
randomshadowbm1how come i cant go past 800x600 in xubuntu?01:12
randomshadowbm1www.pastebin.ca/1041668 - my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file01:14
Genelykprobe driver vesa01:18
randomshadowbm1changed driver to vesa01:22
randomshadowbm1same error01:22
randomshadowbm1nv, nvidia, and vesa same error01:23
Genelykuse cdlive xubuntu ,   and copy  xorg.conf  the cd  to  xubuntu installed01:24
randomshadowbm1i use 1280x1024 with my other computers on this monitor ( i have a kvm switch )01:24
randomshadowbm1i copied the xorg.conf file from the install of kubuntu from this01:25
randomshadowbm1and it didnt work01:25
randomshadowbm1the computer with kubuntu has nvidia geforce 8500 and this one has nvidia geforce 7600gs01:25
randomshadowbm1and they use the smae keyboard and mouse too cuz of the kvm switch01:25
randomshadowbm1xubuntu is on a pentium 4 2ghz with 256mb of ram01:26
randomshadowbm1and kubuntu is on a amd athlon 64 x2 5200 2.7ghz01:26
randomshadowbm1with 2gb of ram01:26
Genelykreinstalled  driver nvidia ?01:27
randomshadowbm1im going to reg ubuntu if i cant get this fixed01:28
LinuxRules_883I'm having a problem going to the #ubuntu channel. Is there something wrong with it?03:13
The_KernelYeah LinuxRules_883, its too full03:26
konc3ptAnyone have problems with keyboard reapeating ... or delay?03:26
konc3pt-new install with 8.04, very newbie here...03:26
LinuxRules_883How do I get help with Wubi, its not working right?03:27
konc3pt Anyone have problems with keyboard reapeating ... or delay?03:29
konc3pt -new install with 8.04, very newbie here...03:29
LinuxRules_883I've never had problems with keyboard repeat or delay.03:29
konc3pthmmm, k thx03:30
LinuxRules_883Sorry, thats not much help.03:30
konc3ptNo, I appreciate teh reply :)03:30
LinuxRules_883Anyone here know what wrong with Wubi? It starts to connect to the server twice and stops with the error "ERROR: ".03:31
konc3ptHmm some sort of error ;)03:31
LinuxRules_883yeah, just says error and nothing after the ":"03:31
konc3ptI was just being an ass, sort of.. :)03:31
LinuxRules_883i'm using crappy old vista and needed to switch to ubuntu without wiping windows out.03:32
konc3ptSo... boot off the ubintu...xubuntu..kubuntu cd and install onanother partition if u have one.. the the boot manager.. loader.. whatever will do the rest03:33
LinuxRules_883i'm just trying to install without cd03:33
konc3pto i c03:33
LinuxRules_883wubi can do it, but its not working right.03:33
LinuxRules_883or i dont know how to use it.03:33
konc3ptWhy dont u want ot use a cd?03:33
LinuxRules_883i just dont have one right now, the stores are closed03:34
konc3ptHeh, ahhh03:34
konc3ptKeyboard lagging... repeating.. cd-rom access whenever it feels like with no cd in the drive, cannot connect to my wireless network.... woot..03:35
LinuxRules_883thats sucks. I used to have the wireless problem with my Atheros card.03:36
konc3ptIt's a linksys, ona laptop.. thank god that isn;t my only machine..03:36
jimisrvroxtrying to install xubuntu and am getting an error Warning: Failure trying to run: chroot /target dpkg --force-- depends--install var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.7-10ubuntu3_i386.deb03:52
simaHI How do i repair my package base? I get error: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2 (i am trying to remove xorg-driver-fglrx)03:58
comalcomo puedo añadir mas escritorios en xubuntu 8.04?04:52
comalhow can I add more desktop for my xubuntu hardy?04:56
cody-somervillemore desktop?04:57
comalI dont know english05:01
comaltry to understand please05:01
comalmore mmm, lados de escritorio05:01
comalxubuntu only come with 2 desktop05:02
comalor, mmm05:02
The_Kernelcomal Settings -> Workspace -> Change the number from 2 to 405:07
jimisrvroxtrying to install xubuntu and am getting an error Warning: Failure trying to run: chroot /target dpkg --force-- depends--install var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.7-10ubuntu3_i386.deb05:08
comal(04:07:15) The_Kernel: comal Settings -> Workspace -> Change the number from 2 to 4<<<-- I do that but dont work05:09
comalI always have a 2 workspace05:09
The_Kernelcomal have you restart xfce4 yet?05:10
comalThe_Kernel: no, before I have ubuntu, and the change was instant05:11
comalI try to restart05:11
jimisrvroxhey kernel..ive been dealin with this stuff pretty much all day man05:11
jimisrvroxsame error05:11
dubwocwhose alive?05:55
The_Kerneljimisrvrox it appears that your disc is bad05:57
The_Kernelre download the ISO and burn it again05:57
The_Kernelrun a checksum05:57
jimisrvroxI ran the verify05:58
jimisrvroxand it said that it was cool05:58
jimisrvroxI had PCLinuxOS on there before and so somebody said it didnt matte rthat it cold overwirte it05:59
