
theFATMANmy system tray has ....disappeared(not visible in the panel), how in the world do I get it back?00:08
geniitheFATMAN: kde3 or kde4?00:12
theFATMANgenii: kde300:13
theFATMANgenii: i have looked all thru the system, i cant find a way to add it00:14
ArcticNekoTeraDy!ghost > ArcticNekoTeraDy00:16
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=== samk is now known as samkl
dwidmann_laptoptheFATMAN: run the command "kicker"00:16
theFATMANdwidmann_laptop: thanks00:17
theFATMANdwidmann_laptop: nada00:18
theFATMANdwidmann_laptop: didn't work, mate00:18
=== ArcticNekoTeraDy is now known as NekosolTeraDyne
druwhats the command to disuse the mouse and jeyboard in vbox?00:21
themonotonekde 4.1 looks like its going to rock my socks00:25
theFATMANmy system tray has ....disappeared(not visible in the panel), how in the world do I get it back?00:26
LynettheFATMAN: Right-click panel, select add to panel, add Notification Area.00:29
theFATMANLynet: trying now00:29
theFATMANapplet or application?00:30
LynetOh, wait. That's for ubuntu not kubuntu, didn't notice the k in the channel name.00:30
LynetIt is fairly similar in kubuntu, but I don't remember the exact name of the tray.00:31
LynetSpeaking of which, 4.0.80 packages ready yet?00:32
DragnslcrLynet- possibly tomorrow00:32
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dsaasdoooh crap00:33
dsaasdim in a huge connundrum00:33
dsaasdi just uninstalled linux but grub was still installed and now i cant load windows00:34
dsaasdcan anyone help me please?00:34
Lynetdsaasd: You need to clean the master boot record.00:34
dsaasdyea ive been reading up on that but to do that i need to be in windows and use the command fdisk /MBR00:35
Lynetor a not completely stone-age dos boot floppy.00:36
dsaasdwhere can i aquire one of those :S00:36
theFATMANLynet: srry m8, the wife needed me, I don't see notification area anywhere00:37
Lynetdsaasd: FreeDOS' fdisk should be able to do it.00:39
theFATMANLynet: srry m8, the wife needed me, I don't see notification area anywhere00:39
dsaasdahh kk00:40
dsaasdthank you00:40
dsaasdi will try it now00:40
dsaasdbut first to find a floppy00:40
LynettheFATMAN: I'm in ubuntu/gnome right now, don't remember the exact name of the systray in kubuntu.00:41
LynettheFATMAN: But it should be in there somewhere. :)00:41
theFATMANu know this is the kubuntu channel, right?...lol00:41
LynettheFATMAN: I noticed that *after* my first answer to you. ;-p00:42
theFATMANha ha ha00:42
jparishyDoes anyone know what dri2proto is, or where the package is that i can get?00:44
jparishyi found it nevermind.00:47
druim running out of disk space and dont want to move my partitions for extra space to be made ....what is a "excess"file clean up utility00:48
drucan anyone point me to such an application please00:48
pushaxhi all.  how do I add cdrom device points in the /dev directory.  for some reason I don't have any on my laptop00:48
`jAguArhow do i configure kde4 to start up properly... right now, all it shows is a blue splash screen, not even a kmenu or any icons :(00:49
drupushax ....are you trying to do a network boot ?00:49
prince_jammys!info kdirstat | dru: maybe this:00:50
ubottudru: maybe this:: kdirstat (source: kdirstat): graphical disk usage display with cleanup facilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4-4 (hardy), package size 268 kB, installed size 876 kB00:50
pushaxdru: nope I want my cdrom working00:50
pushaxdru: already got os installed.  just no cdrom.00:51
`jAguArpushax, then just edit ur /etc/fstab file ;)00:51
pushaxdru: for some reason in /dev I have no /dev/scd100:51
pushax`jAguAr: how do I had the /dev points.  I already know about fstab00:52
theFATMANpushax: corrupt install maybe?00:52
drupushax see that wasnt clear....where did your /dev points go more specificly what did you do to cause the system faliure...most wanted information....has your cd rom ever worked with the current set up00:52
druprince_jammys thanks man00:52
druthats just waht i needed00:52
drupushax ....sdc1 dosnt mean cdrom usualy00:52
druit may very well be in your case but it could be hiding under a new /name00:53
`jAguArhow do i configure kde4 to start up properly... right now, all it shows is a blue splash screen, not even a kmenu or any icons :(00:53
pushaxdru: I think it disapeared when kernel upgraded or 64bit mode was used00:53
drupushax ...it runs correctly via boot *livecd?00:54
drusame kernel?00:54
tuxwulfHow to prepare a USB harddrive? It is now unpartitioned.00:54
pushaxdru: it's running perfect bar no cdrom.  I installed in past no problems and it was working.  then one day I noticed it gone00:55
pushaxin /dev I have no cdrom points00:55
druwaht about media .... or mnt00:55
pushaxubuntu formums are  down so I cna't search for solutions00:56
pushaxthe cdrom works in dos mode00:56
druif theres nothing in the cdrom it probly leaves it out as a *dead device00:56
prince_jammyspushax: google shows some forum threads that might be relevant, but ubuntuforums.org is down for maintenance at the moment00:56
pushaxdru: it wont mount as there is no device to attch it to00:56
druhave you tryed the auto mounter?00:56
pushaxprince_jammys:  and dru.  I might try later when the forums are up.  thanks for the advice00:57
basculetuxwulf: how did you unpartition it? Use the same tool to repartition it :)00:57
prince_jammyspushax: look at the google 'cached' version00:57
basculeor if it is brand new, well I like cfdisk00:57
tuxwulfbascule: It's a new disk00:57
drupushax : sudo bash diskmounter00:58
basculeOK, well try sudo cfdisk /dev/<name>00:58
basculetuxwulf: ^00:58
basculeok, that will maybe do to00:58
dru just give him gparted00:58
basculeyeah, I can't think of a KDE disc tool you know00:58
basculebut I just love cfdisk00:58
pushaxdru: didn't work for some reason.  I may not have diskmounter installed00:58
druyoull need to wget it00:59
drulemme see00:59
druwget http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter00:59
drusudo bash diskmounter00:59
druthen :rm diskmounter01:00
basculetuxwulf: try gparted, it is nice enough as a GUI tool01:00
tuxwulfbascule: Thanks01:00
* bascule has never used gparted01:01
druit will do your entire fstab fro you and ....all your media will have their mount pionts ...and "stuff"01:01
=== rafael is now known as xHanza
jparishy_I'm back :D Does anyone know why I don't have the glxint.h header file? I have all of the packages installed01:16
tuxwulfbascule: Works like a charm!01:23
tuxwulf& dru01:23
theFATMANmy system tray has ....disappeared(not visible in the panel), how in the world do I get it back?01:24
basculetuxwulf: welcome enjoy it, p.s. If you want FAT32 file system, mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/<whatever>01:26
basculemaybe gparted allows that, I dunno01:26
deamon3how can i install my CANON PIXMA ip 100001:26
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.01:32
mrksbrdhas anyone attempted to install itunes using wine?01:36
basculeit is suckage extreme -5 from useability perspectivr01:37
basculeit just seizes and stuff, forget it, sorry :(01:38
basculeI go tit installed fine, it just doesn't run in any way at all really01:38
theFATMANmrksbrd: hey there is an itunes clone in adept01:39
basculeif it is for an iPod, try amarok, it is pretty good01:39
theFATMANi luv amarok01:40
mrksbrddoes it have capability to upload to ipod w/o any other software or special installs?01:40
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:40
basculetry that01:40
rick_hello, i used to be able to do reset an ide device using 'hdparm -w device'. after a recent upgrade, the drives become /dev/sd* and hdparm does not handle those. sdparm does not seem to have a similar function. does anyone know how I can send a lowlevel reset command in the hardy? thanks01:40
mrksbrdk...i'll check that out....ty01:40
theFATMANmy system tray has ....disappeared(not visible in the panel), how in the world do I get it back?01:41
basculeremove and re-add, right-click configure panel remove from panel - system tray -- ad it back01:41
theFATMANits not in the menu01:42
basculerick_: hdparm -w no go on SATA, hmmm .. well hdparm -y spins my spare down, but why are you -w'ing it anyway?01:42
basculer-click icon - panel menu -remove from panel - system try, if not there goto add to panel, and do that ..... OR killall kicker -> alt+f2 kicker01:43
theFATMANhow do i change the system from metric?01:43
theFATMANmy local is new york, but still metric01:44
ordodkseems my linuxmce installation of lirc doesn't have mceusb2 built in (lircd --driver=help doesn't list it) - is there a way to "re-apt-get" it to do it?01:44
rick_bascule: its a cf card reader and it does not support hotplugging. the machine is for creating cf images. so after making one image, i would like to eject and put another card in. before i could umount, -w it and mount the device again straight away. otherwise i'd have to reboot01:45
theFATMANfixed the panel01:45
rick_bascule, btw it's a cf card reader connected via ide01:45
basculerick_: arrgh, can you rmmod and modprobe the driver?01:45
basculecould also go for the DANGEROUS! /etc/init.d/udev restart01:47
jparishy_anyone here use a macbook with kubuntu/ubuntu?01:47
basculeor force-reload, well ther are a few to try anyway01:47
rick_bascule: i'm not actually sure which driver except the libata and others, i have other ide drives connected also01:48
theFATMANanyone know how to configure the system tray manually?01:48
basculeyeah, that is it, I ould not go for that01:49
basculermmod sata driver is almost certainly fatal01:49
simulai know fstab mounts partitions during startup... is there a config file that can mount a partition on an sd card when it is plugged into a running kubuntu system?01:49
simulabesides just a manual sudo mount?01:49
basculehald *should* do that01:50
rick_bascule: reloading udev is a bit drastic i think. I just tried and it seems to work, except it hangs for a while (a minute or two)01:50
simulathanks bascule, i'm looking into hal01:51
basculeah, well it is a pretty extreme problem, actually swithching cards should be easy, but then again if it is IDE and not USB, things are odd01:51
basculesimula: sure01:51
simulabascule... the thing is that i want the sd card's partition's UUID to auto-mount it to a specified mount directory (here's hoping hal will do it :)01:52
rick_bascule, yeh i wouldve used usb ones but this is for our robots and those were already bought...01:52
basculeit should, I know little about hal actually01:52
rick_i shouldn't have upgraded :(01:53
basculerick_: OK, it is an unusual problem01:53
basculetry a custom kernel, get a straight tarball form kernel.org nd go from there01:53
rick_bascule: the device is still the same ide, how come all of a sudden they all changed to scsi?01:54
basculeI don't know why :)01:55
basculebye! bed time01:56
rick_bascule: okay, i was hoping i didn't have to do that though. anyway it's not super crucial, i can wait a few minutes in between images. thanks for your help!01:56
basculewelcome, maybe think of some other way later, but I am tired :)01:57
rick_bascule, thanks i'll try other wzays. good night01:58
domux_hi everyone02:01
USMarinehi french02:04
theFATMANhow do i change the system from metric?02:05
USMarinemetric rocks02:05
USMarineyou gotta change your locale i believe02:05
avihaybI second that02:05
theFATMANUSMarine: whats up, my local is in new york, but its still metric02:06
BluesKajeven the US gallon is wrong02:06
theFATMANok guys, i just am not familiar with metric02:06
USMarinelocale not local02:06
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf02:06
BluesKajoriginal gallon is 4.54L (Imperial) ..US = 3.78L02:07
theFATMANyou know what i mean02:07
theFATMAN!off topic02:07
ubottuFactoid off topic not found02:07
BluesKajwhy change ...the rest of the earth is metric02:07
USMarineuk should also change from driving on the right02:08
USMarineso americans are not behind on everything02:08
domux_im not french finnally a lil bit02:08
theFATMANok, this is the kubuntu SUPPORT channel, not the express your opinion channel02:08
USMarineis your locale correct?02:08
USMarinewhere is metric system used?02:09
BluesKajuk drives on the right ?...err , better not drive there USMarine02:10
USMarinecould be app specifi02:10
WalzmynWhy if I mouse over an .xml file do I get a warning that something02:10
Walzmyn's gone wrong with Armork?02:10
* Walzmyn grumbles about the 'enter' key getting in the way02:10
theFATMANwatch out guys, USMarine is the spelling police02:11
WalzmynSo anyway, why does just mousing over a file give me an error?02:12
USMarinenice post i've just read02:13
USMarineI'm anti-imperial and would normally say get rid of all imperial support but since this is Linux we are talking about I realize I have to let it stay in the spirit of freedom to customize your system.02:14
USMarineNote: I live in USA and I want my computer to use the metric system so please no US Americans saying this is a conspiracy against USA.02:14
USMarinebut this is related to coutry choice02:14
theFATMANnot relevant to the question02:15
WalzmynI support the metric system every inch of the way.02:15
USMarinei mean the metric usage is related to the country choice02:15
Walzmynwhy are we discussing the metric system?02:16
theFATMANi am not against the metric system, my question is: how do I switch on my system? i dont want to use metric, lol02:16
Walzmynwhere are we talking about theFATMAN ? dates and such?02:17
theFATMANWalzym: everything02:17
m_tadeuhi everyone....02:17
theFATMANi dont understand wy, it went to metric after the kernel update02:17
Walzmynwhere do you live, theFATMAN ?02:18
Walzmynhello m_tadeu02:18
USMarinetried reconfiguring the locale?02:18
theFATMANand i can't sort out how to fix it02:18
m_tadeuwhen an application crashes, shouldn't apport be lunched02:18
m_tadeuI mean, instead of the standard kde crash handler02:19
WalzmyntheFATMAN, Kmenu>>system settings  >> Regional & Language02:19
jparishyOnce I install xserver-xorg-video-intel, how do enable the drivers? I am in the newest release, i think02:20
USMarinejparishy system settings02:21
theFATMANlocale is set to NY, but still metric, not Imperial02:21
Walzmynjparishy, try Kmenu >> system >>hardware drivers manager02:21
jparishyI did, and it doesn't show up in there for some reason.02:21
WalzmyntheFATMAN, just change it manually to imperial02:22
theFATMANWalzmyn, i am trying, bro, but how?02:22
USMarinetheFATMAN look under /etc/environment02:23
WalzmyntheFATMAN, i've got a drop down menu under the "other tab" that lets me pick metirc or imperial02:24
DragnslcrSystem Settings -> Regional & Language -> Country/Region -> Other02:24
theFATMANsweeet, thank you sirs, and i am embarrassed that i didnt see it. i didnt think to look under 'other', lol...i was looking for measurment, etc.02:25
mneptok..   ... .--. . .- -.-   -- --- .-. ... .02:29
theFATMANnow she wants her beads, lol02:29
theFATMANha ha ha02:30
USMarine| .02:30
USMarine. |02:30
USMarinejust playing pong...02:30
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_
jparishyWell, that wen't well :|02:44
jparishyHad to use my backup xorg.conf02:45
jparishySo any other suggestions?02:45
=== jawee__ is now known as jawee
geniijparishy: Please recap your situation02:56
jparishyI'm trying to get direct rendering enabled on my macbook which runs kubuntu02:57
geniiSo you've tried for instance DRI settings in xorg?02:59
jparishyI haven't, though if anyone else wants to help03:01
DJG9282Don't know if anyone can help me. I'm new to Linux and i used the Live CD today to see if i had any hardware issues. I found out i did and it was the wireless network not working...it couldn't find my card...is there anyway to get this working through the Live CD or must i install the whole package.03:03
mneptokDJG9282: what wireless chipset?03:04
DJG9282Its an IntelĀ® PRO/Wireless 394503:05
mr--thttp://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/ linux driver here03:08
Agent_bobwhy would aumix only have two settings ?     on everything except this lappy it has 6 or more  ;/03:15
Agent_bobthere is only main and igain ?03:15
Agent_bobno pcm no mic no nothing03:16
Unknownmneptok: sorry, this is DJG9282, typical windows froze so i didn't get any of your responses03:18
larryCan someone please help a newbe to irc? I see a lot of names in the right panel but only see 2 or 3 messages being posted. Is there something else I should be doing to see all posts?03:19
Agent_boblarry no.03:20
mr--thttp://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/ linux driver here DJG928203:20
STSXlarry: It's just that not alot of people are posting--you're not missing anything. :)03:20
larryAgent bob thanks03:21
Agent_boblarry if you want to see a lot of chatter /join #ubuntu   it's always busy.03:21
larrySTSX thanks03:21
Unknownok i am guessing that there is no way to get the chipset to work on a live CD that i must install it first03:21
mneptokDJG9282: ensure the any hardware switch is turned on03:22
Unknownok when i say newbie i mean newbie...where is the hardware switch located03:23
mr--tuasually on laptops you use the funtion key in combo with a key that has a little antenna symbol on it03:25
mr--tthe functions a typically a different color  blue matbe03:26
Unknownhmm have to look at that...i just got a newer computer today....so i'm still learning the thing...i just upgraded from a pentium 366 so i was really in the dark ages03:26
Agent_boband it say [fn]03:26
mr--tthanks bob03:26
nosrednaekimUnknown: lol03:26
Agent_bobUnknown i'd like to upgrade to your old hardware....03:27
UnknownAgent_bob: oh yeah...your stuck in the ice age huh? haha03:28
Agent_bobp1 100mmx with 610m hdd03:28
larryIs this a proper place to ask for help with a problem?03:28
Unknownwhoo hoo there i go...03:29
Agent_boblarry probably.  but it does depend if  it's kubuntu related or not.03:29
larryok, thanks...can someone tell me how to set up different backgounds on different "deskktops" in kubuntu?03:30
Agent_bobalthough we do often answer some very generic linux questions and even a winderz Q or two03:30
Agent_bobright click the desktop    configure03:30
Unknownok so what i really wanted to do is play with the live CD for a while before i installed it...that way i don't look like an idiot in front of my wife...does it matter when i turn this hardware switch on when i am logged into the Live CD? or it doesn't matter? and with the website you gave me...i can also just burn it to a CD and install it through there i am assuming?03:31
Agent_boblol @ Unknown03:31
mr--tI thought whoo hoo ment success03:32
Unknownyeah my wife isn't too thrilled that i just got a new computer and completly want to wipe of VISTA03:32
Agent_bobi liked the "idiot in front of..."  part03:32
mr--tyou dont have to wipe it you can dual boot03:33
bdoghow do you make compiz the default?03:33
Agent_bobUnknown so buy her one and....   sorry i'm not supposed to give advice here.03:33
nosrednaekimbdog: use the desktop effects application03:33
* Agent_bob retracts statement03:33
larryAgent bob...when I do that, and select a background, it applies that background to both (I'm only using 2 desktops)  desktops. I would like to have diferent background for each, it that is possible.03:34
bdogit isn't starting?03:34
Unknowni read up on the dual boot thing and i was reading that Vista has some type of recovery thing at the end of the partition that could cause problems03:34
Agent_boblarry kde3 or kde4 ?03:34
Unknownunless you ahve a more realiable source i can read up on?03:34
nosrednaekimUnknown: Linux has figured that out (used to be a problem)03:34
Unknownso 8.04 should figure it out automatically?03:35
mr--tunknown it doesn't take long for the free community to fix problems03:36
larryAgen bob...hmmm.....let me see if I can figure out which I am using....03:36
Unknownthat maybe true...but whos going to fix my problem if i couldn't even get to the free community :)03:36
Agent_bobkmenu help about kde03:36
mr--tgood point lol03:37
fatherTheresa1YOUR A DICK03:37
bdogi need /usr/bin/compiz --replace to load automatically03:37
Agent_bob!ops | fatherTheresa1 needs help.03:37
ubottufatherTheresa1 needs help.: Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!03:37
naliothfatherTheresa1: let us be civil03:37
bazhang_fatherTheresa1, no language like that here please03:38
larryAgen bob.....kde 3.5.9....03:38
Agent_bobJucato while you are here.03:38
Jucatouh oh...03:38
Unknownany of you know of a walk thru i can read up on to do a dual boot to VISTA and kubuntu...03:38
Jucatothat's why I hate to show that I'm here :)03:38
JucatoAgent_bob: how may I be of service?03:39
Agent_bobJucato would you tell larry where the setting is for background for vertual desktop two ?03:39
Jucatolarry: right-click on the desktop -> Configure Desktop. there should be a drop down list at the top where you get to choose "All Desktops" or Desktop 1, Desktop 2, etc03:39
Agent_bobJucato thank you.03:40
Agent_bobi knew it was in there somewhere but i don't even have kde on this system so couldn't pin point it.03:40
larryjucato: when I do that, it only gives me "All Desktops" or nothing.....doesn't show Desktop 1 or Desktop 2, etc.03:41
