=== dmb_ is now known as dmb [02:49] who is the freenode-guru in here? [02:50] lifeless: what problem with freenode? [02:50] lifeless: Hobbsee, but I might be able to answer something. [02:51] well [02:51] I'm wondering about the ubuntu-XX channels [02:51] are they language/country/?? - what is the XX for [02:51] I'd like to get an ubuntu-la (la for Latin) going, but its registered [02:51] lifeless: Might be country, might be language, might be state, depends on the local demographics. [02:52] true.. [02:52] (registered and empty I should say) [02:52] lifeless: list it :) [02:52] * persia looks up the channel map [02:52] by list, do you mean query? [02:52] yeah with /list *ubuntu* [02:53] (03:52) :: LIST Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again. [02:53] :P [02:53] argh.. [02:53] persia: if you have a doco pointer I'm happy to chase it [02:53] persia: otherwise, thanks :P [02:53] New services have a new command. You can look it up on freenode blog. [02:54] Hmmm.. #ubuntu-la isn't listed as IRCC controlled on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat. Ask in #ubuntu-ops to see if any of the IRCC is there, and if you can have it. === asac_ is now known as asac === RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx [04:19] ScottK: do you happen to know if cmake is going to be backported? [04:36] does anyone has this error when trying to create an intrepid pbuilder?? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17397/ [04:40] * RoAkSoAx can't install a pbuilder for intrepid T.T [04:44] RoAkSoAx: Oh. I thought that had been fixed. [04:44] RAOF, yeah me too.. but my system is up to date and still having the same issue.. any ideas on how to fix it?? [04:45] Nah, not really. You could try unpacking the deb, fiddling with the postinst, repacking, and then installing it. [04:46] RAOF, ok i'll try, thanks ;) [04:51] I saw a travel agent advertising Intrepid holidays. [04:52] cognitive dissonance ensued. [04:52] Heh. [04:53] lol [05:18] LaserJock: Dunno [05:22] RoAkSoAx: you need to upgrade findutils first. [05:22] RAOF: ^ [05:23] Hobbsee, everything is up to date T.T [05:23] * Hobbsee bets it isn't. [05:26] Hobbsee, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17404/ [05:27] Hobbsee: Ah, that's what fixed it for me, was it? It's actually been a couple of weeks since I installed Intrepid, so these transitory teething problems fade from my memory. [05:28] unless i need to add proposed to my repos.. cause i have everything else enabled [05:29] RoAkSoAx: Try `sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude upgrade`. Sometimes that makes a difference. [05:29] persia, i will ;) [05:29] RAOF: yeah [05:30] RoAkSoAx: which version of findutils do you have installed? [05:32] Hobbsee, Version: 4.2.32-1ubuntu2 [05:33] RoAkSoAx: that'll be why. that's not the latest. [05:33] where can i get the latest then ? [05:37] or how can i? [05:47] from the repositories, apparnetly [05:48] Version table: [05:48] *** 4.4.0-2ubuntu2 0 [05:48] 500 http://mirror.internode.on.net intrepid/main Packages [05:48] 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages [05:49] but how can i do it if i'm in hardy... [05:49] i created a hardy pbuilder and trying to upgrade to intrepid is where i get the error [05:51] I think I just upgraded again, and it worked. [05:51] (In the pbuilder environment, is where you'd do this) [05:51] oh, you're in hardy. right. [05:52] use pbuilder login --save-after-login, and upgrade findutils that way [05:52] ok thanks Hobbsee :) [06:03] hello dholbach [06:04] good morning [06:04] hi ajmitch [06:05] Anyone know what's up with the Italian loco team? [06:05] * ScottK was just reading emgent's blog on planet. [06:06] no idea, I don't want to get into loco drama [06:06] ScottK: I tried to leave a comment on the blog entry but it didn't work [06:07] It's just morbid curiousty on my part. [06:07] hmmm [06:07] seele dragged me to my first IRC loco meeting just this week for our local team. [06:08] how was it? [06:08] our loco team is fairly quiet, mostly just a few regulars in the IRC channel [06:08] dholbach: It was pretty quiet for me. seele is a strong personality. [06:09] Mostly I asked if there would be beer at the event they were discussing. [06:09] * ajmitch does meet up with some #ubuntu-nz people in person from time to time [06:09] ScottK: which Loco is yours? were there lots of