
hubuntuwholly cow dsas00:00
hubuntuthat I had not seen00:00
Flanneljohn-vilsack: content should probably be volunteered (or at least asked permission of), even with liberal licensing.00:00
owhhubuntu: You objected to moving past this topic, do you still object?00:00
Flanneljohn-vilsack: and perhaps just forwarded to on the wiki, in case of updates/changes/etc instead of mirrored00:01
john-vilsackFlannel: Agreed, but we are no where near ready to begin getting those I think.00:01
hubuntukeep on00:01
hubuntumy point is not too rlevant as of yet00:01
Flanneljohn-vilsack: No, I agree with that as well.00:01
pepFlannel: if we count on loco team action to upload it to us... we do not have tha t problem... but SU has to be on foot before that to happen anyway...00:01
owhFlannel: Or, just include the text from their page.00:01
pepI think we are all agreeing on this point.00:01
owhRight, moving on.00:01
owh[TOPIC] Discuss and possibly revise the team meeting schedule00:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Discuss and possibly revise the team meeting schedule00:01
hubuntuwe need the basic structure (SU) first00:02
owhAs I've been up since 2am to prepare, this item is of particular interest to me. However, if I'm not chairing the meeting, being here at 5am to attend is fine - ie. keep the meeting to 21:00 UTC.00:02
pep+1 hubuntu ;)00:02
owhWe'll also need to discuss frequency.00:02
Flannelpep: No, SU is auxiliary to this.  We don't need a separate website, and again, we can go in search of content and then inquire about it.00:02
owh+1 Flannel00:02
hubuntuFlannel, I do not agree there00:02
pepFlannel: I'm not sure it has much sense jsut searching for content, if you don't know where to go and what to do with it...00:03
hubuntuSU is important as of now to see short time result00:03
owhMay I observe that we cannot solve all our issues today, we can flag them and deal with them one at a time.00:03
hubuntuI have collected lots of content in Spanish and have a wiki page for that00:03
pepof course..00:03
owhhubuntu: Is there an action point you want to add?00:03
hubuntuI have announced it to the Spanish LoCo contacts00:03
hubuntubut its visibility its doubtful00:03
Flannelpep: I meant the marketing team finds content, asks about collecting, cataloging, promoting, and so forth.  not some search form.00:04
john-vilsackI think the meeting time today was fine.00:04
hubuntuSU would make it a one stop shop00:04
hubuntuand we need to start that ASAP00:04
pepFlannel: I see, yes...00:04
owhhubuntu: Yes, initially our wiki will do that while we find our feet.00:04
hubuntuI for one am willing to dedicate a lot of time on it if necessary00:04
Flannelhubuntu: There's no reason it can't be on the Wiki, and you can start today with that.00:04
pep(our team's aim number one on short term basis should be SU, so +1 on hubuntu00:04
hubuntuFlannel, as I said I have, theres no point on waiting00:04
hubuntuwe should ask for Su right away00:05
pepme too am willing to involve in this... but after my exams :D00:05
hubuntuwhy wait?00:05
pepwe will ahve to structure our ideas around this in a future meeting00:05
Flannelhubuntu: You can ask and wait yes, and while doing that, can get started with the wiki00:05
owh+1 Flannel00:05
Flannelhubuntu: The wiki has no lead time required, SU has an unknown amount.  Don't need to wait00:05
hubuntu+1 Flannel00:05
owhhubuntu: We're not saying that you cannot have SU, just that it will take time.00:05
hubuntuask for SU and start collecting material right away00:06
pepwiki for marketeer usage? or for team usage.00:06
owhRight, can we get back to our topic please?00:06
hubuntuSU for marketers, wiki for the team00:06
hubuntuthe time is fine00:06
owhIs that so for all (still) here?00:06
hubuntufor me...00:06
owhWhat about frequency?00:06
hubuntuonce a month to make a report00:07
* owh suspects initially once a week, then later spread to once a month.00:07
hubuntuevery 2 weeks to check the pulse00:07
John_Bmonthly at lEAST00:07
owhKeep the meetings short to get stuff going before burn out occurs.00:07
hubuntuso 3 meetings monthly00:07
pepI would say once a month.. we have the list the rest of the time...00:07
pepah ok, short meetings then :)00:07
pepand maybe a bigger one once a month00:08
