
yuriyevening jjesse01:40
jjessehello yuriy, how are you?01:40
yuriyjjesse: doing well, (yay AC!) you?01:44
jjessei enjoy AC as well... doing good enjoying a cup of coffee and getting caught up on the day01:44
jjessebeen super super busy during the day01:44
jjessei have no time during the day to spend any time on kubuntu/kde and so burtn out at night that i don't want to do anything but play city of heroes01:46
yuriytxwikinger: ping01:47
txwikingeryuriy: pong01:47
* yuriy hasn't played video games in ages01:47
jjessei have a group that plays every thursday night01:47
jjesseits fun with a group01:47
yuriytxwikinger: does apport actually work for KDE apps? (i'm looking at 236989 and a dupe of it)01:47
jjesseand it runs great under wine01:47
yuriyer bug 23698901:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236989 in kdebase-runtime "[knotify] Knotify crashes all the time, can't do nothing" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23698901:47
txwikingeryuriy: why not?01:48
yuriy*sigh* and the dupe is filed by the same person, again without apport01:49
yuriytxwikinger: I don't know why, but I didn't think it did01:50
yuriyit's turned off because KDE has it's own crash dialogs or something01:50
txwikingerWell.. if there is no crash file01:50
txwikingerbut the particular has no information to help to debug the problem01:50
yuriyI was going to ask to install kdebase-dbg, kdebase-dbg-kde4, and libxine1-dbg and post a new backtrace01:51
yuriyI'm just not sure if apport actually is the way to go, I've been kind of forgetting/ignoring it most of the time01:51
jjessedoes appoprt really work w/ kde crashes?  like if konqi crashes apport is supposed to fire up?01:52
txwikingerWell.. would be good if we have a unified response01:52
txwikingerI have a kde crash: _usr_lib_kde4_lib_kde4_libexec_klauncher.1000.crash01:54
txwikingerIt probably does not have a good trace without the dbg libs, but I would say apport is just a mechanism to easily submit a crash file01:54
yuriytxwikinger: well in theory with apport you don't need a good trace. if you have a core dump it can retrace it01:55
yuriytxwikinger: how old is that crash file?01:55
txwikinger4 days01:55
yuriyoh so it should work01:56
yuriyoh heh I have one of those too actually01:56
txwikingerHere is another one kdelibs5-dev.0.crash01:56
txwikingerfrom yesterday01:57
txwikingerActually 3 hours old01:57
yuriyok my bad then, you're right01:57
yuriyI should fix the reporting page I made last week then01:57
yuriyit still needs some work anyway01:58
yuriytxwikinger: talking about https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting01:58
yuriytxwikinger: still not sure though. I know I've had kwin crash today for example and there's no crash file for that02:01
jjesseanyone getting a wierd message from firefox when trying to access the kubuntu wiki?02:01
txwikingerwell I would hope we could get that going somehow02:01
* yuriy will poke Riddell about it some more, then will bug bdmurray if he doesn't know02:03
txwikingerjjesse: no02:04
yuriykernel update time02:05
jjessetxwikinger: getting a message about assertion failed02:06
jjessesearh: _installLocation: engine has no file!02:07
jjessesearch: _installLocation: enginer has no file02:07
jjesseand then a stack trace02:07
jjessei get it on help.ubuntu.com , wiki.kubuntu.org, wiki.ubuntu.com02:07
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nixternaloi oi02:20
jjesseoi oi back02:22
jjessenixternal: you sure have caused problems you microsoft lover ;)02:22
jjessecan someone take a look at bug #149983 and respond on what is going on?02:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 149983 in kdeutils "[gutsy] kdeutils-dev has strange build-deps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14998302:36
jjesseok this is frustrating on my kubuntu 8.04 remix install whenever i right click on something in firefox i am getting an error message, i can't add anything as a bookmark or use any of the short cut keys02:40
yuriyjjesse: since the upgrade to rc1?02:42
jjesseyuriy: yes sir02:43
yuriyjjesse: might want to file a bug about it http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/136-Firefox-3-RC1-released-to-hardy-updates.html02:48
