[00:00] i want to set up my ssh authorized keys and i also want to install a gui if im in a tight spot with the command line [00:00] well, its my first time here,.. sorry [00:01] so could someone help me 1. install a little gui, or 2. help me set up my ssh authorized keys? [00:01] shelbyscates: 2) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AdvancedOpenSSH [00:02] shelbyscates: 1) do you want a full graphical interface, like the Ubuntu Desktop? or something lighter weight? [00:02] thanks a ton mate :) [00:02] well, im thinking fluxbox or xfce [00:02] i have plenty of power, but nobody ever complianed about speed. [00:02] shelbyscates: you might find this documentation search useful, http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html [00:03] shelbyscates: apt-cache search fluxbox [00:03] shelbyscates: apt-cache search xfce4 [00:03] shelbyscates: that'll show you the packages available [00:03] shelbyscates: you can install fluxbox by "apt-get install fluxbox" [00:04] oh, ok [00:04] so after i install it, how do i start it? [00:07] shelbyscates: reboot, and it should start right up [00:07] so after i install xfce how do i start it? [00:07] shelbyscates: otherwise, "startx" maybe? [00:07] oh thanks [00:07] shelbyscates: startx usually starts the xwindow system [00:07] yup it does [00:07] shelbyscates: i haven't used xfce in that manner in a while, though [00:08] so also, if it does start right up, how do i get back to my friendly command line? [00:12] oh, could i install ubuntu-desktop on top of my server gui and boot server or desktopp fom the command line? [00:12] and if i installed ubuntu desktop would i be able to manage my server with the gui? [00:16] and one more thing [00:16] shelbyscates: Sure, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [00:17] im setting up ssh, and when i try to ssh into my server from my laptop, it always redirects to my old server even though i have everything configured correctly [00:17] thanks erichammond :D [00:23] nevermmind on the ssh question, it was my router :D [00:23] thanks all of you guys! :) [00:24] ( i hope thanking isnt looked down upon ) ;) === shelbyscates is now known as mesaynaysayer [00:47] ok yet another one [00:47] i just installed ubuntu server and i need to know start to finish how to get a working mail server set up [00:47] and running) lol [00:59] mesaynaysayer: TMTOWTDI but perhaps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto [01:08] hey guys i installed ubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu server, and now theres no way to get my command line back, plz help :( [01:08] oh wait i have an idea [01:47] mesaynaysayer [01:48] i'll try and give you a hand [01:48] mesaynaysayer - you there? [01:57] thats ok, i got iut thanks :) [01:57] you guys are awesome :) [01:58] i got wmii working great, and now im ready :) [01:58] i must say, you guys really did a good job! [01:58] you all deserver a high five :D [01:58] XD deserver - wonder whats on my mind :P [02:00] but you guys really did a great job with making ubuntu and helping everyone else :) [02:00] id be really lost without you :) [02:52] hey - is anybody a dns genius here? [02:52] i'm at my wit's end [02:53] bind9 + dhcp-server - want to do dynamic dns updates so my dynamically-assigned hostnames are in DNS [02:53] no errors, it just doesn't work [02:54] keep getting a NXDOMAIN [03:40] hey, could anyone help me set up my mail server? [03:40] sorry,im a n00b === RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx [03:53] mesaynaysayer: Gotta run, but perhaps the "Email Services" section here has relevant info: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html [03:53] mesaynaysayer: (I'm a Postfix fan) [03:53] ok i got it :D [03:53] thanks so much [03:53] can someone tell me how to use "mail" lol XD [04:03] when you type mail in the com,mand line, does it bring up postfix? [04:03] as in typing the command 'mail' ? === dantaliz1ng is now known as dantalizing [04:34] mesaynaysayer: no, you need to install 'mailx' to get the mail command [04:59] well, for some reason my mailbox works and i can send and recieve mail [04:59] but i have no idea how to write a message when i enter the command 'mail' [05:00] it brings up something and it lists messages i can send to myself [05:00] but i dont know how to reply :( [05:05] mesaynaysayer: "man mail" will give you all the answers. Alternatively install another mail client, like elm for example. [05:08] mesaynaysayer: postfix is a mail transport, not a mail user agent. mailx, elm, mutt, thunderbird, evolution, etc are mail user agents [05:09] oh ok [05:10] well, sorry to be such a n00b, but all i know is that when i type mail it gives me a usage and it'd sure be nifty to know how to use it ;) [05:10] oh, thanks owh :) [05:15] I'm needing to implement a google search for a team mailing list on the team wiki page, but I'm unsure how best to achieve that in such a way that I get an input box and a search button, rather than just a link to a google page. Any suggestions where I might ask this question? [05:16] can that be done on the wiki we use? [05:16] * ajmitch imagines that the doc team or related groups may know best [05:17] * owh asks in #ubuntu-doc :) [05:21] !mta | mesaynaysayer: [05:21] mesaynaysayer:: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA [05:21] !mailserver [05:21] Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html [05:22] !mua [05:22] A Mail User Agent (MUA) is the application you use to read email messages. Examples include Evolution, !Thunderbird and mutt. MUA's are required to read mail on your system and could be compared to the mail functions of Microsoft Outlook. [05:22] !factoids [05:22] I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) [05:22] * nealmcb lol [05:22] That was useful :) [05:23] !help [05:23] I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) [05:24] blah blah blah [05:24] !nealmcb [05:24] Factoid nealmcb not found [05:24] how unfortunate [05:24] * nealmcb is insulted [05:24] * nealmcb is not a bot! [05:24] I'm sure we can get that changed [05:24] :) [05:25] the singularity is near! [05:25] ubottu: nealmcb is a semi humorous individual. [05:25] lol [05:25] lo [05:25] i'm a bit new to this aspect of computing, but if i wanted tocreate LAMP servers for my friends, i would have 1 base computer running ubuntu server + vmware server, and create a master image based off jeos, and just load them up each time, correct? [05:25] Hmm, that was forwarded to ubuntu-ops :-| [05:26] dr_dasos: we prefer kvm, and it is faster and easier to build with ubuntu-vm-builder [05:26] but otherwise, sure - have a go at it [05:26] !kvm [05:26] Factoid kvm not found [05:26] oh dear.... [05:26] !virtualization [05:26] There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [05:26] !qemu [05:26] qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo [05:27] hmm, kvm? i'm barely familiar with vmware as it is =P but could you give me a quick point or two on why kvm over vmware? [05:28] dr_dasos: Because vmware is not yet supported under hardy and kvm is Ubuntu's virtualisation tool of choice at this time. [05:28] ubottu: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM [05:28] cool, thanks for the links, gonna read up on it [05:29] * owh wonders how to tell ubot*u how to forget the new factoid about nealmcb [05:30] heh [05:30] owh: well, ubottu ignored it, and the folks in #ubuntu-ops will