
minhaajit doesnt work00:00
minhaaji am using ff200:00
minhaajdoesnt work00:00
sensaebascule: All those files exist in my home00:00
ybitcan someone help, my monitor keeps going blank every minute or so when there isn't any activity and it's annoying when you are trying to read00:00
sensaebascule: I mount my home, and then I log in and the whole system locks up00:00
brian88minhaaj: if you don't like it but sometimes the toolbar has to be enabled (but you don't want to see it), right click on the toolbar and uncheck Google Toolbar than disabling/uninstalling it00:00
basculesensae: yeah, those sockets are per-machine00:00
brian88ybit: is it screensaver or energy saving feature?00:00
minhaaji can't install any addon brian8800:01
minhaaji get an error00:01
ybitbrian88: energy00:01
sensaebascule: Well when are they created if it isn't when I log in?00:01
bascule.DCOP_ .ICE .X althose things /tmp/$USER*00:01
brian88ybit:  just adjust the feature...00:01
brian88ybit: i mean energy saving feature00:01
sensaebascule: Would it work if it's mounted before my X session starts?00:01
ybiti just turned it off.. i'll see if that works..00:01
basculeot is a madthing to do though, really00:01
brian88ybit: Click K menu > System setings > Monitor & Display > Power Saving. Adjust it there or disable it. I assume you're using Kubuntu 8.04 (KDE 3.5.9)00:03
ybitbrian88: nope, didn't work00:03
ybiti disabled it00:03
ybitactually, i'm not sure what version of ubuntu this is...00:03
ybitone sec..00:04
sensaeOkay then, I guess I'll just mount it to /media and then make symlinks00:04
sensaeHow does KDE determine what's listed in media in dolphin?00:06
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ybitfixed it... but the problem is a bug00:08
sensaeI mean system:/media00:09
ybitit's because my screensaver was set to turn on after 1 minute of no activity, however, my screensaver wasn't set to start automatically00:09
ybitiow, my screensaver was turned off but the screen would go blank according to whenever the screensaver was supposed to turn on00:10
ybitthis is a problem not only in kubuntu, i bet that's what was happening in suse00:10
* ybit just switched back to kubuntu last night00:11
BluesKajybit, to check which kubuntu version , lsb_release -a00:16
ybitick, 7.1000:17
ybitapt-get upgrade doesn't upgrade to 8.04 it seems :)00:17
ybit..so.. tips?00:17
brian__????????? my ID now brian__ ????? why how to restore it to Brian8800:19
brian__ybit: you have downloaded or shipit-requested 8.04 CD/DVD?00:19
brian__just insert the CD, i think00:19
ybitbrian__: /msg nickserv ghost brian88 <password>00:20
ybitand then /nick brian8800:20
ign0ramushey all. having trouble installing hardy in a dual-boot config.  the installer doesn't seem to have the option of resizing a partition, only "edit" or "delete"00:20
nadermanhey, now I've managed to install kubuntu on the amilo pa 2510 but wireless lan doesn't work, it appears to be an integrated chip, the chipset is amd m690v + sb600, anyone know how to get that one working?00:20
ybiti used an kde4.0 preview disk to install kubuntu00:20
nadermancan't find anything at all on that wlan chip in google00:21
nadermanso I have no idea what it really is00:21
brian__ign0ramus: I use the Wubi. It works well.00:22
sensaeHow does system:/media detect and show media?00:22
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ybitah, adept manager00:22
ybitit's upgrading to 8.04 for me00:22
greendingbathey, does anyone here know how to acsess the python channel?00:22
greendingbatit says i need to be identified00:23
ybitgreendingbat: you have to be identified to nickserv00:23
greendingbathow do i do that?00:23
brian88ybit: I use the KDE3...00:23
ybit"/msg nickserv help"00:23
brian88ybit: just insert the CD, fire up Adept (if you need, edit software sources & add the CD) and Adept will upgrade it automatically. Untested, though.00:24
ybit... steps will be "/msg nickserv register <password>" "/msg nickserv identify <password>" "/join #python"00:24
ybitbrian88: or just start adept and click 'version upgrade' :)00:24
brian88ybit: my friend told me that the CD has to be added in repo list :))00:25
greendingbati just registered my nick, and it confirmed, but now it won't let me id it00:26
greendingbatit says it's not a registered nick00:26
brian88ybit: I dunno because I install kubuntu hardy from wubi...00:26
ybitah, wubi, that's a neat project00:27
ign0ramushas anyone done a fresh install of hardy as well as an install of a previous version?  it seems Ubiquity no longer supports resizing of partitions- what happened?00:27
ybiti've an idea for something similar00:27
ybitign0ramus: what type of filesystem are you trying to resize? reiserfs resizing isn't supported very well00:28
ign0ramusybit: ntfs00:28
PhoenixGII did a install of Remix, which resized partitions, so did Ubuntu 800:28
ybitgot me there, i'm not so sure about that one00:28
brian88ign0ramus: hmm. I have ntfs, and the CD installer cannot resize :)) (CD installer is that one in Live CD - the Install icon, not Wubi)00:29
ign0ramusybit: i've done it a million times in edgy, feisty, and gutsy, and i don't know why there's no option to resize... wtf?  disc checked out- no errors00:29
PhoenixGIOh... didn't know you where talking about NTFS... no, didn't try that00:29
ign0ramusbrian88: that's weird- all previous versions of ubiquity supported partition resizing.  there should be no need for wubi...00:29
ybitign0ramus: have you tried qtparted?00:30
ign0ramusybit: i only have windows installed on the machine currently00:30
greendingbatwell, NickServ says im identified, but it still won't let me join #python00:31
ign0ramustrying to set up a dual-boot like i've done countless times before (just never with hardy)00:31
greendingbatsaying i still need to be identified00:31
ybitnot sure what program to use in windows.. but you could boot into ubuntu and apt-get qtparted and go from there00:31
brian88ign0ramus: I used Wubi, so if my Kubuntu installation get worse, I can uninstall it and install the new one. *all my data is stored in shared partition*00:31
ybitgreendingbat: have you already registered your nick?00:31
greendingbatybit: yeah, i have, and i IDed as it too00:32
ybitgreendingbat: then you'll need to ask in #freenode what's going on00:32
ign0ramusbrian88: wubi was never necessary to do any of that before. I'm wondering if there's a different version of the livecd00:32
greendingbatybit: k, thanks00:32
brian88ign0ramus: ok,thanks... or download qtparted (or gparted? which one is right?) live cd and resize etc..00:34
ign0ramusbrian88: those are linux programs. i have only a windows partition.00:35
brian88ign0ramus: It's live CD :))00:37
ign0ramusbrian88: this is an older box, and does not run the livecd very well.  I wouldn't recommend trying to resize a partition within a livecd (especially with an AMD chip)00:38
brian88ign0ramus: what spesification? I've heard a partitioning with diskette based on 1999 Unix-like OS... the name is virtual...(what? I don't remember...)00:41
brian88ign0ramus: visopsys or visovsis like that00:41
brian88ign0ramus: wait wait. I'll do a google and give the link here00:41
sensaeI've mounted an NFS share on /media/callisto - how do I get it to show up in the media section in dolphin?00:42
sensaeNevermind. It's showing up now - it was just being slow00:43
brian88oh ignoramus is gone. so the partitioning on the disk is here :http://visopsys.org/files/partlogic/partlogic-0.69-img.zip00:47
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brian88ign0ramus: http://visopsys.org/files/partlogic/partlogic-0.69-img.zip <<< partitioning on disk00:59
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ign0ramusbrian88: lemm see. thx01:00
davibroskanyone know when kde4.0.5 will be in the repos?01:00
brian88ign0ramus: what kind of old box do you have01:00
Sakuiwhat's a good CD ripper with id3 tag support?01:00
ign0ramusbrian88: ok, but that doesn't solve the mystery of why the livecd doesn't allow for resizing...01:01
brian88ign0ramus: why01:01
ign0ramusbrian88: have you installed feisty or gutsy before?01:01
brian88ign0ramus: no01:02
brian88i install on blank hdd01:02
ign0ramusbrian88: they had the ubiquity installer that allowed the easy resizing of partitions. for some reason, my hardy livecd does not support that option01:02
brian88ign0ramus: 7.10 on blank HDD, 7.04 in VirtualBox01:02
ign0ramusbrian88: i'm trying to figure out if it was the type of cd i burned, or if thats how things are in 8.0401:03
ign0ramusbrian88: i can partition in windows with Norton Partition Magic, but there shouldn't be a need for it.01:04
ign0ramusi need an "old-schoolers" help thats experienced both ways and knows what i'm talking about01:04
ign0ramusthe friggin "guided install" doesn't even allow for shrinking of partions- it only offers to overwrite the entire disk.  that doesn't make any sense01:05
brian88ign0ramus: is that KDE4 cd or KDE3? I also have old PCs (Pent. I MMX & 80286) but not with Xubuntu (too slow even with win95)01:05
brian88... be right back. okay..01:06
ign0ramusthere used to be a slider that would allow you to pick the size of the kubuntu partition...01:06
ign0ramusdoes no one know what i'm talking about?01:06
NickPrestaign0ramus, if you want to resize, you need to start gparted/qtparted from the LiveCD before you start the install01:07
NickPrestathe installer doesn't resize anymore, AFAIK01:07
ign0ramusNickPresta: see- that's what im talking about! so that's how it is now?01:07
NickPrestaign0ramus, I believe so. It was like that in Gutsy, IIRC01:08
ign0ramusNickPresta: no, gutsy definitely allowed resizing of partitions using Ubiquity01:08
NickPrestaI accidentally ended up overwriting my friend's HDD with the installer a few months ago :P01:08
ign0ramusNickPresta: :/01:08
NickPrestawe had all important data backed up though so its okay :)01:08
ign0ramusNickPresta: i thought 8.04 was going to offer this great wubi-like installer... and it just sucks.  it doesn't give you any options, other than to overwrite the entire disk01:09
NickPrestaign0ramus, I wouldn't know. I haven't used an official 8.04 release LiveCD01:09
ign0ramusNickPresta: this is my first time- i've installed feisty and gutsy from cd... otherwise, i've just been uprgading my older machines (a lot easier!)01:10
ign0ramusNickPresta: is qtparted included in the livecd? do you have any idea?01:11
NickPrestaign0ramus, some partition editing application should be. Either qtparted or gparted01:12
ign0ramusNickPresta: lame.01:12
NickPrestaign0ramus, how so?01:12
ign0ramusNickPresta: because feisty and gutsy had the "guided install" which would let you use a slider to dictate the sizes of partitions, within the installer.  now you have to use a separate app, and then use the installer?01:13
NickPrestaign0ramus, perhaps the devs thought it would be best to let the installer install and the partitioner partition. I don't know. *shrug*01:13
ign0ramusNickPresta: even the "manual" was pretty simple, and allowed for resizing.01:13
ign0ramusNickPresta: yeah, i guess.01:14
ign0ramusdoesn't make much sense to me. before it was like "do you want to dual boot or reformat?" now, it doesn't give you a choice01:14
ign0ramusi'll probably just install gutsy, and dist-upgrade...01:15
ign0ramusNickPresta: but thanks for confirming. i'm scratching my head, wondering if there was a different livecd image that i should've downloaded instead01:16
NickPrestaign0ramus, is it that big a deal that you need to use one extra step to properly install your system? If you think that installing gutsy and dist-upgrading is easier, be my guest01:16
ign0ramusNickPresta: that's how i ended up on hardy on two other machines, and had no breakage01:16
RozzaHow would i go about connecting to windows dedicated server, Like in remote desktop.01:16
ign0ramusNickPresta: i'll check out the qtparted way, just so i don't seem like and old coot :)01:17
NickPrestaign0ramus, if it makes you feel better, qparted was the application embedded into the installer (or at least function very very similarly) so you should feel right at home01:18
* mr--t says patience grasshopper01:19
NickPrestaRozza, I'm unfamiliar with your question. What do you mean?01:19
RozzaLike, In windows, There is remote desktop, And thats how i connected to my windows dedicated server, In kubuntu, How would i connect to it?01:19
NickPrestaRozza, I believe there is krdc (KDE Remote Desktop Connection)01:20
NickPresta!info krdc01:20
ubottukrdc (source: kdenetwork): Remote Desktop Connection for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 504 kB, installed size 976 kB01:20
Rozzakrdc, ok.01:20
RozzaI put the ip in, And the connect button is just blank, Like it wont let me click it01:21
nosrednaekimRozza: you may have to SSH if there is display on the server01:22
ign0ramusNickPresta: thanks man.  i'll check it out. I guess i'll never understand why they took out great functionality that was integrated in the installer, but there's other stuff to worry about ;)01:22
nosrednaekimRozza: and secondly, you have to have something on the other end to be listening01:22
nosrednaekim*is no display01:22
Rozzai dont know windows port for it..01:22
nosrednaekimRozza: you need a VNC server for Windows01:23
Rozzabut, isnt there any way to connect via the remote desktop thing01:24
PhoenixGIVNC? thought Winders use RDC01:24
nosrednaekimI don;t know...01:24
nosrednaekimPhoenixGI: they do? oh... then could you help Rozza get his set up?01:24
brian88I'm finnaly back :))01:25
PhoenixGIRozza, Do you know if your sever is even set up for RDC? if not, it won't work at all01:25
NickPrestaRozza, what are you trying to do? Share files?01:25
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: can you confirm that the hardy installer doesn't allow for resizing partitions?01:25
RozzaIm not sure...01:25
nosrednaekimign0ramus: is it a vista partition?01:25
Rozzamaybe i should go back to windows, =x01:25
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: no, xp01:25
NickPrestaRozza, what are you trying to do? Share files?01:25
Rozzaits a windows dedi, i connect to it, and do stuff..01:26
nosrednaekimign0ramus: ok, then you probably need to defrag it01:26
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: reallllly...?01:26
nosrednaekimign0ramus: thats the only reason I can think of for it failing01:26
PhoenixGIRozza, right, but you probably have to use some form controll panel to get RDC set up on it01:26
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: because right now, the installer is only allowing for a complete format01:26
nosrednaekimign0ramus: did you try "manual"?01:26
RozzaWhat is RDC01:27
PhoenixGIRozza, Remote Desktop Connection01:27
RozzaYes, I think it is set up for that01:27
NickPrestaRozza, http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdenetwork/krdc/using-krdc.html01:27
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: yup; allows for "deleting" a partition and "editing".  Editing consists of specifying filesystem type and mount point- no sizing at all.01:27
brian88K Menu > Internet > KRDC01:27
nosrednaekimign0ramus: how old is the XP install?01:27
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: maybe like 4 years, but i definitely defragged a few weeks ago01:28
nosrednaekimign0ramus: but did you do regular defragging?01:28
PhoenixGIRozza Check on that for sure... my leased server is capable of remote desktop, but I had to set up a few options before it would allow connections01:28
Rozzathat doesnt look like my KRDC01:28
nosrednaekim(4 years is old too)01:28
brian88nosrednaekim: I think, if you want to kick XP, move all data in my docs to other partition...01:28
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: not since i got a laptop about a year ago ;)01:28
brian88nosrednaekim: (my XP is 4 months old :)) )01:29
nosrednaekimign0ramus: then yeah..... defragging only works reliabley if you do it reliably... there is a point of no return at times01:29
nosrednaekimign0ramus: I'd try with qtparted though (its on the liveCD) it might be more forgiving01:29
RozzaHow do i get my KRDC to look like that....01:29
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: trying qtparted right now...01:30
nosrednaekimNickPresta: those are kde4 docs :P01:30
gorgonzolahi all.01:30
gorgonzolai have a quite possibly dum question...01:30
gorgonzoladoes anybody know how to determine which version of fglrx is included in the xorg-driver-fglrx package?01:31
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: running " qtparted " in Alt+F2 or terminal does nothing... does it go by another name?01:31
gorgonzolaor wher it would be proper to ask this?01:31
nosrednaekimRozza: here... this should work better http://docs.kde.org/kde3/en/kdenetwork/krdc/index.html01:31
nosrednaekimign0ramus: it should be somewhere in the menus01:31
NickPrestanosrednaekim, ah. thanks :)01:31
nosrednaekimign0ramus: and you have to run it as root anyway01:32
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: terminal says "qtparted is not currently installed" and i would have to enable the universe repository01:32
nosrednaekimah.... never mind then.01:32
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: this seems like a lot of extra bs01:32
Rozzawhen i scan my dedis ip01:33
Rozzait doesnt show anything open01:33
ign0ramusnosrednaekim: maybe i'll try running a defrag and try installing again01:33
NickPrestaRozza, which IP address are you using?01:33
ign0ramusthanks for everyone's help01:33
nosrednaekimign0ramus: the only time I have had a problem with resize was with a fragged disc (and vista)01:33
Rozzauh, my dedis?01:33
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ign0ramusnosrednaekim: well, i'll eventually get it figured out, and i'll have a story to tell, too ;)01:33
NickPrestaRozza, are you using a local (192.168.1.X) address or not?01:33
NickPrestaRozza, is it possible to use a local address. It is possible that your router or firewall is blocking outside ports from connection01:34
Rozzawhat do you mean local address ?01:34
Rozzavnc ?01:34
NickPrestaRozza, do you have a router?01:35
nosrednaekimRozza: local address meaning 192.168.1.x01:35
Rozzamy local addy is
mark_____I have two empty objects on my KDE4 Desktop with 'This object could not be created' inside them and no panels visible. Anyone know how to fix this?.01:35
NickPrestaRozza, what address did your router assign your server computer01:35
NickPrestamark_____, #kubuntu-kde401:35
RozzaIt says my local ip is
mark_____sorry thanks NickPresta01:35
NickPrestaRozza, then I would try connecting to your server with your local address01:36
RozzaWhat port tho01:36
NickPrestaRozza, whichever port your server is listening on. I don't know which you used01:37
PhoenixGIRozza 338901:37
PhoenixGIrozza well that's the default01:37
RozzaI just got something.. for my dedis ip, like this.
Rozzait says Authecating01:38
PhoenixGIRozza, Cool01:38
Rozzaits not asking me for anything tho01:38
RozzaConnection failed. The server does not accept new connections.01:39
NickPrestaRozza, I would say you need to fix your Windows server01:40
RozzaI cant, I cant connect01:40
* mr--t wonders why the server would have a class a address01:42
SneedlyCan someone please help me install a gamecube emulator?01:42
NickPrestaSneedly, so you can play pirated games?01:43
Sneedlyno i own the games01:43
Sneedlygame cube is shot and i cant find a wii yet01:44
ubottuFactoid gamecube not found01:44
nosrednaekimSneedly: google it01:44
NickPrestaSneedly, http://www.tuxemu.se.nu/01:44
NickPrestaSneedly, you need the dev packages for libsdl and libsdl-image01:45
alexbobpI keep finding my key repeat off.  Is there some keyboard combination that causes this?01:45
SneedlyNickPresta: I can find them in the package manager01:46
SneedlyNickPresta: ?01:46
brian88alexbobp: what do you mean? what repeat key???01:46
NickPrestaSneedly, the dev packages are in the repos, yep01:46
alexbobpbrian88: keyboard repeat.  As in, I hold down the spacebar and it only makes one space.01:46
alexbobpI can fix it from the control panel, but I should only have to do that once per ever...01:46
alexbobpnot daily01:47
nosrednaekimalexbobp: holding down shift for a long time can do that01:47
nosrednaekimalexbobp: deactivate slow keys01:47
alexbobpnosrednaekim: slow keys looks like it's off01:47
SneedlyNickPresta: debian - all alsa?01:48
tkonhi, i've installed kubuntu 8.01 kde4 remix from the alternate cd01:49
tkoni chose "encrypted filesystems" on install01:49
NickPrestaSneedly, libsdl1.2-dev and libsdl-image1.2-dev01:49
tkonit appears this doesn't work, as i see a few errors about volid not found on boot, and it doesn't look like my filesystem is encrypted01:50
alexbobpnosrednaekim: is there any chance x11vnc would do this?01:51
tkondoes the main kde4/8.01 kubuntu support encrypted filesystems on install?01:51
tkoni haven't found an answer to this on the faq nor forums01:51
tkonmaybe i mean 8.0401:52
PhoenixGItkon,  might check on #kubuntu-kde4 granted some of the people from that channel are here also.01:53
Sneedlyok now another open question.  Whats the easiest way to burn dvds?01:53
Sneedly  I just jumped on the linux boat so I am out of my element.  It seems like im moving at 1/4 speed01:53
tkonactually, i think i just found my answer on the announcement, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/8.04-release.php01:54
tkonit's only on the alternate01:54
ubottuFactoid nspluginviewer not found01:54
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=== solo is now known as Shiver2365
Shiver2365QUESTION: Ive pluged ear phones into my sound card and they arent loud at all.. used the mixer to turn it all the way up and still not enuff... is there a progie to boost it more??02:01
biovoreShiver2365: you do both Master and PCM ?02:03
roconnorHow come dolphin opens a file when I single click on it?  Isn't that kinda broken?02:04
biovoreI think you can set it to work like windows where you use double click.02:05
roconnorbiovore: I figured, but I couldn't figure out how after a quick glance02:05
WindowsKaboomhey can someone help me with getting a mount changed so my main drive that is 80 gigs can storage my stuff while the slave drive is just for storage02:06
roconnorbiovore: or how do you highlight a file to see it's preview without single clicking on it.02:06
alexbobpRozza: go to settings, desktop, behavior02:06
Sneedlyis there a way to make konqueror not have errors over and over02:06
WindowsKaboomSneedly: Update02:07
roconnoralexbobp: ah, my desktop is the same02:07
biovoreI don't see one.. I am thinking of konqueror02:07
alexbobproconnor: did that help?02:08
WindowsKaboomis there anyone that can help me mount my slave drive to /home/disk202:08
roconnoralexbobp: nope, none of the settings look like they affect this.02:08
alexbobpWindowsKaboom: go to settings, advanced, disk and filesystems02:08
Rozza(11:06:28:am) <alexbobp> Rozza: go to settings, desktop, behavior02:08
RozzaThere is only Desktop Effects02:08
SneedlyWindowsKaboom: where is that?02:09
cyluxCould someone that is running kubuntu in here pastebin the output of '02:09
cyluxapt-get -v for me?02:09
alexbobpRozza, roconnor: Desktop, in look and feel, not window behavior02:09
alexbobpRozza, roconnor: the behavior tab in desktop should have it02:09
roconnorRozza, alexbobp: settings -> keybord & mouse -> mouse -> Icons seems promising02:10
RozzaThere is only Desktop Effects/?02:10
alexbobpcylux: http://pastebin.com/m2e884f8c02:10
cyluxThanks =]02:10
WindowsKaboomidk right now i have it running gnome bc kde wont give me wpa for my wifi here but the slave drive is /media/disk when i think its also under /dev/sdb102:10
cyluxalexbobp: And you're running kubuntu, yes02:10
RozzaTheres no keyboard & mouse02:10
alexbobproconnor: I don't see Icons in Mouse.  Are you using gnome?02:11
SneedlyAnyone know a good guide for twin view02:11
alexbobpcylux: yes02:11
cyluxalexbobp: Thank you so much, friend.02:11
roconnoralexbobp: a oops, I'm using KDE.  Does gnome use Dolphin too?02:11
WindowsKaboomdont think so02:11
roconnoralexbobp: wait, this is #kubuntu. :D02:11
alexbobproconnor: not by default... are you in the kubuntu management thingy?02:11
WindowsKaboomthere isnt much help in #ubuntu right now02:12
roconnoralexbobp: I went to system settings02:12
alexbobproconnor: the second icon in Look & Feel is Desktop, right?02:12
roconnoralexbobp: then to keyboard & mouse02:12
roconnoralexbobp: and then to mouse02:12
alexbobproconnor: why are you going to keyboard and mouse?  aren't you looking for it to make you double-click icons?02:13
roconnoralexbobp: and then in the Icon box there was the setting02:13
roconnoralexbobp: I switched it from Single-click to Double-click there02:13
alexbobpoh, I see.02:13
roconnoralexbobp: and now things works like windows02:13
alexbobpoh, you're right, the setting I was looking at was behavior for clicking the taskbar.  I'm sorry02:13
roconnoralexbobp: it wasn't a dophin specific thing, no wonder I couldn't find an option.02:14
alexbobpright, it's recognized by other programs like konqueror.02:15
alexbobpby the way, is dolphin in any way at all better than konq?02:15
roconnoralexbobp: I have no option. Dolphin was used by default on whatever version of kubuntu I'm currently using.02:16
biovoreI don't think it is..02:16
roconnorI have no opinion02:16
roconnorI do have an option :P02:16
alexbobpheh, I was about to say...02:16
MachinTrucChoseHi. Can someone recommend a video player that will let me advance frame by frame (like Media Player Classic or VirtualDub on Windows) ?02:16
biovoreits the priod key02:16
biovoreor kmplayer (graphics font end)02:17
MachinTrucChoseOK, I'll try that.02:17
ubottuFactoid homenetwork not found02:17
Sneedly!home network02:17
ubottuFactoid home network not found02:17
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:17
ubottuFactoid workgroup not found02:18
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:18
MachinTrucChosebiovore: you sure kmplayer has the same shortcuts? Period is doing nothing.02:20
biovorefairly sure..  Make sure its using mplayer and not xine as the backend02:21
biovoreelse you can run mplayer from the command line02:21
biovoreI know that works02:21
MachinTrucChosethat did, yes. Thank you.02:21
MachinTrucChoseso mplayer, xine, etc, they're different "engines" for video playback?02:21
biovoreI like mplayer for most things and xine for dvd playback02:23
biovoremplayer also has a helper program call mencoder that can do ripping and transcoding02:23
MachinTrucChosewhich of the two is better/faster?02:24
biovoreat what?02:25
MachinTrucChosedecoding videos02:25
biovorethere about the same02:26
biovoreI like mplayer better.. Can handle some windows codecs02:26
biovorebut I think all the common codecs are handled well by both..  There is also VLC, does a good job as well.02:26
MachinTrucChoseyeah I know about VLC. Good old reliable VLC, but it's more of a "Plan B" sort of player, the interface just blows.02:27
biovoreVLC will do intressting things like network video streaming and such..02:27
biovoremplayer and xine are just backends02:27
