
tripzerowhat is UME going to do for a gps app?01:59
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dholbachgood morning07:42
dholbachhi lool07:46
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mvolool: for ubuntu-mobile image, should I use more than "http://ppa.lp.net/ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu hardy main" and the regular hardy archive on ports.u.c?09:54
loolmvo: Hmm theoritically this is pulled if you use a MIC platform10:00
loolmvo: If you don't, then you should probably include the ppa; yes10:00
loolmvo: Also, we'll move to a different archive soon10:01
loolmvo: Technically, the releases we have been doing were not based on ports + ppa, but on a snapshot of these hosted on snapshot.u.c10:01
theseinfeldlool when is the plan to move to the new archives?10:02
mvolool:  ok, thanks - I was playing with simple-mobile-builder today again and with davmor2 we fixed some issue, it should be pretty good now. did the release include virtual images too?10:03
* mvo wonders if it is worth building new ones based on the snapshot.u.c sources.list entries10:03
davmor2might be for RC210:04
* theseinfeld wonders on davmor210:04
looltheseinfeld: when it's in place :)10:05
theseinfeldany ~ deadline?10:05
loolmvo: We didn't release vm images until now10:05
theseinfeldI actually made some vm images10:05
theseinfeldyou need to do some hacking with the initram to get it working based on the project chrooted directory, other than that, it is quite straight forward10:06
loolmvo: I'd suggest you only care about a single config in smb, or use the MIC provided configs -- all supported MIC configs could be made available with the config copying machinery I added10:06
loolmvo: For the single default config, I'd recommend hardy+ppa for now and mobile archive afterwards10:06
theseinfeldyou mean s/hardy/ports/ right?10:07
loolmvo: BTW I chatted with persia on the topic, and he was tempted to hack on MIC to add vm creation support from it10:07
loolmvo: he mentionned concerns of bug-to-bug compatibility between MIC and u-v-b10:08
persiaI've since been convinced that this wouldn't be beneficial.10:08
looltheseinfeld: It's the same thing10:08
davmor2lool that would be cool :)10:08
looltheseinfeld: hardy is a dist/suite; ports.u.c is where we host binaries for non-official architectures10:08
persiaAs much as getting exactly the right set of packages together is desired, we can probably do that by abusing --add-pkg in u-v-m10:08
looltheseinfeld: archive.ubuntu.com where we host source in all cases and binaries for supported arches10:08
loolpersia: This is implemented already :)10:09
persialool: Completely?  Last time I has slightly different results, but I've not tried the latest simple-mobile-builder.10:09
loolmvo: Is your goal to spend time on it so that it's ready for release?  Otherwise, I'd suggest we work together after the release10:09
loolpersia: Well it's fully implemented, but some things differ10:10
loolpersia: There are currently some bugs and also s-m-b adds a fixed set of packages to the list of pkgs to isntall10:10
loolpersia: Also, config is copied manually instead of being provided by an ume-config-vm package10:11
mvolool: after release is fine for me, I just tweaked it a bit for davmor2 (he found some bugs)10:11
persialool: It's the differences that worried me.  The argument that convinced me not to make a VM platform for MIC was that we weren't likely to do lots of VM testing of the final release, and should look at how we want to VM-test for intrepid instead.10:11
loolmvo: Ok; cool10:11
loolmvo: I have a bunch of bugs/changes I'd like to fix, I mentionned them to you shortly, but generally speaking I think it's quite good already; I just didn't have much time since UDS to work on it10:12
mvoand I found that neverball starts :) its just painfully slow, but other stuff like frozen-bubbles or gnash seems to be pretty usable10:12
davmor2mvo: rev10 is much better menu is correct etc.  I'll play around with it and make up a quick wiki page on the testing section10:12
mvosure, I understand that, there is a rleease to make :)10:12
loolpersia: Apart of squashfs and initramfs, I think the differences were globally minimal with this approach10:13
persialool: Yes, although I find that the way the filesystems work for the MIC images can be part of some of the differences we see with our testing.  Depends on the test goal.10:15
persiaI'll take another look at simple-mobile-builder with the new updates: maybe my opinion is outdated.10:15
loolpersia: Exactly, it depends on what you want to test10:16
persiaThat's true too :)10:16
davmor2persia: lool:  As a tester using MIC I spent most of the day confirming if it was a bug or an issue with MIC.  Using the kvm image I lose the majority of that.10:16
loolpersia: Arguably we could as well use released images for cdrom or USB in vms, but these wouldn't work10:16
lool(and we could make these work too IMO)10:17
persialool: Let's make the daily images work for VM for intrepid, for wider (safe) testing.  For now, the small differences are probably acceptable.10:17
looldavmor2: Certainly we need to fix MIC issues for this release, but do we want to spend time creating vms which allow us to diagnose MIC bugs if they are only 10% of the bugs and we wont mainly use MIC in intrepid?10:18
loolOr do we want vms which reproduce 90% of the bugs by allowing us to run the same packaged apps?10:18
loolpersia: I think I could argue that there are hardware bugs which you can't reproduce in vms anyway, so we wont ever reproduce it in full10:19
persialool: You don't have to argue.  I've already ceased efforts to make MIC do VMs :)10:20
loolpersia: Perhaps if we had a more layered approach (probably non-MIC) we could try reproducing more of the current build layout (squashfs and initramfs)10:20
loolFor example, if MIC initramfs was properly packaged, such as casper, it would be trivial to include it in vms10:20
davmor2lool: true but then most of the apps don't run in mic which is the issue.  They are running in kvm version and finally it enables me to test UME again which then helps confirm issues with cgregan.  I have noticed issues that he hadn't and visa versa.  That currently isn't workable in MIC10:21
looldavmor2: I understand your point, but I don't understand what you're arguing for/against10:22
persiadavmor2: There's two separate issues: one is VM vs. Xephyr.  I think we all agree VM is the solution.  The other is MIC vs. something else.  I think we ought use the same tool for everything, but can wait for intrepid.10:22
davmor2Okay cool :) Just making the point rather than arguing though.10:24
loolThe only thing I'm arguing against is spending too much times on vms (for example by spinning them from MIC) at this point; simple vm builds are a good start already :)10:26
persiaFour people.  Four different goals.  None at odds.  Discussion is good :)10:28
* lool would just like to avoid waste of efforts; who am I to prevent people to work on something they'd like to do? :-)10:30
theseinfeldso, in the future there might be no MIC?10:32
theseinfeldlong time future :)10:32
jussi01persia: happy now? :D11:02
