
tjaaltonpwnguin: wacom-tools built fine, now uploaded to intrepid06:05
tjaaltonthere's at least one big regression reported on debian06:15
ubottuDebian bug 482826 in xserver-xorg-input-wacom "xserver-xorg-input-wacom: Mouse device wrecks input system" [Normal,Open] 06:15
tjaaltonbut maybe that's already on launchpad06:16
pwnguini saw that before when i was checking for crazy bugs, but i only skimmed it and thought it was some goofy joystick thing06:37
pwnguinperhaps not06:37
pwnguinguess i need to upgrade to intrepid06:37
tjaaltoni can crash the server if using input-hotplug and plugging in a joystick and move it :)06:39
tjaaltonmaybe 1.5 is better06:39
tjaaltonit'd better be :)06:39
pwnguinso on a scale from 1 to 10, how likely is an ibid upgrade to work?06:42
tjaaltondon't know, i'm not running intrepid yet07:22
bryceI put intrepid on one of my boxes early on, and have been updating it irregularly; no problems so far08:10
bryceI use it more as a build server than as a desktop though08:10
pwnguinmy laptop has two installed ubuntus08:12
pwnguini normally keep a stable and a dev with a shared /home08:12
tjaaltonhow do you handle grub?08:14
pwnguinvery carefully08:14
pwnguinif i were smarter08:15
tjaaltonyou don't have a shared /boot?-)08:15
pwnguinid have grub installed to the partions and basically a dual stage grub08:15
pwnguinor a /boot08:15
pwnguinbut the dual stage would actually work08:15
pwnguina shared /boot wont08:15
tjaaltonbryce: btw, you can drop fonttosfnt from the status page. also lrm, mesa-utils, and probably compiz should be dropped as well (compiz not maintained by us)08:19
tjaaltonand I'm wondering about dropping unichrome from the archive..08:20
tjaaltonupstream is hostile and not willing to make releases :)08:20
tjaaltonand too busy updating it08:21
brycetjaalton: the script just pulls from what's on https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+packagebugs08:23
tjaaltonbryce: oh :)08:23
bryceplus a handful of extra packages (like mesa) that I added08:24
tjaaltonmesa and mesa-utils have the same source (mesa)08:24
bryceI don't specifically add mesa-utils... it must magically come in somehow08:25
bryceanyway, in general what's included in the report can be controlled by subscribing/unsubscribing ubuntu-x-swat08:26
tjaaltonfonttosfnt is not on that page, and why aren't the other lrm's listed?08:27
bryceyeah I don't know how fonttosfnt is sneaking in...  looking into that08:28
brycefor lrm, hmm...  maybe the version number is getting parsed out or something... not sure08:28
tjaaltonalso x11-common is unnecessary on that page08:29
tjaaltonsource is xorg08:29
bryceok, nuked08:30
brycebtw, here's the current "extra" packages:08:30
bryce       x11-apps x11-utils x11-xfs-utils08:30
bryce       x11-xkb-utils x11-xserver-utils08:30
bryce       xserver-xorg-video-avivo08:30
bryce       xserver-xorg-video-openchrome08:30
bryce       xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd08:30
bryce       libdrm208:30
bryce       libxcb08:30
bryce       mdetect08:30
bryce       libpixman08:30
bryce       xserver-xgl08:30
bryceprobably would be better for us to sub -swat to those08:31
tjaaltonalready is08:31
tjaaltonnot mdetect though08:31
tjaaltonlibdrm2 source is libdrm08:31
tjaaltonall the x11* are subscribed08:32
tjaaltonavivo is not in the archive anymore08:32
tjaaltonlibxcb is missing, subscribing08:33
bryceah, the reason lrm-2.6.24 is the only one listed is because the script only checks hardy and intrepid, and older lrms aren't seen by apt-cache madison08:35
brycewhen there is a lrm-2.6.25, and when it's subbed by -swat, in theory it should just show up08:36
tjaaltonbut what does it give us?-) debian doesn't have that08:36
tjaaltonand probably it won't even include any video drivers anyway08:36
brycethen if we don't sub -swat to it, we'll not see it08:37
bryceand lrm-2.6.24 will drop off when we move to intrepid+108:37
tjaaltonok.. let's wait for the split08:38
brycehmm, I'm a little mystified by fonttosfnt.  By chance did you unsub us from that recently (within the last 24 hrs?)08:39
tjaaltonand yes, mesa-utils is subscribed because there was a source package named mesa-utils. but since there are no bugs assigned to it, I'll unsub from it08:39
tjaaltonno, must've been before08:39
tjaaltonwhen it was dropped from intrepid08:39
tjaaltonit had no bugs08:40
bryceI'll regen the page and we can see where we're at08:41
brycemaybe fonttosfnt will just drop off08:41
bryceok reload08:44
brycehrm still there08:44
tjaaltonstubborn lil' bastard08:45
bryceahhh I know08:49
brycethe way the script works, I guess it's a little backwards than we'd expect08:49
brycefirst it looks at the xorg releases page and gets a list of packages from that08:49
brycethen it looks at hardy and intrepid to see if they carry any of those packages listed according to apt-cache madison, and if so, it includes them08:50
