[00:36] ha ... midbrowser in action :) http://linuxdevices.com/files/misc/wind_river_moblin_ldss.png [00:37] http://linuxdevices.com/news/NS8446435808.html [00:37] :) === stevel_ is now known as stevel === asac_ is now known as asac [09:48] i think i know why i feel so tired ;) [09:49] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mozillateam-bugs/2008-June/date.html [09:49] ubuntu-mozillteam-bugs received ~1k mails from 1 jun 00:00:00 - 6 jun 10:00:00 [11:20] asac: are you getting Uncaught bounce notifications in your email? [11:20] i get over 30 a day from same email is there a way to stop this? [11:31] ah fixed it :). ok i unsubscribed ulyzester@gmail.com from bug mailing list to fix the uncaught bounces. i wish there was a perm way to do it but the settings for bounces should have caught it but failed to disable his subscription [11:32] gnomefreak: no idea ...i get 100 of those each and every day [11:33] they directly to go to /dev/null [11:34] asac: it should stop as of now [11:34] ok [11:34] i havent counted all of them but everytime i open email there is a shit load of them there [11:34] are you using the offline/online tweak now? [11:35] gnomefreak: can you please dump bluekuja from admins and add fta? [11:35] asac: something doesnt make sense on bug 49613 it works with windows and fails with Ubuntu and the pic that is above the menu isnt flash at all [11:35] Launchpad bug 49613 in flashplugin-nonfree "flash plugin always rendered on top of html" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49613 [11:35] asac: yep what list? [11:35] gnomefreak: mozillateam? [11:36] asac: ok [11:36] gnomefreak: not list, but launchpad team [11:36] ah ok [11:36] though fta was admin but will check and add [11:37] gnomefreak: no he isnt ... as of the day before yesterday [11:38] asac: fta is now admin [11:38] and bluekuja has been removed from admin [11:40] i think im gonna make my gnomefreak address IMAP today [11:40] thanks [11:40] since biggest part of mail goes to ubuntu.ase [11:40] fta: ^^ [11:40] asac: anytime [11:41] crap i forgot to send final comment on the above bug but it should be there soon as i just sent it [11:41] gnomefreak: all flash bugs need to be assigned to flashplugin-nonfree :) [11:41] just to remind you [11:41] something wrong with that bug or upstream didnt fix it or the fix hasnt landed [11:41] none of those needs to stay on firefox-3.0 :) [11:41] asac: it is assigned to that [11:41] ok ok [11:41] fine then [11:42] its not a flash issue though [11:42] unless our flash package is totally messed up [11:42] gnomefreak: further, you should really invalidate any kind of website brokenness [11:42] like i do [11:42] unless its really a firefox bug ;) [11:42] point them to Help -> Report a Broken Web Site menu entry [11:42] asac: problem is its not "one" side [11:42] dite [11:42] site [11:44] asac: see users comment above mine as he tested Vista and Ubuntu one works other doesnt, maybe it is our build of firefox? [11:44] be back in a few time for a smoke [11:50] well ... dont care too much about flash [11:50] personally id say that flashplugin-nonfree is a bug sink where noone should really attempt to triage individual bugs unless we find a way [11:50] to properly forward these upstream to adobe [11:50] we will never find a way since we cant get any usefull crash info [11:51] there isnt a real or a real good upstream bug tracker that i have found [11:51] right [11:51] thats why: just dont followup on bugs that already sank in flashplugin-nonfree package [11:51] it cant be an upstream issue anyway and i am highly doubtful its even flash [11:52] just invalidate firefox targets if any [11:52] they are fix released [11:52] gnomefreak: the flashplugin rendered on top thing? [11:52] thats a flash issue for sure [11:52] mozilla has added its part to fix this [11:52] now adobe needs to use those features [11:52] (thats why its fix released on mozilla side) [11:52] asac: yes that bug. how can it be than it should fail on windows version of firefox [11:52] afaik, adobe added support for that on windows, but not on linux [11:53] that could be a good reason than [11:53] gnomefreak: as i said: if its flash its flash ... not firefox [11:53] there might be exceptions ... but in general thats true ;) [11:53] flash 10 hasnt had upstream fix [11:54] nope [11:54] hopefully final will get that [11:54] does it fail in gnash as well? [11:54] maybe if it does we can fix it in gnash atleast [12:12] hi [12:13] hi [12:14] * gnomefreak wonders why people dont serach ubuntu for the package before spending days trying to find a tarball of it [12:32] hehe [12:32] unix mentality [12:47] i wonder if it would be possible to fake the dbgsym in ppa.. lack of dbgsym debs is bothering me [12:54] maybe a post install rule could do it === jt1 is now known as jtv [13:30] asac, damn [13:30] Setting up xulrunner-1.9 (1.9~rc2+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta4) ... [13:30] /var/lib/dpkg/info/xulrunner-1.9.postinst: line 6: test: /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1a1pre/.autoreg: binary operator expected [13:30] if test -e /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9*/.autoreg; then [13:30] touch /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9*/.autoreg [13:30] fi [13:30] we should not use a * here [13:31] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2008-06-05 23:35 /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1a1pre/.autoreg [13:31] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2008-06-03 16:57 /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9/.autoreg [13:35] fta: which packages need to touch that? [13:35] that's postinst from xul [13:36] fta: well ... i think extensions or at least chrome extension packages need to touch that [13:37] to tell xulrunner to redo stuff [13:37] perhaps, but the "*" is evil here [13:39] we could touch /usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner-1.9 --gre-version`/.autoreg instead [13:40] fta: we should provide a binary in /usr/sbin/xul19-touch-autoreg [13:40] :) [13:41] and in .postinst do: [13:41] if test -x /usr/sbin/xul19-touch-autoreg; then [13:41] /usr/sbin/xul19-touch-autoreg [13:41] fi [13:41] maybe we can inject that snippet into extension packages through mozilla-devscripts? [13:42] yes [13:44] [reed], is there a websvn on mozilla.org ? [13:44] [reed], i want to see revisions but svn.mozilla.org doesn't show them === Admiral_laptop is now known as Admiral_Chicago [15:00] going to go back for my Easy BCD [15:01] gah...wrong window again.. [15:04] Admiral_Chicago: welcome [16:18] <[reed]> fta: viewvc.svn.mozilla.org [16:20] thx [17:19] asac: at one point in time we had talked about some changes to the mozilla team's bug policies. Is that right? [20:24] http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/css3-selectors.png [20:30] http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/acid3.png [22:17] bdmurray: did you see the spec i am drafting? [22:17] bdmurray: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/UpstreamBugProceduresIntrepid [22:18] asac: looking now [22:20] bdmurray: thats more about upstream forwarding ... but given that the goal is to forward all bugs that are valid upstream, its basically the goal we can align the general bug procedures for [22:22] asac: I've been wanting to have a firefox hug day but was concerned about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/States and the level of complication there [22:29] bdmurray: sure. how to improve this? write another spec? [22:29] or have a call next week? [22:30] A call or meeting might be helpful. Is that something you wanted to change? [22:30] asac: Are we gonna go for that Mozilla Team meeting soon? It's no hurry, just to know... [22:30] bdmurray: the bug procedures? sure. thats what i said at UDS. its still valid. [22:31] asac: okay, great I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. [22:31] Jazzva: which meeting? i remember that you wanted to raise something. [22:31] Jazzva: what was the agenda item? [22:32] sorry if i forgot something ;) [22:32] The first one is about moving extensions-related pages on MT wiki to something like MozillaTeam/Extensions/ [22:32] The second ... I would have to look into a log :). Give me a second [22:34] hehe [22:34] yeah. great. lets do the meeting in week 26? [22:35] e.g. 2 weeks from now? ... send out announcement, blog about it this week [22:35] that should give people up front 1.5 weeks to align there schedule [22:35] asac: The second was the new members procedure for extensions team... [22:36] yeah thats good. [22:36] asac: Is it possible to have it on 29.06? I have an important exam on 28th. [22:36] (28th is Saturday) [22:36] err, i ment week 25 :) [22:37] looked in the long line [22:37] Ok... week 25 is cool :) [22:37] anyway 29 is fine for me too [22:37] so weekend? [22:37] Fine by me. [22:37] choose whatever you like and announce it on the mailing list and CC all current team members (mozillateam/extensions team) [22:38] sorry ... have to run for a few [22:38] bbi a minute [22:38] asac: Ok... We do meetings in the evening? [22:46] Jazzva: depends on the day. i think fri and sat having a meeting in the evening might be unfortunate [22:46] sunday evenig sounds reasonable [22:47] hmm... So, are we gonna do 22nd (Sunday) 20:00 GMT+1? [22:47] or 21st, in the afternoon? [22:47] Jazzva: what is GMT+1? i am currenty in GMT+2 :) [22:48] Ok... GMT+2 :) [22:48] but anyway, i am fine with 22nd evening [22:48] okay dokay [22:48] (right... UTC is the one that is not changing) [22:49] you wanna send announce? i could do that too, but would prefer to forward that info in my blog :) [22:49] Jazzva: send announcement out as discussed