Jucatowhere's the microvell shill?02:54
jjesseyou mean nixternal02:56
Jucatoyeah :)03:02
Jucatothe one and only03:02
nixternalsitting right here with my foot extended to your arse :P03:03
nixternalencrypting my hard drive03:03
nixternalgotta use evolution which sucks03:04
jjessehow was your first day at werk?03:10
Jucatothat doesn't evoke a very nice image :)03:10
Jucatooh he has work?03:10
JucatoI better not bother him03:10
Jucatomuch :)03:10
jjessehe is suppsed to be starting his new jobtoday03:11
jjessehrmm bed time i think be back on tomorrow03:11
Jucatoyou "think"? O.o03:11
nixternalway to much work!03:20
nixternalya, started today...setting up the work lappy with Kubuntu now03:20
nixternalencrypting the drives, installing evolution (ewww) so I can use exchange server bs03:20
Jucatoha ha ha03:21
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jussi01morning Riddell09:44
* jussi01 is getting annoyed at kde4 settings not being persistant...09:44
etretyakHi Riddell, jussi0109:44
jussi01heya etretyak09:44
etretyakRiddell: I've selected "mount config" and "system config printer". Is it ok?09:46
clau30hey, activity in the channel :D09:46
Nightrosemorning everyone :)09:46
jussi01hi Nightrose09:47
jussi01So can anyone else confirm not having persistance on settings in kde4?09:47
clau30what do you mean jussi01?09:48
clau30kde4 is in development still :P09:48
jussi01clau30: for example: I go to system settings - appearance - colours and check the apply to non kde4 apps, click apply, then close system settings. reopen - boom, gone09:49
jussi01clau30: I know - just wanting to confirm the bug before I put it up - check that its not something I borked09:49
clau30jussi01: ah, that kind of stuff.. I haven't noticed that, sorry09:50
Nightrosejussi01: same here09:50
Riddelletretyak: groovy09:50
* jussi01 owns the #kubuntu-kde4 channel - he should know its in development :P09:50
jussi01Nightrose: great, so its not just me :)09:50
clau30I noticed though that I have to start yakuake every time I login, and the settings are not saved (i.e. they are the default ones every time)09:50
Nightrosejussi01: hehe nope09:50
Riddelletretyak: the problem with mount config is there's no way to embed a pykde 4 app into system settings09:50
Nightroseand klipper refuses to autostart here it seems09:51
Riddelletretyak: Sime says it shouldn't be hard to make one though09:51
clau30jussi01: it was just a pun ;)09:51
Riddelletretyak: system config printer is just a big app, not hugely complex, just lots of it09:51
clau30anyway, I was looking at the TODO: ensure KMilo functionality and thought if I could help there. I get frustrated because none of my laptop special keys work (brightness, volume...)09:52
Riddellclau30: that's a fiddly thing to fix everywhere09:55
Riddellclau30: did they work in KDE 3?09:55
clau30Riddell: volume did09:56
Riddellclau30: there's no kmilo in kde 4, instead we need the same X keysym to key mapping as kmilo had09:57
clau30Riddell: and brightness only the hardcore way: echo -n 50 > /proc/acpit...09:57
Riddellplus the individual apps (e.g. kmix) acting on the keys09:57
clau30so is there any work done? and if it's not kmilo, where is the code? :)09:58
etretyakRiddell: Also I think that task statuses None/WIP/Complete is not enough.  I want to create more detailed plans for my tasks.. I mean -- what I need to do to get things works, how I want to implement this, and so on.. So everyone (and you of course) can see how is it going.. if there is some problem with something, and so on..10:00
Riddelletretyak: please do10:00
Riddellclau30: the keys to real keys bit (just a mapping file and something to run it) can be moved to kdelibs10:01
Riddellclau30: the rest to kmix, guidance-power-manager10:01
Riddellamarok for music keys10:01
clau30Riddell: I see..10:02
clau30Riddell: so there's nothing done yet.. :)10:02
Nightroseetretyak: why not make a seperate wiki page and link to that?10:10
etretyakNightrose: yes, I mean that10:10
Nightroseclau30: apachelogger mentioned some patches recently IIRC - you might want to talk to him10:10
clau30oh cool, thanks Nightrose10:11
