
beunomwhudson, I'm looking at bugs I can easily close for loggerhead, and I bumped into bug #121715, but I don't understand what that means  :)00:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 121715 in loggerhead "should have annotation info on diff view" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12171500:10
mwhudsoni don't think i understood what that one meant either00:10
mwhudsonoh hang on, i filed it00:12
beunoyeah, that's why I asked00:12
mwhudsoni think the idea was that you could mouse-over the line numbers and get annotation info00:12
mwhudsonbut feel free to ignore it00:12
mwhudson(especially now annotation isn't so very cheap with packs)00:13
beunomwhudson, alright, I'll mark it as incomplete, and aim for a cleaner list of pending bugs to fix  :)00:15
jelmermwhudson: sorry, don;t have experience with pysvn00:15
mwhudsonjelmer: oh ok00:15
mwhudsonin other pysvn news, pysvn.Client.update appears to ignore the ignore_externals code00:16
jelmermwhudson: only with python-subversion00:16
beunoah, I can't change bug importances00:17
chandlercjelmer: please let me know if you need me to re-work my patch. i'm more than happy to bang on it until its up to par00:17
jelmerwhich patch is that? The one for dealing with "branches" being missing?00:17
jelmerchandlerc: it would be nice to have a unit test that ensures that bug is fixed00:18
chandlerck, i'll dig into the testing framework...00:18
jelmerchandlerc: Never mind00:21
jelmerchandlerc: This is a webdav-specific error, so it's hard to create a test for it00:21
jelmerchandlerc: I'll merge your patch00:21
chandlerc=] it would have taken me a while to get comfortable with the test framework anyways00:24
chandlerci got lucky with the patch, was much simpler than I had originally thought00:24
jelmer: committed, thanks!00:31
chandlercjelmer: thanks for the help debugging it yesterday! the fix was quite easy00:40
lifeless:!bzr search search00:40
lifelessRevision id 'robertc@robertcollins.net-20080608221948-66c28r366alynula'.00:40
lifelessRevision id 'robertc@robertcollins.net-20080608055724-c6tjpycts2476brf'.00:40
lifeless:!bzr search indices00:41
lifelessRevision id 'robertc@robertcollins.net-20080608133638-j5yazpedr3mlixju'.00:41
lifelessRevision id 'robertc@robertcollins.net-20080608114120-2gjfj34t8xuqp2qt'.00:41
lifelessRevision id 'robertc@robertcollins.net-20080608143716-0eq1vm6b2zj8mx2t'.00:41
lifeless:!bzr search indices run00:41
lifelessRevision id 'robertc@robertcollins.net-20080608143716-0eq1vm6b2zj8mx2t'.00:41
lifelessbeuno: ^ searching now works00:42
lifeless(and I've pushed)00:43
beunolifeless, if I hadn't met you in person, I'd be sure you're not human. Pulling now  :)00:43
lifelessthere is a bug in the bzrlib index layer that makes it fall over and cry when indexing all of bzr00:44
lifelessthe second-stage index layout will avoid this and actually have some chance of scaling too :P00:44
lifeless-> breakfast, then I might teach this to use slightly better apis so it doesn't load the entire index to search00:45
beunolifeless, beuno@beuno-laptop:~/bzr_devel/bzr-search$ bzr index .00:46
beunobzr: ERROR: Failed index creation. Internal error: mismatched output length and expected length: 12509112 312727800:46
lifeless09:44 < lifeless> there is a bug in the bzrlib index layer that makes it fall over and cry when indexing all of bzr00:47
beunowell, it's not on bzr.dev  :)00:47
lifelessyou have a shared repository00:47
lifelessit *is* on bzr.dev :P00:47
beunoI do00:47
lifelessif you were to tighten up index.index_url00:47
lifelessthen it would restrict itself to the plugin, and work00:48
lifelessget it working, make it correct, make it fast00:48
lifelessstage 1) done.00:48
lifelessif you branch the plugin to a standalone area it will be happier00:48
* beuno sets aside loggerhead bug triaging and fires up VIM00:48
beunoworks as a standalone branch  :)00:50
lifelesshmm, we want hit summaries soon as well00:50
lifelessjust printing the rev id is not that helpful :P00:50
lifelessshould pass branch to search, then it can pass to the hit objects00:50
lifelessdammit. BREAKFAST I AM COMING00:51
beunolifeless, so, playing around with it, I replaced all_revision_ids() with get_graph and turned it into a dict, and it seems to not explode now :)01:07
beunoit's very hackish, as I just wanted to see if it worked01:07
beunoI'll try and cleanup enough to send a quick patch01:08
beunolifeless, ah, Verterok, which is working here today, has a simpler solution. Replace branch.repository.all_revision_ids() with branch.revision_history()01:26
beunoworks fine here01:26
lifelessits wrong though01:26
lifelessyour one was better01:26
lifelessrevision_history is left-hand-side only01:26
beunoah, I see01:26
lifelessideally its actually find-the-new-revisions task01:29
lifelessbut indexing the lot as a starting point isn't a problem01:29
beunolifeless, this is what I have now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18618/01:30
beunoit returns a dict, which, of course, isn't what it's expecting01:30
beunoand I suspect that will get repeated revids as parents, which we don't want to re-index01:31
lifelesssearcher = graph._make_breadth_first_searcher()01:32
lifelessfor parents, ghosts in searcher.next_with_ghosts()01:32
beunolifeless, beuno@beuno-laptop:~/bzr_devel/search.beuno$ bzr index .01:34
beunobzr: ERROR: Failed index creation. Internal error: mismatched output length and expected length: 12509112 312727801:34
lifelesspass [_last_rev_id] to the searcher constructor01:35
beunolifeless,     for parents, ghosts in searcher.next_with_ghosts():01:44
beunoValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack01:44
toyto1hello guys, using http like this 'bzr checkout http://www.example.com/myproject-as-repo' where the "myproject-as-repo" has the .bzr directory will require special configuration in the server?01:44
lifelessbeuno:     def next_with_ghosts(self):01:45
lifeless        return self._current_present, self._current_ghosts01:45
beunoI didn't know about the searcher, it may be useful for loggerhead too (if I can get it to work)01:45
toyto1when i tried 'bzr checkout http://www.example.com/myproject-as-repo' I have error '... couldn't resolve host ..'01:45
lifelesstoyto1: no special configuration needed, just have to serve the directory01:45
lifelesstoyto1: if you want to allow writing, then you need special configuration01:46
lifelessbeuno: next_with_ghosts does not return an iterator01:46
toyto1lifeless: yeah my purpose is writing is thru sftp, while checkout or read is thru http01:46
lifelessbeuno: I was doing pseudocode01:46
lifelesstoyto1: will work fine01:46
beunolifeless, alrighty, let's see if I can figure this thing out...01:46
toyto1lifeless: but when I tried that it says 'couldn't resolve host'... error that looks like that :(01:46
