
nixternalhrmm, would adding 'automoc' to Suggests in kdelibs5-dev cause issues that you can think of off the top of your head? anyone?00:42
nixternalI hope the issue is a PPA slowness issue00:42
bobesponjanixternal: so is 4.1 ready??? kidding, waiting for your blog post :)00:49
nixternalseems it is^Wwas a PPA issue00:49
nixternalgroff-base isn't included in the PPA stuff at all?01:23
nixternalhey, if anyone is interested, kde 4.0.5 needs to be packaged for Hardy and either put in updates or backports...don't know what the final outcome was for the 4.0.4 packages02:43
ScottKBackports IIRC.02:47
nixternalcouldn't remember if they got cancelled out and put in a different way though...I remember getting "rejected" emails for them by JR02:51
* ScottK looks02:55
ScottKBackports for gutsy and hardy.02:56
nixternalN: 10873 tags overridden (10873 warnings)03:40
nixternalthat is awesome!!!03:40
vorianthat's something ...03:41
nixternalat least my packages are Lintian clean :P03:41
* ScottK smacks nixternal with some Vista bugs.03:42
vorianwhat's lintian?03:42
* vorian runs03:42
nixternalScottK: either that or try to pick through real warnings with these -kde4 packages03:42
Jucato!info lintian | vorian03:43
ubottuvorian: lintian (source: lintian): Debian package checker. In component main, is optional. Version 1.23.46 (hardy), package size 320 kB, installed size 1252 kB03:43
nixternalwe violate shlibs with images and rpath crap03:43
Jucatothink "lint remover" for Debian packaging03:43
Jucato!info linda03:43
ubottuPackage linda does not exist in hardy03:43
Jucatooh :)03:43
vorianhehe, never thought of it in that way Jucato :)03:43
voriansilly linda03:43
vorianso obsoleteish03:43
nixternalhahah, lint remover03:44
Jucatothat's the first image that came to mind when I first encountered "lintian"03:44
ScottKnixternal: 4.1 is going into main, so it'll have to shape up pretty quick.03:45
nixternalya, tis why I put in my core-dev app03:45
yuriyyay nixternal4core-dev04:30
nixternalI am trying, just waiting for a couple of more of my sponsors to reply04:31
cartmanRiddell: any idea why kdebase 4.0.80 still didn't make it to archives?05:58
cartmanRiddell: it seemed to built just f05:58
Hobbseehas new binaries?05:59
cartmanHobbsee: hmm ?06:01
Hobbseecartman: there are binaries new to ubuntu built from that source, so it's all stuck in the new queue06:08
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cartmanHobbsee: any idea when will they be processed and move to the repo?06:09
Hobbseewhen an archive admin does it.06:10
cartmanHobbsee: any way to find & poke one? :)06:10
Hobbseethey usually have archive days, i think one is wednesday06:11
Hobbseeit might be today06:11
cartmanah :)06:11
cartmanHobbsee: they wouldn't be stuck if there were no "new" packages right?06:13
cartmanok thanks :)06:14
daskreech Kubuntu gets a fly by mention on lxer :)06:34
daskreechand a thumbs up too06:39
daskreechKonqui just crashed :(06:44
* daskreech blames nixternal06:44
nixternalrock on06:47
eddieftwdaskreech: i do it all the time06:48
eddieftweven when im walking with my computer and trip06:48
eddieftwits still his fault06:49
* daskreech can see eddieftw mumbling "damn you nixternal" in his sleep06:51
DaSkreechhooray Lydia and Sebastian aren't arrogant at all :)07:51
DaSkreechLets all be different together :07:52
SeregaRiddell: Jon, are you around?08:52
Riddellhi Serega10:39
SeregaRiddell: hi, Jonathan! I have a patch for bug #209534. can we upload it this evening?10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209534 in kaffeine "install-codecs crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20953410:43
RiddellSerega: what's the fix?10:44
SeregaRiddell: just a kaffeine package dependendencies on python-qt4 and python-apt10:45
RiddellSerega: easy.  I can upload any time10:46
Seregaok, thanks10:47
Riddellwho can do a quick hardy test?  verification needed for bug 21457710:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214577 in kgraphviewer-kde4 "kgraphviewer shows a blank screen" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21457710:51
NightroseRiddell: i can - what is needed? just install the new package and do the testcase?11:00
cartmankdebase seems to be moved!11:02
cartmanRiddell: is anything missing from KDE 4.1 beta packages?11:03
RiddellNightrose: test before install, test after, see if it's fixed11:04
Riddellcartman: kdebase-workspace is still blocked11:05
NightroseRiddell: ok11:05
cartmanRiddell: ah :(11:05
* Serega thinks it is very interesting and wants to have enough skills11:06
RiddellSerega: what's that?11:06
cartmanRiddell: due to libcaptury being in universe?11:06
Riddellcartman: yes11:06
SeregaRiddell: packaging/merging/etc11:07
cartmanbureaucracy sucks :)11:07
Seregae.g. bringing KDE4.1 to kubuntu :)11:07
RiddellSerega: should be various extragear packages that need updated if you want to help11:10
smarterRiddell: about the FIleSharing spec11:10
smarterhave you looked at kepas?11:10
* cartman is interested in FileSharing too11:11
smarterIt's a plasmoid I packaged during hardy dev cycle which can be used to share files via zeroconf11:11
Riddellsmarter: yes11:11
NightroseRiddell: i get an error saying "Error!" when opening the test file in kgraphviewer11:11
cartmanzeroconf doesn't really cut it though11:11
cartmanneed SMB11:11
cartmanwriting a PyKDE4 app from scratch wouldn't be hard11:12
cartmanbut I am more interested in an adept replacement11:12
cartmansomething like what I originally wrote for Pardus11:12
Riddellsmarter: it's better than nothing, but the UI is in the wrong place (you don't use files in the systray) and the backend is lacking (needs the user to be logged in, http only)11:12
smarterhaving an icon on the desktop where you can drag &drop files is nice imho11:15
smarteryou're planning to write an app from scratch?11:15
Riddellsmarter: that's what it would need.  I don't think it would be terribly hard to do.  but it won't be high priority11:17
apacheloggerRiddell: do I have to go through the whole SRU process for a tiny fix?11:17
Riddellapachelogger: in hardy yes, what's the fix?11:17
apacheloggerRiddell: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete-plugin-thinklight/+bug/22153111:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221531 in kopete-plugin-thinklight "Thinklight doesn't blink because /proc/acpi/ibm/thinklight has wrong permissions" [Undecided,Fix released]11:17
apacheloggerDEB_FIXPERMS_EXCLUDE in rules11:18
Riddellapachelogger: make a debdiff, attach to bug, upload, I'll let it into -proposed, get someone to test it, wait a week, it can be moved to -updates11:19
apacheloggerk, thanks11:19
