont work.15:49
Lynetchun: No. Wine is for running windows applications, not for running windows device drivers.15:49
bazhang_dlozarie, what driver/chipset15:49
erUSULLogicalDash: maybe if you disable html on compositting. i only use plain text mail and have neither of this problems15:49
biopo1LogicalDash: I will try, thanks.15:49
chunThen what can i do to fix myRadeon 1950 from crashing whenver i run 3d programs or change to extra effects?15:49
dlozarieI've received a Live CD (I requested) and installed Ubuntu 8.04 alongside Windows.15:50
sriramomanchun, if ur network bandwidth is limited then pls declare. we will be able to understand u.15:50
dlozarieIf I'm not mistaken, it's a Broadcom driver for WiFi.15:50
chunsriramoman what do you mean by network bandwidth?15:50
dlozarieYes, it's definitely Broadcom. For the Acer Travelmate 6291 laptop.15:50
sriramomandlozarie, pls install the packages that come under <search> "ndiswrapper" in synaptic15:50
biopo1LogicalDash: thanks man, you helped me a lot.15:50
dlozarieThe Acer website only offers XP and Vista drivers15:51
sriramomanchun, if u're on a dialup tell us15:51
LogicalDashbiopo1, thanks, enjoy your pixels15:51
dlozariesriramoman, how do I do that? sorry, but I'm a newbie to linux15:51
chunyou mean 54k?15:51
sriramomandlozarie, no problem. the package i told u is to make use of the windows drivers that u have.15:51
vltsriramoman: http://pastebin.com/d213e131215:51
chunim' not sure15:51
chunThen what can i do to fix myRadeon 1950 from crashing whenver i run 3d programs or change to extra effects?15:51
dlozarieOK. How do I launch/use that package?15:51
mordofchun: have you updated your drivers yet?15:52
chunit shows "in use" in the hardware drivers15:52
sriramomandlozarie, go to System->Administration->Synaptic15:52
Lynetchun: Which driver are you using, can you pastebin your xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log?15:52
LogicalDasherUSUL: I've always had HTML disabled; the table shows up anyway15:52
dlozarieafter I do that, what's next?15:52
=== mgallagh is now known as mattva01
chunhow do i use pastebin?15:53
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:53
dlozarieUhm, sriramoman, after I go to System->Administration->Synaptic, what should I do next?15:53
sriramomanvlt, i have seen the problem. i'll be back to u in 2 mins15:53
ubuntu_TZM --- this is amorphous (grub prob from earlier. I got a usb boot on this machine to post. see http://pastebin.com/m5195e2d1 --- I'm a bit lost in here, but is this config pointing away from my linux install on /dev/sda (hd0(?)) ?15:53
Jaffarkelshacmy application is not listing anything, and i cant edit menus it just shows a tiny box15:54
sriramomandlozarie, type ndiswrapper in the search and install all the packages that come15:54
chunHERE: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16415/15:54
dlozarieOK, thanks a lot for your help sriramoman. I'll log off and shut down my laptop and then boot again into Ubuntu. Thanks again for the help!15:54
sriramomandlozarie, did u install the package?15:55
dlozariesriramoman, I still have to boot into Ubuntu. I'll be back after I do so.15:55
sriramomandlozarie, u are using vista, are u?15:55
ubuntu_ TZM and would "grub-install hd0" have messed up my partition table??15:55
chunand this one is the log15:56
TZMubuntu_: When you did that command, what partition (OS) were you in at the time?15:56
sriramomanvlt, http://pastebin.com/d724403a5 . there u will be able to see what modifications u need to make.15:57
semehas anyone gotten this likewise open to work... it works for me with ssh but can't get samba working with it15:57
sriramomanchun, pls wait15:57
thesaint4444hi, what is the difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile? thanks.15:57
semethings like lwiinfo -u and -g work so I think I've joined properly15:57
Boohbahthesaint4444: rc is loaded for every shell, profile is only loaded for the login shell15:57
LogicalDashthesaint4444: I believe that .bash_profile is only executed on non-login shells15:57
semeI can also do a kinit on a domain user15:57
keriTZM, ok roaming mode is checked and the wireless card isnt detecting anything.  but i can manually connect to my wireless.  i really need the roaming to work15:58
erUSULthesaint4444: Boohbah is right15:58
semeany help would be greatly appreciated... I'm not even getting a message printed in the logs when my user fails to mount a samba share15:58
ubuntu_TZM - was chrooted into the installed system (i think) --- not sure how to tell...15:58
northfield7J EL1A15:58
thesaint4444Boohbah: ok... thanks, if I modify .bashrc what do I have to do for the changes to show?15:58
vltsriramoman: Thank you, I'll try.15:58
ompaulnorthfield, what was that?15:58
Boohbahsource .bashrc15:58
sriramomanchun, there seems to be several errors in the usability in ur log. they will quite definitely be rectified once u update15:59
thesaint4444Boohbah: thanks...15:59
LogicalDashthesaint4444: yeah, they're right15:59
chunupdate what?15:59
Boohbahthesaint4444: np15:59
sriramomanvlt, when u try it, just verify that X works with the new xorg.conf before aborting ur session15:59
thesaint4444Boohbah: cheers...15:59
sriramomanvlt, u can do that by opening a new session elsewhere.16:00
sriramomanchun, ur grafix cards drivers!16:00
chunbut it's updated..16:00
Picichun: Is this an upgrade from a prevous version of Ubuntu/16:00
TZMubuntu_: OK, well just try rebooting, hit the "esc" key as the computer is first coming up, and it should bring up that grub menu, the scroll down and select "Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic" and it should load fine. We can clean up your menu.lst file if that works.16:00
chunno, live cd 8.0416:00
Picichun: You're running on the LiveCD?16:01
keriever heard of a wireless card not able to detect wireless ap's in gui mode but detects them using command line?16:01
chunno, installed the livecd16:01
sriramomanchun, or else don't use 3D! i can defineitely tell u that these errors wont come in the latest stable drivers available in the repositories.16:01
ubuntu_TZM, but had to do it from the usb install --- this ll went down after a hardy upgrade from Gutsy - i have optiplex --dells leading headache for me :(16:01
Picisriramoman: He is using the latest drivers.16:01
Picisriramoman: From the repos.16:01
ubuntu_TZM - ok --- wil try it... ----thanks :)16:01
sriramomankeri, u can use ndiswrapper to use it even in gui mode, provided u have the windows-packaged driver with u.16:02
TZMubuntu_: Wait!16:02
Picichun: Did you touch your xorg.conf at all?16:02
chunhow do i uninstall the driver i have installed right now ?16:02
chunno, i didn't16:02
vltsriramoman: hmmm, where exactly to set the resolution? What do all those numbers in the "mode line" mean?16:02
mikeI keep losing "flash" in firefox and have to reinstall flashplugin-nonfree. Why would this happen??16:02
sriramomanPici, i then think that the modules for his card have some errors.16:02
sriramomanvlt, have u saved the file anyway?16:02
TZMubuntu_: That menu.lst you pastebined doesn't show any Ubuntu installs... where did you get that menu.lst?16:03
vltsriramoman: Yes.16:03
kerisriramoman, i have to disable roaming mode then put in my essid manually then it will work, with the native drivers. isnt there any troubleshooting i could to to see why the cool ap's arent showing up?16:03
chunis there anything wrong with my conf?16:03
sriramomanvlt, coz once the file's saved, u can use set the resolutions graphically.16:03
vltsriramoman: Aah, I see ...16:04
mikeI keep losing "flash" in firefox and have to reinstall flashplugin-nonfree. Anyone know why this would keep happening??16:04
LogicalDashI want Evolution to insert the message I'm replying to into my reply, each line preceded by a caret. Right now it's putting everything in this awkward table that I can't get out of to insert inline comments. How do I get the behavior I want?16:04
keriwhere in the file system do i check if my acpi=force sticked or not.16:04
chunso is there something wrong with my conf?16:05
sriramomanchun, just wait for more updates and temporarily avoid using 3d meanwhile. moreover, mail this complaint to the vendor(ATI), as this is proprietery. Pls understand that this is not opensource, so u have to wait for their support16:05
amorphous__TZM -- cant get into grub menu by pressing escape. just into grub prompt :( --- the menu.lst was definately from the install drive though. could there be any reason for it not reading the menu.lst (other then the install to hdd command instead of to /boot?16:05
Picichun: Not that I can see.16:05
semeany difference between the desktop and server platform... I didn't realize the difference and installed the desktop version... its the same software right?16:05
kerii wish i wrote those commands down to check my wireless card inside and out16:05
chunoh ok16:05
semekernel is different but everytyhing else should be the same16:05
kerii know one was iwconfig16:05
chunthanks, but how do i uninstall the ati driver i have installed now?16:06
sriramomankeri, could u pls repeat what u said without abbreviations? i was unable to understand "essid", "ap's"16:06
Pici!u | sriramoman16:06
AlexCONRADwhat is recommanded to build respins under ubuntu ? I know kickstart (i'm comming from fedora), although I've seen preseed... any recommandation about which to use ?16:06
ubottusriramoman: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..16:06
TZMamorphous__: OK please give the exact details on what is on your HD. From your menu.lst it only shows you have one partition with Debian installed, not Ubuntu. Is that correct?16:06
kerisriramoman, ok essid is the name of the wireless network and ap is access point.  or the list of wireless networks available16:07
kerisriramoman, error   essid is what its called for the name of a wireless network.16:07
sriramomanchun, simply don;t use the 3d part of your system. uninstallation is automatic while upgradation/updates and you dont need to manually interfere with anything.16:07
sriramomankeri, did you first disable everything and install the windows driver through ndiswrapper?16:08
sriramomanvlt, is it functioning properly, now?16:09
kerisriramoman, not gone there yet.  i have ndiswrapper installed and the winxp driver ready to put in.  how do i first blacklist the native driver16:09
Picichun: You could try using envyng if you are havign issues with the stock restricted drivers16:10
chunhow do i run a .run file lol16:10
amorphous__TZM no. there is only one system installed - but will be 2 later - Grub2 puts debian in to the menu.lst by default. Grub1 doesn't work on Dell optiplex (think it's a bios bug)16:10
lordnoidwhat if you delete all panels, can you get them back easily?16:10
vltsriramoman: No, I saved the file, ran `dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` but it didn't ask me for resolutions. Instead it deleted the lines I'd just added. :(16:10
Jake2point0hello this is keri16:11
fellunanyone has any ubuntu working with a 63/64mb ram computer?16:11
sriramomanvlt, do not run dpkg. use the graphical preferences->screen resolutions once you paste the lines again16:11
Jake2point0im going to start with disabling i guess the native drivers for the wireless card16:11
TZMamorphous__: So is Debian installed or not? Please be clear. :)16:12
KAMI_WorkCan you please add OpenMortal to Ubuntu Repos16:12
Jake2point0thats cool that xchat is finally free for windows16:12
vltsriramoman: Why can't I set the resolution _before_ I need ti use it?16:12
sriramomankeri, simply uninstall the associated driver through synaptic. you have to do it only if you are very much sure that winxp drivers are not being utilised, though!16:12
neenaofflinefellun: Ubuntu Lite? http://ubuntulite.tuxfamily.org/16:12
KAMI_Workfor example to universe16:12
Lynetfellun: xubuntu might perhaps work. Not sure. If it works you will have to use the alternate cd text-mode install.16:13
BlinnyHow do I disable hostname tab autocompletion in bash? I want to keep the filename tab autocompletion.16:13
amorphous__sorry TZM - no - debian is not installed. Only 1 system. upgrade from gutsy to hardy.16:13
sriramomanvlt, X has to always be restarted in a particular session to activate the new xorg.conf.16:13
sriramomanneenaoffline, hi here16:13
neenaofflinefellun: I used 5.10 for quite a few months on a P3 with 64MB RAM ...16:13
neenaofflinesriramoman: hi16:13
vltsriramoman: I restarted X several times already.16:13
TZMamorphous: OK, so Ubuntu Hardy is installed on that HD, even though the Grub2 menu.lst says it's Debian? Is this correct?16:14
sriramomanvlt, did you do so with the lines i told in xorg.conf?16:14
sriramomanTZM, yes, since hardy is debian-based.16:15
sparkyyAnyone good with video card issues?16:15
sriramomansparkyy, just see the histry of this conversation16:15
sparkyyI have a Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GM16:15
sparkyyL Express Integrated Graphics Controller.  Does it support 3d accelleration on Ubuntu 816:15
sriramomansparkyy, it is supported in my dads laptop.16:16
ledmushroomok sine the upgrade everything seems to be lagging any ideas why?16:16
=== chemical is now known as chrisstoz
=== chrisstoz is now known as christoz
sparkyysriramoman, does it work with 3d games16:16
mordofsparkyy: yeah, it's supported.. however the graphics controller itself has issues no matter what OS you're on16:16
sparkyymordof, I know it sux as hardware.  So I have to disable Desktop effects to play 3d games no?16:16
sriramomanvlt, did you change the resolution graphically in gnome(system->preferences->screen resolution) after modifying xorg.conf16:17
mordofsparkyy: no idea on that one16:17
sparkyymordof, previously in 7.x it would just crash all 3d games16:17
=== ianbeyer___ is now known as ianbeyer
vltsriramoman: I haven't installed gnome16:17
sriramomansparkyy, so far as i have seen, a chipset of yours with 128 or 256M VRAM is the best for any linux, no matter what 3D in what setup you run16:18
thesaint4444hi guys, If I use visudo and make a change what do I have to do to make the change active for the user? thanks.16:18
ianbeyerhas anyone successfully chrooted BIND on Hardy?16:18
mordofsparkyy: last i used it on was breezy badger, lol16:18
sparkyysriramoman, How do I find how much ram on video card again?16:18
TZMamorphous__: I have to go now, so maybe someone else can help you with  your problem.16:18
vltsriramoman: I inserted your lines to xorg.conf and restarted X. Can you explain the mode line please?16:18
sriramomansparkyy, system->hardware Information16:19
sparkyymordof, I know, this machine is a portable and it has a crappy vid card16:19
fellunanyone has any ubuntu working with a 64mb ram computer?16:19
EugenMayerhow to install mod_suexec under ubuntu ?16:19
vltWhere exactly to set the values 1280 and 1024 for resolution?16:19
derspanksterJust a heads up for anyone having an issue using nvidia-glx-new and a nvidia 6600 card. I was using my DVI output and could not enable the driver and get X. Reinstalled after changing to VGA and it works perfectly. Now, I'm wondering if I can switch back to DVI.16:19
sparkyysriramoman, you mean systems>> hardware testing?16:20
sriramomanvlt, you can change the resolution with some applet or something. BUT DONT USE THE SHELL, IT WILL WIPE OUT THOSE LINES AGAIN.16:20
sriramomansparkyy, no.16:20
sriramomansparkyy, vlt, can u pls wait for a minute?16:20
afief_I got a partition mounted on /media/backup, how can I make it writable by all users?16:20
=== neenaoffline is now known as kidfoo
geniifellun: The server version, which has no Gnome or KDE will work on 64Mb. But if you want some desktop you should have at least 192Mb16:20
thesaint4444I am trying to set up an sudoers nopasswd for a user on dapper but I cant get it to work... 'my_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' doesn't seem to work..16:21
sparkyysriramoman, sure my friend.  I have a well of infinite patience.  Thanks for your help! =)16:21
* vlt never heard "DON'T USE THE SHELL" in a linux channel before ...16:21
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
anirudh0thesaint4444, i have the same file..but no space between NOPASSWD: and ALL16:21
mordofsparkyy: well of infinite patience... share some with me! lol16:22
* jrib bans vlt for mentioning the *shell*16:22
fugggerpossible to use apt-get for apache13?16:22
fugggernot interested in apache216:22
mordofjrib did you seriously ban him?16:22
jribmordof: no :)16:22
sparkyymordof, its what I strive for.  Here  you go.   Take as much as you want.  lol.  Its called Zen.........16:22
fugggerthis place has been banhappy16:22
mordoflol, k16:22
kidfoothat was an unban16:22
fugggernot good for biz16:22
jbroomefuggger: they expire quickly16:23
sriramomansparkyy, System->Admin->Hardware Drivers16:23
sriramomanvlt, whats the status?16:23
fugggerabuse encourages harrassment16:23
fugggerok anyhow16:23
jbroomeanger leads to hate, thanks yoda. :)16:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:24
vltsriramoman: I didn't touch anything (but, to be true, used THE SHELL meanwhile)16:24
fugggeryeah well fuck you 2... give me a ban.. you guys are pricks here16:24
=== fophillipse is now known as fophillips
sparkyysriramoman, it shows no propreitary drivers on the system.16:24
sriramomanvlt, use one of those resolution applets once u modify the lines.16:24
* vlt grep logs for fugger mentioning THE SHELL ...16:25
freethinkerhi! i need help, i think i been in the couple of month being hacker by someone, but dont now who, can anybody help me report the person or persons, even today in my firestarter say that i have one entrance on my system, so if some one help me i will be very apreciate16:25
sriramomansparkyy, Thats y i told you that intels driver is so far the best as far as i know16:25
bazhang_freethinker, open a terminal and type who16:25
sriramomanfreethinker, block the port16:25
sparkyysriramoman, is there no way to enable it without downloading the driver and recompiling the kernel.  Like with ATI/NVida drivers?16:26
anirudh0freethinker, that does not mean you have been hacked16:26
vltfreethinker: "one entrance" <-- could that be just you?16:26
chuni instsalled ubuntu only for the awesome 3d, now it doesn't work16:26
sriramomansparkyy, the driver is already supplied by default, what problem did you find? you dont need to do that stuff.16:26
thesaint4444anirudh0: ok, I will give it a go thanks... - do I just edit via visudo and it should be good to go?16:26
freethinkermaybe the person has left16:26
freethinkercause it was like an 1 hour ago16:27
chunwhat pci-e cheap card is actually tested and will work?16:27
sparkyysriramoman, I will try again with a few games and let you know.  Thanx man16:27
anirudh0thesaint4444, yes16:27
sriramomanchun, you will anyway find more problems if you were using windows.16:27
anirudh0thesaint4444, the line should be the last one you add..else it has no effect..16:27
wikzoI am trying to install IEs4Linux on Ubuntu 8.04 (don't ask me why). I'm following this guide: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu . I have installed Wine, Cabeextract and then downloaded and installed the IEs4Linux package. It seems to be installed correctly, but it didn't make any short cut or anything. I simply can't start the program! How do I launch it?16:27
cesar_hi room16:27
freethinkerand i was with fedora 9 and now ubuntu, many times have hapenn me in ubuntu16:27
QuizMasterAshHello everyone..can any of u point me to a Ubuntu Themeing Tutorial or stuff like that?16:27
bazhang_!themes | QuizMasterAsh16:28
ubottuQuizMasterAsh: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:28
anirudh0wikzo, look in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files16:28
mordofsriramoman: graphics cards are one of the few things you'll never has as much troubles with in windows as you will with linux16:28
thesaint4444anirudh0: ? - the last line in the file?16:28
sriramomansparkyy, you can also check your bios settings. in many cases, even though a card may have 128 mb only 64 may be enabled due to know reason that i know. that will also help you.16:28
mordofsriramoman: though i'm not sure exactly why you said that - could've been a reason i wasn't really paying attention xD16:28
QuizMasterAshbazhang_, Thanks..16:28
cesar_How can I install higher resolution in my laptop, the ony I have is 800x6016:28
sparkyysriramoman, I will do that too.16:28
anirudh0thesaint4444, i mean it must be the last entry in visudo..else the "admin" entry overrides it16:28
sfiremordof: mine worked right out of the box :)16:29
wikzoanirudh0: When I launche it with Wine, I just get a white screen in Wine. /home/wikzo/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Internet Explorer16:29
mordofsfire: lucky, none of mine ever have16:29
anirudh0wikzo, you need wine gecko16:29
sriramomanmordof, please read today's chat history since past 1.5 hours and you will realise it yourself.16:29
anirudh0wikzo, look it up on sourceforge..no deb package iirc16:29
TailsfanHello, if I download the b43-fwcutter package, can I use a bcmwl5.inf file to extract the firmware?16:29
Tailsfanoops, I meant .sys16:30
mordofsriramoman: lol x.x; i've been trying to keep up xD that's alot of reading16:30
freethinkereven last day i have reinstall ubuntu 8.04 like the 7 time, somethimthing, my connection to the neet holds on , and i ma not reaciving anything , but i now nothing the conection its ok16:30
chunsince 3d doesn't work i have to go back to windows cuz i can't do any gaming16:30
LogicalDashTailsfan, you want the .inf16:30
wikzoanirudh0: Why isn't the Gecko listed in the FAQ for IEs4Linux?16:30
Da91Can someone help me? My firefox wont load anything but localhost, yet I am able to get on Pidgin.16:30
dragonbithow could i find out my chipset details and other hardware?16:30
funkyHatwikzo: look in ~/.ies4linux/bin/16:30
sparkyymordof, Its all because of the proprietary nature of that industry.  Closed hardware and until recently closed drivers.  Nvida and ATI are getting better.  They should just open up the drivers or just release consistently quality drivers for Linux...16:30
mordofchun: since i got my vid card i didn't even both trying to put linux on that machine, just windows..16:30
natalisushkasriramoman, I just finished updating and restarted, and still having the same damn problem!16:30
freethinkermy systems some time also get very slow and i have to rebbot16:30
dragonbiti remember there was something like hardware profiles in preferences menu but cant see it any more16:30
mordofsparkyy: quite true16:30
anirudh0wikzo, I do not know16:30
Da91Can someone help me? My firefox wont load anything but localhost, yet I am able to get on Pidgin.16:30
TailsfanOK, because I have the .inf files on my Windows Partition, I will be installing via Wubi, to make sure I don't mess up Windows16:30
anirudh0Da91, try pinging google.com16:31
funkyHatanirudh0: why would they need gecko for ies4linux? Doesn't make sense to me :/16:31
sriramomanmordof, the summary is that for literally all gfx cards except probably VIA, linux is better in drivers. I dont know any of my frnz for whom aero has worked perfectly. so how will it even work with games on?16:31
thesaint4444anirudh0: hey, many thanks... moving the entry so it was under the admin entry worked... I have been messing about with that for over a day! many thanks.16:31
sparkyymordof, Its getting better.  Ubuntu is also going to make that easier than any other distro.  The Free software guys don't tend to help to get a big compromise on moving forward on this either.  Sometimes we have to work with companies until they move toward a more OPEN model16:31
anirudh0funkyHat, wine uses "wine-gecko" to use ie..it does'nt use the win IE binary..look up google for more info16:32
soenkehi dudes16:32
Da91Thanks man16:32
sparkyymordof, Ubuntu has amazing potential16:32
dragonbiti remember there was something like hardware profiles in preferences menu but cant see it any more. I need to know the chipset i am using16:32
anirudh0thesaint4444, i had the same problem when i did it first..glad it helped16:32
Da91Does flash work in Ubuntu?16:32
erUSUL!flash | Da9116:32
ubottuDa91: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:32
sfireDa91: mostly16:32
anirudh0sfire, explain16:33
dlozarieHi, it's DLOZARIE.16:33
sriramomanubottu, and the wonderful thing is that flash is becoming open!16:33
ubottusriramoman: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:33
sfireanirudh0: there are quite a few flash based sites that don't work.. http://www.dslreport.com/stest/ is one example16:33
dlozarieSRIRAMOMAN! THANK YOU!!16:33
sriramomandlozarie, do what i said16:33
sriramomanthen i shall thank you.16:33
thesaint4444anirudh0: yeah that really helped... I am setting up capistrano with mongrel_cluster and it is a pain.16:34
kidfoovlt: do "sudo xorgconfig"16:34
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out16:34
soenkehow can i show the packages that are installed from a specific distribution (like hardy, gutsy or in debian etch, unstable etc)?16:34
dlozarieSRIRAMOMAN, I'm on Ubuntu now and the Internet is working!! yipee!!16:34
dlozariesriramoman, thanks for the help.16:34
dlozariethnk you so much!16:34
hank221I am new to ubuntu. Could anyone direct me to a website that can show me how to use it as efficiently as possible?16:34
sriramomandlozarie, Thank you. That was my promise. ;)16:34
anirudh0thesaint4444, retyping passwords is always a pain..you might like to look at giving root perms only for a specific app though16:34
Da91It says i already have flash but it wont load any youtube video's i see a blank screen with sometimes a pink color flying all around it16:35
dlozarieI can't thank you enough sriramoman. Now I can use Linux regularly. Thanks again! ;)16:35
sriramomanhank221, use the ubuntu help first. that gives you good links16:35
anirudh0sriramoman, eg: its possible to set up visudo so that <my-user> can use apt-get with sudo w/o passwd, but needs passwd for everything else16:35
garydI am on Ubuntu 6.06 and have to be.  But I would like to update to latest (or later) version of Gnome, and I don't know anything about compiling.  Is there an installer package or something?16:35
abrahanen españal16:35
anirudh0thesaint4444, , eg: its possible to set up visudo so that <my-user> can use apt-get with sudo w/o passwd, but needs passwd for everything else16:35
hank221sriramoman: thanks16:35
dlozarienow I hafta exit and start installing some stuff. do you guys have any program recommendations?16:35
freeloafI want to make a deb package for a few binaries on my system, how would I go about doing this?16:35
erUSULgaryd: pgrade to 8.0416:35
KcajHow do I go about accessing my XP files? I installed Ubuntu "inside" f Windows16:35
KcajTrying to play all my musix XD haha16:35
garydI have to stay on 616:36
kidfoovlt: try "sudo xorgconfig"16:36
sriramomanhank221, how did i help you?16:36
anirudh0freeloaf, the debian reference...http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-system.en.html#s-creatingdebs16:36
thesaint4444anirudh0: yes, I will now I have a better understanding of how it works.. - any idea how to page up from the shell output? It goes back quite a bit.16:36
erUSULthesaint4444: pipe to a pager (less)16:36
sriramomananirudh0, i am not very sure, but searching about sudoers or sudo users will throw some light on you.16:36
Piciabrahan: don't do htat.16:36
anirudh0freeloaf, more lightweight version at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Debian-Binary-Package-Building-HOWTO/16:36
bazhang_abrahan, english please16:37
Pici!es | abrahan16:37
ubottuabrahan: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:37
semedoes likewise open use the /etc/samba/lwiauthd.conf or /etc/samba/smb.conf?16:37
abrahanen españa16:37
anirudh0sriramoman, the message  was not meant for you16:37
thesaint4444erUSUL: of course, thanks....16:37
amorphous__I got this yesterday but have had a bit of an accident (sorry :/)  --- does anyone know the arguments to make a grub startup work? i know of noapic, noalpic, acpi-off --- but there's more to make the boot basic & thats what I need.16:38
sriramomanabrahan, #ubuntu-es16:38
anirudh0Pici, i doubt that is part of any human language16:38
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anirudh0Pici, "esddssdsefskdhsdlhssoisyoissshsshsshshshshshshsshhsshshshshss" , i mean16:38
erUSULamorphous__: search the web for kernel-parameters.txt16:38
kidfooamorphous__:  --root=/dev/sdxn quiet ro16:38
Picianirudh0: I know, his prior comments were in spanish though ;)16:38
vltkidfoo: `xorgconfig` not found16:38
n3uromanc3ranyone know how to refer to the currently selected file in nautilus for a command16:39
anirudh0n3uromanc3r, what do you mean16:39
n3uromanc3rvlt: xorg.conf ?!16:39
vltn3uromanc3r: Yes, that's my problem.16:39
erUSULn3uromanc3r: do not think there is an option for that... closest thing is the open terminal here of nautilus16:39
sriramomanOne thing that ubuntu needs to add to installed systems is the autoconfig script that it uses in live-version. That will make it more newbie friendly, eg. if someone installs a new graphic driver or so he would then not have to modify xorg.conf manually.16:40
talcitehey guys16:40
* kidfoo *sigh* , can't say then, try apt-cache search or something16:40
talciteI uh accidentally chmod +x * 'd my /usr/bin16:40
erUSULabrahan: haz "/join #ubuntu-es" en tu cliente irc16:40
Da91I have Flash downloaded, but whenever I go on a site with flash one of two things happen. The first, my computer goes slow. The other one just freezes my computer to where i cannot do anything. Any ideas on how to fix this problem?16:40
talciteand now the system's gone nuts16:40
talciteany ideas on how to fix this, or why its nuts?16:40
abrahannose nose16:40
vltkidfoo: No match in apt-cache.16:40
n3uromanc3ranirudh0: basically instead of running rhythmbox-client --enqueue '/media/XTERNAL/Ubuntu Backup Hardy - Keito/Downloads/01-reverend_and_the_makers-the_state_of_things.mp3' -- I want it to run on the file i select16:40
jessicahow can i make my boot up splash screen just text like the boot up in debian is16:40
erUSULsriramoman: gksudo displatyconfig-gtk16:41
sriramomantalcite, do not use "return" as a punctuation key.16:41
Da91I have Flash downloaded, but whenever I go on a site with flash one of two things happen. The first, my computer goes slow. The other one just freezes my computer to where i cannot do anything. Any ideas on how to fix this problem?16:41
n3uromanc3rvlt: what, are you trying to do?16:41
vltjessica: boot option nosplah16:41
anirudh0n3uromanc3r, hmmm...nautilus scripts are supposed to allow you to do exactly that16:41
kidfoovlt: http://www.linux.com/feature/11810816:41
erUSULjessica: edit the grub entry and get rid of splash and quiet keywords16:41
jessicaok thanks vlt16:41
Da91I have Flash downloaded, but whenever I go on a site with flash one of two things happen. The first, my computer goes slow. The other one just freezes my computer to where i cannot do anything. Any ideas on how to fix this problem?16:41
jessicaok i will do that now16:41
kidfoovlt: http://rafb.net/p/GMuaWr30.html is my xorg.conf16:41
n3uromanc3ranirudh0: I'm using nautilus actions16:41
sriramomanerUSUL, thank you for telling me the system-wide command.16:41
anirudh0jessica, wait16:41
wikzoI'm trying to get the IEs4Linux to work in Ubuntu 8.04. I installed version 2.99.01 and have Wine 1.0 rc3. But when I open Internet Explorer, I just get a blank white page like this: http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/2717/skrmbillededefaultwinedjd8.png16:42
vltkidfoo: Thanks for the link.16:42
n3uromanc3rvlt: are you trying to edit an xorg.conf file???16:42
anirudh0jessica, much better option is to retain "splash", but remove "quiet"..you'll see the messages inside the usplash bix then16:42
kidfoovlt: anytime :)16:42
vltn3uromanc3r: I try to set the resolution X should use. `dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` failed.16:43
jessicasorry this is probably a stupid question but whats the "usplash bix"16:43
erUSULvlt: define "fialed"16:43
erUSULvlt: define "failed"16:43
n3uromanc3rvlt: have you got the correct hardware & drivers?16:43
anirudh0n3uromanc3r, never tried myself, but nautilus also has a python binding16:43
anirudh0jessica, its the thing you see during bootup..the "ubuntu" logo16:44
jessicaah right ok16:44
sriramomanvlt, never use the dpkg-reconfigure .... it will use the wrong resolution16:44
n3uromanc3ranirudh0: this is possible using a bash script but i was just wondering about this method16:44
ianbeyeranyone have any ideas why chroot is giving me permissions problems when trying to chroot bind?16:44
alkisgHi, Ubuntu hardy, on a laptop with a wireless card, nm-applet always asks for a password to unlock the keyring, can I somehow grant it permanent access so that it doens't bother me on every boot?16:44
anirudh0n3uromanc3r, which are supposed to allow you to mess with sidebars and stuff...it should allow that too16:44
jessicawhich file do i remove quiet from the menu.list file16:44
anirudh0n3uromanc3r, yes16:44
sriramomanerUSUL, is there any way to remove black patches on screen when i use higher refresh rates for a particular resolution?16:45
anirudh0jessica, /boot/grub/menu.lst16:45
jessicaok thanks16:45
LogicalDashalkisg: go to Applications -> Accessories -> Passwords and Encryption Keys16:45
erUSULsriramoman: i havn't seen that problem ...16:45
LogicalDashalkisg: on the Passwords tab, you should be able to find something to remove the master password16:45
sriramomanerUSUL, that problem does not appear when i use lower refresh rates, though16:46
sriramomanwhois nata16:46
Vince-0is there a difference between edubunt and ubuntu server cds? or is edubuntu just the addon cd for ubuntu ?16:46
anirudh0afaik only marketing wise16:47
LogicalDashVince-0: the difference is what extra (ie. beyond standard Ubuntu) packages come installed by default16:47
kidfooedubuntu also has LTSP IIRC16:47
Rob76kidfoo: LTSP?16:47
alkisgLogicalDash, thanks, could you be a little more specific?16:47
cwatersDoes anyone here have a Fijitsu Lifebook with a touchscreen that is functioning properly under Hardy?  I have a 2131 but have not been able to get it to work right.16:48
Vince-0LogicalDash: i see, cos edubuntu screenies are in red theme - just wondered if it had guis for ltsp managment16:48
DJonesVince-0: Ubuntu Server installs without a GUI and is aimed at machines being used as a server, Edubuntu will install a GUI and various educational packages16:48
cwatersI found this article that seems to be on point but never quite got it to work.  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-644258.html16:48
kidfooRob76: I think edubuntu comes with LTSP16:48
kidfoojust checked, google says ... "Edubuntu is comprised of several key technologies, one of which is the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) which allows you to boot thin clients from an ..."16:49
LogicalDashalkisg: no, I'm sorry, but I've never used a master password :-)16:49
alkisgLogicalDash, me neither, I can't find any! :)16:50
pawanany software to burn ps2 games iso16:50
lastelement0hey all i just recently tried to get USB access in my virtualbox xp guest and after following this tutorial (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=242936)and reboot i was unable to login. i commented all the changes i made and was able to get back in. however i still dont have usb support.  any help would be great.16:50
Vince-0kidfoo: true dat, I'm just wishing there was an easier way to implement ltsp through guis - but alas16:50
pawanlike alcohol120 or ultraiso16:50
plAzZzZAà ïî ðóññêè êòî íèòü ïèëèêàåò òóòî÷êè ?16:50
erUSULpawan: maybe cdrdao16:50
LogicalDashpawan: you want Brasero16:51
poosenkii'm trying to set up dual monitors with an inspiron 6000 with an ati x300 128 mb video card, but i'm having a bit of trouble16:51
bazhang_pawan, ps2 iso from where16:51
pawanwhats that16:51
poosenkiright now i have 640x480 resolution on both screens and i'm not quite sure how to fix it16:51
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poosenkidoes anyone have any advice?16:51
bazhang_pawan, ps2 iso from where16:51
LogicalDashpawan: Applications -> Sound and Video -> Brasero Disc Burning16:51
pawanblackcats games site16:51
LogicalDashpawan: At least TRY to hide the fact that you're trying to commit piracy, it's frowned upon.16:51
bazhang_!piracy | pawan16:52
ubottupawan: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:52
bazhang_pawan not here16:52
sriramomank3b seems to show double the % while burning and at 100% it freezes.16:52
pawanat what rate should i burn16:52
poosenkican anyone help me out with setting up dual monitors?16:53
bazhang_pawan piracy is not supported in this channel. Period.16:53
ianbeyerOK, what the heck is apparmor about, and why is it broken?16:53
vi390How can I serve NFS services ? : I have installed Nfs-kernel-server, and in /etc/exports there is => /mnt 192.168.1.*(rw,all_squash,insecure,sync) (restarted the NS server) and => showmount (on another mchine in the network)  ServerIP gives no Hosts on ServerIP16:54