jimisrvroxit tells me before I try to install that it has some crap on there from previous installs05:59
The_Kerneljimisrvrox is this an alt cd or the live cd that you're trying to install from?06:00
jimisrvroxalt cd06:00
dubwocjimisrvrox good man06:00
dubwoclets get this resolved06:00
dubwocand the_kern is in da house06:00
jimisrvroxdubwoc has been helpin me all day here..06:01
The_KernelAre you at least able to get into the install portion?06:01
jimisrvroxhes all pissed about this install06:01
jimisrvroxit gets to installing the kernel base and then tells me crap06:01
jimisrvroxthat stuff up top that I had posted06:01
The_Kernelhave you been able to format the HDD's?06:01
jimisrvroxno all I did was overwrote xp with PCLinuxOS and then it was a crapper so I went and got Xubuntu06:02
jimisrvroxand dub here said it would overwrite the PC06:02
jimisrvroxbtw kern ima Linux n00b..Im tired of winblows06:04
=== dubwoc is now known as cowbud
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
medflyhai guys. i'm trying to install xubuntu on my old (1999) laptop, and it always ends up showing me a blinking _ in the end, when i try to install.09:34
medflyi'm njot sure how to make it show me errors.09:37
nikolamwhat version of xubuntu, how much ram on machine, what it displays before "_", is it working something while displaying it, did you check your CD, did you set your compouter bios to boot from CD..09:37
medflyuhm... i got the most recent thing, 8.04, 64mb (or was it 128mb? ram), i did check my CD, it did boot from CD09:39
medflyand before that, it shows a graphical loading screen.09:39
nikolamdo you use alternate install CD?09:40
nikolamWith that amount of RAM (64mb) only alternate will work09:40
medflyi imagined it'd be slow, but not show a blinking _09:41
nikolamI suggest you to expand your ram if you can09:41
medflywell, its a laptop :/09:41
nikolamdesktop cd will NOT boot on that amount of ram09:41
nikolamlaptops can be expanded with ram, too09:41
nikolamI suggest you to even try alternate install, or expand your ram with ,again alternate install or you can try to use something like Damn small linux09:42
nikolamI have 2GB in machine and I still use alternate install CD for Xubuntu to install09:43
medflyuhmm... can i somehow check dmesg to see if all my devices work?09:44
nikolamCtrl+Alt+F2 for console09:51
nikolamBut try alternate cd or DSL or expland your ram09:51
medflyi can use DSL to expand my ram?09:51
nikolamDamnSmallLinux is a linux distribution, based on .deb packages, specially made for older computers with low amount of ram09:52
nikolamit should work on 64mb like a charm09:52
medflyoh... right09:52
nikolamalternate xubuntu should work on 64 mb but 128 mb is low end in practice09:53
medflyyeah, i just want something that supports connecting my laptop to the router by USB. plenty of things work :-)09:53
nikolamYou could also try Zenwalk Linux before reverting to DSL09:53
medflyalt+ctrl+f2 doesnt work..09:54
nikolamThere is not much difference between linux`es when supporting hardware. It`s just about implementation09:54
AlexCONRADhi, when I set "Enable Automatic Login" in xubuntu, in which file does it actually stores the data ?10:22
TheSheepAlexCONRAD: what data?10:22
TheSheepAlexCONRAD: configuration?10:23
AlexCONRADhello TheSheep, yes10:23
AlexCONRADI need to write this to disk during my automatic setup10:23
TheSheepin /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, afaik10:23
AlexCONRADthanks, i'll look for something here10:23
AlexCONRADah, the data is already here... I have to do some 'sed'10:25
AlexCONRADthanks again TheSheep10:25
jeanneI am new to xubuntu and need your help_10:28
jeannedoes anyone of you know in which directory kpdf is located ?10:29
jeanneI want to set kpdf for opening of pdf-files, but I dont find its location.10:30
TheSheepxubuntu uses evince, not kpdf10:36
TheSheepit might be not installed10:36
jeannei have kpdf installed10:44
jeanneI will have a look if I have evince10:44
jeanneI have evince10:44
jeannedo you know where this program is located/which path does it have ?10:45
jeannewhen I click on pdf files in the webbrower it asks me with which program I want to open it10:46
jeanneand I dont know how to set it because I dont find its location10:46
* jeanne is new to linux...10:47
TheSheepopen a termin and type 'dpkg -L kpdf', that will list all files installed with that package10:47
jeanne /.10:50
jeannegot this list10:52
TheSheepjeanne: please use pastebin next time10:52
jeannesorry for floading10:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:52
jeannewhats that ?10:52
TheSheepjeanne: there should be some file in /usr/bin10:53