Nightroseno prob - and cool that you want to work on it :)10:11
clau30I hope I'm not to dumb to do that :D10:12
Nightroseheh nah - and if you need help please ask here10:13
clau30will do..10:13
xtgahhhhhh - konsole redrawing bug so annoying10:20
Riddelletretyak: nosrednaekim was thinking about mountconfig too11:45
etretyakRiddell: not a problem.. I can take user config11:46
etretyakor just start with system printer settings..11:47
etretyakhello nixternal!11:53
jjesse_good good morning13:49
jjesse_wow laptop is running slow13:51
clau30jjesse_: get a new one :P14:01
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\shRiddell: do you happen to know why KXmlGuiWindow doesn't find a relative appnameui.rc file? it tries to always look somewhere in the global directories...(kde4)14:40
Riddell\sh: can't say I do14:48
nixternalmornin' again14:58
\shapachelogger: es sieht so aus, als ob quassel gerade auf cmake geswitched ist :)15:01
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\shnixternal: would you like to add python-qt+python-kde4 for kde4.1beta ppa packages?15:56
jjesse_of course he would :)15:58
mendredhi in the kde 4.1 beta 1 packages for hardy, is there any package containing kwin debugging symbols?16:18
stdinmendred: you probably want kdebase-workspace-dbg16:20
yuriymendred: it should be kdebase-workspace-dbg but I don't know if the 4.1 packages are different in any way16:20
mendredthanks stdin,yuriy16:20
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yuriyRiddell: is apport supposed to work for KDE apps once it's enabled in /etc/default/apport ?17:35
Riddellyuriy: not usually, KDE apps have their own crash handler17:37
yuriyRiddell: well, yes, but no .crash files generated at all?17:50
yuriytxwikinger and I have a /var/crash/_usr_lib_kde4_lib_kde4_libexec_klauncher.1000.crash but I have nothing else so it's inconsistent17:51
Riddellyuriy: since the crash will be handled by kcrash it's unlikely to be passed back to linux, so apport won't touch it17:54
Riddellunless kcrash misses it, which can happen17:54
jjessei wonder if it is a little wierd using kubuntu fullscreen in a virutal machine with vista as the host operating system17:55
yuriyRiddell: ah. txwikinger ^17:56
jjesserdp'ing into a windows 2003 server17:56
santiago-veerr... guys a small noobie question... after any package builds on pbuilder, what's the next step... generate the diff and .dsc files?18:03
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Riddellsantiago-ve: you should already have a diff and dsc (else what did you tell pbuilder to build?)18:05
Riddellsantiago-ve: pbuilder will put the .deb in /var/cache/pbuilder/result18:05
Riddellinstall it and check it runs18:05
Riddellrun lintian over it18:05
Riddellif there's no problems, upload your source package to revu and ask people to look at it18:05
* santiago-ve sees like 3 different .debs xD18:09
santiago-veRiddell, thanks18:09
Artemis_Fowlseele: ping18:23
RiddellArtemis_Fowl: she's away as far as I know18:25
apachelogger\sh: yeah, sput and I talked about that the other day18:48
\shnixternal: building backports for python-qt4/sip4/python-kde4 for kde4.1beta ppa packages..19:19
jjesseis nixternal actually here or just hiding?19:23
Riddellhe's probably hard at work19:23
\shRiddell: ah well...when I have a running version, you could upload to the ppa then :)19:24
\shtried to compile latest pykde4 from kdebindings trunk...no fun19:24
Riddell\sh: added you to ~kubuntu-members-kde4, upload when you want19:26
nixternalyay, building RPMs rocks!19:32
* nixternal pukes19:32
\shRiddell: thx19:33
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\shhey there he is :)19:33
jjessenixternal: shouldn't you be werking?19:33
nixternalI am working19:33
nixternalI am in the process of developing a buntu based appliance, as that will be so much easier to manage19:34
\shnixternal: with RPMs? ;)19:35
nixternalno, we maintain an appliance built on CentOS19:36
\shbah...I hate konversation not conforming to the standards.../away <reason> -> sets you away, /away without a reason sets you not away...but konversation is using /back wtf19:36
nixternalsudo yum check-update && sudo yum update19:36