people? [06:09] dholbach: us-md (Maryland). It's a small group. [06:09] * RAOF doesn't even know if there _is_ a Sydney loco group. [06:10] If you can read italian, the LoCo logs are available [06:10] No Italian here. [06:10] RAOF: there's enough of you sydney people [06:10] RAOF: No, it's an -au thing [06:10] Flannel: and if we can read italian, we also know where they are without being given a URL? :-) [06:10] !logs [06:10] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [06:11] * RoAkSoAx LoCo team has just been approved as an official team :) [06:11] ScottK: seele said something about usability testing - was that what it was about? [06:12] Yes. [06:12] nice [06:12] RAOF: We seem to fit in -au [06:12] RoAkSoAx: which one is that? Peru? :) [06:13] dholbach, yep :) [06:14] it's just awesome to see everybody active with Ubuntu around the world :) [06:15] I have to say, the ubuntu-au logo is awesome [06:15] it's not too bad [06:16] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NZTeam?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=nzubuntu-small.png [06:16] ajmitch: That's cool, too [06:19] good morning [06:23] dholbach, i just remembered that there is something that i want to ask you... why don't you make packaging guide available for translation in LP? [06:23] RoAkSoAx: the packaging guide is available on the wiki nowadays [06:24] dholbach, yeah i know.. but the thing is that it is much easier to do it through rosetta [06:24] RoAkSoAx: so there's no source anymore (as in docbook as it used to be) [06:25] so if i want it translated.. can i just start doing it on a wiki page right? [06:26] RoAkSoAx: exactly [06:26] and how about the Ubuntu $(language) Development Teams [06:27] is anyone in charge already to get the packaging guide and stuff translated? [06:27] RoAkSoAx: the discussion we had at UDS was mostly informational - we tried to hear what works well for existing teams and what's important to them [06:27] I'm not sure anybody has gotten around to summarising the discussion yet [06:28] RoAkSoAx: so no, there's no organised effort right now trying to translate the packaging guide yet [06:28] I thought we were migrating back to configuration controlled policy documentation? [06:28] ScottK: hm? [06:28] The first Friday session at UDS that cjwatson did. [06:29] erm, I'm afraid I don't know which one that was [06:29] dholbach, ok, so i guess i'm free to start its translation to spanish :) [06:30] dholbach: Look on the gobby server for the doc called policy-and-standards [06:31] ScottK: gracias [06:32] ScottK: hum... what do you get if you open it in gobby? to me it looks empty [06:32] dholbach: Get the one that ends in 's' [06:33] :) [06:35] ScottK: that looks good - I'm not sure though that it replaces the Packaging Guide as it's not so much a policy document, but a beginner's guide [06:35] it's a great idea to make more use of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPackagingChanges again [06:36] dholbach: I think we'd be better off to use Debian new maintainer's guide with a short supplement for Ubuntu differences. [06:37] dholbach: Who's going to update our packaging guide to support the new Debian policy uploaded yesterday? [06:38] ScottK: which changes are you most concerned about? [06:40] ScottK: which changes are you most concerned about? === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [06:40] dholbach: The Debian.source rules definitely need to be included. Not sure what else. [06:41] dholbach: I'm mostly concerned about systematically getting it figured out since we have no process and have forked the documentation. [06:41] * ScottK heads to bed. [06:43] ScottK: I agree that the more we can re-use, the better - we just need to think about how best to do that [06:43] ScottK: good night [06:44] * dholbach goes out to walk the dog [06:58] * RoAkSoAx goes to bed... g'night all [07:16] StevenK: I worked out the problem I was having with that code. Turns out in glibc 2.7, the code that defines the ucred structure has had a __USE_GNU #define placed around it. Joy! :) [07:16] Ahh! [07:17] Well in a version of glibc between hardy and intrepid. [07:22] glibc | 2.7-10ubuntu3 | hardy | source [07:22] glibc | 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu3 | intrepid | source [07:22] So, I suspect you mean between 2.7 and 2.8 [07:28] Yeah. [07:32] Now to get this updated merge uploaded, and