TheSheepjeanne: that's usually the executable10:53
jeanneI think I have found it10:54
TheSheepbtw, if you know the command and look for the file, you can use: which command10:54
TheSheepfor example, which kpdf10:54
jeanneit works ! thank you10:54
jeanneah which command is very good10:55
jeannechanged from windows10:55
AlexCONRADstrange, i've just automated autologin by sed'ing the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf ... but it doesn't work. And when I go in Applications > Login Window > Security tab, it's not enabled. I guess the configuration is stored whereelse.11:14
AlexCONRADoh, I think that setting autologin from the GUI generates a /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom11:17
kalabawis there a way to change the size of the icons on the Thunar toolbar?11:22
TheSheepkalabaw: the thunar wiki might have some info on it11:23
AlexCONRADTheSheep has an answer for everyone of us ;)11:24
kalabawtried that but can't seem to find the answer to my question...11:24
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
borkedhi, do you know if 'Option "DDC" "False"' works in 8.04? it insist in using 1280x768 even if it tell it explicitly in xorg.org to use 1024x768 :-\12:38
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=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
cody-somervilleWho was I talking to yesterday about tablet PCs?13:32
Odd-rationalecody-somerville: i updated my wiki page. take a look! http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Tablet_PC#Tablet_PC_Tips13:33
cody-somervilleChillin! :)13:34
cody-somervilleWant to add it to the Ubuntu wiki? ;]13:35
Odd-rationalecody-somerville: feel free to do so. you may have to change a few ubuntu specific stuff...13:35
Odd-rationalelike apt13:35
Odd-rationaleand linuxwacom is called wacom-tools in ubuntu13:36
Odd-rationaleAlso, arent there already several tablet guides in the ubuntu wiki?13:38
cody-somervilleI used your page to configure mine13:40
Odd-rationalecody-somerville: btw, did the rotate script work for you? I think i'm the only person who uses it... :) So it could use some testing...13:40
cody-somervilleI didn't try it yes13:41
cody-somervilleJust entered the commands manually13:41
Odd-rationalei see13:41
Odd-rationalewell i have to be going soon... have fun!13:42
Odd-rationaleand if you see anything else cool tablet related, let me know13:42
cody-somervilleHow do I get it to right click instead of middle click when I press the button?13:47
Odd-rationalecody-somerville: look at how i configure my xorg.conf13:50
Odd-rationaleyou have to add Option         "Button2" "3"13:50
Odd-rationaleto the driver and eraser section13:50
Odd-rationaleto the stylus and eraser, i mean13:51
Odd-rationalegtg. bye!13:54
=== thomas__ is now known as The-Kernel
lc2o hay thar16:56
vrkhanshow can i delete a dir17:09
lc2even better, google.com17:13
lc2this new website where you can search for things on the intermails17:13
The-Kernelvrkhans or rm -rf17:14
TheSheep-f is not necessary17:14
lc2no u17:14
TheSheeplc2: this is a support channel, a perfect place to ask and answer exactly this kind of questions17:15
lc2he could just right click on it and go delete, you know17:15
lc2oh, too late17:16
lc2it was probably a troll anyway, since you don't install xubuntu and find yourself unable to right click in a file manager17:16
lc2but wut do i no lol17:16
The-Kernelwhat if he's like me17:17
The-Kerneland uses a terminal 24/717:17
TheSheepThe-Kernel: then he knows how to delete directories :)17:17
lc2then i'm guessing he'll know how to delete a d....yeah that17:17
TheSheepbut he could be transiting from one state to the other17:18
SuPeRhOmEmhi all, how can I set my keyboard layout manually: the GUI way isn't working18:39
AlexCONRADhi, anyone could help with customized CD? Here's a mail I just sent to a list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2008-June/004481.html18:45
shut-hey, i am getting an error when updating...18:50
shut-W: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found18:51
riddleboxhow can I get the ubuntu original toolbars, if I started with xubuntu?19:24
jimisrvroxanybody here?19:24
jimisrvroxok cool right on19:27
jimisrvroxwell heres the deal I been having probs installing xubuntu on my machine19:27
jimisrvroxtrying to install xubuntu and am getting an error Warning: Failure trying to run: chroot /target dpkg --force-- depends--install var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.7-10ubuntu3_i386.deb19:27
jimisrvroxI had installed PCLinuxOS on there and it was working but I couldnt update the package manager so I dumped it for xubuntu and then when I tried to install the base kernel it tells me that it cant do it so is there anyway that I could fix that stuff without having to do a full format which would take forever to do on a 40gb drive?19:28