owhpep: Yeah, not mammoth ones like this one.00:08
john-vilsackIt all depends.  If we move to make a core marketing team, then they would be having meetings more often to report activity levels.  I think monthly marketing meetings would be fine on top of that, especially considering all groups would be showing activity on the wiki as well.00:08
pep+1! john-vilsack00:08
owhjohn-vilsack: Well we don't yet have agreement on your statement, that's the next topic.00:08
Flannelowh: If you keep information flowing on the ML, you don't need meetings so frequently.  Especially because once a week is a bit difficult for everyone to make all the time, while mailing list is all inclusive00:08
pep+1 Flannel too00:09
owhSo there are proposals for Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly.00:09
pepI'm not sure it will be very efective more than once a month...00:09
hubuntutrue. +1 Flannel..00:09
owhProposal: Meet once a month at 21:00 UTC on Saturday.00:09
hubuntuI know this time suits us, but maybe we should give next meeting a shot another time00:10
hubuntujust the next one, so more people can come00:10
owhI think that would create confusion.00:10
pepwhy? maybe make a poll on a wiki or poll-site and propose it to the list...00:10
hubuntuanother hour.. I'm thinking of VidA00:10
owhIf people want to make a point, they could do that by proxy.00:11
hubuntufair enough00:11
John_Bfirst Sat of every month 2100 UTC00:11
owhI suspect that until there are objections we should leave it as is for the moment.00:11
pepso we agree on the time? it is fine for me, but we could vote if really there are people not able to come...00:11
pepok, fine, +1 owh00:11
John_Bkeep it regular so people can make adjustments00:11
Flannelpep: polling can be done on Launchpad, by the way.00:11
john-vilsackIn honor of the Olympics in August, we can move the meeting after next to Bejing time ;)00:11
pepFlannel: ah yes, true :)00:12
owhSo, are we agreed on John_B's definition?00:12
john-vilsack+1 John_B00:12
owhWho can schedule the room for that and update the wiki?00:12
John_Byou pay my air fare???LOL00:13
hubuntujust post the summary in the list and ask people at the frdige to help us with that trick00:13
john-vilsackIf you're comfortable continuing to chair them OWH, why not you?00:13
owh[ACTION] Schedule the ubuntu-meeting room for the first Saturday of the month at 21:00 UTC - hubuntu00:13
MootBotACTION received:  Schedule the ubuntu-meeting room for the first Saturday of the month at 21:00 UTC - hubuntu00:13
hubuntuI have no idea who fixed this one, but I just did as I just said00:13
owhjohn-vilsack: We'll get to that shortly :)00:13
owhhubuntu: You can do it again :)00:14
owhRight, next point.00:14
owh[TOPIC] Team Structure00:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Team Structure00:14
hubuntuI'm on vacation in july, but doing it now for the rest of the year should do ;)00:14
owhOnto the Team Structure. This item is quite large and I've left it until now because we needed to understand a little about who we are and what we do.00:14
owhIn order to determine the structure, we have several proposals that include a number of roles and titles.00:14
owhWhile for some that provides a handy reference, others feel that such things impose too much of a Chiefs and Indians division.00:14
hubuntuegalitarian levels no matter what we do00:15
hubuntuas in reflecting in the denomination of the people on board the team00:15
pepyes... but democratically chosen people to frame it all, like owh does here...00:15
owhMy observation is that consensus works better than hierarchy as well.00:15
john-vilsackIn order to have direction, we have to have leadership.  In order to have accountability, we have to have hierarchy.  In order to have balance, we have to have more than one.00:15
FlannelI propose deferring structure decision until the entire team has a chance to look over the goals/objectives/etc, as that may influence their opinion on adequate structuring.00:15
hubuntujohn-vilsack, most other community teams have a board00:16
hubuntucountign from 5- up to 8 people (I think)00:16
pepworking on equal basis does not exclude having somebody who can be chairman, etc.... and decisions will be taken by voting...00:16
