
brycetjaalton: I notice that a lot of the proto libs on http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Xorg/versions_current.html aren't syncing to debian, but aren't listed on MoM either...  any ideas what's up with them?  01:53
bryceI suspect the ubuntu changes can just be dropped01:53
pwnguinbryce: i think those were stupid epoch changes?01:58
bryceyeah possibly, although some aren't epoched02:00
pwnguini know epoch's a pita for wacom02:00
brycewtf, will bug reporters never learn to attach their Xorg.0.log file??02:44
pwnguini didnt do it02:48
pwnguini should go through and clean up wacom bugs a bit03:01
brycethat'd be a big help.  I hardly ever look at those myself03:30
pwnguinon #179453, one person says its fixed and the other says it's broke04:23
pwnguinif the original reporter says it's broke, should i mark it incomplete?04:25
tjaaltonbryce: different tarballs05:53
tjaaltonso nothing we can do unless upstream releases new versions05:53
tjaaltonthere should be no epoch changes in XSF maintained packages (which wacom-tools is not)06:00
tjaaltonI mean epochs in our versions..06:01
pwnguinah thats right06:02
pwnguinpackaging is so confusing somehow ;)06:02
tjaaltonbah, straightforward and easy :)06:02
tjaalton..if you know the policy manual inside-out (which I don't)06:03
tjaaltonbryce: so, if the tarball is different, the package should be fakesynced; unpack the debian version, change the maintainer, add a changelog entry, and before building the new source package move our tarball in place so it uses that one06:12
brycetjaalton: ah ok; what's the easiest way of detecting that it's a tarball difference?09:09
tjaaltonbryce: reading the changelog :)09:11
tjaaltonif it says "fake sync"09:11
tjaaltontseliot: btw, were you building a xorg.conf parser? fedora already has a library for that, called libxf86config10:22
tseliottjaalton: yes, I did it10:23
tseliotI'll have a look at their parser10:24
tseliottjaalton: they hardcoded resolutions???10:27
tjaaltontseliot: hm?10:27
tjaaltonyou only need to look at gutsy and see that we did the same10:28
tseliotin their parser, I mean10:28
tjaaltondon't know, never looked at it10:28
tseliotit looks like that parser relies on ixf86config, which I can't find...10:29
tseliotok, found10:34
tseliotno, not really10:35
tjaaltonso that Ademan-guy is trying to write a program to configure mice..11:45
tjaaltonthere should be one already, but can't remember the name11:45
tselio1tjaalton: I'm glad to have warned you against updating the fglrx driver for Ubuntu's .1 release. I'm working on the -envy package and I'm facing a black screen14:41
tjaaltontselio1: joy..16:12
tselio1tjaalton: I have tried removing all the patches in lrm (even though they were applied without problems), I have tried the installer from AMD without solving the problem.16:14
tselio1the new beta driver works16:14
tselio1but I can't include it since it experimental and secret16:14
tselio1I will update only the NVIDIA driver16:15
tjaaltonpwnguin: I've merged wacom-tools, but let's see if it builds on ppa17:51
pwnguintjaalton: excellent!18:45
pwnguini should probably upgrade my laptop18:46
pwnguinbryce: is there a decent way to distinguish between a kernel freeze and an X freeze?19:05
pwnguini recall mjg saying the capslock key was helpful for determining whether a laptop had failed to resume or simply failed to bring up video19:09
brycepwnguin: ssh seems to be a good distinguisher19:42
bryceif you can't ssh into the box, it's likely something's wrong with the kernel, not just X19:43
tseliotbryce: did you have a look at my changes to the wiki?19:45
tjaaltonGPU lockups tend to freeze the machine19:46
tjaaltonsorry, that's not correct19:47
tjaaltonthe kernel should be alive then19:50
brycetseliot: not yet, going to do so today (I ended up spending yesterday mostly sponsoring uploads)19:51
tseliotbryce: no problem, I know that you're all very busy ;)19:52
unggnuhi all22:11
unggnuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing - Debug symbol information22:11
unggnuhi bryce22:11
brycecool thanks22:12
unggnuIt is a little to complicated atm imho. The dbgsym packages aren't needed anymore for Gutsy an later afaik so what do you think about cleaning it up?22:12
