
MachinTrucChosethat didn't do it...must be something else causing a conflict.00:00
arcanjoebcdo you used the kurumin linux ng????00:01
engineerl3x intel00:01
engineerMachinTrucChose tried under gnome?00:01
l3xengineer: you suggest that i chage it to intel driver, right?00:02
ActionParsniphi all00:03
ActionParsnipany yakuake users here00:03
l3xengineer: than you very much.00:03
engineerl3x be sure you know how to revert if it fails00:03
engineerActionParsnip i am00:03
JucatoActionParsnip: yep00:03
ActionParsnipis it possible to add custom schemas for colour?00:03
l3xengineer: just change it back to i810?00:03
MachinTrucChoseengineer: nope, don't have Gnome installed.00:03
engineerl3x yeah, i was just checking if you're confortable with command line00:04
l3xengineer: maybe if that fails, i can reconfigure xorg.conf00:04
engineerActionParsnip right click, settings, schema00:04
arcanjoebcsome peaple speak portuguese????00:04
arcanjoebcsome peaple speak portuguese????00:04
Jucato!pt | arcanjoebc00:04
engineerarcanjoebc yeah, i do00:04
ActionParsnipengineer: I know that bit, but can I add my own custom ones?00:05
ubottuFactoid kubuntu-pt not found00:05
ubottuFactoid kubuntu-po not found00:05
ubottuFactoid kubuntu-rs not found00:05
ubottuFactoid ubuntu-rs not found00:05
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:05
ActionParsnipengineer: maybe like one with a pink background with orange text00:05
Jucatoarcanjoebc: ^^^^^00:05
ActionParsnipengineer: as an example00:05
engineerActionParsnip tried creating a custom one with konsole and then checking if it happears on yakuake?00:06
ActionParsnipengineer: so set it on konsole then tell yakuake to use those settings?00:07
engineersomething like that00:07
tsbI just created a new account and when I log into it, kwin doesn't start. If I start the run dialoge I can't enter anything so I can't start it manually either. However if I first log into my current user, and then log in to the new user in a new session, kwin starts. Any idea what's going on here?00:08
engineeror change and existing one into something of your lijking00:08
engineertsb does the home of the user has the correct permissions set?00:09
tsbengineer: yes00:09
tsbengineer: everything else seems to be working00:09
l3xhey, anyone knows how to remove "Documents Folder" from System Menu (menu of important system places) in kubuntu? it annoyes me...00:10
tsbengineer: another thing is that once I am using 2 kde's, one of them will crash & burn within a little while, returning me to kdm00:12
tsb(I assumed this was just an unrelated kde/kubuntu-bug though)00:12
l3xmy kde just died...00:12
engineerl3x open remote places and hit back00:13
l3xdon eit00:14
l3xwhat now?00:14
engineernot back, click system00:14
engineerand delete the shortcut00:14
l3xi am in system00:15
l3xengineer: if i try to delete it, it deletes my Documents folder in /home/user/00:15
engineerdelete the shortcut then00:15
engineerplain and simple00:15
engineermove the contents elsewhere00:16
l3xok. i'll give it a go.00:16
l3xengineer: i deleted it, and it is still there! it now sais "file /home/user/documents does not seem to exist anymore00:17
l3xengineer: i tried it before with shift+delete and had to restore my files ( i lost them) from /Documents in my home dir00:18
engineerl3x i'm out of ideas yugoslavian00:19
l3xit is serbian now, engineer, yugoslavia does not exist anymore :)00:19
engineerso odd, countries come and go00:20
l3xengineer: it happened many years ago. nothing chaged though...00:20
jrl123Does anyone know the setting to make ktorrent automatically start a torrent rather than show the window to select which files to download, label, etc?00:20
engineerl3x if nothing changed, why is the country gone?00:22
l3xengineer: who knows. politics, i do not understand it, and i do not like it. btw. where are you from?00:23
l3xanyone else know how to remove documents folder from system:/??00:23
l3xengineer: btw, i think that my root account does not have that hideous documents folder...00:24
minhaajmy vb is not working00:31
minhaajThe VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..00:32
engineertried vmware?00:32
will00is there a way to set up irkick so that it can control gnome applications (such as totem, and tvtime) ?00:32
nosrednaekimminhaaj: thats simple to do00:32
minhaajhow ?00:33
minhaajoh ok00:33
minhaajhangon let me see00:33
jo4i'm trying to get my gtk apps to use qt, but it won't work. i got the gtk-qt-engine package from the repos, but i'm currently running gdm, but that shouldn't affect it i thought.. any thoughts?00:35
minhaajnot working nosrednaekim00:35
minhaajstill says you need to log off00:35
nosrednaekimminhaaj: edit /etc/groups and add your username after "vboxusers00:36
minhaajumm thats konsole command or i should go to dolphin ?00:37
nosrednaekimedit the file with kdesudo kate /etc/groups00:38
minhaajthere is no 'groups' in my etc00:38
nosrednaekimoh... "group".. no s... sorry00:38
minhaajok its open00:39
minhaajwhere do i add my name00:39
minhaaji already see my name in alot of places00:39
engineerhey californian00:40
nosrednaekimminhaaj:  looks for "vboxusers"00:41
jrl123Does anyone know how to disable the touchpad tap/click?00:41
minhaajok its 123 there00:42
minhaaji should write my name there ?00:42
=== minhaaj is now known as helpy
nosrednaekimpaste the current line here00:42
helpyit says i dont have write access00:43
nosrednaekimdid you open it with kdesudo kate?00:43
nosrednaekimdo that00:43
helpyfrom etc/group00:43
engineerI have add the following line to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file "InputDevice" section (which has the Identifier "Synaptics" line):00:43
engineerOption "MaxTapTime" "0"00:43
helpyhow do i do that ?00:43
nosrednaekimhelpy: run, from a command line "kdesudo kate /etc/group"00:43
helpyok hang on00:44
helpyok done00:44
helpynow just change 123 with my name ?00:44
helpyor the account name ?00:44
nosrednaekimno..... put your name after the last colon00:45
helpyvboxusers:x:123:minhaaj  like this ?00:45
helpynope still not accessible00:47
nosrednaekimjust a sec00:48
kernco I can't get KDE 4 to run on my laptop.  I have tried with 4.0 and 4.1 beta.  kdm-kde4 runs fine, and the KDE 4 splash screen appears, but then I kdm restarts.  I never get to the desktop.00:50
helpykernco:  do you have compiz ?00:50
kerncohelpy: no00:50
helpyit should work fine then.00:50
helpydid you select kde4 from the login screen ?00:51
nosrednaekimhelpy: and you logged off?00:51
nosrednaekimkernco: delete your .kde400:51
helpynosrednaekim:  you mean after i saved the group file?00:51
x-X-xcan someone help me i recently installed firestarter and i keep getting hits from diff ips00:52
x-X-xliterally every 30-60 sec00:52
nosrednaekimkernco: and if that doesn't work, after trying to start kde4, go to ctrl+alt+f2 log in, copy .xsession-errors to another file, go back to CTrl+alt+f7 log into kde3, and pastebin the file00:52
nosrednaekimhelpy: log out and back in and you should be cool00:53
helpyok, King's gonna be back in a bit :)00:53
minhaajnosrednaekim:  my friend, let the force be with you !!!00:58
=== minhaaj is now known as helpy
=== Speed_Demon_24 is now known as speeddemon24
* helpy bows. thanks master yoda00:58
kerncoThat didn't work.  .xsession-errors at http://pastebin.com/m521c61fd00:59
helpycan you use dial up from windows in virtual box ?01:00
nosrednaekimhelpy: most likely not01:00
helpywhy is that ?01:00
nosrednaekimnot if you don't have it onnected within linux01:01
helpyyou can't connect dial up in linux01:01
helpymodems just dont work01:01
nosrednaekimthis is sadly true01:01
helpywhy dont they do something about it ?01:02
nosrednaekimkernco: looks like something with Klauncher01:02
nosrednaekimhelpy: they can't.... its the people who make the win-modem's fault01:02
helpynosrednaekim:  can you tell me about permissions in linux01:02
helpyi get to type alot of passwords to get root access when opening up apps01:02
helpywhys that ?01:03
nosrednaekimhelpy: if the application modifies any files outisde of your /home... it needs the root password01:03
helpyhow do i change it to whole hard drive ?01:04
helpyaccess to every partition on my hard disk wthout root password prompt01:04
DragnslcrYou don't01:05
nosrednaekimhelpy: you don't want that01:06
DragnslcrThat's why Linux has decent security01:06
DragnslcrYou don't normally have access to system files01:06
prymalI am very new to linux, could someone please answer 1 basic question for me...01:16
prymalis it difficult to run windows applications under linux?01:16
Piciprymal: You can run some windows applications using Wine.01:17
bazhang!appdb | prymal check here01:17
ubottuprymal check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:17
prymalmany thanks01:17
prymalI will investigate now01:17
bazhangprymal, you may also consider vm's or dualbooting (for games the second)01:21
prymalI am dual booting :)01:24
prymalxp and kubuntu01:24
jonasbhi all, I have some problems with cmus (ncurses based music player). recently (I think after the Heron update) it doesn't 'render' properly. I only see one vertical line and some characters. any ideas?01:24
prymalbazhang: the reason for me installing linux is to learn, so I'm just getting stuck into it.  Thanks for the help!01:24
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
bazhangprymal, you can also try out a bunch of open source stuff for windows at www.opensourcewindows.org01:26
florianI accidential erased my partition table ... also I have complete backup of all data I would prefer to recofer data if possible ...01:32
nosrednaekimflorian: do you remember any of the sizes of your partitions?01:35
FirefisheRunning 7.04.  How do you enable POSIX shared memory?01:35
nosrednaekimFirefishe: don't think you can01:35
Firefishenosrednaekim:  got a graphics card proprietary driver that's going to need it running?01:35
Firefishenix the ?01:35
nosrednaekimFireuse 8.0401:36
nosrednaekimFirefishe:  use 8.0401:36
floriannosrednaekim: Yes but I didn't manage to guess the right data ...01:36
Firefishenosrednaekim:  any particular reason?  this laptop is 4 years old01:36
florian/dev/sda4           11701       19457    62308102+   5  Erweiterte01:36
florian/dev/sda5           19118       19457     2731050   82  Linux Swap / Solaris01:36
nosrednaekimFirefishe: to get POSIX shared memory01:36
florianIf I try to create partitions like that with fdisk they don't match exactly ...01:37
florianThey are allwas a litle bit larger or smaler ....01:37
nosrednaekimyou should still be able to get some of the data off01:37
prymalthanks for the help guys, steam is now running :)01:44
floriannosrednaekim: Thanks for your help ... It seems I now got values that match .... verry well01:45
florianBut now I need to configure /etc/fstab ... partiton 5 (/home) is now on /dev/sda6 ....01:46
florianBut fstab uses UUID .....01:46
nosrednaekimyou can tell it yo not use UUID01:46
florianWhat is the UUID of my partition /dev/sda6 ?01:47
nosrednaekimuhhhg... dunno01:47
nosrednaekimthere is a command to check but I forget it01:47
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:47
nosrednaekimwhoooo :)01:47
floriannosrednaekim: Thank You!!01:48
florianSo I am going down for reboot, hoping to be back again soon ...01:49
prymalI'm haivng issues with wine running steam... anyone got experience with it?01:57
=== minhaaj is now known as helpy
nosrednaekimprymal: people over in #winehq might have more02:08
Firefishenosrednaekim:   Hi, I was just in here a second ago.  Network trubbles ;).  I was curious.  Is there any advantage to upgrading via disk vs. the 'net?   I have the 8.04 disk handy.02:10
nosrednaekimFirefishe: the alternate installer?02:11
Firefishenosrednaekim:  Is there any way to safely upgrade using the 8.04 kubuntu disk from canonical?02:11
Firefishenosrednaekim: which one?02:11
nosrednaekimFirefishe: I don;t think you could without the alternate installer02:11
Firefishenosrednaekim: what's the alternate installer's name?02:11
nosrednaekimno.... its the alternate CD02:12
FirefisheI wish canonical would use dvd's and not cd's.02:12
Odd-rationaleFirefishe: i like the cd size. plu cd are cheaper for me.. :)02:14
FirefisheOdd-rationale:  I see.  Well, cheapbytes sells cd sets a bit more expensive than dvd's.  Dvd's hold more information, and if you get, say, a 3 dvd set, you don't have to be connected to the 'net to get all the other goodies we gnu/linux folk end up needing--like all those obscure build libraries02:17
X2683Is this where i get help with Wubi?02:28
Odd-rationaleX2683: yes wubi is supported here02:28
X2683I'm having a problem trying to install Kubuntu under Wubi.02:29
X2683Both of them are v 8.0402:29
tomas1986hey can any one tell me how to install epona02:30
gandhianyone that can tell me why stuf like firefox, thunderbird etc is greyed out in Adept? just did install from live CD02:30
nosrednaekimgandhi:try pressing the "reload button"02:31
tomas1986any one02:31
X2683The problem that i'm having is that when I use Wubi, after I fill in the information like the password and username, when it goes to download, it tries connecting to the server twice and then brings up an error screen that says nothing and closes itself.02:32
X2683Can anyone help me with this?02:32
Odd-rationaleX2683: try downloading the normall kubuntu intsall cd, and put it in the same directlry as the exe02:34
Odd-rationaleor in the Wubi directory if it exists, i don;t quite remember how it works...02:34
MachinTrucChoseHi. Someone in this channel called "engineer" recommended that I reinstall the "kwin" package to fix a keyboard shortcut issue I've been having, and now the login screen is completely different. Additionally, my windows no longer have a title bar (with the minimize, maximize, and close buttons). What can I do to fix this?02:34
florianI still have trouble with my partitiontable ... I restored my partitiontable but now parted couldn't read my partition table02:35
X2683ok, does it work the same for Ubuntu?02:35
florianIt allway says that I have partitions out of the disk ..02:35
florian(the message is german: Fehler: Partitionen ausserhalb der Platte sind nicht möglich!)02:36
Odd-rationaleX2683: yes works the same as ubuntu. but you're on the kubuntu channel... ;02:36
Odd-rationaleX2683: ok i looked it up. put the ubuntu.iso in the same folder as the wubi.exe02:36
helpythunderbird can't find my other partitions for adding an attachment file.02:37
helpyany idea ?02:37
X2683i tried the ubuntu channel, nothing comes up02:37
MachinTrucChosehelpy: where are your partitions mounted?02:37
X2683ok, i have them in the same folder, but it still is trying to download off the internet.02:37
helpyMachinTrucChose:  sorry ?02:37
MachinTrucChosehelpy: how do you usually access your other partitions?02:37
helpyi could do that before02:37
helpyyes i can get it through dolphin02:38
helpybut it just isn't there through TB02:38
MachinTrucChoseok, what is the exact location Dolphin accesses? "\media\disk1" etc?02:38
helpyin storage devices02:38
helpymedia disk 202:38
Odd-rationaleX2683: did you downlad the desktop cd?02:39
MachinTrucChoseso Thunderbird doesn't even display \media\disk2?02:39
florianmay be that is a problem with my extended partition (sda4)?02:39
florian255 Köpfe, 63 Sektoren/Spuren, 19457 Zylinder02:39
Odd-rationaleX2683: to be honest, the best place to ask is on the ubuntuforums's wubi subforum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=23402:40
florian"/dev/sda4            5258       19458   114069532+   f  W95 Erw. (LBA)"02:40
Odd-rationalei never personally tried wubi myself. i just know from what i read... ;)02:40
florian^^^ 1945802:40
MachinTrucChosethat's messed up. I use the Windows version only (through Wine), and Thunderbird does show /media/diskx02:42
helpyits ok. i copy pasted the files in home and thunderbird sent it02:43
nosrednaekimhey ParaGuy02:43
helpybut i hate linux permissions02:43
helpywhy can't you read and write anything on any partition without password02:43
Odd-rationalehelpy: security02:44
ParaGuyis anyone familure with getting wifi to work in kubuntu 8.04?02:44
=== piers is now known as kubuntiac
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: what card?02:44
helpywhat am i? IBM ?02:44
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: did you google first? ;)02:44
ParaGuyyes, and I have tried everything but I am pretty new at this02:44
helpyit autodetected my wifi ParaGuy02:45
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: who makes it?02:45
Odd-rationalethe card?02:45
helpyturn it on and get going02:45
ParaGuythe light on the laptop is on02:45
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: can you pastebin the output of iwconfig?02:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:46
SebNaitsabesprobably the same in Kubuntu, but in Ubuntu sound works in BMP and Wine, but it won't in,  VLC and other palyers and Rythombox it won't even play an MP3 anymore.02:46
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: are you wired in right now?02:46
X2683How do I join the Ubuntu channel?02:46
ParaGuyit says lo no wireless extensions02:46
Odd-rationaleX2683: /join #ubuntu02:46
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: that's it?02:46
ParaGuyand eth0 no wireless extensions02:46
Odd-rationalethose to only?02:46
X2683i did that but the applet does nothing.02:46
ParaGuyhow do I turn it on/02:47
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: are you wired in right now?02:47
ParaGuyyes.. I am talking to you on my desktop but I have my laptop hardwired setting beside me02:47
Odd-rationalecool. hold on a moment...02:47
ParaGuyand I have all day, and a tasty cup of coffee sitting here02:48
X2683the applet is acting like channel #ubuntu doesn't exist02:48
ParaGuyI'm in Korea by the way.. good morning :)02:49
nosrednaekimParaGuy: try using ndiswrapper on it02:50
* X2683 doesn't know why the applet wont let him go into the #ubuntu channel.02:51
ParaGuyI don't know how to do that02:51
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: ok. so first thing to check is try going to kmenu --> system --> restricted drivers. and see if you need any drivers02:51
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:51
ParaGuyok.. hold on02:51
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: my quick research seems to suggest madwifi. what do you think?02:51
nosrednaekimOdd-rationale: not... madwifi does not have support for that chipset, or the 5006 or 500502:52
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: if you do plan to use ndiswrapper, do you have the windows cd with drivers?02:52
ParaGuyI can't find any program under system called restricted drivers02:52
ParaGuyI do have the windows driver for 32 bit yes but I am running 64bit kubuntu02:53
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: hardware dirvers? ( forget the exact name..)02:53
ParaGuyI have a program called hardware viewing02:53
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: nevermind. just open konsole and do "kdesudo jockey-kde"02:54
ParaGuyah.. ok02:54
nosrednaekimParaGuy: I can get you the 64 bit drivers if you need them02:54
ParaGuyI am showing ATI accelerated graphics driver02:54
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: hmm. do 32bit drivers work with ndis on 64 machines? I have only used 32 bit.02:55
ParaGuyatheros hardware access layer (hal)02:55
ParaGuysupport for atheros 802.11 wireless lan drivers02:55
nosrednaekimOdd-rationale: nah.. they crash the machine :P02:55
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: check that one...02:55
ParaGuyit is checked and it says in use02:55
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: i never had a machine that could run 64bit... ;)02:55
ParaGuyall of those are checked and says in use02:55
nosrednaekimParaGuy: Odd-rationale yeah,..... thats normal02:56
nosrednaekimbut ti still won't work without ndiswrapper02:56
ParaGuyshould I disable them?02:56
Odd-rationaleok. ndiswrapper it is!02:56
Odd-rationaleParaGuy: no02:56
nosrednaekimyes... disable it02:56
nosrednaekimin order to use ndiswrapper... you'll need to02:57
nosrednaekimParaGuy: I need your email so I can send you the driver... you can PM it to me02:57
Odd-rationalereally? that's seems strange...02:57
nosrednaekimOdd-rationale: otherwise ath_pci will block access to the card02:57
Odd-rationalewell, i need to go... you came just in time, nosrednaekim. saved the day... :)02:58
ParaGuythank you for your help Odd02:59
Odd-rationalejust don't forget to add ndiswrapper to your /etc/modules file when you're done (echo "ndiswrapper" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules)03:00
nosrednaekimOdd-rationale: ndiswrapper -m works better :P03:01
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: didn't work for me...03:01
Odd-rationaleactually, i would prefer just to open it with vi instead.... ;)03:01
nosrednaekimOdd-rationale: only works in conjunction with disabling the athoers driver03:01
nosrednaekimParaGuy: email sent03:02
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: i was settings up an airlink with ndis.03:02
nosrednaekimParaGuy: grab "ndiswrapper-common"03:02
nosrednaekimOdd-rationale: aren't those atheros?03:02
ParaGuyhow do I do that?03:03
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: don't think so...03:03
nosrednaekimParaGuy: "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common"03:03
ParaGuyit says it's fetching it03:04
ParaGuyit's done03:04
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: to disable the atheros, you would blacklist ath_pci in which file?03:04
nosrednaekimOdd-rationale: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:04
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: ok. that's it. thanks!03:05
nosrednaekimor you can do it in /etc/defualts/linux-common something or other03:05
ParaGuyThanks again Odd-rationale03:05
nosrednaekimParaGuy: did you egt my email?03:05
ParaGuyyes I did nos03:05
nosrednaekimParaGuy: K, save that somewhere in your home DIR03:05
ParaGuyis that for the 64 bit?03:05
nosrednaekimOH! I totally forgot about that... duh :P03:06
nosrednaekimjust a sec lol03:06
nosrednaekimthere you go...03:07
nosrednaekimParaGuy: ok....where did you save it to? your desktop?03:08
ParaGuyI have it on my desktop03:08
nosrednaekimthe new one?03:08
nosrednaekim(I just sent another email)03:08
ParaGuythe one you just sent03:08
nosrednaekimnow run, on the command line "kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" and add the line "blacklist ath_pci" on the bottom03:10
nosrednaekim(in the window which will get opened by that command)03:10
ParaGuyit asked me for my password and then said command not found03:11
nosrednaekimtry replaceing kate with kwrite03:12
ParaGuysame error message03:12
nosrednaekimare you running ubuntu or kubuntu?03:13
ParaGuyIm running kubuntu hardy 8.0403:13
