
keesarchive-admins: can someone please deNEW the linux-* binaries in hardy-security?00:50
kees(linux, l-r-m, l-b-m, l-u-m)00:50
keesslangasek: ^^00:51
keescjwatson: ^^01:06
slangasekkees: poking01:09
keesslangasek: cool, thanks.01:09
lifelesspitti: thanks for doing the amd64 port01:12
lifelesspitti: by the time I actually hit sydney I couldn't put two characters adjacent to each other; I figured it was going to be about as trivial as it was01:13
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calcanyone else having problems with the gnome calendar locking up panel completely anytime you click on it, in hardy-updates?04:11
superm1try turning off the temperature grabbing04:13
calcsuperm1: how do you actually turn it off?04:17
calcsuperm1: it only has options to change if it is displayed afaict04:17
superm1well i've had the freezes you talked about, and i unchecked the weather and pulled out the extra locations i didnt need04:18
superm1well that temperature04:18
superm1turned off both04:18
superm1and then it didn't pull the data or freeze anymore04:18
calcoh ok, i will try removing the locations, i already have the other options disabled04:18
calchmm turning off the other locations didn't help either :-]04:19
calcer :-\04:19
superm1well i guess i just got lucky then :(04:25
superm1it was really annoying before though, so i fell your pain04:25
calcanyone happen to know how to set the username for svn ssh?04:33
persiacalc: ~/.ssh/config : it's the same as setting a username for any other ssh service.04:34
pwnguinisn't it just svn+ssh://username@url04:34
calcah ok04:34
persiapwnguin: Well, if you like to type your username that often :)04:35
pwnguinpersia: well, i have a eclipse etc set up svn04:35
pwnguinif i need a username at all04:35
pittiGood morning06:06
pittilifeless: you're welcome; thanks for digging this patch out, it's highly useful06:06
ajmitchhi pitti06:07
pwnguinok, thats bizarre. firefox doesn't offer a subscription icon for planet.kernel.org06:19
pwnguindonno if it's ff or the site's fault, but still kinda silly06:20
Treenakspwnguin: maybe they forgot to add a <link rel="alternative">06:28
pwnguinTreenaks: if you know how such stuff works and care, maybe send the site maintainer a hint ;)06:30
Treenakspwnguin: http://www.petefreitag.com/item/384.cfm06:31
Treenaksyou send them that :)06:31
pwnguinit seems like something planet outta do on its own06:32
EvanCarrollCan anyone help me confirm a bug?07:11
EvanCarrollssh-add -D && gnome-terminal --hide-menubar --full-screen -e "ssh host-with-passkey"07:11
EvanCarrollplease replace host-with-passkey with an ssh box ip or name that uses keyauth07:12
EvanCarrollI think this bug exists in hardy you might have to jump to a tty and kill gnome-ask-ssh07:12
EvanCarrollI think this bug exists in hardy you might have to jump to a tty and kill gnome-ssh-askpass07:12
paulproteuskees, ping?  (sort of an emergency)07:55
dholbachgood morning07:58
thekornhey dholbach!08:06
dholbachhi thekorn08:06
munckfishHi, I want to get a the ps3-kboot sources into the bazaar supermirror. I'm not motu/core, I presume am I going to have to get someone with perms to push the first version for me?08:07
mdkecjwatson: please could you poke through my email to ubuntu-devel-announce when you get the chance08:08
TheMusomunckfish: What bazaar super mirror are you referring to?08:08
munckfishI'm trying to follow this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BzrMaintainerHowto08:09
munckfishI'd like to get our packaging stuff up there so it's easy to share changes08:09
munckfishTheMuso: particularly now you've offered to help build stuff for us08:09
TheMusomunckfish: Right. Is there already a bzr branch for ps3kboot or whatever its called?08:09
munckfishThere's no product registered (I just did that)08:10
munckfishI'll look and see if a branch exists08:10
TheMusomunckfish: If there is not, you can create a branch under the newly registered product. You can make it writable only by yourself, or the ps3-dev team.08:10
munckfishunder the product not the team (like it says in that tut)08:11
munckfishTheMuso: could you join the ubuntu-ps3-dev team on LP?08:11
TheMusomunckfish: If you would like me to, ok.08:12
munckfishI think that would have benefits08:12
munckfishin terms of permissions etc08:12
TheMusoOk done waiting for your ACK.08:12
munckfishTheMuso: ok will do.08:13
munckfishThere is no existing branch08:13
TheMusoOk, so create a new one.08:13
munckfishOk I'll upload the first version under the product08:13
munckfishTheMuso: Ok I need to leave for work. Thanks for you help, I'll cont. with this later08:14
TheMusomunckfish: No problem.08:29
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Mithrandircjwatson: is it possible to set expiry dates for SSH keys?09:11
saispoBenC: ping ?09:27
saispono one from the kernel team ? i can't clone from the git repository...09:29
sorensaispo: Which url are you using?09:36
saisposoren: git-clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu.hardy.git ubuntu-hardy09:36
sorenIt's git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu.hardy.git09:37
saispoyes, excuse me but same error...09:37
sorenDid you mistype or is the documentation wrong somewhere?09:37
saispoInitialized empty Git repository in /home/jsoyer/local/csm/git/ubuntu-hardy/.git/09:37
sorenOh. Hehh..09:37
saispofatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly09:37
saispofetch-pack from 'git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu.hardy.git' failed.09:37
sorenIt's git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git09:38
sorenAgain: Did you mistype or is the documentation wrong somewhere?09:38
saispoi get the command on the gitweb09:38
sorenWhere exactly?09:38
soren_exactly_? :) I don't see that url anywhere on that page.09:39
saispoon the top09:40
saispoTo clone one of these projects, use "git-clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/<project>" or "git-clone http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/<project>".09:40
sorenYou seem to be missing the point.. Does it say "kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu.hardy.git" anywhere?09:40
sorenif you just mistyped, that's fine. If the documentation is wrong somewhere, though, we need to fix that.09:41
saispoi don't see where i make a mistake... :)09:43
sorenIt's git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git09:43
saispogit-clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu.hardy ubuntu-hardy and git-clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu.hardy.git ubuntu-hardy give me the same result...09:43
saispoyes i'm agree with you :)09:43
sorenNo, you don't. :)09:43
soren                                           ^^09:44
saispothis two commandes does not work :)09:44
sorenTake the url  I sent you and use that.09:44
sorenCopy'n'paste style.09:44
saispoand don't work...09:44
saispoi have : fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly09:44
sorenReplace ubuntu.hardy with ubuntu-hardy.09:44
sorenCopy and paste ftw.09:45
saispooh excuse me...09:45
sorenNow... Did you mistype or is the documentation wrong somewhere?09:45
saispoi must open my eyes widely next times !!!!09:45
saispomistyped, big excuse...09:45
saispothanks soren09:46
saispoand excuse me :)09:46