sriramomanianbeyer, it is like selinux, meantr 4 novell. the cmdline is available.16:54
mad_max02I have a problem with firefox3. I cant access dealers portals product lists with it. Is there any newer version than ff3b5 ??16:54
lastelement0hey all i just recently tried to get USB access in my virtualbox xp guest and after following this tutorial (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=242936) and reboot i was unable to login. i commented all the changes i made and was able to get back in. however i still dont have usb support.  any help would be great.16:54
dethstarIs monitor-mode supported by default with the orinoco gold on hardy?16:54
ianbeyersriramoman: the commandline is "available" ??16:54
ianbeyerwhat's that mean?16:54
sriramomanianbeyer, ya16:54
alkisgmad_max02: if you enable proposed updates, you can install rc116:54
sriramomanianbeyer, theres no gui for the app.16:55
erUSULalkisg: proposed is not meant for everybody it can break your system16:55
plAzZzZAI have a notebook Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Pro v2030, I've install Ubuntu 7.04, but I heve problems whith my video card. My video - VIA Unicrome PRO IGP integrated 64mb. Does anyone know what's problem and how may I install driwers on my video??16:55
ianbeyersriramoman: I could care less about a gui. this is on a server, and it's breaking my machine.16:55
ianbeyerwhat the hell is it?16:55
Picilastelement0: iirc, not all versions of virtualbox have USB support, the best place to ask about would be in #vbox16:55
alkisgerUSUL, he has specific problems... OK, I shut up! :)16:55
Piciianbeyer: This is a good writeup of it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor16:56
ianbeyercan I get rid of it?16:56
PTBDcould somebody help me? i downloaded tuxguitar and try to run it but nothing happens16:56
loombai have a question:: Is a physical windows installation a MUST in order to use WINE?16:56
Piciloomba: Nope./16:56
bazhang_loomba, nay16:56
loombathank you :)16:56
sriramomanianbeyer, remove the package. sudo apt-get remove "name"16:57
plAzZzZAI have a notebook Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Pro v2030, I've install Ubuntu 7.04, but I heve problems whith my video card. My video - VIA Unicrome PRO IGP integrated 64mb. Does anyone know what's problem and how may I install driwers on my video??16:57
sriramomanjust chk what all packages related to apparmor are installed16:57
ianbeyersrira: I know how to do the packaging, was just wondering if I could do so, since it was a default installation as part of the core.16:57
ianbeyerwhat's its purpose in life?16:58
erUSULianbeyer: i have done it (desktop system though) no problems so far. i also use custom kernel without apparmor support16:58
ianbeyerother than making chroot not work, that is.16:58
sriramomanplAzZzZA, welcome to the world of via! i am using same thing. can u pls find the serial no. by System->Admin->Hardware Drivers and tell me?16:58
erUSULianbeyer: it is a security framework. it imposses adittional restriction to objects (users; programs etc) appart from the classical unix security system16:59
dethstardoes anyone know what driver is needed for the orinoco gold to support monitor-mode?16:59
sriramomanianbeyer, that thing is actually for SUSE systems. it is stable there with all yast configs, additional modules etc.16:59
ianbeyererUSUL: and apparently breaks the normal way of securing things in the process.16:59
ianbeyersriramoman: so what in the heck is it doing on my core ubuntu install?17:00
sriramomanplAzZzZA, pls tell me the exact model of ur card17:00
erUSULianbeyer: well chroot is far from perfct too ;P (or so i heard)17:00
ianbeyeryes, but at least it works.17:00
sriramomanianbeyer, prbably render it unstable. i've now given you the solution17:00
Piciianbeyer: sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor kill17:01
Piciianbeyer: sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove     should disable for you17:01
MrKeunerhi, Using Gnome in hardy, is there a way to open files with extension fgeo (file utility detect them as XML) using application Dr.GEO provided that Dr.GEO will not show up the default application for any other XML files?17:02
ianbeyerpici: or I could just remove the package17:02
philsfI notice that when I transfer files over bluetooth, my bluetooth mouse gets very little responsive. Is this expected? Shouldn't the bt layer be able to reserve some bandwidth for some devices?17:02
Piciianbeyer: True, but I'm not sure what depends on apparmor17:02
ianbeyernothing, apparently17:02
PPKumacan somebody explain  me why i can run this command as sudo? http://rafb.net/p/9mXnLY38.html17:02
ianbeyernow I just need to grok why bind is still failing - it's at least getting past the apparmor brokennesss with chroot now17:02
=== Webspot_ is now known as Webspot
PiciPPKuma: Is pcsx located in /home/youruser/bin ?17:04
thesaint4444hi, I am trying to pipe the output of a shell command to a file like so: cap deploy | less -a myfile.txt but with no success, any suggestions? thanks.17:04
julle_what do  i type to see all the partitions and unallocated space on a harddrive?17:04
DRebellionPPKuma, the binary "pcsx" is not in root's $PATH . You should specify somethingl like:  `sudo /path/to/pcsx`17:04
thesaint4444julle_: du17:04
PPKumaPici: it says here that the directory doesnt exist17:05
DRebellionjulle_, du -fh is quite useful17:05
thesaint4444julle_: man du should help to see the various options...17:05
julle_DRebellion: thx17:05
PPKumaDRebellion how can i know what's the path to the application?17:05
DRebellionthesaint4444, cap deploy > myfile.txt17:05
thesaint4444DRebellion: thanks...17:05
JoaoVrOn XChat, how can I put multiple Chanels on Server Options (Auto join channel)? He only join the first one17:05
lastelement0hey all i just recently tried to get USB access in my virtualbox xp guest and after following this tutorial (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=242936)and reboot i was unable to login. i commented all the changes i made and was able to get back in. however i still dont have usb support.  any help would be great.17:06
DRebellionJoaoVr, specify:  #channel1,#anotherchannel,#ubuntu,#etc17:06
JoaoVrDRebellion Ty, Ily17:06
julle_DRebellion: the -fh doesn't work17:06
julle_-f is not a correct flag17:07
DRebellionjulle_, sorry, I meant:  df -h17:07
mad_max02is there any reason why I should not use proposed packages ?? I just enabled proposed because I need ff3rc117:07
julle_DRebellion: thx! :D17:07
dev-nulli have change my route table. how can i protect changes?17:08
dev-nullfor next reboots17:08
philsfI notice that when I transfer files over bluetooth, my bluetooth mouse gets very little responsive. Is this expected? Shouldn't the bt layer be able to reserve some bandwidth for some devices?17:08
idefix_is it possible to broadcast a Jpeg over your webcam signal?17:08
DRebellionmad_max02, well, proposed have not been as thoroughly tested as the other repos, so you are more vulnerable to bugs, security flaws, etc.17:08
sriramomanPPKuma, certain commands do not work with sudo. try su instead.17:08
DRebellionidefix_, what do you mean?17:08
mad_max02then I should not keep it enabled. Just to update it for now and then disable it ?17:08
DRebellionsriramoman, which commands don't work with sudo?17:08
PPKumasrirmaoman: ok, ill try that17:09
DRebellionmad_max02, you could download the package from packages.ubuntu.com and install it without enabling the proposed repo.17:09
sparkyysriramoman, It works fine now.  But I disabled Desktop Effects just in case bcuz it gave me problems in 7.x17:09
dev-nulli have change my route table. how can i save changes?17:09
sparkyysriramoman, thanks man17:09
sriramomansparkyy, i envy ur card.17:09
idefix_DRebellion, just view a jpeg file when you want to see what your webcam sees17:09
mad_max02DRebellion, wow that was a nice one. thanks for this dude17:09
sparkyysriramoman, don't it sux. lol17:09
cygokuEven if I am one feet away from my wireless router, I only get 1 Mb/s as transfert rate, why is it so slow ??17:10
hank221I am new to ubuntu. How do you save a note in tomboy notes?17:10
DRebellionidefix_, you mean, have a jpeg file that is continually updated to match the output of your webcam?17:10
lastelement0hey all i just recently tried to get USB access in my virtualbox xp guest and after following this tutorial (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=242936)and reboot i was unable to login. i commented all the changes i made and was able to get back in. however i still dont have usb support.  any help would be great.17:10
ArthurArchnixI'm looking for help with undervolting my cpu using a guide on the forums. Any here currently undervolting? I'm wondering if there's a different / better guide.17:10
DRebellioncygoku, try: sudo iwconfig <device> rate <#>M17:11
Myrttilastelement0: you do have the sun virtualbox, not virtualbox-ose?17:11
idefix_if you open a program like camorama webcam viewer and ask for what your webcam sees.. you see a jpeg file on your harddisk17:11
sparkyycygoku, theres a ton of info on wireless interference - see google.  Also try swscanner17:11
m1ri installed nvidia restricted drivers and cant get more then 640x480 resolution, how can i fix this ?17:11
DRebellionArthurArchnix, perhaps ask in #hardware?17:11
cygokuDRebellion : What should I replace <device> with ??17:11
prakkayour inet device name17:11
lastelement0Myrtti: how would i know which one i have?17:12
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DRebellioncygoku, first just type 'iwconfig' by itself and it will list the devices for you. You want something like eth0 or ath0...17:12
prakkaif you do ifconfig you'll see which one it is17:12
sparkyycygoku, You may be on a crowded channell or have EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) or just buggy firmware on your AP17:12
idefix_DRebellion?  if you open a program like camorama webcam viewer and ask for what your webcam sees.. you see a jpeg file on your harddisk17:12
prakkaor wlan0 or something like that17:12
Myrttilastelement0: did you install it from sun's website or package management?17:12
sparkyycygoku, or even a buggy driver. =P  bugs are everywhere... Isolate by looking at each problem one at a time from OSI model for example17:12
DRebellionidefix_, =/ would be a bit tricky... I guess you could replace the /dev/XXX entry with a link to the jpeg file.17:13
idefix_I only have /dev/xconsole17:14
m1rfresh install of nvidia restricted drivers dont give resolutions more then 640x480 , how to fix this ?17:14
amishbHey guys, I'm installing ubuntu right now. I have 2 harddrives. 1 which is 80 gb and holds my current XP and the other is a 500 gb and holds all my files. On the 1st harrdive, I have 21 GB of free space, which i want to install ubuntu on. If i press use all continous free space, how do i know its installing on that harddrive and wont mess anything else up17:14
cygokuDRebellion : What should I replace <#> with ??17:14
Cyndre_works identify bitchin17:15
MyrttiCyndre_work: time to change passwords17:15
hank221I am new to ubuntu. How do you save a note in tomboy notes?17:15
DRebellioncygoku, a number, eg 5M is 5 megabits per second, 10M is 10 megabits per second, etc. whatever your router supports17:15
Cyndre_workno kidding17:15
MrKeunerhi, Using Gnome in hardy, is there a way to open files with extension fgeo (file utility detect them as XML) using application Dr.GEO provided that Dr.GEO will not show up the default application for any other XML files?17:15
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sgrahamis there no such thing as the w32codecs in ubuntu?17:15
Ttechafed wtf17:16
ubuntuCan anyone help me install Ubuntu?17:16
DRebellion!medibuntu | sgraham17:16
ubottusgraham: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:16
jpdsTtech: ignore it17:16
nixternal!info w32codecs17:16
ubottuPackage w32codecs does not exist in hardy17:16
nixternalya, they are in the medibuntu repos now17:16
Ttechjpds, o k17:16
jb0tcan we get a kline on afed please17:16
ubuntuCan anyone help me with partitioning in Ubuntu?I need to install it by using the allready live version17:16
komputesjpds: what was that?17:17
jpdsjb0t: he's gone17:17
sriramomanjust install vlc i dont know what format does not play in it?17:17
jpdskomputes: /ctcp tranfer, nothing serious17:17
amorphous__anyone know what is a DCC Chat list?17:17
ragsagar!google | ubuntu17:17
ubottuubuntu: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux17:17
Cyndre_workwell now that I got that done....17:17
generalsnushave anyone tried "Likewise Enteprise" here?17:17
amorphous__and why I have a box asking me to (download?) one17:17
komputesamorphous__: file transfer through irc afaik17:17
jb0tlike a probe for a client sploit17:17
fdeamorphous__: Direct Connect Chat ...17:17
Myrttiamorphous__: ignore it17:18
cygokuStrange, the same firmware was working just fine under Gutsy.17:18
fdeamorphous__: If you got one from afed, I think he's harrassing the channel.17:18
amorphous__Myrtti, where has it come from?17:18
Cyndre_workI was wondering what is the best terminal for ssh and telnet sessions - putty doesn't cut and paste like it does in windows17:18
cygokuNow that I am under Hardy Heron ... :( !Mb/s17:18
amorphous__fde afed it is17:18
fdeamorphous__: He appears to have been klined though.17:18
Myrttiamorphous__: from a banned user17:18
johninlexcan someone help me install ie7 on ubuntu 8.04  please17:18
chunHello. Please help me with enabling the fan on my graphic card. ATI 1950X17:18
cwatersDoes anyone here have a Fijitsu Lifebook with a touchscreen that is functioning properly under Hardy?  I have a 2131 but have not been able to get it to work right.17:18
amorphous__ok thanks gents.17:19
cwaters I found this article that seems to be on point but never quite got it to work.  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-644258.html17:19
DRebellionCyndre_work, 'ssh' command for ssh and 'telnet' command for telnet. install openssh-client package for ssh.17:19
chunanyone know how to enable fans?17:19
grndslmgo go gadget fan!17:19
DRebellionchun, perhaps #hardware?17:19
DRebellionjohninlex, why would you want to do that?17:19
Cyndre_workDRebellion: Looking more for a telnet/ssh manager that allows easy connection (I have about 15 different boxes that I log onto daily17:19
fdechun: the module "fan" ....17:19
prakkachun, is it plugged in? :)17:19
fdechun: doesn't help you with the GPU fan though.17:20
chunyes it's plugged in17:20
cygokuDRebellion : After "sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 5M" I get : ""Error for wireless request "Set Bit Rate" (8B20) :17:20
cygoku    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.17:20
chunusually i use smart doctor which is a program for windows that controls my fan speed17:20
chunbut it doesn't work on wine17:20
amorphous__does anyone know what boot parameters will stop 'NET: Registered protocol family 2" error on startup. Have tried noapic, vga=normal, acpi=off and removed 'quiet' from options (that got me a bit further earlier)17:20
johninlexbecause I have lost my job and I was looking for another on and a web sight want me to use I E17:20
amorphous__have googled -  but no results17:20
DRebellionamorphous__, how do you know that's an error?17:20
prakkamaybe something like ndiswrapper? i don't really know..17:21
amorphous__DRebellion, it's a pint when it hangs on startup17:21
AlexCONRADhi, what does "ltsp" and "cli" stands for ? These files exists under the preseed/ folder of the hardy CDrom17:21
laeghow can i play http://www.rte.ie/news/2008/0527/primetime_av.html?2380128,null,230 (the video after the advert) please17:21
DRebellionamorphous__, meh, doesn't look like an error to me; just informative.17:21
laegi have mplayer plugin installed17:21
komputesAlexCONRAD: Linux Terminal Server Project17:22
bderrlyAlexCONRAD, LTSP == Linux Terminal Server Project, CLI == Command Line Interface17:22
DRebellioncygoku, that's odd17:22
komputesAlexCONRAD: Command Line Interface (Text instead of icons)17:22
sriramomanubuntu, sy what all OS' u are keeping, size of your hardisk, etc17:22
amorphous__DRebellion, well... it's hung there for a long time... :/17:22
julle_Is there anyway to solve the problem of getting kicked out to a BusyBox Built-in Shell when trying to Install Hardy?17:22
cwatersjohninlex: does it have to be 7?17:22
generalsnushave anyone tried "Likewise Enteprise" here?17:22
komputesgeneralsnus: what is that exactly17:22
DRebellionjulle_, that's due to not being able to boot, for any number of reasons17:22
AlexCONRADkomputes, bderrly, thanks. So these are base templates for installing what it describes17:22
prakkachun, look for your fan-driver and try to install it with ndiswrapper17:23
ubuntu_ #ubuntuSKň17:23
ubuntu_ #ubuntuSK17:23
DRebellionprakka, I thought ndiswrapper is for wireless?17:23
ubottuFactoid streaming not found17:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:23
sriramomanDRebellion, no17:23
prakkaat least i think17:23
prakkajust a sec17:23
amorphous__DRebellion, found it - it was acpi=off --- i'd missed it out :/17:23
cwatersjohninlex  http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page17:23
bazhang_prakka, ndis is for wireless17:24
prakkayes it is17:24
julle_DRebellion: the thing is that with a Gutsy LIVE CD i can get into the LIVECD environment but not with the Hardy!?17:24
prakkai thought it was for more windows drivers17:24
cens0redI just got a dcc chat offer from someone called afed17:24
cwatersjohninlex:  http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/How_about_IE7_support  beta support for 717:24
Myrtticens0red: ignore it17:24
bazhang_cens0red, ignore it17:24
generalsnuswell its a tool for joining ubuntu/linux to windows domains... it also comes with addon policyes for w2k3 server..and loads of other stuuf17:24
komputescens0red: you and 1323 other ppl, join the club17:24
cens0redMyrtti done.17:24
cens0redkomputes so it's someone on freenode? I couldn't tell. I'm connected to 3 networks, and all I knew was that afed was on one of them.17:25
thesaint4444DRebellion: cap deploy > myfile.txt does not work. not sure why, any ideas? thanks.17:25
prakkajust a sec, restarting xchat..17:25
komputesgeneralsnus: so basicly an smb enterprise product?17:25
Kl4mgeneralsnus: likewise open is in the repositories in hardy17:25
naliothcens0red: time stemps are really nice to have17:25
DRebellionthesaint4444, what do you mean by "does not work"?17:26
cens0rednalioth got them.17:26
lastelement0hey all i just recently tried to get USB access in my virtualbox xp guest and after following this tutorial (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=242936)and reboot i was unable to login. i commented all the changes i made and was able to get back in. however i still dont have usb support.  any help would be great.17:26
generalsnusim looking for a enteprise version.. wich have policies etc.. a easy way to make "windows like profiles"17:26
cens0redkomputes so you got the dcc offer too?17:26
komputesKl4m: you know the diff between open/enterprise?17:27
thesaint4444DRebellion: the command executes, sends output to the screen (stdout) but does not pipe that output to the file...17:27
generalsnusi have requested tg17:27
Kl4mgeneralsnus: I'm going to fit Ubuntu in school labs with likewise and nfs shares for ~17:27
AlexCONRADI'm having a hard time finding good documentation regarding how to make my own preseed file for automatic installation17:27
komputescens0red: yup, many ppl did all at the same time and the sender just left17:27
generalsnusthe trial several times but no reply17:27
AlexCONRADany suggestions ?17:27
DRebellionthesaint4444, that just doesn't make sense.17:27
crazy2kHas someone here installed Ubuntu on a MacBook (Core 2 Duo)? Is there something (some component) that doesn't work correctly?17:27
thesaint4444DRebellion: I didn't think it did either...17:27
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:27
ubuntuI still don't get on how to partition Linux,please help :(17:27
cens0redkomputes well that's good. Chances are he/she/it found someone gullible enough to accept the chat, and thus won't be honing in on me.17:28
laegbazhang_: can you p[lay this http://www.rte.ie/news/2008/0527/primetime_av.html?2380128,null,230 ?17:28
laegbazhang_: the video after the advert17:28
DRebellionthesaint4444, well, good luck with that one!17:28
sriramomanubuntu, in spite of calling you u never listen17:28
soundrayAlexCONRAD: have you found the cdebootstrap package?17:28
bazhang_laeg, hang on let me try17:28
Kl4mkomputes, generalsnus: I won't need the enterprise "features"17:28
mohamed_hi, i installed a new ubuntu system and it seem that xserver use framebuffer , and i want to change this , any help ?17:28
AlexCONRADsoundray: nop17:28
generalsnusKl4m: so users can login to a remote /home ? like w2k3 roaming profiles?17:28
crazy2kbazhang_: Actually, I was looking for some experience, or maybe a summary :)17:29
cygoku** (nautilus:6368): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Operation not supported ... What's that for ??17:29
DRebellionKl4m, you going for the single "mainframe" approach?17:29
thesaint4444DRebellion: I fixed my problem but I wanted to redirect the output to a file anyway just to test it out. I will mess about with that later. Thanks.17:29
bazhang_crazy2k, on what; please explain17:29
komputesDoes anyone know how to turn off DCC requests in x-chat???17:29
katI need help17:30
soundray!ask | kat17:30
ubottukat: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:30
=== kat is now known as Guest94444
crazy2kbazhang_: Something like "I've done it. It's not hard. Everything but <insert component here> works okay."17:30
hackeronhey, I'm trying to text kexec to boot another kernel on kernel panic, the documentation says to echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger but it isn't causing a kernel panic on my ubuntu server - how do I cause a kernel panic?17:30
Kl4mgeneralsnus: using likewise and autofs. It's "kind of" roaming profiles. ~ is on an nfs share17:31
prakkato the guy with the fan-problems: maybe: http://www.novell.com/documentation/idmdrivers/lx_fo_toc.html17:31
bazhang_crazy2k, PM please17:31
jbroomekomputes: probably in the preferences17:31
Guest94444I use WICD and I can't change a profile. I need to type in a WPA password to log onto a network ... where do i do that'17:31
=== Guest94444 is now known as Kat_
Kl4mKat_: what do you mean you can't change a profile?17:32
=== Kat_ is now known as Kat_aq
soundray!nickspam | Kat_aq17:32
ubottuKat_aq: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also /msg ubotu Guidelines17:32
sipiorunlike, say, factoids17:32
Kl4mKat_aq: it's hard to keep up and try to answer if you change your nick17:32
Kat_aqkl4m : um, well it says that the netowrk is unsecured, but it should say secured17:33
oedstjanHi everybody, somebody into helping me with windows network access on 8.04?17:33
Kat_aqsorry, i thought I got a mesage telling me to get a new nick17:33
Rhys`Kl4m, what if all the previous nicknames were registered, though? ;)17:33
generalsnusKl4m: im going crazy here trying to find a solution to make roaming profile without the use of samba/ldap server etc.. you have any links/how-to's for the thing you are doing? nfs/autofs17:33
sparkyyI wish Ubuntu had desktop support contract for the home user..  Not just corporate support at $250. Something like $99 for 5 tickets?17:34
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
stemount^sparkyy: why? when you get excellent help in here17:34
komputesjbroome: you'd think, i probably passed over it 10 times, can't find it, let me know if you found it17:34
lastelement0hey all i just recently tried to get USB access in my virtualbox xp guest and after following this tutorial (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=242936)and reboot i was unable to login. i commented all the changes i made and was able to get back in. however i still dont have usb support.  any help would be great.17:34
tzdwho handles the repo versions? I was wondering if it's possible to suggest a "fix" for the Firefox3 packet?17:34
oedstjanfolks... anyone into helping me with windows network acces on ubuntu?17:35
sparkyystemount^, I know but I think it would be a revenue gen for the project and a good thing to offer.  Ofcourse the community rocks!  but I have toooo many friends I am supporting. lol17:35
askandtzd: check with #ubuntu-bugs17:35
mrcarhi, im trying to stream bbc iplayer on mozilla, but it doesnt play, it says "xine-plugin playback finished" .  What do i need to install or update to play?17:35
tzdaskand: thanks17:35
bazhang_oedstjan, via samba or other17:35
sparkyystemount^, you are right though. Its the best foss community I have ever seen17:36
frederificis there a way to change when open programmes are grouped on the panel? I have it set to group when space is limited, but I'd like it to group sooner (i.e., when there's 9 programmes open, not 20odd)17:36
Kl4m!motu | tzd17:36
ubottutzd: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU17:36
stemount^sparkyy: :D17:36
Kl4mtzd: nevermind, firefox is in main, not universe17:36
m1rhello, i installed 8.04 desktop amd64 and nvidia restricted drivers and somehow nothing hapened, went reconfigure dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and resolution options is moved out of it. any tips how to fix this resolution problem ?card is 7300gt ...17:36
tzdhehe eyah Kl4m :)17:36
Kat_aqnobody who knows the solution to my wicd problem?17:37
sparkyystemount^, I think it would also be a way of getting more $$'s to the Ubuntu project . =)17:37
amorphous__It would seem from forums that there is no way to set in fstab whether a mounted drive comes up on the desktop --- is that true? only in gconf-editor (and even with all those off in nautilus>desktop the devices still display ) ---that true?17:37
generalsnusKl4m: im going crazy here trying to find a solution to make roaming profile without the use of samba/ldap server etc.. you have any links/how-to's for the thing you are doing? nfs/autofs17:37
oedstjanbazhang_, samba. I can connect to the windows workgroup and access shares but I can't browse in it via nautilus. Smbtree gives the whole domaintree with all pc's and their shares... but can't view them in nautilus.17:37
Kl4mgeneralsnus: autofs.org. This is not for roaming profile but more for "remote profile"17:37
bazhang_oedstjan, you read the wiki links for that?17:37
Lipschitzzescribid aquí17:38
jjt009_fubarhey guys17:38
sparkyystemount^, maybe canonical could give that $$ to community partners or us. =)17:38
lastelement0hey all i just recently tried to get USB access in my virtualbox xp guest and after following this tutorial (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=242936)and reboot i was unable to login. i commented all the changes i made and was able to get back in. however i still dont have usb support.  any help would be great.17:38
generalsnusi see17:38
jjt009_fubari have a program running on 8080. how do i stop it?17:38
tomoyuki28jpHow can I down grade kernel? After upgrading kernel, my sound driver does not work well.  Therefore, I want down grade it.17:38
prakkalastelement0, try the ubuntu fora17:38
alicanteHola buenas tardes ¿estais?17:38
soundraym1r: have a look at your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if it tells you why your desired resolution was thrown out.17:38
Kl4m!es | alicante17:38
ubottualicante: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:38
cistinahola estoy pratcicano17:39
prakkatomoyuki28jp, shouldn't you downgrade your sound driver then?17:39
oedstjanbazhang_, negative, didn't know they exist...? I did do lots of research on forums. What wiki-page r you talking about?17:39
jjt009_fubaralicante: hola17:39
amorphous__any way to not have an icon on the desktop for a mounted icon?17:39
jjt009_fubaranyone know?17:39
jjt009_fubarhow would i stop a program running on 8080/17:39
jjt009_fubaror any port17:39
bazhang_!samba | oedstjan17:39
ubottuoedstjan: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:39
jbroome_komputes: preferences, file transfers & dcc, "auto accept dcc file transfers"17:39
jbroome_also, xchat sucks, back to irssi17:39
tomoyuki28jpprakka: You mean I can only down-grade the sound driver??17:39
AlexCONRADbefore going in all directions... maybe you can help. I've read many ways of doing you own custom (x)ubuntu installation. But it's not well documented. And I can't seem to find the right way to do it. kickstart, preseed, cdebootstrap ... I'm having a hard time to wrap my head around that... I'd like to create a custom (100% CD) installation, with extra packages that are not on the original CD.17:39
alicanteEsta tarde estamos empezando una cosa nueva ny bamos a ve como se nos dá17:39
prakkatomoyuki28jp, messing around in the kernel without any knowledge about it, is like an open heart operation with a spoon17:40
Kl4mjjt009_fubar: try to be more precise. What is 8080 (a port number, ok)17:40
cistinaHola estoy practicando en guadalinfo17:40
prakkayou'll probally mess up17:40
jjt009_fubarKl4m: yep a port number17:40
tomoyuki28jpprakka: So I should not try to down-grade it then?17:40
oedstjanbazhang_, I'll start reading those. Thanks for the links!17:40
Pici!es | cistina17:40
jjt009_fubarKl4m: so do you know?17:40
ubottucistina: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:40
prakkai don't think so17:40
bazhang_cistina, brasil?17:40
alicanteEspero que esteis contentos con este trabajo que estamos hciendo17:40
prakkajust try google and see if you find other solutions17:41
catalinoHola Como estais17:41
jessicai need a mp3 to ogg converter dose anyone know a good one ?17:41
tomoyuki28jpprakka: I see.  I will try that way.  Thank you for your advice :)17:41
jbroomekomputes: file > prefs > file transfer & dcc, disable the "auto accept dcc" box17:41
prakkanp ^_^17:41
hackeronis there a channel for ubuntu server issue?17:41
cistiname gustaria saber hablar aleman17:41
DRebellionjjt009_fubar, use: netstat -p   to identify the program17:41
frederificjessica: there's one called audioconverter you can install through add/remove programmes17:41
komputesjbroome: got it, so you can't turn it off, you can only turn it to "no auto accept"17:41
jessicaok thanks17:41
frederifichackeron: #ubuntu-server might help17:41
mrcarhi, im trying to stream bbc iplayer in firefox, w/ kubuntu. it doesn't play, says "xine plugin playback finished". what do i need to install or update to play iplayer?17:42
hackeronfrederific: yes, just realised :), thanks17:42
jbroomejjt009_fubar: sudo netstat -antp | grep 8080, see what's running on 8080 and kill it17:42
soundrayjessica: are you aware of the disadvantage?17:42
DRebellionmrcar, hafe you installed flash?17:42
alicanteYo estoy pasándomelo estupendamente17:42
pastora7que bonito es saber17:42
frederifichackeron: heehee, thought you'd realise...17:42
jbroomealicante: you realize no one here is speaking spanish, right17:42
jbroome!es | alicante17:42
mrcarDRebellion: yes flash works17:42
ubottualicante: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:42
=== fatblacktone is now known as m1cha3l
bazhang_!es | alicante pastora717:42
ubottualicante pastora7: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:42
laegbazhang_: any joy?17:43
bazhang_laeg, not supported here17:43
jessicasoundray what are the dissadvantages ?17:43
soundrayjessica: your ogg vorbis file will end up with the compression artifacts from both mp3 and ogg encoding.17:43
laegbazhang_: :(17:44
jessicabasicly they will lose quiolity ?17:44
mrcarDRebellion: i have flash plugin, but not sure what it means with xine plugin17:44
InfiernoJodiente!es InfiernoJodiente17:44
ubottuInfiernoJodiente: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:44
soundrayjessica: yes17:44
soundrayjessica: the losses add up17:44
sriramomanhi ubottu17:44
jessicawell i really don't want to install mp3 support17:45
InfiernoJodienteand who says i thought you're not a bot?17:45
TZMsoundray: That goes for any format jessica re-encodes the mp3 into unless she uses lossless codecs, so ogg in itself is not bad.17:45
prakkajessica, why not?17:45
jessicabecause im trying to make my ubuntu free using all free format17:45
soundrayjessica: you'll have to install minimal mp3 support in order to decode an mp3 file before you re-encode it to ogg.17:45
Baron1984I'd say once you go lossless period, you're in a downward spiral17:46
soundrayTZM: I never said ogg was bad17:46
prakkaI never managed to do such thing >_<17:46
steph33560I've got a problem with a webcam, dmesg says "ret -28" in gspca_core.c17:46
jjt009_fubarjbroome: thanks17:46
Baron1984formats change17:46
Zeldorwhat can i do against this pixel of compiz? http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/1250/bildschirmfotoSBLQ8.png17:46
steph33560I've found a bug that sounds like mine, but I don't know if it still open17:46
g0thWhen I mount a cifs share, what username/group and permissions settings will the mounted files have?17:46
sriramomansteph33560, gspca has never worked for me.17:47
jessicais there an alternative to flash player at the moment its installed but i want to remove it and put something else on i have tryed gnash but nothing works17:47
steph33560sriramoman, what alternative do you use?17:47
TZMjessica: Or you could use some of the website converters, like zamzar.com. They can convert to ogg and other formats.17:47
Zeldorone has to go than here are 133717:47
jessicathanks TZM i think i will i don't want to install the mp3 support17:47
sriramomansteph33560, i use virtualbox and run it in xp17:47
chev_cheliosjessica: what's the matter with flash?17:48
ashishhow to solve webcam problem in pidgin17:48
steph33560sriramoman, :D17:48
jessicaits non-free im trying to make my desktop free17:48
soundrayjessica: no, flash is proprietary. I find amazing that the gnash developers got as far as they did.17:48
steph33560sriramoman, for me, it worked one .. then a purple image !17:48
prakkao and jessica, check mp32ogg17:48
prakkai think it's in the apt17:48
sriramomansteph33560, it comes dark green patches17:49
MrObviousjessica: Eh I don't think it matters. A lot of web content needs Flash anymore and it really doesn't hurt anything.17:49
jessicayes but its not the point i want a non-free desktop17:49
philsfg0th: depends on how you mount it17:50
soundrayMrObvious: flash hurts #badly -- just ask people who are on the ppc platform17:50
=== sriramoman is now known as k8m800
soundrayMrObvious: jessica's endeavour is fully justified in my opinion17:50
=== k8m800 is now known as k8m800\`
erUSULjessica: gnewsense is ubuntu 8.04 witout all non-free stuff (FSF aproved)17:51
kate_minshello, i install lately mysql server + phpmyadmin , how can i reset/change my phpmyadmin/mysql password ?17:51
barbarian-ircI wish to create a JSP website, on my new bought notebook.17:51
barbarian-ircI will need netbeans and a tomcat server.17:51
barbarian-ircWhich version of ubuntu would you recommend?17:51
barbarian-irc32 bit or 64 bit?17:51
barbarian-ircMy notebook has a intel core 2 duo cpu.17:51
FloodBot3barbarian-irc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:51
amorphous__anyone know why i can't get rid of the icon for a mounted drive on my desktop? gconf-editor>nautilus>desktop> and unchecking everything makes no difference. I can find no other way to get rid of it, Is there an fstab way?17:51
chev_chelioshow to change screen resolution with keyboard? what was the shortcut? ctrl and + or sth like that...???17:52
jessicai don't really want to install a new system erUSUL but next time i do wish to i shall give it a try17:52
soundraybarbarian-irc: are you going to run any CPU-intensive stuff as well?17:52
MrObvioussoundray: Eh yeah. At least I can use Youtube on my PPC6800. :)17:52
barbarian-ircsoundray: no17:52
enriqueibarbarian... 32 bit17:52
erUSUL!info vrms | jessica17:52
ubottujessica: vrms (source: vrms): virtual Richard M. Stallman. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 92 kB17:52
enriqueiyou will run into less issues17:52
bazhang_!es | juanmo17:52
ubottujuanmo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:52
juanmok aceis17:52
soundraybarbarian-irc: how much RAM does your laptop have?17:52
barbarian-ircso at download, I click: What type of computer do you have? Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM)17:53
juanmok os contais17:53
enriqueiI would... unless you need 64 bit for something17:53
bazhang_juanmo, /join #ubuntu-es17:53
MrObviousbarbarian-irc: I've founds 64 bit stable on my notebook. Of course I don't run netbeans or a tomcat server but chances are it's been written for 64 bit.17:53
jessicai will have to wait until my system finish's updating befor i install it but i shall give it ago17:53
erUSULjuanmo: como te han dicho para hablar en castellano muevete a #ubuntu-es (/join #ubuntu-es)17:53
barbarian-ircMrObvious: would 64 bit save me battery time?17:53
bazhang_erUSUL, he quit17:54
soundraybarbarian-irc: no17:54
erUSULbazhang_: :/17:54
m1ron fresh install 8.04 and nvidia restricted drivers i cant get resolution more then 800x600, any tips how to fix this ?17:54