ParaGuywith kde 403:13
nosrednaekimmmmk, are you taking the quotes out of those commands?03:13
nosrednaekimso what EXACTLY are you typing in?03:14
ParaGuyi typed kdesudo kate/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:14
ParaGuythen it ask for password03:14
ParaGuyI give it password and it says command not found03:14
ParaGuyI also tried kwrite in place of kate03:14
nosrednaekimput a space between kate and the /03:15
ParaGuyok.. hold on03:15
ParaGuystill same error message03:15
nosrednaekimtry with kwrite and a space :P03:16
ParaGuysame message03:16
ParaGuyI am maybe in the wrong directory?03:17
nosrednaekimok.. screw guis :P do "sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist"03:17
nosrednaekimand add it that way :P03:17
ParaGuythat did something03:19
nosrednaekimok, go to the bottom and type in "blacklist ath_pci"03:19
pastorhola a todos!03:20
PhoenixGIbtw kdesu with kde 4 requires the path for the commands03:20
pastorque es esto?03:21
nosrednaekimthen ctrl+o and ctrl+x03:21
nosrednaekimPhoenixGI: ahhhhh!03:21
ParaGuyok.. I typed in blacklist ath_pci but it is not doing anything03:21
pastoraqui no se habla espanol?03:21
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:22
nosrednaekimyou don't see it appear?03:22
Jucatopastor:  ^^^^03:22
ParaGuylet me log on with my linux box to chat so I can copy and paste for you03:22
pastorGracias! jeje03:23
burlI am back nos, this is paraguy03:27
LinuxRules_883Anyone in here know how to use Wubi well?03:34
SebNaitsabeswhat do you want to know with it_03:37
SebNaitsabesregarding it03:37
sensaeHow do I control which folder's contents go on my desktop?03:38
LinuxRules_883Well here the thing with wubi03:38
LinuxRules_883after i put my information in it, it starts to connect to the server, it tries twice and returns with a error that states nothing.03:39
LinuxRules_883i looked at my firewall and made sure it wasn't blocking the connection.03:39
LinuxRules_883shut off virus scan and it still wont connect.03:40
LinuxRules_883put the iso in the same folder as Wubi and it still tries to download it.03:41
SebNaitsabeswubi is for newbies03:41
SebNaitsabesalso think about it03:41
SebNaitsabeswhat if Windows screws up03:41
SebNaitsabesbig time03:41
SebNaitsabesthen your  Wubi install of Ubuntu does as well?03:41
SebNaitsabeshard disk partitions is the way to go :)03:41
SebNaitsabesand yes03:42
SebNaitsabesyou don't run Wubi03:42
SebNaitsabesfrom inside WIndows itself03:42
SebNaitsabesit just takes a part of the Windows partition03:42
SebNaitsabesand edits the WIndows boot loader03:42
LinuxRules_883the examples show wubi running in windows03:42
SebNaitsabesso you can boot Wubi/Ubuntu as well as Windows03:42
SebNaitsabesthe installer is in WIndows sure03:42
SebNaitsabes,but Wubi/Ubuntu itself is not03:43
SebNaitsabesthe install of Ubuntu is not in Windows03:43
LinuxRules_883i just dont have a cd at the moment, i guess i could do it the other way.03:43
LinuxRules_883and just wait until tomorrow to install.03:43
SebNaitsabesWubi is a set up program which  will put  Ubuntu inside a part of your WIndows partition and edit the Windows bootloader so you can boot Ubuntu03:43
SebNaitsabeswell you don't need a CD03:44
SebNaitsabesfor an ISO03:44
LinuxRules_883how do I boot from an iso without a cd?03:44
SebNaitsabessince there is a program you can use instead of burning the contents of the ISO to CD03:44
PhoenixGInosrednaekim.  If your interested the kdesu or kdesudo issues in KDE4 is bug#19126403:44
SebNaitsabeshowever I kept on saying that it's  best to just partition your hard disk really instead of using Wubi03:44
PhoenixGIDon't know how to do the fancy ! command to get it to display it03:44
nosrednaekimPhoenixGI: yeah.. I remember it now :P03:45
SebNaitsabes,but sure you don't have an Ubuntu CD either at the moment that you have burnt or got from them03:45
nosrednaekimbug 19126403:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191264 in kdesudo-kde4 "KDE4: sudo removes /usr/lib/kde4/bin from PATH: e.g. "sudo kate" fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19126403:45
minhaajwhy does open office suck that much ?03:45
minhaaji lose all my formatting03:45
=== minhaaj is now known as helpy
LinuxRules_883no, my cd is 2,000 miles away03:45
helpythats the only program that reminds me of windows03:45
SebNaitsabeshave you ever used Ubuntu before?03:45
SebNaitsabeswubi is a nice one to try it sure03:45
PhoenixGInosrednaekim ok that was to easy to show... lol03:45
SebNaitsabesit's best to have it in partitions03:45
LinuxRules_883I used to just do it the partitioning way03:46
SebNaitsabesreal partitions on your hard disk03:46
helpyhey PhoenixGI, did you install kgolf ?03:46
LinuxRules_883true, no likelihood for it to mess sup03:46
nosrednaekimPhoenixGI: just make sure you have a space between bug and the # sign and that should work too03:46
SebNaitsabesafter all what if Windows screws up big time,  then Wubi will as well more than likely03:46
SebNaitsabeshowever the program for ISO's that your after is deamontools03:46
PhoenixGIhelpy yeah got it installed, my 10year old is happy now03:46
helpyheeh good.03:46
helpyDads have to succumb03:46
PhoenixGInosrednaekim got it03:46
LinuxRules_883ok, i'll look for it.03:47
helpywait, let me check out kgofl too03:47
helpyits in adept ? can't find it03:47
PhoenixGIhelpy didn't say he couldn't use this machine, just didn't want the schools to teach it untill I've learned :) the kde4 version has a bug or 203:47
helpyhey flaccid03:47
helpya bug or 2 ?03:48
SebNaitsabesschools teaching LIux03:48
SebNaitsabesthat's cool03:48
SebNaitsabes,but dosant' happen much03:48
helpysay you mean 1 or 2k ?03:48
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:48
helpyi'll teach linux in school03:48
PhoenixGIhelpy I found it though apt-cache search.... I was told that's how all the COOL linux users found thier software, or something like that03:49
nosrednaekimhelpy: thats cause its "kgolf"03:49
helpythats what i searched for nosrednaekim03:49
nosrednaekimoh :P03:49
PhoenixGIit's kolf03:49
PhoenixGIor kolf-kde403:50
nosrednaekim!info kolf03:50
ubottukolf (source: kdegames): Minigolf game for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 922 kB, installed size 2152 kB03:50
nosrednaekimduh >.<03:50
helpythere you go. installing03:50
PhoenixGIHa! the newbie learned something :) Goooo Me03:50
helpyif i like the game, your ten year old gets a free kiss from me03:50
nosrednaekimthe old hand was skooled.... goo teacher :P03:50
helpyi hate openoffice03:51
helpyno formatting at all03:51
PhoenixGII haven't opened, open office yet03:52
flaccid_wasssup helpy03:52
nosrednaekim!ndiswrapper | burl03:52
ubottuburl: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:52
helpynothing much flaccid_03:52
helpywhat do you use PhoenixGI ?03:52
flaccid_openoffice has lots of formatting :)03:53
PhoenixGIAt the moment..... nothing, haven't done any "work" like that at home03:53
helpyok i just OB'ed the ball in golf03:53
helpynope flaccid_03:53
helpystill pretty lousy03:53
flaccid_helpy, specificly?03:53
helpytable formatting, animations03:53
helpyyou name it, its missing03:53
PhoenixGIhelpy yeah, that would be one of the bugs, i've hit the ball though the walls a few times03:54
helpyeven google docs suck.03:54
flaccid_well i've done many tables in Ooo and as for animations im not sure how they fit into an office productivity prodcut03:54
helpyhehe i dont think its bug, i am a bad player03:54
flaccid_i don't see any bugs here03:54
helpytoo many of em flaccid_03:54
flaccid_bugs with what exactly?03:54
helpythere are alot of features in office that you can't use in openoffice03:54
flaccid_Ooo ?03:54
helpyreferences, APA, etc03:55
flaccid_helpy, well Ooo != MSoffice so why would you expect it03:55
helpyOoo ?03:55
PhoenixGIhelpy Open Office . org03:55
flaccid_so these are not bugs merely what the user wants in the program but is not03:55
helpyyea but atleast it should display the files correctly03:55
helpyit doesnt03:55
flaccid_#Openoffice.org might be happy to advise you alternatives to msoffice features but dont' expect it to be msoffice03:56
helpyyou make a file in .doc and when you open it in openoffice it loses formatting03:56
helpyand its ugly03:56
flaccid_helpy, which file type are you talking about?03:56
flaccid_helpy, tahts because its a microsoft closed format reverse engineered. no reason why it should render correctly... use the OASIS open document formats instead :)03:56
sensaeOkay wtf03:56
nosrednaekimhelpy: Office 2007?03:56
helpyin linux ?03:57
sensaeI just changed my desktop path to /home/sensae/Desktop03:57
sensaeand now all of / is showing up on my desktop03:57
flaccid_on any OS03:57
helpyOASIS open documents format, whats that ?03:57
nosrednaekimsensae: thats a common problem... search for it on launchpad03:57
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:57
flaccid_sensae, i've seen that before, not sure why it happens, try #kde perhaps and !bugs03:57
helpyyou can run MS 07 on any OS ?03:57
flaccid_helpy, just like it says. its the ISO standard for docs... you can look it up on google/wikipedia :)03:58
nosrednaekimI'm saying... were these docs generated on Office 2007?03:58
flaccid_helpy, no i was talkinga bout Ooo03:58
ticohello is there a command i can type in konsole in order to go into the system settings?03:58
flaccid_generated on any version of msword they are not going to render 100% because microsoft has not released the spec for doc. docx, different story..03:58
flaccid_tico, systemsettings03:59
* helpy confused03:59
flaccid_helpy, you should probably researched first :)03:59
ticoheheh ok thanks03:59
flaccid_helpy, i'll get you a link mate03:59
PhoenixGIHow is open office with .docx files?03:59
PhoenixGIdoes it read them well?04:00
helpynot at all04:00
flaccid_PhoenixGI, um i can't remember tbh04:00
helpyyou can't open em04:00
nosrednaekimI opend some04:00
helpyno way!04:00
helpyreally ?04:00
nosrednaekimnot too good of compatibility though04:00
flaccid_helpy, its new so its probably being developed atm04:00
helpyeven google docs lose formatting04:00
flaccid_still its a good thing they dont' work properly in Ooo otherwise people wouldn't use the open formats as much and accept microsoft which is a bad thing04:01
flaccid_helpy, this is what happens when you use a microsoft closed format. dont expect any consistancy.04:01
PhoenixGISuppose I could just open office 2007 on the other PC and make a docx real quick04:01
helpyMS is a curse.04:01
nosrednaekimPhoenixGI: I'm talkin MS office04:02
PhoenixGIerr I could just open: MS office 200704:02
flaccid_open document formats are crucial and thus why they were ratified: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument04:02
flaccid_helpy, so get into the habit of .odt and not .doc and spread the word :)04:02
PhoenixGInosrednaekim yeah so was I, amazing how importatent punctuation is sometimes04:02
flaccid_i do latex for a lot of docs then can export to odt04:03
nosrednaekimPhoenixGI: ... haha... oh wow... I'm tired04:03
nosrednaekimlater guys04:03
=== hackkefsta is now known as hackkefsta__
PhoenixGILater Nosrednaekim04:03
Ownerhello. I just installed ubuntu server edition and I'm trying to get my broadcom wireless card working. I see on the ubuntu site there's a new wireless driver (b43). Can I just install the firmware (from the cafuego repository), restart and have working wireless?04:05
flaccid_Owner, there should be a guide there that confirms that but thats generally it, which links are you following?04:07
Ownerflaccid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/b43, a few others from help.ubuntu.com04:07
flaccid_Owner, just confirm your entry in lspci please for the card04:09
Ownerflaccid: 0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)04:10
flaccid_i assume thats a 43xx ? that 9 there doesn't mean anything. i guess you confirmed?04:11
flaccid_Owner, this is hardy?04:11
WillMcHello all04:11
Ownerflaccid: yes, this is hardy, yes it's a 43xx. When I've done this before that's what I've used. I don't know what the 9 there means, but it's never made a difference04:12
WillMcHas anyone ever tried to install hardy on a SONY VAIO?04:12
flaccid_Owner, cool. go for it ! :) i just had a look some people report problems but just let us know if you do04:13
Ownerflaccid: it worked!04:13
flaccid_WillMc, lots have04:13
OwnerI'm pinging google now and gettign responses :-)04:13
flaccid_Owner, sweet yeah from what i have heard the new driver is better and reliable. so hopefully its all fun from here04:13
flaccid_Owner, thats heaps better than what people used to have to go through so good news :)04:14
WillMcIt keeps hanging on me. Do I have to be online to install?04:14
Ownerflaccid: wonderful. Thanks for your help. I know, I've been on linux with this computer for a couple years; it used to be terrible04:14
flaccid_WillMc, don't need online or any network to install. where does it hang? you might need to try the alternate cd possibly, but you sure the disc and the hard disk are fine ?04:15
Ownerflaccid: one last question for you. I'm going to be compiling kde4 on this computer. I've done it on a regular kubuntu install. Do you know if there are any important things that are in the desktop version and not the server one?04:15
flaccid_Owner, hehe i didn't do anything it was all you :) yeah i was happy when intel was all fixed, rock on..04:15
flaccid_Owner, not sure why you are mixing server and desktop and putting GUI on desktop?04:16
WillMcIt hangs when the cusor come on. Instead I get a X04:16
flaccid_WillMc, if your disks are fine then give the alternate cd a shot which is a text installer, thats the quickest way to troubleshoot (but do try safe graphics mode from the menu on boot first)04:17
Ownerflaccid: my computer wasn't happy at all with hardy kde packages. It would freeze up (to the point where my clock would go in 5-10 second increments) every 30 minutes or so. I'm looking for something a little bit more lightweight, so I figured I'd do a basic (server) install and compile kde myself04:17
flaccid_i think you made a bad assumption assuming it was the packages04:18
WillMcI just installed xp on the hard drive..So I knoiw my drives are good..I do have a nvidia card in it. Maybe that's the problem.04:18
flaccid_Owner, if you wanted to build it up from minimal then you should of used the minimal cd first and not the server..04:19
flaccid_WillMc, quite possible especially if its new card not in the driver db04:19
Ownerflaccid: what do you think the problem was? All other versions of kubuntu have run fine. (Minimal = alternate install CD?)04:20
WillMcIt was too good to be true. I bought the machine at a yard sale for 5 bux04:20
flaccid_Owner, the problem could of been thousands of possibilities. would of been better to diagnose it at the time which could of saved doing all of this04:21
flaccid_WillMc, ah coolio. well you can always troubleshoot the X problem but since you are installing its going to be easier to just use the alternate text installer04:21
flaccid_Owner, oh and minimal cd is not the alternate cd is totally different04:22
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:22
PhoenixGIok I'm happy, Ooo CAN open a docx and a xlsx files04:23
WillMcOk..I'll try that.04:23
sensaeOkay, um04:23
flaccid_WillMc, for you, the alternate cd not the minimal one fyi04:24
sensaeI installed virtualbox-ose-modules-generic, and it installed for kernel .17. I'm using 18. Do the repos just not have any for .18 yet or what?04:24
sensae*-17 and -1804:24
flaccid_!info virtualbox-ose-modules-generic04:24
ubottuvirtualbox-ose-modules-generic (source: virtualbox-ose-modules): virtualbox-ose module for linux-image-generic. In component universe, is optional. Version 24.0.1 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)04:24
=== douglas is now known as dougsland
PhoenixGIgranted some of the coloring didn't make it over, but still, the styles did, and the layout so just have to tweek a little and done04:25
flaccid_sensae, um maybe you just have to reinstall the package for the new kernel04:25
sensaeflaccid: I don't see a package for the new kernel04:25
sensaeThe latest I see is virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-17-generic04:25
flaccid_i will double check, it doesn't look pre compiled to me04:26
=== keith is now known as compilerwriter
flaccid_sensae, i think you are right. what is your sudo apt-cache madison virtualbox-ose-modules-generic ?04:27
sensaevirtualbox-ose-modules-generic | 24.0.1 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy -updates/universe Packages04:29
vitviperhow do I configure my drives to be mounted at boot time?04:29
sensaeAnd one more, same package name, 24 instead of 24.0.1 and just /universe instead of -updates/universe04:29
flaccid_sensae, yep see even updates its at least 1 point behind. i think you are spot on..04:29
flaccid_vitviper, disks and filesystems in system settings04:30
sensaeWell damn04:31
vitviperdoesn't work04:32
sensaelol so what should I do for now? Just boot into -17?04:32
vitviperi have to go into Store from the K panel, and click in a drive... then it prompts me for a password04:33
vitviperextremely annoying04:33
vitviperespecially since my background picture is off on a different drive04:33
sensaeOh I hate that. My background picture is on an NFS share, lol04:33
flaccid_!doesntwork | vitviper04:34
ubottuvitviper: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:34
flaccid_sensae, if thats suffice yeah i guess04:34
vitviperubottu: the drives aren't mounted automatically04:34
ubottuvitviper: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:34
flaccid_apologies vitviper i had some lag04:35
* flaccid_ looks at his overpriced wireless connection04:35
flaccid_vitviper, did you even enable them in system settings | disk and filesystems ?04:35
vitviperi'll edit the rc.local and put in mount commands if I have to04:35
vitviperyeah been in there flaccid04:35
sensaeRestarting :x04:35
flaccid_vitviper, no you use fstab if you do it manul04:35
flaccid_!fstab | vitviper04:36
ubottuvitviper: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:36
flaccid_rc.local is the incorrect place to do it04:36
vitviperi know flaccid_, seen that too04:36
vitviperi'm not new to linux04:36
flaccid_then why would you suggest rc.local ?04:36
vitviperjust to point out how annoyed I am04:36
NickPrestavitviper, what are you having a problem with?04:37
flaccid_vitviper, you could help everyone and report the bug :)04:37
vitviperi don't even know if it's a bug04:37
doorknob60can someone unbvan my ip from #ubuntu please, my brother spammed in it and got me banned -.-04:37
vitviperhowever my laptop does the same thing04:37
=== francisco is now known as geniola
NickPrestadoorknob60, join #ubuntu-ops04:37
flaccid_doorknob60, #ubuntu-ops04:37
doorknob60okay thanks04:37
flaccid_vitviper, well im pretty sure its meant to be persistant and do fstab. im not on kde atm i'll google04:38
NickPrestaif you're trying to mount something every time at boot, and always want that partition/disk/what ever to be mounted, put it in your fstab04:38
vitviperi'm not 100% familiar with all the mount options in /etc/fstab04:38
NickPresta!es | geniola04:38
ubottugeniola: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.04:38
NickPrestavitviper, `man mount` and `man fstab`04:38
flaccid_NickPresta, isn't disks and filesystems a frontend to fstab?04:38
vitviperflaccid_: it's supposed to be04:39
NickPrestaflaccid_, yeah. it should be, however, if you have something very complicated (cifs share) D&F might not work/be too simple. I've never used D&F so I don't know :)04:39
flaccid_i don't think this case is complicated04:39
vitviperfor an automatic mount04:40
vitviperwhat do I add to fstab04:40
flaccid_vitviper, ubottu pasted a link. it depends the type of disk, its dev, the perms, the options, the mountpoint etc. so i couldn't tell you straight up..04:41
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE04:41
flaccid_^^ the auto mount link above is not a bad summary04:41
vitviperyeah they're all ntfs04:41
flaccid_vitviper, ignore the ntfs part. ntfs is just a type, its just under the wrong factoid04:42
flaccid_vitviper, a kde user has advised that in disks and filesystems, on each entry there is a mount button and an enable button. mount mounts and enable puts it in fstab. if enable fails to add to fstab please submit a bug :)04:43
PhoenixGIDang, I must be getting tired... I saw that converstation flaccid_ and was think... hmm the nick looks familar04:45
PhoenixGII'm just lerking in to many channels I think04:45
vitviperflaccid_: last time I checked it added the fstab, still wasn't mounted tho04:46
vitviperok, i'll let you know how it goes, just updated my fstab04:46
sensaeSo guess what. The -17 kernel doesn't play nice with Compiz and I can't get X to run. It only runs in -1804:47
crimsunso try -19 in -proposed04:49
sensaeHow will that help me, when a module doesn't even exist for -18? I'm trying to get Virtualbox to run04:49
inaetyhow do i set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to the correct path04:49
deamon3i need the backtrack repositories04:50
vitviperthat's better04:51
vitvipernow i don't have to mount and reset my background every riggin' boot04:51
santiago-veshesh... first time i go to some event.. and people asks for Kubuntu cds directly... (+20 cds where given :p)04:53
deamon3i need the repositories04:54
sensaeHow do I install a proposed package?04:54
vitviperi love linux04:54
vitviperi'm glad it's finally at a desktop usuable state04:54
PhoenixGIsantiago-ve: and the problem is?04:54
vitviperi just wiped Vista off two machines04:54
Qsterhad a question.. i have 2 folders that i put in trash bin but wont let me empty trash bin.. says i dont have permission04:55
Qsterbut cant restore them either..04:55
santiago-vesensae, open adept, in the adept menu, the second option (Manage repository i think), it will open a pop up window04:56
flaccid_vitviper, how you go. i guess its a mount problem then in that case and not the gui frontend04:56
flaccid_oh swewet vitviper :)04:56
santiago-vesensae, in the 3rd tab... updates... there you go04:56
sensaeand then pre-released?04:57
santiago-vePhoenixGI, first time this happens... :p we had to burn many kubuntu cds.. because we ran out of them~04:58
santiago-vethat never happens...04:58
* santiago-ve is happy04:58
santiago-vesensae, yes04:58
* mr--t bids all a good night....05:01
frybyeHi - I have just d-loaded the f-foxv3rc2 as a *.bz2 and unpacked it - what is the next thing I need to do to install - I am on a 64bit system..?05:19
frybye- I was however really looking for the ff3<final-> which i got automatically on windows.. but could not find the manual download..05:19
frybyeflaccid: morning pal - you wanna take a look at this perhaps?05:20
frybyeanybody else got ff3<final> installed???05:21