=== conan_ is now known as generick
Jucatolarry: when you click on the arrow beside "All Desktops", doesn't a list appear?03:41
Agent_bob<larry> Agen bob.....kde 3.5.9....  <<< Jucato  fyi03:41
JucatoAgent_bob: yeah. because KDE 4 doesn't allow you to do that yet :)03:42
Agent_bobyes that's why i had him confirm what version.03:43
=== Unknown is now known as DJG9282
Agent_bobheh    the "<Jucato> turtle... <nixternal> rabbit" thing just soked in    :)))03:44
larryjucato: when I click on the arrow, it only shows "All Desktops" and a "blank" space in the drop-down....no Desktop 1 or Desktop 2 selections..03:44
mr--they guys how do you do the little "asides" like mr--t face is red  or mr--t kicks himself?03:44
Jucatolarry: are you using compiz?03:45
Jucatomr--t: /me <action>03:45
* Jucato like this03:45
Jucatoright, you type /me <then the message you want to appear>03:45
Agent_bob/me something...03:45
* Agent_bob something03:46
mr--tme/ didn't realize it was that easy03:46
* Jucato is guessing larry might be using compiz, and KDE is set to have only 1 virtual deskto so as not to conflict with compiz's viewports03:46
Agent_bob/me != me/03:46
Jucatomr--t: you have to put the / before the "me"03:46
* mr--t yeah im red faced03:46
DJG9282Don't know if you saw my question before...do any of you know of a walk thru for dual booting hardy heron and windows VISTA so that i don't mess anything up...especially since this would be my first time installing linux ever!03:47
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows03:47
Jucatohm... not that one03:47
Agent_bobDJG9282 do you have the recovery dvd for vesta ?03:48
Jucato!dualboot | DJG928203:48
ubottuDJG9282: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:48
DJG9282isn't that great?03:48
JucatoI think there's Vista instructions somewhere there03:48
geniiInteresting. No more directing ppl to their local psychiatrist in the factoid03:48
Agent_bobDJG9282 yeah.   ;/03:48
Agent_bobgenii  blame stdin...03:48
DJG9282can you see why i am a little bit nervous03:48
larryjucato: can i find out if I am using compiz by looking in the "Add/Remove Programs" list?03:48
* generick is scratching head and wondering why java plugins will not work in his browser.03:49
geniiAgent_bob: I'll remember to mention it to him :)03:49
Jucatolarry: did you enable Desktop effects?03:49
generickhello all, seems to be busy in here03:49
Agent_bobDJG9282 i'm not the guy you want to ask that Q.   but seeing that you did.   "no. why not just do a cat /dev/zero > /dev/hdd and install linux the right way..."   would be my answer03:50
* Agent_bob is a windows hater from way back03:50
Jucatogenerick: what package did you install to get java plugins? what browser? and 32 or 64-bit system?03:50
mr--tdjg9282 a little fear is healthy03:50
DJG9282yeah especially when you have absolutly no clue what you are doing03:50
mr--tthats how you learn03:51
generickjuncato: java 6.0 and 32.03:51
Jucatogenerick: that's "jucato" :P03:51
Jucatogenerick: you installed sun-java6-plugin?03:51
Agent_bobDJG9282 yeah that's why i said don't get me started on that one...     you'll have no windows... if i have my way!03:51
DJG9282well the reason why i don't want to do a fresh install is because i'm afraid i wouldn't get all my hardware to work properly...thats the one thing holding me back because the Live CD wouldnt recognize hardware03:51
Jucatoif the Live CD is showing some hardware problems, there's a very good chance that an installed system would have problesm too03:52
generickjucato: yes, i used adept, instead of command line03:52
Jucatoof course it can probably be fixed later on03:52
DJG9282Agent_bob: i actually want it that way...but want to be smart before i do something03:52
mr--tdon't wait that long03:52
Jucatogenerick: hm.. strange that it doesn't work....03:53
Agent_bobDJG9282 also see Jucato's two posts above ^03:53
DJG9282Jucato: yeah looking at those right now03:53
larryjucato: I go to System > Desktop Effects and it opens a screen titled "Compiz Desktop Effects". There is a bullet beside "Extra Effects". Should the bullet be beside one of the other selections?03:53
DJG9282that was meant for agent bob03:53
Jucatolarry: no no. I was asking if you enabled Desktop Effects03:53
larryjucato: probably not, since I don't know where I should do that.03:54
Jucatolarry: if yes, then that is why you don't have Desktop 1, 2 , etc. in the background configuration window03:54
Jucatohm.. ok..03:54
Jucatolarry: how many virtual desktops do you have?03:55
larrywhere would I check to see if Desktop Effects is enabled?03:55
Jucato<larry> jucato: I go to System > Desktop Effects and it opens a screen titled "Compiz Desktop Effects".03:55
Jucatoyou already said it03:55
larryThere are 2 virtual desktops showing03:55
generickjucato: sorry, works in konqueror, but not in firefox.. i am happy in konqueror..03:56
Jucatogenerick: hehe that's even weirder. but you're sure you installed the  suan-java6-plugin package?03:56
mr--tnot the one from the java site i hope03:57
generickJucato: yes, i will do a apt-get on it just to be sure though03:57
ubottuFactoid ch not found03:57
Agent_bob!compiz | larry you might ask in the channel listed here.03:58
ubottularry you might ask in the channel listed here.: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:58
Jucato!cn | ylhaoran03:58
ubottuylhaoran: For Ubuntu help in Chinese ę‚ØåÆ仄č®æ问äø­ę–‡é¢‘道ļ¼š #ubuntu-cn ꈖ者 #ubuntu-tw  ęˆ–者 #ubuntu-hk03:58
Jucatomr--t: for reference, chinese is cn03:58
mr--tthanks  i took a shot03:58
Jucatomr--t: !chinese might also work :)03:59
Agent_boblarry  /join #compiz-fusion    and ask them   they might be avle to tell you how to tell if compiz is running or not.   that will at the very least help us help you.     some times it's hard to help someone that can't answer a question.03:59
mr--t (Y)03:59
Agent_boblarry that's not a slander against you,  we all had to learn,  it's just a statement of fact.03:59
generickapt say 'sun-java6-plugin is already the newest version'04:00
mr--tif its not installed system wide it might not work in ff04:01
larryAgent bob: I believe I stated earlier that "compiz" is installed. No "slander" taken. I understand what you are saying. Thanks for your suggestions.04:01
DJG9282Ok i think i'll probably look into dual booting. If i run into problems with the the wireless...think any one of you could walk me through the installation process...i just read the intel instructions for it...man am i confused!04:02
Agent_bobok.  but  installed != running04:02
Agent_bobDJG9282 i'm sure someone can.   it happens here all the time04:03
DJG9282:) thanks guys have a good night or morning...whichever it is where you are04:03
genericksorry for the off topic... is there a good channel for talking about apps, I am new to the linux world and want some pointers on perfered apps for email and what-not...04:03
JabopHey all. I've installed lsh-server on my local box. When I try to scp from a remote box INTO my local with root, it's saying password is incorrect. I know for CERTAIN that the password is correct. What gives?04:03
mr--tDJG9282 the good news is there are linux drivers on intels website04:03
DJG9282oh thanks Mr--T i'll have to look at that...then you can direct me on how to install those :P04:04
Jabopwith root=as root, forgive04:04
Agent_bobgenerick ##linux ##linuxhelp and #kubuntu-offtopic are all willing to facilitate discussions about linux apps04:04
* Agent_bob note to self, that would look better if spelled correctly04:05
Agent_bob!root | Jabop04:06
ubottuJabop: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:06
Agent_bobJabop did you set a root password ?04:06
DJG9282Mr--T: just one thought came to my mind though...if intel supports linux drivers why would it not be supported ona  live CD i would think they would include that during the install?04:06
JabopAgent_bob: yes04:06
Agent_bobJabop is the server set to deny root login ?04:07
JabopThe problem still exists, however, I found a way around it. I just chowned the folders that I need to write to, scp'd and chowned again.04:07
mr--tI don't know but I googled your chip set and it took me to the drivers04:07
JabopAgent_bob: That is what I am unsure about. the lsh-server is on my local box and I just installed it cause I'm not too familiar with Kubuntu, please forgive04:08
mr--tthey may be new or on your system already undetected04:08
Agent_bobJabop i'm not familear with lsh-server   openssh-server would be my choice there.04:08
JabopAgent_bob: Fair enough. Once I get these files transfered I may give that a shot.04:09
DJG9282ok thanks :)04:10
Agent_bobJabop beware though there may be a bug in the hardy version of sshd    check the launchpad04:10
Agent_bob!bug | larry04:10
ubottularry: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:10
Agent_boblarry i have been seeing people complaining about hardy (typically upgraded to)  having problems with scp   and the issue seems to be either in sshd or the kernel.  i'm not a developer so i can't say for sure.  there should be bug reports and hopefully a patch by now.04:12
* mr--t mr--t wonders what an in/wish is04:12
Agent_bobexact complaint  "scp only creates empty files"04:12
Agent_bobfinal thought on that,   if it's kernel side it could affect scp over any protocal i guess04:16
Agent_bob!bug scp04:18
mr--tbots asleep!!04:19
=== bruno is now known as Eukzeta
geniiubottu wake up!04:22
ubottuFactoid wake up! not found04:22
geniiNah just comatose04:22
mr--t /me laughs himself silly04:24
mr--t / me laughs himself silly04:24
mr--t/ mr--t wonders how he lost the recipe04:25
* mr--t whats wrong with me?04:27
* mr--t the list wouldn't fit in pastbin04:28
* Surfer37 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks)04:31
mr--tThat guy leaves his spam link every nite04:32
mr--tagent_bob is there anyway to block that spammer?04:35
* mr--t was just wondering04:37
pteagueanybody here know much about mdadm for software raid?04:37
geniimr--t: It's always from a different location so difficult to block him without accidentally blocking valid users04:41
mr--tI just don't like misuse of the channel04:42
mr--tIs he alsways surfer 3704:43
geniimr--t: No, the name varies as well.04:43
pteaguehttp://pastebin.com/m715d8c43 :(04:43
geniiAlways plugging the same sites though04:44
* mr--t would like to kick spammers04:44
frybyehi - can somebody please remind me of some common key-combinations - like to kill an active window or call up the process manager etc..?05:01
Odd-rationalefrybye:  try ctrl+esc05:02
geniiOr even ctrl-alt-esc05:02
frybyeis there one for shutting a window (without using the process manager..?)05:03
frybyesomething with F4 or..?05:04
geniifrybye: ctrl-alt-esc   then place X on offensive window and click05:04
frybyeand when the whole pc freezes over.. how to interrupt/shut down fairly safely..?05:05
frybyectrl-alt-delete or??05:05
frybyebut only once or...?05:06
geniifrybye: First see if a console can be attained, by ctrl-alt-f1 .... if so then you can kill some processes in CLI05:06
geniiIf you get all 3 lights on keyboard blinking together thats a kernel panic, no option then but to hard power-off05:06
frybyeexplain a bit pse.. (not a lota background linux knowl. here-) if I get the console open then what do i need to do to see/kill processes..05:07
frybye- put differently - what is cli - and how to use..?05:07
geniifrybye: The usual thing is to use top or ps to see whats running or using most resources. ps reports a pid (number assigned to process). You kill it by sudo kill pid#05:07
=== eljefe_ is now known as jthomas
geniifrybye: CLI= command line interface05:08
frybyeso in the cli - just enter    ps    ? or??05:08
geniifrybye: ps ax       or so will give you a list of all processes for instance. You may want to pipe output to more. eg:        ps ax|more05:09
geniiSince the list is long, usually05:09
* mr--t wonders what happened to top05:10
frybyeright.. my wireless mouse is acting up - i think I need to re-boot - (was just running flight gear - and it seems to have screwed the memory-management or simiklar... hang on a bit .. i will be back (in less than 2000 years!)05:10
geniimr--t: It's still around and working :)05:10
geniifrybye: top tells you whats sucking cpu or ram05:11
* mr--t thinks she missed that last reply during reboot05:14
frybyeso - sorry - tell me that ps something - more command again ..?05:14
frybyethe box was hardly useable for a bit before reboot - had no choice..05:15
frybyeah ha - I see it is up above in shaded text - super..05:16
frybyeheavens! whata lota processes...05:18
frybyethis pc is on amphetimines.. heheh05:18
mr--tdid you pipe the output?05:18
frybyemr--t: yeah - it worked fine.. i just meant it seemed to be a lot in total after scrolling..05:20
frybye(short ot query - are all you folks here in Europe or?)05:21
* mr--t thinks tsr's will somday rule the world05:21
frybyetsr's ???05:21
mr--tnot me05:21
frybyemr--t: whereabouts.. west coast usa?05:22
mr--ttreminate stay resident programs ,no upstate NY05:22
frybyemr--t oh jeez - cant sleep/shiftworker.. eh can we go to k-offtopic?05:22
mr--t /me wonders how05:23
frybyeok back on topic...05:23
frybyehow you mean wonders how?05:23
mr--tI only started chatting a week ago ,never been off topic05:24
frybyeso is there a way of killing off all the unnecessary processes autom. - is that what tsr is all about??05:24
=== genii__ is now known as genii
frybyema--t at the top of this dialoge there is a header including a link to open the #kubuntu-offtopic channel..05:25
frybyeotherwise you can use a command here    /j #kubuntu-offtopic    <----ok?05:25
frybyejust clicking on the (blue?) channel name with open it too...05:26
AxMstrLPstupid noob question (couldn't find the answer on the forums) -- how to i set to dolphin to use double clicks rather than single clicks?05:31
krawekcontrol panel -> devices -> mouse05:32
AxMstrLPwow.  not the first place I would have looked.  thanks!05:34
echoes@ nixternal.  worse news.05:35
sgrahami cant believe this is this difficult05:36
sgrahami still cant use the kdm login manager im beating my head against the wall05:36
echoesrebooted & got this: The following installation problem was detected while trying to start KDE: No write access to '/home/echoes/.ICEAuthority'. KDE is unable to start.05:36
sgrahamit literally crashes everytime at the sessions starting display page..takes me right back to kdm05:37
sgrahamgdm works fine05:37
echoesall i could do was click ok. after that i got a little window that says: Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation.05:37
echoesi'm using a kubuntu 8.04/kde4 live disc right now.05:40
endafyhow do I get KSplashX?05:43
ubuntu_ what type of file system should i use for linux backup drive05:44
ubuntu_which one?05:44
endafyXFS is fast05:44
echoesmost common & thus most recommended would be ext305:44
ubuntu_ok, thx05:45
endafyuses ext405:45
ubuntu_should i make it primary?05:45
endafysecondary partitions aren't used that often anymore05:46
endafyhow do I get KSplashX?05:47
endafyin 3.5.905:48
=== stamatis is now known as fallen1983
SteamMachineHeya all05:51
echoes@ nixternal. you back yet?05:59
=== wthf_ is now known as rm-r_C
sgrahamya that kubuntu desktop. didnt work..not only that but it wants to install dolphin..and i hate that thing06:05
sgrahamsomething to do with when kdm hands it over to the user..it changes the resolution..06:06
sgrahamwhy it does not do the same damn thing with gdm makes no sence to me06:06
sgrahamand it is the only thing that is bothering me...its...like shitty06:06
=== aRyn_ is now known as aRyn
acetolinehi, I keep getting an error in kde programs 'could not find mime type application/octet-stream'06:09
acetolineit started happening after I fiddling around with some settings06:09
rm-r_Chttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118485   already used google today?06:12
sportmanif i wanted to dual boot do i have to install windows first?06:14
rm-r_C!dual boot06:14
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:15
console_jockeyI'm sure this is a silly question, but what software can I use to view the input from my webcam?  I've just found and installed a M318B which I can see with lsusb but I haven't a clue how to verify it's working...06:16
ubunturossportman: always install Windows first, since only Linux distros know that 'Windows' exists. MS-Windows often ignores the fact that Linux exists06:17
acetolinesportman: I have dual-booted two machines succesfully and in both of them I installed windows first06:17
ubuntuross / Linux / Linux distros06:17
sportmanacetoline: i have done it a million times06:17
sportmani just dont want to install windows first06:17
sportmancause im lazy06:17
acetolineI think it should be possible to do it both ways, if you can work the hardware succesfully.06:17
sportmanjust never done it without windows first06:17
sportmanwanted to know if it was possible, but i just read up some on it06:17
sportmanand i think i can do it06:18
ubunturossportman: if you do so, afaik, you'll just have to re-install grub.06:18
rm-r_Cacetoline: it has nothing to do with the hardware ... but with grub ... the boot leader will get deleted if you install xp after linux, that is no problem you can install it again ... it is easyer to install first xp then linux but both ways work06:20
=== b4l7424r is now known as kjl|
Sakuihow do I update my computer packages?06:21
rm-r_Capt-get update06:21
acetolineanyone have any ideas about my problem?06:22
Sakuisakui@pixies:~$ sudo apt=get update06:23
Sakui[sudo] password for sakui:06:23
Sakuisudo: update: command not found06:23
arayamiit's sudo apt-get update06:23
rm-r_Csudo apt-get update06:23
arayaminot =06:23
Sakuii just saw that06:23
Sakuifont is a little small I guess06:24
rm-r_CSakui: that will update the data base to upgrade your system (install the newer packages) do sudo apt-get upgrade06:25
rm-r_Calways update the data base first than install new packages or upgrade your system ...06:25
rm-r_C!apt | Sakui06:26
ubottuSakui: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:26
Sakuidang, 97 updates :P06:27
jon_i just installed hardy and it has 2,6,24 generic. how can i get a real time kernel?06:27
jon_is the real time kernel in the metapackage?06:28
ubottuThe RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/Gutsy06:28
jon_is it now06:28
jon_i suppose that takes care of that, since they must have updated ubuntu studio since i last installed it06:29
noaXesshi all06:29
noaXessand good morning :)06:29
jon_thanks rm-r_c06:29
Sakuii hope someone fixed my KDE issue that I had with all of these updates06:29
noaXessi have installed firefox-2 and the mozilla-firefox-locale-de-de but firefox-2 still in english.. any idea?06:29
sportmando any of you guys use linux only06:30
sportmanor do all of you use windows a little06:30
jon_im still working on my wireless card sportman06:30
jon_thats the only thing holding me back06:31
rm-r_Ci have no windows installed here use xp for games only at home sportman06:31
acetolinesportman: I only use windows for interfacing with my mobile phone's PC suite06:32
Sakuimy stupid mp3 player requires wincrap06:32
acetolineif Nokia made a linux version, I'd format the xp partition :p06:32
sportmanacetoline:  like for me m issue is work06:32
noaXesssportman: is only use win as a virtual guest.. with virtualbox.. just for teaching06:33
sportmanacetoline:  for work im working with only windows computers and they have me test stuff out06:33
sportmanlike i need to research some windows project management software06:33
sportmanso i need to use windows some06:33
rm-r_Cwell virtualBox is ok for that ...06:34
sportmani suppose so06:34
noaXesssportman: pms for windows .. use http://ganttproject.biz/06:34
arayamidoes anyone have any problems with virtualbox where when you change from the virtual machine to the desktop it crashes X?06:35
noaXessarayami: no prob.. i use it on diffrent machines06:35
acetolinedon't be too sad, sportman. All of us have to deal with windows a bit in our lives, whether we like it or not :p06:35
Sakuigoosh.org is pretty cool unix-like shell for your web browser06:35
arayami=/ it's probably cause I'm using fglrx drivers then06:36
mjponcegnuutils and cygwin helps if you use xp06:36
acetolinerm-r_C: bah, slow internet connection, I only just managed to open that link.06:36
acetolineIt solves the problem, thanks!06:36
sportmanthanks for the link noaXess , basically its for an interior design firm, we need a way to maintain a clients list, then orgnize the clients by difernt things, a. the consultant incharge of a client, b. type of client, c. location06:37
sportmani mean im looking at maybe making a custom access database but i dunno06:37
noaXesssportman: check ganttproject... if it fits your use.. then :) no need to make a new one06:37
mjponceaccess ?06:38
mjponcereally ?06:38
sportmanmjponce: thats what they wanted06:38
sportmanbut im researching other things06:38
sportmanthis gant project looks nice06:38
noaXessand works on win and linux ;)06:38
sportmanand mac06:39
noaXessit generates xml, pdf, html,....06:39