MrObviousbarbarian-irc: No, but it allows full performance of your computer...which isn't much probably but couldn't hurt.17:54
MrObvious!resolution | m1r17:54
ubottum1r: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:54
cygokuIsn't there an open source driver for the Broadcom Wireless for Hardy Heron that works ?!?!17:54
soundraym1r: did you read my reply?17:54
jbroomecygoku: no, broadcom is closed source17:54
MrObviouscygoku: I had to use ndiswrapper for my 94311.17:54
erUSUL!broadcom | cygoku17:54
k8m800\`barbarian-irc, 64-bit gives a minor boost in performance but at the cost of a few less packages at repos :(17:54
ubottucygoku: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx17:54
CastilleI'm trying to find out if the 'Shared Folders' wizard exists for NFS in Ubuntu 8.04 -- basically, I need to hand my CTO an easy way for him to do NFS mounts for a development project he's in on. Anyone know if there's a package I can get to get the Shared Folders wizard or something similiar to it?17:54
m1rsoundray: my wlan broke sry17:55
MrObviouscygoku: B43 is a pile of crap right now unfourtinately. It barel y works.17:55
erUSULk8m800\`: far less???17:55
soundraym1r: have a look at your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if it tells you why your desired resolution was thrown out.17:55
k8m800\`erUSUL, what?17:55
erUSULk8m800\`: i didn't miss anything17:55
barbarian-ircwhy does the 'get ubuntu' page not ask me that I want to use gnome?17:55
jbroomeCastille: cto can't nfs mount?  cto fail17:55
cygokuThis is painful ! :(17:55
k8m800\`erUSUL, miss what?17:55
Castillejbroome: Heh. CTO isn't a technical position, normally, but this guy does microboard coding, not NFS mounting.17:55
erUSULk8m800\`: sorry i missread :/17:56
soundraybarbarian-irc: it assumes that if you were looking for KDE, you'd download kubuntu17:56
m1rsoundray: funny thing, on beta  i didnt have such problems, all was detected and setup after restricted driver install. i go check now17:56
cygokuJesus, this wiki was edited last in 2006 ! :S17:56
CastilleHe primarily works in WinCE and at the hardware level, so I'm trying to ease his transition into linux motherboards17:56
MrObviouscygoku: Let me find you a better wiki link.17:56
CastilleLinux embedded motherboards, that is.17:56
cygokuThank you !17:56
CastilleThe current 'sharing' seems to only induce SMB sharing, where it used to do both, unless I'm missing something.17:56
jbroomeCastille: not sure if shared folders does nfs.. are you trying to nfs share a folder or nfs mount a folder on his machine?17:57
barbarian-ircah, that explains :)17:57
jbroomeCastille: if he's on a windows machine, samba is the way to go17:57
MrObviouscygoku: If I can find it. :\17:57
cygoku:( :P17:57
Castillejbroome: shared folders used to -- but this was a few revisions ago. No, I gave him a laptop with Ubuntu on it because he needed an easy to use linux to transition into so he can program on that, compile, and then push to the embedded system.17:57
oedstjanbazhang_, those wiki-pages do not contain information about my specific problem. I already established a connection between my ubuntu system and the other windows systems. I just can't browse them in nautilus.17:58
CastilleSo he needs to make NFS mounts on the current machine to pass the files to the embedded17:58
jbroomeCastille: so he'd be the nfs server or client?17:58
CastilleI might just write up an intro on /etc/exports17:58
geo_does anyone knows about call of duty on linux?17:58
bazhang_oedstjan, best to ask the channel; I am really bad at samba :)17:58
bazhang_!appdb | geo_17:58
ubottugeo_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org17:58
MrObviouscygoku: Which exact chipset do you have?17:59
ashishplz any one help me to open webcam in pidgin17:59
cygokuMrObvious, seems like this wiki will be okay !17:59
cygokuI don't know yet, I am trying to figure this out.17:59
geo_i have wine17:59
erUSULashish: does pidgin support webcams now??17:59
ashishis there any solution for yahoo17:59
bazhang_check the appdb then geo_17:59
geo_with wine is tested that call of duty will run?17:59
ashishoh is there any solotion for that17:59
geo_what is appdb?17:59
MrObviouscygoku: Make sure you use ndiswrapper. b43 is crap really. :\17:59
jbroomeCastille: yeah, either point him to a howto, or do it for him and start nfs-server @ boot18:00
Jeshhhi .. need help in installing ubuntu..!18:00
bazhang_geo_, see link above?18:00
MrObviouscygoku: FOUND IT! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff18:00
cygokundiswrapper ... :S18:00
geo_ok thanks18:00
k8m800\`Jeshh, yes tell18:00
MrObviouscygoku: Seriously I used that and it worked great.18:00
ashishinstalling ubuntu is just simple18:00
=== k8m800\` is now known as sriramoman
CastilleAh, well. I was hoping for an easier brush-off solution. Thanks, jbroome.18:00
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m1rsoundray: what should i look in log file ? i only see maximum virtual size 800x600 that should be higher resolution18:00
cygokuI just need to learn something new again I guess.18:00
sriramomanJeshh, if u could install vista u can surely install ubuntu18:00
X-plohello I have an ATI driver in my laptop, Can I have running fglrx and Xgl at the same time? Coz when I install xserver-xgl my direct rendering disappear18:00
erUSULMrObvious: anecdotal evidence (your experience with b43) is not evidence at all ;P18:01
MrObviouscygoku: Just follow it step by step for your chipset. It's really easy.18:01
thehurleyI noticed many on-line samples of xorg.conf with lines referencing fonts.  I don't have any reference to fonts in my xorg.conf file -- am I missing out on better font rendering because of this?18:01
Jeshhi'm booting the PC using the Ubunto OS CD.. brand new pc. blank hard disk.. it goes on to the desktop screen but the screen is overlapping.. i see 2 mouse pointers.. with horizontal dashes running across the screen diagonally.. its totally unreadable18:01
MrObviouserUSUL: :p. Well ndiswrapper gives me the full range of my wi-fi card, WPA, and full 54G speeds.18:01
erUSULm1r: gksudo displayconfig-gtk18:01
elliotjhugHi all, just trying to get Uplink installing on ubuntu 8.04 64bit. A forum post suggested I used getlibs - but when I do I get an error saying I don't have the correct repos - ideas (or alternative methods of getting the thing to install)18:01
X-plo hello I have an ATI driver in my laptop, Can I have running fglrx and Xgl at the same time? Coz when I install xserver-xgl my direct rendering disappear18:01
Jeshhsriramoman.. i don't want to try Windows at all on that.. I don't have Vista to try it eigher18:01
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oedstjanfolks, i'm having a problem on 8.04. I set up samba and made it work properly. The only problem I'm having right now is that, when I open the network locations in nautilus I can't see any system. It just shows "WORKGROUP" and when I click it it's just an empty nautilus... Is this a problem with samba of nautilus?18:01
geo_how i will create server for call of duty 4 with mod maps?18:01
m1rerUSUL: max = 800x60018:01
soundraym1r: what's the resolution you want?18:02
thehurleyX-plo, I'm using ATI mobility on my laptop and using the open source drivers works far better for me18:02
sriramomanJeshh, u mean u want ubuntu alone in ur system, right?18:02
cygokuCan you tell me what's the chipset use on a DELL INSPIRON 6400 ?!?!18:02
MrObviouscygoku: Yes.18:02
Jeshhyes sriramoman.. its a new machine with blank HDD18:02
m1rsoundray:  1280x1024@75hz18:02
ashishhow to install yahoo messenger18:02
sriramomanJeshh, insert the live cd and continue.18:02
MrObviouscygoku: If you do a lspci | grep roadcom on a terminal it will tell you the chipset of your LAN and WLAN chips.18:02
TZMcygoku: Just do "sudo lshw -C network" and look for your wireless card... it will show the chipset.18:02
soundraym1r: can you find the string 1280x1024 in the log file?18:03
sriramomanJeshh, press install in the live cd desktop.18:03
oedstjananyone familiar with windows network browsing in nautilus?18:03
oedstjanfolks, i'm having a problem on 8.04. I set up samba and made it work properly. The only problem I'm having right now is that, when I open the network locations in nautilus I can't see any system. It just shows "WORKGROUP" and when I click it it's just an empty nautilus... Is this a problem with samba of nautilus?18:03
m1rsoundray: says not used18:03
sriramomanJeshh, and for partition use entire hardisk.18:03
geo_how i will create server for call of duty 4 with mod maps?18:03
soundraym1r: does it say why?18:03
m1rsoundray: vrefresh out of range18:03
elliotjhuggeo_: For servers you might want to ask in #ubuntu-server, or refer to actual support from the developer18:03
cygokuBCM4401 6?18:03
Kat_aqWhy can't I connect to a network if there is a WPA password? i can if there isn't but once i switch on security it doesnt work with the password18:03
sriramomanJeshh, do this for now and if u find any problems after install, u can return here. thats all s the installation18:03
Jeshhu didn't understand my issue sriramoman..  i did insert the Live CD.. it did something but i don't see anything clearly.. the screen is OVERLAPPED over eachother.. i see 2 mouse points18:03
soundraym1r: do you know what vrefresh your monitor will tolerate?18:04
MrObviouscygoku: That's your LAN chipset. What's the other line?18:04
sriramomanJeshh, select check cd for defects in the main menu18:04
cygokuBCM94311MCG ??18:04
Jeshhhow do i do that sriramoman? i didn't get any such option18:04
thehurleyX-plo read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver and this: http://compiz.org/ATI18:04
MrObviouscygoku: Excellent you have the exact same chipset.18:04
m1rsoundray: ussualy i was setting this with dpkg-reconf xserver-xorg, but now that dont have resolution options :/ sry i dont know, it is regular 19" CRT18:05
elliotjhugHi all, just trying to get Uplink installing on ubuntu 8.04 64bit. A forum post suggested I used getlibs - but when I do I get an error saying I don't have the correct repos - ideas (or alternative methods of getting the thing to install)18:05
amorphous__TZM - sorted the booting problem. Grub2 uses the file /boot/grub/grub.lst and not menu.lst.  acpi=off & removing quiet was the result in the end.. thanks for help ;)18:05
cygokuAnd you used the wiki you have me for the same chipset under hardy heron ??18:05
MrObviouscygoku: Now just follow the steps for the 94311 (I think it's 4311 rev. 2) on that link I gave you for the wiki.18:05
MrObviouscygoku: Yup. I have 94311 Hardy 64 bit on my Dell Vostro 1700 using ndiswrapper.18:05
=== sriramoman is now known as u
duryhi there channel :)18:05
soundraym1r: what's the monitor model? I'll race you to find the specs on the web ;)18:05
MrObvious!hi | dury18:06
ubottudury: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:06
MrObviousubottu: Be polite! :)18:06
ubottuFactoid be polite! :) not found18:06
X-plothehurley, do u know how can i run games in opengl without disable compiz, for this reason i've been trying xgl server to see if i can run then without using scripts18:06
TZMamorphous__: Glad you got it sorted out, and thanks for updating me. I'll keep that in mind if (or when) I have to start using Grub2. :)18:06
m1rsoundray: MAG inovision 19" that all i know18:06
uX-plo, y are you taking my name?18:06
duryhow do I install this package picasa_2.7.3736-15_i386.deb18:06
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duryby terminal18:06
sharmsu: if it isnt registed with nickserv, it isn't yours.18:06
phaidroswhere does one set the default enconding globally?18:06
m1rsoundray: somthing just aint right disable regular tools to do job for man and have to learn workarounds :/18:07
amorphous__welcome, TZM . thankyuo loads. :)18:07
phaidros(strangely I have some ANSI set ..)18:07
X-plou, no sorry18:07
durysudo install picasa_2.7.3736-15_i386.deb18:07
MrObviousdury: I think sudo dpkg -i18:07
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soundraym1r: are you going to moan or shall we fix it?18:07
thehurleyX-plo sorry, I don't play games so I've never tried18:07
m1rsoundray: 2nd answer is yes ;)18:07
phaidrosdefault encocding globally in gnome, howto set?18:07
uJeshh, there would be that option as soon as you insert the cd.18:08
oedstjananyone familiar with windows network browsing in nautilus?18:08
soundraym1r: open your /etc/X11/xorg.conf with sudo privileges and find Section "Monitor"18:08
oedstjanI'm having a problem on 8.04. I set up samba and made it work properly. The only problem I'm having right now is that, when I open the network locations in nautilus I can't see any system. It just shows "WORKGROUP" and when I click it it's just an empty nautilus... Is this a problem with samba of nautilus?18:08
m1rsoundray: sec18:08
MrObviousoedstjan: I go Places -> Network. Make sure you installed samba per the wiki.18:09
NewUserOnUbuntu7how to make compiz and beryl work together?18:09
MrObvious!samba | oedstjan18:09
ubottuoedstjan: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:09
m1rsoundray: found18:09
NewUserOnUbuntu7i mean the up desktop that can add skype fire fox and etc18:09
NewUserOnUbuntu7can some one help18:09
uNewUserOnUbuntu7, what?18:09
oedstjanMrObvious, I installed samba by the wiki. I _can_ access the windows shares etc but I can't browse the whole network via Places > Network...18:10
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duryMrObvious: how do I know where is it installed, now?18:10
NewUserOnUbuntu7u can u help me out?18:10
tyberionhi guys :)18:11
uNewUserOnUbuntu7, yes. what is the problem18:11
MrObviousdury: Just type picasa at the terminal or follow the instructions. You may have to look at Picasa's site for instructions.18:11
NewUserOnUbuntu7im realy2 a newbie on18:11
soundraym1r: add a line before EndSection, reading       VertRefresh50-9518:11
MrObvious!ask | NewUserOnUbuntu718:11
ubottuNewUserOnUbuntu7: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:11
NewUserOnUbuntu7u c i already installed compiz18:11
tyberionwhat would be the easiest way to get a winxp on my pure ubuntu machine.. just for accessing my mp3player and my mobile...???18:11
jbroometyberion: virtualbox probably18:11
MrObviousoedstjan: Oh. No clue.18:11
uNewUserOnUbuntu7, come to thetopic18:11
ui cant see anyway.18:11
MrObviouscygoku: Are you getting it to work?18:12
m1rsoundray , done18:12
soundraym1r: and another one reading      HorizSync  30-10018:12
NewUserOnUbuntu7i already install the compiz now can i set it up same the beryl ?18:12
NewUserOnUbuntu7it is not working for me18:12
lastelement0hey all i just recently tried to get USB access in my virtualbox xp guest and after following this tutorial (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=242936)and reboot i was unable to login. i commented all the changes i made and was able to get back in. however i still dont have usb support.  any help would be great.18:12
MrObviousNewUserOnUbuntu7: Are you on Hardy? Beryl isn't installable as it's been replaced by compiz.18:12
duryMrObvious: I found the way to launch it18:12
m1rsoundray , with "30-100" or without " ?18:12
NewUserOnUbuntu7im on hardy18:12
duryMrObvious: Thanks18:12
uNewUserOnUbuntu7, sorry. my card doesnt suppot 3d much so i dont know18:12
ringeri have removed Kiba-Dock but there is a Kiba folder in the trash can that wont delete.  how do i delete it18:13
NewUserOnUbuntu7thanks so u18:13
harushimodoes anyknow how to get pass buffer i/o error18:13
Xorothalhow can I configure xchat to accept self-signed ssl certificates?18:13
jbroomegeo_: there's a readme in the linux server package18:13
soundraym1r: no quote marks18:13
MrObviousdury: You're welcome. Just a case of RTM (Read The Manual)18:13
m1rsoundray , ok done18:13
tyberionjbroome: ok, is there any installation guide for virtualbox, how to set it up with winxp?18:13
soundraym1r: save the file and restart X18:13
uNewUserOnUbuntu7, u're welcome18:13
geo_where is that readme?18:13
NewUserOnUbuntu7can i get the same effect as the beryl on the compiz18:13
m1rsoundray: ok18:13
utyberion, yes. The help file is similar to those avlable in windows itself.18:14
MrObviousNewUserOnUbuntu7: I think it does it by default but I don't use it because it makes my desktop unstable.18:14
soundraym1r: the 1280 resolution should then be available through System-Preferences-Screen resolution18:14
KohlyKohlI removed the 169 NVidia driver and installed the new 173 driver. X would not start, so I removed that and reinstalled 169 from apt. Now that does not work! Any ideas?18:14
NewUserOnUbuntu7thanks that solve the problem18:14
phaidrosdefault encocding globally in gnome, howto set?18:14
tyberionu: yea... some kind of installation guide?18:14
jbroomegeo_: inside the cod4-linux-server-11212007.tar.bz2 archive18:14
phaidrosgdmsetup segfaults :(18:14
m1rsoundray: perfect18:14
utyberion, and virtualbox is probably the easiest way to get virtualisation going.18:14
soundraym1r: is it working?18:15
ringeri have a file in the trash that will not delete. how can i delete it?18:15
tyberionu: alright.. im gonna give that one a try then, I guess:)18:15
utyberion, u can get the pdf in theiur site and their help documentation is also excellent18:15
KohlyKohlvmware server and virtualbox take about the same amount of effort to get working18:15
m1rsoundray: yes, many tnx m818:15
MaximLevitskyWhy evolution has to suck that much? (I can't get it working with gmail imap)18:15
soundray!yay | m1r18:15
ubottum1r: Glad you made it! :-)18:15
MrObviousMaximLevitsky: I prefer Thunderbird for Gmail IMAP.18:15
MrObviousMaximLevitsky: sudo apt-get install thunderbird should get you started. :)18:15
MrObviouslol soundray18:15
MaximLevitskyMrObvious, I too18:15
utyberion, and if you have nvidea or ati, just disable the desktop effects. xp will run in native speed!18:16
m1rsoundray: not that i moan, but if i want give my friend a cd to try ubuntu, i surley wouldnt like that he must pass xorg editing to get resolution working , if u understand what i mean...18:16
MaximLevitskyI tried that once18:16
KohlyKohlgmail works fine with evolution18:16
tyberionu: big thanks.. i hope i wont make my whole system crash by doing so :)18:16
um1r, you are using my nickname somewhere.18:16
m1ru ?18:16
Xorothalhow can I configure xchat to accept self-signed ssl certificates?18:16
jbroomeu: you've got a pretty common nickname18:16
MrObviousMaximLevitsky: I never use Evolution so I wouldn't know honestly, but I much prefer Thunderbird since it's multiplatform.18:16
=== Xorothal is now known as v
MaximLevitskyMrObvious, the thing is that thundredbird sucks too when it comes to move a disscussion from thread to thread18:16
TZMringer: Maybe the file is owned by "root" or someone else. Try going to a terminal, type "ls -l ~/.local/share/Trash" and see what it tells you.18:16
jbroome!u | u18:17
ubottuu: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..18:17
MaximLevitskyMrObvious, it moves the top message, but not the rest18:17
X-ploHello I have an ATI driver in my laptop, How Can I run games in OpenGl without running scripts to disable compiz18:17
MrObviousMaximLevitsky: Eh I just use it for e-mail. I don't use it like that. :\18:17
soundraym1r: ubuntu expects hardware to be standards-compliant. Your monitor isn't announcing its capabilities properly to the driver. This isn't a usual thing to happen.18:17
=== v is now known as t
MrObviousX-plo: Go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance and go to Desktop Effects and disable it totally there.18:17
=== t is now known as Xorothal
ringerTZM should i pastebin what it tells me?18:18
KohlyKohlI removed the 169 NVidia driver and installed the new 173 driver. X would not start, so I removed that and reinstalled 169 from apt. Now that does not work! Any ideas?18:18
ringerTZM: since i dont know what to make of it18:18
utyberion, surely not it wont crash! there's just a thing yo'uve to do. you have to add the local user names to vboxusr group. Thats done in Systems->Admin->Users18:18
TZMringer: Sure.18:18
MaximLevitskyMrObvious, I usially use kmail, but now I want to switch to gnome, and besides kmail has its own very annoying bugs18:18
musicman_oh hai18:18
utyberion, you can even exchange folders xp<->linux18:18
soundraym1r: what I'm trying to say is 1) it probably won't happen to your friend, 2) it can't be blamed on ubuntu, 3) if it does (or anything else untoward) happen to your friend, send him here...18:18
XpistosCan someone help me mount a smb share network folder in my linux box18:18
m1rsoundray: yes , is old piece of HW so strange that it not detected  , while i have 17" from same firm and it is geting detected, or at least it used to in 8.04 beta. i try set it up now18:19
uubottu, "u" is my nick.18:19
Ace2016Xorothal: hello18:19
XpistosI can nav to the smb in the terminal18:19
ringerTZM: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16437/18:19
MaximLevitskyMrObvious, one question, is this right that I can't set location of trash/spam in evolution?18:19
XpistosI can't I mean18:19
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jimcooncatu is talking to a bot18:19
MrObviousMaximLevitsky: I'm the wrong guy to ask.18:19
* MrObvious hops in the shower18:19
soundray!u | u18:19
ubottuu: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..18:19
uubottu, "u" is my nick.18:20
MaximLevitskyMrObvious, ok, is there an evolution channel?18:20
MaximLevitskyom irc18:20
jimcooncatbut soundray, I was using it properly!18:20
m1rsoundray: 1 i hope , 2 dont blame ubuntu, was just asking why resolution fcant be set in dpkg-reconf xserver-xorg , 3 - now i know resolution for problem so i can try apply it myself tnx to you ;)18:20
jbroomeMaximLevitsky: not in kansas18:20
musicman_There is no channel for what you said18:20
X-ploMrObvious, Ok but if i disable it i can get running awn and many things is there some way to run games in OpenGl having the full visual effects?18:20
MagicDrumStickshey guys18:20
TZMringer: So you have two directories (folders) in your trash, one called "files" and the other called "info"? Is that right?18:20
musicman_Josh_: Liar18:20
Piciu: They were joking.18:20
soundrayjimcooncat: I didn't send it to you, I sent it to u ;)18:20
MagicDrumSticksplease help me out someone18:20
jjt009_fubaru guys/any1 should tri out mi new program 4 making gaemes18:21
KohlyKohlis there no one willing to help me with my driver issue?18:21
ringerTZM, yep18:21
jimcooncatomg I'm so confused18:21
MagicDrumSticksI'm a noob that just downloaded the ubuntu 64 bit version and I wish to use the live cd but I don't know how18:21
jjt009_fubarit's called xpackagex18:21
ujjt009_fubar, which program shall i try?18:21
MaximLevitskyThanks a lot to you, maybe I take another look at thunderbird anyway.18:21
MaximLevitskyMrObvious, thanks18:21
jjt009_fubaru: search for xpackagex18:21
uis it available in repo?18:21
JosdellHey guys I need some help bring back up my Broadcom WIRED connection, eth0 doesn't show up in ifconfig -a18:22
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: most times you burn it to a cd, then reboot your computer with the cd still in the drive18:22
MagicDrumStickssomeone help me please18:22
MagicDrumStickshow do I burn it though?18:22
MagicDrumSticksmake an iso?18:22
ujjt009_fubar, is it available in repos18:22
MagicDrumSticksJust burn files to a disk? or is there a special way I need to burn it?18:22
Josdellmagic drum sticks: you have to download a program to burn an ISO18:22
jjt009_fubaru: nope, actually my site is down right now18:22
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: you downloaded an .iso file, right?18:22
Pici!burning | MagicDrumSticks18:22
ubottuMagicDrumSticks: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto18:22
TZMringer: Well maybe something in those folders is not owned by you. If you want an easy way to delete everything in the trash (both those folders), just do "sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*"18:22
jjt009_fubaru: tri again l8r18:23
ringerTZM: do i have to replace the * with anything?18:23
jbroomethe * is a wildcard18:23
MaximLevitskyBesides evolution, thunderbird and kontact/kmail, are there any gtk gui mail applications?18:23
daemon3What is the plugin for Totem called that can show youtube videos?18:23
TZMringer: No just keep the *.18:23
MagicDrumSticksahh ok, it opened as a zip so I thuoght it was a zip file18:24
daemon3Ah, never mind.18:24
MagicDrumSticksso how do I run live cd?18:24
ringerTZM thanks that seemed to work18:24
JosdellMagicDrumSticks: You just download a program that can burn ISOs, then you burn it to a CD, leave it in your CD Drive, and while your computer is starting up, there is a button you press to boot from CD, usually F12 or F1018:24
NthDegreeor change the CMOS settings18:24
TZMringer: Great. :)18:24
MagicDrumSticksJosdell thanks for the help man18:24
NthDegreethen it can boot from CD before HDD18:24
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: you've burned the file to a cd already?18:25
NthDegree@ MagicDrumSticks18:25
MagicDrumSticksNot yet18:25
MagicDrumSticksI have a dual boot with vista on one partition and xp on the other18:25
MagicDrumSticksI was wondering how I can fit ubuntu on that18:25
keiserrhi, how can i set a time limit for execution when i call a process in linux?18:25
MagicDrumSticksmaybe delete the windows folder in the vista partition? I don't use vista anyway18:25
[Realin]when i write http://localhot:8081 it shows blank for TOMCAT 5.5 .. please help me :(18:25
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: you have a burning application installed, like Nero Express?18:25
erUSULMagicDrumSticks: during install yo will have to make room for ubuntu on one of the disks18:25
MagicDrumSticksCan I install ubuntu on a partition with a windows os on it?18:26
TZMJosdell: Can you pastebin the output of "lsmod"?18:26
jbroomeMagicDrumSticks: yes18:26
JosdellMagicDrumSticks: While on the live CD there is a Partition Editor in System, Administration18:26
jribMagicDrumSticks: sure, just tell the installer to reformat it18:26
JosdellTZM: hold on18:26
MagicDrumSticksWell see that's the thing18:26
MagicDrumSticksI dont want to reformt18:26
MagicDrumSticksAny way to do it without reformatting?18:27
fede____could someone tell me how to check the CPU temperature??18:27
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: you can try out the live cd without it touching the hard disk18:27
jribMagicDrumSticks: why? ubuntu uses ext3, it can't be installed on ntfs18:27
XpistosDoes anyone know how I can auto mount my network music folder into a folder called music on my linux box18:27
MagicDrumSticksJimcoon, how do I do taht man?18:27
erUSUL!fstab | Xpistos18:27
ubottuXpistos: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:27
hkaishow can I read the temperatures of my system?18:27
fede____hi hkais18:27
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: that's why it's a "live cd". Once you burn it, you boot from it, and you're in Ubuntu. It doesn't touch the HD unless you tell it to.18:28
erUSUL!sensors | hkais18:28
ubottuhkais: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto18:28
MagicDrumSticksahh I see18:28
JosdellTZM: http://pastebin.com/d823b23e18:28
jribMagicDrumSticks: the desktop cd is a live cd.  You end up in an ubuntu environment and it won't install anything unless you click on Install Ubuntu18:28
mkaysiBoot with windows and install Ubuntu in windows with live-cd18:28
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: it will be quite a bit slower than a hard disk install18:28
MagicDrumSticksI see18:29
MagicDrumSticksWell what I was saying was18:29
Ward1983wtf happened lol18:29
MagicDrumStickscan I install it on my vista partition18:29
RAdamscan someone explain what cp -T does?18:29
jpds!ohmy | Ward198318:29
MagicDrumStickswith vista still on it18:29
ubottuWard1983: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:29
MagicDrumStickswithout reformatting?18:29
hackelMagicDrumSticks, http://www.andlinux.org/18:29
leleobhzwhy ubuntu xserver-xorg config script dont write anymore the Device section?18:29
fede____erUSUL: i don't have any "sensor" command....18:29
MagicDrumSticksahh I see18:29
MagicDrumSticksok final question18:29
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: back up first18:29
mkaysiyes in windows18:29
TZMJosdell: Interesting--would you also please paste the output of "sudo lshw -C network"?18:29
leleobhzmy intel 946 still without 3D accel in hardy18:29
Ward1983jpds, will do, ill leave :)18:29
MagicDrumStickswould yall recoommend ubuntu over fedora or debian?18:30
JosdellTZM: One sec18:30
erUSULfede____: have you read the wiki page a link you?18:30
=== sasddfg_ is now known as sasddfg
ha-nocrihi. how to add trash icon to the panel? "Add to panel" - "Trash" doesn't work :/18:30
Ward1983jpds, thats all people like you want, you just look at the chat saying nothing and only replying when there is some sort of thing that violates the rule18:30
fede____here's the wiki???18:30
erUSULfede____: it list the packages you need and wha to do to configure them18:30
Ward1983jpds, some life people like you have...18:30
fede____i don't see the link18:30
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: of course, but then again this is #ubuntu :-)18:30
MagicDrumStickshaha that's true :]18:30
erUSULfede____: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto18:30
Ward1983jpds, well here you go, what you want:18:30
=== RuyalarPrensi_ is now known as RuyalarPrensi
MagicDrumSticksI just didn't know what to go with18:30
RAdamsWhat does cp -T do? I read the man page, but it does not compute :(18:31
MagicDrumSticksbecause some people told me ubuntu while others said fedora18:31
erUSUL!sensors > fede____18:31
fede____erUSUL: thank you very much!!!18:31
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: but there's a reason why we're here, some for the community, some because the software (usually) just works18:31
JosdellTZM: http://pastebin.com/d644ffd4918:31
JosdellMagicDrumSticks: Listen18:31
* MagicDrumSticks thanks everyone for their help18:31
sadaiyappanI need some assistance18:31
sadaiyappanI have a dell vostro 150018:32
Xpistosubottu: I will check it out18:32
ubottuXpistos: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:32
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks:  you could always "try 'em all". You'll probably be back here, though.18:32
XpistoserUSUL: Thanks for the help18:32
sadaiyappanbut my video card is not working right18:32
jedimindxchat is sadly better than xchat-gnome18:32
erUSULXpistos: no problem18:32
MagicDrumSticksIn that case jimcooncat, I'll just stay here lol18:32
jimcooncatjedimind: yes, but I use xchat-gnome because it looks nicer18:32
MagicDrumSticksBtw where do I get themes, effects, updates to ubuntu18:32
=== Jeshh is now known as Guest5381
Pici!themes | MagicDrumSticks18:33
ubottuMagicDrumSticks: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:33
MagicDrumSticksand system updates?18:33
MrObviousMagicDrumSticks: FYI another good distro might be PCLinuxOS.18:33
sadaiyappanmy nvidia card is not working right18:33
jedimindjimcooncat, i just dislike the fact that i cant get a user list on the right hand side w/ the gnome version - its the only thing and the reason i went back to xchat18:33
MrObviousMagicDrumSticks: And Mepis.18:33
JosdellMagicDrumSticks: WHen you go into the Live CD, there is something called a Partition Editor, go to that before the Install, inthere, unmount Your harddrive(don't worry) and  and select the Vista partition, and choose to resize it, from there you can make an extra partition for Ubuntu, without losing Vista18:33
MrObviousMagicDrumSticks: But I like Ubuntu because it has a huge user base and any problem I have had has been had before by someone else and solutions have been found.18:33
MagicDrumSticksMepis? PCLinuxOS @_@18:33
jimcooncatMagicDrumSticks: Many themes are included, a system updater is autmatically installed, and if you want more theme goodies there's gnome-looks.org18:33
Jeshhneed help in installing Ubuntu OS on to my pc..!18:33
TZMJosdell: Hang on let me check something...18:33
gronneHi! I've got a problem installing a software. When I type ./configure it says in the end "not all dependencies could be satisfied"18:33
steph33560is the project GSPCA dead ?18:34
jedimindgronne, what are you installing ?18:34
JosdellTZM: No problem18:34
jribgronne: you should be installing software through APT18:34
jrib!software > gronne (read the private message from ubottu)18:34
erUSULgronne: you have to install the -dev versions of all the libs the package depends on18:34
jimcooncatjedimind: yes, it's not flexible.18:34
gronnejedimind: It's a software called napkin18:34
ivotedkodosGah! Help! I was playing a game on my laptop when the power ran out. Now when I boot I get my usual desktop, but no menu bars. How do I get them back?18:34
jrib!compile > gronne (read the private message from ubottu)18:34
MrKeunernalioth: what can happen if somebody exploits my hardware? can they get root or is it just to nuke me?18:35
JosdellMagicDrumSticks: Did you get that18:35
sadaiyappancan someone help me with my nvidia card please???18:35
barbarian-ircshould I insert the lan cable, when installing ubuntu?18:35
gronneit's for a device called sleeptracker18:35
jedimindbarbarian-irc, it will help after the initial install to get all your updates etc18:35
lux0815http://tinyurl.com/62l8jc - pls help18:35
ivotedkodoswhat's the keyboard shortcut to get a shell prompt?18:35
fudsakfkdsaanyone here experienced with synergy?18:36
sadaiyappancan someone help me with my nvidia card?18:36
gronneI can post the config.log18:36
jedimindban lux081518:36
jribivotedkodos: set one in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcut18:36
JosdellsadaiyappanL what's wrong18:36
jimcooncatJeshh just tell us at what point you got stuck installing18:36
sadaiyappanit doesn't work right18:36
TZMJosdell: OK it looks like for some reason the "b44" module which is used for wired connections (you have a BCM4401 chip) didn't get loaded, even though your hardware is present. Try doing "sudo modprobe b44" and tell me if it returns any errors.18:36
ivotedkodosjrib I can't get to system > etc but I have no menu bars!18:36
sadaiyappani downloaded the latest drivers but it doesn't load properly18:36
JosdellTZM: No errors18:37
sadaiyappanit goes into basic graphics mode when starting up and doesn't use the driver properly18:37
jedimindhey in xchat-gnome, where can i set commands to be run on connect for a specific server? (ie to identify myself on connect)18:37
Jeshhi'm using the LiveCD and trying to Install ubuntu.. however.. it goes to the screen but the display is overlapping.. i see 2 mouse icons and everything doubled.. hard for me to continue any further18:37
JosdellTZM: My wired connection is back up, thanks a lot18:37
MrKeunernalioth: what can happen if somebody exploits my hardware? can they get root or is it just to nuke me?18:37
naliothMrKeuner: it just drops yoru connection18:37
erUSULjedimind: Crtl + S18:37
JosdellTZM: where do i edit what module are loaded at boot?18:38
ivotedkodosWhat's the keyboard shortcut for the shell\/18:38
m1rsadaiyappan: what is problem ?18:38
TZMJosdell: That's great. Now just to make sure, try rebooting to make sure your wired connection stays working.18:38
jribivotedkodos: there isn't a default one18:38
MagicDrumStickssorry about that18:38
MagicDrumStickscomputer froze18:38
sadaiyappanit goes into basic graphics mode when starting up and doesn't use the driver properly18:38
MagicDrumSticksthanks windows!18:38
FloodBot3MagicDrumSticks: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
Josdellsadaiyappan:  you mean it won't even display  the environment18:38
sadaiyappanit does18:38
MrKeunernalioth: oh sorry, I didn't mean to ask again and thanks for the answer18:38
jribivotedkodos: you can get to a shell outside of X if you hit ctrl-alt-f1.  ctrl-alt-f7 brings pou back18:38
jbroomei like how !flood and !enter have joined forces18:38
sadaiyappanbut it gives me a message saying it is going into basic graphics mode18:38
jedimindivotedkodos, go to system > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts18:38
ivotedkodosthanks jrib. Now how do I get my menu bars back?18:39
jedimindhe said it18:39
jedimindctrl too18:39
sadaiyappanit is not booting up the driver properly, it gives a message then goes to basic graphics mode18:39
jribivotedkodos: you lost your panels?  The things at the top and bottom of your monitor?18:39
mkaysiDid you mean ctrl?18:39
sadaiyappanisn't there a graphics room for ubuntu ?18:40
ivotedkodosjrib: Yeah, after it hard rebooted due to a power outage. Hardy 64 bit.18:40
RAdamsWhat does cp -T do? I read the man page, but it does not compute :(18:40
jribivotedkodos: I see.  Did you run fsck on the drive?18:40
Josdellsadayappan: go into recovery mode and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:40
MagicDrumSticksok guys thanks, ill let yall know how it went18:40
* MagicDrumSticks thanks everyone and says goodbye18:41
ivotedkodosdrive is fine. It boots and I can log in. If I go into shell all my files are there. I just got no panels...18:41
