
=== Bangladesh is now known as Ekushey
=== Bangladesh is now known as CyberKing
Myrtti/me sips her coffee19:06
erUSULPriceChild: <Tortilla_Sam> erUSUL, R u sick and tired of bein in chat rooms dat r boring, not fun, and lame? Want 2 finally join a  chat room dat is off da chain and 100% awesome? Well #Tortilla_Sam's_Zone is da place 4 u. We do  nothing but have fun in da chat, hosted by me, TORTILLA SAM. So if u want a fun chat, 2 have fun, or  maybe even meet a new best friend, come 2 #Tortilla_Sam's_Zone today.23:32
erUSULby private msg what's that?23:33
PriceChilderUSUL: will look into it23:34
erUSULPriceChild: was just after connecting... maybe a trigger on people who connect?23:34

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