lifelesstoyto1: sounds like it can't figure out the host :)01:47
toyto1lifeless: nvm, I type a wrong path sorrry :) thanks for that01:47
toyto1lifeless: yeah hehe sorry, thanks lifeless :)01:48
lifelessno probs01:48
lifelessbeuno: that work better?02:09
beunolifeless, it seems a little trickier than that, but I got it not exploding now. Just need it to actually index  :)02:11
beunomeh, no, not working02:12
beunoI'm trying to iterate similar to repository.InterRepository._walk_to_common_revisions02:13
beunoleaving aside the logic that compares02:13
lifelesswell, I would start with just the full graph collection02:15
lifelessas size(branch) better than size(repo)02:15
beunoincluding duplicate parents and such?02:16
lifelesssearcher eliminates those02:16
beunolifeless, http://paste.ubuntu.com/18624/02:23
beunoI must be something fundamentally wrong, as it gets StopIteration on the first loop02:23
beunoargh, thanks02:24
beunolifeless, some progress :)    have to cleanup a bit02:29
beunolifeless, seems to work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18625/   (delete the bzr-search index first)02:35
beunoseems to, as in, it works on a shared repo, and returns the search results expected02:35
lifelesstwo things02:36
lifelessthere are two branches02:36
lifelessif you index twince on a shared repo you will blow up02:37
lifelesssecondly, you don't need to filter the next revs, just update02:37
lifeless*outside* the loop, remove the NULL revision02:37
beunolifeless, fixed the null filter, but I don't understand what you mean by "there are two branches"02:45
lifelessin the function02:45
lifelessnew index02:45
lifelessupdate index02:45
lifelessyou've made new index perform better02:45
beunoah, yes, copy the logic02:46
bpetersonif I have a branch with bzr-email enabled on it and I reconfigure it to a checkout, will the bzr-email hook still run?02:47
lifelessthough you may need to update your locations.conf depending on what rule you put in02:47
bpetersonI put it in .bzr/branch/branch.conf02:47
bpetersonbecause I couldn't get the wildcards right02:48
lifelessyah that should fire02:48
lifelesseasy way to test :P02:48
bpetersonthanks again02:48
bpetersonIt's even easier to ask here, though!02:48
beunolifeless, something like this?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/18626/02:50
beunomwhudson_, the searcher seems like it could help with the loggerhead needs-full-history problem. It's not straightforward to use right now, but with some refactoring...02:54
lifelessbeuno: good; don't need the set() cast around next revs AFAIK, but otherwise should be good03:05
beunolifeless, ah, I don't  :)03:08
beunowant a bundle for that, or will you just copy off paste.u.c?03:08
lifelesscommit, bundle me up03:34
beunolifeless, sent03:41
tro"ERROR: Cannot switch a branch, only a checkout." why is this the case? why can't branches be switched (using bzrtools' "switch")?04:28
jameshtro: a checkout is connected to some branch located elsewhere04:39
jamesh"bzr switch" connects the checkout to some other branch04:39
jameshon the other hand, a branch doesn't have such a relationship to switch04:40
troand you can't have both the branch and the checkout be in the same directory?04:40
jameshwhat do you want to do exactly?04:41
jameshif I know that, I'll be able to give better advice04:42
troi've been playing with git a little bit, and i like that it could manage many branches in the same directory. i could switch between then without "cd"ing into a different directory. this is neat, because then i won't need to setup my IDE environment again for a different branch04:44
troi've been trying to have something similar work with bzr04:44
jameshokay.  So what do you want to happen to the existing work in your branch?04:45
trowell, if i had any local changes, i'd "stash" them or something. but i don't care much about that. i would commit my changes before switching to a different branch04:46
jameshcommit them to where?04:47
jameshif you have a standalone branch and run "bzr commit", they'll be committed to that location04:47
jameshif you overwrite the branch with another, then you won't have those changes04:47
troi'd like to be able to create a new branch from the current branch, switch to the new one, work a bit there committing my changes, then maybe switch back to the original, work a bit there, and so forth04:49
troat some point maybe merge them. i know you can do all of this, but i'd like ot be able to get all this done without changing directories04:49
jameshso, you'll need to have some place to store the branches, and another for the working tree04:51
troright. that's pretty much what i figured. ok, thanks.04:51
jameshyou can store the branches without working tree files, so it won't use more disk space04:51
jameshand the bzrtools "bzr cbranch" command can help with the "create a new branch from this one and switch to it" workflow04:52
troo neat. i'll try it out. thanks.04:52
jameshas your branches are local, you'll get best performance by creating your working tree with "bzr checkout --lightweight"04:52
jamesha non-lightweight checkout caches more information, which is good if the branch is on the other end of a slow network link, but is just overhead for local branches04:53
tromakes sense :)04:53
jameshtro: it'd make sense to create a no-trees repository to store your branches in (bzr init-repo --no-trees)04:55
jameshand then create your branches under that directroy04:55
troif i ever need to move the entire repository to a different machine, will i be able to just move the repo files there?04:56
beunomwhudson_, so, I seem to have gotten navigation with revnos working05:18
beunoURLs look nicer  :)05:18
beunostill need to make it work everywhere, but it works for changelog well enough05:20
beunoanything else you'd rather I invest my time in?05:20
mwhudson_the whole area of url generation is a mess05:22
mwhudson_so cleaning that up just anyway sounds like a good idea05:22
beunothat would be even better than working around the current way  :)05:23
beunofrom what I can see, it doesn't really make any sense to have automatic URL generator, but, instead, on function that generates it based on what values you want to pass on05:24
beunowould that seem ok?05:24
mwhudson_well, that's sort of what there is now05:25
mwhudson_but there's all this crazy **util.get_context(**kwargs) nonsense05:25
beunoyeah, that's what I was referring to05:25
mwhudson_also, please do this in a separate branch :)05:26
beunoalright, let's give it a try05:27
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
toyto1guys have you tried commiting a file(s) or directory(ies) but the internet is suddently gone?06:15
toyto1I am having a testing then internet is disconnected but it's now locked and can't commit.06:15
=== timchen1` is now known as nasloc__
beunotoyto1, you can use --local to commit locally until you get access to your branch again06:17