theFATMANanyone here know how to edit color scheme files?18:41
jribRAdams: good question.  May want to try #bash18:41
Josdellsadaiyappan; you there?18:42
stephankI have compiz enabled, installed the settings manager and emerald, set /usr/bin/emerald as my default window decorator, yet gtk-window-decorator still starts as the default every session. Why isn't it honouring my preference?18:42
hassenhey joe18:43
hassenturn off ur bot man, i cant message u18:43
theFATMANstephenk: run emerald --replace18:43
hassenuse skype18:43
stephanktheFATMAN: I do that now, but I have to do it on every logon. :/18:43
ivotedkodosWhat is the shell command to start compiz?18:43
gronneI didn't get much help from those help-pages. Can I upload the file config.log to that page where anyone can see?18:44
theFATMANstephenk: weird18:44
sadaiyappanstill here18:44
confusedi have a question about the default browser in ubuntu.  Swiftfox is set as my default, but when i click some links they open up galeon instead...18:44
geniiivotedkodos: alt-f2    compiz --replace                     to go back after, use   alt-f2     metacity --replace18:44
jribRAdams: here you go: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/Target-directory.html18:45
gronnenapkin is not in the repositories18:45
jribgronne: yes, see the second link ubottu gave you about compiling18:45
ivotedkodosgenii: WHen I type that it gives me an error that ends "Window manager error: Unable to open X display"18:45
LifeisfunnyI don't understand aptitude's 'recommendation' on broken packages ....... could someone tell me about the meaning of the 'score' ?18:46
gronneI need to configure it, but I don't understand where in the config file I missed a library or what it was.. jrib, I didn't get much from it18:46
ivotedkodosgenii: What is the Alt-F2 supposed to do btw?18:47
jribgronne: the INSTALL and/or README files should tell you the libraries you need.  The error ./configure gave you should suggest it as well.  Once you figure out you need, you install the -dev package for the library18:47
SpaceBasshey folks18:47
ivotedkodoshey spacebass18:47
ionhow can I install a binary .. like  tar.gz18:47
SpaceBass had an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 timeout over SSH ... I see the processes still running, how can I pull them forward?18:47
SpaceBasshey ivotedkodos18:47
jribion: what are you trying to install?18:47
jbroomeion: a tar.gz is an archive18:47
jribion: you don't need the tar.gz.  Just visit a page that requires flash in firefox and click on the yellow bar18:48
gronnejrib: Yeah, I guess the error in the confige should say it aswell, but I've been reading alot now, and I don't see what the specific problem is... Can't i post it?18:48
futry to untar it18:48
jribion: alternatively, install the flashplugin-nonfree package from the multiverse repository18:48
=== Impostor is now known as Dota
cygokuMrObvious, my connection is currently so slow, that I cannot surf web to wiki's and or packages to download !18:48
cygokuI have get ! Mb / s !18:49
jribgronne: sure, put it up on paste.ubuntu.com18:49
Dotawho game of Dota?18:49
cygokuIt's not even enough to connect to Emesene ... I barely made it here.18:49
ionjrid: how do I do with the secondd choice18:49
confusedi have a question about the default browser in ubuntu.  Swiftfox is set as my default, but when i click some links they open up galeon instead...18:49
ivotedkodoshow can I get Ubuntu to display my panels when it boots? It is currently unusable18:49
ionjrid: can I go in the terminal and do that with sudo command...?18:49
fuHow can i configure Ekiga for skype ?18:50
jribion: open up your favorite package manager and install flashplugin-nonfree.  For example, if you like aptitude: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree18:50
gronnejrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16443/18:50
RAdamsjrib: ty for the link on -T18:50
Yodudehow can i move an audio stream in pulseaudio to another sink ?18:50
jribgronne: useless, you need to pastebin the README and INSTALL files too18:50
geniiivotedkodos: The alt-f2   brings up a Run dialog from inside of X, into which you put the name of the application you wanted to execute18:50
qt-xpeace :)>-18:50
Dotawho game of Dota?18:51
ivotedkodosgenii: It doesn't on my machine =-(18:51
jribDota: do you have an ubuntu support question?18:51
gronnejrib: ok.. I read them earlier and I think they may be useful.. wait18:51
Dotajrib NO18:51
geniiivotedkodos: You are inside of Gnome ?18:51
Yodudeanyone know about pulseaudio ?18:51
qt-xit is posible to build the entire GUI of linux in java ?18:52
fucan i put an webpage in the pidgin input ?18:52
jribDota: this channel is only for ubuntu support.  We have #ubuntu-offtopic for all other discussion, can you move there please?18:52
harushimohi everyone, I am having a problem18:52
fuOk I understand Thnx18:52
Baron1984qt-x: Sun has Project Looking Glass18:52
geniiqt-x: Yes, certainly. Look at the Sun Microsystem's   Project LookingGlass     for instance18:52
ivotedkodosgenii: Kind of... I have my desktop background, and my desktop icons, but no panels and compiz.18:52
Baron1984you might try that18:52
harushimoi've been readin the forums, nothing has worked18:53
Dotajrib =((18:53
qt-xthanks :D18:53
jribDota: why the sad face?18:53
harushimoI can't get in the gui to install ubuntu. is their another way to install it18:53
jrib!alternate | harushimo18:53
ubottuharushimo: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent18:53
Baron1984harashimo: Text mode18:53
geniiivotedkodos: You have Xubuntu perhaps?18:53
gronnejrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16444/  I copy and pasted the install and readme-files in there too18:53
harushimoI have the cd sent from canonical18:53
harushimohow do I access the text mode18:53
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
ivotedkodosgenini: Nope, Ubuntu Hardy 64 bit. It's broken ever since my machine lost power while playing a game in fullscreen mode. How do I get my panels back?18:54
jribharushimo: you can't, you need to download the alternate cd18:54
Dotajrib you do not know there is channel where sit players Dota allstars?18:54
Baron1984I think you need the alternate CD18:54
theFATMANanyone here know how to edit color scheme files?18:54
jribDota: I've asked you to move the offtopic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.  If you continue here, I'll have to ban from the channel18:54
harushimojrib: would that alternate cd work for a 64-bit18:55
jribharushimo: yes18:55
jbroome!ru | Dota18:55
ubottuDota: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:55
amikropHow can I declare wxPython as a dependency (python-wxgtk does not have an installation candidate, so I am not sure how to handle this)?18:55
harushimoalright, I'll try that18:55
jribharushimo: you can install either 32bit or 64bit18:55
harushimooh okay..is there another way to get the alternate cd without the torrent?18:56
ivotedkodosanynone know how I can get Ubuntu to boot with panels?18:56
jribamikrop: creating a deb?  You probably want to ask in #ubuntu-motu18:56
mvinscivotedkodos: you can't reload your window manager18:56
amikropjrib: OK. Thanks.18:56
ivotedkodosmvinsc: Maybe.... I don't know. I just know I got no panels.18:56
jpdsjrib: yeah, he's there18:57
minimehi you are there anyone who knows how to install bluetooth and my mobile to find each others functions?18:57
harushimoi'm getting it18:57
jribjpds: who is where?18:57
tgillespie_hi all, anyone know how i can debug a segfault in dbus?18:57
jribjpds: never mind18:57
jpdsjrib: amikrop18:57
mshankshmm. ubuntu or kubuntu for my desktop ¬.¬18:58
harushimowhat's the difference between the alternate cd and the desktop cd18:58
jpdsmshanks: your choice18:58
harushimoalternate-text base?18:58
jribharushimo: yes18:58
minimeI wrote wrong sentence I ment that IS THERE anyone who could help me to understan how to get install my mobile and computer together with bluetooth18:58
jessica_is there any printer drivers for the Epson Stylus DX400018:58
harushimoI don't understand why I can't install using the cd I burnt and the one I ordered18:59
geniiivotedkodos: the application is   gnome-panel      but if you have to run it from an external console (other than 7) it may need some argument to it18:59
ivotedkodosminime: It can be done, but I can't remember how. I had to install some packeges. Can't rememebr the details though...18:59
theFATMAN! hardware18:59
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:59
jessica_Dosnt matter18:59
FNortehi. I would like some help with printer stuff. My usb printer no longer print anymore. The system make everything(aparently) right (find, install, print), but the printer do not respond. I found some 'authorizing' problem in the /var/log/cups/error_msg.log, but don't know ho to fix. Someone can help?18:59
jessica_Just realized the driver wouldnt be free18:59
ivotedkodosgenii: This command doens't seem to be run when I boot. How can I get it to do it when I boot?18:59
=== titi is now known as lasl92260
beytai want to install .deb but the Error message shown "Dependency is not satisfiable: smc-data"19:00
jribbeyta: what are you installing?19:00
iggewhere can I learn how the thumbnailer work?19:01
iggeif I want to create own thumbnails for extensions...19:01
mvinscivotedkodos: System>Pref>Sessions19:01
spiffytechIs there a way for me to make the Ubuntu live CD bootloader continue the boot from an iso on a USB HDD?19:02
ivotedkodosmvinsc: I don't have a "system>prefs" to click on! I got no panels!!!!19:02
fucan i dualboot FreeBSD ?19:02
fuwith ubuntu?19:02
spiffytech fu: Yes, you can19:02
minimeAnyone there who cloud help to install bluetooth between my Nokia n73 end my computer AMD quadcore with Linux x86 Ubuntu 8.0419:02
tomoyuki28jpHow can I turn off the sound produced on login window??19:02
beytajrib: smc_1.5-0... a game..19:03
jrib!info smc | beyta19:03
ubottubeyta: smc (source: smc): a Jump and Run game like Super Mario World written in C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4-1 (hardy), package size 566 kB, installed size 1572 kB19:03
jribbeyta: install it from the repositories using your favorite package manager19:03
jimcooncativotedkodos: maybe ctrl-alt-backspace and log in again?19:03
gronnejrib: did you see the paste? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16444/19:03
beytajrib: how?19:04
jribgronne: I missed it, thanks19:04
jribbeyta: do you know about APT and its frontends like Synaptic and Add/Remove?19:04
ivotedkodosjimmcooncat: I can log out/ login / reboot/ login as a different user... I never have any panels, and no compiz. My background and icons are there though19:04
jribgronne: the stuff in the readme (like ftdi_sio), is that taken care of?19:05
jimcooncativotedkodos: do the other users have panels?19:05
lastelement0hey all i just recently tried to get USB access in my virtualbox xp guest and after following this tutorial (http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=242936)and reboot i was unable to login. i commented all the changes i made and was able to get back in. however i still dont have usb support.  any help would be great.19:05
TheLive1there is a command to run gkrellm as part of the desktop (it becomes unmovable, unclickable). I've used it long time back but cant remember. any one know this?19:05
ivotedkodosjimcooncat: none of them.19:05
fuI have got a synaptic controller in my laptop .. it is for playing music ..19:05
beytajrib: so i can not install offline?19:05
fubut now i use it for scrolling19:05
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche
jribbeyta: do you need to?19:06
spiffytech fu: First you need to create a partition on your hard drive for FreeBSD to live on (I recommend using the GParted live CD for this because it supports non-destructive resizing). As always when partitioning, back up your data! A wrong step will ruin your system. After you've partitioned your HDD in stall FreeBSD to the new partition. If you're lucky it'll create a bootloader entry for Ubuntu. If it didn't I'd recommend reinstalling19:06
jimcooncativotedkodos: how about "sudo aptitude purge gnome-panel && sudo aptitude install gnome-panel" ?19:06
fuHow can i play music control?19:06
fuACER 592019:06
theFATMANanyone here know how to edit color scheme files?19:06
beytajrib: need what... sorry i dont understand..19:06
jribbeyta: do you need to install offline?19:06
cr4ftyb0n35Hello. I have an urgent request. If anyone can help...We have a GTK application that we wrote. It has two screens, each one opening in a different window. While we run through the application, we have code that raises one of the windows from the other one. However, very often the window that's supposed to raise won't raise. is this a gtk settings issue?19:06
futhnx spiffytch19:06
theFATMAN! dev19:07
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment19:07
cr4ftyb0n35I am currently in a demo about to show the customer something and I am trying to fix this stupid issue. Ubuntu 7.0419:07
beytajrib: yes.. i want to try install offline...19:07
hank221I am new to ubuntu. Can someone please help me with getting Eclipse up and running.19:07
gronnejrib: I don't know how I possible could've missed that line... because I've read both of them... is it on synaptic.. well I'll try19:07
jribbeyta: it's easier online if you can, but here are instructions for offline:19:07
jrib!offline > beyta (read the private message from ubottu)19:07
cr4ftyb0n35Anyone...any help?19:07
cr4ftyb0n35Hello. I have an urgent request. If anyone can help...We have a GTK application that we wrote. It has two screens, each one opening in a different window. While we run through the application, we have code that raises one of the windows from the other one. However, very often the window that's supposed to raise won't raise. is this a gtk settings issue?19:08
jribcr4ftyb0n35: that question is probably better suited in #gtk+ (on freenode or gimpnet)19:08
cr4ftyb0n35jrib: thanks19:09
hank221I am new to ubuntu. Can someone please help me with getting Eclipse up and running.19:09
Anzawhy Thunderbird keeps loading old mails I have already seen days ago?19:10
ivotedkodosjimcooncat: Tried that and rebooted. No change.  =-(19:10
vestel_hank221: sudo apt-get install eclipse19:10
=== vestel_ is now known as vestel
hank221vestel: Thanks a lot19:11
hank221vestel: By chance do you know how to install the CFEclipse plugin also?19:12
jimcooncativotedkodos: sorry, that's about the limit of my knowledge in that area. I would personally reinstall gnome, but that would most likely be overkill.19:12
Anzawhat is Eclipse?19:13
fenrizan IDE19:13
Anzawhat is an IDE?19:13
fenrizintegrated developer enviroment19:13
fenrizor so...19:14
vestelhank221: Sorry, haven't used it19:14
Anzaso what is Eclipse used for?19:14
fenrizgreat for programming java19:14
hank221vestel: thanks anyways19:14
ivotedkodosjimcooncat: There is no "overkill". There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload". How do I re-install gnome?19:14
Anzaah ok, do you know why Thunderbird keeps loading old mails?19:14
fenriz*helps* programming java if you are an advanced java programmer19:14
vestelAnza: Programming and development with more languages19:14
hank221anza: also great for programming in a lot of other languages too.19:14
fenrizi guess you are using IMAP and not pop3 ?19:15
AnzaI am not a programmer, I can barely use ubuntu19:15
fenrizkeeping the mails on the server instead of downloading them?19:15
Anzait's POP3 I guess19:15
fenrizthen you should check if thunderbird has an option telling him to leave the mails on the server19:15
pawel30364out of memory on ubuntu 7.10 can you give me some ideas ................19:16
gronnefenriz: If I should learn to program and not for internet software... should I still learn java? I only know of azuerus being a java-program that isn't a browser-software19:16
AnzaI set it to keep the mails in the server till I manually delete them, but the thing is... thunderbird would download old old mails as they were new19:16
MrObviouspawel30364: Make a bigger swap partition.19:16
fenrizi programm lots of java and not one application for the web19:16
jimcooncativotedkodos: I'm not sure but it probably wouldn't be hard to research.19:16
jimcooncatAnyone else know how to reinstall gnome?19:16
gronnefenriz: Would you say it's better as a beginner to try java instead of c++?19:17
fenrizIts a pretty universal language... just not that good for system close programming... there i would prefer c++19:17
fenrizc++ is a little harder to learn... but gives you great fundamentals19:17
Anzaserve settings: leave messages on server, till I delete them19:17
hank221vestel: So now that it is done downlaoding, how do i open it? (Sorry for the bother)19:17
vestelgronne: Me thinks it's better to start with python19:18
fenrizAnza: tell him to delete the online mails...19:18
gronneok.. but I'm the guy that gives up too fast if it refuses to work :)19:18
gronnevestel: python is more simple than java as well, right?19:18
vestelhank221: after the download apt tool will install, so you'll find them through menu19:18
jimcooncatgronne: if you want fast results, then python, ruby, tcl rather than java and c++19:19
fenriz"simple" is not the right word... but I guess it can get you started a little bit quicker19:19
Anzafenriz, where?19:19
hank221gronne: I would disagree. Java is a fantastic starting programming language on my opinion.19:19
pawel30364MrObvoius:now way after the biggest swap is full it is also crashing again19:19
=== Tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
vestelgronne: Yes, it is. Personally think that it is the language for learning HOWTO program, and Java/C++ are languages to CREATE an applications19:20
hank221It is a simple(ish) start of the fundamentals for most other programming languages.19:20
jimcooncathank221: pls understand I have nothing against Java19:20
Jeshhneed help on Ubuntu 8.04..19:20
vestelJeshh speak free, we'll try to help19:21
ivotedkodosWhen a program or game goes full screen, what does it do to compiz and gnome? How can I get those things back when the game crashes?19:21
gronnehank221: ok! I had the impression hardly anyone used it apart from for internet-software as it's cross-platform. I'm using X-chat now, is that java?19:21
Jeshhi got the Ubuntu installed.. it told me to restart the computer.. i did.. all i see is the wallpaper and nothing else.. whats wrong?19:21
MrObviouspawel30364: I would just use one huge swap partition.19:21
david_brentanyone has a GeForce 7300 GS ?19:21
cygokuHow can I empty the trash as ROOT using command line ?19:21
JuJuBeeI need some advice for my classroom.  I want to disable the users current home dirs for a day while they take their final exams so they don't have access to previously prepared material.  Any suggestions as to best way to go about this?19:22
vestelJeshh: how did you speak to us right now? Have you got console (or terminal) running?19:22
JuJuBeeI still want them to log in and have a dir to save...19:22
urthmoverwhy do they get to use a computer for an exam anyway?19:22
MrObviousJuJuBee: Just move the files to another $HOME or something that isn't in their $HOME19:22
Picicygoku: sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*19:22
Jeshhi'm on my other computer vestel19:22
mouzHi all. I can not see youtube videos. I'm using Firefox (turned off NoScript) and I installed Adobe flash player. I also tried gnash: same problem. I see the flash arrow to click on but then, when I click, the space for the video just collapses.  Does anyone know what I can do to see the youtube videos?19:22
MrObviousJuJuBee: Make another username.19:23
mattikHello, Is here channel as ubuntu security?19:23
JuJuBeeDont want to create new username for all students.19:23
MrObviousJuJuBee: Ok create a new folder that is owned by you or root and has 700 permissions.19:23
ivotedkodosJuJuBee: Couldn't you use chmod to take away their permissions?19:23
cygokuLet's see if this works,... Yes, thank you !19:24
thehurleyI noticed many on-line samples of xorg.conf with lines referencing fonts.  I don't have any reference to fonts in my xorg.conf file -- am I missing out on better font rendering because of this?19:24
ivotedkodosWhen a program or game goes full screen, what does it do to compiz and gnome? How can I get those things back when the game crashes?19:24
JuJuBeeI was thinking of mv /home/username /home/username_bak then creating mkdir /home/username  then copy /etc/skel/ to newly created home and then chown to username....19:25
MrObviousJuJuBee: Use chmod and chown.19:25
vestelJeshh: May be something wrong with gnome settings. Try pressing Alt+F219:25
ompaulmattik, how do you mean there is -hardened you may want to start in #ubuntu-bugs and get pointers from there19:25
thehurley(i asked that a couple of hours ago,maybe someone new joined the channel that can help)19:25
karlwould 32 bit kubuntu recognize all 4gb of my ram?19:25
rinaldi_anyone familiar with avidemux? I am getting a crash (avidemux:7430): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_entry_set_text: assertion `text != NULL' failed" when I try to demux an h264 stream to a video-only mp4. any ideas?19:25
rinaldi_ 19:25
JuJuBeeA shell script could take care of this easliy I think.19:25
MrObviousJuJuBee: Just chown the folder like this: sudo chown -R root:root /folder/path && sudo chmod -R 700 /folder/path19:26
vestelHow long does it takes for you to create new kernel debs? I have a process running more than 3 hours...19:26
JuJuBeeMrObvious, I was hoping to not mess with the current settings on their files/folders19:26
Jeshhvestel : i pressed alt and F2.. no change.. nothing happens19:27
lw0x15any1 uses skype here ? why when i try to "View Profile"19:27
lw0x15it doesnt show up ?! :|19:27
pawel30364MrObvious:no way, after a bit more time, the same problem, other ideas19:28
ArthurArchnixHi... I'm suddenly having trouble suspending after the recent batch of updates. I get a constant stream of this message19:28
Anarhisthi, i don't know what is happening but if i click Ctrl+(any key) in the terminal i get the russian letter rather than a desired command (for example Ctrl+C rather than terminating the programme types с (russian s)). i have 2 keyboard layouts, and the second one is russian... i've no idea what's happening19:28
ArthurArchnixAnd by "trouble" I mean it doesn.t19:28
MrObviouspawel30364: No clue.19:29
ArthurArchnixAnd by constant I mean, about 3 entries per second19:29
ArthurArchnixof error messages in dmesg19:29
MrObviousJuJuBee: I guess just mv /folder/path /folder/path219:29
ArthurArchnixNo error messages in pm-suspend.19:30
mikeh269I'm trying to recover some files from a hard disc from a laptop- the file system has messed up and I just want to copy off some files and reinstall with something different so I've booted off an Ubuntu livecd but am unable to copy the requisite files  due to not having permission. Any idea how to fix this?19:30
MrObviouslRCHelp-v2-105: What is that link?19:30
Stev1hi all. i have just started looking into,linux and installed it on my brand new laptop asus f3S but have problems installing drivers especially graphic and sound. I have no sound at all. can anybody help pls19:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!19:30
Masdahi !19:30
MrObvious!hi | Masda19:31
ubottuMasda: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:31
MasdaDoes any one know how I can setup my wireless card DWL-G65019:31
MasdaI can see it with ifconfig19:31
ArthurArchnixWhat is the command to try and manually suspend from the console... hoping trying it that way will generate some error messages that an be diagnosed19:32
Lacrymologyis there any way to get my mouse pointer back? a game died and took it away with it19:32
magnetronMasda: can you configure it with network manager? (the icon in the corner)19:33
ArthurArchnixHave you tried restarting the game and seeing if it will give it bacK?19:33
LacrymologyArthurArchnix: yes, doesn't work19:33
MasdaI don't think that have driver install19:33
magnetronLacrymology: hit alt+f2 , type the name of the game executable and start it again. then exit the game19:33
ivotedkodosok I'm getting somewhere here.... It seems my lack of panels might be related to my having uninstalled evolution the other day (!)19:33
Lacrymologymagnetron: not going to work19:34
Lacrymologymagnetron: the game starts without the mouse19:34
Le_Verthello :)19:34
huisuhi everyone19:34
AnarhistLacrymology, have you tried to restart the xwindow?19:34
Le_VertI need some help to play a psp umd video on ubuntu19:35
Le_VertI got a cso file19:35
Lacrymologyexcuse me, is there some standarish way of Anarhist I'm trying not to do that19:35
Le_VertI converted it to iso with ciso19:35
Lacrymologywhat the..19:35
Le_Vertand tried to mount it19:35
ivotedkodosHow can I configure my wireless network from the shell?19:35
Le_Verthowever I still don't know how to play it19:35
Le_Vertany pointer ?19:35
Anarhisttry disconnecting the mouse and reconnecting it again, Lacrymology19:35
Le_VertI'd really love to watch this video ;)19:35
LacrymologyAnarhist: I'm trying not to restart X19:35
mikeh269anyone have any idea about my problem? - I'm trying to recover some files from a hard disc from a laptop- the file system has messed up and I just want to copy off some files and reinstall with something different so I've booted off an Ubuntu livecd but am unable to copy the requisite files  due to not having permission. Any idea how to fix this?19:35
MasdaI don't see my network card on network setting19:35
huisuhi everyone help me? i compiled the compat-wireless and my b43 module works perfect but i have to load it with the make load command,doesnt start automatically19:36
magnetronivotedkodos: with iwconfig and ifconfig (posssibly wpasupplicant if you'll use WPA/WPA2)19:36
JTRIPhello there19:36
JTRIPanyone here got an intel 915 integrated gfx card?19:37
Le_VertI do I play PSP video on ubuntu ?19:37
Le_Verthow do I19:37
AnarhistLe_Vert, for most of my videos i just use VLC19:38
Anarhisti'm sure it will handle it19:38
Le_VertIt doesn't work19:38
Le_Vertneither does mplayer19:38
JTRIPwhat do you mean by "PSP video"19:38
Le_VertJTRIP: it's was a cso file19:38
ivotedkodosthanks magnetron: I just plugged a lan cable in, it was easier.19:38
Le_VertI found ciso to convert it to iso19:38
Le_Vertso it's now an ISO19:39
Masdacan I use Backtrack to update my driver, my wireless card work fine with backtrack19:39
Le_Vertwhen I mount it, I see many file and directories19:39
JTRIPa cso file is an image of a disc meant to be reproduced only on the psp19:39
Le_VertI guess it's an UMD19:39
JTRIPit is19:39
ivotedkodosYay! Fixed it! I had to re-install gnome, but it works!19:39
ivotedkodosThanks everyone19:39
Le_Vertso I want to play and UMD on linux :p19:39
Anarhistso can nobody help me with my problem?19:39
Anarhisthi, i don't know what is happening but if i click Ctrl+(any key) in the terminal i get the russian letter rather than a desired command (for example Ctrl+C rather than terminating the programme types с (russian s)). i have 2 keyboard layouts, and the second one is russian... i've no idea what's happening19:39
rinaldi_Le_Vert: oh, so it is a umd rip? you could try mounting it using acetone or something19:40
Le_VertJTRIP: any idea ?19:40
Le_Vertyeah it's an umd19:40
Le_VertIt's already mounted19:40
Some_PersonI've abandoned ubuntu for the past few weeks or so.19:40
Le_Vertnow I'm looking for some tools that can play a mounted UMD19:40
stemount^Some_Person: sinner!19:40
Some_PersonIs it good to use the US repos now?19:40
JTRIPi dont know wheter sony uses some kind of encription on video-umds or not19:40
Some_Personstemount^: Only because I was doing a lot of video editing in Premiere Pro19:41
Le_Vertit's really weir19:41
stemount^Some_Person: I'll let you off19:41
Le_Verteven google on linux + "play umd"19:41
Le_Vertdoesn't help much :/19:41
stemount^Some_Person: :)19:41
nduplessishow do i determine which app is using 3690?19:41
nduplessisis using port 3690 that is19:41
Some_PersonAre the US Repos finally fixed?19:42
stemount^nduplessis: type telnet localhost 369019:42
Picinduplessis: sudo netstat -tanp | grep 369019:42
rinaldi_Le_Vert: what video file is it?19:42
stemount^nduplessis: into terminal19:42
JTRIPi dont really get the point in watching an umd on the pc, even if you got it to work it will be 400 something x 27019:42
dmzhowdy, anyone here using ubuntu 8 w/xen 3.2?19:42
JTRIPreally ugly19:42
mikeh269anyone have any idea about my problem? - I'm trying to recover some files from a hard disc from a laptop- the file system has messed up and I just want to copy off some files and reinstall with something different so I've booted off an Ubuntu livecd but am unable to copy the requisite files  due to not having permission. Any idea how to fix this?19:42
Le_Vertrinaldi_: I don't really know19:42
Le_Vertthere's tones of files19:42
MasdaDid some one know? how can I load prims.. driver to kernel19:42
lollerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5090366&posted=1#post5090366 somebody to help me19:42
Le_Vertso I don't really understand which file is the video19:42
Roumsmikeh269 try PhotoRec, should work19:43
Le_Vertseems there's pmf files19:43
Le_Vertwhich should be videos19:43
Roumsas long as you see the files you should get them back easily19:43
rinaldi_anyone know of an app that will demux and remux videos, excluding avidemux?19:43
nduplessisPici: sudo netstat -tanp | grep 3690 gives inetd as the process19:43
hdahi, ubuntu 8.04 here, sata and ide disks are randomly renamed sda/sdb; any way to make the sata disk always sda and ide disk always sdb? thanks19:43
nduplessiswhat exactly is inetd?19:43
ubottuFactoid inetd not found19:44
mikeh269Roums if that doesn't come straight on the livecd I can't use it19:44
Anarhisthda are you using grub as a bootloader?19:44
tezemAfter upgrade to 8.04 my touchpad is not working any more can somebody help me?19:44
Masdaw up19:44
hdaanarhist, yes19:44
Anarhisthda, there's a command there, hold on, i'll try to find it19:44
hdaanarhist, thanks19:44
JTRIPtezem,  were you using synaptic driver?19:44
Roumsmikael79 why ? are you connected to the internet with the live cd ?19:45
Kituhello all19:45
tezemJTRIP: yes19:45
keiserr\/join #mono19:45
JTRIPdo you have a section in your xorg.conf ?19:45
mikeh269Can you use synaptic while on the livecd?19:45
nduplessisif i'm running svnserve as a daemon would inetd show up on netstat ?19:45
Roumsmikeh269 yes you should19:45
nduplessisas the process listening on the svn port?19:45
lollerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5090366&posted=1#post5090366 somebody to help me19:46
matrixhi i have problem emtying my trash on gutsy , any advice19:46
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tezemJTRIP: yes -> http://rafb.net/p/flnaPR26.html19:46
=== sandeep is now known as skshandilya
JTRIPit looks ok19:47
Anarhisthda, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/map.html19:47
hdaanarhist, thank you very much19:47
tezemJTRIP: it is the config is  the same for years19:47
Anarhistyou will need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst19:47
Anarhistmake sure you keep a backup19:47
RoumsAnarhist hehe thanks too, I noticed that too :)19:48
mazikowskiHi, I'm using 8.04 and trying to burn a CD with Brasero. I am using MP3s to create an audio cd, but when I click 'Burn...' it just sits on a dialog saying "Please Wait: some tasks are not completed yet." until I close it. What can I do to fix this?19:48
tim1Just been having very bad crashed lately, and the music repeats annoyingly. The only way to get it working is to reboot. Almost happens every time I'm listening to music19:48
Anarhistand note that grub uses hd0 hd1, etc not sda1 sdb119:48
pimI was busy downloading files with utorrent when I switched to ubuntu. Is there a way to move those to ubuntu?19:48
tezemJTRIP: when I rmmod psmouse and then modprobe psmouse it works19:49
JTRIPlook, this is my xorg.conf with an alps touchpad(which uses the same driver)19:49
byaHello everyone19:49
JTRIPmaybe your old xorg.conf is causing trouble19:49
cygokuIf Broadcom + Ubuntu = BAD, what is DELL doing with DELLBUNTU ??19:49
tim1pim: i dono have you tryed simply moving the files19:49
Anarhisthda make sure you read this bug also: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/1413519:49
matrixanyone have problems emtying trash on gutsy19:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 14135 in grub-installer "Grub Install Failure" [High,Confirmed]19:49
sondr3Hello, party-people!19:49
byaI'm french, they can't help me at #ubuntu-fr, i hope you will here, and i hope that i'll make myself understand as welle as i can19:49
byaSo here the thing19:50
byai changed Alsa to Pulse19:50
pimtim1 maybe I could do that, but then I'd also have to load the torrent files..19:50
mikeh269Roums I figured it out and now feel stupid. I just chucked up a terminal and did a sudo cp and it worked fine. Thanks anyway.19:50
byaIt brought me a lot of issues19:50
tim1pim: I Think its the best way19:50
cdeszaqhow can I find my ethernet card's MAC from the command line?19:50
byaI've solved a lot of its, but they're is still one that bothers me a lot, aMSN does'nt work anymore19:51
___Alex___how do I setup multiple monitors?19:51
byaAnd I get that on shell :  pcm_params.c:2351: sndrv_pcm_hw_params: Assertion `err >= 0' failed.19:51
JTRIPifconfig, cdeszaq19:51
tim1bya: very slow an unusable ?19:51
zeroCLokii-: hi there19:51
Picicdeszaq: or ip addr, whichever floats your boat19:51
cdeszaqthank you19:51
byatim1,  it dumps19:51
jedimindyeah how is support for multiple monitors these days ?19:51
jedimindis it still as bad as always19:52
tim1bya: worked before? have you just installed ?19:52
JTRIPits a bit better19:52
byatim1,  how can i say it, huummm i start it, and it soudainly quit, the shell tells me that :  pcm_params.c:2351: sndrv_pcm_hw_params: Assertion `err >= 0' failed.19:52
jedimindJTRIP, last i tried w/ 8.04 i couldnt get multiple monitors to work19:52
byatim1, yes worked before, i've just changed alsa to pulse, and it osuddainly stoped working19:52
Roumssoundainly? :P19:53
byaRoums, not soudainly, but it stoped working19:53
byaI mean since i changed to pulse, bada boum, i can't make amsn work anymore19:53
frojndWhat's the google service name that provide picture of web pages that are no longer online ?19:54
danzafrojnd, 'cache' ?19:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:54
byafrojnd, it's google cache19:54
byaI think19:54
byaThere is even an add-on on mozilla that mkes the thing easy to do19:54
byaSo, nobody can help me with my aMSN issue?19:55
byaMy PCM sound issue?19:55
___Alex___anyone? how do I setup multiple monitors?19:55
Slart!dualhead | ___Alex___19:56
ubottu___Alex___: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama19:56
Slart___Alex___: using nvidia?19:56
byaWell i guess that is the same as ubuntu-fr, nobody can help me, thought it was easy for people like you =(19:56
___Alex___Slart: ati19:57
ariqsthe celestia package barely runs for me.. it's all slow and jerky. Any ideas why that might be?>19:57
___Alex___slart: on a laptop, if that matters19:57
Slart___Alex___: ah.. then you'll have to read that link ubottu sent you.. I haven't tried ubuntu on something with an ati card.. I wouldn't know where to start19:57
wluijbenhello I was following this tutorial on setting up netbeans http://wiki.netbeans.org/InstallingNetbeansUbuntu7.0419:59
klfd4opera is sometimes really slow to start loading a webpage, but once it starts, its really quick. I disabled ipv6, and it fixed the problem for firefox, but opera still has the problem. any idea what i can do?19:59
detrateCan anyone reccomend a laptop / desktop sync tool?19:59
wluijbenwhen I: sudo sh installer19:59
detrateor a sync tool for specific folders19:59
wluijbenit pops up an installer window, but the window is empty :o19:59
Slartdetrate: rsync is nice if you like the command line20:00
danzadetrate, maybe 'rsync' ? It's a good oldies20:00
luinuxis here a spanish speak?? i don't know the english20:00
detrateI don't mind the command line but I'd prefer a gui20:00
Slart!es | luinux20:00
ubottuluinux: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:00
detratemaybe there is a program that lays on top of rsync?20:00
danzadetrate, probably20:01
Slart!info gtkrsync20:01
ubottugtkrsync (source: gtkrsync): GUI front-end to display rsync status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2 (hardy), package size 483 kB, installed size 1576 kB20:01
FreezeHeatSomeone here knows how to run a steam on a 64bit 8.04 ubuntu?20:01
Slart!info grsync20:01
ubottugrsync (source: grsync): GTK+ frontend for rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-2 (hardy), package size 62 kB, installed size 336 kB20:01
detratefound 'unison' too20:01
FreezeHeatSomeone here knows how to run steam on a 64bit 8.04 ubuntu?20:01
Slartthere seems to be a lot of them20:01