MyrttiI just formatted 200G to ext3 and it didn't take forever :-P19:29
jimisrvroxok but how would you do that from the ubuntu main menu?19:30
jimisrvroxbecause I tried fdisk and that wouldnt work worth nothing19:30
Myrttimkfs.ext3 /dev/<device>?19:32
Myrttiin terminal, with sudo19:32
Myrttimkfs anyway19:33
jimisrvroxyeah well heh im a linux n00b19:35
jimisrvroxbut im telling you I dont have the konsole to do nothing19:35
jimisrvroxall im doing is overwriting the PCLinuxOS with Xubuntu and I get as far as installing the base kernel and it tells me that it cant do it19:36
jimisrvroxso im not even in the gui interface19:36
jimisrvroxim in the dos-style shit19:36
jimisrvroxso what should I do?19:37
jimisrvroxits not like I could get like a linux bootdisk and do an fdisk no?19:37
jimisrvroxkinda like winblows19:38
jimisrvroxyou know what im talking about right?19:40
jimisrvroxid love to find a linux boot disk just to run off of my a: so I couild format it in ext319:41
Myrttiwell how did you try to install ubuntu if not with a installation cd?19:41
jimisrvroxno I put on the install cd19:41
jimisrvroxall I was doing was overwriting the PCLinuxOS19:41
jimisrvroxbut when it got to trying to install the base kernel it told me that it couldnt do it because I already had installed it with PCLinuxOX19:42
jimisrvroxalbeit I dont know if PCLinuxOS installed the same kernel or a different one19:42
jimisrvroxI guess I could try skipping that step and see if it runs smoothly with the PCLinuxOS kernel no?19:42
Myrttiwell now...19:42
Myrttiyou didn't even get to the part about partitioning?19:43
jimisrvroxno I got past that part19:44
jimisrvroxI got past partitioning the step after that on the menu is installing the base system19:45
Myrttiand you didn't empty/reformat your partitions?19:45
jimisrvroxthat might be the problem here19:45
Myrttino kidding ;-)19:45
jimisrvroxok so how the hell would you do that from the install menu?19:45
jimisrvroxI guess I could stick my windows boot disk in there and then fdisk from there and delete the partitions?19:46
Myrttidid you use alternate or desktop installation disk?19:46
jimisrvroxbecause the partitioner on the instaler doesnt give you an option to delete the partitions19:46
jimisrvrox8.04 for the x8619:48
Myrttialternate or desktop?19:49
jimisrvroxI dl'ed the alt because somebody suggested I do that but I coudlnt tell you the diff btwn the desktop and the alt19:49
Myrttiwell, there should come an option to do a manual editing of the partitions and you can delete the old partitions from there19:49
jimisrvroxwhich I could probably research that but if yo uhad the answer to that one it woudl be much easier proabbly to understand19:49
Myrttithe blue ugly one or the pretty mouse clickable funky thing?19:50
jimisrvroxright but im telling you that when it gives you the option to manually do the partitions fdisk..it doesnt let you do it when i click on it19:50
jimisrvroxdos style ugly :D19:50
jimisrvroxyup..tried to click on manually partition it..from the menu and it just takes me right back to the menu19:51
jimisrvroxok I got the partitions off19:53
jimisrvroxso im gonna try to repartition it19:53
jimisrvroxhey dude..20:01
jimisrvroxI deleted the partitions and got the same error20:01
Myrttiand did you repartition them too?20:01
Myrttis/them/the harddrive/20:01
jimisrvroxyeah I tried20:07
Myrttihum, in that case I'm stumped20:07
jimisrvroxwell I think in this case I might just take out my windows boot disk20:10
truefirehi, how big is xubuntu when installed on hdd?20:18
truefireMan, xubuntu is dead.20:19
MyrttiI wish I had vanilla installation at hand so I could check20:19
Myrttiunfortunately I've got lots of extra, space taking junk too20:19
truefireunder 2gigs, right?20:20
truefireI'm installing vanilla xubuntu (not eee) on  my asus eeepc, 4gb20:20
truefireUbuntu was too big20:21
truefirefilled it up20:21
truefiremy goal is to make a Xubuntu Netbook Remix of sorts, since UNR is so big.20:21
AlexCONRADhi again20:40
AlexCONRADI need help for understanding things with kernel again20:41
AlexCONRADI'm customizing a CD, but the network driver provided by the distro doesn't fit my network card, its broken. So I compiled the new driver (.ko). But I'd like to put this driver on the CDROM I'm making, so I don't have to go on each PC i'm installing to make the network working.20:42
AlexCONRADany hints for doing this ?20:43
AlexCONRADI'm no kernel expert and I'm not sure how modules are transfered from the CDROM to the target PC*20:44
jmhealeyhello all20:53
* jmhealey has decided xfce is the way to go at home20:53