RiddellSerega: want a suggestion for something to merge?11:20
apacheloggerRiddell: new bug report or just attach to the existing one?11:20
Riddellapachelogger: existing one11:21
apacheloggeraye aye11:21
SeregaRiddell: I guess. But I have never merged any package and even not sure what does "merge" mean. Please suggest. I'll google now for info about merging.11:23
RiddellSerega: big list of things to do at http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html11:24
SeregaRiddell: thanks11:25
RiddellSerega: kguitar could be an easy one, only 1 revision change on the ubuntu side (to -2ubuntu1), and one on the debian side (-3)11:25
RiddellSerega: look at what the ubuntu change is, do we need to keep it?  if so get the debian package and make the same change11:26
Riddellif we don't need whatever the ubuntu change is any more, just ask for a sync11:26
SeregaRiddell: aah, I understand now!11:26
Seregaokay, I will join you in the evening! ;)11:27
smarterRiddell: another suggestion for me? :}11:29
Riddellsmarter: for merging?11:29
Riddellsmarter: take your pick from the extragear packages if you like ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/4.0.80/src/extragear/11:32
Riddellsmarter: they have existing packages with -kde4 in the names, for intrepid we want them to be the definitive ones11:32
smarterI'll convert my kepas package too11:33
Riddellsmarter: you should create an intrepid chroot (assuming you're on hardy still)11:33
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
Riddellsmarter: don't do extragear-plasma, that one is going away11:38
Riddellsmarter: otherwise, check if debian have a kde 4 package, if not grab our foo-kde4 one, drop -kde4 from the name, add in the changelog entries from the existing kde 3 version (where there is one), update kde.mk with the one from kde4libs, check it compiles and runs11:39
apacheloggerquassel needs something better than a channel list11:40
* apachelogger is too lazy to scroll11:40
apacheloggerRiddell: please throw the package into proposed11:41
Riddellapachelogger: accepted kopete-plugin-thinklight/0.3-0ubuntu3.111:54
apacheloggerRiddell: thank you11:54
sebasout of curiosity, what does that do?12:04
sebasblink when there are new messages?12:05
larsiviit blinks if you think12:05
sebasIt never does here ;-)12:05
apacheloggersebas: does not when thinking or when a new message arrives?12:09
sebasapachelogger: I never think ;-)12:32
apacheloggersebas: good point :P12:33
apacheloggeranyway, it's not working on incoming messages right now, because I produced a broken package12:33
sebasBut ... thinklight is some sort of highlighter?12:33
apacheloggerif it was working correctly, the light would be blinking12:34
sebasCool :)12:34
\shoh sebas alive ;)12:36
sebasYou bet12:37
\shmy voice is still broken :(12:38
\shmy life is just crashing...12:39
\sh6 days of alc orgy...then slipping away from dr. death...and then the news about being on RTL....I do make something wrong12:40
* \sh should delete the last week out of my brain-cal12:40
* Serega 's life is just boring12:40
\shSerega, we can change places...12:41
Serega\sh: no, thanks. Alcohol makes me seek for 2-3 days. Shit, when I just stop to drink it at all...12:42
\shRiddell, do you know anything about the berlin administration using ubuntu with kde desktop?12:49
\shRiddell, http://www.offenes-presseportal.de/internet_it/linux_information_systems_arbeitet_an_arbeitsplatz_fuer_berliner_verwaltung_46273.htm12:49
\shRiddell, I wonder if they use kubuntu, or Ubuntu standard + a tweaked kde installation12:50
Riddellmmm, intereswting12:52
\shhmm...where do I get a kubuntu.org email address from? i could write an email with official questions ,-)12:54
apachelogger\sh: if you have an ubuntu.com, that one should also work with kubuntu.org I think12:55
Riddellanyone in kubuntu-members should have one12:55
Riddellstdin: fancy packaging 4.0.5?12:56
* \sh is not in kubuntu-members...ubuntu-members yes12:56
Riddellmeeting is tomorrow night to join12:59
\shtomorrow night?13:00
apachelogger\sh: wed 22 UTC, #ubuntu-meeting13:02
apacheloggeragenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings13:03
apacheloggerbottom section: membership13:03
\sh22utc it's early in the morning here...13:04
\shif I can make it...sure13:05
etretyakStupid question.. If I'm a kubuntu-member, how can I get a @kubuntu.org email? :-)13:07
Riddelletretyak: it should be set up automatically <lpid>@kubuntu.org13:08
etretyakRiddell: But what is the server name? And is it IMAP or POP3/SMTP?13:10
\shetretyak, it's a forward to your main email addr of lp13:11
\shmeans: <lpid>@kubuntu.org forwards to <whoever>@<you>.<are>13:11
etretyakAh! I see! Cool! Thanks :)13:11
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Hobbseesomeone was already working on kguitar.13:41
Hobbseeyup, has a bug already13:42
jjessekguitar?  does that help you play the guitar better in kde?13:43
RiddellHobbsee: number?13:43
HobbseeRiddell: 22838113:43
SeregaHobbsee: I am13:43
HobbseeSerega: you're richard bernie?13:44
SeregaHobbsee: no, I just decided to start merging today and Riddell have suggested me that package.13:44
HobbseeSerega: you need to check for existing bugs first.13:44
Hobbseeand there was talk in -motu about it over the weekend, so i merged some of my own packages.13:45
SeregaHobbsee: why to check? LP bugs for kguitar or a debian bugtracker?13:46
HobbseeSerega: the former.13:46
HobbseeSerega: and you check so you don't do the work that someoen else already has.13:47
RiddellSerega: ah, sorry, looks like Arby did that already13:47
SeregaRiddell: ah, ok. I just will select something else.13:48
Riddellknetfilter  is next on the list13:48
SeregaRiddell: let's hold this until evening, maybe it will be already merged too at the moment :)13:48
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
nosrednaekimRiddell: I tried getting the special settings pages in sys-config-printer-kde working for like a week and couldn't figure out how to do it. :(13:49
nosrednaekimmaybe cause I couldn't interpret the GTK13:50
nosrednaekimI'll work on the new-printer part though13:51
* Hobbsee pinches ksudoku13:53
HobbseeSerega: kxgenerator looks reasonably easy.13:56
* Hobbsee requests a sync of ktoon13:58
HobbseeSerega: krecipes is simple, too, but please forward the ubuntu change to debian14:00
Hobbseeoh wait, i should be able to modify that directly14:00
* Hobbsee fiddles with new ssh keys14:09
jjessehrmm lots of new packaages on the kde4 ppa. should i keep updating to these?14:17
nosrednaekimjjesse: have you installed 4.1 already?14:17
jjessenosrednaekim: i think i did that monday14:18
