
mneptokTstantonfsu: sounds like a potential cooling problem00:00
tj83Tstantonfsu your having hard shutdown crashes?00:00
StarnestommyTstantonfsu: it might be overheating00:00
Tstantonfsui think it is overheating00:00
Tstantonfsuit revs00:00
tj83mneptok... that was exactly what i was going to say :)00:00
Tstantonfsulike i can hear it00:00
Tstantonfsusuch a little fan to cool so much :(00:00
tj83Tstantonfsu what processor is it?00:00
tj83Tstantonfsu what processor type?00:01
eshearwhy are all the links to download the db on http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/amd64/php4-cli/download broken?00:01
TstantonfsuAMD athlon 64x2 dual core processor TK-5300:01
tj83Tstantonfsu sudo apt-get install gkrellm00:01
=== gbs is now known as fserve_
tj83use it to monitor cpu load and temps00:01
cmXI am installing ubunutu (8.10) on a AMD64 4000+, 2GB of ram and keep getting the error Buffer I/O error on device sr000:01
tj83Tstantonfsu I wouldnt give anything for gkrellm.. my favorite app00:02
Tstantonfsulol :p00:02
SnakeArterUSUL: I think that You should take a look at this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/17742/00:02
Tstantonfsualright it installed now what lol00:02
tj83Tstantonfsu when you have it and set the way you like i will send you some themes for it00:02
Tstantonfsuwait no00:02
Tstantonfsuidk says setting up gkrellm00:03
Tstantonfsuand nothings happening o.o00:03
tj83Tstantonfsu when its done alt+f00:03
tj83ah i mean alt+f200:03
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Tstantonfsuhow do i know when its done00:04
tj83Tstantonfsu did i e-mail you a screenshot of my desktop?00:04
Tstantonfsuyou can upload it if thats faster00:04
tj83Tstantonfsu when its back at the command line00:04
Tstantonfsuits bakc at thecommand line now what do i do lol00:04
tj83Tstantonfsu alt+f2 then enter gkrellm00:05
tj83Tstantonfsu you will also want to add this to sessions for start at login00:05
Tstantonfsuholy shit00:05
Tstantonfsuwhat is this00:05
SnakeArterUSUL: r u there?00:05
Tstantonfsuidk what this is lmao00:05
tj83Tstantonfsu right click it at the top and click configure00:06
Tstantonfsuok now what lol00:06
tj83Tstantonfsu then select built-in and then sensors then temps00:06
tj83check the available sensors00:06
cmXI am installing ubunutu (8.10) on a AMD64 4000+, 2GB of ram and keep getting the error Buffer I/O error on device sr0. This is a clean install and i have no idea where to go from here00:06
Tstantonfsui click builtins and hteres nothing00:07
tj83Tstantonfsu there is nothing under built-in?00:07
Tstantonfsunope its blank00:07
tj83let me take screen shot and send to your e-mail one min00:07
HiToDoes someone uses SSH with X option and launches Gnome under Windows? ?? i have an error "dbus_bus_acquire_service.." when launching gnome00:07
jribcmX: 8.10 does not exist.  If you are trying to install the development version (intrepid), use #ubuntu+100:08
tj83Tstantonfsu ah click the triangle next to built-ins00:08
Jordan_UHiTo, Are you using gnome-session ?00:08
DezineI have windows on another partition but Ubuntu didn't recognize it, is there a way to redetect installed OSs and add them to the grub?00:08
Tstantonfsuthen the triangle next to temperatures in sensors?00:09
SnakeArterUSUL: are You there?00:09
HiToDezine you can add it manually to menu.lst00:09
tj83Tstantonfsu yes to expand it00:09
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Tstantonfsuehck off which ones00:09
Tstantonfsutemp 1 temp2 temp3 temp4 THRM are the 5 i can check off00:10
tj83check them all00:10
tj83and check e-mail too00:10
Tstantonfsuthen click ok?00:11
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
tj83yes, you will want to come back for further config... but yes for now00:11
loner269i cant watch my movie00:11
loner269 totum says i cant vlc wont00:11
loner269 any ideas?00:11
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Starnestommyloner269: is it a dvd?00:12
tj83Tstantonfsu sorry not in your inbox yet.. torrents going and slowing things up, what kind of temps? highest?00:12
loner269yea from block buster00:12
Tstantonfsuerr 87.000:12
loner269i got to see it in here couse our dvd player died last night lol00:13
Tstantonfsuthat bad00:13
Tstantonfsuoh wiat 89 lol00:13
tj83thats really bad00:13
FloodBot1Tstantonfsu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
Shak-hey folks, I've been trying to figure out how to get VPN to work for the past three hours.. everytime I connect it just says connection failed, anyone care to look at my syslog?00:13
lon3shi und hallo00:13
tj83Tstantonfsu what about cpu load?00:13
Tstantonfsucpu 1 or cpu0?00:13
willwhShak-: sure00:13
Tstantonfsucpu - 23% cpu1 says 220 procsses i think and 1 users00:14
Starnestommy!dvd | loner269, did you try these instructions?00:14
ubottuloner269, did you try these instructions?: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:14
Shak-willwh: cool, gimme a sec while I paste this00:14
tj83and cpu 0?00:14
cmXI am installing ubunutu (8.10) on a AMD64 4000+, 2GB of ram and keep getting the error Buffer I/O error on device sr0. This is a clean install and i have no idea where to go from here00:14
FlannelcmX: Do you really mean 8.10?00:14
willwhcmX: use the alternative install CD00:15
Tstantonfsucpu0 ijsut shot upto 60% cuz of the reving but is going back down to 25ish%00:15
FloodBot1cmX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:15
cmXok i will try it00:15
tj83Tstantonfsu lets take to pm for the rest of the channel00:15
willwhtj83: good thinking :)00:15
tj83sorry willwh00:15
neetoI have a USB card reader but my computer won't automount anything I plug into it. Do I need to install support for card readers00:16
Shak-willwh: here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/17748/ - I added 'debug dump' to /etc/ppp/options not sure if it helps much00:16
snakei know its a stupid question but how to copy JUST the contents of a folder to another folder ?00:17
yell0wsnake: cp /path/to/folder/* /path/to/destinataion/folder00:17
lns(HARDY) Has anyone seen the issue where, when logged in via VNC, the gnome theme constantly changes back and forth?00:18
willwhShak-: what kind of VPN you trying to connect to?00:18
loner269this things going from 7.4 ce to 7.10 thats a good thing rite?00:18
knight666how can i update to the latest release candidate of wine?00:18
jribsnake: cp -a /path/to/dir1/{*,.*} /path/to/dir2       You will miss things that start with a ., if you only do *00:18
willwhShak-: if it's a windows VPN, I think you need to ignore a specific type of auth (I don't remember right off the top of my head)00:18
Shak-willwh: I think it's just a regular PPTP server.. not sure exactly, if it helps any it worked with the default settings on windows00:18
willwhI am at work and close to the end of the day, don't want to fire up my VPN00:18
yell0wjrib: didn't think about that00:19
willwhcan you pop open your options for the connection00:19
knight666how can i update to the latest release candidate of wine?00:19
willwhthere are 2 check boxes for auth00:19
jribknight666: use winehq's repository00:19
jrib!wine > knight666 (read the private message from ubottu)00:19
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.00:19
Shak-willwh: theres authenticate peer, refuse eap, refuse chap and refuse MS chap00:20
loner269yell0w:  you here?00:20
theLichKinghow do i make a program start automatically when i log in?00:20
jrib!startup > theLichKing (read the private message from ubottu)00:20
Dr-Willi!autostart | theLichKing00:21
Dr-WillitheLichKing,  depends on what program.00:21
ubottutheLichKing: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot00:21
Henri121qualcuno ha fantasie su cugina?00:21
Henri121qualcuno ha fantasie su cugina?00:21
knight666jrib: i mean like "apt-get upgrade wine"00:21
jribknight666: so do I00:21
knight666uhhhh k00:21
jribknight666: except, once you add winehq's repository, the proper command is: sudo apt-get install wine00:21
yell0wloner269: ye00:21
knight666i see00:22
knight666it's not in the repositories yet00:22
theLichKingthank you00:22
jribknight666: it may never be in the official repositories as those only get security updates and major bug fixes.  You have a better chance of getting them from -backports.  However, if you really want it, then just add winehq's repositories00:23
knight666jrib: the previous release candidates made their way to the repositories00:23
moDumasshey all, anyone installed ubuntu on a toshiba satallite pro l20?00:23
snakejrib: i just copied it but it requires me everytime to overwrite00:24
jribknight666: I see the latest package in universe as 0.9.59-0ubuntu4 and the latest one in winehq is 1.0~rc3~winehq0~ubuntu~8.04-100:24
snakehow can i make it so it overwrite them by themself00:24
jribsnake: check 'man cp', I don't remember off the top of my head00:24
knight666jrib: but the brandnew rc4 was released only a few days ago, so it will probably take a while to reach the repositories00:25
jribknight666: k00:25
Psyco_Chipmunkkcan someone please help me put xbox media center on my usb drive using ubuntu?  There are some derections that i dont really understand here http://lifehacker.com/395212/run-xbox-media-center-from-a-usb-drive  thanks00:26
DezineOk, it says windows is located at /dev/sdb1 so that would be (hd1,1) in grub?00:27
jribsnake: make sure you aren't calling cp -i (with an alias maybe)00:27
* mneptok hugs his PS3 :)00:27
nwhat is the difference between postrouting and output in iptables?00:27
sensoucihello anyone got the asus s^@ep laptop webcam working ?00:27
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sensoucihello anyone got the asus s62ep laptop webcam working ?00:28
jribsnake: the easy solution for you would be to use the 'yes' command00:28
sensoucidid anyone got the asus s62ep laptop webcam working ?00:29
con-manmy sound is not working, Im not sure where to start, I have the right device selected00:29
con-manits always worked before00:30
con-mannow it just stopped00:30
sensoucixdid anyone got the asus s62ep laptop webcam working ?00:31
con-manits dead in here00:31
con-manits the idle channel00:31
jrib!patience | con-man00:31
ubottucon-man: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:31
Psyco_Chipmunkkhow do I "write" xbmc.12869.img wich is at /home/luke/Desktop/xbmc.12869.img to my usb drive?00:32
con-man!rude | jrib00:32
ubottuFactoid rude not found00:32
jribcon-man: please don't do that...00:32
con-manI just said it was dead in here00:32
con-manhow does that make me impatient00:32
BCM43con-man: is it  a sound problem?00:33
con-manno sound00:33
con-manspeakers work fine00:33
con-manso I know its not defective speakers00:33
explosiveperkeleen homot00:33
BCM43!sound | con-man hate to give you this but at least try it first.00:33
ubottucon-man hate to give you this but at least try it first.: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:33
sensouciany one with an Asus S62EP laptop ?00:33
explosiveubuntu on paska00:33
jribcon-man: check your private messages00:33
BCM43sensouci: do you have a question about it?00:33
edsonmy problem is microfone integrated for laptop hp pavilion dv6000...00:33
Jack_Sparrow!fi | explosive00:33
ubottuexplosive: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi00:33
aldarsiorI'm having a strange issue00:34
Psyco_Chipmunkkhow do I "write" a file to my usb drive?  Does this just mean drag and drop or what?00:34
yell0wPsyco_Chipmunkk: yes00:34
sensouciBCM43 : yes  I cannot get the embededd webcam to work00:34
BCM43Efo: hi00:34
aldarsiorI have a Via VT6421A SATA card00:34
yell0wPsyco_Chipmunkk: make sure you unmount the drive before unpluging it00:34
BCM43!webcam | sensouci00:34
ubottusensouci: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:34
edsonhelp me?00:34
BCM43edson: ask a question00:34
EfoHi BCM43.00:35
aldarsiorand when I have more than one drive plugged into it, it only shows one drive00:35
edsonmy problem is microfone integrated for laptop hp pavilion dv6000...00:35
aldarsiorthat is, only one drive gets a /dev entry00:35
sensouciBCM43 : Thank you I ll have a look00:35
EfoAnybody can help me with nvidia drivers? After I updated from Gutsy to Hardy it seems I cant fid a way to get it work.00:36
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aldarsiorEfo: uninstall any instances you have of the nvidia drivers, make sure you have the latest kernel and have the latest kernel booted, then install the nvidia drivers00:37
aldarsiorthat includes linux-restricted-modules00:37
aldarsiorthat is, make sure you uninstall any instances of linux-restricted-modules00:37
Psyco_Chipmunkkyellow: what exactly does writing do?  I want to write xbmc.12869.img to my usb drive00:38
BCM43edson: i have no idea, i did not mean to me. i guess i can try, do you know what model the mic is?00:38
yell0wPsyco_Chipmunkk: copy and paste in nautilus00:39
Efoaldarsior: I tried a bunch of different things, now I have envyng installed. The installation goes fine, but the resolution is low. The only evident error is in /var/log/Xorg.0.log and it says: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)00:39
edsonBCM43 my laptop is webcam and microfone integrated...00:39
edsonBCM43 webcam microdia.00:39
aldarsiorEfo: ...00:39
virtualdwhat install disk should i use to setup lvm on dm-crypt?00:40
yell0wPsyco_Chipmunkk: open nautilus, go to source folder, choose file, Ctrl-C , go to destination folder, Ctrl-V, done00:40
aldarsiorEfo: you're not running the nvidia driver in X00:40
BCM43edson: look at !webcam for the webcam, but you dont know the model of the mic?00:40
Psyco_Chipmunkkyellow: whats nautilus?00:41
edsonbcm43 i do no...00:41
Efoaldarsior: mhhh... I thought envyng would give me some error if it didnt work. How come it seems to install everything properly/00:41
harveyi can't print out of adobe reader. the job is displayed as "finished" in cups immediately - but i can print using evince/oo.org. so what do they do different?00:41
yell0wPsyco_Chipmunkk: go to places > home folder, that's nautilus00:41
BCM43edson: run lspci | grep -i audio00:41
StarnestommyPsyco_Chipmunkk: nautilus is the file manager00:42
edsonok... waiting...00:42
Psyco_Chipmunkkoh ya00:42
aldarsiorEfo: ubuntu obnoxiously makes things work, regardless of how badly you fuck it up00:42
aldarsiorEfo: I believe that's a "Feature"00:42
aldarsioranyway, which nvidia card do you have?00:42
Psyco_Chipmunkkcan someone please help me put xbox media center on my usb drive using ubuntu?  There are some derections that i dont really understand here http://lifehacker.com/395212/run-xbox-media-center-from-a-usb-drive00:43
Jack_Sparrowaldarsior Please watch the language and keep it family friendly00:43
Shak-I've been trying to get my PPTP VPN working for the past couple of hours.. even with the 'refuse chap' option selected I get connection failed everytime, anyone care to take a look at a part of my syslog? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17750/00:43
Efoaldarsior: I googled for hours trying different things. I also tried the nvidia drivers (which I used before and worked). Any good site I can follow and make a clean install?00:44
aldarsiorWhich nvidia card do you have?00:44
BCM43edson: did you tun it?00:44
EfonVidia Corporation NV44 [Quadro NVS 285] (rev a1)00:44
BCM43edson: did you run it?00:44
edsonBCM43, Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller00:46
harveyok, problem specified: "lpr -P myprinter file.pdf" doesn't work - but evince can print... :\00:46
aldarsiorEfo: okay, so you have a new enough one that you should be able to use the universal drivers00:46
Thisguyim trying to give access to a user to /var/www/ by command: sudo chmod 777 /var/www/ but it wont change the permissions, what can i do ?00:46
aldarsiorEfo: here's what I want you to do. Edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (you have to be root). Find the line that says "Driver". If it says "nv" change it to "nvidia".00:47
aldarsiorThen report back00:47
yell0wThisguy: add the user to www-data group00:47
Shak-Thisguy: I think you want to use chgrp and put him in a group with permissions to read/write /var/www.. not sure though00:47
tj13820my package cache is corrupt. it just said so in update manager/00:47
gerardojcan anyone tell me the difference between a normal desktop pc and a server, I know there are plenty but what would be the main one?00:48
Shak-yeah, what yell0w said :)00:48
BCM43edson: hold on00:48
BCM43edson: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53037400:48
Efoaldarsior: it is already set to "nvidia"00:48
yell0wgerardoj: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/features00:48
aldarsiorOkay do you know how to use your virtual terminals?00:48
tj13820gerardoj: a server "serves" files, services, and other things. i desktop PC does not. it is standard. servers usually have DHCP, BIND, APACHE, MYSQL, FTP, PHP etc.00:49
EfoMhh.. I dont think I know how..00:49
yell0wgerardoj: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/desktopedition00:49
aldarsiorwell first of all, type "lsmod | grep nvidia" into a terminal and tell me if it prints anything back00:49
gerardojok I got that, but my question is more in the hardware side, I mean cause I can buy a desktop that will serve same as if I buy a real server right?00:50
tj13820gerardoj: yes, if you have ethernet, HDD space, and a good processor and ram, yes.00:50
aldarsiorhow about "sudo modprobe nvidia"?00:50
tj13820gerardoj: also, the more you do, the more the "server" software will require underneath of the HOst operating system00:51
EfoFATAL: Error running install command for nvidia00:51
Thisguyyell0w: how would i do that ?00:51
=== zenk is now known as zenkk
aldarsioruname -a ?00:51
yell0wThisguy: sudo adduser username www-data00:51
natasha#join unifor00:51
tj13820natasha: use "/join #unifor"00:52
EfoLinux dracula2 2.6.24-18-generic #1 SMP Wed May 28 19:28:38 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:52
aldarsioralright then00:52
codercottonhow do i set mysql to start on boot?00:52
Dot2KodeWhat do you guys recommend for backing up / Achieving mp3's and other files to dvdrs?00:52
tj13820gerardoj: does that answer your question?00:52
aldarsioryou need to remove any instances you have of linux-restricted-modules00:53
gerardojtj13820: yeah, I was planning to get the  HP Media Vault Server, but for that price I can get a desktop, which one would u recommend?00:53
aldarsiorI think you can use synaptic to do that, search for "linux-restricted-modules" and remove all of them00:53
zenkkSo Firefox 3 RC2 is already out and we're still using Beta 5.  Does anyone know when RC2 will be in repos?00:54
aldarsiorit will probably remove your nvidia drivers in the process. after it's done, tell it to install the nvidia drivers (nvidia-glx) and it should install the latest version of linux-restricted modules00:54
tj13820gerardoj: i have used a  Compaq net PC, with a 933Mhz processor, and 512Mb 333mhz ram. for my server for 2 years till i upgraded. it worked fine.00:54
EfoShould I get rid of envyng00:54
tj13820gerardoj: also, linux is minimal, so use only the services you need on the server. use a firewall, and secure your webserver00:55
gerardojtj3820: got it, thanks!!00:55
con-manhow do I check which audio card is default00:55
con-manalsamixer has the wrong one00:55
tj13820gerardoj: no problem.00:55
naenaehelp me00:56
EfoHow about S07linux-restricted-modules-common, .nvidia_new_installed?00:56
con-manalsamixer does not have the one I want selected00:56
aldarsiormy webserver is a dual proc dual core opteron with 4 gigs of ram00:56
naenaeok i need someone that i can get into a private chat with because my problem is going to take a few minutes is there anyone here that can do that00:57
aldarsiornaenae: no, that way no one else can learn from your stupidity00:57
aldarsiorI mean, problem00:57
con-manthere has to be a way to change the card in alsamixer00:57
aldarsiorcon-man: there is00:57
naenaewell open up a private chat then00:57
aldarsiorcon-man: it's like, -c1 or something00:57
Jack_Sparrowaldarsior That kind of humor is lost when using irc00:58
aldarsiorcon-man: try -c1, -c2, etc.00:58
Jack_Sparrownaenae It is for your safety and the benefit of others that we ask you to keep it here00:58
naenaesomeone that is smart and knows ubuntu open a private chat with me00:58
aldarsiorJack_Sparrow: thanks. That's what I meant00:58
con-manstill no sound00:58
Jack_SparrowI know00:58
con-manthis is crazy00:58
aldarsiorcon-man: curses!00:58
con-manit worked 20 mins ago00:58
con-manI changed nothing!00:59
naenaeok this might a take a while to answer then00:59
naenaeso either just direct me to a GOOD website or write the whole paragraph to me at once then00:59
Flannel!ask | naenae00:59
ubottunaenae: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:59
aldarsiorcon-man: I am right though, I just checked on the machine that has two sound cards00:59
aldarsiorcon-man: it's -c0 and -c100:59
con-manyes, you were00:59
moDumasshey all, trying to install linux on a toshiba stalite l20 laptop but nothing seems to get past the "instal" screen01:00
moDumassany ideas?01:00
aldarsiortry catting something at /dev/sound and see what happens01:00
aldarsiormoDumass: Do you happen to have an external keyboard/mouse?01:00
con-manaldarsior: catting?01:01
naenaeok ive got a belkin pcmcia card and i cant get it to install. i plug it in and it recognizes the drivers but i can seem to scan any networks. i know ill prolly need to us ndiswrapper to install the drivers but i need someone to walk me threw on how to install ndiswrapper and on how to properly install the drivers for this wifi card. it has an atheros chipset by the way.01:01
aldarsiorcon-man: as in cat /path/to/some/wav.file.wav > /dev/sound01:01
moDumassaldarsior i do but neither are attached during install01:01
aldarsiormoDumass: try attaching them... the installer might be having trouble with the built in stuff01:01
moDumassso just using the touchpad and the keyboard that is the laptop01:01
aldarsiorare the touchpad and the keyboard working?01:01
con-manaldarsior: there is no /dev/sound01:02
aldarsiornaenae: I thought atheros chipsets were supported...01:02
con-manoooo snd01:02
aldarsiornaenae: which card is it?01:02
naenaethey are01:02
naenaeits a belkin01:02
naenaewith atheros chipset01:02
aldarsiornaenae: does it have a model number?01:02
aldarsiorCan you tell me what it is?01:02
naenaeone sec01:03
Jack_SparrowmoDumass I just checked a satellite I have here.. an loder one running gutsy and all I needed was acpi=off after F6 at the first cd menu01:03
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:03
moDumassJack_sparrow, you should be on a retainer, thanks01:04
naenaebrb i gotta get on the net to get it sorry01:04
aldarsiorwait what?01:04
aldarsiorisn't there a pcmcia version of lspci?01:04
haukomass: OH HAI01:04
aldarsiorlike cat /proc/bus/pcmcia/1 or something?01:04
dtoljI have accidentally installed GRUB on hda(0,0) which is NTFS, now i am trying to boot/mount that partition and it is not recognizing it as a valid NTFS partition, any ideas how to fix this?01:05
Jack_SparrowmoDumass It is an older compaq satellite M35 or something.. but that was for gutsy..  FYI, I just dumped hardy on one of my Dells with ati mobility in favor or gutsy that seems to run twice as fast and effects and bcm43xx worked with no prob01:05
Jordan_Ualdarsior, lspci includes pcmcia devices01:05
con-man09:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB0400 Audigy2 Value01:05
con-manSubsystem: Creative Labs Unknown device 102101:05
con-manFlags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 2101:05
con-manI/O ports at 9f00 [size=64]01:05
con-manCapabilities: <access denied>01:05
FloodBot1con-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:05
aldarsiordtolj: you might be able to recover your data with a data recovery program01:05
con-manle sigh01:06
moDumassJack_sparrow, so thats acpi=off after all the other jazz but before the  -- right?01:06
con-man /apologize01:06
FloodBot1con-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
aldarsiorcon-man: chmod a+rwx /dev/snd ?01:06
Jack_SparrowmoDumass yes01:06
moDumasscool thanks01:06
aldarsiorJordan_U: thanks01:06
dtoljaldarsior: ok. but how could the data be effected? just boot record on that partition is wrong.01:07
aldarsiornaenae: what does lspci say about it?01:07
con-manstill says access denied01:07
aldarsiordtolj: umm01:07
con-manCapabilities: <access denied>01:07
Shak-sorry for repeatedly asking.. but again, I've been trying to get my PPTP VPN working for the past couple of hours.. even with the 'refuse chap' option selected I get connection failed everytime, anyone care to take a look at a part of my syslog? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17750/01:07
aldarsiordtolj: I'm pretty sure grub writes to some sectors or something01:07
aldarsiorcon-man: maybe it's not called /dev/snd?01:07
con-manit is01:08
Jack_Sparrowdtolj grub writes the first 512 bytes of the drive/partition01:08
naenaealdarisor ok01:08
aldarsiorcon-man: but that's just a directory...01:08
con-manit is01:08
con-mana dir01:08
naenaei got the exact model number its a  Belkin F5D7010 54g01:08
aldarsiorcon-man: chmod -R a+rwx /dev/snd01:08
Jack_Sparrowcon-man Please stop hitting enter every three words, you have been asked a few time to stop that01:09
Quintin22" Monitors for sale, must go ASAP: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5131739#post513173901:09
con-manJack_Sparrow: you are the first, I just scrolled up, but I will stop01:09
dtoljJack_Sparrow: Ok, but writing those 512 bytes NTFS partition will overwrite some windows files because thats where i installed GRUB, stupid me.01:10
con-manQuintin: adverts?01:10
johntrampHey.  In `iftop` I have a lot of bandwidth which is unexpected.  Can I see what app is causing it?01:10
Jack_Sparrowdtolj no.. 512 is the mbr for windows or linux01:10
aldarsiorhey cool01:10
dtoljJack_Sparrow: oh nice then01:10
aldarsiornaenae: check it out01:10
aldarsiornaenae: http://wiki.zenwalk.org/index.php?title=Madwifi-ng_(Atheros)01:11
aldarsiorlet me know how that goes01:11
Jack_Sparrowdtolj Note: 512 includes the partition info 446 first partition is 16 bytes and gets to 462 Would just be the boot info... use hda if needed on your system             copy mbr.backup to a USB Drive or other media01:11
Thisguyyell0w: im still unable to edit the files with that other username even after being added to www-data01:11
naenaebe back in a bit01:11
naenaebe back in a bit01:11
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musikgoatThisguy: is those files group writable?01:11
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aldarsiorcon-man: does it work now?01:12
con-manaldarsior: no01:12
con-manaldarsior: :(01:12
aldarsiorcon-man: ps I  totally don't believe you that you didn't do anything to break it01:12
aldarsiorcon-man: did you do the thing with the chmod -R ?01:12
con-manaldarsior: of course I did something01:12
con-manaldarsior: I just dont know what01:12
con-manaldarsior: and yes, I did do that01:12
aldarsiorfun times01:12
moDumassJack_sparrow, thanks, it looks like its, well its doing something, nothing visual but little lights are a flashin01:13
aldarsiorhave you tried rebooting?01:13
Jack_Sparrowcon-man Please look up and stop this.. I have warned you more than once01:13
moDumasshopefully that means somehting thoiugh]01:13
aldarsiorNot that I'm saying you should01:13
Jack_SparrowmoDumass Be patient and cross your fingerts01:13
aldarsiorit just might rule some things out01:13
con-manaldarsior: many times01:14
dtoljJack_Sparrow: is there a tool like fixmbr from linux to repair widows mbr01:14
moDumassJack_sparrow, patiently platting fingertips01:14
con-mancan someone do something about quintin?01:14
aldarsiorcon-man: is the kernel module for your card loaded?01:14
Jack_Sparrowdtolj yes, boot windows cd and fixmbr01:14
con-manhe is advertising01:14
jdwilmis there a command to test a new xorg configuration without messing with the current running xserver?01:14
con-manaldarsior: how do I check?01:15
aldarsiorjdwilm: yes01:15
aldarsiorcon-man: lsmod01:15
Jack_Sparrowdtolj then if you want you can repair grub..  but use livecd to backup the mbr with the dd command01:15
aldarsiorjdwilm: go into a virtual terminal, log in, and type "startx -- :1"01:15
jdwilmaldarsior: thanks!01:15
aldarsiorjdwilm: when I say virtual terminal, I mean as in, tty101:15
aldarsiordo you know what that means?01:15
Jack_Sparrowcon-man Did that awhile ago01:15
MarcoHow can I get boo support in monodevelop in hardy?01:15
con-manah Im getting PMs from him01:16
con-manhe is still in the channel01:16
jdwilmaldarsior: tty1?01:16
musikgoatcon-man: use /ignore01:16
naenaehow do i check to see if something is blacklisted01:16
icqnumberjdwilm, alt + ctrl +f1, go back with alt +f701:17
moDumassJack_sparrow, although at some stage im hoping to see a "do you want to do anything" type prompt, which isnt a happenin just yet01:17
aldarsiorjdwilm: to get to a virtual terminal, hit ctrl+alt+f[1-6]. to get back into X, hit ctrl+alt+f[7-12]... that is, your various X sessions can be anywhere between 7 and 1201:17
dtoljJack_Sparrow: Does fixmbr repair the mbr on the OS partition or just start of HD?01:17
con-mansnd                    56996  27 snd_emux_synth,snd_seq_virmidi,snd_emu10k1,snd_hda_intel,snd_ac97_codec,snd_seq_dummy,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_seq_oss,snd_pcm,snd_rawmidi,snd_hwdep,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device01:17
aldarsiorgenerally speaking the first one runs on 7 but for some reason on ubuntu it seems to be 8 most of the time01:17
con-mansec I will pastebin it01:17
timholumhello i am wondering if anyone knows of a way to remaster 8.04 ( reconstructor does not support 8.04 yet :( )01:17
aldarsiordtolj: what's fixmbr?01:17
musikgoataldarsior: in your experience... 7 for me01:17
Jack_Sparrowdtolj It should restore it so that you have windows back01:18
greg_HI,, all.  Attempting to install a usb webcam driver (gspca), and having no luck.  Help would be appreciated.  Details at http://paste.ubuntu.com/17762/01:18
con-manaldarsior: http://pastebin.ca/104087001:18
aldarsiormusikgoat: it really ought to be 7, I don't know why it's so often 8 on both of my machines01:18
musikgoatyeah odd01:18
Ro_meo_I installed 8.04 on my pc and now grub has an error so it won't give me a chance to go on with the boot process.. What is the best way to fix this? I did a reinstall with the same CD and it did not help. The CD has no errors. I did choose noacpi etc. at install time but didn't help either01:18
naenaehow do i check to see if something has been blacklisted?????01:18
musikgoat!fixgrub | Ro_meo_01:19
ubottuRo_meo_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:19
=== tro|| is now known as tro
muchooi have an odd couple of problems which i'm guessing are interrelated: 1) when i try to go back to command line after starting x: the screen is totally black, but i can still issue commands to the command line... 2) when i leave the system sitting in x for a few minutes, the screen goes to all black and doesn't recover from that until i restart the system (i'm guessing its going into an all-black screen saver and not being able to come back to 01:19
musikgoatRo_meo_: that first link can help usually01:19
muchoothat's a lot longer than i thought it was :-/01:19
Ro_meo_@all : thanks I will give it a try tomorrow01:20
=== choc0 is now known as choc
jdwilmaldarsior: is it possible to run a new X session with a config file other than the default?01:20
dtoljJack_Sparrow: I did that and but win does not boot and mounting win from linux: mount /dev/sda1 win -tntfs gives error about "unexpected clusters per mft record (-1), the device does not have a valid NTFS"01:20
aldarsiorjdwilm: that's what I'm saying01:20
aldarsiorcon-man: well that seems good01:21
muchooi've googled my bugs and other people have experienced it on totally different hardware, but i haven't seen anybody with a solution yet01:21
warriorforgodCan anybody make a suggestion for a laptop that will run ubuntu well for around $750, with a decent graphics in it?01:21
jdwilmaldarsior: i realize it's a different X session, but is it possible to use a config file other than /etc/X11/xorg.conf, such as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.test?01:21
MarcoHey, does anyone know how to go about installing boo support for monodevelop in ubuntu hardy?01:22
aldarsiorjdwilm: so you switch to your virtual terminal, by hitting, say, ctrl+alt+f1, log in, and type "startx -- :1" if it works, then your xorg.conf is good01:22
aldarsiorOh yeah you can do that01:22
aldarsiorI forget how01:22
aldarsiorread the manpage on startx01:22
VicfredHi all, is possible to load a independent subtitles from a str file without muxing them into the video file? I'm on ubuntu 8.0401:22
musikgoatwarriorforgod: it's not the top of the pile anymore, but my toshiba satellite a105-s4004 works great01:22
tomtommyI just installed HArdy on a 1GB Usb Stick.  What can I remove to save space?01:22
aldarsiorit's probably something like -- :1 --config=/etc/X11/xorg.conf.test01:22
Jack_Sparrowdtolj Boot a livecd and sudo fdisk -l   the drive01:22
jdwilmaldarsior: sounds good - thanks for the tip01:22
prodigelHi all. I've just plugged in some tv tuner and ran xawtv and I get soe failed messages. Can someone guide me with this? thanks.01:22
tomtommyI just installed HArdy on a 1GB Usb Stick.  What can I remove to free up more space?01:22
musikgoatwarriorforgod: intel graphics and wireless (open source available drivers!)01:22
Izinucswarriorforgod: I have a del vostro 1400 with nvidia upgraded graphics that works like a champ.. $549 .. dual core 2 gigs of ram01:22
jdwilmyeah i would imagine it's a simple option like that01:22
aldarsiorbut the easy way is to just move xorg.conf to xorg.conf.backup, since it's only read when the x server starts01:22
tomtommyjdwilm: can u help me?01:23
moDumassJack_Sparrow  it seems to get as far as a screen with the heron image int he background, with a mouse pointer, and then there seems to be, well the cd rom is reading every few seconds, bu i dont know if anything is going on, can i alt ctrl f1 - to see if anything is installing or if it has "hung"01:23
dtoljJack_Sparrow: I am in linux now, fdisk -l display properly01:23
warriorforgodk.  thx guys.01:23
aldarsiortomtommy: that's just obnoxious.01:23
dtoljJack_Sparrow: the NTFS partition that is01:23
aldarsiortomtommy: remove openoffice if you're not going to use it.01:23
tomtommyJack_Sparrow: What can I remove from Hardy to free up space on my 1GB stick?01:23
Jack_SparrowmoDumass try C-A-F101:24
tomtommyaldarsior: ah yes good idea.  anything else?01:24
Jack_Sparrowtomtommy /var/cache/apt/archives01:24
VicfredHi all, is possible to load a independent subtitles from a str file without muxing them into the video file? I'm on ubuntu 8.0401:24
tomtommyaldarsior: how can I tell how much free space my 1GB stick has?01:24
aldarsiordf -h01:24
WIDESPREADpanichey , how come package manager tries to update, and then it crashes and says it can only do partial upgrade?01:24
tomtommyJack_Sparrow:  /var/cache/apt/archives ??01:24
WIDESPREADpanicjbroome r u in here?01:24
=== Bodsda_afk is now known as Bodsda
tomtommyJack_Sparrow: do I scroll to  /var/cache/apt/archives and delete everything there?01:25
tomtommy!check free space01:25
aldarsiorWIDESPREADpanic: it used to do that to me when I had non-standard repos configured.01:25
ubottutomtommy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:25
aldarsiortomtommy: df -h01:25
Jack_Sparrowtomtommy or copy it to another media as backup01:25
xenoshmmm, i just installed kde4. i logged out of xfce and it brought me to the terminal (no gui). i'm on irssi. did "whereis kde4" said: /etc/kde4/01:25
Jordan_UVicfred, Yes, it can be done with VLC and mplayer and probably others though I can't remember off hand how01:26
xenosso do i get kde4 going01:26
WIDESPREADpanicaldarsior did u update the sources.list or did u do it with GUI?01:26
tomtommyJack_Sparrow: am I safe to delete everything in  /var/cache/apt/archives ?01:26
musikgoattomtommy: you wont be able to delete from your user area,  go to terminal and delete with sudo01:26
musikgoattomtommy: anything in there can be re-downloaded from the repositories01:26
aldarsiorWIDESPREADpanic: I think the GUI works fine...01:26
Jack_Sparrowtomtommy except lock and the folder named partial.. yes01:26
tomtommymusikgoat: safe to delete everything inside  /var/cache/apt/archives?01:26
musikgoattomtommy: listen to Jack_Sparrow01:26
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde401:26
WIDESPREADpanicis there a way to make my ubuntu desktop look just like a mac?01:26
aldarsiorWIDESPREADpanic: personally I don't remember but odds are I used vi01:27
tomtommyJack_Sparrow: im new to Ubuntu, please do not use jargon as I dont understand01:27
aldarsiorWIDESPREADpanic: yes.01:27
tomtommymusikgoat: I cannot listen to Jack_Sparrow as I do not understand him01:27
aldarsiorWIDESPREADpanic: I have no idea but I've seen it done01:27
con-manaldarsior: good good its my audigy 4 thats my card01:27
musikgoattomtommy: there is a file called lock and a folder called partial01:27
tomtommymusikgoat: can you translate to me what he said in layman terms?01:27
musikgoattomtommy: don't delete those01:27
musikgoattomtommy: everything else is ok to delete01:27
Jack_Sparrowmusikgoat thanks..01:27
aldarsiorcon-man: I don't know man01:27
tomtommymusikgoat: ok i now understand01:27
musikgoatJack_Sparrow: yw01:27
moDumassJack_Sparrow, lost mouse pointer01:28
tomtommymusikgoat: so I dont delete lock file and the folder called partial?01:28
Jordan_Utomtommy, Safer to just run "sudo apt-get clean"01:28
musikgoattomtommy: correct01:28
moDumasstried forsight earlier and that was a no go01:28
Jack_SparrowmoDumass Keep waiting01:28
tomtommyJordan_U: is running "sudo apt-get clean the same?01:28
moDumasswill do01:28
moDumassi need a squeezy toy01:29
con-manaldarsior: I could always reinstall Ubuntu, but thats like going after a fly with a mallet01:29
Jordan_Utomtommy, Yes01:29
aldarsiorcon-man: yeah....01:29
tomtommyJordan_U: thanks thats easier for me01:29
Jordan_Utomtommy, np01:29
tomtommyJordan_U: besides office, what else can I remove to free up space?01:29
aldarsiorcon-man: I'm out of ideas. if your mixers are up and your kernel module is loaded ...01:29
aldarsiortry running your favourite media player from a terminal01:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:30
finskyhello everyone01:30
aldarsiorand see if it reports any errors01:30
aldarsioresp, try running a console based one. those are good at reporting errors01:31
tomtommycan someone tell me how much FREE space I have on my 1GB USB Stick?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/17765/01:31
aldarsiorlike mpg321 or ogg123 or something01:31
musikgoattomtommy: its been answered a few times01:31
musikgoattomtommy: in terminal run df -h01:31
tomtommyI cannot understand what df- h output was.  can someone please translate it?01:31
tomtommymusikgoat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17765/01:31
jribtomtommy: Avail means available01:31
tomtommymusikgoat: how many MB free do I have?01:31
aldarsiortomtommy: is that the complete output of df -h?01:31
musikgoattomtommy: are you running the livecd?01:32
aldarsiorbecause I don't see a / ...01:32
tomtommyaldarsior: yes01:32
Quintintomtommy: Doesn't look like it is mounted.  IF you open it in nautilus it will say at the status bar how much free space is on device01:32
jribtomtommy: your stick isn't there though01:32
tomtommymusikgoat: im running Ubuntu from pendrivelinux on my 1GB USB Stick01:32
UBUNTUJAY123is it possible to install two sound cards and use both them01:33
aldarsiorcon-man: any luck?01:33
aldarsiorUBUNTUJAY123: yes01:33
QuintinUBUNTUJAY123: of course it is.01:33
UBUNTUJAY123how i do it01:33
aldarsiorwhat do you want to do?01:33
QuintinUBUNTUJAY123: don't ask "is it possible", ask "how do I", because nearly anything is possible with linux.  Just plug them in!!01:33
aldarsiorI can tell you how to control the volume on different cards01:33
tomtommyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/17767/  <-- this is the whole "df -h" output.  WHat does it mean? How much free space I have?01:33
aldarsiorI've never tried outputting different things to them01:33
tomtommyjrib: but thats the whole output given.  why does it say 16MB?01:33
aldarsiorbut I'm sure it's possible01:33
UBUNTUJAY123ok i try it01:34
aldarsiortomtommy: I think it means you're lying to us01:34
con-manaldarsior: sound is very important to me, I may just reinstall01:34
greg_Trying to get gspca driver on Hardy, details at http://paste.ubuntu.com/17766/... any help would be appreciated.01:34
aldarsiorcon-man: no errors on the terminal?01:34
dtoljJack_Sparrow: FYI windwoz has a back boot sector, I ran testdisk application and it detected that first and back up(at the end of partition) did not match, testdisk simple restored it, not it works.01:34
tomtommyaldarsior: why are you saying such things.... I promise, that is the output given when I type "df -h"01:34
aldarsiordid you try with mpg321?01:34
con-manaldarsior: whats that?01:34
Jack_Sparrowdtolj great01:34
tomtommyaldarsior: im running the USB versiuon of Hardy on my 1GB USB stick01:34
aldarsiortomtommy: I've never run a USB version of anything, but I"ve never seen linux without a /01:35
tomtommyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/17767/  <-- can someone please tell me how much free space I have on my 1GB USB Stick?01:35
WIDESPREADpanichi guys01:35
Jack_Sparrowgreg_ Did you look up your specific camera in the supported hardware page of the webcam wiki01:35
aldarsiortomtommy: more to the point, it says you're running out of memory01:35
tomtommyaldarsior: well thats not my problem and that doesnt give you the right to falsely accuse me of lying :(01:35
musikgoattomtommy: there should always be a "Mounted on"  with a /  somewhere01:35
tomtommyaldarsior: I got it from pendrivelinux.com01:36
tomtommymusikgoat: well im new., what can I say?  I just typed df -h and thats the output I got01:36
m_newton_How do you run ubuntu 8.04 with all the stuff you already have of a usb???01:36
aldarsiorcon-man: it's a console MP3 player01:36
Jack_Sparrowtomtommy Have you booted the old hard drive os since you did the install...  just to make sure you didnt make a mistake that installed to the hd01:36
con-manaldarsior: ah I See01:36
aldarsiorso it might be more likely to report errors...01:37
tomtommymusikgoat: maybe because im running this version its different.  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/08/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-via-the-live-cd/01:37
Jack_Sparrow!pm | greg_01:37
ubottugreg_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:37
musikgoattomtommy: can you type mount and show the output?01:37
tomtommyJack_Sparrow: I dont have a HDD. its a 1GB USB Stick01:37
tomtommymusikgoat: ok01:37
Jack_Sparrowtomtommy just checking01:37
tomtommymusikgoat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17768/01:38
greg_Apologies, new to IRC, trying to figure out how to indicate a particular person... wol'n let it happen again01:38
dabudanybody here that can help me with a weird ntfs-3g problem?01:38
Jack_Sparrowgreg_ type a couple letters of a nick then hit tab01:38
Bodsda!anybody | dabud01:38
ubottudabud: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:38
musikgoatmaybe i'm wrong, but it seems you are still running your OS off the CD01:38
tomtommyJack_Sparrow: i think whats causing everyone confusion is the fact that im running a Hardy USB version. not the proper HDD version.  I got it from:  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/08/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-via-the-live-cd/01:39
dabudk bodsda01:39
tomtommymusikgoat: my CD drive is empty01:39
tomtommymusikgoat: I only have a 1GB USB Stick in my PC01:39
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:39
Jack_Sparrowtomtommy try this in a term..   sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)01:40
tomtommyim running Hardy now from a 1GB USB stick, NO CD and NO HDD01:40
Jack_Sparrowtomtommy pastebinit is a very small program and this will tell us all alot01:40
tomtommyJack_Sparrow: all i wanted to do was see how much free space I have lol :P01:40
Jack_Sparrowtomtommy You dont have a normal system and we are trying to help you..01:41
dabudvery new to ubuntu/xubuntu 8.04   had ntfs-3g  all set up and working    rebooted machine  did required updates and  all of a sudden    xubuntu switched names on both ntfs drives and has denied me permission to open one of them01:41
WIDESPREADpanichow do i install a .so file, i just download a splash screen from gnome look has any one encountered a file with the extension .so? please help PEACE01:42
charIieDoes anyone know how to find the name of a mysql database on the computer when you have root access?01:42
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:42
dabuddrive one = win [windows programs01:42
kitcheWIDESPREADpanic: gnome look actually tells you how to install them01:42
dabuddrive 2 = music files01:42
tomtommyits ok, thanks everyone for trying.01:42
kitcheJack_Sparrow: you sure it's a usplash and not a gdm splash :) which is what gnome look usually have01:43
musikgoatman, i was kinda interested in figuring out tomtommy's problem01:43
Jack_Sparrowkitche GDM themes or usplash.. ?  I guess we will find out01:43
musikgoatcharIie: do you know what your root mysql password is?    type sudo mysql -u root -p    and enter pass01:44
WIDESPREADpanickitche i cqant find docs?01:44
musikgoatcharIie: then in mysql type databases <enter>01:44
rushinhi all01:44
dabudhi rushin01:44
charIiemusikgoat, ah! let me try that out!01:44
rushini need help with ubuntu01:44
rushini want to install X1101:45
kitcheWIDESPREADpanic: hmm been a while sicne I've actually looked at gnomelooks but I believe the link is on the left and toward the bottom of the page01:45
musikgoatcharIie: sorry, my skills are fading... its show databases;01:45
tininrushin sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg01:45
erichammondrushin: Do you also want Gnome or KDE?01:45
charIiemusikgoat, with the ';'?01:46
musikgoatcharIie: yes01:46
rushinif i type xterm01:46
Jack_Sparrowmusikgoat tomtom was not using ubuntu..  he was using one of the derivatives.. which is why he was not forthcomming01:46
rushinand connect to server01:46
rushinis it going to work01:46
tinindo you want a desktop rushin?01:46
charIiemusikgoat, awesome it worked thanks01:46
musikgoatJack_Sparrow: ahh that makes sens01:46
musikgoatcharIie: cool01:46
Jack_Sparrowmusikgoat I remebmer part msg like his from not long ag01:47
rushinthank you01:47
SeaPhoris calc around, i need help opening a .mso file, have to have it for a job interview01:47
rushinhow do i connect to server01:47
loner269jack_sparrow im on a dirivative i guess does ubuntuce count lol01:47
rushinas now i install X1101:47
kitcheSeaPhor: what kind of file is that?01:47
Jack_Sparrowmusikgoat Not 100% sure.. but close01:47
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate01:48
musikgoatJack_Sparrow: he seemed uninterested in giving that output01:48
tininrushin I don't know how to start a graphical application then, rushin, I'd install icewm at least (it is a very lightwight and small desktop)01:48
Dr-WilliIm using LinuxMint right now. :)01:48
Jack_Sparrowmusikgoat yea.. I know.. especially where I snuck in the lsb_release -a at the end01:48
SeaPhorkitche, File sent with Microsoft Word 2000 e-mail attachments; often named "Oledata.mso;" contains information that allows the attachment to be rendered within the e-mail message.01:48
rushinis that going to work for graphical application ?01:48
tininrushin connect to server? what server?01:48
kitcheSeaPhor: maybe openoffice writer can open it not sure though01:49
rushini want to connect to my college server01:49
dabudi have had some trouble with ntfs-3g     somehow the computer? switched names for my 2 drives  and has denied me permission on one of them  can anybody give me an idea where i might begin to solve this problem?01:49
loner269my ce 7.4 is going to 7.10 but its takeing forever lol01:49
mshankswhat does it mean when you open a video file but it won't play? (it shows a frame if I drag the timer to it, but it won't actually play the film)01:49
SeaPhorkitche, lol, thats why i was hoping calc was on,,, thats what he does :-)01:49
Bodsda!ot | loner26901:49
ubottuloner269: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:49
Dr-Willidabud,  install and run the 'ntfs-config' tool and check to allow users full access.. perhaps..01:50
tininI don't know what you want to do, icewm will help you if you need graphical applications rushin01:50
musikgoatmshanks: could be that the file is not supported,  missing codecs possibly01:50
jdwilmHow can i start a second xserver using a config file not located at /etc/X11/xorg.conf?01:50
dabudk dr-Willi01:50
loner269so what i cant talk in here now?01:50
nentisis there a more specific channel for Hardy kvm help?01:50
rushinis there any way that i can run using X1101:51
Bodsdaloner269, you can talk in here only if related to a support question/answer otherwise #ubuntu-offtopic please01:51
mshanksmusikgoat, ok, once I know what codec the movie was encoded with, how do I see if I have that codec?01:51
kitcherushin: install xorg package01:51
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tininrun what rushin01:51
rushinbecause xterm is giving me error msg like ""Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display""01:51
SeaPhorkitche, this site says only ms office and outlook can do it, but i know ubuntu and OO are better than that ;-)01:51
kitcherushin: well xterm is a xorg application01:52
SeaPhorkitche, http://www.fileinfo.net/extension/mso01:52
tininxterm is a graphical application01:52
tininso you need a desktop01:52
Dr-Willirushin,  you need to either ssh -X to the remote, or set up the proper DISPLAY, variables01:52
tininif you are going to use a console, you don't need xterm01:52
Dr-Willirushin,  depending on what you are doing exactly. Perhaps rephrase/clarify the question.01:53
rushini tried using console01:53
rushinbut it gave me same error01:53
rushini want to connect to a server and use graphical application01:53
rushinso i tried to run xterm01:53
musikgoatmshanks: there is a single package that contains alot, ubuntu-restricted-extras01:54
rushinand ssh rushin@<servername>01:54
Dr-Willirushin,   in a terminal, 'ssh -X remote.machine.ip.orname'  then run the app...01:54
rushinbut when i connected to it...and try to run firefox..it said "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display"01:54
Dr-Willirushin,  the -X is the impiorntant bit.01:54
tininand doing that on a desktop too, I guess rushin01:55
kitcherushin: ok run ssh -Y <remote host> you could use -X but I like -Y myself01:55
Dr-WilliI thought -Y was for local networks. :)  but ive used both.01:55
eraldoin nautilus... when rightclicking a file, there is a "Notes"-tab.. Question: is there a way to view or right content to that tab using the command line ?01:55
m_newtonomg, VLC is awesome, if you want to know how to get free streams of music directly from VLC... PM me (This bypasses all the school/work filtering)01:55
rushinssh -x  <hostname>01:55
kitcheDr-Willi: nope one is just trusted the other is untrusted01:55
Dr-Willirushin,  its -X   wuth UPPER case X01:55
dabudi get this msg01:56
dabud An error occured when trying to configure01:56
dabud /media/VIDEOSTORE01:56
m_newton<eraldo> what do you mean01:56
Bodsdaeraldo, i see no such tab01:56
Dr-WilliWiTh liNuX CaSe Is ImPorAntAnt!01:56
rushinat  last01:57
rushingot it01:57
BodsdaVIDEOSTORE != videostore01:57
m_newton<eraldo> do you wish to know how to edit file via terminal01:57
MOD-BlakeWhat command do I type to find out what kind of Wireless card I have?01:57
BodsdaMOD-Blake, ^^01:57
MOD-BlakeI tried that01:57
musikgoatMOD-Blake: lsusb maybe01:57
BodsdaMOD-Blake, pastebin your output of lspci01:57
Bodsdaor lsusb01:57
rushinthank you titin and Dr-Willi01:58
m_newtonwhat does lsusb do??01:58
dabudi am going to have to comeback l8r   company  dropped in  ty01:58
rushini was trying to figure that out from last 3 hr ..01:58
=== selocol_ is now known as selocol
Bodsdam_newton, gives you info on usb devices01:58
m_newtonnever mind01:58
Lynetm_newton: Lists usb devices.01:58
m_newton<eraldo> do you wish to know how to edit file via terminal01:58
fdhdhis there a CD with ubuntu packages on it related to development in general01:59
MOD-Blake Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20)01:59
Bodsdai only know of aptoncd whichisnt dev but has packages01:59
selocolalmost 50% of the time when i log out, i get a black screen instead of the login window. all keys are also ineffective.01:59
fdhdhi was surprised the hardy heron cd I downloaded didnt have hardly any dev utils01:59
selocolhow do i fix this issue?01:59
eraldom_newton: in nautilus ...when you rightclick on a file and then go to properties... that's where the notes tab is02:01
Bodsdafdhdh, why would a desktop release intended for average users contain dev tools/files?02:01
Bodsdaeraldo, you add things by typing in the big white space on that tab02:01
matt444when I try to print in Evince and i select the printer I want to use, the "Print" button greys out!!!  What could be causing this.  I can print test pages with the Administration > Printing application but I can't print from Evince or Epiphany.  what is causing this problem!!02:01
fdhdhi dont know, if they have to compile anything that isnt a packaged bundle02:01
m_newtoneraldo, ya but what do you want to do02:01
anonimushi, i have problem transfering files on my usb, i find it with fdisk -l , then mount it, but it always get "Permision denied" msg, on windows works fine..02:02
Bodsdafdhdh, there isnt much space in the iso for things like that, due to its userfriendly (ish) nature02:02
aldarsiorfdhdh: then they can install gcc ?02:02
eraldoBodsda: -.- sure but how can I look at or edit text like this with the command line02:02
Bodsdaeraldo, do you mean, how to add text to the note section of a file? no idea02:02
aldarsiorfdhdh: if you're going to compile custom versions of things I think you ought to be able to type 'apt-get install gcc'02:02
Bodsdavia cli02:02
eraldoBodsda: yep that is what I am looking for02:03
Ahadielfdhdh, sudo apt-get install build-essential02:03
eraldoBodsda: it has to be saved somewhere...02:03
Bodsdaeraldo, not sure il have a google -- true02:03
eraldoBodsda: I did google but no results.. (no luck)02:04
matt444when I try to print in Evince and i select the printer I want to use, the "Print" button greys out!!!  What could be causing this.  I can print test pages with the Administration > Printing application but I can't print from Evince or Epiphany.  what is causing this problem!!02:04
con-manaldarsior: sudo alsa reload; that worked02:05
Tuxwhat is ubuntustudio02:05
aldarsiorgod damn02:05
aldarsiorcon-man: congratulations02:05
yeonhoowarning: thread.h: No such file or directory threadtest threadtest.c. What package should I install??02:05
con-manaldarsior: ty02:05
Jordan_U!ohmy | aldarsior02:05
ubottualdarsior: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:05
Bodsdaeraldo, they are stored here -- /.nautilus/metafiles/file:*02:05
con-manJordan_U: lolwut?02:05
Bodsdaeraldo, they are stored here -- ~/.nautilus/metafiles/file:*02:06
Bodsdaloner269, this is a busy channel please refrain from making pointless posts as it only adds to the channels congestion02:06
anonimushi, i have problem transfering files on my usb, i find it with fdisk -l , then mount it, but it always get "Permision denied" msg, on windows works fine..02:07
yeonhooWhat package should I install ????? i cant compile "thread.h"02:07
loner269im sorry bob i forgot you dont want me in here ill go02:07
Bodsdaloner269, i didnt say that02:07
anonimusand now, when i try to move them as root i get Cannot chown target...02:08
loner269ya told me go to another chat02:08
matt444when I try to print in Evince and i select the printer I want to use, the "Print" button greys out!!!  What could be causing this.  I can print test pages with the Administration > Printing application but I can't print from Evince or Epiphany.  what is causing this problem!!02:08
loner269an gave me a list02:08
mshanksok the wierdest thing is happening on my machine02:08
buggymanHello, I'm on a friends system and he's having issues with random freezes. There are instructions on launchpad which describe installing the Ibex kernel which has been reported to resolve this issue for most people, but the Ibex kenrel doesn't show up in apt-get when I follow it... are there other instructions available?02:08
Bodsdaloner269, i said dont post pointless things in here. i dont mind you idling but this channel has alotof people asking questions and posts like "<loner269> yawn" just make things more confusing02:09
mshanksI can't play any video in any player, and I can't get into the admin part for the login window02:09
mshanksJun  7 02:01:47 mattdesktop pulseaudio[5429]: module-alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: Device or resource busy02:09
mshanksJun  7 02:03:26 mattdesktop dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/wlan0 for sub-path wlan0.dbus.get.reason02:09
mshanksboth keep popping up aswell02:09
eraldoBodsda: oh... I was hoping they are stored _in_ the file02:09
Bodsdaeraldo, nope,.,.sorry02:10
ish_nittiAnyone else thought this weeks Diggnation was the live show?02:10
Bodsdabuggyman, you can download it from packages.ubuntu.com02:10
slybootsHey, Anyone else having issues with the latest kernel update disabling Wifi on Macbook pro machines?02:11
loner269<Bodsda> !ot | loner26902:11
loner269<ubottu> loner269: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:11
loner269is what you said02:11
yeonhoowarning: thread.h: No such file or directory threadtest threadtest.c. What package should I install??02:11
buggymanBodsda: thanks02:11
Bodsdabuggyman, your welcome02:11
loner269never mind im out thanks for not helpin a newbie02:11
ish_nittiloner269, Bodsda, i just shot off a OT a second ago :)02:11
ish_nittii do that from time to time..02:11
Bodsdaloner269, if you want to continue this discussion please let me know and we'll move to #ubuntu-ops02:11
musikgoathelpin? yawn was his last response?!?02:12
alan_mbrb playing with gimp02:12
slybootsSince I upgraded to 2.6.24-18, my Athos wifi card as stopped working02:12
slybootsTried downloading the latest version of MadWifi from SVN and installing that, but its not detecting my card anymore02:12
musikgoatslyboots: if you reload -17 it works?02:13
slybootsWell -1602:13
slybootsNwo that -18 has come along its just shunted -16 off my system completly, now I cant go back02:13
slybootsSo my wireless is now totally disabled02:14
musikgoatslyboots: seen this? http://forumubuntusoftware.info/viewtopic.php?f=21&p=1142502:14
Bodsdaslyboots, you can download it from synaptic or packages.ubuntu.com02:14
mjburlingI have an eeepc with a fresh Heron install and need to get the wireless working without having a wired connection.02:14
ragedracerI see keila is at it again02:14
Flannelslyboots: New kernels don't remove the old ones, unless you manually removed the packages, they're still there.  They may not be visible on grub due to a limitation on the number of kernels listed however.  You can change that number.02:14
musikgoatmjburling: with no cdrom putting packages on usb would be the best bet... download what you need on another machine02:15
slybootsHmm.. well would rather get the Wireless just working again02:15
eraldoBodsda: thank you for finding out for me !02:15
SeaPhorslyboots, is that the only reason you want to go back, what if you could fix your wireless?02:15
Bodsdaeraldo, no probs ;~)02:15
buggymanBodsda: packages.ubuntu.com is taking forever to respond :/02:15
Bodsdabuggyman, yeah it will do due to loadsa people doing the latest release downloads02:16
slybootsAye, Im trying to fix the wireless so I dont have to keep rolling back02:16
eraldoBodsda: hm... maybe you have an other idea... may I pm you to describe what I need ?02:16
mjburlingWell, I have this machine up and running...02:16
Bodsdaeraldo, sure02:16
* sinsun Mariah's touching my body02:16
DaveKongCan anyone tell me good applications or methods to use for testing your computer speed?02:16
* musikgoat Lon Harris's touching my body02:16
slybootsAnd that UrL has not helped at all02:17
musikgoatslyboots: oh well... worth a shot02:18
Ian_Daniherok, so I have a hard drive displaying no partitions02:18
Ian_Daniherit's from a win95 computer02:18
Ian_DaniherI put it in a portable usb enclosure02:18
SeaPhorslyboots, what wire;ess card do you have?02:18
Ian_Danihernow showing /dev/sdb02:18
=== arbeck is now known as arbeck77
SeaPhorslyboots, what *wireless card do you have?02:19
Ian_Daniheranyone have *any* ideas?02:19
slyboots0b:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5418 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)02:19
slybootsIts a Macbook Pro (Santa Rose)02:19
musikgoatslyboots: your not the only person: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5121610#post512161002:19
slybootsSo.. no solution then?02:20
WootOnLinuxquick question:  Is there anyway for a PIdgin user to recieve AIM offline msgs?02:21
musikgoatslyboots: that  musical1too said it is02:21
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WootOnLinuxWe can send AIM msgs now, but we cant recieve them?02:21
musikgoatWootOnLinux: ask in #pidgin02:21
slybootsI tried that, does not work.02:21
WootOnLinuxk tnx02:21
slybootsDoes not seem tow ork for the guy on the forums either.02:22
SeaPhorslyboots, unles you want to go usb,,, then this chipset https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsAirlink10102:22
slyboots.. the card does work02:22
slybootsIt worked till.. today02:22
musikgoatslyboots: As you suggested, I did02:22
musikgoatsudo modprobe ath_pci02:22
musikgoatand within 15 seconds I was prompted by kdewallet for the password to get connected.02:22
slybootsWhy the hell has it just "stopped" working02:22
slyboots.. I tried that, it *did not work*02:22
pinkeyI just upgraded my laptop to ubuntu 8.04, and while on the previous version the screen worked, now it cannot detect it, and gives 640x480 resolution only.  Sony VIAO vgn-cr19002:23
WootOnLinuxanother quick question:  anyone get their gateway m285 tablet (finepoint digitizer) working on Hardy?02:24
deeperrorany info on laptop sdcard reader?02:24
slybootsslyboots@Seth:~/src/madwi/madwifi-ng-r3366+ar5007$ sudo modprobe ath_pci02:25
slybootsFATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/net/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)02:25
Mr_Bad_Newshow do i see how much ram i have?02:26
deeperrorMr_Bad_News, top?02:26
Mr_Bad_Newswhats the command to see just memory02:27
Mr_Bad_Newsnot memory usage02:27
Dr-WilliMr_Bad_News,  the 'free' command02:27
Mr_Bad_Newsthanks Dr-Willi02:27
WootOnLinuxcmon does no one know?02:27
=== Dr-Willi is now known as Dr_Willis
slybootsSo what now? :P02:27
FruitPastelI dont suppose anyone here plays Ultima Online?02:27
emosamuraiI'm just wondering: why does ipv6 slow down the internet for me? I just blacklisted it.02:27
Bodsdahey guys,.,.how can i tell when a file was created not when it was last modified?02:27
slybootsI used to years ago FruitPastel02:28
deeperrorslyboots, what did dmesg say?02:28
warriorforgodFruitPastel: Not for about 5 years.02:28
Dr_WillisBodsda,  filesystem only keeps track of the one date as far as i know.  thats it.02:28
FruitPastelHmm, trying to find a good server02:28
slyboots  698.465452] ath_pci: disagrees about version of symbol ath_hal_getwirelessmodes02:28
slyboots[  698.465456] ath_pci: Unknown symbol ath_hal_getwirelessmodes02:28
FruitPastelJust quit one called Lothlorien02:28
murgi_chori wanna get a new desktop and i wanna install ubuntu on it ... any recommendations? i want nice stuff but don't wanna get rippd off02:28
Dr_WillisFruitPastel,  there are other Free MMORPGS out there. :)02:28
BodsdaDr_Willis, kk cheers02:28
FruitPastelYeah but the PVP system is awesome on UO02:29
Dr_Willismurgi_chor,  there are machines with  Linux allready on them. :)02:29
NSsmileshi guys02:29
* mattwj2002 is shocked 1182 can fit in a room02:29
mattwj2002big room!02:29
murgi_chorDr_Willis are u taklin bout the Dells? or is there other ones?02:29
Dr_WillisFruitPastel,  PvP  is one of the reasons i do NOT play mmorpgs much.02:29
mattwj2002hi NSsmiles02:29
Dr_Willismurgi_chor,  walmart.com has some :) $200 range.02:29
NSsmilescan you tell me if i can work a lexmark printer with ubuntu02:29
murgi_chorne thing else Dr_Willis?02:29
Dr_Willismurgi_chor,  time to hit the google. there are dozens of sites that well preinstalled linux machines.02:30
Mr_Bad_NewsDr_Willis, i just installed a new ram chip in my laptop both are 512mb but it only says i have 88302:30
erichammondBodsda: "ls -lc" shows the "ctime" (last modification of file status information) which can sometimes be the create time.02:30
Mr_Bad_Newsis this right?02:30
sensouciHello does any one has got a Asus S62EP laptop ?02:30
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FruitPastelNot the whole PWNED NUB, i dislike that too, but the actual way UO pvp operates and how it requires some skill rather thn just button bashing02:30
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Dr_WillisMr_Bad_News,  no idea. could be the vbideo card taking some of the ram.02:30
Bodsdaerichammond, yeah ,.,.but i need to know when it was created not last modded ,.,.ty ayway02:30
deeperrorslyboots, what kernel02:30
musikgoatMr_Bad_News: cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i memtotoal02:31
musikgoatMr_Bad_News: cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i memtotal02:31
Mr_Bad_Newsthats the one musikgoat  thank you02:32
sensoucidoes any one has got a Asus S62EP laptop ? I cant get the embedded webcam to wor02:32
Mr_Bad_News905024 kB02:32
deeperrorslyboots, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=558421&page=202:32
musikgoatMr_Bad_News: yeah... maybe video card is usuing memory02:32
* slyboots will try a reboot then..02:33
josefguys how do i get kde4 on gutsy in a most simply way instead follow intruction on kubuntu.org02:33
Mr_Bad_Newshow much is 905024 kB02:33
bazhang_josef, hardy or gutsy02:33
musikgoatno, under02:33
Jordan_Ujosef, Why not upgrade?02:33
Starnestommymusikgoat: about 900MB02:33
Dr_Willis kubuntu-kde4-desktop - Kubuntu desktop system02:33
bazhang_that's for hardy though02:34
bazhang_gutsy you need to add a ppa repo02:34
Dr_Willis:) i would consider the best way to test kde4 is to use a kde4 live cd...02:34
josefupgrade on my laptop wont boot even with olddetect and pnpdetect jordan_u02:34
deeperroryou make me hungry02:35
ijustamwow this chat is usually flooded with questions02:35
ijustamwhat gives02:35
Dr_Willisijustam,  been seeing questions all day.....02:36
Mr_Bad_Newsdont jinx it ijustam02:36
WootOnLinuxwell the pidgin channel wasnt much help02:36
ijustamtoo late i imagine02:36
josefbazhang_ i got gutsy02:36
WootOnLinuxanyone here use pidgin? can u recceive AIM offline msgs?02:36
grim76Looks like you just asked a question ijustam02:36
SeaPhorjosef,  have you tried to edit the boot options? what laptop do you have?02:36
ijustamso for fun i disabled my video drivers02:36
Mr_Bad_Newswhich is better virtual box or vmware?02:36
bazhang_Mr_Bad_News, you have 1gb of ram? then some will be used by the system as it is running-->that sounds about right (the number you gave)02:36
ijustamthat made my afternoon slightly more interesting02:37
Mr_Bad_Newsk bazhang_02:37
bazhang_josef, no easier way outside of upgrading to hardy02:37
fp2007hey guys, im back again, was wondering if anyone could help me further,. I was working on replacing grub, including the missing /boot/grub folder, I pretty much did this, and grub even comes up in the beginning, but for some reason, no matter what kernel I choose to boot, it says, cannot be found, or something along those lines. anyone have a clue whats going on?02:37
Mr_Bad_Newsall i wanted was to get virtualbox running02:37
Mr_Bad_Newsbefore when i tried installing windows it would freeze with 512mb02:37
Dr_Willisenabling the proper repos, and apt-get installing stuff.. is rather easy...02:37
xborgyHello all...when i put my Trash icon on the desktop and change the icon to the one i want it works but it doesnt change to the full icon when i put something in the trash.Does anyone know how to make this work? (I'm trying to use a MAC OS trash can empty/full icons.)02:38
Dr_WillisMr_Bad_News,  depends on what you are doing. VirtualBox has improved lately - where i use it more then vmware. but the next vmware releases - has some neat new features.02:38
WootOnLinuxBadnews: go with vmware02:38
WootOnLinuxits more versatile, virtual box is easier, but its worth it to install vmware02:38
WootOnLinuxi was in ur position a few wks ago.02:38
bazhang_xborgy, is this known to work?02:39
josefseaphor: i got a local brand Axioo its using SIS graphicscard and using SATA and i tried install Xubuntu but could read the harddisk the boot option was noapic acpi=off olddetect pnpdetect=off02:39
Mr_Bad_Newsi cant get vmware running02:39
fp2007I tried virtual box and qemu to run XP from within Linux, and my opinion is virtualbox is better, faster and more stable to me02:39
Mr_Bad_Newsi did the patch02:39
WootOnLinuxare u using hardy?02:39
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Mr_Bad_Newsand it still does that thing where it says starting up and does nothing02:39
Mr_Bad_Newsno gutsy02:39
Shandel[[WHOA]]ver irc.icq.com02:39
xborgybazhang_: it works with the default trash empty/full icons why wouldnt it work when you change them?02:39
NSsmileslexmark 1200 series printer is not on the list for ubuntu02:39
WootOnLinuxoh wait, is this what happens: You click ur vmware icon02:39
WootOnLinuxit says "Starting vmware" for a bit, then nothing?02:39
xborgywhat do i do backup the default trash icons...then replace with the mac ones?02:40
Mr_Bad_Newsyea WootOnLinux02:40
xborgythink that would work?02:40
pokerfacepenguinanyone got a deluo usb gps device working under ubuntu without using wine?02:40
bazhang_xborgy, not my question; do you know that replacing the icons will work? have you replaced the full trash icon as well?02:40
SeaPhorjosef, instead of the noapic did you try deleting quiet and splash and adding vga=771 to the kernel line?02:40
cary_jebus[UDCS|Linux Newbe here02:40
WootOnLinuxMr_Bad_News:  It was easy for me to solve that prob .. i simply uninstalled the package, and then i re installed it via synaptic02:41
=== cary_jebus[UDCS| is now known as Cary_Jebus
xborgybazhang_: i placed the trash icon on my desktop i changed the icon to the empty MAC OS Panther icon but i need to know how to change the full trash icon02:41
WootOnLinuxMr_Bad_News: worked just fine, just make sure u keep ur old settings02:41
fp2007if there is anyone available to help with my grub problem, please let me know, I really dont want to have to reinstall, any help is greatly appreciated.02:41
Morgiei  am having network connection issues with 8.01 i cant get ubuntu to conect to my dsl modem02:41
Cary_Jebusanyone know how to install GDM themes02:41
Mr_Bad_Newswell i already got virtualbox running and its 99% done installing windows02:41
WootOnLinuxahh well02:41
Mr_Bad_Newsi just need it to run rosetta stone for french lessons02:41
bazhang_xborgy, you did this thinking it would work, or read somewhere it would work02:41
josefseaphor no i didnt02:42
Cary_JebusMr bad02:42
Mr_Bad_Newsim not using it for anything else so ....02:42
WootOnLinuxMr_Bad_News u like rosetta stone?02:42
Cary_Jebuswhy dont you just use wine02:42
* WootOnLinux slaps ia around a bit with a large trout02:42
Mr_Bad_Newsdoesnt work Cary_Jebus02:42
WootOnLinuxMr_Bad_News how effective would u say it is?02:42
Mr_Bad_Newsthe graphics lag02:42
deeperrorMr_Bad_News, you learning anything on that program?02:42
NSsmilesis there anyway i can use my printer with ubuntu02:42
AngelicHi, I just reinstall ubuntu gutsy, then upgraded it to hardy. for some reason my compiz is giving alot of error about some pluggin and it seems like my ubuntu has mem leak....02:42
Cary_Jebusanyone know how to install GDM themes02:42
Mr_Bad_Newsits pretty good WootOnLinux deeperror02:42
Morgiei  am having network connection issues with 8.01 i cant get ubuntu to conect to my dsl modem02:42
bazhang_!themes | Cary_Jebus02:42
Mr_Bad_Newsi've only used it a  couple times but if i get really into it im sure i'll be fluent02:42
cowbudMorgie, did it work before you upgraded?02:42
Angelicany help would be greatly appreciated02:42
ubottuCary_Jebus: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:43
WootOnLinuxMr_Bad_News coo i was thinkign about french and italian on it02:43
Cary_Jebushow to install them02:43
deeperrorMr_Bad_News, i see it on tv how much does it cost to go to the max02:43
Mr_Bad_Newsyea i got french russian spanish and arabic02:43
Morgiecowbud this is a fresh install on my new computer02:43
xborgybazhang_: i'm doing this on my own i didnt read it i didnt think it i'm just doing it,whats your point man? Do you know the answer or not?02:43
cowbudMorgie, I meant your DSL..02:43
Mr_Bad_Newsi think its 250$ or something02:43
Cary_JebusI downloaded a theme but when i install it i get a error02:43
Mr_Bad_Newsi got mine from a friend though02:43
WootOnLinuxdeeperror u see booths at the mall , they let u try it02:43
cowbudMorgie, are you connecting the DSL directly to your hardy install or through a router?02:43
Morgiecowbud, i am on my laptop running 7.01 on it now02:43
josefseaphor do i know the bootoption for to read SATA harddisks02:43
deeperrorWootOnLinux, i try to avoid the mall02:43
WootOnLinuxdeeperror :P well then02:44
Morgiei am connected thru a cable modem, sorry02:44
bazhang_xborgy, trying to get more info to help you02:44
WootOnLinuxDoes ANYONE know if u can recieve an AIM offline message while using pidgin??02:44
cowbudMorgie, and is it directly connected to the ehternet device then?02:44
StarnestommyWootOnLinux: I think so02:44
Y-TownWhich would be the better choice for a small home network: ProFTP, PureFTP, WU FTP?  looking to be able to let customers see pictures and share documents with friends02:44
josefseaphor i mean do you know the boot option to read sata harddisk02:44
Dr_WillisWootOnLinux,  that would seem to be a rather basic feature. I think its doable.02:44
Morgiecowbud, not now, currently using the line for this compy02:44
cowbudMorgie, but the other one is booted up?02:45
xborgybazhang_: if the default trash icons on the desktop can change from empty to full icons when its sopose too wouldnt you think you can change them icons? i mean for sure you could i mean.02:45
WootOnLinuxStarnestommy:  U are a pidgin user and u recieve offline msgs?02:45
deeperrorWootOnLinux, i think i get them sometimes i'm hardly offline so not really sure ha02:45
SeaPhorjosef, does it not see your HDD?02:45
cowbudMorgie, ok do you know how to open gnome-terminal so you get a command prompt?02:45
Morgieoh yeah\02:45
xborgyi changed the icon but thats all you can do is change it to a empty or a full icon.02:45
Cary_Jebusis packages.ubuntu.com down?02:45
WootOnLinuxdeeperror : really? wtf did i do somethign wrong on my computer?02:45
cowbudwhat does ifconfig tell you?02:45
StarnestommyWootOnLinux: I think so.  Do you want me to try sending you one as a test?02:45
WootOnLinuxStarnestommy: yes thatd be great!!! hold on let me pm u02:45
SeaPhorjosef, it sees your sata in gutsy, that part should be no different02:46
xborgynow however i beleive i might just beable to find a Widget trashcan icon that would work for me.If there is one.02:46
Morgiei have my terminal window open right now02:46
fp2007hey is there any other irc chat rooms that specialize in ubuntu/grub help that I can go ask in? I know there are different ones for different countries, unfortunately, this is the only one I could connect to02:46
cowbudMorgie, what happens when you type ifconfig?02:46
xborgyeither a Widget or Desklet.02:47
josefseaphor ubuntu xubuntu and fedora doesnt see partition only on kubuntu gutsy i can install only with the option that i showed too you02:47
Morgieit tells me all the info i should get02:47
bazhang_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=524965&page=2 xborgy02:47
cowbudMorgie, you are going to have to provide a little bit more info if you want help not just the bare minimum02:47
slybootsCool, a reboot fixed it after I installed the new modules into the kernel :)02:48
Morgieok i forgot what it is to send the link for the codes02:48
SeaPhorthen add both options, the noapic and the vga=771, and in that order02:48
slybootsI have wireless again, and now it does not cause a kernel panic when rubbing kismet :)02:48
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:48
slybootsThanks everyone for your help :)02:48
SeaPhorand in the kernel line02:48
xborgybazhang_: oh wow!!!! whos the man? your the man!02:48
SeaPhorjosef, and in the kernel line02:48
Morgiejust a sec please02:48
xborgybazhang_: Thanks alot bro! i will give that a try.02:48
SeaPhorxborgy, yep he is02:48
josefseaphor i will try it again thanks02:49
xborgySeaPhor: =)02:49
musikgoatawesome slyboots02:49
deeperrorslyboots, cool stuff02:49
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SeaPhorjosef, just a shot,,, was the only thing that worked for me02:49
bazhang_99% of solutions are typing your search terms into a search engine and reading the relevant ubuntuforums link02:49
mohamed_i have more than small iso files, is it possible to burn more than one into CD and choose from them when install ?02:49
xborgybazhang_: I am going to try that now will let you know just a sec.02:50
jscinozhey guys, i'm having a slight problem that's emerged in the last firefox update02:50
musikgoatmohamed_: not easily02:50
cowbudMorgie, how are you able to paste that?02:50
jscinozfirefox segfaults whenever it completes a download, any ideas how i can fix this?02:50
josefseaphor its just a shot but who knows it can be helpfull too release the headache. and again thanks02:50
deeperrorbazhang_, some need help on that02:50
mohamed_thanks musikgoat ,02:50
willwhhigh guys - any irssi users?02:51
Starnestommywillwh: I am one.  WHy do you ask?02:51
SeaPhorjosef, plz let me know, if not here, on #SeaPhor02:51
willwhI am wondering about config for nickserv.pl02:51
josefseaphor ok02:51
lesjohni'm trying to convert .wav to .ogg with soundconverter.  when i use "soundconverter -b" from the command line, it converts at 112 kbps, but when i use the interface, i get 192 kbps.  does anyone know how to set the rate from the command line?02:51
willwhI haven't got it to work - assuming it's just my syntax02:51
bazhang_deeperror, I am happy to do the searching :)02:51
LeefmcQuestion: Ok, so i've used Ubuntu for a week now (all offline heh), and i love it. Aside from a few problems (all surrounding my mx revolution) its a great system. One question though, i was told not to install software by itself, in favor of the package manager if it exists in there; However, the package manager seems to update slow as tar! Why is this? And what if you _need_ new software? (eg: Blender 246 or FireFox3)02:51
deeperrorhaha yea i do too02:51
willwhLeefmc: it shouldn't be slow?02:52
fp2007hey guys, having a problem with ubuntu/grub, earlier I lost my /boot/grub directory, it has been replaced, as well as now when I boot up, it shows me the grub menu, but when I select the kernel I want (any of them), it gives me an error that it cannot find them/block error or something, any ideas?02:52
musikgoatLeefmc: mx revolution problems could be fixed with btnx02:52
Bodsdabazhang_, doin the search is okay but i wish peopledid *some* research themselves before asking02:52
anirudh0Leefmc: you could use a nearer repo..and if you _need_ new stuff,  then by all means get it02:52
Leefmcmusikgoat, Nope, but thats another story :)02:52
bazhang_Bodsda, then we would have nothing to do :)02:52
spiderskullfp2007: far-fetched possibility, but do you have an older (>=2yrs) motherboard with a hard drive bigger than 130GB?02:53
SeaPhorBodsda, what's the fun in that, lol02:53
Leefmcwillwh, Well.. no? I mean, is there a reason for it being so slow?02:53
Bodsdabazhang_, heh,.,.  im in a lazy mood ;~)02:53
cowbudwhere's my BOOZE02:53
Cary_Jebushow do you install boot screams02:53
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bazhang_cowbud, offtopic02:53
cowbudbazhang_, no shit02:53
anirudh0Cary_Jebus: you mean gnome login or usplash boot02:53
willwhLeefmc: it shoulnd't be slow - what is slow? the download?02:53
Leefmcanirudh0, Well i was specifically told it was best to use the manager.. and not knowing the reason for this, i figured i would find out why it was advised to _not_ install my own software02:54
bazhang_cowbud, watch the cursing02:54
fp2007spiderskull: no I dont, the motherboard is older than 2years, but I only have a 60gb and a 30gb on my system, the ubuntu is on the 60gigger by itself02:54
Bodsda!ohmy | cowbud02:54
ubottucowbud: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:54
willwhand Leefmc which repos are you using?02:54
Leefmcwillwh, The update. FireFox RC1 hasbeen out for a couple weeks, Blender246 has been out for.. god knows how long02:54
anirudh0Leefmc: your own software does'nt update02:54
Leefmcwillwh, Not sure, the default02:54
willwhLeefmc: that is down to the ubuntu release cycle02:54
anirudh0Cary_Jebus: there is a program called gtktwekui02:54
Leefmcanirudh0, Ah, and thats it?02:54
spiderskullfp2007: ah, nevermind -- I had an issue with GRUB earlier because my laptop motherboard only supported up to 137 GB, and /boot/grub was in the block beyond that02:54
Cary_Jebusok let me search it02:54
willwhLeefmc: if you want more up to date packages, I'd suggest another distro ;)02:54
SeaPhorbazhang_, yeah, and you wouldn't get paid! oh, wait a minute,,, nvm.. let em search lol02:54
willwhif you don't want to wait for stable releases to be merged in02:55
bazhang_SeaPhor, :)02:55
Cary_Jebusno matches :\02:55
cowbudbazhang_, off topic02:55
anirudh0Leefmc: may have security holes..but thats true for any ubuntu package as well02:55
Leefmcwillwh, Wait.. so you're telling me ubuntu's package manager will always say FireFox Beta5? yeesh heh02:55
spiderskullwillwh: aren't there different package repositories with more cutting edge software?02:55
willwhno, I didn't say that02:55
willwhyou can use the Ibis repos02:55
Cary_Jebusnore on gogle02:55
Bodsdacowbud, this is a support channel if you dont need support or your not going to helpothers please be quiet or leave02:55
* Joeb454 needs sleep02:55
willwhthat is the development kernel02:55
musikgoatLeefmc: you can allow for proposed updates02:55
bazhang_cowbud, this is support; do you have a support question-->if not then #ubuntu-offtopic might be nice02:55
Morgiecowbud do you want the lo also?02:55
anirudh0is;nt rc1 out in repos?02:55
fp2007spiderskull: do you think perhaps in my case reinstalling the kernels is the next step? the reason I ask is, from here (LiveCD), I have to mount the harddrive to a folder and go through that stuff to be able to install using apt-get or dpkg on the actual harddrive install02:55
Leefmcmusikgoat, Pardon?02:55
cowbudMorgie, nah jkust the eth* ones02:56
musikgoatgo to system -> admin -> software sources02:56
cowbudBodsda, noticeI am helping someone02:56
anirudh0Leefmc: add hardy-proposed02:56
cowbudMorgie, and I am a bit confused as to how you are pasting this if the system isn't connected02:56
anirudh0Leefmc: not recommended though02:56
Leefmcanirudh0, Why is it not recommended?02:56
anirudh0Leefmc: its worse than debian-unstable02:56
musikgoatLeefmc: the proposed are in testing stage02:56
Bodsdacowbud, then please stop the unnecessary posts02:57
Starnestommywillwh: about nickserv.pl, I think it might be broken due to a recent change in NickServ and the other services on freenode.  Someone in #irssi might have a fix for it02:57
Leefmcah hah02:57
willwhStarnestommy: lovely - I'll check with them, thanks02:57
Morgiecowbud i am re typing the printout02:57
Leefmcanirudh0, Well really, my only problem right now is with Blender246 and FireFox support heh02:57
anirudh0Leefmc: because the packages are not stable..have;nt been tested enough02:57
cowbudMorgie, damn that is a lot of work, do you have an eth0? and if so does it have an ip?02:57
anirudh0Leefmc: blender should be fine..they have their own repo iirc..add that02:57
cowbudBodsda, unnecessary it is a chat channel who is the overlord that deems things unneccsary02:57
cowbudMorgie, looking now02:58
Morgiei couldnt get DNS or roaming to work at all02:58
anirudh0Leefmc: and wait for ff..nothing much new from b5 anyway02:58
Leefmcanirudh0, What about firefox? Do they have their own?02:58
Leefmcanirudh0, IIRC i loved RC1 over B502:58
musikgoatanirudh0: i'd beg to differ on that... rc1 has a number of bug fixes02:58
Leefmcanirudh0, i loved it02:58
cowbudMorgie, is that eth0?02:58
Cary_Jebusis there any way to swich ubuntu to kbuntu without uninstalling it02:58
Leefmcanirudh0, Not to mention, it was annoying to have to "downgrade" heh02:58
anirudh0Leefmc: nope..but some people have compiled and put the rc in their personal repos..i would strongly advise waiting02:58
luckynoobleefmc, firefox rc2 is stable and cool02:58
cowbudCary_Jebus, install kubuntu-desktop02:58
willwhCary_Jebus: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:59
StarnestommyCary_Jebus: sudo apt-get install kubunth-desktop02:59
anirudh0musikgoat: nothing life changing :)02:59
Starnestommyer, whoops02:59
Starnestommyignore me02:59
Bodsdacowbud, if you would like to continue this discussion then let me no and we'll move to #ubuntu-ops -- nad perhaps you should consider reading the !coc02:59
Leefmcdear god, didn't even know about FF RC2 hah.02:59
Cary_Jebussorry for being so newbish02:59
cowbudMorgie, ok and when you connect your computer it just doesn't get an IP address at all or you just can't use the internet?02:59
Cary_Jebusi just started linux02:59
fdhdhis there an apt command to get a list of all dependencies (recursively expanded)?02:59
cowbudBodsda, did you mean know or no?02:59
spiderskullfp2007: it depends on what error you're getting, check this page: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm02:59
cowbudand did you really just say coc?02:59
ubottuFactoid troll not found02:59
Morgiei didnt get an ip when i looked at my connection info02:59
Bodsdacowbud, know02:59
anirudh0too bad..this one is needed occasionally03:00
Leefmcanirudh0, Well let me ask this then. How long does it often take for software to move to the mainline repos? I mean.. will it be 3 months into FireFox3's final release, that ubuntu gets FireFox3?03:00
Cary_Jebuscary@cary-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install kubunth-desktop03:00
Cary_Jebus[sudo] password for cary:03:00
Cary_JebusReading package lists... Done03:00
Cary_JebusBuilding dependency tree03:00
Cary_JebusReading state information... Done03:00
FloodBot1Cary_Jebus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
Cary_JebusE: Couldn't find package kubunth-desktop03:00
deeperrorwillwh, if you install kubuntu on top do you have the option to load either?  and will settings/prefs be similar or do you get clean desktop?03:00
cowbudMorgie, and again this is directly to your computer no router right?03:00
FlannelCary_Jebus: kubuntu-desktop03:00
StarnestommyCary_Jebus: I meant sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:00
anirudh0Leefmc: devs are busy right now..feature freeze for 8.10 is nearby..hence the delay03:00
Starnestommywhich is why I said "ignore me"03:00
Darlok_WilliamsDoes anyone know how to make GNOME Do actually open my Firefox bookmarks?  It will show them when I start to type the name, but it won't actually open them in Firefox.03:00
willwhdeeperror: you can load either at your login screen (you can choose the session)03:00
cowbudMorgie, do you have any other computers to test, my guess is if you connect it and let it sit there for like 15 minutes you will then get an IP. I am guessing that the cable modem is being a badboy and only allowing certain mac addresses but hten it fails over after X amount of minutes03:01
willwhI personally don't like KDE, but whatever floats your boat :)03:01
Cary_Jebusty :)03:01
Leefmcanirudh0, I mean i'm not complaining, i just need to find my medium here. When i should just let the mainline repos be my guide, or when i should force my own. (Blender for example)03:01
Leefmcanirudh0, Ah nice03:01
willwhLeefmc: blender is a wonderful program ;)03:01
fp2007spiderskull: thanks, I am going to read over all this now, hopefully I will find out what is wrong, I shouldve wrote down the error, it happens at boot and I have to reboot using a livecd03:01
anirudh0willwh: kde4 should change your opinion03:01
Cary_Jebuswow the linux community is so friendly <303:01
Morgiei dont think that is it, i am running the compy on the same connection as this computer03:01
willwhI have been teaching myself slowly the last few weeks :)03:01
deeperrorCary_Jebus, give it time haha03:01
Flannelanirudh0: Feature freeze isn't until August, firefox should be all sorted out by 8.04.1, although I believe it was supposed to already be at that.03:02
Leefmcanirudh0, Also, i heard you should often install ubuntu fresh because it doesn't update that great. Do minor versions update fine? (8.04 to 8.10 for example?)03:02
anirudh0Leefmc: if you dont need something urgently..wait for main repo..if you do, well put the new one03:02
musikgoatLeefmc: if there are certain programs you want to install, and you want to test things out... google it and there will be a 1000 blogs with instructions to install03:02
spiderskullfp2007: yeah, I found what helps is trying to get as specific as possible. the nice thing about that page is that they have a section dedicated to error mesages and what they mean03:02
ijustamdoes anyone use a UPS?03:02
anirudh0Flannel: i meant the devs are busy..hence the delay in uploading packages to hardy03:02
Cary_JebusI do03:02
deeperrorijustam, yes03:02
ijustamdoes your power history work?03:02
Cary_Jebusbut I dont know how to manage it on linux03:02
anirudh0ijustam: why?03:02
willwhLeefmc: minor versions update fine - but I would suggest installing your /home on a seperate partition03:02
willwhand I do a complete reinstall on new full releases03:03
ijustammy power died today and i just noticed my power history is completely inactive03:03
deeperrorijustam, i use nut not sure ha it just sends me emails on events03:03
con-manaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.03:03
con-manany ideas?03:03
HappyHaterhow can I share files with xp running in vmware-server?03:03
musikgoatLeefmc: there is a place to get prepackaged deb's that ar not in the main yet... getdeb.net03:03
Leefmcwillwh, Oh and btw, Blender is nice, but not nearly as good as some of the paid alternatives. 3D apps differ greatly from OSs heh. (i own most major 3d apps, its my field heh. Got fed up when Softimage wanted to charge me 300$ to switch my license to ubuntu)03:03
TuxIs there anyway to make firestarter notify you when there is a block event even if you havent clicked firestarter first03:03
ijustami found out that ubuntu's power manager will manage it now that i have my data cable03:03
willwhLeefmc: agreed, Maya is a standard pretty much03:03
ijustamjust.. power history won't move03:03
willwhI don't work int he industry but I know a lot of them03:03
anirudh0con-man: lsof /dev/snd/*..and see whats occupying audio03:04
cowbudmusikgoat, might want to also include that it can be bad for the system03:04
hey`I'm desperate.03:04
hey`something's still wrong wity my firefox.03:04
hey`problems with flash.03:04
con-mananirudh0: nothing03:04
cowbudhey`, ask and someone will try to help just be exact..03:04
Morgiecowbud, the connection for that computer is being used by this one so i can get some help ><03:04
anirudh0Leefmc: does  maya run under wine?03:04
hey`I've been trying to ask you guys the whole week, and someone already helped me really hard, and couldn't help me.03:05
Cary_Jebusmaya? I beleve there is a linux alertivative to that03:05
anirudh0con-man: which means nothing is using audio...is pulseaudio running?03:05
Leefmcwillwh, Actually, i dislike maya. Its powerful, but it isn't friendly. Its designed for big companies with budgets to program their own features. If you wanna see a nice up and coming program, check out Luxologies Modo. Currently not linux, but they have a system to bake out apps for every release, so eventually they will support linux as a standard03:05
Cary_JebusI forgot the name...03:05
cowbudMorgie, right but what I am saying is that some companies who distribute cable modems/dsl modems will only allow one mac address, however if you wait a while it may fail over and let you. I assume you don't have any other computer you can test?03:05
willwhanirudh0: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=899203:05
Cary_Jebusanyone know03:05
hey`the problem is I can't listen to any stream radio online.03:05
con-mananirudh0: nope03:05
hey`also, flas doesn't load properly, instead appears a play sign.03:05
Leefmcanirudh0, Actually, to avoid the hassle of licensing crap (i swear, spend 5000$ and you still dont own crap), the only app i plan on "Wine-ing" is Modo03:06
Cary_Jebusreinstall flash03:06
hey`and due to that I can't upload pics on photobucket for sure.03:06
bazhang_Morgie, is this wireless or wired03:06
cowbudhey`, and what happens when you click on that play sign does it try to load flash?03:06
kitchehey`: sounds like your not using adobe flash probably using one of the open source ones03:06
anirudh0con-man: start it from terminal..and see if an error comes up when you try to play something03:06
cowbudbazhang_, cable modem connection03:06
Leefmcwillwh, Is it possible to "transfer" my /home/ to a new partition, on a current install?03:06
Morgienot right now no and it is hard wired03:06
=== codercotton is now known as codercotton|away
hey`cowbud, if I play the thing, in case of youtube vids.03:06
willwhLeefmc: yes, there are many blogs entries about it, one sec I'll dig you a link03:06
hey`they play alright.03:06
bazhang_Morgie, you can access the machine now?03:06
hey`if it's a flash effect it works.03:06
cowbudMorgie, right so if eth0 is showing up chances are you are fine as far as the linux side03:06
naenaehey im bakc again ard03:06
anirudh0Leefmc: cp -rv ~/ <new-partition>03:06
con-mananirudh0: ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:003:06
con-manALSA lib setup.c:96:(snd_sctl_install) Cannot lock ctl elem03:06
con-manALSA lib setup.c:96:(snd_sctl_install) Cannot lock ctl elem03:06
hey`and well I have installed the non-free flash.03:07
FloodBot1con-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
con-man3 lines?03:07
anirudh0Leefmc: actually do cp -arv03:07
cowbudand yet floodbot continues the flood03:07
Leefmcanirudh0, And you can make new partitions on the fly easily right? (In the partition manager, iirc)03:07
eraldois there a way to add a creation date to a file (apart from writing it into the filename) ...but still beeing part of the file ?03:07
hey`but when I wanna hear radio online is not possible.03:07
con-manit was 3 lines03:07
willwhcon-man: use pastebin!!03:07
QuintinFailed to start the firewall.  The device ath0 is not ready.  Please check your network device settings and make sure your Internet Connection is active.03:07
con-manwillwh: I do, but that was only 3 lines03:07
hey`and the photobucket problem is annoying too, i guess it's the same thing.03:07
QuintinI'm trying to use firestarter to share eth0 using a wifi card03:07
Morgieok, so then why i cant i ever see my ipaddy03:07
SeaPhorcowbud, does Morgie 's cable modem have a built in router?03:07
Leefmcwillwh, Ty03:07
anirudh0con-man: i think a reboot might help..not sure though03:07
bazhang_Morgie, you need help or not? then answer my questions03:07
Bodsdacowbud, floodbot only tells the offender of the flood it doesnt 'continue the flood' thats like saying the next person who posts is flooding03:07
hey`I've installed several packages, also configuring firefox, but nuttin03:07
con-mananirudh0: aye, brb03:08
LeefmcI'll be right back, i got a question about FF-B5, and Amazon MP3. I can't preview the music. But brb, i need to reboot (system updates)03:08
cowbudBodsda, yeah well maybe floodbot should msg them instead of do it publically so we all don't have to see yet another useless line of text in this channel03:08
Morgieit is just a ethernet modem03:08
adubi am trying to play a wm file but its slow as hell03:08
Bodsdacowbud, some people dont allow pm's03:08
bazhang_Morgie, also preface your answers with the nickname of the person you are speaking to or your posts will be lost03:08
willwhadub: what player are you using and what codecs do you have installed?03:08
naenaewhat does it mean when i install brand new drivers for my pcmcia card and i look at my restricted hardware drives and it sais the device is working yet the pcmcia is not detected by my wifi scanner ...it wont detect any networks with it and the light on the thing isnt even on03:08
cowbudBodsda, seems like a bum compromise03:09
adubwillwh i tried mplayer and totem03:09
willwhadub: I work for a streamign media company and have totally tested WMA/WMV streams/files to death03:09
adubthe codecs im not sure03:09
anirudh0adub: perhaps your system is too slow to play it..start mplayer from cmd line..it should show something03:09
Bodsdacowbud, what does?03:09
Morgiebazhang_, sorry i have just an eithernet modem03:09
willwhadub: make sure you have the gstreamer wm codecs instaleld03:09
cowbudBodsda, subjecting everyone to that because some people don't accept msgs they should just get kicked then03:09
aduboh this isnt streaming media i have it local on my hard drive03:09
Cary_Jebuswhats in kde 4 thats not in kde 303:09
bazhang_Morgie, can you access the computer now03:09
adub1 sec03:09
anirudh0cowbud: PM's only work for registered users on freenode iirc03:09
naenaewhat does it mean when i install brand new drivers for my pcmcia card and i look at my restricted hardware drives and it sais the device is working yet the pcmcia is not detected by my wifi scanner ...it wont detect any networks with it and the light on the thing isnt even on03:10
