[01:28] http://www.engadget.com/2008/06/05/broadcom-co-founder-allegedly-spiked-tech-execs-drinks-had-wa/ <- interesting [01:29] maybe that's how they managed to convince companies to use their crappy wireless chips === dmb_ is now known as dmb === asac_ is now known as asac [03:49] Ooh, new commits! :-) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~felix-feyertag/apt-sync/main [03:51] oh dear lord [03:54] does apt-sync actually work? [03:55] I don’t know about the current state of the code, but the theory is solid. [03:55] what theory? [03:55] Use old version as a basis and zsync the new one over it. [03:56] hmm [03:56] how the hell does zsync handle compression? [03:56] The same way rsync does. [03:57] terribly? [03:57] man gzip, see --rsyncable [03:57] Not really. [03:58] in my tests, rsync didn't make out well on .debs [04:00] pwnguin: They're already compressed, so of course not. [04:00] Oh, like that. [04:00] They were probably compressed without --rsyncable, and additionally, apt-sync does something like storing the offsets of the tarballs within debs in the Packages file and handle the tarballs separately, repacking them to a .deb after syncing AFAIK. [04:00] I see. [04:00] wgrant: if they're --rsyncable compressed it's okay. i was under the impression that it was no more than a patch not in gzip [04:02] i mean, the challenge is getting the repos to support the compression hit [04:03] Now that i think of it, i don’t see how handling the tarballs separately would actually help. I just think i’ve seen a discussion like that somewhere (apt-sync spec? Ubuntu wiki page? I don’t remember). [04:03] How big is the repo? [04:03] i asked the mirrors guys once [04:03] The entire Ubuntu repo of all supported archs and series? [04:03] with or without .isos? [04:03] wgrant: Yeah [04:04] 250GB [04:04] Is that including ports? [04:05] donno [04:05] If the overhead is as much as 1%, it would be just 2.5 GiB. I bet the mirror ownerd would be delighted with the huge bandwidth savings. [04:05] s [04:08] Mithrandir: xchat doesn't have such a feature turned on by deafult. [04:13] i really dont understand why the apt-sync spec doesn't ask for re compressed archives [04:43] oh right, because even if it was rsync amenable, there's the CPU contention [05:58] Hobbsee: I know it's not on by default, but it's easily turned on. I was suggesting nuking it completely. [05:58] Mithrandir: i wish... [05:58] Nuking what? [06:01] ion_: /me is away: blah [06:03] good morning [06:04] Mithrandir: if you're on a rampage, how about universal greetings? [06:04] or rather, broadcast greetings :) [06:10] pwnguin: Such ”functionality” should be killed indeed. :-) [06:10] Hi dholbach [06:10] hi ion_ [06:33] pwnguin: they bother me less. === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [06:50] thekorn, pitti: thanks a lot for the fixed py-lp-bugs [06:55] Is there *still* no REST API or equivalent for launchpad? :-) [07:45] hmm, is it just for me opening the "appearance" (gnome-appearance-properties) control panel applet eats 100% cpu? [07:45] (in hardy) [07:45] not here [07:46] any special theme you use ? [07:46] human [07:46] same here === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter [08:00] pitti, hi [08:02] * thekorn hugs dholbach, you are welcome [09:54] hi ,, everyone ,,, i have a ubuntu 6.0.6 dapper ,, how can i get qt 4.4 or 4.3 without updating my system,, i thinking of compiling it but are there any repo arounf which could provide it ,,thanks for help :) [09:55] ShashankSingh: You'll need to build from source; the only other option would be if qt 4.4 was in the dapper-backports repository, but that's quite unlikely I think. [09:55] Also, not really a question about the development of Ubuntu, and hence off topic :). [09:55] sorry for that:) [10:19] hey giskard [11:03] I want to set up a Debian package repository, from where one can download and update via apt-get. Someone knows any HOWTO or so where I can see how to arrange the packages on the server and how to index them? === hunger_t is now known as hunger [11:06] [Resending, server connection seemed to be broken] I want to set up a Debian package repository, from where one can download and update via apt-get. Someone knows any HOWTO or so where I can see how to arrange the packages on the server and how to index them? [11:07] tkamppeter: If you want to do it for Ubuntu, you could use Launchpad's PPA service. Otherwise, there are quite a few options. [11:09] wgrant, I want to do it on the