persiajussi01: Thanks.  I can now point at things like bug #217838 and get a response :)11:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217838 in ubuntu-mobile "sd8686 and sd8688 SDIO WLAN adapter cannot be detected WLAN adapter does not show up on the  network manager." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21783811:04
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davmor2Guys on date and time if you change manual to ntp are you able to install the ntp packages?11:21
davmor2manual to automatic sorry11:22
persiaInstalling packages is a little tricky: there's no GUI for this by default.11:29
ograwhat do you do with the default action then ? time-admin tries to pop up the installation dialog11:30
davmor2and then crashes :)11:31
ograhmm, it surely shouldnt crash blindly11:31
* persia tests to try to find a way to not crash11:32
ograprobably linking the app its trying to call to /bin/true or so might help 11:33
davmor2ogra: it does throw up a polite message11:33
ograah, k11:33
persiadavmor2: I can't get a crash, although it's not currently useful.11:33
davmor2persia: might be an issue with vm11:34
persiadavmor2: Maybe, but that's not the sort of thing I'd expect for VM vs MIC images.11:35
davmor2sorry not a crash it just flashes like it has crashed and then puts up a you can't do this message11:36
persiadavmor2: Ah.  Yes.  That's exactly my experience.11:36
persiaI'm glad to know we see the same thing: it makes it easier to be sure of any fix :)11:37
davmor2that's why I assumed it had crashed11:37
persiadavmor2: I define "crash" as when the tool goes away completely (or worse, the windowing system goes away).11:38
persiaAnd "hang" as when it stops accepting any input.11:38
davmor2okay we'll all get on the same page :)11:38
dns53can anyone tell me what the differences will be between ubuntu-mobile created by the image creator vs a normal install on a computer with the ubuntu-mobile pakcage11:41
persiadns53: There are some setup differences, and differences in how the initial base files are created.11:42
persiaAlso, if you previously installed a different sort of Ubuntu, you may end up with a different set of applications.11:43
persiaFurther, ubuntu-mobile wasn't quite ready for hardy, so there are some packages that are a little different.11:43
persiaI seem to remember a couple outstanding bugs on the meta-package as well, perhaps masked because we tend to use MIC.11:43
loolYes, for example the terminal.desktop file is shipped by mobile-basic-flash11:44
dns53well there is no entry in gdm, i created one and runs the script in the wiki11:44
looldns53: We don't use gdm in UME11:45
persiadns53: This would be one of the cases where your package selection was different :)11:48
persiadns53: If you want to test, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEinstall-kvm was recently published, if that helps.  It may change over time (it's new), so be warned.11:49
dns53i've tried the image-creator a few times but nothing has booted of my eeepc yet11:49
persiadns53: Which platform did you select in MIC?11:52
dns53micassin is suppose to work but the images created when booting of a usb drive fail on boot, not sure if it is the kernel, init, mounting the root file system11:54
persiadns53: Hrm.  I'm not sure then.  The McCaslin images work for me, but I have different hardware.11:58
ogradns53, you could try if the classmate image works for you ... its pretty HW specific though, you likely need additional stuff 11:59
ogra(and not (yet) based on mobile)12:00
davmor2I'm still having issues with midbrowser open oo-trig.xls in OO.o.  But on a plus side ODR does open it now although it does look hideous.12:23
persiadavmor2: Having Time&Date install the NTP software depends on having a working synaptic, which isn't in -mobile.  We could likely hack something more directly using libapt, but it wouldn't be quick.  I think I'd rather it didn't work than possibly crashing without the nice user message, etc.12:51
mvoI would suggest using the update-manager backend code, it should be trivial to extend for this purpose12:52
mvo(probably not hardy though)12:52
persiamvo: Calling python from C?12:52
mvoIIRC time-admin just does a system() or exec() so that should be ok12:52
mvoit does not link against libapt12:52
persiaOr calling some special update-manager call that allows for arbitrary new package installation?12:52
mvoyes, that is what I was thinking12:53
persiamvo: Could be.  How about a call into gnome-app-install?  Is UpdateManager much better?12:54
* persia hasn't looked at gnome-app-install other than the .desktop files12:55
davmor2persia: A simpler fix for now might be to put a warning in place and then add at the bottom open terminal and type sudo apt-get install ntp12:55
ograpersia, note that unionfs tears down the performance massively for g-a-i12:55
davmor2and put in a better fix for intrepid12:55
persiaogra: True.12:55
ograhow about gdebi ? 12:56
ograyou could just mae a call to gdebi-gtk12:56
persiaDoesn't gdebi expect a local .deb?12:56
ogra(and pull the package in advance somehow)12:56
persiaCould seed the ntp package, but it's a very, very ugly hack.12:57
persia(where "seed" means putting in place in advance: not adding to the seed)12:57
mvoif you have apturl installed, just system("apturl apt:ntp")12:57
ograapt-get -d ntp && gdebi-gtk /var/cache/apt/archives/ntp*.deb or so12:57
mvobut iirc it uses synaptic as its backend too, so please ignore that last suggestion12:58
persiaogra: Right.  That's still dirty for both gst-package and gst-time12:58
mvoI'm happy to make a mode for gdebi (if you instal lthat) and/or update-manager, that is trivial12:58
mvodo you need it for hardy-final-lipa?12:58
persiamvo: Really, it's not that I dislike synaptic, it's just that it's not there, and it wanted hildonmm :)12:59
ograit would help me on the classmate as well13:00
ogra(to have a gdebi mode that pulls from the archive)13:00
mvoit does not need hildonmm13:00
mvothe gui uses plain gtk13:00
mvono gtkmm 13:00
ograeven though on the cmpc g-a-i is a requirement anyway13:00
ograso i have to keep /var on a separate partition anyway and dont run into the performance probs here13:01
davmor2dinner time talk to you latter13:01
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persiasynaptic is 25MB on-disk, including additional dependencies.13:13
persiaUnfortunately, a simple install didn't fix Time&Date.13:13
ogrado you really have ot care fo diskspace in UME = 13:13
ogra*to care for13:13
persiaogra: There's talk of 2GB devices.13:13
persiaMy MID is 4GB, but the sales people try to sell at 512MB (but that's not linux)13:14
ograah, well, dont let them do that ... i know how painful it is :)13:14
persiaIt needs a bit of time.13:14
ogra2G are mean, not fish nor meat 13:14
ogra4G are just perfect13:15
persiaI think once storage gets a little cheaper, and more people use these things, it won't matter so much.13:15
persiaCurrently, to get to a price point where people != me want to buy them, they need to cut features.  In six months/a year it won't matter so much.13:15
ograsadly we need to solve todays probs today :)13:27
ogramy minimal spec for cmpc *is* 2G 256M13:27
ograwhich makes me cry every time i type it13:27
persiaogra: Wow!  My 3.5" is bigger than that.  I'm guessing the 256 is harder than the 2?13:28
persiaIs the 2G at least fast-access, or filtered through a low-speed channel?13:29