biovoreso kaffine and tottem are xine front ends02:27
biovoresmplayer kmplayer gmplayer are mplayer front ends02:28
biovoreI use Mplayer almost exclusivly here02:28
MachinTrucChosewell, thanks for the help. I gotta go get started. Cheers.02:29
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:32
ubottukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts02:33
solo__biovore: turned up PCM and Master... still not loud enuff02:33
nonewmsgsi want to use joy2key but it wants to use a gamepad in /dev/js0 while kubuntu and ubuntu use /dev/input/js0 kcontrol shows it working perfectly.  i have tried passing /dev/input/js0 as a parameter but it doesn't do much02:37
brian88hi all. how to enable window animations in kubuntu02:38
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:38
NickPrestabrian88, what do you mean window animations? Like Compiz-fusion?02:38
nonewmsgsbrian88: select the k button then system settings (near the bottom) and then appearance02:39
NickPrestaHe is gone02:39
nonewmsgspeople come and go so quickly02:39
iCEiferanyone know how to make the konsole autocomplete using tab like it does outside of kde?03:00
Sakuianyone use tapioca?03:13
* mr--t sees frybye and says hey03:15
frybyeHi all - Hi mr--t03:15
frybyeWe installed a canons450 Printer here yesterday evning but now when I try to print something the job lands in the spool but doesent get printed. Strangely enough on re-booting it gets printed before I login while the login window is on the screen - when I am logged in the printer again does not work. Any ideas??03:17
frybyemr--t: you got any idea how to go about fixing this printer problem...?03:20
frybyeIn systems|printer in the gui - when clicking on Printer - a window opens with name "local host" with some settings but at the bottom two buttons apply and revert which both cant actually be clicked - they are inactive...?03:21
FroodooVoodooscroll up, aria said something and got banned. o.o03:21
mr--tfrybye:  no03:22
frybyeok pal - np - perhaps somebody else has a clue on fixing this printer thing...?03:22
nosrednaekimfrybye: wow... thats wierd03:22
nonewmsgsi want to use qjoypad but it says it is missing dependency libqt3c102-mt  i have tried to find that library but google's posts are all from breazy badger :/03:22
mr--tfrybye: maybe you don't have print permissions??03:24
nosrednaekimnonewmsgs: try libqt3-mt03:24
Daisuke_Idononewmsgs: are you installing it from the repos?03:24
frybyemr--t: tell me please how to check??03:24
frybyeI am trying to lean all this stuff but the curve is steep - at least at the start... sorry...03:25
nonewmsgsno, none of these are from repos.  the only thing repos have is joy2key and don't even have the frontend03:26
mr--they i'm still pretty noob myself03:26
nosrednaekimlater guys....03:26
frybyemr--t: I think you might well be right - but how do I check/change the print permissions...??03:26
mr--ti just figured that it had something to do with the logon03:27
nosrednaekim good luck frybye <_<03:27
FroodooVoodoojames wheres gabriel?03:27
frybyebye nosrednaekim03:27
nonewmsgslibqt3-mt is already the newest version03:27
Daisuke_Idononewmsgs: got a better solution for you :)03:28
Daisuke_Ido!info joy2key03:28
ubottujoy2key (source: joy2key): Translate joystick movements into equivalent keystrokes. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-7 (hardy), package size 19 kB, installed size 88 kB03:28
nonewmsgsDaisuke_Ido: i already have joy2key.  it has limitations like only wanting to work in one window and i can't even find it's config file03:29
Daisuke_Idoi didn't see you mention that :\03:29
nonewmsgsDaisuke_Ido:  thanks for the suggestion thuogh :)03:30
Zyklon-Bhi guys, I use Kubuntu 8.04, do you also have problem with kdmtheme manager?03:30
mr--tfrybye in settings ,printer ,access control tab03:30
mariantengo un problema03:31
frybyein the system - printer - a localhost window opens which has two buttons down the bottom that dont work and that is all...03:31
ubottuFactoid sp not found03:31
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:31
frybyehang on...03:31
frybyeI have found in system-settings something...03:31
marianok gracias03:31
mr--tde nada03:32
frybyeit says - no user limitations - and under user - it says all users are allowed...03:32
frybyeprintsystem cups...03:33
mr--tfrybye: maybe its not related to the login but to the reboot03:34
frybyemr--t: but this is just at the gui-level heheh03:34
mr--tfrybye: did you go to settings03:35
frybyemr--t: yeah sure..03:35
frybyeand the settings where like I just said - all users and no restrictions..03:35
mr--tdid you see an access tab03:35
frybyein the gui i mean..03:35
frybyethat was in system-settings-printer - but under system-printer there is a problem some strange window with "localhost" that is not working apparently...03:36
mr--tsettings not system right03:36
frybyeright now i am in settings - systemsettings...03:37
frybyebut as a normal user just now - should i switch to admin??03:37
mr--tsettings printing printerconfigurations03:38
frybyefrom the system-admin access to the printer settings I can send a test page - it says sent succesfully and is in the spool but the printer does nothing...03:39
frybyeyeah that is where i am - as systemadministrator now...03:39
frybyeand it -seems- to be all ok but nothing actually happens with the printer...03:39
frybyestuff goes in the waiting list but then no further...03:39
mr--tand then prints when you reboot?03:40
FroodooVoodoohelpy: u need to go to session management, u on kde3 or 4?03:40
frybyemr-t you know your way around the consul??? yes it prints the stuff in the spool when waiting for me to login...03:40
FroodooVoodooand from cli?03:40
AshexHow does one modify the system permissions03:41
Ashexe.g remove password prompt from mounting portable device03:41
frybyemr-t if you would like to have a run at this problem on the level of the consul - I could give you a ssh session???03:41
livingxsacrificeis kde4 really that big of a deal?03:41
mr--tnono not me03:41
frybyebut is first time i have done so would be a bit of a struggel perhaps - the thing was setup yesterday so dosent have to be installed...03:42
mr--tyou need a big dog03:42
frybyeok mr--t good that you are honest about it...03:42
mr--tworked ok yesterday?03:42
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:43
frybyewell we did not get to test it right at the end of the session with this pal of mine - he is a system engineer and knows his stuff - but we both got real tired and sorta abandoned the session in the end..03:43
frybyehe was warning me that the printer might not work when he went out the door...03:44
frybyeI will have to get him to do a ssh session this afternoon... no big deal... heheh03:44
wordwoo it's always nice to start and not have plasma crash >.>03:44
ads_hi why is it when im logged in remotely to my server via ssh issuing "shutdown -P now" reboots instead of powers off???03:46
ads_also when im using gnome my keyboard is set to uk but the key maps are clearly us..  how can i change this?03:47
FroodooVoodooinvoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed.03:47
_2i don't seem to be able to play copy protected dvds    (dapper)    the ones without the bad spots work fine though.    ?03:54
jsheweyhaving trouble: in a kdm login loop. Logging in takes me to... drumroll... the KDM LOGIN SCREEN! any suggestions?03:55
_2jshewey drop to a console  login own your home and try again03:55
jsheweyI can log in to console just fine.03:56
jsheweyI can also killall kdm and then run startx and get wm03:56
bbeckHey, I just wanted to thank whomever is in charge of kde 4.1 packaging.  I got an awesome desktop in minutes no fuss no muss.  Thanks.  BTW:  If there's anyone here that hasn't installed it I highly recommend it.03:56
jsheweySo there is no problem with x itself.03:56
_2jshewey so own your home and try it03:56
_2there is no problem with X or you wouldn't get to kdm login piriod03:57
_2the problem is in your user account.    probably ownership of some file   .xinitrc maybe   maybe an .*Auth* file... anyway   you probably ran konqueror as root via sudo or something.03:58
_2it never a bad idea to own your home.    sudo chown $USER $HOME -R03:59
_2jshewey if by some means that doesn't fix it.   try selecting a different session in kdm    even if it's the same (kde) session.  it gives kdm a chance to overwrite your .dmrc ..... he's gone..04:01
tony_anyone using 4.1 beta?04:02
tony_kde, that is04:02
_2probably in the kde4 channel04:02
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde404:03
PhoenixGIOnly at 4.0.4 myself tony04:03
jsheweychown -R jshewey /home/jdshewey and chmod -R u+rw /home/jshewey. Still stuck in longin loop04:03
_2jshewey if by some means that doesn't fix it.   try selecting a different session in kdm    even if it's the same (kde) session.  it gives kdm a chance to overwrite your .dmrc ..... he's gone..  <<<  i was saying.04:04
WoxdeeWhen I install (8.04) on a harddrive with bad blocks (143 of them, according to the scan), will the installer automatically detect and avoid the bad blocks during the filesystem formatting?04:06
jsheweyThat got it. Thanks for your excellent help #2.04:06
_2welcome jshewey04:06
jsheweyminime says hello.04:06
_2heh and that's base two not number two     he called me sh*t04:07
mr--tWoxdee: it should04:08
_2Woxdee have you considered zero'ing the disk or partition first to see if they are physically bad or just corrupted  ?04:09
jsheweyWell in that case, minime says 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 0110111104:10
Woxdee_2: I zeroed them just before I did the last scan.04:13
=== les is now known as ieatcereal
WoxdeeIt found 143 before the zero, and 143 after.  Also did two or three write-mode scans with the 'badblocks' command, and as I recall it reported the same number.04:13
_2jshewey tell minime 0x68 0x65 0x6C 0x6C 0x6F for me.04:14
nonewmsgsis anyone familiar with joy2key04:15
Woxdee_2: If the reports are consistent between the different scans and before and after the zero, I've pretty much mapped them out as far as is possible, right?04:15
_2Woxdee then they are physical defects i guess.   i have only had one hdd that actually had bad sectors on it...04:16
WoxdeeYeah, it's giving smart complaints on every boot and apparently had a rough time before it came to me.04:16
WoxdeeBut it's the only drive I have for that box, so it'll just have to do.04:16
_2so i naturally assume that most reports about bad blocks are wrong.     and yes if SMART is griping about it.  it's not good.04:17
sebrech, i have some hal/dbus problem when i plug in the ipod: dbus.error.accessdenied04:17
jsheweyWoxdee: if smart is complaining, you should take it seriously. Don't put any important data on it and I would also low level format it before using it seriously.04:18
* _2 remember the good old days when a "low level format" of the hdd would even change the actual size of the disk. "made a 32m out of a 20m hdd one time....04:18
* mr--t says peace out04:18
sebractually, turns out i can't mount anything04:19
Woxdeeoh, hell no.  It's a low-priority "work" (joink around) laptop, just put in a drive so I won't have to run it from liveboot all the time.  As for storing, I really don't plan to depend on it.04:19
jsheweyYeah, but it's also a lot harder to damage disks these days too.04:19
Woxdeedd-zero = low-level format, ya?04:20
jsheweyI simply recommend the low level format as I have recoverd a few drives that way.04:20
_2sebr can you sudo ?04:20
WoxdeeI mean, as low as you get without being the factory that made it.04:20
jsheweyHad a drive I couldn't properly partition once, and that cured what ailed it.04:20
sebr_2: yep04:20
_2Woxdee no.04:20
_2sebr can root then mount  things ?04:20
sebrmanually, yes04:20
sebri can mount them using pmount also04:20
sebri meant using kde's media manager04:21
_2sebr k just gathering info to see if i might be able to help with that.04:21
Woxdee_2: How do I do it, then?04:21
_2Woxdee it was a bios option.  not in any modern bios that i know of though.    and there were even "DOS" programs that could do it from a floppy boot.04:22
_2Woxdee not likely to heppen today.04:22
Woxdeeah, yeah, 'swhat I thought.04:22
WoxdeePeople keep calling a zero-write 'low level format' here and there, wasn't sure which was referred to now.04:23
Woxdeemeh, sometimes I wish they'd start pulling a standard and sell hardware that could to it to modern drives.04:23
jsheweyRandom question, Is it possible to bind a virtual session (xen, vmware, qemu, etc) to a workspace, so that, for instance the left workspace would be linux, and the right one would be windows?04:23
jsheweyOr must you run in a window?04:24
_2no i meant the real "low level format"  but it was only a passing and off topic trip down memory lane04:24
jsheweyWoxdee: there are two types of formats. One writes 0s to the mft table, while the other one writes 0s to the ENTIRE DRIVE. a low level format writes zeros to the ENTIRE DRIVE04:25
_2jshewey ummm in full screen mode qemu maybe  but i'm not much of a GUI user so wouldn't know the exacts on that04:25
dsmith_woxdee: spinrite and dareks boot-nuke04:26
_2jshewey "level format writes zeros to the ENTIRE DRIVE"   not exactly.   it does blank the drive but it also sets the disk parameters04:26
WoxdeeWhat difference does it make if I pull that instead of just a dd if=/dev/zero ?04:26
_2you don't write the disk parameters with dd you only affect the data storage04:27
_2even mbr is data storage04:27
_2mbr partition table fats superblocks are all data storage and dd can affect all of that  but you would have to dd to the drive controler to change the media access mode  i.e. change adjust sector size number of cylenders ...04:29
WoxdeeBut as far as stored data and the filesystem goes, a dd zero will do the same, ya?04:31
_2low level format literally tells the drive who and what it is.  as well as zeroing the data storage and setting bounderies on the storage area04:31
tomas1986hey all what other desktop things are there i know KDE GNOME04:32
_2Woxdee yes   something like   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda  will "blank"  or "zero" the disk.  but all it's low level info is untuched.04:32
_2tomas1986 xfce4 icewm blackbox twm fluxbox enlightenment window-maker  and more...04:33
=== kal is now known as kalenedrael
tomas1986where can i get a list of them04:33
_2package manager04:33
_2search for "desktop environments"04:34
_2or "window manager"  too04:34
ubottuFactoid window-managers not found04:35
frybyehi - I appartently have modules lying around from a third party application - the local phone book cd installatoin went very wrong a couple of days ago.. anybody wanna try help to fix this?04:35
_2frybye how did you "install" it ?04:36
frybyefrom a script on the cd...04:36
_2no i'll pass.04:37
_2look for another script on the cd to remove it.  or a switch in that script to do so.04:37
frybyesomebody else...??04:37
frybyesh .. ok..04:37
tony_can someone tell me why my font spacing looks like crap? http://img394.imageshack.us/img394/4239/snapshot1sk8.png04:37
PhoenixGI_2 hehe not in the mood to debug someone elses scripts today :)04:38
_2tony_ kde4.1 ?04:38
_2PhoenixGI not really.04:38
ieatcereali feel lazy running kubuntu after compiling progs from source in slackware....lol04:39
tony__2, no, was just using the KDE4 ksnapshot. on 3.5.9 now04:39
ieatcerealthis is by far the easiest set up of linux04:39
_2ieatcereal pretty much.  yeah.04:39
tony_ieatcereal, actually, less compile time equals more productivity04:40
_2tony_ umm the mixture of 3.5.9 and 4.1 wouldn't have something to do with it would it ?04:40
ieatcerealtony_: i can't deal with not spending hours or weeks on getting my distro perfect.....this twenty minute set up almost pisses me off lol04:40
ieatcerealif that makes since to the hard cores04:40
ieatcerealbut i like it :)04:41
_2ieatcereal you speak too soon.   remember that "default is only the first step on the very long road to right"04:41
tony__2, no, i just can't get my fonts to look pleasing to me04:41
frybye<_2> where are programmes normally installed when comming from a cd...?04:41
ieatcerealnow...bash,zsh, or tcsh?04:42
_2frybye that's the problem  they could be anywhere in /usr/ ~/ and /var/    so "good luck"04:42
frybye in user/share/apps or ..04:42
_2frybye and most probably have some files in /etc/ as well.04:42
tony_ieatcereal, i understand. seeing a program being born or compiled is a pleasing experience but gets quite old after a while04:42
ieatcerealtony_: i agree...just not used to it yet lol especially after running freebsd for a year04:43
_2frybye if you look into the script it might reviel a path   if not, if it unpacks an archive the path in the archive is a good clue.04:43
frybyeok - w04:44
frybyeok _204:44
_2frybye grep '/' /path/to/script.sh04:44
frybyewhat does grep do???04:45
_2note: it's just good habit to quote search paterns to protect them from shell expantion.  not really needed on / but just good habit.04:45
_2man grep04:45
frybyeI have the script on the cd iteself just now...04:45
_2so mount the cd and grep for / in the script04:46
_2man mount04:46
* _2 hides.04:46
frybyejeez... hang on..04:46
_2the learning curve is just a little high for frybye today...04:46
_2PhoenixGI   ^04:47
frybyereading man mount would be good if I had the slightest clue what all the stuff in there was about... please dont underestimate my ignorance of all this linux stuff.. ;(04:48
frybyejust understanding the terminology would be cool....04:49
frybye<_2> do you have a bit of time/nerves..04:49
_2frybye just reading the "description" in the man pages is advised.  you can always revisit them to find specific switches when needed.    <<< helps with "understanding the terminology"  reading the descriptions of the commands04:49
_2!enter | _204:50
PhoenixGI_2 I can relate, this is like my 5th attempt at a non-windows OS.... hehe got it beat this time, using a seperate computer for this try04:50
frybyeI wanted to set up a ssh session for somebody to help me with this - but that means I need a user account for them going into the user account managment brings up a faut report about this orphaned module that has to be removed first.. = classical catch 2204:51
_2PhoenixGI heh  yeah.  it helps to have linux only on a box   your not tempted to just boot the familear os that way.04:51
joel_im using kde with compiz installed, when compiz is enabled, the taskbar is not cleared when i switch workspaces.. how do i correct this?04:51
frybyenot understanding the descriptions and the words mentioned in the descriptions is what I meant.. never mind...04:51
frybyeI hope this pal of mine that was here yesterday - who is a system engineer can find time later today..04:52
PhoenixGI_2 well plus I don't have to worry about what I doing to the system, I killed windows a few times by improperly mounting the drive in04:52
frybyeone feels so helpless onself though...04:52
_2frybye cli command:   sudo adduser blah     # where blah is the user name.04:52
PhoenixGI_2 Not to mention the time I crushed grub in some way or fashion and could get the puter to boot to any OS04:53
frybyeah good - so would you like to have a shot at this via a ssh session???04:53
_2PhoenixGI heh that too  ;/04:53
PhoenixGIJoel_ there's a option ... gerr forgot it now04:53
PhoenixGIJoel_ Taskbar settings show only tasks from the current desktop?04:54
_2frybye no.  because to do any good there i'd have to have sudoers rights (root access) and that would mean i could own your box. or toast it if i got tired of messing with it...   the temptations are just to high....04:54
RozzaHow would i go about listening to live streams, like .asx files/.pls files04:54
ubottuFactoid streaming not found04:55
ubottuFactoid streams not found04:55
PhoenixGI!restricted formate04:55
ubottuPhoenixGI: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:55
PhoenixGI!restricted formats04:55
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:55
_2ok i'll quit fishing.04:55
Rozzano one knows?04:55
PhoenixGIDing got it04:55
_2Rozza yes many do.  just not me.04:56
_2Rozza ask in #ubuntu if no one in here answers.04:56
Rozzaanyone wanna help me? >_>04:56
frybye<_2> it is asking me to enter a name for the new user.. can use anything or .. john doe for instance..04:56
frybyeJohn Doe04:57
_2even things like   user name = name    password = password   will work   but they are very insecure, hackers love people like that.04:57
joel_can anyone tell me where do I configure viewports on kubuntu?04:58
frybyehere it is not about the user name it is for an entery for the -real name of the user...04:58
frybyeanyhow.. dont matter much if you are not going to ssh....04:58
_2frybye yes.  and that can even be blank04:58
_2frybye heh someone else might want to own your box, er i mean help you.04:59
frybye<_2 I understand what you are saying pal ..05:00
frybyeI will probably better wait for this eng pal o mine to be avail this afternoon...05:00
_2that i'm lazy ?05:00
brewmasteranybody know anything about hardware?  my sound copped out after installing the nvidia drivers... i have a gigabyte ga-ep35-ds3l mb05:00
frybyeno - that I need to be carefull about giving root access to *.* folks on the irc...05:00
Rozzahow do i start totem05:00
_2frybye really. in all honesty.  if you don't know a person well enough to trust them to hold your credit cards and id's   then don't let them ssh into your computer either.05:01
frybyeof course you are right -205:01
PhoenixGI_2 theres some sage advice05:02
_2even non-root access is not a good idea if you have any kind of sensitive data on the entire computer.  even other os's05:02
frybyeon the other hand the biggest danger for this particular pc is probably the bio-mass above the keyboard right now heheheh05:02
_2there is an acronym for that frybye "pebkac"05:03
frybyewhat is the acronym expanded???05:03
_2problem exists between keyboard and chair05:03
PhoenixGIProbem exists between the keybard and the chair05:03
PhoenixGIDang Not fast enough typer05:03
_2you can google it.  it's been around a long time.05:04
_2i think it's even on wikipidia05:04
_2there is a variation pebcak   same thing just said a little differently.05:05
PhoenixGI_2 got to mix it up on occasion so the users don't catch on :)05:06
_2PhoenixGI :)05:06
_2L  users ?05:06
PhoenixGI_2 hehe <whistles inocently>05:07
_2PhoenixGI :)05:07
PhoenixGI_2 course I can't say to much, I've still have a lot to learn about linux and all that05:07
_2i don't know.  i think this compiled nick gives me a bad attitude...05:08
_2i normally don't talk like that.05:08
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PhoenixGI_2 Same here... Oddly enough I'm the office trainer... can't do that job well, if you don't truly care05:09
Agent_bobyeah.   never give a sham-poo.   if you're gonna give a poo, give a real poo05:10
Brian88hi. I have problem with Restricted Driver for my NVidia Riva TNT2, it makes Kubuntu freeze after 5 minutes of using and finally I disabled it, why and howto fix it05:11
Agent_bobBrian88 riva ummm you need the legacy driver for that don't you ?05:12
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:13
Agent_bobmaybe that link might help ^05:13
Agent_bobmaybe ?05:13
Brian88When I open Hardware Drivers Manager there are : [-] Device Driver  |_ NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (legacy cards)05:13
Agent_bobmy riva is not even supported, so i'm not the one to advise on this.05:14
Agent_bobi have riva128  too old for the legacy driver.05:14
alebocohi guys, after the last upgrade, resume doesn't work anymore on my atiX700, i'm using fglrx. thanks for any help05:15
Agent_bobheh but as soon as i got this box i saw it had an ati, so i jerked it and put the old nv in it's place  ;/05:15
Agent_bobanyone ?                                                                                                                                                                         aleboco and Brian88 need help with vid issues!   and i'm went.05:17
Sakuitry me.05:17
Sakuinevermind i guess ;P05:18
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Invisible_SlackDoes Ubuntu Support Raid installs?05:20
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RozzaHow do i install apache + php + mysql?05:24
Rozzausing apt-get ?05:24
flaccid!lamp | Rozza05:26
ubottuRozza: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:26
Brian88!lamp | me05:27
ubottume: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:27
Brian88!kde | Brian8805:27
flaccida big repeat joy05:27
Invisible_SlackDoes Kubuntu support Raid Install?05:28
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:28
dennis_p!ssh server05:42
ubottuFactoid ssh server not found05:42
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/05:42
flacciddennis_p: the pkg you want is openssh-server05:47
dennis_phow can i see the nat ip? i don´t need ssh to outside lan.05:57
flacciddenism_: what do you mean, that doesn't make sense mate05:58
dennis_phow can i see the nat router ip? i don´t need ssh to outside lan.05:58
flacciddennis_p: netstat -r05:58
RozzaGuys, When i put e107 on my apache webserver, in firefox, It askes me to download a PHTML file, What do i do so it views the php file in my webbrowser05:58
flaccidif you are talking on the client. as in their gateway which does the nat in i assume05:58
flaccidRozza: you probably need to set .phtml in DirectoryIndex05:59
flaccide107, ouch:p05:59
RozzaWhats that mean?05:59
flaccidwhats what mean06:00
Rozza(14:59:18:pm) <flaccid> Rozza: you probably need to set .phtml in DirectoryIndex06:00
RozzaWhat do i have to do.?06:00
Rozzai dont understand it..06:00
flaccidwell thats just a guess it could be many things. DirectoryIndex is the file it lookds for in indexes eg. when no file specified  like / or /something/06:01
flaccidyou should learn Apache06:01
flaccidso you can set things up properly. did you read the e107 documentation as well?06:01
RozzaI still dont get it06:02
flaccidwell i guess not everyone can understand everything06:03
flaccidi assume you read and followed http://wiki.e107.org/?title=HOWTO:Install_e107 exactly?06:04
flaccidRozza: so you just installed apache and php and mysql. and you can confirm php is working?06:07
josefguys i have a qstoin i like to install xcfe how to i write it in apt-get06:08
flaccidjosef: sudo apt-get install xfce06:08
flaccid!xfce | josef06:08
ubottujosef: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels06:08
flaccidoops ^^ xubuntu-desktop is the pkg06:09
josefoooh thanx flaccid06:09
josefthnx alot06:09
flaccidRozza: i'll install it on my server so i can see what the problem is. the e107 doco doesn't mention directoryindex06:09
flaccidnp josef06:09
Rozzaok, going to try it with my ip now, not localhost06:10
flaccidif you want. check the http headers to see mimetype06:10
RozzaI hate my router now06:10
Rozzabrb router reboot06:12
dennis_pFor SSH configuration I was looking for the file /etc/hosts.allow06:14