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cjwatsonmdke: done09:59
arthur-pitti: I answered your mail for initscripts, sorry for the delay09:59
cjwatsonMithrandir: I don't think so, no10:00
cjwatsonTheMuso: "supermirror" is an old term for what's now called the Launchpad codehosting service10:00
TheMusocjwatson: ah.10:00
cjwatsonI've edited BzrMaintainerHowto accordingly10:01
pittiarthur-: oh, thanks!10:23
pittiseb128: any luck with gthumb?10:42
Riddellpitti: can I move kde4libs -proposed to -updates?  bug 21813810:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 218138 in kde4libs "unable to launch atlantik in kde4" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21813810:42
pittiRiddell: looks good, I tagged it v-done10:43
pittiRiddell: doing10:43
seb128pitti: I did comment on the bug yesterday10:44
seb128pitti: no?10:44
pittiseb128: I don't see it in bug 153572?10:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 153572 in gthumb "Merge 2.10.8-1 from debian unstable" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15357210:44
seb128you pointed an another bug number10:44
pittiseb128: ah, right, because I suck10:44
seb128the one about the set timestamp to the exif data value10:44
pittiI forgot to mention above bug in the changelog, sorry10:45
seb128and I commented on this one10:45
pittiseb128: right; nevermind me10:45
* pitti hugs seb12810:45
pittiRiddell: done10:45
* seb128 hugs pitti10:45
seb128pitti: otherwise the new version works fine, I can add a comment about that on the new version bug if you want10:45
pittiseb128: nah, that's ok10:45
Riddellpitti: thanks10:45
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munckfisharthur-: I notice you're maintainer of libspe2 in debian, are you going to be looking after that package in Ubuntu too? (btw sorry hear about your rugby accident hope you're ok)10:46
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pittimvo: is bug 225900 already fixed in the intrepid version, or does it need an upload?11:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225900 in chillispot "chillispot configuration getting hung up" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22590011:18
mvopitti: let me check11:19
geserpitti: should pkg-create-dbgsyms be able to handle "export DH_COMPAT := 2" in debian/rules? Currently it assumes compat level 1 because of the : before the =11:19
pittigeser: ah, indeed11:21
pittiif grep -q '^[[:space:]]*\(export[[:space:]]*\)\?DH_COMPAT[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[2-9]\>' debian/rules; then11:21
pittigeser: so *= should become *:?=11:21
gesermore *:\?= but yes11:22
pittigeser: is that the recent debian/tmp -> no such dir FTBFS?11:22
pittiah, thanks for tracking this down!11:22
gesershould I file a bug for it?11:22
pittigeser: I'll add a test case, fix, and upload11:23
pittigeser: if you want; but I'll fix it right now11:23
geserif you fix it right now then I don't see the need to file a bug for it11:24
pittiok, can reproduce here in the test suite11:25
mvopitti: I'm uploading chillispot now, it is not fixed in intrepid yet and then sent the patch to debian11:26
* pitti hugs mvo, thanks11:26
seb128mvo: apt is on crack in intrepid, it really wants to install recommends ;-)11:29
mvoseb128: indeed :)11:29
pittiseb128: yohoo!11:29
seb128mvo: sudo apt-get remove evolution; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:29
* mvo runs away for lunch before seb can catch him11:29
seb128it wants to reinstall evolution because some other packages recommends it11:29
pittioh, even for metapackages?11:29
seb128pitti: not really "yohoo" no, users should be able to remove evolution which is a standard package if they want to11:30
seb128I'm not sure to understand the logic11:30
pittisure, for that particular issue; but I mean in general11:30
seb128I would expect recommends to be trigger when installing a new package, not all the time11:30
mvoseb128: I have a look after lunch, I'm not sure why its dragged in, generally it should not re-add it (might be a bug or something strange)11:30
pittithat's true11:30
seb128pitti: yeah, just some cleaning to do now ;-)11:30
seb128mvo: ok, let me know if you need extra informations, I just tried and the guy is right11:31
seb128sudo apt-get remove evolution on intrepid and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade wants to reinstall it11:31
mvoseb128: do you have a bugnumer for this?11:31
seb128mvo: bug #23636011:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236360 in evolution "evolution requires spamassassin" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23636011:32
seb128mvo: I'm reassigning to apt since apt-get dist-upgrade has a similar behaviour11:33
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seb128mvo: hum, this lunch things is actually a good idea ;-)11:36
pittiapachelogger_: rejecting your kopete-plugin-thinklight; please reupload with a LP # bug reference in the changelog; thanks!11:37
pittimvo: likewise for notification-daemon11:38
geserpitti: could you give at quick look at bug #236298 and tell me if I missed something or if it's complete?11:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236298 in libpar-dist-perl "[MIR] Move libpar-dist-perl to main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23629811:41
pittigeser: looks great, thanks!11:41
pittigeser: p-c-d tested and uploaded; thanks!11:45
pittidoko: does Debian know about the tzdata java patch/11:48
pittiI didn't see it in the BTS11:48
dokopitti: yes, aurelian knows11:50
ogralool, if you say you dont see crashes with libflashsupport, is that on i386 or amd64 ? (note that the latter uses nspluginwrapper, that might hide the actual crashes)11:50
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loologra: it's on i386 and amd6411:58
loologra: I'm using a custom install of libflashsupport on Debian/i386 (1.0~2219-1) and 1.9-0ubuntu1 on Ubuntu/amd6411:59
ograbut no ubuntu i386 there12:06
Keybuksabdfl: so, about ye olde tech board? :)12:07
sistpoty|workhm... any chance we could get a fix for bug 193323 into the point release?12:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193323 in xserver-xorg-video-cirrus "x fails to startup in qemu - no driver for Cirrus card" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19332312:16
mvopitti: thanks and sorry for the forgotten LP number12:17
pittimvo: no problem; I'm just anal about this, since absent bug # make SRUs a pain12:17
mvorightly so12:18
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MezHmm .... Why is Evince saying that it's Microsoft word?12:37
Meznvm - it's the document12:38
Riddelllool, pitti: bug 127985, accept or reject for gutsy?12:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 127985 in libgtk2-perl "gutsy/amd64: ftbfs / autopkgtest failure" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12798512:38
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pochusoren: hi :) gtk-vnc is dep-waiting on a universe package (for the scaling support I think), could you look into it? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-vnc/0.3.6-212:41
pochusoren: otherwise we can remove the scaling support, but that wouldn't be cool ;)12:42
geserMez: check the title property of your pdf12:43