\shnixternal: use smart ;)19:37
nixternalno, use apt!19:37
nixternalsudo apt-get --purge remove *RPM19:37
\shSime: what needs to be done to get pykde4 in kde trunk back into usable shape?19:52
ScottK\sh: If you want something useful to do, there is a need to teach python-kde3 to live and function without libkonsolepart.so from KDE3.19:58
\shScottK: yuck20:00
\shisn't libkonsolepart part of kdeui?20:01
\shor kdebase?20:01
yuriyI haven't heard of check-update but I think yum update always checks for updates (which is pretty obnoxious)20:02
Sime\sh: usable as in compiling and kind of working?20:03
Sime\sh: it should be in good-ish shape now already.20:03
\shSime: it's not building against trunk ;)20:04
\shSime: or did you commited some magic in the last 2 hours? :)20:04
Simewhat's the problem?20:04
\shor am I lacking of latest qscintilla...20:04
Simeqscintilla should not matter20:04
Riddellpykde was working fine last I tried, about 10 days ago20:05
\shSime: give me 5 and I can pastebin the bug20:05
\shSime: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19115/20:07
\sh-- Generating CPP code for module PyKDE4.knewstuff <- and bang...kmacroexpander screams ;)20:08
\shkde* trunk was updated around 10am (UTC+2) this morning20:08
\sh(and compiled)20:09
Arbyanybody merging kgraphviewer or can I take it?20:10
RiddellArby: go for it20:12
RiddellArby: looks like there's a debian package, but quite old http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-kde/branches/kde4/packages/kgraphviewer/20:12
Riddelland of course our one https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kgraphviewer-kde420:12
Arbyyep just looking at those20:12
ArbyRiddell: would I be better with our package since it's newer?20:13
RiddellArby: I expect so20:14
\shScottK: aehm..you mean that pykde3 should live without those funcs? http://api.kde.org/3.5-api/kdelibs-apidocs/interfaces/html/classTerminalInterface.html ?20:14
RiddellArby: drop the -kde4 and the 4: epoch version20:14
Riddell\sh: yes20:14
\shRiddell: you did already try to patch those methods away from konsole_parts.sip?20:15
ArbyRiddell: so kgraphviewer-2.0.2-kde4.0.80 becomes just kgraphviewer-2.0.2 ?20:16
ScottK\sh: What Riddell said.20:17
Riddell\sh: i've not tried anyth20:17
Riddell\sh: i've not tried anything20:17
ScottK\sh: This is why I said it needs doing ;-)20:17
Riddellkgraphviewer-kde4 4:2.2.2-0ubuntu1 becomes kgraphviewer-2.0.2-kde4.0.8020:17
Arbyah ok I see20:18
Riddellso drop our -kde4 name and pick up KDE's 2.0.2-kde4.0.80 version number20:18
\shScottK: ok..should be a nobrainer, but regarding the compile time ;)20:19
Sime\sh: my fault. I still need to bump the SIP and PyQt version checks up to 4.7.6 and 4.4.20:19
\shSime: np...I just saw the last commit was 17hours ago...so I thought something new came into kde*foo and pykde4 doesn't know anything about it :)20:20
yuriyJontheEchidna: not only is "kopete" the kde3 version of kopete, but it's only the dapper package. everything newer is "kdenetwork"20:21
\shScottK: I think dropping the setpty patch is included ;)20:21
ScottKYes.  That's just the start though.20:21
JontheEchidnayuriy: Ok, good to know.20:21
\shScottK: well, removing all configure magic for konsolepart .. and removing the methods from the source and not building anything regarding the konsoleparts stuff..shouldn't be that hard20:22
\shScottK: will do it tomorrow on my dual quad...that's much faster20:24
\shright now, sip, pyqt4, pykde4 will be backported and uploaded to the ppa when it's finished and working20:25
ScottK\sh: Great.20:35
smarterwow, the new function of amarok2 middle panel is cool20:47
jjesseis amarok2 in the repos?20:47
smarterthere's a PPA with it20:48
jjessethe daily build one rigth?20:48
smarterand it's smart too :)20:49
smarterwhen you add an album in the playlist, if there's already track from this album in the playlist, it doesn't add them a second time20:50
DaSkreechwonder if I can override that20:50
* Arby discovers the curse of working with a development version21:04
ArbyI can't test build kgraphviewer because half the dependencies are missing21:05
\shsmarter: well, right now, the VA handling is crappy...21:05