flacciddennis_p: it should be there. this guy has an ok article on that kind of securing stuff http://www.samlesher.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-704-protect-your-ssh-server/06:16
dennis_pthanks i read http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/8706:17
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flaccidi gtg restart, but i'll be back in 5 mins06:19
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rickeymy adept manger has froozen up06:32
flaccidRozza: be with you in a second06:33
rickeywhat is the command to unfrezes  it06:33
flaccidmaybe killall adept_manager06:34
rickeymy adept manager has locked up06:35
rickey i need to unlock  it06:35
flaccidyes you just said that :)06:35
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »06:35
rickeythat command didnt work06:39
Jucato!nvidia > blauzahl-laptop_06:40
dennis_pdo you want to kill the (front end) manager application with [ctrl]+[alt]+[esc]06:41
rickeynow i am running 7.1006:43
dennis_pthen click it with the cross that appears :-)06:43
djdarkman_hello, after a strange kernel update I switched from the default debian font rendering, to something that looks better to me, how can I do it again?06:48
minhaajupdating kernel ?06:49
rickeymaybe we got are wires crossed , i was updateing  ,something went wrong with it and it ended wen i tryed to open adept manger back up , it wont open06:50
djdarkman_yes minhaaj06:50
djdarkman_rickey: yes but I continued the process trough the terminal06:50
djdarkman_where it asked me a lot of stuff06:50
minhaajrickey restart ctlr+alt+backspace06:51
rickeywell what i need to do is to get into adept manger06:51
minhaajwhat do you want to install ?06:51
djdarkman_and btw there was an option to make fonts better for LCDs too06:51
rickeybut a error comes up and wont open06:51
minhaajsudo apt-get install packagename06:51
minhaajwhat error ?06:51
minhaajdjdarkman_:  i have no idea06:52
dennis_prickey: the you should start konsole and use apt-get06:52
dennis_prickey: then you should start konsole and use apt-get06:52
dennis_po noes somebody pressed ctlr+alt+backspace06:54
dennis_pyes, ctlr+alt+backspace doesn help much does it06:55
rickeysudo apt-get  didnt work06:55
holymooany wordon 4.1 beta making it to your friendly neighbourhood repo?06:56
dennis_pwell there are endless thing you can add after apt-get to clean and fix stuff06:57
rickeydenis how do i just reset it06:57
flaccidholymoo: #kubuntu-kde406:58
Jucato[13:25] <nixternal> Jucato: yakuake is 2.9.3 :)07:00
Jucato[13:26] <nixternal> and yakuake has been 2.9.2 since yesterday07:00
Jucatoflaccid: ^^^^07:00
rickeyhow do you unlock adept mangerwen it say  sommmmething elas is uuseing it07:01
Jucato!aptfix | rickey07:01
ubotturickey: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »07:01
Jucatothat one07:01
flaccidyep thanks Jucato and nixternal its working now, had to reload..07:02
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dennis_ponly one app can use the apt-get database you must close or kill others07:03
tony_Adept updater asked if i wanted the new version of grub and gave an option to start a new shell to examine the situation, so that's what i did. But it's right in my Adept update and won't continue? what do i type?07:04
Brian88Where can I download vista transformation pack for KUBUNTU07:04
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:05
ubottuFactoid nopatience not found07:05
flaccidBrian88: did you try google search first?07:05
tony_anyone? it just got done with a huge update07:06
Brian88flaccid: only for GNOME. Google don't give me results for KDE :))07:06
flaccidtony_: you could go to konsole and sudo apt-get uprade07:06
flaccidBrian88: well i dont know what that pack is and whether its for gnome, kde or ubuntu in general..07:07
flaccidlooks like for gnome, so not applicable07:07
tony_flaccic, someone already told me to type exit. i feel stupid now07:07
flaccidoh rightio cool07:07
Brian88it says for ubuntu but the link is gnome-look.org : http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2007/12/07/vista-transformation-pack/07:09
tony_why does the updater say a new version of menu.list is available instead of just saying grub?07:09
flaccidBrian88: its for gnome, see http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Vista+Transformation+Pack+for+GNOME?content=6310607:09
tony_is it safe to update and just copy parts of my menu.list to the new one?07:10
flaccidubuntu is gnome07:10
flaccidtony_: yep07:10
Brian88flaccid: so i do a search in kdelook and no entries found :((07:11
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flaccidBrian88: exactly. likei've said its for gnome and its for beryl which no longer exists as well07:11
flaccidits possible it works with kde as its window manager based, but it uses beryl so its not going to be straight foraward to setup anyway07:12
Brian88flaccid: ^$#@(^)(^$((((!)@%^)$#!)#&()^!  nothing exist for KDE - I have to manually put the components...07:16
jon_whats the name of the next ubuntu release>07:16
nevetsanyone on here07:17
dennis_pnext is 8.1007:17
Brian88nevets: yes07:17
jon_it starts with an i07:17
flaccidBrian88: um yeah. i mean why would you have expections heh07:17
nevetswhats a good place to download stuff on here07:17
flaccidi would give it a try but it usesl beryl which no longer exists07:17
nevetssorry im like new tothis07:17
Brian88flaccid: if I put the splash screen... can I remove it and change it with the original one?07:17
flaccidBrian88: its configured in system settings07:18
dennis_picky inkfish?07:18
jon_inquisitive iguana?07:19
nevetsi need a mp3 downloader on here07:22
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages07:24
Brian88flaccid: and how to change the icons07:25
nevetshow to install programs on this?07:29
Brian88flaccid: how to change icons07:36
flaccidin what way07:37
Brian88I downloaded icons from kde look07:37
Brian88flaccid: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Vista-Inspirate?content=3158507:38
Brian88that one07:38
flaccidBrian88: install it in system settings - appearance | icons07:43
Jucato!changethemes | Brian8807:47
ubottuBrian88: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes07:47
Brian88Jucato: thanks07:49
Rowejobhomequestion: how do you get the panel to have a small icon task bar like a quickstart bar08:13
Daisuke_IdoRowejobhome: ah, good to see you again08:16
Daisuke_Idoright click and add an applet - i don't remember what it's called, it could actually be called quick launcher08:17
eagles0513875is anyone else having issues with static ips on an internal network not working right08:17
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Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: god yes.08:17
Daisuke_Idoevery time i reboot i lose my dns08:17
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: i have my subnet ip and gateway setup right and yet it isnt getting access to internet08:17
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: what kernel u using08:17
Rowejobhomeomg thanks daisuke08:17
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: re-add your dns server where applicable08:17
Daisuke_IdoRowejobhome: you're welcome08:18
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: would that fix it08:18
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: 2.6.24-1808:18
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: until you reboot again08:18
Daisuke_Idoand it may stay08:18
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: trying out getting kubuntu on a usb pen drive08:18
Daisuke_Idoi only have problems after kernel updates08:18
Brian88how to install Splash Screen08:18
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: prior to this kernel wasnt having any issues08:19
eagles0513875morning Brian8808:19
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: have you tried out amarok 208:19
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: i had it with -1708:19
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: i have, and i hate it.08:19
eagles0513875same here and still have it cuz imwriting an article on it08:19
Brian88eagles0513875: Morning? here is afternoon 14.19 :))08:19
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: whats so bad about it08:20
eagles0513875Brian88: here its 920am08:20
Daisuke_IdoBrian88: install startupmanager08:20
Daisuke_Idohere it's 3:20 am08:20
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: i'm not going to criticize too harshly as it's still (pre?) alpha08:20
Brian88Daisuke_Ido: and eagles0513875: don't bother the time :))08:20
Daisuke_Idobut the way it's set up seems..08:20
Daisuke_Idothat's the best way to describe it08:21
Daisuke_Idosounds fine08:21
Daisuke_Idoand seems to work alright08:21
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: one funny thing i have noticed though to get it to output any audio to my speakers i need ot install jack08:21
Brian88Daisuke_Ido:  install startupmanager using apt-get?08:22
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: where on the cd is disctree located08:22
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Daisuke_Idodisctree?  no idea08:22
ubottuFactoid persistent not found08:22
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:23
eagles0513875on there i need to copy disctree08:23
Daisuke_Idodisctree should be a directory in the root of the livecd filesystem08:24
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: ill have to look around now it seems like im having permission issues copying to the first partition08:25
eagles0513875of my flash drive08:25
Brian88Daisuke_Ido: I cannot install startupmanager : http://paste.ubuntu.com/17438/08:25
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: that explains it root has permissions on it08:26
eagles0513875is it possible to change the permissions08:26
Daisuke_Idoi don't think so...  can you sudo -s and then copy it08:26
Daisuke_IdoBrian88: hardy or gutsy?08:26
Brian88Daisuke_Ido: 8.04 kubuntui08:27
Brian88Daisuke_Ido: see line 4 until end, ignore line 1-308:28
Daisuke_Idoyeah, it's in universe, i'm not sure why you're not getting it08:29
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: \ is to ignore spaces in a file name08:29
Daisuke_Idoyou may have to enable the universe repository, reload package info, and try again08:29
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: correct08:29
Daisuke_Idomy music would become my\ music08:29
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: ok thanks08:30
eagles0513875ok ty08:30
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: i know what happend why it has root for permissions08:31
Daisuke_Idodidn't claim ownership of the mount point?08:31
dennis_pwhich player supports sub files? Is there a plugin for kaffeine?08:32
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: what u mean08:33
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: i used sudo qtparted how can i use qtparted without sudo to format my pendrive08:33
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: nothing08:33
Daisuke_Idoeagles0513875: you can't, but you can chown the mount point for the pendrive08:34
Daisuke_Idochown yourusername:yourgroup /media/pendrivemountpoint08:34
Daisuke_Idoi believe that's it, at least08:34
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: it worked :)08:38
tony_could anyone help with mythtv?08:38
Daisuke_Ido!mythtv | tony_08:38
ubottutony_: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV08:38
eagles0513875tony_: if someoen knows how they will help ya just ask if the link above doesnt help ya out08:39
Daisuke_Idoi don't know anything about it myself08:39
tony_eagles0513875, well, didn't want to intrude since this isn't the mythtv channel and it's fairly empty08:39
tony_i need a good guide for hardy heron and a way to reset everything and start over08:40
ludicusi need i need08:41
ludicusstop you motherfucker08:41
flaccid!language | ludicus08:42
ubottuludicus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:42
tony_ludicus, you need too, why the fuck are you here?08:42
theseinfeld!language | tony_08:43
ubottutony_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:43
ludicusYo mama so dirty she makes mud look clean.08:43
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eagles0513875tony_: wish i could help ya out havent really messed with mythtv not to mention i dont have a tv tuner in any machine08:46
eagles0513875stdin: thanks for getting rid of him08:46
Brian88hi. I want to change splash screen, I installed ksplash, but the new splash screen (Vista) and that one found in Kubuntu 7.10 needs Moodin, how to install it? or can I install it from Kubuntu 7.10 cd because the kubuntu splash screen works there08:46
tony_eagles0513875, thanks anyhow08:46
Brian88hi. I want to change splash screen, I installed ksplash, but the new splash screen (Vista) and that one found in Kubuntu 7.10 needs Moodin, how to install it? or can I install it from Kubuntu 7.10 cd because the kubuntu splash screen works there08:48
tony_Brian88, sudo apt-get install moodin, i believe worked for me08:48
tony_also, spamming the question doesn't help08:48
Brian88tony_: E: Couldn't find package moodin08:49
eagles0513875!info moodin08:50
ubottuPackage moodin does not exist in hardy08:50
ubottumoodin is a ksplash theme engine, enabled by default in Kubuntu Dapper, and you can grab it for Breezy here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2570508:50
tony_Brian88, it's ksplash-engine-moodin08:50
tony_or apt-cache search moodin08:50
eagles0513875has anyone made a persisten usb pendrive08:51
eagles0513875Daisuke_Ido: any ideas as how i should partition it08:51
Brian88info in !moodin is SOURCE08:53
Brian88not Binary08:53
eagles0513875Brian88: lol u dont know how to install from source08:54
Brian88eagles0513875: no i am newbie in linux08:56
eagles0513875Brian88: you would like my site even though its a work in progress08:57
eagles0513875Brian88: http://howtokubuntu.x10hosting.com08:57
eagles0513875Brian88: is the source a tar.gz file08:57
eagles0513875Brian88: u still alive08:59
Brian88eagles0513875: i dunno since the link refers to moodwrod.com08:59
eagles0513875Brian88: download the source and ill help you install it09:00
eagles0513875went on a source installation rampage yesterday09:00
eagles0513875so i still have all the steps fresh in my mind09:00
tony_Brian88, sudo apt-get install  ksplash-engine-moodin09:00
Brian88eagles0513875: see the contents of moodwrod.com : nothing available09:00
Brian88tony_: thanls09:00
eagles0513875Brian88: try what tony_ said09:00
Brian88tony_: thanks09:00
tony_Brian88, np, that's how i installed it09:01
tony_Brian88, i just assumed  ksplash-engine-moodin was clue enough09:01
Brian88tony_: brian88@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install ksplash-engine-moodin >>>> E: Couldn't find package ksplash-engine-moodin09:01
eagles0513875what was disctree in feisty what did it contain09:03
eagles0513875!info ksplash-engine-moodin09:03
ubottuksplash-engine-moodin (source: ksplash-engine-moodin): fading splash screen engine for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1ubuntu6 (hardy), package size 661 kB, installed size 880 kB09:03
tony_Brian88, could be because i have "unsupported updates" checked in adept manager09:05
Brian88tony_: what version? mine 8.0409:06
tony_Brian88, in Adept Updater, go to "manage repositories", "Updates", and check if you are sure. as stated, they're "unsupported"09:06
tony_Brian88, 8.04 here09:06
eagles0513875make sure if you're goign to try make a persistent pendrive make sure u have something else to do it lags a machine like no other. im guessing  mines using swap space like no other09:08
Brian88tony_: i have enabled it do update but still cannot found09:10
tony_eagles0513875, you mean like Ubuntu installed on a pen drive?09:10
Brian88tony_: if i insert 7.10 disc can i install it from there09:10
tony_Brian88, sudo apt-get update or do it via Adept gui09:10
tony_Brian88, no, you don't even need the disc anymore09:11
eagles0513875tony_: yep doing that with kubuntu i tried an asus eee pc and its sweet. i think it would be kool if i could start making these pen drives and selling them09:11
tony_gui = graphical user interface09:11
Brian88tony_: from the gui09:11
Brian88tony_: from the Adept app09:12
tony_eagles0513875, yeah, i wanted to do that but it's a pain and couldn't get it to work right. i had fedora working and windows 98 but on this pc, being 4 months old, i always ran into trouble09:12
eagles0513875ill let u know how it went and if at all possible update the wiki09:12
tony_Brian88, yeah09:12
eagles0513875tony_: illl keep you posted and ill even post something to my website09:13
tony_eagles0513875, post on the site, i'll check it later. it's got potential09:16
eagles0513875tony_: if i get it workign ill post it on my site as well as hopefully update the wiki09:17
tony_eagles0513875, did you design it yourself?09:17
eagles0513875tony_: the howtokubuntu.x10hosting.com site09:17
tony_eagles0513875, yeh09:17
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eagles0513875tony_: used joomla as a template its still has alot of work needing to be done09:18
eagles0513875tony_: feel free to signup09:18
eagles0513875tony_: once you sign up you will get access to my forum09:20
tony_looks neat, didn't know about it but i don't really have any info worth sharing on a site09:20
eagles0513875its ok09:20
eagles0513875when you do send it my way or post a link on the forum09:21
JackWinteri just ran a program that opened fullscreen and changed my desktop resolution.  how can i reset it wo rebooting ?09:21
flaccidJackWinter: xrandr --auto09:21
Brian88where can i download linux vista theme09:21
flacciddoesn't look like there is one Brian8809:22
yonigoogle it Brain8809:22
PennycookBrian88: There's a Vista theme for Compiz, I think you can get it through Emerald.09:22
JackWinterflaccid: does not work.  i seem to have a larger desktop than physical resolution at the moment...09:23
tony_Brian88, you can resize the KDE panel (kicker) use a black texture on KDElook.org, there's a menu that looks like vista, there's widgets, themes like domino, search for it on kdelook.org09:23
flaccidJackWinter: xrandr --mode 1280x1024 for example or use krandrtray09:23
=== down_ is now known as down__
JackWinterflaccid: yes it works somewhat but i don't get it reset.  then logout and ./startx ?09:25
flaccidlogout and restart X from login scren drop down09:26
flaccidyou can only call startx if kdm is not running09:26
tony_Brian88, like this one? this was my setup last year09:26
tony_Brian88, http://www.flickr.com/photos/13364012@N03/1690281375/09:27
Brian88tony_: like what?09:27
Brian88tony_: i'll see it..09:27
tony_i don't really care about copying vista but i like a black color scheme09:29
eagles0513875no i seem to be upset09:29
eagles0513875i cant seem to make persistent using ext3 partitions09:29
JackWinterflaccid: thanks, somehow i dont't get the screen res and the desktop res synched at my preffered res...  going to logout now09:30
eagles0513875anyone else get a persistent pendrive with hardy09:30
flaccidum ok09:30
flaccidum yes eagles051387509:30
eagles0513875flaccid: im following the guide but for some reason i cannot install the boot loader onto an ext3 system09:31
eagles0513875flaccid: syslinux /dev/sdX1 thats the command i ran09:31
flacciddid you run it on teh right device, whats the error09:31
eagles0513875flaccid: get this error syslinux: this doesn't look like a valid FAT filesystem09:31
eagles0513875flaccid: does the first partition have to be a fat partition09:32
flaccidwell sdX1 is not for real so hope you did it on the actual device. syslinux uses fat...09:32
eagles0513875no i didnt i know better then that09:32
eagles0513875then i have to go back and reformat partition 1 with fat 32 or fat 1609:33
flaccidwell iirc needs to be fat on a usb mass storage so thats the reason for syslinux09:33
flaccideagles0513875: yeah simply follow the guide as it is..09:33
eagles0513875flaccid: had to up the first partition from 750mb to 1gb09:33
eagles0513875cuz there wasnt enough space09:33
Brian88tony_: yes. exactly09:34
eagles0513875i find it funny linux using fat09:34
flaccidits for the boot... the fs doesn't use it for the system09:34
Brian88tony_: exactly like that.. so how do you make it?09:35
flaccidensure use use the same labels eg. casper-rw as thats hard coded09:35
eagles0513875flaccid: what is the disctree if u dont mind me asking cuz im a lil confused bout that didnt find it on the hardy cd09:35
eagles0513875flaccid: partition one is Casper-rw and partition 2 Kubuntu or other way round09:36
tony_Brian88, http://www.opendesktop.org/content/show.php/Domino?content=42804 - install that first09:37
flaccideagles0513875: if you didn't find it ignore it09:38
eagles0513875flaccid: ok if i get this to work i think i will update the wiki09:38
tony_Brian88, then this - http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Kore+for+Domino?content=55704 if you want a darker look09:40
Brian88tony_: finished. next step?09:41
=== tomaw_ is now known as t
eagles0513875flaccid: i got an issue im using qtparted to format and its not keeping the labels i give the partitions09:41
flaccidrelabel em i guess09:42
flaccidi think i jus used fdisk iirc09:42
flaccidit will look for casper-rw as thats a builtin so its pretty important09:42
renato__hi, what log file can I query for finding out who has successfully /unsuccessfully tried to log in my box?09:43
tony_Brian88, the rest you can find here for the kbfx menu - http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xsortmode=high&page=0&xcontentmode=6209:43
flaccidrenato__: /var/log/messages09:44
flaccidalso auth.log in /var/log09:44
Brian88tony_: how to install the domino?09:44
eagles0513875flaccid: im having issues changing ownership from root root to jonathan jonathan09:44
tony_Brian88, and icons I used - http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/nuoveXT+2?content=62630 that's it. i almost forgot all i used in it since then09:44
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: chown09:45
flaccidif you have an issue state what the error/problem is.09:45
eagles0513875flaccid: im using sudo chown jonathan:jonathan /media/disk09:45
tony_Brian88, might want to install the kde-dev packages. big package but it'll make sure you got what you need to compile it09:45
flaccideagles0513875: i don't see that in the wiki09:45
flaccideagles0513875: is it unmounted?09:45
eagles0513875flaccid: im using qtparted to do the partitioning09:45
eagles0513875i have to run that as root09:45
flaccidi think you need to learn how things are mounted ie. uid= gid= etc.09:46
Brian88tony_: E: Couldn't find package kde-dev09:46
flaccidits kde-devel09:46
tony_Brian88, go in your domino folder via command line, ./configure then ./make then ./make install as root09:46
tony_Brian88, flaccid's correct09:46
eagles0513875flaccid: back to redoing the partitions using fdisk09:47
Brian88tony_: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables09:48
flaccideagles0513875: yeah i mean you are doing things outside of the guide09:48
eagles0513875flaccid: they do mention qtparted in there as well09:48
flaccidit doesn't use a gui parted09:48
eagles0513875me + fdisk = lots of mistakes lol09:48
flaccidif you read he mentioned the no label problem..09:49
flaccideagles0513875: its integral that you know fdisk09:49
eagles0513875true especially if im doing certification09:49
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: its not hard09:49
Brian88tony_: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables09:49
tony_Brian88, need the kde-devel package. i assume you're lacking a compiler09:49
Brian88tony_: if I install C compiler?09:50
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: just create a small partition for /swap then a big one for / then a smaller on for /home09:50
flaccidyou see you create the partitions then you format them. you don't mount until after obviously..09:50
tony_just install the kde-devel package, it should cover it. sudo apt-get install kde-devel09:50
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: on a pendrive09:50
eagles0513875fdisk -l isnt working for me09:51
eagles0513875trying to see what partitions i can work with09:51
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: sudo fdisk -l09:51
flaccideagles0513875: you need root09:51
eagles0513875bah compiling stuff from source yesterday has gotten my brain in knots lol as to what needs sudoing and what doesnt lol09:52
flaccidwell in this case you wouldn't want to give a user access like that as its the layer above filesystems etc. root for modifying disks always09:52
eagles0513875got it09:53
chalcedonyi'm stuck and getting errors, can anyone tell me how to untar gz this: http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/914 ?09:53
eagles0513875i want to creat a 1gb partition how do i determine what cylinder it ends at09:53
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: you can configure and compile the code as user, installing will modify system files so needs sudo09:53
eagles0513875got it09:53
eagles0513875im guessing i have to specify how many mb i want for 1gb09:54
flaccideagles0513875: you use M as a suffix iirc . see man fdisk (it should also give that tip). this sets it as megabytes and not cyls09:54
flaccidlots of google sir09:55
Brian88ndeso ,,,,??09:56
flaccidchalcedony: tar zxvf /root/libflashplayer.so.tar.gz09:56
flaccidchalcedony: please see http://my.opera.com/remcolanting/blog/2008/04/14/opera-and-flash-on-linux09:56
eagles0513875with fdisk is there a way i can creat the label for the partition09:59
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: youdo that when you format10:00
chalcedonyflaccid: ty10:00
flaccidno you dont10:00
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: i formatted so now i just change the default label10:00
flaccideagles0513875: type m in fdisk10:00
eagles0513875i did10:01
flaccideagles0513875: ever heard of google?10:01
flacciduse it10:01
flaccideagles0513875: see mklabel10:02
flaccidwhich is in parted10:02
flaccidif you don't understand labels in fdisk10:02
flaccidand here is labels for ext fs http://lissot.net/partition/ext2fs/labels.html10:03
ActionParsnipfdisk is great, although I find the MS one a bit simpler10:05
eagles0513875i found where the labels r10:06
flaccidbecause windows is simple :)10:06
eagles0513875but now im having mounting issues10:06
flacciddon't tell us you have issues, we all have them..10:06
flaccidtells us the error :)10:07
eagles0513875no error10:08
eagles0513875when i went back into fdisk to change the label i borked the partitions lol10:08
eagles0513875i need to reformat em10:08
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: is their data on them?10:08
ActionParsnipif there is an OS on them you can just change your fstab10:08
simihi, i f i install kde 4.1 beta and after that i want to remove it is there a command that will remove all that was installed? i know that removing a meta package do not remove the packages thatit had  installed10:09
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: thsi is a pendrive10:09
