
=== asac_ is now known as asac
rtg__infinity: got it. I'll do it in London on Monday.03:41
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qenseThe Intel chipset drivers are in the normal kernel, aren't they?14:20
qenseok, thx14:35
hxuHi! I need to build a kernel module against the Ubuntu 8.04 kernel. In redhat-like distros, you usually have a kernel-devel package which contains enough kernel source for you to do kernel development.  Is there a kernel devel package in Ubuntu?16:27
Nafallolinux-headers IIRC16:30
Nxxdoes anybody know how to make sound work under ubuntuu?19:08
crimsunwhat doesn't work on your audio hardware?19:10
rysiek|plhi all19:12
rysiek|plit's quiet... too quiet19:12
* rysiek|pl feels uncomfortable19:12
crimsunNxx: ping me in #ubuntu if you need to troubleshoot.19:13
rysiek|planywhoo... do *anybody* know about any workarounds of i8042 bugs?19:13
rysiek|plmy laptop's (LG E200) keyboard dies as soon as the kernel kicks in19:13
rysiek|plneedless to say it's quite a showstopper ;)19:14
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rysiek|plguys, I need some serious help with a laptop keyboard that is not functioning in Linux20:46
pwnguinare you going to write a kernel patch for it?20:46
rysiek|plif need be and it will not be some depp-kernell kick-ass kung-fu, why not20:47
rysiek|plpwnguin: why?20:47
pwnguinbecause this is #ubuntu-kernel20:47
rysiek|planywhoo: it seems to start working after I pass the kernel an i8042.dumbkbd=1 option - but "caps lock" light does NOT light upon using capslock (though capslock works aok, ie. the letters are big)20:47
pwnguinfrom topic: "kernel development ONLY"20:47
rysiek|plpwnguin: yes, I know20:47
rysiek|plpwnguin: google, launchpad, ##linux, ##kernel, #debian, #ubuntu-pl, #kubuntu, #ubuntu and still nothing20:48
pwnguinperhaps your laptop vendor will know more about the hardware?20:49
rysiek|plpwnguin: through those 6 hrs of fighting and testing, and re-testing I have come to believe it's a problem with the i8042 PS/2 driver in kernel and some quirky chipset of the laptop I have here20:49
rysiek|plpwnguin: so I am turning - at the very last - to the only place that seems to have people with enough expertise to help me debug this bugger20:49
pwnguinjust about every laptop chipset is "quirky" :)20:49
rysiek|plpwnguin: e.g. look at dmesgs (i8042.debug=1) or tell me what options should I try now20:50
rysiek|plpwnguin: I have programmed in C a wee bit (not much, and no kernel stuff, but I will know a pointer from a comment...) and - given only little help - I can try to patch the bugger20:51
pwnguinirc is a rendevous protocol for debugging something like this; you really want to collect all this information in one place and point experts to that at their leisure20:52
rysiek|plpwnguin: I have got everythin https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKeyboardDetection said I should20:52
rysiek|plpwnguin: plus dmesgs from ~10 different runs of the single mode with different options passed20:53
pwnguinyou mentioned launchpad20:53
pwnguindoes this mean you filed a bug?20:54
rysiek|plI'm back20:55
rysiek|plpwnguin: not yet. I am not 100% sure it's not a dupe of 2-3 I have found20:55
rysiek|plpwnguin: although I do have (apparently) different chipset and a wee bit different problems20:55
rysiek|plpwnguin: i.e. in one bug the keyboard stops working AFTER suspend/resume, but besides that it's exactly what I have20:56
rysiek|plso, still testing. ;)20:57
pwnguini'd say file the bug and dup it as nessecary20:57
rysiek|plpwnguin: if you have a bit of time, I could point you the dmesgs, lspci logs, etc.20:57
rysiek|plok, will do20:57
rysiek|pldarn, gtg for a while, be back in 45mins20:58
rysiek|plthanks for your time ;)20:58
pwnguinwell, i don't do much kernel hacking yet20:58
pwnguindon't expect a lot of real help from me, but filing the bug might trigger something20:58
pwnguinreminds me i still need to follow up with the SD hci guy =(21:05
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pwnguinwhat's the right way to request a patch be brought into Ubuntu's kernel?21:35
rysiek|plpwnguin: I would say "guys, could you bring this-and-that patch into ubuntu's kernel?" ;)22:10
dupondjesomebody awake to help creating a patch ?22:11
dupondjea fix in fact :)22:12
pwnguinwell i just see over and over again this pattern where people file a bug against ubuntu, it lingers collecting more and more "is anyone listening" until some lone rider outside the kernel team decides to press upstream and writes a patch22:12
dupondjeI found the change that makes it crash ...22:14
dupondjeits 10 lines ...22:14
rysiek|pldupondje: what does you patch fix? (and *do* tell me it's either atheros ar242x, or i8042 on ATI chipsets... ;) )22:15
dupondjeits a official ubuntu patch ...22:15
dupondjefor the kernel22:15
dupondjeAreca Raid controller22:15
rysiek|pldupondje: *disclaimer* I am a complete n00b and I cannot help with the patch22:15
dupondjecheck bottom :)22:16
sectechIs there a wiki or something that shows what the pci probe error messages mean? I am am triaging a bug that has a PCI probe fail with error -1622:17
dupondjeWho can commit the patch to the Ubuntu Kernel ?22:59
dupondjewould be cool if it was fixxed22:59
dupondjein next kernel rls22:59

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