
=== graner is now known as pgraner
=== asac_ is now known as asac
qenseDo you think that bug 235869 is complete enough for you?10:12
qenseisn't bug 238023 just about a change of driver?13:57
qense(btw, where is ubotu?)13:57
mjg59qense: 238023 doesn't seem to be a bug14:23
qensejust a change of driver?14:24
gnomefreakqense: ubotu is gone its now ubottu 14:24
qenseubottu also seems to be offline14:25
gnomefreakand not in this channel 14:25
gnomefreakqense: no hes just not in here14:25
qenseok :)14:25
qensewhy does it have two ts now?14:25
gnomefreakqense: two what?14:25
qenseubotu vs ubotTu14:26
gnomefreakbecause ubotu is gone for now nut sure if it is comming back14:26
qenseok, thx14:26
qense(thank you too, mjg59)14:27
leoncamel_hey. folks. currently, i am using 2.6.24-18-generic now. It seems that it is not quite stable here. 23:40

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