jmhealeyanyone here?20:54
AlexCONRADi am20:55
jmhealeyhey AlexCONRAD20:57
jmhealeyhow are yu20:57
jmhealeyhow long have you been using xubuntu, or do you?20:57
AlexCONRADjust a little20:57
AlexCONRADi'm a n00b :)20:57
jmhealeynoob to linux too?20:58
AlexCONRADcomming from the fedora side20:58
jmhealeygotcha. i used fedora for a bit, and redhat before fedora existed20:58
AlexCONRADbut I have more of a server experience, rather than a user desktop experience20:58
AlexCONRADso have I20:59
jmhealeyi got ya- are you an admin?20:59
AlexCONRADnot really, more a dev... but being alone knowing linux at my work, it kinds makes me an admin too21:01
AlexCONRADbut i'm not very experienced21:01
AlexCONRADim ok, not hardcore21:01
jmhealeyi got ya.  i've got no dev experience, but i was kind of the de facto linux admin at my last job, limited experience though in a server env21:02
AlexCONRADI'll probably installing a desktop rich distro like *buntu at home and at work21:03
AlexCONRADi'll have more general knowledge of linux21:03
AlexCONRADright now i'm playing with xubuntu, but for very specific needs21:04
AlexCONRADso still no general knowledge21:04
jmhealeyyes, i run *buntu on 6 machines at home.  so i've got some desktop install/config experience, to be sure21:04
AlexCONRADi'll be back in a while, diner time :)21:06
jmhealeysee you21:06
jimisrvroxhey jmhealey are you around?21:16
jmhealeyhow are you?21:17
jimisrvroxnot doing so well21:17
jimisrvroxtrying to install xubuntu over PCLinuxOS21:18
jimisrvroxand its not going to well at all21:18
jmhealeyright over it, on the same partitions?21:19
jimisrvroxwell ive done so much shit like deleting the partitions21:19
jimisrvroxand repartitioning21:19
jimisrvroxand then whenever I try to install the system base21:19
jimisrvroxit tells me that it cant do it21:19
jmhealeyhave you got data you need to save?21:19
jimisrvroxso now I went into resuce mode21:19
jimisrvroxthis is a screw around computer that I am putting linux on ...ima n00b and officially ex-winblows user21:20
jmhealeythats cool.   most all are ex windblows users, myself included21:20
jmhealeywhat version of xubuntu do you ahve on disk?21:20
jimisrvrox8.04 x86 alt cd21:21
jimisrvroxso I went into rescue mode21:21
jimisrvroxand got a temp root shell21:21
jmhealeyhmm.   any particular reason for the alternative cd?21:21
jimisrvroxheh not really havent a clue as to what im doing21:21
jimisrvroxsomebody suggested to run the alt cd21:21
jimisrvroxgot 196mb of ram and a p3 700 running21:22
jmhealeyok.  i'd recommend that you used the other choice (not the alt)21:22
jimisrvroxI dont want to have to go wait for an hour!21:22
jimisrvroxand then burn another cd to have this one be a coaster21:22
jmhealey but then you can  boot to a desktop and see how she runs on that box21:22
jimisrvroxwell yeah but why do something twice?!?21:23
jmhealeythe other cd image is a 'live' one, you can boot right to a desktop, provided the hdw is supported21:23
jimisrvroxI dont want to have to wait for an hour to dl the same iso but desktop version21:23
jimisrvroxyes i know its a live cd21:23
jimisrvroxbut so is this one just tha tits a dos shit gui21:23
jimisrvroxso what the deal is is that i ran the error checker and the cd passed21:24
jimisrvroxso I started the install and when it got to installing the base system it told me21:24
jimisrvroxtrying to install xubuntu and am getting an error Warning: Failure trying to run: chroot /target dpkg --force-- depends--install var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.7-10ubuntu3_i386.deb21:24
jmhealeyi don't know what that means21:26
jimisrvroxI was thinking as a last resort to get a winblows boot disk and just format the drive and start over21:26
jmhealeybut i have had bad burns of ubuntu CD21:26
jimisrvroxbut formatting the 40gb drive would take forever21:26
jimisrvroxwell like I say the cd passed the error checker21:26
jmhealeyforever-  cmon21:26
jimisrvroxwhat so you dont think it woudl take that long eh?21:26
jmhealeyi swear i've had CD's that passed the self test, and then hozed out with read errors sometime during install21:27
jimisrvroxso you think I should just format with windows boot disk and try a clean install?21:27
jmhealeydownload system rescue CD and wipe the drive, as well as test it for errors at the same time, thats my advice21:27
jmhealeyyou don't need a windblows disk,  get away from that LOL21:27
jimisrvroxim in the system rescue part of the live cd dude21:27
jimisrvroxat a root shell21:27
jmhealeyi've not been there, will it let you run parted? try that command21:28
jimisrvroxjust type in parted?21:28
jmhealeyparted can blow away partitions and so can fdisk if you've got it21:28
jmhealeytype parted21:28