bazhang_Morgie, and the ethernet is attached now?03:10
willwhanirudh0: that's correct, you must be identified with Nickserv :)03:10
xenosstarted kde4 but theres no panel anywhere! any ideas?03:10
Cary_Jebuswhats in kde 4 thats not in kde 3???03:10
anirudh0adub: can be a codecs issue..would'nt play at all then03:10
* xenos cough* a panel03:10
JohnPhysHow can I go about mounting an ntfs drive using the kernel driver, rather than fuse and ntfs-3g?03:10
Bodsdacowbud, that would be harsh on users who have never been on irc before, they dont know not to post 4 lines in quick succession03:10
anirudh0Cary_Jebus: EVRYTHING :)03:10
Cary_Jebusaww damnit03:11
adubis that what i want03:11
Cary_JebusI just installed KDE 303:11
anirudh0Cary_Jebus: plasma mainly..and qt4..so apps become abot 30% faster03:11
cowbudCary_Jebus, yeah that is default03:11
Morgiebazhang_ no i am using the connection for the one i am using to get some help, and my ifconfig is good03:11
anirudh0Cary_Jebus: KDE 4.1 beta packages are out03:11
JuzzyDHello Folks, anyone know stuff about iPods with Ubuntu? I seem to have an issue where as soon as I connect the ipod, podcasts that I've listened to are being marked as unplayed03:11
naenaewhat does it mean when i install brand new drivers for my pcmcia card and i look at my restricted hardware drives and it sais the device is working yet the pcmcia is not detected by my wifi scanner ...it wont detect any networks with it and the light on the thing isnt even on03:11
eraldois there a way to add a creation date to a file (apart from writing it into the filename) ...but still beeing part of the file ?03:12
cowbudnaenae, first and foremost the best thing to do is google to find out whether or not linux supports that hardware03:12
anirudh0JohnPhys: you could add the relevant line in /etc/fstab03:12
HiToWow... when using VNC to control my Ubuntu computer, Xorg uses 90% of the CPU, nothing more... ressource efficient ? (i have an e4500 with 2 GB)03:12
naenaeive done that03:12
naenaeit doe03:12
anirudh0Cary_Jebus: see kubuntu.org03:12
JohnPhysanirudh0:  can you be more specific?03:12
cowbudHiTo, vnc is resource intensive it takes lots and lots of snapshots in jpeg03:12
Cary_Jebusani, I dont want to have to uninstall ubuntu03:12
portablejimHow do I use pulseaudio one installed? I am using Hardy and have GUI tools.03:12
bazhang_Morgie, to troubleshoot this you need to connect the cable to the computer in question, then ifconfig should show eth0, then sudo dhclient eth0 should bring up the connection<--write down these instructions and then try them with ethernet connected (noting down any errors if does not work)03:12
Bodsdahow is modification date controlled? is it possible to duplicate it and make it changeable only once so it works as a creation date?03:13
anirudh0JohnPhys: see the fstab file for format..replace ntfs-3g in there by the driver of your choice03:13
willwhHiTo: that is strange - I spend much of my day controlling my box over an ssh tunnel via vnc.... and my CPUs are not even 40% most of the time03:13
anirudh0HiTo: use ssh -X03:13
cowbudbazhang_, assuming the aforementioned issue is not what is affecting him03:13
cowbudanirudh0, that is hardly a replacement for vnc03:13
Morgiebazhang_ ok i amdoing this now03:13
willwhportablejim: System > Prefs > Sound03:13
HiToyes but ssh -X doesn't work so well (i found) when using it from Windows03:13
HiToI installed Xming but i have errors when launching gnome03:13
anirudh0Cary_Jebus: not necessary..kde4 goes in /usr/lib/kde4..no messing up with ubuntu progs03:14
HiTootherwise ssh -X seems to use less ressources yes03:14
bazhang_Morgie, but the cable must be connected for that to work (you understand this right?)03:14
JohnPhysanirudh0:  how can I accomplish the mount from the command line?  mount -t ntfs device mountpoint does not seem to work, the type of filesystem is listed as "fuseblk".  I am curious about how to do this for rescuing ntfs partitions using a livecd.03:14
willwhHiTo: I use the default remote desktop feature in ubuntu (vino) - and an SSH tunnel for security03:14
willwhand it works gresat03:14
cowbudwillwh, == to vnc03:14
willwhcowbud: yes, true :)03:14
anirudh0JohnPhys: hmm..ntfs-3g uses fuse03:14
anirudh0JohnPhys: fuse=filesystem in user space03:14
cowbudmount -t ntfs-3g03:14
HiTowillwh it works fine yes, but I found it really hungry and I am not doing only that on the computer,03:14
HiTothere is heavy file i/o03:15
willwhHiTo: what vncviewer are you using?03:15
cowbudHiTo, there are alternatives but not built into the desktop well. FreeNX being one of them..03:15
willwhHiTo: what colour depth etc are you tranferring?03:15
JohnPhysanirudh0:  exactly.  I want to use the kernel ntfs driver.  I know I have to modprobe ntfs to get that module loaded (it's not be default), but I'm not sure what to do after that.03:15
Milchmannhi everyone! im trying to update grub to add the .18 kernel, but its not working: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/245603/03:15
portablejimI have followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio. I have set all dound devices to pulseaudio.03:16
Phoenncould someone help me with my xorg file, I'm trying to get 3 monitors working but I can only get the 1, my xorg file is here: www.pastebin.ca/1040933 thanks in advanced03:16
cowbudPhoenn, nvidia video card?03:16
cowbudand if I recall 3 monitors is not possible..03:17
cowbudwhich may be wrong03:17
LeefmcQuestion: Anyone who is running FireFox B5, could you please browse Amazon MP3 and try to preview music? I am unable to, and i am not sure if the blame is at Ubuntu or FF-B503:17
HiTowillwh  full available colours :)03:17
Phoenncowbud: the main card is an nvidia agp card, the other two are ati pci03:17
Bodsdaportablejim, #compiz-fusion might know03:17
willwhHiTo: that would explain much of the problem ;)03:17
willwhHiTo: try reducing that and see your results03:17
xenosstarted kde4 but theres no panel anywhere! any ideas?03:18
anirudh0_xenos: add it using right click>add panel03:18
cowbudphoen oh damn 3 differnet video cards yeah that is a pretty complex setup and is probably beyond the scope of this channel man..03:18
HiTochanged it to 256 colours,03:18
portablejimBodsda: why would #compiz-fusion know?03:18
randomshadowbmghow come some of my sound ports are disabled in ubuntu?03:18
anirudh0_xenos: there;s a kubuntu-kde channel as well03:18
LeefmcAnyone? :)03:18
Phoenncowbud: any chance of getting two of them working? I'll take what I can get03:18
Leefmc(not sure if anyone is trying heh)03:19
randomshadowbmgi have a sound card on my  motherboard with 6 ports and it has headphones and speakers hooked up, i can only use the headphones....03:19
cowbudphoenn your best bet is to google about xinerama stuff and see what you can find..03:19
Bodsdaportablejim, because they deal with graphics and dual screens ,.,. it was just a suggestion03:19
Phoenncowbud: alright, thanks03:19
Cary_Jebuscowbud: be nice were suppost to be freandly...03:19
anirudh0_randomshadowbmg: check for muted stuff in alsamixer03:19
cowbudCary_Jebus, what are you referring to?03:19
Morgiebazhang_ i got these errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17781/03:19
Leefmcwillwh, Mind trying for me?03:19
Cary_Jebusphoen oh damn 3 differnet video cards yeah that is a pretty complex setup and is probably beyond the scope of this channel man..03:19
cowbudbazhang_, which points to my original assessment03:20
cowbudCary_Jebus, yeah that isn't being rude03:20
cowbudCary_Jebus, it is more the truth03:20
Cary_Jebusoh I though that was sarcasm03:20
Jack_Sparrowcowbud We dont tell people to rtfm or go google it03:20
Bodsdacowbud, someone asks a question you say go away and search yourself -- not the helping mentality were trying to show03:20
anirudh0_Jack_Sparrow: sometimes we should :)03:20
cowbuddo you know how to seutp xinerama with 3 cards?03:20
cowbudhave you even heard of that03:21
cowbudprobably not03:21
FloodBot1cowbud: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:21
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:21
cowbudIve done two before03:21
Bodsdacowbud, no but give me 10 mins i can prob find out03:21
randomshadowbmgproblem solved03:21
cowbudbut this is obviously a newb chanel03:21
Jack_Sparrowanirudh0_ There are times when it is necessary.  But only as a last resort03:21
Phoennlol, what cowbud said was fine, he didn't offend me03:21
Bodsdacowbud, this is a channel welcometo n00bs intermidiates and pros alike03:21
portablejimHow do I move a pulseaudio stream to another computer, without killing the network? both computers are set up according to this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio#head-83190ece29f1679536253fdcf836c51989fc209d03:21
cowbudBodsda, dude apparently not03:21
cowbudyou guys are so excited about your big mighty kick03:21
Jack_Sparrowcowbud Last time I did one it was 4 monitors on two cards, but I had to lose compiz to do it03:21
willwhcowbud: high horse much? :O03:22
cowbudJack_Sparrow, well I sure as hell didnt see you chime in03:22
anirudh0_cowbud: i cant figure out whether you are a dev or a troll03:22
Jack_Sparrow!enter | cowbud03:22
ubottucowbud: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:22
Bodsdacowbud, what big mighty kick???03:22
cowbudBodsda,  uh /kick03:22
Mr_Bad_Newshow do i get virtual box to mount an iso?03:22
Jack_SparrowBodsda the one he knows is coming for attitude etc03:22
cowbudMr_Bad_News, you set it as the cdrom drive03:22
BodsdaJack_Sparrow, he got kicked?03:23
Jack_SparrowBodsda no.. but he knows better.. and is expecting one03:23
cowbudMr_Bad_News, when you first create the virtual machine you will be presented with devices on the right hand side there you can select cdrom then select iso03:23
cowbudJack_Sparrow, oh god03:23
JohnPhysanirudh0:  any ideas?03:23
BodsdaJack_Sparrow, someone who is expecting one should prob tone it down to avoid it ;~)03:24
cowbuddo I know better03:24
cowbudI could give a fuck03:24
cowbudkick me03:24
FloodBot1cowbud: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:24
JalathanJack_Sparrow: i hate to ask, but was the person that was having troubles with getting Regnum going.  did he get it going after i left? *feels bad about it*03:24
cowbudsorry for helping people03:24
anirudh0_JohnPhys: i was out for a while..fstab did'nt work?03:24
SeaPhorcowbud, bye03:24
ProwLcheers Jack_Sparrow :)03:24
crfHi, in which files are the settings for the gnome logout button?03:25
Mr_Bad_Newsso if i have 3 iso's for french russian and spanish i have to power down and select mount that iso each time?03:25
cowbudoh wow03:25
anirudh0_Mr_Bad_News: wow03:25
cowbudnow im out of here03:25
eraldois there a way to add a creation date to a file (apart from writing it into the filename) ...but still beeing part of the file ?03:25
Leefmcanirudh0_, Mind doing me a favor? (If you have Ubuntu & FF-B5) please check a random album i chose, and see if the previews play for you? (Requires Flash)  http://www.amazon.com/Weezer-Red-Album-Deluxe/dp/B001A62PP6/03:25
=== rushin is now known as rrrushin
Mr_Bad_Newswhat anirudh003:25
anirudh0_Mr_Bad_News: three iso's i mean..so many languages03:26
Mr_Bad_Newsso little time03:26
crferaldo, I think there are some filesystems that allow that.03:26
PhoennAnyone wanna take a stab at why my xorg isn't working? I'd even settle for only getting 2 monitors working www.pastebin.ca/1040933 thanks in advanced03:26
JohnPhysanirudh0:  I want to do it manually from the terminal, as I'm looking for a way to accomplish this on a livecd for rescuing ntfs partitions.  I was not able to mount an ntfs partition using a hardy disk, but a friend of mine was able to mount the partition using a debian cd using the ntfs kernel driver, rather than anything that used fuse.  I am wondering how to accomplish that (mount ntfs using the kernel driver, not fuse).03:26
willwhLeefmc: I am - and the preview plays03:26
Leefmcwillwh, Ah suck. So wtf.. why wont it play for me.. hurm. Thanks03:26
Leefmcanirudh0, willwh tried, you dont have to :)03:27
willwhLeefmc: what do you have set in Sys > Prefs> sound?03:27
anirudh0_Leefmc: i get "open with totem"03:27
willwhLeefmc: I have everything set to ALSA03:27
willwhI don't trust pulseaudio yet!03:27
anirudh0_JohnPhys: ntfs is not rw..ntfs-3g is..the command you typed way back was correct(mount from terminal)03:27
eraldocrf: but ext3 is not part of that I guess ?03:27
Cary_Jebusnow I restart my computer to boot into KDE 4 right?03:27
Leefmcwillwh, Ah i didn't realize firefox required sound settings. I assumed it all went through the same pipe (my mp3 player, vs firefox, vs some random prog)03:27
anirudh0_Cary_Jebus: if that is selected in gdm03:28
crferaldo, that's right03:28
Syphysnewserver irc.discut.fr03:28
Cary_Jebusno I selected kdm03:28
eraldocrf: any other ideas ?03:28
BodsdaCary_Jebus, you select which desktop environment you want to use at the login screen03:28
FlannelCary_Jebus: No, you'll need to select it from the "sessions" menu.  GDM/KDM don't have a preference on what they boot to03:28
anirudh0_Cary_Jebus: you have to select the kde4 session in kdm03:28
JohnPhysanirudh0:  at least on gutsy, both mount.ntfs AND mount.ntfs-3g point to /bin/ntfs-3g03:29
Cary_Jebuswell I need to update anyway03:29
JohnPhysanirudh0: and to my knowledge, that uses fuse03:29
crferaldo, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems03:29
* Leefmc waits for firefox to unfreeze03:29
LeefmcSee this is why Beta5 stinks. hehe :o03:29
anirudh0_JohnPhys: ntfs-3g uses fuse..there is an older ntfs driver that provides read only access03:29
Leefmcwillwh, Hah! That was it! Thank you03:30
Leefmcwillwh, I assumed i didn't have any sound problems because my mp3 player worked fine.03:30
anirudh0_JohnPhys: see http://www.linux-ntfs.org/ for more details03:30
crferaldo, I'm not an expert. :) ... I don't fell comfortable giving advice that would result in changing your whole filesystem ;)03:30
willwhLeefmc: no problem :)03:30
JohnPhysanirudh0:  that would be fine, as I'm interested in rescuing data off of a busted ntfs partition that ntfs-3g has trouble mounting.  How can I use the older driver from a hardy livecd?03:30
alan_mHey guys, my computer every time i log in now says "cannot load .dmrc it should have permissions 7555 and should be owned by user and not accessible by any other user, can anybody tell me how to fix it? ive looked everywhere, the forums havent helped out, i tried everything.03:31
Leefmcwillwh, I was about to have a heart attack. I need my music fix haha. Every man has his addiction, and i have to budget mine heh03:31
anirudh0_JohnPhys: afaik the older driver is'nt there in hardy livecd..you'll need edgy or dapper livecd for that03:31
willwhLeefmc: amen to that ;)03:31
anirudh0_alan_m: you mean 60003:31
LeefmcYea overall, i am very happy to have made the move to ubuntu.03:32
anirudh0_alan_m: do chmod 600 ~/.dmrc ..and chmod 700 ~/03:32
LeefmcHonestly, i feel like i've thrown my 3D App burdon more than my windows burdon. 3D App licensing is so f'n horrible.03:32
LeefmcExcept for a few, ofcourse03:32
anirudh0_JohnPhys: it is unlikely that the older driver will work where the newer one failed03:32
willwhLeefmc: it is rather liberating picking up a *nix distro if you are used to windows :)03:32
willwhcertainly is refreshing!03:32
Leefmcwillwh, Amen03:32
Leefmcwillwh, Once i can get my MX Revolution in working order, i'll be set hehe03:33
JohnPhysanirudh0:  well, the ntfs module still exists in gutsy, so I think ti's there. and my friend was able to use the ntfs kernel driver (not the fuse one) to mount the partition sucessfully.03:33
alan_manirudh0, ok, thanks buddy, lets see if this works......if i messed it up before...i had a backup so i wasnt too terribly afraid.03:33
fdhdhdoes anyone have access to a clean hoary install(no other packages installed)03:33
Leefmcwillwh, You know xconf.conf at all? (i think thats what its called), there is a MX Revolution tutorial for an older ubuntu install, but im not sure if it would still apply for Hardy03:34
yowwwwcan anyone help with a thin client server configuration?03:34
JohnPhysfdhdh: ....Hoary or Hardy?03:34
fdhdhumm.. 8.0403:34
alan_mfdhdh, thats Hardy :)03:34
willwhLeefmc: xorg.conf :)03:34
fdhdhwoops...well, anyone have access to a clean hardy install?03:34
anirudh0_hoary was the second one..antique03:34
willwhLeefmc: It will probably still apply to hardy03:34
JohnPhysfdhdh:  Hardy :)  I can't help with that, but I thought I'd at least ask ot clear up any confusion for those that can help.03:34
alan_mfdhdh, i might be fixing to if this doesnt work, lol03:34
fdhdhdoes anyone know how to get a recursive list of package dependencies?03:35
alan_mfdhdh, but as of right now, i dont.03:35
Leefmcwillwh, Lemme grab the link, take a peak and let me know. IIRC xorg.conf is an insanely important file correct? (Also, if i end up screwin the file up, what would be my recover options?)03:35
willwhLeefmc: I was going to link this; it's not ubuntu specific though - http://andy.hillhome.org/blog/2006/09/27/logitech-mx-revolution-in-linux/03:35
alan_mfdhdh, for all packages?03:35
willwhLeefmc: let's pm session03:35
alan_mfdhdh, your asking for a huge list there, heh03:35
Starnestommyfdhdh: try apt-cache depends03:36
fdhdhi mean like...i have an ubuntu machine with no internet, and i want to install something on it...i want to generate all dependencies so i can download them, burn em to cd, and then give it to synaptic03:36
Bodsda!aptoncd | fdhd03:36
ubottufdhd: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers03:36
Bodsdafdhdh, ^^^03:36
ubottuFactoid apton.......meh not found03:36
anirudh0_fdhdh: use fluxubuntu live cd then..easier and faster..and it has nothing on it except bare min03:36
* alan_m shoulda backspaced that..sorry03:37
connoris there a way to make a shortcut on the desktop for xkill?03:37
fdhdhyeah but how do i get APTonCD there03:37
anirudh0_alan_m: how do you produce these *<stuff>03:37
fdhdhi would need to install it along with a bunch of dependencies i bet03:37
alan_manirudh0,  its called the /me command03:37
* anirudh0_ test03:37
yowwwwconnor - force quit applet not working well enough?03:37
Bodsdafdhdh, you download it as an iso03:38
connori just want to be able to double click it03:38
yowwwwcreate a launcher03:38
yowwwwbut you'll need to click on the app too after03:38
alan_mfdhdh, if you download the iso, it includes the dependencies :D03:38
connorbecause sometimes my programs are fullscreen, they get forced windowed if my screensaver popups and forcequit has no effect03:38
connorso a desktop icon for xkill would be quite lovely03:38
fdhdhdownlaod what iso?03:39
eraldois there a filebrowser like filezilla but for desktop use (nautilus replace)03:39
alan_mfdhdh, for fluxbuntu03:39
fdhdhi already have ubuntu installed03:39
Bodsdaconnor, you could use a program called zenity to open a dialog box then you enter a prog name and it executes killall <proggname>03:39
connor_so yeah thats basically it03:39
anirudh0_fdhdh: you are not listening03:39
eraldoor can I setup nautilus to also have 2 path windows ?03:39
connor_i just want a desktop icon for it03:39
connor_is that too much to ask?03:39
fdhdhwhat would fluxubuntu let me do?03:39
yowwwwconnor - create a launcher then03:39
connor_this is linux we are dealing with. anything is possible with linux03:39
anirudh0_eraldo: "path window"?03:39
connor_think i  go tit03:40
connor_got it*03:40
fdhdhi dont see how downloading fluxubuntu will solve my problems03:40
Bodsdafdhdh, download aptoncd?03:40
darthanubishave flubuntu ever become final?03:40
connor_woohoo it worked!03:40
anirudh0_eraldo: nautilus has no tabs ..or split view..if thats what you need03:40
yowwwwanyone help with an ubuntu thin client issue? i promise it will be fun :)03:40
connor_yowwww: i want fun, whats the problem03:40
yowwwwgood stuff connor_03:40
=== tro|| is now known as tro
darthanubisI would not advise using fluxbuntu03:41
eraldoanirudh0_: in filezilla i can look at one directory on one side and at the same time have a look at another on the other side... this way I can easily move a file from one dir to another03:41
fdhdhBodsda: okay, i hope it works on a vanilla ubuntu install with no dependencies03:41
connor_yowwww: wheres teh fun at?03:41
alan_mdarthanubis, its final, just not "officially" supported.03:41
yowwwwim setting up a thin client system, got the server installed, trying to connect to it03:41
darthanubisbetter off using ubuntu with fluxbox installed from a alt. cd03:41
Bodsdafdhdh, the dependencies are included in aptoncd03:41
anirudh0_eraldo: nautilus does'nt have it yet03:41
yowwwwfirst time setting up a thin client03:41
connor_i dunnolol03:41
yowwwwawesome, i feel better now ;)03:41
eraldoanirudh0: is there one that does have it ?03:41
darthanubisalan_m, took long enough03:41
connor_that has what03:41
connor_eraldo: whats the problem03:41
anirudh0_eraldo: search for "midnight commander" in synaptic..konqueror in kde has it03:42
alan_mdarthanubis, what are you referring to?03:42
jonas22how can i redirect (incoming and outgoing) traffic to to i'm using Shorewall. Need this because i have a daemon that only listens on and i want to access from LAN. No configuration possible for the daemon.03:43
anirudh0_eraldo: also look at pcmanfm..no split view..but tab support03:43
Bodsdaalan_m, it is most nights ;~)03:43
zm634Ok, after i install dmraid to use a raid setup on my 8.04 install, i reboot into some (initramfs) shell.  I've noticed there'sno /etc/fstab in this, and i think it may be because now that i'm using dmraid, it's picking up the single hard drive i use to boot from as something else03:44
anirudh0_is there any use of raid on a single hd?03:44
Flannelanirudh0_: No03:44
zm634well, technically it's a spanning raid with one disk03:44
eraldoanirudh0: what I am looking for is twin view... but no command line browser... rather a desktop filebrowser with twinview03:45
anirudh0_eraldo: konqueor and dolphin do it in kde..you can use those from gnome as well03:45
yowwwweraldo - emelfm203:46
anirudh0_yowwww: thats ancient03:46
eraldoconnor_: I most of the time start 2 nautilus windows... and drag one file from the first window to the other window...03:46
yowwwwanirudh0_ - it was updated not long ago03:46
anirudh0_eraldo: i dunno why nautilus does'nt have tab and split view support03:46
nenencause nautilus is sux03:46
yowwwwanirudh0_ - nautilus does have tabs in the latest svn03:46
anirudh0_eraldo: its a good file manager otherwise03:47
bazhang_!br | nenen03:47
ubottunenen: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:47
anirudh0_yowwww: great!03:47
mjburlingI need some help connecting to a wireless network on my eeepc03:47
yowwwwyep, long overdue, but awesome nonetheless03:47
anirudh0_yowwww: and split views?03:47
fdhdhaptoncd doesnt do what i want03:47
eraldoconnor_: now that I use filezilla for remote machines... I wondered if there is a way to get nautilus do that... but anirudh0_ already told me that it can not...03:47
yowwwwno anirudh0_ , one step at a time, lol03:47
yowwwwmaybe it will be added before its final03:47
fdhdhi dont think it lets me choose what package to install, it only works on ones ive already installed03:47
bazhang_mjburling, /join #eeepc also see their wiki at www.eeeuser.com03:47
* anirudh0_ leaves for breakfast03:47
eraldoanirudh0_: i know it is... but always having multiple nautilus windows open annoys me03:48
alan_mbreakfast? wow anirud...your up early :D03:48
alan_mmeh, too late03:48
mjburlingI'm in #eeepc and I've got help to get the modules installed correctly, I just don't know how to finally get in touch with a wireless network.03:49
Bodsdafdhdh, decide what apps you want and there dependencies (if needed) then go to an internet amchine and create the cd then take them back03:50
bazhang_mjburling, open a terminal and type ifconfig03:50
mjburlingHow do I actually test and see if everything is working correctly and finally connect to a network?03:50
mjburlingI don't see my wireless adapter :(03:50
yowwwwmjburling - try iwconfig -scanning03:51
yowwwwsee if it lists your access point03:51
bazhang_mjburling, then the module may not be properly loaded03:51
mjburlingEverything is set and ready to go (i think) in /lib03:51
mjburlingSo frustrated.03:51
jonas22how can i redirect (incoming and outgoing) traffic to to i'm using Shorewall. Need this because i have a daemon that only listens on and i want to access from LAN. No configuration possible for the daemon.03:52
IzinucsI just installed (on my 3rd machine) Hardy. and it won't boot. no errors during install. booting shows GRUB Loading stage1.5 and stays there. 1 harddrive in machine (sata) 1gig+ ram and stage1.5 is in /boot/grub. Any assistance?03:53
KlrSpzanyone successful at getting the mic working on a dell d620 laptop?03:54
KlrSpzi had found the LaptopTestingTeam results, and their input doesn't seem to work03:54
IzinucsI can't even get my external mic to work on a desktop when it worked on 7.1003:54
KlrSpzit always forces my capture vol to 003:55
cary_jebushow do you install KDE themes?03:55
yowwwwIzinucs - have you looked at the menu.lst to see if it seems correct?03:55
cary_jebushow do you install KDE themes?03:55
yowwwwcary_jebus - isnt in the control panel or something?03:55
yowwwwbeen sooooooooo long since i used kde03:55
cary_jebusweres that03:55
exoplasmcan anyone tell me what packages i need for virtualbox?03:55
Izinucsyowwww it matches my other machine.. so with that referance.. yes.03:55
will00is there a keytouch like program for ir remotes?03:55
tininkeytouch ?03:56
yowwwwIzinucs - does it use the UID of the HD?03:56
yowwwwunder settings in the main menu cary_jebus ? or system or something along those lines03:56
yowwwwshould open the control panel03:56
Izinucsyowwww: I'll check but I've gotta boot the live cd.. by the way I've tried the live and alternate.03:56
JohnPhys Is there any way to use the kernel ntfs (read only) driver to mount ntfs partitions, without using ntfs-3g/fuse?  I ask because I would like to do so to rescue ntfs partitions that ntfs-3g cannot mount, but both /sbin/mount.ntfs and /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g point to /bin/ntfs-3g, and I cannot seem to find a command that will let me mount using the kernel driver.  Was this feature completely removed?  Thank you for your time and 03:56
Bodsdacary_jebus, you may have more luck in #kubuntu03:56
tininkanyremote will00?03:56
reya276what is the current kernel for hardy 8.04? the update was 2.6.24-18-generic03:56
yowwwwIzinucs - neither of them boot after the install?03:57
JohnPhysreya276: it was -17 before the update03:57
crimsunreya276: -19.3303:57
crimsunreya276: (in hardy-proposed)03:57
Mr_Milenkostupid question... anyone know how to automount NTFS drives03:57
Izinucsyowwww: nope.. and the drive is brand spanking new..03:57
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:57
yowwwwsize cary_jebus ?03:57
Mr_Milenkothankyou tinin03:57
yowwwwerrr Izinucs03:57
Mr_Milenkoman i havent used linux in ages..03:58
reya276crimsun: well I did all the updates and yesterday it was 2.6.24-18-generic and now is and my system is acting weird03:58
Jordan_UJohnPhys, What error are you getting when you try to mount with ntfs-3g? Have you tried mounting read only?03:58
Izinucsyowwww: that's my response too.. been on ubuntu since Breezy Badger.. this one stumps me.03:58
Mr_Milenkolast i used this was when reading NTFS was considered bad..03:58
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.03:58
yowwwwIzinucs go to pm?03:58
tininnow it is even better than in winblows Mr_Milenko03:59
reya276crimsun: How can I make sure I'm using 2.6.24-18 because I compiled some drivers for this update03:59
will00tinin, that works great for cell phones, but im using an actual remote control03:59
Jordan_Ureya276, uname -r03:59
tininbut you should use ext3 to avoid fragmentation Mr_Milenko03:59
Mr_Milenkoi dualboot03:59
Mr_Milenkoall of my media is on an NTFS partition04:00
JohnPhysJordan_U: it was a lot of buffer i/o errors, couldn't determine the number of somethings (clusters maybe?)  I don't have the drive available now (it was a friends), but another friend was able to access it using a debian disk and the kernel ntfs driver, so I'm wondering how to od it from a livecd.  I did not try mounting it read only, though that is a good idea.04:00
Mr_MilenkoGot to access my music :)04:00
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox04:00
reya276Jordan_U: 2.6.24-16-generic04:00
Bodsda!msgthebot | exoplasm04:00
ubottuexoplasm: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.04:00
tininno idea then, will00, but I'm interested in that too. I read Mythtv or other media centers have support for that04:00
Takeshihey, i need to update my bios on an acer aspire 5315 notebook. acer haven't provided a tool to flash it from anything except windows or DOS04:00
Mr_MilenkoYou guys have made it quite easy to migrate from windows, and I thankyou.04:01
will00tinin, they do, and i know lirc supports my remote/reciever but i cant seem to get it to work04:01
Takeshicould i do it under WINE or would i be better using something like the UBCD to start freeDOS04:01
Bodsdayour welcome Mr_Bad_News04:01
jonas22how can i redirect (incoming and outgoing) traffic to to i'm using Shorewall. Need this because i have a daemon that only listens on and i want to access from LAN. No configuration possible for the daemon.04:02
Takeshiand if i'm using the UBCD and some sort of DOS, how do i access the bios flashing utility? just put it in a directory on the HDD?04:02
Jordan_UJohnPhys, I think it's much more likely that the important difference was read only vs RW rather than ntfs-3g vs old kernel driver, but you should be able to apt-get remove fuse from the liveCD and mount -t ntfs and I think it will use the kernel driver04:02
exoplasmjonas22: if it only listens on i dont know how you could trick it into listening elsewhere with firewall configs...04:03
root\nick Billybeans04:04
=== root is now known as poooop
JohnPhysJordan_U: I'm not so sure about that, as I think mount -t ntfs just uses mount.ntfs, which points to /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g, which uses the fuse stuff.  You may be right on the rw vs. ro though, it's a good point.  Still, I'd like to be able to use the kernel driver if needed (the ntfs module is still shipped, so it's *there*, but I can't find a command to use it!)04:04
poooopcan anyoner see me?04:04
LeefmcQuestion: I am trying to create a new partition for /home from root, and GParted's options are all greyed out. I am digging through docs, but they haven't mentioned anything relevant yet, anyone have any idea?04:04
Takeshisure, i see you04:04
FlannelLeefmc: you'll need a liveCD, as you can't edit mounted partitions04:05
karlany help? new to linux and ubuntu, how to download bit torrents?04:05
JohnPhysLeefmc: You have to umount the drive you want to create the partition on04:05
poooophow do i get Zelda for the ubuntu?04:05
LeefmcFlannel, Ah suck haha, all this again :D. So i guess im sort of hosed, oh well, i'll wait till i need to reinstall04:05
tininZelda the game?04:05
Mr_MilenkoDepends... a Zelda Clone or.. are you trying to emulate a rom?04:05
LeefmcJohnPhys, Can you unmount a partition your using?04:05
Jordan_Upoooop, Which version?04:06
poooopi want zelda the game,, im stuck in 198904:06
poooopfor life04:06
* Leefmc quotes that04:06
mohamed_how to install minibuntu on HDD ?04:06
exoplasmi would recommend the tv series but i think that was the 90s...04:06
LeefmcAlthough i would be 3 years old at that time, none the less its funny. :)04:06
Mr_MilenkoZelda on fridays04:06
FloodBot1Mr_Milenko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:07
tom_Is there a linux alternative to Remote Desktop? Yes I know about VNC, but I'd like support for audio and local devices (thumbdrives/etc). Plus I'd like to be able to stream video. I *could* just use XP but I just got my wife to warm up to Ubuntu and I don't want to take a step backwards...04:07
Mr_Milenkowhat the hell im not flooding04:07
reya276Jordan_U: none of the updates that I did yesterday and today and there, the kernel update is non-existent and I know for a fact that I had done two of there kernel updates one was 2.6.24-17 and the other but now the only ones present are 2.6.24-16 and which is very odd04:07
exoplasmtom_: Check out FreeNX and NoMachine NX04:07
LeefmcMr_Milenko, yes, you are. ;P04:07
Mr_Milenkonot on purpose :P04:07
Takeshidid anyone answer my question earlier about flashing my bios?04:07
tom_exoplasm: reading now...thanks :-)04:08
Mr_Milenkowhat make and model of your PC Takeshi?04:08
JohnPhysLeefmc: No, you can't umount a partition you're running ubuntu from.04:08
Jordan_Utom_, ssh -X will do the audio redirection ( in hardy and newer with pulseaudio sound server enabled ) though not the local devices04:08
Mr_Milenkowho made it, what kind of board etc04:08
Takeshimr_milenko: acer aspire 531504:08
LeefmcJohnPhys, Ah, didnt think so. Oh well im hosed hehe. Not insanely important i spose :)04:08
tom_Jordan_U: I'm trying to run virtual desktops from some free Windows XP embedded machines I got from work04:08
Takeshineed the update because my cpu fan doesn't spin once the OS starts :-/04:08
LeefmcMr_Milenko, Me? Yes, with no/bad CD Drive04:09
TakeshiMr_milenko: yeah04:09
Leefmcn/m :D04:09
Mr_Milenkofloppy drive?04:09
reya276Jordan_U: could Startup manager have cause this, I clicked on "Restore Defaults"04:09
tinintom_ you could launch graphical apps with: ssh -X user@your.ip:port(22 by default)04:09
JohnPhysLeefmc: You can certainly unmount *other* partitions, just not the one that / is on.  You can change/shrink them from a livecd though, since that won't have mounted your partitions.04:09
Jordan_Utom_, I think the only thing likely to do what you want easily would be NX04:09
fred_anybody tried the lil asus subnotebook with the solid state disk?04:09
Mr_MilenkoTakeshi: ftp://ftp.work.acer-euro.com/notebook/aspire_5315/vista/Bios/v1.21.zip04:09
JohnPhysJordan_U: Any ideas on where to hunt for the way ot use the kernel ntfs driver?04:09
Mr_MilenkoGoogles your friend homie :P04:10
tom_Jordan_U: thanks.  So FreeNX is the free version of NoMachineNX?04:10
exoplasmMr_Milenko: i think the issue is you cant install it from linux04:10
Jordan_Utom_, Yes04:10
lynooxI am having some trouble with mdadm / RAID.  The disks are new, and seem to be okay, but when attempting to access the array, I get a bunch of ata3 errors, and the machine eventually locks.04:10
Takeshimr_milenko: i've already got 1.2104:10
Mr_Milenkoyeah well your fan is screwed correct?04:10
tom_Jordan_U: I like free. It's my favorite price :-) I'll check it out..thanks for the heads up!04:10
Mr_MilenkoRE-Flash the bios04:10
LeefmcJohnPhys, Yea, but i can't use livecd (though some weird alternative may be possible via network.. but network is a pain heh). I'm fine for now. At the moment, all i can install ubuntu by is using the mini-iso, so next time i install ubuntu i'll be sure to setup a /home (i think it lets me.. i can't recall)04:10
exoplasmtom_: there is a free as in beer official version of NX, FreeNX is open source clone that i dont think is updated yet for hardy04:10
khajaviHELP: I want to join irc.gnome.org, via pidgin, any one could help me?04:10
bullgard4[Epiphany] What file stores the bookmarks?04:10
Takeshimr_milenko: i can't flash the bios, and there's newer boises than 1.2104:11
Leefmckhajavi, Sure, whats the problem?04:11
JohnPhysLeefmc: Alrighty.  Yes, it does let you set up a separate home partition.04:11
Jordan_Utom_, I am not sure what features it has and it was a pain to setup last time I tried but it's seems likely the most 'comprehensive' service available right now04:11
Mr_Milenkodude you make a bootlfoppy04:11
Takeshimr=_milenko:well, actually, i haven't tried to flash the bios, that's what i was asking04:11
tom_Jordan_U: Which one? FreeNX?04:11
Mr_Milenkousing DOS04:11
fred_@ khajavi:: i had problems with pidgin, too... concerning irc, i really prefer a conventional client04:11
Mr_Milenkodownload the archive, open the CL50121-Dos folder04:11
Mr_Milenkoput that on a bootable dos floppy04:11
Mr_Milenkoboot from the floppy04:12
Takeshimr_milenko: i asked whether i could use the windows bios update tool through wine04:12
Jordan_Utom_, I really don't know what the practical differences are if any between the two04:12
Mr_Milenkotrust me dude.. this is alot easier04:12
exoplasmtom_: http://www.nomachine.com/download-package.php?Prod_Id=504:12
exoplasmtom_: it's super easy to setup04:12
Takeshistill don't have a floppy drive, dude04:12
tom_exoplasm: is nomachine free?04:12
exoplasmtom_: just make sure to install openssh04:12
Mr_Milenkoyou just said you had one..04:12
khajavifred_: what do you suggest me?04:12
exoplasmtom_: that is the free version (not open source)04:12
reya276Jordan_U: is it possible to force the system to re-download the updates?04:12
Leefmckhajavi, I agree with fred_ , XChat is nice, and Gnome-XChat is decent. But if you want to, simply go to manage accounts, make a new irc account, give it the url's, etc04:12
fred_i'm using Gnome-XChat right now04:12
Leefmckhajavi, Were you having specific problems? Pidgin not connecting, etc04:12
reya276is it possible to force the system to re-download the updates?04:13
fred_feeling good in here04:13
tom_exoplasm: as long as I don't have to pay :-p. Having a wife saps your money04:13
tom_thanks for the help everyone!04:13
Takeshiwhat? no i didn't?04:13
Mr_MilenkoI mis-read what you said my apologies04:13
Leefmckhajavi, Imo, Depending on your needs, XChat is best. XChat offers much more, since Gnome-XChat seems to be a stripped down version of XChat04:13
JalathanTakeshi: i'd reccommend getting a base copy of MSDOS (or a clone) working so that it can boot a CD04:13
Mr_Milenkohe doesnt have a cdrom either04:13
willwhirssi is the best IRC client, hands down :)04:14
khajavibut I like pidgin :-D04:14
=== richard is now known as kingbilly
JalathanUSB boot support?04:14
Mr_Milenkowhat you could do though.. is open gparted04:14
Takeshithat's what i was thinking with the ultimate boot cd04:14
Leefmcwillwh, No python scripting support, == no Leefmc :D04:14
alan_mto whomever that helped me with my .dmrc issues, thank you! it worked!04:14
Takeshiit comes with freeDOS04:14
exoplasmTakeshi: make a bootable usb stick with dos on it! :D04:14
willwhLeefmc: every plugin/script for irssi is written in perl :P04:14
khajavithanks for all I check them soon04:14
Leefmcwillwh, I know ;)04:14
Mr_Milenkohold on.. do you have a CDRom?04:14
reya276How can I force my system to re-download all the updates for the past two days?04:15
bullgard4[Epiphany] What file stores the bookmarks?04:15
Leefmckhajavi, As i asked before then, what are you having problems with? Simply making an irc acount? Or are you having actual connection issues04:15
JalathanTakeshi: all you need to have is command.com and a few other files...04:15
Leefmckhajavi, (If you answered and i did not see, sorry. Please reply directly to me so it gets flagged)04:15
fred_@khajavi ... stay safe, i'm off to zzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ good night everyone04:15
Takeshihow easy is it to make a bootable usb stick with windows on it, and how big a stick would i need? would 128mb do?04:15
willwhTakeshi: why would you want to do that? :(04:16
khajaviLeefmc: I insert irc.gnome.org in server and my nick name but it didnt connect to irc04:16
alan_m!windows | Takeshi04:16
ubottuTakeshi: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents04:16
JalathanTakeshi: why are you wanting to update your bios anyways?04:16
Mr_MilenkoTakeshi: you can make a bootable DOS USB pen04:16
Mr_MilenkoJalathan, he said his fan stops on booting of the Operating System04:16
exoplasmhmm i've installed virtualbox (nonfree) but i dont see it in any menus... do i need to do something for it to show up?04:16
Jalathan*sigh* i need to find a way to split the connects/disconnects and the chat...04:17
Leefmckhajavi, You selected IRC protocol too i assume. Did you get connection errors? Did it "tell" you anything?04:17
Jalathangood reason though04:17
Mr_MilenkoThanks for the help guys, I'm off to configure my system04:17
Leefmckhajavi, One reason i don't like pidgin for IRC, is it sort of hides IRC. Perhaps thats your issue?04:17
Bodsdahey guys, is it possible to have twin channel view in xchat? so i can see the chat in two channels simultaineously?04:17
bullgard4Bodsda: Why don't you open two instances of Xchat?04:18
khajaviLeefmc: ok, I will install alternate IRC software04:18
Bodsdabullgard1, cause i dont want to04:18
reya276Can anyone please help, I need to make sure kernel loads and not 2.6.24-1604:19
tommy_how can I tell what partition Ubuntu is using for swap file?04:19
JalathanTakeshi: this might be of help: http://www.nenie.org/misc/flashbootcd.html04:19
Leefmckhajavi, Give Gnome-XChat a try, but i found its features too limited. If you know you want more, go ahead with XChat or irssi04:19
Leefmckhajavi, many like irssi04:19
tommy_i changed partition that I want Hardy to use for swap.  How do I tell Hardy to use the new partition?04:19
khajaviLeefmc: thanks alot04:19
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:20
Takeshijalathan: there's some kind of bug, because the machine was built for Vista (and its a "budget" model, with very liuttle support for anything a "casual" user wouldn't do) so when the OS starts, something to do with APCI, my CPU fan stops spinning04:20
Leefmckhajavi, np, nice to be able to help some haha. Considering all the help i've recieved here as of late (my first ubuntu install)04:20
Jordan_UJohnny_5, I don't have any ntfs partitions to test it with but it seems that even if I rename /bin/ntfs-3g to /bin/ntfs-3g-bak mount still gets far enough to get errors like "NTFS-fs error (device sda2): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume." so I think it is using the kernel driver somehow ( though that is just a guess )04:20
reya276On my Kern.log it says that 2.6.24-18 was install but only 2.6.24-16 is on the /boot/grub/menu.lst file04:20
connor_hello everyone04:21
khajavitommy_: swapon (is a command promt)04:21
khajavitommy_: see 'man swapon'04:21
xNinjahow i can mount nfs from network in BusyBox v0.61.pre04:21
tommy_khajavi, lot of work04:21
will00what does it mean when irw returns a connection refused?04:21
Takeshiactually, i think w3hen i put regular ubuntu (32-bit) on, it ran fine, its just since i put the amd64 version of ubuntustudio on i've had this problem04:21
JohnPhysJordan_U: Thanks for looking.  Every time I use mount -t ntfs it mounts as a type fuseblk04:22
tommy_khajavi, sdc3 is my new swap partition I want Hardy to use.  WHat command I use?04:22
khajavitommy_: swapon -a04:22
tommy_swapon -a will find scd3 on itself?04:23
tommy_by itself04:23
C0_24_SMG_MAUserver matrix.dal.net04:23
khajavitommy_: yes I thinl04:23
tommy_khajavi, you think? lol04:23
JalathanTakeshi: i went back and looked at your chat history.  hrm...04:23
tommy_khajavi, you are new like me I see :)04:23
khajavitommy_: :-D04:23
ubottuFactoid swapon not found04:23
ubnthello world04:24
khajavitommy_: you can swap on your swap partition from gparted04:24
iurihi there04:24
khajavitommy_: sudo apt-get install gparted04:24
tommy_khajavi, that doesnt help04:24
tommy_khajavi, I already used gparted to create 2 partitions for Hardy04:24
kingbillykhajavi, can tommy_ edit fstab to make it work?04:24
difetaI have converted some videos to mp4. How can I put them on my ipod?04:24
ubntjust asking what happens to http://packages.ubuntu.com server why i cant access04:25
tommy_kingbilly, how can I know if Hardy is using scd3 as its swap partition?04:25
iurihow to set up openvppn on ubuntu. I ran sudo apt-get install openvpn . it installs properly but there no applet to manage it04:25
xenoswhat are thse "linux-headers.foobar" ?? anyone?04:25
tommy_whats the command to see what partition Hardy is using for swap?04:25
khajavitommy_: click on your swap partiton and swap it on04:25
bullgard4[Epiphany] What file stores the bookmarks?04:25
tommy_khajavi, pls dont tease me,04:25
tommy_khajavi, I dont see any swap partition on my desktop04:26
iurihow to add vpn conections at network manager?04:26
khajavitommy_: not on desktop, in gparted click on swap partition then swap it on04:26
* Jalathan has the 3050, so understands some of the lack of ACPI support for ACER laptops...04:26
dfox1tommy: does 'free' show swap in use?04:26
bluewookOn first install, how do I configre it to automatically boot up XP in GRUB loader instead of Ubuntu?04:27
kingbillytommy, cat /etc/fstab04:27
Takeshii tried asking in #debian, but they wouldn't take me seriously, (i was gonna go back to debian, just out of curiosity, cos its been a while, but the cpu fan stopped whern the installer started, so it kept overheating and dying, mid-install)04:27
dfox1tommy: try 'swapon' and the partition that you reserved for swap. (or swapon -a)04:27
tommy_khajavi, stop trolling dude. please dont waste my time. if u dont know, just dont give any advice04:27
tommy_dfox1, what do u mean?04:27
JohnPhystommy_: He's not trolling, though the advice might not be the most descriptive.04:27
Flannelbluewook: a few ways, you can either move it to the to (above ##begin debian automagic kernel list, not just up with the kernels) or add "savedefault" after the entry in your menu.lst and change the "default" to "saved" (near the top of the config)04:28
dabudi've got a problem with the ntfs-config program    it tells me i don't have permission to open a hard drive that it originally let me open  and it has switched names of the hard drive on me04:28
tommy_JohnPhys, well his advice stinks lol04:28
bluewookFlannel: English? =P04:28
will00does anyone know why irw would return a connection error?04:28
tommy_dfox1, free says, "Swap:            0          0          0"04:28
kingbillytommy_, the command I sent you will answer your question on being able to tell what ubuntu is currently using for swap04:28
tommy_kingbilly, what command> sorry I missed it04:29
GogDaenhow can i do run 3D graphix in my VIA Technologies, Inc. S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter???04:29
dfox1tommy: you don't have your swap enabled. Did you make a separate partition beforehand for swap?04:29
kingbillytommy_, cat /etc/fstab04:29
ubnti want to download the complete ubuntu 8.04 cd's not just the first one any help pls04:29
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:29
Flannelbluewook: alt-f2, gksu "gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" then up at the top, change "default 0" to "default saved" and then scroll all the way down to the bottom, and right after "chainloader +1" make a new line, type "savedefault"04:29
TakeshiGogDaen: with dificulty. try installing DRIconf04:29
tommy_kingbilly, http://paste.ubuntu.com/17795/04:29
askvictorhow many bytes after the start of the hard disk does the first partition start?04:30
bluewookFlannel: When GRUB loader asks me to pick an OS to boot?04:30
tommy_kingbilly, can u please look at my output and tell me?04:30
GogDaenTakeshi: have you a tutorial?04:30
kingbillytommy_, dfox1 raised a good point,04:30
tommy_what point?04:30
Flannelbluewook: No, this'll be something you'll edit once you get into Ubuntu.  Then after that, you'll want to choose XP once, and after that, it will be the default04:30
tommy_dfox1, yes I did04:30
bluewookOk cool, thanks :)04:31
kingbillytommy_, currently, ubuntu is not using a seperate partition for swap04:31
iuridoes anyone use openvpn around here??04:31
tommy_dfox1, I made a seperate partiion, told gparted to use as linux swap.  Then I restored an old Hardy backup.  And im runnning hardy now, but it doesnt seem to be using my swap partition. what can I do?04:31
dfox1tommy: you have /dev/sdc7 set as your swap partition. Do (sudo) # swapon /dev/hdc7) see what happens04:31
TakeshiGogDaen: no, but i can pretty much talk you through running those....although it's not a great chip for 3d, it's the onboard in all my desktop machines04:31
c9shi , how do i specify target path for rar to extract ?04:31
c9shi all , how do i specify target path for rar to extract ?04:31
dfox1and your entry in fstab really shouldn't be commented out.04:31
tommy_kingbilly, do I need a swap partition then? Because im running Hardy04:31
pokerfacepenguinI just bought a deluo usb gps device.  Does anyone have one of these working?04:32
jedimindwhat is /dev/sda1 normally ?04:32
tommy_dfox1, how come Hardy is running fine if its not using any swap partition?04:32
jedimindits a mount, but not sure what device (how do i check)04:32
Flanneltommy_: Because you dont need a swap partition04:32
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: yes, depends on what make/modell you have04:32
tommy_Flannel, what????????????? :P04:32
Flanneltommy_: Swap is not required04:32
tommy_Flannel, really? I didnt know that04:32
bullgard4[Epiphany] What file stores the bookmarks?04:33
dfox1tommy: it'll run OK depending on how much RAM you have and what apps you use. But at some point you really should have the swap on04:33
askvictortommy_: you only need swap if you run out of RAM04:33
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: deluo gps universal04:33
Takeshitommy_:a swap partition is virtual memory, the equivalent of windows "pagefile.sys"04:33
Flanneltommy_: If you've got enough RAM, sure.  If you run out of RAM... things start going poorly04:33
tommy_askvictor, what happens if I run out of my 1GB RAM and dont have a swap partition?04:33
askvictortommy_: try it :)04:33
=== c3s4r_ is now known as C3s4r
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: google for "deluo linux"04:33
tommy_Flannel, what happens if no swap partition and Hardy runs out of RAM? Does Hardy freeze?04:33
kingbillytommy_, which partition did you want to use again04:33
tommy_kingbilly, sdc304:34
jedimindhow do i find out what a specific mount is (/dev/sda1 for example) - what drive it is ?04:34
dfox1tommy: what will probably happen is apps will randomly quit due to an out of memory killer process.04:34
askvictortommy_: hardy prolly won't freeze, but applications might. You won't be able to start new apps04:34
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: I have been googling all nite, and i see some have it running.   No luck yet.  I'll try linux instead of ubuntu or debian real quick04:34
tommy_askvictor, i have 1GB RAM!  what could I be running before it ran out of RAM?04:34
kingbillytommy_, can you paste the output of " sudo fdisk -l04:34
askvictortommy_: firefox :)04:34
Flanneltommy_: No, you just start chugging along, and some programs might close.04:34
cmXI am trying to install ubuntu on a AMD 4000 with 2GB of ram and a 7800GT, all i see at the top left corner is a blinking cursor. It loads the disc fine but when i click on live cd or install it just shows a blinking cursor04:35
tommy_kingbilly, http://paste.ubuntu.com/17798/04:35
dfox1tommy: for instance. there was this time an aquaintance (back in the very early days of linux) didn't have a swap parrtition and only had a couple of megs of RAM. he told me that closing emacs took 45 minutes04:35
tommy_Flannel, ok thanks04:35
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: from what I understand there is support for your gps04:35
tommy_askvictor, behave, dont tease me :)04:35
tommy_Flannel, I will use gparted and remove the 800MB swap partition then :)04:36
jedimindwhy is it when i run fsck it says that running it might cause serious problems with mounted drives (then lists my primary drive) ?04:36
tommy_Flannel, is personal data written and stored on the swap partition?04:36
jedimindWARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE filesystem damage.04:36
askvictortommy_: really depends on what you're doing. Go to system->admin->system monitor->resources to see how much you're using, or the processes tab to see individual processes usage. Firefox is using 210Mb on mine atm04:36
Flanneljedimind: Because you shouldn't fsck a mounted drive.  If you want to fsck it, sudo touch /forcefsck then reboot04:36
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: is it usb or bluetooth?04:36
nouMenonI just downloaded a tar.gz file and I need help opening it. I looked up some guides, and they all say to use the command tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz then cd to the directory and type ./configure, but once I try to configure it tells me "no such file or directory" even though I CD'd to the correct directory04:36
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: i know some folks have got it going.  I have already modprobed pl2303...is usb04:37
jedimindFlannel: okay but why is my primary drive mounted ?04:37
dfox1tommy: why not enable it? Take the comment # out of the fstab, save it, when you remount after boot it should find it and automaticallly add it04:37
Flanneljedimind: Probably because Linux is on it?04:37
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: then do lsusb04:37
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: i am just not sure how to troubleshoot furthur..i know that it is recognized as ttyUSB004:37
tommy_askvictor, im running Firefox, xchat, terminal and it says 240MB RAM used, and 760 MB FREE04:37
Flanneltommy_: Nothing is stored long term on the swap partition, but temporarily, sure, it could be.04:37
jedimindokay ... im a little confused; ubuntu setup the partitions, it made my drives the way they should be by default - i didnt touch anything started from a clean slate... and now i cant fsck without potential massive data corruption ?04:37
khajaviHELP: any one now how can i boot ISO from Grub? (the target system doesnt have any cdrom)04:38
cmXCan anyone help me with the blinking cursor in the top left corner?04:38
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: i have yet to have gpsdrive recognize it04:38
tommy_Flannel, it doesnt seem i need it anyway. I have over 700MB FREE RAM04:38
Flanneljedimind: What are you confused about?  Why do you think your primary drive shouldn't be mounted?04:38
askvictorjedimind: no system can reliably check a mounted partition04:38
tommy_memory used, 21%04:38
noxixi cant find flash for mozilla in the synaptic manager. is there another good way to install it?04:38
tommy_ok now I know, ill remove the silly swap partition lol04:38
jedimindso i cant run fsck on a drive that has fsck installed on it ?04:38
kingbillydfox1, he should edit fstab to use his desired partition, correct?04:39
tommy_thank you everyone for your help04:39
franciscothe game OpenArena comes from quake III 1.32 source?04:39
tenXnoxix: there should be a browser plugin afaik04:39
Flanneljedimind: you cant run fsck on a drive that is in use.04:39
johninlexhello all04:39
nouMenonCan someone please help me open my tar.gz file? The commands from the guides are not working properly.04:39
tommy_francisco, we can play games on Hardy???04:39
johninlexlike always I need some help, My wife can not use Ubuntu, and she would like for me to reinstall windows, with linux staying the same04:39
dfox1kingbilly: yep04:39
JohnPhysnoxix:  apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:39
askvictorjedimind: you can reboot into recovery mode, remount the partition read-only, then fsck04:39
Flanneljedimind: Like I said, sudo touch /forcefsck and then next time you boot, everything will be fscked04:39
tenXnouMenon: tar -zxf bia**.tgz04:39
legend2440nouMenon: what program is it?04:39
askvictorjedimind: or do what Flannel said04:39
nouMenonlegend2440 it's the sitemap generator for Google04:39
=== ares is now known as Guest437
franciscobut openarena looks diferent betwen it and q304:39
jedimindi see, problem being i cant seem to boot this laptop consistently. which is why i need to run fsck but there's no guarantee it'll ever boot again if i reboot it heh04:40
askvictornouMenon: can't you just open them in the file browser?04:40
nouMenontenX is that the word for word command I should use? I already opened the tar.gz i just can't configure and make it04:40
iuriplease help!! does anyone use openvpn around here??04:40
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: http://www.jasonlebrun.info/blog/research/2005/11/getting-deluo-gps-receiver-to-work-in.html04:40
khajaviagain: HELP: any one now how can i boot ISO from Grub? (the target system doesnt have any cdrom) ?04:40
nouMenonaskvictor what do you mean open them in the file browser? it's a program.04:40
eraldonautilus needs paneview!04:40
Flanneljedimind: well, fsck will run before much else is done, before any of the linux files are accessed.. more or less.  Your other option is a liveCD04:40
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: i have tried that one and it isn't working for me.04:41
MACscr1im playing around with ubuntu for the first time and im just running it in VirtualBox. I can't though seem to figure out how to get the resolution above 800x600. I know im only assigning 64mb of video memory, but I should still be able to go higher than that04:41
jedimindFlannel: yeah live cd might be a good option04:41
askvictornouMenon: tar.gz is like a zip file. You first need to extract the files.04:41
jedimindim gonna reboot and see if it works - wish me luck04:41
nouMenonaskvictor: I extracted the files but now I can't do anything with them04:41
tenXnouMenon: okay thought you were in trouble extracting the archives content. usually you should stick to the INSTALL or README supplied. generally a "make" and "make install" should do your job04:41
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: the only thing is i was using gpsdrive, no xgps package and havent configured one ...yet :)04:41
Flannel!install | khajavi04:41
ubottukhajavi: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:41
Flannelkhajavi: That page (first link) has a number of methods for installation without a CD drive04:42
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: are you recieveing any gps signals?04:42
DarkAuditThe Hauppauge WinTV 950 stick isn't linux-ready yet, so any suggestions for a USB TV tuner and app so I can watch my local stations in HD with an OTA antenna?04:42
nouMenontenX: the readme doesn't tell you how to install it and there is no install guide in there. I tried the make command but I can't ./config it04:42
holyguyverCan someone tell me how I may record the audio output from my soundcard?04:42
noxixjohninlex, i get the following error E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:42
noxixE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:42
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: when i cat the /dev/ttyUSB0 port it gives me back characters that are not readable...as if it is binary04:42
mochaIs anyone able to use XM Radio online?  I'm unable to hear any sound.04:43
khajaviFlannel: thank and thanks for all04:43
tenXnouMenon: is ther sth like a configure script at all?04:43
rolln1upsup all04:43
askvictornouMenon: what _is_ in the targz file?04:43
DarkAuditmocha: how are you accessing XM?04:43
mochaDarkAudit: Via Firefox04:43
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: why would you cat those?04:43
Tstantonfsucan someone help me install beryl?04:44
rolln1upwhats the best html editor04:44
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: to see if there were any NMEA data coming in04:44
StarnestommyTstantonfsu: beryl has been replaced by compiz-fusion04:44
nouMenonaskvictor: some .py files and some .txt files and some .xml files04:44
Tstantonfsuoh alright :o04:44
tenXnouMenon: compiling sources you often need to install fitting kernel headers/source.04:44
rolln1upjust playing with an ubuntu and apache and wanting a handy html04:44
Tstantonfsuwas wondering why i couldnt find out how to do it04:44
nouMenontenX: there might be, there's a file setup.py I will try that04:44
=== cary_jebus[UDCS| is now known as cary_jebus
cary_jebusI always thought installing new programs in linux was hard04:45
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: i admit i dont have much experience troubleshooting usb under linux04:45
DarkAuditmocha: XM seems to be having issues with their online services. Some players work, others don't. I tried the MCE XM app in XP and Vista, but neither worked. Sometimes you have to just let it sit and wait for it to finally connect04:45
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:45
ubottuFactoid atsc not found04:45
nouMenontenX: how would i do that?04:45
nouMenonsetup.py did nothing04:45
ubottuFactoid hdtv not found04:46
mochaDarkAudit: I have no problems using XP and XM, only with Ubuntu, which leads me to believe it's a plugin issue.  I'm also unable to watch YouTube videos.04:46
askvictornouMenon: are you running it from a terminal or from the desktop?04:46
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: you could try to modprobe pl230304:46
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: then do: ls -alh /dev/ttyUSB*04:46
nouMenonaskvictor: I'm running it from within the folder that was created when I unzipped it04:46
cary_jebusis there a widget manager for ubuntu04:46
DarkAuditmocha: you have the flash package installed for firefox?04:46
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: have modprobed ...let me try the ls command04:47
cary_jebusis there a widget manager for ubuntu???04:47
cvn-ubuntuhi where do i download MPEG-1 decoder for avi file?04:47
mochaDarkAudit: Yes, I have flashplugin-nonfree package installed.04:47
fp2007ok guys, fixed grub and stuff, got back into my distro w/o resintalling, YAY, now, one more problem, whenever I choose to open a terminal in XFCE (xubuntu-desktop), it crashes to server (x-server) with an error 11, fatal crash, any ideas?04:47
tenXnouMenon: at first this was only a guess. if you're not hitting any error msgs and cant even compile this might not be the right way. but if you need those things you cant install them via aptitude/apt-get04:47
nouMenontenX: then how do I  install them?04:47
Starnestommy!avi | cvn-ubuntu04:48
ubottucvn-ubuntu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:48
askvictornouMenon: what app is it?04:48
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: hmmm, it tells me that root and dialout are given rights to USB0.....wonder if it is picking up my modem (which i do not use) somehow...it is internal, and not usb04:48
DarkAuditmocha: flash on Hardy sometimes refuses to load on a fage... I have to refresh 3 or 4 times to get the flash content to display properly04:48
nouMenonaskvictor: it's called Sitemap Generator, it's a webmaster tool for Google in order to submit your web-site to Google04:49
tenXnouMenon: still not sure if you're really in need of them. what have you tried and what is your output? installing what work via aptitude search headers and finally aptitude install "stuff aptitude search brought up"04:49
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: that is good04:49
cary_jebusis there a widget manager for ubuntu???04:49
Starnestommycary_jebus: for what kind of widgets?04:49
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: it means that you have the rights to dial out04:49
mochaDarkAudit: I've noticed that as well. Adobe must hate linux/unix or something.04:49
Starnestommycary_jebus: gdesklets and screenlets exist04:49
fp2007any ideas guys? uhm, should I reinstall Xorg, X11? I just removed (completely) xubuntu-desktop, including xfce etc, reinstalled and still bringing up a terminal in X crashes my x-server04:49
DarkAuditcary_jebus: you mean like screenlets?04:49
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: but it is a gps device...not a modem...why those permissions/04:50
nouMenontenX: I unzipped the file then CD'd to it's directory and typed ./config and i got the message bash: ./config: No such file or directory04:50
=== tro|| is now known as tro
StarnestommynouMenon: try ./condifure04:50
balleyneI'm trying to use my laptop with a projector. My laptop is widescreen, so when I get the projector running, part of the screen is cut off. How can I adjust the X display to fit the size of the projector rather than the size of my laptop screen?04:50
cary_jebusI never used ether I just installed linux 4 hours ago04:50
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: no wait, you need to have permissions04:50
StarnestommynouMenon: er, ./configure04:50
askvictornouMemon: read the doc carefully: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/docs/en/sitemap-generator.html04:50
holyguyverWell, can anyone help me out?04:50
nouMenonstarnestommy: I did, same message04:50
holyguyverI asked Does anyone know how I can record the audio output of my soundcard?04:50
tenXnouMenon: read the files supplied with the package. there might not even be a config(ure) script04:51
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: adduser <username> dialout04:51
dfox1nouMenon: is 'config' made executable (-rwxr-xr-x)?04:51
st1100pilotcary-jebus: Use Screenlets. It is at least as good as the stuff in Vista04:51
nouMenondfox1: I don't even know what that means04:51
askvictorholyguyver: like a loopback?04:51
DarkAuditany word on whether x-fi drivers will be available by this fall?04:51
dfox1nouMenon: what does 'config' have in it? is it  a shell script?04:51
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: already a member04:51
balleyneholyguyver: I think you need to make sure your sound card supports that, i.e. is full duplex... don't quote me on that though04:51
dfox1nouMenon: might do: $ chmod +x config04:52
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: chmod a+rw /dev/usb/tts/004:52
st1100pilotcarey_jebus: type "sudo apt-get install screenlets" into the terminal04:52
nouMenonaskvictor: it says I have to load it on my web server, does that mean it won't run on my computer?04:52
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: then start gpsdrive04:52
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: it is listed as ttyUSB0 in /dev   ...are you sure about that chmod command?04:52
Takeshianyone here in east-central Scontland and fancy bringing me a USB flash drive...i don't have one on me, and anyone who could lend me one is asleep, as it's almost 5am04:52
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: yes04:53
askvictornouMenon: it needs to run on your web server04:53
khajaviHELP: when i join to IRC(with my password) it report me: (10:05:50 PM) NickServ: (notice) This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.04:53
holyguyveraskvictor & balleyne yes I am sure my soundcard supports it, all I want to do is know a terminal cammand or else a program that can record my soundcard's output.04:53
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: now make sure the gps is recieving signals04:54
DarkAuditkhajavi: and do you remember your nickserv password?04:54
Takeshiholyguyver: audacity will do that04:54
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: then start gpsdrive04:54
Tstantonfsuis there a way to get the leopard docking thing on ubuntu?04:54
djaquaanyone know of a simple gui cd burner that won't break my kde 4.1 beta 1?04:54
nouMenonaskvictor: I don't know how to do that, should I just try something else?04:54
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: trouble with the command...trying variations04:54
Takeshiholyguyver: or mhgwaveedit, if you need JACK connectivity04:54
DarkAuditdjaqua: I always used k3b04:55
askvictornouMenon: probably, or talk to you web-hosting company04:55
Takeshimhwaveedit, sorry04:55
morphir_Tstantonfsu: sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator04:55
holyguyvertakeshi, well how do I do it in audacity?04:55
nouMenonaskvictor: ok, thanks04:55
Tstantonfsuthats all i ahve 2 do? o.o04:55
Takeshiholyguyver: i can't remember how you set the record source, an di'm not sure if i have a coipy in arm's reach....gimme a sec04:56
djaquak3b wants to install the kdebase metapackage04:56
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: try something like /dev/usbdev1.1_ep0004:56
Flanneldjaqua: Thats correct04:56
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: already chmoded /dev/ttyUSB004:57
slushpuppy\Hello, I am having problems copying files to another computer, on the network using samba. This is the error message: "Operation not supported by backend"04:57
djaquathis won't harm my kde4?04:57
jimdandyHello! I am having a probem booting the hardy heron alternative install iso on usb stick. I get to  the part where it tries to read the "cdrom" and fails, even after I've mounted it04:57
st1100pilotslushpuppy\: What Os's are you using?04:57
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: it still does not recognize in gpsdrive04:57
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: do a ls -a /dev/04:57
slushpuppy\st1100pilot: Ubuntu hardy, kernel .1804:58
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: what does it say?04:58
jahnkeanateri have a problem with doubles im my music04:58
almostdvswhat is an easy backup tool?04:58
Flanneldjaqua: Hmmm, you might try asking in #kubuntu, I'm not sure how that's working currently.04:58
st1100pilotOn all your machines?04:58
Takeshiholyguyver: nope, sorry. i have it on my laptop, but if you've been here a while, you'll have seen that i can't really have that on for long, due to sill ACPI/bios dificulties. if nobody else can help you, try asking in #audacity, #ubuntustudio, or aks me again in a couple of hours04:58
askvictoralmostdvs: keep04:58
jahnkeanaterit there a program that converts music to mp304:58
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_:a lot of ttys and ptys04:58
djaquaoh yea, sorry i thought i was there :)04:58
slushpuppy\st1100pilot: Sorry, my bad. It's between an XP vm and ubuntu.04:58
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: grep for usb?04:58
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: wait... lol sorry... ls -a /dev/usb*04:58
almostdvsaskvictor: does it do automatic backups?  say once a week?04:58
jedimindwhats an app i can use to check my ram ?04:58
jahnkeanateri want a program that will turn all my music into mp3 format04:59
Flanneljedimind: memtest04:59
st1100pilotslushpuppy\: Gotcha. Sorry, can't help with VM stuff. Maybe somebody else in here can. If anything, use the Ubuntu forums.04:59
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: just give me one of them04:59
pokerfacepenguingives me 16 entries04:59
askvictoralmostdvs: dunno; haven't used it myself, but looks nice. Most backup tools will do that tho04:59
slushpuppy\Thanks anyway st1100pilot.04:59
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: give me one of them04:59
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: /dev/usbdev1.7_ep0004:59
Takeshislushpuppy: what VM software are you using?04:59
mikejoconnorI'm having trouble finding a mirror for edgy eft, any suggestions?05:00
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: chmod a+rw /dev/usbdev1.1_ep0005:00
jahnkeanatercan i make a python program that converts all my music into mp3 and deletes doubles05:00
franceshello...im a newbie here..05:00
askvictoralmostdvs: yeah, looks like it does05:00
jahnkeanateror could some 1 make it for me05:00
Tstantonfsuafter i put sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator in hte terminal what do i do for the leapord docking thing? :x05:00
AndreusIHi guys, I'm having repetetive issues with booting.05:00
Flannelmikejoconnor: Edgy is no longer supported, you should upgrade.  http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu05:00
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: if that is the port you connected the gps to05:00
jimdandyjahnkeanater: only you can answer that05:00
francesand a new on ubuntu too..:)05:00
SeaPhorwhere do i ask questions about ubuntu server?05:00
jahnkeanateri don know mutch python05:00
FlannelSeaPhor: here, or #ubuntu-server05:01
mikejoconnorFlannel: Thanks, that's what I was afraid of05:01
francescan somebody help me here...05:01
Takeshislushpuppy\:which end are you doing the transfer from?05:01
StarnestommySeaPhor: this channel or #ubuntu-server05:01
Starnestommyfrances: with what>05:01
slushpuppy\Takeshi: I am doing the transfer from the ubuntu end.05:01
jahnkeanateris there a program that can convert music files05:01
jahnkeanaterfo ubuntu05:01
fredmvI have a `picky' question regarding fonts in Xfce4.05:01
askvictoralmostdvs: I assume by easy you mean not involving the command line? Coz personally I'd use something like rsync or rdiff-backup started by a cron job.05:01
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: how would I have known that?  am I changing permissions willy nilly here?05:01
Tstantonfsui installed avant-window-navigator or what ever its called through the terminal now what do i do to use it?05:01
Takeshislushpuppy: grabbing files from a share on the VM, or copying to a share?05:01
Flannelmikejoconnor: 18 months.  Has been unsupported for over a month now.  But that repo will work in the meantime (of course, it wont change day to day)05:02
cary_jebuswere the hell can I download screenlets05:02
jimdandyjahnkeanter: you could look into ruby also. basically you need to pass your files to a conversion tool, lame is good and will allow you to create proper id3 tag info also05:02
Takeshislushpuppy\: grabbing files from a share on the VM, or copying to a share?05:02
st1100pilotcarey_jebus: type "sudo apt-get install screenlets" into the terminal05:02
AndreusISo guys, something has happened to my copy of ubuntu server, and now to my copy of ubuntu server with the ubuntu desktop modules loaded using apt-get that renders the system completely unable to boot, even in recovery mode.05:02
slushpuppy\Takeshi: copying files, from ubuntu, to a shared folder.05:02
fredmvBasically, ever since I upgraded to Hardy/Xubuntu, the fonts in some apps (notable in the terminal and on audacious) look a little blurry.  I tried messing with the anti-aliasing settings but to no avail... ?05:02
mikejoconnorFlannel: thanks for the help05:02
jahnkeanaterthanks i will try those05:02
francesanybody here?.....",05:03
Takeshislushpuppy\:maybe try sharing the folder in ubuntu, then grabbing them the other way?05:03
Tstantonfsui installed avant-window-navigator or what ever its called through the terminal now what do i do to use it?05:03
Flannelmikejoconnor: Also, once you've upgraded to Feisty, you may consider going to Gutsy at that time, since Feisty will only be supported for another four months05:03
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: I appreciate your valiant effort...i believe i need to research this more05:03
slushpuppy\Hmm, Takeshi, do you have a tutorial?05:03
AndreusIIt repeatedly produces "exception Emask" errors on ata2.0005:03
jedimindFlannel: im guessing memtest doesnt come prepackaged?05:03
mikejoconnorwhat's the latest lts release?05:03
askvictorfrances: ask again (a lot's happened since your first try :)05:03
Starnestommymikejoconnor: 8.0405:03
Starnestommymikejoconnor: aka Hardy Heron05:03
Flanneljedimind: Its on all CDs, as well as should be in your GRUB menu already.05:03
* mikejoconnor nods05:04
dmbAndreusI: i acually had the same issue05:04
fredmvAnyone have any clue why fonts are blurry on Xfce4/Xubuntu?05:04
Takeshislushpuppy\: um....no, i don't tend to document my adventures in filesharing....or anything else i do....once it works, i usually just forget how i did it.05:04
Flanneljedimind: It'll be the last entry in your grub menu, and it should be somewhere near the bottom on all Ubuntu CDs05:04
jimdandyCan anyone help me with a usb boot of the hardy alternate cd?05:04
dmbturns out my hard drive was dead05:04
legend2440jahnkeanater: sounconverter in synaptic is pretty good. it has a GUI and can convert a whole folder of files05:04
jedimindFlannel: is there anything i can run while ubuntu is running?05:04
askvictorfredmv: you using the right resolution?05:04
dmbAndreusI: do you use encryption?05:04
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: how do i undo the chmod to reset remove the world permissions on that file?05:04
will00is there anything like irkick for gnome?05:04
slushpuppy\It's alright Takeshi, I found one, thanks Takeshi, st1100pilot05:04
legend2440jahnkeanater: soundconverter in synaptic is pretty good. it has a GUI and can convert a whole folder of files05:04
AndreusIdmb: No, the machine is new, and for some reason it went away after a while after the installation of ubuntu server05:04
Flanneljedimind: No idea.  But there are obvious problems with that (since Linux would be using some of the RAM, etc)05:04
AndreusIBut it came back when I apt-get'd the modules for ubuntu desktop05:05
dmbdon't know then05:05
st1100pilotslushpuppy\: NP05:05
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: -rw?05:05
AndreusIIt's sitting over the other side of the room repeating the same error message ad infinitum.05:05
balleynecan anyone help me with using a projector on my laptop?05:05
jedimindFlannel: how do i get into grub on boot? just hit esc ?05:05
Raspberrywhat's the DKMS build system?05:05
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: got it...thanks05:05
Flanneljedimind: right after POST, yeah.  When it says "press escape to view your GRUB menu"05:05
jedimindok brb again wish me luck05:06
Takeshispeaking of virtualisation....anyone heard any news about anyone getting 3d acceleration working in a windows VM under ubuntu?05:06
Flanneljedimind: There is "memtester" which will test it in Linux, but not all of it05:06
will00is there a way to mask gnome application so they show up in a program like irkick05:06
AndreusII thought at first it might be an issue with my memory since I mistook its error message for a memory address, so I ran a full memtest.05:06
almostdvsif i want my windows partition to do backups, should i set that up before i install ubuntu?05:06
edwardk_is gnome able to change wallpapers like in kde with its slideshow mode05:06
Takeshii read about a program that could do it a couple of years ago, but it only worked on certain multi-core CPUs05:06
francesive installed ubuntu inside my windows...05:06
fredmvaskvictor,  yeah, I don't think it's a resolution issue.   It seems to be an effect of the anti-aliasing/sub-pixel rendering in Xfce.      I just hate how it looks, altered the settings, and it didn't change anything.05:06
slushpuppy\Hi again, silly question, I don't see "Shared folders" under system -> administration :S.05:07
franceshow can I view my windows files inside my ubuntu?...05:07
permanewbI'm running 7.10. In KDE, in system settings, clicking the administrator mode button does not take me into administrator mode, and I am not prompted for a password. Do you know what that can be about?05:07
tenXfrances: mount the drive?05:07
Starnestommyfrances: ntfs-3g05:07
morphir_pokerfacepenguin: you should have access to the device now, yes?05:07
darthsounds like frances is running windows under emulation05:07
darthso mounting the drive is not possible05:08
tenXStarnestommy: that works automatically nowadays afaik05:08
slushpuppy\frances: we are having the same problem :P05:08
RailerHey what's the footprint of ubuntu installed?05:08
askvictoralmostdvs: should be seperate really...05:08
tenXdarth: emulation?05:08
StarnestommyRailer: about 2 GB?05:08
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: it didn't recognize in gpsdrive, so i removed what we just did to make it look like the rest of the permissons in those directories05:08
darthyes tenX05:08
francesNo, ive installed my ubuntu inside my windows, so ubuntu is my secondary OS...05:08
darthfrances> ive installed ubuntu inside my windows..05:08
bullgard4[Epiphany] What file stores the bookmarks?05:09
tenXdarth: what kind?05:09
tenXdarth: i must have missed it05:09
darthqemu, vmware whatever .)05:09
pokerfacepenguinmorphir_: i found this... http://myy.helia.fi/~karte/haicom_hi-204e_usb_gps_on_linux.html which may be similiar...i am going to compile xgps since it seems alot of people use it05:09
darthwell anyway.... make a share in your windows frances05:09
Starnestommybullgard4: try ~/.gnome2/epiphany/bookmarks.rdf05:09
darthand then mount that share in your ubuntu05:09
tenXdarth: okay, so file sharing should be realized via any kind of networking05:09
darthyup :)05:09
franceswell how do I mount my windows files?...05:10
darthwith samba frances05:10
tenXfrances: we are still not sure about you're setup.. so it depends05:10
tenXor scp05:10
tenXscp all the way ;)05:11
darthany kind of networking file sharing thing05:11
dartheven ftp :)05:11
darthor http :)05:11
darthyay tenx scp ftw05:11
FloodBot1darth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:11
darthhahahah sorry floodbot, i know i do that05:11
tenXdarth: i dont talk to spammers :D05:11
darthlol beaten by a bot :)05:11
francesthis is my situation....I have 2 partition....C: and D: Ive installed my ubuntu inside my windows under c: I can mount my D: but I cant view my C:, it changed into a file system..05:11
BlueLagunaWill Ubuntu update the firefox debs when version 3 is officially released?05:12
StarnestommyBlueLaguna: it most likely will05:12
darthBlueLaguna, yeah they will05:12
tenXBlueLaguna: yes in case a stable release is out05:12
darthbtw i am new to ubuntu, i really love it05:12
mikejoconnorwhat is the equivilent of http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ for security updates, or is it just included in the http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ repo ?05:12
tenXfrances: your partition turned into a file system? :D sounds like a challenge05:12
Starnestommymikejoconnor: there are no security updates05:13
AndreusIhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=472056 <--- I have a problem identical to this person.05:13
franceswhat I just know is that I can view my windows file under mnt folder in my filesytem but my windows file is not there05:13
mikejoconnorStarnestommy: thanks05:13
AndreusIThe system refuses to boot at all, just repeatedly continues throwing those error messages until I reboot it.05:13
AndreusIIt seems this is a widespread issue and not related to the drive.05:13
tenXfrances: your windows file? :D05:13
bullgard1Starnestommy: Yes, that's it! Thank you very much for your help.05:13
almostdvswhen i install ubuntu, I'm pretty sure i will be w/o internet until i set up my broadcom b43 card following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=738216  can i install something to my usb key so that i can achieve this without an internet connection?05:13
tenXfrances: i need that godda*n file05:14
darthyou need a file from your windows partition?05:14
centralhello i want to install ubuntu 8.04 on my toshiba with ubuntu 8.04 toshiba GeForce4 460 Go ramdac 32M05:14
st1100pilotPeople. Firefox 3 is SO much better than Firefox 2. If you haven't upgraded, do so.05:14
tenXst1100pilot: why is that exactly?05:15
centralwhere can i find the grafic driver05:15
francesyes....I cant view my windows file....05:15
almostdvsit's the fastest browser out now..05:15
tenXcentral: under your seat05:15
Flannel!nvidia | tenX05:15
ubottutenX: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:15
ImThatNerdI have a Sony PS2 eyetoy and also a Logitech USB microphone. I installed some stuff and my Sony PS2 eyetoy is recognized and shows video with some installed applications like XAWTV. I plugged in my USB mic and went to sound recorder and there was no sound. I went to System, Preferences, and then Sound and was kind of lost to as what to select. I went to http://stickam.com/ which is a webcam site and Adobe flash player seems to not recogniz05:15
ImThatNerde my webcam or microphone. I was curious what I should do for it to recognize them and to get my microphone working, thanks.05:15
daemon3What's the media player called in Ubuntu?  The one that isn't so popular at playing movies?  I think I accidentally uninstalled it.05:16
khajavicentral: via synaptic package manager install nvdia-XXX05:16
tenXwho is ubottu?05:16
Flanneldaemon3: reinstall the ubuntu-desktop metapackage05:16
tenXsome fake ubuntu installation?05:16
almostdvsdaemon3:  just use vlc05:16
daemon3Flannel: I did.05:16
DarkAuditdaemon3: totem?05:16
Flanneldaemon3: then you have whatever came default05:16
darthdaemon3.... gnome-player ?05:16
daemon3DarkAudit: Totem is a movie player.  It might be waht almostdvs said.05:16
franceshow can I view my windows file?..........05:16
Flannel!ntfs | frances05:16
ubottufrances: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE05:16
daemon3Ah, no.  I know it's kind of like Amarok.05:17
DarkAuditdaemon3: Totem is called simply "Movie Player" in the applications menu :p :)05:17
almostdvsyou have to listen to what frances is saying...05:17
darthinstall gnome-mplayer05:17
slushpuppy\Hi, how do I connect to a shared folder, created by ubuntu, from XP05:17
centralok thx i will try that hop it will work05:17
ImThatNerdCan anyone help me with my question above? :)05:17
tenXfrances: you need to learn to specify your issues. if your partition is mounted as you mentioned earlier on you only need applications capable of opening your files05:17
Flannel!samba | slushpuppy\05:17
ubottuslushpuppy\: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:17
daemon3Maybe it was VLC05:17
almostdvshe has an ubuntu installed inside windows (wubi?) and he needs to access a file that is in windows05:17
askvictoralmostdvs: you might be lucky and it might work straight out of the box. http://blog.gunbladeiv.com/2008/05/hardy-heron-b43-broadcom-driver-setup.html otherwise download b43-fwcutter.deb and dpkg -i it after tje install05:18
DarkAuditdaemon3: kind of like Amarok could be rhythmbox05:18
francesim checking what ubottu said.....05:18
daemon3YES! Thank you.05:18
slushpuppy\almostdvs: I made a folder, shared, in ubuntu. Now I want to access it from XP05:18
darththat "ubuntu inside windows" sounds like either vmware or some other virtualisation05:18
slushpuppy\Yeah, i am using a VM05:18
Flanneldaemon3: wubi is neither05:18
darthand then mounting wont do, then he/she needs file sharing over network05:18
Flanneldarth, wubi is neither05:18
DarkAuditdaemon3: I plugged in my ipod and that's what started up05:19
daemon3I just couldn't think of the nam.e  I know the application, but I couldn't think of the name.  Sort of like that operating system that gets on everyone's nerves.05:19
almostdvsaskvictor: where can i find the b43...  deb?05:19
askvictoralmostdvs: should be in the normal repositories05:19
darthwubbi is ubuntu on fat/ntfs ?05:19
almostdvslol...  link??05:19
ubottuFactoid wubbi not found05:19
askvictoralmostdvs: packages.ubuntu.com ?05:19
Jangarigoogle earth runs terribly on my system, anyone know any diagnostics for my graphic/video card that could identify the problem? or does google earth just run crap on linux altogether?05:20
ashishplease tell me best IDE for html and CSS in my private message05:20
Flanneldarth: wubi is, yeah.  just NTFS, as fat can't hold files big enough05:20
DarkAuditharumph... downloading Portal via Steam in WINE, and it hijacked my sound :p05:20
darthjangari: glxinfo05:20
Flannel!best | ashish05:20
ubottuashish: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:20
loner269just a little f.y.i for who ever works on ubuntu the updater went from 7.4 ce to 7.10 took forever dont know if it cleaned up but do know it didnt restart i had to05:20
loner269thought id mention it just incase it was inportant05:20
almostdvsi can just double click a .deb in ubuntu and it will do what it's supposed to, right?05:21
loner269ok by by05:21
darthalmostdvs, yes it will05:21
Jangariokay darth, what should i be looking for?05:21
todoskihello friends05:21
darthit'll pop out a box and let you choose to install the .deb05:21
Jordan_Ualmostdvs, If you are trying to get broadcom card working just go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers05:21
todoskihow can I use my tv-out in ubuntu?05:21
horaciocsHOT REDHEAD SUCKING IN A PORSCHE!!  www.dcma.com.br/images/1945_red.jpg05:22
Jordan_Ualmostdvs, No need for an extra .deb unless you don't have an internet connection without wireless05:22
horaciocsHOT REDHEAD SUCKING IN A PORSCHE!!  www.dcma.com.br/images/1945_red.jpg05:22
horaciocsHOT REDHEAD SUCKING IN A PORSCHE!!  www.dcma.com.br/images/1945_red.jpg05:22
FloodBot1horaciocs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:22
horaciocsHOT REDHEAD SUCKING IN A PORSCHE!!  www.dcma.com.br/images/1945_red.jpg05:22
Flannel!ops | horaciocs05:22
ubottuhoraciocs: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!05:22
horaciocsHOT REDHEAD SUCKING IN A PORSCHE!!  www.dcma.com.br/images/1945_red.jpg05:22
horaciocsHOT REDHEAD SUCKING IN A PORSCHE!!  www.dcma.com.br/images/1945_red.jpg05:22
horaciocsHOT REDHEAD SUCKING IN A PORSCHE!!  www.dcma.com.br/images/1945_red.jpg05:22
darthjangari: direct rendering must be yes05:22
dfox1kick horacious05:22
horaciocsHOT REDHEAD SUCKING IN A PORSCHE!!  www.dcma.com.br/images/1945_red.jpg05:22
Flannel!ops | horaciocs05:22
darthor it should be anyway... if its not go search for an updated xorg.conf for your saystem05:22
danny!hp printers05:22
ubottuFactoid hp printers not found05:22
Tstantonfsuhow do i get avant-window-navigator to start up when i start my computer?05:22
almostdvsJordan_U: yes, i will not have an internet conection until i get wireless working05:22
DarkAuditI've been away from linux for a couple of years... i remember the .RPM dependency death spiral. Is it still much of an issue with random .debs one may d/l off the internet?05:22
Jangarian updated xorg.conf, eh?05:23
ubottuFactoid hp not found05:23
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:23
slushpuppy\Hm, how would I check my file sharing network path, on ubuntu :P?05:23
darthno DarkAudit: debs take care of deps05:23
darthif you want total control over deps look into slackware instead05:23
tenXslushpuppy\: what does file sharing mean to you?05:23
FlannelDarkAudit: You shouldn't use random debs from the internet.  Because chances are they're compiled for different versions of everything you have.05:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:23
Tstantonfsuhow do i get avant window navigator to start up when i start my computer?05:23
almostdvsJordan_U: And i believe my broadcom b43 is different from a normal broadcom wireless card that ubuntu recognizes05:23
slushpuppy\tenX: Sharing files :P, I created 1, now I dunno what path to put inside windows XP05:24
=== mmattice is now known as mike
DarkAuditFlannel: I just add the necessary extra repos and avoid updating stuff from there I don't absolutely have to :)05:24
Jordan_Ualmostdvs, What does Ubuntu suggest when you use System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers?05:24
tenXslushpuppy\: so that would mean smb/cfs sharing?05:24
francesI'll just post my concern to the forums......Sigh......", thanks for the help..05:24
slushpuppy\yeah i am using samba tenX05:24
tenXslushpuppy\: thats what windows shares are about05:24
FlannelDarkAudit: Assuming the repos are for your version of Ubuntu, yeah.  Otherwise just download the debs manually.05:25
Tstantonfsuhow do i get avant window navigator to start up when i start my computer?05:25
tenXslushpuppy\: okay so what do you exactly want to achieve?05:25
almostdvsJordan_U: iono i'm in windows right now, but i will be  installing a new hdd in my lappy tomorrow so...  yeag05:25
FlannelDarkAudit: Or rather, not otherwise, but as an alternative to adding them to your sources.list05:25
* DarkAudit was shocked that the scanner on his HP C4280 worked right away05:25
=== Tstantonfsu is now known as Blake_Tst
DarkAuditFlannel: only extra repos for now are WINE HQ nad Medibuntu05:25
=== Blake_Tst is now known as Tstantonfsu
almostdvsJordan_U: my ubuntu has wireless because i did http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=738216  back in the day05:25
davidmccabeIs it safe to copy /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow from an old system to a fresh install?05:26
FlannelDarkAudit: Sounds good05:26
whswhere is the daily image?05:26
davidmccabeAlso, is there a list of other files I'm likely to want to copy over?05:26
francesor.... who can help me here?...someone I can private message?...:)05:26
whshttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ seems to be 40305:26
DarkAuditFlannel: I can even raid in WoW via WINE and not take a significant performance hit05:26
AndreusISo what does this actually mean? ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x005:26
tenXslushpuppy\: mount -t smbfs -o username=X -o umask=0022 //ip/share /mnt/mounting_point05:27
FlannelDarkAudit: yeah, in some instances, WoW works better in wine than windows.05:27
tenXslushpuppy\: or use smbclient05:27
askvictoralmostdvs: why don't you try booting off the livecd and seeing if your wifi works?05:27
DarkAuditAnd on that not, my guildmates want to do a timed ZA run in the morning... g'nite :)05:27
almostdvsi don't think it let's me enable the restricted drivers in the live cd...05:28
balleynecan anyone help me to setup my Ubuntu laptop to work with a projector? part of the screen is cut off05:29
ashishwhat is alternative for dreamweaver in linux05:29
Technovikingashish: bluefish is one05:29
balleyneashish: Bluefish, Komposer... there are few others05:29
darthpeople seriously!!!!.... i think i love my ubuntu05:29
balleyneashish: http://www.osalt.com/dreamweaver05:29
legend2440whs: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/hardy/daily-live/current/05:30
darthits almost as elegant as freebsd05:30
slushpuppy\tenX: Thanks for the motivation, I got it working.05:30
amenadowhat am I doing wrong  with vncviewer ipaddr:5901 and I dont get the xterm window compared to if I use the browser  ipaddr:5801  ?05:30
amenadoand i get the window in the browser..05:31
tenXslushpuppy\: glad to hear so :) keep up the good work05:31
traskdarth: know that feeling, when i installed the 7.10 i was almost positive it was gonna last a month and i would swap back to slackware. Now its 4 months ago and ubuntu is my 2nd favorite seriously posing for leading posision05:31
Jangariright, i give up, how do i update xorg.conf?05:31
whslegend2440# thank you'05:32
Technovikingdarth: welcome to the tribe05:32
ludditeHi all05:33
slushpuppy\tenX: Heh ;)05:33
tenXslushpuppy\: you gonna succeed i'm sure05:34
darththnx technoviking05:35
slushpuppy\Sharing folders is a hell alot easier than getting shared folders on VirtualBox to work >.>05:35
ludditeon the new hardy update my wifi stopped working. i have a laptop with madwifi (patched). I cant find any forum posts about it.05:36
acuguys - I want to buy a smarphone which runs linux or which synchronizes well with Ubuntu or Debian - anyone can give me some hints ?05:36
* alan_m peeks in05:36
askvictorwhy would both beagled and trackerd be running?05:36
darthtrask: i am a winxp as workstation and freebsd as anything-else guy05:36
Jordan_Ualmostdvs, Here is the .deb you need in case you don't have the link: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/hardy-cafuego/broadcom/b43-firmware_1.0-0cafuego0_all.deb05:36
ludditeeven when i manually modprobe wlan it still doesnt appear in the netwoerk manager05:37
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almostdvsthank you, i was just casually looking05:37
Jangarithere's a range of nokias that run a scaled-down version of ubuntu on the market05:37
darth..... but ubuntu is a love-affair, everything is so goddamn smooth on this OS05:37
AndreusIOK guys05:37
AndreusII managed to boot in recovery mode without the error, selected "fix broken packages" and "attempt to fix X server", completely both, and that got me to the password screen.05:38
AndreusIDon't know exactly what happened to fix the problem, but I'm assuming that the downloaded packages had something to do with it.05:38
acuJangari - thanks - I am going to google now again - it is so tough - I found that Google initiated an open source OS - android - for phones - but no info is out05:38
darththe only thing i am missing in ubuntu is a decent handbook05:39
balleyneI'm having trouble with my screen getting cut off when I hookup my Ubuntu Thinkpad up to a projector - can anyone help me?05:39
traskdarth: lol what is my biggest problem with it. its too smooth, i had to swap to fluxbox just to get it to be atleast a little challenging. Atleast on slackware you can spend your are forces to learn new stuff all the time.05:40
darth...and a section callled "this is how you recompile your kernel (without breaking stuff)"05:40
traskok that needed a trimming that last msg05:40
darthtrask: lol i had to get used to that too05:40
amrikHi where can I get a changelog for the new hardy kernel -19?05:40
BonezAUi'm using Ubuntu hardy and ndiswrapper with a dlink usb wireless device. on every 2nd reboot my wireless does not work. can anyone help??05:40
darthso i just imagine ubuntu as a better windows05:40
dartha much better windows05:40
askvictorballeyne: are there keys/key combos on your laptop that change the screen output?05:40
darth"dont forget you dont need to su in a terminal"05:40
darthtrask: i would have installed freebsd and fluxbox on this laptop and spent countless hours getting things to work if i hadnt gone the ubuntu-way05:41
tommy_how do I turn off swap?05:41
darthit is awesome!05:41
askvictordarth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile05:41
balleyneaskvictor: yeah, I have the Fn+F7 button (LCD) set to run i810rotate, which has got the toggle working. It's just that a little portion of the screen gets cut off on the right side, on the external (projector), which is a pain for presentations :S05:41
TechnovikingBonezAU: What does dmesg say about your wireless card when it fails05:41
alan_mtommy_, you asked that question earlier and were answered, did you forget?05:41
darthbut very very UN-challenging05:41
ludditeBonezAU : you have to add your modprobe commands to startup05:42
alan_mtommy_, swapoff05:42
tommy_alan_m, i just deleted the swap partition.  and rebooted. Is swap off?05:42
darthyes tommy_05:42
BonezAUluddite, what modprobe commands would they be? i used ndisgtk to configure the windows driver. i'm a bit new at this05:42
alan_mtommy_, yeah it is if you did that.05:42
tommy_alan_m, swapoff doesnt do anything05:42
ludditeis it ndiswrapper?05:42
tommy_darth, ok05:42
askvictorballeyne: does the projector have an autoadjust type button?05:42
askvictorballeyne: or you could try xvidtune05:43
