
nixternalk, I am back00:00
apachelogger_nosrednaekim: go ahead00:00
apachelogger_wb nixternal00:00
* nixternal got an irn bru00:00
Riddellnosrednaekim: fridge it better00:00
RiddellTutorials Day00:00
Riddellshould we have another one?00:00
nosrednaekimRiddell: ok, I'll give you something tommorow00:00
nosrednaekimRiddell: yes!00:00
nixternalRiddell: yes00:00
Riddellany suggestions for topics?00:00
Nightrose+1 for another tutorial day - the last one seemed to have been a success00:00
Riddellseele said she'd do a talk on usability00:01
nixternalBasics and Getting Involved00:01
nosrednaekimpython plasma widget....00:01
JontheEchidnaI'd like a python plasma widget tutorial...00:01
Riddellnosrednaekim: is that you volunteering?00:01
nixternalGetting Involved would cover: artwork?, documentation, packaging, programming, and more00:01
apachelogger_Riddell: btw, I think we should do a packaging day once per cycle to get the latest and greatest software in, and to get more motus, faster00:01
nosrednaekimRiddell: depends when the session is, but If I can make it, sure00:01
Riddellnosrednaekim: on python plasma widgets (I've no idea how to make them)00:02
seeleRiddell: is this a user or developer tutorial day?00:02
Serega+1 to apachelogger_00:02
Riddellnosrednaekim: oh, when00:02
Riddellseele: newer developers mostly00:02
nixternalRiddell: python plasma widgets are easy :)00:02
Riddellnosrednaekim: we can decide that when we know who's speaking, but soon00:02
* JontheEchidna can't seem to figure out how to install the python example widget00:02
Nightrosetxwikinger or yuriy could do a bug traige tutorial00:02
nosrednaekimRiddell: it would have to be on a weekend for me00:03
yuriyyeah, i'll do one00:03
a|wenyuriy: cool :)00:03
nixternalI say we poll the community on what they would like to see (ie. email kubuntu-users and kubuntu-devel for ideas) maybe/00:03
seeleRiddell: when is the date for this (or is that tba?)00:03
Riddellseele: to be decided00:03
Riddellnixternal: want to send that e-mail?00:04
nixternalRiddell: will do00:04
nixternalshoot, there is an America's meeting tonight00:04
Riddellok, I'll talk to people and we'll work out a date and timetable00:05
Riddellnixternal your item next00:05
nixternalRiddell: any updates? ie. wiki page with everything pooled?00:06
nixternalfrom UDS that is00:06
nixternalwe covered my * Days topic with the Tutorial's Day00:06
Riddellhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSPragueSpecs has them all00:06
nixternalrock on, so on to Kubuntu 8.1000:06
nixternalplans and ideas are covered00:06
nixternalwhat is the status of KDE 3? universe or gone for good?00:07
nixternalI keep hearing differently00:07
Riddellthey aren't approved yet, so it's possible the specs will get split or wee bits changed, but not much00:07
yuriyabout UDS specs, i was wondering about packagekit, because it's mentioned in one of the specs00:07
yuriyto be used for the notifier00:07
nosrednaekimyes, I'd like to know about packagekit too00:07
ScottKnixternal: I vote removal.00:07
Riddellnixternal: the desktop is gone, the libs will remain for where there's no kde 4 app yet00:08
nixternalthen we need to stop merging/syncing kde 3 apps if we do decide on removing00:08
nixternalor are we keeping those00:08
Riddellit'll go to universe if there's no kde 3 apps needed in main, but I don't know if that'll happen (amarok, k3b, digikam all unknown)00:08
nixternaldigikam will be ready by 8.10 release00:08
nixternalNightrose or apachelogger_? amarok?00:08
Seregakonversation :(00:08
nixternalhaven't heard much about k3b00:08
JontheEchidna:( ++00:08
nixternalahh ya, konversation as well00:08
Riddellif there's a stable kde 4 version (or one known to be stable before 8.10) we should go with that now00:09
Riddellelse merge the kde 3 version00:09
nixternalI think most of my apps have kde4 releases soon00:09
nosrednaekimnixternal: I just saw a screenshot of kde4 k3b00:09
nixternalsmb4k, krename, and I just forgot the others00:09
Nightroseoctober? I really hope we have something usable by then00:09
apachelogger_not possible00:09
apachelogger_we would have to lock everything down00:09
apachelogger_get everyone to fix bugs and implement missing features00:10
nixternalwow, OK, so keep amarok kde3 in00:10
yuriyamarok 2 is decently usable already, is it really not feasible to have a usable version by october?00:10
apachelogger_yuriy: no00:10
apachelogger_gsoc code gets in00:10
apachelogger_and there is a lot of minor issues00:10
Serega+1, amarok is very good already00:10
apachelogger_and with a lot I mean tons of them00:10
Nightrosehmmm soc - good point00:10
Riddellor we could go with juk again00:11
* Nightrose checks when soc pens down date is00:11
Riddellbut that sort of thing we said we'd look at around 4.1 release time00:11
yuriyif somehow it comes down to amarok being the only kde3 app, should we go to juk by default?00:11
nixternalI wouldn't do that, we would be cussed to death00:11
a|wenyuriy: i would say no00:11
nosrednaekimI need my amarok by default... *hugs*00:12
nixternalok, so this is something we can look at again in 2 months?00:12
Nightroseapachelogger_: pencils down for gsoc is in mid august00:12
nixternalerr, less than 2 months00:12
nixternalnext month00:12
Riddellnixternal: end of next month00:12
nixternalRiddell: my birthday00:13
ScottKnixternal: But if something is going to die in Intrepid (and we know it) let's kill it now so people don't waste time messing with it.00:13
RiddellI'm afaid we're still blocked on main inclusion reports for kde 4 in intrepid, hopefully pitti or doko will look at those soon00:13
nixternalScottK: +100:13
Riddellincidently the KubuntuIntrepidKDE4Porting has plenty of work for keen coders00:14
nosrednaekimyep... I was wondering if mountconfig needs porting?00:14
nosrednaekimI'd hate to see that not be in there00:14
nixternalRiddell: I am down for some coding!00:14
Riddellpackagekit doesn't seem to be ready for bigtime from our discussions at fosscamp and uds00:15
apachelogger_Nightrose: as said, impossible00:15
ScottKRiddell: For packages that are in KDE3/KDE4 and we know they will go KDE4, why not just reuse the same package name an no MIR needed.00:15
RiddellI'd like to see it replace adept_batch, but for the rest adept 3 seems our best way00:15
RiddellScottK: we do00:15
RiddellScottK: the current block is just that kde 4 has a number of new dependencies00:15
yuriyRiddell: why have it replace adept_batch?00:15
yuriyand still have the adept notifier?00:15
nixternalthere are new packages that need MIR (akonadi)00:15
nixternallibkthis and libkthat :)00:16
ScottKWhy do we need akonadi in Main for this release?00:16
nixternalKDE PIM00:16
Riddellyuriy: notifier I don't think can ever use packagekit, and I believe packagekit isn't ready yet for upgrader00:16
ScottKIs it a build-dep?00:16
nixternaland there may be another app or 2 that utilized akonadi00:16
nixternalScottK: yes00:16
ScottKI thought Kmail wouldn't use akonadi until 4.200:16
RiddellScottK: kdepimlibs depends on it00:16
* ScottK shudders00:17
nixternalit actually works well00:17
nixternalat this current time00:17
apachelogger_I luv my akonadi00:17
* ScottK loves his maildir00:17
Riddellbut kdepim itself doesn't use it yet00:17
nixternalmailody does00:17
Riddellshall we move on?00:18
nixternalya, skip the website updates, ryan isn't around00:18
nixternalwe are still awaiting canonical on that I take it?00:18
RiddellDeveloper Days, Q&A Days, and more... -- nixternal ?00:18
nixternalRiddell: re: Tutorial's Day00:18
Riddellwebsite is indeed still waiting on sysadmin to fix dripal00:18
nixternalwe can tie those in00:18
ScottKnixternal: I really don't like the idea of dumping all my mail into another opaque data structure.00:18
Riddellso Subteams nixternal??00:18
nixternalwhat do people think on having some structure like that?00:19
Riddelllike what?00:19
nixternalit is something I am implementing with my new job and has people buzzing already00:19
nixternala QA team, Packaging team, doc team, and so on...defined teams that is00:19
nixternalthat way there we can create defined structure easily for future contributors to get involved in00:20
yuriylike this spec for support? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuSupportTeam00:20
ScottKAre we big enough to need the bureacracy?00:20
nixternaljust an idea, no need to yay or nay it right now00:20
Riddellwhat would the teams do?00:20
NightroseScottK: i don't think it is about need but about giving new contributors a clear point of contact00:21
nixternalwork specifically and be point of contacts within each team00:21
Nightrosewhich i think is a very good thing00:21
nixternalright now, it is hard to see who is doing what and where00:21
ScottKWe can make points of contact per function without having formal teams.00:21
ScottKIf you want to get involved in docs, bug nixternal for example.00:22
ScottKI'm not sure what more we reallly need right now.00:22
nosrednaekimuhhg dinner... later00:22
nixternallater nosrednaekim00:22
ScottKIf you want to get invovled in QA, contact nixternal00:22
ScottKYou get the idea.00:22
nixternalI knew you would go there00:22
nosrednaekimoh, and if you want to get involved in user support, please do contact me :)00:22
yuriynosrednaekim: you're nixternal now?00:22
nosrednaekimnixternal? heck no00:23
Nightrosenosrednaekim: noooo - it is "if you wnat to get involved in * contact nixternal" ;-)00:23
ScottKFunctional contacts make a lot of sense, but I don't see a need for formal teams.00:23
nosrednaekimdang... I haven't been listening00:23
nixternaloh, forgot to add...team reports00:23
nixternalours suck00:23
yuriydo we do them?00:23
ScottKSplitting things up more than they need to be divides us and we're small enough that we ought to work really hard to avoid it.00:23
nixternalyuriy: I throw up sucky stuff once a month just so we don't get yelled at00:24
* yuriy 's LoCo doesn't on some sort of principle00:24
nixternalI have no idea who is doing what00:24
ScottKnixternal: Explain to me why I should invest my volunteer time in report writing?00:24
nixternalyou don't, we will just continue to suck in our report00:24
ScottKGreat.  I don't mind that a bit personally.  Is it a problem?00:24
* a|wen agrees with ScottK ... but clear points of contact would be good00:24
Nightrosenixternal: what about you make a list of "teams" you think are useful and name people who could be points of contact00:25
yuriyi think a couple "hey guys, fill out the report!" on the 20th will do00:25
Nightroseand if they agree they could be responsible for the team reports as well00:25
yuriyfor those that aren't opposed to it on principle00:25
* ScottK likes a word like 'areas' or something rather than teams.00:25
nixternalScottK: yes it is actually, because members within Canonical actually do read them and see where the worth in the projects are (at least according to other Canonical employees)00:25
nixternalwell, there is a page on the wiki for Kubuntu contributors to put what they have worked on for the time period00:26
ScottKIt's not clear to me how much Kubuntu needs to care about Canonical emplyees beyond the one.00:26
NightroseScottK: we should care if we want to change that number ;-)00:26
nixternalthere is potential for that, but if our reports say "merging, updating, fixing bugs", then where is the worth in that? we can't go by the to prove we are worthy of being a valid project00:27
ScottKNightrose: I think that'll change based on support contracts sold, not report writing.00:27
nixternalplus, I use those reports for the release notes00:27
nixternalit makes hunting on my part much easier00:27
ubottusantiago-ve: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 04 2008, 23:30:33 - Next meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board in 1 hour 29 minutes00:28
nixternalbut if I am the only one that really cares about them, then let it rest00:28
RiddellI'd like to see us have reports00:28
* Nightrose cares about them as well - at least a little00:29
yuriynixternal: i think prodding people a little a couple days before they are due will be enough00:29
nixternalyuriy: it isn't, been trying that for 3 months now00:29
nixternalyou work on something the 1st, come the 20th you already forgot00:29
Riddellbut it is another bit of administrata that is hard to find enthusiasm for when the time comes00:29
yuriyi wasn't aware the kubuntu team does reports other than release notes until i went poking through your revamped wiki00:29
nixternaland then after the release notes are out and the reports are complete, people are like "hey what about this.'00:29
Riddellbut I think other teams are in a similar situation00:30
nixternalRiddell: I have no problem managing the reports, I have been doing it since we started pretty much00:30
santiago-vesorry for being late guys...00:31
nixternalRiddell: also another thing I thought of, was Hobbsee was our community manager, and since she has gone to the dark side, were there any plans on keeping that open for someone, or just letting it go00:31
ubottuhacktick: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 04 2008, 23:34:25 - Next meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board in 1 hour 25 minutes00:32
Riddellif someone wants it, sure00:32
nixternalRiddell: and yes, other teams are in that same situation in regards to the reports, but we don't want to be like those teams, we want to be #100:32
nixternalwhat were the exact roles as a community manager?00:33
Riddellyou'd need to ask Hobbsee00:33
Riddellpoint of contact mostly00:33
nixternalanyone you would like to appoint or just toss it out there for anybody?00:34
RiddellI don't think there's any answer to the report issue, unless someone is keen to do it, it's just a case of poking harder at the end of the month00:34
Riddellnixternal: I'm not all that fussed00:35
nixternalany other points/00:36
RiddellI'm thinking we're done for this meeting00:36
ubottunixternal: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 04 2008, 23:39:10 - Next meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board in 1 hour 20 minutes00:37
Riddellsantiago-ve: hey?00:37
nixternalOK, that Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board is tonight for those of you wondering!!!00:37
ScottKseele: Is the MD meeting still on tonight?00:37
santiago-veRiddell, meanwhile i learn how to package and stuff... i would like to contribute to the kubuntu website~00:37
a|wennixternal: someone has to excercise ubottu ;)00:38
santiago-vei've talked about that with nixternal before~00:38
Riddellsantiago-ve: still waiting on sysadmin for the new website to be launched00:38
* Riddell will poke about that tomorrow00:38
yuriynixternal: for teams, you made the wiki page https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Teams and I think it would be helpful for people to add themselves to it as contacts00:38
Riddellsantiago-ve: seen https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidWebsite ?00:38
seeleScottK: yes at 800:38
yuriybut don't see a  need to formalize it00:38
ScottKseele: OK.  I'm still the only one in the channel, so I wondered.00:39
Riddellyuriy: that sounds good00:39
santiago-veRiddell, aye...00:39
a|wenRiddell: what about adding the teams wiki-page to topic in #kubuntu-devel ?00:39
seeleScottK: yeah, md peeps dont tend to sit on irc00:39
Riddella|wen: go for it00:39
a|wenRiddell: it should be done through ubottu right?00:40
Riddella|wen: no, it's a free topic00:41
Riddellmeeting over, thanks all, let's move to #kubuntu-devel for anything more00:41
nixternalPretto, n0rman, LaRoza, brandonperry, hacktick: MEMBERSHIP MEETING IN 1 HOUR AND 15 MINUTES!00:44
Prettonixternal, thanks00:45
n0rmannixternal: thnx :)00:45
nixternalif you know anyone else I didn't just highlight, let them know00:45
nixternalI made an error earlier by thinking it wasn't tonight00:45
n0rmanok :) ehehehe00:45
Prettonixternal, hehhe.. as i said to you earlier :)00:46
nixternaldon't know what I was thinking00:46
nixternalI saw June 5 and thought tomorrow00:46
Prettonixternal, that ETC/UTC is a bit confusing00:47
Prettonixternal, i lost the last meeting this way too00:47
nixternalmake sure your wiki's are rockin' !00:48
n0rmani supposed that mine is rockin :P i hope :P00:49
Pretton0rman, if i change something now i can mess it all :)00:49
ubottuAndre_Gondim: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 05 2008, 00:01:02 - Next meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board in 58 minutes00:58
ubottuPretto: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 05 2008, 00:14:38 - Next meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board in 45 minutes01:12
leogg@schedule managua01:14
ubottuleogg: Schedule for America/Managua: 04 Jun 19:00: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 05 Jun 07:00: Desktop Team | 05 Jun 14:00: Security Team | 07 Jun 15:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 04:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 05:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board01:14
Pretto07:00? changed again?01:15
ubottuPretto: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 05 2008, 00:18:15 - Next meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board in 41 minutes01:16
Prettono :)01:16
Pretto07:00 is for Desktop Team01:16
leoggPretto, it's GMT-6 time01:17
Prettoleogg, ok.. here is GMT-301:18
LaRozaWhy can't times be all the same?01:19
LaRozaI'd glady take the month to get used to it...01:20
nickelleryso that people with different schedules or are busy at a certain time have a chance to come to the meeting01:20