jjesseyeah about kde reports 4.00.80 (kde 4.1 beta 1)14:18
nosrednaekimI'm getting the new packages now, we'll see how well they work. but there aren't any dependency problems as far as I can see.14:18
jjessei didn't see any problems either14:21
apacheloggernixternal: what's the status of beta1?14:24
Seregais KDE4.1 only available for intrepid?14:47
jjesseSerega: there are kde4.1 packages in the ppa for hardy14:49
jjessecheck out the kde4 ppa14:49
Seregajjesse: thanks14:49
* Serega nervously waits for workday finish14:50
jjessejust finished the update, lets see what happens14:52
jjesseSerega: why nerously for the day to finish14:53
Seregajjesse: craving for KDe4.1 :)14:54
nosrednaekimjjesse: is it just me or are you getting terribly slow speeds too?14:54
nosrednaekimfrom the PPA14:54
NightroseRiddell: is there a dot story about linuxtag in the queue aleady? if not alexandra will write one14:55
jjessenosrednaekim: i got terrbily slow speeds and i know it isn't my connection14:56
jjessei have  a ds3 here at work14:56
nosrednaekimok.. yeah I'm getting dial-up speeds from it here.14:56
stdinRiddell: sure :)15:03
JontheEchidnaSomebody was looking for python plasmoid examples? http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/scriptengines/kross/examples/15:06
RiddellNightrose: there is not15:08
NightroseRiddell: ok will tell her15:08
Riddellnosrednaekim: gosh, if you can't work it out after a week time to move on I think15:09
seele_ScottK: ping15:15
ScottKseele_: ^^15:15
nosrednaekimJontheEchidna: excellent! thanks15:16
jjesseupdated w/ no problems15:16
nosrednaekimJontheEchidna: I'm going to experiment with that as soon as nixternal packages up the bindings.15:17
seele_ScottK: there is an MD Loco meeting after the Kubuntu meeting tomorrow night15:18
seele_ScottK: you should stop by15:18
=== seele_ is now known as seele
ScottKseele: IRC or real life?15:18
seeleScottK: IRC15:18
seeleRiddell: state of maryland15:18
ScottKseele: What channel?15:19
seeleScottK: good quesiton, let me look that up15:19
jjessei thought it was commonwealth of maryland15:19
\shRiddell, do we have mdns support for krfb/kvncviewer?15:19
seelethat's just the type of state, everything is still a state except for dc15:19
jjessei was just being a bastard15:20
seeleScottK: #ubuntu-us-md15:20
ScottKseele: Thanks.15:20
ScottKseele: Not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow evening.  Middle daughter 'graduates' from 8th grade/Middle School tomorrow.15:21
seeleah hah.. ok15:21
Riddell\sh: I think so15:22
jjessegraduates to high school?15:22
\shRiddell, because I don't find any lib/lib-dev for real zeroconf stuff...and cmake tells me even with the whole avahi crap installed that there is no mdns15:22
ScottKjjesse: Yes.15:24
jjessewow thats cool, we didn't have any cermony or anything like that15:24
ScottKIt's a reasonably big deal at her school.  We had to buy a 'dress'.15:24
ScottKActually it was two, one of which still has to be returned.15:25
jjesseinteresting after todays kde4.1 updates i no longer have a network card accourding to networkmanager15:31
jjessewonder if i hae to rebuild vmware-tools or something15:31
apachelogger\sh: you're whining to much :P15:31
apachelogger\sh: is libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev installed?15:32
seeleScottK: how big is her middle school?15:33
\shapachelogger, sucker...how can someone search for mdns and no output about this crackful piece of s*15:34
\shhow should i know that it's apple bonjour15:34
apacheloggeryeah, that's what you get for 5 names for the basically same thing15:35
\shbut anyways...breaking at XTestFakeKeyEvent in krfb15:35
apachelogger\sh: of course you chould have read the FindDNSSD.cmake file ;-)15:35
\shand yes..libxext-dev is installed15:35
jjesseyup it was a problem with vmware-tools15:35
\shapachelogger, /me's a sucker too ;)15:35
apacheloggerhm, that sentence looks out of place, I should have said that :P15:36
apachelogger\sh: http://developer.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard/15:37
apacheloggerI am wondering why krfb doesn't compile15:37
\shapachelogger, XTestFakeKeyEvent?15:37
apacheloggergood point15:38
\shthe same here15:38
apachelogger\sh: actually15:39
apacheloggerit is supposed to compile15:39
apacheloggeraccording to the allmighty dirkboard15:39
apacheloggerso what do we do?15:39
\shsudo apt-get install apt-file ; sudo apt-file update ; apt-file search keyevent15:39
\shand oh wow15:40
\shCan't get http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/Contents-amd64.gz15:40
* \sh is doomed15:40
apacheloggerthe good news is cmake doesn't let me build krfb15:41
apacheloggerso from my point of view there is no problem :P15:41
\shapachelogger, install libxtst-dev:15:41
\shthat's missing15:42
apachelogger\sh: how did you compile the rest of kde without libxtst-dev?15:42
apacheloggerIIRC that is one of the libs cmake wants to link recursively15:42
\shapachelogger, not for other modules ... it only complains on kdenetwork15:43
\shand only there with krfb...15:43
apacheloggerok, so it's probably some similiar sounding lib15:43
\shI think the rest is in libxext-dev and they are using other calls to sendkey events15:43
apacheloggerEstimated build start:in 15 minutes15:44
apacheloggeroh c'mon15:44
\shoh new bugger15:44
\shthe same bug...15:45
\shundefined reference15:45
* apachelogger is wondering where is padawan is15:45
\shhe needs to be a motu until next LT ;)15:47
\shthe same applies for arthur ;)15:47
apachelogger\sh: I want to make him motu before sebner is one :P15:47
\shapachelogger, no problem...just take away nexuiz from sebner ;)15:48
apacheloggerthat reminds me15:49
apacheloggerI wanted to do some frags today15:49
Artemis_Fowlhey, are the KDE 4.1 packages ready?15:49
apacheloggerthough, looking at the buildlogs of kdepimlibs... :S15:49
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: there is still a possability I might have finished kde-nightly before nixternal finished beta1 ;-)15:49
nosrednaekimapachelogger: you are doing KDE-nightly? thats going to use alot of PPA resources :P15:50
apacheloggernosrednaekim: yup15:50
\shapachelogger, we should build up one or two OBS since it can be used distributed over WAN ;)15:50
* Artemis_Fowl is upgrading anyway. Hope the new packages won't ruin my freshly installed Hardy... :)15:51
apachelogger\sh: you do that :P15:51
\shapachelogger, I did that already in the past...15:51
* apachelogger has to resolve dependencies for suse's amarok-nightly15:52
\shapachelogger, and btw...you should use the obs cli and you should have a local package repos...it can be overlayed when you use build.rpm ;)15:52