and tell people that they can suggest agenda items [22:49] either by sending mail to you, mailing list or adding it to wiki page :-D [22:49] asac: Ok. Great :) [22:50] Jazzva: maybe check with fta and gnomefreak if they can attend [22:50] but as i said before, we probably wont get a time that fits all [22:50] fta? ^ [22:50] I'll mail gnomefreak first... [22:50] That should be good time. It would be Sunday afternoon in his timezone, I think... [22:52] yep [22:52] i think all good [22:52] Ok, I'll just wait till tomorrow morning, to see if he replys [22:52] s/replys/replies/ [23:09] hi [23:09] hm, for the meeting, i don't know when i'm supposed to leave for the US, yet [23:10] is that an irc meeting ? a call ? [23:12] irc [23:14] asac, btw, i've landed a bunch of stuff in mozclient today [23:15] http://alex.polvi.net/2008/06/05/state-of-the-add-ons-report-june-5th/ [23:21] fta: yeah ... saw commits [23:21] not details though ;/ [23:24] fta: does MOZCLIENT_TAREXCLUDE make sense? shouldnt that be MOZCLIENT_TAREXCLUDE_ONTOP ? [23:24] i'd guess that you rarely want to replace the default vcs excludes [23:25] most cases would probably exclude application specific files ... and when definig those in a app.conf you dont want to remember what files to remove for whatever vcs is used [23:25] in any case: good to see mozclient growing [23:25] flock ;) [23:27] fta: btw, are the flash crashes gone in intrepid or not? [23:27] iiuc they should indeed be gone and sound should work with PA [23:27] (without libflashsupport) [23:28] yes, but there are tons of sound issues [23:28] due to the changes introduced for this or due to something else? [23:28] fta: is a /etc/asound.conf shipped? [23:29] or better: how exactly was the pulse plugin in alsa now enabled? [23:29] bad stuttering with PA, i have to kill it every few hours [23:30] according to bug 190754, it's supposed to be fixed in kernel 2.6.24-18 but it's in hardy-proposed, not in intrepid :( [23:30] Launchpad bug 190754 in linux "Over-optimistic buffering in PulseAudio causes underruns (audible stuttering, pops)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190754 [23:30] ok reconnect [23:30] and in ff3, i often have no sound at all [23:31] fta: last was [23:31] 00:30 < fta> according to bug 190754, it's supposed to be fixed in kernel 2.6.24-18 but it's in hardy-proposed, not in intrepid :( [23:31] you have everything [23:31] i have everything? [23:32] every problem or every component to solve this problem ;) ? [23:32] you didn't miss anything during your reco [23:32] ah ;) [23:32] fta: cant you get the hardy kernel still? [23:32] or are you on 2.6.26 now? [23:33] hm, i don't think so [23:34] 2.6.24-16.30 [23:36] and i still need to reboot to apply that (old) one :P [23:40] fta: there are a couple issues at hand; which are you referring to? [23:40] and which release (hardy or intrepid)? [23:40] intrepid [23:41] fta: dpkg -l libasound2-plugins|grep ^ii [23:41] stuttering with PA is my main problem, flash and PA is next [23:41] 1.0.16-1ubuntu1 [23:42] asac: No luck with building epiphany from trunk. Either something is wrong with me, or with their build files (I pick first option). [23:42] fta: cat ~/.asoundrc* [23:42] asac: I can try to test with 2.22, if that's ok [23:43] crimsun, http://paste.ubuntu.com/17732/ [23:44] Jazzva: how does it fail? [23:44] fta: asoundconf reset-default-card && asoundconf set-pulseaudio [23:44] Jazzva: no . 2.22 doesnt make much sense to test with webkit [23:45] crimsun: will set-pulseaudio only be set automagically for new installs? [23:46] i should probably trash my /etc/pulse/default.pa. [23:46] asac: I'm not core-dev; that's you guys'/gals' call. [23:46] asac: I advise you to consider setting it so, however. [23:46] asac: Well, there was no configure in trunk... Then I ran autoconf to produce one from configure.ac... It did report some errors, but produced configure (which is broken, I think...). Then I ran ./configure with parameters from debian/rules, and I got a syntax error. [23:47] i've disabled module-suspend-on-idle a while ago as it was making ff3+flash crash [23:47] crimsun: so what are the steps still left in your opinion? [23:47] asac: for intrepid? [23:47] crimsun: yes. lets start with that and work down ;) [23:47] asac: let me think a bit, please. [23:48] sure ... take your time ;) [23:49] Jazzva: is there a autogen.sh ? [23:49] Jazzva: if so, run that [23:49] otherwise try autoreconf ;) [23:49] Ok... running autogen [23:49] .sh [23:50] asac: BTW, I've disabled patches for this testing... I was lazy to check every patch :). [23:51] Jazzva: sure [23:56] rebooting, brb [23:57] this sounds strange ( Bug 237795) [23:57] Launchpad bug 237795 in firefox-3.0 "plugin not properly unloaded" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237795 [23:57] anyone can reproduce with that link? [23:59] Testing ...