sportmanim testing it on my mac right now06:39
noaXessany a idea, why my firefox-2 won't take my de-de language locale?06:39
noaXessi got it..06:45
noaXessi needed to delete .mozilla in my home dir..06:45
noaXessit's a fresh install.. no prob to delete the .mozilla folder06:46
Sakuiis there a reason why the Xorg server isn't restarting when I logout?06:52
rm-r_Cto restart your x server ctrl+backspace Sakui06:53
flaccidrm-r_C, thats not how you restart the X server06:55
flaccidSakui, most likely a bug06:55
navetz_how do you recursively remove?06:56
navetz_does rm -R work?06:56
navetz_if so, its not workign for me lol06:56
Sakuirm -rf [whatever]06:57
Sakuibut not rm-rf / or you'll regret it :P06:57
flaccidyes -R or -r and not -f which is force06:58
flaccidnavetz_, use the -v switch as well and advise the error06:58
rm-r_Cflaccid: it's not? i thought that is the shortcut for /etc/init.d/kdm restart06:59
mjponcerm -rf / its a hallowen theme07:00
flaccidnot at all. ctrl+alt+backspc (you left out the alt) hard kills X.07:00
Sakuiflaccid: i hate doing ctrl+alt+backspace.07:00
flaccidyeah its last resort if X hangs07:01
Sakuiwhen I logout, it just hangs.07:01
Sakuievery time.07:01
flaccidSakui, yeah like i said its most likely a bug07:02
flaccid!bugs | Sakui07:02
ubottuSakui: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots07:02
flaccidwhich driver Sakui ?07:02
rm-r_Cups yes no alt :( what's the different flaccid between kill x and /etc/init.d/kdm restart flaccid07:02
Sakuinvidia not nv07:02
flaccidrm-r_C, the shortcut does kill signal. and /etc/init.d/kdm sends a graceful signal and restarts kdm07:03
flaccidSakui, i believe there is a bug most likely still outstanding. i had a similar one with fglrx07:03
rm-r_Cok thanks flaccid i guess soft is better07:04
Sakuiwith xorg or nvidia drivers?07:04
flaccidrm-r_C, well neither if you want to logout. for that you select logout :)07:04
flaccidSakui, this is with restricted drivers nvidia and fglrx07:04
flaccidcan also relate to the order of which it calls things to die07:04
flaccidSakui, you should be able to find the bug(s) by searching launchpad07:05
Sakuii just hope kde-window-decorator is more stable.07:05
flaccidwell it should be in normal operation. i have nvidia here as well07:06
SakuiI love kubuntu except the xorg and kde-window-decorator bug.07:07
flaccidSakui, can i have a link to that bug?07:07
Sakuiumm, i think it's compiz-effects or something....someone said that they didn't give a rats butt about k07:09
noaXessi have a notebook with kubuntun 8.04 for children and want a tool to block some function, internet activities and so on.. any idea? or is kfirewall a choice?07:09
flaccidSakui, there are fixes for that. its on the wiki and other sources. its not a bug.07:09
flaccidSakui, which release are you on?07:10
flaccid!effects | saku07:11
ubottusaku: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu07:11
flaccidooops wrong person but yeah07:11
flaccidhmm where is the factoid im after07:12
flaccidSakui, kmenu --> System --> Desktop Effects or..07:13
flaccid!compiz-fusion | Sakui07:13
ubottuSakui: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion07:13
flaccidthe above link details the requirements for the window decorations to work properly on kubuntu/kde/compiz-fusion/nvidia etc.07:14
SakuiI have windows cause no 64-bit flash07:15
flaccidyep thats one of the annoying ones07:16
Sakuidoes kubuntu 8.04 support dual core?07:17
flaccidSakui, this is pretty good article too: http://www.300penguins.org/?p=907:17
Sakuiflaccid: i'm looking at it :)07:22
sportmanany of you guys get  Intel 3945abg07:24
sportmanhave you tried it Sakui07:24
sportmanwhat program should i use to connect to wifi07:28
sportmani dont see anything installed07:28
sportmanfor wifi07:28
Sakuidamn kde-window-decorator crashed07:29
sportmanthats a bummer Sakui07:29
sportmanSakui: what program should i get07:29
sportmanor something?07:30
Sakuii have no window manager now ;P07:30
sportmanhow did that happen07:30
Sakuisportman: I dunno07:30
sportmanim kinda sad07:31
sportmanmy version of kubuntu07:31
sportmanis performing quite poorly07:31
sportmangraphics are like choppy ish07:31
sportmaneven though i am running the restricted driver07:31
sportmanfor my nvidia07:31
sportmanalright reboot time07:31
sportmanwish me luck07:32
sportmanideally wifi will work07:32
sportmanwhen i reboot07:32
sportmanwireless i think works07:35
ubottuFactoid ebter not found07:36
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:36
Sakuiis there a system tray replacement for kde 3?07:39
sportman_anyone use any of the intel pro wireless cards in linux07:40
basculeSakui: like a fancy zoomy mac thing?07:40
emilsedgh_Sakui: sorry!?07:41
Sakuibascule: I guess make the icons smaller07:41
Sakuiand 2 rows07:42
bascule2 rows, no, smaller is done by adjusting the size of the panel07:42
basculeright-click -> panel menu -> configure panel07:43
Sakuibascule: that's for the taskbar not system tray07:44
basculeyou can have multiple panels as well though, you could have an auto-hiding one on the sideof th screen for example, I used to have my application icons there, but I find alt+F2 works so well I rarely find the need for icons at all now07:44
basculeoh the system tray specifically, well that should auto adjust to 2 rows (mine does)07:45
basculeI assumed you meant panel in general,sorry :)07:45
Sakuis'ok :)07:45
* sportman_ cries07:46
sportman_fucken wireless07:46
basculeI am pretty sure it just needs th epanel to be a certain height for it to go to 2 rows07:47
basculesportman_: language please :)07:47
SakuiI just hate that big arrow that it hides the icons.07:47
sportman_sorry bascule07:47
basculeSakui: turn that off07:47
sportman_bascule:  i ot the wireless light to turn on, but kwifi does nothing and i cant connect07:47
basculeSakui: in appearance -> hiding  uncheck the boxes07:48
Sakuibas: how do I hide it?07:48
basculeshow  left panel <blah>07:48
Sakuibrb -restarting x07:53
srrouter1Will running KDE on a Ubuntu server being used as a router have any negative effects? Its on 2gb ram with a 3.2ghz.08:02
=== emilsedgh__ is now known as emilsedgh
sportman_any isight drivers available yet?08:07
sportman_wrong window08:07
Sakuiso far so good08:10
srrouter1I cant remember if I asked already or not. Will running KDE on an Ubuntu Server meant for routing have any negative effect? It's running with 2gb of ram and a 3.2ghz processor.08:10
djaquaso you mean you are running kubuntu?08:11
srrouter1Well I installed from the ubuntu server ISO but installed the kubuntu-desktop package with x-windows-core08:12
srrouter1so yeah, kubuntu08:12
djaquain my own opion, i believe kde is a faster desktop and better organized08:13
srrouter1yeah I wasnt a big fan of Gnome, I use that for my personal computer.08:13
fulat2ksrrouter1: imo, it'll just use a little more ram.  just make sure you don't open any unwanted ports (rdesktop).08:13
srrouter1good call.08:14
djaquathere is such this gnome vs kde thing going on...........08:16
srrouter1KDE... mmm08:16
djaquai'm currently using kubuntu kde4 remix with kde4 4.1 beta 1 installed and i'm very happy08:17
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djaquacan't wait till final release08:17
theFATMANwhere is kommando in the menu? I can't locate it08:18
theFATMANand it is installed08:18
rm-r_Calt+F2 ---> whatever theFATMAN08:18
djaquatheFATMAN: what version?08:18
theFATMANkde 308:19
rm-r_C!info komando08:19
ubottuPackage komando does not exist in hardy08:19
rm-r_C!info komander08:19
ubottuPackage komander does not exist in hardy08:19
theFATMANrm-r_C:when i did run, it tried to pull up a website that didnt exist08:19
theFATMANrm-r_C: hey, it is available and installed, I just don't know where to find it08:20
srrouter1I don't know what I would do with out my "Menu of  important system places".. I would be lost.08:20
rm-r_Cthe apt is called komando? theFATMAN08:21
theFATMANrm-r_C: kommando08:21
rm-r_C!info kommando08:21
ubottukommando (source: kommando): a kde wheel-menu to quickly pick menu items with the mouse. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-2ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 116 kB, installed size 460 kB08:21
rm-r_Cand alt+f2 ---> kommando doesn't do anything theFATMAN08:22
theFATMANthat doesnt help08:22
rm-r_Copen a konsole and start it from there to see if there is an error theFATMAN08:23
ds187guten morgen08:24
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:24
basculeeasy tiger :)08:24
ds187rm-r_C: i know.......it was just the wrong channel for my morning greetings :-)08:25
farhad_hfhi all08:27
Sakuihow can you use a linux computer to connect to a windows computer via remote desktop?08:30
farhad_hfi have a problem with kubuntu hardy. in logout menu the only choice is logout (power off , restart  , etc are not there). when i log out kdm does not start for loging in again, once i reconfigured kdm by this command : dpkg-reconfigure kdm     but the problem didnt solve, can anybody help me?08:31
wthfSakui: i use rdesktop ...08:31
wthf!info rdesktop08:31
ubotturdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.0-3+cvs20071006 (hardy), package size 125 kB, installed size 452 kB08:31
=== srrouter1 is now known as seagan
Sakuiwthf: what software does the windows  computer need if it has Windows XP Pro?08:34
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wthfall you have to do is allow remote desktop connections on xp Sakui08:36
wthfrdesktop ip.from.xp.computer should be enough ... but read the rdesktop --help for more options Sakui08:37
eagles0513875firefox 3 is borked08:37
eagles0513875firefox is borked can anyone help me08:38
Sakuifor 100 dollars, I can :P08:38
seagandepends on what a borked firefox is i guess08:38
eagles0513875this is firefox308:39
wthfWe are the Borg. Lower your firewall and surrender your box. We will add your biological and technological08:39
wthfdistinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.08:39
eagles0513875lol offtopic08:39
wthfoh borked not borged :)08:40
=== moira is now known as akallabeth
eagles0513875it starts loading then randomly quits08:41
eagles0513875this is the first time im seeing this in 308:41
wthfeagles0513875: try killall firefox-bin and start it again ...08:43
eagles0513875says no process killed08:43
wthfok just a guess ...08:44
wthftheFATMAN: http://www.linux.com/feature/124329 Kommando usable in GNOME or Xfce08:47
theFATMANturns out it's kde only and the default is ctrl+alt+h08:47
theFATMANwthf:what's weird, is it isn't listed in the menus08:48
fulat2khi folks, i'm using ff3b5 and the applications list is empty under preferences.  all downloaded files i open from ff now opens with ktorrent.  any idea how i can fix this?08:51
JucatotheFATMAN: iirc, you have to start Kommando from System Settings -> Advanced -> Service Manager08:51
theFATMANJucato, it was already installed for me, bro, i just looked up the default on the web and...poof there it was,lol08:52
JucatotheFATMAN: um... I was telling how to run it. the last version isn't run by "kommando" in the command line or any menu entry08:53
Sakuiwthf: thanks for the rdesktop help08:53
* Jucato thought that was what you were asking about08:53
theFATMANJucato, yeah, thats what through me off, it said it wasnt there, but it was installed08:54
eritrea_I have the kubuntu 8.04 a p4c800-E motherboard and a pentium 4 chip.......my computer keeps freezing08:54
frybye_can some kind soul remind me of the gohsting command to reclaim my nick please??08:54
Jucatofrybye_: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password>08:54
frybye_tks Jucato..08:55
=== frybye_ is now known as frybye
eagles0513875Jucato: firefox3 borked for me08:55
frybyeah damn it..08:56
Jucatoeagles0513875: I saw. I don't know how to help08:56
eagles0513875it was working fine last night lol08:56
frybyeeagles - I will be happy when there is a package for the f-fox3 rc or the final comes along..08:59
FisherPriceWho knows all about samba here?08:59
frybyev3b5 makes a mess of my-yahoo.de some of the time for example..08:59
FisherPriceI have a samba question08:59
Haza1Morning folks!08:59
frybyemorning Haza109:00
frybyeFisherPrice:  shoot - the suspense is killing me...09:00
steve555Morning eagles051387509:00
frybyeFisherPrice: not that I have a clue about samba but .. there you go...09:01
eagles0513875steve555: morning09:02
Haza1So folks. I need to setup the Java_HOME variable for my system (all users). Where might i find the bash file i want to edit on Kubuntu?09:02
eagles0513875!ask | FisherPrice09:02
ubottuFisherPrice: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:02
eagles0513875now my konsole isnt working09:03
eagles0513875i borked my system09:03
eagles0513875brb goign to reboot actually09:03
frybyeeagles0513875: - and if you really must you have an image - right?09:04
frybyeif your system really is screwed - then the sencible answer is often (not always..) to recover with an image of the system particion or..?09:05
Haza1How does /etc/bash.bashrc sound?09:06
eagles0513875this is a testing/dev machine so i dont mind reinstalling09:06
frybyeeagles0513875: as you like..09:06
steve555I've just encountered a problem using Adept-Manager,I've just clicked on the Fetch Updates button and I have three updates ready to install.So I went to Adept-Updater and It downloaded the packages for me.The trouble is when it went to install them for me,it came up with the message something like"There was a problem installing updates".so I tried sudo aptitude safe upgrade,but it came up with this error:update-alternati09:10
steve555ves: unable to make /usr/lib/midbrowser/plugins/libjavaplugin.so.dpkg-tmp a symlink to /etc/alternatives/midbrowser-javaplugin.so: No such file or directory.09:10
steve555Hi patrick09:11
patrick_na wie gehts09:11
eagles0513875i fixed the problems i was having09:13
patrick_kann mir ma einer helfen bitte09:14
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:15
patrick_was ist das vĆ¼r ein pogram ich bin neu hier09:15
wthf!de | patrick_09:17
ubottupatrick_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:17
frybyePatrick - sehe pm von mich bitte/please see pm from me explaining how to change channel..09:20
frybyewie kann ich ein /list machen der nur # mit "mehr als xx usern und weniger als yy usern" machen - habe es nur vergessen ...???09:24
ActionParsnip!de | fysaen09:24
ubottufysaen: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:24
ActionParsnip!de | frybye09:24
ubottufrybye: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:24
frybyesorry.. i had trouble swtiching langauges..09:25
frybyewhich command is right for getting a /list of the channels with "more than xx users and less than yy users??"09:25
ActionParsnipfrybye: no idea, I just check the channel listing09:26
frybyesorry - I am trying to help patrick in a pm and -he- needs German - forgot to swich when I came back here..09:26
frybyea full /list can cause a crash cos too long or..09:26
frybyeok I see now there is a feature in the "conversation" gui,...09:26
ActionParsnipnp man09:27
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frybyeis it quiet here today...!!?09:44
SlimeyPeteso far, yes09:44
SlimeyPetebut it's... what... 1:45/4:45am in the U.S. and most Brits are at work09:45
SlimeyPeteso not unexpected ;)09:45
theFATMANbest way to kill a run away process in konsole?09:46
wthfman kill theFATMAN09:46
frybyeso being at work keeps one out of irc.. hmmm thats new.. heheh09:48
frybyeok ok it depends a bit I gues...09:48
frybyefor instance when one is on a job-experiance scheme - 20% doing it support in a govt. school and 80% killing time .. then... ;)09:49
frybyenot sure what it is called in English - basically a way of making it "look as if" they have less unemployed...09:50
frybyeanyhow - this is all  a bit OT09:50
squid0hi. I'm having issues with knetworkmanager :( It stays connected to my home wifi LAN while I'm logged in, but when I lock the screen for more than a few minutes, when I come back it's been disconnected, and is asking for my kwallet password. What's the story??09:50
frybyewthf in consol     ps ad|more - and then kill with the pid number or..? <did I get that right??>09:51
frybyesquid - looks like you are putting the pc into hibernation or similar...09:52
squid0frybye: sounds right, but I don't think that's happening....09:52
wthffrybye: ps aux | grep <for what ever program> yes or use top and press k to kill09:53
frybyewthf - i am lost.. dont have the background knowedlge to deal with a lota stuff...09:54
frybyewhat is top and how to use and so on???09:54
wthffrybye: all of us didn't ... use google, man and <application> --help, and irc to learn more09:55
frybyeto list the processes the ps ad or ??09:55
wthffrybye: konsole --> top09:55
frybyeoh that is cool - I gues I start slowly remembering unix stuff from way back too - like man <app> to get the docs...09:56
wthfall the application have a man page and a --help file09:56
frybyecant try anything right now - cos I am on a windows pc at work.. (work in the broadest of definitions-)09:56
frybyewhat do the letters - top - standfor in this cast - terminal something something??09:57
frybyeand when you say konsole - this is the = as control panel or terminal window or ..?09:58
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:02
FisherPriceI don't have a lot of time, but since upgrading to hardy heron my samba daemon won't load up. When i do a "sudo /etc/init.d/samba start" then "ps -A |grep smb" there's no process. Does anyone know how to fix that... I've googled it and there's nothing. I've also checked the smb.conf with "sudo testparm -s /etc/samba/smb.conf" and everything comes back OK10:13
FisherPricesorry about that before, i was called away abruptly10:14
FisherPriceand I have to disappear again for about 1hr10:14
sigma_1234whats the command to reconfigure xorg?10:27
eagles05xorg -recofigure i think10:28
darxhello folks, how can i install kde 4.1 beta?10:36
darxanybody home?10:37
ubottukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts10:59
=== Xbehave is now known as Rioting_pacifist
apparleIs the installation procedure diffrent for desktop and Alternate CD11:00
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
apparle_I have forgotten the password for my nick?11:05
Rioting_pacifistapparle yes it uses the debian installer instead of a GUI installer11:07
apparle_But is there any diffrence in the partitioning11:09
Rioting_pacifistim not sure ive only used the debain version, does the liveCD allow LVM & encryption, if so then they are the same afaik11:09
apparle_I mean to say, is there any difrence in the installation wizard11:10
Rioting_pacifistyes they use completly different tools11:11
apparle_Is there any howto for installation using alternate CD, I have only used Live Cd11:13
Rioting_pacifistnot sure its all pretty much self explanitory, depends what you want to do11:15
ActionParsnipapparle_: yeah its all pretty much there11:15
Rioting_pacifista default install is fairly simple, the installer just walks you through everything, only if your wanting to use encryption would you need a guide and even then its fairly easy to follow11:16
apparle_I am able to ghost a registerd username without any password11:16
apparle_Rioting_pacifist: I want to partition the drives manually11:17
Rioting_pacifistyeah thats fine, you can do it on liveCD too11:17
ActionParsnipapparle i believe you need password11:17
apparle_ActionParsnip: you try killing apparle without a password11:18
FisherPriceI don't have a lot of time, but since upgrading to hardy heron my samba daemon won't load up. When i do a "sudo /etc/init.d/samba start" then "ps -A |grep smb" there's no process. Does anyone know how to fix that... I've googled it and there's nothing. I've also checked the smb.conf with "sudo testparm -s /etc/samba/smb.conf" and everything comes back OK11:18
ActionParsnipFisherPrice: remove it then reinstall it11:19
apparle_Rioting_pacifist: I know how to do that with a live CD, but is there any diffrence in the method for alternate Cd11:20
Rioting_pacifistthe interface is different but not really11:20
apparle_anyone can send a screen shot11:21
ActionParsnipapparle_: with alternative i believe you can install a minimal system then apt-get what you need11:21
Rioting_pacifistby default you install the same system11:22
Rioting_pacifistapple_ no the debian installer doesnt run in X so i dont know how to get a screenshot11:22
ActionParsnipRioting_pacifist: got a camera?11:22
apparle_ActionParsnip: Tried ghosting apparle11:23
FisherPriceActionParsnip: Do you mean to purge it?11:23
ActionParsnipive no idea what that is11:23
FisherPriceis in completely remove it11:23
ActionParsnipFisherPrice: no as that will remove settings. just remove it11:24
=== ibrahim_ is now known as Opairah
apparleHow to update form gutsy to hardy remix11:33
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:34
eagles05dont think u can upgrade right to remix11:34
eagles05i know u can upgrade to hardy with 3.5 then install 4 then remove 3.511:34
apparlethat's not fair11:35
apparleRAM requirement for running remix(KDE4) smoothly11:36
=== beast_ is now known as beast__