owhjohn-vilsack: Well, yes and no. I am providing leadership by chairing this meeting. I'm accountable because people will notice that I didn't turn up. Hierarchy is not involved.00:16
pep+1 Flannel00:16
hubuntuwe should go with that I think00:16
Flannel(although I think 1 month is a long time to deferr initially)00:16
pepit can be discussed (and will...) on the list I suppose...00:17
hubuntuand let people vote on posible members of it00:17
john-vilsackMy proposal calls for ten members leading the core-marketing team.  Two would be envoys from other areas, the rest would be volunteers from this group00:17
owhWell, my next topic was elections and I don't think it would be appropriate to elect anyone today for a number of reasons.00:17
hubuntuthrough LP00:17
john-vilsackowh:  Yes, but it IS a position of responsibility.00:17
owhjohn-vilsack: I read that and it concerned me greatly.00:17
hubuntuagree with owh00:18
john-vilsackowh: How so?  Its very similar to other projects and not-for profit groups I've worked on.  I'm interested to hear thoughts.00:18
owhYou have to realise that this is a voluntary effort. I got up at 2am to prepare for this meeting. I did it not because anyone told me to, but because I decided to be there.00:18
dsasI think the team likely needs a short while to see what sticks and mature a little before forming councils and things.00:18
pepjohn-vilsack's proposal is good... but might lead to dissapointement and rivality amongst team members... but i join him in thinking that it is necessary...00:18
pepbut it needs time yes!! definitely00:18
Flanneldsas +100:18
hubuntu dsas +100:18
owhdsas: I agree with you also.00:19
hubuntuit will hapen by itself and leading figures will emerge by naturally00:19
owhSo, let me see if I can come up with something that works here.00:19
john-vilsackdsas: How can you make things stick if there is no delineated area of responsibility?00:19
dsashubuntu: I was about to say that that might happen of its own accord.00:19
pepowh: the volunteer decision does not dissapear with a strcturing, framing group of people who make sure things don't go out of hand and goal..00:19
dsasjohn-vilsack: People will assume responsibility for things they care about.00:19
owhdsas: +100:19
owhI understand that there is a perceived need to have "a board" of some sort. I've just found that it isn't necessary to get stuff done.00:20
hubuntujohn-vilsack, think of the CoC00:20
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct00:20
Flanneljohn-vilsack: I think the operative term was "short while"00:20
hubuntuwe are really serious about what we do00:20
dsasThe ubuntu-documentation group has no elected leader, no council.00:20
john-vilsackAs a volunteer effort, you have to be aware that people who do not wish responsibility will do things voluntary.  There are those that would be willing to step up and have themselves held accountable for their responsibilities amongst their peers.  It would be these people who sacrifice the freedom to just walk away in an effort to champion the areas that they are responsible for.00:21
owhAnd it works really well.00:21
owhjohn-vilsack: Sure, but they don't need to be elected for that to happen00:21
dsaswhat it does have is people who have been working long and hard and have just assumed it in specific areas.00:21
pep+1 owh00:21
hubuntuand remeber that even though Mark is sabdfl, we are all here voluntary working on a project he started, but has become ours00:22
Flannelagain, I propose we take this topic to the mailing lists until the next meeting, as our previous decisions today can affect the opinions of those who aren't here, and those who are here as well, once time has passed for it to sink and people to get aquainted.00:22
dsas(because everyone else assumes t of them)00:22
pepbut if there is no election whatsoever, there is a risk of branches of the team going in diferent directions...00:22
hubuntusabdfl as in self appointed benevolent dictator for life00:22
john-vilsackowh: Documentation has finite boundaries.  What we've discussed here is developing a new, front facing website dedicated to spreading the word of Ubuntu, aggregating existing documentation, forming the basis of relationships between Canonical and through us the LoCos....its a big workload.00:22
pep+1 Flannel00:22