jimisrvroxtells me not found21:29
jmhealeytry fdisk then21:29
jimisrvroxok fdisk gives me all the partitions21:29
jmhealeyyep, gparted is the gui version of parted21:29
jmhealeyjimisrvrox: you can use fdisk to blow away partions and then creat them21:30
jimisrvroxyes I know21:30
jimisrvroxI had repartitioned the drives like i dont know how many times using the installer21:30
jimisrvroxand still had the same error21:30
jmhealeythen i'd definetly try another burned copy of xubuntu21:30
jmhealeyi've had bad burns that checked out OK with the disk integrity checker.   don't ask me why21:31
jimisrvroxim gonna run th installer one more time21:32
Volkodav_I had similar error and it turned out to be bad sectors on the hard drive21:32
jmhealeyhttp://www.sysresccd.org   <--- download that disk, its the tits21:32
Volkodav_check your drive first21:32
jmhealeyVolkodav_: good advice, which he can do with sysrecccd21:33
jimisrvroxok starting up partitioner21:33
jimisrvroxand im gonna use the entire disk21:33
Volkodav_in my situation I could not resize htfs partition and ntfs-resize caught the error21:34
jmhealeygood, cuz that will leave no room for windows : )21:34
jmhealeyone thing i noticed on Vista machines, is that if the Vista OS was not shut down cleanly, I couldnt do a resize.21:34
jimisrvroxok its creating the ext3 fs21:35
Volkodav_and after I replaced that bad drive ram turned out to be trashed too on the same box21:35
jimisrvroxinstalling base system21:35
jimisrvroxthis is where it crashes21:35
Volkodav_you need to defrag  and disk clean up before resize21:35
jmhealeyVolkodav_: that sounds like a bad day21:35
Volkodav_It was a bad box I dealt with21:36
jmhealeyjimisrvrox: here's the other utility CD i carry everywhere: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/21:36
Volkodav_that happens every coupla years21:36
jmhealeyi have a copy of each of those everywhere, in the glovebox my car, my truck, and my motorcycle tank bag.21:36
jmhealeyand in my wife's pocketbook.21:37
Volkodav_forensic disks are always handy21:37
jimisrvroxand my other issue here is that no matter what I tell imgburn about write speed my dam dvd writer wants to go at 16x21:38
jimisrvroxunpacking base system @ 47%21:39
jmhealeynothing like a good unpacking i tell ya...21:39
Volkodav_jimisrvrox, it may be blank DVD's that will not go lower speed21:40
jimisrvroxno theyre cdrs21:40
Volkodav_or cdr's21:40
jimisrvroxoh ok so I could put a diff brand in and it will work out fine21:40
jimisrvroxconfig apt sorces @ 75%21:41
jmhealeyjimisrvrox: every heard of puppy linux?21:41
jimisrvroxretreving and installing linux-generic 83%21:41
Volkodav_puppy is nice21:41
jmhealeyyeah, it runs really well on older machine, IMX21:42
Volkodav_they have video detection problems though21:42
jimisrvroxok well error erturned while trying to install the kernel into the target system21:42
jmhealeyi was just at a LUG meeting and there was a dude there that was a Puppy Linux freak.  he ran it on everything21:43
Volkodav_at higher res21:43
jimisrvroxcheck /var/log/sysing or see virtual console 4 for the details21:43
jmhealeyjimisrvrox: I'm leaning toward Volkodav_'s comment, you got a flaky hard drive21:43
Volkodav_I have it installed on one of my oldeast lappies21:43
jimisrvroxok but why could I install PCLinuxOS have it run fine21:43
jimisrvroxand the when I tried to install this21:43
jimisrvroxit wouldnt even install21:43
jmhealeyhow long was PCLin on there?21:44
jimisrvroxlike all of a couple of hours21:44
jimisrvroxbecause the package manager wouldnt load21:44
Volkodav_checked your ram ?21:44
jimisrvroxfor bad ram?21:44
Volkodav_do that21:44
jmhealeypull it and reseat it, too21:44
jimisrvroxand the other funny thing about this whole thing is that when i start it up I get primary slave hard disk fail21:45
jimisrvroxbut I was able to run XP and PCLin on it fine21:46
Volkodav_I had XP running on that bad disk too21:46
Volkodav_it depends where the bad sectors are21:46
Volkodav_If they happen to be at the end of the drive where you try to install - no luck21:47
jimisrvroxrunning mem test21:47
jimisrvroxi take it that that is going to take a while?21:48
jmhealeyjimisrvrox: please tell me you aren't thinking of going back to windows21:48
Volkodav_Does the box acting up any other way ? noises shutdowns etc?21:48
Volkodav_How much ram do you have and what CPU?21:48
jimisrvroxno im not going back to winblows21:49
jimisrvroxI expected problems with linux21:49
jmhealeyok ok.  just chekcing21:49
jimisrvroxbut I am not giving up on it21:49
jimisrvroxIm using xp on this machine right now21:49
jimisrvroxbut I dont intend to use it that much once I get a linux distro up21:49
