
Jazzvaasac: Can't reproduce ... but I think I have gnome-mplayer 0.6.200:01
Jazzvaand gecko-mediaplayer 0.6.2... I think they mentioned some changes to quicktime.00:01
Jazzvaasac: Sorry... It's 0.6.2 in intrepid. I have 0.6.0, and I can't reproduce it00:02
crimsunasac: for a fresh intrepid install, 1) linux-sound-base should, by default, ship a template alternatives for /etc/asound.conf; this template needs to be unset (for the ALSA case) by default.  For the OSS (dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base) case, this template needs to be set to a file containing the contents of `asoundconf set-oss' (see alsa-utils bzr); 2) pulseaudio should Depends (instead of Recommends) libasound2-plugins.  It00:05
crimsunin this way, we preserve ALSA-only usage, OSSv4 usage, and PulseAudio usage.00:06
crimsun(I'll be working on the necessary bits in my own branches of alsa-driver, alsa-utils, and pulseaudio.)00:07
asaccrimsun: the long message was cut off here00:08
asac                 set-oss' (see alsa-utils bzr); 2) pulseaudio should Depends (instead of00:08
asac                 Recommends) libasound2-plugins.  It00:08
asac... then:00:08
asac01:06 < crimsun> in this way, we preserve ALSA-only usage, OSSv4 usage, and PulseAudio usage.00:08
asacin case there was something in between, please paste :)00:08
crimsun2) pulseaudio should Depends (instead of Recommends) libasound2-plugins.  It also needs to update the alternatives for /etc/asound.conf (set it to a file containing the contents of `asoundconf set-pulseaudio').00:08
crimsun(that's all that was missing)00:09
asaccrimsun: in hardy there isnt any /etc/asound.conf at all ... how does it get its defaults?00:10
crimsunasac: libasound2 ships it in /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.00:11
asacjust wonder if the defaults we want cant be put in some other place than that file00:11
crimsunasac: /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc are the canonical overrides00:11
crimsunI'll have to think harder about the dist-upgrade case.  (Probably pop up a notifier bubble on pulseaudio upgrade?)00:13
asachmm ... notification isnt really something that works00:13
asacmost users will miss it00:13
asacor just close it00:13
crimsunok, well, either a dist-upgrade automatically migrates them (mv ~/.asoundrc* $somewhere_else), or the dist-upgrade leaves them intact00:14
asacif i understand you correctly we dont need /etc/asound.conf except for OSS case?00:15
crimsunno, we would also need it for the PulseAudio case.00:15
asacok. so similar - aka content of asoundconf set-pulseaudio?00:16
asacok. as far as i can see there is a .asoundrc file in $HOME ... that is generated on every startup? or when global config changes?00:17
asachmm ... dont have it hear even ;)00:17
crimsunyou shouldn't have an asoundrc at all unless you run Edubuntu00:18
crimsun(by default, that is)00:18
crimsunan asoundrc must be explicitly generated, and it takes effect (only once) upon a native ALSA app's invocation.00:19
asaccrimsun: is there any reason to not ship set-pulseaudio config as a general default that users can change by adding their /etc/asound.conf and so on?00:24
asac(i refer to default ubuntu setups with pulseaudio)00:25
crimsunasac: no, there is no reason to not ship it as such.  That is, in fact, the precise config I outlined above.  :)00:25
asacexcept that flash 9 cant do it ;)00:25
crimsune.g., by default, PulseAudio sets the /etc/asound.conf alternatives.00:26
asaccrimsun: thats the only point i dont like00:26
ftaasac, how far is gnash composer/editor from reality ? i remember rob mentioned it at UDS00:26
asaccrimsun: at least for hardy i dont want to introduce new alternatives00:26
asac(but well we talk about intrepid i know)00:26
crimsunright, hardy is another mess of cake altogether.00:27
asacin any case, i dont think we want to ship any /etc/ file as the default. we should choose another location00:27
crimsunas in modify alsa-lib to look elsewhere?  Well....00:27
asacis that possible? e.g. we ship alternative somewhere in /usr/share/alsa* and admins can override that in /etc/asound.conf00:27
asaci prefer to have /etc/asound.conf a place where admin can do global configs00:28
asacpackages should ship their defaults somewhere else if possible00:28
asaccrimsun: you said that /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf is already used00:29
asacor does that have a different purpose?00:30
crimsunthat's the default00:32
crimsun/etc/asound.conf overrides it, and ~/.asoundrc overrides both00:32
crimsunneed to go, wifi spot disappearing :/00:33
asaccrimsun: sure thanks for the input so far00:33
ftadamn keyboard layout. after each reboot, i have to uncheck/recheck the same options00:34
JazzvaWaited an hour for epiphany to finish compiling... And then it produced an error. Oh, joy... oh, joy...00:44
JazzvaGood thing it's just a missing directory, so, I'm gonna run build from that point :)00:44
ftaasac, you sure you want that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17760/ ?00:57
asacfta: to be honest: no :)00:58
ftathen what ? current code is bad00:58
ftathat was your proposal earlier today00:59
asacyeah ... for now just use --gre-version ... or doesnt that work?00:59
asac(directly in postinst)00:59
asaci think you suggested that initially ... but well01:00
asaci have to look what we really want in the end01:00