ArbyRiddell: any way around this http://paste.ubuntu.com/19129/ ?21:07
Arbyor is this package impossible to merge at this time?21:07
Arbydebuild fails due to missing dependencies and the dependencies are uninstallable21:07
Arbyshould I just do something else?21:08
a|wenArby: are you using pbuilder?21:09
RiddellArby: apt-get update21:09
Riddellkdepimlibs should be there21:09
a|wenArby: if you do; try doing an update21:09
Arbya|wen: no this is a chroot not pbuilder21:10
Arbyhowever update is probably the problem21:10
\shgre vs. swe 0:121:10
Riddellsounds like organised sport21:11
* Arby smacks himself upside the head for idicy21:11
Arbythat looks better21:11
DaSkreechand bad speeling!!21:11
Arbyyes, quite :)21:12
Arbynothing wrong with my spelling21:12
Arbybut my typing is lousy :)21:12
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\shthis is .... censored...I'll lose my bet...and have to buy beer for the guys in the office21:15
DaSkreechmake it warm beer!21:15
smarter\sh: VA?21:24
\shvarious artists21:24
\shsip4-qt3_4.7.6-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa1 uploaded21:25
ArbyRiddell: kgraphviewer builds successfully, remind me what files you need and where you'd like them21:25
Mythorwhat is a good place to look for python plasma development documentation other then techbase?21:26
\shMythor: techbase ;) or pykde4 website21:26
\shMythor: and in python-kde4-doc21:26
SimeMythor: pykde4 doesn't have anything to do with plasma.21:27
SimeMythor: plasma+python is done separately by someone else.21:27
SimeMythor: different code.21:27
RiddellArby: debuild -S21:27
ArbyRiddell: did that21:27
RiddellArby: need the .orig .diff and .dsc21:27
Riddellcopy to lichts is fine21:27
\shSime: is it this krosspython stuffß21:27
Mythormayhaps im just not looking good but all the usefull stuf on techbase using python and plasma is based on superkaramba21:28
ArbyRiddell: I seem to be missing the .diff ???21:28
Sime\sh: krosspython is for embedding and scripting with python inside C++ apps21:28
RiddellArby: no .diff.gz?  has it made a .tar.gz instead?21:28
Arbythere's a .tar.gz yes21:28
SimeMythor: someone on the plasma channel should be able to point you in the right direction.21:29
RiddellArby: something is wrong in the naming or numbering21:29
MythorSime: will try, tnx21:29
RiddellArby: what's the .orig called?21:29
ArbyRiddell: kgraphviewer-kde4_2.0.orig.tar.gz21:29
Arbywhich came from https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/kgraphviewer-kde4/4:2.0-0ubuntu321:30
ArbyI ended up with kgraphviewer-kde4_2.0.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb21:30
RiddellArby: drop the -kde421:30
RiddellArby: should be kgraphviewer_2.0.2-kde4.0.80.orig.tar.gz21:32
Arbyok, got confused by kde4 before and after version number sorry21:32
Arbytoo many files21:33
Riddellit's in the version number21:33
Riddelland out the name21:33
Riddellyou'll need to change the first line of changelog and control too21:33
Arbywhat about Package in control does that drop -kde4 as well21:35
jussi01Can someone remind me how to find modules to modprobe? is there a list somewhere?21:39
a|wenjussi01: modprobe -l ... probably not the best way, but works21:43
jussi01It seems a module has been removed or changed since 6.10 so Im screwed I think21:43
jussi01aparently there used to be a via-velocityget module :/21:44
smarterhmm, probably not what you meant, sorry21:45
jussi01smarter: thats a gelpful thing toknow though, thanks21:46
smarteryour welcome ;)21:46
RiddellArby: yes21:59
ArbyRiddell: I still have something messed up in the naming scheme http://paste.ubuntu.com/19140/22:02
Arbystill not getting a .diff22:02
\shsip4, pyqt4 uploaded to ppa...one to go22:02
a|wenArby: the .orig need to be kgraphviewer-2.0.2-kde4.0.80.orig.tar.gz (- instead of _)22:03
Arbya|wen: that doesn't seem to help22:05
* a|wen shakes himself awake22:06
a|wenArby: kgraphviewer-2.0.2.orig.tar.gz of course22:06
\shRiddell: why did you sold us a 4.0.2 pykde4 version as 4.0.3? ;)22:07
Arbya|wen: hooray kgraphviewer_2.0.2.orig.tar.gz got it in the end :) thanks22:09
a|wenArby: yay :)22:10