NickPrestafrybye, I don't know if its any different for 64bit systems but navigate to the folder you extracted the files to and then run: ./firefox/firefox-bin05:21
rolloread the INSTALL or README05:21
frybyeok thanks...05:22
NickPrestaoh sorry. You should run 'firefox', not 'firefox-bin'05:23
NickPrestaso: ./firefox/firefox05:23
frybyeyeah i have got it .. I thought that would just be a text about - how too - but was a script and installed the thing...05:24
frybyestill a little bit disappointed - cos the final got auto-updated on the vista box and here rc2 dosent find any updates..05:25
frybyeon the windows box there appears to be the ffox3-final installed - but I find no references to it being available yet with google - or at the mozilla.org pages..05:26
frybyeah -my mistake.. rc2 calls itself firefox3 in the "about" menu point.. that will be what I have on the windows box also I guess..05:27
antzikalhello everyone. first of all i am starter, next , i have a problem with codecs , i vave kaffeine and mplayer installed and almost every codec library , thought when i try to play a video i hear the sound but i got a static blue frame, anyone can help me?05:27
PhoenixGIantzikal what type of file is the video?05:28
flaccid_frybye, firefox help in #firefox ?05:28
antzikal.avi .mpg mostly05:28
antzikalno video  can be played05:29
flaccid_antzikal, which codec packages are installed and is this all video players?05:29
antzikalwell i downloaded every library that i found that had to do with videos (not so good i dea i guess) but i hoped that one of these might work05:31
frybyeflaccid it is resolved - the confusion was just because f-fox3rc2 calls itself "firefox3" in the "about" menu-point... np - tks...05:31
flaccid_antzikal, what is every library, what are the pkgs installed?05:31
flaccid_fair enough05:31
frybyeah - now I understand - the channel f-fox ok... sorry..05:31
PhoenixGIhmmm was hoping it was going to be something easy like wmvs so I could point to restircted formats like I knew what I was doing05:32
flaccid_firefox aint even qt :p05:32
antzikalwell, w8 about what u said to the other channel, about the drivers05:32
antzikalo got there. what should  i choose/05:32
* flaccid_ is confused05:33
PhoenixGII think we're missing half the conversation here flaccid_05:33
flaccid_hehe ok. the other flaccid is at home, im at my gf's :)05:33
frybyeif anybody here like to help installing flash-plugin in firefox3rc2 on a 64bit machine - please come to #firefox?05:42
flaccid_flash doesn't work on 64bit. there is some workarounds on the net but they are pretty hectic and its not stable05:43
flaccid_give adobe a call :)05:43
frybyeflaccid: it has been working on ff3b5 up to now - but after moving to ff3rc2 it has fallen over...05:45
ubuntuHow do I switch to administrator mode?05:45
frybyeflaccid: my hindi is not good enoug to speak directly with the people who would really be able to support this stuff I gues...05:46
frybyeubuntu: put    sudo   in front of the commands...05:46
frybyeflaccid: should I use the nswrapper...?05:47
frybyehmm now I see this should not be used on hardy.. hmmm05:48
flaccid_frybye, using sudo != administrator mode05:50
flaccid_frybye, i don't even know what nswrapper is.. i use Opera05:50
flaccid_so flash 64bit was runnong before?05:51
flaccid_they must put the hook in it then05:51
flaccid_frybye, how did you go with google search as well?05:51
flaccid_ah thats like netscape wrapper. flash is a beast :(05:53
frybyein google up till now I hve found infos that relate to older editions of kubuntu... not to hardy...05:54
flaccid_im not sure how the version of ubuntu would make a difference, is there a reason why it would?05:54
frybye- well that is also not tru it gives a command for using on hardy.. but that just reports that the plugin is already installed..05:54
flaccid_lol @ adobe official comment: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=6b3af6c9&sliceId=205:54
frybyeit was working with ff3b5 till i got the ff3rc2 and it dosent work with that...05:55
frybyehang on...05:55
flaccid_um im not sure what you are going on. don't assume anything until you know why it is not working..05:55
flaccid_its like getting a new car, crashing and then blaming the new car :)05:56
frybyejust the fact that when hitting a www-site needing flash i am offered the plugin - and when doing the install it offers it again and again...05:56
flaccid_err i wouldn't expect that thing to work at all05:56
frybyeif the reason for the crash was that a wheel fell off - ok then i blame the car - even if it is new... heheh05:56
flaccid_i've never seen that work05:57
flaccid_frybye, but you don't know why yet so can't blame :)05:57
frybyeflaccid us europeans are perhaps not such scaredy-run-away lillies after all heheh05:57
frybyebecause adobe give a damp cuss about us linux people and the 64bit stuff anyhows.. that is why.. heheh05:57
flaccid_oky doky. but i mean have you even installed flash and if so pastebin output of sudo updatedb && sudo locate libflashplayer.so please05:58
flaccid_this is the nature of closed commercial software :(05:58
frybyeok I will post the paste of that.. give me 505:59
frybyeand wether I like closed commercial or not - one has to live with the world the way it is and not the way is should be or..?05:59
flaccid_frybye, correct. but the problems of the closed source worlds should not be the open world's problems06:00
flaccid_ie. never expect the closed to work with the open06:00
frybye- we are back to the is ./. should argument...06:00
flaccid_im not arguing just making comments really06:01
frybyeflaccid - i mean argument in the sence of debate - achedemically...06:02
flaccid_yeah sorry classic argument in that case i guess. im just sick of the issues with this sofware type. im also a web standards advocate so im against flash :)06:03
frybyeflaccid - most of us are forced to have one foot in openand closed -06:03
flaccid_no we are not forced. we have to make the decision... nobody is forced to do anything :)06:04
frybyeflaccid - what one is up against here is not so much open and closed software standards - but fundamental built-in conflicts in the capitalist social-ecconomic system.. we need to discuss that on #politics though...06:05
flaccid_um there are many aspects to it06:06
frybyeso long as a relatively small number of shareholders have an inordinatly large amount of power based on thier capital accrument abilities - then the interests of this small profit-motivated but powerfull group will be in conflict with the mass of folks who dont have capital or much of it..06:06
flaccid_thats a garble06:07
frybyethe business of flash and lack of support for it is on one level an expression of the above..06:07
frybyeone could just see it as a default in the organisational skills within adobe.. (that would be reassuringing if that was all it is...)06:07
flaccid_probably not interested in discussing my philosophy here, i was just voicing the problem. at the end of the day us discussing aint going to change the status quo..06:07
frybyealthough the strength of netizen opinion has been demonstrated in s.korea a couple of times.. anyhows..06:08
frybyeu see the past-up???06:09
flaccid_nah, looking now06:09
flaccid_frybye, what command was that?06:11
flaccid_frybye, its not the one i requested :(06:15
frybyethat was sudo updatedb && sudo locate libflashplayer06:18
frybyeis that "b" on the end of updated**b** right???06:18
flaccid_um the one you pasted is like from apt/dpkg. sudo updatedb updates your locate database so im not sure how that came through06:20
flaccid_yeah its updatedb06:20
Janice8954Hey guys.06:25
Janice8954Does anyone know how to setup a server?06:25
Janice8954Using a Belkin Router06:25
flaccid_what type of server?06:25
Janice8954Not really sure. I want it be the place where all my files are kept from Ubustu and I can access them from  other PCs wirelessly06:26
frybyeflaccid - and that was the wrong command... you requested which one.. i will do again...?06:26
flaccid_Janice8954, well a router is not going to set up a file server for you, thats what an OS like ubuntu is for06:27
flaccid_!samba | Janice895406:27
ubottuJanice8954: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:27
flaccid_set up samba and just file share like windows, thats the one thats easiest for you Janice895406:27
Janice8954I don't have windows on any computer06:27
flaccid_you don't need windows06:28
flaccid_frybye, i don't understand how the command i gave could output that apt/dpkg stuff..06:28
Janice8954flaccid can it be installed via Synaptic06:28
flaccid_Janice8954, it just means that if a windows or mac pc go on your lan then they can access too if they like06:28
flaccid_Janice8954, yes06:29
Janice8954easy to setup?06:29
Janice8954Do I have to have it on all machines?06:29
Janice8954that run Ubuntu?06:29
Janice8954Also, do you know is it possible to Upgrade from Dapper to Hardy without CD?06:30
Janice8954Like the same way I went from Vanilla to Ubustu?06:30
Janice8954It's not possible?06:30
flaccid_that was the answer to your first question. the second question is: yes06:30
Janice8954have any idea where I can that information to do that/06:31
Janice8954The upgrade I mean.06:31
flaccid_but if you are doing an upgrade like that its not for new users but rather ones with pkg knowledge06:31
flaccid_!upgrade | Janice895406:31
ubottuJanice8954: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:31
flaccid_not that we don't support that type of ugprade but i've done it many times. its not easy for new users06:31
Janice8954Similar to the Ubustu upgrade?06:32
Janice8954Im really not all that new. There is just a lot I don't know that can be done yet.06:32
Janice8954There is documentation for almost everything anyway right06:32
Janice8954That's how I have been learning Ubuntu for the last 5 years.06:32
flaccid_Janice8954, well its the same ubuntu and kubuntu use the same repos.06:32
flaccid_i dont know what ubustu is if thats something different06:33
gkffjcshow do I forcefully unmount an nfs mount?06:34
flaccid_gkffjcs, sudo umoun -l /media/mountpoint06:34
flaccid_umount -l06:34
Janice8954It's Ubuntu Studio06:34
flaccid_ah fair enough Janice895406:34
Janice8954oh on a more serious note.06:35
Janice8954When I boot up the machine in question it goes through Grub and the screen goes out.06:35
gkffjcsthanks flaccid_06:35
Janice8954Like Video goes out.06:35
Janice8954But then if i press the power buton it comes back to shut down.06:35
Janice8954This just started when i moved the Box to another room06:36
flaccid_Janice8954, im not sure your boot issue but pressing power button will turn it off/power down depending what stage of the boot its up to..06:36
Janice8954I know.06:37
flaccid_Janice8954, so you select the entry in grub, does it get to init06:37
Janice8954Theorettically  it boots fine.06:37
flaccid_then i don't see a problem. i must not understand06:37
Janice8954I am splaining06:37
Janice8954Once it gets past Grub and the status bar. Right before is loads the Login Screen the video goes out. My monitor loses signal06:38
flaccid_at what stage in the process? its probably normally as its loading usplash ?06:38
Janice8954Right before Usplash06:38
flaccid_otherwise i have no idea, could just be the monitor, how long signal goes out for?06:38
Janice8954It's not the monitor.06:38
Janice8954I unplugged it, plugged it back in etc.06:39
Janice8954It loses signal indefinately06:39
Janice8954I haven't tried blindly typing the password to see if that works.06:39
flaccid_Janice8954, rightio. i guess you could try disabling usplash... your videocard may not like that or framebuffer..06:40
flaccid_ie. until it gets a driver in X06:40
Janice8954Know anything about how to get ATI working?L06:43
Janice8954I have a card that I want to put in, but it acts up in there as well lol06:44
flaccid_yeah im an ATI expert as i have to put up with my radeon 9600 :)06:45
Janice8954Cool, I have an old Radeon 700006:45
flaccid_still its all on the wiki and you just need hardware drivers manager if you want to use restricted. yeah ive set one of those up before06:46
Janice8954I put it in, power up. It loads. It runs through the checklist then I just get a black status bar.06:46
Janice8954Even from the LiveCD06:46
flaccid_black status bar? usplash?06:47
Janice8954You know. The nice Blue Kubuntu deal.06:47
flaccid_yeah so goto another tty, login and then check Xorg log why it didn't work. /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:47
Janice8954ctl alt bkspc?06:47
flaccid_Janice8954, ctrl+alt+f206:48
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frybyewhat is the command to check what the version of the installed ssh is???06:56
crimsunssh -V06:57
crimsunor dpkg -l openssh-client|grep ^ii06:57
flaccid_frybye, if its server, the pkg name is openssh-server fyi06:59
jeevakayo room07:06
Janice8954flaccid I did different tty? And then I tried to startx07:06
Janice8954It says that screen found but no useable configuration07:06
flaccid_Janice8954, well thats to be expected because kdm is already running. this is not what i asked. i asked for you to check the log..07:07
flaccid_ie. more /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:07
Janice8954That's how to do that?07:07
Janice8954Okay, I have to write down and then go to other room07:07
vitvipernow this is annoying07:08
Janice8954Damn computer cut 4 of my fingers simultaneously07:08
vitviperflaccid_: i got another one fo ryou07:08
frybyewhich command to get the configuration of ssh listed??07:12
flaccid_frybye, ssh listed?07:13
Janice8954flaccid: no such file07:13
flaccid_Janice8954, are you sure ? does ls /var/log | grep -i xorg return anything?07:14
flaccid_frybye, please try google and the wiki first. there is lots on configuring openssh server07:15
frybyeok flac07:17
frybyeflaccid: ok - take your point..07:17
flaccid_sweet. most of my time here is spent searching the net for people. i wouldnt mind getting paid if thats what i have to do :)07:18
Janice8954I got flaccid07:18
flaccid_you got me?07:18
flaccid_luck you :)07:18
Janice8954What exactly am I looking for in the log07:18
flaccid_you can do this to see warnings: grep WW /var/log/Xorg.0.log and grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors07:19
flaccid_you are looking mainly at the end part of the log where it would run into the issue and then die..07:20
Janice8954Well I do know its still using the integrated display device07:20
* rollo admires flaccid_'s patience with unableToGooglePeople07:20
Janice8954So I think that's the problem all along07:20
flaccid_frybye, did you fix your flash? or did you give me a new pastebin?07:21
Janice8954rollo.  I do know how to google. There is just nothing that addresses my particular problem07:21
flaccid_Janice8954, lets not assume until we confirm07:21
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flaccid_Janice8954, i wasn't referring to you:)07:21
rollono it was more a global statement07:22
Janice8954What do you mean by grab?07:22
Janice8954Just run that command as well07:22
flaccid_i never said grab. its grep which is the command07:23
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flaccid_Janice8954, eg command is this: grep WW /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:23
Janice8954Well for warnings it says that Detected stolen Memor doesn't match what the bios reported07:25
flaccid_and errors?07:26
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:27
flaccid_Janice8954, if you can pastebin the whole log that would be sweet :)07:29
flaccid_oww i just heart my fingers07:31
Janice8954I just cut the hell out of my fingers07:32
Janice8954Right on the tip of one. Pretty deep as well.07:32
Janice8954So I have this stupid bandage thats  interfering with my typing lol07:32
flaccid_yeah and i just banged mine against a railing and its cold..07:32
neon2323http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/1370978/amazing_balance_of_coins.swf   o_O07:32
neon2323http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/1370978/amazing_balance_of_coins.swf   o_O07:32
flaccid_Janice8954, any chance you can pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?07:32
Janice8954Its 95 here I think07:32
flaccid_!ot | neon232307:33
ubottuneon2323: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:33
flaccid_Janice8954, im in australia, were use the more censible centigrade :)07:33
Janice8954command not found07:33
Janice8954ah, so it probably 36 then07:34
flaccid_Janice8954, i gave the file, the command is cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:34
frybyehow do I use the command line to get a printup of man ssh??07:34
flaccid_frybye, lots on google if you search for how to print man pages07:35
frybyesorry.. i used to know all this stuff years and years back but have forgotten it again...07:35
Janice8954Yeah  um there is no way I can pastebin that07:35
stdinman ssh | lp -07:35
stdin^ would print the man-page :)07:35
frybyeflaccid the trouble is with a lota info on google there is the assumption often that one has a lot of background inknowledge..07:36
flaccid_i think there is man:/ in konq/dolphin as well07:36
Janice8954in fact, I can't even view the whole thing07:36
flaccid_frybye, that would be the same as here. it not like that for everything. still what you dont understand there you can get help with here07:36
frybyeok stdin thanks... (that was a whole lot quicker than sorting thru 289.000 results in google heheheh07:37
flaccid_Janice8954, just let me know what you got for grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:37
Janice8954lucky for me I know nano07:37
frybyehmm now I dont know how to close the man ssh that I have open right now...07:37
stdinwhen you're trying to configure a printer on a server with no X, you learn about the "lp" command07:37
flaccid_frybye, man man :) ie. press q07:38
frybyetried control - x crontrol - s - ok thanks.. i remember now..07:38
Janice8954flaccid: It is still saying that the display device  is the Intel Crap deal07:39
Janice8954and the driver is such07:39
frybyewith man ssh | lp it says no standard target available...?07:39
Janice8954but I will run that command as well07:39
flaccid_Janice8954, um if you have two video cards its up to you to disable one in bios?07:40
flaccid_Janice8954, also the erros from the log mention the monitor being the problem, thus i wouldn't mind seeing all monitor sections in xorg.conf07:40
Janice8954And I access BIOS by pressing F whatever during startup?07:40
flaccid_Janice8954, depends on bios, could be del or f207:40
Janice8954It's fe07:40
Janice8954Okay, brb07:41
frybyeI have the printer config gui open in system manager mode but cant see how to define a standard printer..07:41
stdinfrybye: do you have a default printer set? or just use konqueror (man:/ssh)07:41
* rollo_ wounders what frybye's bill would be if support would cost :)07:41
frybyeok I hve it - right click on the printer in there..07:41
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:41
frybyerollo - it does cost - it costs me in the future spending zillions of minutes supporting other newbies or..?07:42
flaccid_frybye, run kdesudo system-config-printer-kde07:42
frybyei have got it done i think..hang on...07:42
stdinor just use the -d option to lp to provide the name of the printer to use07:42
rollo_sorry can't see that at this state frybye07:42
Janice8954flaccid it already says that PCI is the Primary Video Adapter07:43
stdinie: "man ssh | lp -d "Local Pinter" -"07:43
frybyeit has been done...07:43
frybyethe only thing is that for some days the buffer does not flush so I need to switch the printer on and off again to get it to print any new jobs - but it is working now..07:44
frybyehang on..07:44
frybyemaybe setting it as default printer has fixed that also... heheh07:44
rollo_                                                                           fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddfddffdfdfdffddddffjjhj;l07:44
flaccid_Janice8954, the problem is i need to see all these files then to work it out. also need to see lscpi if both video cards are detectable. a quick fix possible is to run  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select the appropriate options ie. it might prompt which video card07:45
flaccid_rollo_,  did you just pass out on the keyboard or was that a cat :)07:45
Janice8954yeah but I am using two machines07:45
rollo_sorry childern on the keyboard07:45
Janice8954So I would have to type on that into into pastebin07:45
flaccid_Janice8954, try my possible quickfix, if not maybe a usb pendrive can be of use07:46
Janice8954It does show both so I will try your fix07:47
flaccid_Janice8954, hey also, you select primary in bios so that means its primary but the other one not disabled. might as well use two and configure at least one correctly..07:48
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jsheweyGrrr... Can't seem to find out how to install a simple networked jetdirect printer (hp laserjet 4100)07:51
tony_how can I force kftpgrabber to use active mode?07:52
tony_any help will be deeply apreciated!07:52
flaccid_Janice8954, heh and if you swapped it around in bios, it might swap it around in linux. thats a possible fix as well. anyway give us bell if you need help07:54
Janice8954I did all that and it still says no screens found07:56
tony403could someone tell me why i can only mount my windows partitions by entering my root password?07:56
coreymon77tony403: because mounting is a system wide thing07:57
coreymon77tony403: and anything system wide usually requires root07:57
flaccid_Janice8954, need to read the log to see why...07:57
flaccid_tony403, needs to be users option in fstab for that fs . no user mount by default07:57
frybyeeach time I send a print job to the buffer I have to switch the printer (canon s450) off and back on to get it to print.  Print qual. etc itself is fine..? any ideas..?07:57
flaccid_coreymon77, you can user mount anything :)07:58
tony403yes, i know. i guess i mean to say why it won't let me because it used to let me before07:58
tony403flaccid_, thanks, i'll check it07:58
flaccid_tony403, needs an fstab entry with users options07:58
gwphow do I install a .gz file from console?07:59
Masiosaretony403: If you are not comfortable with the command line you could install pysdm and configure em from there.07:59
flaccid_tony403, i'd just goto system settings - disks and filesystems and enable it there but depends on your requirements07:59
flaccid_gwp, you can't install it, but you can extract it with tar07:59
flaccid_i mean gzip07:59
gwpafter extracted how do I install it, whats the command is what I was getting at07:59
gwpI have it extracted07:59
tony403ok, i was doing the group permissions gui thing08:00
flaccid_gwp, i have no idea whats in the archive, so i don't know how you would install it...08:00
gwpits just YamiPod08:00
gwpthats the filename08:00