eagles0513875trying to make it persistent10:10
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: yeah...?10:10
eagles0513875and i keep doign nothing but borking up the partitions evry time10:10
flaccidthats why its important to follow the instructions and learn fdisk/partitioning :)10:10
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: just create one for /swap and the other for /. much easier10:10
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: until you learn properly10:11
eagles0513875i fixed issues using qtparted10:11
eagles0513875no the labels with qtparted r borked10:11
flaccidthe usb is syslinux/fat no swap iirc10:11
flaccidor is there swap can't remember. anyone this is not a normal partitioning scheme10:11
eagles0513875i know i have one 1gb fat32 and the other ext210:11
eagles0513875flaccid: there isnt10:11
eagles0513875at least i got the partition layout right10:12
eagles0513875i just didnt commite the formatting changes10:12
eagles0513875or when i hit the w it didnt write the partition table to the pendrive10:12
flaccidyeah gotta commit in fdisk10:12
flaccidwrite the partition table10:12
eagles0513875using w10:12
eagles0513875and i did10:12
siminixternal:   hi, i f i install kde 4.1 beta and after that i want to remove it is there a command that will remove all that was installed? i know that removing a meta package do not remove the packages thatit had  installed10:12
flaccidsimi: #kubuntu-kde4 please10:12
simii have kde 3.510:13
flaccidits a kde4 question10:13
flaccidand use you can do it with autoremove after remove of kubuntu-kde4-desktop10:13
simibut when i tryed kubuntu-deskrop in ubuntu i had  to remove any kubuntu program manualy10:15
flaccidwell thats probably because you didn't use autoremove10:15
similise sudo apt-get autoremvoe metapackage?10:16
flaccidsimi: you remove the meta package and then you sudo apt-get autoremove iirc10:16
simiflaccid: : i will try that, but are you sure that it wotks for the case the metapackage installs an application not a library?10:18
flaccidsimi: i can't say im 100% sure. but people have reported that it does so10:19
eagles0513875this is proving harder then i thought10:20
francois__hi salut10:20
francois__des francais ici?10:20
josefguys i change kde to xubuntu and its was asking gdm or kdm thru the install  wich one is better kdm or gdm10:23
flaccidthere is no better. but kdm might be more attractive10:23
flaccidwell thats very arguable10:24
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:24
engineerfrancois__ !fr10:24
engineer!fr | francois__10:24
ubottufrancois__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr10:24
engineerjosef kdm10:25
joseffaccid  i make gdm as my choice after install  the desktop looks like gnome is it possible to gdm change to kdm just to try out10:25
eagles0513875now for the moment of truth10:25
eagles0513875flaccid: now the moment of truth after this song im going ot reboot and see if i can boot of the pendrive10:26
chalcedonyeagles0513875: good luck10:26
eagles0513875but in all honesty the wiki really needs an update10:26
engineermy system needs an update10:26
chalcedonyengineer: enjoy10:26
eagles0513875the wiki is about setting up a pen drive with edgy or dapper10:26
eagles0513875wtf is up with that10:26
chalcedonyeagles0513875: what are you wanting to do to the pen drive?10:27
engineerold pen drive10:27
josefguys how do i change gdm to kdm10:27
eagles0513875chalcedony: portable linux10:27
eagles0513875chalcedony: lol that way i can use kubuntu and dont have to wry bout intalling it to that particular machine10:27
chalcedonyk we figured out how to load files to mine with command line10:27
eagles0513875chalcedony: you trying to do the same thing10:28
engineerjosef sudo aptitude install kdm10:28
eagles0513875chalcedony: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent#head-9537f8b574a793cf203c0502a6479f4cc0f29fdc10:28
chalcedonyi could find the log if it would help10:28
eagles0513875i used the link above10:28
josefaaah ok thanx engineer10:28
engineeranswer kdm when the question comes up10:28
chalcedonyeagles0513875: i had help10:29
engineerhey gnomefreak, using kde already?10:29
eagles0513875be back hopefully on my pendrive10:29
chalcedonygood luck :)10:29
chalcedonyatm i'm drowning in how to get opera not to display gray squares where flash should be/10:30
engineerfox for the win10:30
gnomefreakhi engineer i have been for years10:30
engineercool, you more productive then10:31
flaccidchalcedony: i showed you how to fix it :)10:31
flaccidchalcedony: [18:56] <flaccid> chalcedony: please see http://my.opera.com/remcolanting/blog/2008/04/14/opera-and-flash-on-linux10:31
engineerby the way, i need to add a new HD to my LVM10:31
chalcedonyflaccid: i did .. but did i already do that or not? and do i need to set a different path or not?10:32
Mojo_risinhi. compiz-check gives me this error:10:32
Mojo_risinError: Fglrx driver not properly installed, you are using the Mesa driver10:32
Mojo_risinany tips?10:32
engineerinstall the ati drivers10:32
flaccidchalcedony: well you need to get it to come up in plugins by specifying the right path..10:33
flaccidand if you read the article i posted twice, it explains all this.10:34
Mojo_risinengineer: do you the name of the packages?10:34
flaccid!lvm | engineer10:35
ubottuengineer: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:35
engineerMojo_risin yup10:35
chalcedonyflaccid:  http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/91510:36
flaccidchalcedony: how would i know? i didn't install it. it could be /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so . if thats the one from the repos, it will work with 9.5 if you are using it, otherwise you have to do it manual. read the article ffs10:37
chalcedonyflaccid: my dyslexia is weird ty10:38
flaccidnot sure how thats an excuse but ok10:38
chalcedonyare those the same?   /root/install_flash_player_9_linux/libflashplayer.so10:38
chalcedonyi think i just did the root install10:38
flaccidif you have dyslexia then i apologise, but you didn't take much time to attempt anything here10:39
flaccidonce again, how would i know, i didnt' put them there10:39
chalcedonyflaccid: i can read /writing/ astonishingly well.. but this isn't that10:39
flaccidchalcedony: then read the article.10:39
chalcedonyi *did*10:40
flaccidthen what did you not understand?10:40
Mojo_risinengineer: can you share?10:40
engineershare what?10:41
Mojo_risinthe package names...10:41
flaccidyou want lvm2 ?10:42
flaccid!info lvm210:42
ubottulvm2 (source: lvm2): The Linux Logical Volume Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.02.26-1ubuntu9 (hardy), package size 317 kB, installed size 896 kB10:42
engineerMojo_risin use synaptic or10:42
eagles0513875it didnt work10:43
engineerMojo_risin or adept10:44
Mojo_risinengineer: i have xorg-driver-fglrx installed10:45
Mojo_risinisn't this enough?10:45
flaccid!ati | Mojo_risin10:45
ubottuMojo_risin: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:45
engineeryou gotta be using the fglrx drivers10:45
flaccidMojo_risin: just use hardware drivers manager?10:45
eagles0513875chalcedony: didnt work10:45
Mojo_risinflaccid: where is that? :)10:45
eagles0513875flaccid: it didnt work10:45
chalcedonyeagles0513875: sorry to hear it10:46
eagles0513875chalcedony: its ok10:46
eagles0513875ill have to ask my linux cert teacher  if he knows how i can get it to work10:46
Mojo_risinflaccid: find it10:46
chalcedonyeagles0513875: if i get this opera to work i can give you the commands that worked for me10:46
flaccidMojo_risin: what?10:46
Mojo_risinthe manager says that ATI drivers are in use10:46
eagles0513875chalcedony: ty10:46
flaccideagles0513875: if you want opera flash there is a link that tells all10:47
eagles0513875Mojo_risin: try glxinfo and near the top if direct rendering says yes then it means the driver is working10:47
eagles0513875flaccid: opera?? the browser10:47
flaccideagles0513875: not if its using mesa with another driver :)10:47
flaccideagles0513875: well thats what chalcedony mentioned to you. maybe that was just random10:47
eagles0513875flaccid: i just used what used to be called the restricted hardware manager10:48
eagles0513875flaccid: whoops my bad10:48
eagles0513875chalcedony: opera?? the browser10:48
chalcedonyeagles0513875: yes10:48
Mojo_risinflaccid: eagles0513875: it's using mesa10:48
eagles0513875chalcedony: i would like to get a whole distro to boot off of it10:48
flaccidMojo_risin: what does hardware drives say about the driver?10:48
Mojo_risinATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X700 (PCIE)10:49
* eagles0513875 contemplates installing kde4 from source10:49
flaccidMojo_risin: thats the card not the driver10:49
eagles0513875Mojo_risin: i have a radeon xpress 200m pcie10:49
Mojo_risinflaccid: how can i see that?10:49
flaccidMojo_risin: kdesudo jockey-kde10:49
Mojo_risinflaccid: ah that, it's checked10:50
Mojo_risinaka enabled10:50
Mojo_risinbut i don't have fglrx-control10:50
HazaMorning folks How would i go about creating a shotcut to a .sh in my desktop. If i drag the .sh to my desktop and select the "link here" it does create a shortcut but.... when i clic kthe shortcut... nothing happens. Any pointers10:50
eagles0513875thats how i do it10:51
flaccidMojo_risin: check that Driver "fglrx" is in xorg.conf then goto hardware drivers uncheck restricted, let it do its thing, then recheck it then if it asks for reboot, then reboot otherwise logout, restart x from kdm then login and check. if you still get mesa i'll check your xorg.conf and correct.10:51
flaccidHaza: you need to set execute on the file ie. chmod +x10:51
Mojo_risinok flaccid10:51
Hazaflaccid: I will give it a try10:51
eagles0513875flaccid: u think i should install kde4 from source10:51
flaccidMojo_risin: and there is no fglrx-control by default10:52
flaccideagles0513875: only if you do the svn trunk of 4.110:52
flaccidMojo_risin: you have to install fglrx-control pkg for that10:52
Hazaflaccid: The shortcut is set to lrwxrwxrwx (777 i guess)10:52
Mojo_risinyep, already installed10:53
flaccidHaza: not on the symlink on the script itself10:53
eagles0513875going to try get my flash drive working10:53
flaccidMojo_risin: i'll check that but do the other thing i suggested while i do that10:53
Hazaflaccid: The actual .sh is set to -rwxr-xr-x10:53
flaccidMojo_risin: command is not that anymore, its amdcccle10:54
Hazaflaccid: Any other idea's mate? :)10:55
flaccidHaza: when you call the link in konsole does it run10:55
xmanwehi all. do you have num lock turned on on kde start?10:55
Mojo_risinflaccid: it ask for reboot, should i reboot before i check again?10:55
flaccidMojo_risin: nope10:55
Hazaflaccid: When i execute the .sh directly it runs10:55
HazaI haven't tried the shortcut10:55
Haza2 secs10:56
Haza2 mins in fact. im being callde away10:56
Mojo_risinflaccid: ok, now it's checked and the dialog is closed10:56
Mojo_risin(was closed automatically)10:57
chalcedonyflash doesn't work and Oops! You don't have the recommended Java installed.10:57
chalcedonyYour Java version is Version 6 Update 2.10:57
flaccidoh brother.10:57
eagles0513875for the love of god lol11:03
eagles0513875this is getting me upset11:03
eagles0513875that was weird11:04
eagles0513875has anyone made successfully a persistent pendrive11:04
eagles0513875using hardy11:04
chalcedonyeagles0513875: i have the commands from my log if you are still here?11:12
chalcedonyflaccid: wb11:13
chalcedonywb all11:13
eagles0513875chalcedony: i am11:13
eagles0513875did the server or somethign go down11:13
Mojo_risinflaccid: same thing11:13
chalcedonydunno it split11:13
eagles0513875that sounds like fun11:13
eagles0513875when it split i just got in the room11:13
eagles0513875lot of people left11:14
eagles0513875i didnt11:14
eagles0513875i got on just as it split11:14
flaccidMojo_risin: i assume you have no wacom stuff?11:15
flaccidMojo_risin: does amdcccle say anything wrong?11:15
Mojo_risinflaccid: yes it does, and it's not pretty...11:16
Mojo_risinflaccid: http://moura.webhop.org/amdcccle.png11:17
Hazaflaccid: It looks like when i try to run the .sh on my desktop the program does no load because it is looking for certain directory found within the actual program directory in the Desktop folder11:19
flaccidMojo_risin: won't be a second11:19
Mojo_risinflaccid: sorry?11:20
flaccidMojo_risin: im preparing a new xorg.conf. what is the current dpkg -l | grep fglrx ?11:20
flaccidHaza: but did the link run from konsole ??11:22
Hazaflaccid: Nope, thats what i tried. ./myProgram.sh11:23
Mojo_risinflaccid: http://rafb.net/p/WkYobi35.html11:23
flaccidHaza: is myProgram.sh the symbolic link?11:23
Hazaflaccid: lrwxrwxrwx 1 hazamonzo hazamonzo   73 2008-06-06 10:49 metaeditor.sh -> /home/hazamonzo/applications/pentaho/1.7.0GA/metaDataEditor/metaeditor.sh11:24
HazaLooks like it unless im mistaken11:24
flaccidi don't see myProgram.sh in there11:25
flaccidthe link is metaeditor.sh11:25
flaccidHaza: backup your xorg.conf and try this one http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17462/11:25
HazaThats right, i was just replacing the name.11:25
frybyehas anybody already installed kubuntu on a eeePC??11:25
frybye-still thinking about getting one...11:25
eagles0513875frybye: closes i got to an eee pc was installing audacity for someone who wanted to record using the mic11:26
eagles0513875the wiki leaves much to be desired of theirs11:26
flaccidHaza: so when you go into the folder where metaeditor.sh the link is, what happens when you do ./metaeditor.sh in console and what does file ./metaeditor.sh say?11:26
Mojo_risinflaccid: trying!11:26
eagles0513875frybye: commands r fairly similar to kubuntu11:26
frybyeright - but it comes with a restricted linux - and the folks here in berlin all tend to put ubuntu8.04 onto it..11:27
eagles0513875lol was able to add some additional xandros repos to it11:27
eagles0513875still not alot out there for it11:27
frybyeprobably be wise to do that too to be honest.. hmmm .. see how the finances develop in the comming few days... sniff sniff... hehe11:27
eagles0513875frybye: i would ask in the #eeepc channel11:27
flaccideagles0513875: i would like to know if it runs kopete and opera fine. if it does. i would get one11:27
frybyeoh jeez - whatadoyouknow.. heheh11:27
eagles0513875flaccid: i was in there yesterday thats how i know bout it and 2ndly idnt try the messenger to see what xandros has with it11:28
eagles0513875flaccid: wrong person11:28
HazaWhen i run the .sh directly in the folder "/home/hazamonzo/applications/pentaho/1.7.0GA/metaDataEditor/metaeditor.sh" its runs fine. When i run the .sh link on the desktop. the program looks for directories contained in the actual .sh directory. but it looks for those directories in the same folder the .sh link is run (/home/hazamonzo/Desktop) and of course the folders are not on the desktop :)11:28
eagles0513875frybye: : i was in there yesterday thats how i know bout it and 2ndly idnt try the messenger to see what xandros has with it11:28
HazaHopefully that made sense. and if not... its not a huge problem11:28
* Mojo_risin logging out11:28
HazaI just wanted links on my desktop :D11:28
=== dejavu is now known as md_raven
flaccidHaza: if the link is on your desktop, im talking about running it there! also goto properties on the link on desktop and change working dir11:30
flaccidHaza: workpath in the application tab of properties11:31
flaccidHaza: probably want to change to /home/hazamonzo/applications/pentaho/1.7.0GA/metaDataEditor/11:31
flaccidwithout the / on the end11:31
simiis there a way to list in add/remove only the installed programs11:31
simiis there a way to list in add/remove only the installed programs? thx11:31
eagles0513875simi: in adept manager there is not in add/remove11:31
Mojo_risinflaccid: it look like the same :(11:33
eagles0513875ahhhhhhhhhh things r borked like now other with this new darn kernel11:33
Mojo_risinyou saw you removed wacom stuff11:33
flaccidMojo_risin: yeah11:34
flaccidMojo_risin: look? what does glxinfo say?11:34
Mojo_risinflaccid: weird, it says that i'm still using the mesa stuff11:34
flaccidMojo_risin: known problem. you might have to remove mesa. there is stuff on google about this11:35
flaccidfglrxinfo is mesa?11:35
Mojo_risinOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect11:35
Mojo_risinflaccid: last time i did it uninstalled almost all of my KDE...11:36
eagles0513875means the driver isnt installed11:36
flaccidMojo_risin: i can't remember the actual fix11:36
flaccidlots on google and forums Mojo_risin11:37
Mojo_risinflaccid: thanks :)11:37
Hazaflaccid: That makes sense. Only problem is i cannot see the working directory setting in the link properties. I only have three tabs: General, Permissions and Preview11:37
flaccidMojo_risin: you might have to do something like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33535411:38
flaccidHaza: then add a cd in the .sh script itself11:39
Hazaflaccid: Ahhh, good thinking!11:39
flaccidHaza: i guess it means that the shortcut can't have a workpath but the script can look after that11:39
Mojo_risinflaccid: logging out to try11:40
flaccidhope he restarts the x server11:40
Hazaflaccid: Genius! I wish i had thought of that myself. :D11:41
HazaTa very much mate :)11:41
flaccidnp. you kind of usually have to script that or use absolutes from ./ etc. in the script so its portable11:41
Hazaflaccid: Ive noted that little tip. Thanks again :)11:43
flaccidhey np11:44
Mojo_risinflaccid: no deal11:48
flaccidMojo_risin: full solution here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problems_with_fglrx#Perpetual_Mesa_GLX_Indirect_on_Debian11:48
Mojo_risinoh cool11:48
Mojo_risini was reading that AIGLXshould be off11:49
ziarkaenhow could i launch a standard KDE programin a specific position, supplied by coordinates), and without a window manager?11:50
flaccidMojo_risin: it happens with either. im on aiglx atm. and i've had this issue on this notebook nearly every install which is about 5 times :)11:50
flaccidMojo_risin: you may also have to run fglrx mod on startup: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-310799.html but try the solution above first11:50
* flaccid is on 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10]11:52
Mojo_risinflaccid: i can see that the fix is for 64 bit isn't it?11:56
* eagles0513875 loves kubuntu x6411:56
flaccidi don't think that would matter, thats just the arch its built with11:56
eagles0513875flaccid: i dont know whether stuff is like windows but if u ahve 64bit fix wont work on 3211:56
eagles0513875and vice cersa or am i wrong11:56
flaccidum stuff could be anything11:58
eagles0513875like a 64 bit update wont work on 32 it doesnt the same apply for linux11:59
eagles0513875windows update11:59
flaccidof course you can update 54bit12:00
flaccidor 64 if its available :p12:00
DarkriftXthts not what he is saying12:00
eagles0513875if youre running 64bit version of windows and installing 64bit versions of updates the 64bit stuff wont work on the 32bit os12:00
DarkriftXhe is asking if a 32bit update/fix would work on a 64bit platform12:00
DarkriftXand vice versa12:00
DarkriftXand the answer is no12:00
eagles0513875DarkriftX: other way round more like it12:00
flaccidim not sure why you would think 64bit would run on 32 bit12:00
flaccidyou don't mix and match12:01
DarkriftXsounded like he was just making sure12:01
flaccidwell you can do 32bit compat. but you are talking about updates as well not applications12:01
eagles0513875i know it doesnt but i was just wondering if linux did something out of the ordinary12:01
flaccidum ok then12:01
eagles0513875obviously 64bit apps wont run on 32bit os12:01
flaccidyeah. that would be a crazy wrapper but its possible someone is trying to make i dunno. could be impossible12:02
Mojo_risinwell, the first fix didn't work after a logout, will try to reboot now after adding fglrx to /etc/modules12:02
flacciddang ok12:02
flaccidyou may need to reboot on this changes anyway Mojo_risin because of libs in memory..12:03
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php12:04
=== Haza is now known as Haza|Lunch-Beer
Mojo_risinstill no luck :/12:10
xt828_anyone know how to go about setting up a microphone?  i don't really know where to start12:12
=== xt828_ is now known as xt828
flaccidxt828_: which application?12:12
xt828teamspeak, though i don't know if it works with anything atm12:13
flaccidxt828: goto kmix mixer and then goto select channels on the soundcard, do you have mic options?12:14
xt828flaccid: in kmix, in the Input tab, i have sliders for mic, line in, phone and aux12:15
flaccidmake sure mic is not muted and turned on etc. then its a matter of seeing how teamspeak configures12:16
ubottuTeamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak  For a open source alternative consider using Mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/12:16
xt828is there a way to check if the microphone is working as far as linux is concerned?12:17
flaccidthere is but i can't remember a program to do it with..12:17
xt828flaccid: in kmix, in the Switches tab, there's a radio button labelled IEC958, and when i click on it, it sounds for a moment like the normal open-mike feedback, but then it goes away immediately12:24
flaccidxt828: ah. um try doing it from alsamixer in konsole12:28
=== Haza|Lunch-Beer is now known as Haza
eagles0513875i think another split is bout to happen12:59
nosrednaekimeagles0513875: how would you know about this? you causeing them? :P12:59
eagles0513875last one the lag peaked bout 900ms13:00
eagles0513875its up to 824ms lag right now13:00
nosrednaekimnot for me...13:00
engineermy kubuntu cds arrived today13:00
nosrednaekimonly 10013:00
nosrednaekimnice :)13:00
eagles0513875engineer: y not dl13:01
eagles0513875save the time of waiting13:01
engineerwho said i didn't13:01
engineerit's to "pass on"13:01
engineerspread the word13:02
engineerhaving the original ones looks better13:02
admin__hi chan!13:04
=== moira_ is now known as Akallabeth
wordengineer: i am not spreadable :'(13:04
* nosrednaekim puts word on a knife and spreads him on his breakfast toast13:04
engineercheck again13:04
engineeri just spreaded you13:04
admin__i've a little question, howto lunch a non-blocking command in a bash script ?13:05
=== admin__ is now known as amoweb
wordi have a big question...why does root not see most of my applications >.>13:05
engineerABS system?13:05
Daisuke-Laptopword: i have a bigger question - why are you running as root?13:05
amowebengineer: ;)13:06
amowebnosrednaekim: for instance, my script run a first command ( apache2 ) but it waiting for the end, before run the 2nd commande (mysql...)13:07
nosrednaekimoh... thats a  &13:07
nosrednaekimat least it is on the Command line ..13:07
nosrednaekimI think.13:08
wordDaisuke-Laptop: good question! however it has a good answer, if i need to edit xorg.conf or souces list etc...i run kdesudo kate...but root doesn't see /usr/bin/kate because it's retarded...13:08
Daisuke-Laptopwouldn't it be && to make sure the first command completed successfully?13:08
Daisuke-Laptopword: ah, so you're not *actually* running as root - makes much more sense13:08
Daisuke-Laptopand i'm not entirely sure why that would be13:08
nosrednaekimDaisuke-Laptop: he's trying to run the second before the first has a chance to complete I think....13:09
wordamoweb: you are talking about a php&mysql question...to run two mysql query's at the same time you'd have to open up different threads...i think...why do you want to run them at the same time?13:10
wordor is it not php o.O13:11
ziarkaenhe wants both commands to run simultaneously13:11
ziarkaenthe apache server and MySQL DB13:11
engineercommand &13:12
amowebziarkaen: where must i write & ? before Apache2 ? => &Apache ?13:13
engineer& is to run something in background13:13
ziarkaenapache2 & mysql13:14
amowebziarkaen: ok! i trying it13:14
ziarkaenamoweb: im not sure the *actual* command to invoke mysql. its been a long time since i used it.13:15
amowebziarkaen: i'm using apache2 & mysql & mysql-ndb &m ysql-ndb-mgm13:15
amowebit doesn't work... but i think it not cause of the bash13:16
amoweb*because of the bash13:17
frojndanyone here? How can I in nano search for a name or expression ?13:18
Picifrojnd: ctrl-w13:18
ziarkaenthe "&" operator wil cause both command to be executed at once, wheras "&&" will execute them one-by-one13:20
=== Richard is now known as engineer
prodigyis there any way to speedup kubuntu? i have 1gb ram and intel centrino 1.6ghz, intel i915 integrated gpu 128mb ram, and installed compiz, but it runs relatively slowly...13:22
amowebziarkaen: ok... i'm check for apache setup13:22
ziarkaenamoweb: can you run both successfully from the command line? and use phpmyadmin or other to access the DB?13:25
prodigyis kubuntu i686 opimized?13:26
prodigyand can i speed up kde in kubuntu with compiz on?13:26
amowebziarkaen: now i can't lunch apache13:26
frybyeprodigy: better grafic card??13:27
prodigyi cannot change it, it is a laptop :(13:28
amowebziarkaen: apache was started in /etc/init.d13:28
frybyeprodigy: well at least not with polishing your c-card and calling dell or similar.. ;(13:28
frybyeoh -- there is a way these days.. external grafic solution...13:29
amowebbut i wont it run automaticaly13:29
frybyeprodigy: but I was partly being -funny- - perhaps you do have a software-type problem that can be resolved..?13:29
prodigyi will just uninstall compiz. it is easier... i will use this old box for half a year, and then i'll buy something new that can stand compiz(2gig ram, x2 64bit and some better gpu..) untill then, i will be miserable13:30
ziarkaenamoweb: so if apache runs at startup, there is no need to restart it?13:30
prodigyno, it runs relatively stable, but SLOW13:30
prodigyi have two linux's, sidux and kubuntu, sidux runs far more faster... but it is not so stable, and it has a gazillion updates every day...13:31
frybyeprodigy:  how old -is- your laptop??13:31
frybyeie - which graf. hardware/chip?13:31
prodigy2 years frybye13:32
ziarkaenamoweb: are you using the apache2 and mysql-server packages from the official kubuntu repository?13:32
frybyehi-end or more budget..?13:32
amowebziarkaen: i cut apache2 and mysql-server in /bin13:32
amowebziarkaen: yes13:32
prodigyfrybye: intel i915 chipset, intel pentium M 16 2mb cache, 1gb ram, 60 gb hdd (5400)13:32
prodigyit was high end. Acer TM406113:32
amowebi setup with http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/lamp13:33
frybyeI am not sure - but perhaps the chip is not too hot...?13:33
granitihi. I can't hear the audio from my soundcard. it worked since two hours ago... what i have to do?13:33
frybyeI mean not a lot of grafic capability...13:33
prodigyit is old now. i will be patient, and wait for more money and buy new. any suggestions what will be around 500euros but fast and strong? in 6 months time...13:34
dennis_pbut sidux  installs plain Debian right13:34
prodigydennis_p: sidux installs sid plus some aditions13:34
amowebziarkaen: i think i leave scripts in init.d :@13:34
dennis_pah yes Debian Sid13:35