darthi have a kernel-module loading question... where do i put that i want my computer to load a module on boot?05:43
tommy_darth, Hardy doesnt have a swap partion anymore as I deleted the whole partition.  So it is smart enough to realise that and turn swap off?05:43
askvictordarth: /etc/modules05:43
ludditeBonezAU: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper05:43
darthtommy: you could make a swap-file if you wanted to05:44
BonezAUluddite, oh of course, thank you I will try that05:44
tommy_darth, I dont need one05:44
darthi ran this 1GB laptop without swap for a week no problem05:44
ludditeBonezAU: no probs05:44
askvictortommy_: restart?05:44
tommy_askvictor, i rebooted after I deleted the swap partition., and hardy seems to be running05:44
balleyneaskvictor: ok, might check out xvidtune, it seems to be working now... but I don't trust it, lol05:45
traskdarth: i see windows as something very different. if your a heavy gamer thers little option. if your a lucky homeuser that doesnt game or have a weird homebanking ubuntu is currently what is recommendable.05:45
tommy_the swap partition doesnt exist anymore, so im wondering if Hardy is still trying to look at the partition where it used to be??05:45
darththnks askvictor05:45
darththen nano /etc/fstab tommy05:45
askvictortommy_: it should be fine, but you could also look in /etc/fstab and delete the line which has swap as the third thing05:45
darthand see if it still has the swap-mount05:45
francesi need help.... for details please click here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5133027#post513302705:46
francesi would appreciate your reply.....thanks..05:46
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ashishcould you tell me dictionary for lunux05:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:47
askvictorfrances: you want to get rid of windows?05:47
tommy_askvictor, http://pastebin.com/m2a810777  <-- which lines do I delete?05:47
tommy_askvictor, do I delete everything under, "# /dev/sdc7" ?05:48
askvictortommy_: line 8 (the one with swap)05:48
ashishwhere can i find dictionary for linux05:48
Starnestommyashish: what kind of dictionary?05:48
tommy_askvictor, so I delete this whole line, "UUID=2bc77aa5-6727-4f44-bedc-fd05b6d9d07d none            swap    sw              0       0" ?05:48
ashishoxford dictionary05:48
askvictortommy_: just delete line 8 (and 7 if you want; doesn't really matter as it's a comment, but lets keep things clean :)05:48
ashishenglish dictionary05:48
askvictortommy_: yep05:48
Starnestommyashish: you could use dict05:49
Starnestommyashish: although that's terminal-based05:49
darthyes tommy: things under sdc7 would be it05:49
ludditemy wlan0 will not appear. any help?05:49
askvictortommy_: don't delete the last line (/dev/scd0)05:49
tommy_askvictor, is this right now? http://pastebin.com/m57455e2d05:49
BonezAUwhat is the best way to add 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' to my startup scripts?05:50
askvictortommy_: yep; you can also delete line 7 as it's a comment refering to what you just deleted05:50
frances@askvictor: yes I want to get rid of windows..05:50
tommy_askvictor, leave it like this now?  http://pastebin.com/m6ec704605:50
askvictorfrances: that might be tricky if you've installed inside a  windows partition05:50
almostdvsashish: do you have gnome do?05:50
askvictortommy_: yep thats good05:51
amenadowhat am I doing wrong  with vncviewer ipaddr:5901 and I dont get the xterm window compared to if I use the browser  ipaddr:5801  then I get the window05:51
tommy_askvictor, :-)05:51
ashishi have gnome05:51
Jordan_UBonezAU, add 'ndiswrapper' to /etc/modules05:51
tommy_askvictor, so now hardy wont try to find or use any swap partition or swap file?05:51
darthBonezAU, in /etc/modules05:51
BonezAUcheers mate05:51
askvictorfrances: the easy way: copy everything from windows onto an external hard disk; install ubuntu onto the internal hard disk, and copy back what you need.05:52
darthsoooo i think you would just add "ndiswrapper" to the file BonezAU05:52
askvictortommy_: thats right05:52
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tommy_askvictor, ok cheers big ears :-)05:52
the_sharkWed May 28 20:27:26 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux. Is this 64 bit?05:53
tommy_the_shark, dont think so05:53
almostdvsashish: there is a dictionary in gnome...05:53
darthmy thinkpad is flying on ubuntu btw.... so i thought ok what other crazy things can i try, so i am now dualbooting my workstation with xp x64 and ubuntu amd6405:53
tommy_the_shark, yet im wrong wrong than I am right :)05:53
darthits a quadcore@3ghz and 6GB ram and i am scared of it when it boots in ubuntu.....05:53
ashishwhere i find that gnome dictionary05:53
askvictortommy_: no wucken furries05:53
tenXdarth: what else could you want as a flying system?05:53
bmk789anyone gotten google gears to work in prism?05:54
the_sharkwho knows if this is 64-bit or not? Wed May 28 20:27:26 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux05:54
darthseriously it is so goddamn lightning fast that its not even funny05:54
bmk789the_shark: nope, 32bit05:54
darthtenx: true05:54
alan_m!language | darth05:54
ubottudarth: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:54
ludditethats alot of $$ darth05:54
tenXdarth: so your complaint is? stuff being too fast?05:54
the_sharkcool thanks05:54
almostdvshallelujah joyful joyful, my new external hdd is already fat32!!!  :)05:55
darthnah not complaining just pondering05:55
darthluddite, not really, ram is dirt-cheap now05:55
the_sharksomeone told me there was a site with intructions for dvd.to explains how to get dvd to run.05:55
tenXdarth: pondering? about what? downgrading?05:55
askvictordarth: with that rig I'd use a virtual machine setup05:56
darthwhy i haven't been using ubuntu waaay sooner05:56
DarkAuditif I want to adjust screensaver settings for each individual module, I have to ditch gnome-screensaver?05:56
Starnestommy!dvd | the_shark, was it this?05:56
ubottuthe_shark, was it this?: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:56
tenXdarth: what have u been using before?05:56
darththis is me talking to friends who use ubuntu "wah wah but i want to play my games, i NEEEEED microsoft"....05:56
darthtenx: winxp05:56
Jordan_Udarth, If you are looking for a fun thing to do try this: burn a knoppix DVD, boot from said DVD with the 'toram' kernel parameter, eject the DVD.... then keep using the live system as it exists only in RAM :)05:56
sortudo_78<> Hello from Brazil, i very disaponted today with Ubuntu, i just recived my free Ubuntu CD that makes me very hapy becouse i thougth that this Cd could solve my problem. i just install the Ubuntu 8.4 but no network get connected on Acer Aspire 5050 notebook. do you have any sugentions?05:57
tenXdarth: ah okay :)05:57
darthnow.... ubuntu + compiz05:57
ludditesortudo_78 http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-ar5007-wireless-with-madwifi-on-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html05:57
amenadosortudo_78-> ethernet or wifi?05:57
darthtenx: i've been dodging the upgrade from winxp since i dont care for vista at all...05:58
sortudo_78<> I tryed Ubuntu for desktop and server too, bolth does not work05:58
tenXdarth: i stick to basic graphic realization like fluxbox ;p or even bash only05:58
ludditei have the 4315 version of that laptop05:58
amenadosortudo_78-> what does not work?05:58
darthi love fluxbox, it was my first gui in bsd05:58
ludditeyou need to install the madwifi drivers05:58
ludditesortud0_78 ^05:58
Jordan_UtenX, X is a great way to keep your shells organized isn't it :)05:58
tenXdarth: what bsd flavor?05:58
darthtenx: free free free05:58
tenXJordan_U: X?05:58
darthi used to work at a place where khp was emplyed too05:59
tenXdarth: open open open :p05:59
Jordan_UtenX, X11, Xorg05:59
sortudo_78amenado: bolth i trued ( ethernet rtl8139 and atheros ?????? something) does not worktoo05:59
darthphk is a kernel-developer on freebsd, made a lot of cool stuff05:59
amenadosortudo_78-> are you using dhcp or static ip addressing?05:59
tenXJordan_U: okay thats fine :) we were exchanging about wms though06:00
zero88Does anyone in here have any degree in Information Systems????06:00
sortudo_78i using dhcp06:00
sortudo_78i ahve a dualboot windows work fine06:00
darthtenX, i like the bsd-license06:00
darthtenX: you use openbsd?06:00
Sergiuanyone know, what is more lightweight to CPU resources , ubuntu hardy or ubuntu gutsy?06:01
tenXdarth: i am not too familiar with all of that license stuff i have to admit06:01
PunyhumanHi, I have a HP d530s desktop PC, it's a few years old. I want to update the BIOS, but HP only supplies windows executables. Can anyone help?06:01
Sergiui think that hardy needs more cpu requirements ..06:01
amenadosortudo_78-> are you booted to ubuntu now? can you paste your  sudo ifconfig -a; route -n ; cat /etc/resolv.conf06:01
tenXdarth: i used to - got one of my 6 home systems running openbsd06:01
Jordan_USergiu, I would guess Hardy, FF3 is certainly much leaner06:01
sortudo_78]i think that thise problem is a level under the hardware driver !!!06:01
darthhome systems rule!06:02
SergiuJordan_U, i think with 1GB memory ubuntu will work much faster:):)06:02
darthpaying electrical bills suck06:02
sortudo_78i shure it is not a hardware problem, but i could be a level unedre driver problem, may be becose my processor is an amd turion 64?06:03
darthi have 4 computers running freebsd at home ;)06:03
radius_ubuntu is nice wit 4 gigs06:03
tenXdarth: i'd like to play around with openbsd a lot more but i lack the time :/06:03
darthtenx: you should try freebsd06:03
Sergiuwith 4 Gigs and vista is nice..06:03
tenXdarth: for what?06:03
darthits much easier to work with than openbsd06:03
radius_vista = ghey06:03
darthfor anything06:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:03
darthbut mostly servers06:03
darthit has pf now... i use freebsd as firewall06:04
sortudo_78debian had configured my ethernet and my wireless !!!06:04
tenXdarth: i dont want to use that kind of system for a desktop system or anything. i'd like to use openbsd for routing issues06:04
amenadosortudo_78-> are you booted to ubuntu now? can you paste your  sudo ifconfig -a; route -n ; cat /etc/resolv.conf <-- can you do this, if not, good luck06:04
solrizeis there a 32 bit installable compatibility package so i can run 32 bit firefox?06:04
Jordan_Usolrize, What for?06:04
Starnestommysolrize: I think it might be ia32-libs06:05
tenXdarth: routing/firewalling/content inspection06:05
solrizei have a 64 bit hardy install and want to run a 32 bit package06:05
Jordan_U!flash64 | solrize06:05
ubottusolrize: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:05
solrizenothing to do with flash, i want to run firefox 3.0 rc206:05
sortudo_78amenado i just tryed to install server versio of cd, i cuold make a quiky install of desktop versio to send thise for you, could you wait a fill minutes?06:06
tenXwhy would anyone run release candidates?06:06
ashishhow to extarct xampp06:06
ashishwhere to install this06:06
SuperLagthe main mirror is molasses06:06
sortudo_78ok, i will intall desktop version06:06
amenadosortudo_78-> you can leave the server installed, just paste the info i requested06:06
PunyhumanHi, I have a HP d530s desktop PC, it's a few years old. I want to update the BIOS, but HP only supplies windows executables. Can anyone help?06:06
askvictortenX: coz they're really close to the final thing? To help with testing?06:07
StarnestommytenX: someone has to test them in order to fix bugs before the final release, and some people like trying new features but don't care about stability06:07
sortudo_78amendo, server does not come with graphics gnome ore xserver :(06:07
amenadosortudo_78-> well i dont want to wait, you can try your luck later.. btw, you can try to use the command line06:07
tenXaskvictor: okay thats fine. i was referring to "normal" users06:07
sortudo_78in a fill minute i will send it for you, could you wait?06:07
tenXStarnestommy: of course :/06:07
edwardk_is gnome able to display/set wallpaper in a slideshow style?06:08
tenXedwardk_: gnome can slideshow your a$$06:08
DarkAuditgnomescreensaver is crippleware and nannyware "we don't want to let you configure this" is not an acceptable position06:08
=== tiju is now known as redcuber
ashishsome one tell me on private chat how to install xampp and where to extract in06:09
askvictortenX: the final release candidate 'becomes' the release version. That's why it's called the release candidate. RCs are stable.06:09
redcuberwhenever I boot into ubuntu, I get a busybox shell. can anyone help?06:10
jimdandyhey i'm back.. still having prob.'s booting an iso on usb, can anyone help?06:10
Starnestommyredcuber: check the output of dmesg06:10
Filled-Void need some help :(06:10
redcuberi tried that. the command doesnt work06:10
edwardk_i hae seeing just one wallpaper and would like it to autochange like i can in kde06:11
sortudo_788139too version 0.9.28 RTL at 0xa000 IRQ 1606:11
tenXaskvictor: why is a rc not released as a stable version right away? it's used as a testing release shortly before being published06:11
sortudo_788139too version 0.9.28 RTL at 0xa000 IRQ 1606:11
sortudo_78it detected my card06:11
nks_Hello All, I would like to know if anyone would know of a good program to use with a Palm T|X on ubuntu 8.04 64bit?06:11
Filled-VoidWas anew kernel update available? Cause after doing updates i have three kernels in menu.lst and i dont have sound or compiz which was working previously06:11
KiraGood day.06:12
jimdandyredcuber: are you using disk encryption?06:12
Jordan_Usolrize, What happens when you try to run it, I thought that the ff3 tar.gz included both 32 and 64 bit compatibility06:12
tenXsortudo_78: not detecting 8139 would suck kinda06:12
solrizejordan_u it can't run firefox-bin06:13
solrizebecause it's 32 bit only06:13
askvictortenX: well, it's the very last testing phase. If there are no major problems found, it becomes the release. If there are problems, then another RC is born. But to get out of beta and into RC it has to be stable.06:13
sortudo_78tenX: i agree, but why these cards works on debian and do not on ubuntu? may be driver version ?06:13
solrizei installed libs-32 and now it works06:13
solrizeia32-libs i mean06:13
dolphin_noelsomeone knows why ... the ubuntu it is allways asking me for acess the key ...?! in the wireless?!06:13
tenXaskvictor: of course rc is not beta. but still its not stable :)06:13
ubottuFactoid usbboot not found06:13
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:14
KiraHow do I give a name to my Ubuntu machine so that it appears in a Windows workgroup (with no domain)?06:14
tenXsortudo_78: 8139 is like a freaking bj, just basic06:14
ubottuFactoid xscreensaver not found06:14
Marti have a question about ssh tunneling, is this a good place to ask it?06:15
tenXMart: yes06:15
darthtenx: i just remembered, you could also look into freenas and m0n0wall06:16
tenXdarth: for what again?06:16
darthif you want to try some kind of freeee bsd ;)06:16
xodiakAnybody able to help me get videos to play? Youtube within browser does not play. Stand-alone video using Movie Player and VLC media player does not play video06:16
tenXm0n0wall i know as a firewalling distro. never tired it though06:17
darthfreenas is a leightweight freebsd file server with http-interface06:17
Martfor some reason when i create a dynamic tunnel and then change firefox's socks config accordingly i can visit "what's my ip" sites and see expected result, but when i create a local tunnel (like: ssh -L 1080:myip.dk:80 me@server.com) I get unexpected results (usually error pages or blank pages)06:17
Filled-VoidCOuld anyone tell me what to do if I lost both sound and compiz effects once i installed the kernel update for 2.6.24-18 . Im pretty new to Ubuntu so not sure on how to proceed. Or is a reinstall the way out?06:17
Janice8954G'day mates06:17
darthFilled-Void, what happens if you boot 17 or 16?06:18
Janice8954Does anyone know of a Audio editing/mixing/multi recorder other than Audacity that doesn't use jack?06:18
Mart...after i create the local tunnel i attempt to brows to http://localhost:108006:18
darthdo you get sound and compiz back?06:18
JuzzyDCan anyone help witha  3d rendering issue. 64 bit Hardy Install with Radeon x800 pro06:18
Filled-Voiddarto be frank I never tried :x I assumed i would get the same thing. Ill try and check if that works. Thanks :)06:18
Filled-Voiddarth, 606:19
slimjimflimdo i use evolution to sync w/ my palm?06:19
Janice8954Or be able to help me with my problem?06:19
Diaper_Rashhe dies06:19
ubottuFactoid panel not found06:19
Janice8954Audacity is acting up, when I try dub over another track its sorta skips.06:19
sortudo_78i is installing deskto ubuntu 8.4, in a fill minuts i will have the paste, ok?06:20
Janice8954Making it impossible to record stuff.06:20
slimjimflimnobody's ever hot-synced to a palm pilot from ubuntu?06:20
slimjimflimusing windows mobile06:20
gian__hi everybody06:20
randallis there a way to make java work right in ubuntu it is very slow and sluggish06:20
drashhi all06:20
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paraitahi everyone06:21
Janice8954I want to know the answer to that as well slim. I have an HTC S620 running Windows MObile 6.106:21
sortudo_78slimjimflim: have you every seen kpilot?06:21
gian__i am new and i installed 5.10 ubuntu because i am courious06:21
slimjimflimi'll try that sortudo_7806:21
yell0w5.10 ?06:21
sortudo_78try that, very nice06:21
=== Alvin_FN is now known as putri_16_cute
yell0wgian__: if you're curious, get 8.0406:21
gian__does anybody know the default root login password?06:21
slimjimflimgian_i'd try 7,x06:21
yell0wgian__: none, just sudo su06:22
slimjimflimgian__ i'd try 7.x06:22
gian__ok ok ok i know there the new 8.04 but i wanted to see 5.1006:22
JuzzyDim pretty sure the fglrx drivers worked ok in fedora, I might just have to go back to that :/06:22
Starnestommygian__: sudo -i06:22
sortudo_78  slimjimflim:   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           http://cvs.codeyard.net/kpilot/06:22
Janice8954So no one knows anything about Audacity06:22
yell0wJuzzyD: works ok for me since 6.0606:22
Janice8954That's a bit sad then?06:22
=== Alvin_FN is now known as putr1_16_cute
the_sharkcomputers today fucking sucks06:23
donspauldingif you had 30 servers, each with (5) 250GB drives, 12GB of ram and dual-proc xeons, what would you do with them?06:23
JuzzyDyell0w: Mine works fine for most things, but whenever it's required to do any 3d rendering, it kinda flickers06:23
Janice8954Watch your profanity please mate.06:23
Diaper_Rashdont bring up scott kazmir06:23
Janice8954I dont like it.06:23
donspauldingI'm looking for ideas  ;-)06:23
scuniziJanice8954, audacity doesn't work with pulse audio at the moment.06:23
drashJanice8954: just entered, didn't see your question .. Audacity problems ?06:23
ShpookHello everyone. I was in here a few days ago trying to extract data off a damaged hdd. Well, I've found a way, but need help. Using dd, I was able to copy the hd to mine, but ended up copying the MBR from the bad hd and overwriting my MBR. Is there a way to copy the contents of the bad hd into a folder on my computer? If it help, I'm using an IDE/SATA to USB converter.06:23
Janice8954pulse audio?06:23
yell0wJuzzyD:  glxinfo | grep render06:23
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions06:23
Diaper_Rashnot big ones i know.06:23
sortudo_78juzzd: install BSD !!!06:23
the_sharki don't care06:23
scuniziJanice8954, that's the new audio back end on Hardy06:24
Janice8954Yeah, loads of Audacity problems06:24
yell0wJuzzyD: if it says  direct rendering : no, then you're missing something, maybe linux-restricted-drivers06:24
Janice8954Ah, crap. It did the same on windoze though.06:24
Janice8954SO I don't think it's the audio server really.06:24
ben_underscorehello, anyone with experience using "share folder" in nautilus?06:24
Janice8954Any idea how to configure Jack properly then?06:24
scunizinope.. never used it.06:24
JuzzyDIt says yes and it does render, but not constant06:24
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xodiakAnybody able to help me get videos to play?06:24
yell0wJuzzyD: make sure the driver is ATI, not mesa06:25
JuzzyDLike I can run glxgears, but as I move my mouse across the screen the rendered image will dissapear and reappear at random06:25
scunizi!video | xodiak06:25
ubottuxodiak: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications06:25
Janice8954hah, That's easy xodiak.you probably haven't the proper codecs06:25
Filled-Voiddarth, Thank you bud :)06:25
sortudo_78xodiak, just know that you need codec, but dont know how  :(06:25
ben_underscorei'm trying to share a folder and it installs samba etc but then says that i don't have permissions to do it ... perhaps i should run nautilus under gksudo?06:25
Janice8954Just get VLC player06:25
Filled-Voiddarth, Now a question why does my kernel 24-17 work but not the newer one?06:25
sortudo_78yes, vls is a good idea !!!!06:26
xodiaksortudo_78: thought I'd taken care of all that. but nada.06:26
JalathanJuzzyD, do you have compiz/visual effects running?06:26
HappyHatercan I access files on my local drive, from xp running in vmware?06:26
Janice8954That usually solves the problem, and it can be found in Synaptic06:26
sortudo_78vlc !!!!06:26
StarnestommyFilled-Void: because something broke in the new kernel or isn't compatible with it06:26
Filled-VoidStarnestommy, Should I be removing it then?06:26
tenXHappyHater: in what setup?06:26
Filled-VoidAnd should i still update my system using system updates?06:26
randallwhy does java run sluggish in ubuntu and is there a way to make it run better06:26
Janice8954So no one knows how to Configure Jack?06:26
JuzzyDI certainly do06:26
StarnestommyFilled-Void: the new kernel's problems may be fixed sometime in the near future06:27
tenXHappyHater: vmware supports shared access on windows machines but it has been known for many security issues06:27
scuniziHappyHater, yes.. but it's usually easier to use ubuntu to access xp in the vm to copy things across.06:27
Janice8954Juzzy: was that in response to my question?06:27
putr1_16_cutewhat happen?06:27
Diaper_Rashwta if i already downlaodeed it is it the same command06:27
JuzzyDno, to Jalathan's06:27
darthFilled-Void, thats a good question, which i can't answer06:27
Janice8954Ah, sorry then.06:27
sortudo_78happyhater: that i know, you cant :(06:27
JuzzyDSorry :/06:27
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Filled-Voiddarth, Np :)06:27
Janice8954I am even in LAU and no one is chatting.06:27
ubottuFactoid dd not found06:27
ben_underscorerandall: install sun java06:28
tenXHappyHater: as far as i am concerned i'd always disable file sharing issues with the hosting machine and transfer files via any kind of networking service (ftp/scp/smb/cfs)06:28
Janice8954Interesting Nick.06:28
JuzzyDMaybe I should file a bug report06:28
HappyHateronly reason I'm even running xp is so I can media share with my xbox, haven't been able to do it any other way :/06:28
slimjimflimsortudo_78 should it just see the palm when i plug it in?06:28
sortudo_78JuzzyD: what do you need?06:28
xodiakvideo codec followup: do I basically  mark anything with "gstreamer" for installation?06:28
JuzzyDwell my 3d rendering is acting up.06:29
jussi01Janice8954: jack as in the sound server?06:29
JalathanJuzzyD, i found that under 8.04 with compiz running, anything running OpenGL flickers.  by turning it off, the flickering stopped.  however, i haven't taken the time to figure out what is wrong with the fglrx drivers, compiz, & OpenGL yet06:29
Janice8954Yes Jussi0106:29
JuzzyDohhh, there we go, there's my answer sortudo_7806:29
* Jalathan is using a Radeon XPress 110006:29
Diaper_Rashand then cog of destiny, sands of time, battle preps, victory or death, (the value of life gaiden), light06:29
kittykittylol this takes a long time to load on my ds06:29
JuzzyDthanks Jalathan, I'll give it a go06:29
jussi01Janice8954: install qjackctl06:29
jussi01!ot | Diaper_Rash06:30
ubottuDiaper_Rash: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:30
Janice8954jussi01: I tried to run Ardour but it wouldn't work properly. It wouldn't allow me to have recrod and playback capability at the same time.06:30
xenosi keep getting the following message:06:30
JuzzyDI was getting kind of sick of trying to learn blender on this old Dell D600 notebook when I have a 24" widescreen sitting on the desktop as you can imagine.06:30
xenosE: gucharmap: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 12706:30
the_sharkhow can i tell if i have a shit dvd drive?06:30
tritiumthe_shark: watch the language, please06:30
jussi01Janice8954: Perhaps try asking in #ubuntustudio06:30
Janice8954Ah, cheers.06:31
Janice8954That's the chat I was trying to find.06:31
Diaper_Rashomg what06:31
Tortollano1982Hello.I am looking for a utility that will enable me to download multiple page threads in a convenient fashion.Is this possible?I dont want to click on every page.06:31
JalathanJuzzyD, i'm not trying to advocate or anything right now, but the nvidia drivers do work correctly with Compiz, OpenGL, and 3D06:31
the_sharkhow can i tell if i have a shit dvd drive?06:31
Jalathanfor at least the 6000 to early 7000 series06:32
JuzzyDOh trust me, the next time I upgrade, ATI isn't getting a sniff of any of my hard earned green !06:32
kittykittythe_shark: if youtoss it out a window and it breaks06:32
tenXbeen nice talking to ya, i am out.06:33
tenXhave a good night/weekend06:33
sortudo_78i am so sad with my network problem, i dont know if i am in the right place, i think to rite for some magazine, or something ele, there is any other place that i should try to get help about networking that does not work ?06:33
JuzzyDwhat's the quickest easiest way to flip between turning desktop effects off and on. If i run metacity --replace will it turn them off?06:34
JuzzyDAnd then kill it when finished?06:34
nickrudJalathan that's normal with compiz, it doesn't play well with other gl stuff yet I hear06:34
Filled-VoidWhy would updates be listed in update manager and not be selectable?06:35
fserve_there is a way to use VN 896 with compiz?06:35
nickrudJuzzyD that's what I do, alt-f2 metacity --replace seems faster than clicking thru the prefs menu06:35
FatimaHey People! How do I make a shellscript on my desktop, so I can drag files onto it? I tried, but the files get copied to the desktop. I want the shellscript to be executed with the filename as %1.06:35
sortudo_78i told google, ubuntu 8139too problem, thei sad that it is revised!!!06:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 8139 in util-linux "Mount of root fs oopses on AMD K6, kernel option 'splash' did it..." [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/813906:35
Diaper_Rashwhere's daphne?06:35
=== juzzydee is now known as JuzzyD_
JuzzyD_So hard to choose. Blender or the cube :( Why oh why!!!!?06:36
Chrysalishey, ive been playing around with clamav, when running clamtk it says i dont have permission to updat signatures and when i run it as root it says i do but nothing happens, it still says my virus signature is of january or something06:37
the_sharkUbuntu Sucks06:37
JuzzyD_btw, disabling compiz worked a treat, blender now works fine and dandy06:37
tritiumthe_shark: next time it'll be a ban, so watch yourself06:37
the_sharkwell it dose suck just like this room06:37
JuzzyD_Good to see no one feeds the trolls :)06:38
nickrud!opsnack | tritium06:38
ubottutritium: Chocolate!  And Raisins!06:38
Tomas1986hey all06:39
Tomas1986i need some help06:39
AmunTomas1986: just ask.06:39
anabolixcan some1 explain to me why i have problems playing multiple sound files at the same time with ubuntu? and does this happen to others?06:39
toddHello every one!06:39
Tomas1986im trying to load ubuntu bit it only lets me get to the command prompt how do you load the gnome desktop06:40
nickrudTomas1986 what cd version did you do the install with06:40
StarnestommyTomas1986: does that command prompt say "initramfs" or "BusyBox" anywhere?06:40
cary_jebus[UDCS|whenever i start KDE4 the toolbar dosnt load06:40
Tomas1986the newest one06:40
Tomas1986i have used the desktop in the past06:41
nickrudTomas1986 desktop, server, or Starnestommy06:41
nickrud's question06:41
cary_jebus[UDCS|whenever i start KDE4 the toolbar dosnt load06:41
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cary_jebus[UDCS|how do you make the toolbar load in kde406:42
nickrudTomas1986 so, just where do you get to then?06:42
jussi01cary_jebus[UDCS|: try in #kubuntu-kde406:42
toddHello!my compiz is not running well!It's not flowing at all!06:42
Kiraholy molly06:42
Tomas1986the conscol login screen06:42
toddvery slow effections!06:42
toddcan any one help me?06:42
nickrudTomas1986 what happens when you type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start ?06:43
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Tomas1986dont know i will try06:43
MadHagany idea how I tellubuntu and the cam programs installed to use the uvc cam driver instead of v4l?06:44
Diaper_Rashkhisanth: i've programmed in perl for 2 years (unfortunately it was the same week for 104 weeks)06:44
Sergiuanyone know how "untar" tar.gz from terminal ?06:44
toddmy compiz warns  me that  " No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12"!what is the matter?can any one help?06:44
luckyonehello all - I am trying to get my SD cards to mount06:45
Diaper_Rashwhat item?06:45
nickrudSergiu tar xf  tar.gz06:45
Sergiuhow to untar06:45
Sergiunickrud, thanks..06:45
damo22Sergiu: tar zxf tar.gz06:45
luckyonewhat would cause SD cards not to automatically mount in ubuntu?06:45
toddand also other warns like "Checking for Xgl: present."!did i make something wrong?06:45
MadHagbtw Hercules dualpix chat and show works in hardy with the uvc driver06:46
Diaper_Rashgumbybrain: it's a conspiracy!06:46
tomas1986ok nothing happeneds but it comes up with * starting GNOME display manager [ OK ]06:46
nickrudtodd what version of ubuntu are you running?06:46
Diaper_Rashyou'll always lose to something with bulkygyara06:46
nickrudtomas1986 you're having to reboot to test this stuff?06:46
Sergiudamo22, thanks06:46
tomas1986no just log out of here06:46
Diaper_Rasheven if i do ev train he'll still be slow06:46
toddchecking  for nvidia:not present!06:46
damo22if its bz2 you'll need tar jxf06:46
Filled-VoidAnyone know why i wouldnt be able to select packages in uopdate manager. There are a couple of linux-kernel updates in there but it seems like i cant install them.06:46
tomas1986i am running this through conscol weechat06:46
nickrudtomas1986 you using irssi?06:47
JessicaHey all, what is a powersave package to turn off the backlight on my laptop?06:47
toddhello  nickrud!I am running hardy heron!06:47
nickrudtomas1986 you can do alt-f2 to get another console to work on as well as chat on the previous06:47
bocaneriHow do I find out what my camera is?06:47
nickrudtodd then you don't want xserver-xgl installed06:47
tomas1986cool ok06:47
amenadobocaneri-> does it have a label?06:47
MadHagbocaneri, lsusb06:48
bocaneriIt's a built-in.06:48
tomas1986i still cant get into the gnome or standared desktop06:48
nickrudtodd that is, unless you are using a very old nvidia or some other oddball chip. What are you using?06:48
toddno!I want my compiz works well!But It isn't!06:48
bocaneriMadHag, two devices, one an MS trackball, and the other a "Suyin Corp."06:48
nickrudtomas1986 /var/log/Xorg.0.log  might have a clue,06:48
MadHagis your cam usb?06:48
bocaneriIt's built into the lappie.06:49
toddHow could I know what I am using please!I am a new one to ubuntu!06:49
Diaper_Rashdick and daniele06:49
tomas1986ok will have a look now06:49
nickrudtodd ok, type   lspci | grep -i vga , that will tell you about your video chip06:49
toddnickrud, ok !got it!06:49
tomas1986i typed that in and it said no write permission for file06:50
halloween_Can anybody tell me if there's an EQ for ALSA?06:50
Jalathannickrud, hrm i just tested compiz & blender combined with no issue on an nVidia 7050 (was away getting my nvidia machine running)06:50
JessicaAnyone, is the "powersave" package only for X?  is there a decent power save module for server that will kill the backlight on my laptop?06:50
deniz__as of now, does edubuntu have software for high school students or only elementary leveled children? (im aksing cuz i read on the site that it would have up to university level stuff in a future release)06:50
nickrudtomas1986  less /var/log/Xorg.0.log will let you read it06:50
toddI typed that command!nothing happened!06:50
MadHagbocaneri, have you installed any webcam drivers and software?06:50
Tortollano1982anyone know how to paginate a multi page thread ?06:50
nickrudJalathan my info may be a little old06:50
toddnickrud, what's the wrong with it?06:51
Janice8954Anyone else having problems updating repositories?06:51
bocaneriMadHag, I've no idea what to load. Ubuntu has been on this lappie now for all of maybe 24 hours.06:51
deniz__Jessica: preferences-->power management06:51
Janice8954I am having some huge problems trying to upgrade to Ubuntu Studio from Hardy and it in the terminal and in Synaptic it can't fetch ANY of the sources needed for install.06:51
solrizeis there an apt package for autoconf-2.13?06:51
nickrudtodd  if you typed it exactly, it will find your video card. Or, you can just type   lspci   and look through the text for the video card06:51
deniz__Jessica: then set display brightness to..06:51
MadHag!webcam | bocaneri06:51
ubottubocaneri: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:51
bocaneriMadHag, thanks, I'll read that.06:51
MadHagbocaneri, I just got mine working06:52
Jessicadeniz: i'm not running a desktop.  just a server.  where are the prefs?06:52
nickrudJalathan #compiz-fusion usually has pretty knowledgeable people around06:52
Diaper_Rashwell cuz you said you were on shoddy and playing chess06:52
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications06:52
bofh_I've just about had it with mach6406:52
tomas1986i dont know what i am looking for in there06:52
sortudo_78i am sory, i will need to install again becouse of acpi was tirned on in my notebook, it hang while the boot06:52
Diaper_Rashnot the pokemon06:52
Diaper_Rashcud i borrow someones power item pls06:52
drashJessica: don't know, you could check the laptop support at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam06:52
bofh_I had direct rendering working on this computer with the radeon module awhile ago06:52
bofh_had to swap vidya cards06:52
nickrudtomas1986 errors, especially at the very end of the file06:52
bofh_compiled mach64, loaded the kernel module06:52
bofh_glxinfo still says direct rendering: no06:52
MadHagany idea how I tell ubuntu and the cam programs installed to use the uvc cam driver instead of v4l?06:52
bofh_the kernel module is loaded and working fine!!06:52
bofh_what the hell is going on?!06:53
Jalathannickrud, np, was just verifying my memory06:53
schnootopwhat is the easiest way to handle usb inputs (im using a game mouse disconnected it) and it seems like there is heaps of them in dmesg. I want to kill them all and just use the one06:53
Jessicadeniz__: do you know where I can get to prefs on server?06:53
Ashfire908Since I upgraded to the -17-generic kernel in hardy, IPv6 autoconfiguration has not been working.06:53
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=== bodhi_zazen is now known as Bodsda
toddnickrud, my video card is:" Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller"06:53
cary_jebuswhenever i start KD406:54
cary_jebusi get no panel06:54
deniz__Jessica: sry i dont no how to do such a thing without gui but try installing gnome, do it then uninstall the gui and the settings should remain? if u dont have strong enuf hardware there is nutn i can do sry06:54
bofh_someone help?06:54
tomas1986well that shows it i have no clue how to use Linux(ubuntu) the gnome desktop will not load06:54
nickrudtodd ok, you definitely don't wan to use  xserver-xgl , uninstall it06:54
bofh_according to every resource on the internets, DRI should be working by now06:54
bofh_but it isn't06:54
bofh_X isn't even bothering to enable it?06:54
james_does anyone know how to change the default media player for Fire Fox?06:54
bofh_yes, Load "drm" and Load "glx" are in the config06:54
cary_jebusi get no panel???06:54
bofh_yes, the card supports 3D06:55
Jessicaok deniz.  ty06:55
bofh_yes, the kernel module is loaded06:55
Bodsda!enter | bofh_06:55
ubottubofh_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:55
ubottublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro06:55
cary_jebushelp please?06:55
toddnickrud, do you meaan that i dont need to install xserver-xgl?06:55
drashjames_: check the preferences > applications settings06:55
bofh_Bodsda sorry06:55
Bodsdacary_jebus, in a terminal type        gnome-panel06:55
cary_jebuswhenever i start KDE i get no panel06:55
cary_jebusim in KDE06:55
MadHagcary_jebus, whats up?06:55
nickrudtodd correct, that was useful for older ati drivers, and some other chips. Not yours06:55
Bodsdacary_jebus, oh,.,.not sure ,. maybe ask in #kubuntu06:55
MadHag!kde | cary_jebus06:56
ubottucary_jebus: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde406:56
Diaper_Rashdoes cressilia have a gender06:56
bofh_point is, I have the kernel module for my vidya card compiled and loaded, the AGP aperture is working, glx and drm are both being loaded by X yet direct rendering is still not enabled and I cannot figure out why06:56
Jalathanbofh_, is xorg.conf set to load the mach64 module?06:56
bofh_Jalathan the module for these cards is "ati" actually06:56
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bofh_and yes06:56
mad_ogrei just tried upgrading hardy, but it's complaining about failing to configure libc606:56
toddnickrud, but before i installed the xserver-xgl!I still have problems with compiz! I can not even start compiz!06:56
MadHagbofh_, maybe you have to enable it06:57
Jalathankk, couldn't remember06:57
aroonihaving troubles starting vbox on hardy (worked great on gutsy) for a winxp instance:  PIIX3 cannot attach drive to the Secondary Master. ;   VBox status code: -102 (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND).06:57
ubottuFactoid fluid not found06:57
bofh_MadHag: er, what?06:57
ubottuFactoid soundfont not found06:57
MadHagbofh_, maybe its installed but not enabled06:57
toddnickrud, ok! now I will uninstall xsever-xgl!And I will show you the message with compiz command!06:57
nickrudtodd good, that's a start06:57
bofh_I followed the howto on the forums accurately. Not only that but I had this working with a different card/driver not a long time ago06:57
sortudo_78more 10 minutes06:58
tomas1986can any one help i can not get to the desktop enviroment06:58
Starnestommytomas1986: what happens when you run "Xorg :0" ?06:58
MadHagtomas1986, why?06:58
Diaper_Rashsolarwar: the () changes the context for shift06:58
Janice8954Does anyone know how to install Radeon 7000 on Kubuntu Dapper?06:58
JuzzyDi swear to god podcasts will be the death of me06:58
tomas1986i dont know im trying to work that out now Madhag06:59
Ashfire908How do I enable IPv6 autoconf?06:59
james_drash, it's still trying to use movie player...06:59
JuzzyDThey will drive me to drugs and I'll OD to escape the pain and come back and haunt Steve Jobs06:59
MadHagtomas1986,  :) what happens exactly?06:59
Janice8954I swear this install of Ubuntu Studio is going to take 10 years06:59
toddnickrud, Now I have uninstalled xserver-xgl!do I need to restart my session?06:59
nickrudtodd yes, just log out and back in06:59
toddSee you later! nickrud .07:00
tomas1986it says  Fatal server error cannot move old log files07:00
drashjames_: you can change the settings there, see the actions dropdown on the right ? choose other and point it to your prefered player07:00
james_drash, did that. still wants movie player07:01
Starnestommytomas1986: try running sudo rm /var/log/Xorg.*07:01
drashjames_: perhaps it sticks after restarting firefox .. not sure07:01
JuzzyDAnyone had much exposure to the libgpod library?07:01
mad_ogreDoes anyone have a problem with libc6 upgrading?07:02
MadHagtomas1986, geez :)07:02
toddnickrud, I am back!07:02
james_drash, I lied.... Had to restart the browser, thanks man07:02
nickrudtodd ok, put the error you get (if it's more than two lines, put it on paste.ubuntu.com and give me the link)07:03
drashjames_: no problem, nice that it's fixed07:03
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james_Yea, I'm not bored anymore07:03
KiraWhere is the CUPS root path on Hardy?07:03
toddnickrud, thank you !wait for a moment plz!07:04
Diaper_Rashi have nothing07:04
tomas1986sorry madhag just want to get this working07:04
james_Kira, prolly in /usr/bin07:04
tomas1986still nothing07:05
helphelpho w to open a new channel?07:05
toddnickrud, 'http://paste.ubuntu.com/17824/"07:05
helphelpwhat do i write here to go directly in this new channel?07:06
FluxDhelphelp, /j #urchannlenamehere07:06
MadHagtomas1986, what do you think you have done, when was it working last?07:07
drashKira: /usr/share/cups .. is that what you need ?07:07
prakashanyone from India here..07:08
mohamedi am from hongkong but Indian07:08
nickrudtodd type   glxinfo | grep direct , what does it say?07:08
MadHagI am in France but Welsh07:08
nickrudI am in LA but american :)07:08
Outlanderhi, in samba, what create mask would I use to enable a create-only public dump where users can create files/folders but not modify/delete files/folders?07:08
mohamedanybody know how to install Canon MP510 driver in ubuntu 8.0407:09
mohamedi tried but failed it says cups some error07:09
Kiradrash: I'm not sure. This is related to the installation of the nxnode07:09
Janice8954Why would you need the driver for the camera?07:09
elmargolmohamed, sorry I'm not from india rofl07:09
mohamedok elmargol07:09
JuzzyDNo one has had exposure to libgpod then?07:09
nicodariousanyone know how to deal with Ubuntu's uuid codes for partitions?07:09
Janice8954Oris that a printer?07:09
nicodariousor even what they are?07:09
Janice8954mohamed is that a printer or a camera?07:10
toddnickrud, It shows me this "direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose);OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect"07:10
tomas1986can any one help me find out how to load ubuntu desktop inverment07:10
TweakerOk guys so I lost color to my videos why is this? I've tried several different movie players07:10
mohamedmulti function printer07:10
Janice8954Ah, Cups is the printer server deal.07:10
ImThatNerdI have a Sony PS2 eyetoy and also a Logitech USB microphone. I installed some stuff and my Sony PS2 eyetoy is recognized and shows video with some installed applications like XAWTV. I plugged in my USB mic and went to sound recorder and there was no sound. I went to System, Preferences, and then Sound and was kind of lost to as what to select. I went to http://stickam.com/ which is a webcam site and Adobe flash player seems to not recogniz07:10
ImThatNerde my webcam or microphone. I was curious what I should do for it to recognize them and to get my microphone working, thanks.07:10
bocaneriI know what they are, but as for 'dealing' with them, I deleted them in fstab.07:10
Kirathe nxnode deb package tells me it can't detect my CUPS installation.07:10
Janice8954Mohamed I was lucky enough to have Hardy recognize my Brother MFC07:10
TweakerOk guys so I lost color to my videos why is this? I've tried several different movie players07:11
Diaper_Rashok thanks!07:11
elmargolnicodarious, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID07:11
Kiraand then asks me to run another script and specify "the CUPS root path".07:11
mohamedbrother will work fien07:11
natalisushkaHey, I've got some issue with ubuntu on my laptop, in recent installations, I can't see configuration results like checking file system and starting apps while system boots, I even don't see the ubuntu slogan and Ubuntu word with the loading bar, anything after grub is dim and black, but then after 2 - 3 minutes I login to the system without any problem. This didn't happen 3 months ago! I installed ubuntu on this laptop since dapper and even07:11
natalisushka7.10 and didn't see this, but now I see it although I reinstalled the system up to 10 times, still see it! what could the problem be? Also, when I try to switch to tty I get very big character, 4 words each line! Please help07:11
mohamedeven canon will work but for MP510 they dont have driver they use MP50007:11
mohamedwhich is not so sharp in printing07:11
ImThatNerdCan someone message me if they know how to fix the problem?07:11
nicodariouselmargol, thanks!  didn't see that in google search!07:11
MezoMy name is MIchal.07:11
drashKira: ok, untested, but cups root is /usr/share/cups (been a while since i fiddled with cups)07:11
MadHagmohamed, looks like you need a propietry driver for it tp work pukker07:12
MezoI from Polish.07:12
nicodariousmust have overlooked it07:12
nickrudtodd do    LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose  glxinfo  , and put the full output on paste.ubuntu.com07:12
MadHagmohamed, http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_MP51007:12
TweakerAny ideas why none of my videos have color?07:12
MezoOn my computer is Ubuntu.07:12
mohamedpropritry driver there is a driver for MP510 i downloaded it i installed it07:12
mohamedbut not printing it says cups error07:12
Mezoubuntu its cool07:13
MadHagits 37 dollars the driver07:13
Mezoubuntu is cool07:13
Kiradrash: heh, now it tells me it can't find the file printers.conf.07:13
drashTweaker: in different mediaplayers or which one doid you try ?07:13
Tweakerdrash: I have tried several several media players and there all b&w07:13
drashKira: try "locate printers.conf"07:13
TannI was wondering if anyone knew how to set the permissions of a file for a certaing user in the terminal07:13
Diaper_Rashmattehluzr: what behavior is it that you believe is not standard and would like to change?07:13
Kiradrash: I just did. Not found.07:13
JuzzyDIf anyone knows anything about libgpod, I'd love to know why the following causes the podcast to be available in the master playlist but not the podcasts playlist once the ipod is fired up: http://pastebin.com/m335374f207:14
toddnickrud, http://paste.ubuntu.com/17827/07:14
drashKira: i'll check whether i have one, sometimes you can just add a new one .. brb07:14
ImThatNerdWho should I contact about my problem? No one on this irc or ubuntuforums.org know what to do it seems.07:14
drashKira: mine is at /etc/cups/printers.conf07:15
MadHagImThatNerd, whats up07:15
ImThatNerdI have a Sony PS2 eyetoy and also a Logitech USB microphone. I installed some stuff and my Sony PS2 eyetoy is recognized and shows video with some installed applications like XAWTV. I plugged in my USB mic and went to sound recorder and there was no sound. I went to System, Preferences, and then Sound and was kind of lost to as what to select. I went to http://stickam.com/ which is a webcam site and Adobe flash player seems to not recogniz07:15
ImThatNerde my webcam or microphone. I was curious what I should do for it to recognize them and to get my microphone working, thanks.07:15
mohamedImthatnerd whats your problem07:15
ImThatNerdI know it is a weird long problem, but bugging me.07:15
mohamedwhat is your webcam07:15
ImThatNerdSony PS2 Eyetoy07:16
mohamedis it Logitech07:16
nickrudtodd ok, the problem you have is  OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect  from that output. Put the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log on paste.ubuntu.com07:16
mohamedok sony PS2 Eyetoy07:16
nickrudtodd you aren't using the 3d hardware acceleration from your card07:16
ImThatNerdManufactured by natami07:16
drashKira: did you try making an empty file at that location (/etc/cups/printers.conf) and letting it go like that ?07:16
mohameddid you try googling it07:16
TannMaybe this question would be more acurate: How do i set the owner of a file/directory in the terminal07:16
nickrudTann chown <user>:<group> file07:17
ImThatNerdyes, nothing showed up for trying to get adobe flash player to recognize your ps2 eyetoy or logitech usb mic07:17
Diaper_Rashthe rays are awesome07:17
StarnestommyTann: chown07:17
drashTann: check "chown --help"07:17
Tannnickrud: Tanks :D07:17
TweakerSo does any one seriously not know what the problem is07:17
mohamedi see ok wait let me see ImThatNerd07:17
ImThatNerdTweaker I use to have that problem. Do a search on Ubuntuforums.org and you will get a fix, since it is common for some.07:18
StarnestommyTweaker: are you using compiz?07:18
tomas1986any on07:18
TweakerImThatNerd:  let me see07:18
Kiradrash: Now it works. Thanks. :)07:18
toddnickrud, http://paste.ubuntu.com/17828/ you are so kind!07:18
Tweakerand Starnestommy Yes but its not active07:18
drashKira: glad it worked, yw07:18
tomas1986no one can help me07:18
francesyes!!!!!!! ntfs-3g saved my day!!!!:)07:19
StarnestommyTweaker: are you still unable to go into the desktop environment?07:19
Starnestommyer, tomas1986 are you still having the same problem?07:19
TweakerStarnestommy: Everything is working fine besides the b&w videos07:19
mohamedhey ImThatNerd did you goto the site called digg.com/07:19
mohamedthey have the instructions to install07:19
ImThatNerdNo I haven't searched there...07:19
francesyes!!!!!!! ntfs-3g saved my day!!!!:)07:20
StarnestommyTweaker: sorry, I accidentally got the wrong nick on that one07:20
mohamedgo there man i will paste the link for you07:20
TweakerStarnestommy:  Its ok07:20
mohamedthis is the site07:20
=== codercotton|away is now known as codercotton
tmapjcan someone please help me out i have a list of my packages that i want to backup from but i dont know how07:20
mohamedImThatNerd go to this site http://digg.com/software/Cham_a_chameleon_webcam_Ubuntu_Linux_PS2_Eyetoy07:20
Starnestommytomas1986: are you still unable to get into the desktop?07:20
franceswho uses virtualbox here?07:20
mohamedi use virtualbox07:20
ImThatNerdmohamed I will try that link, hold on07:20
mohamedits too good07:21
Tannme too07:21
mohamedok ImThatNerd07:21
drashTweaker: have you tried changing saturation level settings ?07:21
bpd1069question: is there any way to edit and save adobe illustrator files in linux ATM (SVG is not a practical solution)07:21
francesi find my networkplaces for ubuntu very slow....can I make it faster?07:21
francesI mean on virtualbox07:21
nickrudtodd ok, on line 610 and 611 in that file, dri is not enabled. It should be. A sec while I look around a bit07:21
Tweakerdrash:  I don't believe that to be a problem. Because it is several players that display it as b&w07:21
tmapjcan someone please help me out? i have a list of my packages that i want to backup from but i dont know how!!07:21
TannDoes anyone know how to echo the current user in a bash script?07:22
StarnestommyTweaker: try echo $USER07:22
Starnestommyer, Tann07:22
* Starnestommy once again got the wrong nick07:22
TweakerStarnestommy: Ok07:22
toddnickrud, so kind of you!Ok!07:22
drashTWeaker: just a hunch sorry07:22
StarnestommyTweaker: sorry, same problem as before07:22
TannStarnestommy: Thanks07:22
=== Alvin_FN is now known as ce_luphee_laperr
TweakerStarnestommy: Its alright07:23
kellyswanheh i'm installing ubuntu on this girls computer07:23
francesmy network places on virtualbox is very slow, how can I make it faster?..07:23
mohamedok ImThatNerd i am logging off i will catch you later if you are online07:23
mohamedi hope this link will solve your problem07:23
sortudo_78Please! What is the complete list of commands that i need to get output to send in pastbin for you, to solve ethernet connection problem what is that command to refresh dhcp ? dcliet is that ? dclient have any important arguments?07:23
loner269yellow you around?07:23
ImThatNerdIt didnt load07:24
tmapjcan someone please help me out? i have a list of my packages that i want to backup from but i dont know how!!07:24
ImThatNerdI sent you a message07:24
Diaper_Rash$ cd fuppes-0.x07:24
mohamedwhat message07:24
Jmanhey guys.07:24
ImThatNerdI messaged you on here. Hey, that link on digg doesn't load. But I already had it installed and the correct drivers. I installed some webcam programs like XAWTV and it shows webcam video. But sites that require flash/adobe flash player for their webcams it doesn't recognize07:24
drashbpd1069: did you try with Inkscape ?07:24
Starnestommy!cloning | tmapj, did you try this07:24
ubottutmapj, did you try this: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate07:24
Jmani just installed ubuntu within a new partition, but when in XP that partition does not show up. does anyone know what the deal is?07:24
bpd1069tmapj: the debs are located @ /var/cache/apt/archives07:25
mohamedok ImThatNerd did you install adobe07:25
ImThatNerdI am not sure, I don't think so.07:25
mohamedi think this will solve your problem07:25
PunyhumanHi, I have a problem with my new hardy install. I have a HP desktop PC with internal speakers. I can get sound coming out of them, but when I plug in headphones or a cable to my hifi system I can not get any sound output to them. Any ideas? Google returns a lot of ppl with the same issue but no fixes07:25
ImThatNerdDo you have a link before you have to go?07:25
mohamedinstall adobe for linux07:25
Diaper_Rashso yeah07:25
ImThatNerdOkay i will google it07:25
mohamedsure it will solve your problem07:25
Seven_Six_Twobpd1069, yes. Windows doesn't want you to be able to see it, so they don't add support for it07:25
ImThatNerdThanks I will check it out.07:26
mohamedthey have adobe player for linux in adobe site itself07:26
kellyswanJman windows doesnt acknowledge ext3 partitions07:26
mohamedinstall it then your camera will work07:26
JmanOh okay, thanks.07:26
mohamedsee you all take care byee07:26
bpd1069Seven_Six_Two: pardon?07:26
kellyswancause it thinks it's the only way to do things07:26
Seven_Six_Twobpd1069, oh sorry. that was meant for Jman07:26
Diaper_Rashward1983: if you dont know it or remember it, you need to check from the mysql config07:26
kellyswanNTFS :P07:26
nickrudtodd you've been bit by bug 20476207:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204762 in linux "[Hardy] No DRI with Intel GMA 950 (aka 945GM)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20476207:26
JmanHaha, thank you also, 762.07:26
JmanI also have no idea how to connect to my wireless network. Does anyone know a guide or something? :)07:27
nickrudtodd that will be fixed with the 8.04.1 release, I'm not sure when it's due07:27
=== Alvin_FN is now known as ce_luphee_laperr
Seven_Six_TwoJman, I don't know anything about it, but I think there's a project that you can install that will add support07:27
tmapjStarnestommy: i got the following error:  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade07:27
drashJman: using wubi ? if so, that installs ubuntu as one big file in XP under c:\ubuntu07:27
toddYou are great! nickrud !so what should I do then?07:27
tmapjStarnestommy:  i mean: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)07:28
tmapjE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?07:28
In-Sanehi :)07:28
Seven_Six_Twodrash, Jman installed it in a new partition07:28
nickrudtodd you can wait, or look into the fixes mentioned in that bug report, look for the stuff about ppa archives07:28
JmanI don't know about wubi, but i installed ubuntu in a seperate partition.07:28
kellyswani tried wubi earlier07:28
Jalathankellyswan, with work, nt, 2000, xp, & vista can, however, the way that the patches that i've found have trashed my drives07:28
drashSeven_Six_Two: ok, didn't get that07:28
kellyswanshe loved it so much she's got me removing windows and doing ubuntu native07:28
=== Alvin_FN is now known as ce_luphee_cute
Jalathanthat were ext07:28
Starnestommytmapj: put "sudo" beteween the && and "apt-get"07:28
Seven_Six_Twokellyswan, so wubi works well?07:29
kellyswanoh yeah07:29
Diaper_Rashhm. if i have a method in a class, is it possible to get the class name from within the method without using something like class::inspector ?07:29
kellyswani was supprised the wireless works07:29
Seven_Six_Twokellyswan, is it like a vm, or do you choose at boot time?07:29
kellyswandlink something or other07:29
In-Saneis there is a special command to tell about the processor tempratrure? my laptop goes down and i can't figure it out!07:29
Greenhow can  turn off my cli screen going dark (screensaver?) after a few minutes? (I am not in x, I am in the cli)07:29
theRealBallchalkis the ATI x600 card supported w/opengl?07:29
kellyswanno its a NTFS loopback root drive07:29
StarnestommyIn-Sane: maybe acpi -t07:30
prolefeedJman: maybe try this? http://www.fs-driver.org/index.html07:30
kellyswanbut uses ntloader to boot it07:30
toddthank you all the same! nickrud !Thank you!07:30
kellyswanntfs support07:30
bpd1069perhaps this is not the right channel - is there a channel for graphics+ubuntu?07:30
ompaul!lol | Diaper_Rash07:30
ubottuDiaper_Rash: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.07:30
prolefeedJman: i've never used it so07:30
TweakerI got it fixed thanks guys07:30
kellyswanits a real insall but its file \system aceess time sucks cause its a loopback07:30
tmapjStarnestommy: after this backup, will the files that are on my system now but not in the list of packages be erased?07:31
drashGreen: using gnome-screensaver ? if so, try "gnome-screensaver --help"07:31
kellyswancause you have to deal with ntfs limitations07:31
Seven_Six_Twokellyswan, but still far faster than cd..yes?07:31
kellyswanand ext3 within an ntfs filesystem,07:31
Jmanprolefeed: thanks, looks interesting :)07:31
Starnestommytmapj: that just backs up installed pachages07:31
drashTWeaker: what solved it ?07:31
Greendrash: gnome-screensaver is not installed. again. I am not in X07:31
kellyswanoh yeah way better then cd07:31
Diaper_Rashgyarados wants roost/taunt/dd/waterfall07:31
kellyswantry it out07:31
tmapjStarnestommy:  so it doesnt delete anything?07:31
Starnestommytmapj: it doesn't07:32
kellyswanworst comes to worst uninstall removes any trace you ever played with it07:32
Seven_Six_Twokellyswan, love to, but I haven't had a windows install for 5 years07:32
kellyswanwell brb just finished some updates07:32
In-Saneok, my ubuntu logs off when i attempt to change the screensaver? any suggestions?07:32
kellyswanneed 2 reboot07:32
sortudo_78Please! What boot parametris like acpi=off, noapic etc... can infuenciate in network connection ??????07:32
drashGreen: what screensaver app are you using ?07:32
nickrudGreen setterm -blank 0 should do it07:32
Diaper_Rashvaldyn how can i update mutt or any other package to newer version ?07:32
Seven_Six_Twokellyswan, but I've got 30 cd's and I'm not sure if I should recommend that method07:32
Greendrash: I have no idea07:32
todd!tweak | todd07:32
Diaper_Rashseriously what07:32
Greennickrud: thanks, I will try it07:33
sriramomanhow do i change default language for my user in gnome?07:33
PunyhumanHi, I have a problem with my new hardy install. I have a HP desktop PC with internal speakers. I can get sound coming out of them, but when I plug in headphones or a cable to my hifi system I can not get any sound output to them. Any ideas? Google returns a lot of ppl with the same issue but no fixes07:33
In-SaneStarnestommy: got it , it is acpi -v :)07:34
drashPunyhuman: did you check your mixer to see whether headphones and aux are unmuted ?07:34
toddshould i register an irc count?07:35
Punyhumandrash, yes, they are all unmuted07:35
Diaper_Rashit's called gyarados07:35
Seven_Six_TwoPunyhuman, I don't know of a fix, but you'd probably have better luck with a cheap internal card that would have better support07:35
ompaul!register | todd  it is not a bad idea07:35
ubottutodd  it is not a bad idea: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.07:35
Diaper_Rashthank everyone07:35
toddIf yes then where should I goto register!07:35
nickrudtodd yes, it's polite, people are sure they're talking to the right todd :)07:35
Starnestommytodd: check ubottu's link07:35
drashPunyman: what sound server are you using ? ALSA, pulseaudio OSS, jackd ?07:36
toddthank you all!07:36
Starnestommytodd: and remember to check your email after you register07:36
toddOK! I will!07:36
In-Sane!info lm-sensors07:36
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.0.0-4ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 205 kB, installed size 780 kB07:36
tmapjdoes anyone know how to show the list of users in the right side panel in XCHAT?07:36
kelly_this is great07:36
Jalathantmapj, Ctrl+F707:37
kelly_nvidias working like a charm07:37
tmapjJalathan: that does nothing07:37
Seven_Six_Twotmapj, I think it's default, but it might be shrunk to nothing. try dragging the border inwards??07:37
tmapjSeven_Six_Two:  didnt work07:38
Seven_Six_Twotmapj, where is "show list" set for in the options?07:39
Starnestommytanner_: xchat or xchat-gnome?07:39
Starnestommyer, tmapj07:39
* Starnestommy did it again07:39
_eMaX_anyone here uses a thinkpad t60? I have freezes after like 5 minutes when I start using the wired NIC. Using wireless works w/o problems.07:40
tmapjthere is no "show-list" in the preferences Starnestommy07:40
Seven_Six_Two_eMaX_, are you able to get to a terminal with alt-ctrl+f1?07:41
prolefeedhey is there any way to make the mouse in gnome waaaay faster than the maxium with no or little acceleration?07:41
franceshow can I delete my windows and still retain some files on it? note: I installed ubuntu inside windows07:41
Starnestommytmapj: are you using regular xchat or is it xchat-gnome?07:41
Seven_Six_Twotmapj, what version? (help>>about)07:41
tmapjxchat- gnome07:41
kelly_w00t compiz workjs ;)07:41
tmapjhow do i get regular xchat?07:42
freakwentwow, a thousand people.  I hope we don't all try to talk at once!!07:42
Diaper_Rashwhy did i get kicked?07:42
Starnestommytmapj: sudo apt-get install xchat07:42
Seven_Six_Twotmapj, aah. there's a difference. I've heard complaints about the gnome ver.07:42
ectospasmprolefeed:  what do you mean?07:42
freakwentWould anyone help me get a TV card working for fifty dollars?07:42
drashfrances: if you delete windows it's gone .. what do you want to achieve ?07:42
frances how can I delete my windows and still retain some files on it? note: I installed ubuntu inside windows07:42
tmapjStarnestommy: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:42
tmapjE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:42
ectospasmprolefeed:  I don't get the "no acceleration" part07:43
tmapjoh whoops07:43
tmapjStarnestommy: nvm07:43
francesdrash: I want to get rid of windows...07:43
ompaulHi there I am about to do some unbanning07:43
ompaulthis will cause some scrolling07:43
francesbut i still need some of my files there...07:43
* nickrud wanders off to avoid scrolling07:43
tmapjhey whats with the flooding07:43
* freakwent surfs the scroll wave07:43
Starnestommytmapj: removing old bans07:44
freakwenttmap he warned us...07:44
ompaultmapj, that is me removing bans07:44
Seven_Six_Twofrances, repartition your drive, copy the desired files to the new partition, then use the windows partition for a new install without touching the partition with the saved files07:44
kelly_holy jesus07:44
kelly_thats a lot of bans07:44
francesdrash: I want to get rid of windows... but i still need some of my files there...07:44
CthalupaAnd those are just the ones that got removed! ;p07:44
Diaper_Rashf00li5h: yes, i do that :)07:44
ompaulkelly_, please mind the language and it is not a lot ;-)07:44
tmapjwhats the ubuntu offtopic channel again pls?07:45
drashfrances: than you'll have to save all data you want to keep from your windows disk, download the ubuntu live cd and install that (choose to use the whole disk in the ubuntu install) .. double)-check first that you have backep-up all data07:45
bullgard4On my MEDION 97600 Ubuntu 8.04 computer the prefix 'LANG=C' preceding 'df' no longer has an effect: It prints in German. 'locale' does not mention 'C' but 'locale -a' mentions 'C'. How to troubleshoot?07:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:45
mooni can't read chm file07:45
dubbyhey anyone when using the ls command there are a couple plain background directories and a couple directories with a green background, what does the green background signify?07:45
francesdrash: so you mean I have to reinstall my ubuntu?...07:45
Seven_Six_Twomoon, there is a chm reader in synaptic07:46
freakwentThere are a number of unsolved posts on the forums about getting this tv card to work.  It's a VideoMate E650, lspci :  0400: 14f1:8852 (rev 02)07:46
freakwenthas anyone got any helpful ideas?07:46
loner269i got a problem guy07:46
loner269 i went from 7.4 with wireless to 8.04 now no wireless how do i get it back07:46
loner269 ?07:46
eugenhi, what is the username and password for ubuntu live cd?07:46
tmapjeugen its whatever you set it to07:46
drashfrances: if you want to delete windows yes, now your ubuntu lives inside that so if you delete windows, ubuntu goed with it07:46
Seven_Six_Twofrances, you can use a live cd to repartition before you install if you don't have anywhere to backup to, but you'll have to reinstall07:46
freakwentloner start with ifconfig to see if it's listed as a device07:46
Starnestommyeugen: ubuntu, and I'm not sure if there is a password, but that might also be ubuntu07:46
eugeni done nothing... just booted from ubuntu cd07:46
Diaper_Rashand darkrai has a weird cry :\07:47
freakwentthen try dmesg to see if it's mentioned in there.07:47
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto07:47
loner269it says its set bcml5 is in or what ever its called an ndis things in it just aint working07:47
franceshow sad......07:47
freakwenthello pisces fellow aussie.07:47
Seven_Six_Twoloner269, I don't think you need ndiswrapper for a broadcom wireless card07:48
FinnishOdd-rationale: Are you around?07:48
kelly_holy and jesus are not foul nor curses07:48
egtuxHi room07:48
StarnestommyFinnish: not for 4 hours07:48
FinnishWell, anyway, here is the scenario07:48
tmapjFinnish! I've found you again07:48
tmapjFinnish! are you on any messengers aim gtalk yahoo or msn?07:49
quantumelixirWhen I installed ubuntu I created a 2 GB sawp partition just in case. But I already have 2GB of RAM. How useful is the swap space really?07:49
Seven_Six_Twokelly_, but that's using them in vain07:49
francesif that so.....can I back-up my ubuntu?....So when I re-install I could still have my installed programs?...07:49
freakwenthmm..... my tv card is perhaps never going to work.07:49
=== todd is now known as utnubudnai
kelly_more of exclamation07:49
FinnishI installed Kubuntu on a USB-disc, but when I install it goes to that Virtualbox-screen07:49
Ginquantumelixir, not useful at all.07:49
loner269well how do i get it back on?07:49
Starnestommy!cloning | frances07:49
ubottufrances: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate07:49
Seven_Six_Twoquantumelixir, it depends on what you run, but I wouldn't recommend getting rid of the swap07:49
darthfreakwent, what brand is it?07:49
Diaper_Rash(8:07:03 pm) <thepope> i dont07:49
Ginquantumelixir, you probably won't use more than 100MB of your swap07:49
egtuxI have this error when click on Gnome-volume-manager07:49
egtuxkernel: [ 1460.304235] gnome-volume-co[8057]: segfault at 00000000 eip b73f9d28 esp bfbfd43c error 407:49
Finnishtmapj: Do I know you somehow?07:50
egtuxIt can't be open any body help07:50
freakwentuses cx2388507:50
drashquantumelixir: you will not need much of it for swapping, but perhaps as a resume space (if you use hibernate/sleep functions)07:50
Diaper_Rashhai tom :307:50
quantumelixirSeven_Six_Two: Why isnt it recommended? Even my pc is fully loaded it doesnt take more than 500mb of ram.. and considering I have 1500 more left.. why should there be more swap?07:50
darthoh well mine uses a saa chip07:50
quantumelixirdrash: cant it use the normal ext3 partitions for hibernation?07:51
francesubottu: sorry but I cant understand what your saying....Im a newbiew linux user.....07:51
ubottufrances: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:51
franceshe he he07:51
drashquantumelixir: sure, resumes faster from a separate partiton that's all07:51
Seven_Six_Twoquantumelixir, like I said, it depends on what you do. If that's all you do, then you're probably fine, but try using a few instances of firefox and then fire up cinelerra07:51
Jmani know this is kind of complicated, but does anyone have any idea how to set up a wireless network or have a guide for it?07:52
freakwentdarth I'm paying fifty dollars for success.07:52
=== naught103 is now known as naught101
quantumelixirSeven_Six_Two: What exactly will happen if I run of my RAM and theres no swap partition?07:52
loner269762?? sorry i didnt want to spell it lol can you tell me how to turn it back on?07:52
darthi have a workstation with 6gb ram and ubuntu still uses swap07:52
Seven_Six_Twoquantumelixir, you're computer will appear to freeze07:52
Ginquantumelixir, nothing will happen..07:52
drashdarth: running a 64-bit kernel ?07:53
darthdrash yay07:53
quantumelixirdarth: Then what is swap really?!!07:53
quantumelixirSeven_Six_Two, Gin who should I believe?!!07:53
freakwentwhy will it hurt to keep it?07:53
freakwentjust have some swap there./07:53
freakwenttrust us.07:53
Seven_Six_Twoquantumelixir, stuff in mem that isn't being used much gets written to swap to make space for actively used stuff07:53
freakwentit does no harm07:53
quantumelixirfreakwent: yes. I certainly would like to use some of my hd for storing stuff07:54
Ginquantumelixir, if you never should more than 10Mb of your swap, just wipe the swap, it won't be a problem. unless you do heavy work on your pc07:54
darthif you dont want to use a partition for it, just make a small swapfile07:54
darthyou can always add more swapfiles if you need more swap07:54
freakwenthow big is the HDD?07:54
quantumelixirfreakwent: 80GB07:54
utnubudnainickrud, I am the former todd!and I have registered my nick as utnubudnai07:54
Ginquantumelixir, with that size, I would wipe the swap for more space07:54
darthjust make a 128MB swapfile07:55
utnubudnainickrud, "todd" has been registered by someone else!07:55
quantumelixirSeven_Six_Two, darth How about gparted to remove that swap and making a 128mb partition07:55
aroonii have a winxp iso file i need to burn in hardy...........  i used brasero cd burner..... it didn't work at all... :(  what should i use?07:55
darthgood idea07:55
Ginquantumelixir, you can also use a file was swap :P07:55
Seven_Six_Twoquantumelixir, you could, but always back up critical data before a resize!07:56
Ginas* swap*07:56
quantumelixirSeven_Six_Two, darth Thanks for the help!07:56
Kyle__hey what can I apt-get to install xen?07:56
Kyle__im running hardy amd6407:56
aroonii have a winxp iso file i need to burn in hardy...........  i used brasero cd burner..... it didn't work at all... :(  what should i use?  (version i burned doesnt boot)07:56
Diaper_Rashnagisa <3 ^_^07:56
Seven_Six_TwoKyle__, have you searched for xen with synaptic?07:56
drasharooni: k3b is a nice burner07:56
freakwentcdrecord name_of_illegal_windows.iso07:57
Kyle__hrm i guess i could have tried that, I usually use the website, which has result limits07:57
arooniactually i'm in the MSDN developer program07:57
arooniso not so illegal07:57
ectospasmso I'm installing Hardy... and it hangs at 94% on an Athlon64 system07:57
Kyle__so what if you're msdn?07:58
ectospasm...rebooting into the LiveCD desktop mode, and it hangs on loading...07:58
Seven_Six_Twoectospasm, did you check the cd for defects?07:58
Kyle__I burnt non.cracked.4.1337.d00dz.vista.iso awhile back ;)07:59
ectospasmSeven_Six_Two:  no, that's a good point07:59
ectospasmSeven_Six_Two:  can it check itself?07:59
darthyo! check yourself07:59
metalick_boyhy leh knln gxxxxxxx?????07:59
Kyle__yea its a menu item07:59
Seven_Six_Twoectospasm, especially if it hangs during both methods. the install can check, yes07:59
ectospasmthe MD5SUM (I can't BELIEVE they're still using MD5 sums...) checked out07:59
Diaper_Rashi luuuuuuuv maths07:59
Seven_Six_Twoectospasm, md5 sum of the iso?08:00
ectospasmSeven_Six_Two:  yup08:00
Seven_Six_Twoectospasm, that's not the same as checking the cd08:00
Diaper_Rashgo to wifi chat08:00
ectospasmSeven_Six_Two:  true enough... bbl08:00
metalick_boynm u sapa08:01
akhil_I formatted my linux /boot partition.. is there any way to only install GRUB? I got the Ubuntu 8 Live CD..08:01
Seven_Six_Twoectospasm, good luck08:01
zeroHey is there a way to Lock PDFs in ubuntu?08:01
zeroany program whatsoever08:01
metalick_boyhyyyyyyy leh knln gx08:01
=== zero is now known as Guest32271
Seven_Six_Twozero, I don't think so, but locking them is a waste of time, because if someone wants to copy it, locking it won't stop them08:02
HymnToLifeakhil_: the /boot partition contains not only GRUB, but also your kernel images08:02
Guest32271Seven_Six_Two, i just need to lock them for work, so far, its the only thing keeping me on windows08:02
HymnToLifeakhil_: so you'd need to chroot into your Ubuntu and reinstall the kernel first08:02
ompaul!offtopic | metalick_boy08:02
ubottumetalick_boy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:02
akhil_HymnToLife, Ok.. any way i can boot onto my windows to backup my files.??08:02
Seven_Six_TwoGuest32271, are you trying to stop people from copying the text?08:03
HymnToLifeakhil_: boot from Windows CD, recoverty console, fixmbr08:03
akhil_HymnToLife, Ok.. Thankx08:03
Guest32271Seven_Six_Two, they are for contracts for work, its policy to lock the PDF before it gets sent, i cant NOT do it. so i need to have them locked before they are sent, no way around it08:04
akhil_HymnToLife, When i boot now, i get a GRUB console.. cant i goto Windows from this??08:04
bullgard4On my MEDION 97600 Ubuntu 8.04 computer the prefix 'LANG=C' preceding 'df' no longer has an effect: It prints in German. 'locale' does not mention 'C' but 'locale -a' mentions 'C'. How to troubleshoot?08:04
metalick_boyduh duh pusing nte boga duit08:05
ectospasmSeven_Six_Two:  Check finished:  no errors found08:05
Seven_Six_TwoGuest32271, unfortunate. I did a quick search and found nothing. There are more ways to crack that than to actually acheive it08:05
noob-africahi all.... is it morning or evening out there? it's morning here... LOL08:05
Diaper_Rashpadres cant score fucking runs08:06
Seven_Six_Twoectospasm, I think ctrl-f12 during the boot gives you output to see where it's stopping08:06
ectospasmSeven_Six_Two:  OK, thanks... I think I only hit CTRL-F708:06
ompaul!language | Guest3227108:06
ubottuGuest32271: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:06
Seven_Six_Twoectospasm, I don't remember though. anyone else? how to get verbose output during a boot? turn of boot splash during live cd?08:07
HymnToLifeakhil_: possibly, try root (hd0,0), makeactive, chainloader +108:08
noob-africaQuestion: I was away from the office for nearly a week. I use a Dell XPS Generation 4 workstation. I have a feeling someone has SWITCHED my RAM! How do I find out from Ubuntu?08:08
HymnToLife(obviously, replace (hd0,0) with your Windows partiton)08:08
ompaulGuest32271, PDFs are broken in the security arena so your policy does not make sense, you could try to get it adjusted on that basis08:08
eugencan someone tell me username and password for ubuntu live system?08:09
eugenubuntu / ubuntu doesn't work08:09
Seven_Six_TwoGuest32271, yeah. It's just what makes the suits comfortable.08:09
HymnToLifethere is no password (by default)08:09
anabolixnoob-africa: try "fd" in the commandline08:10
ratpoison2eugen, try whoami in the terminal08:10
ompauleugen, sudo command << that is how you do it08:10
noob-africaanabolix: what should i look for?08:10
ompaul!sudo | eugen08:10
ubottueugen: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.08:10
bacardeeI was wondering if someone could help me with problem installing ubuntu, when it gets the the end of the loading bar on the live cd my computer shuts off abruptly, sometimes i can get to the login but it shuts off. Sometimes it restarts sometimes it shuts off and stays off, any ideas?08:10
anabolixnoob-africa: sorry "df" not "fd"08:10
eugenwhy is this so difficult to login into live system??? :-(08:11
HymnToLifeanabolix: df is for hard drive space08:11
HymnToLifenoob-africa: use   free   to see the amount of RAM08:11
Seven_Six_Twobacardee, what kind of system?08:11
HymnToLifeeugen: it's not, username is "ubuntu", no password08:11
noob-africaHymnToLife: otal       used       free     shared    buffers     cached08:11
ratpoison2hello! I seem to be unable to run nautilus as root. http://paste.ubuntu.com/17839/08:11
noob-africaMem:       1034224     763632     270592          0      12488     44530008:11
noob-africa-/+ buffers/cache:     305844     72838008:11
noob-africaSwap:     21904616          0   2190461608:11
FloodBot1noob-africa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
eugenHymnToLife, 5 min ago tried - no success!08:12
HymnToLifenoob-africa: that would be 1 gig of ram08:12
swedekidok, i just installed gnuboy (a gameboy emulator) with synaptic, and I don't see it in my applications list, i tried refeshing it and even rebooted still nothing08:12
alan_meugen, there shouldnt be any "logging in" with a live system. The fact that your even there raises some questions, are you sure your booting from the cd and not the hard drive?08:12
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to upgrade my repositories so they include everything?08:12
Seven_Six_Twoswedekid, unofficial apps aren't always added to the menu08:13
bacardeeI was wondering if someone could help me with problem installing ubuntu, when it gets the the end of the loading bar on the live cd my computer shuts off abruptly, sometimes i can get to the login but it shuts off. Sometimes it restarts sometimes it shuts off and stays off, any ideas?08:13
guiestHow do I change the font that I see when I enter my name for login08:13
anarkixhello, I cant use my other 2 partitions (/windows , /dos both ntfs), from places menu, and desktop menu only from /dos in filesystem drive, also not showing in computer folder. Thanks08:13
HymnToLifetmapj: define "everything"08:13
swedekidhow would i go about accessing it?08:13
Seven_Six_Twobacardee, I asked for more info08:13
tmapjHymnToLife: all the main stuff08:13
noob-africaHymnToLife: yes, it is, but i still believe they have been switched... i had 2 DDR2 512 MB DIMMs, which were in the DDR2 slots. When I came back I found that they were in the DDR2 slots, but when I put them in the DDR1 slot they worked.08:13
bacardeeoh sorry08:13
HymnToLifeswedekid: try running it from the temrinal08:13
bacardeei must have missed it08:13
Seven_Six_Twoswedekid, run from the terminal or add it to the menu manually08:13
bacardeewhat would you like to know08:13
noob-africaHymnToLife: this means that someone took my DDR2 DIMMs and replaced them with DDR1 DIMMS.08:13
tmapjswedekid are you from sweden?08:13
Seven_Six_Twobacardee, info about your system08:14
HymnToLifenoob-africa: you mean the _type_ of RAM ?08:14
bacardee Amd Athlon 64 X2 Dual 6000+ 3.01 Ghz08:14
bacardee2gb of ram08:14
bacardeeati sapphire x1950 pro video card08:14
bacardeexp media center edition08:14
FloodBot1bacardee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:14
noob-africaHymnToLife: how do i find out if these are DDR1 slots?08:14
swedekidswedish ancestry08:14
HymnToLifeI don't think you can see that without opening the case08:14
guiestHow do I change the font that I see when I enter my name for login08:14
noob-africaHymnToLife: i mean DDD1 DIMMs...08:14
tmapjare you talking to me HymnToLife?08:14
alan_mbacardee, please read what floodbot is telling you in the room, thank you :)08:14
noob-africaHymnToLife: well, what sort of markings should i look for? i tried looking, but could not really find out.08:14
HymnToLifetmapj: no ;) you can customize the repositories you're using from Synaptic08:14
Seven_Six_Twobacardee, what oem vendor?08:14
eugenalan_m, i'm sure, because i have suse on my hard drive. i downloaded ubuntu 8.04 desktop cd to test my hardware, it boots to gnome login, and i cannot login there08:15
moonhow to install cedega08:15
bacardeei made the computer08:15
bacardeefrom scratch08:15
bullgard4On my MEDION 97600 Ubuntu 8.04 computer the prefix 'LANG=C' preceding 'df' no longer has an effect: It prints in German. 'locale' does not mention 'C' but 'locale -a' mentions 'C'. How to troubleshoot?08:15
HymnToLifetmapj: the official ones are main, restricted, universe and multiverse08:15
guiestHow do I change the font that I see when I enter my name for login08:15
HymnToLife!repeat | guiest08:15
ubottuguiest: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:15
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:15
swedekidHymnToLife: ok when I try to use auto complete or type in gnuboy it doesn't give me anything08:15
alan_mwell, everyone, im going to bed..g'night.08:16
HymnToLifeswedekid: try xgnuboy08:16
MaskedOnenight alan08:16
swedekidi get something that looks like a readme08:17
alan_mand to eugen, im sorry man, maybe someone else might know the answer to your question...because I dont.08:17
b0xxyhow do i copy a folder and place into another folder?08:17
noob-africaHymnToLife: well, what markings indicate whether this is a DDR1 or DDR2 DIMM?08:17
superkuhI don't know where else to ask this so; after the upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 evince started opening on my secondary monitor; a distraction. Can anyone tell me where evince settings are stored?08:17
HymnToLifenoob-africa: don't you have some kind of label on them?08:17
swedekidcrap is it command based?08:17
noob-africaHymnToLife: there is a label, but nothing abt DDR2 or DDR108:18
HymnToLifewhat does it say?08:18
noob-africaHymnToLife: i will have to shut down and open the case for that... LOL08:18
HymnToLifeusuallt, it says the frequency08:18
moDumasshey all, 2 questions, how can i get rid of 2 user accts that i set up ages ago not thinking they would remain08:18
bellhow do you detatch a graphical app (as with screen for console app)08:18
HymnToLifeif it's 400 or less, it's DDR108:18
jedimindi am going to mexico in 10 minutes08:19
jedimindjust had to share08:19
noob-africaHymnToLife: that's very helpful...08:19
noob-africaHymnToLife: i still wonder why the DIMMs were switched08:19
HymnToLifebell: define "detach"08:19
moDumassand also, if i create a folder on my desktop, its only got like 2 gigs free space, and i have like 120gigs free on the hdd that linux is installed on08:19
noob-africaHymnToLife: now am gonna have to LOCK the case with a padlock.. cant trust these buggers at the office!08:19
bellssh'd into my ubuntu box, with X forwarding on. I want to run some X apps, disconnect from my ssh session, and have them still be running next time i connect08:20
* HymnToLife likes cases that come with keys :D08:20
Seven_Six_Twobacardee, I don't remember how, but you can make your boot more verbose by removing splash and quiet from the boot params08:20
HymnToLifebell: not possible, AFAIK08:20
bellahh ok. I guess I will stick with VNC08:20
=== TristanS is now known as cyclonut
HymnToLifeyou'd have to use VNC or something like that08:21
bacardeeive done that, and ive even installed ubuntu using the text based installer. But when I login to ubuntu my computer shuts off08:21
Seven_Six_Twobacardee, have you tried acpi=off?08:21
bacardeeno, what is that08:22
Seven_Six_Twobacardee, or is it apci=no? I don't remember. It's power management08:22
bacardeeHow do I set it to off08:22
dreamloveri want find msn  for linux08:22
jasdevanmoDumass: To remove the users, go to [System] -> Administration -> Users and Groups.  Select the ones you want to delete, and use the "delete" button.08:22
moDumassjasdevan yeh that doesnt seem to be working08:22
moDumassil try again08:23
moDumassits random08:23
darthdreamlover, there are many messengers that use mns protocol in ubuntu08:23
darthmsn even08:23
noob-africaHymnToLife: thanks a lot of that bit of info... now i have proof... i havent yet opened the case, but i will, again08:23
darthdreamlover, if you want something that looks like msn messenger try aMSN in add/remove programs08:23
Jaffarkelshacmy computer on several occasion now just turned off whilst in the middle of something, how do i find out what is causing this.08:24
=== mini_g is now known as Jalathan
noob-africaQuestion No. 2: Since I upgraded (online) from Ubuntu 7.10 to Ubuntu 8.04, my Login Screen has become OVER-SIZE! How do I get it back to normal, as it was with 7.10?08:24
Nicole_untucan someone help me get my tablet working on hardy?08:24
jasdevanmoDumass: you could try "sudo userdel <user>"08:24
Seven_Six_Twobacardee, After inserting the livecd...type this to boot the cd:08:24
Seven_Six_Twolive acpi=off noapic nolapic08:24
moDumassjasdevan that doesnt delete their home dir though08:24
moDumasshow do i delete their home dir08:24
darthsudo rm -r /home/<user>08:24
noob-africamoDumass: is it empty?08:24
jasdevanmoDumass: sudo rm -rf /home/<user>08:24
enfomoDumass: use -r08:24
jasdevanmoDumass: or, if empty, sudo rmdir08:24
moDumassnoob-africa is what empty?08:24
noob-africadarth: i wouldnt advise that command... because it is very sensitive08:25
noob-africamoDumass: the home directory08:25
moDumassthanks jasdevan08:25
noob-africamoDumass: if it is not empty, and u execute that command, u could lose a lot of important data08:25
darthwhat do you mean? sensitivie?08:25
darthwell if he wants to del his user that is the cmd he'd want to use ;)08:25
bacardeeok seven_six_two ill go try that and report back :D08:25
noob-africadarth: it is a command to be used with extreme caution...08:26
jasdevannoob-africa: Right.  I'd assumed it wasn't an issue since we're talking about users he created and didn't do anything with.08:26
noob-africadarth; but, hey, am just a noobie... what do i know?08:26
darthdeleting stuff is always fun :)08:26
Seven_Six_Twodarth, rm=remove, -r=recursive, f=force(no prompts)08:26
darthrm takes no prisoners08:26
moDumassnoob-africa no their home dirs arent empty, but theya re taking up space and those users are no longer users here08:27
noob-africaif we are talking about empty directories, well, by all means08:27
Flux-Dwhat is the opposite of the isntall command in linux like install -m755 -D name /location/of/file08:27
bullgard4On my MEDION 97600 Ubuntu 8.04 computer the prefix 'LANG=C' preceding 'df' no longer has an effect: It prints in German. 'locale' does not mention 'C' but 'locale -a' mentions 'C'. How to troubleshoot?08:27
moDumassalthough im also trying to figure out what else is using up space on my machine08:27
noob-africamoDumass: well, if the users arent using the space, by all means, do DELETE por favor!08:27
darthnoob-africa,he wants to nuke their dirs to free up space08:27
noob-africadarth: that's what i understood... lol08:27
darth...so sudo rm -r /home/<user> ;)08:27
Flux-Dwhat is the opposite of the isntall command in linux like install -m755 -D name /location/of/file08:28
JalathanmoDumass, are you running Gnome?08:28
doomikwhere i can find info about switch from hda to sda?08:28
noob-africacan anyone answer my Question No. 2?08:28
moDumassJalathan I am08:28
Seven_Six_Twodarth, you need the "f" if there are any subdirs08:28
darthmoDumass, but as noob-africa pointed out, take ridicilous care when using rm08:28
astro76Flux-D: rm08:28
darthSeven_Six_Two, ok08:28
Seven_Six_Twodarth, or files in subdirs. rmdir will remove an empty dir08:29
darthi think i use -rvf myself come to think about it08:29
digitalpsykowhen i go to youtube on firefox3 the videos dont play?? i installed the non-free plugin08:29
JuzzyDdigitalpsyko: Grey screen in place of the player?08:29
jasdevanmoDumass: You can use    rm -ri  if you want to be super-careful.  That'll prompt you for each file to remove.08:30
humehi... how do I totally delete all that has been imported to my "private" calendar in evolution? Need to have a fresh start08:30
darthjasdevan, zzzzzzzzz ;)08:30
JuzzyDHrmms I have an intermittent issue with the flash player08:30
Seven_Six_Twodarth, v? I guess if you want to know about the files you didn't mean to delete...haha08:30
darthctrl+c!!! ctrl+c!!!!08:30
adi1y1how to mount ntfs in edubuntu ??08:30
JuzzyDI'm interested to see if there's a long term solution, but normally if I restart firefox a few times it works08:30
noob-africaQuestion No. 2: Why is my Login Screen over-size since I upgraded online, from 7.10 to 8.04? It is so over-size that I only see half of the Ubuntu logo and the Username and Password prompts are on the bottom right corner of the screen... really upsetting!08:30
digitalpsykoJuzzyD: mine just wont play at all.08:31
adi1y1how to mount ntfs in edubuntu ??08:31
darthadi1y1, very carefully08:31
humeanyone knows how to delete everything in the evoultion calendar? need a fresh start08:31
Seven_Six_Twonoob-africa, that happened to me too. I had to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:31
adi1y1darth, can you help me regarding mounting ntfs ?08:32
darthadi1y1, maybe08:32
darthyou want it mounted via fstab?08:32
adi1y1thank you,darth08:32
noob-africaSeven_Six_Two: i did that, but it's not working... lemme see if it will now...08:32
adi1y1what is fstab ?08:32
darthman fstab08:32
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, do you have the 3g drivers installed for ntfs?08:32
White_Lightningnoob-africa: did you restart your xserver after doing that?08:33
adi1y1i have not installed anything yet08:33
White_Lightningnoob-africa: killall Xorg08:33
Chrysalisso ive only had ubuntu installed for a week and i already have 3 versions of kernels at the log in lol, i think by the 3rd week there will be no more room at the grub log in screen08:33
Ginadi1y1, I think it is a file system tab, a tab where you can see your file system I supose. :\08:33
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two,should i install 3g ?08:33
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, not sure if they're installed by default, but you need them installed to mount ntfs08:33
noob-africaWhite_Lightning: pls read ur PM08:34
adi1y1thank you gin..08:34
Rat409!bts obmenu08:34
ubottuFactoid bts obmenu not found08:34
JuzzyDAnyone use gmailfs?08:34
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two,wait i ll check out08:34
willwhJuzzyD: no I IMAP gmail in thunderbird08:34
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, ntfs-3g and ntfs-config08:35
Ginadi1y1, I was j/k fstab is a file in /etc/, it is /etc/fstab, containing the settings how partitions are mounted08:35
willwhJuzzyD: why would you want to use gmailfs?08:35
willwhI am just reading the website now...08:35
JalathanChrysalis, i believe that grub scrolls down when the screen is full.  you can remove unneeded entry's, but i wouldn't recommend it right at this point08:35
JuzzyDI wanna see what it is08:36
adi1y1ntfs-3g is installed but ntfs-config isnt,Seven_Six_Two08:36
JuzzyDIt sounds cool willwh08:36
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, check lsmod to see if the modules are inserted too08:36
noob-africaWhile we are working on Question No. 2, can someone explain Question No. 3: I get Error 2 in GRUB. What does this mean? Will reinstalling Ubuntu delete all files in my /home/ directory?08:36
GinJuzzyD, it's not cool. it's slow. if you need more space, buy a new hd08:36
Nicole_untuany Genus Mousepen users around?08:36
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, lsmod | grep ntfs08:36
ChrysalisJalathan: the point is that the kernel doesnt get upgraded and updates just add new versions and clutter08:36
noob-africaI get the error on my laptop, not my Desktop08:36
Seven_Six_TwoNicole_untu, Me!!!!!08:37
Nicole_untuseven_six_two: on Hardy?08:37
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two, lsmod | grep ntfs ........i dont know what to do with this command08:37
Seven_Six_TwoNicole_untu, I have the 8x6. Yes, on hardy. you want the link on how to?08:37
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, put it in the console08:37
noob-africaWhere did White_Lightning go to?08:37
Nicole_untuseven_six_two: yes, please08:38
JalathanChrysalis, the old entry's allows you to use older versions of the kernel in case the current one doesn't work correctly08:38
adi1y1i did it......i am not getting anything as output08:38
noob-africaHe/She advised me to run "killall xorg"... what does that command do?08:38
Nicole_untuseven_six_two: hope its easy to configure08:38
noob-africaSeven_Six_Two: i ran the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command, and got some strange output...08:39
astro76noob-africa: nothing, there's no process named xorg08:39
Seven_Six_TwoNicole_untu, not that easy...sorry. but the instructions worked for me,         https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen#head-2b7a38de2ee5f77258591f0f1e7984a761bed26808:39
astro76noob-africa: if you want to restart x, do ctrl+alt+backspace08:39
askvictoris there a package that will let me browser rsync repositories?08:39
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two:..i am not getting any output08:39
Nicole_untuseven_six_two: but thats mentioned "This guide is based on the newest release: *ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)"08:40
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, sorry, not required for the current kernel. you need the fuse module though08:41
Seven_Six_TwoNicole_untu, I know. but it's better than nothing, no?08:41
Seven_Six_TwoNicole_untu, I think I used the 7.1 instructions. I draw in the gimp now with pressure sensitivity08:41
noob-africaSeven_Six_Two: please read http://paste.ubuntu.com/17847/08:42
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: libstat-lsmode-perl ????08:42
Nicole_untuseven_six_two: I tried to follow that, but stopped at an error08:42
Seven_Six_TwoNicole_untu, what error?08:42
AquaFoxI get the following error trying to upgrade through alternate CD: E: /media/cdrom0//pool/main/h/human-theme/human-theme_0.18_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/screensavers/ubuntu_theme.desktop', which is also in package gnome-screensaver08:42
noob-africawill be back08:43
Nicole_untuseven_six_two: cann't remember, but i'll go thru the instructions again and see what i get08:43
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17848/ .........check out, i have pasted the commands to mount and getting some error08:43
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: should i install libstat-lsmode-perl  ???08:45
AquaFoxCan anybody help me please?08:45
neo_hi i am using mint linux... but there is some problem with my resulution .. i am not getting 1024x768 from the list.. can anybody plss fix this ??08:45
AquaFoxI get the following error trying to upgrade through alternate CD: E: /media/cdrom0//pool/main/h/human-theme/human-theme_0.18_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/screensavers/ubuntu_theme.desktop', which is also in package gnome-screensaver08:45
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, you need to add a partition type, and you need an empty dir to mount to so "mkdir /media/sba2"08:45
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, you need to specify a partition and destination also if it's not listed in mtab or fstab08:46
sortudo_78what is the command to use dhcp client ?08:46
gilhi some body in spanish?08:46
Jalathan!es - gil08:46
ubottuFactoid es - gil not found08:46
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.08:46
nando1788aalguien habla español y sabe instalar ghamachi?08:46
gpsockprob /etc/init.d/dchp restart08:46
JvAHi! Someone here who owns a Dell M1330 and managed to get HDMI-out working? I have a Nvidia graphics card in it.08:47
neo_can any body fix my resulution plss .. :)08:47
MaskedOneSo i keep having web browsers just up and disapear on me, any clue why?08:47
MaskedOneusualy happens when clicking a link or right clicking an image and clicking save08:47
sortudo_78gpsock: thare is a command like dclient some else, do you remenber?08:47
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, try "mkdir /media/sda1 && sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/sda1"08:47
MaskedOneHas happened in FF3, FF2, Epiphany, you name it08:47
ikoniaJvA: no problem, for video it's as simple as either a.) using the nast nvidia-settings tools along with the gnome desktop tools b.) changing the output dvice from pci:0:0:1 to pci:0:1:0 in the xorg.conf, for sound it's a little more complex, especially with pulse08:48
GinMaskedOne, bad image08:48
askvictoris there a package that will let me browser rsync repositories?08:48
adi1y1how do i do that ??08:48
MaskedOnegin: why does it just disapear on me....seems random since it also happened when clicking a link08:48
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: i am new to this, i am not understanding everything08:48
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: can you tell me the commands,pls.08:48
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GinMaskedOne, when it crashed, was there any site using flash?08:49
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, copy and paste everything in the quotes. They are the commands. the && means continue here when previous command completes sucessfully08:49
Nicole_untuseven_six_two: I got it working, thanks08:49
MaskedOnegin: not that I was aware of08:49
MaskedOneGin: Just tried saving the same image and worked fine now08:49
Nicole_untuseven_six_two: does GIMP need special configuration for the tablet?08:49
Seven_Six_TwoNicole_untu, no prob. I got mine for $30 and was ecstatic when I got it working08:49
MaskedOnejust google and then the image in another tab08:49
Seven_Six_TwoNicole_untu, in the options, under input devices08:50
JvAikonia: Sound is not prio 1, but the screen is. The pci:0:1:0 part. Should I put that under "Device" in xorg.conf, where the other pci-part normally is?08:50
JvAikonia: that is, replace it08:50
GinMaskedOne, I have this problem too, but it happens less with ff3 rc208:50
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two:i am getting this error " Failed to access '/dev/sda1': No such file or directory "08:50
MaskedOneshouldn't happen at all lol08:50
MaskedOneIm trying to parade Linux as the pinnacle of stability but cant when this happpens lol08:50
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, then it doesn't exist?08:50
JvAikonia: And what do you mena use the nvidia tool with the gnome-desktop tool? Don't they operate individually?08:51
