
RichEdogra: checking now07:52
RichEdogra: looks like it is at 9:0007:55
RichEdno bridge details yet though07:56
ograWhere: +44 1793 402663, +1 916-356-2663, Bridge: 3, Passcode: 365733107:59
ograRichEd, there ia a mobile meeting today at 16:00 UTC09:19
ograwe should probably show up there and gather more info09:19
RichEdi'll try to join ... where is it ? irc ?09:21
ograon #ubuntu-mobile09:21
ograshould i add "netbook image cmpc relation" to the agenda ?09:21
RichEdyes please09:21
ogradone https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/Meeting/2008060509:23
puesto0hi there13:56
=== puesto0 is now known as aruiz
nathan406I have a compaq presario 2700 and i can hear sound from the speakers but i do from the headset ports15:07
nathan406i am running the generic15:07
RichEdnathan406: have you tried a google search against site:ubuntu.com for that ?15:28
RichEdlet me try quick15:29
RichEdnathan406: did you test with system sound setup or from an app ?15:30
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra

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