probably ignore it also, and demote you from all Ubuntu responsibilities at the same time [05:30] :) [05:30] cast out into the outer darkness & all [05:30] nealmcb: Excellent, will that leave me more hours in my day? [05:30] and we'll all end up in front of the CC in no time [05:30] :) [05:31] hat in hands, pleading our case? [05:31] CC? [05:31] community council [05:31] Ah [05:31] * owh goes to fetch an Acubra. [05:31] (For holding in hand.) [05:32] It's pretty well established they won't actually do anything. I shouldn't worry to much. [05:32] quick question already, for kvm do i need certain capability in my hardware, or is that something it will automatically detect and optimize for? [05:32] ScottK: The CC or the ops :) [05:32] because i think both amd and intel have on chip virtualization these days [05:32] dr_dasos: you need the bits as described in that help page [05:32] owh: CC. [05:32] Ops are inconsistent. [05:32] [05:33] or you can use qemu, but it is much slower, but that may not matter for a simple web server [05:33] owh: interesting... I'm running vmware on hardy.. [05:33] lamont: How did you do that? [05:33] then again "works" is slightly different from "supported" [05:33] owh: how do you mean? [05:33] * owh gets ready to wrestle the keys from lamont. [05:33] the ops have been very helpful to me when I do mean to add factoids to ubottu [05:34] lamont: Well, did you package it, use an existing package, or install from source? [05:34] or was that another one of those where I had to fix a build failure in vmware-config.pl... [05:34] source tarball from vmware [05:34] 6.0.3 [05:34] Yuk [05:34] and it quite possibly has a diff [05:34] * owh wants apt-get support or nothing :) [05:34] owh: it's how I've installed it since vmware 2. [05:35] lamont: Fair enough. I've been using it since Workstation 3.2, but installing from source is not my favorite activity. [05:36] lamont: The installer leaves crap everywhere. [05:37] ubottu: virtualization is There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu. See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [05:38] owh: well, I do admit that I drop things into /usr/bin, rather than /usr/local/bin :-) [05:38] * owh shudders [05:38] it made my life easer for the 20 minutes that there were debs in ubuntu [05:38] ROTFL [05:39] * owh hasn't yet transitioned from Gutsy because of VMware and also not migrated to kvm yet. [05:40] sadly, my primary use of vmware is a windoze XP instance [05:41] and I cannot adequately express how much that pains and offends me. [05:42] lamont: what is the critical app/use case? [05:42] nealmcb: quickbooks. [05:42] and the singular critical decision factor that overrides any other app? "my accountant uses quickbooks" [05:43] lamont: so let me guess - your association with Ubuntu and Canonical leads you to need financial accounting software that leads you to Windows? [05:43] lamont: Funny you should say that, for me it's WinNT and MYOB. [05:43] so, baring a linux port of quickbooks? windoze+quickbooks/windoze [05:43] Macos? [05:43] nealmcb: The ops have a widely varying definition of what consitutes abusive behavior. The predominate view seems to vary significantly from mine. [05:43] nealmcb: heh [05:44] doing some small business books (which goes back 10 years) leads me to needing financial software [05:44] lamont: I pretty stunning amount of stuff that never worked on WINE before works now (in Hardy). It might be worth a try. [05:44] lamont: Same here. [05:44] * ScottK had iTunes 7 working for a while. [05:44] * owh cannot get the data out of MYOB. [05:44] * ajmitch thankfully doesn't deal with that stuff [05:44] * owh confesses that choosing MYOB was the worst business decision ever made. [05:45] dendrobates: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-flavors [05:45] ScottK: hrm... OTOH, finances + hackish software reimplementing the code that redmond tested into existance in the first place? maybe not so much. [05:45] iTunes 7 is a critical use case for my teenagers [05:45] owh: I've only briefly seen it, is it that bad? [05:45] lamont: You mean, worse than the abomination that is GNUcash? [05:46] ajmitch: The software was written by accountants and uses a single file database of some or other format. [05:46] ajmitch: Do I need to tell you more? [05:48] the first part was enough [05:48] ajmitch: That's why I mentioned it :) [05:48] soren, sommer: note a few quick shots at virtualization factoids for ubottu above. we should do a more comprehensive job though... [05:51] * owh wanders off to feed face. [05:52] owh: runing my finances under wine is something I figure I might do on (1) test data, or (2) when intuit tells me that's their linux support strategyu [05:52] quickbooks is actually pretty good, as far as accounting software goes. [05:52] remember that the primary objective of accounting software is to keep your accountant happy. [05:53] because happy accountants spend less time on your books, and therefore charge you less money. [05:58] * ScottK thought the primary purpose of accountants was to haul off my box of receipts and invoices and turn it into sensible reports to the government. [05:59] ScottK: that's another approach.. it costs more. [05:59] I generally pay for 1-2 hours of accountant time at tax time [06:00] * ScottK pays more [06:05] of course, the vmware engine does come in handy for tossing ubuntu isos at, as well [06:05] the fan on the 1U test box is a bit noisy, you see... [06:06] * lamont never heard of MYOB [06:06] generally, for small business finance, the only question is "Quickbooks, or PeachTree?" [06:07] lamont: In Oz, it's MYOB or QuickBooks. [06:07] ok [06:07] * nealmcb finds an old, unpatched, vulnerable webmin 1.170 on a machine at a local nonprofit.... wonders if proper packaging with security updates would be better than ignoring these things.... [06:07] same for NZ, naturally [06:07] * owh initially started running the business with FileMaker and Excel. [06:08] ajmitch: Dunno. [06:08] nealmcb: No, packaging just gives you the feeling of security :) [06:08] nealmcb: it's webmin... is it even possible to package it properly, other than with a trashbag? [06:08] somebody else to blame.... [06:09] kewl. bandwidth quota numbers integrated into cricket. win [06:09] lamont: You could package it using /dev/null as the target ;) [06:09] owh: device files are not allowed in the archive as debs.... [06:09] lamont: Hmm, shame really :) [06:10] lamont: we're looking for current webmin issues that are architectural flaws, not bugs. but they are hard to find. telling the world to become savvy command-line sysadmins doesn't fit well with the ubuntu mission.... same with ebox, etc.... [06:10] *** glibc detected *** /usr/games/kobodl: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x082d11f0 *** [06:10] kobodelux FTW! [06:10] cool, thanks for all theinfo guys, it seems that kvm is the way i will go, just to make sure, there's no way to use kvm with windows as the host os, correct? [06:10] nealmcb: yeah [06:11] OTOH, administering a machine without acquiring clue is also fraught with peril [06:11] well, looking for architectural flaws that are bad enough to refuse to package and suffer the consequences.... plain old architectural flaws are a dime a dozen :) [06:11] lamont: It's happening more every day. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. We should have learnt that with PageMaker and a LaserWriter :) [06:11] so is walking across the street [06:12] our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to make common things easy and safe [06:12] owh: it happens. the only question is whether it's better to enable them, or discourage them. the mission statement makes the answer crystal clear. [06:12] hence the pain of trying to implement clue in the gui [06:12] :) [06:13] nealmcb: You do realise that this is really Mission Impossible don't you? Just because you make a wrapper around a complex process doesn't mean that you are actually making common things easy and safe. Think for example, a company that can easily and safely install MySQL and run a Tb of data. Then they find out there is no backup. [06:13] ok. i got my ubuntu-server setup. i have ssh, samba, and LAMP... now i just want to learn about servers and stuff.. im picking up pretty quick... qestion is .. what can i make my server do that will help me.. or serve me with anything [06:14] ROTFL [06:14] sersly .. like i have no use for this.. execpt learning purposes.. but whats next... [06:15] i have a hand full of webpages hosted ... and i setup apache to host my home dir... and samba to share directorys.. [06:15] and im doing this all trew remote login in x-term .. with ssh [06:15] i dunno, check and make sure it works fine as a file/print server for the rest of you network, give small hosting accounts to friends and have them screw it up and start fixing it [06:15] thatguyisjames: Just because my ROTFL came after your question doesn't mean I was laughing at you. In case of fact, we were just discussing your exact type of scenario and I laughed out loud because you illustrated my point exactly. [06:15] thatguyisjames: it really depends on what sorts of things you want to do.... [06:16] see i get that you need a a problem ..befor you can come up with a solution... [06:16] and as of right now... im trying to make a solution... when there realy isnt a problem... i just want to learn more about servers and how they work.. [06:17] thats somthing im intrested in .. the log in trew xdrm isnt it.. or w/e its called.. where you log on to a remote acount ... [06:17] thatguyisjames: in that case, make it redundant and scalable :) [06:18] lol ... i do happen to have 3 older dells laying in the garage ...that are perfect for that.. they even fit on a rack perfect! [06:20] and get them to turn off and turn on based on whatever criteria you need, 4 computers chugging can eat up a lot of watts [06:21] thatguyisjames: then implement virtualization to aggregate them into one machine at night, and make soren happy [06:23] ok... soo.. i need to run what command.... sudo nano /etc/imposable.conf ? [06:23] what's the process called where VMs are handed between computers [06:23] i mean edit what file* [06:23] dr_dasos: migration [06:23] i say im a noob to servers .. and your talking clusters... gaaa... [06:24] sounds interesting, though i guess mentally i can't see how it can be migrated seamlessly [06:24] those VMs can get kinda big [06:24] thatguyisjames: you've established that you learn quickly, but can't decide what practical benefit you want to acheive, so this is the obvious direction to lead you in. some day you'll get a boss who will pay you to tell you what to do.... [06:25] :) [06:26] so ill tell myself what to do ? [06:26] and ill get money.. for telling myself what to do [06:28] * lamont declares bedtime [06:28] g'night y'a;; [06:28] y'all, to [06:28] o [07:25] Morning [07:25] hey guys i have an ubuntu mail server and i can recieve messages but not send them what do i do to be able to send messages? [07:26] im using mutt on wmii [07:26] ubuntu server hardy [07:26] just the default mail server [07:42] does anyone know a ubutnu admin service you can pay for? :) [07:44] Canonical! Let me find the link... [07:44] <\sh> spiekey, ubuntu admin service? [07:44] spiekey: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid [07:44] <\sh> you need sysadmins? [07:45] * \sh should reopen his business [07:45] * bimberi drafts his commission claim ;p [07:45] <\sh> bimberi, this is not admin service...it's support ;) [07:46] \sh ssssh! [07:59] we need some help with confixx, php, apache, etc... [07:59] so its not really that ubuntu specific [08:00] moin [08:01] moin moin [08:07] so, yes. We need some sysadmin knowhow :) [08:08] <\sh> oh jehova...da confixx [08:09] <\sh> solution: just delete it, pay some bucks for a guy who knows his job ;) [08:09] <\sh> ah german ;) [08:09] <\sh> 1&1 ? [08:09] no :) [08:09] <\sh> strato? [08:09] <\sh> hetzner? [08:09] no :) [08:10] <\sh> don't tell me you bought the crap [08:10] well, right now we pay ~110€/Month for Manageing, Backups and the hardware [08:10] find a admin for that! [08:10] i bet once its set up it does not take much care though... [08:11] <\sh> spiekey, you talk about confixx...I had a couple of customers who had this...one update.and nothing worked again [08:11] hehe, yes. sounds like confixx :P [08:11] <\sh> in the past...confixx had the worst sechole ever...added a mysql user, with bash shell but no password, just because confixx wanted this [08:12] we dont really care...we just want a confixx like interface for the end customer. [08:12] <\sh> most of the 1&1 server housing park had to be updated and before that they were all vulnerable [08:12] if we move away from confixx we would also need some export/import solution :) [08:13] thats why i asked for confixx [08:14] <\sh> spiekey, i think you should try this forum for rootserver in .de ... I think you find some people dealing with this confixx crap...and some of them are cheap too [08:15] okay, thanks [08:16] <\sh> spiekey, but beware...you can't trust people you pay only a couple of bucks...when you have to pay 150€/h it's ok.. or around 600 to 750€/day excl. mwst...and a good freelancing contract..then you get quality...below that...don't trust those people.. [08:17] year, thats something wich gives me a headace :) [08:17] gotta go, be back in a while [08:17] <\sh> normal prices for freelancing sysadmins in .de [08:18] <\sh> and that's even cheap :) [08:39] Does the ubuntu server cd come with a desktop or do i have to install it manually after installation? [08:43] since the latestes openssh server updates X11 forwarding is slow. does anyone know why and what to do? [08:45] <\sh> Kapli, as server implies, no desktop for -server flavour [09:18] ssh -X is slow. xhost/telnet with DISPLAY set not. Who knows a solution? [09:23] <_ruben> get faster hardware? encryption requires more power than plain X [09:25] that's not the problem [09:25] it use to be very fast on even older machines [09:26] also compression is not the problem [09:26] it was fast in gutsy but is slow in hardy [09:26] <_ruben> its not a server specific problem either most likely [09:26] it was fast in debian etch but after some updates it go slow [09:27] you think it's the ssh client? [09:27] I doubt because I tried different verions of openssh and sun's ssh client [09:27] <_ruben> no, i think its not an ubuntu-server problem [09:27] <_ruben> since X isnt an ubuntu-server feature [09:27] so where to discuss openssh-server? [09:28] it's not an X server problem. it's an ssh server problem === Kapli_ is now known as Kapli [11:14] Hello all, I'm trying to install Ubuntu-Server on a pc with no cdrom, and my only option seems to be a USB thumbdrive I have (2gigs). However, When i try to write the ubuntu-server iso to