toyto1beuno: i mean when I commit to the server, the branch is transferring it to the main branch (which is the server)06:18
toyto1beauno: while transferring, the internet was gone and I stopped it06:18
beunoah, you may have to break the lock and commit again06:19
toyto1beuno: then I try to commit it again but it says Will continue to try until HH:MM:SS and i waited but after I wait, it shows an error06:19
toyto1beuno: how to do that?06:19
beunotoyto1, bzr break-lock LOCATION06:20
toyto1beuno: trying...06:20
toyto1beuno: thanks a lot brother! It works great ;)06:23
beunotoyto1, I'm glad06:25
PengIt would be neat if nosmart+http used If-Modified-Since/If-None-Match.06:44
lifelesshow so07:10
PengI dunno.07:12
PengWell, how would it be neat, or how would it be done?07:12
lifelessboth really; consider that bzr tries not to download the same thing twice anyway07:15
vilaPeng: are you referring to bug #120697 ?07:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 120697 in bzr "bzr shouldn't bypass http caches" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12069707:20
Pengvila: I guess so, indirectly.07:21
PengI'm just looking at my web server logs, and noticing that when Launchpad using several hundred KB of bandwidth pulling a branch daily when it hasn't changed in months, being able to return 304 Not Modified would save a lot of bandwidth.07:22
PengNot that it matters.07:22
lifelesswell, it should hit about 10 files:07:23
lifelessformat, format, last-revision07:23
lifelesssorry, format, format, format, last-revision07:23
lifelessand possibly a check that the tip is there07:23
PengLaunchpad uses bzr 1.3. It also reads a bunch of one .rix.07:24
PengErr, all of the .rixes.07:24
PengBy "a bunch of", I mean "the whole thing, using a Range request", of course.07:25
lifelessthat will be the check for the existence of the tip revision (to detect corruption). Or possibly a bug.07:27
Penglifeless: IIRC, whatever it was, more recent versions don't do it.07:36
beunomwhudson, pushed to where I got to: lp:~beuno/loggerhead/zpt.cleaner_urls07:40
beunostopped using get_context, switched from revids to revnos almost everywhere and cleaned up here and there07:41
beunofound a few bugs while I was at it07:42
beunoand that's it for me today07:42
mwhudsonbeuno: sweet07:44
lifelessneeds to be faster08:35
lifeless time bzr search workaround08:35
lifelessRevision id 'jelmer@samba.org-20080511215646-kxxs86xvurf96nuq'.08:35
lifelessreal    0m0.658s08:35
lifelessuser    0m0.476s08:35
lifelesssys     0m0.104s08:35
lifeless(still doing full index loading)08:35
lifelessreal    0m3.863s08:37
lifelessuser    0m3.036s08:37
lifelesssys     0m0.124s08:37
lifelessto do the same search on bzr.dev08:37
lifelessbeuno: new index format, closer to stage-208:37
lifelessbeuno: and I've merged your patch08:42
lifelessbeuno: you should give this a spin :P - it can index bzr.dev now08:42
lifeless(which takes it 15 seconds)08:43
mwhudson_heh heh heh08:43
mwhudson_that's 'slightly better' than loggerhead's index08:43
lifelessit doesn't index file texts yet08:44
mwhudson_what does it index?08:44
lifelesscommit messages08:44
lifelessbut very extensible08:44
lifelessI needed enough going on that I could write the infrastructure and engine08:44
visik7how can I use lp: over http is it possible (for checkout)?08:45
mwhudson_commit messages is all loggerhead indexes :-p08:45
lifelessso I haven't spent time working on getting term lists for texts, inventories, or author etc in commits08:45
lifelessmwhudson_: grab, play :)08:45
mwhudson_lifeless: i'll see if i can trick beuno into doing that first :)08:46
lifelesshe already has08:46
lifelessand sent me a patch even08:46
Pengvisik7: If you haven't run bzr launchpad-login, it will use http.08:47
Pengvisik7: Why do you want to use http?08:47
lifelessmwhudson_: so next objection :P08:47
thumpervisik7: just go bzr branch lp:whatever and it should use http if you haven't done a "bzr launchpad-login"08:47
mwhudson_lifeless: it's 194808:47
lifelessmwhudson_: ah yeah fair enough08:48
visik7Peng: 'couse I'm firewalled08:48
lifelessthis is me time, for me08:48
lifelesssomething lightweight and entertaining to tweak while I play WoW :P08:48
visik7Peng: and the only protocol allowed here is http on port 8008:48
mwhudson_yeah, i realize08:48
mwhudson_something to do with some old english person's birthday08:48
lifelessor so they claim08:48
Pengvisik7: Oh. That sucks. No ssh?08:49
visik7Peng: ssh yes but I just want to checkout some branch08:51
Pengvisik7: bzr+ssh uses ssh, so your firewall is not a problem.08:51
lifelessvisik7: you can checkout over ssh, but you can also checkout over http; you just can't commit back to the branch over http (with launchpad)08:52
visik7with anything afaik 'couse http has not write methods08:52
visik7isn't it ?08:52
Penghttp does not allow writes.08:54
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
lifelessjames_w: you might find bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/+junk/bzr-search fun09:14
james_whi lifeless09:15
lifeless-> dinner09:15
PengI should probably RTFM, but how do you check the current revision of a checkout?09:19
PengWhen upstream has new revisions?09:19
thumperdoes bzr support non-ascii filenames?09:20
Pengthumper: Sure.09:20
PengI think.09:20
PengWasn't there a recent mailing list post about something being passed around as str instead of unicode?09:21
thumperI don't follow the mailing list closely09:21
uwsPeng: bzr revno09:22
uwsPeng: 'bzr missing' is also useful09:23
james_wthumper: yes, but not all filenames can be versioned. There are some banned characters for a start.09:23
jamesh'\n' for instance09:23
mwhudsonalso \09:23
Peng\ is banned?09:24
thumperjames_w: what about u'\xf8'?09:24
mwhudsonas periodically found out by ~vcs-imports09:24
thumperPeng: I think because of windows09:24
james_wthumper: not sure, sorry.09:25
Pengthumper: Yeah,09:25
jameshthumper: it seems to09:25
Pengthumper: Yeah, Windows bans \, but does bzr?09:25
Penguws: This is a checkout. Those just use the master branch, which does not help.09:25
jameshthumper: you sure you aren't talking about the byte '\xf8' on its own?09:26
jameshas opposed to the UTF-8 sequence '\xc3\xb8'09:26
thumperjamesh: Not sure09:27
thumperthe non ascii value above09:27
uwsPeng: Hmmm. dunno then. "bzr unbind; bzr revno; bzr bind" perhaps? :)09:28
jameshthumper: okay.  Because '\xf8' as a byte value is not a whole character09:28
thumperjamesh: but is u'\xf8' valid?09:29
jameshthumper: it is09:29
thumperjamesh: urllib.quote is choking on it09:30
jameshI just tried committing a file with that name to a dummy branch with no problem09:30
jameshthumper: if the function you are using expects a URL, you probably need to UTF-8 encode it then url encode that09:30
jamesh>>> urllib.quote(u'\xf8'.encode('UTF-8'))09:30