eagles05apparle: not sure bout ram requirement11:40
eagles05apparle: ur better off doing a clean install11:40
eagles05i have run into problems in the past not sure bout the new upgrade method11:40
apparleI am going for clean install for hardy remix, is 447MB RAM enough to run system smoothly11:42
eagles05apparle: if u look on the website even for 3.5 u need a min of 32011:43
eagles05apparle: fyi the swap partition should be double the amountof ram u have11:43
apparleAnyone who is using KDE4 please tell me their RAM11:45
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo11:52
FisherPriceActionParsnip: thanks11:52
apparleAnyone using hardy remix11:55
Dr_willisWife picked me up a switch at a sale.. it says its a 'fast' switch.. is that 100 speed? or 1000?11:55
=== michael_ is now known as ldmherls78
Dr_willisapparle,  ive used kde4 a little bit. :)  the more  i use kde4.. the more i want to go back to gnome.. :P11:55
apparlewhy do you say so??11:56
Dr_willisLets see... parts of kde4 constantly crashing... never sure what part.. but parts..  the 'improved' menu seems to take me 2x as long to find anything..  and i dont really gain anything by using kde4.. at this time. :) and yes i know it will get better.11:57
Dr_willisbut for now - i am using JWM + rox filer :)11:57
apparleDr_willis: I have 512MB Ram do you think KDE4 will run smoothly12:05
flaccidapparle: it will run fine. kde4 can run faster than kde312:06
Dr_willis_No idea apparle. Even my laptops have 2+gb ram here. :)12:07
flaccid!installatin | apparle12:08
ubottuFactoid installatin not found12:08
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:08
flaccid!requirements | apparle12:09
ubottuapparle: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu12:09
flaccidthats the one12:09
eagles05flaccid: yo12:11
Dr_willis_Hmmm...  http://goosh.org/       thats.. interesting. :)12:19
Dr_willis_whats up..12:20
millakHow can I connect to different wlans without using knetworkmanager / kwallet?12:29
millaksome applets have trouble at startup because they have to wait for me to open the wallet and I get annoying error messages12:30
millakor, can I set kwallet to be open at startup?12:31
Dr_willis_I thouhgt it had that feature12:32
millaknot straight at it's config window at least12:32
millakbut I'll google it a bit, see if there are more options in a config file or something12:32
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:36
jonathan_since i am using compiz with my kubuntu 8.04 the system crashs often... sometimes directly after booting, sometimes after i opened some programs and other times just while doing nothing ^^... I don't think a acten i made is the reason for this crashes. What happens: The keybord and mouse is dead (no shortcuts work) and the desctop freezes: Only the last shown image befor the crash (including the unmovable mouse) is shown. the only12:38
jonathan_oportunity i have is to restart the system with the reset-button on my pc.12:38
jonathan_does anyone know what causes the problem?12:38
jonathan_oh and all the other time compiz works VERY nice without problems :)12:39
Dr_willis_so if compiz is disabled - it never locks up?12:40
Dr_willis_no it never locks up? or No it does lockup. :)12:41
sternamy compiz is very stable, but my bzflag client segfaults regularly when running under compiz :)12:42
jonathan_it never locks up ;)12:42
sternaalt-f2 gg:bzflag12:42
Dr_willis_I would have to say that points to either a compiz issue, or a video card driver+compiz issue. or perhaps a video card overheating issue..12:43
Rioting_pacifistis it better to install generic or linux-amd64-k8   on an AMD64 turion ?12:43
jonathan_hm i've never heard of this gam12:43
Dr_willis_Drive around in tanks blowing people away. :)12:43
Dr_willis_!info bzflag12:44
ubottubzflag (source: bzflag): a 3D first person tank battle game. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 10226 kB, installed size 13660 kB12:44
jonathan_hm ok ^^ i had a lot of problems with the installing of my ati driver ^^ i think fucking ati card is the problem again... i will NEVER BUY A SHIT ATI CARD AGAIN ^^ sorry...12:44
jonathan_i gonna eat somethin ^^12:44
Dr_willis_ATI. :)  its only just now under hardy - i was able to get compiz working with my ati x200m12:45
sternaATI's at least getting better12:45
sternathey're slowly releasing specs to their chipsets12:45
Dr_willis_well -  thats debateable... :)   ive not seen where their new specs have helped much yet.12:46
Rioting_pacifistjonathan_: im on ati to so it might just be ati but generally compiz has problems with DRI so 3d games dont run too well, try togelling DR for the game12:46
sternathe free driver is getting much better12:46
Dr_willis_I think nvidia and ati both need slapped untill they allow  the disrto makers to include the drivers with no legal hassles.. :()12:46
sternanot fglrx though12:46
sternabut they're not really committed, everything is going forward much slower than we'd like12:47
Rioting_pacifistStalmanists will kill me for this but ATI releasing there spec means little compaired to Nvidia providing useable drivers12:47
sternanot really12:47
sternanvidia doesn't even work with xorg 1.512:47
sternawhich is a real problem for fedora 912:48
Rioting_pacifistreally, well i only used ubuntu at home but nvidia never gave any problems12:49
apple_hello everyone!12:50
Rioting_pacifistbut i got stuck with an ATI in this laptop and well things arnt so good12:50
Dr_willis_Im noticeing more  laptops with Intel and Nvidia chips at the stores.12:50
Rioting_pacifisti needed a replacement to my intel laptop fast and just took this one, its not great the CD drive can fall out i think thats crashes X for me a couple of times without me having a clue whats happend12:52
apple_to change a new one.12:53
apple_it's the best way.12:53
reesewhen I try to build apps, it can't find the X inclued. so which packages do I have to install?12:56
reeseX includes*12:57
Picireese: xorg-dev iirc12:57
ubottuWhen a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following package: xorg-dev12:57
Dr_willis_!find xorg-dev12:57
ubottuFound: libglu1-xorg-dev, xorg-dev, xserver-xorg-dev12:57
Picixorg-dev is a metapackage12:57
reesethanks. what's this "iirc"?12:58
Picireese: if I recall correctly12:58
Dr_willis_ if I recall correctly ... iirc is....  if I recall correctly12:59
reeseoh, ok :)12:59
reeseanother issue: I've installed restricted-manager-kde through jockey-common. but in 8.04 I can't find it anymore in System Settings/Advanced. how do I run it?13:00
Dr_willis_I just run     jockey-gtk  or   jockey-kde13:04
Dr_willis_They changed the name of it in the menus i think.13:04
reesethank you again13:06
felix_eriddell: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/upgrade2.png referenced from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu is dead13:09
jonathan_and how can i toggle dr for 3d-games?13:10
jonathan_or dri13:10
Riddellfelix_e: hrm13:11
RiddellI don't think I have a copy of that13:11
felix_eprobably not the best idea to link to an image from a "tmp" folder from the official docs :)13:12
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
ubottuFactoid acerhk not found13:22
Haza1Hey there again folks. How might i go about create (windows like) shortcuts to .sh files for execution?13:29
Haza1I want to create two shortcuts for apache tomcat, startup and shutdown :)13:29
jaweeon KDE, just take and drag the sh file to somewhere else like your desktop13:30
jaweewhen yuo let go, slect Link here from the option list13:30
Haza1Oh really13:30
jaweeI believe that should work13:30
erythrocyteanyone here ever tried adobe's flash 10 plugin on opera? was wondering if it works13:32
Dr_willis_given how flakey flash can be... I aint even going to LOOK at flash 10 for a long time13:36
erythrocyteDr_willis: i hear ya :)13:36
erythrocytehey can kooka do multipage pdfs? was wondering if there's a howto anywhere to do it13:38
apple_install linux13:42
Tophatim having an issue with my kubuntu installation, i updated to kde4 and now i can't find any of my programs that im installing (I.E. firefox) not in the applications menu anywhere13:42
apple_i want to install linux from hdd,but it get into emergency shell.who can tell me how to get init to the normal modle!13:43
=== sredna2 is now known as sredna
srednabroken Ā¤%#Ā¤&%/%&13:46
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erythrocytehello? is there a way to create a multipage pdf on kooka anyone?13:50
frybyeafter reading a man document in the terminal window - how do I exit it and return to a prompt?13:54
frybyeerythrocyte: I was reading man kooka .. did you try kooka --help-all   ??13:54
Pennycookfrybye: q13:54
frybyecontrol q or..?13:55
PennycookJust q.13:55
frybyetks penny..13:55
erythrocytefrybe: lemme try that and get back13:56
frybyeerythrocyte: what format does it normally produce..??13:58
erythrocytefrybye: unfortunately neither the manual nor the man page has anything13:58
erythrocytethat command didn't provide any relevant info13:58
frybyeI had never heard of the programme - am a newbie in some respects...13:58
ubottuFactoid acer not found13:58
frybyeperhaps someone else .. did you ask google???13:58
erythrocytefrybye: well, normally when you scan an image it lists out a host of options png, postscript, etc....everything except pdf13:59
frybyepdf is one of the last options one can find mostly.. they have to liscence some code from adobe or...?13:59
erythrocytefrybye: yes i did...and the only pdf related stuff i came across was that apparently kde progs use a pdf printer...13:59
frybyea converter will be the way I guess...13:59
erythrocytethe thing is to output a pdf, you need to goto File>Print and then select the pdf printer14:00
erythrocytebut i don't know what to do for it to combine all my scanned images14:00
erythrocytei just switched to xsane out of the frustration14:00
srednais it known that 32bit firefox with 32bit java is broken on 64bit systems?14:00
Rioting_pacifistsredna: its not, well it wasnt when i was on gutsy14:01
srednaRioting_pacifist: since today i can not use my web bank, which is my sole reason for having ff at all :-(14:01
Rioting_pacifistdoes it completly not work?14:03
frybyesredna - there are ways of installing ff3 on 64x system - a sys-eng did it here for me...14:03
srednafrybye: so what?14:03
frybyenot sure if the java is 32bit .. (i am a relative newbie..)14:03
srednaRioting_pacifist: something else does, not my bank14:03
frybyeso what - you were saying that it dosent work or..?14:03
* sredna would prefer konqueror having secure java support14:04
srednafrybye: why would i want ff3?14:04
frybyethe same reason as a few million other users I guess..14:04
frybye<--- is not looking for an argument this afternoon - at 32Ā°C it is just too hot for that...14:05
Rioting_pacifisthow do you no its java and not your bank14:05
srednaff generally sucks at rendering webpages, compared to khtml or webkit :-)14:06
srednaeven to ie814:06
frybyehad very little trouble with ff3 b5 but as you wish...14:06
srednamy bank simply makes the sucker freeze :(14:07
erythrocytesredna: doesn't konq have a security manager for java?14:07
frybyeI am going to fly around a bit to relax - bye folks - run flight gear... whooosh....14:07
Rioting_pacifistcba with this but generally that's not true ff renders more pages fine, sure it doesnt have the same fonts as webkit ect but each to thier own14:08
theFATMAN_how do you make the windows translucent? the actual windows, not just the border14:10
Rioting_pacifisttheFATMAN_ is this with compiz or just kde14:10
Rioting_pacifistalt + scroll14:11
theFATMAN_lol, its always somethin simple.....is there a way to keep the borders the same?14:12
Rioting_pacifisti dont think so, maybe emerald has an option somewhere but i doubt it compiz isnt as option friendly as beryl was14:14
theFATMAN_i'll look, recreating the theme from the kid in die hard 414:14
theFATMAN_his desktop14:14
BluesKaj!compiz | theFATMAN14:15
ubottutheFATMAN: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion14:15
theFATMAN_BluesKaj: too little too late homie, i know the biz, thanx tho14:15
BluesKajtheFATMAN I should have quoted this : further help in #compiz-fusion14:16
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simihow i change in the file manager (delphin) to open folders and fies using double click not single click?14:21
jaweesimi: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/disable-single-click-opening-of-files-in-kde/14:22
simijawee: thx14:25
hadacki need14:26
jaweesimi: You're welcome :)14:26
hadackabout kubuntu14:26
nosrednaekimhadack: ask... on one line14:28
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* genii hands nosrednaekim a coffee14:29
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=== Tophat is now known as Tophat-Awayyyy
JuJuBeeIn the process of trying to tweak my ATI dual head setup, I am afraid I hosed it completely.  I have, what appears to be a dual head setup up to the login screen.  Mouse moves across the desktop between 2 monitors.  Right after I press login, it reverts to cloning.  Can someone assist?14:36
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JuJuBeeCan someone assist with an ATI dual head issue?15:04
geniiJuJuBee: If kdm is ok, settings in your xorg.conf must be overriding. Perhaps put the relatively empty one back in that is the default one.15:06
JuJuBeegenii : I have tried to go back, still not working.15:07
JuJuBeeI have dual up to login screen, but soon as I login, goes to clone15:07
JuJuBeegenii : do I need the ATI drivers from ATI or with the ubuntu ones do?15:09
JuJuBeeI would like to start fresh if possible15:09
geniiJuJuBee: Usually the packaged ones are fine.15:10
JuJuBeeHow do I get back to them>?  I have installed the AIT ones already15:10
JuJuBeeI made a copy of my xorg.conf right after the last fresh install of 7.0415:11
geniiJuJuBee: sudo apt-get install --reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx15:11
geniiWill put ati15:12
=== JanMalte is now known as hans
=== hans is now known as JanMalte
ravHello. I just installed Smb4k on Kubuntu, and using the same config options as a Fedora 8 box connected to the network, I can't connect with mine. What could be the problem?15:14
hadackdes nouvelles sur Ubuntu15:18
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:18
=== hadack is now known as ArkanToa
geniiApologies on lag. Work needed me15:19
avihaybI'm heaving some trouble with an LG burner. has anyone heard anything about that?15:23
jaweeexpound. I have an LG burner with no problems.15:23
ravare there compatibility issues between different versions of Smb4k? Another box with v.0.8.6 can connect, but I can't with v.0.9.315:24
avihaybthe damn thing won't let me mount some disks, while others, it would mount but only partialy read them15:24
avihaybsome files (few) read fine, while others produce IO errors...15:25
geniirav: Is the kubuntu box network settings manually configured or is it on dhcp or so?15:25
ravgenii: the kubuntu is on a wireless network, using dhcp. the other is on a cable15:26
BiteyBite!sticky keys15:27
ubottuFactoid sticky keys not found15:27
avihaybentering some folders on them causes some programs to lock, the drive to lock, and the only way to shutdown the system that seems to work is via the shutdown command, only the shutdown process won't end because it's always buisy with trying to read logical block 176....15:27
geniirav: And they are on compatible range?15:27
ravgenii: yes. I can get into each of the machines apache pages from the other. but the Kubuntu smb network browser shows nothing15:29
BiteyBitemy numlock button is behaving opposite to what it shud..any idea how to fix it15:29
John_SIf I'm trying to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy through the update manager, is there a way to stop it and resume later? Or do I have to lose what I've all ready downloaded and start over?15:29
geniirav: Does it work if you switch to wired on that same box?15:31
nosrednaekimit wshould save what you have downloaded so far15:31
BiteyBitemy numlock button is behaving opposite to what it shud..any idea how to fix it?15:31
BiteyBiteor can some one tell me from where i get access to sticky keys option?15:31
ravgenii: I just used smb://  on Konqueror and it worked. It might be a problem of the Smb4k user interface15:32
geniirav: Google is spitting back lots of results indicating Knetworkmanager and smb4k don't play nice together15:35
errpastBiteyBite, xen and xmodmap will help you know what your keys are mapped to15:35
geniirav: Also old but perhaps relevent http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220912    maybe check properties of these files15:36
ravgenii: I tried to browse through Dolphin, and I got a message saying that it can't find any workgroups, maybe because an active firewall15:39
Haza1How come when i move to another desktop i can still see my open windows in other desktops in the taskbar?15:39
Haza1Is there a setting i can change?15:40
geniirav: Did you install some firewal like Firestarter or Watchdog?15:41
BiteyBiteerrpast: when i turn off numlock i can type numerics from number pad n if i turn it on it doesnt type anything from there.any idea what might be cusing it?15:41
ravgenii: i don't know much about iptables, so I use Kmyfirewall with the default config. From what I can gather, the problem is that I can't see the workgroup. I can go into the machines if I type their address directly15:43
BiteyBitehow do i deactivate all sticky keys?15:45
nosrednaekimsystem settings somewhere :P15:45
geniirav: I'm thinking this is likely the issue then. Perhaps read up on the iptables and make a rule allowing internal LAN ips trusted access to each other15:46
helpyi am running kubuntu in virtual box and it is not detecting usb and superdrive15:50
helpyany ideas ? i have set virtual box options but it still won't work15:50
Odd-rationalehelpy: try asking in #vbox15:51
helpyi want to burn kubuntu image on usb to dvd to install kubuntu15:51
helpyits a kubuntu question15:51
nosrednaekimno... its a Vbox questions15:51
Agent_bobhelpy it's a vbox Q15:51
Odd-rationalehelpy: you want to burn the kubuntu iso to dvd?15:52
helpylets talk about a kubuntu question now. i have installed compiz but i am not seeing any effects in kubuntu15:52
helpyyes Odd-rationale15:52
helpymy windows vista has some problems detecting the super drive15:52
Agent_bobhelpy that's not a kubuntu Q either15:52
Agent_bob!compiz | helpy15:52
ubottuhelpy: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion15:52
helpyAgent_bob if you dont want to help, dont speak.15:53
Odd-rationalehelpy: well, if you have the iso, you can burn it to a dvd. be sure to burn the image of the iso, not the iso itself.15:53
Odd-rationalehelpy: what version of kubuntu?15:53
helpyubottu there is an option in kubuntu under desktop effects15:53
helpyyou can install compiz and run the effects15:53
nosrednaekimhelpy: if you are running kubuntu instaide Vbox, no you can't get effects15:53
helpywhy not ?15:53
nosrednaekimno 3d acceleration15:53
Agent_bobhelpy i'm trying to help you.   it seems that the first problem you are having is in determining where to look for help...15:54
helpyi wanted to install as main system on my laptop but k3b isn't detecting my super drive15:54
helpyso i can't burn iso on dvd and boot from it15:54
Odd-rationalehelpy: dont burn the iso from the virtual machine...15:55
Odd-rationaledownload the iso on your main system and burn it from there...15:55
helpythats the problem. vista is giving me nightmares15:55
helpyit won't burn images on dvd for some weird reason15:55
steve555Hi everyone15:55
helpyi hate MS15:55
helpyi burned image from linux puppy and it worked fine15:56
geniiPerhaps you have a cdrom image15:56
Odd-rationalehelpy: try using this for vista? http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm15:56
Picihelpy: fyi, ubottu is a bot.15:56
helpyi have 3 of them Odd-rationale15:56
helpyisorecorder, magic iso and active burner15:57
Odd-rationalehelpy: how did you burn the puppy linux image...15:57
helpyon a friends laptop15:57
Haza1This might be a silly question but how do i create a link to a .sh file to execute. Its pretty annoying having to open up a terminal, navigate to the .sh location and run the ./myApp.sh15:57
helpyand i am waiting for him to come and do it again for kubuntu image15:57
Odd-rationalehelpy: well, you could always order a kubuntu cd for free...15:58
Odd-rationalei gtg now bye!15:58
helpyyea and wait for a week15:58
Agent_bobHaza1 ln -s source.sh dest.link15:58
Agent_bobHaza1 right click drag and drop ?15:59
Agent_bobvanella right click creat new shortcut16:00
Agent_boberr link16:00
Agent_bobHaza1 in short, symbolic links can have any name, be eitherr relative or exact in path, and point at anything.16:01
ravgenii: I changed the iptables to accept smb. Now I can see the workgroup in Konqueror and Dolphin, but Smb4k still doesn't work. Thanks for the help.16:01
Haza1Agent_bob: Cheers for the info. :)16:02
geniirav: np. Hope it gets sorted out.16:02
Agent_bobHaza1 and man ln   for all the fun details.   welcome.16:02