OpenPrinting server, to provide LSB-based printer driver packages for Debian and Ubuntu. If a printer manufacturer uploads an LSB RPM a script should alienize it and then index it for apt-get. [11:10] That sounds like pure evil. [11:10] wgrant, needed for https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/printerdriverautodownload and https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/jockey-printer-driver-support [11:10] Publishing alienised debs? [11:10] wgrant, these are LSB packages, designed for being alienised [11:11] Ah. [11:11] The intention of the LSB is to provide distro-independent packages. [11:11] Well, I don't have much experience with running my own proper repository - I normally only need a couple of packages so run dpkg-scan* myself. [11:12] Also, falcon ftw. [11:13] falcon works. [11:15] <\sh> tkamppeter, we all know that LSB clean software distribution by ISVs is a dream... [11:15] <\sh> even when we are working hard on it... [11:17] \sh, let us not discuss whether LSB packages make sense or not, but rather tell me how to arrange .debs on a server and how to get them indexed. Is it simply running dpkg-scanpackages? [11:18] <\sh> tkamppeter, like a.u.c. or just simple ones? [11:18] <\sh> tkamppeter, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocalAptGetRepository e.g. simple ones [11:19] <\sh> tkamppeter, debian/ubuntu style ones with pool dir etc. http://debiananwenderhandbuch.de/apt-ftparchive.html [11:33] pitti: so archive day today, any chance of those MIRs? [11:34] \sh, thank you very much for the links. [11:34] <\sh> tkamppeter, were they helping? the apt-ftparchive thing is a bit theoretical with no real practical example... [11:37] <\sh> tkamppeter, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization <- there is an example of how to use it (for tweaking the alternate cd, but you get the idea of apt-ftparchive) === elkbuntu is now known as elky [12:27] tkamppeter: hi, I have been directed you way, I have developed some scripts that create a CUPS printer that emails as a pdf what ever was printed. How do I publish this so others can use/modify ? === gordon is now known as Guest57356 === elky is now known as elkbuntu === prolefeed is now known as meckert [12:51] Hello, Anybody knows who added the ESC option to the automatic fsck at startup? I would like to ask him whether he could expand to also watch for mousetweaks to stop the fsch. In fact, pointer only users (that usually work with a software keyboard that is not available at that stage) don't have a way to stop it. === davmor2 is now known as davmor2_on_shopp === davmor2_on_shopp is now known as davmor2_back2nit === meckert is now known as prolefeed [13:43] mvo: It was nice to notice some new commits in ff’s apt-sync branch. :-) It would be really nice to have apt-sync in intrepid. [13:45] indeed [13:52] mvo: Do you think it would be possible to decide the final format for any apt-sync related changes to the archive and try to implement them for archive.u.c before the client side is “ready”? Adventurous people could begin testing apt-sync easily just by installing the development version and using their usual mirror, and when the client side gets mature enough, the mirrors would be ready for it. [13:55] hi, whats the correct way to shutdown a running X in live mode? [13:55] gdm stop does not work [13:56] ion_: I wanted to setup a test repo on people:~mvo - but haven't managed yet [14:17] Kano: if you're running 8.04 Desktop live, there is no correct way (there's a bug report). sudo killall gdm [14:25] tormod: i thought that, well i made a workaround in my install script [14:31] but it does not work correclty with killall gdm [14:32] the only way to restart it is for a short time doing killall Xorg [14:34] mvo: am I wrong, or recommends are also now installed by default in intrepid? [14:35] norsetto_: you are right, they are [14:35] mvo: ok, thanks [14:36] * RainCT wonders about what program you are talking [14:37] all of them [14:38] tormod: is there a way to run an external script which is on the cd during startup? === kagou_ is now known as kagou === norsetto_ is now known as norsetto === cr3_ is now known as cr3 [14:55] Kano: there are no hooks for it, you'll have to patch the initrd.gz === evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx === cr3_ is now known as cr3 [15:12] Kano: or you (ab)use the OEM hooks [15:12] good idea, what is executed then [15:13] you've gotta check. if you're interested I made a small patch for