owhpep: There is nothing wrong with that.00:22
owh+1 Flannel00:22
owhRight, is that done then?00:22
john-vilsackNot yet.00:22
owhSure, what have you got for us?00:23
john-vilsackPersonally, I think we should move to review the different plans and vote to adopt one.  Without it, I feel we are listlessly moving forward no matter how much we think we are accomplishing.00:23
john-vilsackThat can be on the mailing list, but it should be on some agenda somewhere.00:23
owhjohn-vilsack: Uhm, I strongly disagree with your assessment.00:23
john-vilsackeven if one of those plans is "the plan to adopt no plan"00:23
Flanneljohn-vilsack: We've deferred it until the next meeting, as far as I'm aware (or at least, if my proposal is accepted)00:24
pepI think it is premature to adopt a plan today.00:24
owhjohn-vilsack: This meeting has created a specific list of goals and objectives, agreed to by the people who turned up.00:24
hubuntuthe plan to wait and see what plan comes up and gets endorsement by the group as a whole00:24
hubuntu+1 Flannel00:25
pepagain, +1 ....00:25
owhFlannel: You're just talking about the structure right, not goals and objectives.00:25
john-vilsackSo we have a plan to come up with a plan? Or a plan to look at a plan to discuss planning of the plan?00:25
pepplan to come up with a plan00:25
hubuntusomething like that john-vilsack, yes00:25
Flannelowh: I'm saying that the goals/objectives we already decided on will shape some peoples ideas of what sort of structure we ought to have.  So yes, the stuff we've decided, has been decided.00:26
* owh is unsure of what is being said here.00:26
hubuntuI'm not sure which one though...00:26
owhFlannel: Right, but does john-vilsack understand that to be the case?00:26
pepis being said: we have said a lot, too much to decide which structure to take on today...00:26
Flannelowh: Basically, the "how do we want to organize this puppy" is being discussed further, and we'll pick it up (and hopefully decide) next meeting.00:26
owhI agree00:26
owhSo, let me phrase this then.00:27
john-vilsackSince we plan on not planning to plan our plan today, I propose that we call for requests from the mailing list to have plans submitted over the course of the next month to be voted on by this group as a whole at the next meeting.00:27
Flanneljohn-vilsack: We're discussing on mailing lists for 1 month (until next meeting), at next meeting, it's "already" on the agenda, to decide00:27
hubuntujohn-vilsack, that is just what Flannel proposed00:27
owhProposal: Further discussion to the appropriate structure of this team is to be had on the list and to be discussed and decided upon in the next meeting.00:27
owhI'm not yet sure that we're talking about the same thing.00:28
john-vilsackOk, but just to be clear, hasn't the past month been a discussion of that plan already?  I thought my plan aggregated what I read to an extent.00:28
hubuntucould maybe add a poll on LP for that to get votes by poeople not making it to the next meeting?00:28
John_Bthat's too long of a time frame. we should have the structure in place by next meeting00:28
dsasThe ubuntu community generally works by consensus rather than straight up democracy.00:28
hubuntuwhich would be like get a list one week before the meting so we can think and vote00:29
owhI'm concerned that john-vilsack is talking about more than just the structure of the group.00:29
hubuntuas we did with the agenda today00:29
Flanneljohn-vilsack: We had no well defined goals in that month, now we know what the marketing team is all about.00:29
pepJohn_B: I disagree... I join Flannel in thinknig that what has been said should be presented to the rest of the team00:29
pepand more generally... why are we only like 8 people?00:30
owhJohn_B: Decisions are made by those who show up. You were here, you participated.00:30
pepshouldn't we be more to discuss this important decision? that is why i preconise not deciding today...00:30
FlannelJohn_B: I agree that 1 month is a long time, and two weeks would probably be adequate, but we have a meeting in one month, so that makes a convienent place.00:30
owhpep: Well, the rest had different priorities, there is nothing wrong with that.00:30
hubuntua lot of people is watching I believe pep00:30