flaccid_i have no idea what yamipod is or how it is distributed. did you read yamipod doco for install? it may also come with README or INSTALL file..08:01
coreymon77gwp: erm, no deb file or apt install?08:01
gwpk I am looking at the readme, coreymon77 no08:02
gwpHow do i copy a file with root privledges?08:02
flaccid_!root | gwp08:02
ubottugwp: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:02
flaccid_not a great factoid. should get that one changed08:04
gwpi know how to use su command or sudo command, but sudo move, or su move doesnt work08:05
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:07
NinjaraThe 'system-config-printer-applet-kde' python script keeps popping up as a background process every time I login/boot, where is it started from and how do I disable it?08:07
flaccid_gwp, no worries. move is actually mv :)08:08
NinjaraI'm using 8.04.08:08
flaccid_Ninjara, are your sessions turned on?08:08
NinjaraI have it set to manually restore saved sessions.08:09
flaccid_Ninjara, so it shouldn't be stuck in your session right ?08:09
flaccid_and obviously its not in ~/.kde/Autostart ?08:09
NinjaraI'm pretty darn sure I killed it before the last save.  Even more, I've never used that thing to my recollection.08:09
NinjaraThat dir is clean08:10
NinjaraI could just rename the binary since I never use it, but that's kinda messy.08:10
flaccid_hmm, wonder how its stuck in a session. i guess you could ask in #kde and advise that that binary is stuck in your session08:10
gwpYamiPod is a binary and the install readme says to make sure df is install, move the lib file and then double click the binary to run it08:11
flaccid_Ninjara, im trying to think what else could call it besides those two and not a global you would have to create quite manually08:11
gwpWhen i do so it trys to use wine to run it and then wine just closes08:11
flaccid_gwp, is this a windows application or linux?08:11
gwplinux binary08:11
flaccid_gwp, goto the folder in konsole then do a ./YamiPod if that doesn't run it you need to chmod +x on it08:12
NinjaraI figured it'd have to be in /usr/share/autostart, but nothing there seems remotely connected.08:12
flaccid_Ninjara, im starting to think some application is calling it. but im out of ideas sorry mate08:12
NinjaraI'll try another kill,  save and restart just for the sake of it,.08:13
gwpYamiPod:11473): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :008:13
gwpThats what I am getting now after chmod +x08:13
flaccid_gwp, thats because you are running it as root which is not what you do.08:13
flaccid_root is not logged into X so cannot attached to display..08:14
Janice8954flaccid, I am working on that log lol08:15
flaccid_Janice8954, yeah a bit of a PITA i can understand.. :)08:15
flaccid_Janice8954, can you just paste if less than 4 lines here the output of lspci | grep VGA; grep -i BusID /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?08:17
gwpnow I get Cannot find libgstreamer | Cannot find libxine | Segmentation fault08:17
flaccid_Janice8954, that will show what is what in the bus and what xorg is using..08:17
flaccid_gwp, install them :)08:18
NinjaraNeh..  Closest I can get is that some 'jockey-kde' thing fires up on login too.08:18
gwpwhat was the command? sudo apt-get install?08:18
flaccid_Ninjara, thats the Hardware Drivers Manager. weird behaviour..08:18
flaccid_gwp, yeah08:19
Janice8954I just went to the end flaccid and I got08:19
flaccid_gwp, i would probably recommend libxine1-all-plugins and libgstreamer0.10-008:20
Janice8954(WW) RADEON: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:2:9:0) found08:21
Janice8954(EE) No devices detected08:21
flaccid_Janice8954, i need the output of my last request08:21
gwpk thanks08:21
Janice8954 Yeah, it says that no such file or directory for grep08:22
Janice8954is that symbol a "|" ?08:23
gwpjust installed those packages and I am still getting that same error08:23
Janice8954and is there a space between the "lspci" and the "|" and the "grep" ?08:23
flaccid_Janice8954, lspci | grep VGA; grep -i BusID /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ... its a pipe08:24
flaccid_gwp, i don't know what specifically it wants. search on http://packages.ubuntu.com or use sudo apt-cache search libxine for example.08:25
flaccid_Janice8954, i think you can do it with or without space08:25
Janice8954still no such file or directory for grep08:26
Janice8954and again for BusID08:26
flaccid_Janice8954, are you running it right ? what does just grep or /bin/grep do ?08:27
flaccid_BusID is not a command so you must be putting it in wrong08:27
Janice8954there we go08:27
gwpnone of those xinelib files listed install since they all installed with the initial command you gave me08:29
gwpwell im just gonna have to find a better i-pod software08:29
gwpto use then08:29
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod08:29
skircr115hello guys08:30
flaccid_gwp, either that or find out what exactly it wants that it aint getting, but something more native to ubuntu would be easier08:30
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!08:30
dolfi use amarok for my ipod and it works perfect08:30
flaccid_Janice8954, do you see the problem there? i do :) when was the last time you ran xorg reconfigure? i assume before you put this card in or something08:32
Janice8954I think so08:32
Janice8954 lol08:32
Janice8954So what's the command?08:32
skircr115anyone know where avishek is?08:34
flaccid_sorry someone at door asking for charity.08:34
Janice8954I hate those people.08:35
flaccid_Janice8954, ok so which video card is the system physically using Janice8954 ?08:35
flaccid_Janice8954, and in xorg.conf what is Driver set to in device section?08:35
flaccid_ok cool that should work, optionally can change to "radeon" but leave for now. change BusID              "PCI:02:2:0" in xorg.conf to BusID              "PCI:02:9:0" and then do a sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart08:38
flaccid_just thinking . i guess when you change video cards its best to change driver to vesa before physically changing.. hmm /me thinks08:40
Janice8954Okay restarting08:41
Janice8954Oh snap YAY!08:41
Janice8954You saved me!08:41
Janice8954However, I had a trick up my sleeve all along, because you didn't tell me how to edit :p08:42
Janice8954So, I just go to synaptic and download Samba?08:42
flaccid_hehe yeah and yeah Janice8954 . nice job!08:43
Janice8954Thank you soooo much08:43
* Janice8954 send flaccid an imaginary basket of crackers and vegemite08:43
flaccid_my pleasure08:44
flaccid_lol you aussie or something Janice8954 ?08:44
Janice8954no, just got a couple kangaroos loose in the top paddock08:44
Janice8954Yesterday I was up a bloody gum tree trying to find something to eat08:45
flaccid_hehe. well get me a kanga steak, medium rare :)08:46
Janice8954Heh, you can have it. I don't care for Kangaroo08:47
Janice8954It's a bit rangey08:47
flaccid_Janice8954, maybe a tad, but i've have fooled many people saying its the best steak they have ever had :)08:51
flaccid_Janice8954, you can also use the restricted ati driver for better performance if you goto Hardware Drivers Manager and enable it and reboot..08:52
Janice8954I am setting that machine up in the server room08:54
flaccid_fair enough08:55
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gauravis there a way to impport my kmail and akregator setters from kde-4.0.4 to kde 4.1 pim ?09:06
gauravah! my bad09:07
janice8951flaccid. I could sure use some help here again,.09:29
janice8951nvrmind, going to do this one on me own09:30
flaccid_what is it lol09:30
janice8951I think at least. If I run into trouble I will give you a shout eh?09:30
flaccid_janice8951, yah cool. just install the package then goto system settings and configure samba there. that is likely the easiest. samba is a beast to configure but hopefully that will simplify it for you09:31
janice8951already have it09:31
janice8951already had it actually.09:31
flaccid_coolio, is there a problem ?09:32
janice8951Yeap, I don't see it in System settings09:32
flaccid_janice8951, um should be there probably in advanced09:33
flaccid_janice8951, otherwise goto kcontrol and the kcm module should come up there as well09:34
yeniklasorI'm using kde 4. My taskmanager has gone. How can I fix it ?09:34
flaccid_yeniklasor, #kubuntu-kde4 please09:36
rollothere is a taskmanager?09:36
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde409:36
mattialieto giorno09:38
=== rollo is now known as ollor
mattiaa chi posso chiedere per dei problemi di Kde ?09:39
janice8951is there a command to find out which Version of Kubuntu I am using?09:39
bazhang!it | mattia09:39
ubottumattia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:39
ollorlsb_release -a janice895109:48
ollorat least that is what google tells me :)09:48
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merike_hello, anyone experiencing green screen flash when resuming from suspend?09:55
JabopI'm trying to restart ssh, and when i do, it tells me that there are no host keys found. however, they *are* in the directories that it's looking in. what could I do to fix this?10:00
ollorJabop: /etc/init.d/ssh restart ,,, restarts ssh10:02
JabopRight, ollor. When I do that, I get...10:02
JabopCould not load host key: /usr/local/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key10:02
JabopCould not load host key: /usr/local/etc/ssh_host_dsa_key10:02
JabopDisabling protocol version 2. Could not load host key10:02
Jabopsshd: no hostkeys available -- exiting.10:02
JabopThere ARE in fact k eys in /usr/local/etc/whatever_key10:03
lyhana8hi, (i already try on #firefox channel without success) i'm looking for a way to rebuild my firefox addons list on firefox2 due to firefox3 incompatibility10:04
ollorsounds like bad permission Jabop10:04
ollorare you root10:04
JabopI restart ssh using sudo,  yes10:05
ollorJabop: can you ssh into another box?10:05
JabopWhat perms should the files have?10:06
Jabopthe keys, that is10:06
ollorJabop: have a look here that might help http://justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7590010:07
JabopI had looked at that thread earlier, to no avail10:09
ollorlet me check mine Jabop10:09
JabopI can ssh into other boxes, I just can't ssh back into my box.10:11
ollormine are in /etc/ssh/ Jabop10:12
ollorwell that's new i can't use scp into my kubuntu box ... out no problem scp in doesn't work :)10:15
seria-mausomeone using the beta1 packages? i have a problem with strigi10:32
seria-mauit doesnt start (version 5.10...ppa?)10:33
seria-maucomplaining about sopranobackend unknown10:33
janice8951Does anyone know how to setup a home network? I have a Kubuntu Dapper box that I want use as a server and two other Machines, I have a Belkin Wireless router10:38
flaccid_ollor_, did you install the openssh-server its not installed by default10:39
flaccid_janice8951, samba10:40
ollor_flaccid_: i have ... but i was not the one with the problem :) Jabop was10:41
Jabopollor_ and flaccid: i went ahead and got the openssh source and recompiled/installed, I think it's working properly. Testing out a few things10:42
lyhana8hi, (i already try on #firefox channel without success) i'm looking for a way to rebuild my firefox addons list on firefox2 due to firefox3 incompatibility10:42
flaccid_weird your question said 'i'10:42
flaccid_lol why would you need to compile. its in the package openssh-server10:42
Jabopflaccid_, to enable hpn10:42
flaccid_lyhana8, can't really do it iirc10:43
flaccid_Jabop, ah cool as10:43
seria-mauor is this the false channel for kubuntu kde 4.1 beta1 packages?10:43
ollor_well i can't scp anything from this sidux box to kubuntu ... every other distro works ...10:43
ollor_well i can't scp anything from this sidux box to kubuntu ... every other distro works ... flaccid_10:43
flaccid_seria-mau, #kubuntu-kde410:44
flaccid_ollor_, oh sorry. whats the error?10:44
lyhana8flaccid_: i already do it, but can't remember which file should be remove, i try extension.cache/rdf/ini and nothing change10:45
ollor_scp in kubuntu doesn't work flaccid_ ... out no problem in scp starts and leaves a 0kb file ... and than stops ... flaccid_10:45
flaccid_lyhana8, i don't know what you are talking about sorry10:46
flaccid_ollor_, scp direct from cli and pastebin the output please10:46
janice8951flaccid you keep saying that, and I have been at this nonstop[10:46
janice8951I can't get it configured10:46
flaccid_janice8951, explain why becaue im not a mind reader10:47
janice8951because I don't already have a workgroup10:47
janice8951I am trying to create one.10:47
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janice8951None of the guides say how to do that.10:47
flaccid_janice8951, as i advised this is configured in the samba module in kcontrol or system settings10:47
janice8951In samba they all assume you already have a windows workgroup10:47
janice8951there is no samba module or kcontrol10:48
flaccid_um not in samba, you mean in the doco10:48
flaccid_janice8951, kde4 on hardy?10:48
flaccid_sorry kde310:48
janice8951no, dapper10:48
janice8951and I don't know which kde10:48
janice8951I know it's old and crappy and there is very little anything10:48
flaccid_ok np, i will look it up. dapper is very old10:49
janice8951Thanks lol10:49
flaccid_give me a sec10:49
janice8951I guess I should have said that. I tried to a distro upgrade but it told me there weren't any new versions.10:49
flaccid_janice8951, yeah because you didn't change the sources. let me just get some dinner and i'll show you what to do on dapper ok?10:50
flaccid_be back in 5mins10:50
ollor_flaccid_: sorry dist-upgraded the kubuntu box this morning now it works ... :)10:50
janice8951Yeah I'm gonna get some as well.10:51
janice8951Maybe a Steak ;) ;)10:51
KR-datawhere do I change what disk grub will use as default when generating a new grub.conf?10:55
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:58
Paco_PacoHello, i have a question how can i change the look and theme of gtk applications under kubuntu ? I get an ugly greyish default theme now....10:58
flaccid_KR-data, it does on the primary boot disk. ie. the mbr on that...10:58
janice8951I tell ya my finger really hurts10:59
janice8951I wish i had some prawns10:59
janice8951Alls I have is chicken :(10:59
KR-dataflaccid, what I mean is to tell it my Linux is on (hd0,0) and not (hd1,0)10:59
flaccid_Paco_Paco, install gtk-qt-engine  and that will put a gtk fonts thing in your appearance in system settings10:59
flaccid_KR-data, /boot/grub/menu.list as per the above links...11:00
Paco_Pacoalso the themes flaccid?11:00
KR-dataI don't know why the installer detects disks that's deactivated in the bios11:00
KR-dataflaccid_, it's easy to change that one, but next time I upgrade grub via aptitude the config will be resete11:00
flaccid_Paco_Paco, um yeah styles and fonts11:01
Paco_Pacounder system>appearences flaccid?11:02
flaccid_KR-data, thats normal and should be fine. you telling me update-grub changes it to an invalid location?11:02
flaccid_Paco_Paco, ah yep then gtk styles and fonts11:02
KR-dataflaccid_, basically yes11:02
flaccid_hmm that kind of sounds like a bug11:02
flaccid_so you are editing the right menu.list but update-grub puts an incorrect location in on update?11:03
KR-datait does, yes, I believe it must have a config file somewhere, where I can change the default location?11:03
flaccid_err default location of what exactly?11:04
flaccid_janice8951, be with you in a second11:04
KR-datamy Linux partition, when aptitude is run it'll set it to (hd1,0), though the disk that originally was detected as hd0 isn't even in the computer anymore, but when I installed kubuntu it was only disabled in the bios and the installer somehow detected it anyway11:05
flaccid_KR-data, um well grub doesn't use linux logical device names, it uses BIOS names11:06
flaccid_ie. bios order11:06
flaccid_KR-data, i still don't fully understand but they are the facts11:06
KR-datawhen I ran the grub command it couldn't detect the disk either, so to my logic it must be the installer that detects the disk11:07
flaccid_what grub command and what was the error?11:07
flaccid_guessing is anti-productive :)11:07
KR-datatype grub in the terminal :)11:08
flaccid_grub console11:08
ollor_KR-data: paste us the /boot/grub/menu.lst because i still don't get what the problem is11:08
flaccid_KR-data, what are you running in grub console to conclude 'it doesn't detect'?11:09
KR-datathe disk isn't physically in my computer anymore, but when it was the grub console couldn't see the disk, but the program seemed to generate a menu.lst where the disk was present11:09
flaccid_KR-data, i'd say thats because update-grub probably respects unknown entries11:09
flaccid_are you telling me KR-data if you remove this grub entry from menu.list to a non-existant disk, the next update-grub will put it back there?11:10
KR-databut how can it do that, when the disk isn't present?11:10
flaccid_i take that as a yes11:11
ollor_is the entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst # groot=(hd0,?) set right11:11
KR-dataI change it to use (hd0,0) in stead of (hd1,0) and it works, but I want it to use (hd0,0) as default and not as it generates11:11
KR-dataI'll take a look11:11
flaccid_KR-data, im not sure the algorithm for the update script, but i would suggest submitting a bug report11:11
flaccid_oh then its not a bug kr-data11:12
KR-datagroot is commented11:12
flaccid_KR-data, you can uncomment and change the groot device...11:13
KR-databut I can't see how it detected a disk that's deactivated from the bios or why it should save the presence of the disk even when it's removed11:13
flaccid_but from memory that just changes where it looks for the userland files. you can't change bios order...11:13
flaccid_disk 0 is disk 0 and disk 1 is disk 111:13
flaccid_KR-data, if you are confident its a bug, then submit one! im still confused on some things here sorry11:14
ollor_i recall that in grub # doesn't mean commented ## does ... but i might be wrong11:14
KR-dataindeed, and grub can use it correctly, but it seems the script that generates the menu.lst want another disk before my drives11:14
flaccid_ if update-grub generates any invalid entries, then i'd say thats a bug..11:15
KR-dataollor_, hmm, strange, but if it's correct then it isn't commented11:15
KR-datawhere should I submit the bug?11:15
flaccid_!bugs | KR-data11:15
ubottuKR-data: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:15
flaccid_anyone know if dapper has a samba configuration GUI of any sorts in its repos or out of box ?11:16
usamahashimiwhenever i start firefox 3 (beta), it starts in offline-mode, how can i disable this offline-mode?11:16
flaccid_np.. i mean i've seen this before im pretty sure. i've had the case where it got it wrong and of course on next boot i had to change the entry by one digit... is this like what it is?11:16
flaccid_usamahashimi, try #firefox11:17
ollor_flaccid_: you have a question *Idon'tBeliveIt* and i have no answer :)11:17
usamahashimiflaccid_: i asked there but the channel is dead11:18
flaccid_haha but the question was for KR-data  :p11:18
flaccid_usamahashimi, how about google perhaps?11:19
flaccid_Jucato, you alive mate? need to find out if dapper has a samba gui frontend? it kind of seems like not, but thats hard to believe considering lts hmm11:20
minhaajflaccid_:  how did you become so smart ?11:20
flaccid_um i woudln't say im smart, can be a huge noob. spending too many hours on a computer doesn't make you smart :)11:21
janice8951Gosh I could go a couple icy poles right now11:21
minhaajhehe i spent toooooo many hours on computer, the bad thing is that i used windows11:21
flaccid_minhaaj, i did the same ...11:22
minhaajyou were smarter,  moved onto it ages before i did.11:22
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ollor_minhaaj: it might be in about:config11:22
flaccid_minhaaj, it wasn't that long ago really11:23
janice8951Thats mad ent it? I am A+ certified computer tech in the states, but can't configure my linux netowrk11:23
flaccid_janice8951, okdy doky11:23
flaccid_thats pretty normal janice895111:23
flaccid_!info kdenetwork-filesharing dapper | janice895111:23
ubottujanice8951: kdenetwork-filesharing (source: kdenetwork): network filesharing configuration module for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 619 kB, installed size 2076 kB11:23
minhaajlinux is awesome11:24
ollor_minhaaj: check for network.online11:24
flaccid_hooray i found it..11:24
minhaajit has whetted my appetite to delve into it11:24
minhaajollor_:  i didnt ask any question :)11:24
flaccid_janice8951, install that big boy and hopefully you will get samba admin11:24
janice8951I know minhaaj, been running it for 5 years11:24
flaccid_janice8951, after thats installed a snap in should appear in kcontrol11:25
ollor_usamahashimi: network.online in  about:config11:25
janice8951yeah, what am I installing?11:25
minhaaji have been after it for 2 years but just switched to it week ago11:25
minhaajand i am already in love.11:25
flaccid_janice8951, see the ubottu msg about11:25
minhaajnobody uses linux in my place11:25
flaccid_well im a freebsd user by choice, not linux11:26
minhaajso nobody could teach,  i had to find my own way into it11:26
janice8951Have to wait. I am installing gnome11:26
flaccid_cool janice8951 well thats all you have to do. then you can configure the workgroup, shares and whatever11:27
minhaajlinux is cooler than freebsd11:27
minhaajmore support and friendly GUI11:27
flaccid_i taught my IT teacher in high school but i mean windows != computing11:27
janice8951Your a life saver. Now I can save all me porn11:27
janice8951Just kidding11:27
flaccid_minhaaj, linux is just a kernel not a gui11:27
minhaaji mean linux's GUI11:28
minhaajkde, gnome11:28
flaccid_and um beastie is way cooler than tux anyway11:28
SlimeyPeteerm, bsd has kde and gnome too11:28
neo_i think freebsd have kde11:28
flaccid_just an fyi linux is slower :)11:28
* minhaaj blinks11:28
flaccid_kde runs hell of a lot faster haha11:28
minhaajlet me install freebsd too11:28
flaccid_minhaaj, linux doesn't have a gui, its a kernel.11:28
SlimeyPeteeven Solaris has Gnome11:28
flaccid_minhaaj, try pc-bsd then11:29
minhaaji know flaccid_ :)11:29
minhaajkde rocks.11:29
flaccid_you know now yes11:29
minhaaji DID know.11:29
minhaajyou didnt get the point.11:29
minhaaji was talking about more user friendly GUI in ubuntu11:29
flaccid_err i dont think so11:29
flaccid_what was the point sorry?11:29
minhaajcertainly best for windows refugees11:29
flaccid_wtf you didn't mention ubuntu. move on11:30
minhaajdont expect windows users to prefer freebsd over ubuntu11:30
minhaajsorry if i didnt11:30
flaccid_minhaaj, why would i expect that? this is getting ridiculous...11:31
minhaajahh nvm11:31
flaccid_and besides if kde is running on both they will have no idea what OS its running :)11:31