prodigyit is fast, but not always so stable...13:36
prodigyvlc don;t work, etc13:36
prodigykernel is extremly fast, kde also it is as fast as kde-lite, but it is full. the only minus is it is so much console oriented. once you get used to it, it is great.13:37
prodigyanyway, any suggestions for a new laptop around 500 euros in 6 months time from now? one that will be linux hardware friendly... amd x2, 2gb ram etc...13:37
BluesKajI kind of liked mepis , due to it's very conservative offering of stable default apps , but I found the repos too restrictive13:38
=== Richard is now known as engineer
prodigyagree BluesKaj.13:39
amowebok i can't drop apache in /bin it must be in etc/init.d*13:39
dennis_pSo you want me to tell you how Acer is going to keep up their Linux support promise in 12 months.13:40
BluesKajok, dennis_p , tell us :)13:40
prodigyahhh, yes? i like acer.13:40
Piciamoweb: You shouldnt have to move any executables around when setting up apache/mysql13:41
amowebPici: i don't want Apach lunch in system starting ( sorry, i'm not english)13:42
Piciamoweb: run: sudo update-rc.d apache2 remove13:42
dennis_pAcer Aspire will soon not be the only Acer Linux laptop the entire budget series will migrate to Linux and even more acer laptops will13:42
amowebPici: ok thx13:42
Piciamoweb: also...13:43
Pici!fr | amoweb :)13:43
ubottuamoweb :): Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:43
prodigynice... thanx alot dennis_p13:43
BluesKajfirst I've heard of linux on acer stuff, prolly a version for laptops, like dell did with ubuntu ?13:43
amowebubottu: :@13:43
dennis_pas Acer said plainly that MS is dog slow  and too expensive13:43
prodigyi want to bye some asian made asian company laptop. acer, asus, toshiba etc...13:44
BluesKajwhich linux ?13:44
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:44
prodigyubuntu, debian or some like that13:44
dennis_pthey actually blame MS openly, I guess they want cheaper lincence for there middle price range laptops13:44
prodigyi was looking that Acer 5520 series and 5315. they seem nice and pretty new.13:45
BluesKajI suppose we should carry this discussion over to #kubuntu-offtopic13:45
prodigyhardwarewise my suggestion is to avoid x3100 intel gpu13:46
prodigylet's drop the discussion then...13:46
dennis_pyes their is not much we can say about pr promises anyway, youĺl just have to wait 6 months and see if things have become available13:47
haryonoany one can help me?13:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:52
haryonomy kubuntu cant run webcam, audio and video broadcast ..why?13:53
haryononosred i cant run my webcam, audio and video still in my kubuntu..help me pls13:58
haryonohelp me torun my webcam, audio and video plyer in kubuntu pls14:01
=== extremus is now known as bloodboy
* Tw|sT peeks in, waves, and then staggers off to bed.14:02
dennis_phave you found that others could use the same webcam in linux? Search google with the word ¨linux¨ AND your model type to find out.14:03
came0Hey I want to output to a random generated file name (or a file name by date) from the terminal... like  '$ls > outputfile66081200.txt'   Can anyone suggest a command I can research that does this?14:09
dennis_pcame0: #linux14:10
came0k thx14:11
savetheWorldHi all - how do I configure the KDE trashbin to stay at zero size? (eg - I want to turn it off, when I delete things I actually want to delete them. :-)  )14:17
ziarkaenwhen deleting from dolphin/konquerer?14:19
BluesKajsavetheWorld, is it too much trouble to click on it and empty it14:19
ziarkaenor use SHIFT+DELETE14:19
dr_WillisTheres also some option to have a 'delete to trash' item in the menus i recall14:20
coreymon77savetheWorld: move to trash moves it to trash, the delete option deletes it14:22
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussio1
savetheWorldBluesKaj: yup,. because for 40 years of computer use I've  never had to do that. :-)  Dont want extra steps to think about .  When I delete it i want it gone.14:25
* BluesKaj shrugs ..what's one more click in this gui world ? :)14:26
* dr_Willis is reminded of the dozens of people he sees in here a month asking about how to 'undelete' a file...14:26
savetheWorldcoreymon77: yes i understand that, but some contexts seem to think delete means put it in the trash.  In the past I have always been able to disable that "trash function (even on Windows).  I want to disable it here too.14:26
savetheWorlddr_Willis: most people don't come from a background with 30 years of UNIX experience. do they? :-)14:27
dr_WillissavetheWorld,  They do where I come from. :)14:27
savetheWorldI could understand not being disable it  if I were using "GNOME", but KDE is supposed to be configurable. :_014:28
* savetheWorld notes that #kubuntu has fallen prey to IRC disease #6 14:28
savetheWorld"We dont know the answer so we will try to tell you to do something else."14:28
coreymon77!google | savetheWorld14:30
ubottusavetheWorld: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux14:30
The_Compiler,seen akallabeth14:31
The_Compiler!seen Akallabeth14:31
ubottuFactoid seen akallabeth not found14:31
The_Compileris there any bot here?14:31
coreymon77yes, but not the normal one14:32
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)14:32
Mojo_risinflaccid: will radeon driver work?14:42
compilerwriterflaccid did you ever get let back in to ##Mac channel? or do they like it hard?14:42
coreymon77im in that channel right now14:45
compilerwritersavetheworld:  If I recall correctly you could always just open up a terminal and use the rm command.  Those files are as good as immediately gone.14:46
savetheWorldcompilerwriter: quite correct, now compare that to just hitting the delete key.   is it the same level of speed, ease and smoothness of integrated operation?14:47
compilerwritersavetheworld:  Of course you and I realize they are just marked as usable space for the hard drive and do not really go away until overwritten like about a billion times.14:47
savetheWorldyup, having writtin hard disk utilities, I do realize that.  if its a concern to you, use shred -u14:48
savetheWorldor convert to an encrypted file system14:48
* BluesKaj wonders if FF3 RC2 is in the 'hardy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse' repos yet ?14:48
savetheWorld(I have one partition that is encrypted)14:48
simikatapul is not working by default in kubuntu 8.04? i can't make it apear with alt+space14:50
* compilerwriter wonders if BluesKaj would kindly explain what the hell FF3 is?14:51
nosrednaekimfirefox 3 :P14:52
coreymon77firefox 314:52
coreymon77haha, i win14:52
nosrednaekimsimi: kde3 or kde4?14:52
nosrednaekimcoreymon77: it says I win here :P14:52
siminosrednaekim: kde 314:53
coreymon77mine says i win14:53
nosrednaekimcoreymon77: in typical elementary school sport coach style "we all win"14:53
nosrednaekimsimi: try running katapult from alt+f2 and try again14:53
gemidjyin Kate, in kubuntu (only in kubuntu) when I set the toolbar to show text under the icons and then restart Kate the settings is forgotten and only icons are shown.14:53
coreymon77but we dont14:54
compilerwriterNosrednaekim:  The type the password thing worked once, albeit belatedly.  The second time it happened I couldn't get anything to unfreeze the screensaver.  Where do I start looking?  Or should I just turn of the screen saver and shut off my monitor every time I walk away.  That would certainly be the green solution I suppose.14:54
nosrednaekimcompilerwriter: do you have an ATI graphics card?14:54
compilerwriternvidia nosrednaekim14:55
siminosrednaekim: is not working, it starts but it do not appear when i press alt+space14:55
nosrednaekimcompilerwriter: hum, ok. I know what the problem is if it were an ATI14:55
nosrednaekimsimi: hrm, I have never used katapult so I don't know what to do14:56
ubottuFactoid katapault not found14:56
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
ubottukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.14:57
BluesKajcompilerwriter, FF3 is here , ( deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse ) ,just add it to your sources.list , then , sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade14:57
flaccidMojo_risin: yes it will work but not as good. what you end up with?15:00
flaccidcompilerwriter: seems im unbanned now cheers15:01
tzdI'm trying to get fuppes to autostart in kubuntu hardy via init.d but for some reason it won't start at boot. It worked before i reinstalled. Any help please?15:02
Mojo_risinflaccid: with mesa!15:02
flaccidMojo_risin: well if it was removed manual then it could be used15:02
flaccidMojo_risin: only problem is the mesa/3d/direct?15:03
Mojo_risinflaccid: the problem is that i want to use composite15:03
Mojo_risinbut i can't15:03
flaccidMojo_risin: thing is, its not disabled in mine..15:04
Orfeousgot problems with alsa ;)15:04
Orfeousand those people in #alsa cant help me :P15:04
shane_good morning im trying to figure out if i can lock a folder wear it will need my admin password to open even when im logged on,can this be done15:04
nosrednaekimshane_: yes, it can15:05
Orfeousmaybe there are a way to reinstall alsa? or remove it and compile it myself?15:05
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview15:05
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:05
savetheWorldOne way to disable the trash function is to re-assign the delete key in konqueror. (see configure shortcuts menu)   Not as satisying as ripping the thing out of the system by its roots like a bad weed, but it will do. :-)15:05
flaccidMojo_risin: in my log i have (II) Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE and no errors on the init of it15:05
flaccidMojo_risin: card limitation? why can't you do composite? . did you try composite with aiglx?15:05
shane_nosrednaekim: and how would that be15:05
flaccidshane_: not really. thats what user accounts and unix perms are for. and that can still be circumvented by mountin from a dif boot. only way securely is encfs15:06
nosrednaekimshane_: you can chmod it so that only root can read it. but its not going tobe easy as just entering a password, you will have to run a whole filebrowser as root15:07
nosrednaekim(to read it)15:07
nosrednaekimbut I g2g/.. later15:07
shane_ok so i can but its gonna be forever to open it when i need it15:08
giuliaspeak italian15:08
shane_ok is there any other program i can use that can perform this by placing the file in like a locked briefcase15:08
Mojo_risinflaccid: it's disabled in kde 4 desktop effects15:08
BluesKaj!it | giulia15:09
ubottugiulia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:09
shane_ok does anyone have a idea on a program that works like a safe where i can put a file in and lock it so it needs a pass code15:12
Davieyshane_: maybe kgpg15:14
pezois there anybody who using ubuntu with flightgear1.0.0?15:14
Mojo_risinflaccid: direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)15:15
flaccidMojo_risin: yes but that is because of the mesa.. did you actually check the log about composite... ie. dont disable it in xorg.conf and see the problem in the Xorg.0.log15:15
shane_Davok will search it and see if it helps thanks15:15
Mojo_risinflaccid: Xorg log looked perfect15:15
jcfpshane_: an encrypted loopback filesystem might be an option. Needs a password to be mounted. Don't know if there's any nice gui stuff for that though15:16
flaccidMojo_risin: yes but what did it say when trying init composite. it would error if it cant do it..15:16
Mojo_risinflaccid: let me enable fglrx and try again15:17
jhutchins_wkshane_: Theoretically that's the default behavior.  You need a password to log in to your account, which is effectively the "safe" or "locked briefcase" you keep your files in.15:18
flaccidMojo_risin: make sure you don't disable composite15:18
Mojo_risinflaccid: ok15:18
shane_jhutchins_wk: yes but i leave my system runin in my log full time so im looking for a safe to keep certain files in15:19
jhutchins_wkshane_: Best to get out of metaphore mode and start thinking computer science then.15:20
jhutchins_wkshane_: Are you after a secure location that requires a password to access?15:21
jhutchins_wkDo you want the files themselves to be encrypted, requiring a password to view them?15:21
shane_jhutchins_wk: yes thats what im after like a locking briefe case where i can access it in my log with password15:23
flaccidi dont know of an encrypted brief case application but there is probably some around. i just use encfs15:24
flaccidalso encrypted fs came in with hardy iirc15:25
flaccidin the installer15:25
shane_jhutchins_wk: like kde wallet it still asks for a password to open even when im logged in as admin15:25
shane_is there any encrypted help in kubuntu derectory15:26
ubottuFactoid encfs not found15:26
flaccidthere is on the wiki15:26
shane_flaccid: k ill check wiki and see if its what im lookin 4 thanks all15:27
flaccidshane_: hey just found what you want, i forgot about this..15:27
flaccidshane_ : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption15:27
flaccid^^ its based on encfs and fuse. but you dont need to do the whole fs iric15:28
NekosolTeraDyneOkay. Anyone know how to fix the sound system after Flash in FireFox crashes?15:28
NekosolTeraDyneIt's taken all sound with it15:28
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:31
haryonowhy cant i eject my cd from cd player?15:32
tzdharyono: haev you checked it's not in use?15:32
zorglu_!info swapiness15:34
ubottuPackage swapiness does not exist in hardy15:34
zorglu_hmmm boug15:34
tzdharyono: usually there is some program using/accessing the cd. That usually stops the user from eject the disc... at least taht's what usually happens when it's me :)15:34
MarcoPauhello, since my last upgrade of yesterday I have no more sound. it says there's no mixer. am I supposed to enable the sound system from the panel?15:35
Duesentrieb_hi all. i just installed Hardy and started to play around a bit. When pluggin in my usb flash stick, i noticed something strang:15:36
Duesentrieb_there doesn't seem to be a (gui) way to unmount it15:36
Duesentrieb_is that no longer needed? i'm so used to the screams of OMG unmount first!!!11 that I can't quite believe that :)15:37
flaccidDuesentrieb_: irc storage media in konq and right click and safely remove15:37
flaccidits still desired15:37
stdinsame in dolphin15:37
flaccidoh yeah sorry dolpin :)15:38
trixonAnyone here that got really bad layout in java programs after openjdk/jre update? Or due to some other reason? After an update, everything java looks bad, to large "row spacing"15:38
Duesentrieb_flaccid: but the desktop icon and also the icon in the media area on the bar-at-the-bottom thingy no longer offer that action15:38
Duesentrieb_they used to.15:38
flaccidDuesentrieb_: let me check this is usb pendrive?15:38
* flaccid plugs in a random 15:39
Duesentrieb_also, konqueror opens media:/sdb1 - there's not even an icon i could right-click to remove safely.15:39
Duesentrieb_ah, navigation area, maybe15:40
Duesentrieb_nope, don't see "storage media" anywhere.15:40
flaccidDuesentrieb_: i goto media:/ in konq or dolphin and i right click the drive in question and both have Safely Remove15:40
flaccidshortcut URI is media:/15:40
Duesentrieb_nope, it's not there :(15:41
tzd*bumbs friendly anyone with init.d skills that might be able to solve my issue*15:41
flaccidtzd: just ask15:41
Duesentrieb_let me make a screenshot (german ui though)15:41
tzdflaccid: heeh i did earlier but i'll ask again then:) "I'm trying to get fuppes to autostart in kubuntu hardy via init.d but for some reason it won't start at boot. It worked before i reinstalled. Any help please?"15:42
flaccidDuesentrieb_: and hald is auto mounting no problem?15:42
flaccidtzd: if the init.d script is set correctly enable it at startup in services in system settings15:42
Duesentrieb_flaccid: yes, mounting works fine15:42
Mojo_risinflaccid: (**) Extension "Composite" is enabled15:42
flaccidstdin: any idea why his 'disappeared' ?15:43
flaccidMojo_risin: and you followed that link about getting rid of mesa? it can't still say mesa if you got rid of it..15:43
Mojo_risinflaccid: i followed that and more15:43
Mojo_risinand there is no way...15:43
stdinDuesentrieb_: try in right clicking the icon in media:/ ?15:44
Duesentrieb_stdin: did that. it's not there.15:44
stdinDuesentrieb_: how is it mounted?15:44
tzdflaccid: hmm i have it set to start on boot and then it's set to "no" under run now... is that correct?15:44
Duesentrieb_stdin: automatically. err. what do you want to know?15:44
flaccidMojo_risin: i mean this annoyed me for years but i always managed to get it fixed. should i look for more options?15:44
flaccidMojo_risin: try ##ati !15:45
stdinDuesentrieb_: by fstab or by the popup window?15:45
Mojo_risinflaccid: i can give you ssh access :)15:45
Duesentrieb_stdin: i didn't enter it into fstab. and it does pop open a windows.15:45
flaccidMojo_risin: kind of have a policy to not get user's access but its tempting15:45
Mojo_risini guess you would need sudo?15:46
flaccidsudo gives all if you give a user account15:46
Mojo_risinflaccid: not if it doesn't have admin privileges15:47
Duesentrieb_stdin, flaccid: screenshot of context menu in media:/ http://brightbyte.de/page/Image:Usb-mount.png15:48
Duesentrieb_german i18n15:48
Duesentrieb_but you should be able to tell by the icons or something :P15:48
flaccidMojo_risin: sudo passwd su15:49
Duesentrieb_hm... if i just rip it out, should it complain? because it doesn't15:49
MarcoPauhello, since my last upgrade of yesterday I have no more sound. it says there's no mixer. am I supposed to enable the sound system from the panel?15:49
MarcoPauI've always been using alsa, don't know if that sound system is actually alsa or something kde specific...15:49
flaccidMojo_risin: heh i mean sudo passwd root15:50
Duesentrieb_hm... i installed dolphin, and that *does* offer "safely remove" (hidden under "actions"). That's quite a drag though15:50
Duesentrieb_why is that missing from the menu i get for the desktop icon, ion the talks bar, and in konqueror?15:51
Duesentrieb_all i get as actions ther eis "mail" (makes no sense for an usb driver) and "donwload photos"15:51
flaccidDuesentrieb_: whats your konq version?15:52
flaccidsorry dolphin15:52
Duesentrieb_Qt: 3.3.8b15:52
Duesentrieb_KDE: 3.5.915:52
Duesentrieb_Konqueror: 3.5.915:52
Duesentrieb_Dolphin: 0.9.215:52
flaccidi've never seen it under actions15:52
Duesentrieb_sooo... what now?15:55
Duesentrieb_this is pretty annoying :(15:55
Duesentrieb_anything i could check?15:55
Duesentrieb_maybe i have installed some obscure package that is interfering?15:55
=== keith is now known as compilerwriter
Duesentrieb_(i have quite a bit of stuff installed, though i can't think of anything that would interfere here)15:56
flaccidi got no idea. you could ask #kde i guess15:57
stdinflaccid: you know #kde will just send him back here ;)15:57
Duesentrieb_ok. on freenode, on here?15:57
Duesentrieb_now that i have dolphin installed, how do i tell kde to use konqueror as my default file manager?15:58
compilerwriterFolks I have an Nvidia video card and for the last few days I am now having some sort of issue with the screensaver that locks up my terminal such that it does not unlock when I come back to my station.  Help I am pulling what is left of my hair out.15:58
flaccidstdin: well how do you explain that then? i mean whos fault could it be, we don't know what could cause it?15:58
BastuHello! I am having some minor problems getting my fstab working correctly with one of my drives. I can mount the drive fine with a simple mount /dev/sdc1 /media/disk. I can then see the drive and with "mount" it says that its mounted and mounted with the ext2 filesystem. Fine! I try to to an automatic mount with fstab with /dev/sdc1 auto defaults 1 1 (tried 0 0 also i also tried with ext2) but then it says that its mounted but i cannot15:58
Bastuany ideas?15:58
flaccidbut i did realise that. im not a dev so i don't know what parts are distro in some cases15:58
Duesentrieb_.oO(why did i have a krita icon in the menu if that thing was not installed?)15:58
stdinflaccid: I'd guess it'd be something to do with hal, but not sure15:59
Bastunevermind.. seems to work now15:59
flaccidstdin: hal controls where it puts the link in the context menu?16:01
flaccidhmm anyway :)16:01
Duesentrieb_it's mounted like this:16:01
Duesentrieb_/dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,uhelper=hal,flush,uid=1000,utf8,shortname=lower)16:01
Duesentrieb_i don't think it's hal. i think it's a ui problem.16:02
stdinflaccid: no, it tells the system that it's removable16:02
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Duesentrieb_stdin: does nosuid,nodev,noatime,uhelper=hal,flush tell you anything16:02
stdinjust that hal mounted it properly16:03
flaccidthen that flows through no worries16:03
Duesentrieb_what exactly does the "flush" bit mean?16:03
flaccidi refered to kde because it got in the actions submenu instead of the root of the context menu. i thought kde would control that16:03
Duesentrieb_if it flushes automatically, there's no need to unmount..16:04
Duesentrieb_yea, will try16:04
Duesentrieb_man, lots of trouble with harty. suspend isn't working either.16:04
flaccidDuesentrieb_: um if you pull it out phsyically it can't write back16:04
Duesentrieb_if i pull it *while* its writing, yea16:05
stdinDuesentrieb_: no, the system keeps data in a cache, even when it's finished writing it may not be actually written to the disk16:05
Duesentrieb_stdin: well, my guess was that the "flush" flag in the mount entry means that it does NOT do that.16:06
stdinit still will, but it will flush the data more often16:06
flaccidDuesentrieb_: what about if something is open from the disk and it has a lock on it :)16:06
stdinunmounting will force a flush16:06
flaccidDuesentrieb_: whats the entry in mount ?16:06
Duesentrieb_flaccid: what i posted here a couple of minutes ago16:07
Duesentrieb_[17:02] <Duesentrieb_> stdin: does nosuid,nodev,noatime,uhelper=hal,flush tell you anything16:07
Duesentrieb_err, no16:07
Duesentrieb_[17:01] <Duesentrieb_> /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,uhelper=hal,flush,uid=1000,utf8,shortname=lower)16:07
flaccidsorry mate16:08
flaccidi don't get most of them when i plug one in. so i guess you need to find out what uhelper and flush do16:08
flaccidsorry i do get uhelper=hal16:09
stdinDuesentrieb_: open System Settings > Advanced > Service Manager, make sure that all the boxes in the lower pane are checked16:10
zorglu_ /join #videolan16:12
stdinsomeone should write and IRC client that pops up a dialog when you put a space before a command :p16:13
Picistdin: <IRClippy> It looks like you're trying to run a command16:14
Duesentrieb_i'm being ignored on #kde :(16:15
LinuxApeanyone know when the latest version of eclipse might make it into the repositories?16:17
charles__every one16:18
SlimeyPeteLinuxApe: probably october unless it's a minor release16:19
stdinDuesentrieb_: you could just unmount the device and rip it out, should be ok. but if your worried you can run "eject /dev/sdb" to "Safely Remove" it16:20
SlimeyPeteas a rule new versions aren't added after release.16:20
Duesentrieb_yes, i can do that.16:20
Duesentrieb_but that sucks very much.16:20
LinuxApethe eclipse version is 3.2 while 3.3.2 is the most recent with 3.4 right around the corner.16:20
stdinDuesentrieb_: I know, it's not exactly a good solution, but I can't figure out what's wrong16:20
Duesentrieb_i don't even know where to start looking :(16:21
Duesentrieb_anyway, need to fix dinner now16:21
stdinDuesentrieb_: try reporting it on launchpad, may get some attention16:21
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:21
Duesentrieb_yea, maybe16:22
Duesentrieb_hm, it's worth noting that it's show with the right icon (a usb pendrive). to me this indicates kde knows that it's removable16:22
Duesentrieb_whatever. will play some more later16:22
Duesentrieb_thanks so far16:22
chrismirHmm, 8.04 doesn't show my HP printer anymore, while tring to install it :(16:40
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LinuxApehow is the printer connected?16:45
=== rpfr is now known as ropafiro
LinuxApeand trying to install what? the printer or 8.04?16:46
tony_could anyone help with mythtv? how do i delete a database in mysql or rename it?16:46
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LinuxApetony_: not familiar with mythtv, but maybe you could install a mysql admin tool.  There is one in the repos.16:47
rpfrboa tarde16:47
chrismirLinuxApe: I have it installed on my server and everything works. I have two workstations (kubuntu 7.10) connected remotelly, which also work. But now, when I try to install in on a third computer with 8.04, my printer does not show up in the driver list . It is printer HP PSC 235516:48
stdin!pt | rpfr16:48
ubotturpfr: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:48
trappistman, why do new kernels keep coming out?16:48
trappistgetting sick of rebooting my servers :/16:48
akthonbuenas me puede ayudar alguien?16:50
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:50
LinuxApechrismir: using cups?16:51
chrismirLinuxApe: Yep16:51
haryonohow to fix the crash?16:52
=== keith is now known as compilerwriter
LinuxApechrismir:  are you using the wizard to find the printer?  using ipp://hostname-or-ip:631/printers/PrinterName for the URL?16:54
Apocalypse_dnWhen we'll can see 4.04 in repos?16:54
=== shea is now known as fales
chrismirLinuxApe: I use the 'add printer wizard' and choose for remote cups server, then anonymous user and then type in my servers name. It _does_ find the printer, so I select it. Then I have to choose the printer. In previous installs, my printer showed up (PSC 2350), but now it aint16:56
chrismirLinuxApe: I have installed hpijs and hpoj16:57
usamahashimihello everyone!16:57
usamahashimihow can i setup dsl connection in kubuntu?16:57
Apocalypse_dni just forget to turn on universe repo16:58
chrismirusamahashimi: google says: http://tech-buzz.net/2006/07/26/how-to-access-internet-dsl-using-kubuntu-ubuntu/16:58
usamahashimichrismir: lemme check!16:59
usamahashimichrismir: thanks, is that all? it is so simple, can configure DSL by kppp or by some other GUI tool?17:03
chrismirusamahashimi: I have really no idea, just found and passed the url. ;-)17:04
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE17:04
LinuxApewell, firefox 3.0 beta just sucks up all of my cpu (or most of my dual cores anyway). I've read things about this. Has anyone reverted to 2.x?17:05
usamahashimichrismir: OK, thanks by the way :)17:05
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows17:05
_CrashMaster_ubottu is such a useful little guy17:05
ubottu_CrashMaster_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:05
_CrashMaster_I know you're a bot you silly littl - and here I am still talkig to it.17:06
PiciLinuxApe: firefox2 is in the repositories in package firefox-217:06
LinuxApecan I install with firefox-3 or do i need to uninstall that first?  and will going back screw with my personal settings/saves, etc?17:07