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: i tried sda2 sda3 and sda4 still i am getting the same error for all08:51
GinMaskedOne, flash can be the cause tho08:51
MaskedOnealso was odd how it has happened in ever browser i have tried, randomly08:51
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, do you see them in your /dev directory?08:51
darthadi1y1, do you use sudo?08:51
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: yes08:51
darthsudo mount -t ntfs-3g etc08:51
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: i mean i used sudo08:52
GinMaskedOne, try IE7 on Ubuntu then :P08:52
MaskedOneGin: Any fixes on the way? Never had this problem with older Ubuntu...08:52
MaskedOnelol IE7 would be worse yet08:52
Janice8954Jack and Ardour?08:52
GinMaskedOne, not that I known of08:52
JalathanSeven_Six_Two, might be hdaX08:52
GinMaskedOne, try asking in the forum, maybe some one has a work around08:52
MaskedOneGin: Also is it just me or does Opera Browser not exist in the repos anymore?08:52
GinMaskedOne, Opeta should be in the repo08:53
JalathanMaskedOne, it's in the conical repo's08:53
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two:, i am able to read FAT drives but i cant read NTFS drives, but i can see the icons of drives in the explorer08:53
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, do you have the fuse module installed?     lsmod | grep fuse08:53
MaskedOneJalathan, not activated by default?08:53
MaskedOneOk just a check box?08:54
adi1y1a@edubuntu:~$ lsmod | grep fuse08:54
adi1y1fuse                   47124  108:54
WoxdeeIs there a way you can make the filesystem containing your installation include data-redundancy, ie. double storage of critical core components, so that if for instance a sector of the disk goes bad the filesystem has a fallback?08:54
Janice8954JACK and Ardour? Its run off my car keys08:54
utnubudnai!paste | utnubudnai08:55
MaskedOneJalathan: under Software Sources->Ubuntu Software (Tab) I have everything checked alrdy including Canonical-supported08:55
bullgard4[Epiphany] After feisty2gutsy upgrade Epiphany fogot its bookmarks. I replaced the ~/.gnome2/epiphany/bookmarks file with a backup copy but Epiphany does not show the old bookmarks. How to troubleshoot?08:55
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two, i am getting some error when i mount from icon in explorer also08:55
JalathanMaskedOne, it's under the 3rd party tab08:55
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, did the mkdir work for /media/sda108:56
MaskedOneI see that hehe, do i need the source code one too?08:56
Jalathanopera's in there08:56
Janice8954I can't get JACK Configured properly08:56
Nicole_untuseven_six_two: pressure doesn't seem to work under GIMP08:57
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: i dont know. how do i check that ?08:57
AquaFoxI get the following error trying to upgrade through alternate CD: E: /media/cdrom0//pool/main/h/human-theme/human-theme_0.18_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/screensavers/ubuntu_theme.desktop', which is also in package gnome-screensaver08:57
AquaFoxCan anybody help me upgrade?08:57
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two:its there08:57
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, can you paste ls -l | grep /dev08:57
lokuazzzHI I Just install UBUNTU to my new laptop! But wireless is not working :(.. why? right now im using wired connection not wireless!08:57
lokuazzzcan someone help me08:57
lokuazzzsomeone told me this chat was useful:D08:58
sortudo_78Please help me! when i reboot, i got an ip adrress and DNS and domain name configuration via dgcp, but when i type dhclien -d , thai say: "no working leases in persistent database - sleeping -", what should be that problem? why cat i release and renew my ip address via dhcp, PS: on windows and debian dhcp works fine08:58
MaskedOneJalathan, now it shows up in synaptic but not the Add/Remove lol08:58
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: ls -l | grep /dev i am not getting anything as output08:58
MaskedOneah well thanks08:58
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, that's cuz I'm dumb...sorry     ls -l /dev | grep sd08:59
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: everyone makes mistakes dude,crw-rw-rw- 1 root   tty       2,  61 2008-06-07 18:20 ptysd08:59
adi1y1crw-rw-rw- 1 root   tty       3,  61 2008-06-07 18:20 ttysd08:59
utnubudnaiwell I want to compile firefox on my hardy heron!but it shows me this:http://paste.ubuntu.com/17850/09:00
utnubudnaiany ideas will be appreciate!09:00
Ginutnubudnai, you need the devel packages for those packages mentioned09:01
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, that's not all, is it?09:01
utnubudnaiGin, then what should i do !I ve never compiled a firefox before!09:01
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: i just got those 2 lines09:01
Jalathanutnubudnai, "sudo apt-get install build-essential"09:02
Seven_Six_Twohow about with hd instead of sd?09:02
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: ok09:02
AquaFoxhow to blacklist human-themes from the packages to be installed?09:02
Ginutnubudnai, mind if I ask why you are compiling it?09:03
utnubudnaiI think I've installed that!09:03
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: same error "Failed to access '/dev/sda1': No such file or directory"09:03
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
AquaFoxI've asked over 500 questions here and non get answered.09:03
Seven_Six_Twooh I mean ls -l /dev/ | grep hd09:03
GinAquaFox, what are your wuestions?09:03
utnubudnaiGin Oh I want to see how firefox works!:)09:03
AquaFoxhow to blacklist human-themes from the packages to be installed?09:04
AquaFoxI get the following error trying to upgrade through alternate CD: E: /media/cdrom0//pool/main/h/human-theme/human-theme_0.18_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/screensavers/ubuntu_theme.desktop', which is also in package gnome-screensaver09:04
Ginutnubudnai, then you don't need to compile it..09:04
AquaFoxHelp me upgrade?09:04
AquaFoxThose questions.09:04
Jalathanutnubudnai, are you running Gnome or KDE?09:04
AquaFoxIt keeps getting ignoreed.09:04
FloodBot1AquaFox: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:04
utnubudnaiGin what do you mean by that!09:04
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: do i have to install libstat-lsmode-perl ??09:04
utnubudnaiJalathan, I am running Gnome!09:04
Ginutnubudnai, there are binary packages of ff for Ubuntu out there already09:05
utnubudnaiGin No,not that !I want to study the firefox and hope that I can change it!09:05
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, not unless you're writing a script09:05
AquaFoxLOL, still no one is answering them.09:06
Seven_Six_TwoAquaFox, that's because nobody has an answer right now09:06
GinAquaFox, I have never seen that before.. but I would try to remove /usr/share/applications/screensavers/ubuntu_theme.desktop09:06
AquaFoxI removed it.09:06
AquaFoxDidn't help :(09:06
belendaxsz /. ***09:06
belendax*** belendax dar mikhande09:07
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: i have 2 HDDs and NTFS drives are in secondary HDD , so we should use sda09:07
Seven_Six_TwoAquaFox, have you tried to remove gnome-screensaver?09:07
AquaFoxI removed that too.09:07
GinAquaFox, I don't know what you can do. maybe a fresh install instead of upgrade?09:07
utnubudnaiGin any ideas about continue the compiling?09:07
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, you can only use the devices that are listed. they have to be in /dev to be mounted. You can't just make them up as you go09:07
ikoniautnubudnai what are you trying to compile ?09:07
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utnubudnaifirefox! ikonia !09:08
WoxdeeCouldn't AquaFox's upgrade process be called with a force option of some sort?09:08
ikoniautnubudnai: why ? firefox is in the repo's09:08
noob-africahi all... i fixed my login screen problem... actually the correct settings were in xorg.conf.2 (which was a backup file).09:08
utnubudnaiIt shows me this! ikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/17850/09:08
noob-africaback to square 1... thanks a lot u guys!09:08
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: how do i find them in /dev ??? i tried but i couldnt locate anything09:08
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, pata drives were hd(a,b,c,d)(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) before09:09
ikoniautnubudnai: why are you compiling firefox09:09
utnubudnaiikonia, just study the firefox on how it works!09:09
ikoniautnubudnai: that error is quite straight forward09:09
ikoniautnubudnai: compiling it won't show you how it works09:09
utnubudnaiI hope that I can change it!09:09
Ginutnubudnai, you need the devel packages..09:09
ikoniait won't show you how it works09:09
noob-africabye for now09:09
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, if they are listed properly in bios and detected during post, they should be the ones that begin with either hd or sd09:09
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, 5 mins please. smoke time09:10
utnubudnaiGin,I want to know how to get those packages!09:10
lonejackhi, has somebody found any arrors on the recent ubuntu update(8.04)? To me the system gave a dependency error on kernel-generic... or something like taht09:10
Ginutnubudnai, use synaptic and make sure you have the source repo's enabled09:10
ikoniautnubudnai: you are doing something for no reason and will likley break your system09:11
sinsunHere's a question. How do I check two different HD on differ version files?09:11
ikoniautnubudnai: why dont you tell me what your really trying to do and why09:11
ikoniasinsun: what do you mean check ?09:11
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: here all the partitions are listed "/dev/disk/by-id"....both HDDs have booted and take your own time09:11
sinsunikonia: I have a,b,c on HD1 and b,c,d on HD2 and I want to check how many different files in each HD.09:12
ikoniasinsun: you could put the output to a file and diff it09:12
sinsunikonia: ls -alf > HD1 ; ls -alf >HD2 ; diff HD1 HD2  ?09:13
utnubudnaiikonia, I want to modify firefox! I want a firefox with some links to some proper sites! And other people can use it!09:13
ikoniasinsun: sounds good09:13
sinsunikonia: thx09:14
utnubudnaiikonia, I think that's cool!09:14
ikoniautnubudnai: firefox with links to proper sites ???? what are you talking about,09:14
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: hey its hdb not sda09:14
Ginutnubudnai, midn to tell us more about the links?09:14
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, hdb is one of the drives. if you have an extended partition, you can't mount that.09:15
utnubudnaiikonia, sorry! it should be bookmarks not links!09:15
ikoniautnubudnai: you don't need to compile firefox to change the book marks09:15
Bodsdautnubudnai, you want to make bookmarks for firefox?09:15
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, eg. hdb1 might be extended and contain hdb3 hdb4 and hdb509:16
adi1y1 Seven_Six_Two: hmmm......does that mea i cant mount a drive from secondary HDD ?09:16
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, gparted or qtparted can show you the actual partitions that you have to mount09:16
utnubudnaiikonia, I want add bookmarks to firefox!09:16
ikoniautnubudnai: ok, you don't need to recompile firefox for that09:16
ikoniautnubudnai: I suggest you stop now, before you break your system09:17
Bodsdautnubudnai, goto a site then click the bookmarks link at the topof FF or press ctrl+D09:17
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, no, but an extended is just a container since you can only have 4 logical partitions09:17
adi1y1 Seven_Six_Two: is it possible to ever mount those partitions ?09:17
utnubudnaiikonia, No you do not understand me!09:17
nickolausI seem to be having an issue with flash in FF.09:18
ikoniautnubudnai: I do, you want to change the default book marks firefox ships with09:18
Bodsdautnubudnai, no,you are not explaining your problem properly09:18
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, yes, but you need to get the right partition numbers. how many partitions are on the drive that you want to mount from?09:18
roycrusehi - can someone tell me how to make ubuntu mount a partition everytime it starts - thanks09:18
ikoniaroycruse: put it in /etc/fstab09:18
nickolausI had flash working and now it just shows a gray box.09:18
ikoniaroycruse: or use automounter depending on your system setup09:18
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: there many be around 8 partitions09:18
Bodsdaroycruse, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313109:18
utnubudnaiikonia, I want to compile it and make it available for others!So they don't need to add those bookmarks themselves!09:19
adi1y1wait let me install gparted...Seven_Six_Two.09:19
Bodsdanickolaus, close FF and reload it,.should sort it09:19
roycrusethanks all09:19
ikoniautnubudnai: I understand that, and I'm explaining to you, you don't need to compile it09:19
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, ok. sorry for now. I have to be at work in 12 hours. I need to sleep now09:19
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: will be back within 10 mins because i have to lunch09:19
Bodsdautnubudnai, then you need to understand how to compile, how to package and how to distribute09:19
ikoniautnubudnai: so I say again "stop" before you break your system09:19
fleebailey33what's the root password?09:19
ikoniafleebailey33: there isn't one09:20
ikoniafleebailey33: ubuntu uses sudo09:20
adi1y1Seven_Six_Two: its ok,thank you anyways09:20
fleebailey33says there is09:20
Bodsdautnubudnai, if you have to askhow to compile your probably not experienced enough to get this right09:20
ikoniafleebailey33: where ?09:20
Mr_SpOOnHi, I'm trying to install the drop-down terminal guake on Hardy Heron. I downloaded the .deb from the main site, but it says: Error: Dependency is not satisfable: libpango1.0-0, but I already have this library. What can I do?09:20
Seven_Six_Twoadi1y1, I'll be back tomorrow night if you need help again09:20
fleebailey33when i login09:20
ikoniautnubudnai: again - you don't need to recompile firefox to change the default bookmarks09:20
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.09:20
Bodsdafleebailey33, ^^09:20
ikoniafleebailey33: you can't login as root09:20
Bodsdaikonia, not entirely true09:21
Bodsdaby default yes09:21
ikoniaBodsda: yes it is09:21
fleebailey33called single user mode09:21
Bodsdaikonia, no its not09:21
FloodBot1fleebailey33: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:21
ikoniafleebailey33: single user mode is not logging in as root09:21
Seven_Six_Twoikonia, sudo su09:21
fleebailey33it drops. to root shell. thanks09:21
ikoniaSeven_Six_Two: thats not logging in as root and incorrect synatix09:21
BodsdaSeven_Six_Two, thats not logging in as root09:21
LimCorewhy ntpd sucks?09:21
utnubudnaiikonia, then how to!09:21
ikoniaLimCore: it doesn't09:21
Jalathanikonia, you can have GDM allow root to log in after you assign root a password09:21
ikoniautnubudnai: the debian source package contains a default bookmarks file09:21
ikoniaJalathan: yes, you "can" do that, however ubuntu is not setup to do that09:22
Jalathanrequires a tick mark in one of the settings09:22
LimCoreikonia: my clock is 800 seconds off.09:22
LimCorewhile ntpd runs.09:22
LimCorefor hours09:22
Seven_Six_Twoikonia, ok true enough. doesn't even do root env that way either09:22
ikoniaLimCore: check your drift file09:22
ikoniaSeven_Six_Two: I know this09:22
LimCoreikonia: it says 1.609:22
fleebailey33well this is funny. i was just messing around09:22
Bodsdaikonia, wow,.,.your gettin hammered dude09:22
bacardeeit works09:22
ikoniaLimCore: ok, so what servers are you syncing about09:22
ikoniaBodsda: I don't think so09:22
bacardeeim on ubuntu right now woo09:22
LimCorecat /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift      cat /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift09:23
Bodsdaikonia, youve got like 5 people on your back09:23
Seven_Six_Twobacardee, it worked? noapic?09:23
fleebailey33ill take a back09:23
Bodsdaikonia, doin a great job thoughm809:23
LimCorecat /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift      1.87209:23
fleebailey33anyone need help?09:23
ikoniaSeven_Six_Two: I'd request you never give that sort of command information out in future (sudo su)09:23
LimCoreikonia: dunno, all is by default.09:23
bacardeeacpi=off noapic and nolapic09:23
ikoniaLimCore: ok, so thats why it's not working well, you've not set it up09:23
LimCoreikonia: I want to have clock synchronized, not play with config files09:23
fleebailey33ikonia: why not?09:23
bacardee64 bit version is installed and im using it right now :D09:23
LimCoreikonia: ubuntu is for human beings or for ntpd experts?09:23
BodsdaSeven_Six_Two, sudo -i will alow you to become root in a shell session09:23
ikoniaLimCore: maybe checking why somethings not working before saying "it sucks" is a better approach09:23
Seven_Six_Twoikonia, in this channel sure, but I don't agree with withholding information09:23
utnubudnaiikonia, So I should just change the bookmarks files!And then do I need to compile it?09:24
ikoniaSeven_Six_Two: thats not withholding information, just offer sudo -i09:24
LimCoreikonia: if it doesnt work by default then it sucks for regular user09:24
ikoniaubottu: no09:24
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!09:24
ikoniaLimCore: why are you always trouble like this09:24
LimCoreikonia: well I looked into config file, it syncs with pool.ntp.org  with seems ok09:24
LimCoreikonia: everyone is, but most people just take it quietly09:24
BodsdaSeven_Six_Two, ikonia'scomment was merely stating that your command was wrong09:24
ikoniaLimCore: ok so pool.ntp.org is just an alias, it should find your quickest local time source09:24
Seven_Six_Twoikonia, ok. I thought it was sudo su -s09:24
askvictorhow can I search for which package provides a particular file?09:25
ikoniaSeven_Six_Two: no - its not09:25
LimCoreikonia: omg.09:25
ikoniaLimCore: so do "ntpdate pool.ntp.org"09:25
Jalathansudo apt-cache search <FILE>09:25
fleebailey33how does terminal say something when i open it?09:25
fleebailey33like an motd?09:25
KRFaskvictor, dpkg -S <file>09:25
ikoniafleebailey33: /etc/motd09:25
LimCoreikonia:   ntpdate[7943]: adjust time server offset 0.003652 sec   and?09:25
ikoniaLimCore: ok - so your clock is not actually off with that time source09:25
KRFaskvictor, http://packages.ubuntu..com09:25
LimCoreikonia:  it is synced now,  first time  offset was 800 sec09:26
ikoniaLimCore: as you can see 0.003652 out of sync with pool.ntp.com09:26
askvictorKRF: thanks09:26
fleebailey33LimCore: type sudo rm -rf /09:26
fleebailey33it works09:26
BodsdaKRF, double dot in there09:26
ikoniaLimCore: no problem, let it drift09:26
ikoniafleebailey33: never say that in this channel please09:26
LimCorefleebailey33 wants a kick09:26
KRFBodsda, i think everybody knows09:26
Bodsdafleebailey33, dont ever suggest that -- or youll get kicke09:26
ikoniaLimCore: you know to ignore that please09:26
LimCoreikonia: it was 800 second off09:26
bullgard4[Epiphany] After feisty2gutsy upgrade Epiphany fogot its bookmarks. I replaced the ~/.gnome2/epiphany/bookmarks file with a backup copy but Epiphany does not show the old bookmarks. How to troubleshoot?09:26
BodsdaKRF, just checkin -- some people dont read links there given then complain when they dont work09:26
fleebailey33why. because ubuntu users are only ones stupid enough to try it? o.009:26
ikoniaLimCore: I see that, but I can't look into it while it's not off, so let it drift again then shout09:26
LimCoreok sorry, 500 not 800 =)      7 Jun 10:10:44 ntpdate[7736]: step time server offset 573.092209 sec09:27
ikoniafleebailey33: drop the attitude - its not needed and uncalled for, help if you want but don't cause issues09:27
Bodsdafleebailey33, if you want to discuss this tell meand we can go to #ubuntu-ops09:27
Seven_Six_Twoikonia, I read the man. thanks. wouldn't the way I suggested work fine for a quick command? I use it sometimes if I have to delete a file or dir. not for things like apt-get09:27
ikoniaSeven_Six_Two: technically works, yes, the ubuntu supported method (makes it easier to manager - no)09:28
BodsdaSeven_Six_Two, sudo -i is highly recommended becuase it moves you to the root dir aswell09:28
ikoniaSeven_Six_Two: your technically correct in your command, but due to sudo's layout it's "more acceptable" to do sudo -i09:28
LimCorefleebailey33: ubuntu aims to be for human beings, so it should work by default without reading RFC on NTPD,  if you want to help to debug this possible bug then intall ntpd09:28
un2himanyone having problems using pre-released (hardy-proposed) updates?09:28
ikoniaLimCore: I'll help you - just left the clock drift again09:28
Seven_Six_Twook. Thanks both. it's shorter too!!09:28
Bodsdaun2him, no09:29
LimCoreikonia: ok. I leave ntpd running then09:29
drashun2him: no, what's seems to be the trouble ?09:29
ikoniaLimCore: let it get say 500 drift again then we'll walk it through09:29
un2himdrash: not having problems, just wondering if it is a good idea09:29
LimCoreikonia: hot to check the drift without updating it at same time09:29
Bodsdaun2him, yeah,they seem stable enough09:30
ikoniaLimCore: just do a "date"09:30
un2himBodsda: thanks09:30
drashun2him: okay, good question actually ..09:30
Bodsdaun2him, although problems may occur,.,.it is unlikely but could easily happen09:30
MinusSevenis everyone going to be in Portland, Oregon in July?09:30
broonsparrowhi. since upgrading to 8.04 i can't write to a fat partition on my computer. i can read/write fine to a ntfs partition. anyone any ideas?09:31
Ginhow do ou convert a .img file to iso?09:31
un2himBodsda, drash: I do know that a recent problem with changing the wallpaper is fixed using hardy-proposed09:31
Bodsdaun2him, noones complained about them in here afaik09:31
Bodsdaand im using them09:31
un2himBodsda: thanks, I think I'll take the plunge09:32
Bodsdaun2him, good luck ;~)09:32
grammim running into an error trying to install fretsonfire-game: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17859/09:33
utnubudnaiikonia, You say debian source package!do you mean a .deb file?09:33
ikoniautnubudnai: no, thats a compile package file09:34
Bodsdautnubudnai, yes09:34
Bodsdaikonia, cant you just change the bookmarks in the .deb?09:34
ikoniaBodsda: yes,09:34
ikoniaBodsda: but you need the source package (not source code) to re-package09:34
Bodsdaikonia, oh, -- i see ty09:35
johnnypeais there exist some list of highlighted application for Ubuntu?09:36
utnubudnaiikonia, then where could I get that compile package file?09:36
Bodsdajohnnypea, highlighted application??09:37
Estethjohnnypea, What do you mean by highlighted?09:37
mrtimdogIs there a way of granting access from nm-applet to the default keyring automatically without having to type in the password?09:37
drashgramm: syntax error in that particular file, have you tried opening that one in an editor to check what could be wrong ?09:37
ikoniautnubudnai: just to be clear - you don't need to re-compile the package, just edit a text file in the deb source package (not source code) you can get that package from the ubuntu repo's. There is a team in the channel #ubuntu-motu who can help guide you through it09:37
johnnypearecommended, best,the most used09:37
Bodsda!best | johnnypea09:38
ubottujohnnypea: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:38
utnubudnaiikonia, ok thank you!09:38
grammdrash: i have, and line 167 is "        results = ", and as i am not a programmer (nor do i have the time to learn and go through to figure out what should be there) i have no idea how to fix it...09:38
johnnypeahmmm OK09:38
ikoniautnubudnai: an easier option maybe to submit and package update request, say "include these default pages" then when firefox gets updates from the ubuntu team, it's all done for you09:39
ikoniautnubudnai: submiting an update request is much easier than doing it your self if your not happy with what your doing09:39
br0skiHola all.09:39
grammdrash: correction: "i am not a python programmer"09:39
ikoniautnubudnai: eg: you could have broke you system if you carry on09:39
Bodsdaikonia, there unlikely to include some of the links unless ther *nix/ubuntu related no?09:39
drashgramm: okay, does the game work at all ?09:40
ikoniaBodsda: I don't know - hence why I said "ask"09:40
kyaneoshow can i manage services at boot up??09:40
Bodsdaikonia, yeah ;~)09:40
kyaneosdoes services-admin works fine??09:40
bullgard4[Epiphany] After feisty2gutsy upgrade Epiphany fogot its bookmarks. I replaced the ~/.gnome2/epiphany/bookmarks file with a backup copy but Epiphany does not show the old bookmarks. How to troubleshoot?09:40
ikoniakyaneos: should do09:40
=== Ja1athan is now known as Jalathan
Bodsdagramm, i dabble in python,.,.anything i can help with?09:40
kyaneosand how can i see how sysv level i am in??09:41
ikoniabullgard4 maunally add book marks in epihpany, see if it stores them, if it does store them, see if your file has been changed (that way you can check it's writing tot he file ok)09:41
utnubudnaiikonia, I'm sorry but I really don't know why my system would be broke09:41
ikoniakyaneos: ubuntu doesn't use sysv init - but you can use who -r09:41
ikoniautnubudnai: compiling and installing packages that conflict with the package managed version in #ubuntu09:41
kyaneosikonia: does not upstart manage runlevels??09:41
ikoniain ubuntu sorry09:41
ikoniakyaneos: yes it does, hence not sysv09:41
kyaneosmm ok09:42
kyaneosikonia: and how can i see what runlevel i am running on??09:42
ikoniakyaneos: who -r09:42
grammBodsda: im trying to install fretsonfire-game, and i get a compile error (see here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17859/ ) when i try to install the package09:42
kyaneosthank you very much ikonia and sorry for my poor English09:43
dstanif i were to run ubuntu on my macbook, would there be a special version of it that i have to get09:43
Bodsdagramm, can u pastebin that file please09:43
grammBodsda, drash: the game at least starts though, so im going to poke around (setup guitar, etc) to see if anything breaks09:43
ikoniakyaneos: no apologies needed09:43
bullgard4ikonia: I did add manually bookmarks to Epiphany. Yes, Epiphany does store them. I do not understand the word "tot" in your sentence: "that way you can check it's writing  tot he file ok."09:43
ikoniabullgard4: "to the"09:44
ikoniabullgard4: the space was in the wrong place09:44
NemosNemosHi everybody09:44
bullgard4ikonia: yes, I see.09:44
Estethdstan, As far as i know, you should use the regular version of ubuntu. I'm not sure if you have an older macBook with a PPC processor though09:44
NemosNemosWhere can I find a disk manager on ubuntu?09:44
grammBodsda: sure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17865/09:44
NemosNemosI need to know where Ubuntu is installed09:44
Bodsdagramm, thanks09:44
dstanthose are called iBooks ;)09:44
drashgramm: ok, if you pastebin that particular file (/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/hotwire_ui/scripts.py) we can have a further look, thanks in advance09:44
zenumhello, does anyone know how to configure the backend to mythtv using mythbuntu?09:45
Jalathandstan, do make sure that you are backed up if you are planning to dualboot OSX & ubuntu09:45
NemosNemosWhere can I find a disk manager on Ubuntu?09:45
grammdrash: if you didnt see it, i just did.  ;-)   http://paste.ubuntu.com/17865/09:45
kyaneosis there any package which contains a C reference  and documentation for use with devhelp?? pleae09:45
zenumi'm trying to set up a backend/frontend... but the backend was never configured and now i can't connect to it09:45
EstethNemosNemos: install gparted, then find it in system->admin->disk manager09:45
drashNemosNemos: gparted09:45
bullgard4ikonia: The writing to the file is ok. --  I presume that the error is conneted somehow to XML.09:45
drashgramm: thx, missed it ;)09:45
NemosNemosI'll try09:45
grammdrash: np, you are giving me free help after all (and thank you for that), same to you Bodsda09:46
dstani have time machine for that09:46
Bodsdagramm, try changing "results = " to "results = 0"09:46
NemosNemosAnother thing: VLC is better than Totem, but I can't uninstall the latter. How can I do that?09:46
BodsdaNemosNemos, sudo apt-get remove totem09:47
grammBodsda: should i then dpkg-reconfigure fretsonfire-game ?09:47
gnomefreakNemosNemos: you can remove totem but you may not want to09:47
caper1totem sucks09:47
Bodsdagramm, no09:47
Bodsdacaper1, no, totem plays09:47
Jalathandstan, np, just talked to someone recently that borked his OSX install when dualbooting with ubuntu. timemachined to an ipod touch fortunately09:47
Bodsdacaper1, a hover sucks09:47
Bodsdacaper1, a hoover sucks09:47
NemosNemosTotem sucks09:47
caper1but after you install other players it wont09:47
NemosNemosOK, so I won't09:47
BodsdaNemosNemos, theres no harm in leaving it there09:48
drashcaper1: totem uses gstreamer as backend, install the necessary gstreamer plugins and it plays anything you want09:48
caper1I don't even fuss with it any more and just use VLC or Mplayer09:48
NemosNemosDrash, I loaded gstreamer, but it still cannot load .avi, .midi, .mp3 files09:48
gnomefreakdrash: it can use xine as well09:48
BodsdaRythmbox ftw!!09:48
caper1Gstreamer is what screws up my other codecs09:48
NemosNemoscaper1, I agree with you09:48
grammBodsda: so, i that should fix it then, and i should be able to play the game (assuming no other bugs)?09:48
caper1this was a while back and I do not know if I would still have this conflict09:48
NemosNemosVLC wins09:48
GinNemosNemos, try vlc09:49
broonsparrowhi. since upgrading to 8.04 i can't write to a fat partition on my computer. i can read/write fine to a ntfs partition. anyone any ideas?09:49
Ginvlc plays almost anything here :-)09:49
manbhow do i set values with gconftool or gconftool2? i know the path to the key from gconf-editor.09:49
grammbroonsparrow: check your /etc/fstab file (just open it in a text editor)09:49
Bodsdagramm, yeah,. because the script is a text file it shoyuldnt need to be dpkgd'd so try it,.,. the only thing is if it doesnt work change the "0" to "False"09:49
caper1Trusty old VLC09:49
drashNemosNemos: for those you'll need to install additional gstreamer plugins (look into the gstreamer-plugins-good -bad and -ugly)09:49
Jalathandstan, sorry, to bork can mean to have created an issue/messed up something09:49
NemosNemosThe last thing: why cannot I see the partition on which Ubuntu is installed? In "Computer" I just see the WIndows Partition (220 GB) and a partition ext3 called "Filesystem" (where Ubuntu is). Shouldn't it be called in another way?09:50
grammBodsda: will do, thanks.    drash: thanks.09:50
Bodsdagramm, lemme no how it goes09:50
NemosNemosAnd in the folder sometimes it says "Access denied"09:50
dstani understood09:50
dstanno worries09:50
FloodBot1dstan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:50
drashgramm: yes, report if it clears out the error09:50
BodsdaNemosNemos, thats the root folder '/' your home is /home/nemos/09:51
caper1I dont think windows will recognize the partition09:51
Jalathankk, was making sure all was clear09:51
dstanoh shit, lol, sorry.09:51
grammdrash: will do09:51
BodsdaNemosNemos, you need sudo to edit the '/' or anything above /home09:51
NemosNemosBosda, what do I have to do?09:51
BodsdaNemosNemos, what are you trying to do?09:51
NemosNemosI want to see the two partitions09:52
NemosNemosOne called "C:" with WIndows on it09:52
NemosNemosAnd the other one called "Linux" with Ubuntu on it09:53
BodsdaNemosNemos, in nautilus neither of these things can be changed tmk09:53
Jalathanis -19 more usable than -18? (in terms of -18 having caused issues with some installs)09:53
NemosNemosBut it is not so good to see a "filesystem" named partition09:54
NemosNemosWhere I cannot see the size09:54
NemosNemosAnd things like that09:54
NemosNemosIsn't it?09:54
drashJalatan: it should yes, best to keep -17 for a while just in case09:54
livingdaylightmy dictionary works only for english; i've added spanish  in preference but it doesn't recognize spanish words?09:54
BodsdaNemosNemos, it doesnt bother many but    sudo fdisk -l      will tell you their size and you could sumbit a sugggestion on he brainstorm section of ubuntu forums to have this feature added to nautilus09:55
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Jalathandrash, kk, ty09:55
drashlivingdaylight: did you install a spanish dictionary ?09:55
NemosNemosCan I ask another thing?09:55
BodsdaNemosNemos, your welcome09:55
BodsdaNemosNemos, of course you can09:55
NemosNemosWe are on a support channel09:55
livingdaylightdrash: i think so09:55
Bodsdacorrect NemosNemos09:55
NemosNemosOk: is there a way to install IE7 on Ubuntu?09:55
livingdaylightdrash: dict-es?09:55
drashlivingdaylight: aspell, ispell ? which one please ?09:56
NemosNemosI've heard something on the Net, but cannot do that09:56
BodsdaNemosNemos, you would have to ask the wine guys in #wine but i think so yes09:56
NemosNemosAnd what about installing tar.gz archives?09:56
BodsdaNemosNemos, not sure why you would want IE7 though09:56
NemosNemosI prefer it...09:57
BodsdaNemosNemos, you do not install tar.gz files you unpack them and usually compile them -- whats the exact issue with tar.gz?09:57
NemosNemosI don't know how to compile them09:57
NemosNemosWhat do I have to do?09:57
suhridkhello, could someone tell me as to which are all the instllation directories that Firefox uses in Ubuntu ?09:57
NemosNemosI've extracted an archive09:57
BodsdaNemosNemos, id strongly suggest you try firefox for a few eeks because it is undoubtedly a faster more efficient browser09:57
NemosNemosBodsda, I know09:57
BodsdaNemosNemos, if you dont know how to compile you probably shouldnt be attempting it09:57
NemosNemosBut I don't like its theme...09:57
NemosNemosAnd its management of tabs09:58
drashlivingdaylight: dict-freedict-spa-eng is what you need09:58
BodsdaNemosNemos, you can change the theme09:58
Mr_Bad_Newshow do i resize virtual box so its bigger09:58
BodsdaNemosNemos, and its tab amnaggement is similar to that of IR709:58
Mr_Bad_Newswhen i click machine > resize it makes it smaller09:58
JalathanNemosNemos, there are ways to make firefox look and act like IE709:58
livingdaylightdrash: i installed dict-freedict-spa-en09:59
livingdaylightdrash: i need aspell?09:59
Bodsdasuhridk, ~/.firefox09:59
Bodsdasuhridk, no sorry -- ~/.mozilla09:59
suhridkBodsda, thanks. How about /usr/lib/mozilla or /usr/lib/firefox ?10:00
BodsdaNemosNemos, why use linux if your gonna make it behave like windows?10:00
livingdaylightwhat's difference between ispell and aspell?10:00
JalathanNemosNemos, sry, this'll take a while, haven't attempted to do this for some time10:00
suhridkthe thing is I just uninstallted firefox 3, and i want to manually clean all the installation directories...10:00
Bodsdasuhridk, in a terminal type          locate firefox && locate mozilla | grep firefox         to find everything10:01
Flannelsuhridk: No, don't manually do it.  Do it through package management.,10:01
Mr_Bad_Newsdoes anyone know?10:01
Mr_Bad_Newsthe window is to small to do anything in10:01
suhridkthanks Bodsda and Flannel. I uninstalled like this : apt-get remove firefox3.010:01
drashlivingdaylight: differences are mainly the same as in the paper-world, some applications prefer ispell, others aspell, have no experience with dict though .. is the dictd daemon running ?10:01
popeyMr_Bad_News: install the virtualbox additions and then change the screen resolution in the guest OS10:02
Flannelsuhridk: No.  you need to purge it, "remove" only removes binaries, purge removes everything.10:02
Mr_Bad_Newshow do i install the additions10:02
Flannelsuhridk: In synaptic, it's "complete removal"10:02
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:02
livingdaylightdrash: yes, i added it from Applications/Accessories to panel and works with english, but i'd like to add other languages if possible10:02
popeyMr_Bad_News: i think that page covers it10:02
livingdaylightdrash: if i had ubunt uinstalled in another language i suppose the default for the dictionary would be in that language10:03
codyzappis there a plugin i need to get java working with firefox?10:03
drashlivingdaylight, try killall dictd to stop the daemon after you installed the spanish package, and fire the daemon up again, that's all i can think of10:04
suhridkFlannel, so does that mean that Firefox 3.0 is completely cleaned up in my system ?10:04
Flannelcodyzapp: sun-java6-plugin10:04
drashlivingdaylight: yes that would make sense10:04
Flannelsuhridk: assuming you've done that, and removed your personal config files, yes.10:04
codyzappFlannel, found in apps ?10:04
zvacetlivingdaylight : no10:04
Light-hi, how do I add an executable binary file to the PATH so that I dont have to be in its current directory to execute it?10:04
Flannelcodyzapp: Probably not, use synaptic.10:04
FlannelLight-: Where did you put it?10:04
codyzappFlannel, im new to ubuntu, where might i find synaptic :o10:05
livingdaylightzvacet: yes?10:05
Light-Flannel: I compiled a program but I cant type in its name to run it, unless im in the directory I compiled it in10:05
Flannelcodyzapp: system > admin > synaptic package manager10:05
codyzappk thanks10:05
zvacetlivingdaylight : you have to install support for that language under system>admin>language support10:05
Light-Flannel: its in /home/Programs10:05
Mr_Bad_Newspopey, how do i get the mouse to stop acting schitzo?10:05
Light-Flannel: its in /home/myuser/Programs10:05
zvacetlivingdaylight : this is from expirience I´m not native English speaker so I use my locale10:06
suhridkFlannel, thanks.10:07
Light-Flannel: I ran its make install script which put it in /usr/local/bin10:07
TyczekDo you experience something like "green-red" objects when playing movie with fglrx 8.5 ?10:07
Light-Flannel: but I still cant type in its name to run it from anywhere10:07
FlannelLight-: don't put it there, put it in /usr/local/bin, or ~/bin would work too sure.  .bash_rc is the usual method, and https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1931 gives more details10:07
Light-Flannel: ok, thanks10:08
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FlannelLight-: /usr/local/bin is the proper place for it10:08
FlannelLight-: and /usr/local/bin should already be in your PATH (echo $PATH to check)10:08
livingdaylightzvacet: i see. Would make sense that if i install aspell spanish or freedict-spanish -english that synaptic automatically installs language support or whatever dependency required. How should one know to go to system/admin/language support first?10:08
suhridkI have had lots of problems trying to use plugins like (flash) for Firefox on my x86_64 system using nspluginwrapper. I have now uninstalled firefox. Do you think I should install firefox 32 bit for linux OR use a separate browser like Opera ?10:09
unknown__problem regarding elisa media center10:09
LimCoresuhridk: what plugins?   on my ubuntu 8.04 amd64  all plugins Just Work10:09
livingdaylightzvacet: i just wanted to add a lanaguage to my dictionary not to every other application10:10
suhridkLimCore, plugins such as Flash Player 9 or Java for firefox10:10
bacardeehey seven_six_two you wouldn't happen to know a similar command for a vista install? because vista was doing the same thing, shutting off when the loading bar completed10:10
LimCoresuhridk: hmm10:10
LimCoresuhridk: I think flash and java work for me... but dunno if version 9 etc10:10
=== bod_ is now known as Bodsda
suhridkAdobe doesnt provide 64 bit versions of flash plugin, so you gotta mess around trying to install on the 32 bit version on 64 bit browser10:11
Light-suhridk: 64 bit ubuntu 8.04 gives you the option to install teh adobe flash plugin when you first encounter a flash site... worked perfectly for me10:11
TwingleI know this might fit better in #mplayer, but they couldn't fix the problem.  Does anyone know why mplayer does not sync up right while totem is fine under xfce4?10:12
zvacetlivingdaylight : I don´t know how to that sorry you will find somebody smarter then me here10:12
suhridkLight, is your firefox browser 62 bit or 32 bit ? Im aksing because both can be installed on a 64 bit system10:12
[0_A4Tech/query Garfeild10:12
livingdaylightzvacet: no, i don't think so... :)10:12
Light-suhridk: its the default that came with 64-bit 8.0410:12
suhridkLight-: thanks. Guess i got to try that option again10:13
zvacetlivingdaylight : having language support doesn´t mean that you have to use that language for all apps you can still use engish if you want to10:14
drashlivingdaylight: stopping/restarting dictd didn't change anything ?10:14
RotlausI'm using openbox as windowmanager and in my autostart.sh i set a background. But after the background is set, the screen will get the default gnome background. Where can i turn this off?10:15
livingdaylightdrash: no :(10:16
blackplasmacan someone help me? I am having trouble with my ati driver installation.10:16
blackplasmaI install the package from ati website10:17
drashlivingdaylight: any errors in .xsession-errors ? don't know if dict keeps any other log files in /var/log/ ..10:17
blackplasmabut when I run ccc it says the driver is not found10:17
Kyle__hey anyone here running xen on i686 on hardy?10:17
Kyle__i want to swipe a -xen vmlinuz and initrd from feisty -> hardy for i386/i68610:18
Jalathanblackplasma, might i ask why you are installing the drivers off of the ati web site instead of the fglrx driver that's in the repo's?10:19
AlexWdoes ubuntu support coaxial out10:19
blackplasmabecause i tried installing them, they still didn't work10:20
slfshi. is it possible to configure postmail to send emails via smtps to another mta?10:20
tama00__hi eveyrone!10:20
tama00__i want a command exactly like wget or curl that supports javascript to fetching content from ajax enabled sites10:21
tama00__does anyone know of any10:21
tama00__can links2 return html and accept cookies?10:21
Flanneltama00__: wget and curl both do cookies.10:22
tama00__Flannel: yeah the site has ajax on it but10:22
Flanneltama00__: (so yes, the more advanced actual browsers would too)10:22
zvacettama00__ : it don´t know if any text based browser have complete javascript support10:22
=== c0-pilot is now known as c0-PiloT
tama00__and i dont think either support javascript10:22
tama00__zvacet: links2 has javascript10:22
abyssanyone can help me with my wintv-card? all works fine i can see dvb-tv but the picture is kind of blue negative, how i can fix that?10:22
vbthe new compiz fusion in hardy repositories has a scale plugin which requires me to click on the screen edge; how can i avoid clicking?10:23
zvacettama00__ : thx for that10:23
Jalathanblackplasma, am searching10:23
Flanneltama00__: try elinks10:23
tama00__elinks aye :)10:23
abyssred seems to be a blue/green color how i can switch it to normal?10:24
ntoloI have a problem with my Desktop.I just restarted and my desktop is now all black.Can anyone help me please.10:25
drashvb: odd, a screen edge is usually used with the mouse ... what are your settings in ccsm for the scale plugin ?10:26
frederificMy laptop (running Hardy) hangs while booting. It gets as far as "Loading Samba daemons      [OK]", then stops. Any idea why?10:26
Hattorianybody know how to configure socks5-rev26 ?10:27
drashntolo: did yoy activate a wallpaper ?10:28
RotlausWhere does gdm stores it settings?10:28
Jalathanblackplasma, what ati card do you have?  32 or 64 bit? (updates are downloading, so the net is slow right now)10:28
blackplasmaradeon x160010:28
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ntolodrash, I have no idea how to do that.Its the first time this is happening10:29
WoxdeeI've just done 'mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda2 -c -c' to avoid bad blocks (I know they're there, I know I can't depend on the drive), and I'm wondering: When I now enter the installer and it insists on formatting the partition, will this overwrite the acquired badblock list?10:29
ajopaul_i added a new account to evolution, yahoo using ypops, but the mails are coming in local computer,10:29
ajopaul_how do i add a seperate folder for yahoo mails ?10:30
drashRotlaus: /etc/gdm .. usually gdm-conf-custom is the one you need to change, the others have a notice inside10:30
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=== yac is now known as yacc
ubottuFactoid ypops not found10:30
drashntolo: i'm on xubuntu so i can't tell you the menu items in regular ubuntu to do that .. try looking around for something like settings > desktop10:31
SageLordHey, anyone have a problem with the recent Kernal Upgrade?10:31
livingdaylightdrash: Connection failed to the dictionary server at es.dict.org:262810:31
bazhang_SageLord, what sort of problems10:31
livingdaylightdrash: that't the error message i get when i set it to spanish10:32
drashlivingdaylight: ahaa, that is helpfull, maybe it's down10:32
livingdaylightdrash: you think that could just be momentar ythen?10:32
avisit works ok with me SageLord10:32
SageLordbazhang_ - After the upgrade both uname and grub say I am still at
drashlivingdaylight; might be it yes, try ping'ing that to make sure10:33
bazhang_SageLord, you need to update-grub then10:33
Jalathanblackplasma, ok, a) xorg-driver-fglrx should support your card.10:34
livingdaylightdrash: how to ping that?10:34
SageLordWould grub affect the uname command though?10:34
blackplasmawill try it, thanks10:34
drashSageLord: that means you opted to keep the installed menu.list after the upgrade, either manually adjust the /boot/grub/menu.list and change the numbers10:34
Hattorianybody know how to configure socks5-rev26 ?10:35
Jalathanblackplasma, did you remove the xorg-driver-fglrx package and un-tick the box for supporting the restricted driver before installing the official package?10:35
drashlivingdaylight: open a terminal and "ping <that address you had there just now> <port number>"10:35
SageLorddrash - WOuld that effect the uname command though?10:35
blackplasmano i did not10:35
blackplasmai will try that too10:35
Jalathankk, that might be part of your issue10:36
drashSageLord: not that i know off .. sudo update-grub is another option10:36
blackplasmabtw, what is the difference b/w xorg-driver-fglrx and xorg-driver-fglrx-envy10:37
SageLorddrash - Bexause name also says I am still at
Jalathanenvy is for the older cards10:37
kepahegood moring10:37
SageLordUname still says I am at
bazhang_SageLord, have you restarted since installing it10:37
SageLordbazhang_ - Yes10:37
kepahecould anybody help with creating a iso copy of the os10:37
bazhang_SageLord, then need to update-grub10:37
drashSageLord: yes that makes sense no, the 18 or 19 is not running so uname is unaware of it's existence10:37
Hattorianybody know how to configure socks5-rev26 ?10:38
bazhang_kepahe, a custom iso?10:38
kepaheive been told that could be done with "remastersys"10:38
neetoWhat are the wooden things you dip in honey called?10:38
bazhang_!uck | kepahe10:38
ubottukepahe: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/10:38
bazhang_neeto, offtopics10:39
SageLordwell lemme see if restarting it again will fix it10:39
ajopaul_i have configured yahoo mail on evolution, but the mails come to global to inbox, i.e local folders, any ways to undo that ?10:39
neetobazhang_: no one's answering10:39
FloodBot1SageLord: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:39
kepahea iso of the whole ubuntu os that i got10:39
Jalathanblackplasma, if you haven't done this already, it'd be best to first let ubuntu install the driver through the restricted driver manager, restart, and then see if direct rendering is supported10:39
bazhang_kepahe, uck can do that10:40
* Jalathan is sorry if he is repeating himself, as it's getting a late and his short-term memory is fading10:41
kepahecan it, how10:41
aleatorioSieg Heil, channel!10:41
kepahei dont seem to find much info. i just want to do an iso of my actual os10:41
kepaheubuntu os10:41
bazhang_kepahe, you read the link yet? it is quite easy to use10:41
waaaaahweirdest thing happened when i went to #freenode and said exactly "LOLZ i'm in a danish cafe eating poffertjes"10:41
kepahedoes anybody know "remastersys"10:41
bazhang_!br | aleatorio10:42
ubottualeatorio: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:42
bazhang_waaaaah, offtopic please stop10:42
zvacet  kepahe: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-with-remastersys.html10:43
drashSageLord: welcome back .. how did it go ?10:43
SageLordIt still says I am at 1710:43
beytadid anybody know how to create right click shortcut?10:43
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SageLorddrash - I don't suppose there is a way to download the package manually is there?10:44
tech0007SageLord: do you see -18 in your menu.lst?10:44
drashSageLord: did you change the menu.list ? either manaually or via "sudo update-grub" ?10:44
SageLordtech0007 - No10:44
codyzappis sun-java6-jdk or jre work best with firefox?10:44
tech0007SageLord: how did update then?10:44
SageLorddrash - I did the update-grub but it didn't work10:44
darthis there some sort of equalizer-program for alsa?10:44
Jalathanbeyta, in 8.04 right click, select make link10:44
darthi need a little more treble on my sound10:44
johnnypeahello, I installed BitTorrent throught "Add/Remove Applications" and when I want to run it asks me for BitTorrent meta file...what sould I do, thx10:45
tech0007SageLord: try "sudo apt-get update" "sudo apt-get upgrade" "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"10:45
darthi use intel hd audio, it has equalizer for sound in windows...10:45
_moro_bana_help, forgot the command for copying partitions10:45
drashcodyzapp: sun-java6-plugin if you don't need the jre10:45
Hattorianybody know how to configure socks5-rev26 ?10:45
codyzappdrash, k thanks10:45
drashSageLord: this is easily fixed by doing it manually, pm me if you need assistance doing that10:46
tech0007_moro_bana_: dd?10:46
_moro_bana_tech0007; oh , yes10:46
_moro_bana_tech0007: the whole of it please10:46
SageLorddrash - My concern isn't the grub menu... its that I didn't get a full upgrade of the kernal10:46
beytaJalathan: i want to make right click shortcut on my mp3 song.. when i right click on an .mp file and have queue on Audacious playlist.. like on windows..10:46
tech0007_moro_bana_: sorry, dont know the syntax..lol...just google it10:47
SageLorddrash - I know how to edit the grub menu10:47
_moro_bana_tech0007: ok, i ll do. and how do i format a disk from cli?10:47
tech0007SageLord: run the commands in terminal in sequence, you should get the kernel upgrade10:47
SageLordtech I just did10:47
kepahehi there again,10:47
Davo_Dinkumis there a guide to installing hardy on an eee pc? i have a 2gb usb key i could use but no USB CDROM drive10:47
drashSageLord; okay, sorry .. re-install the kernel image you want10:47
SageLorddrash - Where do you do that?10:48
kepahebut i dont want to "helps you customizing official Ubuntu Live CDs" I want to create my own iso cd base on my exisiting os10:48
Jalathanbeyta, do you mean to add it to your play list?10:48
sweetgumhas anyone used rezlooks themes in here?10:48
tech0007_moro_bana_:   see man mkfs10:48
sweetgumor emerald even?10:48
kepaheno ideas?10:48
_moro_bana_tech0007: thanks10:48
beytaJalathan: yup...10:48
Jalathankk, hrm...10:48
tech0007SageLord: it should ask you what u want to do with menu.lst file10:49
zvacet_moro_bana_ :http://psychocats.s465.sureserver.com/ubuntu/backup10:49
drashSageLord: in Synaptic, look for linux-generic10:49
tech0007SageLord: pick maintainer's version10:49
drashSageLord: that will always give you the most recent one10:49
European-Africanhey, I have just got a wacom graphics tablet vilito2, it works but not well. I have wacom-tools installed, where do I access it?10:50
Hattorianybody know how to configure socks5-rev26 ?10:50
dupondjesomebody here knows how git bisect works ?10:50
=== frances is now known as butchoy
SageLorddrash - okay... restarting10:50
jerry_anybody know how to use the gaim10:50
johnnypeapls,  I installed BitTorrent throught "Add/Remove Applications" and when I want to run it asks me for BitTorrent meta file...what sould I do, thx10:51
ubottuFactoid wacom not found10:51
darthso peeps..... equalizer for alsa10:51
bazhang_!torrents | johnnypea download one of these10:51
ubottujohnnypea download one of these: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).10:51
tech0007johnnypea: you should supply it w/ a .torrent file10:51
European-Africandarth: the equalizers are all cuc!10:51
butchoyI m wondering if ATI drivers would work on Xp inside virtualbox?10:51
European-Africannot good10:52
bazhang_butchoy, no10:52
drashdarth: have you seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890010:52
darthlol ok :)10:52
darthno drash10:52
tech0007johnnypea: it will open up after u click on a torrent file in your browser10:52
darthi'll check it out10:52
LimCoreyey, another thing fails in ubuntu \o10:52
* LimCore reports a bug about not-*'ing-out the password from init.d10:52
polishpaulhey guys, i have a RAID 1 mirror on a 3ware card. I need to be able to upgrade the drives to a larger size. I have an idea of how to do it (fdisk etc) but my question is this: If the RAID array is 80, will the OS be able to see more of the drive? The way i figure, the RAID card 'hides' the actual config and the OS just sees 1 80GB drive right?10:52
drashdarth: ok, there's some other stuff in there that might be helpfull, goodluck10:52
European-Africandoes anyone have a wacom working well?10:52
Jalathanbutchoy, it isn't currently possible to have hardware accelleration within virtual machines yet10:52
LimCorewhat is best practice to have a cryptsetup executed on boot?10:52
johnnypeaaha :p10:53
johnnypeathank you10:53
butchoyIf I have a driver installed on ubuntu would it be applied on xp inside virtualbox?10:53
bazhang_butchoy, no10:53
imaginativeonewhere do I find the trash so I can empty it...10:53
butchoyhow sad....10:53
drashSageLord: no go ?10:53
Jalathanbeyta, i'm afraid this is over my head. sorry10:53
bazhang_!trash | imaginativeone10:53
ubottuimaginativeone: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash10:53
SageLorddrash - No go10:54
butchoyso even though I have installed a photoshop inside virtualbox I cant use its full potential......:(10:54
selocolare there any instructions on how to get a digital camera to work in ubuntu?10:54
bazhang_butchoy, correct10:54
LimCorecryptsetup executed from rcS.d incorrectly input password (shows the password instead dott it out with *)  how to report this bug - against what package10:54
drashSageLord: you were gone so fast lol, did you also install lionux-headers-generic and linux-image-generic ?10:55
j41nwhen i run gnome-appearance-properties, its using 90+% cpu and i cannot set any wallpaper.10:55
Jalathanbutchoy, however WINE has been getting far better with working with photoshop as of late, you may want to check out that option10:55
SageLordoh was I supposed to do that :)10:55
LimCorehow to disable bottup-splash  and show only normal text screen?10:55
darthyes Jalathan: wine is getting infinitely better10:55
bazhang_LimCore, remove splash and quiet from menu list10:55
butchoyBut somehow CS3 works fine on virtualbox.....but I wish it could be better....10:55
darthbutchoy, also look into wine-doors and playonlinux10:56
darthboth helpers for wine10:56
drashSageLord: yes, the go together :)10:56
darthi think that wine-doors has an installscript for photoshop10:56
darthdont remember which version though.... might be rc210:56
girardaswell as my ubuntu/swap partitions i have an ntfs XP partition and a FAT32 share partition - how can i stop the XP partition being mounted but make the share partition mount (appear in places etc)?10:56
butchoyJalathan: CS3 still does not run on wine....10:56
SageLorddrash - You will have to forgive me... my computer was built to run smooth on Windows Vista so its screams on with Ubuntu (allowing me to do things very quickly)10:56
amorphoushi - anybody know a keyword that can help me find out how to get the uri for my printer? i can't find how to get it for my printer :/10:56
darthSageLord, i have the same "problem"10:57
aviswhy would certain packages relating to the kernel be held back for me ?10:57
drashSageLord: no problem whatsoever, i'm slow that's all lol, it 'll be ok in a minute then hehe10:57
darthmy quadcore@3ghz with 6gb ram is insane on ubuntu10:57
bazhang_avis which ones10:57
darthit ltterally hovers when i boot into ubunutu10:57
dupondjesomebody here knows how git bisect works ?10:57
Zell /msg [XDCC]`RAMEN xdcc send #3110:57
Jalathanbutchoy, kk, i wasn't completely sure on the current status with CS310:57
avisbazhang_, linux-genenic, linux-headers-generic, linux-image-generic, etc10:57
bazhang_Zell, what are you doing10:58
tech0007avis: do "apt-get dist-upgrade" to get them10:58
girardin 7.04 partitions weren't auto mounted so i used the Storage device manager to mount the share partition and it let the ntfs partition alone10:58
avisthank you tech000710:58
butchoythe current version of Photoshop that is running on wine is just CS2 version 910:58
j41n when i run gnome-appearance-properties, its using 90+% cpu and i cannot set any wallpaper. 8.04 - problem started after last day's updates. dont remember which all packages got updated.10:58
avisthanks so much tech000710:58
butchoyJalathan: the current version of Photoshop that is running on wine is just CS2 version 910:59
SageLordI re-installed all three of those10:59
SageLordanything else before I re-boot?10:59
tech0007SageLord: check menu.lst if -18 is listed11:00
Jalathanbutchoy, k11:00
SageLordone sec11:00
drashSageLord: did you get the question to change the menu.list ?11:00
SageLorddrash - no11:00
European-AfricanI have just got a wacom graphics tablet vilito2, it works but not well. I have wacom-tools installed, where do I access it?11:00
butchoydoes anyone here had tried Win4Lin?....11:00
Hattorianybody know how to configure socks5-rev26 ?11:00
tech0007butchoy: that's old11:00
tech0007butchoy: tried that before, i guess it had mandrake11:01
butchoyVirtualbox is better than Win4Lin?...11:01
rageHey guys, what the hell happened to the option in Gnome Panels Window List that lets you set the mimimum and maximum size of an entry?11:01
bazhang_!vm | butchoy11:01
ubottubutchoy: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications11:01
drashSageLord: that's odd: maybe it whooshed by .. in any case: check whether it's changed in menu.list, if you don't activate the new kernel there it won't change a thing11:01
butchoyWin4Lin is promoted by Ubuntu....I actually thought that it was pre-installed in ubuntu...11:02
SageLordNo, the menu.list didn't change11:02
jerry_who is from china11:02
drashSageLord: why don't you change it then ? :)11:02
_moro_bana_ mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1     gives me this>> mkfs.ext3: Permission denied while trying to determine filesystem size11:02
jerry_so what's then on11:03
tech0007SageLord: check if linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-image-2.6.24-18-generic are installed]11:03
_moro_bana_aa sudo, silly me11:03
butchoyubottu: what is QEmu?.... never heard of that before....11:03
SageLordtech0007 - According to synaptic they are installed11:03
bazhang_!cn | jerry_11:03
ubottujerry_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:03
Hattorianybody know how to configure socks5-rev26 ?11:03
tech0007SageLord: what's the installed version of linux-generic?11:04
_moro_bana_butchoy: thats a bot11:04
butchoyis it like wine?....or vmware?...11:04
ganjamani tried to compile the kernel, but there are thousands of modules11:05
Jalathan!qemu | butchoy11:05
ubottubutchoy: qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo11:05
tech0007butchoy: like vmware, virtualbox11:05
SageLordtech0007 - According to uname, its still 2.6.24-1811:05
bazhang_butchoy, closer to the second11:05
ganjamanmake oldconfig11:05
tech0007SageLord: so you have it11:05
ganjamanthen do i have to load the oldconfig .config file with make menuconfig?11:05
SageLordtech0007 - err No its still 2.6.24-1711:05
SageLord(the 18 was a typo)11:05
butchoywhich is much better then, virtuabox or QEmu?11:06
tech0007SageLord: not uname,   whats the installed version of linux-generic in synaptic?11:06
Esteth!best | butchoy11:06
ubottubutchoy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:06
=== zak2 is now known as llama32
ganjamancompiling the kernel toke 1.15 min with 1.8ghz pc11:06
SageLordtech0007 - It says its
ganjamanthose kernel smells like teen spirit11:07
butchoyok...on running Photoshop  CS3 inside windows xp, which is better virtualbox or QEmu?11:07
SageLordDoesn't windows XP run Photoshop CS3 nativly?11:07
bazhang_!appdb | butchoy check here11:08
ubottubutchoy check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org11:08
tech0007SageLord: it might be the default boot still set to -17, are you sure you dont see -18 in menu.lst11:08
SageLordtech0007 - Positive11:08
SageLordtech0007 - I have it in gedit as we speak11:08
ganjamanräuber hotzenplotz11:08
KrustHi there11:09
ganjamannow i have a meeting with weedy ganjalez11:09
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kelmiirHi for all11:09
tech0007SageLord: can you look for vmlinuz-2.6.24-18-generic in /boot directory?11:09
KrustCan someone help me with an issue i'm facing with ubuntu ?11:09
_moro_bana_im using dd for cloning a disk, should the destination drive be unmounted?11:09
butchoyhi krust...11:10
SageLordtech0007 - Its there11:10
_moro_bana_Krust: they prefer if you ask the question, not asking to ask11:10
jerry_wine cannot run11:10
KrustHello butchoy, Could you help me using lilo instread of grub when installing ubuntu11:10
drashSageLord: what's your current param in the menu.list for "howmany" ?11:10
AquaFoxWhere to get hardy default repo keys?11:10
YuLinhi there!11:11
AquaFoxI get authentication errors :(11:11
YuLincould someone help me with sed?11:11
butchoyno I cant.....I can help on much simple cases......:)11:11
SageLordIts set at, "all"11:11
SageLordand Howmany is disabled by the #11:11
Krusthaha, cause I can't choose at the installation and as I'm installing it on a macbook pro, grub won't work11:12
danzaYuLin, tell the problem ... you can also eventually ask in #bash11:12
tech0007SageLord: update-grub11:12
drashSageLord: this time the # does not uncomment it, grub works differently11:12
YuLindanza: ok, thanks. So: I have a text file with some lines ending with a tab but not always. How do I remove that?11:13
JeztasticHi, having a problem with xorg reconfigure - can anyone help pls?11:13
butchoytry looking on forums..... more detailed answers are available there....but If you cant find it you can ask again here...11:13
psypher246hey all, anyone have their menu.lst get corrupted with the latest update? cannot boot cannot see the menu items11:13
psypher246YuLin: what u need?11:13
psypher246i have a fait understanding of sed11:13
halphazwhat is gnome system monitor name?11:13
girardcan anyone help me with my automounting partition question? I want to prevent an ntsf partition mounting at boot11:13
Krust_moto_bana_ can't you help me neither?11:13
SageLorddrash nope, it didn't see it11:14
babolathow do I know if a cron job i set up is working? I'm trying to run a php script every 5 minutes, and yes - I have php5-cli installed.11:14
SageLorddrash - This is most puzzling11:14
tech0007girard: take a look at /etc/fstab11:14
bazhang_!macbook | Krust11:14
ubottuKrust: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:14
butchoypsypher246: did you install your ubuntu inside windows?...11:14
YuLinpsypher246: I need to remove tabs at the end of some lines in a text file11:14
drashSageLord: just a moment please, checking up on something11:14
KrustIt just can't help11:14
psypher246YuLin: you could replace with spaces11:14
psypher246butchoy: no11:15
tech0007girard: you need to takeout auto11:15
Jeztasticbutchoy - tried the forums, can't find there11:15
SageLorddrash - Its really more of an anoyance than anything. My computer works fine under I can just wait for 19 if I have too.11:15
___Alex___does anyone know of image viewing software like xnview or acdsee?11:15
tech0007SageLord: see man update-grub11:15
babolathow do I know if a cron job i set up is working? I'm trying to run a php script every 5 minutes, and yes - I have php5-cli installed.11:15
drashSageLOrd: it is yes, seems like more people are experincing trouble .. can i suggest you activate the hardy-proposed updates is software sources and try the 19 ? that works like a charm11:16
flithmHey everyone... I'm experiencing bug 153868 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/153868)... it says the solution is to log into mysql as root and perform a command but I can't start the mysql server so I can't do this... anyone know how to reset the debian-maint password without a running mysql?11:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 153868 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.45-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade -  Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15386811:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 153868 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.45-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade -  Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost'" [Medium,Triaged]11:16
Krustbazhang_I'm trying to install the amd64bits version wich is not yet compatible with Refit- However, I found a a way to tackle the issue bu using lilo11:16
butchoypost your question on the forum, and you can ask again here....11:16
tigger_What is the python function to publish an object?11:16
SageLorddrash - I could try that11:16
babolatanyone please?11:16
drashSageLord: you can always fallback .. .just to make sure, thx11:17
polishpaulcan anyone tell me - when using a RAID card, are the harddrives 'hidden' from the OS? meaning - if i have an 80 GB array on 250GB drives, can i see the whole 250 in the OS?11:17
girardtech0007: how do i know which partition is which - the partition just appears as disk-1 in nautilus11:17
psypher246babolat: i'm not sure i would just make a duplicate cron job to write the date and time to a file11:17
_moro_bana_ will i have to use the same uuid for the drives on grub? , i will need the clone to be bootable11:17
tech0007girard: sudo fdisk -l /dev/XXX11:18
babolati didnt wuite get that psypher24611:18
SageLordtech0007 - Should I do all the updates or just the Kernal updates?11:18
psypher246copy the line but instead of running that php file echo the date to a file11:18
drash_moro_bana_: yes .. sudo blkid will give you the uuid's11:19
Zuzkaâñåì ïðèâåò!11:19
Jaffarkelshacon several occasions now, my computer just dies in the middle of doing something. how do i find out what is causing this.11:19
bazhang_Zuzka, english please11:19
tech0007SageLord: apt-get will grab all updates11:19
Zuzkaÿ íå çíàþ english, ÿ ñ ðîññèè11:19
SageLordtech0007 - Gotcha11:19
bazhang_!ru | Zuzka11:19
ubottuZuzka: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:19
SageLordtech0007 - Updating njow11:19
imaginativeonehow do I put a Trash folder onto my desktop?11:19
_moro_bana_drash: thanks11:19
babolatoh, ok psypher246.. there's no way to make sure just by command? as I understand crontab -l would just list my cron jobs11:20
Jalathanimaginativeone, there is a link on the bottom right corner of your screen if you are using gnome11:20
Zuzkaubottu õîðîøî ùàñ ïîñìîòðþ ññûëêó))) ñïàñèáî11:20
___Alex___what image software exists like xnview or acdsee?11:20
drashJaffarkelshac: you could check whether there are any log files, perhaps .xsession-errors is a place to start11:20
bazhang_Zuzka, /join #ubuntu-ru11:20
tech0007___Alex___: eog, gimp, picasa211:20
___Alex___tech0007: image viewer for viewing tons of images?11:21
harveyi can't print anything using "lpr -P testprinter test.pdf" (and thus adobe reader doesnt work)- but i can print using evince. what is the difference?11:21
tech0007___Alex___: i use picasa2, it keeps my albums of photo albums11:21
Jaffarkelshacimaginativeone: type gconf-editor in terminal, browse app> nautilus, desktop and tick trash icon visible11:21
JeztasticOK, it's in the forum under General Help11:21
girardtech0007: ty, its sda1 - i can only see sda6 sda7 fda0 and sda0  in etc/fstab though? :S11:21
Jaffarkelshaci have been looking at logs, but nothing really11:21
KeddyWhich IDE is good for writing C++ in Ubuntu(Gnome) ?11:22
___Alex___tech0007: eog stalls when it looks at a directory with 5000 files in it11:22
JeztasticI've had loads of problems with the forum though, sometimes have to post 3 times before I get a reply.11:22
Jeztasticreally fustrating11:22
tech0007girard: in fstab, which has vfat/ntfs and auto in it11:22
tylerfrom scp: "-p      Preserves modification times, access times, and modes from the original file." ..... would this include permissions as well? i see no other option to preserve permissions11:23
tech0007girard: do you not want to mount it automatically or just not show up on desktop?11:23
Jaffarkelshacimaginativeone: did it work?11:23
girardtech0007: both ideally11:23
JalathanJeztastic, a TON of stuff is posted on the forums, sometimes your post gets buried past the 1-3rd page before someone that knows how to help looks11:23
Folken_g'day everybody, thought somebody might knowt he answer to this question, is there a reason l7-filter-userspace isn't a ubuntu package?11:24
tech0007girard: its enough to substitute noauto in /etc/fstab for that partition11:24
tech0007Folken_: what's that?11:24
JeztasticJalathan: yeah, i know, but it's frustrating when you've got a problem yr totally stuck on. That's why I thought I'd try here11:25
Jalathanunfortunately, sometimes googling it is the only way to get an answer... -_-11:26
Folken_tech0007: a program that lets you filter packets based on protocol, so you can easily block/shape bit torrent etc11:26
Jeztastictried that too!11:26
girardtech0007: http://pastebin.com/d5e9e57d is my fstab file11:26
=== taigh is now known as cyberfin
tech0007Folken_: hmmm, that might be useful for me11:26
dessnrwhat are the benefits to a custom kernel?11:26
SageLordJalathan - I rarely ever have to go farther than google to solve a problem.11:26
Folken_I imagine it'd be useful to a lot of people, but I can only find it as source, which compiles fine but I'm just wondering if there are license issues as to why it's not a a package11:27
Jeztasticamazing what I've learned in a year abbout linux just from googling and on the forum11:27
tigger_is there a python method to publish an object?11:27
tech0007girard: its not in your fstab. what does sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda says?11:27
SageLordJeztastic - Its amazing how much Linux teaches you about how computers do things11:27
cyberfincan anyone tell me where I'm going wrong here? When typing "insmod dvbloopback.ko" I get: insmod: error inserting 'dvbloopback.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module... please throw me in the right direction!11:28
JalathanSageLord, true dat!11:28
imaginativeoneJaffarkelshak: worked like a charm11:28
tech0007SageLord: i second that!11:28
girardtech0007: ive added it to that pastebin page11:28
Jaffarkelshac good to hear imaginativeone11:29
JeztasticSagelord: yeah - learned about BIOS, set up servers, god knows what else11:29
SageLordJalathan - I have only been using linux sense november 07 and I feel like I have nearly double my knowledge of computers11:29
JalathanJeztastic, ok, looked at the log, what's the issue with the reconfiguring your xorg(.conf)? sometimes a second take on an issue through google can help alot11:29
goanookieand don't forget learning how a kernel is build :)11:29
tech0007dont see anything tahts vfat/ntfs11:29
forumdothmm, seems netselect-apt is still broken. is their an alternative console program to automatically or maunally select a apt mirror without editing /etc/apt/sources.list by hand?11:30
imaginativeonehow do I switch from gnome to kde?11:30
girardtech0007: its mounted atm on my desktop - cant i find out that way somehow11:30
JalathanSageLord, i can understand that.  i've been looking into getting it going for ~10 years now.  only within the last year and a half or so did i start to really delve into it11:30
rysiek|plhi guys11:30
SageLordimaginativeone - Just install the KDE package from synaptic11:30
Jaffarkelshacyou  need to install kubuntu-desktop imaginativeone logg off and select it in sessions11:30
rysiek|plimaginativeone: are you trying to install KDE?11:31
Jaffarkelshacit downloads a little over 100mb11:31
imaginativeoneI think I already installed kde...11:31
JeztasticIt's a real simple problem, I'm not reconfiguring the file directly, I'm using the reconfigure program in 7.1011:31
tech0007girard: try this http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/10/25/hide-partition-icons-from-your-ubuntu-desktop/11:31
imaginativeoneI just don't know how to switch to it11:31
rysiek|plimaginativeone: a better way would be installing kubuntu-desktop - that way you'll get a nice kdm/gdm entry to choose from at system startup11:31
=== codyzapp is now known as LunchBox
imaginativeoneugh :-(11:31
Jaffarkelshacimaginativeone: logg off, and click sessions and select it11:31
tech0007girard: right click properties on that icon and see what partition it is11:31
SageLordJalathan - To be honest it reminds me of the days when I used DOS. When I used to putz around with autoexec.bat and config.sys etc.11:31
imaginativeoneI'm newbie enough to lose all of my work up to this point11:32
JalathanJeztastic, *phew*, 7.10 is much easier to troubleshoot than 8.04 for this11:32
JalathanSageLord, :P11:32
Jeztasticthen I go a message via the terminal about thexorg.conf being backed up and I'm out of the program, can only type in the terminal11:32
SageLordJalathan - But on a much larger scale :)11:32
rysiek|plimaginativeone: if you have kubuntu-desktop package (and dependancies) installed, in kdm or gdm (the login screen - whichever you use) you have the "options" menu, and there - "session type". just choose KDE11:32
ghostknifex-session-manager has a bunch of apps i can only stop with kill. is there any other way?11:32
cyberfin<bump> can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong here? When typing "insmod dvbloopback.ko" I get: insmod: error inserting 'dvbloopback.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module... please throw me in the right direction!11:32
rysiek|plimaginativeone: what work, what have you lost?11:32
ghostknifea bunch of child apps11:32
Jeztasticpain! so simple, not the kind of thing you can google easy11:32
JalathanJeztastic, ok, did you type in startx?11:32
rysiek|plcyberfin: instead of insmod, try modprobe11:33
girardtech0007: it gives me a uuid cant see a partition name though11:33
Jeztasticnope, still editing not got that for11:33
cyberfinok one sec11:33
rysiek|plcyberfin: it *should* load the module dependancies11:33
SageLordimaginativeone - If you have already installed the package, just choose KDE from the sessions menu in the login screen11:33
Jaffarkelshaci am getting lines in vidoes when compiz is enabled, i have been trying but so far no fix except disable effects11:33
SmegzorI can't bring up administration/login window on one of my ubuntu machines.  I get a busy mouse then nothing.  How do I fix it?11:33
cyberfinok... I get: FATAL: Module dvbloopback.ko not found.11:33
Jalathan... kk11:33
Jeztasticx is not running11:34
JalathanJaffarkelshac, if you have an ati video are, you are not alone11:34
rysiek|plcyberfin: sudo modprobe dvbloopback11:34
ghostknifecyberfin: for modprobe the module needs to be linked against the kernel source and put in /lib/modules/{kernel-version}11:34
tech0007girard: how many harddrives u have?11:34
rysiek|plcyberfin: without the ".ko"11:34
jetteromy notification area claims I need to reboot for security reasons, but I don't recall installing a kernel upgrade... is there a way to figure out a) what I should restart so I don't have to reboot and b) clear that notification from the notification area?11:34
girard1 physical11:34
JalathanJeztastic,  what's the error output that's given?11:34
SageLordupgrade is complete, rebooting11:35
tech0007girard: can u paste sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda?11:35
JaffarkelshacJalathan: i have nvidia11:35
drashJaffarkelshac: vsync settings re-check might be worth a look, turning it off in compiz and activating it on your card natively is always a better option imho11:35
rysiek|plguys, what option should I add to the kernel options in live-cd boot-up screen in hardy, so that it boots-up into text console?11:35
* Jalathan smacks his head11:35
cyberfinghostknife: can you ellaborate slightly? sounds liek you're shooting in my general directin :)11:35
Jalathani'm out after this...11:35
girardtech0007: its on here aswell http://pastebin.com/d4f5d754c11:35
JalathanJaffarkelshac, sorry... <.<;;11:35
Jaffarkelshaci think know how to enable it in nvidia-settings but where in compiz do i disable it drash11:36
ghostknifecyberfin: where did you get the module?11:36
KiraThere's a freaking torrent going on over here in Hong Kong.11:36
cyberfinsvn'd it11:36
lolleri`ve got problems with update manage i got this problem trying to start updates E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.11:36
lollerE: _cache->open() failed, please report.11:36
drashJaffarkelshac: i'll check , don't remember right now, just a moment please11:36
ghostknifeand how did you compile it?11:36
rysiek|plcyberfin: did you try "sudo make install"?11:36
lollersomebody to help me?11:36
Jeztasticxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriteing possibly-customised configuration file: backup in /etc/x11/xorg.conf.2008060711020811:36
rysiek|plghostknife: ok, he's yours, seems like you're on it ;)11:37
cyberfinno rule to make target 'install'11:37
Jalathanyou are in the cli Jeztastic?11:37
drashJaffarkelshac: general > display options11:37
Jalathanno xserver?11:37
ghostknifecyberfin: how did you compile it?11:37
Jeztasticyes, on diff machine.11:37
rysiek|plloller: fire-up the terminal/konsole11:37
tech0007girard: ok i see it, its sda1 sda2 or sda311:37
Jaffarkelshaci will give this a try, thanks drash11:37
tech0007you need to add those in fstab and add noauto11:37
rysiek|plloller: and type: sudo dpkg --configure -a11:37
natalisushkaHi! I am having a problem with my mouse, after installing ubuntu 8.04 it works for a while and then it stops! I unplug it and plug it to another laptop, and it works, I plug it back to the first laptop and still doesn't move until I restart the computer! How can I solve this?11:37
JalathanJeztastic, type in 'startx'11:37
Jeztasticcan't get from cli to the configure program11:37
rageDoes anyone know of a terminal command that will bring up the shutdown dialouge?11:37
girardtech0007: its ntfs and 70ish gig so it must be sda1 i think11:38
rysiek|plloller: and paste the whole output to the pastebin (not here!), and paste the link to it here11:38
tech0007girard: yup11:38
JalathanJeztastic, so you can't use 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'?11:38
lollerrysiek|pl: i already do this but it shows me this http://pastebin.ca/104024911:38
cyberfinI got it from 'svn co http://opensvn.csie.org/sascng sasc-ng'11:38
SageLordtech0007 - Well, that did the trick. Now ALL my kernals show up all the way back to 12 :)11:38
ghostknifecyberfin: so you didn't compile it?11:38
cyberfinI initially had some dependency problems but after solving them this is the last bridge to cross11:39
lollerrysiek|pl: something bad is happening wiht dpkg11:39
Jeztasticyes. was using, it flipped to the cli halfway through, and can't get back in to finish off11:39
drashSageLOrd: lol, you are a better archive than packages.ubuntu.com11:39
ghostknifecyberfin: when you speak to me, put my nick in front of the line, like I'm doing yours, this way my client highlights the line and I don't miss your messages like I've done twice11:39
Jalathanhrm, ok...11:39
cyberfinyes i did compile with ./configure; make module11:39
ghostknifecyberfin: paste the make file and read me file please11:39
Smegzoroh crap.  i've found a bug in hardy that has been logged as closed, cept I'm up-to-date and its alive and well :(11:39
rysiek|plloller: I can see that. there's something wrong with AppArmour, but I haven't used it, so I am out :/11:39
Jeztasticstarted x now11:39
cyberfinghostknife ok11:39
lolleroh yeah xD11:40
LimCoreikonia: well ok the drift is now 8 sec11:40
tech0007SageLord: i keep at least 2 kernel versions11:40
rysiek|plloller: ?11:40
LimCore!ops waaaaah DCC exploit11:40
ubottuLimCore: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:40
girardtech0007: i think ill jsut hide the desktop icon then :)11:41
rysiek|plguys, how do I make the LiveCD start-up in text-only mode11:41
tech0007girard: ok, then11:42
kahrytanAnyone know how to fix Nvidia 7200 w/ nvidia driver?11:42
LimCoreman, some router are shure developed by noobs.11:42
girardalso - is it normal to ahve 2 swap partitions? :P11:42
SageLordtech0007 - Well thanks for your help11:42
sultanhow to install gtalk in ubuntu11:42
danzarysiek|pl, it does exists an 'alternate CD' to do that11:42
tech0007girard: i guess not11:42
tech0007girard: u also use solaris?11:42
SageLordtech0007 - While I am here, I don't suppose you know anything about mplayer do you?11:42
tech0007SageLord: i use mplayer, why?11:43
rysiek|pldanza: (...) single (...). that's the bugger11:43
SageLordtech0007 - I get this annoying pause at the beggining of every file I play11:43
girardjust xp and ubuntu11:43
tech0007girard: oh ok haha11:43
aloyshow  can i  install xterm player on my desktop11:43
cyberfinghostknife: no readme but i've pasted the Makefile11:43
rysiek|pldanza: I know there is an alternate, but I do not want alternate, I need a standard LiveCD, but I need to play with xorg.conf11:43
kahrytanAnyone know how to install Nvidia driver for 7200 in Hardy?11:43
Jeztasticok, trying to start the terminal is crashing x now :(11:43
tech0007SageLord: it depends on your videocard, video output in mplayer preferences and the file you play11:43
rysiek|pldanza: hence - "single" is the way ;)11:43
SageLordtech0007 - I think it has something to do with my nvidia card/driver11:44
cyberfinghostknife: here: http://pastecode.net/?action=viewpost&tag=294111:44
tech0007SageLord: i heard you can have issues when compiz is on11:44
girardtech0007: is it possible to tel which 1 im using and delte the other - one is 500ish meg the other is 800 ish11:44
SageLordtech0007 - hmmm... there is also a delay when loading the program11:44
girardi thought swap partitions are limited to 500 meg so the 800 one is redundant?11:44
ghostknifecyberfin: what files are there? give me an "ls"11:44
soundraygirard: no, the limit is 2GB11:45
kahrytanAnyone know how to install Nvidia driver for 7200 in Hardy?11:45
icqnumberi have installed kubuntu-desktop and it has changed my ubuntu splash screen, now at boot time kubuntu logo in blue colors is displayed and a blue loading bar at the bottom, so how can i change this splash to original one without uninstalling something?11:45
rysiek|plkahrytan: and your Restricted Drivers Manager says what?11:45
soundraykahrytan: System-Administration-Hardware Drivers11:45
kahrytanThat doesnt work11:45
jetteromy notification area claims I need to reboot for security reasons, but I don't recall installing a kernel upgrade... is there a way to figure out a) what I should restart so I don't have to reboot and b) clear that notification from the notification area?11:45
soundraykahrytan: can you elaborate11:45
tech0007girard: if you have enough RAM, you dont need a very large swap or more than 1 swaps11:46
cyberfinghostknife: auxserver   configure      dvbloopback     Makefile   sasc-ng   scripts11:46
cyberfinconfig.log  contrib        dvbloopback.ko  Makefile~  sc11:46
cyberfinconfig.mak  dvblb_plugins  FFdecsa         objs       sc_files11:46
kahrytansoundray,  as in, X doesnt start.11:46
icqnumbersoundray, do you have an idea?11:46
soundraykahrytan: what's reported in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?11:46
Flannelicqnumber: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so then sudo update-initramfs -u11:46
ghostknifecyberfin: please give the full error message, and the URL to the web site where you got the dependencies and build instructoins11:46
soundray!usplash | icqnumber11:46
ubottuicqnumber: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork11:46
JalathanJeztastic, *sigh* i'm afraid that i am flat out unable to be of help, as my brain is fried...11:46
tech0007girard: you're using sda7 as swap based from your fstab11:47
JalathanJeztastic, i bid you good luck11:47
kahrytansoundray, I just upgraded my system and this stupid card doesnt even work with Ubuntu.11:47
icqnumberFlames, soundray, thank you people11:47
girardtech0007: 1 of those swaps is the real 1 ubuntu made when installing - the other 1 is something i think i made by accident :)11:47
drashjettero: check the 'updates' settings in 'software sources' .. you might have it on 'install security updates without confirmation'11:47
soundraykahrytan: are you sure? Is it listed on some incompatible list?11:47
JeztasticOK, thanks11:47
* Jalathan topples onto his bed and falls asleep...11:47
SageLordkahrytan - Nvidia should have drivers for linux11:48
tech0007girard: what does free -m say?11:48
kahrytansoundray, nvidia-glx-new doesnt work11:48
ghostknifecyberfin: also give me the output of "dmesg"11:48
soundraykahrytan: the LOG!11:48
girardtech0007: swap total 85411:48
girardso thats sda7 then11:49
tech0007girard: yup11:49
cyberfinghostknife: error message is: insmod: 'error inserting 'dvbloopback.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module'  and instructions (albeit in swedish quite understandable) http://www.minhembio.com/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t194211.html11:49
tech0007girard: i only have 251 hehe11:50
natalisushkaHi! I am having a problem with my mouse, after installing ubuntu 8.04 it works for a while and then it stops! I unplug it and plug it to another laptop, and it works, I plug it back to the first laptop and still doesn't move until I restart the computer! How can I solve this?11:50
=== Anorak_NO4 is now known as BramCI_no4
soundraynatalisushka: is it a USB mouse?11:51
natalisushkasoundray, Yes11:51
tech0007natalisushka: do you see the mouse when you do lsusb?11:51
natalisushkaOn a laptop11:51
soundraynatalisushka: and when it stops working, do other USB devices stop working, too?11:51
cyberfinghostknife: dmesg: http://pastecode.net/?action=viewpost&tag=294211:51
natalisushkatech0007, How can I know which is the mouse?11:51
ghostknifecyberfin: check these posts: www.minhembio.com/forum/index.php?act=findpost&pid=1549901 and www.minhembio.com/forum/index.php?act=findpost&pid=146376211:52
natalisushkasoundray, I will check if other USB are working11:52
tech0007natalisushka: you might see the vendor/model etc11:52
soundraynatalisushka: it should say that it is. Try lsusb when it is still working11:52
cyberfinghostknife: will do, thnx11:52
tech0007tilda is so cool!11:52
natalisushkatech0007, I see 4 results at lsusb : Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:000011:53
natalisushkaBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000011:53
natalisushkaBus 001 Device 002: ID 15d9:0a3711:53
natalisushkaBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000011:53
FloodBot1natalisushka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:53
* _delcoyote hi11:53
tech0007natalisushka: whats to the right of 15d9:0a3711:54
meet 8-)11:54
natalisushkatech0007, Nothing11:54
meethi sexy grils11:54
bazhang_meet not here11:54
natalisushkasoundray, I am afraid other USB's are not working, I tried an mp3 with USB11:55
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk
meetane one like to chat with me woman11:55
bazhang_offtopic meet11:55
tech0007natalisushka: did you try restarting again?11:55
soundraynatalisushka: that means that your laptops USB subsystem is causing the problem.11:56
natalisushkatech0007, I tried before but I would restart now and check.11:56
natalisushkasoundray, I just figured that out, how can I fix that11:56
soundraynatalisushka: you could check for resource conflicts with 'cat /proc/interrupts'11:57
SageLordThis mouse your using? Its not the touchpad is it?11:57
natalisushkasoundray, What could the conflict be? How would I know if there is a conflict?11:57
soundraynatalisushka: compare the output before and after it fails11:57
natalisushkasoundray, I need to restart then11:58
soundraynatalisushka: and see if any line containing ehci or uhci contains other stuff as well. Put both outputs up on http://paste.ubuntu.com11:58
Oli``Is there an app that can make sure a set of programs is always running (eg restart them if they crash)?11:58
Jaffarkelshacwhat causes --MARK-- in the logs?11:58
bacardeecould someone walk me through my 64 bit ati driver install11:59
DjViperOli``: cron11:59
soundraynatalisushka: you could pastebin the first one now11:59
soundraynatalisushka: then reboot11:59
soundrayJaffarkelshac: the logger not having received anything for a while11:59
natalisushkasoundray, Ok I'll pastebin11:59
Jaffarkelshacthanks soundray12:00
Oli``DjViper: wouldn't that launch them again? And it also wouldn't be bound to the running X session12:00
soundraybacardee: System-Administration-Hardware Drivers12:00
cyberfinghostknife: thanks for the help, I'm gonna give another shot later on; I'm getting grumpy and hungry cause of this! But at least I have somewhere to look now... :)12:00
natalisushkasoundray, the first one is here: http://pastebin.com/m7d802ba112:00
soundrayJaffarkelshac: in the absence of anything else, it shows you that the logger (and thus your machine) was alive at that point in time12:00
natalisushkasoundray, I'll reboot now12:00
ghostknifecyberfin: ok12:00
soundraynatalisushka: okay, see you in a bit12:00
ghostknifecyberfin: try ##linux as well12:00
ghostknifecyberfin: those guys are more clued up in linux in general12:00
cyberfinghostknife: will do thnx12:01
RldaGr8teI saw your advert on sourceforge and was wondering how I can contribute to your project12:02
jetterodrash: no, it was some update I clicked through, I'm sure, ...12:02
LimCoreRldaGr8te: to which project12:02
jetterodrash: I checked and it's not on install security without conf.12:02
RldaGr8tewoops wrong room12:02
soundraybacardee: got it?12:02
siccness_sup chiefs12:02
siccness_whats going on?>12:02
siccness_all good?12:02
bazhang_!enter | siccness_12:03
ubottusiccness_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:03
siccness_what issues can I solve in #ubuntu?12:03
drashjettero: ok, that was the thing that sprung to mind when i saw your question12:03
LimCoresiccness_: ubuntu related support12:03
siccness_im telling eveyrone right now, im the zone atm, im on fire, ill solve all problems within 30mins12:03
bacardeeyes i got it12:03
siccness_so shoot the questions away12:03
bacardeebut wheni try to enable extra desktop effects i get an error12:03
_moro_bana_drash: i have dd cloned the drive already, i know i have to edit the fstab and grub on the original. do i have to edit the fstab on the clone too?12:03
bazhang_siccness_, just sit back and wait please12:03
siccness_bacardee: logs >> pastebin12:03
siccness_ill solve it12:03
bacardeethe composite extension is not available12:04
soundraysiccness_: please write an open-source driver for me quickly that supports accelerated 3D on NVidia and ATI cards12:04
_moro_bana_ i have dd cloned the drive , i know i have to edit the fstab and grub on the original. do i have to edit the fstab on the clone too?12:04
siccness_soundray: work-around12:04
siccness_change drivers12:04
siccness_done, next problem12:04
drash_moro_bana_: yes that's the best way to make sure it's gonna work without glitches12:04
LimCorecan I write an fstab entry that will mount LUKS partition (ask me for passphrase etc..?)12:05
_moro_bana_tech0007: is that for us12:05
soundraysiccness_: you promised you were going to solve, not work around12:05
siccness_work-around is a solution12:05
tech0007_moro_bana_: siccness_12:05
siccness_its just a half-beeped one12:05
bacardeethe composite extension blah blah12:06
siccness_i enevr said anything about properly solving a problem12:06
siccness_i keep it real man12:06
bacardeewhen i try to enable extra desktop effects12:06
bacardeeati x1950 pro12:06
soundraysiccness_: you were leaning out of the window too far. I'll give you another chance. What really bugs me is bug #112:06
siccness_bazhang_: >> pastebin champ12:06
siccness_ill solve it12:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112:06
Da_Putzlerhi folks12:07
rysiek|plguys, need help here. I am trying to set-up hardy on an ati xpress 1250-fitted laptop; after starting the bootup all hanged - and I thought it's due to ati problems12:07
Da_PutzlerIf I uninstall something in Synaptic, and it wishes to remove Ubuntu-Desktop also, will i still be able to get proper updates if ubuntu-Desktop is missing ???12:08
rysiek|plit seems like the KEYBOARD stops functioning after starting the bootup!12:08
flo766spricht hier einer deutsch ?12:08
drashsiccness: what about this one concerning libhal shutdown failure ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67732912:08
soundrayflo766: nein, hier nicht, aber in #ubuntu-de12:08
rysiek|plit works AOK in BIOS, it works great in the boot-up screen, it virtually turns off after starting to boot12:08
natalisushkasoundray, the second output after reboot is here: http://pastebin.com/m6efa194712:08
zarabahi, am wondering if anyone can help me with getting my FX360m graphics card working in Ubuntu 8.04?12:08
LazyPowerWhen I execute sudo tasksel install lamp-server, i'm assuming it doesnt come with a preconfigured httpd.conf to handle php files?12:08
tech0007Da_Putzler: yup, its jsut a meta-package12:08
natalisushkatech0007, I rebooted and lsusb adds this: Bus 003 Device 003: ID 090c:1000 Feiya Technology Corp. Memory Bar12:08
rysiek|plDa_Putzler: yup, but you will *not* be able to make a smooth dist-upgrade (from Hardy to Intrepid in half a year)12:09
Da_Putzlertech: so updates will be fine cause I wanna remove pulse-audio12:09
soundraynatalisushka: okay, it's not a resource conflict. I think it might just be bad hardware.12:09
rysiek|plheh, you are not alone with that one, Da_Putzler12:09
Da_Putzlerrys: will prolly re-install whole system from CD anyhow... should be fine :)12:09
natalisushkasoundray, You mean USB?12:09
Da_Putzlerpulse is causing my flash to crash in firefox and opera...12:09
tech0007Da_Putzler: yup, as long as you know waht your doing12:09
rysiek|plDa_Putzler: yup :)12:09
soundraynatalisushka: you can get USB PCMCIA cards fairly cheaply. Would that be a solution?12:09
Prettohi folks12:10
soundraynatalisushka: yes, the USB hardware on your laptop12:10
tech0007natalisushka:  memory bar? is that a flash drive?12:10
_moro_bana_the path fro grub please12:10
bacardeeI have my ati drivers installed, but when i try to enable extra desktop effects i get a composite error12:10
zarabaanyone able to help with getting a graphics card to work?12:10
natalisushkatech0007, it could be yes12:10
LazyPowerWhen I execute sudo tasksel install lamp-server, i'm assuming it doesnt come with a preconfigured httpd.conf to handle php files?12:10
soundray_moro_bana_: you mean /boot/grub/ ?12:10
tech0007natalisushka: is your mouse plugged in? you see anyother in lsusb?12:11
SmegzorWhat is the console command to configure a network interface?  Ubuntu isn't aware of my network card for some reason.12:11
natalisushkatech0007, I didn't see anything that reffered to mouse, anyway, shorty after I used lsusb mouse again stopped working!12:11
_moro_bana_soundray: yes, its a path right, or is there a word for that?12:11
soundray_moro_bana_: no, path it is.12:11
LimCorehow can I un-noobify ubuntu bootup? remove the splash,  make kernel bootup to be on VT1 not on VT8 etc?12:11
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natalisushkatech0007, Yes, it's plugged, it worked the moment computer started, it stopped after I used lsusb12:11
soundray_moro_bana_: try 'echo $PATH'12:11
Da_Putzlerthx guys... much appreciated12:11
natalisushkaSO I guess it's really a USB hardware problem then.12:12
drashzaraba: what card ? and could you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log at paste.ubuntu.com ?12:12
tech0007natalisushka: hmmm,  tail /var/log/message ?12:12
soundrayLimCore: use debian instead12:12
rysiek|plguys, keyboard on my laptop stops functioning after boot-up started12:12
huydoes anyone know how to fix firefox random crashes while using flash?12:12
LimCoresoundray: I dont work in museum12:12
bacardeehow do i force all sound to come through my usb headset, some things will go through at extemely loud and other things like firefox go through my speakers, and vlc is also going through my speakers12:12
rysiek|plany ideas?12:12
kahrytansoundray, There is no log. X doesnt generate one.12:12
natalisushkatech0007, Here: http://pastebin.com/m3456a6ee12:13
soundrayLimCore: that comment shows an extraordinary lack of knowledge12:13
huykahrytan: what's your graphic card?12:13
kahrytansoundray,  When I try to use nvidia-glx-new, it goes from loading screen to blank screen12:13
kahrytanhuy,  720012:13
LimCoresoundray: Im overall more happy with ubuntu, but I would like to have normal bootup. what you dont understand?12:13
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:13
drashhuy: install flash player 10 beta, look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 (part B)12:13
soundrayLimCore: I understand very well, and I dislike your attitude, so I will stop this conversation here.12:14
huykahrytan: it maybe the graphic card problem. try the recovery, and run without graphic acceleration12:14
LimCoresoundray: excelent; you cold also hold the first non-merritofical comment12:14
MadHaganyone know how to tell webcam programs to use the uvc driver instead of v4l?12:14
kahrytanhuy, I am not using nivida drive now12:14