flaccid_anyway i end up going off topic myself. lets try to keep it to kubuntu support11:32
ougsI am having some problems with the live CD-kde4. Is anyone willing to give me a hand?11:33
ollor!ask | ougs11:34
ubottuougs: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:34
ougsroger that11:34
ougsproblem: kde hangs or blacks out as soon as I start to interact with kde4 (booted from live CD).11:35
AyabaraI want to keep all my digikam settings, but build my database (with import of tags and stuff) all over. do I just delete the digikam3.db? (the people in #digikam seem to be all asleep :) )11:36
ollorcan you still ctrl+alt+F1 and change to cli ougs11:36
ougswill try that but i dont thinkso. I DO know that I cannot kill X with  ctrl+alt+backspace11:37
ollor!kde4 |ougs11:38
ubottuougs: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde411:38
flaccid_ouch. ougs is this for desktop use or to install from livecd ?11:38
ougsthis i running the desktop directly from the liveCD. I'm testing it before installing it. My laptop has 512MB, and it feels like it would appreciate some more... :)11:39
ougsso where can I find a liveCDimage with 4.0.4 on?11:40
Jimmy1Can anyone help to install dos 6.22 on virtualbox      ?11:40
ollordid you check the md5 befor burning ougs11:41
flaccid_ougs, not sure the problem. but you could try the alternate cd for installation11:41
flaccid_ougs, don't think it exists11:42
ougsnope. no check of md5. i will check the iso right away.11:42
flaccid_ougs, if you do want help with kde4, gogo #kubuntu-kde411:42
ougsflaccid, thanks for the tip, but right now i'm trying to test it before installing it before installing11:43
olloryou should allways check ... saves a lot of trouble after ougs11:43
ougsi'll check md5 and go to #...-kde4. thanx guys!11:43
ubottuFactoid leave not found11:43
flaccid_ougs, i understand that. these problems are usually because the livecd needs to a pretty generic X config etc. to accompany everyone. the experience on the cd doesn't mean its the same for install..11:44
ougsi'm sure you're right flaccid. i just want to get a taste of kde4 to see if it's worth it, but i guess i kould find packages for 07.04 which i have installed at the moment11:45
* ollor *wispers* to flaccid_ where did the /etc/X11/xorg.conf driver section go in kubuntu11:46
flaccid_ollor_ no long required in xorg 711:46
Jimmy1Can anyone help to install dos 6.22 on virtualbox      ?11:47
flaccid_ougs, yeah um if you don't have hardy then not much chance to try. still you can run both kde4 and kde4 on the same install11:47
ollorso where would i change lets say nvidia to nv or vesa flaccid_11:47
flaccid_Jimmy1, if nobody answered then i'd so not likely11:47
ougs(kubuntu 070411:48
flaccid_ollor_, xorg.conf as usual or via frontend gui like hardware drivers manager11:48
flaccid_it just means that xorg 7 can do some auto detect so a driver directive is not required11:48
ollorwell that will not be helpfull if x crashes :) (gui)11:49
flaccid_what do you mean. it won't use the wrong driver..11:49
stdinougs: to leave the channel it's '/part'11:52
Jucatoflaccid_: sorry "mate". I was afk. and I don't know the answer to your question.11:53
flaccid_Jucato, thanks for getting back. i ended up finding it: kdenetwork-filesharing pkg, for kcontrol11:54
flaccid_ksambaplugin has had so many names..11:54
araizenhi everyone11:55
araizeni'm using kubuntu hardy with kde 4 and when i set konq to use space instead of colon for web shortcuts, it doesn't change the setting11:56
araizendoes anyone know what the problem is?11:56
araizenoh sorry11:56
slashammettbonjour, je viens juste d'installer kubuntu sur mon pc, il me s'ignale qu'il y a 77 mise ajour de paquets a faire mais je n'arrive pa a les lancé. c'est normale?11:58
flaccid_!fr | slashammett11:59
ubottuslashammett: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr11:59
sergumaanybody there willing to help me with a problem I have :)?12:03
chanoreroi'm new in linux12:04
sergumaheheh, I'm quite new too, just know the basics12:04
chanorerobut, what's your problem?12:04
sergumasome broken packages12:05
emilsedgh!ask | serguma12:05
ubottuserguma: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:05
sergumawhen trying to uninstall python-qt4 I'm told that  apport-qt jockey-kde language-selector-qt software-properties-kde system-config-printer-kde are broken, and I think perhaps that's why I can't use some apps that need python-qt4 to be installed, how can I fix these packages (reinstalling didn't work)?12:07
KhuNNiwhat are bot12:11
flaccid_serguma, this might help http://www.linux.com/articles/4891012:18
ougsare thearound?re any kde4 packages for feisty12:18
ougs(i meant:) are there any kde4 packages for feisty around?12:19
flaccid_(as i said before)12:19
sergumalet's see12:20
ougsdon't really have a spare partition12:20
stdinwhy do you need another partition?12:20
ougsoh, to install 8.04 with kde4 on for testing. It's the only way i can test kde4, since the liveCD doesn't work for me12:21
stdinwhy not just upgrade12:21
ougsi want to test it before doing somthing irreversible12:22
stdinuse a virtual machine or maybe a chroot12:23
flaccid_like i was saying before. kde3 and kde4 can co-exists fine on same install :)12:24
pimougs you could also wait for wine 4.1 to come out, it probably will this week.12:24
pimHm maybe flaccid_ 's advice is better12:24
Jucatopim: this week?12:24
stdinpim: beta 1 packages are in the PPA :)12:24
ougsvirtual machine is a good idea. any suggestions? (i'm running feisty on a laptop without cpu flags for virtualization)12:24
pimJucato it is expected in june.12:25
Jucato(unless this week is "the end of July), 4.1 won't be coming out this week)12:25
flaccid_wine 4.1? that would be used for what sorry?12:25
stdinougs: any should do, vmware (workstation/player) or virtual-box are good ones12:25
Jucatopim: never was. the schedule was for July. 6 months after 4.012:25
pimsorry I was reading about wine and talking about KDE, I meant KDE12:26
ougsoh i see wharyou mean flaccid. of course. good idea. thanks12:26
pimJucato ok I messed up the 2 months :P12:26
mathias__kde 4 rocks!!!12:26
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tux4lifecan you ask questions about linux inside this irc?12:28
dr_Willistux4life,  sure why not.. :) we are Kubuntu focused in this channel.. but general linux is ok. :)12:28
dr_Williswe can always point you to a better channel, or web site for more specific info12:29
tux4lifethank you12:29
tux4lifesrry, but I got to go now12:29
SSJ_GZThat was strange.12:30
d_mitryi have two questions. would ntfsundelete work under wine? i'd like to recover a few deleted files. if it will, then what to do if i get `device is busy' when trying to unmount my ntfs partition?12:30
dr_Willisdevice busy = some task/process is still accessing the mounted volume.,12:30
Jucatod_mitry: try asking in #winehq about the first question12:30
dr_Willisand i thought there were ntfsundelete tools native to linux.12:30
flaccid_you can lazy unmount with umount -l if you really need and can't clear the lock12:31
d_mitryJucato: thank you. :)12:31
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d_mitrydr_Willis: yeah, i figured that. used fuser, but that returned nothing.12:35
d_mitryi'll try again.12:35
d_mitryuhh... sorry. i had music playing and the music is on the ntfs partition. silly me.12:35
dr_WillisI often just logout - to force everything to release :)12:37
flaccid_d_mitry, if it can come up in fuser you might need to feed fuser the right switches12:38
d_mitryflaccid_: never mind.12:39
flaccid_d_mitry, no worries mate. lots on google about it if you decide to revisit12:41
Jimmy1hey just trying to fix a problem... i need to find "users and groups" where can i find it ?12:41
flaccid_Jimmy1, system settings?12:42
Jimmy1thats what i thought but there is no "settings"12:42
d_mitryflaccid_: thanks. :)12:43
flaccid_d_mitry, hey i think its as simple as fuser -u /dev/sdaX12:43
flaccid_and substitue the sdaX for your actual fs device12:44
Jimmy1am i missing something here12:45
Jimmy1why does it not apear for me ?12:45
flaccid_Jimmy1, maybe im wrong? sorry i can't check im on windows somewhere else atm12:47
Jimmy1i have "adept, dolphin, Hp manager, Virtual box , bluetooth, Kcron, keep, kinfocenter, konsol, ksysguard, Ksystem log and Kubuntu service data. "12:48
Jimmy1thanks for trying flaccid12:49
flaccid_Jimmy1, did you look in advanced tab as well hmm12:49
dr_WillisSearching menus = one reason  people in IRC chat.. LOVE the command line. :)12:50
Jimmy1mabie its not installed ?12:50
Jimmy1yeh i been looking everywhere12:50
Jimmy1just seems strange that its not there12:50
flaccid_Jimmy1, this is kde3 right? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuSystemSettingsUsability12:50
Jimmy1Kde yeh but i dont know about 3   ?12:51
flaccid_Jimmy1, its not in KDE4 yet iirc.12:52
* Jimmy1 shrugs12:52
Jimmy1aahh i got ya12:52
Jimmy1hang let me try something12:52
flaccid_Jimmy1, in konsole what does systemsettings --version say?12:53
Jimmy1Qt: 3.3.712:56
Jimmy1KDE: 3.5.812:56
Jimmy1System Settings: 0.212:56
flaccid_stdin, hey um why can't Jimmy1 see a user management or users and groups icon in his system settings?13:00
flaccid_Jimmy1, what kubuntu release is this?13:01
haryonoany one can help?13:03
haryonohelp me pls13:04
stdinJimmy1: have you looked in system settings?13:04
stdinKMenu -> System Settings13:04
flaccid_haryono, just ask y013:04
stdin(not the 'System' or 'Settings' menus)13:04
Jimmy1Thats why13:05
* Jimmy1 hangs his head in shame13:05
haryonohow to shrink panel at botom of my windows screen its cause my windows shrinked/ narrowed13:05
Jimmy1thanks guys13:05
stdinright-click it -> configure panel ? there should be a size option in there13:06
haryonostdin i have saw system seting13:06
haryonoistdin i saw configure panel13:08
haryonostdin then next?13:09
flaccid_ok im having some afk13:09
haryonoi klik configure panel.no response13:10
haryonowhat next13:10
psycoAnyone own a creative ZEN?13:15
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psycoWhat is a good video conversion program???13:22
Rozzain kubuntu, is there a thing in system etc to add users, or do you have to use terminal, and if not how do i add admin permissions too13:23
psycoUse the system settings>13:23
psyco> user management13:23
Rozzathere is no user managment?13:23
Dekanspsyco: look at avidemux13:23
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psycoDekans: ok, ty.13:24
psycoWhat version of kubuntu Rozza?13:26
psycoKDE 3 or 4?13:26
Rozzai think im upgrading to 3 atm...13:26
psycowhat colour is your task bar?13:26
psycoOk thats 313:26
psycoso Kmenu> System settings > user management   Doesn't exist?!13:27
drurewhey fellow kde peeps ....great to see you ...:D how can i set my swap partition to swapon at boot up ?13:27
drurewits off for some reason13:27
Rozzasystem and settings are 2 different menus..13:27
psycoNo System settings its about 5th up, from the botton13:28
drurewright now im mounting it per gparted .....but its a pain since yeah id like to use more swap then ram if possible13:28
ubottuFactoid swapon not found13:29
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info13:29
GerrySlyhey, I was wondering what's the deal with my mythtv setup, I have ran through the mythtv-backend setup and now when I go to the frontend it won't let me click the Watch TV button, it just flickers when I click it13:35
stdinGerrySly: you may get more response in #ubuntu-mythtv (or possibly less)13:38
ttocszedany1 alive in here?13:46
engineerall dead13:47
SSJ_GZIt's a massacre :(13:48
drurewwhassss up13:48
ttocszedok i have a slight problem i have an old labtop that crashed during service pack 3 install so i browsed the internet for a small os that us good for this old labtop. and i try to install kubuntu to it but it doesnt detect my hd and i cant make a new partition nor can i reformat it.13:49
=== Rozza is now known as Rozza`Away
Rozza`Away[AmSg]I'm now away:bed .-.. Logging:ON Script:ON, I left at 22:49:40, On 08/06/200813:49
drurewttocszed: you may want to try xubuntu13:50
drurewits a super minimal system13:50
drurewvery light yet has the same functionality as kbuntu13:50
drurewas for your hard drives....i dunno what may be the problem other then how do your bios setting s look ?13:51
ttocszedits not deteching it in bios13:52
ttocszedits an old pentium 3 labtop13:53
drurewyou may want to try turning the hard drive itself "off" in bios .....13:53
drurewalll other boot mediums ....just leave the cdrom on13:53
RurouniJonesWait, the BIOS isn't detecting the harddisk?13:54
ttocszedyep :(13:54
engineerdead Hard driv13:54
RurouniJonesCan you hear it spin up when you turn the laptop on?13:54
ttocszedInternal Hard Disk = 0 GB13:54
HyperHi, can someone please help me get my wifi to work?13:54
RurouniJonesLike engineer said, might be a dead HD13:54
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ttocszeddman the xp13:54
RurouniJonesmight not have been XP.13:54
RurouniJonesJust an old HDD that died while being used. That is life.13:55
ttocszedlabtop crashing in the middle of installing sp313:55
HyperCan someone please help me get my wifi to work?  It shows Access Point: Not-Associated in iwconfig13:56
drurewHyper: can you see a "card" detected?13:57
drurewHyper: there where it says that theres no acess point13:58
Hyperno, it does not say anything like that13:58
Hyperit shows up in lspci13:59
psycoAnyone got iriverter to work??13:59
drurewHyper: have you used it before? do you have drivers and "stuff" installed?14:00
Hyperdrurew, I am not sure if I need them installed.  This is the first time I attempted to install a GNU/Linux distribution on here14:01
Hyper02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless Lan Controller (rev 03)14:02
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.14:02
drurewHyper: please google "madwifi" and see if you can follow taht ;)14:03
drurew*dru is looking for a desktop radio widget14:03
Hyperdrurew, so what do I do with that14:04
drurewHyper: are you familiar with the terminal ?14:05
drurewi will paste big something real simple for you to run in it14:05
andziahi all14:05
andziaguys, I have an ntfs partition (sda1, primary) and an ext3 partition (sdb, primary) - and swap (sda3, primary, too). now, I want to re-format the ntfs (sda1) as ext3, to create a new ext3 partition (windoze going buh-bye ;) ); can I do it from within running Kubuntu (providing I will un-mount the ntfs partition first), or do I need to do it from under some LiveCD?14:05
andziaargh, the ext3 is sda2, not sdb14:05
drurew one sec Hyper14:06
R2LMIf I interrupt the Adept Updater while it is in the middle of downloading a bunch of files (and some of them are completed downloads), will it pick up where it left off the next time I run it, or will it download the same packages again?14:09
drurewHyper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18379/14:10
HyperI am disconnected, I will have to connect via Ethernet14:11
Hyperhold on14:11
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Rozza`AwayI installed KDE4 in terminal, it finished, How do i use it14:13
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nosrednaekimRozza`Away: log out select KDE4 as the session and log back in14:14
nosrednaekimR2LM: it should pick up form where it left14:14
nosrednaekimdepends on how long before you resume14:15
nosrednaekim(even a week is fine though)14:15
Hyperdrurew, it is compiling14:17
drurew*dru is looking for a desktop radio widget14:17
Hyperdrurew, I am getting a lot of undeclared messages after issuing the make command14:19
R2LMnosrednaekim: Thanks, I guess it's picking up where it left off, I just can't tell because I'm doing the Gutsy to Hardy upgrade and there's hundreds of packages to download.14:20
Rozzaty for helping me14:21
lyhana8hi, i'm meeting issue with my wireless card14:26
lyhana8when i try : `sudo ifconfig eth1 up`, i got `SIOCSIFFLAGS: Erreur d'entrée/sortie` (I/O error)14:26
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drurewHyper : umm what errors are you getting?14:28
=== Foxy is now known as FoxySigma
FoxySigmaCould anyone link me to a manual on installing themes?14:29
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:29
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes14:29
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:30
drurewkde look site is down14:30
FoxySigmaAlright, thanks.14:30
drurewor is it just me =?14:31
nosrednaekimlyhana8: http://linuxmafia.com/faq/VALinux-kb/siocsifflags-error.html14:32
drurewis kde-look.org really down ?14:34
lyhana8nosrednaekim: that's not the good error message, thx anyway14:36
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lyhana8how can i enable a wireless device using console ?14:47
lyhana8helloo~~ ?14:52
sitohi all!!14:58
msnbothello, in the terminal of kate, is there any command that will make open a file for me in the current kate session??15:04
farhad_hfwhat is the command of restricted drivers on kubuntu hardy? i dont have the icon15:05
msnbotfound it. just $ kate /path/to/filename :)15:06
emilsedghfarhad_hf: System Settings->Advanced15:07
farhad_hfnvidia-setting says that i am not using the nvidia driver, but i am using compiz without any problems and the nvidia logo cames up when kdm is starting.15:07
farhad_hfemilsedgh: it is not in there too15:07
farhad_hfand the glxinfo says : Directrenderin : NO15:08
farhad_hfdirect rendering : NO15:09
emilsedghfarhad_hf: i have no idea :)15:12
sigma_How do i mount a .bin iso file? it has a corresponding .cue file15:14
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.15:15
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axelHello! I'm looking for a software to quickliy draw appealing diagrams (similar to class diagrams) with. Does anybody know such software?15:36
lyhana8hi, when i do `$ sudo ifup eth1`, i got :15:36
lyhana8Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1.15:36
lyhana8anyone can help me15:36
stdinlyhana8: knetworkmanager handles the network interfaces, try using that15:37
ubottuQt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports15:38
lyhana8i can't get it working15:38
* flaccid_ will bbs/l15:38
axelWaltzingAlong: I tried it but it does not really fit. (I need a special link between two "boxes".) Do you have any other suggestions.15:38
stdinlyhana8: KMenu -> System Settings -> Network Settings ?15:39
farhad_hf i have problems watching movies on Kubuntu Hardy, most the times a line crosses the screen and the movie is splited into two!! also tried loggin in using a different User, in vain !! the same happen on vlc, mplayer ... as i've tested them all .15:39
stdin!cn | airmy15:39
ubottuairmy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:39
WaltzingAlongaxel: do you know of existing software that dose somethingsimilar to what you would like?15:40
lyhana8stdin: i'm wordking through a ssh connection15:41
WaltzingAlonglyhana8: with x forwarding?15:41
stdinyou can use X11 forwarding, or just edit /etc/network/interfaces by hand15:42
axelWaltzingAlong: umbrello would be such a software but with umbrello I can't draw lines like -----|>------ ("empty" arrow in the middle of the line)15:42
Rioting_pacifisthey i had to kill a game when it crashed and its left my desktop at a higher res than my screen, is there a command i can use to sort this out15:42
lyhana8WaltzingAlong: what do you mean ?15:43
stdinRioting_pacifist: try switching to a tty and back, so Ctrl-Alt-F2, then Alt-F715:43
WaltzingAlonglyhana8: well if you had x11 forwarding, you could launch the graphical app through the connection, seeing the window in your current xserver    systemsettings &15:43
WaltzingAlonglyhana8: or as suggested by stdin just edit /etc/network/interfaces by hand15:44
lyhana8how can i do that ? I try to launch apps but get an error15:44
stdinlyhana8: "ssy -Y user@server" should enable X forwarding15:44
Rioting_pacifiststdin: didnt work :(15:46
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Rioting_pacifistill just go the GUI way and hope i remember to not exit the game while fullscreen again15:47
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stdinRioting_pacifist: logging out and back in should solve it if that fails15:47
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stdin!nickspam > any123415:48
mrksbrdhaving a brain fart.....what is the program called to run windows inf files for wifi cards?15:48
mrksbrdstdin....btw good job on the latest release15:49
drurewwaht are the dependancys for the qt tool kit ?15:50
drurewapt-get isntall qt-toolkit?15:50
nainefwhat is dbus-launch?15:51
lyhana8stdin, WaltzingAlong : i manage to work accross X11, launch kcontrol > Network setting, when i try to log in sudo i'm kick back to default screen15:51
mrksbrdalso i'm tryingout 64bit version is it backwards compatable to run 32 bit apps?15:51
stdinlyhana8: try running "kdesu systemsettings" or "kdesu kcontrol" to start it as root15:51
stdinmrksbrd: with the 32bit computability libs, yes15:52
mrksbrdwhat do i have to do to install them?15:52
stdinnainef: dbus-launch (1)      - Utility to start a message bus from a shell script15:52
axelWaltzingAlong: As far as I know Visio could do that. But my working-os is Linux and I don't want to torture neither me nor an 8-year-old mashine with Windows and Visio. ;)15:52
nainefshould it exists on the machine?15:53
drurew*dru will be back later when the whizzez are online :D15:53
nainefbecause everything I run says it cannot run it15:53
nainefand I cannot find it using locate15:53
stdinmrksbrd: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk lib32asound2 linux32 (taken from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins)15:55
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stdin!find dbus-launch15:55
ubottuFile dbus-launch found in dbus-x1115:56
stdinnainef: install dbus-x1115:56
nainefok thank you!15:56
mrksbrdty stdin15:56
nainefthat werked! woot!15:57
RambytesHi everybody!15:59
Colonel_PanicWhile trying to install software, I'm gettng this:15:59
Colonel_PanicE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:59
mrksbrdstdin....says "ia32-libs-gtk"  & "lib32asound2 linux32" has no installation candidates16:00
stdin!aptfix | Colonel_Panic16:00
ubottuColonel_Panic: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:00
RambytesI need some help.... i'm a newbie and I don't know why but I cannot update the list of software in adept... (sorry, my english is not very good)16:01
mrksbrdia32-libs did install does that one include everything?16:01
stdinmrksbrd: I think so, i'm not on 64bit so can't really check16:02
stdinlib32asound2 should exist though16:02
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:03
tristan_Before starting... anybody else getting messaged with spam by R_I_C_K_I_E?16:04
ataxicR_I_C_K_I_E  has a lame onjoin prvt msg16:04
Daisuke_Laptopapparently only for non-registered nicks...16:05