LaRozaI mean around the world01:21
LaRozaIts alright01:21
nickelleryso that we can see in the afternoon :D01:21
LaRozaMisunderstandings are common in text only environments01:21
Prettoi lost last meeting due to etc/utc misunderstood01:21
nickelleryim terrible at that01:21
nickelleryAnd I always have trouble trusting www.timeanddate.com01:22
LaRozaI came on this channel 4 hours early I think to avoid missing it01:22
nickelleryDon't know why...01:22
LaRozaThere might be a storm coming, if my internet goes out I'm sorry01:24
PrettoLaRoza, here is running now01:25
LaRozaWhere is "here" for you?01:26
LaRozaI live in USA, Pennsylvania01:26
jacobLaRoza: same here. rain coming *and* my radio receiver box is failing. perfect combination!01:26
PrettoLaney, Brazil, Alagoas01:26
vorianLaRoza: Pennsylvania? awesome01:28
LaRozavorian: Awesome for a particular reason?01:28
LaRozaCall of nature...brb01:28
jacobLaRoza: means you live next to the greatest state in the US! :D (awaits state-based flamewar)01:29
LaRozaHopefully, you are not referring to New Jersey!01:30
jacobLaRoza: oh, no.01:30
LaRozaPA isn't a state, it is a commonwealth by the way01:30
LaRoza(Ohio, I know)01:30
nosrednaekimNJ! yes!01:30
jacobthink southwest01:30
* nosrednaekim is a proud member of that wonderful loco team :)01:31
jacobohio loco ftw.. though our team has been pretty quiet lately.01:33
LaRozaThe storm is coming...01:35
LaRozaI hope I can stay, internet already is slowing down for me01:35
PrettoLaRoza, i hope that i don't loose the power force01:39
nickellery20 more minutes~01:40
=== LaRoza_ is now known as Lambdanator
ubottuPretto: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 05 2008, 00:49:29 - Next meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board in 10 minutes01:47
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 05 Jun 20:00 UTC: Security Team | 07 Jun 21:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 10:30 UTC: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 11:00 UTC: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board
jacobubottu is excited, changing the topic early and all01:48
ubottujacob: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:48
=== Lambdanator is now known as LaRoza
OgMacielhey there effie_jayx01:50
nixternalOK, if you are going for membership tonight, make sure you wiki pages are rockin' and get your supporters ready :)01:50
nixternaloh no01:50
nixternalOgMaciel: what are you doing here?01:50
OgMacielnixternal: making sure YOU stay out of trouble01:50
nixternalthis is an Ubuntu Membership deal, not a rPath/Foresight Membership :)01:51
Prettonixternal, OgMaciel is my support :)01:51
nixternalPretto: -101:51
Prettonixternal, hahhahha01:51
nixternalOgMaciel: he thinks I am joking :P01:51
* OgMaciel knows nixternal has got his green shirt underneath01:51
nixternalOgMaciel: I am wearing an rPath shirt actually :)01:52
Prettonixternal, hey... don't let me down before start :(01:52
fitoriawelcome alexio4401:52
nixternalhey man, I am an appliance dev now, and seeing I haven't gotten a Cleversafe t-shirt, gotta wear the next best thing01:52
OgMacielnixternal: good choice01:52
alexio44hi fitoria ;)01:52
nixternalOgMaciel: speaking of Cleversafe and rPath, I am gonna be talking to you guys more than likely one day soon on some rBuilder and rMirror lovin'01:53
OgMacielnixternal: we missed you here in Raleigh last month01:53
nixternalI will make the next one indeed01:53
* OgMaciel is neck deep in rBuilder land01:53
mneptokRDU + summer = pain01:53
nickelleryhey all01:53
OgMaciel90++ today01:53
nixternalrBuilder, even though propriecrap, is the way to go01:53
jkeyes0yeah, F20/20 was a lot of fun, OgMaciel01:53
OgMaciel98+ tomorrow01:53
vorianhello world!01:53
nixternaloh man, jkeyes0 is even in here01:53
OgMacieljkeyes0: you said it man01:53
* brandonperry is here01:54
nixternalwth, you all are spying01:54
mneptokOgMaciel: it's the "relative heat index" that'll kill ya01:54
OgMacieletank: is here too01:54
jkeyes0:) I'm here to support awalton__01:54
awalton__\o/ supporters!01:54
nixternaletank is running Kubuntu, don't let him full you01:54
nixternalfool too01:54
hacktickIl sopport everyone, although Im not a member :)01:54
OgMacielmneptok: good thing we have good AC01:54
etanksup all01:54
Rocket2DMnwe got some supporters for bodhi_zazen and LaRoza here01:54
etanknixternal: blasphemy01:54
nixternalboo on you01:55
mneptokOgMaciel: "alternative condo?"01:55
ubottunickellery: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 05 2008, 00:57:17 - Current meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board01:55
awalton__I've seen it in person!01:55
LaRozaRocket2DMn: Thanks01:55
awalton__nice foresight desktop.01:55
OgMacielmneptok: huh?01:55
hacktickubottus time is wrong...01:55
nixternalawalton__: you goin' for Ubuntu Membership? :P01:55
OgMacielit is 88 degrees now01:55
awalton__nixternal, indeed01:55
mneptokOgMaciel: joking. "another place to live until RDU is restored to non-Venus-like conditions."01:55
nixternaldon't make me send ya packin' to #foresight :P01:55
etankawalton__: you can't say the f******** word in this chan01:55
OgMacielmneptok: hahahaha01:55
awalton__nixternal, hah, I don't use foresight ;)01:56
etankaahh nixternal idd it too01:56
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)01:56
nixternalhehe, awalton__ I do :)01:56
=== nealmc1 is now known as nealmcb
* OgMaciel shows his 2 crutches to nixternal01:56
nixternalwasabi Technoviking01:56
effie_jayxHello everyone01:56
nixternaloh no, kung-fu crutches!01:56
Technovikingwasabi!!!!! nixternal01:56
mneptokOgMaciel: stop that. we all know you're faking. ;)01:56
nixternalmmm wasabi01:56
Technovikingtrue true01:56
awalton__everybody was kung-fu fighting..01:56
* cody-somerville prances around.01:56
nixternalwth cody01:57
OgMacielthose cats were... errr01:57
* OgMaciel drools01:57
* vorian peers at vor-ubuntu 01:58
mneptokso, before things get started, can i suggest that a commitment is made to handle $NUMBER of applications, and anyone below the cut-off can leave? keeps people from sitting through a whole meeting for nothing.01:58
nixternalvorian: I did the same01:58
mneptoknot that i'm bitter, mind you. >:P01:58
nixternalmneptok: I want them all cleared tonight!01:58
ubottuAndre_Gondim: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 05 2008, 01:00:46 - Current meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board01:58
nixternalno more leftovers01:58
* vorian hugs mneptok 01:58
* vor-ubuntu apologizes to vorian01:58
OgMacielAndre_Gondim: get a watch  :P01:58
vorianvor-ubuntu: no need :)01:58
* Joeb454 notices the tension between vorian and vor-ubuntu :)01:59
effie_jayxSo do i01:59
PrettoAndre_Gondim, look at the top right corner of your screen :)01:59
MootBotMeeting started at 20:01. The chair is nixternal.01:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]01:59
nixternalit worked01:59
nixternal[TOPIC] Nick Ellery for Ubuntu Member02:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Nick Ellery for Ubuntu Member02:00
nixternalnickellery: you up first to get you on your way02:00
nickelleryHi all, my name is Nick Ellery, and I am a resident of Vancouver, Canada.02:00
* chuckf is here too02:00
nickelleryI currently contribute to Ubuntu as an en_CA translator, answer tracker, laptop tester, and as a member of the Ubuntu Documentation Team.02:00
* n0rman here 202:01
nickelleryRecently, I began working on Launchpad documentation too.02:01
nickelleryI also participated in Tuesday’s Hugs for Bugs day here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2008060302:01
nickelleryFor the Documentation Team, I currently work as a technical reviewer.02:01
nickelleryMy job is to review the system documentation currently in development, review it, and submit patches to be committed.02:01
nickelleryA full list of every page I’ve reviewed can be view here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/TechReviewStatus02:01
nickelleryMy plans for the future include getting more involved in bug triaging and joining the ubuntu-bugcontrol team, becoming a member of the ubuntu-doc-core team which has commit rights, and increasing activity on the forums.02:01
nickelleryMy wiki page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cloudfx02:01
nickelleryMy Launchpad page:  https://launchpad.net/~nick.ellery02:01
nickelleryLinks for examples of my various contributions can be found on my Wiki page.02:01
nixternalI can vouge for nickellery's doc work as he has been one of the few students to join up, contribute, not get bored, and stick around02:02
nickellerythanks nixternal :)02:03
Technovikinggood karma02:03
cody-somervilleI can vouch that my inbox gets filled up with bug mail from nickellery :P02:03
nixternalwhat is wrong with <xref linkend="foo-is-bar" /> when foo-is-bar is located outside of a book and in its own article?02:03
effie_jayxYou seem pretty active in bugs. Congrats02:04
nixternaljust kiddin' :)02:04
nickellerynixternal, -_- you scared me for a second02:04
nixternalOn Deck: n0rman, awalton__, and then mneptok as they were bumped last week...get ready :)02:04
* Pretto is waiting too02:05
nixternalPretto: ya, sorry, you and cgregan to be exact02:05
TechnovikingLooks like afine body of work to me, anyone else have any questions?02:05
cody-somervillenickellery, What was your biggest challenge yet?02:06
nickelleryI would say that would be learning about the Documentation Repository.02:06
nickelleryI'm not involved in any programming, and therefore it was something quite new to me02:07
nixternalhaha, mine too (/me isn't the biggest bzr fan yet)02:07
nixternalour repos can definitely be tricky since we have switched from svn a while back02:07
MootBotPlease vote on: .02:08
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:08
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:08
MootBot+1 received from cody-somerville. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:08
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:08
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:08
_MMA_+1 Solid contributions all around.02:08
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:08
MootBot+1 received from Rocket2DMn. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:08
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 602:08
effie_jayx+1 for his work :-)02:09
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 702:09
nixternalRocket2DMn: can you please do a -1 since you can't vote02:09
Rocket2DMnyessir, it said public votes02:09
vorian(please don't vote if you aren't on the membership board)  :)02:09
* cody-somerville giggles.02:09
MootBotFinal result is 7 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 702:09
cody-somervilleW O O T!02:09
nixternalcongrats nickellery! and welcome!02:09
vorianwelcome nickellery :)02:09
nickellerythanks to everyone!!!02:09
alexio44congrats nickellery :)02:11
nixternal[TOPIC] Norman Garcia for Ubuntu Member02:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Norman Garcia for Ubuntu Member02:11
nixternaln0rman: please introduce yourself02:11
n0rmanHi, im norman, 23 years old, actually im the main coordinator of the ubuntu-ni loco team, i was in this team since the beginning. Im a active person in my country, always organizing events and giving conferences like the linxutour, flisol 2007 and 2008, dfd 2008, sfd07.02:11
n0rman           Participating in these events give me the opportunity to talk to people about FOSS and let them know about the benefits of using it, also talk with enterprises, NGO and help them to migrate to linux.02:11
n0rman  02:11
n0rmanI know that my particpation on LP.net is vbery low, thats because all my particpation inot the commiunity its physical uin my country.02:11
leoggI want to cheer for n0rman... he is a great leader and an inspiration for us all in ubuntu-ni02:11
n0rmanWiki page : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/norm02:11
nixternaldefinitely have some really nice feedback02:11
jwendelldon't we have an order?02:11
n0rmanLP.net page: https://launchpad.net/~naguilarg02:12
nixternal<start south/central american invasion>02:12
Technovikingjwendell: we are getting the people that we could not finish last week first02:12
* OgMaciel gets nakesd02:12
effie_jayxI can attest n0rman's great work in the nicaragua team. The marketing and promoting in event is awesome02:12
jwendellTechnoviking, Pretto is the first one02:12
nixternalwow, totally digging the radio, tv, and newspaper stuff....nice!02:13
_MMA_Yeah. That's rad.02:13
Prettojwendell, at least in wiki page :p02:13
effie_jayxNicaragua won sfd prize last year :-)02:14
mneptokjwendell: Pretto was not on last week's agenda02:14
Prettomneptok, yes, i was02:14
leoggeffie_jayx, yes!! and n0rman is the one to blame :)02:14
jwendellmneptok, he was02:14
nixternalTechnoviking: ya, we are getting those that were bumped last week02:14
mneptokPretto: were you present?02:14
=== alan__m is now known as Alan_M
n0rmanand i was one of the main coordinator for the SFD 07 xD02:14
Technovikingplease keep on topic or it will take longer02:14
nixternaln0rman: is on right now02:14
Prettomneptok, no, i was traveling without net connection02:14
mneptokPretto: hence you not being first in line :)02:15
Prettomneptok, as i said, i am the first in wiki page :) hehehhe02:15
nixternalI am definitely digging n0rman's contribus, future plans, and his community support02:15
Technovikingme too looks like a good body of work02:16
nixternalI am digging the fact I can't spell02:16
OgMaciellike that is news02:16
OgMacielcouldn't help it02:16
OgMacielit's the Latin blood02:17
alexio44op 4 n0rman >> 120% on Logistics and Support for all the linux events / projects02:17
nixternal[VOTE] Norman Garcia for Ubuntu Member02:17
MootBotPlease vote on:  Norman Garcia for Ubuntu Member.02:17
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:17
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:17
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:17
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:17
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:17
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:17
effie_jayx+1 viva nicaragua02:18
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:18
MootBot+1 received from cody-somerville. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 602:18
leoggfelicidades n0rman!!02:18
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 602:18
nixternalcongrats n0rman and welcome!!!02:18
leogg.ni kicks butt!!!02:18
mneptokviva Somoza! oh .... uhhh ... oops.02:18
doctormoonly 7 minutes late ;-)02:18
alexio44congrats n0rman ..... cheers !!!!! :D02:18
viperhootcongrats n0rman !!!02:18
n0rmanthanks!! xD02:18
vorianwelcome n0rman :)02:18
Pretton0rman, \o/02:18
Technovikingwho's next02:18
fitoriacongratulations n0rman02:18
nixternal[TOPIC] A. Walton for Ubuntu Member02:18
MootBotNew Topic:  A. Walton for Ubuntu Member02:18
nixternalawalton__: introduce yourself :)02:19
ZehRiquecongrats norman02:19
awalton__Please try to bear with me, I've been down with the flu for almost a week now and I'm not quite back to 100%. URIs: https://edge.launchpad.net/~awalton https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Awalton02:19
awalton__My name is Andrew Walton, as stated on my wiki page I go online as awalton and in real life mostly by my last name. I am 21 years old, and a resident of Central Kentucky and FreeNode IRC. If you have a question about anything, feel free to ask. Odds are good I'll get back to you immediately. ;)02:19
awalton__I have been a Debian-derivative user since Corel Linux, worked for a bit on the failed UserLinux project and now an Ubuntu user and evangelist since Warty. In the past six months I have been involved in Ubuntu development, working on the GNOME desktop, most specifically the Nautilus file manager, GVFS and GLib, and I do bug triage and patching on these components both upstream and downstream for Ubuntu. My real talent is i02:19
awalton__n writing code, but I try my best to be active in many other areas as well (occasionally in the Ubuntu forums where I try to get users to file bugs so we can track them, and often answering questions on IRC). I am also an active member of my local community group, the Ubuntu Kentucky LoCo, and the Bluegrass Linux User Group.02:19
vorianyikes :)02:19
nixternalrock on!02:19
awalton__My future plans for Ubuntu include joining the Ubuntu Desktop team and working on the future direction of the desktop, with issues such as FreeDesktop.org integration/migration and fixing long-standing user interface bugs being my immediate highest priorities. Maybe in a not-so-far-off future joining an Open Source company so that I can work on the software I love full-time.02:19
nixternalold school :)02:19
awalton__I had asked Sebastien Bacher to be here, but it's late in his timezone I believe. As such, I know at least a couple of members of my LoCo are here to cheer me on and mneptok can speak to my UbuntuGNOME-love if he wishes. Thank you for your time!02:19
nixternalya, seb can't be here02:20
nixternalGNOME developer ey?02:20
* mneptok is happy to confirm awalton__'s sustained contributions to GNOME02:20
nixternalchill vorian!02:20
awalton__there we so.. sorry about the chan-spam.02:20
Technovikingawalton__: looks like most of your work is upstream in Gnome?02:20
Technovikingawalton__: Upstreams rock!!!!02:20
mneptokin fact, awalton__ was one of the first Ubuntu devs to get his ssh key replaced. or, rather, try to have it replaced. ;)02:20