john-vilsackowh: The point in contention in my plan that I am concerned with is the development of the core-markters group.00:30
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jun 10:30 UTC: Michigan LoCo Bug Jam | 10 Jun 11:00 UTC: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 10 Jun 15:00 UTC: Server Team | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 11 Jun 21:00 UTC: Server Team
hubuntuwe need not be more than 8 at this stage anyway... people will adhere to our activities if not formally to the team anyway00:31
Flannelhubuntu: Generally (the way its handled in other teams) ispeople who can't make the meeting can just indicate their votes ahead of time, and they'll be echoed at the meeting (of course, then they don't get to hear what is discussed at meetings, but it cant be perfct)00:31
John_Bmaybe because only 8 people cared enough about the team to make the effort00:31
owhjohn-vilsack: Yes, and we're saying that this is a contentious issue that cannot be resolved simply by your proposal.00:31
hubuntuyes, but the votes on what. and that what must be defined in advance00:31
pepJohn_B: I only partially agree..00:31
FlannelJohn_B: Or because its odd timing for some people.  Not everyone is in the western hemisphere.00:31
owhJohn_B: Well, that's a little harsh. There is a log, there are 121 people in the room, more than 8 people will see our discussion.00:31
pepdine, so as I see this, we are *not* going to take a decision today about team structure... right?00:32
owh+1 pep00:32
john-vilsackSo then let's make it an agenda item for the next meeting:  Vote on and choose a proposed structure for the core-marketing team (if any).00:32
Flannelhubuntu: Well, the MeetingAgenda should have the different proposals well ahead of time00:32
hubunturight pep00:32
pepit must ne yes, john-vilsack00:32
owhjohn-vilsack: We'll get to that in a moment, but yet.00:33
hubuntuthen I agree with Flannel00:33
Flanneljohn-vilsack: The "deciding on structure" is already nthe agenda.  Whether that includes a "core marketing team" is eyt to be decided.00:33
pep(sorry it's 1.33am ^^)00:33
owhRight, Flannel, can you please state your proposal one last time?00:33
FlannelI propose we deferr this topic (that of structure and governance) to the mailing lists until the next meeting.00:34
Flannelor sorry.00:34
FlannelI propose that we deferr discussion to the mailing lists, and deferr the topic itself to the next meeting.00:34
pepcorrect :)00:35
Flanneldarn those extra 'r's00:35
owhFlannel: Can you send a message regarding that to the list?00:35
john-vilsackI disagree.00:35
john-vilsackI think we need to have something more actionable in place for the next meeting.00:35
Flannelowh: Someone is already writing a summary of this meeting to the list, correct?00:35
pepthat is why the discussion is being deferred to the list directly00:35
hubuntuand we do, because the agenda will summarize the discussed points in the list00:35
john-vilsackBy that language, we are deferring only the discussion of the plan to create the structure, not the plan to vote on the structure proposals in the first place.00:36
owhFlannel: Well, yes, there was a scribe, but they seemed to have vanished, so I'll be taking volunteers shortly.00:36
Flanneljohn-vilsack: the voting will take place at the meeting.00:36
hubuntuthe scribe can still do the job with a log file00:37
pepwell, then set an ultimatum.... deferring discussion and concrete proposals on the agenda for next meeting...00:37
owhProposal: I propose that we defer discussion to the mailing lists, and defer the topic and vote itself to the next meeting.00:37
pepdecision wil be taken00:37
hubuntu+1 owh00:37
Flanneljohn-vilsack: instead of "discuss here, vote now", discuss on ML, vote at next meeting.00:37
john-vilsack+1 owh00:37
owhFlannel: Happy with that?00:37
owhJohn_B: Comments?00:37
pepslow writer? :)00:38
owhWhile John_B is formulating his thoughts, Flannel, can I ask you to write that separately to the list?00:39
Flannelowh: No problem00:39
owh[ACTION] Flannel to send message to the list to announce that we will defer discussion to the mailing lists, and defer the topic and vote itself to the next meeting00:40
MootBotACTION received:  Flannel to send message to the list to announce that we will defer discussion to the mailing lists, and defer the topic and vote itself to the next meeting00:40