\sh.oO(hopefully the apache knows about build.rpm and building chroots on osl)15:53
jjesseArtemis_Fowl: i had to delete my .kde4 directory when i updated to 4.115:53
nosrednaekimI didn't...15:54
apachelogger\sh: I don't15:54
Artemis_Fowljjesse: so it works? I mean are all the necessary packages uploaded?15:54
apacheloggerand I shouldn't do that stuff here at all15:54
\shapachelogger, yum/zypper/smart install build.rpm15:54
apachelogger\sh: what is build.rpm doing?15:54
\shapachelogger, it's like pbuilder...and fetches remote packages from obs or if you have a local pkg repos it grabs them from your local disk15:55
\shapachelogger, it's da pro tool for professional rpm packager on osl15:55
apacheloggerI used build earlier today15:55
\shthe obs cli is using it too15:55
\shyes..that's it15:55
apacheloggerjust that build apparently only supports local repos15:55
apacheloggerso how do I access remotes with build?15:55
\shnot in combination with the obs cli15:55
apachelogger\sh: is there some docs?15:56
* apachelogger didn't find anything :(15:56
\shyes on novell docs somewhere15:56
apacheloggersomewhere ftw :D15:56
apacheloggergood thing build is not a generic term15:57
jjesseArtemis_Fowl: yes with the kde4 ppa i am running kde 4.1 beta 1115:57
jjessebeta 115:57
\shapachelogger, http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/11793.html15:57
\shapachelogger, http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Using_Build.rpm_to_Package_an_OpenSource_Project15:57
apachelogger\sh: merci15:57
\shapachelogger, the fun part is you need somehow fuse or whatever it takes to mount a remote pkg repos...15:57
apacheloggermakes my initial statement true15:58
apacheloggerbuild doesn't support remote repos15:58
ScottKseele: ~60 kids/class.15:58
\shnana wait a moment :)15:58
apacheloggerand I realld didn't want to fiddle with fuse on suse15:58
apacheloggerVM + snapshots is like a chroot ;-)15:58
\shapachelogger, try it with osc build ;)15:59
seeleScottK: wow.. i dont think there were 60 people in my *High School* graduating class15:59
\shapachelogger, using the obs client for it15:59
* seele thinks her 8th grade class might have had 12 people in it15:59
nosrednaekimseele: thats a small school16:00
apachelogger\sh: so why does build itself not support repos? :P16:00
\shapachelogger, because it's also used by OBS for their local stuff16:00
\shapachelogger, build does actually everything you need to even build debs on suse ;)16:01
seelenosrednaekim: yeah.. private school + suburban/rural area16:01
apacheloggeroh well, I should write my own build script16:01
apacheloggerusing tha ruby :P16:01
\shapachelogger, you need to check in your packages on obs...for that osc to work16:02
apacheloggeryeah, I already do that16:02
apacheloggergood news16:02
apacheloggerkdesupport builds on suse ... letz hope for the packaging16:02
\shso ... if you did that, you can use osc co <project> to get your packages...and osc build16:02
jjesseyou just saved lots of money on your car insurance by switching to geiko?16:02
apacheloggerand kdepimlibs seems to build on ubuntu .... letz hope for the packaging16:02
apachelogger\sh: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/project-neon/neon+obs/annotate/apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20080603112604-87v1mafcsgpfx6b7?file_id=libosc.rb-20080521110414-8w61irj28q6l6yc0-1416:03
\shapachelogger, we should have asked plusserver for getting some hardware for buildserver ;)16:05
* apachelogger could use tons of servers16:06
apacheloggerautomated QA and stuff16:06
\shhey milian16:17
milianhi ho \sh16:19
* Artemis_Fowl is still updating -.-16:33
nosrednaekimArtemis_Fowl: slow, aren't they?16:33
Artemis_Fowlnosrednaekim: actually the main repos are slow. I am getting full speed at the PPA16:34
nosrednaekimand what is the full speed?16:34
Artemis_Fowlnosrednaekim: and I haven't updated Hardy since it was released :)16:34
Artemis_Fowlnosrednaekim: about 100 KB/s16:35
nosrednaekimwow.... I was getting 2kB/s16:35
=== mzungu_ is now known as mzungu
nosrednaekimRiddell: in hardy, why does system-config-printer-kde only show the one page for printer sharing?17:40
Riddellnosrednaekim: the rest isn't implemented17:41
nosrednaekimso how do you add printers in kde4?17:41
jjessevery carefully17:41
jjessehp toolbox thingy still there?17:41
stdinuse cups? http://localhost:631/ should be the web interface to cups iirc17:42
nosrednaekimgood morning17:49
Nightrosemorning nixternal :)17:49
apacheloggernixternal: good whereisbeta1morning :P17:49
nosrednaekim[10:49] <apachelogger> Artemis_Fowl: there is still a possability I might have finished kde-nightly before nixternal finished beta1 ;-)17:49
nixternalstill workin' on them17:49
* apachelogger meanwhile reached kdebase17:49
nosrednaekimnixternal: thats a challenge BTW :)17:50
nixternalI only have like 4 more to go17:50
apacheloggerif that builds, I am basically done :D17:50
nixternalso you think17:50
apacheloggersame for you :P17:51
nixternalapachelogger: building is the easy part, fixing all of the conflicts is the fun part17:51
apacheloggerthat's why I am gonna win17:51
apacheloggerkde-nightly > beta117:51
* Artemis_Fowl should be really studying right now but nixternal created these evil packages and distracts him... :)17:51
Artemis_Fowlnot to mention apachelogger17:52
Artemis_Fowlcan't wait for Amarok 2 with *sound*17:52
nosrednaekimI have that....17:52
Artemis_Fowlunder opensuse well they have amarok2 but no sound -.-17:52
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: google for amarok project neon17:52
Artemis_Fowlnosrednaekim: along with Beta1?17:52
nosrednaekimNeon FTW17:54
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: it tries to install amarok-nightly-kdebase-runtime and such. will there be any conflict with the actual kdebase-runtime Beta1?17:56
jjessewhat is neon again?17:56
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: nope17:56
apacheloggerit's sandboxed17:56
apacheloggerjjesse: amarok-nightly17:56
apacheloggerand soon amarok/kde-nightly17:56
jjesseseems like a lot of work17:56
eddieftwnixternal: ping?17:58
eddieftwwho is doing the loco team approval tomorrow17:59
nixternalloco council18:02
eddieftwah i thought you were doing that18:09
eddieftwthe AZ team is up and i want to show some support but I might not be there when it happens18:09
eddieftwand we were talking about this just now: is there any guidline on doing 'testimonials' on the team approval wiki page18:10
eddieftwafaik, it's okay but im not sure18:10
Riddellhi cartman18:33
RiddellArby: I uploaded your kguitar merge from ages ago thanks, let me know if you have any others that should be uploaded18:33