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\shSime: did you add extra/kde3930/* because you tweaked configure.py to work with latest kdesvn?22:11
Sime\sh: I haven't tweaked configure.py and extra/* should probably be removed. Use cmake.22:12
\shSime: I have to recompile 4.0.2 package from ubuntu :) and  I have to force configure.py to just pass through22:14
Sime\sh: I haven't tried configure.py on kde trunk. I'll probably remove it.22:15
\shhmm..if I read it correctly...0x50000 will now match KDE_4_0_80 ;)22:15
ArbyRiddell: kgraphviewer files are on lichts22:16
* Arby grabs something else to merge22:16
\shcmake is just too easy..I think we should introduce autofoo to pykde et al22:16
RiddellArby: it should keep the kde4 in the version number22:20
\shok..one bug down...22:20
\shtomorrow it should be fixed..now to bed :)22:20
RiddellArby: I think it doesn't like the dash since that makes it think it's part of the packging version rather than upstream22:20
ArbyRiddell: ok I'll fix it22:21
RiddellArby: can you make it 2.0.2kde4.0.80 ?22:21
Riddellas the upstream number, so in the .orig22:21
ArbyI can try22:21
Riddellmaking the full version 2.0.2-kde4.0.80-0ubuntu122:21
RiddellArby: and drop the 4: epich22:22
Riddellthat's not needed22:22
ArbyRiddell: drop the 4: from where?22:22
yuriyI wonder how it got to epoch 4 in the first place22:24
yuriyRiddell: how come the 4: epoch is still there for hardy kde4 packages?22:25
RiddellArby: from the version in debian/changelog22:27
Riddellyuriy: for consistency, it'll always be there for the packages which follow KDE's versions22:27
Riddellif you look at the bottom of the kdelibs changelog you can see how the versioning got screwed up, chap called stephan kulow to blame :)22:28
ArbyRiddell: changing to kgraphviewer-2.0.2-kde4.0.80.orig.tar.gz fails to produce the diff again22:34
ArbyI've tried kgraphviewer_ as well22:34
Arbyand with or without the - before kde422:35
RiddellArby: it's getting confused by the dash22:35
Riddelland changelog version of 2.0.2kde4.0.80-0ubuntu122:36
ryanakcaRiddell: When you get a chance, could you look at bug 230830 please? :)22:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230830 in kmplayer "Please merge kmplayer 0.10.0c-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23083022:36
DaSkreechDebian is moving /bin/sh to dash ?22:37
* ryanakca thought Debian's /bin/sh has pointed to dash for ages...22:37
* Arby sighs22:38
Arbyat last, that must be the only combination i didn't try22:39
Riddellryanakca: ooh sure, will do in a minute22:41
RiddellArby: phew, I think I led you down some wrong answers there with those pesky dashes22:41
ryanakcaRiddell: thanks :)22:41
ArbyRiddell: new files on lichts22:44
Arbythat's about all I can manage until the weekend now. no tie22:45
geniiWhoever fixed the kdm-kde4 nonexistent background image issue, thanks :)22:50
RiddellI expect it was ossi22:51
geniiNice work, anyhow. It was bothering me for a while now22:52
stdinanyone good with PyQt4? I'm getting an error I have no clue how to fix: RuntimeError: underlying C/C++ object has been deleted23:14
Riddellstdin: there's various ways you can make it error like that, most of them fiddly, you'd need to show us your code23:18
stdinRiddell: http://stdin.pastebin.com/m5e81325223:22
stdinI've messed with it a lot trying to figure out what's causing the error, so it's messier that it should be23:23
Riddellryanakca: kmplayer uploaded, well done on a tricky merge23:23
Riddellryanakca: feel free to poke the channel when you have merges like that23:23
stdinbtw, it's "converted" from c++, hence the silly m_ prefix ;)23:25
Riddellstdin: does it help to change lay to self.lay ?23:26
stdinRiddell: nope, tried it. it fails on self.setLayout(anything), lay = QVBoxLayout(self) also fails with the same error23:27
Riddellstdin: aah, it's missing   QWidget.__init__(self, parent)23:32
Riddellas the first line in __init__23:32
stdinI knew it'd be something silly like that23:32
Riddelleasy mistake23:32
stdinthat'd probably because I "converted" the c++ source, and c++ kindly does that for me23:33
stdinthanks Riddell :)23:33
ryanakcaRiddell: Thanks :)23:52

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