Mezgeser, I did - It'd be nice for evince to show a prefix though (or a suffix) to show that it isnt MS Word12:44
sorenMez: "Not Microsoft Word - Microsoft Word - Financial report 2007"12:44
sorenSounds great!12:45
sorenpochu: So... Feel like writing an MIR? :)12:45
pochusoren: not really, I'm terribly busy with uni and exams :(12:47
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sorenpochu: Ok, no worries. Maybe I can pursuade someone else to do it. I'm a bit busy, too :/12:52
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mvoseb128: I can reproduce the apt thing, I'm on it13:05
seb128mvo: cool13:17
geserpitti: could you please remove "gproftpd" again and blacklist it this time? I got synced to intrepid again and intrepid has now a lower version than hardy, see https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gproftpd13:21
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jdstrandcjwatson: hi! I finally got around to using your irssi-notify scripts and it's working great! :)13:22
pittiRiddell: I don't think it's worth the risk for a mere FTBFS; it should be fixed if there's an actual fix13:26
pittigeser: urgh, how can this happen...13:27
\shscripts are evil...they are created by humans ,-)13:27
pittiSource: gadmin-proftpd13:28
pittigeser: ^ ah, because it's not built from that source any more13:28
geserpitti: gproftpd got renamed to gadmin-proftpd, so you removed the old source package but Debian has it still and it got autosynced again13:29
pittigeser: done; thanks!13:30
\shand now I have to check if our changes are in debian or fix it again13:32
wgrantx/win 1013:33
loolpitti: The bug is also missing lpia binaries; this would be fixed13:33
pittilool: which bug?13:33
loolRiddell: pitti told me it wasn't worth it but would be included if there's something additional to fix13:33
loolpitti: The libgtk2-perl NBS13:34
pittilool: oh, I see; if you need that package, it would be worth it, yes13:34
loolAs already discussed, we don't need it /anymore/; technically you can still run image-creator and build gusty images in one of the configs, and they miss this binary13:35
loolBut hopefully nobody does that anymore13:35
seb128does anybody here read japanese?13:38
ScottKpersia: ^^^13:38
dholbachseb128: persia might be able to :)13:38
seb128see current comment on bug #209520, it indicates that a japanese blog indicates that some of the samba issues in hardy are due to -Wl,-Bsymbolic13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209520 in nautilus "SMB error: Unable to mount location when server configured with security=share" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20952013:39
seb128opinion from toolchain and samba guys would also be welcome13:39
zulseb128: I think there is already a bug open about the -Bsymbolic flags13:41
zulseb128: I also found a fix for #217137 as well13:42
seb128zul: do you plan to sru it?13:43
zulseb128: im in the middle of patching it now13:43
zulbut for the -Bsymbolic one I think you might slangasek's opinon as well13:44
pittiKeybuk: can you please have a quick look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Intrepid/DevicePermissions ? Please search for "Scott"13:46
pittiKeybuk: I'd like to write down why the hardy changes for the fingerprint reader can be dropped (and do so in hal, to get rid of a patch which didn't get accepted upstream)13:47
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persiaseb128: My apologies, but the limitations of my Japanese combined with my limited understanding of library symbols conspire to block my understanding.  I'll try to either catch Hatena on IRC or get someone to help translate later, and get back to you.13:49
Keybukpitti: Epiphany's search is broken today :-(13:50
Keybukpitti: btw, do we care about saned?13:50
pittiKeybuk: ^ for the pending merge of sane-backends?13:51
pittiI haven't made up my mind yet, TBH (too much other stuff to do)13:51
Keybukjust in general13:51
pittiKeybuk: seems quite heavy for a corner use case, though13:51
Keybukit needs a sane user/group13:51
pitti(picking up network scanners, etc; sounds like something avahi should handle)13:51
seb128persia: thanks, did you spot any reference to a launchpad bug in the blog text?13:51
Keybukand it's not run out of the box anyway13:51
pittiKeybuk: I think it is run now in Debian sid13:51
Keybukreally?  urgh13:52
persiaseb128: Yes, but not the specific bug.13:52
seb128ok, thanks13:52
Keybukpitti: Fingerprint readers13:52
calcanyone know about the gnome calendar crashing when you select it issue in hardy-updates?13:52
pittiKeybuk: nothing we couldn't disable again, I just didn't consider it urgent to re-merge so far13:52
* calc hasn't tried tracking down a bug number yet13:52
KeybukThe current HAL patch and rules are to allow ordinary users to use the fingerprint reader device13:52
* ogra listens up hearing fingerprint readers 13:52
Keybukand thus authenticate and capture fingerprints13:52
Keybukwhich is wrong13:52
ograis there a fix for mine ?13:52
* calc doesn't know which desktop team member is in charge of that now13:53
Keybukuse of the fingerprint reader device should be a privileged operation13:53
pittiKeybuk: that was merely a workaround so that gnome-screensaver could use it, wasn't it?13:53
Keybukand both the registration of new fingerprints, and authentication of existing ones, should be done in the same manner as passwords13:53
Keybukbasicaly, yeah13:53
Keybukthe proper fix is that the pam_fprint module should have a chkpwd like helper it can call when it needs to13:53
persiaseb128: I'm pretty sure it's bug 23490113:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234901 in samba "Please apply upstream patch for dpkg-buildsource" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23490113:54
Keybukfprint shouldn't be done by PAM at all13:55
Keybukbecause fingerprints are not suitable for authentication13:55
Keybukthey are simply suitable for identification13:55
sorenWhat's the difference?13:56
Keybukthe right way it should work is that swiping your fingerprint should be equivalent to a fast user switch13:56
Keybukswiping your fingerprint at gdm equivalent to entering your username13:56
Keybukif you have no password, that would be sufficient13:56
Keybukbut if you have a password, then you should also be asked for it13:56
pittisoren: you can tell who the fingerprint belongs to, but you can't tell whether it's actually the right person which presents it13:56
Keybuksoren: identification is something that is unique to you13:56
Keybuksoren: authentication is something that is secret to you13:56
seb128persia: indeed seems to be the issue, thanks again13:57
Keybuka fingerprint is a suitable medium to identify someone13:57
pittisoren: "I want to buy that shiny laptop with Soren's credit card"13:57
Keybukif it's swiped, then it's probably them13:57
Keybukor someone who's obtained their finger ;)13:57
seb128slangasek: could you look at bug #234901?13:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234901 in samba "Please apply upstream patch for dpkg-buildsource" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23490113:57
Keybukbut it's not suitable to authenticate someone13:57
Keybuksince fingerprints are not secret13:57