ograthe 2G is fine with the new ATA devices ... the former cmpc model had the dusk on usb ... combined with no L2 cache and 256M thats just pain13:29
stgraberogra: fortunately you didn't have to use FF2 with that :)13:35
ograi did13:36
ografor the gutsy image :)13:36
ograwhich was a PITA13:36
stgraberdid you put a mention "do not try to open a second tab as it'd likely crash your system (or make it so slow that you think it crashed)"13:36
ogranah, gutsy was proof of concept13:38
* stgraber still remembers of the localapps try we did with scottie :) we opened youtube, it went fine for a while and then ... no firefox :)13:38
ogranobody expected it to actually work properly13:38
stgrabercmpc 2g + intrepid should rock with that swap-in-ram thing and other improvments (and fast I/O too :))13:39
ograwell, lets see ... i need to build on the netbook image in the future 13:40
ograthats likely less highly optimized for the HW than my personal image was13:40
persiaogra: I thought you had a plan to base on -desktop?13:42
ograwell, netbook will be based on -desktop anyway13:42
ograat least thats what i was told yet13:42
ograi hope the meeting today can clearify a bit more13:42
persiaogra: Are you basing on netbook-remix, or a different netbook?13:42
* ogra doesnt even know who produces the current image 13:43
ogranetbook-remix afaik13:43
persiaogra: There's a hardy remix with code at https://launchpad.net/~netbook-remix-team/+archive13:43
ograpersia, i was suggesting to use gnome for ume :) netbook will be -desktop anyway with a different launcher/desktop13:43
persiaI hear it might not be getting updated for intrepid.13:44
ograright, that means i need a lot of ppa stuff :/13:44
persiaogra: Why PPA stuff?  Can't it be done as a flavour?13:45
ograwell, i will still be bound to hardy as releasename 13:45
ograi.e. my patches have to be against the hardy kernel ... my apps have o be synced with hardy instead of intrepid etc13:46
ograi cant create a flavour in the hardy archive :)13:47
persiaogra: Ah.  Retrospective images.  I see.13:47
ograand that at least until january for four different classmate arches :/13:48
ogranetbook remix uses gpl3 ? 13:50
loolmvo, persia: while playing with in on menlow, I noticed update-manager will say "all updates" installed when there's no network13:52
persiaYes, and it doesn't keep track of the last update.13:52
tripzero what is UME going to do for a gps app?13:56
persiatripzero: No selection has been made.  Have you had success with any of the various GPS apps in Ubuntu?13:59
tripzerohave you looked into navit?13:59
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persiaMy hardware doesn't have GPS.14:00
tripzeroit's a little rough, but it's gtk, and it's maturing a lot14:00
persiaIs it in Ubuntu?14:00
ograsomeone should packge it then :)14:01
tripzerothe only one that is in ubuntu is gpsdrive, and it's not very good14:01
persiatripzero: That's likely a first requirement to get stuff into Ubuntu-Mobile.  You might want to try to get the app packaged first.14:02
tripzeropersia, i've got an older version of it packaged14:02
tripzeroi'll see if I can get it updated14:02
persiatripzero: That's probably a good first step.  You might work with the team in #ubuntu-motu to get the latest version packaged and on REVU for review.14:02
persiaThey likely won't do the packaging, but they can provide advice and help (as many people in that channel are also packaging things)14:03
tripzeropersia: i'll get with the navit folks and get it packaged up then14:04
tripzerodo you know if UME has selected a media player interface yet?14:04
persiatripzero: Thanks.  Having it in Ubuntu, and some reports on how well it works with the Ubuntu-Mobile environment would be the cleanest path to getting it in by default.14:04
DNishi, anybody  as a detailed roadmap for ubuntu mobile please ?14:09
DNisi'm interested for an htc shift14:09
persiaDNis: How do you mean?  There's some test images available.14:10
persiaMore than that is really what gets put into Ubuntu for the target architectures for the next release, and what is in the seeds.14:11
persiaFor the most part, we're likely to have something based on GNOME to some degree.14:11
DNis persia : i mean a release date for an release candidate for example and release, and if there is test images for this device.14:11
persiaDNis: There are no special test-images for that device.  Do you know what chip it runs?14:12
DNishtc shift run on an intel maccaslin platform, like teh samsung q1 ultra14:12
DNiswith intel a110 processor14:13
tripzeropersia: do you know if UME has selected a media player interface yet?14:13
persiaDNis: There are some McCaslin images for testing, which might work for that.  They aren't quite perfect for my McCaslin (SR8), but they work.14:13
DNispersia: it's in the roadmap for first ubuntu mobile release but i wished i could test it :-)14:14
persiaDNis: Take a look at cdimages.ubuntu.com14:14
DNispersia: thx i will take a look at it14:14
DNispersia: is it simple to install ?14:15
persiaDNis: Burn the image to USB, and boot off USB14:16
DNispersia: it install a grub boot loader ? we can make multi-boot ?14:19
persiaDNis: I think so, but I've not tried a dual-boot configuration.14:22
DNispersia: ok thx for your answers14:24
DNispersia: it's in rc state so the release is very soon ?14:24
persiaDNis: As soon as possible.  Still a few things to fix.14:25
DNispersia: ok thx a lot again14:28
persiaDNis: Does it work?  Please share your experience, so we can update the wiki if the HTC Shift supported.14:29
DNispersia: mine is not already in my hand but shipping. but i will do if you want as soon as i have it14:32
persiaDNis: Excellent.  Thanks.14:36
DNispersia: you are a developer on the project ?14:37
persiaDNis: Yes, although that doesn't necessarily mean I'm right about everything :)14:37
DNispersia: ok ;-)14:39
persiamvo: No need to build a special mode for UpdateManager in a hurry.  synaptic will be fine (although thanks for all your help not using synaptic for update-manager)14:53
loolmvo: I don't think we need any changes from you right now; we'll just call as a backend15:00
lool(like persia just said)15:00
lool(sorry just got to the backlog of this afternoon)15:01
persiaDoes anyone know where the path is getting set in the UME session?15:23
ograif its like in desktop it should come from /etc/environment15:23
persiaogra: That's what I thought, but it doesn't.  There's a hack somewhere, which needs elimination.15:24
ograyeah, sounds like15:24
ograany ~/.*rc files15:25
persiaThat's why time-admin can't install even when it has it's dependencies.15:25
persiaNope.  Not in ~/.?*15:25
ogragnomerc is a typical desktop ENV mangling file 15:25
ogra/etc/bash.bashrc ?15:26
persiaogra: It's not in one of the standard places.  This is a hack :)15:27
persiaUnfortunately, unlike many hacks, `grep PATH $(dpkg -L ume-config-common)` doesn't help :(15:28
ogragrep -r PATH /etc/*15:28
persiaogra: Thanks for pushing me to the simple, instead of my chasing the complex for hours :)15:31
loolcgregan: What's the boot time constraint again?15:50
ub511is it possible to run ubuntu-mobile on via epia ?15:51
cgreganlool: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/astoria/+spec/3.3.7-performance15:51
loolcgregan: So we're slightly above with -1815:52
loolLet me grab -1915:52
