
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1200:06
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=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
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pwnguinman, not really a good time to upgrade08:45
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
RAOFHeh.  What broke now?08:49
RAOFpwnguin: ?08:49
RAOFNo, you just need to upgrade findutils :)08:52
RAOFA second round of full-upgrade should result in magical unicorns.08:53
pwnguini didnt even have findutils installed08:53
pwnguinbut it does appear to fix whatever troubles08:54
RAOFDo you have a cryptroot setup?  If so, does it work? :)08:55
pwnguini do not08:55
pwnguinim sorry, you'll have to ford that river yourself :P08:55
pwnguini like the changelog to findutils08:56
RAOFI haven't seen it.  Edited highlights?08:56
pwnguinfindutils (4.4.0-2ubuntu2) intrepid; urgency=low08:56
pwnguin  * No-change rebuild. Last Friday, xargs suddenly broke for no apparent08:56
pwnguin    reason, and equally mystically a local build works again.08:56
DanaGOh yeah, new gnome-volume-control looks nice... except for the rather too large buttons on the bottom.08:56
RAOFpwnguin: That's *awesome*!08:57
pwnguinits exactly what i saw though08:57
pwnguininstalling debconf choked on xargs assertion errors08:59
DanaGxaargs, matey.08:59
DanaGSounds like something a pirate would say.08:59
RAOFAnd then mystically works again :)08:59
pwnguinat least the net didnt break halfway through upgrade09:00
RAOFAlways a winner.09:00
DanaGOr HAL... while you happen to be on battery.09:03
pwnguinupgrade on battery is your own damn fauilt09:03
DanaGEasy to avoid: don't upgrade while on battery.09:03
DanaGIt doesn't "break" -- it just stops working until I reboot.09:04
pwnguinits like copy to ntfs on battery. dont09:04
pwnguinits gonna take longer to upgrade than i have battery anyways09:04
DanaGAnd don't use the same partition in both a VM and native... or at least, don't use others on the same drive.09:04
DanaGI somehow royally screwed up my NTFS partition, to where it seemed like all was lost.09:04
DanaGI had an old backup, but I had some new media files I didn't want to lose.... and had conveniently just given to a friend.09:05
DanaGBut anyway, I ran TestDisk on a whim, and found: it can magically recover files from evenly royally screwed up NTFS.09:05
DanaGeven royally09:05
DanaG'p' to list files, and 'c' to copy to current directory -- but you have to 'cd' to the place you want the files to go, first.09:06
DanaGThat's a factoid idea: !testdisk:  http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step09:07
pwnguinmaybe if you keep repeating yourself09:08
pwnguinsomeone will care ;)09:08
DanaGThat utility has saved my data sooooo many times.09:10
DanaGAnd I've also told others about it.09:10
pwnguinwell im glad someone's paying him to fix laptops09:13
pwnguinmjg got hired by redhat09:14
pwnguin+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat <mjg@redhat.com>09:14
pwnguindo we have any idea whether flashplayer 10 will be out of beta by october?09:15
pwnguinman. the ubuntu laptop team is on life support09:16
pwnguini have to ask -- is there a theme here?09:22
DanaGStuff for HP business laptops.09:22
DanaGAccelerometer and such.09:22
pwnguinsure. everything's getting better all the time09:23
pwnguindo you own an HP or something?09:24
DanaGI hope those things will be in-tree somewhere along the Intrepid development cycle.09:24
DanaGI'll be getting a new laptop in the summer, and I've essentially decided on one of them.09:24
DanaG... or the successor, as it may be.09:24
pwnguinok, what's a capplet?09:30
DanaGcontrol panel applet?09:34
pwnguinwell you called it capplet09:36
pwnguinits apparently a configuration applet09:37
RAOFDanaG: You know, you can set that factoid yourself? !testdisk is <reply>stuff goes here :)09:42
DanaGAah.  I figured there might be permissions I'd need.09:43
RAOFNope.  Say that, then head into #ubuntu-ops to get someone to ack it.09:43
DanaG!testdisk is http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step09:44
DanaGI'm actually going to go to bed now.09:46
DanaGFri Jun  6 01:46:04 PDT 200809:46
pwnguinif you guys like the compiz stuff09:51
pwnguinive got a neat one for ya09:51
pwnguinsomoene finally addded the new colorfilters09:52
DanaGHow about trails and atlantis2?  Are those in -unsupported package?09:58
pwnguinwell crap09:59
pwnguinif you go to colorfilter in CCSM, what controls which filters show up?09:59
DanaGSomething odd: the first filter selected is "cumulative" or something like that.10:01
DanaGIt applies ALL of them, in god-only-knows what order.10:01
pwnguini meant, theres a directory full of filters10:04
pwnguinwhich ones get displayed, i just discovered, is part of an xml file10:04
pwnguinwell, thanks for the help RAOF10:18
pwnguintime to wreak havoc on others10:18
hyperair_does anybody know where smart-notifier comes from?11:26
hyperair_as in official site or anything?11:26
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gnomefreakhyperair_: please ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic as this channle is for intrepid only and since its barely usable most people shoulnt be using it.11:57
hyperair_ah. i see11:59
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mnemohow do I upgrade to intrepid?13:32
BUGabundo_workmnemo: from a console, run:13:33
BUGabundo_workupdate-manager -d13:33
BUGabundo_workbut be warned: it is still not even ALPHA13:33
mnemohmm, I tried that before and it said "update-manager not installed" ... so I installed it and then tried and then it just shows "no updates" in the gui13:34
BUGabundo_workI'm waiting until the 12th, when the 1st alpha is expected13:34
mnemohmm ok13:34
elkbuntumnemo, read the /topic before you do13:34
mnemoi've read it, also my system is already broken it seems13:34
BUGabundo_workif you don't have/had update-manager installed, then your system is in no good state.13:34
mvoi would not upgrade quite yet, chances are very high that during the upgrade a problem with libc6/findutils will happen and maintianer script crashes, better bootstrap a chroot for now13:35
mnemook, I'll wait a month or so then :)13:36
BUGabundo_workeheh, ok mnemo13:36
mnemois there any command I can use to revert all my packages back to hardy? because i've been beta testing various bug fixes and upstream graphics drivers so I think myself is very dirty right now13:37
BUGabundo_workmvo I downloaded 8.04.1 from cdimage last week, but right now I can't find a current iso, that I can rsync and do a chroot!13:37
BUGabundo_workhow can I do that?13:37
mvoinstall debootstrap from hardy-backports, that can do one. maybe pbuilder if you are interessted in development13:38
BUGabundo_worknot that much mvo13:51
BUGabundo_workjust trying out and filling bugs13:51
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shirishhi all, does anybody know of an user-friendly image cropping tool ?15:47
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linux1evening ppl20:44
Luckridergood afternoon linux120:47
DanaGHeh, I'm running "john the ripper" on my own shadow file, and I'm expecting it won't find it quickly.20:55
DanaGIt's alphanumeric, but it has some obscure things in it.20:56
DanaGAnd 10 characters.20:56
=== Andre_Gondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim
askandHello, I saw that specifications for intrepid must be finalized at 5 june, where are those?21:40

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