geniiAgent_bob: I'm wondering why he doesn't just specify the path of the .sh file when running it16:03
Haza1Yeah, i think the problem is something else.. I can even run this app unless i do it though a terminal16:04
Haza1permissions maybe?16:04
Agent_bobgenii yeah that was the first thing that came to my mind too,  but he was specific in his Q so i was somewhat specific in what i addressed.16:04
Agent_bobHaza1 chmod can change permissions  and chown can change ownership16:05
Haza1yeah, my user owns the file(s)16:05
Haza1and to test16:05
Haza1i dod chmod 777 -R /folder16:05
Agent_bobls -l can list it's owner and perms16:05
Agent_bobwell 777 is world read/write/exec  so it's not a perms/owner issue.16:06
Agent_bobi would sujest not leaving it 777 tho.  that's a security hole.16:06
Haza1Hehehe, damn right Agent_bob :)16:06
Agent_bob755 maybe16:06
Agent_bobHaza1 this is a shell script ?    does the first line look something like   #!/bin/sh       ?16:09
haryonoany one can help me a new kubuntu user?16:10
* Agent_bob points out that linux has traditionally not used file name (extentions) to determine what to do with them.16:10
Agent_bobbut that some gui junk does use filenames and mime types16:11
nosrednaekimharyono: whats the problem?16:11
Haza1Agent_bob: I will just check16:11
haryonoany one can help me pls16:11
ubunturos!ask | haryono16:12
ubottuharyono: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:12
* Agent_bob quickly renames all his executables to *.txt16:12
Haza1Agent_bob: Its just firering up Java with a load of arguments16:12
haryonoubunturos..how to make my KOntact and webcam active?16:12
Agent_bobHaza1 try adding the header    #!/bin/bash      see if it helps.16:13
ubunturosharyono: I don't quite understand what you mean by activating Kontact.16:13
haryonotheres program called Kontact in Kubuntu..for Personal Inforfmation Manager..it is lost16:14
ubunturosharyono: lost from the menu? (and for the webcam, you need to find, its compatibility)16:14
ubunturos!webcam | haryono:16:14
ubottuharyono:: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:14
Haza1Agent_bob: Hmm, no change there mate. Don't worry yourself over it though mate. I have a feeling the app is toasted anyway =/16:15
haryonoYes exactly thats my problem to get the Kontact back and the webcam run16:15
haryonoMy webcam driveris Zc0301 is it compatible for Kubuntu?16:15
nosrednaekimharyono: press "alt+f2" and run "kontact"16:16
haryononosred..thanks i try16:16
ubunturosharyono: see the link provided by ubottu, to know if your webcam is compatible16:16
Agent_bobHaza1 here's a simple test scritp.  you can use it to see what your gui is doing when you click a script.  it may not be opening a terminal but running them in the background.   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d411250e416:17
=== Tophat-Awayyyy is now known as Tophat
haryononosred..what should i type on the dialog box for ...run?16:17
Agent_bobjust a thought ^16:17
Haza1Agent_bob: Not a bad idea at all16:18
Haza1To be honest even when i run the application via a terminal i het some lovely java exceptions! :D16:18
JuJuBeeAnybody know how to reinstall libGL.so? it seems to be missing...16:19
steve555JuJuBee,which graphics drivers are you using?16:20
geniiJuJuBee: No, it's the ATI is looking for it when the actual file is libGL.so.116:20
khaije1hey anyone recommend a company for personal vps hosting?16:20
geniiharyono: kontact16:20
nosrednaekimharyono: put kontact in there16:20
JuJuBeeWhen I try to run Amarok, I get error... amarokapp: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:20
JuJuBeeIt does exist in /usr/lib/xorg16:21
Agent_bobkONTACT <<< no caps16:21
nosrednaekimJuJuBee: did you manually install the ati drivers?16:21
Agent_bobharyono everthing in linux is case sensitive    even irc  please don't shout16:21
geniijust kontact              not Kontact or so16:21
JuJuBeedo I need a link somewhere?16:22
nosrednaekimJuJuBee: did you do it by generating the debs?16:22
JuJuBeeI have /usr/lib/libGL.so  and /usr/lib/xorg/libGL.so.116:22
haryonoAgent Bob....i had type kONTACT in the dialog box after i press alt n f2 but it didnt run16:22
nosrednaekimah ha.... uninstall those debs and isntall it with just the ./installer.run ... for some reason the debs don't put the GL libs in the right place16:23
geniiAgent_bob: Ever get the feeling there's a communication breakdown? ;)16:23
Agent_bobharyono that's because   kontact != kONTACT16:23
Agent_bobgenii all the time.16:23
=== ubuntu is now known as rEdrUm
Agent_bobgenii bable still at work16:23
=== rEdrUm is now known as rEdrUm76
haryonoAgent Bob i did exactly like u said..but it didnt ru16:24
rEdrUm76hi all16:24
JuJuBeenosrednaekim : It took me forever to get the dual head setup working, I don't want to screw it up now... is there another way?16:24
steve555Hi rEdrUm7616:24
Agent_bobharyono open a terminal and type into it      kontact        then show us both the command you typed and the following lines     use pastebin please.16:24
Agent_bob!paste | haryono16:25
ubottuharyono: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:25
haryonoAgent Bob..what is terminal..?16:25
* Agent_bob head desk16:25
geniiJuJuBee: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/xorg/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/libGL.so.116:25
ubunturosharyono: press Alt+F2 and type 'konsole'16:25
haryonoAgent Bob head desk..?16:25
JuJuBeegenii : no go.16:26
Agent_bobharyono a terminal is more specifically a terminal emulator program  which gives you a common linux shell within the running GUI    wikipidia might be your friend.16:27
JuJuBeeAmarok still complains it is missing.16:27
geniiharyono: After you put the word               kontact               in the alt-f2 window, and you clicked the Run button on bottom right, what exact message did it say?16:27
nosrednaekimJuJuBee: find where those debs put the libGL16:27
haryonogenii..it said itc ouldnt run16:27
haryonoubunturos i had type konsole and it appear black dialog box..said haryono-desktop....what next?16:28
Agent_bob   ^  that's a terminal.16:29
ubunturosharyono: type 'kontact' (all in small cases) and report what it says16:29
* genii makes more coffee and slides Agent_bob some Advils16:29
haryonoubunturos next?16:29
Agent_bobgenii ty.16:29
geniiAgent_bob: np16:29
nosrednaekimharyono: you have to hit enter fter typeing that.16:29
* Agent_bob passes the advil on to nosrednaekim "here you'll need this"16:30
haryononosred it said kontact : command not found..next..?16:30
* nosrednaekim says no-thanks.... and removes the source of his headache :P16:30
Agent_bobharyono ok.   in the same terminal type this;  sudo apt-get install --reinstall kontact16:31
nosrednaekimharyono: ok, now run from the konsole window "sudo apt-get install kontact"16:31
geniiAgent_bob: Beat me to it!16:31
geniinosrednaekim: You too16:31
Agent_bobbetter use --reinstall switch.16:31
Agent_bobit may be installed but broken.16:31
haryononosred i did16:32
* nosrednaekim gives genii some coffee.... "letting you do stupid things faster for hundreds of years"16:32
nosrednaekimharyono: and?16:32
* genii sips16:32
nosrednaekimharyono: what did it say/do?16:32
JuJuBeeAh,had to create a link to libGL.so.1.2 for libGL.so and libGL.so.116:32
JuJuBeeThank god for backups...16:32
geniiJuJuBee: I remember it was something along those lines16:32
Agent_bobharyono run    kontact    again.16:33
sgrahamjesus h christ on a popcycle stick16:34
sgrahamfinally figured it out16:34
haryononosred i had type sudo apt get install -reinstall kontact....next?16:34
geniienter key16:34
ubunturoshe means, press the enter key haro16:35
ubunturoshe means, press the enter key haryono,16:35
nosrednaekimharyono: hit the enter key of course...16:35
ads_hi i hate to have to ask this question but samba isnt working. both client and server are ubuntu, i can view shares on the server but im asked for a username and password. i created the password on the server using "smbpasswd -a myusername" and added a password ; however this password wont let me in?!!!   any help pls..16:35
Agent_bobharyono run    kontact    again.   see if the message changes.   or if kontact now runs16:35
haryonoAgent Bob..it said..Command line option is not known...next...?16:36
Agent_bobthen you added to much16:36
Agent_bobharyono only this one word in the terminal;   kontact16:36
haryonoI follow nosred16:36
Agent_bobok.   he's all yours.16:37
=== bibekshrestha is now known as bibstha
nosrednaekimAgent_bob: I could use some tylenol as well16:37
haryonoI type kontact n said Command not found16:37
nosrednaekimharyono: ok, back with that "sudo apt-get install --reinstall kontact" command type it in and hit enter16:38
nosrednaekimwithout the " marks of course16:38
ads_samba help  anyone?   why do passwords mismatch after setting with "smbpasswd -a username"16:38
nosrednaekimads_: caps lock?16:38
ads_nope  sorry wish it was that simple nosrednaekim16:38
ads_i set the password correctly the mismatch is on the server16:39
haryononosred i did ...it said reinstall is not known16:39
nosrednaekimah ok16:39
ads_i.e  "smbpasswd -a my username"   followed by setting password    does not translate to the correct password on the server16:39
ads_any ideas?16:40
nosrednaekimthen just do "sudo apt-get install kontact"16:40
nosrednaekimads_: sorry, never did samba.16:40
ads_thanks anyway nosrednaekim16:40
haryononosred i did ..n said...Package kontact has no installation candidate...next..?16:41
Agent_bobbologna   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d77db324e16:42
Agent_bobsounds like kde4  and another tail chasing exracise16:43
NullNam1ļ»æHELP! I needed to reinstall SAMBA on ubuntu 8.04, so I deslected SAMBA from "marked packages" in synaptic( the dozen or so services that are easily installed by checking and clicking apply)    I then noticed that /etc/samba still existed, so I removed the directory and all sub directories with "rm -r'   Now when I try to reinstall SAMBA, I get an error that states it can't find the samba config file.   THANks!16:43
Agent_bobharyono are you running kde4 on hardy ?16:43
haryonomy problem of loosing kontact because I remove ..can add back ...?16:44
haryonoAgent Bob i run Kubuntu16:45
Agent_bobNullNam1 you are surposed to use -P --purge   not rm  to take care of configs.16:45
ubunturosharyono: which version of Kubuntu?16:45
nosrednaekimharyono: ok, then run this "sudo apt-get update"16:45
haryonoubunturos how may i know?16:46
ubunturosharyono: in that same terminal, type 'lsb_release -a' (without quotes)16:46
haryononosred..command not found ...next?16:47
NullNam1Agent_Bob, yea I think I did that first.....but then used rm -r....I know now...anything I can do?16:47
nosrednaekimharyono: did you remove the quotes?16:47
ubunturosharyono: are you sure, you are typing without the quotes?16:47
haryonoubunturos  i follow u16:47
haryonoubunturos sure16:47
Agent_bobNullNam1 ok.  lets see if we can sort it out.    open konsole and run; sudo -i16:47
ubunturosharyono: ok. so what did lsb_release -a return?16:47
diversantharigunda from russian!!!16:48
haryonoit said..ubuntu 7.10  gutsy16:48
diversantwhat you say, mf?16:48
diversanthello from russian m a f i a16:49
ads_NullNam1: any ideas why  using "smbpasswd -a myusername" followed by a password                   when i log into the share it cant validate with what i specified in the       "smbpasswd -a"???16:49
NullNam1ok one sec16:49
ubunturosharyono: ok. Press "Alt+F2" and type "kontact"16:49
haryonoubunturos ok16:50
haryonoit said could not run specified command16:50
ubunturosharyono: ok, so type, 'konsole' (in that same run box)16:51
NullNam1ads: Sorry don't know...Having SAMBA issues myself...new to this protocol...I like SSH much better, but don't have that choice16:51
NullNam1Agent-Bob...I'm ready16:51
Agent_bobNullNam1 now; dpkg --configure -a      #if it errors pastebin the errors.16:51
haryonoubunturos..u mean after kontact...konsole..?16:51
nosrednaekimubunturos: we already went through this16:51
ubunturosnosrednaekim: ah, so, he doesn't have it installed16:51
ubunturosnosrednaekim: a install / re-install was also tried?16:52
nosrednaekimubunturos: yeah... and I think his package lists aren't complete... kontact wasn't available16:52
haryonoubunturos..where should i type that..?16:52
NullNam1Agent_Bob: Please hold for a pastebin16:52
ubunturosharyono: wait for a min.16:52
ads_NullNam1:  no doubt  .. i only use ssh and x forwarding but i need samba for filesharing   i.e a media server for my win user flatmates!!!!    **sigh :(16:52
haryononosred..it was available in my list ..but i removed from add/ removed program unintended16:53
Agent_bobNullNam1 k.  sec.16:53
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ubunturosharyono: Press "ALT+F2" and type kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list (you'll see a text editor open up)16:53
haryonoubunturos ok16:54
NullNam1ads: That's why I'm using SAMBA as well.  It is great for my roommates...they don't have to type in passwords......try a windows program called SCP...It's a graphical file transfer program that uses ssh.16:54
Agent_bobNullNam1 type; mv /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.back ;ln -s /bin/true /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ;dpkg --configure -a16:55
haryonoubunturos..no command suplied16:55
ads_can any1 tell me why setting a samba user details with   "smbpasswd -a myusername"  (and setting the corresponding password on the server) is not the correct login details for the share???16:55
Agent_bobNullNam1 you can copy paste that into the konsole ^16:55
ubunturosharyono: no command? I didn't understand that. Did it return an error?16:55
NullNam1sure one moment Agent_Bob16:55
haryonoubunturos when i type that in the dialog box..or u meant in the terminal?16:56
nosrednaekimubunturos: you have to enclose the command in quotes I think...16:56
NullNam1it set up 3 services with NO errors16:56
nosrednaekimharyono: it will work better from the terminal16:56
ubunturosnosrednaekim: no need to enclose them in quotes, afair16:56
nosrednaekimin the run command dialog, I think you do need to16:56
NullNam1Agent_Bob:  Should it be working now? No errors is good, right?16:56
Agent_bobNullNam1 ok we need to undo the hack so;  rm /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ;mv /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.back /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d16:57
ubunturosnosrednaekim: no, I just tried it out. Doesn't require quotes16:57
nosrednaekimhmm ok16:57
ubunturosharyono: where did you type it out?16:57
Agent_bobNullNam1 yes no error means no error.   but it's probably not running yet.16:57
haryononosred ok i try.l.it was typed after i press alt n f2 dialog box16:57
NullNam1Agent_Bob:okay, Iran the rm command.16:58
ubunturosharyono: ok. DId you get a prompt to input a password?16:58
Agent_bobNullNam1 the full line    both rm and mv ?16:58
haryonoi type in dialog box after i press alt n f216:58
ubunturosharyono: ok, did you get a input box asking for passowrd?16:59
haryonoubunturos ..no prompt like that16:59
ubunturosharyono: :-/ ...16:59
Agent_bobNullNam1 ffr the simicolon is a command seperator in the shell    blah1 ;blah2    runs blah1 and when it ends it runs blah2.   just so you know.16:59
NullNam1Agent_Bob:   I actually have bash scripting experience, so luckily you don't have to hold my hand.  Thanks for  being specific though.16:59
nosrednaekimhello nado16:59
Agent_bobNullNam1 ok; /etc/init.d/smb* start16:59
nadodoes anybody know how to remove a label from a track in amarok?16:59
haryonoubunturos..cant i get the add/ removed program list back for kontact..?17:00
Agent_bobNullNam1 k   we get a lot in there that have no clue,  i wasn't trying to be condesending17:00
ubunturosharyono: in the K Menu, do you see "Add/Remove Programs"17:00
ads_apologies for the re-posting   but incase someone may help:      using "smbpasswd -a myusername"  is not the correct information for the login details   any reason why this is?????17:00
haryonoubunturos that was the problem started17:00
ubunturosharyono: huh? I17:01
haryonoubunturos..i removed kontact from add/ removed list unintende..17:02
NullNam1Agent_Bob:  I understand, I was just letting you know as well...I appreciate the help.  It's not being found. -bash: /etc/init.d/smb*: No such file or directory17:02
ubunturosharyono: ok, so start "Add/Remove Programs" again, and search for kontact17:02
Agent_bobads_ if you fail to get help on that here  you can ask in  #ubuntu   or  ##linux17:02
haryonoubunturos ok i try17:02
Agent_bobNullNam1 hmmm check the dir see if there is a samba   something in there and run it with option start17:03
Agent_bobNullNam1 i don't use samba so i don't know what they called the startup script.17:03
helpywheres that guy who told me about wuber ?17:04
Agent_bobNullNam1 tab complete it17:04
helpyawesome!!!! its just fabulous. i am on kubuntu :D17:04
haryonoubunturos ..add/ removed program has klik n now view adept installer...next...?17:04
ads_thanks Agent_bob  ill try linux17:04
jon_is there any way to get 3rd gen ipod nanos to work with hardy?17:04
venikhow do I install printers in 8.04?  THe System settings in kde4 does not have the PRINTERS option that KDE3 had17:04
Agent_bobads_ welcome17:04
nosrednaekimjon_: those the squarish ones with the large screens?17:05
ubunturosharyono: Click the Office section on the left panel17:05
NullNam1Agent_Bob:  It's called 'samba" ...I'll try starting it.17:05
jon_yes, with the metallic back, flat black on the front17:05
nosrednaekimhelpy: yep.. WUBI rocks17:05
Agent_bobNullNam1 ok.  if it errors we'll have to check a few things.17:05
haryonoubunturos how to get the kontact back in the adept installer box..?after i klik to add/ removed program?17:05
ubunturosharyono: Click the Office section on the left panel17:05
nosrednaekimjon_: apparently they had some sort of encryption on them,... which was later broken.. I think the later versions of amarok will work with it17:05
jon_nosrednaekim its the one where they changed up the firmware17:05
jon_oh fantastic17:06
nosrednaekimmeaning.. 1.4.917:06
NullNam1Agent_Bob...it Started the dameon and says [fail] with no verbosity.17:06
ubunturosharyono: on the right, do you see Kontact?17:06
NullNam1*Starting Samba daemons  [fail]17:06
Haza1Hey folks. What is the easiest way to get the JDK 1.6 ?17:06
Agent_bobNullNam1 ok try a force-reload   or force-restart   on it.17:06
helpyi wonder why no one told me about wuber first17:07
Haza1Agent_bob: It looks like that was why my java app wasn't working at least :)17:07
ubunturosharyono: (Application (Office)) Column?17:07
helpyi have been screwing up for 2 days17:07
helpyi didnt sleep for 36 hours17:07
helpycan someone help me with compiz now ?17:07
haryonoubunturos ..no  even in the shade17:07
ubunturosharyono: ok, can you see a text-box above? (Search: box?)17:07
Agent_bobhelpy better to help you to the bed.    you can play with the computer after you sleep.17:07
ubunturosharyono: type Kontact there17:08
helpyhuh ?17:08
haryonoubunturos..ok i try17:08
steve555helpy,what is the problem with compiz?17:08
helpyhow do i install that ?17:08
juliusHo hies17:08
helpydesktop effects install ?17:08
=== julius is now known as Julius
NullNam1Agent_Bob: It gets an Ok for stopping Samba...but a '[fail]' for starting Samba.17:08
Agent_bobhelpy kmenu > desk... > ins...17:08
haryonoubunturos .ok it appear..next?17:09
haryononext ?17:09
ubunturosharyono: just a min17:09
helpyk menu ?17:09
Agent_bobNullNam1 ok check the configs now.    "the ones you removed"17:09
helpyi am usinig 8.0417:09
helpycan't see menu and then desktop17:09
ubunturosharyono: can you see a checkbox beside the name?17:09
Agent_bobNullNam1 that they were replaced with default ones.17:09
steve555helpy,the k symbol in the bottom-left corner of the desktop.17:10
haryonoubunturos yes..but cant be checked  no response17:10
ubunturosharyono: sure?17:10
NullNam1Agent_Bob: I remember it being  /etc/samba .. I'm not seeing anything similar in /etc17:10
haryonoubunturos..theres information about kontact on the rightest box17:11
helpyyea and there is no desktop menu in it steve17:11
jon_nosrednaekim if the encryption was broken, do you think ipod linux will soon be available for the 3rd gen nano?17:11
steve555helpy ?17:12
ubunturosharyono: but you can click the check-box?17:12
=== acetoline is now known as aceto|away
helpywhat ?17:12
NullNam1Agent_Bob:  I have to go. GOShdarnit!! Thanks for your help! nullname@sonic.net ....I'll come back later17:12
haryonoubunturos..to make the kontact works should i check it in the check box?17:12
ubunturosharyono: to install kontact, you have to click the check box and then17:13
haryonoi klik to check box ..but no check sign appear17:13
haryonolike...x sign17:13
ubunturosharyono: no 'x' sign will be seen.  A "right tick" will be seen. (if it is called so)17:14
steve555the desktop menu is the categories that are displayed when you click on the k symbol(utilities,system,ect)17:14
ubunturosharyono: if you have clicked the check box, did you see a button called "Apply Changes" on right hand (below) side17:14