loolamitk: No meta for -19 yet?15:52
stgraberlool: in the new queue15:53
loolstgraber: thanks15:54
loolcgregan: NB this is with HT15:55
loolcgregan: It's probably worse without15:55
loolcgregan: Check the -3 png, it's with -1916:05
cgregan32 seconds.16:06
cgreganthat's pretty good16:06
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persiamvo: I tracked down the larger issue with gst-package and synaptic.16:35
persiaWhen the user is logged in normally, they get ENV_PATH from /etc/login.defs.16:36
persiaThis becomes ENV_SUPATH when they use sudo or gksu.16:36
persiaSince moving to policyKit for g-s-t, /usr/sbin isn't in the path, so it doesn't find synaptic.16:36
persiaI suspect other synaptic-callers might have the same issue, although I've not looked at them all.16:37
ogra /usr/sbin should always be in the path ... thats not polkit specific 16:37
persiaogra: It's not defined in ENV_PATH in login.defs even on a standard Ubuntu Desktop install.16:38
persiaOnly for ENV_SUPATH.16:38
persiaI thought the path came from /etc/environment, but appaprently that's not always so.16:38
ogra$PATH will override that16:39
ograand its usually in environment ... 16:39
ograjust add the proper one there and it should work16:39
ograelse you have deeper probs16:39
persiaogra: At what point?  PATH isn't force defined anywhere in the login sequence, and login assigns either ENV_PATH or ENV_SUPATH depending on the login.16:39
persiaI think there are deeper issues, as I can replicate the confusion on my desktop16:40
ograwell, just add the ubuntu standard value to /etc/environment16:40
persiaogra: It's already there16:41
ogra(note also that /etc/environment only gets read at boot)16:41
ograre-login wont help16:41
persiaYeah, but it was there from image-creation time.16:41
persiaYou're sure it's not with the switch to polkit?  With sudo and gksu I get the right path.16:42
persias/with/related to/16:42
ograwell, i can call all apps with gksu here 16:43
persiaI can call all apps with gksu on my image, just not as the default user.16:43
persia(not using gksu).16:43
persiaWhen the app doesn't use policyKit, that works great.16:43
ogrado you have polkit installed ? 16:43
persiaWhen the app does use PolicyKit, policyKit can't get the session, and so doesn't authenticat.16:44
ograi remember you guys adding suport for consolekit16:44
persiaHmm.  I thought so.  I can at least authenticate properly.16:44
ogrado you see an active session with ck-list-sessions ? 16:44
persiaYep.  libpolkit2 & friends are installed, and ck-list-sessions shows a session.16:45
ograactive = TRUE16:45
ograand a proper x11-display-device pointing to a tty ? 16:46
ograelse polkit wont accept it as authenticated16:46
ograhmm, looks ok16:47
ogramy session for coparison16:47
persiapolkit seems to work, except that I don't get switched to ENV_SUPATH16:47
persiaOnly differences are that I don't have a real name, and I've been logged in 11 hours less.16:48
ograare you in the admin group with that user ? 16:48
ogra(i would assume so since gksu works)16:48
ogragrep polkituser /etc/passwd ? 16:50
ogra(should be created by the postinst ... pulling straws here)16:51
StevenKSo typed out by hand16:52
persia/var/run (I'm not using IRC from that device, and copy&paste doesn't work there very well anyway)16:52
loolNah, it's correct onmy desktop16:52
ogralooks right to me16:52
ograogra@osiris:~$ /usr/bin/polkit-auth|grep systemtools16:54
ogrado you get that value ? 16:54
persiaEverything looks fine.  stracing time-admin shows it to be only checking ENV_PATH and not ENV_SUPATH before reporting that it can't find synaptic, and telling the user it can't install the packages.16:54
persiaNo!  It's empty.  That's likely it.16:55
persiaWhat's supposed to set that, and how?16:55
ogra_so strace time-admin wasnt a good idea :P16:58
persiaAh.  It does show with --show-obtainable though :(16:58
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persiaAnd once obtained, it shows in the grep.16:59
persiaogra: strace told me why it couldn't run synaptic (shortened PATH), but not why the PATH was only ENV_PATH.17:00
persiaI blame policykit, but that might be unfair.17:00
ograright, sicne it works here 17:00
MootBotMeeting started at 11:02. The chair is lool.17:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:00
ograit might be that gdm sets up something you dont have17:00
persiaogra: Later, and I'll look at it.17:00
loolNo items from last week, moving to this week17:01
lool[topic]     *17:01
lool[topic]           netbook image classmate PC relation (who is resonsible for what, who builds which parts etc) OliverGrawert17:01
MootBotNew Topic:      * 17:01
MootBotNew Topic:            netbook image classmate PC relation (who is resonsible for what, who builds which parts etc) OliverGrawert 17:01
loologra: floor is yours :)17:01
ograwell, intel constantly asks me about specs etc in the conf calls 17:01
ograi tried to actually find out which team is responsible over the last days and seem to run in circles17:02
loolWhich specs?17:02
agoliveiraogra: You aways look like that :)17:02
ograbeen pointed to ume first ... then to lexington and they pointed me to -desktop17:02
loolwho pointed you for what at where? :)17:02
ogralool, i.e. they were told at computex that the netbook iage will only exist for LTS not for later releases17:03
ograadam le from intel was told that, dont ask me by whom 17:03
ograso he forwarded that to me 17:03
persiaThe netbook-remix-image being worked on by that team is only targeted at LTS.17:03
ograimho it would be really unfortunate to stick with hardy here17:03
persiaNo reason someone can't leverage that and track it for other releases.17:04
ograwell, that gets me into maitaining half of the cmpc software stack for 3 years in a ppa17:04
loologra: Well that's what we do so far; if however we have room for a customer interesting in intrepid support, I guess this could be discussed17:04
ograpersia, my prob is that i need to start development now ...17:04
ograbut need to know my build target17:04
ograand i actually need an image and hardware to run it on ... but thats another story :)17:05
ograHW shoudl come next week ... one atom cmpc reserved for you guys17:05
loologra: Shouldn't this question be resolved by your management or canonical management in general rather than Ubuntu specs assignments?17:05
ogra(currently tareted to go to david, not sure thats the best though)17:06
ogralool, well, i want to have a direct connection to my counterpart doing the lowlevel netbook stuff 17:06
ografor tech work17:06
ograbut i cant find that counterpart anywhere 17:06
ograthats the point of my agenda item :)17:06
loolOk; I don't have the answer17:07
ograwell, that got clear to me when i ran through the supposedly involved teams :)17:07
ogranobody seems to have an answer17:07
loologra: Raise it to management would be my personal recommendation17:08
ograi.e. i dont even know if the actual netbook HW spec we agree on matches the minimal cmpc spec17:08
loolDunno, I have seen neither :)17:08
ograright, i was hoping rich would be here as well17:08
ograwell, cmpc is 2G disk, 256M ram17:09
ograso you know 50% :)17:09
loolI'd be happy to discuss a technical decision, but I feel like you're the only one in touch with the problem at hand17:09
ograbut well, the topic cant go anywhere ... 17:09