detrateUnison shares a number of features with tools such as configuration management packages (CVS, PRCS, Subversion, BitKeeper, etc.), distributed filesystems (Coda, etc.), uni-directional mirroring utilities (rsync, etc.), and other synchronizers (Intellisync, Reconcile, etc). However, there are several points where it differs:20:02
pimFreezeHeat just download steam and wine steam.exe20:02
detratewow :D20:02
SlartFreezeHeat: get wine going, properly.. then look at appdb.winehq.org .. steam is pretty well supported, afaik20:02
FreezeHeatOk thank you slart20:02
RAdamsFreezeHeat: google "wine 64-bi8t ubuntu". the answer is in the first 2 results20:02
RAdamsbit, not bi8t :(20:02
byatim1, Yes?20:03
byatim1, You have a solution? =D20:03
RAdamsmy trackpad tab under mouse preferences disappeared. does anyone have an idea on how to get it back?20:03
tim1bya why cant you use alsa ?20:03
tim1i just install aslamixer because some apps would not work correctly20:04
byatim1, it's because it brings me some issues with mplayer, so I had to change sound server20:04
byaI solved all the issues exept this one20:04
tim1bya if you really must just use pigeon its actually ok20:04
=== aoupi_ is now known as aoupi
byatim1, pigeon?20:05
MakuseruHow can i find out wheather an mp3 uses ID3v or ID3v2 tags?20:05
byatim1, sorry i'm french so i may not understand everything =s20:05
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr20:06
aoupiMakuseru: id3v2 -R mp3file.mp3, that will list the tags20:06
byastefg, I alread said that at ubuntu-fr they can't help me20:06
Makuseruaoupi: i know how to see the tags, i need to find out what version of ID3 they are20:06
danfhi :)20:06
stefgbya, ok.... just to let you know (but you knew already..)20:06
aoupiMakuseru: yes, id3v2 lists what version it is20:07
danfbya, what's the matter frenchy ? :)20:07
Makuseruaoupi: ah, alright, thanks20:07
Some_PersonWhy is Firefox 3 RC1 not in repos?20:07
tim1bya: sudo apt-get install pigin20:07
Ace_NoOnehi there - how can I manually reset the wireless connection? e.g. when switching from one network to another, Ubuntu is often slow to pick that up20:07
byaThe matter is that i can't launch amsn, actually it launch, and then it abort20:07
aoupiMakuseru: no problem20:07
ariqsbya: I don't know what your problem is, but try #linuxhelp or something. They seem to be more useful when you have a difficult problem20:07
Ace_NoOneusing /etc/init.d/networking reset does not help20:07
tim1bya: sudo apt-get install pidgin mate20:07
Some_Personbya: launch it in terminal, post to http://paste.ubuntu.com20:07
mattheOhi, when compiz is on my videos are flickering, except in wide screen. Can you help me, please ? I have an ATI card.20:07
aoupiAce_NoOne: restart not reset20:08
danfbya, oh. Ok I thought you had problem with frenchs ^_^20:08
byaI already did20:08
stefgbya, so launch it from a terminal window to get a useful error message20:08
Ace_NoOneaoupi: that's what I meant - in fact, that doesn't do anything20:08
byaIt gets me that20:08
byaImpossible de démarrer le gestionnaire de paramètres « gnome-settings-daemon ».20:08
Ace_NoOnebut lemme try20:08
byaI've mistaken20:08
byawish8.5: pcm_params.c:2351: sndrv_pcm_hw_params: Assertion `err >= 0' failed.20:08
FloodBot3bya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:08
byaOw, sorry20:08
Some_Personbya: is that all it says in teminal?20:08
Ace_NoOneaoupi: just did that - and still online...20:09
lastelement0hey all i have usb support in virtualbox now. however whenever i try to open my usb, which is recognized (drivers load and all), i cant open the drive and i get an I/O error. any help?20:09
byaHere it is20:09
byai guess this is because i changed alsa to pulse20:10
Some_Personbya: that is a PulseAudio error20:10
Makuseruaoupi: that didnt say weather it was v1 or v220:10
Some_Personbya: try changing it back to alsa20:10
aoupiMakuseru: first line it prints out20:10
byaSome_Person, I know, but how do i solve it?20:10
Makuseruaoupi: ha, im blind20:10
aoupiMakuseru: :)20:10
byaSome_Person, I was hoping keeping pulse20:10
Some_Personbya: PulseAudio is very buggy, I suggest you just use alsa20:10
byaIt is much better than alsa20:10
cygokuWtf, is there not any simple way to simply install WORKING driver for Wireless Broadcom on Hardy Heron ??20:11
philsfhello, how can I use the LC_*/LANG/LANGUAGE env vars to set gnome's language to (say) en_US and have every other var pointing to my locale (papersize, etc). I tried setting things in /etc/environment, .bashrc and .bash_profile, and it propagates to my terminals, but not to the GUI shell20:11
byaBut alsa don't work very well with mplayer20:11
stefgbya, try 'killall pulseaudio' before launching20:11
Some_Personbya: what do you need/want pulse for?20:11
aoupiMakuseru: there can also be both id3v1 and v2 at the same time, then the v1 tag is printed first20:11
philsfcygoku: have you tried the b43-fwcutter package?20:12
aoupiSome_Person: to pump the blood around20:12
byaIt is simple, i use only mplayer for videos, and with alsa, sound is late than video20:12
Makuseruaoupi: thats what i have to make sure isnt happening, how can i find out if they have both20:12
danfDid someone recently used gparted here ?20:12
byaI don't know if i made my self clear =s Some_Person20:12
danf'cause I have a problem. It won't lauch ! ><20:12
philsfcygoku: or  bcm43xx-fwcutter?20:12
stefg!anyone | danf20:12
Some_Personbya: you made it clear that you want pulseaudio and amsn working20:12
ubottudanf: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:12
KrypttWho do i get my xfce desktop to use /home/*user/desktop? If you understand20:12
lastelement0hey all i have usb support in virtualbox now. however whenever i try to open my usb, which is recognized (drivers load and all), i cant open the drive and i get an I/O error. any help?20:13
aoupiMakuseru: you'll se it20:13
byaYes, but about why pulse and not alsa Some_Person20:13
cygokuI don't even know man.20:13
danf'k, 'k20:13
byaSome_Person,  I tried to explain you20:13
Makuseruaoupi: alright, so if there ARE both, it will list them?20:13
localhow do i solve this problem ? "[   43.285857] sr: Add. Sense: Head select fault20:13
local[   43.285851] sr: Sense Key : Hardware Error [current]"20:13
danfstefg, so how should I ask this ? :)20:13
piiehow do i setup nautilus to create copied files (from cd) with write permissions?20:14
MrKeunerhi, Using Gnome in hardy, is there a way to open files with extension fgeo (file utility detect them as XML) using application Dr.GEO provided that Dr.GEO will not show up the default application for any other XML files?20:14
mooGirlsoftdev69 said "翦篝" in GB2312, but we speak UTF8 here20:14
cygokuYes fwcutter is install.20:14
aoupiMakuseru: yea, it'll look like this http://pastebin.com/m10d73b1520:14
ariqsnothing works worth a crap with the ATI accelerated graphics drivers I got as a restricted package.20:14
danfanyway, who used gparted recently please ?20:14
Some_Personbya: (this is not a permament solution) but try running amsn with sudo20:15
Makuseruaoupi: ah, alright20:15
J-_I can use the AMD64 alternate ISO/ CD with my Intel Core2 Duo, correct?20:15
softdev69how can i see the name of my pc that corresponds to my ip?20:15
Some_Personbya: it may be a permission issue20:15
stefgdanf: along the lines of:' i tried to use gparted <version> to resize my ntfs partition sda1. now it's gone, and i don't know how to recover. I searched google and the forums but couldn't find anything, Any chance to get my data back?'20:15
philsfdanf: do you have a question, or are you just polling for opinions?20:15
chaskinsI have an odd issue with an IDE and wondered if anyone could help? I format it to ext3 and mount, all is fine. Then I reboot the machine and I am no longer able to mount it again. instead I have to reformat before I can mount. :( Any ideas what could be causing this? I'm running Hardy ... can see the drive fine in 7.10, even using the Live cd.20:15
ariqsare there any ati drivers besides the packaged ones that will work?20:15
byaSome_Person, Ok, I tried killall pulseaudio and then launch amsn, and it work20:16
byaSome_Person, I'll try with sudo20:16
J-_I can use the AMD64 alternate ISO/ CD with my Intel Core2 Duo, correct?20:16
Slartchaskins: "can't remount" ? you get an error message of some kind?20:16
erUSULariqs: which card? use the free ati drivers20:16
danfstefg, ok i'll do it :)20:16
erUSULJ-_: correct20:16
Some_Personbya: it worked because you closed pulse (making your system default to alsa) and started it20:16
Luig1Hello! I plan to buy an exernal USB Hard Disk Drive, and I was wondering if anyone here knows if I need to be careful not to get one that isn't compatible with Ubuntu.20:16
hwildeI need a good command line terminal program like gtkterm20:16
J-_erUSUL: Cool, cheers.20:16
Luig1There appear to be many from Western Digital under the 'My Book' brand, and they say they come with software. I wouldn't want to hook it up and find out I need to use some odd transfer program...20:16
ariqserUSUL: radeon 9800 pro20:16
=== laptop is now known as Celtiore
SlartLuig1: I think those are all compatible with ubuntu.. I've never seen one that isn't20:17
chaskinsyeah I get one put into the /var/log/fsck/checkfs20:17
cygokuWhat do I do with that b43-fwcutter ??20:17
chaskinsI'll dump the content20:17
Luig1hwilde: are xterm and Gnome Terminal not good enough?20:17
byaSome_Person, Hum ok20:17
SlartLuig1: I use a smaller WD portable drive.. works nicely20:17
Luig1Ok, thanks Slart20:17
hwildeLuig1, comprendez vous "command line"20:17
chaskinsfsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)20:17
chaskinsfsck.ext3: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sdb120:17
chaskinsThe superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext220:17
chaskinsfilesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext220:17
FloodBot3chaskins: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:17
chaskinsfilesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock20:17
Slartchaskins: no...no...no...20:17
hwildeI need gtkterm but command line based20:17
danfthe problem with gparted is that it can't run on my laptop. I tried the version 0.3.6-7. The version 0.3.4-11 worked well... but I don't have it anymore20:17
Slartchaskins: what on earth made you think the rest of the channel wanted to read all those lines..20:17
Luig1hwilde: Oui20:18
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Slart!paste | chaskins20:18
ubottuchaskins: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:18
Some_Personbya: but i assume you actually want it to work with alsa20:18
=== kalpik is now known as TheMatrixHasYou
philsfhello, how can I use the LC_*/LANG/LANGUAGE env vars to set gnome's language to (say) en_US and have every other var pointing to my locale (papersize, etc). I tried setting things in /etc/environment, .bashrc and .bash_profile, and it propagates to my terminals, but not to the GUI shell20:18
hwildeLuig1, xterm and gnome-terminal are gui programs.    command line != gui20:18
tim1!join #xbmc20:18
ubottuFactoid join #xbmc not found20:18
chaskinsRight sorry will use the proper method20:18
byaSome_Person, It works with sudo20:18
Some_Personbya: with pulse, i mean20:18
tim1!join ~urmumu20:18
ubottuFactoid join ~urmumu not found20:18
hwildetim1,   /join20:18
stefgdanf: your partition table might be in a state wher gparted refuses to work. does 'sudo fdisk -l' state anything out of the ordinary?20:18
=== GreyHat is now known as ZoiX
Some_Personbya: with pulse still running?20:19
cygokuWhat do I do with that b43-fwcutter ??20:19
Some_Personbya: but not without sudo, correct?20:19
chaskinsok url is http://paste.ubuntu.com/16461/20:19
byaSome_Person, And guess what, you were right, it's a permission issue, since shell tells me that : http://paste.ubuntu.com/16459/20:19
localhow to i disk check mt drive ?20:19
Luig1hwilde: I'm not sure I understand the difference between a terminal emulator and a command line...?20:19
byaMistake again20:19
Slartchaskins: this is an internal hard drive?20:20
danfstefg, ok i didn't say that I used the live-cd version. I only have vista for now20:20
chaskinsyes it is20:20
hwildeLuig1, then don't answer people's questions ok20:20
chaskinsand IDE20:20
Luig1Ooops, never mind20:20
danfstefg, read: I forgot to say20:20
byaSome_Person, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16462/20:20
Slartchaskins: and you formatted the drive.. then it mounted... but after a reboot it wont mount, right?20:20
FloodBot3danf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:20
chaskinsyep thats right20:20
stefgdanf: vista might use the infamous microsoft ldm. gparted is lost at that20:20
Slartchaskins: if you run the partition editor (system, administration, partition editor) can you see the hard drive? and the partition?20:21
chaskinsBut if I boot up the 7.10 live cd mounts fine20:21
danfstefg, really ? :s20:21
localthis pc maybe be laggin20:21
localhow to i check my disk drive ?20:21
danfstefg, no wait a minute20:21
byaSome_Person, So we're fixed, it is a permission issue, now how may i solve it?(hope i'm not abusing of your kindness) =x20:21
Slartchaskins: oh... it mounts in 7.10 but on on your 8.04 system.. weird20:21
Some_Personbya: don't worry, we'll get this fixed20:21
stefgdanf: ldm is completly different from a good old dos partition table (compare linux lvm) gparted can only handle traditional partition tables20:22
chaskinscan see the hard drive but it has a ! in a yellow triangle saying something similar to the log entry in my paste20:22
danfstefg, no way, cause I used  the version 0.3.4-11 and no problem occured. Now I can't find the cd20:22
byaSome_Person, Thank you, really =D20:22
chaskinsyeah it is a bit weird20:22
klfd4opera is sometimes really slow to start loading a webpage, but once it starts, its really quick. I disabled ipv6, and it fixed the problem for firefox, but opera still has the problem. any idea what i can do?20:22
mrbubbleshow can i set ownership of a folder to a different user?20:22
chaskinsa bit frustrating :(20:22
tim1bya sorted ?20:22
Slartchaskins: what happens if you run a "sudo fsck /dev/sdb1"20:22
Some_Personbya: check if you are a member of the audio group (sudo gedit /etc/group)20:22
byatim1, Not yet, but on my way =)20:22
Ace_NoOnemrbubbles: chwon user:group file20:22
Ace_NoOnemight be group:user, don't remember20:22
ianliu_88Hi. I have installed Ubuntu on my laptop and I am using Vim to edit some C files. I've been noting that some vim operations are quite slow compared to my desktop PC, like, when typing '}'. My laptop is a lot better than my PC... Any tips?20:22
chaskinsthat works20:22
danfstefg, i think that there a problem with the last version20:22
Ace_NoOnemrbubbles: chown I mean20:23
stefgmrbubbles: sudo chown -R user:group <dir>20:23
chaskinssays its clean20:23
Slartchaskins: no errors?20:23
tim1i can tell you the permisions should be just ask20:23
Some_Personbya: and check if pulse is a member20:23
chaskinsI have reformated again since I booted up though20:23
byaSome_Person, I remember i've added user to groups20:23
Slartchaskins: what happens if you open a terminal and run "sudo mount /dev/sdb1"20:23
byaSome_Person, but let me check20:23
byaSome_Person, Ok20:23
IenorandDoes anybody here know of a way to link a drawer (as used on gnome-paner) to a folder? So that when drawer is opened, all contents of the linked folder is shown.20:24
chaskinsIt mounts it20:24
chaskinsbut if I reboot now it will lose the drive/partition again20:24
IenorandOr maybe some other way to get a folder browsable as a menu?20:24
Slartchaskins: ok.. can you pastebin your /etc/fstab and the output of "sudo blkid"20:24
chaskinsI have been banging my head over this for a few days now20:25
byaSome_Person, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16463/20:25
chaskinsok sure20:25
anchromehi...can anyone help with pulseaudio?20:25
Slartchaskins: it's an interesting problem..20:25
byaSome_Person, Do we have what we're lokin' for?20:25
Some_Personbya: no, check the 'audio' group20:25
byaSome_Person, How? (Sorry about being an idiot) =x20:25
Some_Personbya: its in that file20:26
chaskinsheres the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16465/20:26
byaSome_Person, Ah yes you're right, here it is : audio:x:29:khansa,pulse20:26
byaSome_Person, khansa = $USER :$20:27
chaskinsyeah it is, worked fine in 7.10 but since the upgrade to 8.04 I have not been able to use my second HD20:27
Some_Personbya: ok, that isn't the problem then20:27
Slartchaskins: hmm.. that looks fine to me...20:27
chaskinsyeah very odd isn't it :(20:28
byaSome_Person, =/ May be I should look at amsn conf file, souldn't I?20:28
Some_Personbya: this isn't an amsn error20:28
byaSome_Person, So it's coming from pulse =/20:28
Slartchaskins: ok.. there has to be something wrong with the drive for it to behave like this..20:28
Some_Personbya: yes20:28
Slartchaskins: unmount it, "sudo umount /dev/sdb1", then run that disk check again.. "sudo fsck -f /dev/sdb1"20:29
chaskinsI don't understand why it works when I boot up into the 7.10 Live CD though20:29
abuyazani am again about login window, when i run it, i see it try to open but it disappear, when i ps aux i see it is running but it did not appear20:29
chaskinsthats the odd part20:29
abuyazanalso synaptic manager the same thing20:29
Slartchaskins: nope.. I'm conviniently ignoring that for now =)20:29
abuyazanhow can i debug this case20:29
byaSome_Person, But wasn't it about permission? Since when i launched amsn with sudo, it worked ...20:29
MaskedOneAnyone here have a ze4430?20:30
byaSome_Person, I don't get it, what is it about then?20:30
Some_Personbya: it is a permission issue within pulse20:30
MaskedOneze4430 HP should say, need to remove HDD for wife but cant get into the damn thing20:30
byaSome_Person, Hum I see ..., but why juste with amsn, why not VLC, or Mplyer, or system sound ?20:31
Some_Personbya: i cant answer that, sorry20:31
=== stefg_ is now known as stefg
=== TheMatrixHasYou is now known as kalpik
megafreakhow to safely remove hardware in ubuntu20:31
megafreakhow to safely remove hardware in ubuntu??20:31
SwedeMikewhat kind of hardware?20:32
byaSome_Person, Ok, it doesn't matter, i've already took enough or your time, i'm gonna stop bother you =) Thank you agai, really, i'll try to find by my  side now i'have a lead20:32
megafreakexternal hard disk20:32
abuyazanany one have an idea about my problem, how can i debug it ??20:32
megafreakexternal hard disk20:32
Some_Personbya: try this: ln -sf /var/run/pulse/.esd_auth ~/.esd_auth20:32
megafreakhow to safely remove external hard disk20:32
Some_Personbya: amsn uses ESD (i think) which is why it wouldn't affect other things20:32
minimecmegafreak: simply unmount it...20:32
SwedeMikeminimec: isn't there a more userfriendly way? because running unmount in shell will of course work, but ...20:33
DjViperwrong window :P20:33
byaSome_Person, And with what you gave me, it will tell to pulse to work with esd "friendly"?20:33
byaSome_Person, Can't we just force amsn to work with pulse instead of esd?20:33
Some_Personbya: its the way amsn is coded20:33
minimecSwedeMike: Common... Right click in NAutilus isn't that hard, is it...20:34
megafreakstandard@ubuntu:/media$ rm -rf *Standard-20:34
megafreakrm: cannot remove `Standard-': Input/output error20:34
megafreakwhy i cannot remove it20:34
megafreakInput/output error20:34
byaSome_Person, So we have to force pulse to work with esd, thing that we cannot do?20:34
tim1can any one please help me install a driver $ my lan please20:34
byaSome_Person, (It odesn't work, ln -sf /var/run/pulse/.esd_auth ~/.esd_auth)20:34
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Some_Personbya: we might be able to force amsn to use alsa, which would redirect it to pulse20:35
TZMmegafreak: Don't ever use "rm" to remove media--you could end up deleting alot of files.20:35
Some_Personbya: try running 'aoss amsn'20:35
megafreaki see20:35
megafreakso how to delete it20:35
* Slart was sleeping on the couch for a week after using rm a bit to much.. =/20:35
SwedeMikemegafreak: what is it you want to do? do you want to unmount or remove the files?20:35
TZMmegafreak: What you really want to do I think is "unmount" it--do you know the device name?20:35
byaSome_Person, Ok =)20:35
tim1mv or try sudo rm -rf /*20:35
anchromeanyone have any idea about configuring pulseaudio with two sound cards?20:35
Slartmegafreak: use something that gives you at least a second chance.. (ir trashbin or something).. nautilus does that20:36
megafreaki have external hardisk two partition and i unmount one only but forgot to unmount another one and i remove the usb20:36
TZMtim1: What?? Are you telling someone to delete their entire partition?20:36
megafreakso the partition stuck in there20:36
byaSome_Person, It didn't work =/20:37
megafreak<tim1> mv or try sudo rm -rf /* <--don't think i'm too stupid20:37
Some_Personbya: same error?20:37
byaSome_Person, Same fail message,  over and over again =/20:37
byaSome_Person, yes20:37
megafreaki have external hardisk two partition and i unmount one only but forgot to unmount another one and i remove the usb20:37
TZM!ops | tim120:37
ubottutim1: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!20:37
megafreakso the partition stuck in there20:37
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:38
MrPinkHey all, just updated my Desktop to 8.04 and it asked me if I wanted to use restricted Drivers, and I tried it out just to see if it improved things... well it screwed everything up, is there any way to restore the old settings or anyone can help me with my problem? :-(20:38
=== jose__ is now known as averno
ariqsI don't think my ati drivers are working properly, and i don't know how to figure out what's wrong.  but anything that requires opengl is incredibly slow and or crashes20:38
ubottuFactoid panic not found20:38
Myrttiompaul: was going to do a banforward20:38
gordonjcpmegafreak: What exactly are you trying to do?20:38
TZMmegafreak: Just do a "sudo umount /dev/<partition>" and see if you can unmount it first..20:39
MrPinkariqs: Hey looks like we have a similar problem :-/20:39
ompaulMyrtti, go for it20:39
avernoi just updated ubuntu and i cannot navigate properly with nautilus, i click in places/home folder, and i cannot access anything else, anyone knows about this problem?20:39
James|gnomeI didnt know so many of us use Ubuntu :-P20:39
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ompaulMyrtti, go for it20:39
tvn1981 /msg nickserv register cryptopo nguyenthanhvuh@gmail.com20:40
krikke|ubuntuGGhi, i'm having a problem with networking between a windows200 and ubuntu system, is this the right place to ask ? (concerning video playback)20:40
=== James|gnome is now known as cryptopo
PriceChildtvn1981: choose a different password and remove the leading space20:40
=== cryptopo is now known as Jame1
MrPinkHey all, just updated my Desktop to 8.04 and it asked me if I wanted to use restricted Drivers, and I tried it out just to see if it improved things... well it screwed everything up, everything is really slow (while dragging Windows etc.) is there any way to restore the old settings or anyone can help me with my problem? :-(20:41
TZMmegafreak: Maybe try force unmounting: "sudo umount -f /dev/<partition>"20:41
MrKeunerhi, Using Gnome in hardy, is there a way to open files with extension fgeo (file utility detect them as XML) using application Dr.GEO provided that Dr.GEO will not show up the default application for any other XML files?20:41
TZMMrKeuner: Can you do something like right-click a fgeo file, select "Open with..." (I think that's it), select DR. GEO, and select the box saying something about "always open with this application".20:43
megafreaksomething like this20:43
megafreakmy partition of external hdd stuck20:44
MrPinkIs there a terminal command for him to autodetect the graphics again, because fresh after the reinstall it worked, only once I chose to try the restricted Drivers did things screw up20:44
MrKeunerTZM: that works but then all the XML files are affected20:44
=== laptop is now known as Celtiore
Lifeisfunnydevice:  Totem Movie Player 2.22.1     issue:  when adjusting volume, the slide bar opens and immediately there is silence     judgment:  annoying.20:44
megafreaki already remove the external usb but its still on my computer20:44
megafreaki already remove the external usb but the partition still on my computer20:44
SwedeMikemegafreak: try to open a shell and umount -f the partition20:44
jharrIs there a website/program that just has a list of patches for ubuntu?20:44
megafreakalready do it but can't20:45
MrPinkneed help with my xorg.conf and graphics-driver problems :-/20:45
jharrI know the update-manager gui does, but I'm upgrading servers via the CLI and it'd be nice to have something...20:45
Lifeisfunnynuff said?   yep, I think so.20:45
geniijharr: Thats what the update notifier does.20:45
TZMMrKeuner: You could always write a short bash script that would run "file" on your file to detect what it is (or something similar), and then the script would decide which program to run.20:45
jharrgenii: yeah, I know. But I'm doing updates via the CLI.20:46
jharrgenii: and the cli doesn't have the changelog feature.20:46
cygokuI am desesperate, would anyone link me to the right firmware that I need to have my Broadcom wireless working better under Hardy Heron ?? ( BCM94311MCG )20:46
MrKeunerTZM: files identifies it as XML no more spcifics20:46
MrKeunerTZM: s/files/file20:46
MrPinkHey all, just updated my Desktop to 8.04 and it asked me if I wanted to use restricted Drivers, and I tried it out just to see if it improved things... well it screwed everything up, is there any way to restore the old settings or anyone can help me with my problem? :-(20:47
phoenix3051When creating an application launcher on ubuntu can any tell me if there is an option similar to the "run in terminal" on kubuntu on ubuntu's gnome?20:47
TZMMrKeuner: Well then how can you identify the difference?20:47
TZMcygoku: Have you tried ndiswrapper with your card?20:47
foeyGot a problem sometimes with video playback in 8.04. Most of the time works without a problem, but sometimes, such as now, it plays the video without any sound and at half the speed. any ideas without restarting X?20:47
MrKeunerTZM: I can't but thought somebody could20:47
MrKeunerTZM: also what about the extension?20:48
ubottuFactoid pingme not found20:49
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore20:49
amorphous_i have a weird problem. --- flash audio streaming will not work but i DO get sound in youtube, just not in finetuneplayer or bbc streaming. all i can find online is for sound completely gone - not just for audio streams. Anyone give me any pointers?20:49
TZMMrKeuner: So is what you are trying to do is run everything with .fgeo extension with that Dr.Geo program, but not any other xml files?20:49
cygokuTZM, I could not find any proper wiki so far, they all point to different stuff to download and compile ... Pissing me :(20:49
=== lesmanly is now known as rexnubulr
amorphous_ps: hardy upgrade from gutsy - Dell optiplex320 --- and i have installed libflashsupport20:50
minimecMrPink: Alt+Ctrl+F1 ... Then login with your account... then do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. Configuration should be easy... then sudo killall gdm... then sudo gdm && exit20:50
MrKeunerTZM: I would say that's better than running all XML files with Dr.GEO20:50
TZMcygoku: You shouldn't need to compile--just try ndisgtk, and then probably the only extra thing you will have to do is blacklist the existing drivers.20:50
Lewis__does anyone know how to get "irqpoll" into the boot options when booting from the hard drive?20:51
philsfwhere does gdm store the per-user language selection information? I don't have a .xsession file in my homedir20:51
TZMMrKeuner: Have you by chance all ready tried what I originally suggested and right-click the fgeo file and set it up to run with Dr. Geo? I don't think it will associate .xml files with it automatically.20:52
cygokuTZM : It's done, but there is no driver in the driver selection.20:52
wluijben> Cannot execute /usr/bin/firefox.  Check external browser configuration.20:52
TZMcygoku: Have you blacklisted any drivers yet?20:53
wluijbenThis error comes when I use netbeans20:53
cygokuTZM : Well no.20:53
wluijbennot getting much help in the #netbeans channel D;20:53
MrKeunerTZM: oh, sorry. No I've actually tried it in an older version < 8.04. Sorry! again20:53
TZMcygoku: OK let's start there then... hang on.20:53
MadHagwhat must I do to have auto login?20:53
traubisodahi all20:54
traubisodawhat do I need if I'd like to write pascal programs under ubuntu?20:54
minimecMadHag: gksudo gdm-setup There is an Option I think20:54
andrera friend of mine has a internal server still with edgy (6.10) installed... i know support has been discontinued in 04-25-08... but he needs to install a single package there.... the problem is... the repository (not updates) dissapeared from archives.ubuntu.com... anyone know a way to get packages?20:54
TZMcygoku: Do "gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" and add "b43" and "bcm43xx" each on its own line at the end of that file.20:55
MadHagminimec, ah yes, I remember now, btw s there an issue with gdm, takes a long time to load sometimes20:55
TZMcygoku: And then pastebin that file just so I can check it to make sure everything looks OK.20:56
cygokuTZM : Done, after ?20:56
MrPinkminimec: ok Ill try, stay tuned :D20:56
TZMcygoku: ^^20:57
MrKeunerTZM: unfortunately it proposes dr.geo in every xml file20:57
TZMcygoku: Please pastebin that file just so I can check it to make sure everything looks OK.20:58
MrKeunerTZM: no matter if the extension is different or not20:58
TZMMrKeuner: So you mean when you run .fgeo and .xml files they both open in that Dr. Geo program now?20:58
MrKeunerTZM: yes20:58
cygokuTZM : http://pastebin.com/m6a4c70da20:59
TZMMrKeuner: Well, like I mentioned you could always write a really short shell script that would just check the extension of the file and load Dr. Geo only if the extension is .fgeo, and load something else if it is .xml. But probably you don't have any experience with bash scripting, right? :)21:00
cygoku( I hope the Christ this will work )21:00
MrKeunerTZM: I do and I can but I do not think that's an effective of doing this21:01
TZMcygoku: OK, what does "ndiswrapper -l" return?21:01
blummanybody familiar with pftp-shit ?21:01
MrPinkminimec: I followed your instructions and the Configuration Instructions, but nothing changed21:01
cygokuTZM : Nothing :S21:01
blummi get weird error messages while installing21:01
MrKeunerTZM: I was hoping that gnome would have a library of identifying files better than file utility21:01
Piciblumm: Please watch the langauge here, thanks21:01
MrPink(most of the stuff I had to do had to do with the keyboard any way o.O )21:01
TZMMrKeuner: I agree that it is a hack, but it would work nonetheless. If you find a better way let me know though, seriously. :)21:02
blummPici: sorry21:02
cygokuTZM : No error msg, nothing, just bring me back the line cygoku@laptorz:~$21:02
TZMcygoku: So did you install the Windows driver for your card with ndisgtk or at the command line?21:02
blummbut pftp-shit is the real name of that modification of pftp21:03
MrKeunerTZM: are you positive that GNOME is using file utility to differentiate files?21:03
minimecMrPink: Did You get a ligin screen? or what...21:03
cygokuTZM : No, we haven't done any of that yet.21:03
TZMMrKeuner: No not at all, sorry I wasn't trying to say that. I really don't know how Gnome does it truthfully.21:03
MrPinkminimec: Yeah I always got a login screen... resolution and everything is fine... the point is that everything is laaagy... like when I drag windwos and stuff21:03
blummman irssi21:03
cygokuTZM : How can I install a Windows Driver under Ubuntu HH :/ ?21:03
MrPinkminimec: Ever since I activated the restricted drivers... with the "standard" drivers everything worked fine21:04
andrera friend of mine has a internal server still with edgy (6.10) installed... i know support has been discontinued in 04-25-08... but he needs to install a single package there.... the problem is... the repository (not updates) dissapeared from archives.ubuntu.com... anyone know a way to get packages?  historical archive or something like that?21:04
minimecMrPink: If you just uninstall the restricted driver again?21:04
MrPinkwhere or how do I do that... :-/21:04
TZMcygoku: OK can you download ndisgtk and we'll go from there? ndiswrapper is what will allow you to run your wireless card using a Windows driver. Do you have the Windows drivers for your card?21:04
Bappenatorhi guys, could someone please advise how i can see how much disk space I have left on a mount? im using ubuntu server so console only..21:04
nosrednaekimBappenator: "df"21:05
Rat409Bappenator: df -h21:05
MrPinkBappenator: df21:05
cygokuTZM : ndisgtk is already installed.21:05
TZMcygoku: Have you run it yet?21:05
cygokuI did run it yes.21:05
BeawolfeHow can I add an entry to grub so I can switch between OS's?21:06
TZMcygoku: Did it ask you where your Windows driver was (.inf file)?21:06
MrPinkminimec: Can you explain how?21:06
cygokuTZM : No it didn't.21:06
TZMcygoku: Ok please give more information--what happened when you ran it?21:06
minimecMrPink: JUst go back in the restricted drivers menu and deactivate it. It will remove the driver from xorg.conf21:07
cygokuTZM : A window open, I guess I have to click that button first.21:07
TZMcygoku: OK, so can you do what the program tells you to do?21:08
chadHi, I really need someones help.  Im having touble with hooking up a LAN connection between 2 computers.  both are runnung ubuntu 8.04.  can anyone help with how to hook them up?  Downstairs, it is a wired hookup, upstairs its wireless.   both use one modem (2WIRE08) and it is broadban.  PlEASE HELP! Im sorta new to linux, if that matters :).21:08
zeroXtenlo all. Any reason why my ubuntu theme has gone all gnome defaulty, and I can't change it (ie. Human is still selected)21:08
cygokuTZM : Yes I can, I am trying to download that driver first, but this wireless only gives me 1 Mb / s, that's why I need to do this.21:08
MrPinkminimec: When I tried that that totally screwed things up.... wrong Reslotion etc.21:09
TZMcygoku: OK well let me know when you get the driver downloaded.21:09
cygokuTZM : Pages takes 5 minutes to load, you could direct link me ! :)21:09
MrPinkminimec: hmm weird... I am sure I activated the Restricted Drivers, but in the menu it shows me "not in use" :-?21:10
chadHello??? can someone please help me!21:10
TZMcygoku: Don't you have the CD for you wireless card that came with your computer?21:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:10
barbarellachad:just ask21:10
minimecMrPink: Reboot your computer.21:10
MrPinkminimec: Complete reboot? (I think I've done that since then, but I will try21:11
cygokuTZM : No, I am at work, and I am suppose to use this wireless to work :/21:11
chadIm having touble with hooking up a LAN connection between 2 computers.  both are runnung ubuntu 8.04.  can anyone help with how to hook them up?  Downstairs, it is a wired hookup, upstairs its wireless.   both use one modem (2WIRE08) and it is broadban21:11
amorphous_anybody know anything about sound in firefox/browsers? i have no sound from audio sgtreams, but sound from vid streams. ---new hardy upgrade.21:11
zeroXtenchad, you'd need to be more specific21:11
cygokuTZM : And right now it's screwing my day and my boss isn't happy.21:11
MrPinkminimec: So make sure restricted Drivers are NOT active?21:11
amorphous_Have switched all drivers to Alsa in Sound config, and install libflashsupport, but no joy21:11
zeroXtenchad: what are the computers connected to? is the downstairs one connected to the dsl modem/router? Also, what is your wireless AP?21:11
barbarellachad:for internet connection, file sharing?21:12
minimecMrPink: Looks like your xserver-xorg configuration on the console was successfull but you are still runnung the old gdm-session21:12
TZMcygoku: So you don't know where to get the Windows driver for your card?21:12
MrPinkI killed GDM and had to log in new again... but ok Ill reboot21:12
MaskedOnenvm i got it, that is one f'd up hdd to get out lol21:12
chadzeroXten, they are connected to a dsl modem.  one is wireless, the other wired.  I need to be able to share files between them like in windows, where you click on they're computer from 'my network'21:13
cygokuTZM : I know, but pages takes 5 minutes to load because of this ...21:13
minimecMrPink: Let's see...21:13
=== barbarian-irc__ is now known as barbarian-irc
Zer0fHI !21:13
TZMcygoku: Can't you just download them on another computer and put them on a USB stick or CD instead?21:14
chadzeroXten, also, lierox doesnt work via LAN because they cant connect.  Do I download Samba?  And if so, how do I use it (if there is a GUI to configure it ill figure it out)21:14
zeroXtenchad: are you asking how to get the actual IP communication? or specifically how to share files?21:14
erUSUL!samba | chad21:14
ubottuchad: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:14
chadbasicly to connect21:14
zeroXtenright, so your machines can't even talk to eachother? e.g. ping?21:15