awalton__Technoviking, somewhat so, but I fix a lot of problems that only come to my attention through Ubuntu.02:20
cody-somervilleawalton__, what do you think of ref counting mechanism in glib?02:21
awalton__hehe, I try to be on the ball.02:21
jcastrognomers rock!02:21
jkeyes0awalton__ would be an amazing addition to the ubuntu members. he has made some great contributions to Nautilus and GVFS, and is a valued member of BGLUG and the Kentucky ubuntu LoCo team02:21
nixternaljcastro: watch it!02:21
mneptokawalton__: like a trained chihuahua?02:21
OgMacieloh noes! jcastro is not watching the game? :)02:21
awalton__cody-somerville, pretty happy with it. I've been a fan of generic reference counting over garbage collection for a long time though.02:21
awalton__mneptok, ;)02:21
nixternalOgMaciel: cuz he knows the Pengs are gonna win02:21
awalton__cody-somerville, my biggest problem with glib is the underabuse of properties in the code above it.02:22
nixternalPENGUINS ALWAYS WIN!02:22
OgMacielnixternal: word!02:22
* etank cheers for awalton__ 02:22
etankhe is an active member in the KY LoCo team always available to help users02:22
nosrednaekimnixternal: are you always this disruptive in your own meetings?:P02:22
OgMacielgame 7 baby02:22
nixternalnosrednaekim: yes02:22
awalton__gobject has a lot of really interesting facilities that people won't exploit for some reason...02:22
nixternalwow, awalton__ you have some impressive pimps....I mean supporters02:22
* Technoviking points and commands focus :)02:22
mneptokawalton__: "inertia"02:22
doctormoawalton__: except in python :-P02:22
cody-somervilleawalton__, Do you feel there is a good landscape of static analysis tools available to developers to automatically detect unsinked refs?02:22
nixternalI don't02:22
awalton__cody-somerville, unfortunately I don't think there are.02:23
nixternalcody-somerville: was that a trick question btw? :)02:23
awalton__cody-somerville, I also dislike the floating-ref thing, but that's a whole other issue ;)02:23
nixternalawalton__: any plans on getting into packaging?02:23
awalton__nixternal, I do, I'm just not sure how to get started. I've been reading up on how to do it though, and I would love to become an active packager during the Intrepid cycle.02:24
cody-somervilleawalton__, Have you thought about getting involved with Xubuntu? :)02:24
nixternalhow about your 5-a-day? (jcastro there you go with some pimpage, make sure you tell daniel :))02:24
etanknixternal: but he is a GNOME guy so dont hold that against him02:24
nixternaletank: to late02:25
awalton__cody-somerville, I use a lot of your guys code in some of my private work, so I very well might. I think what's good for XUbuntu is also good for Ubuntu and GNOME, so anywhere I can lend a hand, I will try.02:25
nixternal[VOTE] A. Walton for Ubuntu Member02:25
MootBotPlease vote on:  A. Walton for Ubuntu Member.02:25
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:25
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:25
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:25
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:25
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:25
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:25
cody-somerville+1 (+2 if he'll contribute to Xubuntu ;])02:26
MootBot+1 received from cody-somerville. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:26
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 602:26
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 602:26
nixternalcongrats and welcome awalton__ !!!02:26
awalton__\o/ rock!02:26
etank+1 (prolly dont count though)02:26
jkeyes0congrats awalton__!02:26
Technovikingcongrats awalton__02:26
etankwoot awalton__02:26
awalton__thanks everyone!!!02:26
vorianwelcome awalton__ :)02:26
ZehRiqueWow! awalton__ !02:26
doctormoI wonder who does count... tribe02:26
nixternal[TOPIC] Kurt von Finck for Ubuntu Member02:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Kurt von Finck for Ubuntu Member02:27
nixternalmneptok: introduce yourself please02:27
mneptokMy name is Kurt and I'm a Gemini. I like long walks on the beach, snuggling, and sacrificing the unworthy to Cthulu, my dark master of the many tentacles. My hands are bloody, but my conscience is clean. They all deserved it.02:27
mneptokI'm old and bitter, but I clean up nicely. I'm active in a lot of different aspects of the FLOSS world in general and Ubuntu specifically. Mostly because it does not require daily showering or pants.02:27
nixternalgahaha, I knew that was bound to happen!02:27
ajmitchoh no, not mneptok02:27
mneptokMost people around here know enough about me to know I have made significant contributions to Ubuntu and its community. These same people are familiar enough with me to want this all to be over quickly so they can drink enough to avoid the nightmares. With that, I place myself at your mercies ...02:27
mneptokIn seriousness, I don't think I'm a stranger to most people here. And I expend no small amount of effort making that the case. I try to be a friendly, approachable face for Canonical on IRC and elsewhere in the community. I'm certainly a "people person," and getting me to stop working on free software is more a challenge than getting me to start.02:27
mneptokI also want to emphasize, in the strongest possible terms, that I base my candidacy entirely upon my contributions to the FLOSS community in general, and Ubuntu in particular. If my Canonical employee status is to factor into any decisions, I would prefer to withdraw my candidacy. This point is of paramount importance to me.02:28
ajmitchnot a stranger, just strange :)02:28
nixternalI have know mneptok for to long, err for a while :)  nothing bad I can say at all and he has been a tremendous help in a ton of places02:28
* mneptok presents a freshly polished halo02:28
* ajmitch would certainly vouch for mneptok's longstanding contributions02:28
nixternalany nay sayers for mneptok?02:28
cody-somervillemneptok,  What. is. love?02:28
mneptokcody-somerville: baby, don't hurt me ....02:29
* awalton__ hugs mneptok, the mind taker.02:29
nixternalajmitch: ya right, over 2 years and he is just now going for membership02:29
* _MMA_ has know him since UDS-MTV and thinks he's a fine fellow. :P02:29
_MMA_nixternal: Seriously. :)02:29
nixternal[VOTE] Kurt von Finck for Ubuntu Member02:29
* mneptok procrastinates sometimes.02:29
MootBotPlease vote on:  Kurt von Finck for Ubuntu Member.02:29
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:29
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:29
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:29
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:30
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:30
cody-somerville+1 (Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.)02:30
MootBot+1 received from cody-somerville. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:30
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:30
mneptokcody-somerville: you assume i escaped the grue.02:30
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 602:30
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 602:30
nixternalcongrats and welcome mneptok!!!02:30
voriancongrats mneptok! :)02:30
nixternalabout darn time honestly!02:30
doctormonixternal: not biased then?02:30
Technovikingboo!!! and I mean congrats02:30
nixternaldoctormo: not at all :)02:31
* mneptok feels the love02:31
bimberigah, missed the chance to cheer mneptok (well... pre-vote)02:31
_MMA_Its because of mneptok I can say "quebecois" correctly. :P02:31
nixternal[TOPIC] Laudeci Oliveira for Ubuntu Member02:31
MootBotNew Topic:  Laudeci Oliveira for Ubuntu Member02:31
OgMacielmneptok was a big help getting into buses at UDS-MTV  :)02:31
nixternalPretto: please introduce yourself?02:31
* MagicFab just got here too late to prevent mneptok's membership to happen...02:31
PrettoHi friends. I have been involved with Open Source and with the Ubuntu Brazilian community since May 2005, I am using my free time to help people that is starting using Ubuntu in #ubuntu-br IRC from freenode02:31
mneptokOgMaciel: hurry up, you FAKER!02:31
nixternalMagicFab: hahahaha02:31
Prettoalso I am helping to make brazilian users have Ubuntu in their native language translating packages in launchpad as you can see in my launchpad https://translations.launchpad.net/~laudeci/ my work in translation could be noticed here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors, making me the second better scored brazilian guy in translation, I hope I could beat Andre_Gondim soon ;).02:32
effie_jayxmneptok, i always thought you were a member :p02:32
PrettoI also work with python trying to make applications that could improve Ubuntu usability and easyness, I am actualy working with two projects, APTonCD https://launchpad.net/aptoncd as main developer, and IUG https://edge.launchpad.net/iug and helping ogmaciel in billreminder project http://billreminder.sf.net/.02:32
PrettoAlso, I´m Brazilian Planeta Member http://planeta.ubuntu-br.org and very active member in the Brazilian LocoTeam. I want to continue contributing to Ubuntu for a long time, not only translating, but making use of my knowledge to help new users on how to get the best from Ubuntu and making applications that could be incorporated  in it.02:32
Andre_GondimPretto, you will ;)02:32
PrettoMy Ubuntu´s wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Pretto my Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~laudeci02:32
OgMacielPretto: http://code.google.com/p/billreminder actually :P02:32
nixternalany supporters for Pretto except for OgMaciel02:32
Andre_GondimPretto, has my suport02:33
effie_jayxPretto, your contributions with splications is quite impressive.02:33
nixternalPretto: what are your plans for making a NON-GTK backend for BillReminder so I can go ahead and do the Qt4 frontend for it?02:33
OgMacielnixternal: :P02:33
nixternalOgMaciel: you knew that one was comin' :)02:33
_MMA_Yeah. Og dont count. Darn Foresight user. :P02:33
Prettonixternal, this is up to OgMaciel02:33
jwendellI fully second Pretto on his candidacy02:33
Technovikinghow come no package love for billminder02:33
nixternalTechnoviking: cuz you haven't packaged it yet? :)02:34
OgMacielTechnoviking: there's a deb available02:34
nixternalactually, there is a deb available02:34
effie_jayxPretto, do you do any motu work atm?02:34
* OgMaciel basques in the pimping02:34
OgMacieleffie_jayx: he should02:34
Technovikingnixternal: stop using logic againist me :)02:34
Prettoeffie_jayx, no, i was just coding and packaging was the Rafael Proença work02:34
ajmitchno matter where I go, nixternal is stirring up trouble02:35
nixternalPretto: are you and OgMaciel roommates? I just noticed you and him working on APTonCD as well02:35
Prettoeffie_jayx, but i expect to become a MOTU one day02:35
OgMacielnixternal: Pretto is my twin brother02:35
nixternalOgMaciel can't be that good to work with :)02:35
Prettonixternal, hahahhha02:35
nixternalOgMaciel: huh?02:35
_MMA_Pretto: Has the grey text issue been fixed in AptOnCD?02:35
effie_jayxPretto, any immediate plans?02:35
nixternalnice try02:35
OgMacielnixternal: you forgot you're my evil brother02:35
nixternalOgMaciel: he looks way better than you in that one pic I saw, but he is missing the kung-fu crutches02:36
Pretto_MMA_, yes.. actualy we just need that Rafael Proença merge the code solving it02:36
nixternalPretto: nice karma!02:36
OgMacielseriously though, Pretto is a great developer02:36
OgMacielhe *should* get more involved with MOTU stuff02:36
nixternal[VOTE] Laudeci Oliveira for Ubuntu Member02:37
MootBotPlease vote on:  Laudeci Oliveira for Ubuntu Member.02:37
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:37
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:37
OgMacielenough translations... who speaks Portuguese any way?02:37
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:37
jwendellactually development != packaging...02:37
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:37
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:37
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:37
OgMacielI know jwendell02:37
hacktickOgMaciel: I speak portuguese :)02:37
jwendellpackaging is a quite harder :)02:37
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:37
* OgMaciel needs someone to get BillReminder into Ubuntu land02:37
OgMacielhacktick: hehehe02:38
MootBot+1 received from cody-somerville. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 602:38
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 602:38
nixternalcongrats and welcome Pretto!!!02:38
jwendellPretto, wowowowowow02:38
voriancongras Pretto :)02:38
cropalatoPretto, congrats. Where is the beer?02:38
Andre_GondimPretto, congrats ;)02:38
n0rmancongrats Pretto!!!!02:38
ZehRiqueCongrats Pretto !02:38
Prettothank you guys.. i am very very happy to be one of you02:38
emmaCongratulations Pretto :) ♥02:38
Andre_GondimPretto, this bill it's your02:38
n0rmangood work!02:38
Prettoemma, thank you02:38
ZehRiqueGood guy!02:38
nixternal[TOPIC] Chris Gregan for Ubuntu Member02:38
MootBotNew Topic:  Chris Gregan for Ubuntu Member02:38
cropalatomandou bem negão02:38
nixternalcgregan: please introduce yourself?02:39
* OgMaciel goes back to his hockey gane02:39
OgMacielgame too02:39
OgMacielnight all02:39
cgreganHello folks....I'm a QA Engineer for Ubuntu Mobile Edition02:39
nixternalcgregan: where at in Maryland are you?02:39
cgreganAlthough my experience with FLOSS started as a Open source consultant02:39
cgreganFrederick MD02:40
nixternalnice, I lived in southern Maryland, St. Mary's County and DC02:40
nixternalanother one with a sick amount of karma02:40
cgreganI was promoting Open source in schools, and non-profits for a few years before landing a job with Canonical02:40
* _MMA_ moved from P.G. County to Raleigh N.C. and misses D.C. every day. :(02:40
cgreganI am the owner of several projects02:40
nixternalcgregan: how is the mobile community (ie. non-Canonical) side of Ubuntu?02:40
Technovikingcgregan: sounds like Ibex will be exciting for Ubuntu Mobile02:41
nixternalTechnoviking: you saw those screenshots? mmmm hawt!02:41
cgregannixternal: No mobile outside of Canonical since my positions in proprietary comapnies on the west coast02:41
Technovikingnixternal: I want it now:)02:41
nixternalcgregan: any plans for a Mobile Kubuntu Edition? If not, what do I need to do in order to start something like that?02:42
cgreganI was a user and promoter of Ubuntu through my consulting...and it seemed like a good move02:42
nixternalI should have just asked the latter part of that question02:42
cgregannixternal: Your best bet is to wait for our first release...we have plans to make it more community oriented after that02:42
Technovikinggreat karma02:42
cgreganright now it is a bit scattered02:43
cgreganWhich is why I am here02:43
cgreganI need to keep better information out there02:43
cgreganblogging on planet..etc.02:43
nixternalrock on02:43
nixternalanyone here to support cgregan?02:44
cgreganI set up public testing on the wiki to help and I manage the bugs for UME as well...but the information is still limited02:44
chuckfI can say that he's been a help at events for the MD Loco team02:44
nixternalw00t MD LOCO!!!02:44
nixternalspeaking of MD LoCo, are you guys at the meeting right now?02:45
cgreganLast hour02:45
HardDiskevening, or should I say good morning (4:45am my time)02:45
chuckfyou missed it02:45
brandonperrygood morning HardDisk02:45
nixternalalrighty, voting time!02:45
HardDiskhehe brandonperry you here too :)02:45
brandonperryyeah, I am appying today02:45
nixternal[VOTE] Chris Gregan for Ubuntu Member02:45
MootBotPlease vote on:  Chris Gregan for Ubuntu Member.02:45
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:45
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:45
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:45
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:45
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:46
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:46
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:46
mdzhmm, MootBot's example of private voting does not match the preceding text02:46
HardDiskI'm just here to vote for someone here then I'm off to bed.02:46
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 502:47
nixternalcongrats and welcome cgregan!!!02:47
vorianwelcome cgregan :)02:47
effie_jayxcgregan,  congrats02:47
nixternalmdz: it seems a bit off02:47
ZehRiqueCongrats cgregan!02:47
cgreganThanks! I look forward to sharing a ton of info with the community in the future!02:47
Prettocongrats cgregan02:47
doctormocgregan: you needed membership to do that?02:47
nixternal[TOPIC] Henrique Machado for Ubuntu Member02:47
MootBotNew Topic:  Henrique Machado for Ubuntu Member02:47
cgreganDoctormo: no...but it is an excellent way02:48
nixternalZehRique: please introduce yourself02:48
ZehRiqueHi all. My name is Henrique Paulino Machado, and I live in Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo, Brazil.02:48
ZehRiqueMy wiki page is: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HenriquePMachado02:48
ZehRiqueMy profile on launchpad is at: https://edge.launchpad.net/~zehrique02:48
ZehRiqueI am contributor to the Brazilian Porguese Translation of Ubuntu's Gnome version and I'm talking with Marco Ferragina about his cGMail applet, to help him with some code. (His applet is excellent for me).02:48
ZehRiqueIn my city, as I said on the wiki, I'm planning to attend to local Demo Days and InstallFests to help promoting Ubuntu and the free software.02:48