loolPerhaps it's too early for other UME people to understand the questions at hand?17:09
ograwell, the question is simple17:10
ograwill UME build the netbook base image ? 17:10
ograor rather "the mobile team" 17:10
loolThe information I have so far allow me to tell you:17:10
loolI don't know17:10
ogragreat :)17:10
loologra: However, there are strategic meetings this week which might get us an answer17:11
ograthats a small ray of light on my horizon then :)17:11
ograwell, since we cant get more info up i think i'm done with my topic :)17:12
loolOk; I don't think we have enough info to discuss this here and now, so I'm tempted to adjourn the topic and meeting17:12
loolI can raise it to davidm and ask for more info this week17:12
loolBut we're busy with release17:12
ograi thought he would be here 17:12
loolThanks everybody17:12
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:15.17:13
ograelse i wouldnt have put it on the agenda ... i can ping you guys personally all the time :) david is harder to catch17:13
bspencer__short meeting today17:18
agoliveirabspencer__: Best type.17:20
bspencer__for me it was over before it began17:21
=== sabotage is now known as Guest61877
TomaszDInvalid architecture: "lpia". Valid choices are: i386 amd6418:01
TomaszDI'm using this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEinstall18:02
TomaszDcan anyone help?18:02
=== robr___ is now known as robr
TomaszDthis appears after issuing sudo ./simple-mobile-builder kvm hardy --sources /usr/share/pdk/platforms/menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa/sources/hardy.list --sources /usr/share/pdk/platforms/menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa/sources/um-ppa-hardy.list --sources hardy-full.list18:03
persiaTomaszD: Sorry about that.  You need the updated ubuntu-vm-builder in hardy-proposed.  Which arch do you have?18:03
TomaszDI'm using ubuntu amd6418:03
TomaszDok I'll enable hardy-proposed18:03
persiaNO need.  I'll get you a URL for the .dsb18:03
persiaJust download that, and you should be all set.18:04
TomaszDthanks persia !18:05
persiaTomaszD: Thanks for helping to test the images.18:05
TomaszDno problem, got really curious18:05
TomaszDbtw, it would be reasonable to update the instructions to include the link to this new package18:06
persiaTomaszD: You could, but it ought drop into -updates in a couple days.18:06
TomaszDahh, then it's ok18:06
persiaTomaszD: Well, mostly.  Please share the URL to the deb with anyone else who has the problem.18:07
TomaszDyeah I will18:07
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-mobile to: This channel is for conversations around the Ubuntu UME development version | Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded. Please read the FAQ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | VM builder for UME VM builds is http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15004078/ubuntu-vm-builder_0.4-0ubuntu0.3_all.deb
=== mthaddon_ is now known as mthaddon
mthaddonhey guys, I just tried running the setup script as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEinstall and got "lpia invalid architecture" - I went into the simple-mobile-builder and changed lpia to i386 and it now seems to be building okay...18:10
davmor2mthaddon: did you follow all the steps18:11
persiamthaddon: You might not get everything you expect that way.  Try the updated VM builder from http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15004078/ubuntu-vm-builder_0.4-0ubuntu0.3_all.deb18:11
mthaddonok, will give that a try, thx18:11
persiaogra: Looking at the GDM code, it doesn't seem to insert /usr/sbin in the PATH.  There's even a workaround in the gdmsetup .desktop file just in case /usr/sbin isn't in the path.  Any other ideas?18:13
vadi2Hi... the 'simple-mobile-builder' script fails for me (from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEinstall). It says 'Invalid architecture: "lpia". Valid choices are: i386 amd64'.18:14
persiavadi2: Try the updated VM builder from http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15004078/ubuntu-vm-builder_0.4-0ubuntu0.3_all.deb18:14
* persia updates the wiki page already18:14
davmor2vadi2: did you install ubuntu-vm-builder?18:15
vadi2I'm following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEinstall, and it uses a simple-image-builder18:15
vadi2I installed this vm builder though. Now what?18:15
davmor2now run the script again18:15
vadi2Oh that worked, thanks18:16
loolpersia: hardy-updates doesn't have lpia support I think18:20
loolpersia: (for ubuntu-vm-builder)18:21
loolUnless it was added recently18:21
ograpersia, hmm, not really, i'll dig a bit18:21
persialool: No, it doesn't, but that LP link does (hardy-proposed)18:21
persiaogra: Thanks.  I'm currently digging in policykit itself.18:21
loolpersia: Ok; I was told it wouldn't be included, glad it was :)18:21
persialool: Mind you, my bug changed from not working in -updates to working in the PPA to taking my system down hard with the current -proposed, but I've a special setup.18:23
loolHow come so many people heard about simple-mobile-builder here? :)18:24
loolOh https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEinstall18:24
persialool: http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/18:26
persiaThis is the call for testers for the RC, so we can get lots of eyes.18:27
persiaGiven that the RC won't work for most people, they will use simple-mobile-builder18:27
persiaThis isn't bad, because they get up-to-the-minute fixes, although the UI for creating the second test image is a little odd.18:28
davmor2lool: my fault :)18:29
davmor2check out planet ubuntu18:29
ograsweet :)18:31
davmor2lool: hopefully get lots of eyes looking at the rc pinpointing issues and confirming :)18:31
davmor2was the plan18:31
davmor2maybe even patching too :)18:31
davmor2ogra: you like it?18:32
TomaszDpersia, now when I want to run ubuntu.kvm I'm getting:18:32
TomaszDtom@tom-pc:~/simple-image-builder/ubuntu-vm-hardy-lpia$ ./ubuntu.kvm 18:32
TomaszDopen /dev/kvm: Permission denied18:32
TomaszDCould not initialize KVM, will disable KVM support18:32
TomaszDUbuntu does not support running KVM without hardware acceleration. Sorry.18:32
loolTomaszD: adduser $you kvm; logout and login18:33
loolOr sg kvm18:33
loolOr you don't have hardware support18:33
TomaszDno,  I have a Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz18:33
TomaszDok added myself , brb18:34
davmor2lool: I'll add that to the wiki page18:35
TomaszDok, runs now, eats one core of my processor and nothing happens, just says "Booting from Hard Disk..."18:38
* lool &18:41
persiaTomaszD: That's different.18:41
davmor2it is different18:42
persiaIt's supposed to bring up a GUI18:42
persiaTomaszD: Maybe try with qemu ?  It will be much slower, but it has a better chance of working.18:42
TomaszDwonder why it doesn't work :(18:43
TomaszDwith kvm I mean18:43
TomaszDkvm should work fine18:44
persiaDid it work with qemu?18:44
vadi2Where can I report issues? The ISO tracker doesn't list mobile18:44
TomaszDwhere do I change that18:44
davmor2it's on the wiki page TomaszD18:45
davmor2vadi2: it's on the blog third here down :)18:45
vadi2ops, thanks18:46
TomaszDsame thing happens, the GUI doesn't come up18:47
TomaszDsuch a shame, I really wanted to try this out18:48