thumperjamesh: :( it is in the guts of the svn bindings we are using for importing to bzr09:31
uws>>> urllib.quote(u'\xf8'.encode('utf-8'))09:31
Penguws: Did I mention it's a lightweight checkout?09:31
uwsPeng: Sorry, can't help you ;)09:31
uwsjamesh: What you did works here09:32
jameshthumper: well, if the function expects a (relative) URL, then it probably doesn't expect a unicode string09:32
jameshsince URLs are ascii09:32
thumperjamesh: yeah, however I'm not entirely sure what the original intent was09:33
PengShouldn't bzr have special url-handling routines?09:33
jameshthat's a point.  One of the bzrlib.urlutils functions might be what you need09:35
thumperhmm, normalize_url looks promising09:40
lifelessPeng: update?09:48
Penglifeless: What?09:49
lifelessnevermind, brain fart09:49
scorpioxyhey guys, first off, excellent work on bzr-fast-import...much appreciated. My question is that i used it to transform a git-svn repo that i was using, so how can i go on using it to update it from the main svn repo?09:57
awilkinsscorpioxy: I'm not sure that is a supported use-case... it would have to have the same revision-id values as bzr-svn and I'm not sure that is the case09:58
awilkinsscorpioxy: AFAIK the various SVN interop units do not share a common SVN-BZR mapping, and putting git in the middle probably doesn't help either.09:59
lifelessscorpioxy: I would say you need to keep doing git-svn, the bzr-fast-import, if that has an incremental mode10:08
lifelessscorpioxy: or, if you had no significant local edits, use bzr-svn from scratch10:08
scorpioxy_Sorry about the report(disconnected and don't know if anybody answered). So my question was, i used bzr-fast-import to convert a git-svn repo. How can i go on using this new repo by using bzr-svn? Is changing the repo format all that's needed?10:15
Jc2klo scorpioxy_10:15
Jc2ka few people answered10:15
scorpioxy_Jc2k: oh sorry, can i see those on the irc log?10:16
Jc2ki'll summarise10:16
Pengscorpioxy: IRC log: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/65615/10:16
Jc2ki wont ;D10:16
scorpioxy_Peng: aha thanks10:17
PengOr, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/65616/ has nicer syntax highlighting.10:17
PengBut it's the same thing.10:17
scorpioxy_they're both have a messed up layout due to long msgs, but yeah, i read it10:18
scorpioxy_ok well thanks all, i guess i'll just have to use bzr-svn directly although its a big repo10:19
Pengscorpioxy_: Oh, you're right. I didn't notice that.10:20
Jc2kscorpioxy_: i have converted a 2gb repository with bzr-svn10:20
Jc2kscorpioxy_: 23,000 revision10:20
Jc2kscorpioxy_: and i am aware of bigger ones10:20
Jc2kscorpioxy_: what distro are you using?10:20
scorpioxy_Jc2k: oh yeah, the problem is my internet connection, not bzr-svn...i've been using that for quite a while now...and it works very well10:21
scorpioxy_Jc2k: ubuntu hardy10:21
PengIf you have leaky svn bindings (which I think Hardy does), you should incrementally convert about 1,000 revisions at a time.10:21
Jc2khardy has OK bindings10:22
PengIt does?10:22
Jc2kthe fix i backported from hardy to etch meant i was able to convert the whole of GNOME SVN without it dieing10:22
Jc2kBUT some reallllly big repos can still leak10:22
Jc2khardy is about as good as you can get without running subversion 1.5, or using jelmers bindings10:23
scorpioxy_In my case, the repo just has about 1500 revs but some big change sets...the original svn repo was badly setup and badly used so i have to live with that.10:26
lifelessjames_w: did you give bzr-search a spin ?11:19
james_wlifeless: I've branched it, still doing email etc. currently.11:20
lifelessdo a pull11:20
lifelessjust landed proper partial read support11:20
lifeless1/2 sec to query bzr.dev for a single term11:20
lifeless(though it doesn't handle bzr.dev fully correctly, because the document lists are too long)11:21
james_wwhat indexing package did you go for in the end?11:21
lifelessbut, you can search for some terms - like workaround :)11:21
lifelessthis is just a spike, for fun, in my weekend :)11:21
james_wworks well.11:26
=== mwhudson__ is now known as mwhudson
fredreichbierhi ;)11:52
fredreichbieris there a way to enable a hook only for a specific branch? put it somewhere in ./.bzr or something else?11:53
=== elmo_ is now known as elmo
lifelessfredreichbier: depends on the hook - most have some config options11:57
fredreichbierlifeless: are there docs to that config options?11:58
lifelessdepends on the plugin :)11:58
fredreichbierah sorry i misunderstood you11:59
fredreichbieri thought you meant the hook classes. what about a hook i wrote myself? ;)12:00
lifelessoh, hooks fire for every branch, but you can easily look for some option to enable/disable12:01
lifelessfor an example, the email plugin looks for an email address to send the email to12:03
fredreichbierok, i will read the code. thanks you :)12:06
lifelessk, moved the branch to lp:~lifeless/bzr-search/trunk12:29
cjwatsonHi, I'm trying to get bzr-git to work, and having no luck at all. Can anyone help out?12:39
cjwatson'bzr get git://git.debian.org/git/tasksel/tasksel.git' says 'bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "git://git.debian.org/git/tasksel/tasksel.git"'12:40
cjwatson'bzr get http://git.debian.org/git/tasksel/tasksel.git' says 'bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://git.debian.org/git/tasksel/tasksel.git/".'12:40
lifelesscjwatson: you will need to write quite some code to make that work12:40
james_whi cjwatson12:40
cjwatsonlifeless: what is bzr-git good for?12:41
lifelessddaa did a branch that can clone locally I believe12:41
lifelessits still in development12:41
lifelesscall it pre-alpha, not feature compelte12:42
cjwatsonah, I see; I mistakenly assumed that "enough support for bzrk to operate" would be enough to clone12:43
lifelesshell no12:43
cjwatsonperhaps some indication could be added to its Launchpad project page so that more people don't get misled?12:44
mptI have a branch where "bzr diff" works, but "bzr log" returns an error12:56
james_wmpt: that's a bug with ghost handling12:56
james_wI think there is a patch for it, it may even be in bzr.dev, is that what you are using?12:56
mptjames_w, I'm using bzr.dev as of about last Thursday12:57
james_wmaybe it's not made it yet then.12:57
mptjames_w, do you mean bug 235055?12:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235055 in bzr "bzr log fails with KeyError if there is a ghost in the mainline history" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23505512:59
james_wyup, I think that's it12:59
james_wah, so no patch yet.13:00
mptjames_w, so is it safe to continue working with the branch in the meantime?13:01
james_wyep, it's a bug specifically in the log code I believe13:01
mptok, thanks13:02
lamontis there a bzrtools to go with the bzr 1.6 beta?13:09
