
Atamiraare the ubuntu upgrade documentation going to work the same for kubuntu?02:00
nixternalif anyone here wants to pimp nickellery for Ubuntu Membership, #ubuntu-meeting now!02:02
bimberiAtamira: There is a guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-8ee23c592a6b8e8b7d40a5b363cf5fbc7ed3178a02:37
bimberiassuming you want 7.10 -> 8.0402:38
Atamiraunfortunately no...6.06 to 8.0402:54
Atamirais thats possible without having to download all the ones in between02:55
bimberiAtamira: That's covered here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-8ee23c592a6b8e8b7d40a5b363cf5fbc7ed3178a-202:57
* bimberi glares at Moin's bookmarks02:57
Atamirait says enable the dapper-updates repository03:12
Atamirabut doesnt tell a new person how to do that03:12
Atamiraits all good03:12
Atamiraill find it03:12
Atamirathanks bimberi03:12
bimberiAtamira: yw :)03:13
bimberiAtamira: You can probably do that using the "Software Sources" applet, although I'm not sure where it is in Kubuntu.03:14
bimberinixternal might but it's very unfair to ping him because he's very busy elsewhere ;P03:15
nixternalya, one sec :)03:15
Atamirahttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading  <-- thats a better reference to upgrade from 6.06 to 8.0403:24
bimberiAtamira: cool, thanks03:33
bimberibodhi_zazen: :)03:35
* bimberi has been observing the goings on in #ubuntu-meeting :)03:35
bodhi_zazenlol, hi bimberi03:36
bodhi_zazenseems like a long meeting03:36
bimberibodhi_zazen: hi, and congrats.  Yes, good to see some stayers on that MC :)03:37
bodhi_zazenOMG, a conversation in this channel, lol03:37
bodhi_zazenit is quiet here sooo often03:38
bimberiwe'll be kicked!03:38
* bodhi_zazen feels like I'm talking in the Library ...03:38
bodhi_zazenThe beginner team is getting primed to wiki03:40
bodhi_zazenI do not want to turn new users over to random wiki behavior, so I am referring them to the mentoring team and doing some home training on the beginners pages03:41
bodhi_zazenThe team is interested in converting gems on the Ubuntu Forums -> wiki pages03:41
bodhi_zazenIt is in the early phases of discussion, but it should start to slowly ramp up03:42
bimberibodhi_zazen: Sounds great.  I recall something similar in the past, based around https://edge.launchpad.net/~wikiforumteam . I'm not sure how active that is though.03:45
bodhi_zazenyea, need to build a team to do that03:46
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bimberileoquant: /win 1511:25
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Atamirabimberi, the dist upgrade went perfectly with that link i pasted. the boys very happy with it, im very happy with it. so much easier21:43
bimberiAtamira: Great!  Thanks for the feedback. :)21:49
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=== Mr\ is now known as bodhi_zazen

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