_moro_bana_soundray: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst if anyone needs it12:14
ubottuFactoid uvc not found12:15
natalisushkatech0007, So?12:15
huykahrytan: but you said you installed nvidia-glx-new12:15
huydrash: thank you12:15
SmegzorLimCore: edit menu.lst in /boot/grub, remove splash and quiet from the entries that have them.12:15
LimCoreSmegzor: I did12:15
whileimhereI was wondering how difficult is it to hook a computer up to a TV with ubuntu?12:15
kahrytanhuy, I had to turn it off to boot12:15
tech0007natalisushka: i see your flashdrive, but i dont see your mouse12:15
LimCoreSmegzor: still on restart I get messages on vt8 and I get this progress bar12:15
kahrytanhuy,  Didnt i just say the screen goes blank?12:15
DjViperwhileimhere: what sort of gfx card do you have?12:15
soundray!tvout | whileimhere12:16
drashhuy: you're welcome, hope it solves the issues12:16
ubottuwhileimhere: For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)12:16
natalisushkatech0007, although it didn't mount it!12:16
tech0007natalisushka: can you check if you can access your flashdrive in nautilus?12:16
kahrytanhuy,  NV driver works12:16
SmegzorLimCore: every time I get kernel updates, I have to go back into menu.lst and edit them out again12:16
tech0007natalisushka: its sdb12:16
LimCoreSmegzor: well I edited it now again, it doesnt have quiet nor splash12:16
kahrytanSo Nvidia 7200 cards DO NOT work in Ubuntu12:16
bacardeewhy is it so complicated for everything ugh12:16
LimCorekahrytan: they probably work.  try reporting the bug12:16
LimCorekahrytan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+filebug12:16
zarabadrash: its an NVidia FX360m12:16
kahrytanLimCore,  No need12:17
soundraytech0007: I think it might be worth looking at natalisushka's dmesg output once the USB fails again12:17
natalisushkatech0007, it was unplugged, I plugged it but nothing happened12:17
whileimhereI dont have one yet. There is a used comp shop here where I live and the guy has 64 bit agp and pci cards used for $1012:17
zarabathe card and restriced drivers worked fine in 7.10 but it won't work in 8.0412:17
huykahrytan: nvidia is horrible with ubuntu. my computer would randomly crashes with input devices responding. the only solution is not to install accelerated graphic12:17
SmegzorLimCore: well I dunno.  I'm a noob anyway :)  Those edits worked for me.12:17
kahrytanLimCore,  bug #19713012:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197130 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[hardy] Black X screen and system halt after installing linux-rt" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19713012:17
drashzaraba: okay, could you paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log at paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link please ?12:17
tech0007soundray: yup, although im not realy expert at this, check thsi too.. paste the entire dmesg12:17
soundraykahrytan: are you running the realtime kernel?12:18
kahrytansoundray,  It's linked12:18
LimCorehuy: I had same problems but rarerrlly12:18
LimCorehuy: only on dual core... try newest drivers12:18
SmegzorCan someone tell me the command to configure a network (non-gui way).12:18
tech0007Smegzor: see man ifconfig12:18
tech0007Smegzor: network or network device?12:19
SmegzorI have a missing network device12:19
huylimcore: i did last week. same problem occured. i'm not using any driver and it's working rather smooth, no special effects though12:19
Smegzorits a 1 gigabit lan card that ubuntu has trouble detecting, not wireless.12:19
kahrytanUnless someone tells me something different with this card12:19
natalisushkatech0007, soundray, by the way, I am having another problem with my flashmemory. I am I copied some folders to it that contained files named with strange chars, and for that reason I am not able to erase these files even from trash! it even happened with the system, saved some similar files on another hard disk (fat23) and although I reinstalled the system 20 times I still can't get rid of these files from the system.12:20
WoxdeeSmegzor: If you want it very dirty and simple from the commandline: 'ifconfig eth0 up; route add default gw ; echo "nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"'  -- note that this will overwrite your resolv.conf (use double >> if you just want to append the data).12:20
natalisushkaSo can you help me now how to maybe format the flash memory at least from that?12:20
LimCorehuy: well.. compalin to nvidia =)12:20
zarabadrash: am pretty new to Ubuntu, am getting a no such file when I attempt to do that12:20
natalisushkaI have anther laptop to use USB12:20
tech0007natalisushka: what kind of files? you can jsut format the flashmemory.12:20
WoxdeeSmegzor: That sets eth0 up with the address and sets as your internet gateway and nameserver.12:20
soundraynatalisushka: you can partition and format flash memory with gparted12:21
SmegzorWoxdee: thanks.  Its a new install so I don't mind overwriting stuff (so long as I don't overwrite with Windows!)12:21
natalisushkatech0007, How? I tried removing them under sudo rm -r12:21
soundray!gparted | natalisushka12:21
ubottunatalisushka: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/12:21
natalisushkasoundray, I tried it, it couldn't read it even!12:21
tech0007natalisushka: thanks soundray12:21
natalisushkaI tried gparted and partman and failed!12:21
huylimcore: already did, apparently this is a problem with geforce 6k series12:21
WoxdeeSmegzor: Just keep in mind that that command will have to be issued on every boot if you're planning to set it as a permanent config through these means.12:22
soundraynatalisushka: did gparted not list your flash drive?12:22
n6rejhow can I resize /tmp12:22
n6reji was stupid and made it too small12:22
tech0007natalisushka: try formating the flashdrive in another computer. your laptop may have usb problems12:22
natalisushkasoundray, it listed, but I couldn't format it12:22
Smegzorhmm..  I'd much rather Ubuntu just used the card its got.12:22
soundraynatalisushka: maybe it was mounted.12:22
drashzaraba: no problem, take your time and double-check the existence of /var/log/Xorg.0.log .. that should be there .. did you check via nautilus the file manager whether it is there ?12:22
natalisushkatech0007, I tried it on both laptops that I have12:22
SprengelmeyerHello ubuntu12:22
rysiek|plguys, keyboard in my laptop drops dead as soon as LiveCD's kernel starts to boot. wtf?12:22
natalisushkasoundray, mounted? shouldn't it be mounted? or unmounted?12:22
tech0007natalisushka: unmounted12:23
kahrytanAnyone know how to fix Nvidia 7200 card on linux?12:23
SmegzorIs there anything I can do from the desktop to get the card detected?12:23
zarabadrash: just found the file, give me a second to get everything copied and pasted in12:23
natalisushkasoundray, By the way, it's an mp3 also, will formating cause any problem to the system?12:23
SprengelmeyerCould somebody help me installing mysql on a VPS, I have fixed my memory issues but apparmor isnt loading correctly. Here is my aptitude output http://pastebin.com/d2d5752fb12:23
drashzaraba: ok12:23
natalisushkaI mean to the mp3 system12:23
tech0007natalisushka: hmmm12:23
Smegzoractually.  whats the command to list all the detected devices?12:23
soundraykahrytan: when you  get to the black screen, can you switch to a virtual console with Ctrl-Alt-F2?12:23
kahrytansoundray,  nope12:23
soundraynatalisushka: I don't know12:23
tech0007Smegzor: lspci ?12:23
Smegzorthanks  brb12:24
natalisushkatech0007, it's a simple mp3 player without a screen or special files inside!12:24
soundraykahrytan: from the black screen, you should reboot in recovery mode and then look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:24
CorpseFeederhi. What is gvfs-fuse-daemon?12:24
zarabadrash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17963/12:24
kahrytansoundray,  There is none12:24
tech0007Smegzor: or System->Preferences->Hardware Information12:24
natalisushkasoundray, tech0007, thanks anyway, I have to reboot again now, I'll try to check usb and also format my flashmemory. Thanks12:24
soundraykahrytan: there will be if you boot straight to recovery mode from the black screen12:24
kahrytansoundray,  no log is generated12:24
drashzaraba: thx, i'll have a look and report back here12:24
elkbuntu!ru > GirL12:25
zarabadrash: thanks!12:25
CorpseFeederDo I need it? what is it for?12:25
SATAIts takes more than 40 secs to load my gnome desktop after i login. What should i do to make it fast?12:25
eth01use windows12:25
soundrayCorpseFeeder: it's part of the gnome virtual filesystem12:25
GirLРЕБЯТ пожалуйста разбаньте меня на канале #ubuntu-ru12:25
eth01windows is fairly faster12:25
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elkbuntueth01, please behave12:26
Smegzorthe network card is listed using lspci so its definitely being detected.  I get no lights when I plug the cable in and the cable is good, both ends connected etc.12:26
kalilaHi - Any issues I should know before upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04?12:26
elkbuntu!ru | GirL12:26
ubottuGirL: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:26
kalila /msg ubottu etiquette12:26
kahrytansoundray, any ideas12:26
freakabcdhi all12:26
SprengelmeyerCould somebody help me installing mysql. I am having problems with apparmor here is my output http://pastebin.com/d2d5752fb and # aptitude search apparmor output12:26
SATAeth01: Window doesnt load in my system.12:26
freakabcdTVout on my laptop doesn;t work anymore12:26
soundraykahrytan: there will be a log if you boot straight to recovery mode from the black screen12:26
freakabcdused to work in gutsy fine12:26
_moro_bana_drash: i have added the drive to fstab, i need help adding it to grub12:26
freakabcdnow when i run xrandr, it doesn't even mention TV12:27
kahrytansoundray,  What part of "no log is generated" didnt you understand?12:27
freakabcdbut mentions TMDS (which is DVI output) which my laptop doesn't have!12:27
eth01elkbuntu: don't12:27
SATAwhat should i do to speed up my gnome-desktop loading time?12:27
CorpseFeederso.. does this Gnome virtual file system serve any useful purpose?12:27
elkbuntueth01, don't what?12:27
eth01elkbuntu: ubuntu isn't a channel for trolling12:28
elkbuntueth01, which is why i asked you to not tell people to install windows to fix ubuntu problems.12:28
eth01elkbuntu: stop12:28
elkbuntueth01, no, you stop12:28
kahrytansoundray,  so any ideas?12:28
freakabcdcan anyone help me out with TV out?12:29
drash_moro_bana_: i'm in the middle of helping out zaraba with his nvidia, if nobody else chimes in to help you out, could be a few minutes, sorry 'bout this12:29
VorboteSprengelmeyer, run "depmod -a " and try to install again (you may need to reboot first).12:29
TuniX12SATA disable some unusable services12:29
SATATuniX12,  from where?12:29
eth01mm, fairly useless12:29
_moro_bana_drash: ok, i ll be waiting12:29
GirLразбаньте пожалуйста на канале #ubuntu-ru12:30
drashzaraba: ok, the problem seems to be with screen 0, nothing gets attached .. could you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf please ?12:30
LimCorealso try Stallinux. Its like linux but for ru12:30
tech0007GirL: /join #ubuntu-ru12:30
SATATuniX12, is there any way to reset all setting to default? i dont know what i messed with.12:30
CorpseFeederI was trying forever to get a DVD to play... installing every player and codec.. then I found it was just dirt on the disc stopping it .. :) d'oh! :D12:30
omassis it possible, by any chance, to stop MythTV live recording? or not really?12:30
natalisushkatech0007, soundray I opened gparted after I unmounted the flashmemory but it's not there!12:30
kahrytanDoes anyone know how to fix my nvidia 7200 problem?12:30
TuniX12SATA: dowonload preload and preftech google for it12:31
zarabadrash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17967/12:32
SATATuniX12, thanx.12:32
Prathibha (*)12:32
Davieyomass: no, mythtv records everything it see's but livetv is lowest priority of recordings.  you can enable hide/show of livetv in recorded programmes12:32
SevensinsHello dear helpers12:32
drashzaraba: ok, having another look, be right back12:32
TuniX12SATA i use Ubuntu Tweak  http://ubuntu-tweak.com12:32
zarabadrash: cheers12:32
CorpseFeederDoes anyone know how to make a HP Scanjet 5100c "visible" to Xsane every time the computer boots up without having to do "sudo chmod 777 /dev/sg3" every time?12:32
roninois there an equivalent tool to Gentoo's rc-update to manage system service (adding/deleting from run-levels and such)?12:33
Sevensinscan anyone tell me when a patch for the emu0404 soundcard will be released so it works right with my ubuntu installation?12:33
Davieyronino: update-rc.d12:33
jribronino: read 'man update-rc.d'.  Also, checkout sysv-rc-conf (in the repos) and see ubottu's link about upstart12:34
jrib!upstart > ronino (read the private message from ubottu)12:34
LimCorehow to have normal ubuntu boot up - without splash,  showing normal text12:34
VorboteCorpseFeeder: System->Admininistration->Users and Groups, User Privileges tab. Check use scanners, reboot (to make sure the kernel detects the new group membership).12:34
roninoDaviey, jrib: thank you12:34
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/12:34
Sevensinsi patiently waited for 8.04 to be released but the alsfirmware is still 0.15 while the driver alred is 0.1612:34
kahrytanNo one has a fix?12:35
danzaHey guys do you think a partition table made with gparted on a usb pen drive will be visible also from Win?12:35
soundraykahrytan: unless you drop your brazen attitude and follow my suggestion, I'm not prepared to share any more ideas with you.12:35
Davieyronino: all it really does is add symlinks into /etc/rc*.d/ (where * = the runlevel)12:35
TuniX12kahrytan:  which problem?12:35
Sevensinsdanza as long as its fat or st simiilar it will be seeen12:35
roninoDaviey: that's all I want ;-)12:35
kahrytansoundray,  I told you. There is no log. I check already.12:35
Sevensinsext2 /3 is a bit to complex for win to recognize12:36
soundraykahrytan: you haven't booted in recovery mode, though.12:36
CorpseFeederVorbote: everything in User Priveleges is greyed out...12:36
kahrytansoundray,  im not being brazen. Yes i have12:36
soundraykahrytan: why don't you say so, then?12:36
kahrytansoundray, I did it before you even mentioned it12:36
VorboteCorpseFeeder: You need to click on the unlock button first.12:36
=== ergun is now known as stucky
kahrytansoundray,  Recovery is only way to fix it short of using live cd12:37
soundray"12:27 <kahrytan> soundray,  What part of "no log is generated" didnt you understand?" That's brazen12:37
CorpseFeederVorbote: aha.. I see12:37
CorpseFeederfanx. bye12:37
kahrytansoundray, I tried to make the point clear.12:37
soundraykahrytan: you obviously think you know much more than I do. So go ask yourself for help.12:37
kahrytansoundray,  no i dont12:38
kahrytansoundray, What did you think i meant when I said there is no log after you suggested to go into recovery mode and collect it?12:39
amorphousdoes anyone have a definative list of bootup parameters to ensure pc startup?12:40
LimCoreamorphous:   could try  -nodma  -noapic  etc. ... see   knoppix12:40
soundrayamorphous: I don't think there is such a thing -- it changes too often. The closest you'll get is in this factoid:12:40
soundray!bootoptions | amorphous12:41
ubottuamorphous: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions12:41
ubottuFactoid microphones not found12:41
soundrayamorphous: and don't listen to LimCore -- many Knoppix boot options don't apply to Ubuntu12:41
kahrytansoundray,  not going to help?12:41
FinnishI'm installing kubuntu (same error in ubuntu-case), and I get this error12:42
Finnishbuffer i o error on device sr0 logical block12:42
amorphousLimCore, have the obvoius ones, but no joy...12:42
LimCoreamorphous: dont listen to soundray he is just grumpy today, many knoppix options do apply to all kernel, obviously12:43
soundraykahrytan: we obviously don't communicate well, so let's bury this. I'm sure you'll find someone else who will help you if you ask the channel again.12:43
zetherooI recently did the updates and I think there was a kernel update ... however after restart I cannot start my virtual machine in virtualbox and I get an error about a driver etc.... anyone?12:43
amorphoussoundray, yeah will check it out, thanks ;)12:43
kahrytansoundray,  give me more suggestions12:43
kahrytansoundray, please12:43
amorphousoh, yous guys :D12:43
loner269yellow you here?12:43
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soundraykahrytan: no, I'll go and have some coffee now, and see if LimCore finds me less grumpy after that.12:44
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trademarkhey, what is the best music player for ubuntu 8.04 ?12:44
soundray!best | trademark12:44
ubottutrademark: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:44
soundray!player | trademark12:44
ubottutrademark: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:45
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem?12:45
soundraykahrytan: it'll work best if you give a full summary of the problem.12:45
trademarkand is there a way to fix the problem with ATI laptop cards ?12:45
trademarkhibernate and closing laptop stuff12:45
soundraytrademark: use the open-source ATI driver12:46
trademarkEnvyNG ?12:46
trademarkthat's the one I've got atm12:46
soundraytrademark: no12:46
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem?  Ubuntu fails to load X when nvidia driver is active12:47
trademarkthen which one is it soundray, I'm new to ubuntu :p12:47
soundraytrademark: the one that comes packaged as xserver-xorg-video-ati12:47
soundray!info xserver-xorg-video-ati | trademark12:48
ubottutrademark: xserver-xorg-video-ati (source: xserver-xorg-video-ati): X.Org X server -- ATI display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.8.0-1 (hardy), package size 455 kB, installed size 1016 kB12:48
soundraySee you later12:48
mod_curejoin #freebsd12:48
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem?  Ubuntu fails to load X when nvidia driver is active. There is no log generated either.12:48
habitHello. I have local repository aviabile through proxy. How I can add it?  Proxy there are only for repository mirror.12:49
franceswould everything that run under windows xp will still run on windows xp under virtualbox?12:50
kahrytan1256 people and no one can help me12:50
bazhang_!info envyng-gtk | kahrytan12:50
ubottukahrytan: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB12:50
trademarkfrances, everything that works onder windows xp will work under windows xp I think :p ?12:51
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.12:51
bazhang_frances, not 3d stuff12:51
francestrademark: under virtualbox...12:51
trademarkxserver-xorg-video-ati, is this also for desktop version of ubuntu?12:51
franceswhat do you mean about 3d stuff?...12:51
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
bazhang_frances, 3d games etc12:52
trademark3d applications (games etc)12:52
francesBazhang: what do you mean about 3d stuff?12:52
kahrytanbazhang_,  and what does envyng have to do with it?12:52
franceshow about autocad?...would it work under virtualbox?...12:53
francesor is there an autocad for linux?...12:53
ordinareezfrances: yes,it's variCAD12:54
francesis it better than autocad?...12:54
ordinareezfrances: i think not yet12:54
kahrytanbazhang_,  Why did you point me to that12:55
ompaulkahrytan, it is a potential video card / driver helper your call if you want to use it - he has stepped away from the keyboard12:55
NemosNemosI'd like to extend my Linux Partition using G parted12:56
NemosNemosBut it doesn't work: it seems the partitions are protected12:56
NemosNemosHow can I do that?12:56
NemosNemosI can't read if you are writing12:57
habitNemosNemos, probably they are mounted. Try to unmount it.12:57
NemosNemoshabit, how do I unmount?12:57
ompaul!patients | NemosNemos12:57
ubottuFactoid patients not found12:57
Estethnemos: you can't  modify a partition that is in use. You need to boot from the liveCD to modify the linux partition12:57
NemosNemosesteth, why is it possible to do that under Windows?12:57
EstethYou can't modify the windows partition while in windows, as far as i know12:57
habitNemosNemos, if it is not needed partition for system, you can unmount it using gparted.12:57
habittry right mouse button12:58
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NemosNemoshabit, I'd like to resize the Windows Partition12:58
NemosNemosAnd add the empty space to the ext3 partition, on which Ubuntu is installed12:58
NemosNemosWhat do I have todo?12:58
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insomninjaDo anybody else experience that the fade/tint to black that appears when running gksudo isn12:58
spinikeri seem to have a problem with my ubuntu installation,everytime i do an update a new installation appears on my grub list12:59
insomninjaDo anybody else experience that the fade/tint to black that appears when running gksudo isn't properly deleted when gksudo closes?12:59
habitNemosNemos, $ sudo aptitude install ntfsprogs12:59
habitNemosNemos, then restart your gparted12:59
VorboteNemosNemos, to be on the safe side, boot from the LiveCD or use a specialized disto such as PartedMagic or RIPLinux (there are more than you can shake a stick at).12:59
TuniX12NemosNemos:  destroy windows partitions12:59
habitTuniX12, be polite please.12:59
NemosNemosUbuntu's live cd hasn't got gparted or riplinux13:00
NemosNemosOr anything13:00
spinikerand its taking too long for me to log-on to ubuntu..i already tried recovery mode but stiil the same13:00
TuniX12NemosNemos:  it has13:00
jribinsomninja: yes13:00
Estethspiniker, That's expected behaviour for a kernel update. You can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to remove entries you don't want13:00
habitNemosNemos, it really has.13:00
sensoucihello anyone to help me with my webcam?13:01
VorboteNemosNemos: RIPLinux is a specialy recovery Linux distribution. Very handy to bring back a dead box to live again.13:01
Estethsystem -> admin -> disk editor, or similar13:01
jrib!webcam > sensouci (read the private message from ubottu)13:01
TuniX12NemosNemos:  you wanna keep Windows and make a dualboot?13:01
spinikeris it normal for the very long log-in time?13:01
NemosNemosI've already done that13:01
NemosNemosI just want to add some GBs to the Linux Partition13:01
NemosNemosIt's just 3.5 Gb13:01
NemosNemosWindows has 22013:01
NemosNemosOr something like that13:01
TuniX12NemosNemos:  you cant add without formatting!!13:02
EstethNemosNemos, Boot from the live CD. launch gparted there, either through the menu, or through a terminal, and it should work. You cannot modify a partition that is currently in use, such as the ubuntu partition you plan to run gparted from13:02
EstethTuniX12, That's false with the default ubuntu and windows filesystems13:02
NemosNemosOk Esteth13:03
VorboteNemosNemos: You really want to use a specialty distro. If you are a beginner, I suggest you try with PartedMagic first. It has an enhanded gparted tool that works great with ntfs partitions.13:03
NemosNemosNow the last thing: where can I find G parted on live? From Resource--> System?13:03
EstethNemosNemos, I beleive it's under System->administration->disk editor, or something. I'm on windows at the moment, so I can't check13:03
NemosNemosI'll try13:03
EstethNemosNemos, Otherwise, launch terminal and type gparted13:03
s0ullighthello just installed hardy heron and fixed nvidia and sound (lappy acer aspire 5920G)13:04
s0ullightthe sound solution is not realy the answer13:05
s0ullightit is about the alsamixer13:05
s0ullightbut my question is : is there any good open source media conventer?13:05
s0ullighthmmm i'll take a look tnx13:06
s0ullight :D13:06
spinikerplus im having problems with my dvd/rom,it cant read cd's and dvd's anymore,i dont have the replacement yet,i have an ubunut iso on my windows partition13:06
spinikerhow can i install it without using the dvd rom13:06
s0ullightnetwork boot?13:06
TuniX12spiniker: try wubi13:07
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Sevensinsi am searching for a tool similar to automatix cos iliked it much plus i cant be bothered downloading and searchinf for codecs and so on on my own13:07
Sevensinsis there any alternative under hardy?13:07
Stroganoffmost things are now included in ubuntu-restricted-extras13:08
Sevensinscant be true ^ ^13:08
s0ullightis mencoder cli based or has it a gui?13:08
Stroganoff!medibuntu | Sevensins if you need more13:08
ubottuSevensins if you need more: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:08
TuniX12Sevensins: cli13:08
Sevensinswheres all the fonts n so on13:08
Sevensinsmedibuntu is st like a distro or what?13:09
Sevensinsor just an archive with codecs13:09
mnemoim getting grub error 17 (after resizing a partition in windows) ... what do I need to change --> http://rafb.net/p/37ySVg40.html  ???13:09
StroganoffSevensins, this contains most codecs AND fonts: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:09
s0ullightmnemo, did you defragment ur partition before shrinkin?13:09
TuniX12Sevensins:  it's another repositry for nonfree codecs13:09
sensoucihello did anyone has got a zareason lightlap laptop?13:09
Stroganoffmedibuntu is a repository, add it to your sources.list and you will be able to install w32codecs and skype13:09
Sevensinsokayy got it13:10
Stroganoffread the wiki page...13:10
kahrytanbazhang_,  envyng didnt work13:10
mnemos0ullight: i shrunk it with a windows tool so that's not necessary afaik13:10
Sevensinsi ll try to mirror the thing right on my disk13:10
Sevensinsthx a lot13:10
ashley73d turned on by default, how do i disable it?13:10
salparadise_spiniker: check out http://www.golem.de/0701/49961.html it is beta but can install from an iso without having to burn it13:10
salparadise_also check out wubi13:12
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem?  Ubuntu fails to load X when nvidia driver is active. There is no log generated either.13:12
salparadise_kahrytan: how did you install the driver?13:13
TuniX12kahrytan: is it the binary driver?13:13
steven2quiet in here today13:13
kahrytansalparadise_,  Hardware driver, synaptic, and bazhang_  suggested envyng13:14
steven2any chance you guys could have more problems or questions right now?13:14
mnemocan someone post their output of "sudo fdisk -l" using a working dual-boot windows+ubuntu installation ( at paste.ubuntu.com or similar) ??13:14
dr_Willismnemo,  what do you plain on learning from that?13:15
kahrytansalparadise_,  any ideas13:15
dr_Willismnemo,  my system -> 4 primary partitions. (windows) (windows) (linux) (swap)13:15
mnemodr_Willis: which one has the "boot" flag on it?13:15
dr_Willismnemo,   I belive the first one.. but i beliuve that grub dosent care about the boot flag.13:16
mnemoahh okay, I thought that might be the problem13:16
mnemodr_Willis: do you know if I can just edit menu.lst directly or do I need to run some command afterwards???13:16
rick_hey ?13:16
dr_Willismnemo,  on my all linux systems I dont think any of the partitions are bootable.13:16
rick_ hey are there any chat progamms on lunix wich i can use for msn ?13:17
LeefmcWhat is a good firewall for Ubuntu? In Windows, i enjoyed an oldie Firewall (low resource, good monitoring) that would allow me to control all ports/activity going in/out of my net, not to mention any programs doing any action heh. Though i was using windows, so i was paranoid, i still would like a good soft-firewall. Thoughts?13:17
Leefmcrick_, Pidgin13:17
dr_Willismnemo,  depends on what you change.  The  config file has settings that grub uses,, then the special #commented settings - that update-grub uses..13:17
rick_pidgin ?13:17
rick_ill try13:17
Leefmcrick_, Yup, suppots hotmail, yahoo, etc :)13:17
dr_Willismnemo,  be sure to backup your existing config. :)13:17
salparadise_kahrytan: start in safe mode (from the bootloader in the very beginning) and switch to vesa drivers. then uninstall all nvidia drivers with packet manager13:17
mnemodw_Willis: My system is already unbootable... I'm getting "grub error 17" at boot13:18
drashLeefmc: iptables is the actual firewall, which is always on in ubuntu .. you're looking for a GUI frontend to control it, try ufw or firestarter13:18
rick_ok thanks :)  i made this comp but i didnt have a windows, so i though lets try linix13:18
salparadise_kahrytan then restart regularly and use envy (http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html) to install the latest drivers13:18
MadHaganyone want to test ekiga here?13:19
salparadise_drash: i have been wondering about firestarter. is there any security risk from it running in sudo mode all the time?13:19
nemosNemos1I'm here again13:19
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dr_Willismnemo,   ive seen that error befor.. but dont rember what it means. You may want to check the grub homepage/manual and learn some more grub essentials.  and yes.. ive fought with grub/lilo over the ages.. and it can be frustrating. :)13:20
nemosNemos1I'm on the Live session, and I've opened GParted. However, I cannot resize the NTFS partition, because it says ERROR: NTFS is incostitent13:20
nemosNemos1What do I have to do?13:20
freddyspherehi to all13:20
mnemodr_willis: manual doesn't say much specific about it --> http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Stage2-errors.html#Stage2-errors13:20
Leefmcdrash, Well if its a good firewall i'm fine. Are there settings that allow for it to notify me etc? I've installed many apps that have used inet and yet no firewall has questioned them.13:20
drashsalparadise_: no need to run firestarter all the time, i won't advise that, just launch it when you want to make some rule changes13:21
TuniX12nemosNemos1: can you acces those ntfs volumes?13:21
nemosNemos1a moment13:21
MadHagnemosNemos1, use system rescue cd @ http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page13:21
nemosNemos1I'm trying13:21
dr_Willismnemo,  i would say either the  grub config is looking at the wrong filesystem, or the filesystem is currupted.  from what i am reading.13:21
salparadise_drash: ah okay, thx13:21
TuniX12can you acces??13:21
nemosNemos1Yes, I can access13:21
nemosNemos1I just want to resize that partition13:22
nemosNemos1Is it so difficult?13:22
nemosNemos1On Windows I would that in 2 seconds13:22
TuniX12is ntfs volume encrypted?13:22
nemosNemos1No, it shouldn't be encrypted13:22
drashLeefmc: iptables is very robust (hence very complex) .. firestarter will report all you want yes13:22
MadHagekiga anyone, fancy a chat!13:22
Leefmcdrash, K thanks, i'll look into it13:22
freddyspherei use part image linux bootable cd13:23
TuniX12nemosNemos1: past the error msg of gparted13:23
nemosNemos1A moment13:23
nemosNemos1I have to past the link to the image13:23
nemosNemos1Because I cannot copy the text13:23
mnemodr_Willis: since I just removed one partition I think that sounds reasonable... but I alredy edited menu.lst to fix it...13:23
nemosNemos1Just a moment13:23
ompaul!enter | nemosNemos113:23
ubottunemosNemos1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:23
MadHagnemosNemos1, if you use gparted via sysrescue I bet that would resize your ntfs partition13:24
MadHagnemosNemos1, works everytime for me13:24
dr_Willismnemo,  you do rember that grub starts Numbering at 0? :)13:24
priyaHai to all13:24
TuniX12nemosNemos1: maybe the partition table is mucked up13:24
dr_Willismnemo,  also dont try to boot a extended partition.. but the logical IN the extended.13:25
nemosNemos1http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/3875/screenshotinformationabru9.png <---- This is the error which appears when I try to resize it13:25
TuniX12nemosNemos1: try testdisk13:25
southafrikanseHello. I've just installed Opera but I'm unable to see any flash in the websites. I've tried to solve my problem from google but it still doesn't work13:25
dr_Willismnemo,  ive lerned from accidently trying to doo all this in the past. :P13:25
mnemodr_Willis: i think I have three primary partitions --> http://rafb.net/p/37ySVg40.html   looks correct, no?13:25
rick_how do install thing here :P it my fisrt time on linux13:25
ompaulnemosNemos1, can you boot windows and shut it down cleanly?13:26
jrib!software > rick_ (read the private message from ubottu)13:26
TuniX12nemosNemos1: sudo apt-get install testdisk13:26
jribrick_: you should read through the guide at help.ubuntu.com13:26
nemosNemos1I'm on the Live session13:26
nemosNemos1is it ok anyway?13:26
nemosNemos1So what?13:26
TuniX12i foget that13:26
ompaulnemosNemos1,  the problem is an unclean shutdown of the windows partition can you boot windows and then shut it down cleanly and work from there?13:26
dr_Willismnemo,  did you 'resize' these partitions with  gparted?  thers a gap in the Numbering of the cylinders I notice..13:27
LeefmcIs there some sort of search with "apt-get install ___" ? In otherwords, is there a way i can search for valid appnames to use in install? And possibly get descriptions, as to not install the wrong thing13:27
StroganoffLeefmc search at http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:27
jasdevanLeefmc: try apt-cache search xxxxx13:27
jrib!apt > Leefmc (read the private message from ubottu)13:27
mnemodr_Willis: nah, I used the built in partition resize in Vista to shrink my NTFS partition and then I also removed another NTFS partition completely13:27
TuniX12nemosNemos1:  you should testdisk ntfs volume13:27
nemosNemos1You know what? I thought Ubuntu was faster than Windows for managing drives, partition, and things like that; but I've just understood that Windows is far better and easier. I'll open Windows and I'll resize the NTFS in just 2 minutes. Who wants to bet?13:28
LeefmcStroganoff, ty. jrib, ty :)13:28
Leefmcor rather, jasdevan, sorry haha. Misread a line :)13:28
TuniX12nemosNemos1: the problem is bigger13:28
Kitusomebody have installed ati free driver GIT version ?13:28
nemosNemos1And then I'll do a TESTDISK on Ubuntu13:28
dr_Willismnemo,  so you just deleted some partitions in the middle. (thats why the #'s jump) eh?  Its possible the uuid's have changed. but i think thats only if you rezise the linux partitions.13:28
lancei am unable to access the microphone13:28
nemosNemos1I think these are the gaps which separate Unix Users from Windows users13:29
mnemodr_Willis: I believe there should be a big gap because I left unpartitioned space... because I wanted to let windows modify the NTFS and then let gparted expand my ext2 partitions later on (I wanted to let each tool do only what it does best)13:29
lancemicrophone is not working13:29
nemosNemos1the fact that Linux is still too complicated13:29
ompaulnemosNemos1, you are now in the realms of discussion not problem solving please stop that is offtopic13:29
KituPLEASE somebody have installed ati free driver GIT version ?13:29
TuniX12nemosNemos1: run check disk on windows13:29
dr_WillisTuniX12,  remind him that MS has not released any specs on ntfs for linux.. and hes lucky to even be able to read the disks. :)13:30
dr_WillisTuniX12,  heh..  oh he allready left.13:30
dr_WillisTuniX12,  i love 'reversing' the argument for windows users :P13:31
TuniX12dr_Willis: he is noob (neutral)13:31
dr_WillisTuniX12,  heh heh...13:31
southafrikansesorry wrong tab13:31
drashmnemo: still having grub error 17 ?13:31
mnemodrash: yupp13:31
lancehey  any one help for me13:32
lancemic is not working13:32
shenlongHow can I "kill" pulseaudio? I wanna do this because wine doesn't support it (i have no sound in warcraft3)13:32
rick_hey dus linux support Worl of Warcraft ?13:32
dr_Willismnemo,  you could just try making a empty partition in the middle... :)  or use the grubs shell to 'find' the location of the  boot files.  and get the proper hd #.,#13:32
drashmnemo: it's fixable, you need to get the correct numbers for your partitions, like the (hd0,0) -->  http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/01/25/howto-fixing-grub-after-a-windows-installation-and-fixing-the-grub-menu/13:32
jasdevanKitu: Was there a specific issue you were having with your video or the driver?13:32
dr_Willisrick_,  no but i hear 'wine' can play it under linux. :)13:33
rick_kickass :P13:33
rick_cus im support agent on a server :P13:33
Stroganoffrick_: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=192213:33
kto_pyta_nie_blahow can i share my connection to a 2nd pc with wiondows ?13:33
dr_Willisrick_,  there was a time that Blizzared stated that playing WoW under Wine was 'cheating' :) not sure what became of that.13:33
rick_wath is wine?13:34
rick_sorry but iv never had linux b413:34
TuniX12wine is wine13:34
dr_Willis!wine | rick_13:34
ubotturick_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.13:34
pablohi, i cannot get to work the command cd.. it says  No such file or directory13:34
Kitujasdevan, i have ati radeon 9000 pro and i had non free driver installed ..13:35
Kitutelephone ..13:35
Stroganoffpablo your path is wrong. us the TABULATOR key for auto completion13:35
kto_pyta_nie_blause ls and than check if the patch is correct13:35
lancehello i am unable to use my mic13:35
kto_pyta_nie_blahow can i share my connection to a 2nd pc with wiondows ?13:35
Stroganofflance have you checked the recording settings in the volume mixer?13:35
dr_Williskto_pyta_nie_bla,  theres a factoid thje bot knows on that.. i just cant rember it. :)13:35
ubottuFactoid share not found13:35
pabloStronnganoff: i am just using cd.. so i can get out of the folder13:35
lancehow can i check that??13:36
Stroganoffpablo that is the DOS way. in linux you need "cd .."13:36
Stroganoffwith space13:36
newkany one no how to configure live messenger wit wine13:36
LeefmcI was told Blender might have a repository for the package management system. I am having trouble finding this, so i am asking how to find these sort of things in a generic way. That is, i am asking to learn how to fish, not for a fish heh. How would you go about finding a package manager repo? What would i look for, etc?13:36
Kitujasdevan, i have ati radeon 9000 pro and i had non free driver installed, compiz's 3d effects worked but not 3d games ... so i try others drivers13:36
Stroganofflance click your way through (i dont have gnome) the settings menu...13:36
LeefmcTerminology is probably my biggest question, i spose13:36
pabloStroganoff: thanks13:36
Kitujasdevan,  what's the best driver for my card ?13:37
Kituthe better*13:37
ompaulLeefmc, you go to the menu system administration synaptic package management system and then search13:37
lancei checked with sound under perferences13:37
jasdevanLeefmc: "sudo apt-cache search blender"13:37
TuniX12Kitu: the free driver13:37
shenlongHow can I "kill" pulseaudio? I wanna do this because wine doesn't support it (i have no sound in warcraft3) http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/247469/13:37
Leefmcjasdevan, Well no, i am asking how to find new repositories. Not an app in my default repositories.13:37
insomninjais there a way to make the caps lock key behave as an extra alt gr key?13:38
mnemodrash: that fixed it... thank you VERY much13:38
TuniX12Kitu: if you can ruun compiz than you have 3d enabled13:38
mnemoI had already fixed menu.lst but it was also necessary to run the "setup" command from the grub command line it seems13:38
Stroganofflance consider all of these hints to make your microphone work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23882013:38
dr_Willismnemo,  so the empty space was still being numbered? goofing you up?  or what exactly webt wrong?13:39
newkany one able to use msn messenger with wine13:39
lancestronganoff thanks13:39
drashshenlong: killall pulseaudio, but there's a way to keep it out of the way by launching your warcraft via pasuspender <command-to-start-warcraft>13:39
jribnewk: use pidgin or amsn from the repositories13:39
Stroganofflance i think this is it: "You will have to enable capture and it should show on your capture tab in the volume control."13:39
KituTuniX12, how to reinitialize free driver ?13:39
Leefmcjasdevan, In other words, ubuntu comes with default repos. Those stink for Blender heh. Blender being at a new version, i need to upgrade it but the default ubuntu repositories have Blender245, i think thats a whole month late IIRC. So i was talking last night, and i was old Blender might actually have its whole own repository it maintains. What would i search for? ("apt-get repository"? "package manager repository"?)13:39
newkjrib: i do but they dont support video call13:39
KituTuniX12, fglrx is free driver ?13:39
TuniX12newk: sudo apt-get install emesene13:39
marcoc'e qualke italina13:39
drashmnemo: yes that is the one good and clear howto to solve error 17 i know off, glad it helped13:39
TuniX12Kitu: no13:39
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:39
ompaul!latest | Leefmc13:39
ubottuLeefmc: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.13:40
Leefmcjasdevan, Hope you got that all, i think XChat has a bad line count heh.13:40
Kitumsn ?13:40
newktuniX12: does it support video call13:40
dr_Willisim amazed that people install IM clients and want to voice/video chat.. then they go on their Cell Phone and want to Text Message each other... :)13:40
TuniX12free clone of MSN13:40
Leefmcompaul, When it comes to features, newer is better in 3d apps.13:40
BCM43dr_Willis: lol, but not ubuntu related13:40
shenlongdrash what's pasuspender?13:40
Leefmcompaul, 3d apps usually make huge leaps between versions.13:40
newkkitu: i use amsn but it has no video call13:40
dr_WillisBCM43,  its funny because its true.... :)13:40
KituTuniX12, what's the package to installe to be sure that free driver is installed and actived ?13:40
Leefmcompaul, In my case, between bugs, features, and api enhancements, newer is better.13:41
Kitunewk, si13:41
marshallis anybody else having a problem changing the desktop background?13:41
TuniX12newk: dunno13:41
Kitunewk, at home video calls work13:41
ompaul!compile | Leefmc your justification is for yourself not me this is how you get to where you want and you search their site for the sources13:41
ubottuLeefmc your justification is for yourself not me this is how you get to where you want and you search their site for the sources: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:41
dabbilli just tried to update to the latest nvidia driver off the nvidia web site now every time i boot it goes to low-graphics mode.13:41
newkkitu: with amsn????13:41
jasdevanLeefmc: I got it, sorry I misunderstood your original question.  I'd suggest google, honestly.  Or if it's that important to you to stay with the latest version, consider compiling from source.13:41
drashshenlong: it's a pulseaudio command to move itself out of the way of any application that doesn't support it, without killing things so any other ap that does work with it can keep on tuning in as well13:41
TuniX12marshall: which problem?13:41
mnemodr_Willis: since I deleted one my NTFS partitions the index in menu.lst was wrong... my linux partition used to be (hd0,2) but when I deleted the extra NTFS partition I had my linux partition at (hd0,1) instead.... I had already figured out how to boot a livecd and update the menu.lst chaning (hd0,2) into (hd0,1) but that was not sufficient.... the final step that fixed it for me was starting the grub command line tool using "sudo grub" and then running13:41
Kitunewk, i have problem with micro i believe but visio work13:42
Kituit's not very important for the micro13:42
Kitui can resolve the problem13:42
marshallTuniX12, i open appearance preferences and try to change the background. the image flickers but nothing happens13:42
pablodoes somebody install kiba-dock?13:42
BCM43Kitu: please try to keep your responses to one line. Thank you13:42
Leefmcjasdevan, Well im simply asking terminology to search for :). Not knowing what these things are exactly called hehe. I'll ask the guy who mentioned it later, since knows heh13:42
drashpablo: yes, happy with it too13:42
marshallTuniX12, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=821399&highlight=change+background13:43
Leefmcompaul, For now i'll just use the debian build, its been working fine for me. Its just not technically installed.13:43
lancethank u very much13:43
lancemic is working13:43
BCM43hi spiniker13:43
shenlongdrash, tell me the command please13:43
spinikeris there any other way for me top log-in on ubuntu13:43
KituTuniX12, i try to install ati free driver GIT version and i have this error messsage : http://pastebin.com/m1311e22e13:43
rgnrxmess help plz?13:43
ompaulLeefmc, abis can break hope you are ok there you really should build it yourself from source13:43
pablodrash: i installed it but i havent been able to run it, did u use this guide? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55412713:43
BCM43rgnr: do you have a question about it?13:43
rgnrany1 uses xmess?13:43
spinikerits taking to long..6 minutes plus13:43
lance<Stroganoff> thanks13:43
spinikerjust to log-in13:44
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BCM43!tab > lance13:44
drashshenlong: start your application with "pasuspender xxx" .. the xxx being the usual command for the application that doesn't work natively with pulseaudio13:44
rgnrBCM43:  yep13:44
BCM43rgnr: so ask it in the channel13:44
Leefmcompaul, "abis can break hope" pardon?13:44
rgnrBCM43:  ok13:44
KituTuniX12, and libdrm2 is installed but i'm not looking for libdrm first version13:44
drashpablo: i'll check, i compiled it since it isn't in any repo (that i know off), brb13:45
dabbilli just tried to update to the latest nvidia driver off the nvidia web site now every time i boot it goes to low-graphics mode.13:45
rgnrany GUYs for xmess so far?13:45
pablodrash: ok13:45
BCM43rgnr: no, i meant to you have a specif question about the program?13:45
newknot even webcam on emesene13:45
dr_Willisrgnr,  i havent used it in years..  ask a more speciric question to the channel  and see what happens.13:45
rick_hey i installed wine how do i play a windows game in wine now ?13:45
BCM43!win | rick_13:46
ubottuFactoid win not found13:46
BCM43!wine | rick_13:46
ubotturick_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.13:46
dr_Willisrick_,  you dident go to the !wine web site the bot posted did you? :)13:46
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pho3nix_Does anyone have some time to help me with some sound problems?13:46
drashpablo: have you seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=728231 ?13:46
rgnrwell i got a gui for xmess and i cannot make it work13:46
BCM43!sound | pho3nix_13:46
ubottupho3nix_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:46
dr_Willisrick_,  in 'theory' you double click on the games .exe installer and it will install.13:46
ompaulLeefmc, you are better building on your own system than taking debs from other repos they may work and then again they may not13:46
rgnrane hlp?13:46
spinikeris there a shortcut key?or anything to bypass the gdm log-in13:46
spinikerany ideas?13:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:46
ubottuFactoid xmess not found13:46
dr_Willisrgnr,  thers dozens of guis for the mame/mess emulatorx13:46
BCM43!info xmess13:47
ubottuPackage xmess does not exist in hardy13:47
Samstone|Hi all13:47
dr_Willis!find xmess13:47
ubottuFound: xmess-common, xmess-sdl, xmess-x13:47
s0ullight!info xmms13:47
ubottuPackage xmms does not exist in hardy13:47
shenlongdrash pasuspender: invalid option -- o     :(13:47
BCM43rgnr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43275113:47
dr_Willisxmms in fact does NOT exist in hardy13:47
shenlongdrash but i think is not a good idea so i can't listen to music while playing warcraft13:47
drashshenlong: just a moment, i'll doublecheck13:47
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dr_Willisor in several other disrtos now.13:47
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux13:47
Leefmcompaul, Well i have no experience building apps for ubuntu (ubuntu youngling here), is it really wise to do this at my ubuntu-knowledge level?13:47
ompaulLeefmc,  so as I said already go get source from blender site, compile using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware and before you start do this sudo apt-get install build-essential       that is all13:47
s0ullightamarok has taken a great place13:47
TuniX12xmms is obslete13:47
XpoMaHello. How can I see all attached devices to my server (particulary disks). Because I don't really know what to mount. Thank you.13:47
Fabz0ryeah why is that13:48
rgnrdr_Willis:  well i found only 113:48
mohbanahi when is firefox rc2 going to be made available?13:48
Fabz0rreplaces with this new wanna be itunes rubbish13:48
Fabz0ri miss xmms13:48
ompaulLeefmc, you come here as for help, all I can say is that is the best help I can suggest, I don't do less than my best ;-)13:48
TuniX12mohbana: wait for the final release13:48
TuniX12just one week13:48
pablodrash: no i was using another topic in the same forum.... i will try yours then, thanks13:48
rgnrdr_Willis:  kyllies one13:48
ompaulLeefmc, internal consistency in your system is the objective here - not taking parts from random places read the url13:49
ompaulLeefmc, have a great day13:49
erUSULLeefmc: ompaul https://launchpad.net/~wgrant/+archive13:49
dabbilli just tried to update to the latest nvidia driver off the nvidia web site now every time i boot it goes to low-graphics mode and when i try to run nvidia-settings it says i am not running nvidia driver13:49
BCM43!nvidia | dabbill13:50
ubottudabbill: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:50
ompaulerUSUL, backports not visible there13:50
Leefmcompaul, Welp thanks. Note that i wasn't disagreeing with you, simply seeking more knowledge as to why you were saying what you were (and giving you info on my status :)13:50
ompaulerUSUL, doh!13:50
rgnrdr_Willis:  can you give me a working jnt plz?13:51
ompaulerUSUL, however leef did say that new version wanted13:51
IOIOIOHello, I have a problem. I can't load my C: NTFS Partition, neither from the GRUB boot nor from Unix (it says that "it's impossible to mount it"). What happened?13:51
drashshenlong: have you seen this thread ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4723680 .. has all sorts of good tips, also about how to run pasuspender (you have do that command available yes ?)13:51
dabbillBCM43, that page doesnt help at all13:52
IOIOIOAnyone who answers?13:52
BCM43dabbill: ok, sorry13:52
dabbillBCM43, i have tried going back to the restricted drivers still same issue13:52
ompaulLeefmc, I am out of here - I understood - understand I was qualifying it as best I could :) cheers13:52
rgnrBCM43:  know xmess?13:52
BCM43rgnr: nope, sorry13:52
drashIOIOIO: any detailed errors with that ?13:52
BCM43IOIOIO: ask agaoin13:52
IOIOIO Hello, I have a problem. I can't load my C: NTFS Partition, neither from the GRUB boot nor from Unix (it says that "it's impossible to mount it"). What happened?13:53
IOIOIOI need Windows!13:53
IOIOIOBut it seems dead13:53
zetherooI am trying to install something but keep getting a message about there being broken packages13:53
Ward1983how can i set my color depth without opening xorg>conf ?13:53
zetherooplease help13:53
Ward1983xorg.conf i mean13:53
rgnrany can hlp me with xmess?13:54
IOIOIOPlease, help me to fix the error13:54
TuniX12IOIOIO: 2 problems: the ntfs volume is encrypted or bad unmount from windows shutdown13:54
drashIOIOIO: you might want to try the (short) instructions here http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/01/25/howto-fixing-grub-after-a-windows-installation-and-fixing-the-grub-menu/ to check your partiton scheme13:54
avuton...never been so frusterated. I just booted up ubuntu and it won't let me click anything... any time I try to click something it grabs the window and if I move the mouse it moves the window. Any hints of where I should look for help?13:54
Ward1983because ubuntu qpperqntly uses 16bit color on my machine13:54
IOIOIOTunix, the fact is that I cannot load WInodws from the GRUB!13:54
IOIOIOThere's an error at loading Vista13:54
IOIOIOCan I fix it with testdisk?13:55
zetherooI tried to locate the broken packages in Synaptic ... but there are none to be seen there13:55
TuniX12IOIOIO: try it13:55
IOIOIOCan you please guide me?13:56
TuniX12IOIOIO: i'll try13:56
drashIOIOIO: try that link, it will take 1 minute to test your GRUB so that can find your windows as well as your linux13:57
dr_Willisrgnr,  help with a front end. is not the same as help with xmess. :) you may want ty try xmess from the command line to learn the basics. run the front end from a command line to look for any error messages..   and check the xmess docs. Its a rather complex program.13:57
TuniX12IOIOIO: try sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst13:57
IOIOIOI haven't that problem: my problem is that WINDOWS partition seems damaged!13:57
IOIOIOOn Grub menu there is "Vista"13:57
IOIOIOBut the loading fails13:57
drashIOIOIO: ok, got ya13:57
Agent_bobhi i have a junky peace of hardware called a "laptop" which has ati chips,  is there any FOSS way to get acpi support for it, or is it "propritary or nothing" ?    i'm not getting any thermal, battery, or cpu/fan control our of it.   ?13:58
IOIOIOAnd I can't open the NTFS partition under Ubuntu13:58
IOIOIOIt says that it's been mounted bad...or that it cannot be mounted13:58
IOIOIOPlease, help me!13:58
IOIOIOMaybe I can fix something with Testdisk13:58
IOIOIOBut I don't know where to start13:59
TuniX12IOIOIO: yes that's the problem the last shutdown of Win was wrong13:59
IOIOIOOK Tunix13:59
IOIOIOAnd now?13:59
dr_WillisIOIOIO,   if the filesystem has been marked as not cleanly unmounted from windows. it will be needed to use the 'force' option to mount it under linux  with ntfs-3g.13:59
dabbilli just tried to update to the latest nvidia driver off the nvidia web site now every time i boot it goes to low-graphics mode and when i try to run nvidia-settings it says i am not running nvidia driver13:59
TuniX12IOIOIO:  WINDOWS is installed on C on SATA drive??13:59
^root1hi! I am using firefox 2 on ubuntu, and I can see arabic/urdu in it, most of text is: ے13:59
IOIOIOYes, Tunix13:59
rgnrdr_Willis:  so i did run it froim from terminal14:00
TuniX12IOIOIO: try  sudo apt-get install testdisk14:00
guido_server irc.tiscalinet.it14:01
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aasdfserver irc.tiscalinet.it14:01
=== ward_ is now known as Ward1983_
Ward1983_ffs i was connected but not connected :S14:01
Kituwhy :14:01
Kitukiki@kiki-desktop:~/xf86-video-ati$ sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko14:01
Kituinsmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': -1 Operation not permitted14:01
zetherooplease help14:02
TuniX12where is he??14:02
Ward1983_my installation is getting crappyer by the dqmn day14:02
Kitui must change kernel version ?14:02
dabbilli just tried to update to the latest nvidia driver off the nvidia web site now every time i boot it goes to low-graphics mode and when i try to run nvidia-settings it says i am not running nvidia driver14:02
KituTuniX12, me ?14:02
Ward1983_how can i set my color depth without opening xorg.conf ?14:02
TuniX12no the guy who have problem with grub14:02
dr_Willisdabbill,  i noticed a similer thing earlier. I had to reboot in order to be able run the nvidia-settings tool14:02
KituTuniX12, why don't you help me ? :)14:03
dabbilldr_Willis, rebooted several times14:03
jribWard1983_: xdpyinfo| grep 'depth of root'14:03
dabbilldr_Willis, every time i reboot it comes up with low-graphics mode14:03
Agent_bobno answers ?14:03
rgnrbut wtf! i got frontend for xmess14:03
TuniX12Agent_bob: your problem?14:03
rgnrwhtre do i put it?14:04
Agent_bobhi i have a junky peace of hardware called a "laptop" which has ati chips,  is there any FOSS way to get acpi support for it, or is it "propritary or nothing" ?    i'm not getting any thermal, battery, or cpu/fan control our of it.   ?14:04
pablodrash: its working man, should i delete the other menu?14:04
Ward1983_jrib, my color dept...14:04
TuniX12Agent_bob: sorry there is no14:04
pablodrash: its cooler than i tough14:04
TuniX12sure you have HP laptop14:04
dabbillif i run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg i can atleast get my resultion back to normal but i cant get nvidia-settings or compiz to work14:05
drashpablo: why not if it's not working ? or do you mean something else besides removing the menu item ?14:05
Ward1983_jrib, what you sayd is not funny from my point of view, because im fed up with ubuntu for weeks, my system does nothing then crash and then i NEED to reboot, and nobody can help me14:05
dr_Willisdabbill,  you may wan tto try the    envyng tool if you must have the latest drivers.. My 8800 works good with the normal nvidia-glx-new14:05
Agent_bobTuniX12 you talking to me ?14:05
TuniX12Agent_bob: yes14:05
drashpablo: yes, quite nice (and not so CPU/RAM hungry as other docks i treid)14:05
Agent_bobTuniX12 no. it's not hp.14:05
jribWard1983_: I answered your question... that is your color depth.14:05
dabbilldr_Willis, tried useing envyng-gtk same thing when i reboot14:05
Ward1983_jrib, dont feel guilty though, i had allready decided to switch to debian when i have the time, right now i just want to do my schoolwork14:05
pablodrash: the kiba is working, but i dont know if i should delete the standard menu14:06
pavilionI'm here again14:06
Ward1983_jrib, why is is expressed in plqnes :s14:06
dabbilldr_Willis, even removed driver useing envy, removed envy, removed nvidia-glx-new and loaded the restricted driver, rebooted and get the same low graphics stuff14:06
=== pavilion is now known as IOIOIOIO
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zetheroohow to fix broken packages that are not visable in Synaptic?14:06
IOIOIOIOTunix, are you here?14:06
dr_Willisdabbill,  yep, I had to twiddle with this machine a few times to get it working right.. in the end. I think i DELETED the xorg.conf and  rebooted. :) it then let me run the nvidia tools.14:06
drashpablo: oh you mean the panel ? i did, all of them lol, you can always get those back if you want them14:06
ubuntugeekHi guys! After I've installed virtualbox modules, all my syster drivers have been broken. I already delete virtualbox and reconfigured xorg file, but my sound drivers is steal broken. How can i fix it? (ubuntu just didn't see the sound card)14:06
Ward1983_jrib, sorry i thought you meant do let me do something funny14:06
IOIOIOIOWe were talking about TESTDISK14:06
IOIOIOIOI've installed it, now?14:06
TuniX12IOIOIOIO: installed?14:07
jribWard1983_: I don't know why it is expressed in planes14:07
pablodrash: thanks for the help14:07
IOIOIOIOYes, installed14:07
Ward1983_jrib, but 24plqnes == 24bit right?14:07
IOIOIOIOLoaded, use the verb you prefer14:07
jribWard1983_: yes14:07
LeefmcIs there a default-ubuntu way to set a very wide wallpaper to stretch accross two workspaces? (Desk1 & Desk2)14:07
TuniX12IOIOIOIO: NOW  tape sudo testdisk14:07
rick_hey wath is a application to instal some linux prgramms  ?14:07
dr_Willisdabbill,  my issue was more of a 'xorg.conf' being goofy - then the drivers being goofy. I think.14:07
Ward1983_jrib, and can i try to set it to 32bit ?14:07
drashpablo: i run it with a standalone tray, that's the only think in kiba that seems flacky .. no problem, enjoy it :)14:07
ubuntugeekAnybody can help me?14:07
TuniX12choose with log option14:08
IOIOIOIOTunix, isn't is better if we talk on private conversation?14:08
jribWard1983_: see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_depth#32-bit_color14:08
TuniX12create log14:08
ubuntugeek After I've installed virtualbox modules, all my syster drivers have been broken. I already delete virtualbox and reconfigured xorg file, but my sound drivers is steal broken. How can i fix it? (ubuntu just didn't see the sound card)14:08
dr_Willisdabbill,  heres my working xorg.conf for my nvidia 8800 - if you want to look at it.  http://pastebin.com/f56f0956514:08
Ward1983_jrib, thanx a lot :)14:08
TuniX12IOIOIOIO: pm me14:08
dabbilldr_Willis, i even tried loading my old xorg.conf from before i tried the driver from the nvidia website and still does the same thing14:08
rick_wat programme can i use for using to install programms ?14:08
siccness_whats up14:08
dr_Willisdabbill,  i tested mine by stopping the gdm service. and running 'startx' also. i got a few error messages that way to point me to what to do.14:08
jribsiccness_: please stay on the topic of ubuntu support here14:09
siccness_apologies, chief.14:09
ubuntugeekGuys, please help me! This virtualbox afterending makes me so sad, that I'm already thinking about going to Windows XP!14:09
Ward1983_jrib, you haven't heard of funky gnome crashes by any chance? my system crashes randomly for weeks and i think its gnome, at least is seems like it14:09
drashrick_: Synaptic or the add/remove option14:09
siccness_ubuntugeek: your choice.14:09
Ward1983_or anyone else offcourse14:09
siccness_ubuntugeek: if you want help, tell me14:10
icecubex132Q8_why i cant view windows share in 8.414:10
siccness_ask your question, explain it14:10
siccness_and ill fix it14:10
skyhawkis a p3 700Mhz fast enough for ubuntu?14:10
jribWard1983_: if they seem random, I'd run a memtest first.  Then I'd suspect binary video drivers if you are using them (try a different one)14:10
siccness_im on fire tonight14:10
ubuntugeek After I've installed virtualbox modules, all my syster drivers have been broken. I already delete virtualbox and reconfigured xorg file, but my sound drivers is steal broken. How can i fix it? (ubuntu just didn't see the sound card)14:10
ubuntugeekHere's my question.14:10
chase_thishallo, i'm not able to share a folder, can anyone help me?14:10
dr_Willisicecubex132Q8_,  ive had a lot of issues with seeing shares under hardy. :(  still havent tracked down the exact issue.. I did notice that 'smb4k' was able to see/mount my shares. when other apps couldent.  (not a good fix.. but  a fix)14:10
Agent_bobskyhawk sure.  i run ubuntu on a p1mmx 100mhz box   but you can't expect 3d crap to work on it.14:10
siccness_the first problem here, is installing virtualbox14:10
zetherooplease help me fix broken packages14:10
drashskyhawk: i run one of those with Xubuntu just fine, compiz and everything if you have a decent video card on it14:10
siccness_its a horrible piece of junk14:10
Ward1983_jrib, memory is ok i allready tested that14:11
ubuntugeeki now, this one was my mistake14:11
jribsiccness_: may I /msg you?14:11
avutonI just booted up ubuntu and it won't let me click anything... any time I try to click something it grabs the window and if I move the mouse it moves the window. Any hints of where I should look for help?14:11
siccness_jrib: yeah, sure thing mate14:11
dabbilldr_Willis, i am just getting a black screen when i type startx14:11
Ward1983_jrib, im just using the normal nvidia driver thats in the repos :(14:11
icecubex132Q8_dr_Willis:  is it a bug in 8.414:11
skyhawkI dont care for compiz14:11
jribWard1983_: see if you get the crashes using nv14:11
rick_how do i install my invidea driver ? :S14:12
Agent_bobskyhawk then you'll have no problems with it.14:12
skyhawkk thanks14:12
ubuntugeekBut how can fix that problem? Deleting virtualbox didn't helped much with fixing sound card14:12
Ward1983_jrib, great idea!14:12
gaohuawhere is kiba-dock?14:12
Ward1983_rick_, go to system -> administration -> restricted drivers14:12
Ward1983_rick_, there should be a list of the restricted drivers you can use for your system, and you can activate them there14:13
drashgaohua: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72823114:13
pho3nix_How is support for on-board sound cards?14:13
pho3nix_I've followed the sound TBSHTNG, but I'm stuck. Can't find any drivers.14:13
ubuntugeekGuys, how can I restore drivers for sound card? I've just didn't see in my sound menu after installing this fucking virtualbox!!!14:14
moonhow to install realplayer on ubuntu14:14
drashpho3nix_: what card is it ?14:14
ubuntugeeksudo apt-get install realplayer14:14
ubuntugeeki think14:14
moonit doesn't work14:15
pho3nix_Not sure. Terminal tells me Intel HDA14:15
mnemoubuntugeek: try re-installing the ubuntu kernel modules package14:15
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:15
xim what does it mean that ubuntu is considered 'unstable' debian, like debian sid, what does that mean?14:15
ubuntugeekmnemo: How can i do that? Tell me the command please.14:15
francesis there a way to temporarily shutdown the computer usage primary host OS on virtualbox? so that all memory could be concentrated on the guest host14:15
icecubex132Q8_help i need p2p programm frostwire is not working with 8.414:16
mnemoubuntugeek: i dont have ubuntu near me right now but use "apt-cache search modules" and maybe you can find the package name14:16
franceses> is there a way to temporarily shutdown the computer usage on the primary host OS on virtualbox? so that all memory could be concentrated on the guest host14:16
drashmoon: try helix-player and mozilla-helix-player (the plugin)14:16
mnemoubuntugeek: and then when you've found the package name you run "sudo apt-get install --reinstall the_package_name"14:16
maekhow do I install the latest version of Banshee ?? and do people think that the latest version of Banshee is better than Rythmbox ??14:16
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Cristi1990hy how can i change screen resolution to higher?14:16
LeefmcIs http://packages.ubuntu.com/ slow as tar for anyone else?14:17
bmk789what program does the pop up notifications in the corner in gnome?14:17
ubuntugeekok, thx, i'll try that14:17
maekCristi1990, System > Preferences > Screen Resolution14:17
Cristi1990maek: lol it's max 800x600 i want it 128014:17
Agent_bobfrances all ?   no.   you might trim ship somewhat but not a "pivot_root" type thing, no.14:18
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johnnypeais compiz preinstalled in Ubuntu 8.04?14:18
maekCristi1990, could be a problem with your drivers .. are they installed ??14:18
goanookiejohnnypea, yes it is14:19
drashpho3nix already gone ?14:19
mnemoubuntugeek: there is like different module packages for different kernel versions I think, so check "uname -a" to find your kernel version and choose a matching package14:19
maekjohnnypea, yeah and its enabled by default14:19
mnemoubuntugeek: it might be linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-18-386 (not sure if you use x64 or x86 machine though)14:19
francesAgent bob: what would I do again?14:19
Cristi1990maek: uhm just installed ubuntu so idk i guess not but there was a tutorial on how to change the res14:19
johnnypeaand why functions in Advanced desktop Effect Settings are not working for me?14:19
dabbillwhen i try to run startx i get Fatal server error: Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs for all framebuffer devices14:20
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Agent_bobfrances about all you can do is shut down programs and services that are not needed.   you can't "empty" the host system14:20
maekCristi1990, what graphics card have you got ??14:20
TobbyIs there any repositories that i should add to my Kubuntu that is not inside the adept manager from before?(added all in option menu)14:21
drashpho3nix_: what is the output of "cat /proc/asound/cards" ?14:21
dabbilldr_Willis, when i try to run startx i get Fatal server error: Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs for all framebuffer devices14:21
dr_Willisdabbill,  I dont see whyt you have X configured for framebuffer at all14:22
dabbilldr_Willis, i dont think i do, not even sure what that is14:22
johnnypea why functions in Advanced Desktop Effect Settings are not working for me? do I need to install some driver? pls give some webpage or something...14:22
wgrantjohnnypea: Which functions?14:23
pablodrash: how do i make the windows as big as the screen having the kiba on top?14:23
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Cristi1990maek: uhm i don't know for sure i guess nvidia but how do i install the drivers?14:23
drashjohnypea: try this to check http://forlong.blogage.de/article/pages/Compiz-Check14:23
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem? The Ubuntu fails to load X after loading screen. No Xorg.log is generated.14:23
pablodrash: the windows have an empty space below and then is the window, should i use autohide?14:24
maekhttp://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html Cristi1990 install this .deb file then select the option to install the nvidia drivers IF you have a nvidia card14:24
qensewhat part of Linux/GNU is responsible for keeping track of the opening and closing of CD/DVD-drives?14:24
laegpablo: autohide is disgusting imho14:24
dabbilldr_Willis, any idea what i can do to fix this? and why even tryin to reinabling the restricted driver doesnt fix it?14:24
kahrytanIt looks like i hcave to switch back to Windows since ubuntu doesnt play nice witht 720014:24
johnnypeaeg. Desktop Cube, Fade to Desktop, or "Edge Setting" in Ubuntu Tweak app14:25
dabbilldr_Willis, i really dont want to reinstall again :(14:25
drollohey all14:25
drashpablo: not sure if i understand, i don't have that at all, but you might wanna check the kiba settings14:25
johnnypeawgrant: Do I need to restart?14:25
wgrantjohnnypea: It probably means you don't have Compiz running at all..14:26
legend2440dabbill: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17222514:26
drolloplease help me, im trying to set ubuntu to auto log me in, and as soon as it does to auto lock the screen. can this be done?14:26
gnuskooldabbill: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/fatal-server-error-cannot-run-in-framebuffer-mode.-270837/14:26
wgrantdrollo: Why would you want to do that?14:27
gnuskoolkahrytan: whats in/var/log/messages14:27
dabbillneither one of those sites say any thing about fixing it14:27
kahrytangnuskool,  What you looking for14:27
gnuskoolkahrytan: system messages14:27
drollowgrant:  im having problems with finding this computer on the network unless i log in.14:28
laegzetheroo: why aren't the packages visible in synaptic?14:28
kahrytangnuskool,  Which one14:28
gnuskoolkahrytan: i dont know but have a look in there to troubleshoot14:28
zetheroolaeg: when I go to Fix broken packages nothing happens... and in the broken packages filter there are no listings.... but when I try to install something I am told there are broken packages14:29
legend2440dabbill: yes they do. one says run   xorgconfig   and other says   I disabled framebuffer with boot parameters vga=normal splash=0 and it's working now.14:29
kahrytangnuskool,  Only thing related to nvidia is Module license NVIDIA  taints kernel14:29
dr_Willisdabbill,  i would  install one of the drivers.. and reboot.. then stop gdm , and use 'startx' noteing the error messages.14:29
kahrytangnuskool,  but like i said, there is no xorg log14:29
dabbilllegend2440, xorgconfig command not found14:29
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dr_Willisdabbill,  it should say if it cant load the modules,  check that nvidia is set in the xorg.conf file. - and try startx again. My issue was with a goofy xorg.conf file. Not the nvidia drivers.14:30
renfrewanyone else having issues with thier gnome top panel, stuff gets shuffled around sometimes on startup?14:30
dr_Willisdabbill,  as a test you could try my working xorg.conf i posted earlier also.14:30
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem? The Ubuntu fails to load X after loading screen. No Xorg.log is generated. Nvidia driver used.14:30
roycocupis there a way to kill the xsession?14:30
roycocupim using the ctrl+alt+f114:30
daYZman_can a linux machine make a direct connection to a windows machine to share the internet? basically the windows machine is connected to the internet, but can i make a direct connection with the linux machine in order for it to have access?14:30
johnnypeawgrant: I run the check following this site http://forlong.blogage.de/article/pages/Compiz-Check and everything passed "OK" , please what can be other problem?14:31
siccness_daYZman_: yes14:31
roycocupand i cant kill the tty8 where the session is14:31
renfrewanyone else having issues with thier gnome top panel, stuff gets shuffled around sometimes on startup?14:31
siccness_jrib: i kept it to one line14:31
kahrytanWhy cant anyone help me out?14:31
gnuskoolkahrytan: how did you install the driver, was it a compile?14:31
roycocupis there a way to kill the xsession?14:31
daYZman_siccness_, so would i setup the connection on the host windows machine in the normal windows way? how do i do that on my guest linux machine?14:31
siccness_kahrytan: unfortunately, ive been told off for helping, sorry.14:31
dabbilldr_Willis, i have tried all that, i get no errors with startx, i get my 1600x1050 resultion but nvidia-settings / compiz dont work14:31
zetheroolaeg: any ideas?14:32
kahrytangnuskool,  hardware drivers.14:32
siccness_daYZman_: cant help you mate, jrib will tell you why.14:32
kahrytangnuskool, and you cant compile nvidia drivers.14:32
Skruxcan anyone tell me whiche shell package I can use to program the start and end of applications via time ?14:32
gnuskoolkahrytan: download them from the site and check this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69969314:32
dr_Willisdabbill,   weird. do you see the nvidia logo?     i ran the 'nvidia-xconfig -a' command and restarted X and mine took off..  the new 'minimal setting xorg.conf' stuff has been goofing a lot of people up  lately. :(14:33
drollowgrant: do you know how i can do it?14:33
dr_Willis Skrux  you mean to say you want an application to run ONLY for a specific ammount of time?14:33
icecubex132Q8_what is the best programm to use dvb cards with?14:33
Skruxdr_Willis: yeah14:33
renfrewSkrux:  I think you mean anacron or changing your crontab file14:33
dabbilldr_Willis, i never see the nvidia logo it doenst work with the newer 8800GT cards14:34
SkruxTo control rtorrent14:34
salyhi all14:34
abdullahello evryone... are there firewalls in ubuntu?14:34
Skruxrenfrew: I'll serach the anacron14:34
dr_Willisdabbill,  Hmm.. i got a older 8800gtsxxx :) guess im lucky14:34
dr_Williswell its thunderstorming here.. i will bbl.14:34
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem? The Ubuntu fails to load X after loading screen. No Xorg.log is generated. Nvidia driver used.14:34
renfrewabdulla: yeah, ufw or firestarter14:34
roycocupHey guys, is there a way to kill the X session by doing a reverse to Startx?14:35
abdullaok how can i stop it?14:35
gnuskoolkahrytan: reinstall the driver.....14:35
NthDegreeroycocup, pkill X14:35
roycocupthanks NthDegree14:35
salyDoes anyone know the way, howto run some commands, when the kernel is updating? (i need to rebuild the wifi drivers after kernel update)14:35
ompaulkahrytan, was it working before you used that driver?14:35
icecubex132Q8_kahrytan: change nvidia to nv in xorg.conf14:35
abdullarenfrew: how can i stop or close the firewall?14:35
gnuskoolkahrytan: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) --reinstall14:35
MolePrin1eHowdy.  How may I enable an external monitor after X is started please?14:35
NthDegreeabdulla, there is none by default14:35
MolePrin1eIf it is plugged in before I start X, it uses the external resolution and the laptop display is all messed up.14:36
NthDegreeabdulla, Ubuntu doesn't require one as no vulnerable services accept connections from the Internet14:36
kahrytanompaul,  It works w/o the driver14:36
kahrytanompaul,  NV works14:36
roycocupNthDegree just one more question....ive got the 8.04 Cd here... and I would like to upgrade it trough the CLI... is there a way to do this?14:36
abdullaNthDegree : ok what is then slowing down my downloads14:36
NthDegreeroycocup, apt-get update && apt-gst upgrade (as root)14:36
kahrytanicecubex132Q8_,  nv doesnt allot for compiz14:37
NthDegreeapt-get upgrade *14:37
shenlongHow can I "kill" pulseaudio? I wanna do this because wine doesn't support it (i have no sound in warcraft3) http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/247469/14:37
kahrytanicecubex132Q8_,  nv doesnt allow for compiz or gaming14:37
roycocupthanks NthDegree14:37
renfrewabdulla: you have to consciously enable it, its not on by default.. try sudo ufw status ( I think).. I use firestarter.. its a gui14:37
ompaulkahrytan, and somethings are not going to work did you try envyng?14:37
Skruxrenfrew: what's the difference between anacron, cronjob and kcron ?14:37
icecubex132Q8_kahrytan: yes but at least youll have your xserver back14:37
ompaulkahrytan, btw this is not saying that will work - but it might14:37
legend2440MolePrin1e: what video card? ati or nvidia?14:37
NthDegreeSkrux, anacron does missed jobs only14:37
icecubex132Q8_kahrytan: what is your graphic card14:37
Skruxrenfrew: is there one by shell ?14:37
NthDegreeSkrux, cron is a daemon for executing things when they happen14:37
kahrytanompaul, That just install nvidia driver14:37
drollois there a way to make my computer auto logon and then auto lock its self?14:37
NthDegreeSkrux, kcron is a frontend for doing cron jobs isn't it?14:38
SkruxNthDegree: what do you mean: missed jobs ?14:38
kahrytanicecubex132Q8_,  nvidia 7200gs  which  is 7300le14:38
NthDegreeSkrux, yeah anacron does the missed stuff14:38
renfrewSkrux: different frontends to the same thing... program scheduling services14:38
salyDoes anyone know the way, howto run some commands, after kernel update? (i need to rebuild the wifi drivers after each kernel update)14:38
MolePrin1elegend2440: Intel Mobile, actually14:38
ompaulkahrytan, did you actually try it14:38
icecubex132Q8_kahrytan: install envy14:38
drolloi managed to do it in kubuntu but cant seem to do it on ubuntu14:38
Skruxthanxs I 'll see14:39
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.14:39
kahrytanompaul,  envyng .. yes..14:39
renfrewanyone else having issues with thier gnome top panel, stuff gets shuffled around sometimes on startup?14:39
ompaulkahrytan, and no improvement - then I guess your card does not like the official drivers14:39
kahrytanompaul,  yet some people it works for them14:39
legend2440MolePrin1e: sorry i have ati. i connected 2nd monitor and it just worked14:39
kahrytanompaul,  i just wish ubuntu would give me a freakin error. that would help14:40
PeterP24Hi; How can I add the hardy repositories in gutsy?14:40
renfrewgtg... later14:40
ompaulkahrytan, perhaps they don't have the exact chipset you do14:40
kahrytanompaul,  same card14:41
kahrytanthus same gpu14:41
legend2440PeterP24: you want to replace gutsy repos with hardy? or add hardy to gutsy repos and have both?14:41
avutonI just booted up ubuntu and it won't let me click anything... any time I try to click something it grabs the window and if I move the mouse it moves the window. Any hints of where I should look for help?14:42
PeterP24to have both14:42
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Skruxwhich is the best, anacron or cron ?14:43
Skruxanacron is based in cron ?14:43
kahrytanompaul,  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 SE] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) (It's 7200gs actually)14:43
WIDESPREADpanichi, what is the name of the vmware package i need to install xp on my ubuntu14:43
johnnypeathank you everybody who helped me with compiz thing :)14:43
likenany one use cedega14:44
hyphenatedSkrux: depends on the problem..14:44
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laegliken: you should use wine14:44
jubedrollo, you still there?14:44
legend2440PeterP24: wouldn't that seriously mess things up?14:44
WIDESPREADpanichi, what is the name of the vmware package i need to install xp on my ubuntu14:44
likenwow dosnt work14:45
hyphenatedSkrux: cron for servers that are always running, anacron for things that don't run all the time (like laptops)14:45
PeterP24I don't know14:45
Skruxhyphenated: I want to execute rtorrent from 12 to 3 for example, when the computer is always connected and I need it on shell not X14:45
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem? The Ubuntu fails to load X after loading screen. No Xorg.log is generated. Nvidia driver used.14:45
ompaulkahrytan, you are using hardy I take it14:45
Skruxhyphenated: perfect14:45
Skruxthen: cron14:45
kahrytanompaul,  yes14:45
jubedrollo, this command will lock the screen "gnome-screensaver-command --lock"14:46
pablohow do i add a desktop link to kiba14:46
jubeso you can put that in your sessions as a startup program to lock the screen upon login14:46
kahrytanompaul, im gonna try nvidia download14:46
pablohow do i add a desktop link to kiba-dock so it will minimize all the windows14:46
hyphenatedSkrux: both anacron and cron suck equally for things that need a GUI (X), they're both really for background tasks that don't involve user input14:46
BobDingleyhi guys, trying to follow instructions from http://www.tectonic.co.za/wordpress/?p=1153 about XGL/Compiz, anyone been there/seen it before ?14:47
LeefmcDoes Blender246's deb build have an icon hidden in it somewhere? I've got it manually installed (heh, i think :p), but i cannot for the life of me find an icon for blender anywhere. Otherwise all i have is that spring shortcut icon.14:47
ompaulkahrytan, have a look at this - your mileage may vary:   http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=221313&page=314:47
Skruxhyphenated: but it works with no X programs, And I don't see them working, they are on the background?14:47
pablohow do i add a desktop link to kiba-dock so it will minimize all the windows14:47
kahrytanompaul, where14:47
slewisdoes anyone know how to get the bouncy boot screen working? I just have the text atm14:48
Skruxfor example: can I tell cron to execute rtorrent or irssi ?14:48
WIDESPREADpanichi, what is the name of the vmware package i need to install xp on my ubuntu14:48
ompaulkahrytan, your mileage may vary:   http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=221313&page=314:48
kahrytanompaul, where14:48
hyphenatedSkrux: using screen, probably14:48
ompaulkahrytan, read the post maybe there is something in there for you I don#t have nvidia and am pointing to a post where someone claims to have gotten it to work14:48
kahrytanompaul,  whats the purpose of that link14:48
pablohow do i add a desktop link to kiba-dock so it will minimize all the windows14:49
Skruxhyphenated: 'cos irssi, but If I only want that rtorrent starts downloading without any gui ?14:49
kahrytanompaul,  I dont see it14:49
PeterP24I have already added something > http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy main  at the third party software tab - is it ok or it will mess something?14:49
avutonHow do I downgrade all my packages back to the cdrom?14:49
Skruxhyphenated: is it possible without screen ?14:49
kahrytanompaul,  I dont see anyone about 7200 on that page14:49
WIDESPREADpanicWill someone please answer my question14:49
WIDESPREADpanicwhere is the vmware14:49
WIDESPREADpanicpackage name?14:50
WIDESPREADpanicplease help14:50
hyphenatedSkrux: not sure about the specifics of those apps. try writing a script and see if you can make it do what you want. then try to make it work with anacron/cron14:50
WIDESPREADpaniceggo , do i need virtualbox to run xp in ubuntu?14:50
Skruxhyphenated: ok14:50
BobDingleydoes anybody have XGL/Compiz installed on there computer?14:50
Skruxbut it tells me an error14:50
ompaulkahrytan, this is the relevant piece:  NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS (G72) 256MB PCI-E x16  if you want to read the stuff around it feel free ;-)14:51
Skruxhyphenated: cron: can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 5601: Resource temporarily unavailable14:51
legend2440PeterP24: gutsy and hardy have differences. using hardy repos on gutsy could break something i would think. never tried it myself though14:51
SkruxI delete the crond.pid file ?14:51
hyphenatedSkrux: no.. what command did you run?14:51
Kituit's better with nvidia geforce fx 540014:51
trademarkI'm having a little problem with my keyboard layout: I want to be able to put accents on letters, but in ZDE I can't make '  anymore with the layouts that make accents (I tried default, eurosign, alt gr dead keys, dead keys)14:51
kahrytanompaul,  thats not 7200gs14:51
Kitufucking ati radeon 900014:51
ompaul!language | Kitu14:52
ubottuKitu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:52
Skruxhyphenated: cron14:52
PeterP24k, thank yhou14:52
Kituit's the reality ompaul14:52
hyphenatedSkrux: uh.. you manage your user's cron jobs using the 'crontab' command14:53
trademarkanyone ?14:53
kahrytanompaul,  If i dont getit fixed by the time windows comes, im switching back14:53
Kituati is better than nvidia</troll>14:53
ompaulkahrytan, that as they say is your call14:53
Skruxhyphenated: ok14:53
trademarkI'm having a little problem with my keyboard layout: I want to be able to put accents on letters, but in ZDE I can't make '  anymore with the layouts that make accents (I tried default, eurosign, alt gr dead keys, dead keys) ---> You guys must know this (a)14:54
densehed i got this new comp at a yard sale this morning with no HD, so I hooked this one up to it and I get the grub loading, please wait screen, but it never loads, what's the problem?14:54
densehedhey audi could you assist me?14:55
trademarkI'm having a little problem with my keyboard layout: I want to be able to put accents on letters, but in ZDE I can't make '  anymore with the layouts that make accents (I tried default, eurosign, alt gr dead keys, dead keys), what keyboard layout do I need ?14:55
audifahrerAny ideas why I don't see all available groups in the ubuntu users-manager?14:55
kahrytanompaul,  I am getting sick of linux breaking things.14:55
audifahrerdensehed: for what?14:55
densehed i got this new comp at a yard sale this morning with no HD, so I hooked this one up to it and I get the grub loading, please wait screen, but it never loads, what's the problem?14:55
densehedbut the computer boots fine from a livecd14:55
ompaulkahrytan, it works - just the added part does not - reason ask nvidia for specs so it can work right - they won't give it - blame nvidia not GNU/Linux systems ;-)14:56
kahrytanompaul, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsNvidia14:56
audifahrerdensehed: maybe wrong jumper setting on the harddisk?14:56
densehedand the harddrive works fine on my other computer14:56
kahrytanompaul,  I blame oss community.14:56
trademarkompaul, what keyboard layout do I need to be able to make accents on letters AND be able to make ' in Zend Development Environment?14:56
kahrytanompaul,  when you develop software, you dont break someone else's code.14:56
densehedthe HD is working fine, i'm using it now on this comp #114:56
garrinhi guys, does anyone here knows how to fix dot matrix(LX300) printing?14:57
garrin*Epson LX30014:57
densehedcomp 2 boots fine from live cd, but when i hook this hd up to it, it freezes on the grub loading please wait14:57
ompaultrademark, no idea14:57
newguyHello, I can't play .mkv files properly. They play but very chuggy. Both on VLC and MPlayer, got the libmatroska0 codec installed14:58
newguycan anyone help ?14:58
dsmith1974has anyone managed to get radio (bbc) playing through real-player in FF?  Mine is totally garbled/corrupt...14:58
kahrytanompaul,  see my link?14:58
noneoHi all. How to compile app for Qt3 on newest Ubuntu, where I have only Qt4?14:58
Kaldor|NFLDdoes anyone know anything about macslow's cairo-clock?14:59
avutonI updated my packages to the heron updates and something broke my computer. How can I downgrade back to the packages I had on the CD (or do I need to reinstall)?14:59
adredhelo. i messed apparmor. as of now its module cant be found when i modprobe apparmor. i want to fix this by replacing the current kernel with a new one. anyone tell me how to do it?14:59
WIDESPREADpaniceggo r u there?14:59
Emessnoneo: install qt3 and build, then uninstall14:59
ompaulkahrytan, that is not hardy and the drivers from nvidia have changed over time14:59
kahrytanompaul,  true but at least it did work14:59
noneoEmess: there is no libqt3-dev14:59
EmessHaving qt3 itself should be enough15:00
Kaldor|NFLDhow can I keep cairo-clock on my desktop? It keeps disappearing.15:00
Emessdoes the packages documentation say you need the dev build of qt?15:00
ompaulkahrytan, driver came from nvidia - driver worked they changed it15:00
noneoEmess: you think 'build qt3 and then build app for qt3'? ;-)15:00
Emessnoneo: you could do that, but it would take a while, qt3 is big15:00
Emessnoneo: see if there is a deb on debians package mirror for it maybe15:01
Emessor in ubuntu backports15:01
noneoEmess: I have problems to point the ./configure to libs and includes. Can't see it.15:01
noneoEmess: OK, I see. Thanks.15:01
dsmith1974anyone know how I can use Ubuntu to listen to bbc radio?15:01
noneodsmith1974: firefox, realplayer15:01
noneodsmith1974: s/, / + /15:02
dsmith1974noneo - thanks, I've installed the plug-in, but the audio stream is corrupt and garbled?15:02
Sam827I'm on ubuntu 8.04 and have forgotten my password. Any way to recover it?15:03
adredhelo. i messed up apparmor. as of now its module cant be found when i modprobe apparmor. i want to fix this by replacing the current kernel with a new one. anyone tell me how to do it?15:03
alado2i just replaced my ATI card for a Nvidia Gforce 6200, i installed the Nvidia.glx driver from synaptics before i replaced it, but now i only have a 320x240 resolution, and cant change it? help anybody?15:03
Emessdsmith1974: it could be you dont ahve the codec for the type of stream it is15:03
Emessdsmith1974: see if you can open it in vlc maybe15:03
ompaulSam827, not at such, however you can circumvent it if you have not used an encrypted file system15:03
zvacetSam827 : system>preferences> about me15:03
Emessalado2: check your xorg.conf file, it may need the resoutions redefined15:04
Sam827ompaul: how do I circumvent it?15:04
BABA_RECORDi need some help, my connection get crashed, i need to restart my PC to connect automaticly :P because i dnk the command to dial the connection ,15:04
ompaulSam827, as the system is booting, press esc and choose recovery - in there type "passwd username" and then put in a new password then type reboot15:04
asabilhi all15:04
dsmith1974Emess, would the codec not be installed with RealPlayer (.rar), what is vlc15:04
asabilI am having some issues15:04
IOIOIOTitan, where are you?15:04
IOIOIOI was talking to you15:04
asabills -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/ | grep openoffice15:04
noneodsmith1974: only BBC is garbled? What about other radio stations?15:04
ompaul!enter | IOIOIO15:05
ubottuIOIOIO: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:05
asabil?????????? ? ?    ?         ?                ? openoffice.org-gtk.postinst15:05
Emessdsmith1974: not necessarily, and vlc is a media player that has all its own codecs, so it tends to be able to play things other players cant15:05
TuniX12IOIOIO: hi15:05
dsmith1974noneo, I'll try another now...15:05
Emessthen again, i don't actually use ubuntu so I'm not 100% on how it does things15:05
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)15:05
alado2Emess: I see no resolutions what so ever in xorg.conf15:06
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.15:06
trademarkI'm having a little problem with my keyboard layout: I want to be able to put accents on letters, but in ZDE I can't make '  anymore with the layouts that make accents (I tried default, eurosign, alt gr dead keys, dead keys), what keyboard layout do I need ?15:06
ubottuFactoid pppo3 not found15:06
TuniX12IOIOIO: your problem is resolved?15:06
Sam827thanks ompaul15:06
kahrytanMoLE_,  ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage15:06
askvictoralado2 - have you tried nvidia-config?15:06
BABA_RECORD!help ..-> i need some help, my connection get crashed, i need to restart my PC to connect automaticly :P because i dnk the command to dial the connection ,15:07
effraiei've a problem with evolution: it show me my (impa) inbox empty, but that inbox is not empty (other programm show me the emails). other folders are ok. any idea?15:07
arbeck77i'm having trouble mounting a samba share... no matter what I do i get an access denied message15:07
alado2askvictor: nope, is that something i install from synaptic?15:07
Emessalado2: there is a section in xorg.conf called screen, and in it, display, there is a block there for resolution, also as askvictor mentioned, nvidia-config should do it automatically15:07
IOIOIOWhere are you?15:07
TuniX12IOIOIO: what's up?15:07
Emessalado2: aaaah, you only have the driver, make sure you have nvidia-utils as well15:07
ompaul!offtopic | IOIOIO15:07
ubottuIOIOIO: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:07
mDemocrituseffraie: do you have access to the server?15:07
MoLE_How does one remove all the packages that a metapackage pulls in?15:08
alado2Emess: ok, utils and nvidia config from synaptics then?15:08
Emessnvidia-config comes in utils15:08
mDemocrituseffraie: whoops wrong person sorry15:08
Emessid do a general search for nvidia in synaptic tho15:08
effraiemDemocritus: i run the server myself with postfix and dovecot15:08
mDemocritusarbeck77: do you have access to the server15:08
Sam827ompaul: can you post the instructions again?15:08
effraieerf, mDemocritus15:08
alado2Emess: ok, i'll try it out15:08
Emessand make sure that your graphics card is actualy using the nvidia driver in your xorg conf15:08
Emessin the screen section, Driver "nvidia"15:09
alado2Emess: yes it does15:09
ompaulSam827, as the box starts too boot, press esc on the grub menu, when that pauses you choose recovery, when that finishes type "passwd username" that should sort it out for ya - however if it fails then you got to try other stuff - as long as you do not have an encrypted filesystem15:10
=== adria is now known as an0nym0us
arbeck77mDemocritus, yes... i can connect fine with smbclient, and I can browse it just fine... i want to mount it so I have write access though15:10
trademarkI'm having a little problem with my keyboard layout: I want to be able to put accents on letters, but in ZDE I can't make '  anymore with the layouts that make accents (I tried default, eurosign, alt gr dead keys, dead keys), what keyboard layout do I need ?15:11
mDemocritusarbeck77: mount -t smbfs //host/share /path/to/mountpoint doesn't work?15:11
alado2Emess: i suppose nvidia-settings is what you mean, cant find something called nvidia-utils, or?15:11
Emessah could be15:11
Emessin my distro its nvidia-utils15:11
Emessubuntu may have a different name15:12
arbeck77mDemocritus, nope... my guess is that mount.cifs is set up to send an encrypted password but the server wants plain text15:12
=== adria is now known as an0nym0us
mDemocritusarbeck77: could you pastebin your smbd.conf15:12
legend2440ompaul: does he need sudo passwd username? or is sudo not needed in recovery mode?15:12
alado2Emess: "The nvidia-settings utility is a tool for configuring the NVIDIA Linux graphics driver."15:12
mDemocritusarbeck77: for the server, of course15:12
ompaultrademark, perhaps system preferences keyboard from the menu should sort it15:12
Emessalado2: thats it then15:12
ompaullegend2440, recovery does use UID 015:12
legend2440ompaul: ok thanks didn't know that15:13
ompaullegend2440, you are welcome :)15:13
trademarkompaul, you mean layout or something else there, because all the options doesn't work :(15:13
joe_i have a ati 9000 rv250 firegl, how do i get it working with compiz effects?15:13
empirichi all any one works on openvlc15:14
ompaultrademark, keyboard - for layout - and if that fails then test with a different keyboard15:15
ompaul!ati | joe_15:15
ubottujoe_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:15
WIDESPREADpanicI want to install xp on ubuntu, i need a virtual machine, what is an alternative to virtualbox, ????15:15
WIDESPREADpaniceggo u there?15:15
joe_it says in one guide to disable direct erndering . . . how is that done?15:15
trademarkit is not the keyboard: on windows it works, and I'm on laptop anyway :p15:15
bazhang_!vm | WIDESPREADpanic15:15
ubottuWIDESPREADpanic: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications15:15
mDemocritusWIDESPREADpanic: you could use vmware server15:15
ompaultrademark, then use that to map it correctly to the right keyboard15:16
WIDESPREADpanici can find vmware in package list15:16
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega15:16
arbeck77mDemocritus, http://pastebin.com/m6fd1e07215:16
mDemocritusWIDESPREADpanic: you would want to get vmware from their site, since you need a serial number15:16
bazhang_WIDESPREADpanic, enable canonical partner repos15:16
joe_ompaul, no you are wrong the binary does not support cards before 955015:16
MemoryDumpcan anybody direct me to a site for info on setting up 2 soundcards and a headset using pulseaudio? I've tried #pulseaudio and nobody there seems to be alive 3/4 of the time... :(15:17
ompauljoe_, then I guess you are stuck - bleeding edge hardware often cuts :-(15:17
lardarsehow do i manually stop the current gnome session?15:17
joe_ompaul, at least thats what i found out after 3 hours in chat yesterday15:17
WIDESPREADpanicmDemocritus - i cant get it from package manager?15:17
ompauljoe_, you got some level of functionality?15:18
=== Admin__ is now known as ian_`
bazhang_!es | susuthebest15:18
ubottususuthebest: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:18
joe_ompaul, no compiz15:18
lvlefistosynaptic is taking more than a half an hour to Preconfigure Packages...15:18
Emesslvlefisto: so use commandline to do it15:18
lvlefistoshould i kill the process?15:18
Emessstop it, dont kill it15:19
TuniX12lvlefisto: no15:19
Emesskilling it could mess your db up15:19
trademarkyea :D15:19
lardarseis a sigterm safe?15:19
lvlefistook, and then dpkg -i ?15:19
erUSULjoe_: ati free driver should support 3d on your card ... but compiz is blacklisted in ati/radeon driver on hardy15:19
trademarkno :(15:19
frojndHello there. How can I burn img file, which has video files in it ?15:19
ompaul!language | trademark15:19
ubottutrademark: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:19
joe_ompaul, i installed it because i heard hardy had it built in . . .15:19
mDemocritusWIDESPREADpanic: i don't believe so, since it's not completely FLOSS15:19
dynamethodcant you rez a killed process?15:19
crdlbjoe_: is it a laptop?15:19
bazhang_no cursing trademark15:19
empirichelo any one works on video over lan?15:20