casper in the initrd to run extra hooks from the cd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/OpenExpo/2007-Bern/USBStick [15:34] I want to convert RPM packages to Debian with alien on my server. The server is amd64 and it converts amd64 packages happily, but it does not convert i386 package. Do I need one server for each platfor to offer a multi-platform repository? [15:36] hi there [15:36] iam searching for a postgresql maintainer [15:37] tkamppeter, rpm 32 bits -> deb 32 bits ; rpm 64 bits -> deb 64bits [15:38] tkamppeter, rpm 32 bits =! deb 64 bits ; rpm 32 bits =! deb 64bits [15:38] or rpm 32 bits =! deb 32 bits and deb 64 bits [15:39] Festor, I have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of each RPM and I simply want to make a 32-bit deb from each 32-bit RPM and a 64-bit deb from each 64-bit RPM. Only the generation of the 64-bit debs works. [15:39] tkamppeter, and please make sure your target audience is aware you are providing alien(ed) packages [15:41] O.S. 32 bits only use 32 bit packages [15:41] But O.S. 64bits maybe use 32 and 64 bits packages [15:44] morning [15:45] I want to provide Debian packages for as many architectures as possible (RPMs I have for each architecture) but I have only a 64-bit PC server. I do not want to install or run the packages on the server. Users should download them. [15:46] The packages are distro-independent LSB packages, designed to be alienised. [15:46] tkamppeter: If you want to provide Debian packages, I'd suggest making Debian packages and not depending on a tool to do it for you. [15:46] Packages converted by alien do not have the same quality as the originals [15:47] tkamppeter,you will probably need to setup a 32bits schroot for the 32bits alien [15:50] bryce: do you happen to know where the int10 stuff, that tries to access the vesa bios can be found in xorg? [15:56] bryce: never mind, found it already :) [16:58] hello [17:24] pitti: So I think I'm understanding things better now...this proposal of yours is in conjunction with linux-meta, not replacing it [17:25] pitti: but it probably means we can reduce the number of packages needed in linux-meta === gaurdro__ is now known as gaurdro_ [18:11] Get:22 http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/universe nexuiz-data 2.4.2-1 [338MB] [18:12] Now i wouldn’t mind apt-sync. ;-) [18:24] mvo: Btw, couldn’t the pdiff functionality be just used as is until we get the full apt-sync? I take it it doesn’t require huge changes at the archives? [18:27] ion_: isn't pdiff only diffs for the Packages files? [18:28] geser: Yes [18:28] They are relatively huge, and it would be nice to update quite often when running the development version of Ubuntu. [18:30] ion_: iirc from the last discussion that because Ubuntu updates the Package files hourly we would need to many pdiffs to make it usable [18:30] Ok. :-\ [18:32] ion_: it could, but the archive u.c.c changes too often [18:32] I wonder why Debian didn’t go with zsync? [18:32] Was it not available/mature enough back then? [18:33] pdiff were implemented quite some time ago, I'm not sure if zsync was around then [18:33] and pdiffs are relatively simple to implemnt === davmor2_back2nit is now known as davmor2 [20:07] tkamppeter: do I understand the PrinterDriverAutodownload spec right, that some app will download a .deb from openprinting and install it? [20:07] http://www.flickr.com/photos/27373994@N02/2554310312/sizes/o/ [20:07] :O [20:07] I'm having trouble getting preseed to answer a question during install. It's starting to look like a bug. [20:08] Any preseed experts around? [20:11] tkamppeter: if so, (and I've just seen there are GPL'd drivers up there), can I after such a .deb was installed do apt-get source and get the source package? [20:11] (as it's otherwise a GPL violation) === cgregan is now known as cgregan_away === deejoe is now known as gradeschoolbrat === gradeschoolbrat is now known as deejoe [22:30] I tried to introduce a (fake) dependency by expanding the Depends: entry in debian/control. I compiled using pbuilder. The package I added is not in the pbuilder cache (nor anywhere else on my system). I expected pbuilder to retrieve it, but that did not happen. How come? Does something somewhere understand there is no real dependency? [22:31] pbuilder only installs build-deps. #ubuntu-motu is better for that area of questions. [22:32] Assuming you’re learning to package stuff. [22:32] ion_: yes. thnx === edson is now known as dmesg === dmesg is now known as edson