helpydo you recommend upgrading packages in kubuntu ?17:14
helpyi see a red warning sign in bottom right with time17:15
haryonoubunturos is it because.....on the show box said unsupported and in the proprietary box ..were check sign x..appear?17:15
ubunturosharyono: no, don't worry about them for the moment.17:15
ubunturosharyono: if you have clicked the check box of kontact, do you see a  button "Apply Changes" on right hand side (below)17:15
haryonono said like it17:16
steve555For Hardy heron I would say yes,but if you want to be extra careful,I would suggest opening konsole,and running: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade.17:16
helpysteve btw we still aren't done with compiz17:16
ubunturosharyono: what? you couldn't see?17:16
helpyi can't see a desktop menu in kmenu17:16
haryonoubunturos ..in the info box said kontact is opart of KDE pim application..so..?17:17
ravhello. I'm trying to configure iptables to allow SMB traffic, but I can't get it to work. I created a rule to accept udp connections on the SMB port, but when I run the firewall, I lose the SMB connection17:17
ubunturosharyono: ok, click OK button17:17
steve555helpy, what do you see on the desktop?17:17
haryonoubunturos i couldnt see "Apply Chnages" button17:17
ubunturosharyono: just a min17:17
helpyon desktop or in kmenu ?17:18
steve555I would ask if you can see both.17:18
ubunturosharyono: could you see any "Next" button, on right hand side?17:19
helpyi see internet, graphics, multimedia17:19
haryonoubunturos should i klik http://kontact.kde.org..? to find it?????????????17:19
ubunturosharyono: no17:19
haryonono next button17:20
ubunturosharyono: hmm, your results are confusing. I can't really solve the problem, I guess.17:20
ubunturosharyono: do you have a Linux User group in your area?17:20
haryonoubunturos ..thanks any way17:20
ubunturosharyono: do you have a Linux User group in your area?17:20
haryonojust know linux last week17:21
steve555helpy,do you see system>desktop effects?17:21
ubunturosharyono: who did you ask for Linux?17:21
helpyyep steve17:21
steve555and also the compiz-fusion icon?17:21
ubunturosharyono: your friend?17:21
steve555What happens when you select them?17:21
ubunturosharyono: where are you located?17:21
helpygives me an option to install package17:22
helpywhen i click it, it says another package is working at the moment17:22
helpybtw i am upgrading packages in adept17:22
haryonoubunturos..i want to replace from microsoft windows17:22
steve555Can I ask which drivers are you using?17:22
haryonoJakarta, indonesia, south east asia..17:22
helpythats what happened when i tried to run skype tar.gz after downloadng it17:22
helpyi think you can't run multiple packages in ku17:22
ubunturosharyono: hmm, let me find if there are Linux User groups there. (I hope, there are)17:22
haryonook  waiting17:23
geniirav: Looks like there might be some useful info for you here (although redhat-centric) http://troy.jdmz.net/samba/fw/17:23
steve555Ohno! I would watch out for icedtea-gcjwebplugin,I am having trouble installing that package! I usaully have to use synaptic to downgrade it.17:23
ubunturosharyono: see the following link - (See Jakarta) http://www.linux.org/groups/indonesia.html17:24
haryonoubunturos..another thing..my webcam...how to run it in kubuntu?17:24
haryonoubunturos..where can i find link ..jakarta?17:24
ubunturosharyono: http://www.linux.org/groups/1530_Jakarta_LUG.html (direct link)17:25
haryonofcan i just klik that from you?17:25
ubunturosharyono: yes17:25
haryonook it run now17:25
ubunturosharyono: the group has a Yahoo! Group for emails. Join that group. Post your question with details (may be in your native language)17:26
ubunturosharyono: you could possibly ask, someone to guide you remotely through his computer17:26
ubuntuross / guide / operate and repair17:27
haryonook ..i got that link were in singapore ..away from me17:27
frybyeHi - I installed cheese (webcam ca17:27
helpymy knoqueror isn't working the way it should17:27
helpygreat frybye17:27
frybyee e webcame capture - yesterday but it only seems to be party installed.. how to fix?17:27
ubunturosharyono: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/jakarta_lug/ (click on the Join this Group) button17:27
frybyehelpy - i like you humour..17:27
frybyei had just hit the enter - key by mistake.. heheh17:28
haryonoUbunturos ok i try thanks17:28
helpymy humor ?17:28
frybyehelpy: yup...17:29
ubunturosharyono: you are welcome. Sorry, couldn't do much about your problem. If I did have physical access to your computer, I probably would have solved the problem17:29
helpyheh sorry maybe its usual for me, but i didnt say anything funny :D17:29
frybyeso tell me how to repair or re-install a package pse..??17:29
llutzfrybye: sudo aptitude reinstall package17:30
helpywhats that kde wallet ?17:30
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steve555helpy,it's basically a kde program that sores your passwords or other personal info inside it.17:31
helpyoh ok.17:31
helpycan i cancel adept updater and resume it later without losing already downloaded packages ?17:32
helpyi want to install firefox and skpe17:32
helpywhy isnt there a pause option in linux :s17:33
steve555Yeah I think you can do,if it hasn't already downloaded and installed the packages for you.17:33
frybyewith cheese I can see the vid from the webcam and the button start/stop recording is there.. but see no results from recording... nowhere does a file show up or ???17:33
helpyhmm ok17:33
frybyellutz I re-installed it with snaptic...17:33
frybyeis cheese only part of what one needs???17:34
frybyeit seems to display the video output from the webcam but no files show up when done recording???17:34
frybyehelpy:  if you move up the backlog of text here it stays put at that point..17:35
ravgenii: i've been following the tutorials online, but none seem to work. when I run the firewall, smb disappears17:35
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frybyei wil have a look llutz.. thanks..17:36
llutzfrybye: http://live.gnome.org/Cheese/FAQ#head-3b2c372f1433feaac3059b4abe06ce3cd6bde13d17:36
helpyoh ok17:36
=== z01 is now known as z02
geniirav: A lot of firewalls have a rule to drop traffic if it seems to be coming from in the network (to prevent spoofing) Maybe look for some rule of this nature17:37
geniirav: I'm not that fluent with iptables or I'd assist more17:38
helpyhow do you install firefox from tar.gz ?17:38
SlimeyPetewhy do you want to do that, helpy17:38
nosrednaekimyou... don't17:38
SlimeyPeteit's always best to use Add/Remove Programs or Adept to install stuff if possible.17:39
ravgenii: there is one rule for that, i'll try it17:39
steve555Helpy,you can install the latest firefox using adept,look for firefox 317:40
geniiAlso enable hardy-proposed repository if you want RC117:40
steve555I'm not sure about the source code version,I'm sure it is a massive file.17:40
helpymy mic is not working17:45
ravgenii: disabling the anti-spoof rule didn't fix the problem. some other rule is dropping the packets before getting to the rules in the tutorials17:46
ulilichthat jemand lust mir zu helfen, hab kubuntu hardy 64 auf nmeinem notebook installiert, aber nach einer verscuhten treiber-nachinstallation bootet dieses nicht mehr ('/sbin/Modprobe' Abnormal exit)17:47
llutz!de | ulilicht17:47
ubottuulilicht: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:47
helpywhat is the kill comand ?17:48
helpyi want to kill skype17:48
paghelpy, killall skype17:48
steve555Hi ulilicht17:48
helpyoh ok17:49
ulilichthi steve! i'm sorry, i didnt note that i landed in the english channel17:49
helpynot working pag17:49
helpysays another instance of skype may be working17:49
paghelpy, if you have window of skype, you could command 'xkill' and then juch click on the window..17:50
helpythats the problem17:50
helpyi ca'nt see skype open17:50
helpybut it still says another instance may be running17:50
llutzhelpy: sudo killall -9 skype17:50
helpyok hang on17:50
steve555can you swimlol!(I'm sorry I just couldn't resist it with the way the sentence came out) :D17:50
helpywhere do you right commands btw ? right click run command ?17:51
ulilichtbut steve, do you want to help me? i've installed kubuntu hardy 64 on my notebook (acer 5920) and wanted to install the wlan-driver per ndiswrapper, but now my machiene says while booting: '/sbin/Modprobe' Abnormal exit17:51
nosrednaekimulilicht: you need the 64 bit windows driver...17:51
steve555I'm sorry,I can't help you with that one.17:52
ulilichtyeah, i downloaded it and configured ndiswrapper,but now my machiene does not want to boot any more17:52
SlimeyPetehelpy: in a terminal (the default terminal is called Konsole and is in the K Menu)17:52
SlimeyPeteunder "System" I think (I'm not in Kubuntu at the moment)17:52
helpyok hang on17:53
helpyok compiz installed17:56
helpyhow do i check that ?17:56
nosrednaekimulilicht: are you sure its the 64 bit driver? and is it the XP driver?17:57
geniirav: If you pastebin result of: sudo iptables -L                  I'll take a peek17:58
sgrahamfixed my damn problem damnit17:58
ulilichtyeah, both, xp64. but maybe i klicked the false line. but do you have an idea how i can get my notebook to boot again?17:58
sgrahamguy here at work helpd17:58
steve555helpy.open konsole and type in compiz and then return.17:58
nosrednaekimulilicht: yeah... try booting recovery mode17:58
nosrednaekimhelpy: compiz --replace17:59
helpyChecking for Xgl: not present.17:59
helpyFound laptop using ati driver.17:59
helpyaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/kwi17:59
ravgenii: http://pastebin.com/d2e65e32018:00
geniirav: Reading18:00
steve555Helpy,you might have to install either the amd-fglrx or the propriety driver using adept(amd-fglrx from their website.18:00
nosrednaekimxorg-driver-fglrx in the repositories18:01
ulilichthm, nosrednaekim, that also does not work, it stops at "input: SynPs/2 Synaptics touchpad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio4/input/input918:03
nosrednaekimulilicht: boot a liveCD and chroot in18:04
ulilichta few lines above that "udevd-event: run_program: 'sbin/modprobe/' abnormal exit is written...18:04
Eruaranhullo kubuntites18:04
nosrednaekimulilicht: and remove ndiswrapper18:05
nosrednaekimhey Eruaran18:05
minhaaj_sorry my system got stuck18:05
minhaaj_what did you say i have to download in order to run compiz ?18:05
nosrednaekimminhaaj_: xorg-driver-fglrx18:05
ulilichthm, now i was waiting for a few minutes and now the boot-procedure goes on, actually it stops at "loading manual drivers"18:06
minhaaj_how do i get it ?18:06
ulilichtperhaps i try to wait a few minutes again18:06
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ravi installed compiz, and it stopped my KDE system sounds, because it doesn't use Kwin. I prefer the sounds to the bouncy windows, so I uninstalled compiz18:07
nosrednaekimminhaaj_: ints in the repositories... or use jockey-kde18:08
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:08
minhaaj_nosrednaekim can you explain it18:08
minhaaj_i dont understand18:08
minhaaj_i have to write jockey-kde in konsole ?18:08
nosrednaekimlook at the above link18:09
ulilichthm., ok now i'm in the recovery menu and tried to remove ndiswrapper, but now it says "not using locking for read only lock file ..." and "unable to write to /var/cache/apt"18:09
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: Ā« sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a Ā»18:10
grendal_primeyou got something else looking at the your aptcache18:10
ulilichthm, ubottu, it still says "read only file system"18:11
ulilichti think it just didn't load any driver18:12
nosrednaekimread only FS? doesn't sound good18:12
nosrednaekimulilicht: do the liveCD/chroot thing18:12
minhaaj_instructions are for gutsy18:13
minhaaj_i am using hardy18:13
nosrednaekimminhaaj_: ah.. sorry18:13
nosrednaekimminhaaj_: then yes, run "kdesudo jockey-kde" from the konsole18:13
minhaaj_ok hang on18:13
=== minhaaj_ is now known as helpy
helpyits downloading something18:15
helpybut its stuck at 80%18:15
helpyok done18:16
helpysays system needs to be restarted18:16
nosrednaekimyou enabled the ati driver?18:16
helpyi am done ?18:16
nosrednaekimok.. reboot then18:16
=== benni_ is now known as benni__
=== benni__ is now known as benni_
ravgenii: found something that might help?18:17
minhaajok restart done18:20
minhaajnow how to check ?18:20
geniirav: Sorry for lag. Work needed me. I have the page open and looking at it however. Most of the chains seem to be in the DROP sequence which I think is the issue.18:21
nosrednaekimminhaaj: try "compiz --replace" again18:21
minhaajwow effects have changed somewhat18:21
minhaaji can see a card on bottom right too18:21
nosrednaekimworks now?18:21
minhaajto an extent18:21
minhaajwhoa yeah it is18:21
minhaajtell me some keys to test compiz18:21
minhaajexcept ctrl+alt +left/right18:22
geniirav: As I recall also, ipchains works on a first-match-wins18:22
minhaajwhat is the short key for cube effect ?18:22
ravgenii: thanks18:23
minhaaji am on laptop18:23
minhaajhow do i scroll ?18:23
nosrednaekimyour track pad doesn't have a scroll area on the right side?18:23
nosrednaekimah..too bad18:24
minhaajits a synaptics mousepad18:24
minhaajwait let me attach ps2 mouse18:24
nosrednaekimyou can do ctrl+alt+left mouse button+drag mouse18:24
nosrednaekimhey raidteck18:24
raidteckhi nosrednaekim18:24
geniirav: The chain LOCAL_LANS does not seem to belong to some policy (ACCEPT DENY or so on)18:25
minhaajoh god, no all windows have gone in background18:25
minhaajhow to undo it ?18:25
minhaajno its just irc window18:25
minhaaji can see it BEHIND desktop18:26
nosrednaekimIDK what you did :)18:26
Eruaranthe joys of compiz18:26
nosrednaekimmaybe you scrolled and turned it transparent?18:27
minhaajyea its transparent18:27
nosrednaekimscroll the other way :P18:27
minhaajhow can i undo that18:27
minhaajalt + scroll ?18:27
Sakuiis there a way to use remote desktop if a windows computer wanted to talk to a linux computer?18:27
minhaajoh ok18:27
minhaajgot it18:27
minhaajlol compiz is awesome18:27
EruaranI'm just gonna sit back and wait for KDE 4.1 with the new and wobblier kwin18:27
minhaajbut i still am not getting cube effect18:27
EruaranIts only a few weeks18:27
nosrednaekimEruaran: its NOW!18:28
Eruarannosrednaekim: yes but its still beta18:28
nosrednaekimminhaaj: install the compizconfig-settings-manager and turn it on18:28
nosrednaekimEruaran: its stable..18:28
Eruarannosrednaekim: dont encourage me, its late enough here already18:29
nosrednaekimbut the apps aren't :P18:29
minhaajhow do i turn it on ?18:29
Eruaranhah !18:29
SakuiEruaran: haha18:29
nosrednaekimminhaaj: turn on rotate cube and desktop cube in ccsm18:29
geniirav: I think you might have to find some ipchains specialist for this :)18:29
minhaajhow do i do that ?18:30
minhaaji mean how to install ccsm ?18:30
nosrednaekimcompizconfig-settings-manager in adept or apt18:30
steve555minhaaj,go to k-menu>advanced desktop settings>general>desktop size tab,then slide the horizontal virtual size to 4.I hope that helps.18:31
minhaajok hang on18:31
ravgenii: thanks for your help. I'll try to figure it out18:31
minhaajthere is no advanced desktop settings in kmenu18:31
nosrednaekimits called ccsm.... just put that in a konsole or rundialog18:32
steve555Sorry I forgot the next step on the kmenu,go to settings and then advanced desktop settings.18:33
=== acetoline is now known as puffy_kittens
minhaajwrite ccsm in konsole ?18:33
minhaajok hang on18:34
nosrednaekimif you already installed it18:34
minhaajThe program 'ccsm' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:18:35
minhaajsudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager18:35
minhaajbash: ccsm: command not found18:35
geniirav: Perhaps useful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19054218:35
nosrednaekimrun that command18:35
minhaajE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)18:36
minhaajE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:36
Eruaranah that old chestnut18:36
nosrednaekimyou have adept running... or something liek that18:36
tim1ļ»æminhaaj:  close all windows18:37
tim1ļ»æminhaaj: reboot18:37
minhaajyep i am updating adept18:37
Eruaranpuffy_kittens: your nick is cool, I have decided it is now nick of the week18:37
=== francesco is now known as Guest96918
minhaajthats strange i can hear sound and watch video18:41
minhaajbut my mic is not working in skype18:41
nosrednaekimsame happened to me18:42
minhaajwhat did you do ?18:42
rickestin a terminal run: alsamixer    is your mic muted18:42
nosrednaekimminhaaj: I gave up18:43
nosrednaekimI don't really use it18:43
minhaajdont think so18:44
minhaajhow do i check ?18:44
minhaajok master, pcm, iec958, capture18:45
minhaajwhat doi have to check ?18:45
=== puffy_kittens is now known as acetoline
nosrednaekimI don't know.. it varies18:46
pimHow do I install java support18:47
steve555I think you'll have to open alsamixer in konsole,when it fires up,use the arrow keys to select mic.18:47
minhaajthere is no mic18:47
minhaajpim you dont have to18:48
minhaajopenoffice.org uses java and kubuntu already has it18:48
pimminhaaj I want to use a java plugin with firefox18:48
pimhow do I install it18:48
pimI can't get it to work via the repositories18:48
=== leibnew is now known as Leibnew
steve555You can use the up/down arrow keys to slide the volume on it,it should be there,use the left/right keys to move to the left or right to select it.18:49
Sakuifrom CLI, how do I search for a certain package that is installed?18:50
geniiSakui: package manager to report about the package: apt-cache policy <packagename>18:51
minhaajok steve18:52
minhaajbut there is no mic on it steve18:53
minhaajall it says is master,pcm, capture and iec95818:54
reesehi! when I enable the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver in jockey-kde, the output in konsole is: "WARNING: /sys/module/nvidia_new/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind nvidia_new driver". so when I restart, the acceleration is disabled again18:54
frojndHow can  I check where would pure-ftpd be ?18:54
minhaajhave you updated all packages in ku frojnd ?18:55
steve555Hmmm,minhaaj,do you see elongated white boxes in konsole below the soundcard text?18:55
nosrednaekimreese: report that as a bug please18:55
minhaajand then green and then red18:56
minhaajPCM is is pc mic right ?18:56
terrestreanalog sound?18:56
minhaajwhat ?18:57
minhaajCard: HDA Intel                                                              ā”‚18:57
minhaajā”‚ Chip: SigmaTel STAC9200                                                      ā”‚18:57
steve555Another way to try is to left-click on the speaker icon near the clock on the right hand side,then left-click on the mixer button.18:57
reesenosrednaekim: on kde.bugs.org?18:57
minhaajā”‚ View: [Playback] Capture  All                                                ā”‚18:57
minhaajā”‚ Item: Master [dB gain=0.00, 0.00]                                            ā”‚18:57
minhaajā”‚                                                                              ā”‚18:57
minhaajā”‚           ā”Œā”€ā”€ā”             ā”Œā”€ā”€ā”                              ā”Œā”€ā”€ā”            ā”‚18:57
nosrednaekimreese: no... thats a ubuntu app18:57
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:57
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:57
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)18:57
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:58
nosrednaekim!flood > minhaaj18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚             ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚                              ā”‚ā–’ā–’ā”‚            ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”œā”€ā”€ā”¤             ā””ā”€ā”€ā”˜             ā”Œā”€ā”€ā”             ā””ā”€ā”€ā”˜            ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā”‚OOā”‚                              ā”‚OOā”‚                             ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚           ā””ā”€ā”€ā”˜                              ā””ā”€ā”€ā”˜                             ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚         100<>100         100<>100                          100<>100          ā”‚18:58
minhaajā”‚        < Master >          PCM             IEC958          Capture18:58
minhaajthats it.18:58
minhaajhow does that work ?18:58
minhaajpastebin ?18:58
minhaajoh great got it18:58
nosrednaekimreese: report it on launchpad18:59
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:59
* mr--t wonders what an in/wish is19:00
nosrednaekimread that a couple more times...19:00
reeseanyway, I've seen that I only have a sys/module/nvidia, and it looks for /sys/module/nvidia_new.. isn't there a way to solve this?19:01
* mr--t scratches his head19:02
* sportman hates his intel wireless19:02
sportmanits a pos19:02
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
nosrednaekimreese: did you try installing the nvidia drivers in any other way?19:03
nosrednaekimey kendrick19:04