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE17:07
=== vitviper is now known as VitViper
phoenixzHi there, I got a machine that has a totally (but totally) messed up KDE.. I want to remove KDE3.5 and KDE4.1 in its entire, and only reinstall KDE4.1 from scratch.. How can I remove ALL components of KDE?17:09
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
VitViperi've got a much more interesting question17:09
=== theresa is now known as rockprincess
VitViperi've got an IBM desktop with the Intel Graphics Accelerator 3100. X is using the Vesa driver... and only letting me chose 1280x768 or 1280x800 as my highest resolution (I do NOT have a widescreen display)17:10
rockprincesshi everybody! a friend has a problem with kdm. basically he can't log in, when he does kdm reappears....he can log in through tty1 and startx works too. but kdm doesnt seem to work! he has empty'd /tmp as well. any ideas?17:11
chrismirLinuxApe: Weird thing is I do see the driver files on the disk. both .pdd and .xml file.17:11
chrismirLinuxApe: But it just doesn't show up in the driver list of the wizard, while most others are17:11
aryadebian is great17:12
aryabut kde still sucks17:13
LinuxApechrismir:  Sorry, I'm not sure why you can't get farther than this.  Usually, once the printer is detected, it becomes a no-brainer17:13
LinuxApechrismir:  use the cups admin page on the server (localhost:631) to look at the log files.  That may tell you something.17:14
chrismirLinuxApe: Yes I know. That is my experience also. That is why I am so confused. I'll try to reinstall the hp packages17:14
aryause compiz and you will know17:14
chrismirLinuxApe: thx for your time anyway ;-)17:14
aryakded crashes everytime17:14
aryahas anyone tried the new fedora17:15
flaccidnot sure how you can blame kde straight up17:15
aryai have been using kde since kde 1.217:16
phoenixzarya> compiz is not built for kde.. don't blame kde for problems of compiz. besides, compiz is not exactly known for stability yet, its known for  being totally cool..17:16
phoenixzarya> in any case, KDE4 will have its own composite effects engine which is bloody hell fast, better than compiz, AND stable..17:17
phoenixzarya> still a bit lacking in effects, but thats getting better on a weekly basis ;)17:17
rockprincesshi everybody! a friend has a problem with kdm. basically he can't log in, when he does kdm reappears....he can log in through tty1 and startx works too. but kdm doesnt seem to work! he has empty'd /tmp as well. any ideas?17:18
aryagnome is much better17:18
flaccidjust because you've been using it for a longtime doesn't mean that the problem is kde..17:18
flaccidif you can create a proof of concept and that would be a large bug at this stage of development17:19
aryathe dcop server is bad17:21
aryaarts is bad17:21
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aryakonqueror is just getting worser17:22
aryawhy keep imitating windows17:22
rickestwhy keep having the same tired argument. how about use what you like and try not to care what other people like.17:23
aryalinux kernel is stable. INHERIT ITS STABILITY17:23
geniirockprincess: Those symptoms indicate one of three problems usually. 1) Someone ran some X as root in their home directory, or used some gui applications there with sudo or as root instead of with kdesu or kdesudo.     2) They have tried to do something like specify /home  as their home directory instead of /home/username         3) X settings for desktop are not workable and so result in dump back to kdm17:24
_Shade_anyone knows how can i share internet connection between windows and linux?17:24
ubottuFactoid isc not found17:24
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:24
aryavery simple17:24
aryause iptables17:24
_Shade_i have set up a wireless connection between these two and i have no net access17:25
aryaecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward17:25
_Shade_arya: i would like to but i have no idea how can i do it?17:25
aryaiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE17:25
geniiI guess no one reads the factoids any more17:25
aryarun these two scripts17:25
aryaas superuser17:25
aryaecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward;iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE17:26
_Shade_arya: just note that there are two network devices on the xp machine - one provides the net access, and the other is for lan only17:26
aryaassuming ppp0 is your internet connection17:26
phoenixzWhat packages should I remove to completelhy remove KDE3? I want to do an install of KDE so...17:27
geniiarya: You're also assuming that the ubuntu bos is the one which wants to share internet to the windows one and not the other way around17:27
_Shade_arya: windows has the connection so there's nno ppp0 :)17:27
trappist_Shade_: http://linuxkungfu.org/files/scripts/ics17:27
trappist_Shade_: wait, windows has the connection?17:28
trappist_Shade_: just say sudo route add default gw <ip of windows box>17:28
_CrashMaster_phoenixz: Probably get a better answer from #kde17:28
trappist_CrashMaster_: #kde isn't going to know about ubuntu packages and metapackages17:29
trappistphoenixz: you want to remove kde to... install kde?17:29
aryaand do not forget about DNS17:30
aryawinproxy is what i use17:30
_Shade_still nothing trappist17:31
trappist_Shade_: can you ping
aryait useless to route add default gw <ip of windows box>17:32
aryawindows must be configured to be a gateway17:32
trappistarya: yep, then it has to be the default route17:32
phoenixz             trappist> I want to clean it up and reinstall it17:33
_Shade_trappist: yes i can ping it... what is it?17:33
trappist_Shade_: it's google.  if you can ping it, you just need to fix dns - edit /etc/resolv.conf, and make one or more "nameserver" lines with the dns servers you have set up in windows.17:34
_Shade_trappist: i think i have them blank in windows17:35
_Shade_or even my isp does that automatically17:36
TimSI am trying to kill aMSN but don't know its processes name17:36
TimSI cant see it anywhere17:36
trappist_Shade_: then you can find it by saying "ipconfig /all" in a command prompt (on the windows box)17:36
_Shade_but i have nothing as dns in my connection properties17:36
aryaare DNSs17:37
* _CrashMaster_ prefers the old mindspring dns servers17:37
aryahey anyway I am from rodrigues island far in the indian ocean which belongs to Mauritius17:38
* mr--t says cool17:39
aryaand I have a ADSL 128kbps downstream and 64 kbps up17:39
hoopoehow to turn off "proposed" updates?  turn off universe?17:39
rickestarya: how far from diego garcia?17:40
trappisthoopoe: comment out any lines containing hardy-proposed in your sources.list17:40
geniiNo, just comment out repo hardy-proposed17:40
geniitrappist: Heh17:40
trappistI win :)17:40
hoopoety trappist17:40
genii!helpersnack | trappist17:40
ubottutrappist: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:40
aryajust look at east of mauritius and your will see a very small island17:41
aryaA place where people don't know what is internet17:41
trappistor what a default route is for17:42
trappistsorry, couldn't resist :)17:42
aryawhere people rear cows and goats for living17:42
_Shade_thenk you oh great trappist! it worked :)17:43
_Shade_just one more thing left17:43
aryaEnglish Bay17:44
aryacan anyone tell me how to optimise my ADSL 128 kbps similarly as someone would do with CFOS17:45
BluesKajarya, Port Louis , Mauritius ?17:45
_Shade_each time i boot the machine i need to set up my wifi adapter by: firstly loading the rt73 module, then i need to do ifconfig wlan0 up, iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc and finally ifconfig up. How can i make these automatically?17:46
aryaPort Louis is in Mauritius. English Bay is in Rodrigues Island17:46
aryaI am teaching CIE's computing 9691 in Rodrigues17:47
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen17:48
BluesKajarya, google earth doesn't show an english bay or Rodrigues Island17:54
aryado a search on google.com17:55
avishekumm... could anyone help me regarding a query about do-release upgrade?17:55
geniiBluesKaj: Try Manual Rodriguez Island17:55
geniiBluesKaj: *Manuel17:56
BluesKajI found a Gambrini Island with Port Mathurin and Ile Rodrigues17:57
aryaya thats it17:58
avishekcould someone please tell me if it is possible to resume an interrupted do-release-upgrade?17:58
aryanow zoom17:58
BluesKajzoom to ?17:58
aryazoom to rodrigues island17:59
BluesKajtoute le monde francais ici17:59
ip7008bonjour tou le monde18:16
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:18
alesanhi, do you know of any tool that can access my "exchage 2007" calendar at work?18:19
jcastangalesan: Kontact suite ?18:20
alesanjcastang: it does support exchange 2007 calendar? it is great news!18:20
jcastangdon't know, must check...18:21
trappistalesan: we use 2003 here, but I think evolution can talk to 2007 too18:21
alesantrappist: well first evolution requires gnome, I may accept to install it, but then I am sure 2007 is not supported, or at least it wasn't until a few months back18:22
alesanwhile 2003 was ok18:22
=== hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka
vitvipercan someone help me out18:53
vitvipermy Intel graphics accelerator 3100 is stuck using the Vesa driver18:53
philhave u inew drivernstall the18:54
vitviperthe what?18:54
philsorry hav eyou install the new driver18:55
usuario_j #oderfliw_cahall18:55
vitviperwhere is it at?18:55
=== usuario_ is now known as oderfliw
vitviperthis is my graphics controller as lspci sees it: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)18:55
philhold on w18:56
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:57
Agent_bobhow do ports work?   when you extablish a connection to irc you connect to port 6667 but the local port may be anything   58131 for example.    anyone know enough about that to explain it in few words ?18:58
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
trappistAgent_bob: local port is usually either random or the same as the destination port.  a service must "listen" on a given port to be accessible to the world, and most applications/protocols have a "standard" port that they listen on.  irc is 6667, http is 80, ftp is 21 etc.19:00
Agent_bobtrappist mmmk.  so the random end is for security by obscurity ?19:01
phoenixzIm trying to remove and reinstall KDE3.. what packages do I need to throw away?19:04
PhilRodphoenixz: I guess qt - that should take kde (which depends on qt) with it19:05
phoenixzPhilRod> bingo, removing some 1.6GB now... ouche! :)19:06
=== joshua__ is now known as speeddemon
ubottupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »19:08
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>19:08
Agent_bobsorry, i was out.19:08
Garepjotrq.q. do i need to preconfigure partitions for kubuntu or do i need unpartitioned space?19:09
Agent_bobGarepjotr either way.19:11
Agent_bobGarepjotr ubiquity calls *parted for the partition work   so whether you do or don't pre-configure your drive is not important.19:12
Garepjotrah so i get the option to partition during install19:13
Agent_bobwhat is important, is that you don't have some M$ crap that us using both ends of all avalable space, thus making it impossable to resize anything.19:13
Agent_bobGarepjotr yep.19:14
ip7008hi what is the channel french please ?19:14
=== kde4 is now known as bfrog
Agent_bob!fr | ip700819:14
ubottuip7008: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr19:14
Garepjotri was damn suprised when i saw ubuntu support hardware out of the box that i cant even get to work in XP :P19:14
Agent_bobGarepjotr why so ?19:14
Agent_bobthe reverse is also true,   it shouldn't be a surprise19:15
Garepjotrlast time i used linux was gentoo.. and not everything would work since i was/am a noob19:15
Garepjotrbut without even pushing a button it all worked19:15
Garepjotrnot used to that in linuxx19:16
=== speeddemon is now known as speeddemon24
Agent_bobsimply meanns that your particular setup is something that the ubuntu team has been working with.19:16
Garepjotri guess19:16
Agent_bobif one of them had my nvidia card it would be supported too   ;/19:17
Garepjotrif it wasn't for that i'd probably wouldn't try (k)ubuntu..19:17
Garepjotrwich card do you have?19:17
Agent_bobriva128    it's old.19:17
Agent_bobbut good19:17
philHi All19:18
speeddemon24why wont this irc thing let me register with a gmail address19:18
philIm new be gentle19:18
=== phil is now known as msn
Agent_bobspeeddemon24 ummm because you aren't holding your mouth right ?19:19
=== msn is now known as phil
Agent_bob!register | speeddemon2419:19
ubottuspeeddemon24: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.19:19
speeddemon24thanks man19:20
speeddemon24did that would not go said invalid email19:20
Agent_bobyou don't have to show the address but what was the format of the address ?19:21
speeddemon24i like to talk about linux but it wont register19:21
Picispeeddemon24: Please join and ask in #freenode about the issue, they may have some sort of email restriction19:22
speeddemon24it said {NOTICE} *****@gmail.com is not a valid email address19:23
speeddemon24***** was my email19:23
Picispeeddemon24: #freenode is the proper place to ask about this, not #kubuntu19:23
Agent_bobformat is correct.  so unless the staff has a block on gmail.com   i see no reason for it to not work.19:24
paralaxBonjour a tous19:25
paralaxvous me recevez?19:25
Agent_bob!fr | paralax19:25
ubottuparalax: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr19:26
mamefanHow do I clear the recently run programs from the "Run Command" window (Alt-F2)?19:26
paralaxah, all right, I didn't know, it's the first time I use IRC ^19:26
Agent_bob!de | paralax if you prefer19:26
ubottuparalax if you prefer: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:26
inaetyare there any development ide's writtin in qt4?19:26
Agent_bobmamefan not sure where they are stored but you could alt+f2; nothinggoodhere      then in konsole;  grep -HiRe nothinggoodhere $HOME/.kde*    # to find it.  :)19:29
Agent_bobor just grep for any command that you have already executed in alt+f2 for that matter19:30
daHow do I install kde4?19:32
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:32
speeddemon24ok im back19:34
speeddemon24it works now19:34
julio__Hi my name is julio19:35
speeddemon24you install kde 4 by installing kubuntu-kde4-desktop then kde4 in apt-get, aptitude or synaptic19:35
julio__is there any one19:35
speeddemon24yep hi <julio_>19:35
speeddemon24hey has anyone tried out kde4.1BETA yet, i have and i like it better than 4.0, more customizing availible19:38
julio__Helo speeddemon19:39
julio__Could any one talk to me19:43
PolitikerNEUAsk your question - maybe someone will answer19:44
speeddemon24hey has anyone tried out kde4.1BETA yet, i have and i like it better than 4.0, more customizing availible19:44
speeddemon24anyone tried it on kubuntu/ubuntu19:44
julio__Yes i have tried19:44
speeddemon24your opinions19:45
julio__It´s good but i tried 7.0419:45
PolitikerNEUI tried it using kdesvn-build - yeah, it's better than KDE4 - but I'm just using some KDE4.1 programs, not the whole DE19:45
trappistcrap, *another* kernel update today, and already *another* new kernel in hardy-proposed.  I don't like it.19:50
PolitikerNEUyeah ...19:52
speeddemon24kernel updates, oh no i must now check for updates, i hate them i have to reboot all the time after them19:52
PolitikerNEUanother question: Does anybody know what causes the bug that the enery management (displacing the battery status etc.) does not work in hardy while e. g. kpowersave works great?19:53
speeddemon24hmm idk try bugs page @ ubuntu/kubuntu website19:53
Agent_bobtrappist such is the life of the bleading edge19:54
speeddemon24hmm i dont have kernel update just update to amarok nightly19:54
PolitikerNEUhow is the battery program called in kubuntu? I cannot find its name anywhere19:54
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:57
trappistPolitikerNEU: kde-guidance-powermanager?19:57
PolitikerNEUah - thanks19:57
speeddemon24it is klaptopdaemon or kpowersave pick one, klaptopdaemon is for laptops but gives u 5 sec before doing stuff19:57
trappistPolitikerNEU: or maybe kpowersave19:57
speeddemon24klaptopdaemon is the one, rest assurred19:57
trappistor what speeddemon24 says19:57
PolitikerNEUno, I can start kpowersave manually, it is a different program and works rather fine19:57
trappistPolitikerNEU: fyi, apt-cache search battery19:58
dacan kde3 coincide with kde4?19:58
PolitikerNEUactually I haven't got klaptopdaemon installed19:58
speeddemon24kde3 and kde4 are different19:58
speeddemon24each installs separete19:58
speeddemon24you select your session after installing both and it says KDE (thats kde3) and KDE419:59
dai know they are different19:59
speeddemon24<PolitikerNEU> hmm odd it should be installed20:00
PolitikerNEUI've installed it20:00
speeddemon24<da> then what were you asking, sorry i didnt read your post too well20:00
PolitikerNEUbut how do I restart the power manager - because kde-guida<Tab> doesn't give me any result20:00
speeddemon24ok then  <PolitikerNEU> i dont know, do a gogle on kde battery and youll find answers thats where i found that one for u20:01
PolitikerNEUok, thanks20:01
hexidigitalHello everyone.  Any Palm Centro people that can fill me in on if there's decent support for syncronization and such?  (I don't have my Centro yet, ordered it today.)20:01
speeddemon24OH you do sudo /etc/init.d/klaptopdaemon restart20:02
speeddemon24or sudo /etc/init.d/kpowersave restart20:02
speeddemon24u get the idea20:02
Agent_bob/usr/lib/kde#   or /usr/share/kde#20:02
speeddemon24hexidigital> google it20:03
hexidigitalspeeddemon24:  Hey, thanks for the help.  Why didn't I think of that...20:03
speeddemon24not a problem, i like helping people20:03
hexidigitalspeeddemon24:  it seems so.  You could've just as easily said nothing.20:04
speeddemon24haha not really20:04
Agent_bobhexidigital i don't have one either ;/20:04
speeddemon24hey <PolitikerNEU> go to kde-forum.org and look around20:06
speeddemon24may find help on KDE battery stuff, i use a PC so i dont know, but my dad uses a laptop so he could help you :P20:07
ramiEver since i installed flash player 9 Firefox uses almost all the CPU. Whats wrong?20:07
speeddemon24hmm, ff2 or 320:08
PolitikerNEUhmm ... http://kde-forum.org doesn't load20:08
speeddemon243 is still beta in ubuntu20:08
speeddemon242 is stable20:08
ramiand it makes my computer lag like counter strike on a windows 98 computer.20:08
speeddemon24flash is a resource hog just like that other OS that starts with a w and ends with s, linux users should not say the name20:09
speeddemon24i know it does that to me sometimes20:09
PolitikerNEUthe only systm on which flash is usable is the system which should not be named20:09
speeddemon24you make It_That-Must-Not-Be-Named sound like Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter PolitkerNEU :) lol so do i20:10
speeddemon24my mom uses that other OS20:10
speeddemon24try another flash plugin, like an opensource one see if it is better20:11
jasmin_dhq: hi i m back20:11
speeddemon24thats for u <rami>20:11
dudz5150hi, good evening20:11
Agent_bobwhat is a windows 98 computer ?20:11
jasmin_dhq: how r u dude20:11
dhqjasmin_: hi20:11
jasmin_dhq: whasssssssssssup20:11
dudz5150can anyone try to help me to install kubuntu 8.04?20:12
ramiaah, it took some time for me to know that, since i  you was talking to someone else20:12
speeddemon24what time zone are u dudz5150 in eastern it is only 312PM20:12
jasmin_dudz5150: ya sure20:12
speeddemon24oh i can help20:12
ramiAgent_bob: i dont have a clue.20:12
speeddemon24whats you problem20:12
speeddemon24it depend if i know it or not20:12
dudz5150well, everything is runnin`fine20:12
speeddemon24live cd?20:12
jasmin_dudz5150: whats the prob20:12
dudz5150but in that part that i`ve to create my partitions and that stuff20:13
dudz5150the installation doesn`t recognize any partition20:13
speeddemon24oh just tell it guided use all20:13
dudz5150and I can`t create any new partition20:13
speeddemon24what kind of hard drive20:13
speeddemon24what kind of hard drive20:14
dudz5150i believe that is a sata20:14
speeddemon24oh crap sata is a pain for me20:14
dudz5150it`s a new computer, i`m installing it for my brother20:14
dudz5150this sata stuff20:14
speeddemon24try the kde-forum.org for help in the installation category or ubuntuforums.com20:14
dudz5150i don`t know... i don`t like it very much20:14
speeddemon24try the kde-forum.org for help in the installation category or ubuntuforums.com20:15
dudz5150i`ll try it20:15
speeddemon24i use regular hard drive so it is relatively easy, i just say use all-guided and it works20:15
Agent_bobor manually partition it in a console.20:16
dudz5150i`ve installed kubuntu and ubuntu in another 3 pcs here in my home20:16
dudz5150and always was great20:16
dudz5150everything automatic20:16
Agent_bobsudo cfdisk /dev/sda     #sda is only a guess there.   fdisk -l should reveal the exact20:17
speeddemon24check this google search it should work20:17
druguys im editing a php file written in java script....how can i actually view my changes ...id like to be able to "see" what changes are made ...how can i do that ?20:17
speeddemon24where is it at? /var/www ?20:17
druits saved to my desktop .... i have already tryed with firefox ...20:18
chosigif i seem to have both kde3 and kde4 installed, and want to drop kde3... does that question belong in #kubuntu-kde4?20:18
dudz5150i`ll tryit20:19
speeddemon24oh just do this sudo apt-get remove kde20:19
dudz5150and i`ll come back to response20:19
speeddemon24or sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop20:19
speeddemon24probably both20:19
speeddemon24@ <dru> go to firefox/konquerer and go /home/username/Desktop/page.php20:20
speeddemon24should work20:20
speeddemon24it may try to dl it though20:20
druthjanks man20:20
speeddemon24HOLD ON it wont work most likely20:20
druyeah thats what it does right now20:20
speeddemon24oh sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql20:21
speeddemon24sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart when done20:21
speeddemon24then move file to /var/www or /var/www/html, whichever it should load, it did for me20:22
speeddemon24yeah u20:22
Agent_bobchosig actually no, this is probably the place for that.20:22
Agent_bobchosig although that would not be a simple question.  "how to shed kde3* and keep kde4*?"   not sure i can answer it for you.20:23
chosigAgent_bob: ok, thanks...20:23
chosigAgent_bob: perhaps if i "just" drop kde from scratch and install the kde4 meta-package20:24
ubuntu_Hello... I'm trying to resize my ext3 partition into some free space behind the partition... how can I do this?20:24
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Lupus-The-Second
minhaajgqparted Lupus-The-Second20:25
Lupus-The-Secondminhaaj: On... Kubuntu20:25
speeddemon24LupusTheSecond unsure about that20:25
minhaajyes you can use gqparted on kubuntu20:25
Lupus-The-SecondI don't have it20:26
minhaajyou can format ntfs drives to ext file systems for the use of linux20:26
minhaajinstall it20:26
ubottuFactoid gqparted not found20:26
ubottuFactoid qparted not found20:26
minhaajhang on20:26
Lupus-The-SecondIs it in any way different from qtparted?20:26
SabreWolfyQuestion --> Why does Kubuntu Hardy sometimes NOT prompt for a password after resume from hibernate20:26
Lupus-The-SecondBecause I tried that and it doesn't work.20:26
minhaajdid you ?20:26
Agent_bobchosig maybe something like.   >>>  sudo for q in `dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f3 | grep kde | grep -v 4` ;do apt-get remove $q ;done   <<< that should be interactive and i can tell you ahead of time it will yeld some errors after removing the first few packages...20:26
minhaajLupus-The-Second:  why do you want to have more space anyways ? you can access ntfs partitions and write it by default in kubuntu20:27
Agent_bobchosig but if you look at the package lists that it is sujesting to remove before answering yes then it should be safe.20:27
speeddemon24hmm good question20:27
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:27
Agent_bobi could use expect and refine that somewhat...     may do that in a few days.20:28
speeddemon24<SabreWolfy> Question --> Why does Kubuntu Hardy sometimes NOT prompt for a password after resume from hibernate   it does that to me, try googling it20:28
Lupus-The-Secondminhaaj: Did you by any chance read what i said?20:28
chosigAgent_bob: thanks a bunch (i really suck at oneliners :P)20:28
Lupus-The-SecondI said nothing about ntfs20:28
SabreWolfyspeeddemon24: googled it many times; not found anything useful20:28
Lupus-The-SecondI have an ext3 partition... behind it is free space20:28
Lupus-The-SecondI'd like to merge the two together into a big happy partition-like family20:29
SabreWolfyspeeddemon24: google on what terms? kubuntu not prompting for password on resume20:29
minhaaji have no idea why you cant do it with qparted20:29
minhaajits very unusual20:29
minhaajsorry i can't be of any help.20:29
Lupus-The-Secondminhaaj: THis20:29
Lupus-The-SecondError: File system has an incompatible feature enabled.20:29
Lupus-The-Secondqtparted gives me that when it starts20:30
minhaajwhat feature have you enabled ?20:30
druminhaaj: how bout gparted :sudo gparted20:30
Lupus-The-SecondI don't know20:30
minhaajtry uninstalling and reinstalling gqparted20:30
chosigAgent_bob: it throws a syntax error, at grep -v 4` ;do20:30
druor sudo qparted20:30
minhaajdunno dru. i have never used it.20:30
speeddemon24repartitioning didnt work for me20:30
druits pretty much the same20:30
speeddemon24never has20:31
drubut you may be able to do it by giving it root permissions20:31
Lupus-The-SecondThere's no such thing as qparted20:31
drurun it as root20:31
minhaajqparted ?20:31
Lupus-The-SecondYou mean like I've been doing?20:31
speeddemon24sudo qparted20:31
drui think its more a fanicfied terminal fdisk20:31
Agent_bobLupus-The-Second gparted cd20:32
druqtparted has the gui20:32
Lupus-The-SecondAgent_bob: What?20:32
druqparted is used in slax dists20:32
Agent_bobLupus-The-Second the live gparted cd can do that.20:32
ubottuFactoid qparted not found20:33
Agent_bobLupus-The-Second http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/ <<< that one.20:33
Lupus-The-SecondI installed gparted20:33
Lupus-The-SecondIT MAY WORK20:34
Lupus-The-SecondConsole isn't chucking errors like it drank 5 litres of cider...20:34
minhaajyou didnt have gparted installed ?20:34
minhaajomg !!!20:34
Lupus-The-Secondminhaaj: You're giving me the urge to slap you, stop it.20:34
Agent_bobLupus-The-Second i may not have all my facts streight about what you are trying to do.  but you can't alter a mounted fs   so if it's your system fs you'll have to use something like the gparted cd .   if it's just storage space then you can use gparted from the installed system.20:35
Lupus-The-SecondAgent_bob: I'm on a kubuntu, KDE, live CD20:35
druterminal :mount ...to see whats mounted20:35
PhoenixGIHay look it's, Agent_bob20:36
druhey Agent_bob20:36
dru*dru waves20:36