ZehRiqueWhen I have free time, I use to give support on the #ubuntu-br channel, here on freenode.02:48
nixternalchuckf: you are next, sorry I skipped you02:48
ZehRiqueI was recently approved as a GNOME translator into the pt_BR branch too.02:48
ZehRiqueI am planning a small software with a friend, written in Python, to interact with some models of the DLINK ADSL modems, for helping users configure and get info on their device within the Gnome environment.02:48
nixternalanyone here to pimp ZehRique?02:49
* Andre_Gondim suports ZehRique 02:49
* Pretto too02:49
Technovikingnixternal: that sounds wrong02:49
HardDiskTechnoviking disapproves!02:50
HardDiskdon't hurt him now :)02:50
nixternalgahahahahaha, I just now looked at what I said...I meant support, honestly I did02:50
nixternalZehRique: are you guys involved with the 5-a-day stuff down there Brazil?02:51
_MMA_ZehRique: How much have you translated for GNOME? And how long have you been a part of that team?02:51
ZehRiquenixternal, yes.02:51
cody-somervilleZehRique, So it appears that your translation efforts are rather recent02:51
HardDiskZehRique, what exactly are you planning for the DLINK project?02:52
ZehRique_MMA_, i approval is recent on the GNOME team.02:52
vorianZehRique: what are you doing for the gnome team?02:52
ZehRiqueHardDisk, I intend to do a sotware to control the modem from the GNOME Environment. Without using the browser.02:53
HardDiskZehRique, how will that be better than using webui?02:53
ZehRiquevorian, I am helping translating it into Brazilian Portuguese yet.02:53
mneptokZehRique: you have not been approved for GNOME SVN access, though. or do you have a ticket waiting?02:54
Andre_GondimZehRique does good translations02:54
ZehRiqueHardDisk, well. I think if i put an icon on GNOME systray we could give instant access to some status.02:54
HardDiskok thank you.02:55
ZehRiquemneptok, I currently have no work at SVN.02:55
mneptokZehRique: OK, just wanted to make sure you weren't waiting on a GNOME RT approval.02:55
mneptokZehRique: in most cases you won;t get one. we try to keep a single maintainer per language02:56
ZehRiquemneptok, I will be more active after the 2.24.0 startup02:56
* mneptok nods02:56
cody-somervilleZehRique, it seems like you're off to a good start but I think we're looking for applicants to be more well rounded and have a longer period of sustained contribution.02:56
ZehRiquecody-somerville, ok.02:56
cody-somervilleIf you'd like any help on further directions on how to do just that, feel free to contact any member of the board and we'll be sure to point you in the right direction.02:57
nixternalZehRique: would you mind if we asked you to come back at a later time and give membership a shot again once you have a bit more contributions under your belt?02:57
effie_jayxZehRique,  we think your inittial contributions are leading you to where its at, but we feel we need to see more sustanable contributions02:57
vorianZehRique: yes, please continue with the great translation work02:57
nixternalie. you are on the bug squad with a low bug karma, work that up and you will be good02:57
nixternalmore translations would be wonderful as well02:57
effie_jayxZehRique,  a bit of more bug tackling ... should you need any help ping me :D02:58
TechnovikingZehRique: Please come back after you get some more work under your belt, it is a great start02:58
mneptokZehRique: be sure to introduce yourself (if you haven't already) to OgMaciel and fatalerror on GIMPnet02:58
ZehRiqueTechnoviking, no problem. :)02:58
PrettoZehRique, keep on working, you will get there02:58
nixternal[VOTE] Request that Henrique Machado revisit the board for membership in the future02:58
MootBotPlease vote on:  Request that Henrique Machado revisit the board for membership in the future.02:58
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:58
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:58
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:58
MootBot+1 received from cody-somerville. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:58
MootBot+1 received from HardDisk. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:58
_MMA_+1 For now. It's a great start but like others I'd like to see a more sustained contribution.02:58
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:58
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:58
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 602:58
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 602:59
HardDiskGood luck ZehRique02:59
TechnovikingZehRique: I look forward to seeing you again for membership02:59
cody-somervilleAnd I think that wraps up this meeting!02:59
ZehRiqueThanks, guys!02:59
doctormoInteresting negative vote avoidance... curious, the social aspects must be studied.02:59
Andre_GondimZehRique, congrats02:59
nixternalZehRique: we really appreciate how you have started and I would say you continue and within a month of more contributions we would definitely welcome you back!02:59
HardDiskNext on the list02:59
bimberidoctormo: +1 :)02:59
leftybdid we run out of time?03:00
nixternalleftyb: not yet :)03:00
nixternalone second03:00
Prettohacktick, i think03:00
nixternalHardDisk: could you please refrain from voting03:00
Joeb454leftyb, it's been 1 hour, I know that much03:00
nixternalno prob03:00
HardDiskDidn't know non-members couldn't vote, my fault.03:00
leftybnot sure how long these usually go03:00
Joeb454me either :)03:01
xander21cwho's next guys??03:01
doctormonixternal: you might want to fix the bot03:01
nixternal[TOPIC] LaRoza for Ubuntu Member03:01
MootBotNew Topic:  LaRoza for Ubuntu Member03:01
nixternalLaRoza: you around?03:01
LaRozaHello. You may remember from the last meeting. I would like to apologize for my conduct at that time. I was very tired and distracted and wasn't feeling well, and I shouldn't have gone to the meeting knowing I was not in the right frame of mind. My wiki page is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaRoza and my launchpd page is: https://launchpad.net/~laroza03:01
nixternalgroovy, we really appreciate you coming back and taking care of that!03:01
vorianw00t LaRoza!03:02
effie_jayxLaRoza,  we are glad to have you here today03:02
LaRozaI myself wasn't happy when I read the transcript, and am not pleased with my conduct03:02
nixternalLaRoza: we pretty much got everything, so I am going to propose we go ahead and call a vote...board?03:02
* jacob cheers for LaRoza: very helpful member of the forum community, always willing to dedicate time towards helping someone in the late hours at night when no one else wants to03:03
Technovikinganymore support for LaRoza03:03
effie_jayxLaRoza,  I would ask only about thse extra things you just documented, I notices de testimonials have gone up03:03
* LaRoza thanks jacob 03:03
* _MMA_ looks back at the logs from last meeting.03:03
bodhi_zazen+1 Laroza03:03
effie_jayxvery significant words from very respectable people03:03
Technovikingonce again my strong support for Laroza03:03
nixternaleffie_jayx: ditto03:03
Joeb454Not a member, but I can't say much more than jacob has already said03:03
LaRozaWhat do you want to know? Some of them are here03:03
* Old_Soldier thanks Laroza for his contributions on the UCF03:03
Alan_M+1 LaRoza03:03
nixternalhehe, LaRoza if you only had all of this last week...feel the love! feel the love!03:04
* LaRoza thanks all that showed their support 03:04
nixternalno doubt!03:04
nixternal[VOTE] LaRoza for Ubuntu Member03:04
MootBotPlease vote on:  LaRoza for Ubuntu Member.03:04
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot03:04
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting03:04
effie_jayxLaRoza,  I do have one questio03:04
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 103:04
LaRozaeffie_jayx: Yes?03:04
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 203:04
effie_jayxor vote :D03:04
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 303:04
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 403:04
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 403:05
nixternalcongrats and welcome LaRoza!!! \o/03:05
overdrankcongrats LaRoza03:05
jacobwhooooo! congrats LaRoza!!!03:05
LaRozaThanks, I appreciate it.03:05
Rocket2DMncongrats LaRoza !03:05
Technovikingcongrats LaRoza03:05
Joeb454congrats LaRoza :)03:05
LaRozaeffie_jayx: Is your question still wanting to be asked?03:05
vorianCONGRATS LAROZA!!!!03:05
Old_Soldiercongrats laroza :003:05
LaRozaThanks vorian03:05
effie_jayxLaRoza,  nah ;)03:05
LaRozaGood luck bodhi_zazen03:05
nixternal[TOPIC] Bodhi.zazen for Ubuntu Member03:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Bodhi.zazen for Ubuntu Member03:05
nixternalbodhi_zazen: your turn :)03:06
vorianw00t bodhi_zazen!!!!!03:06
bodhi_zazenPermission to flood ?03:06
effie_jayxLaRoza,  keep holding the fort over at the forums... :D03:06
Old_Soldiergo Bodhi :)03:06
LaRozaeffie_jayx: Why? I got it and I don't need to do anything now03:06
PrettoLaRoza, welcome :)03:06
Rocket2DMn* UF Beginners Team cheers *03:06
nixternalbodhi_zazen: permission denied :) keep it simple, give us the hot stuff :)03:06
Alan_Mgo bodhi_zazen ! :)03:06
bodhi_zazenBodhi.zazen here, thanks everyone.03:06
bodhi_zazenAs many here may know I am active on the forums, not so much on IRC.03:06
bodhi_zazenhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bodhi6   http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=8905403:06
bodhi_zazenSigbar : http://ubuntuforums.org/signaturepics/sigpic89054_9.gif03:06
bodhi_zazenI would like a set of those orange ubuntu member rings please, my daughters favorite color is orange you see ... lol03:06
bodhi_zazenSeriously though, I can see now my application is overdue and I apologize. I think of myself as low key (although not in a sig bar kind of way) and although I do promote Ubuntu I do not like to self promote (any way to hide post count? :lolflag:)03:06
bodhi_zazenIt has been an honor to help with the forums, and before I forget, the Beginner Team ROCKS (you know who you are).03:06
bodhi_zazenSo why now ? I started a LUG and would like to hand out bodhi.zazen Ubuntu cards ? More important, I hope any semblance of “leadership” I may carry can be used to encourage new (and not so new) users to become more involved with the community.03:06
bodhi_zazenI use an alias as I am a professional, and although it is not a secret, I do not want to advertise it either (nor allow the profession to divide the community).03:06
nixternalbodhi_zazen: you have awesome support! great documentation! and a sweet picture on your wiki :)03:07
nixternalbodhi_zazen: you aren't the only one using an alias and it is totally understandable03:07
nixternalbodhi_zazen: what do you do for the Hardened team?03:08
nixternalthere we go03:10
nixternalholy smokes, we lost everyone03:10
leftybooo .. bad timing for a split03:12
the-stacewoops server down03:12
bodhi_zazenso limited travel that way03:12
leftybthere we go :)03:12
Alan_Mwow, there we go03:12
jacobgreat timing, eh?03:12
effie_jayxbodhi_zazen, ahhh I see, but not you personally the teams in you are involved with?03:12
bodhi_zazenI have Ubuntu CD's from Launchpad03:12
bodhi_zazenGive 'em out to prfessional contacts03:12
bodhi_zazenGive professional talks, 100 % Ubuntu (GO Open Office)03:12
nixternalthat sucked03:12
nixternalwhat did I miss?03:12
bodhi_zazeneffie_jayx, come again03:12
vorianI have to say that the work you do with the Beginners on Ubuntu Forums is FANTASTIC!03:12
nixternalbodhi_zazen: what do you do for the Hardened team?03:12
voriannixternal: nothing03:12
nixternalbodhi_zazen: you have awesome support! great documentation! and a sweet picture on your wiki :)03:13
bodhi_zazenfor the hardening team, nothing03:13
nixternaljust in case none of my stuff made it03:13
bodhi_zazenI would like to raise the awareness of secuity03:13
bodhi_zazenso I joined the team is all03:13
Rocket2DMnhe's been preaching security to us for quite awhile03:13
vorianbodhi_zazen: do you have the link handy on your server security info?03:13
nixternalbodhi_zazen: hrmm, UDSF huh? how come not Ubuntu Documentation? do you write for UDSF?03:14
MootBotLINK received:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081203:14
bodhi_zazenI started learning to wiki on the UDSF03:14
bodhi_zazenNow I wiki with Ubuntu03:14
nixternalahh, well we could use on the documentation team03:15
bodhi_zazenI also promote the ubutnu wiki with the team03:15
nixternalyou obviously have the doc experience and I really like what I have seen doc wise from you03:15
bodhi_zazenI am on the wiki mailing list03:15
bodhi_zazenand I refer Beginner team members to the wiki team03:15
nixternalrock on!03:15
HardDiskI don't think bod even needs a vote :)03:16
bodhi_zazenI listed a few wiki pages I feel I made significant contributions to03:16
nixternalya, looked at those and they are all good, all of your doc links are good03:16
doctormonow now, everyone, even god needs a vote to become a member ;-)03:16
bodhi_zazenWell, to be honest, that is what I like to do03:16
nixternal[VOTE] Bodhi.zazen for Ubuntu Member03:16
MootBotPlease vote on:  Bodhi.zazen for Ubuntu Member.03:16
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot03:16
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting03:16
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 103:16
bodhi_zazenand I like to see people grow into Ubuntu03:16
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 203:16
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 303:17
HardDiskhe documents like Michelangelo03:17
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 403:17
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 503:17
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 503:17
nixternalcongrats and welcome bodhi_zazen!!!03:17
LaRozaCongrat bodhi_zazen!03:17
overdrankw00t bodhi_zazen03:17
vorianCongrats and welcome bodhi_zazen !!!!!!03:17
jacobcongrats bodhi_zazen!!!! :D03:17
HardDiskdef deserves it03:17
Old_SoldierGrats Bodhi :) !!03:17
the-staceCongrats bodhi_zazen!!!!!!03:17
Technovikingcongrats bodhi_zazen03:17
bodhi_zazenThank you everyone03:17
Rocket2DMncongrats bodhi_zazen03:17
ZehRiquecongrats bodhi_zazen03:17
nixternal[TOPIC] Mike Rushton for Ubuntu Member03:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Mike Rushton for Ubuntu Member03:17
nixternalxander21c: your turn :)03:17
xander21cHi :)03:18
xander21cHello my name is Michael Garrido Saucedo (aka xander21c, I live in Lima - Peru Also part of Ubuntu Peru LoCO as event cordinator.03:18
xander21cUbuntu user since Dapper, currently using Ubuntu at work and Xubuntu at home.03:18
doctormoleftyb's turn03:18
leftybwhich one?03:18
leftybI can wait if need be03:18
nixternalsolid damnit!03:18
xander21cMy contributions are mostly advocacy at our own events and other LUGs events03:18
xander21calso going around malls leaving brochoures about ubuntu next to ubuntu installed pc. Really active at Ubuntu Peru web site as co-administrator and mailing list moderator03:18
nixternalxander21c: one sec, it is leftyb's turn03:18
nixternalI made a typo there03:18
xander21csorry :)03:18
nixternalyou are next03:18
nixternalno problem :) sorry03:18
viperhoothmmm :s03:18
nixternalto many Mike/Michaels in a row for me, I can only count to 103:19
nixternalleftyb: your turn, sorry03:19
leftybi'll try and be quick :)03:19
doctormoAfter this I can play Savage2!03:19
leftybMy name is Mike Rushton, also know as leftyfb. I reside in North Eastern Massachusetts and help run the MA LoCo team. I have been using an promoting linux and FOSS since the mid 90's. I have spent a lot of time and effort planning and making sure our installfests are fun and educational and go off without a hitch. I have made many contributions to our teams wiki, keeping the events and meetings in order as well as a few outsid03:19
leftybe wiki pages here and there. I helped take orders and keep organized the ubuntu case badge project our team, let by Martin Owens(doctormo) initiated last year. I have also done up tshirts for our team and to be sold at the installfests.03:19
RoAkSoAxnixternal, according to the wiki it's xander21c's turn xD03:19
nixternalleftyb: umm, where is your wiki page?03:19
nixternalRoAkSoAx: ya, but I typoed the topic03:19
HardDiskI know leftyb (Mike Rushton) from his unofficial support channel #ubuntu on efnet.  Being from Egypt, I have to say he has allowed me the opportunity to be part of his unofficial team and wish him a great future but hopefully as an official ubuntu member this time.03:19
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/leftyfb03:19
nixternalhah, I was at LeftyB03:20
leftybI keep ubuntu cd's on me at all times and take opportunities to explain ubuntu and how it can make people's computing lives easier and more enjoyable. Every Tuesday night I volunteer at the South End Technology Center teaching ubuntu to the general public along with other Ubuntu MA LoCo members. Most of my contributions revolve around spreading the word in my professional home consulting and through the teachings at the tech c03:20
leftybenter. I'm very passionate about sharing ubuntu with the rest of the world and have many ideas and plans to promote it as much as possible.03:20
leftybI don't actually have much else put into words ... i'm not the best with putting things down on paper as most others03:21
jribI know leftyb from the MA loco.  He's one of the most active members.  Always keeps things together and is very helpful and friendly.03:21