davmor2TomaszD: I'm going to guess that something has gone wrong then.  Try removing the folder called ubuntu-vm..... and run the script again and see if the second build works right.18:49
TomaszDdavmor2, I'm going to repeat the whole procedure from the start18:49
davmor2TomaszD: good luck18:50
TomaszDdavmor2, I think I know what the problem might be19:10
TomaszDthe script 404s on hildon packages19:10
TomaszDNie udało się pobrać http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/universe/h/hildon-desktop/libhildonwm0_2.0.11-1~svn15367-0ubuntu1_lpia.deb  403 Forbidden19:10
TomaszDNie udało się pobrać http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/universe/h/hildon-desktop/libhildondesktop0_2.0.11-1~svn15367-0ubuntu1_lpia.deb  403 Forbidden19:10
TomaszDNie udało się pobrać http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/universe/h/hildon-desktop/hildon-desktop_2.0.11-1~svn15367-0ubuntu1_lpia.deb  403 Forbidden19:10
TomaszDNie udało się pobrać http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/universe/m/marquee-plugins/marquee-plugins_0.22-0ubuntu1_lpia.deb  404 Not Found19:10
TomaszDor 403s even19:10
TomaszD"Nie udało się pobrać" = couldn't download19:10
TomaszDhmm well the packages are there, I can download them via my web browser19:12
davmor2TomaszD: they maybe updating the packages19:13
TomaszDdavmor2, how would I go on by downloading these by hand and installing them inside the lpia image?19:14
ograpersia, hmm, did you ever try to build an image for vbox ? that just crashed strangely here19:15
ogra/usr/bin/ubuntu-vm-builder: line 1054: vm_target_conversion: command not found19:15
TomaszDha, it starts! grub found the drive!19:17
davmor2TomaszD: if you can start kvm and get into shell you can try running sudo apt-get install packages that are missing 19:17
TomaszDdavmor2, I'm almost there, I just don't know the login and password :]19:17
davmor2ume login pass is ubuntu19:17
TomaszDomg, hildon-desktop is a metapackage, this will take a while19:19
TomaszDbut it sure looks promising19:19
TomaszDhow do I run the GUI from the console? startx doesn't exist19:26
ograit should19:27
persiaNow I'm really confused.  policykit explicitly sets PATH to "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" in several places to avoid various sorts of privilege escalation attacks.  Why would something running under policykit search the user path?19:27
TomaszDthen I'm probably still missing a large piece of the install19:27
persiaTomaszD: neither ubuntu-mobile nor hildon-desktop depend on an X server.  Try installing xserver-xorg19:28
ograpersia, hmm, i wonder how the env of that upstart script looks like before it does su ume19:28
TomaszDok I will, there's a new kernel coming atm19:29
ograpersia, might be that there are some initscripts missing that need to be run before anyone logs in19:29
ograhum, i wonder if its necessary that polkit runs *before* you catually log in :)19:31
TomaszDpersia, installed xserver-xorg, rebooted for the new kernel, startx command not found19:31
persiaogra: You might have it.  Important services like hal and dbus aren't running when /etc/event.d/session is allowed to kick off.19:31
ograin the desktop install it is S01policykit in rc2.d ... probably the upstart login thingie runs before 0119:32
persiapolicykit starts beforehand though, so I'm not sure.19:32
persiaHmm.  Right.  Maybe I need to ask somewhere else then.19:32
ograpitti would probably know19:33
ograhe did a lot on polkit19:33
TomaszDok nevermind, I'm still missing a chunk of -mobile..19:33
persiaogra: I need some more background on upstart first.19:34
ograKeybuk then19:34
persiaDocs first.  Then People.19:35
TomaszDhildon-desktop, ubuntu-mobile, xorg-server...19:46
TomaszDstartx doesn't bring up the GUI19:46
persiaRight.  The docs explain how to set dependencies in upstrart events.  I set /etc/events.d/session to "start on started rc2", and it retains the behaviour.  Not upstart then.19:46
persiaTomaszD: ume-config-common19:47
TomaszDsame issue19:48
persiaTomaszD: What does startx give you?19:48
TomaszDNo valid fontpath could be found19:48
* persia waits for bzr19:49
TomaszDI think I'll just go with the procedure for the third time, wipe everything... maybe this time it'll pull all the packages automatically19:50
persiaTomaszD: Try `sudo aptitude install ubuntu-mobile ume-config-common gnome-icon-theme gnome-menus xserver-xorg-video-cirrus xfonts-base`19:50
* ogra just boots a qemu image built 10mins ago19:51
persiaYou probably have most of those, but that's the PKGS hint in simple-mobile-builder that ought get you a minimal system.19:51
ograpersia, can you add -br to the startx call ? 19:51
ograthe grid hurts :)19:51
ogratrivial fix, big outcome :)19:52
TomaszDok gnome-* and xfonts were missing19:52
TomaszDholy cow, it works!19:53
ogragah, qemu indeed doesnt properly translate my laptop touchscreen19:53
persiaogra: What was -br supposed to do?  It didn't make a difference for me.19:53
ograblack background19:53
davmor2TomaszD: cool :)19:53
ograits an Xorg parameter19:53
TomaszDthanks for all the help, will test this now19:54
persiaogra: Even with -br, I still get the grey grid.19:54
ograpersia, i think it needs to go behind the --dpi option19:54
persiaTomaszD: Excellent.  Sorry for all the trouble getting it set up.19:54
persiaogra: I don't have a --dpi option in /etc/event.d/session19:55
TomaszDgoodness me the icons look atrocious, I bet it's the number one complaint :] they need to be svg or bigger 19:55
ograi have it in the upstat-session script that got copied over in simple-image-builder19:55
persiaogra: Try fiddling with /etc/event.d/session  It's set to respawn, so killing X will get you a fresh login.19:55
ogragod, qemu is slooow ...19:56
* ogra wishes vbox would have worked19:56
TomaszDno kvm love?19:56
persiaogra: It's just a debootstrap and some package installs.  Surely you can do that in vbox, although maybe not with the same shell script.19:56
ograTomaszD, sadly no ... 19:57
persiaTomaszD: no login manager at all.19:57
ogravbox is usually fine for me 19:57
persiaOpenEmbedded has a QT-based environment stack, which it might be possible to port, if someone felt like doing it.19:57
* persia has clearly mistaken "kvm" for "kdm".19:58
persiaogra: Have you tried kqemu-source?19:58
TomaszDpersia, yeah I was about to ask what you mean19:58
ograyeah, had that before but i decided to go back to the convenient vbox ... i mainly did ltsp stuff in vbox yet, for that the internal network functions there are just awesome19:59
TomaszDnice, my favourite game neverball is preinstalled, slideshow speed but nice to know it'll be there20:00
ograno special config or setup needed ... just works and i'm lazy20:00
ograhmm, if the terminal would open that would help20:01
TomaszDyeah, it doesn't20:01
TomaszDnotepad app doesn't work as well, but that may be due to my incomplete install20:01
TomaszDand Galculator? Please, it's a Calculator :P20:02
ograsame for me with notepad20:02
ograStarting Notepad .... is sitting in front of me20:02
TomaszDok should photos and videos show a scary black screen with no content, no "Hello there, import photos" or anything like that?20:03
* persia finds this odd, as this image has "Calculator" and "Mousepad", rather than "Galculator" and "Notepad"20:03