actually get built on the buildds. [07:33] <\sh> damn...I shouldn't subscribe to planets..with strange articles [09:46] hi folks [09:50] Howdie, sistpoty. [09:50] hi RAOF [10:39] huhu all [10:39] Evening norsetto. [10:39] Hi norsetto, sistpoty|work [10:39] hi geser, norsetto and wgrant [10:39] sistpoty|work: master at work [10:40] Hi geser, sistpoty|work. [10:40] Hi wgrant [10:40] geser: guten tag [10:41] this reminds me of a group of people all trying to shake hands together :-) [10:41] norsetto: Heh, yes. [10:42] norsetto: heh, sounds like a math execercise *g* === directhex is now known as portahex === portahex is now known as directhex === elkbuntu is now known as elky [12:21] I have written a CUPS printer that can email (as a pdf) what was printed. how would I go about publishing this so other can use/modify ? [12:23] <\sh> neil_d, talk to tkampeter [12:23] <\sh> neil_d, talk to tkamppeter to be correct [12:24] <\sh> neil_d, he's on #ubuntu-devel [12:26] \sh: ok [12:35] hey all.. I was just checking the build log and I found this at the end, what does it mean: [12:35] dpkg-genchanges: warning: duplicate files list entry for file libbakery-2.4-dev_2.4.4-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (line 5) === gordon is now known as Guest57356 === elky is now known as elkbuntu === prolefeed is now known as meckert === meckert is now known as prolefeed [13:03] How can I fix these lintian complaints? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/ueagle-0806051620/lintian [13:04] amikrop, well, it tells you pretty detailed whats wrong [13:05] <\sh> amikrop, http://lintian.debian.org/reports/tags/binary-arch-rules-but-pkg-is-arch-indep.html [13:06] \sh: thanks [13:10] \sh: So, I should rename the binary-arch section in my debian/rules? [13:11] no, make sure to use the code you have in there in binary-indep instead [13:12] (or dont use it at all if you dont need it there) [13:12] ogra: OK, thank you. [13:14] In my debian/rules, configure, configure-stamp, build and build-stamp only call each other (and touch two empty files). Can I remove them all? [14:16] I have Standards-Version 3.7.2. How can I get 3.7.3? [14:18] amikrop: change it in debian/control [14:22] jpds: Manually? Shouldn't I get my dh_make to generate correct "Standards-Version"s automatically? [14:22] amikrop: manually, it's only one line. [14:23] jpds: ok === jussi01_ is now known as jussio1 [14:37] amikrop: Why 3.7.3? [14:38] ScottK: lintian says so === norsetto_ is now known as norsetto === evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx [15:27] hey all [15:27] I was wondering about the results of a build, I am not really sure why I get the following build warinings [15:28] dpkg-genchanges: warning: duplicate files list entry for file libbakery-2.4-dev_2.4.4-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (line 5) [15:37] * ScottK reads #ubuntu-devel and boggles. [15:39] Raise you hand if your an core-dev and think using alien is a solution to packaging problems? [15:39] * ScottK looks around [15:39] Heya gang [15:40] hi bddebian [15:40] ScottK: you do realise that alien is in main, don't you. [15:40] Hobbsee: I didn't, but it doesn't change my opinion any. [15:40] Heya sistpoty|work [15:40] Hobbsee: yeah, LSB requires it. but it's still not a great idea for some uses cases :) [15:40] yeah, true [15:40] * ScottK finds it useful to get from srpm to tar.gz, but not to make a .deb. [15:41] * Hobbsee is merely pointing out that there appears to be some useful case. [15:41] Agreed, but not producing final Debian packages (IMO anyway). [15:42] lsb-core depends on it. Not sure why. [15:42] OK. So fewer hands here than in #ubuntu-devel. [15:43] meeh. just couldn't be bothered. ask for a +1 next time ;-) [15:43] ScottK: i believe LSB specifies that software ough tot be available in rpm format (or a restricted subset thereof to ensure compatibility) [15:44] * sistpoty|work particularly won't say a word beginning with check and ending with install here *g* [15:44] mornign [15:44] hi emgent [15:44] sistpoty|work: :) [15:45] laga: Makes sense in an LSB kind of way. [15:53] OK, so I want to use pdebuild and I occasionally get something like "pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: libgnomeui-dev which is a virtual package". Is this my fault, debian/control's fault, or libgnomeui-dev's fault? [15:54] (I should say, pdebuild fails