Agent_bobLupus-The-Second ok.   but unless they have improved it.   it may not work for that.20:36
Agent_bobhey fellas.20:36
Lupus-The-SecondOh good it's started20:37
trappistno reason it shouldn't - if you're on a live cd, your partitions aren't mounted, or if they are, can be unmounted20:37
speeddemon24whoever it was that wanted powersave try this sudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings -caption "%c"  then go to advanced tab20:37
Lupus-The-Secondit appears to be working... so I'm following the law of computing for when things are working - not going to f*** with it20:37
speeddemon24enter in console20:37
speeddemon24ah ok20:38
trappistLupus-The-Second: the law of computing is, if it ain't broke, tweak it20:38
minhaajwhat a jerk! i told him to do gparted20:38
minhaajand he wanted to slap me20:38
minhaajand in the end it worked20:38
minhaajhelping ppl is really a thankless job20:38
trappistminhaaj: I think he wanted to slap you when you lol'ed him for not having it installed20:38
Agent_bobtrappist true about the mounting,  but up to dapper the live *buntu cd's seem'd very problematic when streaching partitions backwards.20:38
dru*dru gives minhaaj a hug and says thanks20:39
speeddemon24no heres my saying for computers, if it dont work, lower your expectations, reboot and pray it works this time20:39
minhaajisnt  it stupid that he didnt install gparted and he said it doesnt work ?20:39
minhaajscroll up20:39
minhaajooh thanks dru20:39
trappistminhaaj: I know, but whaddyagonna do.20:39
Agent_bobtrappist is that the second or third law of computing,  i always get those two confused   :)))20:39
minhaaji can't stop helping for some bad apples trappist :)20:39
minhaaji love helping if i could20:39
speeddemon24quit talking about him like that behind his back, everyone screws up sometimes20:39
trappistAgent_bob: I dunno, it's just my personal motto :)20:39
minhaajthis is the spirit of linux20:39
Pennycook_minhaaj: I think before you tell people that they're stupid, you should read a bit more closely.  He was having problems with QTparted, not Gparted.20:40
trappistminhaaj: glad to hear it.  irc would be a ghost town if we all let that stuff get to us.20:40
minhaajPennycook_:  he could actually do a google search ?20:40
Pennycook_minhaaj: ...that doesn't even make any sense.20:40
minhaajnvm Pennycook_20:41
trappistat any rate it's probably time to stop ripping on the dearly departed.20:41
trappistde/parted.  heh.20:41
speeddemon24yep i agree20:41
speeddemon24hahaha :)20:41
speeddemon24nice one trappist20:41
PhoenixGIOh gawd, it's the bad pun hour20:42
trappistyeah, sorry.20:42
minhaajI wish one day we teach linux in schools instead of windows20:42
minhaaji hate windows20:42
Agent_bobtrappist im/parted some humour to the channel20:42
speeddemon24my school uses mac but dont teach us squat unless we ask20:42
SitUbuntuSitI'm going to make an OS and name it Doors20:42
speeddemon24i hate mac and windows20:43
drui use a mac ...but hate osx20:43
trappistAgent_bob: almost good, but I didn't leave, so /part doesn't really work20:43
PhoenixGIMinhaaj, that day has to wait untill I learn it, cant have my kids messing with my PC's in a mannor I don't understand20:43
minhaajlol the only computers we had access to until i was 15 were netcafes20:43
minhaajPhoenixGI: its not far.20:43
SabreWolfyspeeddemon24: so what was the solution? It prompts for password most times on resume, but not all20:43
trappistwe had apple ][e's when I was in school20:43
minhaajkids should understand what different open source makes and how to improve it20:43
acewebwe had bbc micros20:43
minhaajit starts with early age :)20:44
PhoenixGITrappist All hail the green Screen PC's20:44
trappist64 screamin kilobytes of ram... didn't even NEED a hard drive!20:44
SitUbuntuSitWe used to go to the town square and use tin cans, strings and an abacus20:44
trappistor was it 64020:44
PhoenixGIminhaaj if it makes you feel any better, my 10 year old is ticked that I haven't install Kolf (or was it Kgolf) yet20:44
speeddemon24i have pretty well VOWED to myself NEVER to use windows again20:44
trappistnetworked via IP-over-avian-carrier20:45
minhaajyou should PhoenixGI20:45
minhaajlure em in :)20:45
speeddemon24hey u guys u want to check out my site that pretty well revoles around Linux and other computer stuff?20:45
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!20:45
speeddemon24i might give the address later20:45
trappistPennycook_: good call20:45
minhaaji was a windows user 7 days ago20:45
minhaajand now i swear to god i'd never go back.20:45
minhaajbtw is anyone using google earth with kubuntu ?20:46
minhaajmine is so unstable. it keeps splashing the screen20:46
SabreWolfyspeeddemon24: so what was the solution regarding kubuntu resume passwor? It prompts for password most times on resume, but not all20:46
speeddemon24wow i switched May 17, my B-Day i got a new computer and put Linux on it i swear it is the best experiance i have ever had with a computer once it is set up, Linux is fun but teaches you somthing20:46
Agent_bobi hear that on yahoo [ u == you ] && [ r == are ]     glad it's not that way around here yet   <pet pieve #361>20:47
speeddemon24IDK try kde-forum.org look in there20:47
minhaajlinux sure has long learning curve but it is hard to configure i must accept20:47
speeddemon24i havent found anything20:47
trappistAgent_bob: peeve (spelling is one of mine)20:47
minhaajbut its worth listening20:47
speeddemon24Hey i use g earth20:47
speeddemon24it work perfect20:48
minhaajspeeddemon24:  what video card ?20:48
minhaaji am using radeon x140020:48
speeddemon24i have nVidia 6200 card though20:48
speeddemon24stable as can be20:48
Agent_bobtrappist heh.  between us they will all have to tighten up...20:48
minhaajany idea whats going wrong with mine ?20:48
minhaajcompiz is working fine20:49
speeddemon24what kind of card20:49
minhaajmeans 3D accelerator is installed20:49
minhaajATI radeon X140020:49
speeddemon24what CPU memory etc20:49
speeddemon24K graphics should be fine20:49
speeddemon24mine i can see my house with it :)20:49
minhaaji can too, in windows though20:49
speeddemon24hmm, openGL mode or not20:50
minhaajits 1.66 dual core dell inspiron 640020:50
minhaaj1 gb ram20:50
minhaaj120 gb hard disk, super drive, wifi, bluetooth20:50
speeddemon24k ram/Processor SHOULD be good, prob a linux problem if it is unstable, try going into the Adept/Synaptic Manager and reinstalling it see if it helps20:51
ubottuFactoid lines not found20:51
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:51
speeddemon24hold on ill be right back20:51
minhaajits not in adept20:51
minhaajyou have to dl it from website20:51
speeddemon24its in synaptic for me, google-earth package20:51
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:52
Agent_bobok i'm back now.    who's next ?20:52
PhoenixGIAgent_bob Who's next for what?20:53
Agent_bobwell i come here for a reason,    most of the time  ;/20:53
Agent_boband contrarry it's not for the OT descussion   lol20:54
speeddemon24[15:52] <pim_> !punctuation20:55
speeddemon24[15:52] <ubottu> Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:55
speeddemon24thats picky.20:55
PhoenixGIAgent_bob Oh, right, topic... hmmmm20:55
speeddemon24imo that is20:55
speeddemon24im back, google earth person, got it reinstalled yey20:55
pim_speeddemon24, keep it on topic, and use proper punctuation.20:55
Agent_bobspeeddemon24 it nessecarry in #ubuntu   not so much here most of the time.20:55
speeddemon24yet, not yey20:55
speeddemon24oh ok sorry guys i didnt know i thought this was regular chat board.20:56
speeddemon24where u didnt use punctuation if u didnt want to.20:56
minhaajwhere in synaptic manager speeddemon24 ?20:57
pim_speeddemon24, maybe you should try #kubuntu-offtopic ;-)20:57
minhaajcan't find t20:57
speeddemon24why off topic.20:57
speeddemon24im on topic, sort of20:57
speeddemon24oops, forgot the period .20:57
Agent_bobminhaaj it's an gnome app   you can install it and use it in kde   but the default kde app is  adept20:57
minhaajok got it20:57
speeddemon24hmm, do u just have Kubuntu or KDE+Ubuntu?20:58
minhaajit would work seamlessly with kde ?20:58
speeddemon24oh ok20:58
minhaaji have kubuntu20:58
speeddemon24sorry ...20:58
Agent_bobminhaaj yes20:58
minhaaji dont know if you can use gnome with KDE too ?20:58
minhaajis that stable ?20:58
Agent_bobminhaaj you can.20:58
Agent_bobminhaaj yes20:58
speeddemon24sudo apt-get install gnome20:58
Pennycook_minhaaj: You don't have to install Gnome to use KDE, Gnome apps just use GTK instead of Qt.20:58
speeddemon24i think thats what it is.20:59
minhaajppl dont like gnome20:59
minhaaji have been strongly recommended against using gnome20:59
Agent_bobminhaaj you can mix and match as you like.   i have five desktop environments installed here20:59
speeddemon24i do and dont at the same time. latey i have been using kde4 only, i now use 4.1 beta.20:59
came0forget about KDE and gnome, use stumpwm!  =)20:59
* Agent_bob didn't say he used a GUI just that they were installed.20:59
minhaaji can't find google earth under 'internet'21:00
Pennycook_minhaaj: Just to make the point clear, Firefox is a GTK app.  Just install an app you want to use and it'll install the necessary packages.  I don't have Gnome installed, but that doesn't stop me from using "Gnome apps"21:00
minhaajwhere has synaptics installed it ?21:00
speeddemon24i like kde4 now, i didnt like it before.21:00
minhaajahh ok21:00
minhaajkde4 is in development21:00
minhaajits not very stable21:00
pim_it is not21:00
speeddemon24terminal -> sudo synaptic21:00
Agent_bobminhaaj it's fairly stable, but not complete.21:01
pim_that's why I'm waiting for 4.1 or 4.221:01
Agent_bobdon't use sudo for gui apps speeddemon2421:01
minhaajwhere is google earth anyways ?21:01
pim_Agent_bob there are many features that don't work very well21:01
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:01
speeddemon24use 4.1beta is good enough for now21:01
Agent_bobpim_ it's lacking many things  yes.21:01
speeddemon24oh ok i didnt know, but yet i have ubuntu+kde not kubuntu only21:02
Agent_bob!gksudo | speeddemon2421:02
ubottuspeeddemon24: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:02
minhaajbtw guys, i still can't locate gearth :)21:02
PhoenixGIkdesu id kind of hit and miss in remix21:02
PhoenixGISometimes you have to specify the patch to the app in question21:03
speeddemon24ok in synaptic go to search->google21:03
speeddemon24should bring up google earth somewhere21:03
Agent_bobPhoenixGI patch ?21:03
ubottuFactoid menu not found21:05
Agent_bobalt+f2; kbuildsycoca   # then check your kmenu again.21:06
minhaajnope still very buggy21:07
speeddemon24hmmm odd21:07
Agent_bobunless you are using kde4 then this is not the right channel.21:07
minhaajwhen i try to delete it. it says permission to /home is denied21:07
minhaaji am using kde321:07
speeddemon24cant help now sorry21:07
speeddemon24idk what to do21:07
Agent_bobminhaaj you have used   sudo with a gui app ?21:07
minhaaji am not sure. how do you do that ?21:08
=== gfhgasd is now known as engineer
speeddemon24this is kubuntu not kde4 so feel free to post unless the rules say otherwise, but this is not #kde4 only or something, am i correct?21:08
Agent_bobminhaaj "own your home"    alt+f2; kdesudo chown $USER $HOME -R21:08
minhaajok hang on21:08
Agent_bobany time a user is having permission problems in their ~ they should probably "own their home"21:09
minhaajok let me see now21:09
minhaajnope access denied21:09
Agent_bobshow me the full error message21:10
Agent_bob!paste | minhaaj21:10
ubottuminhaaj: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:10
Garepjotri need to make a boot swap and root partition right?21:10
minhaajumm it won't copy21:10
minhaajlet me upload screenshot21:10
speeddemon24quick question about kde421:11
=== jimmy is now known as jsolis
speeddemon24why does my usb device "flash stick" open in amarok?21:11
Agent_bobGarepjotr need ?   none of those are nesseccary,  you must have a root fs    the installer may require you to add a swap space of some sort.    but "need" is questionable21:12
minhaajsee its in bottom where you can see access denied21:13
brohanis anyone knowledgeable about dcop, I'm trying to make an idiotic script?21:13
Garepjotrfor some reason i can't add teh last partition.. is teher a limit to 5 partitions on disk?21:13
francoisbonjour a tous21:13
brohanI'm trying to get a script to automatically raise and give focus to my konsole window21:14
brohanI'm using 'dcop konsole-`pidof konsole` terminal raise'21:14
brohanand I've used window-specific settings to turn focus stealing protection off for konsole21:14
Agent_bobGarepjotr the ubiquity standard is to use  a root and swap partitions.     but partitions are not a requirement for a linux os.      and there is a limit in *parted of four primary partitions. yes.21:14
brohanbut when I run my script, it brings it to the workspace I want.. but it doesn't give it focus21:15
Agent_bobminhaaj k  give me a second.21:15
speeddemon24why does my usb device "flash stick" open in amarok?21:16
minhaajcheck file assosciations21:18
minhaaji think its in system settings21:18
minhaajhang on21:18
Garepjotrso i could just do with 1 partition?21:19
speeddemon24i went in there i have no choise there21:19
minhaajsystem settings > default applications > file assosciations21:19
speeddemon24says should open in dolphin but doesnt21:21
speeddemon24keep in mind i use kde4 that was kde3 app that i had to run21:21
minhaajthats strange21:24
minhaajyou use amarok ?21:24
minhaajbecause if you dont, you might want to uninstal lit21:24
ubottuFactoid widgets not found21:25
ubottusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org21:25
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:25
speeddemon24amarok 1.4 (KDE3) and Amarok 2 Alpha Nightly (KDE4)21:25
gi000hi, im suffering from a certain problem with kubuntu on my notebook for over a year now21:26
drugi000: whats the problem ?21:26
gi000having an external monitor plugged in while booting i don't get both working21:26
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama21:27
gi000the workaround until now is: unplug the monitor, boot the system and plug it in while kubuntu loads21:27
Agent_bobminhaaj you might want to read the freenode rules.21:27
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead21:27
minhaajAgent_bob:  ok21:27
minhaajtell me another image hosting and i'll upload there21:28
Garepjotrwhat fs is advised for root?21:28
Agent_bobsurely one can be found that does not suround your post with thumbnails of others.21:28
Agent_bobGarepjotr ext321:29
minhaajAgent_bob:  for exampple ?21:29
Agent_bobGarepjotr ext2 will also work  but you asked for the sujested fs type,     rieserfs xfs and jfs will all work.21:29
gi000dru: there's only information about how to configure it. it's running unless i have it plugged in while booting21:30
gi000then the external monitor gets the "main" one21:30
gi000and everything goes wrong21:30
drugi000: whats the hardware specs21:31
druhows that set up in bios21:31
drupersonaly i dont have dual monitors21:32
minhaajAgent_bob:  see this http://www.screenshots.cc/show.php/2929_snapshot3.png.html21:32
drui use a headless server21:32
Agent_bobbios on my lappy is very useless,  almost nothing can be adjusted.21:32
drubut im pretty sure its probly just a configuration erorr21:32
druhow is the setting under "monitors" etc ?21:32
dwidmanndru, gi000: my laptop behaves the same way21:33
minhaajwhy ff is not showing images in facebook ?21:33
dwidmannI think the way I fixed it, gi000, is to add "display" sections for each monitor to the xorg.conf file, it seems to pick the right one then.21:33
gi000dru: an amilo pro (fujitsu)21:33
Bangladeshcan someone tell me how can make a keyboard shortcut for changing my keyboard layouts?21:33
gi000dru, dwidmann: in the bios i can't change anything about that21:34
gi000just make enable the enlargement of the text screen21:34
druyeah .... lemme see21:34
druhardware drivers?21:35
PhoenixGIoops, forgot I was still logged in21:36
SabreWolfy[1] does Kubuntu run sshd by default? No firewalls active; can ping my remote machine but not SSH in21:36
dwidmanngi000: let me show you my xorg.conf file, to show you what I mean.21:36
drusystem settings >> monitor display >> monitors 1 2 .....etc21:36
Odd-rationaleSabreWolfy: by defaut you only have openssh-client21:36
PhoenixGIAgent_bob patch=path21:36
Odd-rationaleSabreWolfy: you need to install openssh-server on the server machine to ssh in21:36
inaetyhow can i format an usb stick21:36
gi000dru, dwidmann: i'm away for 10 min, coming back soon21:36
dwidmannhmm, wait, seems to be in there afterall21:36
Odd-rationaleinaety: try qtparted or gparted21:37
inaetyOdd-rationale: oh true21:37
cdpukHi all, anyone know how to get all 10 buttons on an MX518 work (and all sending unique events)?21:38
SabreWolfyOdd-rationale: aaaaaaaaah! I've never ssh'd in or out on that machine before, so chances are that sshd is not running?21:39
SabreWolfyOdd-rationale: and if I want to ssh INTO a machine then that machine needs openssh-server ?21:40
Odd-rationaleSabreWolfy: only the client may be. if you have not installed openssh-server. then no one can ssh in21:40
dru are there seriuously issues with the system setting for the whole dual monitor thing? ...it looks like it should work fine to me21:40
Odd-rationaleSabreWolfy: correct21:40
inaetythanks Odd-rationale, that was probably the easiest thing i've ever done21:42
Odd-rationaleinaety: np, glad to help21:42
SabreWolfyOdd-rationale: Any other way I can get onto that box remotely then ?21:44
Odd-rationaleSabreWolfy: nope. linux is secure...21:44
druSabreWolfy: where is the "box" and do you have acess to its network ?21:45
SabreWolfyOdd-rationale: yes, I guess that's the point!21:45
SabreWolfydru: I have physical access to the machine, just not at the moment; I have VPN access to the network on which it sits21:45
drucan you remote desktop in ?21:46
drudo you have its user name and password?21:46
SabreWolfydru: no idea -- I've installed the packages I need on the machine, but did not realize I needed openssh-server; it's my server -- I have the username and password yes21:46
Odd-rationaledru: he would need to setup vnc on the server first. no?21:46
SabreWolfyOdd-rationale: yea if VNC is not there by default, then it's not there; I've only installed the packages I needed21:47
druyeah .... you can try to ssh it : ssh username@ipaddress21:47
SabreWolfydru: connection refused; I've not installed openssh-server21:47
Odd-rationaleSabreWolfy: vnc is there by default, but you are not there to setup the connection21:47
Odd-rationalei think...21:48
SabreWolfytried to get in to machine this evening, but a door which is always open, was now closed and locked21:48
druno dude....you could try other things... but yeah ....highly unlikly ....21:48
SabreWolfyyea -- wait until Monday I think !!21:48
Odd-rationaleSabreWolfy: break the door21:48
SabreWolfyOdd-rationale: believe me, I was tempted; travelled all the way there at night damnit ! :)21:49
druno well he has the user name and passwd21:49
dru....what else runs on the server21:49
drucan you nmap please?21:49
SabreWolfydru: it's got whatever is there by default and the packages I've installed, which are all unrelated to this problem I think21:50
SabreWolfyI can ping the machine ! :)21:50
=== fdgfdserfd is now known as engineer
Odd-rationaleSabreWolfy: well, you can have someone do it for you. and change the password after they install openssh-server for you...21:50
Odd-rationalesomeone with physical access21:50
drucan you give me the ipaddress21:50
SabreWolfyOdd-rationale: true true; or I could try tomorrow if the door is open21:50
Odd-rationalewhy would he do that?21:50
gi000dru, dwidmann: back again21:51
SabreWolfydru: yea WHY would I do that? :) Besides, it's on a VPN21:51
drutry this in the terminal :nmap ipaddress21:51
SabreWolfydru: it's not just sitting out on the 'net with it's ass exposed on port 22 :)21:51
dwidmannwelcome ....gi000, that actually isn't far off what I did to my xorg.conf, though I think I left xinerama off.21:51
druno it would nee something runnign on 22 for it to be "exposed"21:51
gi000 it seems to me, that something changes the both of the monitors21:52
druSabreWolfy: if you post a list of what ports are open we may be able to help you with a method to acess an open port21:53
gi000and so they don't get the right resolution21:53
dwidmanngi000: worst case, you could set the res manually if needed with systemsettings or xrandr21:53
gi000dwidmann: that doesn't work without restarting x21:53
gi000and the xorg.conf created by the configuration tool was buggy too21:54
SabreWolfydru: working on it21:54
SabreWolfydru: nmap ipaddress   does nothing --- nmap just parks off ---- I need a "-a" ?21:54
* chull smiles21:55
dwidmanngi000: I don't mean to use it to manage the conf, just to set the resolution for one time purposes, it should be able to do that okay, I had res issues too ..... it was trying to use 1680x1050 on my laptop, obviously a bit of a problem.21:55
ramiIs there any software for visualisation control like Arkaos but for Ubuntu?21:55
gi000dru, dwidmann: i tried kubuntu with kde4, but there was no improvement for this21:55
dwidmanngi000: if anything, KDE4 is *worse* at handling dualhead21:55
GrizX broke. :-(   dpkg-reconfigure  <what package>   to correct this??21:55
dwidmannfor now anyhow21:56
dru gi000: what dto your settings look like in the monitors display section of system settings?21:56
SabreWolfydru: nope, it seems pretty secure;21:56
chullI have gutsy, i was trying to open amarok and got an error:  NTP support is not installed, How do I get Alsamixer back?21:56
SabreWolfydru: what port is "ping" on? other than that port 1720 is open21:57
druyeah .... is there anything running on the server? like a page... or some program acessing the internet? nothing?21:57
gi000dru: what do you mean? i see the correct resolutions there at the moment21:57
dwidmanngi000: to be honest, I think my xorg.conf was much simpler, perhaps it's the specifics that are the cause of your problem? I specified nothing more than the resolution in the monitor sections. No modelines and fancy stuff like that, and it worked well.21:57
dru SabreWolfy : ping its just an application asking for a responce on "port"21:58
gi000dwidmann: i didn't have that much before, i recently switched to 8.0421:58
drukinda like ping pong21:58
SabreWolfydru: what port does it use tho ?21:58
druon your computer?21:58
gi000dwidmann: but it took one afternoon for a friend of mine to figure it out how to get both run21:58
dwidmanngi000: theoretically, in 8.04, you should be able to run with the xorg.conf missing, rl isn't that nice typically though21:58
SabreWolfydru: what port does ping use I mean ?21:59
druSabreWolfy: ping is sent from your computer to "any and all" ports (on the recieveing computer)  to find out what ports the recieveing computer is using22:00
drupong will return from which ever ports respond on the recieveing computer22:00
dwidmanngi000: try going with a minimalistic xorg.conf and seeing what happens22:00
SabreWolfydru: ah ok; well then it only has port 1720 open !22:00
druso the computer pings A* from b* and the A* returns a list to B* with what port A* returned the ping from B*22:01
drudid it say what protocoll ning as well ?it is ru22:01
dru*did it say what prtocoll it i running ?22:02
_sourcemakercan I use kde 4.1b for daily use?22:02
stdinyou can try22:02
gi000dwidmann: another thing i have to mention is that the package 915resolution is needed for the correct resolution to be set up correctly. could this interfere with the the wrong setting i get having connected the other display?22:02
dwidmann_sourcemaker: Iwouldn't recommend it22:02
dwidmann_sourcemaker: unless your goal  is bug reporting :)22:02
* stdin will be, but stdin is crazy!22:02
SabreWolfydru: port 1720/tcp    open    H.323/Q.931?22:03
chalcedony(((((( engineer ))))))22:03
druSabreWolfy: gimme a sec22:04
dwidmanngi000: dunno, mayyyyyyybe22:04
engineer(((((( chalcedony ))))))22:04
robotgeekengineer: please don't play in here22:04
chalcedonyrobotgeek: ty22:04
chalcedonyMy husband has gutsy, he was trying to open amarok and got an error:  NTP support is not installed, How do I get Alsamixer back?22:05
engineersudo apt-get install alsamixergui22:05
chalcedonyengineer: some people don't understand friendly greetings22:06
chalcedonyi had the wrong name i was trying22:06
druSabreWolfy: i dont think were getting in22:06
engineerconnection is weak, i'm not playing ffs22:06
robotgeektoo much time on irc is just adding negativity to me life. sigh22:06
SabreWolfydru: nope! it's fine tho -- at least I know the network there is pretty secure !22:07
* robotgeek takes up in offtopic22:07
gi000dru, dwidmann: i'll try it. thanks22:07
druyeah it will be till you start opening things up and using the server22:07
drulinux is safe ... thats why we use it22:08
SabreWolfywhere on earth do I change the colours in pidgin ?!22:08
engineerpidgin is not a kde app22:08
dwidmanngi000: will your video display work with the intel driver, or do you *have* to use i810, afaik the intel driver is supposed to be better22:08
engineerdru linux is safe if you're careful22:08
SabreWolfyengineer: yeeeeeeees?22:08
druyes engineer is very correct22:08
dru*dru puts the spotlight on engineer22:09
drudrum rollll22:09
SabreWolfydoes that mean I can't change the colours ?22:09
* SabreWolfy knew he should have used Kopete22:09
druor konversation22:10
chalcedonyi think his problem may be larger.. his mouse pointer is jerkey and xchat is not moving, I can't minimize xchat or bring up a terminal on his box.22:10
druchalcedony: is it a laptop ?22:10
chalcedonydru: no desktop22:10
gi000dwidmann: i tried both a year ago and the i810 worked instead of the other :)22:10
gi000dwidmann: the other is just "intel"?22:11
SabreWolfydru: ooh yes Konversation; what is Kopete hten ?22:11
druSabreWolfy: its a kde app22:11
engineerSabreWolfy kopete is a messenger22:11
chalcedonywe don't get viruses, right?22:12
engineerkonversation is an irc client22:12
SabreWolfyah but Kopete does IRC protocol22:12
engineerchalcedony you do, but then can't execute if they were made for windows22:12
engineerSabreWolfy i think so22:12
chalcedonyengineer: yup..22:12
engineertry it and see22:12
SabreWolfyanyone using KDE 4.1 Beta 1 ?22:13
druyou can even get a virus scanner and scan your linux system ... tho you never need it for you but for files you tranfere and stuff22:13
incenseSabreWolfy: I'm running 4.1 and loving it!22:13
chalcedonyso.. he can't find programs that were there before, and it's crashing xchat ..22:14
druincense: hows it working out ?22:14
SabreWolfyincense: ok! I tried 4.0 and didn't really like it; 4.1 now comes with the PIM stuff too22:14
dru chalcedony: did you try running them in the terminal ?22:14
incensedru: Great so far. I really like the new PIM app. I've had a few plasma krashes, but nothing too big.22:14
Sakui4.0 kept crashing on me.22:14
druyeah same here so im stil on 3.522:15
druit works22:15