persiaseb128: Anytime.  There's a lot of coders here, and I like to see their work shared :)13:57
Keybukin fact, using a fingerprint for authentication is morally equivalent to writing your password down on every single surface you touch13:57
pittisoren: the CCC recently published the fingerprint of our Minster of the Interior :)13:58
Keybukpitti: that's a good example13:58
sorenpitti: Heheh :)13:58
Keybukthe Credit Card (well, it's number) is unique to soren13:58
Keybukso it identifies him13:58
Keybukand his PIN number is secret to soren13:58
Keybukso it authenticates him13:58
pittisoren: (in case you don't know, he has gone crazy and wants to turn Germany into an even worse surveillance country)13:58
sorenRight, ok. Got it.13:58
Keybukthe right way to do fingerprint support is definitely as an alternative to entering your username13:59
pittiKeybuk: ok, spec updated, set to "Review" state; anything else that I need to do about it now?14:00
pittilike, getting it ack'ed by someone else than you first, or so?14:00
Keybukno, probably not ;)14:01
Keybukcan you propose it as an intrepid release goal14:01
pittiI set myself as an assignee, too14:01
pittiuid=1000(martin) gid=1000(martin) Gruppen=4(adm),40(src),107(fuse),109(lpadmin),115(admin),1000(martin)14:02
pittithat's already not too bad any more14:02
pittifuse will go away, too, teh rest more or less needs to stay for now14:02
pittilpadmin is the only thing that should eventually go away, AFAICS14:03
Keybukwhat's src?14:05
Keybukis that one of your own?14:05
persiaGives write access to /usr/src14:05
jdstrandzul: can you approve the 'nominate for release' for bug #235912 ?14:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235912 in samba "[CVE-2008-1105] Samba: boundary failure when parsing SMB responses" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23591214:05
pittijdstrand, zul: ^ done14:06
jdstrandpitti: thanks!14:06
zulpitti: thanks14:06
pittiKeybuk: as persia said; /usr/src is 2775 root:src14:07
pittiKeybuk: it's not a standard group14:07
sabdflKeybuk: taipei time14:43
Keybuksabdfl: ah, how long until my tech board membership expires there? :p14:44
sabdfleverything happens faster here ;-)14:44
Keybukah, the anti-spain14:46
sabdflKeybuk: fixed!14:47
ion_Funny, both of my intrepid boxes refuse to reboot or shutdown. /me goes to bugs.launchpad.net14:48
affluxasac: can you please explain why you closed bug 131793? It was confirmed and I can't find any reason why it should be invalid.14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131793 in firefox "firefox crashed" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13179314:51
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slangasekseb128: 234901> had seen it, it made me whimper.  I don't think it's related to bug #209520, but is SRU material nonetheless.15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209520 in nautilus "SMB error: Unable to mount location when server configured with security=share" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20952015:06
seb128slangasek: right, the bug is clearly a gvfs issue, I pointed it because it seems to be a good sru candidate15:08
StevenKslangasek: Can you peer at the debdiff I just uploaded to bug 195260 when you have a moment?15:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195260 in mailscanner "MailScanner won't start due to variable $FIELD_NAME" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19526015:08
slangasekStevenK: er, looks straightforward, but I'm not sure on what level you're asking me to peer at it - it's a universe package, so motu-sru should approve it15:10
StevenKAh ha. To high a level.15:11
StevenKslangasek: Would you mind unsubscribing ubuntu-sru, then? :-)15:11
slangasekright, done :)15:12
StevenKslangasek: Thanks15:12
guysoft422hey all, does anyone know here what html is opened when running: yelp ghelp:about-ubuntu15:21
saispoBenC: ping ?15:29
sistpoty|workslangasek: can you approve bug #193323 and accept the package into -proposed?15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193323 in xserver-xorg-video-cirrus "x fails to startup in qemu - no driver for Cirrus card" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19332315:36
jdstrandpitti: if a package is in -updates in soyuz, will I need to have it deNEWed in -security like in dak?15:37
jdstrandpitti: hi btw :)15:37
Riddelljdstrand: uploads to -proposed will get stuck in unapproved15:39
Riddellthey shouldn't when moving from -proposed to -updates15:39
BenCsaispo: pong15:39
jdstrandRiddell: well, I had a bit of an odd case here where all this clamav stuff was added to -updates. I was then asked to get it into -security (usually its the other way around). So, I had to have a few packages deNEWed in dak, and was wondering if I needed to do the some thing in soyuz15:41
RiddellBenC: what is linux-ports?15:41
pittijdstrand: yes15:43
pittijdstrand: unless it is already present in dak, too, obviously15:43
jdstrandpitti: no, it wasn't15:43
pittijdstrand: then you need elmo (cjwatson is AFK today)15:43
jdstrandpitti: dak is all set now15:44
jdstrandpitti: I pushed to soyuz a minute ago15:44
jdstrandpitti: so it's just the soyuz bits I was asking about15:44
pittijdstrand: if the same package name already exists in soyuz, it's fine15:45
jdstrandpitti: perhaps specifics would help here15:45
jdstrandpitti: clamav had a micro version update for dapper, feisty and gutsy15:46
jdstrandpitti: pyclamd is a new package for feisty and gutsy, but happens to exist in -updates right now15:46
jdstrandpitti: does anything special have to happen with clamav or pyclamd in soyuz? both needed to be deNEWed in dak15:47
pittijdstrand: no, they should just go straight through15:48
jdstrandpitti: ok cool-- thanks :)15:48
pitti   pyclamd | 0.1.1-0ubuntu1~dapper1 | dapper-backports/universe | source15:48
pittipython-pyclamd | 0.1.1-0ubuntu1~dapper1 | dapper-backports/universe | all15:48
BenCRiddell: It's the kernel source for non-supported architectures (IOW, anything not x86/x86_64 right now)15:48
jdstrandpitti: I didn't do anything with pyclamd for dapper15:48
pittijdstrand: well, at least overrides for dapper automatically apply to all the pockets; I *think* that holds true for the reverse direction, too15:49
pittijdstrand: anyway, if it does land in NEW, just ping Riddell, seb128, or me15:49
jdstrandpitti: ok15:49
RiddellBenC: and i386 is non-supported?15:49
ograRiddell, its supposed to go to universe if i understood that right in prague15:53
ogra-i386 vs -generic15:53
seb128anybody using hardy-updates on amd64 who could get a stacktrace for bug #236025?15:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236025 in evolution-exchange "evolution-exchange-storage crashed with SIGSEGV in gconf_engine_unref()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23602515:54
seb128the retracers are broken but that could give informations for bug #236171 which annoys several users15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236171 in gnome-keyring "gnome-keyring-daemon and Evolution cause 100% CPU usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23617115:54
saispoBenC: i found the error :) it's about compiling lum under hardy for xen and alsa15:58
saispoi fixed, it's ok :)15:58
