
directhexwhere's the right place to moan if a package hasn't been correctly added to the archive?00:02
nhandlerIs it ok to fix a bug in a package when you are doing a merge?00:16
directhexif it's a bug in the debian package, then you should try to get the bug fixed by the DD behind it00:23
directhexgenerally speaking though, differences between the debian package and ubuntu packages (like bugs, really) would be the point in merges versus a sync00:24
nhandlerdirecthex, the package already needs a merge. I'm just wondering if it is ok to fix an additional bug at the same time00:25
ryanakcaShould I create a knmap-base to fix "I: knmap: arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share 1596kB 82%" ? http://paste.debian.net/5703/ lists the files in knmap01:32
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LaserJockcody-somerville, ScottK2 : congrats on MOTU SRU, good luck.04:40
cody-somervilleLaserJock, thank you :)04:40
crimsunyay, finally I get to subscribe the sponsors and let someone else upload04:41
crimsunor ignore, but that's no longer my prerogative ;)04:41
LaserJockcrimsun: you expired?04:41
crimsunyep, completely.04:41
LaserJockcrimsun: hmm, congrats, if that makes any sense04:42
crimsunyeah, it doesn't really change anything.04:42
LaserJockI was too chicken to expire from everything04:42
LaserJockI'm hanging onto my hard-won upload rights for now ;-)04:43
cody-somervilledid devel-discuss explode this evening?04:44
LaserJockwelcome to a "Poisonous People" test case04:45
ScottK2LaserJock: I'm not sure congratulations is the right sentiment, but thanks.  It'll be "Fun".04:46
LaserJockScottK2: it's really not bad04:47
LaserJockhopefully my script on qa.ubuntuwire.com/sru will help you guys04:47
ScottK2LaserJock: I looked at it and it does look like it's much better than looking at a stack of subscribed bugs.  Thanks.04:47
crimsunmmm, mailing list spam04:48
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* ScottK-laptop cheers for the power outage being over ...04:58
crimsunthose storms hit bge?05:12
ScottK-laptopYes.  There was a line down several blocks from here that I know from experience feeds our neighborhood.05:15
ScottK-laptopYes.  When the power line is laying on the street, the odds of the lights coming back on real soon are low.  As it was, I think were were out for ~3 hours, which isn't bad considering what it was.05:17
crimsunstill, pretty bad given the current weather05:18
crimsunnot looking forward to the next couple days05:18
chillywillywhat handles automounting things in gnome for ubuntu?05:36
chillywillywhy do my IDE drives show up as scsi devices?05:37
ScottKchillywilly: This isn't a support channel, but the answer is that what you're thinking means it's a scsi device doesn't mean that at all.05:38
chillywillyI know this is not a support channel but ubuntu does things differently than anything a stock debian system does and frankly I have no idea how it does things anymore ;P05:39
chillywillyso I was curious05:39
crimsunchillywilly: libata.  The conversion began some releases ago.05:40
chillywillythat explains it then05:40
chillywillyI knew it was some other subsystem that debian must not be using05:40
ScottKchillywilly: It's a standard Linux kernel thing.  If Debian isn't doing it, they're the ones that are non-standard (I'm sure Lenny has this too).06:02
chillywillyjust not used to dealing with the "new" way...I'm a little behind the times I guess06:03
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
* siretart admires ScottK's enegy to actually read and followup to u-d-discuss08:22
* wgrant is disappointed at -devel-discuss' disintegration.08:55
Burgundaviasiretart: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2008-February/msg00129.html09:44
Burgundaviasame gut09:44
Burgundaviaguy, rather09:44
RAOFWas that the one which ended with "I've got a textbox, so I'm pretty much done for a note-taking-app?"09:45
RAOFHeh, yes it was.09:45
wgrantBurgundavia: That's on -devel-discuss now as well.09:45
Burgundaviapersonally, I am not really keen on people taking Ubuntu and adding non-free software, but then again, dell is doing it09:47
wgrantRight, and the Netbook Remix seems to be a very directed, OEM-restricted, embedded version.09:48
wgrantAnd it's not part of Ubuntu, so the complaints about non-free stuff in Ubuntu are completely wrong.09:49
wgrantMy main gripe is the lack of a freely encoded copy of that video, and that's pretty minor.09:50
Burgundaviathat is not something that only Canonical is guilty of doing09:50
Burgundaviain fact, we in the FOSS community are really bad about not providing OGG theora09:50
siretartBurgundavia: "I've never written a program before so I also need some help. Also I need a place to put it on the web."09:51
Burgundaviaah, yes, classic09:51
siretartBurgundavia: that guy is cute..09:51
wgrantsiretart: It's a great thread.09:51
wgrantI've read most of it.09:51
siretartI hope I didn't09:52
wgrantParaphrasing one of the replies to the "I've got a textbox" bit: "Yes, that's like 5 lines of Python"09:52
BurgundaviaI could write that09:53
Burgundaviacodecs are such a nasty little bit of work, because it is such a massive catch 2209:54
wgrantThey are nasty, but why is it a catch 22?09:54
Burgundaviaif you add them, you basically need to have binary-only, ala fluendo09:56
Burgundaviawhich is non-free09:56
Burgundaviaif you don't, you lose functionality09:56
Burgundaviato me, as long as the iso somebody downloads is mostly free, that is fine. Pre-installed stsuff is a different ball of wax09:56
TreenaksIsn't that what the automagic codec installer thing is supposed to handle?09:57
Burgundaviadoesn't solve the dvd issue, and sort of09:58
wgrantThe correct solution is to dispose of the patents and/or use free formats... but the former is hard.09:58
Burgundaviathe licensed fluendo codecs have access to teh specs, and thus are actually good09:58
TreenaksBurgundavia: except that they're sometimes written by morons, so IPv6 + Fluendo MMS bits = no worky09:59
BurgundaviaI cannot help that occasionally people screw up09:59
Treenaks(s/morons/people who aren't up to date on ipv6 bits/)09:59
Burgundaviathere is a lot of free stuff that likely doesn't handle ipv6 very well10:01