the disk using dd if=/dev/sdb of=/path/to/ubuntu-server-image.iso bs=512 it seems to produce an unbootable usb drive... is there some other step i'm missing? Thanks. [11:15] yeah - that won't work afaik [11:15] you'll need to have a look for instructions on producing a bootable USB drive [11:16] Ok, so my next approach would be to get a bootable usb drive, and then use another one to store the actual files for the install and run it like that then eh? [11:17] e [11:17] or sry, wrong paste :p got link, just a sec [11:18] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick [11:18] check the isotostick.sh script section, very easy [11:18] just run the script and it will make ur usb key bootable, and extract the iso on it [11:19] cool - thanks primski [11:19] np [11:51] Well, I've gotten the usb thumb drive to boot properly, according to this guide I now need to boot the thumb drive (sda1) as the cdrom. It has me going about this in a rather roundabout way ... (linking /dev/sda1 to /dev/cdroms/cdrom0) however, when I mount this with the format I specified when making it (ext2) i get no such device ... [11:51] is there some way I can verify what this drive is showing up as besides dmesg? (because that shows sda) [11:57] mounting? where? if you mount, upon reboot, those get lost [11:57] you need to set up in your bios to boot from usb, should it support it [11:57] well, i ran the setup, and it got to the phase where it's looking for the cdrom and fails [11:57] aha [11:57] oh [11:58] i think the fs on usb is fat16, try that instead of ext2 [11:58] or do a fdisk -l to see what fs its [11:58] well, when i formatted the usb disk, i did specify ext2 [11:58] aha [11:59] i wasnt sure how to format it in dos as fat16, heh [11:59] hm, dont know really, i used my SD card with that and it worked ouf of the box [11:59] err, in linux, rather [11:59] i though that script makes fat automaticly [11:59] well, sry, no more ideas :s [12:00] ah, well thanks for your help so far, i'll see what i can drudge up [12:00] np and good luck [12:00] worst case scenario i stick with my faithful slackware =) [12:00] :d [12:00] does your bios support net boot ? [12:00] if it does .. i haven't found the option for it, and it doesnt happen automatically ... [12:00] I actually have a PXEboot already setup for slack ... [12:01] hm, there arent many options left yes, if it doenst [12:02] i'll try it again as fat16 - i just found the format command for that partition type [12:02] grat, gl [12:02] great* [12:07] i do get 1 error when running the script that i'm not sure what it means yet though, cp: cannot stat /media/cdtmp.b20990/casper: no such file or directory [12:07] i'm reading the script to see what it does .. [12:11] ikonia: good morning [12:34] well, i think i've spotted the problem, the usb drive has a hidden partition that is being mounted as the cd, and i havent found a way around it =/ [12:34] hi, i want to authenticate some users using mysql in apache, but since 2.2 mod-auth-mysql is depracted and doesnt work any longer (according to a guy on the apache list). mod-dbd should be used instead, but i cant find it in the repo. do i have to compile apache myself? [12:36] <\sh> libapache2-mod-auth-mysql ? still in the hardy archives === slimjim8094__ is now known as slimjim8094 [12:36] \sh: ye, but they told me its depracted since 2.0. and it doesnt work for me, thats why i asked on the apache list [12:51] Hey all. currently running ubuntu network server with ldap authentication. My next issue that I have is the annoying keyring password request when accessing samba shares. does anyone know how to stop this request in an ldap environment? [12:56] hello all.. which program should i install unter ubuntu8.04-server to correct my date/time permamently (as daemon, not cron) [12:57] ctx144k: openntpd [12:57] i already installed a time-server on another mashine [12:57] ok [13:22] hello all, i run ubuntu-server at home as home and media server , the question is that i need Apparmor, if i disable it this will affect the system ? [13:26] mohamed_: It will increase the potential security risk with the system. Why do you think you need to disable it? [13:26] ScottK-> because it make some troubles with Squeezecenter [13:27] and i don't need security for this server [13:27] Security is all it affects. [13:27] it will behind firewall [13:27] I don't agree that that means you don't need security, but your choice. [13:28] ScottK-> iit will be for home media inside home [13:28] It's your network. It's your choice. You don't need to convince me. Only yourself. [13:28] my question if i diable it this will not affect the system ? [13:28] disable [13:29] Except for security, no. [13:29] thanks ScottK [14:08] ikonia: are you on? [14:08] cjsstables: I am yes [14:10] you know anything about this annoying keyring program. On my network authenticated users/clients, before I can mount a samba share I have to put in a keyring password. Is there a way to stop that [14:11] my ultimate goal is to automatically mount samba shares but this keyring password is in the way [14:13] If network manager is the culprit I can remove that safely if my clients network ip's are manually configed right? [14:28] cjsstables: there are docs for that, let me see if I can dig them out [14:31] ikonia: i followed one of the doc's about an hour ago and unfortunately was locked out of my linux box. had to restore original files. Maybe the one I was following was not correct [14:32] let me see what I can find for you [14:36] ok cool [14:47] So, I'm using dhcpd and iptables masquerading to set up a router gateway system; all is working well, but if the system restarts, I need to re-enter the iptables rules to re-establish the masquerading; How can I have them loaded at startup? [14:49] put them in rc.local perhaps? [14:50] zul: duh - that was easy :p [14:50] <_ruben> or put them in a nice script in /etc/init.d/ and use update-rc.d to have it executed automagically .. just a tad "cleaner" than (ab)using rc.local imo :) [14:50] <_ruben> and you'd want firewall rules to be started prior to bringing any interfaces up [14:51] _ruben: right. That does seem cleaner. Thankya [14:55] New bug: #237892 in dhcp3 (main) "/var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases file is empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237892 [14:56] New bug: #237894 in openssh (main) "I cannot connect to any server. Conection hangs up at "channel 0: open confirm rwindow 0 rmax 32768"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237894 [14:57] one of my client's servers detected errors on their disk and somehow the root partition got mounted RO, is there a way to remount the disk RW? [14:57] im having some problems with vsftpd+firewall setup. i'm using ssl only, port 990 and when i enable ufw, i no longer get directory listing, authorization works ok, but disconects after there is no directory listing returned. i opened ports 990, 20, 21 tcp and udp. any ideas? [14:58] have tried putting you client in passive mode? [14:59] yes, im using filezilla on ubuntu desktop. [14:59] i thought it could be due to passive mode, but filezilla doesnt solve it, perhaps a bug there, will try another client [15:05] _ruben (or others :): What would be the apropriate runlevel for such a script? [15:07] <_ruben> most common runlevel would be 3 .. and 39 as sequence number (since networking has sequence number of 40) [15:09] Thanks