asac.autoreg is somewhat painful ;)01:00
ftai suggested --gre-version directly in postinst, you said you prefer /usr/sbin/xul19-touch-autoreg01:02
asacyeah ... it has its benefit ... but i want to think about the final solution a bit before introducing a new binary01:05
ftaok, i'll go for my initial idea then.01:06
asacso if we need a fix now, just fix postinst ... we can go ahead from there ;)01:06
asacok off ... cant keep eyes open :)01:07
JazzvaYay. Epiphany with Webkit is installed. Now to see if it's usable. "Powered by WebKit"01:27
Jazzvahmm... some links won't open, and it seems that all links refuse to open in a new window :/01:35
JazzvaGuess it's still not so usable01:35
ftamozilla powa01:35
Jazzvafta: Agreed ;)01:35
JazzvaIt's just that liferea-webkit seems to work fine, so asac thought to test epiphany-webkit.01:36
JazzvaThough, he did mention I might need to get latest webkit...01:37
ftaepiphany is supposed to work as upstream announced the shift01:37
Jazzvathe shift? to webkit?01:38
JazzvaIt might be webkit in our archives...01:38
JazzvaI think I'll build webkit from upstream and then leave epiphany compile with it over-night01:39
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gnomefreakanyone awake?04:32
gnomefreakhave you seen the wiki on what was supposed to be talked about at UDS?04:33
crimsunno, I'm pretty much out of the loop these days.04:34
gnomefreakthanks ill keep looking04:36
gnomefreakasac: removing user from subscription didnt work im asking in #launchpad05:08
gnomefreaki hate wikis :(05:19
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakasac: its aout 2:45am -0400 and i think i have handled the bounces this time but im going to work with an LP guy to see what can be done (for all i know its an email bomb or some stupid crap07:45
armin76bumb rc2!10:40
armin76no bumb? :P11:18
Jazzvaasac: ping15:44
ftai'm out of ideas with flock17:13
ftaasac, care to help ? ^^18:03
Jazzvarebuilding epiphany with patches, as it continued to segfault, even with the latest upstream webkit18:50
ftaJazzva, i thought debian had it working months ago. did i miss something ?19:00
Jazzvafta: Then it's me that's broken ;). Now I'm compiling latest epiphany with latest webkit. It might have been the thing that I didn't apply patches.19:02
crimsunasac: (lp:~crimsun/alsa-lib/ubuntu.new and lp:~crimsun/pulseaudio/ubuntu updated as per our discussion)19:48
JazzvaDo we still hold meetings in #ubuntu-meeting, or we hold them in #ubuntu-mozillateam19:57
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ftathis channel is quiet most of the time19:59
Jazzvafta: Yeah, I was just wondering, cause it says #ubuntu-meeting on wiki MT meetings page. So, I don't know if there is some Ubuntu policy on meetings...19:59
Jazzvai.e. they should be only held in #ubuntu-meetings... And, if so, where is the schedule for #ubuntu-meeting? :)20:00
Jazzvaarmin76: what's a bumb?20:17
Jazzvaa crash? :)20:17
armin76a version bump :P20:19
JazzvaOh... oke :)20:19
ftarc2 ?20:22
JazzvaHmm... It still won't open in "New window". But no segfault so far.20:35
lyhana8hi, i want to refresh my addons list due to conflict between Fx2 and Fx321:56
Jazzvaasac, fta: ping22:44
ftaJazzva, pong22:55
Jazzvafta: You have been working on mozilla-devscripts, right?22:55
JazzvaIs there a support for thunderbird extensions?22:57
Jazzva*packaging thunderbird extensions?22:58
ftayou mean the xpi.mk ?22:59
ftait's not specific to ff23:00
ftaso it's just a matter of install.rdf23:01
JazzvaHmm, I think that imagezoom doesn't show up in thunderbird, and it uses xpi.mk. That's why I asked...23:01
JazzvaAnd as far as I can see in xpi.mk (MOZ_XPI_MOZILLA_DIRS ?= firefox-addons firefox) it installs only for firefox. Is it ok if we change that parameter in debian/rules for packages that work in thunderbird?23:02
ftaoh, the addons dir23:04
ftayes, you can change it23:04
ftaxpi.mk will only set it if it's not already there23:04
ftathat's "?="23:04
JazzvaHmm, ok. I'll test with that. Maybe we can mention that in XPI.TEMPLATE, for packagers that work on thunderbird extensions.23:05
JazzvaI didn't know for that operand. :)23:05
JazzvaThanks for the help...23:05
Jazzvafta: It works :)23:41
Jazzvaand, I meant "operator", not "operand"23:42
ftai'm trying to brush up my japanese by watching a movie, it's hard. i'm rusted :P23:45
JazzvaGood luck ;)23:45
ftaJazzva, i have a strange problem with liferea23:54
Jazzvafta: What seems to be the problem?23:55
JazzvaIntroduced by merge *scared*?23:55
ftaif it's open in a workspace and i move to another workspace, i cannot hide it and bring it to the current workspace using the notification icon23:55
fta(middle click on the icon)23:56
ftamay not be liferea's fault as deluge is showing the same problem23:56
JazzvaHmm... say something to me here, so I can test it for xchat23:56
ftaJazzva, test23:57
JazzvaHmm... middle click is not working for me. Only left click, and it moves me automatically to the workspace where xchat is23:57
ftaoops, left click, yes23:58
JazzvaNot working for Pidgin too... Are you using compiz?23:58
JazzvaLeft click moves me to the active desktop23:58
JazzvaHmm... same here23:58
ftaliferea ?23:58
JazzvaNo, metacity23:59
JazzvaI'll test with liferea23:59
ftaxchat is okay here, but neither liferea nor deluge23:59

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