tjaaltonheh :)08:50
brycethen it also overlays additional packages listed on the -swat report 08:50
bryceso fonttosfnt gets grandfathered in since xorg still carries it, and because it's present in hardy08:51
tjaaltonok, unless it's easy to blacklist it from the script, let's live with it :)08:58
bryceif it really bugs you I can blacklist it, but it doesn't bother me (it doesn't affect the ultimate stats, and I like having the 'history' showing what we dropped)09:07
tjaaltonbryce: no it's fine14:17
mnemoi need to rebuild my X.org DRI module but autoconf says "cant find dri2proto"... what package do I need to install?20:28
jcristauthere isn't one for dri2proto yet20:31
jcristauso --disable-dri220:31
mnemoah, it's a new feature which is not used in ubuntu yet?20:32
mnemohmm, it didn't work.. seems like the driver still checked for dri2proto20:33
jcristauwhat driver is that?20:33
mnemoim trying to build i965 dri module20:33
jcristauwell you can build a package from git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/proto/x11proto-dri220:35
mnemothanks I'll give it a try20:35
mnemothat one says "make: nothing to be done"20:37
jcristauit shouldn't20:38
mnemowhen I run ./autogen.sh it creates dri2proto.pc20:39
mnemoand then exits20:39
mnemois that how it's supposed to work?20:41
jcristauit's a bunch of headers, so there's nothing to build. if you want a package, run 'dpkg-buildpackage -b'20:43
mnemoahh I see.. I've never seen such a thing before20:44
jcristaua debian package?20:44
mnemowell I've seen .deb files before but never some source code from git that was supposed to converted directly into a .deb20:45
mnemoi usually just try "./configure ; make ; make install" or maybe ./autogen.sh if it exists20:46
mnemothere is some many different instructions for different packages20:46
mnemovery hard to get started learning about these things20:46
mnemoi mean, a simple INSTALL or README file for the x11proto-dri2 would have come a long way20:47
jcristau'./autogen.sh; make; make install' would have worked20:47
mnemoah, I got stuck on "make" because it said it did nothing but I suppose that was "by design" sort of20:48
mnemoanother problem getting started contributing to x.org in ubuntu is that it's so hard to get an overview of all the packages and how they interact with each other... like what is DRI, DRM, MESA and so on.. i want to help but I get totallt confused by all these packages that depend on each other ;/20:49
jcristauwe all are20:49
bryceyeah me too20:49
mnemohaha =)20:49
jcristaui suppose i should get the dri2proto packages in debian at some point20:50
brycemnemo: I've found phoronix sometimes has really good articles explaining what the acronyms and such mean20:50
bryceit'd sure be nice to have an "X.org glossary"20:50
bryceand I definitely agree an overview document explaining how all the various gears interact would be handy20:51
bryceyou can sort of piece things together via the X.org website and wikipedia20:52
brycebut the dependencies are still confusing20:52
mnemoyeah, it's like a puzzle and just when you think you got it they invent ttm or something like that, heh20:52
bryceand just as you come to terms with ttm, they change their mind and switch to using gem20:53
bryceand then gem isn't available yet X-P20:53
jcristaui thought the problem was that nobody had come to terms with ttm, really21:02
brycejcristau: the article on phoronix about it and gem makes it sound like keithp and co. have no intent to support seeing ttm upstreamed, and prefer to wait until gem is ready to go21:05
jcristaui don't read phoronix. i read the thread on dri-devel and the article about it on lwn though21:06
brycetjaalton: I'm going to try dropping the greedy patch from -intel 2.3.1.  I *think* we no longer need it, but I'll just comment it out in case folks find it's still needed.21:06
brycetjaalton: the patch still applies and builds, so if we need it, it should be easy to switch back on21:06
jcristaubut, yeah, the intel guys don't seem too happy about ttm, hence gem21:07
brycefrom what I know of the kernel guys, it'd surprise me if they took ttm when there isn't a consensus, esp. without keithp's backing.  And if the kernel is iffy on taking it, I wouldn't imagine many driver developers putting time into it21:08
brycebut who knows; if red hat strongly favors it and is pushing hard for it... 21:09
jcristauthe only ttm user is poulsbo, afaik21:10
brycedoesn't redhat also have patches enabling it for -intel in fedora9?21:12
jcristauyeah, probably, for the modesetting stuff. but that just needs a memory manager, not necessarily ttm21:13
Q-FUNKok, I have new -nsc and -geode packages in my PPA with the GX2 support pulled back into geode and removed from nsc.23:08
tjaaltonbryce: ok, sounds fine. there's time to experiment23:18

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