doctormoI'd also like to say that leftyb helps me debug and test networking aspects of some of the projects I code.03:21
nixternalnice tattoo :)03:21
_MMA_I'd *almost* give a +1 just for the tattoo. :P03:21
nixternalwow, good comments and supporters!03:21
nixternalyou are the 2nd person I know with that tattoo03:22
effie_jayxnixternal,  indeed03:22
doctormoHe's one of the most dedicated and passionate ubuntu supporters we have, who is fair and balanced as they come.03:22
HardDiskIn addition to what I wrote, we've not just become good ubuntu colleagues, but friends, he's shown me some nice tips and tricks over the time I had known him.03:22
leftybI help with projects here and there as much as I can even though i'm not a developer. Right now i'm helping with the carrier project (pidgin fork)03:22
HardDiskand I hope he comes visit me in Egypt one day :)03:22
turk_Maxi have met leftyb a couple of times and found him to be a passionate ubuntu user, happy to discuss and help out03:22
nixternalso you are a LoCo freak I take it03:23
yuriyleftyb has been one of the most contributing members of the MA LoCo03:23
nixternalleftyb: if you get RMS on the team, definitely +1 :)03:23
doctormoNow I think he under plays his role at SETC, we go there, we teach but he also looks after all the refurbished computers, installing ubuntu and setting up peoples computers. they are then given to the poor through their scheme.03:23
nixternaloh man, you have yuriy on your side03:23
_MMA_leftyb: How long have you been part of the Mass LoCo? (sorry if I missed that)03:24
leftybnixternal: verymuch so ... i'm actually interested in and have brought up bringing together our LoCo team, the NH team, local LUGs and other local FOSS groups to start a Boston open source conference ... it's a lot of work but I think we can pull it off :)03:24
leftyb_MMA_: since the release of Feisty .. so April of last year03:24
leftybi've been using ubuntu since Dapper, Debian for 5 years and linux for 1403:25
nixternal[VOTE] Mike Rushton for Ubuntu Member03:25
MootBotPlease vote on:  Mike Rushton for Ubuntu Member.03:25
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot03:25
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting03:25
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 103:25
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 203:25
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 303:25
vorianyeah, the tatt is major bonus points03:25
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 403:25
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 503:25
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 503:25
HardDiskcongrats man :)03:25
nixternalcongrats and welcome leftyb!!!03:25
jribcongrats leftyb03:25
maccam94congratulations leftyb!03:25
HardDiskI knew you'd make it03:25
Deviousdragencongrats leftyfb03:25
turk_Maxleftyb: congrats03:25
maccam94sorry i was too late to vouch for you03:25
nixternal[TOPIC] Michael Garrido for Ubuntu Member03:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Michael Garrido for Ubuntu Member03:26
HardDiskleftyb, you owe me a beer03:26
nixternalxander21c: now its your turn :) thanks for being patient with my booboo03:26
xander21cok :) thats me03:26
xander21c      Hello my name is Michael Garrido Saucedo (aka xander21c, I live in Lima - Peru Also part of Ubuntu Peru LoCO as event cordinator.03:26
xander21cUbuntu user since Dapper, currently using Ubuntu at work and Xubuntu at home.03:26
_MMA_vorian: A "Circle of friends" would show more dedication though. ;)03:26
xander21cMy contributions are mostly advocacy at our own events and other LUGs events *http://picasaweb.google.com/xander21c/InstallPartyLima03:26
xander21c*http://picasaweb.google.com/xander21c/UbuntuPeruEnElFesoli *http://picasaweb.google.com/xander21c/4HorasDeSoftwareLibreLinurp03:26
xander21c*http://picasaweb.google.com/xander21c/PrimerFestivalDeSoftwareLibreUNACINUX *http://picasaweb.google.com/xander21c/UbuntuHardyReleasePartyLima also going around malls leaving brochoures about ubuntu next to ubuntu installed pc. Really active at Ubuntu Peru web site as co-administrator and mailing list moderator03:26
xander21cHere is my wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/xander21c03:27
nixternalnice testimonials!03:27
xander21cand my LP https://edge.launchpad.net/~xander21c03:27
viperhooti can certify xander21c's great work, specilly planning and participating in events representing to Ubuntu Perú , thanks to him we have organized local talks and Installfests in Lima.03:27
nixternalooh, you even helped Ubuntu Docs :)03:27
RoAkSoAxI support xander21c for his great contributions to the LoCo Team.. Thanks to him is that we've had such many events... he is the guy who goes around the city making the preparations for the events03:27
nixternalviperhoot: rock on! you guys totally freakin' rock down there...I am so envious03:27
vorianwow, some impressive goals :)03:27
nixternalno doubt03:27
nixternalI just have one problem03:28
nixternalI didn't get an Ubuntu Peru t-shirt :)03:28
xander21cjaj :)03:28
effie_jayxnixternal,  I can attest his work. the ubuntu peru community can definetelly rely on his work and dedication, he is a very all aorund guy doing good avocacy and trying to bridge the ubuntu spanish teams to follow and feel the ubuntu spirit03:28
vorianxander21c: how do you work with Retailers?03:28
RoAkSoAxnixternal, xander21c is your guy.. he is in charge of them :P03:28
doctormonixternal: I got one :-P03:28
xander21cI made friend of some clearks03:28
nixternalman, seems you are in charge of *printing* in general...you have a connection down there?03:28
viperhootnixternal: haha yes03:28
RoAkSoAxnixternal, leave him your address so that he can send you one :P03:29
vorianxander21c: so, what do they do?03:29
xander21cthrought them i contact their boss , still on conversation03:29
* Pretto wants a tshirt from Peru too..03:29
vorianxander21c: what is your plan with them? seeing as they are open?03:29
xander21cbut sound interrested03:29
voriangood good03:29
viperhootubuntu-pe t-shirts for all! .D03:29
xander21cthey also let me install a couple of pcs and Laptops03:30
xander21cof the exhibitors section03:30
Pretto_MMA_, do you have a second?03:30
nixternalvery impressive xander21c03:30
vorianThat's wonderful.  Not many retailers are open to such things03:30
voriangood work03:31
xander21cvorian: of course, that why i trying to put up the e-learning fase03:31
nixternal[VOTE] Michael Garrido for Ubuntu Member03:31
=== asac_ is now known as asac
MootBotPlease vote on:  Michael Garrido for Ubuntu Member.03:31
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot03:31
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting03:31
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 103:31
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 203:31
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 303:31
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 403:32
xander21cpicture of a PC installed in Saga Fallabella mall http://picasaweb.google.com/xander21c/InstallPartyLimaOrganizacion/photo#512576845501989227403:32
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 503:32
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 503:32
nixternalcongrats and welcome xander21c!!!03:32
Prettoxander21c, welcome :)03:32
vorianWelcome xander21c!03:32
nixternalis Alan Munson around?03:32
RoAkSoAxcongrats xander21c !!!!03:32
Alan_Myes i am03:32
viperhootcongrats xander21c03:33
xander21cThanks a lot  :)03:33
nixternalk, one sec Alan_M03:33
Alan_Msure :)03:33
nosrednaekimaaaaahhhh.... /me drools over all the new slaves we are recruiting03:33
Rocket2DMngo Alan_M :)03:33
nixternal[TOPIC] Alan Munson for Ubuntu Member03:33
MootBotNew Topic:  Alan Munson for Ubuntu Member03:33
nixternalAlan_M: introduce yourself please :)03:33
Alan_MHello everyone my name is Alan Munson.03:33
Alan_MI am a resident of Denham Springs, Louisiana and have been using Linux for the last few years spradically.03:34
* xander21c my brother i kicking of the PC03:34
Alan_MI am a member of the Ubuntu Forums beginner team, have been for about 1 year or so under bodhi_zazen's guidance.03:34
Alan_MMy launchpad profile can be located at https://launchpad.net/~speeddemon8803 and my Wiki page can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Speeddemon8803.03:35
nixternalnice testimonials! I really like Old_Soldier's words!03:35
jacobAlan_M is an excellent candidate for membership. he's an excellent helper with bodhi.zazen on both irc and the forums.03:35
nixternalhehe, like how you got your nickname :)03:35
bodhi_zazenI support Alan_M 's membership03:35
Alan_Mthanks :)03:35
Old_SoldierAlan is a solid member of out UCF team :)03:35
Rocket2DMnI didn't have a chance to write on Alan_M 's wiki.  I can vouch for his continued support in the UF community03:35
bodhi_zazenHe has been an enormous asset to the team03:35
nixternalrock on!03:35
Alan_MI have helped users from all areas of the spectrum with aspects of Ubuntu, some major contributions, some just minor things.03:36
nixternalAlan_M: what do you think your future with Ubuntu and the community looks like? Any specific interests?03:36
* pleia2 arrives03:36
nixternal\o/ pleia2 !!! :)03:36
* nosrednaekim cheers for pleia203:36
Alan_MWell, because I am a paraplegic, i really wish to get Ubuntu's accessability more noted, help out our physically impaired users :)03:36
nixternalrock on! that is something that needs some help definitely and any help you have to offer would be greatly appreciated!03:37
Alan_MI just love helping out, its what ive done for a long time, if im not here helping, im helping elsewhere spreading the love and joys of Linux.03:37
Alan_MGetting the misinformed a little more educated and stuff.03:38
the-staceAlan has helped tons of times and he's still helping when I need a hand or 203:38
Alan_MI have helped with a script for Amarok called Sabre, it allows you to control your laptop/desktop's access with a bluetooth enabled device such as a cell phone.03:39
vorianAlan_M: what involement have you had with the LA LoCo team?03:39
nixternalhaha, my buddy loves that script by the way, assuming it is the same script03:39
Alan_Mvorian, well i attempted to be active in it, yet i had surgery and didnt get a chance to email anybody about that, so it was given to someone else (im really not too upset now about it though.)03:40
Alan_Mnixternal, thats great! :D03:40
effie_jayxAlan_M, are you working in any accesibility projects upstream? gnome or kde accesibility teams?03:40
vorianAlan_M: what do you mean by "given" to someone else?03:40
TechnovikingAlan_M: Looks like your still new to the beginneers team03:41
Alan_Mwell, vorian, i wasnt able to check my emails and stuff....inactivity made the team unstable, i wasnt around to adminstrate and do those kinds of duties.03:41
Old_SoldierTechnoviking:   alan is a new user account he had it reset by the forum admins03:41
_MMA_Old_Soldier: That's odd. I didnt think that happened. Why the reset?03:42
TechnovikingOld_Soldier: so he has more than 84 posts03:42
Rocket2DMni think Alan_M was one of the early members of the beginners team03:42
Alan_MTechnoviking, not much more, but just a little over this.03:42
Rocket2DMnbodhi_zazen, if you are around, can you please comment?03:43
vorianAlan_M: so naturally, you have been working with the LA team then, considering your interest in the team?03:43
effie_jayxAlan_M, are you working in any accesibility projects upstream? gnome or kde accesibility teams?03:43
Alan_Meffie_jayx, no03:44
bodhi_zazenAlan_M, has been with the beginner team for just under a year03:44
* vorian talks to himself03:44
Alan_Mvorian, the beginners-team has been taking up a lot of my time.03:44
nixternalnothing new with that :)03:44
bodhi_zazenKeep in mind he has a medical condition03:44
vorianalrighty then03:44
Alan_Mim sorry vorian, i didnt mean to look like i was ignoring you sir.03:44
vorianAlan_M: no need to call me sir :)03:45
Alan_Mvorian, ok :)03:45
nixternalyes sir!03:45
Alan_MI am constantly trying to contribute more and more, but due to my medical condition, it becomes hard sometimes as i am constantly in and out of the hospitals.03:46
vorianAlan_M: link to your current forum nick again please?  :)03:46
MootBotLINK received:  http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=12756403:47
vorianah, ok03:47
vorianAlan_M: I think you are well on your way to membership.03:48
TechnovikingAlan_M: Alan you have a great start, and we understand your medical condition, but I feel you still need some more work under your belt03:48
voriankeep working with bodhi_zazen, and you'll get there in no time!  :)03:48
Alan_MOk, :)03:48
Alan_Mthanks for your time guys :)03:48
TechnovikingAlan_M: I would be glad to help you in anyway on the forums03:48
Alan_MTechnoviking, thanks! :)03:48
nixternalAlan_M: I am on the fence with this honestly as I really like everything you have done and would like to see a bit more...my recommendation is come back soon with a bit more contribs and I would be so happy to give you my +103:48
effie_jayxAlan_M,  please do come back soon :D03:48
nixternalAlan_M: talk to TheMuso on IRC, he is in charge of accessibility in Ubuntu iirc03:49
effie_jayxAlan_M,  please do consider helping out gnome and kde make accessibility rock in the "FREE" world03:49
Alan_MOk guys :)03:49
_MMA_Alan_M: If you would like to help with accessibility issues please talk to TheMuso. He has a vision impairment and works to improve accessibility.03:49
nixternal[VOTE] Request that Alan Munson returns soon for Ubuntu Membership03:49
MootBotPlease vote on:  Request that Alan Munson returns soon for Ubuntu Membership.03:49
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot03:49
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting03:49
effie_jayxAlan_M,  there is an open invitation to participation and YOU can make a difference03:49
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 103:49
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 203:49
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 303:49
_MMA_gah. Damn. I type slow.03:49
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 403:49
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 503:49
MootBot+1 received from _MMA_. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 603:49
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 603:49
nixternalhaha, sorry _MMA_ :)03:49
PrettoAlan_M, keep the good work... i will wait to see you here again03:50
Alan_MPretto, thanks :)03:50
nixternalAlan_M: definitely though, please do not let this get you down, I want you to come back in a month and do this again...I think you are very well on your way03:50
TechnovikingAlan_M: I look forward to seeing you again soon.03:50
nixternalplease get in touch with TheMuso if you are seriously interested in accessibility03:50
_MMA_Alan_M: I would also say work on the wiki page a bit.03:50
Alan_MMMA,, nixternal thanks, i will.03:51
nixternalAlan_M: if you do a wheelchair in linux, let me know so I can get one for my cousin too! that would rock!03:51
cody-somervillenixternal, ditto means right back at you :P03:51
nixternalditto means "the same" :)03:51
nixternal[TOPIC] Brandon Perry for Ubuntu Member03:51
Alan_Mnixternal, yeah, im trying lol03:51
MootBotNew Topic:  Brandon Perry for Ubuntu Member03:51
nixternalbrandonperry: your turn :)03:51
brandonperryAlright, my name is Brandon Perry (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BrandonPerry), I am 19, and I have been the Dallas/Fort Worth LoCo Team Leader since mid-2007.03:51
brandonperryI am active on the Banshee, ClamAV, gbrainy, and Mono mailing lists and have written puzzles and translated for gbrainy. I also maintain a couple small projects, most notably the ClamAV LiveCD (based on Hardy, was Edgy).03:51
brandonperryLate last year, I started a project called OCAM, or One Computer A Month, where I donated at least one computer running Ubuntu to families who couldn't afford a new computer. It was powered purely by donations, which dried up after about 3 months, but during those months, I was able to donate 8 PC's. I still donate when I can.03:52
brandonperryI am the webmaster for http://www.texas-ubuntu.org, which is a site trying to bring together all other LoCo's in Texas, and has proved to be a bit more difficult than we imagined.03:52
brandonperryI am trying to introduce Edubuntu into the school systems around Dallas\Fort Worth and have donated a couple computers to teachers, whom love what it has to offer.03:52
brandonperryLike n0rman, my LP.net participation isn't high, but most of my time is spent on mailing lists, IRC, or IRL ;-).03:52
brandonperryHopefully, next year, the D/FW Team will have a small booth at QuakeCon, giving out Ubuntu CD's and swag to computer geeks from around the world. I also hope that as we grow, or outreach to schools will grow as well.03:52
brandonperrythat's it :-)03:52
nixternalbrandonperry: will you do me a favor at QuakeCon?03:52
brandonperrymaybe ? ;-)03:52
mneptokwhoa! Brendan Perry! I LOVE DEAD CAN DANCE!03:53
nixternalsmakc Kyle Bennet for me and tell him he still owes me big time!03:53
brandonperryhaha, ok03:53
nixternalhey, with clamav, have you worked with Scott Kitterman (ScottK) at all?03:53
brandonperryno, I haven't03:53
pleia2how about sgran over in Debian?03:54
brandonperrya little with sgran03:54
* pleia2 nods03:54
brandonperryScottK isn't in IRC much03:54
_MMA_brandonperry: He sure is. ;)03:54
nixternalbrandonperry: scottk lives on irc, I work with him for about 12 hours a day :)03:54