uwslamont: yes.13:24
uwslamont: http://launchpad.net/bzrtools/stable/1.6.0/+download/bzrtools-1.6.0.tar.gz13:24
uwslamont: linked from http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrTools13:24
lamontany chance of that landing in the bzr beta ppa?13:24
mptjames_w, but now the branch won't push13:28
lamontuws: so bzrtools is non-beta 1.6?13:28
uwslamont: Well, I think the API is finalized, so bzrtools knows what to expect ;)13:29
lamonttrue enough13:30
lifelessthis will be interesting when versionedfiles lands13:30
lifelessand deletes about 3000 lines of api13:30
lifelesswe'll see13:30
mptHow can I get around this error with push? http://bzr.pastebin.com/m6244a2b113:32
mathrickwhat is the bzr approach to integration with !python languages?13:42
mathrickmpt: that is just generic poking around, but is the remote repo consistent?13:45
mathrickthen, what is the revno of your source repo?13:45
mathrickand last, run bzr with BZR_PDB=1, that will break into the debugger on errors13:45
mptmathrick, by "consistent" do you mean it passes bzr check, or what?13:46
mathricknot corrupted13:46
mptI'll try that13:46
mptmathrick, the revno of my local branch is "1", because of bug 23505513:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235055 in bzr "bzr log fails with KeyError if there is a ghost in the mainline history" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23505513:47
mptIn reality it's 641613:47
mpt(which seems to be what the traceback is complaining about)13:47
mathrickmpt: so it seems, I have no idea if you can do anything about it short of getting the bug fixed13:54
mptok, thanks for your time anyway :-)13:55
mathrickmpt: not much to thank for, I'm mostly a lurker/asker myself :)13:56
tethridgeanybody know of a clear case plugin for bzr?14:16
mtaylorhey lovely folks...14:21
mtaylorif I wanted to add some print statements to merge so I could tell what file it's working on... where would be a good place to start?14:22
ricardokirknerhi folks. I am having this strange issue here. I configure bzr as a smart server with http authentication (using the bzr-smart.py handler). The strange thing is this. I have two projects set up to use different bzr repositories. When I hit the first project (for a log, status, info, etc.) everything works out ok, but when I try to access the second repository, I get an error 'Not a branch'. If I restart apache and try to access this last repository14:44
ricardokirknereverything works out ok, but now the first project's repository throws the 'Not a branch' error. Somehow it seems I can only have one repository working this way. Any ideas?14:44
enquesthow do I revert one file to an older state... Without that some other files would come along?14:52
tethridgeenquest, specifiy the name of the file bzr rever /path/to/the/file14:52
tethridgethat should be "bzr revert"14:52
enquestsomething like : bzr revert -r 32 foo/bar.html14:53
tethridgeenquest, I'm reading through this now.  Thought I would share.  http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html14:53
enquestok thanxs... And if I want to go back to 3314:53
tethridgeI'm a new user too14:53
mathrickenquest: revert -r 3314:53
tethridgeit's an easy read14:53
mathrickenquest: revert only operates on the working tree, it never touches the repo14:54
enquestThe docs are a big beef...14:54
tethridgecan somebody tell me what the main benefit to "init-repo" is?14:54
tethridgethe user guide doesn't really go into a lot of detail14:54
tethridgewhat is it doing, saving space?14:54
mathrick(therefore you should be careful not to confuse uncommit and revert, and there's a catch that after a revert bzr revno will not necessarily reflect the working tree's state)14:54
Kinnisonrepositories help when you have lots of related branches14:55
tethridgehelp how?14:55
Kinnisonthey can be used to save space by sharing the revisions between the branches14:55
mathricktethridge: repo is a collection of branches14:55
mathrickthey are able to share data14:55
KinnisonE.g. I have a repo for my project 'libgfshare'14:55
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Kinnisonwhich has branches 'devel' 'release-1.0' 'add-fs' etc14:55
mathrickthe two benefits of repos as less space used and (much) faster branching14:56
mathrickboth of which come from the fact revisions are shared14:57
tethridgeok, thanks14:57
enquestthxs that worked14:57
mathrickeg. bzr branch bzr.dev/ bzr.copy/ takes about 1m on standalone trees, and about 2s on a repo branch14:57
tethridgeso if I already have a my-projects-branches directory with branches below14:57
enquestthxs that worked14:57
mathrickbecause there's 90m of data to shuffle around14:57
tethridgecan I init-repo the my-projects-branches after the fact and have it work?14:58
mathricktethridge: not directly, you need to bzr reconfigure --use-repo the branches14:58
mathrickafter init-repo14:58
mathrickerr, --use-shared14:58
enquestare there places where you can use bzr without having to install it your self. Auto backup and correct security and private?15:00
fredreichbierenquest: ehm... you can use any shared hoster with ftp access for bazaar hosting, if i understood you correctly15:01
enquestyeah but I don't want to setup anything... Just some commercial service?15:02
doctormohey all15:07
mathrickenquest: all bzr needs is ftp or similar write access to use a remote location as a repo15:07
tethridgemathrick, can you give me the full command for --use-shared?15:08
doctormotrying to push something to launchpad as an inital push, looks like I've gotten a broken .bzr it says: you have a valid .bzr control directory, but not a branch or repository. This is an unsupported configuration. Please move the target directory out of the way and try again.15:08
mathricktethridge: bzr help reconfigure15:08
kikokiko@gasolinux:~/devel/fix-rdf-icon-queries$ get-lp-branch bzr+ssh://devpad.canonical.com/code/tom.berger/launchpad/actionmenuless-bug-page-hold-off15:09
kikobzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: unexpected response code ('error', "'launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20080417230844-njz750l4kkk38m3c'")15:09
kikowow, bzr 1.3.115:09
kikolet me upgrade.15:09
mathrickhumm, shouldn't 1.3 understand the new smart protocol already?15:09
tethridgemathrick, is that a new argument?  It doesn't show up when I do a bzr help reconfigure15:10
mathrickit sounds like something that would result from the confusion of old bzr caused by the new protocol15:10
tethridgeI'm using gutsy15:10
kikoit does, but I think it does15:10
mathricktethridge: bzr --version?15:10
kikoI think it dies in some corner cases15:10
fullermdDoesn't seem likely.  You wouldn't get new version responses unless you made a new version request.15:10
mathricktethridge: then it should have that, paste the result you get into http://pastebin.com15:11