owhRight, John_B were you going to comment?00:40
pepI think he is afk...00:40
owhOk, we'll move on.00:40
owhSo, that concludes the agenda. Are there any other items remaining for discussion?00:41
owhExcellent :)00:41
hubuntuanyone has an idea on how to ask for Spread Ubuntu?00:41
hubuntuLaunchpad with Canonical SYsadmins or what?00:41
pepwhat for?00:42
pepwhat do you want them to give you?00:42
hubuntustart collecting material AND ask for SU00:42
hubuntuwas the agreement if I'm not wrong00:42
owhhubuntu: Initially I would contact elmo.00:42
hubuntuelmo, ok00:42
owhhubuntu: Do you want me to make you an action point for that?00:42
pepwell SU should be developed, thought and discussed of, and created, before redirecting the URL anyway...00:42
john-vilsackWe would probably want to have some proof of concept online for them to see, or at least ask for how we can repoint it once we have something.00:43
owhPersonally, I think we should focus on getting our wiki content in order first.00:43
pepyes... we should start a ML thread and set a team up around SU ...00:43
owhOk, any final comments before I close the meeting?00:43
pepwe can do both.. setting up a team for SU does not exclude the wiki work and progress...00:44
pepno other comments...00:44
john-vilsackNo, thanks for taking care of it owh.  I'm just happy to be here and be a part of this!00:44
hubuntucompiz killed me'00:44
owhhubuntu: Do you want me to make you an action point to investigate SU?00:44
pephubuntu: <pep> yes... we should start a ML thread and set a team up around SU ... <owh> Personally, I think we should focus on getting our wiki content in order first. <pep> we can do both.. setting up a team for SU does not exclude the wiki work and progress...00:44
pephubuntu: <john-vilsack> We would probably want to have some proof of concept online for them to see, or at least ask for how we can repoint it once we have something.00:45
hubuntuI believe pep and I will do it and report to the list,m right pep?00:45
pepthat's about it :)00:45
owh[ACTION] hubuntu and pep to investigate spreadubuntu.com and report to the list.00:45
MootBotACTION received:  hubuntu and pep to investigate spreadubuntu.com and report to the list.00:45
* hubuntu gives high five to pep!00:46
owhThank you all for your attendance and again for your hard work. There is more to come.00:46
pepyes, fine... I am in exams very actively until the 23rd though, I took tonight off and should go to sleep, it is already almost 2am^^ so I'll be active from then on mostly...00:46
hubuntuhei owh thanks for your wonderful work and commitment00:46
* pep gives high five back!00:46
pepand thanks owh...00:46
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:48.00:46
hubuntureally.. 2 am that's just remarkably good00:46
pepgood work00:46
john-vilsackThanks all.  Take care and I'll see you on the ML00:46
owhCan someone please mail me their log, so I can reconstruct the netsplit part?00:47
owhs/someone/a few of you/00:47
hubuntuI am going to take a look at the SU stuff right now00:47
hubuntumy log got truncated by compiz...00:47
hubuntusorry :(00:47
pepowh: my log is small actually :/00:47
pepI'll check00:47
hubuntuthe bot must have it00:48
hubuntusome bot at least00:48
pepI'm afraid I have lost it00:48
owhhubuntu: Well there was a time when the bot wasn't in the room00:48
hubuntuthere are several bots here00:48
Flannelowh: Whats your email?00:48
owhFlannel: Tah.00:49
owhThanks all, later...00:49
pepsee you00:49
pepI'm off also.. get some sleep...00:49
hubuntuhow long have we been here?00:50
pepbye hubuntu, we'll keep in touch00:50
hubuntualmost 3 hours...00:50
hubuntuyes pep, your email?00:50
hubuntuor name on the ML?00:50
pepI am often on IRC00:50
pepPierre Vorhagen, I never wrote to the u-marketing ML to tell the truth :)00:50
hubuntuI'll see yupou around in this channel then00:51
pepI never found a topic very interesting, a lot of blah...00:51
hubuntuwhat can I say... I like blah00:51
pephubuntu: I am in #ubuntu-marketing00:51
hubuntupep: so am I00:51
pepsee you later guys, bb00:51
hubuntuok people, thanks for showing up00:52
hubuntuget some rest00:52
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