effie_jayxbrandonperry,  he is a regular in #ubuntu-motu03:54
_MMA_And #ubuntu-devel03:55
brandonperryI haven't seen in him in #clamav03:55
nixternaland #kubuntu-devel :)03:55
brandonperryI don't frequent those channels :-)03:55
nixternalI believe scott maintains clamav in both Ubuntu and Debian03:55
nixternalanyone here to support brandonperry's application this evening?03:55
ScottKnixternal: I maintain it in Ubuntu and help out the Debian maintainer03:56
brandonperryhaha, hello ScottK03:56
nxvl@schedule Lima03:56
ubottunxvl: Schedule for America/Lima: Current meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 05 Jun 08:00: Desktop Team | 05 Jun 15:00: Security Team | 07 Jun 16:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 05:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 06:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board03:56
ScottKhello brandonperry03:56
pleia2nixternal: sgran maintains debian03:56
ScottKHe's looking for more help though.03:56
nixternalbrandonperry: what exactly do you do for Ubuntu at this point in time?03:56
brandonperryRight now, I am the Ubuntu DFW team leader (not ubuntu software specfic)03:57
nixternalahh, you are the leader03:57
nixternalthat's right, I remember you now03:57
nixternalwhat is the current status of the LoCo team? been active much?03:58
brandonperrywe have a meeting once a month03:58
ScottKbrandonperry: Are you interested at all in helping out with clamav maintenance in Ubuntu or Debian?03:58
vorianbrandonperry: how's the uniting of Texas going?03:58
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 05 Jun 20:00 UTC: Security Team | 07 Jun 21:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 10:30 UTC: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 11:00 UTC: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team
brandonperryme, my brother, and another guy are passing out CD's at all the high schools since it is the last week03:58
brandonperryScottK: I would love too, I didn't know it was a problem03:58
nixternalahh, here we go, the Ubuntu Texas website...that's where you update everything :)03:59
ScottKbrandonperry: There's a lot to do.03:59
brandonperryvorian: right now, the dallas and the houston teams are the really active ones03:59
brandonperryel paso is getting there03:59
brandonperrybut with the size of texas, it is really difficult to cooridinate things03:59
brandonperryScottK: definitely, should I talk to sgran?03:59
vorianyeah, very difficult it would seem04:00
brandonperryor you, even ?04:00
nixternalbrandonperry: from the Texas website I see from you, "We try to get people to join the site, post on the blogs, etc... It is just difficult to get people to stay. :-/" - what do you find the most difficult with keeping people around?04:00
ScottKbrandonperry: See https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clamav and ping me on IRC if you can help.  New clamav release on Monday will no doubt bring us another wave of security patches to deal with.04:00
nixternalI founded the Ubuntu Chicago team, and our original 25 members are still super active, with about 100 coming and going due to being students04:00
brandonperrynixternal: people join the site from all over texas, but there aren't that many locos, so that just kind of join, then they have nothing to post about, no meetings or installfests to join in on04:01
nixternalahh, ya I totally know what you are talking about04:01
brandonperryScottK: will do ;-)04:01
pleia2brandonperry: you say education is an interest but you don't have time right now - do you anticipate having time in the future? perhaps working with the edubuntu team directly until you can get to a point were working with schools is feasible?04:03
brandonperrypleia2: now that it is summer, I can start talking to IT from the schools about maybe giving lectures or installing Ubuntu on some computers in the labs04:03
brandonperryduring the school year, you are on the school's time, which doesn't work04:03
brandonperrybut during the summer, the IT guys are pretty much free since they are setting things up for next year04:04
* pleia2 nods04:04
brandonperrynixternal: Zelut and encryptz can vouch for me04:05
brandonperrythey just couldn't make it tonight04:05
ScottKnixternal: BTW, it's Klamav that I maintain in both Ubuntu and Debian.04:05
brandonperrypleia2: in working with the edubuntu team, I have definitely thought about it04:06
nixternalclam, klam, its all the same to me these days :)04:06
effie_jayxnixternal, shhhh qt boy :D04:06
brandonperryit is just finding the time with all the other stuff, again, now that it is summer, I might be able to join in on some projects04:06
nixternal[VOTE] Brandon Perry for Ubuntu Member04:06
MootBotPlease vote on:  Brandon Perry for Ubuntu Member.04:06
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot04:06
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting04:06
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 104:06
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 204:07
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 304:07
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 404:07
MootBotAbstention received from _MMA_. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 404:07
MootBotAbstention received from Technoviking. 4 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 404:07
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 2 abstained. Total: 404:08
nixternalcongrats and welcome brandonperry!04:08
Prettobrandonperry, welcome  :)04:08
pleia2welcome brandonperry!04:08
brandonperrythanks :-)04:08
nixternalhey, I know it is hard to get the LoCo stuff rockin' espeically in your case, but don't give up man04:08
Andre_Gondimbrandonperry, congrats ;)04:08
voriancongrats brandonperry :)04:08
brandonperrynah, it can only get more fun nixternal04:08
nixternalrock on, love that tude!04:08
brandonperrythanks a lot everyone04:09
nixternal[TOPIC] Martin Kossick for Ubuntu Member04:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Martin Kossick for Ubuntu Member04:09
nixternalhacktick: your turn :)04:09
effie_jayxbrandonperry,  get hacking :D04:09
hacktickhey, I'll make this short :) My Name is Martin Kossick, I'm german and 20 years old04:09
_MMA_brandonperry: Please work with ScottK on some ClamAv love. :)04:10
hacktickmy wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mkossick my launchpad account: https://launchpad.net/~hacktick04:10
hacktick"my" comunity was in Berlin, I organized lots of meetings and events there.04:10
Technovikinghacktick: you live in Germany?04:10
hackticksince august I'm in brazil, where it's harder for me to organize meetings (I prefer reallife for talking with other ubuntu users) I'm looking forwards to get back to Berlin, although I like brazilian beaches ;)04:10
nixternaloh man, Daniel Holbach testified :)04:10
nixternalgreat testimonials04:10
nixternaloh man, Ubuntu Deutschland04:11
nixternalis there anything you all haven't done or don't do?04:11
hacktickhe was the first other ubuntu user I got to know in real life04:11
nixternaland you are on the e.V., that says a lot04:11
voriannifty wiki page04:11
hacktickno it doesnt04:11
hacktickyou have to pay 12 e, thats all :)04:11
nixternalhow much did you pay then to join it :)04:11
_MMA_hacktick: How long have you been a moderator on the mailing list?04:11
hackticki think sinc we moved from google groups. that was last summer04:12
nixternalhacktick: considering you know dholbach personally and he recommends you for membership, I would have expected major 5-a-day abuse from ya :)04:12
effie_jayxhacktick,  you have a quite balanced initial groundings... what do you hope to focus more in the future?04:13
hackticksorry :)04:13
hacktick5-a-day started after I left Berlin :)04:13
effie_jayxhacktick,  you have initial worki in bug nad translations04:13
effie_jayxhacktick,  no need to be in berlin to have dholbach on your case boy ;)04:13
nixternalahh, you aren't in Berlin anymore...k, I was wondering the drastic change between ubuntu-de and ubuntu-brazil :)04:13
hacktickeffie_jayx: i think will concetrate more on the official german LoCo04:14
effie_jayxhacktick, right. are you planing to go back to germany soon?04:14
hacktickeffie_jayx: I just did these translation in free time, never have been in a team04:14
effie_jayxhacktick,  cool04:15
hacktickeffie_jayx: august 9th04:15
hacktickbut at the moment I think I have to fix some things here in brazil04:15
Prettoeffie_jayx, he is just enjoying the beache's hot water04:15
hackticklots of servers are offline dowwn here04:15
pleia2hacktick: you mention programming and development in the last of your future goals - any specific areas in mind? or timeframe?04:15
hacktickI dont have specifiics in mind, sorry04:16
hacktickI hope I find something :)04:16
hacktickI like gnome, maybe i could start with some bugfixing, i have no idea :)04:18
hacktickfirst things first...04:18
effie_jayxhacktick,  good04:19
pleia2the bug team always needs help04:19
nixternalhacktick: What do you really want to contribute to in Ubuntu in the near future?04:19
effie_jayxI see some great initial work04:19
effie_jayxnice bug work, you got some translations going04:19
effie_jayxexcellent advocacy in LoCo work04:19
hackticknixternal: I want definetly get back to Berlin and continue my work there04:19
effie_jayxhacktick,  I am not sure how much the board of the americas can help04:19
effie_jayxsince most of your work has been for the belrin team04:20
effie_jayxand it is where your heart it is at04:20
hacktickbut I have testimonial that prove that work effie_jayx04:20
effie_jayxhacktick,  I have seen it04:20
effie_jayxhacktick,  but since you are not staying in the Americas side04:20
hacktickI am stayingg in São Paulo04:21
effie_jayxhacktick,  you are headed back home soon aren't you?04:21
effie_jayx2 months?04:21
nixternal[VOTE] Martin Kossick for Ubuntu Member04:21
MootBotPlease vote on:  Martin Kossick for Ubuntu Member.04:21
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot04:21
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting04:21
MootBot+1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 104:21
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 204:21
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 304:21
MootBot+1 received from vorian. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 404:22
effie_jayxhacktick,  I was going to suggest you try for the meeting in for the European board04:22
effie_jayxbut the board seems to think your work in Europe is cool04:23
hacktickeffie_jayx: I missed the last european meeting04:23
MootBotAbstention received from _MMA_. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 404:23
effie_jayxand we like European work :D04:23
* effie_jayx will remember getting a beer out of Seveas for approving a member for the European Board04:23
MootBot+1 received from effie_jayx. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 504:23
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 504:23
pleia2congrats hacktick!04:23
nixternalcongrats and welcome hacktick!!!04:24
vorianThanks Everyone!04:24
Prettohey hacktick welcome :)04:24
hackticklong night :)04:24
nixternalwe cleared the candidates right?04:24
hacktickobrigado Pretto04:24
Prettonixternal, yes04:24
MootBotMeeting finished at 22:26.04:24
Prettonixternal, i have just only one question if you dont mind04:24
dindagreat job folks!04:24
vorianCongrats to all the New Members!04:24
nixternalcongrats everyone! and for those of you who didn't get it tonight, please come back soon!!!04:24
vorianNOW GET TO WORK!04:24
nixternalPretto: what's up?04:24
Technovikinglater all04:24
nixternalhahaha, GET TO WORK NOW!!!04:25
nixternalg'nite Technoviking, thanks!04:25
ajmitchnixternal: yessir!04:25
voriannn Technoviking :)04:25
Prettoi still dont know how to proceed to get email alias working04:25
vorianPretto: it will be a few days04:25
nixternalPretto: that will all kick in automatically within the next few days04:25
Prettonixternal, good, :)04:25
nixternal<lpid>@ubuntu.com will be forwarded to your email account you login to LP with04:25
Prettothank you guys04:25
nixternalso in say a couple of days, test it out by sending an email to yourself and see if you get it04:26
nixternalno prob Pretto! congrats and keep up the awesome work!04:26
Prettothank you nixternal i will not be a ghost member04:26
effie_jayxthank you all04:26
jcastrocongrats everyone!04:27
jcastronew members, a stanley cup ... an awesome night!04:27
ajmitchjcastro: dude!04:27
jcastroajmitch: dude!04:27
nxvlare the log uploaded somewhere04:28
Seeker`nxvl: Eventually04:28
Seeker`nxvl: Hopefully in the next day or so, the person hosting the bot is having problems with their webhost atm04:28
nxvlcause i wanted to read the log from last meeting04:29
nxvl(and these one too)04:29
Seeker`which is the "last meeting"?04:30
Seeker`nxvl: There are logs for the meetings elsewhere04:31
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/04:31
Seeker`I think they are updated at 1 minute past the hour04:31
persiaRather, they are updated somewhere between 5 minutes before and 12 minutes after (that I've seen) depending on the vagaries of cron, server load, etc.04:32
hacktickgood night04:34
* nxvl HUGS Seeker` 04:57
nxvlthnx for the info04:57
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=== zie_bodhi is now known as bodhi_zazen
ccmlastlog MMA06:46
ubottuZic: Schedule for Etc/UTC: 05 Jun 13:00: Desktop Team | 05 Jun 20:00: Security Team | 07 Jun 21:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 10:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 11:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 06:00: Platform Team06:51
Zic@schedule Paris06:51
ubottuZic: Schedule for Europe/Paris: 05 Jun 15:00: Desktop Team | 05 Jun 22:00: Security Team | 07 Jun 23:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 12:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 13:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 08:00: Platform Team06:51
Alan_MZic, ubottu's based on UTC right? (I mean its times its listing.)06:59
ZicYes, but I have some troubles to remember the number of your to add to have the french clock :)07:10
Zic(+0200, +2h so)07:10
Zictroubles because of the GMT based clock07:11
Alan_Mzic, yeah utc used to get me as well :D07:11
Zics/your/hours/ sorry07:12
=== nijaba` is now known as nijaba
SeveasAlan_M, you can ask for a localized schedule08:19
Seveas'@scedule paris' gives paris times :)08:20
Alan_Myeah, i figured :)08:20
Alan_Mwell, now that my day has gone totally insane, i might go to bed.08:21
* Alan_M will be back in here im sure for the next Membership approval board meeting for Americas.08:22
Alan_Mnice talking to you again Seveas08:22
Alan_Mif not talking, seeing :)08:23
jsgotangco@schedule manila08:43
ubottujsgotangco: Schedule for Asia/Manila: 05 Jun 21:00: Desktop Team | 06 Jun 04:00: Security Team | 08 Jun 05:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 18:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 19:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 14:00: Platform Team08:43
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
sbcWhat is the procedure for reserving this channel for a meeting? More specifically the Marketing Team would like to use this channel on June 7 21.00 UTC13:18
persiasbc: The bot sets the topic based on the events listed on the fridge13:21
bimberi@schedule utc13:22
ubottubimberi: Schedule for Etc/UTC: 05 Jun 13:00: Desktop Team | 05 Jun 20:00: Security Team | 07 Jun 21:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 10:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 11:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 06:00: Platform Team13:22
bimberisbc: Looks like it's been done :)13:22
sbcbimberi: Nice :)13:23
sbcthank you both.13:23
persiasbc just be sure to always get it on the fridge.  Sometimes people forget, and there is a conflict.13:23
sbcpersia: This should be enough, right: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1503 ?13:23
persiasbc: That's exactly what you need.  Many teams have rotating meetings, at different times of day so everyone on the planet can meet.  To make this work, someone on the team needs to be sure to keep the fridge updated with the time for the next meetings.13:24
persiaAs some meetings are weekly, some fortnightly, and some monthly, there can be conflicts if people aren't careful.13:25
sbcok - got that. Thanks again.13:26
emgent@schedule rome13:28
ubottuemgent: Schedule for Europe/Rome: 05 Jun 15:00: Desktop Team | 05 Jun 22:00: Security Team | 07 Jun 23:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 12:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 13:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 08:00: Platform Team13:28
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Desktop Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Jun 20:00 UTC: Security Team | 07 Jun 21:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 10:30 UTC: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 11:00 UTC: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team
\shmoins kwwii :)13:53
seb128hey pitti13:57
MacSlowhi there folks13:59
Keybukgood afternoon13:59
MacSlowKeybuk, I hope it was the right spot on the wiki to put agenda items (GTK+-issue) to discuss (first time I ever did that)14:00
Keybukas good as any other ;)14:02
KeybukMacSlow: I also look for them in activity summaries14:02
Keybukok, I think we have everyone :p14:02