MrPinkminimec: No difference after reboot :-(21:15
MrPinkminimec: Should I post my Xorg.conf to pastebin ?21:15
minimecMrPink: Yeah ;)21:15
MrPinkminimec: Sorry for the hassle :-/21:15
minimecMrPink: np21:16
chadubottu, will this work from a ubuntu - to -ubuntu OS connection?21:16
ubottuchad: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:16
zeroXtenchad: yes it will21:16
BeawolfeCan someone please tell me how to add an entry in grub loader to include a 2nd OS on a seperate drive?21:16
zeroXtenchad: although, nfs might be simpler ;)21:16
cygokuTZM : No, it's my personal laptop and no one else as the same.21:16
Devastater-_-" this has probally been asked a million times, but I am way to tired to look everywhere. My PC (sitting next to me) has a WMP54G linksys wireless card in it... how can I get this thing working -_-"21:16
chadzeroxten, so which one do i use?21:16
Dasmooverhello, i have installed compiz and proprietary drivers for my nvidia geforce 8400 GS, all the effects are working flawlessly, only thing is my desktop is unresponsive to change, can anyone help me?21:16
cygokuTZM : What is it for you to get a link for me ?21:16
eitreachhow would I go about installing KDE 4.1 beta in Ubuntu Hardy?21:17
erUSULBeawolfe: which OS ?21:17
zeroXtenchad: if you're likely to need to access the files from a windows machine, use Samba.21:17
jedimindi know, that was helpfl21:17
jedimindful*, damnit i cant type21:17
Bappenatorguys, Im getting error messages appearing whilst copying from an 80 gig ntfs disk to a 160 gig ext3... stuff like DRDY ERR and ICRC ABRT. anything to worry about? it seems to be continuing to copy anyway...21:17
BeawolfeI have Ubuntu 7.10 and am adding PCLinuxOX200721:17
zeroXtenstop using jedi mindtricks to type then jedimind ;)21:17
zeroXten"this isn't the key you're looking for"21:18
chadzeroXten, both computers use ubuntu 8.04 for everything, but how would i connect them both? using which one?21:18
eitreachthe force does not convey to irc standards.21:18
TZMcygoku: I think if that is your attitude you'll have to get someone else to help you.21:18
MrKeunerTZM: GNOME can indeed be educated to differentiate between different XML files. This is what I got so far. I'll look further when I have time. take care21:18
erUSULBeawolfe: it should be an entry similar to one of the ubuntu ones but you have to put the correct file names for the kernel and initrd21:18
zeroXtenchad: both would need samba installed if you'd want to share in both directions. but unless both have network connectivity its gonna be kinda hard21:18
Dasmooveranyone have any ideas?21:19
MrPinkminimec: http://www.pastebin.org/4013621:19
TZMMrKeuner: Where did you get that info?21:19
=== Havocc is now known as zerodamage
erUSULBeawolfe: and the correct root parameter of course21:19
=== Bappenator is now known as ben____
MrKeunerGIMPNet #Gnome21:19
cygokuTZM : Done it is downloaded.21:19
DevastaterIs anyone free to help me with my wireless in Ubuntu (8.04, wireless card: PCI WMP54G)21:19
chadzeroXten: using the one dsl modem, it worked with windows, if you have ever used windows, you might know what i mean.  they both connect simulatniously.  okay though, ill install it on both.21:19
zerodamageIs there a way to do an automatic update via cron on Ubuntu server 8.04?21:19
ben____hi jack_sparrow!21:19
Jack_SparrowHey Ben21:20
jedimindzeroXten, haha21:20
arakthorwhat's the default LDA on an ubuntu mail server?21:20
Dasmooveranyone there to help?21:20
Rat409!cron | zerodamage21:20
ubottuzerodamage: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm21:20
MrPinkminimec: Did you get ? (just to make sure we didn't miss each other :D )21:20
minimecMrPink: You are definitly using the the default driver and not the restricted driver. What card do you have?21:20
MrPinkRadeon 9600 Pro21:20
MrPinkso ATI21:21
erUSULzerodamage: yep put the correct commands "sudo apt-get -q -y update && sudo apt-get -q -y upgrade" i guess21:21
zerodamageRat409:  I know how to do cron.  The tutorials say how to do it but it doesn't work.  It cannot find something and fails to complete the process.21:21
erUSULzerodamage: -y assume yes may be dangerous though21:21
zerodamageerUSUL:  -q?21:21
amorphous_Have switched all drivers to Alsa in Sound config, and install libflashsupport, but no joy21:21
zerodamagelet me look that one up21:21
erUSULzerodamage: quiet21:21
ben____anyone mind saying what switch do i need to use on cp to overwrite files?21:21
cygokuTZM : Doing ndiswrapper -l gives me error saying that the 2 lines that you asked me to add to blacklist are BAD.21:22
amorphous_i still only have sound in video in browsers ---nothing for audio streams :/21:22
zeroXtenchad: ignoring linux for a second, how good is your networking knowledge?21:22
minimecMrPink: Ok ;) I have a Radeon 9600 Mobile. CAn you run compiz?21:22
BeawolfeerUSUL: I was in last night and asked and was told when I installed PCLinuxOS to not let it install grub or it would overwrite original and I would lose the drive so I stopped the install from writing the grub for the new install and now it doesnt show up at all21:22
zeroXtenjedimind, shame i couldn't work out how to do the hand shifty thingy21:22
JvAHi! I have an encrypted file system using crypttab. However, the filesystem is never fsck:ed upon start up. Why's this? How do I enable fsck after I've decrypted the volume?21:22
jedimindzeroXten,  its not that hard to be honest, but the hand is just a tool, the real shifty part comes from the soul21:23
zerodamageerusul:  I really do no twant it set to quiet.  I have the output dump to a log file so I can be assured it works.  It digves me a dpkg related error about not finding a path.21:23
MrPinkminimec: Compiz seems to work fine... just when I open / close or drag windows it laaags really bad ( I thought it could be the screens refresh rates that were reseted or something, but when I look under Screenresolution it shows me 75 Hz which should be ok, right? )21:23
minimecMrPink: I would dactivate it with the ATI driver of xorg. The restricted Driver is much better with 3D but has a bug with the ATI 9600 series.21:23
jedimindso would i be shunned if i paste a url to a portfolio im workin on just to get 1000 people to comment on it? ;021:23
zerodamageThe following packages will be upgraded:21:24
zerodamage  cpp gcc libmysqlclient15off mysql-common21:24
zerodamage4 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:24
zerodamageNeed to get 0B/1935kB of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.21:24
minimecMrPink: Follow the fglrx bug track in launchpad...21:24
zerodamageWriting extended state information...21:24
zerodamagedpkg: `ldconfig' not found on PATH.21:24
zerodamagedpkg: `start-stop-daemon' not found on PATH.21:24
zerodamagedpkg: `install-info' not found on PATH.21:24
zerodamagedpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.21:24
zerodamagedpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH.21:24
Rat409JvA: /sbin/fsck.ext3 or whatever applies21:24
zerodamagegood, It did no tboot me.21:24
DevastaterAnyone able to help me with my linksys wireless PCI card?21:25
jedimindPCI or pcmcia ?21:25
MrPinkminimec: So where do I find the ATI Xorg or what do I have to do.... ? (sry for the dumb and many questions :D)21:25
jedimindDevastater, do you know what the exact chipset / model it is ?21:25
zerodamagenot sure if all of that got out21:25
zerodamagebut it fails to complete the update21:25
mmiskiHello all21:26
Devastaterjedimind: WMP54G-CA (I think the CA stands for canada, but I could be wrong :/)21:26
zerodamageAnyone know why it would fail at that point?21:26
MrPinkminimec: Where or what is launchpad and where do I find it ? :-?21:27
minimecMrPink: I only use the xorg ATI-Driver without compiz. That gives me a normal Desktop with glx acceleration. That's it. The fglrx driver is buggy with the ATI 9600 cards.21:27
barbarellazerodamage:are you using sudo?21:27
=== zera_ is now known as Gohalien
zhouliserver freenode.net21:27
zerodamagebarbarella: sudo crontab -e21:27
MrPinkwell it was all working just fine before I activated the restricted Drivers... I was just fooling arround (obviously a mistake)21:27
zhouliserver freenode21:28
qman__hey guys, I have a crappy old monitor, and in order to make it reasonably viewable, I used nvidia-settings to adjust the gamma to 1.5; however, that setting won't stick, even though I ran it as root and used the "update xorg.conf" option. Is there a way to make it stick?21:28
MrPinkminimec: so there has to be a way to get back to where I was 2 hours ago -.-21:28
GohalienWhat nice program there is in ubuntu to burn cd ?21:28
minimec'Ctrl+L launchpad' in your firefox browser.21:28
deadlocki'm having a problem with dbe module and composite extenstion, not loading properly.  http://pastebin.com/m14376fea  (my xorg) I'm trying to get conky to double buffer (it says Conky: Failed to setup double buffer.) As well as getting compiz to work, when i try to enable it under 'appearance' i get Composite Extension is not available.21:28
DevastaterWould anyone be able to help me with my Linksys Wireless PCI? (Model: WMP54G, Ubuntu install: 8.04)21:28
zerodamagebarbarella:  This is the contrab i set via sudo:  0 1 * * * (date && aptitude -y update && aptitude -y dist-upgrade && aptitude -y autoclean) 2>&1 >> /var/log/auto_update.log21:28
mmiskiI just installed Ubuntu and would like to get dual monitors working with my samsung monitor (I have an ATI card) can anyone point me in the direction?21:28
cygokuTZM : Doing ndiswrapper -l gives me error saying that the 2 lines that you asked me to add to blacklist are BAD.21:29
jessica_i have installed mp32ogg to convert my mp3 files to ogg but i dont know how to use it, what do i do21:29
minimecMrPink: your xorg.conf is ok. Just modify the screen resolution in the system settings.21:29
barbarellazerodamage:as user????21:29
Rat409jessica_: mp32ogg --help21:30
ChaosTheory_Anyone know how to disable bold fonts in mrxvt?21:30
ben____does cp have a verbose mode?21:30
Rat409Devastater: try here  http://dossy.org/archives/000110.html21:30
zerodamagebarbarella:  as i stated above, this is set via this command:  sudo crontab -e21:30
qman__ben____, cp -v21:30
tim1ben____:  -v dude21:30
STSXjessica_: Have you tried doing "man mp32ogg" and read its manual page? Might be a good place to start.21:31
GohalienWhat nice program there is in ubuntu to burn cd ?21:31
tim1ben____ or use --help21:31
DevastaterRat409: Thank you, checking it out now21:31
MrPinkminimec: I don't think you understand, everything looks fine, only the laaaging part bothers me...21:31
jessica_ah good idea STSX i will try now21:31
MrPinkMrPink: Compiz seems to be working fine21:31
tim1ben____:  cp --help21:31
Kl4mmmiski: system - preferences - screen resolution, can you set screens there?21:31
mmiskionly one screen shows21:31
ben____thanks tim1 :) i stuggle to understand the 'man' entries sometimes21:32
mmiskiand says unkown21:32
minimecMrPink: gnome-session-properties... deactivate compiz in your session logout/login21:32
mmiskiKl4m, the samsung monitor is working (but is a clone of my laptop monitor)21:32
MrPinkminimec: Ok let me try to deactivate Compiz, reboot and see if it makes any difference, I doubt that it will... cuz Compiz seems to be working fine21:33
alkisgHi, can I use tap interfaces (br0 / tap0) instead of eth0:1 aliases to have multiple IPs for the same NIC? My problem is that dhclient doesn't work with aliases but it works with tap interfaces...21:33
leonardohey cerco irc in italiano mi aiutate?21:33
MadHagHow do I change the start up screen from the ubuntu with the orange slider to something else, its not in gdm21:33
tim1ben____:  ;-)21:33
u_userHi, Can anyone help me with my desktop issue, I am using ubuntu 8.04 and compiz with emerald and avant. I have the cube settigs, whenever my mouse reaches below the screen, the next desktop opens. I want to disable this, and this happens only with the lower border of my screen, right, left and top borders are fine, they do not switch to next desktop21:34
MrPinkminimec: Nevermind, why do I start doubting without knowing my stuff.... -.-      Without Compiz things run fine...21:34
tim1ben____:  cp -v  then what ever you want to copy21:34
danzaHello guys, someone can suggest me a little game to spend half an hour? A nice one, but without 3d graphic to avoid spending time in installing, and not playing! :)21:34
=== Havocc is now known as zerodamage
Kl4mu_user: #compiz ?21:34
MrPinkminimec: Which is still a mystery, because 2 hours ago, I had Compiz running and everything was ok... so I don't get why I can't get back there :-/21:34
u_userk14m: the latest one21:34
Kl4mdanza: icebreaker21:35
zerodamagebarbarella:  My apologies,  my isp dropped me.  Did you say anything that I may have missed?21:35
Kl4mmmiski: are you sure that the laptop video card can manage 2 screens and not just clone?21:35
ariqsI followed this instructions for the open source ati radeon driver, and i don't think they worked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver21:35
leonardohey cerco irc in italiano mi aiutate?21:35
u_userK1l4m the latest compiz21:35
u_userKl4m:the latest compiz21:35
MadHagdanza, frozen bubble, you can get online with it to21:35
Malik_so the 2 ways to get cubse is compiz fusion and beryl21:35
GohalienWhat nice program there is in ubuntu to burn cd ?21:35
ben____tim1 I want to stack -v and -R, would it be cp -vR /... or cp -v -R /...?21:35
ariqs glxinfo | grep vendor21:36
ariqsXlib:  extension "ATIFGLRXDRI" missing on display ":0.0".21:36
ariqsError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual21:36
MadHagHow do I change the start up screen from the ubuntu with the orange slider to something else, its not in gdm21:36
DevastaterRat409: the link to the debian source thing on that site is broken :.21:36
barbarellazerodamage:path not found, could be that you're using a wrong user21:36
u_userHi, Can anyone help me with my desktop issue, I am using ubuntu 8.04 and compiz with emerald and avant. I have the cube settigs, whenever my mouse reaches below the screen, the next desktop opens. I want to disable this, and this happens only with the lower border of my screen, right, left and top borders are fine, they do not switch to next desktop21:36
Kl4mben____: it's the same, -vR or -v -R21:36
Malik_so the 2 ways to get the cube in ubuntu is with compiz fussion on beryl...am i rite?21:36
jcn_hello everybody, anyone know how to install X-plane 9 on 8.04 ?21:36
erUSUL!beryl | Malik_21:36
ben____thankyou Kl4m21:36
ubottuMalik_: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz21:36
ariqsubuntu pisses me off. Nothing works like it's supposed to and I have to dick with everything forever. Why are there tons of tutorials that don'te ven work?21:36
mmiskiKl4m, I'm not sure what that means21:36
MadHagu_user, take a real good look in the settings, it will be in there somewhere21:37
tim1ben___ I really dont know i think it would be -vr21:37
tim1i dont know21:37
DevastaterRat409: I got the install disk, so I can get the drivers off that. Do I have to get ndiswrapper?21:37
Malik_so compiz fusion is the best rite21:37
chev_cheliosc-f is only one21:37
MadHagariqs, works fine for me21:37
jcn_anyone have XPLANE ?21:37
u_userMadHag:I have spent atleast 3 days doing that, with no success21:37
ben____tim1 apparently either will work. ty for help21:37
MadHagkeep looking, it has to be there21:37
Kl4mmmiski: Are you sure that the video output is for dual screens and not just a clone of the main output21:37
u_userMadHag: the settings say that it should not show me the desktop, but it is showing21:37
Malik_there is no other kind of effects liek cool deskstop things insetad of compiz fusion rite21:38
ariqsexplain this to me, madhag21:38
ariqs glxinfo | grep vendor21:38
ariqsXlib:  extension "ATIFGLRXDRI" missing on display ":0.0".21:38
ariqsError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual21:38
FloodBot3ariqs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:38
MadHagu_user, try changing some of the other settings21:38
cygokuTZM : Doing ndiswrapper -l gives me error saying that the 2 lines that you asked me to add to blacklist are BAD.21:38
MadHagits probably staring at you21:38
deadlocki'm having a problem with dbe module and composite extenstion, not loading properly.  http://pastebin.com/m14376fea  (my xorg) I'm trying to get conky to double buffer (it says Conky: Failed to setup double buffer.) As well as getting compiz to work, when i try to enable it under 'appearance' i get Composite Extension is not available.21:38
minimecMrPink: Guess I cannot help you.21:39
Devastaterdoes ndiswrapper allow me to use windows drivers?21:39
mmiskiKl4m, it monitor resolution settings only shows one monitor (not two) and says "unknown" on it.  Before I installed the hardware driver for ATI it would show 2 monitors21:39
socrhow can i find out which packages are installed ?21:39
MrPinkminimec:  Ok Thanks for everything, at least its running smooth, even without compiz thats an improvement21:39
xbj9000hi, I can only get low graphics mode with either of these old S3 video cards I am trying21:39
MadHagariqs, what card you got21:39
ariqshaha, how many of us are in here currently with the same ATI bs issues?21:39
ariqs9800 pro21:40
leonardohey cerco irc in italiano mi aiutate?21:40
Jack_SparrowDevastater Yes, but it is a poor substitute for properly supported hardware21:40
MadHagmy ati card is new and I have no problems21:40
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:40
ariqswell aren't you special21:40
zerodamagebarbarella:  I am using the root user through the sudo command.  I can do the commands manually without a problem.  It seems to only be a problem with these commands when I am using crontab21:40
cygokuariqs, my ati radeon 9800 pro works fine21:40
=== acuster is now known as noone
ariqscygoku: what drivers do you use?21:40
DevastaterJack_Sparrow: is there support for linksys wireless G PCIs? (WMP54G)21:41
minimecariqs: For me it's a Radeon 9600mobile ;)21:41
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:41
Jack_SparrowDevastater I would suggest you look at the supported hardware page21:41
chadI REALLY need help now.  I need to find a way to connect 2 computers through a dsl modem/gateway (one connection is wireless, the other is wired).  How do I do that.  I have no ideda how, I try to go to places, then network, but I dont see the other computers.  please help me!21:41
ariqscygoku: and what do you mean by fine. Mine work fine for regular desktop stuff with the packaged restricted drivers, but they don't work for opengl worth a crap21:41
ubottuFactoid hardwar not found21:41
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:41
cygokuariqs : the open source or the propriatary works good21:41
Kl4mMalik_: compiz fusion is the hardware accelerated window manager in use now. Beryl and the old compiz are outdated. Emerald is another thing. If you want to configure more compiz settings, use the compizconfig-settings-manager package21:41
MadHagariqs, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto  take a look21:41
rehmanHello all21:41
Jack_Sparrowariqs Are you turning off compiuz for the 3d gaming stuff21:42
minimecariqs: My laptop boots up with the fglrx driver and is runnig well. When I logout a gnome-session, the Laptop is dead.21:42
rehmanI'm trying to install a package: apt-get -f install libmysqlclient-dev21:42
barbarellazerodamage:so you're doing sudo crontab -e. after the task is running you get that error?21:42
ariqsjack_sparrow: I never have compiz on to turn it off21:42
rehmanSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely thatthe package is simply not installable and a bug report againstthat package should be filed.The following information may help to resolve the situation:21:42
zerodamagebarbarella:  Yes.  That is what happens.21:42
rehmanThe following packages have unmet dependencies: libmysqlclient-dev: Depends: libmysqlclient16 (>= 5.1.24rc-1) but it is not going to be installedE: Broken packages21:42
tim1I have a strange problem, when I install nvidia drive so I can use compiz. but my lan stops working why? Do i need to install a driver for my lan. When i use a PCI every thing is fine lan works21:42
chadwill someone please help.  I really need help!21:42
rehmanThis the error its giving. What does it mean? How to get rid of it?21:43
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience21:43
mattywarrHello - I have a command to switch on my wireless (echo 1 > /proc/acpi/acer/wireless) and I want it to run each time i start my machoine - how can i do that?21:43
cygokuJe ne suis pas capable lol de faire fonctionnner mon Broadcom correctement, TZM m'a fait faux bon en route.21:43
Kl4mmattywarr:  You could add it to /etc/rc.local21:43
ariqsPeople just link me to all the urls I've already read before I start bitching21:43
Jack_Sparrowariqs Follow the guide for your ati driver.  fglrx should work fine21:43
chadcan someone PLEASE HELP!21:43
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:43
MadHagHow do I change the start up screen from the ubuntu with the orange slider to something else, its not in gdm21:43
Jack_Sparrow!helpne | chad21:44
ubottuFactoid helpne not found21:44
cygokuariqs : What do you need ?21:44
u_userHi, Can anyone help me with my desktop issue, I am using ubuntu 8.04 and compiz with emerald and avant. I have the cube settigs, whenever my mouse reaches below the screen, the next desktop opens. I want to disable this, and this happens only with the lower border of my screen, right, left and top borders are fine, they do not switch to next desktop, i m using compiz 0.7.421:44
MadHagchad,  :) whats up mate21:44
Jack_SparrowMadHag You mean the splash21:44
chadI need to find a way to connect 2 computers through a dsl modem/gateway (one connection is wireless, the other is wired).  How do I do that.  I have no ideda how, I try to go to places, then network, but I dont see the other computers.  please help me!21:44
Kl4mchad help us help you21:44
ariqsjack_sparrow: I've had fglrx working. The restricted packaged driver sucked opengl wouldn't run worth a hoot21:44
barbarellazerodamage:a sec21:44
Jaffarkelshaci am having a strange problem, applications on the panel does not show anything just tiny box, and alcante does not open as well21:44
MadHagyes, when it boots21:44
rehmanapt-get -f install libmysqlclient-dev   The following packages have unmet dependencies: libmysqlclient-dev: Depends: libmysqlclient16 (>= 5.1.24rc-1) but it is not going to be installedE: Broken packages21:44
tim1u_user:Its in settings just have to look.21:44
Jack_Sparrowariqs You can work on it but if all you want to do is vent your anger.. this is not the place21:45
ariqsjack-sparrow: I followed the how to on installing the open source driver and it doesn't work at all21:45
u_usertim1: Thanks tim1, that does not help, I have looked into all the settings that I could think of21:45
MadHagchad, not my area sorry :(21:45
rehmanwhy is it giving such an error?21:45
rehmanHow to install libmysqlclient-dev21:45
chadMadHag: thanks for at least trying :)21:45
ariqscelestia$ glxinfo | grep vendor21:45
ariqsXlib:  extension "ATIFGLRXDRI" missing on display ":0.0".21:45
ariqsError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual21:45
xbj9000any help with an SG Virge video card?21:45
lmosherWhen I leave my laptop on for awhile, it crashes (I guess?) and I'm left with an ubuntu login screen, all my apps are closed. I suspect it's xscreensaver, but I don't know which one. Any ideas on how to catch which screensaver is causing the problem?21:46
cygokuariqs : Try to install the propriatary driver using Envy, get from the repo.21:46
Kl4m!language | zeroXten21:46
barbarellazerodamage:where are your scripts located21:46
ubottuzeroXten: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:46
xbj9000S3 Virge I mean21:46
chadzeroXten: hey, you helped me before, cna I get help again?21:46
MadHagJack_Sparrow, yes, when it boots, in openGEU you have an option but not in ubuntu21:46
zeroXtensure chad21:46
zeroXtensoz Kl4m21:46
barbarellazerodamage:are you using full path names?21:46
ariqscygoku: why will it be diff with envy?21:46
Kl4mchad, I'm out, but tell people here what kind of sharing you want to set up21:46
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.21:46
zeroXtenalthough I seem to be the only person suffering from random-broken-theme-itis21:46
derspanksterariqs, are you using a video DVI connection?21:46
chadzeroXten: My problem is that I cant get any connection between the 2 computers whatsoever21:47
ariqsyes, derkspankster21:47
cygokuariqs : Envy will do everything for, like restricting driver module and editing ZORG.conf correctly.21:47
tim1u_user: iwas giving you hope its fixable but I don't have compiz so i cant help you21:47
zeroXtenhow have you configured the ips?21:47
HappyHaterany recommended software for media sharing with xbox360?21:47
ariqsI have envyng-core installed already. I don't know how to run it, however21:47
derspanksterariqs, and you can't enable the nvidia-glx-new driver?21:47
Jack_Sparrowariqs envung from the repos not envy off the web, there is a diff, and if you have used the one off the web, you will have more trouble getting it out that to have done it manually in the first place21:47
zeroXteni think i'll ditch X and install FreeBSD on this laptop =/21:47
zerodamagebarbarella:  I am unsure what you mean.  I only use the default paths via Ubuntu 8.04.  My scheduled task via cron is only the aptitude command.  There are no special scripts.  This is my entire command or script: 0 1 * * * (date && aptitude -y update && aptitude -y dist-upgrade && aptitude -y autoclean) 2>&1 >> /var/log/auto_update.log21:48
chadzeroXten: I really never did, im not sure how anyway.  I looked up the IP's of the 2 computer by going to gateway.2wire.net, but I still cant connect21:48
ariqsderspankster: i don't see why I would want to. I have an ati card21:48
zeroXtenchad: huh. I can only assume that your DSL router has a DHCP daemon running. Are both computers set to use DHCP?21:48
=== noone is now known as acuster
derspanksterariqs, sorry, caught the tail end of that21:49
chadzeroXten: yes, I believe so.  how would you check?21:49
MadHagJack_Sparrow, no wonder I could not find it, it was not installed , thanks21:49
rehmanapt-get -f install libmysqlclient-dev  ------->(error) The following packages have unmet dependencies: libmysqlclient-dev: Depends: libmysqlclient16 (>= 5.1.24rc-1) but it is not going to be installedE: Broken packages21:49
ra12qahi - i'm creating a rootfs via dd if=/dev/zero of=somefile.img bs=... count=..., etc., to put a filesystem on it.  my question is, in that rootfs i'm wanting to create a separate /var partition.  should i create another dd img and store that within the rootfs?  Are there any issues in doing that?21:49
zeroXtenchad: system > administration > network settings21:49
mattywarrthanks k14m worked a treat :)21:50
Jack_Sparrowariqs http://albertomilone.com/envyngfaq.html#A21:50
Jack_SparrowMadHag np21:50
mshanksCan any one recommend a good (Free) program for burning an ISO CD? (on windows, so I can burn the ubuntu cd)21:50
mattywarrNext question - what is the name of the package which controls the fancy graphics such as the cube etc?21:50
Jack_Sparrowmshanks isorecorder21:50
Myrttimshanks: infrarecorder21:50
sobersabrehi guys.21:50
Flare183!hi | sobersabre21:50
ubottusobersabre: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:50
Myrttimshanks: http://infrarecorder.sourceforge.net/21:51
sobersabreI am connecting via SSH to ubuntu 8.04 machine, and trying to run: vim21:51
tore_mshanks: http://cdburnerxp.se/21:51
mshankscool thanks21:51
sobersabrevim package is installed.21:51
zbyszekany PL ??21:51
chadzeroXten: it doesnt say anything, but I do have it because  I remember thats what it said when I looked up my gateway21:51
sobersabreI am getting this crap:21:51
Myrtti!pl | zbyszek21:51
ubottuzbyszek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:51
Myrtti!paste | sobersabre21:51
ubottusobersabre: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:51
chadzeroXten: it said DCHP enabled21:51
sobersabrevim: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_thread_gettime21:51
zeroXtenchad: okay. Are you using one of the linux machines to chat now?21:52
sobersabreMyrtti: thanks for "assume dumb until proven opposite" approach.21:52
Gaming4J1hey all21:52
chadzeroXten: yes, both of them are one as well (both also use ubuntu 8.04)21:52
sobersabreanyway, I don't understand what's wrong: all I did was installing the system.21:52
Myrttisobersabre: no prob, I just didn't want you to be yelled by the bots :-|21:52
ra12qasobersabre:  dpkg -S libgio-2.021:52
Skuldhey guys, has anyone had any success at installing ubu 7 on an old G3 iMac?21:52
zeroXtenchad: "yes, both of them are one as well" didn't quite answer my question i think21:52
Skuldit restarts its self before i can bring up the installer21:52
howtoohello, I've installed kubuntu 8.04 amd64 and installed the proprietary drivers from nvidia's homepage. But every time I reboot, I have to reinstall/recompile the drivers. Somebody know what's wrong?21:53
chadzeroXten: yes, i am on the computer21:53
sobersabrera12qa: do you want to know the version ?21:53
leonardo_come faccio a trovare irc italiano21:53
zefirotei am spanish21:53
ra12qasobersabre -- sounds like a missing symlink and/or a symptom of you not having run:  ldconfig -X lately21:53
Jack_Sparrow!ppc | Skuld21:53
ubottuSkuld: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ21:53
Myrtti!it | leonardo_21:53
ubottuleonardo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:53
danza!it | leonardo_21:53
zefirotedonde puedo conseguir temas para ubuntu 8.421:53
barbarellazerodamage:Why don't you use apt-get?21:53
zeroXtenokay, go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal21:53
sobersabrera12qa: ok, I'm trying now...21:53
Myrtti!es | zefirote21:53
ubottuzefirote: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:53
sobersabreI wonder how this could happen!21:53
Rat409!it | leonardo_21:53
zefirote!es |21:53
Jack_SparrowMyrtti or Br.. I have a hard time between those21:53
sobersabreI've only used system standard tools: apt-get, aptitude. nothing else.21:53
zerodamagebarbarella:  aptitude has better dependency resolution than apt-get21:54
MyrttiJack_Sparrow: hum?21:54
mmiskihow do i:  Enable accelerated the accelerated ATI graphics driver in the restricted-manager, then do:21:54
niamhhow come when i add a user with smbpasswd -a john, /etc/samba/smbpasswd does not change?21:54
zerodamagebarbarella:  I've tried them both though and apt-get just doesn't do anything via cron.  I get no log outputs or anything21:54
ra12qazerodamage - they're interchangable21:54
Gaming4J1Does anyone know if Re-Volt PC Game will work on Ubuntu: http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/908/Re-Volt.html  or if a program (even costly will make it work) :)21:54
erUSUL!appdb | Gaming4J121:54
ubottuGaming4J1: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org21:54
mmiskii cant find the 'restricted-manager?21:55
alecshi there! i have a problem with a qmail installation on a ubuntu 7.10 box ... http://pastebin.com/m5f306463 can anyone tell me if is a dependency/ build error caused by ubuntu ?21:55
=== Gaming4J1 is now known as Gaming4JC
Jack_Sparrow!find qmail21:55
ubottuFound: masqmail, qmail-qfilter, qmailanalog-installer21:55
sobersabrera12qa: I've ran and got several lines of "/usr/lib/libbla.version.so is not a symbolic link21:55
hwildealecs, its a code issue.   qmail-local.c:450: warning: return type of ‘main’ is not ‘int’21:55
Jack_Sparrowalecs How are you trying to install it21:55
sobersabrehow do I fix it.. I remember ldconfig -a21:56
thomas_adamalecs: Install libssl-dev.21:56
zerodamagera12qa:  All I know is that neither of them work with 8.04 when doing the sudo cron for the update.21:56
barbarellazerodamage:what output do you get with, sudo apt-get update (just a example)21:56
erUSULalecs: i heard that qmail needs some patches to build onl latest distributions. There are several qmail dist with the patches added21:56
joshualhi folks anyone any good at gtk2 themes? I'm trying to modify a theme I like...21:56
alecsJack_Sparrow: :  apt-get -q -y install libssl-dev openssl openssh-server csh expect libgdbm-dev libltdl3 libltdl3-dev patch patchutils  // is what i have run21:56
rehmanapt-get -f install libmysqlclient-dev ------->(error) The following packages have unmet dependencies: libmysqlclient-dev: Depends: libmysqlclient16 (>= 5.1.24rc-1) but it is not going to be installedE: Broken packages21:56
zerodamagebarbarella:  I do not get any output.  Nothing has shown up in my logs at all.  I can try again though.21:56
evilbugi'm having trouble making my samsung syncmaster 953bw with hardy.i've messing around in Screens an Graphics with no luck.21:57
MadHagJack_Sparrow, its not that splash screen, thats the small one as you start the desktop, its the main boot screen I am after to change21:57
thomas_adamrehman: Ugh - don't do that, look at the rdepends instead.21:57
erUSUL!usplash | MadHag21:57
ubottuMadHag: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork21:57
alecserUSUL: i know that ubuntu don't have qmail in repo ... and their site don't contain a how to for ubuntu ... also .. their web is down21:57
joshualI want to change the gtk2 theme here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/glossy+orange?content=5478121:58
linkmaster03What is a simple movie editor?21:58
barbarellazerodamage:what does dmesg show you?21:58
Jack_SparrowMadHag So.. not geub.. not splash and not gdm?21:58
thomas_adamlinkmaster03: hex?21:58
joshualso that the menubar is same color as the window border, and there is no line beneath the words21:58
zerodamagebarbarella:  you will have to explain further what you are looking for.  I  haven't much fiddled with dmesg.21:58
thomas_adamjoshual: Ask in #GTK+ on irc.gnome.org21:58
chadzeroXten:  hi, sorry if i sound rude, but are you still there?21:58
joshualok thanks thomas_adam21:59
suspect42hey, had a networking query. i have a linksys wrt54g that i use to connect to the internet. i have two computer connected to it (with wires, not wireless) and both can access the internet, but they can't see each other. how do i share printers and files and so on through the router?21:59
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:00
sobersabreguys, how do I rebuild ld cache ?22:00
erUSULalecs: http://www.paralipsis.org/2006/03/ubuntu-qmail-howto/22:00
thomas_adamsobersabre: ldconfig22:00
sobersabrewithout any arguments ?22:00
benpicco_suspect42, can they ping each other?22:00
thomas_adamsobersabre: But I do have to ask why?22:00
suspect42benpicco_, yes22:00
Slartsobersabre: you'll need sudo for it to work I think22:00
Gaming4JCamazing, thanks all22:01
Gaming4JCRe-Volt works22:01
thomas_adamYes, you need to be root.22:01
thomas_adamBut again, why?22:01
evilbugi'm having trouble making my samsung syncmaster 953bw with hardy.i've messing around in Screens an Graphics with no luck.22:01
Gaming4JCbyes for now (still waiting for my CD)22:01
sobersabrethomas_adam: here's the output: http://pastebin.com/d42c7a6ed22:01
thomas_adamevilbug: Repeating it doesn't make it any more valid.22:01
sobersabreI can't launch vim over SSH.22:01
thomas_adamsobersabre: That's OK.22:01
thomas_adamsobersabre: Oh?22:01
thomas_adamsobersabre: Why not?22:01
sobersabreweird stuff.22:01
zerodamagebarbarella:  what do you want to see from dmesg?22:01
sobersabreI am getting this error:22:01
thomas_adamBe less specific.22:01
benpicco_suspect42, so samba for (windows) file sharing, NFS for (unix) file sharing, ftp/http for universal filesharing ;-)22:01
evilbugthomas_adam- i know that.but usually there are too many things going on and people don't notice,it wouldn't be the first time it's happened.22:01
sobersabrevim: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_thread_gettime22:02
Flav_uHow to activate the guest user under ubuntu ?22:02
suspect42kay. how do i use http? apache refuses to start22:02
sobersabrethomas_adam: any ideas why would this happen ?22:02
pteagueok, i'm having problems with my wireless connection since upgrading from gutsy to hardy22:02
barbarellazerodamage:can you try to give some output in your script, like echo blabla?22:02
lordnoidwich video driver can i use in xine to let it work with compiz enabled?22:02
garyd_Newbie has partimage issue.  Anyone will to help?22:03
thomas_adamsobersabre: cd /usr/lib && sudo ln -s libgio-2.0.so.0.0.0 libgio-2.0.so.0 && sudo ldconfig -X22:03
benpicco_suspect42, well, If you have 2 computers something like samba or nfs will prophaly work better22:03
mshanksany particular recommended irc clients to use on a ubuntu machine? Or is it just a case of 'pick which one you want from the 100s available'22:03
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:03
garyd_It keeps saying my Ubuntu-formated drive (I used the whole drive during install) is not a recognized file system type.22:03
zerodamagebarbarella The floodbot doesn't much like that.  I will have to send it to you via direct message22:03