pittiBenC, mvo: I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidImprovedLinuxMeta with the current discussion I had with mvo15:58
ograseb128, is the gdm-signal bianry supposed to work in any way ?15:59
jdstrandRiddell: well, looks like clamav and pyclamd did end up in NEW. Can you deNEW them for feisty and gutsy?16:00
seb128ogra: it used to work, I didn't try for a while16:01
ograseems it doesnt anymore16:01
Riddelljdstrand: accepted16:02
jdstrandRiddell: thanks! I have a feeling clamav on dapper will also need it, but it isn't showing up yet16:03
seb128ogra: that will most likely go away or need to be rewritten when we update to the new gdm anyway16:04
ograseb128, right, i just suggested it to someone in -mobile who tries to write a custom logout dialog not using gnome-session ... and we found it just exists silently16:05
Riddelljdstrand: although there does seem to be a 16 week old linux-meta in there..16:05
jdstrandyeah, I just noticed that...16:05
Riddelljdstrand: any idea if that should be accepted or rejected?16:06
jdstrandRiddell: I'm checking16:06
ograseb128, hmm, the strace looks like its simply sending the wrong string http://paste.ubuntu.com/16599/16:10
bdmurraypitti: did slangasek's e-mail clear up my intent with the proposed-pkg tag?16:12
jdstrandRiddell: it should be accepted16:15
Riddelljdstrand: ok, doing16:16
jdstrandRiddell: thanks16:16
ScottKjdstrand: Dapper shouldn't need it.16:17
seb128ogra: right16:17
jdstrandScottK: nope it doesn't, just showed up as published16:18
* ScottK basks in the (momentary) warm glow of having the same clamav version in all supported releases.16:22
jdstrandScottK: take it in while you still can :)16:22
jdstrandScottK: good work!16:23
slangasekzul: is bug #217137 fixed already in intrepid (samba 3.0.30)?16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217137 in samba "[SRU] Hardy Heron: Nautilus fails to open directory with more than 140 subfolders" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21713716:23
zulslangasek: I believe it is16:23
slangasekcare to mark it as such in LP? :)16:24
zulslangasek: I can do that :)16:24
zulslangasek: MoM has samba-3.2 do we want that as well?16:24
slangaseker, no16:24
slangasek3.2 is only in experimental right now16:24
slangasekand there are some licensing hang-ups with it16:25
zulah ok16:25
ion_mvo: There are three suggested changes here: 0) rm -f to avoid an error message when there are no files matching the pattern, 1) no need to specify python versions to search for, just look up /usr/bin/python*, 2) use aptitude safe-upgrade instead of apt-get dist-upgrade, since it’s more intelligent in tricky situations. Feel free to discard any of them if they are not worthy. :-) http://heh.fi/tmp/recovery-mode-dpkg-2.patch16:30
kirklandcjwatson: hey colin, got your note about using bzr instead of debdiff---that's fine by me, i'm happy to comply.  question, though, as this is the second time i've hit this in a week....  how do i tell before hand whether a maintainer is going to prefer debdiffs or bzr branches?16:32
jdstrandzul: fyi: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/s/samba/samba_3.0.30-2/changelog (see changelog entry for 2:3.0.30-2)16:32
kirklandcjwatson: something equivalent to "whatpatch" might be helpful...  "whatsourcecontrol" or the like16:33
kirklandcjwatson: does such a beast exist?16:33
slangasekkirkland: if the package correctly uses the Vcs-* fields in debian/control, then apt-get source will give you a notice16:33
slangasekNOTICE: 'grub' packaging is maintained in the 'Bzr' version control system at:16:33
slangasekPlease use:16:33
slangasekbzr get https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/grub/ubuntu16:33
slangasekto retrieve the latest (possible unreleased) updates to the package.16:33
kirklandslangasek: oh, cool, i'll look for that16:33
kirklandslangasek: i very nearly asked you this question after the grub work i did last week ;-)16:34
Riddellsoren: E: virt-goodies: python-script-but-no-python-dep ./usr/bin/vmware2libvirt16:34
slangasekthere's also 'debcheckout', which you can use to check the package out of bzr directly16:34
Riddellsoren: accepted, but that should probably be fixed16:35
slangaseksistpoty|work: bug #193323> always a little disturbing to see debdiffs where a patches/series file is added and no other build-dep machinery is needed...16:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193323 in xserver-xorg-video-cirrus "x fails to startup in qemu - no driver for Cirrus card" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19332316:38
slangasek(which in this case is a variant on reasons I hate simple-patchsys, #27: you can never tell by looking at the debdiff whether the maintainer has added a patch right)16:39
Riddellslangasek: how do other patch systems let you tell?16:40
ion_mvo: Sorry, i decided that aptitude safe-upgrade handles what apt-get -f install does too soon. It doesn’t in all situations. Patch updated.16:40
slangasekRiddell: if you're using quilt or dpatch, there's some sort of patch list that you register the patch with; if the debdiff shows that the new patch is /added/ to that file, you can have a reasonable level of confidence that the patch system was in working order beforehand16:41
slangasekRiddell: but if you only see the addition of a patch in a debdiff, without any series file, it's impossible to determine whether this is because the package uses simple-patchsys, or the uploader forgot to add the patch to the series file, or the uploader forgot to configure the package to use a patch system at all...16:41
sistpoty|workslangasek: actually quilt was there before... so I just used that (and actually had some troubles with it... I prefer plain patches in .diff.gz myself)16:45
mvoion_: thanks, I have a look16:45
slangaseksistpoty|work: right, I know quilt was there because I know that's how the X Strike Force packages are maintained - it was still disturbing to see that this was the only patch in the series until I remembered that :)16:45
sistpoty|workslangasek: thanks for accepting it :)16:45
sistpoty|workslangasek: no, it's not the only patch actually, there was another one there before ;)16:46
slangasekoh, there was?  Hmm, the diff is misleading then16:46
slangasek(it doesn't show the other line as context)16:46
sistpoty|workindeed, that's quite strange16:47
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siretartsistpoty|work: as I mentioned in the bug report, the testpackage did work on my laptop using qemu!16:49
sistpoty|worksiretart: yes, I saw that... and it worked in FAUmachine for me :)16:49
ion_mvo: And... Patch updated once again :-P. I dpkg --unpacked a package that had an uninstalled dependency. I initially tried just aptitude -f install, but it offered to remove the package that had been partially installed instead of satisfying the dependency. So i put apt-get -f install to the patch. Now i found out that aptitude --safe-resolver -f install handles it as expected, installing the dependency and finishing the install of the package.16:50
slangasekseb128: should gnome-games-data be copied from hardy-proposed to intrepid? (fixes bug #221781)16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221781 in scrollkeeper "scrollkeeper crashes during upgrade and causes maintainer script failures for various packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22178116:51