ted2I think we shouldn't let the platform team beat us, so we should spend the entire meeting discussing luggage ;)14:03
MacSlowted2, oh :)14:03
Keybukted2: heh, well, when teacher's away - the boys play14:04
seb128MacSlow: listing agenda items in your activity mail is usually better so people can reply or comment on the list too14:04
* pitti confesses that he didn't manage to write up all specs, one is still left (guest account)14:04
pittihardy kept me way too busy :/14:04
* seb128 didn't write specs yet14:05
pittiwell, today is the deadline14:05
MacSlowseb128, ah ok.. well I'll stick to that in the future14:05
* MacSlow still has much spec write-up pending14:05
seb128pitti: ETOOMUCH, maintaining a stable and a unstable GNOME is just too much apparently :--14:05
pittiwe clearly need seb256!14:05
Keybukpitti: is it?14:05
* MacSlow blames gtk+-widgets14:06
pittiKeybuk: that's what Steve's shiny release calendar says, anyway14:06
Keybukah, I hadn't even started reviewing them yet ;)  with mdz and Colin both away, I suspect it's a dead deadline14:06
pitticoincides with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule14:06
KeybukI was planning on suggesting specs should be reviewed next week14:06
pittiok, *phew*; I'm relieved :)14:07
seb128GOOD ;-)14:07
seb128good ;-)14:07
pittiso we have time until Tuesday or so to write them?14:07
Keybukthough I was going to quickly run down everyone's list today to make sure everyone knows which ones they're doing14:07
pittiright, that would be good14:07
Keybukpitti: time until Thursday :)14:07
seb128good idea indeed14:07
Keybukok, I didn't see any agenda items other than Mirco's, so let's cover his first14:08
KeybukMacSlow: freeze of GTK+ 2.14 at end of june, GtkStatusIcon and RGBA-issues need to be addressed, otherwise new RGBA-theme for intrepid might not make it14:08
MacSlowso the issue is that for intrepid we would like to have a new GTK+-theme hopefully using RGBA-colormaps by default (e.g. murrine)... well as far as I know... but kwwii could probably give a more precise view on that14:09
kwwiiyes, that is exactly what we planned14:09
MacSlowbut before a GTK+-theme like that can be put in there are crashes with GtkStatusIcon to be fixed.14:10
kwwiithe main problem seems to be with the status icon/system-tray14:10
seb128what is the issue there?14:10
kwwiiI do not understand the technical issues with that, I just know that there are some :-)14:10
MacSlowseb128, BadMatch errors for system-tray because of the spec for embedding widget/windows in the panel14:11
seb128well, that seems to simply be code bugs no?14:11
seb128you have a whole cycle to write patches and get those accepted upstream ;-)14:11
seb128or is there a particular issue?14:11
MacSlowRyan "desrt" Lortie wrote up an updated spec-proposal for exactely this issue to the xdg-list14:11
seb128that's a design issue then?14:12
MacSlowbut there's no one implementing that patch right now14:12
seb128if you are looking for somebody to do the work I've way too much to do already14:12
seb128not sure what the question is actually14:12
MacSlowand gtk+-upstream is mainly ok with Ryan's proposal and just waiting for a patch against gtk+-upstream14:13
MacSlowsince Ryan has not time (and gtk+-upstream is busy elsewhere) that leaves only one person "stupid" enough to volunteer for this14:14
* MacSlow <-14:14
seb128ok, good, problem solved then? ;-)14:14
seb128or you wanted the team opinion on something there?14:14
MacSlowbut this is not on my list of high-prio tasks and I'm not very experienced with that intrinsic gtk+-hacking... so I feel it'll be very difficult for me to do this.14:15
kwwiiI brought it up because we need to decide whether we can do this or not for 8.1014:15
MacSlowI still have much to do for the face-browser considereing the wanted changes from UDS-Prague.14:16
seb128Keybuk: hey boss, we need to hire desrt ;-)14:16
Keybuksounds to me like if we want to do an RGBA theme, we need this patch14:16
MacSlowon the other hand I know we want that new theme and Cimi can't do it either afaik14:16
Keybukseb128: he's not hireable until September AIUI?14:16
MacSlowseb128, oh yes... Keybuk Ryan would be a wickedly cool hire!14:17
kwwiiKeybuk: right, he is finishing his studies14:17
Keybukwhich would be too late for intrepid anyway14:17
Nafallosounds like prioritys needs to be set :-)14:17
* Nafallo lurks :-P14:17
KeybukMacSlow: it sounds like you're the best person to own the patch14:17
Keybukeither you can do it14:17
seb128Keybuk: I think he said he could hurry if he had some motivation to do so, but probably yes14:17
Keybukor you know who can - and can suggest them to me for a short term contract14:17
MacSlowKeybuk, it's you're call... I'm sorry I cannot give any estimates how long that gtk+-stuff is going to take me.14:17
kwwiiMacSlow: do you know anyone else who could work on this?14:18
MacSlowKeybuk, I only know Ryan as a perfect match... otherwise people like Owen Tayler (RedHat) :) or one of the folks from Imendio14:18
KeybukMacSlow: could you talk to Ryan?14:19
seb128I doubt owen is looking for something to do ;-)14:19
MacSlowKeybuk, I can try to ask around my contacts at Imendio to see if they have some short-term hireable man-power left over, ok?14:19
Keybukyou can have an ACTION for that then :p14:19
MacSlowKeybuk, but can talk to Ryan again.14:19
MacSlowKeybuk, sure go ahead14:20
Keybukin terms of priorities, did anyone talk to Mark about the RGBA theme? :p14:20
MacSlowKeybuk, not yet :/14:20
kwwiiKeybuk: no, I was planning on showing him two screenshots14:20
MacSlowKeybuk, I can do that too14:20
MacSlowKeybuk, after all I'm the "bling guy"14:20
kwwiithat should make the decision easier14:20
Keybuklet's move on them14:21
kwwiiMacSlow: if you need help with any pics for that let me know14:21
KeybukI'm going to run down the list of discussions at UDS, person-by-person14:21
MacSlowkwwii, Keybuk: I'll CC you tow for those emails so you know what's going on, alright?14:21
Keybukthis is the list of people I think are going to write up the discussion in one or more specs14:22
Keybuk(split up as you feel necessary)14:22
Keybukif you didn't think you were going to write it up, or someone else thinks they are, please shout14:22
Keybukand if you've already got a spec drafted (or at least a spec registered), let me know what the name is14:22
Keybukby next week, I'd like to have them proposed for the intrepid release, and in the Review state (assumedly with me as the approver)14:22
KeybukPolicyKit and ConsoleKit (plan/roadmap?)14:24
Keybuk System-wide Preferences14:24
pittihttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/intrepid-device-permissions -> PK/CK14:24
pittiKeybuk: I don't have notes for the system prefs14:24
pitti(dev-perms is in review014:24
Keybukok, did anyone get notes for that one? (mpt I guess?)14:25
MacSlowdon't have those14:26
Keybukpitti: also for you I have14:26
pittihm, I'm pretty sure that we appointed a note taker for all the sessions14:26
Keybukconsolidate-spell-checkers (assigned to: seb128)14:26
Keybukkernel-abi-package-handling (assigned to: ?, no approver)14:26
pittiKeybuk: the latter three are in review, gdm-guest-login needs to be written (ENOTIME)14:26
Keybukok great14:27
pittihttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/printerdriverautodownload will be 50% mine as well, since it need sjockey support14:27
* pitti kicks the space one step to the right14:27
Keybukpitti: I don't suppose it's possible to extract the "jockey support" bit of that spec out into a separate spec?14:27
pittiKeybuk: oh, it is possible; can do14:27
Keybukmakes it easier to track14:28
pittiI'll name it jockey-printerdriver-support14:28
pittiadded to TODO list14:28
Keybukmvo: were you going to write up the notes for the PackageKit sessions?14:29
mvoKeybuk: yes, I can do that, also glatzor and james_w have started that already14:29
Keybukok, great14:29
mvobut I will ensure it gets done by next week14:30
KeybukMacSlow: for you I have14:30
KeybukSpit and Polish14:30
KeybukClient Drawn Decorations14:30
MacSlowhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/ClientDrawnDecorations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/SpitAndPolish14:30
pittiKeybuk: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/jockey-printer-driver-support14:30
KeybukMacSlow: are they registered in Launchpad?14:30
mvoMacSlow: what is client-drawn-decorations? the window manager thing?14:31
MacSlowKeybuk, ClientDrawnDecorations is a more general thing _not_ intended to land for Intrepid... very much upstream stuff, but the whole issue needs exposure therefore a spec on its own14:31
MacSlowmvo, yes14:31
MacSlowKeybuk, yes... by next week they'll be ready... since UDS I was busy trying to beat GtkEntry, GtkComboBoxEntry and GtkSpinButton to play nice with RGBA-murrine... that's where the lag in spec-writing came in14:32
Keybuktsk, implementation before specification14:33
MacSlowKeybuk, SpitAndPolish is to some extend touching the RGBA-theme for Intrepid14:33
Keybukyou're fitting right in already <g>14:33
MacSlowKeybuk, not really... it was needed to better understand the involved issues in order to provide better information for the spec14:33
KeybukI'm only teasing ;)14:33
MacSlowah ok :)14:33
Keybuk    UI Cleanup14:33
Keybuk    Login Performance14:33
MacSlowKeybuk, seb128: I've to gobby-notes for ui-cleanup btw14:34
seb128I've note for those that's alright but thanks14:34
seb128Keybuk: should the audio and photo reviews be drafted too?14:35
seb128Keybuk: or should I open bugs for everything we listed upstream and in launchpad and tag those or something?14:35
pitti^ more sensible IMHO, and then maybe just tag them with photo-usability?14:36
MacSlowKeybuk, seb128: for "photo experience" and "single sign-on" I've the notes too... just in case.14:36
seb128pitti: that was my idea yes14:36
seb128MacSlow: the photo notes should be on gobby but I'll ping you if they vanished14:37
Keybukseb128: I think they should be drafted in the form of a list of notes, necessary changes and bugs14:37
Keybukwith not necessarily any assignee14:37
Keybukif the bugs are filed, and that can be linked to with a launchpad URL, so much the better :p14:38
Keybuk  [Launchpad URL Bugs]14:38
Keybuk  * other changes that didn't get registered as bugs14:38
Keybukif everything can be a bug, I'm fine with that and no spec :14:38
seb128well, if we don't need a list using tags I'll directly open those upstream rather14:38
Keybukthat'd work too :)14:39
seb128ok, good14:39
Keybuklots of Single Sign On for you14:39
Keybukand you're going to draft the Suspend/Resume session as well?14:39
Keybukted2: just the one spec for SSO, or are you could to split that up?14:40
ted2I was going to do one, it seemed like everything was pretty interrelated.14:40
ted2I guess we could split up things like the backend and the UIs.14:41
Keybukted2: ok, my only real concern there is that it might end up quite a big spec, and it makes it harder to hand pieces to other people14:41
ted2Or perhaps the application modifications into another spec.14:41
KeybukI think it'd be better as a handful of very closely related spec14:41
ted2Okay, I'll break it up.14:41
ted2Right now I'm thinking, backend, management, launchpad and apps.14:42
ted2Seem reasonable?14:42
Keybukok, the top-level one can then link to them all and explain the overview14:42
ted2How do I link them?14:43
pittited2: you can make them dependencies of each other14:43
pittiwell, not circular, of course14:43
ted2Ah, okay, there we go.14:43
ted2pitti: Thanks.14:43
Keybukkwwii: no specs for you! :p14:44
ted2This will help my Launchpad Karma ;)14:44
pittiwe want new and fresh pr0n for the background!14:44
Nafallohrm. another warty? ;-)14:44
KeybukKubuntu Release Schedule14:45
KeybukKubuntu Version14:45
KeybukKubuntu File Sharing14:45
KeybukKubuntu KDE4 Porting14:45
KeybukKubuntu Configuration Tools14:45
KeybukKubuntu Website14:45
KeybukKubuntu Defaults14:45
Keybukdid I miss any?14:45
pittiargh MIR argh /me hides14:45
Riddellbut that's informational and we implemented it last night14:45
Riddellpitti: pretty please14:46
pittiRiddell: sorry for dragging this, last week was just too stuffed14:46
Riddellcan't we make one of our security people as a main inclusion reviewer?14:47
Keybukthey're both core-dev now14:47
Keybukso which sessions or specs did I miss?14:48
pittiif they want to, that'd be great; I'll also talk to doko about joining forces for MIR processing for KDE414:48
Keybukany other business for today?14:50
seeleoh, me!14:50
seeleif given a choice, what would you rather have feedback on.. music experience or photo experience?14:50
Keybukseele: both? :p14:51
seelei'm trying to organize usability testing through my loco14:51
ted2I'm a little concerned that mpt isn't going to have time for the UI stuff we've planned for Intrepid.14:51
seeleKeybuk: both are too many.. we would need 16-20 people to test :)14:51
Keybukseele: I think that Photos is probably the best, we know Music pretty well14:51
ted2What's the requirements there, do we need him to sign off on stuff?14:51
Riddellhmm, I can't change the priority of my own specs14:51
seeleKeybuk: ok thanks.  just what i needed to know14:51
Keybukted2: no requirements yet, he doesn't join the team until after 2.0 so we can't include him in the critical path :p14:51
seeleif this goes well, we can always do music at a later date14:51
KeybukMusic is solved by using Banshee ;)14:52
* Keybuk likes to say that, just on the off-chance Seb is drinking14:52
ted2Keybuk: Okay, I'll design ugly enough UIs that he'll want to leave early ;)14:52
seb128(no comment)14:53
seb128but I agree that doing photo is probably better14:54
kwwiilol, some banshee guy filed a bug against the theme because their custom widget doesn't work right14:54
seeleis there a particular work flow you are concerned with (besides "everything"?)14:54
Keybukkwwii: file the bug back telling them to use the theme engine properly14:54
ted2kwwii: Yeah, he's got a blog post about it.  It does make some sense his complaint.14:55
Keybukseele: what you think would be the normal user's flow14:55
ted2kwwii: But, it does seem like they're avoiding doing anything normal and then complaining about it.14:55
seelehah.. so everything14:55
seeleok.. we'll see what we can fit in to 1 hour then14:55
seb128I guess users mainly download photos from a camera and browse the photos they have downloaded14:55
mvo+ videos14:55
seb128and maybe try to print, publish and mail some of those14:55
kwwiited2: yeah, that was my point14:56
seelehmm.. print could be interesting.  we could test configuring a color printer maybe14:56
kwwiited2: in the end, we will have to work around their stuff14:56
ted2kwwii: http://abock.org/2008/06/04/favorite-bug-of-the-day/14:57
ted2kwwii: He does make the point that this is more of a GTK+ problem than an Ubuntu problem.14:57
kwwiited2: yeah, but he filed a bug against the theme saying that we are messing up the look of his widget14:58
seeleKeybuk: so in terms of maybe getting free swag for participants, would that be something to talk to you about or Jono since it is a Loco activity?14:58
seeleok cool14:59
Keybukright, out of time, adjourned15:00
Keybukthanks all15:00
pittithanks all15:01
pittisee you next Monday15:01
MacSlowso long folks15:02
seb128pitti: enjoy your weekend ;-)15:02
mvohave fun pitti15:03
pittithanks! Looking forward to seeing Zuerich again15:03
emgent@schedule rome15:06
ubottuemgent: Schedule for Europe/Rome: Current meeting: Desktop Team | 05 Jun 22:00: Security Team | 07 Jun 23:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 12:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 13:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 08:00: Platform Team15:06
HobbseeKeybuk: speaking of which, where *is* jono?15:06
KeybukHobbsee: who knows15:09
HobbseeKeybuk: oh, i thought you canonical people were supposed to know better than the general public15:09
Keybukwe usually know less ;)15:13
\shresting? :)15:15
Keybuk\sh: from what?! :p15:16
Nafallohe didn't sound good during the last LR :-P15:16
Nafallocatched a cold15:17
ograKeybuk, from drinking with the community indeed15:17
KeybukNafallo: I seem to have that one this week15:17
\shKeybuk, Oh...as far as I understood, he told me during Ubuntu BBQ at LT: "you are a typical german, you drink and you are fit early in the morning" I thought he meant, that when uk people drink a lot, as we did altogether, they are not fit the next morning ;)15:17
Keybuklost my voice yesterday, and still have a very sore throat today :(15:17
NafalloKeybuk: ugh. same thing?15:18
* Hobbsee removes all your alcohol, and declares all ubuntu events as sober-only.15:18
ogra\sh, known fact15:18
Seeker`mdz: it was you that pointed out the inconsistency with mootbots voting message last night?15:18
\shHobbsee, you didn't see the video where jono danced with aseigo ;) very nice ;)15:18
KeybukHobbsee: I don't drink anyway ;)15:18
HobbseeKeybuk: shameful.  i didn't realise there was another one.15:19
\shHobbsee, but right, we had far too many drinks during the event...15:20
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Jun 20:00 UTC: Security Team | 07 Jun 21:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 10:30 UTC: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 11:00 UTC: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team
mdzSeeker`: yes; it said <channel> <vote> in one place, and <vote> <channel> in another15:32
Seeker`mdz: ok, I'll try to fix that when I have access to the bots server again15:35