seemingly because of the above message) [15:57] Hmm, bad example. I didn't actually get it for libgnomeui-dev. But I have for other -devs [16:32] asac: ping [16:51] need help devfil? [16:52] yes, with a bug, I don't know the way to fix it [16:52] devfil: which one? [16:52] norsetto: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxwidgets2.8/+bug/196834 [16:52] Launchpad bug 196834 in wxwidgets2.8 "wxPython demo is not installing properly" [Low,In progress] [16:53] devfil: ok, whats the problem? [16:53] norsetto: examples readme says: "Note that some of them will attempt to write to the current [16:53] working directory, or to the home directory of the user they are run as." and "Some of the files have been compressed in accordance with Debian policy [16:53] regarding documentation" [16:54] devfil: yes? [16:54] so I think I should use debconf to ask the dir when examples should be extracted [16:54] devfil: wait a sec, what is the problem, that the examples are gzipped? [16:55] exactly [16:55] devfil: well, thats not a problem, its standard debian policy [16:55] devfil: you may use a -x in dh_compress but that would be against the policy [16:55] yes, but people want it unpacked [16:56] norsetto: for this reason I think I should use debconf to ask [16:56] devfil: well, then they unpack it themselves [16:56] norsetto: yes, but how I should do prerm file? [16:57] examples need to write to the current dir, so they can be unpacked in usr/share [16:57] and debconf should ask for the dir [16:57] but prerm? [16:57] devfil: examples are not supposed to be run from /usr/share, they have to be copied to your local dir [16:58] devfil: actually, they should not be run, they should be "read" as examples, but thats another story [16:58] norsetto: examples should be unpacked in home? [16:58] devfil: no, examples shall be installed in /usr/share/etc.etc. [16:59] norsetto: and they are installed in /usr/share... [16:59] devfil: users that wants to use them, have to unpack them to a local dir where they have the necessary privileges [16:59] I usually see packages installing examples in /usr/share/doc//examples [16:59] geser: correct [17:00] devfil: so, there is nothing wrong with that package, no bugs to be fixed [17:01] norsetto: good, how I should set status bug? [17:02] I'd explain why it's not a bug and set to "invalid" [17:02] devfil: either invalid or won't fix, roughly speacking invalid means its not a bug, won't fix we recognise its an issue but we won't do anything about it [17:02] geser: ok thanks [17:03] norsetto: ok thanks, now another question [17:03] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxwidgets2.8/+bug/211553 [17:03] Launchpad bug 211553 in wxwidgets2.8 "wxPython isn't on path in hardy beta" [Undecided,Confirmed] [17:03] in this bug I've used ln -snf to do a link [17:04] package use update-alternatives [17:04] maybe I can use it to do links? [17:06] devfil: isn't the package using pycentral/pysupport? [17:07] norsetto: ehm... I don't know [17:07] devfil: ok, better check it out, either of them should take care of that automatically [17:08] devfil: let me fetch a link [17:09] devfil: this should do: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy [17:10] norsetto: it use pycentral [17:10] devfil: ok, pycentral just recently did a transition, perhaps there is some hardcoded stuff to be changed [17:11] norsetto: I'm scared [17:11] devfil: :-) don't [17:11] devfil: just check debian/rules and the install files [17:15] devfil: for the other bug, I see that there is a script in debian which seems to be written for the end users [17:16] devfil: just check that is installed (and where) and point users to it [17:16] norsetto: yes, unpack_examples.sh but nobody seems to see it [17:17] norsetto: yes, is what I will do when I will invalid the bug [17:17] devfil: well, is it well documented? If it is there is nothing more we can do [17:18] devfil: which seems to be the case, look at README.example in /examples [17:18] norsetto: there is a readme [17:18] norsetto: yes, I looked at it [17:19] norsetto: readme is installed in the same dir of unpack_examples.sh [17:20] devfil: so, just mark that as invalid and give the above reasons [17:24] devfil: there is also a wxwidgets2.8 package in experimental ( which you may want to check? [17:25] norsetto: I looked at it and I proposed me as co-maintainer for wxwidgets2.8 packages