erUSULfrojnd: what type of img ?? img + cue ??15:20
joe_crdlb, yes a dell d60015:20
rathinhey my frnd here got a problem in the network setting he doesnt have ipv4 configured in the laptop15:20
mDemocritusarbeck77: any reason you're not using encrypted passwords? i can't imagine any reason not to....15:20
crdlbjoe_: then the solution is simple; you just need to bypass the blacklist that ubuntu has added15:20
crdlbjoe_: please join #compiz-fusion for instructions15:20
bazhang_WIDESPREADpanic, canonical partner repos15:20
joe_crdlb, thanks15:20
lvlefistowhat is the command to install? dpkg -i install, resume? i am new at ubuntu15:21
frojnderUSUL: just .img15:21
=== acuster is now known as avc_horns
rathinhow do i enable ipv4 if its not present by default15:21
erUSULfrojnd: do as if it was an iso file i guess15:21
mDemocritusrathin: ... huh?15:21
Bloodhoundhey folks!15:21
erUSULrathin: pv4 and ipv6 are enabled by default in ubuntu15:21
lardarsewhat's the preferred way to manually end the current gnome session without it immediately restarting again?15:21
Bloodhoundi just installed ubuntu today15:21
rathinbut still its not showing in my settings15:22
mDemocritus!hi | Bloodhound15:22
ubottuBloodhound: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:22
rathinactually in my frnds laptop15:22
Bloodhoundhi thanks!15:22
erUSULrathin: what are you trying to do and how it is failing??15:22
Tormentorhi all15:22
rathinits just that i cant assign an Ip to my laptop15:23
pablohow do i add a desktop link to kiba-dock so it will minimize all the windows15:23
Tormentori have a problem with codecs...15:23
Tormentorsomeone help me ! :)15:23
mDemocritus!ask | Tormentor15:23
ubottuTormentor: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:23
lardarse!ask | Tormentor15:23
ompaul!codecs | Tormentor15:23
ubottuTormentor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:23
arbeck77mDemocritus, it's just the way the server was set up in the very beginning (years and years ago) and it's always worked, so i've never changed it15:23
bazhang_Tormentor, more info needed15:23
erUSUL!who | rathin15:23
ubotturathin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:23
alado2Emess: doesnt seem to work, i can only choose 640x480 in the nvidia x server settings, and when i click save to X config file, i get an error message saying it cant create a backup file15:23
Tormentorthanks a LOT !!!15:23
TuniX12alado2: you're not a root15:24
bazhang_Tormentor, install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:24
mDemocritusarbeck77: that's a pretty serious security flaw... check out man smb.conf at around line 196815:24
Emessalado2: you need to be running it as root15:24
rathinerUSUL :so  its that i am not able to asssign IP to my laptop15:24
alado2TuniX12: ok, how do i do that?15:25
TuniX12alado2: sorry i dont know your problem exactly15:25
alado2TuniX12: Emess: and as i said, i can only choose 640x480 as highest res.15:25
bazhang_alado2, what command15:26
mDemocritusarbeck77: and it seems especially strange that you're using a pam backend without encrypted passwords15:26
Emessalado2: in that case, edit your xorg conf manually15:26
alado2TuniX12: i just replaced my ati card for a Nvidia gforce 620015:26
mDemocritusarbeck77: is the problem only with one client?15:26
LeefmcQuestion: Is there a good way to view .CHM files? I was downloading docs earlier for Python, and i noticed that the docs they provide arent as friendly as the .CHM version (quick easy search), so are there any good CHM Viewers?15:26
LetsGo67_Bonjour les amis!15:26
bazhang_!fr | LetsGo67_15:26
ubottuLetsGo67_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:26
LetsGo67_Que es en la casa?15:26
LetsGo67_Que esta en la casa?15:26
erUSULrathin: you are saying that for example "sudo ip link set eth0 up && sudo ip addr add dev eth0" fails ?? if so how?15:26
bazhang_LetsGo67_, /join #ubuntu-fr15:27
alado2Emess: ok, where should i add resolutions?15:27
alado2Emess: and whats the syntax?15:27
rathinyep..it doesnt show wen i type ifconfig eth015:27
Emessalado2:  scroll down to near the bottom, in the screen block15:27
Emessyou should find a section for your card with some resolutions already there15:27
rathinerUSUL:it doesnt show wen i type ifconfig eth015:27
gokuli have a SATA 160 GB hard disk and a IDE 160 GB HD , how can i dual boot windows xp and ubuntu15:27
alado2Emess: last thing i have there is "Defaultdepth24"15:27
arbeck77mDemocritus, I only have one client that connects... my main ubuntu desktop... it stopped working when I installed hardy15:28
Emessthe syntax is Modes "highest-res" "2nd highest res" "etc..."15:28
erUSULrathin: but you do not get any error msg ?? nothing in dmesg ?15:28
kurtjxhello, finally upgraded from Ubuntu 7 to 8 and now my thinkpad x40 doesnt seem to sleep properly - i get a warning message on wake up15:28
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kurtjxany suggestions15:28
rathinerUSUL:can you tell em y would i get htat error..and i havent tryied it yet15:28
mDemocritusarbeck77: well, i would just try encrypting passwords on the server15:29
kurtjxwas sleeping nice b415:29
TuniX12gokul: you want to install ubuntu on the second drive or on the same drive with xp?15:29
mDemocritusarbeck77: you could alternately disable encrypted passwords on the client, but i wouldn't15:29
benpiccoI'm looking for a tool to apply real time video effects to a video stream from a webcam, should run in full screen mode15:29
gokultwo OS on separate hard disks15:29
alado2Emess: so: Modes "1024x768" would give me that option under "display setting"?15:29
erUSULrathin: can you refrase what you just have said?15:29
rathinerUSUL:i tried enableng ipv4 by editing /etc/sysctl.conf and it seemed to work ..but once i rebooted it doesnt seem to work again15:30
Emessalado2: yes, but with a 6200, you should ahve no problem with 1280x102415:30
TuniX12gokul install ubuntu it will detect the two drives15:30
alado2Emess: i know, was just an example15:30
Emessjust make sure you have them in order of largest to smallest15:31
Emessas it uses the first one it can fidn that works by default15:31
erUSULrathin: what did you added to /etc/sysctl.conf ??15:31
liassisthello, will ubuntu (or any other ubuntu based distro) work on my system and give me as much as pakages that ubuntu will give??(my system is 256mb ram 1.4ghz processer and 64mb vram)(i need a good distro for this configuration)(iam new to linux)(what version will be best,)i want a nice and good DE and WM with menu's and all stuff like gnome(but not gnome) !!!note: ram upgrade is out of the question!!!!15:31
alado2Emess: ok, done, i'll restart and pray to the spagetti monster15:32
mDemocritusops, ban [0_A4Tech [n=bond@] please, linkspammer15:32
ompaul!xubuntu | liassist15:32
ubottuliassist: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:32
TuniX12liassist: try Xubuntu15:32
rathinerUSUL:i just added net.ipv4.ip_forward=115:33
mDemocritusthanks ompaul15:33
liassistxubuntu is tried still does not deliver optimum performance (swapping will work)15:33
Emess....why restart...just restart X.....15:33
erUSULrathin: but that only enables ip fordwarding to let a linux system act as reouter/NAT box (do internet sharing for example)15:34
matt444help!  In all of the "gnome" applications (evince, gedit, epiphany, etc.) I can not print.  when I select the printer, the "Print" button becomes greyed out. What could be causing the problem?15:34
mDemocritusthat link just looked phishy as hell... .org.ru? no thanks... i didn't investigate it cause i'm on a windows box....15:34
erUSULrathin: as i said ipv4 is default in ubuntu15:34
rathinerUSUL:but when i addded this the IP i added appeared when i typed ifconfig eht0..previoulsy it wasnt there15:35
legend2440Leefmc: in synaptic   kchmviewer-nokde   is good for viewing chm files15:35
fsckd/msg NickServ help15:35
philosopheHi here, i'm using Ubuntu 8.04, there is a way to enable my integrated Webcam in my HP wih Ubuntu ?15:35
Leefmclegend2440, K ty15:35
philosopheexcuse my bad english15:35
rathinphilosophe:try CHEESE software in synaptic15:36
erUSULrathin: well i can not explain that ... :| but it shoudn't matter if ip fordwarding is enabled or not15:36
philosopherathin,  OK i'll do it now15:36
lvlefistoafter the Preconfiguring packages... taking too long i finnally stopped the synaptic, now i can't figure out which command i should run to do this task. Should i run dpkg? what are the params i should run?15:36
gokulwhich is the most stable version of ubuntu to work on SATA15:36
rathinerUSUL:can u tell me a reason y my ipv4 address is not being shown wen i type ifconfig eth015:36
arbeck77mDemocritus, when i try to change to encrypted passwords the result is the same, and even my smbclient stuff stops working with NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE15:37
TuniX12gokul: the latest one!!!!15:37
mDemocritusarbeck77: pastebin your client's smb.conf?15:38
lvlefistoshould i run aptitude?15:38
TuniX12gokul: http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html15:38
erUSULrathin: shows up if you use "ip addr show eth0" ??15:38
gokulwhich is the most stable version of LINUX to work on SATA15:38
TuniX12gokul: the problem is from the chipset15:39
TuniX12not from linux15:39
rathinerUSUL:but then wats the difference between wat i said and u said i mean diff. b/w if config eth0 and ip addr show eht0 ??15:39
TuniX12some chipsets are unsupported15:39
mDemocritusgokul: from the article TuniX12 linked you: "Note:  There is no such thing as a      distribution or its installer (generically) "having SATA support"      (or not)"15:39
erUSULrathin: it is just another command to do the same... it is just to discard a bug in ifconfig15:40
arbeck77mDemocritus, http://pastebin.com/m451f721215:40
zetheroowhen running gutsy with effects on Normal I get not window borders .... why?15:40
zetherooplease help15:40
philosopheYou rock man rathin  :) my webcam works :)15:41
philosophegreat xD15:41
philosophecan anyone tell me about wine ? can i play counterSrike on Ubuntu ?15:42
bazhang_!appdb | philosophe  check here15:42
ubottuphilosophe  check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org15:42
bullgard4Is Xlib an often used library in Hardy or is it replaced by some other library?15:42
hamid11771hi all , i have a pc using it as server, and its not connected to monitor , i want it to beeep after boot is complete. which file i should put my beep command to run at start up. (ubuntu 8.04)15:42
rathinerUSUL:what if in ip addr show eth0 doesnt give me an ipv4 address??15:43
philosophethanks :)15:43
mDemocritusarbeck77: i would think it might have to do with client plaintext auth and client lanman auth at lines 126-7 in the client's smb.conf....15:43
rathinerUSUL:what do i do then15:43
hamid11771hi all , i have a pc using it as server, and its not connected to monitor , i want it to beeep after boot is complete. which file i should put my beep command to run at STARTUP . (ubuntu 8.04)15:43
mDemocritusarbeck77: that's all i can really see though... have you found an bugs for it on launchpad, etc?15:44
arbeck77mDemocritus, they are commented out... I had them in when I was connecting via plain text... which works for everything but mounting15:44
mDemocritusarbeck77: that's so wierd15:44
erUSULrathin: can you post the output on pastebin? post the output of «sudo ip link set eth0 up && sudo ip addr add dev eth0 && ip addr show eth0»15:44
erUSUL!pastebin | rathin15:45
ubotturathin: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:45
mDemocritusarbeck77: so you authenticate fine, just not with mount.cifs15:45
mDemocritusarbeck77: what's the command you're using to mount?15:45
arbeck77mDemocritus, right... my suspension is that mount.cifs does not support unencrypted passwords period15:45
mDemocrituszetheroo: that's a common issue with compiz... google around for window boarders disappear15:46
deeperrorhamid11771, create a script in /etc/init.d/beep15:46
arbeck77mDemocritus, sudo smbmount // /media/web -o username=arbeck,password=password15:47
SAGAhi roo,15:47
SAGAhi room15:47
mirkoChanServ #freenode15:48
mDemocritusarbeck77: ok... try this instead: sudo mount -t smbfs // /media/web -o username=arbeck,password=password15:48
deeperrorhamid11771, you will then need to 'chmod +x beep' to make it executable and then run 'update-rc.d beep defaults' to make it run on start15:48
ads_hi im looking for the equivalent  to "crtl alt bkspace" key press to restart x from a shell.   "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" will not suffice15:48
SAGAi am using dell inspiron 1525 and using hardy15:48
SAGAmy wi-fi led is not working15:48
SAGAhow can i make that work15:48
radius_SAGA: use the restricted drivers15:49
hamid11771deeperror: is it any file to add command for rununig at startup ?15:49
SAGAi am using15:49
radius_im on a vostro 100015:49
deeperroryou can follow that same procedure to get whatever you like to run on boot15:49
SAGAthe problem is in my LED15:49
hamid11771deeperror: thanks alot15:49
radius_fn + f215:49
bullgard4What is the function of Xlib.h?15:49
arbeck77mDemocritus, same thing mount error 13 = Permission denied15:49
radius_give a second to come on15:50
deeperrorhamid11771, there was 2 parts to that if you missed it15:50
ads_hi im looking for the equivalent  to "crtl alt bkspace" key press to restart x from a shell.   "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" will not suffice15:50
hamid11771deeperror: got it :)15:50
erUSULads_: why "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" will not suffice ??15:51
bazhang_!it | nucciolino15:51
ubottunucciolino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:51
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:51
ads_erUSUL: it doesnt restart using ...gdm restart   it leaves me at a blank screen!!!15:51
ubottuJoin us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk15:52
* philosophe bon courage les gens !15:52
bazhang_soulhacker, /msg ubottu for fun if you wish15:52
soulhackerbazhang_:sorry just seeing the bots capabilities15:52
fsckd /msg ubottu15:52
erUSULads_: then something is wrong with X configuration i guess... or you have to switch to X terminal (Crtl + alt + F7)15:52
kyaneosi would need some help on formating an usb pen15:53
matt444help!  In all of the "gnome" applications (evince, gedit, epiphany, etc.) I can not print.  when I select the printer, the "Print" button becomes greyed out. What could be causing the problem?15:53
bazhang_kyaneos, for what purpose15:53
kyaneosi formated it with ext3, ntfs... and then i cannot mount it15:53
erUSUL!gparted | kyaneos15:53
ubottukyaneos: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/15:53
kyaneospartitions are done15:53
mDemocritusarbeck77: i'm kindof at a loss... hang on a sec15:53
kyaneosor better said, partition is set up, i only need one partition15:54
ads_erUSUL: im sure if you issue    gdm restart   from an active x session you will see the same result as i  have!!   unfortunately it restarts x but does not display the screen!!15:54
esrefo progrmın ismi neydi15:54
soulhackermatt444:go to sessions and see if the print queing service is running15:54
kyaneosbut errors came like cannot read superblock...15:54
ads_erUSUL: it works fine from run level 315:54
bazhang_esref, english please15:55
erUSULads_: i use gdm restart many times when i have to update nvidia driver and kernel (self compiled ones) and has allways worked for me15:55
ads_erUSUL: you issue this from inside an xession from a shell   and it works  ?15:55
erUSULads_: anyway you can try killing X with killall or kill or top/htop15:55
StroganoffCtrl+Alt+Backspace kills X15:56
erUSULads_: no mostly from VT (Alt f1 f2 etc) but it works fine from a xterm15:56
ads_Stroganoff: thank you i know this  and im trying to emulate that but without keypresses ; i.e a shell command15:56
bazhang_smallfoot-, what does that mean15:56
mDemocritusarbeck77: looks like a problem with samba http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77089315:56
Stroganoffads_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart15:56
matt444soulhacker:  it is15:56
Stroganoffor: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart15:56
ads_erUSUL: unfortuanetly i need to run this from run level 5  hence my problems :(15:56
slumhorin what folder is the list of dependencies installed? so you can check what dependencies you have and what you dont have...15:57
mthedoes anyone know how to remove panda desktop secure for linux from ubuntu 8.04? It opens the panel to let you register it, only to close it a second later - even if you manage to click through. Horrible bug!15:57
ads_Stroganoff:   thats the problem  this will not start x correctly from run level 5!!15:57
smallfoot-bazhang_, i want kernel 2.6.2515:57
erUSULads_: runlevel 5 ?? ubuntu/debian does not use runlevels it allways boots to runlevel 2 afaik15:57
bazhang_smallfoot-, then install it15:57
erUSUL!kernel | smallfoot-15:57
ubottusmallfoot-: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:57
soulhackermatt444:ok then sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys status15:57
legend2440matt444: can you print test page from System>Admin>Printing?15:57
smallfoot-bazhang_, i dont find it in my repo, i dont can compiles15:57
rinaldi_hi all, I have a problem here, I have a fresh install of ubuntu and I inserted my netgear usb wifi adapter. nm-applet used the rtl8187 drivers and it found my access point. After entering the wep key it says the connection is @ 90% but I am still unable to connect to the internet, or ping the router... any ideas?15:57
bazhang_smallfoot-, not supported here15:58
ads_erUSUL:  appologies   from an active x session   i.,e inside  gui    im sure you understand what i mean15:58
matt444legend2440:  yes15:58
matt444legend2440:  only the "gnome" applications are affected.15:58
Stroganoffads_ so exactly why is this command not working?15:58
erUSULsmallfoot-: if you are not able/willling to compile it you will have to wait till ibex comes out i'm afraid15:58
filleokusany native english speaker here?15:58
matt444soulhacker:  Status of Common Unix Printing System: cupsd is running.15:58
smallfoot-erUSUL, :((((((15:58
bazhang_!ask | filleokus15:58
ubottufilleokus: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:58
rinaldi_its a wg111 v2 by the way15:58
filleokushow would you say in the end of a letter that you want to say thank you to this person before he has done the thing your asking for?15:59
TestUbuntuhello is French people ?15:59
erUSULads_: yep; and as i said it works for me so i can not help you further.15:59
mDemocritus!fr | TestUbuntu15:59
ubottuTestUbuntu: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:59
deeperrorrinaldi_, do you have an ip?15:59
bazhang_filleokus, this is ubuntu support15:59
ads_Stroganoff:   ctrl alt backspace   key press is fine      however i wnat to replace my xorg.cof with a dual screen setup and restart x.. issuing   ...gdm restart does not do this correctly15:59
erUSULads_: kill the X server with kill -9 «pid of X»15:59
ads_erUSUL: thanks for help anyhow15:59
rinaldi_deeperror: it tells me so yes15:59
filleokusbazhang_: yeah, i know, but this accutlay a ubuntu question :P15:59
filleokusim gonna post a forum response :P15:59
Stroganoffads_ maybe the X server is started and you need to activate it with ctrl+alt+f715:59
bazhang_filleokus, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please15:59
deeperrorrinaldi_, wep or wpa?16:00
ads_Stroganoff:  not the case unfortunately  it simply isnt displaying16:00
rinaldi_deeperror: wep, when I connect I can connect to google and do a search but it stops straight away16:00
ads_Stroganoff:  if i issue the keypress to restart  it works16:00
soulhackermatt444:so you are not able to select it in gnome apps does console printing work?16:00
ads_Stroganoff:  i need a command that will restart x in the same way   ctrl alt bkspace does16:01
smallfoot-what will ibex have new??16:01
bazhang_smallfoot-, /join #ubuntu+116:01
deeperrorrinaldi_, can you ping google.com from term?16:01
mDemocritusads_: if you're at a regular terminal, x isn't running....16:01
mthedoes anyone know how to remove panda desktop secure for linux from ubuntu 8.04? It opens the panel to let you register it, only to close it a second later - even if you manage to click through. Horrible bug!16:01
ads_mDemocritus: not sure what you meant im inside a shell inside x16:02
smallfoot-mthe, did you install proprietary software?16:02
matt444soulhacker:  In "gnome" applications I mean applications like Evince, Epiphany, Gedit.  It works in OpenOffice.org for example.  And yes, lpr console printing works as well.16:02
fsckdrinaldi: look here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/23166216:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231662 in ubuntu "Netgear WG111 unstable wifi connection in hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:03
bullgard4What is the function of Xlib.h?16:03
smallfoot-mthe, proprietary software no good, better donate money of 3 licenses to clamav and use that16:03
legend2440matt444: if you open a pdf file and open File>Print setup    is your printer  chosen as default?  and does File>print preview work in gedit?16:03
jribbullgard4: it's a header, it's function is the same as any other header16:03
rinaldi_deeperror: only a few seconds after I reconnect, then it loses packets16:03
bazhang_smallfoot-, please take chat elsewhere16:03
matt444legend2440:  when I do as you say in evince "print to a file" is defaulted.  Print Preview does work though.16:04
smallfoot-bazhang_, ok menz :(16:04
keshavkheraHello everyone16:04
bullgard4jrib: Sorry but if  "it's function is the same as any other header" then it would not be necessary and could be deleted. (I know the general function of a header file.)16:04
smallfoot-mthe, but there is no spyware + malware for ubuntu16:04
fsckd<rinaldi_>its seems to be a confirmed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/23166216:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231662 in ubuntu "Netgear WG111 unstable wifi connection in hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 39871 in libgnomeprint "[evince duplex] GNOME doesn't follow print configuration (dup-of: 34112)" [Medium,Invalid]16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 34112 in libgnomeprint "gnome programs don't respect ~/.cups/lpoptions" [High,Fix released]16:04
jribbullgard4: well it serves that purpose for Xlib...16:04
legend2440matt444: in evince choose your printer not prin to file16:04
ads_im surprised to find that issuing /etc/init.d/gdm restart from within an x session  actively restarts x correctly..  this has never been the case with me   it will only work from a console outside of x16:04
smallfoot-smallfoot-, its like use mosquito spray in arctic16:05
jribbullgard4: what are you trying to solve?16:05
chimpfsck causes a 'machine check exception' followed by a kernel panic, any ideas?16:05
matt444legend2440:  i do, of course.  The "Print" button becomes greyed out.16:05
rinaldi_fsckd: yep looks about right... damn16:05
tv7497guys how do you format an ipod16:05
mDemocritusads_: whoops sorry16:05
ads_mDemocritus: im surprised to find that issuing /etc/init.d/gdm restart from within an x session  actively restarts x correctly..  this has never been the case with me   it will only work from a console outside of x16:05
ted_foonmanCan someone explain to me the logic behind XChat allowing you to save a channel list to your hard drive, but not allowing you to reload it in the child window?16:06
dabbillhow can i make it so that my secondary HD doesnt show on my desktop while mounted?16:06
legend2440matt444: in evince is print setup also grayed out?16:06
zetheroousing an Nvidia graphics card do I need to use XGL to get the effects working?16:06
fdrHello... can anybody please recommend me a way to print a label? Those labels that are to be sticked on envelopes, I mean16:06
SprengelmeyerCan somebody run through with me how to install mysql-server-5.0 on a system with exactly 128mb of ram. I believe I have failed in the past due to a configuration error. Currently i have a fresh VPS image install of ubuntu 8.04 and have just performed an # apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade16:06
mDemocritusads_: it makes sense that it works.... the x session is spawned by the gdm daemon16:06
tv7497legend2440: sir how do you format an ipod16:06
SAGAhey guyz how can i use this IRC behind proxy server...please PM me16:06
matt444legend2440:  no.16:06
jribfdr: they usually have templates (in ms word, ugh, but you can open in openoffice) online that you download and edit16:07
ads_mDemocritus: it makes sense yes!  but it does not work16:07
mDemocritusSAGA: try mibbbit: www.mibbit.com16:07
analoghi all16:07
Russianhello everyone16:07
mDemocritusads_: rats... i've got nothing... sorry16:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:07
ads_mDemocritus: nevermind thanks anyhow  for the effort16:07
mDemocritusads_: np16:07
bullgard4jrib: The prefix 'LANG=C' does not function any more since gutsy2feisty dist-upgrading.16:07
SAGAwill oh16:07
RussianDoes ubuntu 8.04 support Nvidia Geforce 9800GTX?16:08
IGORV9800GTX's are a waste if you already got 8800GTX16:08
legend2440matt444: so if you choose your printer in Print Setup and hit Apply  Print is still grayed out?16:08
ninix`hi, anyone know the issue for fix this problem: sometime (or should i say often), i reboot and no more sound is available, i must apt-get install --reinstall alsa and reboot.. and i can do this "fix" 4-5 times before it work.16:08
mthedoes anyone know how to remove panda desktop secure for linux from ubuntu 8.04? It opens the panel to let you register it, only to close it a second later - even if you manage to click through. Horrible bug :x16:08
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:08
matt444legend2440:  correct.  and it still defaults to print to a file.16:08
Russianigorv: I just want to know if ubuntu supports it, and if so how to get the driver working?16:09
analogGuys any know how to enable nvidia agp fast writes in hardy heron?16:09
IGORVNot sure Russian, I'm runnign restricted drivers right now on 8800GTX16:09
zetherooplease help16:09
s0ullightwhat is better xgl or aixgl16:10
Russianigorv: well I cannot enable any visual effects in ubuntu16:10
SAGAi am new to IRC16:10
jribbullgard4: "doesn't work" is not a good description.  I have to go now, but try $LANGUAGE16:10
blackplasmaI can't find xorg-driver-fglrx16:10
SAGAwhat is this OP16:10
blackplasmaI can't install it16:10
Paolo_RiccardoCan anybody help me?16:10
SAGAwhen i right click ppl i see something like OP16:10
blackplasmaits not in the repositories16:10
SAGAwhats it guyz16:10
mDemocritusRussian: install the latest nvidia driver?16:10
RussianmDemocritus: How?16:11
ninix`SAGA: try "irc tutorial" on google16:11
mDemocritusRussian: well first did you install the restricted package?16:11
mDemocritusRussian: restricted driver, that is?16:11
RussianmDemocritus: I think it's installed by ubuntu16:11
mDemocritusRussian: not by default16:12
RussianmDemocritus: how can I check?16:12
rick_hey when i download a program i cant use it cus i wont install wy not ? ( this is my 1e time on linux )16:12
bullgard4jrib: The prefix switches language output. If it does not switch language output, it does not function. echo $LANGUAGE does not produce an output.16:12
analogGuys anyone know how to enable nvidia agp fast writes in hardy heron?plz help!!16:12
mDemocritusRussian: in a terminal, run glxinfo | grep -i direct16:12
alado2Emess: still here? i cant get the nvidia card to work, added the resolutions to xorg, didnt help. and now xubuntu keeps saying at boot up graphic card cant be detected..16:12
likendoes any one have wow working16:13
mthety 2 all - if you reinstall panda synaptic management from the .deb then immediately remove it using synaptic package manager, it lets you remove it = ;)16:13
RussianmDemocritus I get 2x direct16:13
Emessalado2: sounds like it hasnt got the driver loaded...16:13
* mthe goes to install clamav16:13
cleatonhello, how can i autostart a gui aplication with xinit?16:13
alado2Emess: and i cant see why, its installed16:13
mDemocritusrussian nothin else?16:13
RussianmDemocritus I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/18061/16:14
Emessalado2: well, in xorg.conf, have you got Driver "nvidia" ?16:14
rick_hey how do i use programs i downloaded i cant install them how do i install them ?16:14
alado2Emess: yes16:14
fsckdliken It should work like a charm16:14
Emessalso, are you sure you need nvidia and maybe not the nvidia-96xx driver?16:14
alado2Emess: Section "Device"    Identifier     "Device0"    Driver         "nvidia"16:15
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository16:15
fsckdrick_ what are you trying to install16:15
socreeexubuntu does not play MP3 OOB. which package for MP3 playing ?16:15
Emessif its using the current nvidia driver, there may be a problem with it, its not particularly stable from what i understand...16:15
zvacetrick_ : are they deb files or someting else16:15
rick_ill check16:15
mDemocritusRussian: ok the "direct rendering: No" line tells you that it's not using the nvidia binary driver.... the open source one that ships with ubuntu is for 2d rendering only, thus it doesn't perform direct rendering16:15
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:16
zvacetsocr : lame liblame I think16:16
alado2Emess: im not sure of anything, according to the ubuntu wiki i should use nvidia.glx16:16
rick_.exe      .run and .package fileś16:16
ompaul!components | rick_16:16
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:16
ubotturick_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:16
legend2440matt444: i may have an idea whats wrong. can you paste your /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname file in pastebin?16:16
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:16
EmessHmmm, I'm not to sure then alado2, I don't really use ubuntu....16:16
mDemocritusRussian: enable the restricted driver with System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager16:16
alado2Emess: ok, thnx anyway...i\ll do some more hacking...maybe i get it to work on my own16:17
ompaulrich_, the bad news is that you can't use anything anywhere (even with java ;-)) so you should stick to what is in your repositories or compile it within the ubuntu space, however if you want to run windows files then you need to look at wine16:17
evilbugi am building a website and i'd like to know how i can make it so that the font i'm using would work for all users?16:17
JarG0nMy Firefox 3 (Hardy) keeps telling me to restart when I go to the add ons.  Reinstalling through Synaptic doesn't change anything.  Does anyone know how to "completely" remove Firefox 3 from Hardy, so I can get rid of this?16:17
RussianmDemocritus do you mean Hardware Drivers?16:17
mDemocritusRussian: ... maybe... i haven't worked with gnome for a while, i can't be sure16:17
ompaulrick_, the bad news is that you can't use anything anywhere (even with java ;-)) so you should stick to what is in your repositories or compile it within the ubuntu space, however if you want to run windows files then you need to look at wine16:18
zvacetrick_ : you can not run exe directly you need wine for others look  http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/16:18
mDemocritusRussian: if you have problems still you may need to install the latest nvidia driver manually... looks like nvidia just released a linux driver with support for 9800GTX on may 2816:18
jerry_good night16:18
RussianmDemocritus I saw it, and I downloaded, but couldnt install16:19
rick_i want to play world of warcraft iv copied it into my documents, do i nee to run it with wine now ?16:19
Bodsdarick_, yes, type      wine /path/to/the/exe16:20
fsckdrick_ yes you need wine for that16:20
Bodsdarick_, youll need wine installed first16:20
rick_ i have wine16:20
dr_WillisWoW needs to be tweaked to run properly under wine.16:20
kumarphillyi need some help.. i installed ubuntu on my laptop a few months ago... and reformatted yesterday... now x restarts randomly16:20
kumarphillyat least it seems random16:20
kumarphillyand i haev no clue with the problem16:20
FloodBot1kumarphilly: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:20
rick_were do i type wine /path/to/the/exe  ?16:20
mDemocritusrick_: in a terminal16:20
twistedoblivionI really need help here....I used to use Mirc when I was younger, and have forgotten all the commands.  Does anyone know of any references for XChat commands.16:21
kumarphillyoops... i guess i should make longer messages... but anyway x keeps restarting when i am typing something and i have to relogin but it just keeps happening16:21
dr_Willisrick_,  this is a sign you MIGHT want to spend an hr or so with some Linux basics web sites. :)    You are trying to do a sort of advanced 'thing'16:21
mDemocritusrick_: just to test it... if that works, you can then do it with alt-f216:21
twistedoblivionI went to their site but it does not show me how to access files or anything of the sort16:21
mDemocritusRussian: i'm at a loss... sorry16:21
dr_Willistwistedoblivion,  the xchat.org site has docs..  what do you mean by access files?16:22
RussianmDemocritus: k thanks anyway =)16:22
JarG0nMy Firefox 3 (Hardy) keeps telling me to restart when I go to the add ons.  Reinstalling through Synaptic doesn't change anything.  Does anyone know how to "completely" remove Firefox 3 from Hardy, so I can get rid of this?16:22
legend2440twistedoblivion: http://xchat-win32.berlios.de/setvars.html16:22
mDemocrituskumarphilly: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.log16:22
rick_ye it works tkx16:22
dr_Willistwistedoblivion,  and most IRC clients have rather standard IRC commands..16:22
sluxorHi I've been running multi-boot systems for a while, can I get any advice on dualbooting with windows vista when installing windows vista last.. and a way to be able to wipe and reinstall windows without overwriting the MBR16:22
twistedoblivionNot to mention, I just left Windows behind (hurray), and I am now an Ubuntu user16:22
kumarphillymDemocritus, ok16:22
ompaultwistedoblivion, http://xchat.org/docs/  seems to work for me16:22
sluxoris it possible to load grub back into the MBR from windows?16:22
bazhang_JarG0n, when you add extensions you must restart firefox16:22
Bodsdasluxor, generally the advice is dont but it is possible il find you a link16:22
twistedoblivionI appreciate all the help!!!  Will be looking into all suggestions, thanks in advance16:22
JarG0nbazhang_> I did, but it keeps telling me to restart anyway.  I've even rebooted.16:23
mDemocrituskumarphilly: if that file doesn't exist, try /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:23
ompaultwistedoblivion, http://xchat.org/docs/  seems to work for me16:23
quantumelixirIs getting a filesystem inconsistency during the routine drive chek a erious problem?16:23
fsckdsluxor no but you can use a live cd to do it16:23
JarG0nbazhang_> any relation to Ba Gua Zhang ?16:23
twistedoblivionThanks dr_Willis and ompaul16:23
nibsa1242baccording to synaptic, I do not have firefox-2 installed, and firefox 3 is installed. When I select firefox from the applications menu, firefox 2 starts up. How do I fix this?16:23
Bodsdasluxor, after you install windows you will not be able to boot either OS unless you follow this -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows16:23
rick_were do my downloads go ?16:23
rick_wich map16:24
kumarphillybe back in 10 minutes... mDemocritus will you be around?16:24
Bodsdarick_, downloads by default to ~/Desktop16:24
dr_Willisrick_,  map?  depends on how/what you used to download them. :)16:24
sluxorthanx Bodsda i was looking for a direct page for it :) I would of probably figured it out but was too lazy'16:24
RussianmDemocritus: Maybe its beacuse I am running x64?16:24
mDemocritusRussian: could be...16:24
fsckdsluxor lol well I learned something new16:25
Bodsdasluxor, the best way to do it is google your question i found that link with -- "how to fix ubuntu after vista install"16:25
mDemocrituskumarphilly: i'll still be in the channel, but i'm at work, so no promises about replying right away... we're pretty dead right now though, so i should be available16:25
quantumelixirWhat is the best way to "manually fix" a broken filesystem as fsck asks me to?16:25
FFForeverhow do i get the latest firefox?16:25
rick_windows is a lot less complicated :P16:25
dr_Willisquantumelixir,  i tend to boot a live cd and run 'fsck' on the filesystems16:25
kumarphillymDemocritus, got it... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d62219ce416:25
dr_Willisrick_,    No its not. :P16:25
BodsdaFFForever, you can download from the mozilla website for the *latest* build or get the latest stable release from synaptic16:25
quantumelixirdr_Willis: Its happend a few times to you? file system inconsistencies?16:25
JarG0nMicrosoft Windows likes to take over your partition.  I think it's an antitrust issue that needs to be taken up by the courts.16:26
quantumelixirdr_Willis: How serious is it really?16:26
fsckdrick_ not really you just know it better16:26
rick_haha ok :p16:26
rick_well i dont have any chose so :P16:26
* kumarphilly brb16:26
FFForeverhow dose one compile the latest b uild?16:26
dr_Willisquantumelixir,  over the last 13 years..  a few times..    given the total disasters ive had under windows.. linux beats it 1000000%16:26
Bodsdarick_, the thing you call complicated about linux is actually choice -- you have 100 times more with linux so you become confused16:26
sanyahi, i have a problem with a bash script. I have the following code if [ "$perform" = "yes" ]; then16:26
sanya  OUTPUT="$out |channels=\"$channels\";calls=\"$calls\";5;0;0"16:26
sanya  OUTPUT="$out"16:26
FloodBot1sanya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
sanyaecho $out16:26
dr_Willisrick_,  Theres always a choice.16:26
quantumelixirdr_Willis: When does it happen exactly?16:26
The_ManU_212i wanted to format a external harddrive with ext3 now it has dafult delivered FAT3216:27
bazhang_sanya, pastebin it16:27
z0manDoes "Upgrading" reset alot of configs?16:27
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:27
The_ManU_212i plugged the drive in and made sudo cfdisk /dev/sdg16:27
fsckdBodsda that about sums it up16:27
The_ManU_212but which number do i need and how to i make the fs? i rememebr somethign with fsck16:27
dr_Willisquantumelixir,  hard drives are the MOST unreliable part of a PC.  Stuff happens....16:27
Bodsdasanya, specialised bash questions can also be asked in #bash as not many people in this room have a high level bash knowledge, some do but not all16:27
zvacetrick_ : when you get morefamiliar with linux you will share dr_Willis opinion16:27
Bodsdafsckd, yep16:27
quantumelixirdr_Willis: how serious is a file system inconsistency?16:28
sanyaok.. thanks, i'll ask in #bash16:28
dr_Willisquantumelixir,  i imagine it depends on how inconstant it is16:28
quantumelixirdr_Willis: Mine says 0.3% of the files are non-contiguous16:28
nibsa1242bhow do I remove firefox 2 from my machine so that I can use firefox 3? I have already removed firefox 2 in synaptic, but when I run firefox from applications, I get firefox 216:28
quantumelixirdr_Willis: That, and lot more blocks and sizes.. but thats all I can remember16:29
ompaulquantumelixir, that is not bad16:29
krangHey all, my CPAN is broken. How do I get rid of it and reinstall it? Do I just aptitude remove perl5?16:29
Bodsdanibsa1242b, you need to enable the "hardy proposed" repo then install FF316:29
dr_Willisquantumelixir,  that has nothing to do with inconstancyt16:29
quantumelixirompaul: ok.. thanks16:29
hxuHi! I need to build a kernel module against the Ubuntu 8.04 kernel. In redhat-like distros, you usually have a kernel-devel package which contains enough kernel source for you to do kernel development.  Is there a kernel devel package in Ubuntu?16:29
quantumelixirdr_Willis: Then?16:29
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:29
dr_Willisquantumelixir,  boot live cd, run fsck on the unmounted filesystems to check them.. reboot16:29
un2himanyone having problem with slow motion video playback?16:30
quantumelixirdr_Willis: What about this method that asks me to go to init 1 and then umount drives and do fsck?16:30
Bodsda!anyone | un2him16:30
mDemocritushxu: sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-devel fakeroot build-essential16:30
ubottuun2him: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:30
twistedoblivionSorry, I had already read all of those16:30
LeefmcAnyone know a way to make Amarok work with "Play/Stop/etc" buttons? (it wont recognize them in the global hotkeys area)16:30
legend2440is firefox3 RC1 pretty stable?   anyone have problems with it?16:30
quantumelixirdr_Willis: I dont think I have my livecd with me right now too16:30
Bodsdaun2him, how did your delve into hardy proposed go?16:30
nibsa1242bBodsda: I thought firefox 3 was in Hardy by default. Synaptic reports the firefox version as 3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu316:30
marx2kI am running xvnc4server and connecting via xvnc4viewer.. I am following the guide in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448 but how does one disconnect and later resume the session? Every time I disconnect from the vnc server my session dies16:30
Bodsdanibsa1242b, FF3 beta 5 was default16:30
un2himBodsda: no problem16:30
mDemocritus!kernel | hxu (more info for it)16:31
ubottuhxu (more info for it): The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:31
rick_:S when i slik on WoW it geths an memory error16:31
kdeuser^i use hardy16:31
fsckdlegend2440, its alittle unstable IMO16:31
quantumelixirdr_Willis: When exactly does such a problem arise? What shouldnt I do from now on?16:31
mDemocritushxu: then sudo apt-get build-dep linux-source16:31
Bodsdalegend2440, its better then any previous versions16:31
twistedoblivionI remember looking through files that people had and being able to download them, but don't remember how to do that anymore16:31
nibsa1242bBodsda: ok... my point is instead of getting FF3 beta when I click on firefox, I get firefox, how do I fix that.16:31
kdeuser^my wireless card works16:31
kdeuser^but now the wireless led doesn`t light up16:31
mDemocritushxu: that will get you the source16:31
legend2440fsckd: ok thanks. guess i'll wait then16:31
kdeuser^it does so on other distros16:32
DrakulaПривет всем16:32
un2himi cannot play videos from bbc.  stuck in very slow motion.16:32
Bodsdarick_, your questions regarding WoW and wine are probably best addressed in #winehq16:32
marx2kHow does one drop and later resume a vnc session?16:32
mDemocritushxu: pardon me... for hardy, it's sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)16:32
mDemocritushxu: then  apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)16:32
Drakulaп буржуйски говрят...16:32
hxumDemocritus: If I just want to build a kernel module, do I need to install all that?16:32
Drakulaне туда зашел чтоли16:32
abhinayis there a room for Ubuntu Games ?16:32
mDemocritushxu: usually...16:32
mnemo!ru | drakula16:33
ubottudrakula: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:33
mDemocritushxu: especially if you're compiling it16:33
Drakulaа точняк спасибо16:33
mDemocritushxu: read this page for catch-alls... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile16:33
Bodsda!games | abhinay -- not sure but info can be found in these links:16:33
ubottuabhinay -- not sure but info can be found in these links:: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php16:33
hxumDemocritus: Thank you!16:33
mDemocritushxu: you don't have to recompile the whole kernel usually16:33
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX16:33
hxumDemocritus: I see.16:34
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX16:34
noxixwhats a good way to install flash? i cant seem to find it in synaptic16:34
mDemocritushxu: just pull the source, then follow the instructions for compuling that module16:34
JarG0nlegend2440> many extensions I used in FireFox 2 doesn't work.16:34
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins16:35
kdeuser^how do I get my wireless card led to light up ?16:35
hxumDemocritus: sure. But, I think, maybe, installing the linux-source package is enough?16:35
kdeuser^how do I get my wireless card led to light up ?16:35
legend2440JarG0n: yes i notice that too maybe by the time firefox3 final comes out they will have extensions for it16:35
mDemocritushxu: if you're compiling anything, you'll need build-essential16:35
AL-G78hi there :)16:35
fsckdkdeuser^> what card is it16:36
mDemocritushxu the rest of it is probably superfluous... install if you need it16:36
Bodsdamarx2k, if those factoids are for someone in particular can you use !<command> | <name>  syntax, if there for yu please see !msgthebot16:36
Bodsdanoxix, flashnonfree16:36
kdeuser^wireless works fine. but the led light is not burning16:36
fsckdkdeuser^> ok what brand is your PC16:36
kdeuser^lenovo laptop16:36
enterneohello everyone16:37
=== Bodsda is now known as Bodsda|afk
matt444legend2440:  sorry!  I was away for a minute.  http://pastebin.com/m41f1b97a16:37
AL-G78can anyone help an ubuntu noob with myth tv :)16:37
bazhang_AL-G78, what is your question16:38
legend2440matt444: ok 1 second16:38
bazhang_AL-G78, also see #ubuntu-mythtv16:38
microwaverwhat's the best dvd player in ubuntu gutsy16:38
AL-G78i can't seem to get it to run in a window even with the box checked ????16:38
MrWannABuYsomeone use there metasploit or openvn here?16:39
fsckdkdeuser^  look at this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/17609016:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 176090 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.24 "WiFi / WLAN LED not working on notebooks with Intel iwl4965 | iwl3945" [Medium,Fix released]16:39
JarG0nHow can I completely remove FireFox 3, and all related settings from my machine?  Synaptic will not do this.16:39
legend2440matt444: can i PM? is your nick registered?16:40
matt444legend2440:  yes16:40
AL-G78thanks bazhang i'll try and join that channel :)16:41
fsckdAnd remember Google is your friend16:42
daedra Cannot change mode to rw-r--r--: Operation not permitted16:42
daedraHow do I copy this file over?16:42
zaggynlget some rights on it16:42
daedraI own it, it is in my group16:43
daedrathe location I am copying it to I own, in my group16:43
LunchBoxis there a way to get skype up on ubuntu?16:43
LSD|Ninja...install it?16:43
daedraThe file mode it 70016:43
daedrazaggynl: any ideas?16:43
LunchBoxLSD|Ninja, not found in the app db16:44
LSD|NinjaLunchBox: ...16:44
zaggynldaedra: where and how are you trying to copy it daedra ?16:44
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX16:44
zaggynloops 2x highlight16:44
fsckdLunchBox http://www.red91.com/articles/2008/05/11/install-skype-ubuntu-8-0416:44
LSD|NinjaLunchBox: OK, how would you install it if you *weren't* using Ubuntu or any Unix-like for that matter. Think about it for a minute.16:44
kumarphillymDemocritus, did you look at the log that i patebined?16:45
daedrazaggynl: cp16:45
daedrazaggynl: it is on an external harddrive16:45
mDemocrituskumarphilly: yeah, it didn't really tell me anything... no errors, a bunch of warnings16:45
rysiek|plguys, where/how do I check what flags/options a given in-kernel driver accepts?16:45
kumarphillymDemocritus, it happened after i reformated... so i reformated again... and still no luck...16:46
rysiek|plsomething like modinfo, not for modules though, but for in-kernel drivers16:46
zaggynldaedra: well, get the drive mounted and cp away16:46
fsckdGoogley oogle16:46
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:46
mDemocrituskumarphilly: try pasting /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:46
daedrazaggynl: hmm16:47
cl0s-homeanybody else have trouble playing Open Arena on 8.04?16:47
daedrazaggynl: it seems to be the actual file name16:47
daedrait has a : in it16:47
zaggynlthat makes for a challenge16:47
mDemocrituskumarphilly: try ls /var/log/Xorg* first16:47
zaggynlI haven't poked it that kind of problem myself yet16:47
cl0s-homeit plays fine for about 30 minutes.. then the resolution changes back and takes me back to the desktop with OA in a window instead of fullscreen16:47
daedraeven though it is escaped it doesn't work16:47
kumarphillymDemocritus, isnt that wat i pasted the first time?16:47
AnRkeyi am having problems with kde4 on 8.04. My program bar is missing at the bottom16:48
cl0s-homei can hear and see everything thats going on but i cant continue to play... only way to do anything else is restart x16:48
AnRkeycan anyone tell me how to get it back16:48
mDemocrituskumarphilly: i'm trying to see the previous log16:48
enterneohow do i install btnx?16:48
daedraalthough it lets you name files with a :16:48
daedracopying doesn't work16:48
kumarphillyyou want to se xorg.0.log.old?16:48
bazhang_AnRkey, /join #kubuntu-kde416:48
mDemocrituskumarphilly: that's the one16:49
nils__What is the best way to partition in ubuntu?16:49
kumarphillythe first one i gave you was the normal one16:49
mDemocrituskumarphilly: ok gimmie the old one16:49
kumarphillyand then theres the old one... and then those are the only ones16:49
dsmith1974re: bbc radio, I downgraded to FF2 and realplayer 10 - works okay now - thanks16:49
daedranils__: use the livecd16:49
nibsa1242bHow do I find out why Firefox starts when I click on the firefox icon instead of Firefox 3 beat. According to synaptic, I do not have FF2 installed, and FF3 beta is installed.16:50
AnRkeybazhang_, thanks16:50
mDemocrituskumarphilly: is your resolution messed up?16:52
FFForeveris there any possible way to watch netflix on demand with ubuntu?16:53
legend2440FFForever: i have googled that before and i never did find a way to use netflix on linux. but that was a while ago16:55
El_xulico_2009wnas peñaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa16:55
rick_hey how do i geth the driver for my invidead or ATI viedeo card ?16:55
FFForeveri hate booting into windows just for netflix lol16:55
El_xulico_2009que tal tas ?¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡16:55
nokiadaunwho r girl?16:56
LSD|Ninjarick_: System -Administration -> Hardware Drivers16:56
rick_can someone pleas tell me how to geth the driver for my video card?16:56
nils__daedra: you can use the installation cd? how do you enter partition mode without entering ubuntu installation process?16:56
rick_ok thank u16:56
radius_SAGA: yo16:57
marx2kHas anyone had success installing FreeNX in Ubuntu 8.10?16:57
bazhang_nokiadaun, not here please16:57
hiptobecubici just had to reinstall my nvidia drivers and now my resolution is capped at 1024 even though it detects my screen at 1280 and says that the best fit resolution would be 1280. I previously had it at 1280, is there a way to force it?16:57
kumarphillymDemocritus, dunno... it looks fine to me... how shoud i know16:58
likenany one use crossover16:58
omassif I unplugg usb external audio card and plug it back again, cannot get sound anymore. only when i reboot pc i can get it working again. someone can help me?16:59
enterneohow do i install btnx on hardy heron, the launchpad PPA on official webpage, has unmet dependencies16:59
microwaverwhat's the best dvd player in ubuntu gutsy16:59
hiptobecubicvlc is what i use17:00
bazhang_microwaver, ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots17:00
nibsa1242bmicrowaver: I'm fond of vlc.17:00
microwavercuz i've noticed totem couldn't do anything with the dvd I have here17:00
hporteris the brat17:00
enterneoon hardy, totem > vlc17:01
likenany one use crossover17:01
IndyGunFreakvlc is better than totem on any distro.17:01
hiptobecubici still prefer vlc17:01
hiptobecubicit lets you do much much more17:01
* mDemocritus shrugs at kumarphilly17:02
kumarphillymDemocritus, so what should i do!17:02
enterneoIndyGunFreak: elucidate17:02
nibsa1242bonly thing I wish vlc did was audio compression; I hate it when I constantly have to turn the volume up and down while watching a dvd17:02
IndyGunFreakenterneo: just opinion.17:02
IndyGunFreaknibsa1242b: ?.. i've never had to do that17:02
mDemocrituskumarphilly: the "I830PMEvent: Capability change" line looks supicious, same with "(II) PM Event received: Capability Changed"17:02
enterneovlc cannot play my videos on my network17:02
nibsa1242bother then not doing audio compression vlc is great... I even tell people with windows to use it17:03
mDemocrituskumarphilly: but i have no clue what to do about it....17:03
hiptobecubici use it in windows as well17:03
mDemocrituswhat's the command to reconfigure Xorg?17:03
enterneoon windows, vlc hails17:03
ubottuFactoid reconfigure not found17:03
slimjimflimis it just me or are ubuntuforums taking a smoke break?17:03
noxixHow can I completely remove ALL of java? I17:03
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:03
slimjimflimseems like the site is down17:04
IndyGunFreakmDemocritus: its in that factoid..17:04
slimjimflimnm, just painfully slow17:04
nibsa1242bIndyGunFreak: If I don't turn it up and down all the time, then either the loud parts (like explosions) are too loud or the soft parts (like whispering) are too quiet and I can't hear them.17:04
mDemocritusIndyGunFreak: thanks17:04
enterneodoes anyone here use btnx?17:04
omassif I unplugg usb external audio card and plug it back again, cannot get sound anymore. only when i reboot pc i can get it working again. is there any way to get it work without rebooting?17:04
XLVslimjimflim, ubuntuforums.org works here, packages ubuntu.com doesnt though17:04
mDemocrituskumarphilly: try backing up Xorg.conf first, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup17:04
unubtuWhen booting with an installation cd, how do you enter the partition mode without entering ubuntu installation process?17:04
mDemocrituskumarphilly: then run through sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:05
nibsa1242benterneo: I do. Its useful as long as you haven't done anything else first.17:05
IndyGunFreaki only watch DVD's here and there, i mostly rip them or download AVI movies, so i'm happy17:05
XLVnibsa1242b, what content? commercial dvds or "trailers downloadable"?17:05
enterneonibsa1242b: i used to use it on gutsy, recently upgraded to hardy17:05
nibsa1242bXLV: commercial dvds17:05
hxuI'm trying to build a kernel module against the Ubuntu 8.04 kernel source. I got this error: linux-2.6.24-ubuntu804/scripts/Makefile.modpost:42: include/config/auto.conf.  Any idea?17:05
slimjimflimanybody know how to get ubuntu to see my /dev/pilot?17:05
noxixHow can I completely remove ALL of java?17:05
XLVnibsa1242b, and its called audio normalization17:06
enterneonibsa1242b: i have added the PPA from the official website, however apt-get is giving me unmet dependencies while installing17:06
hxuI'm trying to build a kernel module against the Ubuntu 8.04 kernel source. I got this error: linux-2.6.24-ubuntu804/scripts/Makefile.modpost:42: include/config/auto.conf: No such file or directory.  Any idea?17:06
nibsa1242bIndyGunFreak: I'm still happy. I love VLC. just wish it had that one additional feature. then it'd be perfect for my use17:06
mDemocritus!repeat | hxu17:06
ubottuhxu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:06
erUSULhxu: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'17:06
slimjimflimit has not existed w/ jpilot and kpilot so far17:06
XLVnibsa1242b, and i get same problem with content, but all players suffer from it, not just vlc..17:06
hxuerUSUL: I have already installed that.17:06
plt258want to rip my dvds to avi, but i need something simple, rite out of the box with few settings....17:07
bazhang_plt258, vlc17:07
plt258bazhang  : didnt know that you could rip with vlc17:08
kat_aqdoes anyone else have a problem with firefox just shutting down unsuspectedly?17:09
Snowman108any hams here that run a node?17:09
kat_aqMine keeps doing it17:09
nibsa1242bXLV: I was specifically referring to also Dynamic range compression (aka audio level compression, vomlume compression, compression, or limiting). Normalization is different.17:09
bazhang_plt258, it can do it all :)17:09
plt258have to do some reading then.....thx17:09
kat_aqits mainly when I'm on youtube17:10
hiptobecubickat_aq, that's not just firefox, that's crashing for some reason or another. I use f-spot for digital photos and mine does the same thing17:10
hiptobecubickat_aq, i don't know how to fix it, let me know if you figure it out hehe17:11
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
Gemmie78Howdy again, I think I may have screwed my Pigdin client17:11
omasshow should i unmount usb external audio card properly? If i unplug it simply, cant get back working again, reboot needed then17:11
Gemmie78Basically I removed an icon from the top right which was on a panel17:11
kat_aqhiptobecubic: considering that 've been using firefox for about a week now i doubt i'll find the answer17:11
Gemmie78and now I want to add it back, but like there's also another problem17:11
Gemmie78Any time I close pigdin it closes the program, I just want it to close the window, not the program17:11
Gemmie78Like how it was before17:12
Gemmie78Any ideas17:12
hiptobecubickat_aq, again, i don't think it's just a firefox problem. try opening some other memory intensive program and see if you can make it crash17:12
mDemocritus!flood | Gemmie7817:12
ubottuGemmie78: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:12
MightyTweekI'm trying to mount an ancient 100MB hard drive with a USB to IDE cable and Ubuntu is detecting it as a 2TB hard drive. Anybody know how to force the detected geometry? /var/log/messages here: http://pastebin.ca/104132417:12
kat_aqnothing else has so far17:12
mDemocritusGemmie78: try to condense your questions to one line... did you check in the prefs for pidgin?17:12
kat_aqhiptobecubic: sometimes I also have problems when putting it to "sleep" or "hibernate"17:13
hiptobecubicMightyTweek, hahaha. 2TB? that's impressive17:13
Gemmie78Already did mate, no help17:13
Gemmie78That's the first thing I tried17:13
hiptobecubickat_aq, mine as well. it worked great for about a month and now when it comes out of suspense it almost always locked17:13
MightyTweekhiptobecubic: if only it could somehow work as 2TB, I'd be set :)17:13
hiptobecubicMightyTweek, if you didn't have data on there i'd tell you to try it! :D17:14
IGORVUbuntu is pissing me off, flash works fine one day, i restart it doesn't work. I restart again it works....17:14
IGORVNow it doesnt work at all even after several restarts17:14
fsckd<Gemmie78> is "Show system try icon" set to always17:14
AL-G78Hi i've found an Alternative lirc.conf for Nebula DigiTV IR Receiver here "http://mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Nebula_DigiTV_Remote" but i have no idea what to do with it can anyone give me a clue :)17:14
kat_aqhiptobecubic, yea i am now too scared to put it on hibernate17:14
mDemocritusGemmie78: i figured, but worth a shot...17:14
hiptobecubickat_aq, same, it's so unstable i pretty much just count on losing whatever i was working on17:15
kat_aqIGORV, have you downloaded flash support?17:15
IGORVyes kat_aq17:15
Gemmie78Yeah it's set to always but still no dice mate17:15
* mDemocritus goes into lurk mode... he hasn't run gnome in some months....17:15
kat_aqIGORV, then i can help you :P  im a n00b17:15
mDemocritusGemmie78: sorry man... i've got nothin17:15
kat_aqhiptobecubic, it just kills the whole point of hibernate :P17:15
=== Nick1 is now known as Chazz
Chazzgood day eh17:16
bazhang_!es | estudiante17:16
ubottuestudiante: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:16
babolat!es | estudiante17:16
estudianteok men..17:17
estudianteal de español17:18
omassis there any way to stop MythTV to stop recording live tv?17:18
estudiantecomo entro17:18
bazhang_estudiante, /join #ubuntu-es17:18
babolatomass: this may help -->https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV17:19
sensoucidos any one has got the 174f:5a3d webcam to work ?17:20
mercutio22hello. Everytime I try to update Ubuntu or get some software from the repos I get errors like these. May someone assist? http://www.pastebin.ca/104133117:21
Gemmie78mDemocritus all good17:21
Gemmie78If anyone else has ideas, please give me a yell17:21
Chazzmultimedia question: any know of an equalizer for Hardy?17:21
omassbabolat: i read that already, no help, as i know there is no way to stop that, but i just thought maybe someone managed to do..17:22
CygokuQuestion : When I deleted files as ROOT using Nautilus, are files going in a "special" Trash/Place that I need to empty ??17:22
babolatmercutio22: using Synaptic (System ? Administration > Synaptic Package Manager) click the Custom Filter button. Select "Broken" as your search filter. It should show you the culprit dependencies then let you fix it.17:23
mercutio22babolat: there are no packages listed when I select that filter though17:24
legend2440Cygoku: pretty sure they go to  /root/.local/share/Trash/files17:24
babolatomass: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-stop-livetv-recording-td14414864s15552.html17:24
theRealBalldamn guys i envy yall17:24
theRealBallthere's always help when needed under ubuntu17:25
Cygokulegend2440 : Yes, just what I found, but how do I erase them ??17:25
penVX revolution is not working in linux after I install the logitech program in windows17:25
legend2440Cygoku: sudo rm /root/.local/share/Trash/files/* or sudo rm -rf /root/.local/share/Trash/files/*17:26
candiveHello, I am trying to update "clam" I am able to get to root in the "Terminal" but still cannot update clam they seem to operate totally independant of each other.  Is there a command in Terminal to make clam update?17:26
sensouciis it possible to use a windos driver for a webcam on ubumtu hardy ?17:27
Cygokulegend2440 : This is not workinf ! :(17:27
sanyano-one in #bash knows why my script does not work as it's supposed to, the script is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/18070/17:27
spinikerim planning to remove my dual boot,ubuntu is installed on a separate hard drive,if i remove the hard disk would it affect my xp install?i plan to completely assemble an entire cpu with ubuntu only17:28
Stroganoffcandive, "freshclam" in terminal17:28
legend2440Cygoku: well then you could gksu nautilus and browse to them.. but be careful with root nautilus17:28
sanyaon line 59 the OUTPUT variable contains the contents of $out, but the first part has been overwritten instead of appended as it is supposed to be17:28
Cygokulegend2440 : I did that already, but they just go back there.17:28
candiveStroganoff, thank you I will try that now17:28
fsckd<spiniker> do you boot into a grub menu17:29
ferronicaafter updating to kernet 18 FF bookmarks gone17:29
AL-G78Hi i'm in a terminal session and it says interrupt to exit how do i do that lol total noob here :-)17:29
fsckd<spiniker> to boot windows too?17:29
babolatmercutio22: it seems that your issue is well documented. googling on it will definitely help. i've seen a bug report that describes something similar to your issue here -->https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/22076217:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220762 in ubuntu-docs "package ubuntu-docs 8.04.2~hardy failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 139" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:29
legend2440Cygoku: are these files you deleted off a usb device like a mp3 player or something?17:29
Stroganoffsanya add debug output and figure it out..17:29
Stroganoffnail it down17:29
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:30
fsckd<spiniker> you need to restore the mbr17:30
spinikerdo i have to do a clean install of my windows?17:30
fsckd<spiniker> no17:30
spinikerhow do i do that?17:30
AL-G78you can use the windows recovery console to rebuild your mbr17:30
candiveStroganoff did it work ??  root@edubuntu:/home/chris# freshclam17:30
candiveClamAV update process started at Sat Jun  7 12:29:18 200817:30
candiveWARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!17:30
candiveWARNING: Local version: 0.92.1 Recommended version: 0.9317:30
candiveDON'T PANIC! Read http://www.clamav.net/support/faq17:30
FloodBot1candive: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:30
Cygokulegend2440 : No, those files are from my main hdd.17:30
spinikerwait ill write it down..17:30
mercutio22babolat: ok, I will research some more17:30
Stroganoffcandive: http://wiki.clamav.net/Main/UpgradeInstructions17:31
spinikerso i could just remove the hard drive where i installed ubuntu?17:31
AL-G78you would have to run the windows recovery consle to rebuild your boot.ini and mbr17:31
candiveFloodbot Sorry new user17:31
bullgard4After gutsy2hardy upgrading the LANG=C prefix has no effect any more. How to troubleshoot?17:31
legend2440Cygoku: i don't know why they would reappear after you delete them  were they thumbnails?17:31
sanyaStroganoff, the output of line 58 is "211 active channels 114 active calls" and the output of line 59 is " |channels="211";calls="114";5;0;0ls"17:32
candiveStroganoff Thanks will check link17:32
XitroXhi where are the keyboard shortcuts stored which i can edit via the menu?17:32
spinikeroh yeah,i happen to have a dvd-rom and its not being detected by my ubuntu install,the same with xp?17:32
fsckd<spiniker> If you remove the drive you will not beable to boot untill you repair the master boot record17:32
sanyaat line 54 the text gets overwritten instead of being appended and i can't figure out why17:32
Cygokulegend2440 : No, that folders still weights 8GB17:32
babolatXitroX: Do you mean System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts?17:32
fsckd<spiniker> try this http://pcsupport.about.com/od/fixtheproblem/ht/repairmbr.htm17:33
legend2440Cygoku: thumbnail folder has 8GB worth of file in it?17:33
XitroXyup.. when i try to enter a combination with the super key it mapps super+l17:33
spinikeroh yeah,i happen to have a dvd-rom and its not being detected by my ubuntu install,the same with xp?17:33
XitroXtherefore i'd try to edit it by hand17:33
Cygokulegend2440 : No, that mean they are not thumbnails:/17:33
AL-G78terminal says "Testing ... (interrupt to exit)" how do i interrupt it anyone???? :-)17:34
fsckdctrl c17:34
spinikerand when i log in on ubuntu its taking to long..17:34
AL-G78yeeeeehhhhh thanks for that :-)17:34
cleatonhow can i create my own autostart in init.d?17:35
spinikerfsckd: is there anyway for me to fx the login problem?17:35
sevensixtwothe latest update broke my kde4. No plasma at all, just a white background17:35
=== jackfrost is now known as xipietotec
akahigeanybody using Firefox3 RC1 from the proposed repository?  In reading the forum, it seems like some people have no probs, while others have nothing but probs.  Any thoughts here....?17:35
Jack_Sparrowakahige Yes, make a full backup before you try it17:36
fsckdI use the one that came with 8.0417:36
legend2440Cygoku: oh ok. so if you sudo rm -rf /root/.local/share/Trash/files/* they come back?  how about if you in terminal cd /root/.local/share/Trash/files  and then sudo rm *? do they come back?  be careful with rm command though make sure you are in right folder with ls -al to see what you are deleting17:36
bringtowel!language | kappabuntu17:36
ubottukappabuntu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:36
AL-G78i got firefox 3 beta form a fresh install of ubuntu and initially it kept adding .com to teh end of acresses but after running updates all seems fine17:36
Jack_Sparrowkappabuntu PLease keep it family friendly17:36
ferronicaafter updating to kernet 18 FF bookmarks gone17:36
kappabuntuI was pressing tab in xchat and it looked like I spammed17:36
bringtowelakahige, hmm i have -proposed enabled but i think it is RC2?17:37
davi2hello, after installing ubuntu i cannot boot with Grub error 1717:37
bringtowel!grub | davi217:37
ubottudavi2: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:37
Jack_Sparrowlegend2440 Agreed it is odd that a forced rm would come bak?17:37
akahigebringtowel: you have any kinds of problems...?17:37
XitroXhi where are the keyboard shortcuts stored which i can edit via the menu?17:37
bringtowelakahige, not that i have noticed :)17:37
legend2440Jack_Sparrow: you know more about this than i do. maybe you can help him17:38
Jack_Sparrowdavi2 Sounds like you have more than one drive and installed grub to the wrong mbr17:38
bringtowelXitroX, do you mean System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts?17:38
Cygokulegend2440 : Yes, if I do  sudo rm -rf /root/.local/share/Trash/files/* the files goes back there, if I deleted them trough gksu nautilus, the same happens.17:38
XitroXbringtowel: yes17:38
akahigebringtowel: cool.  you got any idea why the RC's are stuck in proposed and haven't moved up to the main repos?  Are they just waiting for the final release?17:38
systatthere are big bonds between cygoku and legend17:38
Cygokulol @ systat17:38
davi2tx, but find /boot/grub/stage1 = Error 15 File not found17:38
Jack_Sparrowlegend2440 Right now I am trying to recover from morning exercise and not thinking clearly17:38
bringtowelakahige, no idea at all, i enabled -proposed just to get the updated FF3 :D17:39
legend2440Jack_Sparrow: lol ok17:39
AL-G78anyone know anything about how to add a lirc.conf17:39
orgthingyhi, i wanna use 56kbps dial-up  (without any external modem)17:39
XitroXbringtowel: do you know the file?17:39
poypoyhi im trying to mac out my ubuntu 8.04 but when i try to use art manager but everytime i try to install a themes17:39
fsckd<davi2> are you dual booting17:39
Jack_Sparrowlegend2440 all I can think is he is not getting to the right folder and cd then ls would make sure he is in the right folder17:39
bringtowelXitroX, no sorry :(17:39
XitroXwhen i press the super key there17:40
XitroXit mapps super+l17:40
davi2fsckd yes, i partitioned with windows xp and installed it and then installed ubuntu17:40
Jack_Sparrowlegend2440 is Trash not .Trash17:40
XitroXi suppose thtat's because super_l is reported17:40
XitroXbut i don't know how to fix it.. :/17:40
fsckd<davi2> ok are they on the same disk17:40
MightyTweekAL-G78: http://www.lirc.org/html/configure.html17:40
poypoyhi im trying to mac out my ubuntu 8.04 but when i try to use art manager but everytime i try to install a theme it says there is some sort of errer and wont instal it can anyone help me im useing gnome17:40
UltraNavI am just about to try to install v4l like described at http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/How_to_build_from_Mercurial . But make fails: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/248115/ where do I get the missing files from ?17:41
bringtowel!themes | poypoy17:41
ubottupoypoy: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:41
AL-G78cheers tweek i'll have a look through that17:41
MightyTweekAL-G78: note also, it's lircd.conf, not lirc.conf17:41
ndsgjs8anyone can help me configure a home network?17:41
davi2yes, 1 disk with four partitions /dev/sda1 ubuntu, /dev/sda2 swap, /dev/Sda3 win and /dev/sda4 data17:41
bringtowel!changethemes | poypoy17:41
ubottupoypoy: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes17:41
AL-G78thanks :-) total noob here lol17:41
bringtowel!ask | ndsgjs817:41
ubottundsgjs8: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:41
MightyTweekAL-G78: np17:41
legend2440Jack_Sparrow: yes it is Trash in hardy in gutsy it was .Trash17:42
Jack_Sparrowlegend2440 cd then ls to make sure he is in the right place17:42
ubottuFactoid gnome-ppp not found17:42
bkjQuick question: Is it possible to set up different backgrounds for the 4 cube workspaces in Ubuntu Hardy and Compiz?17:42
pottytheshitterWhat does ubuntu do if it finds a bad sector on a harddisk?17:42
=== pottytheshitter is now known as potty
fsckd<davi2> can you boot in to windows17:43
nickrud!info | gnome-ppp | orgthingy17:43
ubottuFactoid info not found17:43
systatI am making Social network diagram for this channel17:43
linuxpenguin207theres so much lag17:43
nickrud!info  gnome-ppp | orgthingy (duh)17:43
ubottuorgthingy (duh): gnome-ppp (source: gnome-ppp): modem internet connection tool for the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.23-1 (hardy), package size 82 kB, installed size 600 kB17:43
otaridHello, in ubuntu 7.10 when I plug headphone in I can still hear sound from the laptop speakers as well as the headphone, any ideas how to mute the speakers when headphone is plugged in?17:43
bringtowellinuxpenguin207, that might be your connection, seems fine to me :)17:43
systatlegend2440 and Cygoku have biggest bounds17:43
legend2440Jack_Sparrow: for some reason cd /root/.local/share/Trash/files  or sudo cd /root/.local/share/Trash/files is not working for me17:43
davi2fsckd, no, i get grub error 17 on boot, im botting live cd, my four partitions are mounted correctly with live cd17:44
MightyTweekpotty: it marks the sector as bad and tries to recover the data I think17:44
sparrlegend2440: "sudo cd" is bad17:44
sparrlegend2440: if by some miracle it works, your non-root shell still won't be able to see anything in the folder17:44
fsckd<davi2> well it sounds like the partition order is wrong17:44
bringtowelotarid, if you double click the sound icon, you should see separate sliders for headphones and speakers, so you can mute one or the other. i don't know if there is a way to do this automatically17:44
fsckd<davi2> I don't think I have ever seen win on anything but /dev/sda117:45
fsckd<davi2> but I could be wrong17:45
legend2440sparr: ok17:45
Jack_Sparrowsystat This site may help...  http://www.crexor.net/~crexor/ubuntu/17:45
MightyTweekI'm trying to mount an ancient 100MB hard drive with a USB to IDE cable and Ubuntu is detecting it as a 2TB hard drive. Anybody know how to force the detected geometry? /var/log/messages here: http://pastebin.ca/104132417:46
sparrlegend2440: thats something youll actually need to do in a shell as root, i suggest "sudo -i"17:46
Jack_Sparrowlegend2440 to handle the problem for now... gksudo nautilus   then we can look at the problem later17:46
systatJack Sparrow: Thx17:46
otaridbringtowel: There is no slider for headphone, there is a checkbox however, and it's checked. The slider for speakers doesn't seem to do anything17:46
davi2fsckd i see that information on gparted and i can browse my partitions17:46
newkany one no anyway to video call a msn account on a windows computer from ubuntu???17:47
Jack_Sparrowsystat As you can see I took a two week vacation last month17:47
AL-G78MIghtytweek can you check this link and tell me if this is what i'm looking for it calls it lirc.conf don;t know if this is the same thing http://mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Nebula_DigiTV_Remote17:47
haffe_Hello. I'm trying to install mythbuntu on my computer. I have a Happauge Win-Nova-T 500. I wonder what I should do under settings for video card.17:47
mDemocritusMightyTweek: looks like you showed that old technology! it's not a bug, it's a feature!17:47
fsckdwhat I need you to do is use pastebin to paste your menu.lst from your ubuntu install17:47
systatyeah :p17:48
otaridbringtowel: I found that if I mute the slider for 'surround' then then I won't get sound from speakers, but I was wondering if there's a way to automatically mute/unmute when headset is plugged in/out17:48
porchohi there. I'd like to know if the D-Link G-122 USB wifi adapter works out of the box with Ubuntu. I've search in the forums but couldn't conclude anything.17:48
fsckd!pastebin | <davi2>17:48
davi2fsckd maybe the problem is because i havent installed windows but restoreit from a disk image to a fixed partition17:48
nickrudotarid what type of sound chip do you have?17:48
Jack_Sparrowdavi2 sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)17:48
legend2440Jack_Sparrow: it was actually a problem Cygoku was having and he says he tried gksu nautilus but file came back after deleting them. anyway he's gone now17:48
MightyTweekAL-G78: I'll take a look, one sec17:49
newkany one no anyway to video call a msn account on a windows computer from ubuntu???17:49
davi2jack im botting live cd17:49
bringtowelotarid, oh hmm i don't know, im glad it works manually, sorry that is the only way i know how17:49
davi2what is pastebin?17:49
nickruddavi2 paste.ubuntu.com17:49
bringtowel!pastebin | davi217:49
ubottudavi2: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:49
Jack_Sparrowdavi2 tool to keep you from having to copy and pste into the pastebinmanually17:49
bringtowelnewk, is MSN compatible with Skype?17:50
pottywill ubuntu install on a 3GB hdd?17:50
Jack_Sparrowdavi2 Sorry, I thought you said pastebinit17:50
dryrotwhat's a good program to use for listening to a podcast ?17:50
XB23guys can i read back ppls last shell details from a certain user17:50
newknope thats my problem17:50
fsckd<davi2> and paste your /etc/fstab too17:50
nickrudpotty barely, with practically no room left over17:50
XB23so find all the last commands a user typed on my dedicated server17:50
bringtoweldryrot, there are a bunch, i like Miro personally17:50
popeydryrot: rhythmbox can download and listen to podcasts17:50
otaridnickrud: Realtek ALC88817:51
Jack_Sparrowdavi2 sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)17:51
bringtowelyeah rhythmbox is good too :)17:51
nickrudotarid http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5080647 should help17:51
pottyI could Use JFS17:51
Jack_Sparrowdavi2 You can ctrl-shift v to paste into a term17:51
fsckd<Jack_Sparrow> now that is useful17:51
Jack_Sparrowfsckd I thought so17:52
bringtowel!who | newk17:52
ubottunewk: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:52
bringtowelnewk, ill look and see if there is anything else that might be compatible :)17:52
newkbringtowel: no thats the problem... and for some reason my girlfriend wont convert to skype:(17:53
AL-G78!ubutto test17:53
ubottuFactoid ubutto test not found17:53
MightyTweekAL-G78: I think you need both files but I'm not 100% sure17:53
bringtowelnewk, have you tried Pidgin?17:53
AL-G78cheers anyway tweek17:53
davi2jack i installed the pacage17:53
newkbringtowel, as far as i no it doesnt support video call17:53
davi2where do i control+sifft v?17:54
Jack_Sparrowdavi2 It should have returned a link to give to us17:54
Jack_Sparrowdavi2 highlight the command I gave in here.. use ctrl-c to copy, go to terminal and shift-ctrl-v17:54
davi2doesnt work, should i restart my chating program to work with the installed option?17:55
bringtowelnewk, ok try aMSN http://www.amsn-project.net/17:55
Jack_Sparrowthen enter.. dont include the (stuff at the end)17:55
joanki123does anyone know the cmd prompt to access my sda3 drive?17:55
MightyTweekAL-G78: yes, you need both files. check out http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-8.html17:55
davi2nevertheless here is my fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/18089/17:55
newkbringtowel: already use it.... but it doesnt support it either17:55
AL-G78i'll check that the now :-)17:55
bullgard4[Hardy] What is the executable file of the GNOME_2_Session_Manager?17:55
bringtowelnewk, wha really? it says "webcam support" on their homepage :/17:56
musikgoat1joanki123: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/someshare    where someshare is already an existing folder17:56
newkit has webcam support17:56
joanki123musikgoat1, there isn't a shortcut?17:56
nickrudbullgard4 gnome-session iirc17:56
joanki123that's sure a lot of typing if i want to access files often17:56
newkbringtowel: but im lookin for webcam and voice call at the same time, something msn messenger offers in windows17:56
musikgoat1you can make one joanki12317:56
joanki123that's my home drive17:56
plaeshey.. my root disk suffered some kind of corruption and I have repaired it..17:56
musikgoat1joanki123: it may be already mounted on your desktop17:56
plaeshow could I check which packages have been modified...17:57
joanki123it is on my desktop, musikgoat1 but i want to be able to cd to it?17:57
fsckdlook under /media17:57
fsckd<joanki123> look under /media17:57
systat[CG]: Hello17:58
bringtowelnewk, hmm, have you checked to see if any aMSN plugins give those features?17:58
joanki123i guess i should rephrase my q, musikgoat1 if i want to cd to sda3, what is the cmd prompt?  sorry... thanks...17:58
joanki123fsckd, there it is17:58
AiboHi. I im the process of migrating from Windows XP to Ubuntu Hardy. In windows I have used Itunes as my music jukebox. Now I want to move my entire library (+7000 songs) to ubuntu. I have no problem to move the songs, but I also want the metadata to be migrated. Do someone know a smart my to migrate the Itunes library WITH the metadate?17:58
systat[CG]: Hello17:58
fsckd<joanki123> np17:58
systat[CG]: Hello17:58
systat[CG]: Hello17:58
FloodBot1systat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:58
bullgard1nickrud: I cannot find an executable file named 'gnome-session'.17:58
operatorhi, how do i check which graphics driver is currently installed on my system?17:58
RiotbladeHey, I bought a dedicated server running with RAID 1 configuration.  How would I know if it's really running under RAID 1?17:59
tdoggetteWould removing Evolution mail break anything?17:59
nickrudbullgard1 /usr/bin/gnome-session on my gardy17:59
joe_Jack_Sparrow, thank you for your ati 9000 document, effects can be selected but it doesnt run properly : http://picpaste.com/del/7xDLa42F/Screenshot_9.png17:59
enterneoi accidently try to remove libgtk2.0, and few seconds later i realized it was deleting important applications like firefox and others, although i have reinstalled firefox, however my windows are now stuck at one place and i cannot move/resize them17:59
Lithici am looking for german peoples they can help me...17:59
somethingsweettdoggette: Removing evolution will break nothing.17:59
fsckd<tdoggette> I uninstalled it17:59
nickrudenterneo probably need to reinstall metacity17:59
tdoggetteOkay, thanks.17:59
zetheroowhat needs to happen in Gutsy to get Desktop Effects to work?17:59
enterneonickrud: how?18:00
MightyTweek!de | Lithic18:00
ubottuLithic: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:00
nickrudenterneo   sudo apt-get install --reinstall metacity.18:00
Jack_Sparrowjoe_ I had problems with ati and effects on hardy myself.. I finally restored my gutsy install from backup.. Runs fast and sweet18:00
Lithicthx ubottu18:00
fsckd<zetheroo> what is your video card18:00
bringtowelzetheroo, i think you just need 3d accell to work18:00
somethingsweetIf someone leaves right now, there will be 1337 users in the channel.18:01
zetheroofsckd: nvidia18:01
guillehello is there a channel for ubuntu in spanish?18:01
zetheroofsckd: its a laptops18:01
nickrudbye buy somethingsweet :)18:01
zetheroofsckd: laptop18:01
ompaul!es | guille18:01
ubottuguille: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:01
mnemoJack_Sparrow: what backup system do you use?18:01
polishpaulwhere is the location of the system (default?) icons in Ubuntu?18:01
joe_Jack_Sparrow, yeah but seeing as how hardy is lts would like to get it working in that if possible18:02
nickrudpolishpaul in /usr/share/icons/Human for the default ubuntu theme18:02
Akazawamy usb drive fell out and now I can't unmount it. how do I force unmount it?18:02
Shak-is there a way to get gnome to auto align icons without having to do 'clean up by name' and messing up the existing order each time?18:02
polishpaulnickrud: ty18:02
Jack_Sparrowmnemo I use a simple tar command18:02
fsckd<zetheroo>do you have the resticted drivers installed18:02
XB23im root administrator on my box is it possible to see logs on a user so i could find all the last commands a user typed on my dedicated server18:02
nickrudpolishpaul I think the gnome dir under icons has the fallback icons (for icons that icon themes don't provide)18:03
MightyTweekShak-: just check the box on that menu that says "keep aligned"18:03
musikgoat1XB23: /home/user/.bash_history18:03
nickrudXB23 they should be in $USER/.bash_history18:03
mnemoJack_Sparrow: ah cool, so is it possible to zip up everything in "/" and then unzip+overwrite to get it running again?18:03
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:03
joe_why is it going to revert back to the old kernel if i install virtualbox?18:03
Shak-MightyTweek: its checked, but if I delete an icon somewhere theres a gap between the adjacent icons18:03
zetheroofsckd: yes ... the odd thing is that it was working and then it stopped working ... and now when I enable it in visual effects I looses my window borders18:03
davi2so what's wrong in my fstab? --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/18089/18:04
MightyTweekShak-: ah sorry, I understand now... I don't think there's a way to do that18:04
Lithicsry, thx MightyTweek  ;)18:04
=== remixxxxx is now known as nighthack
Jack_Sparrowmnemo yes18:04
MightyTweekLithic: no prob :)18:04
enterneonickrud: reinstalled metacity, windows are still stuck18:04
nickruddavi2 your fstab is syntactically correct, but may not reflect reality18:05
Jack_Sparrowmnemo gimme a sec and I will paste one of my many commands18:05
nickrudenterneo now run alt-f2 metacity --replace18:05
enterneonickrud: i am using compiz and emerald btw18:05
newkbringtowel, ive checked and there nothing there.. thanks for ur help .. guess ill jus hav to convince my girlfriend to get onto skype no way im goin bac to vista:)18:05
nickrudenterneo ah, then try reinstalling compiz, and running compiz --replace  and emerald --replace18:05
enterneonickrud: how to reinstall compiz?18:05
gnychisI recently got an X300 thinkpad which has GPS, and I'd like to find out what device the GPS hardware is mapped to, does anyone know how i can do this?18:05
Shak-drat alright, another question albeit a bit more technical.. I'm using my vpn to surt to get past *ehm* certain filters, but my browsing speed is around 20% what it usually is.. I never had any speed issues with windows, is there a way to correct this?18:05
Jack_Sparrowmnemo  tar cvpzf backupdell.tgz --exclude=/backupdell.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found  --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/media --exclude=/root/.Trash -- /18:05
nickrudenterneo same as metacity:   sudo apt-get install --reinstall compiz emerald18:06
mnemoJack_Sparrow: thanks man, I was just googling for a decent way backup my machine18:06
mDemocritusmnemo, make sure those excludes are there18:06
davi2nickrud, i see the same information in gparted, with what i have to compare fstab18:06
bringtowelnewk, oh well good luck, sorry hopefully that feature will be included in the future, Skype is quite nice so hopefully you both can use that happily :)18:06
nickruddavi2 so what's not happening correctly then?18:06
MightyTweekgnychis: try lsusb18:06
davi2i cannot boot with grub error 17 and i canot reinstall grub18:07
polishpaulis there a way i can preview items as thumbnails (i'm looking at icons)18:07
mnemodavi2: does it work to boot from a live cd?18:07
Jack_Sparrowmnemo watch for the excludes....  make sure you exclude the name of your backup to avoid a loop situation18:07
davi2yes im chating with the live cd18:07
mDemocritusmnemo: you might also want to try out rsync... it's not as good for full system backups, but it still works... and it does differential/archive backups, so you don't need to tar up the entire filesystem all the time18:07
ubottuFactoid rsync not found18:07
fsckd<davi2> sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)18:07
nickruddavi2 do you have both ide and sata drives?18:07
mnemomDemocritus: thx18:07
musikgoat1mDemocritus: yeah really18:08
mDemocritusmnemo: rsync is like cp on a bunch of steroids18:08
mDemocritusmnemo: it does remote too :D18:08
fsckd<mDemocritus> lol18:08
gnychisMightyTweek: what can i do after that to probe more?  I'm not sure of the actual chip name ... I see: ChipsBnk, Sierra Wireless, Fingerprint Reader, and Broadcom Corp18:08
marcioalguem aí fala portugues ?18:09
mnemodavi2: did you change any bios settings recently or did you make some changes to your partition tables?18:09
nickrud!pt | marcio18:09
ubottumarcio: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:09
dryrotfirefox 3 behaves weirdly on some websites, weird18:09
Vecnahhi , sorry to bother I have a trouble remounting ntfs drives used to be able to mount but the error message in french states that : " mount : seul l'usager ROOT peut monter /dev/sda1 sur /media/sda1"18:09
shahriar086Hello everyone18:09
Alokitohi :)18:09
enterneonickrud: did not work18:10
davi2i formated my disk and just reinstaled ubuntu but with grub install error18:10
AL-G78hello guys another question i'm afraid how can i edit a .conf file18:10
m-cQ: how do I force the system to get rid of a device it is using - trying to reformat a partition, but gparted keeps saying it is in use18:10
marciohello shahriar18:10
systatm-c: you can't18:10
nickrudenterneo hm. Could be you deleted something that hasn't been reinstalled; have you tried the metacity --replace ?18:10
Vecnahexcuse my stupid question , I ll try to fix it myself18:10
systatmarcio: hy marcio18:10
davi2Couldn't find package pastebinit18:10
fsckd<davi2> ok what was the error18:10
ruthmannanyone familiar with openchrome?18:10
enterneonickrud: yes, metacity --replace works18:11
MightyTweekgnychis: what are you wanting to find out specifically?18:11
mnemodavi2: grub error 17 usually means that grub can't mount some partition... for instance if you have ubuntu on the 3th partition on the first disk then grub will point to (hd0,2) .... if you clear all partitions and install ubuntu into the first partition you must make sure that grub points to (hd0,0) instead18:11
marciook systat18:11
ruthmanni cant get my video driver to work and its driving me up the wall18:11
dryrotWhat is best Commodore 64 emulator ?18:11
gnychisMightyTweek: a device name, such as /dev/X, that my internal GPS device on my x300 is mapped to18:11
nickrudenterneo so it's a compiz issue. Try running   sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop, that should force all the packages in a stardard install to be reinstalled18:11
m-csystat: really?  I have to reboot?  well, thanks for your help, although I am a bit skeptical18:11
shahriar086I am not sure why my grub is not configured properly18:11
mnemodavi2: please copy the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and "/boot/grub/menu.lst" into http://paste.ubuntu.com and give me the URL18:11
otaridnickrud: Well, that mutes the speakers, but not I can't hear anything from the speakers even when headphone isn't plugged and/or the headphone switch is checked off in volume control :(18:12
shahriar086my root is (hd0,2)18:12
amnesiahi everyone18:12
q_a_z_stevehey, who can tell me how to find out which driver I need for this 2wire 802.11g USB wireless adapter? It's not ever even powered off of my USB, so I don't think I can get it from like dmesg18:12
shahriar086but everytime it configures to root as (hd,3)18:12
shahriar086any idea?18:12
q_a_z_stevedoes ndis work with this?18:12
davi2the problem is that i repartitioned and formated my disk and then installed ubuntu again on first partition but on install, grub could not be installed. so the grub is loading i think is the grub i had before repartitioning18:12
m-c!enter | shahriar08618:12
ubottushahriar086: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:12
mDemocritusq_a_z_steve: 2wire makes wireless adapters? i could have sworn they only made that crappy little gateway/modem/router18:12
nickrudotarid you have to find the right option to put in your alsa-base file; the same chip can use more than one of the options depending on how it's wired to the outputs ;(18:13
davi2because partitions changed i thing i get error 1718:13
crimsunotarid: have you run the alsa-info.sh script?18:13
shahriar086ok thanks18:13
mnemodavi2: these steps will most likely fix your problem --> http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/01/25/howto-fixing-grub-after-a-windows-installation-and-fixing-the-grub-menu/18:13
enterneonickrud: i pasted the result of the command on private im18:13
codecaineparititions are static unless you change them yourself davi218:13
nickrudsaw that.  do the following:18:13
nickrud!gutsysources | enterneo (works on hardy also)18:14
ubottuenterneo (works on hardy also): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).18:14
fsckd<davi2> That is the problem18:14
mnemodavi2: the most important part is that you start up the grub command line and run the "setup" command so that it writes the proper "root" back into your boot sector18:14
nickrudenterneo then try the install again18:14
otaridnickrud: I see... that could take a while :P thanks though18:14
systatALL: Nothing didn't worked on my laptop when I tried to install Ubuntu 7.10, with 8.04 everything works :p18:15
nickrudotarid you should talk to crimsun about sound, he is way above me on this stuff18:15
otaridcrimsun: where's that located?18:15
davi2so how can i install but i get Error 15: File not found when i do  find /boot/grub/stage118:15
MightyTweekgnychis: sorry, I thought I knew the command to find that out but I can't recall it off-hand18:15
q_a_z_stevewhat package do I install to get ndis: ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils,  ndiswrapper-source, ndiswrapper-modules-1.9, ndisgtk, ndiswrapper-utils-1.918:15
mnemodavi2: du you have ubuntu installed or do you have just empty partitions?18:15
enterneonickrud: compiz advanced settings manager was removed, i reinstalled it, then i figure out most of the plugin were disabled, i enabled some, i wonder if a plugin that handles moving windows is disabled?18:15
nickrudenterneo could be, let me refresh my mem18:16
mDemocritusq_a_z_steve: what's the model number for that 2wire device?18:16
crimsunotarid: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh18:16
crimsunotarid: you need to run it using bash18:16
davi2mnemo i have ubuntu installed but grub failed on installation, i can browse my new ubuntu installation with live cd as /media/disk18:16
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod18:16
nite613_doh ;)18:17
=== choudeshell is now known as choudesh
mnemodavi2: do you have /media/disk/boot/grub then??18:17
q_a_z_stevemDemocritus: I have FCC info Part number and MAC.18:17
mDemocrituspart number, q_a_z_steve18:17
musikgoat1q_a_z_steve: lsusb may help you identify the wireless chip being used18:17
davi2mnemo: yes18:17
nickrudenterneo there is a move window option, at the very bottom of ccsm18:18
utarpradeshhow d i play DVDs in totem? is there a special codec/driver i need to dl/install?18:18
enterneonickrud: worked!18:18
utarpradeshhhow do i do it18:18
musikgoat1utarpradesh: install ubuntu-restricted-extras if you haven't already18:19
bigtimer121‎i really don't know18:19
mDemocritusq_a_z_steve: ok... lspci and/or lsusb should tell you the chipset for the adapter18:19
enterneoutarpradesh: are you from uttar pradesh?18:19
nickrudenterneo but you have exposed another issue, not being able to find yelp and help18:19
otaridcrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/104136818:19
mnemodavi2: what does "sudo fdisk -l" print?18:19
utarpradeshpiyush bobby jindal18:19
q_a_z_stevemDemocritus: when I lsusb it isn't even here, I can tell it's not even powering, the light isn't on...18:19
utarpradeshi am not -_-18:19
enterneonickrud: that was the reason i removed libgtk2.018:19
utarpradeshenterneo.... are you Indian??18:19
ompaul!in | utarpradesh18:19
enterneoutarpradesh: yes18:19
=== eraldo_ is now known as eraldo
ubottuFactoid in not found18:19
bullgard4nickrud: Thank you very much for your information. (I found it difficult to find out the function of the file /usr/bin/gnome-session.)18:19
musikgoat1q_a_z_steve: some lights only indicate that its active... like if the driver is loaded18:20
utarpradesh:) are you in india right now?18:20
circiao a tutti. Da qualche giorno ho formattato il pc ed ho installato ubuntu 8.04 hardly e wxp pro in dual boot. Ho sentito tanto parlare di vmware per gestire winxp in ubunntu e ho provato ad instllarlo ma l'installazione non va a buon fine perchè trova degli errori. Qualcuno sa consigliarmi un metodo funzionante per l'installazione?Ps: ubuntu 8.04 ce l'ho mezzo in ita e mezxzo n inglese ed ho notato che le prestazioni del pc sono scadenti rispet18:20
cirto a prima conlagutsy18:20
enterneonickrud: brb, i need to restart18:20
ompaul!it | cir18:20
ubottucir: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:20
nickrudenterneo if you do the sources thing I suggested, and still can't find it it's probably a repo issue18:20
fabianodoes anyone know if the nVidia GeForce 8800GTS works under Ubuntu 8.04 easily through restricted drivers manager?18:20
davi2menmo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18095/18:20
mDemocritusfabiano: it should18:20
mDemocritusfabiano: yeah... that card's been out for a while18:21
fabianoso i dont have to isntall it manually and kill gdm18:21
mDemocritusfabiano: shouldn't18:21
mnemodavi2: which one is your ubuntu partition?18:21
davi2first one18:21
mDemocritusfabiano: the 8800GTX works ok, so i would assume the GTS does too18:21
davi2mnemo: the first, i dont know why it says fat1618:21
fabianocause a local store is going to sell me one for 200$18:21
mDemocritusfabiano: that's not bad... how much ram?18:22
fabianoi was going to buy the gt, but the gts was cheaper because it was 33% off18:22
mnemodavi2: is it not formatted as FAT?18:22
LeefmcAnyone know why Amarok might not display an IPod, but Rhythmbox does just fine?18:22
mDemocritusfabiano: no i mean on the card :D18:22
fabianomobo m2n-sli deluxe18:22
mnemodavi2: maybe the type flag on the partition got screwed up somehow18:22
crimsunotarid: what's the issue?18:22
davi2mnemo, no18:22
mnemodavi2: ext2 ?18:22
nikinhy .. i just upgraded my kernel .. to .24.18 but it wont boot.. it stops by registered USB mss storage device ... message.. ny idea?18:22
fabianooh, um 51218:23
fabianoits pny18:23
davi2mnemo, clicking on properties i see ext3 and i can browse the partition and gparted flags it as ext318:23
otaridcrimsun: can hear sound from laptop speakers even when headphone is plugged in, I could mute it if I mute the surround slider in volume control but I was wondering if it could be done automatically when headphone is plugged in18:23
mDemocritusfabiano: k that's a pretty good deal... 8800GT is comparable to it18:23
fabianodo you actually own a 8800gts?18:24
fabianoit is18:24
crimsunotarid: try model=acer-aspire18:24