reesenosrednaekim, i've installed nvidia-glx-new19:04
nosrednaekimok.. good.19:05
kendricki've got a quick question about trackpads19:07
kendricki just got a new Dell that came with Ubuntu, and put kde-desktop on it, since I prefer KDE over gnome :)19:07
kendrickin Gnome, there was a 'click to tap' option that i could disable.19:07
kendrickerr, rather, tap to click :)19:07
kendricki disabled that in Gnome, but in KDE it still happens, and i see no option for disabling it.19:08
kendricksomeone in #kde suggested i try ksynaptics, but i see no such package19:08
nosrednaekim!info qsynaptics19:08
ubottuPackage qsynaptics does not exist in hardy19:08
nosrednaekim!info qsynaptic19:08
ubottuPackage qsynaptic does not exist in hardy19:08
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper19:08
ramiIs there any way to record sound from the screen without using a microphone?'19:09
kendrickah, i see gsynaptics19:09
nosrednaekimkendrick: gsynaptics I guess19:09
MetaMorfoziSHi all19:09
geniiqtsynaptic ?19:09
MetaMorfoziSkendrick > if you wait a bit, i can help you with touchpad19:09
MetaMorfoziS(gsynaptic sucks, ksynaptics rip)19:09
kendrickMetaMorfoziS: i need to go to lunch but will be back in a bit :)19:09
kendrickfeel free to /msg me :)19:10
MetaMorfoziSSo i also need help:) I have installed kubuntu hardy (alternate) to my pendrive19:10
jhutchins_wk!find ksynaptics19:10
ubottuPackage/file ksynaptics does not exist in hardy19:10
MetaMorfoziSusing encrypted lvm19:10
MetaMorfoziSjhutchins_wk > as i said: ksynaptics rip19:10
jhutchins_wk!find ksynaptic19:10
MetaMorfoziSthe guy stopped to develop that19:10
ubottuPackage/file ksynaptic does not exist in hardy19:10
jhutchins_wkMetaMorfoziS: Just checkin'.19:11
MetaMorfoziSso, after that19:11
MetaMorfoziSi get this: http://webjegyzet.hu/p/DSC00105.JPG19:11
MetaMorfoziSCan anybody tell me, what does this means?19:11
MetaMorfoziSAnd how can i resolve the problem?19:11
jhutchins_wkMetaMorfoziS: what were you following for the install?19:13
MetaMorfoziSi just grabbed and writed an alternate cd19:13
MetaMorfoziSi have dsiconnected my hdds (to get only pendrive in the machine)19:13
MetaMorfoziSand i ran the alternate install19:14
=== imo is now known as osoh
jhutchins_wkYou might find something at pendrivelinux.com19:14
MetaMorfoziSnobody says about full encrypted ubuntu:/19:15
MetaMorfoziSjust plain ubuntu19:15
MetaMorfoziSand thats work19:16
MetaMorfoziSif i just install (use entire disk)19:16
MetaMorfoziSthats fine19:16
=== jason__ is now known as Nyad
MetaMorfoziShow can i debug this?19:18
MetaMorfoziSand it isn't asked me for the passwd19:18
pimHow do I install java?19:24
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper19:24
pimWhat do I need exactly?19:25
pimI just want the firefox plugin19:25
mr--tIt doesn't install well if you are trying to use javas installer19:25
* kendrick finds some trackpad-related sutff to add to xorg.conf19:26
mr--tthe installer looks for an older file than is in ff v319:27
pimI have firefox 219:27
tim____hi, I'm having a strange issue, thought I'd try here.19:27
tim____Applications dont seem to be able to open listening sockets19:28
tim____does ubuntu ship with a firewall that would block that?19:28
basculepermissions on /tmp ? Is it only K apps or all apps?19:28
tim____bascule: me?19:29
basculethose sre unix domain sockets, firewall should not touch them, assuming 127.0.01 is allowed19:29
basculetim____: yes19:29
tim____bascule: internal sockets seem to be setting up fine19:30
tim____but not external ones on eth019:30
basculeoften need to be root19:31
basculebut then again, it depends on the socket type19:31
tim____I'll try as route, see if it works19:31
basculeI am not sure actually, network sockets are not something I am good with19:31
basculeyes, root19:32
basculeas in sudo19:32
tim____*no I just wondered why I'd spelled it like that19:32
basculephoetic typos are quite common :)19:32
basculeand we are talking about networks so doubly excusable19:33
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper19:33
kendrickok my baby needs food19:33
* kendrick serves up some cheese19:33
kendrickthx for the help folks19:33
tim____ok, it works as route19:34
MetaMorfoziSSo any idea about my problem? (kubuntu hardy enc. lvm on a pendrive. During boot i get this: http://webjegyzet.hu/p/DSC00105.JPG)19:34
pimhow can I tap into the multiverse repository?19:34
tim____but er, I dont want to run a server as root, what permissions do I have to give a user so it will work?19:34
Cidelcan I use kubuntu with alongside windows without formatting my drivers?19:34
Cidelok, thx19:35
trappist!multiverse | pim19:36
ubottupim: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:36
Cidelso I extract the iso file with my daemon tools and then use wubi to install it19:38
=== balazs is now known as castaway
mr--tpim see also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JavaInstallatio19:41
mr--tsorry i cut the n off the link19:42
pimI think I've installed it.19:44
pimDo I configure it now?19:44
tim____anyone know about letting programs that arnt root be servers?19:46
=== Kiry_pool is now known as Kiry
trappisttim____: you only have to be root to bind to port 1024 or lower19:48
tim____*groans and goes to change ALL THE PORTS on a big chain of routers19:49
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
ScorpKing-Laptopto: don't do that please20:12
ScorpKing-Laptopanyone here use qtstalker?20:12
Sakuito is using root :P20:12
Pici!es | to20:12
ubottuto: Aquƭ solamente hablamos inglƩs. Para EspaƱol, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allƭ obtendrƔ mƔs ayuda.20:12
GillesMMMhello on 8.04  my boot sequence hang after this message : driver 'sr' needs updating, please use bus-type methods ...20:13
GillesMMMwhat do I need to do ?20:14
ScorpKing-LaptopGillesMMM: if someone doesn't awnser here google it or look on the ubuntu forums20:15
minhaaji cant play .rm file in kaffeine20:17
minhaajwhat do you guys use as a player ?20:17
minhaajany universal player like vlc ?20:17
KRF!codecs | minhaaj20:19
ubottuminhaaj: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:19
ScorpKing-Laptopminhaaj: do you have w32codecs installed?20:19
minhaajhow do i do that ?20:19
ScorpKing-Laptopread those links20:20
minhaajits for ubuntu20:21
minhaaji want for kubunutu20:21
ScorpKing-Laptopminhaaj: it will work in kubuntu20:22
ScorpKing-Laptopminhaaj: i think you need kubuntu-restricted-extras20:22
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: Remember that kubuntu is just ubuntu with kde instead of gnome.20:22
minhaajok but how do i get that ?20:22
minhaajahh ok20:22
minhaajisnt there a command line installation ?20:22
KRFminhaaj, read that links, they explain everything20:23
ScorpKing-Laptopminhaaj: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-restricted-extras20:23
ScorpKing-Laptopand yes, rtfm20:23
minhaajok great. thanks20:24
=== andrea is now known as and
deksince yesterday's update, when I type special spanish characters (accents) I get gibberish in most programs. Any idea how to fix it?20:27
ads_hi.. when i play files avi files with kaffiene via a samba server (accross a network) . kaffiene attempts to install codecs even though kaffiene plays avis natively on both the client and server machine.. and consequently the codecs are found so an error occurs... any ideas?20:28
=== desiree is now known as xulaaa
=== xulaaa is now known as dsiii
ads_vlc fixed it..   dont see why kaffiene falls over playing divx files over a network20:32
minhaajvlc can play .rm too ?20:33
minhaaji have to use seperate players kaffeine and amarok for audio and video20:33
Shir0vsomeone from brazil? alguem do brasil ou que fale legal portugues ?20:34
emilsedgh_!br | Shir0v20:35
ubottuShir0v: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Obrigado.20:35
deksince yesterday's update, when I type special spanish characters (accents) I get gibberish (squares) in most programs. Any idea how to fix it? (I use KDE 3.5.9)20:39
Rioting_pacifistmy acer hotkeys are not being recognised in X,20:42
=== john-charles is now known as gkffjcs
minhaajrioting did you go through keyboard config at start ?20:46
tohalguien habla espaƱol20:48
guilhermeblancoto: pero el mejor lugar es en el canal de kubuntu en espaƱol20:49
ubottuAquƭ solamente hablamos inglƩs. Para EspaƱol, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allƭ obtendrƔ mƔs ayuda.20:49
guilhermeblanco!es | to20:49
ubottuto: please see above20:49
kibais kde4.1 available for kubuntu?20:54
kibaI guess not20:54
steve555Well not yet anyway.20:54
Pennycookkiba: Yes and no.  There are 4.1 packages in development and they can be installed, but they're a bit broken in places.20:55
minhaajmy firefox is not working21:03
minhaajany idea21:03
minhaaji downlaoded tar.gz for website21:03
minhaajwhen i unzip and open firefox, it would open in text editor21:04
pteagueok, this isn't fun...  i get 9.92% into burning a 8gb data dvd (just the iso) & get an error message about files must not be changed while genisoimage runs...  afaik i'm not modifying any of them21:04
mleehave you tried to install firefox from the repos?21:04
mike_we have a problem with  audio on kubuntu in macbook21:04
mike_please help me:)21:05
minhaajyou mean packages of adept ?21:05
rexnubulrdoes kubuntu work with hardware the same way that the mainstream ubuntu 8.04 does?21:05
geniiminhaaj: You are saying you got firefox in tar.gz or that tht firefox that came with kubuntu opens tar.gz in a text editor?21:05
rexnubulrI want to try KDE because there are a few apps I want to try etc.21:05
minhaajkubuntu and ubuntu are same. its just the gnome and kde thats diff21:05
rexnubulrminhaaj: thats it?21:05
minhaajthe one i downloaded genii21:05
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: Ā« sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop Ā», or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde421:05
rexnubulrso when KDE 4.1 comes out I can easily get it as an update?21:06
pteaguewith ubuntu all you need to do is install the kde apps21:06
minhaajread that rexnubulr21:06
pteagueyou can even use kde apps under ubuntu21:06
mleeif you install firefox from adept, you shouldn't have any problems21:06
geniiminhaaj: The firefox.tar.gz you downloaded? Or some other tar.gz21:06
minhaaji have installed all updates from adept21:06
minhaajjust have to restart it21:06
rexnubulrwell I am going to reinstall anyways, I am switch video cards and adding an HVR-1600 which uses the CX18 module etc.21:06
minhaajjust downloading codecs respositories atm21:06
minhaajwaiting for it21:06
* genii is experiencing another communication breakdown it seems21:06
rexnubulrand when I try to run synaptic and other admin apps they just hang there.21:06
minhaajfirefox genii21:07
rexnubulrand I don't know how to fix them them from hanging, unless I run them in root and sometimes gksu even hangs :(21:07
rexnubulrI am not so good at this yet.21:07
geniiminhaaj: Why aren't you just installing the firefox 3.0 RC1 which is with Kubuntu?21:07
rexnubulrok I have another question then, which I have always had about kde and gnome21:08
rexnubulrsay I decide one day to work in gnome and update some documents etc21:08
minhaajhow do i do that genii ?21:08
rexnubulrare they stored in the same home folder and locations that kde would store?21:08
rexnubulrbesides the hidden folders21:08
geniiminhaaj: Add the repository of hardy-proposed to the sources.list file. Then do sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:09
minhaajupgrade ?21:09
rexnubulrif I can add KDE to a regular ubuntu install why would I want to use kubuntu in the first place?21:09
minhaaji have upgraded and installed all 76 packages21:09
minhaaji just have to restart. i am waiting for my codecs respositroy to download in konsole21:09
ActionParsniphey all21:09
rexnubulrI should get vmwareserver and mess with both and totally mess them up learning how they all work together :)21:10
geniiminhaaj: In the sources.list you require a line like so:   deb http://debian.yorku.ca/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed restricted main multiverse universe21:10
ActionParsnipmy sound is mega garbled on an nforce chipset mcp51 rev a221:10
=== minhaaj is now known as helpy
helpyumm not sure i understand it21:11
ActionParsniphow can i resolve this please, doesnt matter what i use with sound (aply, mplayer, xmms, flash websites)21:11
helpyyou mean i have to change sources.list file ?21:11
rexnubulrActionParsnip: I have a problem with the MCP network interface :) the nforce one21:11
rexnubulrwon't even work, I had to install an SMC card.21:11
ActionParsniprexnubulr: im on 64bit fluxbuntu, works ok under 32bit, guess it doesnt like 64bitness21:12
geniihelpy: Yes.21:12
helpyi can't play .rm in amarok too21:12
helpyis there a universal player like vlc and mplayer in ku ?21:12
ActionParsniprexnubulr: is there a way to uninstall alsa?21:12
mleehelpy: you can run vlc in kubuntu with no problems.21:13
helpyjust have to change file assosciatons ?21:13
helpyin windows i could play ANY file in vlc and mplayer21:14
helpyno frustrations about codecs21:14
helpybut in KUb its diff :(21:14
helpyk gotta reboot.21:14
ActionParsniphelpy: not without full codecs21:14
mleehelpy: if you install the package called "kubuntu-restricted-formats" you should be able to play most anything with the default players21:15
helpyi have just installed it:)21:15
rexnubulrActionParsnip: not sure but you could try a different sound system.21:15
rexnubulrActionParsnip: I believe people have resolved the nforce MCP issues with Ubuntu, I was just too lazy to resolve them myself.21:16
ActionParsniprexnubulr: i'm gonna uninstall a shedload of alsa stuff then reinstall it21:16
rexnubulrActionParsnip: also are you familiar with /etc/init.d/ stuff?21:17
rexnubulrrestarting systems?21:17
ActionParsniprexnubulr: no sudo apt-get removing :)21:17
ActionParsnipthen installing21:17
rexnubulrActionParsnip: no for example, /etc/init.d/Networking restart would restart  your network.21:18
rexnubulrActionParsnip: so do you get any sound of any kind?21:18
ubuntuqualcuno mi legge???21:19
dwidmann_laptoprexnubulr: not with a capitol N it won't :P21:19
ActionParsniprexnubulr: garbled noises21:20
ActionParsniplike modem noises once its connected21:20
rexnubulroh my mistake yes, you are right21:21
minhaajits installing codecs again and again for kaffeine21:21
rexnubulrdwidmann_laptop:  blah blah :) I know bash is very touchy21:21
minhaaji have alot of windows on my desktop21:21
minhaajhow do  kill process ?21:21
rexnubulrI actually prefer the case sensitive stuff.21:21
rexnubulrActionParsnip: modem noises? Which motherboard do you have?21:22
rexnubulrI love compiz and pressing ctarl, alt and left mouse :). Watch the cube fly.21:22
rexnubulrWhere is the anykey! I can't find the anykey!21:23
minhaajrexn help me configure compiz21:23
ActionParsniprexnubulr: its a barebone asus pundit ah1-p221:23
minhaaji have ccsm installed now21:23
minhaajwhat to do now ?21:23
rexnubulrActionParsnip: have you done searches on google to resolve these issues/21:23
ActionParsnipP1-AH2 sorry21:23
minhaaji can only use limited effects like Alt+scroll21:23
minhaajand ctrl+alt+left/right21:23
rexnubulrminhaaj: you have emerald installed?21:23
dwidmann_laptoprexnubulr: it's on the corner of the round room21:23
minhaajdunno how do i check that ?21:24
rexnubulrdwidmann_laptop: are you referring to the anykey?21:24
dwidmann_laptoprexnubulr: yes.21:24
rexnubulrminhaaj: synaptic etc.21:24
rexnubulrminhaaj:  the compiz fusion icon also allows you to control all the functions of compiz21:24
minhaajhow do i do that ?21:25
rexnubulryou also need the compiz config menu21:25
minhaaji have downloaded ccsm but i dont know how to use that21:25
minhaaji think its installed21:25
minhaajhow do i check that ?21:25
Dragonathwhy can't my amarok play ogg files?21:25
rexnubulrby default compiz will do some things21:25
minhaajyea and its doing those somethings21:25
rexnubulrI need text to speech for this.21:25
minhaaji get effects when windows shut down21:25
dwidmann_laptopDragonath: it should ....... try deleting your ~/.xine folder and trying again?21:26
rexnubulrminhaaj:  ok so the 3d drivers are enabled21:26
minhaajor i press scroll + alt21:26
rexnubulrhave you tried pressing ctrl alt and the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is over the desktop and not a window?21:26
Dragonathdwidmann_laptop: ok, thanks, I will try this21:26
ActionParsniprexnubulr: nViidia Corporation MCP51 Hi Definition Audio (rev a2)21:26
rexnubulrmine is the MCP61 and has issues with networking21:27
rexnubulrminhaaj:  does it move around?21:27
minhaajnothing happens21:27
rexnubulrok one moment21:27
minhaaji can use alt+ctrl+left/right to switch windows21:27
Freddy2which packet do i need to provide zip/rar integration into konqueror?21:27
minhaajand i can press alt+scroll to get transparent effect21:27
rexnubulrActionParsnip:  one moment21:27
Dragonathoh and how do I downgrade into the ati restricted drivers in the ubuntu repository if I have already installed the newest binary drivers?21:28
Freddy2it seems i broke kde somehow when trying to install graphics driver21:28
Dragonathand amarok still can't play ogg files21:28
minhaajamarok is pathetic21:29
ubuntuwho italian??21:29
Dragonathwell it's worked for me so far21:29
trappist!it | ubuntu21:30
ubottuubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:30
rexnubulr these are all the things required for compiz sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compiz-extra compiz-extra-plugins compiz-extra-gnome gnome-compiz-manager21:30
Dragonathhow do I downgrade into the ati restricted drivers in the ubuntu repository if I have already installed the newest binary drivers (which don't work correctly)?21:31
minhaajok let me see21:31
rexnubulrminhaaj: try running this command from the prompt  compiz-settings21:31
minhaajthis is single command ?21:31
RiotingPacifisti found a diff to make something compile over at wiki.gentoo but how do i use a .diff ?21:32
rexnubulrActionParsnip:  found something for you21:32
rexnubulrActionParsnip: I would try what you mentioned earlier. Removing alsa altogether21:32
RiotingPacifistrexnubulr: are you sure compiz-extra-gnome and gnome-compiz-manager are needed for KDE ?21:32
=== mk__ is now known as lailai
minhaajdid you get the error i got ?21:33
minhaaji paste it here21:33
rexnubulrActionParsnip: oh wait you are using kde, DUH kubuntu ok one second sorry sir21:33
lailaihi zusammen21:33
ActionParsniprexnubulr: fluxbox21:33
rexnubulrsudo apt-get install compiz compiz-plugins compiz-extra compiz-extra-plugins compiz-kde21:33
rexnubulrActionParsnip: fluxbox eh?21:34
ActionParsnipoh yeah man, way faster than kde21:34
rexnubulrActionParsnip:  of course21:34
lailaihallo kann mir jemand sagen wie ich bei kubuntu die kdm auflƶsung Ƥndern kann?21:34
rexnubulrok lets sort one person out at a time here21:34
jcfp!de | lailai21:34
ubottulailai: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:34
RiotingPacifistignore what i said then i just assumed, being in #kubuntu and all :P21:35
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ActionParsniprexnubulr: i'll sort it man21:35
x_linkI just upgraded to Hardy and I have a small problem.21:35
rexnubulrActionParsnip:  ok21:36
x_linkWhen I wanted to download a torrent-file in Gutsy Ktorrent came up as an option, but it doesn't do that in Hardy.21:36
x_linkCan somebody please help me with this?21:36
minhaaji have done something to my kub21:38
minhaaji can't see bottom panel21:38
minhaajany idea ? i tried to copy by ctrl+c21:38
KRFminhaaj, go to systemsettings -> desktop21:39
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minhaajdesktop effects ?21:39
minhaaji can't see anything in bottom panel21:41
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
castawaylink /usr/bin/kontact ./kontact21:42
castawaywhat is the problem whit this command?21:42
minhaajhuh ?21:43
KRFcastaway, it's `ln`21:43
castawaywtf? ln /usr/bin/kontact kontact??????????21:45
Daisuke_Idoone question mark will suffice, this isn't aol21:46
ActionParsniphow can I find out what package contains a particular so.2 file21:48
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:52
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion21:52
jason__How do I view windows HLP files?21:52
geniijason__: kchmviewer    for instance21:53
deamon3hey i can install compiz fusion manager in kubuntu21:54
jason__genii: I have that, this is a .hlp file   not a .chm    I tested as well and kchmviewer can't open it21:54
=== cyberclaw is now known as Claw[DM]bbl
jason__all I found was21:54
jason__jason@Ward:~$ sudo apt-cache search hlp viewer21:54
jason__helpdeco - decompiler for windows help (WinHelp) files21:54
Daisuke_Idonot an ideal solution21:56
Daisuke_Idobut a solution nonetheless21:56
=== ubuntu-laptop is now known as gnomefreak
BruterHi for greek ubuntu chanel???22:15
Daisuke_Ido!gr | Bruter22:15
ubottuBruter: #ubuntu-gr ĪŗĪ±Ī¹ #kubuntu-gr Ī³Ī¹Ī± ĪˆĪ»Ī»Ī·Ī½ĪµĻ‚ Ļ‡ĻĪ·ĻƒĻ„Ī­Ļ‚  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes22:15
BruterOK thss22:15
Vermuxwho can help with samba?22:23