in debian, but I'm waiting for a reply [17:26] devfil: ok, for the python stuff, I see a lot of things hardcoded in there, if I were you I would ask help to a python$deity [17:26] norsetto: ehm..what? :) [17:27] devfil: ask somebody who is knowledgeable about python packaging [17:27] devfil: especially pycentral [17:28] norsetto: for example? [17:29] devfil: ask scottk, he is usually helpfull, if he doesn't know the answer himself he may point you in the right direction, otherwise try asking to doko, he is pycentral mastermind [17:30] norsetto: for wx.pth links? [17:30] devfil: for the problem about the application not being in the right path [17:31] yes, the fix is in the bug but do you think I should use update-alternatives? [17:32] devfil: that fix looks like a hack, maybe a simple rebuild is enough [17:33] norsetto: no, you are not understanding [17:33] devfil: yes, thats typically me :-) [17:35] norsetto: to fix #211553 I used ln -snf to link wx.pth to the right dir, but package also use update-alternatives, so do you think I should use update-alternatives as package do? [17:38] devfil: thats what I said, linking seems the wrong hack, pycentral should install the files in the correct locations, if it doesn't I suspect that due to the transition, some of the hardcoded paths in rules has to be changed, and/or a rebuild is needed [17:39] norsetto: then I didn't understand :) sorry [17:41] norsetto: DH_PYCENTRAL=nomove dh_pycentral [17:41] for v in $(PYVERS); do \ [17:41] ln -sf ../../wx/python/wx.pth debian/$(package_gtk_py_ver)/usr/lib/python$$v/site-packages/wx.pth; \ [17:41] done [17:42] this should link wx.pth === gaurdro__ is now known as gaurdro_ === tuxmania1 is now known as tuxmaniac [18:09] * sistpoty|work heads home... cya === niels_ is now known as NielsE === niels_ is now known as NielsE [18:18] can someone help a beginner-motu (me)? I'm trying to change the tekst of the manpage of the gnu's helloworld example, and repackage it, but I dont know how (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=819635) [18:20] Nielse: you should see your changes in the diff.gz after debuild -S, if you don't than you missed something [18:20] in the .diff.gz I can see my changes in hello.1, but after instaling the .deb the manpage does not seem to be affected [18:21] NielsE: than you are not installing the right deb [18:22] norsetto and NielsE: Are the manpages removed when you uninstall a package? [18:22] nhandler: yes [18:22] there is only 1 generated.., do I need to patch the diff to the .deb created by "debuild"? [18:22] after deleting the .deb "man hello" doesn't work anymore [18:23] nielse: where do you take the deb that you install? [18:24] I click on it in nautalis, or sometimes just "sudo dpkg -i hello-versionnumber.deb" [18:24] NielsE: yes, but where is it? Try also changing the changelog so you are sure that the version matches your changes [18:25] its in the directory above the source folder [18:25] nielse: you are using pbuilder? [18:26] not always, I am going to run it now [18:27] NielsE: be aware that pbuilder by default gives you the new .deb in /var [18:27] NielsE: /var/cache/pbuilder/result to be exact [18:27] oh, I thought it just checked if it was able to build it on a clean install [18:29] the .deb created by pbuilder has still the same manpage.., do I need to run some scripts or something before my changes are applied in the source code? [18:30] NielsE: no, as I said, change also the changelog, so you know which version to build [18:32] heya people [18:32] the newly created deb has version number 2.1.1-1 (thats also in the changelog), and the original version is called 2.1.1 [18:32] NielsE: 2.1.1 is an upstream version [18:33] yeah offcourse, thats the original version I wgetted from a gnu-ftp-site [18:33] NielsE: so, create a new version called 2.1.1-2 which contains a new changelog and your changes to the man pages [18:34] NielsE: build that and when you install 2.1.1-2 you will see the new man page [18:34] ok I will try [18:35] NielsE: otherwise, the only thing I can think of is that there is another manpage being installed [18:37] to create a new version, all I need to do is making an extra entry in the changelog and do "debuild", "debuild -S" and do a new pbuild? [18:38] Nielse: only debuild -S and then a new pbuilder build, debuild alone will make a new deb [18:41] I think I have found a part of