ataxici'm registered16:05
RambytesI need some help.... i'm a newbie and I don't know why but I cannot update the list of software in adept in Kubuntu... (sorry, my english is not very good)16:05
ataxici mean my nick is with chanserv16:06
tristan_Rambytes: Try sudo dpkg --configure -a16:06
Rambytestristan_: Ok... and after? (nothing append)16:07
tristan_What error do you get?16:07
tristan_Run sudo apt-get update16:07
Rambytestristan_: No error.... only nothing! I've type my password and nothing append16:08
tristan_appeared ?16:08
Rambytestristan_: HO! The update command give me some MANY error 404!16:09
tristan_That will be why16:09
tristan_Have you been screwing with /etc/apt/sources.list ?16:09
Rambytestristan_: Nope, i'm in a fresh install16:09
stdintry running "sudo apt-get update" and try again16:09
Rambytestristan_: can i pm you the result of my list?16:10
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:10
tristan_Just paste one line here16:10
stdinor just use pastebin16:10
RambytesW: Impossible de récupérer http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found16:10
stdinRambytes: [16:09]<stdin> try running "sudo apt-get update" and try again16:11
stdinis that from that command?16:11
Rambytesstdin: Running 3 times, always the same16:11
tristan_Rambytes: Contact the people incharge of that repositories16:11
tristan_Seems like their problem16:11
tristan_Are you able to access google etc?16:12
Rambytestristan_: The wab work no problem there16:12
Rambytesthe web (sorry)16:12
nainefnone here16:12
tristan_web works... ok go to the Ubuntu wiki and find whoever is incharge of your repositories16:12
stdinRambytes: I'd suggest temporarily switching repos, a list is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors#head-48e05ae20c8e5a38a753c0305e5877080f31630816:12
tristan_Because it sounds like ther problem.16:12
tristan_And what he does16:12
tristan_I'm here for something else16:13
stdinthey are probably in the middle of an update, give it a couple hours16:13
tristan_What's a good p2p program that isn't limewire?16:13
Colonel_Panicok that worked16:13
Rambytestristan_: Can you tell me where I change this list?16:13
flaccid_!p2p | tristan_16:13
ubottutristan_: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information16:13
Colonel_PanicI've installed the program, now how can I add it to my KDE applications menu?16:14
pimtristan_ where's isolde?16:14
stdinRambytes: in adept go to the Adept menu and click "Manage Repositories"16:14
tristan_Colonel_Panic: Right click and edit16:14
Colonel_PanicI can only open it from the command line at the mo16:14
ataxicSoulseek for linux?16:14
* flaccid_ bb16:14
tristan_flaccid_: I mean like gnutella based16:14
ataxicthe windows software is shit16:14
ubottuGnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Limewire, !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P16:15
flaccid_tristan_, limewire clone, ie. frostwire?16:15
ubottuSoulSeek clients: Nicotine (GTK), Museeq (KDE), Mucous (terminal-based) - See also !P2P16:15
flaccid_which is gnuttella and looks like frostweire16:15
tristan_It's for my friend, but I'm a bit concerened that limeiwre is going to screw his PC like a little bitch16:15
Rambytesstdin: Ok thks! I've choose another place in the list.... i'ts working!16:15
RambytesThks all!16:15
flaccid_well its just a program run under user perms so it can't screw your pc :)16:16
tristan_I don't mean like that16:16
tristan_I mean hog resources and fill the place with general crap16:16
tristan_So... without any sentenced beginning with !, what's a fairly clean p2p client that is easy to use?16:17
flaccid_tristan_, 'the place' huh ? and yeah its not as bloaty as limewire on windows or whatever but every p2p client will use decent cpu and disk access because of the nature of p2p..16:18
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins16:19
flaccid_and p2p is many many protocols. one could say that ktorrent is wonderful. but im not sure if you are looking for bit torrent..16:19
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Colonel_Panicthe menu editor hangs every time I try to save my new menu entries16:24
Colonel_Panicit goes gray and becomes unresponsive16:24
Colonel_Panicand I can't close it without manually killing the process16:25
Colonel_Panicis there some other way to edit the menu, like a file or something I can edit?16:26
cyryldajcie mi kubuntu16:26
amadeusxHeya all, Anyone who's good at Bluetooth Audio?16:27
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flaccid_Colonel_Panic, there sure is :)16:28
Colonel_PanicI've just noticed that Kopete, when it starts, doesn't automatically log me on16:29
Colonel_Panicand neither does Ktorrent16:29
Colonel_PanicI can't connect with either of these applictaipon16:29
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, there should be an option for kopete with that. and there is no login for ktorrent16:29
Colonel_PanicI know16:29
Colonel_Panicthere's no loginb16:30
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/How_To_Configure_the_KDE_3_3_Menu_manually_without_KMenuEdit and there are others more specific to ubuntu16:30
Colonel_Panicbut it doesn't connect me at all16:30
flaccid_why would there be16:30
flaccid_i guess you don't know how bittorrent works16:30
Colonel_PanicWTF is your problem? did you noty read what I just typed?16:30
Colonel_PanicI said it DOESN'T CONNECT16:31
Colonel_PanicTO THE N ETWORK16:31
Colonel_PanicI've been using bittorrent since it first came out16:31
flaccid_dont' shout. to what what network?16:31
Colonel_Panicto any trackers16:31
Colonel_Panicit does not connect16:31
flaccid_i also don't care how long you have been using bit torrent..16:31
flaccid_!doesntwork | Colonel_Panic16:31
ubottuColonel_Panic: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:31
andyho623Colonel: do you have your ports configured correctly??16:32
Colonel_Panicthough I am seeding numerous torrents, it says there are no seeders16:32
Colonel_PanicI'm not firewalled or behind a router16:32
Colonel_Panicit was connecting just fine16:32
Colonel_Paniclike, yesterday16:32
Colonel_Panicand Kopete doesn't connec t m,e either16:32
flaccid_!enter | Colonel_Panic16:33
ubottuColonel_Panic: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:33
flaccid_if you are so smart, can you get more information besides, it doesn't work?16:33
Colonel_Panicand yhis effing keyboard is a piece of crap that I'm about to hurl out the effing window16:33
flaccid_did you corrupt your install ?16:33
ForgeAusconfigure: error: FreeType development files not found.16:33
ForgeAuswhat package has them?16:33
Colonel_Panicthis is what's happening16:33
Colonel_Panicseveral applications, when I first start them up16:33
Colonel_Panicstart up as a tiny little window that's all black16:34
AmadeusXColonel_Panic: tried to restart your sesson?16:34
ForgeAus!info freetype16:34
ubottuPackage freetype does not exist in hardy16:34
Colonel_Panicwith the application's icon logo in the middle16:34
Colonel_PanicI'm running Gutsy16:34
Colonel_Panicrestart my session?16:35
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, can you keep it on one line please16:35
Colonel_Panicso I had several applications set up to run automatically upon login16:35
flaccid_um it sounds glitchy and i couldnt have a guess at would it could be16:35
Colonel_Panicthen yesterday, my Internet went out momentarily because of a storm, so I shut down my PC16:36
AmadeusXHow long have your computer been uprunning?16:36
Colonel_Panicthen when I restarted, the applications that I had set up to auto-run on startup have not been working correctly16:37
vellakdI'm having a problem.. the computer won't let me log in. Can someone help me?16:37
Colonel_Panicmy computer had run for maybe 3 weeks to a month prior to that16:37
SSJ_GZColonel_Panic: "start up as a tiny little window that's all black" - could these be unanchored system tray icons?16:37
flaccid_sounds unfortunate. if i were you, i would upgrade to hardy, but thats just me. im not sure how you care going to work out issues like that16:37
Colonel_Panicunanchored system tray icons.... that may be it16:38
Colonel_Panicbecause the system tray is almost completely blank16:38
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, iirc thats a known bug16:38
flaccid_that kind of bug raises its ears a lot16:38
Colonel_Panicis that bug related to Compiz in any way?16:38
flaccid_yeah it happens mostly with it16:38
flaccid_adept notifier tray icon is the biggest culprit16:39
Colonel_Panicif I disable Desktop Effects, will it fix the problem>16:39
Colonel_Panicyeah there's no Adept Notifier icon16:39
flaccid_in 98% of cases yes16:39
vellakdWhevever I type the password (and I know its correct, considering I'm able to log in from tty1 that way), the screen just flashes and goes back to the login screen.16:39
flaccid_from my experiences16:39
vellakdI even changed the session to failsafe, and it still fails.16:40
flaccid_vellakd, check you /var/log/Xorg.0.log and Xsession and also consider selecting failsafe session and doing startkde manually from that failsafe konsole16:40
flaccid_vellakd, Xsession erros16:40
flaccid_errors or logs are always needed or you cannot pinpoint most of the time16:41
Colonel_Panicwould an upgrade to Hardy fix this problem also?16:42
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, in theory yes as that bug was fixed. note that hardy uses its on k desktop effects, but you can still set up/install compiz-fusion16:42
vellakdflaccid_: the tail of the log doesn't really show anything other than its capturing mouse input and such. No outright failures.16:43
flaccid_vellakd, which log. please check ~/.xsession-errors16:43
mrksbrdwhats the program name to install .deb packages?.....is it gdeb?.....another brain fart16:43
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, on=own16:43
vellakdthe one in /var/log; let me check the other one.16:44
Colonel_Panicwell I'm going to have to do something cuz this is unacceptable16:44
flaccid_mrksbrd, adept in gui, dpkg in cli16:44
Colonel_Panichow can I launch the Adept Updater?16:44
mrksbrddpkg....thats it...ty16:44
Colonel_PanicI mean16:44
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, i agree. and i upgraded because of the same thing16:44
Colonel_PanicAdept Notifier16:44
vellakdaaaand nothing in xsession-errors16:44
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, adept_notifier16:44
flaccid_vellakd, try a new user login fresh16:45
vellakdflaccid_ what exactly do you mean? Create a new user and log in as that?16:45
flaccid_vellakd, yes. if the new user works, you at least know its something in the user profile16:45
flaccid_vellakd, you might want to check if you can log into any session kind at all as well16:45
vellakdflaccid_: I already said I'm able to log in from tty1 on this computer.16:46
vellakdflaccid_: and I've already tried all available graphic sessions on this computer.16:47
flaccid_vellakd, not from a tty. from the default kdm with a completely fresh new user so 1. its a dif user 2. there is no ~/.kde16:47
vellakdflaccid_: just tried that. Not working. I kinda figured it was that, considering tty1-6 was working.16:50
flaccid_vellakd, did you know that loggin in from a tty is completely different from loggin in from kdm?16:51
vellakdYes, I quite understand that.16:51
flaccid_can't get any actual errors so im out of options16:51
vellakdNow, if you don't mind, do you have anything else to try?16:51
vellakdI'll try elsewhere.16:52
flaccid_unfortunately not. no errors you say, no identifiable behaviour. i don't know16:52
flaccid_good you do that mr.16:52
vellakdI'm not a "Mr.16:52
flaccid_thats what i called you16:52
flaccid_ok sir16:52
vellakdOkay, you can stop that, too.16:53
Colonel_PanicI need to free up 590M of disk space somehow16:53
flaccid_vellakd, see ya later sir16:53
NickPrestavellakd, how do you expect someone to diagnose a problem without any sort of information?16:53
vellakdI'm trying to give information. However, if I knew what was wrong, I woudln't be here, now would I?16:54
NickPrestaColonel_Panic, sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean16:54
vellakdxorg seems to be fine, no x-session error16:54
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, you could clear out /var/apt/archives16:54
flaccid_i thought you were trying elsewhere vellakd16:54
vellakdrenaming the prefs files didn't work previously16:54
flaccid_knowing something is wrong and fixing it is another story :)16:55
vellakdI was, but someone else was trying to ask me a question. I thought I was a 'sir'16:55
greegim using a web site, that involves a cd with .wmv clips coresponding to links.  It has a link such that i select the drive letter the cd rom resides.  the problem is the web site only accounts for windows drive letters.16:55
flaccid_yes im calling you sir thats for sure16:55
greegis there a way to disguise /dev/scd0 as E: for example ?16:55
greegid rather not install a windows duel boot.16:55
flaccid_greeg, not that i know of, its different to windows :(16:55
flaccid_greeg, whats the actual problem?16:56
vellakdI'm sorry, I was unaware that you were the end-all on #kubuntu and was responsible for all responses here, either.16:56
flaccid_im not, i just call you sir because of the way you talk. i want to show you the upmost respect...16:56
greegmy problem is that this web site cannot access my cdrom.16:56
greegoh well.  duel boot it is.16:57
vellakdAnd I'm sure you can do that by ceasing to call me that, as previously asked. However, you aren't, so you aren't showing respect. Funny how that works, right?16:57
flaccid_greeg, websites cannot access cdroms through the browser, so im not sure what you mean exactly16:57
mrksbrdgreeg....linux doesn't recognize drive letters like windows16:57
vellakdanyway, I need to get this fixed for this user, so I need to get going now.16:57
flaccid_vellakd, its freenode = free speech16:57
greeglinux sucks.16:58
flaccid_vellakd, im showing you respect the way i know it, i have no idea about your culture :)16:58
flaccid_sweet, cya vellakd16:58
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avihaybgreeg, can let the website acces any other file on your computer?16:58
mrksbrdhe left16:58
bazhanghe quit16:59
avihaybya, saw it too late16:59
avihaybthe worst thing about it, is that he dosn't understand that it's not that linux sux, but that that website suck by being narrow minded, and suporting only infirior software17:00
BluesKajlinux sucks for ppl like him, who need instant gratification and have no patience17:00
EruaranSounds like the website he wants to use sucks17:01
flaccid_its hard to accept that nothing can really be done for those users in practical17:01
FirefisheBluesKaj:  no doubt.17:01
flaccid_well his website would need a pretty nice ActiveX control to get to the cdrom for a start..17:02
flaccid_and activex won't run on linux of course. so he could mean something else/way17:02
EruaranWhy would anyone want a website to be able to access their cdrom ? Or any drive on your local system for that matter ?17:02
FirefisheMy win partition is so bad, I'm considering just saving what I want to DVD archives, nixxing the entire ntfs piece of junk, and installing a second *nix or something.17:02
flaccid_Eruaran, because thats what they wanted to do i guess. in the real world there is not much science in IT17:04
EruaranI can understand if you're uploading a nice pic for your profile on kde-look but beyond that...17:04
FirefisheEruaran:  That *s* weird.  Unless it's a photo site of some kind and *maybe* you have to sync to it.  I'd sure wouldn't want something as leaky as ActiveX activating the feature, though.17:05
flaccid_yeah its actually a good thing that rogue things like activex cannot run on linux17:05
deamon3where is the deleted files ?¿17:05
Firefisheyou got that right, flaccid)17:06
FirefisheI'd like a nice ssh wrapper or something to harden that connection17:06
avihaybflaccid_:  there is something "we" can do, make linux more user freindly17:06
flaccid_deamon3, gone? or maybe in your trash17:06
Firefisheavihayb: we are, it's taking time, but we are.17:06
flaccid_avihayb, in what way exactly?17:06
flaccid_ssh to harden what sorry?17:06
deamon3I delete from trash17:07
Firefisheflaccid_ :  oops, maybe I meant ssl?17:07
jussi01deamon3: gone...17:07
flaccid_Firefishe, ssl or tls is client to server and isn't relevent to activex ?17:07
Firefisheflaccid_:  ah, I see.17:08
avihaybflaccid_: if you don't understand it, it will be hard (for me) explaining it to you with words17:08
avihaybbut I bet you know what I mean17:08
* jussi01 suggest the #kubuntu-devel channel for helping make kubuntubetter17:08
flaccid_avihayb, to a certain extent. but generalisations never did anyone good especially when you think how more useable something like kubuntu can be17:09
flaccid_Firefishe, sorry server to client model. not pushing the other way back heh17:09
FirefisheI would like to know where, online, I can learn to code in C++ from an online daily lesson plan, preferably using eclipse or kdevelop?17:09
avihaybok, think how mutch nicer if kubuntu would have a graphical lshw17:09
avihaybgtg, cya17:10
Firefisheflaccid_:  I see.  I'm learning, but my brain is a little slow today, as well.  I really need to re-learn html, add xml to the mix, and get to learning how to code in general.  I have ADD an it's really difficult for me to sit down without a step-by-step approach, preferably using a common IDE>17:10
flaccid_Firefishe, im a web standards developer. don't use an ide. i use only kate. learn web standards ie. semantic and valid markup, css etc. and go forward!17:12
Firefisheso just stick with a text editor and be done with it, eh?17:12
flaccid_Firefishe, explain to me why you need an IDE :)17:13
Firefisheflaccid_:  Can you suggest an online lesson plan for learning web code, from basic to advanced?  On the IDE, I dunoo, it just seems to streamline things, especially when dealing with all that object oriented stuff.  For large projects, it lets you see things graphically; I think visually/intuitively,and can sometimes spot problems with a gui system.17:14
Firefishealthough I'm quite confortable building software from source, and can read an error output at the command line, and can usually tweak something to build properly.,17:15
Firefisheusually ;).  some things are just too obscure17:15
flaccid_Firefishe, wrong way of thinking. you need to learn html and css properly not let some program try to do it for you. what you are talking about is more a WYSIWYG program which won't help you at all as there are no valid ones. i deal with enterprise stuff and i use kate :) there is many resources on the web eg. http://cssplay.co.uk17:16
flaccid_Firefishe, um html and css are inteprted not compiled languages...17:16
Firefisheflaccid_:  I follow.17:17
davorI have a stupid problem that annoys me...17:17
davorI have 2 desktops, I would like to switch off the switching between them when the mouse reaches the borders of the Desktop17:19
davorI can't find where to turn thst option off17:19
deamon3hey i need rescue my undeleted files17:20
Firefisheflaccid_:  Intresting site.  So these are all examples of what you can do with css?17:22
flaccid_Firefishe, yeah alex is a crazy css guy, pretty good..17:23
LASNALGAS__mama guebo17:23
LASNALGAS__what is this shit?17:24
flaccid_its called the internet :)17:25
sufialguien q able en español??????????17:25
sufidnd estan las salas en castellano??????????17:26
Pennycook!es | sufi17:26
ubottusufi: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:26
LASNALGAS__y porke eskribes tu en espaniol17:26
LASNALGAS__no deberias de estar aki17:26
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:27
flaccid_english only channel padre17:27
sufientonces dnd?????17:27
p64yHello, do anyone know, where i can get a kubuntu cd cover, which i can print on a CD? I already found a Ubuntu Cover, now i am looking for a kubuntu version. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/maxnasciemnto/Ububtu_8_04_Hardy_Heron_Cover_by_Lu.jpg17:27
LASNALGAS__i wanna install ubibtu in my PC, but i am no sure17:28
flaccid_ah well17:29
LASNALGAS__i wanna learn more about ubuntu17:30
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Pennycookp64y: There's some here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing17:31
mooperI have a 400GB sataII harddrive but it is not mounting properly17:33
mooperEven as root I cant add/remove files17:33
p64yPennycook: well, they are not as good as the ubuntu covers, but it's okay. Thank you =)17:34
flaccid_mooper, what is the entry in fstab and the entry in mount ?17:35
kunwon1On kubuntu gutsy, I have a problem where my keyboard stops working, after KDE has completely finished loading - I test this by pressing numlock repeatedly and watching when the light stops blinking - what might cause this? I've googled and see some people report this problem being caused by skim/scim, would it be bad to remove these and see if it helps?17:36
compilerwritercan someone please tell me where the executable for kmymoney is likely to be on my system /etc/bin or something17:39
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PaperoutCiao a tutti17:40
tekteencompilerwriter: open a konsole and type "which kmymoney"17:40
mooperflaccid /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,data=ordered)17:45
mooperis in mount17:45
compilerwriterthanks tekteen17:46
mooperflaccid but there is no entry in fstab17:46
flaccid_mooper, can you pastebin ls -l /media/disk please ?17:47
flaccid_mooper, kde/hal automounted?17:47
mooperflaccid http://rafb.net/p/bIUEiX42.html - ls -l /media/disk17:48
mooperflaccid_ I dont know about kde/hal17:48
mooperflaccid_ Any Ideas?17:51
mooperhi melinda17:51
flaccid_looking now17:51
flaccid_mooper, do you know at what point the system mounted the filesystem in question?17:53
mooperflaccid. when I plugge in the usb drive17:53
flaccid_kde version, mooper ?17:54
flaccid_mooper, can you paste dmesg please17:54
flaccid_mooper, also did you just plugin the drive and it mounted etc. ?17:56
mooperflaccid_: yes thats right17:58
flaccid_mooper, ok no problem. the drive is ext3, you just need to change permission on what you need to...18:00
mooperflaccid_: dmesg http://rafb.net/p/TVHgXa41.html18:01
flaccid_mooper, do you know how to change permissions on files?18:02
mooperyeah but the disk is mounting with wierd permissions18:02
flaccid_mooper, well its ext3 so it should have permissions on any file..18:02
flaccid_but you are right, i would of assumed hal would but users in the option18:03
mooper/dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,data=ordered)18:03
flaccid_mooper, change a file to be owned by you with 740 and then see if you can modify it under user18:03
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flaccid_if you can, its working properly, if it doesn't then you need uid and gid mount options18:04