again [15:10] Vlet: or use ufs? [15:10] oops - ufw... [15:11] nealmcb: uh, that's a gui thing, right? [15:11] <\sh> nope...ufw is cli [15:11] oh.. hmm [15:12] * Vlet does some reading [15:12] I should have a gui some day, but we like cli too [15:13] !ufw [15:13] Factoid ufw not found [15:13] !firewall [15:13] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [15:13] Well, that's just the thing - I'm not planning on installing X on this box ) [15:13] Vlet: good [15:14] jdstrand: we should set up a factoid for ufw and add it to !firewall [15:15] nealmcb: Personally I've never heard of Guarddog before. Kmyfirewall is the KDE front end I see mentioned. That could do with an update too. [15:16] Vlet: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html [15:18] nealmcb: Thanks - now the tricky bit is getting this working in one swipe, as the system in question is currently acting as the gatway for my workstation ;) [15:18] Vlet: yeah - I know the issues there.... another program that helps with that and does lots more is shorewall [15:18] it has some nice auto-fall-back features [15:18] I think I'll survive =D === dantalizing is now known as the_apostle [15:26] friday! [15:26] It seems that the ubuntu.media.mit.edu repomirror is not being updated o_O [15:26] yay friday [15:27] hmm - the ufw man page doesn't say what the default policy is. default deny or default allow.... but the comment on remote management implies that perhaps it is default deny? [15:29] jdstrand: ^^ [15:29] Default is nothing at all. [15:30] hello, I have got a server with ubuntu 64 bit 8.04 i have two discs but need to raid1 them while the server is live.. does any one have a good working howto I can use? [15:33] You want to convert to a raid array on a live server? [15:34] hi ScottK i have a live server with sda and sdb currently the system is booted on sda - i want to raid1 /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2 - /dev/md0 - so the server is live and I have created tghe md0 with sdb2 added and sda2 as missing - just having some sticky with grub and thought while i am at it might as well pick up a good proper howto.. [15:36] A how-to I was writing would start with configuring the server before it was live. [15:36] ScottK, hehe yea, it's a hetzner thing man...they didnt want to.. so now i have a live syhstem with two discs and no raid... [15:37] done it before in gentoo but cant find a solid howto for ubuntu, [15:37] can i not download a live cd and "boot it" or run it..and get to the environmetn where i can do a remote live install? [15:38] think i can ask hetzner to put in a live cd and give it access to the net? maybe i can then do the raid1 easy? [15:38] It's been long enough since I set one up I'm reluctant to give advice. [15:38] it's all good :) [15:38] thanks anyhow, and enjoy a great weekend! [15:39] i keep on forgetting it's friday :) almost pub and stella time [15:39] nealmcb: it is default deny, but disabled [15:39] nealmcb: it can be changed with 'ufw default ...' [15:40] jdstrand: thats what it seemed. want a bug for the man page? [15:40] nealmcb: if you want-- I've made a note to fix it [15:42] :) [15:43] more info about logging would be nice also - default, where it goes, etc [15:43] * nealmcb hoped sudo ufw --dry-run logging off would tell me whether it changed or not, but it doesn't seem to [15:45] nealmcb: noted [15:46] nealmcb: it is syslog facility 'kern' (ie where iptables logs) [15:48] jdstrand: thanks. the sysctl stuff is also a bit mysterious. for the uninitiated, what are the implications of all those rules in /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf ? - how do they compare to normal system defaults? [15:49] * nealmcb knows he is about 5 months late on these questions :/ [15:52] nealmcb: rp_filter, accept_source-route and accept_redirects are non-defaults [15:56] jdstrand: would it make sense to comment out all the defaults or something? [15:57] * nealmcb wonders if sysctl rules are set in other packages like that [15:57] nealmcb: well, I was doing that, then things started changing between releases and so I just said "I am setting this up the way it needs to be' [15:57] :) [15:59] I don't know about other packages, but /etc/sysctl.conf seems to be a mixture-- you can read it for what some of that stuff is [16:00] hmm - procps owns /etc/sysctl.conf - which takes priority? [16:01] nealmcb: ufw-- S17procps vs. S39ufw [16:01] scary [16:03] nealmcb: lots of firewall scripts do this sort of thing, they just don't have a file called 'sysctl.conf' (meaning they embed all this stuff in their code) [16:03] nealmcb: you can also adjust ufw to use /etc/sysctl.conf if you prefer [16:04] /etc/default/ufw [16:05] nealmcb: while it is 'Uncomplicated' for the average user, it tries not to take away any configurability from an admin who needs it [16:05] zul: hey, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=484800 [16:05] Debian bug 484800 in apache2 "apache2 mpm-worker segmentation fault (Launchpad #235294)" [Important,Open] [16:05] zul: I linked that to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/debian/+source/apache2/+bug/235294 [16:05] Launchpad bug 235294 in apache2 "[SRU] apache2 mpm-worker segmentation fault." [Undecided,Fix committed] [16:07] Scary is the wrong term - I just think it will confuse folks to have competing by-default sysctl config files, so good documentation on that seems important [16:07] * nealmcb wonders if the debian packaging rules would or should apply there [16:09] nealmcb: I can't make change to /etc/sysctl.conf automatically (policy violation) [16:09] s/change/changes/ [16:09] which why I did it this way [16:09] kirkland: cool [16:10] zul: I'm reviewing tormod's debdiff for the php5-5.2.6 security changes backport to hardy [16:10] hello there [16:11] kirkland: cool you might want to let kees and jdstrand now [16:11] s/now/know/g [16:11] dendrobates: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathiaz/network_auth_integration.png [16:11] jdstrand: I don't really know much about debian policy, but it seems worse to just override another config file in a way that is less clear to the users. I guess they at least have to do something to turn ufw on, but still... [16:13] * nealmcb knows this is close to the heart of the difficult stuff about package management and being "uncomplicated" like ubuntu wants :) [16:13] nealmcb: I am making a change in /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf to make this clear [16:15] what would the consequences of not changing the default sysctl stuff be? I haven't looked at what those rules do, but perhaps it would be better to just advise the user to change the defaults. or why should those not be changes to procps? [16:16] nealmcb: ufw needs rp_filter for one, and part of the 'uncomplicated' bits is unifying sysctl, iptables, etc [16:17] nealmcb: like I said-- this is really no different from installing a packaged firewall application that makes some assumptions (and overrides this stuff anyway) [16:18] hmm - rp_filter is the same in my two sysctl.conf files [16:18] nealmcb: many of those do so internally-- ufw just happens to expose that and gives the possibility to use /etc/sysctl.conf if desired [16:18] nealmcb: yes, but it seems to change from release to release, eg gutsy didn't have it [16:20] nealmcb: put simply-- 'ufw enable' is supposed to work without having to do any more fiddling [16:22] jdstrand: hey, procedure question for you.... [16:23] jdstrand: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/227464 [16:23] Launchpad bug 227464 in php5 "Please backport security fixes from PHP 5.2.6" [Undecided,Fix released] [16:23] jdstrand: I subscribed ubuntu-security to that bug [16:23] * jdstrand nods [16:24] what's the procedure question? [16:24] jdstrand: these are the php5.2.6 fixes that I chased down in CVS, someone else attached a debdiff [16:24] jdstrand: i gave the debdiff a look over, applied it (cleanly), build it (cleanly) [16:24] jdstrand: i figured you/kees would want to look over it next? [16:25] jdstrand: before zul/me prepare an SRU? [16:25] kirkland: we will get to it for -security, but that shouldn't prevent you from doing SRU if desired [16:25] jdstrand: "is that the standard procedure?" ^ [16:26] kirkland: the standard procedure is-- patch, test, supply debdiff, assign security team [16:26] kirkland: so yes [16:26] jdstrand: cool, thanks. [16:26] zul: what do you think? SRU time for bug 227464? [16:26] kirkland: we take it from there-- if it contains other fixes, then feel free to do the SRU [16:26] Launchpad bug 227464 in php5 "Please backport security fixes from PHP 5.2.6" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227464 [16:26] jdstrand: oh, okay [16:26] jdstrand: so a separate SRU is not required? [16:26] kirkland: I don't have a timeline on when we will process it though [16:26] jdstrand: nothing but security fixes in that debdiff [16:27] jdstrand: i don't either [16:27] kirkland: no-- if it is just security fixes, kees and I just upload to -security [16:27] jdstrand: cool, thanks, i think my work on this one is done, then. [16:27] jdstrand: thanks! [16:27] kirkland: on a gnarly patch set, we may do a 'simulated SRU' where we upload to -proposed and ask for feedback before committing to -security [16:28] jdstrand: okay, this one is non-trivial, but i wouldn't call it "gnarly" either [16:28] heh [16:28] kirkland: well, kees and I will take a look at it and make that decision [16:28] jdstrand: 7 files changed, 128 insertions(+) [16:28] jdstrand: okey doke, thanks for the answers [16:29] kirkland: do you know off-hand if anyone has done any of the regression testing in qa-regression-tests? [16:29] jdstrand: for php? [16:31] kirkland: I know there is some built test info in there-- I haven't looked at the php specific stuff in a while [16:31] jdstrand: there's a set of php tests are are bundled with PHP itself [16:31] jdstrand: those run as part of the php debuild [16:31] jdstrand: i'll build an unpatched (stock) hardy php and compare the differences [16:31] kirkland: yes, and kees documented what fails and what doesn't, so new builds can be compared against the old (eg expected failures are ok, but no new failures) [16:32] jdstrand: actually, a file test-results.txt gets generated by the build, and installed when you install php5 [16:32] jdstrand: so i may not need to rerun [16:32] jdstrand: just install what's currently in hardy [16:33] kirkland: I don't know the php5 packaging, but like I said, kees documented some of this stuff for all the releases [16:33] jdstrand: documented where? [16:33] qa-regression-testing [16:33] jdstrand: that's a package? [16:33] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/qa-regression-testing/master [16:34] kirkland: ^ [16:34] (no package) [16:34] jdstrand: ah, launchpad project, sorry, /me was confused [16:39] nealmcb: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jdstrand/ufw/trunk/revision/149 [16:46] jdstrand: doesn't look to me like qa-regression-testing has hardy's php5 results [16:46] jdstrand: latest are 5.2.3-1ubuntu6.1 [16:47] kirkland: ok-- feel free to add them if desired (or post the results somewhere so we can add them) [16:47] (ie unpatched hardy) [16:47] jdstrand: okay [16:47] kirkland: don't feel like you have to-- but if you want to contribute, great :) [16:48] jdstrand: it's no problem, i have all the data and branch right in front of me ;-) [16:48] jdstrand: i must say, though.... [16:49] jdstrand: that it seems to me marginally valuable to collect php's results in this project, since a test-results.txt.gz is shipped with every php5*.deb we build [16:49] kirkland: feel free to branch qa-regression-testing and make whatever changes you want [16:49] we'll pull them in [16:49] jdstrand: :-) [16:49] jdstrand: okay, i'll think on it some [16:50] they are for everyone to enjoy :) [16:50] woohoo! [16:52] hey guys i have an ubuntu server box running hardy with gnome and wmii, i configured some custom keyboard commands so when i press F1 or F2 certain scripts should run, and they work fine in gnome but not in wmii, could someone please help me make it work in wmii? [16:53] i tried going back in wmii and redoing it, but its already set correctly and to no avail [16:53] my script is: [16:53] #!bin/bash [16:53] gksudo /etc/init.d/ssh start [16:53] just those two lines [16:53] and its not working :( [16:53] is there a different kind of sudo i need to be using or what? :\ [16:55] all i wanna do is start and stop ssh with a hit of a key :S [16:57] ashelbysctes: this is really more a question for #ubuntu [16:57] ashelbysctes: I haven't even heard of wmii until you mentioned it [16:59] yeah, i tried ubuntu, they are sure a lot more busy than they are at 1am ;) [16:59] but thats allright :) [16:59] i can bother you with a server related question... [17:00] i can recieve mail with just my standard default mail agent [17:00] but i cant send it [17:00] i think it might be a problem with my isp (charter communications) [17:01] but this might be a common fixable problem ;) [17:01] ashelbysctes: is this sending it from a mail client like evolution, or your mail server (eg postfix)? [17:03] from a server (postfix) [17:04] ashelbysctes: many ISPs block port 25 [17:04] ashelbysctes: try using tcpdump or similar [17:04] (or nmap) [17:05] oh, its port 25? kul, ill try something and if that dosent work you can bet im gonna ask for help with installing tcpdump or something ;) [17:08] btw - i can never thank you guys enough :) [17:08] you guys are like heros to me - i want to be just like you in a few years :) [17:08] before i go to college :) [17:09] OH HOT IT WORKED :D [17:09] thanks soooo much! [17:09] i thought it was my router prot forwarding - but i wasnt sure what port to let pass through [17:09] so i let 25 through and now it works! [17:09] thank you so much!!! :) [17:10] you guys deserve a lot more thanks than you get, a lot of you work harder than most people get paid for ;) [17:10] and i really appreciate it :) [17:12] np :) [17:17] hey - it worked once, but now gmail is fussing at me: it told me to use SMTP 550-5.7.1 relay at my isp instead cause my ip wasnt applicable to send mail directly to their servers :\ [17:19] ok it says that dynamic ip's are unaccepted to send unidentified smtp mail to an internet email serve r [17:19] could i fix one of those things? make my ip NOT dynamic, o send authenticated mail? [17:21] cause i rly needz a mail server :( [17:23] ashelbysctes: it is generally recommended to use the smtp submission port (I forget the number), not 25, for using an isp as a smarthost, as I recall [17:23] oh, okey dokey then [17:24] if i could find out what port it is could you help me use it to suubmit it, or is it just a matter of configuring my router so? [17:25] running a mail server from a dynamic ip is likely to cause you lots of