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ruiboonshould i close bug 234015? as it seems to be a specific faulty hardware issue03:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234015 in pybluez "blueproximity is unable to find bluetooth devices" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23401503:31
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qensecan someone help me out on bug 229477 ?10:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229477 in hal "most of the laptopkeys don't work " [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22947710:27
qenseI don't know what part is responsible for keeping track of the status of the CD/DVD-drive, lshal -m didn't show anything here10:27
qensewhat should I ask him for?10:28
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albert23qense: that may happen if some process is accessing the cdrom10:48
albert23qense: my first question would be: is there a cd in the drive?10:49
qenseaargh! of course10:49
qenseI forgot that10:49
albert23qense: and if there is a cd in the drive, lsof | grep cdrom may tell what is keeping the drive busy10:49
qenseand where there isn't? Isn't the closure and opening of CD/DVD drives monitored by the hardware itself?10:50
albert23qense: I tried the lshal -m trick, but that didn't say anything for me either10:51
albert23so I guess the hardware may handle the key directly indeed10:51
qenseok, thx10:52
ciaramooneyHey hows the global bug hunt going?12:04
ciaramooneyHey, would the following qualify as a "wishlist"? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pm-utils/+bug/23830312:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238303 in pm-utils "Please merge pm-utils from Debian unstable main" [Undecided,New]12:32
qenseI wouldn' touch it12:37
qenseI think it's a workflow bug12:37
qensesince the universe sponsors are subscribed to it12:37
qensemain sponsors *12:38
qensethere were some pretty heavy discussions about workflow bugs lately and some people got angry12:38
qensethis kind of bugs are used to keep track of things the people who maintain the packages have to do12:38
qenseoops, I forgot to ping ciaramooney ;)12:40
qensenow I've did12:40
ciaramooneyLol. Thanks.12:40
ciaramooneyqense: I have a question. When a bug is triaged as "incomplete" launchpad says something like "If nothing happens in 60 days then it will be close" or something. Does this mean that the bug eventually gets taken off the tracker or at least "closed"12:47
qensethey planned to mark the bug as invalid after 60 days12:48
qensebut if I'm right they disabled it and now stops couting down at 59 days to go12:48
ciaramooneyso it remains on the tracker, and has to be closed manually at some point?12:49
qensebut there's some discussion about that12:49
qensesome people say a bug should never be markes as invalid unless it's not a bug or doesn't happen(anymore)12:49
qenseothers say that inactive bugs take valuable space in search lists and make things harders/longer for people12:50
qensethe triage guide advices to close a bug after there hasn't been a response for more than a month after the last comment12:50
pwnguinmaybe a compromise should be reached along the lines of "dont mark expired bugs invalid, but do hide them from default searches17:36
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pwnguinoh thats annoying19:49
pwnguingnome bugzilla marks dups invalid and LP doesn't migrate to the dup19:49
pwnguinoh thats interesting19:50
pwnguinthe dup also has a partner on LP19:50
pwnguinif one was to trust upstream bug trackers, one could automatically suggest dups in LP19:51
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Awsoonnhi all~ how should 'X needs packaging' bugs be dealt with?21:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238170 in ubuntu "Please sync farsight2 0.0.2-1 (universe) from Debian experimental." [Undecided,New]21:14
mrooneyAwsoonn: that is a workflow report so unless you really know what you are doing you probably shouldn't touch it21:35
AwsoonnI want to learn what to do if possible21:37
mrooneywell, what I mean is, they are for developers themselves21:38
mrooneysee https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugsquad/2008-May/000851.html21:38
mrooneybasically triagers should avoid them as the devs are using them to track their own progress and not report a bug persay21:38
mrooneyI would recommend installing greasemonkey (if it isn't already) and Brian's script in that email, which puts in big text at the top "This is a workflow bug" so triagers know to leave them alone21:42
Awsoonnthank you21:43
mrooneyAwsoonn: no problem :) does it make sense?21:44
mrooneyit took me a fair amount of reading to (I think) wrap my head around them21:44
mrooneyokay, great, thanks for helping out21:44
mrooneyif you are looking for bugs to triage, do you know about #ubuntu-bugs-announce?21:45
mrooneyit announces bugs as they come in with packages and importance and status, etc, so you can scan that for interesting bugs you think you can help with, it is a useful resource21:45
Awsoonnnope, I'll keep that in mind21:46
alan_mI have a question, would firefox maximizing so huge that the title bar goes underneath the top panel be considered a bug?21:46
alan_mits not in fullscreen mode...but acts like it is, i have to PUT it in fullscreen, then resize it to get it back from doing this.21:47
Awsoonnalan_m, I would say yes21:48
alan_mits...quite annoying.21:48
alan_mit does it on a regular install with no addons to firefox21:49
AwsoonnIt has happened to me as well, I feel your pain21:49
alan_mi know if i remove firefox package and install it back it gives a quick fix...but..then it goes back to old habits :/21:49
alan_mAwsoonn, even a clean profile doing it to you?21:53
Old_Soldiermrooney: thanks for the linkage for that greasemonkey script21:54
Awsoonnalan_m: it doesn't happen often to me21:56
alan_mits nuts :/21:57
Old_Soldieralan_m: it never happens to me but ive got plenty of extensions installed from other teams and trusty old foxclocks21:57
mrooneyOld_Soldier: no problem!22:02
mrooneythank bdmurray really!22:02
Old_Soldierim pretty new to bug triage ive been more involved in the forum teams and lately ubuntu docs but bug squad and bugcontrol is definitley complimentary to my other activities :)22:03
Awsoonnproblems with an upgrade go to what package?22:40
Old_SoldierAwsoonn:  sometimes "problems with upgrade" are actually questions.  I always start off with making sure they dont have a transient archive server connection issue22:43
* Old_Soldier deals with that daily on the forums22:43
Old_Soldierjust my 2 cents :)22:44
* alan_m takes your 2 cents and runs hehe j/k22:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238035 in synaptic "after upgrade computer acts like a client" [Undecided,New]22:45
* alan_m is confused by that description, heh, gonna read on22:46
Old_Soldieri'd reply and get more information. its kind of confusing and really isnt very helpful22:46
Awsoonnalan_m: indeed22:47
alan_myeah, im doing that now Old_Soldier22:47
Old_Soldierlol but i guess i think too much like a forum rat22:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238035 in synaptic "after upgrade computer acts like a client" [Undecided,New]22:49
alan_mI cant do anything but add that comment to it....way more info needed.22:50
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-bugs!23:19
Old_Soldierhello mohbana23:20
mohbanais there a bug file against ubuntu not adjusting the font settings? i.e., selecting no subpixel rendering has no effect23:20
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux23:20
darthanubisthats how I find out the fast way if a bug exists or no23:21
mohbanacould someone tell me?23:33
windmillHi, I'm about to report a bug on launchpad. I can't find a bug report for the specific problem. I read it's better to submit it through apport but it's not program crash, should I use the apport-cli version to submit?23:40
mrooneywindmill: good question, I have never used apport to submit a bug by hand, I don't know if that is proper or not23:48
dsaswindmill: If it's a GTK program you can click on "help->report a problem"23:51
windmilldsas, I can't dot23:52
windmillsorry, I was trying to say I can't do that because of the nature of the bug23:53
windmillit displays a dialogue that I can't close, so technically the app (nautilus) is still running23:53

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