Matic`MakovecHey. Is there somewhere written information about when the system was installed?18:24
mDemocritusfabiano: nope, but i work for a video card maker :D18:24
fabianooh sweet18:24
musikgoat1nikin: have you tried removing any usb devices?18:24
davi2mnemo should i set the ubuntu partition as boot, i see my bott partition is glaged on sda3, windows?18:24
shahriar086thanks all for your help18:24
fabianoif it fails for some reason, then i will try envy18:25
fabianoif that fails i wil, install manually18:25
ferronicamarcio: yes18:25
nikinmusikgoat1: it is a built in card reader in a notebook.. so i cant remove it18:25
mDemocritus!pm | q_a_z_steve18:25
ubottuq_a_z_steve: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.18:25
fabianoanyways, thanks18:25
mDemocritusfabiano: np18:25
mnemodavi2: it doesn't matter which partition is marked as boot... I think you basically need to find a way to set the partition type back to ext3... this guy had a similar problem --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40698018:26
todoskihow do I set up my Radeon 9600 in Ubuntu 8.04?18:26
todoskiactually, I only need to set the tv out to NTSC-M18:26
ruthmannDoes anyone have any experience setting up VIA Unichrome video card?]18:26
q_a_z_stevemDemocritus: Sorry, chan's a little busy, I don't even think this thing is on 2wire's website - might just be for the local phone company18:26
=== gbs is now known as fserve
todoskimy radeon 9600 is working fine in Ubuntu 8.04, but I need to turn it to NTSC18:27
todoskiI tried to edit the xorg.conf file, but it seems to be incomplete18:27
ferronicamarcio: my FF not working properly, google search bar18:27
musikgoat1q_a_z_steve: every wireless card has a chip manufacturer inside that will give you more insight into how to install it18:28
todoskihi systat18:28
systattodoski: are you from texas or from spain18:28
ferronicamarcio: after updating to kernel 1818:28
todoskibrazil, why?18:28
systattodoski: nevermidn...18:28
todoskisystat: you made me curious18:28
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat1: can you find the 2wire 802.11g USB wireless adapter driver? I was just on 2wire.com and there's not even a picture of this thing...18:28
todoskisystat: why?18:28
mDemocritusq_a_z_steve: np, i don't mind, just don't get in that habit :D... most of those little w/l vendors don't have anything for the usb sticks... lsusb and lspci are your best hope18:28
musikgoat1q_a_z_steve: does this look like it?  http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=2&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.2wire.com%2Fpages%2Fpdfs%2F802.11g_USB_Adapter_Installation_Guide.pdf&ei=PMVKSO_VI5uUggL6ivWnDA&usg=AFQjCNHFfuuLI2yesiSYA82p6przqEB0Ug&sig2=5PjE4bGroMG_uZQ3I6i41A18:28
todoskisystat: can u help me?18:29
systattodoski: I googled your name18:29
todoskisystat: it means nothing18:29
systattodoski: no I can't18:29
davi2mnemo tx, but if i use hd0,0 y get selected disk does not exit, what should i use?18:29
mikomhi, does anyone know how to set up QtJambi environment in ubuntu for netbeans or eclipse?18:29
todoskiI really need to turn my card to ntsc18:30
bullgard4nickrud: I have now found a confirmation. It is confirmed in man gnome-session.18:30
mnemodavi2: did you type exactly "parttype (hd0,0) 0x83" and it didn't work? What was the exact error message?18:30
* nickrud is hurt that bullgard4(1) didn't trust him ;((18:30
otaridcrimsun: model=acer-aspire didn't make a difference. sound still comes from both headphone and speakers18:31
davi2grub> parttype (hd0,0) 0x8318:31
davi2Error 21: Selected disk does not exist18:31
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat1: mDemocritus yeah, that's the device, but I don't even know what family this is, to try say orinoco...18:31
Drk_GuyHi guys18:31
Drk_GuyIve been having problems with grub18:32
crimsunotarid: ok, then you need alsa-driver 1.0.17rc1.  Download ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.17rc1.tar.bz218:32
q_a_z_stevemDemocritus: musikgoat1 I'll get a pastebin going18:32
Drk_GuyIm trying to move from Vista to Gutsy Gibbon18:32
davi2mnemo i have the exact symptoms the link u gave me describes18:32
Drk_GuyBut grub-install wont work18:32
musikgoat1q_a_z_steve: this guy says it is a "ID 0d4e:1000 Agere System Netherland BV18:32
Drk_GuyThe vista boot-loader just remains there18:32
nunixI've got an issue with an external USB drive that ubuntu thinks is read-only. Details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=821608 -- would really appreciate some assistance..18:32
=== _delcoyote is now known as delcoyote
musikgoat1q_a_z_steve: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75872118:32
Drk_GuyEven though i formatted the partition18:32
otaridcrimsun: ok18:33
musikgoat1q_a_z_steve: didn't seem to work for him... ndiswrapper that is18:33
AL-G78!mightytweek thanks for the help m8 got the remote working now :-)18:33
ubottuAL-G78: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:33
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat1: mDemocritus http://qazsteve.pastebin.com/d37eded6918:33
Drk_GuyCan anyone help¿?18:33
penis there a scrolling speed limit in firefox 3?18:33
musikgoat1q_a_z_steve: you have an intel wireless at the bottom, why are you trying to install the 2wire?18:34
musikgoat1q_a_z_steve: is this a laptop?18:34
Drk_GuyGuys, is this pointless?18:34
Drk_Guyare you ignoring me?18:34
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:34
penwhy scrolling speed is jerky in any browsers in ubuntu?18:35
davi2does matter the order the partitions appear listed in the fstab file?18:35
Starnestommypen: are you using compiz?18:35
Drk_Guylol, sorry, i just need to give the HD boot a spin ASAP18:35
penStarnestommy, yea18:35
mnemodavi2: the fstab is not used until linux has actually started booting... grub only uses /boot/grub/menu.lst18:35
Starnestommypen: does scrolling work with compiz disabled?18:35
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat1: mDemocritus yeah, this is some qwest deal, and that guy saying to wget from qwest. I'll try it.18:35
davi2i actually dont have that file either!!18:36
cary_jebusWHO LOVES KITTENS18:36
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: so you are saying that even after installing ubuntu, vista boots ahead of it?18:36
davi2i dont have a menu.lst on my boot/grub folder18:36
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: Vista is wiped out the system, but it's bootloader wont go away18:36
penStarnestommy, it still scrolls of course. But most people on the web report that compiz has nothing to do with this problem18:36
penStarnestommy, I'm not sure18:36
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: do you have 1 disk or 2?18:36
Drk_Guy2 disks, 1 SATA> nd 1 IDE18:37
penStarnestommy, but if I go to some websites with pictures, then the scrolling speed will reduce significantly18:37
penStarnestommy, or any CSS sites i think18:37
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: it may be that the vista boot loader is on the other disk, and thats whats set in your bios as the first boot disk18:37
Starnestommypen: try disabling smooth scrolling18:37
mnemodavi2: okay now im just totally guessing here but maybe "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" will install it :>18:37
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: go into your bios and change the first boot disk to the other disk and see if grub shows up18:37
Drk_GuyThe first one is the SATa one18:38
Drk_Guyhd0, but it wont install18:38
penStarnestommy, I did that and the slow sites are still slow18:38
Drk_GuyIs there any tool to wipe out the MBR?18:38
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: what do you mean it wont install?18:38
Bodsda|afkmnemo, are you trying to install grub to the mbr of a diff hd?18:38
Drk_GuyIll pastebin grub-install's error18:38
mnemoBodsda|afk: basically davi2 says he doesn't even have a /boot/grub/menu.lst file18:39
Starnestommypen: how much free RAM space do you have?18:39
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat1: yeah, mine is a laptop, but I get similar results from the desktop which needs this, which has no internet at all right now...18:39
Bodsda|afkmnemo, k18:39
Drk_Guydone, musikgoat1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18102/18:39
penStarnestommy, I have 3G...18:39
* Drk_Guy likes to be fast18:40
Bodsda|afkdavi2, can you pastebin the output of     sudo fdisk -l    plz18:40
Starnestommypen: it sounds like a bug in your browser18:40
penStarnestommy, I use firefox and epiphany18:40
davi2Bodsda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18095/18:40
the_real_omniCan anyone clarify something for me? I'm trying to get my wireless networking up and running and I'm following the directions on http://toomuchfew.info/2008/05/ubuntu-linux-on-hp-pavilion-dv2715nr/18:40
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: you should be installing grub to a device... like sudo grub-install /dev/hda   iirc18:41
penStarnestommy, since I have VX revolution mouse I can scroll really fast, the difference between window firefox and ubuntu firefox is great18:41
mnemoBodsda|afk: we already concluded that the disk shown as FAT16 is actually an ext3 disk but there something wrong18:41
penStarnestommy, it's really consistent and fast in windows, but slow in ubuntu18:41
davi2Bodsda: i got the simptoms explained here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40698018:41
the_real_omniI'm stuck on Step 3 where it says sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces18:41
Drk_GuyBut the ubuntu installer issued the exact command, sudo grub-install hd018:41
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat1: mDemocritus what packages should I be burning to a CD for this other computer? apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils ???18:41
Bodsda|afkmnemo, the install was not done correctly, as the fat16/linux & linux(sda2) partitions neither have a boot partition,.,.i would recommend reinstalling, it would be so much quicker18:42
the_real_omniI tried that line and nothing happened for a good long time so I CTRL-C'ed the process and tried restoring the original interfaces file from the interfaces.orig I'd created as a backup18:42
alexmanhow do you set a system variable?18:42
davi2Bodsda i reinstalled twice with a fatal error when installing grub18:42
the_real_omnibut I get this:18:43
the_real_omni:~/bcm43xx$ cp /etc/network/interfaces.orig /etc/network/interfaces18:43
the_real_omnicp: cannot create regular file `/etc/network/interfaces': Permission denied18:43
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: Im sorry, but /dev/hdb1 spits out the same18:43
Bodsda|afkdavi2, i dont think that link will sort your problem,. would you mind reinstalling with me walking you through manual pratitioning?18:43
davi2both times i reformated my sda1 to ext3 and mounted as / making sure format check was marked18:43
erat123Can anyone help me with an error i'm getting in my update manager?18:43
Magojpdoes anybody has problems when conecting emesene ?18:43
nikinmusikgoat1: i found a bios option tht disables the caard reader... and it staarts like that.... but i need my card reader....18:43
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: /dev/hdb  would be the start location... where you'd install... not hdb118:43
alexmanhow do you set a system variable?18:44
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: I installed to the SATA oen18:44
mnemoerat123: just ask the question and see if someone replies18:44
Bodsda|afk74 =$HELLO18:44
davi2i manually partitioned both the installations the probles is that my sda3 and sda4 partitions have data so i cannot repartition18:44
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Bodsda|afkdavi2, no, you cant format -- the installer wont touch your ntfs drives18:44
musikgoat1nikin: google for problems with that model card reader...  you can keep running -17 until there is a fix18:44
nite613_On Kubuntu what is the easiest way to get my laptop to freak out with sounds and noises when it's getting too hot? I've found the notifications setup for "KDE System Guard" called "A sensor has exceeded a critical limit", but I can't figure out how to set those limits for any given sensor18:45
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: what is BIOS booting to?18:45
erat123I'm getting 6 errors when upgrading or performing a dist-upgrade in apt-get.18:45
erat123The errors read as follows:18:45
erat123E: linux-image-2.6.24-18-generic: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 218:45
erat123E: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-18-generic: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured18:45
erat123E: linux-image-generic: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured18:45
erat123E: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-18-generic: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured18:45
FloodBot1erat123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:45
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: vista BL18:45
jonaskoelkerhi all; I installed kubuntu on my laptop; then i (apt-get) installed ubuntu-desktop, and purged a bunch of kde packages, including compizconfig-backend-kconfig.  Now, when running compiz, it doesn't respond to my keyboard; alt-f2 doesn't open "run", alt-drag doesn't move windows, alt-tab doesn't switch, etc.  how can I make compiz work normally?18:45
Bodsda|afkerat123, please use pastebin for posting large multi line posts18:45
davi2Bodsdaafk: but that is what i did, editing twice manually the partitions and making sure that sda1 was marked as ext3 and formated18:45
=== Bodsda|afk is now known as Bodsda
Drk_Guyjonaskoelker: Go #kubuntu18:45
Bodsdadavi2, yes but your not doing it right18:45
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: you bios sets one of the two disks to be the first boot device... which one is it, the sata or ide?18:46
jonaskoelkerDrk_Guy: when it's a compiz problem... ?18:46
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: The first one is SATA one, then IDE oen18:46
mohdGuys I have a slight problem. I have a folder inside the trash that I would like to delete. I tried to delete it, but apparently I can't because of permissions. Naturally I fired up the terminal to delete it from the command line, but it seems the folder is not in ~/.Trash ...Any help?18:46
davi2my gparted information is right in contrast with fdisk -l18:46
Bodsdajonaskoelker, compiuz questions are best asked in #compiz-fusion and you may recieve better help for your desktop environment in #kubuntu18:46
davi2and i can browse the partition with my live cd as ext3 file sistem, i can see my ubuntu new installation and browse files18:47
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: if that is the case... then installing grub to /dev/sda  or whatever the sata disk is set to should fix it18:47
Bodsdadavi2, just trust me, your not doing the manua partitioning properly18:47
jonaskoelkerwell, my DE is gnome...18:47
Bodsdamusikgoat1, how are you installing grub?18:47
Monica_2can i install the standard ubuntu 8.04 i386 on a system with a intel i845e chipset?18:47
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: Yup, /dev/sda is the one with Ext3 FS, but fdisk -l registers it as NTFS18:47
davi2bodsda, so lets try i follow you18:47
davi2im going trught installation again18:47
Bodsdadavi2, ok,.18:48
Drk_GuySame error musikgoat118:48
Bodsdajonaskoelker, you said youinstalled kubuntu -- kubuntu and ubuntu only differ really in which DE is being used18:48
noxixSo i keep having problems installing java. It never seems to work. So, I just did a fresh install. Whats the best way to install java?18:48
Bodsdanoxix, go to a java using site and let FireFox handle it18:49
mohdCan anyone please help? This problem is really annoying...18:49
Bodsdadavi2, are you at the manual partitioning stage?18:49
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: yeah thats wierd... sorry man18:49
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: Cannot find /boot18:49
davi2Bodsda: i have to reboot, my installation gos stucked in the Abort the installation? window because i accidentally clicked cancel18:49
Monica_2can i install the standard ubuntu 8.04 i386 on a system with a intel i845e chipset?18:49
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: is /dev/sda mounted?18:49
davi2give me few min to recconect, thanks18:49
noxixBodsda: See, ive done that, and it doesnt work.  I went to "how do i tell java works" which is a sun site that tests java, and I installed the GDK but it doesnt work. :\18:49
Bodsdamohd, can i pm you the command? im not supposed to post it in here18:49
Drk_GuyMaybe if i create a /boot partition18:49
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: type mount18:50
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: I umount's it18:50
mohdOK. computerex is the username18:50
jonaskoelkerBodsda: read the rest of my question.  I installed ubuntu-desktop, and purged a lot of kde stuff.  That counts (in my mind) as switching from ku- to ubuntu18:50
Bodsdajonaskoelker, my bad ;~)18:50
noxixBodsda: when I try and install the GCJ again, it tells me its already installed, but that its required. :\18:50
Drk_Guyjonaskoelker: It keeps bieng kubuntu, just with gnome18:50
Bodsdanoxix, sorry, im not sure what to sugest18:51
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: Ill try this: http://cristianobasso.com/blog/?p=818:51
jonaskoelkerthen why do the kubuntu folks disagree?18:51
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: yeah see what you get18:52
Bodsdajonaskoelker, because your not using KDE so anything like what windows they tell you to open wont be there18:52
nunixI've got an issue with an external USB drive that ubuntu thinks is read-only. Details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=821608 -- would really appreciate some assistance..18:52
enterneonickrud: another issue, i cannot resize the windows18:52
jonaskoelkeranyone care to help me?18:52
ubottuFactoid i386 not found18:52
Kopfgeldjaegeris there anything like pacbuilder -Sb or emerge for ubuntu? to build a source package (i mean, download the src pkg from the repo and so on)18:52
nickrudenterneo look over the window management stuff in ccsm, there's a resize option18:53
ubottuFactoid chipset not found18:53
Bodsdajonaskoelker, maybe ask in #compiz-fusion18:53
bubuIs the /home partition supposed to be primary or logical?18:53
Bodsda!msgthebot | Monica_218:53
ubottuMonica_2: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.18:53
jonaskoelkerbubu: you're free to choose18:53
Bodsdabubu, doesnt matter18:53
willwhhi guys18:54
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: Sith, it almost worked, ill pastebin error18:55
bubuI'm trying to create an extended partition of unused space, but gparted says it's not possible to create more than 4 primary partitions18:55
noxix_So, i've been having MANY problems installing java. I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu and I tried installing it via firefox and i installed the GCJ, but when i go to sites, it still tells me to install it. and when i try to install it again, it says i already have it installed... sigh...18:55
mDemocritus!hi | willwh18:55
ubottuwillwh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:55
bubuI have windows, /, swap and /home partitions18:55
Monica_2Bodsda: gee, i didnt know that, thank for pointing the bot out to me, shame you couldnt actually help someone18:55
willwhthanks mDemocritus but I lurk in here often ;)18:55
mDemocritusq_a_z_steve: back yet?18:55
Monica_2can i install the standard ubuntu 8.04 i386 on a system with a intel i845e chipset?18:55
mDemocrituswillwh: how dare you shun the greeting of ubotu!18:56
enterneonickrud: thanks, done18:56
willwhubotu can be a royal pain in the bum (:O)18:56
BodsdaMonica_2, im here to help & keep the peace18:56
joanki123anyone know cmd prompt to find a directory named xyz?18:56
joanki123i tried find . -name, but it is only pulling up file names, i want directories18:56
mDemocrituswillwh: true true... my apologies. i'm still working on learning all the lurkers names18:56
crimsunjoanki123: -type d18:56
joanki123find . -type d "xyz"?18:57
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: what do you get when you type sudo grub  then in grub type find /boot/grub/stage118:57
Monica_2Bodsda: .........my question should be simple to an experienced linux user, lol, can u help?18:57
willwhmDemocritus: I have been playing my irssi setup recently, so I haven't been around a while18:57
crimsunjoanki123: along that line, yes.18:57
joanki123hm didn't work18:57
icecubex132Q8_i need help with pci to rs323 , i just installe pci to rs323 ,how to know if the card is working?18:57
soneiljoanki123: they stack.  you can use -type d -name "xyz"18:57
joanki123find: paths must precede expression18:57
bubuWhat do you do when you have unused space but already 4 primary partitions? How do you create an extended logical partition of that space? gparted says I'm limited to 4 primary partitions...18:57
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: File not foundf18:57
Monica_2radius_i just saw your message, thank you sweetie18:57
joanki123soneil, now i get no results18:58
BodsdaMonica_2, yes18:58
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Monica_2radius_: and thank you for being a big boy18:58
cheazizhi folks... i have a problem with my xorg.conf18:59
joanki123sorry to ask such a basic question, but if i am looking for directory containiing xyz, then shouldn't it be: find . -type d -name "xyz*"18:59
joanki123so why is that not working18:59
cheazizthe NVIDIA definition isnt accepting the graphics card, am getting a gibberish screen!18:59
mDemocritusbubu: resize the last one... if you have 4 primaries, you can't put any extended18:59
icecubex132Q8_how to list all the serial ports in my pc?18:59
crimsunjoanki123: the directory name begins with xyz?18:59
cyberlectHello, I have a question about mysql18:59
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: Ive read it has st to do with badly configured grub files18:59
joanki123crimsun, i am starting there18:59
Drk_GuyIll try to correct them18:59
joanki123crimsun, honestly i'd like ANY directory or file or anything named xyz19:00
joanki123but i don't want to exclude directories19:00
bubumDem: ok, the Resize/Move option is greyed out on the /home partition...?19:00
=== Mat1 is now known as designcut
Magojpdoes anybody has problems when conecting emesene ?19:00
crimsunjoanki123: 1) is the search path correct? (.)  2) you likely want -name '*xyz*', then19:00
cyberlectQuestion:  I realize that my mysqli wasn't installed but I accidently errased my mysql package19:00
cyberlecthow can I put it back in?19:00
cyberlectdo you guys know?19:00
joanki123ok it's the search path19:00
owen1how do i create an empty partition? what option should i choose in the live cd when it start?19:00
joanki123crimsun sorry for the qs, but how do i search my entire computer instead of pwd + subfolders?19:00
cheazizdoes anyone know what is should put in order to have the correct graphics card definition?19:01
bubumDem: I have to unmount it to partition perhaps?19:01
cheazizi use an NVIDIA GeForce 680019:01
crimsunjoanki123: probably want / as the search path, then19:01
Magojpdoes anybody has problems when conecting emesene ?.19:01
Drk_GuyIll just try reinstalling19:01
cheazizthe "nvidia" definition doesnt seem to work... configuring under Gnome sets it as "nv" which doesnt work either19:01
Drk_GuyI give up19:01
joanki123crimsun.... sorry but where do i put that in this: find . -type d -name "xyz*"19:01
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: i agree, grub needs to be reinstalled...19:02
joanki123i don't know why this is so hard for me!19:02
designcuthi guys19:02
crimsunjoanki123: find / -type d -name '*xyz*'19:02
icecubex132Q8_folks i really need help here19:02
joanki123ohhh the . is pwd got it19:02
joanki123it worked!!!!!19:02
crimsunjoanki123: you also could use `locate xyz' if updatedb has run.19:02
joanki123what does it mean updatedb has run19:02
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: if you don't have stage 1, you cannet get grub installed... you can check in /usr/local/share/grub/19:02
crimsunjoanki123: updatedb runs once daily.19:02
owen1how to create new partition?19:03
soneil(i haven't figured out how to get locate to only give you dirs tho, so you're back before -type d again.   it is a shedload faster tho)19:03
joanki123i see19:03
joanki123crimsun, thaks SO much19:03
cyberlectdo you guys know anything about php5 mysqli19:03
crimsunjoanki123: (see /etc/cron.daily/locate)19:03
joanki123thank you19:03
cyberlectdo you know anything aobut php5 mysqli19:04
noob-africahi guys19:04
noob-africaand gals19:04
Drk_Guymusikgoat1: There is no grub dir in /usr/local/share19:04
cyberlecthi noob19:04
designcutcan anyone help me with a tv-out problem? I need to fix this real quick19:04
bubu_How do you run gparted before boot from the ubuntu installation cd?19:04
noob-africacan anyone tell me why the NVIDIA GeForce 6800 isnt stable on Ubuntu?19:04
cyberlectcan anybody help me with some basic php5 mysqli stuff19:04
designcutnoob-africa: do you have the nvidia drivers installed?19:04
noob-africait works fine under 7.10 but not in Hardy19:04
noxix_So, i've been having MANY problems installing java. I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu and I tried installing it via firefox and i installed the GCJ, but when i go to sites, it still tells me to install it. and when i try to install it again, it says i already have it installed... Anyone have any ideas?19:04
noob-africadesigncut: i believe i do... lol19:05
rick_hey wy cant i past anything on my hard drive ?19:05
noob-africadesigncut: if i am not, what sudo command should i run?19:05
pablohi, my right click is not working and i cannot change my wallpaper19:05
musikgoat1Drk_Guy: eh, then your out of luck... sorry man19:05
designcutmy tv-out works (fglrx) but it crops the tv-output and then follows my mouse around19:05
noob-africapablo: probably your mouse is kaputt!19:05
Drk_Guylol, ill reboot to reinstall19:05
Drk_GuyThanks dude19:05
designcuthow can I get it just to mirror my laptop screen (1680x1050) at a lower res19:05
willwh!ubotu | question19:05
ubottuquestion: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)19:05
Bodsda!elaborate | rick_19:05
ubotturick_: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)19:06
noob-africai hate having to see a flashing screen and doing a cold reboot to recovery mode19:06
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:06
noob-africalemme see that19:06
pablohi, my right click is not working and i cannot change my wallpaper, does anybody have had problems to change the wallpaper19:06
=== RC is now known as Guest26122
rick_ok well on windows u can "cope and Past" to hard drive or anywere esle , but i cant do that on Ubuntu ?19:07
=== kaz is now known as Kaz
icewatermanhow can i change the default media player application in gnome?19:07
pablohi, my right click is not working and i cannot change my wallpaper, does anybody have had problems to change the wallpaper19:07
icewatermani changed it in preferred applications to gnome-mplayer %s but it still uses totem19:07
designcuthi guys, need a quick answer as I'm showing some photos on a projector in a sec... how can I make tv-out (fglrx driver) mirror my screen (scale 1680x1050 down to the TV resolution) rather than cropping the 'viewport' and following my mouse around?19:08
=== noxix_ is now known as noxix
noob-africaQuestion: Is there an alternative to Compiz?19:08
designcutthere was beryl19:08
designcutwhich was a fork of compiz19:09
owen1how to create new partition?19:09
noob-africait doesnt seem to work very well with my NVIDIA card...19:09
PeterP24hi, is there a graphic tool which alows you to choose the necessary options when compiling the kernel?19:09
designcutbut then they merged to become compiz-fusion19:09
ubottuFactoid berly not found19:09
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz19:09
noxixwhats the best way to "Remove" the Java GCJ?19:09
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:09
designcutanyone got any ideas on my problem? how can I make tv-out (fglrx driver) mirror my screen (scale 1680x1050 down to the TV resolution) rather than cropping the 'viewport' and following my mouse around?19:10
musikgoat1owen1: gparted is the easiest way19:10
=== jansen__ is now known as r007
pablohi, my right click is not working and i cannot change my wallpaper, does anybody have had problems to change the wallpaper19:10
designcutat the moment it only shows a small area of my screen on the projector then follows the mouse around19:10
noob-africadesigncut: since i cant get into X-Windows, will i be able to install NVIDIA drivers under recovert mode?19:10
=== r007 is now known as jansen
owen1musikgoat1: do i need to run it from the live cd?19:10
bubu_Is ubuntu Live CD the same as the installation CD?19:11
musikgoat1owen1: not if you are not touching your / partition19:11
noob-africapablo: is your mouse working correctly? meaning, can you use the right button on other tasks?19:11
SinNo bubu. It's not the same19:11
musikgoat1bubu_: the LiveCD is one installation cd19:11
bubuIs ubuntu Live CD the same as the installation CD?19:11
noob-africabubu; it is one and the same19:11
musikgoat1there is also an alternative install cd19:11
pablonoob-africa: yes, the mouse is working fine, but it seems a config error19:11
rysiek|plbubu: yup, LiveCD *is* the installation cd19:12
noob-africapablo: do u have access rights to modify your wallpaper?19:12
pablonoob-africa: i have the compiz and screenlets installed19:12
pablonoob-africa: yes19:12
rysiek|plguys, is there a #ubuntu-kernel or something alike?19:12
owen1musikgoat1: how do i avoid touching / partition and is it a problem not to touch it?19:12
blndr08im thinking about intalling ubuntu on my desktop - my only thing is it won't load the live CD in normal mode but will in safe graphics mode - will this pose as a problem if i install it?19:12
AL-G78whats with the ubuntu-mythtv room theres been nobody taling in there all afternoon19:12
* rysiek|pl answered by joining...19:12
musikgoat1owen1: what are you trying to accomplish19:12
pabloblndr08: propably you dont have the correct cd19:13
nickolaus_I have a headless box that I use as a media server and it has about 1.5tb's of info on SATA drives and it runs xp I want to move it over to Ubuntu how would I transfer the data without having to reformat the hard drives as I don't have the space to do that.19:13
=== Magojp is now known as root_e_raquel
owen1musikgoat1: i want to install another linux distro on this partition.19:13
blndr08what do you mean?  i downloaded the iso from the ubuntu site and it works on a computer at my school just not at home19:13
noob-africais there an #NVIDIA channel around here somewhere?19:13
=== root_e_raquel is now known as root_e_raquel_e_
musikgoat1blndr08: it could be that your display or graphics aren't compatible by default settings19:13
pabloblndr08: did u make sure yours is 32 or 64 bits?19:13
=== root_e_raquel_e_ is now known as raquel_e_tom_da_
musikgoat1owen1: are you trying to overwrite your ubuntu install?19:14
Cufafwho can help me abouth western game?19:14
blndr08i'm pretty sure i downloaded the 32 bit19:14
=== raquel_e_tom_da_ is now known as raquel_tom_da_lu
pabloblndr08: it has to be an ubuntu that match your computer19:14
owen1musikgoat1: in the first step i would like to have it side by side.19:14
noob-africarysiek|pl: how do u get bold type with chatzilla?19:14
blndr08okay then how do i check my specs through ubuntu so i can get the right one?19:14
musikgoat1blndr08: to answer your question, you can install in safe graphics mode19:14
noob-africarysiek|pl: or are u using something different?19:14
pabloblndr08: if you did that, then is ok19:14
rysiek|plnoob-africa: *magic*19:14
pabloi did that with mine19:14
blndr08musikgoat, it'll be fine then?19:14
enterneoon hardy heron, i have enabled samba, however i cannot see vista shares, i do see the vista computer on my workgroup though on nautilus19:15
rysiek|plnoob-africa: and _underline_ - w00t19:15
Cufafwho can help me abouth western game?19:15
Cufafwho can help me abouth western game?19:15
musikgoat1blndr08: yes19:15
pabloblndr08: mine is a dell vostro 140019:15
blndr08okay thanks!19:15
PeterP24when compiling the kernel, instead of menuconfig what other command can I use ( to bring out a more atractive interface :D )19:15
rysiek|plnoob-africa: seriously, that's just Your client bolding whatever I type between to *19:15
noob-africarysiek|pl: lol19:15
rysiek|plnoob-africa: * bold * becomes *bold*19:15
musikgoat1owen1: can you pastebin your fdisk -l19:15
noob-africarysiek|pl: well, i dont know how to do that in chatzilla19:15
nickolaus_I have a headless box that I use as a media server and it has about 1.5tb's of info on SATA drives and it runs xp I want to move it over to Ubuntu how would I transfer the data without having to reformat the hard drives as I don't have the space to do that.19:15
rysiek|plnoob-africa: man, just type something between two *'s19:16
=== raquel_tom_da_lu is now known as init
owen1musikgoat1: got 2 partitions - ext3 and swap.19:16
pabloi have problems changing the wallpaper, can somebody help me19:16
musikgoat1owen1: so you will have to shrink the ext3 to make room for the new one then?19:16
Cheesypiecesguys, how do i create a shortcut on my desktop?19:16
Mecha25pablo: right click on your desktop, hit "change background"19:16
owen1musikgoat1: correct19:16
musikgoat1owen1: then you will have to do it from the LiveCD19:16
noob-africarysiek|pl: am not following u... can u be more specific?19:16
pabloMecha25: that`s the problem, i right click and nothing happens and my mouse is working ok19:17
rysiek|plnoob-africa: see the key that has an "8" on it, just above "U" and "I" on your keyboard?19:17
owen1musikgoat1: ok. should i choose to install ubuntu or only run as "live"?19:17
JJNovaSo Ubuntu wont work with kernels -16 or -17 on my machine.19:17
Mecha25pablo: are you using a fresh install?  what kind of computer do you have?19:17
owen1musikgoat1: what option to choose?19:17
musikgoat1owen1: run as live in memory19:17
enterneoon hardy heron, i have enabled samba, however i cannot see vista shares, i do see the vista computer on my workgroup though on nautilus19:18
Mecha25by the way, anyone know why the crap the -17 kernel was only around for a few weeks?19:18
musikgoat1owen1: then you can use gparted on your hdd19:18
pabloMecha25: i have ubuntu 8.04 and i have compiz working and screenlets installed19:18
owen1musikgoat1: so it's the first option.19:18
Mecha25pablo: there's your problem right ther19:18
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IshinoSanI have the same problem as enterneo19:18
bubu_How do you run GParted from the live cd?19:18
pabloMecha25: cool, what????19:18
owen1musikgoat1: just by typing gparted it terminal?19:18
JJNovaMecha25, I don't know, but both -16 and -17 cause gnome to freeze up (on my machine)19:18
Mecha25pablo: some screenlet is blocking you selecting your desktop.  try removing all the screenlets19:18
JJNovaMecha25, but -14 works great :/19:18
musikgoat1IshinoSan: enterneo: do you have vista SP1?19:18
Mecha25jjnova: they did on mine, but so does -1819:18
enterneomusikgoat1: yes19:19
Mecha25mecha25: personally, I think it's my ATI card19:19
Cheesypiecesguys, how do i create a shortcut on my desktop?19:19
JJNovaToo bad I did a re-install of Hardy, and now only have -16 and -17. Rendering my ubuntu partition useless19:19
musikgoat1owen1: gksudo gparted19:19
musikgoat1enterneo: sorry then19:19
Mecha25jjnova: personally, I think it's my ati card19:19
musikgoat1enterneo: i just knew that was a problem19:19
noob-africarysiek|pl: ooooh, thank u... lol19:19
JJNovaMecha25, I haven't updated to -18, can't get Ubuntu to stay running long enough to update ;)19:19
owen1musikgoat1: and i need to create 2 more partitions, right (ext3+swap)19:19
rysiek|plnoob-africa: no problem. you get an "_" with Shift+-19:19
Mecha25jjnova: that sucks man, have you tried compiling 2.26.25?19:20
rysiek|plnoob-africa: so you can _underline_ ;)19:20
crimsunJJNova: there's -19.33, too.19:20
pabloMecha25: nothin, i removed all and restart all and nothing19:20
musikgoat1owen1: what is the other distro you are installing... you should be able to use the same swap partition for either distro19:20
Mecha25pablo: when was the last time it was working?19:20
JJNovaMecha25, I run Ubuntu because I don19:20
JJNova''t compile ;)19:20
ghostknifeThis sucks. How can I prevent certain programs from loading at the start of my session?19:20
omn1hey folks, trying to get wireless networking going... got the ndiswrapper drivers installed and I'm connected to the network without problem19:20
owen1musikgoat1: debian. i want the netinstall.iso (160 mb)19:20
Mecha25jjnova: ditto, but sounds like "run" is the wrong term at this point if you can't get it stable long enough for an update :D19:20
JJNovaMecha25, I am using an nVidia card and still have the freezing issue.19:21
omn1the problem is this: when I restart, it automatically tries to connect to different wireless networks19:21
musikgoat1owen1: you shouldn't need another swap then19:21
omn1is there a way to set it so it connects to my network by default?19:21
Mecha25jjnova: does the screen blank? or just freeze with an image?19:21
nickolaus_Where M$ uses NTFS as a filesystem what system does Ubuntu use?19:21
musikgoat1ghostknife: Preferences -> Sessions19:21
Mecha25nickolaus_: ext319:21
UBUNTUJAY123hi all sup19:21
rayraygrub help plz19:21
rayrayafter installing 7.04 (multiboot) and installing grub on the root partition, a reboot gets me a black screen ..  another reboot gets "error loading operating system"  and grub folder is deleted from /boot  [macbook]19:21
enterneo on hardy heron, i have enabled samba, however i cannot see vista shares, i do see the vista computer on my workgroup though on nautilus19:21
omn1I've tried the Manual Configuration but when it's set as a manual configuration there's no connectivity (even though it resolves an IP address)19:21
JJNovaMecha25,Whatever is on the screen stays there. THe mouse pointer will move, but nothing will launch, or links can't be clicked, or buttons, or anything else19:21
Kyle__nickolaus_: ubuntu uses ntf$ ;)19:21
owen1musikgoat1: great. after i finish the gparted i should start my ubuntu without the live cd, right?19:21
omn1using 8.0419:21
Mecha25jjnova: yeah, I've had that, are you using compiz?19:22
owen1musikgoat1: and mount the iso into the new partition?19:22
JJNovaMecha25, Nope. I am using a 'typical' install of Hardy19:22
Mecha25jjnova: system specs?19:22
enterneonickrud: are you there?19:22
musikgoat1owen1: yes, you will resize the ext3 partition, create the new partition, and then follow debian's instructions19:22
JJNovaPentium D, 2 Gig Ram, IDE HDD's19:22
musikgoat1owen1: i'm not familiar with their netinstaller so if thats what they say, go for it19:23
Mecha25jjnova: RAID?19:23
nickrudenterneo sorta19:23
owen1musikgoat1: thanks a lot! see u soo from debian!19:23
JJNovaNo RAID, just multiple hard drifves19:23
Mecha25jjnova: hm... custom desktop, or what laptop brand?19:23
ghostknifemusikgoat1: that doesn't work19:23
enterneonickrud:  on hardy heron, i have enabled samba, however i cannot see vista shares, i do see the vista computer on my workgroup though on nautilus19:23
ghostknifemusikgoat1: or I'm doing it wrong19:23
IshinoSanyes musikgoat1, SP119:23
musikgoat1ghostknife: what are you trying to turn off?19:23
nickrudenterneo samba is something I know nothing about, sorry19:23
JJNovaMecha25, Custom desktop. Assembled in the USA (by my own two little hands)19:23
musikgoat1IshinoSan: sorry, i just knew there were problems pre-SP119:24
enterneomusikgoat1: lol19:24
noob-africaAll: I also have a problem with my keyboard.. it is correctly identified as "us" but when i type it is all gibberish19:24
noob-africawhat is wrong?19:24
Mecha25jjnova: that's the real way to do it anyway.  bravo.  Um.. are you overclocking?  or possibly have an older NVidia card?19:24
ghostknifetrackerd, tracker-applet, tomboy, bluetooth-applet, and some others.19:24
omn1so.. anyone at all who knows about wireless networking?19:24
jvargashow can i enable 4 desktops so that Desktop Cube really looks like a cube ?19:24
ghostknifemusikgoat1: trackerd, tracker-applet, tomboy, bluetooth-applet, and some others.19:24
jvargasit seems that i cannot have more than two desktops19:24
rayraynoob-africa ..choose a keyobard that types correctly from install screen?19:24
broonsparrowhi. I've having problems with my partitions. I can no longer write to a FAT partition. I've looked at fstab and don't understand what it says! can anyone help?19:24
omn1jvargas: right-click on your virtual desktop manager (should be the two-paned widget in the bottom right, beside the trash icon)19:25
pros9000Good forum post on google gadgets19:25
nickrudnoob-africa when you log in, choose options and make sure you're using the right language (I tried wubi and it messed it all up)19:25
omn1jvargas: then choose "Preferences" and set the horizontal desktops to 4, vertical to 119:25
JJNovaMecha25, Give me a second, I am currently in XP and have to remember how to get Hardware info. I think it's a 7700 GT19:25
musikgoat1noob-africa: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:25
rayraylol what is wubi?19:25
Mecha25that's hardly old, and I dont' think overclocked19:25
JJNovaNo, there's no overclocking that i have done on my own19:25
Mecha25jjnova: does the live CD work long enough to update?19:26
jvargasomn1: ok lets see19:26
JJNovaThe Live CD worked long enough to install, heh19:26
noob-africamusikgoat1: i did that, several times...19:26
JJNovaUbuntu worked long enough to  update actually19:26
jvargasomn1: excellent !19:26
jvargasthanks a lot19:26
JJNovaIt installed 100 and some odd updates, including kernel -1719:26
omn1jvargas: any time :)19:27
Kyle__wooo 100's of updates19:27
omn1anyone in here know anything about wireless networks at all? :)19:27
enterneo on hardy heron, i have enabled samba, however i cannot see vista shares, i do see the vista computer on my workgroup though on nautilus19:27
jvargasomn1: what da u need to know about that19:27
Kyle__omn1: we're all totally clueless19:27
rayraywhat about wireless?19:27
Mecha25jjnova: hm... live CD for hardy runs the -16 kernel, if it works, I don't think that's your issue.  Try reinstalling again, -18 is out, you can update to that, it might help a bit.  plus,19:27
Cufafwho can help me aboth western quake..!!!!!!!!!!!!19:27
Cufafwho can help me aboth western quake..!!!!!!!!!!!!19:27
omn1well I'm set to roaming right now and it automatically connects to my neighbor's network19:27
omn1rayray: I'd like to connect to my own network by default19:28
Mecha25the only thing different between the live CD and the real install is that the real install uses the HD.. have you tried fsking it?19:28
Kyle__omn1: i dont think you want roaming then19:28
JJNovaMecha25, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the heads up, I didn't know -18 had been released already19:28
Mecha25i'm running it right now, seems stable19:28
* Kyle__ whistles nonchalantly 19:29
radius_im runnin -18 Mecha25....does well.19:29
rayrayomn1 . .. yea .. I don't see a way to have a preferred network19:30
Kyle__so how does 2.6.20-12 compare with what you guys are running?19:30
rayrayumn1 check and uncheck roam I guess19:30
Mecha25yeah, ubuntu's really stable now, except for the occasional "black screen of death"... out of nowhere, everything goes blank, all buttons stop working, the only thing you can do is open and close the CD drive, or hard-reboot19:30
rayrayanybody give a hand with multiboot grub nonsense?19:30
radius_Mecha25: i havent had that prob yet...:)19:30
omn1Yeah I've poked all through the manual configuration and that seems like what I'm after, but if it's set to a manual configuration I get no connectivity (even though it's set to use the exact same connection info as when I added it in roaming mode)19:30
JJNovaMecha25,Well, at least you know it's jacked with the screen goes black, instead of the mouse still be responsive and nothing else19:31
omn1so I suppose the crux of my issue is the fact that manual wireless configuration doesn't seem to work, even though I can connect fine in roaming mode19:31
broonsparrowhi. I've having problems with my partitions. I can no longer write to a FAT partition. I've looked at fstab and don't understand what it says! can anyone help?19:31
Mecha25radius: I'm pretty sure it's my graphics card, it happens more often when I'm using it heavily, and the thing's a piece of crap, it can't even run halo off it19:31
radius_i have an ati x1150 in my vostro 100019:31
radius_i dont do gaming on my laptop though19:32
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Mecha25radius: wow! that's exactly the card I'm running, just in an inspiron instead of a vostro19:32
radius_i have a evga egeforce 8800gt in my desktop19:32
Mecha25radius: now THAT's a beast19:32
Mecha25my dad's got 2 7800 GTX's running SLI, it's sick19:32
radius_Mecha25: it is indeed i get 1900 fps on the compix benchmark19:33
rayrayomn1:: are you entering an ip for yourself in the manual config?19:33
Mecha25radius: jeez!  envy much?19:33
ompaulplease sit tight in a few seconds they will most likely all rejoin19:33
coastermasterwelcome back everybody!19:34
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Mecha25I'd be interested to learn how freenode does their server architecture, dynamically reconnecting servers is a crazy cool idea19:34
rayrayomn1:: are you using dhcp or static stuff?19:34
omn1rayray: DHCP19:34
rayraymight try a static outside the dhcp range19:35
omn1rayray: same as with roaming in every way19:35
omn1rayray: I suppose that's worth a shot but seems like kind of an odd workaround19:35
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noob-africamusikgoat: i ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and followed the instructions, but the Keyboard and Monitor are not being configured properly19:35
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rayrayomn1 :: I don't see a spot for dns servers though ..19:36
rayrayomn1:: might be a problem19:36
MachineXhi, guys - I'm wondering which, generally, is better (and pardon, as I'm new) - nvidia-glx or the proprietary nvidia drivers?19:36
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enterneo on hardy heron, i have enabled samba, however i cannot see vista shares, i do see the vista computer on my workgroup though on nautilus19:37
rayrayneeds a macbook gazillion boot guru19:37
omn1man oh man oh man I'm trying Sabayon again for the first time in over a year19:38
omn1holy moly has it come a long way19:38
rayrayomn1 what error does it give when you try to connecT?, and is it an open network?19:38
omn1I'm installing it on my desktop machine... the installer has fully-functional Compiz 3D desktop with window effects19:38
rayraywtf is sabayon19:39
omn1so I can be installing on my left cube face and playing Saurbraten (Wolfenstein clone) on the main face19:39
omn1Sabayon is like ubuntu but more evolved19:39
omn1based on Gentoo19:39
rayrayull get banned talking like that19:39
omn1rayray: it doesn't give me an error, it thinks that it's connecting but then it can't do any DNS lookup19:39
rayraycan you ping ips?19:40
LSD|Ninjasaying having to compile stuff is more evolved is like saying Cro Magnon is more evolved than Homo Sapien19:40
TigranGWhen I launch gnome-appearance-properties my CPU goes from 60-100%. I read in the bug reports to remove the gtkrc-2.0 file from your home directory as a fix, but I don't have that file to begin with. What else can I do?19:40
omn1rayray: I'll give that a shot19:40
omn1though I'll have to disconnect for that19:40
TigranGWhen I launch gnome-appearance-properties my CPU goes from 60-100%. I read in the bug reports to remove the gtkrc-2.0 file from your home directory as a fix, but I don't have that file to begin with. What else can I do?19:40
rayraythrow a brick19:41
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rayraytigran :::might search for it19:42
rayraycould it be hiding somewhere else?19:42
kathyI have a question, right now i have the newest kernel available in hardy repo installed, but at the grub screen I can also select the previously available kernel, is there a way to make sure that neither of those kernels EVER get uninstalled incase a new kernel ever comes out?19:42
TigranGrayray: I did19:43
derekhow do I find my IP address, broadcast address, netmask and nameservers19:43
TigranGrayray: theres nt19:43
TigranGrayray: this is a fresh install too19:43
rayraycall your isp19:43
berry_derek: ifconfig19:43
Scunizikathy: they won't uninstall unless you do it19:43
szx0With Dual Monitors in Twin View, is it possible to make windows Maximize in only one of two Monitors, and not both?19:43
Lapinuxany ideas why when i simulate a burn with k3b its successful but when i try to just burn it fails?19:45
rayraywhy would grub be deleted upon reboot?19:45
Cufafwho can help me aboth western quake..!!!!!!!!!!!!19:45
Cufafwho can help me aboth western quake..!!!!!!!!!!!!19:45
Cufafshit help me jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuu19:45
knixszx0: You need to use xinerama for proper dualhead. Or if you have an nvidia card you can use TwinView. I don't know if ATI has a propprietary one as well19:45
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:46
* laeg spits on Cufaf 19:46
rayraylapinux:: I'd guess junk media19:46
Lapinuxrayray: i've used this brand forever, and i've used them in linux many times already19:46
rayraylapinux :: different burning software then?19:47
rayraylapinux :: is the only variable the os?19:47
musikgoatno... k3b is fine... try burning at lower speeds, how old is the optical drive19:47
ferronicaunable to open "session"19:48
Lapinuxrayray: i used k3b last time i burnt a disc, its been a little while since i did it though, and i also just tried brasero19:48
TigranGrayray: err. nothing19:48
bullgard4After gutsy2hardy upgrading the LANG=C prefix has no effect any more. But the prefix LC_ALL=C functions. How to troubleshoot?19:48
rayraylapinux:: alcohol swab the eye maybe ..  has fixed me before19:48
rayraylapinux ::  and like musikgoat said .. try slow speeds or a disk crom the bottom of the stack19:49
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:49
Lapinuxrayray: its odd that it passes simulation but not a normal burn, i did notice when it simulates it doesnt do the "optimum power calibration" that the normal burn does19:50
rayraywell I give simulation zero credit ...19:50
davi2hi, i solved my grub problem finally by formating my first partition with gparted livecd19:50
rayraylapinux :: imo its a joke as I see your situation a lot19:51
davi2it seems ubuntu livecd could not format the partition correctly19:51
Lapinuxrayray: whats a joke, that people are having these sort of problems?19:51
rayraylapinux:: no ..  simulation burn ..19:51
Lapinuxrayray: i think its working19:51
Lapinuxrayray: at 8x for a 52x disc19:52
rinaldi_how do I change the driver used with my wireless card? I have installed the ndiswrapper driver as the default one is broken but I don't know how to apply it. any ideas?19:52
ferronicastudent@student-desktop:~$ glxgears XIO:  fatal IO error 22 (Invalid argument) on X server ":0.0"after 40 requests (40 known processed) with 0 events remaining.19:52
rayraylapinux ::  I pass simulation all the time and chew up discs at high speed ..  have to go to 2x for dvds19:52
Lapinuxrayray: nope, i forgot to uncheck simulate, time to try again19:53
CyD_rinaldi_: you'll have to make sure the built in one is blacklisted, then make sure ndiswrapper loads on boot19:53
rayraywhy does my grub folder disapear from /boot?19:53
CyD_rinaldi_: search ubuntu docs for blacklisting and for adding a module to boot19:53
utarpradeshbobby jindal19:53
rinaldi_CyD_:  how do I blacklist the driver? I have ndiswrapper set to load on boot19:53
theRealBallchalkhello all is it safe to installgrub while the system is booted onto local hard disk?19:53
Mecha25therealballchalk: heck no19:53
theRealBallchalkMecha23 how would i install stage1 and stage2?19:54
rinaldi_CyD_: ok thanks19:54
CyD_rinaldi_: you'll add a file in.. /etc/modprobe.d19:54
Mecha25at least I don't htink so.  I'm no expert.  I just know the last time I tried to install grub from inside ubuntu it broke my MBR19:54
Lapinuxrayray: well, it looks like the 8x burn is going to work19:54
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:54
blamparsi need help using busybox shell from server cd to access my drive, can anyone take a few minutes to help me?19:55
theRealBallchalki see19:55
rayraygood deal19:55
rayrayI gave up burning dl dvds ..19:55
theRealBallchalkwell i don't have the menu.1st and it's missing just wondering how i'm going to restore that biatch19:55
rayray1 out of 10 is a joke19:55
theRealBallchalki would have to keep specifying the f*cking kernel and modules to boot19:56
utarpradeshhow come the UK has a separate ubuntu channel??19:56
utarpradeshisis stransh19:56
Kyle__theRealBallchalk: so make one?19:56
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rayraytherealballchalk:: one is generated with setup19:57
theRealBallchalkyea i need to find how it looks like before putting one in haha19:57
Kyle__theRealBallchalk: update-grub maybe?19:57
theRealBallchalkrayray i know but mine borked19:57
theRealBallchalkkyle__: hmm19:57
rayraymy whole grub folder disappears19:57
theRealBallchalkyea only my grub dir is there and everything else is gone19:58
theRealBallchalkyou guys are so fucking friendly19:58
bullgard4After gutsy2hardy upgrading the LANG=C prefix has no effect any more. But the prefix LC_ALL=C functions. How to troubleshoot?19:58
theRealBallchalkopensolaris camp guys are bashing nuts19:58
ompaul!lol | rayray19:58
ubotturayray: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.19:58
theRealBallchalkatleast we're grub-common19:58
rayrayI got bot slapped19:59
Firebird_what's wrong with lol? geez19:59
rick_hey waths the maximum memorry ubuntu can work with ?19:59
ompaulrayray, you are heading offtopic this is strictly support ;-)19:59
rayrayI'm trying to get refit to load grub from a boot partition19:59
theRealBallchalkKyle__: shit thanks man19:59
laeg!ohmy theRealBallchalk19:59
ubottulaeg: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:59
laeg!ohmy | theRealBallchalk19:59
ubottutheRealBallchalk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:59
* laeg sniggers20:00
Kyle__rick_: ubuntu is linux, and it depends on the kernel20:00
rick_waths is the maxxumim memorry ubuntu can work with ?20:00
ompaulrick_, gigs of ram20:00
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
Kyle__laeg: ompaul bot addicts ;-;20:00
rayrayompaul::  dai20:00
Cufafshit help me jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuu20:00
Cufafshit help me jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuu20:00
Cufafwho can help me aboth western quake..!!!!!!!!!!!!20:00
FloodBot1Cufaf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:00
Kyle__see, thats worth an !ohmy20:00
ompaulKyle__, actually he got one already20:00
rick_homay gigs of ram can ubontu work with ?20:01
rayraythat sounds like a google question20:01
laegit really, really does20:01
laegrick_: i doubt it will be an issue unless you're powering a super computer of some sort20:01
rick_but i just wanne know20:01
laeggoogle knows20:02
ferronicaafter updating to kernel 18 ubuntu 8.04 "session" not running and when i click red shut down button task bar gone20:02
ompaulrick_, 64 on 64 bit iirc20:02
Kyle__that +o do something -o policy sucks for people using a terminal ;)20:02
emosamuraiI just installed the newest updates, and my taskbars no longer work. I can't see my minimized applications, and everything's blank and inert. There isn't even a right-click menu.20:02
laegKyle__: /mode Kyle__ #ubuntu +o20:02
ompaulKyle__, freenode policy don't remain opped this is not efnet20:02
ferronicaemosamurai: same here20:02
Picirick_: ~4gb on 32bit20:02
ferronicaany help guys20:03
SAGAhi room20:03
ferronicamy firefox even not working properly20:03
rick_OK TKX20:03
SAGAi got a problem with xine20:03
rayrayin grub your previous version still there?20:03
ferronicaPici: help20:04
SAGAWhen i tried to start my amarok20:04
Kyle__ompaul: they're probably looking for "hey lets not show ops "20:04
SAGAit says xine was unable to load audio drivers20:04
=== iptables is now known as Magojp
Fingerling_How Do I Get Hardy To See My External Drive??20:04
WarPriesthey guys.20:04
emosamuraiHow do I make my gui work again?20:04
SAGAonly yesterday i recompilled my alsa driver20:04
=== levander` is now known as levander
SAGAany idea guys?20:04
WarPriesti have a question for you guys.20:04
WarPriesti have a harddrive in my linux box (its a secondary), can i move it to a windows box w/o losing info?20:05
rayrayemo :: boot to previous version in grub20:05
radius_WarPriest: no20:05
emosamurairayray: Okay. And when do you think it'll be fixed?20:05
rayrayemo: ya because it is pre updates20:06
SAGAamarok says "Xine was unable to load audio drivers"20:06
icewatermanWarPriest: what is the filesystem and what data is on it?20:06
Fingerling_ How Do I Get Hardy To See My External Drive??20:06
SAGApls help me ppl20:06
WarPriestdata is 25GB+ of music and movies20:06
radius_WarPriest: if the file system isnt NTFS or fat32  it wont be able to read from the drive20:06
theRealBallchalkcuriosity how do yall think about OpenSolaris? anyone tried it?20:06
ferronicarayray: my firefox, session, and shutdown button not working properly20:06
rayrayemo: sorry .. I have no idea ..20:06
icewatermantheRealBallchalk: i tried it and gave up due to lack of hardware support20:06
radius_WarPriest: transfer to external20:06
Infinito_WarPriest, yes but if the filesystem is ext3 windows won't be able to recognize it..20:07
icewatermanWarPriest: what filesystem?20:07
ferronicarayray: help20:07
rayrayferronica: you said its because of updates .. just don't use the updated version .. boot from pre-update version in grub20:07
WarPriesticewaterman, how do i check?20:07
icewatermanis it mounted?20:07
WarPriestit is20:07
ferronicarayray: u mean kernel 1620:07
icewatermanWarPriest: open a console and type mount20:07
Infinito_there a little windows program you can install that make windows able to mount ext3 partitions as ext2.. can't recall its name though. works great.20:08
GladiatorCould somebody please help me get the internet working on 8.04? Ever since I updated I can't use wireless or wired. Yes, I have a broadcom.20:08
ferronicarayray: ??????20:08
skyhawkwhat filesystem is best for a 3GB drive?20:08
icewatermanWarPriest: then look for the line representing your second drive20:08
rayrayferronica ::  I guess ..  one higher on the list .. (err two higher)20:08
WarPriest/dev/sdb1 on /media/Music_movies type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)20:08
ferronicarayray: ya there are total three20:08
funkyHatskyhawk: depends on what you want to do with it - if you're ever going to want to plug it in to a windows machine then use fat3220:08
funkyHatskyhawk: otherwise ext3 is probably a safe bet20:08
icewatermanWarPriest: could be ntfs.20:09
rayrayferronica :: I remember everyonther being resue or something ..  anyway .. one boot option up20:09
ferronicarayray: i tried with all same problem20:09
rayrayferronica .. weird20:09
icewatermanWarPriest: if the data is not encrypted it is probably ntfs, so you can simply shutdown your box, remove the harddrive and use it in another box20:09
javatexanI am trying to troubleshoot wireless networking.  I type ifconfig -a wlan0 and I get a message that looks like it is working, but I never connect to SSID20:09
rayrayferronica ..  then roll back firefox?20:09
ferronicarayray: i am unable to open "session"20:10
cookiemonster077i need help with a grub error 17 on xp/7.10 dual boot20:10
javatexanis there a way to test it other than if it just works or not20:10
WarPriesticewaterman, data isnt encrypted20:10
bullgard4After gutsy2hardy upgrading the LANG=C prefix has no effect any more. But the prefix LC_ALL=C functions. How to troubleshoot?20:10
icewatermanWarPriest: then do as i said. should work immediately in the windows box.20:10
ferronicarayray: and google search toolbar not working20:10
rayrayferronica ::  I would reinstall firefox20:10
GladiatorCould somebody please help me get the internet working on 8.04? Ever since I updated I can't use wireless or wired. Yes, I have a broadcom.20:10
Fish-FaceHey, does anyone know of a (preferably GTK, but don't really mind) partitioning software which can _create_ NTFS partitions?20:10
icewatermanWarPriest: assuming that by windows you mean windows 2k/XP/Vista20:10
ferronicarayray: my firefox version 3 beta20:11
rayrayferronica :: that's not having any particular knowledge of your issue ..  I just reinstall20:11
ferronicarayray: default ubuntu20:11
icewatermanWarPriest: yes, that will work20:11
WarPriestthanks alot.20:11
ferronicarayray: from where20:11
ferronicarayray: synaptic20:11
|Dreams|what program would i use to create an audio dvd?20:11
radius_Gladiator: try using the restricted drivers20:11
GladiatorI did20:11
skyhawkdoesnt ext3 have big overhead?20:11
GladiatorThey install but never show up20:11
WarPriestb/c im using ubuntu until 1 July.20:11
GladiatorI restarted twice, still no change in anything20:12
randomshadowbmgim having issues with flash 9 for amd6420:12
WarPriestthen buying a new PC20:12
rayrayferronica :: I'm not sure ..  I'd just google it ..20:12
ferronicarayray: what?20:12
WarPriestoh, my external doesnt work on ubuntu, what can cause that?20:12
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem? The Ubuntu fails to load X after loading screen. No Xorg.log is generated. Nvidia driver used.20:12
rayrayferronica ::  sec20:12
WarPriestkahrytan, did you download the x server settings?20:13
Kyle__WarPriest: i usually look at dmesg for answers to that20:13
RldaGr8tecan anyone help me with video streaming in firefox20:13
kahrytanWarPriest,  huh?20:13
fooerr, a recent ubuntu upgrade jacked up ssh keys... so I'm redoing them. I've done this before, and it worked fine, but it isn't working now. I'm setting up a dsa key... something I notice when I ssh into this host is it says (RSA) ... permantely added host (RSA) to list of known good configuration. is it only accepting rsa or something20:14
ferronicarayray: is there any way to open "session"20:14
WarPriestApplications -> Add/Remove -> type in nVidia x server settings20:14
ferronicarayray: whenever i boot FF and terminal started automatically20:14
ferronicarayray: how to disable it ?20:15
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
kahrytanWarPriest,  I cant use nvidia tools20:15
kahrytanWarPriest, have to first get nvidia driver to boot20:15
Kot1Hey I am new to this and it wont let me turn on the extra effects for my desktop any help??20:15
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat: mDemocritus that guide worked like a champ. I've got him in chan, asking his own question now, go ahead Kot120:15
AL-G78hi guys if i install python-opengl python-gtkglext1 is this going to do anything to mythtv or my graphics card settings20:15
WarPriestkahrytan, System -> administration -> hardware drivers20:16
musikgoatq_a_z_steve: cool20:16
kahrytanWarPriest,  i have to get the nvidia driver to boot first.20:16
Kyle__AL-G78: like its new package? watch what it requires20:16
Kot1Hey I am new to this and it wont let me turn on the extra effects for my desktop any help??20:16
rayrayferronica :: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/ubuntuzilla*.deb ..............  sudo apt-get install -f............ubuntuzilla.py -a install -p firefox .........  says you need deb installer .. if you have it it should work20:16
kahrytanWarPriest,  The driver doesnt work20:17
amber_kotl: do you know which graphic card you have ?20:17
ferronicarayray: to install firefox20:17
ferronicarayray: whenever i boot FF and terminal started automatically20:17
AL-G78kyle i just want to play 3d chess lol but don;t want it messing up my card drivers or mythtv20:17
ferronicarayray: how to disable them from autorun :(20:18
mluser-homeIs there a way to have networkmanager connect to a preferred wireless access point without having to log into my normal user?20:18
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:18
rayrayferronica ::  duno about that20:18
ferronicarayray: ok20:18
ferronicarayray: i am unable to open "session"20:18
Kot1amber_: how do i find out my video card20:18
Kyle__haha just do apt-get install python-whatever and if it wants to remove anything abort20:18
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem? The Ubuntu fails to load X after loading screen. No Xorg.log is generated. Nvidia driver used.20:18
ferronicarayray: any idea?20:18
noxixwhats the best way to install java?20:18
rayrayferronica :: again ..  I'd just reinstall it ..  that's how I fix stuff20:18
ferronicarayray: ubuntu reinstall20:18
rayrayferronica :: nah ..  the code I put up20:19
Kyle__AL-G78: actually you should be fine with python stuff20:19
musikgoatKot1: can you get to terminal?20:19
AL-G78Kyle will do m8 cheers for that hope it goes well lol :-)20:19
ferronicarayray: to install firefox20:19
musikgoatKot1: type lspci20:19
musikgoatKot1: pastebin it20:19
rayrayjust googlt it20:19
musikgoat!pastebin | Kot120:19
ubottuKot1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:19
ferronicarayray: after installing FF all problem will solve20:19
=== gregoirelamerded is now known as greg2
ferronicarayray: i mean other problem like "session" shutdown problem ??20:20
rayrayferronica :: if its not the ubuntu updates my gues is its firefox20:20
naliothfreenode isn't like other networks.  Our channel naming guidelines can be found here: http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming H__20:20
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem? The Ubuntu fails to load X after loading screen. No Xorg.log is generated. Nvidia driver used.20:20
alnoktahow to prevent users from looking at other users' home directory? [from terminal]20:21
icewatermanalnokta: chmod 700 /home/dir20:21
kat_aqi dont know if this channel is only for ubuntu help, but if it isnt i got a question to everyone... WHO LOVES GEORGE CARLIN :D20:21
Kot1K i got it pastebind20:21
dido#ubuntu-bg на сървъра irc.freenode.net20:21
nalioth!offtopic kat_aq20:21
ubottuFactoid offtopic kat_aq not found20:21
alnoktaicewaterman, with -R ?20:21
musikgoat!ot | kat_aq20:21
ubottukat_aq: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:22
kat_aqheh.. i guess that wasn't allowed20:22
icewatermanalnokta: if you do not do strange stuff, you do not need -R20:22
icewatermanstrange means like bind mounts20:22
kahrytanNo one can help me?20:22
musikgoatKot1: whate the paste url?20:22
alnoktaicewaterman, can i do that with adduser command?20:22
icewatermanalnokta: what?20:22
musikgoatKot1: no, for your lspci output20:23
SubOneHow can I change the permissions for when a usb stick is mounted?20:23
AL-G78!kyle_  worked fine :-) the 3d chess wasn't worth it though lol20:23
ubottuAL-G78: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:23
icewatermanalnokta: you want to generate users where home directories are  created with correct permissions ?20:23
mluser-homeIs there a way to have networkmanager connect to a preferred wireless access point without having to log into my normal user?  I want it to bring up the network right after I power on the laptop20:23
Transporterjoin #rudyappelsuffotransporter20:23
Transporteroeps. :P20:23
skeeelhello i have trouble with dual screens , and full screen games , i setup my screen as large screen with amdcccle , all work fine expect when i try to run a game full screen it appear on both screens (1 game on each screen)20:23
Kyle__well its chess, what did you expect?20:23
alnoktaicewaterman, yep20:23
Kyle__chess deathmatch?20:23
AL-G78true :-)20:24
icewatermanalnokta: set /etc/adduser.conf:DIR_MODE=070020:24
Kot1musikgoat:  http://kota.pastebin.com/m25239dd20:24
icewatermanmeans edit /etc/adduser.conf and set DIR_MODE=0700 there20:24
musikgoatKot1: ok nvidia graphics card,  older one, but it may be able to run desktop effects... do you have anything showing up in System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers?20:24
abhinayIntel Core 2 Duo Processor is a 64 bit processor ? Do we need to install 64 bit version of Ubuntu or i386 version of Ubuntu ?20:25
m65How can I cat files together in order? when I use cat file*.txt > output it does it randomly. the files are numbered20:25
musikgoatabhinay: you have the choice20:25
skeeeli repeat my question after this mass rejoin ;)20:25
icewatermanabhinay: how much ram?20:25
Kot1musikgoat: yes says nvidia_new Enabled Not in use20:25
skeeelhello i have trouble with dual screens , and full screen games , i setup my screen as large screen with amdcccle , all work fine expect when i try to run a game full screen it appear on both screens (1 game on each screen)20:25
kahrytanCan anyone help me troubleshoot nvidia 7200 problem? The Ubuntu fails to load X after loading screen. No Xorg.log is generated. Nvidia driver used.20:25
m65any ops here? I just got some spam.20:25
willwhhi guys - does anyone regularly use Skype for video calling? Has anyone seen this behaviour: skype seems to zoom my video input after about 5 seconds...20:25
abhinayicewaterman, 1 GB20:25
alnoktaicewaterman, thanks man :)20:26
magnetronm65: #freenode plz20:26
zsiavash1anybody knows a zip recovery software20:26
icewatermanabhinay: use i386 version. if you do not rely on closed source software you can also use amd64 version. but be aware of the restrictins20:26
Kot1musikgoat: yes says nvidia_new Enabled Not in use20:26
anteayadoes ubuntu come with an md5sum check installed.  I thought it did but => md5 downloaded_app returned an error.20:26
abhinayicewaterman, for 2 GB ram can we use 64 bit version of Ubuntu ?20:26
icewatermanabhinay: md5sum20:26
icewatermanabhinay: >4GB would20:27
musikgoatKot1:  one sec20:27
Kot1musikgoat: ok20:27
icewatermanabhinay: because for >4gb you would get a speed increase on 64bit20:27
anteayam65: try to ping Jack_Sparrow maybe about the spam?20:28
abhinayicewaterman, so installing 64 bit version of Ubuntu in Core2Duo with less than 4 GB RAM is a bad idea ?20:28
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.20:28
kahrytanX will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.20:28
kahrytanThere is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any error.20:28
icewatermanabhinay: most likely yes.20:28
bluefoxxm65, you get PMed by some random person too?20:28
bluefoxxm65, yea, same here20:29
Kyle__abhinay: the only reason it'd be bad is that theres still problems with running 64bit20:29
anteayadoes ubuntu come with an md5sum check installed.  I thought it did but => md5 downloaded_app returned an error.20:29
icewatermanabhinay: there is no gain but lots of pain with amd64 if you have <4GB20:29
Kyle__anteaya: look at what you said, md5sum command and you ran md5 ;)20:29
radius_bluefoxx: samething happened to me20:29
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:29
theFATMANok, i just did a full install (Hardy)  on my little girls pc, and we had some company over, and apparently we don't know what password we used to install with, how do I override it?20:29
abhinayicewaterman, thanks for the info :)20:29
anteayaKyle__, thanks20:30
anteayai will try md5sum20:30
musikgoatKot1: you can try going to a terminal  (alt-f1)  and type the following commands (this will end your graphical desktop, so save any work)   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop       then on the next line type sudo nvidia-xconfig    after that type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start     which will restart graphics... if the middle command fails, type the last and it should get you back here20:30
FlanneltheFATMAN: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword20:30
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any error.20:30
icewatermanabhinay: but 1gb ram is quite few, you should buy an upgrade (ddr2 is cheap atm)20:30
theFATMANFlannel: thanks, dude, she is curious about ubuntu linux, and didnt want to give her a bad 1st impression =)20:30
bluefoxxradius_, m6, apparently the "Disculpa Las Molestia" means something like "excuse my inturruption"20:30
mannytuwhat's going on?20:31
Kot1musikgoat: u there accedentally left20:31
musikgoatKot1: yeah, one sec20:31
abhinayicewaterman, i am using MacBook :)20:31
Kot1musikgoat: kk20:32
icewatermanabhinay: ok, then forget what i said, cause macbook 1) sucks and 2) upgrades are expensive :)20:32
radius_bluefoxx: sounded like something entirely different lol20:32
bringtowelcan anyone suggest something better for SSH key management than Seahorse?20:32
NitroGlyceriXHi folks, is there a possibility to use  a wifi printer with ubuntu ? and where do I find the docs ?20:32
musikgoatKot1: did you get that PM?20:32
Kot1musikgoat: yep20:33
bullgard4After gutsy2hardy upgrading the LANG=C prefix has no effect any more. But the prefix LC_ALL=C functions. How to troubleshoot?20:34
abhinayicewaterman, 1) i don't agree 2) Yes, correct it is expensive :P20:34
icewatermanbringtowel: why manage ssh keys with an application at all? put them in .ssh (.ssh/authorized_keys) or dont. dont see why you would need something to manage those keys at all20:34
icewatermanabhinay: all apple addicts say so20:34
kahrytanIf someone doesnt help me, im switching back windows, at least nvidia works with it20:34
musikgoatbullgard4: have you tried fixing locale,  im not sure but sudo dpkg-reconfigure locale20:34
=== dima2001 is now known as damg
damgkahrytan, do you want to install windows?20:35
utarpradeshhi i installed the ubuntu-restricted etc... AND the totem gstreamer plugins.... but DVDs still won't play? why??? :'(20:35
damgkahrytan, basically you have to resize your partition and install windows on it20:35
kahrytandamg,  no20:35
magnetronkahrytan: you've been saying that for the last 18 months20:35
mluser-homeIs there a way to have networkmanager connect to a preferred wireless access point without having to log into my normal user?  I want it to bring up the network right after I power on the laptop20:35
bullgard4musikgoat: Yes, I did so in the past.20:35
Wo|fI have two quick questions, and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to get a list of the installed packages on an Ubuntu system. I can't seem to recall how to do it (I've done it on Debian systems before). Second question: How might I go about creating a customized Ubuntu distribution for a LiveCD / install to HD?20:35
bluefoxxradius_, i know ><20:35
kahrytanmagnetron,  and i never had to. But if this stupid card doesnt work soon, i have no choice20:35
bringtowelicewaterman, well i have several keys, every time i use one from the command line like "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user@domain" i am prompted for the key's passphrase which is kind of annoying20:36
bluefoxxi have a nice dual p3 system going, but its wraught with troubles20:36
mnemoWo|f: try "dpkg -l"20:36
FlannelWo|f: dpkg -l, or see !cloning if you want it in a format that can be mirrored on other machines20:36
FlannelWo|f: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization20:36
damghow can I find out what process blocks my soundcard? after I exit Q3 the soundcard stays blocked20:36
mnemo!cloning | mnemo20:36
SubOneWhere can I edit permissions for when my USB stick is automounted?20:36
ThE12pmCoDeR Hi folks, partitioning a usb drive, using sudo20:36
ThE12pmCoDeR                         mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda6. command says it has 'Done'20:36
ThE12pmCoDeR                         however when I mount the drive it still states using20:36
ThE12pmCoDeR                         sudo fdisk -l that it is a FAT32. Am I being really20:36
ThE12pmCoDeR                         thick? whys is it EXT3!20:36
FloodBot1ThE12pmCoDeR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:37
Wo|fmnemo, Flannel : Thank you! I can pipe the dpkg -l to a text file as well, right?20:37
utarpradeshhi i installed the ubuntu-restricted etc... AND the totem gstreamer plugins.... but DVDs still won't play? why??? :'(20:37
FlannelWo|f: Of course20:37
mangojambohi there20:37
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any error.20:37
Wo|fFlannel, cool. My Linux-fu is rusty. Been studying other things for the last couple of months. Thanks again. Y'all have a good one!20:38
abhinayutarpradesh, did you install sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?20:38
utarpradeshactually i used synaptic20:38
utarpradeshbut it's the same, right??20:38
abhinayutarpradesh, Yes20:38
mangojamboI am doing new icons for blender mime types, but I don't know where can I post it ...20:38
damghm, my /bin/sh skills are low, how can I pipe from stderr to a file?20:39
abhinayutarpradesh, still can't play dvd ?20:39
rugzohi all20:39
Fingerling_How Can I Get Ubuntu 8.04 To Mount My Maxtor External USB HD??.....Would Really Appreciate.....20:39
abhinayutarpradesh, try with, vlc dvd://20:39
rugzocan i ask a question about cpanel20:39
utarpradeshabhinay: how?20:39
Nece228how can i paste bookmarks from internet explorer 6 to konqueror20:39
kahrytanNo one can help me?20:40
zircdamg &2> file, i think20:40
mangojamboGnome bugzilla, tango project, human icons team or another place ??20:40
abhinayutarpradesh, Open Terminal , type vlc dvd://20:40
javatexanmy laptop can do wired network just fine, but it doesn't seem to be working on wireless.  Is there a way to detect wireless networks in area?  I have ubuntu 8.04 desktop20:40
livenotstoppingjavatexan - have you enabled restricted drivers?20:40
utarpradesh:( but how do i get totem to play dvds?20:40
sylvainy'a un français ici?20:40
joe_how do i get audio playback in zsnes? or snesexpress?20:40
bluefoxxwont boot CDs all the time, bluescreens on win2k when i tried to install it, just a PITA overall...20:40
broonsparrowhi. I've having problems with my partitions. I can no longer write to a FAT partition. I've looked at fstab and am confused by what it says, it lists 11 seperate partitions/disc, when i only have 5...20:40
damgFingerling_, doesn't it detect your drive? you can try to mount it manually to a directory: sudo mkdir /mnt/drive ; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/drive  (in case your drive is under sdb and you want to mount partition one)20:40
bluefoxxmemtest shows nothing... i thought tyan was supposed to be good ?20:41
icewatermanbringtowel: i use aliases for that20:41
joe_audio not working in flash player eithe r. . . .20:41
alnoktaicewaterman, can i add something to /etc/adduser.conf to add the user to more groups?20:41
javatexannot sure...just enabled nvidia drivers and cant see a screen anymore... LOL  .. any ideas....I just logged into a black screen20:41
Kot1musikgoat: hey could you post that PM one more time20:41
abhinayutarpradesh, what you are getting why you try to play with totem ?20:42
icewatermanalnokta: man adduser.conf20:42
damgFingerling_, the drive should be under /mnt/drive then. In case that doesn't work, pasting contents of << lsusb >> and << dmesg | tail >> commandos would help. (without << >>)20:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:42
damgsorry, I pulled the plug :(20:42
javatexanstop that20:43
abhinaydamg, what did you do again ? :P20:43
bluefoxxoh and to all who got PMs from "senor" or whoever, you can go ahead and ignore them. they are trying to tell you how to "work from home" like those blasted infomercials >. <20:43
Fingerling_It See The Title Of My Drive In Places Bar, However I Get A Message.....Unable To Mount Volume20:43
=== charlie is now known as Guest32611
damgI pulled the wrong plug... I'm working at a power plant :]20:43
musikgoatsomeone tell the floodbots to stop playing with each other :-)20:43
ompaul!netsplit | javatexan20:43
ubottujavatexan: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:43
joe_audio playback works fine in mplayer and sytem sounds . . . but i cant get playback in flashplayer20:44
bringtowelicewaterman, hmm that sounds good too, but id prefer a GUI to do it all for me :D ... Seahorse is pretty good actually, it just has a few quirks that make it hard to use, like disallowing copy/paste for entering passwords20:44
broonsparrowhi. I've having problems with my partitions. I can no longer write to a FAT partition. I've looked at fstab and am confused by what it says, it lists 11 separate partitions/disc, when i only have 5...20:44
damgFingerling_, then it is being detected. try to do manually with the commands above. If you have a single hard drive in your machine, then it will be probably under /dev/sdb*, otherwise /dev/sdc* etc.20:44
ompaulbroonsparrow, there is a thing called dosfsck you could try that against your fat partition20:45
damgFingerling_, if it works, then something is simply broken with file permissions20:45
kat_aqAnyone who could help me with some bluetooth problems=20:45
=== systat is now known as CodeMonkey
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:45
damgsorry again, my fault. My coffee machine and that damn plug look the same way20:45
blah569Does anyone know how to get Cortex Command build 20 to work with WINE?  I have searched on Google, but without much luck.20:46
ompauldamg, keep boasting and I will start to believe you :)20:46
Flannelblah569: You might try #winehq20:46
Bodsdablah569, #winehq might be more helpfull20:46
blah569Okay, thanks20:46
kat_aqhas anyone had bluetooth problems and managed to solve them? i need help. I left my phone cable at my apartment20:47
damgzirc, hm, didn't log. Basically I want to pipe lsof output into a file20:47
Bodsda!bluetooth | kat_aq20:47
ubottukat_aq: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup20:47
huletHi--I just upgraded to Hardy Heron and found XMMS is missing.. any recommendations for a simple & lite mp3 player? I don't need video or full blown library management, just an mp3 player..20:48
broonsparrowI've edited fstab in text editor and now I want to save the edited version and I'm getting a message "You do not have the necessary permissions to save the file. Please, check that you typed the location correctly and try again." How can I save it? I'm guessing this is a noobie error!!20:48
Bodsdahulet, Rythmbox -- its really good and installed by default20:48
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Bodsdabroonsparrow, you have to open the file with sudo --    gksudo gedit /etc/fstab     then make the changes20:49
kat_aqBodsda, thanks20:49
kat_aqBodsda, hope this helps20:49
huletbroonsparrow: you can save the file somewhere else (like /var/tmp) then sudo cp it back20:49
Bodsdakat_aq, your welcome20:49
damghulet, rhythmbox is nice, but if really really lite, then mp3blaster ( a console ncurses player with playlist support etc ) is an option, too L)20:50
mangojamboHi there ... I need a little help here... I'd use ubuntu and there is no mimetype for blend files ... so I did some: for .blend http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/6754/blendks4.png and .blend1 http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/4166/blend1pm9.png ... So... How can I set those in gnome?20:50
broonsparrowcheers - knew I'd forgotten summit!20:50
DiplomFruchtso i am a first timer and my sound's behaving very oddly20:51
cary_jebuswhy cant I acess my other partition in linux20:51
Bodsda!elaborate | cary_jebus20:51
ubottucary_jebus: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:51
Kot1musikgoat: check your PM20:51
BodsdaDiplomFrucht, how so?20:51
DiplomFruchtit sounds like when a windows system freezes and the last few milliseconds are being continuously repeated20:51
DiplomFruchtany idea what might be causing this?20:51
shapehello everybody =)20:51
cary_jebusMy old windows partition wont open, even after reformating(i dont need windows anymore) it says "cannot mount"20:52
DiplomFruchtit's really hard to google for such a thing20:52
BodsdaDiploCat, when does this happen?20:52
Kot1musikgoat: hey im having trouble when i type the first command my screen goes black and has a space for me to type but when i do the next commands nothing happens then i have to restart my computer20:52
DiplomFruchtwhen i test the sound in the sound preferences tab20:52
damghm, is it fat or ntfs, cary_jebus20:52
Bodsdacary_jebus, pastebin the output of        sudo fdsik -l     and give me the link please20:52
musikgoatKot1: i'm responding to you in PM, are you registerd?20:52
cary_jebuswell it used to be ntfs20:53
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:53
cary_jebusnow its etx220:53
BodsdaDiplomFrucht, but it plays music file ok?20:53
Nece228what a cool spam20:53
DiplomFruchtBodsda: no, basically not at all20:53
bluefoxxwhats with all the splits?20:53
BodsdaNece228, if your refering to netsplit its not a spam -- but your multi line smilies were20:54
damghad to reboot that Cray J916, sorry ;)20:54
Bodsdacary_jebus, please stop the pointless posts20:54
Nece228Bodsda: :D !20:54
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bluefoxxjebus, theres a lot of spam today......20:55
Nece228Bodsda: But they looking like a spam20:55
Bodsda!netsplit > Nece228 -- please see pm form ubottu20:56
broonsparrowwhat's the difference between dev/sda and dev/hda?20:56
DiplomFruchtthe most annoying thing really is that i have no idea whatsoever how such a phenomena might be called20:56
Bodsdacary_jebus, please stop,.,.the netsplit is already playin havoc with the channel and your not helping20:56
bluefoxxbroonsparrow, hda is IDE drive, sda is scsi, usb or firewire drive20:56
hyphenatedbroonsparrow: scsi emulation compared to ide access20:56
Bodsdabroonsparrow, ones a sata drive and ones a ide drive (just 2 different drives)20:56
erUSULbroonsparrow: the driver used by the kernel20:56
kyncanibroonsparrow: yep, sda is sata too20:56
Nece228ubuntu bots are so awesome, i love them :)))))20:57
broonsparrowblufox/hypehnated why would I have the same harddrive designated by hda and sda?20:57
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!20:57
broonsparrowit's scsi....i think!20:57
musikgoatKot1: you getting my messages?20:57
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Bodsda!ot | guys please stop it20:57
ubottuguys please stop it: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:57
hyphenatedbroonsparrow: normally, you wouldn't20:57
abhinayI am using MacBook with hardy, the brightness goes maximum whenever i start playing videos in mplayer or vlc ,  know why ?20:57
broonsparrowhyphenated i fstab i seem to have!20:57
bluefoxxbroonsparrow, the generic kernel uses scsi drivers for disk access, while other ones use the appropiate one for the exact system[guess which i use]20:58
cary_jebushwo do i stop\20:58
jason|cais there a program to take a folder full of images and rotate them as the wallpaper?20:58
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Bodsdacary_jebus, last warning for !ot20:58
cary_jebusIM NOT ODING ANYTHING20:58
erUSUL!caps | cary_jebus20:58
ubottucary_jebus: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:58
musikgoatcary_jebus: that wasn't directed at you it seems20:58
damgjason|ca, there is such, I used at least 5 years ago ... and I do not remember its name :(20:58
broonsparrowbluefoxx sorry I don;t get you!20:59
tj83Hey Jack_sparrow.. (how are ya?) You suggested to me Xbuntu for my older machine... but my question is... is there a server edition?20:59
Bodsdajason|ca, look into    imagemagick20:59
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:59
jason|caDamg -- ok20:59
ompaulc/s o20:59
bluefoxxbroonsparrow, its OK...i dont make much sense lately :\ too mmany tasks at once to make sense ><21:00
Flanneltj83: There is a server edition, yes21:00
musikgoattj83: xubuntu is a derivative of ubuntu with a different graphical manager.. so ubuntu server would not have an equivalent.21:00
tj83one says yes and one says no21:00
inkashupwhere can i get linux for my windows?21:00
Bodsda!wubi | inkashup21:01
ubottuinkashup: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:01
emmetinkahup elaborate plz21:01
musikgoatFlannel: server xubuntu ?21:01
inkashupthnx, that'll work!21:01
emmetinkashup elaborate plz21:01
Bodsdamusikgoat, server edition with the xubuntu desktop i would imagine21:01
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.21:01
inkashupjust wanted it for windows21:01
Flannelmusikgoat: no, "server".  Xubuntu doesn't have a server edition, just like Kubuntu and Ubuntu (the flavor) doesnt.21:01
tj83Maybe this helps... I run Ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop its like 6mo old... but I have an old HP pavillion (450mhz 256mbram 32mb nvidia card) that i want to use for printserver from my 2 laptops, and data storage21:01
Flanneltj83: Suggest using the alternate CD to install a command line version, then installing the servers on that.21:02
inkashupginp works for windows and mac too, and it has a great... everything!21:02
musikgoattj83: ubuntu server would work21:02
Flanneltj83: You probably won't want to use the server kernel, and I don't believe the server CD has either of those as preconfigured anyway21:02
Ward1983_my comp allways crashes and its happening right now21:03
Ward1983_what can i do to check what causes this?21:03
BodsdaCLARIFICATION: There is two types of  *buntu. Server and Desktop. Upon which installed is the gnome = Ubuntu, KDE = Kubuntu, XFCE = xubuntu  and so on21:03
Ward1983_it starts with the sound usually21:03
emmetyou can run older versions of photoshop under wine too21:03
damgWard1983_, what do you mean? when you open up a window and see only window decorations?21:04
ompaul!bootoptions | Ward1983_ --- read this page and look at noapic and noapci first21:04
Ward1983_damaltor, correct21:04
ubottuWard1983_ --- read this page and look at noapic and noapci first: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:04
Ward1983_ompaul, thats not gonna  e the problem AT F#$ING ALL21:04
ompaulWard1983_, it will and please don't pretend not to swear21:04
Ward1983_damg, correct21:04
BodsdaWard1983_,  please keep it polite and friendly21:05
Ward1983_ompaul, no thats not the problem it has allways worked fine21:05
damgWard1983_, I experience the same problem21:05
Ward1983_damg, then you know how annoying and frustrating it is21:05
squid0hi. I compiled a package from source with checkinstall, but I see a message towards the end saying: "Building file list... FAILED!". The created .deb is also listed as having no files. What could be the source of the problem?21:05
Ward1983_my system is NOT RELIABLE anymore21:05
emmetWard1983_ that was meannn21:05
Ward1983_because i chose ubuntu21:05
Ward1983_thats why21:05
ompaulWard1983_, you got yourself a new kernel then and then things changed? so why not try it21:05
Ward1983_and NOBODY can help me21:05
tj83flannel... I may also do some light internet browsing and photo viewing... so command line isnt what i really want.. want it light tho since the specs are so low21:05
Ward1983_ompaul, it happens with all kernels21:06
emmetWard1983_ what is the problem?21:06
ompaulWard1983_,  ehh so did you try this anyway?21:06
BodsdaWard1983_, help us help you -- help yourself ..explain the problem the possible cause what you have done what you have tried.21:06
Ward1983_emmet, that myt system randomly crashes, its not reliable anymore if i need for instance remote desktop21:06
Flanneltj83: You can install a super lightweight window manager on it (fluxbox, icewm, whatever)21:06
damgwell, I do not know. It breaks with pulseaudio or something like that. after that the soundcard stays blocked and opening a window shows only window decorations with hung up window21:06
damgthat's what Ward1983_ also experiences21:06
Ward1983_Bodsda, well this is not the first time im here21:06
emmetWard1983_ well what have you changed?21:07
BodsdaWard1983_, thats no reason to changge your behaviour21:07
tj83its going to sound crazy... but i actualy "used" that machine untill 6mo ago LOL21:07
Ward1983_emmet, nothing at all, nobody helped me so far...21:07
damgthat's stock install21:07
Ward1983_Bodsda, it is, as soon as i got time im KICKING ubuntu out21:07
damgI fix it by doing init 1 and back, but that's ugly21:07
tj83whats with the roller coaster ride of nicks?21:07
damgi plugged a plug21:07
bringtowel !netsplit | tj8321:08
ubottutj83: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:08
emmetWard1983_ i mean to your system that could have caused the problem in the first place21:08
Ward1983_emmet, what could have caused it?21:08
BodsdaWard1983_, i doesnt matter if youve been in here all week with the same proble, you still have to be polite and adhear to the !coc21:08
ivan_hola a todos algien habla español?21:08
ompaul!es | ivan_21:08
ubottuivan_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:08
impactThanks for the heads up!21:08
Ward1983_Bodsda, it just didnt made any sense, and ALLWAYS people like that reply...21:09
damgthe problem Ward1983_ experiences is really ugly. Ward1983_ don't you have a toshiba m50 by luck?21:09
CarlosRhelp me21:09
CarlosRto uninstall virtualbox21:09
Ward1983_damg, no its on my desktop here21:09
BodsdaWard1983_, people like what?21:09
Ward1983_a asus P5B deluxe mainboard21:09
TheHodgeafternoon all, I've just installed ubuntu server for a home web server, how can I share folders / files via samba (with command line)21:10
Ward1983_Bodsda, peoeple that reply with something that doesnt make any sense at all and then act like if they know what they talk about21:10
bringtowelCarlosR, just go to Applications -> Add / Remove, or alternatively System -> Admin -> Synaptic Package Manager and search for virtualbox and uncheck it :)21:10
erUSUL!samba | TheHodge21:10
ubottuTheHodge: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:10
Ward1983_Bodsda, (thats only meant on one person offcourse)21:10
damghmm, I experience it on a toshiba m50 laptop. It is a Pentium M 1,6, 1024Gigs RAM, an Intel AC'97 and a SCSI drive. any similar hardware?21:10
emmetward1983_ an operating system is a complicated piece of software and citing a problem like "instability" without being able to diagnose it or even elaborate certainly doesnt help us help you21:10
BodsdaWard1983_, the people here are volunteers. If the give you any help whatsoever you should be gratefull. We dont have to do this21:10
Kot1musikgoat: hey i got a problem21:10
CarlosRi remove all the packages of virtualbox but on the start of ubuntu says: modprobe . Modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why. ...21:11
Ward1983_emmet, then for the love of god, tell me how i can narrow it down???21:11
jamesmcm2so i switched to ubuntu today21:11
Ward1983_Bodsda, you dont wanna feed the people i've helped :@21:11
musikgoatKot1: whats up?21:11
damgyou should stop flaming around and try to find out the cause of the problem. it's the second person I met with the problem and it is really ugly. no other distribution (including debian) doesn't have that21:11
tj83good for you jamesmcm2 and i mean it not sarcasm21:11
prodigyi screwed up! i shift deleted documents folder, i need it back! is there a way???21:11
BodsdaWard1983_, i dont understand21:11
damgergo something ubuntu-specific21:11
jamesmcm2im trying to use irssi cause pidgins irc client was pretty bad21:11
Ward1983_Bodsda, i meant i helped a lot of people...21:11
Bodsdajamesmcm2, have you tried xchat?21:12
tj83jamesmcm3 use xchat sudo apt-get install xchat21:12
damgjamesmcm2, if you need a nice client, you can try xchat21:12
Bodsda!irssi | jamesmcm221:12
ubottujamesmcm2: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.21:12
Ward1983_Bodsda, only if i have a problem nobody helps me, and everyone acts like a completre asshole21:12
CarlosRcan you help me please21:12
FlannelWard1983_: have you checked your logs?21:12
Bodsda!ohmy | Ward1983_21:12
ubottuWard1983_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:12
Ward1983_oops sorry i didnt meant to say the last word, didnt think21:12
_Sketch_If I keep my packages updated, is that the same as being at the newest Ubuntu version?21:12
bringtowel!repeat | prodigy21:13
ubottuprodigy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:13
emmetWard1983_ first you need to find out id the problem is hardware or software, if it's hardare i can't help you. to find this out try booting from the ubuntu live cd if the live cd is stable it is a problem with your ubuntu install21:13
BodsdaWard1983_, you dont get extra privilege for being a volunteer helper.peoplewill only helpyou if 1) they know the answer 2) if they want to21:13
jamesmcm2how do i change the colours in irssi so it isnt light blue on white?21:13
ompaulemma, Bodsda ward has left the building21:13
ompaulemma, ehh wrong highlight :)21:13
ompaulemmet ward has left the building21:13
damgprodigy, if you are using ext3, I read a while ago this one: http://eco101.wordpress.com/2008/01/10/recovering-files-on-ext3-the-easy-and-shoddy-way/21:13
Bodsdaompaul, sorry if the convo was a bit offtopic but i felt he was being overly rude towards the peoplewho were trying to helphim21:13
emmetompau thank god21:13
ompaulBodsda, me in particular ;-)21:14
emmetompaul thank god21:14
damgnever tried that, but I hope, it helps21:14
Netham45I gots a question: I installed Ubuntu through Wubi on a laptop that has no CD drive, and now I'm trying to transfer it to it's own partition. anyone know how I can?21:14
rmflaggI am trying to use Audacious' audtool via crontab, but I keep getting a DBus error.  Anyone have a clue as to why this is happening?21:14
Netham45HARK! lag21:14
Bodsdaompaul, yeah,.,.i deliberately didnt tell him you were an op! hehe21:14
damgprodigy, please note, this is probably not the ultimate solution21:14
emmetNetham45 google unetbootin21:14
prodigydamg: thank you very much21:14
damgprodigy, the post states that files are damaged to something like 10%21:15
ivan_I have a problem with firefox21:15
jamesmcm2Bodsda: i sue xhcat on windows didn't realise there was an ubuntu port21:15
erUSULrmflagg: well running graphical apps via cron is not a good idea ...21:15
Netham45emmet, ty.21:15