headaches - I'd stick with the submission port... [17:26] ok, but theres nothing i could change just to make mail servers "trust [17:26] ...and even that takes care and feeding.... fun to learn from, but using a good email service (e.g. fastmail.fm) can be a lot easier [17:26] " me? [17:26] ok then [17:26] they won't trust dynamic ips... [17:27] i need something free is all [17:27] thats ok [17:27] and shouldn't.... [17:27] I went thru all that years ago... [17:27] yup, im a pretty *sniff* shady character after all? :P [17:27] kirkland, jdstrand: I would like to compare patch sets against what seanius did in Debian, too. [17:27] (for php50 [17:27] s/0/)/ [17:27] dkim and perhaps the dns policy stuff would help in some cases but probably not nearly enough [17:28] kirkland, jdstrand: see svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-php/php5/branches/etch/debian [17:29] kees: okay, i posted a diff showing now test regressions [17:29] i was also just about to add test results for hardy's php5 [17:29] to qa-regression-testing [17:32] kirkland: cool. we should not have any regressions. ;) [17:36] kees: jdstrand: okay, pushed results 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.1 to lp:~ubuntu-bugcontrol/qa-regression-testing/master [17:36] (missing hardy results) [17:37] nealmcb: ogra: what do you think about http://augeas.net/ ? [17:37] isn't that what we've talked about the right way to implement configuration management ? [17:40] what if i were to sign up for http://www.senderscorecertified.com/ ? [17:41] would that alow me to send maail without being ignored? [17:45] for some reason, my Ubuntu Server install seems to be hanging when apache starts at boot time [17:48] actually it just seems to be hanging at startup when starting a service, but it tends to be near apache [17:49] any idea what's happening? no debug messages are being spewed out [17:50] anything failing to start? [17:50] only cleaning /tmp [17:51] i just did a recovery start and this time it crashed when i did ls /etc/rc6.d, but i don't think that's what caused it.. think maybe it's the clutch transmission daemon? [17:53] hey, about my mail server, if i set it up as a mx record isnted of simple ip forwarding, would those servers accept it? [17:56] i can do email forwarding, user (mx record) and user simplified ip so far i just had user siplified ip, but by the way you tell me it sounds like i could use an mx record and it would work [17:57] would an mx record work cause its not a simplified ip address or dynamic any more? [17:59] nope this computer seems to be randomly hanging at startup now, even beore it's started loading things like transmission and apache [17:59] it was working fine before [18:04] i have a server runninx postfix and i need to send mail but before my dns was configured to dynamic ip so things like hotmail bounced the mail so would it work if i alternatively configured my dns to an mx record??? [18:05] cause i really think that would work [18:13] http://screencast.com/t/terADXkph could someone please tell me how to configure that? my website name is sudoshelby.com and my username is shelby [18:17] i just wanna know what to fill in cause i think it will work i really do [18:51] So, I've been playing with ufw, and with port 53 allowed and ufw defaulting to drop, I can't seem to resolve hosts (via dnsmasq)... Any suggestions for what other ports or settings should be applied? [18:57] kees: is the repository module enable in apparmor ? [18:57] kees: I remember that we disabled the xmlrpc code at some during gutsy [19:04] how do I make sure a line gets added to the command line/grub whatever in a kickstart install script for 6.06lts [19:08] mathiaz: Yeah, I'd just seen that bug about "ubuntu-gutsy" too. I thought it was disabled, but I haven't checked lately. [19:31] wtf did you guys do to the kernel so it ignores console= [19:39] hey folks [19:39] I've got a problem with a raid5 sooftware array after upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 [19:40] specifically, it broke and would not assemble due to bad super blocks on a few drives ... I zeroed out the superblocks and created the array...its active and hopefully intact... [19:40] but when I try and mount it, I get a wrong file system type error [19:40] it thinks its ext4 [19:43] wtf [19:44] dendrobates: have you looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyNetworkAuthentication ? [19:44] dendrobates: that seems to cover the uauth tool we've discussed earlier [19:45] mathiaz: yes, I am familiar with it. [19:50] hey you guys i set some custom keyboard scripts to run on command of a key, and they un fine in gnome, but not in wmii, how would i make them run in wmii? [19:58] I have set up bridge between wireless wlan0 and eth0 fore access point, the client can connect but doesnot ping WAN while the server can connect when i route add default gw. Can some one help. i have my config files in http://paste.ubuntu.com/17651/ [20:08] anyone know of some pre written server monitor scripts that i can put on a machine external to my office to monitor my websites? I have nagios internally, but the server that i have external doesn't allow a cgi-bin. [20:09] no sense in me writing some script if there is already one out there. [20:16] stickystyl: what are you wanting to monitor? uptime? if that's all nagios should be all you need [20:17] I want to monitor that my sites are reachable from the outside world, hence the external server monitoring it. but this is just a simple shell account that does not have access to a cgi-bin that would be needed to install nagios on the external machine. [20:23] jdstrand: say, I'm using the test-samba.py and it's ... not happy with me (or my kvm) [20:25] jdstrand: http://pastebin.osuosl.org/7817 [20:25] * kees goes digging [20:30] kees: boy I'd say [20:30] kees: which release? [20:30] this is gutsy [20:31] I did a purge/reinstall hoping there was some goofed config, but smbclient seems to still hate me [20:31] kees: let me take a look at it-- I tested dapper and hardy after the commit and then got distracted by evolution [20:31] s/after/before/ [20:32] okay, cool. I'll go try it in Dapper. [20:34] heh, works on dapper. :P [20:34] sup guys - got a question [20:34] kees: it actually is working on gutsy [20:34] kees: sudo ./test-samba.py -v [20:34] bind9 + dhcp-server - i want a dynamic dns update so my local machine's hostnames are in DNS for my domain [20:35] anyone got any ideas? [20:35] kees: I see you did 'sudo ./test-samba.py localhost -v' [20:35] jdstrand: yeah, tried both. hmm [20:35] kees: that is not valid [20:35] kees: at least, it isn't tested [20:35] slimjim8094: same audience here -- don't think anyone knows. [20:35] (and wouldn't mean anything, as 'localhost' is supposed to be for network browsing [20:35] jdstrand: ah, okay, trying it again.. [20:36] ) [20:36] kees: eg: [20:36] sudo ./test-samba.py -v [20:36] where is some host running samba [20:36] (eg, another vm) [20:37] kees: all tests passed on gutsy (skipped client browsing) [20:38] crap... stupid internet [20:38] jdstrand: weird. I wonder how my VM is busted. === slimjim8094 is now known as Guest88426 === slimjim8094__ is now known as slimjim8094 [20:39] kees: do you have any stray smbd or nmbd processes running? [20:40] * kees checks [20:40] it's okay if I have other smb running on separate hosts, right? [20:40] kees: separate hosts absolutely-- that is the point of