cartmanlo Riddell , do something about libcaptury pleeease :-)18:34
Riddellcartman: nothing I can do, it's in pitti's hands (and he's out dancing Tango)18:34
cartmanFriday it is again? :(18:34
cartmanRiddell: one thing you can do18:34
cartmandisable captury :)18:34
cartmanits useless anyway ;)18:34
ArbyRiddell: thanks, let me check18:34
ArbyRiddell: once a merge is uploaded where are they listed so I can check if any are outstanding?18:37
Arbymy merge reports on launchpad are still open, I thought they closed automatically18:37
Riddellthey should close if you use the LP: #1234 syntax in the changelog18:38
Arbyok, I did that18:38
Riddellyou can check in intrepid-changes mailing list18:38
Riddellor merges.ubuntu.com18:38
Arbyin which case kdevelop seems to be outstanding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevelop/+bug/22793918:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227939 in kdevelop "Merge kdevelop 3.5.1-1 from Debian Unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:38
ArbyRiddell: also kdeaddons https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeaddons/+bug/22700418:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227004 in kdeaddons "Merge kdeaddons 4:3.5.9-1 (main) from Debian Unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:41
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ArbyRiddell: also kdeaccessability https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeaccessibility/+bug/22683918:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226839 in kdeaccessibility "merge kdeaccessibility 3.5.9-1 (main) from Debian Unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:42
ArbyRiddell: I keep getting failed to build e-mails for ktorrent. I'm working on fixing it how do I stop repeated attempts at a failed build18:43
ArbyI've fixed the initial missing build-dep and hit a new problem18:44
RiddellArby: once it has failed to build on all arches, it shouldn't try again unless someone clicks retry18:45
ArbyRiddell: I get a batch of e-mails once a week for all architectures18:46
Arbyand I haven't changed anything18:46
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: since Amarok2 from Neon is sandboxed, how may I change the ugly default fonts from Amarok (since it doesn't use the ones defined by the Beta1 SystemSettings module)?18:46
nosrednaekimArtemis_Fowl: copy over your kdeglobals18:48
Artemis_Fowlnosrednaekim: how?18:49
RiddellArby: LP # 227939  should be  LP: #22793918:50
\shapachelogger, quassel reviewed, approved, read to upload...or should I sponsor it?18:50
Riddellugly syntax really18:50
Arbyah, my bad18:51
RiddellArby: with a missing build-dep it'll keep retrying, shouldn't do with a failed build18:51
apachelogger\sh: please archive the revu upload18:51
* apachelogger is uploading18:51
Artemis_Fowlnosrednaekim: nice18:51
ArbyRiddell: OK, is there no way to stop it18:51
\shapachelogger, kk...please see also my comment about debian/copyright...we should name the authors ;)18:51
\shespecially for the copyright line18:51
RiddellArby: upload a fixed version? :)18:51
ArbyRiddell: working on it18:52
ArbyRiddell: I've got a conflict I just can't get right18:52
Arbyhang on18:52
apachelogger\sh: well, the copyrights say quassel project18:53
apacheloggerand there is no AUTHORS file18:53
\shbad bad18:53
\shthere are more18:53
\shI'm asking on #quassel.de ;)18:53
eddieftwis there anyway to keep amarok from being such a memory hog18:53
apachelogger\sh: ^_^18:54
apachelogger\sh: I think we don't have to name them if they chose to use a pseudonym18:54
apacheloggerRiddell: what do you think - if all copyright lines say '(c) quassel project', should we name them as individuals?18:55
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Riddellapachelogger: wouldn't think so18:55
\shapachelogger, das wird gerade gemacht18:55
\shapachelogger, they do it18:55
* apachelogger waits with the upload then18:56
\shapachelogger, but get the package in...we can do it later ,->18:56
apachelogger\sh: tell sput to hurry up ;-)18:56
\shegs does it ;)18:57
\shnot sput18:57
apachelogger\sh: omg, that's going to be even slower :P18:57
\shRiddell, you were really missed at LT...18:58
RiddellI was?18:58
nixternalfeel the love18:58
nixternalkdeedu building18:58
Riddellit's not something I normally go to18:58
daskreecheddieftw: type in dragonplayer that should make amarok use less memory18:59
nosrednaekimdaskreech: are you..... serious?18:59
apacheloggereddieftw: yup, don't load your complete collection in the playlist18:59
apacheloggerdaskreech: the binary for dragonplayer is dragon :P19:00
apacheloggeromg, kdebase finished on lpia19:01
\shRiddell, yes19:01
nixternalapachelogger: ya, everything has been building on lpia for me as well...totally surprising19:01
daskreechapachelogger: oh well.. I don't use it much :(19:01
nosrednaekimwhat is lpia anyway?19:01
\shRiddell, so next year you should mark this week with big red letters...we are trying to plan a pool party: "The Blue Lagoon" ;919:01
\shlow power intel architecture19:01
daskreechI've gotten hooked on cli players19:01
nosrednaekim\sh: its that like RISC?19:01
apachelogger\sh: we do?19:02
\shnosrednaekim, no it's like i38619:02
nosrednaekimoh... what computers use that?19:02
* apachelogger only knows about dancing cafés and clubs for next year19:02
daskreechI use Amarok to manage my music but I'm too repetive to play inside of it19:02
\shnosrednaekim, but with less power, less electricty...and usable for computers like the HCT19:02
\shapachelogger, already setteled...sebas is with us ;:)19:02
apacheloggerkdebase finished on i38619:02
apachelogger\sh: the clubbing or the dancing?19:03
\shapachelogger, the pool19:03
* apachelogger loves pool parties19:03
nixternalyou youngins and your pool parties19:04
nixternalI like to throw Nair into pools19:04
nixternalso you come out hairless19:04
\shRiddell, and you missed aseigo singing "Imagine" and the whole pub was singing with him :)19:04
\shnixternal, /me <--- not young19:05
nixternal\sh: oh, I know :P19:05
* apachelogger agrees with \sh19:05
RiddellArby: that's those four uploaded thanks19:05
\sh.oO(well he missed danimo and me, too trying to sing koelsch)19:05
ArbyRiddell:  much obliged19:06
* \sh is apacheloggers dad ;)19:06
RiddellArby: if you have any more time, plenty of extragear ones to merge/update ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/4.0.80/src/extragear/19:07
apacheloggerTm_T: mom, now I know!19:07
* apachelogger is considering to do a radio show19:07
ArbyRiddell: I'll try to sort ktorrent first then take a look19:07