dwidmanngi000: the intel driver was new in 7.10 I think. I'm not sure if it's compatible with the old cards or not, why not try it and see?22:15
chalcedonydru: he got the error and called me in, i said ok let's get alsa.. and got the right name for alsa.. but i can't open a terminal22:15
incense4.1 is a big improvment over the 4.0.x releases.22:15
druhow bout a tty22:16
chalcedonyand Xchat is not moving.. won't let me click22:16
druor the ctrl alt f*22:16
dru1 222:16
chalcedonydidnt try that yet22:16
Sakuiincense: how did you get kde 4.1?22:16
gi000dwidmann: i'll give it a try22:16
chalcedonylet me go see22:16
SabreWolfyincense: why would I want KDE 4.x rather than 3.5.922:17
chalcedonypraise God for multiple computers .. last time i had a problem 3 more failed22:17
gi000in theory i could run one screen with the intel driver and the other with the i810?22:17
incenseSakui: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.1beta1.php22:17
druchalcedony: that would give you a termainl interface .. you can se whats wrong and do some configurations ...;;)22:17
dwidmanngi000: maybe, I don't know, one way to find out.22:17
Sakuiincense: did you remove 3.5.9?22:18
incenseSavreWolfy: Because you like to file bug reports. ;) It's not super stable, but I like the look and feel, and plasma is nice.22:18
chalcedonydru: not even control alt backspace.22:18
SabreWolfywhat is a GUI good for on a server / backup sorta machine ? what can you ONLY do in a GUI ?22:18
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE22:19
coreymon77bot lag?22:19
coreymon77dammit ubotu22:19
SabreWolfyincense: ok! I prefer a more stable system I think !! I'll wait for the final 4.1 :)22:19
incenseSakui: No, I still have 3.5.9. There are still some apps that depend on 3.5 (knetworkmanager and adept are big ones.22:19
SabreWolfydru: how can I get a machine not to book into X ?22:19
SabreWolfydru: boot22:19
engineeruninstall the login manager22:20
incenseSabreWolfy: I don't blame you. So far though, it's been a really nice experience. The devs on #kubuntu-kde4 have been really helpful, and are working on bugs very quickly.22:20
engineeror disable it in the rc22:20
SabreWolfy engineer: kdm presumably? can I just apt-get remove it ?!22:22
engineerit might remove other stuff22:22
SabreWolfyincense: can you make it look less .. gaudy / garish / kitchy / over the top ? I thought it was just TOO much when I installed it (4.0) :)22:22
druSabreWolfy: startx22:23
SabreWolfydru: wut ?22:23
druif you have x installed ... and your terminal prompts......log in and then startx22:24
druon boot you just want to boot22:24
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druso boot ...and log into x after youve booted22:24
incenseSabreWolfy: There are themes just as in 3.5. I can run the old Plastik theme with the widgets if I want to make it look like KDE 3.22:24
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coreymon77whats easier, mounting a ntfs partition for read access while running from a livecd, or from a real kubuntu installation?22:24
drulive cd22:25
druyou can also just use the diskmounter to add the stuff to fstab22:25
SabreWolfydru: I wanna REMOVE GUI from an installation !: )22:26
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE22:26
druSabreWolfy: apt-get remove x22:26
SabreWolfyincense: aah ok; and you say 4.1 beta 1 is still a little unstable ?22:26
SabreWolfydru: <gasp> really? eee that sounds scary actually !22:26
druyeah it is22:26
SabreWolfyapt-get remove *22:27
coreymon77dru: so, diskmounter on the livecd?22:27
druthe darkness of the terminal will envelope you like a soft warn blanket22:27
coreymon77dru: or on the real install22:27
drucoreymon77. the real one22:27
incenseSabreWolfy: I've had a few crashes, but nothing that has scared me off. 4.1 has a lot more stability then any other KDE 4 release I've used.22:27
druon the live cd your fstab will dissapear after reboot22:27
Sakuiincense: downloading22:28
coreymon77dru: this is an emergency first aid recovery mission22:28
coreymon77dru: so, does that really matter?22:28
druthat would only be if youd like to temporarily mount the *win partition for some quick editing22:28
drudo you need to edit the partition tables?22:28
druif so then use the live cd22:29
incenseSabreWolfy: Let us know how it goes! #kubuntu-kde4 if you have any problems.22:29
drucause you wont be able to do it from your hard installation22:29
coreymon77dru: the hard drive messed, and wont boot, we need to get data from it22:29
coreymon77dru: so, livecd/22:29
SabreWolfyincense: oooh your own channel; tell me about the pim apps in 4.1 ....22:29
druits pretty much the same22:29
drui like to do it from my hard installs so that i know where i am and have all my tools at the ready22:30
incenseyeah, it's pretty much the same, different buttons, and the new theme. I'm a kontact fan though, so I was pretty stoked to use the new release.22:30
druim assuming that the win hard drive is a different hard drive then the one you are currently runing from22:30
BluesKajcoreymon77, try Supergrub disk or Ultimate Boot disk if you can22:30
coreymon77its not me, its a friend22:30
druyeha okay22:31
coreymon77he has both a livecd (given to him by me) and a real install22:31
BluesKajwell then your friend :)22:31
gi000dru, dwidmann: no chance. i was not able to start x having bootet with the monitor connected22:31
coreymon77which should he use22:31
druthey are identical22:31
gi000dru, dwidmann: the intel driver doesn't work either22:31
coreymon77okay then22:31
drugi000: how bout restriced drivers section ?22:32
minhaaj_is there a nokia pc suite for linux ?22:32
gi000i only put intel instead of i81022:33
BluesKajcoreymon77, sounds like he needs to get back to windows , tell him to download and burn Ultimate Bootdisk if possible22:33
gi000the xserver-xorg-video-intel is installed on my computer22:33
coreymon77he doesnt really, he just wants the data22:33
druoh yeah22:34
drublueskaj thats a good one22:34
drucoreymon77: do you need help rescuing the data?22:34
coreymon77no, just wanted to know how22:35
BluesKajwell, then perhaps restoring grub will do ,and then he can access the ntfs partition from Storage media in system menu22:35
druis anything accessable?22:35
coreymon77easiest way taht is22:35
gi000dwidmann: there is no other intel driver i suppose22:35
druyeah its probly something simple like the mbr or someth ing22:35
dwidmanngi000: just those two22:35
coreymon77no, he dropped his lappy :P22:35
BluesKajsuper grub disk will restore the mbr22:35
drutake out the drive... nount it on your system and eject the data to an alternative source....format check for bad sectors... you know22:36
coreymon77dru: thats what we are doing22:36
coreymon77dru: i do know what im doing with linux you know :P just dont use ntfs much22:37
dru....the see if you can reinstall windows on it ....(if it has no bad sectors) if it does use the live parted disk to "mark" them ...and see how that turns out22:37
coreymon77dru: first we are getting the data22:38
druokay then ... you dont need to fiddle with fstab for that ... just try mounting it22:38
druto a mont point22:38
gi000the other thing is that i really would like to switch between the two monitor and the just-lcd mode22:38
gi000without having to reboot every time22:38
drugi000: you may hav better luck getting a switch thingy22:39
gi000if i know want to connect a beamer, a first have to restart at least x if not the whole system22:39
gi000dru: what does that mean?22:39
druan external switch for all the extra plug ins?22:40
drujust some fancy hardware gadgetry22:40
dwidmanngi000: well, you could just use xrandr --output LCD --off / xrandr --output LCD --auto or similar22:40
gi000that wouldn't change the problem i thing. i would have to reboot every time i switch something there :)22:40
druwell not if its like plug n play22:41
dwidmannYou apparently don't know what xrandr does then,l gi00022:41
SabreWolfyARGH always something with Linux machines22:41
* SabreWolfy rants and raves22:41
jhutchins_wkgi000: You don't have to reboot.22:41
druSabreWolfy: isnt it exciting ?????22:41
SabreWolfyctrl-alt-f2 gives me a white screen22:41
SabreWolfynot a proper text login screen22:41
SabreWolfywhy why22:41
SabreWolfydru: NO! :)22:41
SabreWolfyf3 the same22:42
drutry with f122:42
SabreWolfyem with f122:42
SabreWolfysame with f122:42
drusheesh dude what did you remove?22:42
SabreWolfywhy can't I get a proper terminal login now <<sigh>>22:42
gi000i used it once :)22:42
* SabreWolfy has been very tempted today to return to W*ndows!!22:42
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: oh, like windows doesn't throw random failures at you.22:43
dru*dru slaps  SabreWolfy.....No (slap) no windzoe22:43
coreymon77SabreWolfy: whats the matter22:43
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: what did you change most recently?22:43
gi000dwidmann, jhutchings_wk: it tells me that there is only one screen (because of xinerama i suppose)?22:43
gi000Screen 0: minimum 1280 x 800, current 2560 x 1024, maximum 1280 x 80022:43
gi000default connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 0mm x 0mm22:43
gi000   1280x800       60.0*22:43
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: Sounds like a framebuffer problem.22:43
Mojo_risin996.600 FPS is a good score?22:44
SabreWolfy jhutchins : <sigh>22:44
dwidmanngi000: maybe, I'm not sure22:44
druSabreWolfywerent you doing something like switching to kde 4 ??22:44
jhutchins_wkgi000: I hear that you do have to have the second display connected & on when you start X (but not when you boot).22:44
SabreWolfyjhutchins dunno what I changed most recently; nothing major that I can think of22:44
SabreWolfydru: not yet and not on this machine! :)22:44
SabreWolfydru: you know anything about kubuntu sometimes not prompting for password on resume from hibernate ?22:45
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: Do you get any text during boot?  Can you boot to rescue mode and get normal video?22:45
gi000jhutchins_wk: exactly. i have to plug it in when at the grub menu22:45
jhutchins_wkThis is yet another reason to have the standard SysV runlevels.22:45
druoh ...well if you dissabled it ?....also im not sure ...but if it dosnt prompt for a passwd from hybernate that means it didnt hybernate correctly22:45
jhutchins_wkgi000: Ah.  Known side-effect of xorg's auto-configuration.22:46
SabreWolfyjhutchins no text during boot; moving kubuntu bar; I've switched to text mode terminals before; very strange !22:46
druyeah i dont like playing with xorg22:46
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: xterms work?22:46
jhutchins_wkkonsole, whatever.22:46
SabreWolfyjhutchins  yea everything works fine as normal22:46
druyeah can you give a reboot a try SabreWolfy?22:47
drui thin your system may just be having hybernation issues ...22:47
SabreWolfydru: What? Reboot a linux machine? to solve something simple like this?22:47
drurebot the kernel22:47
drunot x22:47
SabreWolfydru: hibernation in hardy is still messed up I must say; it works MOST of the time but not all the time22:47
SabreWolfydru: how do I reboot just the kernel ?22:47
druyeah i just turn my maccy off22:48
druyou have to reboot22:48
gi000jhutchins_wk: it would be perfect connecting a monitor and then enabling it without reboot/restart22:48
SabreWolfydru: you see Windows never ONCE had a problem with hibernate OR with suddenly not prompting for p/word on resume22:48
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: Well, console level stuff - it's hard to work below console level.  You can ssh in and change things, but...22:48
* SabreWolfy loves Kubuntu -- just having a frustrating Anti-Linux day today !!22:48
gi000but at least i want to avoid having to unplug and plug the cable every time22:48
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: Are the mingetty's running?22:48
dwidmannSabreWolfy: no, it just has other problems instead22:48
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: Should be 6.22:48
druyeah well there are fixes for it ....i found one a while back ...lemme see hwere it is22:49
SabreWolfyjhutchins what the hell is a mingetty  :)22:49
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: I've been windows-free for more than five years.22:49
jhutchins_wkSabreWolfy: The process that creates the console terminals.22:49
minhaaj_just because windows doesnt ask password doesnt make it any cooler than linux22:49
minhaaj_windows is awwwwwwwwwwwwwful22:49
minhaaj_i would never go back to it22:50
SabreWolfyjhutchins -- I've been windows free for ... 6 months; didn't even put Windoze into a virtual box this time round -- don't need it ! and if  I do, I wine !!22:50
druSabreWolfy https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook22:50
speeddemon24ive been windows free for nearly 3 weeks :)lol22:50
drufurthur on down the page lists a fix for the hybernation issues22:50
SabreWolfyminhaaj_:    no, it's Kubuntu that simply fails to prompt for a password on resume sometimes; now THAT's quite insecure !!22:50
SabreWolfydru: I don't have a MacBook :)22:50
druyeah but its the  same22:51
SabreWolfydru: ah ok22:51
druits the kernel and not the computer22:51
minhaaj_i dont remember once that kubuntu had failed to prompt for password22:51
druminhaaj_: it means it didnt hybernate correctly22:51
SabreWolfydamned Pidgin REFUSES to open firefox as default browser, DESPITE me changing the setting yesterday and having rebooted since then AND having checked the FF is the default browser; cut and paste it is then22:51
druon wake up ...no password22:51
minhaaj_dont hibernate, just lock the session22:52
SabreWolfydru: and sometimes hibernate does a restart22:52
druyeah but theres a fix for it22:52
drulets do the fix k ?22:52
drucan you just reboot for now ? see you in a moment?22:52
SabreWolfydru: what am I looking on that page for ?22:53
TonrenI installed the 4.0 flavor of Kubuntu 8.04.  Is there a way to upgrade to 4.1 without building everything from source?22:53
dwidmannTonren: there are PPA packages available, look on kubuntu.org for details22:55
Tonrendwidmann: Muchos gracias.22:55
SabreWolfythere are packages22:55
SabreWolfykde4 packages22:55
coreymon77i have a macbook, if it helps anyone23:04
druso do i23:04
drufull of dual core goodness23:05
coreymon77im actually on it now23:05
drublaack book ???23:05
coreymon77and yes, i know what you mean23:06
chulldru: i tried to apt-get install alsamixergui .. it's IN the computer.. but won't load by typing $alsamixer23:06
druleave out that dollar sign23:07
druit goes under kmix or something like tha t23:07
chuller dru i know how to write a command .. forgot space here23:07
drubut if you want the cool termianl version just do a :alasmixer23:07
dru*alsamixer in the terminal23:07
chulldru,  error alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device23:08
drudo it as root23:08
crimsundru: fresh install of 8.04?23:08
crimsunalso, what is `lspci -nv|grep -A1 040[13]'?23:09
crimsun(you probably need alsa-driver 1.0.17rc1)23:09
druchull: ....your device isnt showing23:09
chulldru how do i find out what version of kubuntu he's got on here?23:09
dru....hows are your drivers for it23:09
chulland then we can look for drivers23:10
chulli don't know what got broken or how23:10
crimsunchull: lsb_release -r23:10
chullcrimsun, ty23:10
crimsunchull: what's the issue?23:10
chullroot@vir:~#  lsb_release -r23:11
chullRelease:        7.1023:11
crimsunthat's gutsy23:11
chullso he didn't accidentally do an upgrade23:11
chullwhatever broke.. he had alsa working before23:11
crimsunthat's not not necessarily true.23:11
crimsunlsb-base could have been held back, not upgraded, etc.23:11
crimsunchull: so when did alsa "break"?23:12
chullcrimsun, my husband is a retired computer professional, he had a stroke and is right side paralyzed, can't speak or spell and has trouble undersanding spoken words, .. he can read.23:12
prodigyhow can i connect my lg phone to kubuntu? it does not have an option to be a usb disk... is there some proggie?23:12
chullcrimsun, sometime yesterday he says.23:12
coreymon77chull: ouch23:12
coreymon77chull: that sucks23:13
chullcoreymon77, ty yes it does23:13
crimsunchull: does he recall what occurred immediately (suspend?  resume?) prior to it breaking?23:13
SabreWolfyprodigy: does it not appear as a usb stick anywa ?23:13
chullcrimsun, his description isn't in words.. appears he was typing and doing his usual things and it crashed23:14
prodigySabreWolfy: no it does not have that option, unfortunately. the other LG phone that does, works fine.23:14
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SabreWolfyprodigy: what do you mean option? if you plug the phone in via usb what happens ?23:14
prodigySabreWolfy: nothing23:15
SabreWolfyprodigy: does anything additional appear under /media ?23:15
crimsunchull: ok, so we'll walk through some sanity checks first.  Can you/he open a Konsole/Terminal and type the following (and tell me what is returned)?  lspci -nv|grep -A1 040[13]23:15
prodigySabreWolfy: no. it needs a program in windows, it should need a program in linux too.23:15
SabreWolfyprodigy: how frustrating; google it :)23:16
dru prodigy: no dude23:16
chullcrimsun, ok23:16
druit just needs to mount23:16
SabreWolfyprodigy: you can check for /dev/sdb1 for example, or something similar23:16
chullour son ordered parts for his new computer, the box just got here :)23:16
SabreWolfydru: so why is it not mounting automatically ?23:16
druprodigy: widoze people mak fancy apps to interact with hard ware23:17
prodigySabreWolfy: dru: i have looked for it, it does not appear anywhere.23:17
chulldru: root@vir:~# lspci -nv|grep -A1 040[13]23:17
prodigydru: i know that.23:17
SabreWolfyprodigy: have you successfully used it is a memory stick under w*ndows ?23:17
crimsunchull: ok, how old is this computer?23:17
prodigyi found some bitpim app. it was a recomendation, i will look about that...23:18
dru prodigy: whats the make and stuff specks?23:18
prodigySabreWolfy: it has no feature to behave as a memory stick. in wind**s there is a special proggie to manage it. it is LG u88023:18
prodigydru: no usb stick feature. it has a M$ proggie, etc etc. no linux (ifficial) support23:19
chalcedonycrimsun: not ancient, was our son's .. then mine .. now his23:19
druprodigy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48939923:20
ign0ramushey all. just installed a fresh hardy on a compaq presario will dell crt monitor... everything is going good... except when opening certain applications, i get these weird lines that show up on the screen like a spider web. wtf?23:20
chalcedonyand we had upgraded him to my most recent old one.. when the video quit .. that one needs a new mb.. so we bought him an upgrade23:20
prodigydru: dood, thanx alot!23:20
ubuntu_prinzido you know a program with which i can make notices with my graphic-pen ?23:20
SabreWolfyubuntu_prinzi:    it's the world wide web ?23:20
crimsunchalcedony: ok, please download http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh and run it using:  bash /path/to/where/you/saved/alsa-info.sh23:21
SabreWolfydru: that post is not very helpful !!23:21
SabreWolfyit simply states the problem, as prodigy has already done !23:21
chalcedonycrimsun: ill probably need more help with that but ill get it and see23:21
dru ahhh yeah im getting to that23:22
prodigydru: never mind, you at least found that i am not alone in my problem:) SabreWolfy: i think i will make it with this bitpim app.23:22
prodigythank you guys23:22
ubuntu_prinzidid you know that i di'dnt found a good program (withouth the stinky gimp)23:22
prodigyplus, this app is 17mb, it better work...23:23
druprodigy http://www.kmobiletools.org/23:23
drutry using it with a tool like above23:23
SabreWolfyprodigy: install windows in virtualbox, figure a way to get the usb to work there (which can be a pain) and then mount it in windows and access in linux !23:23
druill see what else23:23
prodigyi will look into that dru: thank you man..23:24
minhaajhey alexander23:24
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prodigySabreWolfy: yeah, right. haha i need not to have that evil on my computer... ;)23:24
druprodigy: most likely theres jsut an interactive tool missing for you ...the data should be acessable via *mount etc23:26
drulike a normal usb dev23:26
prodigydru: i hope so...23:26
druits usb right ?23:26
druchances are since no one responded to that *post ....that its a kinda simple thing but needs some configuration23:27
ubuntu_prinzido you know a program with which i can make notices with my graphic-pen ?23:27
prodigygood bye guys23:29
ign0ramushas anyone experienced weird lines showing up across the screen after installing hardy?23:30
ubottuFactoid graphic-pen not found23:30
Tonrenign0ramus: White wiggly lines, with a big chunk at the bottom?23:30
ign0ramustonren: yeah, kinda.  zigzags like a spider web almost23:30
druubuntu_prinzi: what brand please?23:31
ign0ramusnever had this problem before, but i've only ever installed on laptops, not a desktop (which uses crt)23:31
ubuntu_prinzidru, wacom23:31
Tonrenign0ramus: I've had that problem on-and-off for years.23:31
drumodel number23:31
Tonrenign0ramus: It recently cropped up when I installed 8.04, though23:31
drustuff you know23:31
ign0ramusTonren: so no fix, eh?23:31
ign0ramusTonren: i tried reconfiguring xorg, to no avail23:32
Tonrenign0ramus: I have absolutely no idea what could be causing it, nor how to fix it.  :-)  Been that way for years.23:32
ign0ramusTonren: i did notice that my refresh rate is set at 75hz instead of 60, but switching back made my eyes buggy O_o23:32
ign0ramusTonren: so you just deal with it?  on the three laptops i've had (two vaios and an acer), never ran into anything like this...23:33
druubuntu_prinzi: model no ?23:33
phoenixz Im configuring an NFS on ubuntu but where is the exportfs command???23:33
ign0ramusTonren: do your lines just show up at random and disappear when a window or mouse is moved over them?  that's what i'm getting.  really just annoying is all23:34
Tonrenign0ramus: Oh, no.  Mine only show up when I restarrtt o o shud wnX.23:34
Tonrenign0ramus: Restart or shut down X.23:34
ign0ramusTonren: too much coffee? ;)23:34
TonrenHave I mentioned that synergy has been lagging since I upgraded to 8.04?  :-)23:34
ign0ramusTonren: don't even know what synergy is...23:35
Tonrenign0ramus: It lets you control many computers with a single keyboard & mouse, over a LAN.23:35
druubuntu_prinzi: yeah gimp is it for you23:35
ign0ramusTonren: sweet app; sucks about the lag23:35
Tonrenign0ramus: It's platform-agnostic, so you can control a Windows PC, a mac PC and a linux PC all from a single set23:35
Tonrenign0ramus: Yeah, it was completely unusable until I found a simple workaround, but it still lags a lot.23:35
ign0ramusTonren: nice.  control is always good.23:35
frankiHi, I have a lexmark p6350 printer. I've looked online etc and it says theres no support for it, I'm just wondering does anyone know how to make it work?23:36
ubuntu_prinzidru, gimp sucks23:36
ubuntu_prinziit is not for managing my notices23:36
ubuntu_prinzii want to work with it23:36
drugo tell that to the gimp people23:36
ubuntu_prinzinot make cool paints23:36
druwrite your own eyecandy23:36
ubuntu_prinziwhere can i download it?23:36
druhttp://www.justinclarke.com/archives/2005/11/ubuntu_linux_on.html thats what i found for you23:36
drusudo apt-get install gimp23:37
druopen terminal and write enter the above text23:37
ign0ramusubuntu_prinzi: you can try gimpshop, which is more like PS CS323:37
druyou will be prompted for a passwrd and ....continue with yes when prompted ...then run it and see how it works23:38
ubuntu_prinzithat sounds better23:38
ign0ramusubuntu_prinzi: its the same program, just laid out a little more how windows users are used to23:39
druubuntu_prinzi: this may be helpfull as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom23:39
chulldru http://paste.ubuntu.com/17731/  what did i do wrong?23:39
ign0ramuschull: "run" is not a command23:39
nagelushey, where should I look for info on how to get dvd playback working on kubuntu 64 bit?23:40
druchull: can you :whereis *file23:40
chullign0ramus, somehow i knew that23:40
chullhmm i'll try dru23:40
nagelusI have libdvdcss2 installed, but it kaffeine doesn't know how to use it23:40
ign0ramuschull: cd into the directory you're trying to install from, and most likely you'll need to use "./ " or " sudo sh " .  read the directions23:40
druchull: in that same directory run ls to list all the contents23:41
druwget will have gotting it to that folder23:41
druchull no run ....just: /path/to/file.sh23:42
ubuntu_prinziokay thanks, i will try it23:42
ubuntu_prinzii love gimpshop23:43
druchull: /home/chull/alsa-info.sh23:43
chulldru: root@vir:~# whereis alsa-info.sh23:43
druchull: /home/chull/alsa-info.sh23:43
drurun whatever is after :23:44
chullok looking23:44
druwhats up haryono????23:45
drukimi nihonjin?23:46
haryonohow to run webcam, audio and vcd player in kubuntu?23:46
haryonocant run up to now23:46
drudo you have the correct software installed?23:47
haryonowhat software u mean?23:47
druit depends....cheese would be something to test or run your webcam23:47
haryonowebcam driver is Zc030123:47
haryonoit was work with microsoft windows23:48
haryonoi chnge my operation system with linux kubuntu and got stuck all23:48
drudo you still have any of the windows stuff left?23:49
haryonomicrosoft has erased23:49
haryonoonly linux ubuntu in my pc23:49
drusore wa ii desu yo23:49
haryonoi had open that website cant run anything from it23:50
jhutchins_wk!webcam | haryono23:50
ubottuharyono: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:50
haryonoyes hutchin23:50
haryonomine is kubuntu..ist same with kubuntu?23:50
druyes it mostly is23:50
druit just uses a diferent environmnet23:51
chulldru: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17734/23:51
jhutchins_wkharyono: Yes, ubuntu/kubuntu/xubutu are the same except the desktop.23:51
druchull : exit23:51
druchull: pwd23:51
druchull you werent the owner23:52
chullchull@vir:~$ pwd23:53
ubuntu_prinzilook what i paintet for you ;) http://img7.myimg.de/yeah43813.jpg23:53
dru chull: then ls ... is the file there?23:53
druthats lower case LS23:53
chullchull@vir:~$ ls alsa-info.sh23:54
chullls: alsa-info.sh: No such file or directory23:54
helpyanyone has installed google earth on their desktop ?23:54
chullshoulda downloaded as ~23:54
helpyits unstable on mine. flashing the whole screen23:54
chullhelpy .. hardy?23:54
druchull ~ means "all the directorys before this one" :P23:54
chullok dru shoulda done it not as rootl23:55
druchull: no ...its fine ...jsut alsa mixer is probly configured to run under your user name23:55
druso the file is there23:55
drujust you have to run it under your user name23:55
helpyyes chull23:56
druat least thats what  ... -bash: /root/alsa-info.sh: Permission denied : means23:56
haryonook ill try now23:58
haryonofolks i had open the recomended wesite about the webcam hardware which one is match or link to Zc0301 ?23:58

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