tethridgemathrick, http://pastebin.com/d54445ad115:11
mathricktethridge: oh, right, it's new in 1.415:13
mathrickI think you can work around that, tho15:13
mathricktethridge: move your existing branches somewhere, and try that: bzr branch /temp/branch /path/to/repo/15:13
mathrickbzr branch /temp/branch /path/to/repo/branch115:14
tethridgemathrick, how can I tell if the branch under the repo is using the repo?15:14
mathrickbzr info15:14
mathrickit will tell you if it's standalone or not15:14
doctormodid my question apear? or did I get ignored?15:15
tethridgemathrick, that works15:16
tethridgecan I delete the old branches once I create the new branches under the repo?15:17
spivkiko: Try "bzr -Dhpss ...", and check the ~/.bzr.log on both sides.15:17
Jc2kdoctormo: i dare say "accidentally not seen" rather than ignored ;)15:17
spivkiko: (but do try upgrading the client to 1.5 first)15:17
kikospiv, yeah, upgrading first15:18
tethridgemathrick, did you see my question about deleting the original branches?15:19
doctormoJc2k: would you like me to retype?15:20
Jc2kdoctormo: i can see your q, not that i know enough about bzr to help you15:22
doctormoAh I see.. damn it, should I remove the code from launchpad and try again?15:23
kikokiko@gasolinux:~/devel$ get-lp-branch bzr+ssh://devpad.canonical.com/code/tom.berger/launchpad/actionmenuless-bug-page-hold-off15:23
kikobzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: unexpected response code (('error', "'launchpad@pqm.canonical.com-20080417230844-njz750l4kkk38m3c'"), <bzrlib.smart.protocol.SmartClientRequestProtocolTwo object at 0x89a656c>)15:23
kikospiv, interesting, eh?15:23
kikospiv, this is local to devpad15:23
kikospiv, can you reproduce it?15:24
doctormoJc2k: nope, recreating didn't work :-(15:24
kikoI'm just doing bzr branch15:24
spivkiko: the ~/.bzr.log once you use -Dhpss would be much more interesting15:24
Jc2kdoctormo: where are you pushing to?15:24
kikospiv, can you try and reproduce? less chinese whispers that way15:24
Jc2kdoctormo: and what version of bzr?15:24
spivkiko: I'm about to sleep15:24
doctormoJc2k: launchpad15:24
doctormoBazaar (bzr) 1.3.115:24
kikospiv, so you can leave it running overnight15:24
spiv(It's past my bedtime on a public holiday)15:24
Jc2kdoctormo: ys, but are you pushing to lp:somefoo/blah or sftp://some.launchpad.url.i.cant.remember ?15:25
doctormoI use bzr push https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-ma/us-ma-loco-site/trunk, because lp doesn't work15:25
spivkiko: you probably have a traceback in your ~/.bzr.log on the server side that would be helpful15:25
* spiv -> zzz15:25
kikospiv, um, yeah, and you can see it too -- and I won't be the one fixing that bug so..15:26
Jc2kdoctormo: apparently you can also push to bzr+ssh://john.doe@bazaar.launchpad.net/~john.doe/+junk/myproject15:27
Jc2kdoctormo: but i've only ever used the form bzr push sftp://uberperson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~uber-dev-team/ubuntu/development myself15:28
doctormoJc2k: ah I think that is what I used for other projects15:28
doctormothanks Jc2k15:31
Pieter  File "/opt/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/index.py", line 834, in _parse_segment15:35
Pieter    raise AssertionError('no \n was present')15:35
PieterAssertionError: no15:35
Pieter was present15:35
tethridgeis there a skeleton plugin somewhere?15:53
fredreichbierhi. i have developed a plugin named nicehtml, as a "more flexible htmllog". it generates a html information page for a branch, example page: http://bzr.reichbier.de/pywmctrl-main/ - and I'd like to know what you think about ;) code available here: http://bzr.reichbier.de/nicehtml/ :)16:17
Dauerbaustellenow, actually, we have developed :P16:17
fredreichbierah, sorry, dependencies are python-jinja and python-pygments :x16:19
akojimais there a way to ignore line end styles (\r\n vs \n) when merging/diffing?16:29
Odd_Blokefredreichbier: I recommend sending an email to the list letting people know about it (if you haven't already done that; I'm a few days behind on list traffic).16:31
victornghi all16:32
fredreichbierOdd_Bloke: thanks, I'll do ;)16:32
victornghas anyone had luck gettin bzr-svn working in osx 10.5?  the instructions @  http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion don't seem to work for me16:33
victorngi get the following error messages: bzr branch https://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk test16:34
victorngbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "https://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/".16:34
Jc2kvictorng: what about if you try bzr branch svn+https://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk ?16:35
victorngjc2k: uh... weird... i'm just trying with the svn binary i built as per the instructions on the bazaar-vcs page and the svn client doesn't seem to speak http16:36
victorngplain "svn co" doesn't seem to work with that custom svn binary16:37
Jc2khttp or https?16:37
victorngi had to add a --without-gssapi --disable-gssapi when compiling svn16:37
Jc2kthat might explain what is wrong with https, but i wouldnt have expected http to break16:38
victorngi kept getting errors in neon yelling about GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE16:38
victorngso i tried to explicitly disable the GSS stuff16:39
mptjam, good morning, do you have time to help me with a broken branch or two?16:39
jammpt: morning mpt16:39
jamI think so16:39
mptjam, so I have a branch that suffers from 235055. I can't bzr log, but I can still bzr st, diff, and commit16:41
jambug #23505516:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235055 in bzr "bzr log fails with KeyError if there is a ghost in the mainline history" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23505516:41
mptjam, but when I try to push: http://bzr.pastebin.com/m6244a2b116:41
jammpt: that certainly sounds like the ghost problem16:42
jamthe "revno' in the second case is so short because there is a ghost16:42
mptjam, yes, bzr revno returns "1" when it should be 641616:43
mptI don't mind not being able to log, but I really do need to be able to push :-)16:43
jammpt: I have a script around that copies revisions from other repos to fill in ghosts like this16:45
jamI attached it to a bug, but it wasn't *that* bug :(16:45
jammpt: I'll paste bin it16:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:47
jammpt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18789/16:47
jamBasically, you'll run it as "python copy_all_revisions.py remote_repo local_repo"16:48
jamIt will probably copy more than you need, but if we can get it all done right away, so much the better16:48
mptjam, should I uncommit to get a sensible revno in the branch before I run the script? or doesn't it matter?16:50
jammpt: I don't think it will batter16:50