flaccid_so change the perms under sudo/root18:05
Fra_kikkawo speak with me?18:10
dalewhow do I get ndiswrapper to autoload??18:11
dalewnvrmnd figured it out18:12
flaccid_dalew, /etc/modules ?18:15
Walzmynwhy if i mouse over an .xml or a .desktop file do I get an error about the file not being a proper amarok podcast file?18:15
flaccid_Walzmyn, from memory thats a bug18:15
Walzmynflaccid, how do i squish it? it's anoying as hell18:16
flaccid_i think its because text/html is put in the desktop entries18:16
flaccid_Walzmyn, um what is the exact error?18:16
Walzmynflaccid, what desktop entries?18:16
Walzmynflaccid, hold, i'll reproduce it.18:16
WalzmynThe desktop entry file18:18
Walzmynhas an invalid menu entry18:18
daddyhello everyone18:19
Walzmynwhat I wanna know is why it kicks that in just by mousing over a file18:19
flaccid_Walzmyn, remove text/html from the file opening it with kdesudo /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop18:21
flaccid_oops kdesudo kate /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop18:21
flaccid_Walzmyn, its a but18:22
Walzmynok, I see that18:22
WalzmynWhat is the purpose of this file? why would you want to add something just in a mouseover?18:22
nosrednaekimWalzmyn: thats a menu-option thing18:23
flaccid_Walzmyn, it doesn't work like that. i have never used an ipod, but i do know that podcasts are xml so text/html doesn't seem valid. this fix worked with another user.18:23
Walzmynnosrednaekim, menu-option?18:24
v6luraaargh, kde4.1 beta made env variable lang disappear and now all accented characters (äöü etc) are b0rked :(18:24
nosrednaekimWalzmyn: WHEN YOU RIGHT CLICK ON IT18:24
v6lurhow to fix it?18:24
Walzmynnosrednaekim, oh, but I'm not, i'm just mousing over it18:25
v6lurat least i *think* it's kde4.1's fault...18:25
flaccid_v6lur, kde4 help is in #kubuntu-kde418:25
nosrednaekimWalzmyn: ooops.. sorry caps18:25
Walzmynnosrednaekim, too late, my feelings are hurt now  :(18:26
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Walzmynflaccid, text/html didn't fix it, I just removed the whole line. I don't use podcasts anyway18:26
flaccid_Walzmyn, oky doke.18:28
Agent_bobnosrednaekim you mean you didn't yell on purpose ?      but it fit so well...18:28
flaccid_yeah i never used one so not sure the rationale behind that thing18:28
Walzmynthanks for the help guys @ flaccid & nosrednaekim18:29
Walzmynahh, and I also just got my virtualbox back to running18:30
nosrednaekimAgent_bob: lol18:31
Walzmynflaccid, yeah, i ditched the repository packages and DL'd the not-so-free version from Sun: it works18:31
Colonel_PanicOK I jjust finished upgrading18:32
flaccid_but sweet18:32
flaccid_im listening to ebtg18:32
flaccid_need to de-stress18:32
Colonel_Panicthe system tray icons are still appearing on the desktop18:32
flaccid_oops wrong chan my bad.18:32
Colonel_Panicwhat's ebtg?18:33
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, with compiz?18:33
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, sorry man everything but the girl18:33
Colonel_PanicI think I need to uninstall compiz or something18:33
Colonel_Panicoh ok18:33
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, does it work normal without compiz?18:33
Colonel_Panicwell I need to disable compiz to check, don't I?18:33
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, in konsole kwin --replace18:34
flaccid_or use a tray icon or watever you use normally18:34
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Walzmynanybody familiar with the KDE4daily virtual images?18:39
SSJ_GZWalzmyn: -> #kde4daily :)18:39
flaccid_or #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 related18:40
Walzmynah, ok18:40
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Colonel_PanicOK I'm still having the same problem18:42
Colonel_Panicif I disable compiz, I get like 16 desktops and my window decorations disappear18:42
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion18:43
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, the above links talks about what is needed. in kubuntu you need to do a couple of things to make sure window decs are retained18:44
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Colonel_PanicIf Hardy has its own desktop effects, I'd rather just uninstall compiz entirely18:46
Colonel_Panicit seems to be much more of a liability then a benefit at this point18:46
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, true. just keep in mind the effects are with k not hardy so it doesn't have all that compiz fusion has18:47
Colonel_Panicdisabling it appears to create a cluster-fuck of other problems18:47
Agent_bobhmmm just noticed my mouse wont move up or down.   only left/right   ;/18:47
Colonel_Panicthe effects are with KDE?18:47
Colonel_Panicwhat version KDEW is this?18:48
Colonel_Panic(I need a new keyboard)18:48
Colonel_PanicCan I disable Emerald without losing my window decorations?18:49
flaccid_actually that may be with kde4 only. if you got system settings | desktop can you select effects options?18:49
Agent_boblooks like a reboot to fix it.   back soon18:49
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, yes if you followed the guide and did what is necessary18:49
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, might i suggest #compiz-fusion for better help. i dont use it sorry hard to remember18:49
Colonel_PanicI'm not seeing and option for effects in the system settings | desktop18:50
Nyadrestricted driver manager isn't in advanced tab of system settings, how do i use it18:50
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Colonel_Panicwell there18:52
Colonel_Panicthere's no answer in the #compix-fusion channel18:52
flaccid_Nyad, sudo apt-get install restricted-manager-kde && kdesudo restricted-manager-kde18:52
flaccid_be patient i gues18:52
ForgeAusits #Compiz-fusion18:53
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, i could be wrong. i thought in the last version of kde3 they added a gui. its kde4 that has the native effects but kde3 should switch to compiz. i could be totally wrong18:53
Colonel_PanicForgeAus: Yeah I misspelled it in here but nobody's responding in #compiz-fusion18:54
Agent_bob"huston, we have a problem!"18:54
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Agent_bobi think the birth certificate has expired on my mouse.18:55
nosrednaekimColonel_Panic: yes, there is syetm->desktop efttects but thats probably not going to help much18:55
Agent_bobanyone ever have a mouse "die" on you ?18:55
MilitantPotatoAgent_bob: only a laser18:55
Agent_bobMilitantPotato me either till now.18:55
MilitantPotatoI've heard of the springs on the ball contacts going out thought.18:56
Agent_bobsprings ?     heh.   not aplicable18:57
Agent_bobthat would be a marble mouse you are talking about,   no ?18:58
nosrednaekimAgent_bob: yep... twice18:58
nosrednaekimboth opticals18:58
nosrednaekimone was the left button18:58
nosrednaekimthe other was microsoft crap and the "tail" went18:59
Agent_bobthe up/down stepper is not functioning on this on.     two button ps2 + wheel       looks like everrything but the up/down movement still works.19:00
Nyadwhen I'm updating with updates that I have been notified of, what's the difference between purging and removing?19:02
nosrednaekimpurging removes config files IIRC19:03
flaccid_Nyad, purging removes global rc/config files that can be left19:03
nosrednaekimnot config files in /home... but in etc19:03
Nyadand removing?19:03
nosrednaekimeverything but that19:04
Nyadeverything but the global config files, and I have to manually get rid of the ones in home?19:04
Agent_bobNyad yep.  package manager does not touch ~19:05
* Agent_bob goes to get another mice19:08
andyho623can someone tell me where ya enter in your network settings so I can input my ip and dns?? I looked in Network Settings but the only thing there are proxy settings19:09
flaccid_andyho623, kde version?19:10
nosrednaekimandyho623: do you have any net access?19:10
andyho623nos: nope19:10
flaccid_andyho623, kde4 support in #kde4-support as per topic19:10
flaccid_andyho623, i mean #kubuntu-kde419:10
nosrednaekimandyho623: http://nosrednaekim.wordpress.com/2008/04/25/static-networking-in-kubuntu-804-kde4/19:11
andyho623thx nos!! :)19:11
Nyadflaccid_: with this command sudo apt-get install restricted-manager-kde && kdesudo restricted-manager-kde.  isn't it kdesu and not kdesudo?19:11
MilitantPotatokdesu is now kdesudo19:12
flaccid_Nyad, depends on what version of kubuntu you are on. its always been sudo and not su anyway19:12
Nyadoh ok19:13
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ErnyPlease, someone help, when I start Kubuntu, KDE doesn't start, only terminal19:21
nosrednaekimErny: click on the session button in KDM and switch to "KDE"19:21
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nosrednaekimKDM is the login manager19:22
Ernythere is not KDM running19:22
Ernyit doesn't start19:22
ErnyI see only terminal prompt19:22
nosrednaekimErny: did you do anything recently?19:22
ErnyI just set new resoltution but it was fine19:23
flaccid_check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:24
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ErnyThe last line says:19:25
ErnyScreens found but none have a usable configuration19:25
franspanish channel?19:25
Colonel_Panicis there a way to remove cmpiz fusion without ruining my desktop functionality?19:25
flaccid_Erny, need to look for the actual error above that19:25
flaccid_!en | fran19:25
ubottufran: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:25
flaccid_!es | fran19:26
ubottufran: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:26
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, totally remove?19:26
flaccid_just remove the packages19:26
fransee you19:26
Colonel_Paniccan I do that?19:26
flaccid_cia0 fran19:26
flaccid_Colonel_Panic,  yeah19:26
Colonel_Panicwhich packages do I need to remove?19:26
Ernyflaccid_: it's very long, how do I show it?19:26
flaccid_!compiz-fusion | Colonel_Panic19:27
ubottuColonel_Panic: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:27
flaccid_!pastebin | Erny19:27
ubottuErny: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:27
Colonel_PanicI have a feeling Emerald is the root of the trouble, because whenever I replace the desktop with kwin, all my window decs disappear19:27
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter19:28
Colonel_PanicI need to take a break here19:28
nosrednaekimErny: do this "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE19:28
ubottuFactoid qtparted not found19:28
flaccid_Colonel_Panic, did you read the wiki article about that?19:28
flaccid_Erny, or just grep WW /var/log/Xorg.0.log; grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log for all of the errors an warning19:29
MachinTrucChosehuh, the qtparted is part of the apt-get list but it gets a 404 when it tries to find it.19:30
andyho623yea networking fixed!! thx again nos!!!!!19:30
Ernyflaccid_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18536/   and http://paste.ubuntu.com/18537/19:31
flaccid_Erny, your virtual size is too big for your hardware19:33
Nyadhow do I check how much internet traffic has passed through my pc today and on other days?19:33
Ernyflaccid_: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ? should I edit that?19:34
flaccid_Erny, which is wierd because you asked for 2048 with max 2048 so you could have an incorrect modeline19:34
flaccid_Erny, yeah or pastebin for a perusal19:34
deamon3i need the BACKTRACK 3 Repositories19:34
flaccid_deamon3, can't help here sorry.19:34
trixonHi, I just reinstalled my system and forgot the name of a program I use a lot, it's like krandr for quick res change19:34
The_ManU_212http://pastebin.com/m1ad57da4 <-- is my fstab ok?, why are the dvd using udf and why  are they in fstab?19:34
deamon3where i will go ?¿19:34
flaccid_trixon, krandrtray or xrandr in cli19:35
flaccid_deamon3, i ask myself that every day19:35
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flaccid_The_ManU_212, its set like that to support both udf and iso966019:36
Ernyflaccid_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18541/ ....there is also xorg.conf.1  there, might that be a backup19:36
Ernyhmmm xorg.conf.bak too19:37
flaccid_Erny, do you do more than 1 display or you just need 1 ?19:37
jaakkomeuh, I have a problem with Qparted19:37
Ernyjust 119:37
jaakkomeIt won't start...19:37
boggystudiosDoes anyone here have a reccomendation for an alternative to ksysguard for monitoring activity on a remote maching?19:37
flaccid_Erny, lspci|grep VGA please19:37
Agent_bobhmmm now i have a genuine hp mouse plugged into this genuine dell computer  ;/       but it works.19:38
flaccid_!doesntwork | jaakkome19:38
ubottujaakkome: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:38
jaakkomeit does not start19:38
flaccid_jaakkome, start it from konsole, what does it say for errors etc. ?19:38
Ernyflaccid_: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH VirtualBox Graphics Adapter19:38
flaccid_Erny, what sort of monitor is it and what resolution?19:39
jm87hi i m matteo i m very much problem with m i pod19:39
The_ManU_212flaccid_ can you tell me if my fstab is fine? http://pastebin.com/m1ad57da419:39
Ernyflaccid_: that's a virtual machine and I think it should support any resolution, no?19:40
jaakkomehmm, it started from the konsole without problems :O19:40
trixonflaccid_, thank you, it was krandrtray!19:40
flaccid_The_ManU_212, looks ok to me i guess but i have no idea what you should be enabling a lot is commented. is there a problem?19:40
flaccid_np trixon19:41
jaakkomeso I guess the problem was just with the KDE meny entry19:41
flaccid_jaakkome, i guess so or at least possibly19:41
flaccid_you could compare the locations19:41
The_ManU_212flaccid_ no all the comments re only hints, no "Mount-code"19:41
flaccid_Erny, huh you use a virtual machine, what do you mean. if you take out Virtual20481536 it may work, if it doesn't take out all modelines and resolutions19:42
kiran_hi guys19:42
The_ManU_212flaccidwhat about the pass numbers i read  that only root shpuld be set o 1 the others to 219:42
flaccid_The_ManU_212, is there a problem with it?19:42
flaccid_do you need what pass is, i mean i don't know your requirements so i coulnd't possibly know what is right The_ManU_21219:43
jm87after the connection beetween my ipod  and my ubuntu pc , i can t do the  loading of  my music on my i pod with hipo or amarok why ?19:43
The_ManU_212flaccid_ i dont know what pass is19:43
kiran_which bittorrent client do you guys use? i got azureus but its too buggy and keeps crashing19:44
flaccid_The_ManU_212, its fsck basically19:44
The_ManU_212flaccid_ the only problem is that i thought exec could be a lack of security so i changed it to noexec, is that right?19:44
flaccid_The_ManU_212, no19:44
flaccid_unix permissions are used for that19:44
jm87i need some advise s19:45
Agent_bobwha kind of fs are we playing with ?19:45
The_ManU_212flaccid_ a friend told me it would be possible that rootkits can execute with exec19:45
flaccid_The_ManU_212, root kits can exec anything if they have um root...19:46
Agent_bobwha kind of fs are we playing with ?19:46
The_ManU_212flaccid_ so exec makes sense19:46
Agent_bobflaccid_ what's he doing ?19:46
ibouhow to create a wifi network between one windows  pc and one kubuntu pc ?19:46
flaccid_no it doesn't make sense19:46
iboui want to chare filews19:46
FoxIIrun windows in kubuntu/kubuntu in windows?19:47
Agent_bob!samba | ibou19:47
ubottuibou: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:47
flaccid_The_ManU_212, its sensible to put noexec on an FS that has no requirement to run binaries. but if you need to run at least 1 binary then its not feasible.19:47
flaccid_FoxII, checkout http://andlinux.org19:47
flaccid_and wine for the other way around obviously :)19:47
FoxIIflaccid, thanks :)19:48
ibouthanks Agent_bob19:49
adac where can I set the language of the keyboard in kde4_19:50
NickPrestaadac, ask in #kubuntu-kde419:51
DragnslcrAnybody else having network problems since any recent updates? For some reason, my connection goes down after about 10 minutes, and I have disable/enable eth0 to get it back19:56
flaccid_Dragnslcr, what driver and card are you using on which release?19:56
DragnslcrOnboard NIC19:57
DragnslcrJust started today after I rebooted from a kernel update19:57
flaccid_Dragnslcr, so like what is lscpi | grep -i network ?19:58
FoxI2If it's any help, To change the keyboard settings, click the kde icon, hover over Computer and system settings will be at the top under Applications.19:59
Dragnslcrflaccid_- nothing19:59
DragnslcrKNetwork Manager lists it as an nVidia MCP5520:00
flaccid_Dragnslcr, maybe it comes up different. can you see it in lscpi at all ?20:01
flaccid_what connectivity is it eg. which bus20:01
Dragnslcr00:08.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP55 Ethernet (rev a2)20:02
Dragnslcr00:09.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP55 Ethernet (rev a2)20:02
DragnslcrThose are for the two onboard NICs20:02
crashhandlerwhat is the run command for songbird?20:02
flaccid_Dragnslcr, do you get any output in /var/log/messages or dmesg when it drops off the net ?20:03
RambytesHi everyone!20:03
DragnslcrHaven't checked20:03
RambytesI know this answer i,m sure already solved, but i'm new so i don't know how to install a new theme in Kubuntu. I've download a theme in kde-look.org (a tar.gz file) and when I try to install the theme, Kubuntu tell me that theme is invalid... So, i download the wrong file or i'm not at the right place in kubuntu to install theme???20:06
flaccid_Rambytes, sounds right to me. did you try another theme?20:07
Agent_bobThe_ManU_212 yes that's one of the known issue.  and hal + automount is still being developed.  so it will improve with a little time.      no.  irc only.20:07
Dragnslcrflaccid_- there it goes again. Nothing in /var/log that I can see20:07
The_ManU_212Agent_bob: ok, so if my dvd devices work with fstab...never change a runnig system?20:08
Rambytesflaccid, No, but i've check something, the theme i've downloaded is for KDE 3.2+ .... what command I can type to know the version of my KDE?20:08
NickPrestaRambytes, the theme should work fine.20:09
Agent_bobThe_ManU_212 i didn't say "never change a runnig system"     in fact my moto is "if it isn't broken, fix it."    :)   but as a general rule.  things you don't mess with,  keep working longer.20:09
RambytesNickPresta: But what can I do to know the version of KDE i have?20:09
NickPrestaRambytes, open up a KDE application (Konqueror for example) and go to Help -> About KDE20:10
* Agent_bob expands "mess with" to include "update/upgrade"20:10
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RambytesNickPresta: Ok, I have the 3.5.920:11
NickPrestaRambytes, yeah. That's fine. The theme should work.20:11
NickPrestawhat theme is it for?20:11
Nece228visi klausykit simuko!20:11
crashhandlerwhat is the run command for songbird?i installed songbird but cant find it on kmenu...20:12
flaccid__crashhandler, whast is songbird and where did you get it from?20:12
RambytesNickPresta: Because i'm new in Linux, and it's hard for me to not return in windows, I want to install a XP theme like... like the kde_xp_full-1.320:12
Nece228visi klausykit simuko!20:13
ErnySomeone please help, I can't choose lower reolution than 1280x102420:13
NickPrestaRambytes, I mean, is it a full KDE theme? Can you give me the link to where you gotit from?20:13
flaccid__crashhandler, how did you install it?20:13
RambytesNickPresta: Sure.... wait20:13
RambytesNickPresta: here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/kde3+xp+style?content=149920:14
flaccid__crashhandler, and did you read the documentation ?20:14
crashhandleryeah,but the documentation is too...20:14
flaccid__crashhandler, the link you gave me advises: Exec=/opt/Songbird/songbird20:14
flaccid__and in gui, To run Songbird 0.3, you can click Applications → Sound & Video → Songbird.20:15
crashhandlershould i go to that directory?20:15
flaccid__crashhandler, no just run the command20:15
crashhandleryeah i know but it is not there...20:15
crashhandlerowh okok20:15
crashhandleri try first20:15
RambytesNickPresta: Got it?20:15
flaccid__well if its not there then ask them20:15
NickPrestaRambytes, yep. Inspecting it now.20:16
flaccid__crashhandler, if you followed step 2. under root it should be there otherwise you stuffed up20:16
RambytesNickPresta: ok and after i will ask my second question (harder one)20:16
NickPrestaRambytes, wow. That is a fairly comprehensive theme.20:18
RambytesNickPresta: What do you mean (sorry, my english is not very good020:18
John_SWhen I go into "manual configuation" in knetworkmanager, the only encryption option it gives is WEP, not any variant of WPA. Am I missing something? How do I connect to a network with WPA encryption?20:19
RambytesNickPresta: and where do go in KDE to install a new theme???20:20
Manabumy kaffeine entered in an loop when I tried to play an .wmv file20:20
Agent_bobThe_ManU_212 yes the fstab looks fine to me.  the  line with the vfat fs has "defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=1000"  which i would perfer to contain  "defaults,utf8,fmask=117,dmask=007,gid=1000"    that is only a small failsafe to keep you from accidently executing something that you don't mean too but dubble clicked in place of single clicked maybe.20:21
Manabuit opens the codec instaler, but then spits an error saying that the codec is already instaled20:21
ManabuI click ok in that error, and it opens the codec instaler again20:21
NickPrestaRambytes, its complicated and the instructions are written in Italian. Apparently, you're supposed to unpack the tar.gz and run the 'install-usr.sh' script or the 'install-opt.sh' / 'install-opt-kde3.sh' script. I don't know is this theme will overwrite default files (it looks like it will though) so I would use this theme with care (or find another theme)20:21
Manabuan so on..20:21
Manabuin VLC the video has no audio...20:21
Manabuin windows, all work perfeclty20:22
RambytesNickPresta: and where do go in KDE to install a new theme???20:22
flaccid__yeah Rambytes that them is non standard20:22
SlimeyPetewmv is never much good under Linux20:22
Manabuothers videos have audio20:23
NickPrestaRambytes, this theme is complicated. You can't install it with the System-Settings area. You need to run the install-*.sh scripts and then it will be in the System-Settings area. At least that is what I understand.20:23
SpeShi, If I have in sources.list: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main ... should I have KDE4.1?? becouse I think I have 4.0.3b, at least that's what apt-cache show kdebase-kde4 says...??20:23