siretartit would be interesting to know if the dexconf quirk can be removed with that patch16:51
slangaseksiretart: intrepid-only, please ;)16:51
siretartbryce: do you agree to remove the dexconf quirk for the cirrus driver now that bug #193323 has been fixed in intrepid?16:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193323 in xserver-xorg-video-cirrus "x fails to startup in qemu - no driver for Cirrus card" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19332316:52
siretartbryce: at least on probation ;)16:53
seb128slangasek: yes please16:53
stgrabermvo: someone just reported bug 237111 that breaks gutsy => hardy upgrades when italc is installed16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237111 in italc "package italc-client 1:1.0.7-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: tentata sovrascrittura di `/usr/share/pixmaps/italc.xpm', che si trova anche nel pacchetto italc-master" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23711116:54
seb128slangasek: I though that was already copied16:54
stgrabermvo: what's the best way to fix that ? (other than asking the user to remove the package and reinstall it afterwards to avoid the conflict)16:55
slangasekseb128: evidently not, but I'll take care of it :)16:55
mvostgraber: checking16:56
slangasekpitti: what do you like to do in a case like bug #221781, where a bug is fixed by a package in -proposed, but that wasn't known at time of upload so the bug number isn't in the changelog?16:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221781 in scrollkeeper "scrollkeeper crashes during upgrade and causes maintainer script failures for various packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22178116:57
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mvostgraber: that looks like a missing "Replace: italic-master (<< $version-where-file-was-moved)" in itallc-client17:22
mvostgraber: we should do a sru for this. people running the release-upgrader are not affected because we run with --force-overwrite here17:22
stgrabermvo: hmm, so he was doing a manual dist-upgrade ...17:23
stgrabermvo: doing Replace: italc-master (<< x.y.z) will let dist-upgrade overwrite then install it ? because we can't just drop italc-master17:24
mvostgraber: yes, it means that italc-client is allowed to overwrite files of the italc-master package (if version << x.y.z is installed)17:24
mvostgraber: let me know if I can help further, but it should be safe to use the hardy version for the << (best is of course the exact version where the file was moved)17:25
* Surfer33 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks)17:27
=== Surfer33 changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: -=[ www.WHAK.com ]=- Make Free/Fun Graphics Online At http://www.ImageGenerator.org =)
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Regenerate your SSH keys! http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 | Ubuntu 8.04 LTS released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
mkrufkythat's frac'd up -- isn't this channel registered?  you should require ops rights to change the topic17:28
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Hobbseemkrufky: it's registered.17:29
mkrufkyyou can restrict topic changes to ops17:29
Hobbseei know17:29
Seeker`/mode #ubuntu-devel +t17:30
Hobbseehowever, it's rarely abused, and non-ops tend to change it more often.17:30
ograand we have ops to change it back while immediately caring for the cause of the prob as well ;)17:31
ograthanks Hobbsee17:31
Hobbseeogra: nah, i can't kline.17:32
Hobbseealthough, killing all java clients is an option...17:32
Hobbseewill try that.  it looks like a proper IP, not a proxy.17:33
mkrufkyoof... twcny is all dynamic IPs17:33
mkrufkythat guy will have a new IP tomorrow, and somebody ELSE will be banned17:33
mkrufky(thats my isp, too)17:33
Hobbseeactually, it's stayed constant in his last 3 hits (over a couple of mins)17:34
Hobbseeso he's not power cycling or so.17:35
* calc wonders if forcing people to register nicks to join a channel would help, and make registering nicks require real email address, etc17:35
mkrufkyregistered to change a topic is reasonable17:36
persiacalc: I'd not like that for when I am testing something in an image, and don't want to put a password, yet wish to speak here.17:36
Hobbseecalc: possibly, although i've got a preference of blocking all anonymisers17:36
mkrufkybut registered to join a channel may be a bit much17:36
Hobbseecalc: and the latter is enforced, now17:36
persiaHobbsee: Well, kinda.  There are still ways around it, but they are harder to reach.17:37
Hobbseepersia: yeah, true.17:37
=== mkrufky is now known as mkrufky-lunch
slangasekcalc: we should just make spamming a capital crime, that's all17:46
calcslangasek: heh yea :)17:55
calcjust send them to texas and we'll get rid of them ;-)17:55
brycesiretart: sure, if the underlying problem is confirmed as fixed, I'd love to remove the dexconf quirk18:00
brycesiretart: there's actually several qemu quirks in dexconf, and I'm not certain which can be removed18:14
brycesiretart: it is specifying the driver, the depth, the horizzync/vertrefresh, and the resolutions18:15
greg-gfor an SRU which is in -proposed, should I write a "works for me" comment on the bug regarding the SRU? (eg: bug 235805 )18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235805 in evolution "2.22.2 stable update" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23580518:15
greg-gI've been using the package for 3 days now18:16
brycesiretart: I've commented on bug 193323 about what needs tested.  There'll need to be a new bug report filed.18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193323 in xserver-xorg-video-cirrus "x fails to startup in qemu - no driver for Cirrus card" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19332318:20
ogragreg-g, positive comments usually help with SRUs, yes18:21
sbeattiegreg-g: yes, please write a works for comment, it's useful if you can briefly characterize how you've been using the software18:24
sbeattieerr a wroks for me comment.18:24
* sbeattie gives up on typing today18:24
greg-gthanks ogra/sbeattie18:26
gmargoWhat mailing list has info about kernel updates?  Today a new linux-source package came out (2.6.24-18.32) but no corresponding linux-image packages, except the -debug versions.  I can't find the mailing list archive that might talk about this.18:32
asacafflux: you can reproduce? do you use the instructions in the bug?18:38
zulslangasek: mind coming to the server-team meeting tomorrow I put openldap on the agenda19:03
slangasekzul: what time is it?19:03
zulslangasek: 15:00 UTC I believe mathiaz correct me if Im wrong19:04
affluxasac: not sure if it's still possible, but the last time I checked it worked (as mentioned in the last two comments in the bug)19:04
slangasekzul: well, assuming we're still on the same schedule for the platform team meeting, then yes, I mind doing anything at 1500 UTC tomorrow :)19:05
zulslangasek: :)19:06
affluxasac: right, I can't reproduce it anymore with firefox 3.0~rc1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.