TreenaksBurgundavia: yes, but I can fix those10:01
TreenaksBurgundavia: usually10:01
Burgundaviayes, the fluendo codecs, like all non-free software, cannot be fixed by people like you10:01
TreenaksBurgundavia: I know it's well-known, that doesn't make it good :)10:02
directhexwhere's the right place to moan if a package hasn't been correctly added to the archive?10:02
Treenakss/good/a good thing10:02
wgrantdirecthex: 'correctly'?10:02
directhexwgrant, a missing architecture10:03
wgrantdirecthex: Meaning it hasn't built yet?10:03
directhexwgrant, it's built, as per https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono/1.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1/+build/62710710:04
wgrantArchitectures don't go missing unless they are simply waiting to be built, or there is a problem with the package on that architecture.10:04
wgrantdirecthex: Looks like it's probably in NEW, but I'll check.10:04
wgrantYeah, look at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono/1.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu110:05
wgrant#   intrepid i386   Successfully built  (NEW)10:05
directhexwgrant, it's causing failed builds for mono-dependent packages on non-x86 arches10:06
wgrantdirecthex: Right, they'll need to be given-back afterwards.10:06
wgrantThis is perfectly normal behaviour.10:06
directhexhm, it might not be the first time this kind of behaviour's happened, but it causes very odd behaviour for one arch to act differently to others, due to treating all the arch-indep stuff (which is where the NEW stuff will have appeared) the same as the arch-specific stuff.10:14
wgrantdirecthex: It's not odd behaviour. It's well-known, fairly common, easily recognisable behaviour10:15
wgrantOdd behaviour is when the same sort of thing happens, but due to Soyuz eating binaries. Which is less common.10:16
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
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Lantash[Question] I'm currently working on the distribution mechanisms of the application LottaNZB I contribute to. Both the setup.py and the deb package installation work almost perfectly now, but there's one thing I don't figure out:12:47
LantashThe installation of the MIME icon. Currently our MIME icons are installed into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/mimetypes/application-x-nzb.png. 'gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t /usr/share/icons/hicolor' is run after the installation. Now the problem: All applications (such as Firefox and the file browser of LottaNZB) except Nautilus seem to use this icon for NZB files. Installling the icon to /usr/share/icons/gnome did the trick but I gue12:47
LantashThanks in advance!12:47
rzrJazzva: ok got your email :)14:15
Jazzvarzr: Cool. Sorry for that :)14:17
rzrno pb14:17
rzrwas my sf.net email bouncing ?14:18
JazzvaI don't think so, since you received the e-mail :)14:18
rzrbecause most I use this email in most of my debian work14:18
rzrand i know sf is not reliable at all14:19
JazzvaIt worked this time ;)14:20
w-h-scan I include font files that come from the same website but in different licenses in same package?14:30
RainCTw-h-s: yes, but you have to list all licenses in debian/copyright14:32
w-h-sRainCT# thanks14:32
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LantashDoesn't anyone know an answer to my problem I explained about two hours ago in this channel?15:00
LantashI'd be grateful!15:00
devfila MOTU can sponsor a sync?17:33
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nhandlerHello nxvl19:25
nhandlerHello zachs19:26
amikropSo, are these instructions working? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/ueagle-atm19:27
nhandlerI know that you should normally wait until your sponsors think you are read before applying to become a MOTU. However, when should you apply to be an Ubuntu Contributing Developer?19:30
amarillionHey, I'm trying to create multiple pbuilders according to the guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto19:35
amarillionBut it's not working. For some reason it's ignoring my .pbuilderrc19:35
amarillionFor example, if I do19:35
amarillionDIST=blah sudo pbuilder create19:36
amarillionit works normally, but I expect it to print         "Unknown distribution: blah"19:36
amarillionany ideas?19:36
Kopfgeldjaegertry to put your stuff in /etc/pbuilderrc19:42
amarillionKopfgeldjaeger, no luck, it's still ignoring it19:47
amarillionI'll send an email to the list19:49
amarillionOK this is weird.20:05
amarillionWhen I run /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-loadconfig directly, it works20:05
amarillionbut not if I run it indirectly through pbuilder20:06
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* nhandler is away: BRB20:31
* nhandler is away: BRB20:32
amikropAre there any similar instructions for Intrepid (or even for Hardy)? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/ueagle-atm20:38
=== devfil_ is now known as devfil
nhandlerSo, does anyone here have an answer to the question I asked earlier about when a persion should apply to be an Ubuntu Contributing Developer?20:45
RainCTnhandler: basically when you feel that you are ready and/or some MOTUs recommend you to do so20:47
nhandlerRainCT, from my understanding, an Ubuntu Contributing Developer is pretty much the same as an Ubuntu Member. Do they gain any new privileges? If not, what do you need to be ready for?20:48
RainCTnhandler: some visible contributions that you can show and other people that will speak in favour of you20:49
RainCTnhandler: and no, beside the privilegies that Ubuntu Membership gives (@ubuntu.com e-mail redirect, possibility to be on planet.ubuntu.com and permission to print business cards)20:50
RainCT(at least not at the moment, they is/has been discussion about giving other privilegies)20:51
nhandlerRainCT, so pretty much, as long as you have contributed, and have people that will speak in favor of you, you should apply?20:52
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jonoHobbsee: ping22:36
=== rzr is now known as rZr
* nhandler is away: Away22:42
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