jamas long as the pointers are still there, which they should be16:50
beunolifeless, plugin is looking very good. Maybe I should try and trick mwhudson into making me work on this as part of Loggerhead...  ;)16:55
mptjam, thanks, trying it now16:58
jammpt: we *might* need to go cheat and fix the revno, but we'll cross that when we get there16:58
mptTarget is missing 417 revisions17:00
jammpt: some of those will be other heads, and some will be ghosts you want to fill. but it shouldn't take long with only 400 missing17:11
mptIt's halfway there17:11
jammpt: and the first half is the "slow" half17:12
jamI sort topologically, and start fetching from the one that is likely to fetch the most ancestors17:12
mptJust out of interest, what's a "head"?17:12
jameshmpt: each revision has a pointer to its parent(s)17:13
jameshmpt: a head has no other revision pointing to it as a parent17:13
mptso as soon as I make a commit in a branch, that's a head17:14
jameshand it'll stay a head until you commit a subsequent revision17:14
mptbut as soon as I make another commit, that previous one stops being a head17:14
jameshif you "bzr uncommit", the head stays in the repository though17:14
jammpt: mostly it is likely to be stuff from other branches, or someone doing 'bzr uncommit", etc.17:14
mptok, finished17:16
mptjam, "bzr log" no longer returns an error, but it returns only one revision, my most recent one, r641617:17
jammpt: right, probably because of the 'revno = 1' stuff17:17
jamyou *know* it is 6416, right?17:17
jamedit .bzr/branch/last-revision17:17
jamand fudge that number in17:18
jamif it doesn't say '1' then stop17:18
mptMy copy of the same branch in the remote repo doesn't have that revision, but it has 6415, 6414, 6413, etc17:18
jammpt: sounds close enough :)17:19
jammpt: we can always work out it if it is wrong again, but I'd like to get it right the first time17:19
mptjam, .bzr/branch/last-revision doesn't exist17:19
jammpt: is there a .bzr/branch/revision_history then?17:20
mptshould I create it?17:20
jamyou might have an older branch format17:20
mptyes, there's revision_history17:20
jamoh wait, you should be able to "bzr reconcile" the branch17:20
jamI added that in a recent release17:20
mptI was still looking at the copy in the remote repo17:21
mpt... oh, the local copy doesn't have .bzr/branch/revision_history either17:21
mptok, I'll try reconcile17:21
mpt"Fixing last revision info 1 => 6416" - yay17:22
jamsometimes things work out well :)17:22
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korpiosHaving a hard time finding an answer to this via the Bazaar website or Google: how would I cleanly delete a branch within a shared repository?  If I simply rm -rf'd the dir, wouldn't that leave old, now-unused data in the shared repo?17:49
akojimais there a way to revert a merge?17:49
LarstiQkorpios: yes, but that doesn't need to be a problem. Is it for you?17:51
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korpiosLarstiQ: Well, if I make lots-and-lots of feature branches and kill them once I'm done with them ...17:52
jamkorpios: well if they are merged into the other branch, then you need the info anyway17:53
jamand otherwise when you copy stuff out of this repo, if they aren't referenced, they won't be transmitted17:53
korpiosjam: True, but I'm thinking more failed ideas, screwups, and the like17:53
jamkorpios: sure, but they rarely take up much space17:53
jamversus the size of everything else17:53
jamand it doesn't propagate17:53
jamI believe Jelmer has a plugin which will garbage collect your repo, but you have to be careful that there aren't any branches you forgot about17:54
korpiosSomewhat related question that this brings to mind: would a new shared repo created by branching from a few branches of an old shared repo lose the benefits of a shared repo?17:55
korpios(at least for those branches, not new ones going forward)17:56
jamkorpios: the branches in the new shared repo will still share between eachother17:56
jambut it will copy the data from the old to the new repo17:56
korpiosright, that part is fine17:56
korpiosbut if I have shared repos A and B, I could branch A/* to B, and the new B/* would still be sharing data amongst each of the B's?17:57
korpios(I'm thinking "poor man's garbage collection")  :p17:58
jamkorpios: branching from A/* => B/* will share stuff in B/*17:58
jamkorpios: and that is exactly what Jelmer's plugin does for you17:58
korpiosAh ^_^17:58
LarstiQkorpios: yes, that is indeed the poor man's garbage collection approach17:58
jamit just replaces the repo in place at th eend17:58
jamkorpios: the one thing it loses is parent pointers (where the branch was branched *from*) which is one of the benefits or the plugin17:59
jamsince it doesn't actually create new branches17:59
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korpiosNice ... I was worried that the B/* wouldn't share since they weren't created "together", but I'm guessing this has to do with the shared repo just seeing "hey, these two have the same object, let's share" regardless of source?18:00
jamkorpios: correct18:01
* korpios feels better :)18:01
rammelHi all. A team member is trying to commit to his branch over bzr+ssh on windows using bzr 1.5. After some seconds the console screen stalls and nothing happens any more. If the guy breaks with ctrl-c and trys to break the lock, bzr stalls again. If he ssh's to the server and enters bzr break-lock, it works. But the next try to commit fails again. What could it be?  Thank you!18:25
victornghey - when i try to use bzr-svn and branch a svn repository over HTTPS - i get this: Assertion failed: (g->gc.gc_refs != _PyGC_REFS_UNTRACKED), function instancemethod_dealloc, file Objects/classobject.c, line 228518:36
victorngwhen i branch a svn repo over plain HTTP, it seems to hang forever18:38
mptmathrick, the "bzr check" you suggested just finished with a KnitCorrupt error :-)18:47
korpiosHmm ... I have a branch in my shared-repo that's just for mirroring a launchpad repo.  That works, pulls fine, etc.  I created a second empty branch as my "local dev mainline", and tried to merge in the mirror branch; it seems to merge okay, but on update it gives: "bzr: ERROR: Reserved revision-id {null:}"18:48
korpios(I'm using merge so I can avoid seeing the history on bzr log --short)18:48
korpiosI've tried this with 1.5 and 1.6b1, same result18:48
mathrickmpt: heh, that was fast :)18:49
korpiosI can't find any bugs in bazaar's launchpad tracker that seem directly related18:50
emilis_infohi, I have a question: will bzr autodetect moved files or do I have to use `bzr move src dest`?19:06
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gourhard to believe...svn needs 10 rcs to release :-/19:12
cr3what does this mean: bzr: ERROR: Unknown bzrdir format: ''19:13
korpiosGah, even with bzr.dev (the "bzr: ERROR: Reserved revision-id {null:}" error)19:14