DJG9282Hi guys. If i wanted to manually install a different kernal to the kubuntu operating system how would i do that...for instance..i am downloading linux-image- to my desktop...how could i install this package? do i have to put it to a certain directory before installing it or i could do it right from the desktop?20:23
SlimeyPetetends to depend on the version of wmv that it was encoded with20:23
Manabuhum, but kaffeine should not enter in an endless loop20:23
flaccid__SpeS, help for kde4 is in #kubuntu-kde420:24
flaccid__!kernel | DJG928220:24
ubottuDJG9282: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:24
SpeSok flaccid__ sorry :)20:24
ManabuI think i will try smplayer20:24
flaccid__SlimeyPete, if wmv doesn't render correctly then thats pretty much how it is on linux. its a closed microsoft codec20:25
RambytesNickPresta: Ok thanks.... and just to be sure, where I need to go to install a new theme?20:25
SlimeyPeteflaccid__: yeah, I know.20:25
SlimeyPeteI avoid it like the plague, personally20:25
SlimeyPetebut I imagine it's annoying if you have a wmv-enabled camera or video playback device.20:25
DJG9282flaccid_: i was instructed by linmodems.org that the modem that i have does not work with the kernal on my system and has only worked on a kernal with a different version20:26
flaccid__DJG9282, we dont help with recompiling kernels but you can follow the guides20:26
DJG9282ok thanks20:26
NickPrestaRambytes, unpack the archive (right click on the tar.gz package and select Extract Here. Then, open up a Konsole and change to the extracted directory (cd kde_xp_full-1.3) then run: chmod +x install-usr.sh && ./install-usr.sh20:27
Agent_bobThe_ManU_212 no no.  what i mean is, that if your windows system is compromised and someone puts malusious code in a file on the vfat then you boot linux  you might execute something that you didn't know was there.20:28
flaccid__Agent_bob, not possible on linux unless its run in wine under root and can do stuff..20:28
RambytesNickPresta: Forget about this theme..... I will not install it20:29
alucardromeroI was just about to say, how is that possible?20:29
RambytesNickPresta: But just tell me where to go to install a theme from the desktop of kubuntu20:30
flaccid__and even then its not going to do much at all if that occurs because its unix filesystem and not windows. it aint going to translate an absolute c:\stuffthisup.exe to /stuffthisup.exe then run under wine. it just doesn't happen... thus why noexec is meaningless most of the time :)20:30
RambytesNickPresta: from the K menu!20:30
NickPrestaRambytes, press Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol". Then go to Appearance and Themes. There is a Theme Manager section20:31
Agent_bobflaccid_ yes possable.  you would need all the convo to see the issue.    question was about executing things stored on vfat20:31
flaccid__Agent_bob, yes i helped initially and advised.20:31
vitviperthis sucks20:32
flaccid__you do realise the virus would have to call wine amongst the other things i mentioned in both cases?20:32
vitviperfor some reason the WoW installer crashes on my PC in Wine20:32
vitviperbut ran just fine on my laptop20:32
flaccid__vitviper, i don't recommend doing the installer method for WoW20:32
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php20:33
Daisuke_LaptopAgent_bob: i got a response on that dd bug20:33
RambytesNickPresta: THKS!!!20:33
flaccid__vitviper, from the above link there should be a WoW page. you want to not use the installer method and instead copy or use another method. i've never installed wow under wine succesfully. i copy and edit the *.wtf files20:34
Agent_bobDaisuke_Laptop yeah ?20:34
Daisuke_LaptopAgent_bob: yeah, the bug's invalid20:35
Daisuke_LaptopAgent_bob: dd if=/dev/scd0 of=~/new.iso conv=noerror20:35
Daisuke_Laptopthe conv= part is what we both missed20:35
Daisuke_Laptop(mainly because it's never mentioned, i don't think20:35
Agent_bobDaisuke_Laptop hmmmm    revisiting the manual now...20:36
Daisuke_Laptop conv=CONVS20:36
Daisuke_Laptop              convert the file as per the comma separated symbol list20:36
Daisuke_Laptopyeah, it's mentioned, i feel like an idiot now :)20:37
RambytesThis is my second question: in my laptop, I have a "endless" wheel to control my volume. The problem is I only have 6 positions: 0% - 19% - 41% - 63% - 83% - 100%. What can I do to have "more" position? (example, raise or drop the volume by 5%, not 20%!)20:37
Agent_bobDaisuke_Laptop i see the problem.  it's a formating issue in the manual page.  there is no step for the list of conv symbols    so they do not appear to be a subset20:38
Agent_bobso the bug is actually in the man page.  and should be filed there   i guess20:38
Agent_bobDaisuke_Laptop you are no less an idiot than i on that one.     (not that that will make you feel any better)20:39
Daisuke_LaptopAgent_bob: actually it does make me feel better - you've been doing this a lot longer than i have :D20:39
* Agent_bob wonders how being an idiot longer helps ? ! * & ?20:40
jaakkomeI'm still having some trouble with qtparted20:43
flaccid__jaakkome, wish i could help. fdisk might be a good option if you have problems20:44
RambytesI've start Konversation one and now, each time I reboot Kubuntu, Konversation start.... where I can go to stop this application to start each time?20:45
nosrednaekimRambytes: systemsettings->advanced->session manager20:46
jaakkomefdisk doesn't seem to identify my existing partitions20:47
Rambytesnosrednaekim: run a empty session?20:47
nosrednaekimRambytes:  yep20:48
jaakkomealso, it shows the size to be 100.0 GB, which is too small20:48
Rambytesnosrednaekim: brb i will try20:48
Rambytesnosrednaekim: Yeah! You're a great!!!20:54
Rambytesnosrednaekim: and now, how to start MY application automaticly??20:55
RambytesHow can I start automaticly a application when I boot in Kubuntu?21:03
ubottuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html21:03
gdsshi mary_21:04
gdsswhat are you looking for?21:05
mary_sorry this is my firs time in Konvrsation21:05
drurewcan someone  help me with this compilation error please :http://paste.ubuntu.com/18562/21:14
drurewi am attempting qt tool kit ....per this how to ...http://www.zetcode.com/articles/qt4/21:14
drurewis there perhaps an easyer way to do this then source code...is there no apt-get for the qt toolkit?21:15
=== FoxI2 is now known as FoxII
flaccid__drurew, i'll check it out brb21:17
zp34someone know how open flv files whit kdenlive?21:18
BluesKajzp34, vlc will open them21:20
jaakkomeI created a new ext2 partition (finally). How can I switch it's ownership from root to my username?21:21
flaccid__drurew, what are your actual requirements qt wise?21:22
stdinjaakkome: mount it somewhere and do "sudo chown username: /place/you/mounted/it"21:22
zp34yes , but i ned edit them21:22
drurewflaccid__:. im trying to build a desktop widget and i came across this tool kit as an option21:23
flaccid__jaakkome, uid option in fstab entry21:23
jaakkomegreat, thanks chown was the command I was looking for21:23
flaccid__drurew, yes but what version of qt do you need and which files - libs/dev ?21:24
drurewflaccid__: i have both ..4.4 & 3.3.....i had hoped for the more up to date but i am not really sure what i need _:D21:25
flaccid__drurew, there is your problem. 4.4 is the up to date.21:25
flaccid__check what you need exactly before asking :)21:25
drurew: ) k sorry man21:26
drurewi think ...well this is the problematic compilation error:21:26
drurewmoc.y: In function ‘int yyparse()’:21:26
drurewmoc.y:908: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’21:26
stdinthat's a warning, not an error21:27
drurewam i maybe missing a lib ?21:27
flaccid__drurew, where does it actually fail21:27
drurewperhaps runing the 3.3 may work better?21:27
drurewone sec21:28
zp34in ubuntu kdenlivecan edit flv files , but un kubuntu no,  ithink ned a plugin for that21:28
drurewat make21:28
drurewkernel/qt_x11_p.h:69:22: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory21:28
ubottuWhen a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following package: xorg-dev21:28
drurewstdin: wicked sweet dude21:29
mooperdoes kubuntu not like usb2?21:34
drurewmooper: it lot ves i21:34
drurew*it loves it21:35
mooperdrurew: kubuntu 7.10?21:35
drurewmooper: well sure why shouldnt it21:35
mooperca I have just plugged in a disk and it is very slow :(21:35
drurewwhats the trouble21:35
mooperIm sure its usb 121:35
drurewyeah .... is it like a "smart*" disk ?21:35
drurewoh well then theres your prob21:36
flaccid__how are you sure?21:36
mooperI dunno, its some maxtor 400GB thingy21:36
mooperIm not sure21:36
drurewmaybe the port is a usb 121:37
flaccid__hmm that doesn't sound sure. check dmesg and /var/log/messages for potential problems/errors21:37
drurewbut the hd is prob usb 221:37
flaccid__hard disks dont use usb21:37
mooperthe port is DEF usb221:37
mooperits a 1 yr old dell lappy21:37
flaccid__mooper, and how did you come to this conclusion?21:37
drurewflaccid__: you could do some hard disk acceleration21:38
mooperflaccid__: cos the drive access is so slow21:38
flaccid__mooper, thats not a conclusion.21:38
gdsswhat's the best tv show? lost?21:38
flaccid__drurew, err like what21:38
flaccid__!ot | gdss21:38
ubottugdss: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:38
drurewwait a sec21:38
flaccid__!best > gdsss21:38
flaccid__!best > gdsss21:38
flaccid__!best > gdss21:38
mooperokay, well how do I check what usb version devices are bieing connected as21:39
flaccid__why try to accelerate something that is apparently under performing :)21:39
jaakkomeI want to share my new partition to our local network. Is there a reason why I should use NFS instead of Samba?21:39
zp34 someone know how open for edit  flv files whit kdenlive?21:39
flaccid__<flaccid__> hmm that doesn't sound sure. check dmesg and /var/log/messages for potential problems/errors21:39
drurewyeah thats probly right there flacid21:40
flaccid__jaakkome, no.21:40
FoxIII'm running kubuntu with no internet (don't ask) where can I find out what I need in terms of packages to play a dvd?21:40
basyIs there any way to setup shorcut key for "Duplicate current line" in kate or katepart ? plz?21:40
mooperflaccid__: I did allready but could see nothing abvious21:40
flaccid__maybe its running fine then21:40
mooperbut it is so slow21:41
flaccid__!dvd | FoxII21:41
ubottuFactoid hdparm not found21:41
ubottuFoxII: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:41
mooperIt is working fine just not as usb221:41
drurewhmmm that must be a gentoo thing only21:41
flaccid__mooper, how do you know that usb2 is not working?21:41
FoxIIcool. Thanks flaccid & ubottu.21:41
=== marcus_ is now known as fynamite
mooperflaccid__cos it is working at 12 mb/s not 480 mb/s21:42
mooperI have been trying to copy a couple of GB of data to it for what seems like a week21:43
flaccid__doesn't conclude that usb 2.0 is not working at all moooper21:43
drurewmooper: do other devices function at average speed via the same port?21:44
mooperdrurew: Im just testing21:45
flaccid__im off ciao21:45
mooperdrurew: actually I have a usb flash disk an I can write data to that at 5.8 MB/s21:45
drurewmooper: i have an external hard drive which i would like to tweak to have fast writing read speed....it has an inbuilt function to "stop" speeds at what is called a "smart"setting21:46
NyadI want to install the restricted driver manager. when I type this: sudo apt-get install restricted-manager-kde && kdesudo restricted-manager-kde21:46
Nyadit tell me21:46
NyadPackage restricted-manager-kde is a virtual package provided by:21:46
Nyad  jockey-kde 0.3.3-0ubuntu821:46
NyadYou should explicitly select one to install.21:46
=== solo is now known as solo2365
drurewanother option to test you settings would be to check the speed in an alternative system21:47
Colonel_Panicis there anything I can do to fix this compiz system tray bug?21:47
solo2365QUESTION!: Ive went to a Java install page and the listings they have for linux are | Linux Self extracting RPM and Linux Self extracting | Kubuntu dosent use the RPM correct ??21:48
Pennycooksolo2365: Correct.  You can install java6 through Adept, though.21:48
=== carmen is now known as carmen_
solo2365ok thanks21:49
taozenuna consulta21:51
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:51
eagles0513875hola para todos21:53
eagles0513875hey all21:53
solo2365What is the package called for java? when i search i get alot.. can can you PM this answer to me?? im back and forth to another PC in the other room21:54
speeddemon24please, if you plan on speaking spanish go to a spanish channel. its hard if you dont speak spanish to understand.21:54
eagles0513875speeddemon24: i speak english21:56
eagles0513875first language21:56
solo2365ok n/m i had to search (Java 6) insted of just (java or java6) to get the correct search responce21:57
speeddemon24no i meant those spanish speakers21:57
drurewright ??21:57
drurewdont hit me i dont know what that means :/21:58
engineersolo2365 sun-java6-bin21:58
eagles0513875drurew: lol21:58
calcmandantrying to backup a game cd to an ISO, and k3b is reporting that it can only copy CD-Extra mixed mode CD's.  Is this accurate or am I missing a plugin?21:58
Nyadkubuntu keeps trying to install 169.x version of the nvidia drivers, I want the 173.x drivers22:01
engineermixing repositories22:02
drurewNyad: how new is 173.x22:03
drurewit may not be in the reps yet ...how bout compilation ?22:03
drurew*source code22:03
Colonel_PanicI'm having  a problem with my system tray icons showing up on my desktop instead22:03
=== richard is now known as kadelmia
Nyaddrurew: it's proprietary drivers22:04
matteo_buona sera a tutti22:05
Colonel_PanicKopete will not log me  on to the IM networks, either22:05
calcmandananyone konw a good cd ripping software that'll do mixed mode ripping? k3b won't work for a particular disc of mine.22:05
eagles0513875ciao matteo_22:05
Colonel_Panicwhy it's dong this, I dunno22:05
eagles0513875!it | matteo_22:05
ubottumatteo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:05
Colonel_Panicit's been happening since I upgraded22:05
matteo_tnks eagles22:05
eagles0513875no problem22:06
Colonel_Panichow can I log on to the IM networks in Kopete?22:06
eagles0513875Colonel_Panic: thats the problem with upgrading you end up running into problems like you got22:06
eagles0513875Colonel_Panic: its like pidgin22:07
Colonel_PanicI had the system tray icon problem before I upgraded, and people in here told me that upgrading would fix that22:07
Colonel_Panicso what should I do?22:07
Colonel_Panicuninstall Kopete?22:07
eagles0513875Colonel_Panic: thing with upgrading that pkgs from previous version to newer version change or are removed etc22:08
eagles0513875Colonel_Panic: purge it reinstall22:08
Colonel_Panicand what about this system tray issue?22:08
eagles0513875Colonel_Panic: not sure about that22:08
hakxiscomo habro conversacion en español??22:09
matteo_my first day with linux....my first day in kubuntu22:09
eagles0513875!es | hakxis22:10
ubottuhakxis: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:10
eagles0513875de nada22:10
=== kadelmia is now known as richard__
=== richard__ is now known as richard_
eagles0513875night all22:11
svenbcan someone tell me how to get the nvidia driver to work?22:11
Nyadyeah, If I download it off nvidia site can I install it in single user mode?22:11
=== richard_ is now known as richard
svenbthe installation can also be done by adept22:12
svenbthe correct xorg.conf is the problem22:12
Nyadso how do I install it, that restricted driver manager only has the old 169 drivers and not the new 173 series of drivers22:14
svenbi dont know about the series22:15
=== mike is now known as Guest78887
The_ManU_212i use standby and configured it like in a ubuntu wiki, but it works sometimes, and sometimes not22:15
=== narg_ is now known as narg
hakxiseagles me puedes ayudar porfavor ?22:18
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:18
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:18
drurewhow can i  edit the .profile file22:19
drurewi need to add PATH=/usr/local/qt4/bin:$PATH22:19
drurewmy brain must not be working today :(22:20
Paco_PacoHow can i improve font rendering in Kubuntu?22:22
iCEiferhello, does kubuntu offer something similar to ubuntu's synpatic package manager? I can't find something like that on the Live CD22:24
engineeriCEifer adept22:30
engineerPaco_Paco install your graphics card drivers22:31
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
ubottuFactoid encryption not found22:33
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:33
heinkel_111anyone got some good reading on how to encrypt partitions on harddisks? I've got a new laptop and need to secure it a little22:33
The_ManU_212i use standby and configured it like in a ubuntu wiki, but it works sometimes, and sometimes not22:34
mr--theinkel_113: http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/security/22:42
doktoreashello everybody22:42
doktoreasI have got some troubles connecting to my fon wifi spot22:42
doktoreasknetworkmanager stays always on the "getting ip"22:42
doktoreasis there a way for debugging it?22:42
doktoreasusing wifi with other network works fine22:43
=== dalew_ is now known as dalew
heinkel_113mr--t: thank you...i am reading up :)22:45
WalzmynWhen did debian switch to gnome as the default install?22:45
SlimeyPeteWalzmyn: many years ago I think22:45
* mr--t thinks it was a wednesday....22:45
WalzmynSlimeyPete, been a long time since I attempted an install, I just made a virtual machine and was supprised to find Ga-Nome22:46
SlimeyPeteWalzmyn: I first used Debian five years ago and Gnome was default then.22:46
WalzmynAnd somewhat dissapointed22:46
WalzmynSlimeyPete, hmm. maybe i'm not remembering correctly - it has been at least that long for me as well22:47
grendal_primemy spell checker is whack how do i turn it on for all of kde?22:49
ubottuFactoid aspell not found22:54
ubottuFactoid spellcheck not found22:54
mr--tgrendal_prime: system settings regional and language spell checker22:54
heinkel_113mr--t: the nice looking webpage had an old (2004, 2.4 kernel) how-to :(22:54
mr--t :-(22:55
mr--theinkel_113: http://www.linux.com/articles/36596    how bout here22:57
jussi01!info aspell | grendal_prime22:57
ubottugrendal_prime: aspell (source: aspell): GNU Aspell spell-checker. In component main, is optional. Version 0.60.5-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 90 kB, installed size 1132 kB22:57
mr--tjussi01:  ihave that option is settings as listed above22:59
monkeybritchesIs there a way of getting Konqueror to synch/refresh the tree pane on the left when navigating folders in the right?23:00
=== ubuntu__ is now known as a2454
The_ManU_212i use standby and configured it like in a ubuntu wiki, but it works sometimes, and sometimes not23:05
monkeybritchesWas that in regards to my question about Konqueror?23:08
monkeybritchesOr maybe a better question is, can anyone recommend a file manager better than Konqueror?23:10
monkeybritchesOf course that's subjective...23:10
ece_Lütfen yardım...23:11
ece_türkçe bilen yok mu?23:11
ece_TÜRK YOK MU?..........,23:13
NickPrestaece_, what language?23:13
ubottuFactoid tk not found23:13
NickPresta!tr | ece_23:14
ubottuece_: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.23:14
ece_ thank yuo...23:14
secleinteerhi, does anyone know how to unlock a cd drive that got locked while trying to write something to it with k3b?23:17
Exilantanyone using kopete with the kopetex plugin working or the crypto plugin working?23:20
heinkel_113for all the fanciness of kde 4 i still get teh olde kde3 konversation....23:29
engineerheinkel_111 some apps are yet to be ported23:33
heinkel_111seems like that :)23:33
heinkel_111heinkel_111 = dekstop, heinkel_113 is laptop i am configuring now23:34
heinkel_111in case that confused people a little...23:34
engineerdo you live in colorado?23:35
heinkel_113who me?23:35
jussi01heinkel_111: you may want to check out quassel23:35
heinkel_113 engineer: nope23:36
jussi01heinkel_111: http://quassel-irc.org/23:36
* genii hands out coffees23:40
=== robert__ is now known as solo5639_2
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:49
engineer!universe > solo5639_223:49
Colonel_Paniccan somebody please help me with these problems I'm having?23:51
Colonel_Panicfirst of all, Kopete won't connect. I've tried uninstalling it, but it apparently won't uninstall23:51
geniiStating the nature of the problem may help in assesing what might be the solution to it23:51
Colonel_PanicI have stated the problems I've been having all day23:52
Colonel_Panicall day, eve23:52
mooperIf something is asking fr a password is there any way to provide that password in a bash script23:52
Colonel_Panicbefore I even upgraded to Hardy23:52
Colonel_Panicfirst of all23:52
Colonel_Panicmy system tray icos appear on the desktop every time I log in23:53
Colonel_Panic2nd, Kopete will not connect to any IM servers23:53
Exilantmooper: depends on the program23:53
geniiColonel_Panic: kde3 or kde4 ?23:54
ExilantColonel_Panic: some guy named gladier reported the same in #kopete23:54
Exilantalthough he's using gentoo23:54
Colonel_Panicthat's not me23:54
Colonel_PanicI'm using Kubuntu23:54
deamon3someone here have BACKTRACK ?¿23:54
Colonel_PanicI had this problem with the damn system tray and people in here told me that upgrading would fix it23:54
Colonel_Panicwell guess what?23:55
Colonel_PanicId didn't, and now I have even more problems23:55
Colonel_Panicwhy can I not uninstall Kopete?23:55
Colonel_Panicwhy won't it connect automatically?23:56
HazaEvening folks. What tool would you recommend for mounting a .iso?23:56
Colonel_Panicis there a way to manually cxonnect it to the networks?23:56
Exilantright klick on the network yo want to connect23:56
Exilantchoose online23:56
=== deamon3 is now known as deamonhax3
Colonel_Panicdoes  nothing23:57
Exilanthm, maybe kwallet again?23:57
nohelpheredo you find ti weird that adept tried ot remove everythign includign itself?23:57
nohelphereadept tried to remove EVERYTHIGN it rmeoved itself23:58
Colonel_Panicwell, Kwallet has been eff'd up since all this crap with the system tray started23:58
ExilantColonel_Panic: try it if you specify the password explicitly in kopete23:58
keatonGreets, #kubuntu. I'm having a minor issue with Dolphin, it gives me this error every time I close a window: http://pastebin.com/d78124a223:58
Colonel_Panictheres no option to do that23:58
Colonel_Panicwho do I do that?23:58
nohelphereall I did wa sinstall ncurses libraries23:59
keatonMy hard drive isn't full, and it most certainly isn't just saying it once. Other than that, it operates perfectly, I just want the message gone.23:59
Colonel_Panicfirst of all, how do I fix this damn problem with the system tray icons showing up i the desktop?23:59
nohelpherei think it remove dphp and al my othe rimportant stuff23:59

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