ScottKjjesse: Intel 4965 or 4985?19:08
daskreech#amarok.radio ?19:08
Riddell"debian/rules:3: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk: No such file or directory19:08
RiddellArby: looks like it just needs to build-dep on cdbs19:08
nixternalhttp://www.khensu.org/jffda/  <- gotta love the 404 page :)19:09
ArbyRiddell: yes, I fixed that but then pdebuild failed on something else19:09
apacheloggerdaskreech: yus19:09
ArbyRiddell: but now there's a newer upstream19:09
ScottKnixternal: ;-)19:09
Arbywith a much smaller delta19:09
RiddellArby: for ktorrent we probably just want to skip straight to 3.1 beta19:10
ArbyRiddell: oh, OK19:10
RiddellArby: assuming it's reasonably stable19:10
ArbyRiddell: I'm not qualified to decide that19:11
RiddellArby: looks like the chroots in the buildds are broken, prepare for lots of build failures19:11
nixternalRiddell: ya, they broke for a bit in the PPAs yesterday as well19:11
Arbyhappy happy joy joy :)19:11
RiddellArby: well try and torrent something with 3.1, if it works, do it19:11
apacheloggeromg, no broken buildds :S19:13
alleeScottK, jjesse: FWIW: no problem with Intel 4965 on D830 and 630 with Gutsy and now Hardy.  Worked out of the box here.19:17
nixternalhehe, I love when that happens19:17
ScottKI have a D430 with Intel 4965 that worked OOB too for both.19:18
jjessedoesn't work for me with hardy out of the box... doesn't detect the card19:18
ScottKjjesse: What motherboard?19:18
ScottKIIRC I've seen problem reports on non-Intel motherboards.19:18
alleejjesse: wlan enabled in bios?  wlan switch on left hand side turned on?19:18
jjesseallee: yes to both19:18
jjesseon the phone19:19
nixternalRiddell: did you have any probs with 4.1 beta and icons disappearing under Menu -> Applications?19:20
gribelunixternal: i did :)19:24
nixternalgribelu: did you get it sorted out?19:25
gribeludidn't really try.. was hopping it would fix itself19:25
gribelustill no icons19:25
nixternalit is either 1 of 2 things:  rename/remove ~/.kde4 or...install kdebase-runtime-data-common19:26
jjessewow killing machine with my virtual machines running19:28
Riddellnixternal: no (although we did with 4.0 when it was installed to /usr/lib/kde4)19:28
apacheloggerNeed to get 175MB of archives. <--- what could that be ;-)19:31
gribelunixternal: why wasn't kdebase-runtime-data-common installed in the first place?19:32
nixternaltrying to figure that out, especially seeing that it is a dep of packages being installed19:33
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=== jjesse__ is now known as jjesse
gribeluapachelogger:  will those packages be available on hardy or just ibex?19:36
apacheloggerjust hardy19:36
gribeluah great.. didn't feel like using pre-alpha again.. did it on hardy and it sucked19:36
nixternalmy question is this, if you are doing nightlies, then why am I wasting my time with beta?19:45
daskreechnixternal: Cause beta is better than nightlies for some people?19:46
apacheloggeruhhh, this is so hot19:47
apacheloggernixternal: daskreech is probably right now that19:47
apacheloggerbecause that question is like why does anyone do releases19:47
* daskreech considers sabdfl's blog19:47
daskreechAnyone ever done programming languages for the masses?19:51
* nixternal wonders why kdevelop 3.5.1 was uploaded to Ibex when there is a 3.5.2 out now19:51
Arbynixternal: because 3.5.1 is what appeared on merges.u.c at the time I did the merge19:54
Arbywhich was about 3 weeks ago19:55
apacheloggerthere is some usability issue within the kde-nightly implimentation19:57
nixternal3.5.2 fixes quite a few bugs19:57
nixternalapachelogger: what's up?19:57
apacheloggernixternal: I did win, didn't I?19:57
nixternalapachelogger: I have 80% of the modules completed, where do you sit ?19:57
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apacheloggerI don't really wanna introduce any more packages, I currently have kdebase, network and multimedia are queued19:58
nixternalplus the core packages I have uploaded are about 95% fixed from overwriting/conflict issues now19:58
apacheloggerbesides, I am only copy'n'pasting at this point :D19:58
ArbyRiddell: ktorrent.org has 3.1rc1 released. Is that what we want to merge?20:07
Arbyand how do I merge something without the aid of MoM20:07
Arbyor do I need to package from scratch?20:08
daskreechMoM's boy20:08
daskreechNothing. I"m hungry20:09
jjessei'm hungry as well20:10
jjessetime to find something to eat at work20:11
RiddellArby: yep20:12
ArbyRiddell: yes that's what we want or yes package from scratch,or both?20:14
RiddellArby: yes we want 3.1 rc 1, grab the package from debian experimental (or svn.debian.org) and update for rc 120:14
Riddellnixternal: there seems to be a meeting on, are you going to it?20:16
Arbyok, out of my depth now, how do I update for rc120:16
RiddellArby: get rc 1 from the ktorrent website, copy over the debian directory, dch -i20:17
Riddellcheck it compiles20:17
Arbyexpect a lot of questions :)20:18
Riddellquestions are good20:18
apacheloggerArby: you can throw them at me, my padawn apparently got lost ;-)20:18
* Arby goes off to fetch the various components20:19
mhbArby: ola!20:19
Arbyhi mhb20:20
mhbArby: what's up?20:21
Arbymhb: I pushed an updated jockey-kde that does kIcon(name) instead of KIcon(fullpath)20:21
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Arbymhb: the about data issues still exists though20:21
mhbArby: splendid!20:21
Arbymhb: but the current version works20:21
mhbhave you asked Riddell about that? If somebody knows, he does.20:21
Arbyjust inelegant20:21
ArbyI looked at some other applications, they all seem to just set it in the code20:22
Arbybut I'm buried in merges tonight20:22
a|wenany packages need merging, that i should look at?20:23
mhbugly apps!20:23
daskreechmerge everything into a package called allstuff :)20:23
mhba|wen: that wasn't for you, that was for arby :o) ugly apps don't need packaging20:24
a|wendaskreech: uhh, cool :P ... everytime we update one package you need to download your complete system again ;)20:25
Riddella|wen: take your pick from http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html  knights might be an easy one to start with20:25
a|wenmhb: i thought so :)20:25
a|wenRiddell: i'll give knights a go20:25
daskreecha|wen: aint it? :) good way to kick comcast in the butt20:27
nixternalRiddell: still waiting for a couple of more sponsors and then get the vote from the MC before I go in front of the TB20:28
a|wendaskreech: he ... has heard a lot bad about comcast; and i'm not even living on the same continent as them20:29
* nixternal ditched comcast for AT&T UVerse with 10mb down and 2mb up for $20 USD less a month20:30