unggnuAnd it seems that libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg is also needed.22:13
unggnuI thought about22:13
unggnuYou will need to install the package {{{xserver-xorg-core-dbg}}}, {{{libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg}}} and if available the one for your graphic driver {{{xserver-xorg-video-<name>-dbg/sym}}}.22:13
unggnuIs it ok?22:15
tjaaltonbryce: re: the brainstorm blog entry; radeon is not blacklisted :)22:16
brycetjaalton: in hardy?  are you sure?22:16
bryceunggnu: I think cleaning it up is a brilliant idea.  Go for it if you're up for it.  :-)22:16
tjaaltonless =compiz22:16
unggnuthx :)22:16
tjaaltonthe version in proposed blacklists i815, but nothing else22:17
bryceoh they took it out recently?22:17
tjaaltonunless there's another blacklist somewhere22:18
tjaaltonwell, the released version didn't blacklist any chips22:18
tjaaltonso i815 was added recently22:18
tjaaltonI thought that the mobile chips were blacklisted, but apparently not22:19
tormodtjaalton, bryce: you talking about compiz blacklisting?22:22
* bryce nods22:22
tormodradeon on laptops is blacklisted AFAIK22:23
tjaaltontormod: but where? the compiz wrapper doesn't show it22:23
brycetjaalton: well, anyway radeon was blacklisted at the point I looked into it22:23
tormodline 268 of /usr/bin/compix22:24
brycehmm, yeah still there22:24
tormodOTOH the PCIID blacklist is commented out22:24
bryceradeon is blacklisted for laptops only -- I might have not made that clear in my post22:24
tjaaltonaha! :)22:25
tjaaltondidn't look far enough22:25
tjaaltonanyway, night ->22:25
tormodbryce, for sponsoring, do you have special tools, or do you have to do all the unpacking, patching, building dance - so in the end you could have fixed smaller things more efficiently yourself instead of using someone's debdiff?22:33
brycewell, even in those cases, having the debdiff to reference does help speed the process22:34
brycethe main "tool" I use, 'debsponsor' is an alias22:36
brycealias debsponsor='debsign -ke0e67611'22:36
brycewhere that hex code is my pgp key22:36
tormodI guess I should ask dholbach (again) since the sponsoring seems inefficient and has a huge backlog22:36
tormodapropos your pgp key, you saw the comment in -devel earlier about your signed .changes files :)22:37
brycetormod, you ought to work towards getting motu and core dev22:37
tormodI think there should be easy for people like me (non-devs) to contribute efficiently anyway22:38
tormodit's already great in Ubuntu, but could be better22:39
bryceyes agreed22:39
tormodpersonally I am not interested in Universe, and not enough time to think about core-dev22:39
tormodI just want to get my stuff fixed fast :)22:40
bryceyeah I saw the comment about the .changes.  In this case I don't think it matters.  I almost uploaded the package myself, just wanted to get a validation22:40
brycefwiw, the easiest situation from a sponsoring point of view, is if you do the packaging to produce a .dsc and .changes, and put that somewhere I can pull22:41
tormodwell I thought it was funny because I didn't think about that possibility, although someone already tried to upload my ppa packages to hardy proper :)22:41
bryce(then I can review, and then just debsponsor it up)22:42
tormodI am surprised if daniel doesn't have a script to pull down a debdiff and generate all that :)22:43
tormodwas sponsoring discussed at UDS?22:44
bryceI'm relatively new to sponsoring stuff (I got the powers after feature freeze, so only recently have had many opportunities to use them)22:44
brycehmm, if so it was in a session I didn't attend22:44
tormodwell I should let you to time to look at that laptop-mode-tools patch instead of asking all these questions ;)22:46
bryce$ apt-cache madison laptop-mode-tools22:52
brycelaptop-mode-tools | 1.42-1ubuntu1 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages22:52
brycelaptop-mode-tools | 1.35-1ubuntu1 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Sources22:52
tormodbryce, thanks! I guess I just ran "dch -i" and forgot to change the release23:02
bryceno prob23:02

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