the problem, hello.1 says: " DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.24.", but the tekst that is in the hello.1 is nowhere to be found in the source directory.., where does help2man gets the tekst from? [18:42] wait. [18:43] Nielse: give me a link to the tarball [18:43] http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.1.1.tar.gz , help2man is the manpage generating script [18:44] NielsE: my guess would be it's generated from the output of --help [18:46] NielsE: looks like is source/hello itself [18:46] `$this_program' generates a man page out of `--help' and `--version' output, think you're right, now I'm going to find out where in the source code the --help gets printed I think [18:47] yeah I found it in the C source code, yay [18:52] also when you submit a new patch to a bugreport, do you only give the diff or the whole new .deb? [18:54] NielsE: only the (deb)diff [18:55] thanks, my edited manpage is working :) [18:56] I do need a "debuild" before I do a "debuild -S" though or else he won't compile the program again and thus the manpage is unchanged then [18:58] thank you very much for your time :-) [19:28] cyberix: good work with mi2svg :) [20:32] * sistpoty is off again [21:10] What's the current policy about Vcs-* fields when doing a merge from Debian ? Should they be moved to XS-Vcs-* ? [21:14] mathiaz: why would you move them to XS-Vcs-*? Current dpkg in intrepid recognizes Vcs-*, doesn't it? [21:14] slangasek: Yes. [21:14] * slangasek nods [21:15] slangasek: I guess the idea is that the Ubuntu package isn't managed in the specified vcs [21:15] mathiaz: anyway, what I've seen some developers do, which makes sense to me, is move the Debian value to XS-Orig-Vcs-*, and set a Vcs-* value pointing at the Ubuntu repo [21:15] mathiaz: There's been some discussion, but no resolution. Some people believe that it ought be removed or point to an Ubuntu VCS unless the Ubuntu changes are committed to the previously identified VCS. [21:15] Some people prefer to leave it alone, as being an extra thing to have to change. [21:15] geser: that's reasonable, but XS-Orig-Vcs-* doesn't achieve that :) [21:15] geser: er, I mean, XS-Vcs-* doesn't achieve that [21:16] XS-Orig-Vcs-* might, but the tools will all ignore it. [21:16] since it's just a roundabout way to wind up with the same Vcs-* field in the source package [21:16] slangasek: hm.. ok so there isn't an official recommendation then [21:16] ttbomk, that's correct [21:17] mathiaz: It's that s/Vcs/XS-Vcs/ has absolutely no effect on the binary package produced. [21:18] persia: ok - I'll leave them as is for now (following the road of "this is an extra thing to change") [21:19] mathiaz: OK. On the other hand, if you want to renew the discussion on the mailing list, it might not be bad. It's likely too late for intrepid, but we ought get some resolution at some point, and need to do it while people are still merging, but before a new release starts. [21:20] I propose that for intrepid, we implement the whole-archive import and have bzr autogenerate the values ;) [21:21] slangasek: Too late for intrepid. Please make another suggestion. [21:21] Also, last I looked, we didn't have merge tools smart enough to automate merging. [22:35] I tried to introduce a (fake) dependency by expanding the Depends: entry in debian/control. I compiled using pbuilder. The package I added is not in the pbuilder cache (nor anywhere else on my system). I expected pbuilder to retrieve it, but that did not happen. How come? Does something somewhere understand there is no real dependency? [22:35] as you have just been told elsewhere, you need to expand the build dependencies :) [22:36] :) Wanted to see what's the difference between the channels. Could have asked it more directly. [22:36] i hope we passed your little quiz then. [22:36] so far not much diff [22:39] Nightrose: sebner wants to join the amarok team [22:39] * sebner starts to hate apachelogger -.- [22:39] sebner: what do you want to do? [22:39] hehehe :) [22:39] hi slomo [22:39] sebner: [22:39] :) [22:39] huhu ember [22:40] huhu emgent -.- [22:40] lol [22:40] Nightrose: well, that's somehow a problem. dunno where I fit [22:40] sebner: tell me what you are good at ;-) [22:40] apachelogger: hmm? [22:40] and I will try to find something for you [23:02] gn8 folks === fale__ is now known as fale === ScottK-laptop is now known as ScottK2