slangasekzul: so, trying to confirm with cjwatson on that point; if I can make it I will19:09
zulslangasek: ok great thanks..19:09
ograslangasek, ah. you were on holiday last meeting, right ?19:09
ograwe rotated19:10
slangasekogra: correct; I've poked the IRC log, it just says that cjwatson will send mail about it19:10
slangaseknot that the time was confirmed changed, or am I overlooking something important later in the log?19:10
ograwell the US and asia people that were there all said it would be ok19:11
ograi'd have counted that as confirmation19:11
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saivannScottK : ping19:35
ScottKsaivann: ^^19:36
saivannScottK : Concerning bug 230350, you said "I think you'd be better off to call it and not change anything19:38
saivannbut debian/changelog." I agree about the first part, but I still think that we should "merge" the debian packages since there is a lot of updates in the packaging, like you can see in the last patch that I attached19:38
ubottusaivann: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/230350/+text)19:38
ScottKsaivann: My suggestion is use the Debian package, not ours as the basis for "only changing the changelog".19:38
saivannScottK : What would you think about keeping the current patch, but change the changelog entry for
slangasekhmm, does update-manager use sudo for authentication in hardy?19:39
slangasek(IIRC it does)19:39
ScottKLess the maintainer change I think that adds up to what I suggested.19:39
saivannScottK : Ok then we agree, my current debdiff is the differences between the debian package and our current package. All I would need to change is the version (
ScottKAnd drop the maintainer change.19:40
saivannScottK : And set the status to invalid for bug 230350?19:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230350 in chmsee "Missing Debian Maintainer field" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23035019:41
ScottKsaivann: Yes.19:41
saivannScottK : Thank you19:41
=== mkrufky is now known as mkrufky-away
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siretartbryce: see my follow up on bug #237164. none of the quirks discussed here are actually working with qemu20:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237164 in xorg "dexconf specific quirks for kvm should be dropped" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23716420:01
sistpotysiretart: heh, looks like we simultanously commented on the dexconf quirks bug *g*20:03
siretartsistpoty: oh,  nice :)20:03
siretartsistpoty: as for bug status: it should be 'confirmed' since it is a genuie issue. if you want to express that it is valid, then 'triaged' is meant for that20:04
sistpotysiretart: ah... I guess I'm not too used to the triaged status yet20:05
siretartsistpoty: we had quite some discussion about the bugstatus 'confirmed' at UDS. kiko suggested to just remove it from launchpad because there is so much confusion about it20:06
norsettoI would just remove triaged ...20:06
siretartsistpoty: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status for the status definition20:07
siretartnorsetto: as long as 'confirmed' becomes restricted to developers, I wouldn't mind20:07
norsettosiretart: thats even better then20:08
saivannScottK : If you have few minutes to review, here's the new fake sync : bug 23538720:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235387 in kasablanca "Please sync from debian unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23538720:12
ScottKsaivann: I'm busy with $WORK currently, so just go with the normal sponsorship process.20:12
saivannScottK : Ok thanks again20:13
ScottKNo problem.20:13
=== ScottK-laptop is now known as ScottK2
joshwaitzkinhi, I'm searching for a contributor (not with money but with knowledge) for my open source application, it's written in C and is a cd drive utility. More details here: http://odman.sourceforge.net/20:26
knixoss spam20:28
andrew_sayersjoshwaitzkin: wouldn't it be better to contribute to a project like setcd?20:30
joshwaitzkinandrew_sayers, I can't work on my app, and to work with other apps. too20:31
joshwaitzkinbecause I have no time :(20:31
andrew_sayersMy point is, your app seems to overlap considerably with that one.20:32
andrew_sayersIf you merge your work into that, you can contribute more productively and be more likely to get your work reviewed.20:34
kantorhi, I'm searching for a contributor (not with money but with knowledge) for my open source application, it's written in C and is a cd drive utility. More details here: http://odman.sourceforge.net/20:44
iGamaHy all20:51
iGamawhere can i find info about the packages in the Proposed repository?20:52
slangasekwhat info are you looking for?20:52
iGamalike the Samaba package, for example20:53
iGamawhats the changes on it? why new package20:53
iGamathe description on the update manager gave me nothing20:53
iGamaits more about curiosity20:54
slangasekthe 'description of update' pull-down will retrieve the full changelog for the update20:54
iGamatheres nothing on it20:54
iGamaits says " Not available"20:54
slangasekhmm, possibly the changelog for that particular update isn't published yet to the changelog server because of how recent it is20:55
iGamabut isnt there a place where it says what packages are going in the rep?20:56
slangasekwell, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/hardy-changes/2008-June/20:56
iGamathat can help :) thanks20:57
geserpitti: are the buildds chroot broken again?21:01
pittigeser: eek?21:02
geserWARNING: The following essential packages will be removed.21:02
geserThis should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!21:02
geser  sysvutils21:02
geserhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/14967445/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.libfile-sync-perl_0.09-4build1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz and others21:02
pittigeser: oh, that might even be my fault; it was renamed to sysvinit-utils21:02
pittiand sysvutils is now a transitional package21:03
pittiI didn't see that when upgrading with dpkg -i *.deb21:04
* pitti checks21:04
pittigeser: ah, I think I got it; fixing21:09
* pitti already feels infinity's wrath21:14
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pittigeser: fix uploaded; but it might not actually build, due to said problem :/21:16
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jonathan_Greetings.  I am new to Linux development (switching from .NET programming.)  I presume I am in the right place?21:17
slangasekum... per the channel /topic, no, you aren't :)21:18
mterryjonathan_: This is more for specifically-Ubuntu work, not general Linux programming21:18
pwnguindevelopment OF ubuntu, not ON ubuntu ;)21:18
jonathan_Ah, thanks.  Thought someday I hope to join your ranks.  :-D21:18
pwnguinthough I do wish there was a channel or community for the latter -- then someone might fix eclipse ;)21:19
jonathan_Yeah, I lament the fact that AVR32 Studio is built on Eclipse.21:19
pwnguinlets be clear -- eclipse is far better than any embedded IDE before it. but this is all "off-topic"21:21
ScottKjonathan_: Eclipse is in Universe, so #ubuntu-motu would be a better channel to discuss improving it for Ubuntu.21:21
norsettoscottk: masochist21:22
* ScottK is a core-dev now. I'll leave him to dedicated MOTU such as yourself. ;-)21:23
pwnguinwell then lets bring it back to main: where's the C++ ide in main?21:23
