
windmillcool, It's done, the apport-cli tool is really very easy to use00:12
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Awsoonnhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/237284 what package03:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237284 in ubuntu "Receiving a file via bluetooth fails" [Undecided,New]03:32
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dupondjehi ogasawara :)09:18
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thekornbdmurray, hi, I would like to comment on the bug-metrics blueprint. what's the prefered way: commenting in the whiteboard section in lp or in the comment section of the wiki page?16:10
bdmurraythekorn: the discussion section of the wiki page16:14
ogasawaradupondje: hi - one of the kernel guys is now working on your bug which has to go through the SRU process16:15
Nightrosebdmurray: hi :)    would you be so kind to extend my membership in the bugsquad team? it is about to expire16:15
bdmurrayNightrose: done!16:17
Nightrosebdmurray: thanks :)16:17
zulmvo: can I take care of your uucp merge?16:39
mvozul: too late, I just filed a sync request for it16:42
mvo(~15min ago)16:42
mvozul: but if you feel there is something to merge, just go ahead and close the sync request16:43
* mvo has no idea why he ended up with uucp anyway :)16:43
zulmvo: heh16:43
mvobug 238576 (just FYI)16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238576 in uucp "Please sync uucp 1.07-19.2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23857616:44
zulmvo: gotcha16:45
mrooneybdmurray: ping17:37
mrooneywow sudo is maxing out my CPU, that's neat17:41
bdmurraymrooney: pong17:42
mrooneybdmurray: I was just wondering if you were aware that the workflow script will add the header text more than once if multiple subscribers match (bug #192945)17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 192945 in transmission "missing icon on window border and window list" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19294517:42
mrooneyI fixed it by adding a break; in the 'if', but I wasn't sure if that was intentional since you have them as separate strings17:43
bdmurraymrooney: there is an updated version of the script17:46
mrooneybdmurray: ahh okay, sorry, where might I find it?17:46
bdmurraymrooney: I just copied it to http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/greasemonkey/lp_workflowreports.user.js17:47
mrooneybdmurray: thanks!17:50
mrooneyis anyone aware of this sudo cpu bug? I just saw a 'fix' today I thought come in, in -updates17:50
mrooneyI have no idea how to get rid of the process, other than restarting17:51
mrooneyI shall restart now17:52
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qenseping bdmurray19:11
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jdstrandbdmurray: hi!20:10
jdstrandbdmurray: I used to use in some scripts:20:11
jdstrandif not 'ubuntu-bugs' in bug.subscriptions:20:11
jdstrand    bug.subscribers.add("ubuntu-bugs")20:11
bdmurrayit's fixed in bzr and in -proposed20:11
jdstrandbdmurray: ah20:11
jdstrandbdmurray: that is what package, python-launchpad-bugs?20:12
bdmurrayjdstrand: that's right and comment on the bug if it works for you. ;)20:12
jdstrandbdmurray: when was it pushed to -proposed, today?20:13
jdstrandbdmurray: ah yes, it was20:13
jdstrandoh no, it was into -updates as of today20:13
jdstrandbdmurray: fixed it, and commented-- thanks!20:18
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bdmurrayafflux: hi!21:24
affluxbddebian: hi! I like your idea of everyone in bugcontrol being able to review applications, by the way :)21:26
affluxbd<tab>: bdmurray ^21:26
PsySinehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay needs some update I think21:36
bdmurrayPsySine: fixed, thanks!21:38
PsySineis there a bug day once a week or so?21:38
bdmurrayPsySine: every Tuesday and Thursday for the most part21:39
PsySineoh ok21:39
mrooneyis there a certain process that is good to go through for creating a blueprint in ubuntu?22:09
mrooney(and/or, is there a better channel for discussing such matters)22:11
james_wmrooney: what's your blueprint about?22:12
mrooneyjames_w: well Ubuntu now has a nice system in place to install available drivers when you plug them in22:13
mrooneyand there are lots of packages in the ubuntu repos for drivers22:14
mrooneybut there isn't a linkage between the two that I am aware22:14
danbhfivewhat about the restricted-drivers manager?22:14
mrooneyit would be nice for it to be aware of what drivers are out there, so it can download the driver, otherwise it can require a fair amount of knowledge22:15
mrooneydanbhfive: well, that could work but a) the drivers aren't necessarily restricted b) how does the user know to use that22:15
danbhfiveyou know, I don't even know how drivers are installed.  I thought it was all automatic22:16
james_wrestricted-manager is now called jockey, which is the system that installs drivers22:16
james_wit detects hardware that it knows something about, and installs the driver if you don't have it.22:17