Volkodav_hardly it has anything to do with linux - seems like hardware issue to me21:49
jimisrvroxno sounds no nothing21:50
jimisrvroxp3 700 196mb ram21:50
Volkodav_will take about 30-40 m in21:50
Volkodav_to finish mem test21:50
jmhealeyjimisrvrox: ar eyou in the US?21:51
Volkodav_it sometimes will not stop and will start over - so keep an eye on it21:51
jimisrvroxwell right now pass 17% and test 41%21:51
jmhealeyok, there is a different iso to burn if you are south of the equator, that's why i asked21:52
jimisrvroxso im gonna go outside and smoke a cig so i'll brb21:52
* Volkodav_ out of smokes21:52
jmhealeyVolkodav_: are you a linux professional?21:53
Volkodav_been playing with it for a while21:53
Volkodav_may say so21:53
jmhealeysame here, aspiring to be a pro21:53
jmhealeyi am a former nt admin21:53
jmhealeyWhat is your preferred desktop linux distro?21:54
Volkodav_I still admin some networks21:54
Volkodav_I run gentoo and archlinux21:54
jmhealeyi am currently not employed21:54
Volkodav_ubuntu in the office21:54
jmhealeyah, a guy at work was deep into gentoo21:54
Volkodav_I am part time21:54
jmhealeywhat state are you in? I'm in NC21:55
Volkodav_Good lerning curve with gentoo21:55
Volkodav_I am in PA21:55
Volkodav_but in Russia nw21:55
jmhealeywow. what are you doing there?21:55
Volkodav_business/vacation trip21:56
jimisrvroxim in NM21:56
jmhealeynice. i've never been over there21:56
jimisrvroxbut im out for a smoke21:56
jimisrvroxits a shithole over here man21:56
jimisrvroxwished i was back in dallas21:56
jimisrvroxnew mexico21:56
jmhealeyI just left dallas last year21:56
Volkodav_I can imagine NM is a dump21:56
jimisrvroxaint a damn thing to do out here21:56
jmhealeyNM is better than OM though, isn't it?21:56
jimisrvroxnew mexico dude..21:57
jimisrvroxi have no clue what OM is21:57
jmhealeyold mexico21:57
jimisrvroxoh hell yeah its better than that dump21:57
jimisrvroxnot by a whole lot tho21:57
jmhealeywhere is dallas did you live? i was in plano and then wylie21:58
jimisrvroxI was in lewisville22:05
jimisrvroxplano was cool except for all the asshole cops around22:05
jimisrvroxsame with richardson22:05
jmhealeyi worked in frisco22:06
jimisrvroxfrisco is cool as hell too22:06
jmhealeyhad a friend in the colony22:06
jimisrvroxwished I coulda gone to the stonegate mall or whatever the hell it was22:06
jmhealeyi almost moved to little elm22:06
jimisrvroxheard that mall was cool22:06
jimisrvroxyeah little elm right next to lewisville22:06
jmhealeybut bought in wylie. the stonebriar mall, yeah my wife worked there22:07
jimisrvroxyeah stonebriar22:07
jimisrvroxpass 71%22:07
jmhealeywhat got you to NM?22:07
jimisrvroxwell shit man Im thinking about trying for being oracle dba or oracle dev22:07
jimisrvroxwifes parents live out here22:07
jimisrvroxi actually met my wife on the net and been married for 3 yrs now22:08
jmhealeythats great. i met my wife on the net,  we've been together 8 years, got 2 kids22:08
jimisrvroxmy wife hates it that im all into computers22:08
jimisrvroxI need to go back to school though..I dropped out after a year and a half..22:09
jimisrvroxfigured I didnt need the crap..22:09
jimisrvroxbuncha theory classes that I didnt see any practicallity too..22:09
jimisrvroxso I said screw this22:09
jimisrvroxbut ive been around computers now for about 15 yrs..23 and got in when i was 7 and taught myself most of what I know..know how to build a pc and put a network together and a little bit of programming but not enough to be doing anything serious22:10
jmhealeycool. thats a great start to a good career, for sure22:11
jimisrvroxbut lifes a bitch right now man..I was used to the padres making 70K a year a piece22:11
jimisrvroxgood life man now im makin like 7 an horu just doing data entry shit and the wife is a bus driver she likes it but money is always tight22:12
jimisrvroxand at my work I dont play around i use all the keyboard shortcuts and shit so I get done with everything in about 1hr 1/222:12
jimisrvroxand screw around the rest of the day..if I had my truck fixed id def be looking for better jobs and luckly i been with this co for about 1 yr and havent gotten a raise bc I was through a temp agency and the position im in is not open for hire so im stuck with the temp until the new budget comes out in july22:13
jimisrvroxpass 94%22:13
jmhealeywell, it's a start. i'm unemployed, which is worse, trust me22:14
jimisrvroxbeen there myself22:14
jimisrvroxheh my mom is an accoutant and I told her I didnt need a job that I could make it on my own in real estate I got caught up in the rich dad books22:15
jimisrvroxand started telling her that I didnt want to get a job because then id be making money for somebody else instead of myself22:15