minhaaj_i can't get to install firefox with kub22:23
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins22:23
Bruterany greek in this chanel?22:23
ubottu#ubuntu-gr ĪŗĪ±Ī¹ #kubuntu-gr Ī³Ī¹Ī± ĪˆĪ»Ī»Ī·Ī½ĪµĻ‚ Ļ‡ĻĪ·ĻƒĻ„Ī­Ļ‚  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes22:25
MetaMorfoziSsure, but why not the def bro in kubuntu:(22:27
ForsakenSoulhey does someone know where I can find gobby 4.6 for gusty ?22:33
Daisuke_Idoif we knew what gobby was22:35
ubottuFactoid gobby not found22:35
Daisuke_Ido!info gobby22:36
ubottugobby (source: gobby): collaborative text editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.6-3 (hardy), package size 482 kB, installed size 1704 kB22:36
Daisuke_Idoenable gutsy-backports22:36
ForsakenSoulhow ?22:36
Daisuke_Idoi don't remember with adept :)22:36
Daisuke_Idothere should be some sort of "manage repositories" in there22:36
nosrednaekimadept->manage repositories22:37
Daisuke_Idothere ya go :D22:37
ForsakenSouland then ?22:37
ubottuFactoid escputil not found22:38
ubottuFactoid path not found22:38
ubottuFactoid inkjet not found22:38
Daisuke_Idogo to updates and enable backports?22:38
Daisuke_Ido!botabuse | gon_22:39
ubottugon_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:39
ForsakenSoulDaisuke_Ido ... no backports ...22:39
Daisuke_Idolet me look22:40
ForsakenSoulI'm using gusty ... want to download the package used in hardy22:40
Daisuke_Idothat's what backports is for22:40
Daisuke_Idounsupported updates22:40
ForsakenSoulbecause the package in gusty it 4.5 ... don't have time to update the whole system because too much things too set up22:40
ForsakenSoulohh op unsupported updates ... why didn't you said so :d22:40
Daisuke_Idoi wasn't sure what adept called it22:40
ForsakenSoulthank you22:41
Daisuke_Idoyou're welcome22:41
Daisuke_Idodid that have what you were looking for?22:41
ForsakenSoulDaisuke_Ido .. if I update Kubuntu to hardy22:42
ForsakenSoulwould I have problems with programs like rails, merb22:42
ubottuFactoid gutenprint not found22:42
minhaaj_i can't play online songs22:42
ForsakenSoulI'm more concerned about merb, sqlite3 rubygems and gedit22:42
=== minhaaj_ is now known as helpy
Daisuke_IdoForsakenSoul: i use none of thsoe, so i do not know22:42
helpywindows media player plug in isnt working22:42
ForsakenSoulok thank you22:42
Daisuke_Idohelpy: could be because this isn't windows.22:42
helpyso that means you can't see content that is supposed to work in windows ?22:43
helpythere is no wmp plug in in kub ?22:43
Daisuke_Idoyou can use the mplayer browser plugin, or the vlc browser plugin22:43
jason__Hi, how do I make kate search all the files that i have open for a word? I tried the search function but it doesn't have a find in files option22:43
Daisuke_Idothose will take the place of the functionality that the wmp plugin is supposed to provide22:44
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:44
Daisuke_Idolook in your package manager for vlc - there should be a firefox/browser plugin there :)22:44
helpyyea found it Daisuke_Ido22:45
uwehello there, I have a short question...22:45
Daisuke_Ido!ask | uwe22:45
ubottuuwe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:45
uweI know I just don't wanna be rude, that's why I'm starting like that... so...22:46
jason__Hi, how do I make kate search all the files that i have open for a word? I tried the search function but it doesn't have a find in files option22:46
USMarinejason__ http://www.google.com/search?q=kate+search+all+files&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a22:47
=== jhutchins_ is now known as jhutchins_wk
toalgien abla espaƱol22:49
Daisuke_Ido!es | to22:49
ubottuto: Aquƭ solamente hablamos inglƩs. Para EspaƱol, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allƭ obtendrƔ mƔs ayuda.22:49
uwemy gimp has the wrong language, how do I change that?22:49
USMarineunistall the language package22:50
uweif I uninstall and install it again22:51
uweit won't start the download process and install the same package22:51
uweI changed the language in the system configuarions to the right language22:52
uwebut still22:52
uwehow do I force adept to download the package again?22:53
uweI think that would solve the problem22:53
nosrednaekimuwe: clear the cache22:53
helpyi am loving my kubuntu experience22:54
helpyyou won't know how much windows sucks until you use linux22:54
uwewell indeed I'm a big linux fan since I started knoppix at the first time lol22:54
helpyis there a way to back up kubuntu configs ?22:54
USMarinei use both22:54
darkosoulciao gente22:55
helpyi started with linux puppy.22:55
uweanyway, how do I clear the cache?22:55
helpybut thats because i couldnt get my kubuntu running22:55
USMarinecp /etc/* -R backupFolder22:55
emilsedghuwe: remove the downloaded files from /var/cache/apt/archives22:55
uwethank you!22:55
helpywhat does that command do ?22:55
nosrednaekimuwe: that command was not for you22:55
uwewhich command?22:56
helpyis there a way i can back up my whole kubuntu on a dvd and get it running when i boot from dvd ?22:56
uweah I know22:56
uweI got another problem22:56
uweI tried to remove these files but no chance22:57
USMarinehelpy no22:57
uweI believe I can only remove them as root?22:57
helpywhy not ?22:57
USMarinesudo apt-get clear22:57
helpyisn't there a norton ghost like software in linux ?22:57
USMarinedd works22:57
USMarineyou can tar the root22:58
nosrednaekimuwe: "sudo apt-get clean"22:58
USMarinebut it won't boot from a dvd as a lice cd22:58
nosrednaekimhelpy: what configuration files22:58
USMarinei think it's clear not clean22:58
uweoki I'm gonna try22:58
helpyi mean the changes i have made nos ?22:58
uweyah clear doesn't exist XD22:58
helpymy personal settings, installed softwares and all ?22:58
nosrednaekimhelpy: ah.. you can't back that up22:59
helpyso what can i back up ?22:59
uwesuper it worked! I have to write down this command lol22:59
USMarineyou can backup of course22:59
helpysomebody told me that your data is more safe in linux then windows22:59
USMarinemore safe=safer22:59
helpywhat kind of back up is that if your config isn't safe ?22:59
USMarinebackup / using dd23:00
helpydd ?23:00
nosrednaekimhelpy: well, you can back up your /home which will save everything except your installed programs23:00
USMarineYEAH! 12 to go23:00
USMarinehelpy your programs are under /usr23:01
Daisuke_Idothink before you install, and you'll keep everything safe23:01
prodigyis there a way to speed up kde in kubuntu? i do not like it, because it is slower, it os not as optimised as my other distro kde:( and i prefer kubuntu over that one;(23:01
helpysuppose my kubuntu gets crashed, and i install new one. will data on my hard disk be safe ?23:01
Daisuke_Idoi can't bear to see anyone stick /home on the same partition as /23:01
helpyprodigy are you using compiz ?23:01
prodigyhelpy: no if it on that partition23:02
uweaw it's still english, after uninstall, fresh downloading and installation23:02
prodigyhelpy: no23:02
continentaltestļ»æNEED HELP W/ KFTPGRABBER --- tried to enter "zeroconf://local/_http._tcp/MyLocalNetworkedComputerName" and it fails by responding "The file or folder zeroconf://local/_http._tcp/HP-8655c does not exist." ----> have setup avahi, zeronconf, KFTPGrabber and kicker-based kpf serving a directory.  I noticed that KFTPGrabber only enables the various FTP protocols in the setup/config screen. cannot enter any other protocols ,,,23:02
helpyhhehe then why do you say you can back up data ?23:02
helpywhat does it it back if that doesnt back up and configuration both ?23:02
Daisuke_Idoyou can back up your data, YOUR data.  it backs up YOUR configs from YOUR home directory, yes.23:02
anethum_aafter hibernating my laptop, i have to type 'sudo modprobe -r -v ohci_hcd && sudo modprobe -v ohci_hcd' to get USB devices working again ; is there any way i can automate this?23:03
prodigynothing else. clean install formats partition helpy23:03
helpyDaisuke_Ido:  how ?23:03
prodigyhelpy: keep is one of the programs23:03
helpyhuh ?23:03
Daisuke_Idoyes, you'll have to reinstall your software, but if you've backed up your home directory (that's where the configs are), the software will use that configuration/23:03
Daisuke_Idogoogle it23:03
prodigyhelpy: or you can manually burn your /home23:03
helpyhow do i back up home directory ?23:04
prodigyhelpy: Daisuke_Ido but if config files are bad, you will do nothing by reinstalling23:04
USMarineif you mount /home in another partition, 99% of the problems are gone with an OS crash23:04
helpyyea so i am backing up configs file when i think my config is ok23:04
helpyseems ok.23:04
Daisuke_Idothen if you don't want to back up your config files, don't complain because they aren't magically there when you reinstall23:04
* Daisuke_Ido headdesks23:05
helpyyou can also create multiple configs right ? or you have to upgrade the older config if youwant to make new ?23:05
USMarinehelpy cd /home/helpy && tar backup.tar .23:05
USMarinehelpy cd /home/helpy && tar cvf backup.tar .23:05
helpyits a command for konsole US ?23:05
prodigyhelpy: than simply create another partition, and move your /home to it. i am not sure about multiple configs.23:05
prodigyUSMarine: your kung fu is good...23:05
prodigyhelpy: yes. prefferably as root.23:06
USMarineprodigy O_o23:06
helpyi still dont understand23:06
prodigyUSMarine: o.023:06
prodigyhelpy: :) type that command in console as root23:07
USMarinenot as root ffs23:07
helpyas root ?23:07
helpyi have to logoff ?23:07
prodigyhelpy: it wil make a tar.gz file with all23:07
prodigyhelpy: no, sudo it23:07
helpyumm sudo it ?23:07
* helpy confused23:07
nosrednaekimGUYS! STOP!23:07
nosrednaekimyou are getting too complicated23:08
prodigysudo cd /home/helpy && tar backup.tar etc23:08
prodigynosrednaekim: you know better way, let us learn it, please23:08
nosrednaekimhelpy: all of your personal data is stored under "/home"23:08
nosrednaekimhelpy: except the programs you have installed23:08
nosrednaekimits rather like "docuements and settings" is separated from "programs" in windows23:09
helpyok so ?23:09
USMarinei have programs in my home....23:09
nosrednaekimif you want to keep this personal information separate from from your installation, you put /home on a separate partitions23:10
prodigyUSMarine: what kind?23:10
nosrednaekimhelpy: you can still do that if you want.23:10
doswelbonsoir  french ?23:10
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr23:10
USMarinehelpy http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102/23:11
USMarineprodigy games23:11
nosrednaekimhelpy: you can also do like USMarine and prodigy are saying and zip up your home directory and put it somewhere23:11
prodigyyou can back em up also23:11
prodigyhelpy: if you can burn a disc in k3b or nero, burn all in /home23:12
USMarinehelpy have a read on that article when you can23:12
helpyso i zip up all contents of home directory and burn it on some storage device, install new kub and extract zip in home ?23:12
nosrednaekimhelpy: correct!23:13
* helpy bows23:13
USMarinewhy do you need a new kubuntu?23:13
helpythanks to all23:13
helpyif my kubuntu crashes ?23:13
helpyor i mess up while trying new things ?23:13
nosrednaekimright... that will save your data23:13
USMarinein that case yes23:13
USMarinebut when that hapens, place /home in adifferent partition than /23:14
nosrednaekimand if it ever crashes... you canalways grab the info off of it from a liveCD... Linux rarely corrupts the whole disc to the point that you can't get your data23:14
helpyi'll burn all /home23:15
helpybtw what player do you guys use ?23:15
helpyi can't get a universal player for my kubuntu23:15
helpyin windows i used vlc and mp classic and it would player everything23:15
USMarineand kaffeine23:15
helpyamarok sucks bigtime23:15
helpyand kaffeine too23:15
helpyit won't play rm, video, ogg23:15
nosrednaekimamarok and dragonplayer23:15
helpyamarok needs codecs23:16
prodigyhelpy: kaffeine and vlc23:16
USMarineamarok is not a video player23:16
nosrednaekimyou can use VLC in linux23:16
helpyi never had to download anything for vlc23:16
helpyi can't download vlc23:16
prodigyvlc kicks ass23:16
nosrednaekimhelpy: its in the repositories23:16
prodigyhelpy: Y?23:16
helpyit won't work23:17
helpyi downloaded tar.gz from website23:17
helpyand it won't work23:17
nosrednaekimhelpy: heh....look for vlc in adept :)23:17
prodigyhelpy: you'll need many other thing to make your own from tar.gz, dl it from repo23:17
helpyok found it23:17
nosrednaekimalways always look there first :)23:17
helpyyea just read a tutorial :)23:18
prodigyanyone knows how can i speed up my kde?23:24
helpyprodigy: are you using compiz ?23:24
prodigyno i am not helpy23:25
Odd-rationaleprodigy: kde is not famous for its speed...23:25
prodigyOdd-rationale: sidux and arch have speed in kde...23:25
helpymy kde is ok23:25
helpysometimes it gets stuck23:26
Odd-rationaleprodigy: that is an arch thing not kde ;)23:26
Odd-rationalearch+kdemod is quite fast!23:26
helpyis there a process manager to kill processes in kde ?23:26
prodigyhelpy: ksysguard23:26
helpyoh ok great23:26
nosrednaekimhelpy: ctrl+esc23:26
helpylike puppy linux i have to set up fire fall in kub too ?23:27
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).23:27
helpyvlc is working great23:29
PIRATdo you know who have free bnc or free shell for me ?23:29
redd0tdoes anybody know of a way to get kopete to organize all contacts alphabetically regardless of status.23:30
MetaMorfoziSis that the same if i install ubuntu server and kubuntu-desktop on it?23:31
MetaMorfoziSas a kubuntu install?23:31
nosrednaekimMetaMorfoziS: pretty close23:32
MetaMorfoziSbut in hardware support?23:32
nosrednaekimyeah... same23:32
MetaMorfoziSwhat is the difference?23:32
Odd-rationaleMetaMorfoziS: i think the server iso has the server kernel23:33
nosrednaekimoh... thats true... it might23:33
Odd-rationaleyou can get a cli from the alternative cd. just press f4 to get options in the boot screen23:34
Odd-rationaleif you wanted the generic kernel...23:34
MetaMorfoziSso i can make a kubuntu from that...23:34
Odd-rationaleyou can install kubuntu-desktop on either the server or generic kernel23:35
MetaMorfoziSi just asks because the kubuntu's alternate install's encrypted lvm setup isn't makes a bootable medium23:35
redd0ti want to switch to kopete, but im still so used to pidgin23:35
MetaMorfoziSso i thought i try that with a server install23:35
MetaMorfoziSand build up...23:35
MetaMorfoziSwhat's the best, install ubuntu(!) and remove all gnome **** or install ubuntu server?23:36
Odd-rationaleprobably the latter23:36
helpywhat did you say, if i copy all my /home and paste it in a new kub installation, i would have all my installations and configs right ?23:37
MetaMorfoziShelpy > no23:37
Odd-rationalehelpy: pretty much...23:37
MetaMorfoziS/etc is also needed23:37
MetaMorfoziSfor xorg, apache etc that you has23:37
MetaMorfoziSso back up /etc too.23:37
Odd-rationaleoh yeah, that is true...23:37
MetaMorfoziSbut don't copy back it without thinking23:38
MetaMorfoziSjust what you need23:38
helpywheres etc ?23:38
Odd-rationalehelpy: in /23:38
MetaMorfoziSthe same where /home found:)23:38
helpyok its in root23:38
helpyok one more prob23:40
helpyits not detecting my super drive23:40
MetaMorfoziSwhat is super drive?23:41
MetaMorfoziShelpy > and in other hands, i recommend you to backup your /etc like this: sudo tar -cvvf etc080604.tar /etc23:42
MetaMorfoziSsudo because not every file available for normal users, tar to save the file's permissions too23:42
helpycd/dvd reader+writer23:42
MetaMorfoziSplug it off23:43
MetaMorfoziSsudo tail -f /var/log/syslog23:43
MetaMorfoziSpress some enter23:43
MetaMorfoziSplug it in23:43
MetaMorfoziSand check what it dumps23:43
MetaMorfoziSand google:/23:43
helpynot working meta23:43
helpytar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive23:43
helpyTry `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.23:43
MetaMorfoziSit works23:44
MetaMorfoziSi think you has a typo23:44
MetaMorfoziSor copyed wrong piece:)23:44
helpylets copy paste :)23:44
MetaMorfoziS"sudo tar -cvvf etc080604.tar /etc"23:44
MetaMorfoziSwothout ":D23:44
helpyok done23:45
helpynow what ?23:45
helpyi want to burn whole back up to dvd23:45
MetaMorfoziSGOTO 00:42(+-your gmt)23:45
helpyhuh ?23:45
MetaMorfoziSdo what i said above^^ plug off, syslog enter plug in google23:46
MetaMorfoziSbut before23:46
MetaMorfoziSwhat cd writer did you uses?23:46
helpyi dont understand23:46
MetaMorfoziSand it isn't detects?23:46
prodigyanyone know how to fix subtitle problem in kaffeine? it freezes the video for half a second every time subtitle appears..23:46
MetaMorfoziShelpy > sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog23:47
helpywhats that ?23:47
MetaMorfoziSthis dumps your systems messages23:47
MetaMorfoziSnear everything23:47
MetaMorfoziSplug offf your writer, press some enter to get some space23:48
MetaMorfoziSand pug in23:48
helpyshall i reinsert dvd ?23:48
prodigyi use kaffeine with xine engine, intel graphic 915GM, everything but this works fine.23:48
MetaMorfoziSif isn't dvd in the rom, where you know that it isn't works?23:48
MetaMorfoziScheck k3b23:48
weswh-does anyone know if there are early builds of EnvyNG that contain the newest drivers - before waiting for that to make its way into the stable repository?23:48
MetaMorfoziSis that prints your rom's type?23:48
helpyit won't detect dvd23:49
helpybecause when i insert usb, i get a msg that storage device has been plugged23:49
helpybut it doesnt alert me when i insert dvd23:49
MetaMorfoziSso the problem is not with the writer:/23:50
helpyso ?23:50
MetaMorfoziScheck this area of k3b23:50
MetaMorfoziSthe bold text is your rom, the text under it is the type of medium23:50
MetaMorfoziSwhat you have here, with inserted in dvd?23:51
helpyan image of puppy linux i guess23:51
MetaMorfoziSDid you see your rom's type? Did you see anything else than "no medium present"?23:51
helpywhere do i find my rom on dolphin ?23:51
MetaMorfoziStype media:/23:52
MetaMorfoziSto somewhere:D23:52
* MetaMorfoziS hates dolphin but psst:)23:52
prodigyanyone know how to fix subtitle problem in kaffeine? it freezes the video for half a second every time subtitle appears..23:52
helpyno it has found dvd23:52
helpywhat should i use instead of dolphin ?23:52
MetaMorfoziSnot should23:52
MetaMorfoziSbut you can use a lot of other programs23:52
MetaMorfoziSsuch as krusader23:53
MetaMorfoziSthat's like totalcommander23:53
helpywow it has detected23:53
helpyhmm what do you use ?23:53
MetaMorfoziSor konqueror for image browsing, if you asks me.23:53
helpyseems like its working23:53
MetaMorfoziShardy has the latest in the repos23:53
helpyhey are you using, google toolbar in ff ?23:53
helpyi can't seem to download it23:54
helpyahh ok23:54
MetaMorfoziSi uses google search23:54
MetaMorfoziSthe thing at topright23:54
helpyare you using compiz ?23:54
helpyi can't get that cube spin23:54
MetaMorfoziSi uses that for ranslating23:54
MetaMorfoziSfor google i just type what i need into the urlbar23:54
helpyoh where are you from ?23:54
MetaMorfoziSi'm not using compiz23:55
MetaMorfoziSand i'm from Hugnary:)23:55
prodigyhelpy: does it move from let to right?23:55
helpylets do some serous work23:55
prodigyhelpy: i use compiz//23:55
helpyi want to burn the back up on dvd23:55
prodigyhelpy: goto compiz settings23:55
helpyhow do i do that meta ?23:55
helpycomplete back up23:55
helpyok hang on23:55
darrickwhat programs(linux) can play flv?23:56
helpycompok i am there23:56
helpyvlc darrick23:56
prodigydarrick: kaffeine, vlc23:56
MetaMorfoziSdarrick > near anything23:56
helpyyep meta23:56
MetaMorfoziSdon1t forget mplayer:)23:56
helpyprodigy:  now what23:56
MetaMorfoziS(that's developed by hungarians;)23:56
helpymplayer isnt as good as vlc23:56
helpyas them to refine it23:56
MetaMorfoziSin itself it's true23:56
helpyprodigy help me find cube effect23:56
prodigyhelpy: there is a setting called cube desktop or something like that and it is not checked.23:57
darrickk thanks23:57
MetaMorfoziSbut with smplayer i think it's the coolest ever:) (it's just mine opinion)23:57
prodigycheck it, it will uncheck that other effect23:57
helpyno its checked23:57
helpyand no its not unchecking all others23:57
prodigyhelpy: can you find it?23:57
helpyi have expo, viewport switcher, rotate cube and widget layer checked too23:57
helpyits under desktop23:57
prodigyhelpy: well.. let me reboot into kubuntu, I'll be here in two minutes...23:58
eckerhow do i update my menu.lst file to show my new kernel image its still show my old one?23:58
MetaMorfoziSThe firefox google thing is easy, about:config filter for "keyword.URL", and set it to a well parameterized google search link. (100 results on a page, your languages etc)... And then just press ctrl-l and you can type your query. If it isn't looks like an url, then ff forwards that to google. For example, if you want to find inside of a site, you can by: "site:example.com foobar" you need "foobar site:example.com" because ff thinks that you23:59
MetaMorfoziSwant something with "site" protocol...23:59

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