brycesiretart: posted some debs to validate with; I can upload the xorg changes to intrepid once someone can do a quick smoke test21:24
pwnguinwe have vim, emacs and... ed?21:26
sistpotybryce: if I grab a daily and install the new x11-common inside the livefs, and then do a gdm restart, will that trigger the x autodetection, or will that pick up remains of the previous xorg.conf?21:32
brycesistpoty: after installing in the livefs, run `sudo dexconf`and that should regenerate the xorg.conf21:35
bryceheh s/should/will/21:35
sistpotybryce: ok, thanks. will do a test tomorrow at work ;)21:35
bryceawesome, thanks21:35
kirklandevand: ping21:36
kirklandevand: I have drafted a Blueprint and a Spec for the SwapfileAtInstallation item.  I'm hoping you'll give it a review?21:37
kirklandcjwatson: you too :-)21:37
kirklandevand: cjwatson: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/swapfile-in-the-installer -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwapfileAtInstallation21:37
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evandkirkland: will do21:42
pwnguinkirkland: is swapfile really just as fast as swap partition?21:43
kirklandevand: thanks, i'll send an email21:43
evandkirkland: FWIW, Python is not available in d-i.21:43
pwnguinim not sure it really matters, but i donno, sometimes baldfaced assertions are wrong21:43
kirklandpwnguin: supposedly, yes, in Linux 2.6.* kernels21:43
kirklandevand: okay, i'll make that just shell21:44
kirklandpwnguin: i linked that statement to an lkml post21:44
kirklandpwnguin: i'll try to find something more authoritative, perhaps benchmarks21:44
pwnguinkirkland: thats what im saying. he just says its so.21:45
kirklandevand: python removed21:45
kirklandpwnguin: how about http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/7/7/326 from akpm ?21:47
pwnguinkirkland: so the kernel wont grow swapfiles automatically?21:48
kirklandpwnguin: don't think so...  you dd some amount of disk space to a file, and mkswap to format it, and swapon to tell the kernel about it21:50
kirklandpwnguin: i'll have to do some test/research to see if it can use sparse files21:50
kirklandpwnguin: my gut says "no", but i've been surprised before ;-)21:50
pwnguinthe mail specifically said no, so unless it changed21:50
kirklandpwnguin: right, mail is from 200521:50
kirklandpwnguin: part of what I'm suggesting are a couple of simple, command line userspace tools to do the swapfile resizing, and as those are verified for correctness and stability, potentially creating a userspace daemon to handle the auto resizing21:57
=== ubuntu-laptop is now known as gnomefreak
pwnguinkirkland: alright. just thinking about some fun I had where i needed to resize swap for hibernate22:00
kirklandpwnguin: right, well hibernate is one of the "outstanding issues" ....22:00
kirklandpwnguin: ubuntu doesn't yet support hibernate-to-swapfile22:01
kirklandpwnguin: that's a related item that needs to be solved22:01
kirklandpwnguin: see Bug #83325, where BenC says that the kernel pieces are there, we just need the userspace bits22:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 83325 in initramfs-tools "add support for software suspend with swap files" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8332522:01
kirklandBenC: speaking of, ping....22:02
Burgundaviamdke: you around?22:03
BenCkirkland: Hey...userspace bits are mostly done there, except the crash program to extract a stripped dump file for apport usage22:14
BenCkirkland: what else was there?22:14
mdkeBurgundavia: i am now22:15
kirklandBenC: oh, i was going to modify the description/title of the bug report https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/8332522:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 83325 in initramfs-tools "add support for software suspend with swap files" [Wishlist,Confirmed]22:16
kirklandBenC: I think it's actually *hibernate*, rather than *suspend* that's broken22:16
kirklandBenC: I thought I'd run that by you first, though22:16
snikkerhi, someones can tell me if the repositories for edgy are broken?22:22
snikkerno one?22:25
Burgundaviasnikker: in what sense?22:28
slangaseksnikker: I can tell you that edgy is end-of-lifed; it hasn't been dropped from the archive centrally, but given that there's no longer any security support for it, it would be a good idea to upgrade22:28
snikkerBurgundavia: i'm unable to install from universe.... unable to get http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mingw32/mingw32_3.4.5.20060117.1-1_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]22:30
snikkerslangasek: yes i know... i've got edgy in chroot for testing...22:31
geserlooks like it vanished from the archive, it isn't listed in LP also anymore22:33
snikkergeser: so there are no way to install anything?22:35
geserno, unless you find a mirror which has the needed files22:36
ScottKlaunchpad's purging policy has gotten rather more agressive than it used to be ...22:36
Burgundaviasnikker: why do you need edgy? why are you not upgrading?22:36
gesersnikker: you can also dig in LP to download each needed deb manually (they are still there)22:37
snikkerBurgundavia: it's an old chroot that i use to test application, compile and so on... but maybe it's time to update... My real ubuntu version is hardy22:38
snikkergeser: in launchpad? ok i try... thank you22:39
gesersnikker: e.g. https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/i386/mingw32/ for the mingw32 deb22:40
snikkergeser: great! thank you!22:41
sorenWhat the..22:41
soreninfinity: I presume you're aware of the massive chroot problems on the buildd's?22:44
soreninfinity: E.g. https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/laptop-detect/0.13.6ubuntu122:44
infinitysoren: I'm not entirely sure I want to blame the buildds on upstart suddenly wanting to be removed...22:46
* infinity wonders WTF is going on there...22:47
gesersysvinit got renamed22:47
geserpitti uploaded already a fixed package but it needs handholding now to get build22:48
infinityOn it.22:49
LaserJockanybody happen to know offhand if packages in -proposed can be removed?22:49
LaserJockI assume they can be but I'm not positive22:50
infinityLaserJock: Yes.22:50
LaserJockinfinity: thanks22:50
=== nenolod_ is now known as nenolod
infinitysoren: Thanks for the heads-up, BTW.  Should be all better (and I'll give-back all the chroot-wait packages) shortly.23:29
cody-somervilleChangelogs for security packages should really be pushed to the changelog server immediately so people can see they are security updates23:40
cody-somervilles/security packages/security uploads23:41
keesthere's a bug open somewhere for that23:49
keesaptitude changelog is handy for avoiding that, though23:49
bryceogasawara: could you take a look at lp #213191?  He mentions that he can't ssh into the box, so I suspect it may be a kernel hang rather than X.23:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213191 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "855GME system freezes when switching to external monitor" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21319123:51
* bryce waves to kees23:51
soreninfinity: Lovely. Thanks for fixing!23:51
infinitysoren: Well, this all depends on drescher waking the hell up and finishing its publisher run.23:52
infinitysoren: But we can pretend it's fixed...23:52
sorenThat's what I'm doing.23:52
infinityGood man.23:52
keeshi bryce :)23:52
emgentmorning people :)23:56

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