cr3wtf! bzr: ERROR: Revision {email-20080417161838-a2tfnk26kx1q7vjf} not present in "revisions.kndx".19:18
gouremilis_info: afaik, bzr does proper tracking for renames19:21
emilis_infogour, so, it should detect automaticly if I move a file?19:21
cr3googling for that error returns a message from irclog asked by myself, unanswered, and bug #232270, also unanswered :)19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 232270 in bzr "Cannot checkout -- KnitCorrupt: attempt to add line-delta in non-delta knit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23227019:21
gouremilis_info: i'd say - yes. but bear in mind i'm quite new with bzr coming from darcs and, iirc, bzr does the same thing. try on some test-case or wait for some bzr dev to get definite answer19:24
emilis_infogour, thx19:24
emilis_infogour, how is bzr compared to darcs? :)19:25
gouremilis_info: i LIKE it. it's not much complicated, or let's say quite easy with nice interface, simple-enough model so you can understand what's going on (unlike that kernel-VCS) and it is quite safe19:28
gouremilis_info: good win32 support (it will be useful for my win32-dev-friends) and nice gui-tools (bzr-gtk) for my gui-friend-lovers (i'm satisfied with cli)19:29
* emilis_info too19:29
gourregular release, active community, friendly #bzr...19:29
gouri'm not so much concerned with performance, but this is also improving...19:30
gourall in all...bzr is for me, without competition ;)19:30
cr3are there bzr commands to fix a bzr repository?19:33
gourcr3: bzr reconcile ?19:36
Pilkyemilis_info: you need to use bzr mv for bzr to pick up you've renamed/moved a file19:53
Pilkyotherwise it will think you've removed it and added a new file19:53
beunocr3, try: bzr reconcile LOCATION19:53
emilis_infoPilky, thanks19:54
emilis_infothat answered my question19:54
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beunojam, btw, happy birthday  :)20:38
dvheumenI've been looking at the site and documentation, but I couldn't find the answer to my question exactly, so I'm asking here... When I do a lightweight checkout, what is the bandwidth cost when a commit changes? (since it seemed to me that no original files are stored in the lightweight checkout)20:44
fbondHi, I have a source tree that contains an svn repository.  I need to add the svn repository to my bzr branch.20:45
fbondbzr add refuses because I have bzr-svn installed and it refuses to see that directory as a simple directory.20:46
fbondI.e., it wants to treat it as a repo.20:46
fbondAny way around this (besides uninstall bzr-svn)?20:46
Stavroscan someone tell me what update does exactly/20:47
Stavrosdoes it get the changes from the branch to your working copy?20:48
beunoStavros, yes, it updates the working tree, and, if it's a checkout, it also updates to the latest revisions20:49
Stavroshmm, checkout is a subcategory of update you mean?20:50
Stavrosi don't understand that20:50
Stavrosif it updates the WC, shouldn't it also update to the latest revision?20:50
beunoStavros, well, if it's not a checkout, than you may not want the latest revision20:51
Stavrosyou mean latest revision in general?20:51
Stavrosnot just in my repository?20:52
beunoin the case of a checkout, it updates to the last revision the branch you're bind to has20:52
Stavrosand what if the branches have diverged?20:53
beunoStavros, well, when you commit to a checkout20:59
beunoit doesn't let you unless you're up to date20:59
beunobecause it commits to the bound branch20:59
Stavroswell no, i mean if you pull and you have local changes and the other branch has changes as well20:59
Stavroswhat do you do in that case?20:59
beunoStavros, if you pull, you're not using a checkout21:00
Stavroswell yes, i didn't say i was, you did :P21:00
beunoin that case, update just updates the working tree, which would be up to date if it's local21:00
Stavrosa checkout is just a pull/update, isn't it?21:00
beunoa checkout is bound to a branch21:01
beunoso it may be a bit more complicated than pull/update, since you commit *to* the bound branch21:01
beunoif you're pulling changes locally, than you don't need update21:02
Stavrosi see, thanks21:02
beunowhen you push remotely, like, for example, via sftp, the remote branch WT is not updated21:02
beunoit has the latest revisions21:02
beunobut you have to explicetly run update on it21:03
Stavrosah, yes21:03
Stavrosi'm a bit unclear still on how you resolve collisions21:03
Stavrosyou merge manually and then you commit?21:04
beunobasically, you edit the file that has the conflicts to how you really want it to look, and remove all herring markers21:04
beunothan, bzr resolve FILE21:04
beunoyou're set21:04
Stavrosi tried that once and it turned all the other commits into one with my name on it21:04
beunowell, yes and no21:04
Stavrosso i wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do21:04
beunothey are sub-commits21:04
beunoyou will see them as merges into your commit21:05
beunowith subrevnos like 13.1.121:05
Stavrosah yes21:05
Stavrosinteresting, thanks21:05
Stavrosthat clears it up21:05
beunoI'm glad  :)21:05
Stavrosthanks :)21:05
beunomy pleasure21:06
aantnI'm having some trouble pushing a revision to a new branch I just branched21:31
aantnI get the following error21:31
beunoaantn, try:  bzr launchpad-login your_username && bzr push --use-existing-dir21:32
aantnI tried running bzr launchpad-login aantny, but it didn't help21:32
beunoah, well, it should  :)21:32
aantnbeuno: it doesn't21:33
beunoaantn, that error message is *after* you ran launchpad-login?21:34
aantnbeuno: that's correct21:34
beunoaantn, try:  bzr push lp:~screenlets-extras-team/screenlets/screenlets-extras21:34
aantnbeuno: thanks, that works21:35
aantnthe url I was using shouldn't have began with http://21:35
beunoaantn, you should do that again, and add a --remember21:36
beunoso it doesn't happen again21:36
beunoaantn, exactly, http is read-only21:36
aantnbeuno: I know; thanks21:36
beunoaantn, np  :)21:36
LaserJockwith bzr-svn are svn tags and branches just normal bzr branches?21:47
PengLaserJock: Yes.22:02
=== magnu1 is now known as hepp
jelmerfbond: bzr --no-plugins add ...22:38
beunovila, around?   I have a tests question  :)23:00
beunovila, anyway, when you are, I added a --dry-run command to bzr-upload, and I wanted to add tests for the new switch, but I'm not sure duplicating all tests is the right way to go  :)23:05
jmlabentley, lifeless: what did we end up deciding with the bzrdir.clone changes for stacking?23:45
abentleyjml: I applied your patch and then made the behavior optional.23:49
jmlabentley: ok. thanks.23:49
abentleyjml: And then regaled you with tales of how clone isn't really clone.23:50
Kinnisonthus jml blocked the episode from his mind.23:51
jmllong weekend had more to do with it, I think :)23:52

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