client browsing ;) [20:40] kees: I meant in the gutsy vm [20:41] jdstrand: for the $host -v case, right? but for just -v, it'll use the local machine? [20:41] kees: in fact, I know that is running samba :) [20:42] jdstrand: heh, but that's the machine I'm testing. [20:42] (though that may be your gutsy vm...) [20:42] yeah [20:42] okay, so, to back up... if I just install samba out of the box, this should work: smbclient -N -L $(hostname) [20:43] kees: is this i386? [20:43] jdstrand: amd64 [20:43] kees: ok, all my testing was amd64 [20:43] kees: smbclient -N -L localhost should work [20:44] wild. [20:44] Anonymous login successful [20:44] Domain=[MSHOME] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.26a] [20:44] tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE [20:44] that's a result of purge, install, smbclient. [20:45] * kees switches to his i386 [20:45] that there is yer prawblum [20:45] hehe [20:45] hey can someone point me in the direction of a mysql tutorial pls? i have to learn how to use and make databases and im a n00b :( [20:46] nevermind its ok :) [20:47] kees: I don't know, I might just take 15 minutes and generate a new vm [20:47] samba and I have never gotten along. :P [20:48] I'm not sure it's in samba's nature to get along [20:48] haha [20:48] trying feisty as long as I'm here... [20:49] hi [20:49] kees: yeah, me too [20:49] is there a way to activate "conntrack_rtsp" on Ubuntu hardy ? [20:50] kees: tip for ya-- if you specify a host to test-samba.py, make sure that samba is actually running on that host ;) [20:50] jdstrand: heh, it is! I swear. :P [20:50] yup, feisty is fine for me too. [20:50] (several times I forgot to restart it after a test-samba.py run) [20:50] (SambaGeneric) Client browsing ... skipped [20:50] ok [20:50] er.. where is that "ok" coming from? :P [20:51] kees: it is because the test didn't FAIL-- not sure how to get rid of that [20:51] ah! heh [20:51] kees: I just return True on skip [20:52] maybe: print "(skipped)", i'll see if that makes the output cleaner [20:52] kees: oh-- yes, that would do it-- I'd prefere no 'ok', but please make the change [20:52] oh wait... feisty started to fail. [20:52] kees: while your at it, can you update it to mention that specifying localhost to test-samba.py doesn't really make sense? [20:53] IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/samba/smb.conf.autotest' [20:53] *boggle* [20:53] sudo? [20:53] I have entered some kind of anti-coffee zone. *sigh* [20:53] kees: feisty passed here (even with client browsing) [20:54] kees: there are to places for 'skipped' in test_client_browsing-- can you fix both? [20:55] jdstrand: yeah, saw that and got them updated now. (haven't pushed yet) [20:55] oh... yeah, no... that won't work. it seems that the lack of flush means it doesn't appear in output. :P [20:55] kees: and don't feel bad about sudo-- I *just* did the same thing 1 minute before and had the same reaction :) [20:55] haha [20:55] *whew* [20:55] feisty is working correctly. [20:56] I wonder why my gutsy VM is bad... [20:56] ah, well clearly that was why I didn't use ',' [20:56] :P [20:56] how do i share something with ebox? [20:56] heheh [20:56] i have looked everywhere [20:57] AnRkey: I would cut something in half, and let ebox choose which piece it wants. (sorry, couldn't help myself. I don't know ebox) [20:57] * AnRkey slaps kees [20:57] :D [20:58] heh :) [20:58] jdstrand: haha: [20:58] LMJ: I haven't used conntrack_rtsp-- but it doesn't appear to be compiled in hardy [20:58] Ran 14 tests in 221.628s [20:58] OK [20:58] (skipped) [20:59] kees: oh, haha [21:00] I'm trying it with a sys.stdout.flush() [21:00] I was like-- '(skipped)', wha? [21:00] found it [21:00] create a new group and add a path for the share for that group. strange that it's in the groups section [21:03] jdstrand: ah-HA! something in the conf was staying. I wasn't purging samba-common (only samba) [21:03] I'll be it was from earlier attempts to reproduce the kernel bug. [21:04] \m/ [21:04] and flush() worked. wheee [21:05] ah cool [21:05] I have 'skip' in a few other scripts too, if you're feeling industrious :) [21:06] jdstrand: okay, thanks for the attention -- it's all working happily again. *whew* [21:06] np [21:06] oh, maybe I'll add testlib.skipped() and we can call return testlib.skipped() [21:07] kees: that is a great idea [21:09] aaaahhh!!! i was wrong [21:09] it creates a whole new directory === dantaliz1ng is now known as dantalizing [22:33] guys - anybody a bind / dhcp-server guy? got a question about ddns-updates [22:33] whats the problem slimjim8094 [22:34] i can't get ddns-updates working - bind9 and dhcp-server running on the same machine [22:34] dhcp-server (or the client themselves) is supposed to be able to update the DNS entry for the client [22:34] where you get stuck? [22:35] no errors, but no success messages either [22:35] it's just not working [22:36] hmmm really tricky to help you without error message ^^ [22:36] how about NXDOMAIN :P [22:37] ive got my default dns suffix set properly [22:37] i had some errors re. permission denied [22:37] but they're gone... [22:38] hmmm [22:38] maybe anyone else has more expirience and knows what to do ^^ [22:38] i have no idea what you need ^^ [22:39] i thought it is a specific error ^^ [22:40] haha, unfortunately it's not [22:40] errors i can google ^.^ [22:40] of course ^^ [22:41] but without error you need someone who had this problem already [22:41] ya [22:41] or knows how i'm doing something stupid [22:43] jepp [23:26] * nealmcb heads off for the weekend.... [23:41] I am trying to install ubuntu server but when i run CD checking tool it tells me that some random file is corrupted and it is different every time. i tried different cds, cd recorders, cd roms but nothing helps. i even tried to redownload few times. [23:46] I am trying to install ubuntu server but when i run CD checking tool it tells me that some random file is corrupted and it is different every time. i tried different cds, cd recorders, cd roms but nothing helps. i even tried to redownload few times. [23:47] a13x: Did you try burning at a slower speed? [23:47] interesting idea [23:47] however, why would it matter [23:48] a13x: When you say it's a "different file every time", do you mean it's different with each burn, or that the very same CD gives different errors on each check? [23:48] a13x: If the same CD is giving different errors each time, your CD drive or cabling to the drive might have issues. [23:48] i put in the cd and start the computer [23:48] in the bootloader i choose check cd [23:48] every time i do this [23:48] a13x: If your media is marginal or something other issue, it could be more apparent at higher data rates. [23:49] files are sometimes different [23:49] i replaced the cabling [23:49] also replaced cd rom [23:49] What brand of CD blanks? [23:49] tried regular cd and cd-rw [23:50] and recorded on two different computers [23:50] same result [23:50] brand [23:50] TDK for my regular cds [23:51] i am not sure about my RWs [23:51] next, i will run checks on my recording software [23:51] IIRC some of those are made in marginal factories and some are made in good ones, but if you've got the same problem with the RW, it's not just a bad spindle of CDs. [23:51] and try recording at slower speeds [23:52] right now i am downloading the dvd === slimjim8094__ is now known as slimjim8094 [23:53] i even ran memory tests, no errors