mrooneyshould it work for printers? maybe mine was an isolated case22:18
james_wmrooney: are you referring to all the -source packages in the archive?22:18
james_wmrooney: no, it doesn't work for printers, but I believe that is planned for 8.1022:18
danbhfivemrooney: I thought gutsy was supposed to have it work for printers, but it still doesnt work well22:18
mrooneyI had to search on the internet for using a Brother 240C in Ubuntu and found brother-cups-wrapper-[bh7|extra]22:19
mrooneyI installed those and then could select the driver from the 'Printing' dialog in Administration22:20
james_wmrooney: pitti is the person that knows all about this, if it is about printers then tkamppeter will be involved.22:20
james_wI know they are working on something, let me see if I can dig up some more information.22:20
mrooneyit just would have been wonderful if instead of installing it in text-only mode, it had known about and offered to install those packages22:21
mrooneyahhh, what is the "edge" aspect22:22
mrooneyI searched blueprints for 'print' but those didn't turn up22:22
mrooneythanks james_w, those look like exactly what I want!22:22
james_wedge is the testing server for launchpad, it uses the same data.22:23
james_wI searched for "jockey", and they were the two results.22:23
Hammerheadanyone seen this "This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems."22:25
Hammerheadumounting a samba share22:25
james_wHammerhead: using what tool?22:26
HammerheadI know about  bug# 461048 but there is no answer or workaround22:26
Hammerheadumount <share name>22:26
HammerheadIt mounts fine22:26
HammerheadOnly way to remove the share is to reboot22:27
Hammerheadmtab lists the share22:27
Hammerheaddf does not22:28
Hammerheadrunning 8.0422:28
Hammerheadthought upgrading was a good idea.....WRONG!!22:28
HammerheadNo audio22:29
HammerheadNo modem22:29
Hammerheadand now this22:29
james_wHammerhead: it sounds like the bug report you gave is exactly your problem?22:33
Hammerheadjames_w The bug report is from January though........22:37
xnoxis anyone here? or do I have internet problems22:54
danbhfivexnox: i read you22:56
xnoxOh good. Thanks22:56
xnoxWhy is everyone so quite?22:56
xnoxor am I supposed to be hard preparing for the Hug day =D22:57
greg-gprep hard, train hard, triage hard!23:01
bdmurraygreg-g: heh23:01
greg-greminder: bug jam tonight in Michigan at 6:30 Eastern (30 minutes from now)23:02
xnoxgreg-g: Well it will be first time for me =D got to reboot into ubuntu =D23:08
mrooneyam I missing something with bug #209999, it is Invalid but has 8 dups?23:13
ubottumrooney: Bug 209999 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/209999 is private23:13
Old_Soldierlol private duplicated invalid bug :)23:15
* Old_Soldier whistles and walks away like nothing happened :)23:15
bdmurraymrooney: did you look for the bug pedro says it is a duplicate of?23:17
mrooneybdmurray: no, I went to check back on it and I see that IT has duplicate bugs23:23
mrooneyprobably a good thing to do23:23
mrooneywhat do you think of tagging bugs like that also with 'likely-dup', so we can search for Invalid+'likely-dup' to find bugs which are known dups but not identified yet23:24
mrooneythose could be a good candidate for a Hug Day23:24
bdmurrayI'd rather not spend time looking at bugs like that one.23:25
mrooneyhaha, I have no idea if that is a serious comment or not23:26
bdmurraymrooney: it's probably a dupe of bug 21624423:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216244 in brasero "brasero crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21624423:26
bdmurraySeriously! ;) We have lots of other more fruitful ways we could be looking at bug reports.23:27
mrooneyinteresting, that bug was filed after 20999923:29
mrooneythough I wouldn't, I don't think, want to mark a non-private bug a dup of a private bug, that would hide them all, or at least the master, which seems unproductive23:30
bdmurraythe new bug, 216244, is more complete in that it has an upstream bug watch23:30
mrooneyindeed, that does seem better23:33
mrooneyalthough it means if pedro is correct that there is still another floating around23:34
mrooneywell pedro said in 209999 on 4-01-08 that it was already reported but didn't know which bug it was, but 216244 was filed on 4-12-08, so that can't be the bug he was referring to23:35
mrooneymeaning the bug he was referring to is still "out there"23:36
bdmurrayah, that makes sense23:36
mrooneybdmurray: by the way, what is the proper thing to do in a couple weeks when my BugControl membership expires? just ping you?23:40
bdmurraymrooney: right, ping me before it expires23:41
mrooneygreat, is it bad if it is after it expires. I don't really know how to find exactly when I was approved23:41
bdmurraymrooney: no, not really you'll be warned well before it expires anyway23:42
mrooneyoh okay, that shall do, thanks!23:43

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