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ubottuudienz-: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 05 2008, 18:59:38 - Next meeting: Security Team in 1 hour 0 minutes19:59
udienz-@schedule asia19:59
ubottuudienz-: Error: Unknown timezone: asia - Full list: http://jussi01.com/web/timezones.html19:59
udienz-@meeting asia20:01
slangasekudienz-: um, Asia spans more than one timezone, you'd need to pick one to get a schedule :)20:13
udienz-slangasek: okay..20:14
RoAkSoAx@schedule lima20:18
ubottuRoAkSoAx: Schedule for America/Lima: 05 Jun 15:00: Security Team | 07 Jun 16:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 05:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 06:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 01:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 12:00: QA Team20:18
udienz-@schedule Jakarta20:18
ubottuudienz-: Schedule for Asia/Jakarta: 06 Jun 03:00: Security Team | 08 Jun 04:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 17:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 18:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 13:00: Platform Team | 12 Jun 00:00: QA Team20:19
udienz-slangasek: thanks20:19
emgent@schedule rome20:22
ubottuemgent: Schedule for Europe/Rome: 05 Jun 22:00: Security Team | 07 Jun 23:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 12:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 13:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 08:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 19:00: QA Team20:22
emgentheya kees :)20:47
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Security Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Jun 21:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 10:30 UTC: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 11:00 UTC: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team
emgentwe can start ?20:50
emgentkees jdstrand wgrant ?20:50
keesemgent: we should wait for the actual time.  :)20:52
slangasekright, kinda defeats the purpose of publically scheduling the meetings otherwise..20:53
emgentoh true,20:53
emgent@schedule rome20:53
ubottuemgent: Schedule for Europe/Rome: Current meeting: Security Team | 07 Jun 23:00: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 12:30: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 13:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 08:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 19:00: QA Team20:53
* wgrant appears.20:56
emgentheya wgrant :)20:57
wgrantTOo-early morning, emgent.20:59
MootBotMeeting started at 15:01. The chair is kees.21:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:00
kees[TOPIC] intros, if needed21:00
MootBotNew Topic:  intros, if needed21:00
keeshello everyone!21:00
keeswho's here for the Security Team Meeting?21:00
CaseySchauflerCasey Schaufler21:00
keeshiya CaseySchaufler, nice to meet you on IRC.  :)21:01
CaseySchauflerA pleasure21:01
wgrantHi CaseySchaufler.21:01
CaseySchauflerHello wgrant21:01
keessince CaseySchaufler is new to this meeting, I thought we'd go around quickly and say who we all are and what we do on the security team at large21:02
keesI'm Kees Cook, technical lead of the Ubuntu Security Team, and I do stable package updates and try to work on proactive security in development releases.21:02
keesI work at Canonical with jdstrand, and that's it for me.  :)21:03
jdstrandI'm Jamie Strandboge, Canonical employee, and work on the security with Kees21:03
wgrantI'm William Grant, a MOTU. I pretend to do universe security updates and try to keep ubuntu-cve-tracker, when uni doesn't waste so much time.21:04
CaseySchauflerI'm Casey Schaufler, and I wrote Smack, a really simple MAC scheme based on 20 years experiance with MLS Unix systems.21:04
wgrant*ubuntu-cve-tracker updated21:04
wgrantIt is too early.21:04
keeswgrant: heh21:04
keesemgent: you're up.21:04
emgentI'm Emanuele Gentili, part of Security Team (community): Ubuntu Whitehat Leader and Motu Swat member. I work on auditing/pentest and I work in universe security updates.21:05
kees(wasn't ajmitch going to come this morning?)21:05
keesCaseySchaufler: for some background where it relates to MAC systems, I did the initial integration work for AppArmor (along with mathiaz (server team)) and jdstrand did many profiles that went into main packages.21:05
keesokay, our agenda for this meeting:21:06
kees[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting21:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting21:06
keesif anyone has stuff to add, please add it to the wiki and let us know that we need to reload the page.  :)21:06
emgentok cool :)21:07
keesI've got another thing I've got to leave for at about :40 after, so if things are still rolling, jdstrand is going to take over for me as chair.  (Though I have no idea how mootboot will deal with that...)21:07
kees[TOPIC] CVE review21:07
MootBotNew Topic:  CVE review21:07
jdstrandwe should go quickly though-- I don't have much time after that :)21:08
keesI was hoping we'd have ajmitch here since he was interested in the ubuntu-cve-tracker work21:08
keesanything you need merged for the tracker, wgrant?21:08
keesanything people are working on that they need help/direction on?21:08
kees(I'm personally testing stable kernel updates at the moment, which is a mess of outstanding CVEs...)21:09
wgrantkees: I've got a couple of smallish changes in my branch, but I've got a big exam in a little over a week so won't be doing much for a while.21:09
emgentfor me not now21:09
keeswgrant: okay, no problem.  I'll pull the changes and just ping me when you've got more.  :)21:09
keesI was thinking about adding either per-release or per-package RSS feeds to the CVE tracker's HTML output directories.21:09
keesthat way people interested in a specific package (like the partner repo folks) could track individual package's CVEs21:10
emgentsounds good21:10
emgentnow i use RSS to for manage CVEs21:10
keesshould be an easy addition to the "make" process.21:10
keesemgent: cool, which RSS feed do you pull from now?21:11
emgentjust a moment21:11
emgent[LINK] http://nvd.nist.gov/download/nvd-rss.xml21:11
MootBotLINK received:  http://nvd.nist.gov/download/nvd-rss.xml21:11
emgent[LINK] http://nvd.nist.gov/download/nvd-rss-analyzed.xml21:12
MootBotLINK received:  http://nvd.nist.gov/download/nvd-rss-analyzed.xml21:12
keescool, I wonder if we can build that into the check-cves process.  it's kind of pain to pull down so much XML each day.  :)21:12
keesokay, well, in the interests of time, let's forge ahead21:12
kees[TOPIC] UDS review21:12
MootBotNew Topic:  UDS review21:12
keessounds like every one had a good time at the conference -- anything outstanding people want to discuss?21:13
keesI was happy with how things worked out, but we're still a bit behind on the compiler hardening bits... it's coming though21:13
=== nijaba` is now known as nijaba
emgentsoyuz for manage universe-update is in progress true?21:14
keeseither doko or I need to fix a few toolchain tests, but the patches are now in a form that doko is happy with.21:14
keesemgent: right, it's coming along.  "private" PPAs are being developed now to support it.21:14
emgentok cool.21:14
keesI don't have an ETA from them -- wish I did, so I could track the progress a little better.21:15
keesokay, moving on quickly...21:15
jdstrandI haven't done anything yet with ufw, other than upload a small bug fix in hardy-proposed21:15
kees[TOPIC] Smack21:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Smack21:15
keesCaseySchaufler: what do we need to do to get Smack working happily in Ubuntu?21:15
CaseySchauflerTurn off SELinux. ...21:15
emgentlol :)21:15
keesI read http://schaufler-ca.com/ briefly, and was hoping to have something like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor to follow21:16
keesCaseySchaufler: hah.  well, the MAC system is selectable at boot time.21:16
emgent[link] (22:15) ( CaseySchaufler) Turn off SELinux. ...21:16
MootBotLINK received:  (22:15) ( CaseySchaufler) Turn off SELinux. ...21:16
keesby default AppArmor is in used, but the SELinux integration work was done so that installing "selinux" would do all the magic needed to make it the default, set up policies, etc.21:16
keeshaving something like that for Smack would be great for people that wanted to use it.21:16
CaseySchauflerReally, there are a few things to do, sshd, login, cron, but the changes are much less than SELinux of AppArmor requires.21:17
CaseySchauflerThere are no "application profiles" required.21:17
CaseySchauflerSmack looks at processes, not programs.21:17
keesCaseySchaufler: well, step 1 is to make it usable.  step 2 would be to make all the profiles (what's Smack's term for this?) on par with the existing AppArmor ones.  steps after that would be evaluating our MACs to decide if we should switch our default.21:18
keesCaseySchaufler: what would be the steps as you see them to get Smack on par with the existing AppArmor protections?21:18
CaseySchauflerStep 1 is easy because of the Smack mindset that if the labels match, you're golden,21:18
keeshow does Smack store its labels?21:19
* wgrant saw something about xattrs.21:19
CaseySchauflerStep 2 is tough, the process label determines the access, not an attribute of the program.21:20
CaseySchauflerLabels are xattrs.21:20
CaseySchauflerSo a profile is a user thing, not a program thing.21:20
wgrantTo me, a combination of AppArmor and Smack sounds optimal, but I suppose that doesn't work.21:20
keesbut there must be a way to define and write out the xattrs from some text file?21:20
keeswgrant: unfortunately, stacked LSM isn't very happy21:20
emgentgobby ?21:21
CaseySchauflerSmack supports file system default labels.21:21
CaseySchauflerUnless the xattr (SMACK64) is there, the fs default is used.21:21
keesdo you mean DAC, or do you mean SELinux labels?21:21
CaseySchauflerThis makes it easy to support xattr-less fs21:22
keeswas Smack in 2.6.24 ?21:22
CaseySchauflerSmack in new to 2.6.2521:22
keesokay, dang.  so we'll have to wait for the first intrepid kernel upload before anyone can really play with it.21:22
keeswell, I'm all for seeing something similar to what the SELinux folks did.  would you be interested in getting packages prepared to configure a Smack environment?21:23
CaseySchauflerSELinux uses labels of its own name, Smack uses labels too, but different ones21:23
CaseySchauflerThere is no need to pre-label the file system.21:23
keesthat's a plus.  :)21:24
CaseySchauflerIf you want to, it's easy enough, but all files that come with the distro ought to be labeled with the floor label ("_").21:24
CaseySchauflerAnd because that's the default default, it's simple.21:25
CaseySchauflerHome directories and user files should get labeled.21:25
keesCaseySchaufler: for the next security meeting, could you prepare an example set of labels for replicating the cupsys AppArmor protections?21:25
CaseySchauflerI'm working on a busybox adduser to do that.21:25
keesthat would let us compare things more easily21:26
keesalso, I note that Smack doesn't hook file_mmap.  any reason for that?21:26
CaseySchauflercupsys. Ok, I can do that .21:26
CaseySchauflerwrt file_mmap - you need to open the file to mmap it, so the MAC check is done.21:27
kees[ACTION] CaseySchaufler to write up example labels for cupsys + Smack21:27
MootBotACTION received:  CaseySchaufler to write up example labels for cupsys + Smack21:27
CaseySchauflerUnlike SELinux, Smack processes rarely change their labels.21:27
keeswhat about MAP_FIXED handling, where no fd is involved?21:27
CaseySchauflerNo quick answer to MAP_FIXED.21:28
keesokay, cool.   I'm mostly fishing due to a hiccup we encountered late in the release with AppArmor which used file_mmap, but didn't implement the default kernel's mmap_min_addr check (selinux had duplicated it, but our version of AppArmor didn't have it yet)21:29
keesanyway, I'm very interested in getting another MAC available, so I'm very happy you came to our meeting.21:29
jdstrandyes, thanks CaseySchaufler :)21:29
CaseySchauflerBecause Smack uses simple interfaces and textstrings there are few ...21:29
CaseySchauflerlibraries and helper apps required.21:30
keesyeah, it sounds very small :)21:30
CaseySchauflerSo it can fit in my brain.21:30
keesalright, well, we're a little blocked waiting for the intrepid kernel, but after that, for next meeting maybe, we can start playing with it.21:31
CaseySchauflerReally, with SELinux or even AppArmor, it's very hard to tell if an access will succeed in advance and if not, why.21:31
keesCaseySchaufler: generally we meet every two weeks.  (UDS moved things a bit recently, though)21:32
CaseySchauflerOK. 2 weeks then?21:32
keeswell, AIUI, that's not true with SELinux, which has extensive analysis tools, but I've never used them.21:32
emgentme too :\21:32
keesCaseySchaufler: I say "generally" because we schedule it at the end of the meeting, but we've got another topic coming.  stick around?21:33
CaseySchauflerYes, it is true. The proof is that you need those extensive tools!21:33
keesCaseySchaufler: sure -- I'm a fan of "KISS"21:33
keesbut my primary goal is to have admins able to make their own choices about the MAC they want.21:33
CaseySchauflerDidn't they break up?21:33
wgrantIt's a lot harder to leave a gaping hole if you follow KISS.21:33
CaseySchauflerI agree.21:34
keesheh.  this KISS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle21:34
CaseySchauflerYes, I just couldn't resist.21:34
keesI couldn't tell -- don't know your sarcasm style yet.  :)21:34
keesmoving forward...21:34
kees[TOPIC] White hat group Schedule Penetration Test date and packages to Auditing21:34
MootBotNew Topic:  White hat group Schedule Penetration Test date and packages to Auditing21:34
emgentso, anteater (report tool) beta is out21:35
emgent[link] https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-whitehat/ubuntu-whitehat-project/uwht21:35
MootBotLINK received:  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-whitehat/ubuntu-whitehat-project/uwht21:35
emgenti think that next week we can start to work21:35
emgentkees: do you know in what infra we can start security tests ?21:36
keescool, hooked up to the python-launchpad-bugs21:36
emgentheya python-launchpad-bugs now is supported21:36
keesemgent: before anything happens they want a specific test plan -- what ports, services, etc.21:36
keesemgent: so, probably best to discuss that on the -hardened mailing list.21:37
keescan you do that this week?21:37
emgentsure, i will do21:37
kees[ACTION] emgent to discuss whitehat testing plans on -hardened mailing list21:37
MootBotACTION received:  emgent to discuss whitehat testing plans on -hardened mailing list21:37
emgentanyway for example for test launchpad i talked with stevea21:37
emgentand him say to me to work on staging.launchpad.net21:37
emgentso, i will send mail for define method and infra to test.21:38
keesemgent: right.  that, for example, would be part of the tesing plan.  "Test LP for .... NOTE: use staging.lp..." etc21:38
keesemgent: what you want is input on the plan, ideas, etc.21:38
keesemgent: get it narrowed down to specific things that infra can look at and say "yeah, we're comfortable with those tests"21:39
emgenti think so21:39
keesemgent: and for non-LP things, giving some idea of the methods and tests is a start.21:40
keesemgent: once that's documented, we'll have plan we can work from.21:40
* kees looks around for crimsun.... he wanted to do this for software too.21:40
emgentok i understand, i will draft it21:40
emgenthehehe :)21:40
emgentabout auditing, I'm thinking to write a list of packages (CMS) used by loco21:41
keesgood idea.  a lot of this can be discussed on the mailing list too.  (no need to wait 2 weeks between reports...)21:41
emgentok cool. :)21:41
kees[TOPIC] next meeting21:42
MootBotNew Topic:  next meeting21:42
kees2 weeks, same time?21:42
emgent+1 for me21:42
CaseySchauflerOK by me.21:42
keeswgrant: did this work out for you, other than being brutally early?21:42
emgentthanks kees :)21:42
keesI'll try to get crimsun and ajmitch to come to the next meeting (\sh too, but he usually tries to make it)21:42
jdstrandthanks kees!21:42
emgent\sh: will read the logs21:43
keescool, 2 weeks it is.  :)  thanks everyone, and thanks CaseySchaufler for coming -- glad to have you helping us with Smack.  :)21:43
MootBotMeeting finished at 15:45.21:43
emgent(20:52) ( \sh) emgent, I'm sorry I can't attend the meeting..reading tomorrow the logs...21:43
emgenthehehe :)21:43
emgent(20:52)  * \sh has some things to do with his wife21:43
* kees runs off to the next appointment21:43
CaseySchauflerMy pleasure. Hey - y'all still looking for an OS manager?21:43
* persia remains impressed with the security team. As well as tracking all that, only one meeting every two weeks, and finished with 17 minutes to spare.21:44
wgrantkees: /me mumbles agreement.21:44
keespersia: hehe21:44
keesCaseySchaufler: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/ <- that's all I know about21:44
CaseySchauflerI saw. Could be pretty cool.21:45
CaseySchauflerEspecially if meetings run short!21:45
CaseySchauflerThank you all. Ta.21:45
jdstrandbye CaseySchaufler21:46
emgentsee you later people21:46
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Jun 21:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 09 Jun 10:30 UTC: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 11:00 UTC: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 11 Jun 21:00 UTC: Server Team
candttesting testing23:08
candtalanleaving  - 'bye23:10
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