jmhealeyhow'd that work out?22:17
jimisrvroxnever did22:18
jimisrvroxI had a guy that I worked with that did real estate on the side and I asked him to show me the ropes and he flaked out on me22:18
jimisrvroxbut hey people are like that tho22:19
jimisrvroxwished I knew how to use linkedin effectively because then I figure I could get a decent job out here somehow22:20
jimisrvroxbut the only problem is I dont really know anybody around here who uses linkedin22:20
jmhealeywhat part of NM are you in?22:21
jmhealeynever been there22:22
jmhealeyhows the mem check going?22:31
jimisrvroxI thought it was going to be done but I guess its checking a 2nd sector of mem22:33
jimisrvroxright now at 69%22:33
jmhealeyhey did you know a guy named daryll in lewisville, had a yellow cbr600rr22:33
jimisrvroxno I knew a daryll that had a 60's mustang22:34
jmhealeyyour age?22:34
jmhealeywas he your age?22:35
jimisrvroxoh yeah22:35
jmhealeyi think that him, the mustang was his 'rents if i'm not mistaken22:35
jmhealeybut i think he's aabout 2 years older than ye22:36
jimisrvroxno this guy's mustag was his22:37
jimisrvroxhe had his own pad22:37
jmhealeyok.  guess that's not him22:41
jmhealeythis guy was a fanatical soccer player22:41
jimisrvroxfuck man what the hell man22:43
jimisrvroxthis shit has started all over again!22:43
jimisrvroxunder pass it says 222:43
jmhealeyyeah, sometime memtest takes a few weeks, but it's worth it22:46
jimisrvroxhell I thought it would take an hour at most22:49
jmhealeyi had one that ran for 23 days22:49
jimisrvroxwell hell man its not like i have 1gb of ram22:49
jimisrvroxI only have 196mb22:49
jmhealeyi used to watch it every night while i drank beer.22:50
jimisrvroxhow many passes does it have to do before its done?22:51
jmhealey255 i think, not sure22:54
jmhealeyhow many so far?22:54
jimisrvroxoh god22:54
jimisrvroxim only at 2!22:54
jmhealeyhows that going, any errors so far?22:55
jmhealeyare you downloading ultimate boot cd, cuz that has all the major manufacturer's drive checking utilities on it22:56
jmhealeyit kicks ass22:56
jimisrvroxno I guess I should22:57
jmhealeyyou could run it on the drive.  btw, how big is the drive and what type/brand is it?22:57
jimisrvrox40gb seagate drink22:58
jmhealeydrink.  freudian slip?22:59
jmhealeythe ulttimate boot cd has the seagate utility22:59
jmhealeyyou can check it thoroughly with that22:59
jimisrvroxman I dont wanna sit around and wait for the memtest shit23:01
jimisrvroxI thought it was gonna be quick23:01
Volkodav_3-4 should be OK - I do it normally overnight and it runs about 2023:01
Volkodav_3 passes should do for starters23:02
jimisrvroxwell its at 70% going on 323:02
jimisrvroxI guess it tests every little chemical molecule of your memory eh? heh23:02
Volkodav_well then let it finish at least one23:02
jimisrvroxdownload UB CD23:03
Volkodav_some times the first pass doesn't catch an error, but subsequent passes will.23:03
jmhealeyyep.   if you start to smell it, shut it off. it melted one ram chip on me once23:03
jimisrvroxwell im gonan go smoke whlie it finishes to 3 and then im gonna stop it and do what idk23:04
jimisrvroxmaybe get that damn boot cd going23:04
kioskhello xubuntuers23:07
kioskit is 100.6 degrees and rising here - what like there?23:08
jmhealey97 and steady23:09
kioskHey anyone know what's wrong with my mplayer package?23:13
kioskHaving mad troub with it.23:13
jimisrvroxok well its 3 passes now so im gonna reboot23:14
jmhealeywhat are you trying to do with mplayer23:14
jmhealeyjimisrvrox: ok23:14
kioskwait I said the wrong thing23:14
kioskI mean flashplugin-nonfree23:15
kioskTrying to view the Kmart flyer right now (flash)23:15
kioskbut i can't listen to my VOIP voicemail or anything at the moment23:15
jmhealeyhow did you install flashplayer-nonfree?23:15
kiosksudo apt-get install flash . . .23:15
jmhealeyok, i had probs when installing flash from within firerox23:16
kioskyou can do that?23:16
jmhealeyyeah, in FF323:16
jmhealeyhave you been to medibuntu.org?23:17
kioskno didn't know about it23:17
kioskI think I have FF2.0.0.14 only23:17
kioskI only  have a 300 Mhz is FF3 gonna be slow?23:18
kiosk128 MB too23:18
jmhealeymaybe thats why flash is croaking, not enough ram23:19
jmhealeydo other sites work?23:19
kioskno it worked before23:19
kioskit stopped working just a few days ago23:19
kioskI reinstalled firefox and flashplugin from apt-get and still nogo23:19
jmhealeytry the medibuntu repositories23:20
jmhealeythats what i do23:20
kioskthanks I'll try that23:26
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
jimisrvroxok jm i got the boot cd23:55
jimisrvroxI guess I should start the system from the boot cd no?23:55

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