ograi wonder if we're missing packages20:04
TomaszDI don't have a preferences menu item20:04
ograand indeed i didnt keep a log :(20:04
TomaszDonly "All"20:04
davmor2Guys quick query on file manager why are there two bars at the bottom (1 with GO and the one below with the rest of the buttons)20:06
davmor2the top bar cuts the bottom bars icon up20:06
persiaTomaszD: If you pull down the menu from the top left, you ought to be able to select categories.  One of these ought be preferences.20:06
persiaogra: You can get a list from dpkg --get-selections, no?20:06
ograif i could get a shell :P20:06
TomaszDpersia, heh I know there should be more, the pulldown list only includes the All category20:07
persiaWell, running stuff from a VT won't get you the environment benefits, but it will let you run CLI stuff.20:07
TomaszDmy install is borked20:07
ograwell, i thought about an xterm :)20:07
persiaTomaszD: Yes, your install is broken.  I'm not sure why it didn't work for you, especially twice.  It seems to work for some people.20:07
TomaszDI'll let install again while go away and do something else20:07
ogrameh, recovery mode doent work :/20:21
persiaogra: Right.  I'll go chase that now.20:23
* persia gives up on policykit20:23
TomaszDha, still downloading, looks like it'll be ok this time20:24
ograpersia, sulogin not installed i'D guess20:24
ograhmm, no, its there20:24
davmor2TomaszD: I hope so, that way you'll see what we're all so happy about.20:25
TomaszDa general question though. How do you guys plan handling i18n ?20:26
persiaTomaszD: Most of the applications are translated (inherited from GNOME).20:26
persiaJust changing the locale ought do it.20:26
TomaszD(I'm ubuntu-l10n-pl admin)20:26
TomaszDwhat about hildon though20:26
davmor2ignoring it and make everyone speak english :D20:26
persiaCheck the contents of /etc/default/locale20:26
TomaszDand is there going to be an applet or preference for the language?20:26
persiadavmor2: No, really we do have multilingual support, just not any way to select the language except from the command line.20:27
TomaszDhmm the script pulls kernel -16, but -17 is available for some time now20:27
davmor2persia: the big laughing face should of been somewhat of a give away ;)20:27
* persia often misinterprets smilies20:28
TomaszDwell it installed fine, I got straight into the gui20:30
TomaszDbut no sign of Preferences20:30
TomaszDoh and I forgot to mention, the Chat button is missing an icon20:30
TomaszDwhich I presume is Pidgin20:30
TomaszDbut it just sits there20:31
davmor2TomaszD: works here :-/20:31
TomaszDblimey, is my computer special, is my net connection special, what the hell is wrong20:32
davmor2TomaszD: your computer is in the wrong corner of the room ;)20:33
TomaszDI can move it, it's a laptop... :P20:33
TomaszDok, bbl20:33
ograpersia, -br works fine for me appending it after the 9620:34
ograexec su -l ume -c "/usr/bin/startx -- -dpi 96 -br"20:35
persiaogra: You had a --dpi to start?20:35
persiaI'm nowhere near 96 DPI, so not at all tempted to use that.20:36
persia(and don't have the --dpi 96 in my image)20:36
ograwell, thats whats in my session script20:37
* persia has a significantly stronger suspicion that the VM images do not match the MIC images.20:37
ograhow does your session script look like ? 20:39
ogra"/usr/bin/startx --" ?20:40
persiaexec su -l ume -c "/usr/bin/startx -- -config xorg-samsungq1ultra,conf"20:44
persiaNote that this isn't a Q1U, so using that xorg.conf breaks a couple things.20:44
persiaMy touchscreen works if I don't have the -config20:44
persia(well, calibration is broken, but that's a different issue)20:45
ograput it in front of -config20:45
ograexec su -l ume -c "/usr/bin/startx -- -br -config xorg-samsungq1ultra,conf"20:45
persiaI did that.  No change.20:45
ograthast pretty weird20:45
ograstartx definately hands over verything after -- to xinit20:46
persiaLots of things about the MIC build are weird.  Some of these weirrd things are also good.20:46
ograwhich then appends it to X/Xorg as parameter 20:46
ograworks fine here ... it probably doesnt like the -config option20:47
ogradid you try adding it behind ? 20:47
ograxec su -l ume -c "/usr/bin/startx -- -config xorg-samsungq1ultra,conf -br"20:47
persiaAfter -config?  No.  I'll try that.20:47
ograi doubt you use ppa X packages :)20:48
ograso it must work one way or the other20:48
persiaNope.  Still gives the standard X screen for a bit.20:48
persiaI'm using *lots* of PPA packages.20:48
* persia is currently waiting for the PPA build of grub20:48
persiaOh.  PPA X packages?  No.  Only ubuntu-mobile PPA.20:49
ograwhy the heck do you actually have to use the -config option ? 20:50
* ogra doesnt see the benefit20:51
persiaIt has the special hacks for the Q1U, and is part of the standard MIC build for McCaslin.20:51
ograbut why not in the standard place20:51
persiaFor my hardware, it's actually a detriment, but I don't want to hack it out just to break someone else.20:51
persiaI think the idea was that one would be able to set up lots of different hardware configurations in MIC.20:52
ograright, just copy the right filein place or link it20:52
persiaThis might be fine for some person sitting in an office building images for all the toys on the workbench, but is less ideal for having a standard test build.20:52
persiaOh, sure, I could do that, but it'd just break again when I built the next image (I run a couple images a day).20:53
persiaSame for all the other improvements you suggested a couple weeks ago ;)20:53
ografound the issue with the image builder :)20:55
ogra/usr/share/pdk/platforms/menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa/sources/hardy.list doesnt actually exist 20:55
ograso the wikipage is wrong20:56
persiaheh.  Try using the mccaslin lists.20:56
ogra/usr/share/pdk doesnt exist20:57
ograwher is it supposed to come from  20:57
persiaIt's in moblin-image-creator20:57
ograthats the issing bit 20:57
ograthe wikipage doesnt talk about MIC at all20:58
davmor2ogra the bit below does20:59
hp2133A friend just pointed me to here.  Any packages available yet?20:59
davmor2ogra: ^20:59
ogradavmor2, well it should tell you to install MIC at the top 21:00
persiadavmor2: Right, but the point is that apparently MIC needs to be installed in order for the simple-vm-builder to pull the right feature sets21:00
ograsudo ./simple-mobile-builder kvm hardy --sources /usr/share/pdk/platforms/menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa/sources/hardy.list --sources /usr/share/pdk/platforms/menlow-lpia-ubuntu-hardy-ppa/sources/um-ppa-hardy.list --sources hardy-full.list 21:00
ograall the --sources files are missing without it installed21:00
davmor2hang on then 21:00
davmor2damn no mvo21:01
ograand hardy-full.list should become ./hardy-full.list21:01
persiaI know a bit about that code.  What did you want to ask?21:01
davmor2persia: if it could be pulled in or added to the app save having to pull in another app just for the repo list21:02
persiadavmor2: Duplication of data is bad because it causes extra merge work.21:03
persiaAlso, I don't like feature sets anyway.21:03
persiaAnd, given the bzr branch being pulled, that change would require mvo21:04
davmor2I guess the big problem here is that everyone who has tried it has mic installed already :(21:06