danzamshanks, xchat is fine22:03
suspect42i'll try those out22:03
mshankskk cool. thanks22:03
Slartmshanks: xchat is nice.. irssi for command line.. bitchx is not available anymore for security reasons I think22:03
benpicco_suspect42, http/ftp is for client/server connection, usefull if you have several clients to access the date22:03
mshanksright. reboot to setup the partition and install. hopefully I can get my wireless working :x22:03
mmiskiI keep reading something about "restricted-manager" for installing an ati driver, I cant find this "restricted-manager"22:04
barbarellazerodamage:i have to go cause the misses is getting angry.22:04
thomas_adamirssi for command line when IRC is inherently text?  Interesting...22:04
benpicco_suspect42, or if you want quick filesharing, you can use sshfs, too to access the remote filesystem over ssh diectly22:04
Slartmmiski: system , administration, hardware drivers22:04
pteagueif i try to disable my wired connection (it's not even plugged in) it disables my wireless connection & enables my wired connection... wtf?22:05
mmiskik, i see it22:05
sobersabrethomas_adam: http://pastebin.com/d725e09fe22:05
thomas_adampteague: Is this using the abomination that is network-manager?22:05
suspect42cool. thanks :)22:05
sobersabrethomas_adam: I mean the link is alive. not missing.22:05
benpicco_suspect42, if everything fails, there is still netcat ;-)22:05
thomas_adamsobersabre: ldd $(which vim)22:05
mmiskiI am to run the following:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`22:05
thomas_adamsobersabre: Chuck the output of that somewhere.22:06
DaveKongDoes anyone know how to get game controllers (logitech precision) working with the zsnes emulator? Or why my sound might not be working?22:06
mmiskido i replace 'uname' with my user name22:06
Devastateris there skype for ubuntu?22:06
sobersabreoh, I found what's the bugger!22:06
benpicco_Devastater, sure22:06
erUSULmmiski: no uname is a command22:06
sobersabreI have somehow /usr/local/lib/libglib-2.0.so.022:06
mmiskierUSUL, thank you22:06
suspect42what's netcat?22:06
erUSUL!skype | Devastater22:06
ubottuDevastater: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto22:06
sobersabrewhich gets there before /usr/lib22:06
erUSUL!info netcat | suspect4222:07
ubottususpect42: netcat (source: netcat): TCP/IP swiss army knife -- transitional package. In component main, is important. Version 1.10-36 (hardy), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB22:07
thomas_adamsobersabre: Well, that might cause problems if /etc/ld.so.conf doesn't know of /usr/local/lib in the first place.22:07
pteaguegutsy made my wireless connection eth1, but i'm currently using a friend's computer that has hardy installed... his is wlan0 instead of eth1...  could this be part of my problem?22:08
thomas_adampteague: What is your problem?22:08
erUSULpteague: no; the name of the iface is not relevant22:08
cyphasehmm, i uninstalled/reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree, and now sound works22:08
sobersabrethomas_adam: I commented /usr/local/lib out, reran ldconfig22:09
sobersabreand now I can work.22:09
sobersabreI wonder why I've only noticed this NOW.22:09
guyzmohow can I set up a dual head the old fashion way : with DISPLAY=0.0 and DISPLAY=0.1 ie not having clone or xinerama enabled ? (using radeon driver with a x550/rv370 card)22:09
ub511hi, anyone know where i can download icebuntu ?22:09
pteaguemy problem is that i can't get my wireless connection working at my friends house... no matter what i do it either turns off eth1 or simply says the network is down22:09
Devastateris there a way to set/see my resolution?22:10
Ralf4Dboxhello together, are there any good tips about a SAT-receiver/recorder distro based on Linux (HDTV capable)? I'll have to buy complete new environment because of switching technologie in new house.22:10
Jaffarkelshaci need help, i am not sure if this is a bug but, application on the panel does not show list, just a tiny box and alarcate does not open the edit menu.22:10
guyzmoDevastater - settings -> pref -> screen resolution ?22:10
Devastaterguyzmo: in ubuntu :/22:11
pteagueit looks like it's screwing up the password thing... i just rebooted & there's a ridiculously long network password22:11
Devastaterwait nevermind ^^' thanks guyzmo lol22:11
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information22:11
garyd_anybody good with partimage?22:11
pteagueit's showing 65 characters for the password string & yet the password is only 10 digits long22:12
chadzeroXten: hello?22:12
ub511Ralf4Dbox-> you can look at VDR, this is very powerfull for SAT22:12
Fercikhi there! i'm completely new with ubuntu and i'm looking for some help... :)22:13
TerabyteHey, how can I install the flashplayer component required to view youtube videos in ubuntu via the command line?22:13
SlartTerabyte: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:14
pteaguewith eth0 disabled i just made some changes to the wireless configuration (eth1) & after it finished doing the "configuring the network" popup thing it has eth0 (which was disabled) enabled & eth1 (the wireless, which was enabled) disabled...  wtf?22:14
icqnumberi have installed on my ubuntu box kubuntu-desktop, and it has changed my splash screen at start up (ununtu logo with a loading bar) to kubuntu, how can i set up which spalsh screen i want to see?22:15
pteague& the network password on the wireless is back to being 65 characters long22:15
Ralf4Dboxwhich sat-tv card would you buy?22:16
Terabyteslart md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz22:16
TerabyteThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.22:16
smehmoodwhen firefox 3.0 is released, will an update be pushed out through the update manager?22:16
SlartTerabyte: what ubuntu version? hardy22:17
danzasmehmood, probably22:17
SlartTerabyte: oh..it might not have been updated for the newer plugin from adobe..22:17
Terabyteslart so what should i do?22:18
SlartTerabyte: then I don't really know.. perhaps you can download it directly from adobe's site...22:18
Terabyteneeds to be done over cmd22:18
lusius;_; damn! i was just about to watch "the shining" for the first time -.- and both mplayer and vlc keeps showing just half of the screen -.-22:18
lusiusthe rest goes like, outside, problem? ;_;22:19
SlartTerabyte: the flashplugin-nonfree package downloads the actual plugin from adobe's site... but adobe have updated the plugin since the package was made so it's not the same stuff from the website any more..22:19
tim1what is ubuntu programed in ?22:20
danbhfiveSlart: I dont know the context of that last statement, but it doesn't make sense22:20
tim1C# ?22:20
Slarttim1: back again tim1?22:20
ompaultim1, I was serious regretfully you are now gone22:21
tim1slart in a good way mate22:21
Slartand he's gone again..22:21
Terabytethat was quite funny though...22:21
pteaguehere's my /etc/network/interfaces file - http://paste2.org/p/3465822:21
Slartdanbhfive: the thing about adobe and flash?22:22
sobersabreI've got a problem with ssh and keys.22:22
sobersabreI'm trying to log into ssh server as root via public-private key mechanism22:22
ompaulsobersabre, if you didn't use language and actually expressed on one line what you wanted to do maybe I would be able to help22:22
sobersabreI've generated both keys on my ubuntu 8.04 (updated to the latest as of now ssh/ssl )22:23
sobersabreand ran sshd with LogLevel DEBUG322:23
sobersabrethis is the output:22:23
danbhfiveSlart: yeah, if the package d/l's the plugin from the website, why would it become different from whats on the website?22:23
DaveKongDoes anyone use zsnes? I found out stuff about the sound but still don't know how to get it to use my controller.22:23
mshankswell that didn't go well22:23
sobersabreroot cannot login, it's being asked for a password.22:23
ompaulsobersabre, we don't have root22:24
wild_oscarhowdi! is there any repository with compiz 0.7.6?22:24
Terabytesuppose I have an URL, how can I download a file over the cmd line22:24
JuJuBeeAny ideas why I am not able to shut down properly?  When I click on the Turn-OFF->Shutdown, it seems to hang.  I left it for over 30 minutes and it never shut down. Today I did sudo shutdown now from CLI and got the ksplash with progress bar as if it were stuck on 90% during Start UP rather than Shut down.22:24
JuJuBeeStayed there...22:24
frostburnTerabyte, wget,curl22:24
mshanksfirst time, I run a check CD and it's fine, then I ran a memtest for ~15 minutes and that was fine. start the install, it finishes loading, then it reboots22:24
wild_oscarJuJuBee: yes22:24
mshanksSo I tried it again, and it hangs at ~95%22:24
JuJuBeeCare to share?22:24
sobersabreompaul: I don't understand.... so it's kicked by PAM ?22:24
sobersabreI mean, I can run "sudo su -"22:24
sobersabreand become root.22:24
mshanksI reboot manually, and I get a bios error (looking for cd/floppy but can't find either after I take out ubuntu cd cause it was hanging on that)22:24
BobBhi, do i need inbound port 22 open if I want to connect to an SSH server?22:24
Slartdanbhfive: it downloads the plugin from adobes site.. and expects it to have a certain md5sum.. ie... the package was created in say december -07 and expects to find version X of the plugin.. with some special md5sum .22:24
wild_oscarJuJuBee: system - session - check if "power daemon" is turned off22:24
HappyHaterI just installed vmware-server, when I try to open the vmware server console I get this error: 'failed to execute child process 'vmware' (permission denied)'... what do I need to do to fix that?22:25
mshanksI reboot again, try to install ubuntu yet again, and it reboots itself22:25
sobersabreso, if SSH allows root "without-password" via public key, why would I not be able to login ?22:25
mshanksany thoughts? :X22:25
wild_oscarJuJuBee: if it's off, turn it on22:25
danbhfiveSlart: ah, ok, I think I get it22:25
ompaulsobersabre, you don't need root you should log in as yourself and upgrade your access as required using sudo22:25
abysslo everybody i switched to ubuntu from the commercial vista! all looks very well im really exited about ubuntu but exists there any type of written text reconize daemon which scans my writings on tablet?22:25
Slartdanbhfive: but adobe has since updated the plugin on their site so when the package downloads the plugin today it gets version Y.. with a new md5sum22:25
chowardHello, what would be the best way to have an Ubuntu 8.04 box email me it's IP address? It is on cable and the IP changes from time to time.22:25
sobersabreompaul: I have a bunch of scripts, and they must be run directly as root from specific host.22:25
Slartdanbhfive: and they haven't updated the package for the older versions of ubuntu.. it works on hardy.. or it works until adobe changes the plugin again22:25
sobersabreI don't care much about security in that sense.22:25
tore_choward: dyndns22:25
sobersabreit's a matter of convenience.22:25
tore_use a dynamic hostname22:26
tore_.. hostname for the dynamic ip I mean22:26
Slartabyss: I doubt it.. but there might be22:26
sobersabreompaul: so, do I now edit ssh in pam.d ?22:26
ompaulsobersabre, please don't use an enter after each couple of words22:26
tore_it's a bunch of clients u can use, that updates the hostname automaticly22:26
danbhfiveSlart: yeah, I didn't realize it checks the md5sum22:26
ompaulsobersabre, let me look at that paste again22:26
sobersabreok, sorry. so do you know why ssh doesn't allow me in ?22:26
JuJuBeewild_oscar : says start at boot, but currently not running...22:26
abyssSlart, and how it could be named? :)22:26
HappyHatercan anybody give me some help with vmware-server?22:27
danbhfivechoward: zoneedit.com is another website for that kinda thing22:27
sobersabreit seems as if the public key is rejected, as if being generated by the vulnerable ssh server.22:27
Slartchoward: there is a mailing program for the command line.. you could use that together with.. say ifconfig and some bash magic22:27
wild_oscarJuJuBee: tick it22:27
chowardSlart that was my first thought.22:27
ompaulsobersabre, yeah you did not set it up right from what I am reading give me three or four mins and I will be back and ask you to go #ubuntu-classroom to check out how you set it up and then advise you on changes cos it is a simple but multi lined process22:27
Slartabyss: OCR something perhaps22:27
Devastateris there a way that I could get my USB headset (5.1 headset) to work properally22:28
chowardI am just iffy on the cli mail client to use to send the output of ifconfig.22:28
Devastaterand my webcam (which is actually a digital camera)22:28
JuJuBeewild_oscar : sorry? in System Settings - > System Services ?  Tick?22:28
sobersabreompaul: thanks, you can tell me in the sense that I'm sure I'll understand what to do as long as you tell me what, "i know my way around", but I am missing something PAMish probably.22:28
sobersabrejoining ubuntu-classroom though, as you've requested.22:29
Jaffarkelshacapplication has vanished from my main menu and alacarte is not working either, whats up22:29
m_newtonhey! How do i setup a VNC or VPN????????22:29
Slartchoward: give me a minute.. I'll see what I can whip up22:29
m1r gdm login manager dont start on fresh install, how can i troubleshot it =?22:29
wild_oscarJuJuBee: system - preferences - sessions: startup programs - power daemon22:29
shadeofgreyhey everybody22:30
Devastatermy USB 5.1 headset is not 5.1 :(22:30
gronneI'm going nuts not being able to fix my software... could someone please tell me what's wrong if I pastebin my log?22:31
JuJuBeewild_oscar : I must be blind, are you talking about System Setting under the K-Menu?22:31
danbhfivegronne: please, pastebin the log.  someone might know22:31
MadHagdoes anybody know how to make avant window navigator start when the desktop starts after login?22:31
shadeofgreyi really wanna join your ranks - but apparently io cant becauyse im mac and for whatever reason i have to uninstall vist completely befote i can use bootcamp to install it properly?22:32
wild_oscarMadHag: preferences - automatically startAWN on login ;)22:32
MadHagwild_oscar, never saw that :) thanks22:32
=== gokee2_ is now known as Gokee2_Laptop
shadeofgreyand that means reinstalling nuance dragon naturally speaking 9 preffered and starting my voicefile from cratch22:33
gronneOk danbhfive! http://paste.ubuntu.com/16488/  at the end it says all dependencies could not be satisfied22:33
wild_oscarodd sound problem - when I login, i'll hear the sound of my tv card for half a second before the login sound. any ideas why?22:33
ZeRRei love  pardus:)22:33
MadHagwild_oscar, that option is not there22:34
m_newtonHow do i make a incrypted proxy server22:34
Slartchoward: try the package sendemail, "sudo apt-get install sendemail"22:35
wild_oscarMadHag: right click - preferences; general - startup behaviour?22:35
Devastater:( my vivicam 3632 does not work22:35
sadaiyappani need some assistance please22:35
shadeofgreycould i possibly use an imaging program to take an image of the vista partition and (i have superduper for mac) and take an imag of vista - blow it away like it wants me to with bootcamp and then put it back when ubuntu is installed?22:35
dhras I understand it, ALT+SysRq+P is supposed to do a register dump on the console.  I seem to get a line saying "register dump", but the actual dump only shows up on /var/log/messages.  What's up?22:35
Terabyteslart, did it in the end, used wget to get the tar.gz, unziped it, and installed it, thaks22:35
sadaiyappan when i restarted my laptop it blinked several times and a screen came up saying that it is going into "low graphics mode, it is not using the nvidia driver properly22:36
MadHagwild_oscar, I dont have start up behavior??22:36
danbhfivegronne: sorry!  I have no idea.  clearly, the MODULES thing is where its failing.  Maybe you could look at that file, or contact the napkin devs22:36
m_newtonHow do i make a encrypted proxy server22:36
Slartchoward: then you can write something like this in a cronjob or on a terminal, "sendEmail -f from.address@domain.com -t to.address@domain.com -u subjectofthemail -m "This is the actual message" -s mailserver.domain.com:port22:36
wild_oscarMadHag: what do you have?22:36
joanjosephhi was confused what option do i choose to install a plugin java. what's best for me the openjdk or just the defualt one??? ty22:37
gronnedanbhfive: Sure it says no on the module, but are you sure it's the specific reason it's giving the error?22:37
wild_oscarMadHag: can you photo paste bin it? http://pb.ucoz.com/photo/22:37
MadHagwild_oscar,   lot of choices but not start up behaviour22:37
skeletaalhttp://www.jstickland.ca/a51 proof that 90% of the worlds population will be exterminated22:37
skeletaalhttp://www.jstickland.ca/a51 proof that 90% of the worlds population will be exterminated22:37
skeletaalhttp://www.jstickland.ca/a51 proof that 90% of the worlds population will be exterminated22:37
JuJuBeewild_oscar: I am using kubuntu, I know this is #ubuntu, but got no response in #kubuntu22:37
FloodBot3skeletaal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:37
Piciskeletaal: Thats nice, but this is a support channel, don't flood, and perhaps concider joining #ubuntu-offtopic22:38
danbhfivegronne: thats what it looks like.  It gets a no, and then crashes out.  that dependencies message is pretty generic22:38
joanjoseph??? what's best java plugin should i install??? is it the GCJ web browser plugin ( open java jdk ) or the the normal GCJ web browser??? ty22:38
gronneI downloaded modules called ftdi_sio but I don't know how to install them. It was two files in the folder one called ftdi_sio.c and .h on the other... where should I put them?22:38
lusiusdude xD i was checking the chatslogs xD "is ubuntu programmed in c#" xD sheex . i haven't laught so much in years xD22:39
Amiga68<gronne> you must compile it :-)22:39
=== brett is now known as brickwall
danbhfivejoanjoseph: I personally found the GCJ web plugin to be broken.  I use sun22:39
Myrtti!offtopic | lusius, welcome22:39
ubottulusius, welcome: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:39
gronneAmiga68: but it's only two files.. can I compile that?22:39
blueskynisaloha people22:39
lusiusoh ^^ sry22:40
M1DLGhello all, whats iced tea? is it a alternative java runtime?22:40
Amiga68where form this file you get?22:40
M1DLGhello all, whats iced tea? is it a alternative java prog?22:40
JuJuBeeIs ubuntuforums.org down?22:40
rhsanbornI'm hoping someone can help me. I'm getting terrible bass response from my speakers. I had this before, and it had to do with the system raising one of the levels over 100% and I had to load a mixer that was obscure and hard to get to and just bring it down below 100 and back up to 100 to get it to set at or below 100 and it was fine. Does this sound familiar to anyone?22:40
MyrttiJuJuBee: yes22:40
Myrttilusius: np22:40
sasddfghi, how can i find a mail server distro22:40
blueskynis JuJuBee: yes22:40
Amiga68gronne:where form this file you get?22:40
MadHagwild_oscar, http://pb.ucoz.com/photo/1-0-11122:40
danbhfiveM1DLG: yes, and I personally found it to be broken.  use sun22:40
gronneAmiga68: http://ftdi-usb-sio.sourceforge.net/22:40
Slartchoward: or you can do "ifconfig | grep -i "inet addr:" | sendEmai  etc etc with all the address stuff you want here22:41
cyphasebah, Nexuiz ties up the sound card in Hardy22:41
JuJuBeeI still need to figure out why I can't shutdown properly in kubuntu.22:41
lusiusbut im having this problem i can't fix :( im trying to watch a video, but all videos fucks up and shows only half of the capture xD22:41
JuJuBeeI do not like forcing a hard shutdown22:41
Amiga68gronne: wait just a minute :-)22:41
M1DLGhow? it doesn't work for me. how do i make it use java or remove iced tea?22:41
lusiusi don't want to watch 50% of the shining xD22:41
danbhfiveJuJuBee: have you tried going to one of the ttyts?  like 1 6 or 8?22:41
DrMitchhow do i send "CTRL+A" while in gnu-screen?22:41
gronneAmiga68: OK :) this was the exact spot I downloaded it from http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=32425&use_mirror=kent&filename=ftdi_sio-1.3.3.tar.gz&7658956922:41
JuJuBeeI tried shutdown now from CLI and did not work22:41
danbhfiveJuJuBee: I think that ttyt 6 has all the shutdown messages22:42
vic1ouswhere is the AssaultCube executeable at? Cube Server Lister keeps asking for it but I can't find it.22:42
SlartJuJuBee: "sudo shutdown -h now" should shut your machine down22:42
JuJuBeeBut why not from GUI?  How do I figure out why it won't...22:42
wild_oscarJuJuBee: haha...wtf?22:43
BCM43how would i find out exactly what model of a powerbook G4 i have?22:43
lusiusI only see the top half of the video while the rest of my screen is blank. ...22:43
SlartJuJuBee: the usual? check system logs, error messages etc etc.. oh.. and yea.. the ubuntu forums is down, it seems22:43
M1DLGive told add/remove to remove iced tea, will this make sun default automaticly - it's installed22:43
gronneAmiga68: I "think" I downloaded the right file... the readme only says I need the "ftdi_sio" kernel module... Should be the file I donloaded, right?22:43
nottha_kwhat spawns the network manager? the damn thing keeps relaucnhing my network card when I donn't want it to22:43
SlartM1DLG: can't you use.. update-alternatives or whatever it's called?22:43
JuJuBeeI am not familiar with the logs... which one to see what is happening at shutdown?22:43
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd22:44
m_newtonHello, How do i set up a proxy server? My own proxy server? I would like t encrypted!22:44
SlartJuJuBee: the system log is always a good place to start /var/log/syslog22:44
h4mx0r!ftp-server | h4mx0r22:44
M1DLGdont know how? is there a simple quick way?22:44
blueskynisxaxa this is funny! I changed to tty and then back to GUI and login sound started playing :)22:44
mshanksmmmmmmmk strange issue on this install attempt22:44
wild_oscarMadHag: lol!22:44
blueskynisno damage though22:44
JuJuBeeOK. I will try to shutdown then after a restart, look at syslog.22:44
qonceptwhy does ubuntu randomly stop automounting my windows drive?22:44
mshanksit loads the kernel, then the loading bar starts making progress. It gets to ~90% or so, then collapses into a BIOS thing saying I've got a bad bios checksum, and needs a floppy or cd to recover22:44
MadHagwild_oscar, typical heh!22:44
mshanksIf I take it the ubuntu live cd and reboot back into windows, everything works fine22:45
mshanksI've run the CD Integrity check thing and it finds no errors.22:45
BCM43how would i find out exactly what model of a powerbook G4 i have?22:45
mshanksAny thoughts>?22:45
M1DLGlooks like i've cracked it, thanks guys22:45
Amiga68gronne: this is only source code for programmers i just trying to compile it ,but lots of errors....22:45
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xazoHello. I need some assistance with VMWare Player on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS22:45
kamashadihow can i install skype in 64 bit ubuntu?22:45
wild_oscarMadHag: ask in #awn!22:45
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rakanHello, Can GIMP windows all be grouped into 1 window like photoshop?22:46
MadHagwild_oscar, ok thanks22:46
Amiga68gronne: try to compile it: gcc ftdi_cio.c22:46
m_newtonHelp, proxy server! ANY EXPerts???????????????22:46
Xecuterrakan, yes, its called gimpshop22:46
puffLast week I installed hardy from scratch, so of course I lost all of my codecs, etc.  I need to watch a WMV.  What'sthe preferred/recommended approach these days?  I came across one page that recommended using medibuntu and the w32codecs package.22:46
blueskynisrakan: as far I know: NO22:46
Slartrakan: I think there is a mod to make it look more like photoshop.. haven't tried it though22:46
xazoIm trying to figure out what this VMWare Tools are. what is this windows.iso file? Is it an ISO image of Windows XP needed for VMWare Tools?22:46
joaopintokamashadi, if you install the ia32-libs package the 32 bits package will work fine22:46
DizzyDanyone else have the firefox 3 beta 5 random closing?22:46
danbhfivepuff: that page is correct22:46
rakanSlart, whats the name?22:46
joaopintoyou just need to install it with the force option, from the command line22:46
puffSlart: There's a set of keyboard shortcut mappings for gimp that make it more photoshop-user-friendly.22:46
gronneAmiga68: ahh too bad. As I wrote earlier, the readme told me I need the "ftdi_sio" kernel module... maybe I got the wrong file?22:46
Slartrakan: gimpshop might be it22:46
BCM43puff: look for gimp-shop22:47
Slartkamashadi: sudo apt-get install skype doesn't work?22:47
Slart!medibuntu | kamashadi22:47
ubottukamashadi: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:47
joaopintoxazo, vmware tools are a set of tools with improve the integration with the vm host22:47
Slartkamashadi: skype is available from medibuntu.. just follow the instructions on the medibuntu site22:48
qonceptGAH why do mounted drives randomly unmount?22:48
qonceptand how do i get them back?22:48
wild_oscarMadHag: http://wiki.awn-project.org/FAQ#How_can_I_make_AWN_run_when_my_desktop_starts_up.3F22:48
Some_PersonWhat is the best iMovie-like program for ubuntu?22:48
Slart!skype | kamashadi22:48
ubottukamashadi: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto22:48
Blaenkwhy is the bot named ubottu now, with two t's?22:49
SlartSome_Person: I don't think there is anything with the same amount of polish for ubuntu22:49
xazoOk. I understand VMWare Tools, now. I need to install the tools to virtual xp box. so, is this windows.iso a iso of windows xp installation files or is it something special?22:49
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)22:49
Blaenkoo :)22:49
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joaopintoxazo, that an image than you can make available to the windows guest from vmware22:49
joaopintoa cd image containing the tools22:50
scroteeverytime i open a dir with dolphin/konqueror.  the window crashes when i drag and drop a file.  why must linux vex me so ?22:50
Some_PersonEverything I have tried either is buggy or featureless22:50
xazoJoaopinto, i can make iso. what files are contained with ISO? All Windows XP Install files or other files? Please let me know. thanks.22:50
joaopintoxazo, erm, the vmware tools files, only22:51
bloodrockscrote get krusader it a much better filemanger22:51
mshanksI've done an md5sum check on the download and done the integrity check on the cd. Both are fine22:51
BCM43how would i find out exactly what model of a powerbook G4 i have?22:51
mshanksBut the install fails - after loading ~90%, it crashes out to a BIOS bad checksum error. Windows still working fine though22:51
mshanksAny thoughts?22:51
m1rcan someone configrm ubuntuforums.org database error ?22:52
XpistosI am having so much trouble can someone help me mount a folder from my windows machine to a folder in my linux latptop?22:52
BCM43mshanks: try the alternetive cd22:52
Starnestommym1r: try in #ubuntuforums22:52
xazojoaopinto, i just read it... i must download VMWare Player, extract the files and locator "Windows.ISO" file. that is the file I need... :-) Correect?22:52
m1rtnx Starnestommy22:52
scrotebloodrock: how do i set krusader as the default file manager22:52
danbhfive!java > joanjoseph take a look at this22:52
bloodrockscrote i looked in preferred applications no option there so dunno how ya go bout doing that22:54
puffubuntu.com's docs on restricted formats seems to suggest (without really explaining) "apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras", should I?22:55
Some_PersonDangit, if only I had a Mac, I could have iMovie and Final Cut22:55
bloodrockscrote you could edit the menu options so it uses krusader22:55
puffThat is, I understand apt, etc, I'm just not sure if I'll have dependency conflicts between that and the medibuntu codecs, etc.22:56
mordauntubuntuforums is down22:56
mordauntanyone know who to report it to? o_O22:56
BCM43how would i find out exactly what model of a powerbook G4 i have?22:56
Pici!es | ubuntu_22:56
ubottuubuntu_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:56
ompaul!pt | ubuntu_22:56
ubottuubuntu_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:56
BCM43mordaunt: a bug>22:56
ompaulPici, you win :-/22:56
BCM43mordaunt: **a bug?22:56
mordauntBCM43 db error22:56
mordauntdb is down probably22:57
m_newtonAny experts with PROXY's and HOW to set up a proxy server???22:57
Xpistos I am having so much trouble can someone help me mount a folder from my windows machine to a folder in my linux latptop?22:57
tj11hi guys  i install Ubuntu 8.04 and it formatted my hard disk   how do i remove that linux partition?22:57
bloodrockBCM43: doesn't powerbook have a system info option22:57
Starnestommym_newton: it depends on what type of proxy22:58
BCM43bloodrock: im on ubuntu22:58
STSXm_newton: You might want to try #ubuntu-server, they can probably help you better there.22:58
m1rtj11: your installation not working ?22:58
DizzyDtj11: you need to update your mouse drivers first22:58
m_newton<Starnestommy>  i want to reun my own encrypted proxy server22:58
Starnestommym_newton: http or socks?22:58
m_newton<STSX>  no one seems to respond there22:58
BCM43!tab > m_newton22:58
Blaenktj11: you mean you want to get rid of Linux? (That's fine, your question isn't too clear)22:58
BlaenkDizzyD: what??22:59
DizzyDi wonder if shuttleworth checks here22:59
DasmooverCAn anyone help me with compiz please?22:59
BlaenkDasmoover: you'd probably find better help at #compiz-fusion22:59
puffAnyone know the difference or conflcit between the packages medibuntu non-free-codecs and mainstream ubuntu-restricted-extras?22:59
shadeofgreyso is anybody down to helping me put ubuntu on my mac?23:00
Dasmooverno such channell..23:00
BCM43shadeofgrey: just ask if you have questions23:00
shadeofgreyi did23:00
m_newtonStarnestommy: what is the diffrence23:00
Xecuterwhats your problem Dasmoover23:00
shadeofgreynobody answered23:00
StarnestommyDasmoover: /join #compiz-fusion23:00
BlaenkDasmoover: uh, yes ther eis, I'm in it. #compiz-fusion23:00
m_newtonStarnestommy: i think http23:00
Dasmoover/join #compiz-fusion23:00
mshanksBCM43; is the alternate cd likely to make a difference? Do you know whats causing the problem?23:01
BlaenkDasmoover: what client are you using23:01
Starnestommym_newton: they're different protocols.  For an http proxy, try apache with mod_proxy, or squid23:01
BCM43mshanks: not sure exactly what the problem is, but it should help.23:01
tj11can someone tell me where to find info on how to remove the linux partition?23:01
noelferreiraany solution for this bug? my keys get stuck and sometimes wn't work. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-keyboard/+bug/22765023:02
Friendsterhi does any1 know how to install a software for recording in your desktop like fraps or freeze??? ty23:02
puffIs there a better channel to ask about my media formats question?23:02
fareihyou can use parted magic23:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227650 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard "Keyboard modifiers (CTRL, ALT, SHIF) stop working (dup-of: 196277)" [Undecided,New]23:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 196277 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard "[hardy] keyboard layout switching shortcut doesn't work after reboot" [High,Confirmed]23:02
tj11yes   remove for now23:02
BlaenkDasmoover: do you know how to join differerent channels in pidgin?23:02
BCM43!hi | Slimm23:02
ubottuSlimm: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:02
scroteid 8.04 gutsy ?23:02
SliMMhow can I use Reiser4 FS?23:02
Friendsterim using hardy 64bit btw23:02
Stroganofftj11 are you in windows?23:02
lab_ratever tried irc in emacs? :]23:02
angshu369hi all23:02
pufflab_rat: Yes.23:02
Piciscrote: 8.04 is Hardy23:02
Duesentriebhi all. I have just tried to install 8.04 on my laptop. the installer hangs after specifying the keyboard layout, at "loading program for partitioning" -- "determining file systems" (got german masseages, translation mine); Is this a known problem? Can I skip thissomehow? I don't need to change partitions, just pick one. however, it does scare me a bit...23:02
fareihdownload iso file, and make a live cd "parted magic'23:02
angshu369can anyone help me out23:02
Starnestommyangshu369: with what?23:02
dhrI just update HH and Ctrl-Alt-F1 no longer gets me a login: just a blank text-mode screen.  What's likely going on?23:03
fareihhelp about what?23:03
pufflab_rat: Using erc right now, as a matter of fact.23:03
Stroganofftj11: control panel -> administrative tools -> Storage device manager23:03
angshu369i wanna change the language in ubuntu23:03
angshu369how can i change it23:03
ubottuccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:03
fareihum.. you must download addon23:03
Xecuterangshu369, system-preferences-language?23:03
SliMMangshu369: System>Administration>Language Support23:03
Xecuteri was faster:P23:04
DaveKongI installed packages for different sdl sound support but can't get my sound working in zsnes any ideas?23:04
Xecuterbut i was also wrong^23:04
SliMMXecuter: but perhaps wrong :P23:04
lab_ratpuff: must try that too :]23:04
angshu369thanks let me try23:04
lawrencehello there, i was hoping i could get some advice. I was using vim to edit a file through an ssh session. I cut a large block of text and (unfortunately) saved and quit. I opened a new file and tried to paste what I cut and only 50 of the probably about 120 lines were pasted. Is there a way to get the rest?23:04
SliMMso, no one uses Reiser4 here?23:04
^root^okay, 2 very very stupid questions, but don't ask me why I wanna do it. 1. How can I forcefully allow autologin as root, 2. how can I disable that warning about using other accounts at every root login...23:04
tyberionhurm whats the command to mount a drive on /dev/sdb1 (type fat32) with read+write access?23:05
angshu369i like this room u guy r too helpful23:05
lab_ratpuff: i was just bored of bitchx ;]23:05
angshu369coz i  am really new user to ubuntu23:05
Xecuter^root^, can i ask why you want that?23:05
m_newtonStarnestommy: i think http, what do i do exactly23:05
BCM43^root^: you cant23:05
Stroganoff^root^ you mean autologin without X?23:05
Starnestommym_newton: first, install apache223:05
pufflab_rat: erc is emacs irc.23:06
SliMMangshu369: this room is helpful because it's quite full :)23:06
m_newtonStarnestommy: done23:06
pufflab_rat: It's all I use :-).23:06
^root^Xecuter: just want that, I don't know, but I want, and I head that we can do everything with linux, and I want to see... :P, Stroganoff, yup with X1123:06
angshu369now i have one more question23:06
angshu369can i make a web page23:06
angshu369with Ubuntu23:06
Xecuter^root^, you can do the same with a regular user, just use sudo23:06
BCM43angshu369: what do you mean, make a web page?23:07
^root^Xecuter: nope, I want root :P23:07
Starnestommyangshu369: you first need a web server program that can serve pages.  apache can do that23:07
angshu369i mean23:07
Starnestommy!root | ^root^23:07
ubottu^root^: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:07
Myrtti^root^: no, you don't23:07
Stroganoff^root^ you can do everything if you are able.23:07
angshu369like my own website23:07
Xecuter^root^, then log in as root23:07
m_newtonStarnestommy: Yup, i am currently hosting on a web server, i have my website through no-ip23:07
m_newtonStarnestommy: on my webserver, that is23:07
Starnestommym_newton: I'm looking for a guide on giving apache proxying capabilities.23:08
ArthurArchnixIf you want to turn Ubuntu into Debian ^root^, why not just run Debian?23:08
BCM43angshu369: you would not use ubuntu, you would use some external or webbased program23:08
^root^hmmm,..... I see... what if I have succeeded in doing that, is there an award? :P (just asking so I may or may nor pursue :P )23:08
m_newtonStarnestommy: basically i want to connect to my computer from another computer that blocks ssh, i want to connect through port 80, I think i need a proxy, Am i correct??23:09
^root^ArthurArchnix: who wants to do that? I am running LTS8.04, and very happy23:09
lab_ratpuff: is erc in emacs v21.4a? I've to get emacs22 to use rcirc23:09
Starnestommym_newton: yes23:09
Xecuter^root^, award for what?23:09
SliMMangshu369: if you fancy typing the HTML, you could use the default text editor (gedit) found under Applications>Accessories>Text editor (drag and drop to a panel for quick access); If you'd rather use a graphical HTML editor, try NVU, it's quite good. You can also export decent HTML pages from OpenOffice documents. :-)23:09
AcornAcorndoes anyone know of a way you could compare two large directories to make sure that they are a perfect match?23:09
Duesentriebany clues about my installer problem? this is a complete show stopper :( It looks a bit like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/220476 but i don't have an usb driver involved.23:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220476 in ubuntu "partition editor in hardy installer does not launch" [Undecided,New]23:09