prodigydamg: thank you very much, I will look into it...21:15
Netham45emmet, looks like just what I want.21:15
bringtowel!elaborate | ivan_21:15
ubottuivan_: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)21:15
Bodsdajamesmcm2, haha the windows one is the port,.,. and xchat linux is so much better21:15
rmflaggI am using audtool, which isn't graphical to my knowledge...21:15
jamesmcm2okay ill get it21:15
erUSULjamesmcm2: it is the other way around xchat is linux native and was ported to windows XXDD21:16
ivan_I have a problem with firefox do not have sound21:16
emmetNetham45 it's like wubi but it actually does partitioning and i think you can trafer you existing wubi install21:16
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat: which nvidia does Kot1 need? have you guys done that already?21:16
Bodsdajamesnet, dont get confused with xchat-gnome -- its a different app21:16
musikgoatq_a_z_steve: yes, talking over PM21:16
prodigythank you very much, i have to go now, type with you tommorow, bye!21:17
bringtowelivan_, is it all sounds in Firefox or just using Flash?21:17
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q_a_z_stevemusikgoat: kk21:17
ivan_just using flash21:17
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erUSULivan_: install libflashsupport21:17
RequinB4Help? Probably technical sound issue described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5136770#post513677021:18
rmflaggerUSUL:I am using audtool, which isn't graphical to my knowledge...21:18
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:18
ivan_Already I did it but I me do not work21:18
Nicolas_Sarkozyhow make colors in topic?21:18
RequinB4help with a sound issue?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5136770#post513677021:19
bringtowel!who | ivan_21:19
emmetwow its like someone turned half the internet off21:19
ubottuivan_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:19
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kappabuntufreenode has heartburn21:19
askandFileroller looks pretty dead to me? what do you think? http://fileroller.sourceforge.net/21:19
jamesmcmxchat is so much better :)21:19
bringtowelivan_, check this out, it worked for me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578&highlight=flash+youtube21:19
erUSULrmflagg: ahh ok i thought you said audacious21:19
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat: it says Validation error data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a driver line.21:20
damgback to the ward problem: I experience just the same problem and it is really ugly and really ubuntu-specific. till now I didn't find any sollution, if anyone wants to support me finding the root: please read up. You notice the problem after the sound stops. E.g. after Q3 (OpenAL), Flash. Looks like Pulseaudio leads to that. It doesn't just break Pulseaudio, but simply kills whole gnome. After that if you open a Window, you get a "hung up" one21:20
damg. Looks like it waits for the sound server or a socket whatever. The only way to get rid of it is to reboot or init 1. I didn't find out what service I have to restart to get everything working again. mDNS?21:20
rmflaggerUSUL: audtool is part of the audacious package.  I should have specified!21:20
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat: so now it's backed up xorg.conf...21:20
damgback to the ward problem: I experience just the same problem and it is really ugly and really ubuntu-specific. till now I didn't find any sollution, if anyone wants to support me finding the root: please read up. You notice the problem after the sound stops. E.g. after Q3 (OpenAL), Flash. Looks like Pulseaudio leads to that. It doesn't just break Pulseaudio, but simply kills whole gnome. After that if you open a Window, you get a "hung up" one21:20
damg. Looks like it waits for the sound server or a socket whatever. The only way to get rid of it is to reboot or init 1. I didn't find out what service I have to restart to get everything working again. mDNS?21:20
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:21
damgbad luck :E21:21
RequinB4help with sound issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5136770#post513677021:21
damgagain: back to the ward problem: I experience just the same problem and it is really ugly and really ubuntu-specific. till now I didn't find any sollution, if anyone wants to support me finding the root: please read up. You notice the problem after the sound stops. E.g. after Q3 (OpenAL), Flash. Looks like Pulseaudio leads to that. It doesn't just break Pulseaudio, but simply kills whole gnome. After that if you open a Window, you get a "hung21:21
damgup" one. Looks like it waits for the sound server or a socket whatever. The only way to get rid of it is to reboot or init 1. I didn't find out what service I have to restart to get everything working again. mDNS?21:21
erUSUL!repeat | damg21:21
ubottudamg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:21
musikgoatq_a_z_steve: check out this thread for kot1 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=472917021:21
Moceancan you download stuff when your'e runnign from the live cd?21:21
erUSULdamg: stop spamming like that !!!21:22
_Sketch_If I keep all my packages updated, is that the same as being at the newest Ubuntu version? (8.0something?)21:22
Nicolas_Sarkozyhow make colors in topic please ?21:22
Nicolas_Sarkozyhow make colors in topic please ??21:22
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat: server having too much trouble, pm?21:22
jamesmcmbtw - one issue i've had is i had to run nautilus under root from the terminal in order to share a drive from the livecd - it should be easier to do - especially since its the liveCD21:22
damgerm, just reposting due to netsplits. looks like you have join notification turned off. sorry.21:23
pfarrellhi .. this may be a stupid question, but has the behaviour of highlighting text when you click the mouse changed in hardy?21:23
pfarrellit feels different, and wrong, but I have no idea what to google for.21:23
RequinB4I'm experiencing very low sound quality - can anyone help21:24
Bodsdapfarrell, no i think its still click--hold--drag--right-click--copy21:24
damgbasically, I think that the applications try to either open up a broken socket or are waiting for a join, anyway you can forget starting any new application after the problem started. I didn't try it on kde though.21:24
ivan_ubottu: If I run from terminus(terminal), gksu firefox, the sound servers21:24
ubottuivan_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:24
Bodsdaivan_, ubottu is a bot21:25
=== Bodsda is now known as Bodsda|away
damgubottu is still better than me ;)21:25
ubottudamg: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:25
RochJerHiya - I want to know something about tor/privoxy - anybody has knowledge of them?21:25
pfarrellhmm. I can't really put my finger on it, it just seems different21:25
Netham45I must say, this is creating one mighty huge-ass log for me.21:25
cheshirekowHey, I'm trying to learn how to write a USB driver and I can't get the thing to compile. Can anyone help me?21:25
RequinB4I'm looking for help with low sound quality on my laptop21:25
emmetRocher whattaya wanna know21:25
=== kirby is now known as Charitwo
theFATMANwhats up everybody, i just installed kubuntu on my little girl's pc, well, I didnt write the password down, dropped to root to reset it, now its not recognizing the username or password, how can i fix this?21:26
Jeffrey1Hi   Need to manage a remote system....need to login as root equal while not disturbing the remote user already working21:26
Nostahlhi all i am having problems with my mp3 player. it is not being detected with ubuntu any idea's21:26
emmetRochJer whattaya wanna know21:26
RochJeremmet - Just wondering - does using the without tor benefits anything ?21:26
musikgoat RochJer that is your localhost21:26
erUSULtheFATMAN: how did you reset it?21:26
RochJerSo to actually hide the ip address is to use tor/privoxy21:27
musikgoatRochJer: talking to that IP is talking to your own pc21:27
un2himi need a recommendation for a good remote backup solution.  Using Simple Backup, preferably21:27
ivan_Someone can help me with my problem21:27
emmetRochJer what musikgoat said21:28
emmetivan_ what up21:28
lao_Can anyone help me with some ati graphics issues?21:28
Jonas[]hello all21:28
musikgoatRochJer: tor/privoxy is useful for anonymity, so yes...  its not a security mechanism,  just to hide where you came from21:28
RochJerOkay. I am trying to get it set up but seem it is not successful21:28
FuRomCan someone recommend a good video editing program for ubuntu?  I need something that can do as much as Adobe Premiere Pro.21:29
RochJerI did read in forums but seems it's not getting me anywhere21:29
ivan_emmet_ I do not have sound in firefox21:29
cheshirekowOnce again, having trouble trying to compile a simple USB driver. Anyone?21:29
Jonas[]hello, i have some problems with hardy heron an my tablet PC (thinkpad X41), is anyone can help me?21:29
damgtheFATMAN, if you have no root access to the machine anymore, do the gentoo way: boot up from the ubuntu CD, mount the partition where ubuntu is installed to via sudo mount /dev/sd** /mnt/ubuntu , then sudo chroot /mnt/ubuntu /bin/sh  . You will change root to your installation and may run passwd to change root/user password with it. After rebooting the password should be the one you selected.21:29
musikgoatRochJer: i haven't set it up in a long time,  you should list the link for the instructions you are using, and explain where the problem is21:29
BCM43cheshirekow: trouble compliling or with the usb driver?21:29
emmetFuRom you need ubuntu studio http://ubuntustudio.org/21:30
lao_cheesh, do you have the nesacary headers for compiling installed?21:30
noxixso when a java applet just doesnt want to work on a website. what can I do in ubuntu?21:30
FruitPastelI dont know how many of you know about this but21:30
cheshirekowI think so, I have the linux-headers package21:30
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any erro21:30
emmetivan_ i had that problem is it only when you play flash media in firefox, like youtube?21:30
FruitPastelI was just browsing through the interweb and came across a forum21:30
FuRomemmet, thanks, you have no idea how much I appreciate it ^_^21:31
Nicolas_Sarkozywindows is it good ?21:31
monegasqueHi !21:31
FruitPastelNot only did this guy try to self promote his stuff21:31
Jonas[]hello jonaskoelker21:31
monegasquehello Nicolas_Sarkozy21:31
FruitPastelPeople did research got his home adress and discoverd he is on the USA sexual prediotrs list21:31
monegasqueare you Nicolas_Sarkozy ?21:31
Nicolas_Sarkozymy carla give a kiss for you21:31
noxixCan I install a new web browser or something to get a damn flash applet to work?21:31
jonaskoelkerhey all.  When I disable ralt as third level chooser (System > Prefs > Keyboard), then close the dialog and reopen it the third level chooser is selected again.  How can I make it permanent?21:31
ivan_emmet_ yes21:32
jonaskoelkerhi Jonas[]21:32
FruitPastelThats the forum21:32
Jeffrey1Hi   Need to manage a remote system....need to login as root equal while not disturbing the remote user already working21:32
FruitPastelits funny as fucktards21:32
=== hporter_ is now known as hporter
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any erro21:32
microwaverHello, where do cached flash / other files from FF get stored in Ubuntu 7.10 ?21:32
monegasqueNicolas_Sarkozy:  vous étes français ?21:32
musikgoatJeffrey1: do you have sshd installed?21:32
SeaPhorkahrytan, look here and read the description of the problem and see if it matches? http://www.wood-bee-co.com/woodbeeco/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=3621:32
Jeffrey1musikgoat: both systems?21:32
musikgoatJeffrey1: no on the remote21:33
ompaul!language | FruitPastel21:33
ubottuFruitPastel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:33
musikgoatJeffrey1: sshd on the remote, and ssh on the local21:33
jamesmcmis there an Adobe Flash Player port for ubuntu?21:33
emmetivan_ this helped me21:33
=== Admin__ is now known as ian_`
emmetivan_ http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2006/07/audio_problem_from_flash_video.html21:33
Jonas[]is anyone there who have a tablet PC under linux?21:33
kahrytanSeaPhor, not even close. I am using nv driver now. i need opengl21:33
musikgoatJeffrey1: if you use VNC to remote desktop, that will be in the local users desktop...21:33
cheshirekowOk, well, if no one here can help me with writing a driver, maybe you can suggest a good place to ask questions?21:34
Jeffrey1I would like to login under the covers and not interrupt the remote user......21:34
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any erro21:34
SeaPhorkahrytan, do you hear drums like the log-in screen cam up but is black-screen?21:34
microwaverHello, where do cached flash / other files from FF get stored in Ubuntu 7.10 ?21:34
kahrytanSeaPhor,  X doesnt start21:35
monegasquebonjour je suis français21:35
musikgoatJeffrey1: without ssh or telnet access, i don't know of a way to access a box without the local user "seeing"21:35
microwavervous ne parlez pas du tout un mot d'anglais?21:35
monegasquepas trop microwaver :(21:35
mDemocritus!fr | microwaver21:35
ubottumicrowaver: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:35
RequinB4Can anyone help getting better sound quality21:35
lao_chesire, i had to install  libc6-dev and linux-libc-dev to compile somethin to compile a few drivers the other day, those should be the general development libraries and such21:35
musikgoatugh beat me to it colin21:35
mDemocritus!lol | mDemocritus21:36
al_my desktop sometimes doesn't show the icons..and i can't right click on it..21:36
Jeffrey1musikgoat: going to install that.....can I telnet then?21:36
al_this happens most of the time. any ideas ?21:36
monegasqueJ'adore ubuntu21:36
kahrytanSeaPhor,  you know what it means when X doesn start?21:36
al_i'm on hardy21:36
musikgoatJeffrey1: on the remote computer must be telnetd or sshd21:36
lao_Can someone help me with some graphic issues usin an ati video card?21:36
SeaPhorkahrytan, i have 5 machines with nvidia cards, from 5300 to 8800gtx and most in between,,, all i use is the restricted or synaptic,,, and have no issues other than on laptops,,, where i have to follow the process in the link i sent you21:36
Jeffrey1that will do it.....Thanks musikgoat21:37
kahrytanSeaPhor,  i have desktop21:37
tj83lao_ what kind of issues?21:37
microwaverHello, where do cached flash / other files from FF get stored in Ubuntu 7.10 ?21:37
emmetal_ are you sure someone hasn't deleted your panels and set a screenshot as your desktop background ^.^21:37
Jonas[]kahrytan, see /etc/usplash.conf21:37
kahrytanSeaPhor, and Ubuntu loads, then once it gets to start X to load gdm, it freezes.21:37
al_emmet: pretty sure21:37
lao_I haven't figured out exactly, but doing things like changing to a virtual terminal, trying to load a game, i'm guessing things that would alter X, it hangs21:38
kahrytanJonas[],  its not usplash21:38
FruitPastelhttp://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98489 - Funniest forum i have ever seen a idiot gets owned completely, tried to promote his down gambling site but in the prosecces accidently gives out his personal infomation on his site - they google him, google map his home then actualy find out this guy is on americas sexual preditors list21:38
Jonas[]kahrytan, OK sorry21:38
emmetal_ can you get to a terminal?21:38
kahrytanJonas[], I get usplash loading screen21:38
SeaPhorkahrytan, like the machine locks up, or just the screen? can you ctrl+alt+backspace at that point?21:38
ompaul!offtopic  | FruitPastel21:38
ubottuFruitPastel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:38
kahrytanseanw, You know ubuntu loading screen?21:39
FruitPastelIm only spreading the word :(21:39
emmetal_ are all your themes working and evertything else about you desktop is normal?21:39
damglao_, are you using the normal or the proprietary driver?21:39
Vibhor_  irc://freenode/appnadda21:39
ompaulFruitPastel, you are offtopic this is a technical support channel only21:39
al_emmet: themes work most of the time, even though i don't change them much21:39
Vibhor_  irc://freenode/apnadda21:39
al_emmet: i used to have even bigger problems with gnome, but updates fixed this21:40
kahrytanSeaPhor, , You know ubuntu loading screen?21:40
damglao_, e.g. if you are using the proprietary one, you might want to turn desktop effects off as they lead to graphics errors [ on my machine with Mobility X600 ]21:40
Fosco-whats the program that lets u view like cpu usage and memory usage that is on the desktop21:40
SeaPhorkahrytan, grub menu21:40
SeaPhorkahrytan, grub menu?21:40
Fosco-its called like super something21:40
Jonas[]here is a log related to my problem : http://pastebin.com/d5be7130321:41
emmetal_ idont know what process controls things like right click and icons, but i would google around and find this out and then try manually starting them fronm the terminal21:41
kahrytanSeaPhor, thats grub boot menu21:41
SeaPhorkahrytan, or where you put in your username? which are you calling21:41
emmetal_ if that works then something is probably wrong with your list of startup programs21:41
kahrytanSeaPhor,  No. Thats GDM21:41
emmetal_ it can be found under sessions21:42
Drk_GuyOk, now i have a successful ubuntu install21:42
Drk_Guywith a swap partition21:42
kahrytanSeaPhor,  The loading screen is the one with bar that fills in. also usplash21:42
monegasqueaurevoir a bientot :)21:42
musikgoatDrk_Guy: good21:42
petenixhaving some samba trouble21:42
ivan_emmet_ Is that if I run as root firefox if I sound?21:42
Drk_GuyBut, how can i obtain emerald themes if the svn repo doesnt work?21:42
Drk_GuyThanks musikgoat21:42
Drk_Guythere is no trace of windows on my comp now21:43
SeaPhorkahrytan, ok, just clarifying what you are calling  it, not every one knows which is which, i am happy you do, makes life easier21:43
emmetivan_ it worked on a user account for me21:43
kahrytanSeaPhor,  You got grub, usplash, x, gdm, gnome,nautilus21:43
kahrytanSeaPhor,  in order of boot load21:43
linkmaster03How do I make a text box in OpenOffice?21:44
Jonas[]hola yanella21:44
yanellahola jonas21:44
linkmaster03#ubuntu-es for espanol21:44
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:45
Scunizihey back21:45
SeaPhorkahrytan, yes, and have you edited the kernel line to remove the quiet and splash and add extra parameters? like the noapic or vga=771?21:45
Drk_Guydude, how can i translate FF?21:45
jamesmcmso how do i install ubuntu to a new partition on my HD (i haven't made the partition yet, how do i do that?)21:45
nanodoes anybody have alien arena installed?21:45
Drk_GuyI have english FF on a spanish ubuntu21:45
jonaskoelkerI do21:45
Drk_GuyOpen Arena here21:46
Scunizinano and open arena21:46
un2himjamesmcm: do you have a live linux cd yet?21:46
microwaverHello, where do cached flash / other files from FF get stored in Ubuntu 7.10 ?21:46
caraHi all21:46
jonaskoelker(Nexuiz ftw)21:46
caraI just installed Ubuntu using wubi21:46
nanoI can't get my audio to working in alienarena for somereason21:46
jamesmcmun2him, im on the liveCD now21:46
jonaskoelkercould anyone help me with my compiz setup?21:46
caraand my system is 64bit but I'm running 32 bit21:46
ectospasmI think this computer is foobar... In the first screen of the alternate installer, where you choose the language, it hangs, keyboard input is unavailable...21:46
Scunizinano try killall pulseaudio21:46
kahrytanSeaPhor,  I left quiet and splash. No need to remove it.21:46
nanoeverytime i run SOUNDINFO (from within the game) ...it tells me that no audio device is found21:46
Nostahlhow do i use mtp mp3 players in ubuntu21:46
erUSULDrk_Guy: install language-support-es or Go to system>Admin>language support21:46
Scunizinano but it works for me without that21:46
carais there a way to switch my system to 32bit?21:47
Drk_Guythx erUSUL21:47
ompaulmicrowaver, start at cd .mozilla/firefox then dive deeper21:47
un2himjamesmcm: what is your setup like right now?  ie, what is your partition setup?21:47
nanoScuniziz: im using ALSA, but pulseaudio maybe an arbitrary loaded module...should i get rid of it anyways?21:47
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:47
Drk_Guycara: Re-download the ISO ;)21:47
caraDrk_Guy: i didn't download any iso, I used wubi21:47
Scunizinano you can always reload it with "pulseaudio"21:47
emmetlamesmcm you can create and install on a new partition from the live cd, you can't miss it21:48
emmetjamesmcm you can create and install on a new partition from the live cd, you can't miss it21:48
jamesmcmun2him, just one partition on the HD - my XP partition which has 30GB free - i want to suse 10GB of that on a new partition to install ubuntu21:48
SeaPhorkahrytan, i had to on this box, but not all do, and my laptop requires! and adding the vga=771, but i've only seen a few others that needed, but they were all nvidia cards, which is all i will use21:48
Scunizijamesmcm: you need at minimum 2 partitions.. / and /swap.. /swap can be 512megs and the rest /21:49
microwaverjamesmcm, so you want to resize it?21:49
erUSULjamesmcm: during instalation you can do the partitioning of the disk21:49
Drk_Guycara: Re-install it21:49
kahrytanSeaPhor,  Those are usplash and vebose. They are disabled for recovery mode. it doesnt work in that either.21:49
un2himjamesmcm: first thing is to resize the xp partition using gparted, a gui tool on the live cd21:49
radius_when i go to youtube the videos dont play...http://paste.ubuntu.com/18164/21:49
nanoScuniziz:  you are right, it worked....21:49
radius_ive gotten to this so far21:49
jamesmcmokay thanks21:49
Scunizinano.. nice.. what server are you going into21:49
Drk_Guycara: Personally i wouldnt use wubi, but, try to see if there is an option to force x8621:49
kahrytanSeaPhor,  Usplash works fine.21:49
nanoScunizi: im not going into any server, why do you feel like playing?21:49
caraDrk_Guy: I was trying to avoid that21:50
nanoi kinda suk at it21:50
jamesmcmerr can it resize NTFS partitions?21:50
legend2440Nostahl: http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2008/03/09/ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-brings-better-mtp-support/21:50
Scunizinano.. I was just in there getting my xxx kicked21:50
erUSULjamesmcm: yes21:50
un2himjamesmcm: yes, but make sure you have your data backed up first!21:50
Drk_Guycara: switching to 32 bits means recompling everything up21:50
nanoScunizi: yeah, im not good, maybe because most servers are slow as hell21:50
jamesmcmun2him, why?21:50
Drk_Guycara: There is no other way21:50
jamesmcmwill it format it - or is it just in case21:50
caraDrk_Guy: I've used gentoo before :)21:50
radius_can anyone tell me how to reinstall the free/non-free flashplayer?21:50
nanoScunizi: did you ever go to msn-gaming-zone back in the day and play Quake II online.........those were the days.....lol21:51
carain fact that was my second distro lol21:51
SeaPhorkahrytan, i have never had that much of an issue with nvidia cards, or getting past the loading screen, and into x, hrm....21:51
orgthingyIve download package of gnome-ppp (.tar.gz) and i have no idea of how to make the program work21:51
erUSULradius_: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree21:51
Scunizinano.. nope.. but we're a little off topic for this channel21:51
Drk_Guycara: lol, i used Debian, and Slac21:51
un2himjamesmcm: it is just always a good idea, esp. when messing around with partitions.  It will prob. go ok, but I always take the cautious approach.21:51
kahrytanSeaPhor,  cuz you never had 720021:51
ac3Hi, i´ve set up passwordless ssh auth for a user, but with a passphrase. Gnome keyring unlocks this passphrase upon login. This works perfectly, however i want to execute ssh (which starts a tunnel) by using sudo, and now ssh needs again the passphrase (using -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa)21:51
radius_erUSUL: thank you21:51
nanoScunizi: im trying to configure a shortcut in my gnome-panel for alienarena, but its not working...?21:51
erUSULorgthingy: sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp21:51
jamesmcmun2him, okay - i don't think there's anything too vital but i will doublecheck21:51
Scunizinano. find it in the menu and right mouse click.. it will have an option to place it on the panel21:52
orgthingyerUSUL: but  u need to have internet to do that! The whole point of downloading gnome-ppp is to get internet working :P21:52
un2himjamesmcm: good luck.  i have to go, but if you need help, i would search the ubuntu forums online21:52
SeaPhorkahrytan, no, closest i personally have is a 7300, but have worked in here with ppl that had 720021:52
jamesmcmun2him, okay thanks for all your help21:52
nanoScunizi: but y doesn't it work when i find the executuable through the Main-menu-config option...?21:53
filthpighi, I have an  odd problem. I installed Google Earth on my moms laptop ealrlier today and it worked right away. However, after I tried to enable desktop effects (without luck, mind you) I cannot get the globe to show up anymore! The program starts without problem, but the globe does not show up. The computer is approx 3 yrs old with an ATi gfx card. I dunno which though, but it appearently uses the open ATi driver since no proprietary d21:53
filthpigrivers are offered21:53
un2himjamesmcm: glad to...21:53
Drk_GuyHow can i get the emerald themes if svn repo's not working?21:53
radius_erUSUL: youtube videos will still not play, the player isnt even on the page21:53
erUSULorgthingy: go to packages.ubuntu.com and dwonload the precompiled package from there. Compiling from source ytar.gz is not adviced21:53
Scunizinano this should be the command to start it with a shortcut.. /usr/games/alien-arena --quiet21:53
erUSULradius_: dunno works for me21:53
nanoScuniziz: oh i c21:54
radius_erUSUL: still thanks for your help :)21:54
Scunizinano  learn to use tab to complete nicks.. it's much easier and they are spelled right so the party you're talking to will get notified you've said something to them21:55
nanoScunizi, sorry man21:55
nanoScunizi, assuming u are a male21:55
kahrytanSeaPhor,  7200gs is 7300se21:56
Scunizinano.. no sorries needed.. just info.. :) man is right  . ooh ra21:56
julle_I tried to install Ubuntu Hardy with the Alternate CD. (I've also tried the Desktop version, but i always got to the Busybox 1.1.3. When i try to install via alternate it says Can not identify or mount the cd-rom!? what is that supposed to mean21:56
SeaPhorkahrytan, yes, i know21:56
SeaPhorkahrytan, have you looked at this?21:56
SeaPhorkahrytan, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+bug/20467121:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204671 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "hardy beta screen corrupt with nvidia card using open source nv driver" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:56
kahrytanSeaPhor, NV works21:57
SeaPhorkahrytan, nvm21:57
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:58
siekaczhello everyone :D21:58
nanoScunizi, i didn't install alienarena from apt-get, instead i just downloaded it from the webpage.......now im having trouble trying to configure a shortcut to this game via gnome-menu21:58
porbassiekacz: helo, hi, czesc :)21:58
kahrytanSeaPhor, Why would i turn off usplash in grub?21:59
siekaczI have some problems with ov51x on Ubuntu HH21:59
siekaczwebcam doesn't work with skype or flash21:59
microwaverkahrytan, do you have problems when booting ubuntu ?21:59
tj83_HopsNBarley.. i love your nick21:59
HopsNBarleyhey, thanks tj83_21:59
SeaPhorkahrytan, that, i honestly don't know why22:00
=== asf is now known as berty--
Scunizinano: right mouse click desktop and choose "create launcher" .. new box opens and choose Application (default). input the line I gave you earlier in the "command" section.. give it a name and save.22:00
julle_is there any solution to "Cannot mount cdrom" during alternate install?22:00
AngryBaconI'm trying to run lmms and keep getting "QFile::readBlock: Null pointer error" any ideas?22:00
Jonas[]siekacz, an eyetoy?22:00
damglao_, did it work?22:00
kahrytanmicrowaver,  i have problems getting nvidia 7200gs to work with X.22:00
filthpighi, I have an  odd problem. I installed Google Earth on my moms laptop ealrlier today and it worked right away. However, after I tried to enable desktop effects (without luck, mind you) I cannot get the globe to show up anymore! The program starts without problem, but the globe does not show up. The computer is approx 3 yrs old with an ATi gfx card. I dunno which though, but it appearently uses the open ATi driver22:01
microwaverkahrytan, not unormal booting times22:01
reflectevening. for learning, I've made a small console utility that measures ethernet speed.. if you'd like to give it a go, http://gurumeditation.se/ethspeed.py suggestions and bug reports are welcome22:01
nanoScunizi, the command u gave me was alienarena --quite; however, i have to run an executable called crx to run the game.......i should mention that i have alienareana2008 and i downloaded this package from the main website, not through synaptic22:01
lao_one sec, need to test22:01
HopsNBarleycan i specifiy a repo on a command line with either aptitude, apt-get, etc?22:01
tj83_filthpig.... use metacity --replace use google earth... then use compiz --replace to get desktop effects back22:01
nanoScunizi, there is no "alienarena" executable22:01
marculeshello :)22:01
damgfilthpig, try to turn off desktop effects. fglrx driver is known to have problems with opengl in combination with desktop fx.22:01
siekaczmy webcam: Chicony DC-412022:02
kahrytanmicrowaver,  huh22:02
jonaskoelkercould anyone help me with compiz?22:02
siekaczwhat's wrong?22:02
=== Aragon is now known as Aragon|
jamesmcmhelp! gparted won't let me resize my partition - it has a key sign next to the partition - does that mean something22:02
Scunizinano.. sorry then I can't help there.. the actual line I gave you was "/usr/games/alien-arena --quiet"22:02
jonaskoelkersiekacz: it seems to ignore what goes on on my keyboard22:02
Jonas[]siekacz, can you read a little bit of french? here the solution http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1401724#p140172422:02
=== Aragon| is now known as Aragon
nanoScunizi, no problem, thnx neways22:02
siekaczI tried patching22:03
filthpigtj83, "metacity --replace use google earth" as one single command?22:03
siekaczi doesn't work too22:03
lao_well, alien arena didn't crash when i changed resolutions like normal, gonna try a few other things22:03
tj83_filthpig no "metacity --replace"22:03
filthpigdamg, weird.. Compiz worked just fine with 7.10, I upgraded to hardy today22:03
bringtoweljamesmcm, maybe the partition is mounted? you have to make sure the partition is not in use, and unmounted22:04
Jalathanjamesmcm, are you one a livecd?  or is the system loaded?22:04
tj83_filthpig for any opengl application and then "compiz --replace" for desktop effects22:04
jamesmcmoh yeah it is - didn't realise that sorry22:04
Jonas[]siekacz, and did you try with simple applications like "cheese"22:04
reflectfilthpig: make sure you don't have aiglx installed.. or whatever that previous version of "bling-bling" required..22:04
siekaczopen source program works, but not skype and flash22:04
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any erro22:05
filthpigreflect, how to?22:05
tj83_filthpig... i created two launchers on my desktop to flip-flop them easily22:05
lao_damg, it seems to of worked, thanks for the help22:05
damglao_, proud to be helpful, good luck :)22:05
siekaczand i have 2 another more important problems22:06
tj83_lao_ i missed it.. what was your resolution?22:06
lao_disable i forgot what in xorg, very last line22:06
lao_damg> Section "Extensions"22:06
lao_<damg>         Option  "Composite" "Disable"22:06
lao_<damg> EndSection22:06
damgtj83, we disabled aiglx and composite22:06
tj83_oh yea..22:06
siekacz1. Frets on Fire works, but i have only 4-5 FPS22:06
filthpigtj83, compiz is of no importance to me, I just noticed that Google Earth stopped working after trying to enable the desktop effects for sme reason I don't really know.. bored, I guess ;)22:07
damgcurrent fglrx + composite = evil :(22:07
siekaczand Network manager can't connect with WiFi22:07
jonaskoelkerreally?  No one wants to help me?22:07
lao_would that of by a slight chance also cause crashing goin to virtual terminals?22:07
Drk_GuyHey guys!22:07
jamesmcmwhat filesystem do i want for the ubuntu partition22:07
tj83_filthpig... just try it... metacity --replace and then open google earth22:07
sbx34hi guys, what's the best way to convert my entire music library from wma to mp3.....they are all in subfolders22:07
nanodoes anybody know why some command work from gnome-terminal, but don't work with the RUN command box (Alt+F2).22:07
lao_havet' changed to one cause that normaly completly locks up22:07
ompauljamesmcm, take the suggested on22:07
Drk_GuyI happen to find Gutsy's FF is old, how cna i update it?22:07
ompauljamesmcm, take the suggested one22:07
KrypttI need to install xubuntu on my current ubuntu system, but got no cd's? Anyone got a tip?22:08
filthpigtj83, done. And no luck :(22:08
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:08
jamesmcmompaul, extt3?22:08
soundrayjonaskoelker: if you don't get a reply, please repeat your question after ten minutes or so22:08
ompauljamesmcm, yes22:08
damglao_, try to, if it helped, please report, it is a helpful information22:08
Drk_GuyOr replace it with Mozillas' FF22:08
Drk_GuyI happen to find Gutsy's FF is old, how can i update it?22:08
Drk_GuyOr replace it with Mozillas' FF22:08
filthpigwhat's up with the freenode servers today?22:08
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any erro22:08
jonaskoelkercompiz seems to not notice any keypresses; for instance, alt-tab doesn't switch windows, and alt-drag doesn't move windows.  How can I diagnose and fix this?22:09
damgthey have a new BOFH who is rebooting all the machines every 30 minutes ;) j/k22:09
KrypttI need to install xubuntu on my current ubuntu system, but got no cd's? Anyone got a tip?22:09
tj83_kryptt jumpdrive?22:10
Drk_GuyKryptt: xubuntu-desktop22:10
Drk_GuyKryptt: I mean, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:10
KrypttYeah, but i would like to get an clean install too22:10
SeaPhorkahrytan, just a question,,, does it get to desktop with the live cd?22:10
lao_doesn't completly lock up on me for w/e reason now, thanks for the help22:10
Drk_GuyKryptt: Download it22:11
damglao_, thanks for the information. it was very valuable.22:11
damgargh, he went, oh well :)22:11
kahrytanSeaPhor,  Yes. NV works22:11
sbx34hi guys, what's the best way to convert my entire music library from wma to mp3.....they are all in subfolders22:11
filthpigtj83_, dunno if you saw the last I wrote so I'll repeat it22:11
incorrecti am trying to load an application up using gdb however i seem to be missing debug libs i think22:12
filthpigtj83, done. And no luck :( (metacity --replace)22:12
q_a_z_stevemusikgoat: hey u there?22:12
penhow to make firefox or other browsers better performance22:12
tj83_filthpig... did you do it by means of alt+f2? if you do it in terminal and then kill the terminal it doesnt stick22:12
damg!elaborate | pen22:12
ubottupen: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)22:12
filthpigtj83_, did in term but did not close the window before trying google earth22:13
rallonhi all22:13
ralloni have a problem with sshfs22:13
ralloni cannot mount a ssh fs22:13
jamesmcmjust exactly how long does a partition ivolving 150GB of data take?22:13
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any erro22:14
Maz1986ok so i am new to linux i am trying to install my wireless adapter but clueless? its an atheros AR5006EG...and help plz22:14
ralloni tried both with host name and ip and both with sshfs and with mount.fuse22:14
pendamg, the most representative problem is the scrolling. Whenever I visit some php or javascript css sites, the scrolling will become jerky22:14
rallonbut i always get this msg22:14
tj83_filthpig... I'm not sure then. does glxgears work?22:14
rallonmissing host22:14
rallonsee `sshfs -h' for usage22:14
Drk_GuyGuys, how can i install the cairo-dock22:14
pendamg, or some images22:14
rallonssh with the same data works22:14
damgpen, do you mean when you have animated stuff?22:14
filthpigtj83_, they runbut very slowly.. It seems like something in xorg.conf has been messed up22:14
pendamg, not necessary gif or animation. Anything more than just plain words or simple tables will slow down firefox or other browsers22:15
tj83_filthpig.... i'll pastebin mine for reference... its greatly simplified and seems to work best that way22:15
hanthorallon: Which command do you use?22:15
pendamg, it feels like a scrolling speed limit when I want to fast scroll22:15
=== marco is now known as Marco
rallonsshfs user@host22:15
pendamg, in vista firefox has perfect performance, no lagging22:15
filthpigtj83_, I'll just reset xorg to default, I just need to find the command ;)22:15
rallonand mount.fuse sshfs#user@host22:16
damgpen, hmm, it looks like a slow 2D driver. what card do you have?22:16
rallonwith the /dir22:16
pendamg, nvidia 8400M GS22:16
soundraykahrytan: can you start X from the commandline, just with the command 'X'? Perhaps it will generate some message then22:16
kahrytansoundray,  with what command22:16
tj83_filthpig... even default is trashy for out ati's22:16
damgthe nv driver should do accelleration for you ..22:16
legend2440sbx34: in synaptic     soundkonverter   handles wma to mp322:16
soundraykahrytan: capital X, on a line by itself22:16
rallonhantho: ?22:16
damgand nvidia one, too22:17
kahrytansoundray, 'X'?22:17
soundraykahrytan: indeed22:17
damginteresting, I will elaborate, brb22:17
sbx34thanks legend244022:17
kahrytansoundray,  ill try that22:17
hanthorallon: I got the missing host message once cause I forgot to put in a mount point (I think it took my host as mount point and then said missing host). Do you do it like this ? sshfs NAME_OF_HOST: MOUNT_POINT22:17
tj83_filthpig... you could just take my video, monitor, screen sections and inject them into yours22:17
tj83_the are so generic22:18
rallonhantho: yes22:18
pendamg, I already install the nvidia driver22:18
hanthowith the colon and two parameters after the sshfs command?22:18
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
blu2pen, see if this link helps..http://www.ubuntugeek.com/speed-up-firefox-web-browser.html22:18
rallonno colon, i want the root22:18
rallonhantho: tnx :)22:18
rallonthe colon was22:18
hanthorallon: It should be root if you put nothing  AH I see you got it. Glad to help :)22:19
filthpigtj83_, ah, this is interesting. I have Driver "ati" and no Load "glx" in my xorg22:19
rallonsuch a fuzzy error ...22:19
rallonwhy they don't make it compatible with ssh syntax?22:20
tj83_filthpig that'll do it...22:20
JacksDepressionHow do I check if a hard drive plugged in has any partitions? Already got it plugged in and it is showing up as "sde"22:20
rallonhantho: fuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied22:20
magnetron!enter | rallon22:20
ubotturallon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:20
hanthorallon: yep, I dunno why they do it like that.22:20
tj83_filthpig... you want me to edit yours or you want to do it?22:20
rallonmagnetron: i don't think to have abused enter22:20
filthpigtj83_, I guess I'll manage22:20
magnetronJacksDepression: you could try with a "sudo blkid" in terminal, i guess22:20
damgpen, does 3D work for you? if not, look into /var/log/Xorg.0.log , look for (WW) and (EE) .  (if 3D works, then it shouldn't be a driver problem)22:21
tj83_filthpig.. ok http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m321137cc for reference22:21
soundrayJacksDepression: 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sde'22:21
hanthorallon: Ok now you have a permission issue. Are you putting a USER@ before the host parameter?22:21
damgpen, maybe it falls back to something like vesa22:21
Jonas[]i have a problem with hardy heron an my IBM Thinkpad X41 Tablet PC. I can't make the stylus working! :'(22:21
filthpigtj83_, I've been tinkering xorg before, but it's been a while.. Credit to ubuntu for that ;)22:21
pendamg, I'm sure my 3d and 2d is fine. The driver works perfectly22:21
pendamg, I think22:21
JacksDepressionsoundray: Thanks, I don't see anything listed for sde, you think that means no file system?22:21
pendamg, and it's not vesa22:21
rallonhantho: yes22:22
DavidA2what compizconfig setting affects window border transparency?22:22
rallonhantho: with sudo obviously works ... but wasn't fuse userland?22:22
pendamg, I cant run glxgears22:22
soundrayJacksDepression: are you sure it's sde? Try 'sudo fdisk -l' to see if it's listed under another device name22:22
pendamg, can22:22
amorphous__I'm trying to get online using a hardy live cd, but I can't. I'm getting a 'SIODELRT: No such process' error when restarting networking. I can connect to the router, but it doesn't seem to be geting the gateway. Can anyone suggest why this may be??22:22
pendamg, I can22:22
pendamg, typo22:22
tj83_ya... alot of new users in here (myself included) and i have take alot of xorg.conf's and whipped them into shape.. you never know the other persons experience.22:22
FloodBot1pen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:22
damgpen, got it :) hm, that's pretty funky, unfortunately I've got no idea right now :(22:23
jonaskoelkercould anyone help me with conky?  (hardy stock) It seems to not notice my keypresses22:23
JacksDepressionsoundray: fdisk -l does not list anything for sde but /dev/sde exists22:23
DavidA2jonaskoelker: i was unaware conky accepted user input22:24
hanthorallon: I think you need permission to access /dev/fuse so no userland for now... but I honestly can't remember how I set it up.22:24
pendamg, how about you? can you scroll websites smooth?22:24
rallonhantho: ah ... add user to fuse group22:24
Jalathanpen, glxgears can run, albeit slower, under vesa22:24
penJalathan, I got about 1xxx fps22:25
ubottuIt's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds.  This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question.  Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake.  This is particularly true in the quieter channels.22:25
damgpen, yes, I've got no problems22:25
=== joaopinto is now known as Lamego
soundrayJacksDepression: can you run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' and plug it in, to see whether any messages are logged related to the plugging event?22:25
hanthorallon: Yep. Google tells me the same22:25
pendamg, can you scroll in starcraft 2 website?22:25
rallonhantho: doesn't work :-\22:25
sangguin1hi. is there a way to remotely access my vista from my ubuntu?22:25
damgi will check22:25
filthpigtj83_, allright, I've modified my xorg.. I'll try to restart X now and see if it helps. Thanks for your help so far :)22:25
=== Lamego is now known as joaopinto
ubottuFactoid day not found22:26
tj83_filthpig.. you did it22:26
hanthorallon: Adding or after adding? Can you try the id command which says which groups you are currently in22:26
tj83_filthpig... good luck22:26
Kyle__or !its2:26pm not night whoever did that22:26
filthpigthanks ;)22:26
rallonhantho: after adding22:26
damgpen, it runs jerky here due to heavy flash which supports no hardware accelleration22:26
rallonhantho: fuse is not there ... but i used addgroup myuser fuse22:27
JacksDepressionsoundray: Jun  7 21:07:11 ubuntu kernel: [  264.749190] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 022:27
rallonhantho: and /etc/group list me correctly22:27
pendamg, why no hardware acceleration suppoer?22:27
damgpen, I've got an x600 here (ati driver)22:27
JacksDepressionsoundray: Corrupt drive?22:27
hanthorallon: Maybe the shell doesn't know yet. You should start a fresh terminal so it can read the groups anew22:27
damgpen, flash has to hardware accelleration at all afaik. it just renders everything in software as far as I know.22:28
tj83_can a person be connected to more than one server say OFTC as well as freenode with xchat?22:28
sangguin1hi. is there a way to remotely access my vista from my ubuntu?22:28
pendamg, daxx those flash folks22:28
damgit even makes my q3 run bad22:28
mnemoi've installed a not-yet published bugfix package in order to verify a fix... now I wonder, how can I revert back to the published distro package? I tried "sudo apt-get install --reinstall package" but then it just sasys "Package can't be downloaded" ??22:28
rallonhantho: idem22:29
rajalotnice going! trying out 8.04 and vim looks wrong.22:29
loloto1I just installed ubuntu and am trying to mount/use a hard drive that has been formatted with ntfs. I read the 'HOWTO: ntfs with read/write...' thread on the ubuntu forums, but I feel like I'm missing a final step. How do I 'use' the drive I'm looking for? I can locate it in /dev/disk/22:29
hanthorallon: idem? I don't understand?22:29
rajalotoh, it is wrong.22:29
Daemoenhey guys, what is the gcc3 package available for ubuntu 7?22:30
rallonhantho: same thing than before22:30
rallonhantho: it's latin ;P22:30
hanthoDoes id still not show you as member of the group (in the freshly started terminal)?22:30
* Daemoen hopes that ubuntu has a gcc3 compat package anyway22:31
t4num0yCan anybody tell me where can i found a channel for mint ??22:31
Daemoennvm, found it22:31
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate22:31
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivitve of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org22:32
rajalotvim for ubuntu is not compiled with options multi_lang and gettext which makes whole editor useless. nice going!22:32
CaBlGuYI'm running  7.04 and having wi-fi signal "strenth" issues...  any ideas about this?  I'm using a Belkin wi-fi card and seems to be fine other than the strength...22:32
MITMAnyone know any non-textbinding text editor?:)22:32
rallonhantho: ?22:33
CaBlGuYer--  7.10  my bad22:33
InMyButthi, how can i use the tilt wheel of my mouse? (logitech rx250)22:33
billeniumwhats a good progam for editing videos?22:34
hanthorallon: Yep. I asked whether the command "id" still doesn't show the user as member of the fuse group (in the freshly started terminal)?22:34
xenosanyone know how i can install re-install ubuntu from within ubuntu; I only have a usb drive (900) with the iso already in there. But NO cd/cdrw available. Any ideas?22:35
filthpigno go on the first try, tj83_22:35
tj83_filthpig... what happend? x did not start or did not resolve your issue?22:35
ralphHi, I have a soundproblem... no sounddevice is found. Ive googled my prob but have found no solution so far22:35
CaBlGuYxenos: boot from the usb drive and read the image from it..  u should be able to install that way.22:35
rallonhantho: doesn't22:35
DarrenCTHello, anyone using an Epson scanner similar to the CX9400 multifunction, and get it to scan over the network??  I'm smashing my head against the wall!!!22:36
ralphUsing Hardy x86 desktop btw22:36
filthpigtj83_, X didn't start. Did a reconfigure and now I have X running but no 3d acc22:36
filthpigtj83_, cold you please link me your xorg.conf agin=22:36
xenosCaBlGuY: huh? just as the iso file is there?22:36
kahrytansoundray,  That didnt work as expected22:36
xenosCaBlGuY: I don't have to extract the iso?22:36
kahrytansoundray,  Screen just went blank.22:36
CaBlGuYxenos:  ah, in that case, you need to burn the iso to a CD and boot form the CD then..22:37
InMyButtfucking ubuntu crap22:37
soundray!ops | InMyButt22:37
ubottuInMyButt: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!22:37
tj83_filthpig... http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m321137cc but i can give it a go if you pastebin yours and i'll try if you like that is.22:37
xenosCaBlGuY: LMAO! lol i have *NO* cd/cdrw22:37
filthpig!language | InMyButt22:37
ubottuInMyButt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:37
CaBlGuYxenos:  then yur stuk dood...   unless you use isobuster to unpack the iso onto the usb drive..22:37
hanthorallon: Ok so the shell still doesn't consider you a member of the fuse group, which is why you get the error. I don't know why it wont let you in the group if you really did start a fresh terminal. (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-June/080772.html) Maybe try rebooting and see if etc/groups get respected then22:37
kahrytanActionParsnip, :-P22:38
danny_Does anyone in here use WINE?22:38
JubuntuJTotal noob. Got it installed (dual boot), but need some help getting the networking working. Trying to command-line config, but getting permission denied.22:38
pendanny_, go to channel #winehq22:38
loloto1I've just installed Ubuntu and I'm trying to mount/use an NTFS disk. I followed the HOWTO in the forum and done the configuration, but cannot figure out how to mount or find the disk.22:38
hiptobecubicJubuntuJ, make sure you use sudo22:38
soundraykahrytan: is your machine hard frozen at that point, or can you log in remotely?22:38
CaBlGuYJubuntuJ:  learn the SUDO command my friend.. ;)22:38
hiptobecubic!sudo | JubuntuJ22:39
ubottuJubuntuJ: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.22:39
kahrytansoundray, I cant do remotely. But I know I cant use ctrl-alt-f1.22:39
soundraykahrytan: how do you reboot, then?22:39
Maz1986how help with learning how to install wireless drivers on ubuntu22:39
CaBlGuYso, anyone with "wi-fi signal strenth issues"??22:39
Qsteranyone know a good multi .avi to dvd program?22:39
kahrytansoundray,  hard reboot22:39
filthpigtj83_, here's my xorg http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m73fc6f1c22:39
soundraykahrytan: power switch or SysRq22:40
jamesmcmhelp! i made an ext3 partition - now im trying to install but what do i set as its mount point?22:40
CaBlGuYQster:   what r u trying to do?22:40
kahrytansoundray,  power22:40
danny_How do I connect to another room?22:40
danny_By putting in a port.22:40
Qsterturn multiple avi's into a single dvd22:40
filthpigtj83_, seems like the only difference is the Driver "fglrx" and Load "glx"22:40
hiptobecubictype /join #channelname22:40
danny_thank you22:40
tj83_filthpig.... lemme take a look-see...22:40
localwhich virtual machine program do install for windows os ?22:41
soundraykahrytan: you should use Ctrl-Alt-PrintScreen R E I S U B   -- protects your filesystems (google magic sysrq for an explanation)22:41
kahrytansoundray,  technically, it's the reset switch22:41
CaBlGuYah..  ummm  hmmmmm   in winblowz, u can do that with turn X to DVD program but, I have not seen anything for linux yet..22:41
ActionParsniplocal: virtualbox22:41
kahrytansoundray, I didnt know that command22:41
ActionParsniphi kahrytan22:41
Qsterwhats the best dvd making program for linux?22:41
tj83_filthpig.. i agree just make those changes22:41
kahrytanActionParsnip, Hello. Im having 7200gs issues.22:42
Qsterfor ubuntu rather :P22:42
ActionParsnip!nvidia | kahrytan22:42
ubottukahrytan: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:42
CaBlGuYQster:  deveedee  or something like that..22:42
ActionParsnipkahrytan: tried that?22:42
ubottuFactoid deeveedee not found22:42
Qsterhmm i tried that22:42
kahrytanActionParsnip, i have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any error22:42
Qsterit errored when it got to the end22:42
soundray!info devede | Qster, CaBlGuY22:42
ubottuqster, cablguy: devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2592 kB22:42
CaBlGuYyea, that22:42
legend2440Qster: in synaptic devede is good22:42
localActionParsnip: thank you22:42
hiptobecubici'm have trouble with my logon screen. it's the wrong resolution and can't be properly seenn22:43
ActionParsnipkahrytan: can I see your xorg.conf22:43
Qsteri guess ill try it again22:43
CaBlGuYso, no one else having signal strength issues with wi-fi?22:43
JellyPowow I try install Enemy Territory.. run success22:43
kahrytanActionParsnip,  It's just basic line for nvidia and glx22:43
filthpigtj83_, k restarting X now22:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:44
TheOtherWhere can I ask a question about configuring Apache2?22:44
kahrytanActionParsnip, but if you have to. http://paste.ubuntu.com/18182/22:45
loner269i cant upgrade im on 7.4want to go to 7.10 but it wont can some one im me if thay can help please22:45
ActionParsnipkahrytan: you using nvidia-glx-new?22:45
soundraykahrytan: have you tried loading the nvidia kernel module manually ('sudo modprobe nvidia') before starting X22:45
kahrytanActionParsnip,  yes. tried -glx and -legacy22:46
googlefaulii am bored22:46
user6234installed ubuntu, my screen resolution is too low. higher are available, but switching to them makes it so that I can move my view around a larger desktop22:46
googlefauliis here a chat for chatting?22:46
kahrytansoundray,  no22:46
killaherti have no audio and i just installed ubuntu hardy and im running MSI P6N Diamond with Nvidia i SLI chipset . does anyone know the what the command in terminal to get me audio?22:46
user6234how do I increase resolution?22:46
jribgooglefauli: #ubuntu-offtopic22:46
Pxrbothi, ive been trying to set up Mozilla Thunderbird for use with Hotmail accounts, i have no idea what to do (ive havent used Outlook before either), any help would be great :)22:46
kahrytansoundray,  more ideas?22:47
kahrytanActionParsnip, got ideas before i try soundray's idea?22:47
rallonhantho: i cannot reboot ... it isn't windows :)22:47
rallonhantho: i'll try the next time i boot22:47
CaBlGuYk, im out guys.. 0/22:48
ActionParsnipkahrytan: websearching dude22:48
jamesmcmshould i set swap memory?22:48
user6234how do I increase my screen resolution?22:48
kahrytanActionParsnip,  zero results22:48
jamesmcmi have 1gb of ram so i thought itd be okay without it22:48
kahrytanActionParsnip,  it's like im the only one who has this problem22:48
ActionParsnipkahrytan: whats his idea?22:48
kahrytanActionParsnip,  modprobe nvidia before X22:48
hanthorallon: Heh, what about just killing x and logging in again? (I assume you don't mean "I don't know how to reboot since it isn't windows)22:48
sensaeI just reinstalled Windows and overwrote GRUB - I tried reinstalling grub to the MBR and now when I boot I can see my old grub items, but none of them will boot22:49
SeaPhorkahrytan, if it will boot all the way to desktop on the live cd, why not cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /media/disk/etc/X11/xorg.conf ?22:49
kahrytanSeaPhor,  One uses NV, other uses nvidia22:49
ExElNeThmm i tried to install nvidia-kernel-new on my new amd64 system... but it freezes while starting x.... any idea?22:49
cycomsensae: what error do you get?22:49
filthpigtj83_, no go. Had to comment Driver and Load to get X to start22:49
sensaecycom: Error 2222:50
filthpigX told me that driver fglrx was not installed, tj83_22:50
billeniumDoes anyone know of a screen recorder and a video editor? Sort of like camtasia?22:50
SeaPhorkahrytan, that at least gives you a starting over point22:50
tj83_filthpig... um... look up the package...22:50
filthpigI tried22:50
Jowi!screencast | billenium22:50
ubottubillenium: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.22:50
kahrytanSeaPhor,  NV is not what I want.22:50
cycomsensae: what does error 22 mean? do you know?22:50
tj83_lemme look filthpig22:50
kahrytanSeaPhor, its what I use to boot.22:50
bringtowelhow can i find the size of a directory from the command line?22:50
modulargamin1need help with packaging my framework22:50
user6234I'd like to change my resolution, but sys>prefs>res doesn't work. help?22:51
rallonhantho: actually i don't want to lose my X apps, but with su it works22:51
filthpigtj83_, you mean by remote desktop or smth tj83_ ?22:51
e346hey, how can i record the sounds playing out of my speakers?22:51
hiptobecubichow can i change the resolution of my logon screen22:51
filthpigI'll just reboot, it seems like X is going slightly mad22:51
tj83_filthpig... i mean i am looking for your packages22:52
sensaeCycom: Not sure. I believe it said "Error 22: Partition not bootable."22:52
filthpigtj83_, I cannot launch root apps now, so I'll just reboot22:52
hanthorallon: Cool then it will probable work from now on.22:52
billenium!video editing | billenium22:52
cycomsensae: ok. what that means is that your menu.lst is likely pointing to the wrong partition22:53
cycomsensae: what does your /boot/grub/menu.lst say for your root?22:53
tj83_he left... let filthpig know i had to go, and sorry.. and also ask him to check if the proprietary drivers were enabled system-administration-hardware drivers :) thanks22:53
sensaecycom: Let me mount the partition real quick22:53
cycomsensae: no prob.22:53
kalilahi - Sound is disabled after upgrading to ubuntu 8.04. How can I enable it again? searching turned a myriad of solutions, I don't know where to start. Most assume that the sound is on to start with, but my volume is indicating that it is off all the time22:54
Jowie346, you can use "vsound" it can record anything that comes out22:54
noxixAnyone have any idea why only one certain java applet just WONT work on Ubuntu?22:54
sensaecycom: I think I found the problem. It's pointing to (hd0,3) for some reason. It should be 0,122:54
cycomsensae: bingo :)22:54
Jowie346, for example: vsound -f myrecording.wav -d realplay trsp://yourmusicstationaddress22:55
cycomsensae: what do you think happened? did you alter any partitions when you re-installed windows?22:55
polarbearhey guys anyone feel like helping me with my network card, its onboard intel but its only connecting at 10mbps, my other pc and laptop connect at 100mbps22:56
locali have a .nrg file. how do i use it ?22:56
sensaeCycom: Nope, I just created a new NTFS partition on some blank space, then I booted into my 8.04 live CD and typed "sudo grub", "root (hd0,1)" "setup (hd0)"22:56
cycompolarbear: same network port on the switch/router?22:56
RampageHi, I've got proftpd and lighttpd both set up. And I've noticed the speeds to be limited to about 4mb/s. Is there a default limit, and how could i change it?22:56
polarbearlocal : you would have to find a way to mount it since its like an iso, or maybe burn it22:56
Jowilocal, install nero for linux22:56
polarbearcycom: ya22:56
kahrytansoundray is gone?22:56
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any error22:56
cycomsensae: huh. wonder why it was pointing to (hd0,3) then...22:56
cycompolarbear: same cable?22:57
ProwLwont k3b handle .nrg's?22:57
polarbearcycom : i cant test another cable im too far, im like 40 feet from the switch22:57
sensaecycom: Dunno. I'm on the same system I'm working on though, so I'll restart and see if it works - thanks for the help22:57
polarbearcycom : its just a simple switch, no wireless or anything22:57
cycomSeaPhor: np, good luck :)22:57
cycomshoot, left :)22:58
Jowilocal, can be found here http://www.nero.com/eng/linux3.html22:58
filthpiglocal, you can convert it into an iso using nrg2iso. You'll get it from the repos22:58
cycompolarbear: can you move the box? If it's a bad cable, you're going to need to change it out anyhow.22:58
cycompolarbear: or try plugging laptop into the long cable.22:58
polarbearcycom : i guess, i figured any cat5e cable wouldnt matter but ill try22:58
SeaPhorcycom, ?22:58
Jowifilthpig, great suggestion :)22:58
SeaPhorcycom, oh, ok22:58
cycomSeaPhor: I was talking to someone else who's nick started with s :)22:59
CraZy675real simple sh question I want to backup my directories into their own tarballs do I have to use a loop?22:59
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any error22:59
cycompolarbear: if the cable is bad, it'll make a big difference.22:59
SeaPhorcycom, yeah i noticed right after i sent, :-)22:59
polarbearcycom, could it be the length, its like 100 feet?22:59
cycompolarbear: Cat5e is rated to 100 METERS. That's 300 feet. you should be good.22:59
filthpigJowi, it's the only sensible one I think. There are loads of crap2good apps, almost for all kinds of files out there22:59
Flannel!backup | CraZy67523:00
ubottuCraZy675: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:00
cycompolarbear: more likely the connectors on the end are bad, or it was crimped wrong, or there's a short/break in the cable somewhere.23:00
kahrytanSeaPhor,  Ubuntu cd doeasnt use nvidia drivers.23:00
danny_does anyone here use Steam with Wine?23:00
icecubex132Q8_help with rs232 please23:00
kiberbritta ïðèâåò23:00
foldart!anywone | danny_23:00
ubottuFactoid anywone not found23:00
foldart!anyone | danny_23:00
ubottudanny_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:00
danny_I can't send Private messages in Steam, I think it's a font error. Can somebody help me?23:01
cycompolarbear: you going to plug that laptop in? :)23:01
fookswhat other useful system output things are there for console?23:02
fookslike top23:02
kiberFallenou hi23:02
SeaPhorkahrytan, that at least gives you a starting over point, then you can use/enable the restricted drivers, which is what i use and has "Driver"nvidia""23:02
polarbearcycom, it is plugged in already, im transferring some files23:02
icecubex132Q8_anybody know how to test serial port?23:02
ompaul!english | kiber23:02
ubottukiber: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat23:02
filthpigdanny_, try #winehq ;)23:02
cycompolarbear: same speed, or...23:02
polarbearcycom, but its going soooooooo slow so i checked the network speed and it said 1023:02
polarbearcycom, the laptop says 100mbps23:02
Fallenoukiber hi23:03
cycombut the desktop goes full speed...23:03
cycomer... sorry23:03
polarbearcycom, 1.2gb says 18 minutes23:03
cycombut the desktop goes at 10mbit23:03
* kiber slaps cycom around a bit with a large trout23:03
polarbearcycom, ya 1023:03
kahrytanSeaPhor, I CANT get nvidia drivers to work. It's about not booting period. it's about getting nvidia driver to work23:03
sensaecycom: Well now I'm booted into my drive, but my X server has magically stopped working23:03
Jowidanny_, I don't use steam myself, but according to this page ( http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO%20Steam ) the tahoma.ttf font needs to be installed.23:03
cycomsensae: hehe. lucky you!23:03
danny_Thank you very much Jowi23:03
cycompolarbear: hrm... check the nic as well.  maybe some pins bent.23:04
filthpighm, where did tj83 go? :s23:04
sensaecycom: Yeah. My monitor goes into standby on VT723:04
cycompolarbear: I know it sounds idiotic, but most problems are at the hardware layer, and they're easiest to find.23:04
cycomsensae: check to see if your video card has jumped PCI ids or something, or if it has the right pci id in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:04
polarbearcycom, ya im going to check when the transfer finishes cause someones in a rush for some pictures to go23:04
cycompolarbear: fair nuff :)23:05
SeaPhorkahrytan, ok, well thats all i have, I hope some-one here can help you get to where you want, amenado is usually pretty good with graphics when he's on. GL23:05
nosa-Ji need help making sure my 3d drivers are correctly, configured i am trying to run roller coaster tycoon 3 but it tells me that my 3d drivers are not configured, i know it should run fine because i have ran it fine in windows before on the same comp, also i have roller coaster tycoon 2 installed and it runs fine, any help would be greatly appreciated.23:06
RampageHi, I've got proftpd and lighttpd both set up. And I've noticed the speeds to be limited to about 4mb/s. Is there a default limit, and how could i change it?23:06
hiptobecubicSUP WEASELS? My logon resolution is incorrect and the start-up manager doesn't seem to make a difference. Has anyone managed to resolve this before?23:06
Pxrbotcan anyone point me to help with Thunderbird hotmail account setup? i have no idea what im doing...23:06
RampagePxrbot: Have you downloaded and installed the webmail extension and hotmail extension?23:06
cycompolarbear: if you have an extray nic laying around, I'd drop that sucka in there and see if it can get 100/full23:06
Jowinosa-J, "glxinfo | grep direct" in a terminal (without the quotes)should say "yes"23:07
cycomsensae: how's the video problem coming?23:07
rallonhantho: no, only inside su23:07
rallonhantho: tnx a lot, i go23:07
polarbearcycom, nah :\ it would really help though23:07
Pxrbotrampage: i think i have the Hotmail one, not sure about webmail...23:08
nosa-Jjowi it says direct render is inabled it does say yes23:08
RampageYou need the webmail one too I think23:08
=== bringtowel is now known as bringatowel
Pxrbotoook il try and get it now :)23:08
RampagePxrbot: http://webmail.mozdev.org Download and install webmail too :)23:08
=== tabris|a1ay is now known as tabris|away
nosa-Jso Jowi what could couse this error?23:08
PxrbotRampage: thanks :)23:08
RampagePxrbot: You're welcome23:09
Jowinosa-J, so yes, your 3d is working fine. perhaps you need to select "direct 3d" to be used in roller coaster tycoon. Remember, when it comes to Wine, you should never install any directx version if asked.23:09
cycompolarbear: if the network cards are good, you can just throw a regular straight-thru cable between them and then check what speed they're connecting at (100, 10)23:09
cycomthat'd be a decent indicator of nic health23:09
kahrytanSeaPhor, http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductReview.aspx?Item=N82E1681412507123:10
cycompolarbear: or you could always hit staples and grab another nic for like $2023:10
l815anyone know what torrent client opensuse 11 uses?23:10
nosa-Jjowi how can i get to the settings go under wine configure? or should i look for a txt file in the tycoon location?>?23:10
l815i wanna get it for ubuntu23:10
polarbearcycom, ya thats what ill do, there is actually a place which sells super cheap cabling also23:11
nosa-Jjowi i have now way of getting to settings for roller coster23:11
polarbearcycom, really close by23:11
riba1lost power23:11
cycompolarbear: grab both, return what you don't need I guess.23:11
riba1gnome hardy23:11
llama_I just did an mini.iso install of 8.04, and my resolution is stuck at 800x600; when I look at xorg.conf, however, I don't see the numbers to edit. It just doesn't have those fields. What's the deal?23:11
riba1panel and menus is gone23:11
Jowinosa-J, you should set it within the game itself. Wine support Direct 3d natively. I have no experience with Roller Coaster but from other games running under wine that report a similar error.23:11
_2anyone know how to get my boot/console rez off of 80x25 on a tosheba lappy with ati chips ?     i tried vga=(771,773,781,782,783,788,789,791) all yeld a "bsob" nothing useful.     ?23:11
riba1rebooted again and selected safe gnome23:11
riba1no go23:11
Jowinosa-J, for more info perhaps #wine-hq can be of help23:12
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:12
cycomllama_: I think the new Xorg does a lotta buncha autodetecting.  What drivers you using?23:12
nosa-Jok ill check ther23:12
llama_cycom, All defaults, I'm just on some older HP laptop.23:12
Jowinosa-J, Wine Appdb23:12
m_newtonhey any good port scanners in linux23:12
kahrytani have installed the nvidia driver for 7200gs via synaptic, via hardware drivers, via nvidia installer, and via envyng.X will not start with any of them. Ubuntu goes from loading screen to blank screen with video on.There is no Xorg.0.log generated when X fails to start. No error of any kind of generated to screen. I even waited over night for it to generate one. It just didnt generate any error23:13
Jowinosa-J, Wine's Appdb page is quite good23:13
_2WARNING; i'll repete my question in five minutes if no one answers!23:13
cycomllama_: yeah, but what IS the default, and what kind of video card does the laptop have?23:13
nosa-Jthanks Jowi, i really appreciate it, ok ill googlle that23:13
polarbearcycom, thaks for your help, it just finished so im going to go try moving the pc, bbl23:13
Jowinosa-J, http://appdb.winehq.org23:13
soundraykahrytan: did you get any errors from that modprobe?23:13
kahrytansoundray, no23:14
cycomllama_: if the default is VESA, that might explain your lo-res23:14
m_newtonnever mind23:14
ubottuFactoid nmap not found23:14
soundray_2: please leave about 10, so other people have a chance to log on in the meantime23:14
kahrytansoundray, funny thing is people on newegg says it worksi n linux23:14
_2soundray :)23:14
rinaldi_hi all, im stuck trying to get my wg111v2 working with ndiswrapper. I have blacklisted the default drivers and set the module to run at startup but nm applet seems to be caught in a loop where it keeps asking me for a wireless key where I am sure it is right. any ideas?23:14
soundraykahrytan: I know a few people with working 7200s23:14
llama_cycom, the way I would have been able to tell you that I knew of was looking at xorg, but now all it says is "default screen", "configured monitor", "configured device", etc. Which is really frustrating. If there is some other way to tell, let me know (I'm no expert or anything).23:14
kahrytansoundray,  so why not mine23:15
soundraykahrytan: it's hard to say when it crashes without any message. Have you tried it in any other OS?23:15
kahrytansoundray, Vista is coming soon. It should work there better. If it doesnt, then its bad23:16
hiptobecubicVista is not a particularly good place to be testing hardware for functionality23:16
soundraykahrytan: that's what I was thinking -- it could be a hardware fault23:16
riba1gnome panel plz...23:16
riba1will dye soon of loliness..23:17
kahrytansoundray, sadly, its coming up on it's 1 yr mark23:17
riba1or something like that23:17
ricosecadaAny recommendations on a e-commerce solution running on stable?23:17
_2riba1 gnome-panel ?23:17
riba1after I login23:17
cycomllama_: sorry, got distracted.  check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:17
riba1startup file plz?23:17
kahrytansoundray,  2 more months left23:18
_2riba1 gnome-panel ?23:18
soundraykahrytan: presently we don't know whether your whole machine hard locks, or whether it's just the video subsystem. Correct?23:18
cycomllama_: it's long.  grep through it for EEs (errors)23:18
riba1_2: yes23:18
kahrytansoundray,  ctrl-alt-sysreq doesnt work btw23:18
soundraykahrytan: did you look it up?23:18
cycomalso, go through it with less, and once you get to the bottom, look for stuff like 'vesa' or 'intel' or 'ati' or 'nv' and such23:18
kahrytansoundray, what?23:18
soundraykahrytan: you have to hold down the three keys, then press R E I S U and B in succession23:19
riba1_2:  donnt know why a power failure mess it up23:19
kahrytansoundray, thats impossible to do23:19
noxixanyone know how to make an object transparent when creating a GDM theme?23:19
kahrytansoundray, takes 2 hands for ctrl-alt-sysreq23:19
_2kahrytan no it's not.23:20
riba1created another user and still no panel on desktop23:20
soundraykahrytan: no, it isn't. I've done it many times. Takes a bit of practice. Or a weight on the PrintScreen key23:20
riba1icons are there though23:20
riba1and right click worx23:20
riba1 :)23:20
_2soundray three keys ?    alt+sysrq+[R,E,I,S,B]    did i miss one ?23:21
Jowiriba1, is gnome-panel still installed? "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" should let you know23:21
kahrytansoundray,  you use your middle finger and thumb?23:21
soundray_2: Ctrl23:21
_2soundray not needed here.23:21
ianliu_88why ubuntu doesn't upgrade firefox?23:21
soundray_2: it's possible23:22
kahrytanianliu_88,  cuz final isnt released23:22
soundrayianliu_88: because there is no security-relevant change in the rcs23:22
MindVirusHi, every single time my kernel is updated, nvidia ceases to work. Any suggestions?23:22
ianliu_88Hmmm, thanks23:22
kahrytansoundray,  no. cuz its not final23:22
magnetronMindVirus: do you have the linux-image-generic installed?23:22
_2MindVirus don't update your kernel.... but that's bad advice.23:23
kahrytansoundray,  it was posted on brainstorm why it isnt being upgraded23:23
MindVirusmagnetron, how do I check?23:23
riba1gnome-panel  A panel is already rubning.23:23
magnetronMindVirus: in synaptic23:23
riba1how come if i on't see any panel??23:23
llama_cycom, I don't use grep often, and can't be sure I'm using it right- I think the only "EE" grep is finding is in the beginning where it says the following: "(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown."23:23
soundraykahrytan: it's in proposed. If the final isn't out by the point release date, the rc will be in the point release23:23
kahrytansoundray, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/8808/23:23
_2riba1 it crashed and left a stale lock file most likely.23:23
PxrbotRampage: if you're still here i have the webmail plugin, also the hotmail one, but as im me i have no idea where to go next...23:24
_2anyone know how to get my boot/console rez off of 80x25 on a tosheba lappy with ati chips ?     i tried vga=(771,773,781,782,783,788,789,791) all yeld a "bsob" nothing useful.     ?23:24
riba1_2: tx...how do I star the gnome control panel and reset it ? :)23:24
rinaldi_hi all, im stuck trying to get my wg111v2 working with ndiswrapper. I have done everything I should but nm applet seems to be caught in a loop where it keeps asking me for a wireless key where I am sure it is right. any ideas?23:24
RampagePxrbot: Okay, in the Menu tools- Addons23:24
kahrytansoundray,  This card is really making me angry23:25
MindVirusmagnetron, yes, it's installed.23:25
_2riba1 i really don't know.   i haven't seen gnome in years.23:25
hakinjaki jest polsi kanal ubuntu?23:25
Picikahrytan: The RCs bring a lot of updated packages with them, its not just one FF3 package that needs to be tested.  We should be seeing RC1 moved to -updates soon.23:25
soundraykahrytan: is there any definitive official statement on that page?23:25
Pici!pl | hakin23:25
ubottuhakin: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl23:25
RampagePxrbot: Click on the preferences for the Webmail addin23:25
riba1_2:  what do you use? terminal? :)23:25
rinaldi_its a netgear btw23:25
kahrytansoundray,  Developer doesnt count?23:25
_2riba1 yeah console,   and blackbox when i need/want a gui.23:25
Pxrbotook im on the preferences23:25
sinsunI was stopped a tar process. How do I keep tar.gz files that I didn't conclude in?23:26
Rampagemake sure the POP and SMTP are running23:26
Pxrbotboth error23:26
Calamarii was wondering, i've just installed ubuntu on my eee, and got wireless working. but i cant seem to connect to unsecured networks. i cant leave the seecurity field blank when setting up the connection. can anyone help?23:26
riba1_2: i am happy for you and sorry I can't afford to do that anymore :(23:26
cdavishow do I get the uid of a new drive I installed?23:26
riba1family and work does not leave any more time23:26
RampagePxrbot: Change the port to 1100 and 2525 respectively and then try restart thunderbird23:26
MindVirusmagnetron, now what?23:26
llama_cycom, did you catch that?23:26
_2riba1 you might find the lock file by something like; find ~/ -iname lock23:27
soundraykahrytan: I wonder if it's an issue related to the specific kernel/driver combination. Perhaps you can find another distribution that has the NVidia driver on a live CD (perhaps Knoppix does). If that works, you've got a software problem. If it shows the same symptoms, it points in the hardware direction23:27
riba1got to go finishing the daughter playground birthday present23:27
soundraykahrytan: it does -- who is the developer?23:27
riba1_2: tx..at ;east is a start23:27
ActionParsniphey all23:27
_2riba1 if you find it just delete it and restart gnome23:27
ActionParsnipive just installed my nvidia drivers and it boots ok23:27
Calamarii was wondering, i've just installed ubuntu on my eee, and got wireless working. but i cant seem to connect to unsecured networks. i cant leave the security field blank when setting up the connection. can anyone help?23:27
PxrbotRampage: done that, bother say running (IMAP is stopped, just though it might help)23:27
soundraykahrytan: I see what you mean now23:28
theRealBallchal1HOOOOOORAY I BOOTED UP23:28
kahrytansoundray,  All i got is Linux mint and 7.0423:28
ganjamanwhat went wrong, i compiled a linux 2.6.25 kernel and the *.deb packet of the kernel had 200mb!23:28
_2riba1 or;  find ~/ -iname '*lock*'     for a much proader search scope.23:28
ActionParsnipI however cannot get a higher res than 640x480 despite editing my xorg.conf to only have 1024x768 resolution23:28
RampagePxrbot: I don't use IMAP myself so no idea what that does, I assume its running fine now on the port 1100 and 2525?23:28
soundraykahrytan: can't you get 8.04?23:28
ActionParsnipcan anyone please advise23:28
kahrytansoundray,  i got 8.04 installed23:28
_2s/proader/broader/     ooops23:28
\3TATUKWhat is the question that properly corresponds to the answer of 42?23:28
ActionParsnip\3TATUK: what is the meaning of life23:29
Pici\3TATUK: How many roads must a man walk down, also #ubuntu-offtopic23:29
\3TATUKAre you sure?23:29
PxrbotRampage: both POP and SMTP say running23:29
ganjamanthat answer is weird23:29
Calamarican anyone help me?23:29
* _2 is sure it's OT23:29
ActionParsnip\3TATUK: but to understand the answer, you must first understand the question23:29
ganjaman200mb kernel header23:29
ganjamanthats wierd23:29
RampagePxrbot: Okay thats good, now go into the hotmail extensions preferences23:29
ganjamani made make menuconfig23:29
cycomllama_: yeah, sorry23:29
\3TATUKmeaning of life has nothing to do with it ... it's all about the universe and the ultimate question ^^23:30
cycomllama_: that means you have no errors23:30
Pxrbotok im there23:30
ganjamanand just pressed enter until the oldconfig dialog was finished23:30
cycomI would do cat /var/log/Xorg.0.conf | less and look for the driver near the bottom23:30
Pici\3TATUK: Please continue the philosphical questions in #ubuntu-offtopic , #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only.  Thanks23:30
cycomit'll say something about intel, or ati, or vesa or whatever.23:30
llama_cycom, I guess that's right. I don't have any errors, it is running 'successfully' in 800x600.23:30
soundraykahrytan: on the feisty live CD, I think there is a way to download and activate the nvidia driver23:30
kahrytansoundray opensuse?23:30
ganjamanthe kernel was working but had no sound23:30
ganjamanbecause pci was not initialised23:30
cycomllama_: the other thing is, run lspci to determine what brand of video card you have23:30
Calamarican someone help me please?23:30
artista-frustradi'm having problems encoding a video using ffmpeg on ubuntu 8.0423:31
soundraykahrytan: I really don't know -- my first stop would be Knoppix, but then I'd have to search the web23:31
artista-frustradit encodes fine in debian sid23:31
kahrytansoundray, ive got 6.10, 7.04, 7.10 and 8.0423:31
nosa-JJowi: how can i join wine hq no one is in that channel when i join it23:31
johnnypeaHello, I am using "Sticky Notes" and when I make some they always hide when I click on the desktop, can I somehow avoid this?23:31
Picinosa-J: /j #winehq23:31
RampagePxrbot: Sorry will be with you in a minute23:31
johnnypea!Sticky Notes23:32
ubottuFactoid sticky notes not found23:32
soundraykahrytan: well, you definitely have a few options for testing different kernels then23:32
PxrbotRampage: no worries :) Team America is on23:32
nosa-Jahh cool23:32
artista-frustradthe command line I use is ffmpeg -y -i file.avi -s 320x240 -f ogg -vcodec libtheora -vb 64k -acodec vorbis -ac 2 -vol 300 -ab 16k -r 12 file.ogg -acodec vorbis -ac 2 -vol 300 -ab 16k23:32
hiptobecubicJohnnypea that's just how the program is. don't click on the desktop23:32
ubottuFactoid notes not found23:32
kahrytansoundray,  been using for year23:32
cdavishow do I get sdc1 to show up in /dev/disk/by-uuid/23:32
artista-frustradcould anyone help me identify the problem ?23:32
Calamarican someone help me? im having problems with wireless in 8.0423:32
cycomllama_: lspci should have something about 'VGA compatable controller' or something23:32
johnnypeaehm, there is really no way?23:32
llama_cycom, I don't understand why this is all necessary. I don't think I need new drivers or anything, I only had to do a little tweaking formerly, no driver changes were necessary. Anyways, I think this is the videocard line from lscpi- 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Motion, Inc. SM710 LynxEM23:32
RampagePxrbot: Okay sorry, close the preferences now and go to Edit -> Account settings23:33
kahrytansoundray,  im gonna download opensuse23:33
_2anyone know how to get my boot/console rez off of 80x25 on a tosheba lappy with ati chips ?     i tried vga=(771,773,781,782,783,788,789,791) all yeld a "bsob" nothing useful.     ?23:33
hiptobecubicjohnnypea if you don't click the desktop and instead click whatever program you need then it should be functional enough23:33
rinaldi_hi, I am using ndiswrapper with my netgear dongle, but I can't get wep to work in nm applet, or at all for that matter. I get stuck in a loop that keeps asking me for the wep key. any ideas?23:33
cycomllama_: well, did you try adjusting the resoltuion inside gnome?23:33
RampagePxrbot: In there Create a new account and select webmail23:33
cdavisI'm so confused, sdc1 shows up as this " 07D7-0C16 -> ../../sdc1" no other drives have a uuid like that?23:33
hiptobecubici don't think there is a way to prevent it23:33
soundraykahrytan: so you're saying that previously you've used the NVidia driver with success?23:33
cycomllama_: system, preferences, Screen resolution?23:33
kahrytansoundray,  with fx520023:33
PxrbotRampage: ok23:34
kahrytansoundray,  but different system23:34
Jowi_2, is the framebuffer enabled in BIOS/CMOS?23:34
cycomllama_: your other option is to just add the modelines yourself23:34
RampageThen add your details and follow the steps till account creation is done23:34
Calamarihow do i connect to an unsecured wireless network in 8.04? the network manager doesnt let me leave the security field blank - it forces me to put wep or wpa23:34
_2Jowi it's a tosheba  you can't switch anything in bios hardly.23:34
llama_cycom, I am in fluxbox, gnome is a bit bloated for this machine. I'm fine adding the modelines myself, but I don't know how to make them from scratch; I couldn't find that information on google.23:34
sploozeri'm having some major issues with BIND anyone know BIND very well?23:34
_2Jowi short answer is " i have no clue, but probably can't change it anyway "23:35
mich54hey guys, i have a problem in hardy, i keep having updates for kernel 2.6.24 , but the system still uses 2.6.22 , if it matters i upgraded from gutsy when hardy was beta !23:35
cycomllama_: me either... see if you can find any Xorg.confs from people with a similar laptop on a different distro.23:35
sploozeri can't nslookup anything it continues to say connection timed no server could be reached23:35
llama_cycom, thanks then.23:35
sploozeriptables if off, /etc/resolv.conf  is updated23:36
Jowi_2, most toshiba computers uses "ESC" during boot to get into BIOS23:36
sploozernamed is running23:36
Calamarihow do i connect to an unsecured wireless network in 8.04? the network manager doesnt let me leave the security field blank - it forces me to put wep or wpa23:36
Jowi_2, or F123:36
_2Jowi f223:36
ghindoWould it be safe to shrink or delete my swap partition?  It's 5.8 GB, and that seems like an awfully large size...23:36
_2Jowi im in bios now.23:36
soundraykahrytan: yeah, perhaps looking at another distribution's success with your card will give you a clearer picture23:37
kahrytansoundray,  and windows test23:37
soundraykahrytan: yes23:37
PxrbotRampage: when i click on Get Mail 'sending the username did not succeed' basically an error message :S23:37
cycomllama_: np. good luck!23:38
_2Jowi has in main "lcd display > en|dis/able"   in advanced "nothing about display"23:38
kahrytansoundray, nv do video acceleration?23:38
soundraykahrytan: you could also play some music on a virtual console to see if it stops when you get the black screen23:38
soundraykahrytan: only 2D23:38
mich54guys! anything about hardy not using the 2.6.24 kernel though it's updating it !!23:38
Nostahlhi all im trying to rip music from my cd's and its ripping at about 4x speed why is it going so slow?23:38
RampagePxrbot: Umm, Okay once you have created the account go to Tools -> Addons -> preferences for hotmail23:38
sploozeranyone BIND ????23:38
RampagePxrbot: Tell me what you see there?23:38
soundraymich54: the problem must be in your /boot/grub/menu.lst -- do you want to put it on http://paste.ubuntu.com for us to see?23:39
Picisploozer: You may want to try asking in #ubuntu-server23:39
ghindoNostahl:  What program are you using to rip your CDs?23:39
Pxrbotno hotmail accounts found... i think this may be a case of me setting the account up wrong?23:39
Nostahltryed rhythmbox and audio juicer23:39
RampagePxrbot: yes looks like it, now go back to account settings23:39
Nostahlcant find settings in eather for ripping speed23:39
soundraysploozer: why are you running bind?23:40
RampagePxrbot: Tell me what your settings are under server settings?23:40
kahrytansoundray,  I just meant video as in actual videos23:40
mich54soundray: then i have to mention that i i used to have my boot files on the same partition of the filesystem then i changed it to a separate one23:40
RampagePxrbot: Specifically server name and username?23:40
_2Jowi that's about it.   has a "security" section where you set/change the passwd,  and an "other" section where you turn lid switch on/off and low bat alarm on/off,  then the "boot"  section where you can choose lan cd or hdd    that's it.  for my bios.23:40
soundraykahrytan: I think so23:40
sploozerlocal DNS cache server for local webserver name res23:40
PxrbotRampage: servername = localhost, port = 1100, security settings = never23:41
_2imo they built crap and sold it as if it was gold.23:41
soundraymich54: then you should reinstall grub23:41
soundraymich54: follow the RecoveringUbuntu... instructions from the factoid:23:41
soundray!grub | mich5423:41
ubottumich54: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:41
RampagePxrbot: for username is it <yourusername>@hotmail.com?23:42
_2anyone else ?23:42
mich54soundray:ok  thanks , i'll try that !23:42
kantormagical_trevsky, hi, somebody would help me with volunteer software development ? details on private23:42
PxrbotRampage: no theres the part before the @hotmail.co.uk23:42
lolleri can`t get the whole output from ..23:43
lollerProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State23:43
lollertcp        0      0 *:nfs                   *:*                     LISTEN23:43
lollertcp        0      0 *:35907                 *:*                     LISTEN23:43
lollertcp        023:43
FloodBot1loller: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:43
puffEver since the kernel update about a week ago, my laptop has been acting flaky.  Every now and then wireless will just disappear - iwlist can't see any networks, and ifup/ifdown eth1 say "ignoring unknown interface".  I have to reboot to get wireless working again.  I found a bug about that 184055 I think.23:43
RampagePxrbot: Ok add the hotmail.co.uk then23:43
_2           know how to get my boot/console rez off of 80x25 on a tosheba lappy with ati chips ?     i tried vga=(771,773,781,782,783,788,789,791) all yeld a "bsob" nothing useful.     ?23:43
RampagePxrbot: *@hotmail.co.uk23:43
puffHowever, the past few days my laptop (thinkpad t43p) has been crashing oddly, mostly when I close the lid or when I leave it idle for a while and the screen blanks out.23:44
puffI can't get it to come back, have to hold down the power button and force a reboot.23:44
PxrbotRampage: im an idiot, you're a genius :) they're downloading now, thanks so much :)23:44
puffSometimes it *won't* reboot, the power icon on the screen frame comes on but nothing appears on the screen.  That may be heat-related, though.23:44
puffAnybody have any clue about this?23:44
RampagePxrbot: Thats good, also have you set up the SMPT?23:45
RampagePxrbot: And you're welcome23:45
PxrbotRampage: eeerrrrm i guess i havent?23:45
kahrytansoundray,  if the card worked in windows, then what?23:45
RampagePxrbot: Ok so in the account settings, at the bottom there is Outgoing Sewrver (SMPT)23:45
RampagePxrbot: In there add a new server23:46
ubuntuhey guys, I'm trying to access my WinXP partition in Ubuntu... and I don't have ANY drives showing up... can someone help me?23:46
soundraykahrytan: that would be circumstantial evidence for a driver bug rather than a hardware fault23:46
RampagePxrbot: Description "hotmail", server name "localhost", port "2525"23:46
kantorubuntu, yo umust to set the grub config file23:46
RampagePxrbot: For the username you want <username>@hotmail.co.uk again23:47
kahrytansoundray, 430w psu should befine too?23:47
ubuntukantor what?23:47
mrynitI have a two monitor setup. i have my lapt top and a 1280x1024 LCD connected to it. it works fine but when i move my mouse over to the 2nd monitor is will pan when i go to the edge of the screen. is there a way to turn off panning?23:47
_2i thought hotmail was imap23:47
PxrbotRampage: use secure connection? leave as is?23:47
AdrianStraysCan anyone help me set up my SAMBA configuration?23:47
kantorubuntu, you are new to Linux ?23:47
soundraykahrytan: I should point out that the driver is the responsibility of NVidia (not Ubuntu)23:47
RampagePxrbot: leave as is23:47
ubuntukantor I'm in a live session, and I can't see my windows partition anywhere... nor do I have a /media/hda1 drive I have absolutly nothing23:47
TBotNikTwo quick Q's pleas don't dis about topics, just need to find help.  1. Any CVS gurus with SourceForge experience available? 2. Windows .txt file does not break a line with "\n" or "<br>" so what is the correct code?23:47
PxrbotRampage: done23:48
soundraykahrytan: whether your wattage is enough depends on what else you have in your system23:48
kahrytansoundray, yeah yeah. already filed a bug under restricted23:48
RampagePxrbot: Then in the hotmail account config, set it to use this server for Outgoing SMTP23:48
ubuntukantor no I'm not a total newb but I'm not really sure why I can't see my freakin hard drive at all23:48
musikgoatubuntu in terminal type cat /proc/partitions23:48
kum0server irc.matrixirc.de23:48
mrynitTBotNik, check file encoding. what windows app are you using to open .txt23:48
_2TBotNik \r\n23:48
musikgoatubuntu if its a big list pastebin it23:48
gbsWhat is the best file system for a linux in a laptop? xfs, jfs?23:48
kantorinstall gparted23:48
ubuntumajor minor  #blocks  name23:48
ubuntu   7     0     690804 loop023:48
ubuntumajor minor  #blocks  name23:48
ubuntu   7     0     690804 loop023:48
RampagePxrbot: Try send an email to yourself from thunderbird to check if its working, and if it is you are all set23:48
FloodBot1ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:48
_2TBotNik \n\r    sorry.23:48
kantorubuntu, install gparted23:48
kantorubuntu, and open it, you can see with that program all the hard drives and partitions23:49
Rampagegbs: i prefer ext323:49
AdrianStraysWould someone help me set up SAMBA?23:49
mrynitis there a way to turn off panning on a second monitor23:49
Nostahlhow do i check what drive my cdrom is23:49
_2TBotNik mac stile is \r linux is \n  win uses both.23:49
Nostahlie hdc or something like that23:49
kahrytansoundray,  doubt it's psu. people use 430w for bigger cards and more system extras23:49
ubuntukantor it's already installed, I start it and it doesn't find any drives... even when I click "refresh drives"23:49
gbsRampage, but ext3 is slower then xfs23:49
ubuntukantor it's totally greyed out, nothing in it23:50
RampageI've never used anything else gbs :-(, so can't give a good opinion23:50
Nostahlhow do i find out what my cdrom is ie hdc or something23:50
gbsRampage, aw, ock23:50
kahrytansoundray,  is there a live cd that includes nvidia?23:50
soundraykahrytan: a lack of power wouldn't result in problems so reproducible23:50
kantorubuntu, maybe do you have accidentally deleted the partitions or messed up the master boot record of the hard disc23:50
PxrbotRampage: how do i set the hotmail account to use that server as the outgoing? i tried sending a message, i get a Send Message Error come up23:50
_2TBotNik fyi there are apps to convert to from on that    dos2unix unix2dos23:51
kahrytansoundray,  huh?23:51
RampagePxrbot: In the account settings, check in the hotmail account23:51
TBotNikmrynit: Using PHP, but "\r\n" does not a new line make in .txt files.23:51
ubuntukantor no... I can boot into windows xp just fine... I need to replace a file in windows but I can't while I'm IN windows because it's in use23:51
RampagePxrbot: Then in the hotmail account config, set it to use this server for Outgoing SMTP23:51
soundraykahrytan: I don't know. NVidia forbids redistribution, so it would be legally difficult to produce a live CD with their driver on it23:51
musikgoatubuntu  did that /proc/partitions show anything other than what you pasted... anything starting with /dev/hd or sd23:51
Nostahlwhats the command to see what drive my cdrom is listed as23:52
ubuntukantor no23:52
ubuntumusikgoat no23:52
_2Nostahl if it's mounted   mount23:52
musikgoatubuntu then the live cd isn't seeing the disks from a hardware level...23:52
ubuntukantor all I can access is the temporary files installed for unbuntu's file system23:52
_2Nostahl a little harder to find if not mounted.23:52
soundraykahrytan: your system crashes each time you start X. So your problem is well reproducible. It is thus not likely a power issue.23:52
ubuntumusikgoat yes I see that.... how do I fix it?23:52
cerixubuntu irc french ?23:53
cerixquel et la manipe23:53
artista-frustradwhere can I find good documentation on encoding a video file form avi to ogg ?23:53
ompaul!fr A23:53
ubottuFactoid fr a not found23:53
PxrbotRampage: perfect :) for other accounts do i use the same outgoing server of they're hotmail?23:53
ompaul!fr | cerix23:53
ubottucerix: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr23:53
kahrytansoundray, http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/19150.html23:53
soundraykahrytan: have you considered SeaPhor's suggestion?23:53
musikgoatubuntu: i would look in your dmesg history for any errors reading the disks23:53
kantorubuntu, I think you messed up something there, try to become root and use fdisk from a terminal23:53
RampageUmm, i would suggest creating different ones with different login details if you have multiple accounts Pxrbot23:53
cdavisI added a drive to my system and can mount it fine, I however have to sudo to create any files or copy files to it?23:53
kantorubuntu, to see if that program sees some partitions23:54
AdrianStraysWould somebody help me set up samba?23:54
lollersomebody to help me i`ve posted my  problem here http://pastebin.ca/1041609 ?23:54
PxrbotRampage: ok :) thanks again, you're a magician23:54
soundraykahrytan: that looks like a faulty or incomplete installation to me23:54
musikgoatubuntu following kantor's recommendations,  sudo fdisk -l23:54
RampagePxrbot: You're welcome23:54
musikgoatubuntu but pastebin it23:54
ubuntumusikgoat it's blank23:54
kahrytansoundray,  I did get that error once.23:54
localhow do i convert my .nrg file to iso ?23:54
ubuntusudo fdisk -l doesn't list anything at all23:54
mshiltonjI'm on Hardy, trying to connect to a Books A Million (chain bookstore) wifi hot-spot. I can see the network, and I get an IP, but I can *do* anything. I do not get redirected to their auth/login page over http. It's been reported else (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=742354) but I haven't seen a resolution.23:54
_2Nostahl if you ever need to find a cd/dvd drive from a command line     http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d3fd5b0a123:55
cdavisdoes the directory I am mounting to provide the permissions for the mounted device? ie chmod 777 to /storage before I mount anything to it?23:55
lollersomebody to help me i`ve posted my  problem here http://pastebin.ca/1041609 ?23:55
musikgoatubuntu: ok odd... I would try rebooting the LiveCD23:55
kahrytansoundray,  when I got to recovery, I went to root. And that error showed up23:55
musikgoatubuntu: then immediately check sudo fdisk -l23:55
mshiltonjI've been to other free public hotspots that had me "register" or "authz" when I used http and had no probs.23:55
_2cdavis no.   if it's an M$ file system  it's psyudo permissions,   else they are on the fs itself.23:56
ubuntumusikgoat I've rebooted like 5 times, used different versions (xubuntu, kubuntu etc) and have gotten nowhere23:56
mshiltonjIs there anything I can do to connect (and use) the Books A Million wireless connection?23:56
soundraykahrytan: what I'd do then is a fresh install and a bog-standard driver installation through jockey-gtk23:56
kahrytansoundray, If it worksi n windows, its not power issue23:56
soundraykahrytan: I already said it's not a power issue23:57
soundraykahrytan: jockey-gtk = System-Administration-Hardware Drivers23:57
kahrytansoundray,  thats what that is23:57
musikgoatubuntu: your issue is pretty unique,  there's not too many times where the install disks cannot even detect any hard drives,  what are you installing this on?23:57
ompaul!it | war23:57
ubottuwar: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:57
kahrytansoundray,  I did fresh install already.23:57
cdavis_2, Thanks, makes sense and I have it working now23:57
localhow do i mount .nrg file ?23:57
kahrytansoundray,  i updated system, then install nvidia23:57
ubuntumusikgoat a PC with an ASUS mobo, and just a regular EIDE Hard drive23:58
_2cdavis welcome23:58
ubuntumusikgoat yeah I dunno... I can't seem to figure out the problem either23:58
_2         does anyone know how to get my boot/console rez off of 80x25 on a tosheba lappy with ati chips ?     i tried vga=(771,773,781,782,783,788,789,791) all yeld a "bsob" nothing useful.     ?23:58
soundraykahrytan: through jockey-gtk?23:58
musikgoatubuntu can you pastebin your dmesg?23:58
Flannel_2: try vga=ask23:58
poooopflannel whats up?23:59
_2Flannel heh it will only allow text mode from ask.23:59
=== poooop is now known as WSP
WSPhi flannel23:59
kahrytansoundray, yes23:59
soundray_2: what's the native panel resolution?23:59
l3xwhich is best driver for intel i915 graphic card? my system uses i810 by default. should i change it?23:59
noxixis there a way to downgrade my version of Firefox? i'm currently using beta 3.0 and I think its not compatible with some of the websites I use.23:59
_2soundray 1200x80023:59

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