persiadavmor2: Yep.  That's why we call for more testers.  We get to find out our missed assumptions.21:06
davmor2:) indeed :)21:07
persiaEveryone also had ubuntu-vm-builder already installed, and we caught that quickly.21:07
persiaWe got the hint about /usr/share/pdk early, but failed to investigate it soon enough.21:07
ograGet:1 http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy/main libdrm2 21:09
ograthat looks better 21:09
ogracp: cannot stat `./hardy-full.list': No such file or directory21:17
ograseems it needs the full path :/21:18
ogralikely because it builds in TMPDIR instead of $(pwd)21:18
* ogra starts another build with $(pwd)/hardy-full.list instead of ./hardy-full.list lets see if that helps21:19
ograand there is a typo in hardy-full.list21:27
ograW: Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-lpia/Packages.gz  404 Not Found21:27
ogramust be http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists not http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu21:27
persiaSo, update-manager has this nifty feature by which it downloads package changelogs from changelogs.ubuntu.com, which gets updated about every 4 hours.  Anyone have any good ideas how to display snapshot changelogs where the packages are newer than the default changelogs.ubuntu.com?21:58
ogramvo would 22:05
ogrageez, now thats what i call an image22:07
ograthat looks way better and wuite different22:08
persiaRight.  Did you already update the wiki?  Shall I?22:09
ogradoing now22:09
persiaogra: Thank you :)22:10
ograpersia, btw, my current image has -dpi 96 as well22:22
ograbut -.br doesnt work either22:22
persiaogra: Hrm.  I'm knee-deep in update-manager-hildon right now, but I'll roll another image when I finish to see if I can get that.  Might be a mccaslin vs. menlow thing (I run mccaslin fsets)22:23
ograwell, seems to have the same issue though22:23
persia-br not working means you're closer to me.  If you can figure out how to make it work, you'll make everyone happy :)22:23
ogratrying to find that 22:23
ograprobably someone added xressources files or soething differently weird22:24
persiaLikely, or something odd in the selected X configuration.22:24
persiaFor the extra hacky bits, look at the ume-config-foo packages22:25
ograxorg.conf looks ok22:25
* persia translates "uuuuh" to "There's something mysteriously hackish going on"22:29
ograi just had a look at the session script 22:29
ograthat released an uuuh ... not specific to any special line or so :)22:29
persiaYou might want to change it to trigger on started rc2, rather than running in parallel with the rest of the rc2 startup.22:29
ograjust rebooting22:29
persiaIt makes it take longer to get to the desktop, but it guarantees dbus, hal, etc. beforehand.22:29
ograthe grid comes from the framebuffer before the card gets initialized22:30
ograits actually black with -br22:30
ograthe driver doesnt init properly22:30
persiaWhich driver?  -psb?22:31
ogracirrus i think22:31
ograwhatever qemu uses by default22:31
ogramight as well just be vm slowness22:31
ograbut it definately turns black if the crosshair pointer is shown22:31
persiaStrange.  On my hardware I get the gray screen anyway on boot.22:32
* ogra tries a proper shutdown22:32
ogrado you have a movable mousepointer while you see that ? 22:33
persiaYes, the standard X pointer.22:33
persia(even with -br in various places)22:33
persiaIt only lasts about a second or two, but it's noticable.22:34
ograi get a white screen without pointer now ... and that turns black as soon as the pointer shows up22:34
persiaThat sounds like the right solution.  What's your call in /etc/event.d/session?22:34
ograso poering off the vm cleaned the videoram i assume22:35
ograexec su -l ume -c "/usr/bin/startx -- -dpi 96 -br"22:35
persiaAh.  I've only tested reboots.  Testing a full shutdown now...22:36
persiaNah.  Oeq is a good way to put it :)22:37
ogra(that was a misfocused :q on a german keyboard in us kbd environment :) )22:37
persia: is bound to Oe?22:37
persiaOr is it compound, so that O: generates Oe?22:38
ogra: is ö with us mapping on german kbd22:38
persiaWith a full power-down I get the black screen.  Definitely cached video-ram.  Sorry for the confusion.22:39
ograwell, i could have guessed that one earlier :)22:39
persiaIf I only provided enough information...22:40
ograthe photos app doesnt start apparently 22:40
ograoh, no locale 22:42
ograsetting LANG makes it start22:43
ograoh, funny22:44
ograenv had LANG="de_DE.UTF-8"22:44
persiaogra: Locale is now being set by MIC.  Just put something in /etc/default/locale, and you ought be fine.22:45
ograseems simple-mobile-builder sets it to the build env locale22:45
persiaogra: Where does it set it?22:45
ograno idea but how else should LANG="de_DE.UTF-8" get in there22:45
persiaNot sure.  Do you have an /etc/default/locale?22:46
ograone of the tools involved must have set it unless qemu hands it over from the host22:46
persiaHow about a LANG entry in /etc/environment?22:46
ograi have /etc/default/locale22:46
ograwith de_DE22:46
persiaInteresting.  I'm glad it's there, but a little surprised.22:46
ograwell, tricky22:46
ograde_DE isnt generated22:47
persiaMust be set based on the build locale.  Nice touch to test multi-lingual.22:47
ograit sets it but doesnt run locale-gen22:47
ograwhich makes all the moblin apps fail22:47
ograat least all moblin-media ones22:47
persiaAh.  That ought be fixed.  I'm not sure when/how MIC runs localegen, but it seems to work without running it manually.22:48
ogra# Keep perl inside the chroot quiet22:50
ograit seems to run locale-gen later22:50
ograbut it didnt for my image ... hmm22:52
ograintresting, i see it generating them in the build log22:53
ograah i know why :)22:54
ogramy fault22:54
ograi ran the command with LANG=C in front to get proper error messages ... the builder script copies /etc/default/locale /etc/default/console-setup and /etc/timezone from the build machine and runs locale-gen $LANG afterwards22:55
ograbug !22:55
ogra(it should read /etc/default/locale to get the value)22:56
=== robr___ is now known as robr
ograoh, the terminal somehow sits on top of all windows now ... no way for me to get the menu open in front of it23:16
persiaogra: Click in the upper left hand corner23:18
ograyeah, the show desktop button works 23:19
ograbut the behavior persists if the terminal win is back23:19
vadi2How can I uninstall the test enviroment?23:19
persiavadi2: How do you mean?  Just clean up from building the image?23:20
persiaOr do you also want to purge all the packages you installed to make it work?23:20
vadi2persia: no, like, remove completely. I rebooted and got a kernel panic, and decided I'm not knowledgeable enough to participate in the testing if something goes wrong...23:20
ograah, the issue might be caused by the fact that xterm has no app menu :)23:20
vadi2persia: I'll be testing out the final thing when they ship a device with this though :)23:21
persiavadi2: OK.  Given that, I'd probably do the following.23:22
persiarm -r simple-image-builder23:22
vadi2ok, got that23:22
persiasudo aptitude purge ubuntu-vm-builder moblin-image-creator23:22
persiaThe rest is probably safer to leave, and you might want it later.23:22
vadi2Ok cool, thanks23:22

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