LattyAnyone got any experience with Triple monitors and nVidia drivers? Last time I tried it (8600GTS and 7600GT) it stopped GLX from working. Would an 8600GTS and 8500GT work fine with 3 24"ers across them?23:09
matthewanyone know how I can get anjuta to build against the SDL libraries? Because I can't figure out how to add a static library, all the tutorials I have read say to add them from a setting menu I can't find -_-23:09
ryanakcaWhat command shows what objects a program is linked to23:09
^root^Xecuter: what I want, allowing autologin of root, and disabling the warning on root login into X11...23:09
m_newtonStarnestommy: So, i have my web server runnning, how do i make it so that i can connect through ssh on port 80?23:10
Xecuter^root^, no, theres no award for stupidity23:10
lawrenceSo no one has any input on my problem? :c23:10
^root^Xecuter: :P though so, was just kidding... okay then...23:10
Starnestommym_newton: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html23:10
jimcooncatXecuter: isn't that a little harsh?23:10
m_newtonStarnestommy: Also, will that make it encrypted?23:10
Xecuterjimcooncat, yes it is:P23:10
SliMMfine, I'll give it another try tomorrow; bye23:10
Starnestommym_newton: SSH is encrypted23:10
ArthurArchnix^root^: Ok... well, Ubuntu feels so strongly that you shouldn't enable root they actually have a policy that says whoever tells you how to enable root, needs to be available 24/7 to handle any support requests you have... because strange things can happen. Etc.. so, you can certainly find out. People have done it. But I don't think anyone will violate the CoC to tell you how.23:10
AcornAcorndoes anyone know of a way you could compare two large directories to make sure that they are a perfect match? using hashes or something? is there an app for ubuntu?23:11
Starnestommym_newton: you might be able to use port 443 instead of 80 for this23:11
jimcooncatXecuter: it is his computer -- well for the moment anyway. ^root^, you should look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for guidance if you really want to do this23:11
Broadcomkubuntu just crashed and now it will not run in graphical, only text based23:11
^root^ArthurArchnix: yes, and a taboo lower than that is allowing sudo without password, I know, was just fooling around.. :D23:11
alecsBroadcom: if you have done an upgarde .. see what23:12
frostburnAcornAcorn, do a ls on both directories, pipe them to a file, and run a diff?23:12
SomeGuyHas anyone else heard of an issue with heron where after a while the USB controllers stop working?23:12
alecsBroadcom: startx tells you23:12
SomeGuymy mouse randomly stops working, and unplugging it and plugging it into another port doesn't seem to do the trick23:12
m_newtonStarnestommy: I dont know if port 443 is open on the server! i think 5900 is open, but not sure on that eather23:12
matthew^root^: do you want a way to login as root? or a way to stop the warning from coming up when you do it?23:12
^root^SomeGuy: USB mouse?23:12
SomeGuyit just happened a few minutes ago so I tried to stick another USB device in to see if it would recognize it and it failed23:12
frostburnSome_Person, see if there's any messages in dmesg23:13
matthewanyone know how I can get anjuta to build against the SDL libraries? Because I can't figure out how to add a static library, all the tutorials I have read say to add them from a setting menu I can't find -_-23:13
SomeGuy^root^, yeah23:13
^root^matthew: nothing :P23:13
m_newtonStarnestommy: I think i will do it tommarow23:13
m_newtonStarnestommy see ya, and thanks for responding23:13
SomeGuyfrostburn, where's dmesg?23:13
AcornAcornfrostburn: I mean check that there were no errors in copying the files, in case a file is corrupt or something, not that all the files are there23:13
frostburnSome_Person, command prompt, $dmesg23:13
frostburnAcornAcorn, do you have a directory that is known good? you can use rsync to copy anything that differs23:14
SomeGuytyping $dmesg at the command prompt doesn't do anything23:14
^root^SomeGuy: same problem I had, but I changed mouse to another bran, and now my Dell usb mouse works fine...23:14
frostburnremove the $23:14
SkedarCan someone help me with phpmyadmin?23:14
Some_Personfrostburn: huh? what?23:14
StarnestommySkedar: what kind of help do you need with it?23:14
^root^Skedar: and what's that?23:15
SkedarI finally got it working after a whole bunch of tries, I logged into it as root but I had no privilages.23:15
SomeGuyfrostburn, there's a segfault from python on here, but I don't see anything else related23:15
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AcornAcornfrostburn: I copied a 20GB+ directory over the network to another computer, can I just assume that there were no problems?23:15
frostburnSome_Person, nothing, was messaging SomeGuy  help, wrong person =]23:15
tyranoshi all , i just installed my dvb-t stick and after the installation i cannot access the stick only after chown -R username /dev/dvb which i have to do every time i restart the computer23:15
^root^Skedar: how did you install it?23:15
Some_Personfrostburn: thats ok23:16
tyranoscan someone help me fix this once and for all23:16
puffAcornAcorn: I don't know of anyhting like that, if you find an answer, I'd like to hear about it.23:16
SomeGuy^root^, could you plug in other USB devices when it occurred?23:16
puffAcornAcorn: TreeDiff, maybe23:16
SomeGuybecause after this happens no USB works anymore23:16
NewfieLinuxI need a little ubuntu help23:16
^root^SomeGuy: yup...23:16
PushnellHey all.  Trying to dip my toes in linux, used to run BSD years ago, so trying to install Kubuntu-4 with Wubi.  The installation proceeds fine in windows, I reboot into Kubuntu, and the GUI shows me install-type stuff happening.  Then I see the splash screen again for a few seconds, and the system reboots.  After that, the Kubuntu boot always comes up with "Error 16: Inconsistent filesystem structure" which google says is gr23:16
SkedarI used sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin23:16
DanaGHmm, for an HP LaserJet 8150 series printer, CUPS offers both a PostScript driver and an 'hpijs' driver.  What's the difference, and which (if any) is better?23:16
SomeGuy^root^, when I attempt to plug the mouse into another port it doesn't work23:17
SoritongHi everybody23:17
SomeGuyfrostburn, I noticed something in the system logs about USB high speed being reset23:17
NewfieLinuxI want to wipe my hardrive and install ubuntu but I have a few questions23:17
AcornAcornpuff: I know there are programs that can do checksums of files, but i don't know if you can do that for directories23:17
NewfieLinuxhow would I wipe it23:17
^root^SomeGuy: a slightly difference case with me...23:17
FloodBot3NewfieLinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:17
frostburnAcornAcorn, you can do a rsync -n  for more information, check out $man rsync23:17
^root^Skedar: hmm, you did set the root account's password correct while installing LAMP?23:17
StarnestommyNewfieLinux: you can do that while installig ubuntu by telling it to use the entire disc23:17
NewfieLinuxhow whats that23:17
matthewhelp! I can't see the settings menu in anjuta, I really need this menu, anyone know what could be going on?23:18
pohmy system has been acting funny, and memtest86+ just failed to complete twice, shutting down part way through.  can bad memory do that? or does that make it a cpu/disk/other issue?23:18
Skedarbleh I f***** up this mysql stuff is soo confusing.23:19
AcornAcornubottu isn't replying to me :(23:19
ubottuAcornAcorn: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:19
ArthurArchnixAnyone able to disable xorg.logging, or else map it to /dev/null?23:19
NewfieLinuxI use wireless internet on my laptop and I connect my xbox through ethernet and then connecting to wireless,how would I do this on linux23:19
noelferreiraany solution for this bug? my keys get stuck and sometimes wn't work. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-keyboard/+bug/22765023:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227650 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard "Keyboard modifiers (CTRL, ALT, SHIF) stop working (dup-of: 196277)" [Undecided,New]23:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 196277 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard "[hardy] keyboard layout switching shortcut doesn't work after reboot" [High,Confirmed]23:19
AcornAcornubottu: I wasn't talking to you23:19
SoritongHi all. I'm having some questions before setting Ubuntu up as a secondary OS on my computer. I currently have Vista installed on my IDE drive, which is primary, and I have most of my apps and music based on a secondary SATA drive. How hard would it be to set up Ubuntu to dual boot off of the SATA, and where would I install GRUB?23:19
NewfieLinuxIm also worried about drivers23:19
ubottuAcornAcorn: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:19
puffAcornAcorn: I've frequently wanted that sort of tool/utility, especially for if a CVS/SVN checkout gets out of whack osmehow and I have to do a fresh checkout and migrate changes in from the old checkout, one by one, to commit them.23:19
NewfieLinuxPlease help me.....23:20
riddleboxhey all23:20
NewfieLinuxSo much for support via irc23:20
Simonftkubuntu will only boot in text based mode, does anyone know why?23:20
matthewhelp! I can't see the settings menu in anjuta, I really need this menu, anyone know what could be going on?23:20
NewfieLinuxand the forums are down so I can't do that either23:20
digijohnHi; I just booted the Hoary Hedgehog live CD in order to zero my hard disk, but I can't seem to *find* it in /dev23:20
Simonft!patience | NewfieLinux23:20
ubottuNewfieLinux: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:20
AcornAcornpuff: http://www.linux.org.za/Lists-Archives/glug-tech-0412/msg00086.html23:21
digijohnit's just an IDE disk23:21
pohNewfieLinux, perhaps if you tell us what problems you are having23:21
NewfieLinuxI did23:21
STSXArthurArchnix: How about just running a bash script on startup that "rm xorg.loggin" in a sleep loop? Yes, it's a really crude hack. :)23:21
BoohbahSimonft: your video driver is improperly installed23:21
Starnestommymatthew: did you recently change any of anjuta's settings?23:21
digijohnthere's not /dev/hda... does Ubuntu do something weird?23:21
NewfieLinuxI use wireless internet on my laptop and I connect my xbox through ethernet and then connecting to wireless,how would I do this on linux23:21
DanaGAny input on HPLIP versus PostScript?23:21
Starnestommydigijohn: it's /dev/sd* now, hot /dev/hd*23:21
NewfieLinuxI also want to know does ubuntu come with all the drivers I need23:21
matthewstarnestommy: nope, I have never changed any of the setting23:21
digijohnStarnestommy: thanks23:21
SimonftBoohbah: yes, it was working before, all of a sudden it shutdown, and now it will not work at all.23:21
PushnellNewfieLinux: so you're trying to use your laptop as a router for your xbox?23:21
digijohnand what is the root password on this disk?23:22
NewfieLinuxYes I can do it on windows23:22
BoohbahSimonft: did you upgrade your kernel, perhaps?23:22
Starnestommydigijohn: there isn't one23:22
NewfieLinuxIm wondering how I could do it on linux23:22
NewfieLinuxand how23:22
NewfieLinuxI can get wireless23:22
SimonftBoohbah: im on the latest one23:22
NewfieLinuxon linux23:22
digijohnStarnestommy: then how can I access /dev/sda?23:22
FloodBot3NewfieLinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:22
Starnestommydigijohn: sudo23:22
digijohnI never use sudo, so I didn't think of that :/23:22
ArthurArchnixSTSX: Well, that increase the amount of disk activity. Maybe even lead to a crazy situation where xorg checks for log, and creates if it doesn't exist. Then the loop erases it. And then xorg... and so on.23:22
BoohbahSimonft: if you upgrade your kernel you have to reinstall your video driver23:23
AcornAcornpuff: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/198/md5-checksum-how-to/23:23
NewfieLinuxthink you can help?23:23
StarnestommyNewfieLinux: it depends on yourwirelss card23:23
NarkotixAgent_is there anybody willing to pm me?23:23
Starnestommy*your wireless23:23
SimonftBoohbah: it was woking before23:23
Simonft!ask | NarkotixAgent_23:23
ubottuNarkotixAgent_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:23
BoohbahSimonft: and what did you change?23:23
xeeHi, I'm having a strange problem, whenever I try to exit a game(by clicking x button at the top right or by using the in-game exit), the game window goes black and CPU usage goes 100% and the game doesn't exit until I send it a SIGKILL, any idea what might be the reason?23:23
NarkotixAgent_thnx :)23:23
PushnellNewfieLinux: a little bit of google can go a long way.  http://www.google.com/search?q=linux%20wireless%20howto and http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&safe=off&q=linux+nat&btnG=Search have what you need23:23
Pici!wifi | NewfieLinux23:24
ubottuNewfieLinux: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:24
NewfieLinuxWhat do you mean by the nat one23:24
RoshanKPushnell: do you know if i can use gnome and kde for the same installation of ubuntu and simply choose which to use at the login window?23:24
NewfieLinuxOn windows23:24
NarkotixAgent_I installed ubuntu 8 this afternoon and deleted the tray that docked my minimized progs and my mozilla, how do i get that back? :(23:24
StarnestommyNewfieLinux: NAT is used for sharing internet connections23:24
PushnellNAT stands for "network address translation" -- it's one aspect of what a router does, and I think that that's what you want your linux to do for your xbox23:24
STSXArthurArchnix: Yes, you're right, but would you have to change X Windows and recompile to get rid of that? I guess if you're really lucky maybe you just need to set a "XORG_LOG=false" type variable somewhere. :)23:24
NewfieLinuxI rightclick my internet and  click share23:24
NewfieLinuxand check the boxes I need23:25
SoritongHi all. I'm having some questions before setting Ubuntu up as a secondary OS on my computer. I currently have Vista installed on my IDE drive, which is primary, and I have most of my apps and music based on a secondary SATA drive. How hard would it be to set up Ubuntu to dual boot off of the SATA, and where would I install GRUB?23:25
NewfieLinuxis it harder than that on linux?23:25
ben_underscoreNarkotixAgent_: you can create a new panel and add a window list applet to it23:25
StarnestommyNewfieLinux: it's a little bit harder, but tools like firestarter can easily do it23:25
NarkotixAgent_window list applet?23:25
NewfieLinuxFinal question23:26
AcornAcorndoes anyone know how to generate recursive md5sum?23:26
NullNameSomeone please HELP w/ 8.04!  I wanted to password protect SAMBA, so I decided to uninstall SAMBA by deselecing it in synaptic 923:26
NewfieLinuxWill ubuntu come with all the required drivers?23:26
ben_underscoreNarkotixAgent_: ok. do you see your panel/toolbar at the top of your desktop? right click on that and select new panel23:26
ben_underscoreNewfieLinux: no23:26
PushnellRoshanK: Yes, you can do that, but I don't remember the name of the program, sorry23:26
Simonft1sorry, i am back23:26
NarkotixAgent_yes i do see it23:26
StarnestommyNewfieLinux: it depends on the card23:26
NewfieLinuxWhat drivers do I need/where can I get the,23:26
robert__hey everyone23:26
robert__i got a question23:27
StarnestommyNewfieLinux: some drivers are there, some have to be downloaded23:27
NarkotixAgent_I actually added a tray to the top but didn't knwo how to configure23:27
ryanakcaWhat command shows what objects a program is linked to?23:27
ben_underscoreNarkotixAgent_: now left click that newly created panel and drag it to the bottom23:27
NewfieLinuxDo ou know where you can get linux drivers like that23:27
robert__does anyone know how to set vlc as default in hardy?23:27
StarnestommyNewfieLinux: it depends on the card23:27
ben_underscoreNarkotixAgent_: then add the applet to that23:27
AcornAcornpuff: Bingo! http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/  "md5deep is a cross-platform set of programs to compute ... message digests on an arbitrary number of files"23:28
NarkotixAgent_i am not understanding completly23:28
Starnestommyryanakca: maybe eu-readelf23:28
NewfieLinuxHow can I check my card23:28
ben_underscoreNarkotixAgent_: ok.23:28
NewfieLinuxor is there a program23:28
matthewStarnestommy: This is what anjuta should look like (I think): http://anjuta.org/screenshots/anjuta-2.1/anjuta-2.1.2-9.png and this is what mine looks like: http://imagebin.ca/view/jupz_f.html23:28
NewfieLinuxthat lets me do it23:28
robert__does anyone know how to set vlc as default dvd player?23:28
StarnestommyNewfieLinux: sudo lshw -C net23:28
NewfieLinuxwithout a driver23:28
ben_underscoreNarkotixAgent_: right click on the new panel and select add to panel23:28
NarkotixAgent_i want when I minimize my progs and mozilla they go to system tray23:28
Alfarin_I'm having trouble mounting my external usb device...  here's the messages log entry about it: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dcb57550  when I try ot mount with /dev/sdc5, it says fail to access volume, no such file or directory; and checking /dev/sdc5, it is indeed not there...23:29
RoshanKanyone here that runs both GNOME & KDE?23:29
NarkotixAgent_ok i did that and nothing happeend23:29
StarnestommyRoshanK: I have both installed. What about them do you need to know?23:29
SoritongIf I choose the "Install within Windows" options from the burned CD, how does that work since it doesn't create a partition? Is it basically installing a VM version of itself?23:29
NarkotixAgent_I have 2 panels at the bottom of my screen23:30
RoshanKStarnestommy: I have ubuntu with gnome installed right now and was hoping to try out kde as well but would like to keep gnome23:30
matthewstarnestommy: actually, that first photo is of an older version, but all the photos of the version i'm using are the same23:30
ben_underscoreNarkotixAgent_: then scroll right down and select window list - this is the applet that windows go to when you minimise them23:30
RoshanKStarnestommy:: can i install kde as well and just change desktop environments at login window?23:30
nrotkisanyone use openbox, get nmapplet docked somewhere?23:30
StarnestommyRoshanK: yes23:30
XecuterNarkotixAgent_, do you have the upper tray?23:30
NarkotixAgent_no i moved it to the bottom like you said23:30
RoshanKStarnestommy: so this wouldnt affect my gnome installation and programs should still run such as compiz correct?23:31
Starnestommymatthew: you may have accidentally changed a setting that made one of those menus disappear23:31
XecuterNarkotixAgent_, sorry was reading the wrong thing :P never mind...23:31
robert__does anyone know how to set vlc as default dvd player in hardy?23:31
StarnestommyRoshanK: yes23:31
PushnellHey all.  Trying to dip my toes in linux, used to run BSD years ago, so trying to install Kubuntu-4 with Wubi.  The installation proceeds fine in windows, I reboot into Kubuntu, and the GUI shows me install-type stuff happening.  Then I see the splash screen again for a few seconds, and the system reboots.  After that, the Kubuntu boot always comes up with "Error 16: Inconsistent filesystem structure" which google says is gr23:31
NarkotixAgent_got it :)23:31
navetzhow can I check the speed of my internet connection through the command line?23:31
STSXSoritong: I believe it uses Wubi.23:31
Slartrobert__: afaik you'll have to set it to open all the formats one by one23:31
NarkotixAgent_do i have to do that for all my programs or will it do it for me?23:31
StarnestommyPushnell: sounds like a currupt filesystem.  You'll need to run fsck on that filesystem23:31
robert__afaik in the terminal?23:32
Slartrobert__: right click on a media-file in nautilux.. properties.. open with23:32
matthewStarnestommy: How could I fix that? Would reinstalling it work?23:32
Xecuternavetz, download something big :P23:32
ben_underscoreNarkotixAgent_: what do you mean?23:32
Starnestommymatthew: that might work23:32
Slartrobert__: afaik = as far as I know23:32
robert__not valid in the terminal23:32
NarkotixAgent_now i see my mozilla window ok, but when I open new programs and minimize will they go to the tray23:32
SoritongAnyone know how the "Install Within windows" option works? Is it basically a VM?23:32
Slartrobert__: I don't know of a way to do it from the terminal23:32
PushnellStarnestommy: I've uninstalled and reinstalled Wubi/Kubuntu, and the install process always ends the same.  I have a Knoppix disk handy, can I mount the wubi partition from that?23:32
robert__i did it before, forgot how though23:32
nrotkisiwlist wlan0 scan23:33
StarnestommyPushnell: I'm not sure23:33
puffAnybody see this problem with .wmv files where it will play the first few seconds, and then just stop playing?23:34
ryanakcaStarnestommy: hmm... maybe, thanks ;)23:34
detrateHey, what's the escape sequence in bash to remove a space when prepending a string to a variable?23:34
Starnestommydetrate: \<space>23:34
puffOr plays horrendously slowly? (one frame per second)23:35
Simonft1nevermind, got it working23:35
SoritongCan anyone comment between the performance differences of Wubi vs. dedicated partition?23:35
frostburnpuff, check cpu usage, is the resolution gigantic, and do you have direct rendering enabled23:36
gleblancAnybody seen an error like this before?23:36
pufffrostburn: how do I check on direct rendering?23:36
PushnellStarnestommy: let me rephrase, any idea how I could mount that filesystem with a livecd?  I'm trying to google around for a clue as to how to reference the filesystem.23:36
gleblancBUG: soft lockup - CUP#1 stuck for 11s! [modprobe:1275]23:36
frostburndetrate, context, you can escape using \ and quotes23:36
Pushnellso that I can run fsck23:36
AcornAcornHow do i install a downloaded application, ./configure didn't work23:36
StarnestommyPushnell: I'm not sure if Wubi partitions can be mounted23:36
SlartPushnell: don't mount filesystems you are going to fsck23:36
havoquegleblanc, glxinfo | grep direct23:36
pufffrostburn: CPU spiked at first, but I've got a 2.2 PentiumM and 2GB of memory, so...23:37
PushnellOk, how do I point fsck from a livecd at the wubi file?23:37
StarnestommyAcornAcorn: check the readme or install file that comes with it23:37
gleblanchavoque: I can't, it's running the installer23:37
kdavidI loaded KDE 4  should I remove KDE 3.5?  If so how do I do it?23:37
puffCPU is now holding steady at 31%, memory at 34523:37
Starnestommykdavid: you can keey kde 3.523:37
PushnellI assume I'll have to mount the ntfs partition first, r/w somehow, and then .... ?23:37
puffCPU is now holding steady at 31%, memory at 34%23:37
tommy_Ubuntu 7.10 used to show my NTFS HDD, but Hardy doesn't.  How do I get Hardy to show my internal NTFS HDD?23:37
frostburnpuff, glxinfo|grep direct23:37
gleblancThe liveCD went just fine23:38
kdavidStarnestommy: you mean I can keep it?23:38
puffdirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)23:38
puff 23:38
Starnestommykdavid: yes23:38
gleblancI ran memtest already23:38
kdavidok thanks23:38
Starnestommykdavid: I just accidentally used a y when I needed a p23:38
tommy_anyone know pls?23:38
STSXtommy_: You probably need to add it to your /etc/fstab file to mount on startup--is that what you are looking for?23:38
AcornAcornStarnestommy: I did, it said that I should go to the extracted files and do ./configure, but terminal says "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"23:38
StarnestommyAcornAcorn: install build-essential23:38
tommy_STSX, im looking for my internal NTFS HDD which Ubuntu 7.10 used to show .  What do I add to /etc/fstab?23:39
=== marco_ is now known as Marco
STSXtommy_: Well do you want to just temporarily mount it or do you want to have it automatically mount at startup?23:39
kdavidDoes Kubuntu 8.04 work with scanners?23:40
tommy_STSX, i want it to always be shown as it used to be on 7.1023:40
tommy_STSX, but how do I temporarily mount it?23:40
ArthurArchnixIf you look at the manpage of Xorg, you can see that you can edit the logfile of xorg by using a command-line switch. But I'm currently using gdm. Do you think a config or environment variable can be changed?23:41
frostburnpuff, see if you can get drivers for your video card23:41
ArthurArchnixI want to disable xlogging, or else map it to /dev/null23:41
pufffrostburn: ATI, so yeah.23:41
pufffrostburn: Okay, gotta reboot to try this.23:41
matthewStarnestommy: Nope, menu is still gone, but I'm starting to think that they may have moved it in the version of anjuta. Do you have anjuta installed?23:41
b4l7424rhow do i enable loose binding for compiz?23:41
Pushnell[consolidating]: The Wubi/ubiquity installer consistently leaves Kubuntu-4 with an inconsistent filesystem on my system.  Does anyone have any suggestions for how to troubleshoot the install, or how to accomplish an fsck from a livecd?23:41
noelferreiraany solution for this bug? my keys get stuck and sometimes wn't work. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-keyboard/+bug/22765023:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227650 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard "Keyboard modifiers (CTRL, ALT, SHIF) stop working (dup-of: 196277)" [Undecided,New]23:42
Alfarinbleh, gdm got reloaded and it still refuse to mount my external hd...23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 196277 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard "[hardy] keyboard layout switching shortcut doesn't work after reboot" [High,Confirmed]23:42
Starnestommymatthew: I don't think I have it installed23:42
Starnestommymatthew: I used to, but I stopped using it23:42
STSXtommy_: OK, how about posting the contents of your /etc/fstab file first? Just post it to paste.ubuntu.com. If you need more specifics on that let me know.23:42
matthewAnyone in here with anjuta installed that could help me check something very quickly?23:43
tommy_STSX, I found a solution.  it was simple.  I just sudo apt-get install ntfs-config and ran "sudo ntfs-config23:43
=== jessica is now known as jessica_lilly
tommy_STSX, ntfs-config did all the work for me and added it to /etc/fstab23:43
STSXtommy_: That's great--I forgot about that solution for Windows partitions. Thanks for the reminder. :)23:43
tommy_STSX, why did you just recommend ntfs-config instead of all the hard workaround?23:43
tommy_STSX, OK :)23:44
tommy_STSX, i have 1 more question23:44
Noxixhow do i make a link to a program that I can use in any directory. so if I have "javac" in one directory and i want to run it everywere, what do I have to do?23:44
AcornAcornStarnestommy: I did, it said that I should go to the extracted files and do ./configure, but terminal says "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"23:44
tommy_STSX, 7.10 used to show my hidden NTFS partition.  How do I get Hardy to show that?23:44
NoxixSTSX, thanks for yesterday, I did get my WIFI working.23:44
elmerAnybody here know how to clear Firefox's form history?23:44
StarnestommyAcornAcorn: are you sure that build-essential has been installed?23:45
Pushnellelmer: control-shift-delete23:45
elmerPushnell, thanks23:45
STSXNoxix: That's great! So what was the "silver bullet" that got it going?23:45
AcornAcornStarnestommy: no idea, do i need to apt-get?23:45
StarnestommyAcornAcorn: sudo apt-get install build-essential23:45
bztojoin #ubuntu-br23:45
STSXtommy_: What do you mean "hidden"?23:45
gronneDoes anyone know how to add a module to the kernel?23:46
NoxixSTSX, I thought you gave me a link with a very good tutorial on how to get the card working. Or maybe I found that later. Eitherway, i have a great link that has the info on how to make it happen. Takes for ever though.23:46
Starnestommygronne: sudo modprobe module-name23:46
tommy_STSX, Acronis Trueimage enables a person to create a hidden partition to store all the backup images.  7.10 Ubuntu used to show this partition on my desktop.  How I tell Hardy to do the same?23:46
STSXNoxix: Well as long as it's working, that's all that matters. :)23:47
gronneStarnestommy: that was fast :) Problem is I'm not sure I've got the right stuff to do it23:47
STSXtommy_: If you do a "sudo fdisk -l" does it show that partition?23:48
NoxixSo, is there a way to make ubuntu recognize executible files in all directories?23:48
ArthurArchnixunder my aliases file, I see stuff like net-pf-5-appletalk net-pf-31-bluetooth ... I've disabled ipv6, but can I disable these two? I don't have an apple computer and I don't have bluetooth.23:48
tommy_STSX, yes23:48
StarnestommyNoxix: add that executable to /usr/local/bin23:48
NoxixStarnestommy, thanks! :-D23:48
tyranosis there any programm for watching dvb streams other than kaffeine , and not a command line tool ???23:48
STSXArthurArchnix: I certainly have those disabled myself. :)23:48
tommy_STSX, its my /dev/sda2 thats hidden.23:48
ariqswhat doe xorg mean anyway?23:49
ArthurArchnixSTSX: In your aliases file?23:49
Bllzmy usb external drive isn't recongized by either ubuntu or windows ever since i disconnected it from ubuntu 5 minutes ago23:49
Starnestommyariqs: xorg is the X.org X server23:49
Bllzit won't even show up as a device? what gives?23:49
lavidais ubuntu faster OS then windows XP?23:49
Bllzlavida:  it all depends, AFAIK23:49
STSXArthurArchnix: Maybe I misunderstood--which exact file are you referring to?23:50
gronneI (apparently) need to add the "ftdi_sio kernel module" added to the kernel, but I'm not sure I've found the module23:50
lavidaim right now downloading it and i wonder how it looks like :D23:50
tommy_STSX, sudo cfdisk say its my /dev/sda5 thats hidden.  how I tell Hardy to show it?23:50
Starnestommytyranos: maybe vlc23:50
Bllzdoes anybody know why my external drive isn't being recongized anymore?23:50
tommy_STSX, before I ask you any more questions.. are you a noob or experienced Ubuntu user? :P23:50
qoncep1chown root $(which ntfs-3g)23:50
qoncep1 <--- what does (which ntfs-3g) mean??23:50
lavidadoes track ir working in ubuntu?23:51
ArthurArchnixit's the file at /etc/modprobe.d/aliases   that's where you can disable ipv6... it's a common thing. But no one mentions the others in this file. Like appletalk, irda, bluetooth, ppoe... what if you don't have any of those things...23:51
Starnestommygronne: did you use "sudo modprobe ftdi_sio" ?23:51
lavidasoftware for tracing movements of head?23:51
Starnestommyqoncep1: ntfs-3g is a program that is sued for accessing NTFS partitions23:51
Slartlavida: lavida no idea.. have you looked in the ubuntu forums? google?23:51
STSXtommy_: I'm experienced, but I don't claim to be a super-authority or anything. If you would rather have someone else's help I won't be offended.23:51
lavidayes i do and didnt find anything23:51
gronneStarnestommy.. Now I did :) I didn't realize it was that simple23:51
qoncep1Starnestommy, so what is it trying to tell me to type there?23:52
lavidadoes any progy works in ubuntu from XP or it must be written for ubuntu?23:52
lavidaor emulated23:52
tommy_STSX, nice comeback to save face and your pride, seeing you cannot answer me and have no idea :P23:52
Starnestommylavida: you can use wine to run windows programs23:52
qoncep1lavida,  they need to be written for it or written in a language with a vm or emulated23:53
mc-georgehey, in system monitor processes tab, the memory list goes away each time i restart the system monitor, anyone know how to fix this23:53
tommy_does anyone know how I can tell Hardy to display my hidden partition which Ubuntu 7.10 used to display?23:53
Slartlavida: application have to be compiled for linux.. sometimes even written specifically for linux23:53
gronneStarnestommy.. It didn't say anything when I wrote it, but how do I know it's installed?23:53
Slartlavida: wine can help you run some windows software on linux.. you can take a look at www.winehq.org to see what they have working etc23:53
RoshanKStarnestommy: should i jsut follow these instructions to install kde 4 in ubuntu or do u recommend something else? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-kde-40-stable-in-ubuntu-gutsy.html23:53
Starnestommygronne: modprobe says nothing when it works, but if t had failed it would have said something23:53
ArthurArchnixtommy, partitions under /mnt and /media are usually shown on the desktop. Mount the partition there. Or else, just create a link to it and put it on your desktop. Pretty simple, or did I misunderstand your question?23:53
lavidai thought if something is written in C language that it should work on linux23:53
lavidaor java ..23:54
DrUnKnMuNkYhey i'm trying to set up a linux firewall with qos. can anyone point me in the right direction?23:54
lavidawhats wine?23:54
Slartlavida: it might.. you can write portable code.. or non-portable code23:54
Starnestommylavida: it needs to use libraries that work on linux and be compiled for use with linux if it's C23:54
Starnestommylavida: wine is a program that can run windows programs23:54
gronneStarnestommy: Ok.. don't want to be annoying, but how the heck did it install it when I hadn't even downloaded it?23:54
lavidaah ok23:54
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:54
lavidathen game il2 forgotten battles doesnt work on linux for sure :(23:54
qoncep1or better yet, how do i mount a volume as root23:55
Starnestommylavida: it might work in wine23:55
lavidacan i emulate all games or just specific ones?23:55
lavidaoh uh23:55
lavidaa lot23:55
mc-georgehey, in system monitor processes tab, the memory list goes away each time i restart the system monitor, anyone know how to fix this23:55
tommy_where can I download Ubuntu 7.10?23:55
havoquelavida, all the info you need can be found on wine's site23:55
RoshanKlavida: if that dosent work u might want to look into cedega i think23:55
Slarttommy_: it's probably availabe from the ubuntu main site23:56
havoquetommy_, cdimage.ubuntu.org/releases23:56
RoshanKtommy_: let me see if i can get u a link23:56
NoxixStarnestommy, For some reason, that didnt work. :\ is there something else I need to do besides move the file into /usr/local/bin  ?23:56
Starnestommygronne: it was probably there already23:56
lavidacan i expect that emulated games work as good as on windows or i will have less fps?23:56
StarnestommyNoxix: make sure that it's owned by the user root and the group root23:56
havoquelavida, all the info you need can be found on wine's site23:56
Slartlavida: less fps most of the time23:56
ArthurArchnixtommy_: You're going to reinstall rather than fix this? It's so trivial.23:56
reeseI'm having problems with the nvidia driver. I have nvidia-glx-installed, but it doesn't accept 'nvidia' as a driver, only 'nv'.23:57
Slartlavida: with a few rare exeptions23:57
lavidargr that23:57
reesethe funny thing is that if I start KDE with nv, than edit xorg.conf and set the driver to 'nvidia' then log out and restart X, nvidia works just fine23:57
lavidathanks guys23:57
Pushnellcan someone tell me, is the only difference between the "normal" and the "alternate" ubuntu install CD the textmode installer?23:57
RoshanKtommy_ http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/7.10/23:57
lavidayou are so nice23:57
SlartPushnell: yes23:57
PushnellSlart: thanks23:57
tommy_havoque, cdimage.ubuntu.org/releases <-- webpage NOT FOUND23:57
SlartPushnell: and the alternate cd isn't a live cd23:57
NoxixStarnestommy, would chmod 777 work?23:57
RoshanKtommy_ http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/7.10/23:57
gronneStarnestommy: ok.. seemed a bit mysterious how it got installed otherwise :) Anyway could you please help me "translate" the first few sentences on this site? http://kin.klever.net/napkin/requirements23:57
tommy_RoshanK,  cheers big ears23:57
StarnestommyNoxix: don't use 77723:57
StarnestommyNoxix: use sudo chmod root.root /usr/local/bin/filename23:58
tommy_how do I mount /dev/sda5 manually?  because when I type, sudo mount /dev/sda5 it says, mount: can't find /dev/sda5 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:58
DILi can only open/start synaptic and update manager as root - this occurred after installing Virtual box - How can i regain "permissions" to nonroot user to start these files23:58
m1dn1ghtHey guys - my screen resolution changed itself when I booted up and now I can't select anything above 800x600.  I was at 1200x800.  Any ideas why?23:58
=== chev_chelios is now known as prodigy
havoquetommy_, sorry mate, here's the right one: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/23:58
gronne"To get the thing communicate with your watch on Linux you'd need the ftdi_sio kernel module and, of course, usb support. Napkin expects sleeptracker port to be at /dev/sleeptracker, which can be done using udev rules. You can also use SLEEPTRACKER_PORT  environment variable to pass the proper device name. See README  file for details. " what does this mumbo-jumbo mean?23:58
Slarttommy_: you need to use sudo.. and some other things... "man mount" will tell you more23:58
NoxixStarnestommy, it says invalid mode root.root23:59
tommy_Slart, I found solution.  I just type sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt and now it shows my hidden partition23:59

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