nixternalI get every channel, unlimited long distance, and super fast internet all provided via fiber, for less than $200 USD/month20:30
\shnixternal, you read -meeting NOW?20:32
* \sh never touches main again ;)20:32
nixternalI am reading it20:32
daskreechnixternal: did you get the  plasma docs on svn?20:33
nixternaldaskreech: yes, doc/plasma/index.docbook20:35
Arbyapachelogger: here goes then, trying to merge ktorrent 3.1rc1 with ktorrent 3.1~beta2+dfsg.1-120:36
Arbyapachelogger: I'm looking at http://packages.debian.org/source/experimental/ktorrent20:36
Arbywhat files do I need from that page or am I looking at the wrong place20:36
apacheloggerArby: why would you merge with experimental and not unstable?20:39
Arbyapachelogger: because r1ddell said so20:39
apacheloggerkde4 is still in experimental20:39
* apachelogger is wondering whether that is every going to move to unstable20:39
nixternalapachelogger: not until after kde 4.1 is released20:41
apacheloggerArby: take a look at the ubuntu changelog20:42
apacheloggerArby: if you don't find anything specific which needs to be applied to the merged package20:43
apacheloggerRiddell: do we sync debian's debian/cdbs/?20:45
* apachelogger thinks his keyboard might run out of power soon20:45
* nixternal almost said no thinking about Hardy packages20:45
Arbyapachelogger: based on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktorrent there is still one patch we use.20:46
Riddellapachelogger: yes20:46
RiddellArby: your want the three files under "Download ktorrent"20:48
ArbyRiddell: thanks20:48
RiddellArby: or you can just get the debian directory from their svn http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-kde/kde-extras/ktorrent/branches/experimental/debian/20:49
apacheloggerwoah, my system just exploded :|20:49
Riddellsvn co svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-kde/kde-extras/ktorrent/branches/experimental/debian/20:49
ArbyRiddell: ah, I saw that still trying to understand how the bits fit together20:50
ArbyI've already grabbed that20:50
ArbyRiddell: so I just drop that into to rc1 source and see if it builds or what?20:50
RiddellArby: yep20:50
RiddellArby: dch -i  to add a changelog entry20:51
ArbyRiddell: debuild -S fails http://paste.ubuntu.com/16664/20:52
RiddellArby: you need to edit debian/rules20:53
Riddelladd THIS_SHOULD_GO_TO_UNSTABLE = 120:53
Riddellabove the include line20:53
nixternalRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16665 <- you getting this with the intrepid packages as well?20:58
ArbyRiddell: that got it, debuild -S completes, running pdebuild now20:58
nixternalnot get that, but have seen that20:59
mhbso, tomorrow's the big meeting, right?21:01
Riddellnixternal: not that I've seen21:07
a|wenRiddell: I've merged knigths and generated the two debdiffs ... what do you want me to do with them?21:08
Riddella|wen: put them on a webserver somewhere (or make a bug and attach if you don't have one)21:08
a|wenRiddell: they are here http://awen.dk/packages/merges/knights/21:11
Riddelllooks good21:12
apacheloggerwhat does kubuntu_01_fix_castle.diff?21:12
apacheloggerforget that question21:13
a|wencool :) ... first merge so a little excited if i was totally wrong21:15
apacheloggerRiddell: are you pushing it in?21:16
Riddellapachelogger: when I get a chance, and only if nobody else has first21:34
* apachelogger dgets knights21:35
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nixternalhrmm, some people are claiming to have issues with kde 4.1 beta 1 and nvidia/ati graphics cards, and some aren't21:40
nixternalI hate those types of reports :)21:40
ScottKJust tell the whiners they shoulda bought FOSS friendly video cards.21:40
nixternalhaha, right21:41
* daskreech makes up a set of reports that nixternal likes :)21:41
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apacheloggera|wen: .ubuntu is the diff from latest ubuntu version to you merge?21:41
daskreechnixternal: sounds like me with website development21:41
a|wenapachelogger: yes ... and .debian is diff from the latest debian version21:41
ScottKnixternal: I finally said something nice about your core-dev app, so that's one more.21:41
nixternalhehe, thanks :)21:41
daskreechThis particualr browser on this platform makes all the fonts go white21:41
apacheloggera|wen: in that case, .ubuntu includes more stuff than it should21:42
daskreechWha? what the hell? I built that 9 months ago21:42
nixternaljeesh, Intrepid got all of the good updates (ie. poppler which means I have to build it and put it in the PPA now)21:42
a|wenapachelogger: in what manner?21:42
daskreechnixternal: well yah :)21:42
daskreechnixternal: Wanted dapper to get them?21:43
apacheloggera|wen: it contains changes outside debian/21:43
apacheloggerand since it's only about packaging changes21:43
apacheloggerthere should be no changes outside debian/21:43
a|wenapachelogger: it's the config.(sub|guess) right?21:44
daskreechdizney: Seriously?21:44
apacheloggera|wen: and some makefile stuff21:45
a|wenapachelogger: it's a .backup file that has been removed sometime since the fork ... as it's in the debian version i don't know if i should keep it or delete it21:46
a|wenapachelogger: you vote for having it deleted?21:46
apacheloggerwell, if it is in debian, we leave it21:47
apacheloggerthe less difference the better21:47
apacheloggerspeaking of that21:47
apacheloggera|wen: it would be cool if you could add a file listing the differences  to debian21:48
apacheloggerfaster to have a look into that file than to digg through the changelog21:48
apacheloggera|wen: like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/amarok/debian/annotate/apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20080319200239-o8rkeq241h64leke?file_id=kubuntudebiandiffere-20071203181052-mxbdqtri5m6g24q1-121:49
a|wenapachelogger: okay ... i'll do that for the next merge21:50
apacheloggera|wen: is the config.* stuff also from debian?21:50
a|wenapachelogger: those two files tend to change every time the package is build ... the changes to them shouldn't be included when uploading a new version of a package; but for one of the packages since the fork it has been uploaded to ubuntu, that's why they are there21:53
apacheloggerok, I'll nuke them21:55
* apachelogger mumbles something about stupid autohell and it's even more stupid files21:55
apacheloggercmake ftw!21:55
* a|wen has nuked config.* from debdiffs so many times, that he does not want to count them21:57
nixternalfigures, right as I upload poppler 0.8.2 to ppa, 0.8.3 release is announced :)21:58
a|wenhow often do packages autosync?21:58
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ScottKa|wen: Twice a day (nominally somewhat after dinstall runs in Debian to catch all the packages from the dinstall run).21:59
a|wenScottK: okay, cool ... then i should stop getting all those build failed mails for qtoctave already tomorrow22:01
apacheloggerdpatch, omg22:02
* apachelogger is cared22:02
apacheloggerand can't type anymore22:02
* ScottK hands apachelogger dpatch-edit-patch and a sedative.22:03
apacheloggerhm, thanks22:03
apacheloggeris it just me or is quilt > dpatch?22:03
ScottKIt's not just you, but it's not everybody.22:04
ScottKQuilt is substantially more complex than dpatch.22:04
a|wenapachelogger: dpatch is very similar to simple patchsys ... quilt is a whole different approach22:04
apacheloggerwell, if it was everybody it would be kinda boring again :)22:04
ScottKIf I used it more, I'd probably like it.22:04
apacheloggeryeah, quilt is a bit trick to get used to22:05
* a|wen nods22:05
* nixternal wishes everyone used cmake so I can see how far along a build is :)22:05
apacheloggergood patch I applied there :D22:07
* apachelogger hands a|wen a cookie22:07
a|wenany good ideas for next package to merge ... or should i just go crazy with MoM at anything starting with k*22:09
apacheloggergoing krazy is always a good idea22:10
Riddellknutclient is next on the list22:10
* a|wen looks at knutclient22:12
apacheloggera|wen: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knights thanks for your contribution :)22:15
a|wenthanks apachelogger!22:16
a|wenshould i update standardsversion from 3.7.2 to 3.7.3 during the merge?22:23
ScottKa|wen: I wouldn't bother unless you make another change that is relevant to (extremely unlikely).22:29
a|wenScottK: i need to update the homepage as it has moved, so i could as well add it as a correct homepage field under 3.7.322:30
ScottKHomepage is not related to standards version, so I wouldn't change it.22:30
a|wenScottK: but is it okay to have a homepage field under source in debian/control with v3.7.2 ?22:31
a|wenScottK: okay ... i'll do without changing it then22:32
astrommeHello. Does anyone have updates on Neon builds of kde for kubuntu? I'd love to be able to drop compiling kde with kdesvn-build.22:43
* daskreech watches the place get really really really silent22:44
a|wenRiddell: knutclient should be ready http://awen.dk/packages/merges/knutclient/22:44
* astromme worries that he killed the channel >_>22:44
nosrednaekimastromme: someone is wokring on them22:45
a|wenthe buildd's are definately not happy today22:57
apacheloggera|wen: where does the knutclient-0.9.3/src/knutdock.h change in .ubuntu come from?22:57
a|wenapachelogger: it's from the debian non-maintainer upload22:58
a|wenapachelogger: "Fix gcc-4.3 FTBFS, patch by KiBi"22:59
apacheloggerif it was a patch at least :|22:59
apacheloggerlooks good to me23:00
a|wenapachelogger: in debian the non-maintainer uploads almost never is patches :/ ... often they are turned into patches later23:00
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: one of you please check as well23:00
a|wencool :)23:00
Riddellapachelogger: check what?23:01
apacheloggera|wen: why not do them as patches in the first place then :S23:01
apacheloggerRiddell: http://awen.dk/packages/merges/knutclient/knutclient_0.9.3-1.1ubuntu1.debdiff.ubuntu23:01
RiddellI would turn that into a patch23:02
a|wenapachelogger: i think the point is, that a non-maintainer upload shouldn't consider patch-systems (often you will need adding them) ... but yeah; still somewhat strange23:02
a|wenRiddell: adding a patchsystem to add the single-line patch? ... we'll get a lot bigger diff from debian23:04
apacheloggerit doesn't make much difference23:04
apacheloggera sync wouldn't convert that change into a patch either23:05
a|wengood point23:05
apacheloggera|wen: if you want to you can make it a simple-patch23:05
apacheloggerotherwise I think we should just upload as it is23:05
a|weni would upload as is ... the inline patch is in debian; so it is not as it is getting lost in ubuntu23:06
apacheloggeron the other hand23:06
apacheloggerthat would be good pratice :P23:06
a|wenhehe ... i think i know my way around patch systems well enough already ;)23:07
* apachelogger should stop thinking like a mentor, that makes him appear even more pedantic23:07
Riddellapachelogger: upload away23:08
apacheloggeraye aye, captain :)23:08
apacheloggera|wen: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knutclient thanks23:10
a|wenapachelogger: thanks again23:11
* a|wen sets sail for going to bed23:11
Riddellthanks a|wen23:12
* apachelogger goes to transporter room 3 for the very same :P23:12
a|wenapachelogger: that's sounds like an alternative solution ;)23:12
daskreechcan't do it cap'n I just don't have enough bandwidth!!23:12
a|wensee you all tomorrow23:14
apacheloggercya a|wen23:14
nixternalhrmm, should kdepim kde 4.1 be kde4pim, or kdepim-kde4? that is the $2 question :)23:14
* apachelogger uploads a new kde-nightly-kdelibs23:14
apacheloggernixternal: -kde423:14
nosrednaekimnixternal: the latter..... and here is $2 to support my claim :P23:14
nixternalseems kde4pim might be the winner, only because that is the name already in debian23:14
apacheloggerwhy did they name it kde4pim?23:15
* apachelogger finds all this naming quite confusing TBH23:15
nixternalI have no clue23:16
nixternalI just now noticed it in the changelog23:16
apacheloggermight be the same unkown reason as for kde4libs23:16
nixternalexactly :)23:16
apacheloggerwhich is as strange23:16
apacheloggerI have to get enough sleep as I probably won't tomorrow ;-)23:17
Mezdoes celeste normally go as celeste on here? or am I imagining things? Her website is killing my browser23:30
daskreechMez: she's seele23:43
daskreechWhat the hell are you still doing awake?23:43
Mezthats annoying compared to sealne23:44
daskreech:-) It's on her profile on pk.o in anycase23:45
daskreechMez: Which browser?23:46
daskreechDoesn't seem awful here23:48
daskreechOr are you looking at something off the beaten path?23:48
Mezdunno - was trying to post a blog comment23:51
* Mez shrugs23:51
Mezand still awake - I'm normally up till 1amish23:51
seeleMez: pong?23:56
seelemy website is killing your browser? hum23:57
Mezseele, your website was causing FF to run @ 200% CPU23:57
seelei dont remember the theme using any javascript23:57
Mez(2 CPUs)23:57
Mezthere is a javascript error on there23:57
seelehum.. must be a broken wordpress plugin23:58
Mezor there was ...23:58
Meznow theres not ...23:58
daskreechself repairing java script :)23:58
Mezyeah - that happens to me at work all the time23:59

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